Your Property Network - April 2020

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What does it really take for you to be a

successful property investor? By Simon Zutshi s someone who has been training people to become successful property investors since 2003, I have seen what it takes to become truly successful and I would like to share that with you in this article. Some investors have become very successful by learning the hard way on their own, and so may believe that training courses are a waste of money. Whereas other investors want to learn from someone else who has already worked out exactly what is required and how to do it. This is because they would rather invest in themselves to learn to do it properly and save years of learning through trying to work it out on their own.

The 3 keys to success If you want to be successful, there are three key elements that you need to have in place as follows:

1) Specialist knowledge You need to know what to do and how to successfully invest. The good news is, there is so much information readily available nowadays, that there is no excuse for you not knowing what to do.

2) Mindset Knowledge alone is not enough. You also need to take action with this knowledge. This is where mindset comes in, as it relates to attitude, belief and courage. It’s the positive can-do attitude that there is always a way and to look for the solution instead of focusing on the problem, which is what most people do. Mindset is about the belief of what

There seems to be a lot of negativity at the moment about property training courses in general. And quite rightly about the ones that suggest that it is easy to make money in property, which might attract vulnerable or desperate people who looking for that get-rich-quick solution. Let me tell you right now, investing in property is not easy. It takes time and effort. Whilst I believe that anyone has the potential to make it in property, no training course is going to make you rich. You need to do the work yourself. However, good training should give you the knowledge, tools and the motivation to go out and apply what you’ve learned.

can be achieved and what you can personally achieve. A great way to build this belief is to look at case studies of what other investors like you have achieved. Finally, have the courage to step out of your comfort zone and do things you know you should do, but really don’t want to do.

You need all three of these elements in place to be really successful. If you are not currently getting the result you want from your property investing, it may be well worth considering which of these elements you are lacking so that you can do something about filling the gap.

3) Support

It’s not just about hard work

Property investing can be a lonely endeavour, but it doesn’t have to be like that. If you can get a group of like-minded people to share your journey with you, to be there to celebrate your highs and pick you up when you are low, then you will not only be more successful but you will also enjoy it far more. (I am certain this is one of the main reasons why people on the Property Mastermind are so successful – due to the abundant team spirit, sense of family community and the shared adventure. Conversely, the lack of a supportive environment is one of the biggest things that holds most investors back.)

Why do some people seem to put in lots of hard work but fail to get the results they want? I meet plenty of people at property networking meetings who appear to be doing a lot of things yet failing to get results. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying property investing is easy – far from it. You definitely need to put in some time and effort, but it needs to be focused effort. Rather than working hard, you need to work smart.


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