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Our Graduating Seniors Are Following Many Pathways

Four of our graduating Seniors were kind enough to answer four questions about their degree experiences.

Iyannah Tillman

What are your current feelings/emotions about graduating?

I am extremely excited to be graduating from Salem State! This is a great accomplishment, and I am proud to call myself a scientist and start my career. I also have feelings of anxiety because this is a big change and I’m taking a giant step forward in my life.

What is a highlight from your degree at SSU?

There have been many highlights during my time at SSU, but my most memorable times will be time spent in the various labs during my student career here, including my organic chemistry labs!

What is a lowlight from your degree at SSU?

I don’t have too many dull moments at Salem State, but one semester I didn’t plan my schedule well. I ended up taking four final exams and four lab practicals, I highly suggest not putting off registering for classes!

What are your immediate short term (1-3 years) goals after graduation?

My immediate goals after graduation are to start a career with a company I love, go back to school for my PhD in microbiology, and to buy a home! I know these goals will take a lot of hard work and effort, but I feel confident that I will stay focused and achieve these goals.

What are your current feelings/emotions about graduating?

I currently feel overwhelmed but not with negative feelings, positive ones! I am excited to finally be able to do what I love and get paid to do it – inform the community about cool science facts all while taking care of our planet.

What is a highlight from your degree at SSU?

A highlight of my degree at SSU is all the amazing individuals I have had the pleasure to get to know, both students and faculty. Everyone within SSU walls can only be defined as creative and passionate. I really appreciated everything these individuals contributed to my time here at SSU.

What is a lowlight from your degree at SSU?

A lowlight from my degree at SSU would have to be my lack of involvement in on-campus clubs/activities. I wish I had taken more time to check out all the awesome opportunities offered.

What are your immediate short term (1-3 years) goals after graduation?

My immediate short-term goals after graduation include getting to know exactly what my hard-earned degree is all about! I want to explore all the kooky and interesting opportunities life throws at me and see where I fit best. I think that is one of the most exciting aspects – you never know where you’ll end up.

Javeria Sohail

What are your current feelings/emotions about graduating?

I feel excited to move on to the next chapter of my life and apply what I’ve learned. On the other hand, I’m a bit sad to be leaving behind the familiarity and routine of school. Overall, though, I’m proud of my achievements and optimistic about what’s to come.

What is a highlight from your degree at SSU?

I feel that the highlight of my degree at SSU was the sense of community and support that I found here. From the faculty to the other students, I felt like I was part of a network of people who were invested in my success. This helped me to stay motivated and engaged throughout my time at SSU and gave me a strong foundation for my future career.

What is a lowlight from your degree at SSU?

During my time as a transfer student at SSU, I had an overall positive experience and did not encounter any major lowlights. I appreciated the smaller class sizes, which allowed for more personalized attention and collaboration with my peers. Looking back, however, I realize that there were opportunities for me to further enhance my academic and professional growth. If I had been a freshman, sophomore, or junior at SSU, I would have focused more on seeking out research opportunities with professors and participating in extracurricular activities to expand my network and skill set. Nonetheless, I am grateful for the education and experiences I received at SSU and believe they have prepared me well for my future endeavors.

What are your immediate short term (1-3 years) goals after graduation?

After graduating, my immediate focus has been applying to graduate programs. Specifically, I have applied to the Doctor of Pharmacy programs at Western New England University and MCPHS Worcester. I am excited to share that I have secured interviews at both schools, which are scheduled for the beginning of April.

Michael Kapsokalis

What are your current feelings/emotions about graduating?

My current feelings about graduating are mixed, but all in a good way! My initial emotion leading up to this moment is a sense of accomplishment and being able to share such a proudful moment with family and friends! As a returning student with an associate’s degree and a parent of two children, I didn’t know what to expect and what challenges I would face. I’m thankful and appreciative for having family that were there for me, as well as sincere educators of SSU who saw my potential and encouraged me along the way!

What is a highlight from your degree at SSU?

The biggest highlight will be getting the degree of course, but there have been many highlights leading up to my degree at SSU. Thanks to the organization of meetings/chats with past alumni of SSU, I’ve been able to have conversations that have given me insight to what career moves I will pursue. Another highlight that I didn’t expect was winning the best capstone award! After seeing so many students with great capstone presentations, it didn’t cross my mind that I had a chance. That right there, showed me that anything is possible!

What is a lowlight from your degree at SSU?

There is no denying that the lowlight is the stress in keeping up with projects and assignments while having to deal with other responsibilities outside of SSU. I’ve had a lot of support and guidance from SSU staff, which allowed me to overcome major hurdles and eventually get to this point.

What are your immediate short term (1-3 years) goals after graduation?

My short-term goals would be to pursue a career in the biotech industry, preferably in a laboratory setting and enhance my knowledge in both old and new innovation techniques. After the transition and if time permits, I would like to further my education towards a graduate degree!

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