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James Kwan
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Hello, friends. I am writing this little book to share my discoveries from outer space.
Things are very different here.
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I can jump so high.
Almost like I’m flying.
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The sky is so big!
I can even see my old home, like a faraway blueberry.
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My new classmates are aliens. I’ve never seen anyone like them!
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I wonder what they think of me.
We wait together for the school bus, but this bus isn’t like the ones from back home.
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It makes me dizzy when it picks me up.
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When I get to school, no one knows how to pronounce my name.
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My name is actually James. Is that a hard name to say?
I ask to go to the bathroom. But when I get there, I don’t know what to do.
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There are too many buttons. So I hold it in.
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At recess I try to play slime-ball with everyone, but I’m not slimy enough.
So I go off to keep writing . . .
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Things are very different here.
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At home:
1) Buses stay on the ground.
2) Bathrooms have fewer buttons.
3) Kids aren’t slimy (most of the time).
At first, I thought everyone else was strange, but maybe I am the alien here.
When we get back to class, it’s time for show-and-tell.
Everyone shares their favorite things.
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But what do I have to show?
I have is this little book . . .
So I open it up slowly and read it from the beginning:
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I don’t know what to do . . .
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Finally we all play slime-ball!
I didn’t think I was slimy enough to play . . .
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but with my friends’ help, I can be slimy too!
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They’ve shown me their ways, now I show them mine.
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It turns out I am the alien here— and it’s OK to be different. It’s great, actually! It means I have special stories to share.
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Stories from another galaxy.
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And even though
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this book is little . . .
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I feel bigger having shared it.
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This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.