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Year 10 Report

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Roll Call



The boys returned from remote learning with longer hair and a few extra centimetres in height, but I also believe that they grew in perseverance and strength of character, and were more appreciative of the little things...”

Mrs Malwina Dwyer | Year 10 Coordinator


Our Year 10 journey began last year on transition day at the very end of Term 4. We crossed the bridge over the Monash Freeway and returned to Bosco campus. Although this walk only lasted a few minutes, the symbolism was immense, as the boys walked towards senior school and the second half of their school experience here at Salesian College. We also welcomed a number of new students into our Year 10 family and tried to make them feel as welcome as possible. Some Year 10 students endeavoured to enrol in Units 1 and 2 subjects, beginning their VCE journey early, while others chose to undertake PreCal, and were keen to learn in a different environment.

Term One was busy as usual (a good kind of busy), with our masses, assemblies, carnivals, school photos and other big celebrations. Although we didn’t know it at the time, this would be something we would soon miss. An important event that sets Year 10s apart from other year levels is the Future Focus Days, which are whole days dedicated to exploring possible future pathways, such as TAFE or university, for our students to pursue once they graduate from the College. This year there were also lectures and activities on resume writing and mock interviews.

As the year progressed we selected our subjects for VCE or decided that VCAL was a better fit for Year 11. The boys had to undergo their Semester One exams digitally, which was no easy feat, as this had not been done before. By and large, the Year 10s did an excellent job and met the challenge head on. I was impressed by numerous Year 10s for various reasons throughout the year, but a notable standout was Angus Stanton, who was awarded the 2020 ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award for his efforts in the ‘Webster Runners’ Police Legacy fundraiser, where he ran in memory and recognition of four Victorian Police officers killed in the line of duty. Well done Gus! You are an asset to the wider community and an inspiration to your peers.

As we venture towards the end of the year, our Year 10 boys will become our Year 11 boys. They will experience two weeks of Year 11 in the ‘Head Start Program’, which endeavours to give them a taste of what next year will be like in terms of workload and expectations.

Despite the obvious challenges of this year, it was another year that we spent as a cohort, united amidst the lows and highs. The boys returned from remote learning with longer hair and a few extra centimetres in height, but I also believe that they grew in perseverance and strength of character, and were more appreciative of the little things and the social side of their schooling. I am extremely proud of my Year 10s, and grateful that I was able to teach so many of these boys again or for the first time. I hope that next year we can continue to grow and mature, learn and socialise, and I am thrilled to be able to watch it happen from the sidelines as their coordinator.

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