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Moroney House

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Annecy House

mr Paul Azar | Head of Moroney House

Another interrupted year did little to curtail the enthusiasm of the Moroney cohort of 2021. Led brilliantly by our senior captains Mitch Savic & Blake Holding as well as their understudies Sid, Harry, Gishain & James, our Moroney Knights aimed to claim their first House Cup trophy since our all-famous three-peat! The annual Swimming Carnival was the first opportunity for our boys to put their skill on display, and what a performance they dished up! Going in as massive underdogs, the Moroney swimmers tried their hearts out and fell agonisingly short to finish 2nd overall. The entire team was brilliant all day, however I would like to give a special mention to three boys in particular: Cooper Fry, Narichard Chann & Roman Velona, each of whom competed in every single event across their respective age groups! Well done! We have been known as a house who are all to willing to put ourselves forward and assist others, and Shrove Tuesday proved to be no different. With a completely unbiased view having surveyed staff & students from across the school, it was without a doubt Moroney had the best tasting pancakes and most generous servings. I was proud of the way the entire Moroney team stepped out to support one another for a great cause. A number of interruptions from then on threated to derail the spirit of the group, however as soon as school resumed again our junior and senior debaters showed their strength and Moroney won the majority of their first-round match ups against the other houses. Another interruption ruined our chances to take home the prize, but our teams can hold their heads high, knowing how well they performed. The final event for the year was the House Cross Country – an event which has never really been a strong suit of ours. However, both our Junior and Senior teams put their best foot forward and ran with pride to the line. They showed the spirit and strength of a Knight and I was glad to see so many smiles on faces on what was otherwise a cold and rainy day. Lastly, I would like to personally thank every single Moroney staff member and student across the school who wore their colours with pride. Although we did not manage to win the House Cup, it was delightful to witness the effort each boy displayed throughout the year. I wish you all a restful break, and hope you come back ready to go again in 2022! Stay strong & stay loyal!


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