1 minute read

Success! Thanks to Salesian Automotive School

Fakir Petersen is a car enthusiast from Ottery in Cape Town,

South Africa, who joined the Porsche Mechatronics Technician Programme at the Salesian Institute Youth Projects (SIYP) in its opening year.

This exciting project was launched in 2017 with the first pilot class of twenty-one male and seven female students enthusiastically beginning their two-year course.

Coming from a meager back- training; it is so relevant today and ground, Fakir never dreamed that gives us an advantage in the autohe would be able to pursue a motive industry. I want to get my career in the automotive industry. formal qualification as a techniHe found out about the Salesian cian one day. I aspire to progress course through his high school. in my career and become a master “This was such a good opportunity technician, maybe move onto to be trained, and to have a possi- service manager perhaps. I have ble opportunity to work with pre- learned that dreams can become mium vehicles and top-class train- reality if you persist.” ers. My mother was so proud and We asked Fakir what his my family very excited,” says Fakir. advice to the new intake students “This was an experience of a life- would be and he answered withtime and on top of it I made lifelong out hesitation: “The key to sucfriends.” cess is to focus on goals and not

“The Salesians were always obstacles. Never forget that you there for us – showing us the way learn more from failure than from and motivating us to go beyond success. Speak your goals into what is expected from us. My existence. I will always be thankcommunications skills have ful to the Salesian Institute Youth improved and with my newly Projects for this experience and acquired technical skills I can this amazing opportunity” now help people in our communi- Fakir is now employed at ty if they experience car troubles. Audi Centre Cape Town. We wish I really loved the high voltage him all the best! Y

For more information, visit: SalesianMissions.org/porsche-partner

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