Welcome packet all for private group members

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Welcome Packet Private Group Member

Turbocharge Your Sales Through Teamwork! SalesTeam East LLC • 309 Fellowship Road, Suite 200 • Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 • 866.725.3778 www.SalesTeamEast.com

Turbocharge Your Sales Through Teamwork!

Dear New Member Welcome to SalesTeam! We are happy to have your organization as a private group; your active participation in the training and coaching activities will enhance your career and help you better contribute to your organization’s success. A successful organization is a benefit to all involved, and you share the responsibility to help make it so. At SalesTeam, our goal is to help you improve your sales and service fitness by coaching you to excellent performance habits through ongoing workouts, habits that will profit you forever. You will be attending 3-hour group coaching sessions every 4 weeks and, when scheduled, the 8-week award-winning Integrity Selling® sales course. Enclosed in this Welcome Packet find information and forms you will need to review and fill out at your earliest opportunity. They are outlined below: General Information – a summary of what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you Potential Group Discussion Issues – please fill out this form completely and in detail, and bring with you to our group sessions. We can also use this for our one-to-one sessions to make sure we cover your most pressing matters. When completed, please save and e-mail a copy to SalesTeam East prior to the first session. Rate Your Effectiveness – please complete, add any items to the bottom of the list which may be specific to you, and save and e-mail a copy to SalesTeam East prior to the first session. Issue Presentation Outline – this form is used for you to pass out to the group when you are seeking their input on a situation you are facing at work. Specificity is important so the group can get to the root of the problem fast, and offer appropriate solutions. Bring this to the group session [with enough copies for everyone] whenever you have an issue you would like to present to the group. Please save and e-mail a copy to SalesTeam East prior to the first session. E-mail SalesTeam at coach@salesteameast.com. Your manager will notify you of your scheduled session dates; advance reserve them in your calendar as far as possible into the future, same day, every 4 weeks. The sessions, if at all possible, should be top priority each scheduled time. See you at the first session! SalesTeam Coach

SalesTeam East LLC • 309 Fellowship Road, Suite 200 • Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 • 866.725.3778 www.SalesTeamEast.com

Turbocharge Your Sales Through Teamwork!

General Information What to expect at the first session Introduction to SalesTeam coaching Analysis of where we are now and where we want to go Sales and service ideas What you can expect to get from your membership High doses of accountability (you set the level) Improved performance of yourself and your company Support when you need it, even to "whine" A kick in the pants if you need it Fresh ideas from which to choose, some of them good, some not-so-good What the leader expects from you as a member Complete honesty Ask for the help you need (we are not mind-readers) Desire to be the best Feedback on coaching You will get out of SalesTeam what you put into it Act on advice gained from the leader and from other participants What you can expect from the leader Complete honesty Offer the help you need (even if it is not obvious to you) Extra help if needed. For instance, feel free to schedule extra coaching when you feel you need answers. Flexibility How to get the most from your membership Come to the sessions prepared Proactively bring issues for discussion at the group sessions Set goals Be willing to be held accountable Participate in feedback to colleagues for their help Work to improve between coaching sessions Set realistic expectations. Some changes happen fast, others slow. Over and over again, the group will see a change you need to make. It may take a year for you to do it. Don’t beat yourself up that it took a year. We make changes in the time and space that is appropriate at the time. Change happens slower than we all would like. The key is to LEARN to implement changes faster. You should see improvement in your speed of implementing change. SalesTeam East LLC • 309 Fellowship Road, Suite 200 • Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 • 866.725.3778 www.SalesTeamEast.com




What major opportunities do you see ahead of you during the next year?


What is your single biggest problem?


What do you see as the major threat to your company’s success right now?


Where do you anticipate spending most of your effort in the next three months?


Which are your strengths as a salesperson? What are your weaknesses?


If you could change one thing in your selling, what would you change?


If you could stop doing one thing, what would it be and why?


What is the biggest sales or earning opportunity for you?


What are your personal long-range goals?


What do you see as your personal strengths and weaknesses?


What would you like to be getting out of life that you are not now?


What one thing is bugging you most right now?

SalesTeam East LLC • 309 Fellowship Road, Suite 200 • Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 • 866.725.3778 www.SalesTeamEast.com



RATE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE FOLLOWING (1 - 5 Rating Scale -- 5 is the Highest/Best Rating) Aspect



Building Rapport



Cold Calling












Uncovering the real issue



Shortening the selling cycle



Having clients feel like you are a “trusted advisor”



Planning & Goal Setting



Holding yourself accountable



Marketing Knowledge



Marketing Execution



Sales Technique Knowledge


SalesTeam East LLC • 309 Fellowship Road, Suite 200 • Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 • 866.725.3778 www.SalesTeamEast.com

Turbocharge Your Sales Through Teamwork!

MEMBER INTRODUCTION New members are encouraged to provide the other group members with some basic information concerning themselves and their businesses. This allows the existing members to become familiar with the issues and challenges facing you, and to make the SalesTeam experience immediately beneficial. A.



Describe your personal background, including family, interests, work experience, etc. Describe your company background, including length of time in the business, annual sales for the past three years, significant events, etc.

COMPANY 1. 2. 3. 4.


Products/Services/Customers Company Ownership and Organization. Number of Employees Key Employees/Management Depth Marketing & Sales Program Sales Trends/Sales Challenges Advertising program Operations Major Vendors How you deliver your product or service Company Facilities and Equipment Management Systems/Financial Systems Sales Process/Strategy Briefly describe you personal or company sales cycle and strategy. That is, how do you sell/market your product/service




PERSONAL 1. 2. 3.

Vision for the company/yourself in five years Strengths and weaknesses as a salesperson What you want to receive from participating in SalesTeam

SalesTeam East LLC • 309 Fellowship Road, Suite 200 • Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 • 866.725.3778 www.SalesTeamEast.com

Turbocharge Your Sales Through Teamwork!

ISSUE PRESENTATION OUTLINE Complete the outline on the reverse side using the guidelines below. THE ISSUE IS: Try to put into one sentence. This is difficult, but refining the issue to its essence is valuable. Note to those people not presenting: we only allow CLARIFYING questions until the end of the presentation. This will be hard to do. As salespeople, we tend to be opinionated and jump right to the answer. This does not work. We need time for the issue to develop and to get all the relevant data. This will not happen if you jump in with conclusions. We may say to you, "That sounds like a conclusion." Don’t worry, it only means you are engaged in the discussion and are thinking hard. For example, anything that starts, "Have you ever thought about…….." is a conclusion. Here are some examples of clarifying questions: "What percentage of your business are your top 3 customers?” "Does you profit margin vary customer to customer?" How important is this piece of business to the company's survival?" ITS SIGNIFICANCE TO ME OR THE COMPANY: Yes, state the obvious like "we need the money." However, this is where you bring up other significant factors that may not be quite so obvious. Examples would include, "If we fail to execute on this, it may put us out of business." IDEAL OUTCOME: We need to know the way you are leaning. What we think is the best outcome may not be what you want. We want to facilitate you getting what YOU want, not what we want. We also would like a snapshot of your thought process. Maybe you are setting your sights too low and we need to call you out on that. RELEVANT BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This is pretty self-explanatory. The more questions you ask the presenter, the better. No question is stupid. If you are thinking it, say it. We like input from everyone. We may call on you for input if you do not volunteer it. OPTIONS AVAILABLE: What the options are as you see them. We may see them differently. That is telling in itself. DIRECTION HEADED: Which way you are leaning. Again, we may be leaning a different way. It helps us get into your head by telling us your thought pattern. HELP SOUGHT FROM THE GROUP: What do you want? Do you want us to tell you what we think is the best option? Do you need encouragement to face the lions? Do you just want confirmation that you are not nuts with this idea? Note to the rest of the group, after this, anything goes. Conclusions are fine, editorials are fine, be as frank and candid as possible.

SalesTeam East LLC • 309 Fellowship Road, Suite 200 • Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 • 866.725.3778 www.SalesTeamEast.com

Turbocharge Your Sales Through Teamwork!








SalesTeam East LLC • 309 Fellowship Road, Suite 200 • Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 • 866.725.3778 www.SalesTeamEast.com

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