Student Handbook - Sales Warriors

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Student Handbook Version – V4.0 RTO Provider Number: 3236

“Increasing sales performance through education”.

Student Handbook – Sales Warriors - RTO Provider Number: 3236

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Welcome Welcome to Sales Warriors. As a student you have a valuable opportunity to develop your personal and career interests through a range of different learning experiences. You may be studying to improve your career prospects and to enhance your career performance. We hope you will find it a rewarding and a challenging experience. The quality of your learning experience is dependent to a significant extent on understanding the expectations of your program and your personal resources in meeting these expectations. This booklet aims to clarify some of these expectations and to suggest possible ways to address them. We have included some topics which aim to orientate you to Sales Warriors as your RTO. Others focus on general study issues which are basic to all study. We hope you find this booklet helpful. Please contact your Trainer or the Assessment Team to discuss any issues. Study hard and enjoy the rewards. Kind regards

Managing Director

RTO Key Contacts At any time you wish to make contact with the Sales Warriors Team, please contact your Trainer or one of the key contacts below. Key Contact

Contact Details

Assessment Team Ph: 1300 191 196

Manager of Operations

Tanya Driscoll Ph: 0414 427 898

Managing Director

John Driscoll Ph: 0404 857 814

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Student Induction Procedures At the beginning of each program the following information will be available:            

Student enrolment procedures; Program information, including content and vocational outcomes; Fees and charges, including refund policy and exemptions (where applicable); Provision for language, literacy and numeracy assistance; Student support, welfare and guidance services; Flexible learning and assessment procedures; Appeals and complaints procedures; Disciplinary procedures; Staff responsibilities for access and equity; Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) arrangements; and Recognition of qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other RTOs.

Fees Contact Sales Warriors to discuss the cost of training programs.

Enrolment To enroll in any accredited program at Sales Warriors you need to complete an enrolment form prior to commencing training and assessment. Sales Warriors is keen to support you through your learning. If you have difficulty with reading, writing, numeracy or any disabilities or health issues which may affect you completing this program, please contact us to discuss how we may appropriately support you. The primary purpose in collecting your information is to fulfill our business commitments to you in providing education and training. We may use the information you provide to help improve the services we deliver to you and to measure the effectiveness of our services. Apart from the mandatory student reporting submitted to Australian government agencies as our RTO obligations require us to fulfill, we shall not disclose your personal information to any other party without your consent and we do not sell personal information to third party.

Student Code of Behaviour The Code of Behaviour requires the following rights to be respected and adhered to at all times, by students:        

to be treated with respect from others, to be treated fairly and without discrimination, regardless of religious, cultural, racial and sexual differences, age, disability or socioeconomic status; to be free from all forms of intimidation; to work in a safe, clean, orderly and cooperative environment; to have personal property (including computer files and student work) and the Registered Training Organisation property protected from damage or other misuse; to have any disputes settled in a fair and rational manner (this is accomplished by the Complaints and Appeals Procedure); to work and learn in a supportive environment without interference from others to express and share ideas and to ask questions; to be treated with politeness and courteously at all times.

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If a student believes that they are not receiving their due rights, they are able to access the Complaints and Appeals Procedure to settle any disputes that may arise. If a student does not adhere to this Student Code of Conduct, Sales Warriors reserves the right to cancel any student’s attendance in a program due to disruptive and/or rude behaviour.

Student Responsibilities Your responsibilities as a student include:         

 

Students are responsible for making themselves aware of all the information content in the student handbook; To maintain enrolment and program progress; Ensure assignments are completed and submitted for assessment; Achieve satisfactory results; Notify Sales Warriors of any change of address or contact details regularly; Students are expected to be familiar with all information relevant to their program or subject made available to them and to raise any questions or concerns with the appropriate trainer in a timely manner; Students have a responsibility to participate actively and positively in the teaching/learning process; Students should maintain steady progress within the program and subject framework, comply with workload expectations and submit required work on time and respect the rights of others, especially with regard to freedom of expression; Sales Warriors is entitled to expect honest work at all levels from students. Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data, are not acceptable. Students are also expected to be aware of their individual rights and responsibilities regarding the proper use of copyright material; Students are responsible for monitoring their own progress within the teaching/learning environment and the academic program. Students may expect to have reasonable access to trainers for assistance and to the various academic support services; and Students are expected to maintain regular contact with your Trainer to report on your progress.

Plagiarism and Cheating Policy Plagiarism is defined as the following:    

Not acknowledging through a reference, the original source of the material; Copying material directly from another source; Illegally obtaining pre-written answers, or granting another person permission to complete work on their behalf; and Collusion between students, when permission from the trainer has not been granted. There will times during the training where group work is encouraged. However, on all occasions students will be asked to complete assessments where this must be put in their own words.

Resources are defined as the following:     

Books and authors; Journals and authors; Websites; Applications; and Copyrighted assessments and therapies.

In an attempt to prevent plagiarism or forgery of Statements of Attainment, all statements will be coded with an individual number.

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Procedure When an assessor suspects a case of plagiarism or cheating at any level, they will investigate this with the other assessors in the team and the Coordinator. If it is serious, then the RTO Manager will also become involved. It is important that any investigations of plagiarism or cheating are investigated and dealt with within 14 days of suspecting a case has occurred. At all levels the student has the right to appeal. This appeal will follow the Complaints and Appeals Procedure as outline previously. Depending on the level of plagiarism or cheating the matter will be handled in one of three approaches: Approach one: Where a student unintentionally plagiarizes a piece of work, this will be dealt with at program level between the student and the assessor. This would be when there has been poor referencing or the extent of plagiarism is considered small in terms of the amount of work submitted. The assessor will mark the student ‘not yet competent’ with a clear explanation as to the nature of the plagiarism and how to amend this. The student then has another opportunity to submit their work with appropriate amendments. Approach two: This is still a minor case of plagiarism where a student commits plagiarism for the first time and relies too heavily on external sources and there is little evidence of their own work. At this level, the student will be asked to arrange with the assessor to resubmit their work. The student will be given a warning in writing and this will be filed in their student file. Approach three: This is where a student has: (i) consistently submitted work which is plagiarised; (ii) asked someone else to complete their work; or (iii) submitted a piece of work which has been copied too heavily from another source (another student or internet for example). In these instances this will go to the RTO manager and the Employer (if a traineeship is in place) to discuss the best action to deal with this case. The student will be notified immediately in writing of the nature of the complaint and informed of the procedure. They will be invited to put forward their point of view. Students are welcome to bring an independent person for support. Depending on the circumstances of this case, the penalty awarded could range from awarding a ‘not yet competent’ grade for the assessment to expulsion from the program. If the student receives a ‘not yet competent’ for the work, they have the opportunity to resubmit. If they are expelled from the program due to plagiarism, no financial refund is applicable.

Student Support Services Sales Warriors’ Trainer/Assessors are available if you experience any difficulties or concerns with the learning materials or any other aspects of the training. Numeracy and literacy support may be organised if necessary. Please notify Sales Warriors on the enrolment form if you require additional support. Should a student require professional counselling, they will be referred to a qualified Counsellor.

Feedback Sales Warriors is continuously evolving, we strive to improve the quality of training and assessment. It is beneficial to us to receive feedback from students. Reviews will be undertaken during and after training. Please be assured that any evaluation of services is confidential and is only used for the purposes of improving the quality of our service to students.

Guarantee of Service Sales Warriors guarantees a high level of customer service. Our highly qualified and industry experienced trainers and administrative staff are here to support and assist you in maximising your learning experience and to successfully achieve your study goals.

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Our guarantee of service begins with your first contact with us, through to your enrolment and then supporting you during your learning until the completion of your program. During your enrolment, we also provide you with a comprehensive range of support services, including assistance with applying for recognition of other completed studies. Sales Warriors requires all students attending programs to maintain a professional and courteous manner to other participants and to Sales Warriors’ staff. Students attending should look forward to being in a happy and positive learning environment and being empowered with new skills and knowledge to assist you in your sales career.

Program cancellations Sales Warriors reserves the right to cancel a scheduled program for any reason. In the event of a program cancellation, you will be given the opportunity to transfer to a future program or to receive a full refund of all fees or pro-rata of fees paid. Allow up to two (2) weeks for refunds to be processed.

Access and Equity Policy Sales Warriors adheres to an access and equity policy for the provision of all of its services. Sales Warriors will ensure that all students are treated fairly and in accordance with access and equity principles and relevant legislation in all aspects of their training and assessment.

Recognised Prior Learning Recognition of competencies currently held, regardless of how, when or where the learning occurred. Under the Australian Quality Training Framework, competencies may be attained in a number of ways. This includes through any combination of formal or informal training and education, work experience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL, the assessor must be confident that the candidate is currently competent against the endorsed industry or enterprise competency standards or outcomes specified in Australian Qualifications Framework accredited courses. The evidence may take a variety of forms and could include certification, references from past employers, testimonials from clients and work samples. The assessor must ensure that the evidence is authentic, valid, reliable, current and sufficient.

Complaints and Appeals If at any time during your study you are dissatisfied with the training and assessment provided by Sales Warriors, you are encouraged to make an appeal or compliant to enable us to investigate and where possible alleviate the issues of concern. Firstly, if appropriate, discuss the issue directly with your Trainer and/or Assessor. Alternatively when the situation requires you can submit your appeal or complaint in writing to the Managing Director of Sales Warriors, John Driscoll, by emailing, directly. All complaints to the Managing Director of Sales Warriors will receive a response within seven days.

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Delivery of the Program The program is delivered as blended learning over a period of six months. Touch points with each student is based on the following mediums:     

Face-to-face classroom time; One-on-one coaching and observation; Informal learning within the workplace; Online learning environment; and Online and email assistance.

Each student receives the same format of training delivery however, each student is assisted as individual students.

Structure of the Assessments The assessment structure is based on three levels, being: 

Assessment Tool 1:

Comprehension of the learning material;

Assessment Tool 2:

Application of the skills learnt; and

Assessment Tool 3:

Demonstration of the critical aspects and employability skills.

The three levels of assessments above are designed to create repeatable skills within the workplace.

Assessment Tools 1 and 2 - Assessment Tasks Assessment Tools 1 and 2 are mapped to the performance criteria and skills required of each accredited unit. Additional training support material may be provided but will not be assessed. All assessment tasks are designed to align to the student’s employment role.

Assessment Tool 3 - Demonstration Demonstration is captured in two ways: (1) by the Trainer; and (2) by third party verification within the workplace.

Demonstration to the Trainer Assessment tasks or Observation will be included in your assessment activities by your Trainer.

Demonstration to a Third Party At the completion of each accredited unit, your workplace supervisor is required to verify that the critical aspects and employability skills have been demonstrated by you within the workplace. The Assessment Team will email you the “Third Part Verification Form” at the completion of each accredited unit, which you and your supervisors will sign and return.

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Certificate III in Wholesale (SIR30307) Below are the units of competency within the Certificate III in Wholesale and how they are holistically mapped. Full details can be found at: Unit Code

Unit Name

Holistic Units Assessment Tasks


Address customer needs

2, 3, 4, 6

12, 16, 19, 23, 31, 40, 41, 43


Analyse and achieve sales targets

1, 7

5, 45, 46


Build relationships with customers

2, 3, 4, 5, 6

12, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 38, 40, 41


Build sales of branded products

2, 3, 4, 6, 7

12, 16, 24, 25, 31, 37, 46


Build sales relationships

2, 3, 4, 6, 7

13, 25, 29, 31, 39, 41, 42, 45, 46


Coordinate interaction with customers

4, 6, 7

31, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 46


Implement advertising and promotional activities

2, 3, 4, 7

8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 44, 45, 46


Maintain business to business relationships

3, 4, 6

19, 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 38


Optimise customer and territory coverage

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

12, 16, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 41, 42, 46


Process product and service data

3, 5, 7

23, 24, 25, 32, 33, 46

Certificate IV in Business Sales (BSB40610) Below are the units of competency within the Certificate IV in Business Sales and how they are holistically mapped. Full details can be found at: Unit Code

Unit Name

Holistic Units

Assessment Tasks


Address customer needs

2, 3, 4, 6

12,16, 19, 23, 31, 40, 41, 43,


Build client relationships and business networks

3, 4, 6

19, 26, 31, 41, 42, 43


Develop a sales plan

1, 2, 3, 7

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 16, 23, 45, 46


Develop product knowledge


7, 14, 15


Establish networks

2, 3, 4, 5

13, 17, 19, 22, 26, 27, 31, 34


Identify and plan sales prospects

2, 3, 4, 7

12, 13, 16, 17, 23, 24, 26, 31, 45, 46


Organise meetings


20, 21


Present, secure and support sales solutions

4, 5, 6

28, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43


Profile the Market

2, 3

7, 12, 16, 27


Undertake marketing activities

2, 3, 7

8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 24, 46

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Transition to Updated Training Packages Sales Warriors will ensure that nationally recognised training programs on its scope of registration are reviewed regularly to ensure a timely transition to corresponding new Training Package qualifications or accredited programs.

Issuing Qualifications and Statement of Attainments In order to be eligible for a qualification, you will need to be assessed as Competent (C) in the relevant units relating to the program. If students are assessed as Not Yet Competent (NYC), they will be given feedback on their assessment outcome. When the student has completed all the required units and been deemed competent, and where applicable, signed off in the student’s training log or record, the student will be eligible to receive a full qualification identifying the completed units in line with the requirements of the Australian Qualification Framework. Should a student only partially complete the program assessments, a Statement of Attainment for completed accredited units will be issued detailing which accredited units were achieved. This statement then serves as a Nationally Recognised document for future Credit Transfer should the student wish to complete the qualification at a later date.

Information for Trainees Training Plan At the beginning of the traineeship a Training Plan is developed which lists the competencies to be covered during the traineeship. It is important that the skills required for you as the trainee to perform your job is reflected in the Training Plan. The Training Plan is utilised to provide a structured approach to the development and attainment of skills for a particular qualification. Under the Training Plan, you as the trainee must be given every opportunity to practice and acquire the skills recorded in the Training Plan and if they fail to demonstrate those skills in the timeframe set, may have their training contract reviewed by the parties with the assistance of the department.

Training Record The purpose of your training record is to record your progress and achievement of competencies during your traineeship. As and when accredited units are completed by you Sales Warriors will provide an undated copy of your Training Record. This Training Record must be made available for inspection by officers from the Department of Education Training and Employment.

Monitoring of the Training Plan and Training Record Your Trainer and Assessor will monitor your progress by reviewing the Training Plan and Training Record.

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The Training Contract The traineeship starts on the day agreed by the employer and you as the employer’s trainee. The training contract is effective on and from the day the contract is registered by the relevant State Government Training Authority.

Completion Agreement The signing of the Completion Agreement acknowledges the completion of the training contract. The training contract may end if the parties to the training contract mutually agree by advising the Department of Employment and Training in writing.

Completion process for traineeships All traineeships are competency-based. This means when all the competencies of the traineeship are achieved, the trainee may complete regardless of time served. Once all competencies are achieved by you as the trainee, Sales Warriors will ensure that all parties sign the Completion Agreement. On receiving the signed Completion Agreement, Sales Warriors will provide a notification of issue of qualification advice to the Department of Education and Training. The Department will issue a certificate of completion to the trainee once advice is received from Sales Warriors.

Extension of nominal term of a traineeship Where a traineeship period is due to end before you have completed all of the training required, the employer and/or the trainee should apply to extend the training contract. Contact Sales Warriors if an extension is required.

Roles and Responsibilities of employers, and trainees Obligations of the employer: The employer must provide, or arrange to provide, the facilities, range of work and supervision to train the trainees as specified in the Training Plan. The employer must deliver training to the apprentice or trainee as required under the Training Plan. The employer must pay the wages and provide the entitlements specified in the relevant employment agreement or award, until the training contract is cancelled. The employer must discharge all other lawful obligations of an employer, including those related to safety. Where parties agree to cancel the training contract, the employer must advise the supervising registered training organisation in writing of the ending of the traineeship within seven days after cancellation. At reasonable intervals of not more than three months, the employer must check that the training record has been completed with the training activities recorded.

Obligation of the trainee: Observe the conditions of the relevant employment agreement or award. As instructed, undertake any training or assessment related to the Training Plan. Keep the Training Record for the traineeship in his/her possession. Acknowledge that all workplace instructions and any other material that comes into the trainee’s possession as a result of training remains the property of the employer (with the exception of entitlements as determined by the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000). Acknowledge all information obtained from the employer and given in circumstances of confidence must be kept confidential and not used or disclosed to any person without the express approval of the employer.

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