March Newsletter

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University of Salford Students’ Union Student Activities Welcome to the March 2015 issue of the Student Activities newsletter There are 120 Groups on campus, this includes; Sports, Societies, Faith, and Political Groups.

We actively encourage your own stories or reviews, if you would like to submit content please email Richard Heath at

Student Led event of the year – Student Midwives Conference The Midwifery society has yet again but on their amazing student conference. This year there were 10 guest speakers and an audience of 180 delegates made up of students and professionals. This is all led by the students of the Midwifery society who manage this with their busy lives and placements. The Students’ Union hosts an Annual Awards each year in March, to award and recognise the hard work, committment, and sacrifice from all involved from the members of sport and activity group, the committe, and the Students’ union. This year’s Annual Awards was held at the Palace Hotel, in Manchester. This venue was chosen for the 2nd year running, as it provided a touch of class for the celebration. The event was black tie which saw all of the men suited and booted and the ladies looking very glamorous; the best dressed male was Dominic West from Mens Rugby Union with the best dressed female being Sian Rounsley from Cheerleading. There was a fantastic performance from Amy Michelle Rochford who performed a variety of songs while a 3 course meal was served; with a DJ playing the classics. The Students’ Union secured an after party venue at Lola Lo which was a missive hit from all who attended. The short list for the Students’ Union Annual Awards was announced on Tuesday 10 March. There had been an overwhelming number of nominations sent to Student Activities which made it a tough decision to create the short list. All groups have done fantastic work this year, they are a credit to themselves, the University, and the clubs they represent. Unfortunatley some will be leaving us this summer to go onto bigger and better things; we wish them all the luck in the world.

Students’ Union Personality of the Year – Nick Valentine Nick has been this year’s chairmen for Engineers Union and also school rep for Computer, Science and Engineering. This is Nick’s final year and this is well deserved for all of his hard work and dedication to Engineers Union and helping better students time at University. Engineers Union have had a cracking year with lots to be proud of and celebrate and Nick has been a massive influence and part of this. Sports Newcomer of the Year: Cindy Lin

Activities Person of the Year. Waqar Aziz Waqar has been the President of the Law Society this year. The group have done amazingly well under his leadership. He has led the group to run a successful charity campaign at Christmas support local charities. The group have been incredibly active with mooting, trips to London and Strasbourg and Waqar’s hard work and dedication have really shown in the smooth running of the Law Society. Sports Group of the Year- Mens Basketball The Basketball team have been creating history this year. They became the first Salford team ever to win a BUCS Northern 1A league which give them automatic qualification into the BUCS Premier league play-offs. As well as this they have enjoyed a very successful BUCS Trophy campaign which ended in Loughborough on Tuesday evening with a magnificent win – again this is the first time a Salford team has ever won a BUCS Trophy.

Activities Newcomer of the Year – Gail Hadfield– Grainger Gail has been a great new addition to Law society this year. She is down to earth and inspires others to work hard. Gail has worked hard on the Mooting this year and has really helped to develop into the success that it is today.

Cindy has been tenacious: climbing multiple times weekly, attending trips, and most importantly, being absolutely determined on the rock. It’s not uncommon for her to spend 20 minutes up solving a route, edging her way up one centimeter at a time. If that solution requires using a foothold next to her head, so be it. Since starting and being able to climb grade 5, she has progressed to 6b indoors, a progression of four grades since the start of the year.

Coursed Based Society of the Year – SUEU

Sports Person of the Year- Sophie Rej

SUEU are one of the biggest groups on campus and are consistently expanding and moving onto bigger and bigger projects. This year they have created two new subgroups The Tank Tram and Engineers without borders. The group offer students the chance to receive practical experiences and have regular guest speakers and industry trips. SUEU is a massively successful group and provides members with a positive influence in their studies.

Since Sophie took over the club it has gone from 5 to over 35 members, she has been approachable and patient with the beginner players & strives to enhance current players knowledge of the sport. Sophie was ambitious with her plans for the club, but they have paid off with a men’s team, women’s team and 3 individuals in the BUCS championships this year. She is involved with the wider squash community and used her contacts to book a world class referee to hold a workshop and allow members to become involved in local events.

End of BUCS Results March 2015 BUCS Position 77 points 266

Mens Basketball 1st Team The University Salford vs UWE (University of West England) Hosted at Loughborough University 7:15pm 24 March. Salford stormed into the lead with 16-0 at the 5 minute mark.

BUCS league winners 2014/15

Womens 1st Basketball Mens 1st Basketball Mens 1st Football Mens 4th Football Womens 1st Hockey Mens 1st Hockey Womens 1st Netball

UWE scored but we maintatined our lead of 18-5 at the 7 minute mark. The end of the first quater score 23-12 Salford lead. Half time score 46-29 Ellis cooper makes the score 62-34 with only 15 minutes left. score increased to 66-36 Down to the last quater the score is 74-43. 10 minutes left on the clock. 76-50 with 5.30 minutes left on the clock.

Final score 88-59 Salford Victory

Salford Sirens Cheerleading squad won first place at Future Cheer Circus Spectacular on the 8 March in Sheffield. The Sirens have had another fantastic year.

On Monday 23 March the Debating society hosted a candidate question ‘USSU Question Time’. The event was broadcast with thanks from Tood Hewitt sabbatical officer for Arts and Social Sciences. USSU Question time was filmed at MediacityUK, and had candidates from the main political parties for Salford and Eccles. Labour candidate Rebecca Long-Bailey, Green party candidate Emma Van Dyke, Conservative Greg Downes, Charlie Briggs from the liberal democrats, and a UKIP candadate. The candidates were asked questions from the audience as well as twitter using the hashtag #USSUQT The candidates were reigned in by our own version of Jeremy Paxman from the debate. was done by Debating Society’s own Matthew East. As can be predicted the debate on student fees, and loans was a hot topic, with questions based towards the development of Salford as a city.

Give Sport A Go, will be back Monday 20 April. Give Sport A Go will be hosting a range of events when we come back from Easter, designed to keep you active, alert and a way to de-stress.

UK General Election 2015.

24 April John lester Cage football. 14 April Nusing sport scheme Ravmington (badminton with UV and music)

Key Dates

11-a-side football mini league, in association with Manchester FA and Salford Community Leisure.

TV Debate Thursday 16 April BBC

Some of theleagues will continue until mid April these are 5-a side Football, Squash ladder.

TV Debate Thursday 2 April on ITV.

20 April deadline to register to vote Thursday 7 May Polling day 7am-10pm

Give Sport A Go timetable will be back 20 April3 May. One off events will happen throughtout semester 3, with the program returning in Spetember 2015.

MyCycle is a project made to get students cycling on campus, it is ran through the Students’ Union as not for profit, as the money is reinvested into the scheme. There are a variety of bikes to choose from including Mountain bikes, or Hybrid, male and female bikes. A 4 weeks hire will cost £26.00 for a Mountain bike, or £28.00 for a Hybrid. MyCycle will continue to be open during Easter, Semester 3 and into September. Although the opening times may vary.

You can find out more infomation by going to You can hire a bike Online

Q: Who can vote? A: To vote you must be: 1. Registered to vote. 2. Over the age of 18 on polling day 3. a British, a qualifying Commonwealth citizen, or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland. 4. Not to be subject to any leagal incapacity to vote.

Winning the General Election To win a majority of the vote under the current system – known as first past the post (FPTP) – a party needs to secure more than half the seats available. With a parliamentary majority, it is almost certain the new government will have the support it needs to pass legislation. There are 650 seats in the House of Commons representing the 650 constituencies in the UK: 533 are in England, 59 in Scotland, 40 in Wales, and 18 in Northern Ireland.

Q: Who do I vote for? A: You choose a candidate who represents your constituency, rather than voting for a party. If you are a student you will need to check where you have registered to vote. Q: How do I vote for a candidate at my parents home area? A: When you register to vote you can choose how you would like to vote, either by going to a polling station, or mailing you vote.

Register to vote. its really easy to register, usually takes around 5 minutes. you will need you National Insurance number (if you have one) Update your name, address, and other electoral register. Did you know that you can improve your credit score by being on the electorial roll. this will help you to get a mortgage, credit card and finance.

Be green. Reduce Carbon footprint. save money On Friday 20 March the Students’ Union did our part to reduce its carbon foot print impact. Spear headed by our own SAAB Jasmin Pokuaa, the Students’ Union turned off all non-essential items over the weekend. This included; telephones, computers, lights, heating and plugs. Using the weekend data we are analysing how much wasted energy there was, so we can reduce our carbon footprint. Over the past couple of years we have been doing our part, by using less paper by using more online forms, and using greener transport for Union travel.

Carbon footprint student comparisons. Mobile phone usage vs beer. A year of mobile phone usage has the equivalent carbon footprint of drinking 4,166 pints of beer. Bottles of wine vs a heart bypass operation. A heart bypass operation has the equivalent carbon footprint of drinking 1,057 bottles of wine. Sending a text vs eating a banana A banana has the equivalent carbon footprint of sending 5,714 SMS messages. A 4x4 car vs taking a shower A 4x4 car has the equivalent carbon footprint of taking 70,000 showers. #CarbonizaFact

Ways you can reduce your environmental impact, and save money: Make a draft excluder to block the gap under your door. Befits can save money on heating, virtually free. You can use old clothes or an old towel. Extra layers instead of turning the heating on. So what if you are wearing base layers in doors, at least you are warm. Using LED/energy efficient light bulbs. LED bulbs can be expensive, but by a few for regularly used lights such as in the lounge, kitchen, and bedroom ( ask your parents). These will eventually pay for themselves . Supermarkets have offers on from time to time, as well as hardware stores. Clas Ohlson have 10% student discount with an NUS card. Only boil the water you need Having a brew? Don’t fill up the kettle, just use what you need Walk/ cycle short distances Make sure you are safe, don’t walk at night on your own. Haven’t got a bike? you can rent one from MyCycle. Turn appliances off standby. That little red light stares at you, and costs you money Save Water. Smart water usage can save you a heap of money; you can do little things by having a 4 minute shower, or turning off the tap when you brush your teeth. United Utilities offer a free watertight pack which can save a ¼ off your water bill. The pack includes shower regulators, tap aerators and save-a-flush device which save a litre of water per flush! Did we mention its free.

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