1 minute read
Greater Manchester ethical letting agency launched
Salix Homes and ForHousing have joined three other housing providers to form Let Us, a Greater Manchester ethical lettings agency working with private sector landlords to provide affordable private rented homes to those who most need them.
The service, set up by the Greater Manchester Housing Providers partnership (GMHP), offers private landlords advice and support to improve property standards,
through to full property leasing and management options with guaranteed rental income.
Jonathan Drake, service director for Salix Living the private sector leasing arm of Salix Homes said: “A lack of available affordable housing has created a housing crisis, with many people living in unaffordable, insecure or unsuitable homes. To better meet demand affordable homes need to be sourced from private sector landlords.”
Landlords can register at www.LetUsGM.com
Read the full story in Life in Salford magazine online.