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Salford rallies to support young jobseekers

Salford is rallying round to help young people Kickstart their careers.
Dozens of organisations have come forward to offer opportunities in everything from catering and administration to digital technologies and working with children under the Kickstart scheme which funds six months paid work experience.
Salford City Council is administering the government scheme for under 24s who are claiming Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment.
The aim is to break the no experience, no work, no work, no experience deadlock and put young people in a strong position for future jobs with their host organisation or others.
Over 30 young people are currently on placements in the council and with local employers in areas as different as youth work, project management, horticulture, engineering and finance and there are more opportunities coming in all the time.
Thanks to the Riding to Success scheme which teaches young people to repair and maintain donated bikes, Kickstarters will also be given a free bike, if they wish.
To find out as an employer or young person and see the latest vacancies visit www.salford.gov.uk/kickstart or email KickStart@salford.gov.uk.
Hear what young people are saying about Kickstart https://youtu.be/2p1TGn9XxrI