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Appointment letters go digital at Salford Royal
A new online portal is making it easier than ever for patients to manage their hospital outpatient appointments.
Since March, some patients have received a text or email message from the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust asking them to log in to view their Salford Royal appointments instead of receiving letters by post.
Once on the platform, patients can view their appointments at the click of a button, helping to speed up the process. Most patients will also be able to request their appointment is rescheduled or cancelled.
Over the coming months more patients will receive a text or email notification asking them to access their appointments in this way.
If a digital notification isn’t opened, a paper letter will still be sent to the patient to ensure they do not miss their appointment. However, it is hoped the introduction of digital letters and text reminders will help reduce the number of missed appointments.
Dr John Macdonald, Consultant Cardiologist, said: “Most people are happy with the new service, which will give patients more control over their appointments, be more convenient, save time and is better for the environment.”
The secure service is a partnership between Synertec, DrDoctor and the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, which Salford Royal is part of.