1 minute read
Working to make Salford better and fairer
As your City Mayor, I have made no secret that times are difficult in local government.
We have lost 60p in every £1 of our funding since 2010 at the same time as demand for our social care services has increased.
We hope to avoid major cuts in budgets this year after careful financial management and changing the way we work. But this will depend on the final outcome of government funding announcements.

Times may be challenging, but we are focused on keeping Salford moving, growing and getting better and fairer. Providing affordable housing is a key priority to meet demand and tackle our housing waiting list. We have looked at new ways of providing housing for social rents through Dérive and building new council housing (see page 4 and 5 for details.)
Read the full story in Life in Salford magazine issue 27, page 3.