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Sunday, March 13, 2011 | $1

County first to share salary information Top pay is comparable to surrounding counties BY KARISSA MINN kminn@salisburypost.com

Transparency in government

It doesn’t take much effort to find out what Rowan County employees Freedom of Information Act meant to help the public. See Insight, Section D. make. Just a few clicks on the county website will reveal their names, po“I just think it’s sitions, salaries or wages, hire dates important to be and more. open,” Sides said this Sunshine Week, a celebration past week. “We’ve of government transparency, begins said for years we’re today. Rowan County let a little more going to let the sun light in this year by making employshine in. Well, the ee pay information available sun’s shining today, online. Similar data could not be and I like it.” found last week on any surrounding SIDES To access the counties’ websites. data, visit www. The county published two databas- co.rowan.nc.us, choose “Human Rees — for employees with and without sources” under the “Departments” benefits — in January at the request of a majority of commissioners, led See COUNTY, 5A by Jim Sides.


Government data open to public BY SCOTT JENKINS sjenkins@salisburypost.com

How much do you make? It’s a question that usually evokes the same response, spoken or unspoken: “What business is it of yours?” Well, when it comes to public employees — the people who are paid with taxpayer dollars — it’s everybody’s business. That’s why the Post decided to take a look at local public employees’ salaries for Sunshine Week. Sunshine Week is an annual, national initiative during which news organizations gauge just how open governments are — or how tight a grip some try to maintain on information that rightly belongs to public. And the series that starts today in the Post is just as much about how transparent our government agencies are as it is about how much anyone working in government gets paid, though state law says that information is public and should be turned over to anyone who asks without question or quibble. A glaring example of why that’s

town Bell’s size. And the city’s police chief made $457,000 a year, twice as much as the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department. Databases for county, The Bell city manager, maycity, school system or and others are facing crimiemployees at nal charges. The highly paid www.salisburypost. council members were removed com/watchdog by voters this past week in a recall referendum. It all went unnoticed in part because no news organization regimportant is in the story of Bell, ularly covered Bell, which lies Calif., a city of 40,000 where the about 10 miles from Los Angeles. former city manager, mayor, City It came to light last year after a Council members and others are Los Angeles Times investigation. Post reporters found no evicharged with living large on taxdence that anyone in Rowan or payer dollars. Prosecutors say the city man- surrounding counties is making ager in Bell falsified records to anywhere near the money Bell ofhide the fact that he received an ficials were raking in, nor were annual compensation package of there ever any allegations that lo$1.5 million — including an cal officials were misspending $800,000 salary that more than taxpayers’ money. And, for the most part when redoubled the pay of Los Angeles County’s manager — and loaned questing the salaries of public emhimself and others millions from ployees in Rowan and pay rates elsewhere for comparison, the city coffers. Four of the five City Council Post found that government agenmembers got $100,000 a year to cies provided the information meet once a month, when the state recommends $400 a month for a See DATA, 2A

Salaries online

Cavs shouldered through


County Manager Information Systems Director Tax Administrator Dentist Finance Director Public Health Director Public Health Nursing Director II Social Services Director Environmental Services Director Emergency Services Director

$133,125.62 $111,608.22 $106,253.68 $106,253.68 $104,188.66 $103,154.90 $94,431.58 $90,773.28 $86,416.51 $86,416.51

Furloughs, job cuts may be ahead for city employees BY EMILY FORD eford@salisburypost.com

In a letter to city employees, Salisbury City Manager David Treme warns of potential layoffs, furloughs and salary cuts next year in response to a $2.7 million budget shortfall. To help close the expected budget gap, the city is considering “cost containment measures” including reductions in staffing, furloughs, salary reductions, service level prioritization, operation streamlining and service consolidation or elimi-

Some say property value too low after seeing new figures BY KARISSA MINN kminn@salisburypost.com


[|xbIAHD y0 0 2ozX

Gary L. Page David E. Boling Robert G. Rowland Samantha R. Welton Leslie E. Heidrick Leonard L. Wood Sharon N. Owen Sandra M. Wilkes Kathryn J. Osteen Frank T. Thomason

nation, Treme wrote Feb. 25. “As we move through this process, our first priority will be to continue to provide services to our citizens at the optimal TREME level,” he wrote. “at the same time, I want you to know that we will make every effort to be sensitive to the

See CITY, 5A

Not as many revaluation appeals coming as expected

ALEIGH — As North Rowan High basketball player Pierre Givens’ family waited for him and the rest of the newly crowned state championship basketball team outside of Reynolds Coliseum, they told the story of the yellow shoes. Givens had worn the yellow treads most of the year, and for the championship final he had scribbled on an important reminder. His mother, Dionne Mitchell Chambers, said the shoes’ message was clear: “This is the Last Supper. It’s time to eat.” In a remarkable comeback from a 14-point halftime deficit, the North Rowan Cavaliers scored a 64-57 victory over Pender County Saturday MARK and brought the school its first N.C. WINEKA basketball championship in 25

See CAVS, 5A North Rowan fans cheer their team on to victory. Today’s forecast 70º/45º Partly cloudy


Top 10 Rowan government salaries Salary Position


Nina Snipes Athey Cleveland “Gene” Campbell Jerry Wayne Drew Betty Sue Trexler Hicklin

Doris Jean Combs Hill Mary (Jane) Purser Mills Howard Ray Overcash Kathy Eagle Patterson

When he got his revaluation notice earlier this month, Clyde Motley was baffled. According to Rowan County, the value of his house and 2.4 acres of land on Cox Road fell 21 percent — from $121,000 in 2007 to $96,000 in 2011.

Loran Wagoner Sells Timothy Paul Wiseman, Sr. Lula Bostian Wyrick


“I just can’t understand how a piece of property can drop that much,” Motley said. “Everybody I saw around me has had a pretty bad drop.” Motley said he submitted an informal appeal to the county. Other property owners who disagree with their new values have until Tuesday to do the same. Barbara McGuire, real and personal property manager with the tax assessor’s office, said the county had received 1,300 appeals from March 1 through Thursday. Offi-


Business 1B Classifieds 8C Deaths 10-11A Horoscope 5B

Opinion Sports Television Weather

2D 1C 5B 6B






Base Salary

readily, if not always quickly. Some had already made the information more easily accessible. Today, the Post looks at how the counties reacted to public information requests. That’s followed by articles about Salisbury and other cities Monday, Rowan-Salisbury and other school systems Tuesday, Rowan-Cabarrus and other community colleges Wednesday, and economic development executives Thursday. • • • Rowan County posted employee salaries and wages online at the request of some county commissioners in January, and that information is now available to anyone who visits the county website. When asked for the base salary and total compensation of their highest paid employees, county staff responded by e-mail the same day. The request was made initially to Carolyn Athey, clerk to the board, and Gary Page, county manager. Human Resources Director Darlene Boling sent base salary information in about an hour, and Finance Director Leslie Heidrick sent additional compensation data two hours later. It took less than a day for them to reply to a second e-mailed request for information about the members and chair of the Rowan County Board of Commissioners. Cabarrus, Davie, Davidson, Iredell and Stanly counties took a day or two to respond to each of the same requests. Stanly County staff sent the first set of information in about a half hour and the second in one day. Cabarrus County sent all of the data at once after two days. The requests were made by e-mail after initial phone calls to county offices. Once they figured out who should handle the requests, staff members from all counties answered inquiries readily and sent the information without question. • • •

Rowan Rowan Rowan Rowan Rowan Cabarrus Cabarrus Cabarrus Cabarrus Cabarrus Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davie Davie Davie Davie Davie Iredell Iredell Iredell Iredell Iredell Stanly Stanly Stanly Stanly Stanly

County Manager Information Systems Director Tax Administrator Dentist Finance Director County Manager Deputy County Manager Tax Administrator Deputy County Manager Sheriff County Manager Dentist I (part time) County Attorney Tax Administrator Local Health Director County Manager Deputy County Manager Physician Extender II Social Services Director Health Director County Manager Finance Director Deputy County Manager Sheriff Health Director Dentist II County Manager Health Director Social Services Director Tax Administrator

$133,126 $111,608 $106,254 $106,253 $104,189 $198,573 $124,325 $121,672 $118,410 $118,410 $131,040 $110,000 $96,574 $94,669 $90,347 $111,920 $101,745 $87,889 $79,844 $79,800 $171,880 $117,543 $108,555 $101,688 $100,713 $140,478 $96,525 $87,536 $84,942 $74,256

Total Compensation $137,326* $111,608 $106,254 $106,253 $104,189 $198,573 $124,325 $121,672 $118,410 $118,410 $140,732*^ $110,000 $101,914*^ $95,209^ $91,127^ $119,620*+ $109,985*+ $88,389+ $80,344+ $79,880+ $179,680* $119,631* $114,627* $120,744*$100,713 $142,585+ $105,691*^+ $93,726*^+ $93,726*^+ $77,029^+

* Includes travel allowance ^ Includes cell phone allowance - Includes clothing/uniform allowance + Includes longevity pay

lowed. Statesville took the longest because the city’s human resources director was out of town, but the Post still received the information within five days. During the past week, staff in the Salisbury city manager’s office fielded several additional requests for information and clarification. In addition to other information, City Clerk Myra Heard provided a copy of Treme’s employment contract the day after it was requested, as well as a copy of minutes from the Jan. 18 meeting when City Council approved a bonus for Treme. The search for information about Treme’s retirement benefit in relation to his bonus was more difficult. The Post requested a calculation of Treme’s retirement benefit and asked whether the bonus would increase his monthly payment. “The request for proposed retention bonus information is something we cannot provide to you because we have not calculated what effects it might have, and we do not know when he will actually re-

tire or actually receive these bonuses,” Human Resources Director Zack Kyle said in an e-mail. Retirement is calculated by the N.C. Retirement System, Kyle said. The Post suggested three hypothetical retirement dates and bonus scenarios, but the city referred the paper to the state. A spokesperson for the N.C. Department of State Treasurer said according to state law, any bonus paid upon retirement is not considered compensation for purposes of the retirement system. Mayor Susan Kluttz on Friday said City Council intended to pay Treme a lump-sum bonus upon his retirement, not to increase his monthly retirement benefit. In response to a request for information about his salary and other compensation, Robert Van Geons, executive director for RowanWorks Economic Development, replied immediately and provided answers within four days. • • • Reaction was varied when

the Post asked local school districts for salary information. The Post requested the title, education, salary, supplement amount and hire date of every employee in the RowanSalisbury School District. The school system provided the Post with that information in hard copy form 14 days later. A request was made that day to have the records in digital form. A Post reporter was told that could take some time as each page would have to be scanned in by hand. After a formal e-mail request for the records to be sent digitally, a Post reporter received them the following day. That same information was also requested for administrators, including central office staff and school principals, in Kannapolis City Schools, Cabarrus County AlamanceBurlington School System, Davidson County Schools and Iredell-Statesville Schools. Each school system responded promptly after receiving the request, but the time that it took to get the information into the hands of the Post reporter varied

journs,” McGuire said. Whether or not property owners go through the inforFROM 1a mal appeals process, they can appeal formally to the Rowan County Board of Equalization cials had projected 10,000 to and Review. The board will 12,000 appeals. convene on April 4 and contin“I was expecting more, but ue hearings for at least we’ve got until the board ad- two months.

If they still aren’t satisfied after the board’s decision, property owners will then have 30 days to appeal to the North Carolina Property Tax Commission. McGuire said most of the appeals received since notices went out March 1 have requested a lower value. A growing number, though, are reacting like Motley. “We’ve actually had more people than ever before say they think their value is higher than what we estimated it to be,” McGuire said. “In the past, we would have a handful.” Rowan County Commissioners are considering raising the property tax rate this year to make up for an overall decline in the county’s tax base. Motley said he knows a lower assessed value results in a lower tax bill, but if he decides to sell the house, he could get less for it than what he thinks the property is worth. He said a bank appraised his property one year ago at a market value of $132,000. He included that information when he appealed the county’s assessed value. “I’ve called before because I thought it was high, but I got used to that amount,” Motley said. “They said, ‘You’ve got prime land right next to Dan Nicholas Park.’ ” While the Dan Nicholas Park property value stayed steady in the revaluation, Motley’s took a plunge. Motley also says he doesn’t understand the assessed values of two additional parcels he owns. A 0.6-acre parcel went up from $12,500 to $12,900. Next to it, a parcel with four goats on a half acre of land stayed the same at $5,900.

“If I wanted my house to hold value, I guess I needed to put goats on it,” Motley said. McGuire encourages property owners to include as much supporting information as possible in their appeals. That information can include a complete appraisal report from within the past two years, a recent sale listing with asking price or a list of addresses of nearby homes that the property owner thinks

When asked for salary information about their employees, Salisbury and other cities responded promptly and without complaint. Salisbury provided a database of all employee salaries. Although City Manager David Treme says the city has no plans to post the database on its website as Rowan County did, anyone can access it on the Post’s website. Other than Salisbury, Lexington was the first city to respond to the Post’s request. Kannapolis and Concord fol-


Posters • Public hearing, set by Salisbury-Rowan Community Action Agency CSBG Program, 4 p.m Thursday, concerning the Community Service Block Grant budget of $383,809.00 for 2011-2012. To be held in the library at 1300 W.Bank St. All interested persons are invited to attend. For more information, call 704-633-6633. Joann P. Diggs, interim executive director.

Lottery numbers — RALEIGH (AP) — Here are the winning numbers selected Saturday: Evening Pick 3: 4-3-7 Midday Pick 3: 6-8-4 Evening Pick 4: 0-4-4-6 Midday Pick 4: 3-0-1-6 Cash 5: 05-11-12-22-24 Powerball 01-04-12-41-47, Powerball: 3, Power Play: 4 HOW TO REACH US Phone ....................................(704) 633-8950 for all departments (704) 797-4287 Sports direct line (704) 797-4213 Circulation direct line (704) 797-4220 Classified direct line Business hours ..................Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fax numbers........................(704) 630-0157 Classified ads (704) 633-7373 Retail ads (704) 639-0003 News After-hours voice mail......(704) 797-4235 Advertising (704) 797-4255 News Salisbury Post online........www.salisburypost.com

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Duke Energy guarantees $10 million for Democrats

greatly. Kannapolis City submitted the requested reports within three days with Davidson and Statesville-Iredell fulfilling the request in 10 and 11 days, respectively. Cabarrus took 20 days to provide the information. The school system mailed it rather than sending it electronically and provided more information than requested, including every employee rather than only administrators. It took Alamance-Burlington the longest to get the information to a Post reporter at 23 days. The day the reporter received the information it did not include the names of each employee, only positions. The public information officer cited that names were not included in the initial request. The Post also requested the supplement history, dating back five years, of each superintendent in the school systems listed above, as well as Wake County Public School System and Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools. Rowan-Salisbury provided Superintendent Dr. Judy Grissom's contract within two days, but not without some questions and an e-mail from the superintendent containing an accusation the Post was “trying to dig up something that is not there to sensationalize.” The Post received the requested information from Wake, Charlotte-Mecklenburg and Iredell-Statesville within a day. Davidson and Kannapolis schools got that information out to the Post in two and three days, respectively. Alamance-Burlington supplied it in seven days and Cabarrus sent it in within 10 days. • • • The Post received the salaries of employees at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College through a Rowan County resident who requested the records. The Post also requested the hire date, gross salary, deferred benefits, direct benefits and total gross compensation including salary and benefits for top employees at Davidson Community College, Mitchell Community College and Guilford-Technical Community College. All three colleges sent the requested reports within three days.

CHARLOTTE (AP) — Duke Energy Corp., one of Charlotte’s biggest companies, is guaranteeing a $10 million line of credit for the 2012 Democratic National Convention, The Charlotte Observer reported Saturday. The guarantee would put Duke Energy’s stockholders — not Duke’s electric customers — at risk if the Democratic National Committee defaults on the loan, said company spokesman Tom Williams. “We stepped in to do it as a way to land this convention and support this community,” Williams said. “When our region is successful, Duke is more successful.” Duke chief executive Jim Rogers is leading fundraising efforts for the convention. The company has long been a major arts and education backer in the community. The contract between the DNC and the convention organizing committee, which was finalized Friday, calls for the host committee to raise $36.6 million. That would cover the cost of improvements to the Time Warner Cable Arena as well as production and transportation costs. “It is just security in the event of a cash shortfall,” Will Miller, acting executive director of the Charlotte organizing committee, said of the credit line provided by Fifth Third Bank and guaranteed by Duke. “The host committee is obligated to pay it back, and the host committee will pay it back.” Some suggest the arrangement is just another large corporate contribution to curry favor with elected officials. But Democratic Party spokesman Brad Woodhouse says no. “No one is giving us anything,” he said. “This is a line of credit.” Like many other electric generating companies, Duke is facing high costs of making its coal-fired power plants meet federal environmental rules. The utility also is planning a new nuclear power plant in South Carolina that would require state and federal approval. “Duke may not be angling for a particular payback, but certainly they are currying favor with the Democratic Party,” said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of Washington’s Center for Responsive Politics. “If it buys goodwill without having to spend a dime, Duke will feel it’s been a good deal.” University of North Carolina Charlotte public policy expert David Swindell says Rogers’ involvement in planning and fundraising for the convention can only help in dealings with the Obama administration.

Coming Monday: Comparing Salisbury employee salaries to other nearby cities. Emily Ford, Sarah Campbell and Karissa Minn contributed to this report.

are similar in value. It also can help to tell the county if there have been foreclosures in the area or if the property is in a floodplain or substandard in some way. The informal appeal form is attached to the bottom of each revaluation notice that went out March 1. It also is available on the county website, www.rowancountync. gov.

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SUNDAY March 13, 2011


School board to talk budget at its Monday work session


BY SARAH CAMPBELL scampbell@salisburypost.com


Sacred Heart Catholic Middle School language arts teacher Kay Paul gives Father John Putnam’s pug Maggie a kiss during an assembly as part of a fundraiser for Faithful Friends.

Ya gotta kiss a lot of four-legged critters ...

Contact reporter Sarah Campbell at 704-7977683.

BY MARK WINEKA mwineka@salisburypost.com

There once was a bull, a pig and a dog. The punchline to this joke came Friday from three Sacred Heart Catholic School teachers who kissed these animals as a way of saluting their students’ fundraising for the Faithful Friends Animal Sanctuary. None of the four-legged friends turned into a handsome prince. But first things first. Matthew Chilton, an eighth-grader and president of the student body, said his schoolmates raised $1,226.71 in cash and gathered several boxes of supplies for the animal sanctuary, now under construction on Grace Church Road. The sanctuary will open sometime this summer, President Mary Padavick said. Each 25 cents a Sacred Heart student raised translated to a vote he or she could use for a teacher. The teachers with the most votes received the high honor of kissing the animals in front of the 230-student body Friday afternoon. All the money was raised in one week. The sixth grade, which includes 26 students, collected the most — $265. The eighth grade came in second, bringing in $162. But as a percentage, the eighthgraders raised more per student. “I’ve never, ever been as proud of this school as I am today,” guidance counselor Karen Wenker said. More animals will be cared for and have homes because of the school’s efforts in raising money and supplies, she said.

The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education will talk budget Monday during a work session. Chief Financial Officer Tara Trexler will go over information discussed during the board’s finance subcommittee meeting earlier this month. Trexler will explain how the governor’s proposed budget, if passed as is, could affect the district by shifting workers compensation, bus replacement cost and tort claims to local school systems. Current estimates show the district could end up paying $1 million in workers compensation premiums as well as a possible $1.5 million toward open claims, Trexler said. Transportation Director Judy Burris said three buses will likely need to be replaced next year at a cost of $240,000. Tort claims could cost the district another $68,000. Trexler said the governor’s budget would also slash 10 percent from central office staff — 127,000 locally. Instructional support, which includes nurses, media specialists, intervention specialists, curriculum coaches and guidance counselors, could take a 5 percent — $323,000 — hit under the governor’s proposal, according to Trexler. The board will also discuss the possible effects of Senate Bill 8, which would lift the cap on the number of charter schools in the state. The county allotment request will also be discussed during the meeting. Superintendent Dr. Judy Grissom said during the finance subcommittee meeting that she doesn’t want to ask the Rowan County commissioners for additional funding this year because of their own budget woes. School board chairman Dr. Jim Emerson and board member Linda Freeze agreed, saying they would like county money to hold steady. Board member Richard Miller requested a history of the county’s allotment in previous years before making up his mind. The board will not take action during Monday’s meeting. The meeting will begin at 5 p.m. at the Long Street Administrative Office, 110 S. Long St., East Spencer.

The student body at Sacred Heart Catholic School gathered for an assembly to witness three school staff members kiss a dog, pig and a bull for a fundraiser for Faithful Friends. But back to the kissing. Let’s introduce the winning teachers: • First place, Katie Meseroll, athletic director and second-and third-grade math teacher. She would get to kiss Ike, the miniature Hereford bull. • Second place, Crystal Cornelison, fourthgrade teacher. She would pucker up for James Hamilton, a pot-bellied pig. • Third place, Kay Paul, the middle school language arts teacher. She would be kissing Maggie, the pug belonging to Father John Putnam Meseroll had some anxious moments while waiting to perform her bull-kissing duties. “It’s not looking too miniature,” she said, noting Ike’s size and owner Lori Watson’s tight grip on his rope. But Meseroll had no doubts she would follow through. “At least it’s for a good cause,” she said. To the delight of students, Paul started things off by planting two kisses on Maggie, whose use of her tongue suggested she had learned a thing to two from the French. Cornelison inserted a pair of red plastic lips into her mouth before trying to kiss James Hamilton, the pig.

Cries of “cheater” floated up from the student body. Raising a pot-bellied pig off the ground for a kiss defies the law of gravity sometimes, especially when the pig is stubborn and has its snout down looking for food. So Cornelison satisfied her pig-kissing duties with a smooch on the top of his head. Meseroll did her best to reach the nervous Ike, who acted as though this was his first schoolyard kiss. Meseroll got close enough for a peck on his forehead with her first try. On the second pass, she kissed Ike near his nose. But Ike was having nothing to do with anything closer, despite a good-faith effort by Meseroll. The teachers’ brave efforts proved enough for the Sacred Heart students. Faithful Friends President Padavick and Vice President Shannon Moore gave their thanks, and the kids left for the waiting cars, taking them home for the weekend. Out in the school driveway, Meseroll already was directing traffic. You kiss a bull and still have traffic duty? Teachers know all about “kiss-met.” Contact Mark Wineka at 704-797-4263.

Livingstone administrator retires after 22 years of service BY LAURIE D. WILLIS Livingstone College News Service

An illustrious career at Livingstone College officially came to an end Friday when Eldridge S. Williams — a past member of the Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education and the Salisbury Planning Board — bid farewell at a retirement party that featured special videotaped remarks from Mayor Susan W. Kluttz. Williams, a member of the Class of 1969 at Livingstone College, started working at his alma mater in 1989. During his 22 years at Livingstone he has worked in several capacities, including assistant vice president of community development and community relations, director of human re-


Landis may need to raise taxes, furlough employees to balance budget BY SHAVONNE POTTS spotts@salisburypost.com

LANDIS — The town will need to look at a few options, including a possible increase in taxes and fees as well as reinstituting employee furlough days to create a balanced budget. The town board met Saturday for its annual budget retreat to discuss the outlook for the coming fiscal year, however no final decision was made. Town Administrator Reed Linn told the board the staff predict being $38,000 over budget in the general fund, which includes all departments — administration,

streets, fire, police, recreation and sanitation. “This overage can be prevented by avoiding all unnecessary spending,” he said. He also said to remain revenue neutral, the tax rate would need to increase by three cents. This would bring the rate to 43 cents per $100 evaluation. This was a route many aldermen said they’d prefer not to go. Alderman James Furr said rather than a tax increase he’d rather increase fees. “I would like to see staff look at anything we could do to save, change or cut. I am reluctant to increase taxes if there’s a way to find that money,” said Alderman Tony

Hilton. Mayor Dennis Brown said he would hope to leave the tax rate at 40 cents. “It’s something the whole board would like,” he said. Finance Officer Ginger Gibson said in the last fiscal year, the town saved $60,000 by implementing employee furloughs. Linn said there were a few employees who did not like furloughs, but many more employees perferred them to unemployment. “I’d rather not balance the budget on the backs of the employees,” Hilton said. Linn said there’s been many accomplishments since 2007, including:

• retired debt from F&M Bank for the South Rowan area annexation, retired debt from the garbage truck and three police cars. The town also: • bought seven police vehicles, two police bicycles (paid in full), bought four vehicles for the light department (paid in full), bought new computers for all the departments, a new fire engine, remodeled town hall, developed a recreation master plan. Other accomplishments the town has made in the last three years were: • completing electrical conversions in the Beaver


The Landis board of aldermen also: • Heard from Parks Director Andrew Morgan about the needs of the Beaver Street Pavilion, tennis courts, playground equipment and the trails that lead to Lake Corriher. The Pavilion roof needs to be repaired, he said. He obtained an estimate between $6,500 to $7,500. Mayor Brown suggested a metal roof because it would last longer. Morgan said it woud likely cost $1,900 to $2,250 to replace the Pavilion doors. He plans to paint the building and benches at the Pavilion as well as the playground equipment, which he said isn’t that bad. Morgan suspects in the future the playground equipment will need to be replaced. “The tennis courts are in bad shape,” Morgan said. The courts need to be resurfaced or a temporary fix

See ALSO, 4A

4A • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011




community. Eldridge Williams, we here at Livingstone College truly appreciate you.” Jenkins gave Williams a plaque. Then it was time for Williams to speak. “My wife asked me what I was going to say and I said well, when I get up, I’ll say what’s on my mind, and I guess that’s the way I’ve always been,” Williams began. “I want to thank everybody who has spoken. I have just given of myself and ...” Williams was unable to finish through his emotions and tears. Williams’ sons, Demond, 32, a former Livingstone student, and Thaddeus, 19, a sophomore computer engineering major at Johnson C. Smith University, attended the celebration. Their sister, Janoah, 18, a Salisbury High School senior, was at UNC Charlotte for early registration and unable to attend. Several other relatives and close family friends were on hand to help Williams celebrate. “He has given so much to the college, and for them to have this retirement party and for the mayor to send a videotaped presentation just shows that if you work hard, the end will be great,” Thaddeus said. Brenda Williams was very touched by the tribute. “I just was very overwhelmed by how people really feel about my husband, and for them to go to this extent to honor my husband makes me feel glad, especially since I’m a Livingstone College alum as well.” As people mingled, dined on heavy hors d’oeuvres and listened to hit tunes by Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, James Brown, Earth Wind & Fire and others, Williams reflected on the retirement party, his time at Livingstone College and his service to the city of Salisbury. “I was happy to work for the institution I graduated from,” Williams said. “Whatever they needed, I just went with the flow. But this retirement party just gives me more appreciation for my college. As for the city, every position they ever appointed me to, I tried to serve the city as best I could.”

FROM 3A sources, director of community and governmental relations and assistant director of career and community services. State W. Alexander III, executive assistant to the president/director of public relations, opened the event by saying the Livingstone College family wanted to “give Mr. Williams his roses while he can still enjoy them.” Vicki R. Gray, director of career services, told Williams he deserved to retire. “I’ve worked with you since I started here, and you taught me a lot,” Gray said. “I will miss you being my right hand, and the students will miss coming to you for their community service needs.” After detailing the list of jobs Williams has held at Livingstone, Gray said: “So if anyone deserves to retire, it is most definitely you! Take care. We love you.” Williams, a soft-spoken man who didn’t seek the limelight at Livingstone College but was always willing to do whatever was needed of him, was clearly touched throughout the ceremo-

SubMitted phOtOS

eldridge S. Williams and dr. Jimmy R. Jenkins Sr. ny. He sat at the head table flanked by his wife, Brenda Williams, Livingstone College President Dr. Jimmy R. Jenkins Sr., Alexander and Augustus L. Jones Sr., president of the Livingstone College National Alumni Association. His classmate, Delores Johnson, couldn’t say enough about Williams. “You have always been dear in our hearts,” Johnson said. “You are a bit mischievous at times, but I’m glad this occasion has come for us all to celebrate you and love you.” Kluttz couldn’t attend the ceremony but sent a video tribute


that moved Williams to tears. “I’m delighted to be here today on behalf of the city of Salisbury and also personally,” Kluttz said. “I wish I could be here in person, and I’m sorry a conflict kept me from attending this special event for you, Eldridge Williams. I was working for the school system way back in the early ’90s when you were first elected to the school board, so I was able to see firsthand your dedication, your willingness to speak up, your willingness to make sure things were right, not only for the AfricanAmerican community, which you did excellently, but also for

er video project, which was funded through the Cleanwater Management Trust Fund. FROM 3A Linn pointed out to the Street area, completing numer- board that even through rough ous sidewalk repairs through- economic times where conserout town and completing a sew- vative spending was neces-

sary, the town has still managed to complete many major projects to benefit the town and its residents. reporter Contact Shavonne Potts at 704-7974253.

partment didn’t have many needs outside of its operational budget. He did notify the board all police radios must be digital by 2013. The departments will no longer be able to use analog. The question was asked if all the agencies that need digital radios including EMS and fire departments go in together for a cheaper price? McCoy said to his knowledge there has been a discussion that would cover fire and EMS, but not police. • Received information from Division Fire Chief Art Delaney, who said it appears much of the fire equipment needs to be replaced. “I’m asking for an increase

in the maintenance budget,” he said. Delaney said the last two years he didn’t ask for any extra money, but now he does. “I will make cuts as best as I can,” he said. • Heard from Charlotte Swim Club representatives, who manage the town’s pool, about new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) legislation that would require the town to add fencing to its pool areas, a lift and slope. George Mulligan presented the board with three different options, one of which was to turn the baby pool into a splash pad that would not require a fence, lift or slope.

ALSO FROM 3A would be to repair the cracks. The courts should be resurfaced every five years and pressure washed every two years, Morgan said. Before the town and the South Rowan YMCA have their Adventure Run and begin bringing activities to Lake Corriher, it needs to be cleaned. There are some areas that have trash and debris. Morgan said the Y has planned a volunteer clean up day on April 2. • Heard from Police Chief Brian McCoy who said his de-

eldridge S. Williams, delores Johnson and Augustus L. Jones Sr. all of our citizens, and particularly for our children.” Kluttz mentioned Williams’ time on the planning board, as well. “I also remember back in the late ’90s when you were a part of a very special team, which was the Vision 2020 Task Force, and you spent two and a half years along with other selected people in the city to plan our future with a comprehensive growth plan that we still follow today,” Kluttz said. “You’ve been a wonderful part of Livingstone College; you’ve been an excellent representative in the city, always promoting what’s best for the college and for its students. You’ve done a wonderful job for our children and for all of our citizens, and for that I particularly wanted to be able to address you at your reception here today and just say thank you, Eldridge Williams, to you and your family for all that you’ve contributed to the city in the past. And I just wish you the very best for a wonderful future. Good luck.” Jones, of Livingstone’s national alumni association, said Williams has always been an integral part of the college. He mentioned homecoming and how alumni knew they could always count on Williams to welcome them when they arrived on campus. “We just wish you the best and thank you for all you’ve done for our beloved Living-

stone,” Jones said. “We know, we know that you have made Livingstone College a better place.” Linda Jones, executive director of the Salisbury Symphony, said she didn’t know Williams as long or as well as some of the people gathered for his party — but she knew enough. “I know his heart and his big, welcoming arms,” she said. “He’s the best hugger you have here. On behalf of the Salisbury Symphony, we congratulate you.” Williams’ wife said when she thinks of her husband, she thinks of “a man who is truly humble, a servant and who is dedicated.” She referenced a devastating fire that destroyed the Williams’ home last year and thanked Livingstone College “for what you’ve done for our family.” Jenkins joked about his love of retirement parties, saying he hopes to attend his own some day. Then Jenkins turned serious and likened Williams to an iconic personality capable of molding and shaping institutions into what they should be. “Eldridge Williams is that kind of person,” Jenkins said. “There was always a positive spirit that came from him. When I’d see him on campus, he’d always say ‘Good morning, Mr. President.’ As I looked around, I realized he was making that kind of mark in the community as well — to mold and shape the quality of life in the

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COUNTY FROM 1A menu and click “Employee Info” under “Other Useful Links.” Before the databases were put online, Rowan County’s website earned a C for transparency from the John Locke Foundation. Davidson and Davie counties received the same grade, while Iredell and Cabarrus counties’ websites each earned a B. The website gives Rowan credit for making available online its annual financial information, budget, health expenses, revenue report, transportation improvement plan and salaries of employees earning $50,000 or more. But it makes deductions for several unavailable resources, including the checkbook, contracts, future liability for retirees, capital improvement plan, number of employees, audit reports, comprehensive annual financial report and salaries of employees by job code. Sides said the county’s revenue and expenditure reports are now available as spreadsheets in addition to PDF documents, and he hopes to help put more information online. County Manager Gary Page said he hasn’t heard much feedback from the public or employees about the databases. Sides said he has heard people praise the county’s transparency, but Commissioner Raymond Coltrain says people have told him the online databases are unneces-

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 5A

CONTINUED County Rowan Cabarrus Davidson Davie Iredell Stanly

Commissioners $12,208 $11,948^ $9,860 $4,012 $10,137 $9,432

Travel $3,600 $6,600 $2,400 $2,400 $5,472 $6,000

Total Annual Pay $15,808 $18,548 $13,040* $6,412 $15,609 $15,432

Board Chair $14,650 $13,636 $11,292 $6,038 $10,917 $10,690

Travel $3,600 $7,200^ $2,700 $2,400 $6,240 $6,000

Total Annual Pay $18,250 $20,836 $14,772* $8,438 $17,157 $16,690


sary. Coltrain said he doesn’t see a benefit to putting potentially sensitive information on the county website when it is already public. “That information has always been available to people who ask for COLTRAIN it,” Coltrain said. “This opens it up to individual employees for the possibility of unnecessary scrutiny or hard feelings from other people or some of their co-workers.” ••• A Post reporter e-mailed a request to Carolyn Athey, clerk to the board, and Gary Page, county manager, for a breakdown of total compensation for several of the top paid employees as well as the Board of Commissioners. Human Resources Director Darlene Boling and Finance Director Leslie Heidrick each sent e-mail responses to two separate requests in less than 24 hours.

Cabarrus, Davidson, Davie, Iredell and Stanly counties took a day or two to respond to the same requests, and staff members sent the information without question. Based solely on the commissioners’ salary of $12,208 ($14,650 for the chair), Rowan County has the highestpaid board compared to surrounding counties. Cabarrus comes closest with $11,948, and Stanly offers commissioners the lowest pay with $9,432. But when travel allowances are factored in, at $15,808 ($18,250 for the chair), Rowan’s total compensation is the second highest after Cabarrus at $18,548, and it’s nearly equal to that of Iredell and Stanly counties. Rowan reimburses each board member $3,600 for travel, compared to more than $6,000 in Cabarrus, Iredell and Stanly counties. Davie and Davidson County Commissioners are given a travel allowance of up to $2,400 each, and Davidson board members also receive $780 per year for a phone allowance.

County’s top paid employees don’t differ drastically from those in surrounding counties. Tax Administrator Jerry Rowland and Information Systems Director David Boling are paid more than their counterparts only Cabarrus County’s tax administrator has a higher salary — but both have been working for the county for more than 20 years. Sheriff Kevin Auten, who was elected in November 2010, is paid $79,106, compared to salaries ranging from $66,417 in Stanly County to $101,688 in Iredell County. Auten receives $1,000 annually for a clothing allowance. The highest-paid full-time position in the county is Page, the county manager, who is paid $133,126 per year plus a $4,200 travel allowance. His salary is the third highest among managers of surrounding counties, whose base pay ranges from $96,525 in Stanly County to $198,573 in Cabarrus County. The lowest-paid full-time position in the county is a custodial worker paid $10.49 per ••• hour, or $21,825 per year — The salaries of Rowan $111,300 less than the top

salary. Average county salaries are $37,862 for full-time employees and $36,983 for all employees receiving benefits. According to a February report from the N.C. Department of Commerce, the 2009 average annual pay in Rowan County is $37,804 (calculated from the average weekly wage for 52 weeks). For all government employees it is $53,404, and for private sector employees it is $33,332. The average hourly wage of part-time county employees not receiving county benefits is $10.69. Sixty-four part-time employees are paid $7.25 per hour, which is the minimum wage in North Carolina. ••• Anyone can look up Rowan County’s benefits package on its website, but Sides and Page said benefits soon will be listed — and, where possible, given a price tag — in the online database of employees who receive them. “County employees think I’m against them, but I’m not their enemy,” Sides said. “It’s simply that I think we need to be above board and

transparent. When you tell somebody that a county employee makes $30,000 a year, that’s a lie, because they probably make $45,000 a year if you add in benefits.” Rowan County pays the full cost of health insurance for its employees. Coverage for an employee plus children, spouse or family costs the employee $130, $120 or $250 per month, respectively. After a six-month probationary period, the county contributes 3 percent of an employee’s annual salary - five percent for law enforcement officers — into a 401(k) plan. County employees receive 11 or 12 paid holidays a year and an average of 8 hours of sick leave per month. They are given between 10 and 21 days of vacation per year depending on years of service (less than 2 years through 15 or more). Employees contribute 6 percent of their earnings to local government retirement benefits, and the county adds almost an equal amount. After five years, an employee who leaves county service may leave their contributions in the system and draw a retirement income beginning at age 60. An employee can retire with full benefits at age 65 and five years of creditable service, at age 60 and 25 years of service or at any age with 30 years in the retirement system. An employee can retire with reduced benefits at age 50 with 20 years of creditable service or at age 60 with five years of service. Contact reporter Karissa Minn at 704-797-4222.

CAVS FROM 1A years. Eat they did. A deafening roar went up on the greenand-gold side of Reynolds Coliseum when Malik Ford’s basket with 4 minutes left in the game gave the Cavaliers their first lead. And the noise didn’t stop over the nail-biting finish as players such as Givens, T.J. Bates, Michael Bowman, Sam Starks, Javon Hargrave and Jordan Kimmer refused to wilt under immense pressure. In hindsight, no one should have been worried. This was a team with broad shoulders whose coaches and players brought a community, a school and its alumni together for a magic season. Whether they knew it or not, the young North Rowan High Cavaliers carried the hopes of two towns — Spencer and East Spencer — on those broad shoulders. Oldtimers who remember the days before integration, when it was the Spencer High Railroaders and Dunbar High Tigers — rooted together in the stands for this group of kids. Those kids also carried the ghosts of that 1986 state championship basketball team, which had stars named Sifford, Kesler and Kitley. Many of the players and coaches from that team were mixed into the huge North Rowan crowd Saturday afternoon. But maybe the biggest burden the 2011 state champions carried was for the school itself — a school hungry for success and deserving of it. Because of declining enrollment, North Rowan had been forced into the 1A classification, which meant long road trips this season to far-flung places such as Moore and Chatham counties and no conference games against any other Rowan County team. And whether we like to acknowledge it or not, the perception among parents from other county school districts is — or was — they did not want their kids to be sent to North Rowan. The Cavalier family correctly resents that attitude, which has prevented redistricting from helping increase North’s student population. The team’s broad shoulders carried a pretty big chip because of it. Many “outsiders’ also questioned why Cavalier Coach Andrew Mitchell, who successfully guided the Salisbury High School girls to back-to-back state championships, would leave another loaded girls team to coach at 1A North Rowan. His parents, Andrew Sr. and Geraldine Mitchell of East Spencer, said they were ecstatic that he did. “We kind of helped make his mind up,” Andrew Sr. said before the start of Saturday’s game. Coach Mitchell was returning to his alma mater, where he played basketball, and he always wanted to coach the North boys team, his parents said. “It was worth it — every mile,” Geraldine added. Andrew Mitchell Jr. was one of Patti Se-

CITY FROM 1A needs of our employees as we evaluate the overall needs of our organization.” Treme told the Post the city faces the toughest budget year he’s ever seen, as a result of the Great Recession. The local economy has taken many hard hits, he wrote in the letter, and the adjustment to the new economy is painful. “We have to adapt to the econom-


North Rowan fans point to the scoreboard after one of the Cavaliers’ points didn’t register during the game against Pender High School.

North Rowan’s Pierre Givens sported bright yellow Nike shoes with the handwritten message, ‘Last Supper’ and the date of the game. creast’s former students, and she also taught many of the 2011 team members in seventh and eighth grades. “A lot of good, smart students are on the team,” she said before Saturday’s tipoff. “This is a good morale booster for North Rowan.” David Billingsley and his wife, Kim, had two children in the North Rowan pep band Saturday. Kim is a 1982 North graduate. The team meant a lot in bringing newspaper coverage to the school and uniting the towns and alumni all season, David Billingsley said. Ralph Kitley, a member of the 1986 team

ic environment we’re in,” he said. “For the last 40 years I’ve been in local government, I’ve seen many situations like this, but none this severe.” Sales taxes, a major source of revenue for the city, have fallen significantly in the past two years. Property taxes, another source of cash for the city, remain flat due to the lack of new construction. At the same time, expenses will increase. The city’s cost for health insurance, gas, oil and mandatory retirement contributions will go up during the next fiscal year, which

and now principal at Northwest Guilford High, said, “Actually, there’s quite a few of us here.” The frustrating part for him, Kitley acknowledged at halftime when North faced an uphill climb, was not being able to control anything from the stands. But Lola Jones, a former North Rowan hoops star and now its girls junior varsity coach, said she knew the Cavaliers would make it a game in the second half. “They have the talent to come back,” Dawn Bautista, the aunt of Pierre Givens, confirmed after the game, as if it were a given. Bob Hundley, head coach of the 1986 team, wasn’t sure at halftime, but was all smiles after the game. “It was real impressive,” he said of the Cavalier comeback. “You don’t see that very often.” Yvette Bates, who had two sons on the team — Javon Hargrave and T.J. Bates — had watched her kids and their teammates long enough to know they had the character to put the first half behind them. “I just told my sister they’re a comeback team,” she said. And you have to believe, North Rowan is a comeback school with prouder glory days ahead.

begins July 1. “You always have to adapt the size of your government to the dollars that are available,” Treme said. The city must trim $2.7 million from the current budget, he said. “I’m sure we can achieve this objective because we are overcomers in the city of Salisbury,” he wrote. The city will feel the effects of the financial dilemma for years to come, he wrote. The city already has a hiring freeze for non-essential positions and requires pre-approval for all capital and special expenditure projects.

What did this particular team mean to the community? “It meant everything,” Bates said. Lisa Bowman, whose son Michael was a star freshman player, said she was proud of him and the whole team. “North doesn’t get any respect in the Salisbury Post or anywhere else,” she added. But Bates wasn’t bitter — how could she be on a day when North Rowan had won such an important piece of hardware for its trophy case. Pastor Martha Starks, mother of Most Valuable Player Samuel Starks, said she prayed with her son the evening before the championship final. Truth be known, a lot of prayers went up during the week. Starks credited God for giving the boys the skills they needed for a win that means so much to North Rowan. This team with broad shoulders became an integral part of the community, Pastor Starks added. Everyone came to the table in Raleigh for these North Rowan Cavaliers — black, white, young, old, students, alumni, Spencer residents and East Spencer residents. They feasted on a team with very broad shoulders. It truly was a Last Supper kind of game.

Treme said he’s encouraging employees to consider early retirement, as well as asking for any ideas on how to save money. He provided a cost-saving suggestion form with his letter and said he’s received several replies. Employees have suggested streamlining and consolidating various operations. All departments should limit spending to only items essential to the delivery of services, Treme wrote. “Since every dollar we save will improve our overall financial stability, we all need to be mindful of this

in our day-to-day spending,” he wrote. While other sectors of the economy have started to recover from the recession, government has not. Dr. John Connaughton of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte told City Council last month to expect at least five more years of slow, anemic growth in revenues. “Normally, local governments feel the effects of these recessions long after the private sector,” Treme told the Post. “Nobody is surprised.” Contact reporter Emily Ford at 704-797-4264.




SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 7A


It’s time to sign up for beginning runners classes Fire Department 5K raises funds to restore truck be on camaraderie and just covering the distance. We’ll encourage running that is easy, during which time conversation can be held. At no time will anyone be asked to run faster than they want. All participants will get individual coaching as needed. Cost of the class is $55 per person. The fee includes the cost of the class, a one year membership in the Salisbury Rowan Runners, a club t-shirt, and free entry into the Bare Bones 5K on May 28th. At the completion of the class, those who complete the 5K distance will receive a diploma suitable for framing during a graduation celebration. Information requests for the First Reformed Church class can be directed to Mike Mangum at icheatingandair@carolina.rr.com and 704-640-4401. Information requests for the Civic Center class should be directed to Steve Clark at sclar@salis-

Food distribution scheduled for Wednesday for eligible people

Hartsell earns Girl Scouts’ Gold Award

There will be a food distribution Wednesday, for Rowan County residents only at Salisbury Civic Center, 315 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or until all the food is gone. Food stamp recipients should bring the letters they received in the mail. Please also bring boxes or bags to carry out the food.

Taylor Hartsell, a freshman in the radiology program at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, recently earned her Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest and most prestigious award in Girl Scouting. Taylor’s Gold Award project was assisting the neonatal unit at Levine Children’s Hospital in a project called Blankets of Hope. Blankets


above, Delaine Fowler was the women’s winner and matt Rowell, right, was the overall winner.

Complete results can be Women’s winner was Dr. “I was really pumped to ple wanting to do something found at http://www.salisDelaine Fowler of Spencer. be here with so many peo- good for themselves. I was buryrowanrunners.org. Her race was hotly contested with only 3 seconds separating Fowler and Sheryl Cline. Fowler led from start to finish, but felt the second-place finisher closing near the end.

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The A.L. Brown High School Class of 1963 will be having its first of two “mini reunions” for this year at Logan’s Roadhouse, 2431 Wonder Drive, Kannapolis, near Sam’s and Walmart on Saturday, April 2, at 11:30 a.m. Please respond no later than Wednesday, March 30 in order for planners to let the manager know the number to expect. Rsvp to Joyce E. Bost via e-mail to redwdycruiser@aol. com, phone 704224-3776 or respond to Marty H. Tilley at dtilley2@windstream.net or call 704-938-7922.

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agency prohibits any discrimination based on race, skin color, nationality, sex, age or physical disability. Organizers ask participants not to form a line before 4 a.m. The event is sponsored by the Altrusa Club of Salisbury and the Salisbury Department of Parks and Recreation.

about 200 runners turned out for the salisbury Fire Department’s 5K race.

out there with a bunch of my heroes. The firemen and policemen kept us safe like they always do,” she said. “Then there were all the people who wanted to try something new and run a 5K, and those parents who ran with their kids. There was Margaret Haggerty, soon to be 88 years old, still out there plugging away. She is definitely my hero. I hope to be her when I am 88 years old. It was amazing how much positive energy was here today. The friends and volunteers who got up early to watch people run just made my day.” Sponsors for the event were Sportrax, Vac and Dash of Albemarle, the City of Salisbury, Food Lion, and Harris Teeter. Timing was provided by the Salisbury Rowan Runners. Age group winner Jordan Leahy liked the loop course. “We didn’t have to turn around and run back. Impressive work by the Fire Department and Police Department. It was just a great day for a race!” That sentiment was shared by many.


Little Feather

family of one, $1,805; family of two, $2,428; family of four, $3,675; family of six, $4,922. Available foods: apple sauce, apple juice, chicken leg quarters, corn, milk UHT, mixed fruit, orange juice, peanut butter, peas, potatoes oven, potatoes round and cereal. In agreement with federal laws and policies of the Department of Agriculture, this

are used to cover the isolates and the foam shapes Levine uses to cuddle the babies. The hospital also makes molds of the feet and hands of babies who do not survive for the parents as keepsakes, and Taylor designed a “pocket” to hold the molds. Taylor organized two sewing parties consisting of 14 women, fellow scouts and her cousin, Linda. Together they made 15 isolate blankets, 85 flannel blankets and 62 pockets.

On a perfect morning for a race, more than 200 runners came to Salisbury to run the third annual St. Patrick’s Day 5K. Temperatures in the 40s, with a light wind made for some fast times. The Salisbury Fire Department used the race as a fundraiser to continue restoring a 1941 American LaFrance ladder truck. Race activities were held at the JF Hurley YMCA. Race director Terry Smith was amazed that the race grew by 70 runners since last year. “I am very happy with the great turnout, and there were lots of quality runners here. I just appreciate everyone coming to Salisbury. The interest was way up this year. We hope to continue that trend,” Smith said. Overall winner was Matt Rowell of Greensboro. He had moved to Greensboro from Arizona three years ago, and recently ran competitively for Queens University in Charlotte. Rowell said “I’ll look for more races in Salisbury. I’ve had fun. The course is good and so was the competition. The course was well marked too, and very safe. Rowell, in a true show of sportsmanship, was a gracious winner, congratulating other finishers long after he won the race. His time was 15 minutes and 41 seconds.


All others who do not receive food stamps can come to Salisbury Civic Center because they may also be eligible to receive the free food. However, they must disclose their total gross monthly household income. The following are examples of the income guidelines. Please note changes from previous food distributions:

burync.gov and 704-6385275. Randy Graham is going to help with the Civic Center class. He hopes that others feel the same benefits. Randy said, “I recall the excitement I felt after completing a mile without stopping. Over the next few months, my distance increased and I ran a few 5Ks. I was definitely hooked. I always hated exercise, but running became a form of exercise that didn’t feel like it. It offers time to think or a break from life’s stress, and I always feel better after a run.” You’ll feel better after a run too, and probably you will soon want it to be a regular part of your day. Come on out, meet Randy, experience the fun, and I’ll make sure that you feel very welcome. More information is available at http://www.salisburyrowanrunners.org and 704-310-6741.


Civic Center. SRR is partnering with Salisbury Parks and Recreation on this one. Both classes begin at 6:30 p.m., and continue for eight consecutive weeks. Meetings begin with a classroom session that lasts for about 30 minutes covering such topics as running form, stretching, strengthening, nutrition, safety, shoes and equipment, injury prevention and much more. All the classes will be taught by professionals who are also members of the running club. Then we’ll go outside to Photos By melissa GRaham run as a group. On the first Before and after photos of night, we’ll cover a distance of one-half mile, either by Randy Graham. walking or running. We’ll rate Beginning Runners work our way up to 3.1 miles Classes, both beginning this by the end of eight weeks. week. On Tuesday March 15, Each student will be givthe first class will begin in en a schedule for training. the South Rowan area at Days for running will total First Reformed Church in four each week, with rest or Landis. Then on Thursday cross-training done on the March 17, the second class other three. The emphasis will begin at the Salisbury throughout the program will



plateau. He just couldn’t seem to lose more. When the Salisbury Rowan Runners offered a Beginning Runners Class at Sacred Heart Catholic Church that September in 2009, Randy decided to join the class. He had been walking, but wanted to run. Randy decided that he loved running, and increased his weekly mileage. He took the class again at the Civic Center, and has been running ever since. Now at age 48, Randy is a regular runner. He has remained a member of the runners club, eventually becoming a board member and club webmaster. But best of all, Randy’s weight is now at 175 pounds, his waist size decreased from 44 to 34 inches, and he feels great. The only medication he uses now is a nasal spray for allergies. All of this from a guy who had never run before 2009. SRR will offer two sepa-


uring 2008, Randy Graham decided to do something about his weight. He had always been heavy, but at that time, he was on medication for blood pressure, cholesterol and asthma. Randy’s diet was full of fast food and sugared soft drinks. He weighed 253 pounds at age 45. DAVID Randy deFREEZE cided to get serious about losing weight, and started by doing the WeightWatchers program. Fruits, whole grains, and protein-rich food replaced the unhealthy choices that were a constant previously. He got off to a good start, and after the first year, was down to about 215. At that point, Randy had hit a

A.L. Brown Class of 1963 to hold mini reunions

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6A • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011

8A • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011



Largest crowd yet protests in Wisconsin Thousands of pro-labor protesters rally at the state Capitol on Saturday in Madison, Wis., vowing to fight back after the governor signed into law a bill that eliminates most union rights.

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House, I’ll put on a comfortable pair of shoes myself,” Obama said at a speech in 2007. “I’ll walk on that picket line with you as president of the United States of America because workers deserve to know that somebody is standing in their corner.” Rose Ann DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United, the nation’s largest nurses union, called Obama “largely a bystander” in the debate over collective bargaining. “I think we’re feeling a sense of betrayal from him and not liking it much,” she said. Doug Schoen, a Democratic political strategist, said Obama’s strategy seems to be “keep your distance, avoid direct engagement, say most of the right things most of the







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“I think we’re feeling a sense of betrayal from him (President Obama) and not liking it much.”

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time, and hope for resolution through sources other than your own.” Walker on Friday signed a bill that strips most collective bargaining rights from the state’s public workers, except police and firefighters. The measure passed the Legislature following more than three weeks of protests that drew tens of thousands of people to the state Capitol in opposition. The governor had announced his plan on Feb. 11, saying his state was broke and there was no point negotiating with the unions when there was nothing to offer. Obama has called Walker’s proposal an “assault on unions” and urged governors not to vilify public workers. After the state Senate relied on a procedural move Thursday to pass the anti-bargaining rights measure without any Democrats in the chamber, White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama believes it is wrong for Wisconsin to use its budget troubles “to denigrate or vilify public sector employees.” Solis also pledged her support for public employees on a phone call with thousands of members of the Communications Workers of America.

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MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The largest crowd yet descended on Wisconsin’s Capitol to protest cuts to public worker collective bargaining rights a day after Gov. Scott Walker signed the measure into law. Protests have rocked the Capitol almost every day since Walker unveiled his proposal. But Madison Police estimated Saturday’s crowd as the largest at 85,000 to 100,000 by late afternoon. Demonstrators say they’re undeterred after lawmakers passed the legislation this past week and Walker to put his signature on it Friday. Labor leaders have promised to fire up members and mount a major counterattack against Republicans at the ballot box in 2012. High school English teacher Judy Gump says passage of the measure “is so not the end.” She says “this is what makes people more determined and makes them dig in.” Meanwhile, the White House has stayed away from the union battles. The Obama administration is treading carefully on the contentious political issue that has led to a national debate over the power that public sector unions wield in negotiating wages and benefits. A few labor leaders have complained openly that President Barack Obama is ignoring a campaign pledge he made to stand with unions; most others say his public comments have been powerful enough. The stakes are high as Obama looks toward a grueling reelection campaign. Republicans have begun airing television ads linking Obama to “union bosses” standing in the way of budget cuts in Wisconsin, Ohio and other states. As a candidate, Obama seemed to promise more to organized labor, among the Democratic Party’s most loyal constituencies. “If American workers are being denied their right to organize and collectively bargain when I’m in the White

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SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 9A


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Pole shears off top of bus, killing 14

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this one. Help another one,” he said the driver told him. He said he and other passengers who were able climbed out through a skylight. New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said police were still looking for the truck, which did not stop after the crash. He said the truck was in a lane to the bus’ left, although it was unclear whether the two vehicles touched. Kelly said both the bus and the rig were both moving at “a significant rate of speed.” Limo driver Homer Martinez happened on the scene moments after the wreck and saw other drivers sprinting from their cars to assist the injured. “People were saying, ‘Oh my God. Oh my God,’ holding their hands on their heads,” Martinez said. “I saw people telling other people not to go there, ‘You don’t want to see this.’ ” Capt. Matthew Galvin of the NYPD’s Emergency Service Unit was one of the first rescuers on the scene. He said when officers clambered into the wreckage, they found “bodies everywhere.” “People were moaning and screaming for help,” he said. Some of the dead were tangled up with the living. Though dazed, about seven people were able to walk away from the wreck on their own, he said. Many of the passengers on the bus were Chinatown residents. They ranged in age from 20 to 50, officials said. The bus driver was “awake and conscious,” said Dr. Ernest Patti, senior attending physician at St. Barnabas Hospital. The bus was one of scores that travel daily between Chinatown, in Manhattan, and the casinos in southeastern Connecticut.

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NEW YORK (AP) — A tour bus returning from a casino at daybreak Saturday scraped along a guard rail, tipped on its side and slammed into a pole that sheared it nearly end to end, leaving a jumble of bodies and twisted metal along Interstate 95. Fourteen passengers were killed. The bus had just reached the outskirts of New York City on a journey from the Mohegan Sun casino in Connecticut when the crash happened. The driver told police he lost control trying to avoid a swerving tractor-trailer. As many as 20 passengers were treated at area hospitals. Seven were in critical condition, according to police. Several were in surgery later in the day. The crash happened at 5:35 a.m., with some of the 31 passengers still asleep. The bus scraped along the guard rail for 300 feet, toppled and crashed into the support pole for a highway sign indicating the exit for the Hutchinson Parkway. The pole knifed through the bus front to back along the window line, peeling the roof off all the way to the back tires. Most people aboard were hurled to the front of the bus on impact, fire chief Edward Kilduff said. The southbound lanes of the highway were closed for hours while emergency workers tended to survivors and removed bodies. Chung Ninh, 59, told The New York Times and NY1 News that he had been asleep in his seat, then suddenly found himself hanging upsidedown from his seat belt, surrounded by the dead and screaming. One man’s arm was severed. Ninh said when he tried to help one bloodied woman, the driver told him to stop, because she was dead. “Forget

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emergency personnel surround the scene of a bus crash in the Bronx on saturday.

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Close, but no cigar Minnesota lawmaker a little off on Revolutionary War references NASHUA, N.H. (AP) — U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota stood before New Hampshire Republicans with a tea bag clutched in her hand Saturday, but her grasp on Revolutionary War geography wasn’t quite as tight. Before headlining a GOP fundraiser, the possible presidential hopeful told a group of students and conservative activists in Manchester, “You’re the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord.” But those first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired in Massachusetts, not New Hampshire. “So I misplaced the battles Concord and Lexington by saying they were in New Hampshire,” Bachmann posted on her Facebook page later. “It was my mistake, Massachusetts is where they happened. New Hampshire is where they are still proud of it!” Though Bachmann probably wasn’t the first to confuse Concord, N.H., with Concord, Mass., her mistake was striking given her roots in the tea party movement, which takes its name from the dumping of

tea into Boston Harbor by angry American colonists in December 1773, 16 months before the Battle of Lexington Green. Some 30 miles to the north and with tea bag in hand, Bachmann was greeted with applause when she asked the crowd, “How about a United States president that gets what the American people want in 2012?” and later proclaimed, “Are you in for 2012? I’m in!” She later clarified that she is committed to BACHMANN denying President Barack Obama a second term, not necessarily running herself. That decision will come by early summer, she said. For the state that holds the earliest presidential primary, it was another day, another Minnesota politician with possible White House aspirations. Bachmann’s trip overlapped one day with former Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s latest visit, offering voters a glimpse of their contrasting styles.

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10A • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011



Betty Sue Hicklin

Loran Wagoner Sells

Mary Geneva Mills

Lula Bostian Wyrick

Jerry Wayne Drew

SALISBURY — Betty Sue Trexler Hicklin, age 82, of Salisbury, passed away Friday, March 11, 2011, at Rowan Regional Medical Center. Mrs. Hicklin was born Sept. 1, 1928, in Rowan County, the daughter of the late Georgia Barringer Trexler and N.A. Trexler. She graduated from Boyden High School and retired from the City of Charlotte Motor Transport. She was a member of Salem Lutheran Church, Rufty Senior Center, Charlotte Mecklenburg Retirement Association and State Retirement Association. Betty, Bette, Mom, MamMaw was many things to many people. She enjoyed music, traveling, the mountains, sharing memories with her sisters and nieces, bus trips, good fitting shoes and not cooking. She is preceded in death by her parents, Narvey and Georgie Trexler; sister, Muriel McGinnis; brother James Trexler; and son, Donald Pierce King Jr. She is survived by her husband of 40 years, Albert Hicklin; sons, Richard Mark (Kathy) and David Drew (Kim) King; daughter-in-law, Phyllis King; grandchildren, Carol, Kristen, Kelly, Candance, Christopher and Connie; eight great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; and sisters, Wilburn Taylor (Joe) and Sarah Drennon. Visitation: 1:30-3 p.m. Monday, March 14, at Salem Lutheran Church. Service and Burial: 3 p.m. Monday at Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church conducted by Rev. Doug Hefner with burial to follow at Rowan Memorial Park. Memorials: In lieu of flowers, tributes can be made to the Alzheimer's Association, Western Carolina Chapter, 3800 Shamrock Dr., Charlotte, NC 28215-3220 or Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 5080 Sherrills Ford Rd., Salisbury, NC 28147. Summersett Funeral Home is serving the Hicklin family. Online condolences may be made at www.summersettfuneral.com.

SALISBURY — Loran Wagoner Sells, age 99, of Salisbury and formerly of Rockwell, passed away Friday, March 11, 2011, at the Lutheran Home at Trinity Oaks. Mrs. Sells was born on Sept. 23, 1911, in Rowan County, a daughter of the late Simion Butler and Julia Ann Plyer Wagoner. Mrs. Sells was educated in the Rowan County Schools and retired from China Grove Cotton Mill. She was a member of Matton's Grove United Methodist Church and a former member of the Rockwell Senior Citizens Club. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Marvin Moose in 1986, and her second husband, Columbus Sells in 1987. Survivors include son, James A Moose and wife, Sharon of Chuluota, Fla.; and a special niece, Mary Ann Adams of Rockwell. Visitation: 6-7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 13, at Powles Funeral Home, Rockwell. Service and Burial: 2 p.m. Monday, March 14, at Matton's Grove United Methodist Church, Misenheimer, conducted by Rev. Tony Bowman, pastor of Hildebran United Methodist Church, Hildebran. Mrs. Sells will lie in state 30 minutes before the Funeral Service in the church. Burial will follow at Matton's Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. Memorials: Matton's Grove United Methodist Church, PO Box 589, Misenheimer, NC 28109. “A special thanks to the staff and nurses at the Lutheran Home at Trinty Oaks.” Powles Funeral Home is assisting the Sells Family. Online condolences made be made to the Sells Family at www.powlesfuneralhome.com.

KANNAPOLIS — Mary Geneva (Jane) Purser Mills, 92, of Kannapolis, died March 11, 2011, at Five Oaks Nursing Center. She was born May 10, 1918, in Union County, the daughter of the late Julius and Laura Nelia Baucom Purser. She retired from Cannon Mills Co., Sheet Dept in 1981 after 40 years. She was a faithful member of Sharon Baptist Church in Concord. She was well known for her cooking and especially her vegetable soup. She was preceded in death by her husband, A.Z. Mills in 1981; and 17 brothers and sisters. She is survived by her daughter, Frances Mills Heglar (Donald) of Kannapolis; three granddaughters, Tammy Williams of Mt. Pleasant, Donna Walls (Ray) of Kannapolis and Debbie Efird (Darrell) of China Grove; seven great-grandchildren, Justin Wyatt (Alisha), Jessica Efird Helms (Daniel), Brittany Wyatt and fiancé Adam, Macy Walls, Michael Walls, Amanda Williams, Josiah Efird; and one greatgreat-grandchild, Braylee Helms . Service and Burial: Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. Monday, March 14, at Whitley's Funeral Home Chapel, officiated by Dr. James Strickland. Burial will follow at Carolina Memorial Park. Visitation: The family will receive friends from 1-2:30 p.m. at funeral home prior to service. Memorials: Memorials may be made to Sharon Baptist Church, 2628 Shady Lane, Concord, NC 28027. Online condolences may be left at www.whitleysfuneralhome.com.

SALISBURY — Lula Bostian Wyrick, age 92 of Salisbury, passed away on Friday, March 11, 2011, at Rowan Regional Medical Center, Salisbury. Lula was born Sept. 16, 1918, in Rowan County, she was a daughter of the late William and Ada Rainey Bostian. Lula was educated in the Rowan County Schools, a member of Coburn United Methodist Church, Salisbury and she had retired from Cartex Mills. In addition to her parents, Lula is also preceded in death by her husband, Steadman B. Wyrick; son, Ray Wyrick; sonin-law, Cecil Peeler; brothers, Elbert Bostian, Crawford Bostian, Bub Bostian, Mose Bostian and Lee Bostian; sisters, Edith Cline, Marvin Brown, Addie Gaskey; and twin sister, Lela Bost. Survivors include sons, Terry Wyrick, (Judy ) of China Grove, Richard Wyrick, (Doris) of Linwood and Larry Wyrick of Salisbury; daughter, Jane Peeler of Lewisville; daughter-in-law, Margaret Wyrick; 11 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. Visitation: 6-8 p.m. Monday, March 14, at Powles Funeral Home, Rockwell. Service and Burial: Funeral Services: 11 a.m. Tuesday, March 15, at the Powles Funeral Home Chapel, conducted by Rev. Steve Sprinkle, pastor of China Grove Church of God and Rev. Max Shoaf, pastor of Psalms 91, of Tyro. Burial to follow at Brookhill Memorial Gardens, Rockwell. Powles Funeral Home of Rockwell is assisting the Wyrick family. Online condolences may be made to www.powlesfuneralhome.com.

LEXINGTON, S.C. — Jerry Wayne Drew, age 71, of Lexington, S.C., formerly of Gold Hill, N.C., died Thursday, March 10, 2011. Mr. Drew was born in Vance County, a son of the late H.B. “Red” and Mildred Wade Drew. He served in the United States Marines, was a retired electrician. He was a member of the Masons, Shriners, the Marine Corps League, Rockwell Amvets #845 and IBEW Local Union #852. In addition to his parents He was preceded in death by a son, Michael Wayne Drew; a stepson, Kurt Smith; and a brother, Tommy Drew. Survivors include his wife, Margie S. Drew of the home; two daughters, Angel D. Walker of Rockwell and Tonya Burgess of Salisbury; two stepsons, Kerry Smith and Karl Smith, both of Leesville, S.C.; two brothers, Johnny Drew of Gold Hill and Benny Drew of Salisbury; nine grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Visitation and Burial: The family will receive friends on Tuesday, March 15, from 5-8 p.m. at the Russell-Rusty Shelter at Gold Hill Park. Burial at the National Cemetery in Salisbury, will be held at a later date. Culler-McAlhany Funeral Home in North, S.C. is assisting the Drew Family. Online condolences may be made at www.mcalhanyfh.com.

SALISBURY — Doris Jean Combs Hill, 66, of Salisbury, went to be with the Lord on Thursday, March 10, 2011, at Rowan Regional Medical Center. Born March 24, 1944, in Rowan County, she was the daughter of the late Lillie May Lineberry Combs and Henry Lester Combs. She attended Boyden High School and was of the Baptist faith. Preceding her in death were her son, Terry Hill, who died Sept. 30, 2002; and her sisters, Margaret Combs and Arlene Stoner. Survivors include her husband, Walter "Gene" Hill, whom she married Jan. 24, 1970; a brother, Frank Combs (June) of Illinois; a sister, Mildred Moore of Salisbury; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was a loving wife and sister and a friend to all who knew her. Visitation and Service: Visitation is 9:30-10:30 a.m. Monday, March 14 at Lyerly Funeral Home; and at other times, the family will be at her home. The service will begin at 11 a.m. in the James C. Lyerly Chapel with the Rev. Ed Bitner officiating. Memorials: National Kidney Foundation of N.C., Inc., P.O. Box 2383, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Lyerly Funeral Home is serving the Hill family. Online condolences may be made at www.lyerlyfuneralhome.com


- Army Staff Sgt. Mark C. Wells, 31, of San Jose, Calif., died March 5 in Helmand province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. --------

- Army Pfc. Kalin C. Johnson, 19, of Lexington, S.C., died March 8 in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained in a non-combat incident. --------

- Army Cpl. Loren M. Buffalo, 20, of Mountain Pine, Ark., died March 9 in Kandahar province of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device.

Kathy Eagle Patterson SALISBURY — Kathy Eagle Patterson, age 55 of Salisbury, passed away on Saturday, March 12, 2011, at her residence. Funeral arrangements are incomplete at this time, Powles Funeral Home is assisting the Patterson Family.

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COOLEEMEE — Nina Snipes Athey, age 76, of Duke Street, went home to be with her Lord on Friday, March 11, 2011, at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. Born July 23, 1934, in Erwin, to the late Cecil and Thelma Johnson Snipes. Nina was retired from Celanese and was of the Presbyterian faith. She was a big sports fan, especially of the Carolina Tarheels and also loved watching NBA basketball and Jeff Gordon race. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Robert “Bob” C. Athey, Sr.; and a brother, Keith Snipes. Survivors include four children, Robert C. “R.C” Athey & Jodi of Farmington, Janet Athey Durant & Mike of Lexington, Mildred “Cindy” Athey Gaskins of Cooleemee and Randy C. Athey & Susan of Mocksville; her pop, George P. “Phil” Johnson of Erwin; three brothers, Worth Snipes & Janice of Erwin, Allen Snipes & Diane of Cooleemee and Terry Snipes & Linda of Salisbury; one sister, Debbie Jones & Donald of Raleigh; four sisters-in-law, Nancy Snipes of Erwin, Sharon Athey of Mocksville, Rilla Athey of Cooleemee and Jean Phelps of Salisbury; 11 grandchildren; nine greatgrandchildren; and many beloved nieces & nephews. Service and Burial: A funeral service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 15, at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. David Snipes and the Rev. Cheryl Skinner officiating. Interment will follow in Rowan Memorial Park in Salisbury. Visitation: The family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. on Monday, March 14, at the funeral home. Memorials: The family requests that memorials be considered for charity of their choice. Online condolences may be made at www.eatonfuneralservice.com.


- Marine Cpl. Jordan R. Stanton, 20, of Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., died March 4 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

Doris Jean Combs Hill


Nina Snipes Athey

- Army Spc. Jason M. Weaver, 22, of Anaheim, Calif., died March 3 in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit using an improvised explosive device.


SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 11A

W O R L D / N AT I O N / O B I T U A R I E S

Obama: No letting up in fight for women’s equality

Talk of meltdown surrounds crippled reactor outside Tokyo TOKYO (AP) — Inside the troubled nuclear power plant, officials knew the risks were high when they decided to vent radioactive steam from a severely overheated reactor vessel. They knew a hydrogen explosion could occur, and it did. The decision still trumped the worst-case alternative — total nuclear meltdown. At least for the time being. The chain of events started Friday when a magnitude-8.9 earthquake and tsunami severed electricity to the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex 170 miles northeast of Tokyo, crippling its cooling system. Then, backup power did not kick in properly at one of its units. From there, conditions steadily worsened, although government and nuclear officials initially said things were improving. Hours after the explosion, they contended that radiation leaks were reduced and that circumstances had gotten better at the 460-megawatt Unit 1. But crisis after crisis continued to develop or be revealed. Without power, and without plant pipes and pumps that were destroyed in the explosion of the most-troubled reactor’s containment building, authorities resorted to drawing seawater in an attempt to cool off the overheated uranium fuel rods. Robert Alvarez, senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies and former senior policy adviser to the U.S. secretary of energy, said in a briefing for reporters that the seawater was a desperate measure. “It’s a Hail Mary pass,” he said. He said that the success of using seawater and boron to cool the reactor will depend on the volume and rate of their distribution. He said the dousing would need to continue nonstop for days. No one knows yet how many people died in the disaster. Police found 200 to 300 bodies on beaches near Sendai but were still assessing the devastation in the northeastern port of 1 million people. Japan’s overall death toll stood at 686, though the government said the eventual tally could far exceed 1,000.

Gadhafi pushes ahead front line as Arab League calls for no-fly zone RAS LANOUF, Libya (AP) — The world moved a step closer to a decision on imposing a no-fly zone over Libya but Moammar Gadhafi was swiftly advancing Saturday on the poorly equipped and loosely organized rebels who have seized much of the

associated press

a tsunami-drifted house sits below a bridge in sendai, Miyagi prefecture, on saturday morning after the strongest recorded earthquake ever to hit Japan caused damage along its eastern coast Friday. country. Gadhafi’s forces pushed the front line miles deeper into rebel territory and violence erupted at the front door of the opposition stronghold in eastern Libya, where an Al-Jazeera cameraman slain in an ambush became the first journalist killed in the nearly monthlong conflict. In Cairo, the Arab League asked the U.N. Security Council to impose a no-fly zone to protect the rebels, increasing pressure on the U.S. and other Western powers to take action that most have expressed deep reservations about. In surprisingly swift action and aggressive language, the 22-member Arab bloc said after an emergency meeting that the Libyan government had “lost its sovereignty.” It asked the United Nations to “shoulder its responsibility ... to impose a no-fly zone over the movement of Libyan military planes and to create safe zones in the places vulnerable to airstrikes.” Western diplomats have said Arab and African approval was necessary before the Security Council voted on imposing a no-fly zone, which would be imposed by NATO nations to protect civilians from air attack by Gadhafi’s forces.

American in Cuba gets 15 years after conviction on crimes against state HAVANA (AP) — A Cuban court on Saturday found U.S. contractor Alan Gross guilty of crimes against the state and sentenced him to 15 years in prison, a verdict that brought a swift and strongly worded condemnation from Washington. The court said prosecutors had proved that Gross, 61, was working on a “subversive” program paid for by the United States that aimed to bring

down Cuba’s revolutionary system. Prosecutors had sought a 20-year jail term. Gloria Berbena, a spokeswoman for the U.S. diplomatic mission on the island, termed the decision “appalling” and called on Cuba to release Gross immediately. “We reject and deplore this ruling,” she told The Associated Press. “It is appalling that the Cuban government seeks to criminalize what most of the world deems normal, in this case access to information and technology.” Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the White House’s National Security Council, said the ruling “adds another injustice to Alan Gross’ ordeal.”

Calif. prosecutor was working despite warrant for his arrest MERCED, Calif. (AP) — A prosecutor for a central California county has resigned after his superiors discovered he had been working despite a nearly-year-old warrant for his arrest. The Merced Sun-Star reports that a bench warrant for the arrest of Merced County Deputy District Attorney Matthew Shelton was issued last April for failing to appear in court for speeding and driving on a suspended license. Yet Shelton continued working, handling misdemeanors and felony cases, including a homicide. Police alerted his office about the warrant on March 2. The newspaper says the 43-year-old may have broken laws prosecuting cases while suspended by the State Bar in 2008. He had been with the office since 2007. District Attorney Larry Morse says Shelton never brought up the warrant or suspension.

For fishermen, ‘It’s going to be hard to recover’ CRESCENT CITY, Calif. (AP) — Fishermen who had escaped to sea before the tsunami hit this struggling coastal town landed small loads of crab on Saturday, while crews surveyed damage and a family combed the beach for any sign of a man who was swept away a day ago as he photographed the waves. “This harbor is the lifeblood of our community and the soul of our community,” said Del Norte County Sheriff Dean Wilson as he looked across what was left of the Crescent City boat basin, which last year saw landings of crab and fish worth $12.5 million. “The fishing industry is the identity and soul of this community, besides tourism. “It’s going to be hard to recover here.” A series of powerful surges generated by the devastating earthquake in Japan arrived about 7:30 a.m. Friday and pounded the harbor through the day and night. Waves funneled into the sheltered docks created furious cur-

rents that heaved up docks, broke loose boats, and sent them careening around like billiard balls. Eight are believed sunk, and one damaged. An unmanned sailboat sucked out of the harbor ran aground on the coast. Among the losses was Dustin Weber of Bend, Ore., who was swept away Friday as he and two friends watched the waves. His father, Jon Weber, and his family searched the beach Saturday about 20 miles to the south, in the community of Klamath. “He just didn’t respect the ocean and didn’t understand the tsunami,” Weber said of his son. “The (first surge) hit about 7:30. It was the second wave that hit at 9:30 that got him.” The Coast Guard has suspended the search for the 25-year-old man, whose friends had tried to save him when the surge came. Meanwhile, crews geared up for the enormous task of assessing and fixing the damage to the city’s port, where a sheen of oil floated on the wa-

ter in the basin. Seagulls feasted on mussels exposed by upended docks, and sea lions barked. About 80 percent of the docks that once sheltered 140 boats were gone. Divers could not go into the water and workboats could not maneuver until the tsunami surges were completely over, said Alexia Retallack, a spokeswoman for the California Department of Fish and Game. Local officials were keeping a close eye on Japan through the weekend, knowing that aftershocks could cause another tidal surge. About 350 miles south in Santa Cruz, the only other California harbor hard-hit by the waves, the commercial fishing industry was minimally affected. Most of the 850 boats that dock in Santa Cruz were pleasure boats, including 60 which are lived in full time. Cranes hauled up sunken boats — some possibly salvageable, others snapped into pieces — while crews in life jackets and rubber boots waded near the shore, yanking chunks of bro-

ken docks, floating hunks of foam and other trash from the water. Divers with scuba tanks assessed structural damage to snapped and tipping pylons, and a Coast Guard helicopter hovered above, searching for oil sheens and other contamination. Port Director Lisa Ekers said the tsunami caused at least $17.1 million in damage to the harbor, and another $4 million to private boats. Gov. Jerry Brown issued an emergency declaration for the harbor, which can expedite funding for repairs. One dock, with close to 40 boats, was ripped out during the surges. So far, they had found 18 vessels “sitting on the bottom,” creating an environmental risk from leaking fuel, Ekers said. A dock-load of high end rowing boats and kayaks also was washed away, and dozens more boats that smashed into each other or were hit by debris, would need major repairs.

Dinner on the waterfront turns tricky as Kentucky restaurant’s moorings fail COVINGTON, Ky. (AP) — Kathy Kinane and her husband walked into the upscale Waterfront restaurant wearing snorkeling gear, a joking reference to the recent rain and rising water levels outside the eatery housed on a barge. They almost needed it. The Kinanes and 81 others found themselves floating downstream on the Ohio River during the dinner rush Friday night when the restaurant broke from its moorings. All had to be rescued one by one with a makeshift gangplank of ladders and ropes after the boat came to rest against a bridge about 100 feet downriver. “We were joking about the river,” Kathy Kinane told the Associated Press on Saturday morning. “Well, the joke’s on us now.” Officials said the hours-long rescue was orderly and calm. Women were rescued first, then the men. One patron would climb down the gangplank wearing a life jacket, which would then be sent back up for the next person. Kathy Kinane said she had to take off her heels to make her way down. Among those rescued was former Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Cris Collinsworth, Covington fire Capt. Chris Kiely said. Collinsworth, a pro football commentator for NBC, has long been associated with Waterfront owner and restaurateur Jeff Ruby. On the waterfront’s menu for $40 is the “Steak

Collinsworth,” along with other steaks and high-end entrees including lobster, sea bass and tuna. The restaurant is one of several on the river in Covington, just across from Cincinnati. Kinane and her husband, Bill — frequent patrons of the Waterfront — had arrived around 7:30 p.m. and listened to music for a while before joining another couple at a table for dinner. They were finishing up around 10:15 when they felt an ominous bump. Kinane said her husband peered out the window and saw that the barge was moving with the fastpaced current. They had eaten there before with the water levels rising, but the boat had always remained in place. “That was not a good thing,” she said. “We said, ‘Let’s get up and leave.’ ” However, they found a crowd near the exit. The walkway ramp had broken loose from shore, and the patrons had no way of getting off the barge. TV footage showed diners pacing aboard the boat as firefighters put together the makeshift bridge above the water, which was swirling with broken tree limbs and other debris. Kiely said several patrons had used cell phones to call for help. The power never went out, and tugboats and emergency crews arrived quickly, Kinane said. The barge started moving when a main cable came loose, leaving the

WASHINGTON (AP) — Father of two girls, President Barack Obama says he wants to improve the status of women in the United States. Women are more likely than men to graduate from college today, yet earn less on average, face a greater chance of living in poverty and are outnumbered in critical subjects such as math and science, he said in his weekly radio and online address Saturday. “Achieving equality and opportunity for women isn’t just important to me as president. It’s something I care about deeply as the father of two daughters who wants to see his girls grow up in a world where there are no limits to what they can achieve,” he said. Obama noted that one of his first acts as president was to sign legislation allowing women who’ve been discriminated against in their salaries to have their day in court. Obama said he was disappointed when the Senate blocked action on a proposal that would treat gender discrimination involving pay in the same as race, disability and age discrimination. The Senate in November fell just short of the votes needed to overcome GOP opposition.


Howard Ray Overcash KANNAPOLIS — Howard Ray Overcash, age 83, of 911 N. Juniper Ave., Kannapolis, died at his home on Friday, March 11, 2011, after a brief illness. Mr. Overcash was born in Rowan County on July 24, 1927, the son of the late Purlee Britton Overcash and the late Gracie Keller Overcash. Mr. Overcash was a member of The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses of Kannapolis for 60 years. He loved doing God's will and enjoyed talking to people about God's promises for the future. He never met a stranger and was always ready to share a joke or riddle. He was a fixer with Cannon Mills Co. almost 50 years and after his retirement, he worked at A&P and Food Lion. He enjoyed fishing, watching baseball and racing and all the “boy things” and dearly loved spending time with his family. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his wife, Dorothy Jean Broadway Overcash. Survivors include his son, Kelly Overcash of China Grove; his daughter, Patricia O. James and husband, Claude of Yadkinville; five grandchildren, Cody Overcash, Aaron Spivey, Allison Grose, Lauren Callahan and Ashley James; nine greatgrandchildren; and three brothers, Glenn Overcash, Leon Overcash and Marvin Overcash. Service: A memorial service for Mr. Overcash will be held at, the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at 2 p.m., Saturday, March 19, conducted by Minister Willie Chambers. Online condolences can be left at www.whitleysfuneralhome.com.

Cleveland E. Campbell associated press

a woman walks down a fire ladder, used as an improvised ramp, as customers were off-loaded from Jeff ruby’s Waterfront in covington, Ky., after moorings broke loose.diners used cell phones to call for help Friday night. remaining cables to handle more pressure than they could withstand, said Covington Fire Chief Chuck Norris. The barge came to rest against a bridge that spans the river, though the U.S. Coast Guard and other workers were still working Saturday to keep the boat secure until it could be towed back to its proper place. The Coast Guard and other boats worked to keep the restaurant in place until it could be moved — and it was unclear when that would happen, said U.S. Coast Guard Lt. Rob Reinhart. The river was already at least 3 feet

above flood stage, according to the National Weather Service. Traffic flowed normally across the bridge, and trains moved on an adjacent track uninterrupted. “If the bridge wasn’t there it could have traveled down the river quite a ways,” said Rob Carlisle, co-owner of C&B Marine of Covington, which had dispatched a towboat to help secure the restaurant’s front end. Reinhart said the restaurant likely would be heavily damaged if it broke free again because the top of the barge stands higher than the bottom of the bridge.

GRANITE QUARRY — Cleveland Eugene “Gene” Campbell, age 72, of Granite Quarry, died Saturday, March 12, 2011, at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem. Mr. Campbell will remain at the Summersett Funeral Home pending completion of funeral arrangements.

Timothy Wiseman, Sr. CHINA GROVE — Timothy Paul Wiseman, Sr., of Lawing Dr., China Grove, passed away Friday March 11, 2011, at his residence. Arrangements are incomplete and will be announced at a later date by Noble and Kelsey Funeral Home, Inc.



Homeless ordered out of encampment at Virginia Beach

the chicago river is dyed green ahead of the annual st. patrick’s day parade saturday in the Windy city. st. patrick’s day is thursday.

More rivers expected to crest today in flood-weary New Jersey TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Hundreds of flood- return home and how much damage the floods weary East Coast residents were returning had caused. home Saturday, as rain-swollen rivers and oth�This is getting to be a regular occurrence, er waterways were slowly receding to normal a greatly unwelcome regular occurrence,� levels. said Mary Beth Thompson of Little Falls, who But officials say it might be a few more was temporarily staying with friends in cendays before some people — especially those tral New Jersey and checking television covin hard-hit areas of northern New Jersey — erage and the Internet for weather updates. will be able to get back home. And others may “This is my third time flooded out, and it need to be evacuated if some seems to make me more anxmajor regional waterways ious each time.� crest as expected this mornNew York state from Maning. hattan to the Canadian border “This is not a game. This is was under a flood watch as real. If you can, please seek heavy rains and melting snow higher ground now,� Paterson closed roads. And there were Mayor Jeffery Jones told resmajor concerns in New Engidents on Saturday, warning land that rising waters could them that it could take at least break up river ice, creating ice two days for the Passaic Rivjams that can cause flooding. er to completely recede. The Coast Guard said it Jones said he expects that started its springtime iceroughly 1,500 residents will breaking ritual Saturday on MARY BETH THOMPSON have to be evacuated from the Kennebec River, and will resident of Little Falls, N.J. their homes on Sunday, and continue through Tuesday to that shelters were being set up reduce the risk of property and six fire department resdamage. cue boats would be available Meanwhile, flooding along to help residents if needed. the rain-swollen Susquehanna Jones was among dozens of River in northeastern Pennsylofficials from Maryland to Maine who were vania caused some road closures Saturday monitoring rivers, creeks and streams that and sent water into some basements, but no had or were poised to overflow their banks, serious problems were reported. causing more hardships for communities Police in Pittsburgh had set up detours for where major flooding forced hundreds of peo- revelers coming into the city for Saturday ple from their homes. morning’s St. Patrick’s Day parade. The deBut by late Saturday afternoon, the only tours were to help motorists avoid flooding in major problems areas appeared to be in por- the low-lying sections of Interstate 376 along tions of New Jersey, New York and Pennsyl- the Monongahela, though the waters had startvania. And Mother Nature appeared to be giv- ed receding by early Saturday afternoon. ing the region a break: The National Weather The flooding was blamed for at least two Service said no major rains were expected deaths. there for several days, giving those areas a A 74-year-old Pennsylvania man’s car was chance to dry out after the waterways drop swept into Swatara Creek on Thursday in Pine back below flood levels. Grove, about 75 miles northwest of PhiladelBut that provided little relief for evacuat- phia. And a woman drowned in Ohio on Fried residents who remained in shelters on Sat- day after getting out of her car in a ditch in urday, unsure of when they would be able to Williams County.

“This is my third time flooded out, and it seems to make me more anxious each time.�

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Fire destroys 49 homes in Okla.; eight others gutted in Texas

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In one Harrah neighborhood near the junior high school, the damage was inconsistent, with fire destroying one house but leaving the home next door untouched. Even though his home was destroyed, Harrah resident Don Hatchett was happy that his wife and six grandchildren were OK. “You just make the best of it,� Hatchett said. “We got the grandkids out. We were lucky.�

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HARRAH, Okla. (AP) — Cass Smith’s friends dug through the rubble of his fireravaged home Saturday and were able to salvage a few valuables, including the rings he and his wife exchanged on their wedding day and another ring that belonged to his father. “You don’t realize how much nothing is until you have nothing,� said Smith, a city council member in the Oklahoma City suburb of Harrah, where 30 homes were destroyed Friday by wind-driven wildfires. Gov. Mary Fallin and U.S. Rep. James Lankford, R-Okla., toured the area on Saturday. The governor urged homeowners to contact relief organizations and take advantage of other emergency services while they wait for their insurance claims. A total of 49 homes were destroyed in Oklahoma, and eight others were gutted in separate fires in Texas. Officials said no major fires continued to burn, although there were still some hotspots and smoky areas. Thousands of acres were charred in both states, but no major injuries were reported. Texas Forest Service spokeswoman April Saginor described Saturday as a day for mop-up operations. All fires in the state were expected to be fully contained by evening. “Today is a day where we could go in and get everything cleaned up from yesterday,� she said. “We don’t expect extreme fire danger for the next few days.�

Second Chance Prom


associated press

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) — Virginia Beach officials have ordered more than 20 homeless people to vacate their encampment on property where two officewarehouse buildings are to be built. Andrew Friedman, director of the Housing and Neighborhood Preservation Department, said the property’s owners and nearby residents had raised safety concerns. The homeless people were told to clear out by today. According to the Virginian-Pilot, a preservation board report says city officials and neighborhood residents have said the people who live in the “tent city� leave trash that is being dispersed into a nearby marsh and area waterways. Mounds of garbage bags could be seen there Friday.

3rd Annual


12A • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011


Paris Goodnight, Business Page Editor, 704-797-4255 pgoodnight@salisburypost.com

SUNDAY March 13, 2011





Personal finance with Ralph and Al


One Property Source adds SpatialMatch to website

robin perry/for the sALIsBUrY Post

Chef Lo grills hibachi steak at Am’s thai-tokyo restaurant in Kannapolis.

Restaurant offers international cuisine with a flavor all its own BY ROBIN PERRY For the Salisbury Post

ANNAPOLIS — Son and Phong are back in business. For those of you who remember the Royal Thai Steakhouse in Kannapolis, that is good news. For those who don’t remember, their new eatery, Am’s Thai-Tokyo is open at 1403 N. Cannon Blvd, serving up authentic Thai and Japanese dishes that will please the Thai food lover and win over the novice who hasn’t tried it yet. Sykesone “Son” and Somphong “Phong” Chamnangam, along with family members, are back in the restaurant business and happy to be there. Originally from Laos, Son met her future husband, Phong, at a refugee camp where he was a cook. Their country was at war then and they were both teenagers. For the next eight years or so, Phong traveled to Egypt and Bangkok, working in restaurants and ho-


tels. Son came with her parents to the United States and settled in Salisbury. Phong joined them and they were married. Both have worked hard to support the family. And they have been very grateful for the opportunity to live in the United States. They enjoy giving back to the community, and Son does not know a stranger. She truly enjoys talking and working with the customer. She makes them feel welcome immediately Thai food has a flavor all its own, and many mistakenly think that it is spicy. It is not spicy, though hot and spicy sauces/herbs can be added. They use different ingredients that make the flavors distinct, such as lemongrass, coconut, ginger, kaffir lime leaves and sweet basil leaves. In the summer, Son’s mother grows many of these herbs in

See THAI, 2B

Business calendar

Saving for the future


Reviewing your goals for a smooth retirement

14 — Chamber of Commerce’s Business After hours – National sportscasters and sportswriters Association (NssA), 325 North Lee st. Call 704-633-4221 or e-mail info@rowanchamber.com to rsVP 15 — Chamber Business Council – Chamber – 9 a.m. 16 — Chamber Workforce Development Alliance – Chamber – 8 a.m. 17 — Chamber Leadership rowan ‘education’ Day – 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 18 — Chamber federal & state Affairs Committee – Chamber – 8 a.m. 21 — Chamber Board of Directors – Chamber – noon 30 — rowan Partners for education Board of Directors – Chamber – 7 a.m. 31 — Chamber Industrial Association Lunch and Plant tour – Carolina stalite, 18115 Beatty ford rd., Gold hill – noon.

Miller Davis, Sharp Capital form company for events production Miller Davis Inc. and Sharp Capital Group LLC of Salisbury have established 3Dudes Productions LLC, an events production company. 3Dudes Productions plans to produce several regional shows this year, including a new lineup for Miller Davis Productions’ Brick Street Live concert series in Salisbury, a Cinco de Mayo festival in Charlotte and a regional beer fest in late summer. “We are focusing our resources MILLER on putting together top-notch events,” said Mike Miller, president of Miller Davis. Last year, Miller Davis Productions organized six concerts in the Brick Street Live series. This year, under 3Dudes Productions, the series will be expanded to other locations in Salisbury with weekend events added. “Event production adds unique WOOD diversity to our portfolio holdings, allows us to maintain our regional focus and fills a void in the marketplace,” said Skip Wood, co-founder and managing principal of Sharp Capital.

Ketner at head of the class F

or a semester at least, I’m back at school. Emily Ford and I have been taking turns every Wednesday sitting in, then filing a Sunday business page report, on the discussions taking place in a personal finance class taught by Professor Al Carter and Food Lion cofounder Ralph Ketner. Ketner, who is a robust 90, would disagree that he’s doing much teaching. But he always has a good story to lend and advice to give the Catawba College stuMARK dents. He also has 70 WINEKA years of experience on them and, believe me, that’s worth something. Ketner recently shared with me a letter he received from Ben Baker, who teaches an annual personal finance workshop for Davidson College seniors. Davidson has offered this daylong seminar for its senior class for more than 10 years, and attendance averages about 130 kids — out of a class of approximately 430. “So it is clear that the young folks want to learn these skills,” Baker told Ketner. “I will never understand why our education system puts so little value on practical things. While other subjects are extremely important, an understanding of finance and personal responsibility has a direct impact on the quality of life of everyone.” Baker wished Ketner good luck with his course. Ketner personally remains amazed he can stand in front of any audience. There was a time, when he was attending Tri-State College in Angola, Ind., that he suffered from what he calls severe stage fright. It probably kept him from graduating. Ketner easily navigated his accounting and advanced auditing courses, but he couldn’t handle the required public speaking. He took the course five times, and dropped it every time it was his turn to make a speech. He eventually ran out of money and returned home, six months shy of a degree. The interesting thing is Ketner later did his own television commercials for Food Town (Food Lion) to save the company from paying “talent.” I think it was a woman Food Town shopper who famously told Ketner he was so bad in those commercials he had to be telling the truth about saving her money on her food bill. Ketner eventually conquered his stage fright and has always delivered an interesting talk. In his most recent class, the topic turned to going for job interviews, and Ketner remembered how nervous he had been as a young


BY JANET COWELL www.nctreasurer.com

Tax filing season is a great time to evaluate your current financial situation and review your financial goals. One of those goals should involve saving for retirement. Having adequate savings can mean the difference between living comfortably and struggling in retirement. There are a number of things you can do now to achieve your savings goals and reduce your tax liability at the same time. Participate in your employer’s 401(k) or 403(b) plan — Your contributions to a 401(k) or 403 (b) plan are made on a pre-tax basis, which reduces your taxable income. Some employers will match your contribution up to a specified level. Make the most of this free money from your employer. Contribute to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) — You can still reduce your taxable income for the 2010 tax year by contributing to a Traditional IRA by the April 18 filing deadline. Your local bank or credit union can give you additional information on opening an Individual Retirement Account.

Use your tax refund to jumpstart your savings goals — Open a savings account. Have a portion of your tax refund deposited into an interest bearing savings account with a financial institution. Make a commitment to put a small amount of your paycheck into savings each pay period. Avoid decisions that result in tax penalties — Consult with your plan’s benefit administrator or your tax advisor before making any withdrawals from retirement accounts. Resist the temptation to take early withdrawals from your 401K plan to address a financial crisis. While it may provide immediate relief, an early withdrawal carries a heavy tax penalty in most cases. Regardless of your income level, you can take action now to help you prepare for a more comfortable future. The earlier you start following a savings plan, the more likely you are to have enough assets to enjoy a financially secure retirement.

See SAVING, 2B Janet Cowell is the state treasurer. Contact her office in Raleigh at 919-508-5176.

KANNAPOLIS — One Property Source has integrated the SpatialMatch neighborhood and lifestyle search engine its website. Spatial Match is a map-based search with neighborhood and property search tool that incorporate what a homebuyer needs. “We’re very excited about One Property Source joining our list of innovative real estate companies who want to offer their customers the most advanced ‘MLS with lifestyle’ search technology on the market,” said John Perkins, CEO of Home Junctions Inc., which developed SpatialMatch. “It demonstrates One Property Source’s commitment to providing homebuyers with the best tools to find the right house with the right lifestyle amenities.” Paul Bessent, chief operating officer of One Property Source, said, “We are delighted to have SpatialMatch as one of the many tools at our customers’ disposal to help them decide which property is right for them. SpatialMatch brings unprecedented levels of information on everything from where they shop, eat out and go for entertainment, as well as determining if the neighborhood offers a good value in comparison to other recent sales.” SpatialMatch can search a neighborhood for amenities such as schools, churches, parks, restaurants, etc. For more information, contact Bessent at paul@onepropertysource.com.

Business Roundup

Allstate’s Hadi Rookie of Year for the state CONCORD — Omar Hadi has been recognized by Allstate Insurance Company as the Rookie of the Year for North Carolina. Hadi has been an Allstate agent since 2009, when he opened his agency in Concord. He opened a HADI second office in Charlotte on Oct. 1. He can be reached at 704- 455-5977 or omarhadi1@allstate.com.

Attorney among magazine’s ‘Enterprising Women of the Year’ Kannapolis native Janet Ward Black, a Greensboro attorney, has been named to the 2011 class of “Enterprising Women of the Year,” a global competition sponsored by Enterprising Women magazine, Office Depot and the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council. The award was to be presented Thursday in Boca Raton, Fla. Award recipients were nominated by their peers and reviewed by the Enterprising Women Advisory Board. Successful candidates manage fast-growth businesses, BLACK mentor or actively support other women and girls involved in entrepreneurship and stand out as leaders in their communities. Black has been involved in initiatives to nurture female entrepreneurs across the Triad. “We have so many bright, young ladies here that will be the future Enterprising Women of the Year,” she said. “I applaud their efforts.”

Southeast Pain Care partners with Stanly Regional Medical Center ALBEMARLE — Southeast Pain Care, a division of the national medical group American Anes-


2B • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011





thesiology, is partnering with Stanly Regional Medical Center to open a new location Tuesday on the hospital campus, 301 Yadkin St. Founded in Charlotte in 1997, Southeast Pain Care treats back pain, diabetic neuropathy and others using interventional pain techniques that include nerve blocks, radiofrequency and spinal cord stimulators. The Stanly County location is the organization’s 13th in the Southeast. Southeast Pain Care accepts self-referrals for patients suffering from sciatica, headaches, migraines, arthritis, fibromyalgia, shingles and others. To learn more, call 704983-0081 or visit www.sepaincare.com.

Freightliner introduces SmartPlex electrical system, sales tool for iPad Freightliner Trucks has introduced the SmartPlex electrical system for the Freightliner 114SD and Business Class M2 platforms. The SmartPlex system uses Freightliner’s proprietary control modules that connect to the J1939 data bus, controlling power to lights and other equipment. The SmartPlex flex switch and lamp module has a capacity for up to 24 switches located in the overhead compartment – which can be installed, programmed and labeled for specific body needs. Freightliner also announced a new sales tool app for iPad. Developed and provided to Freightliner Trucks dealers, the Freightliner app provides a resource for technical and operational information that encompasses the entire Freightliner Trucks product line. It hosts a catalog of product details, including truck model specs, videos, photos and more so dealers and customers can have access to detailed product information. Dealers will have instant access to the Daimler Truck Financial point-of-sale website, so sales personnel can upload and submit credit applications, present terms and payments through the loan or lease calculator, and generate contracts and other customer documents through one simple portal.

Five-part leadership seminar series offered at MSU Mooresville MOORESVILLE — Community members have the opportunity to improve their leadership skills through a free seminar series hosted by Mountain State University Mooresville. The five-part series kicks off with Dr. Jimmy Arthur Atkins speaking on “Leading Self with Character” Wednesday, March 23, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., MSU Mooresville, Catalina Bay, 517 Alcove Road, Lake Norman. The first event will focus on self-reflection that leads to an understanding of emotional intelligence and sense of purpose. The second seminar, “Leading Others and Connecting through Communication,” is scheduled for Wednesday, May 25, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. The remaining seminars — “Leading for Results with Resource Acumen,” “Leading in a Climate of Change” and “Leading across Boundaries and Building Coalitions” — will be held in coming months. Attendees are urged to register online at www.mountainstate.edu/leadership-seminar. For more information, call 704-664-3343 ext. 2011. Submit information about new businesses, honors and management promotions to bizbriefs@salisburypost.com. Include a daytime phone number.



her garden for them to use. The menu offers a wide selection of Thai food and some Japanese, “for those who might be afraid to try Thai food,” Son says with a smile. We tried samples of fried spring rolls with the house sauce, shrimp tempura, Pha Nang Beef, a curry dish, Pad Gra Pow and Pad Thai, one of their most popular dishes with stir-fried rice, noodles with eggs, onions, bean sprouts and Thai spicy sauce. All had their own flavor and texture. I liked the Pha Nang beef, and I do not like spicy foods. The combination of coconut gravy with ground roasted peanuts, bamboo strips, kaffir lime leaves, sweet basil and chili paste blended to just pop in your mouth with great taste. Unique dishes in addition to those on the menu can also be ordered, and they plan to have weekly specials such as red snapper and lobster tail. When we visited, they were preparing Thai lobster and steak for a birthday party. Customers can call ahead and order

SON AND PHONG CHAMNANGAM such delicacies for one or two, or a whole group. The prices run from Thai entrees at $5.99 each, with chicken, beef, pork or vegetable to $7.99 with shrimp or seafood. Entrees include those mentioned above and others such as sesame chicken, beef with oyster sauce and red or green curry. Pho, their noodle soups, are also delicious and the beef meat ball runs $6.99 and $8.99 for the seafood bowl. This unique soup is served in very large bowls. At lunch, they offer a soup of the day. For the Japanese food lover, tasty Hibachi steak, pork, chicken, shrimp or scallops and teriyaki chicken, pork, and steak can be ordered. Prices range from $4.99 to $6.99 and include fried rice, sweet carrots, shrimp sauce and a choice of vegetables. Chef specialties include combination plates, such as

their tax refund this year instead of spending it on a vacation or a new big screen TV. John was laid off from FROM 1B his job and had been out of ••• work for six months before he took a new job with a John and Abby, a couple $17,000 pay cut. from Charlotte, plan to save The couple learned that


based on their reduced income, they qualified for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which led to a much larger tax refund than they were expecting. The EITC is a federal and state tax credit for low-to-moderate income workers.

KETNER FROM 1B man, just out of the Army, trying to prepare himself for an interview with Cannon Mills Co. in Kannapolis. He walked around the lake outside the Cannon offices before going in, and in signing in, his hand was so unsteady he had to reassure everyone that his penmanship, if hired, would look nothing like his signature. The point was, Ketner told the students, that they would be nervous for all their important job interviews in the future. Don’t let anyone tell them differently, he added. “That’s like saying, ‘Don’t get wet,’ if you jump in the water,” Ketner groused. Not many kids are taking this per-

chicken and jumbo shrimp for $10.99 with all the sides. For dessert, we had a traditional rice custard — which tasted terrific — and was interesting to see. The rice was purple in color and cooked with coconut and an egg custard on top. The flavors again were so different, but so good. Am’s Thai Tokyo opened in November in what used to be Don’s ’50s grill. Son and Phong and family members remodeled the interior and fresh flowers are on every table, adding to the bright, cheery atmosphere. They are making this a family affair, with Son’s sister, Am, and brother, Don, helping out. In addition to their new eatery, Son still maintains her job at the Mayflower Restaurant and Phong works in Troutman for ESC. I don’t know when they take time to sleep! In the future, they are hoping to serve beer and wine and also are thinking about adding a sushi bar. They are open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Friday –Saturday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Takeout is available by calling 704933-0022; and they welcome private parties.

Ralph Ketner told Catawba students that they would be nervous — just like he was — on all their important job interviews in the future.

sonal finance course. It’s only one-hour credit, and it’s held at 9 a.m. — never a great time for this age group. The students come in with their bedheads and clothes that look like they were the closest things on the floor to them when they dashed out of their dorms or apartments.

John and Abby continue to stick by the strict budget they created during John’s layoff. They have managed to become debt-free while John contributes the maximum amount toward his Individual Retirement Account.

But they are attentive and ask good questions, once they shake off the sleep. The other day, Ketner said something I think will stick with them. He stressed the importance to him of receiving a thank-you note, even from members of his own family. In the past, he has purposely sent his grandchildren gifts — gifts much smaller than they probably expected from their millionaire grandfather — as a test to see whether he would receive a thank-you note in return. A grandchild’s next gift might increase ten-fold because he received that thank-you note, Ketner said. Before we all go dashing off thankyou notes to Ketner, let me say one thing I’ve always wanted to say: Class dismissed. Now go. Contact Mark Wineka at 704-7974263, or mwineka@salisburypost.com.


410 Mocksville Avenue, Salisbury, NC 28144


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For more information call 704.647.9913 or visit www.pmgofsalisbury.com


SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 3B


European leaders to boost region’s bailout fund BRUSSELS (AP) — After harrowing late-night negotiations, the leaders of the 17-country eurozone thrashed out a strategy on how to deal with the debt crisis that has crippled the currency union over the past year and already pushed two of its members into multibillion euro bailouts. “The fundamental path was hacked open,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel told journalists early Saturday morning. Along the way, Merkel made some serious concessions, which might cost her when she faces her electorate at home. Together with her eurozone counterparts, Merkel agreed to boost the region’s bailout fund, the European Financial Stability Facility, so it can lend the full Ä440 billion that it initially promised. Up to now, the EFSF was only able to lend about Ä250 billion because of several buffers required to get a

good credit rating — fanning fears that it would not be big enough to save a large country like Spain. The fund will also be allowed to buy the bonds of governments in financial difficulties on the open market, but only if the respective country is locked into a national bailout program based on strict conditions. That step marks an important expansion in the fund’s powers, since buying bonds can help stabilize their prices and a country’s funding costs. However, it falls short of demands made by the EU’s executive Commission as well as the European Central Bank, which wanted to see the fund take an even broader role, buying bonds to calm financial markets like the ECB has been doing for much of the past year. ECB President Jean Claude Trichet nevertheless viewed the announcement as a partial success. “It goes in the right direction,” he said. The leaders also agreed to give

“It’s difficult to ask others to help finance a plan but not concern themselves with the tax side.” NICOLAS SARKOZY French president

Greece more time to repay its bailout, extending the maturity of its loans to 7 1⁄2 years. On top of that, the country, which was the first victim of the crisis, will have to pay less interest. Eurozone leaders decided to lower the rate by 1 percentage point, which should take it down to an average of about 4.2 percent. Ireland, the crisis’ second victim, did not get the same leniency from the heads of state and government.

It will have to wait until another summit on March 24-25 for a decision on the interest rate for its bailout, currently at about 5.8 percent. The reason for the holdout was Ireland’s refusal to make concessions on its rock-bottom corporate tax rate — long a sore point for France and Germany. “Ireland was asked to make a gesture, but we didn’t get satisfaction. So the renegotiation of loans that Greece has was not done for Ireland,” French President Nicolas Sarkozy told journalists. “It’s difficult to ask others to help finance a plan but not concern themselves with the tax side,” Sarkozy said. The spat between Ireland’s newly elected prime minister and French President Sarkozy — and less so Germany’s Merkel — was one of the reasons negotiations dragged on until the early morning hours. “We were not really satisfied with what Ireland said,” said Merkel.

The timing of Saturday’s agreement came as a surprise, since policymakers had insisted the big decisions would have to wait until the next summit at the end of the month. But rising tension on financial markets, following painful downgrades of Greece and Spain’s credit ratings earlier in the week, had added more urgency to Friday’s meeting. At the same time, the eurozone’s weakest members also made concessions that made it easier for fiscally stronger countries like Germany, Finland and the Netherlands to agree to more help. Earlier in the day, Portugal — which most analysts see as the next likely candidate for a bailout — announced further tax increases and spending cuts, which were lauded not only by Germany but also the ECB and the European Commission. The entire eurozone also agreed to a so-called “pact for the euro,” which will see governments coordinate their economies more closely.

Amazon.com pulling plug on Illinois affiliates

associated press

ayano tominaga, center, of tokyo, arrived in New York on thursday to get to the apple store on Fifth avenue in time to buy an ipad 2 on Friday. she came just to buy an ipad 2 and planned on returning saturday — but that was before the massive earthquake hit.

Newest iPad selling fast SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The updated version of Apple Inc.’s iPad tablet computer went on sale Friday afternoon, and was greeted by the now-familiar lines of buyers outside Apple stores. The Cupertino company opened online sales of the iPad 2 at 4 a.m. Eastern time, well before they became available in East Coast stores at 5 p.m. They were set to go on sale nationwide at the same hour, local time. Apple fans, as usual, were eager to get their hands on the device as they waited at the company’s Apple’s Fifth Avenue store in New York. The line of customers, including some who traveled from Japan and Russia, snaked through the street-level plaza above the subterranean store while bystanders gawked at the crowd. Employees cheered from inside the store as iPad buyers entered. Alex Shumilov, a customer who traveled from Moscow to snag two iPads, emerged first, beaming while holding one tablet in each

hand. The trendy device won’t go on sale outside the U.S. for another two weeks. When the original version of the iPad debuted 11 months ago, Apple said it sold more than 300,000 in the first day. It ended up selling more than 15 million in the first nine months, including 7.3 million to holiday shoppers in the October-December quarter. The new iPad model comes with several improvements over the original version but the same price tag — $499 to $829, depending on storage space and whether they can connect to the Internet over a cellular network. Analysts believe the improvement would make it more difficult for rivals to break Apple’s hold on the emerging market for tablet computers. The iPad 2 looks much like the first iPad, only with a sleeker, lighter body and a curved back. Among changes is the inclusion of cameras for videoconferencing, one on the front and one on the back. With the original iPad, Apple proved there is a large

market for a tablet that’s less than a laptop and more than a smart phone, yet performs many of the same tasks. Competitors including Dell Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. have been trying to lure consumers with smaller tablets, without much success. In February, Motorola Mobility Inc.’s Xoom went on sale with a new version of Google Inc.’s Android software designed especially for tablets. Underscoring the importance of the iPad to the world’s most valuable technology company, Apple CEO Steve Jobs emerged from a medical leave earlier this month to unveil the new version to bloggers and Apple enthusiasts. Jobs, 56, announced in January that he would take his third leave of absence in seven years to focus on his health. During that time, he has survived a rare but curable form of pancreatic cancer and undergone a liver transplant. After its U.S. launch Friday, the iPad 2 goes on sale March 25 in 26 other markets.

DEAR BRUCE: I am looking to refinance my car. Unfortunately, my credit is poor. I have no one available to cosign, nor would I want to ask someone. My score is around 610, and I tried to have the bank refinance my car with no luck. My current rate is around 20 percent and my payments are $275. I would love to refinance and get a lower rate and away from the company it is financed with now. Do you have any suggestions for someone like me? Do you know of any certain companies that deal with subprime loans? — Beth via e-mail

DEAR BETH: You didn’t mention the reason for your credit situation, but a FICO score at 610 and a used automobile, I would say your chances are very slim to none for getting a refi. I understand you would like to get a lower rate and away from the

company that financed it, but they were a company that was either owned by or connected with the people you bought the car from. Given all the circumstances, even the subprime companies are going to want even more than 20 percent interest rate because, simply put, people in your circumstance often default, and the loans become a non-performing asset. I can’t imagine any bank being remotely interested in a deal of this kind. Your best bet is to get your payments as far ahead as you can. In other words, pay it off early. That may not be financially helpful, depending on how the interest is calculated. All the way around you are in a bad situation and I sympathize, but the best arrangement is to get out from under and then work on rebuilding your credit. DEAR BRUCE: I am turning 65 in May and I would like to know what supplemental health insurance would be the best to get. I am in good

health, just taking thyroid medication each day and Prozac. With so many plans out there, I don’t have a clue or know where to find help. Can you give me any insight? — Dee via e-mail

DEAR DEE: I sympathize with your situation. There are so many to choose from and the only people generally willing to explore this with you are those who are selling a plan. That includes the organizations that are dedicated to senior citizens such as, not limited to AARP. The only thing I can tell you is that you are going to have to educate yourself. If you are computer literate you can find enormous amounts of information. However, this is not like reading a novel. You have to read slowly, underline and compare. I know precisely what you’re dealing with since I have been there. I found it as confusing as you. Anyone selling the supplemental insurance has some degree of prejudice.


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SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Amazon.com has made good on its threat to cut ties with Illinois affiliates because of a new law requiring the online store to collect sales taxes. Amazon notified its Illinois partners Friday that it will stop doing business with them April 15. It calls the tax law “unconstitutional and counterproductive. Online retailer Overstock.com said later that it also will cut ties with Illinois-based partners beginning May 1. Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation Thursday that requires online companies to collect sales taxes on Internet purchases if they have any affiliates based in Illinois. Affiliates are businesses that refer customers to Amazon and Overstock and receive commissions.





















4B • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011

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Conditions that have a direct effect upon your material affairs might need to be stabilized in the next year. This could mean that BROADCAST CHANNELS you will have to monitor and correct any CBS Evening 60 Minutes (N) (In Stereo) Å The Amazing Race: Unfinished Undercover Boss (N) (In Stereo) CSI: Miami A club where hunters News 2 at 11 (:35) Criminal ^ WFMY Å News/Mitchell Business (N) (In Stereo) Å pursue human prey. (N) Minds Å (N) Å faulty spending habits before you can move 60 Minutes (N) (In Stereo) Å The Amazing Race: Unfinished Undercover Boss (N) (In Stereo) CSI: Miami “Hunting Ground” A WBTV 3 News (:20) The Point # WBTV 3 NCAA onto higher levels. Å Basketball Business (N) (In Stereo) Å club where hunters pursue human at 11 PM (N) After CBS Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) — Protect finanSelection Show prey. (N) Å cial dealings that you have with others by findTMZ (In Stereo) Å (:45) Fox 8 The Simpsons American Dad The Simpsons Bob’s Burgers Family Guy The Cleveland FOX 8 10:00 ( WGHP 22 (:00) FOX 8 Sports Sunday News at 6:00P “The Blue and Stan creates a (N) (In Stereo) “Bed & Breakfast” “Welcome Back Show (N) (In News (N) ing methods that have a chance of working FOX (N) the Gray” Stereo) Å clone of Steve. Å (DVS) Carter” (N) Å out to your best advantage. Be fair, but look America’s Funniest Home Videos Secret Millionaire “Marc Paskin: Desperate Housewives Gabrielle (:01) Brothers & Sisters “A Eyewitness (:35) Hot Topic ) WSOC 9 ABC World out for number one as well. (N) (In Stereo) Å News With Detroit, Mich.” Real estate investor shares her secret. (In Stereo) Å Righteous Kiss” Holly breaks down. News Tonight ABC David Muir (N) Marc Paskin. (N) Å (In Stereo) Å (N) Å Aries (March 21-April 19) — If you have to PGA Tour Golf Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å America’s Next Great Restaurant The Celebrity Apprentice “Child’s Play” The teams must write chilWXII 12 News at Attorneys on make a choice between an individual with a , WXII The contestants create restaurant dren’s books. (N) (In Stereo) Å 11 (N) Å Call good track record and a new person making NBC logos. (N) Å big promises, choose the person who has The Cleveland Fox News at (:00) TMZ (N) (In The Simpsons American Dad The Simpsons Bob’s Burgers Family Guy Fox News Got The Ernest Angley Hour “The Blue and Stan creates a (N) (In Stereo) “Bed & Breakfast” “Welcome Back Show (N) (In 10 (N) Game 2 WCCB 11 Stereo) Å proven him/herself. Rock the sure shot. (N) Å clone of Steve. Å (DVS) Stereo) Å the Gray” Carter” Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Don’t expect America’s Next Great Restaurant The Celebrity Apprentice “Child’s Play” The teams must write chilNewsChannel Whacked Out D WCNC 6 PGA Tour Golf Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å anything to fall into place as easily as it may Sports (In The contestants create restaurant dren’s books. (N) (In Stereo) Å 36 News at NBC Stereo) logos. (N) Å 11:00 (N) have done in the past. If you take something Illicit: The Dark Trade (In Stereo) Anne of Green Gables Å Anne of Green Gables Å Massive Nature Carrier (In Stereo) Å (DVS) for granted and it doesn’t happen, you could 4 (:00) Healthwise Å J WTVI be up the proverbial creek. ABC World Desperate Housewives Gabrielle (:01) Brothers & Sisters Holly Paid Program N.C. State America’s Funniest Home Videos Secret Millionaire Real estate M WXLV Gemini (May 21-June 20) — A well-intenNews investor Marc Paskin. (N) Å shares her secret. Å breaks down. (In Stereo) Å Coaches Show (N) (In Stereo) Å tioned person might pass onto you something WJZY News at (:35) Charlotte (:05) NCSU Tim McCarver Dad Family Guy (In Family Guy (In Movie: ››› “Rescue Dawn” (2006) Christian Bale, Steve Zahn, 8 American N WJZY Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Jeremy Davies. 10 (N) Now Coaches Show Show Å s/he believes to be valuable information. But (:00) The Unit Without a Trace Amnesiac. Deadliest Catch Å Triad Today NUMB3RS “Take Out” Å Meet, Browns Jack Van Impe Paid Program P WMYV when it really matters, do your own fact-find(:00) The Unit Tyler Perry’s Tyler Perry’s Tarheel Titans Seinfeld “The That ’70s Show That ’70s Show George Lopez George Lopez Seinfeld Jerry The King of ing. House “George Queens of Payne Buys a “Big Å Å “The Broom House of Payne Frogger” (In “Black Dog” “The Crunge” George relives begins dating his W WMYT 12 Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Any ambitious Vow” Å Dougie” Å Cupboard” Stereo) Å his childhood. new maid. Å Å aims you might have aren’t likely to be fulEastEnders (In EastEnders (In (:00) Great Performances “The Hitman Returns: The Amen Solution -- Thinner, Smarter, Happier With Dr. Daniel Amen Five brain pat- Rick Steves’ Stereo) Å Europe With Stereo) Å Z WUNG 5 David Foster & Friends” Grammy-winning composer terns relate to losing weight. (In Stereo) Å filled using standard measures. You’ll need David Foster. (In Stereo) Å Abandon! to be bold, assertive, expectant and tenacious CABLE CHANNELS in order to succeed. (:00) Criminal Criminal Minds The team must Criminal Minds A serial killer Criminal Minds Hotch has a hard Breakout Kings A criminal who Breakout Kings A criminal who A&E 36 Minds Å Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — If a person whose has kidnapped women. Å profile a bank robber. Å keeps his victims’ eyes. Å time returning to work. has kidnapped women. Å help you need suspects you are holding back Movie: ›››‡ “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” (1991) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Movie: ››‡ “Eraser” (1996) Å Movie: ››› “Predator” (1987) Arnold AMC 27 (5:30) Schwarzenegger. Å Furlong. Å or disguising some of the facts, s/he won’t lift I’m Alive “Living Nightmare” Fatal Attractions (In Stereo) Taking on Tyson (In Stereo) Taking on Tyson (N) (In Stereo) Taking on Tyson (In Stereo) ANIM 38 Maneaters a finger to help. You need to be right up front (5:30) ›› “Preacher’s Movie: Kid” Family Crews Family Crews The Game The Game The Game Stay Together W.Ed Gordon W.Ed Gordon BET 59 without being diffident or coy. Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC What Happens Housewives BRAVO 37 Bethenny Ever Bethenny Ever After Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Stay on top of a Paid Program Diabetes Life Wall Street The Selling Game Å Made-Millions Made-Millions Supermarkets Inc: Inside Target: Inside the Bullseye CNBC 34 vested interest that you share with another, Newsroom Murder in Mexico Piers Morgan Tonight Newsroom Murder in Mexico CNN 32 Newsroom to make sure it is handled honestly. If you Flying Wild Alaska A canine deliv- Flying Wild Alaska The crew races Flying Wild Alaska The crew races Flying Wild Alaska Pilot Yuri Flying Wild Flying Wild Alaska Jim and DISC 35 (:00) don’t, you might get far less than that to which Alaska ery to Lance Mackey. Brooks look for landing strips. to finish Era’s hanger. to finish Era’s hanger. Ivanoff trains in Bethel. Å you are entitled. Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Good Luck Wizards of Shake It Up! Good Luck Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Wizards of Wizards of It Up! DISN 54 Shake “Hook It Up” “Match It Up” “Wild It Up” Charlie (N) Waverly Place “Glitz it Up” Charlie “Wild It Up” “Match It Up” Waverly Place Waverly Place Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Even small doHolly’s World Kourt and Kim Kourt and Kim Kourt and Kim Kourt and Kim Holly’s World After Lately Chelsea Lately E! 49 (5:30) Movie: ››› “Knocked Up” mestic disagreements need to be managed College GameNight (Live) Å The Fab Five (N) SportsCenter (Live) Å with care. People are a bit touchy and could ESPN 39 (:00) SportsCenter Å allow a minor altercation get totally blown out The Fab Five (N) College GameNight (N) Å ESPN2 68 (:00) NHRA Drag Racing Tire Kingdom Gatornationals. From Gainesville, Fla. Movie: ›› “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” (2008) Piper Perabo, Jamie Movie: “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2” (2011) Voices of Odette Yustman, America’s Funniest Home Videos of proportion if you’re not careful. (5:00) Movie: FAM 29 “Aladdin” (In Stereo) Å Madison Pettis, Zachary Gordon. Premiere. Lee Curtis, Voices of Drew Barrymore. Premiere. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Someone with World Poker Tour: Season 9 M1 Fighting Championship Golden Age Final Score World Poker Tour: Season 9 FSCR 40 Action Sports World Poker Tour: Season 9 whom you’ve previously had problems could “Kung Fu Movie: ››› “Kung Fu Panda” (2008) Voices of Jack Black, Angelina Movie: ››› “Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa” (2008) Voices of Ben Lights Out “Inflight” Lights’ allebe the source of irritation once again. Don’t FX 45 (5:00) Panda” Jolie, Jackie Chan. Stiller, Chris Rock, David Schwimmer. giance threatens his family. let this person manipulate you into handling Huckabee FOX Report Huckabee Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large Å FXNWS 57 Fox News your annoyance badly. Golf Central PGA Tour Golf Puerto Rico Open, Final Round. From Rio Grande, Puerto Rico. PGA Tour Golf GOLF 66 Pipe Dream Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Guard I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HALL 76 I Love Lucy against strong inclinations to gratify your exHouse Hunters Hunters Int’l House Hunters Holmes Holmes Holmes Inspection (N) Å Income Prop. Income Prop. HGTV 46 Designed-Sell Hunters Int’l travagant whims without thought or concern Ax Men J.M. Browning returns; American Ax Men “Tipping Point” Rygaard Ax Men Lemare Lake Logging Only in America With Larry the Underwater Universe The top-five HIST 65 (:00) for the future. If you waste now, I guarantee Shelby’s new toy. Å Pickers Å turns into a war zone. faces a tough job. (N) Å Cable Guy Å deadliest animals. Å Campmeeting “Mike Murdock” David and Barbara Cerullo. you’ll want later. INSP 78 (:00) Campmeeting “Mike Murdock” David and Barbara Cerullo. “Beauty Movie: “He Loves Me” (2011) Heather Locklear, Max Martini, Gabrielle Army Wives Claudia Joy is offered Coming Home “Daddy’s Little Girl” Army Wives Claudia Joy is offered Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — An involveLIFE 31 (5:00) Rose. Å Shop” (2005) a job. (N) Å (N) Å a job. Å ment with a colleague will require some artMovie: ›› “The Greatest” (2009) Pierce Brosnan, Susan Sarandon, Movie: “The Memory Keeper’s Daughter” (2008) Dermot Mulroney, Movie: ›› “Reservation Road” (2007) LIFEM 72 (:00) ful management that should be carried out as Joaquin Phoenix, Mark Ruffalo. Å Carey Mulligan. Å Emily Watson, Gretchen Mol. Å early in the day as possible. As people tire, Caught on Camera Caught on Camera (N) MSNBC Undercover: Inside Children for Sale To Catch a Predator MSNBC 50 Caught they tend to get more defiant. Sunken Treasures of the Nile 2012: Armageddon Finding Atlantis (N) Alaska State Troopers (N) 2012: Armageddon NGEO 58 Troopers Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Stop worrying My Wife and George Lopez George Lopez The Nanny (In The Nanny (In Everybody Big Time Rush The Penguins of SpongeBob My Wife and Everybody NICK 30 Å Kids Å SquarePants Hates Chris Å Å Madagascar Kids Å Hates Chris Stereo) Å Stereo) Å about what could go wrong, and begin concenSnapped A mother’s 911 call. Snapped “Linda Henning” Snapped “Shannon Crawley” Snapped “Donna Fryman” OXYGEN 62 (:00) Snapped Snapped “Karen Grauber” trating on how to do things right. Focusing on (:40) Movie: ›››› “Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back” (1980) Mark Hamill. (In Stereo) SPIKE 44 (5:15) Movie: “Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back” (1980) the negative encourages self-doubt and saps Spotlight Under Lights In My Own Words XTERRA Championship Powerboat Superleague SPSO 60 XTERRA Adv. Thrashers 360 Braves Pre all your positive strengths. A













Movie: ›› “The Core” (2003) Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank. Premiere. In order to save mankind, scientists Movie: “Earthstorm” (2006) Stephen Baldwin. and astronauts must set off a nuclear device at the center of the Earth. (5:30) Movie: ››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005) Movie: ››› “Hitch” (2005) Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James. Å (:13) Movie: ››› “Hitch” (2005) Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin Owen Wilson. Å James. Å (5:00) Movie: ›››› “My Fair Lady” (1964) Audrey Movie: ››› “Joan of Arc” (1948) Ingrid Bergman, Jose Ferrer, Francis L. Sullivan. Movie: ››‡ “Saint Joan” (1957) Jean Seberg, Hepburn. Å Richard Widmark, Richard Todd. Sister Wives Sister Wives (In Stereo) Å Hoarding: Buried Alive (N) Sister Wives Honeymoon Sister Wives Special Å Sister Wives (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›››‡ “Jurassic Park” (1993) Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum. Å (4:00) Movie: (:25) Movie: ›››‡ “Jurassic Park” (1993) Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum. Å “Gladiator” Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Forensic Files Forensic Files EverybodyEverybodyM*A*S*H (Part 1 M*A*S*H (Part 2 EverybodyEverybodyAll in the Family Sanford & Son Sanford & Son M*A*S*H Å M*A*S*H A Raymond Raymond Raymond potential guerrilla. of 2) Å of 2) Å Raymond Å Law & Order: Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Noncompliance” Å SVU Unit “Victims” (In Stereo) Å Unit “Countdown” Å Unit “Baby Killer” Å Unit “Paranoia” Å Cold Case Heartland “Born to Run” Å Grey’s Anatomy Å House “Here Kitty” Å Eyewitness NUMB3RS (In Stereo) Å Inside Edition MLB Baseball Inside the Vault New Adv./Old New Adv./Old How I Met Your How I Met Your How I Met Your WGN News at (:40) Instant Monk A death-row inmate is murNine (N) Å Mother Mother Mother Christine (N) Å Christine Replay Å dered. Å

Movie: “Ice Twisters” (2009) Mark Moses, 64 (:00) Camille Sullivan. Å




















Big Love “Exorcism” Bill fights for Big Love “Exorcism” Bill fights for Movie: ››‡ “Robin Hood” his family. (N) Å his family. (In Stereo) Å (2010) Å Boxing Real Time With Bill Maher (In Big Love A firestorm surrounds Bill Movie: ››‡ “Date Night” (2010) Steve Carell, Tina Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV (In Movie: Stereo) Å and Margene. Å Fey. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å “Jennifer’s Robin Hood Movie: ››› “Ocean’s Eleven” (2001) George Clooney, Matt Damon, Movie: ››› “Whip It” (2009) Ellen Page, Marcia Gay Harden, Kristen Movie: ››› “Marley & Me” Andy Garcia. (In Stereo) Å Wiig. (In Stereo) Å (2008) Owen Wilson. (:00) Movie: ››‡ “Edge of Darkness” (2010) Mel Movie: ››› “Get Him to the Greek” (2010) Jonah Hill, Russell Movie: ››‡ “Code of Silence” (1985) Chuck “Tales From the Gibson. (In Stereo) Å Brand, Elisabeth Moss. (In Stereo) Å Norris, Henry Silva. Å Crypt” Shameless (iTV) The children (:00) Movie: ››› “Transsiberian” (2008) Woody Shameless (iTV) Frank needs his Californication Californication Shameless (iTV) The children question their paternity. Å question their paternity. (N) ex-wife’s signature. Å “The Trial” Harrelson. iTV. (In Stereo) “The Trial”

Movie: ››› “Catch Me if You Can” (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio, Big Love: End 15 (:00) Tom Hanks. (In Stereo) Å of Days (N)









Know where to look for romance and you’ll find it. The Astro-Graph Matchmaker instantly reveals which signs are romantically perfect for you. Mail $3 to Astro-Graph, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167. UNited FeAtUre syNdicAte

Today’s celebrity birthdays Singer-songwriter Neil Sedaka is 72. Actor William H. Macy is 61. Actress Deborah Raffin is 58. Comedian Robin Duke is 57. Actress Glenne Headly is 56. Actress Dana Delaney is 55. Bassist Adam Clayton of U2 is 51. Jazz trumpeter Terence Blanchard is 49. Drummer Matt McDonough of Mudvayne is 42. Actress Annabeth Gish is 40. Actress Tracy Wells (“Mr. Belvedere”) is 40. Rapper Common is 39. Rapper Khujo of Goodie Mob is 39. Singer Glenn Lewis is 36.

Nilla Pizzi, whose voice was too sensual for radio, dies at 91

AssociAted Press

Nilla Pizzi performs in this 1963 file photo. Nilla Pizzi, winner of the first san remo festival, and whose voice was deemed too sensual to sing on radio during the fascist regime of Benito Mussolini, died on saturday.

Rare encore: Muti conducts audience ROME (AP) — It isn’t every day that a conductor concedes an encore for an opera chorus. Even rarer is asking the audience to sing it, but maestro Riccardo Muti has just done so for the love of homeland. Muti swirled about on his podium late Saturday night to face the audience during Giuseppe Verdi’s “Nabucco” at Rome’s Teatro dell’Opera when shouts of “bis!” (encore!) rang out. The chorus had just sung “Va’ pensiero,” a rousing number many Italians say they wish were their national anthem. The Italian maestro, who

opened the performance by lamenting the government’s recent slashing of the arts budget, said he would concede the encore only if the audience sang “Va’ pensiero” in support of culture and with a patriotic spirit. Virtually every opera-goer in the packed house, including in the four tiers of private boxes, rose to their feet, and those who knew the words, sang. Saturday’s was the first of several “Nabucco” performances Muti will conduct this month, including a special evening on Thursday, March 17, which Premier Silvio Berlusconi’s government recently declared a national holiday to commemorate 150 years of Italian unity. “Nabucco,” composed in the first part of the 19th century when many in Italy where chafing under Austrian rule, is associated with inspiring Italians’ successful drive for unity in 1861. Surveys in the last decades have shown many Italians would want to adopt “Va’ pensiero” as the national anthem. Just before lifting his baton to begin conducting the orchestra, Muti reminded the audience that “Nabucco” was seen at its 1842 debut as a patriotic work aimed at Italy’s unity and identity. Bemoaning the cuts in the culture ministry’s budget as the conservative government tries to cope with a persistent economic crisis, he added: “I don’t want, today, in 2011, that ‘Nabucco” becomes a funeral hymn to culture and music.” Hands fluttering as he encouraged the chorus to give

their all during “Va’ pensiero,” Muti appeared full of energy during the three-hour long opera, capping a physical comeback only five weeks after the 69-year-old conductor fainted during rehearsal in Chicago, and suffered jaw and facial fractures. Musical director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, he underwent surgery to have a pacemaker implanted in his heart and was determined to make it back on the podium in Italy in time to celebrate his country’s 150 years of unity. After the opera, Muti briefly chatted with a few reporters backstage early Sunday. “I tell the chorus, the orchestra, the technicians to keep up their work, but their salaries don’t even let them pay their bills at the end of the month,” the conductor said. “Culture is seen like some kind of aristocratic bonus” by too many politicians, instead of being intrinsic to the nation’s identity, the maestro contended.

the show or whether additional performances will be scheduled. Sheen announced the show Thursday and Friday to his more than 2 million Twitter followers, calling it “the REAL story.” The 45-year-old actor was fired from the hit CBS show “Two and a Half Men” on Monday. He sued the show’s producers Thursday for $100 million for breach of contract. Hours later, he reached a custody agreement with his estranged wife over their twin sons. Sheen has been making headlines with his colorful, rambling interviews, in which he has claimed to be a “Vatican assassin warlock” with “tiger blood” and “Adonis DNA.” Solters is apparently replacing the actor’s longtime publicist, Stan Rosenfield, who abruptly resigned two weeks ago when Sheen began giving interviews to various news outlets and radio programs. Solters described himself Friday as “a warlock in training.”

Life: Al Hirschfeld and the Theater of Tennessee Williams,” runs through April 3 in the collection’s French Quarter gallery. “There’s no one else who documented Tennessee Williams’ career like Al Hirschfeld,” said David Leopold, cocurator for the exhibit and H i r s c h f e l d HIRSCHFELD archivist. “When he talked about great art in terms of the theater, he talked about Tennessee Williams.” The exhibit features 125 items, including 50 drawings by Hirschfeld and 75 items from the collection’s permanent Williams holdings. Among them are his mother’s diary, handwritten letters to and from the playwright’s family and friends, manuscripts and unpublished works.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Legendary caricaturist Al Hirschfeld had said his drawings reinvented the characters of Tennessee Williams’ famous plays, from “The Rose Tattoo” to “A Streetcar Named Desire.” To mark Williams’ 100th birthday this year, a new exhibit at The Historic New Orleans Collection sheds a little light on the lives of both men. The free exhibit, “Drawn to

ADJUSTMENT BUREAU (PG-13) JUSTIN BIEBER: NEVER SAY (1:20) 4:00 7:10 9:55 NEVER DIRECTOR'S FAN CUT BATTLE: LOS ANGELES (PG-13) 3D (G) 3:45 9:05 (12:30) 3:45 7:00 9:45 THE KING'S SPEECH (R) (1:10) 3:55 6:40 9:20 BEASTLY (PG-13) (12:15) 2:30 4:40 7:05 9:15 MARS NEEDS MOMS 3D (PG) BIG MOMMAS: LIKE FATHER, (11:50AM) 2:05 4:20 6:35 9:00 LIKE SON (PG-13) RANGO (PG) (1:25) 4:05 6:50 (11:35 AM 12:50) 2:15 3:25 4:45 GNOMEO AND JULIET 3D (G) 6:00 7:15 8:35 9:45 (12:00) 2:10 4:15 6:30 9:00 RED RIDING HOOD (PG-13) HALL PASS (R) (11:45AM) 2:25 4:55 7:30 10:05 (11:40AM) 2:05 4:30 6:55 9:20 TAKE ME HOME TONIGHT (R) JUST GO WITH IT (PG-13) 9:35 (1:05) 3:50 6:45 9:30 UNKNOWN (PG-13) JUSTIN BIEBER: NEVER SAY (11:30AM) 2:10 4:45 7:25 10:10 NEVER 3D (G) (1:15) 6:30 Times in ( ) do not play Mon-Thurs

Sheen brings live show to Detroit, Chicago Exhibit draws on LOS ANGELES (AP) — Tennessee Williams Charlie Sheen is taking his show on the road. A spokesman for the outspoken actor said tickets go on sale Saturday for shows in Detroit and Chicago next month called “Charlie Sheen Live: My Violent Torpedo of Truth.” Publicist Larry Solters said Sheen is promoting the show himself and has already begun rehearsals. Solters said he does not know the nature of


ROME (AP) — Nilla Pizzi, an Italian singer whose voice was deemed too sensual for radio during the fascist regime of Benito Mussolini has died. She was 91. Pizzi died on Saturday at a clinic in Milan, where she was convalescing from an earlier operation, the state television said. The Italian President Giorgio Napolitano hailed Pizzi in his condolence message as a sensitive interpreter of Italy’s tradition of melodic song. During fascist rule in the years before World War II, Pizzi was kept away from radio work because her voice was deemed too “modern, exotic and sensual,” according to Italian news agency ANSA. Pizzi triumphed at the 1951 inaugural edition of San Remo, the star-studded festival which promotes Italian song. When she was 90, she sang at San Remo to mark 60 years of the festival and delighted the audience with a still strong and lovely voice. She also won at San Remo the second year, in 1952, sweeping the festival’s top three prizes, but finished in second place in 1958, when Domenico Modugno won with “Nel blu dipinto di blu,” better known to countless people worldwide as “Volare.” Pizzi was born Adionilla Pizzi, on April 16, 1919, in Sant’Agata Bolognese, a town near Bologna in the Emilia Romagna region of north central Italy. She once described the secret of her success as singing those songs which “bring on a good mood, happiness, and maybe even some beautiful memories.”


6B • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011


B U S I N E S S / W E AT H E R

Hey, want $2.4 billion? Feds look for someone else to take allocation for high-speed trains after Florida’s governor says no


Jessica Dittmar, a student from Switzerland studying environmental biochemistry, crosses a creek contaminated with mercury at an abandoned mine in New Idria, Calif.

Mine added to list of those needing to be cleaned up along the Rogue River near the Oregon border, is also being recommended for Superfund status. “In 2010, we realized ... that our previous investigations had not sampled in areas that were likely impacted (and) that the effects were likely much farther downstream than we previously thought,” a group of EPA mine experts said in an emailed response to questions from the AP about the proposed change. “Additional research was conducted by USGS and other universities that elucidated our understanding of the fate and transport of mercury in general, and specifically from the New Idria site; and, that the local and state agency efforts were not adequate to address the impacts,” the EPA said. Once the second largest mercury mine in North America, today New Idria is an eerie ghost town tucked amid cattle ranches. The company that owned the mine when it closed sold it in the 1980s, and officials have been trying to figure out who’s re-

sponsible for it now. The hulking iron shell of the blast furnace still looms over the wreckage of abandoned buildings and small homes where mine workers lived. Bright orange water from one of the many mine tunnels spits into a pool that drains through hill-sized piles of mercury-tainted mine waste and into San Carlos Creek, which flows into the San Joaquin River. Records show that in 1997, the EPA found mercury in the creek exceeding federal standards. Despite this and other evidence, neither the EPA nor state regulators conducted cleanup operations.

March Specials!

But the only project that would achieve the high speeds associated with bullet trains in Asia and Europe would be California’s plan for trains traveling up to 220 mph between San Francisco and Los Angeles and between Sacramento and San Francisco. “States across the country have been banging down our door for the opportunity to receive additional high-speed rail dollars and to deliver all of its economic benefits to their citizens,” LaHood said in a statement. Scott’s decision was challenged by supporters of the project, but last week the state Supreme Court upheld his right to reject the money. Scott is the third Republican governor elected in November to kill rail projects approved by his predecessor. Governors in Wisconsin and Ohio also turned down funds previously agreed to by their Democratic predecessors. In Florida, the money had been accepted by Republican-turned-independent Charlie Crist, who lost a Senate race last year. President Barack Obama has sought to make a national network of high-speed trains a signature project of his administration. In his state of the union speech in January, Obama said he wants to provide 80 percent of Americans access to high-speed trains within 25 years. However, the rejections by three governors and opposition to high-speed rail by House Republicans has left the program’s future in doubt.

Volkswagen to build 2012 Passats in Chattanooga CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) — Volkswagen’s new assembly plant in Chattanooga has hired 1,500 employees and plans a midApril startup of building the 2012 Passat. The top executive at the $1 billion plant, Frank Fis-

cher, told reporters Friday that test models are already being driven in the area of the plant just off Interstate 75. Fischer said the Passats will hit showrooms in the third quarter of this year. He said the plant has hired 1,500 of the planned 2,000 em-

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5-D 5-Day ay Forecast ffor or Salisbury Salisbury Today


High 70°

Low 45°


Partly cloudy

ployees, from more than 85,000 applications. Fischer was joined at the news conference by Republican U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, who toured some areas of the plant and drove a Passat. Alexander said the car is roomy and is easy to drive.


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — An abandoned mercury mine that for decades has sent polluted, orange waste into a creek that eventually feeds into San Francisco Bay is a threat to human health and should be added to a list of the nation’s worst polluted places, federal environmental regulators say. The New Idria mercury mine in remote San Benito County was shuttered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1972 because of pollution from piles of mine waste and the site’s towering blast furnace. For decades, however, the agency refused to add it to the National Priorities List, which qualifies a site for millions of dollars in federal Superfund cleanup funding. This past week, the EPA proposed listing the site — a year and a half after the Associated Press reported that federal and state regulators had failed to clean it despite their own studies showing the mine was polluting nearby streams and making fish unsafe to eat. The Blue Ledge copper and cadmium mine,

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration has taken back the $2.4 billion allocated to Florida for high-speed trains and is inviting other states to apply for the money, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Friday. The project, which would have connected Tampa and Orlando with high-speed trains, was rejected by Florida Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican. He said he didn’t want to obligate the state to pay for what could be expensive operating costs for the line. However, the Florida Department of Transportation on Wednesday released a study showing the line connecting Tampa to Orlando would have had an operating surplus in 2015, its first year of operation. It’s still possible for Florida supporters of the project to reapply for the funds without state help if they create a regional transit authority working in conjunction with Amtrak or another established transportation authority. However, they would have to work swiftly to meet the Transportation Department’s April 4 deadline for applications, a very tight window for such a complex undertaking. “Hope is alive for thousands of good-paying jobs and a modernized transportation system,” Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., a supporter of the project, said in a statement. Several states, including New York, Virginia, Vermont, Delaware and Rhode Island, have asked LaHood for Florida’s rail funds.



National Cities




52°/ 40°

50°/ 40°

65°/ 41°

70°/ 47°

Chance of rain showers

Chance of rain showers

Partly cloudy

Mostly sunny

Today Hi Lo W 73 53 pc 55 30 pc 57 33 pc 57 33 pc 50 31 pc 38 26 pc 37 23 fl 70 50 cd 59 32 pc 43 22 pc 21 -22 s 45 30 pc

City Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Boston Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit Fairbanks Indianapolis

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 72 53 sh 50 27 pc 50 30 pc 60 33 t 38 29 pc 41 30 pc 36 25 pc 65 47 pc 68 36 pc 39 21 pc 22 -22 s 49 32 pc

City Kansas City Las Vegas Los Angeles Miami Minneapolis New Orleans New York Omaha Philadelphia Phoenix Salt Lake City Washington, DC

Today Hi Lo W 49 32 r 77 56 pc 69 52 f 78 63 pc 32 18 pc 73 61 pc 52 33 pc 42 29 cd 54 34 pc 87 58 pc 56 41 pc 58 36 pc

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 55 38 pc 76 56 pc 73 55 pc 80 65 pc 39 34 pc 74 60 t 46 33 pc 55 38 pc 49 34 pc 88 58 pc 53 36 r 51 34 pc

Today Hi Lo W 64 39 pc 50 32 r 35 30 pc 50 39 r 82 73 t 53 41 pc 59 46 s

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 66 41 s 57 42 r 39 30 sn 59 41 pc 80 73 t 51 32 r 66 46 pc

World Cities Today Hi Lo W 51 42 pc 62 37 pc 55 48 s 53 41 pc 68 53 s 44 26 cd 42 37 pc

City Amsterdam Beijing Beirut Berlin Buenos Aires Calgary Dublin

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 57 42 pc 48 28 pc 59 51 s 55 39 pc 68 59 s 41 22 pc 44 32 r

City Jerusalem London Moscow Paris Rio Seoul Tokyo

Pollen Index

Almanac R129298

Data from Salisbury through ough 6 p.m. yest. Temperature

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.. ... Sunrise-.............................. 7:35 a.m. Sunset tonight 7:27 p.m. Moonrise today................... 12:53 p.m. Moonset today.................... 2:54 a.m.

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High.................................................... 69° Low..................................................... 28° Last year's high.................................. 69° Last year's low....................................55° .................................... 55° Normal high........................................ 63° Normal low......................................... 41° Record high........................... 86° in 1990 .............................19° Record low............................. 19° in 1969 ...............................16% Humidity at noon............................... 16%

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Ch Charleston le les est 7 72 72/52 H Hilton n He Head e 6 68/ 68/54 8///54 4 Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.


N. C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 0-50 good, 51-100 moderate, 101-150 unhealthy for sensitive grps., 151-200 unhealthy, 201-300 verryy unhealthy, 301-500 haazzardous

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Forecasts and graphics provided by Weather Underground @2011

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Charlotte e Yesterday.... 32 ........ good .......... particulates Today..... 46 ...... good

24 hours through 8 p.m. yest........... 0.00" Month to date................................... ...................................1.99" 1.99" Normal year to date......................... 9.30" ..................................... 6.80" Year to date.....................................



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Above/Below Full Pool

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WEATHER UNDERGROUND’S NATIONAL WEATHER A Pacific storm will gradually move onto the West Coast Sunday, renewing rain and high elevation snow from Washington through Northern California. The heaviest precipitation will fall along the coast, while areas as far inland as western Montana will experience more showery precipitation. This storm will also cool temperatures along the West Coast as the main cold front moves ashore. Farther to the east, a developing storm will move out of the Rockies and into the Plains. As it moves east in the afternoon and evening, it will pick up moisture from the Gulf of Mexico that will translate to increasing rain from eastern Texas through southern Illinois. This precipitation will move eastward Monday, bringing rain and some thunderstorms to the Tenneessee Valley. In the Northeast, scattered snow showers will gradually diminish as the day progresses, leading to dry conditions by the beginning of Monday. The Northeast will rise into the 30s and 40s, while the Southeast will see temperatures in the 60s and 70s. The Southern Plains will rise into the 70s and 80s, while the Northern Plains will see temperatures in the 20s and 30s. The Northwest will rise into the 30s, 40s, and 50s.

Shaun Tanner Wunderground Meteorologist

Get the Whole Picture at wunderground.com—The wunderground.com—The Best Known Secret in Weather™


Ronnie Gallagher, Sports Editor, 704-797-4287 rgallagher@salisburypost.com

SUNDAY March 13, 2011



Double Feature North boys, Salisbury girls win state championships

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

wayne hinshaw/SALISBURY POST

Malik Ford holds up the championship banner as North Rowan celebrates.

Salisbury's Isis Miller and Jessica Heilig stand and cheer as time runs out.

Swish and a salute for Cavaliers

History making Hornets C

ALEIGH — The anatomy of a comeback includes a swish and a salute. If a Hollywood director were to make a movie about North Rowan’s compelling state championship victory, one musthave shot would have been Pierre Givens’ declaration. The embodiment of the Cavaliers’ rally from 19 down to win their first state championship in 25 years came at the RYAN end of the BISESI third quarter right after Givens swished a trey. Givens turned toward the North faithful and graced his forehead with two fingers, pushed them off and said, “We got this.” Givens was only 4-of-13 from the field, but 1-for-1 on predictions. Once the Cavaliers’ horses got running, it might as well have been the final turn as Churchill Downs. The 47-42 deficit with eight minutes to play seemed miniscule. “I was feeling it real good,” said Givens, a junior. “I was just telling them



jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

North Rowan’s Pierre Givens drives on Pender’s Javon Powell. Givens hit several big shots in the fourth quarter.

Cardiac Cavs 1A champs BY MIKE LONDON mlondon@salisburypost.com

RALEIGH — Javon Harg r a v e N. Rowan 64 g r a b b e d Pender 57 S a m u e l Starks in a gleeful bear-hug that threatened to crush his lighter teammate’s rib cage, and North Rowan’s senior leaders celebrated a wild conclusion to an amazing season. A midcourt party seemed unlikely most of the tense afternoon, but North dominated the second half with defense, galloped out of a scary, 19-point hole and won going away. “Offense wins fans, but defense and rebounding win championships,” North coach Andrew Mitchell re-

minded everyone. North beat Pender 64-57 for the 1A championship on Saturday afternoon at Reynolds Coliseum, surviving an onslaught by Addison Spruill, who piled up 32 points and 17 boards. Spruill, 6-foot-4 and built like an NFL linebacker, should’ve gone straight to the NCHSAA Hall of Fame at halftime. He had 25 points at the break, matching North’s output. North (27-5) started shakily. The combination of Pender’s 6-foot-10 shotblocker Keynan Pittman and bigstage nerves led to ugly airballs, bricks off the side of the backboard and free throws that sailed so wide they nearly left the building.


HAPEL HILL — The argument, if there even was one, is over. Open the record books and give the Salisbury girls basketball team a line all to itself. The Hornets belong to history now. Never before had a 2A girls squad captured three straight state titles. Never had a DAVID rookie SHAW coach, a 15-year old phenom and a stable of seniors as reliable as Die Hards in winter swept through the postseason with such mechanical precision. Never before Saturday, anyway. “We came here for a purpose,” guard Ashia Holmes chirped at the hallowed Dean E. Smith Center, where the Hornets placed their signature on another masterpiece of a season. “We didn’t come all this way

See SHAW, 7C

wayne hinshaw/SALISBURY POST

Ashia Holmes is all smiles after receiving one of the MVP awards after the 2A championship win.

3 straight for Salisbury BY RONNIE GALLAGHER rgallagher@salisburypost.com

CHAPEL HILL — Ayanna Holmes Salisbury 76 stole the E. Bladen 44 ball near midcourt and fed Brielle Blaire for an easy layup, forcing East Bladen to call a timeout. The Salisbury crowd rose and cheered. Salisbury’s lead was 66-41 with 3:40 left and all there was left to do was celebrate the Hornets’ third straight 2A state championship. The final in the Dean E. Smith Center was 76-44 — and it wasn’t that close. From the first Salisbury basket — a Blaire layup eight seconds into the game — Salisbury completely buried a 30-2 team. It be-

comes the first 2A girls team in history to win three straight titles. “It’s just a special day for those young ladies,” said first-year coach Chris McNeil. “They wanted to leave a legacy in Rowan County. This afternoon, they accomplished that.” East Bladen was left to do nothing but praise the Hornets after losing to them for the second straight year. The Eagles have been to four of the past five state title games and have lost all four. “We just couldn’t play with them,” East Bladen coach Patty Evers said. “We just couldn’t.” That late Ayanna Holmes to Blaire layup was significant. It typified the day.


2C • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011

TV Sports Sunday, March 13 GOLF 1 p.m. TGC — PGA Tour/WGC, Cadillac Championship, final round, at Doral, Fla. 3 p.m. NBC — PGA Tour/WGC, Cadillac Championship, final round, at Doral, Fla. 7:30 p.m. TGC — PGA Tour, Puerto Rico Open, final round, at Rio Grande, Puerto Rico (same-day tape) 10:30 p.m. TGC — Champions Tour, Toshiba Classic, final round, at Newport Beach, Calif. (same-day tape) MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 4 p.m. WGN — Preseason, Chicago Cubs vs. L.A. Dodgers, at Las Vegas MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL 1 p.m. ABC — Southeastern Conference, championship game, Kentucky vs. Florida CBS — Atlantic 10 Conference, championship game, Dayton vs. Richmond ESPN — Atlantic Coast Conference, championship game, UNC vs. Duke 3:30 p.m. CBS — Big Ten Conference, championship game, Ohio State vs. Penn State 6 p.m. CBS — Men's NCAA Division I tournament Selection Show, at Indianapolis NBA BASKETBALL 3:30 p.m. ABC — Orlando at Phoenix NHL HOCKEY 12:30 p.m. NBC — Chicago at Washington

Area schedule Sunday, March 13 COLLEGE BASEBALL 1 p.m. Pfeiffer at Limestone COLLEGE SOFTBALL 9 a.m. Catawba vs. Rollins (Florence, S.C.) 11 a.m. Catawba vs. Hillsdale (Florence, S.C.)

College baseball Standings SAC SAC Overall Catawba 11-1 19-5 8-4 19-10 Wingate Tusculum 7-4 18-4 Lincoln Memorial 6-5 14-11 6-6 12-12 Newberry Carson-Newman 6-6 10-16 Anderson 5-6 11-14 4-7 10-15 Mars Hill Brevard 2-9 9-13 Lenoir-Rhyne 2-9 4-22 Saturday’s games Catawba 7, Newberry 4 Catawba 13, Newberry 2 Carson-Newman 10, Brevard 4 Carson-Newman 8, Brevard 3 Wingate 8, Lenoir-Rhyne 7 Wingate 9, Lenoir-Rhyne 8 Tusculum 5, Anderson 3 Tusculum 4, Anderson 1 Lincoln Memorial 15, Mars Hill 3 Lincoln Memorial 10, Mars Hill 3 Sunday’s games Mars Hill at Lincoln Memorial Anderson at Tusculum

ACC Atlantic ACC Overall 1-0 13-1 Florida State N.C. State 1-1 8-6 Boston College 0-1 6-6 0-1 4-8 Wake Forest Clemson 0-2 7-5 Maryland 0-2 8-6 Coastal Virginia 2-0 15-1 Georgia Tech 2-0 11-4 1-0 14-1 North Carolina 1-0 6-8 Miami Duke 1-1 12-4 Virginia Tech 0-1 10-5 Saturday’s games Duke 8, N.C. State 3 Virginia 8, Clemson 7 Georgia Tech 9, Maryland 3 UNC at Wake Forest Boston College at Florida State Virginia Tech at Miami Sunday’s games Maryland at Georgia Tech North Carolina at Wake Forest N.C. State at Duke Virginia at Clemson Boston College at Florida State Virginia Tech at Miami

Prep baseball Standings 1A Yadkin Valley YVC Overall North Moore 3-0 4-0 3-0 3-2 South Stanly North Rowan 2-1 2-1 West Montgomery 2-1 2-3 1-1 1-2 Chatham Central Albemarle 1-2 2-2 East Montgomery 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-3 South Davidson 0-4 0-4 Gray Stone Friday’s games North Rowan 10, Gray Stone 0 Chatham Central at North Moore, ppd. Albemarle at South Davidson, ppd. West Montgomery at South Stanly, ppd. Saturday’s game Red Springs at South Stanly Monday’s games Lexington at East Montgomery West Montgomery at South Stanly Tuesday’s games South Stanly at East Montgomery Gray Stone at Chatham Central North Rowan at Albemarle South Davidson at North Moore Jordan-Matthews at West Montgomery

2A Central Carolina CCC Overall West Davidson 0-0 2-2 East Davidson 0-0 2-2 Central Davidson 0-0 2-2 Salisbury 0-0 1-1 Lexington 0-0 1-1 Thomasville 0-0 0-2 Friday’s game Central Davidson 3, Ledford 0 Monday’s games Southern Guilford at East Davidson Lexington at East Montgomery East Wilkes at West Davidson Tuesday’s games East Davidson at Ledford Forbush at Salisbury

3A North Piedmont NPC Overall East Rowan 2-0 4-1 South Rowan 2-0 3-1 Carson 1-1 2-3 West Iredell 0-1 1-2 Statesville 0-1 0-1 North Iredell 0-1 0-1 West Rowan 0-1 0-5 Friday’s games East Rowan 8, Carson 1 South Rowan 17, North Iredell 1 Statesville at South Iredell West Rowan at West Iredell Saturday’s game East Rowan 5, Davie 3 Monday’s game Robinson at South Rowan Tuesday’s games Statesville at East Rowan West Rowan at Carson North Iredell at West Iredell

3A South Piedmont SPC Overall Robinson 2-0 3-2 Central Cabarrus 1-1 2-1 Hickory Ridge 1-1 3-2 Mount Pleasant 1-0 3-1 NW Cabarrus 1-0 3-1 Concord 0-1 3-1 Cox Mill 0-1 1-2 A.L. Brown 0-2 1-3 Friday’s games Robinson 8, A.L. Brown 3 Hickory Ridge 12, Central Cabarrus 11 Concord at NW Cabarrus, ppd. Mount Pleasant at Cox Mill Saturday’s game

Concord at NW Cabarrus Monday’s game Robinson at South Rowan Tuesday’s games Central Cabarrus at A.L. Brown NW Cabarrus at Mount Pleasant Cox Mill at Hickory Ridge

4A Central Piedmont Overall CPC Reagan 0-0 1-0 Davie County 0-0 3-1 0-0 3-1 West Forsyth R.J. Reynolds 0-0 2-1 North Davidson 0-0 2-1 0-0 0-5 Mount Tabor Friday’s games Alexander Central at West Forsyth East Forsyth at R.J. Reynolds Wesleyan Christian at North Davidson, ppd. Saturday’s games North Davidson 3, Kerr-Vance 2 East Rowan 5, Davie 3 Tuesday’s games R.J. Reynolds at West Forsyth Davie at Mount Tabor Reagan at North Davidson

Prep hoops Championships 1A Boys North Rowan 64, Pender 57 2A Boys East Rutherford 58, Northwood 56 3A Boys Hunter Huss 63, South Central 62 4A Boys West Charlotte 78, Raleigh Millbrook 69 1A Girls Bishop McGuinness 57, SW Onslow 43 2A Girls Salisbury 76, East Bladen 44 3A Girls South Central 61, Hickory 58 4A Girls SW Guilford 44, Raleigh Millbrook 35

College hoops Tournaments ACC Tournament (Greensboro) Thursday’s games (9) Miami 69, (8) Virginia 62 (OT) (5) BC 81, (12) Wake Forest 67 (7) Maryland 75, (10) N.C. State 67 (6) Virginia Tech 59, (11) Georgia Tech 43 Friday’s quarterfinals (1) North Carolina 61, (9) Miami 59 (4) Clemson 70, (5) Boston College 47 (2) Duke 87, (7) Maryland 71 (6) Virginia Tech 52, Florida State 51 Saturday’s semifinals (1) North Carolina 92, (4) Clemson 87 (OT) (2) Duke 77, (6) Virginia Tech 63 Sunday’s semifinals (2) Duke vs. (1) North Carolina, 1 p.m., ACC Network/ESPN SEC Tournament (Atlanta) Thursday’s games (4E) Georgia 69, (5W) Auburn 51 (3W) Mississippi 66, (6E) S. Carolina 55 (5E) Tennessee 74, (4W) Arkansas 68 (3E) Vanderbilt 62, (6W) LSU 50 Friday’s quarterfinals (1W) Alabama 65, (4E) Georgia 59 (2E) Kentucky 75, (3W) Miss. 66 (1E) Florida 85, Tennessee 74 (3E)Vanderbilt 87, (2W) Miss. State 81 Saturday’s semifinals (2E) Kentucky 72, (1W) Alabama 58 (1E) Florida 77, (3E )Vanderbilt 66 Sunday’s championship (2E) Kentucky vs. (1E) Florida, 1 p.m., ABC D-II Southeast Regional Saturday’s games (1) Augusta St. 80, (8) UNC Pembroke 66 (4) Queens 70, (5) Limestone 67 (6) Montevallo 62, (3) Ga. Southwestern 59 (7) Anderson 91, (2) Lincoln Memorial 86 Sunday’s semifinals (6) Montevallo vs. (7) Anderson (1) Augusta State vs. (4) Queens Tuesday’s championship TBD D-II Atlantic Regional Saturday’s games (1) West Liberty 117, (8) Slippery Rock 73 (4) Shaw 75, (5) Winston-Salem St. 47 (2) Indiana (Pa.) 66, (7) West Virginia Wesleyan 59 (3) Bowie State 76, (6) Mansfield 59 Sunday’s semifinals (3) Bowie State vs. (3) Indiana (Pa.) (1) West Liberty vs. (4) Shaw Tuesday’s championship TBD

Tournaments TOURNAMENT America East Conference Championship Boston U. 56, Stony Brook 54 Atlantic 10 Conference Semifinals Dayton 64, Saint Joseph s 61 Richmond 58, Temple 54 Big East Conference Championship Connecticut 69, Louisville 66 Big 12 Conference Championship Kansas 85, Texas 73 Big Ten Conference Semifinals Ohio St. 68, Michigan 61 Penn St. 61, Michigan St. 48 Big West Conference Championship Santa Barbara 64, Long Beach St. 56 Conference USA Championship Memphis 67, UTEP 66 Mid-American Conference Championship Akron 66, Kent St. 65, OT Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Championship Hampton 60, Morgan St. 55 Mountain West Conference Championship San Diego St. 72, BYU 54 Pacific-10 Conference Championship Washington 77, Arizona 75, OT Southland Conference Championship UTSA 75, McNeese St. 72 Southwestern Athletic Conference Championship Alabama St. 65, Grambling St. 48

Notable boxes UNC 92, Clemson 87 (OT) CLEMSON (21-11) Stitt 9-20 6-10 25, Smith 5-9 0-0 14, Young 5-11 0-1 14, Booker 4-8 1-2 9, Grant 2-8 00 4, Anderson 0-0 0-0 0, Baciu 1-1 1-2 3, Stanton 0-0 0-0 0, Narcisse 1-1 0-0 2, Jennings 6-8 1-1 16. Totals 33-66 9-16 87. NORTH CAROLINA (26-6) Strickland 0-2 4-6 4, Marshall 2-11 3-7 8, Henson 8-13 2-4 18, Barnes 12-17 10-11 40, Zeller 6-12 2-2 14, McDonald 2-6 0-0 5, Watts 0-0 1-2 1, Knox 0-1 2-2 2. Totals 3062 24-34 92. Halftime—Clemson 38-28. End Of Regulation—Tied 73. 3-Point Goals—Clemson 12-24 (Smith 4-7, Young 4-8, Jennings 3-5, Stitt 1-4), North Carolina 8-16 (Barnes 6-8, McDonald 1-3, Marshall 1-4, Henson 0-1). Fouled Out—Jennings. Rebounds—Clemson 35 (Grant, Jennings 7), North Carolina 39 (Henson 11). Assists—Clemson 16 (Young 5), North Carolina 17 (Marshall 9). Total Fouls—Clemson 25, North Carolina 17. A—23,381.

Duke 77, Va. Tech 63 VIRGINIA TECH (21-11) Allen 1-7 0-0 2, Bell 3-4 0-0 6, Green 7-16 2-2 17, Davila 4-9 3-8 11, Delaney 4-14 1010 19, Garland 1-2 0-0 2, Atkins 1-5 4-4 6, Debnam 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 21-57 19-24 63. DUKE (29-4) Smith 8-16 9-13 27, Ma. Plumlee 3-4 0-0 6, Singler 4-11 5-5 13, Mi. Plumlee 3-6 1-1 7, Curry 3-5 2-2 10, Thornton 0-0 0-0 0, Hairston 0-0 0-0 0, Dawkins 1-5 2-2 5, Kelly 36 3-3 9, Peters 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 25-53 2226 77. Halftime—Duke 39-28. 3-Point Goals— Virginia Tech 2-16 (Delaney 1-6, Green 16, Allen 0-1, Atkins 0-3), Duke 5-18 (Curry 2-4, Smith 2-6, Dawkins 1-5, Kelly 0-1, Singler 0-2). Fouled Out—Allen, Dawkins. Rebounds—Virginia Tech 33 (Allen 7), Duke 35 (Singler 11). Assists—Virginia Tech 3 (Davila, Delaney, Green 1), Duke 11 (Smith 6). Total Fouls—Virginia Tech 20, Duke 22. Technicals—Allen, Dawkins. A—23,381.

S. Diego State 72, BYU 54 SAN DIEGO ST. (32-2) Thomas 4-10 1-3 9, Leonard 9-16 0-0 20, White 7-12 7-7 21, Tapley 5-10 2-2 14, Gay


SCOREBOARD 0-3 0-0 0, Carlwell 1-3 1-2 3, Shelton 1-1 00 3, Rahon 1-5 0-0 2, J. Franklin 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 28-62 11-14 72. BYU (30-4) Abouo 2-5 0-0 5, Collinsworth 1-4 0-0 2, Hartsock 2-10 0-0 4, Emery 4-11 0-0 11, Fredette 10-25 8-11 30, Magnusson 0-0 0-0 0, Zylstra 0-0 0-0 0, Anderson 0-3 0-0 0, Rogers 0-1 2-2 2. Totals 19-59 10-13 54. Halftime—San Diego St. 43-31. 3-Point Goals—San Diego St. 5-15 (Leonard 2-3, Tapley 2-4, Shelton 1-1, Gay 0-2, J. Franklin 0-2, Rahon 0-3), BYU 6-24 (Emery 3-8, Fredette 2-7, Abouo 1-3, Rogers 0-1, Hartsock 0-5). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—San Diego St. 41 (White 12), BYU 36 (Collinsworth 7). Assists—San Diego St. 12 (Thomas 3), BYU 7 (Collinsworth 3). Total Fouls—San Diego St. 12, BYU 10. Technical—Thomas. A—18,500.

Kansas 85, Texas 73 TEXAS (27-7) Johnson 1-9 2-4 4, Thompson 3-4 1-1 7, Hamilton 9-21 2-2 21, Balbay 0-0 0-0 0, Joseph 5-14 2-2 14, Lucas 3-4 0-0 6, Brown 5-12 3-4 17, Wangmene 1-1 2-2 4, Hill 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 27-66 12-15 73. KANSAS (32-2) Mark. Morris 6-9 1-2 14, Marc. Morris 69 4-5 17, Taylor 7-10 4-7 20, Morningstar 5-7 2-2 13, Reed 4-12 1-1 11, Robinson 57 0-1 10, Johnson 0-0 0-0 0, Little 0-3 0-0 0, Selby 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 33-58 12-18 85. Halftime—Kansas 48-33. 3-Point Goals—Texas 7-20 (Brown 4-8, Joseph 24, Hamilton 1-8), Kansas 7-17 (Taylor 22, Reed 2-6, Morningstar 1-2, Marc. Morris 1-2, Mark. Morris 1-3, Little 0-1, Selby 0-1). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds— Texas 33 (Johnson 9), Kansas 38 (Mark. Morris, Robinson 9). Assists—Texas 12 (Hamilton, Hill, Johnson, Joseph, Lucas 2), Kansas 19 (Morningstar 6). Total Fouls—Texas 17, Kansas 19. Technical— Robinson. A—18,940.

ML Baseball Spring Training Saturday’s Games Detroit 4, Toronto (ss) 3 Philadelphia (ss) 11, Pittsburgh (ss) 4 Toronto (ss) 6, Pittsburgh (ss) 4 St. Louis 3, Minnesota 2 Tampa Bay 6, Philadelphia (ss) 2 Washington 6, N.Y. Yankees 5 Atlanta 12, N.Y. Mets 0 Baltimore 6, Houston 4 Boston 9, Florida 2 Seattle 10, Oakland 2 Cincinnati (ss) 7, Chicago Cubs (ss) 6 Texas 4, Chicago White Sox 1 Milwaukee 6, Arizona 4 San Francisco 8, L.A. Dodgers (ss) 7 Kansas City 19, L.A. Dodgers (ss) 7 Colorado 4, San Diego 3 Cleveland 2, L.A. Angels 1 Cincinnati (ss) 9, Chicago Cubs (ss) 8

NHL Standings EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Philadelphia 68 42 19 7 91 219 182 Pittsburgh 69 39 22 8 86 196 170 N.Y. Rangers 69 35 30 4 74 195 169 New Jersey 68 32 32 4 68 146 174 N.Y. Islanders 70 27 32 11 65 194 221 Northeast Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Boston 68 38 21 9 85 205 164 Montreal 69 38 24 7 83 184 172 68 33 27 8 74 197 197 Buffalo Toronto 69 30 29 10 70 182 212 Ottawa 68 25 34 9 59 153 209 Southeast Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Washington 69 39 20 10 88 185 168 Tampa Bay 69 38 22 9 85 204 209 Carolina 69 31 28 10 72 196 209 Atlanta 69 29 28 12 70 194 223 69 28 32 9 65 173 191 Florida WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA 69 41 20 8 90 227 199 Detroit Chicago 68 37 24 7 81 223 189 Nashville 69 35 24 10 80 177 161 68 32 27 9 73 188 206 Columbus St. Louis 69 31 29 9 71 193 207 Northwest Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA 69 44 16 9 97 225 162 Vancouver Calgary 70 36 25 9 81 211 199 Minnesota 69 35 27 7 77 176 184 68 26 34 8 60 191 239 Colorado Edmonton 69 23 37 9 55 171 226 Pacific Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA San Jose 68 39 22 7 85 192 174 68 37 23 8 82 191 190 Dallas Los Angeles 68 38 25 5 81 189 166 Phoenix 69 35 23 11 81 197 198 68 37 26 5 79 193 197 Anaheim NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. Saturday’s Games Montreal 3, Pittsburgh 0 Toronto 4, Buffalo 3 New Jersey 3, N.Y. Islanders 2, OT Atlanta 5, Philadelphia 4, OT Columbus 3, Carolina 2 Florida 4, Tampa Bay 3, OT Detroit 5, St. Louis 3 Nashville 4, Colorado 2 Vancouver at Calgary,late N.Y. Rangers at San Jose, late Sunday’s Games Chicago at Washington, 12:30 p.m. Edmonton at Pittsburgh, 3 p.m. Los Angeles at Dallas, 3 p.m. Ottawa at Buffalo, 5 p.m. Phoenix at Anaheim, 8 p.m.

NBA Standings EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division W L Pct GB x-Boston 46 17 .730 — 34 30 .531 121⁄2 New York Philadelphia 34 32 .515 131⁄2 New Jersey 21 43 .328 251⁄2 18 47 .277 29 Toronto Southeast Division W L Pct GB x-Miami 45 21 .682 — Orlando 41 25 .621 4 Atlanta 38 28 .576 7 CHARLOTTE 27 38 .415 171⁄2 Washington 16 48 .250 28 Central Division W L Pct GB y-Chicago 47 18 .723 — Indiana 27 38 .415 20 Milwaukee 26 38 .406 201⁄2 Detroit 23 43 .348 241⁄2 Cleveland 12 52 .188 341⁄2 WESTERN CONFERENCE Southwest Division W L Pct GB x-San Antonio 54 12 .818 — Dallas 47 18 .723 61⁄2 New Orleans 39 29 .574 16 Memphis 36 31 .537 181⁄2 Houston 33 34 .493 211⁄2 Northwest Division W L Pct GB Oklahoma City 41 23 .641 — Denver 38 27 .585 31⁄2 Portland 37 29 .561 5 Utah 34 33 .507 81⁄2 Minnesota 17 50 .254 251⁄2 Pacific Division W L Pct GB L.A. Lakers 46 20 .697 — Phoenix 33 30 .524 111⁄2 Golden State 29 36 .446 161⁄2 L.A. Clippers 26 41 .388 201⁄2 Sacramento 15 49 .234 30 x-clinched playoff spot y-clinched division Saturday’s Games Miami 118, Memphis 85 Atlanta 91, Portland 82 L.A. Clippers 122, Washington 101 Chicago 118, Utah 100 Milwaukee 102, Philadelphia 74 New Orleans 115, Sacramento 103 San Antonio 115, Houston 107 Detroit at Denver, late L.A. Lakers at Dallas, late Sunday’s Games Oklahoma City at Cleveland, 1 p.m. CHARLOTTE at Toronto, 1 p.m. Orlando at Phoenix, 3:30 p.m. Milwaukee at Boston, 6 p.m. Indiana at New York, 6 p.m. Minnesota at Golden State, 9 p.m.

Racing Trucks results Camping World Too Tough To Tame 200 Results Saturday At Darlington Raceway Lap length: 1.366 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (2) Kasey Kahne, Toyota, 147 laps, 145.3 rating, 0 points. 2. (6) Ron Hornaday Jr., Chevrolet, 147, 119.3, 42. 3. (12) Todd Bodine, Toyota, 147, 110.6, 41. 4. (4) Matt Crafton, Chevrolet, 147, 96.6, 40. 5. (7) James Buescher, Chevrolet, 147, 114.4, 40. 6. (11) Timothy Peters, Toyota, 147, 96.9, 38. 7. (8) Elliott Sadler, Chevrolet, 147, 108.4, 0. 8. (1) Cole Whitt, Chevrolet, 147, 96.6, 37. 9. (3) Johnny Sauter, Chevrolet, 147, 100.3, 35. 10. (13) David Starr, Toyota, 147, 62.1, 34. 11. (26) Clay Rogers, Chevrolet, 147, 61.3, 33. 12. (31) Shane Sieg, Chevrolet, 147, 66.9, 32. 13. (17) Justin Lofton, Toyota, 147, 68.6, 31. 14. (18) Parker Kligerman, Dodge, 147, 83.4, 30. 15. (5) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 147, 93.8, 29. 16. (19) Ryan Sieg, Chevrolet, 147, 58.1, 28. 17. (24) Travis Kvapil, Toyota, 147, 72.1, 27. 18. (16) Max Papis, Toyota, 147, 50.5, 26. 19. (27) Craig Goess, Toyota, 147, 65.2, 25. 20. (35) Jeffrey Earnhardt, Chevrolet, 147, 44.5, 24. 21. (15) Dusty Davis, Toyota, 147, 64.4, 23. 22. (29) T.J. Bell, Chevrolet, 146, 45.2, 22. 23. (33) Jamie Dick, Chevrolet, 146, 38.7, 21. 24. (28) Justin Marks, Chevrolet, 145, 56.3, 20. 25. (23) Brendan Gaughan, Toyota, 144, 68.7, 19. 26. (34) Norm Benning, Chevrolet, 143, 31, 18. 27. (14) Miguel Paludo, Toyota, 135, 28.6, 17. 28. (30) Joey Coulter, Chevrolet, 111, 37.9, 16. 29. (36) Tayler Malsam, Toyota, engine, 103, 64.4, 15. 30. (22) Ricky Carmichael, Chevrolet, accident, 96, 71, 14. 31. (32) Johanna Long, Toyota, accident, 96, 34, 13. 32. (9) Nelson Piquet Jr., Chevrolet, accident, 93, 57.3, 12. 33. (10) Jason White, Chevrolet, accident, 72, 64, 11. 34. (25) Chase Mattioli, Ford, accident, 55, 29.3, 10. 35. (20) Justin Johnson, Toyota, accident, 41, 50.6, 9. 36. (21) Brad Sweet, Chevrolet, accident, 13, 32.4, 8. Race Statistics Average Speed of Race Winner: 100.625 mph. Time of Race: 1 hour, 59 minutes, 44 seconds. Margin of Victory: 1.116 seconds. Caution Flags: 10 for 44 laps. Lead Changes: 8 among 4 drivers. Lap Leaders: C.Whitt 1-27; E.Sadler 2840; K.Kahne 41-59; C.Whitt 60-62; K.Kahne 63; J.Buescher 64-69; K.Kahne 70-92; E.Sadler 93-95; K.Kahne 96-147. Leaders Summary (Driver, Times Led, Laps Led): K.Kahne, 4 times for 95 laps; C.Whitt, 2 times for 30 laps; E.Sadler, 2 times for 16 laps; J.Buescher, 1 time for 6 laps. Top 10 in Points: 1. M.Crafton, 111; 2. C.Whitt, 105; 3. T.Peters, 104; 4. C.Rogers, 103; 5. J.Sauter, 102; 6. R.Hornaday Jr., 99; 7. T.Bodine, 92; 8. A.Dillon, 92; 9. M.Papis, 87; 10. J.Earnhardt, 86.

Golf Doral World Golf Championships Saturday At TPC Blue Monster at Doral Purse: $8.5 million Yardage: 7,334; Par: 72 69-69-65—203 Dustin Johnson Luke Donald 67-72-66—205 Matt Kuchar 68-69-68—205 67-70-68—205 Nick Watney Adam Scott 68-70-68—206 Rory McIlroy 68-69-69—206 68-68-70—206 Francesco Molinari Hunter Mahan 64-71-71—206 Padraig Harrington 68-71-68—207 67-70-70—207 Martin Laird Anders Hansen 71-69-68—208 Vijay Singh 68-72-68—208 68-71-69—208 Steve Stricker Paul Casey 70-71-69—210 Martin Kaymer 66-70-74—210 71-74-66—211 Bo Van Pelt Louis Oosthuizen 71-73-67—211 Ryo Ishikawa 65-76-70—211 D.A. Points 68-72-71—211 72-66-73—211 Aaron Baddeley Jonathan Byrd 70-74-68—212 Rickie Fowler 71-73-68—212 69-74-69—212 Jhonattan Vegas Kevin Streelman 68-72-72—212 Ernie Els 69-70-73—212 69-76-68—213 Retief Goosen Robert Allenby 72-72-69—213 Robert Karlsson 69-73-71—213 74-68-71—213 Bill Haas Ryan Palmer 73-73-68—214 Tiger Woods 70-74-70—214 71-73-70—214 Thomas Bjorn Lee Westwood 70-74-70—214 Edoardo Molinari 71-73-70—214 70-74-70—214 Ryan Moore Graeme McDowell 70-73-71—214 K.J. Choi 73-69-72—214 74-74-67—215 Rory Sabbatini Zach Johnson 72-75-68—215 Camilo Villegas 71-71-73—215 Charley Hoffman 67-75-73—215 Jim Furyk 74-71-71—216 Phil Mickelson 73-71-72—216 Kyung-tae Kim 73-70-73—216 Miguel A. Jimenez 71-72-73—216 Y.E. Yang 73-72-72—217 Ian Poulter 73-70-74—217 Thomas Aiken 68-75-74—217 Charl Schwartzel 71-71-75—217 Kevin Na 74-75-69—218 Justin Rose 77-71-70—218 Mark Wilson 72-75-71—218 Marcus Fraser 69-78-71—218 Jason Day 71-76-71—218 S.S.P. Chowrasia 74-72-72—218 Hiroyuki Fujita 71-73-74—218 Peter Hanson 73-73-73—219

Transactions BASEBALL American League BOSTON RED SOX—Optioned RHP Stolmy Pimentel and INF Oscar Tejeda to Portland (EL). Reassigned RHP Tony Pena Jr., RHP Jason Rice, RHP Clevelan Santeliz, RHP Kyle Weiland, RHP Alex Wilson, C Tim Federowicz, C Ryan Lavarnway, INF Brent Dlugach, INF Hector Luna, and OF Che-Hsuan Lin to their minor league camp. Voided the minor league contract of RHP Jason Bergmann. TEXAS RANGERS—Added RHP Brett Tomko to major league spring training camp. Optioned OF Engel Beltre, RHP Fabio Castillo, RHP Wilmer Font and LHP Zach Phillips to their minor league camp. TORONTO BLUE JAYS—Claimed LHP Cesar Cabral off waivers from the Tampa Bay Rays. National League PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES—Signed senior vice president & general manager Ruben Amaro Jr. to a four-year contract extension through the 2015 season. WASHINGTON NATIONALS—Optioned LHP Atahualpa Severino to Syracuse (IL) and OF Bryce Harper to Hagerstown (SAL). Reassigned RHP Ryan Mattheus and RHP Tim Wood to their minor league camp.

Mustangs top Davie From staff reports

East Rowan’s baseball team beat Davie 5-3 on Saturday at Rich Park in a matchup of area powerhouses. Avery Rogers, Jared Mathis, Bradley Robbins and Will Johnson pitched for the Mustangs (4-1). Mathis got the win. Johnson worked the seventh for the save. Justin Morris singled, doubled and homered for East. Andy Austin had two hits. Ashton Fleming whacked a triple. Davie led 3-1 going to the fifth, but Morris’ solo homer made it 3-2, and Nathan Fulbright’s two-run homer put the Mustangs in front. Corey Randall went 2-for-3 for Davie (3-1) and drove in two runs.

 Catawba sweeps The Catawba Indians swept Newberry in a SAC doubleheader on Saturday, winning Game 1 7-4 and taking the finale 13-2. After falling behind 4-0 in the first inning, Catawba (19-5, 11-1) tied the score in the sixth on an infield hit from Greg Lawson. The Indians took the lead for keeps in the seventh when Austin Moyer singled home the go-ahead run with one out. Keaton Hawks and Brett Underwood drove in the final runs for a 7-4 edge. After getting roughed up in the first, Catawba starter J.J. Jankowski allowed three baserunners after the opening frame and struck out 10 in eight innings. Clay Watson earned the save with a scoreless ninth. Freshman Chris Dula drove in six runs in the nightcap, going 3-for-3 and clubbing a two-run homer in the fifth. Moyer pitched five innings to earn the win as he allowed one hit and one walk while striking out seven. Hawks and Underwood had two hits in each game of the twin bill. Josh Hohn scored twice in each game. Catawba will host Pfeiffer on Wednesday.  Pfeiffer split a doubleheader with Limestone on Saturday, losing 5-2 and rebounding to win 4-2.

 All-YVC hoops North Rowan’s Javon Hargrave, Samuel Starks and Malik Ford were named to the All-YVC boys basketball team. Hargrave and Starks are seniors. Ford is a sophomore. Hargrave was runner-up for player of the year honors to Albemarle’s Terance Christian. Other All-YVC players include Albemarle’s Berwyn Bennett and Gregory Childress; East Montgomery’s Troy Wall; Gray Stone’s La cario Sellers; North Moore’s Xavier Scotten and Corbin Brock; South Davidson’s Austin Hatfield and Taylor Hatfield, and West Montgomery’s Travante Moore, Michael Robinson and Jaquil Capel Albemarle’s Al Andrew was named YVC Coach of the Year.

 Middle schools Khaila Hall scored 21 points and led the fifth-seeded West Rowan girls to a 39-28 victory over No. 4 North Rowan in the opening round of the Rowan County Middle School Conference seventh-grade basketball tournament at Knox on Friday. Hall, who also had 14 rebounds, three assists and three blocked shots, poured in 19 points over the final three quarters. West (9-6) also got 14 points from Tatciana Cowan and 14 rebounds from Peyton Greene. North (10-5) was led by Special Washington’s 17 points, 11 rebounds and four steals. Washington fouled out in the final quarter. Zykeria Tucker added five points and 14 rebounds.  The top-seeded Southeast girls (12-3) downed No. 8 China Grove 239. Taylor Martin led the winners with eight points, while Kalyn Ellenburg scored seven. Karli Snider had nine rebounds and three steals. Ashlee Wagoner grabbed seven boards. The Southeast and West girls will meet in the semifinals at 6 p.m. Wednesday. China Grove (0-15) was led by Casey Josey with six points, six rebounds and five steals.  West Rowan’s second-seeded boys (12-3) topped No. 7 China Grove 48-32 behind Kreshon Alexander’s 17 points, seven steals and four assists. Devon Morrison added 13 points, 10 rebounds, five blocks and three steals. Dearius Phillips had six points, 10 rebounds and three steals. Josh

Lindsey added nine rebounds and three steals. Noah Williams had eight rebounds. China Grove (4-11) was led by Peyton Penninger’s 10 points. Ryan Bearden had eight rebounds. Austin Corriher and Michael Morrison each had six rebounds. Morrison stole the ball three times. West’s boys will play their semifinal contest at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday against the winner of Tuesday’s game between No. 3 North Rowan and No. 6 Mooresville. First-round action continues on Monday with the No. 2 Erwin girls meeting No. 7 Corriher-Lipe at 4:30 p.m., the No. 4 Corriher-Lipe boys facing No. 5 Southeast at 6, and the No. 1 Knox boys taking on No. 8 Erwin at 7:30.

 Pro baseball Bobby Parnell (East Rowan) pitched a scoreless inning for the New York Mets against the Florida Marlins on Friday.

 Prep basketball The North Hills Christian varsity boys basketball team captured the Mid-State Athletic Conference Tournament championship with a 76-66 win against the Cabarrus Stallions. Justin Wright (25 points, 10 assists) and Moussa Doucara (10 points) represented North Hills on the all-conference team. Tony Nunn added 13 points with J’quille Tracey pitching in with 11. The North Hills girls fell to Cabarrus 50-41 in the tournament final. Lane Butner (13 points, nine rebounds) and Abby Lane (six points, three rebounds, five assists) were allconference selections.

 Catawba lacrosse Braden Artem tied a Catawba record with eight goals in a 21-15 triumph against Saint Leo in a Deep South Conference match on Saturday. Saint Leo led 12-11 before Artem scored back-to-back goals to start a 5-0 run to hand the Indians the lead permanently.

 Livingstone track Ahmad Garrison set a school record in the discus with a top throw of 153 feet, 4 inches at UNC Wilmington’s Seahawk Invitational on Saturday. Garrison placed third overall in the event, and his heave beat the previous record of 147-11 set in 2003. His throw of 47-13⁄4 in the shot put placed fourth. Bryan Aycoth (West Rowan) finished fourth in the javelin with a throw of 172-10. The Blue Bears placed sixth overall out of 11 teams.

 Livingstone softball Livingstone defeated Lincoln 6-5 but fell to Virginia State 13-2 and Chowan 13-1 at the CIAA Softball Roundup in Raleigh on Saturday. Trailing 5-2 against Lincoln, the Blue Bears (4-3, 1-2) put up four runs in the bottom of the fifth to take the lead for good. Livingstone will play Virginia Union, Elizabeth City State and Bowie State today in the Roundup.

 Centralina Crossover Centralina Crossover will continue tryouts on Sunday for boys and girls AAU basketball. Tryouts for girls in the seventh11th grade will be from 2:30-4 p.m., Boys seventh-eighth grade will be from 4-5:30 p.m., and Boys from ninth-11th grade take place at 5:30-7 p.m. Tryouts will take place at the gymnasium of Christian Outreach of the Piedmont, Inc. on 1424 Rickert Street in Statesville. For more information, contact Teon Mauney or Glenn Usry at 704-881-0472.

 North boosters The North Rowan High Booster Club will hold its monthly meeting Monday, March 14, at 7 p.m. at the high school. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you need any additional information, please call Mark Jennings at (704) 213-2491.

Gonzalez stars for Red Sox Associated Press Spring Training roundup ... FORT MYERS, Fla. — Adrian Gonzalez had a single and a sacrifice fly in his first game with the Boston Red Sox, who beat the Florida Marlins 92 on Saturday. Gonzalez, who was acquired in a trade with San Diego in December, had been held back to rehab his right shoulder. Rockies (ss) 4, Padres 3 SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Ubaldo Jimenez threw four perfect innings and Jason Giambi homered. Reds (ss) 7, Cubs (ss) 6 MESA, Ariz. — Dontrelle Willis

left the Cincinnati Reds’ win after spraining his right ankle. Tigers 4, Blue Jays (ss) 3 LAKELAND, Fla. — Brad Penny pitched five solid innings and pinchhitter Ryan Strieby had a two-out single in the eighth to lead Detroit. Nationals 6, Yankees 5 VIERA, Fla. — A.J. Burnett pitched four solid innings. Braves 12, Mets 0 KISSIMMEE, Fla. — Tim Hudson pitched four-hit ball for four innings and Atlanta roughed up R.A. Dickey. Hudson struck out four. He and five other Braves pitchers didn’t allow a walk.


SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 3C


Kahne wins Darlington truck race Associated Press

AssociAted Press

Kansas guard tyshawn taylor (10) gets past texas forward Jordan Hamilton (3) for a basket.

Kansas wins Big 12 Associated Press

The Top 25 roundup ... KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Tyshawn Taylor and Marcus Morris sparked a quick start and No. 2 Kansas raced past No. 10 Texas 85-73 on Saturday in the Big 12 title game, avenging one of the saddest losses the Jayhawks have experienced in years. Texas, which dropped to 0-6 in Big 12 championship games, whittled a 48-33 halftime deficit to 66-52 with about 8 minutes left, taking advantage while Marcus and Markieff Morris sat on the bench with three fouls. But after Taylor and J'Covan Brown swapped 3-pointers, Tyrel Reed hit an uncontested 3 and rebounded a Texas miss, leading to Markieff Morris' tip-in for a 68-55 lead. A moment later, Reed's steal led to Markieff Morris' free throw. Jordan Hamilton had 21 points for second-seeded Texas (27-7), which beat Kansas 74-63 and snapped the Jayhawks' team-record 69-game home court winning streak on a melancholy afternoon in January.

BIG EAST NEW YORK — NEW YORK — Kemba Walker capped the best five days an individual and team may have ever had in college basketball, scoring 19 points to lead No. 21 Connecticut to a 69-66 victory over No. 14 Louisville in the Big East championship Saturday night. Walker, a 6-foot-1 junior guard, took home the most obvious MVP award in any conference tournament after leading the ninth-seeded Huskies (26-9) to five wins in as many days — the last four over teams ranked in the Top 25 — and the program's seventh conference title, tying Georgetown for the most in Big East history. He finished the five games with 130 points, 46 more than the previous record. It wasn't just the points. He grabbed so many big rebounds, made so many key passes and clutch steals, all while exhibiting leadership good enough to take a team loaded with sophomores and freshmen to the championship. Preston Knowles had 18 points for the third-seeded Cardinals (25-8) and his 3-point attempt at the buzzer bounced off the rim, setting off a well-deserved celebration by the Huskies.

BIG TEN INDIANAPOLIS — Jared Sullinger had 14 points and 13 rebounds, and No. 1 Ohio State boosted its bid for the NCAA tournament's top overall seed with a 68-61 victory over rival Michigan in the Big Ten semifinals Saturday. The regular-season league champions and defending tournament champs will play in a record-tying third straight championship game Sunday against sixth-seeded Penn State. Illinois also played in three consecutive title games from 200305. Jon Diebler scored 16 points and William Buford had 14 for the Buckeyes (31-2). Penn State 61, Michigan State 48 INDIANAPOLIS — Talor Battle will have a chance to do what he considers most important — win a championship. Battle scored 17 of his 25 points in the second half to help Penn State defeat Michigan State 61-48 in the Big Ten tournament semifinals

MOUNTAIN WEST LAS VEGAS — Billy White put on an offensive display and bedeviled national scoring leader Jimmer Fredette in leading San Diego State past BYU for the Mountain West Conference title. Second-seeded San Diego State (32-2), whose only two losses were against the Cougars (30-4), finally figured out how to topple top-seeded BYU. Despite 30 points from a latecharging Fredette, the Cougars fell to 3-2 without Davies.

SEC ATLANTA — Kenny Boynton scored 24 points, Erving Walker added 17 and Florida recovered from another slow start to beat Vanderbilt in the Southeastern Conference semifinals. The Gators (26-6) matched their biggest comeback of the season, overcoming a 12-point deficit early in the second half. They will meet Kentucky in the championship game Sunday. Florida beat the Commodores (23-10) at their 3-point game. Boynton hit five shots beyond the arc, Walker made three and the Gators finished 11 of 21 overall. No. 15 Kentucky 72, Alabama 58 ATLANTA — Brandon Knight finally got rolling at the Southeastern Conference tournament and Kentucky looked like a young team peaking at just the right time with a semifinal victory over Alabama. Knight scored 10 straight points to blow it open for the Wildcats (24-8), who have won seven out of eight with their three freshman starters.

PAC TEN LOS ANGELES — Isaiah Thomas hit a fadeaway jumper at the buzzer, lifting Washington over Arizona for the Pac-10 tournament championship in the first overtime title game in league history. Thomas scored 19 of his 28 points in the first half, and freshman Terrence Ross added 16 for the third-seeded Huskies (23-10), who successfully defended their title and earned the league's automatic bid to the NCAA tournament.

ATLANTIC 10 ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — Kevin Anderson scored 22 points and Richmond beat three-time defending champion Temple in the semifinals of the Atlantic 10 Conference tournament. Justin Harper added 18 points and nine rebounds as the third-seeded Spiders (26-7) avenged a loss to the No. 24ranked Owls (25-7) in last year's title game and a 20-point loss earlier this season.

DARLINGTON, S.C. — Kasey Kahne made the right choice in giving up a week off, running up front the final 51 laps to win Camping World Truck series event at Darlington Raceway on Saturday night. The Sprint Cup star could’ve powered down like his Cancun-bound truck owner Kyle Busch as NASCAR’s top series took off. Instead, Kahne hopped into the No. 18 Toyota to win his second Darlington Trucks race in two starts. “I’ll buy (Kyle) a vacation anytime to drive this thing again,” Kahne said. He held off defending series champ and Darlington winner Todd Bodine on a restart with three laps remaining. Ron Hornaday Jr. finished second, and Bodine was third. Series points leader Matt Crafton took fourth and James Buuescher finished fifth. Kahne has three victories and a second in four career Trucks starts.

NFL LABOR WASHINGTON — Welcome to The NFL Lockout. As far back as two years ago, it became a possibility. As recently as a week ago — when owners and players agreed to extend the deadline for reaching a labor deal — Commissioner Roger Goodell made it sound avoidable. And yet here we are: The country’s most popular sport — water-cooler fodder for six months of Mondays; generator of more than $9 billion in annual revenues; responsible for the two most-watched programs in U.S. TV history, the 2010 and 2011 Super Bowls — is stuck in a holding pattern, thanks to its first work stoppage in nearly a quarter of a century. The owners imposed a lockout on

the players Saturday, essentially shutting down operations. That came hours after talks broke off and the union dissolved itself.

WICHARD DIES WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif. — Gary Wichard, the longtime NFL player agent who was suspended last year for his role in a recruiting scandal at North Carolina, died Friday. He was 60. He died at his home in Westlake Village, Calif., from diabetes and pancreatic cancer, the public relations firm Rogers & Cowan said. An agent since 1980, Wichard’s NFL clients included Dwight Freeney, Jason Taylor, Antonio Cromartie, Elvis Dumervil, Terrell Suggs and Darren Sproles.

Thrashers beat ’Canes Associated Press

Associated Press

DUKE FroM 12c coach Seth Greenberg said. “We had beaten this team. But we needed to play well, not just play hard. I thought we played really hard. Unfortunately, we didn’t play as well tonight.” Erick Green added 17 points, including a layup over Curry that pulled Virginia Tech to 41-35 with just under 18 minutes left. Singler followed with a jumper to start the 11-2 run that pushed Duke’s lead into double figures to stay. Without question, the main


VIERA, Fla. — The Washington Nationals have optioned top prospect Bryce Harper to Class A Hagerstown, saying the top overall pick in last year's draft needs to get more playing time to prepare for the season. The 18-year-old Harper, who hit .389 in 13 spring games, was disappointed but determined to make it back to the big leagues as soon as possible. Harper was a catcher for most of his high school and college career, but the Nationals drafted him as an outCOLLEGE BASKETBALL fielder, and used him exclusively as a PROVIDENCE, R.I. — An 11-2 start, right fielder in spring training. consecutive wins against ranked teams METS-BRAVES and the nation’s second highest scorer KISSIMMEE, Fla. — Tim Hudson couldn’t save Keno Davis’ job as men’s said he was getting a little bit bored of basketball coach at Providence. spring training about a week ago, even Davis, whose Friars struggled to if his arm wasn't quite ready to start compete in the Big East, was fired afthe season. ter three seasons. He sure looked ready on Saturday. • LOS ANGELES — Southern CaliHudson pitched four-hit ball over four fornia coach Kevin O’Neill was susinnings in the Atlanta Braves' 12-0 win pended for the rest of the Pac-10 tournament after getting into a verbal con- over the New York Mets on Saturday. Hudson struck out four and the frontation with an Arizona booster. Braves' six pitchers didn't allow a walk GOLF in the win. Hudson was 17-9 with a 2.83 DORAL, Fla. — Dustin Johnson hit ERA last season. his stride and found his swagger SaturAnother Brave who appears ready is day on the back nine of the Blue Monthird baseman Chipper Jones who is ster at Doral to emerge with a two-shot coming off a torn ACL that ended his lead going into the final round of the 2010 season last summer. Jones Cadillac Championship. reached base in all four plate appearJohnson hit what he called a "bunt ances and scored two runs in six indrive" some 310 yards on the 17th and nings, his longest stint yet in the field. hit wedge to 2 feet for the last of his Gonzalez said that Jones is running eight birdies. Just as importantly, he better than he has all spring.

Wade, Heat defeat Griz The NBA roundup ... MIAMI — Dwyane Wade blocked four shots in a dazzling 55-second span shortly after tipoff and the Miami Heat rolled past the Memphis Grizzlies 118-85 on Saturday for their second straight victory. It was one of Miami's top defensive displays of the season, holding the Grizzlies to 39-percent shooting and forcing Memphis into missing its final 10 shots of the first half. Hawks 91, Blazers 82 ATLANTA — Jeff Teague matched a career high with 24 points, Jamal Crawford added 20 and Atlanta snapped a four-game slide with a victory over Portland. LaMarcus Aldridge scored 22 points, and Wesley Matthews had 19 for Portland. Clippers 122, Wizards 101 WASHINGTON — Blake Griffin scored all of his 26 points in the first half for Los Angeles. In the matchup between the last two No. 1 overall picks, Griffin got the best of

played the 18th hole without drama to finish with a 7-under 65. He was at 13-under 203, although eight players are separated by three shots. That group does not include Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson, who remain out of the mix.

AssociAted Press

dwyane Wade goes up. John Wall, both on the scoreboard and in the individual battle. Wall had 25 points, eight assists and seven rebounds. Bulls 118, Jazz 100 CHICAGO — Derrick Rose and Luol Deng each scored 26 points, and the Chicago Bulls ran away with their 13th win in 15 games, all but grabbing a share of the Eastern Conference lead with an easy 118-100 victory over the Utah Jazz. Hornets 115, Kings 103 NEW ORLEANS — Chris Paul returned from a concussion and scored a season-high 33 points to go with 15 assists, seven rebounds and five steals, and the New Orleans Hornets beat the Sacramento Kings.

story line focused on Smith, the ACC player of the year. His status was in question until a few minutes before tipoff because he injured the second toe on his left foot late in Duke’s victory the night before against Maryland. X-rays showed no broken bones, and coach Mike Krzyzewski said Smith was walking “fairly well” at a short team meeting at about midnight. “Once we knew that it was more of a jammed toe, we felt that he would be OK,” Krzyzewski said. When he woke up Saturday, Smith said “it felt brand new.” After testing the toe during warmups, he took his familiar

UNC FroM 12c point play, then added his sixth 3-pointer to beat the shot clock with 1:14 left. That shot came after the Tar Heels had gotten an offensive rebound and as Williams was calling to reset the offense, prompting Williams to joke that the shot saved his team from bad coaching. “You know, Coach and I have been back and forth between play calls and my shot selection,” Barnes said. “I’ve been in the situation where I’ve missed it before and I’ve come out alive, so I figured why not try again?” Demontez Stitt scored a career-high 25 points to lead the fourth-seeded

The NHL roundup ... RALEIGH — Now that the Atlanta Thrashers are winning games on the road and against the Carolina Hurricanes, maybe they can make a run toward the playoffs. Tim Stapleton scored 1:38 into overtime to help the Thrashers to a 3-2 victory that snapped two streaks — a six-game road winless streak and a fourgame losing skid to the Hurricanes. Canadiens 3, Penguins 0 PITTSBURGH — Carey Price made 26 saves for his eighth shutout of the season and 12th overall in the Montreal Canadiens' 3-0 victory over the Pittsburgh Penguins. Maple Leafs 4, Sabres 3 TORONTO — Mikhail Grabovski and Phil Kessel scored in a 2:33 span early in the third period and rookie James Reimer made a jaw-dropping save on Tomas Vanek in the period in the Toronto Maple Leafs' 4-3 comeback victory over the Buffalo Sabres. Clarke MacArthur and Tyler Bozak also scored to help Toronto end a three-

place in the starting lineup and almost immediately went to work. He scored 16 points in the first half and finished 8 of 16 from the field in the highestscoring ACC tournament game of his career. The senior captain keyed an early run that gave the Blue Devils some breathing room, then essentially put the game away with consecutive alley-oops to Mason Plumlee in the final 8 minutes while once again resembling what Curry called “the Nolan that we all know.” Singler matched a school record by playing in his 144th consecutive game while Curry, the son of former Virginia

Tigers, who appeared in good position to reach their third final by shutting down Kendall Marshall and the UNC transition game through the first half. But Barnes single-handedly kept North Carolina in it with 16 first-half points, then kept making big shots to thrill a home-state crowd filled with plenty of light blue. Going back to the regular season, Barnes hit the go-ahead shots in the final 5 minutes of regulation or overtime in all three games against the Tigers. “We couldn’t guard him, couldn’t stop him,” Clemson coach Brad Brownell said. “He was a real difference-maker for them.” A day after they didn’t take a lead until Tyler Zeller’s layup at the final buzzer, the Tar Heels led for all of 36 seconds in

game slide and move back within four points of the final two playoff spots in the Eastern Conference. Panthers 4, Lightning 3 SUNRISE, Fla. — Jason Garrison scored with 16 seconds left in overtime to lift the Florida Panthers to a 4-3 victory against the Tampa Bay Lightning. Vincent Levavalier and Simon Gagne scored in the third period for Tampa Bay to erase a 3-1 deficit, but Garrison's sixth goal of the season gave the Panthers their fourth win in five games against the Lightning. Devils 3, Islanders 2, OT NEWARK, N.J. — Anssi Salmela scored his first goal of the season 3:09 into overtime to keep the New Jersey Devils' playoff drive another boost with a 3-2 victory over the New York Islanders on Saturday night. Salmela took a feed from Mattias Tedenby and drilled a shot past Al Montoya as the Devils improved to 22-3-2 in their last 27 games. New Jersey had trailed 2-1 in the third period before rallying. Jacob Josefson had his first NHL goal.

Tech sharpshooter Dell Curry, atoned for a five-foul, nopoint night in Duke’s 64-60 loss in Blacksburg, Va. “Any time you play bad against a certain team, you want to go out and make up for it,” Curry said. They teamed to help Duke — which hasn’t lost in the league’s postseason event since the 2008 semifinals — move one step closer to its 10th conference tournament title in 13 years and ACCrecord 19th overall. Standing in the way are the sixthranked Tar Heels, who beat them 81-67 a week ago in Chapel Hill to claim the top seed in this tournament.

regulation. They rallied to take a onepoint lead on Zeller’s basket midway through the second half only to see Tanner Smith answer with a 3-pointer to put Clemson back in front. Smith added another huge 3 with 4:37 left to push the lead to 72-66, but the Tigers didn’t manage another basket in regulation. That gave the Tar Heels their opening, with Barnes cutting the gap to 73-71 on a 3 over Milton Jennings before Zeller scored on a hook shot in the lane over Jerai Grant to tie it with 45 seconds left. Stitt missed a contested shot as the horn sounded on regulation, and Barnes soon put the Tar Heels ahead for good. Clemson fell to 1-15 against North Carolina in the ACC tournament and 0-18 alltime against the No. 1 seed.

4C • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011



jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

North Rowan’s Cavaliers celebrate in Reynolds Coliseum after winning the 1A state championship against Pender County on Saturday.


jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

Javon Hargrave goes between Pender’s Keynan Pittman, left, and Jamaal Gresham (42).

North didn’t score until T.J. Bates trickled in a free throw more than four minutes into the game and didn’t make a field goal until Starks dunked with 2:42 left in the first quarter. North trailed 188 after a quarter — and the Cavs’ eight included a 3 that Starks banked in. As bad as it was, North didn’t point fingers. Mitchell didn’t lose his composure. With three minutes left in the half, Starks made a soaring tip-in with his back to the rim. Spruill didn’t bat an eye. He answered with a three-point play, and it was 33-14. North still didn’t panic. Then, suddenly, the jitters evaporated. In the last two minutes of the half, Michael Connor, Jordan Kimber and Michael Bowman hit 3-pointers. North shot 25 percent from the field and 1-for-8 from the foul line, but it was down by just 14 at halftime. And there was a long way to go. Mitchell was ready to yell in the locker room, but his assistants jumped the players first. The words were strong. The message was clear. A focused group of Cavs came out for the second half. Spruill hit a 3-pointer to open the half. Now he had 28 points, but he would add just four more in the last 15 minutes. The Cavs had figured out he was the only Pender Patriot who could do any damage, and they swarmed all over him. Starks scored three quick buckets. Reynolds vibrated with noise. The tide turned. “We could feel we had a lot more ener-

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North’s Jordan Kimber looks to pass. gy than they did at the start of the second half,” said Starks, who scored 19 and earned MVP honors. “And their energy was dropping. They were getting tired.” North’s 6-7 soph Malik Ford, silent in the first half, got back-to-back dunks off feeds by Bowman and Pierre Givens. North was pressuring every pass, every dribble, and Pender (24-5) was wilting. Givens, honored as North’s “outstanding player” nailed a 3-pointer to end the third quarter, and North fans stood as one and roared. The deficit was five, but it was clear it was just a matter of time. “Our kids felt like the game was theirs and stopped playing as aggressive,” Pender coach Gary Battle said. “We got a little lazy. Then North came back. They gained confidence, and we lost some.” An acrobatic drive by Givens with 4:41 left cut Pender’s lead to a single point, and

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North freshman Michael Connor soars to block a shot by Pender’s Javon Powell (3).

Givens found Bates for the go-ahead bucket with 4:03 remaining. It was 53-52, and North led for the first time all day. Kimber scored on a hanging drive. Spruill answered with two free throws. North was up 55-54 and had the ball with 2:19 left. Mitchell called timeout. Kimber got caught in the air and turned it over at 2:03, but Hargrave, all 275 pounds of him, crashed to the floor to force the turnover that got the ball back. After Kimber and Givens dribbled away dozens of precious seconds, it came down to whether or not the Cavaliers could make free throws. They could. Givens swished two with a minute left. After Bowman picked off a Pender pass, Bates hit two free ones with 40 ticks to go, and North led 59-54. Pittman’s three-point play cut North’s lead to two with 31 seconds left, but Bates calmly drilled two clutch two free throws, then grabbed a manly defensive rebound in traffic and drained two more. “It was a great feeling,” Mitchell said. “Just to be able to stand there and watch the guys know those free throws down.” Twenty-five years after they won their first state title, the Cavs finally could celebrate their second. It was time for bear-hugs. NORTH ROWAN (64) — Starks 19, Givens 13, T. Bates 9, Bowman 7, Ford 6, Kimber 5, Connor 3, Hargrave 2, Chambers, A. Bates. PENDER (57) — Spruill 32, Hand 9, Powell 5, Pittman 5, Tr. Hansley 4, K. Hansley 2, J. Hansley, Ty. Hansley, Spencer, Gresham. N. Rowan 8 17 Pender 18 21

17 8

22 — 64 10 — 57

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MVP Sam Starks goes over 6-foot-10 Keynan Pittman.



SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 5C

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

It was a family affair for the Mitchell family on Saturday in Reynolds Coliseum. Sandra Mitchell hugs Sam Starks, left, while husband Andrew gives his Cavaliers a high five.


jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

A confident Pierre Givens saluted his Cavalier fans after hitting a 3-pointer against Pender.

to keep swinging it to me and I was going to knock it down.” For those who saw the first half, it was hard to believe North was in the game at all. Pender, winners of 24 straight coming into Saturday’s championship, led by as many as 19 in the second quarter and the Cavaliers faced a 39-25 deficit at halftime. The third quarter saw the Cavs outscore Pender 17-8. Pender’s leading scorer Addison Spruill scored 25 points in the first half, but only managed seven in the second. By the time the trophies were handed out, North outscored Pender 39-18 in the last two quarters. “If we were going to come back from down 19, it was going to be with a team like this,” North coach Andrew Mitchell said. “They never felt panic, never felt like they couldn’t come back.” • Divine intervention was mentioned after the game. “The biggest statement I have to make is that God is good and we all trusted and believed and had faith that we could get to this point,” Mitchell said. But certainly not during halftime when Mitchell’s assistants took the initiative. “[Assistant] coach [Tim] Bates is a minister. He didn’t say anything out of the way, but he said it

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North Rowan fans cheer during the comeback. forcefully,” said Mitchell with a laugh. Givens, clinging tightly to his championship plaque after the game, agreed the staff was paramount in ruffling some feathers. Givens pulled his team within one with a layup in the fourth quarter and handed North a 57-54 edge by swishing a pair of free throws with 1:02 left. “I loved the intensity at halftime,” Givens said. “The coaches came in and told us what to do so we could execute it when we went back out.” Javon Hargrave, who’s frame helped negate Spruill, agreed. “The speech at halftime moti-

vated us and we knew we could get back in the game,” said Hargrave. • For Mitchell, another championship for the former Catawba star was a reminder of the talent he was graced with at Salisbury as well as North. “In both situations, we’ve had great players. I don’t care how great a coach you are, try it without some great players.” “The two to my right here (referring to Hargrave and Sam Starks) are two of the best players in the state.” If he hasn’t already, Mitchell is quickly becoming one of the better coaches in the state.

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

A stoic group of North Rowan Cavaliers stand during pregame introductions.

Malik Ford goes high for a bucket.

6C • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011



wayne hinshaw/SALISBURY POST

A dapper Salisbury coach Chris McNeil is all smiles as he waits for the postgame awards ceremony. McNeil won a state championship in his first season as a high school coach.

SALISBURY FROM 1C Ayanna and twin Ashia combined for 13 steals and 15 assists. Talk about a twin killing. They were so effective, it was easy for the inside threesome of Blaire, Jessica Heilig and Olivia Rankin to shoot just about everything from close range. Those three combined for a whopping 50 points on 22 of 37 shooting. Blaire, a 6-foot-3, 15-yearold freshman, was named the game’s MVP, but it could’ve been any of the five starters. “They have four Division I players and a freshman wins MVP,” signed Evers. “They’re better than us.” Salisbury shot 56 percent from the field and outscored East Bladen 58-14 in the paint. It led 14-0 on fast-break points. And as hard as it might be to imagine, Salisbury’s defense was even better. It shackled Courtney Melvin, a 6-2 East Carolina signee averaging 24 points and 11 rebounds into a frustrating 10-point day. Amazingly, she shot only seven times, just once after halftime. She hit only three baskets and was never a factor. “They had two on me everywhere I went,” Melvin shrugged afterward. “We just didn’t go out and play hard. I wayne hinshaw/SALISBURY POST didn’t play hard as well.” Evers added her star wasn’t The game’s MVP Brielle Blaire shoots a jumper over East guarded by ordinary players. Bladen star Courtney Melvin.

“She was surrounded by long, physical, big girls,” Evers noted. McNeil’s plan worked perfectly. “We kept two bodies on her all night,” he said. “We wanted somebody else to beat us.” The turning point of the game came at the end of the first half. Petite Melissa Macon pumped in three 3s and Salisbury’s once-large lead was suddenly down to 33-26 with 1:44 left. “In a timeout in the second quarter, I told them if we could keep it under 10 we had a chance,” Evers said. Didn’t happen. Heilig hit two quick jumpers and after a steal by Ayanna Holmes, Ashia sank a runner for a 39-26 halftime advantage. “The key was keeping our heads up at all times and making steals,” Ayanna said. The start of the second half was the same as the first. Ashia made one of the team’s 18 steals on the first possession and fed Heilig, who powered over Melvin. She hit two free throws and a beautiful spin move and Salisbury led 53-32 after three. Heilig was asked when she knew she could take East Bladen’s big girl. “After I did it the first time,” Heilig said. “This was my last game. I was going out with a bang.” The Hornets certainly did that. After losing the opener to 4A Butler, they reeled off 27 straight victories and

wayne hinshaw/SALISBURY POST

Jessica Heilig grabs the ball away from a swarm of players. Heilig had nine rebounds in the game. walked out of the Smith Center as one of the greatest teams in North Carolina history. “I’m really going to miss them,” McNeil said. Miss them, yes. Forget them? Never. • NOTES: Ayanna Holmes had 11 assists. ... Salisbury got a lift from 6-2 Eboni Feamster, who scored two points,

wayne hinshaw/SALISBURY POST

Olivia Rankin is surrounded by East Bladen Eagles. Rankin finished with 14 points.

grabbed two rebounds and blocked two shots in 10 minutes. ... Salisbury did not try a 3-pointer. It didn’t have to. ... The Hornets held East Bladen to 16 of 44 shooting. SALISBURY (76) — Blaire 20, Heilig 16, Rankin 14, Ash. Holmes 10, Ay. Holmes 8, Miller 4, Feamster 2, Allison 2, Thompson, Hicks. EAST BLADEN (44) — Kemp 12, Melvin 10, Macon 9, Montgomery 7, Hatcher 6. Salisbury 21 18 E. Bladen 10 16

14 6

23 12

— —

76 44

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Ayanna Holmes grabs a rebound.


SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 7C


wayne hinshaw/SALISBURY POST

Salisbury’s inside players, from left, Olivia Rankin, Brielle Blaire and Jessica Heilig combined for 50 points in the victory over East Bladen.


wayne hinshaw/SALISBURY POST

Brielle Blaire goes in for two of her 20 points as she drives past Janet Hatcher.

just to put our hopes down. We came to win.” They did, in lopsided fashion, over an East Bladen team that never saw it coming. The Eagles had thoroughly readied themselves for this test — their fourth state final in five years — and believed they were wellequipped to dethrone Salisbury, to gavel its undisputed reign to a close. Failing to prepare, the late John Wooden told us, is the same as preparing to fail. And hardluck East coach Patty Evers had done her homework — analyzing the matchups, scrutinizing the numbers and turning herself upsidedown in a comprehensive search for rightside-up — and a way to outscore Salisbury. “Yeah, but they were just better than us,” she conceded after Salisbury’s 76-44 wipeout. “They were better than they were last year.” • Perhaps no one could. First-year coach Chris McNeil assembled a team that wouldn’t take ‘No’ for an answer, a team that that played with a casual insouciance, like the kid who already knows what he’s getting for his birthday. They routinely crushed lesser opponents, then shrugged it off like they’d just gone to the dentist for a cleaning. Rarely, if ever, did they publically sip from the fountain of pure emotion. “We’re a very mature team,” explained forward Olivia Rankin, one of Sal-

“I just love my teammates,” the 6-foot-3 forward offered in typical freshmanspeak. “I’m so blessed to be part of a team like this.” Blaire scored 10 of her points before the game was four minutes old, helping Salisbury lurch to a 12-3 lead. For all intents and purposes East was cooked after two quarters in Salisbury’s oven. By the closing minutes McNeil had next year’s model on the floor and a coast-tocoast smile on his face. Fiwayne hinshaw/SALISBURY POST nally — and once again — Salisbury’s Hornets have a SHS owned the house, the group hug. Eagles and the championship. ibury’s senior anchors. “We • love the game. We know how When a remarkable seato go about our business. son had run its course, Ashia And we’ll do anything to Holmes broke character and win.” initiated an impromptu That they did — for the dance near the Salisbury 27th consecutive time and bench. Meanwhile principal 56th in its last 57 games. Windsor Eagle led of a choFour Hornets scorers rus of “Three in a row — reached double figures. Way to Go!” to the Salisbury Ayanna Holmes did the dish- faithful. es, contributing 11 assists in Clearly, this was a team her final game. Jessica that played with grand goals Heilig was a force in the and accomplished them in paint, bumping and bruising small ways. A team that her way for 16 points and soared above the competinine rebounds. And Rankin tion while keeping its feet provided another honey of a firmly planted on the stat from the Hornets’ beeground. A team who’s reach, hive, quietly shooting 5-for-8 while extensive, never exfrom the floor and netting 14 ceeded its grasp. points. “We had a wonderful • team,” said the doe-eyed But nobody’s star shone Rankin. “One that I trusted, more luminously than fresh- loved and cared about.” man Brielle Blaire’s. With 20 It was Heilig who penned points in 21 care-free minthe final lyric when she was utes — and the game’s MVP asked what she’ll most fondplaque — her stock continly remember about the 2010ued its mercurial ascent, 11 season: “That we did seemingly rising faster than something special,” she angasoline prices. Consider swered. Something a lot of that she began the season as female basketball players a hopeful walk-on and ends won’t be able to do. Ever.” it walking on air. And that’s pretty special.

wayne hinshaw/SALISBURY POST

Salisbury's Jessica Heilig and East Bladen's Zhane Johnson fight for a loose ball.

wayne hinshaw/SALISBURY POST

Salisbury’s Ayanna Holmes drives past Jazmine Kemp for a layup.

8C • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011













Local company seeking an Accountant. Must have a bachelor's degree in Accounting and 3 years experience in the manufacturing environment. Must have extensive knowledge of QuickBooks Enterprise and strong Microsoft Office skills. Please send resume to: Blind Box 408, c/o The Salisbury Post, PO Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145. Clerical/Administrative

Downtown Salisbury church has opening for full-time church secretary. Administrative exp. in church or business office required. Hours 8:30 am-4:30 pm Mon-Thur and 8:30-12 Fri. Background & credit check conducted before hire. Fax resume w/cover letter to 704-633-2734 or email to: firstunitedcofc@bellsouth.net Drivers

25 Truck Driver Trainees Needed! Learn to drive at Future Truckers of America! Earn $700 per week! No experience needed! Job Ready in 4 weeks! Company Sponsored CDL training & WIA Funding available now


Experienced Bookkeeper

Chemical Operator


Opening for Chemical Operator at our Salisbury, NC plant. Formerly National Starch and Chemical Co. now part of AkzoNobel. This position performs process tasks in a chemical manufacturing environment. Responsible for the proper operation of process in which a chemical reaction takes place. Works with other operators assigned to their process area. Responsible for complete logs and records. Performs certain analytical tests required. Responsible for the general cleanliness of their process area. Performs simple or minor maintenance on their equipment. Uses various types of tools Participate in HSES activities. H.S diploma/GED and high attention to detail required. Experience in manufacturing environment required. Work experience at a chemical plant preferred. Excellent Benefits & Wages. EOE. Local applicants only. Please apply in person at the Employment Security Office at 1904 S. Main St., Salisbury NC 28144.

ELECTRICIANS & HELPERS Want to work for an industry leader? Find out why we lead and others follow... Growing Electrical Contractor seeks seasoned candidates for full-time opportunities in the Greater Greensboro area. Electricians must have 3-5 years demonstrated electrical background, a full set of personal tools and a strong working knowledge of electrical trade. Helpers must have one year of relevant experience. Outstanding benefits include medical, dental, profit sharing, matching 401-K, disability, paid vacation and holidays. Interested candidates send resume to:Hrsearch-hrteam@usa.net. Refer to E405 when applying to this ad. “We conduct pre-employment drug screening”. EOE M/F/D/V



Class A CDL flatbed drivers wanted. Dedicated freight. Local & long distance. Home most weekends. Call Curtis at 704-2783532 ext. 202



Drivers: CDL-A 3 yrs. exp. req. Sign-on Bonus. Great pay, excellent Benefits & Home daily Nights & Weekends a must. 704-630-1160

Yard Sales are a great way to make some extra $$$

JOBS IN LEXINGTON, WELCOME & THOMASVILLE AREAS MANUFACTURING JOBS $9.28-$10.28/hr FORKLIFT DRIVERS $9.50-$10.00/hr PACKERS/PICKERS $9.00/hr LAMINATOR $11.66/hr Call 336.243.5249 Check web for details and to apply


Salisbury Post 704-797-4220

Automotive Engineering

Electrical (Controls) Engineer

Piedmont Transportation headquartered in Salisbury is looking for local drivers. Home every night. Must have a Class A CDL, Haz-mat, minimum three years current experience and a clean MVR. Competitive pay and good benefits. Apply at 200 Montclair Dr. EOE M/F

Skilled Labor

Orica USA Inc. is seeking a Field Mechanic in Gold Hill, NC. Person will be responsible for preventive maintenance and repair of mobile mixing equipment. Minimum of 3 years experience with mechanical responsibilities, working knowledge of pumps, electrical and hydraulic components of mobile equipment. Must have a CDL Class B Drivers license, safe driving record, good communication skills, and be familiar with Microsoft Office software. Some overnight travel required. Send resume to: Orica PO Box 228 Gold Hill, NC 28071

Team Auto Group Detail Department

the-art manufacturer of components for automotive emission control systems, seeks an Electrical (Controls) Engineer (BSEE or equivalent) with 5 - 10 yrs. experience in the following areas: solid knowledge of PLCs & ladder logic; experience with Allen Bradley & Mitsubishi PLCs; working knowledge of servo controls, VFDs & all types of sensors; must have supervisory experience for overseeing technicians and project management skills. The company offers an excellent compensation and benefits package. Qualified applicants may e-mail resume, including salary requirements, in confidence to: jobs@ngkceramics.com or mail to: Human Resource Manager NGK Ceramics USA, Inc. 119 Mazeppa Rd. Mooresville, NC 28115



There is a NEW group of people EVERY day, looking for a DEAL in the classifieds.

$11.50/hr. We offer excellent benefits. Min. H.S. Graduate, valid NC DL, familiar with Rowan/surrounding areas, req'd record check & drug test. Applications taken 10am-4pm at 1903 S. Main St., Salisbury

Liberty Commons Nursing & Rehab "Where we care with Compassion" Is now seeking Experienced: Full Time Rehab Director (RD) Physical Therapist (PT) or Occupational Therapist (OT), or Speech Therapist (ST or SPL) We are also hiring Full time / Part time: RN, LPN & C.N.A's

Dental Assistant II

A global leader in the Automotive Industry is presently seeking Electronics Technicians (2nd Shift & 3rd Shift) to provide programming & troubleshooting support for our Composites Manufacturing facility located in Salisbury, North Carolina. Successful candidates must have a minimum of five (5) years of programming/troubleshooting experience with Allen Bradley PLC's, Fanuc Robots, and various other control systems. Candidates must also possess a High School Diploma (Associate's degree strongly preferred), very strong analytical skills, & strong problem solving skills.

Skills and Experience Required: Must have a minimum of 5 years experience in the following: Control Software - Core software using Fanuc Software, DVT or Cognex vision systems software, RS-View, Panelbuilder32, Allen Bradley RS Logix 500 and 5000 Software& Fluid Delivery Systems. Electrical controls engineering background desired Complete knowledge of and ability to design and use relay logic, ladder logic, pneumatic logic and hydraulic logic Complete knowledge of and ability to use RS232, RS422, DH485, Ethernet, DH+, Device Net, Control Net and remote I/O communications protocol. Understanding of and ability to use java C+, C++ and Visual Basic. Complete understanding and ability to use Excel, Word, Access, Acad 2000 or Acad 2000LT, and all related computer software for machine programming, backup and monitoring. Experience with waterjet programming, Allen Bradley Processors, Motoman and ABB robots is required. Fanuc Robots troubleshooting & programming experience is required.

MAGNA Composites offer a competitive salary and extensive benefits package: Competitive Salary Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical, Dental, & Vision 401(k) Retirement Program (Principal Financial Group) Company Funded Short Term & Long Term Disability Benefits Paid Vacation Program MAGNA Profit Sharing Program Company Funded Basic Life Insurance / AD & D Coverage A Very Outstanding Working Environment Qualified candidates should forward resumes to: MAGNA Composites Attn: Human Resources Department 6701 Statesville Blvd. Salisbury, NC 28147 Fax (704) 645 - 2158 E-mail: MEIComp.SalHR@magna.com

Minimum requirements to be considered for the position: • Previous experience • Valid NC Drivers License • High School Diploma • Be able to work a flexible schedule • Professional appearance • Be able to work well with customers Apply in person to Danny Carver. 404 Jake Alexander Blvd., Salisbury, NC

Email: Manager0115@dentalonepartners.com Fax your resume to: 216-584-1115. Attn: Amy Bogle EOE

Seeking professional, bilingual individual for dental front desk coordinator in busy multi-doctor practice. Must have 3 years DENTAL front desk experience. Please submit resume to: teeth8400@yahoo.com Restaurant

Experienced Cooks Must be available all shifts. Apply at: Hendrix BBQ on Hwy 70. No phone calls.


Hendrix Bar-B-Q now hiring experienced waitresses and cooks. Apply in person 6am-8pm, 615 N. Salisbury Ave., Spencer Restaurant

Now hiring delivery drivers! Please apply at: Italy Cafe, 944 West Innes St., Salisbury

Seasonal Employment Seasonal

P/T help needed with delivery & set up of inflatable bounce houses. Must be available on Saturdays & be able to handle heavy objects. Vehicle provided. Must be a licensed driver and able to drive manual shift. 704-202-5610

(704) 797-4220


Qualified Applicants Will Possess:



No Phone Calls Please

You will schedule appts, coordinate patient flow, and assist patients with payments, insurance and billing.

needed for growing dental practice in Rockwell. 3-3½ days/ wk. Must have dental software experience. Please email resume: rockwell@ oakridgedentalarts.com

Someone could be reading your ad right now.

Apply In Person 4412 South Main Street, Salisbury, NC 28147

Dental Front Desk Receptionist



Village of Misenheimer Part Time Clerk/ Administrator

Individuals applying for this position must know how to use Microsoft Office software and knowledge of Quick Books is a plus. Submit resume & cover to: Mayor, PO Box 100, Misenheimer, NC 28109. Criminal background checks and verification of education and credentials will be done on final candidates. EOE. Employment begins June 1. Open until filled.

2nd & 3rd shift Nurses needed. Apply in person: 610 W. Fisher St.

Experience, bilingual abilities and strong computer skills a plus. Please call Jon at 704-603-1056


The Village of Misenheimer seeks a qualified individual to serve as Part Time Clerk/ Administrator (4 hours per day/20 hours per week). Compensation will be $15-$20/per hour on experience and educational based background. The only benefit other than those mandated is the NC State Retirement Plan. The four hour daily schedule can be arranged to suit the employees as long as the hours are between 8am and 5pm and they are regular. Misenheimer is located in the northern section of Stanly County. This position performs a wide range of duties including payroll and basic accounting, records retention, advertising and personnel benefits. The qualified individual will serve as accountant and official custodian of all public records of the Village, perform statutory responsibilities, execute legal documents, coordinate agenda preparation and be responsible for legal advertisements. The individual performs administrative duties for the Mayor and Board, handles confidential researches and compiles information, information, handles special projects, monitors vacancies and appointments to boards and commissions, maintains the Village's website and posts public notices.


Certified Pharmacy Technician


Principals Only Equal Opportunity Employer

• Previous dental required • Previous customer service experience is a must • Excellent interpersonal, telephone and written/verbal communication skills • PC proficiency • Ability to handle multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment • Strong organizational and planning skills • Detail-oriented • Conflict-resolution skills • Demonstrated problem solving skills and good judgment

Full-time Detailer position available (40hr week)

$10 to start. Earn 40%. Call 704-754-2731 or 704-754-2639

NGK Ceramics USA, Inc., state-of-


Drivers Advertise with the

Must have Microsoft Office, QuickBooks, & Sales experience. Please send resume to: frank@hydraulicdepotnc.com or apply in person at: Hydraulic Depot, 2001 S. Main St., Salisbury.

First Reformed Church in Landis hiring preschool teacher and assistant. Applications available at

Could you use

10 ,000 extra this year?



Earn the extra cash you need in just 2-3 hours per day as a motor route carrier for The Salisbury Post. You’ll discover the satisfaction of running your own business - without sacrificing your time to the demands of a full-time job. Interested persons must meet the following criteria:

• Available 7 days per week • Delivery hours are Mon.-Fri. 3:30 am to 6:30 am, Sat. & Sun. 1:30 am to 7:00 am • Dependable • Dependable transportation • Have a desire to own their own business • Drivers license required • Good driving record • Have a home phone number

If interested, please come by the Post at 131 W. Innes Street, Salisbury and fill out an application or give us a call at the Circulation Department (704) 797-4213, Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm *Profits vary and could be more or less than this amount



Skilled Labor


Nativity Scene, wooden, 16 large pieces including a manger. Needs a little paint. $150. 704-278-2722

Clothes Adult & Children Boots, women's Timberland, blue & white, 8 ½ m. $40. Call 704-640-4373 Clothes, women's, 3x, 2 pants and 2 shirts. $2 each. Please Call 704-640-4373

Consignment Growing Pains Family Consignments Call (704)638-0870 115 W. Innes Street

Electronics Hitachi Projection TV, 50” HDTV, PIP, focus mode & more, new condition, must see. $500. Contact Deneice 704-633-3618

Furniture & Appliances

Misc For Sale

Coffee Table, solid wood, $30; heavy wood end table with pull out surface, $35. 704-2390920

ANDERSON'S SEW & SO, Husqvarna, Viking Sewing Machines. Patterns, Notions, Fabrics. 10104 Old Beatty Ford Rd., Rockwell. 704-279-3647

End (Coffee tables) 2 pair, $25 per pair; 3 single tables, $15-$40. 704-857-0093

Benches, wood, backless. 3 are 4 ft long, $11$12 each. 1 is 5 ft. long, $15. Primed. 704-7548837 after 10am.

Exec. Ofc. furniture. Exec. Cherry Desk, Bookcase & Credenza. Very Good Condition. Sell as a set $375, 704-640-2946

Gorgeous Vintage Bombay Chest, extremely heavy & ornate, 3 deep drawers. 32” tall x 20” deep x 41” wide. Excellent cond. $500. 704-636-6575 Ice machine. Scotsman modular cubed ice machine. $2,400 new. $1,100. Fisher St. Baptist Church. 704-467-3187 Refrigerator, Gibson 17.5 cu.ft. W/a very small (9 cu.ft.) freezer compartment. Great for a 2nd fridge. $175. 336-492-6233 Washer/Dryer – Electric, Frigidaire Gallery Series, Commercial, heavy duty. 4 years old, very good condition. $350. 704-6804284 or 440-812-0498

Ipod Touch $120 obo Please Call 336-492-6322

Games and Toys

Let's play!


PlayStation 3, 1 gen., plays PS2 games, 4 USB ports, SD slots: plays Blu Ray. $200 704-245-8843 Toshiba 27” TV $150 Call 704-279-1711 before 8pm TV, Zenith console, 25” color. Works well. $45 Please Call 704-857-0093

Exercise Equipment

Call of Duty Wii game $30, new Supermario Wii $40, Jenny 336-751-5279 Wii Game System with 12 wii games, Like New 2 remotes & charger unit, Sports accessories $250. 704-223-1325 WII SYSTEM like new w/2 controllers, 2 nunchuck controllers, wii sports set and multiple games $145.00 Jenny 336-751-5279

Bicycle. Recumbant bike, computerized. Like new. $150. 704-680-3270 Treadmill, Proform 760 EKG, ifit.com. Works great. $350 obo. 336492-6322

Hunting and Fishing Rods and reels, five. Four used three times. All for $85. 704-209-6460 for more information.

Dodge Dakota/Durango receiver hitch. $150 Please Call 336-940-3134 Fence Posts (35), 6 ft. $2 each, excellent condition. Please Call 704-279-4947 Free Organic Coffee Samples. To receive send selfsample, addressed stamped envelope, with phone number, to P.O. Box 2604, Salisbury, NC 28145.

Sporting Goods

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Wilson A2000-XLC Glove for right hand thrower, $75, Excellent condition, Call 704-636-4173

Bank Foreclosures & Distress Sales. These homes need work! For a FREE list:

East Salis. 4BR, 2½BA. Lease option purchase. Interest rates are low. Good time to build. 704-638-0108

Genesis Realty 704-933-5000 genesisrealtyco.com Foreclosure Experts

BUYER BEWARE The Salisbury Post Classified Advertising staff monitors all ad submissions for honesty and integrity. However, some fraudulent ads are not detectable. Please protect yourself by checking the validity of any offer before you invest money in a business opportunity, job offer or purchase.



Want to Buy Merchandise All Coin Collections Silver, gold & copper. Will buy foreign & scrap gold. 704-636-8123 Timber wanted - Pine or hardwood. 5 acres or more select or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. Call 704-278-9291. Watches – and scrap gold jewelry. 704-636-9277 or cell 704-239-9298


Farm Equipment, new & used. McDaniel Auction Co. 704-278-0726 or 704798-9259. NCAL 48, NCFL 8620. Your authorized farm equipment dealer.

Lawn and Garden Holshouser Cycle Shop Lawn mower repairs and trimmer sharpening. Pick up & delivery. (704)637-2856

Mow it! Belly Mower, 60” Woods F35 Model 8240, $350. 704-213-1495.

Machine & Tools Massey Ferguson 240 2WD Diesel Tractor 789 hrs. 16' dual axle all steel trailer. 6' Bush Hog less than 10 hrs. 6' disc harrow 4/5. One row cultivator. Sub soiler. 10' boom pole. 6' home made drag harrow. 6' scrape blade. Want to sale as a pkg. $13,800. 704-239-1765

Air Compressor- Charge Air Pro. 5 Hp, 20gal tank, twin cylinder oil lubricated. $300 or best offer. Call 336-940-3134 Black & Decker, 18 V charger, 2 batteries & case. $50. Call 704-640-4373 Craftsman 16 piece socket wrench set, 3/4” drive. $150. Call 704279-1711 before 8pm

Flowers & Plants

3 ft. Leyland Cypress or Green Giant Trees. Makes a beautiful property line boundary or privacy screen. 1 gallon $10 per tree. 3 gallon 5 ft. & full, $40. Varieties of Gardenias, Nandina, Juniper, Holly, Ligustrum, Hosta, Viburnum, Gold Mop, Camelias, Arbor-vitae, Azaleas AND MORE! $8. All of the above include delivery & installation! 704-274-0569

Medical Equipment

Misc For Sale th

Fuel & Wood

5 Wheel trailer/camper hitch. $100 obo. Call 704-279-1711. Call before 8pm

Reduce heating cost! SALE. Central Boiler OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE. Up to $2100 savings. Financing available. 704-202-3363

Furniture & Appliances Air Conditioners, Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Frig. $65 & up. Used TV & Appliance Center Service after the sale. 704-279-6500 Bedroom suite, new 5 piece. All for $297.97. Hometown Furniture, 322 S. Main St. 704-633-7777

Bingham Smith Lumber Co. !!!NOW AVAILABLE!!! Metal Roofing Many colors. Custom lengths, trim, accessories, & trusses. Call 980-234-8093 Patrick Smith

Lumber All New!

2x6x16 $7 2x3x studs $1.25 2x6x8 studs $3.25 2x4x7 $1.50 D/W rafters $5 Floor trusses $5 each 704-202-0326 METAL: Angle, Channel, Pipe, Sheet & Plate Shear Fabrication & Welding FAB DESIGNS 2231 Old Wilkesboro Rd Open Mon-Fri 7-3:30 704-636-2349


Business Opportunities A COKE/M&M vending route! 100% Finc. Do you earn $2K/wk? Loc's in Salis. 800-367-2106 x 6020

Reduced! Bring All Offers

New Home

Motivated Seller New Listing

Forest Creek. 3 BedNew room, 1.5 bath. home priced at only $98,900. R48764 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

3 BR, 2 BA, newer kitchen, large dining room, split bedrooms, nice porches, huge detached garage, concrete drives. R51548 $84,900. Monica Poole 704-245-4628 B&R Realty

Free Stuff


East Rowan

Rockwell, 3 BR, 2 BA. Cute brick home in quiet subdivision. Outbuilding, wooded lot, nice deck off back. Kitchen appliances stay. R51385 $129,900 B&R Realty Dale Yontz 704.202.3663 East Rowan

Wonderful Home

Electronic Health Record Specialist Training Cross training for persons with healthcare (direct care, mgmt., admin, support, ancil. services, EMS) or Computer technology experience. Fed (US HHS ONC HIT ARRA) funded. Placement assistance provided. Visit www.cvcc.edu/hitwd or call 828327-7000-x 4816

Misc For Sale

Lost & Found

Machine Shop Equipment. Lathe, Mill, Brake, Generator/Welder, etc. For details, 704-279-6973

Found dog, male, Thursday, March 3, downtown Salisbury. Orange collar, no tags. Very distinctive breed / color/markings. Provide accurate description for return 704-638-2697

Playground. Jungle Adventure wooden playground. Swings, slide, monkey bars, climbing wall. $350. Good condition. Laura 704-637-1248 Quilting Frames & 4 large boxes of material. $65 for all. Please Call 704-857-0093

Show off your stuff! With our

Send us a photo and description we'll advertise it in the paper for 15 days, and online for 30 days



Call today about our Private Party Special!

704-797-4220 *some restrictions apply

STEEL, Channel, Angle, Flat Bars, Pipe Orders Cut to Length. Mobile Home Truss- $6 ea.; Vinyl floor covering- $4.89 yd.; Carpet- $5.75 yd.; Masonite Siding 4x8- $14; 12”x16' lap siding at $6.95 ea. School Desks - $7.50 ea. RECYCLING, Top prices paid for Aluminum cans, Copper, Brass, Radiators, Aluminum. Davis Enterprises Inc. 7585 Sherrills Ford Rd. Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-9821 Tools: 1950'S model tools. Circular Saw includes carbide blades, $50; Jig Saw, $15.Call 336-766-8459 Trailer Axles (2), each with good tires. $75 Please Call 704-857-7186 Utility Trailer, all metal 5'x4' ball hitch excellent condition $325. Call 704857-2825

Music Sales & Service Beatles music. 3 CD's, 2 DVD's "Beatles Anthology", "Blackbird Singing". All 4 $50. 704-278-0629

1200 Grady Street

Lot for sale, 50 by 150, with brick structure house present. Needs lots of work. $4500. Priced for quick sale. Call today (336)431-5092 or if no answer (336)803-2104. Salisbury

Awesome Location



Motivated Seller 3 BR, 2 BA, Well established neighborhood. All brick home with large deck. Large 2 car garage. R50188 $163,900 B&R Realty 704.633.2394 Salisbury

New Listing

3 BR 2.5 BA has many extras! Great kitchen w/granite, subzero ref., gas cooktop. Formal dining, huge garage, barn, greenhouse. Great for horses or car buffs! R51894 $439,500. Dale 704-202-3663 Yontz. B&R Realty

Unique Property

Mechanics DREAM Home, 28x32 shop with lift & air compressor, storage space & ½ bath. All living space been completely has refurbished. Property has space that could be used as a home office or dining room, deck on rear, 3 BR, 1 BA. R51824A $164,500 B&R Realty, Monica Poole 704-245-4628

Salisbury. 1212 Overhill Rd. All brick. 3BR, 2BA large living room, den, screened porch, kitchen w/eating space. Family or game room, carpeted. 9' ceilings with fans in every room. $200,000 negotiable. By owner. 704-633-1286

4 BR, 2BA, like new Craftsman Style, huge front porch, renovated kitchen and bath, fresh paint. R51516 $124,900 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704-202-3663

Woodleaf. 4320 Potneck Rd. 2-story house on .67 acre. 1,985 sq. ft. living space w/attached 2-vehicle garage. 4BR, 2 full BA, living, dining, den, pantry, hardwood floors. New roof & heating/cooling system. Detached 1-vehicle garage workshop, 248 sq. ft. Walking distance to Woodleaf School. $115,000. Call 704-278-4703 after 7 p.m.

Investment Property

Investment Property

China Grove

Child Care Facility/Commercial Bldg.


New Listing


Education / Training

Patio furniture. Glider, rocker, lounger and straight chair with cushions. $50 OBO. 980-234-2579

3 BR, 2 BA in Hunters Pointe. Above ground pool, garage, huge area that could easily be finished R51150A. upstairs. B&R Realty $174,900. 704-633-2394

Salisbury. Providence Church Road. 3BR/2BA, garage, two car carport, new roof, new interior paint, washer, dryer and dishwasher, 3 large lots, 3 outbuildings, central air & heat. $109,000. 704637-6950


Cute 1 BR 1 BA waterfront log home with beautiful view! Ceiling fans, fireplace, front and back porches. R51875 $189,900. Dale Yontz 704-202-3663 B&R Realty Salisbury

J.Y. Monk Real Estate School-Get licensed fast, Charlotte/Concord courses. $399 tuition fee. Free Brochure. 800-849-0932

Found dog. Small black male, no collar, off Vance St., Kannapolis, March 8. Call to identify. 704-7330069

Beautiful 3 BR, 2 BA in a great location, walk-in closets, cathedral ceiling, great room, double attached garage, large lot, back-up generator. A must see. R51757. $249,900. B&R Realty, 704-202-6041


3 BR, 2 BA, Attached carport, Rocking Chair front porch, nice yard. R50846 $119,900 Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty www.bostandrufty-realty.com

Found Key between the Dam and Bridge at High Rock Lake on Saturday, March 5. Call to identify. 704-633-7405 Found on March 2, in parking lot Lowe's something of great value. Call to identify. 704-7984801 Found Small Yorkie around Main Street in Granite Quarry. Please call 704-859-4070 Found two dogs. Small Terriers, West C St., Enochville area. Found March 10, 8am. No collars. Call to identify. 704-791-3442

Monument & Cemetery Lots Cemetery lots in Brookhill Memorial Gardens, Rockwell. 8 spaces outside the inner circle. $1100 per space. 704642-0308 leave msg.


3BR, 2BA. Wonderful location, new hardwoods in master BR and living room. Lovely kitchen with new stainless appliances. Deck, private back yard. R51492 $124,900 Poole B&R Monica Realty 704-245-4628 Salisbury

Granite Quarry. 1112 Birch St. (Eastwood Dev) 3BR, 2BA. 1,900 sq. ft. w/ in-ground pool. Beautiful home inside with open floor plan, hardwood floors, large master suite, cathedral ceilings and sunroom. Tastefully landscaped outside. A MUST SEE and owner is ready to sell! $179,800. Please call 704-433-0111

Move in Ready!

Beautiful home with pool in Cameron Glen. 2800 sq.ft. 4 BR, 2.5 BA plus finished bonus room, gas fireplace in LR, master on main, formal dining room and eat in kitchen, large laundry room, oversized 2 car attached garage, fenced back yard with great landscaping and 16' x 36' inground pool, storage building with electric and lots of extras to stay. 704-212-2764

Convenient Location

Very nice 2 BR 2.5 BA condo overlooking golf course and pool! Great views, freshly decorated, screened in porch at rear. T51378. $98,500 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628 Salisbury

Convenient Location Completely remodeled. 3BR, 2BA. 1202 Bell St., Salisbury. Granite counter tops, new stainless steel appliances, new roof, windows and heat & air, hardwood floors, fresh paint. MUST SEE! $120,000. Will pay closing and possibly down payment. Call for appointment 704-637-6567

New Listing

Timber Run Subdivision, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, granite countertops, wood floors, rec room, screened porch, deck. R51603 $349,900 B & R Realty Dale Yontz 704.202.3663 Salisbury

Great Location Due to a large increase in the cost of doing business, our fares will increase 5¢ March 14.

Homes for Sale

Alexander Place

China Grove, 2 new homes under construction ... buy now and pick your own colors. Priced at only $114,900 and comes with a stove and dishwasher. B&R Realty 704-633-2394

Hurry! Gorgeous 4 BR, 2.5 BA, fantastic kitchen, large living and great room. All new paint, carpet, roof, windows, siding. R51926 $144,900 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628

Brand new & ready for you, this home offers 3BR, 2BA, hardwoods, ceramic, stainless appliances, deck. R51547. $99,900. Call Monica today! 704.245.4628 B&R Realty


New Listing! WOW!

Beautiful 3BR, 2½BA has many extras! Cathedral ceiling, ceiling fans, ceramic tile, dbl. detached garage w/upstairs apt, priced $66,000 below tax value. 51935 $358,000. Karen Rufty at B&R Realty 704-202-6041

Take a look! 4 BR, 2BA in Historic Salisbury. Over 2,300 sq ft... A lot for the $. Convenient location on Mitchell Ave. Call 704633-2394 for private showing. $119,900 B&R Realty Salisbury

Over 2 Acres


Lost dog. Black female Retriever Mix, in West Rowan, Sat., March 5, red collar, '06 rabies tag. Please call 704-872-1309 or 704-657-0213

Wardrobe. Large 3x6 louver wooden clothes wardrobe. $200. Call 704-636-4251 BINGHAM-SMITH LUMBER CO. Save money on lumber. Treated and Untreated. Round Fence Post in all sizes. Save extra when buying full units. Call Patrick at 980-234-8093.


Homes for Sale


HYPNOSIS will work for you!

Stop Smoking~Lose Weight It's Easy & Very Effective Decide Today 704-933-1982

for only Hoveround wheelchair, MPV5, new, never used. Retails $8,840. Will sell for $4,400. 704-209-6460

2 BR, 1 BA, hardwood floors, detached carport, handicap ramp. $99,900 R47208 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Homes for Sale

E. Spencer

Fulton Heights

Farm Equipment & Supplies


Homes for Sale

3 BR, 2.5 BA, wonderful home on over 2 acres, horses allowed, partially fenced back yard, storage building. $164,900 R51465 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Approximately 5,000 sq. ft. Child care facility / commercial building with commercial kitchen on approximately 1.75 acres. Daycare supplies included. Playground measures 10,000 sq. ft. Call 704-855-9768

Homes for Sale Salisbury. 2 or 3 bedroom Townhomes. For information, call Summit Developers, Inc. 704-797-0200

Salisbury. 3BR,2½BA. 1.85 acres, corner lot. 1,840 sq. ft. 2 car garage, $195,000. 1070 Dunns Mtn. Church Rd. Call 704-326-6490

Lake Property

Great View!

High Rock Lake. 4BR, 2BA rustic home. Pier, ramp, floating dock. 1,800± sq. ft. .90± water frontage. Decks, hardwood floors. Panther Point Trail. 336-751-5925 or 704-450-0146

ALLIED HEALTH Careers With a Future

Career Showcase Find out if Allied Health is a match for you Meet people with successful Allied Health Careers Ȭ ǰ ę aid and more Start Networking - Get connected Hamrick Theatre CMC NorthEast 920 Church Street North, Concord Wednesday, March 16, 2011 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Admission is Free. No resumes will be accepted.


Great Location

3 BR, 2 BA home in wonderful location! Cathedral ceiling, split floor plan, double garage, large deck, storage building, corner lot. R51853 $154,900 Monica Poole 704-2454628 B&R Realty

Sponsored by The Competitive Workforce Alliance - Allied Health Regional Skills Partnership in collaboration with Cabarrus College of Health Sciences • JobLink Career Centers/ESC of Cabarrus and Rowan Counties Cabarrus County Schools Kannapolis City Schools Rowan-Salisbury Schools Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Carolinas Medical Center - NorthEast www.agreatworkforce.com


Arts, Crafts & Hobbies

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 9C


10C • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 Land for Sale 3 acres, over looks babbling creek, private setting, $43,900 owner financing. 704-535-4159 Bringle Ferry Rd. 2 tracts. Will sell land or custom build. A50140A. B&R Realty, Monica 704-245-4628 E. Rowan res. water front lot, Shore Landing subd. $100,000 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628 OWNER FINANCING on basement lot, $16,900. Call Varina Bunts, B&R Realty, 704-640-5200


Manufactured Home Sales American Homes of Rockwell Oldest Dealer in Rowan County. Best prices anywhere. 704-279-7997 Fleetwood S/W 1994, 2BR/1BA, appls, move in condition. $9,000. 704-2091122 or 704-640-5365 Oakwood, 2002 DW, 3 BR, 2 BA, excellent condition. You pay to move. 704-636-1400 or after 6pm 704-310-1609

Allen Tate Realtors Daniel Almazan, Broker 704-202-0091 www.AllenTate.com


Century 21 Towne & Country 474 Jake Alexander Blvd. (704)637-7721 Forest Glen Realty Darlene Blount, Broker 704-633-8867 KEY REAL ESTATE, INC. 1755 U.S. HWY 29. South China Grove, NC 28023 704-857-0539 Rebecca Jones Realty 610 E. Liberty St, China Grove 704-857-SELL www.rebeccajonesrealty.com

Olde Fields Subdivision. ½ acre to over 2 acre lots starting at available $36,000. B&R Realty 704.633.2394 Southwestern Rowan Co.

Rowan Realty www.rowanrealty.net, Professional, Accountable, Personable . 704-633-1071 William R. Kennedy Realty 428 E. Fisher Street 704-638-0673

Real Estate Commercial Barnhardt Meadows. Quality home sites in country setting, restricted, pool and pool House complete. Use your builder or let us build for you. Lots start at $24,900. B&R Realty 704-633-2394 Western Rowan County

Knox Farm Subdivision. Beautiful lots available now starting at $19,900. B&R Realty 704.633.2394

15 minutes N. of Salisbury. 2 BR, 2 BA singlewide on large treed lot in quiet area with space to plant flowers. $850 start-up, $450/mo incl. lot rent, home payment, taxes, insurance. RENT or RENT-TOOWN. 704-210-8176. Call after noon.

1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Now! Ro-Well Apartments, Rockwell. Central heat/air, laundry facility on site, nice area. Equal Housing Opportunity Rental Assistance when handicapped available; equipped when available. 704-279-6330, TDD users 828-645-7196.

Airport Road, All elec. 2BR, 1BA. $450 per month + dep. & lease. Call 704-637-0370 China Grove. 1BR Apartment completely furnished. No pets. 704857-8503 Lv. Msg.

China Grove. Nice 2BR, 1BA. $550/month + deposit & references. No pets. Call 704-279-8428 CLANCY HILLS APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 BR, conveniently located in Salisbury. Handicap accessible units available. Section 8 assistance available. 704-6366408. Office Hours: M–F 9:00-12:00. TDD Relay Equal 1-800-735-2962 Housing Opportunity. Clancy-hills@cmc-nc.com

1, 2, & 3 BR Huge Apartments, very nice. $375 & up. 704-754-1480

Clean, well maintained, 2 BR Duplex. Central heat/air, all electric. Section 8 welcome. 704-202-5790

2 BR, 1 BA off Morlan Park Rd., has refrig. & stove, furnished yard maint. & garbage pickup. No pets. Rent $500, Dep. $500. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

Colonial Village Apts.

2BR brick duplex with carport, convenient to hospita. $450 per month. 704-637-1020 403 Carolina Blvd. Duplex For Rent. 2BR,1BA. $500/mo. Please call 704-279-8467 Airport Rd., 1BR with stove, refrig., garbage pickup & water incl. Month-month lease. No pets. $400/mo+$300 deposit. Furnished $425/mo. 704-279-3808

BEST VALUE Quiet & Convenient, 2 bedroom town houses, 1½ baths. All Electric, Central heat/air, no pets, pool. $550/mo. Includes water & basic cable.

West Side Manor Apts. Robert Cobb Rentals Variety World, Inc. 2345 Statesville Blvd. Near Salisbury Mall



“A Good Place to Live” 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Affordable & Spacious Water Included 704-636-8385


Salisbury. 2BR/1½BA Appliances, townhouse. near hospitals & interstate. Private. $475/mo + $300 dep. 704-279-6086 Duplexes & Apts, Rockwell$500-$600. TWO Bedrooms Marie Leonard-Hartsell Wallace Realty 704-239-3096 marie@sellingsalisbury.com

Apartments Granite Quarry, 2 BR, 2 BA. Very nice, gas heat. Rent $550, Deposit $500. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 Granite Quarry. 3BR, 1BA. Carport. Refrigerator & stove. Washer/dryer hook-up. 704-638-0108

Lovely Duplex Rowan Hospital area. 2BR, 1BA. Heat, air, water, appl. incl. $675. 704-633-3997 Moreland Pk area. 2BR all appliances furnished. $495-$595/mo. Deposit negotiable. Section 8 welcome. 336-247-2593 Moving to Town? Need a home or Apartment? We manage rental homes & apartments. Call and let us help you. Waggoner Realty Co. 704-633-0462 www.waggonerrealty.com

Oakwood Ave., 2BR, nr Aldis. $450/mo. 3BR house on Bringle Ferry Rd. $600/mo. 704-636-1633 Salisbury – 2 BR duplex in excellent cond., w/ appl. $560/mo. + dep. Ryburn Rentals 704-637-0601 Salisbury. 1BR. Fully furnished apt. Utilities included. No pets. $550/mo. Deposit & ref. 704-855-2100

Senior Discount

Water, Sewage & Garbage included

STONWYCK VILLIAGE IN GRANITE QUARRY Nice 2BR, energy efficient apt., stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, water & sewer furnished, central heat/ac, vaulted ceiling, washer/dryer connection. $495 to $550 /Mo, $400 deposit. 1 year lease, no pets. 704-279-3808 WELCOME HOME TO DEER PARK APTS. We have immediate openings for 1 & 2 BR apts. Call or come by and ask about our move-in specials. 704-278-4340 for info. For immediate info call 1-828-442-7116

Section 8 Application Procedures The Rowan County Housing Authority

310 Long Meadow Drive Salisbury, NC 28147 will be accepting applications for Section 8 Housing Assistance on the following dates only:

March 16 and 17, 2011 March 22 and 23, 2011 9:30 am – 5:00 pm No applications will be accepted without the following documents for every member of the household provided by the applicant: Birth Certificate Social Security Card North Carolina Identification Card or Valid Drivers License (head of household only) Applicants who currently reside in public housing will be required to complete an application for Section 8 & must provide copies of all documents listed above. DO NOT ARRIVE AT OUR OFFICE BEFORE 9:30 AM ON THE DATES LISTED ABOVE!!

704-637-5588 WITH 12 MONTH LEASE


2205 Woodleaf Rd., Salisbury, NC 28147 Located at Woodleaf Road & Holly Avenue www.Apartments.com/hollyleaf

To advertise in this directory call



Eaman Park Apts. 2BR, 1BA. Near Salisbury High. $375/mo. Newly renovated. No pets. 704-798-3896 East Rowan area. 2BR, 1½BA. $465-$550/month. Chambers Realty 704-637-1020

Condos and Townhomes E. Salisbury. 3BR, 2BA duplex. East Schools. All electric. Central air & heat. Call 704-638-0108

Condos and Townhomes

Wiltshire Village Condo for Rent, $700. 2nd floor. Want a 2BR, 2BA in a quiet setting? Call Bryce, Wallace Realty 704-202-1319

475 Gaskey Rd. 3BR, 1 ½BA brick house. 1 acre land. $575/mo. + $300 sec. dep. 704-326-5073

Mooresville Rd. area, 2 BR, 2 person limit, $550 + deposit. 1 year lease. No pets. 704-633-7830

Bostian Heights. 2BR. Trash, lawn, & water service. No pets. $425/mo + deposit. 704-857-4843 LM

Concord, 87 Meadow Ave, 3 BR, 1 BA, $700 mo.; Kannapolis, 314 North Ave, 3 BR, 2 BA, $800 mo. First full month rent free. KREA 704-933-2231

Salisbury 2BR/1BA, Private cottage, new heating & air. All appls included. $775/ mo + dep.704-798-5959

Don't Pay Rent!

Salisbury City. 2BR / 1BA, new vinyl, new roof, fenced bk yd. $495/mo + dep. 704-640-5750

3BR, 2BA home at Crescent Heights. Call 704-239-3690 for info.

Salisbury, in country. 3BR, 2BA. $975/mo. Utilities included. No pets. Dep. & ref. 704-855-2100

East schools. Central air & heat. Appliances. Washer/ dryer hook-up. Please call 704-638-0108

East Spencer, 608 Sides Lane. Brick ranch style house with 3BR, 2 BA, LR, DR & Den. Eat in kitchen, laundry room, Central Heat & A/C. Carpet in all rooms. Sec 8 only. No pets. Rent $750. Dep $500. Call 732-770-1047. Fairmont Ave., 3 BR, 1 ½ BA, has refrigerator & stove, large yard. Rent $725, dep. $700. No Pets. Call Rowan Properties, 704-633-0446

Faith – 2BR, 1BA. Beautiful with carport, 12x20 bldg, on 2 acres. New hardwood, new stainless appl. & microwave. New cabinets, counters, tile. High efficiency heat pump. Dishwasher, W/D. $650/mo. 704-239-9351 www.kenclifton.com

Faith, 3 BR, 2 BA with carport, large lot, outside storage. No Pets. $700/mo. 704-279-3518 Fulton St. 4 BR, 1 ½ BA. Refrigerator, stove furnished. Rent $625, Dep., $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 Granite Quarry & Sells Rd 3BR/2BA, all elec, free water, stove & refrig. $695$750. 704-633-6035 Granite Quarry. 3BR, garage. 2BA. Double Fenced backyard. $1,000/ mo + dep. 704-642-1343 Houses: 3BRs, 1BA. Apartments: 2 & 3 BR's, 1BA Deposit required. Faith Realty 704-630-9650

Move-In Ready Salisbury. 3BR, 1½BA. LR, den, kitchen & dinette. Storage building. Fenced yard. Great location. $850/mo. + dep. No pets. 704-633-7344 Spencer and Near Salisbury, 2 bedroom, one bath house in quiet, nice neighborhood. No pets. Lease, dep, app and refs req. $625/mo, $600 dep, 704-797-4212 before 7pm. 704-2395808 after 7pm. PLANTATION RIDGE Large 4 BR, 2.5 bath home with office. Master on main level, tub, large jetted kitchen with fridge. References required, no pets, no smoking $1600 mo. Call 828-295-8869 RENT - 2 BR - $650, Park Area; 4 BR, 2 BA, 2,000 sq', garage, basement, $1195. RENT TO OWN 3 BR, 2 BA, 2000 ± sq', country. $3000 dn; 5 BR, 2 ½ BA, 3400 ± sq', garage, basement, fenced. $6000 dn. 704-630-0695


Rockwell 3BR/2BA. All tile and wood flooring. All appliances, just outside city limits. Nice quiet neighborhood. $850/mo + deposit. 704-239-4962 or 704-223-1450

Rockwell. 2BR/1BA, Appl., gas wall furnace. Window air. Storage building, large yard. $500/mo. 704-2796850 or 704-798-3035

We buy, sell, and move pianos We offer Steinway, Baldwin, Mason & Hamlin, & more

Colony Garden Apartments

Showroom located at 2143 C&E Statesville Blvd. S45590

2BR and 1-1/2 BA Town Homes $585/mo. College Students Welcome! Near Salisbury VA Hospital 704-762-0795 Houses for Rent Apartments East Spencer, 2 BR, 1 BA, section 8 accepted. $500 per month. Call 704-421-0044


Fleming Heights Apartments 55 & older 704-636-5655 Mon.-Fri. 2pm-5pm. Call for more information. Equal Housing Opportunity. TDD Sect. 8 vouchers accepted. 800-735-2962

Rowan Hosp. area. 3BR / 2BA. Cent. H & A. No Sect. 8. No pets. $700/mo. 1St & last mo's rent & dep. Call before 5pm 704-636-4251 Salisbury

They don't build them like this anymore!

3 BED 2 BATH large yard, quiet subdivision west of Salisbury, $1,150. Call 704-795-8795 3 BR, 1 BA, has refrigerator, stove & big yard. No pets. $625/rent + $600/dep. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 3 BR, 2 BA, close to Salisbury Mall. Gas heat, nice. Rent $695, deposit $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

Salisbury. 2BR, appls., storage bldg., $475/mo. + deposit. 704-279-6850 or 704-798-3035

East Area. 2BR, water, trash. Limit 2. Dep. req. No pets. Call 704-6367531 or 704-202-4991


2BR/2BA, on 3 acre private lot, large deck, carport, appliances, $575 per month + deposit. No pets. 704-202-4668 East Rowan. 2BR. trash and lawn service included. No pets. $475 month. 704-433-1255

Salisbury. 3BR, 2BA. Large lot. Water included. No pets. $850/mo. Deposit & ref. 704-855-2100

Faith. 2BR, 1BA. Water, trash, lawn maint. incl. No pets. Ref. $425. 704-2794282 or 704-202-3876

Salisbury. 504 Cruse Rd, 3BRs in countryside, $850/mo., 922 N. Main St. & 426 Henderson St. 3BR, $650/mo. 704-645-9986

Faith. 2BR, 2BA. Appliances, water, sewer incl. Pet OK. $500/mo + $500 deposit. 704-279-7463

Salisbury. Nice 3BR/2 BA brick home in lovely, quiet neighborhood. Lots of storage, enclosed yard. $890 per mo + dep., refs. & credit check required. No sec. 8. 207-460-7306 Spencer. 4-5 BR, 2 BA, very private, wide yard , shade house, electric central air. $550/mo. 704-6371200 or 704-310-1052

Office and Commercial Rental

1st Month Free Rent! Salisbury, Kent Executive Park office suites, $100 & up. Utilities paid. Conference room, internet access, break room, ample parking. 704-202-5879 450 to 1,000 sq. ft. of Warehouse Space off Jake Alexander Blvd. Call 704279-8377 or 704-279-6882

5,000 sq.ft. warehouse w/loading docks & small office. Call Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011 China Grove. 1200 sq ft. $800/mo + deposit. Call 704-855-2100 Furnished Key Man Office Suites - $250-350. Jake & 150. Util & internet incl. 704-721-6831 Granite Quarry-Comm Metal Bldg units perfect for contractor, hobbyist, or storage. 24 hour surveillance, exterior lighting and ample parking. 900-1800 sq feet avail. Call for spring specials. 704-232-3333 Numerous Commercial and office rentals to suit your needs. Ranging from 500 to 5,000 sq. ft. Call Victor Wallace at Wallace Realty, 704-636-2021

Granite Quarry, 3 BR, 2 BA, DW. $700/mo. Salis., 2 BR, 1 BA house, $425/ mo. No Pets. 704-239-2833

North area, single-wide, 2BR, 1 bath. Private lot, dep. & ref. required. $450 month, 704-603-4766. 3BR, 1BA. Rockwell. Private, country setting. Kitchen appl. & washer/dryer hook-ups. $525/mo + deposit. 704-279-6529

Salisbury 421 Faith Rd. Approx. 1,000 sq. ft. commercial property. $625 / mo. + dep. 704-633-9556 Salisbury

We have office suites available in the Executive Center. First Month Free with No Deposit! With all utilities from $150 and up. Lots of amenities. Call Tom Bost at B & R Realty 704-202-4676 www.bostandrufty-realty.com

Jaguar S-Type, 2005. w/black leather Black interior, 6 sp. auto trans, 4.2L V8 engine, AM/FM/CD Changer, Premium Sound. Call Steve today! 704-6034255

Lexus IS 300 Sedan, 2003. Graphite gray pearl exterior with black interior. Stock #T11202B. $12,787. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Salis. 2BR, 1BA. Stove, refrig. W/D incl. Trash pickup, water.No pets. $350 & up + dep. 704-633-7788 Salisbury. 2BR, 1BA large lot. W/S and trash furnished. $375/mo. + deposit. 704-279-7655 West & South Rowan. 2 & 3 BR. No pets. Perfect for 3. Water included. Please call 704-857-6951

Roommate Wanted

Lincoln MKZ, 2007, Opal w/black Black leather interior, 3.5 V6, auto trans, all power options, dual power seats, AM/FM/CD, HEAT & AIR COOLED SEATS, chrome rims, AWESOME RIDE!!! 704-603-4255

Nr Walmart. Furnished, utilities incl., cent. heat/air, cable TV, priv. driveway, $100/wk. 704-314-5648

Rooms for Rent MILLER HOTEL Rooms for Rent Weekly $110 & up 704-855-2100 Salisbury. Upscale safe area. Luxury priv BA. Kit, LR, W/D access, carport pkg. 704-431-2091

Maxda RX-8, 2004. 6speed manual coupe. Winning blue metallic exterior with black interior. Stock #F11185C. $11,387 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com


Mercedes S320, 1999 Black on Grey leather interior, 3.2, V6, auto trans, LOADED, all power ops, low miles, SUNROOF, chrome rims good tires, extra clean MUST SEE! 704-6034255

BMW M3 Convertible, 2004. Silver gray metallic exterior with gray interior. Stock #F11243A1 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com


Ford, Focus SE 2000. Hunter green. Four door. Very clean. Great gas mileage. New tires, new CD player. Automatic. $3,800 obo. Please call 704-798-4375

Office Suite Available. Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011 Rockwell. Nice retail or office building. $400/ mo. Call 704-279-6973 or 704-279-7988

Ford Mustang GT, 2006. Satin Silver Metallic / Light Graphite cloth interior. 4.6 V8 5-speed trans. SHAKER SOUND SYSTEM, all pwr, aftermarket rims. EXTRA CLEAN MUSCLE MACHINE !!! Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Granite Quarry. 2BR, 2BA. 3 person limit. No pets. $450/month + deposit. 704-279-5905

Office Complex Salisbury. Perfect location near Court House & County Building. Six individual offices. New central heat/air, heavily insulated for energy efficiency, fully carpeted (to be installed) except stone at entrance, conference room, employee break room, tile bathroom, complete integrated phone system with video capability in each office & nice reception area. Want to lease but will sell. Perfect for dual occupancy. By appt only. 704-636-1850

Camaro SS, 1999 with white leather interior, V8, six speed, AM/FM/CD, MP3, DVD player w/JL subwoofer, T-tops, ridiculously low miles, chrome rims, EXTRA CLEAN! 704-603-4255

Financing Available!

HONDA, 2003, ACCORD EX. $500-800 down, will help finance. Credit, No Problem! Private party sale. Call 704-838-1538

Nissan Altima 2.5 S Coupe, 2009. Code Red Metallic w/Charcoal interior. Stock #F10363A. $19,687. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Do you want first shot at the qualified buyers, or the last chance? Description brings results!

Salisbury, Kent Exec. Park, $100 & up, 1st month free, ground floor, incls conf rm, utilities, & ample pkg. 704-202-5879 Salisbury. 12,000 sq ft corner building at Jake Alexander and Industrial Blvd. Ideal for retail office space, church, etc. Heat and air. Please call 704279-8377 with inquiries. Spencer Shops Lease great retail space for as little as $750/mo for 2,000 sq ft at. 704-431-8636

CASH FOR YOUR CAR! We want your vehicle! 1999 to 2011 under 150,000 miles. Please call 704-216-2663.

Statesville Blvd., Suitable for beauty shop or office. Please Call 704-636-6100 Warehouse space / manufacturing as low as $1.25/sq. ft./yr. Deposit. Call 704-431-8636

2BR, 2BA. Hardwood floors, expansive kitchen, jetted tub, beautiful original mantles & staircase, bedrooms w/great storage, sunroom & deck, walking distance to shops & dining. 704-616-1383


Salisbury. 3 & 2 Bedroom Houses. $500-$1,000. Also, Duplex Apartments. 704636-6100 or 704-633-8263

Office Space

Rockwell, 2 BR, 1 BA. Very nice. Rent $595, Deposit $500. No Pets. Call Rowan Properties, 704-633-0446

Complete Piano Restoration

P.O. Box 1621 Concord, North Carolina 28026 Ph: 704-239-2074 jlbarch@ctc.net

Manufactured Home for Rent

Hidden Creek, Large 2 BR, 2 BA end unit, 1600 s.f., great room & master suite, all appliances, W/D, pool & clubhouse, $795/mo + $400 dep. References required. One yr. lease, no smoking, no pets. 704-640-8542

Jack’s Furniture & Piano Restoration

704.637.3367 • 704.754.2287

Houses for Rent

6850 Old Mocksville Rd.. 3BR, 2BA. Needs handyman work. Last tenant left unfinished work. Willing to deal. Central heat & air. $725 lease option payment. 704-433-4782

East Spencer - 2 BR, 1 BA. $400 per month. Carolina-Piedmont Prop. 704-248-2520 Eastwind Apartments Low Rent Available For Elderly & Disabled. Rent Based on Social Security Income *Spacious 1 BR *Located on bus line *Washer/Dryer Hookups Call Fisher Realty at: 704-636-7485 for more information.

Houses for Rent

Spencer. 1BR, duplex apt. furnished, $400/mo.+ dep. Water & garbage P/U included. 336-596-6726

PRICE~QUALITY~LOCATION 2BR ~ 1.5 BA ~ Starting at $555

For the lake or awesome back yards! Over 1800 sqft., true modular with foundation on your land. $113,293. Call to see the “great kitchen.” 704-463-1516

AAA+ Apartments $425-$950/mo. Chambers Realty 704-637-1020

1 & 2BR. Nice, well maintained, responsible landlord. $415-$435. Salisbury, in town. 704-642-1955

Downtown Salis, 2300 sf office space, remodeled, off street pking. 633-7300

Commercial property, 8194 heated sq.ft., almost 12,933 all together. Showroom, offices, & warehouse space. $359,000. #51758 Call Varina @ B&R Realty 704-6405200 or 704-633-2394.


China Grove. 2BR, 2BA. All electric. Clean & safe. No pets. $575/month + deposit. 704-202-0605

Available now! Spacious and thoughtfully designed one bedroom apartment homes for Senior Citizens 55+ years of age. $475 rent with only a $99 deposit! Call now for more information 704-639-9692. We will welcome your Section 8 voucher!

Manufactured Home Sales

A Country Paradise

Call 24 hours, 7 days ** 704-239-2033 ** $$$$$$

Convenience store business for sale with large game room/mini bar. Includes all stock, system, ice security coolers, etc. maker, $20,000. $8,000 Down, payments $155/mo., Building rent $900/mo. or move business. 704857-0625


$500 Down moves you in. Call and ask me how? Please call (704) 225-8850

*Cash in 7 days or less *Facing or In Foreclosure *Properties in any condition *No property too small/large


B & R REALTY 704-633-2394

China Grove. One mile from South Rowan High School. Quiet neighborhood. Restricted to stick built homes. Lot has been perked and Priced to Sell. $35,000. Call Jeff 704-467-2352

Wanted: Real Estate

Salisbury Area 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 baths, $500 down under $700 per month. 704-225-8850

Real Estate Services



Manufactured Home for Rent Between Salis. & China Grove. 2BR. No pets. Appl. & trash pickup incl. $475/ mo + dep. 704-855-7720

We are in need of inventory and will pay top dollar for your vehicle. Cash on the spot with title in hand. We can also refinance your current auto loan and lower your payment. Please call 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com


Cadillac Seville SLS Sedan, 2001. Cashmere exterior with oatmeal interior. Stock #F11236B. $7,987.1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 11C


Transportation Dealerships

ELLIS AUTO AUCTION 10 miles N. of Salisbury, Hwy 601, Sale Every Wednesday night 5:30 pm.

CLONINGER FORD, INC. “Try us before you buy.” 511 Jake Alexander Blvd. 704-633-9321

Ford 2001 Mustang GT, V-8, red, 70,500 miles, immaculate condition. 704857-8991. Leave message. Pontiac 1990 Grand Prix, white, runs good. $550. Call 704-640-5365 for more information.

CHEVROLET, TEAM CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC. www.teamautogroup.com 704-216-8000 Tim Marburger Dodge 287 Concord Pkwy N. Concord, NC 28027 704-792-9700

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD LS Crew Cab, Summit white 2005. exterior with dark charcoal interior. Stock #P7656$14,587. Call 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Ford Escape XLT, 2001. Yellow exterior with medium graphite interior. Stock # F10556A. $6,887. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Tim Marburger Honda 1309 N First St. (Hwy 52) Albemarle NC 704-983-4107 Troutman Motor Co. Highway 29 South, Concord, NC 704-782-3105

Thank You, Rowan, for Voting Us #1 for Pre-Owned Autos! www.autohouseofsalisbury.com Transportation Dealerships

FIND IT SELL IT RENT IT in the Classifieds

Ford Expedition Limited, 2007. Black clearcoat w/ Charcoal Black/Caramel interior. Stock #F11192A. $24,887. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com Chevy Express Conversion Van, 2002. Home On Wheels! Must See! Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Honda Odyssey EXL, 2004. Gold w/tan leather int., V6, auto trans., AM, FM, CD changer, dual power seats, power doors, 3rd seat, DVD entertainment, alloy rims, PERFECT FAMILY TRANSPORTATION! 704-603-4255

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, 2008. Silver w/ Dark Slate Gray. Stock #T11223A. $19,087. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Thank You, Rowan, for Voting Us #1 for Pre-Owned Autos!

Toyota 4Runner SR5 SUV, 2007. Titanium Metallic exterior with stone interior. Stock #T11219A. $22,887. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com Honda S2000 Convertible, blue exterior with black interior. Stock # T10727A. $7,887. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited, 2003. Automatic, 4x4, CD, heated seats, sunroof. Must See! Call 704-603-4255

Dodge BR1500 SLT Laramie Regular Cab, 1996. Black exterior with gray interior. Stock #F10549B. $5,787. 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Ford Expedition XLT, 2001, silver metallic w/medium graphite cloth interior, 5.4 V8 auto trans., AM/FM/CD, power driver seat. READY FOR FAMILY! 704-603-4255

Hummer H2 SUV, 2007. Pewter metallic exterior with ebony interior. Stock #F10462B. $32,987 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Jeep Wrangler Limited, 2005. Bright silver metallic exterior w/black cloth interior. 6-speed, hard top, 29K miles. 704-603-4255


Toyota Avalon XLS Sedan, 2006. Phantom gray exterior with graphite interior. Stock #F11054A. $18,587. Call 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Transportation Financing

Toyota Corolla LE, 2004. 4-speed automatic transmission, AM/FM/CD Player. 704-603-4255

Motorcycles & ATVs Hyundai 2011 Sonata, Charcoal gray, leather interior, fully loaded. 1,800 miles, $23,500. Owner has title. 704-8574721 Call Gary between 8am-6pm Harley Davidson 2004 Sportster, custom 1200, all factory, less than 800 miles, not one scratch, garage kept. $6,900. Call 704-279-0486

Hummer H3, 2006, birch white exterior with black cloth interior, 3.5 5 cylinder auto transmission, AM/FM/CD, DVD w/2 headrest monitors, chrome rims, EXTRA CLEAN! 704-603-4255

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Petition has been filed by the Rowan County Department of Social Services (petitioner) for the purpose of terminating your parental rights with respect to Baby Boy McCleave/Safe Rowan Surrender, born on or about June 9, 2010 to April Michelle McCleave in Rowan County, North Carolina, so that he can be placed for adoption. You are notified to appear and answer the petition by serving the original of your written answer upon the Clerk of Superior Court, Juvenile Court Division, Rowan County Courthouse, 210 N. Main Street, Salisbury, NC 28144, within forty (40) days from the date of the first publication of this notice. You also must serve a copy of the answer on the petitioner's attorney (address below). You will be notified of the time, date and place to appear for a hearing upon the filing of your answer. The purpose of the hearing is to seek termination of your parental rights as they pertain to Baby Boy McCleave/Safe Rowan Surrender. You are entitled to appear at the hearing. If you cannot afford an attorney, you are entitled to an appointed attorney to assist you provided you request one before the time set for the hearing. If you fail to request counsel, you may waive your right to appointed counsel. You may request an attorney by contacting the Clerk of Superior Court, Juvenile Court Division, 210 N. Main St, Salisbury, NC 28144 (704) 797-3054. This is a new case and any attorney appointed previously to represent you will not represent you in this termination of parental rights proceeding unless otherwise ordered by the court. If you fail to file an answer within the time specified, Petitioner will apply to the court for termination of your parental rights. Your parental rights may be terminated if you do not respond within the time required. This the 8th day of March 2011. Cynthia Dry, Attorney for Petitioner, Rowan County Dept. of Social Services 1813 East Innes Street, Salisbury NC 28146, (704) 216-8442 Publish: 3/13, 3/20 & 3/27, 2011

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Ronnie Gallagher, Sports Editor, 704-797-4287 rgallagher@salisburypost.com

SUNDAY March 13, 2011




ACC Final: UNC vs. Duke Barnes has 40 in OT win

Smith leads Devils



Associated Press

Associated Press

GREENSBORO — Harrison Barnes UNC 92 ignored all h e Clemson 87 t doubters, the questions about his game, even the bumpier-than-expected start to his career at North Carolina. Those days felt long ago Saturday as the freshman put on a record-setting show that helped the sixth-ranked Tar Heels escape once again at the ACC tournament. Barnes set a freshman tournament record with 40 points to help North Carolina rally past Clemson 92-87 in overtime in the semifinals, sending the Tar Heels back to the championship game for the first time in three years. Barnes hit the go-ahead 3pointer with 4:13 left as part of a 9-0 spurt to open the extra period for top-seeded North Carolina (26-6), which continued its living-dangerously run in Greensboro with another big comeback. A day after rallying from 19 down in the final 10 minutes to beat Miami, the Tar Heels trailed the Tigers (21-11) by 14 in the first half and rallied from seven down in the final 4 minutes of regulation to force overtime. “My goal was to be in the final,” Barnes said. “This is not how I imagined us doing it, but we find a way.” The Tar Heels have won 19 of 21 games since losing to Texas on a last-second shot in December here. They’re now a win away from their 18th ACC tournament title, which would tie Duke for most alltime. They’ll face the fifthranked Blue Devils in Sunday’s final, marking the first time the fierce rivals have met for the title in 10 years. Barnes finished 12 of 17 from the floor and went 10 for 11 from the foul line, capping his day with two free throws with 8.3 seconds left and the Tar Heels ahead 90-87.

people who said, ‘Oh, he’s not that good,’” coach Roy Williams said. “He just stayed focused on being Harrison Barnes.” Barnes capped the OTopening run with a three-

GREENSBORO — Nolan 77 Smith reDuke Va. Tech 63 fused to let a toe injury stop him. Virginia Tech couldn’t do it, either. Smith scored 27 points a day after jamming his toe, and No. 5 Duke claimed a spot in the ACC championship game by beating the Hokies 77-63 in the semifinals Saturday. “At this stage,” S m i t h said, “no injury is going to hold me back from playing.” K y l e S i n g l e r SMITH added 13 points and 11 rebounds and Seth Curry had 10 points for the second-seeded Blue Devils (29-4). The two-time defending league tournament champions and reigning national champs shot 47 percent and kept the Hokies at arm’s length throughout the second half to avenge a late-season loss and set up a third meeting with bitter rival North Carolina in the title game Sunday. “We were matched up for the regular-season championship, and it’s the two best teams again,” Smith said. Malcolm Delaney, who’s second to Smith in the ACC scoring race, finished with 19 points on 4-of-14 shooting for the sixth-seeded Hokies (21-11). They were just 2 of 12 from 3-point range and couldn’t get closer than 10 in the final 14 minutes. “Going into the game, I felt we had earned confidence,” Virginia Tech

See UNC, 3c

See DUKE, 3c

AssociAted Press

North carolina's Harrison Barnes, top, and clemson's tanner smith, bottom, chase a loose ball. His 40 points also tied former UNC great Tyler Hansbrough for the league’s freshman scoring record in any game, stood as the first time a player had scored 40 in the tournament since Wake Forest’s Randolph Childress in 1995 and was the most by a

Hewitt fired by Tech

horns. Barnes had struggled with his shot early, but that basket started a run of clutch late-game shooting for the player widely regarded as the nation’s No. 1 recruit. “Early in the year, the young man took a lot of doubters and criticism from

Buzzer beater sends Amaker, Harvard home Associated Press

Associated Press

ATLANTA — The mounting losses and declining attendance finally caught up with Paul Hewitt. Saturday the Yellow Jackets answered the long-running question about the coach’s future when they fired him only two days after another disappointing season. Hewitt, who took the Yellow Jackets to the national title game in 2004, muddled through his fourth losing season in the last six years. “At the end of the day we just didn’t win enough games,” Hewitt told The Associated Press on Saturday. “It’s part of the business.” In the end, the financial impact of a half-filled arena for Georgia Tech’s home games overwhelmed the $7.2 million buyout Hewitt will be paid over five years. Athletic director Dan Radakovich said Saturday that he hopes to hire a coach before the Final Four, which begins on April 2 in Houston. Radakovich said he already

North Carolina player in the tournament since Charles Scott had 41 in the 1970 quarterfinals. It was fitting that Barnes’ big performance happened here, on the same court where he hit a tying 3 in the final seconds of the loss to the Long-

AssociAted Press

Paul Hewitt is out at tech. has a few candidates on his list to replace Hewitt, who did not attend the press conference. Radakovich will be assisted in the search by former Vanderbilt and South Carolina coach Eddie Fogler. Fogler also advised Auburn during last year’s search which ended with the hiring of Tony Barbee. Radakovich said he “got to know coach Fogler very well” when the two worked together at South Carolina. He said Fogler would not be a candidate to replace Hewitt. Hewitt was not bitter about being let go, which was not unexpected. “I had 11 years there,” Hewitt said. “I’ve got nothing but appreciation for how they dealt with me in my 11 years. It’s a great place and I know they’re going to get a great coach.”

The college basketball roundup ... NEW HAVEN, Conn.— Princeton's Douglas Davis hit a leaning jump shot at the buzzer to give the Tigers a trip to the NCAA tournament for the first time since 2004 with a wild 63-62 win over Tommy Amaker-coached Harvard. The Crimson, who split the regular season title with Princeton, were seeking their first NCAA bid since 1946. Davis had 15 points to lead the Tigers (25-6), who will represent the Ivy League for the 24th time in the tournament after overcoming an eight-point second half deficit. Keith Wright scored 16 points for Harvard (23-6), which still has a chance for an at-large bid.

the NCAA tournament.

MEAC FINAL WINSTON-SALEM — Ed "Little Buck" Joyner got to achieve his goal in his hometown in front of his father, uncle and numerous other relatives and friends in his coaching-rich family. Brandon Tunnell scored 20 points, including four free throws in the final minute, and Hampton secured its first NCAA berth in five years with a 60-55 victory over Morgan State in the MidEastern Athletic Conference title game.



CLEVELAND — Steve McNees blocked Carlton Guyton's last-second 3point attempt, giving Akron a wild 6665 win over Kent State in overtime on Saturday night in the Mid-American Conference championship and the league's automatic bid to the NCAA tournament. McNees, whose outside shooting in the first half kept the Zips in the game, got his right hand on Guyton's long shot as the final horn sounded. It was Akron's 15th block, and it gave the Zips (23-12) their second MAC title in three years. Brett McKnight scored 15 points and it was his two free throws with 12.8 seconds left that put the Zips ahead 66-65 and set up another furious finish to the MAC's finale.

KATY, Texas — Freshman forward Jeromie Hill scored 25 points to lead Texas-San Antonio to a 75-72 win over McNeese State in the Southland Conference championship, giving the Roadrunners an automatic berth in

BOSTON — Boston University is back in the NCAA tournament for the first time since 2002 because John Holland brought the Terriers back from a

CONFERENCE USA FINAL EL PASO, Texas — Two years after John Calipari left town, Memphis is back in the NCAA tournament. Joe Jackson made two free throws with 7 seconds left and the Tigers rallied past UTEP 67-66 on Saturday to win the Conference USA championship and an automatic bid to the NCAAs. UTEP had a final chance to win at the buzzer, but Christian Polk's jumper fell short.


15-point deficit in the second half. After going scoreless for the first 17 minutes, the America East player of the year hit two free throws with 2.4 seconds left to cap a 27-point performance and give BU a 56-54 win over Stony Brook in the conference championship game.

BIG WEST FINAL ANAHEIM, Calif. — Orlando Johnson scored 23 points to lead UC Santa Barbara to a 64-56 win over top-seeded Long Beach State on Saturday night in the championship game of the Big West tournament. Fourth-seeded Santa Barbara (18-13), which beat Long Beach State in last year's conference tournament, earned its second consecutive trip to the NCAAs. Long Beach State (22-11) fell behind by 10 in the first half before clawing back to tie it at 27 at halftime. Santa Barbara took control with a 14-4 run midway through the second half.

SWAC FINAL GARLAND, Texas — Tremayne Moorer scored 14 points and Tramaine Butler added 13, lifting Alabama State to a 65-48 victory over Grambling on Saturday night to win the Southwestern Athletic Conference championship and a trip to the NCAA tournament. The Hornets are sure to be a low seed considering they are only 17-17. At least they have momentum going for them — they were 6-16 at the start of February, but head into the tournament on an 11-1 run. This victory avenged their only loss in their recent spurt, a one-pointer on the road.


Chris Verner, Editorial Page Editor, 704-797-4262 cverner@salisburypost.com

Books A kaleidoscopic journey through nature and history/5D

SUNDAY March 13, 2011


Your right to know Sunshine review finds progress, as well as some setbacks BY BETH FOUHY



The battle over ‘Old Hickory’ continues

Associated Press

EW YORK — More openness in government. Lawmakers across the country, including the Republicans who took control in many states this year, say they want it. But a survey of all 50 states by the Associated Press has found that efforts to boost openness often are being thwarted by old patterns of secrecy. The survey did find signs of progress in a number of states, especially in technological efforts to make much more information available online. But there also are restrictions being put in place for recent electronic trends, such as limits on access to officials’ text messages. The AP analysis was done in conjunction with this year’s Sunshine Week, an annual initiative begun in 2002 to promote greater transparency in government. To observe Sunshine Week, which runs March 13-20, AP journalists in all 50 statehouses reported on both recent improvements and the obstacles that still exist in many places. First, the positive: In Alabama, where Republicans won control of the Legislature for the first time in 136 years, lawmakers can no longer bring up budget votes without warning. And Budget Committee meetings are now streamed live online. In the past, legislative leaders typically wrote state budgets in private. “The public and the press can know where the dollars are being spent and why they are being spent,” Republican House Budget Chairman Jay Love said of the new practices. In Indiana, there’s a new website that pulls together budget data, spending reports and other financial information that had previously been spread across multiple sites. New Hampshire launched a website in December that gives the public a window on where the state’s money comes from and where it goes — with links to budget documents. The public can also look up the salaries of state employees. In Utah, lawmakers passed legislation in 2008 making almost every budget number available online, including detailed salary information and revenue generated by specific fees. Other states, too, are taking advantage of technology to improve their transparency, the AP found. But the openness often goes only so far. Secrecy still prevails in many states among lawmakers of both parties, especially on budget matters where competing interests with big money at stake jockey for advantage. While political watchdogs in Utah have praised the state’s transparency efforts, a purely political problem remains: Republicans, who have more than a two-thirds majority in the House and Senate,


many budget discussions are carried out in public, the AP survey found most key details will be decided behind closed doors. “Anytime you do that, go into a secret meeting, it makes the taxpayers wonder, ‘What are they saying that they’re afraid to tell us?’” said Barry Smith of the Nevada Press Association, which monitors lawmakers’ openness. The public push for transparency stems in part from new political leadership in many states, the AP survey found. Republicans now control 29 governorships and 26 state legislatures, and many pledged to improve openness during campaign season last year. Technological advances have also played a role, as have expectations from a skeptical public deASSOCIATED PRESS manding more information about how their tax money is being spent In North Carolina, lawmakers supported greater transparency after the scandals involving then-House Speaker Jim Black (left). But this legisla- during the still-painful aftermath of the long and deep recession. tive session holds little promise of more advancements in openness. Advocates for open government say they believe many states are on negotiate the budget in private bany, critics have compared the the right track. with almost no input from Democbudget process to the old Soviet “We are seeing less of the backrats. The same goes for meetings Politburo — but, some suggest, room deal and more openness and between the governor and GOP even more secretive and more in engagement with citizens,” said leaders, which usually are unanthe red. Despite a reform bill that Ellen Miller, co-founder of the nonnounced and not open to the public. passed two years ago, legislative partisan Sunlight Foundation which In New York’s state capital, Alleaders still craft budget bills bepromotes government transparenhind closed doors and send them cy. “Of course politics are what out for quick votes. Democratic politics are, and as long as there’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who rode to money, well-heeled lobbyists may office vowing to reform state govalways have the inside track. But ernment, has focused more on there is more engagement with the North Carolina General Statute 132-1 defines public records as “all ethics and lobbying than on transpublic than we’ve seen before.” documents, papers, letters, maps, books, photographs, films, sound parency. Still, obstacles remain. recordings, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data‑processing Even when there seems to be In Iowa, Republican Gov. Terry records, artifacts, or other documentary material, regardless of physiprogress in some states, governors Branstad wants to create a noncal form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or ordiand legislators routinely exempt profit organization to advise the nance in connection with the transaction of public business by any themselves from open records laws state Economic Development Deor defy them altogether. partment on attracting business. agency of North Carolina government or its subdivisions. Agency of Take Kentucky, where lawmak- As a nonprofit, the group would be North Carolina government or its subdivisions shall mean and include ers long ago excluded themselves allowed to set up a private venture every public office, public officer or official (State or local, elected or from the provisions of the open capital fund and avoid public appointed), institution, board, commission, bureau, council, departmeeting law. They’ve used that exrecords laws. ment, authority or other unit of government of the State or of any clusion to its fullest in recent budgFred Hubbell, a former departcounty, unit, special district or other political subdivision of governet negotiations, the AP found, clos- ment director, asks why it couldn’t ment. ing themselves into legislative con- be open to scrutiny. “The public records and public information compiled by the agenference rooms with state police of“I suppose some people would cies of North Carolina government or its subdivisions are the property ficers posted at the door as they say that would discourage people of the people. Therefore, it is the policy of this State that the people figure out how to make up a $1.5 from getting involved, but it billion shortfall. strikes me citizens have a right to may obtain copies of their public records and public information free Or Nevada, a state where the know,” Hubbell said. “Otherwise, or at minimal cost unless otherwise specifically provided by law. As Legislature is exempt from open you run the risk of a perceived conused herein, ‘minimal cost’ shall mean the actual cost of reproducing meeting laws because it is not dethe public record or public information.” See SURVEY, 4D fined as a “public body” like local governments and agencies. While

How N.C. defines a public record

Two Carolinas lay rival claims to 7th president BY JEFFREY COLLINS Associated Press

HE WAXHAWS, Carolinas — South Carolina claims Andrew Jackson as its only president. But wait — on the grounds of the North Carolina capitol, a bronze statue of Jackson sits with two others as “Presidents North Carolina Gave the Nation.” For a century, the two Carolinas have quarreled over which can claim to be the birthplace of the seventh American president. Dueling monuments sit within miles of each other south of Charlotte. For decades, one high school in Lancaster County, S.C., and another in Union County, N.C., played a football game in which the winner got to claim Jackson for the next year. And don’t look to the White House for the answer: its website lists Jackson’s birthplace a “backwoods settlement in the Carolinas.” In history’s great sweep, where exactly Jackson was born on March 15, 1767, doesn’t matter much. In fact, Jackson went on to become a proud Tennessean, moving there in his 20s and claiming that state as his own for the rest of his life. The plantation he built just outside of Nashville, The Hermitage, is one of the country’s most visited presidential homes. The Tennessee Capitol grounds boast JACKSON a statue of Jackson on horseback, routing the British as a general in the War of 1812. Any state would gladly claim the larger-than-life president who was nicknamed “Old Hickory,” a man who lost his father before birth and his mother in his teens, rose from poverty, practiced law in Salisbury and become a war hero and president. A scar on his face came from a sword blow received after he refused to shine a British officer’s shoes after being taken prisoner in the American Revolution. At his 1829 inauguration, Jackson opened the White House to all for a party so raucous that one account had Jackson leaving through a window, the revelers lured out by punch bowls set on the lawn. During the three years he spent in Salisbury, beginning in late 1784, Jackson studied law at Judge Spruce Maccay’s office, which was located near the Henderson Law Office. But don’t assume that Jackson kept his long nose stuck in musty legal texts. Among Salisburians, he developed a reputation as a rounder and a brawler, taking delight in cockfights, horse races and the ladies. Early Jackson biographer James Parton quoted a Salisbury woman’s surprise that he was running for president: “What! Jackson up for president? Andrew Jackson who used to live in Salisbury? Well, if Andrew Jackson can be president, anybody can!” While his Salisbury sojourn is well documented, textbooks from either state in the Carolinas don’t solve the birthplace mystery. One North Carolina textbook said Jackson was born “near North Carolina’s borders,” according to Courtney




SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 3D


An appeal to moderates

There’s no escaping the royals E

Florida trip shows Obama’s strategy ALM CITY, Fla. — On a trip here to Florida last week, President Obama joined former Gov. Jeb Bush at a Miami high school and stressed their common interest in education reform. That night, he made a cordial reference to Bush — brother and son of Republican presidents — at a Democratic fundraiser. When his comments were greeted with catcalls from the partiSTEVE & san audience, the COKIE ROBERTS president protested: “No, no, no, no, now.” Then he added: “I know this is not a name you often hear at Florida Democratic fundraisers.” True. But Obama’s comment was part of a deliberate strategy he has been following since the “shellacking” the Democrats absorbed last November. As he begins to organize his re-election campaign and road-test possible themes, the president is portraying himself as a bridge-builder, a consensus-maker, someone who is willing to find “common ground” with Republicans like Bush, even if it means catcalls — and worse — from his liberal supporters. To understand this strategy, just look at the results of the 2008 election. A lot of attention has been focused on self-described “independents,” and they are certainly important. Twenty-nine


percent chose that label, and they favored Obama by 52 percent to 44 percent. But a more important target is “moderates,” a group that includes many independents but also centrist, pragmatic members of both parties. This group was considerably larger than independents in 2008 — comprising 44 percent of the electorate — and they voted more heavily for Obama, 60 percent to 39 percent. Obama’s appeal to these centrists ran through everything he did and said in Florida. A delegation of teachers gathered outside the Miami high school, protesting the president’s embrace of Bush and if you were a cynic (and we’re not), you might even suspect that Team Obama bused in the critics to emphasize the moderate message. At the fundraiser, the president returned to the same theme, praising Republican presidents from Abraham Lincoln to Dwight Eisenhower for investing in infrastructure improvements like railroads and highways. And then he declared: “The biggest contest we face is not between Democrats and Republicans. It’s between the United States and our workers and our businesses and our economy and our competitors around the world.” This is clever and conscious. The president is portraying himself as the leader of the whole country, not just a party or a faction, a country engaged in a global battle for economic survival. And how do you object to that? There’s not a big lobby in Washington that

favors “losing the future.” But there’s a paradox here. At the very moment that Team Obama is taking dead aim at moderate voters, Congress has fewer moderate members than ever. In fact, moderates are easily the leastrepresented group in American politics. It has been a cliche for years, and an accurate one, to lament the “polarization” on Capitol Hill, but a new study by the National Journal shows exactly how serious the partisan divide has become. In fact, America is approaching a European model, with ideological parties that don’t overlap in the middle and exert iron discipline over their members. In the Congress that ended in December, the most conservative Democratic senator (Ben Nelson of Nebraska) had a more liberal voting record than the most progressive Republicans (George Voinovich of Ohio and Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine). Thirty years ago, when the National Journal started keeping these records, 58 senators occupied the middle ground between the polar extremes. Last year, there were none. As Trent Lott, the former Republican leader of the Senate, told the Journal: “Over the years, there is no question that the middle in the Senate has shrunk considerably.” If anything, the House has seen an even more dramatic shift toward ideological purity. In 1982, 334 House members posted ratings somewhere between the most liberal Republican and most con-


President Obama struck ‘common ground’ themes during his recent trip to Florida. servative Democrat. By last year, the number had shriveled to seven, and today all but one of them — Republican Walter Jones of North Carolina — has left Congress. There are many reasons for this pattern, but one of the most important is the rise of vocal advocates and pressure groups — centered in cable TV, talk radio and the blogosphere — that demand ideological purity and threaten reprisal against anyone who dares to stray from party orthodoxy. In this world of shrill shouters, moderates have virtually no voice. But Obama knows they still hold the key to his re-election. And he intends to speak to them and for them. • • • Steve and Cokie’s new book, “Our Haggadah” (HarperCollins), has just been published.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A reason to save N.C. port project We must decide whether we want North Carolina to remain competitive in the retention of existing industries and maintain our ability to recruit new industries and therefore create new jobs. North Carolina’s decision to develop a deep-water port in Brunswick County will provide this cost competitive advantage our neighboring coastal states are currently developing. Significant cost savings on ocean shipping are being achieved through larger container ships. Such ships, due to greater keel depth, cannot call on the Port of Wilmington. When the Panama Canal expansion opens, large ships from Pacific rim countries will call on U.S. East Coast ports. These large ships require ports with channel depths of 49-plus feet; therefore states with deepwater ports will provide their customers cost competitive advantages. With Wilmington’s maximum depth of 42 feet, businesses in North Carolina will be at a shipping cost disadvantage if North Carolina cannot offer an additional port with a 50-foot channel. For North Carolina to remain cost competitive for business and industry, it must develop a deepwater port with at least a 50 feet channel. The 600-acre N.C. International Terminal site is one of our state’s very few deep-water locations with that amount of developable acreage. It is imperative our state undertake the appropriate analysis and studies that would provide the information required to make an informed decision on that site development. To not undertake that analysis is irresponsible to our state’s future and its citizens. — John Swope Clinton

Swope is economic development director for Sampson County.

Letters policy The Salisbury Post welcomes letters to the editor. Each letter should be limited to 300 words and include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Limit one letter each 14 days. Write Letters to the Editor, Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145-4639. Or fax your letter to 639-0003. E-mail address: letters@ salisburypost.com


Anti-Gadhafi protesters carry the coffin of a man who was killed in the fighting in Benghazi, in eastern Libya.

White House needs to lead on Libya s Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi savages his people in a bid to stay in power and the Obama administration dithers about a response, the question arises: Haven’t we seen this movie before? We have — several times, and the plots have not been pretty. In 1956, when Hungarians rebelled against their Communist rulers, Radio Free Europe cheered them on and led them to think America would come to their aid. Of course, we didn’t and Soviet troops crushed the MORTON revolt. In 1991, after KONDRACKE U.S.-led forces ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait and all but destroyed his army, President George H.W. Bush urged Iraqis to oust Saddam from power, then stood idle as his Republican Guards killed tens of thousands of Shiite and Kurdish rebels. In the early 1990s, too, the Bush and Clinton administrations did effectively nothing as Serbs massacred and raped Bosnians and ethnic Albanians in the Balkans — until finally President Bill Clinton bypassed the United Nations to order NATO airstrikes to halt the fighting. As well, the United States armed Islamists in Afghanistan when they were fighting the Soviet Union in the 1980s, then abandoned the country until after al-Qaida launched the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Here we go again. After long days of silence as Libyans rose up against Gadhafi, President Barack Obama declared the dictator “needs to step down from power and leave.” But, as to action that would force that result, the administration seems decidedly indecisive, with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton referring to the possibility


of a “no-fly zone” to prevent Libyan planes from bombarding rebels, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates all but flatly ruling it out. The administration is providing humanitarian aid and is consulting with allies but apparently will not take decisive action without U.N. approval. Obama also may be conflicted because popular rebellions are under way in countries friendly to the United States — notably Bahrain, Jordan and Egypt — and he may fear that intervention in Libya would imply similar action in those countries. Such fears should not determine U.S. policy. The United States surely can distinguish between a madman using terror and an authoritarian using tear gas and truncheons. For in places where restive populations are demanding reform or new governments, Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., last week floated a proposal made to him by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a western Marshall Plan using non-governmental funds to provide schools, clinics and clean water. Instead of $120 billion in U.S. government funds — what America provided to Europeans in today’s dollars after World War II — Alexander said that private foundations and donors should raise tens of billions to go mainly to non-government institutions. The similarity to the original Marshall Plan, according to Alexander, is that the recipient countries would design their own programs rather than having the United States impose its ideas. The projects would have to be attractive enough to win private support. For various reasons — notably past support for dictators — the United States is deeply unpopular in most of the Arab world. Promoting reform and organizing effective development programs can only help build a more favorable image. And so would effective action to

rid Libya of Gadhafi. A “no-fly zone” might not be the most effective method in as much as fighter planes are not the dictator’s dominant method of beating back rebels. He’s using helicopters, tanks, loyalist troops and mercenaries. To counter them militarily, the United States would have to engage in ground combat, which is not an option for a military already fighting two wars. Better ideas have been pressed on Obama by Republicans such as Sens. John McCain (Ariz.) and Mitch McConnell (Ky.), including weapons, ammunition, intelligence and training for anti-Gadhafi rebels. And former Bush administration national security adviser Stephen Hadley has recommended other steps such as offers to recognize the rebels as the legitimate government of Libya, conversion of Gadhafi’s $15 billion in frozen assets as a trust fund for the Libyan people and threats of war crimes trials for those who support Gadhafi. Of course there is no guarantee that the regime taking over from Gadhafi would be friendly to the United States, but it’s clear that if Gadhafi stays in power, he will be hostile, possibly returning to terrorism. Obama evidently does not want the United States to be seen as responsible, after Iraq, for toppling another Arab government and having to manage its successor. But the fact is that he has already taken the fateful step of prescribing an outcome — Gadhafi’s departure. If he does not take steps to make that happen, the United States will come out looking like a paper tiger, not a world leader. And, if a bloodbath occurs — and, worse, if Gadhafi survives in power after a bloodbath — it will be 1956 and 1991 all over again. • • • Morton Kondracke is executive editor of Roll Call.

ven casual perusers of newspapers and the Internet, let alone glossy magazines and tabloid TV, here in the United States must frequently feel they’re being stalked by the British royal family. These people are everywhere. And the royals are aided and abetted by the media — theirs and ours — who chronicle them with an obsession with detail we here in the colonies normally reserve for congressional sex scandals. Flipping though the AssociDALE ated Press’ interMCFEATTERS national file this morning, we find that Zara Phillips, 29, is to be married to renowned rugby player Mike Tindall. Phillips, of whose existence until now I was unaware, is Queen Elizabeth II’s eldest granddaughter and 12th in line to the British throne, which means that after her wedding and reception at a royal palace we may never hear of her again. But with the royals, you never know. The story had two interesting facts about the daughter of Princess Anne: She met her future husband in a bar in Australia; and she and her brother, Peter, are the only ones of the queen’s eight grandchildren without royal titles. Apparently, Princess Anne turned down her mother’s offer of titles for the two. That seems unfair. Being Princess of Something or Other seems little enough compensation for minor royals whose duties seem to run heavily to handing out livestock awards. On the same AP wire we find that Kate Middleton’s future loyal subjects are worried that she’s getting too thin in advance of her April 29 wedding to Prince William. Crowds of well-wishers at her appearances urge her not to lose any more weight, a backhanded way of telling the future queen she ought to pork up a bit. These bulletins about a young woman’s weight are not at all odd coming from a news service that has a running story called “Royal Wedding: The Countdown.” As of Wednesday it was 50 days off, if you’re keeping score at home. And speaking of the news, everybody’s favorite royal, Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, is back in it — and, as usual, not in a good way. Fergie seems like one of those good-time girls you’d want at your parties, but not in your family. This seems to be the way the royal family feels about it, since even though she’s divorced from Prince Andrew, they keep her around and, in fact, she shares a house with him. The duchess’ function seems to be as a source of glorious, cringe-inducing embarrassments when interest in the royals wanes. It is a role she performs extremely well. There was the time she came down to breakfast with the family gathered at one of the royal castles to find that she was on the front pages of a tabloid, topless and getting a toe job from a Texas millionaire while Andrew was out of town. And then there was the time she was filmed shopping access, for about $800,000, to her ex-husband, who had surfaced as the United Kingdom’s Special Representative for Trade and Investment. With Fergie’s luck, the Indian businessman she thought she was dealing with turned out to be a tabloid reporter. Despite a series of successful children’s books, the duchess managed to be constantly in debt. It was in connection with those debts that she had her latest scrape, accepting $24,000 toward those debts from a convicted pedophile who also happens to be an associate of her ex-husband. For a change, he may be in even more trouble than she is. Andrew, who was known as “Randy Andy” in his younger days, we now learn is being called “Air Miles Andy” because of his extensive travels at the public’s expense. All of this is great stuff, and what’s great about it is we don’t have to foot the bill for it. The Brits do. Don’t think we’re not grateful. • • • Dale McFeatters writes columns and editorials for Scripps Howard News Service. E-mailt mcfeattersd@shns.com.

4D • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011

Coming to terms with Newt Gingrich ife number three and I made a movie about the Pope, so my divorces and adulterous affairs don’t count.” That’s how one person greeted Newt Gingrich’s recent announcement that he is seriously considering the possibility of running for president. Most followers of the presidential-primary scramble figured as much already. But Gingrich’s press conference ushered in an open season on the man and his personal life. The negative comKATHRYN ments have LOPEZ focused on more than the former congressional speaker’s personal infidelity. They’ve gone after his professional record, too. It’s always hard to divorce one from another. Especially when it’s morality that Gingrich talks about on the campaign trail. “Morality matters in economics because balancing the budget is an essentially moral, not economic, question about whether or not politicians ought to follow the same rules as the rest of us,” he told a Faith and Freedom Coalition forum in Iowa recently. He went on to say, “There should be no distinction between economic, national-security and social conservatives. We should all base our principles on fundamental questions of morality.” I happen to wholeheartedly agree. Iowa caucus voters tend to agree too. But when Gingrich muses about morality, people are reminded of his less than stellar record in that field. Gingrich, mind you, didn’t help matters when he told the Christian Broadcasting Network: “There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate.” That sounded a bit like he was walking away from responsibility. But, in that same interview, he added: “And what I can tell you is that when I did things that were wrong ... I found that I felt compelled to seek God’s forgiveness. Not God’s understanding, but God’s forgiveness.” Simultaneous to his comments, many were gearing up for the Christian season of Lent. As it happened, Gingrich was being ridiculed — “Patriotism made me do it!” was the most common barb — on Ash Wednesday, a day focused on sin and repentance. I don’t know the heart of Newt Gingrich. I probably know him about as well as many folks who have sounded off regarding his reappearance as a potential candidate. Since we last saw him as an elected official, he has converted to Catholicism, and yes, made an excellent documentary about Pope John Paul II and the fall of Communism. Needless to say, none of these things excuse moral turpitude, and people have certainly been known to do things for politically advantageous reasons. Yet “trust but verify” is a political proverb. Gingrich’s recent years appear to have involved a commitment to public policy, as well as to family and his newfound faith. Confessing our failure, demonstrating a purpose of amendment, these are at the heart of Christianity. Of course, the voting booth is not the confessional, and for


Jackson’s birth at another uncle’s home in North Carolina. Jackson’s mother died when he was 14 from cholera while caring for sick Revolutionary War soldiers in 1781, taking away any light she could shed on

the matter. South Carolina backers suggest the reason the dispute began was someone was trying to sell the North Carolina land and figured declaring Andrew Jackson’s birthplace would make it more valuable.

The dispute intensified when a chapter of the North Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution erected a monument in 1910 on the North Carolina land, claiming it was the spot where Jackson was born. Later, a statue of Jackson was placed at the North Carolina state capitol, along with those of James Polk and Andrew Johnson — two presidents definitively born in that state. South Carolina responded by building Andrew Jackson State Park on the site of South Carolina uncle’s plantation. Schoolchildren raised funds for a statue there. “People believe he is either from here or there and that’s part of their story,” said Laura Ledford, a ranger at Andrew Jackson State Park. Ledford gets several visitors a month who want to argue the matter. She reckons it ultimately doesn’t matter where exactly in the Carolina wilderness Jackson was born, adding, “It’s not like the difference between being born in New York City and Lancaster, S.C. The stories of what Jackson did as the American hero of the War of 1812 and as president are far more important than bickering over a birthplace, said Jean Goss, an eighthgrade teacher at Jamestown Middle School in Guilford County. “There’s some mysteries we don’t get to solve I guess,” Goss said. “We’ll just stake our claim where we can.” Where Jackson’s story ends is not in dispute. The man who survived a dozen duels and the Battle Of New Orleans died quietly at The Hermitage on June 8, 1845. He was 78.

ence committees that previously met in private will now hold public hearings. And bills must be posted online for at least 24 hours before they can be heard. North Carolina lawmakers began moving toward greater transparency after a bribery scandal in 2006 sent then-House Speaker Jim Black to prison. Republicans who took control of the Legislature for the first time in more than a century this year promised even more progress, but the pledge fell apart early in the session after GOP lawmakers closed a party caucus meeting with lobbyists to discuss whether to legalize video poker in the state. House Speaker Thom Tillis defended the meeting as an informational session designed to let lawmakers ask questions. “I guess some people just want to turn a blind eye toward input before they formulate policy. To me that doesn’t sound like good policy,”

Tillis said last month. In Nebraska, lawmakers are considering a bill that would require high-ranking administrators at the state’s public universities and K-12 schools to disclose their employment contracts, including payments and benefits from private foundations. The bill follows a scandal two years ago in which a former state college professor accepted a deferred compensation package from the college’s foundation worth nearly $500,000 in private funds. While taking advantage of improvements in technology, lawmakers in some states have also taken steps to block access to the information technology provides. In Delaware, lawmakers have opened up Finance Committee hearings while simultaneously exempting from disclosure e-mails they or their aides send or receive. That means communications to constituents,

lobbyists and state agencies are off-limits. In Ohio, the public can’t find out whom lawmakers are calling or texting, particularly if they’re using a personal cell phone. Public records requests by the AP for the numbers of cell phones legislators use for state business were rejected by both parties and in both the House and Senate. Gov. John Kasich’s office also declined a request for personal cell phones for the governor and his staff. Just in the past week, Utah Republican Gov. Gary Herbert signed into law a measure to prohibit release of public officials’ text messages, voice mails and other electronic communications, and to significantly increase the fees to get public records. As of 2009, 25 states allowed the use of electronic devices on the floor or in committee, according to a study by the National Conference of State Legislatures.

FROM 1D Thomas, a senior editor at textbook publisher Gibbs Smith Education. South Carolina’s book doesn’t mention the exact spot either though it stiffly asserts Jackson was a “South Carolina native.” Teachers don’t dwell on the controversy because it’s just part of an eventful life, said Leslie Wallace Skinner, who helps with designing social studies curriculum for the South Carolina Education Department. Skinner notes, “By the time we talk about him as a president, he’s a Tennessean.” Don’t tell that to people in the Carolinas. The question lives on because of tragedies in Jackson’s early life. His father died late in his mother’s pregnancy, and he was born as his mother made an arduous dozen-mile trip back from burying him to the farms where her family lived in what was then a backwoods wilderness called The Waxhaws. There, Scots-Irish Presbyterians struggled to settle land so remote that the border between North and South Carolina hadn’t been officially surveyed yet. Jackson wrote a letter in 1824 saying he was born at his uncle’s plantation in South Carolina and approved a map around that time indicating his birth home was in that state’s Lancaster County. Some suggest Jackson claimed to be a South Carolinian to attempt to find kinship with a state that wanted to nullify a federal tariff. A few decades later, a son of a woman who said she was present when Jackson was born wrote a letter saying his mother placed



As he contemplates a presidential run, Newt Gingrich is having to discuss his personal life as well as public policy. the most prudent reasons, voters can’t be as merciful with their elected officials as they are with their neighbor. Or can we? Gingrich is just a man, too. And his lack of finesse about his sins may simply result from a discomfort with speaking about his failure publicly. Nevertheless, he has to. And in being publicly reflective, he, probably inadvertently, is doing what he does best: teach. Back in January I wrote a piece with Seth Leibsohn, coauthor with Bill Bennett of the upcoming book “The Fight of Our Lives,” welcoming freshman members of Congress to Washington and urging them to be good and decent. For legislators, our capital can be a city of temptation: you may be away from your family; in many cases, you’re keeping irregular hours, attending a whirl of social events. There are no excuses for slip-ups, but there is value in knowing the enemy is very much there, and that you need to protect yourself against it. In this way, Gingrich actually provided a little bit of a public service in one of his least articulate moments. If you can get past the ridicule, he serves as a cautionary tale: That boundlessly powerful feeling you get when you’re doing things you deem important for the world can get you into trouble. Beware. As he told the crowd in Iowa, Newt Gingrich 2011 hits the stage “with maybe a little more wisdom” than the Newt Gingrich who was king of the 1994 Republican revolution. As for that whole presidential dust-up: It’s not the craziest idea ever. And, if we can all put cynicism aside just for a moment, maybe, just maybe, the fact that Gingrich can seriously consider such a notion is testimony to a little, amazing, transformative thing called redemption. • • • Kathryn Lopez is the editor of National Review Online (www.nationalreview. com). E-mail: klopez@nationalreview.com.

SURVEY FROM 1D flict of interest.” Florida Gov. Rick Scott has taken a step back from his state’s generally strong record on transparency. His office has announced plans to charge a fee to fulfill open records requests, a practice allowed under state law but waived by the previous governor, Republican-turned-independent Charlie Crist. Scott’s spokesman said the decision was made to save taxpayer money, not to block access to information. Some states have moved toward greater transparency in the wake of political scandals, the AP found. In Oklahoma, where felony bribery charges are pending against a current House member and former state senator, the state has taken steps to open up the legislative process. Confer-


This statue in Raleigh pays homage to North Carolina’s link to Andrew Jackson, as well as to Presidents James Polk and Andrew Johnson.

“By the time we talk about him as a president, he’s a Tennessean.” LESLIE SKINNER S.C. Education Department




THE NEWSDAY CROSSWORD Edited by Stanley Newman (www.StanXwords.com)

GLAD ALL OVER: Have a happy day by Gail Grabowski





Puzzle solution



ACROSS 1 Petunia parts 7 Fourth-down play 11 Raindrop sound 15 Stick in one’s __ 19 Gift-giver’s prompt 20 Burden 21 Rant partner 22 Kilauea flow 23 Happy 25 Happy 27 Freshen, in a way 28 Ruckus 29 In unison 30 History or mystery 33 Matador motivator 34 Hotel patron 35 Biological subdivision 36 Happy 39 Horse-race prize 40 Sternward 41 Duffer’s dream 42 Technical sch. 43 Salty septet 44 __ XING (road sign) 45 MBA, for example 46 Wild swine 47 Flat-screen ancestor: Abbr. 50 Type of bank charge 54 Fish dish 56 Rocket’s trajectory 57 Peace Nobelist Wiesel 58 Decants 59 Wagerer’s hangout: Abbr. 60 Happy 63 Take as a given 64 Pinocchio, notably 66 New Haven school 67 State-run game 68 Happy 71 Blushing

72 73 74 75 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 85 86 89 91 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 103 105 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117

“Significant” person Houseplant perch Agitated, with “up” Ill-tempered Goes too fast Shoebox letters Overtake and go beyond Less than forthcoming “Catch ya later!” Very dry, as wine Lofty Faux __ Podded plant Foolish talk Happy Nottingham river Was nosy Exist Dressing choice Scoundrel Mystical glow Baghdad’s river Happy Happy Whodunit helper Leftovers Monopoly card Sign up Potato parts Pretentious Rowboat pair Fasten on

DOWN 1 Coffee container 2 Prefix for center 3 Gumshoe 4 Turkish capital 5 Bell-shaped flowers 6 Ending for road or rhyme

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 24 26 28 30 31 32 34 37 38 39 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57

Well-liked Brings together Convent dweller Reproachful remark Watch over Extravagant Open to view __ diem worker Deal finalizers Synthetic fibers Wide thoroughfare Strolls through a stream Whatchamacallit Largest Latin American feline Solar-system centers College student’s stat. Arctic toymaker Hoopster’s target Eager Sporting blade See 39 Down With 38 Down, diner desserts Put into stacks Certain spaghetti sauce Persian Gulf emirate Beer base Provide with attire Ran amok Some opera stars Place side by side Canadian $2 coin Brawn Extra thing Tours of duty Campus climber Be overdramatic

59 61 62 65 69 70 76 77 79 81 82

Having seniority In advance Split to hitch MD’s coworkers Ryder rival “Father of Geometry” Hot streak Part of GPS For the time being Scoundrel Extra things

83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Needing hydration Square footage Eras ATM ID Space-saving abbr. Hearth refuse In a whimsical way Fix a model plane, perhaps 91 Most accurate 92 Tizzy

93 94 95 96 102 104 105 106 107 108 109

Get (oneself) situated Volcanic rock Vestige Not as ruddy Ostrich relative 401(k) alternative Oath affirmation Teachers’ org. By way of Key near F1 To the __ degree

Reach Stan Newman at P.O. Box 69, Massapequa Park, NY 11762, or at www.StanXwords.com





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Deirdre Parker Smith, Book Page Editor 704-797-4252 dp1@salisburypost.com www.salisburypost.com

Poet Steve Kistulentz coming March 18 BY FORREST ANDERSON For the Salisbury Post

Poet Steve Kistulentz, winner of the 2009 Benjamin Saltman Award for his poetry collection, “The Luckless Age,” will lead a creative writing workshop at Catawba College on Friday, March 18. A reading will follow at The Literary Bookpost. Kistulentz defines the Luckless Age as a period of time bookended by the assassination of John F. Kennedy and “the false optimism of the Reagan era.” His poems explore those 25 years of our country’s history by juxtaposing politics and religion with the pop culture figures of his youth such as Evel Knievel, Hank Williams Sr., David Lee Roth and Frank Sinatra. A quick read of the collection’s table of contents will have you laughing — “The Elegy for the Bay City Rollers,” “Hot Child in the City” and “The Skipper Talks to His Therapist.” Perhaps it isn’t so surprising that Kistulentz, who grew up in a suburb of Washington, D.C., developed an obsession for pop culture. He says that in high school his life was like a John Hughes movie, “My school had 3,000 students and was 98 percent upper middle class. Every weekend, someone’s parents were in the islands somewhere and there was a party with a keg of beer in the kitchen sink or the garage. I learned very early in that scene that it was more fun to be the person circling around the drama rather than the person involved in it.” After a 15-year career in national politics, working as a consultant in legislative and political affairs for a varied list of clients, he devoted himself full-time to writing and teaching. He is an assistant professor of English at Millsaps College in Jackson, Miss., where he teaches courses in creative writing, literature and popular culture. His poetry, fiction and nonfiction have appeared in numerous literary journals, and his poems have been anthologized in “Best New Poets 2008” and the “Helen Burns Anthology: New Voices from the Academy of American Poets.” Kistulentz will lead a group of students and members of the community through a creative writing workshop on Friday at 2:30 p.m. in the Catawba College Center for the Environment. If you are interested in participating, please email or call Forrest Anderson at banderso@catawba.edu or 704-637-4279. A reading will follow at The Literary Bookpost, 110 S. Main St., at 5 p.m.

Writers’ Workshop class The Writers’ Workshop of Asheville is offering a class at Providence Presbyterian Church, Charlotte. Registration is in advance only, by mail or at www.twwoa.org. To RSVP, call 828254-8111 or email writersw@gmail. com. March 26: Writing for Young Adults with Gail McAbee and Cynthia Witherspoon — Key elements of writing the young adult novel will be discussed, focusing on character development, dialogue and setting the scene. Publishing information will also be given, and students may bring a story idea or synopsis to the class for evaluation. McAbee is the author of 12 books and 70 short stories. Her awards include the Dorothy Parker Award of Excellence. Witherspoon is the award-winning author of “The Concept” and “Chorus of the Dead.” Both instructors are co-authors of The Balefire Chronicles. Meets Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $75/$70 members.

Rowan bestsellers

‘West of Here’ you’ll find an adventurous novel “West of Here,” by Jonathan terviewer on NPR he wanted to Evison. Algonquin Books of tell this story in a different way. Chapel Hill. 486 pp. $24.95. “So often when we historicize material we use this big wideBY ELIZABETH COOK angle lens,” he said. “The novel ecook@salisburypost.com I wanted to write, instead of a wide-angle lens, was a kaleidoReaders who delve into the scope of clashing and overlapwilderness of Jonathan Evison’s ping first-person narratives.” “West of Here” are in for an adIndeed it is. The story develventure. ops from seemingly countless Covering two eras and 42 angles — showing both how dispoints of view, the story winds parate everyone is and how conalong an uncharted path that nected. appears fraught with distracThrown in among the tions and detours. strivers and explorers and prosA man shivers in the dark, titutes and Indian chiefs are listening for Sasquatch. Others mystical elements — including seek fame for mapping new ter- a mute 19th century Klallam Inritory or fortune for damming a dian boy who temporarily exmighty river. A woman searchchanges spirits with a 21st cenes for truth and independence. tury teen tripping on LSD. Mothers try to protect their And then there’s Sasquatch. mysterious sons. Indians try to Or is there? maintain sobriety. The cold, damp Olympic Where is this going? peninsula, where Evison has By journey’s end on the spent much of his life hiking 486th page, though, all the meand camping, provides the stoanderings have converged into ry’s central tension — man vs. one grand tale of the Pacific nature. Also at work are deterNorthwest. You’ll know not only mined women vs. men who where the region is, figuratively would control them; Indians vs. speaking, but also how it got whites and liquor; and individuwhere it is today. als vs. societal norms — from Constructing the story is an sexual orientation to personal amazing feat on Evison’s part, space. considering the opportunities to Heroes are hard to identify get readers lost. He zig zags be- in “West of Here” if by “hero” tween 1890 and 2006 to portray you mean a completely sympathe rough beginnings of fiction- thetic character. Everyone is al Port Bonita — modeled after flawed in some way. Port Angeles — and its 21st cenAren’t we all? tury dilemma. In the earlier peThe character who frames riod, the town was the jumping the story from beginning to end off point for explorers and enis a hapless supervisor from the trepreneurs determined to tame failing fish-packing plant, a dithis last frontier. In the modern vorcee who sabotages his relaperiod, Port Bonita and the detionships by always pushing a scendants of those early inhabi- little too hard — and going on tants are in a slump, and the too long about Sasquatch. remedy appears to be dismanBut he is as much of Port tling the very dam that was sup- Bonita’s history as the 19th cenposed to drive prosperity. tury visionary who decided to This is Evison’s second novdam the Elwha River. Ditto for el, following “All About Lulu” the specialist, Meriweather, (Soft Skull, 2008). He told an in- who arrives at the hospital to di-

IndieBound bestsellers Fiction 1. The Wise Man's Fear: The Kingkiller Chronicle: Day Two, by Patrick Rothfuss. 2. Sing You Home, by Jodi Picoult. 3. The Paris Wife, by Paula McLain. 4. A Discovery of Witches, by Deborah Harkness. 5. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, by Stieg Larsson. 6. The Help, by Kathryn Stockett. 7. Room, by Emma Donoghue. 8. Swamplandia! by Karen Russell. 9. When the Killing's Done, by T.C. Boyle. 10. Minding Frankie, by Maeve Binchy.

Nonfiction 1. Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand. 2. Cleopatra, by Stacy Schiff. 3. Blood, Bones & Butter: The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef, by Gabrielle Hamilton. 4. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, by Amy Chua. 5. A Widow's Story: A Memoir, by Joyce Carol Oates. 6. Life, by Keith Richards. 7. Townie: A Memoir, by Andre Dubus III. 8. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot. 9. Autobiography of Mark Twain, by Mark Twain. 10. The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood, by James Gleick.

agnose the 21st century boy spouting 19th century words, with burned arms and no knowledge of how they got that way. An Escalade-driving “little raisin of an Indian,” Meriweather concludes that the boy walks between worlds. “He’s been places he’s never been,” he tells the distraught mother. That makes no sense, she

says. The specialist’s response may be the best signpost on the strange, fascinating journey that is “West of Here.” “Our memories are not ours alone,” the specialist says. “Our experience belongs to all that is living, and all that has ever lived. It even belongs to that which is not yet born and may never be born.”

1990 edition of ‘Sketches of Old Rowan’ available again American Association of University Women

“Sketches of Old Rowan” has reappeared in local bookstores this month, making its way to the bestseller list at Literary Bookpost. Published originally in 1960 by the American Association of University Women (AAUW), “Sketches” captures the history of Rowan County in the sketches of the late artist Aubrey Atkinson, accompanied by stories by the late Salisbury Post Editor George Raynor. Corner Books in China Grove is also selling the books. Note cards featuring the sketches are also available at both bookstores. Atkinson’s sketches are well known in these parts. The draw-

ing first appeared in the Salisbury Post in 1959 to accompany stories written about life in Rowan County by Raynor. Atkinson was a founder and first president of Rowan Art Guild. He served as an executive for the Boy Scouts before becoming business manager of the city schools. He died in 1970 of a heart attack at the age of 45. As an artist, he was well known throughout the area and his paintings sold throughout the East Coast, according to a Salisbury Post article in 1997, when 15 of his sketches were framed and donated to the Historic Salisbury Foundation. The Salisbury Branch of AAUW originally published “Sketches of Old Rowan” in 1960.

All 1,000 copies sold within a month. AAUW published three more editions, with some additional sketches and revisions by local historians Claude Pickett, James Brawley and William Kizziah. The current edition (1990) includes 16 sketches, each 11-by14-inches, suitable for framing, including the old Rowan County Courthouse, Rowan Museum, the old Law Office, the Old Stone House, Thyatira Presbyterian Church, Lowerstone Church and several others. Each sketch is accompanied by a short history. Together the sketches and commentary give a picture of life in Rowan County in by-gone days. The note cards feature five sketches: The Law Office, the

Strachan Home, Setzer School, Old Stone House and Lowerstone Church. AAUW will use the proceeds from the sale of the books and note cards for scholarship opportunities for young women from Rowan County. The American Association of University Women, founded in 1881, promotes equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. The Salisbury Branch of AAUW, founded in 1951, is open to everyone supporting the mission to advance equity for women and girls. The branch meets monthly at various locations. For more information contact bafranklin.aauw@gmail.com or 704-855-8353.

Learn how important bees are to our food supply BY MARISSA CREAMER Rowan Public Library

Literary Bookpost

1. Let the Great World Spin, by Colum McCann. 2. The Faith Club: A Muslim, a Christian and a Jew — Three Women Search for Understanding, by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, Priscilla Warner. 3. Zoli, by Colum McCann. 4. Everything in This Country Must, by Colum McCann. 5. Georgia Bottoms, by Mark Childress. 6. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, by Don Miguel Ruiz. 7. Dancer, by Colum McCann. 8. Straight Talk, No Chaser: How to Find, Keep and Understand a Man, by Steve Harvey. 9. The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary, by Jeff Kinney. 10. Tired of My Bath, by Dicy McCollough.

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 5D


Back in early February, on a rare mild day following a long cold spell, I sat on my porch to enjoy the fresh air and warm sun. I was surprised to see a lone honey bee gently buzzing in the viola blossoms, which had bloomed steadily through the cold and snow. It was a welcome sign that spring would soon be here. Gardeners love to see bees and other pollinators because we know how essential they are to a good harvest. To learn more about bees and the important role they have played not only in the garden, but in art, religion, literature and medicine, read “Honey Bees: Letters from the Hive,” by Stephen Buchmann. This book discusses bee biology and behavior and examines our relationship with bees from prehistoric times to the present. Humans have cultivated bees since ancient times. In lower Egypt, bees and honey were so important to the economy that the honey bee hieroglyph was chosen as the symbol for the entire region. Early Egyptians also appreciated honey’s healing properties, and honey prescriptions appear on clay tablets and papyrus dating as far back as 1550 B.C. Beeswax was used in a number of ways, including mummification, shipbuilding and as a gel to slick down their elaborate wigs. Buchmann also provides information about how bees produce honey and how we collect and use it today. He provides descriptions of many varieties, from the pale white clover honey to the more

exotic and rare Tasmanian Leatherwood honey, as well as tips for using honey in cooking and a few simple recipes. More importantly, he explains the critical role that bees play in sustaining our food supply and in the ecosystem. Unfortunately, honey bees in the U.S. are facing a mysterious malady — it is estimated that nearly one third of all hives in the country have vanished. Researchers call the mass disappearance Colony Collapse Disorder, and are still trying to determine the cause. You can learn more about CCD in “The Hive Detectives: Chronicle of a Honey Bee Catastrophe,” by Loree Griffin Burns. Filled with colorful photographs, this book chronicles the mystery of the vanishing honey bees from its first report in 2006, when a beekeeper in Florida inspected his hives and discovered that 20 million bees had simply disappeared. For a more in-depth treatment of CCD, check out “Fruitless Fall: the Collapse of the Honeybee and the Coming Agricultural Crisis,” by Rowan Jacobsen. Focusing on the larger ecological implications of CCD, particularly regarding the food chain, Jacobson reminds us that “80 percent of the food we put in our mouths relies on pollination somewhere down the line.” Concerns about declining honey bee populations, along with a growing desire for homegrown and organic food has led to an increased interest in beekeeping as a hobby. If you would like to learn more about beekeeping, read “Storey’s Guide to Keeping Honey Bees,” by Malcolm T. Stanford and Richard E. Bonney. This practical guide will help you get started in this rewarding endeav-

or. You can find these and other books about bees and beekeeping at Rowan Public Library. Computer classes: Classes are free. Sessions are approximately 90 minutes. Class size is limited and on a first-come, first-serve basis. Dates and times at all locations are subject to change without notice. Headquarters — Tuesday, 2 p.m., Working with Windows; March 21, 7 p.m., Microsoft Excel 2003 Part 1; March 28, 7 p.m., Microsoft Excel 2003 Part 2. South — Monday, 7 p.m., Introduction to PowerPoint; March 31, 11 a.m., Introduction to Publisher. East — Registration required for East Branch only. Thursday, 1 p.m., Basic Access. Children’s Storytime: Now through April 29, weekly story time. For more information, call 704-216-8234. Headquarters — Toddler Time (18-35-month-olds), Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.; Baby Time (6-23month-olds), Wednesdays, 11 a.m. Preschool Time (3-5-year-olds), Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.; Noodlehead (4-8 years), Thursdays, 4 p.m. South — Noodlehead, Mondays, 4 p.m.; Baby Time, Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.; Preschool Time, Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m.; Toddler Time, Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. East — Preschool Time, Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.; Toddler Time, Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.; Baby Time, Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. Book Bites Club: South only; March 29, 6:30 p.m., “The Forgotten Garden” by Kate Morton. Book discussion groups for both adults and children will meet the last Tuesday of each month. The group is open to the public; any-

one is free to join at any time. There is a discussion of the book, as well as light refreshments at each meeting. For more information please call 704-216-8229. Book chats for children: South (only) — Thursday, 4:15 p.m., “Stink & the World’s Worst SuperStinky Sneakers,” by Megan McDonald; grades three and four. Children in grades 2-5 (different grade each month) are invited to participate in “Book Chats,” a program at South Rowan Regional Library in China Grove. Registration is required and space is limited. Please call 704216-7728 for more information. American Girl Club: Headquarters, March 19, 11 a.m., a book discussion group about the life and times of the American Girls characters. JR’s Adventure Club: Headquarters, March 26, 11 a.m. The club will choose a project to build, and have books from the library and recommended websites that go along with the project. The club is open to all school age children. Light refreshments will be served. Call 704-216-8234 to learn more. Teen program: Digital Illusions — using Photoshop or Paint.net discover how to mix and mash images together. East — March 21, 5:30-7 p.m. Headquarters —March 22, 5:30-7 p.m. South — March 29, 5:30-7 p.m. Displays: Headquarters — Red Cross; South — bobbin lace by Pat Rigsby; East — Ann Furr 4-H. Literacy: Call the Rowan County Literacy Council at 704-2168266 for more information on teaching or receiving literacy tutoring for English speakers or for those for whom English is a second language.

6D • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011



Should Congress keep funding Planned Parenthood? those services lend a patina of liberal respectability to the enterprise. (Who, after all, is against pap smears?) As the group’s mong the many programs facing the tax filings and other documents show, it’s GOP budget knife this spring is really in the population control business. Planned Parenthood. House RepubliAnd business is good. The group that eucans want to end funding for the agency, genicist Margaret Sanger founded in 1921 as cheered on by social conservatives who dethe American Birth Control League is one of spise the organization’s abortion-providing the most profitable non-profits in America. services. Between 2002 and 2008, Planned Parenthood But federal dollars don’t directly subsiand its affiliates took in more than $2.3 bildize the abortions, and liberal defenders say lion in government grants and spent just the budget cut will harm women’s health in $657.1 million, according to a Government other ways. Accountability Office audit What should take priority: balancing the last year. budget, reducing abortions, or supporting Congress in the past earwomen’s health? Joel Mathis and Ben Boymarked tax dollars to chuk, the RedBlueAmerican columnists, dePlanned Parenthood with the bate the issue. strict proviso that no public money be used for abortions. And Planned Parenthood Joel Mathis: Continue support solemnly swears that’s true. For many years now, pro-choice liberals But it’s worth recalling that BOYCHUK have accused pro-life conservatives of being about one third of Planned more concerned about the lives of the unParenthood’s annual revenue born than they are of living, breathing huderives from abortion. About another third man beings. Often, that charge is a bit overcomes from government sources. Governthe-top and unfair. In the case of the ment is padding Planned Parenthood’s botASSOCIATED PRESS Planned Parenthood debate, it’s not. tom line. Two women square off in heated debate during a recent Planned Parenthood rally at the InIn the course of a single Fact is, the federal government is diana Statehouse in Indianapolis. An Indiana House bill would end funding to Planned Par- wrestling with a budget deficit of $1.5 trilyear, Planned Parenthood enthood because it provides abortions. carries out nearly 1 million lion. President Barack Obama, in his wisscreenings for cervical candom, added more than $3 trillion in debt to cers. More than 800,000 does. the U.S. account ledger in the past two health. breast exams. It provides Which is why thoughtful abortion oppoyears. A divided Congress, with Republicans And Planned Parenthood is perhaps the contraception to nearly 2.5 nents should carefully consider their supcontrolling the House and Democrats runmost reliable provider of women’s health million women. And it perport for the effort to defund Planned Parent- services. The funding should stay. ning the Senate, will need to find the nerve forms roughly 4 million tests hood. Maybe they succeed in putting a dent to offend some core constituents if fiscal for sexually transmitted dis- in the number of abortions — but they do so Ben Boychuk: Cut if off sanity is to prevail. MATHIS eases. at the cost of condemning many women to Under the circumstances, then, cutting Would public health suffer if Planned Planned Parenthood, in late detection of (and death from) cervical funding to the nation’s largest provider of other words, helps keep a great many cancer, breast cancer, HIV and more. Is that Parenthood were deprived of $330 million in abortions is probably the easiest choice they federal subsidies and contracts? Probably women healthy. The agency’s efforts in this trade-off worth it? could make. not. regard are for the unmitigated good. Other conservatives will argue that, in a • • • Planned Parenthood isn’t the only The agency also provides more than time of belt-tightening, the federal governContact Ben Boychuk at provider of cervical cancer screenings and 300,000 abortions a year. Federal funding ment can’t afford to subsidize every good bboychuk@heartland.org and Joel Mathis at does not directly subsidize those abortions, thing. Perhaps that’s true, and we should set HIV tests, after all. It’s a big country, with a joelmmathis@gmail.com. Listen to Boychuk but let’s be honest: If Planned Parenthood priorities. Public health, it seems, should be host of free and subsidized programs for and Mathis discuss the Supreme Court’s rullow-income women. crumbles because it loses its federal fundamong the highest priorities — a society ing on protests at military funerals with conBesides, Planned Parenthood is not really stitutional law scholar Hadley P. Arkes at ing, it can’t carry out those abortions. But can’t function if it’s sick and dying. in the women’s health business. Certainly, neither can it do all the other good stuff it Women’s health is a huge part of public www.infinitemonkeysblog.com. BY JOEL MATHIS





Warm weather is just around the corner .... and so is our S







S E R V I C E S S P E C I A L S E C T I O N This popular feature is filled with ideas for home and garden improvement and professionals offering services. It publishes Sunday, March 27, 2011 and will be online for 30 days in a special SPRING HOME & GARDEN section The page will offer ad sizes of approximately 2.5” x 2.5”




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2D • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011

It takes more than genetics to excel

Salisbury Post ‘S “The truth shall make you free” GREGORY M. ANDERSON Publisher 704-797-4201 ganderson@salisburypost.com




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Editorial Page Editor

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704-797-4262 cverner@salisburypost.com

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Gov’t salaries bear scrutiny overnment pay is a hot topic this year, with officials at every level talking about making government smaller. That usually means cutting or freezing staff positions. Rather than speculate about what those positions cost taxpayers, Post readers can base their opinions on the facts and figures found in our Sunshine Week series on local government salaries, The People’s Payroll, starting on today’s front page. Salaries are a sensitive subject. When you work for the government, though, you live with the knowledge that your pay is a matter of public information. Taxpayers have the right to know how their money is spent, including paying employees. The Post used databases from local governments to compile the stories. Coming up: • Monday: City government • Tuesday: Public schools • Wednesday: Community college • Thursday: Economic development In addition to stories and charts about The People’s Payroll, readers can find databases on www.salisburypost.com/watchdog that list all salaries for Salisbury city government, Rowan County government and the Rowan-Salisbury School System. More databases will be added. Sunshine Week, which celebrates the public’s right to know, is a good time to share such information. For an example of what can go wrong if citizens aren’t monitoring their government, look to Bell, Calif. Last year the Los Angeles Times discovered the Bell city manager had an annual compensation package of $1.5 million and City Council members were paid $100,000 a year. You won’t find anything like that in Rowan County — not even close. Public employees often receive generous benefits to compensate for their traditionally low pay. For example, employees of the state, Rowan County and Salisbury do not pay premiums for their own health insurance, unlike most peers in the private sector. In most instances, public employees do pay for family members’ coverage. But is government sticking to the low-pay tradition? Last year USA Today analyzed databases and reported that federal employees earn higher average salaries than private-sector workers in more than eight out of 10 occupations. Whether the same holds true on the state and local level is still a matter for study. You’d never have the information to make those comparisons, though, without laws that require transparency in government. To reinforce those laws, the General Assembly is considering an amendment that would write open government into the N.C. Constitution and require a two-thirds “supermajority” vote to create new exemptions to the public records and open meetings laws. Ask your state lawmakers to support the Sunshine Amendment, HB 87 and SB 67. As U.S. citizens, we have the right and the responsibility to stay informed about our government. People in many other countries wish they could say the same. That’s something to appreciate — in Sunshine Week and every other week of the year.


Common sense

(Or uncommon wisdom, as the case may be)

Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful ... and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. — George Orwell, 1946


afe to use on the youngest of athletes.” That’s what the website for Atlas Sports Genetics says, and in the most narrow of medical senses, I don’t doubt it’s true. Compared to collecting a soccer ball in the nose or eating a mouthful of infield dirt, a cotton swab swiped inside the cheek seems pretty benign. Apparently, quite a few parents think so, too, based on CHRIS recent stories VERNER in USA Today and other newspapers. Atlas Sports Genetics is among the companies looking to cash in on a nascent trend: Genetic testing to gauge a child’s physical potential for specific sports. Such testing, Atlas Sports Genetics assures, “gives parents and coaches early information on their child’s genetic predisposition for success in team or individual speed/power or endurance sports.” Thus, through a mail-order testing kit, you can swab little Bobby or Becky and find out whether their sinews and synapses are better suited to sprints or marathons, basketball or badminton, soccer or softball. Or, perhaps — for those who landed in the shallower regions of the athletic gene pool — arranging towels in the locker room and keeping the water jugs filled. Given our culture’s obsession with sports and the compulsion to groom kids for competitive success at ever

Born with a stub at the end of his right arm, Jim Abbott taught himself to pitch with his left hand and went on to a Major League career. younger ages, this shouldn’t be surprising — not when high school athletes are juicing themselves in pursuit of bigger, stronger, faster, and parents assault umpires at rec league events. Nor should it be surprising that the cracking of the human genome, which holds the promise of ridding mankind of some terrible maladies, would open up a brave new world for identifying and enhancing athletic potential. If genetic testing can pinpoint a predisposition for diabetes or Huntington’s disease, then why not consult it for guidance on which sports to play? Along with helping identify potential candidates to be the next Michael Jordan or Roger Federer, maybe the test results would steer some kids away from sports where they’ll never excel, keeping those fields of dreams from turning into deserts of frustration. But I can’t help wondering ... If this type of genetic analysis had been available back in earlier eras, what would it have told Jackie Robinson, who broke the color barrier in Major League baseball? What

would it have revealed about Roger Bannister, the first runner to break the four-minute mile? What would it have said about Lou Gehrig, Hank Aaron, Billie Jean King ... or Jim Abbott? Abbott, you may recall, was a left-handed hurler for the California Angels and the New York Yankees. He was not, by his own admission, Hall of Fame material. But he had a respectable career. He was a collegiate All-American, pitched for the U.S. Gold Medal Olympic team in 1988 and threw a no-hitter for the Yankees against Cleveland in 1993. Quite a few Major League pitchers have thrown no-hitters. Abbott was the first, and thus far only, one-handed pitcher to do so. He was born with only a stub where his right hand should have been. Whatever DNA might say, the fates are speaking pretty loudly to a kid who’s born with no right hand. Professional baseball wouldn’t seem within reach. But Abbott didn’t listen to fate, and DNA testing wasn’t an option. He had to decide for himself what his life would be.

He was determined from childhood to play baseball. As a youngster, he has recounted, he spent hours hurling balls against walls to refine the follow-through technique that enabled him to field, as well as pitch. Abbott wore a fielder's glove at the end of his right arm. While completing his follow-through, he rapidly switched the glove to his left hand so he could handle any balls hit back to him. Abbott, now a motivational speaker (www.jimabbott.net), acknowledges there were some who questioned his ability or, more bluntly, told him he was dreaming‚ which was true. He had to overcome obstacles. “You have to be determined not to let someone else’s opinion of you define what you think of yourself,” he says in one of his speeches. “Only you know in your heart all the things you are capable of.” Abbott’s story is one of sports’ most inspiring sagas. But for me, the inspiration doesn’t come from those images of a victorious pro pitcher fist-pumping the air after the last pitch of a no-hitter, or the collegiate hurler celebrating a Gold Medal. It’s the image of a freckle-faced, onehanded youngster, bouncing balls against a wall and somehow persevering against momentous odds and doubtful definitions. No doubt, DNA holds some of the answers to who we are and our place in the universe. The rest of it, you have to decode for yourself. • • • Chris Verner is editorial page editor of the Salisbury Post.

Mook’s Place/Mark Brincefield

Women’s lib in the age of conservatism efining the role of women in an ever-evolving world where the division of labor is not so clear and women are being reared to be whatever they want, runs smack dab in the face of reality where many still want to define women based on their gender and reproductive capacity not their minds. This is not just a sexist issue but one for ADA conservatives FISHER to ponder. For though we support marriage between one man and one woman at one time, there aren’t enough men for everyone who might like one. And me, I don’t believe in sharing in this regard. The pro-life segment is depicted as binding women to their uterine roles and desiring to control all expressions of female sexuality. This flies in the face of women who want the right to act like men, “dress like the opposite sex” or loosen the ties that bind. Mama Grizzlies speak with forked tongues


as do the Soccer Moms and others who try to convince women they can have it all. That may be true; but in the process each woman loses a bit of herself in putting others first and neglecting her own needs. These groups also put blame and responsibility mainly on women with little accountability of men for the children they helped produced. The single-parent dramas mainly involve young women who do not have the glamorous resources they see on reality television or the money of the single stars who are flaunting their pregnancy and their wealth. Women who chose or are forced to parent alone are more likely to live in poverty, be subjected to limited educational opportunities, become victimized by violence — likely at the hands of those who purport to love them — and see this pattern repeated in their offspring. A shocking recent Pew Research Center study, reported on NPR, found that single parent females were felt the most undesirable group to raise children, placing them below gay parents in general accept-

ability. Women are being blamed, usurped and held solely accountable for the fruit of their wombs. Professional women are usually described in non-glowing terms by the mainstream media. Women in politics such as a Sarah Palin, Hilary Clinton and Meg Whitman find the focus of scrutiny on their family and appearance, which male candidates don’t face. The harsh questions hurled at women often imply that something must be wrong with them to run or, no matter their credentials, they may not be as good as a man. Housewives are idealized while the legions of them turning to the bottle or pills to drown their pain remain hidden. Doctors, lawyers and others who are women with partners find at the end of their day there are still children to take care of, food to prepare and minimum relief from women’s traditional roles. It is almost as if women are penalized for having a brain and a functioning uterus and daring to use them. The rise of the religious right, Sharia Law in Islam and other movements are per-

ceived as a threat to women’s rights. Maybe it is the unchecked ability of men to control women and treat them as chattel property, not an equal, which needs to be examined. “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27 King James Bible) In His image, so why the disparate treatment? So what do we tell our daughters? Abraham Lincoln said “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” First find something greater than yourself to believe in. Second, develop your mind and the opportunities should follow. Third, you have a right to be whatever you want to be. Fourth, give back. And lastly, what type of world we have will depend on you, for the hand that rocks the cradle truly shapes and rules the world. • • • Dr. Ada M. Fisher is a physician, former school board member and N.C. Republican National Committeewoman. Contact her at P.O. Box 777, Salisbury, N.C. 28145 or DRADAMFISHER.ORG.


Katie Scarvey, Lifestyle Editor, 704-797-4270 kscarvey@salisburypost.com

SUNDAY March 13, 2011



PHoTo by Tim PaPPaS

Candace Neal, who graduated from Catawba a few years ago, holds her new CD: ‘music from a Can.’

‘Music from a Can’ Catawba grad harnesses new media to pursue music dream BY KATIE SCARVEY kscarvey@salisburypost.com


hen Candace Neal graduated from Catawba College in 2008 with a theatre degree, she was dead set on becoming a working actor. And why not? During her years at Catawba, Candace appeared in — actually, stood out in — plenty of productions, including “The Marriage of Bette and Boo,” “The Exoner-

ated,” “The Mystery of Edwin Drood” and “Trojan Women.” You might also remember that Candace won herself an audition for the Broadway show “Rent” by being voted among the top three contestants in a popular online YouTube competition. And now, her savvy about the potential to get herself out there via the Internet, including social networking sites, has led to the production of a CD, funded entirely by

This winter, Candace had a part in Universal Studio’s ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas.’ She had to spend an hour in makeup while they created her ‘Who’ nose.

friends, family and even complete strangers. Of course it didn’t happen overnight. After graduation, Candace was “wide-eyed and penniless,”as she puts it, and dreaming of traveling the world with various theatre troupes, “covering the entire spectrum of black boxes and amphitheaters and auditoriums.” After all, that’s what her friends were doing. It’s what her years at Catawba had prepared her for. “It seemed right,” she said. And in keeping with the plan, for the past three years she’s maintained a steady theatrical career, supplementing an actor’s meager paychecks with jobs like barista, freelance graphic designer, restaurant hostess, children's theatre teaching artist, choreographer and a Disney “Merchantainer” — which is, in fact, Candace says, what the Walt Disney World folks call their merchandise employees. At some point, the lure of continued auditioning with “one hundred tiny blondes in spiky stilettos” began to wane for Candace (who is, by the way, six feet tall). It was then that something Candace did for fun — “uploading silly little videos to YouTube” — got her considering a different path. “I suddenly realized, ‘Hey I could give this music thing a go,’” she said. For years, she’d been noodling around on the piano, writing melodies with no clear goal of what would become of them beyond entertaining her legion of FaceBook friends. Candace creates her videos with a tiny webcam attached to her Apple laptop, recording with “ a crappy little USBpowered microphone that I stole from my 15-year-old sister’s bedroom, “ she admits. She creates most of her percussion with forks and wooden


spoons. She does her own unique versions of songs like “Play that Funky Music” (yes, really) and Aerosmith’s “Pink.” But she also writes her own songs, which convey her own unique worldview about love, mostly, in all its permutations. She didn’t hold out a lot of hope for people being interested in what a 20-something had to say about love. Surely, she wondered, people have had enough of silly love songs? Maybe not. Candace kept getting enthusiastic feedback. People loved her songs, loved her voice. And that included a musician friend she had in Florida who told her if she was ever to find herself in Orlando, he’d love to record her music, free of charge. She didn’t really envision moving to Orlando. As she notes, “it’s hot, sticky and “covered in tourists with Mickey Mouse ears on their heads.” Still, two of her best friends had recently moved there to perform at Disney World and its magical counterpart — The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Orlando. Plus, they needed a roommate. After getting some advice and support from her parents — who as artists themselves, understood their daughter’s need to make her creative mark — she packed up her Honda Element and headed south. The first few months weren’t so much fun. Candace didn’t really know anyone, and handing out menus at Macaroni Grill wasn’t exactly her idea of a dream job. One she started recording her album, however, everything changed. “Suddenly, people wanted to know what this project was that I was working on. Friends would hear work-in-progress demos of songs and tell their

friends, who would tell their friends, who would tell their friends.” She was heartened and inspired by the duo called “Pomplamoose,” who found fame through YouTube alone and who were featured on Sears commercials over the holidays. Candace’s friend Jameson Boyce, a keyboardist and band member of Walt Disney World’s own rock band “Mulch, Sweat and Shears,” recorded her album in a “fancy shmancy recording studio in his own home,” Candace says. Jameson suggested that Candace try the website Kickstarter.com to raise money to make the album. The site is used to fund arts projects through donations. “You set a financial goal and a time period in which you hope to reach that goal,” Candace explains. “You then ask for donations and promise rewards for certain levels of donations (like a copy of the finished CD, for example). Only after you reach your goal do any of the donators actually have to pay. “ Candace set a goal of $1,000 in three weeks. Amazingly, it took only six hours for her to hit four figures— a testament to an already strong fan base. At the end of the threeweek period, she had nearly $3,500 committed by family, friends and fans. With that money, she was able to have 1,000 copies of her album professionally manufactured by Discmakers.com, in addition to 300 posters, 100 buttons, 250 postcards, as well as media distribution to iTunes, CDBaby and Amazon. She was even able to purchase her first full-size electric piano without investing a dime of her own money. “I recommend Kickstarter


2E • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011



production of “How The Grinch Stole Christmas,” which is a 30- minute version of the Jim Carey movie. FRom 1E “It was a very cool experito any artist on any scale,” ence,” she says, waxing parCandace says. “Whether you ticularly enthusiastic about need a few bucks for a paint getting her makeup done project or a few thousand each morning in a REAL bucks to make an independmakeup trailer. Still, she ent film, with the right tools doesn’t miss the hour it took and a ton of trust and dedica- to have a prosthetic nose aption, you can do whatever plied. you want.” Although fame may be And the end result, called knocking, fortune hasn’t “Music from a Can” is imdarkened the door just yet. pressive — the furthest She remembers going to thing from amateurish. complimentary breakfasts in The songs reflect the hotels she wasn’t actually artist herself, of course. staying in because she couldThey’re quirky. Bubbly. Wit- n’t afford food between payty. Soulful. Entirely original. checks. Take the song “Stupid “They say you have to hit Boys,” for example, which is rock bottom before you can bound to strike a chord with make your way up,” she says. any girl who’s ever been “Financially, that's exactly driven to distraction by a where I was.” boy. She’s making it by pinch“Stupid, stupid boys are ing pennies, doing her own the reason that I cry publicity, shopping at GoodStupid stupid boys keepin’ will and checking the Orlando me up at night.... Craigslist “free” page daily. They’ll take you to the It’s a condition she mines movies musically in “Poor,” a song They’ll give you cooties....” struggling artists everyBut while boys can be the where will relate to. grape jelly to her peanut but“Whatcha gonna do when ter, Candace explores a you ain’t got no funds slightly darker theme in ‘BitAnd suddenly you are livter,” an anthem of unrequited ing on hot dog buns?” love addressed to the one Somewhat reminiscent of who has caused pain. “I’m the quirky style of Barebusy,” she sings — being naked Ladies, “Poor” is like alone and bitter, that is. many of Candace’s songs — With Candace, it’s not just likely to wear a groove in about solid, original songyour brain. writing. The girl can sing. She’s happy with where Her voice is strong and rich, she is now. In just a year, controlled enough to weave a she’s not only made her first dreamlike and wistful song album but says she’s found like “Unrequited” but big the love of her life. No more enough to belt out musical “stupid boys.” theatre. She’s not getting rich from And really, who knows her music but she is making what she’ll end up doing? Al- money that helps alleviate though music has taken on a the struggles of an independbigger role in her life, she ent artist in a tough economy. hasn’t given up acting. She performs when she can. She’s been working at the She’s happier than she’s Winter Park Playhouse, ever been, she says, because which she describes as “a she’s doing what she loves. brilliant little professional Candace offers some retheatre” in Winter Park, Fla. sources she’s used that she She’s in “Shout! The Mod believes help other aspiring Musical,” a 60s revue about indie artists. five girls in swinging Lon• www.kickstarter.com don. Last fall she did “Pump • www.discmakers.com Boys and Dinettes” and will • www.cdbaby.com be in the upcoming producFor more information tion of “Sugar Babies.” about Candace — and to hear This past winter, she per“Music from a Can” — go to formed in Universal Studio's candaceneal.com.


Photo by tim PaPPas

Candace Neal is pursuing her dreams, which have grown since her theatre days at Catawba to include recording her own music.

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SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 3E


ENGAGEMENTS Lupton - Hicks


David and Jena Lupton of New Bern are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Courtney Lynn Lupton, to Dr. Travis Martin Hicks, DDS, both of Raleigh. Courtney is the granddaughter of James and Evelyn Harrell of New Bern and Julian and the late Lois Lupton of Pamlico. A 2001 graduate of New Bern High School and 2005 graduate of North Carolina State University, she is employed by Franklin County Schools. Travis is the son of John Hicks and Beverly Smith of Salisbury and the grandson of Cecil and Mary Fisher of Salisbury and Peggy Fisher of Charlotte. A 2000 graduate of East Rowan High School and 2004 cum laude graduate of Wake Forest University, he is a Pediatric Dental Resident with UNC Hospitals. The couple will marry June 4 at Edenton Street United Methodist Church in Raleigh. R128926


Shive Five Generations

Roderick Bringle of Salisbury is pleased to announce the engagement of his daughter, Jennifer Catherine Bringle, to Rodney Dale Handy, both of Greensboro. Jennifer is the daughter of the late Judy Bringle and the granddaughter of the late Clarence and Marjorie Long and the late Garland and Annie Bringle. A 1997 graduate of North Rowan High School and 2001 graduate of N.C. State University, she is editor at Pace Communications and does freelance writing for The News & Record, The News & Observer, among other publications. Rodney is the son of Rodger and Sheila Handy of King and the grandson of the late Ferris and Kay Dulaney and Esther and the late Lawrence Handy of Winston-Salem. A 1994 graduate of R.J. Reynolds High School, he studied at Forsyth Technical School and is a seating technician at United Seating and Mobility. The couple will marry Oct. 1 R128923 in Salisbury.

PEOPLE Homecoming finalist Karishma Kishor Lalchandani, daughter of Kishor and Geetu Lalchandani of Salisbury, has been selected as a finalist for North Carolina’s 31st Annual Homecoming Queen Selection to be held March 12 and 13 at the Charlotte Marriott Executive Park. Lalchandani is the Salisbury High School Homecoming Queen. North Carolina’s 2011 Homecoming Queen will receive a cash scholarship plus an all expense paid trip to the national finals to compete with the queens from other states for the title of American’s Homecoming Queen. The finals are in July.

The Shive family recently had occasion for this five generation photo at the celebration of Addison Drew Barrier’s one-month birthday. Addison is being held by her great-great-grandmother, Wilma Shive “Mimi” Sells, who is seated. Standing behind them, left to right, are Addison’s mother, Carmen Kluttz Barrier; her great-grandfather, Coy Shive; and her grandmother, Sherry Shive Kluttz. R128927

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Dean Mowery

Melena Ketner

A son, Dean Austin, was born to Gretchen and Lewis Mowery of Salisbury on Feb. 24, 2011, at Rowan Regional Medical Center. He weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces. He has three brothers, Ross, 10; Mark, 8; Trevor, 2; and two sisters, Ashley, 16; Emily, 14. Grandparents are Harold and Anne Crouch of Cartersville, Ga., Fred Mowery Jr. and Karen Smith of Salisbury and Nancy Shetley of Ormond Beach, Fla. Greatgrandparents are Robert E. and Mattie Lee Sloop of China Grove.

A daughter, Melena Rose, was born to Jon and Jan Ketner of Salisbury on Oct. 30, 2010, at Rowan Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 4.5 ounces. Grandparents are Jeff and Jean Ketner of Salisbury, Pat Fisher of Granite Quarry and David and Gail Fisher of Landis.

Madden Coates


A son, Madden Ellis, was born to Nicholas and Brynn Delivery & Wire Service Available – Weddings Coates of Linwood on March 3, 2011, at Carolinas Medical Center NorthEast. He weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces. He has two brothers, Brandon Bennett, 12, and Chester Coates, 2, and a sister, Mycaela Bennett, 10. Grandparents are Tim and Donna Howard and Barry Coates, all of Linwood, Lana Rattz of Salisbury and the late Dana Burchette Grif221 South Main St. fith. Great-grandparents are Doris Howard of Linwood, Downtown Salisbury Beatrice Troutman and 704-633-7988 Fred Sr. and Martha Report all your exciting news to the Burchette, all of Salisbury.

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Bridal & Baby Registries

community on the Salisbury Post’s Celebrations page, which runs in our Sunday paper. These announcements include engagements, weddings, anniversaries, births, multiple generations, retirements, adoptions, congratulations, graduations, special birthday celebrations and pageant winners. Call Syliva at 704-797-7682 or visit www.salisburypost.com and click on Celebrations for online forms.

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ASK CARLEY Pals paying for wedding photos rate extra thanks Q: Some close friends of ours just told us they want to pay for our photography as their wedding gift. When should we write a thankyou note to them — before or after the wedding? A. How generous of them! There is no such thing as too many thankyou cards. Send your friends a note right away to say how excited you are to book the photographer and then another one after the wedding. Go an extra step and include a few of your favorite day-of photos. Carley Roney, co-founder and editor in chief of The Knot, the nation's leading wedding resource, advises millions of brides on modern wedding etiquette at www.theknot.com.



Darconte 25th Anniversary

Annette Adams

Dominic Jess Darconte and Leigh Barringer Darconte of Gold Hill are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary March 15, 2011. Their celebration will include a family vacation at Carolina Beach this summer. The Darcontes were married March 15, 1986, at Rock Grove United Methodist Church by the Rev. Robert Crook. They have both been employed at Athena Marble for 25 years. The couple’s children are Holly Cline and husband David of Salisbury and Samantha Darconte of Gold Hill. The Darcontes have one grandson, Cooper. R128926

Congratulations to Annette Adams of Salisbury on being named Associate of the Month for January 2011 at Brookdale Senior Living. Mrs. Adams extends a big thank you to all the residents at Brookdale who expressed their love and support to her by bestowing this honor on her. Annette says, “God usually doesn’t show us where He is taking us. He just asks us to trust Him. Always stand on R128924 James 1:3.”

Making this marriage work Dear Amy: I’ve been dating a guy for about a year. Our relationship got serious very fast. We moved across the country together to be close to his family. Ever since we moved here, he has shown his true colors. When we argue about things such as household chores (just one of the many issues we have), he likes to ignore me, tune me ASK out, etc. He calls me childAMY ish, but I’m pretty sure ignoring me is acting a little like a 5-year-old. Seeing a therapist is not an option right now, and I’m on the verge of packing up my things and leaving. I want to try to work things out before giving up completely. My guy does have many good qualities, and I do love him very dearly, but my patience is wearing very thin. Any advice? — Pulling Out My Hair Dear Pulling: Living together and moving across the country when you are still getting to know each other is challenging. The phrase “What were you thinking?” springs to mind. Before pulling up stakes, however, gauge your guy’s interest in changing by asking him to read a book with you: “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide From the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert” by John M. Gottman and Nan Silver (Three Rivers Press, 2000). Gottman has observed and studied data from hundreds of couples in his research. One thing he notes is that while good communication is one key to a successful longterm relationship, some couples succeed by simply going to their separate corners and agreeing to disagree. Name-calling, however, will never work. Contempt is a deal breaker. You two can work together to change the dynamic between you. If he is not open to talking about this, or if he thinks the unhealthy dynamic is your fault and your sole responsibility, then you should probably get out your wheelie bag. Start with the shoes. They’re bulky. • • • Dear Amy: I am interested in amplifying your response to 22-year-old “Confused,” who wondered whether it’s socially acceptable to go slow sexually in a new relationship. I’m an older guy who, when I was single, never had sex early on in relationships

with women. My personality is such that I could not be comfortable physically with a partner without an emotional connection first. When I met the wonderful woman whom I’ve been with for 18 years, we spent several months becoming friends before getting physical, which was right for us. For me, this has nothing to do with morals, values, respectability or what works for other people, but everything to do with my own emotional makeup. I doubt that I’m unique. In my hippie youth I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t having sex when many of my peers were! Only years later did I come to understand that I had simply been unwilling to have physical intimacy without emotional intimacy. — Happy I Waited Dear Happy: Thank you for sharing a man’s point of view. I’ve heard from many readers responding to “Confused.” Several report regretting they had had sex too soon in a relationship. So far, no one has told me they were happy they’d had sex early. • • • Dear Amy: My husband and I frequent a local restaurant every week. We have been going to this place for at least four years now and sometimes two or three times a week. There is one waitress who insists on taking care of us. She is good at what she does, but every time she greets us she kisses us on our lips. It is very uncomfortable, and we do not like it. I have mentioned to her a few times that I have a cold and so “no kisses for me,” but then the next time we go in she does it again! We would hate to stop going to this place, but what else could we do? — Diner in a Dilemma Dear Diner: The only thing left to do is to tell this person, “I apologize because I should have told you a long time ago, but I really don’t like to be kissed when we come in. It makes me uncomfortable. I hope you understand.” Send questions via email to askamy@tribune.com or by mail to Ask Amy, Chicago Tribune, TT500, 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611. —tribune media services


Monday game set The weekly Monday duplicate game at the Salisbury Woman’s Club will be held at 1 p.m. tomorNew row. players are welcomed. G l o r i a Bryant and Judy Hurder placed first in last Monday’s BILLY game. Other winBURKE ners were: Marie Pugh and Loyd Hill, second; Myrnie and John McLaughlin, third. This was the deal on board 21 from Monday’s game: North dealer, only N/S vulnerable NORTH K9 K97 Q863  Q 10 9 8 WEST AJ53 A3 94 KJ962

EAST Q762  Q 10 5 4 K75 53

SOUTH  10 8 4 J862  A J 10 2 A4 The Bryant/Hurder pair fulfilled a one spade contract for the top E/W score on this deal. The McLaughlins defeated their West opponent’s three clubs contract three tricks for the best N/S score. In the Evergreen Club’s March 4 duplicate game Marie Pugh and Ruth Bowles placed first. Other winners were: Margaret and Charles Rimer, second; Myrnie and John McLaughlin, third. On Monday, March 21, there will be no game at the Salisbury Woman’s Club. On that day players who register with Myrnie McLaughlin (704-636-9781) will compete in the special Seniors’ game at the Oak Park Retirement Center.    Billy Burke is ACBL, Life Master director of the Salisbury Woman’s Club weekly duplicate games.

4E • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011



Oh, behave! Embarrassing royals pose problem for UK government

AssociAted Press

Britain's Prince Andrew arrives in canary Wharf recently to visit the headquarters of the London crossrail project in London. Prince Andrew will have to decide whether he can continue his role as a trade envoy amid a controversy about his links to a convicted pedophile, a British cabinet minister said Monday. ONDON (AP) — How do you solve a problem like Prince Andrew? The embarrassing antics of Queen Elizabeth II’s second son are just the latest royal misdemeanors to vex British politicians. From Prince Harry and his Nazi costume to the Duke of Windsor and his Nazi sympathies, members of the monarch’s family have often troubled governments — who find there is little they can do to rein in wayward royals. Andrew is facing pressure to step down as a British trade envoy because of a string of unfortunate relationships. He hosted the son of Tunisia’s dictator shortly before a popular uprising overthrew the leader, associated with the Libyan leader’s son Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, and is friends with billionaire U.S. sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Labour Party lawmaker Chris Bryant, a former government minister, has called for Andrew to be fired because of his “boorish gaffes and dodgy friendships,” and historian Max Hastings wrote in an article Tuesday that “a man as bereft of judgment, taste and discretion as the prince” should never have been allowed to represent Britain. The government has given Andrew its backing, albeit tersely. Prime Minister David Cameron, through a spokesman, expressed “full confidence” in the prince. And Business Secretary

gently carries out scores of public engagements as he approaches his 90th birthday. It’s often the younger offspring of the royal family — those not expected to inherit the throne — who get into trouble. The tradition stretches at least as far back as George, Duke of Clarence, brother of King Edward IV — a notorious 15th-century drinker commemorated by Shakespeare as having drowned in a vat of wine. Monarchs are supposed to have “an heir and a spare” — but what to do with the spare, who often seems to have too much time on his or her hands? The queen’s younger sister, Princess Margaret — the first modern senior royal to divorce — had a racy reputation and liked to associate with celebrities including Elizabeth Taylor and Warren Beatty. Jazzman Louis Armstrong once called her “one hip chick.” Prince Harry had a wild-child reputation during a youth in which he was caught smoking marijuana, nightclubbed his way through London’s hot spots and attended a costume party wearing a swastika and German military uniform. Harry apologized for the Nazi costume, and his later military career and good grace in public have gone some way to compensate for his youthful misbehavior.

The king of all problematic royals was Edward VIII, who became the Duke of Windsor after he gave up the throne in 1936 to marry twice-divorced American Wallis Simpson — an episode chronicled in the Oscar-winning film “The King’s Speech.” There was little precedent to suggest what role an ex-king should have, and

the duke’s pro-German views became increasingly problematic as Britain was drawn into war with Nazi Germany. The duke, who met Hitler during a trip to Germany in 1937, has been accused of sympathizing with the Nazi cause; government documents show that thenPrime Minister Winston Churchill reprimanded him

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Vince Cable noted that the government has no power to fire him — he’s a volunteer, not an employee. Andrew’s royal status leaves politicians in a bind. When Bryant raised the subject of the prince in the House of Commons, he was reprimanded by Speaker John Bercow, who said references to the royal family in Parliament should be “very rare, very sparing and very respectful.” As with so much in Britain’s unwritten constitution, that tradition — lawmakers shouldn’t discuss the royals, because they can't answer back — is the product of custom rather than law. But it means politicians often find there is little they can do but grimace and bear it when royals go astray. Prince Charles has been writing to politicians for years with his suggestions on agriculture, architecture and the environment. Some see it as well-intentioned advice, others as meddling. The gaffes of the queen’s husband, Prince Philip, are so plentiful that they have been compiled into a book, “Duke of Hazard.” He once asked a Scottish driving instructor: “How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?” On another occasion he joked to a blind woman: “Do you know they have eating dogs for the anorexic now?” Philip, at least, has a clearly defined role as the queen’s consort, and dili-

for airing his “defeatist” opinions. In 1940 he was appointed governor of the Bahamas, a post that kept him far from Europe and the war. He and the duchess lived out their lives drifting around the world in aimless luxury. Modern-day royals like Andrew are keen to appear more useful. But “Air Miles Andy,” as he is known in the tabloid press, doesn’t seem to have done much recently for Britain’s image — or his own. In one of the U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, the U.S. ambassador to Kyrgyzstan describes with barely concealed horror a 2008 lunch with the prince as an “astonishingly candid” affair in which the prince railed against “our stupid British and American governments” and said endemic Central Asian corruption “sounds exactly like France.” Constitutional historian Vernon Bogdanor said Andrew deserves a second chance, and thinks the royals are often unfairly criticized. “They’re born to the role, they don't choose it,” he said. “They have to work for their privileges, and they put in a lot of hours. “We don't notice the things they do well, because it’s not reported. We only notice when something goes wrong.”



Why love means never having to say, ‘Yes, but...’ As the cameras zoomed in, he started to squirm. When they cut to the close up, his entire head looked like it was about to explode. He had come on the Dr. Phil show because he wanted to repair his marriage in the aftermath of his affair. But with his personal life displayed LISA EARLE out on national television, he MCLEOD did what any normal person would do. He got defensive, and he developed a bad case of the “Yes buts.” “Yes, but” is a frequent default response that wreaks havoc on our personal and professional relationships. We use it when we want the other person to know that we heard what they said, but we don’t totally agree with it. For example: “Yes, I did that, but you did this.” “Yes, the IT project is important, but operations is still our top priority.” The “but” negates whatever precedes it. In the case of the Dr. Phil couple, I have no doubt that the poor husband was terrified. What man in his right mind enjoys hearing his wife talk about his failings? On TV. With Dr. Phil. He clearly regretted the affair. He had come back to his family; he had tried to

make amends. Yet the wife was having a hard time letting go of it. As she reiterated the obviously well-trod ground of “You don't know how much you hurt me,” the husband looked contrite for a while. But he eventually got frustrated, saying, “Yes, but it happened over a year ago. Can’t we just put it behind us and move on?” Enter Dr. Phil, who wisely told the man, “A woman can't move on until she feels heard.” I hate to break it to you: It’s not just women, and it’s not just personal relationships. I’ve seen similar scenarios play out in business settings, parent-teacher conferences, and on the world stage. I’ve watched executives' failure to validate each other provoke such anger that business meetings threatened to come to blows. The longer people feel unheard, the more angry and emotional they get. Nothing improved for the Dr. Phil couple until the courageous husband (with Dr. Phil’s coaching) was able to say, “It must have felt like I had stomped on your heart.” In that one marriagechanging moment, the wife finally felt heard. The tension left her body, she exhaled in relief, and just like that, poof, the self-erected barrier of anger was gone. It’s a dramatic example of how quickly you can change the energy of a conflict or

Music festival held

disagreement by simply validating the other person’s perspective. You don’t have to agree with them, just demonstrate that you heard and understand. The magic word here — AND. Yes, the IT project is important, AND operations is also a top priority. It helps if you really mean it, but this is one of those instances where faking it until you make it really does work. If you replace “Yes, but,” with “Yes, and,” you’ll see a big difference in the way your conversations play out. Here’s the bottom line: The other person's thoughts, needs, goals and emotions aren’t going to go away. You can try to understand their perspective, or you can try to blow past it. “Yes, but” leaves the other side feeling hurt and angry. “Yes, and” validates their perspective and makes them feel heard. Which one do you think is more effective? Excerpted from “The Triangle of Truth: The Surprisingly Simple Secret To Resolving Conflicts Large And Small” (Penguin). Lisa Earle McLeod is the President of McLeod & More, Inc. an international training and consulting firm and author of The Triangle of Truth: The Surprisingly Simple Secret To Resolving Conflicts Large and Small (Penguin 2010). www.TriangleofTruth.com

Local AA group meetings Sunday, 9 a.m., Courage to Change Group, 304 Depot St., non-smoking; 6:30 p.m., Basic Group, 304 Depot St., book study, non-smoking; 8 p.m., Central Group, Haven Lutheran Church, 207 W. Harrison St., open speaker, no smoking; 8 p.m., Courage to Change Group, 304 Depot St., open discussion, no smoking. Monday, 1 p.m., Friendship Group, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 1908 Statesville Blvd., open discussion, no smoking; 6:30 p.m. Basic Group, 304 Depot St., 12/12 Book study, no smoking; 8 p.m., Courage to Change Group, 304 Depot St., open discussion, no smoking. Tuesday, 1 p.m., Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 1908 Statesville Blvd.; 6:30 p.m., Basic Group, 304 Depot St., open discussion, no smoking; 8 p.m., Central Group, Haven Lutheran Church, 207 W. Harrison St., park in front, open discussion, no smoking; 8 p.m., Courage to Change Group, 304 Depot St., open discussion, no smoking; Rockwell Vision Group, 8 p.m., Vision Baptist Church, 10165 Old Beatty Ford Road, Rockwell. Information, 704-209-6578. Wednesday, 1 p.m., Friendship Group, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 1908 Statesville Blvd., open discussion, no smoking; 6:30 p.m., Women's

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011 • 5E


Group We’re Not Alone, 304 Depot St., open discussion, no smoking; 6:30 p.m., Rowan Helping Ministries, 226 N. Long St., open discussion; 6:30 p.m. Men’s Meeting, 111 W. Bank St. closed discussion, non smoking; 7:30 p.m., Alpha Group, VA Medical Center, 1601 Brenner Ave., Building 4, second floor, open speaker, no smoking; 8 p.m., Courage to Change Group, 304 Depot St., open discussion, no smoking. Thursday, 1 p.m., Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 1908 Statesville Blvd.; 6:30 p.m., Basic Group, 304 Depot St., open discussion, no speakers, no smoking; 7 p.m. Davie Mocksville, St. Francis of Assisi Church fellowship hall, 862 Yadkinville Road, Mocksville, closed discussion; 8 p.m., Primary Purpose Group, First United Methodist Church, 217 S. Church St., open discussion, no smoking; 8 p.m. Courage to Change Group, 304 Depot St., speaker first Thursdays, open discussion other meetings, no smoking; Rockwell Vision Group, 8 p.m., Vision Baptist Church, 10165 Old Beatty Ford Road, Rockwell. Information, 704209-6578. Friday, 1 p.m., Friendship Group, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 1908 Statesville Blvd., open discussion, no

smoking; 6:30 p.m., Basic Group, 304 Depot St.,open discussion, no smoking; 8 p.m., Primary Purpose Group, First United Methodist Church, 217 S. Church St., closed discussion, no smoking; 8 p.m., Courage To Change Group, 304 Depot St., open discussion, no smoking. Saturday, 9 a.m., Newcomers Meeting, 304 Depot St., open discussion, no smoking; 6:30 p.m., Basic Group, 304 Depot St., open discussion, no smoking; 8 p.m., Courage to Change Group, 304 Depot St., open discussion, no smoking; 8 p.m. Primary Purpose First United Group, Methodist Church, 217 S. Church St. Information, 704636-1361. • AL-ANON, 8 p.m. Tuesday, Haven Lutheran Church, 207 W. Harrison St. Information, 704-431-4923; 8 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays, First United Methodist Church, 217 S. Church St. Information, 704636-4642 or 704-431-4923; Serenity Al-anon Family Group, 11 a.m. Saturdays, 304 Depot St. Information 704-6375857, 704-630-6661 or 705-6391655. • Alateen, 8 p.m. Thursdays, First United Methodist Church, 217 S. Church St. Closed meeting. Information, Cynthia at 704-636-4642.

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The National Federation of Music Clubs is an organization that promotes and encourages students in musical endeavors through competitions, scholarships, music camps and Junior Music Festivals. North Carolina hosts 12 Junior Musical Festivals, one of which is held in Salisbury. The 20th annual Salisbury Junior Music Festival was Saturday, March 5 at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. The NFMC Festival’s program is designed to promote opportunity to perform and receive evaluation. Students that participate prepare two selections to be judged. Doris Swain and Elizabeth Dobson, both of Statesville, adjudicated this year’s event. The following students of Diane Freeman received the highest rating of superior in Piano Solo: Addi Bost, Carlie Darnell, Nancy Gamewell, Bethany Hogan, Brittney Hogan, Lexi Kluttz, Dorothy Malone, Spencer Mason, Jackson Safrit, Jaydn Safrit, Bryson Shive, Alden Wright, Baron Wright and Emily Yates. The following students also received a rating of superior in Hymn Playing: Carlie Darnell, Bethany Hogan, Brittney Hogan, Brittany Hopkins, Gracie Hudson, Samantha Rife, Jackson Safrit, Jaydn Safrit and Alden Wright. The following students of Susan McLain received the highest rating of superior: Rosalyn D’Mello, Charlotte Kaufmann, Mary Kaufmann and Joshua Schiemann. This was Schiemann’s ninth consecutive superior. The following students of Angela Robbins received the highest rating of superior: Catherine Johnson, Allison Murphy and Micaela Sharp. The following students of Deanna Smith received the highest rating of superior: Makalie Beaver, Molly Kimmins, Rachel Kimmins, Kaitly Russell, Cheyenne Smith, Marshall Smith and Matthew Smith. The following students of Jan Sywenki received the highest rating of superior: Katie Corriher, Paige Gregaire, Emily

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Hammer, Kathryn Marino, Jude Smeltzer, Michael Stanley and Ashley Wood. The following students received a rating of superior in Hymn Playing: Reaghan Moore, Jude Smeltzer, Meridith Stanley, Michael Stanley and Ashley Wood.

Woman’s Club For the March Salisbury Woman’s Club meeting, Jane Jackman, director of Arc Rowan, continued the theme of “Literacy: Adventure of a Lifetime,” with a presentation on their scope of services assisting individuals with developmental disabilities who have specific needs that cannot be met by traditional or governmental funding sources. Jackman reviewed the history of Arc Rowan, how they connect families to needed services, the summer program for children and services to individuals who cannot read. “Reading is the key to opportunity,” she stated. Ann Bingham used true stories for devotions prior to the luncheon catered by Trinity Oaks. Angelia Bates, president, conducted the business session including changes in Clubhouse schedules and an invitation from the Spencer Woman’s Club to the April 16 Spring Banquet Luncheon. Linda Jones requested that the Club participate in making a basket to benefit the Symphony. Linda Jones and Betty Mohs, hostesses, decorated the club house in a St. Patrick motif with individual favors of a packet of flower seed at each place setting.

McGill studio recital Students of McGill Music Studios were feted at a midwinter studio recital at the home of Frances McGill in February. Guests were treated to games, party, supper, fun and learning for the purpose

of preparing for the upcoming NCMTA District Festival at Pfeiffer College on March 12. After a program entitled “Digging for Clues in practicing,” the students had pizza and cupcakes and played Musical Jeopardy to brush up on music theory and history. Recitalists were: Brianna Aguillar from Hickory playing, Laura Lara from Hickory performing “Morning” from the Peer Gynt Suite by Grieg. Giselle and Mildred were special guests from Hickory who will be new students on the following program in May. Ray Sain from Concord played “Holy, Holy, Holy,” arr. by Faber in duet with McGill; Monica Sain from Concord performed; Luke Sain performed one of his Festival entries, “Prelude No. 3 in C Minor” by J.S. Bach; “La Cloche du Matin” by Burgmuller and “Etude No. 5 in Contrary Motion Figures” by Waxman. Salem Hockett from Concord performed “Sinfonia in G Minor,” by J.S. Bach, “Dancing Shadows,”by MacDowell, and “Petites Litanies de Jesus” by Genouvez which she is readying for the juried performance this weekend.


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Tuesday, April 19, 2011 Address:



Are you a foodie?






Phone: Email:

at South Rowan High School Auditorium!






Drop off entry forms at the Post or mail them to: Culinary Assistant, c/o Salisbury Post Classifieds, 131 West Innes St., Salisbury, NC 28144. Entries

must be received before Friday, April 8, 2011 at 5 pm. Winners will be chosen at random on Monday, April 11, 2011.

312 Centerview Street, China Grove, NC, 28023

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Must be 18 years or older to enter. Six adult assistants and 3 alternates will be chosen to chop, dice and cook their way to culinary happiness. Assistants must be available from 9 am-1 pm and again from 4 pm until the end of the show. Must be able to read recipes and follow directions with very little supervision. Requires physical mobility. Winners will be contacted by phone and email (if available) and must call or email to confirm their availability. Alternates will be used if the original winners cannot participate. No children allowed on stage. Call 704-797-4238 for more information.


6E • SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011



Jesse C. Carson High claimed first place in last Saturday’s All-Rowan County High School Cheerleading Championship, in the process taking home the prestigious Jessica Grady Cup for the second year in a row. Held at the Cabarrus Arena, the competition couldn’t have been much tighter. Carson won with 85 points, followed by East Rowan with 83, West Rowan with 79.83, Salisbury with 79.17 and North Rowan with 76.5. South Rowan did not compete. The Grady Cup is a rotating award. The winning school keeps it for a year before bringing it back and trying to win the cup again at the next year’s competition. The cup is named for Jessica Grady, a West Rowan cheerleader from 2002 to 2004 who was killed in an automobile accident. West Rowan cheerleaders perform their Saturday’s championship routine. also served as the venue at which the All-Rowan County Cheerleaders for 2010-2011 were • Masyn Burgess, East Rowan announced. Coaches from each High school nominated up to four cheer• Kristin Harmon, North Rowan leaders and submitted videos for High judging prior to Saturday’s cham• Nicole Chamberlain, Salisbury pionship. High The 2010-2011 All-Rowan Coun• Jesse Troutman, Jesse C. Carty Cheerleaders are: son High • Taylor Campbell, Jesse C. Carson High • Kayla Morris, East Rowan High • Nicole Messina, Jesse C. Carson High • Emily Hiatt, Jesse C. Carson High • Allison Baucom, West Rowan High

In addition, Taylor Campbell was named “Player of the Year” and won a $200 cash award. The All-Rowan County High School Cheerleading Championship was co-directed by Jessica Moore and Judy Corriher. Nationally certified judges selected the winning teams.

The Salisbury High School cheerleaders perform an aerial move. The Jesse C. Carson High School cheerleading squad won first place in this year’s All-Rowan County High School Cheerleading Championship.

All-Rowan County Cheerleaders include, front row, left to right: Allison Baucom, Taylor Campbell, Kristin Harmon and Jesse Troutman. Back row, left to right, are Emily Hiatt, Kayla Morris, Nicole Messina, Nicole Chamberlain, Masyn Burgess.

The North Rowan cheerleaders take center stage.

Photos by Scott Pilling

The East Rowan squad performs.

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