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McIlroy snags first tour win at Quail Hollow, 1B 83º / 63º Chance of storms Forecast 14B Monday, May 3, 2010 | 50¢

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‘Mayhem’ averted in New York

“When you know that you’ve done something to help a child, it’s just ... great.” DETECTIVE LINDA PORTER Child abuse investigator

Taliban claim discounted in failed car bombing

girlfriend. Porter worked with the Department of Social Services to get all children out of the house before taking the woman to jail. As Porter was leaving for the night, the social worker pulled up with the children still in her car. The young boy had made her come back to say “thank you.” “You don’t get a lot of that in law enforcement,” Porter said with a hitch in her voice. “When you know that you’ve done something to help a child, it’s just ... great.” Porter carries her own painful memories of abuse at a young age, but they motivate her rather than weigh her down. She not only speaks of God making bad things work for good — she lives it. “You can either let those things drag you down, or you can use what you learned from them to help other people,”

NEW YORK (AP) — Police investigating a failed car bomb left in Times Square have videotape of a possible suspect shedding clothing in an alley and putting it in a bag and found a substance that resembled fertilizer in the parked SUV, Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Sunday. The surveillance video shows a white man in his 40s taking off one shirt, revealing another underneath. Kelly said officers were on their way to a Pennsylvania town to talk to a tourist who also might have recorded the suspect on his video camera. The commissioner said there’s no evidence that a Pakistani Taliban videotaped claim to the failed car bombing is valid. Police found the SUV parked on one of the prime blocks for Broadway shows such as “The Lion King” on Saturday night. Thousands of tourists were cleared from the area for 10 hours. The bomb was dismantled, and no one was hurt. The SUV contained three barbecue-grillsized propane tanks, fireworks, two filled 5-gallon gasoline containers and two clocks with batteries, electrical wire and other components, police said. Timers were connected to a 16ounce can filled with the fireworks, which were apparently intended to set the gas cans and propane afire, Kelly said. “Clearly it was the intent of whoever did this to cause mayhem, to create casualties,” Kelly said at a news conference at police headquarters. “It’s just a sober reminder that New York is clearly a target of people who want to come here and do us harm.” He said New Yorkers are lucky that the bomb did not fully detonate because it “looks like it would have caused a significant fireball.” He said the vehicle, which had Connecticut license plates that didn’t match it, would have been “cut in half” by an explosion and people nearby could have been sprayed by shrapnel and killed. “It wasn’t an accident,” he said. “It was somebody who brought this to the location to send a message to terrorize people in the area.” Police also found eight bags of an unknown substance in a gun locker that was in the smoking SUV, Kelly said. The substance “looks and feels” like fertilizer, he said, but tests were pending. Kelly said surveillance video shows the vehicle entering the area at 6:28 p.m. Saturday, and a vendor pointed the SUV out to an officer about two minutes later, at the height of dinner hour before theatergoers head to Saturday night shows. He said the license plates on the SUV belong to a car that is being repaired in Connecticut. Duane Jackson, a 58-year-old handbag vendor from Buchanan, N.Y., said he noticed the car and wondered who had left it there. “That was my first thought: Who sat this car here?” Jackson said Sunday.


See BOMB, 13A


Detective Linda Porter sits at her desk at the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office, surrounded by photos of her grandchildren.

A passion for protecting kids Linda Porter ‘goes extra mile’ on abuse cases During Prevent Child Abuse Rowan’s annual community meeting on April 9, Porter was ach day Detective Linda awarded the Dr. Kathleen RusPorter walks into her ofso Friend of the Child Award fice, she sees her grandfor her efforts to prevent child children. abuse. More than a dozen faces While accepting the award, smile in photos on the walls the China Grove resident reand cabinets surrounding her called her first child abuse desk. Anothcase, near the beginning of her er photo 22-year career with the Shertravels with iff’s Office. her on the While on patrol, she and felback of her low officer Kevin Auten went ID tag. to a home where a little girl They are reminders of why was being abused by her mothshe keeps coming into that ofer. The mother tried to strike fice — and who she goes out to the child, but Porter got beprotect. tween them. Porter helps to investigate When the case went to court, child abuse and sexual abuse Porter was asked why she didcrimes at the Rowan County n’t bring a charge of assault on Sheriff’s Office. a law enforcement officer. “When somebody does some- Porter said she believed the thing to hurt a child, and we parent intended to hit the child, can at least do something to not her, so that charge would help that child — I just feel like have been dismissed. The that’s what I’m supposed to mother then was convicted of do,” she said. child abuse. BY KARISSA MINN




Auten, now sheriff, said he could tell from answering domestic calls with Porter that she had a special place in her heart for children and victims of abuse. “Anybody that knows her and has ever worked with her knows she goes the extra mile on every one of those cases,” Auten said. He said it takes a “special person” to investigate abuse cases without becoming overwhelmed. “In law enforcement, we see so much that’s negative already,” he said. “When it’s negative involving kids, sometimes it’s hard not to take that home with you.” How does Porter cope with seeing terrible things that abusers do to children? When asked, she paused before answering, “By putting them in jail.” She remembers finding a little boy who had been duct taped to a chair by his father’s

Dixonville Cemetery on council agenda

Capping Gulf oil geyser could take at least a week VENICE, La. (AP) — Federal officials shut down fishing from the Mississippi River to the Florida Panhandle on Sunday because of the uncontrolled gusher spewing massive amounts of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, and the environmental disaster is still expected to take at least a week to cut off. Even that toxic scenario may be too rosy because it depends on a lowtech strategy that has never been attempted before in deep water. The plan: to lower 74-ton, concreteand-metal boxes into the gulf to capture the oil and siphon it to a barge waiting at the surface. Whether that will work for a leak 5,000 feet below the surface is anyone’s guess; the method has previously worked only in shallower waters. If it doesn’t, and efforts to activate

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a shutoff mechanism called a blowout preventer continue to prove fruitless, the oil probably will keep gushing for months until a second well can be dug to cut off the first. Oil giant BP PLC’s latest plan will take six to eight days because welders have to assemble the boxes. President Barack Obama toured the region Sunday, deflecting criticism that his administation was too slow to respond and did too little to stave off the catastrophe. Satellite images indicate the rusthued slick tripled in size in just two days, suggesting the oil could be pouring out faster than before. Wildlife including sea turtles have been found dead on the shore but it is too soon to say whether the spill, caused by a

See SPILL, 11A

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President Obama confers Sunday with Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.

Robert L. Cook Sr. Lawrence Gilmer Dowell Cynthia K. Howard Robert Lee Johnson

Ethel Mae Lafreniere Margaret W. Lindsay Glenn Peeler Mary Jane Ward

The Salisbury City Council will hear a presentation from city staff on improvements to the Dixonville Cemetery on Old Concord Road during Tuesday’s meeting. The council will hear about short-term and long-term goals for the cemetery, including goals that have already been met. The most important cemetery need has not been met, however, and is the installation of a memorial to honor and recognize Salisbury’s African-American residents who were interred in the cemetery. The cemetery also wants to provide a record


Bridge Classifieds Comics Crossword

13B 6B 12B 12B

of the interred’s names. More than 450 interments have been identified from death certificates dating back to 1910. City staff hopes the council will see the need for additional site improvements and request citizen participation in a Dixonville Cemetery Task Force. In other items: • Downtown Salisbury, Inc. will present its 2010 Master Plan to the council, in hopes of adoption. • Salisbury Police Chief Rory Collins will present grant fund totals to the council. A total of $296,052 was awarded to the Salisbury Po-

Day in the Life 10A Deaths 4A Horoscope 13B Opinion 12A

See COUNCIL, 13A Sports Television Town crier Weather

1B 13B 2A 14B

2A • MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010



TOWN CRIER Community events Monday • Rowan County Board of Commissioners, 4 p.m., Administration Building, 130 W. Innes. • Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners work session, 3:30 p.m., Governmental Center, 65 Church St., SE, Concord. • Cabarrus County Board of Education, 6 p.m., Education Center, 4401 Old Airport Road, Concord. Hearing on redistricting students from Jay M. Robinson to Northwest Cabarrus High. • Landis Board of Aldermen, 7 p.m., Town Hall at 312 S. Main St., Landis • East Spencer Board of Aldermen, 7 p.m., Town Hall, East Spencer. • Granite Quarry Board of Aldermen, 7 p.m., Town Hall, Granite Quarry. • Cleveland Town Board, 7 p.m., Town Hall, Cleveland. • Candidate forums broadcast, Access 16: Rowan County Commission Forum, 7:30 p.m.; Rowan Sheriff Forum, 10 p.m.

Tuesday • Primary Election Day. Polls open 6:30 a.m.7:30 p.m. Updates, • Salisbury City Council, 4 p.m., Salisbury City Hall, 217 S. Main St. • China Grove Town Council, 7 p.m. in the Municipal Building, 205 Swink St.

Thursday • Bucky Covington in Downtown Salisbury, 6:30 p.m., Brick Street Live, 100 block of East Fisher Street. Sponsored by Miller Davis Studio. $5 cover. • Amadeus Youth Chorus “Songs That Tell Stories,” 7 p.m. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. Free. • Thursdays on Main, Lunchtime Music Series, 11:30 a.m., Veterans Park, Kannapolis. Free. Featuring Coconut Groove Band. • AARP Local Chapter Meeting. RuftyHolmes Senior Center, 1120 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., 1- 2:30 p.m. Presentation: Breast Cancer Survivor. 704-216-7714. • Rowan Partners for Education, luncheon, noon, J.F. Hurley YMCA. 704-642-0700.

Friday • May Friendship Day for Church Women United, noon, at First Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, 400 S. Long St. Tickets, $7. • Alzheiemer’s Education and Research Forum, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., N.C. Research Campus, Kannapolis, topics related to Alzheimer’s disease care, support, research. 704-532-7390 • Downtown Salisbury Ghost Walk, 7:30 and 8:30 p.m., starting at old post office, 130 W. Innes St. Tickets $10, adults; $5, children. • Baroque and Beyond, Carolina Baroque concern, 7:30 p.m. Chapel of St. John’s Lutheran Church, 200 W. Innes St. Suggested donation, $10. • Spring Night Out, downtown Salisbury.

Saturday • Flapjack Fundraiser for Rowan County Girl Scouts, Applebee's restaurant, 205 Faith Road, 7 a.m. Tickets, $7. Pancakes, sausage, milk, juice, coffee. 704-856-8501 • Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk, 9 a.m., N.C. Research Campus, Kannapolis, 3-mile walk. • Learning to Fly, 10 a.m.-3 p.m,, handson aviation event with hot air balloon, UH-1 Huey, flight simulators and a full-size replica of Wright Flyer. N.C. Transportation Museum, 411 S. Salisbury Ave., Spencer. • Pfeiffer University graduation, 10:30 a.m., Merner Gymnasium, Misenheimer. • Salisbury Symphony Orchestra, “Solving Mysteries,” 7:30 p.m., Keppel Auditorium. Featuring Fifth-Grade Honors Chorus. Adults, $20; seniors, $17; students, $6; children, $4. • Piedmont Prime Time Community Band “Music Americana,” dinner at 6 p.m., concert at 7 p.m. All Saints Episcopal Church, 525 Lake Concord Road NE, Concord. 704-467-3039. • Charlotte Pet Expo, Cabarrus Arena, N.C. 49, Concord.

Monday, May 10 • Chamber of Commerce’s Business After Hours at Rowan Regional Medical Center, 612 Mocksville Ave., 5-7 p.m.

Tuesday, May 11 • Respect for Law ceremony, noon, Lewis Hall, First Presbyterian Church, sponsored by the Salisbury Optimist Club.

To have a public event listed in Town Crier, e-mail it to towncrier@salisbury

YESTERDAY This early postcard photograph of the Hood Theological Seminary on the campus of Livingstone College probably dates to about 1910. The seminary is named for Bishop James Walker Hood, who was the first chairman of the institution’s board of trustees. The seminary started in 1904 and moved into this building on the Livingstone campus in 1910. Today, the seminary operates independently of the college and is near Interstate 85 and Jake Alexander Boulevard. This photograph is from the collection of Susan Goodman Sides.

It’s not easy to stop smoking, start exercising Q. I am 19 and weigh 215 pounds, which for my height (5-foot-3) is horrible. I smoke cigarettes mostly every day, and I do not exercise. My question is what is a good way to start my exercise plan and stick to it while losing weight, and eating healthy? A. You are not alone. So many people are struggling with being overweight and do not know where to start. On top of that, you have a (bad) habit of smoking. I was a ESTER smoker. I know that may come MARSH as a shock to you, but when I smoked I actually enjoyed every puff. In the Netherlands, where I grew up, I actually worked at a fitness center where there was a smoking section. Crazy, right? I told myself (convinced myself) that I was OK as long as I didn’t cough in the morning (you know that ugly morning cough many smokers have), didn’t have trouble keeping

when I didn’t smoke anymore. The not smoking part isn’t what makes you gain weight. It is the eating instead of smoking part that makes you gain weight. What worked for me was to exercise when I was really craving a cigarette. Instead of taking a smoke break, go for a five-minute walk. Or walk the stairs or hallways if you can’t leave the building (somehow you were finding time and a place to smoke a cigarette). Plan your meals for the day (and have healthy snacks available) and schedule an exercise routine. If you like to take classes, find two or three classes per week you can take (and enjoy!). When you crave a cigarette, defer that craving toward exercise. Do not hesitate to talk to your doctor about help to stop smoking and adopt a healthy diet. It is not going to be easy, and you have to do it for yourself but you do not have to be alone. Start with one step, and before you know it, you will be running. Keep me updated on your progress.

Severe storms kill at least 15 in Tenn., Miss. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Devastating thunderstorms slammed Tennessee and northern Mississippi over the weekend, killing at least 15 people, five in Nashville, closing scores of highways, and leaving weeks of cleanup for thousands of residents whose homes were damaged. Thousands were evacuated and hundreds of others were rescued from their homes — some plucked from rooftops — as flood waters from swollen rivers and creeks inundated neighborhoods across the region. Hospitals, schools and state buildings also were flooded. Firefighters busted through the windows of Audrey Talley’s trailer early Sunday to rescue her family, including her three small grandchildren, ages 9 months to 4 years old. Talley’s son woke her up to tell her water was coming into the trailer in south Nashville. Within 10 minutes it was knee deep. “We’ve lost everything,” the 47-year-old Talley said at an emergency shelter at Lipscomb University. “I don’t know what we’re going to do. We’ve got nowhere to go.”

Lottery numbers — RALEIGH (AP)— The winning numbers selected Sunday in the N.C. Education Lottery: Pick 3: 6-5-7 Pick 4: 3-2-9-1 Cash 5: 18-10-24-26-17 HOW TO REACH US Phone ....................................(704) 633-8950 for all departments (704) 797-4287 Sports direct line (704) 797-4213 Circulation direct line (704) 797-4220 Classified direct line Business hours ..................Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fax numbers........................(704) 630-0157 Classified ads (704) 633-7373 Retail ads (704) 639-0003 News After-hours voice mail......(704) 797-4235 Advertising (704) 797-4255 News Salisbury Post

Daily & Sun. Sunday Only

up with my own class and, lastly, hadn’t started thinking of having children. (I figured if I waited until I was pregnant, I would already be four-eight weeks pregnant … and smoking.) Well, I didn’t cough in the mornings; I kept my conditioning up even when smoking, but I was thinking of becoming pregnant in October 1991 and stopped smoking. (I got pregnant with my first child in Feb 1992) You don’t know how great it is not to smoke anymore. I was running circles around my classes, my taste buds jumped for joy, my lungs, heart and arteries and all other body parts and functions were on their way to recovery from a bad and very unhealthy habit. And I didn’t even get into the smell of your hair, clothes, breath … and the money that literally goes up in smoke You are young and have more than one health issue that you are dealing with. I would focus on one bad habit, or as I like to call them, a challenge, at a time. I would first focus on trying to quit smoking. I know I was frightened of gaining weight

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Published Daily Since 1905, Afternoon and Saturday and Sunday Morning by The Post Publishing Co., Inc. Subscription Rates By Mail: (Payable in advance) Salisbury, NC 28145-4639 - Phone 633-8950 In U.S. and possessions • 1 Mo. 3 Mo. 6 Mo. Yr. Carriers and dealers are independent contractors Daily & Sun. 29.00 87.00 174.00 348.00 and The Post Publishing Co.,Inc. Daily Only 25.00 75.00 150.00 300.00 is not responsible for Sunday Only 16.00 48.00 96.00 192.00 advance payments made to them. Member, Audit Bureau of Circulation • Salisbury Post (ISSN 0747-0738) is published daily; Second Class Postage paid at Salisbury, NC POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145-4639

State officials in Tennessee said Sunday the flooding is as bad as they’ve seen since the mid-1970s. Tornados or high winds killed at least four people, unexpected flash floods swept some unsuspecting residents to their deaths and an untold number of homes were flooded as urban drainage systems and watersheds struggled to remove the deluge. Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen called it an “unprecedented rain event,” but that failed to capture the magnitude. More than 13 inches of rain fell in Nashville over a two-day period, nearly doubling the previous record of 6.68 inches that fell in the wake of Hurricane Fredrick in 1979. “That is an astonishing amount of rain in a 24- or 36-hour period,” Bredesen said Sunday. At least seven people died in Tennessee and an eighth is missing and presumed dead. Three in northern Mississippi were killed when their homes were destroyed by tornadoes and a fourth died after he drove into flood waters. The cause of the destruction was apparent to those who responded Sunday to what re-

mained of the mobile home of Latoya Long, 25, and Thomas Catrell Cowan, 26, who were killed early Sunday morning in Ashland, Miss. “It looks like you stuck about four sticks of dynamite on it and it just disappeared,” Benton County coroner John Riles said of their home. Across the road, he said, a two-story house was just gone. “If you didn’t know the house was there, you’d just think it was a vacant lot.” A tornado also contributed to the death of an unidentified man in nearby Abbeville, Miss., and a confirmed tornado killed 64-yearold Mary Buxton in the community of Pocahantas, Tenn., about 70 miles east of Memphis. Officials said the other deaths in Tennessee were all due to flooding. The weekend deaths came on the heels of a tornado in Arkansas that killed a woman and injured about two dozen people Friday. And just a week ago 10 people were killed by a tornado from a separate storm in western Mississippi. Flooding and damage was so widespread in Tennessee that Bredesen asked the state’s Army National Guard to help.

New website lets unnamed peers judge you SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — It used to be that a potential employer would call your references to see whether you’d be a good fit. But what if you showed up for an interview and the employer already knew you blew an important project at your current job, just by checking on the Web? A new site called Unvarnished is making this unsettling idea real. Unvarnished lets your peers say what they really think of you. It’s similar to sites such as Yelp that let people post anonymous reviews — except in this case, it’s a person, not a business, that is getting reviewed. Unvarnished co-founder Peter Kazanjy says the idea emerged after realizing there can be a difference between job candidates’ attitudes in an interview and their attitudes after they’re hired. Time and money get wasted if a new employee doesn’t work out. Any Unvarnished user can add a profile of a person to the site or write in an existing profile. If a profile of you is on the site, you can “claim” it and respond to reviews written about you. If nobody has written about you on Unvarnished but you want to solicit reviews, you can add

yourself to the site and request that others describe you. Kazanjy, previously a senior product marketing manager at VMware Inc., acknowledges that allowing people to write reviews without attaching their names entails tradeoffs. Anonymity often unleashes nasty comments. And it might make people more skeptical of the validity of Unvarnished’s reviews. But it also helps people write what they really think. “We want to empower honesty and candor and nuance in the reviews,” he says. Don’t bother hopping on your computer yet. Not just anyone can access because the site is in a private “beta” test. It’s not yet clear when it will be widely rolled out. That means that to write or see any reviews, you have to be invited by a user and write a review of him or her. It also means that people could be writing reviews about you, good or bad, and you’d have no idea unless someone who can access the site told you. A look around the site didn’t reveal that many negative reviews, however. Unvarnished requires users to rate people on a scale of one to five stars, and

Kazanjy says more than 70 percent of the site’s thousands of reviews are four or five stars. Beyond the star rating, you can evaluate people from one to 10 on characteristics such as productivity and integrity. You can also write a short review detailing someone’s strengths and weaknesses. Although reviews on Unvarnished are anonymous in the sense that the subject and others who see that person’s profile won’t know who wrote the reviews, Kazanjy says the site has a way of checking who its writers are. It uses Facebook’s Connect identification tool to authenticate users and determine that they are not spammers. That tool asks people to log in to the website with the same username and password they use on Facebook. Unvarnished’s founders realize this may open the door for subjects of unflattering reviews to subpoena the site for information about who wrote the reviews. But the site itself would be largely protected from defamation claims, for example, under a federal law that gives broad immunity to service providers for postings made by their users.

MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010 • 3A


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Lee Wade and Susan Kluttz, Mayor

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4A • MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010

Rowan County voting districts U.S. House and N.C. General Assembly Precinct no.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46

Precinct name

U.S. House

N.C. Senate

N.C. House

Barnhardt Mill................................6 ........34 ..............76 Blackwelder Park ..........................6 ........34 ..............76 Bostian Crossroads ......................6 ........34 ..............76 Bradshaw ....................................12 ........34 ..............77 North China Grove ........................6 ........34 ..............76 South China Grove ........................6 ........34 ..............76 Cleveland ....................................12 ........34 ..............77 South Locke ..................................6 ........34 ..............77 East Enochville ............................12 ........34 ..............76 Faith ............................................6 ........34 ..............76 Franklin ........................................12 ........34 ..............77 Milford Hills County......................12 ........34 ..............77 Rock Grove ..................................6 ........34 ..............76 North Granite Quarry ....................6 ........34 ..............76 Hatters Shop ................................6 ........34 ..............76 West Kannapolis ..........................6 ........34 ..............76 East Kannapolis ............................6 ........34 ..............76 East Spencer ................................12 ........34 ..............77 West Landis ..................................6 ........34 ..............76 East Landis ..................................6 ........34 ..............76 North Locke ..................................6 ........34 ..............77 Morgan I ......................................6 ........34 ..............76 Morgan II ......................................6 ........34 ..............76 Mt. Ulla ........................................12 ........34 ..............77 Rockwell ......................................6 ........34 ..............76 Gold Knob ....................................6 ........34 ..............76 Scotch Irish ................................12 ........34 ..............77 Spencer ........................................12 ........34 ..............77 Steele ............................................6 ........34 ..............77 Sumner..........................................6 ........34 ........76 & 77 Trading Ford ..................................6 ........34 ..............76 Unity ............................................12 ........34 ..............77 Bostian School ..............................6 ........34 ..............76 West Ward II ................................12 ........34 ..............77 West Ward I ................................12 ........34 ..............77 South Ward ................................12 ........34 ..............77 East Ward ....................................12 ........34 ..............77 West Innes ..................................12 ........34 ..............77 North Ward II ..............................12 ........34 ..............77 Milford Hills City ..........................12 ........34 ..............77 West Ward III ..............................12 ........34 ..............77 West Enochville ..........................12 ........34 ..............76 Ellis ..............................................12 ........34 ..............77 South Granite Quarry ....................6 ........34 ..............76

Video gambling again on the table for lawmakers RALEIGH (AP) — North Carolina lawmakers just can’t seem to scratch video poker from their to-do lists. Four years after the General Assembly thought it had banned video poker gambling machines, the House and Senate could consider in the upcoming legislative session whether to try to ban an alternate form of the games or find a more profitable way to live with them. For more than a year, trial judges have blocked state agents and police from closing down so-called “sweepstakes cafes” or “business centers” where customers buy Internet or phone time but usually play computerbased games and win cash and prizes. This legal opening has led to a proliferation of the businesses, where supporters argue locals can relax after work and maybe win a few dollars or check their e-mail. Video poker opponents are repeating worries voiced before the original ban took effect in 2007: Addicted customers are blowing their paychecks on the new games and hurting their families in the process. “This is a huge problem,” said Rep. Melanie Goodwin, DRichmond, a primary author of the 2008 law designed to close a loophole that remains open. “They see the flashing lights and say, ‘Maybe the next time I’ll win.”’ Opposition to video pokerstyle games has been almost unanimous at the General Assembly, which goes into session next week, but some influential senators are suggesting the only solution may be to highly regulate new sweepstakes parlor gaming and tax it heavily if it can’t be banned. “If there is no way we can stop it by law, we then should certainly collect a very, very aggressive tax, and hopefully that would also retard its use,” Senate leader Marc Basnight, D-Dare, said in an interview. Judges in three counties have sided for now with game distributors who argue the video screens aren’t covered by the original 2006 law or a 2008 amendment aimed at the new crop of games, because they are designed to market legal products or don’t meet the definition of gambling. While the cases are pending, the trade group for the state’s amusement machine owners have tried to persuade lawmakers video gambling machines should be legalized again. It has promoted a bill



that would give the state 20 percent of the money in the machines and require state oversight and regulation the machine distributors say would provide legitimacy for a beleaguered industry. Basnight, an ardent video poker opponent, made clear last week he doesn’t want to go back to the days of traditional video poker machines. “They have no place in North Carolina in my opinion,” he said. Video poker was tainted with suspicions in the political arena before the 2006 ban. Then-House Speaker Jim Black was one of legal video poker’s biggest supporters and campaign donations from machine distributors were investigated extensively by state election officials. Black ultimately went to federal prison for corruption unrelated to video poker. Former Buncombe County Sheriff Bobby Medford was sentenced to 15 years in prison after being convicted in 2008 of taking up to $300,000 in bribes from illegal video gambling operators while sheriff. Chase Brooks, of Alamance County, who operates a dozen sweepstakes locations statewide with hundreds of computer terminals combined, says the locales are different from the poker games. He said customers at his well-kept cafes spend on average about $27 and most win some kind of prize. The odds of winning, however, are predetermined and have nothing to do with how one plays the games. Brooks said lawmakers should consider regulating Internetbased games because they can be monitored remotely and shut down if it’s determined the games are crooked. Basnight’s close ally, Sen. David Hoyle, D-Gaston, said if the state has no say, the North Carolina Education Lottery could license Internet-based video gambling machines and split profits with convenience store owners that set them up. Current Speaker Joe Hackney, D-Orange, said he believes the overwhelming number of lawmakers in the chamber would vote to reinforce the ban. Attorney General Roy Cooper’s office has been asked for suggestions on how to change the video poker law to ban games like those Brooks offers before the session ends this summer.

Cynthia Kay Howard

Glenn Peeler

SALISBURY — Cynthia Kay Howard, 61, of Salisbury, died Saturday, May 1, 2010, at Genesis Healthcare of Salisbury. Born July 13, 1948, in Salisbury, she was the daughter of the late William B. and Laura Speight Howard. In addition to her parents, Ms. Howard was preceded in death by her brothers, William “Billy” Howard, C.V. Howard and Donald Howard. Survivors include her sisters, Doris H. Livengood of Salisbury and with whom she made her home with, Betty H. Mitzen of Salisbury, Ronelle H. Britt of Salisbury and Barbara H. Eddinger of Salisbury; and also a number of nieces and nephews. Service: Graveside services will be conducted 2 p.m. Wednesday at Westlawn Memorial Park, China Grove, with Rev. Tony Jordan, minister of Gays Chapel United Methodist Church officiating. Visitation: The family will receive friends from 12:301:30 p.m. Wednesday at Summersett Funeral Home and at other times will be at the home of her sister, Doris Livengood. Memorials: Memorials may be made to Gays Chapel United Methodist Church, 5545 Woodleaf Rd., Salisbury, NC 28147 or Main Street United Methodist Church, 1312 N. Main St., Salisbury, NC 28144. Summersett Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Online condolences may be made at

SALISBURY — Glenn Peeler, age 79, of Salisbury, went home to be with his Lord. Though death was sudden, he looked forward to getting a new body, new eyes and no pain he had suffered for seven years. He passed away Saturday morning, May 1, 2010, at Rowan Regional Medical Center after everything that could be done. He had been a resident at the NC State Veterans Nursing Home for over a year where he had enjoyed playing Bingo and fixing puzzles. Born Dec. 14, 1930, in Salisbury, he was the son of the late A.G. and Vivian Peeler Snider. Glenn was raised by his grandparents, Daisy and George Alexander Peeler. He was educated in the Salisbury schools and graduated in 1949 from Boyden High School. He volunteered for military service serving in Japan; he was a Military Police in the United States Army. Employed by Southern Bell for 35 years until the merger with AT&T. After his retirement he opened his own business in 1985 doing telecommunications work. He was well known among many doctors, attorneys, school administrators and businesses as Glenn's Telephone Service. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Jean Hall Peeler; son. Todd Alexander Peeler; his daughter, Tracey Glynn Peeler of the home; grandchildren, Morgan Nicole Peeler of Raleigh, Samantha Glynn Peeler of Kannapolis; stepgrandson, Johnathan Honeycutt; great-grandchildren, Caleb Honeycutt and Drake Kerley. Service: Graveside services will be conducted 11 a.m. Tuesday at the US National Cemetery, Statesville Blvd. He will be honored with Military Graveside Rites conducted by the Rowan County Veterans Honor Guard. Memorials: Memorials may be made to the NC State Veterans Nursing Home - Activities Department, PO Box 599, Salisbury, NC 28145. Our heartfelt appreciation to all nurses and staff at the NC State Veterans Nursing Home for their exemplary care and also the Doctors and nurses at Rowan Regional Medical Center. Summersett Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Online condolences may be made at

Mary Jane Ward SALISBURY — Mary Jane Ward, 89, passed away Sunday May 2, 2010, at Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte. Born in Rowan County on April 15, 1921, she was a daughter of the late Lee Hoffner and Lena Owens Hoffner. Mrs. Ward was educated in the Rowan County Schools, was a homemaker, a member of St. Matthews Lutheran Church, Co-Workers of the ELCA and a member of the Francis Eller Sunday School Class. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband, Curtis Ritcle Ward; a daughter, Vivian Ward Lefler; sisters, Velna Carrick, Jessie Burrage, Arleen Morgan, Annie Lee Hall and Blanche Gobble. Survivors include daughters, Judith Ward Gainey of Salisbury, Francis Ward Jackson and husband, Ronald of Gold Hill, Linda Ward Boggs of Salisbury; son, Samuel Lee Ward and wife, Janice of Gold Hill, Jeffrey Curtis Ward and wife, Rhonda of Salisbury; brothers, Ernest Hoffner of Gold Hill, Curtis "Bud" Hoffner of Salisbury; sisters, Edna Mahaley of Kernersville, Johnnie Earnhardt of Richfield, Helen "Sis" Stiller of Salisbury and Jean Brown of Misenheimer; 12 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. Visitation: 6-8 p.m. Monday, May 3 at Powles Funeral Home and the remainder of the times at the residence. Service and Burial: 11 a.m. Tuesday at St. Matthews Lutheran Church conducted by Rev. Gary S. Coble, Pastor. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Memorials: St. Matthews Lutheran Church Building Fund, 9275 Bringle Ferry Road, Salisbury, NC 28146. The Ward family is being assisted by Powles Funeral Home. Online condolences may be made to

Robert Lee Johnson SALISBURY — Robert Lee Johnson, age 85, of 163 Hawkins Loop, Salisbury, died Saturday, May 1, 2010, at Rowan Regional Medical Center. Arrangements are incomplete at this time. Noble and Kelsey Funeral Home, Inc. will be serving the family.

Lawrence G. Dowell SALISBURY — Lawrence Gilmer Dowell, 84, of Salisbury, died Sunday, May 2, 2010, at the Brian Center of Salisbury. Born June 13, 1925, in Rowan County, he was the son of the late John Rufus and Elizabeth Penniger Dowell. He was educated in the Rowan County schools and was a veteran of the United States Navy during World War II. Mr. Dowell was a car inspector for Southern Railway and Norfolk Southern Railroad before retiring. Survivors include his wife, Bobbie Todd Dowell, whom he married Dec. 1952; son, Lawrence G. “Dusty” Dowell, II and wife, Jennifer of Lexington; daughter, Cynthia Dowell Church and husband, Michael of Salisbury; grandchildren, Allyson Dowell, Heather Tomlinson and husband, Graydon, Thomas Dowell and Trace Dowell. Service: A Memorial Service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Landmark Church with the Rev. Benny Hillard, officiating. Visitation: The family will speak to friends following the memorial service. Memorials: In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the charity of the donor's choice. Summersett Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Online condolences may be made at

Margaret Whirlow Lindsay SALISBURY — Margaret Whirlow Lindsay, age 75, of Salisbury passed away Saturday, May 1, 2010, at her residence. Margaret was born in Salisbury to Lola Carter Whirlow and Julius Carr Whirlow on April 14, 1935. She attended school in Rowan County and graduated from Granite Quarry High School in 1953. After high school, Margaret shared her love of children working as secretary for A.T. Allen School in Salisbury. It was while working at A.T. Allen School that she met and married her husband of 51 years, Bobby Clay Lindsay. Margaret and Bobby were married in Salisbury on Feb. 1, 1959. They started a family and for the next 20 years she was a homemaker raising their two children while coordinating countless activities for other children in the neighborhood and community. A tireless volunteer in the local schools, she served on a number of committees and a PTA President at Calvin H. Wiley Elementary School. A member of Milford Hills Baptist Church, Margaret served the church in numerous positions including Sunday School Teacher, building committee member and Deacon. Later in life Margaret joined her husband, Bobby, in the family business, Main Drug Company. There she enjoyed working along side her husband and family while serving as a member of the Women's Drug Auxiliary. Margaret and Bobby retired from their family business in 1992. Margaret enjoyed traveling, spending time with her family and sharing many treasured moments with special friends. Her kitchen was always open and she so enjoyed cooking for anyone that would pause for a home cooked meal and conversation. More than anything in retirement, Margaret enjoyed spending time with her two grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a brother, James Carr Whirlow; half sisters, Blanche Addie Whirlow and Hazel Loraine Whirlow; half brothers, Robert Charles Whirlow and Brunell Frederick Whirlow. Margaret is survived by her husband, Bobby Clay Lindsay, Sr.; daughter, Ann Lindsay Ellis and husband, John of Salisbury; son, Bobby Clay Lindsay, Jr. and wife, Connie of Salisbury; two very special grandchildren, Margaret Ann Fisher Lindsay and Mary Margaret Ellis of Salisbury; sister, Lois Whirlow Fowler and her husband, Larry of Salisbury; along with two nieces and three nephews. In addition to her family, she is survived by dear friends, Art and Sara Steadman of Rock Hill, S.C.; and her caregivers, Cheryl, Tammy, Rhonda and Esther who provided exceptional care during her illness. Service: Graveside services will be conducted at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Chestnut Hill Cemetery with the Rev. Mike Shoaf, officiating. Visitation: The family will receive friends at Boxwood Lodge, 132 Becktown Road, Mocksville, immediately following the service. Memorials: In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Salisbury Academy, 2210 Jake Alexander Blvd. North, Salisbury, NC 28147 or Rowan Regional Hospice, 720 Grove Street, Salisbury, NC 28144. Summersett Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Online condolences may be made at

Ethel Mae Lafreniere

Robert L. Cook, Sr.

GOLD HILL — Ethel Mae Morris Lafreniere, age 106, of Gold Hill, went home to be with the Lord on Friday, April 30, 2010. Ethel was born May 24, 1903, in Dothan, Ala., she was the daughter of the late William and Nettie Morris. Ethel was a homemaker, she was of the Baptist Faith and she loved gardens and flowers. In addition to her parents she is also preceded in death by her husband, Lawrence Lafreniere, who died in 1983; and her children, Donald, Marion and Christine. Survivors include her loving daughter, Carole Dumas and husband, Dan of Gold Hill; son, Jimmy Lafreniere and wife, Bernedette of Petersburg, Va.; grandchildren, Lori Murray and husband, David of Wellington, Fla., Dan Dumas and wife, Kim of Jacksonville, Fla. and Steve Davidson and wife, Beth of Okeechobee, Fla.; great-grandchildren, Brent Murray and wife, Brittany of Ocala, Fla., Bryan Murray and Jessie Evanson of Wellington, Fla., Mychale Davidson of Okeechobee, Fla. and Colin Dumas of Jacksonville, Fla. Service: Services will be held at Memory Gardens, Lake Worth, Fla. at a later date. Powles Funeral Home of Rockwell is assisting the Lafreniere family. Online condolences may be made to

SALISBURY — Robert L. Cook, Sr., age 93, of Salisbury, passed away at his residence on Saturday, May 1, 2010. Summersett Funeral Home is serving the Cook family.

Mr. James Paul Rowland Graveside Service 11:00 AM - Monday Concordia Lutheran Cem. Mrs. Andria Parker Upright Visitation: Mon. 1:30-2:30 PM Service: 3:00 PM James C. Lyerly Chapel Mrs. Edna Trexler Shoemaker Graveside Memorial Service 4:00 PM - Monday Bethel Lutheran Church Cemetery

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Mrs. Amelia “Amy” Collins 12:30 PM - Tuesday Second Presbyterian Church Visitation: 6-8 PM - Monday Mr. Glenn Peeler Graveside Service 11:00 AM - Tuesday US National Cemetery Statesville Blvd. Mr. Lawrence Gilmer Dowell Memorial Service 2:00 PM - Tuesday Landmark Church Visitation: Following Service Mrs. Margaret Whirlow Lindsay Graveside Service 3:00 PM - Tuesday Chestnut Hill Cemetery Visitation: Following Service at Boxwood Lodge Ms. Cynthia Kay Howard Graveside Service 2:00 PM - Wednesday Westlawn Memorial Park Visitation: 12:30-1:30 PM Wednesday Mr. Robert L. Cook, Sr. 11:00 AM - Wednesday First United Meth. Church Visitation: Following Service


MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010 • 5A


The long stems of the common daisy reach skyward. This scattering of daisies live among the grass in a field off Bringle Ferry Road in Eastern Rowan County under a beautiful sky.

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6A • MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010



Lutheran forum on same-sex relationships draws hundreds

synod said about nine congregations throughout the state have begun to leave the ELCA. “A further 15 or 20 have some kind of a study group in place deciding what they should do,” Bolick said. In Rowan County, Christiana Lutheran Church has held the first of two votes required to sever ties, according to member Alan Beaver. Beaver, who is active in efforts to form a new Lutheran denomination, said 82 percent of Christiana members voted to split with the ELCA. During the question and answer session following Powell’s presentation, Beaver said that the Bible

was clear in saying same-sex relationships are a sin. “You don’t need a presiding bishop or a pastor. You’ve got the Bible. You’ve got the Holy Spirit,” Beaver said. One man said “Amen” and there was scattered applause after Beaver’s remarks. Earlier, another man asked how the church could sympathize with same-sex relationships when they aren’t legally “marriages,” and could thus be considered “adultery.” Powell himself had noted that the ELCA leaves it to civil governments to define “marriage.” Powell’s response: Not

Confederate Memorial Day Service set for Thursday Rowan Rifles Camp No. 405 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans will hold the annual Confederate Memorial Day Service at 11 a.m. Saturday in the Old Lutheran Cemetery on North Lee Street. Participants will include members of the 63rd N.C. Regiment Re-enactors. The public is invited to attend. Confederate Memorial Day was first observed in the Southern states on various dates to remember fallen Confederate soldiers. Later, the Northern states began to observe “Decoration Day” on May 30 in honor of their war dead. After World War I, people began to observe May 30 to include men who had died in all wars. In 1967, May 30 was officially declared Memorial Day. Today, Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May. Confederate Memorial Day in North Carolina is celebrated on May 10. This date was chosen to honor Gen. Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson, who died on May 10, 1863. The Sons of Confederate Veterans is a direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendants of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Va., in 1896, the Sons of Confederate Veterans continues to serve as a historical, patriotic and nonpolitical organization dedicated to ensuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved.

ing sides,” Woolly said. Acknowledging that, he opened and closed the evening by leading the audience in hymns and prayers asking for God’s guidance. “Where there is division,” Woolly said in his closing prayer, “bring us unity.”

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Mark Allen Powell, a theology professor, talks about the controversy over same-sex relationships in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America during Sunday’s forum at St. John’s Lutheran Church. About 500 people from across North Carolina attended.

Raleigh, Hendersonville and Arden, among other cities, who came to hear Powell’s message. He hoped they would think and pray about the issues involving same-sex relationships. “People in the church are increasingly tak-

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Concerned Christians from around the state gathered at St. John’s Lutheran Church on Sunday to discuss the controversy that threatens to split the denomination. Last August, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America approved a social teaching statement which recognizes same-sex relationships. The church doesn’t marry gays and lesbians, but allows those in long-term relationships to pastor churches. Dr. Mark Allen Powell, a theology professor at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio, spoke on what he sees as the major views on homosexuality in the ELCA. “I'm not going to try to persuade anybody of anything,” Powell said to the audience of about 500 lining the pews in the St. John’s sanctuary. “What I want is for you to be well-informed ... so we can understand the view of people with whom we disagree.” And that, he said, means knowing the facts. “Many of the more liberal people wanted the church to approve of gay relationships, ... We did not do that,” he said. “Some of those liberal people are talking as if we did that, and we did not,” he said. The language adopted in August says ELCA recognizes, but doesn’t endorse, monogamous gay and lesbian relationships. Powell said there’s a difference between recognizing something as an issue and approving of it. He said the church would likely agree that smoking is a bad habit and unhealthy — “but we don’t kick people out if they smoke,” he said. Likewise, Powell said the ELCA’s social statement does not bless same-sex relationships, but calls people to be understanding. A congregation can call a gay or lesbian pastor, but doesn’t have to. Even so, many feel the ELCA is out of touch with Christian teachings. Bishop Leonard Bolick of the North Carolina Lutheran

everyone is going to interpret scripture the same way. The very conservative, he said, see any homosexual act as a choice to give in to lust or temptation. And the very liberal not only think that homosexuality is natural, but that anyone who disagrees is a closed-minded bigot. “If we want to be fair to each other, we have got to recognize that most of us do not think this way,” Powell said. He believes most Lutherans would say that homosexuality is “contrary to God’s will” and that gays and lesbians should be encouraged to live celibate lives. But, he said, many others today don’t believe that’s what God intended. “Without arguing with what the Bible says ... they simply maintain that Biblical teaching on this issue is not comprehensive, that it does not address every situation that might come up,” Powell said. He pointed to an example from the first chapter of the book of Romans, where the apostle Paul describes homosexuality alongside other sins such as idolatry. “They would claim Paul is not talking about two men who want to have a solo, monogamous relationship with each other throughout their lives,” Powell said. Reactions after the session were mixed. Beaver said he was glad for the chance to express his views on the issue, but agreed with Powell that few were likely to change their minds. Powell himself said that he just wanted Lutherans to make informed decisions. “One of the Ten Commandments is that we shall not bear false witness against our neighbor,” he said after the meeting. “We bear false witness when we attribute motives or ideas to our neighbors that they do not actually hold.” St. John’s pastor Rhodes Woolly said he’d spoken with men and women from



MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010 • 7A


Severe Back, Neck & Disc Pain Report

Back Surgery? FAILED! Therapy? FAILED! Medication? FAILED! Spinal Injections? FAILED!

Kannapolis, North Carolina – It’s frustrating enough suffering with severe pain. It’s scary enough to be in so much pain you’d actually consider having your back sliced open. It’s demoralizing enough to trust empty promises while trying everything imaginable to try to save your quality of life only to be repeatedly disappointed time and time again. But now, there seems to be an endless parade of “miracle-curesâ€? from nutritional supplements to miracle machines to acupuncture‌ It seems that while therapies and treatments are getting more and more expensive and filling someone else’s pockets other than your own‌ the question remains‌ DOES ANYONE OUT THERE STILL CARE ABOUT HELPING AND TURNING SEVERE PAIN SUFFERERS LIVES AROUND?

YES! A WELL-KNOWN KANNAPOLIS AREA DOCTOR is stepping up & providing a level of support, caring & technology few severe back, neck & disc pain sufferers have ever seen nor experienced‌ For many years, the doctor at Kannapolis Spine & Wellness Center has led the charge to support, care for and provide the most advanced “outside-the-boxâ€? hi-tech treatments for severe back, neck and disc pain patients available today. Patients from across the Kannapolis and surrounding area are raving about their experience and their RESULTS with this very “specialâ€? doctor and his unique approach to treating patients.

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“I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis and a bulging disc in my lower back about two years ago. I had horrific pain in my back, buttocks, legs and feet. I was living on pain medication daily. I then moved to epidural shots which did not work, and then finally the orthopedic doctor suggested surgery. After doing decompression therapy, I am now at least 90 to 95% pain free. The treatment allowed the discs to heal relieving the pressure on the sciatic nerve. I thank God for Dr. Matthews and the lumbar decompression system. Surgery is no longer needed!� ~ Jerry B.

HUNDREDS OF PATIENTS PROVE IT! The Doctor at Kannapolis Spine & Wellness Center is making a BIG name for himself. He’s on the tips of the tongues of so many Kannapolis and surrounding area residents who now call themselves FORMER severe back, neck and disc pain sufferers. With many years of experience and the most unique collection of high tech, all natural, drugless, non-surgical tools and strategies for battling even the most hopeless of severe back, neck and disc pain cases. And now with the new and improved FUNCTIONAL EXAMINATION AND CONSULTATION designed to help determine which Kannapolis and surrounding area severe back, disc and neck pain sufferers are most likely to succeed with his exciting and unique protocols. His exceptional advocacy for severe back, neck and disc pain patients is spreading like wildfire and if he has his way, he just might change the entire face of severe back, neck and disc pain treatment nationwide. Best of all, treatments here don’t include drugs, injections, or surgery.


8A • MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010


KANNAPOLIS — The Thursdays on Main lunchtime concert series returns this week to downtown Kannapolis. This year, the free concerts kick off with the Coconut Groove Band at 11:30 a.m. Thursday. Their style ranges from Jimmy Buffett to classic rock. Live music continues through 1 p.m. Chef Jeff Co. will have lunch for sale, or attendees can bring their own. Thursdays on Main concerts are held each Thursday in May and June in Veteran’s Park at the corner of Main Street and First Avenue in Kannapolis. The series features free performances by various musicians ranging from jazz to classical to big band. Held under the oak trees, the concerts are part of the Toyota Scion of Concord Summer Events Series in Kannapolis. Free on-street parking is available throughout downtown Kannapolis. To see the line-up of musicians for Thursdays on Main, go to www.cityofkannapolis. com/summerevents.

FAYETTEVILLE — Fayetteville/Cumberland County’s themed Cultural Heritage Trails, which feature everything from patriotism to architecture to military routes, can now take participants on a high-tech treasure hunt using hand-held GPS devices with the new geocaching game called the Greater Fayetteville GPS Trail Trek. The goal of geocaching, a relatively inexpensive pastime that has grown in popularity over the past decade, is to find as many containers as possible, which are hidden outdoors at pre-specified coordinates in publicly accessible locations. The containers, often referred to as caches, usually house a wide range of trade items, which may be taken as long as they are replaced with another item provided by the geocacher. “Fayetteville is a great place to geocache because of all the history we have here waiting to be discovered and is one of only a few towns in North Carolina to have an official geocaching game,� said John Meroski, president and CEO of the Fayetteville Area Convention & Visitors Bureau. “We hope that the Greater Fayetteville GPS Trail Trek not only attracts visitors to the area, but also allows them to see the cultural diversity of Fayetteville/Cumberland County. Even locals have the opportunity to go out and explore things they may not have known were right in their own backyard.�

Through 13 different pre-planned itineraries, local Cultural Heritage Trails allow visitors and residents to explore the area’s local and American history. The itineraries are African-American Heritage; AllAmerican Adventure; American Independence; Civil War; Gaelic Beginnings; Historic Architecture; Paths, Plank Roads and Planes; Patri-arts and Gardens; Patriots Past and Present; Religious Freedom; Lafayette; International Cuisine; and Historical Markers trails. Ammo boxes, which will serve as the cache boxes, will be hidden in 10 sites among the 13 trails and will be pre-stocked with local patriotic trinkets and a logbook for participants to record their visit. Geocachers will be aided by an official Trail Trek guide providing game rules, as well as the coordinates and clues required to locate the various ammo boxes. Geocaching promotes venturing outdoors in a world that is consumed by indoor activities. Often touted as a grown-up version of a scavenger hunt, geocaching can be performed by individuals but is perfect for groups such as local and traveling families, friends, school classes, youth groups and other groups looking for team building exercises. Geocachers can obtain an official Trail Trek guide from the FACVB at, and can become a fan of the Greater Fayetteville GPS Trail Trek on Facebook. For additional information, visit or call 1-800-255-8217.

People trying to raise money for Kannapolis Booster Club not legit

Paid for by committee to elect Kevin Auten.


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Be advised that there are people in Salisbury requesting donations on behalf of the Kannapolis Booster Club for a “new building� at A.L. Brown. The Kannapolis Booster Club is not endorsing nor involved with any such drive. This appears to be a scam. Anyone that is approached should contact Doug Wilson at 704-933-5988.

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An AARP Driver Safety Program will be held at Rufty-Holmes Senior Center, 1120 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. in Salisbury, on Wednesday, May 12. The class has been revised to a four-hour session. Registration is at 12:30 p.m., and instruction from 1 to 5 p.m. Class size is limited, so reservations can be made by calling 704-216-7714. The fee is $12 for AARP members. The member must bring the membership card to the class. If the card is lost, a new card can be obtained by calling the AARP national office at 1-888-2277669 (1-888-AARP NOW). The membership number is also on the AARP magazine. The fee is $14 for nonmembers. The fee covers the cost of the workbook and materials. Participants must also bring their driver’s license. The AARP Driver Safety Program is the nation’s first and largest classroom driver refresher course specially designed for motorists age 50 and older. The course will provide a review of driving skills and techniques, as well as strategies and tips to help seniors adjust to normal, age-related physical changes that affect driving ability. The workbook contains 25 pages of safety tips and more. The objectives of the program are to help participants understand the effects of aging on driving by getting them to know themselves, learn driving strategies that take into account the changes people experience as they age; identify the most common crash situations we face; reduce the chances of having a crash by reviewing basic driving rules, traffic hazards and accident prevention measures; update our knowledge and understanding of today’s roads, vehicles and other road users; plan and think about how we drive; the effects of medication on driving; identify when driving may no longer be safe. Upon completing the course, graduates may be eligible to receive a discount on their auto insurance premiums. The local AARP chapter meets the first Thursday of each month at the RuftyHolmes Senior Center starting at 1 p.m.

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MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010 • 9A


Music and crafts abound at Simple Living Fest

Atticus, one of the owls adopted by the Carolina Raptor Center, was one of the nature-focused attractions during the third annual Simple Living Festival.

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Saturday’s third annual Simple Living Festival was music to visitors’ ears — literally. In addition to the usual artisans’ displays — metalworkers at their forges, weavers creating colorful designs — the woods at Dan Nicholas Park echoed with the sounds of banjos, guitars, dulcimers and fiddles. Comer “Moon” Mullins, an award-winning guitarist and banjo player, was the day’s headline attraction, sponsored by the Rowan Tourism Development Authority. Mullins is known for the Merle Travis thumbpicking style. He’s also an accomplished instrument-maker and woodworker.

side of the festival was on display, with exhibits of electric and hybrid vehicles and Earth-friendly products. Addison Davis, volunteer with The Landtrust for Central North Carolina, handed out information on farmland conservation. “This is as much about education as anything else,” Davis said. But craft displays drew the biggest crowds. Gordon Cable, a blacksmith originally from Suffolk, England, demonstrated his craft for the second year in a row. “The best part is talking to all the people,” he said. “Kids and older folks — even folks older than me, who remember this from their childhood when it was a part of their life.” This year’s festival drew a moderate crowd throughout

the early afternoon, despite the threat of rain. But many kids came through the site, including two Girl Scout troops from Charlotte. They saw a musical demonstration from Mullins and a talk on wild birds by volunteers from the Carolina Raptor Center. Annette and Charlie Piper of Concord said the festival was a chance to get back to their own roots. Charlie’s father, born in 1904, worked for many years as a blacksmith for Southern Railway at the Spencer shops, he said. For Annette, the entire festival was a reminder of her grandmother’s home-churned butter and handmade quilts. “I love watching anybody make anything from scratch,” she said.

N.C. schools see higher costs with healthier meals RALEIGH (AP) — Schools under pressure to cut down on calorie-laden cafeteria food are finding the extra cost of building better lunch menus poking holes in their budgets. More than half of the state’s 115 school districts are losing money feeding their students, News & Observer of Raleigh reported Sunday. The General Assembly four years ago required schools to serve more fruits, vegetables and whole-grain food but did not give administrators extra money for the higher costs of the more nutritious foods. School districts made the changes, but have faced financial losses ever since. “An apple costs me 22 cents. A serving of canned apple sauce costs 11 cents. When figures are tight, which is Wake County going to do?” Marilyn Moody, Wake Coun-

ty’s senior director of child nutrition services, told the newspaper. “When the legislature says they want to see more fresh fruit but don’t provide any funding to do it, it’s a value decision that each director has to make.” Child health advocates say school food programs needed to change to combat childhood obesity. The Department of Health and Human Services ranked North Carolina 14th in the country in 2008 for the percentage of youths aged 11 to 17 who were overweight or obese. Nearly 18 percent of youths were overweight, and 15 percent obese. A lunch meal costs an average of between $3.05 and $3.20 to make. Federal subsidies cover 60 percent of a district’s food program’s budget. About 38 percent comes from sales and the rest from other sources.

“What’s happening in school districts across the nation is people are scratching their heads and deciding what the priorities are for their program,” said Lynn Harvey, who oversees child nutrition for the state Department of Public Instruction. “Is the purpose to provide nutritional, affordable meals? Or is the purpose to generate revenue? That’s where we find our districts now.” The state’s Legislative Task Force on Childhood Obesity recommended the legislature adopt several measures after it convenes May 12 that would allow school food programs to get more federal dollars and to devote more of their revenue to quality food. One recommendation would have the state pay for reduced-cost meals. That would cost the state $5.2 million, but it would boost the

The Asheville CitizenTimes reports between 20 and 30 members of a group of masked, black-clad vandals FORT BRAGG (AP) — The were responsible for the Department of Defense says downtown mayhem. The a 24-year-old Fort Bragg soldier from New Jersey was killed by explosives in Afghanistan. Military officials said Saturday that 1st Lt. Salvatore S. Corma died April 29 at Forward Operating Base Bullard, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit using improvised explosive devices. He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg. Friends say Corma, a 2008 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, was due to come home in August. And while he was often humble and soft-spoken, they say Corma was a tough man and a strong leader who enjoyed his military service.

newspaper was one of several downtown businesses that had a front window smashed. Along with the windows, an automated teller machine was damaged at a bank.

Fort Bragg soldier from N.J. dies in Afghanistan



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ASHEVILLE, N.C. (AP) — Asheville police have arrested nearly a dozen people and accused them of taking part in a rampage through the downtown area, smashing windows.

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Black-clad mob causes mayhem

number of kids eating for free and snare about $5 million more in federal cash, according to the School Nutrition Association of North Carolina.



“We’re very lucky to have Mr. Mullins here,” co-coordinator Mike Lambert said. Between shows, Mullins flaunted his skills on his handmade banjo and guitar. He said he enjoyed showing off the music and the instruments he made, saying music was a part of what human beings are made of. “After all, God loved to hear David play the harp,” Mullins said. Music is part of the Simple Living Festival’s focus on cultural and natural resources, Lambert said, an extension of the annual Earth Day celebration. “We’re not really old-timey or bluegrass,” he said. But the acoustic music on traditional instruments is a way to celebrate the simple life. Not far away, the “green”


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Award-winning fingerpicker ‘Moon’ Mullins plays a handmade banjo between stage shows during Saturday’s Simple Living Festival. Mullins makes his own fiddles, banjos and guitars out of local wood and gourds.




Andy Mooney, Copy Editor, 704-797-4245

MONDAY May 3, 2010



Life at school The Post would like to include local schools in its weekly “Day in the Life” page, which appears in Monday’s paper. Most often, the page features photographs submitted by readers through our website, Take some photos showing the daily happenings in your school and share them with the community by submitting them to our Day in the Life page. The best photos will be published in the Post. Please include information about the school and identify the people in the photos. Share photos by going to Click on the SalisburyPostables icon, go to Groups, then Day in the Life, and follow instructions to submit photos. For more information, contact the Post’s Web content manager, Jeremy Judd, at 704797-4280 or


Lauren Allen, Caroline Smith, Nanci Lefko, Renee Canup, MacKenzie Fisher and Brittany Parrish take a break during the East Rowan Broadway Musical.

p North Rowan Elementary School second-graders Logan Hall, Charlie Durham and Angelo Cervantes at the N.C. Zoo. uKourtney Welch and Emily Padgett enjoy the N.C. Zoo fieldtrip from Granite Quarry Elementary School.

An eighth-grade West Rowan Middle School class enjoys a trip to Charleston, S.C. They went on a ferry boat to Morris Island. The day before, the class visited Fort Sumter, which is in the same area as Morris Island.

Kadi and Hunter go for a stroll at Dan Nicholas Park.

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EU partners OK $145B Greek bailout



A volunteer with the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulfport, Miss., inspects a dead sea turtle found on the beach in Pass Christian, Miss., on Sunday. An unusually high number of sea turtles have been found dead on beaches in Mississippi in the past two days, but it is still unknown whether the deaths are related to the massive oil slick. dolphins and other deepwater marine life — and microscopic plankton and tiny creatures that are a staple of larger animals’ diets. In Pass Christian, Miss., 61year-old Jimmy Rowell, a third-generation shrimp and oyster fisherman, worked on his boat at the harbor and stared out at the choppy waters. “It’s over for us. If this oil comes ashore, it’s just over for us,” Rowell said angrily, rubbing his forehead. “Nobody wants no oily shrimp.” Moby Solangi, director of the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulfport, Miss., said 10 to 12 dead sea turtles were found on the state’s beaches. He said it’s too soon to say whether oil is a factor but that it is unusual to have them turning up across such a wide stretch of coast. None of the turtles have oil on them, but Solangi said they could have ingested oily fish or breathed in oil on the surface. Necropsies will be performed Monday. The situation could become even more grave if the oil gets into the Gulf Stream and flows to the beaches of Florida — and potentially whips around the state’s southern tip and up the Eastern Seaboard. Touristmagnet beaches and countless wildlife could be ruined. Obama has halted any new offshore drilling projects unless rigs have new safeguards

to prevent another disaster. On Sunday he called the spill a “massive and potentially unprecedented environmental disaster,” and made clear that he was not accepting blame. “BP is responsible for this leak. BP will be paying the bill,” he said, rain dripping from his face in Venice, a Gulf Coast community serving as a staging area for the response. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has said any comparison between the ruptured BP oil well and Katrina was “a total mischaracterization” and that the government has taken an “all hands on deck” approach. After the oil rig explosion, which killed 11 people, the flow of oil should have been stopped by a blowout preventer, but the mechanism failed, as have continuing efforts to activate it. “As you can imagine, this is like doing open-heart surgery at 5,000 feet, with — in the dark, with robot-controlled submarines,” BP PLC Chairman Lamar McKay said on ABC’s “This Week.” He defended his company’s safety record. The containment boxes being built to stop the leak — 40 feet tall, 24 feet wide and 14 feet deep — were not part of the company’s original response plan. But they appear to be the best hope for keeping the oil well from gushing for months.


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BRUSSELS (AP) — Euro- bond maturing. will convene in Brussels for pean governments and the InNext Friday, the govern- an extraordinary summit to ternational Monetary Fund on ment leaders of the eurozone wrap up the rescue package. Sunday committed to pull Greece back from the brink of default, agreeing on $145 billion in emergency loans on the condition Athens make painful budget cuts and tax increases. The rescue is aimed at keeping Greece from defaulting on its debts and preventing its financial crisis from infecting other indebted countries just as Europe is struggling out of recession. After chiding Athens for years of mismanagement and cheating on their budget reporting, the IMF and Greece’s 15 partners that share the euro currency rewarded Prime Minister George Papandreou for tough measures including cuts in civil servant’s pay. R123114 “I have done and will do everything so the country does not go bankrupt,” Papandreou told a nation which now faces years of painful belt-tightening after years of overspending. France, Greece’s most sympathetic partner, agreed there was no other choice. “It’s a very harsh plan because there was a lot of laxity,” Finance Minister Christine Lagarde said. But even Germany, long the fiercest critic of Greece’s boundless spending, saw the need to back a euro-partner in such dire need — if only to keep the shared currency out of more trouble. The crisis is already threatening other eurozone countries with huge financial problems, including Portugal and Spain. “It is not an easy decision but there is no alternative,” German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said after the eurozone finance ministers approved the package in an emergency meeting in Brussels. Lagarde also insisted that “everyone has an interest in Greece being stable and trusted.” The plan will still need approval by some countries’ parliaments. But the eurogroup head, Luxembourg’s JeanClaude Juncker, said Greece will get the first funds by May 19, when Athens has a 10-year


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April 20 oil rig explosion, was to blame. Even if the well is shut off in a week, fishermen and wildlife officials wonder how long it will take for the gulf to recover. Some compare it to the hurricane Louisiana is still recovering from after nearly five years. “It’s like a slow version of Katrina,” Venice charter boat captain Bob Kenney said. “My kids will be talking about the effect of this when they’re my age.” More than 6,800 square miles of fishing areas, from the mouth of the Mississippi to Florida’s Pensacola Bay were closed for at least 10 days on Sunday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco says government scientists are taking samples from the waters near the spill to determine whether there is any danger. Fishermen still were out working, however: They have been dropping miles of inflatable, oil-capturing boom around the region’s fragile wetlands and prime fishing areas. Bad weather, however, was thwarting much of the work; Alabama Gov. Bob Riley said 80 percent of the booms laid down off his state over the previous three days had broken down. The Coast Guard and BP have said it’s nearly impossible to know exactly how much oil has gushed since the blast, though it has been roughly estimated the well was spewing at least 200,000 gallons a day. At that rate, the spill would eclipse the 1989 Exxon Valdez incident as the worst U.S. oil disaster in history in a matter of weeks. “None of us have ever had experience at this level before. It ain’t good,” said Bob Love, coastal and nongame resources administrator with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. “The longer it goes, the more fish and wildlife impacts there will be.” Even if the oil stays mostly offshore, the consequences could be dire for sea turtles,




MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010 • 11A

12A • MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010


GREGORY M. ANDERSON Publisher 704-797-4201




Advertising Director





Editorial Page Editor

Circulation Director





The Monday forum

Obama goes nuclear; more power to him I

Regarding the April 25 article “A first lady spends a day in Salisbury,” which was a reprint of a column by Eleanor Roosevelt: It appears that First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was mistaken about where she spent part of her day on Aug. 14, 1942. The article quotes Mrs. Roosevelt’s column, which appeared in newspapers across the country. “The YMCA arranged for some kind ladies to take me to see the town and one of the big cotton mills ... known as Cannon Mills. They employ some 16,000 people ...” This must have been the mill in Kannapolis because the mill in Salisbury was not nearly that big. Also: “They have a most beautiful building in which the YMCA and YWCA are housed, and they tell me that this “Y” has the biggest membership of any in the United States.” This describes the Kannapolis YMCA (of that time), not the must smaller one in Salisbury; however, the boast was exaggerated because the Kannapolis “Y” was the largest in the Southeast, not the entire United States. The Kannapolis Library has a picture of Eleanor Roosevelt with C.A. Cannon standing at the front entrance to the YMCA, sow e know that she was in Kannapolis at some time. There is at least one picture at Whitley’s Funeral Home that attests to this fact. I’m sure that after a long and arduous tour, it would have been understandable for her to be temporarily confused as to which small southern town she was in at any given time. — Johnny Goforth Kannapolis

On April 28, my wife and I were in Concord and stopped at a place we had not been in seven years — the place were I had spent 11 years of my life, her six years. Back then, it was known as the Gibson Mill; then later, Fieldcrest Cannon Plant Six. Today it is known again as the Gibson Mill, housing an antique mall, auto museum another business. You only have to go there now to understand what is going on. We strolled through what used to be a warehouse that housed sheets and pillowcases and now houses antiques from a bygone era. Things that were used by people who worked here when this building was used to supply a living that raised families. There, I met an old friend who was still working there. He told my wife and I of the building that housed the sheet department. We needed to go over and see the cars there now. As we strolled over the grounds, we started to reminisce about the days not so long ago. As we got to the building and walked inside, we could not help but remember that this is where it all happened. Every sheet and pillowcase that covered the world came from here. The cars that are in the building now are beautiful and are themselves a reflection of past times. But on July 30, 2003, that all changed; the place in which we stood went silent. All of the people there, our extended family, were changed for ever. But the folks that have taken this place over are doing a great job to bring it back to life. The buildings are still there but now in another capacity. For a second, while we looked at the cars, I thought I heard sewing machines. To the folks at Gibson Mills, thanks for the memories. — Virgil Ashby

found myself wondering: Whatever happened to tennis being a “gentleman’s sport”? I played well over 25 years ago, but the boys’ tennis teams were very different then. There was no talking to your teammates during the match — especially name-calling your opponent. The white lines were in .. period. It didn’t matter if the whole ball touched the line, or if a little bit of the ball was in ... If any part of the ball touched the line, the call was “in.” Otherwise, it was cheating, and the coaches wouldn’t allow it. What I saw at this tournament was pitiful, in all the matches, all the schools. One coach yelled across the court, ‘Just one more game, guys! Let’s wrap this up.” I understand encouraging your team, but across the the entire court for everyone to hear, especially the other team? As a first time “tennis mom,” I had heard the rumors about how each team had its quirks and reputations. Unfortunately, they were true. How sad. The lack of sportsmanship blew me away! The kids talking to each other on the sidelines very loudly about how the other team was playing, about how good they were, about how the other team looked stupid, goofy, etc. The tempers on the courts were astounding. The spectators began to get obnoxious during the last match as well. I was so disappointed throughout the season with a lot of matches. Some matches were fun, and we laughed and enjoyed them. Like tennis should be ... no tension or anger. But, I guess that was yesteryear. Now, it is so competitive for some teams, they feel the only way they can win is to make bad calls, jeer at opponents (or have teammates do it) and make the sport unenjoyable for others. Pitiful, actually. — Wendy Douglas Faith

Letters policy The Salisbury Post welcomes letters to the editor. Each letter should be limited to 300 words and include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Limit one letter each 14 days. Write Letters to the Editor, Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145-4639. Or fax your letter to 639-0003. E-mail:

lion in American workers’ retirement accounts. He is going to save us from the evil financial sector. The Obama product is called a government retirement annuity. This annuity will provide us with a safe, secure and steady income — along with Social Security. The government annuity idea has been talked about for a couple of years. On Jan. 25, 2010, Obama began a silent campaign to make the idea work. The American worker has saved retirement money hour by hour, dollar by dollar — in spite of Social Security taxes, Medicare taxes, state taxes and federal taxes. We have been responsible for our own finance and security. I am furious at the arrogance and deception with which this confiscation of our savings is being developed and sold! Think our money can’t be stolen? Look at the happenings in Argentina and Brazil in the last couple of years. These people must be dealt with severely at the voting booth now! — Irene Dalton Salisbury

‘Papers’ — a scary word Once again the progressives have been allowed to define the issue. The progressives’ newest scare tactic is the use of the word “papers” stating that the

Arizona law will put people at risk of having their “papers checked,” police will ask to see “their papers.” This is sensitive terminology taken from the Nazi Germany era by the progressive movement in an attempt to cement the passing of a simple law with the attempt to exterminate a race. During this blight in the world’s history, those who were not obviously of the Aryan race were required to show “their papers.” However, to use this as an analogy to the Arizona law is ludicrous. The Nazis’ purpose in demanding to see someone’s “papers” was to determine their race not their legal residency in the country. When was the last time anyone in the United States was asked for “their papers?” If stopped by the police, we may be asked for our driver’s license or some other form of identification. To obtain certain documents, we may be asked to produce a birth certificate (presidency of the United States not withstanding) if the situation required, but being asked to see “their papers?” I think not. Every American, Jewish or not, should be insulted by the suggestion that requesting identification by the police under certain circumstances is analogous to asking to see “their papers.” It is in our national interest to document the “undocumented” in our country; otherwise we will soon have no country. — Chuck Hughes Salisbury


A ‘gentleman’s’ sport no more After watching a recent high school tennis tournament, I

“The truth shall make you free”



First lady’s trip included Kann.

Plant 6: Seven years later

Salisbury Post

No government annuity plan President Obama is developing his own insurance policy. This policy is for the $15 tril-

Common sense

(Or uncommon wisdom, as the case may be)

“Dreams and memories are there to protect you from the dull and savage days.” — Vernon Coleman

was quite pleased to see President Obama announce the pending construction of two nuclear power plants here in the Southeast, one north of Augusta, Ga., and one south thereof. The jobs, both temporary (construction) and permanent (operators), this will bring are very important, but more importantly it will leave in place facilities sorely needed if America is ever to realize the power it needs to drive its “economic engine” along with cleaner air. An inexpensive and immense amount of electrical power is the key to resolving many energy and environmental issues. Solar panels and wind turbines are great for clean air, but they cannot provide enough electrical power to fulfill America’s gargantuan thirst for such. Some estimates project that if solar panels were placed over the entire area of the United States, they could not provide the demand for electrical power; wind turbines are not much better. So, what should we do? Optimally high-tech, safe nuclear power is a key ingredient for America’s power thirst. But we must realize all attendant necessities for nuclear power, such as a safe nuclear waste storage site. The feds are said to be closing down the Yucca Mountain storage site with no real alternative planned. This is a chink in our “nuclear armor,” and it must be addressed. The feds must also accelerate the nuclear power plant permit process. Obviously, safety must not be overlooked in any process. Our motor vehicles, so important to our lifestyle, are energy hungry and a major source of air pollution. Acceptable technology must be developed to transition these vehicles to all electric power; better technology is needed in order to give our people confidence in such vehicles. They Ty Cobb, Jr. must be powerful, lives in Rockwell. fast, big enough, have a range of at least 400 miles per charge and must be able to recharge in the same time it takes to “fill up,” say 15 minutes. Until manufacturers realize such vehicles, it will be difficult for the general public to accept them in large numbers. Imagine the increase in electrical power needed to provide the “charges” for nationwide charging stations. Realistically, nuclear power is the only viable solution for such a demand. Until the necessary technologies for allelectric vehicles are developed, we must deal with the use of fossil fuels. Hybrid vehicles, the logical first step towards all electric, will require petroleum fuels for one or two decades, and there may be some vehicles, such as airplanes, the will require those fuels for many decades. We must develop fossil fuels with which God has blessed us, e.g., offshore fields and Alaska’s ANWAR region; that would also create jobs (many in North Carolina) and reduce, if not eliminate, our dependency upon Middle East oil. The recent off-shore explosion in the Gulf of Mexico notwithstanding, such spills from off-shore drilling and extraction activities have been minimal. Recall that even Hurricane Katrina produced no major spills/leaks from Gulf oil rigs. Hydro-electric generation is another clean process for generating electric power that needs to be carefully analyzed and developed where feasible. We can learn from the construction and use of the dams along the West’s Colorado River basin. Keep in mind that even Lake Meade behind Hoover Dam is dramatically below desired levels and has been shrinking for the last decade. Some have predicted that should the Western drought continue, Lake Meade will be dried up in roughly 13 years. There are likely some regions of the United States where nuclear or hydro-electric plants are not feasible, so clean coal or fuel-oil fired plants may be needed. A comprehensive national study, totally non-political (good luck), needs to be developed to analyze all the above energy options and realize a national energy plan that would provide for a cleaner America and satisfy the gargantuan energy thirst of a future America. This should have been done years ago, but it is never too late to start. Charge!

Have a ‘My Turn’ idea? “My Turn” columns should be between 500 and 700 words. E-mail submissions are preferred. Send to with “My Turn” in the subject field. Include your address, phone number and a digital photo, if possible. You can mail submissions to My Turn, Editorial Department, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC, 28145.

MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010 • 13A


Phaniels Baptist Church 2685 Phaniels Church Rd. Rockwell 704-782-9661 For more information visit our website

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County Commissioner Paid for by Committee to Elect Tina Hall




Police tow a vehicle from New York’s Times Square early Sunday after an ‘amateurish’ but potentially powerful bomb was found inside it.

BOMB FROM 1A Jackson said he looked in the car and saw keys in the ignition with 19 or 20 keys on a ring. He said he alerted a passing mounted police officer. They were looking in the car “when the smoke started

coming out and then we heard the little pop pop pop like firecrackers going out and that’s when everybody scattered and ran back,” he said. “Now that I saw the propane tanks and the gasoline, what if that would have ignited?” Jackson said. “I’m less than 8 feet away from the car. We dodged a bullet here.”

Heavily armed police and emergency vehicles shut down the city’s busiest streets, choked with taxis and people on one of the first summerlike days of the year. Times Square lies about four trafficchoked miles north of where terrorists bombed the World Trade Center in 1993, then laid waste to it on Sept. 11, 2001.


COUNCIL FROM 1A lice Department in the current fiscal year, with $133,042 coming from non-stimulus funds, and, $163,010 from stimulus. • Collins will also ask the




“I like to give back to kids what God has blessed me with. I just love children.” DETECTIVE LINDA PORTER Rowan County Sheriff’s Office

fice that Porter met her current husband, Buddy. They have been married for 17 years, and together they have six adult children and 13 grandchildren. “He’s been very supportive,” she said. “He loves children as much as I do, and they love him.” What’s next for Porter? She isn’t sure, but as she has done with other major decisions in her life, she’s praying about it. “I could have retired last year, but I just haven’t done

that,” she said. “I don’t know what else the Lord has in store for me, but I’m waiting for that door to open.” Auten said that while he’s happy for anyone who decides to retire, it won’t be easy to lose someone like Porter. “I think most people in the D.A.’s office, the DSS and certainly the Sheriff’s Office would miss her greatly,” he said. “We’re not going to encourage her to retire anytime soon ... She’s been a blessing.”

council to appropriate $1,806 in donation funds to be used to purchase a new mug-shot camera for the booking room, as well as several digital cameras for officers to use on patrol. • The council will also receive an update on Old Plank Road by City Manager David Treme, a presentation by staff

regarding the door-to-door Census process coming up in May, June and July, and be given an update on the construction of the new Salisbury Customer Service Center from Karen Alexander of KKA Architecture. The Salisbury City Council meets Tuesday at 4 p.m. at City Hall, 217 S. Main St.

DEAL ANDREW for Sheriff

You are my employers. What can I bring to you for you to award me with another term of office? EXPERIENCE – FAIR & IMPARTIAL JUSTICE

EXPERIENCE enables discernment between a thug and one who has made a mistake, but can still be a productive member of society.

When should a noncompliant parent in a child support case be jailed? EXPERIENCE COUNTS in making the right decision

How do you decide to put a juvenile in training school? How can a court protect a child from abuse? DISCERNMENT FROM EXPERIENCE

 22 years in the practice of law  A district court judge since 2002  Experience extends from juvenile law, civil litigation to capital murder not only in District Court but also Superior Court, the NC Court of Appeals and the NC Supreme Court  The ONLY CANDIDATE granted certification as a Juvenile Judge from the NC School of Government  Bachelor of arts degree from UNC-Chapel Hill, Juris Doctor from the Wake Forest University School of Law  Past President of the NC 19-C Judicial Bar and past President of the Rowan County Bar  Life member of the UNC-Chapel Hill Alumni Association, member of the Spencer Masonic Lodge, past president for 2 terms of Piedmont Players Theatre, 9 years on the governing board, is a former board member of the Adolescent and Family Enrichment Council as well as member of the North Rowan High School Alumni Association Paid for by the committee to re-elect Kevin Eddinger, District Court Judge.


Paid for the committee to elect Andrew Deal for Sheriff

There is no substitute for experience on the bench.

for District Court Judge

w w w. s a l i s b u r y p o s t . c o m


Porter said. “I feel like that is what God has called me to do.” Faith is an important part of Porter’s life. She teaches Sunday School for middle school students at her church, Highest Praise Family Worship Center. She also helps teach children 9 to 11 years old on Wednesdays. “I like to give back to kids what God has blessed me with,” Porter said. “I just love children.” Porter grew up in Landis and graduated from Rowan Technical College — now Rowan-Cabarrus Community College — with a degree in criminal justice. Before she enrolled, she prayed over the college’s curriculum book and felt led to pursue law enforcement. “I wanted to be in a position where I could be used to help people,” Porter said. Once she graduated, Porter applied and interviewed for jobs at the Concord Police Department and the Cabarrus County Sheriff’s Office. Though Concord offered a bit more money, it did not have a division that focused on juveniles. “I always knew that I wanted to work with children,” Porter said. “It was never about the money.” She then became Cabarrus County’s first female dispatcher. Porter said she was given such a hard time that then-Sheriff Robert Canaday wrote a newspaper article proclaiming, “Women are here to stay.” After two years, she moved to Pilot Mountain and lived there with her former husband for a year before they divorced. She moved to Rowan County in July of 1988 and began her career at the Sheriff’s Office as a dispatcher. She has been a detective since February of 1991. It was at the Sheriff’s Of-



14A • MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010



Continental, United to merge operations Associated Press

254 Concord Parkway South (704) 784-5400


w w w . s a l i s b u r y p o s t . c o m


United Airlines and Continental Airlines agreed to combine in a $3 billion stock swap to create the world’s biggest airline, people with knowledge of the deal said Sunday. The transaction will test the notion that the money-losing airline business can work better on a large scale. Corporate travelers love a wide choice of departure times and a worldwide network, and the combined United and Continental will have flights reaching from Shanghai to South America. The transaction is to be announced this morning after it gained approval from both airlines’ boards Sunday, the people said. They declined to be identified because the transaction hasn’t been announced. The companies are expected to describe it as a merger of equals. But travelers will see more of United once the deal closes. The United name will live on and the headquarters will be in Chicago, United’s hometown. United shareholders will own about 55 percent of the combined company, the people said. Continental CEO Jeffery Smisek will run the combined

airline. Its chairman will be Glenn Tilton, current chairman and CEO of United parent UAL Corp., who has been looking to do a major airline deal for years. One of the people said the airline’s board will include six independent directors from each airline, as well as two union representatives and Smisek and Tilton. Continental shareholders will get 1.05 UAL shares in exchange for each one of theirs. The companies hope to close the deal by the end of the year, the people said. To do that they’ll need approval from shareholders as well as antitrust regulators. Just 18 months ago the Justice Department allowed Delta Air Lines Inc. to buy Northwest Airlines to form what is currently the world’s largest airline. But many in the industry have wondered whether the Justice Department under the Obama administration will be as inclined to approve a megaairline as it was under George W. Bush. Continental and United overlap on 13 nonstop routes, J.P. Morgan analyst Jamie Baker wrote in a note on Friday, compared with 12 overlaps in the Delta-Northwest deal.

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Ronnie Gallagher, Sports Editor, 704-797-4287

NASCAR Gordon has strong car but settles for another second-place finish/4B

MONDAY May 3, 2010



Kid conquers Quail BY DOUG FERGUSON Associated Press

CHARLOTTE — All the buzz about Rory McIlroy came to life Sunday at the Quail Hollow Championship with one dazzling shot after another in a record round that made him the PGA Tour’s youngest winner since Tiger Woods. Explosive as ever, the 20-year-old from Northern Ireland was 5 under over the final five holes to set the course record at 10-under 62 and win by four shots over Masters champion Phil Mickelson. McIlroy finished in style, rolling in a 40-foot birdie putt on the 18th hole and thrusting his fist into the air. “I suppose I got into the zone,” said McIlroy, who celebrates his 21st birthday on Tuesday. “I hadn’t realized I was going in 9, 10 under. I just know I got ASSOCIATED PRESS my nose in front and I was just trying Rory McIlroy, 20, reacts to the birdie putt on No. 18 that capped to stay there.” his course record 62 at Quail Hollow. It capped a big Sunday for golf’s

young stars. Earlier in the day, 18-yearold Ryo Ishikawa shot a record 58 in the final round to win on the Japan Golf Tour. McIlroy delivered an awesome display of skill that left two-time major champion Angel Cabrera in his wake and thrilled thousands of fans on a steamy day at Quail Hollow. With a one-shot lead, McIlroy hit a 5-iron from 207 yards up the hill to 3 feet for eagle on the 15th. From a fairway bunker on the 16th, he hit 7-iron to 5 feet for another birdie. Then came the finish, when he knocked in a 40-foot putt that made fans leap from their chairs and had made McIlroy’s freckled-face burst with joy. He finished at 15-under 273 and won $1.17 million. Woods, who missed the cut this week, was 20 years and 10 months when he won his first PGA Tour event in Las Vegas in 1996.


See GOLF, 14B

Runner-up Phil Mickelson agonizes over a missed putt. He finished four shots back.


App State still on my mind he headline in Sunday’s Salisbury Post read, “Edwards impresses Panthers.” That’s no surprise to David Jackson, the playby-play man at Appalachian State. Armanti Edwards took Jackson and the MounRONNIE taineer fans GALLAGHER on quite a ride during his career in Boone. Three straight FCS national titles. And of course, the fabled win in the Big House against Michigan in the 2007 season opener. Edwards was drafted by Carolina in the recent NFL Draft and Jackson said the Greenwood, S.C., native will succeed, even though he’s at receiver and not quarterback. “We all understand the work ethic he’s got,” said Jackson, who is in Salisbury for the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Weekend as a National Board member. Jackson is always prepared to talk Appalachian State football. No one is happier for Edwards than he is. “Everybody in Boone is looking at it as the perfect storybook ending to a fantastic career,” Jackson said. “From our perspective, selfishly, he’s not that far away, but he doesn’t have to relo-



Appalachian State play-by-play man David Jackson, here talking to WSTP’s Howard Platt, is still asked about the win against Michigan back in 2007. cate his family and try to become proven.” Edwards was known for diving over piles, running around defenses and being one of the nation’s most exciting and well-known names in college football. Jackson expects the same show in the NFL, only now, it will come after catching the football, not throwing it. “He has a passion for

learning the game,” Jackson said. “Transitioning that into a new role, for him, I don’t think will be any problem.” • Of course, Edwards’ greatest achievement came on Sept. 1, 2007 when he led the Mountaineers over the fifth-ranked Wolverines. Jackson’s greatest achievement was broadcasting the game with analyst

Hawks hammer Bucks in Game 7 BY PAUL NEWBERRY Associated Press

ATLANTA — With more than three Hawks 95 minutes to Bucks 74 go, the Atl a n t a Hawks began pulling their starters. Al Horford flapped his hands, egging on the already raucous crowd. Joe Johnson clapped for the fans, then dropped his head in what looked more like relief than celebration. The Hawks were moving

on in the playoffs. What a contrast from the last game in Atlanta. After keeping their season alive with a gutty win in Milwaukee, the Hawks made sure the Bucks were in no position to duplicate their improbable Game 5 road win. Playoff rookie Jamal Crawford scored 22 points, Horford put up a double-double and Atlanta pulled away for a 95-74 win Sunday that gave the Hawks a 4-3 triumph in the tougherthan-expected series. Last Wednesday, the fa-

Steve Brown. You remember it. When Corey Lynch blocked a Michigan field goal with six seconds left for a 34-32 Appalachian State win, Jackson’s scream was heard on ESPN — and every other network — for the rest of the season: “The Mountaineers of Appalachian State have just beaten the Michigan Wolver-

ines in the Big House!” Almost three years later, he is still bombarded by fans wanting stories from that sun-splashed afternoon in Ann Arbor. He has probably told them a thousand times and it never gets old for the graduate of the school. “That’s going to be Appalachian State’s signature mark forever,” Jackson said.

“Now that some of those players are either graduating or establishing themselves in the NFL like Corey Lynch, and like Armanti Edwards, the feel-good comes back around. As they’re introduced to the league, it’s ‘Oh, there’s Armanti Edwards. He beat Michigan in 2007.’ ”


Roland hits first college homer BY MIKE LONDON


A Bucks fan holds a creative sign, but the Atlanta Hawks drilled Milwaukee on Sunday. vored Hawks squandered a nine-point lead in the final four minutes, bickered among themselves in the closing seconds and left the


Area athletes update ... It took 218 official at-bats, but Charlotte shortstop Justin Roland (East Rowan) is now officially a home run hitter. Batting ninth for the 49ers, Roland connected for his first college homer in the third inning of a 23-0 trouncing of A-10 foe Temple on Saturday. He drove in six runs in the romp. Roland, 5-foot-7, 166 pounds, hit six homers at East and nine in his four-year Rowan County American Legion career. Ross Steedley (East) went 1-for-2 in the Temple game, and Corbin Shive (East) pitched the ninth to finish the shutout.  UNC Pembroke’s Zach “Rudy” Brown (South Rowan) has enjoyed a strong senior season. The 6-foot-6, 245-pound lefty owns a 4-3

record with a 2.25 ERA in 22 appearances (21 in relief) and has fanned 50 batters in 40 innings. A spectator at Friday’s South-East thriller, Brown is a candidate for the June draft. Several MLB teams have scouted the big guy.  UNC Pembroke inROLAND fielder Matt Ingold (South) only has three hits this season, but he’s also reached base 10 times on walks and has been hit by pitches five times. He has an on-base percentage of .486 despite a .143 batting average. Recruiting South Rowan center fielder Blake Houston has officially signed with Catawba’s baseball program. A story on Houston is upcom-


2B • MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010

TV Sports Monday, May 3 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 7 p.m. ESPN — L.A. Angels at Boston NBA BASKETBALL 8 p.m. TNT — Doubleheader, playoffs, conference semifinals, game 2, Boston at Cleveland 10:30 p.m. TNT — Doubleheader, playoffs, conference semifinals, game 1, San Antonio at Phoenix NHL HOCKEY 7 p.m. VERSUS — Playoffs, conference semifinals, game 2, Philadelphia at Boston 9:30 p.m. VERSUS — Playoffs, conference semifinals, game 2, Vancouver at Chicago (joined in progress)

Area schedule Monday, May 3 INTIMIDATORS BASEBALL 7:05 p.m. Kannapolis at Lexington Legends HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL NPC tournament 7 p.m. West Rowan at South Rowan Statesville at Carson North Iredell at West Iredell YVC tournament 7 p.m. West Montgomery at South Stanly South Davidson at North Moore North Rowan at Albemarle Chatham Central at East Montgomery SPC tournament 6:30 p.m. A.L. Brown at Concord Robinson at Hickory Ridge Cox Mill at Mount Pleasant HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER 6 p.m. North Iredell at East Rowan West Rowan at Mt. Pleasant South Rowan at Statesville 6:30 p.m. North Moore at North Rowan East Davidson at Salisbury 7 p.m. Davie at Reagan HIGH SCHOOL GOLF 2A MIdwest Regional (Warrior) 3A Midwest Regional (Statesville CC) 4A Midwest Regional (Forest Oaks) COLLEGE WOMEN’S GOLF Southeast Regional (Country Club of Salisbury)

College golf SE Regional at Country Club of Salisbury Women’s first round standings 1. Nova Southeastern . . . . . . . . . . . 304 1. Florida Southern . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 3. Rollins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 4. Barry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 5. Carson-Newman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 6. Lynn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 7. Belmon Abbey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 8. Saint Leo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 9. Newberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Individuals 1. Joanna Coe, Rollins . . . . . . . . . . . 72 1. Maha Haddioui, Lynn. . . . . . . . . . . 72 1. Jessica Tarbet, Carson-Newman . 72 4. Emily Gibson, Montevallo . . . . . . . 73 4. Goeun Lee, Saint Leo . . . . . . . . . . 73 4. Brianna Seo, Rollins . . . . . . . . . . . 73 7. Marianne Anderson, Fla. South. . . 74 7. Maria Garcia, Nova SE . . . . . . . . . 74 7. Sandra Changkija, Nova SE . . . . . 74 7. Isadora Stapff, Barry . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Notable 24. Kelsey Babos, Catawba . . . . . . . 80

Prep softball Standings North Piedmont 3A NPC Overall EAST ROWAN 10-0 16-1 North Iredell 9-2 12-4 CARSON 7-3 9-7 4-6 4-9 WEST ROWAN SOUTH ROWAN 3-7 5-10 West Iredell 3-7 4-8 0-12 Statesville 0-11 Tuesday’s games West Rowan at South Rowan Carson at Statesville West Iredell at East Rowan Thursday’s game East Rowan at Carson Friday’s games West Rowan at West Iredell South Rowan at North Iredell

Prep baseball Standings Yadkin Valley 1A YVC Overall South Stanly 13-3 16-7 12-4 16-7 North Moore Albemarle 10-6 13-8 East Montgomery 9-7 10-10 Chatham Central 8-8 8-11 NORTH ROWAN 7-9 10-13 South Davidson 7-9 8-12 6-10 8-12 West Montgomery Gray Stone 0-14 0-14 YVC tournament Monday’s games West Montgomery at South Stanly North Rowan at Albemarle South Davidson at North Moore Chatham Central at East Montgomery Tuesday’s semifinals at North Moore TBD Thursday’s championship TBD

Central Carolina 2A CCC Overall Central Davidson 8-1 17-4 13-7 East Davidson 7-2 6-2 12-9 SALISBURY West Davidson 4-5 10-11 5-17 Lexington 1-8 Thomasville 0-8 2-14 Tuesday’s games Central Davidson at West Davidson East Davidson at Salisbury Thomasville at Lexington CCC tournament Thursday’s games TBD (No. 6 at No. 3 and No. 5 at No. 4) Friday’s semifinals at West Davidson At West Davidson (4-5 vs. 1, 3-6 vs. 2) Next Monday’s championship Semifinal winners

North Piedmont 3A NPC Overall EAST ROWAN 11-1 21-2 West Iredell 8-4 13-5 CARSON 7-5 17-6 7-5 15-8 SOUTH ROWAN WEST ROWAN 7-5 13-11 Statesville 2-10 5-16 0-17 North Iredell 0-12 NPC tournament Monday’s games North Iredell at West Iredell Statesville at Carson West Rowan at South Rowan Wednesday’s semifinals at East Rowan 2-7 winner vs. 3-6 winner; 4-5 winner vs. East Saturday’s championship at East Rowan Semifinal winners

South Piedmont 3A SPC Overall Mount Pleasant 11-3 14-9 11-3 15-9 NW Cabarrus Hickory Ridge 9-5 11-11 Concord 8-6 14-10 A.L. Brown 7-7 9-13 Robinson 5-9 10-13 4-10 8-13 Central Cabarrus Cox Mill 1-13 5-20 SPC tournament Monday’s games Cox Mill at Mt. Pleasant



Robinson at Hickory Ridge A.L. Brown at Concord Tuesday’s game Central Cabarrus at NW Cabarrus Wednesday’s semifinals at A.L. Brown TBD Friday’s championship at A.L. Brown TBD

Central Piedmont 4A CPC Overall 19-4 West Forsyth 9-1 North Davidson 9-1 18-3 Mount Tabor 5-5 14-10 3-7 10-10 DAVIE COUNTY R.J. Reynolds 2-8 7-15 Reagan 2-8 9-11 CPC tournament Tuesday’s games (at Davie) Mount Tabor vs. Reagan Davie vs. R.J. Reynolds

Minor Leagues South Atlantic Northern Division W L Pct. GB Hickory (Rangers) 14 10 .583 — Delmarva (Orioles) 13 10 .565 1⁄2 Hagerstown (Nationals) 13 10 .565 1⁄2 Lakewood (Phillies) 13 11 .542 1 Kannapolis (White Sox) 11 13 .458 3 West Virginia (Pirates) 10 13 .435 31⁄2 Greensboro (Marlins) 9 15 .375 5 Southern Division W L Pct. GB Savannah (Mets) 16 8 .667 — Greenville (Red Sox) 15 9 .625 1 Augusta (Giants) 13 11 .542 3 Lexington (Astros) 11 13 .458 5 Charleston (Yankees) 10 14 .417 6 Asheville (Rockies) 9 14 .391 61⁄2 Rome (Braves) 9 15 .375 7 Sunday’s Games Greenville 9, West Virginia 1 Monday’s Games Charleston at Lakewood, 6:35 p.m. Asheville at Hickory, 7 p.m. Hagerstown at Rome, 7 p.m. Kannapolis at Lexington, 7:05 p.m. Savannah at Delmarva, 7:05 p.m. Greensboro at West Virginia, 7:05 p.m. Greenville at Augusta, 7:05 p.m.

ML Baseball Leaders NATIONAL LEAGUE BATTING—Ethier, Los Angeles, .365; Theriot, Chicago, .355; Freese, St. Louis, .355; Braun, Milwaukee, .354; Prado, Atlanta, .354; Byrd, Chicago, .354; Werth, Philadelphia, .345. RUNS—Utley, Philadelphia, 24; Kemp, Los Angeles, 23; Maybin, Florida, 21; Reynolds, Arizona, 20; Braun, Milwaukee, 19; Rasmus, St. Louis, 19; Tulowitzki, Colorado, 19; JUpton, Arizona, 19; Weeks, Milwaukee, 19; Werth, Philadelphia, 19. RBI—Ethier, Los Angeles, 26; Cantu, Florida, 25; Pujols, St. Louis, 24; Heyward, Atlanta, 23; Reynolds, Arizona, 23; Victorino, Philadelphia, 22; CYoung, Arizona, 21. HITS—Theriot, Chicago, 39; Braun, Milwaukee, 35; Byrd, Chicago, 35; Loney, Los Angeles, 35; Prado, Atlanta, 35; Headley, San Diego, 32; Pujols, St. Louis, 32; Sandoval, San Francisco, 32. DOUBLES—Werth, Philadelphia, 12; Byrd, Chicago, 10; Tulowitzki, Colorado, 10; Zimmerman, Washington, 10; Loney, Los Angeles, 9; Prado, Atlanta, 9; 5 tied at 8. TRIPLES—Morgan, Washington, 5; Bay, New York, 3; SDrew, Arizona, 3; AEscobar, Milwaukee, 3; Fowler, Colorado, 3; 11 tied at 2. HOME RUNS—Ethier, Los Angeles, 9; KJohnson, Arizona, 9; Reynolds, Arizona, 9; Heyward, Atlanta, 7; Kemp, Los Angeles, 7; Pujols, St. Louis, 7; Utley, Philadelphia, 7. STOLEN BASES—Bourn, Houston, 10; AMcCutchen, Pittsburgh, 10; Furcal, Los Angeles, 8; Headley, San Diego, 8; Stubbs, Cincinnati, 7; DWright, New York, 7; Braun, Milwaukee, 6; Gomez, Milwaukee, 6; Morgan, Washington, 6; Venable, San Diego, 6. PITCHING —Jimenez, Colorado, 5-0; Halladay, Philadelphia, 5-1; Zito, San Francisco, 4-0; Carpenter, St. Louis, 4-0; Lincecum, San Francisco, 4-0; Wainwright, St. Louis, 4-1; Pelfrey, New York, 4-1. STRIKEOUTS—Lincecum, San Francisco, 43; JoJohnson, Florida, 42; Haren, Arizona, 41; Gallardo, Milwaukee, 40; Carpenter, St. Louis, 39; Halladay, Philadelphia, 39; JSanchez, San Francisco, 37. SAVES—Capps, Washington, 10; Cordero, Cincinnati, 9; Bell, San Diego, 7; Franklin, St. Louis, 7; Lindstrom, Houston, 6; Qualls, Arizona, 5; 5 tied at 4. AMERICAN LEAGUE BATTING—Cano, New York, .387; AJackson, Detroit, .367; Morneau, Minnesota, .349; Longoria, Tampa Bay, .347; Mauer, Minnesota, .345; Gardner, New York, .342; MiCabrera, Detroit, .340. RUNS—Cano, New York, 23; Longoria, Tampa Bay, 23; AJackson, Detroit, 21; VWells, Toronto, 21; Damon, Detroit, 20; Morneau, Minnesota, 19; Ordonez, Detroit, 19; BUpton, Tampa Bay, 19. RBI—MiCabrera, Detroit, 27; Konerko, Chicago, 24; CPena, Tampa Bay, 22; Cano, New York, 21; AleGonzalez, Toronto, 21; Jeter, New York, 20; JGuillen, Kansas City, 19; Longoria, Tampa Bay, 19. HITS—AJackson, Detroit, 40; Cano, New York, 36; MiCabrera, Detroit, 35; Jeter, New York, 34; Longoria, Tampa Bay, 33; ISuzuki, Seattle, 33; VWells, Toronto, 33. DOUBLES—VWells, Toronto, 12; MiCabrera, Detroit, 11; Damon, Detroit, 10; AleGonzalez, Toronto, 10; Hunter, Los Angeles, 10; Inge, Detroit, 10; Markakis, Baltimore, 10. TRIPLES—Maier, Kansas City, 3; 12 tied at 2. HOME RUNS—Konerko, Chicago, 12; Cano, New York, 9; AleGonzalez, Toronto, 8; AnJones, Chicago, 8; VWells, Toronto, 8; Wigginton, Baltimore, 8; NCruz, Texas, 7; JGuillen, Kansas City, 7. STOLEN BASES—RDavis, Oakland, 11; Gardner, New York, 11; Pierre, Chicago, 10; Podsednik, Kansas City, 9; Rios, Chicago, 9; Andrus, Texas, 8; Crawford, Tampa Bay, 7; Figgins, Seattle, 7. PITCHING —Liriano, Minnesota, 4-0; Garza, Tampa Bay, 4-1; CLewis, Texas, 30; Danks, Chicago, 3-0; Janssen, Toronto, 3-0; PHughes, New York, 3-0; AJBurnett, New York, 3-0. STRIKEOUTS—JerWeaver, Los Angeles, 40; CLewis, Texas, 38; Liriano, Minnesota, 36; FHernandez, Seattle, 36; Marcum, Toronto, 34; Garza, Tampa Bay, 34; Greinke, Kansas City, 33; Verlander, Detroit, 33; Morrow, Toronto, 33; JShields, Tampa Bay, 33. SAVES—Aardsma, Seattle, 8; Valverde, Detroit, 7; Rauch, Minnesota, 7; Papelbon, Boston, 7; MRivera, New York, 7; Soria, Kansas City, 7; Gregg, Toronto, 6; RSoriano, Tampa Bay, 6.

College baseball BA Poll DURHAM (AP) — The top 25 teams in the Baseball America poll with records through April 25 and previous ranking (voting by the staff of Baseball America): Record Pv 1. Virginia 34-9 2 2. Texas 34-7 3 3. Arizona State 33-5 1 4. Florida State 31-10 6 5. UCLA 29-7 5 6. Florida 28-11 7 7. South Carolina 32-8 10 8. Georgia Tech 34-7 4 9. Arkansas 33-8 9 10. Coastal Carolina 36-5 12 11. Texas Christian 30-8 11 12. Louisville 33-6 13 13. Cal State Fullerton24-13 16 14. Mississippi 28-13 19 15. Louisiana State 32-9 8 16. Miami 29-11 14 17. Oregon 27-13 18 18. Virginia Tech 28-14 20 19. Arizona 28-11 17 20. Connecticut 33-7 21 21. Stanford 21-13 22 22. Oklahoma 29-11 24 23. California 23-14 15 24. San Diego 23-15 NR 25. Rice 26-16 NR

Racing Trucks O’Reilly Auto Parts 250 Race Sunday At Kansas Speedway Lap length: 1.5 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (3) Johnny Sauter, Chevrolet, 167 laps, 149 rating, 195 points, $46,950. 2. (1) Ron Hornaday Jr., Chevrolet, 167, 129.7, 175, $34,090. 3. (6) Todd Bodine, Toyota, 167, 111, 165, $26,085. 4. (9) Brian Ickler, Toyota, 167, 117.4, 165, $17,625. 5. (13) Johnny Benson, Toyota, 167, 97.3, 160, $16,725. 6. (5) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 167, 92.4, 150, $16,025. 7. (4) Aric Almirola, Toyota, 167, 98.2, 146, $13,975. 8. (8) Mike Skinner, Toyota, 167, 91.1, 142, $13,900. 9. (12) Ken Schrader, Chevrolet, 167, 82.7, 138, $13,825. 10. (25) David Starr, Toyota, 167, 83, 139, $14,725. 11. (23) Jason White, Dodge, 167, 80.4, 130, $13,725. 12. (7) Ricky Carmichael, Chevrolet, 167, 83.7, 127, $13,600. 13. (14) Justin Lofton, Toyota, 166, 75.3, 124, $13,525. 14. (30) Jack Smith, Ford, 166, 66.8, 126, $12,225. 15. (28) Tony Jackson Jr., Chevrolet, 166, 68.2, 123, $14,275. 16. (11) James Buescher, Chevrolet, 166, 96.4, 115, $11,300. 17. (17) Mario Gosselin, Chevrolet, 164, 69.6, 117, $13,275. 18. (32) Terry Jones, Dodge, 164, 45.2, 109, $13,225. 19. (27) Ryan Sieg, Chevrolet, 164, 54.1, 106, $13,175. 20. (26) Jamie Dick, Chevrolet, 164, 51, 103, $11,350. 21. (24) Brent Raymer, Ford, 163, 49.9, 100, $12,825. 22. (20) Tayler Malsam, Toyota, 161, 53.1, 97, $13,050. 23. (10) Timothy Peters, Toyota, 161, 94.2, 94, $11,775. 24. (36) Norm Benning, Chevrolet, 159, 35, 91, $11,750. 25. (2) Matt Crafton, Chevrolet, 143, 69.5, 88, $10,725. 26. (33) Brett Butler, Chevrolet, accident, 99, 55, 85, $10,700. 27. (35) Carl Long, Chevrolet, engine, 98, 39.3, 87, $11,025. 28. (21) Jennifer Jo Cobb, Ford, accident, 65, 36.3, 79, $10,650. 29. (19) Jesse Smith, Toyota, engine, 42, 53.1, 76, $10,600. 30. (18) Chris Eggleston, Chevrolet, accident, 40, 46, 73, $11,075. 31. (15) Rick Crawford, Ford, accident, 35, 57.7, 70, $10,550. 32. (34) Brian Rose, Chevrolet, accident, 34, 40.4, 67, $10,525. 33. (31) Mike Harmon, Ford, handling, 21, 30.3, 64, $10,500. 34. (29) Shane Sieg, Chevrolet, transmission, 9, 36.1, 61, $10,475. 35. (16) Wes Burton, Chevrolet, accident, 8, 31.9, 0, $10,450. 36. (22) Narain Karthikeyan, Chevrolet, accident, 7, 28.4, 55, $10,421. Race Statistics Average Speed of Race Winner: 110.936 mph. Time of Race: 2 hours, 15 minutes, 29 seconds. Margin of Victory: 5.32 seconds. Caution Flags: 7 for 37 laps. Lead Changes: 16 among 9 drivers. Lap Leaders: R.Hornaday Jr. 1-28; C.Long 29; D.Starr 30-31; R.Hornaday Jr. 32-36; J.Sauter 37-89; B.Ickler 90-92; M.Gosselin 93; T.Jackson Jr. 94; Ja.Smith 95-97; J.Sauter 98-102; B.Ickler 103-105; R.Hornaday Jr. 106-115; D.Starr 116; J.Benson 117-123; J.Sauter 124-146; R.Hornaday Jr. 147; J.Sauter 148-167. Leaders Summary (Driver, Times Led, Laps Led): J.Sauter, 4 times for 101 laps; R.Hornaday Jr., 4 times for 44 laps; J.Benson, 1 time for 7 laps; B.Ickler, 2 times for 6 laps; D.Starr, 2 times for 3 laps; Ja.Smith, 1 time for 3 laps; T.Jackson Jr., 1 time for 1 lap; M.Gosselin, 1 time for 1 lap; C.Long, 1 time for 1 lap. Top 10 in Points: 1. T.Peters, 760; 2. T.Bodine, 738; 3. A.Almirola, 730; 4. R.Hornaday Jr., 663; 5. J.Sauter, 643; 6. M.Crafton, 626; 7. J.White, 607; 8. R.Carmichael, 605; 9. A.Dillon, 605; 10. M.Skinner, 592.

NBA Playoffs FIRST ROUND (Best-of-7) Sunday, May 2 Atlanta 95, Milwaukee 74 CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS Saturday, May 1 Cleveland 101, Boston 93 Sunday, May 2 L.A. Lakers 104, Utah 99 Monday, May 3 Boston at Cleveland, 8 p.m. San Antonio at Phoenix, 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 4 Atlanta or Milwaukee at Orlando, 8 p.m. Utah at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 5 San Antonio at Phoenix, 9 p.m. Thursday, May 6 Atlanta or Milwaukee at Orlando, 8 p.m. Friday, May 7 Cleveland at Boston, 7 p.m. Phoenix at San Antonio, 9:30 p.m.

Sunday’s boxes Hawks 95, Bucks 74 MILWAUKEE (74) Delfino 1-8 0-0 3, Mbah a Moute 5-9 3-4 13, Thomas 3-7 0-0 6, Jennings 6-18 2-4 15, Salmons 5-18 0-0 11, Stackhouse 0-3 0-0 0, Ilyasova 4-11 5-5 13, Ridnour 1-5 3-4 6, Gadzuric 0-0 0-0 0, Brezec 2-4 1-2 5, Ivey 1-3 0-0 2. Totals 28-86 14-19 74. ATLANTA (95) Williams 2-7 4-4 8, Jos.Smith 5-7 4-5 15, Horford 6-8 4-6 16, Bibby 6-12 0-0 15, Johnson 4-14 0-0 8, Pachulia 3-6 1-2 7, Crawford 8-16 4-4 22, West 1-1 0-0 2, Evans 01 0-0 0, Teague 0-2 0-0 0, Collins 1-2 0-0 2. Totals 36-76 17-21 95. Milwaukee 13 27 20 14 — 74 20 33 20 22 — 95 Atlanta 3-Point Goals—Milwaukee 4-19 (Ridnour 1-2, Delfino 1-4, Jennings 1-4, Salmons 15, Stackhouse 0-1, Ivey 0-1, Ilyasova 0-2), Atlanta 6-16 (Bibby 3-5, Crawford 2-7, Jos.Smith 1-1, Evans 0-1, Johnson 0-2). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Milwaukee 44 (Ilyasova 11), Atlanta 63 (Horford 15). Assists—Milwaukee 15 (Jennings 5), Atlanta 21 (Crawford 6). Total Fouls—Milwaukee 20, Atlanta 21. A—19,241 (18,729).

Lakers 104, Jazz 99 UTAH (99) Miles 4-12 7-8 16, Boozer 9-17 0-0 18, Fesenko 1-2 0-0 2, Williams 7-15 8-10 24, Matthews 5-12 2-2 14, Millsap 8-18 0-0 16, Korver 3-5 1-1 7, Koufos 0-1 0-0 0, Price 13 0-0 2. Totals 38-85 18-21 99. L.A. LAKERS (104) Artest 4-9 0-0 8, Gasol 9-15 7-7 25, Bynum 4-8 0-0 8, Fisher 4-7 2-4 10, Bryant 12-19 7-7 31, Odom 4-10 0-1 9, Brown 1-5 2-4 4, Walton 2-2 2-4 7, Farmar 1-2 0-0 2, Powell 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 41-77 20-27 104. Utah 23 22 28 26 — 99 L.A. Lakers 30 23 28 23 — 104 3-Point Goals—Utah 5-18 (Matthews 24, Williams 2-5, Miles 1-5, Korver 0-1, Millsap 0-1, Price 0-2), L.A. Lakers 2-12 (Walton 1-1, Odom 1-4, Farmar 0-1, Fisher 0-1, Bryant 0-2, Artest 0-3). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Utah 47 (Boozer 12), L.A. Lakers 46 (Odom, Gasol 12). Assists—Utah 24 (Williams 8), L.A. Lakers 18 (Gasol, Bryant 4). Total Fouls—Utah 26, L.A. Lakers 20. Technicals—Boozer, L.A. Lakers defensive three second. A—18,997 (18,997).

NHL Playoffs CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS Thursday, April 29 San Jose 4, Detroit 3 Friday, April 30 Pittsburgh 6, Montreal 3 Saturday, May 1

Boston 5, Philadelphia 4, OT, Boston leads series 1-0 Vancouver 5, Chicago 1, Vancouver leads series 1-0 Sunday, May 2 Montreal 3, Pittsburgh 1, series tied 1-1 San Jose 4, Detroit 3, SJ 2-0 Monday, May 3 Philadelphia at Boston, 7 p.m. Vancouver at Chicago, 9 p.m. Tuesday, May 4 Pittsburgh at Montreal, 7 p.m. San Jose at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 5 Boston at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. Chicago at Vancouver, 9:30 p.m.

Sunday’s sums Canadiens 3, Penguins 1 Montreal 1 1 1 — 3 Pittsburgh 1 0 0 — 1 First Period—1, Pittsburgh, Cooke 4 (Talbot, Dupuis), 4:38. 2, Montreal, Gionta 4 (Gomez, Pouliot), 15:48. Second Period—3, Montreal, Cammalleri 7 (Subban, Gomez), 7:29 (pp). Third Period—4, Montreal, Cammalleri 8 (Plekanec), 17:06. Shots on Goal—Canadiens 12-3-6—21. Penguins 9-18-12—39. Goalies—Montreal, Halak. Pittsburgh, Fleury. A—17,132 (16,940). T—2:17.

Sharks 4, Red Wings 3 Detroit 2 1 0 — 3 San Jose 2 0 2 — 4 First Period—1, Detroit, Datsyuk 6, 6:51. 2, San Jose, Pavelski 8 (Heatley, Marleau), 9:01 (pp). 3, San Jose, Clowe 2 (Pavelski, Murray), 10:32. 4, Detroit, Holmstrom 3 (Franzen, Rafalski), 13:17 (pp). Second Period—5, Detroit, Lidstrom 4 (Rafalski, Datsyuk), 2:00. Third Period—6, San Jose, Pavelski 9 (Heatley, Thornton), 4:40 (pp). 7, San Jose, Thornton 1 (Heatley), 12:37. Shots on Goal—Red Wings 7-13-11—31. San Jose 15-12-18—45. Goalies—Detroit, Howard. San Jose, Nabokov. A—17,562 (17,496). T—2:34.

Golf PGA Quail Hollow Sunday’s final-round totals Yardage: 7,469; Par 72 Charlotte Purse: $6.5 million Yardage: 7,469; Par 72 Rory McIlroy Phil Mickelson Angel Cabrera Brendon de Jonge Bo Van Pelt Rickie Fowler Mark Wilson Padraig Harrington Matt Jones Scott McCarron Jim Furyk Anthony Kim J.J. Henry Kevin Na Billy Mayfair Steve Marino Aron Price Hunter Mahan Tom Gillis Robert Allenby Davis Love III Lucas Glover Ricky Barnes Carlos Franco Nick Watney Trevor Immelman Jason Day Bubba Watson Ryuji Imada Chad Campbell Joe Ogilvie Blake Adams Chris Stroud Chad Collins Heath Slocum Bill Haas Dustin Johnson Tim Petrovic Lee Westwood J.P. Hayes Geoff Ogilvy Paul Goydos Jarrod Lyle Andres Romero Brett Quigley Henrik Bjornstad Ross Fisher Brad Faxon Greg Chalmers Will MacKenzie Carl Pettersson Aaron Baddeley Bill Lunde Zach Johnson Chris Tidland Charley Hoffman Brian Gay Kenny Perry John Merrick Mark Calcavecchia Brian Stuard Camilo Villegas D.A. Points Steve Wheatcroft Charles Howell III Rod Pampling Johnson Wagner Kevin Sutherland Michael Connell D.J. Trahan Greg Owen Stuart Appleby Garth Mulroy Roger Tambellini Rocco Mediate Brandt Snedeker Tim Herron

72-73-66-62—273 70-68-71-68—277 70-67-73-68—278 70-73-70-66—279 65-76-71-68—280 73-70-71-67—281 73-72-70-67—282 72-72-70-68—282 74-71-69-68—282 70-75-67-70—282 75-65-71-71—282 72-69-70-71—282 68-71-71-72—282 72-69-73-69—283 68-68-71-76—283 73-72-67-72—284 75-69-73-68—285 71-71-73-70—285 71-69-74-71—285 71-70-72-72—285 70-71-68-76—285 71-71-74-70—286 69-72-74-71—286 72-71-71-72—286 70-71-72-73—286 74-68-71-73—286 73-71-69-73—286 70-73-69-74—286 74-71-73-69—287 72-70-74-71—287 73-69-74-71—287 73-71-72-71—287 73-71-71-72—287 74-70-70-73—287 69-74-70-74—287 71-70-70-76—287 73-65-72-77—287 74-71-73-70—288 73-72-71-72—288 74-64-76-74—288 68-72-73-75—288 68-70-73-77—288 71-72-75-71—289 68-76-74-71—289 73-72-73-71—289 72-73-72-72—289 72-73-69-75—289 68-75-73-74—290 70-71-74-75—290 71-74-70-75—290 74-71-78-68—291 73-72-73-73—291 73-72-73-73—291 71-73-73-74—291 72-71-73-75—291 72-72-69-78—291 73-71-76-72—292 66-79-75-72—292 72-70-76-74—292 71-74-73-74—292 69-76-71-76—292 67-72-73-80—292 72-73-77-71—293 75-70-78-70—293 74-71-75-73—293 70-75-73-75—293 73-70-74-76—293 72-68-73-80—293 76-69-76-73—294 73-72-72-77—294 74-71-71-78—294 75-70-71-78—294 69-71-74-80—294 74-71-76-75—296 70-75-75-77—297 70-75-76-77—298 71-74-75-78—298

LPGA Tres Marias Sunday’s final round At Tres Marias Golf Club Morelia, Mexico Purse: $1.3 million Yardage: 6,539; Par 73 Ai Miyazato 63-72-71-67—273 Stacy Lewis 71-68-69-66—274 Michelle Wie 66-68-73-68—275 In-Kyung Kim 69-71-74-64—278 Na Yeon Choi 69-68-71-71—279 Lorena Ochoa 66-73-70-71—280 A. Blumenherst 68-77-68-68—281 Maria Hjorth 73-67-72-69—281 Suzann Pettersen 73-70-74-65—282 Karen Stupples 67-72-77-66—282 Song-Hee Kim 70-70-73-69—282 Irene Cho 68-72-73-69—282 Brittany Lincicome 68-67-72-75—282 Amy Yang 75-69-72-69—285 Mindy Kim 72-69-71-73—285 Silvia Cavalleri 74-71-72-69—286 Anna Nordqvist 70-72-73-71—286 Kyeong Bae 76-69-77-65—287 Alena Sharp 74-70-70-73—287 Juli Inkster 76-71-73-68—288 Amy Hung 73-74-73-68—288 Wendy Doolan 69-73-78-68—288 Katherine Hull 69-73-76-70—288 Kristy McPherson 71-68-79-70—288 H. Bowie Young 74-71-72-71—288 Sarah Jane Smith 68-71-75-74—288 J

Transactions BASEBALL American League CHICAGO WHITE SOX—Optioned C Donny Lucy to Charlotte (IL). KANSAS CITY ROYALS—Optioned 3B Alex Gordon to Omaha (PCL). Recalled INF Mike Aviles from Omaha. MINNESOTA TWINS—Recalled C Wilson Ramos from Rochester (IL). Placed RHP Pat Neshek on the 15-day DL, retroactive to April 29. NEW YORK YANKEES—Placed OF Curtis Granderson on the 15-day DL. Recalled RHP Mark Melancon from Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL). SEATTLE MARINERS—Released OF Eric Byrnes. Optioned INF Matt Tuiasosopo to Tacoma (PCL). Selected the contracts of OF Ryan Langerhans and INF Josh Wilson from Tacoma. National League SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS—Activated Aaron Rowand from the 15-day DL. CF Optioned P Waldis Joaquin to Fresno. COLLEGE MOUNTAIN WEST CONFERENCE— Suspended Air Force baseball coach Mike Hutcheon for one game, following his second ejection from a game in two days. COLUMBIA—Named Kyle Smith men’s basketball coach.

It’s tournament time From staff reports

The NPC, YVC and SPC baseball tournaments start tonight — weather permitting — with higher seeded teams at home.  YVC No. 6 seed North Rowan is on the road at No. 3 Albemarle.  SPC No. 5 seed A.L. Brown is at No. 4 Concord tonight.  In the NPC, No. 7 North Iredell is at No. 2 West Iredell; No. 3 Carson is at home against No. 6 Statesville; and No. 4 South Rowan is at home against No. 5 West Rowan. There’s been much discussion concerning the NPC three-way tie — Carson, South Rowan and West Rowan all finished 7-5 — but the NCHSAA tiebreaking procedure is clear and has been used in the past, most notably by the NPC in the 2002 girls basketball season when there were only three playoff berths and three strong teams tied for second place. The top priority in the NCHSAA tiebreaking procedure is to determine conference standings. The procedure for breaking a tie in the standings reads: If two or more teams have equal conference percentages, the team that has the edge in head-to-head competition will get the higher place in the standings. All conference games played against each other would count in the head-tohead competition. Example: Teams A, B and C are tied in the conference standings with identical records. In games among the three — A was 3-1, B was 2-2 and C was 1-3. The tie is broken. The NPC baseball season is a textbook A-B-C scenario. The NCHSAA considers the three-way tie broken. Carson swept West Rowan. Carson is third. South, which split with both, is fourth. West Rowan is fifth. The NCHSAA stresses that the tiebreaking procedure to determine conference standings be employed as the first order of business because it solves numerous complications that can arise trying to seed the tournament and the state playoffs. East Rowan has wrapped up the NPC’s No. 1 seed for the 3A playoffs regardless of what transpires in the tournament. If any team other than East wins the tournament that team claims the NPC’s No. 2 seed for the playoffs. The NPC gets four state playoff berths. Assuming the NCHSAA tiebreaking procedure is employed, West Rowan, Statesville or North Iredell would have to win the NPC tournament to qualify. If one of those three does win the tournament, then No. 4 South would be the team that’s bumped out.

 Hole-in-one

Collins and Keith Dorsett.

 Prep golf The 2A Midwest Regional golf tournament will be held today at Warrior. All six Salisbury golfers will compete and will begin at the No. 1 tee box. Roy Dixon tees off first at 8:09 a.m. Other tee times — Alex Nianouris (8:18), Troy Beaver (8:27), Alex Lee (8:36) and Clark Alcorn (8:45) and Joseph Rusher (8:54).  The 3A Midwest Regional, involving the NPC golfers, is at Statesville Country Club today.

 McCanless Couples The McCanless Couples played a nine-hole match on Sunday with a Best Ball format with men drawing for partners at the end. Brett Leslie and Kim Kincaid had a 37 for first place. Second place went to Juan Garcia and Liz Murphy in a scorecard playoff. Brett Leslie won longest putt and Chris Livengood won closest to pin.

 College golf Top-ranked Nova Southeastern and Florida Southern share the lead after the first round of the Division II Super Region 2 Women’s Golf Tournament, hosted by Catawba at the 6,094-yard Country Club of Salisbury. The 54-hole tournament concludes on Tuesday. The top three teams and top three individuals not a member of the three qualifying teams will advance to the D-II Nationals. Individually, no player broke par in windy conditions. Joanna Coe (Rollins), Maha Haddioui (Lynn) and Jessica Tarbet (Carson-Newman) shot 72s to share the first-round lead. Catawba’s Kelsey Babos shot 80. See Scoreboard.

 East track closed The East Rowan track will be closed to the public Tuesday and Wednesday in preparation for the NPC Championships on Wednesday.

 NCHSAA Courage Awards The NCHSAA will recognize Nathan Baker of Green Hope High and Tyler Forsythe of Apex as its Courage Awards winners on Thursday in Chapel Hill. Baker was born deaf and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as an infant. He competed in cross country. Forsythe recorded 80 wrestling victories. When he was 3, his skull was crushed by a Bengal tiger and he lost his sight.

 Minor leagues

Michael Dorsett made a hole-inGreat Lakes slugger Jerry Sands one on the 172-yard No. 2 hole at (Catawba) hit a two-run homer on Corbin Hills. Sunday. Sands has nine homers, 24 Dorsett used a 6-iron. His playing partners were Tim RBIs and a .381 batting average.

Montreal, Sharks grab victories Associated Press NHL playoffs... PITTSBURGH — Mike Cammalleri scored two goals, Jaroslav Halak made 38 saves in a performance much like his series-stealing play during Montreal’s first-round victory over Washington and the Canadiens beat the Pittsburgh 3-1 on Sunday. Brian Gionta also scored as Montreal, playing without injured defenseman Andrei Markov, bounced back from a 6-3 loss in Game 1 and an early 1-0 Pittsburgh lead to even the Eastern Conference semifinal series. Game 3 is Tuesday night in Montreal.

Halak, pulled after allowing five goals on 20 shots in Game 1, made big save after big save as the Canadiens won despite being outshot 39-21. Sidney Crosby didn’t score for the second successive game, and neither did Evgeni Malkin. Sharks 4, Red Wings 3 SAN JOSE, Calif. — Joe Thornton scored his first goal of the playoffs with 7:23 left to give San Jose a 2-0 lead in the second-round series. Joe Pavelski kept up his sizzling postseason for San Jose, scoring twice to push his NHL-high playoff total to nine and setting up Ryane Clowe’s between-the-legs score. Thornton then won it by ending his playoff drought.

Sauter wins NASCAR Trucks event Associated Press KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Johnny Sauter made a miraculous save after a late-race bump and held off hard-charging Ron Hornaday Jr. to win a wild, rain-delayed NASCAR Trucks race at Kansas Speedway. Hornaday, the pole sitter, overcame a troublesome fender rubbing his left rear tire to charge up next to Sauter with 13 laps left Sunday. As

they tried to pass two lapped cars, Hornaday climbed the track and clipped Sauter, sending the cars into almost 45-degree slides at over 150 mph. The two drivers, who also collided at Martinsville, made grip-thesteering-wheel saves, straightening out their cars as white smoke billowed from the wheels. Sauter bumped the wall in the collision and pulled away after that for his second career trucks win.

Teenager Ishikawa shoots 58 on Japan Tour Associated Press Golf roundup ... TOGO, Japan — Ryo Ishikawa shot a 12-under 58 — the lowest score ever on a major tour — to win The Crowns on Sunday for his seventh Japan Tour title. The 18-year-old Ishikawa tapped in for par on the par-4 18th after his 15-foot birdie try slid inches by the cup. He had 12 birdies in his bogeyfree round on the 6,545-yard Nagoya

Golf Club course. Tres Marias Championship MORELIA, Mexico — Ai Miyazato won the Tres Marias Championship for her third LPGA Tour title of the season, sharing the spotlight with Lorena Ochoa in the Mexican star’s final event before retiring. Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic SAUCIER, Miss. — David Eger won the inaugural Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic for his first Champions Tour title since 2005.


MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010 • 3B


Marty: Games too long BY RONNIE GALLAGHER


Wes Durham, left, joins father Woody as an NSSA winner. Together, they have combined for 20 Sportscaster of the Year awards.

Durhams: The First Family of NSSA BY RONNIE GALLAGHER

The NSSA notebook ... We call the Durhams “the First Family of the NSSA.” And for good reason. One of them is usually here as a winner in the annual National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Awards Weekend. The 51st edition of the awards have both Woody Durham, the North Carolina Sportscaster of the Year, and son, Wes, the Georgia Sportscaster of the Year, in Salisbury. For Woody, the voice of UNC, it’s win No. 14. For Wes, who calls Georgia Tech games, it’s No. 6. Woody comes in today for some golf with his son. Wes came earlier and it’s easy to tell he’s humbled by it all. “It’s very special,” he said, adding he and his dad both won three years ago and didn’t attend. But they were together — on a golf trip to Ireland. How much do they discuss their trade during the heated ACC basketball season? “We talk about games and teams we’re setting up to play,” Wes said. “If I played Clemson, and he’s getJON C. LAKEY/SALISBURY POST ting ready to play Clemson, he South Carolina sportswriter Ron Morris, left, predicts the Gamecocks will win the SEC. might call me and ask about Clemson.” Just because basketball is over, told him he should apply. Morris said of the Eastern Division. tions to spread the shag all over the Wes said that doesn’t mean he recountry, and then let the people “The more I thought about the “It’s basically down to Florida and laxes. dance after the demonstrations.” potential, the more excited I got USC and Florida’s not going to be “It doesn’t end this time of the We’re diggin’ it, Gene. about it,” Goren said. the team they were.” year because it’s so important with “We’ve got Cheerwine. We’ve got He has definite ideas how to betMorris also pointed out that the fans,” he said. Hap’s Grill,” Long said. “But we’ve ter the NSSA. Steve Spurrier has had three good Wes just had a big NFL Draft got beach. This area’s located right “I think this should be a really recruiting years in a row. Day deal where he was a host for a in the middle of it. Most people big deal,” Goren said. “It’s setting up perfectly,” Morbreakfast attended by 350 Atlanta don’t know what that is.” He’s trying to get a TV show pro- ris said. Falcons fans. • duced for next year’s event. He’d Stay tuned on that one. • And let’s not forget the other THE V TEAM: Vermont’s Mike like to go on the road to cities like • Donoghue and Ted Ryan are in town Durham — Wes’ brother, Taylor, Charlotte with a round-table forum. SHAKIN’ IT UP: Some sportswrit— Donoghue as a national board who once worked here at WSTP. He The NSSA would give out scholarers are probably a bit envious of member and Ryan as Sportswriter is one of the voices for Elon football ships and recognize three or four lo- Morris. He gets to deal with the ol’ of the Year. This has been a very and basketball broadcasts and hosts cal media members. ball coach on a daily basis. the Elon coaches radio show. “I’m excited to get out of bed Morris picked up one thing from good year to cover sports in that “It’s been fun for us,” Wes said. every day,” Goren said. Spurrier. He was giving fist bumps state. Both men’s and women’s basket• • at Saturday’s reception instead of ball and men’s hockey teams made DIFFERENT DAVE: What a differSAY WHAT? The college football handshakes. the NCAA tournament. Norwich ence a year makes? prediction of the spring in the SEC “Spurrier doesn’t shake hands,” won the Division III national title in At the 2009 NSSA event, Dave came from South Carolina SportsMorris said. “He told me he’d go men’s hockey. The school’s Goren was the North Carolina writer of the Year Ron Morris. By around the locker room before women’s team made it to the title Sportscaster of the Year looking for the way, he is a Salisbury High every game and shake hands with game in only its third year. work. His job at WXII-TV in WinSchool graduate who worked for the everybody. He said he started • ston-Salem had been cut two Salisbury Post as a teenager. thinking, ‘I don’t know where these guys’ hands have been.’ ” BETCHA DIDN’T KNOW: National months earlier. “They’re going to win the SEC,” • Sportswriter of the Year Bob Ryan He came to Salisbury for the Morris said. BUSY GUY: National Sportscaster and Hall of Famer Peter Gammons awards banquet and found a job as Who’s “they?” Florida? of the Year Jim Nantz, a North Car- started their careers at the Boston the NSSA’s new executive director. Morris said South Carolina will olina native, has been on a whirlGlobe on the same day in 1968. “I had seen on the web site the win the SEC. wind tour. In a span of nine weeks, • job was posted,” Goren recalled. “I “Georgia’s down. Tennessee’s he broadcast the Super Bowl, TODAY: The NSSA winners will didn’t think a lot about it.” down. Kentucky’s Kentucky. VanDuke’s NCAA basketball champibe on the golf course and tennis Then NSSA president Bob Setzer derbilt’s not going to be a threat,” onship win and the Masters. courts before heading to The Depot • for a reception and the awards banSWEATING IT OUT: What a differquet. ence a few hours make. A legend will be among us. When Wyoming Sportscaster of Arnold Palmer, who recently the Year Reece Monaco and his helped tee off the Masters, will wife left Cheyenne for Salisbury, it present Nantz. was 32 degrees, the wind was blowRyan will be presented by ing and there was snow. Boston Globe sports editor Joe SulIt was pushing 80 when he arlivan. Ryan will present Peter Gamrived at the airport in Charlotte. mons. • Ryan and Nantz are national winI LOVE BEACH MUSIC: Gene Long ners for the third straight year. It is of southern Rowan County rememthe fifth award for Nantz, the bers being employed in Salisbury fourth for Ryan. when Marty Brennaman worked the John Madden, another Hall of area for advertising at WSTP Radio. Famer inductee, is not expected to And he has a good idea for next attend. year’s NSSA Weekend. A total of 106 state winners will “A great thing would be to have a also be recognized. dance with one of the premier • beach bands like the Embers or Jackie Gore’s Legends of Beach,” Contact Ronnie Gallagher at 704JON C. LAKEY/SALISBURY POST he said. “Bring in a dozen real 797-4287 or rgallagher@salisburyVermont’s Mike Donoghue reads Saturday’s Salisbury Post. smooth shaggers for

Marty Brennaman has been doing play-by-play of Cincinnati Reds games for a long time. The games he calls are getting long, too. Way too long. Brennaman is in Salisbury for the annual National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Weekend. He had BRENNAMAN no problem hiding his disdain for the drawn out, four-hour ballgames. “I’ve got the scorebooks of every game I’ve ever done,” Brennaman said. “I go back and look at the games that were played in the 70s when I got there on into the 80s. Two hours, 10 minutes. Two hours, 20 minutes. Now, you’ve got games approaching four hours. Something has to be done about it.” ESPN’s opener this year between the Red Sox and Yankees dragged on for three hours, 46 minutes. “It’s ridiculous to have games the length that they are,” Brennaman said. And doubleheaders? They’re fading away. Brennaman, who cut his teeth calling American Legion games in Salisbury, is asked why there aren’t more doubleheaders. “Because people don’t want to sit through seven, eight hours of baseball,” he pointed out. “The same thing has to do with going to the ballpark and sitting for four hours and watching a nineinning baseball game.” Will anything be done? To me, there are so many ways they can shorten up the games, if they were serious about it,” he said. “They talk a good game, but they’re really not. “I think, everything we do as an industry, we do in turtle-like fashion. We don’t jump on an issue, realize something has to be done about it, and implement changes. We don’t do that. We have the commissioner come out and say, ‘We’ll appoint a blue-ribbon committee.”



GALLAGHER FROM 1B Jackson said no one in Boone is tired of recalling the win, including coach Jerry Moore. “He doesn’t run from it, he embraces it,” Jackson said. “But he’s ready to write a new chapter.” • That chapter could include an important contribution from Salisbury graduate Gordy Witte, a 6-foot-5 monster defensive lineman. “Gordy is going to benefit from having a few guys graduate in front of him,” Jackson said. “He is counted on to be a big part of the interior play. He’s got a chance to really blossom and become the type of player everybody thought he was going to be when he got there.” Jackson said the Appalachian State team that hits the field in 2010 is prepared for fans to talk about the future, not the past. “This is a largely sophomore and junior-dominated team,” Jackson said. “I think they’re ready to make their own mark.” • Contact Ronnie Gallagher at 704-7967-4287 or

4B • MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010

Gordon: Second again


Utah’s Wesley Matthews tries to put pressure on Kobe Bryant, right. field goal after taking a 93-89 lead with 4:10 to play. Utah has lost 15 straight to the Lakers at Staples Center, including seven playoff games. Los Angeles will host Game 2 of the best-of-seven series on Tuesday night. Carlos Boozer had 18 points and 12 rebounds for Utah. Paul Millsap and C.J. Miles contributed 16 points apiece, including several difficult baskets in the fourth quarter while the Jazz surged ahead with a 12-1 run. It wasn’t enough to stop Bryant, who took over right

FROM 1B court to boos from their own fans, down 3-2 in the series. This time, nothing but cheers. “We let ’em down in Game 5,” Josh Smith said. “We enjoyed every minute of this.” The Hawks can only hope they didn’t expend too much energy in the only first-round series to go the distance. Third-seeded Atlanta advanced to face No. 2 Orlando in the Eastern Conference semifinals. The Magic, who beat the Hawks in three out of four regular-season meetings and have been resting since a sweep of Charlotte last Monday, will host the first two games of the series beginning Tuesday night. “We’ve got to be more hungry and determined to get over the hump,” Johnson said. “We can’t just beat this team based on talent. We’ve got to play harder.” They could get away with less than 100 percent against the Bucks, whose hopes of a playoff upset were essentially undone with about two weeks to go in the regular season when

when Utah’s excited bench seemed certain it was headed to an upset win. Both teams finished their first-round series roughly 36 hours earlier, with the Lakers winning at Oklahoma City on Gasol’s last-second tip-in shortly before Utah held off Denver. Lakers center Andrew Bynum started and played 24 minutes after discovering a small tear in the meniscus of his right knee Saturday. The 7-footer wore a large brace on his knee, but didn’t appear limited while collecting eight points and 10 rebounds. Utah also has pronounced injury problems. With Andrei Kirilenko still sidelined with a strained left calf and center Mehmet Okur out for the postseason, the Jazz struggled to guard the Lakers inside when Los Angeles forced the ball down low. But the Lakers sometimes seemed disinterested, a mood matched by the crowd. After the Lakers’ consecutive losses to Oklahoma City inspired a crackling atmosphere for their blowout win in Game 5 last week, Staples Center was back to its usual relaxed state. Los Angeles gave out thousands of white T-shirts in an apparent attempt at a whiteout crowd to go with the Lakers’ Sunday white uniforms.

Andrew Bogut tumbled to the court and ripped apart his right arm. The 7-foot center was actually in uniform for the final game, but that was a mere formality — he was done for the year, watching with a large cast on his hand. “We can’t think about all the ifs,” Carlos Delfino said. “Yes, we missed his presence in the paint. But glory to the guys who kept fighting. We just tried to be as positive as we possibly could.” Not much to be positive about in the season finale. The Bucks made less than a third of their shots (28 of 86), were blocked eight times and, clearly rattled, threw up at least three airballs. They simply didn’t have enough weapons to cope with an Atlanta team that was fired up and ready to give its best. Rookie Brandon Jennings led the way with just 15 points and took 18 shots. “I think we were missing one piece, and that was Bogut,” Jennings said. “I wanted to walk out sad, but I had to keep my head up because we were down a couple players (Michael Redd also sustained a season-ending injury). We did the best we could. “We showed a lot of people that the Milwaukee Bucks can actually hang in this league.”

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Associated Press

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Bryant, Gasol too much

Busch dominated the early portion of the race, leading 221 of the first 229 laps while picking off traffic one-by-one until only eight cars remained on the lead lap. Two debris cautions helped even out the field, and Busch’s car faded to give Gordon control of the race. But Busch was lurking in second on the final restart, with five laps remaining — a short burst of racing that didn’t suit the strength of Gordon’s Chevrolet. He knew Busch would be better on the restart, and chose the inside line for the final go. “Kyle was just unbelievable on the restarts,” Gordon said. “I followed him enough times early in the race to watch him run around the bottom on the inside. I knew that if I gave him the inside, he was going to drive by me faster than he did on the outside. I was struggling on that last restart.” Just an unfortunate sequence of cautions for us that wasn’t to our favor and we finished second.”



ENGLEWOOD, Colo. — For the time being, Tim Tebow will be less improv artist and more pocket passer. The faster the Denver Broncos rookie quarterback learns the system, though, the quicker those restraints may come off. Tebow got off on the right foot during the Broncos’ rookie minicamp this weekend, impressing his new coach, Josh McDaniels, with his motivation to improve. Then again, that’s never been the issue. The knock on Tebow has centered around his throwing mechanics and footwork, precisely why McDaniels is taking a ASSOCIATED PRESS keen interest in Tebow this spring, a work- Broncos rookie quarterback Tim Tebow, in-progress McDaniels selected with the front, looks to pass under the watchful eye 25th pick in last week’s draft. of head coach Josh McDaniels. “He’s what we thought he was,” McDaniels said Saturday. “First of all, he’s a rookie. He’s made his share of mistakes act same way the other guys are going to out here. But his work ethic is what we get trained.” thought it was.” McDaniels insisted he’s not trying to Tebow may feel like every camera the turn Tebow into a cookie-cutter quarterBroncos possess is positioned to capture back, another version of someone else. his every throw. He may feel that McHe wants to allow Tebow to be himself. Daniels is constantly hovering nearby, “To me, there’s not a carbon copy that’s closely observing his every move. being sold around the NFL and saying, That’s not entirely true. Not every cam- ’OK, that’s our guy,”’ McDaniels said. “I era the team owns is trained on him. don’t think we’re looking to try to make Close though. anyone anybody else. Honestly, that’s not “Really, every player, it doesn’t matter what we’re trying to do. We’re just trying what drill you’re looking at, when you’re to get good football players that can help out there, is getting filmed,” McDaniels our team. If he rushes for two touchdowns said. “It’s just the quarterback drills are on a Sunday at some point in his career, better to see from the actual ground point great, that’s super.” of view.” In two days of work, McDaniels got to While with the Florida Gators, Tebow see a small glimmer of what Tebow had to ran a spread offense, free to read what the offer. defense was giving him and react accordThe Heisman Trophy winner and twoingly. time national champion isn’t your protoWith Denver, he will be groomed prima- typical NFL quarterback, one of the rearily as a pocket passer, just like Kyle Orsons why a few eyebrows were raised on ton, Brady Quinn and Tom Brandstater, all draft day when Denver selected him over of whom may be ahead of him on the depth more polished products like Colt McCoy chart. and Jimmy Clausen. Not that McDaniels “He will function from the pocket,” Mc- buys into that theory. Daniels explained. “If he can do something “(Sam) Bradford is totally different out of the pocket, and he deserves to be on than Colt McCoy, who’s totally different the field, that’s the biggest thing, then than Jimmy Clausen and all three of them maybe that would warrant us doing other are totally different than Tim Tebow,” things. But he’s going to get trained the ex- McDaniels said.

RICHMOND, Va. — Jeff Gordon crossed the finish line in silence, unsure of what to say after losing yet another race this season. The four-time NASCAR champion remained winless on the season after Kyle Busch beat him with a late pass Saturday night at Richmond International Raceway. Crew chief Steve Letarte was the first to finally speak, breaking the silence with a brief pep talk to the deflated No. 24 crew. “Good job guys, another good car,” Letarte said on the radio. “We’re going to get him one.” Eventually, the law of averages is going to even out and Gordon is going to get a win. Until then, though, he’ll have to suffer through frustrating near-misses that have pushed Gordon’s losing streak to 39 races. His last win was at Texas last year, and he’s actually won just one of his last 87 races. But he’s sure come close quite often. It was his eighth second-place finish since last year’s Texas victory. “It’s a little disappointing we haven’t won some races yet,” Gordon said. “If we keep doing this, those will come. We’ve got to keep putting ourselves in position.” Gordon has done a great job of doing that this year, which so far appears to be a resurgence after two sub-par seasons. He went down to the wire in an intense 2007 championship battle with teammate Jimmie Johnson, then followed it with a winless 2008. Although he finished third in last year’s final standings, he was clearly behind both Johnson and Mark Martin, the two Hendrick Motorsports drivers who beat him in the standings. This year, Gordon has been

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Associated Press


the late leader in four races only to lose because of cautions and restarts. He’s led a series-high 599 laps, but instead of wins, he’s has settled for a pair of second-place finishes and a pair of thirds. Although anxious to get back to Victory Lane, Gordon is pleased. “We’re a team that’s made huge strides, in my opinion, from last year,” he said. “Even though we finished third in the points last year, I don’t feel we were near as competitive as we are right now. That’s what I’m excited about. We’re leading laps, a bunch of laps, at a lot of different types of tracks. I think our team is really on top of our game.” Gordon led 144 of the 400 laps at Richmond, including 123 straight in a race that had just three early cautions before a flurry of late activity. With three more cautions over the final 36 laps, Gordon figured it would be too difficult to stop the late pass, particularly if Busch could put himself in contention.

Associated Press


Tebow wants to be more of a pocket passer

LOS ANGELES — Just in case the Utah Jazz forgot how K o b e Lakers 104 Bryant finJazz 99 i s h e s games, he provided another painful playoff reminder. Bryant scored 11 of his 31 points in the final four minutes, and the Los Angeles Lakers blew a fourth-quarter lead before rallying for a 104-99 victory over the Jazz in their second-round series opener Sunday. Pau Gasol had 25 points and 12 rebounds for the topseeded Lakers, who played a dismal final period before Bryant seized control. Last season’s NBA finals MVP scored seven straight points to erase Utah’s four-point lead, followed by a dynamic slice through the lane for a layup with 22.6 seconds left. The clubs are meeting in the postseason for the third consecutive year after the Lakers ended Utah’s last two seasons, including a firstround victory in 2009. In each of the teams’ previous five playoff meetings, the winner went on to the NBA finals. Deron Williams scored 24 points for fifth-seeded Utah, which managed just one more



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Expanded Standings Tampa Bay New York Toronto Boston Baltimore

W 18 16 13 11 7

L 7 8 13 14 18

Minnesota Detroit Cleveland Chicago Kansas City

W 16 16 10 10 10

L 9 10 14 15 15

Texas Oakland Los Angeles Seattle

W 13 13 12 11

L 12 13 14 14

Philadelphia New York Florida Washington Atlanta

W 14 14 13 13 11

L 10 11 12 12 14

St. Louis Chicago Cincinnati Milwaukee Pittsburgh Houston

W 17 13 12 10 10 8

L 8 13 13 15 15 16

San Diego San Francisco Colorado Arizona Los Angeles

W 16 14 12 11 11

L 9 10 13 14 14

AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division Pct GB WCGB .720 — — .667 11⁄2 — .500 51⁄2 4 .440 7 51⁄2 .280 11 91⁄2 Central Division Pct GB WCGB .640 — — 1 .615 ⁄2 1 .417 51⁄2 6 .400 6 61⁄2 .400 6 61⁄2 West Division Pct GB WCGB .520 — — 1 .500 ⁄2 4 .462 11⁄2 5 .440 2 51⁄2 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Pct GB WCGB .583 — — 1 1 .560 ⁄2 ⁄2 .520 11⁄2 11⁄2 .520 11⁄2 11⁄2 .440 31⁄2 31⁄2 Central Division Pct GB WCGB .680 — — .500 41⁄2 2 .480 5 21⁄2 .400 7 41⁄2 .400 7 41⁄2 .333 81⁄2 6 West Division Pct GB WCGB .640 — — .583 11⁄2 — .480 4 21⁄2 .440 5 31⁄2 .440 5 31⁄2

AMERICAN LEAGUE Saturday’s Games Chicago White Sox 7, N.Y. Yankees 6 Detroit 3, L.A. Angels 2 Oakland 4, Toronto 3 Texas 6, Seattle 3 Kansas City 4, Tampa Bay 2, 11 innings Baltimore 12, Boston 9 Cleveland 5, Minnesota 4, 11 innings Sunday’s Games N.Y. Yankees 12, Chicago White Sox 3 Detroit 5, L.A. Angels 1 Minnesota 8, Cleveland 3 Toronto 9, Oakland 3 Baltimore 3, Boston 2, 10 innings Tampa Bay 1, Kansas City 0 Texas 3, Seattle 1, 11 innings Monday’s Games Baltimore (Guthrie 0-3) at N.Y. Yankees (Sabathia 3-1), 7:05 p.m. Toronto (Cecil 1-1) at Cleveland (Talbot 3-1), 7:05 p.m. L.A. Angels (Saunders 1-4) at Boston (Buchholz 2-2), 7:10 p.m. Detroit (Scherzer 1-1) at Minnesota (S.Baker 2-2), 8:10 p.m. Kansas City (Meche 0-2) at Chicago White Sox (Peavy 0-2), 8:10 p.m. Texas (Harden 1-1) at Oakland (Braden 3-1), 10:05 p.m. Tuesday’s Games Baltimore at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m. Toronto at Cleveland, 7:05 p.m. L.A. Angels at Boston, 7:10 p.m. Detroit at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m. Kansas City at Chicago White Sox, 8:10 p.m. Texas at Oakland, 10:05 p.m. Tampa Bay at Seattle, 10:10 p.m.

MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010 • 5B


L10 7-3 5-5 4-6 5-5 5-5

Str Home Away W-1 9-6 9-1 W-1 7-2 9-6 W-1 7-10 6-3 L-3 5-8 6-6 W-3 4-8 3-10

L10 5-5 7-3 4-6 5-5 4-6

Str Home Away W-1 6-3 10-6 W-5 9-3 7-7 L-1 5-4 5-10 L-1 6-6 4-9 L-1 4-8 6-7

L10 7-3 4-6 4-6 3-7

Str Home Away W-3 7-6 6-6 L-1 9-5 4-8 L-3 8-9 4-5 L-3 7-5 4-9

L10 5-5 8-2 5-5 5-5 3-7

Str Home Away W-2 5-4 9-6 L-2 11-5 3-6 W-2 7-6 6-6 L-2 7-6 6-6 W-3 8-4 3-10

L10 7-3 7-3 6-4 2-8 3-7 3-7

Str Home Away W-2 10-3 7-5 W-3 7-6 6-7 L-2 6-6 6-7 L-1 4-8 6-7 L-3 5-4 5-11 L-6 5-10 3-6

L10 7-3 6-4 5-5 5-5 4-6

Str Home Away W-1 10-3 6-6 L-1 10-5 4-5 W-1 7-5 5-8 L-3 7-5 4-9 W-3 7-3 4-11

NATIONAL LEAGUE Saturday’s Games Chicago Cubs 7, Arizona 5 St. Louis 6, Cincinnati 3 Atlanta 10, Houston 1 Philadelphia 10, N.Y. Mets 0 San Francisco 6, Colorado 1 Florida 7, Washington 1 Milwaukee 2, San Diego 1 L.A. Dodgers 5, Pittsburgh 1 Sunday’s Games Florida 9, Washington 3 Atlanta 7, Houston 1 St. Louis 6, Cincinnati 0 Chicago Cubs 10, Arizona 5 Colorado 4, San Francisco 1 San Diego 8, Milwaukee 0 L.A. Dodgers 9, Pittsburgh 3 Philadelphia 11, N.Y. Mets 5 Monday’s Games St. Louis (J.Garcia 2-1) at Philadelphia (Blanton 0-0), 7:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets (O.Perez 0-2) at Cincinnati (Leake 2-0), 7:10 p.m. Arizona (C.Valdez 0-0) at Houston (F.Paulino 0-3), 8:05 p.m. Colorado (Jimenez 5-0) at San Diego (Correia 4-1), 10:05 p.m. Tuesday’s Games Atlanta at Washington, 7:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m. St. Louis at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m. San Francisco at Florida, 7:10 p.m. Arizona at Houston, 8:08 p.m. Colorado at San Diego, 10:05 p.m. Milwaukee at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m.

Rollins news not good Associated Press PHILADELPHIA — Phillies shortstop Jimmy Rollins still feels tightness in his strained right calf and says it could be the end of the month before he returns to the lineup. Rollins has been on the disabled since April 14 during warmups before Philadelphia’s home opener. Rollins said before Sunday’s game against the Mets he’d like to be back in two weeks. “I’ve pulled a muscle, I’ve strained my groin a little, but not something like this where you feel like somebody shot you. That’s different,” Rollins said. “I’ve never been in that situation. They said two to four weeks and they weren’t talking about being healthy; they were talking about determining the next step would be.”

Davis wins pitching duel with Greinke Associated Press ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Wade Davis beat Zack Greinke in a scintillating pitchers’ duel, and Evan Longoria homered in the fourth inning to lift the Tampa Bay Rays over the Kansas City Royals 1-0 on Sunday. Davis (3-1) allowed three hits, three walks and struck out five in seven innings during his latest matchup with an American League ace. The right-hander has faced the opposing team’s opening day starter — including New York Yankees lefty CC Sabathia and Boston’s Josh Beckett — in all five of his starts this year. Greinke (0-3) gave up four hits in his 10th career complete game and first this season. The 2009 AL Cy Young Award winner, who has a 2.27 ERA, struck out six. He threw 65 of 87 pitches for strikes and never went to a three-ball count. Orioles 3, Red Sox 2, 10 innings BALTIMORE — Ty Wigginton doubled home the winning run in the 10th inning following a throwing error by Boston closer Jonathan Papelbon, giving Baltimore its first three-game sweep of the Red Sox at home in 36 years. Miguel Tejada had two hits and scored a run for the Orioles, whose three-game winning streak is a season high. The Orioles swept a four-game series from Boston at Camden Yards in 1998, but hadn’t swept a three-game set against the Red Sox in Baltimore since Sept. 2-4, 1974. The Orioles are 4-2 against the Red Sox after going 2-16 against them last year. Yankees 12, White Sox 3 NEW YORK — Mark Teixeira tied a ca-


Seattle’s Ichiro Suzuki fires the ball back to the infield after a spectacular catch. reer high with four hits and Robinson Cano had a three-run homer, backing another dominant performance by Phil Hughes in New York’s rout of Chicago. Teixeira continued his emergence from an April slump with a two-run double and three singles that raised his average to .189. Nick Swisher added a two-run shot and Brett Gardner hit a rare homer to help the

Yankees take two of three in the series. Tigers 5, Angels 1 DETROIT — Justin Verlander took a one-hit shutout into the ninth inning and Miguel Cabrera hit an RBI single in a fourrun fifth, leading Detroit past Los Angeles for its season-best fifth straight victory. Verlander (2-2) retired 23 in a row before pinch-hitter Maicer Izturis singled with one out in the ninth and Erick Aybar followed with an RBI single to end the righthander’s day. Jose Valverde finished the four-hitter. Twins 8, Indians 3 CLEVELAND— Delmon Young and rookie Wilson Ramos each had four of Minnesota’s 20 hits and the Twins got another strong start from Francisco Liriano to beat Cleveland. Ramos became the first Twins player with four hits in his major league debut since Kirby Puckett on May 8, 1984. Young homered and tied a career high with his four hits. Blue Jays 9, Athletics 3 TORONTO — Shaun Marcum won for the first time since 2008, supported by homers by Fred Lewis, Alex Gonzalez and Aaron Hill in Toronto’s victory over Oakland. Rangers 3, Mariners 1 (11) SEATTLE — David Murphy hit a tying single in the ninth inning and a go-ahead sacrifice fly in the 11th, rallying Texas to a victory. Mariners starter Doug Fister allowed only three hits in eight scoreless innings, but Murphy singled off closer David Aardsma to drive in Elvis Andrus.

Carpenter nails down win against Reds Associated Press ST. LOUIS — Chris Carpenter pitched seven innings of two-hit ball and Albert Pujols broke it open with a three-run double in the seventh as the St. Louis Cardinals beat the Cincinnati Reds 6-0 on Sunday to wrap up a 6-1 homestand. David Freese homered for the third time in four games on a three-hit day. Padres 8, Brewers 0 SAN DIEGO — The San Diego Padres shut out the Milwaukee Brewers for the third time in four games on Sunday on a combined three-hitter by Jon Garland and two relievers. It was the first time the Padres had three shutouts in a series in their 42-year history. Rockies 4, Giants 1 SAN FRANCISCO — Jhoulys Chacin allowed one hit in seven scoreless innings for


Los Angeles’ Matt Kemp is out on a steal attempt. Pittsburgh’s Bobby Crosby makes the tag before he sails past the Dodger. his first major league win, Melvin Mora hit a two-run single and the Rockies avoided a three-game sweep. Cubs 10, Diamondbacks 5 CHICAGO — Alfonso Sori-

ano hit a pair of two-run homers, Marlon Byrd also hit a two-run shot and the Cubs won the last three games of the series. Dodgers 9, Pirates 3 LOS ANGELES — Andre

Ethier homered twice with four RBIS, Blake DeWitt had his first four-hit game in the majors and James Loney added a pair of run-scoring hits. Braves 7, Astros 1 ATLANTA — Jason Heyward and Melky Cabrera each drove in three runs and the Braves completed a three-game sweep that leaves the Astros with a six-game losing streak. Marlins 9, Nationals 3 MIAMI — Hanley Ramirez drove in four runs with two homers, and the Marlins took the rubber game to win a series for the first time in two weeks. Phillies 11, Mets 5 PHILADELPHIA — Shane Victorino hit a grand slam off Johan Santana and Chase Utley had a two-run shot during Philadelphia’s nine-run fourth inning, helping the Phillies pound the New York Mets on Sunday night.

S U N D AY ’ S B O X S C O R E S American Orioles 3, Red Sox 2 (10) Boston

Baltimore ab r h bi ab r h bi Sctaro ss 3 0 0 0 AdJons cf 5 0 2 0 Pdroia 2b 4 0 2 0 Markks rf 4 2 2 0 J.Drew rf 4 1 2 1 Wggntn 2b 2 0 1 1 Lowell 1b 4 0 0 0 MTejad 3b 3 1 2 0 D.Ortiz dh 3 0 0 0 Scott dh 4 0 0 0 Beltre 3b 4 0 0 0 Reimld lf 4 0 0 1 Varitek c 3 1 1 1 Montnz lf 0 0 0 0 DMcDn cf 3 0 1 0 RHghs 1b 4 0 1 1 VnEvry cf 2 0 1 0 Tatum c 3 0 0 0 VMrtnz ph 1 0 0 0 Wieters c 1 0 1 0 Hall lf 0 0 0 0 Lugo ss 4 0 1 0 Totals 31 2 7 2 Totals 34 3 10 3 Boston 000 010 100 0—2 Baltimore 000 200 000 1—3 No outs when winning run scored. E—Papelbon (1). Dp—Boston 1, Baltimore 3. Lob—Boston 5, Baltimore 9. 2b—Wigginton (4), R.Hughes (2), Wieters (3). Hr—J.Drew (5), Varitek (5). Sb—D.Mcdonald (1). Cs—Scutaro (2), Lugo (1). S—D.Mcdonald, Wigginton. IP H R ER BB SO Boston Beckett 7 6 2 2 0 6 Bard 1 2 0 0 1 2 Papelbon L,1-2 1 2 1 0 1 0 Baltimore Millwood 8 5 2 2 4 4 1 0 0 0 3 1 Ohman Albers W,2-3 1 1 0 0 1 0 Papelbon pitched to 2 batters in the 10th. T—3:22. A—34,255 (48,290).

Tigers 5, Angels 1 Los Angeles Detroit ab r h bi ab r h bi EAyar ss 4 0 1 1 AJcksn cf 5 0 3 1 BAreu rf 4 0 1 0 Damon dh 5 0 0 0 TrHntr cf 4 0 1 0 Ordonz rf 3 1 0 0 Matsu dh 4 0 0 0 MiCarr 1b 4 0 1 1 KMorls 1b 3 0 0 0 Boesch lf 3 0 1 1 HKndrc 2b3 0 0 0 Kelly lf 1 0 0 0 Napoli c 3 0 0 0 Inge 3b 4 0 1 0 Wood 3b 3 0 0 0 Avila c 3 2 2 0 Willits lf 2 0 0 0 SSizmr 2b 3 1 2 0 MIzturs ph 1 1 1 0 Santiag ss 4 1 1 1 Totals 31 1 4 1 Totals 35 5 11 4 Los Angeles 000 000 001—1 Detroit 000 041 00x—5 E—S.Shields (1). Lob—Los Angeles 3, Detroit 9. 2b—A.Jackson (7), Boesch (4), Avila (2). S— S.Sizemore. IP H R ER BB SO Los Angeles Jer.Weaver L,3-142⁄3 7 4 4 1 6 3 1 1 0 1 Bulger 11⁄3 Stokes 1 0 0 0 0 1 S.Shields 1 1 0 0 1 1 Detroit 3 1 1 0 7 Vrlander W,2-2 81⁄3 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 Valverde T—2:43. A—25,603 (41,255).

Rays 1, Royals 0 Kansas City Tampa Bay ab r h bi ab r h bi DeJess rf 3 0 1 0 Bartlett ss 4 0 0 0 Pdsdnk lf 4 0 0 0 Zobrist rf 4 0 0 0 Butler 1b 4 0 0 0 Longori 3b 3 1 2 1 JGuilln dh 3 0 1 0 C.Pena 1b 3 0 0 0 Blmqst pr 0 0 0 0 WAyar dh 3 0 0 0 Cllasp 3b 3 0 0 0 BUpton cf 3 0 0 0 Kendall c 3 0 1 0 Jaso c 3 0 0 0 Ankiel ph 1 0 0 0 Brignc 2b 2 0 0 0 Maier cf 2 0 0 0 Crwfrd lf 0 0 0 0 YBtncr ss 3 0 0 0 SRdrgz lf 3 0 2 0 Getz 2b 3 0 0 0 Totals 29 0 3 0 Totals 28 1 4 1 Kansas City 000 000 000—0 Tampa Bay 000 100 00x—1 E—Brignac (2). Dp—Tampa Bay 1. Lob—Kansas City 6, Tampa Bay 4. 2b—Dejesus (8), Kendall (4). Hr—Longoria (6). IP H R ER BB SO

Kansas City Greinke L,0-3 8 4 1 1 Tampa Bay W.Davis W,3-1 7 3 0 0 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 Choate H,3 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 Wheeler H,3 R.Soriano S,6-6 1 0 0 0 T—2:15. A—19,757 (36,973).

0 3 0 0 1

6 5 0 1 1

Blue Jays 9, Athletics 3 Oakland

Toronto ab r h bi ab r h bi Pnngtn ss 3 0 1 0 FLewis lf 3 2 1 3 Tollesn ss 1 0 0 0 A.Hill 2b 4 2 3 2 Barton 1b 5 0 0 0 Lind dh 5 0 0 0 RSwny rf 3 0 0 0 V.Wells cf 4 1 2 1 Gross rf 1 0 0 0 Overay 1b 4 0 1 0 Kzmnff 3b 3 1 2 0 AlGnzlz ss 4 1 1 2 Fox ph-3b 1 1 1 0 Bautist rf 4 0 0 0 EChvz dh 4 1 2 0 J.Buck c 4 1 3 0 ARosls 2b 2 0 2 2 JMcDnl 3b 4 2 2 1 Pattrsn lf 4 0 0 0 Dnldsn c 4 0 0 0 RDavis cf 3 0 1 1 Totals 34 3 9 3 Totals 36 9 13 9 Oakland 000 100 020—3 Toronto 420 300 00x—9 Dp—Toronto 2. Lob—Oakland 8, Toronto 6. 2b— E.Chavez (7), A.Hill (3), V.Wells (12), J.Buck 3 (8), J.Mcdonald (4). 3b—J.Mcdonald (1). Hr—F.Lewis (1), A.Hill (2), Ale.Gonzalez (8). Sb—F.Lewis (3). Sf—F.Lewis. IP H R ER BB SO Oakland Sheets L,1-3 31⁄3 10 9 9 2 2 3 0 0 0 3 Kilby 32⁄3 Breslow 1 0 0 0 0 0 Toronto 6 1 1 4 6 Marcum W,1-1 61⁄3 3 2 2 0 2 R.Lewis 12⁄3 Roenicke 1 0 0 0 0 0 T—2:33. A—14,725 (49,539).

Yankees 12, White Sox 3 Chicago

New York ab r h bi ab r h bi Kotsay rf 4 0 2 0 Jeter ss 4 1 2 1 Bckhm 2b 4 1 0 0 Cervelli 3b 1 0 0 0 AnJons cf 4 1 1 0 NJhnsn 1b 5 1 1 2 Konerk 1b 3 1 1 3 Teixeir dh 5 2 4 2 Teahen 3b 4 0 0 0 Swisher rf 4 2 3 2 Quntin dh 4 0 0 0 Cano 2b 4 2 2 3 Przyns c 4 0 0 0 Posada c 5 1 2 0 AlRmrz ss 2 0 0 0 Thams lf 4 0 0 0 J.Nix ss 1 0 0 0 Gardnr cf 4 2 2 2 Pierre lf 3 0 2 0 R.Pena 3b 5 1 0 0 Totals 33 3 6 3 Totals 4112 1612 Chicago 000 000 003— 3 New York 010 132 50x—12 E—Al.Ramirez 2 (5), R.Pena (1). Dp—Chicago 1. Lob—Chicago 4, New York 10. 2b—An.Jones (3), N.Johnson (3), Teixeira (5), Cano (6), Posada (5). Hr—Konerko (12), Swisher (4), Cano (9), Gardner (1). Sb—Pierre (10). Cs—Pierre (4). IP H R ER BB SO Chicago Buehrle L,2-4 42⁄3 10 5 5 1 3 4 6 5 2 0 T.Pena 12⁄3 2 ⁄3 2 1 1 1 2 Williams Santos 1 0 0 0 0 2 New York 4 0 0 1 6 P.Hughes W,3-0 7 Melancon 2 2 3 2 0 1 T—3:06. A—45,303 (50,287).

Twins 8, Indians 3 Minnesota ab Span cf 4 OHdsn 2b 6 Cuddyr rf 6 Mornea 1b6 Thome dh 2 Casilla dh 2 DlmYn lf 5 Hardy ss 5 WRams c 5 Punto 3b 4 Totals 45 Minnesota Cleveland

Cleveland r h bi ab r h bi 1 2 0 ACarer ss 5 1 3 0 1 3 2 GSizmr cf 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 Choo rf 4 1 1 0 0 2 0 Kearns lf 3 0 2 1 1 1 1 Peralta 3b 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 Grdzln 2b 3 0 1 0 2 4 1 AMarte 1b 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 Branyn 1b 1 0 0 0 1 4 0 LaPort dh 4 0 0 0 1 2 3 Marson c 4 1 2 0 820 7 Totals 33 3 9 2 200 020 202—8 200 010 000—3

E—Liriano (1), Marson (1). Dp—Minnesota 2, Cleveland 1. Lob—Minnesota 16, Cleveland 7. 2b— Morneau 2 (7), W.Ramos (1), A.Cabrera (6), Kearns 2 (9), Marson (3). Hr—O.Hudson (2), Thome (5), Delm.Young (3). Sb—Choo (5). S—Punto. IP H R ER BB SO Minnesota Liriano W,4-0 7 8 3 3 3 9 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 1 0 Crain H,3 0 0 0 0 0 Mahay H,1 º1⁄3 Rauch 1 0 0 0 0 1 Cleveland 5 10 4 4 2 2 D.Huff L,1-4 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 1 0 R.Perez 3 2 2 2 0 J.Wright 11⁄3 1 2 0 0 0 0 Laffey 1 ⁄3 Ambriz 1 4 2 1 0 2 D.Huff pitched to 1 batter in the 6th. T—3:16. A—12,619 (45,569).

Rangers 3, Mariners 1 (11) Texas


ab r h bi ab r h bi Andrus ss 4 2 1 0 ISuzuki rf 5 0 0 0 MYong 3b 5 0 0 0 Figgins 2b 3 1 1 0 DvMrp rf 4 0 1 2 FGtrrz cf 3 0 1 1 Hamltn lf 5 0 1 0 JoLopz 3b 5 0 1 0 Kinsler 2b 4 0 1 0 Bradly dh 5 0 1 0 Garko 1b 4 0 0 0 Ktchm 1b 4 0 0 0 Smoak 1b 3 0 1 0 Byrnes lf 4 0 0 0 Gentry pr 0 0 0 0 RJhnsn c 3 0 0 0 Treanr c 1 0 0 0 JWilson ss 4 0 1 0 MRmrz c 2 0 1 0 Guerrr ph 1 0 1 0 CWilsn p 0 0 0 0 Ray p 0 0 0 0 Oliver p 0 0 0 0 ABlanc ph 1 0 0 0 Nippert p 0 0 0 0 N.Feliz p 0 0 0 0 Borbon cf 4 1 1 0 Totals 38 3 8 2 Totals 36 1 5 1 Texas 000 000 001 02—3 Seattle 000 100 000 00—1 E—M.Young (5). Dp—Texas 2. Lob—Texas 6, Seattle 8. 2b—Jo.Lopez (4). Sb—Andrus (8), Figgins 2 (7). Cs—Bradley (2). S—Garko. Sf— Dav.Murphy. IP H R ER BB SO Texas C.Wilson 7 5 1 1 3 4 Ray 1 0 0 0 1 1 Oliver 1 0 0 0 0 1 Nippert W,1-2 1 0 0 0 1 1 N.Feliz S,5-6 1 0 0 0 0 1 Seattle Fister 8 3 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Aardsma Bs,2 League 1 1 0 0 0 0 M.Lowe L,1-3 1 3 2 1 1 1 C.Wilson pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. T—3:16. A—27,185 (47,878).

National Padres 8, Brewers 0 Milwaukee San Diego ab r h bi ab r h bi Weeks 2b 5 0 0 0 Gwynn cf 4 1 2 1 Counsll ss 4 0 1 0 HrstnJr ss 5 1 1 1 Braun lf 2 0 0 0 Headly 3b 4 0 0 0 Fielder 1b 4 0 0 0 Hairstn rf 4 3 2 2 McGeh 3b 2 0 0 0 Blanks 1b 3 1 1 1 Gerut cf 4 0 1 0 Adams p 0 0 0 0 Inglett rf 3 0 1 0 Stairs ph 0 0 0 0 Kottars c 2 0 0 0 Gallghr p 0 0 0 0 Wolf p 2 0 0 0 Torreal c 3 0 1 1 CVargs p 0 0 0 0 Salazar lf 3 0 0 0 AEscor ph 1 0 0 0 Venale rf 2 0 1 1 Villanv p 0 0 0 0 Zwdzk 2b 3 1 1 0 MParr p 0 0 0 0 Garlnd p 1 0 0 0 Coffey p 0 0 0 0 AdGnzl 1b 1 1 1 0 Totals 29 0 3 0 Totals 33 8 10 7 Milwaukee 000 000 000—0 San Diego 002 020 13x—8 E—Coffey (1), Mcgehee (4). Lob—Milwaukee 10, San Diego 11. 3b—Gwynn (1). Hr—Hairston (4), Blanks (3). Sb—Headley (8), Hairston 2 (3), Venable (6). S—Garland. IP H R ER BB SO

Milwaukee Wolf L,2-2 5 6 4 4 1 0 0 0 C.Vargas Villanueva 1 1 1 1 1 ⁄3 2 3 2 M.Parra 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 Coffey San Diego Garland W,3-2 7 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 Adams Gallagher 1 0 0 0 T—3:11. A—20,074 (42,691).

6 0 1 1 1

5 0 1 0 1

5 0 3

3 2 0

Rockies 4, Giants 1 Colorado ab Fowler cf 5 Brmes 2b 5 CGnzlz rf 4 Tlwtzk ss 5 Giambi 1b 2 Stwart 3b 1 Mora 1b 3 Splrghs lf 2 PPhllps c 3 Chacin p 3 EYong ph 0 Daley p 0 FMorls p 0 Corpas p 0

San Francisco h bi ab r h bi 2 0 Rownd cf 4 0 1 0 1 0 Bowker lf 2 0 0 0 0 0 Torres lf 1 0 0 0 2 0 Sndovl 3b 4 0 0 0 0 0 A.Huff 1b 4 1 1 1 0 0 Uribe ss 4 0 0 0 1 2 Schrhlt rf 4 0 0 0 1 1 Whitsd c 4 0 0 0 1 1 MDwns 2b 2 0 2 0 0 0 JSnchz p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Meddrs p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Velez ph 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wllmyr p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ishikaw ph 1 0 0 0 Runzler p 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 4 8 4 Totals 30 1 4 1 Colorado 000 130 000—4 San Francisco 000 000 001—1 E—Barmes (3), J.Sanchez (1). Dp—Colorado 1, San Francisco 1. Lob—Colorado 10, San Francisco 6. 2b—M.Downs 2 (3). Hr—A.Huff (4). Sb—Tulowitzki (2), Giambi (1), E.Young (4). Cs—Fowler (2). S—J.Sanchez. IP H R ER BB SO Colorado Chacin W,1-0 7 1 0 0 3 7 1 ⁄3 2 0 0 0 0 Daley 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 2 F.Morales H,1 Corpas 1 1 1 1 0 0 San Francisco 3 3 3 5 4 Sanchez L,2-2 42⁄3 1 ⁄3 3 1 1 1 0 Medders Wellemeyer 3 2 0 0 1 3 Runzler 1 0 0 0 0 2 T—3:10. A—41,831 (41,915). r 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Marlins 9, Nationals 3 Washington Florida ab r h bi ab r h bi Morgan cf 4 0 1 0 Maybin cf 4 2 1 0 Bruney p 0 0 0 0 Snchz 1b 4 1 2 1 Capps p 0 0 0 0 Badnhp p 0 0 0 0 Gzmn ph 1 0 1 0 HJones p 0 0 0 0 AKndy 2b 5 0 0 0 Leroux p 0 0 0 0 Zmrmn 3b 3 1 1 0 Lamb ph 1 0 1 2 Dunn 1b 3 0 1 1 Nunez p 0 0 0 0 Wlngh lf 3 1 0 0 HRmrz ss 5 2 3 4 WHarrs rf 2 1 1 0 Cantu 3b 4 0 0 0 Maxwll ph 0 0 0 0 Uggla 2b 4 1 2 0 Dsmnd ss 4 0 1 1 RPauln c 4 0 2 0 Nieves c 4 0 0 0 C.Ross rf 3 1 1 1 Lannan p 2 0 0 1 BCarrll lf 2 2 1 1 Batista p 0 0 0 0 JJhnsn p 3 0 0 0 Berndn rf 2 0 0 0 Helms 3b 1 0 0 0 35 9 13 9 Totals 33 3 6 3 Totals Washington 020 000 010—3 Florida 004 021 02x—9 E—Jo.Johnson (2). Lob—Washington 8, Florida 9. 2b—C.Guzman (5), Zimmerman (10), W.Harris (4), Desmond (5), G.Sanchez (8), Lamb (1), R.Paulino (4), C.Ross (6), B.Carroll (3). Hr—H.Ramirez 2 (5). Cs—Morgan (5). IP H R ER BB SO Washington Lannan L,1-2 5 9 6 6 3 2 Batista 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 2 2 3 3 Bruney 12⁄3 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Capps Florida Johnson W,3-1 6 3 2 2 4 8 12⁄3 2 1 1 0 2 Badenhop H.Jones 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Leroux H,1 Nunez 1 1 0 0 0 0 H.Jones pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. T—2:50. A—13,169 (38,560).

Braves 7, Astros 1 Houston


ab r h bi ab r h bi Bourn cf 5 1 2 0 McLoth cf 4 0 0 0 Kppngr ss 4 0 2 1 Prado 2b 4 0 0 0 Ca.Lee lf 4 0 2 0 C.Jnes 3b 3 1 0 0 Brkmn 1b 3 0 0 0 Saito p 0 0 0 0 Pence rf 4 0 0 0 Wagner p 0 0 0 0 P.Feliz 3b 4 0 0 0 McCnn c 2 2 1 0 KMtsu 2b 3 0 2 0 Glaus 1b 3 2 2 0 Fulchin p 0 0 0 0 Heywrd rf 3 2 2 3 Lyon p 0 0 0 0 MeCarr lf 3 0 2 3 Michls ph 1 0 0 0 Infante ss 4 0 2 1 Towles c 4 0 0 0 D.Lowe p 2 0 0 0 Norris p 2 0 0 0 Medlen p 1 0 0 0 Sampsn p 0 0 0 0 Conrad 3b 1 0 0 0 Blum ss 2 0 1 0 Totals 36 1 9 1 Totals 30 7 9 7 Houston 000 010 000—1 Atlanta 010 330 00x—7 E—Infante (3). Dp—Houston 1, Atlanta 1. Lob— Houston 9, Atlanta 5. 2b—Bourn (6), Keppinger (7), Heyward (4), Me.Cabrera (3). Sf—Heyward. IP H R ER BB SO Houston 8 7 7 4 3 Norris L,1-3 42⁄3 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Sampson Fulchino 2 0 0 0 0 4 Lyon 1 1 0 0 0 0 Atlanta D.Lowe W,4-2 5 6 1 1 1 3 Medlen 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 Saito Wagner 1 1 0 0 0 1 HBP—by Norris (McCann). WP—Norris. T—2:48. A—25,665 (49,743).

Cardinals 6, Reds 0 Cincinnati St. Louis ab r h bi ab r h bi Stubbs cf 4 0 1 0 Schmkr 2b 4 0 1 0 Phllps 2b 3 0 0 0 Ludwck rf 3 1 1 1 Votto 1b 3 0 1 0 Pujols 1b 4 0 1 3 Rolen 3b 3 0 1 0 Rasms cf 4 0 0 0 Bruce rf 4 0 0 0 Freese 3b 4 1 3 1 OCarer ss 3 0 0 0 YMolin c 4 0 0 0 Janish ss 1 0 0 0 Stavinh lf 3 2 2 0 L.Nix lf 3 0 0 0 Motte p 0 0 0 0 Hanign c 2 0 0 0 Mather ph 1 0 0 0 Harang p 2 0 0 0 Boggs p 0 0 0 0 Gomes ph 1 0 0 0 Crpntr p 1 1 1 0 Fisher p 0 0 0 0 Jay ph-lf 2 1 1 0 Masset p 0 0 0 0 Ryan ss 3 0 1 1 Owings p 0 0 0 0 Totals 29 0 3 0 Totals 33 6 11 6 Cincinnati 000 000 000—0 St. Louis 011 010 30x—6 Dp—Cincinnati 1, St. Louis 1. Lob—Cincinnati 7, St. Louis 5. 2b—Stubbs (2), Pujols (8), Freese (5), Ryan (3). Hr—Freese (3). Cs—Schumaker (1). S—B.Phillips, C.Carpenter. IP H R ER BB SO Cincinnati Harang L,1-4 6 7 3 3 0 6 1 ⁄3 2 2 2 0 0 Fisher 2 ⁄3 1 1 1 1 2 Masset Owings 1 1 0 0 0 2 St. Louis 2 0 0 3 8 Carpenter W,4-0 7 Motte 1 0 0 0 0 1 Boggs 1 1 0 0 0 1 HBP—by C.Carpenter (Rolen). WP—Masset. PB—Y.Molina. T—2:35. A—43,292 (43,975).

Cubs 10, Diamondbacks 5 Arizona ab TAreu 2b 5 S.Drew ss 4 J.Upton rf 4 MRynl 3b 4 CYoung cf 4 Ryal 1b-lf 4 Gillespi lf 3 Mulvey p 0 GParra ph 1 Qualls p 0 Hester c 3 EJcksn p 2 Stange p 0 Ojeda 3b 2

r 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Chicago h bi ab 2 0 Theriot ss 5 2 2 Fukdm rf 5 1 1 D.Lee 1b 2 0 0 Byrd cf 5 1 0 Tracy 3b 4 2 2 ASorin lf 4 1 0 Colvin lf 0 0 0 Fntent 2b 4 0 0 Soto c 3 0 0 Grzlny p 3 0 0 Nady ph 0 0 0 Berg p 0 0 0 Grabow p 0 1 0

r 1 1 2 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

h bi 3 0 1 0 1 1 2 3 3 1 3 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3510 1510 Totals 36 510 5 Totals Arizona 000 200 003— 5 Chicago 403 120 00x—10 Dp—Arizona 3, Chicago 1. Lob—Arizona 9, Chicago 7. 2b—T.Abreu 2 (4), A.Soriano (8). 3b— S.Drew (3). Hr—Ryal (1), Byrd (5), A.Soriano 2 (6). Sf—D.Lee. IP H R ER BB SO Arizona E.Jackson L,1-3 4 11 8 8 1 0 Stange 1 1 2 2 2 1 Mulvey 2 3 0 0 1 0 Qualls 1 0 0 0 0 0 Chicago 6 2 2 3 10 Grzelanny W,1-3 7 Berg 1 1 0 0 1 0 Grabow 1 3 3 3 1 2 HBP—by Mulvey (Nady). WP—E.Jackson. T—2:41. A—38,144 (41,210).

Dodgers 9, Pirates 3 Pittsburgh Los Angeles ab r h bi ab r h bi Milledg lf 4 0 1 0 Paul lf 5 2 2 0 5 0 0 0 Iwamr 2b 3 0 0 0 Martin c AMcCt cf 3 0 0 0 Ethier rf 5 2 3 4 Bass p 0 0 0 0 RJhnsn rf 0 0 0 0 Hanrhn p 0 0 0 0 Kemp cf 4 3 2 0 DlwYn ph 1 1 1 0 Loney 1b 4 1 3 2 GJones rf 4 2 2 1 Bellird 3b 4 1 0 0 Church rf 4 0 0 0 DeWitt 2b 4 0 4 3 AnLRc 3b 4 0 2 1 JCarrll ss 3 0 2 0 Crosby ss 4 0 1 1 Kuroda p 3 0 0 0 Jarmll c 3 0 0 0 Sherrill p 0 0 0 0 Karstns p 2 0 1 0 Belisari p 0 0 0 0 Clemnt 1b 2 0 0 0 Totals 34 3 8 3 Totals 37 9 16 9 Pittsburgh 000 100 002—3 Los Angeles 021 030 21x—9 Dp—Los Angeles 1. Lob—Pittsburgh 6, Los Angeles 7. 2b—G.Jones 2 (4), Crosby (1), Kemp (6), Loney (9), Dewitt 2 (4). 3b—Paul (1). Hr—Ethier 2 (9). Sb—Milledge (2). Cs—Kemp (6). S—Kuroda. IP H R ER BB SO Pittsburgh Karstens L,0-1 5 11 6 6 1 3 Bass 2 4 2 2 1 2 Hanrahan 1 1 1 1 0 1 Los Angeles Kuroda W,3-1 8 5 1 1 1 3 2 ⁄3 3 2 2 1 0 Sherrill 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Belisario T—2:37. A—39,339 (56,000).

Phillies 11, Mets 5 New York Philadelphia ab r h bi ab r h bi Mthws cf 4 0 0 0 Victorn cf 5 1 2 4 Castill 2b 4 1 1 0 Polanc 3b 5 2 3 1 J0sRys ss 4 0 0 0 Utley 2b 5 2 2 2 Bay lf 3 1 1 0 Howard 1b 4 2 3 1 Wrght 3b 4 1 1 3 Werth rf 4 0 2 1 Tatis 1b 4 0 1 0 BFrncs rf 0 0 0 0 Francr rf 3 1 0 0 Ibanez lf 4 1 1 1 Barajs c 4 1 2 2 JCastro ss 4 1 1 0 JSantn p 1 0 0 0 C.Ruiz c 3 1 0 0 Takhsh p 0 0 0 0 Moyer p 2 1 1 1 Felicin p 0 0 0 0 Durbin p 1 0 0 0 Catlntt ph 1 0 0 0 Baez p 0 0 0 0 Nieve p 0 0 0 0 FRdrgz p 0 0 0 0 37 11 15 11 Totals 32 5 6 5 Totals New York 300 200 000— 5 Philadelphia 200 900 00x—11 Dp—New York 1. Lob—New York 3, Philadelphia 4. 2b—Tatis (2), Utley (7), Howard (7), Werth (12). Hr—D.Wright (5), Barajas (6), Victorino (5), Polanco (3), Utley (7), Howard (5). Sb—Francoeur (2). S—J.Santana. IP H R ER BB SO New York 8 10 10 2 1 Santana L,3-2 32⁄3 5 1 1 0 1 Takahashi 11⁄3 Feliciano 1 2 0 0 0 1 Nieve 1 0 0 0 0 2 F.Rodriguez 1 0 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia 6 6 5 5 0 2 Moyer W,3-2 Durbin 2 0 0 0 1 0 Baez 1 0 0 0 0 0 HBP—by Moyer (Francoeur). T—2:45. A—45,439 (43,651).

6B • MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010


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Avon Representatives $10 to start. Earn extra income. 704-232-9800 or 704-278-2399

DRIVER NEEDED for local co. Must have CDL, 2 yrs. exper. & clean driving record. Benefits avail. Call 704-638-9987




PART-TIME JOB with FULL-TIME BENEFITS. You can receive cash bonus, monthly pay check, job training, money for technical training or college, travel, health benefits, retirement, and much, much more! Call now and learn how the National Guard can benefit you and your family! 1-800GO-GUARD.

SLT NEEDS CLASS A Team Drivers with Hazmat. $2,000 Bonus. Split $0.68 for all miles. Regional contractor positions available. 1800-835-9471.

FREE 6-Room DISH Network Satellite System! FREE HD-DVR! $19.99/mo. 120+ Digital Channels (for 1 year). Call Now - $400 Signup BONUS! 1-888-679-4649

Ads with a price ALWAYS generate more qualified calls


Hiring Experience Gutter installers ONLY! To apply, please call 704-857-2365; fax resume to: 704-857-2365; or email resume to:


Drivers Wanted Full or part time. Req: Class A CDL, clean MVR, min. 25 yrs old w/3 yrs exp. Benefits: Pd health & dental ins., 401(k) w/match, pd holidays, vac., & qtrly. bonus. New equip. Call 704630-1160 Drivers

OTR drivers CDL-A and 3 yrs exp req'd. Clean MVR. Apply in person to Trinity Transport, 317 Green Needles Rd, Lexington. 336-956-6200 Healthcare

CNA's NEEDED Primary Health Concepts, Jake Alexander Blvd., 704-637-9461


P/T Instructor Positions for Summer & Fall Semester Rowan-Cabarrus Community College seeks applications for the following part-time instructor positions for summer and fall semester: Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Microbiology, Anatomy & Physiology, Biotechnology, Developmental Math, Biology Lab, Microbiology Lab, Chemistry Lab, Physics Lab, Nursing, Computer Programming. For more details & to apply, visit our website at or contact Human Resources, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, PO Box 1595, Salisbury, NC 28145-1595. 704-216-3457. EOE

Baby Items Girl clothes. Like new! sizes: Newborn-12mos Pack a diaper box full for $25 704-603-7294 L/M

JennyLind Crib, Walnut color, adj. rails and frame. Conv. to daybed. $120.00 704-603-7294

Farm Equipment & Supplies

Building Equipment & Supplies

Farm Equipment, new & used. McDaniel Auction Co. 704-278-0726 or 704798-9259. NCAL 48, NCFL 8620. Your authorized farm equipment dealer.

NEW Norwood SAWMILLS- LumberMate-Pro handles logs 34" diameter, mills boards 28" wide. Automated quick-cyclesawing increases efficiency up to 40%! 1-800-661-7746, ext. 300N.

Clothes Adult & Children Dresses for square dance. 4 dresses, slip & shoes. $60. Please call 704-633-5486

Make Your Ad Pop! Color backgrounds as low as $5 extra* 704-797-4220 *some restrictions apply


EXPERIENCED mechanic wanted. Pay negotiable. Call Mon.-Fri., 8am-4pm. 704-636-5383


Dell computer 2350 Series with printer and desk. Rarely used. $250.00. 704-642-0645

Growing Pains Family Consignments Call (704)638-0870 115 W. Innes Street

Electronics FREE 6-Room DISH Network Satellite System! FREE HD-DVR! $19.99/mo. 120+ Digital Channels (for 1 year). Call Now - $400 Signup BONUS! 1-888-679-4649

Free Kittens to a good home. Inside only. Very playful. No calls after 9pm. 980-234-6507

Do you want first shot at the qualified buyers, or the last chance? Description brings results!

Dogs AKC Yellow Labs. 1 Male, 1 Female. 7 weeks old. Parents on site. $300. Call 336-413-1538

Furniture & Appliances Broyhill Cannonball Bed, Wood. Headboard /Footboard with rails F/Q VGC! $250.00. 980-234-4727

or Online Lawn and Garden Holshouser Cycle Shop Lawn mower repairs and trimmer sharpening. Pick up & delivery. (704)637-2856 Riding Mower. Murray 12hp. Runs good. $200 firm. Please call 704-2798134 for more info.

Couch 8' Sofabed $150.00, Vise $20.00. 704-642-1008 Dining room 48” table, 4 chairs, wood & metal with bevel glass topper, $250.00. 704-642-0645 Dishwasher, GE. White. $80 obo. Please call 336-337-1096 Leave message. Dishwasher. Kitchen Aid, stainless steel interior, great condition. $90. 336-787-5803

Massey Ferguson 135 tractor 1975 diesel with power steering, live lift & pto, good paint, good tires, good sheet metal, not sure of hrs.(meter has been changed). $5,000. CALL 704-773-4886

Hutch Oak Colonial 4 shelves, 3 drawers, 83” H x 53” W x 15” D, $250.00. 704-642-0645

Sod Drill, Tye, 14' wide, excellent condition, new discs, used, 704-6470063 anytime, leave message, $8,000 firm.

Maple Rocker $50.00, blond oak table with leaf $100.00, chest of drawers $65.00. 704-642-1138

Airdale Nursery All trees & shrubs must go! Wholesale to the public! Fri., Sat. & Sun. ONLY! 704-639-9870

Furniture & Appliances Consignment


Machine & Tools Tool box, Kobalt. $75. Air compressor, $125. Please call 704-798-2789 for more information. WORKBENCH, Heavy Duty, Refinshed with understorage, Very Heavy. Nice! $300 980-234-4727

Air Conditioners, Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Frig. $65 & up. Used TV & Appliance Center Service after the sale. 704-279-6500 Bakers Rack, wrought iron, sold oak shelves, Value $600.00, Sell $150.00. 845-337-6900

Loveseat - navy plaid, like new. $150.00 Salisbury 704-279-8986

Misc For Sale

Misc For Sale

Got something to sell that's hard to describe?

Harlequin Romance Books. 20 books. 10 are brand new. All for $10. Call 336-751-5171

Then you need our new Private Party Special! You can send us a photo and description and we'll advertise it in the paper for 15 days, and online for 30 days for only $30*! Call today about our Private Party Special!

704-797-4220 *some restrictions apply


Medical Equipment

Going stainless? LG Dishwasher, energy saver, very quiet. Can deliver. $300.00. 704-642-1501

Rascal R6-300 4 wheel mobility scooter, 400 lbs weight capacity, new $1200 OBO. Call 704209-6460 for more info.

Misc. Equipment & Supplies

CHICKS Rhode Island Red or White Leghorn (straight run) $1.50, Black Rock or Red Rock pullets $2.00, "Easter egg" Americana (straight run) $3.00. Minimum order of 6 chicks any combination. 704-970-8309 pls leave message if no answer.

Nice mower for sale. 42 in. cut with 15 hp engine. $350.00. For more info please call (704) 209-1265 Propane bottle, 100 lb, $95. Roper refrigerator, $250. H/P washer, $125. Great shape! Call 704798-1926 STEEL, Channel, Angle, Flat Bars, Pipe Orders Cut to Length. Mobile Home Truss- $6 ea.; Vinyl floor covering- $3.85 yd.; Carpet- $5.75 yd.; Masonite Siding 4x8- $15.50. RECYCLING, Top prices paid for Aluminum cans, Copper, Brass, Radiators, Aluminum. Davis Enterprises Inc. 7585 Sherrills Ford Rd. Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-9821 Stop Smoking – Lose Weight with Hypnosis. It works!! I guarantee your life will be better. HHH 704-933-1982

Wood Stove with ash pan, takes 20” wood. Brick lined. Good heater. $250.00 704-279-3760

GOING ON VACATION? Send Us Photos Of You with your Salisbury Post to:

Mattress Overstock: Sets start at T-$119, F-$149, Q-$159, K-$239. Warranties, delivery option. 704-677-6643 Nice Kenmore Microwave, $25. Perfect Flame 3 burner gas grill. $75. Used only 3 times. Please call 704-637-0134 Red sofa, extra nice. Cost $500, Sell $300. New at Christmas. 704-279-3260 Round Antique Walnut Drop Leaf Table, can add leaves, $350.00. 704279-4183 Sofa & loveseat. Beige with floral design. Good condition. $200. 336-575-0679 LM Winged chair $40.00, 4 oak chairs $90.00. Carnival glass pitcher w/4 goblets $80.00. 704-636-3768

Bed. Twin Four Poster Bed & Night Stand in Cherry, $200. Salisbury 704-279-8986


Bedroom suite, new 5 piece. All for $297.97. Hometown Furniture, 322 S. Main St. 704-633-7777

Ring - ¼ Diamond Solitare (round) with ruby and diamond wrap. Both size 6¼. $350 for set. 336-940-3196






Brittany Spaniel & Rat Terrier. 1 female, 1 male. UTD on shots & dewormed. 3 mos old. Free. 704-213-7007 or 704-213-0241

O-h-h, Darling!

Free puppies. Rotweiler mix and Chihuahua Terrier mix, 6 wks old, dewormed. 336-284-5038

Pit bull. Female, 1 year old. Free to a good home. Call 704-431-3340 for more information.

FREE, Two Bantham Roosters. Call 704-2794183 leave message.

Lark 2005 Model 5 x 8 drop axle, pewter color with spare tire & cover, wired for 110. $2,150 OBO. 704-209-6460

Misc For Sale 1988 RV, 2006 tag along camper, 1995 van, Kawasaki dirt bike, 1988 tag along 2 horse trailer, 3 thoroughbred horses. 704-782-3269 ANDERSON'S SEW & SO, Husqvarna, Viking Sewing Machines. Patterns, Notions, Fabrics. 10104 Old Beatty Ford Rd., Rockwell. 704-279-3647 Clippers. Oster Golden A5 2 speed clippers, size 5 + 10 heads with guards. $100. 704-633-9427

Let us know! We will run your ad with a photo for 15 days in print and online. Cost is just $30. Call the Salisbury Post Classified Department at 704-797-4220 or email X

Cooktop stove, Ivanhoe, kerosene. 2 burner globes & glass jug. $300. 704-633-9427

METAL: Angle, Channel, Pipe, Sheet & Plate Shear Fabrication & Welding FAB DESIGNS 2231 Old Wilkesboro Rd Open Mon-Fri 7-3:30 704-636-2349

Want to Buy Merchandise AA Antiques. Buying anything old, scrap gold & silver. Will help with your estate or yard sale. 704-433-1951. All Coin Collections Silver, gold & copper. Will buy foreign & scrap gold. 704-636-8123


(704) 797-4220

Other Pets

Free calico cat around 1 year old. Very affectionate and playful. Call 704636-8272 for more info. Free cat. Male, approx. 1 year old. Beautiful black & white cat. Owner has allergies! Please call 704-232-1816



Call 704.


Flowers & Plants

Benefits Administration Coordinator Benefits Administration Coordinator LSA Management, Inc.: FT position primarily responsible for the administration of all employee benefit programs including but not limited to health and dental insurance, wellness, flex spending, 401(k), etc. This position will train staff and be responsible for benefits implementation and coordination for multiple locations. The ability to perform basic accounting functions is preferred. Excellent written and oral communication skills and proficiency in Excel, Word and Outlook also required. A degree or concentration in business and/or benefits administration or related discipline with a minimum of five years experience is preferred. Please visit us at EOE. Send resume to: Chief Financial Officer, LSA Management, Inc., P.O. Box 947, Salisbury NC 28145 or email to:

Exercise Equipment Pro-Form Home Gym, green and black with attachments $80.00. Call 704-245-8647

Computers & Software

Human Resources



YOUR CLASSIFIED LISTINGS… Employment Pets & Livestock Notices Garage & Yard Sales Transportation Real Estate Merchandise for Sale Service Directory Rentals




$ $ $ $ $ $ $

Free dog, Chihuahua / Rat Terrier mix, Female. 704-638-6869 Free Dogs. One is Chow mix and the other is Hound mix. Call 704-6339631

Got a puppy or kitten for sale that's just too cute for words? Our Private Party Special was designed just for you! Send us a photo and description and we'll advertise the little darling in the paper for 15 days, and online for 30 days all for only $30! Call today about our Private Party Special!


Puppies. Standard Poodles. Rare & beautiful (Phantom markings), AKC, UTD shots. Spoiled rotten! $800. 704-857-7522 Puppies


Puppies. Chihuahua, CKC registered. Very cute. Have had 1st shots and deworming. Parents on site. Home raised. $250-$300. Please call 704-279-3119 or 704640-6596

Free puppies. Golden Retriever/Lab/Australian Shepherd mix, 6 wks old. 704-798-9021

Puppies. Alaskan Malamutes. 3 males, 5 females. Ready for new homes. $350 each. Call David 704-492-7901

Shih Tzu – Maltese Mix 2 boys; 4 girls. $300 each. First shots and dewormed. Call 704-2091190 or 704-202-1964 in the afternoon before 10pm.

Back by popular demand! 20% off dentals during the month of April Must be current on vaccines. Rowan Animal Clinic. 704-636-3408 for appointment.

There is a NEW group of people EVERY day, Horses looking for a DEAL in Broken Heart the classifieds.

Mini Farm

Puppies. Toy poodles. AKC. Very smart, very cute! 2 males. Chocolate, & Cafe Au Lait. All shots & wormed. Parents on site. Champion blood lines. $430 ea. 704-278-4609

• Pay your subscription online: Supplies and Services

Quality AMHA / AMHR Miniature Horses For Sale. We offer Pet, Show and Companion Horses 704-425-9907

Rabies Clinic Sat. May 8th 8am-12pm. Vaccines $10 ea. Salisbury Animal Hospital 1500 E. Innes St. 704-637-0227

• Place a vacation hold: • Send any comments: C44624

SALISBURY POST Want to Buy Merchandise Timber wanted - Pine or hardwood. 5 acres or more select or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. Call 704-278-9291.

Home Builders

315 Night club for sale. $75,000. Price Reduced due to health problems. Includes all equipment and inventory. Call me now 704-363-3370! ALL CASH VENDING! Do You Earn Up to $800/day (potential)? Your own local route. 25 Machines and Candy. All for $9,995. 1-888-7533458, MultiVend, LLC. All Cash Vending! Do You Earn Up to $800/day (potential)? Your own local route. 25 Machines and Candy. All for $9,995. 1-888-753-3458, MultiVend, LLC.

Homes for Sale

Spencer C. Lane Construction-Quality Home Builder Custom & Spec Homes 704-633-4005

Homes for Sale

Watches – Men's Old Watches and/or parts and scrap gold jewelry. 704-636-9277 or cell 704-239-9298

Business Opportunities

MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010 • 7B



Richfield, 3 BR, 2 BA, 1650 sq ft, vinyl siding, 10.49 acres, 2 car garage, den with gas logs, creek, some fencing, dog lot, Located near High Rock Dam. Priced Below Tax Value! $169,900 R50193 Penny Sides, B&R Realty 704.640.3555

Ashland Place. 1153 Greenheather Dr. 3BR, 2½BA. Great home with lots of extras!! Immaculate condition. Price reduced. Call today. MLS #49114. USDA financing still available. Teresa Rufty, TMR Realty, Inc. (704) 4332582

FSBO. Woodleaf Road 3BR, 1.5BA, 1367 sqft. Completely renovated. Hardwood floors. 1 Acre lot. Woodleaf Elementary close by. $108,000 closing cost paid. 704213-3105 or 704-7985635

Granite Quarry. 4 BR, 3 BA, cul-de-sac location, fenced back yard. Built in 2004. Over 2100 sq ft. $219,900 R49697 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

New Listing

$8,000 & $6,500 Tax Rebates Now Available for Home Buyers. For info go to:

Bank Foreclosures & Distress Sales. These homes need work! For a FREE list:


Homes for Sale


Salisbury, 3 BR, 2 BA, 1860 sq ft, Brick/Vinyl, great room with gas log fireplace, dining room, custom kitchen cab, tile in kitchen, sunroom. R49715 $178,500 Penny Sides, B&R Realty 704.640.3555

Granite Quarry. Many extras. 4 BR, 3 BA, large LR, DR, breakfast area, kitchen w/D/W & range, wrap around front porch 2 car attached garage. R50278. $174,900 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Woodleaf (Covington Heights), 602 Lockshire Lane, all brick, 3BR/2BA, enclosed & screened in breezeway, large deck in back overlooking woods, double garage, pull down stairs with floored in storage above garage, wrap around porch, gas fireplace, hardwood floors, master BR w/walk-in closet & BA w/separate shower & tub. $149,900. MOVE IN READY! 704-278-9779

CHINA GROVE 3 or 4 BR, 2 ful BA, Living Room, Den, Sunroom, Huge kitchen with bamboo flooring and lots of cabinets. Laundry room, usable basement, expandable floored attic, garage, carport. $159,900 #50200 Barbara 704-857-0539 Key Real Estate Inc.

We’ll print and distribute over 22,000 copies of your ad every week! Salisbury Post Classifieds Work!


Kannapolis/Rowan County


Beautifully Remodeled And Newly Landscaped Home!

Woodleaf. Covington Heights. 309 Lochshire Ln. 3BR, 2BA. Privacy fence, new AC/Gas Pack unit, updated flooring. ALL appliances included. $121,900. Call Michelle at 704-267-5120

Salisbury, 4 BR, 2.5 BA brick with some wood floors, fresh paint, some new windows, private backyard, nice patio, shop in basement. Well maintained. R49360 $149,900 Penny Sides, B&R Realty 704.640.3555

Faith. 1145 Long Creek. 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 2 Bonus Rooms. Master on main, Hardwood and ceramic tile floors. Storage everywhere. $219,900. Kerry, Key Real Estate 704-857-0539. Directions: Faith Rd to L on Rainey. R into Shady Creek.

3BR/1½ BA brick home. Kitchen, D/R, L/R + bonus room. All new stainless steel appliances, new washer & dryer, cement drive, new roof, H/W floors in kitchen, D/R & hall, rest of house has new carpet. $129,900. Owner will pay closing costs. 704-202-2343




Double Garage

J.Y. Monk Real Estate School-Get licensed fast, Charlotte/Concord courses. $399 tuition fee. Free Brochure. 800-849-0932

Free Stuff

Granite Quarry, secluded home on approx. 10 acres. Remodeled 4 BRs, 2.5 Bas, wood floors, granite countertops, 2 rock fpls., wet bar - much more. Call for more details. R49106. $341,000 Penny Sides B&R Realty 704-640-3555

Free kittens, all males, 2 gray, 1 solid black. 704-202-9221

BUYER BEWARE The Salisbury Post Classified Advertising staff monitors all ad submissions for honesty and integrity. However, some fraudulent ads are not detectable. Please protect yourself by checking the validity of any offer before you invest money in a business opportunity, job offer or purchase.

Free kittens. Long hair kittens. One male & one female. Indoor home only. 704-856-0308 FREE, Happy, healthy longhaired orange tabby kittens, 7 wks old to good, loving home. Call 704-278-3754 or 980234-0932. I will haul away riding mowers, tillers, go carts, golf carts or any outdoor power equip. Free! 704-647- 0036


Instruction ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. Medical, Business, Paralegal, Accounting, Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial aid if qualified. Call 888-899-6918.

Salisbury, Adorable bungalow close to shopping and I-85. Two bedrooms one bath with a nice lot. Home has been remodeled and is charming. Dream Weaver Properties of NC LLC 704-906-7207

Lost & Found

Found cat in China Grove. Large black and white (tuxedo) cat. Please call 704-798-2397 to claim. Lost German Shepard, 1 yr old, black and tan, red collar, name Chance. Stirewalt Rd area, China Grove. Call 704-837-5069

Free Camping for 1st time visitors. Get 3 days FREE at our beautiful North Carolina resort. Amazing Amenities & Family Fun. Call 800795-2199 to discover more!

Apartments & Condos for Sale

Landis, 402 S. Beaver St. 2BR. Fresh paint, thermal windows, fireplace with gas logs, utility room, attached garage, 12 x 16 finished office/shop bldg. behind home w/electricity & cable. Great neighbors in older, established neighborhood, nearby park and tennis court, 2 blocks from town. $74,900. 704-857-0094

Lovely Home


Cleveland - 4 BR, 2BA colonial on one acre+ lot. Owner has done most of the remodeling for you. 12x24 outbuilding, large deck and above ground pool. Hardwood floors thourghout. New vinyl siding, windows etc. Call today! $159,900 Dream Weaver Properties of NC LLC 704-906-7207

Alexander Place. 2 to choose. You may still have time to pick your colors on these new homes! 3 BR, 2 BA, living/dining room combo. Call for details. 49550, 49551. B&R Realty 704633-2394

China Grove. 3 BR, 2 BA. Home built in 2005. Priced at only $109,900 R49991 B&R Realty 704.633.2394


Completely remodeled. 3BR, 2BA. Owners will pay closing costs. 1202 Bell St., Salisbury. $118,000. Call for appointment 704-637-6567

New Home

Homes for Sale

Wonderful rustic log home, 1+ acre lot, wrap around porch, 3BR + loft, 2½BA, master down. Master bath w/garden tub + stand up shower, dual sinks. Great country living convenient to interstate. $189,900.

Homes for Sale

New Listing


During National Nurses Week, we recognize the dedication and achievements of today’s nursing professionals. These men and women make our community and our world a better place by providing encouragement, comfort and professional medical attention to the patients entrusted to their care. Every day, every shift, our nation’s nurses touch the lives of patients and their loved ones. We thank them for their extraordinary efforts and tireless commitment to caring.

Cozy Cape Cod, 3BR / 2.5BA, 1400 sq. ft. home in quiet settled neighborhood. Must see to appreciate. 1034 Oakmont Ct, Salisbury. Priced to sell. 704-630-0433.

Get 3 for 1! Don’t miss out on our special full-color promotion on Thursday, May 6th that will appear in the Salisbury Post, the Clemmons Courier and the Davie County Enterprise-Record!

Grand Oaks Subdiv. 1186 Oak Grove Lane 3BR, 2 full & 2 half baths. $379,000 Sheila Hudson, Allen Tate Realtors 704-640-5428


2 col. X 2 inches .......................$25 3 col. X 4 inches .......................$75 4 col. X 6 inches .....................$150


Investor's Special! House & 2 free lots in nice part of Historic Spencer, 501 6th St., single or multifamily. Great for Rehabbers, thousands below market. Won't last. $49,500. Will finance 20%. 704-202-9650

1320 Rachel Lane. Over 2,100 sf - 4 BR 2 Bath Great Room, Kitchen/ Dining Combo, Den Large Master BR and Bath with huge walk in closet. Convenient to I-85 for that easy commute! $123,700 with $3,500 in closing costs. Certified for FHA financing. MLS #49776. Teresa Rufty, TMR Realty, Inc. 704433-2582

New Listing


I'll Buy Any House


INVESTOR SPECIAL 4980 Mt. Hope Church Rd. House & 5 acres in East Rowan. Single or multi-family. $99,500. Great deal for rehabbers. Thousands below market - won't last! 704-2029650 or email:

365 D. Earnhardt Rd., Rockwell, East Rowan - 3 BR, 2 Baths, Located on 3.11 acres, Large rooms with great closet/storage space, oversized garage. A definite must see!! Priced in the 200s !! MLS #50302 Teresa Rufty, TMR Realty, Inc. (704) 433-2582

4BR/3BA in Timber Run. Approx. 4,000 SF brick home in established neighborhood, oversized 2 car garage, bonus room, walk-in closet in master BR, beautiful hardwood floors, porcelain tiles in kitchen, 2 gas log fireplaces, fenced in back yard, finished walk-out basement, storage area, workshop, & generator. E. Rowan Schools. Mins. away from I-85 & shopping $369,000. Call Tina at 980-234-2881

Touching hearts, saving lives… All in a Day’s Work.


Salisbury. Forest Creek. 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath. New home priced at only $98,900. R48764 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

3 BR, 1½ BA, 1100 sq. ft., remodeled kitchen, energyefficient windows, new carpet throughout, 24x36 double garage with attic storage & fan. Large backyard perfect for garden, pool or fun and games! Directions: Hwy 52 South, turn left between Dollar General and old Winn-Dixie store, 1st house on left after passing Dunns Mtn Baptist Church. $124,900! Call Cathy Griffin at 704-213-2464. Granite Quarry

Salisbury. A must see! Seller Motivated! Private Setting! Handicap accessible! Lots of room! Breezeway leads to oversized detached garage! $219,900. Call Debbie Prachel with ERA Premier Realty at 336.909.1284!

(980) 521-7816

Cozy Cape Cod


Rockwell. Nothing to compare in this price range! 3BR, 2BA, hardwoods, home has been taken down to studs, new sheetrock, new cabinets, granite, stainless appliances. Property qualifies for USDA. R50128A $119,900 B&R Realty Call Monica 704-245-4628. Still have time for $8,000 tax credit.


West Rowan - 401 Primrose - Perfect for that growing family!! 3,700+sf, .8 acres, 6 BR, 4 1/2 baths, large rooms, lots of storage, tile throughout. Priced in the 200s - Seller offering $2,000 in closing costs. USDA 100% Financing still available MLS #49584 - Teresa Rufty, TMR Realty, Inc. (704) 433-2582

Move in Ready!

Notices Donate Your VehicleReceive $1000 Grocery Coupon. United Breast Cancer Foundation. Free Mammograms, Breast Cancer info: Free Towing, Tax Deductible, Non-Runners Accepted, 1-888-468-5964.

West Rowan. 3BR, 2½BA. Newly remodeled 2 story. Vinyl siding w/ shutt-ers. Approx. 1,600-1,800 sq.ft. Garage with opener. Kitchen w/new appliances, energy efficient windows, new flooring hardwood/car-pet. New heat/AC unit, Trane. Big backyard w/20x 20 deck, wired storage bldg 16x20, playground. Schools: Hurley, SE, West. $165,000. Call Ron 704-636-4887

Rockwell. 2 BR, 1 BA, hardwood floors, detached carport, handicap ramp. $99,900 R47208 B&R Realty 704.633.2394 China Grove

Found black Pit Bull / Lab mix before Easter in Rainey Road area. Call to identify. 704-798-2618

Homes for Sale

SPACIOUS 2-STORY HOME Davis Farm - One of the last exterior lots available - 613 Fly Fisher Drive is .95 acres and is cleared and ready to build. Trees on the rear of the property offer great privacy. Perk is on file - Definitely a wonderful lot for your new dream home. MLS # 50324 Teresa Rufty, TMR Realty, Inc. (704) 433-2582

Homes for Sale

Granite Quarry/Salisbury


AVON - Buy or Sell Call Lisa 1-800-258-1815 or Tony 1-877-289-4437

Homes for Sale

New Construction *will be similar to photo

Or ʻ5 for $5ʼ......5 lines of text for $5

Deadline for this special section is Monday, May 3, 2010

2110 Chantilly Lane, Olde Salisbury. Hurry! Get $8,000 tax credit. Cute 3BR, 2BA. 2-car garage. Very nice area w/ payments as low as $724/mo. Financing Avail. No closing costs! Vickie 704-213-3537

Call us to place your ad! 704-797-4220

Salisbury, 946 Fairmont Avenue. $8,000 tax credit + good credit = 0 down + payments lower than rent. 4BR/2BA brick, stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer, screened porch, fenced yard. $97,000. 704-633-1311



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Gorgeous Historic Condo in the Heart of Salisbury's Premier Historic District. Must see to believe! 319 West Horah St., Fairmont Terrace. 704-202-0091. MLS#929946

Homes for Sale

Lake Property

High Rock Lake, Cute waterfront log home that has 75' water frontage. Beautiful waterfront view! 1 1/2 story home in Summer Place. Roof painted 3 yrs ago. Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704.202.3663

Proud of your company? Put your logo in the ad.

Land for Sale 4.55 ac's, wooded, hidden future homesite, well + septic, 43,900 owner fin. 704-439-3644

Woodleaf. 4440 Potneck Rd. 2-story on 2½ acres. 2,600+ sq. ft. Built 1870s, being renovated. 8 lrg rooms, hardwoods, lrg central halls, 1BA. Recently replaced windows, siding, roof, electrical, insulation & heat/air systems (separate down & up). Walking distance to Woodleaf Sch. $80,000. 7+ acres adjoining land and/or ½ acre mobile home lot across road w/septic system & water. 704-2784703 after 7pm

Land for Sale

Manufactured Home Sales

Real Estate Services

Only $69 per SF on new site built homes. Also modulars and mobiles with $0 down. 980-581-0387

Rebecca Jones Realty 310 E. Liberty St, China Grove 704-857-SELL

Salisbury Area 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 baths, $500 down under $700 per month. 704-225-8850

US Realty 516 W. Innes, Salisbury 704-636-9303

Lots for Sale

Genesis Realty 704-933-5000 Foreclosure Experts

Woodleaf. 4320 Potneck Rd. 2-story house on .67 acre. 1,985 sq. ft. living space w/attached 2-vehicle garage. 4BR, 2 full BA, living, dining, den, pantry, hardwood floors. New roof & heating/cooling system. Detached 1-vehicle garage workshop, 248 sq. ft. Walking distance to Woodleaf School. $125,000. Also: 7+ acres of adjoining land. 704-278-4703 after 7 p.m.

W. Rowan 1.19 acs. Old Stony Knob Rd. Possible owner financing. Reduced: $19,900. 704-640-3222

South Rowan. Take advantage of lower land costs and interest rates! All lots in the new Brookleaf subdivision have been reduced to builder's cost! Five lots from .94 to 3.6 acres. Near Salis., Mooresville, Concord. Wooded & basement lots are available-builders are welcome. Teresa Rufty TMR Development 704-433-2582

1.2 acre lot, 200 ft. road frontage, corner of Hobson and Cool Springs Road. Will perk. $14,500 OBO. 704-4269574 or 704-310-7066. Ask for Eric

We need used singlewides and doublewides. Call for info 336-529-2399

Manufactured Lots for Sale

Manufactured Home Sales

Rockwell. Single • Doublewide • Modular • Site Built. Rental lots available. 704-279-3265

$500 Down moves you in. Call and ask me how? Please call (704) 225-8850

Real Estate Services

2BR, 1BA Older home on 2 lots in Westwood Subdivision. Tax value $45,000. Sale price $32,500. 704-202-9697 A very nice used 14x80. 2BR, 2BA. New carpet. Fireplace. $19,900. Can be moved. 704-279-3265

Woodleaf/Cleveland Area

Arey RealtyREAL Service in Real Estate 704-633-5334

Resort & Vacation Property

1 Hr to/from Charlotte, NC nr Cleveland & Woodleaf and 3 Interstates: I-40, I77, I-85. Restricted, no mobile or mod. Very rural, mostly wooded. Good hunting, deer, small game. Frontage on Hobson Rd. Interior very secluded, a real sanctuary from cities. Needs to be sold this year. Owner phone: 336-766-6779, or E-mail to: See photos and directions at:

William R. Kennedy Realty 428 E. Fisher Street 704-638-0673

Real Estate Commercial OFFICE SPACE

Salisbury. Off 13th St. Huge lot. Could be nice home, too. Conveniently located. 1200+ sq. ft. with lots of extras. Call our office for more information. C48040. $129,900. B&R Realty 704-633-2394

Resort & Vacation Property

Mountain Getaways

American Homes of Rockwell Oldest Dealer in Rowan County. Best prices anywhere. 704-279-7997

1+ Acres $9,900 F 5 Acres $34,900

Divorce Forces Sale New Construction Must Sacrifice. Call 704-6223996

Manufactured Home Sales

Salisbury. 2 or 3 bedroom Townhomes. For information, call Summit Developers, Inc. 704-797-0200

Located near Boone & West Jefferson, NC. Big Mountain Views, Trout Stream, Gated Entrance near the New River. Call 888.952.5396 Ext. 100

Real Estate Services B & R REALTY 704-633-2394

Wanted: Real Estate

Bentley Julian Realty 704-938-2530

Century 21 Towne & Country 474 Jake Alexander Blvd. (704)637-7721

*Cash in 7 days or less *Facing or In Foreclosure *Properties in any condition *No property too small/large Call 24 hours, 7 days ** 704-239-2033 ** $$$$$$ Are you trying to sell your property? We guarantee a sale within 1430 days. 704-245-2604

New Cape Cod Style House

Owner Retiring!

Are you selling your home? 2,300 total sq. ft. Built on your land $109,986

Two commercial bldgs., four 2BR apts., all rented. 10% down, will finance balance, price $300K 704-202-5879



403 Carolina Blvd. Duplex For Rent. 2BR,1BA. $500/Mo. Call 704-2798467 or 704-279-7568 Airport Rd. 1BR, 1BA. Water, trash and yard care included. $395/mo, 704-633-0425 Airport Rd. Duplex. 2BR, 2BA. $575/mo. 2BR, 1BA $550/mo., lease + dep., water furnished. No pets. Call 704-637-0370

Apartment Management- Moving to Town? Need a home or Apartment? We manage rental homes from $400 - $650 & apartments $350 - $550. Call and let us help you. Waggoner Realty Co. 704-633-0462

Equal Housing Opportunity

KIRBY REALTY CO. 418 S. Main St. 704-633-7300 Rowan Realty, Professional, Accountable, Personable . 704-633-1071

West Side Manor 2345 Statesville Blvd. Near Salisbury Mall

Mount Pleasant, 1BR, 1BA, 3-room apartment, quiet historic district. For information, call 704-436-9176.

East area. 2BR, 1½ BA brick townhouse. Appl. furnished. Quiet. $495/mo. No pets. 704-279-3406

Rockwell Area. Apt. & Duplexes. $500-$600. 2BR Quiet Community. Marie Leonard-Hartsell at Wallace Realty 704-239-3096

Eastwind Apartments Low Rent Available For Elderly & Disabled. Rent Based on Social Security Income *Spacious 1 BR *Located on bus line *Washer/Dryer Hookups Call Fisher Realty at: 704-636-7485 for more information. Holly Leaf Apts. 2BR, 1½BA. $555. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, cable ready. 704-637-5588 Large 2BR. 2 story. Overbrook Rd. Very nice. Lease & ref. $535/mo. Daytime 704-637-0775

Colonial Village Apts.

Rowan Hospital area. 2BR, 1BA. Heat, air, water, appl. incl. $695. 704-633-3997

Lovely Duplex “A Good Place to Live” 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Affordable & Spacious Water Included 704-636-8385

Deer Park Apts. Cleveland, NC. Now accepting applications. No application free. Free rent. 704-278-4340 Sect 8 accepted.


China Grove. 2BR, 2BA. All electric. Clean & safe. No pets. $575/month + deposit. 704-202-0605

Clean, well maint., 2 BR Duplex. Central heat/air, all electric. Section 8 welcome. 704-202-5790

Mitchell Place Luxury Apartments $695/mo. 704-239-0691 Chambers Realty Moreland Pk area. 2BR all appls furnished. $495-$595/mo. Deposit negotiable. Section 8 welcome. 336-247-2593

Rockwell area. Nice 1BR, $425/mo. and 2BR, $450/mo. No pets. Deposit req. 704-279-8428 Rolling Hills Townhomes 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms Salisbury's Finest! 315 Ashbrook Rd 704-637-6207 Call for Spring Specials! Salisbury 2 & 3 BR duplexes, total elec, A/C, no deposit w/good refs. $450-$595. 704-637-7222 Salisbury area. 1BR, 1BA Mature tenant only. $350/mo. + deposit. 704857-8245 Salisbury City. 2BR, 1BA. Very spacious. 1,000 sq. ft. $450/mo. + dep. 704-640-5750 Salisbury City. 2BR, W/D hook-up, utilities pd by tenant. $400/mo 704-202-5879 Salisbury, in town. 1 & 2 BR. Nice, well maintained, responsible landlord. $415-$435. 704- 642-1955

Did you know you can sell your stuff for


BEST VALUE Quiet & Convenient, 2 bedroom town house, 1 ½ baths. All Electric, Central heat/air, no pets, pool. $550/mo. Includes water & basic cable.


Clancy Hills Apartments 100 Clancy Street Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-6408 Now accepting applications for 3BR apts. Please call or come by M-F 9-12 Section 8 -- No Pets Rent based on Household income


KEY REAL ESTATE, INC. 1755 U.S. HWY 29. South China Grove, NC 28023 704-857-0539


2BR, 1BA spacey apartment. We furnish water/sewer and garbage pick up. Has appliances. $525/mo. + $300 deposit. Call Rowan Properties, 704-633-0446

Apartments China Grove. One room eff. w/ private bathroom & kitchenette. All utilities incl'd. $379/mo. + $100 deposit. 704-857-8112

Forest Glen Realty Darlene Blount, Broker 704-633-8867

Investment Property

2BR, 1BA Near hospital. Central heat/AC. $450 per month + deposit. No pets. 704-279-3518

Airport Rd., 1BR with stove, refrig., garbage pickup & water incl. Month-month lease. No pets. $395/mo+$200 deposit. Furnished $420/mo. 704-279-3808


15 minutes N. of Salisbury. 2001 model singlewide 3 bdr/2 bath on large treed lot in quiet neighborhood. $1,200 start-up, $475/month includes lot rent, home payment, taxes, insurance. RENT or RENTTO-OWN. 704-2108176.

Apartments 2 BR, 1 BA Eaman Park Apts. Near Salisbury High. $375/mo. Newly renovated. No pets. 704-798-3896

25 Acres Beautiful Land for Sale by Owner

Homes for Sale



Make Extra Money Get Rid of Things You Don’t Need

Valued 500 and Under at No Cost Sell Items from Your Home or Office - 24/7 $



Need help? Don’t have a computer? $$ $ $ $ $ $ $

Apartments 1, 2, & 3 BR Huge Apartments, very nice. $375 & up. 704-890-4587

Looking for a better place to live?

Very nice homes!

You can fax your information to: 704-630-0157 or drop it in the mail — Salisbury Post Free Ads, 131 W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC 28144. Ads must have dollar amount and phone number. Limit 4 free ads per month; Excludes weapons and pets for sale.

d tinued col Sunny, con º / 19º 38 10C Forecast

of the real estate buyers in the Rowan County market* No other local media reaches as large a home-buying audience as the Salisbury Post and

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- 3 Bedrooms / 3.5 Bathrooms - Bonus room with full bath - Tall, tray and vau lted ceilings Ceramic tile and wood floors

- Walk in pantry - TV niche above fireplace for HDT V - Covered porche s Raised patio


Go to click on Post Your Classified Ad Online - Click on FREE ADS

Tell your realtor to advertise in the only product that reaches

er with canc le tt a b ’s A boy


8B • MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010

In fact, no one even comes close. Call your realtor to get your home listed in color in the paper and online at

- On demand gas hot water heater - Quiet cul de sac street - Close to town, No city R46575A $279 900 taxes

*combined reach of Salisbury Post and


Free Rent! Free utilities! 704-239-0691

Houses for Rent Milford Hills. Brick 4BR, 2½BA, living room, den w/fireplace. $1,000/mo. Call 336-662-7929


Salisbury, Near Downtown. Spacious, 2BR/1BA duplex. Living rm, dining rm, kitchen, W/D closet, ample storage/parking/deck. Gas heat, AC, central vac. Stove, refrig, dish washer, disposal. Hrdwd flrs. Quiet. $750 + utilities. Direct TV avail., Wifi incl'd. 704-633-1235 Salisbury-Downtown. Two bedroom/1 bath loft style apartment in the old Cheerwine Building. Nice open living area. $750.00 Call Waggoner Realty Co. at 704-633-0462 Salisbury. 1 BR efficiency, refrig. & stove, move in for $300 & up. $150 dep, water incl'd, refs. 704-431-0625 Spencer 1 rm & ba, Priv. ent. Singles only. No kitchen, $80/wk. Incls utilities. Unfurnished. Refs. No dep. 704-202-5879 Spencer Historic Area. 1 BR Apt., seniors welcome. $395 per mo + dep. Ryburn Rentals 704-637-0601 White Rock Garden Apts 1BR elderly units, located in Granite Quarry, w/handicap accessible units available. Sect. 8 assistance available. 704-2796457, 8am - 1pm TDD Relay 1-800-735-2962

Salisbury-Wiltshire Village for rent. Two bedroom/1 1/2 baths. Townhouse style unit. $550.00 Call Waggoner Realty Co. 704-633-0462 Wiltshire Village Condo for Rent, $700. 2nd floor. Looking for 2BR, 2BA in a quiet community setting? Call Bryce, Wallace Realty 704-2021319

Houses for Rent 4BR, 2BA w/deck. Country living in Rockwell. East Rowan area. $800/mo. 704-603-8181 American Dr., Salis. 3BR, 2BA. Refrig., stove, dishw. No pets. Rent, $715, $500 deposit. Call Rowan Properties, 704633-0446 China Grove/Landis Area

3BR/2BA (possibly 4 bedrooms) with attached carport in a country setting. Barn, pasture and garden space available. $875/month + deposit. 704-857-8406 Cleveland, 2BR / 2BA, ½ ac. Refrigerator & stove included. Excellent condition $525/mo. Contact Shelby 704-201-1070 Cleveland-3 bedroom/ 1bath house off Main St. Appliances, central heat & air, hard wood floors. $600.00 Call Waggoner Realty Co. 704-633-0462 Country Club/Park Area Rent to Own. 4BR, 3BA. 2000 sq ± Can include 2BR guest house on property. $15,000 dn. $1,000/mo. 704-630-0695 E. Ridge Rd. 3BR/1½BA, all elec., stove & refrig., Sect. 8 OK. $695/mo. + dep. 704-633-6035 East Rowan. 185 Carter Loop St. 3BR, $575/mo. Salisbury. 212 Roy St. 4/5BR, $475/mo. 704-425-4445

East Rowan. 3BR, 2BA. Nice home, quiet neighborhood. Hardwood and tile throughout. Appliances included. No pets. $850/mo. + deposit. 704-239-4962

Granite Quarry. 3BR, 2BA. carport & storage. Safe. All electric, near elementary school. No pets. $800/mo. 704-202-0605

HOUSE FOR RENT Cabarrus County, off Hwy 52. 2BR, 1BA, clean house. Mt. Pleasant school district. No pets allowed. $700/mo. + $500 dep. 704-279-8687 Houses: 3BRs, 1BA. Apartments: 2 & 3 BRs, 1BA Deposit req'd. Faith Realty 704-630-9650 Kannapolis. 1014 East First St. 3BR, 1½BA. Duplex $555/mo. Kannapolis. 314 North Ave. 3BR, 2BA. $895/ mo. KREA 704-933-2231

Lease to Own!

Off Organ Church Rd. 3BR, 2BA. Very nice brick home with 3 stall horse barn, tack room, and 5 acres. $1,350/mo. + deposit. 704-633-5067 Old Concord Rd. Salis. 3BR, 1BA. Refurbished, new carpet. Has fridge and stove. No pets. Rent $599 + $500 dep. Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 Rent to Own 2BR partially fenced. Central heat/ac Hrdwds. $5,000 down $500/mo. 704-630-0695

RENTED My ad started on Friday & I rented my house on Saturday! ~ P.P., Salisbury

RENTED Rockwell 2BR/1BA, H/W floors, appls, central H/A, $600/mo + dep. 704-2796850 or 704-798-3035 Salis. nr hosp. 3BR, 1BA. Cent. heat/air. $650, 1st & last month's rent & cleaning dep. No Sect. 8. No pets. Before 5pm, 704-636-4251 Salisbury & Mocksville HUD – Section 8 Nice 2 to 5 BR homes. Call us 1st. 704-630-0695 Salisbury 2BR / 1BA, appls, elec. H/A unit, storage bldg, $450/mo + dep. 704-2796850 or 704-798-3035 Salisbury 2BR. $525 and up. GOODMAN RENTALS 704-633-4802 Salisbury, 1BR/1BA, 71 Hill St., all appls furnished, $450/mo + dep. Limit two. 704-633-5397. Salisbury, city limits. 2 - 3BR. $450-$700. Central HVAC. 704-2394883 Fountain Quarters Realty Broker Salisbury- Hidden Creek. 2 bedrooms/2 baths. Ground level across from Clubhouse. No pets or smokers. $850.00 Call Waggoner Realty Co. at 704-633-0462 Salisbury. 138 Crawford St. 1BR, 1BA. Stove, refrigerator, W/D hook-up. $395/mo. + deposit. 704-633-5397

Salisbury. 3 & 2 Bedroom Houses. $500-$1,000. Also, Duplex Apartments. 704636-6100 or 704-633-8263 Salisbury. 3BR, 1½BA. $700/month. Deposit & references. No pets. Call 704-855-2100 Salisbury. 3BR, 2 full BA Remodeled in '08. Central heat & AC. $850/mo. 980-521-4382 Salisbury. 3BR, 2BA. Designer Home in City. Minutes to I-85/Lowe's Shopping Center. Garage, hardwood floors, central air, dishwasher, W/D, yard maintenance incl, $900 rent + deposit. 704-636-8188 Salisbury. 525 E. Cemetery St. 3BR, 1BA. Sect. 8 OK. $600/mo. No pets. 704-507-3915

Vintage Charm!

Near Livingstone. 3 BR, 1 BA. Nice, refurbished inside (like new). Has refrig & stove. $575/mo. + $500 deposit. Call Rowan Properties, 704-633-0446

Numerous Commercial and office rentals to suit your needs. Ranging from 500 to 5,000 sq. ft. Call Victor Wallace at Wallace Realty, 704-636-2021

Salisbury. We have office suites available in the Executive Center. With all utilities from $250 and up. Lots of amenities. Call Karen Rufty at B & R Realty 704-202-6041

Autos Dodge

MILLER HOTEL Rooms for Rent Weekly $110 & up 704-855-2100

Great Deal!

Salisbury. On bus line, furnished. Laundry, cable, clean. City's Best! $105 and up. Call 704-640-5154 Dodge, 1993, Ram 350 Dually. Cummings Diesel. King Cab. Very good condition, very clean. Power windows, cruise, tilt. 150,000 miles. $4,995. 704-637-7327






ELLIS AUTO AUCTION 10 miles N. of Salisbury, Hwy 601, Sale Every Wednesday night 6 pm.

Financing Available!

HONDA, 2003, ACCORD EX. $500-700 down, will help finance. Credit, No Problem! Private party sale. Call 704-838-1538

Salisbury, Kent Executive Park office suites, $100 & up. Utilities paid. Conference room, ample parking. 704-202-5879 Salisbury. Six individual offices, new central heat/air, heavily insulated for energy efficiency, fully carpeted (to be installed) except stone at entrance. Conference room, employee break room, tile bathroom, and nice, large reception area. Perfect location near the Court House and County Building. Want to lease but will sell. Perfect for dual occupancy. By appointment only. 704-636-1850 Spencer Shops Lease great retail space for as little as $750/mo for 2,000 sq ft at. 704-431-8636

Manufactured Home for Rent

Ford, 2005, Taurus. 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL. CALL NOW! View our inventory at:

Mercedes, 2006 S430 Automatic, silver w/ ashe leather interior, all power options, sunroof, power trunk, air ride, nav, heated seats. Loaded, needs nothing!! 704-603-4255

Spencer. 2 large BR, 1½ BA. New heat and air, carport, and appliances including washer & dryer. Large yard with garden space. Partially fenced. $700/mo. + deposit. 704-223-4662

Office and Commercial Rental 2,100 sq ft warehouse with loading dock. Walk-in refrigerator. Bradshaw Real Estate. 704-633-9011 23,000 sq ft manufacturing building with offices for lease. Bradshaw Real Estate. 704-633-9011 450 to 1,000 sq. ft. of Warehouse Space off Jake Alexander Blvd. Call 704279-8377 or 704-279-6882

Commercial warehouses available. 1,400 sq. ft. w/dock. Gated w/security cameras. Convenient to I-85. Olympic Crown Storage. 704-630-0066

12,000 sq ft building on Jake Alexander Blvd. Could be office or retail. Heat and air. Call 704-279-8377

Prime Location, 1800+ sq.ft. office space 4 private offices, built in reception desk. Large open space with dividers, 2 bathrooms and breakroom. Ample parking 464 Jake Alexander Blvd. 704 223 2803

Chevrolet, 2005, Impala. 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL. CALL NOW! View

Dodge, 2003, Stratus RT. 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL. CALL NOW! View our inventory at:

our inventory at:

Ford 2007 Focus SE, 4 door, power windows and locks, A/C, AM/FM, MP 3 player, 48,000 miles, excellent. $9,100. You'll pass by several gas stations before stopping to fill up! 704-278-2110

Chevy, 2005 Malibu Classic Silver w/ gray cloth interior 2.2 four cylinder, auto trans, cd, all pwr, clean interior, pwr driver seat, cruise, like new tires, super on gas! 704-603-4255

View our inventory at:

View our inventory at:

Chevy, 2009 Cobalt Black w/ gray cloth interior am, fm, cd, 4 cylinder,auto, like new 24,000 miles, nonsmoker, extra clean inside and out, aluminum alloy wheels wrapped in good tires,cheap newer car for a great price. 704-603-4255

Eclipse, 2001 GT Red with black cloth interior AM, FM, CD, aluminum wheels new tires, sunroof, v6 5 speed tranny runs & drives great!! 704-603-4255

Ford, 2004 Taurus White with gray cloth interior am, fm, cd, V6 automatic, cold AC, chrome rims with good tires, runs & drives great! 704-603-4255



Ford, 2010, Mustang. REDUCED! 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL. CALL NOW! View our inventory at:

Nissan, 2002 Maxima SE pearl white w/tan leather interior 3.5 v6 , auto tranny, Bose all pwr options, duel pwr seats, sunroof, aluminum alloy wheels, like new tires, runs and drives excellent! 704-603-4255

Honda, 1990 Prelude White with gray cloth interior 2.0 4 cylinder with auto tranny, am, fm, cd, cold ac, low miles, after-market rims, good tires. Great gas saver. 704-603-4255

Nissan, 2005 Altima SL Black leather interior 3.5 V6 with auto tiptronic, duel heated seats, Bose am, fm, 6 disk cd changer, sunroof, alloy rims wrapped in like new tires, runs & drives good. READY FOR DELIVERY. 704-603-4255

Lincoln, 1998 Town Car, Executive Series. Only 90,000 miles! 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL. CALL NOW! View our inventory at:

Pontiac, 1999, Firebird. Only 29,000 miles! 1 owner! 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL. CALL NOW!

Bostian Heights. 1 & 2BR. Trash, lawn, & water service. No pets. Rent + deposit. 704-857-4843 LM

Suzuki, 2007, Forenza. 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL. CALL NOW! View our inventory at:

Volkswagon, 2006, . 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL. CALL NOW! View our inventory at:

Volvo, 2001 V70 XC Cross Country AWD Wagon. Gray w/ tan leather interior 2.4 five cylinder turbo backed with auto trans, duel pwr seats, sunroof, all pwr options, extra clean needs nothing!! 704-6034255

Bostian Heights. 2BR, 1BA. 1 mile from Carson High. No pets. $400/mo. + deposit. 704-239-2833 East area, 2 bedroom,

trash and lawn service included. No pets. $475 month. 704-433-1255 East Area. 2BR, water, trash. Limit 3. Dep. req. No pets. Call 704-6367531 or 704-202-4991 Faith. 2BR, 1BA. Appl., water, sewer, trash service incl. $475/mo. + dep. Pets OK. 704-279-7463 Faith. 2BR, 1BA. Limit 3. No pets. Rent: $375. Deposit: $375. Call 704279-2939 Faith. 2BR, 1BA. Very nice. ½ acre lot. Limit 3. No pets. Ref. $400. 704279-4282 or 704-202-7294 Gold Hill. 2BR, 1BA. $450 + deposit. Call 704633-7656 or 704-7960491 Old Concord Rd. 2BR, 1BA. Private lot. 2 person limit. $375/mo. + deposit. 704-640-5750

RENTED I rented my house in 10. More great results from advertising in the Post! ~ L.S., Salisbury

RENTED Rockwell. Nice 2BR under $460/mo + dep, incls water, sewer, & trash pick up. No pets. 704-640-6347 Roseman Rd. area. 2 BR. No pets, appliances & trash pickup incl. $525/ mo. + dep. 704-855-7720 Salisbury City, E. Lafayette St., 1, 2 & 3 BR S/W mobile homes. $350-$400 + dep. Water incl'd. No pets. Background check. 704-634-4959 West & South Rowan. 2 & 3 BR. No pets. Perfect for 3. Water included. Please call 704-857-6951

Resort & Vacation Rentals North Myrtle Beach

Ocean Front Condo

Corner Lot Rowan Co., Kannapolis. 4BR/2BA. Storage shed with secluded lot. Central heating & air. Owner financing available. $900 per mo. plus 704 8578406.

Granite Quarry -Best Deal Commercial Metal buildings and office space. 300-1800 SF. Utilities and gated parking available. 704-279-4422

Rooms for Rent

FREE RENT Carolina Piedmont Properties. Call for details. Sec 8 OK. 704-248-4878 G.Q. 3BR, 1BA quadplex, carport. East Salisbury. 3BR, 2BA duplex, all electric. 704-638-0108

Office and Commercial Rental


“Equal Housing Opportunity”

Condos and Townhomes

MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010 • 9B


2BR, 2BA Ocean front condo. Sleeps 6, fully equipped. Outdoor pool. Quiet family area, yet close to shops and restaurants. Locally owned. Reasonbly priced. 704-603-8647

Roommate Wanted Share nice 4BR/2BA home in Landis, easy access to I-85. Will have own bedroom & bath, plenty of storage, spacious common area, all utilities including internet & dish, plenty of pkg, large yard. Ideal for student or single person, $500 per mo. Serious inq's 704-743-8079

Rooms for Rent Salisbury

Great Furnished Pad!

One or two persons, no pets, utilities included 800 sq. ft., microwave, refrigerator, sheets & towels, cable & DVD also included. Private parking & entrance. $150-$175/wk + security deposit. By the way, two great landlords! 704-6474896 or 704-213-1067

View our inventory at:

Volvo, 2006 S60 2.5T Onyx black with cream leather interior, sunroof, cd player, all power, alloy wheels, super nice! 704-603-4255

Ad writing tips The More You TELL… The More You SELL AUTOS FOR SALE Make Year Body Type Motor (V-8, Horsepower) Transmission Power Equipment Finish Mileage Previous Use (One Owner?) Mechanical Condition Accessories Tires Interior Price, Terms, Down Payment Your Phone Number/Email

HELP WANTED Kind of Job Hours Security Benefits Facilities Vacation Privileges Advancement Opportunity Wages Experience Necessary Qualifications Location How To Apply

LIVESTOCK & PETS Kind of Animal Breed Age Size or Weight Color, Markings Registered? Price Your Phone Number/Email


Location Number of Rooms Closets Bath, Shower Garage Heating/Air Conditioning Furnishings Utilities Furnished Elevator Neighborhood Convenience to Schools, Stores and/or Transportation Pets Allowed When Available Price Your Phone Number/Email


Location Construction (Frame? Brick?) Architecture, Landscaping Number of Rooms, Description Number of Bedrooms, Bathrooms Condition, Age Possession Date Convenience to Stores, Schools and/or Transportation Lot Size, Zoning Garage Renovations Kitchen (Disposal?) Basement, Recreation Room City Sewer, Utilities Heating/Air Conditioning Fireplace Plumbing Built-ins, Closets Features for Children/Pets Price, Terms, Down Payment Your Phone Number/Email

MERCHANDISE and MISCELLANEOUS Item Brand Name Size Age Color Condition Specifications Previous Usage Upholstery Finish Accessories & Attachments Hours to See Offering Price Your Phone Number/Email

FARM/LAWN ITEMS Item Make (Brand Name) Model Year Condition Overhauled Attachments Hours of Previous Use Paint Price Your Phone Number/Email

BUSINESS SERVICES Kind of Service Experience Special Equipment Trained Personnel Guarantee Follow-Up Service Hours Insured? Bonded? Prices Your Phone Number/Email

Classifieds & 131 West Innes Street, Salisbury


10B • MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010

Air Conditioning and Heating GRANT'S SERVICE & REPAIR Get your air conditioner serviced now and be ready for the summer. Licensed & Insured. Call 704-633-0753

Auctions Auction Thursday 12pm 429 N. Lee St. Salisbury Antiques, Collectibles, Used Furniture 704-213-4101 BLUE RIDGE Parkway Land Auction48+/acres near mile marker 190 is offered in 3 tracts and features a Cabin, Hayfields, Pond, Stream and Christmas Trees. Property Address: 110 Renfro Ridge Road, Hillsville, VA 24343. Auction held at Olde Mill Golf Course - Laurel Fork, VA on May 22 at NOON. See details at or contact Woltz & Associates, Inc., Brokers and Auctioneers (VA#321) 800-551-3588. Cameron L. Rogers Auction Appraisal NCAL #8775


Cleaning Services

Grading & Hauling

Home Improvement

Junk Removal

R. Giles Moss Auction & Real Estate-NCAL #2036. Full Service Auction Company. Estates ** Real Estate Had your home listed a long time? Try selling at auction. 704-782-5625

C.R. General Cleaning Service. Comm. & residential. Insured, Bonded. Spring Cleaning Specials! 704-433-1858

Beaver Grading Quality work, reasonable rates. Free Estimates 704-6364592

Browning ConstructionStructural repair, flooring installations, additions, decks, garages. 704-637-1578 LGC

Grading, Clearing, Hauling, and Topsoil. Please Call 704-633-1088

Garages, new homes, remodeling, roofing, siding, back hoe, loader 704-6369569 Maddry Const Lic G.C.

WILL BUY OLD CARS Complete with keys and title, $150 and up. (Salisbury area only) R.C.'s Garage & Salvage 704-636-8130 704-267-4163

Real Estate Auction May 14th @ 1:00pm. 5 UNIT Apartment Complex. Ingram Street, Fayetteville, NC. $180,000 Reserve/10% Buyer's Premium. Call 910-270-5044. -MBarber, NCAL 7734. Rowan Auction Co. Professional Auction Services: Salis., NC 704-633-0809 Kip Jennings NCAL 6340. Tony McBride Auction Your Full Service Auction Co. One Piece/Entire Estate. 704-791-5625. NCAL 6894

Heritage Auction Co. Glenn M.Hester NC#4453 Salisbury (704)636-9277

Job Seeker meeting at 112 E. Main St., Rockwell. 6:30pm Mondays. Auction every Saturday at 7pm. KEN WEDDINGTON Total Auctioneering Services 140 Eastside Dr., China Grove 704-8577458 License 392 Land Auction- Greenville & Pitt County, NC, 138 total Acres - Divided, Golf Course Community development tracts & Homesites, also eight excellent Mini-Farms Thursday, May 20th10:00AM4950 Old Pactolus Rd. www.HouseAuctionComp, 252-729-1162, NCAL#7889 Land Auction- Saturday, May 15, 2010, 32.52 Acres +\- Caudle Mill Road, Yadkinville, NC. About half in timber with a small pond. Sale subject to owner's confirmation. 5% Buyer's premium will apply. Contact Grady Park, 336263-3957 for information or visit www.parkauctionrealty.c om. NCAFL8834.

All types concrete work ~ Insured ~ NO JOB TOO SMALL!

Heating and Air Conditioning

Call Curt LeBlanc today for Free Estimates

Piedmont AC & Heating Electrical Services Lowest prices in town!! 704-213-4022

Drywall Services

Home Improvement

OLYMPIC DRYWALL & PAINTING COMPANY For All Your Drywall & Painting Needs Residential & Commercial

Carport and Garages

Lippard Garage Doors Installations, repairs, electric openers. 704636-7603 / 704-798-7603

A HANDYMAN & MOORE Kitchen & Bath remodeling Quality Home Improvements Carpentry, Plumbing, Electric Clark Moore 704-213-4471

Perry's Overhead Doors Sales, Service & Installation, Residential / Commercial. Wesley Perry 704-279-7325

We Build Garages, 24x24 = $12,500. All sizes built! ~ 704-633-5033 ~

Child Care and Nursery Schools Nanny Available for vacation, couples night, shopping time. Call for information for extended times. Also have exper w/ autistic children & food allergies. 704-640-4485

Cleaning Services Wife For Hire Inc.,

Apple House Construction Co.

Fencing Free Estimates Bud Shuler & Sons Fence Co. 225 W Kerr St 704-633-6620 or 704-638-2000 Price Leader since 1963

The Federal Trade Commission says companies that promise to scrub your credit report of accurate negative information for a fee are lying. Under federal law, accurate negative information can be reported for up to seven years, and some bankruptcies for up to ten years. Learn about managing credit and debt at A message from the Salisbury Post and the FTC.

Call Dale Litaker 704-633-5067 704-647-4774

Granite & solid surface for kitchens & baths, cultured marble vanity tops, tubs & enclosures, standard & custom walk-in showers. FREE ESTIMATES!

Brisson - HandyMan Home Repair, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, etc. Insured. 704-798-8199

We also clean GREEN!

Guttering, leaf guard, metal & shingle roofs. Ask about tax credits.

Septic Tank Service Lawn Maint. & Landscaping

Lawn Maint. & Landscaping

HMC Handyman Services No Job too Large or Small. Please call 704-239-4883

David Miller Septic Tank Co. Installation/ Repairs “Since 1972� 704-279-4400 or 704-279-3265

Pools and Supplies Bost Pools – Call me about your swimming pool. Installation, service, liner & replacement. (704) 637-1617

Eddleman's Landscape Services For all your landscape needs. Free estimates Patios, walkways, fences, retaining walls, plantings, mulch, drainage, lighting

Hometown Lawn Care & Handyman Service. Mowing, pressure washing, gutter cleaning, odd jobs ~inside & out. Comm, res. Insured. Free estimates. “No job too small� 704-433-7514 Larry Sheets, owner

The Floor Doctor Wood floor leveling, jacks installed, rotten wood replaced due to water or termites, brick/block/tile work, foundations, etc. 30 YEARS EXP. 704-933-3494

Junk Removal

Pressure Washing

NC LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR 1589 704-630-1126 H 704-267-8694

NC Licensed General Contractor. 36 years experience. Quality Work. Reasonable prices. 704-633-3584 www.professional

AAA Trees R Us Bucket Truck Chipper Stump Grinding Free Estimates

Earl's Lawn Care ~ Pressure washing decks, houses, & driveways. 704636-3415 / 704-640-3842


Lawn Equipment Repair Services

Manufactured Home Services

Lyerly's ATV & Mower Repair Free estimates. All types of repairs Pickup/delivery avail. 704-642-2787

Mobile Home Supplies~ City Consignment Company New & Used Furniture. Please Call 704636-2004

Lawn Maint. & Landscaping

Moving and Storage

Brown's Landscape & Backhoe Bush hogging, tilling for gardens & yards. Free Est. 704-224-6558 DJ's Service: Mowing & Lawncare plus bushog, mulching, tree removal, grading & hauling. 704857-2568 /or 798-0447

Earl's Lawn Care 3 Mowing 3 Seeding 3 Fertilizing 3 Aerating 3 Trimming Bushes 3 Pressure Washing 704-636-3415 704-640-3842

We will come to you! F David, 704-314-7846

GAYLOR'S LAWNCARE For ALL your lawn care needs! *FREE ESTIMATES* 704-639-9925/ 704-640-0542

CASH FOR JUNK CARS And batteries. Call 704-279-7480 or 704-798-2930

Outdoors by overcash Mowing, Mulching, Leaf Removal. Free Estimates. 704-630-0120

I will haul away riding mowers, tillers, go carts, golf carts or any outdoor power equip. Free! 704-647- 0036

Steve's Lawn Care We'll take care of all your lawn care needs!! Great prices. 704-603-4114/704-431-7225



Guaranteed! F

Tree Service

704-239-1955 Graham's Tree Service Free estimates, reasonable rates. Licensed, Insured, Bonded. 704-633-9304

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ We Buy Any Type of Scrap Metal At the Best Prices...

Anthony's Scrap Metal Service. Top prices paid for any type of metal or batteries. Free haul away. 704-433-1951



SEAMLESS GUTTER Licensed Contractor C.M. Walton Construction, 704-202-8181

Kitchen and Baths

Home Improvement

Bath, Kitchen, Decks & Roofs! Interior and Exterior Remodeling & Repairs! H&H Construction 704-633-2219

Friendly cleaning service for residential and commercial properties. At reasonable prices! No job too big or too small!

336-909-0658 or 336-284-4163 704-213-8415

FQuality & Experience 704-640-5154

Reface your existing cabinets and make them look like new at half the cost.

Kitchens, Baths, Sunrooms, Remodel, Additions, Wood & Composite Decks, Garages, Vinyl Rails, Windows, Siding. & Roofing. ~ 704-633-5033 ~

Professional Services Unlimited

dust bunnies

Affordable Roofing

~ 704-633-5033 ~

Financial Services “We can remove bankruptcies, judgments, liens, and bad loans from your credit file forever!�

Roofing and Guttering

Pest Control

Quality remodeling and repairs at prices you can afford. Kitchens, baths, additions, decks, garages, roofing, etc.

Reliable Fence All Your Fencing Needs, Reasonable Rates, 21 years experience. (704)640-0223

Kitchen and Baths

Pest Control

We also build custom cabinets – call for more info and free estimate! 30 years experience.

Since 1955

Home Improvement Auction - Saturday, May 15 at 10 a.m., 201 S. Central Ave., Locust, NC. Granite Tops, Cabinet Sets, Doors, Carpet, Tile, Hardwood, Bath Vanities, Composite Decking, Lighting, Name Brand Tools. NC Sales Tax applies. 704-507-1449. NCAF5479

Concrete Work


DIY Call & Save Thousands! 704-639-0007 704-267-5775

Carolina's Auction Rod Poole, NCAL#2446 Salisbury (704)633-7369



Roofing and Guttering


TH Jones Mini-Max Storage 116 Balfour Street Granite Quarry Please 704-279-3808

Painting and Decorating AFFORDABLE RATES WOODIE'S PAINTING INC., Residential & Churches 704-637-6817

For all your roofing needs, call Medina. Quality roofs, seamless gutters & roof repairs. Insured. Call now for your free estimate! 704-309-0203

John Sigmon Stump grinding, Prompt service for 30+ years, Free Estimates. John Sigmon, 704-279-5763. Johnny Yarborough, Tree Expert trimming, topping, & removal of stumps by machine. Wood splitting, lots cleared. 10% off to senior citizens. 704-857-1731 MOORE'S Tree TrimmingTopping & Removing. Use Bucket Truck, 704-209-6254 Licensed, Insured & Bonded Plummer & Sons Tree Service, free estimates. Reasonable rates, will beat any written estimate 15%. Insured. Call 704-633-7813. TREE WORKS by Jonathan Keener. Insured – Free estimates! Please call 704-636-0954.

Medina Construction


Bowen Painting Interior and Exterior Painting 704-630-6976

Cathy's Painting Service Interior & exterior, new & repaints. 704-279-5335

SPRING SPECIAL! Ranch exteriors starting at $500 with paint. Residential/commercial Free estimates. Insured. 704-798-0909

ROOFING u Framing u Siding u Storm Repair

Stoner Painting Contractor

Local, Licensed & Insured

• 25 years exp. • Int./Ext. painting • Pressure washing • Staining • Insured & Bonded 704-239-7553


MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010

Happy Birthday to a new PawPaw ~ Hal Barnes! Hope you have a wonderful & special day! Kris, Tim, & Griffin Wishing a happy birthday to a wonderful young man, Emery J. Partee, V. Aunt Agnes & Uncle Ralph

A 2�x3� greeting with photo is only $20, and includes 4 copies of the Post


Happy birthday Emery "Jay" Partee, V. Wishing you many more. We love you. Aunt Agnes & Uncle Ralph Heather Morgan. Happy birthday. Hope you have many more. Love you, Grandma Boots

Chuck’s Lawn & Pressure Washing Chuck Davis

Hours of daily personal attention and doggie fun at our safe 20 acre facility. Professional homestyle boarding, training, and play days with a certified handler/trainer who loves dogs as much as you do.

704-636-0720 • 704-996-0856 LAWN CARE & MAINTENANCE

ď ˆ Rentals ď ˆ



ď ˆ Se Rentan ď ˆ

Call 704-640-5876 or 704-431-4484



New Customers Welcome!

12’ X 25’

12’ X 12’ 704-202-6200

Country Porch Cafe Daily Breakfast & Lunch Specials Tues.-Fri. 7:00am-2pm Sat. 7am-11am (Breakfast)

We want to be your flower shop!

Salisbury Flower Shop

Arturo Vergara

Sidewalks • Cars • Driveways • Fences • Decks Estimates & Senior Discounts Available

Birthday? ...

Reasonably Priced! We rent Jumpers and Popcorn Machines! We Deliver

• Mowing • Trimming • Mulch • Pine Needles


We Deliver Parties, Church Events, Etc.


Fax: 704-630-0157

Team Bounce








Happy birthday to my wonderful husband and best friend, Hal Barnes! Love, Barbara

1628 West Innes St. Salisbury, NC • 704-633-5310

Building rental for private parties & in-house catering available Call for details 3665 Liberty Road, Gold Hill

704.636.9933 S40137

FOR FREE BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Please Fax, hand deliver or fill out form online 18 WORDS MAX. Number of free greetings per person may be limited, combined or excluded, contingent on space available. The Salisbury Post reserves the right to edit or exclude any birthday submission. Space is limited, 1st come 1st served, birthdays only. Please limit your birthday greetings to 4 per Birthday. Fax: 704-630-0157 Online: (under Website Forms, bottom right column of website) In Person: 131 W. Innes Street


SALISBURY POST Autos Hyundai, 2008 Sonata 2.4 liter 4 cylinder. 32,000 miles. Original owner. Excellent cond. $11,875. 704-933-4557

Boats & Watercraft

Transportation Dealerships

Transportation Financing

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

CLONINGER FORD, INC. “Try us before you buy.” 511 Jake Alexander Blvd. 704-633-9321 TEAM CHEVROLET- GEO, CADILLAC, OLDSMOBILE 404 Jake Alexander Blvd., Salisbury. Call 704-636-9370 Tim Marburger Honda 1309 N First St. (Hwy 52) Albemarle NC 704-983-4107

Tracker 2009 Marine Tracker PGV16SC Mercury Marine 60 ELPT 4-Str Efi Trailstar with custom SA trailer. 704797-9134

Troutman Motor Co. Highway 29 South, Concord, NC 704-782-3105

No. 59792

Dodge, 2005, Durango. 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL. CALL NOW! View our inventory at:

Transportation Financing Bad Credit? No Credit? No Problem! Tim Marburger Dodge 877-792-9700

Bank Financing available. First time buyers welcome! You deserve a fresh start! Don't wait! Low Rates Available. Minimum down payment. Carfax & warranties available. Call Steve today! 704-603-4255 or 704-224-3979 after 6pm. Visit us at:

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Co-Executors for the Estate of Virginia Gibbons Livengood, 1014 Stardust Drive, Woodleaf, NC 27054. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of July, 2010, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 22nd day of April, 2010. Virginia Gibbons Livengood, deceased, Rowan County File #2010E447, Brenda Livengood Goodman, 7010 Goldfish Rd., Kannapolis, NC 28083, Wanda Livengood Jacobs, 1060 Stardust Ave., Woodleaf, NC 27054

Ford, 2003 Explorer XLT Green w/ gray leather interior AM, FM, CD changer, all pwr, sunroof, running boards, V6, auto trans, alloy wheels,like new tires. Great SUV! 704-603-4255

Chevrolet, 2003, Trailblazer. 1 owner! 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL. CALL NOW! View our inventory at:

Chevy, 2003 Suburban LT black w/ tan leather interior, AM, FM, CD changer, DVD, rear audio, duel climate control, duel power and heated seats, sunroof, running boards, 3rd seat. RUNS & DRIVES GREAT. 704-603-4255

Ford, 2003 Windstar SEL. White w/ tan leather interior all power options, power doors, rear air, am, fm, cd, aluminum alloy wheels w/good tires runs & drives strong needs nothing! 704-603-4255

6-volt – $58 8-volt – $68 12-volt – $110 12 month warranty We will not be undersold! Deep cycle marine batteries on sale now!! 704-213-1005 “We Buy old batteries” NEED CASH? We buy cars & scrap metal by the pound. Call for latest prices. Stricklin Auto & Truck Parts. Call 704-278-1122 or 888-378-1122

FORD, 2006 Freestyle, SE AWD. 4 door. 92K miles. Local company car that has been used for marketing purposes. All services performed by Ford dealership. Asking price $9,900. All inquires, call Charles Church 704-4318898 anytime

Chevy, 2005 Equinox LT Black with tan leather interior AWD 3.4 V6 , auto tranny, am, fm, cd, cold ac, sunroof, all power, alloy wheels, luggage rack. RUNS & DRIVES GREAT! 704-603-4255 Ford, 2008, Explorer. 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL. CALL NOW!

12 month warranty Faith Rd to Hwy 152. Store across from Siffords Marathon “If it's a battery, we sell it!” 704-213-1005


No. 59855 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of Tony Dean Wall, 2815 Old Union Church Rd., Salisbury, NC 28146, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before 29th day of July, 2010, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 22nd day of April, 2010. Doris Lucille Wall, Administrator of the estate of Tony Dean Wall, File 10E372, 2815 Old Union Church Rd., Salisbury, NC 28146 Attorney at Law: Bradley J. Nance, 205 E. Council St., Suite A, Salisbury, NC 28144 NO. 59758

Service & Parts


NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having Qualified as Executor of the Estate of Sue C. Cox, deceased, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of July, 2010, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 9th day of April, 2010. Lucinda Sue Sommer, Executor, Estate of Sue C. Cox, 322 Hidden Creek Circle, Salisbury, NC 28147, File 2010E376 Lucinda L. Fraley, Shuford, Caddell & Fraley, LLP, P.O. Box 198, Salisbury, NC 28145-0198 No. 59824

Recreational Vehicles

Deep Cycle Marine Batteries, G27 Delco Voyager, $9995 special

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Kathy Harkey Gilbert, 1575 Amity Hill Rd., Cleveland, NC 27013. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of July, 2010, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 22nd day of April, 2010. Gilmer Fred Gilbert, Executor of the estate of Kathy Harkey Gilbert, File #10E442, 1575 Amity Hill Rd., Cleveland, NC 27013

NO. 59759

View our inventory at:

2006 Suzuki LTZ 250 Sport four-wheeler. High performance pipe. Excellent condition. A lot of fun at a great price! Was $1,900. Will sacrifice $1500!!! 704-202-0763

View our inventory at:

Chevy, 2005 Tahoe LS white w/ tan cloth interior 5.3 V8 auto trans, all pwr options, am, fm, tape, cd, 3rd seat, duel pwr seats, clean, cruise, alloy rims, drives great. ready for retail! 704-603-4255

NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - COUNTY OF ROWAN IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE - SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION 10CVS-786 CHRISTOPHER A. BACON AND RHONDESIA S. SMALL, Plaintiffs, -vsJAMES RONALD DAVIS, Defendant. TO: James Ronald Davis TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought as follows: To recover an amount in excess of $10,000.00 for personal injuries that Christopher A. Bacon and Rhondesia S. Small incurred as a result of the auto accident of October 30, 2009. You are required to make defense to such pleadings not later than June 14, 2010, said date being (40) days from the first publication of this notice, and upon your failure to do so, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 27th day of April, 2010. Peter C. Smith, KOONTZ & SMITH P.O. Drawer 1067, Salisbury, North Carolina 28145-1067 Telephone: 704-636-2974 Dates of Publication: May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010




No. 59825

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of Shirley Mozelle Lane Hamby, 908 Sloop Ave., Kannapolis, NC 28083. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of May, 2010, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 4th day of February, 2010. Barry Hamby, Administrator of the estate of Shirley Mozelle Lane Hamby, File #09E1157, 504 West 22nd St., Kannapolis, NC 28081


Cadillac, 2003 Escalade Onyx Black, all power options, am, fm, tape, cd changer, duel front/rear heated seats, rear audio, xenon head lights, sunroof, 3rd row seat, like new tires. 704-603-4255

Authorized EZGO Dealer. 30 years selling, servicing GOLF CARS Golf Car Batteries 6 volt $58, 8 volt $62. Golf car utility sales. US 52, 5 miles south of Salisbury. Beside East Rowan HS & Old Stone Winery. Look for EZGO sign. Buy 6 batteries & receive $10 gift receipt for purchase of a bottle of OLD STONE Wine. Coupon good until 5/31/10. 704-245-3660

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Betty Sue Kluttz Safrit, 107 W. Liberty Street, China Grove, NC 28023. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of July, 2010, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 16th day of April, 2010. Betty Sue Kluttz Safrit, deceased, Rowan County File #2010E420, Pamela D. Safrit, 564 Camrose Circle NE, Concord, NC 28025

No. 59826

2003 Ford Expedition XLT 4x4. Silver gray leather interior 5.4 auto trans, am, fm, CD changer, power driver seat, rear audio, power 3rd seat, sunroof, rear air, like new tires; runs & drive great. 704-603-4255

Suzuki, 2006 Boulevard S-40 (650cc). Extra clean. Less than 1000 miles. Leather accessories. Sharp! $4,000 or best offer. Please call 704-245-9151

36' 2003 Keystone Montana. 5th wheel with 3 slides, queen bed, tub/shower, micro, TV and Onan generator. One owner. Can be seen locally. Great for a lot on the lake. $17,000 OBO. 520-240-5982 or 704267-2272.

No. 59794

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Earl Edward Harrison, 1020 Dunns Mountain Church Rd., Salisbury, NC 28146. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of July, 2010, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 21st day of April, 2010. Linda Sue H. Aguilar, Executor of the estate of Earl Edward Harrison, File #10E439, 308 Aspen Ave. GQ, Salisbury, NC 28146

View our inventory at:

Must See!

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of Charles Cleveland Proctor, Sr., 502 Charles Street, Spencer, NC 28159. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of July, 2010, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 16th day of April, 2010. Cynthia P. Russell, Admn. Of the estate for Charles Cleveland Proctor Sr., deceased, File 10E323, 785 Briggs Road, Salisbury, NC 28147

No. 59859

No. 59823


Kawasaki 2001 Vulcan 1500 classic black and grey, Vance & Hines pipes. 7,500 miles, nice bike. $3,500. 704-6339427

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Clara Lee Mauldin Goforth, 1911 Woodlawn Street, Kannapolis, NC 28083. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of July, 2010, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 16th day of April, 2010. Clara Lee Mauldin Goforth, deceased, Rowan County File #2010E218, Linda Goforth Hamilton, 2550 Scott Street, Kannapolis, NC 28083 No. 59793

F-150, 2005 4x4 Ext Cab, brown with tan cloth 5.4 auto tranny, AM, FM, CD, full back seat, cold AC, low miles. GREAT TRUCK. 704-6034255

Motorcycles & ATVs

MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010 • 11B


NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having Qualified as Executor of the Estate of Carl Henry Brown, deceased, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of July, 2010, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 5th day of April, 2010. Paul D. Brown, Executor of the Estate of Carl Henry Brown, 3595 Moose Road, Kannapolis, NC 28083 B. S. Brown, Jr., Alexander, Brown & Dameron, P.A., 121 S. Main Street, Kannapolis, NC 280813210, Attorney

No. 59856 AMENDED NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE State of North Carolina In the General Court of Justice Superior Court Division County of Rowan Before the Clerk – 09SP461 In Re: Foreclosure of Deed of Trust executed by E. L. Heilig, III, and wife, Deborah D. Heilig, to Southland Associates, Inc., Trustee, and Central Carolina Bank and Trust Company, Beneficiary, dated December 13, 2000, in the original principal amount of $60,000.00 recorded in Book 896, at Page 982 of the Rowan County Public Registry. Record Owners: E. L. Heilig, III, Deborah D. Heilig By: Robert L. Lindsey, Jr., Substitute Trustee Because of default in the obligations under the Deed of Trust executed by E. L. Heilig, III, and Deborah D. Heilig, dated December 13, 2000, and recorded in Book 896, at Page 982 of the Rowan County, North Carolina Public Registry, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for dash at 3:00 o'clock p.m., on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at the Rowan County Courthouse, at Salisbury North Carolina, at the place therein or thereat where sales of real estate are usually held, the following described real property: Beginning at an iron pin in the margin of a right of way for Woodland Drive, said existing iron pin being the common corner of John Kneip III; thence running with the common line of John Kneip III South 82 deg. 36 min. 16 sec. East 257.03 feet to an existing iron stake and corner, common corner of Lot 36, Section III, Lot 8, Section One of Woodland Hills; thence running with the common line of Lot 8, Section One, Woodland Hills North 7 deg. 20 min. East 185.25 feet to an existing iron stake and corner in the margin of Kluttz Road, common corner of Lot 8, Section One, Woodland Hills; thence running with the margin of a right of way for Kluttz Road North 01 deg. 56 min. West 257.7 feet to an existing iron and corner, said iron being the margin of a right of way for Kluttz Road and Woodland Drive; thence running with the margin of a right of way for Woodland Drive South 7 deg 08 min. West 188.25 feet to an existing iron stake and corner, common corner to John Kneip III and the point of beginning. Said tract contains 1.103 acres, and said description is taken from a survey prepared by Hudson and Almond, dated March 22, 1990 entitled “Property of Jackie L. Lockhart” and said survey is hereby incorporated by reference as if it were fully set out herein. The property to be sold is further described as the real estate located at 1285 Kluttz Road, Salisbury, North Carolina 28146, together with the buildings and improvements attached thereto. IMPROVEMENTS: Dwelling House The property will be sold subject to unpaid taxes, and prior liens (if any). A cash deposit will be required of the highest bidder in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of the highest bid. This sale will remain open ten (10) days for upset bid as required by law. An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the Clerk of Superior Court of the County in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the Notice of Sale, terminate the rental agreement upon the ten (10) days written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. This 30th day of March, 2010. Robert L. Lindsey, Jr., Substitute Trustee Lindsey & Schrimsher, PA 1423 East Seventh Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28204-2407 Tel: (704)333-2141, Fax: (704)376-2562

2005 Jeep Liberty V6 4x4 3.5L Blk w/Tan int., 4 cyl., all power, AM/FM, C/D, low miles, chrome rims w/like new tires, Extra Clean Gas Saver !!!! 704-603-4255

Under and by virtue of the authority contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated April 14, 2004, securing a Note and indebtedness of $169,696.12, which was executed by Johnny R. Leach and Lucinda M. Leach aka Lucinda D. Morgan, and which is recorded in Book 1005, at Page 294, Rowan County Registry, the undersigned having been appointed Substitute Trustee by instrument recorded in said Registry, default having occurred in the payment of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust, and at the request of the holder of said Note, the undersigned Substitute Trustee, in accordance with the provisions of said Deed of Trust, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at 11:30 o'clock a.m. on the 14th day of May, 2010, at the Courthouse door in Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina, the real property at 1075 Balfour Quarry Rd., Salisbury, NC, 28146, which is more particularly described as follows: All that certain property situated in the Township of Gold Hill in the County of Rowan and State of North Carolina, being more fully described in a deed dated 01/11/1996 and recorded 01/11/1996, among the land records of the County and State set forth above, in Deed Volume 0764 and Page 852. The record owner of said property as of a date not more than ten (10) days prior to the posting of this notice is: Lucinda D. Morgan. Trustee, or Trustee's agent conducting the sale, may begin the sale up to one hour after the time fixed herein as provided in NCGS 45-21.23. An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to NCGS 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon ten (10) days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If you are a tenant and have any questions about your legal rights, please consult an attorney. Although not required by statute, any and all bidders and purchasers at sale should understand that the property described in the subject foreclosure proceeding may or may not contain a structure of any kind. The Substitute Trustee in this matter makes no representation or warranty as to the type or existence of a structure situated on the subject property or whether or not said structure has been affixed in any way. Likewise, Substitute Trustee makes no warranties or representations of any kind as to whether title to the mobile/manufactured home(s) on the subject property, if any, has been properly cancelled or whether there are any outstanding liens thereon. Said property will be sold subject to taxes, assessments, and any superior easements, rights of way, restrictions of record, liens, or other encumbrances prior to the lien of the deed of trust being foreclosed, said sale to remain open for increased bids for ten (10) days after report thereof to the Clerk of Superior Court. The Substitute Trustee may require the high bidder to deposit cash at the sale in an amount equal to the greater of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or $750.00. If no upset bid is filed, the balance of the purchase price, less deposit, must be made in cash upon tender of the deed. Third party purchasers at sale must pay the tax of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) as required by NCGS 7A-308(a) (1). This the 21st day of April, 2010. Alan B. Powell, Substitute Trustee Post Office Box 1550, High Point, NC 27261 (336) 889-7999

No. 59857 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION - ROWAN COUNTY - 09 SP 1046 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY LUDMILLA HIBSHMAN AND MARK HIBSHMAN DATED MARCH 24, 2006 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 1061 AT PAGE 354 IN THE ROWAN COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 11:00 AM on May 17, 2010 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Rowan County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIPE IN THE MARGIN OF DEER RUN, CORNER OF LOT NO. 43 AND RUNNING THENCE WITH THE LINE OF LOT NO. 43 SOUTH 88 DEGREES, 44 MINUTES 33 SECONDS EAST 356.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE IN THE LINE OF HILTON J. SWINDELL; THENCE ALONG THE LINE OF HILTON J. SWINDELL NORTH 01 DEGREES, 53 MINUTES 26 SECONDS EAST 160.11 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE, A CORNER OF LOT NO. 45; THENCE WITH THE LINE OF LOT NO. 45 SOUTH 89 DEGREES, 37 MINUTES, 26 SECONDS WEST 368.67 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE IN THE MARGIN OF DEER RUN; THENCE WITH THE MARGIN OF DEER RUN, A CURVED LINE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,785.38 AND THE CHORD OF WHICH IS SOUTH 02 DEGREES 50 MINUTES, 59 SECONDS EAST 149.98 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 1.284 ACRES AND BEING LOT NO. 44 AS SHOWN ON A MAP ENTITLED PROVIDENCE COUNTRY, AS PREPARED BY DERMID & CLAYTON, ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, SAID MAP BEING RECORDED IN BOOK OF MAPS PAGE 1369 IN THE ROWAN COUNTY REGISTRY, ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AND AS SHOWN ON A PLAT PREPARED BY RICHARD L. SHULENBURGER, R.L.S. DATED MAY 2, 1992. And Being more commonly known as: 155 Deer Rd, Salisbury, NC 28146 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Ludmilla Hibshman and Mark Hibshman. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

Want to Buy: Transportation

The date of this Notice is April 16, 2010. Dodge, 1998, Dakota. 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL. CALL NOW! View our inventory at:

DONATED passenger van or bus needed for newly formed Youth Group. Call Pastor Rob at 980-721-3371. Thanks for letting your love shine!


Grady Ingle, Substitute Trustee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300, Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107

12B • MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010



Zits/Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

Jump Start/Robb Armstrong

For Better or For Worse/Lynn Johnston

Frank & Ernest/Bob Thaves

Dilbert/Scott Adams Non Sequitur/Wiley Miller

Garfield/Jim Davis Pickles/Brian Crane

Hagar The Horrible/Chris Browne Dennis/Hank Ketcham

Family Circus/Bil Keane

Blondie/Dean Young and John Marshall


Get Fuzzy/Darby Conley

The Born Loser/Art and Chip Sansom

Sudoku/United Feature Syndicate Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

Answer to Previous Puzzle

Celebrity Cipher/Luis Campos


MONDAY, MAY 3, 2010 • 13B





Wheel of Fortune (N) Å WBTV News Prime Time (N)

Jeopardy! (N) Å Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (N) Å Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Entertainment Tonight (N) (In Stereo) Å Entertainment Tonight (N) (In Stereo) Å My Name Is Earl Å

A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina






























CBS Evening News-Couric CBS Evening News With Katie Couric (N) Access Hollywood (N) Å ABC World News With Diane Sawyer NBC Nightly News (N) (In Stereo) Å Everybody Loves Raymond

TMZ (N) (In Stereo) Å Inside Edition Å

Inside Edition

How I Met Your Rules of Mother Engagement (N) How I Met Your Rules of Engagement Mother “Twin (N) Å Beds” House “The Choice” A raucous night out. (N) (In Stereo) Å

The Big Bang (:31) The Big Theory (N) Bang Theory The Big Bang (:31) The Big Theory (N) (In Bang Theory Å Stereo) Å 24 “Day 8: 11:00AM- 12:00PM” (N) (In Stereo) Å

Dancing With the Stars (In Stereo Live) Å

Castle “Food to Die For” A chef is found frozen to death. (N) (In Stereo) Å Law & Order “Crashers” A model’s body is found in an alley. (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News at (:35) Fox News 10 (N) Edge

News 2 at 11 (N) Å WBTV 3 News at 11 PM (N)

Late Show W/ Letterman Late Show With David Letterman

Seinfeld Kramer heads for California. WSOC 9 News Tonight (N) Å

Seinfeld Bette Midler plays in softball game. (:35) Nightline (N) Å

WXII 12 News at (:35) The 11 (N) Å Tonight Show With Jay Leno The King of The Simpsons King of the Hill “The Queens “Road Bart and Lisa Honeymooners” Rayge” Å face a bandit. Å NBC Nightly Jeopardy! Wheel of Chuck “Chuck Versus the Role Law & Order “Human Flesh Law & Order “Crashers” A model’s NewsChannel (:35) The Tonight Show News (N) (In (N) Å Fortune “Chicago Models” Casey trains Morgan. (N) Search Engine” Suspicious web body is found in an alley. (N) (In 36 News at With Jay Leno Stereo) Å Salute” (N) (In Stereo) Å site. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å 11:00 Everyday PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å Dragons Alive Crocodiles, turtles, Ultimate Killers “Speed & Colosseum: Rome’s Arena of Bear Island (In Stereo) Å Edisons Å lizards and snakes. Å Strength” (In Stereo) Å Death (In Stereo) Å ABC World Deal or No Deal Who Wants/ Dancing With the Stars (In Stereo Live) Å Romantically Castle “Food to Die For” A chef is Frasier “Frasier’s (:35) Nightline News (N) Å Millionaire Challenged (N) found frozen to death. Curse” (N) Å Family Guy (In Two and a Half Two and a Half One Tree Hill “Learning to Fail” Gossip Girl Blair visits the 10 O’Clock (:35) Family (:05) The Office (:35) Seinfeld Stereo) Å Men Men Katie confronts Clay. (N) Columbia campus. (N) Å News (N) Guy Å “The Keys” Å The Simpsons Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent The Office The Office House/Payne House/Payne George Lopez Deal or No Deal Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Ex Law & Order: Criminal Intent The Tyler Perry’s Tyler Perry’s My Wife and House of Payne House of Payne Kids “Tee for Too (In Stereo) Å (N) (In Stereo) Unit “Sin” A preacher is a prime Stasis” (In Stereo) Å detectives suspect that a serial suspect. Å killer has resurfaced. Many” Å Å Å (:00) PBS Nightly North Carolina Antiques Roadshow “Phoenix, AZ” American Experience “Roads to Memphis” James Tavis Smiley Reports “MLK: A Call BBC World to Conscience” Martin Luther King News (In Stereo) NewsHour Business Now (In Stereo) Possessions for evaluation. (N) Å Earl Ray; Martin Luther King Jr. (N) (In Stereo) Å Jr.’s speech. Å (N) Å Report (N) Å Å (DVS) Å Å

Chuck “Chuck Versus the Role Models” Casey trains Morgan. (N) (In Stereo) Å House “The Choice” A raucous night out. (N) (In Stereo) Å

(:32) Romantically Challenged (N) Law & Order “Human Flesh Search Engine” Suspicious web site. (In Stereo) Å 24 “Day 8: 11:00AM- 12:00PM” (N) (In Stereo) Å

(:01) CSI: Miami “Meltdown” A jewelry heist ends in murder. (:01) CSI: Miami “Meltdown” A jewelry heist ends in murder. (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 10:00 News (N)


The First 36 (:00) 48 Å




38 59 37 34 32
















57 40 66 76 46










50 58




62 44 60





















The First 48 Sergeants set up a Intervention “Brittany” Å Fame and Recovery (N) Å Hoarders Compulsive shopping Paranormal Paranormal sting. Å and hoarding. Å State Å State Å (5:00) Movie: ››‡ “The Ninth Gate” (1999) Johnny Movie: ›› “A Perfect Murder” (1998) Michael Douglas. A commodities broker perMovie: ››‡ “The Bone Collector” (1999) Denzel Depp, Lena Olin. Å suades his wife’s lover to kill her in order to inherit her trust fund. Washington. Å Untamed Untamed and Uncut Å Animal Cops Houston (N) Untamed and Uncut (N) Å Bear Feeding Frenzy Å Untamed and Uncut Å (:00) 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live Å Movie: ››› “Scarface” (1983) Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, Steven Bauer. Å The Mo’Nique Show Å Real House. Housewives/N.J. Housewives/N.J. Real Housewives of Jersey Housewives/N.J. Housewives/N.J. Mad Money Kudlow Report (Live) CNBC Reports American Greed On the Money Mad Money Situation John King, USA (N) Campbell Brown (N) Larry King Live (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 Å Cash Cab (In MythBusters “Blind Driving” The MythBusters “No Pain, No Gain” Construction Intervention “Botta Swamp Loggers Failing equipment MythBusters “No Pain, No Gain” Stereo) Å team tests four myths. Pain tolerance. Å Di Vino” Å and bad weather. Å Pain tolerance. Å The Suite Life Wizards of Hannah Movie: ››› “Akeelah and the Bee” (2006) Laurence Fishburne, Phineas and Hannah Wizards of The Suite Life on Deck Å Waverly Place Montana Å Angela Bassett, Keke Palmer. (In Stereo) Å Ferb Å Montana Å Waverly Place on Deck Å The Soup E! News (N) The Daily 10 Pretty Wild Pretty Wild Kendra Kendra Giuliana & Bill Chelsea Lately E! News (:00) MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (Live) Å Baseball Tonight (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter Å Interruption Football Live NFL Live (Live) E:60 (N) Poker Stars Main Event. Pokerstars Shootout. Poker Stars Shootout. That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show 10 Things I Hate Movie: “Another Cinderella Story” (2008) Selena Gomez, Drew Funniest Home The 700 Club Å Seeley, Jane Lynch. Å Videos Å Å Å (:00) Movie: ›› “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Movie: ››› “Hellboy” (2004) Ron Perlman, John Hurt, Selma Blair. The son of the devil helps a topMovie: ›› “Blade” (1998) Wesley Silver Surfer” (2007) Ioan Gruffudd. secret organization investigate and destroy paranormal creatures. Snipes. Special Report FOX Report W/ Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record-Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Reds Live MLB Baseball New York Mets at Cincinnati Reds. From Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati. Tot. NASCAR Final Score Golden Age Final Score Play Lessons The Golf Fix (Live) Fabulous World of Golf Fabulous World of Golf The Golf Fix Golf Central Learning Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Touched by an Angel Å Movie: “Living Out Loud” (2009) Gail O’Grady. Å Golden Girls Golden Girls Holmes House Hunters House Hunters Property Virgin Property Virgin House Hunters My First Sale House Hunters House Hunters Selling New My First Place To Be Modern Marvels Å Sliced Å Sliced “Toys” Å American Pickers The guys bet on Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å To Be Announced Announced who’s the best picker. I Gospel Paid Program Helpline Today Joyce Meyer Jewish Jesus Inspiration To Life Today Paid Program Gospel Music Hal Lindsey Giving Hope (:00) Grey’s Grey’s Anatomy Memorable Grey’s Anatomy Izzie grills George Movie: ››› “What She Knew” (2006) Tilda Swinton, Amber Tamblyn, Will & Grace Å Will & Grace Å Anatomy Å moments from the show. Å about his life. Å Timothy Hutton. Å (:00) Movie: ›› “The Fantasia Barrino Story: Life Movie: ››‡ “The Bodyguard” (1992) Kevin Costner. An ex-Secret Service agent falls for his client, an Movie: ››› “Waiting to Exhale” Is Not a Fairy Tale” (2006) Å actress/singer someone wants dead before the Academy Awards. Å (1995) Å The Ed Show Hardball Å Countdown With K. Olbermann The Rachel Maddow Show Countdown With K. Olbermann The Rachel Maddow Show Ult. Factories Lockdown “Total Control” Unabomber: Secret History American Nazis KKK: Inside American Terror Unabomber: Secret History True Jackson, iCarly (In Stereo) SpongeBob Glenn Martin, Malcolm in the Everybody Everybody George Lopez George Lopez The Nanny (In The Nanny (In VP Å SquarePants DDS Å Middle Å Hates Chris Hates Chris Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Å Å Å Tori & Dean Tori & Dean-Sweet Hollywood Tori & Dean-Sweet Hollywood Tori & Dean-Sweet Hollywood Tori & Dean-Sweet Hollywood Tori & Dean-Sweet Hollywood (:00) The Unit UFC Unleashed Å The Ultimate Fighter TNA Wrestling (N) (In Stereo) Å (:08) Jail (N) (:38) Jail Å (:00) Spotlight In My Own Words College Softball Florida at Mississippi State. In My Words In My Words College Baseball (:00) Stargate Ghost Whisperer “The Night We Ghost Whisperer Melinda must Ghost Whisperer “Giving Up the Ghost Whisperer “Cat’s Claw” (In Monster “That Monster “I Hate SG-1 Å Met” (In Stereo) Å help a former rock star. Å Ghost” (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Night” Å This Job” Friends (In Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Family Guy (In Family Guy (In Family Guy (In Family Guy Family Guy (In Family Guy (In Lopez Tonight Stereo) Å Gymnast” Pen” Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å “Death Lives” Stereo) Å Stereo) Å (:00) Movie: ››› “The Great Lie” (1941) Bette Movie: ›› “Can’t Help Singing” (1944) Deanna (:45) Movie: ››› “Moon Over Miami” (1941) Don Ameche, Betty Movie: “Cover Davis, George Brent. Å Durbin, Robert Paige. Premiere. Grable, Robert Cummings. Premiere. Girl” (1944) Say Yes Little People Little People Little People Little People Best Food Ever “Episode 1” Ultimate Chili Challenge (N) Little People Little People (:00) Law & NBA Basketball First-Round Playoff: Teams TBA. (Live) Å NBA Basketball First-Round Playoff: Teams TBA. (Live) Å Order (In Stereo) Police Videos Cops Å Cops Å Oper. Repo Oper. Repo Oper. Repo Operate-Repo Southern Sting Southern Sting Forensic Files Forensic Files All in the Family Sanford and Sanford and The Cosby The Cosby Everybody, EverybodyEverybodyEverybodyRoseanne (In Roseanne (In Son Å Son Å Show Å Show Å Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Å (:00) NCIS (In NCIS “One Shot, One Kill” A sniper NCIS “My Other Left Foot” The WWE Monday Night RAW With Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. (In (:05) Law & Order: Criminal Stereo) Å kills Marine recruiters. severed leg of a corpse. Stereo Live) Å Intent “Gods & Insects” Å W. Williams Judge-Brown Judge-Brown Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Oprah Winfrey Å Eyewitness Entertainment The Insider (N) (:35) Friends Becker (In America’s Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Scrubs “My Scrubs “My Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Å Animals. (In Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Å Lunch” Å Fallen Idol” Å


Movie: ››› “Hellboy II: 15 (5:30) The Golden Army”









24/7 Real Time With Bill Maher (In Movie: ››‡ “Observe and Report” (2009) Seth 24/7 The Ricky The Life & Mayweather Stereo) Å Rogen. Premiere. (In Stereo) Mayweather Gervais Show Times of Tim (:15) Movie: ›› “Bad Girls” (1994) Madeleine Movie: ››‡ “The Strangers” (2008) Liv Tyler, The Life & The Pacific “Part Eight” Basilone is (:05) Treme (In Stereo) Å Stowe. (In Stereo) Å Gemma Ward. (In Stereo) Å Times of Tim allowed to train troops. “The Laramie (:15) Movie: ›› “The Bucket List” (2007) Jack Nicholson, Morgan Movie: ››› “Sex and the City” (2008) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Chris Noth. “Revolutionary Project” (2002) Freeman, Sean Hayes. (In Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Å Road” (2008) (5:40) Movie: ››› “Backdraft” (1991) Kurt Movie: ››› “Marley & Me” (2008) Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston, Movie: ››‡ “17 Again” (2009) Zac Efron, Leslie “Sin City Russell. (In Stereo) Å Eric Dane. (In Stereo) Å Mann. (In Stereo) Å Diaries 4: Luck” (:00) Movie: ›‡ “Spinning Into Movie: ›› “Igor” (2008) Voices of John Cusack, The Tudors (iTV) The queen’s Nurse Jackie United States of Nurse Jackie United States of Butter” (2007) John Cleese. iTV. (In Stereo) Å former lover surfaces. Å “Silly String” Tara Å “Silly String” Tara (iTV)

Broken blood vessels plague reader Dear Dr. Gott: I read an article about a person who broke blood vessels frequently. I used to break them at least three times a week, so my doctor ran blood tests. She told me to increase my vitamin C intake, which I did. But what really helped DR. PETER was when I started drinkGOTT ing tart cherry-juice concentrate, usually taken for joint pain. I still break blood vessels but not as frequently and only in my fingers or toes. Dear Reader: A contusion or bruise occurs when tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin are damaged or broken. This is often the result of a direct blow to the skin, such as hitting a hand or shin against a piece of furniture. Blood leaks from the injured blood vessels into the surrounding tissues, and a colorful bruise results. We tend to bruise much more readily as we age, perhaps because blood vessels become more fragile and skin thins. Also, a number of medications, including aspirin and anticoagulants, can cause bruising at the slightest pressure. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that can’t be manufactured in the human body. This vital component is obtained through diet and supplements but must be taken in moderation, because excesses can lead to abdominal distress, an in-

crease in iron absorption and kidney stones. Vitamin C is necessary for synthesis of collagen, an important structural component of blood vessels. This antioxidant is necessary for the growth and repair of tissues and the healing of wounds. With deficiency, easy bruising, weakened blood vessels, joint pain and bleeding can result. Vitamin K, produced by bacteria in the intestines, aids in blood clotting. Low levels of that vitamin can lead to excessive bleeding. Cherry-juice concentrate has been touted to control symptoms of gout, arthritis, headaches and a host of other ailments. The Food and Drug Administration warns manufacturers with regard to making false statements. Nonetheless, it certainly is possible that if you have less joint pain, you are less likely to stub your toes, bang your knees or whack your hands. The product cannot harm you and may be safer than some prescription drugs. I would feel better if you were to have your primarycare physician perform a complete examination to rule out any unknown medical conditions. Or perhaps you should request a referral to a hematologist (blood specialist) who can determine whether the problem is a clotting disorder. Dear Dr. Gott: I have a hiccup remedy that works. Stop up both ears with your fingers while drinking water. Because the act takes three hands, you’ll need

someone to lend one. This is a surefire way to stop them quickly. I love your column, wisdom and humility. Dear Reader: Well, the remedy is certainly worth a try. Now all we have to do is only get the hiccups when we have a third party to hold the glass of water! Does using a straw not work for this remedy? This might even beat holding your nose until they stop or bending over while drinking from the backside of a glass. Thanks for writing. Dr. Peter H. Gott is a retired physician and the author of several books, including “Live Longer, Live Better,” “Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Diet” and “Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Cookbook.” UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC.

Certain conditions you’ve been unable to control in the past year are likely to take a dramatic turn for the better in the year ahead. What transpires will make your life much happier both materially and socially. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Be on your toes, because today you should be able to achieve an important objective through some pretty shrewd political maneuvering. Let your common sense govern your actions. Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Go along with the flow of events instead of trying to force what you want to happen, and chances are you’ll like the way things turn out. Sometimes it pays to lay low. Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Spending some quality time with friends or associates whose thinking is in tune with yours could produce some very beneficial exchanges of ideas. Make the time to do so. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Put forth your best efforts, because those who pass out the rewards will make them bigger than usual if you do more than what is asked of you. The compensation could be quite generous. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Successful relationships with people you interact with could be greater than usual with minimum effort. You could even establish a new friendship in the process. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Allow friends to do for you what you would do for them if your roles were reversed, and some good things could come out of it. It always pays to be a gracious recipient. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Although most conditions are favorable for you today, your greatest benefits are likely to come from a partnership arrangement. It might be with someone with whom you’ve been involved before. Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — You are likely to have some better than usual chances for fulfilling an ambitious objective today. However, it will have to be well defined and will require some real effort. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — There are times when you need a break from certain routines that have become laborious, and today might be one of those days. Take some time off to enjoy an activity you truly enjoy. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Although you might not have direct control over certain developments that occur today, you’re likely to enjoy what transpires. Actually, an unexpected change might be refreshing. Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) — Without deliberately trying to do so, your very presence might have a big influence over your involvements with others. However, it’ll be the type of force that brings harmony over dissension. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Making a profit should come more easily for you at this time, whether you are buying or selling. Apply yourself now while your financial picture looks so encouraging.

Today’s celebrity birthdays Folk singer Pete Seeger is 91. Actress Ann B. Davis (“The Brady Bunch”) is 84. Singer Frankie Valli is 76. Singer Christopher Cross is 59. Country drummer Cactus Moser of Highway 101 is 53. Keyboardist David Ball of Soft Cell is 51. Country singer Shane Minor is 42. Bassist John Hopkins of the Zac Brown Band is 39. Country singer Brad Martin is 37. Dancer Cheryl Burke (“Dancing With the Stars”) is 26.

If you trust him, follow his lead It is interesting when a less capable player partners an expert. You would expect the weaker half of the partnership to follow the stronger’s defense. But I often see these players trying to show that they can work things out themselves. Of course, this usually results in their misdefending — as in this deal. East, the expert, was cautious when he passed over two spades. Even though his partner was a passed hand, since she had bid at unfavorable vulnerability, she probably had a good suit. Against two spades, West led the club king. The expert read the deal well and spotted the best defense. He overtook with his club ace and shifted to the spade four!

‘Nightmare’ scares up $32.2M LOS ANGELES (AP) — Freddy Krueger is raking in cash at the box office again, while Robert Downey Jr.’s “Iron Man 2” got off to a big start overseas. A remake of the slasher flick “A Nightmare on Elm Street” led the weekend with a $32.2 million debut domestically, according to studio estimates Sunday. Released by the Warner Bros. banner New Line, the movie features Jackie Earle Haley as Krueger, a psycho killer who stalks and slays victims in their dreams. Paramount’s “Iron Man 2” got an international head start on its domestic debut this Friday, pulling in $100.2 million in 53 foreign markets. While

Monday, May 3

Hollywood blockbusters typically open around the same date in most countries, some get an overseas jump of a week or more on their U.S. debuts. “Iron Man 2” brought in $12.2 million in Great Britain, $10.8 million in South Korea and $8.2 million in France. According to Paramount, the sequel had bigger openings than 2008’s “Iron Man” in every market. “Iron Man 2” continues the story of Downey’s billionaire superhero, a genius who builds himself a metal suit loaded with gadgets. Mickey Rourke co-stars as a new enemy with his own high-tech arsenal.

As East expected, South This deal arose during a did not rise with her queen. team game. We will look at And when she played low, the bidding and play at the West won with her jack. other table tomorrow. Now you would have expected West to follow her partner’s defense and to return a trump, which would have defeated the contract. No — after a pause, she strangely shifted to a diamond. With this reprieve, declarer should have made her contract by playing on hearts. However, she erred also, winning this trick in her hand, ruffing a club on the board, and calling for a trump. East quickly took his two winners and played a heart to his partner’s ace. Then West cashed the club queen to give the defense three spades, one heart and two clubs for down one.



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ROLAND FROM 1B ing. Softball Union’s Gina Loflin (West Rowan) has been named to the All-Appalachian Athletic Conference first team. Loflin is batting .358 with 28 RBIs LOFLIN while starting every game at catcher for the Bulldogs.  Erin Foster (West) hit her 14th homer of the season for the Walters State Senators on Wednesday.

Spring Night Out

Friday, May 7 5-9 p.m. Historic Downtown Salisbury


Rory McIlroy tees off on the 17th hole during his amazing round at Quail Hollow on Sunday He shot a 62. back in the hunt, then blew everyone away with a round that ranks among the best. The previous course record at Quail Hollow was 64. Padraig Harrington of Ireland closed with a 68 and hung around for two hours to congratulate the kid when he finished. He was growing concerned for McIlroy, under enormous pressure since turning pro when he was 18. He won the Dubai Desert Classic last year at 19 and nearly won the Order of Merit. McIlroy had been struggling this year with lower back problems, alarming for someone so young. He had missed two cuts going into Quail Hollow, and had not had a top 10 since the first week of February. “At home, no matter how

he does, the focus is on him,” Harrington said. “When you’re not winning, not delivering, the focus becomes a burden. If he can get across the line here, he can go from strength to strength. He will be a lot more comfortable with who he is, a lot more patient. The win is significant — very significant — at this time.” He crossed the line at full speed. McIlroy shot a 128 on the weekend at Quail Hollow, considered one of the toughest tracks on the PGA Tour. Everything was going his way. “It’s been a crazy ride until this point,” McIlroy said. “I’m just delighted to get here. To get my first win in the U.S. is special.”

 Mars Hill is ranked seventh in the Southeast Region. Senior Lindsey Barrier (East) is the regular center fielder for the Lions. Track and field N.C. State’s Jason Jones (East) placed third in the shot put at the Jesse Owens Track Classic held at Ohio State on Saturday afternoon. Jones’ effort of 58 JONES feet, 91⁄2 inches was his third-best of the season.  Western Carolina’s Wayne Parker (East) placed seventh in the javelin (162-0) at the Southern Conference

Championships. Western’s Ryan Pless (East) was fourth in the shot (50-3⁄4) and fifth in the discus (142-8).  Charlotte’s Makenzie Mullinax (South) cleared 10-8 at the Atlantic 10 Championships held at UMass and finished ninth in the women’s pole vault. Overseas basketball Tyrese Rice, who has roots in Salisbury, is averaging 12.0 ppg for the Panionios Telecoms pro team in Athens, Greece. Golf Virginia’s Will Collins (Salisbury) shot 73-75 — 148 in the Cavalier Classic and finished tied for 12th. He helped the Cavaliers win the final event of the regular season.

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National Cities






Variable clouds with t-storms

A t-storm early; partly cloudy

Partial sunshine

Plenty of sunshine

Sunny and very warm

Very warm with clouds and sun

High 83°

Low 63°

High 82° Low 55°

High 87° Low 60°

High 87° Low 62°

High 86° Low 64°

Zero Turn Mowers as low as $3,69995



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Regional Weather Boone 73/52 Knoxville 85/56 Hickory 81/59 Franklin 81/51

Asheville 79/52

Danville 83/59 Winston Salem Durham 82/63 83/61 Greensboro 83/63 Raleigh 82/62 Salisbury 83/63

Spartanburg 82/59

Charlotte 82/62

Greenville 82/60

Kitty Hawk 76/65

Goldsboro 86/67

Lumberton 83/68 Morehead City 78/69

Columbia 84/67

Atlanta 82/61

Sunrise today .................. 6:28 a.m. Sunset tonight .................. 8:10 p.m. Moonrise today .............. 12:34 a.m. Moonset today ................ 10:31 a.m.


May 6


May 13


May 20

Augusta 84/66

Allendale 88/64


May 27

Savannah 87/71

Tues. Hi Lo W

Wilmington 83/69

Hilton Head 80/68 Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.

51 80 82 68 83 64 51 75 89 33 54 54 60 71 70 55 52 77 60 57 84 66 88 73 79 77 65 53 49

42 63 63 67 62 45 35 57 65 27 45 47 51 51 47 39 36 51 52 36 71 50 75 54 61 63 52 36 45

s s t s pc c s s s sf s pc c s pc pc pc pc c pc s r sh pc pc s pc t sh

® REAL FEEL TEMPERATURE RealFeel Temperature™

Data from Salisbury through 8 a.m. yest. Temperature High .................................................. 82° Low .................................................. 57° Last year's high ................................ 81° Last year's low .................................. 64° Normal high ...................................... 77° Normal low ...................................... 51° Record high ........................ 95° in 1902 Record low .......................... 32° in 1963 Humidity at noon ............................ 67% Precipitation 24 hours through 8 a.m. yest. ........ 0.00" Month to date ................................ 0.00" Normal month to date .................. 0.22" Year to date ................................ 14.95" Normal year to date .................... 14.81"

Today at noon .................................... 75°

Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2010 -10s -0s Seattle 52/40




Tues. Hi Lo W

The patented RealFeel Temperature is an exlcusive index or the effects or temperature, wind, humidity, sunshine intensity, cloudiness, precipitation, pressure and elevation on the human body.

Air Quality Index Charlotte Yesterday .............. 46 ...... Good .......... Ozone Today's forecast .... Moderate N. C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 0-50 good, 51-100 moderate, 101-150 unhealthy for sensitive grps., 151-200 unhealthy, 201-300 very unhealthy, 301-500 hazardous UV Index


Highest today ......................... 3, Moderate Noon ...................................... 3, Moderate 3 p.m. ..................................... 3, Moderate 0-2, Low; 3-5, Moderate; 6-7, High; 8-10, Very High; 11+, Extreme The higher the UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection.



Statistics are through 7 a.m. yesterday. Measured in feet. Charleston 86/70

Today Hi Lo W


Billings 67/39


Myrtle Beach 80/70


Amsterdam 48 40 sh Atlanta 82 61 t 87 62 pc Athens 80 62 s Atlantic City 88 61 t 85 52 pc Beijing 82 59 t Baltimore 84 60 t 78 53 pc Beirut 73 61 s Billings 67 39 c 57 32 c Belgrade 80 60 pc Boston 80 59 sh 76 53 pc Berlin 52 43 sh Chicago 74 48 t 76 58 pc Brussels 44 36 sh Cleveland 74 53 pc 71 54 pc Buenos Aires 68 53 c Dallas 83 54 t 88 64 s Cairo 87 63 s Denver 70 39 pc 76 40 pc Calgary 56 30 r Detroit 75 50 t 74 56 pc Dublin 52 43 s Fairbanks 52 36 c 49 34 c Edinburgh 48 42 pc Honolulu 82 71 s 85 71 s Geneva 58 45 r Houston 89 62 pc 89 63 s Jerusalem 67 50 s Indianapolis 80 53 pc 79 57 pc Johannesburg 65 48 t Kansas City 72 53 pc 80 58 s London 52 39 c Las Vegas 84 59 s 91 68 s Madrid 61 41 sh Los Angeles 79 58 s 75 57 pc Mexico City 85 52 s Miami 88 75 s 88 74 s Moscow 58 53 c Minneapolis 62 45 pc 74 48 pc Paris 50 36 sh New Orleans 84 68 t 87 68 c Rio de Janeiro 83 71 pc New York 83 63 t 77 60 pc Rome 70 54 sh Omaha 70 50 pc 80 51 pc San Juan 87 75 t Philadelphia 82 64 t 80 56 pc Seoul 70 52 pc Phoenix 87 63 s 94 67 s Sydney 77 61 pc Salt Lake City 68 48 pc 63 40 t Tokyo 73 59 s San Francisco 66 50 s 61 45 s Toronto 67 49 pc Seattle 52 40 r 53 38 sh Winnipeg 46 37 c Tucson 83 54 s 94 60 s Zurich 56 46 r Washington, DC 84 65 t 83 56 pc Legend: W-weather, s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.


Southport 79/71

Today Hi Lo W

Above/Below Observed Full Pool

High Rock Lake .... 653.70 ...... -1.30 Badin Lake .......... 539.60 ...... -2.40 Tuckertown Lake .. 595.20 ...... -0.80 Tillery Lake .......... 277.80 ...... -1.20 Blewett Falls ........ 178.10 ...... -0.90 Lake Norman ........ 98.06 ........ -1.94

50s 60s

Detroit 75/50

Minneapolis 62/45


Aiken 87/63



World Cities

Source: NWS co-op (9 miles WNW)

Cape Hatteras 77/66

Darlington 83/68

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Mickelson was in the hunt until he had to play a righthanded shot from the woods on the 10th hole and made bogey. When he got around to making a charge, McIlroy already was too far ahead. Mickelson closed with a 68, which he figured would be good enough to win. The roars he heard ahead of him told him otherwise. “I’ve got to congratulate Rory,” Mickelson said. “He played some incredible golf. He’s an amazing talent. You knew he was going to come out and win out here. He is some kind of player.” Cabrera was tied for the lead with eight holes to play until his putter failed him. The former Masters and U.S. Open champion missed five putts inside 10 feet on the back nine and shot 68. Billy Mayfair, who had a two-shot lead going into the final round, lost the lead by hitting into the water on the par5 seventh for a double bogey and closed with a 76. McIlroy becomes the first player since Chris Couch at New Orleans in 2006 to make the cut on the number and win the tournament. McIlroy was two over the cut line on Friday with three holes to play until making an eagle on the seventh hole. He followed with a 66 on Saturday to get

San Francisco 66/50

Denver 70/39

Kansas City 72/53

Chicago 74/48

New York 83/63

Washington 84/65

70s 80s 90s 100s

Atlanta 82/61

Los Angeles 79/58 El Paso 76/50

110s Precipitation

Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice

Cold Front Houston 89/62

Miami 88/75

Warm Front Stationary Front

Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Forecast high/low temperatures are given for selected cities.

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