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Rally in Kannapolis a protest of education cuts, 3A

Saturday, May 14, 2011 | 50¢


Barber enters rehab County commissioner says he plans to remain on board BY KARISSA MINN kminn@salisburypost.com

Wayne hinshaW/FoR The SALISBURY PoST

Stacy Beaver, center, gets a hug from her sister, Tammy hinson, and mother Brenda Basinger at the Relay for Life survivors walk.

Shaving the sheriff’s head part of festivities at fairgrounds with clippers, then set to work with a razor. “Looks like Lex Luthor,” said ALISBURY — Rain clouds on Deputy Sheriff Alan Amerson. the horizon couldn’t dampen the Terry’s wife, Stacy, was diagspirit of the 2011 Relay For Life nosed with breast cancer in Decemat the Rowan County Fairgrounds. ber. She had surgery, which was folOne of the biggest crowds ever lowed by chemotherapy. came to celebrate the fight against The Beavers are friends with the cancer, and to remember both surAuten family. vivors and “I never did those who’ve really know lost their Sheriff Auten,” lives to the Stacy Beaver disease. said. But she “It’s like a said she’s Friday night thankful for all fair crowd, those who or bigger,” helped the Rowan CounSheriff’s Dety Commispartment raise sioner Carl $5,300 for Ford said. charity. He wasn’t Auten was the only local modest about it. official in at“It’s not tendance. about me or the Sheriff Sheriff’s OfSheriff Kevin Auten gets his head shaved fice,” he said. Kevin Auten took the stage by Terry Beaver after raising more than “It’s about peoto make good $5,000 for the Relay for Life. ple in the comon a pledge munity who are to have his head shaved if he raised affected (by cancer).” more than $5,000 for the American As for the new hairstyle: “It’ll Cancer Society. save me some money. I got my new Wearing a T-shirt with “Shave look: Kojak.” Me” on it, Auten took the stage with Terry Beaver said it was differhis hands cuffed in front of him, as ent and humbling to be a part of the the theme song from the TV show fundraiser. “Cops” played on the loudspeakers. Terry Beaver of Rockwell took See RELAY, 8A the first lop off the lawman’s locks BY HUGH FISHER


SALISBURY — Facing a second charge of driving while impaired, Rowan County Commissioner Jon Barber said Friday he has entered a rehabilitation program, and while he’ll miss some meetings, he plans to stay on the county board. This could present a challenge to the rest of the commissioners as they enter this year’s budget season with one absent member and no tiebreaker. In an email sent late Friday afternoon to a Post reporter, editor and others, Barber wrote: “Thank you all for your BARBER prayers and concerns. I have been admitted to a long-term inpatient rehabilitation program. This program will evaluate, treat and recommend ongoing treatment for my recovery. “I will be unable to attend the Board of Commissioners meetings until I am released and well. I plan to continue serving the cit-



City reduces Okey Dokey fine to $150 Officials say goal was to bring company into compliance

Melody Newton from China Grove Middle School helps light the line of luminarias Friday evening as Relay for Life cancer survivors walked the first lap around the Rowan County Fairgrounds.

SALISBURY — The city has reduced the fine owed by Okey Dokey & Co. General Store on West Innes Street for have too much signage from $19,000 to $150, according to a city press release Friday afternoon. The reduction comes after the city and store reached a resolution that included the store removing 20 hand-painted signs from its facade that didn’t comply with Salisbury’s codes restricting the square footage a business can devote to signage. Okey Dokey’s owners, Bette Pollock and Stan Williamson, put up the signs advertising their wares after an April 2010 fire burned an awning that listed the goods offered by the store. The city says Code Services Manager

See FINE, 2A

Drugs, detours over for 29-year-old graduating today BY SARAH CAMPBELL scampbell@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — Education was the beginning of the end for Karen Reynolds. The end of drug use, the end of homelessness, the end of hopelessness. The 29-year-old Salisbury resident says she experienced more than a few detours before landing at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College in 2009. She began dabbling in elicit drugs at the age of 15. And by the time she graduated from Central High School in Pageland, S.C., in 2009, she was a full-blown addict. “I continued using drugs for years and years and years,” she said.

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Reynolds eventually left South Carolina for Monroe, where she lived on the streets and in motels. Facing several drug charges, she fled to Philadelphia with a friend in 2006. “Basically, I felt like if I stuck around I was just going to die,” Reynolds said. Unable to find a job in Pennsylvania, Reynolds began taking classes at Goldey-Beacom College in Wilmington, Del. It didn’t take long for her to go from taking a couple of classes to becoming a fulltime student. “School was the start of everything,” she said. “It gave me something to occupy my mind. Instead of concentrating on drugs, I had something that was positive to concentrate on.”

Today’s forecast 79º/58º Cloudy, chance of storms

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As she wrapped up coursework, Reynolds knew she had reached a plateau. She decided to head back to North Carolina. “I just realized it was time to come home,” she said. “In order for me to get my life back on track, I had to face my problems.” Reynolds assumed that she’d end up behind bars after turning herself in, but a judge saw she had turned her life around. sarah campbell/SALISBURY PoST “They threw out every single charge. That’s a miracle” she said. “That’s no- Karen Reynolds mixes a margarita while working at el Pabody but God, it was nothing I did.” tron Mexican Grill and Cantina this week. After overcoming



Joan L. Zimmerman Wallace W. Moore Johnny L. Morris

a drug addiction, she will graduate from Rowan-Cabarrus Community College today.


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2A • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011



Proposed law would give defense attorneys evidence sooner District Attorneys. “We were being held accountable for what law enforcement did when we have no authority over law enforcement. This specifies that the prosecutors have to give over their file, but it clarifies that law enforcement has to give us their information to put in our file,” she said. The changes mesh with a law passed in March that makes it a lowlevel felony or serious misdemeanor

for a police officer to omit or misrepresent evidence. The felony conviction could carry up to eight months in prison or probation for someone with a clean record. For four decades after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that prosecutors must share evidence that could show the defendant’s innocence, it was up to prosecutors to decide which evidence would be helpful. A 2004 N.C. law required prosecutors

to share everything that could point to a suspect’s innocence. The law was passed after it came to light that prosecutors withheld evidence documenting the innocence of Alan Gell, who had spent nine years on death row. The compromise should satisfy both defense attorneys and prosecutors, said Mark Rabil of the Innocence and Justice Clinic at Wake Forest University School of Law.

601 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. Barber did not return calls or emails from the Post on Friday. FROM 1a County Commissioner Chad FROM 1a Mitchell, chairman of the Board Chris Branham first told store owners in October izens of Rowan County.” of Commissioners, said he that the signs did not comply with city code. Three Barber was charged Sunday thinks it’s good Barber is getnotices were mailed and Branham hand-delivered a with driving while impaired and ting whatever help he needs. fourth, according to the city. failing to maintain lane control “I’m glad he is seeking treatPollock told the Post earlier this week she got only after authorities said he crashed What some residents are say- ment,” he said. “I think the most one notice and tried to call city officials several times his car into a ditch and failed a ing about Barber’s troubles. important thing is for him to get about the matter to no avail. She also said she did field sobriety test. Barber, of help.” not know the fines accumulated at $250 daily. 335 Umberger Road, refused a allegations. Former District AtMitchell said it’s always been City officials said the money was not the issue. sobriety breath test and was tak- torney Bill Kenerly considered Barber’s choice whether to reBranham said the reduction of the fine takes into en to Rowan Regional Medical charges, but said there were no sign as a commissioner, and it account “the spirit of the code and not just the letCenter for blood to be drawn for criminal violations involving seems he’s decided not to. ter of the code.” testing, according to an arrest students and that Barber could This means the board like“The ultimate goal was to always have the ownwarrant. not be “successfully prosecut- ly will start budget discussions er bring themselves into compliance,” Branham said It is Barber’s second drunk- ed” for other crimes based on in June with only four members in the press release. “The daily fines are a mechaen driving charge, and he plead- blood-alcohol test results ob- in Barber’s absence and no way nism to encourage that. We are happy to work with ed guilty to the first in 2008. tained by the Rowan-Salisbury to break a tie. our local businesses to ensure that they are aware Last May, he admitted to School System. “We run our meetings by maof regulations and city-established code before they a battle with alcoholism after reAnd authorities recently ac- jority rule,” Mitchell said. “Any begin any work.” signing from his teaching job knowledged the SBI is investi- motion that does not receive For more information about Salisbury’s code, conamid allegations he was drunk gating Barber as a suspect in the three votes dies.” tact Public Information Officer Karen Wilkinson at in a classroom full of students. April 10 theft of a $2.99 bottle of For the board’s general busi704-638-2113. He has refused to address those wine from the Rushco store at ness, Mitchell said he doesn’t expect a problem. “Certainly, we have some potential for 2-2 votes, but if you she doesn’t want to forget it. look at most of the busiIn fact, she wants to share ness we conduct, most of it. “I feel like good and evil the time we have unanihave a balance,” she said. “I mous decisions,” he said. FROM 1a always feel like I had to go “But on the budget, that Fresh start through the things I went might be a completely difWith her charges disthrough so that other people ferent story.” missed, Reynolds decided to don’t have to.” The board will hold a continue her education at Reynolds said her faith has public hearing June 6 on Rowan-Cabarrus. been unwavering through it the proposed fiscal year Reynolds chose to pursue all. 2011 budget presented by accounting because of her “Believe it or not I always niche for the subject in high had God, even when I was on school. the streets,” she said. “I alKAREN REYNOLDS “It’s not easy, but I get it ways felt like when the time RCCC’s 2011 Academic Excellence and I enjoy it,” she said. was right, He would give me Award recipient While attending classes full the strength I needed. time, she started working as a “He did, and I haven’t waitress at El Patron Mexican to change brought excitement she said. looked back since.” Grill and Cantina when the to the classroom,” she said. But Reynolds said it still Reynolds received another restaurant first opened about “Karen is very focused now accolade this year. She was feels too good to be true somea year ago. and will be giving it every- named the college’s 2011 Ac- times. “Karen is great, she’s such thing she can to become an in- ademic Excellence Award re“I never thought my life a hard worker,” co-owner An- spiration to others. cipient, maintaining a 3.8 GPA would go beyond selling gel Ruiz said. “Customers ask “She is proof positive that throughout her time at drugs, using drugs and basifor her because she’s so one can turn their life around Rowan-Cabarrus. cally living on the streets. I friendly.” She’ll receive special thought that was my life,” she and live their dream.” But Reynolds said her past recognition during the col- said. “But you know what, it’s has created a hurdle when it Excelling both in lege’s commencement cere- not and I’m glad that it’s not.” and out of class comes to finding jobs. She also wants others to remony today. Reynolds also got involved She remembers being Reynolds attributes much member that they don’t have hired and fired within a week outside the classroom by join- of her success at Rowan- to accept their lives. after one local business re- ing Phi Beta Lambda, a career Cabarrus to her newfound “Even if you fall, even if ceived her criminal back- and technical student organi- sense of confidence. you fail, get back up and try zation, after a push from her ground. “I know that I’m smart and again,” she said. “If you con“That really hit me hard be- instructor Martha Cranford. I wanted to prove that,” she stantly keep trying, it’s evenCranford said she wanted said. “I’m not dumb, I’m not tually going to work out.” cause I wondered if I was wasting my time in school,” to introduce her to real world ignorant, I’m not a failure. skills, diversity and networkshe said. Contact reporter Sarah “I wanted to learn and I But Reynolds said her ac- ing. wanted to do the best I could.” Campbell at 704-797-7683. “She was motivated and counting instructor at the And Reynolds said the contime, Robin Turner, didn’t let ready to try something new,” fidence grew from the supshe said. “She is very inquisi- port of instructors like Turnher quit. “She said, ‘Don’t ever give tive, always asking questions er and Cranford. up, you’ve come too far now. nd is very willing to learn “My instructors were very You’re going to get a job,’ ” more.” one-on-one, they have really Reynolds ended up placing helped me a lot,” she said. she said. Reynolds said Turner told second in sales presentation Reynolds’ family will be in her “once you get that oppor- in Phi Beta Lambda’s state attendance for today’s comtunity you’re going to go competition this year, beat- mencement exercises. Spring Onions, Lettuces & Other Fresh Produce ing out students from other straight up.” “It feels so good to know Turner said Reynolds has community colleges and four- what my mother can be proud been a very determined and year universities. of me because I’ve put her “It really felt good to be through so much,” she said. dedicated student. “Her hard work and desire part of something like that,” After receiving her associMON - FRI 9AM-6PM ate degree, Reynolds will beSAT 9AM-4PM Old Mocksville Rd., Salisbury gin looking for a job with a lo(2.4 miles from hospital) cal accounting firm.



“Believe it or not I always had God, even when I was on the streets. I always felt like when the time was right, He would give me the strength I needed. He did, and I haven’t looked back since.”


County Manager Gary Page. Commissioners then will meet at one or more workshops, where their straw votes will shape the final budget the board is supposed to pass by June 30. County Commissioner Carl Ford declined to comment on Barber’s admittance to a rehabilitation program, but he said having no majority vote could be a problem. “If something fails, it’s 90 days before it can be put back on the agenda and voted on again,” Ford said. “I’m not saying we will, but we could end up with no budget.”



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proposed law would make clear that crime investigators are expected to turn over any evidence even without a request from prosecutors triggering that duty. The changes are headed for a vote in the state House on Monday. Prosecutors will remain responsible for diligently looking for evidence that ought to be in police files, said Peg Dorer, executive director of the North Carolina Conference of

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RALEIGH (AP) — North Carolina is poised to strengthen a law requiring prosecutors to share everything in their files in all felony cases, a practice called open discovery. District attorneys and defense lawyers said Friday they’ve agreed on changes that will require law enforcement officers, crime labs and other investigative agencies to turn over sooner any potential evidence that could help a suspect’s case. The


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The Gold Hill Historic Preservation Society’s 12th Annual Group Gold Hill Bike Ride “Mine to Mine” is Saturday, May 28. The date was incorrect in Thursday’s TimeOut.

Learning from the past Reynolds said although she’s moved beyond her past,

Lottery numbers — RALEIGH (AP)— The winning

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Hundreds rally to protest spending cuts BY SARAH CAMPBELL scampbell@salisburypost.com

KANNAPOLIS — A.L. Brown’s Memorial Stadium looked more like the site of a carnival than a rally Friday evening. Children played games and jumped around in bounce houses while students from throughout the Kannapolis City school system performed musical numbers and dances. But those in attendance knew the gathering of hundreds of people was more than just fun and games. Dressed in red, they came to voice their concern about state budget cuts to education. School board chairwoman Danita Rickard told the crowd at the rally for public education that the cuts facing the school system are the “most drastic” she’s ever seen. The estimated decrease in funding has already forced the district to issue 87 pink slips to help fill an anticipated $2.1 million deficit. “That affects all of us and our community,” Rickard said. “Educating our children is the most important thing we can do for them and for society.” Lisa Gurley, a technology facilitator at Fred L. Wilson Elementary school, is one of the personnel being laid off. The Kannapolis native has two masters degrees and has been in public education for 21 years, spending 15 years in a kindergarten classroom. “It was disappointing,” she said. “But I understand the necessity of it and the decision.” Gurley said the proposed elimination of technology funding is especially troubling. “We’ve really been working hard on technology for the past two years and for us not to be able to continue to progress makes me sad,” she said. Kannapolis resident Willie Pore, the parent of two Forest Park Elementary students, said increasing class size is one of his primary concerns. “We need enough teachers for them to do their jobs effectively,” he said. “The reality is kids need more assistance and enrichment than ever.” Pore said the cuts will keep the school system from moving foward.

Sarah Campbell/sALisbury post

students and teachers from Forest park elementary school sing during the rally for public education. “We’re preaching kids first, but we’re not doing the right thing,” he said. “We’re going to end up falling behind.” Elizabeth Freeman, Parent/ Teacher Organization vice president at Forest Park Elementary, said finding out 15 people are being laid off at the school was one of the worst days she’s ever witnessed. “We are now facing increased class sizes with very few resources,” she said. She said the parent council gathered 672 letters from voters that support public education to send to legislators during Kannapolis’ Village Fest and hoped to send hundreds more after Friday’s rally. “We want to send a loud message to our legislators,” she said. Forest Park parent Mary Blackert told the crowd that slashing technology and programs for academically gifted students would hurt the children who will be the “leaders of tomorrow.” “We believe that even in tough economic times we must find a way to fund education for our children,” she said. Freeman told parents to take a stand, urging them to stay in-

Drug charges filed against couple accused of child abuse SALISBURY — Two Salisbury pet shop owners already charged with making their children live in filthy conditions now face drug charges. David and Angela Lore were each charged Friday afternoon with five counts of drug possession and one count of possessing drug parap h e r n a l i a , ANGELA LORE according to arrest warrants served by the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office. The warrants stem from a March 23 search of the Lores’ home on Rockwell Road, the same day the Rowan County Department of Social Services removed the Lores’ four children from the home after detectives and a caseworker found two dead snakes, three malnourished dogs, animal feces ground into the carpet and a roach infestation in the house. The children — ages 7, 9, 14 and 16 — are now living

with family. David Lore Jr., 37, and Angela Lore, 35, of 3435 Rockwell Road, were charged in March with four counts of child abuse, four counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and three counts of animal cruelty. In April, David Lore was charged with two counts of DAVID LORE felony assault by strangulation. According to an arrest warrant, Lore reportedly grabbed his son, David Edward Lore III, around the neck, cutting off his airway, between June and August 2009. On Friday, they were charged with illegally possessing several kinds of prescription pills, a smoking pipe and scales, and a small amount of salvia, a psychedelic herb that’s legal in some states but illegal to possess in North Carolina. They were released after each posted $5,000 bonds.

SATURDAY May 14, 2011



Wheelchairbound mother pushed down set of stairs RICHFIELD — A Richfield man hit his mother in the head, then shoved her out of her wheelchair and down the steps behind her home, authorities said Friday. James Michael Beam, 53, was charged with assault on a handicapped person and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was in the Rowan County jail under a $10,000 bond. According to a report by the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office, Rowan EMS and the Sheriff’s Office responded to the home of Beam’s mother, Martha, at 195 Richfield BEAM Road about 10:20 p.m. Thursday. When they arrived, the wheelchair was still overturned at the top of the steps. First responders detained James Beam because he was “very belligerent and combative,” the report said. Martha Beam was taken to Rowan Regional Medical Center and James Beam was arrested. Martha Beam’s condition was not available.

Wanted man proclaims his innocence in online video BY SHELLEY SMITH ssmith@salisburypost.com

parents elizabeth Freeman and mary blackert speak during Friday’s gathering at A.L. brown high school. formed about decisions being made in Raleigh. She also told the audience to vote for the one-quarter cent Cabarrus County sales and use tax increase. A portion of the money generated by the tax hike would help pay off school construction debt. Freeman also encouraged parents to get involved.

“Support our schools, support our teachers,” she said. “We have to step up as parents and volunteer our time, we need to walk the halls. “We’re all in this together and together we can make a difference,” she said. Contact reporter Sarah Campbell at 704-797-7683.

Little League team plays in honor of player’s grandfather

submitted photo

Wayne Weaver, right, Jack, his grandson. Jack’s Little League team will wear wristbands with a ‘W’ on them to honor Weaver’s memory. SALISBURY — Wayne Weaver was on his way to his grandson’s Little League game Tuesday when he was killed in a car accident. The Cleveland man’s wife, Alice, is still recovering from injuries at Carolinas Medical Center. Today, the Mariners — the team Wayne and Alice Weaver’s grandson, Jack, plays for — will play in memory of Wayne Weaver, who never missed a single one of Jack’s games. The team will wear wristbands adorned with a “W” for Wayne Weaver, and parents of the players will

also be given remembrance ribbons to wear. “It’s just to let the family know that the team is here for Jack and for the family, and that we miss him and are thinking of all of them,” said Amber Herrmann, who helps coach the Mariners. The game against the Phillies starts at 12:30 at the Salisbury Community Park, 935 Hurley School Road, field two. If it rainstoday, the memorial for Wayne will be at the Mariners’ game at 5:45 p.m. Thursday.

SALISBURY — The man wanted on two counts of attempted murder after authorities say he shot two men last Saturday at the Mooresville Dragway appears in a video posted on the Internet and says that he is innocent. In the video posted on Y o u T u b e , Quentin Odell Mathis performs a rap song wearing a black shirt and a red and black baseball hat. The video de- QUENTIN MATHIS scription says: “Quentin ‘SOSA DA KING’ Mathis Responds to the Suspects aka Victims who shot and tried to end his life At the MOORESVILLE DRAGWAY Bike Fest on Sat. May 7, 2011. After being shot in the left arm by the victims,SOSA picked up the fire arm after the suspect droped it, and returned fire out of fear for his life! “Now Sosa Is charged with attempted murder 2 counts! Now the truth is out there for those who have judge SOSA wrongly! There saying Sosa DA KING is Armed and Dangerous! Thats not true! That is just a reason to shoot Quentin O Mathis on Sight! If there is anyone who can help Sosa with his case please contact Topname Records @ (704) 750-9359... THANKS AND SOSA YOU ARE IN OUR PRAYERS!!” Authorities said the investigation shows Mathis shot the first victim and the second victim grabbed Mathis from behind. Mathis most likely shot himself in the arm while he shot the second victim, authorities said. Lt. Chad Moose said detectives searched residences in Kannapolis, Concord, Charlotte and Mooresville, and then found the video on YouTube. The video was posted May 11. The victims of the shooting, Courtney S. Davis and Edward L. Stewart of Waxhaw, are recovering from injuries. One of them has been released from the hospital, and the other will be released soon, authorities said. Anyone with information on Mathis’ whereabouts can call the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office at 704-216-8700, or Crime Stoppers at 1-866-639-5245.


4A • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011

SALISBURY — A Salisbury man was charged with possession of crack cocaine and carrying a concealed weapon late Thursday. Salisbury Police received information that a “D.J. Price” was selling crack at the corner of Monroe and Graham streets in Salisbury, and was in posPRICE session of a gun, authorities reported. Police responded and found Darryl Sylvester Price Jr., spoke to him, and found he had a .45-caliber pistol and three rocks of crack cocaine. Price was arrested without incident and given a $10,000 bond.

Police make arrest in March break-in SALISBURY — The Salisbury Police Department says detectives solved a break-in and larceny that was reported March 26. Vernon Tyree Clinding, 21, of 109 W. Miller Road, was arrested Thursday night and charged with safecracking, felony breaking and entering and CLINDING felony larceny. He was in the Rowan County jail under a $25,000 bond Friday. Police said Clinding broke into a home at 1914 Ganell Ave., taking several safes, a laptop computer and games. Contents of the safes were not immediately available, and it is unknown if any of the items have been recovered. Clinding will make his first appearance in court Monday. Clinding has previously been convicted of assault on a female, trespassing and disorderly conduct.

Computer training classes offered May is the month designated for special recognition of older Americans. One of the clubs organized in Rowan County to serve older Americans is the RH Computer Club. The members invite anyone 55 and older who is interested in computers to visit the club from 10-11 a.m. any Thursday at the RuftyHolmes Senior Center, 1120 Martin Lutheran King Jr. Ave. The club will soon celebrate its 16th year. The Computer Club provides a forum to help members adapt to changes in technology by providing information on the latest programs and equipment. Information is projected on a large screen so all members can follow the speaker’s explanations. The club owns its own equipment. The fee is $24 a year for one person and $36 for couples. The fee can be prorated by $2 a month for singles and $3 for couples. The new club year begins in October.

Burr joins Senate Finance Committee RALEIGH (AP) — U.S. Sen. Richard Burr has joined the Senate Finance Committee, the first time in 57 years that a North Carolina senator has served on the powerful taxwriting and trade panel. Burr announced he had joined the committee this week. He replaces Nevada Sen. John Ensign, who resigned from the Senate earlier this month in BURR the wake of an ethics probe. The Winston-Salem Republican said he’s honored to serve on the committee, which has jurisdiction over laws and regulations involving the tax code, health care and Social Security. Committee documents show U.S. Sen. Clyde Hoey was the last North Carolina senator to serve on the committee. He died in office in 1954. Burr will leave his seat on the Senate Energy Committee to take the finance post.

Community rallies to help fire victims BY SHELLEY SMITH ssmith@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — In just one day after the fire that destroyed the home of Terry and Veronica Thomas, the community has rallied to help them. Fellow church members and pastor, the Rev. Nilous Avery, are calling them nonstop. They are getting them food and clothing. And they’re showing them a lot of love. Avery of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church said the church will be a designated drop-off spot for clothing and household items for the family. The church, located at 1920 Shirley St., is opening

its doors to donations from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. Wednesdays, and all day on Sunday. Church members and staff will be available throughout the day on Saturdays. “As a church we pray for them, but we’ve got to do more for them because they can’t eat prayer,” Avery said. “We already have people in place making sure they’re being fed. And also have people helping the children.” On Friday, Veronica said her children are still having trouble coping with the loss of their childhood home. “But they’re doing a little better because I told them that it’s just stuff and it’s go-

ing to be replaced,” Veronica said. “And they’re OK.” The family was going to dinner with several pastors Friday night, and Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist is cooking another dinner for them on Sunday. “I have a chaplain friend that’s been with me every step of the way, going to pick up my kids, and doing everything that I can’t do,” Veronica said. “So we have a good support system and everything’s good.” Next week the family is going to look at a temporary residence to stay in until their house is rebuilt. The family has insurance. “We just want to let everyone know that we really appreciate everything that peo-

Hunger hits children in state hardest during summer months RALEIGH (AP) — Fewer than one in 10 during the summer, because we don’t run students enrolled in North Carolina’s fed- buses,” he said. “There are many pockets eral school lunch program receive similar of need.” free meals after school lets out, raising the Jackson County’s summer nutrition prolikelihood of summertime hunger for chil- gram served 10,000 individual meals to children in financially struggling families — dren throughout the summer 2010, Hill said. especially after several years of economic The county is home to 3,600 school-age childownturn, state officials said Friday. dren and has a poverty rate of 16 percent. About 800,000 North Carolina students Officials are examining the possibility receive federally funded free or reduced- of partnering with a Meals on Wheels-type price lunches during the school year, but program to help bring meals to children in fewer than 67,000 were served similar isolated sections of the county. And a remeals during the summer of 2010, said state cent surge of interest by area churches is Health and Human Services summer food a positive sign, Hill said. services coordinator Cynthia Ervin. A sim“First Presbyterian is going to open a ilar drop is expected this summer, but the site this summer next to the pool and the bad economy has increased the need, offi- town’s new library,” he said. cials said. In East Durham, a children’s service The problem is related more to access agency was looking at the possibility of than to funding, Ervin exsponsoring a food truck plained. that would serve students “Transportation is a in their own neighborhood, problem in some areas, but that won’t be likely to particularly in rural arhappen this year, officials eas,” she said. “Many parsaid. ents go to work and they Last summer, Raleigh’s can’t get their kids to a eight Boys and Girls Clubs site for lunch. served free meals to 800 “Awareness is another students each day, one of problem. Families may the largest distributions in not know this program is the state. EARLINE MIDDLETON available.” As the economy has Food Bank of Central Recent figures show dipped during the past and Eastern North Carolina nearly 15 percent of the three years, the number of state’s population lives behungry people has grown, low the poverty level, identified as about said Earline Middleton, program director $22,500 for a family of four. for the Food Bank of Central and Eastern The figure is higher for children in ru- North Carolina. ral North Carolina, where one in five live “Our partner agencies have seen anyin below-poverty-level households, accord- where from a 30 to 50 percent increase in ing to figures from the Institute for Emerg- the number of people they are serving. Who ing Issues at North Carolina State Univer- is hungry has certainly changed,” she said. sity. “People say: ‘I used to give to the food bank, The summer meals program is funded now I’m seeking help.’” by the federal government and pays schools Ervin would like more faith groups, soand other agencies $3.29 for each lunch and cial services groups and other community $1.88 for each breakfast served, Ervin said. agencies to lend a hand. They will even offer a loan to agencies willUnfortunately, Ervin said, some of the ing to provide the service to cover start-up counties with the greatest need have the costs. fewest resources available for hungry chilIn counties where more than half of all dren. students are eligible free or reduced-priced Among 30 counties offering no feeding lunches at school, children don’t have to programs last year, and unlikely to do so qualify to receive summer meals. They just this summer, are Bladen, Bertie, Swain, have to show up, said Jim Hill, head of the Davie, Wilkes, Allegheny, Ashe, Macon, Jackson County Schools nutrition program. Montgomery and Rutherford. But just because they’re eligible doesn’t “We’re hoping to increase the number mean they will be served, Hill added. of students fed this year by 20 percent over “Many of the kids can’t get to the schools what we did last year,” Ervin said.

“Our partner agencies have seen anywhere from a 30 to 50 percent increase in the number of people they are serving. ”

Police scramble as meth cleanup money runs out RALEIGH (AP) — With an emergency state fund running out this week, cities and counties across North Carolina face a big expense they hadn’t planned on: cleaning up the scores of illegal methamphetamine labs discovered across the state each year. For counties where the meth problem is worst, that could mean tens of thousands of dollars in new costs at a time when budgets are being slashed and North Carolina’s drug problem is growing. “This could knock the devil out of our budget,” said Maj. Tom Effler with the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office. Wayne has been among the counties with the highest number of meth labs in recent years. Effler said the toxic sites typically cost $2,500 to $3,000 to clean up, but some “superlabs” can cost up to $20,000 to remedy. “It’s going to be bad,” he said. “There’s been nothing put in the budget for this.” For years, the federal Drug Enforcement Administration paid for meth cleanups across the country through its Community Oriented Policing Services Methamphetamine Program. But in February, the agency said congressional funding for the program — which cost $19.2 million in

the current fiscal year — had been exhausted, and that renewed funding wasn’t going to happen. In response, Attorney General Roy Cooper announced the State Bureau of Investigation would step in to pay the tab for local law enforcement, but only on a short-term basis. “Our decision to fund meth lab cleanups was a ‘stopgap’ measure,” SBI Director Greg McLeod wrote in a May 5 memo to local police agencies. Between the end of February and the beginning of May, the SBI spent nearly $165,000 on cleanup costs, quickly exhausting the funding. The agency requested emergency funds from the Office of State Budget and Management, but was told all remaining contingency money was going toward recovery efforts from the deadly tornadoes that swept through the state last month, according to McLeod’s memo. As of Tuesday, counties and cities are on their own when it comes to cleaning up meth labs.The loss of federal and state funding won’t impede the investigation and prosecution of meth makers, said Eddie Caldwell, general counsel for the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association. But it will present a challenge for local govern-

ments. The number of meth labs discovered in North Carolina has grown steadily in recent years, from 153 in 2007 to 234 last year. Alongside the traditional, makeshift labs, the drug is also increasingly being made using the so-called “shake-andbake” method, in which the ingredients are mixed in soda bottles. Those, too, need to be cleaned up, and can be more dangerous than labs, because of the volatility of the shaken chemicals. The cleanup process is extensive and costly because of the nature of the cheap, easy-to-make drug, which typically involves a combination of battery acid, drain cleaner, ammonia and pseudoephedrine, the key ingredient in many cold medicines. Trained experts in protective clothing are tasked with handling the material, which can’t be disposed of in regular landfills. The SBI and Cooper are asking members of the state’s congressional delegation about reauthorizing the DEA funding, while local governments hope the General Assembly or Gov. Beverly Perdue might look for an emergency revenue stream. Perdue’s office didn’t immediately return a call Friday, and so far no lawmakers have proposed funding for meth lab cleanups.

Clothing needed • Terry Thomas: 3X shirts and size 48 pants, size 11 shoes. • Veronica Thomas: 2X shirts and size 20 pants, 10 shoes. • 20-year-old daughter: medium shirts and size 7 pants, size 7 shoes. • 16-year-old daughter: medium shirts and size 5 pant, size 7 shoes. • 16-year-old son: large shirts, 32-by-30 pants, size 10 shoes.

ple are doing,” Veronica said. “We appreciate everybody’s thoughts and prayers in our time of disaster.”

Girlfriend protects attacker from police BY SHELLEY SMITH ssmith@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — A Salisbury teen was charged with assault on a police officer and her boyfriend was taken to the hospital after cutting his own throat with a butcher knife following a domestic disturbance Friday night, authorities said. According to Salisbury Police Sgt. Mark Hunter, a caller reported that a man was holding a knife to a female’s throat inside a home at 1016 W. Fisher St. When officers arrived, they found a different scenario. Hunter was first on the scene and went upstairs, gun in hand, and as he turned the corner into a bedroom he heard a lot of screaming, and found the woman, Shale Monique Glenn, 18, shielding her boyfriend, Bobby Wesley, who was lying on the ground bleeding from his neck. Glenn told Hunter that Wesley couldn’t breathe, and she continued to shield him, not moving away from Wesley as Hunter and the other officers who had arrived asked her to do. Officers were able to move the large butcher knife that was found on the floor away from Glenn and Wesley, and officers again tried to get Glenn to leave Wesley, but she wouldn’t. “She finally left and she turned around and swings and hits me in the arm,” Hunter said. Rowan EMS was called and Wesley was taken to Rowan Regional Medical Center. Glenn was charged with assault on a government official and given a $1,000 secured bond. Authorities said Wesley’s injuries were not life threatening. Hunter said officers always have to be prepared for the worst when responding to any calls, especially domestic disturbances. “Anything could happen in these domestic situations,” he said.

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Wallace White Moore SALISBURY — Mr. Wallace White Moore, age 82, of Salisbury, passed away Thursday, May 12, 2011, at his residence. Born March 8, 1929, the son of the late Mary Haire Moore and Lonnie Lafayette Moore. Mr. Moore attended Iredell County schools and retired from Duke Power, where he worked as a lineman. He was a member of Unity Presbyterian Church. Preceding him in death were his wife, Ann West Moore, who died Oct. 20, 2002; and grandson Ethan Ryan Moore. Mr. Moore is survived by two sons, Todd Moore of Salisbury and Ted Moore of Coronado, Calif.; and a daughter, Beth Padgett of Salisbury; four grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Visitation: A visitation will be held 6-8 p.m. Sunday (May 15) at Summersett Funeral Home. Service: The funeral service will be 3 p.m. Monday (May 16) at Unity Presbyterian Church, conducted by Rev. Phil Hagen. Burial will follow at Unity Presbyterian Church. Memorials: May be made to Unity Presbyterian Church, Building Fund, P.O. Box 28, Woodleaf, NC 27054. Summersett Funeral Home is serving the Moore family. Online condolences may be made to www.summersettfuneralhome.com.

Johnny Leon Morris KANNAPOLIS — Johnny Leon Morris, 60, of Lane Street, passed away May 10, 2011. Born May 4, 1951, in Rowan County, he was a son of the late Henry Lewis and Blanche Benfield Morris. Educated in Rowan County schools, Mr. Morris had worked many years at Fieldcrest Cannon. Loved by all who knew him, he loved and enjoyed his family, animals, country music and was a devoted NASCAR fan. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Hazel Chapman; and a brother, Charles “Charlie” Morris. Surviving family members include his daughters, Kristie Fite and Kimberly Twombly and husband Ryan; his granddaughter, Abagail Rose Twombly; two adopted grandsons and an adopted granddaughter; sister Margaret “Flossie” Lisk of Landis; brother Henry Morris, Kannapolis; and many nieces, nephews and friends. Service: A celebration of life will be held Saturday, May 21 from 3-5 p.m. at Fraternity Hall, 2750 Patterson Road, Salisbury, NC 28147. Linn-Honeycutt Funeral Home in China Grove is serving the Morris family.

Joan L. Zimmerman SALISBURY — Joan Luvenia Zimmerman, of Stonewall Road, passed Friday, May 13, 2011, at her residence. Services are incomplete and are entrusted to Hairston Funeral Home, Inc.

When words fail, let us help.

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Mr. Wallace Moore 3:00 PM Monday Unity Presbyterian Church Visitation: 6-8:00 PM Sunday


SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 • 5A


Young cast succeeds with complex production BY KATIE SCARVEY

School bus overturns in Davidson, injuring 22


LEXINGTON (AP) — Authorities say 22 high school and middle school students were hurt when the bus they were riding overturned on a Davidson County road. The Dispatch of Lexington reports that the bus was carrying students from Central Davidson Middle and High schools when it overturned about 3:30 p.m. Friday. Sgt. Stephen Pace with the N.C. Highway Patrol

“The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe” continues at 7:30 p.m. tonight at the Norvell Theatre, 135 E. Fisher St. The play will be performed again next Wednesday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m., with Sunday matinees this week and next at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for students and seniors. All tickets are $10 on Wednesday Value Night. The box office is open 9 a.m.-1 p.m. weekdays or call by 704-633-5471 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

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An agency spokesman says the average cost of a case last year was $379. State lawmakers say they eventually want to switch from paying private defense attorneys to wider-spread use of public defender offices. Five former Supreme Court justices say that will take time. They say reducing fees for defense of the poor could lead to overturned convictions based on inadequate representation.

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ing to do this!” Whenever I go to PPT’s youth productions I am always reminded of how incredibly fortunate we are for our children to have the kind of invaluable educational opportunity provided by Leonard and the other directors. Auditioning, committing to a production, learning lines, creating a character, being a team player and seeing a show through to completion: the lessons kids learn from these youth productions are endless.


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wardrobe to the magical kingdom of Narnia. William Culp is appropriately dithering as Mr. Beaver while Ali Culp projects calm, maternal warmth as Mrs. Beaver. Adam Silverstrim is fun to watch as Mr. Tumnus, a faun sympathetic to the children. Jon Mitchell is a suitably menacing Fenris Ulf, the witch’s wolflike evil henchman, and Will Merrick plays the lion Aslan (the Christ figure in what is essentially a religious allegory) with a gravitas befitting the role — and a pretty darn good roar. Anthony Cataldo is artfully transformed into an imposing but warm Father Christmas. Kudos to Shelley PorterWalker, who was in charge of costumes. I’m not sure if she was responsible for makeup as well — the program didn’t say — but the whole cast looked great. The children in the audience around me were clearly enthralled by the play, and it was fun to hear them whispering excitedly when they recognized someone they knew on stage. You could practically see the wheels turning in their heads: “Someday, I’m go-


RALEIGH (AP) — Dozens of attorneys, the NAACP and former Supreme Court justices are among those opposing a funding cut for lawyers who defend poor people accused of crimes. Law school deans at Duke University, North Carolina Central, Wake Forest, Charlotte, Campbell and Elon issued a joint statement urging lawmakers to reconsider a proposed cut of $11 million from the state’s Indigent Defense Program.

said the bus ran off the right side of the road, and when the driver tried to return to the pavement, she lost control. The bus turned over on its side and slid off the road to the left into a small ditch The students and the driver of the bus were taken to local hospitals, but most injuries didn’t appear to be lifethreatening. Most students appeared to have bumps and bruises.

Jon C. Lakey/salisbury post

piedmont players and the Norvell Childrens theater present the ‘the lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,’ with a cast including William Clark, left, ali Culp, Hayley Vanhoy, sarah Hallett, Will McKenzie and lara Koontz.


Thursday night, I texted my older daughter and told her I was taking her sister, just home from college, to see the Piedmont Players Youth production of “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.” “Sounds great if they can pull it off!” she replied. I know what she meant. She wasn’t being disparaging; she’s seen great PPT youth shows and has even been in a few. But being familiar with the C.S. Lewis fantasy novel, as well as the movie version of it, she was simply commenting on how challenging such a show would be. After all, besides the humans in the cast there’s a witch and all sorts of creatures both real and fantastical, from beavers to elves to centaurs — not to mention an apocalyptic battle between good and evil. So, yes, it’s a challenging show, not for the faint of heart, and I’m thrilled to report that PPT has pulled it off with flying colors. No doubt Reid Leonard had a big task in choreographing the climactic fight scene, with so many children on stage swinging around swords and sticks. But it works seamlessly, and parents will be grateful that while it’s exciting,the action is not going to terrify the younger set. One standout performance came from Chelsea Hatfield, who played the White Witch. Hatfield plays the two-faced witch wonderfully, all sweetness and light one minute to poor impressionable Edmund (who just wants some Turkish delight, thank you very much) and an evil tyrant the next. Hatfield’s extensive dance background seems to have given her a real confidence on stage, even when she’s acting instead of dancing. The human foursome of Edmund, Peter, Susan and Lucy (played by Blake Safrit, Jonah Evans, Haley Vanhoy and Sarah Hallett) also does a good job as the “sons and daughters of Adam and Eve” who travel through the

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6A • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011


Osama? I don’t know any Osama F

Salisbury Post “The truth shall make you free” GREGORY M. ANDERSON Publisher 704-797-4201 ganderson@salisburypost.com




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Relay teams are winners Laurels to all those who formed teams and held events to raise money, all those who gave and all those who showed up Friday to walk all night or support those who did at Relay for Life. This annual event began in 1985 when Tacoma, Wash., colorectal surgeon Dr. Gordy Klatt ran and walked around a track for 24 hours to raise money for the American Cancer Society. It has since grown into the world’s largest movement to eradicate cancer, with more than 3.5 million people in U.S. 5,000 communities, and more communities in 20 other countries, taking part in Relay events to raise money for research and awareness about cancer. And a special laurel to all those who walked the Survivor’s Lap. They deserve it.

• • • Dart to Rowan County Commissioner Jon Barber for collecting his second DWI charge since 2008. While innocent until proven guilty, Barber eventually admitted guilt in the first case and served two years probation. In 2008, Barber was discovered passed out in his car by the side of the road. The latest charge came after he wrecked his car Sunday on Graham Road in western Rowan. It was a single-vehicle accident, according to the N.C. Highway Patrol. If it hadn’t been, Barber’s trouble could be far worse. And if that weren’t enough, the latest DWI charge came just days after authorities acknowledged Barber is a suspect in shoplifting wine from a local convenience store and less than a year after he resigned his teaching job amid allegations he went to class drunk. Also, a tentative laurel to Barber for announcing Friday that he’s entered a long-term inpatient rehabilitation program that will “evaluate, treat and recommend ongoing treatment for my recovery.” It’s tentative because we’ve heard Barber admit to having a problem and promise to get help before. We hope he gets the help he needs.

• • • Laurel to all those graduating today from Catawba College, Hood Theological Seminary and Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, and those who graduated last week from Livingstone College and Pfeiffer University. These young (and some not-soyoung) scholars deserve their pomp and circumstance after years of hard work. Some are just starting out in life. Others are trying to make a new life after losing jobs. Whether they’re heading off for even higher education or hoping to begin a new career, we wish them all success.

Common sense

(Or uncommon wisdom, as the case may be)

Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, ... you have to take things into your own hands. — Clint Eastwood

Keeping hope alive for real Poverty fight goes beyond government help obert Woodson would probably wince if you called him a “community organizer.” That’s because for the last 30 years as president of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, he has not spent time organizing the poor around ineffective government programs and other addictions he has been helping them become selfsufficient. “You can’t learn anything CAL by studying failure,” he THOMAS says. “If you want to learn anything, you must study the successful.” I spent last Tuesday riding around Washington and Waldorf, Md., visiting housing projects Woodson’s organization supports and studying his success. I met former drug addicts, dealers, prostitutes and pimps — all of whom testify to having been through failed government programs — who now say they are clean, sober and off the streets. The keys are discipline, raised expectations, a family atmosphere infused with tough love, imposed morality and yes, hope. Cost estimates for the “war on poverty” vary, but most put it in the trillions of dollars. That war hasn’t been won. Record numbers are on food stamps.


Woodson says the difference between programs he supports and others is that he “takes time-tested principles and virtues and applies them to addictions, homelessness and other conditions. We have moral consistency.” Woodson quotes popular Christian minister Chuck Swindoll: “Life is 10 percent

what happens to us and 90 percent how we respond to it.” Woodson, who is AfricanAmerican, as were all of those I met, tells me “Every black community going back to 1784 had welfare based on morals.” The last 40 years, he says, have transformed the way we look at poverty: “Until 1965, 80 percent of black families had two parents in the home. The ’60s destroyed all that.”

“Until 1965, 80 percent of black families had two parents in the home. The ’60s destroyed all that.” ROBERT WOODSON President, Center for Nieghborhood Enterprise

When most people think of “civil rights leaders” they think of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the NAACP. Woodson has no time for them. He says, “They get publicity; we get results.” “Eighty percent of all antipoverty money doesn’t go to poor people,” Woodson says, “but to organizations that claim to serve poor people.” He is emphatic about what he says and he produces success when so many other programs fail: “Faith in God transforms the inside and that faith transforms the outside.” Pastor Shirley Holloway is a no-nonsense, African-American woman who heads Kingdom Village in Waldorf. It provides housing and, more importantly, a home environment for many who have not had a place to live — other than prison in some cases — in years. She also runs House of Help/City of Hope in a formerly tough (until she took over)

LETTERS Special thanks to Blue Waters Pool On Saturday, May 7, the Music Festival for Cancer Awareness was held at Blue Waters Pool to benefit the Rowan County Relay for Life. Special thanks go out to Jimmy and Crystal Roseman and the gang from Blue Waters for everything from items donated to the help with getting everything set up and making sure things ran smoothly that afternoon/evening. Thank you to Dave Myers for arranging musicians and for his participation. We had several local musicians come out and share their talent with us and we appreciate each one. You guys are awesome! Special guests included Miss Rowan County Elizabeth Safrit, Miss Rowan County Outstanding Teen Kristalyn Gill and other youth queens with the Miss Rowan County Scholarship Pageant. We appreciate their support as well. Members from Relay for Life teams The Pink Angels and Linda’s Rays of Hope were there raising money for the American Cancer Society. Every dollar raised helps bring us closer to a cure. We thank each person that came out and supported us that evening. We couldn’t have done it without you! — Nita Houck Salisbury


neighborhood in Southeast Washington. Holloway tells me that she and Woodson “are not visible because we don’t whine and complain.” Woodson reminds me of an often-ignored fact: “Poor whites in Appalachia are worse off than inner-city blacks.” Perhaps that is because not as many government programs are available to them and the media and politicians mostly ignore poor whites. There is a lesson here for Republicans if they will stop forfeiting the compassion game to Democrats. Woodson and Holloway are employing conservative Republican values and ideas, which are succeeding. Why are corporations and wealthy individuals donating so much money to people and programs that aren’t working? Why do so many corporations contribute to Sharpton and Jackson when their track record of transforming people from dependency to self-sufficiency is, to be charitable, somewhat lacking. Republicans could win over the votes of many of the poor who think their future lies with Democrats. It doesn’t, not if Democrats continue to spend money on failed programs that have no power to change lives. This will require Republicans getting out of their comfort zones and hanging out with people who not only have found hope, but who can communicate hope to others. As Jesse Jackson might put it: “Keep hope alive!” For Woodson and Holloway, that’s more than an applause line. • • • Cal Thomas writes columns for Tribune Media Services, 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, N.Y. 14207. Email him at tmseditors@tribune.com.


Letters policy The Salisbury Post welcomes letters to the editor. Each letter should be limited to 300 words and include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Limit one letter each 14 days. Write Letters to the Editor, Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145-4639. Or fax your letter to 639-0003. E-mail:

Independent living A year ago I moved from Florida to Salisbury and Trinity Oaks independent living community. Since that time, I am amazed that the Salisbury and surrounding area residents seem to be unaware that there is a marvelous independent living facility here consisting of lovely cottages and apartments. There are, however, additional facilities for assisted living and the Lutheran Home full-care complex which would be available if needed and are located nearby. The entire Trinity Oaks team is committed to keeping independent living residents independent. Between the fitness center, exercise classes, swimming pool, concerts, craft and card rooms and many outside trips, it is an active community. You don’t even have to be retired — the only requirement is a minimum age of 60. I can’t understand why the Salisbury Post and the local population seem to think everyone here is in an assisted living facility. In the past month the Post

has incorrectly listed the independent living residents in community activities. When a team participated — and won — in the local Scrabble Scramble Tournament, they were identified as being from assisted living. And then again, in an article regarding the Girl Scouts, residents were identified as being from Lutheran Home nursing home. Independent living residents are very active in your community. Many participate in assisting the Rowan Public Library, Literacy Council, Rowan-Salisbury School System, N.C. Transportation Museum, Salisbury Symphony and Rowan County Concert Association and are extremely active in local churches. In checking, I learned that Trinity Oaks independent living has been here 19 years. How long does it take for the Salisbury Post and the local community to become aware of this lovely facility in your midst? —Georgina Ryon Salisbury

Editor’s note: Thank you for setting us straight.

or weeks now, every news story that mentions the Navy Seals’ wildly successful raid on Osama’s house says that the terrorist mastermind had been hiding with his three wives in a “million-dollar complex” for five years. I’m no real estate expert, but if that crappy-looking house cost a million dollars, I will eat my shoe. No pool, no granite counters in the kitchen, no doubleheight entrance hall. We are told that Abbottabad, PakJIM istan, is one MULLEN of the ritziest places in Pakistan. If that’s ritzy, what do the unritzy places look like? Would anybody be surprised at all to find out that after Osama had been cooped up in that dumpy “million-dollar complex” for five years with three wives that he dropped the dime on himself? Some people say there’s no way bin Laden could have been living in Pakistan without someone in the Pakistani government knowing about it. Really? Jaycee Lee Dugard was kidnapped near Lake Tahoe in front of many witnesses when she was 11 years old, and was only discovered 18 years later. No one noticed she had been forced to live in a tent in her kidnapper/rapist’s back yard in a suburban California neighborhood. Police and social services visited the house many times over the years because her abductor was already a convicted sex criminal, yet they didn’t seem to know he had a child permanently camping out around back. She remained missing in plain sight. A guy in Manhattan kept a full-grown tiger and an alligator in his rent-subsidized apartment for years, and none of his neighbors, who lived all the way across a 5 foot-wide hall, knew about it. It wasn’t until someone started to complain about the zoo-like stench that the outsize menagerie was discovered. If his Pakistani neighbors knew it was bin Laden living behind the charming 20-foot fence topped with razor wire, do you think they would have hung around? If you lived next door to the most wanted man in the world, knowing that he would probably be carpet bombed into oblivion the minute the Americans found out where he lived (and that was discussed), would you want to live close by? That’s like asking the waiter if you can get a table close to the mafia don who just testified against a rival family. I love this idea that news people have that everybody in Pakistan must know each other. This from people who have no idea who lives in the apartment two floors below them, much less who lives two blocks or two miles away. You won’t be surprised to learn that it wasn’t a reporter who found the long-missing Dugard or the tiger in the apartment. It wasn’t like bin Laden was inviting people to block parties every weekend like John Gotti, and I doubt his name was on the deed to the “million-dollar complex.” The White House has just announced that no one was going to get the $25 million reward for busting bin Laden. It’s hard to believe that if the corrupt, double-dealing, bribe-taking politicians and generals in Pakistan knew where Osama was, they’d pass up that kind of scratch. Right now I’m wearing a shirt from an American company that says, “Made in Pakistan.” This means that the guy who made the shirt must be getting paid less than the guy in Malaysia who used to make their shirts, who got paid less than the guy in China who made them before that. What had bin Laden ever done for him? If he knew, he’d take the money. • • • Jim Mullen writes for United Feature Syndicate.


SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 • 7A

N AT I O N / W O R L D

Taliban attacks show resolve to fight on after bin Laden’s death

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Computer foul-up gives false hope WASHINGTON (AP) — Jackpot! Not so fast. For a few joyful days, more than 20,000 people around the world thought they literally had hit the lottery and won a chance to come and live legally in the United States. Oops, the State Department said Friday, it had computer problems and will have to run the annual visa lottery again. The decision reopens competition for 50,000 wild-card visas for people who otherwise would have little hope of qualifying. About 15 million had applied, so it’s good news for many people who thought they had lost. But the glitch, which the State Department blamed on an in-house programming error, dashes the hopes of people like Max, a 28-year-old German man. He had recently checked a department website and found what he’d hoped for: Out of a random drawing with overwhelmingly long odds, he was one of the lucky few who might get one of the visas. “It’s like you won $100,000, and then they just take it away from you and it’s gone,” said Max, who would give only his last name for fear that full identification might jeopardize his chances in future applications.

NEW YORK (AP) — Pressed by a deadline to keep TV’s most popular sitcom alive after it was derailed by Charlie Sheen’s personal troubles, CBS and Warner Bros. Television said Friday that Ashton Kutcher will replace Sheen in “Two and a Half Men.” The show resumes production this summer and will be on CBS’ schedule in the fall, with Kutcher playing a new character, not Sheen’s Charlie Harper. The deal apparently came together quickly, following reports earlier this week that negotiations with film actor Hugh Grant to join the show had fallen through. Kutcher is familiar to television audiences through his role on Fox’s “That 70s Show,” film roles like the romantic comedy “No Strings Attached” and for producing and hosting the prank show “Punk’d.” Kutcher is not as well known as Sheen but is 12 years younger and has a huge following of fans who check in on his every utterance on Twitter. He said Friday he believes that “we can fill the stage with laughter that will echo in viewers’ homes.”


WASHINGTON (AP) — His two-year mission unfulfilled, Sen. George Mitchell announced his resignation Friday as the Obama administration’s special envoy to the Mideast at a time of turmoil in the region and after fruitless attempts at Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. President Barack Obama, accepting the resignation, called Mitchell “a tireless advocate for peace.”

FUDAI, Japan (AP) — In the rubble of Japan’s northeast coast, one small village stands as tall as ever after the tsunami. No homes were swept away. In fact, they barely got wet. Fudai is the village that survived — thanks to a huge wall once deemed a mayor’s expensive folly and now vindicated as the community’s salvation. The 3,000 residents living between mountains behind a cove owe their lives to a late leader who saw the devastation of an earlier tsunami and made it the priority of his four-decade tenure to defend his people from the next one. His 51-foot floodgate between mountainsides took a dozen years to build and meant spending more than $30 Medicare forecast million in today’s dollars. “It cost a lot of money. But to be broke by 2024 WASHINGTON (AP) — without it, Fudai would have disappeared,” said seaweed The bad economy is worsenfisherman Satoshi Kaneko, 55, ing the already-shaky fiwhose business has been ru- nances of Medicare and Social

Kutcher replaces Sheen in sitcom

Mark Stout


US Mideast peace envoy resigns

Huge floodgate spared Japanese town


TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Taunting NATO, Moammar Gadhafi said Friday that he is alive despite a series of airstrikes and “in a place where you can’t get to and kill me.” The defiant audio recording was broadcast after the Libyan government accused NATO of killing 11 Muslim clerics with an airstrike on a disputed eastern oil town. Gadhafi had appeared on state TV but not been heard speaking since a NATO attack on his Tripoli compound two weeks ago, which officials said killed one of his sons and three grandchildren. In a brief recording played Friday on Libyan TV, Gadhafi said he wanted to assure Libyans concerned about a strike this week on his compound in Tripoli. “I tell the coward crusaders — I live in a place where you can’t get to and kill me,” he said. “I live in the hearts of millions.” He referred to a NATO airstrike on Thursday that targeted his Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli, claiming it had killed “three innocent journalist-civilians.” Reporters on Thursday were shown the airstrike damage by Libyan officials, including one who said Gadhafi and his family had moved away from the compound some time ago. One missile appeared to have targeted some sort of underground bunker at the compound — a sprawling complex of buildings surrounded by towering concrete blast walls.

In a two-paragraph letter to Obama, Mitchell said that he took the diplomatic job intending to only serve two years. “I strongly support your vision of comprehensive peace in the Middle East and thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of your administration,” Mitchell wrote. Mitchell’s resignation comes at a critical time for the Middle East, which is embroiled in uprisings, and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, which has been moribund since last September and is now further complicated by an agreement between Palestinian factions to share power. Mitchell’s resignation appears to have been timed to match Obama’s increased public focus on the region. The president will deliver a speech next Thursday at the State Department about his administration’s views of developments in the region, ahead of a visit to Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Obama also will play host to Jordan’s King Abdullah II on Tuesday. Mitchell’s last day will be effective May 20 — the same day Netanyahu visits the White House.

ined but who is happy to have Security, draining the trust funds supporting them faster his family and home intact. than expected and intensifying the need for Congress to Syrian troops open shore up the massive benefit fire on protesters programs, the government BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian se- said Friday. curity forces and snipers Both Medicare and Social opened fire on thousands of Security are being hit by a protesters Friday, killing at double whammy: the long-anleast six people as mass ar- ticipated wave of retiring rests and heavy security kept baby boomers and weakercrowds below previous levels than-expected tax receipts, seen during the two-month up- according to the annual report rising against President by the trustees who oversee Bashar Assad, activists said. the programs. A leading human rights acThe Medicare hospital intivist said three people were surance fund for seniors is killed in Homs, two in Damas- now projected to run out of cus and one in a village out- money in 2024, five years earside Daraa, the southern city lier than last year’s estimate. where the revolt began two The Social Security trust months ago. He asked that his funds are projected to be name not be used for fear of drained in 2036, one year eargovernment reprisal. lier than the last estimate. “At first they opened fire Once the trust funds are exin the air, but the people con- hausted, both programs can tinued on their way, and then only collect enough money in they shot directly into the payroll taxes to pay partial crowd,” an eyewitness said by benefits, the report said. telephone from Homs. More immediate bad news He said security forces for seniors: After they’ve gone dressed in black along with two years with no cost-of-livshadowy, pro-regime gunmen ing increase in Social Securiknown as “shabiha” were do- ty payments, the trustees ing the shooting. project a 0.7 percent increase Human rights groups say for next year, a raise so small more than 775 people have that it will probably be wiped been killed since the start of out by higher Medicare Part the protest movement in Syr- B premiums for most benefiia in mid-March. The violence ciaries. has become a deadly cycle each week, with protesters taking to the streets every Friday only to be met with bullets, tear gas and batons, with funerals a day later.


Libya says 11 clerics killed in airstrike

associated press

soldiers of the pakistan army stand guard after a bombing in pakistan. a police officer says the death toll was 66 in a pair of explosions outside a security force training center.

Pr e-P ick ed

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A double Taliban suicide attack Friday that killed 66 paramilitary police recruits represented the deadliest terrorist strike in Pakistan since the killing of Osama bin Laden. It sent a strong signal that militants mean to fight on and to try to avenge the al-Qaida leader. The attack came as both the Pakistani and Afghan wings of the Taliban have been carrying out attacks to prove they remain a potent force and bolster their profiles in case peace talks prevail in Afghanistan. U.S. and Afghan officials have said they hope the Afghan Taliban will use bin Laden’s death as an opportunity to break their link with alQaida — an alliance the U.S. says must be severed if the insurgents want peace in Afghanistan. But Afghan officials and Pakistani experts say any severing of ties would not happen anytime soon, if at all. “The Taliban want to prove that bin Laden’s killing did not really affect them,” said Rahimullah Yusafzai, a Taliban expert in the Pakistani city of Peshawar who has interviewed their reclusive leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar. “I don’t think anybody is talking peace at this stage,” Yusafzai said. “Everybody is wanting to score something on the ground. I think the spring fighting, the summer fighting will continue and it will be worse than last year.”




Sue Mounce carries a balloon and a rose as she walks around the track Friday during Relay for Life.

FRoM 1A “You come here year after year to be part of it, then you’re involved in a way you don’t expect,” he said. “I’ve known Kevin a very long time. It’s amazing, the response that we had from people I knew, from people she knew.” Relay For Life event chairperson Brittney Barnhardt said it was difficult to estimate the turnout, which filled parking lots and the walking track at the fairgrounds. “I imagine 8,000 to 10,000 people will come through this gate,” Barnhardt said. “I mean, it’s packed.” The 24-hour fundraiser features raffles, bake sales, food, live entertainment and a steady stream of walkers symbolizing the never-ending fight against cancer.” “I hope they walk away from this night knowing that people truly care about our survivors and those who have lost their lives,” Barnhardt said. The Survivor Lap, a staple of Relay for Life, featured some 300 cancer survivors. Juanita Messick, head of survivors’ activities, said more than 500 survivors in all had been signed up for the event. Young or old, people from all over the county enjoyed the carnival atmosphere during the muggy night, despite distant lightning flashes. A big projection screen

come in from food sales and raffles throughout the night, she said. And more will come in after the event as donations continue to be received. Elizabeth Clarke, founding member of the team “Friends for Life,” said Relay For Life was as much about friendship and a spirit of unity in the fight against cancer as it was about the money raised for research, Hers is an independent team, now in its fourth year. “We’re just friends and family who got together and Wayne hinshaW/FoR the SALISBURY PoSt made a team,” Clarke said. Abby Cozart, 13, holds up hair a cosmetology student cut off Selling ice-cold drinks

and food underneath a big tent, the team had settled in for the night ahead. Clarke said this is the team’s fourth year. They

Contact Hugh Fisher via the editor’s desk at 704-7974244.

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in the Cut for Pantene Beautiful Lengths. Abby did it to honor her cousin, Matt Clary who died from cancer at age 24. displayed the text messages of friends, fans and survivors for all to see. The camaraderie was strong throughout the fairgrounds, as churches, schools and area businesses competed to see who could

started put as Janet’s Pit Crew, in honor of Clarke’s aunt, Janet Cauble, who lost her fight with cancer. At the front of the tent is a plaque from last year’s Relay, honoring them for raising over $4,400. “We hope to beat that this year,” Clarke said. Like Relay For Life itself, she said Friends For Life started as a team because of personal connections, then kept growing as more people joined for their own reasons. “It is very emotional. You really can’t put it into words,” Clarke said. But the feeling, she said, keeps people coming back. “If you come one time, you’ll come every year.”


8A • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011

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Emergency service agencies gathering for celebration Sunday next to Wallace Commons Shopping Center. The event is from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. A helicopter from Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte will be on display, along with ambulances, fire trucks,


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Crowds filled the Rowan County Fairgrounds on Friday night for Relay for Life.

SALISBURY — To celebrate EMS Week, which begins Sunday, local emergency service agencies are getting together for a kickoff celebration Sunday on the Home Depot property off of Julian Road



Soccer Parrish, Salisbury rally past Piedmont in playoff action/6B

East upset CHINA GROVE — It was evident N. Iredell 5 fairly early team E. Rowan 2 which came to play Friday in the NPC softball championship game — and that team was the Raiders of North Iredell, who left with a 5-2 victory This is significant, not only because the win is a conference championship, but also it’s the first time that North Iredell has beaten East Rowan since the two became NPC rivals.

“We lost to them and to Chelsea (White) in two really close games this year, and we were very prepared today,” said North Iredell coach Lauren Gaither. “And we tried to wear her down early and were able to get to her.” The Raiders jumped out to a 3-0 lead on East Rowan’s star hurler. That turned out to be more than enough for their own ace Karley Harkey. Harkey mowed down Mustang hitters like a John Deere and contributed at the plate with a sacrifice fly, a double and a run scored.




Page still standing Staff report


May 14, 2011


Ronnie Gallagher, Sports Editor, 704-797-4287 rgallagher@salisburypost.com



jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

Chelsea White and East Rowan enter the playoffs next week.

And then, there was one. Rowan County sent seven tennis players to the state individual tournament in Burlington on Friday and by day’s end, only Salisbury’s Steven Page was still standing. Salisbury’s No. 1 player won two matches and made it into today’s semifinals. Page started strong in the 2A tournament with a 6-0, 6-1 victory against Northwood’s Christian Manhard 6-0, 6-1 and then was forced into three sets before beating Newton-Conover’s John Reid 4-6, 6-2, 6-2. Page now moves into the semifinal against Patrick Hensley of South Iredell. In the other semifinal match, Jordan Bailey of Topsail meets Koret Lovett of Brevard.

Page’s teammate Alan Lebowitz lost in the first round of his singles match to James Tart 1-6, 6-4, 6-3. In doubles, Salisbury’s duo of Alex Weant and Seth Gentry won in the first round over Garrett Peedin and Montana Wiggs of North Johnston 6-4, 6-1 but fell in the next round to Shelby’s Ray Webb Parker and Ben Cheaney 6-0, 6-1. Salisbury’s other doubles team of Lewis Young and Brock Overcash lost in the first round to Drew Guerra and Emerson Ellis of Durham School of the Arts 6-2. 6-3. Two Newton-Conover teams advanced to the doubles semifinals after Friday's action. • In 3A, West Rowan’s Joel Brittain was beaten in the first round by Eric Green of Western Alamance 6-1, 6-1.


Woods no longer invincible BY RON KROICHICK San Francisco Chronicle

Tiger Woods limped around the golf course Thursday, plopped two shots into the water, needed 42 strokes to navigate nine holes, shook hands with fellow competitors Matt Kuchar and Martin Kaymer and disappeared into the great unknown. Oddly enough, this was exactly what Woods needed — tangible evidence he’s not ready to play on the PGA Tour. WOODS He tricked himself with his stirring final-round charge at the Masters, the day after spraining his left knee and straining his left Achilles tendon while hitting a shot at Augusta National. Woods expects to conquer any injury any time he wants, because he’s spent most of his life thinking he’s invincible. That can be a useful attitude — it’s how he won the 2008 U.S. Open on one leg. It’s also how he wrecked his personal life. This just in: Tiger is not invincible. Not at all. Now, in the wake of his ugly front nine and premature exit from the Players Championship, he probably realizes the need to change the blueprint. He showed up at the Players because he always builds his schedule around the majors, and he needed to begin preparing for next month’s U.S. Open outside Washington, D.C. That’s understandable, even admirable, given his quest to break Jack Nicklaus’ record of 18 major titles. But the Open spins in serious doubt, given the obvious pain Woods nursed at TPC Sawgrass. So does the British Open in July and the PGA Championship in August.


jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

Bradley Robbins improved to 10-0 after pitching East Rowan to an easy first-round victory against Rockingham County.

Rocking Rockingham Behind Robbins, East Rowan has no trouble in Round 1 BY MIKE LONDON mlondon@salisburypost.com

GRANITE QUARRY — East Rowan ace E. Rowan 9 Bradley Robbins Rock. Co. 0 has limited his struggles this season to intrasquad contests. “He didn’t make it out of the second inning in our last one,” East

More playoffs

coach Brian Hightower said with a smirk. “Luke (Thomas)  Carson wins over hit one up in the Mount Pleasant; trees off him, Salisbury falls, 8B and Nathan (Fulbright) hit one out. Robbins was wondering why the heck they don’t hit the ball like that when

he wants them to.” Defending 3A champ East hit the ball fine on Friday at Staton Field in the first round of the playoffs, drilling 12 hits, including homers by Wesley LeRoy and Fulbright. East rolled 9-0 against Rockingham County, and while it was more competitive than it sounds, Robbins, a junior righty, raised his record to 10-0 and lowered an ERA that’s not

easy to reduce. Officially, he’s now at 1.08. “He’s the best pitcher we’ve seen this season,” Rockingham County coach Chris Loye said. “And that’s a very good team. They would stack up well against anyone we’ve played.” Among other things, East turned

See EAST, 4B

Harvick, Busch continue feud at Dover BY DAN GELSTON Associated Press


Kevin Harvick, left, laughs with Ryan Newman.

DOVER, Del. — Kevin Harvick and Kyle Busch may have to play nice on the track now that they’re on probation. Off the track? Well, boys, have at it. “It’s kind of one lie after the other,” Harvick said of Busch. “He’ll talk to you to your face like you’re best friends, but then behind closed doors ... he has the utmost disrespectful thoughts,” Busch said

of Harvick. The verbal smackdown that’s been ignited between the NASCAR stars since their dustup last weekend at Darlington Raceway has turned Harvick-Busch into the feud of the week. Harvick and Busch disagree about the incident that forced NASCAR to penalize them. And, they differ on NASCAR’s interpretation of “Boys, have at it.” They did agree Friday at Dover International Speedway that they don’t like each

other. “I’ve never gotten along with the guy,” Busch said. Harvick and Busch were fined $25,000 apiece and put on probation this week by NASCAR for their actions on pit road at Darlington. On Thursday, the drivers were summoned separately to the NASCAR hauler for a meeting with top officials. NASCAR issued a brief ultimatum about what it means to compete while on probation — and that Harvick’s No. 29 Chevrolet and Busch’s No. 18

Toyota shouldn’t tangle too closely on the track. The probation for all NASCAR-sanctioned events runs through June 15, a span that includes four Sprint Cup Series championship races and the non-points $1 million All-Star event. The drivers got an early chance to prove they’ll be on their best behavior in Friday night’s Truck Series race at Dover. Harvick qualified second and Busch third.

See FEUD, 3B

2B • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011

TV Sports


Saturday, May 14 AUTO RACING 10:30 a.m. ESPN2 — NASCAR, Nationwide Series, pole qualifying for 5-Hour Energy 200, at Dover, Del. Noon SPEED — NASCAR, Sprint Cup, pole qualifying for FedEx 400, at Dover, Del. 2 p.m. ESPN — NASCAR, Nationwide Series, 5-Hour Energy 200, at Dover, Del. 7 p.m. ESPN2 — NHRA, qualifying for Southern Nationals, at Atlanta (same-day tape) COLLEGE BASEBALL 7:30 p.m. FSN — Baylor at Oklahoma St. COLLEGE SOFTBALL 5 p.m. ESPN2 — Big East Conference, championship game, Syracuse-DePaul winner vs. Notre Dame-Louisville winner, at Louisville, Ky. 8 p.m. ESPN — Southeastern Conference, championship game, Tennessee-Auburn winner vs. Georgia-Alabama winner, at Oxford, Miss. GOLF 2 p.m. NBC — PGA Tour, THE PLAYERS Championship, third round, at Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 4 p.m. MLB — Regional coverage, St. Louis at Cincinnati or Kansas City at Detroit 7 p.m. FOX — Regional coverage, Boston at N.Y. Yankees, San Francisco at Chicago Cubs, or Arizona at L.A. Dodgers MEN’S COLLEGE LACROSSE Noon ESPN2 — NCAA Division I, playoffs, first round, Hofstra vs. Johns Hopkins NHL HOCKEY 8 p.m. VERSUS — Playoffs, conference finals, game 1, Tampa Bay at Boston SOCCER 7:30 a.m. ESPN2 — Premier League, Manchester United at Blackburn 11 p.m. ESPN2 — MLS, Portland at Seattle

PLAYOFFS CONFERENCE FINALS (Best-of-7) Saturday, May 14 Tampa Bay at Boston, 8 p.m. Sunday, May 15 San Jose at Vancouver, 8 p.m.

NBA PLAYOFFS CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS (Best-of-7) Friday, May 13 Memphis 95, Oklahoma City 83 Sunday, May 15 Memphis at Oklahoma City, 3:30 p.m. CONFERENCE FINALS Sunday, May 15 Miami at Chicago, 8 p.m.

Friday box Grizzlies 95, Thunder 83 OKLAHOMA CITY (83) Durant 3-14 4-6 11, Ibaka 4-6 0-0 8, Perkins 1-3 4-6 6, Westbrook 11-22 4-5 27, Sefolosha 2-4 0-0 4, Harden 5-10 2-3 14, Collison 3-5 0-0 6, Mohammed 0-2 1-2 1, Maynor 2-5 2-2 6, Cook 0-3 0-0 0. Totals 31-74 17-24 83. MEMPHIS (95) Allen 4-6 1-2 10, Randolph 12-22 6-8 30, Gasol 3-8 2-2 8, Conley 3-12 4-4 11, Mayo 6-12 2-2 16, Battier 2-6 0-0 5, Haddadi 0-1 0-0 0, Vasquez 0-2 0-0 0, Arthur 3-7 2-2 8, Young 3-7 1-2 7. Totals 36-83 18-22 95. 21 33 14 15 — 83 Oklahoma City Memphis 23 21 28 23 — 95 3-Point Goals—Oklahoma City 4-25 (Harden 2-5, Westbrook 1-5, Durant 1-9, Maynor 0-1, Sefolosha 0-2, Cook 0-3), Memphis 5-16 (Mayo 2-4, Allen 1-2, Battier 1-3, Conley 14, Randolph 0-1, Young 0-2). Fouled Out— None. Rebounds—Oklahoma City 48 (Durant, Perkins 7), Memphis 53 (Randolph 13). Assists—Oklahoma City 15 (Harden 5), Memphis 20 (Conley 12). Total Fouls—Oklahoma City 21, Memphis 22. Technicals—Harden, Ibaka, Westbrook, Mayo, Randolph. A— 18,119 (18,119).

Area schedule

ML Baseball

Saturday, May 14 NSSA 52nd Annual Awards week PREP TRACK 1A Midwest Regional Meet (Monroe) 2A Midwest Regional Meet (Waxhaw Cuthbertson) 4A State Championships (N.C. A&T) INTIMIDATORS BASEBALL, 7:05 p.m. Kannapolis at West Virginia Power

Prep baseball Playoffs 1st Round 1A West E. Mont. 15, NCSSM 0 N. Rowan 19, Chatham Central 4 N. Moore 14, Central Academy 4 E. Surry (17-9) at West Wilkes (12-13) McGuinness 5, E. Wilkes 2 Albemarle 19, Union Acad. 4 N. Stokes (6-15) at Elkin (10-8) S. Stanly (17-7) at Roxboro Com. (7-14) Murphy 15, Swain 1 LN Charter 6, T. Jefferson 1 Robbinsville (8-8) at Mitchell (7-13) Bessemer City 4, W. Mont. 3 Cherryville 13, N. Wilkes 0 Rosman 9, Hiwassee 6 Hendersonville 15, Avery 2 Hayesville 15, Cherokee 2 2A West West Stokes 17, Carver 0 W. Stanly 8, C. Davidson 3 W. Davidson 1, J-Matthews 0 East Lincoln 6, N. Surry 1 Cuthbertson 11, North Lincoln 1 E. Davidson (14-10) at Surry C. (14-10) West Lincoln 2, North Stanly 1 Piedmont 6, Salisbury 5 Starmount (16-8) at Bunker Hill (26-1) Owen 3, South Iredell 2 Wilkes Central 7, Bandys 0 Chase 11, Smoky Mtn. 10 W. Caldwell (12-12) at E. Rutherford (21-3) Draughn 5, Brevard 2 Pisgah 16, Madison 6 Polk Co. 5, Forbush 4 3A West E. Rowan 9, Rockingham 0 Weddington 8, Hickory Ridge 4 NW Cabarrus 8, N. Forsyth 0 Parkwood (8-12) at Waddell (3-15) Charlotte Catholic 2, S. Rowan 1 Carson 1, Mt. Pleasant 0 Marvin Ridge 9, Cox Mill 2 Robinson (14-10) at W. Iredell (13-9) Burns 10, St. Stephens 3 N. Gaston (16-7) at N. Buncombe (18-8) South Pt. 7, E. Henderson 1 Foard (10-13) at W. Henderson (15-8) Patton (9-14) at Hickory (14-10) Erwin 3, Forestview 1 Enka 10, Tuscola 7 Crest (13-7) at R-S Central (7-16) 4A West Glenn 1, Mount Tabor 0 Dudley (17-9) at Ardrey Kell (21-4) Butler 1, Davie Co. 0 (susp., top 3rd) N. Davidson 12, S. Alamance 2 Providence 20, W. Guilford 2 NW Guilford 7, South Meck 4 SE Guilford 6, E. Forsyth 2 SW Guilford (16-8) at W. Forsyth (20-5) Porter Ridge 5, North Meck 0 East Gaston 5, AC Reynolds 1 Alexander Central 7, Lake Norman 2 Watauga 11, Olympic 1 East Meck (14-11) at TC Roberson (20-4) Mooresville 5, S. Caldwell 4 Hopewell 11, West Meck 1 Mallard Creek 7, Sun Valley 2

Prep soccer Playoffs 2A West Second round (Fri. or Sat.) West Stokes 7, Forest Hills 1 Salisbury 2, Piedmont 1 E. Burke (8-9-3) at Cuthbertson (21-2) E. Davidson (9-6-4) at E. Lincoln (13-8) Wilkes Central (14-5) at S. Iredell (17-4) C. Davidson (16-5-1) at Forbush (21-1) Ashe (12-7) at Shelby (15-3-1) Polk (14-7-2) at Brevard (11-7-2) 3A West Second round (Fri. or Sat.) Marvin Ridge 4, West Rowan 1 Parkwood (4-8-2) at Robinson (16-4) Cox Mill (18-3-1) at Char. Catholic (17-1) Hickory Ridge (9-8-1) at Weddington (14-4-2) Hibriten (11-8-2) at Asheville (16-5-1) Hickory (13-6-2) at Crest (17-1-3) Enka (12-6-1) at St. Stephens (17-3-3) South Pt. (13-8-1) at N. Bunc. (9-11-1)

Minors Standings South Atlantic League Northern Division W L Pct. Hagerstown (Nationals)23 12 .657 Kannapolis (White Sox)21 12 .636 Delmarva (Orioles) 21 14 .600 Hickory (Rangers) 20 14 .588 Greensboro (Marlins) 19 15 .559 West Virginia (Pirates) 16 17 .485 Lakewood (Phillies) 16 18 .471 Southern Division W L Pct. Asheville (Rockies) 18 17 .514 Greenville (Red Sox) 17 17 .500 Savannah (Mets) 16 18 .471 Lexington (Astros) 16 19 .457 Charleston (Yankees) 14 20 .412 Augusta (Giants) 13 22 .371 Rome (Braves) 10 25 .286 Friday’s Games Augusta 8, Hickory 4 West Virginia 5, Kannapolis 2 Savannah 5, Rome 1 Charleston 6, Greenville 2 Asheville 12, Lexington 7 Greensboro 6, Delmarva 3 Hagerstown 4, Lakewood 3

GB — 1 2 21⁄2 31⁄2 6 61⁄2 GB — 1 ⁄2 11⁄2 2 31⁄2 5 8

Standings American League East Division L Pct GB W Tampa Bay 23 15 .605 — New York 20 16 .556 2 18 20 .474 5 Boston Toronto 18 20 .474 5 Baltimore 17 20 .459 51⁄2 Central Division L Pct GB W Cleveland 24 13 .649 — Detroit 21 18 .538 4 20 18 .526 41⁄2 Kansas City Chicago 16 23 .410 9 Minnesota 12 24 .333 111⁄2 West Division W L Pct GB 21 18 .538 — Los Angeles 1 Texas 20 18 .526 ⁄2 Oakland 19 19 .500 11⁄2 16 23 .410 5 Seattle Thursday’s Games Tampa Bay 7, Cleveland 4 Kansas City 11, N.Y. Yankees 5 Baltimore 2, Seattle 1, 12 innings Friday’s Games Boston 5, N.Y. Yankees 4 Detroit 3, Kansas City 1 Cleveland 5, Seattle 4 Tampa Bay 3, Baltimore 0 Texas 4, L.A. Angels 1 Toronto 2, Minnesota 0 Chicago White Sox 4, Oakland 3 Saturday’s Games Seattle (Bedard 1-4) at Cleveland (White 1-0), 1:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Floyd 4-2) at Oakland (T.Ross 2-2), 4:05 p.m. Baltimore (Bergesen 0-4) at Tampa Bay (W.Davis 4-2), 4:10 p.m. Kansas City (Francis 0-4) at Detroit (Penny 3-3), 4:10 p.m. L.A. Angels (Haren 4-2) at Texas (Holland 3-1), 4:10 p.m. Toronto (Jo-.Reyes 0-3) at Minnesota (Blackburn 2-4), 4:10 p.m. Boston (Beckett 2-1) at N.Y. Yankees (Sabathia 3-2), 7:10 p.m. National League East Division W L Pct GB Philadelphia 25 12 .676 — 22 15 .595 3 Florida Atlanta 21 19 .525 51⁄2 New York 18 20 .474 71⁄2 18 20 .474 71⁄2 Washington Central Division W L Pct GB St. Louis 22 17 .564 — 1 21 17 .553 ⁄2 Cincinnati Pittsburgh 18 20 .474 31⁄2 Chicago 17 20 .459 4 17 21 .447 41⁄2 Milwaukee Houston 14 24 .368 71⁄2 West Division W L Pct GB Colorado 20 16 .556 — .553 — San Francisco 21 17 Los Angeles 18 20 .474 3 Arizona 15 21 .417 5 15 23 .395 6 San Diego Thursday’s Games St. Louis 9, Chicago Cubs 1 N.Y. Mets 9, Colorado 5 San Francisco 3, Arizona 2 L.A. Dodgers at Pittsburgh, ppd., rain Atlanta 6, Washington 5, 10 innings Friday’s Games Chicago Cubs 11, San Francisco 4 Florida 6, Washington 5, 11 innings Cincinnati 6, St. Louis 5, 10 innings Philadelphia 5, Atlanta 4 N.Y. Mets 6, Houston 4 Milwaukee 5, Pittsburgh 2 Colorado 12, San Diego 7 Arizona at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Saturday’s Games Florida (Ani.Sanchez 2-1) at Washington (L.Hernandez 3-4), 1:05 p.m. Philadelphia (Blanton 1-1) at Atlanta (Jurrjens 4-0), 1:10 p.m. San Diego (Harang 5-2) at Colorado (Chacin 4-2), 3:10 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Dickey 1-4) at Houston (Happ 2-4), 4:05 p.m. Pittsburgh (Karstens 2-1) at Milwaukee (Narveson 1-3), 4:10 p.m. St. Louis (McClellan 5-0) at Cincinnati (Cueto 1-0), 4:10 p.m. Arizona (Collmenter 1-0) at L.A. Dodgers (Billingsley 2-2), 7:10 p.m. San Francisco (Vogelsong 2-0) at Chicago Cubs (D.Davis 0-0), 7:10 p.m.

Friday boxes Cubs 11, Giants 4 San Francisco Chicago ab r h bi ab r h bi Torres cf 5 2 3 0 SCastro ss 5 2 3 2 Snchz 2b 4 0 0 0 Barney 2b 5 2 3 3 Huff 1b 4 0 2 2 Byrd cf 4 1 2 0 Posey c 4 0 2 0 JeBakr 3b 4 1 1 1 Schrhlt rf 4 1 1 0 DeWitt 3b 1 0 0 0 C.Ross lf 4 1 1 2 ASorin lf 3 1 1 0 Fontent ss 4 0 0 0 Marshll p 0 0 0 0 Tejada 3b 4 0 0 0 Colvin ph 1 0 0 0 Bmgrn p 1 0 0 0 Mateo p 0 0 0 0 Burrell ph 1 0 0 0 RJhnsn rf 5 1 3 4 Affeldt p 0 0 0 0 C.Pena 1b 4 0 0 0 Mota p 0 0 0 0 K.Hill c 3 0 0 1 Runzler p 0 0 0 0 Dmpstr p 1 1 0 0 DeRosa ph1 0 0 0 K.Wood p 0 0 0 0 Fukdm rf 1 2 1 0 Totals 36 4 9 4 Totals 37 11 14 11 San Fran 100 010 020— 4 Chicago 030 000 53x—11 Lob—San Francisco 6, Chicago 8. 2b— Huff (9), S.castro (8), Barney (5). 3b—Torres (1), Re.johnson (1). Hr—C.ross (2). Sb—Torres (2). S—K.hill. IP H R ER BB SO San Francisco Bumgarner L,0-6 6 5 3 3 2 6 1 ⁄3 2 4 4 1 0 Affeldt 2 ⁄3 2 1 1 1 1 Mota Runzler 1 5 3 3 0 1 Chicago Dempster W,2-4 6 6 2 2 1 11 K.wood H,6 1 1 0 0 0 1 Marshall 1 2 2 2 0 2 Mateo 1 0 0 0 0 0 HBP—by Affeldt (Byrd). WP—Dempster. T—3:07. A—37,433 (41,159).

Indians 5, Mariners 4 Seattle ab ISuzuki rf 3 Figgins 3b 4 Smoak 1b 3 Cust dh 4

r 0 1 1 1



Cleveland h bi ab r h bi 0 0 Brantly cf 4 2 2 1 1 0 ACarer ss 4 1 1 1 1 2 Choo rf 4 1 1 1 2 0 CSantn c 3 0 0 0

AKndy 2b 4 0 0 0 Hafner dh 4 1 2 2 Peguer lf 3 1 1 1 OCarer 2b 3 0 0 0 Ryan ss 4 0 1 1 LaPort 1b 3 0 0 0 MSndrs cf 4 0 0 0 Kearns lf 3 0 1 0 CGmnz c 3 0 0 0 Hannhn 3b 3 0 0 0 Totals 32 4 6 4 Totals 31 5 7 5 Seattle 000 010 300—4 Cleveland 101 000 003—5 Two outs when winning run scored. Dp—Seattle 1, Cleveland 2. Lob—Seattle 4, Cleveland 1. 2b—Cust (8), Brantley (6), A.cabrera (8). Hr—Smoak (6), Peguero (1), Brantley (3), Choo (5), Hafner (5). Cs—Kearns (2). IP H R ER BB SO Seattle Fister 8 4 2 2 1 6 League L,0-4 Bs,3-122⁄33 3 3 0 0 Cleveland 6 4 4 2 2 Carmona 72⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Sipp W,2-0 11⁄3 HBP—by Carmona (Smoak). WP—Sipp. Umpires—Home, Wally Bell; First, Laz Diaz; Second, Scott Barry; Third, John Hirschbeck. T—2:24. A—33,774 (43,441).

Red Sox 5, Yankees 4 Boston

New York ab r h bi ab r h bi Ellsury cf 5 1 2 0 Jeter ss 5 1 1 0 Pedroia 2b3 1 1 0 Grndrs cf 5 1 2 1 AdGnzl 1b 3 1 1 2 Teixeir 1b 5 0 0 0 Youkils 3b 5 2 1 2 AlRdrg 3b 3 0 1 0 Ortiz dh 3 0 1 0 Cano 2b 3 0 0 0 J.Drew rf 5 0 1 0 Swisher rf 3 0 1 0 Lowrie ss 3 0 1 0 Posada dh 4 1 1 0 Crwfrd lf 4 0 0 1 Martin c 4 1 1 2 Sltlmch c 4 0 1 0 Gardnr lf 4 0 1 0 Totals 35 5 9 5 Totals 36 4 8 3 Boston 000 200 300—5 New York 000 020 011—4 E—Youkilis (3). Lob—Boston 10, New York 8. 2b—Swisher (5). 3b—Granderson (3). Hr— Ad.gonzalez (8), Youkilis (6), Martin (7). Sb— Ellsbury (12), Al.rodriguez (1), Cano (3). S— Pedroia. Sf—Ad.gonzalez. IP H R ER BB SO Boston C.buchholz W,4-37 5 2 2 1 7 Bard H,7 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 Papelbon S,6-7 1 New York Colon L,2-2 6 5 3 2 3 4 1 3 2 2 0 0 Chamberlain Logan 1 1 0 0 0 1 R.Soriano 1 0 0 0 2 1 Colon pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. Logan pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. HBP—by Bard (Cano). WP—Bard. PB— Martin. Umpires—Home, Chris Guccione; First, Mike Winters; Second, Mike Everitt; Third, Mark Wegner. T—3:35. A—48,254 (50,291).

Rangers 4, Angels 1 Texas Los Angeles ab r h bi ab r h bi Aybar ss 4 1 1 1 Borbon cf 3 0 0 0 Abreu dh 3 0 1 0 Gentry cf 1 0 0 0 MIzturs 2b 4 0 1 0 Andrus ss 4 1 2 2 TrHntr rf 4 0 0 0 Kinsler 2b 4 1 2 0 HKndrc lf 4 0 0 0 MiYong 1b 4 0 2 1 Callasp 3b4 0 2 0 C.Davis 1b 0 0 0 0 Conger c 3 0 1 0 Morlnd rf 4 0 0 0 Trumo 1b 3 0 0 0 ABeltre 3b 3 1 1 1 Bourjos cf 3 0 0 0 DvMrp lf 3 0 0 0 Napoli dh 2 1 0 0 0 Torreal c 3 0 0 Totals 32 1 6 1 Totals 31 4 7 4 Los Angeles 001 000 000—1 Texas 100 111 00x—4 Dp—Texas 1. Lob—Los Angeles 7, Texas 4. 2b—Callaspo (7), Kinsler (11), Mi.young (15). Hr—Aybar (1), Andrus (2), A.beltre (9). IP H R ER BB SO Los Angeles Weaver L,6-3 6 7 4 4 1 6 Jepsen 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 T.Bell Texas 5 1 1 1 5 Ogando W,4-0 61⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Eppley H,22⁄3 Oliver H,6 1 0 0 0 0 0 Feliz S,7-7 1 1 0 0 1 0 HBP—by Ogando (Trumbo). Umpires—Home, Tom Hallion; First, James Hoye; Second, Phil Cuzzi; Third, Angel Campos. T—2:31. A—45,995 (49,170).

White Sox 4, Athletics 3 Chicago Oakland ab r h bi ab r h bi 3 0 0 0 Pierre lf 4 0 1 0 Crisp cf AlRmrz ss 4 0 0 0 Barton 1b 4 0 0 0 A.Dunn dh4 0 0 0 Sweeny lf 3 1 1 0 Konerk 1b 4 1 2 0 CJcksn ph-lf1 0 0 0 Quentin rf 3 1 0 0 Matsui dh 4 1 1 0 Przyns c 2 0 0 0 KSuzuk c 4 1 1 0 3 1 0 1 DeJess rf 3 0 2 1 Rios cf Vizquel 3b 3 1 2 1 M.Ellis 2b 3 0 0 0 Bckhm 2b 2 0 0 1 Kzmnff 3b 2 0 0 1 0 Pnngtn ss 2 0 1 Totals 29 4 5 3 Totals 29 3 6 2 Chicago 040 000 000—4 000 000 300—3 Oakland E—Mccarthy (4). Dp—Chicago 1, Oakland 1. Lob—Chicago 1, Oakland 2. 2b—Vizquel (3). 3b—Dejesus (2). Sb—Crisp (10). Cs— Crisp (4). Sf—Beckham, Kouzmanoff. IP H R ER BB SO Chicago Humber W,3-3 6 6 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Crain H,4 11⁄3 0 0 1 0 Thornton H,22⁄3 0 S.santos S,4-4 1 0 0 0 0 2 Oakland 5 4 3 2 6 Mccarthy L,1-4 7 Wuertz 1 0 0 0 0 2 Balfour 1 0 0 0 0 2 Humber pitched to 4 batters in the 7th. HBP—by Humber (Pennington). WP— Humber. Umpires—Home, Jerry Layne; First, Bob Davidson; Second, Hunter Wendelstedt; Third, Brian Knight. T—2:21. A—12,690 (35,067).

Rays 3, Orioles 0 Tampa Bay Baltimore ab r h bi ab r h bi BRorts 2b 4 0 0 0 Fuld cf 4 0 0 0 Markks rf 4 0 0 0 Zobrist rf 3 0 1 0 D.Lee 1b 4 0 1 0 Damon dh 4 1 1 1 Scott dh 3 0 0 0 Longori 3b 4 1 2 0 2 1 2 2 AdJons cf 3 0 0 0 Joyce lf Wieters c 3 0 1 0 Ktchm 1b 3 0 0 0 Hardy ss 3 0 1 0 SRdrgz 2b 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Brignc ss 3 0 1 0 Pie lf MrRynl 3b 3 0 1 0 Jaso c 3 0 0 0 Totals 30 0 4 0 Totals 29 3 7 3 Baltimore 000 000 000—0 Tampa Bay 020 000 01x—3 Dp—Baltimore 2. Lob—Baltimore 4, Tampa Bay 4. 2b—D.lee (4), Longoria (6). Hr— Damon (6), Joyce (5). IP H R ER BB SO Baltimore Guthrie L,1-6 8 7 3 3 2 5 Tampa Bay Hellickson W,4-2 9 4 0 0 1 3 Umpires—Home, Ron Kulpa; First, Jim Wolf; Second, Derryl Cousins; Third, Jim Joyce. T—2:18. A—20,476 (34,078).

Tigers 3, Royals 1 Kansas City Detroit ab r h bi ab r h bi Getz 2b 4 0 0 0 AJcksn cf 3 1 1 1 MeCarr cf 4 0 1 1 SSizmr 2b 4 0 1 0 Gordon lf 4 0 1 0 Boesch rf 4 0 1 0 Butler dh 2 0 0 0 C.Wells rf 0 0 0 0 Francr rf 4 0 0 0 MiCarr 1b 4 0 1 0 Hosmer 1b4 0 0 0 VMrtnz dh 3 1 1 0 Aviles 3b 3 0 0 0 Kelly lf 3 0 1 0 Treanr c 3 0 1 0 JhPerlt ss 2 1 1 1 AEscor ss 2 1 0 0 Avila c 3 0 0 1 Inge 3b 3 0 0 0 Totals 30 1 3 1 Totals 29 3 7 3 Kansas City 000 001 000—1 Detroit 110 100 00x—3 Dp—Kansas City 1. Lob—Kansas City 5, Detroit 5. 2b—Treanor (2), Mi.cabrera (11). 3b—Me.cabrera (3). Hr—A.Jackson (3), Jh.peralta (5). Sb—Gordon (4), A.Jackson (5). IP H R ER BB SO Kansas City Hochevar L,3-4 6 7 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 2 L.Coleman 12⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Collins1⁄3 Detroit Verlander W,4-3 8 2 1 1 3 7 Valverde S,9-9 1 1 0 0 0 2 WP—Valverde. Umpires—Home, Larry Vanover; First, Brian Gorman; Second, Tony Randazzo; Third, Dan Bellino. T—2:23. A—33,641 (41,255).

Blue Jays 2, Twins 0 Toronto ab YEscor ss 3 CPttrsn lf 5 Bautist rf 4 JRiver dh 5

r 0 1 1 0

Minnesota h bi ab r h bi 1 0 Span cf 3 0 1 0 1 0 Plouffe ss 3 0 1 0 3 1 Kubel dh 4 0 0 0 2 1 Mornea 1b 4 0 1 0

A.Hill 2b 4 0 1 0 DYong lf 4 0 1 0 Arencii c 4 0 0 0 ACasill pr 0 0 0 0 Encrnc 1b 5 0 2 0 Cuddyr rf 4 0 0 0 Cooper 1b 0 0 0 0 Valenci 3b 2 0 0 0 JMcDnl 3b3 0 2 0 LHughs 2b 3 0 0 0 RDavis cf 4 0 1 0 Butera c 2 0 0 0 0 Revere ph 1 0 0 RRiver c 0 0 0 0 Totals 37 213 2 Totals 30 0 4 0 Toronto 000 000 101—2 Minnesota 000 000 000—0 Dp—Toronto 1, Minnesota 1. Lob—Toronto 14, Minnesota 6. 2b—Bautista (7), A.hill (4). Hr—Bautista (12). Sb—C.patterson (6), J.rivera (2). S—Y.escobar, Jo.mcdonald. H R ER BB SO IP Toronto 2 4 0 0 3 8 R.romero W,3-4 8 ⁄3 F.francisco S,3-41⁄30 0 0 0 1 Minnesota 7 0 0 3 1 Pavano 51⁄3 1 1 1 0 Al.burnett L,0-22⁄3 1 Hoey 1 1 0 0 0 1 Perkins 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 Nathan Al.Burnett pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. WP—R.Romero. PB—Arencibia. Umpires—Home, Jeff Kellogg; First, Eric Cooper; Second, Mark Carlson; Third, Tim Timmons. T—2:58. A—38,809 (39,500).

Marlins 6, Nationals 5, 11 innings, Florida

Washington ab r h bi ab r h bi Coghln cf 6 0 1 0 Berndn cf 5 0 3 2 Bonifac 3b-lf 6 0 0 0 Dsmnd ss6 0 2 1 HRmrz ss 5 1 2 0 Werth rf 3 1 0 0 GSnchz 1b4 1 2 2 AdLRc 1b 4 0 0 0 J.Buck c 5 1 1 1 WRams c 5 0 0 0 Morrsn lf 4 1 1 1 L.Nix lf 5 1 3 2 Mujica p 0 0 0 0 Espinos 2b 3 1 0 0 LNunez p 0 0 0 0 Storen p 0 0 0 0 Stanton rf 5 1 1 1 Morse ph 1 0 1 0 Infante 2b 5 1 2 0 Brdrck p 0 0 0 0 Volstad p 2 0 1 0 HrstnJr 3b-2b 5 2 2 0 R.Webb p 0 0 0 0 Grzlny p 1 0 0 0 Cousins ph1 0 0 0 Coffey p 0 0 0 0 MDunn p 0 0 0 0 Stairs ph 1 0 1 0 Badnhp p 0 0 0 0 Marqus pr 0 0 0 0 Choate p 0 0 0 0 Clipprd p 0 0 0 0 Dobbs 3b 1 0 1 1 Cora 3b 2 0 0 0 Totals 44 612 6 Totals 41 5 12 5 Florida 300 100 010 01—6 Washington 001 300 010 00—5 Dp—Florida 3, Washington 1. Lob—Florida 8, Washington 9. 2b—Coghlan (11), H.ramirez (6), Dobbs (4), Bernadina (2), L.nix (5), Morse (2), Hairston Jr. (6). Hr—G.sanchez (7), J.buck (5), Morrison (5), Stanton (6), L.nix (5). Sb—Bernadina (4). S—Volstad, Gorzelanny. IP H R ER BB SO Florida Volstad 6 8 4 4 1 7 1 1 0 0 0 1 R.Webb M.dunn Bs,2-2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 Badenhop2⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Choate1⁄3 Mujica W,4-1 1 1 0 0 0 2 L.nunez S,13-13 1 0 0 0 0 0 Washington 8 4 4 1 6 Gorzelanny 42⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 Coffey 21⁄3 1 1 1 1 0 2 Clippard Storen 2 0 0 0 0 3 Broderick L,0-1 1 2 1 1 0 0 HBP—by Gorzelanny (Morrison). WP— Broderick. Umpires—Home, Paul Nauert; First, Doug Eddings; Second, Dana DeMuth; Third, Kerwin Danley. T—3:43. A—19,503 (41,506).

Brewers 5, Pirates 2 Pittsburgh Milwaukee ab r h bi ab r h bi AMcCt cf 4 0 0 0 Weeks 2b 3 0 2 0 Tabata lf 3 0 1 0 CGomz cf 5 0 1 0 GJones rf 4 0 0 0 Braun lf 5 0 1 3 Walker 2b 4 0 1 0 Fielder 1b 3 0 0 0 Alvarez 3b3 0 0 0 McGeh 3b 4 0 1 0 Overay 1b 4 1 2 0 C.Hart rf 4 1 1 0 Snyder c 3 0 0 0 YBtncr ss 4 0 0 0 Paul ph 1 0 0 0 Lucroy c 3 2 1 1 Cedeno ss2 1 1 2 Gallard p 3 2 2 1 JMcDnl p 2 0 0 0 Estrad p 0 0 0 0 Ascanio p 0 0 0 0 Counsll ph 0 0 0 0 Moskos p 0 0 0 0 Axford p 0 0 0 0 Pearce ph 1 0 0 0 Resop p 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 2 5 2 Totals 34 5 9 5 Pittsburgh 000 200 000—2 Milwaukee 002 300 00x—5 E—Overbay (4). Dp—Milwaukee 1. Lob— Pittsburgh 5, Milwaukee 10. 2b—Tabata (7), Weeks (9), C.hart (3). Hr—Cedeno (1), Lucroy (2). Sb—Tabata (10), Braun 2 (7). H R ER BB SO IP Pittsburgh Ja.mcdonald L,2-34 6 5 5 3 7 1 0 0 0 0 2 Ascanio Moskos 1 1 0 0 1 0 Resop 2 2 0 0 1 2 Milwaukee Gallardo W,4-2 6 5 2 2 3 5 Estrada H,2 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 Axford S,8-10 Umpires—Home, Alfonso Marquez; First, Ed Hickox; Second, Chris Conroy; Third, Brian O’Nora. T—3:01. A—32,837 (41,900).

Phillies 5, Braves 4 Philadelphia Atlanta ab r h bi ab r h bi Rollins ss 5 1 1 0 Prado lf 5 1 3 0 Victorn cf 5 1 2 1 McLoth cf 2 0 0 0 Polanc 3b 4 1 2 0 C.Jones 3b2 0 1 1 Howard 1b4 2 2 3 McCnn c 4 0 0 0 BFrncs rf 4 0 1 0 Heywrd pr 0 0 0 0 Ibanez lf 4 0 2 1 Uggla 2b 5 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Fremn 1b 4 0 0 0 Orr 2b Mayrry ph 1 0 0 0 AlGnzlz ss 4 2 3 0 Worley p 0 0 0 0 Mather rf 3 1 2 0 Madson p 0 0 0 0 Beachy p 1 0 0 0 Ruiz c 3 0 0 0 CMrtnz p 1 0 1 2 Hamels p 2 0 0 0 DHrndz ph 1 0 0 0 Gload ph 1 0 0 0 Gearrin p 0 0 0 0 JRomr p 0 0 0 0 OFlhrt p 0 0 0 0 Stutes p 0 0 0 0 Hinske ph 1 0 0 0 Bastrd p 0 0 0 0 Linernk p 0 0 0 0 WValdz 2b1 0 0 0 Totals 37 510 5 Totals 33 4 10 3 Philadelphia 300 000 110—5 Atlanta 100 021 000—4 E—Polanco (3), Hamels (1). Dp—Philadelphia 2. Lob—Philadelphia 6, Atlanta 10. 2b— Rollins (6), Howard (9), Prado (11), Mather 2 (3), C.martinez (1). Hr—Howard (9). Cs—Prado (4). S—Mclouth 3, Mather. IP H R ER BB SO Philadelphia Hamels 6 8 4 4 1 7 1 0 0 2 0 J.Romero1⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 1 Stutes ⁄3 0 0 0 1 Bastardo W,2-01⁄3 0 Worley H,2 1 1 0 0 0 1 Madson S,6-6 1 0 0 0 1 1 Atlanta Beachy 2 6 3 3 1 1 C.Martinez 4 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 0 0 Gearrin H,22⁄3 O’flaherty L,1-2 Bs,1-111⁄3 3 1 1 0 2 Linebrink 1 0 0 0 0 0 WP—Hamels. PB—Ruiz. Umpires—Home, David Rackley; First, Bruce Dreckman; Second, Paul Emmel; Third, Gary Darling. T—3:04. A—36,168 (49,586).

Mets 6, Astros 4 New York Houston ab r h bi ab r h bi Jos.Reyes ss3 1 1 0 Bourn cf 5 0 2 0 Thole c 3 0 0 0 Barmes ss 4 0 0 0 F.Rodriguez p0 0 0 0 Pence rf 4 0 0 0 D.Wright 3b31 1 2 Ca.Lee lf 4 1 2 1 Beltran rf 4 0 1 0 Wallace 1b 2 1 1 0 Bay lf 4 1 1 1 C.Johnson 3b 4 1 2 1 Dan.Murphy 1b 4 0 0 0 Hall 2b4 0 1 1 Turner 2b 4 2 2 0 Quintero c 3 0 0 1 Pridie cf 4 0 1 1 Bogusevic ph 1 0 1 0 Gee p 2 0 0 0 Towles c 0 0 0 0 Igarashi p 0 0 0 0 Norris p 2 1 0 0 Misch p 0 0 0 0 Fulchino p 0 0 0 0 F.Martinez ph1 1 1 2 Michaels ph1 0 0 0 T.Buchholz p0 0 0 0 W.Lopez p 0 0 0 0 R.Paulino c1 0 0 0 Totals 33 6 8 6 Totals 34 4 9 4 New York 000 000 141—6 Houston 001 003 000—4 E—Dan.murphy (3). Dp—New York 1, Houston 1. Lob—New York 3, Houston 9. 2b— Beltran (13), Pridie (4), C.johnson (7). Hr— D.wright (6), Bay (2), F.martinez (1). Sb— Bourn (14). Sf—Ca.lee. IP H R ER BB SO New York Gee 5 5 4 4 4 6 1 0 0 0 0 Igarashi1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Misch W,1-0 12⁄3 0 0 0 1 T.buchholz H,52⁄3 1

F.rodriguez S,11-12 1 ⁄3 2 0 0 0 1 Houston 5 4 4 3 8 Norris 71⁄3 Fulchino L,0-1 Bs,2-22⁄31 1 1 0 1 W.Lopez 1 2 1 1 0 1 Gee pitched to 3 batters in the 6th. HBP—by Gee (Wallace). PB—R.Paulino. Balk—Gee. Umpires—Home, Angel Hernandez; First, Mike Estabrook; Second, Chad Fairchild; Third, Bill Miller. T—2:58. A—28,791 (40,963). 1

Reds 6, Cardinals 5, 10 innings Cincinnati St. Louis ab r h bi ab r h bi Punto 2b 3 0 0 0 Stubbs cf 4 1 0 0 Rasms cf 4 2 1 0 Renteri ss 4 1 1 2 Pujols 1b 4 1 2 0 Votto 1b 5 1 2 1 Hollidy lf 5 1 3 2 BPhllps 2b 4 0 2 1 4 1 1 1 Brkmn rf 2 0 0 1 Bruce rf Batista p 0 0 0 0 Rolen 3b 5 0 3 1 Miller p 0 0 0 0 FLewis lf 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Salas p 0 0 0 0 Leake p ESnchz p 0 0 0 0 Cairo ph 1 0 0 0 MHmlt ph 1 0 0 0 Masset p 0 0 0 0 Craig rf 0 0 0 0 JGoms ph 1 0 0 0 YMolin c 5 1 1 0 Corder p 0 0 0 0 Descals 3b5 0 2 2 Hanign c 2 0 0 0 Greene ss 3 0 0 0 T.Wood pr 0 0 0 0 Lohse p 3 0 0 0 RHrndz c 1 0 1 0 Jay rf 2 0 0 0 Arroyo p 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Motte p 0 0 0 0 Bray p Heisey lf 3 2 1 0 Totals 37 5 9 5 Totals 38 6 13 6 St. Louis 000 301 100 0—5 Cincinnati 000 002 201 1—6 Two outs when winning run scored. E—B.phillips (1). Dp—St. Louis 2, Cincinnati 1. Lob—St. Louis 10, Cincinnati 13. 2b— Holliday (12), Descalso (6), Renteria (2), Votto (11), Rolen (7), R.hernandez (5). Sb—Pujols (3). S—B.phillips, Arroyo. Sf—Berkman. IP H R ER BB SO St. Louis Lohse 6 7 2 2 2 4 Batista 0 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Miller Salas H,3 2 0 0 0 1 0 E.sanchez Bs,1-51 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 Motte L,1-12⁄3 Cincinnati Arroyo 6 6 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 Bray1⁄3 2 2 0 0 1 0 Leake ⁄3 Masset 2 0 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 1 1 Cordero W,3-1 1 Batista pitched to 3 batters in the 7th. Miller pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. HBP—by Salas (Hanigan). WP— E.Sanchez, Leake. Umpires—Home, Mike DiMuro; First, Andy Fletcher; Second, Tim Welke; Third, Jim Reynolds. T—3:54. A—32,972 (42,319).

Rockies 12, Padres 7 San Diego Colorado ab r h bi ab r h bi Denorfi rf 5 0 0 0 S.Smith rf 5 1 2 1 Frieri p 0 0 0 0 Herrer 2b 4 1 2 0 Bartlett ss 5 0 1 1 CGnzlz lf 4 3 1 1 Cantu 1b 5 0 1 0 Tlwtzk ss 5 2 3 3 Headly 3b 4 2 1 0 Helton 1b 4 1 2 1 Maybin cf 4 3 4 3 Belisle p 0 0 0 0 Ludwck lf 4 1 2 1 RBtncr p 0 0 0 0 RJhnsn c 3 0 0 1 Fowler ph-cf1 1 1 1 AlGnzlz 2b3 1 1 1 Wggntn 3b-1b5 1 1 0 Mosely p 1 0 0 0 Splrghs cf 5 2 3 1 Forsyth ph1 0 0 0 Street p 0 0 0 0 Scriner p 0 0 0 0 Iannett c 4 0 0 0 Hawpe ph 0 0 0 0 DeLRs p 3 0 1 1 Qualls p 0 0 0 0 MtRynl p 0 0 0 0 Venale ph-rf 1 0 1 0 JoLopz 3b1 0 0 0 4112 16 9 Totals 36 7 11 7 Totals 7 San Diego 010 112 200— Colorado 320 121 03x—12 E—Ludwick (1), Alb.gonzalez (1). Dp—San Diego 1, Colorado 2. Lob—San Diego 6, Colorado 8. 2b—Alb.gonzalez (2), Helton (9), Wigginton (4). 3b—C.gonzalez (1). Hr—Maybin 2 (5), Tulowitzki (10). Sb—C.gonzalez 2 (6), Tulowitzki (3). H R ER BB SO IP San Diego Moseley L,1-5 4 9 6 6 2 3 1 4 2 2 0 0 Scribner Qualls 2 2 1 1 0 1 Frieri 1 1 3 1 1 1 Colorado 2 De La Rosa W,5-15 ⁄3 9 5 5 3 3 Mat.reynolds H,51⁄30 0 0 0 0 Belisle 1 1 2 2 1 2 R.betancourt H,111 1 0 0 0 0 Street 1 0 0 0 0 0 WP—De La Rosa 2. Balk—Frieri. Umpires—Home, Dan Iassogna; First, Dale Scott; Second, Jerry Meals; Third, John Tumpane. T—3:13. A—40,278 (50,490).

This date in baseball May 14 1913 — Washington’s Walter Johnson gave up a run in the fourth inning against the St. Louis Browns to end his streak of 56 scoreless innings. The Senators won 10-5. 1914 — Jim Scott of the Chicago White Sox pitched nine innings of no-hit ball against the Washington Senators, but lost 1-0 after giving up two hits in the 10th inning. 1920 — Walter Johnson of the Washington Senators recorded his 300th victory with a 9-8 win over the Detroit Tigers. 1927 — Chicago pitcher Guy Bush went the distance for the Cubs in a 7-2 18-inning win over Boston. Charlie Robertson of the Braves almost matched the feat, leaving with one out in the 18th. 1965 — Carl Yastrzemski of Boston hit for the cycle and added another home run for five RBIs in a 12-8 10-inning loss to the Detroit Tigers. 1967 — Mickey Mantle’s 500th home run, off Stu Miller, lifted the New York Yankees to a 6-5 victory over the Baltimore Orioles. 1972 — In his first game with the New York Mets, Willie Mays hit a fifth inning home run off Don Carrithers for the difference in a 5-4 triumph over the San Francisco Giants. 1977 — Jim Colborn of the Kansas City Royals no-hit the Texas Rangers for a 6-0 victory. 1988 — Jose Oquendo became the first non-pitcher in 20 seasons to get a decision, taking the loss in the 19th inning when Ken Griffey’s two-out, two-run double led the Atlanta Braves over the St. Louis Cardinals 75. 1989 — Benny Distefano became the first left-handed catcher in a major league game in nine years when he caught the ninth inning of the Pittsburgh Pirates’ 5-2 loss to the Atlanta Braves. Mike Squires caught two games with the Chicago White Sox in 1980 and Dale Long caught two games for the Chicago Cubs in 1958. 1993 — Jay Gainer of the Colorado Rockies hit a home run on the first major league pitch he saw. The first baseman became the fifth National Leaguer and 12th major leaguer to accomplish this feat. The Cincinnati Reds beat the Rockies 13-5. 1996 — Dwight Gooden pitched a no-hitter as the New York Yankees beat the Seattle Mariners 2-0. Gooden struck out five and walked six.

Transactions BASEBALL American League DETROIT TIGERS—Placed OF Magglio Ordonez on the 15-day DL, retroactive to May 11. Purchased the contract of OF Andy Dirks from Toledo (IL). MINNESOTA TWINS—Reinstated OF Delmon Young from the 15-day DL. Optioned OF Rene Tosoni to Rochester (IL). NEW YORK YANKEES—Recalled RHP Hector Noesi from Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL). Optioned RHP Buddy Carlyle to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. SEATTLE MARINERS—Claimed RHP Jeff Gray off waivers from the Chicago White Sox. National League CINCINNATI REDS—Reinstated 3B Scott Rolen from the 15-day DL. Optioned INF Chris Valaika to Louisville (IL). COLORADO ROCKIES—Reinstated INF Ty Wigginton from the 15-day DL. Optioned INF Ian Stewart to Colorado Springs (PCL). FLORIDA MARLINS—Reinstated RHP Javier Vazquez from the bereavement list and OF Logan Morrison from the 15-day DL. LOS ANGELES DODGERS—Purchased the contract of INF Juan Castro from Albuquerque (PCL). Optioned INF Ivan De Jesus to Albuquerque. Transferred C Hector Gimenez to the 60-day DL. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES—Activated C

Davie-Butler suspended From staff reports

Davie will resume its first-round playoff game with Butler Monday at 6 p.m. The game was stopped by lightning and rain. Action will pick up in the top of the third with Butler holding a 1-0 lead.  South Rowan fell 2-1 to Charlotte Catholic in a 3A first-round game.  Weston Smith pitched a complete game as Northwest Cabarrus won 8-0 against North Forsyth. Smith struck out nine. Smith went 3-for-4 with four RBIs at the plate. Will Miller had two hits, including a triple. • East Davidson’s playoff game at Surry Central was rescheduled for today at 11 a.m.

 Pro baseball Bobby Parnell (East Rowan) is on a minor league rehab assignment at Triple A Buffalo as he works his way back from a DL stint for a blood clot in a finger. Parnell allowed a three-run homer on Thursday, but he’s expected to be activated by the New York Mets in a week or so. • The Kannapolis Intimadators fell to the West Virgnia Power 5-2 Friday night. The Power scored four runs in the fourth to guide them to victory. John Spatola hit his first home run of the season in the ninth for Kannapolis (21-12).

 Catawba football Recent additions to Catawba’s football recruiting class include fullback Marco Gupton (West Rowan), a transfer from Utah, and running back Chris Bruce (Salisbury), a transfer from Louisburg.

 Prep softball camp Catawba will have summer softball camps at Whitley Field on June 20-23 and July 18-21. Camps are from 9 until noon and cost $100. Contact Adrian Gantt at awgantt@catawba.edu or 704-213-2438 for information. Checks should be made to Catawba Softball Camp.

 Catawba clinic Catawba will have its last junior clinic session on Sunday, May 15. Contact Jeff Childress at 704-637-4265 or jchildre@catawba.edu for information on clinics and Catawba summer camps.

 College baseball Catawba is ranked fifth in the latest Southeast Regional poll and will learn by Sunday if it’s going to be part of the regional field. Six teams go to the regional. Tournament winners Mount Olive and UNC Pembroke, which are ranked above Catawba, as well as unranked Wingate are the three automatic qualifiers by virtue of winning conference tournaments. Catawba (40-13) hopes to be one of the three at-large teams that get bids.  Appalachian State freshman left fielder Preston Troutman (East Rowan) was named Southern Conference Player of the Week recently. Troutman went 4-for-7, with two doubles, six RBIs, two runs scored, a sacrifice fly and a stolen base in two games against Western Carolina.

Grizzlies win, force Game 7 Associated Press

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Zach Randolph is doing everything he can to Grizzlies 95 keep the Memphis GrizThunder 83 zlies’ memorable playoff run going as long as possible. Randolph had 30 points and 13 rebounds, and the Grizzlies avoided elimination by beating the Oklahoma City Thunder 95-83 Friday night to push their Western Conference semifinal to Game 7. The Grizzlies had never won a game before when facing elimination, but that was back in 2004, 2005 and 2006, when they were swept out of the postseason each of those years. These Grizzlies are having not only the best playoff run in franchise history, but they now have won more games this postseason than any other No. 8 seed from the West. Game 7 will be Sunday in Oklahoma City, with the winner advancing to play the wellrested Dallas Mavericks. O.J. Mayo, who started in place of Sam Young, scored 16 points for Memphis. Mike Conley had 11 points and 12 assists, and Tony Allen added 10 points as the Grizzlies also improved to 5-1 on their home court in this postseason, with a sellout crowd standing for the entire second half cheering to keep this stunning run going at least one more game. Memphis outscored the Thunder 51-29 in the second half and 46-38 in the paint. Russell Westbrook led the Thunder with 27 points, and James Harden had 14. Kevin Durant, the NBA’s leading scorer in the regular season, was held to a postseason-low 11 points. Randolph had been limited to just 19.8 points and 31.9 percent shooting since he scored a career-best 34 points in Game 1. He had been the focus of the Thunder’s defense. But the power forward scored 11 in the fourth to preserve Memphis’ lead. He scored six straight points, capped by a 12-foot fallaway that sent the fans into a frenzy.


SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 • 3B


Cam’s transition Panthers’ Newton working to mitigate effects of lockout Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS — Cam Newton wore a navy blue suit with a bright orange tie — his old Auburn colors — as he formally received one more national award for his extraordinary 2010 college season. The NFL’s top overall draft choice by Carolina could not have worn official Panthers gear to the Manning Award ceremonies on Friday even if he wanted to because of the league’s ongoing lockout. Still, he spoke confidently about the work he’s putting in on his own to get ready for his first pro season. Being barred from working at team head quarters with his new coaches while NFL labor strife drags on is “nothing that I’m worried about right now,” Newton said. “One thing that I am worried about is to try to focus on learning as much as I can come time that the lockout is lifted,” Newton continued, adding that he had a chance to get a copy of the Carolina play book when the lockout was briefly lifted by a judge on April 29. “It’s a lot of material that I do not know, but each day I’m going in and

learning something,” Newton said. “So by the time ... the lockout is lifted and I get a chance to talk to (offensive coordinator Rob) Chudzinski and (quarterbacks coach Mike) Shula and meet back up with the team, I’ll be on top of my game.” Named for former Ole Miss and New Orleans Saints quarterback Archie Manning, the Manning award is given annually to the nation’s top college quarterback. Newton, who also was the 2010 Heisman Trophy winner, flew in to pick up his award from Bradenton, Fla., where he’s been working out at the IMG Institute and refining his game with former NFL quarterback Chris Weinke. Newton said he’s been starting his days around 7 a.m. and often not finishing up until around 7 each night. He begins with treatment for any soreness lingering from previous workouts. His days also include conditioning and at least an hour or two of work with Weinke, a former Panther himself. Manning, who also attended the ceremony, said he believes Newton is a “tremendous” athlete with the requisite motivation to be success-

ful in the NFL. Yet Manning, speaking from his own experience as a pro and from following the careers of his former Super Bowl MVP sons — Peyton and Eli — said it’s hard to predict how long it will take for Newton to fulfill his promise. He added that it might take longer than usual because of the lockout. “It’s unfortunate for Cam and other quarterbacks who went in the first round, if (their teams are) counting on them to play,” Manning said. “Chances are it’ll delay their time to play. It’s always tough to throw a rookie in, even more so to throw him in without having these spring minicamps and workouts.” In the long run, though, Manning said his expectations for the 6-foot5, 248-pound Newton would be as high as anyone’s. “He’s got great size. He’s got everything you want,” Manning said. “He had one of the most phenomenal senior years. That doesn’t mean anything except that he’s got the talent. The main thing is, somebody’s got to want to be good and work at it, and he seems to have a really great work ethic. There’s no reason he won’t be an

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cam Newton signs a helmet for an Auburn fan. outstanding player. It may not happen in Year 1. You don’t know when it’s going to happen. A lot of times, when you get picked first in the draft, you’re going to a team that’s not too good.” At Auburn, Newton took snaps out of the shotgun in a spread offense that gave him numerous opportunities to both run and pass. He threw for 30 touchdowns and rushed for 20 more in the Tigers’ 14-0 national

Toms has lead

Rivers returning to Boston at the opening game against the Vikings but then Favre went to play for WALTHAM, Mass. — Boston Celtics the Jets. And then he went to Minnesogeneral manager Danny Ainge was ap- ta. proaching his postseason news confer• DALLAS — Former Dallas Cowence when his cell phone rang. boys running back Ron Springs, who He smiled and told reporters it was spent the past four years in a coma affrom his new coach, then ducked into ter losing oxygen during a 2007 operathe nearby workout room to take the tion, has died without ever regaining call. But he was only half-joking: It was consciousness. He was 54. Doc Rivers calling, and he had just Former Cowboys teammate Everson agreed to a five-year contract extenWalls, who donated a kidney to Springs sion that would not only give him anfor a transplant, said the Springs famiother run at a title with the current ros- ly informed him that his friend died ter but keep him in Boston to help reabout 4:30 p.m. at Medical City Dallas build the franchise when the Big Three hospital. era is done. • SAN FRANCISCO — Colin "I think Doc is the best coach in the Kaepernick recently had a surgical league. So it's great for us," Ainge said procedure on his lower left leg that the Friday at the team's practice facility. San Francisco 49ers believe will have "There's nobody I'd rather have as my no impact on the second-round pick's coach than Doc." rookie season.

championship season. In the NFL, he’ll be taking more snaps under center and probably scrambling less. “I don’t think it’s going to be a problem for me. I think it’s just timing more than anything,” Newton said. “Just repetition as far as me knowing what I have to do, knowing the assignment, the alignment and what everybody’s doing on that particular play.”

Associated Press



ASHLAND, Wis. — Green Bay Packers president and CEO Mark Murphy says the team will eventually retire Brett Favre's No. 4. They just want to make sure he's really retired. "He deserves that for what he did as a Packer," Murphy told fans in Ashland, Wis., on Wednesday during the team's annual Tailgate Tour. "But it's a very, very meaningful honor and we want to do it at a time when it's meaningful for both him and the organization." According to the Green Bay PressGazette, Murphy says it would likely be a few years before the ceremony. He said when Favre retired after the 2007 season, they planned a ceremony

CORAL GABLES, Fla. — Tate Forcier's career at Miami is over before it started. A person familiar with his decision told The Associated Press on Friday that the former Michigan quarterback broke off contact with the Hurricanes about six weeks ago because undisclosed personal matters were overshadowing football.

COLLEGE BASKETBALL NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Belmont University, a steady presence in the NCAA basketball tourney, is leaving the Atlantic Sun Conference and joining the Ohio Valley Conference effective in the 2012-2013 academic year, the

Associated Press

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doc Rivers will remain celtics coach. school announced Friday. Belmont has been in the NCAA basketball tournament four times in the last five years, losing in the first round each time. This year the Bruins finished 30-5 overall and lost to Wisconsin as a 13th seed. They nearly upset Duke in 2008, losing 71-70.

TENNIS NEW YORK — Venus Williams pulled out of the French Open on Friday, 24 hours after her younger sister Serena withdrew, making it the first Grand Slam tournament since 2003 without either Williams.

BASEBALL NEW YORK — With the Los Angeles Dodgers in danger of running out of cash in less than three weeks, baseball Commissioner Bud Selig wouldn't set a timetable for approving a $3 billion television deal that would enable owner Frank McCourt to make payroll at the end of the month.

Busch moving up in record book Associated Press

DOVER, Del. — Under probation, Kyle Busch was on his best behavior racing side-byside with rival Kevin Harvick. Under caution, Busch geared up for the restarts that helped move him up the NASCAR record book. Busch won the Trucks Series race at Dover International Speedway on Friday, moving into a tie for fifth place with 96 career wins in the three major divisions. Busch matched Mark Martin with his 96 wins: 21 in Sprint Cup, 48 in the Nationwide Series, and 27 in Trucks. He can sweep the weekend and boost his total with wins Saturday in the Nationwide

race or in Sunday's Cup race. He also became the first Trucks driver to win twice at Dover. "It wasn't quite the walk in the park it seemed," Busch said. "This place is so difficult, so challenging." His biggest challenge came from rookie Cole Whitt. Whitt was strong early on the long runs, he led 23 laps, but he struggled on the short ones. When the race came down to late restarts, Busch beat the 19-year-old Whitt and took the checkered flag for the third time this season in the Trucks Series. "Kyle's one of the best in the business on restarts. He definitely schooled me a few times," Whitt said. "I felt like

FEUD FROM 1B Their already contentious relationship took another blow late in the race at Darlington after Busch made contact with Harvick. Harvick said officials stressed he was penalized because of the postrace blow up on pit road. Last weekend at Darlington, Harvick climbed from his car and threw a punch into Busch’s window just as Busch pulled away, using his car to bump Harvick’s car out of the way. The empty car turned and hit the inside wall. No one was hurt, but Harvick’s crew members were running down pit road when the car hit the wall. “I think they would back me whether I was right or wrong, they are going to back me up and I will do the same for

I got a good one there at the end, but it wasn't quite good enough. That's pretty much what won the race." Busch was impressed with Whitt's performance. "Who's the next up-andcoming star? Who's the next guy that can get the job done?" Busch said. For the foreseeable future, all the up-and-comers and seasoned vets still have to get by Busch. Whitt's finished second. Matt Crafton was third, Austin Dillon fourth and Harvick fifth. Harvick battled for the lead early but was dropped to the back of the field after a speeding penalty. Busch won under caution and raced all 200 miles with-

them. That’s the great part about our team,” Harvick said. “The No. 18 team is not backing him up, I mean when you don’t have a backbone how do you back someone up?” One-liners aside, safety issues were at the heart of the penalty. Pit road is no place for payback, especially once crew members and other personnel are out there. NASCAR adopted a “Boys, have at it” policy at the start of last year that gave the drivers more leniency to police each other on the track. For some, the penalties levied against the pair seemed to go against that easygoing stance. “It’s definitely to the point where it’s a little bit confusing with how it all works,” Harvick said. “I think when you look at the, ‘Boys, have at it,’ theme, it’s obviously changing as we go through the process.” Surprise. Busch insisted he knew ex-

PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. — David Toms has gone five years without winning, and 10 years since his lone major at the PGA Championship. Now he has to fend off a host of players who have won big events a lot more recently. Toms went 25 holes before making a bogey Friday and countered with enough good shots for a 4-under 68, giving him a one-shot lead over Nick Watney going into what figures to be another wild weekend on the TPC Sawgrass. Watney won a World Golf Championship two months ago at Doral, punctuated by a birdie on the tough closing hole. Despite missing four birdie putts inside 12 feet on his last seven holes, he got into the final group. Luke Donald, the World Golf Championship winner at Arizona in February, became the first player since 2004 to make it around Sawgrass without a bogey for the first 36 holes. He birdied the island-green 17th and shot 67 to finish two shots behind. Also two shots behind: • U.S. Open champion and Ryder Cup star Graeme McDowell, who is back on

from behind the ninth green. At this point, will just be easier to tweet when he doesn’t actually FROM 1B chunk a chip.” (Jason SoWoods is desperate to bel, Golf Channel) win again, but he will not Woods ultimately bowed win on one leg, and he will out after one of his highest not win when he can’t prac- nine-hole scores ever. He tice (as was the case the has shot 43 four times on past month). Let’s face it: the PGA Tour, most recentThat memorable Open trily last year at the tournaumph at Torrey Pines ment in Charlotte. three years ago was a onceOne vital, out-of-view elin-a-lifetime deal. ement in all this is the imHe needs to forget about pact of Woods’ injuries on majors until he can hit his his practice routine. He beopening tee shot without came the game’s greatest wincing. He couldn’t on player because he meshed Thursday — his inaugural transcendent talent with feshot on No. 1 launched his rocious motivation, the physical undoing. same imposing combina“The knee acted up, and tion Michael Jordan used to then the Achilles followed dominate the NBA. after that, and then the calf But if Woods won 14 started cramping up,” majors, in part, by outWoods told reporters. working other players, he “Everything started getting no longer enjoys that optight, so it’s just a whole tion. He acknowledged his chain reaction. ... I’m havshort game sagged last ing a hard time walking.” year when he practiced The sequence resonated less than usual, a result of loudly for those of us folhis time-consuming, offlowing golf-centric Twitter the-course travails. feeds. Woods began his Woods didn’t hit one round before dawn, West golf ball between the final Coast time, so it seemed round of the Masters on logical for a post-breakfast April 10 and his session on check. Among the most the range Monday. striking tweets: The U.S. Open begins • “Tiger chunks pitch in 34 days. There’s really off railroad ties back into no point in Woods stepwater.” (Bob Harig, ping to the tee at CongresESPN.com) sional Country Club if his • “Don’t think I’ve seen knee and Achilles prevent worse shot from Tiger.” him from practicing the (Doug Ferguson, Associatnext five weeks. He needs ed Press) two reliable legs if he • “Tiger walking awful- wants to hoist a trophy ly slow.” (Ferguson) once again. • “He is not moving “I miss winning,” Woods with a great deal of speed said this week. or enthusiasm.” (Harig) He’s got other hurdles to • “Tiger duffs his chip clear first.


AssOciAted pRess

Kyle Busch celebrates. out incident against Harvick. The Sprint Cup regulars sparked a pit road dustup last week at Darlington Raceway and both were placed on probation.

actly what those words mean — and so should everyone in the sport. “When matters get taken into the drivers’ hands or anything else onto pit road, where innocent bystanders can be injured or something, NASCAR is going to step in and they’re going to intervene and they’re going to set penalties the way that they feel need to be levied,” he said. NASCAR tradition is steeped in fights, feuds and rivalries. They help create excitement for the sport and get fans talking. Maybe the Harvick-Busch feud could spark flagging ticket sales for Sunday’s Sprint Cup race. “I want to be a part of it because I want to sell the hats and the T-shirts,” Greg Biffle said. “I don’t want to be a part of it though, because I don’t want to lose the points and be backward in the fence or have the radiator busted out of the car and finish 35th. “It is fun for the sport though.”

track after a dismal April. • Former U.S. Open champion Lucas Glover, riding high after his win last week at Quail Hollow. • Steve Stricker, who has won two FedEx Cup playoff events and has become a regular among the top 10 in the world. The favorite? “Whoever plays the best on the weekend,” Glover said, as good of an answer as anyone can provide. Toms quite trying to be perfect on a course that looks like it demands no less. It led to nearly perfect play over two days at The Players, and pole position going into the weekend. Toms doesn’t have a great record at TPC Sawgrass. In 18 previous attempts, he has missed the cut 10 times and only once has finished in the top 10. He just couldn’t figure out the right angle into the greens, and always believed it had to be just right. “It seemed early in my career around here I was always trying to play the perfect shot,” he said. “I think the last few years, I’ve just learned to try to play my game, my shot ... rather than trying to hit the perfect shot on the golf course.”

4B • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011


3 A B A S E B A L L P L AY O F F S

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

East Rowan’s Ashton Fleming slides across the plate for a run as Rockingham County’s Will Green watches. East pounded out 12 hits, seven off Green.

EAST FROM 1B a 3-6-1 double play, sort of the Holy Grail for defensiveminded baseball folks. It happened in the RC fifth, following a leadoff walk. East first baseman Andy Austin fielded a sharp grounder ranging far to his right and whipped a throw to shortstop Justin Morris for a forceout. So far, it was a darned good play. It got even better when Morris connected with the racing Robbins, covering first, to finish it off. It took two precise throws, and three players executing. “First time I’ve seen the 36-1 in high school,” a beam-

ing Hightower said. “But we do practice it. We actually practice it a lot, so it was nice to get that kind of result. Robbins getting over to cover first like that just shows how good an athlete he is.” East (19-7) took a 1-0 lead in the first when Morris yanked a double to left and scored on Austin’s hard-hit grounder up the middle. A two-out error by Rockingham County (12-14) changed the game in the second. That miscue gave LeRoy a chance to hit, and he crushed a mistake by starting pitcher Will Green over the left-field fence. “A high fastball that came right down the middle,” said LeRoy, describing his first varsity homer. “I don’t think anyone expected it because I

sure didn’t. That’s one of the East Rowan 9, Rockingham Co. 0 hardest balls I’ve ever hit.” ROCKINGHAM CO. EAST ROWAN ab r h bi ab r h bi Hightower had one of Minter dh 3 0 0 0 Sapp cf 4 1 2 0 those “Relax, stop thinking Fncan 2b 2 0 0 0 Mrris ss 3 1 2 0 Brown c 2 0 1 0 Thoms c 1 0 0 1 so much, just go out and be Chltn rf 2 0 2 0 Austin 1b4 1 2 2 an athlete” chats with LeRoy Whler 1b 3 0 0 0 Fulbrt lf 4 1 1 2 Stdler Flmng 2b 4 1 1 0 earlier this week, and it ap- Davis cf3b 32 00 00 00 Rgers 3b 3 1 2 0 peared to pay off. He had a Gant lf 3 0 0 0 Hthck dh 3 1 0 0 AJhnsn ss3 0 0 0 LeRoy rf 2 2 2 3 great night, squeezing home Totals 23 0 3 0 Totals 28 9 12 8 a run for a 5-0 lead in the Co. 000 000 0 — 0 fourth and triggering a four- Rock. E. Rowan 120 024 x — 9 E — Stadler, Davis, Brown, Minter. DP — run sixth that finally blew the Rockingham 1, East 1. LOB — Rockingham game open with his leadoff 6, East 6. 2B —Chilton, Morris, Fleming, Sapp, single on a high breaking Austin. HR — Fulbright (5), LeRoy (1). SB — Morris, Sapp. SF — Thomas. S — LeRoy. ball. IP H R ER BB K While Robbins and closer Rock. Co. Will Johnson teamed for Green L, 4-7 3 ⁄ 7 5 2 3 0 2⁄ 5 4 4 0 1 East’s sixth shutout, there Minter E. Rowan were some anxious mo- Robbns W,10-0 5 ⁄ 3 0 0 3 6 0 1 4 1⁄ 0 0 Johnson ments. WP — Green, Robbins. Fulbright caught a flyball while falling on the left-field bank in the fourth. The next two batters reached base, so from major trouble. Robbins he probably saved Robbins stranded both runners by 2 1

3 3

1 3 2 3

snapping off wicked sliders for a pair of strikeouts. “That’s what makes him pretty special,” Hightower said. “He can bear down a little harder when he has to.” The 3-6-1 twin killing stopped Rockingham County in the fifth, but the Cougars threatened to break through against Robbins in the sixth. After a lineout, a walk and a bullet single by Dylan Brown on a 3-0 pitch, Hightower called on Johnson. Johnson, who has seven saves, walked the first man he faced, although Johnson’s 1-2 and 2-2 pitches could’ve been called strikes. Johnson didn’t get flustered. He calmly fanned the next two batters on six pitches to end the threat. “Oh, I might’ve been just

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

East Rowan coach Brian Hightower and the Mustang fans have a good laugh during the win.

CARSON FROM 8B Luckily, defensively we played flawless, and we knew we had to play flawless to win this game.” Martin did his best individual work in the fifth and sixth, though. A single and a walk put two Tigers on with nobody out to begin the fifth and prompted Cauble to walk to the mound for a short visit. “He just said if they’re going to give you an out, try and take it on the bunt,” Martin said. “I really just got distracted there and I tried to come back. My goal was to let one run come in, but I was going to try my best to let no runs cross.” A flyball by leadoff hitter Brandon Burris advanced the lead runner 90 feet and

Carson 1, Mt. Pleasant 0 CARSON

ab Yongo 2b 3 KBrgs 1b 3 Hogan ss 3 Bsngr c 3 Martin p 3 Gllwy dh 2 CBrgs 3b 0 Cross lf 2 Wllms rf 2 Prsly cf 3 Totals 24

r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

h 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4

bi 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

MOUNT PLEASANT ab r h bi Brris ss 3 0 0 0 Kmble 2b3 0 2 0 Atwd p 2 0 0 0 James cf 2 0 0 0 Allnde 3b3 0 0 0 Coble lf 3 0 0 0 Currie rf 3 0 1 0 Hooks dh2 0 1 0 Faile 1b 1 0 0 0 Hmml c 2 0 0 0 Totals 23 0 4 0

Carson 001 000 0 — 1 Mt. Pleasant 000 000 0 — 0 E —Burris. DP — Mt. Pleasant 1. LOB — Carson 5, Mt. Pleasant 7. 2B —Martin. SB — Prugh, James. S — Williams. IP H R ER BB K Carson Martin W, 5-2 7 4 0 0 2 4 Mt. Pleasant Atwood 7 4 1 1 1 6 WP — Atwood. HBP — by Atwood (Cross, Galloway), by Martin (James). BK — Martin.

brought up Jake Kimble, who had singled his first two times up. This time, though, Martin got him to fly out to center, shallow enough to keep the runner at third. Martin then caught a high pop-up

off the bat of Grayson Atwood to end the inning. “He got them out on their front foot and got a couple flyballs at the right time,” Cauble said. Martin started his own trouble in the sixth by hitting a batter. After a stolen base and a popout, the sophomore was the victim of an almostnever-seen call as the home plate umpire ruled catcher Joseph Basinger set up outside the box, resulting in a balk. Cauble was irate at first and then argued with the umpire for several minutes, but to no avail and the tying run moved to third. “Right, wrong or indifferent it was called,” Cauble said. “I just told (the umpire) that the ballgame was too good to make a call like that and put the tying run at third with less than two outs.” Cauble then went out to

a little mad, but I just kept trying to hit my spots and throw strikes,” Johnson said. East’s four-run sixth included doubles by Will Sapp and Austin, and Fulbright crushed an inside changeup for a two-run homer to end a slump. Fulbright was in an 0-for-15 spiral, so he needed that booming home run. “Everyone’s been telling me they still have faith in me and just to keep swinging and the hits will come, but that’s easier said than done,” Fulbright said. “It’s been so tough. I’m just glad to know that I can still get a hit.” Fulbright will get to swing some more on Tuesday when the Mustangs entertain Weddington at 7 p.m.

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

East Rowan's Wesley LeRoy lays down a sacrifice bunt that scored Avery Rogers.

talk to Martin again. “After I went back out Josh said, ‘Coach, I got this. Don’t worry, man,’ ” Cauble said. On the next pitch, Martin got a called third strike for the second out and then induced an inning-ending popout to second. “I kept thinking, we’re swinging it good, it’s going to eventually fall," stunned Mount Pleasant coach Bryan Tyson said. “They’re not going to stop us for seven innings, but, my gosh, they did. “We didn’t swing the bat good against Robinson (in the SPC tournament championship), but we worked hard all week and I thought tonight we were back to like we were for those two or three weeks in a row, and just hit it right at people.” Carson (16-8) had a chance for some insurance in the top

of the seventh when Martin hit a leadoff double. A hit batsman and a wild pitch put runners at second and third with no outs. Tigers starter Grayson Atwood, though, got a strikeout, and courtesy runner Dylan Carpenter was thrown out at the plate when Sam Williams took ball four after squaring around for an apparent squeeze. Atwood then struck out Pressley to keep it a one-run game. The Cougars totaled just four hits against Atwood, but did execute just enough. Leading off the third, Cross was hit by a pitch and moved to second on Williams’ sacrifice bunt. After an infield hit by Pressley, Youngo lined a single to center to plate the run. “I guess I was thinking I had to get the job done,” Youngo said. “Runner on third, you’ve got to get him in, in the playoffs. Something great’s got to happen and it’s

got to come from somebody. When I hit that one run in, it felt really good.” It felt even better when Martin made it stand up with a 1-2-3 seventh, only his second perfect inning. He got Burris, an Appalachian State commit, to swing at a pitch in the dirt to end it. “My four-seam got hit a lot so I worked the two-seam fastball and my curveball got better as I went through the game,” Martin said. “The last inning was definitely the best.” • NOTES: Carson was hoping to get a home game in the second round, but will instead play at Charlotte Catholic, a rematch of a meeting in the same round last year. “We had the tying run and winning run on second and third in the last inning and didn’t execute so we owe them a little payback,” Cauble said.


SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 • 5B

1 A / 2 A B A S E B A L L P L AY O F F S

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

Chatham Central's Will Purvis, left, reaches for the throw as North Rowan's Tyler Wyatt slides safely into second base. Wyatt had three hits and four RBIs. N. Rowan 19, Chatham C. 4 (5 inns) CHATHAM CENTRAL ab r h bi Burke ss 3 1 1 0 Fuquay p 3 0 2 2 Meier c 2 0 0 0 Joyce lf 3 0 0 0 Clark 3b 3 1 2 1 Purvis 2b 3 1 2 0 Bnkley 1b 1 0 0 0 Elkins rf 2 1 0 0 Holt rf 0 0 0 0 Fields dh 2 0 2 1


NORTH ROWAN ab r h bi Brown ss 3 3 2 2 Wyatt 1b 4 1 3 4 Brker 3b 3 2 1 1 Mldin lf 2 2 1 1 Fries lf 0 0 0 0 Mrgan c 2 2 0 1 Ogg 3b 0 0 0 0 Lrens rf 1 3 1 1 Mock 2b 1 0 1 0 Feezr dh 3 2 2 7 PSmth dh1 0 0 0 JSmth 2b3 2 0 0 Jnings cf 3 2 1 0 Kelly cf 0 0 0 0 22 4 9 4 Totals 26 19 1217

C. Central 040 00 — 4 N. Rowan 856 0x — 19 E — Clark 2, Holt, Mock. DP — North Rowan. LOB — Chatham Central 5, North Rowan 4. 2B —Burke, Fields, Feezor. 3B — Wyatt, Laurens, Barker. HR — Clark (2), Feezor (2). SB — Brown 2, Maldin 2, Wyatt, Barker, Feezor. CS — Mock. Chatham Co. Fuquay L,1-51⁄3 Burke Joyce N. Rowan Agner W,6-1 Blume Price

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST







0 11⁄3 21⁄3

5 7 5

4 8 6

3 3 3

0 2 1

0 0 1

3 1 1

7 1 1

4 0 0

4 0 0

1 0 0

2 0 2

WP — Burke 2. HBP — by Fuquay (Laurens), by Joyce (Morgan, Laurens), by Agner (Meier). T — 1:37.

Mason Jennings was a busy Cavalier on Friday, scoring two runs and getting a hit.

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

North Rowan coach Aaron Rimer got the first playoff victory of his career.

NORTH FROM 8B replaced by Zach Burke with one out and the bases loaded in the top of the first. North’s Hunter Feezor christened the reliever with a first-pitch, bases-clearing double down the right-field line. “In that situation, bases loaded, I knew he’d throw me a fastball,” Feezor said after driving home a career-best seven runs. “It was outside. I just wanted to make contact, hit it hard somewhere.” Slaughter praised CC right-fielder Seth Elkins, but added, “That was a blooper, a play that should have been made,” he said. “But it fell in and they ran around the bases. That’s a microcosm of jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST our season right there.” North Rowan's Wesley Barker (16) welcomes Dakota Brown Before the inning was over (11) to home plate — North sent 12 men to the

SALISBURY FROM 8B avoid the big hit. “I just went out there tonight and trusted my stuff and my defense and just tried to get outs and not force anything,” Elwood said. Piedmont (17-10) celebrated, hooped and hollered in right field, while opposite emotions were being felt by Hornets across the diamond Panthers coach Milt Flow knew that his team had every reason to celebrate as they were the lower seed and on the road against the Hornets (14-11) at Robertson Stadium. The Hornets were a No. 2 seed by virtue of winning the CCC tournament.

“That’s a great ballclub over there, and we were very fortunate to win tonight,” Flow said. “King’s double turned the tide of the game in our favor. We were worried coming into this place KNOX tonight but Brad pitched great and we lucked one out.” Elwood was also aware of the possible implications this win could have for him and his team. Piedmont heads to West Lincoln for a second-round matchup on Tuesday. “We just hope that beating a good team like Salisbury can spark us, and we feel that if we can beat them, then we can beat most teams,” Flow said.

plate — Dakoka Brown lined a run-scoring single into left field and Wyatt whipped the first of NR’s three triples, a two-run rope that found the right-center gap. Thrown in the mix were three free passes, a hit batsman and an infield error. “There’s was no letdown that inning,” Rimer said. “(Chatham Central) gave us a few extra outs and our guys took full advantage of it.” North’s hit parade continued an inning later, moments after winning pitcher Dusty Agner (6-1) was roughed up for four runs on five hits in the top of the second. The Cavs extended an 8-4 lead with five second-inning runs, the last when Brown stole home on the front end of a double steal. “We were having a lot of

“Hopefully, we can ride this momentum as far as we can.” The loss hurts worse than normal for the Hornets, not just because it comes in the first round of the state playoffs and is an upset, but because it is the last time in a Hornet uniform for some highly decorated seniors. One of those was Tonseth, who was visibly dejected after the game. “It’s just real disappointing, and I’m going to miss the guys because we are like a family,” he said. “ But we can take pride in the fact that we won the school’s first conference title since 2006 and we will always have that.” Another senior is multi-sport star John Knox. Knox, who is headed to Charleston University to play quarterback, also had a solid career on the diamond for the Hornets.

fun with each other,” said Feezor. “Seems like we always do.” The party reached dizzying heights in the last of the third when North plated six more runs, this time against CC right-hander Carson Joyce. Catcher Alex Morgan and outfielder Matt Laurens were each hit by pitches to open the inning. Then Feezor crunched an 0-1 pitch over the fence in center field, providing a 16-4 advantage. “He’s had a so-so year,” Rimer said of Feezor, now a .296 hitter with 22 RBIs. “He’s got tremendous snap. I mean, the ball comes off his bat hard. When he barrels it up, it goes. Tonight, he had an idea of what was coming with each pitch. That’s how he plays the game.”

North’s final runs scored on Wesley Barker’s two-out triple to right and Matt Mauldin’s two-run single to left. Rimer made several defensive changes in the top of the fourth — half the infield was spelled and reliever Tyler Blume summoned. It paid off when third-baseman Justin Ogg initiated a 5-4-3 double play. Lefty fireman Josh Price closed the game out for North with a couple of fifth-inning strikeouts. “We’ve still got a long way to go,” said Wyatt (3-for-4, 4 RBIs). “We’ve just got to keep hitting.” • NOTES: North will host East Montgomery (12-12) on Tuesday night. The Cavs blanked EM 6-0 and 1-0 in YVC regular-season games.

Piedmont 6, Salisbury 5 PIEDMONT ab Cox cf 2 Ray ss 2 Ellwd p 2 Edwds 1b 2 Brnte 2b 3 Drtn 3b 2 King c 2 Trltn dh 2 Hlms lf 2 Blalck rf 0 Totals

SALISBURY ab Bauk p 2 Knox 2b 2 Tnsth cf 3 Veal c 2 Vndrpl lf 1 Wolfe 3b 2 Myrhfr rf 3 Swain dh 2 Bwdn 1b 0 Crmcl ss 2 Ettrs pr 0 19 6 4 4 Totals 19 r 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

h 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

bi 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0

r 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 5

h 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 4

bi 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 4

Piedmont 020 040 0 — 6 Salisbury 012 002 0 — 5 E — Bauk, Veal, Barnette, Ellwood. LOB — Salisbury 4, Piedmont 5. 2B —Carmichael, King. S — Knox, Vanderpoel. Piedmont Ellwood W, Salisbury Bauk, L Tonseth













41⁄3 22⁄3

2 2

5 1

3 1

2 2

0 3

WP — Bauk, Ellwood. HBP — by Ellwood (Carmichael), by Bauk (Ray).

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

Philip Tonseth played his last game for the Hornets.

6B • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011



ryan bisesi/SALISBURY POST

West Rowan’s Daishion Barger, left, receives his second-place medal, while East Rowan’s Sam Sherman, right, placed fourth in the shot.

Injured Barger 2nd in state meet BY RYAN BISESI rbisesi@salisburypost.com

GREENSBORO — Daishion Barger may be West Rowan's version of the million-dollar man. Wearing a cast on his right arm, compression tape on his hamstring and the title of defending state champion, Barger strolled his way to second place in the 110-meter hurdles Friday at the state 3A championship at Irwin Belk Track at N.C. A&T. Although he wasn’t at full speed, his performance showed he clearly wasn’t falling apart at the seams either. Barger, who knows how to take a hit from playing wide receiver for the Falcons, turned some heads after being seeded sixth. Barger injured his arm and his wrist falling over a hurdle in an earlier meet at Mount Pleasant. “I knew if I was at 100 percent, I could win it,” Barger said. “With the injuries beating me down, I had to fight through the pain.” Although neither Barger nor East Rowan defending shot put champion Sam Sherman could repeat their championships, Rowan County was well-represented in Friday’s meet. Barger finished in 14.53 seconds, short of his personal best 13.89. He ran a 14.85 in the preliminaries. “Gutsy effort,” West coach Ralph Ellis claimed. “He was seeded sixth and finished second on an injured leg. To finish second in the state meet at about 80 percent, he did a heck of a job.”

ryan bisesi/SALISBURY POST

West Rowan’s Tevin Gregory takes the baton from C.J. Ellis during the 4x200 relay. Boys state champion Fayetteville Byrd edged Burlington Williams 42-41 thanks to meet MVP Eric Winfrey, who was first in the 400 and second in the 200. West, with only a handful of competitors, finished 13th with 21 points after winning the Midwest regional last Saturday.

“We gave a great effort,” Ellis said. “We broke seed in several events.” Winterville Central won the girls with 51 points. West’s Jamarian Mabry and Trey Mashore went back-and-forth in the long jump before Mabry (22-5) bested his teammate by seven

inches for the duo to finish 3-4 after being seeded 5-6. “It’s always fun where you’re competing with a teammate,” Mashore said. “I just wanted to compete and give it the best I had. I felt like I could have done better, but it was great to break seed.” Quinton Phifer earned a point for the Falcons in the high jump, jumping 6-feet, 2-inches. The West 4x200 relay team (Mashore, Tevin Gregory, C.J. Ellis, Brandon Ijames) also finished eighth in 1:31.49. Sherman, who came into the meet ranked second after throwing 53-9 in the regional, could only manage a 52-21⁄2. There was a light mist in the air for much of the competition that could have caused problems gripping the ball, but Sherman made no excuse. “I thought my technique was alright,” said a disappointed Sherman, who will throw at Western Carolina next year. “It’s just every time I threw, it just slipped off. I felt pretty confident coming out here. I should have come in second, at least.” South Brunswick’s Ryan Minor threw 5621⁄2 to win the gold, while East’s Jordan Hopper threw 48-31⁄2 to claim seventh. Cole Honeycutt placed seventh in the 800, but his 1:56.53 run broke the school record of 1:57.0 set by Evan Kluttz in 1986. Honeycutt, Hopper and Sherman were all regional firstplace winners for East. Olivia Sabo also was a state final participant for East in the discus throw, throwing 7810.

Salisbury rallies for 2A win


KENNEDY Staff report

michael parker/SALISBURY POST

West Rowan’s Toni Lucente, center, had the Falcons’ only goal.

Marvin Ridge ousts Falcons Staff report

West Rowan’s soccer team finished its season at 17-3 after a 4-1 M. Ridge 4 loss to defending state W. Rowan 1 champ Marvin Ridge in the second round of the 3A playoffs on Friday. The Falcons’ only score came on a Toni Lucente shot that eluded a host of Marvin Ridge defenders with 12:35 remaining in the contest.

Falcon keeper Allison Bailey was solid in the goal making eight saves. “Our team fought the whole game tonight. They never let up even when we were down,” stated West coach Nick Brown after the match. “We have had a very successful season. We have counted on some young players this year and they have played well. There is a solid nucleus to build on for next year.” Because of lightning, the game was called with six minutes remaining.

“Remember last year” were three Salisbury 2 words SalisPiedmont 1 bury soccer coach Matt Parrish wrote on his scouting report before Salisbury met Piedmont Friday night in the second round of the 2A playoffs. For the record, last year Salisbury lost its first game of the playoffs to Cuthbertson at home. Parrish didn’t want the same scenario. But for a half, he wondered if his team had listened to him. The Hornets trailed the Panthers 1-0 at intermission. “They dominated,” Parrish admitted. Parrish must have given a speech Knute Rockne would’ve been proud of. Salisbury came out in the second half pumped up and eventually won 2-1. “I challenged them at halftime,” Parrish said. “I wanted them to remember losing at home last year and how it left a bad taste in their mouths. They came out in the second half and it was like two completely different teams. Madison Kennedy and Jen-


na Bryan combined to tie the game as Kennedy fed Bryan, who caught the goalkeeper cheating and she scored. “It was a one-touch shot,” Parrish said. “It really powered us.” Kennedy then scored the game-winner with about eight minutes left. From that point on, the pressure was on Salisbury keeper Olivia Rankin. “They sent the house,” Parrish said. “Olivia stopped two point-blank shots. I can’t say enough about the way she played.” Parrish also praised the play of Alee Johnson and Whitney Brown, adding that this playoff victory was all about heart. This would be the last game for the seniors on their home field since Salisbury, despite a 17-0-2 record, is going on the road for the rest of the playoffs.” Next up is a trip to West Stokes on Wednesday. West beat Forest Hills 7-1. Parrish has one hope: that he sees the Hornets who played flawlessly in the second-half on Friday. “We came in like lambs, Parrish said, “and we left like lions.”

“This win means a lot to me and us as a team because we beat Chelsea,” Harkey said. “We beat them at their best and if we can beat East, then we feel that we can beat anyone.” It wasn’t just White though, as the Mustangs could not get into any kind of rhythm. They made errors on routine plays that they usually complete with ease. The Mustangs also committed a very uncharacteristic four errors. East coach Mike Waddell hopes his team learns from the loss. “We got really rattled and we just simply cannot have a game like this next week,” Waddell said. “And I hope the girls get hungry and this lights a fire in them a bit.” White did her best to redeem herself at the plate as she doubled and tripled, but the Mustangs could not get anyone on base ahead of her in those key situations. “We didn’t come out here prepared today at all and they were more aggressive than us,” White said. “We just need to learn from this and be better for the playoffs.” East maintains the NPC’s No. 1 seed for the 3A playoffs.



SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 • 7B

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Ronnie Gallagher, Sports Editor, 704-797-4287 rgallagher@salisburypost.com

SATURDAY May 14, 2011



Carson pulls upset of Tigers BY PAUL HERSHEY sports@salisburypost.com

MOUNT PLEASANT — It was just two weeks 1 ago that Mount Carson M. Pleasant 0 Pleasant wore out Rowan County pitching for 34 runs in three games of the F&M Bank Classic. Carson was in that tournament, but it didn’t face the Tigers in the round-robin format. One can only guess whether the Cougars would have fared any better had the two teams played that week, but it sure

Hornets beaten by Piedmont

was a different story Friday night. With help from a flawless defense behind him, Josh Martin shut down Mount Pleasant’s bats on their home field, and Carson held on for a 1-0 victory in the opening round of the 3A playoffs. “I did expect it to be a close game, but I didn’t think we would hold them to no runs the way they’ve been swinging the bat,” Carson coach Chris Cauble said. “They’re scary one through nine, and I’m just glad we lived to see another day. “Josh Martin, what can I say.



Awesome.” The sophomore right-hander scattered just four hits and worked out of major jams in the fifth and sixth innings to make Kyle Youn-

go’s RBI single in the third the game-winning hit. “There were two other games (this season) where I felt pretty good, but this definitely tops that, at a big time in the playoffs and everything,” Martin said. “My defense played great all night. They hit a lot of balls hard and the outfield ran them down. I had a lot of confidence in my defense tonight and that let me throw strikes and try to stay ahead of people.” Mount Pleasant’s bats did connect as Martin recorded just four

strikeouts, but the flyballs stayed in the park and Carson’s outfielders tracked them down. There were two deep ones to left in the first, another to center that K.J. Pressley ran down in the second and a liner that left fielder Tripp Cross charged in to grab in the third. “Josh kept them off balance, but they still got the barrel on the ball,” Cauble said. “The first three or four innings it seemed like every ball they hit was going to the fence.



Salisbury rally falls just short BY JORDAN HONEYCUTT sports@@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — An excellent basePiedmont 6 ball game Salisbury 5 ended in exactly the same fashion, just not for the hometown Hornets. The Panthers of Piedmont ended Salisbury’s season with a dramatic 6-5 victory on Friday night in the opening round of the 2A playoffs. “Our kids played hard and pretty well, with the exception of passed balls and errors,” Salisbury coach Scott MADDOX M a d d o x said. “This isn’t how we wanted it all to end. We didn’t help ourselves out at all, but that’s a part of baseball.” Piedmont’s first two runs were scored without a hit as Salisbury contributed a passed ball and made an error on a pick-off attempt. In what began as a backand-forth battle that featured solid pitching and shaky fielding, Salisbury was ultimately doomed by the big hit. That hit came in the top of the fifth inning when Hornet ace Philip Tonseth came into the game in relief of starter Brian Bauk and faced Piedmont catcher Patrick King. Tonseth inherited a basesloaded jam and a 3-3 tie. He retired one batter before facing King, and started King off with a heavy dose of his trademark curveball. After a few curves, Tonseth fired a straight fastball that King deposited into the right-center field gap, clearing the bases and giving the Panthers a 6-3 lead that they would not relinquish. “He threw me some curveballs and then a fastball, and I think that he wanted me to think he was coming back with a curve but I was sitting dead-red on a fastball,” King said. “I got it and was able to drive it and plate a few runs.” Maddox has seen Tonseth work out of numerous jams this season, but not this time. “Philip struggled a bit throwing his curve over for strikes and got behind some guys, and that’s unfortunate for him because he has that great curveball,” Maddox said. “But we had a chance at the end to win it and just didn’t separate ourselves enough from them down the stretch.” Piedmont was also helped out by a stellar performance on the mound by ace Brad Elwood. Elwood minimized damage. He allowed five runs, but he but was able to

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

Hunter Feezor, left, is greeted by happy teammates after socking a home run against Chatham Central. Feezor had seven RBIs for North Rowan.

North Rowan wins big Cavs have fun in playoff rout BY DAVID SHAW dshaw@@salisburypost.com

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST


Matt Laurens is hit by a pitch in the win against Chatham Central.

SPENCER — North Rowan removed one more N. Rowan 19 item from its ToC. Central 4 Do list Friday night. The Cavs gave first-year coach Aaron Rimer his first 1A state playoff victory — a 19-4 thrashing of visiting Chatham Central. “It feels good,” Rimer crowed after North (21-6) earned a second-round date with East Montgomery. “I’m just glad the guys came out focused tonight. We went out and went after it. They played like it was a state playoff game.” North played like it had a bus to catch. As thunder cleared its throat in the distance, the Cavs hit the ground running. They batted around in each of the first three innings, collected five extra-base hits and sent an enthusiastic crowd home after five innings. “I knew if we came out hitting, we’d be able to win the game,” first-baseman Tyler Wyatt said. “With us it’s contagious. When one guy hits, everyone hits.” North battered three Central pitchers, although none of its 12 hits came against starter and losing pitcher Chase Fuquay. The left-handed freshman faced only six batters, five of whom crossed

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

North Rowan's (3) Jake Smith turns toward home. the plate during NR’s eight-run first inning. “He didn’t throw strikes,” losing coach Bill Slaughter said after the guests closed up shop with a 6-16 record. “In a playoff game you can’t go deep in the count batter after batter. We just couldn’t get them out. When we needed to make a play, we didn’t.” Fuquay trailed 2-0 when he was



Katie Scarvey, Faith Editor, 704-797-4270 kscarvey@salisburypost.com

SATURDAY May 14, 2011




A family wedding

Katie Scarvey/SaliSbury PoSt

the congregation at Haven lutheran Church enthusiastically collected F-series dollar bills as a project during lent.

Dollar Strong



Haven Lutheran Church donates more than 1,000 F-series bills — for ‘faith’ says Gail Kimball — to Rowan Helping Ministries BY KATIE SCARVEY kscarvey@salisburypost.com

ccording to Mother Teresa, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, just feed one.” One local congregation might tweak that statement a bit: “If you can’t give a hundred dollars, just give one.” Because if people keep giving one dollar, you’ll soon have a hundred. And before long, a thousand. And a thousand dollars can feed and care for a lot of people. On Thursday, Gail Kimball of Haven Lutheran Church presented $1,034 — all in one-dollar bills — to Rowan Helping Ministries’ executive director, Kyna Foster. It might have been more dramatic if the bills had been pulled out of a briefcase, but Kimball had them tucked into a glass cookie jar. The money came from a project Haven embarked on through Lent, she says. It was her idea for the congregation to save one-dollar bills to donate to Rowan Helping Ministries. Kimball was on the board of Rowan Helping Ministries for six years, so she is well aware of its ongoing needs. But Kimball didn’t want just any dollar bills. She urged the congregation to collect “F” series bills. The first letter of the serial number on a one-dollar bill indicates which Federal Reserve Bank the bill originated from. For example, the “A” series bills come from Boston and the “L” series bills come from San Francisco. Gail chose the “F” series because, she says, because it stands for faith — and since the bills originate in Atlanta, they’re fairly plentiful around here. “Since cash is sometimes the one thing a non-profit needs most, this small group felt we might make a difference for


Gail Kimball shows rowan Helping Ministries Executive Director Kyna Foster a poster that tracked donations at Haven lutheran Church.

guests and clients at RHM,” Kimball said. Kimball says she got the idea about a year ago from some church members in the Cooleemee area who were planning a community center and decided to raise money by collecting dollar bills. The enthusiasm and eager participation that immediately marked the project surprised Kimball. Young Julianne Peele begged to be able to donate the very first bill, and then it was off to the races. Not only did church members get on board, friends and acquaintances began to participate as well. The children of the church eagerly collected F bills and would stuff them into an oldfashioned glass cookie jar at the back of the church, Kimball said. She used a poster as a visual aid to help the congregation keep track of how much had

been collected. Her original unstated goal was to collect $500, Kimball says, since Haven Lutheran has only about 50 members. That “secret” goal was met by March. With a whole month to go and no signs that giving was slowing down, Kimball bumped the secret goal up to $1,000. By Mother’s Day, that had been exceeded. “It was painless,” Kimball says, “and there was a lot of joy in it. “It was a real exercise in giving for the congregation,” she said, noting that every Sunday people would be eager to share their dollar-finding stories with her. Kimball says that the church’s interim pastor, Ed Harper, along with his wife, Faye, were very generous. Kimball’s friend Dot Foil brought the project to her walking group,which also contributed. Children, including Evan Maha-

ley and Kalie Edwards, were particularly enthusiastic supporters, Kimball said, and Barbara Setzer contributed almost daily with change from going out to breakfast with Kimball. Strangers in a restaurant even donated bills after overhearing church members Mike and Aggie Penninger discussing the project. “It’s such a cool idea, and there’s so much energy behind it,” Foster said as she accepted the gift on behalf of RHM. “It’s a wonderful fundraising idea. I would love for that idea to be shared.” Foster notes that this time of year, donations drop off at RHM, so she’s particularly grateful for such a gift at this time. “We wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the churches in our community,” she said. Foster said that the money donated would go toward crisis assistance.

My nephew tied the knot last weekend with an amazing, godly woman. It was a beautiful ceremony that honored them and their faith. My nephew plays the drums at his church and they have both been active in mission trips. They have a heart and a DOUG passion for God CREAMER that I am convinced will lead them into unique opportunities to serve him. My wife and I arrived as the bride was making her way up to the front of the church. We got to get a sneak peek at her before she made her grand entrance. Her beauty beamed not only from her face but from her spirit. It was an honor and pleasure to witness this uniting of hearts. There was a big crowd, further evidence that they are already having an impact for the Kingdom. It is special to see these two hearts come together. From their humble beginnings, unencumbered by things, they are free to follow God’s call. In the twinkling of an eye, they can follow where God is calling them. They are both working and going to school; ah, to be young and energetic again. The minister spoke about how marriage is symbolic of our relationship with God. My nephew is now the head of his household just as Christ is the head of the church. God expects my nephew to love his new bride. In the beginning it’s easy because they both will work hard to please the other. But true love requires loving another even when those feelings aren’t present and easy to experience. Jesus gave us the perfect example of love. He loved us even when we were unlovable, and laid his life down for us. True love is willing to sacrifice everything to get and win the object of its affection. Each one of us has turned our backs on Jesus by sinning and choosing to love and serve ourselves. True love looks beyond the shortcomings of another and continues to love anyway. My nephew is called to protect his new wife much like Jesus did and continues to do for us. Jesus protects us from the enemy who desires to harm us. Jesus provides a way for us to escape the traps that are set for us. My nephew is called to shield his new wife. When the storms of life rage against them, he is called to be her strong tower of protection. My nephew and his new bride will obviously share close moments together. They will talk and share deeply about their lives and hopes. Jesus desires to have that kind of closeness and intimacy with us. He wants us to be able to talk to him about anything in our lives. There are no secrets with God. He already knows our hearts, but he deeply desires that we share our inner-most thoughts with Him. One of the things my nephew will have to learn is how to build his wife up, how to esteem her highly. Jesus does that with us. He helps us discover our value to him and his kingdom. God chooses to reach out to the world through us. We are a vital part of his plan to impact and change the world. We need the Holy Spirit to encourage and strengthen us so we can accomplish the purposes of God in our lives. There are so many ways that marriage symbolizes our relationship with God. The cornerstone of that relationship is love. In order to walk with God we have to have faith in him, much like we need faith in each other for marriage to grow and prosper. There must be a sense of hope, a belief that God is leading us into good things for our lives together. There must be a mutual trust and an openness and willingness to share the joys and sorrows that life will bring . I want to encourage you to examine the foundation of your relationship with God. Do you feel and sense the depth of his love for you? Do you love him and talk with him every day? Do you read his love letter to you? Have you shared with him your joys and your sorrows? A relationship with God must be based on faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is his love for you. Doug Creamer’s website is at www.dougcreamer.com. Email him at doug@dougcreamer.com

2C • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011



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SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 • 3C


When a dream turns into a nightmare e all have dreams that pass through our consciousness from excited expectations to full blown fantasies. The positive ones we relish—especially when they become fulfilled in real time experience. The negative ones haunt us—especially when they pass into our consciousness as nightmares. The last week in REV. DAVID April, my wife and I visited some dear NELSON friends in Princeton, N.J., home of the renowned university and research facility that bears its name. Our stay was the fulfillment of a dream that carried with it the expectation of a wonderful visit and day trips into New York City for sightseeing and fantastic dining. To have hosts that know their way around the area like the back of their hand was our ticket to experience things that would be interesting, exciting, new and unique. Our first day trip into the “Big Apple” was wonderful. It began with a ride through Lincoln Tunnel and into what is known as China Town. From there we went to Union Park in order to watch the hustle and bustle while enjoying the relaxing respite of a park bench. Then there was the visit to the South Streets Seaport for market style shopping and sidewalk cafe eating. Finally we made our way across the Brooklyn Bridge to have dinner at a special local restaurant in Brooklyn. It was a great experience on a bright sunny day. The next day, which saw heavy rain showers, was spent at our guests’ home. It was a time for great conversations, some local shopping, and a delicious gourmet style home cooked meal.


The following day after a leisurely morning and afternoon, we headed into the city again to visit the Museum of Modern Art with plans to enjoy dinner in a famous downtown restaurant. As we entered the Holland Tunnel that crosses under the Hudson River into Manhattan, our dream of another delightful evening soon turned into a nightmare. Coming from three cars behind us, we heard four loud shots reverberate in the tunnel. Instantly we knew that something bad was going down, for a Jeep Cherokee sped by us forcing its way between us and the cars ahead. It was obviously on the run. It got about six cars ahead of us and became blocked from going further due to snarled traffic and a tour bus in its path. It was then that two persons from the Cherokee jumped out and began to run. One, who was wounded from the initial shooting, opened the back door to an adjacent car and got in. The other runner was finally taken down by police who had chased him on foot. Because their cars could not get through, policemen on foot came running past us. One more shot was heard which must have convinced the runner to give up. The individual held up in the car's back seat was soon taken into custody. One can only imagine how terrified the car owner and his passenger must have been with their uninvited guest. There was a collective sigh of relief in realizing that the shooting was now over and things would be resolved without the element of the preceding chaos. Little did we know that it would take four more hours before the tunnel would be open to allow us to move on through. It was like being in our own episode of CSI in New York or perhaps participants in reality T.V. The area in front of us was taped

Nelson was in the car on the right during a dramatic chase scene in the Holland Tunnel. off, detectives came to investigate and analyze, a drug sniffing dog was brought in, pictures were taken, and the press reporters showed up to prepare their stories. Coming into the tunnel from behind, Policemen began interviewing the drivers and passengers in the twenty-five cars that were on lockdown just near the middle of the tunnel. They were looking for eyewitness accounts from everyone like ourselves. Time had passed so that it was now close to three hours spent in our nightmare. Fortunately, the tour bus driver up ahead was gracious enough to allow us the use of its restroom. His bus was empty as he had just let off his passengers nearby in New Jersey. Soon almost everyone in the blocked cars was visiting the bus. All of us had to walk past the crime scene to access its restroom. Had that not been the case, a second disaster

could well have confronted us. After more than three hours of duress, bodily relief was crucial. Soon afterward, the port-authority police graciously came by to offer us bottled water. Following our visit to the bus, the fresh water was welcomed. At fifteen minutes to eleven, four and a half hours in the Holland Tunnel, the impounded cars were allowed to exit. What a sense of relief, joy, and gratitude we all felt at the possibility of being able to leave. Our dream that became a nightmare was now over. Once in the “greatest city in the world,” we drove to the heart of Manhattan to locate a unique restaurant. We found Yum Yum II in the heart of the theater district that featured Thai cuisine. So at midnight, we were finally relaxing, eating delicious food, and revisiting the evening's events. But most of all, it was an oppor-

tunity to give thanks and gratitude to Almighty God for just being there. Things could have been quite devastating if the scenario had been different. Our minds continued to fantasize what could have been if there was a gun battle with people being seriously hurt or even killed—ourselves included. What would things have been if a fire started from a ruptured gasoline tank that took a bullet? The questions grew most depressing, but we were spared that narrative. You and I live in a dangerous world. Evil, greed, anger, inhumanity and any other manifestation of sinfulness abound. But thank goodness, we were all safe. Our appreciation for law enforcement, civil servants, and government at its best was wonderfully enhanced. It would be naïve to think that human kind could exist in any environment without authority and good order. Certainly it is costly to have the layers of protection that our society needs, but it is assuring. The recent take down of Osama Bin Laden is not a glorious account, but a vivid example of vigilance and freedom’s high cost on our national level. It seems to me that it makes us aware of our blessings and gifts, our gratitude and grace, and our need for service and acceptance. If any of us think we can make it on our own, it may be that an examination of the reality of life in our personal story will open up a new vista. Hopefully, it will reveal a true attitude of gratitude coming from all of our hearts. Thank God we can still attempt to live our dreams and not have to wallow in constant nightmares that do come to an end. Dr. David P. Nelson is a retired Lutheran Minister serving part time as pastor for care and homebound ministries at St. Johns.

World of Faith offers summer programs for children BY JOHN STEELE For the Salisbury Post

World of Faith Outreach Ministries used Pastor Kimberly Bost’s 18th anniversary celebration to debut its praise team’s first performance. The praise team is one of our Christianity-based summer programs for children. Every summer, parents are faced with the dilemma of leaving their children unsupervised or paying an exorbitant amount of money to find safe, supervised activities for their children while they are at work. World of Faith is aware of the need for such activities and is addressing that need with a roster of events such as praise dancing, a step team, day camp activities and

job training, all supervised by adults. “The youth ministry is designed to help teens and adolescents come together and grow spiritually, to enhance and fulfill what God has for their lives,” said Sharita Carter, one of the coordinators of the praise team. “World of Faith Youth Ministry helps teach morals for a blessed life, strengthen selfesteem as they continue to grow into responsible leaders. We also help with money management skills as to raising their own funds as a group for activities. We participate in community church functions, praise dancing,praise and worship, arts and crafts and other gospel influenced activities.”

Bishop Kevin Bost explained that these activities are in line with the church's mission statement, which includes a vision to provide jobs for youth, to bring youth together in unity and to take back the city with love, not with fighting or violence. Bishop Kevin Bost and his wife, Pastor Kimberly Bost, are the leaders of the church and have been active in the community and the church for 18 years. Being parents themselves, they are greatly aware of the problems that parents face during the summer months and have taken it upon themselves to address this matter. They provide Christian guidance in a lighthearted and fun way that people of all ages can under-

Christian tensions highlighted in China IJING (AP) — Leaders of underground Chinese Protestant churches condemned the government's persecution of a fellow congregation, while Catholics voted under the watchful eye of security forces for a new governmentapproved bishop, reports said. The developments illustrate growing tensions between Communist authorities and increasingly assertive Christian groups whose memberships are growing rapidly. While China’s Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, Christians are required to worship in churches run by state-controlled groups. However, tens of millions of Christians are believed to worship in unregistered “house” churches which receive varying degrees of harassment. In Beijing, underground Protestant church leaders issued a petition to the National People's Congress, China's rubber-stamp legislature, calling for an end to persecution of Shouwang Church and its 1,000 members who have been blocked from their worship place in Beijing in recent weeks. Members who have sought to hold worship services have been briefly detained or confined to their homes. Asked about the authorities' actions, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu on Thursday avoided details, but said church members had been “gathering illegally many times and in order to

keep social order, public security departments have adopted relevant measures.” The petition, drafted by senior underground church leaders Xie Moshan and Li Tianen and signed by 17 church leaders from six cities, is a strong indication of nationwide support for Shouwang's plight. “With the incessant growth of the number of urban Christians and the continued expansion of the church, the conflict between state and church of this sort is likely to continue to break out,” said the petition, dated Tuesday. It demanded that a law be passed to protect religious freedom. The expansion and growing influence of house churches has unsettled China's rulers, always suspicious of any independent social group that could challenge Communist authority. In southern Guangdong province, many security officers accompanied priests and lay people to cast votes Wednesday for Huang Bingzhang, 43, as the new bishop of Shantou, said ucanews.com, a news service that covers the Catholic church in Asia. Huang, the only candidate, received 66 of the 72 votes, its said. Huang is a member of the National People's Congress and head of the government-controlled Guangdong provincial Catholic Patriotic Association.

Calls to the local religious affairs bureau rang unanswered Friday. Local authorities had sought to appoint Huang for several years, but had been thwarted by opposition from local Catholics, ucanews.com said. The website is run by the Union of Catholic Asian News, based in Bangkok. The Vatican-appointed bishop of Shantou, Zhuang Jianjian, has never been recognized by Beijing and has been under house arrest for over a month, it said. China and the Vatican have no formal relations and even informal contacts have recently been testy. That is largely due to Beijing’s insistence that it has a right to assign bishops through carefully orchestrated elections in defiance of the pope’s authority to make such appointments. An accommodation in which most new bishops received tacit approval from the Vatican appeared to break down last year. Chinese officials responded to criticism by accusing the Vatican of seeking to undermine the independence of the Chinese church and interfering in the rights of Chinese Catholics to practice their faith. China says about 6 million Catholics worship in 6,300 official congregations across the country, although millions more are believed to worship outside the official church.

stand. These activities are open to members and non-members alike and are free of charge. The church is located at 7600 Cottage Street.

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4C • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011



Interdenominational Fellowship sponsors community-wide crusade

Gospel Expo Today There will be a Gospel Expo in the Salisbury Walmart parking lot from 5-7 p.m. today. Featured entertainment includes Ashley Nash, Keith Holland and Friends in Christ, Higher Ground Christian Ministry Praise Dancers, Jason Harwood, Mt. Zion CME Church, Mime Dance and more. Bring a lawn chair. All donations will benefit Children’s Miracle Network. For more information call 704637-9718.

byterian Church of Salisbury in the sanctuary during the 11 a.m. worship this Sunday, May 15. The regular worship service is at 8:30 a.m. and the conCleveland First Baptist temporary service is at 8:50. Dr. Jim C. Dunkin will preach Cleveland First Baptist at all three services. Church will host the Rev. Jon Davis, evangelist, in a revival Cleveland Baptist May 15-18. CLEVELAND — Cleveland On Sunday, May 15 he will speak at the 11 a.m. and the 5 Baptist Church will hold rep.m. services, and Monday vival services May 15-18 with through Wednesday, at 7 p.m. evangelist Rev. Jon Davis. Services on May 15 are at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., May 16-18 First Presbyterian services are at 7 p.m. Salem Lutheran A service of Installation and On Monday the youth will Salem Lutheran Church Ordination of new church offi- be recognized. Clinton Aberwill hold a special Easter cers will be held at First Pres- nathy will sing on Sunday Service of Worship and Praise at 10:45 a.m., Sunday, May 15. There will be no early service this Sunday. During this special service, all of Salem’s choirs will be sharing hymns and the stories of how they came to be. The Chancel Choir, Salem Spirit Band and Singers, the Men’s Chorus, The Children’s Choir, and the Koinonia Hand Bell Choir will provide music throughout the service. Salem is located at 5080 Sherrills Ford Road, pastored by Doug Hefner. Call 704-636-0252 or visit www.salemelca.org for ST more information.

Murkland Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, will be guest speaker. Founded in 1866 by a group of former slaves of Rowan County, the church has a continuous line of descendants that is still evident in the majority of the families of the current membership. The annual Hall of Fame induction, bestowed upon members reaching their 70th birthday, will include Bettye Brown, Catherine Brown, William “Buddy” Glenn and Thelma Lipe.

ship service. The Rev. Dr. Nilous Avery and Mt. Zion Baptist Church will be the special guests for the 3 p.m service.

15 beginning in the 11 a.m. service where the speaker will be Dr. Mary S. Ponds, a member of White Rock AME Zion Church and mayor of Granite Quarry. Continuing the theme of “Women of God Growing Strong through Faith, Hope and Love” at 3 p.m. will be Ardis Chapel Cynthia Stoner of Jerusalem The women of Ardis Baptist, Spencer; Tracie CulChapel AME Zion Church will celebrate their annual See BRIEFS, 5C Women’s Day on Sunday, May

night, Deborah Seagroves Robson on Monday and Renee Scheidt Melton on Tuesday. Davis was born in Salisbury to Robert (Bob) and Mary Anne Davis. He is pastor of Summit church in N. Charleston, S.C.

The bells of St. Luke’s are calling...

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SPENCER — The Interdenominational Fellowship of Salisbury-Rowan County, comprised of more than 25 churches, will sponsor the fifth annual Community Wide Crusade May 23-27. The crusade will be held at Jerusalem Baptist Church, 1570 N. Long St. Ext. The theme is “Taking It Back” and music each night will be by the Interdenominational Fellowship Adult and Youth Mass Choirs, a collaboration of area church musiJOHNSON cians and directors. Friday is youth night with music by the Interdenominational Fellowship Youth Mass Choir. Workshops each night from 6-7 p.m. are for children age 2-11, youth age 12-18, and adults. Area pastors, laypersons and community leaders will serve as facilitators, dress is “come–as-you-are” and worship begins at 7 p.m. following the workshops. Evangelist for the week will be the Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Johnson Sr., pastor of historic Canaan Baptist Church of Christ, Harlem, N.Y. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Hood Theological Seminary. For titles of the workshops or transportation needs, call 704-637-3447, 704-637-0954 or 704-633-5057.

Morning Prayer M-F 8:00am Evening Prayer M T Th F 5:30pm Wednesday Healing Service 5:30pm

Soldiers Memorial AME Zion Church will observe its 147th church anniversary on Sunday, May 15. The Rev. Dr. Grant Harrison Jr. will preach the anniversary sermon at the 11 a.m. wor-

Sunday Services 8:00am & 10:30am Adult Sunday School 9:15-10:15am Children’s Sunday School 10:20-11:00am

Now Open! R128623

NORTHGATE CHURCH is happy to announce the completion of our new facility at 1255 West Ridge Road, Salisbury, NC 28147. We want to thank and bless all the contractors and vendors who have worked so diligently to build such a beautiful church building.

Landis Baptist drama LANDIS — Landis Baptist Church hosts the drama “I Dreamed I Searched Heaven for You” at 7:30 p.m. tonight and tomorrow, May 13-14. Landis Baptist Church is located at 110 N. Kimmons St., Call 704-857-9241 for more information.

Eagle Badge ceremony Nick and Sam Greene will receive their Eagle Scout badge, Scouting’s highest honor, at the 9 a.m. worship service at Coburn Memorial United Methodist Church on Sunday. Refreshments will be served in the fellowship hall after the ceremony.

Mt. Moriah CHINA GROVE — Mt. Moriah Evangelical Lutheran Church is holding its annual congregational picnic and “Service in the Park” on Sunday, May 15 at a special time of 10 a.m. in the amphitheater at Sloan Park, off Hwy. 150 past Millbridge. High school and college graduates will be recognized, the lay-led service will be informal and contemporary, there will be special music and afterward a picnic lunch at the Morgan Shelter. Bring food and drink to share. Call 704-857-5034 for more information.

Sandy Ridge’s 145th LANDIS — Sandy Ridge AME Zion Church will celebrate its 145th anniversary on Sunday, May 15 at the 10 a.m. service with pastor the Rev. Anthony J. Freeman speaking and the Sandy Ridge Gospel Choir rendering the music. This year’s theme is “Building Upon the Rock of Our Legacy” and will include a memorial tribute to Martha Sherrill Haley, a lifelong member who died in August 2010 at the age of 91, and whose family could be traced back to the charter members. During the 3 p.m. service there will be tributes and reflections on Mrs. Haley’s life and the Sandy Ridge AME Zion Church Victory Choir will provide a musical tribute. The Reverend Albert W. Moses, pastor of Matthews-

“Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation,” 2 Corinthians 5:18

A Special Thanks to: Patrick Miller Grading We also want to say thank you to these companies: Cunningham Brick Company Jones Doors & Windows, Inc. United Rentals Green River Carpet Bank of North Carolina Salisbury Plumbing Cregger Company Ferguson Enterprises HD Supply Guaranteed Supply Company Express Vanities Lowe’s Home Improvement Thomas Pest Control Desco

Colonial Materials ABC Supply Co. Guy M. Turner Inc. Coastal Carolina Pumping Rowan Septic Tank and Ditching Myers Septic Concrete Supply Co. Trussway Manufacturing J&R Construction of the Piedmont Overcash Gravel & Grading The Sherwin Wiliams Co American Mechanical Godley’s Garden Center Grandview Products Co.

Builders Insulation Davis Enterprises Mid-State Metals of the Carolinas Chandler Concrete Co. High Point Plumbing Old Carolina Stone RT Masonry, Inc A.D. Toler Electric Co. Plageman Architecture Builders First Source Mondragon Construction Salisbury Engineering Queen City

We welcome the community to come celebrate with us on

Sunday, May 22nd at 10:30am as we recognize and bless those who have labored on this project. May the love of Jesus Christ abound in Rowan County. 704-633-7063

1255 West Ridge Road Salisbury, NC 28147 Senior Pastors: Ken & Kay Koontz



United Baptist Church KANNAPOLIS — Apostle Vanessa Taplah is the guest speaker, accompanied by her congregation of The Blessing of God Ministry in Lexington, at the annual Missionary Day 3 p.m. service Sunday at United Baptist Church, 3001 Clarmont Ave.

New Bethel Baptist MOCKSVILLE — The Annual Women’s Day Program at New Bethel Baptist Church is Sunday at 3 p.m. Speaker Rev. Dr. Patricia Tyson, pastor of Cedar Grove AME Zion Church, will be accompanied by her choir and congregation. All women are asked to wear white. The church is located at 3727 US 601 Hwy. S.

Hall’s Temple Hall’s Temple Church on N. Long Street will hold its annual Women’s Day service on Sunday, May 15 at 3:30 p.m. The speaker will be Pastor Mary Burton of Greater Victory, Statesville.

Fairview Heights Fairview Heights Baptist Church, 7040 Old Concord Road, will celebrate its annual Women’s Day program on Sunday, May 15 at 3:30 p.m. The Rev. Barbara Hester of Gethsemane Hope Missionary Baptist Church, WinstonSalem, will be the speaker.

New Hope AME Zion The Steward Board of New Hope AME Zion Church is hosting the Twelve Tribe Rally, Sunday at 4 p.m. at the church. New Hope AME Zion Church is located at 1470 N. Street Long St.

Broke-N-Lonesome WOODLEAF — The singing group Broke-N-Lonesome will be performing Sunday night at Woodleaf UMC. Singing will begin at 6 p.m. with refreshments and fellowship following. The church is located at 9000 Church St. From Salisbury, take Woodleaf Road (cross 801) to Cool Springs Road, turn right on Stadium Street.

Service of healing RICHFIELD — Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, 111 E. Church St., will hold a Service of the Word for Healing this Sunday at 6 p.m. Prayers will be offered for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing, including anointing with oil and the laying on of hands. All are welcome, especially those who are struggling with sadness, fear or pain.

The Chapeleers

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and more on the Faith calendar of events.

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Plus much more Faith In Motion videos, Faith Stories and Bible Verses of the Day.

go to

Solid Rock The Women’s Ministry of Solid Rock Church of God, 1004 Locke St., will host a prayer breakfast on Saturday, May 21 at 9 a.m. The speaker will be Evangelist Donnetta Watkins, associate minister at New Creation Baptist Church of Statesville.

New Beginning CONCORD — New Beginning Church of God will host the 29th singing anniversary of The Gospel Traveliers of the Carolinas May 21 at 7 p.m. and May 22 at 3 p.m. Also on the program will be New Voices of Faith, Gospel Keytones, and many more. Note that New Beginning Church meets in a new location, 5717 Alexander Road.

Assembly of God






Dr. Glynn R. Dickens


The Chapeleers, along with the Black Family Singers from Clover, S.C., will be in concert on Sunday at 5 p.m. at Shoaf’s Wagon Wheel. There will be hot dogs and hamburgers available, and a love offering will be taken. Shoaf’s Wagon Wheel is located at 151 Barn Dance Drive (Hwy. 601). For more information call 704-636-6343 or visit www.chapeleers.com.



bertson of Soldiers Memorial AME Zion, Salisbury and Paula Robinson of Marable Memorial AME Zion, Kannapolis. Ardis Chapel is located at 1940 Old Mocksville Road.

For more information, call Copeland’s television proEarly Worship . . . . . . . . 8:00 a.m. The United Ministerial Al- 704 938-2088 or email srgood- gram. Her study at Ulpan AkiSunday School . . . . . . . 9:15 a.m. liance will host its third Sun- es@gmail.com. va in Israel led to the seminar Morning Worship. . . . . 10:30 a.m. day service at Macedonia tours she has guided in the Baptist Church of Salisbury Christiana Lutheran Land from 1986 until now. Evening Worship . . . . . . 6:00 p.m. on Sunday at 7 p.m. Her ministry, Prayer MounAWANA - Wednesday . . . 6:45 p.m. On Saturday, May 21 from tain in the Ozarks, teaches beThe guest preacher will be Wednesday Worship . . . 7:00 p.m. 3-7 p.m., Christiana Lutheran lievers how to pray and believe Bishop Everett Hackett. Rev. Matthew Laughter Rev. Stephen Smith Senior Pastor Youth/Children’s Pastor Church will host a block par- for an awakening to God. For First Calvary Baptist ty to honor those who serve more information call 704-784as policemen, firemen, EMTs 2761 or visit www.evangelworFirst Calvary Baptist and in the military. shipcenter.org. 8630 Hillcrest Dr., off Hwy 52 • 704- 279-6120 Church will hold a three-night Fire departments from spring revival May 17-19 at 7 Granite Quarry, Rockwell and p.m. The Rev. Dr. James D. Rockwell Rural have been inBallard, evangelist and Bap- vited as well as the police detist minister, will speak. The partments from Rockwell and services will be held in the Granite Quarry and the Shersanctuary, located at 400 S. iff’s Department. The EMTs Long St. have been invited as well as A native of High Point, Bal- members of the National lard’s career as theologian, ed- Guard and Reserves Unit. ucator and civil rights advoVehicles will be on display. cate has spanned more than 55 Donations will be taken at the years. For information, call event to give to the different 704-633-2818. departments in appreciation for their service. There will be games, music and hotdogs Lag B’Omer event with all the fixins. DAVIDSON — On ThursChristiana is located at day, May 19, from 4:15-6:15 6190 US Hwy 52, five miles PM, the Beth Shalom of Lake from I-85 across from Old Norman congregation and its Stone Winery. For more inCenter for Jewish Learning is formation,call 704-223-1468 or sponsoring a one-of-a-kind cul- visit www.christianaelc.org. tural event on the grounds of St. Alban’s Church, 301 Cald- ‘Facing Uncertainty’ well Lane, Davidson. “Facing Uncertainty” is a This outdoor event will feature an Israeli-style celebra- day-long workshop on themes tion of the holiday of Lag of faith in the face of uncerB’Omer featuring an appear- tainty that will take place ance by former Israeli De- June 4 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. fense Forces officer Mor at the Center for Faith and the Green in an informative fire- Arts, 207 W. Harrison St. Through spontaneous side talk, free Kosher hot dogs and refreshments, live and movement, coloring or paintrecorded Israeli music and ing, writing, and reflection, songs featuring students from artists will meditate on Rilke’s famous quote, “Be pathe religious school. tient toward all that is unsolved in your heart/ and try Word of Life revival to love the questions themThe Word of Life Family selves.” Worship CenThe workshop is for beginter Congrega- ning writers or artists as well tion will host as for seasoned ones. Paper, a two- night pencils, and pastels will be Spring re- supplied; bring preferred art vival on supplies and a journal or noteThursday and book. Friday, May Facilitator is Myra Tan19-20th at 7 nehill. The $75 cost includes p.m. lunch. A deposit of $25 will P a s t o r hold your spot. For a registraRobyn Gool tion form, email of Victory tannehillm@netzero. com. For GOOL C h r i s t i a n more information, call 704Call to find out how to be Center in 213-0187. a sponsor or how to Charlotte will include your church’s be the guest speaker. He is Billye Brim at Evangel weekly information the author of seven books, as Elizabeth Ross CONCORD — Dr. Billye well as the host of the “More 704-797-4231 than Conquerors” radio and Brim, international Bible or email: teacher and TV broadcast. eross@salisburypost.com author, will The church is at 726 E. Libspeak at erty St. For transportation or Evangel Woradditional information call 704ship Center, 633-2431. 484 Cabarrus Ave. W., on Christ UMC fundraiser Saturday Christ United Methodist May 28 at 7 Church, partnering with App.m. and Sunplebee’s, 205 Faith Road, will BRIM day May 29 at host a flapjack fundraiser on 10 a.m. Saturday, May 21 starting at She has For information on how to participate 7 a.m. All proceeds will help appeared with Gloria and sponsorships call 704-797-4231. fund events at the church’s Copeland on Kenneth family life center. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased by calling 704-4314998.




Ministerial Alliance

Steve Holshouser, Pastor May 15, 2011

May 15, 2011 Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:30 am Wednesday: 7:00 pm “The Coming Economic Armageddon” - Lesson 8 Consumed Youth, Royal Rangers (Boys 5-12) M’Pact Girls Clubs (Girls 5-12) Rainbows (Children 3-5)

10am Sunday School; 11am Worship Service; 6pm Evening Worship; 7pm Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting and Bible Study

Motto: ‘An Oasis of Healing in a Hurting World’

Church Motto: “A Christ-Centered Church with a Family-Oriented Ministry”

923 N. Salisbury Ave., Granite Quarry 704-279-6676

3760 Stokes Ferry Road • Salisbury, NC 704-645-9328

email: rcaog@windstream.net

website: www.rcaog.org



May 15, 2011

Arthur L. Heggins, Pastor




May 15, 2011

May 15, 2011 “ROCK ON” - Part 4

The Chapeleers will be in concert Sunday at Shoaf’s Wagon Wheel.


www.thepark.cc Email: bpbcvision@yahoo.com

email: revartlheggins@yahoo.com



2299 N. Main St. • Kannapolis, NC 28081 704-932-4266 Fax 704-933-6684


410 Hawkinstown Road, Salisbury, NC 704-636-8947


Pastor: Keith Kannenberg Monday - Zumba Fitness Class 7:00pm; Wednesday - Beginners Sign Language Class 5:30pm, Evening Service, Growth Groups & Advanced Sign Language Class 7:00pm; Thursday First Place 4 Health 6:00pm; Saturday - Zumba Fitness Class 9:00am

Sermon: “Show Love For All The Right Reasons” Sunday School 10:00am Worship Service 11:00am Midweek Bible Study Classes 5:00 & 7:00pm - Wednesdays

Gene Sides, Pastor


Bishop JC Kellam & Apostle Charlene Kellam

Sunday School 9:45am Morning Worship 11:00am Guest Speaker: Gideon, Bob Jones Anthem: “Healer of Broken Hearts” Evening Worship 6:00pm Message: “I Will Glory In The Cross” Wednesday 7 pm Prayer/Bible Study Youth Night

May 15, 2011 Sunday School ....................10AM Morning Worship ................11AM Wednesday Intercessory Prayer ..............................6:30PM Wednesday Bible Study ....7:30PM “The Church of God for the People of God”

OUR PRAYER: “Let Us Be A Lighthouse On This Hill”

2300 Bringle Ferry Road, Salisbury 704-630-0909 S50401

email: jclark143@carolina.rr.com

1021 N. Main St. • Salisbury, NC 28144 704-647-0870 S50402


To list your church on this page, call Charlie James at the Salisbury Post 704-797-4236.



SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 • 5C


6C • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011



Zits/Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

Jump Start/Robb Armstrong

For Better or For Worse/Lynn Johnston

Frank & Ernest/Bob Thaves

Dilbert/Scott Adams Non Sequitur/Wiley Miller

Garfield/Jim Davis Pickles/Brian Crane

Hagar The Horrible/Chris Browne Dennis/Hank Ketcham

Family Circus/Bil Keane

Blondie/Dean Young and John Marshall


Get Fuzzy/Darby Conley

The Born Loser/Art and Chip Sansom

Sudoku/United Feature Syndicate Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

Answer to Previous Puzzle

Celebrity Cipher/Luis Campos


Saturday, May 14




A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina












CBS Evening News (N) Evening 3 CBS News (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 22 (:00) News at 6:00P (N) World 9 ABC News With David Muir (N) PGA Tour Golf

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation The Mentalist “Red Sky in the “Lost & Found” (In Stereo) Morning” (In Stereo) Å Paid Program CSI: Crime Scene Investigation The Mentalist “Red Sky in the “Lost & Found” A mother becomes Morning” A copycat murder looks like those of Red John. a suspect. (In Stereo) MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. Boston Red Sox at New York Yankees or San Francisco Giants at Chicago Cubs or Arizona Diamondbacks at Los Angeles Dodgers. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å

Wheel of Fortune Å Paid Program

Jeopardy! Å

48 Hours Mystery (In Stereo) Å 48 Hours Mystery (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 10:00 News (N)

News 2 at 11 (N) Å WBTV 3 News at 11 PM (N)

(:35) Criminal Minds Å (:35) America Now (N) Å

(:45) Fox 8 Fringe “Earthling” Victims are disinSports Saturday tegrating into ash. (In Stereo) Å

Entertainment Tonight (N) (In Stereo) Å


Movie: ››‡ “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” (2007) Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom. While the Flying Dutchman ghost ship wreaks havoc on the Seven Seas, Will, Elizabeth and Barbossa unite to save Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones’ locker. (In Stereo) Å Entertainment Tonight (N) (In Chase “The Man at the Altar” Annie Law & Order: LA “Runyon Canyon” Law & Order: Special Victims Stereo) Å has a dark premonition. (N) (In A college freshman is murdered. (In Unit “Wet” A woman is found dead Stereo) Å Stereo) Å in a fountain. Å Everybody MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. Boston Red Sox at New York Yankees or San Francisco Giants at Fox News at (:35) Fox News 10 (N) Got Game 11 Loves Raymond Chicago Cubs or Arizona Diamondbacks at Los Angeles Dodgers. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å

Eyewitness (:35) Criminal News Tonight Minds “The Eyes (N) Å Have It” WXII News (:29) Saturday Channel 12 at Night Live 11 (N) Å (N) Å Fringe “Earthling” Victims are disintegrating into ash. (In Stereo) Å


6 PGA Tour Golf Jeopardy! Å

NewsChannel Saturday Night Live (N) (In 36 News at Stereo) Å 11:00 (N) Austin City Limits Soul singer John Legend. (In Stereo) Å NUMB3RS “Trust Metric” The team must track down Granger. (:05) Two and a (:35) The King Half Men of Queens House/Payne House/Payne Scrubs Eliot According to struggles with Jim “Nannyethics. Å Cam” Å MI-5 Vaughn manipulates Lucas. (In Stereo) Å














Wheel of Chase “The Man at the Altar” Annie Law & Order: LA “Runyon Canyon” Law & Order: Special Victims Fortune “Sandals has a dark premonition. (N) (In A college freshman is murdered. (In Unit “Wet” A woman is found dead Resorts Week” Stereo) Å Stereo) Å in a fountain. Å Carolina Calling Classic Gospel From Westminster The Best of Daniel O’Donnell on Highland Heartbeat David Garrett Rock Symphonies Central Hall in London. Film (In Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Å ABC World George Lopez George Lopez Movie: ››‡ “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” (2007) Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Å Å News Knightley. (In Stereo) Å The Office “Night Two and a Half Two and a Half Brothers & Sisters Isaac is not the Stargate Universe “Incursion” Å WJZY News at (:35) Two and a (DVS) Out” 10 (N) Men Half Men Men man Nora thought. Å Two/Half Men The Office The Office The Unit “Bedfellows” Å Deadliest Catch “Lady Luck” ’70s Show ’70s Show (:00) Da Vinci’s Deadliest Catch “Greenhorns” Movie: ››› “Eight Below” (2006) Paul Walker, Bruce Greenwood, Moon Bloodgood. The Addams Inquest “The Ol’ Fishermen prepare for king crab. (In Members of a scientific expedition must leave their beloved sled dogs behind in the frozen Family Stereo) Å Coco Bop” wilderness of Antarctica. (:00) Song of The Lawrence Welk Show “Great As Time Goes The Old Guys Keeping Up Outnumbered Poirot “Double Sin” Antique miniaBy “White the Mountains Entertainers” “Yankee Doodle (In Stereo) Å Appearances Å Julie’s wedding tures stolen. (In Stereo) Å Hunter” Å Dandy.” day. Å Å


Wars 36 Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Parking (N) Å


Movie: ››› “Open Range” (2003) Robert 27 (5:00) Duvall, Kevin Costner. Å 38 (:00) I’m Alive Must Love Cats Å 59 (:00) Movie: ››‡ “Paid in Full” House “The Itch” Å 37 Bee Movie 34 Paid Program Money in Mot. Till Debt/Part 32 Situation Rm Newsroom


















57 66 76 46










50 58




62 44 60





















Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Å

Movie: ››‡ “Flight of the Phoenix” (2004) Dennis Quaid, Giovanni Ribisi, Tyrese Movie: ››‡ “Hidalgo” (2004) Viggo Mortensen, Gibson. Premiere. Å Omar Sharif. Å It’s Me or the Dog (N) Å My Cat From Hell (N) It’s Me or the Dog Å Must Love Cats Å Movie: ›› “State Property 2” (2005) Movie: ››‡ “Blue Hill Avenue” (2001) Allen Payne. Å House “Emancipation” Å House “Last Resort” Å House “Let Them Eat Cake” House Cuddy receives gift. American Greed The Suze Orman Show (N) Till Debt/Part Till Debt/Part American Greed CNN Presents Å Piers Morgan Tonight Newsroom CNN Presents Å American American Chopper: Senior vs. American Chopper: Senior vs. American Chopper: Senior vs. American Chopper: Senior vs. American Chopper: Senior vs. Chopper Junior Junior fires Odie. Å Junior “Mikey’s Art Opening” Junior “Big Guns” Å Junior “Judgement Day” Å Junior “Mikey’s Art Opening” The Suite Life The Suite Life The Suite Life Phineas and The Suite Life (:10) Fish Hooks (:35) Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck The Suite Life on Deck Å on Deck Å on Deck Å Ferb on Deck Charlie Charlie Charlie Charlie on Deck Å Sex and-City Voice Living to one hundred. Movie: ›››‡ “Speed” (1994) Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper. E! Special The Soup Chelsea Lately (:00) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å College Softball SEC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. From Oxford, SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å Miss. (N) (Live) Softball NHRA Drag Racing Summit Racing Equipment Southern Nationals, Qualifying. Auto Racing Global Rallycross Championship. MLS Soccer (:00) Movie: ››› “Beetlejuice” (1988) Michael Movie: ››› “Monsters, Inc.” (2001) Voices of John Goodman, Billy Movie: ››› “Matilda” (1996) Mara Wilson, Danny DeVito, Rhea Keaton, Alec Baldwin. Crystal, Mary Gibbs. Perlman. College Baseball College Baseball Baylor at Oklahoma State. (N) (Live) Final Score The Game 365 Final Score Movie: ›› “The Day the Earth Stood Still” (2008) Keanu Reeves, Jennifer Connelly, Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Sons of Anarchy “Pilot” Samcro’s illegal arms warehouse. Men Men Men Men Kathy Bates. America’s-HQ FOX Report Huckabee Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large Å Jour. FOX News Pipe Dream Live From the Players Championship (Live) PGA Tour Golf The Players Championship, Third Round. Å Players Championship Ice Castles Movie: “Edge of the Garden” (2011) Rob Estes. Premiere. Å Movie: “Edge of the Garden” Movie: “The Wishing Well” (2010) Jordan Ladd. Å Designed-Sell Hunters Int’l House Hunters Sarah-Summer Curb/Block Secrets Antonio House Hunters House Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Secret Access American Restoration Rick plans True Caribbean Pirates The Golden Age of Piracy and the true stories Megaquake 10.0 Analyzing the outcome of a 10.0 megaquake striking different fault lines around the world. Å of the infamous pirates and their deadly profession. to convert a Coke cooler. Billy Graham Kingdom Conn Potter’s Touch Gaither Gospel Hour Movie: ››› “Les Miserables” (1998) Liam Neeson, Geoffrey Rush. Å Movie: “The Craigslist Killer” (2011) Jake McDorman, Billy Baldwin, Movie: “Justice for Natalee Holloway” (2011) Tracy Pollan, Stephen Army Wives Denise supports “Everything Agnes Bruckner. Å She” Amell, Scott Cohen. Å Jeremy’s friends. Å (:00) Movie: “Don’t Cry Now” (2007) Jason Priestley, Movie: “Encounters With Danger” (2009) Shannen Doherty. A woman Movie: “Hush” (2005) Tori Spelling, Victoria Pratt, Tahmoh Penikett. Å Leslie Hope, Cameron Bancroft. Å learns the shocking truth about a corporation. Å Lock Corcoran Lockup: Corcoran Lockup: Corcoran Lockup: Corcoran Lockup: Corcoran Lockup: New Mexico Known Univ. Explorer The Pirate Code Wicked Pirate City The Pirate Code Victorious (In iCarly (In Stereo) iCarly (In Stereo) Victorious Supah Ninjas Victorious (In iCarly (In Stereo) My Wife and My Wife and George Lopez George Lopez Stereo) Å (N) Å (N) Å Stereo) Å Kids Å Kids Å “Girl Fight” Å Å Å Å Top Model America’s Next Top Model America’s Next Top Model America’s Next Top Model Movie: ››‡ “Legally Blonde” (2001) Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å College Baseball Spotlight College Baseball Mississippi State at Mississippi. (N) (Live) College Baseball Movie: ›‡ “The Messengers” (2007) Kristen Stewart, Dylan Movie: “Roadkill” (2011) Diarmuid Noyes. A gigantic predatory bird Movie: “Messengers 2: The (5:00) Movie: stalks two siblings and a group of friends in the wilderness. Scarecrow” (2009) Å “The Cave” McDermott, Penelope Ann Miller. Premiere. (:00) Movie: ››‡ “Race to Witch Mountain” (2009) Movie: ››› “Hitch” (2005) Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James. Å (:13) Movie: ››› “Hitch” (2005) Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin Dwayne Johnson. Å James. Å Movie: ›››› “East of Eden” (1955) James Dean, Julie Harris, (:00) Movie: ››› “Monte Walsh” (1970) Lee (:15) Movie: ›› “Carson City” (1952) Randolph Scott, Raymond Marvin, Jeanne Moreau. Raymond Massey. Å Massey, Lucille Norman. Police Women Police Women of Broward Police Women of Broward Police Women of Broward Off the Rez (N) (In Stereo) Å (5:15) Movie: ››› “The Terminal” (2004) Tom Movie: ›› “The Bucket List” (2007) Jack Nicholson, Morgan Movie: ›› “The Bucket List” (2007) Jack Nicholson, Morgan Hanks, Catherine Zeta-Jones. Å Freeman, Sean Hayes. Å Freeman, Sean Hayes. Å Most Shocking Top 20 Most Shocking Top 20 Most Shocking World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... Forensic Files Forensic Files EverybodyEverybodyEverybodyEverybodyEverybodySanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family EverybodyRaymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Å (:00) NCIS (In NCIS “The Bone Yard” A Mafia NCIS “Silent Night” Suspect is pre- NCIS Two mercenaries are found NCIS “Double Identity” Investigation In Plain Sight A witness wants to reconnect. Å Stereo) Å dumping ground. Å sumed dead. Å dead. (In Stereo) Å into a Marine’s shooting. Meet, Browns NUMB3RS “Trust Metric” Criminal Minds Å The Closer “Half Load” Å Eyewitness Hot Topics The Insider (N) Entertainment How I Met Your (:00) The Unit Bones Psychic sees a mass grave. Bones A skull smashes the wind- America’s Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Scrubs “My (In Stereo) Å Mother “Bedfellows” shield of a car. Å Manhood” Å Å

PREMIUM CHANNELS Movie: ›› “He’s Just Not That Into You” 15 (5:45) (2009) Ben Affleck. (In Stereo) Å






Visual abnormality needs a second opinion Dear Dr. Gott: I am a 60year-old female. My ophthalmologist diagnosed me with an eye condition called retinitis pigmentosa (RP). I would like a second opinion. I know this is an incurable disease and I am rapidly going blind. Any information on slowing down the disease as well as diagnosing it would be greatly appreciated. If I am able to obtain a second opinion, what tests should I have to confirm the diagnosis? Should I have genetic testing done? Dear Reader: You have damage to the retina, an area at the back of the inner portion of the eye that converts images to nerve signals and sends them on to the brain. Generally speaking, the cells that control night viDR. PETER sion are likely to be affected; GOTT however, in some instances, retinal cone cells are damaged more. Symptoms can appear in childhood, with visual difficulties developing years later. A person with retinitis pigmentosa may lose peripheral or central vision, and he or she may have difficulty seeing at night or when there is minimal light available. Testing the retina is varied and may include dilating the pupils and examining the retina, determining visual acuity, performing refraction testing or retinal photography and a host of other possibilities. Protecting the eyes from ultravi-

olet light by wearing sunglasses may preserve vision. There are ongoing studies about the potential benefit of omega-3 fatty acids and one type of RP does respond to vitamin A. Your disorder will progress slowly. Peripheral vision is the first to go. Central vision loss is a late finding. You may also be faced with early cataracts or macular edema (retinal swelling). If you should develop cataracts that obstruct your vision, they can be removed surgically. There are other conditions that behave in a similar fashion to retinitis pigmentosa. They include Laurence-Moon syndrome, Friedreich’s ataxia, myotonic dystrophy, mucopolysaccharidosis and Usher syndrome. Therefore, I believe you are accurate in asking whether a second opinion is in line. My guess is that you are unsure whether your insurance will allow a second opinion because I cannot imagine your physician would deny you the privilege of confirming the diagnosis. Because this is a hereditary disorder, you might request genetic counseling to determine whether your children or siblings are at risk as well.

n’t moving. Then it started moving immediately. I thought perhaps it didn’t move when it was in a state of relaxation. During childbirth classes, I learned the technique of relaxing. When I relaxed my tongue with a conscious effort, it stopped moving. Eventually, the movement stopped. I hope this method will help some people with this disturbing affliction. Dear Reader: Tardive dyskinesia typically occurs after a patient has taken high doses of certain medications, over an extended period of time. It causes involuntary, repetitive tic-like movements — especially in the muscles of the face. TD is a result of damage to the body’s systems that use and process dopamine, a biochemical substance produced in the brain. It functions as a neurotransmitter to regulate emotion and movement within the body. There are several medications that can cause symptoms of TD to include those for nasal allergies, mental illness and digestive disorders such as heartburn caused by GI reflux. One such digestive disorder drug is metoclopramide, sold under the name of Reglan in the United States. In 2004, a study of the medication’s effect on older women found an increased risk for developing symptoms of TD. By early 2009, the Food and Drug Administration issued a blackbox warning to this effect.

Dear Dr. Gott: About 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with tardive dyskinesia, also known as TD. My tongue moved (wiggled) involuntary, continuously. A doctor said it would continue the rest of my life. This was distressing so I decided to fight it. I pressed my tongue tightly in my Dr. Peter H. Gott is a remouth to stop the movement. tired physician and the author Then one morning I awoke of several books. His website and realized my tongue was- is www.AskDrGottMD.com.

United FeatUre Syndicate

Today’s celebrity birthdays May 14: Singer-bassist Jack Bruce of Cream is 68. Movie producer George Lucas is 67. Director Robert Zemeckis is 60. Musician David Byrne (Talking Heads) is 59. Actor Tim Roth is 50. Guitarist C.C. DeVille of Poison is 49. Singer Ian Astbury of The Cult is 49. Musician Fabrice Morvan of Milli Vanilli is 45. Actress Cate Blanchett is 42. Singer Danny Wood of New Kids on the Block is 42. Director Sofia Coppola is 40. Singer Natalie Appleton of All Saints is 38. Singer Shanice is 38. Actress Amber Tamblyn is 28. Actress Miranda Cosgrove (“iCarly”) is 18.

Two equal chances, but one is better BY PHILLIP ALDER United Feature Syndicate

Sir Arthur Eddington, an English astrophysicist who died in 1944, wrote, “Proof is the idol before whom the pure mathematician tortures himself.” Today’s deal might drive a mathematician crazy, but would appeal to a bridge expert. You barrel into four hearts, and West leads a trump. What are your thoughts? North was right to rebid two hearts. The alternatives of one no-trump (two low spades) and two clubs (only a five-card suit) are less good. Yes, North would prefer either four or stronger trumps, but two hearts does not commit the partnership to that strain. Also, South’s jump to four hearts promises at least

a five-card suit. If, for example, South’s heart five were the spade five, he would rebid three no-trump, offering North a choice of games. You have nine top tricks: one spade, five hearts and three clubs. After drawing trumps, you could duck a club (play a low club from each hand). This would gain a fourth club trick whenever the suit splits 3-3 or 4-2. Alternatively, you could take a spade finesse. Assuming the finesse loses and West returns a club, you take dummy’s three tops, hoping for a 3-3 break, then fall back on a second spade finesse. What would a mathematician tell you? That clubs 3-3 or 4-2 is 84.0 percent. And that clubs 3-3 or one spade finesse working is 84.5 percent. What would a bridge ex-

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pert say? That one spade finesse will win 100 percent of the time because if West had had the king-queen of spades, he would have led the spade king, not a trump.


Need A/C?







Movie: ››› “How to Train Your Dragon” (2010) (:45) Movie: ››‡ “The Book of Eli” (2010) Denzel Washington, Gary (:45) Game of Voices of Jay Baruchel. Å Oldman, Mila Kunis. (In Stereo) Å Thrones Å (:00) Movie: ›‡ “Jonah Hex” Hung (In Stereo) Treme “Everything I Do Gonh Be Treme “On Your Way Down” (In True Blood Bill’s fate lies in Big Love Nicki pushes for Cara (2010) (In Stereo) Funky” (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Lorena’s hands. Å Lynn’s adoption. Å Å (:15) Movie: ›‡ “The Fourth Kind” (2009) Milla Jovovich, Will Patton, Movie: ››‡ “The Invention of Lying” (2009) Ricky He’s Just Not Movie: ››› “Panic Room” (5:00) Movie: “Set It Off” Elias Koteas. (In Stereo) Å Gervais. (In Stereo) Å That Into You (2002) Jodie Foster. Movie: ›› “Basic” (2003) John Travolta, Connie (:15) Movie: ›› “Cradle 2 the Grave” (2003) Jet Li, DMX, Anthony Movie: ›› “Predators” (2010) Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, Alice Nielsen. (In Stereo) Å Anderson. (In Stereo) Å Braga. Premiere. (In Stereo) Å “Twilight: New The Borgias “Death, on a Pale Nurse Jackie United States of Nick Cannon: Mr. Showbiz The Boxing Arthur Abraham vs. Andre Ward. (N) (Live) Horse” (iTV) (In Stereo) Å comic performs. (N) Å Moon” (iTV) Å Tara (iTV)



Although both progress and recognition in your chosen field of endeavor are indicted for the coming months, it behooves you to be patient and move slowly. Small gains could accumulate into something impressive. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — For some reason, it’ll seem like small details will take on greater significance than usual. Everything you do will require paying close attention to minute details. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Several people you hang out with socially could turn out to be extremely helpful regarding a personal matter. If the subject comes up, don’t hesitate to tell others what’s bothering you. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — This could be a better than usual day for clearing out a lot of debris you’ve collected over time. This includes putting to rest some family matters. In fact, give them priority. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — If you find that you are more adept at doing things that are of a mental nature rather than a physical one, give your muscles a rest and let your mind do all the squat thrusting. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Even though what you derive from your work might not be as much as you hoped, you’ll feel good about what you do accomplish. Take satisfaction where you can. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Don’t leave up to others what you should be attending to personally. Even though they are likely to try their best, others might not come close to what you could accomplish yourself. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — If you find the pressure mounting, seek solitude as soon as you can. Going off by yourself and working things out without interference will work best for you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Although spending time with certain friends holds more advantages than usual, be selective regarding your companions. Choose pals who don’t complicate life. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Don’t avoid or duck issues that you know you are right about, especially when an adversary throws down the gauntlet. Challenges or competitive developments bring out your best qualities. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — When you treat developments philosophically, everything will work out to your liking. The important thing is to keep a cool head at all times, which can make others get rattled. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — Joint endeavors are likely to turn out better for you than going it alone. This is because when two heads are working together, you have a double chance of coming up with an answer. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Make fairness your motto, and you’ll find parity and cooperation with most everybody and in everything you do. Others will treat you the same way you treat them. Trying to patch up a broken romance? The Astro-Graph Matchmaker can help you understand what to do to make the relationship work. Send for your Matchmaker set by mailing $3 to Astro-Graph, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167.

No Leaf Gutters • Siding • Roofing • Patio Covers • Sunrooms Just Google Us




SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 • 7C



OPEN AT 1:45PM MON-THURS BRIDESMAIDS (R) (12:45) 3:50 7:00 9:50 FAST FIVE (PG-13) (1:00) 4:00 6:55 9:10 9:55 HOODWINKED TOO! (PG) (11:45) 1:55 INSIDIOUS (PG-13) (11:50) 2:15 4:45 7:15 9:40 JUMPING THE BROOM (PG-13) (1:05) 4:10 7:25 10:05 PRIEST 3D (PG-13) (12:15) 2:45 7:15 9:30 PRIEST (PG-13) 5:00 PROM (PG) 4:20 6:50 9:20

RIO 3D (G) (11:25) 1:55 4:20 6:45 SOMETHING BORROWED (PG-13) (11:35) 2:10 4:40 7:20 10:00 SOUL SURFER (PG) (11:30) 2:00 4:30 7:05 9:35 THOR (PG-13) (11:25) 2:20 4:05 5:00 7:35 9:35 10:10 THOR 3D (PG-13) (12:25 1:20) 3:10 5:55 6:50 8:40 TYLER PERRY'S MADEA'S BIG HAPPY FAMILY (PG-13) (12:50) 3:30 6:10 8:50 WATER FOR ELEPHANTS (PG-13) (1:15) 3:55 6:45 9:30

Times in ( ) play Fri-Sun only

8C • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011



Honoring Their Service & Sacrifice Our respect and gratitude will forever be with our fallen military heroes and their families. Their service and sacrifice are beyond measure, and we will never forget their dedication to our country and our freedom.

Garden Questions?


To all the brave men and women who serve in uniform today, we thank you for your commitment to preserving freedom at home and around the world. You are an inspiration to all of us, and you make us proud to be Americans. We salute you and your families, and pray for our safe return home.

www.FarmCarolina.com is the local source to get answers, garden tips, links to resources, events, blogs, market watch for agriculture prices and more!

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To place your greeting by phone, please call 704-797-4220, Mon.-Fri. 8 AM-5 PM.

Outdoor Power Mid South Equipment Tractor Co.

P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145 Photos and copy may be emailed to classads@salisburypost.com

Sizes available:

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Honoring their Service will appear in the Post on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30, 2011 and online 7 days!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011



5-D 5-Day ay Forecast for for Salisbury Salisbury Today



National Cities



67°/ 54°

High 79°

Low 58°

76°/ 54°

74°/ 54°

Chance of storms

Storms likely tonight

Chance of rain showers

Chance of rain showers


72°/ 52° Partly cloudy

Live Life Well Rested Dining Room Table, Chairs, Bedrooms Fine Craftsmanship • Built for Beauty & Durability


See our Ne w Amish Furniture

Anne/Roland Furniture

4011 Statesville Blvd., Salisbury, NC 28147

Knoxville K Kn le le 77/54

Boone 70/ 70/49

Franklin Frank n 7744 2 74/52

Hi kory Hickory 79/58

Asheville A s vville lle 7 74/ 74/52

Sp nb Spartanburg 79/56 79/5

Kit y Hawk H Haw w wk Kitty 74/67 74 4//67 4 7

Raleigh Ral al 8 83/61

Charlotte ha ttte e 81/58

Wilmington W to 83/65

Atlanta 77/56

Columbia C Col Co bia 83/ 83/59 Auug Augusta 83/58 83 58 83 83/

.. ... Sunrise-.............................. Sunset tonight Moonrise today................... Moonset today....................

May 17 May 24 Jun 1 Full L La Last a New

6:17 a.m. 8:19 p.m. 5:27 p.m. 3:57 a.m.

Jun 8 First

Aiken ken en 83//55 83 83/58

All Al llen e Allendale 85/58 8 /58 58 na ah Savannah 85/633

Morehead Moorehea M Moreh o ehea hea ad ad City Ciity Cit tyy 7 5 79/65

Forecasts and graphics provided by Weather Underground @2011

yr lee Beach yrtl Be Bea B ea each Myrtle 81/67 81 81 1//67 1/6 /6 Ch rle les es Charleston 83/65 8 83 Hilton H n Head He e 8 //65 81/ 5 81/65 Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.


Above/Below Observed Full Pool

..............652.9 High Rock Lake.............. 652.9.......... -2.10 ............-3.00 Badin Lake.................... 539............ -3.00 Tuckertown Lake............ 595.1........... -0.9 Tillery Lake.................. 277.6.......... -1.40 .................177.8 Blewett Falls................. 177.8.......... -1.20 Lake Norman................ 97.90........... -2.1

City Jerusalem London Moscow Paris Rio Seoul Tokyo

Today Hi Lo W 56 44 pc 91 65 pc 68 55 pc 89 73 t 50 40 sh 80 61 pc 67 56 cd 52 40 pc 68 57 sh 96 68 s 79 52 pc 69 61 t

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 56 41 sh 78 59 pc 67 53 r 89 71 t 60 39 pc 79 66 s 71 60 r 59 40 sh 73 60 t 92 67 s 81 52 pc 76 59 t

Today Hi Lo W 71 57 r 57 41 r 55 39 pc 60 42 r 71 64 r 66 50 s 71 55 pc

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 75 59 pc 59 44 r 59 39 pc 59 41 r 75 68 pc 64 46 pc 69 59 s

Pollen Index

Almanac Salisburry y

Today: 5.7 - medium Sunday: 7.3 - med-high Monday: 5.6 - medium

High.................................................... 80° Low..................................................... 66° Last year's high.................................. 87° Last year's low.................................... 64° ....................................64° Normal high........................................ 79° Normal low......................................... 57° Record high........................... 93° in 1881 Record low............................. 38° in 1960 .............................38° Humidity at noon............................... 83% ...............................83%

Air Quality Index Index Charlotte e Yesterday.... 51 ........ .... moderate .......... particulates Today..... 45 ...... good N. C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 0-50 good, 51-100 moderate, 101-150 unhealthy for sensitive grps., 151-200 unhealthy, 201-300 verryy unhealthy, 301-500 haazzardous

24 hours through 8 p.m. yest........... 0.00" ...........0.00" Month to date................................... 1.58" ...................................1.58" Normal year to date....................... 16.38" Year to date................................... 14.22" -10s

Seattle S Se eeattle aattttttle le le 61/49 661 1/4 1/ /449 9

-0s 0s

Southport outh uthp 8 81/67

City Kansas City Las Vegas Los Angeles Miami Minneapolis New Orleans New York Omaha Philadelphia Phoenix Salt Lake City Washington, DC

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 55 50 r 77 53 s 66 60 pc 57 41 r 62 53 s 51 39 s 55 50 r

Precipitation Cape Hatteras C Haattera atter atte tte ter erra era ra ass 744/ 7 74/6 74/67 4/6 /67 67

G n e Greenville 79/58 58


Goldsboro o bbo 83/63

L bbe Lumberton 83/63 83 3

D Darli Darlin Darlington 83/63 /6 /63

Today Hi Lo W 55 48 r 84 55 s 64 59 r 69 42 pc 64 51 pc 55 35 s 53 41 r

City Amsterdam Beijing Beirut Berlin Buenos Aires Calgary Dublin

Data from Salisbury through ough 6 p.m. yest. Temperature

Danville D l 77/59 Greensboro o D h m Durham 77/61 81/61 61

Salisbury Salisb S al sbbury b y 58 8 79/58

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 72 52 pc 74 59 t 74 59 t 66 42 pc 62 55 sh 47 40 sh 62 47 t 73 54 pc 55 39 sn 57 43 sh 64 39 pc 56 42 sh

World Cities


Regional Regio g onal W Weather eather Win Wins a Winston Salem 76/ 9 76/59

Today Hi Lo W 77 57 t 65 58 sh 67 59 t 57 39 pc 63 51 pc 52 44 sh 72 52 t 72 53 s 54 33 r 68 49 t 59 37 pc 68 47 sh

City Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Boston Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit Fairbanks Indianapolis


B Billings iillliin nng ggss

Minneapolis iin M nn nneapolis neeapolis aap pooli lis

557/39 339 9 57 7//3

0/4 /440 550/40 0

San S aan n Francisco Frraan anncci cis isscccoo


558/49 8//4 49

L D Detroit roiitt ettroit

Denver D enver ennver vve eerr


54/33 54/ 4/3 /33

60s 80s

67/56 667 7//5 556 6

52/44 4 522///4 52 444



New N eew York oorrrkk wY C Chicago aago hhiiiccca ggo o


68/49 66888///4 449 9

LLos Angeles nng elle eess ooss A An gge

Kansas Ka K aan nnsssas aass C City Ciiitty

668/55 /555 8/ 8/5 5

557/45 77///45 45

Cold Front

Atlanta A a Atttllla aan nta ntta Paso EEll P Pa aassso o

90s Warm Front

777/57 77///5 557 7 77

89/63 3 889 9/6 /663 Miami Mi M iia ami am


889/73 99/73 /7 /73

Staationary 110s Front Showers T-storms -sttorms

H oon Houston oou us ust stto n

Rain n Flurries rries

Snow Ice

881/57 1//5 557 7 81


Kari Kiefer Wunderground Meteorologist

Washington Waashington ggton tton on asshhington inng in to 669/61 99///6 61

Severe weather persists across the Eastern half of the nation on Saturday, as a large area of low pressure dominates the region. The system will remain relatively stationary, centered over the Eastern Valleys from the Ohio River Valley to the Tennessee Valley. Due to this little horizontal motion, the system becomes more vertically stacked, and will slightly weaken. Counter-clockwise rotation around this system, however, continues pulling moisture in from the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean, thus producing conditions favorable for thunderstorm development. Expect scattered thunderstorms to pop up anywhere from the Southeastern states to the New England states. If storms turn severe, they will most likely develop across Georgia and Florida, the Carolinas, and the Virginias. This system has a history of producing large hail, damaging winds, periods of heavy rainfall, and even tornadoes. Behind this system, expect drier conditions across the Plains. A ridge of high pressure builds in from Canada, which pulls cool and dry air in from the north. Temperatures across the Northern and Central Plains will be slightly on the cooler side for Mid-May. The North will see highs in the 50s, while the Southern Plains will remain in the 80s. Strong winds with gusts up to 20 and 30 mph will also accompany this system, which will create dangerous conditions for rapid fire spread across the Southern Plains. Large wildland fires across Arizona, New Mexico, western Texas will remain difficult to contain.

Get the Whole Picture at wunderground.com wunderground.com—The —The Best Known Secret in Weather™


SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 • 1D

w w w. s a l i s b u r y p o s t . c o m

This Week’s Featured Property - Wood floors - Inviting great room - Arched doorways - Master suite with relaxing master bath - Sunroom - Two car garage with storage - Private backyard - Close to the clubhouse

The Gables at Kepley Farms Century 21 Towne & Country Mary Stafford 704-267-4487


Dog-Proof Hardwood Floors Pet parents may resign themselves to the fact that

This Weekend!

hardwood floors aren’t practical. But that doesn’t have to be the case. It’s possible to have and maintain hardwood floors and still enable pooches to enjoy rooms with wood floors.

Davis Farm

Open Houses Sunday 2-4

Davis Farm

* Keep dogs’ nails trimmed short so that they do not scratch or scuff wood floors. * Dogs that tend to grow long fur between the pads of their feet may need to have that fur trimmed as


231 Davis Farm Drive - Salisbury, NC $379,000

Directions - Hwy 150 W, approx 6 miles. Turn left on Patterson Rd, Turn right into Davis Farm.

the dog will have when walking on the wood floors.

***All brick, acre lots, granite kitchens, hardwood floors, lovely porches, spa-like master bathrooms***

will protect against spills, drips and slobber. Something that will not allow moisture to bleed through


Open House Sunday 2-5pm

1089 Lizzie Lane - Salisbury, NC 5 $308,000

short as possible. This will help improve the traction * If dog bowls are kept on the floor, use a mat that

Go online for interactive open house maps and directions.

Crystal Lomax, Broker/Realtor 704-223-5206

Open House Saturday 2-4PM

Open House Saturday 1-4PM

65 Ocher Street, Rockwell Renovated 3 BR, 2 BA home with hardwood floors, ceramic tile, new roof, all appliances included.

85 1st Avenue, China Grove

Located off Walnut Street off Thom off US29-601 in China Grove

Directions: From 85 take 152 East to Happy Lake Road, Left on Ruby Street, Right on Ocher Street. 1

Turn left off Walnut at the park and it's the last house on the corner. Call for 2 directions if needed.

onto the floor is ideal, as is a mat that will contain spills.

* Clean the bottom of paws when the dog comes inside from the yard so that dirt won’t mar or ruin the floors. * Choose distressed-looking floors, so if scratches resulting from dogs’ nails do occur, it will blend in

Rich Gould Properties • 704-856-8101

with the flooring and not stick out like a sore thumb. * Ask to have a thick layer of clear-coating applied to the floors to further protect them. * Do not encourage doggie horseplay on the wood floors, even if it is humorous watching the pooch slide around and try to get footing. * Consider a floor wax product to improve a dogs’ traction on the floors and reduce their propensity to claw-in to get a good grip. PE113440

To advertise in this section, call 704-797-4241


have an easier time of walking from room to room.


* Place runners in high-traffic areas so that the dogs

Mark Mann • 704-855-4865 Open House Sunday 2-5PM

115 Hunters Point Dr., Rockwell COULD BE 5 BEDROOM 4BR, 2BA + finished Bonus. Huge Great Rm w/F/P & H/W floor. Large dining room, Stainless appliances. Huge walk-in attic w/room to expand! East Rowan! MLS# 996638 $209,900 Offered by: Karen Courtney



May is the National Historic Preservation Month, Historic Salisbury Foundation will have an open house of the

HISTORIC STOKES-SNIDER HOUSE 324 N FULTON ST. One of Salisbury’s finest Historic Houses 4 BEDS, 3-1/2 BATHS, 4700 SQFT, Beautiful wood floors, exquisite leaded glass double doors, a large enclosed sunporch, library, master suite has a sitting room, with an expansive attic. This home will be decorated this weekend only to showcase modern living in an historic home. $349,000 Please come as we “Celebrate America’s Treasures” 6


2D • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

China Grove

BUYER BEWARE The Salisbury Post Classified Advertising staff monitors all ad submissions for honesty and integrity. However, some fraudulent ads are not detectable. Please protect yourself by checking the validity of any offer before you invest money in a business opportunity, job offer or purchase.

$3,000 in Buyer's Closing Costs. 3 BR, 2 BA, newer kitchen, large dining room, bedrooms, nice split porches, huge detached garage, concrete drives. R51548 $82,000. Monica Poole 704-245-4628 B&R Realty

East Rowan

New Listing China Grove, 2 new homes under construction ... buy now and pick your own colors. Priced at only $114,900 and comes with a stove and dishwasher. B&R Realty 704-633-2394

Lovely 3 BR, 2 BA home, nice kitchen, split floor plan, covered deck, garden area, garage, storage building, privacy fence. R52207. $139,900. Monica Poole, B&R Realty, 704-245-4628

Yadkin. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Cute Fixer-upper. Hunter Street, Yadkin Finishing area. $16,000, home, for sale, 1 car garage. Two lots. Siding/roof less than 5 years old. Bring all offers. 704-245-4393

Homes for Sale

Granite Quarry

504 Lake Drive, 3 BR, 1 BA, brick, carport, 1080 corner lot, sq.ft., hardwood floors, new windows, remodeled bath, new kitchen floor, fenced side yard, central heat/AC, close to town parks. $83,900. Call 704-279-3821

601 West. Handyman's Delight. House needs repair. 2BR, 2BA. Asking $15,000. Call after 11am for info. 704-636-9997

2 BR, 1 BA, covered front porch, double pane windows, double attached carport, big yard, fence. 52179 $99,400 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704202-3663 3 BR, 2 BA, up to $2,500 in closing. Attached carport, Rocking Chair front porch, nice yard. R50846 $114,900 Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty www.bostandrufty-realty.com

Want to sell quickly? Try a border around your ad for $5!


Open House th Saturday, May 14 2-4pm

65 Ocher St. Renovated 3 BR, 2 BA home with hardwood floors, ceramic tile, new roof, all appliances included. 704-856-8101


Homes for Sale

Bank Foreclosures & Distress Sales. These homes need work! For a FREE list:

Mt. Ulla, 4 BR house & 3 BR DW both on 11.97 acres. $344,000. FSBO. 704-640-4260


Convenient Location

Salisbury & Shelby, 2, 3 & 4 BR, starting at $29,900! Must see! Call today 704-633-6035 Salisbury

3 BR, 2 BA in Hunters Pointe. Above ground pool, garage, huge area that could easily be finished upstairs. R51150A. $164,900. B&R Realty 704-633-2394


Awesome Location

Motivated Seller Very nice 2 BR, 2.5 BA condo overlooking golf course and pool! Great views, freshly decorated, screened in porch at rear. T51378. $96,500. Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty Salisbury

Convenient Location

REDUCED 3BR, 2BA. $3,500 in closing. New hardwoods in master BR and living room. Lovely kitchen with new stainless appliances. Deck, private back yard. R51492 $119,900 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628

Homes for Sale

It’s All HERE

Homes for Sale



2 BR, 1 BA, hardwood floors, detached carport, handicap ramp. $99,900 R47208 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Online and In Print


Genesis Realty 704-933-5000 genesisrealtyco.com Foreclosure Experts

New Listing


Beautiful 3 BR, 2 BA in a great location, walk-in closets, cathedral ceiling, great room, double attached garage, large lot, back-up generator. A must see. R51757. $249,900. B&R Realty, 704-202-6041

Homes for Sale


Fulton Heights

Wonderful Home

China Grove

Homes for Sale

Flip this House!

Bring All Offers

Home Sweet Home

Alexander Place

Homes for Sale

E. Spencer

In country. 2 or 3BR, 1 large BA on 2 acres. 1,450 sq. ft with 1,450 sq. ft. basement. All heated & cooled. Extra large living room, kitchen, dining area, den. 2 fireplaces. 1 car attached garage. Brick. In country. Also, carport & outbuilding. 2 covered porches. Paved drive. $139,900. Call 704-795-3967



Timber Run Subdivision, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, granite countertops, wood floors, rec room, screened porch, deck. R51603 $349,900 B & R Realty Dale Yontz 704.202.3663 Salisbury

Homes for Sale

Great Location

Cute 1 BR 1 BA waterfront log home with beautiful view! Ceiling fans, fireplace, front and back porches. R51875 $189,900. Dale Yontz 704-202-3663 B&R Realty Salisbury

Motivated Seller

3 BR, 2 BA, Well established neighborhood. All brick home with large deck. Large 2 car garage. R50188 $163,900 B&R Realty 704.633.2394 Salisbury

Near the Lake

in the

3 BR, 2 BA home in wonderful location! Cathedral ceiling, split floor plan, double garage, large deck, storage building, corner lot. $154,900 R51853 Monica Poole 704-2454628 B&R Realty



www.salisburypost.com To Advertise Call 704-797-4220


Salisbury, Country living at its best with community gated boat ramp, access to High Rock Lake, 1.02 ac., 2400 sq.ft. 3BR/2½BA Master BR on main floor, cathedral ceilings, fireplace, great room, hardwood flooring, open floor plan, bonus room can BR, 26x40 detached be used as 4th workshop/garage. $319,000 704-212-7313

474 Jake Alexander Blvd., Salisbury, NC

1410 North Main St., China Grove, NC

Call 704-855-2122


3 BR 2.5 BA has many extras! Great kitchen w/granite, subzero ref., gas cooktop. Formal dining, huge garage, barn, greenhouse. Great for horses or car buffs! R51894 $439,500. Dale 704-202-3663 Yontz. B&R Realty

A PA R T M E N T S We Offer

Cute bungalow in Fulton Heights. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, approx 1300 sqft. Remodeled to include granite countertops, new appliances, insulated windows, gleaming hardwood floors. Only $99,900-Call Jayne Land to see this home 704-433-6621. R51458

Senior Discount

704-637-5588 WITH 12 MONTH LEASE


Privacy! Home is centered on 10.97 acres. Solid brick ranch home with full unfinished basement. This home has an extra large kitchen, double oven, lots of cabinets & large island. Large living room has a stone fireplace with gas logs and lots of book cases. Screened in porch and deck overlooking acreage and inground swimming pool. Call Heather Gurley 704-640-3998. R52269

Cute ranch located in Landis. Nice yard with room for entertainment. Concrete drive on a quite street. Split floor plan and nice laundry area.Use the deck to enjoy the yard..... Take a look and make a Offer. Call Keisha Sherrill 704-4337187. R52286.

Beautiful brick ranch near city park- elegant and practical, with gorgeous hardwood floors, formal living room and dining room, eat-in kitchen, and a great patio for entertaining or relaxing! Well maintained home with 3 Bd-2 Ba$175,500-R52275-Call Cathy or Trent Griffin-704-213-2464 or 704-798-4868.

Great bulding lot at the springs at high rock. Private gated community with boat ramp, boat launch, pool, tennis courts, boat storage great club house. All ready for you to buld your dream house. This lot is reduced to sell. Priced well under tax value. Call Jerry Davis 704-213-0826. l52287

Nice home located in China Grove with 2 bedrooms and bath.Carport-Front porch is sunroom not heated and also has enclosed back porch. Priced at $54,900-Call Cary Grant! 704-239-5274-R52285.

Nice home with 3 Bd, 2 baths and 1507 sqft. 1 acre of land. Single Carport. Has several updates. Call Cary Grant 704239-5274. $139,900-R52292


2205 Woodleaf Rd., Salisbury, NC 28147 Located at Woodleaf Road & Holly Avenue www.Apartments.com/hollyleaf

We are the

What a view! And deep water, too! This 4 bedroom, 2 bath home offers an open kitchen with gas range, and den with fireplace/gas logs. Sit on the lower deck or the upper deck and enjoy watching the sun set on the water. Or have the family over for a BBQ on the 2-tiered covered pier. Drive the boat right up to the floating dock. The wooded lot has plenty of trees for shade on those warm mornings. At this price, it can be your second home or a vacation home. $299,900-R52277


Dream Home. 704.857.0539

High Rock Lake $354,900


Two separate living units ensure privacy.

Carolina Farm Credit Libby 704-637-2380, Travis Allen 704-637-2380 or Janie Furr 704-786-0193

Private pier & floating dock.

View from the front door!

Helen Miles

Cary Grant

Mitzi Crane







Jim Crawford 704-223-0459

Kerry Robson Barbara Miller Collins Cindy Thompson 704-433-7372 704-640-4339 704-202-0428

Jean Miller Barry Abrams 980-234-0998 704-634-2279





Nice Setting

3 BR, 2 BA brick home in Woodbridge Run subdivision. $2,000 carpet allowance. Storm doors, double pane windows, screened porch, attached double garage. 52136 $165,000 B&R Realty 704-2026041

3 BR, 2.5 BA, wonderful home on over 2 acres, horses allowed, partially fenced back yard, storage building. $154,900 R51465 B&R Realty 704.633.2394 Salisbury

Special Financing

MLS #50569 Kerry

Ellen Carter 704-200-8269

Sheila Sadighi Cindy Martens 704-640-7784 704-607-9362

Glennies Howard 704-857-9413



Will go fast! 3 BR, 2 BA, on High Rock Lake, Shore Acres subd. Deck, fireplace, vinyl siding, attached single carport, dbl detached garage, large yard. 52293 Dale Yontz $244,200 Realty B&R 704.202.3663

Over 2 Acres

One of a kind waterfront home.

mortgage lenders

Acreage, close to town!! Almost 2300 SF, 3 Br, 2 bath home which was completely remodeled in 2004, sunroom, oversized fireplace in great room, new kitchen, tons of outbuildings with more than 6 garages for the car enthusiast. Commerical zoning, so it is possible to operate a business here. One outbuilding is heated and has bath. $189,900. Call Mitzi Directions: S on Hwy 29 from Salisbury; L on Peach Orchard, R on Trexler St.

New Listing


4180 Trexler Street


Hurry! Gorgeous 4 BR, 2.5 BA, fantastic kitchen, large living and great room. All new paint, carpet, roof, windows, siding. R51926 $144,900 Poole B&R Monica Realty 704-245-4628

to your

1755 Hwy 29 S. China Grove

Owner has lovingly cared for and kept home updated. Drywall installed,cedar siding, 12x16 outbuilding wired for 220, back yard fenced, privacy fencing, corner lot, master bath updated, 3rd br is used as a beauty shop and has a separate entrance, seller will return it to bedroom if buyer desires, but a perfect place for someone wanting a home/office set-up with separate entrance. There is a side driveway too. Nice deck on rear overlooking pretty rear fenced. Call Mitzi Crane 704-798-4506. R52283


Lots of Room

Water, Sewage & Garbage included

Great brick ranch on 5 acres of land....includes large shed could be a barn, a 24 x 24 additional garage and a 12 x 20 out building. . One owner, beautiful yard. 3 Bd-2 Ba-$229,900. Call Cathy or Trent Griffin! 704-213-2464 or 704-798-4868. R52273

3 BR, 2 BA in Kluttz Acres subdivision. Covered front porch and deck, central air-conditioning, fireplace, single attached garage, nice yard with trees. 52270 $109,300 Dale B&R Realty Yontz 704.202.3663


2BR ~ 1.5 BA ~ Starting at $555

Move-in ready- This townhome in convenient location offers 2 bedrooms and 2 baths.Very large greatroom w/vaulted ceiling and gas log fireplace. Spacious rooms and great storage. Lots of windows offering natural light. Call Jayne Land! 704-433-6621. R52263

New Listing

Lots of Extras

PRICE~QUALITY~LOCATION New on market. Picture book loveliness. Custom built 3 bedroom, 3 bath brick home. Formal dining, den with fireplace, eat-in kitchen with cherry cabinets and all appliances. Formal living room. Double garage and much more. call Sue Maclamroc 704-202-4464 or Cathy Griffin 704-213-2464.




Call 704-637-7721

3 BR, 2 BA, new home close to High Rock Lake! Open kitchen/dining room combo, great fireplace, level lot on 1.52 acres. R51601. $199,900 Monica Poole, B&R Realty, 704-245-4628

Brand new! 3 BR, 2 BA, home w/great front porch, rear deck, bright living room, nice floor plan. Special financing for qualified buyers. Call today! R52142 $90,000 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628



No acreage requirements. Financing available for lots to large tracts and even homes inside the city limits. Call Libby, Travis or Janie for more information.

The Salisbury Post Mortgage Program is designed to give potential home buyers up-to-date mortgage lender information. You can promote your business on this grid program for as low as $37.00* per week! The grid will list your company name, phone number, and available mortgage program options. The Mortgage Lenders Chart runs in the Real Estate Saturday section. Additionally, an ad adjacency (9 columns x 1.75”) will be rotated with participating advertisers. With mortgage rates at an all-time low, and the reach of the Salisbury Post, the Mortgage Lender Chart is sure to get results! Call us today to have your business listed! 704-797-4241 *with a one-year contract. Other rates available. Call for details.


L ffes Li Lif festtyyle Lifestyle YOU OU DEESERVE SERVE.




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New 3 & 4 BR homes. $500 down. $600/month. Ready to Move In! 704-762-9289 Salisbury Area 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 baths, $500 down under $700 per month. 704-225-8850 West Rowan Secluded on 6.5 wooded acres. Builder's custom home, 4BR/3½ BA, master BR on main floor. 3,300 sq. ft. + partially finished bonus room. Lots of ceramic & granite. Great kitchen with gas cook top & double ovens. Covered porches, walkin closets, fireplaces w/gas logs. $389,000. FSBO. Motivated Seller. 704-431-3267 or 704-213-4544


New Home

Forest Creek. 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath. New home priced at only $84,900. R48764 B&R Realty 704.633.2394 Salisbury

Unique Property

Land for Sale

Salisbury. 2 or 3 bedroom Townhomes. For information, call Summit Developers, Inc. 704-797-0200

Allen Tate Realtors Daniel Almazan, Broker 704-202-0091 www.AllenTate.com B & R REALTY 704-633-2394 www.bostandrufty-realty.com

Bringle Ferry Rd. 2 tracts. Will sell land or custom build. A50140A. B&R Realty, Monica 704-245-4628

Century 21 Towne & Country 474 Jake Alexander Blvd. (704)637-7721

Close to town, 2 acres, nestled in a peaceful wooded setting. $19,900, owner fin. 704-535-4159

Forest Glen Realty Darlene Blount, Broker 704-633-8867

E. Rowan res. water front lot, Shore Landing subd. $100,000 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628 West Area, several hundred acres avail. Can be divided. Karen Rufty, B&R Realty. 704-202-6041

Lots for Sale Mechanics DREAM Home, 28x32 shop with lift & air compressor, storage space & ½ bath. All living space has been completely refurbished. Property has space that could be used as a home office or dining room, deck on rear, 3 BR, 1 BA. R51824A $164,500 B&R Realty, Monica Poole 704-245-4628

Real Estate Services



KEY REAL ESTATE, INC. 1755 U.S. HWY 29. South China Grove, NC 28023 704-857-0539 Rebecca Jones Realty 610 E. Liberty St, China Grove 704-857-SELL www.rebeccajonesrealty.com

Rowan Realty www.rowanrealty.net, Professional, Accountable, Personable . 704-633-1071 William R. Kennedy Realty 428 E. Fisher Street 704-638-0673

Wanted: Real Estate Lot for sale. Restricted subdivision, Faith schools, starting at $19,500. Your plans or ours. Builders welcome! 704-202-9362 Western Rowan County

Call 24 hours, 7 days ** 704-239-2033 ** $$$$$$

Welcome Home!

Manufactured Home Sales $500 Down moves you in. Call and ask me how? Please call (704) 225-8850 American Homes of Rockwell Oldest Dealer in Rowan County. Best prices anywhere. 704-279-7997

Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Now! Ro-Well Apartments, Rockwell. Central heat/air, laundry facility on site, nice area. Equal Housing Opportunity Rental Assistance when handicapped available; equipped when available. 704-279-6330, TDD users 828-645-7196. 1 & 2BR. Nice, well maintained, responsible landlord. $425-$445. Salisbury, in town. 704-642-1955

Spencer, 3BR/1BA, updated lg kitchen/dining area, LR, den, wood floors, 3 fireplaces, gas heat, appls & washer / dryer, detached garage, 20 x 12 screened back porch, fenced in back yard, City water & sewer. Asking $86,500 negot. 704-647-9749 or 704310-9938

True Modular Display Home For Sale. 120 MPH Wind Zone. No Steel Frames. All 16" O.C. All Drywall Interior. DH Thermal Windows. 9 ft. ceilings. Deluxe cabinets, molding & much more. 3 BR, 2 BA with Saddle Roof Porch. NC Delivery Only. $139,000 value for $109,000. 704-463-1516

West Side Manor Apts. Robert Cobb Rentals Variety World, Inc. 2345 Statesville Blvd. Near Salisbury Mall

704-633-1234 China Grove. 2BR, 2BA. All electric. Clean & safe. No pets. $575/month + deposit. 704-202-0605 China Grove. One room eff. w/ private bathroom & kitchenette. All utilities incl'd. $379/mo. + $100 deposit. 704-857-8112 China Grove. Very nice. 2BR, 1BA. No pets. Deposit required. Please call 704-279-8428 CLANCY HILLS APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 BR, conveniently located in Salisbury. Handicap accessible units available. Section 8 assistance available. 704-6366408. Office Hours: M–F TDD Relay 9:00-12:00. 1-800-735-2962 Equal Housing Opportunity. Clancy-hills@cmc-nc.com



Salis. 523 E. Cemetary St. 1BR, 1 BA, No Pets, $330/mo + $330/dep. Sect 8 OK. 704-507-3915.

Holly Leaf Apts. 2BR, 1½BA. $555. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, cable ready. 704-637-5588

Salis. Nice modern 1BR, energy efficient, off Jake Alexander, lighted parking lot. $395 + dep. 704-640-5750

Lovely Duplex Rowan Hospital area. 2BR, 1BA. Heat, air, water, appl. incl. $675. 704-633-3997 Moreland Pk area. 2BR all appliances furnished. $495-$595/mo. Deposit negotiable. Section 8 welcome. 336-247-2593 Moving to Town? Need a home or Apartment? We manage rental homes & apartments. Call and let us help you. Waggoner Realty Co. 704-633-0462 www.waggonerrealty.com

Near Livingstone, completely renovated. 2/3 BR, cent heat, fireplace, yard. Appli. Incl'd. Section 8 OK. 704-399-0414

Colonial Village Apts.

1, 2, & 3 BR Huge Apts! Very nice. $375 & up. One free month's rent! 15% Sr. Citizen's discount. 704-890-4587 AAA+ Apartments $425-$950/mo. Chambers Realty 704-637-1020

Duplexes & Apts, Rockwell$500-$600. TWO Bedrooms Marie Leonard-Hartsell Wallace Realty 704-239-3096 marie@sellingsalisbury.com Eaman Park Apt. 2 BR, 1 BA, newly renovated. $400/mo. No pets. Please call 704-798-3896 East Rowan area. 2BR, $450-$550 per month. Chambers Realty 704-239-0691

Apartments Salisbury One bedroom upstairs, furnished, deposit & references required. 704-932-5631

Salisbury Nr. VA 2BR, 1BA,, central HVAC, $550/mo, appl req'd. Broker. 704-239-4883

Salisbury. 2BR duplex. Stove, refrig. furnished. Quiet. $395/mo. Call Bob @ 704-633-4081

Salisbury City. Lg 2BR, 1BA, fenced yd. Appliances & utilities incl. $675/ mo. + $675 dep. Serious inquiries only. 865-243-9321


View all our listings online at: www.bostandrufty-realty.com

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To advertise in this directory

Salisbury – 2 BR duplex in excellent cond., w/ appls. $560/mo. + dep. Ryburn Rentals 704-637-0601 Salisbury Airport Rd, 1BR / 1BA, water, trash collection incl'd. All elec. $395/mo. 704633-0425 Lv Msg


Salisbury City, Lincolnton Rd. 1BR/1BA, very spacious, good n'hood, $375 + dep. 704-640-5750

Salis., 2BR/1BA, W/D conn. $500/mo. Total remodel. All elec. Sect. 8 OK. 704-202-5022

REAL Service in Real Estate

Clean, well maintained, 2 BR Duplex. Central heat/air, all electric. Section 8 welcome. 704-202-5790

“A Good Place to Live” 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Affordable & Spacious Water Included 704-636-8385

Knox Farm Subdivision. Beautiful lots available now starting at $19,900. B&R Realty 704.633.2394 4 BR, 2BA, like new Craftsman Style, huge front porch, renovated kitchen and bath, fresh paint. R51516 $123,000 Rent to Own Option. Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704202-3663

BEST VALUE Quiet & Convenient, 2 bedroom town houses, 1½ baths. All Electric, Central heat/air, no pets, pool. $550/mo. Includes water & basic cable.

Apartments East Spencer, 2 BR, 1 BA, section 8 accepted. $500 per month. Call 704-421-0044

Let Us

Your Pest Problem!

(704) 637-2660

View all area listings on our website. Ask about our FREE Home Warranty!

*Cash in 7 days or less *Facing or In Foreclosure *Properties in any condition *No property too small/large


Lease Purchase

Apartments Airport Rd., 1BR with stove, refrig., garbage pickup & water incl. Month-month lease. No pets. $400/mo+$300 deposit. Furnished $425/mo. 704-279-3808


Foreclosures. Rent to Own. $500 to start. 704-762-9289


Homes for Sale

1010 Mooresville Rd., Salisbury



Homes for Sale


Manufactured Home Sales

Homes for Sale

SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 • 3D





SALISBURY - 3 BR, 2.5 BA, wonderful home on over 2 acres, horses allowed, partially fenced back yard, storage building. $154,900 R51465 Karen Rufty 704.202.6041 Directions: Stokes Ferry Rd toward High Rock, right on St. Peters Ch Rd, left onto King. Home on the right. 6000 LONG FERRY ROAD SALISBURY – Attention boaters! 3 BR 2 BA new home close to High Rock Lake. Open kitchen/ dining room combo, great fireplace in family room, level lot on 1.52 acres. R51601 $199,900 Monica Poole 704-245-4628 Directions: I-85 N, take exit 81, right onto Long Ferry Rd, home approx 5 miles on the right.


SALISBURY - 3 BR 2 BA in Kluttz Acres subdivision. Covered front porch and deck, central air-conditioning, fireplace, single attached garage, nice yard with trees. 52270 $109,300 Dale Yontz 704.202.3663

East Spencer - 2 BR, 1 BA. $400 per month. Carolina-Piedmont Prop. 704-248-2520

SALISBURY - Will go fast! 3 BR 2 BA home on High Rock Lake, Shore Acres subdivision. Deck, fireplace, vinyl siding, attached single carport, dbl detached garage, large yard. 52293 $244,200 Dale Yontz 704.202.3663

EXTRA NICE! Spencer. 1BR $400/mo & 2BR unfurn'd + dep. Min. 6 mo lease req'd. 336-596-6726

704-633-8095 Residential & Commercial

4243 S. Main St.




Agent on Duty in office Saturday 10-12

704/636-2021 704/636-2022



ABR, CRS, GRI, SRES, Realtor, Broker

Realtor, Broker


301 N. Main St. Salisbury








THIS DELIGHTFUL BUNGALOW offers the perfect blend of old & new! Remodeled kitchen with granite tops & stainless appliances combine with charm & character of older home. Stained glass windows, beveled windows, wood floors, 10 ft. ceilings, crystal chandelier. 3 BR plus office/4th BR, 3 BA, formal dining room, big family room, sunroom, walkout basement, fenced backyard. #52095 $167,500 MARGARET LIPE, 704-647-8838

Directions: W. Innes St, left on S. Fulton St, right on Mitchell Ave. THIS BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM HOME IN COUNTRY CLUB HAS IT All! Quality built, beautifully updated! Showcase kitchen with granite, sunroom, two story foyer, oak & walnut floors, updated tiled baths, stone terrace, over 4000 sq. ft plus walkout basement. Main level master suite & guest bedroom. 4 BR, 3 full, 2 half baths. 1.19 acre lot, oversized garage, detached workshop, Reduced to $397,500! Call CHARLES GLOVER, 704-642-2471 #51815 Directions: W. Innes St, R/ Mahaley Ave to Confederate Ave, R/Richmond Rd, R/Stuart. 5 EN 3OPDAY N SU


PRIVATE 1.02 ACRE LOCATION! Large rooms & over 1900 sq. ft. of living space. 3 BR, 2 spacious BA with double sinks, masonry raised hearth fireplace in living room, formal dining room, and a great breakfast room. 26' x 13'8 screened deck, sunroom, covered front porch, double carport, single garage (could be workshop), split rail fencing. Owner will consider financing. Call MARTHA HAWKINS, 704-637-7551 OR "MISSY" SPENCER, 704-213-0341 for more info. $99,900. MLS #52268.

303 Aspen Ave. - The ultimate "man cave" comes with this 3 BR, 2 BA brick home in Granite Quarry. Extra large, 2 car detached garage with bonus room and full bath. Gas heat, central air up and down plus work bench, cabinets, stainless wash sink, and toilet. Covered patio, storage area, and covered parking for 3rd car or boat. Beautiful cul-de-sac lot, nicely landscaped. Call NASH ISENHOWER 704-639-4836 or email nash@nashhomes.com MLS# 52287

ATTENTION FIRST TIME BUYERS AND INVESTORS you do not want to miss out on this great deal. Home is priced to sell quickly. 2 BR, 1 BA home w/original hardwood floors. Pull down stairs leads to heated and finished attic area. Relaxing back screened porch overlooking large private back yard filled with pear, apple, fig, and pecan trees and numberous rose bushes. Home is move-in ready, so call me today for private showing. BARBARA 704-213-3007 MLS#52251 / 2016634

Westcliffe-You'll love the open floor plan for the 3 BR, 2 BA home. Upon entering you'll find an oversized greatroom with masonry fireplace and woodstove insert. Vaulted ceiling adds volume and light. Room size laundry off the kitchen can also be used for office or craft room. Pull down stairs lead to a floored attic that has been sheetrocked for great storage or additional space. Outside storage building. A great value. $104,900 MLS#52254 -NANCY POE 704 756 6930 www.thepoeteam.com

1824 Statesville Blvd - Estate Home Available for a New Family! 3 brs, 1.5 baths, great location and large yard with a workshop and storage buildings. Enjoy the mature trees and room to garden and grow. Priced at today's prices, $74,900. An opportunity for an Investor or Home Owner. Call MARIE LEONARD-HARTSELL, 704 239 -3096 for additional information. MLS#52253

250 Grand Oaks Drive - Affordable and move-in ready. Wonderful starter home. Fairly secluded one acre, level lot with large privacy trees lining the driveway entry. Cul-de-sac location in East Rowan subdivision. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, pretty floors, kitchen opens to great room in this split bedroom floor plan. Call TERRY FRANCIS, 704-490-1121 or visit www.terrymfrancis.wallacerealty.com. MLS#52280 / 2017970

Enjoy one of Salisbury's FINEST neighborhoods...Milford Hills has Sidewalks, Huge Oak Trees, and Freindly Neighbors! This Custom Built home is a DELIGHT! Hardwood Floors throughout, Quality Millwork, Awesome Sunroom, Finished Basement with waterproofing warranty! All rooms are spacious with ample storage. Price has been adjusted to today's market conditions. What a great investment! $299,900. MARIE LEONARD-HARTSELL, 704 239-3096. MLS#52241

Delightful 3 BR ranch in immaculate condition. Almost new kitchen, gas heat w/air, fenced rear yard with privacy fence. Move in condition, stainless steel kitchen appliance with new granite counter tops, almost new water heater, gorgeous hard wood floors, mud-laundry room off kitchen, lots of attic storage, 35 x 8 front porch ideal of relaxing, entertaining. Priced at $142,500.00. - - - CHARLES GLOVER 704-642-2471 (MLS 52262)

Crescent Golf Course Lot - Perhaps The Best Location In The Crescent! .84 Acres Overlooking The Signature Hole Of This Beautiful Golf Course. This Gracious Property Sits Above The 8th Hole Of The Crescent And Has Over 260 Feet On The Pond. MLS#52261 Call GREG SCARBOROUGH AT 704-647-1301.

10.6 ACRES LOCATED ON A STATE MAINTAINED ROAD AND CONVENIENT TO ROCKWELL AND CHINA GROVE. Flat and mostly wooded with approximately 800 ft of road frontage. Great for single or multi family. Plat available on request. MLS#52289 / 2018216 Call BARBARA 704-213-3007.

Restoration Complete on this stunning Queen Anne home. Beautiful Hardwood and tile floors. French doors, period Mill work and 5 Mantles! Huge Wrap around porch perfect for sitting & relaxing. 4 Bd 3 bath with 2348 Sq Ft. Only $150,000. MLS 52248 Call GREG RAPP today to see this home! 704 213 6846.


You will fall in love with this spacious and affordable home. Original hardwood floors recently refinished, two generous size bedrooms, large living room, utility room, plus additional room would be great as a formal dining room or den. Kitchen offers ceramic tile counter tops and breakfast bar. Privacy fence around back yard. You are invited to check out this home and enjoy some light refreshments. Listing price has just been reduced to $69,900. Call BARBARA 704-213-3007. MLS#51751 Directions: From East Innes Street turn onto Faith Road, turn right on Gold Hill Drive, home on left. 4 EN 2OPDAY N SU


COUNTRY CLUB HILLS-Volume entry is an impressive introduction. Spacious formal dining and living rooms, custom lighting fixtures. Main level master with tile shower and separate tub, walk in closets. Upstairs second master with private bath. Upscale kitchen with Granite counters, adjoining breakfast room. 4 BR, 3.5 BA. Over 2781 sq. ft. Tall ceilings, gas fireplace, covered porch, patio, double garage, Priced for quick sale. $298,500. Banked owned. MLS#52257 Call NANCY POE 704 756 6930 OR JAMES POE 704 905 6651 www.thepoeteam.com


REDUCED $20,000. Near Country Club on quiet street. Full basement, fenced yard, extra large screen porch with slate floor. Lots of wood/tile floors, eat in kitchen, den, living room, dining room, 2 fireplaces. Rec room, workshop. 3 BR, 2 BA. Circular drive. Only $149,900 Call NASH ISENHOWER 704-639-4836 or email nash@nashhomes.com MLS# 51684

4D • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 Condos and Townhomes

Houses for Rent

1 BR Duplex in quiet garden setting. $625 includes HD cable & utilities. 704-798-8595

Kannapolis. 2BR, 1BA. Central heat & air. On Lane St. $550/mo. China Grove. 2BR, 2BA mobile home. Central heat & air. $500/mo. 704-855-2600

Kannapolis. 2 story townhouse. 2BR, 2BA brick front. Kitchen/dining combo, large family room. Private deck. $600/mo. 704534-5179 / 704-663-7736

Lee St., 4/5 BR, 2 BA, new carpet. $500 dep. & Move In. $700 rent due June 1st. No Pets. 704-278-7054 Near China Grove. 2BR, 1BA. Limit 3. No pets. $600/mo. Dep. & credit check req. 704-279-4838

Never Before Leased!

Salisbury 2 bedrooms, 1½ baths, brick at Ro-Med, available June 4. Credit check, lease, deposit. $550 per month. 704-782-5037

Houses for Rent 2/1 DUPLEX NICE NEIGHBORHOOD Clean and cozy duplex in Fulton Heights. $450/mo. 1117 Fries 704-797-6130 3 BR, 1 BA, has refrigerator, stove & big yard. No pets. $595/rent + $500/dep. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 3 BR, 2 BA, close to Salisbury Mall. Gas heat, nice. Rent $695, deposit $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

East Rowan. 3BR, 2BA. Living room (would be great office), great room, glass/ screened porch. Laundry Gas log FP in great room. Central heat & air. Gazebo, storage building! Credit check, lease. $895/month + deposit. No pets. Call 704639-6000 or 704-633-0144 Rowan County. 2BR, 1BA. Kitchen, living room, sunroom, utility room. $600/ mo. + $600 dep. 704-9387218 or 704-785-1239 Salisbury 2BR, 1BA, $625/mo incl water, trash & yard, all elec with CHA. Sec 8 OK. 704-202-2228 Salisbury apt. houses for rent 2-3BRs. Application, deposit, & proof of employment req'd. Section 8 welcome. 704-762-1139 Salisbury High School area, 2BR/1BA, electric central heat/air, $525/mo + $400 dep. 704-636-3307

516 Woodland Dr. 3 BR, 1.5 BA $795/mo. One story brick, single carport. 1,200 sq.ft., corner lot. Large kitchen w/breakfast area, LR, laundry room, attic access, Upgrades: plantation shutters, tile & wood floors, new tile countertops. All appliances & new roof. Storage bldg, new electric heat pump. Robbie, 704883-6973. American Dr., 3 BR, 2 BA. Has refrigerator, stove & dishwasher. All electric, no pets. $695 rent, $600 dep. Call Rowan Properties 704633-0446 Available for rent – Homes and Apartments Salisbury/Rockwell Eddie Hampton 704-640-7575

China Grove 2BR/1BA, CHA, all electric, refrigerator & stove, W/D connections, back deck, easy access to 29A, close to elementary school and Head Start. $550/mo. + $550 deposit. Section 8 accepted. 704-784-4785

Conveniently Located!

Office and Commercial Rental


450 to 1,000 sq. ft. of Warehouse Space off Jake Alexander Blvd. Call 704-279-8377 5,000 sq.ft. warehouse w/loading docks & small office. Call Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011 Furnished Key Man Office Suites - $250-350. Jake & 150. Util & internet incl. 704-721-6831

Part-Time Site Manager Needed:

A search for

Granite Quarry-Comm Metal Bldg units perfect for contractor, hobbyist, or storage. 24 hour surveillance, exterior lighting and ample parking. 900-1800 sq feet avail. Call for spring specials. 704-232-3333 Numerous Commercial and office rentals to suit your needs. Ranging from 500 to 5,000 sq. ft. Call Victor Wallace at Wallace Realty, 704-636-2021

Office Complex Salisbury. Perfect location near Court House & County Building. Six individual offices. New central heat/air, heavily insulated for energy efficiency, fully carpeted (to be installed) except stone at entrance, conference room, employee break room, tile bathroom, complete integrated phone system with video capability in each office & nice reception area. Want to lease but will sell. Perfect for dual occupancy. By appt only. 704-636-1850

the right home can take you

Office Suite Available. Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011 Salisbury

Great Space!

They don't build them like this anymore!

Salisbury, 2 BR houses & apts, $525/mo and up. 704-633-4802

Salisbury, near Ellis Park. Old Mocksville Rd. 3BR, 2BA double-wide. Electric heat & air. Well water. Storage building with small shed. Garbage service included. $700/ mo. + $700 deposit. No Section 8. 704-279-5765 Salisbury, North Shaver Street, 2BR/1BA, gas heat, $425 per month. 704-633-0425 Lv msg Salisbury. 1BR, 1BA. Private entrance. No smoking. No late loud noises. Call 704-4312261 or 704-925-9103

Office Space

We have office suites available in the Executive Center. First Month Free with No Deposit! With all utilities from $150 and up. Lots of amenities. Call Tom Bost at B & R Realty 704-202-4676

far and wide.

Salisbury, Kent Exec. Park, $100 & up, 1st month free, ground floor, incls conf rm, utilities. No dep. 704-202-5879

Fairmont Ave., 3 BR, 1 ½ BA, has refrigerator & stove, large yard. Rent $725, dep. $700. No Pets. Call Rowan Properties, 704-633-0446 Granite Quarry


2200 Sq. Ft., 4BR/2BA, newer home, no pets, $1200/month or sale $205,000. Granite tops, ceramic and wood floors. Granite Quarry/E. Rowan schools. Lease Option also available. 704-2029362 HOUSE FOR RENT 3 bedrooms and 2 baths with extra bonus room and carport. Carson School District. No Pets $900 month + deposit. 704-630-0859 Houses: 3BRs, 1BA. Apartments: 2 & 3 BR's, 1BA Deposit required. Faith Realty 704-630-9650 Kannapolis - 520A North Rose Ave, 1 BR 1 BA duplex $500/mo.; 610 Florence Ave., 2 BR, 1 BA $510/mo. KREA 704-933-2231

$10 to start. Earn 40%. Call 704-607-4530 or 704-754-2731

Class A CDL flatbed drivers wanted. Dedicated freight. Long distance. Home most weekends. Owner/Operators accepted. Call Curtis at 704-2783532 ext. 202

Warehouse space / manufacturing as low as $1.25/sq. ft./yr. Deposit. Call 704-431-8636


LPN/RN Baylor position available 7am7pm. Apply in person, Brightmoor Nursing Ctr., 610 W. Fisher St. Healthcare

Beside ACE HARDWARE, #229 E Main St Hwy 52, 2,700 sq ft finished store front combined with 2,100 sq ft warehouse. May divide into smaller space. Call 704279-4115 or email thadwhicker@cozartlumber.com

Houses for Rent

Manufactured Home Lot Rentals South Rowan area. Attractive mobile home lots. Water, garbage, sewer furnished. $160/mo. 704636-1312 or 704-798-0497

East. 2BR, 1BA house with pond on six acres outside Granite Quarry. Detached garage $900/ mo. Call Waggoner Realty at 704-633-0462 Enochville 2BR/1BA, new heat & air, all elec., appls & W/D included. $650 per mo. 704-933-1829


Manufactured Home for Rent Salisbury. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, hardwood floors, Heat & Air. Washer & Dryer Hookup. New Paint. Minutes from I-85. $475 per month rent, $400 deposit. 828-3900835. Salisbury. 2BR, 1½BA. 2car carport. Partially fenced yard. Central air & heat. Appliances. 704-638-0108

Nr. Carson H.S., 2BR / 1BA, $375 + dep., & Faith, 2BR/1BA, $350 + dep. NO PETS! 704-279-4282

Woodleaf 3BR/1BA, appls incl'd, $625/mo. No pets. Refs & cr ck req'd. No Section 8. 704-490-6048

Rockwell. 2BR, 1BA. Appl., water, sewer, trash service incl. $500/mo. + dep. Pets OK. 704-279-7463 West & South Rowan. 2 & 3 BR. No pets. Perfect for 3. Water included. Please call 704-857-6951

Rooms for Rent

Office and Commercial Rental

MILLER HOTEL Rooms for Rent Weekly $110 & up 704-855-2100

$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ Rockwell Offices 3 months free 704-637-1020

Salis./China Grove area, whole house use included. $105/wk + dep. Utilities pd. Call Alan 704-640-7277

Night Baylor 7pm-7am Please apply at Best of Care, Kannapolis. 704-933-4339

Collectibles. Barbies '96, '97, '98 Holiday, 40th Anniversary & Millennium, '97 Peter Rabbit $25 ea. 704-637-9059 after 6pm 10 beautiful Dolls. collectible dolls. 18”-20” tall. Paid $200 ea. Asking $50 ea. or best offer. Please call 704-633-7425

Clothing & Footwear Beautiful Mother's Dress, Size 20, Full-length Peach w/mid-sleeve jacket. Worn once. 704933-3541. $75.

Makes a beautiful property line boundary or privacy screen. One gallon three ft., $10. Seven gallon six ft. & full, $40. 14 ft. B&B, $200. All of the above includes mulch, special fertilizer, delivery and installation! 704-274-0569

Air Conditioners, Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Frig. $65 & up. Used TV & Appliance Center Service after the sale. 704-279-6500 Bar stools (3), like new. $125. New natural gas logs, ventless. $100. Call 704-637-1753 Bedroom suite, new 5 piece. All for $297.97. Hometown Furniture, 322 S. Main St. 704-633-7777 China cabinet, large. Carved wood, glass shelves, interior lights. Brass hinges & hardware. Very elegant. 53”W x 83”H x 19”D. $500. 704-202-0831 Couch 90” Lazy Boy burgundy-brown genuine leather, $375. Brookstone iJoy multi function electric massage chair $75. Both are in excellent condition. 352-428-6411 Mocksville Curling Iron, rotating, brand new Instyler. $70. Please Call 704-7384079

Dell PC, fast & 21” Samsung Flatscreen Monitor. Paid $3500. Asking $500 obo. 704603-4079 Xerox Phaser 8550Dp $499 Call 704-633-0029

Consignment Growing Pains Family Consignments Call (704)638-0870 115 W. Innes Street

Position available for MDS Coordinator (LPN or RN), 8:30am-5pm, M-F, must be experienced in 3.0. Apply in person, Brightmoor Nursing Ctr., 610 W. Fisher St.

Nintendo DSI-blue (2) for sale $75 & Hannah Montana PSP's (2). $75 in good cond. 704-267-1560

Farm Equipment & Supplies Farm Equipment, new & used. McDaniel Auction Co. 704-278-0726 or 704798-9259. NCAL 48, NCFL 8620. Your authorized farm equipment dealer.

DINING ROOM SET table 78x38 with 18in extension, 2 piece hutch with light and glass shelves and 6 chairs (2 arm chairs) Hunter green and Cherry wood $675 for all 704-798-0660 Sofa, white leather, $300; TV Armoire $200. Moving must sell. Call 704-6300859. Washer/dryer set $350; 30” electric range $175; refrigerator $225. Excellent shape. 704-798-1926 Washing machine. Front load. $75. Please call more information 704-267-1560

Hunting and Fishing


to find the right one.


Attention Students! SUMMER WORK Excellent Pay Flexible FT/PT Customer sales/svc No exp needed-will train All ages 17+ Scholarships avail. Conditions apply Call ASAP

Kubota BX 2660 2009 Tractor 4 wheel drive, front end loader, aerator, front bucket, scrape blade, 60” mowing deck $16,000. 704-209-3106 Lawn mower. 40 inch riding mower. ariens. 15 horse. runs well, cuts good. $500. Please call 704-224-3752.



Salisbury Post Classifieds 704.797.4220

Waitstaff Immed positions, exper'd. Apply in person 2-5pm., 1621 W. Innes St. NO PHONE CALLS.

CHICKEN MANURE $8 bobcat scoop loaded. Delivery available & negotiable. 704-433-5287

BINGHAM-SMITH LUMBER CO. Save money on lumber. Treated and Untreated. Round Fence Post in all sizes. Save extra when Call buying full units. Patrick at 980-234-8093.

Timber wanted - Pine or hardwood. 5 acres or more select or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. Call 704-278-9291. Watches – and scrap gold jewelry. 704-636-9277 or cell 704-239-9298

Business Opportunities Building, used, for sale 10' x 12' metal building with wood frame. Like new will sell for much less than new retail cost. Can be seen at 250 Auction Dr. at Webb Rd exit 70 off 85 south. Call 704-798-0634

Horse Quality Hay for Sale

Horse quality fescue and orchard grass mix hay, spring cutting. Field pick up. $2.50/bale. Call Gary now for future notification when hay is ready. 704239-6242. Rockwell area.

Holshouser Cycle Shop Lawn mower repairs and trimmer sharpening. Pick up & delivery. (704)637-2856 Mower. 22" Toro mower with leaf bag. Like new, just serviced. 6.5 horsepower motor, $150. Call 704-633-6558. Weedeater, Homelite. Starts & runs good. $20. Please call 704-633-6654 before 9pm.

Machine & Tools


Misc For Sale

Lost & Found

ANDERSON'S SEW & SO, Husqvarna, Viking Sewing Machines. Patterns, Notions, Fabrics. 10104 Old Beatty Ford Rd., Rockwell. 704-279-3647

Found Dog, small, black long hair. Jake Alexander & Morlan Park Rd. 336787-3252

HYPNOSIS will work for you!

Stop Smoking~Lose Weight It's Easy & Very Effective. Decide Today 704-933-1982

Found dog. Small, long haired dog on Jake Alexander near Salisbury Mall. Call 704-239-9354 or 704-636-6589

Love seat, beige. $75. 2 TV tables, $50 ea. Jeff Gordon wall clock, $50. Wood wall clock, $50. Elvis Presley wall clock, $50. Foot stool, $15. 3 antique dolls, $25 ea. Table antique ball lamp, $25. 704-638-8965

LOST - GOLD CHARM BRACELET Lost - Gold charm bracelet with 5 charms near the Suntrust bank in Spencer. Reward offered for return. 704-630-9117

Lumber All New!

Lost dogs. 2 female Beagles. One black & white, one brown & white. 152 area of Rockwell. Call 704-431-9359 Lost Female Rottweiler from Old Concord Rd., Farmhouse Restaurant area. REWARD if found. 704-209-1202

2x4x14 $3 2x6x14 $5.50 2x4x16 $4.75 2x6x8 studs $3.25 2x4x93” $1.75 2x10x14 $5 D/W rafters $5 Floor trusses $5 each 704-202-0326

REWARD!! Lost necklace. Yellow gold chain & cross. Lost Thurs. May 12th Around Spencer Post Office, Family Dollar, Bucky's Produce or Salisbury Gardens. 704-633-3694

METAL: Angle, Channel, Pipe, Sheet & Plate Shear Fabrication & Welding FAB DESIGNS 2231 Old Wilkesboro Rd Open Mon-Fri 7-3:30 704-636-2349 Motor for 2000 Dodge/Jeep, 360, 5.9, 98000 miles. $500 OBO. 336-940-3134 Pine Plate Rack. 2 grooved shelves. Aproximately 4 foot x 28 inch. 704-798-4748. $50.

Tailgate Protector for 9704 Dodge Dakota, chrome $40. Call 336940-3134 Truck Bed Cover, fiberglass, painted white w/ lock. $275. Fits Ford F150 reg & ext cab Short Bed New in Box (336) 357-5839

Bingham Smith Lumber Co. !!!NOW AVAILABLE!!! Metal Roofing Many colors. Custom lengths, trim, accessories, & trusses. Call 980-234-8093 Patrick Smith

Found dog. Possibly Beagle mix, dark gold with black tail, Patterson Rd., May 1. Please call to identify. 704-754-7540

Kerosene heater, Siegler. blower. $100. With Please call 704-640-6214 for more information

STEEL, Channel, Angle, Flat Bars, Pipe Orders Cut to Length. Mobile Home Truss- $6 ea.; Vinyl floor covering- $4.89 yd.; Carpet- $5.75 yd.; Masonite Siding 4x8- $14; 12”x16' lap siding at $6.95 ea. School Desks - $7.50 ea. RECYCLING, Top prices paid for Aluminum cans, Copper, Brass, Radiators, Aluminum. Davis Enterprises Inc. 7585 Sherrills Ford Rd. Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-9821

Misc For Sale

How to know you'll go! 4 min. recorded message. Call now. 704-983-8841

Cross training for persons with healthcare (direct care, mgmt., admin, support, ancil. services, EMS) or Computer technology experience. Fed (US HHS ONC HIT ARRA) funded. Placement assistance provided. Visit www.cvcc.edu/hitwd or call 828327-7000-x 4816

Porter cable router, model 9690 LR. Plunge base, table, cabinet, bits. Used 2 times. $200. Call 704-6336654 before 9pm

Bush hog house, 5 ft. Good condition $400 704-633-9453

Puppies, free - Rescue dog surprised us with pups. 8 to choose from in Enochville/Kannapolis. Breed-unsure, many colors, darn cute.704-9389842 or 704-791-9837

Electronic Health Record Specialist Training

Receiver Hitch for 97-11 Dodge Dakota/Durango. $100. Please Call 336940-3134

Misc. Equipment & Supplies

Free Chicken Hens. 3 Available. Please call for more info. 704-797-0076

Education / Training

Bostitch Hardwood Flooring Nailer. Good Condition. $200. Call 704-637-3251

Router table with lots of router bits & accessories. Have to see to believe! $500. 704-633-0259

Free Stuff


Bush hog, 5 ft. 3 point hitch. Heavy duty. Good condition. $450. Please call 704-245-3660 Chainsaw. Husqvarna 455 chainsaw with 18" bar & chain. In good shape. Asking $260. Call for details, 704-806-7405

J.Y. Monk Real Estate School-Get licensed fast, Charlotte/Concord courses. $399 tuition fee. Free Brochure. 800-849-0932

FOUND Large black dog in China Grove. Call..... Daytime (704) 857-1711 Evening (704) 633-5072

Lawn and Garden Ariens. 40inch. 15hp. riding mower. runs well mows good. many new parts. $500 or BO. 704224-3752


Experienced residential painters! Must have 5 years or more exper. NC DL req'd. 704-637-6817 If no exp., pls don't call.

All Coin Collections Silver, gold & copper. Will buy foreign & scrap gold. 704-636-8123

Desk. Executive desk, Lshaped with upper cabinets. Has a cherry finish. In excellent condition. $495. Call for details, 704-806-7405.

1972 19" Fiberform Monterrey. Runs good. Good ski/fishing boat. Includes E-Loader trailer. $2500 OBO. Photos on request. 704-223-0416 Complete Apple Imac all in one computer. Internet ready. $55. Please call 980-205-0947

Want to Buy Merchandise

Furniture & Appliances

Computers & Software

Electronics Healthcare

Needed experienced roofers. Drivers license required. Call Graham Roofing, Inc. 704-213-0459

East Rowan. 2BR. trash and lawn service included. No pets. $450 month. 704-433-1255

Salisbury. 4 rooms. 71 Hill St. All appls furnished. $495/ mo + dep. Limit 2. 704-633-5397

Spencer 2BR, 1BA $550/mo + deposit & 3 BR, 2BA $675/mo + deposit. Refs. 704-202-1627

Check out our homes

East Rowan area. 3BR, 2BA. East school district. Private lot. No pet. $500 dep. $125/week. 704-2796574. Leave message

Faith. 2BR, 1BA. Water, trash, lawn maint. incl. No pets. Ref. $425. 704-2794282 or 704-202-3876

Salisbury/Spencer area 2-4 BR houses. Cent. heat & AC. $550- $750/ month. Jim 704-202-9697

Med Tech/CNA

East Area. 2BR, water, trash. Limit 2. Dep. req. No pets. Call 704-6367531 or 704-202-4991

Salisbury. 3 & 2 Bedroom Houses. $500-$1,000. Also, Duplex Apartments. 704636-6100 or 704-633-8263

Antiques & Collectibles

Misc For Sale

Leyland Cypress


Spencer Shops Lease great retail space for as little as $750/mo for 2,000 sq ft at. 704-431-8636

Salisbury. 3BR, 2BA. Designer Home in City. Minutes to I-85/Lowe's Shopping Center. Garage, hardwood floors, central air, dishwasher, W/D, yard maintenance incl, $900 rent + deposit. 704-636-8188

East Area, 3 BR, 2 BA. Dining room, all appl., 2 car garage. Lease, ref., dep. req. $975/mo. 704-798-7233

Supervises, leads and plans for a variety of public health programs; collects and analyzes data; develops and prepares grants to obtain funding; compiles cost information in planning and justifying budget; provides supervision, evaluation and monitoring of staff work plans and performance; develops, reviews, and adjusts goals, standards, policies and procedures; evaluates staff training needs and arranges for training; works with lab and pharmacy directors in oversight of these two ancillary services. Requires a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing with a PHN rotation from an accredited college or university and four years of Public Health Nursing experience including one year of experience in a supervisory capacity; or graduation from an accredited School of Professional Nursing and five years of professional nursing experience, four of which must have been in public health including one year of experience in a supervisory capacity; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Must be licensed to practice as a R.N. by the N.C. Board of Nursing. A valid driver's license is required. Starting Salary $56,071 - $ 60,663 or commensurate with education and experience. BENEFITS. Submit application to Rowan County Human Resources, 130 W. Innes Street, Salisbury, NC 28144. Open until filled. Applications available at www.rowancountync.gov We Administer Pre-employment Drug Tests, Conduct Criminal Background Investigations, and Driving History.EOE

Teacher needed. Childcare center in West area. Must have credentials or be in the process of getting credentials. Call 704-798-2058


E. Lafayette, 2 BR, 1 BA, has refrigerator and stove. Gas heat, no pets. Rent $595, deposit $500. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446




Flowers & Plants

This will be a 15 hour a week job. Must have Property Management Experience. Email resume to: greatwesternapts@yahoo.com

Call Classifieds to place your yard sale ad... 704-797-4220

Office Suite for Lease. Two large rooms, 26' x 13' and 10' x 16'. Also included is a large shared kitchen/break room space with private BR. 1 year lease preferred; $750 monthly rent includes all utilities. Free Wi-Fi. Call 704-636-1811. Salisbury




2BR, 2BA. Hardwood floors, expansive kitchen, jetted tub, beautiful original mantles & staircase, bedrooms w/great storage, sunroom & deck, walking distance to shops & dining. 704-616-1383



Vacuum, Eureka Maxima, micro filtration, lt. wt. Has brush and two wands. Good condition. $40. 704-209-0981

Want to get results? ★★★★

See stars


1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Hyundai Sonata, 2006. V6, sunroof, leather interior. Fully loaded. Only 64,000 miles. $10,995. 704-720-0520

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Buick Lucerne CXL, 2007. Dual power seats, leather, fully loaded, one owner. $12,995. 704-720-0520


Chrysler Crossfire, 2005, coupe, gray. 6 cylinder Mercedes engine. 6 speed manual, anti-lock brakes, side airbag, CD/AM/FM stereo. Low miles, power everything, spoiler, good on gas, heated seats, navigation, air conditioning, cruise control. $13,500. 704-326-5049


SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 • 5D




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Choose an “eye-catching” image and make your ad stand out in print and online!






SALISBURYPOST.com is Rowan’s most visited local site with more than 2.5 million page views per month





Call 704.

Employment Pets & Livestock Notices Garage & Yard Sales Transportation Real Estate or Online Merchandise for Sale Service Directory Rentals https://classadz.vdata.com/Salisbury











Chevrolet Cobalt LS, 2008. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Dodge Challenger SE, 2010. Inferno red crystal pearlcoat exterior with dark slate gray interior. F11205A. $23,287. Call 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford Crown Victoria LX, 2001. Toreador Red clearcoat metallic exterior with medium parchment interior. Stock# F11241A. $6,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford Mustang V6, 2001. Oxford white clearcoat exterior with medium parchment interior. $8,659. Stock #P7690A 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com


Carolina's Auction Rod Poole, NCAL#2446 Salisbury (704)633-7369 www.thecarolinasauction.com

Heritage Auction Co. Glenn M.Hester NC#4453 Salisbury (704)636-9277 www.heritageauctionco.com

Ford Taurus SEL Sedan, Oxford white 2008. clearcoat exterior with tan cloth interior. P7689. $14,787 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

SOFT SERVE ICE CREAM TRUCK We cater: Graduations, Birthdays, Corporate, Church or any event. Ask about $75 special includes 50 cones. Book today 704-771-0148.

Cleaning Services

Cleaning Services

Financial Services

Complete Cleaning Service. Basic, windows, spring, new construction, & more. 704-857-1708

“We can erase your bad credit — 100% guaranteed” The Federal Trade Commission says any credit repair company that claims to be able to legally remove accurate and timely information from your credit report is lying. There's no easy fix for bad credit. It takes time and a conscious effort to pay your debts. Learn about managing credit and debt at ftc.gov/credit. A message from The Salisbury Post & the FTC.

704-636-8058 The more you tell, the surer you’ll sell.

KEN WEDDINGTON Total Auctioneering Services 140 Eastside Dr., China Grove 704-8577458 License 392 H

R. Giles Moss Auction & Real Estate-NCAL #2036. Full Service Auction Company. Estates ** Real Estate Had your home listed a long time? Try selling at auction. 704-782-5625 www.gilesmossauction.com

Rowan Auction Co. Professional Auction Services: Salis., NC 704-633-0809 Kip Jennings NCAL 6340.

Honda Accord 2.4 EX, 2003. Satin silver metallic exterior with gray interior. $11,759. Stock # F11209B. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

We’ll print and distribute over 22,000 copies of your ad every week!

Catering Services

Auction Thursday 12pm 429 N. Lee St. Salisbury Antiques, Collectibles, Used Furniture 704-213-4101

Ford Mustang, 2004. Red exterior with gray leather interior. $12,259. Stock # T11400AY. 1800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Honda 2004 Accord EX, Graphite, V-6, excellent condition, all svc records, navigation, heated front seats, sunroof, XM ready, detailed every six mos. 704-639-6410 704-209-1137




704-633-9295 FREE ESTIMATES www.WifeForHireInc.com Licensed, bonded and insured. Since 1985.

Grading & Hauling Beaver Grading Quality work, reasonable rates. Free Estimates 704-6364592

Child Care and Nursery Schools

Concrete Work

Lippard Garage Doors Installations, repairs, electric openers. 704636-7603 / 704-798-7603

Openings for childcare in christian home for 1st and 2nd shifts. Reasonable rates. Contact 704642-0488. High Rock Lake area.

Piedmont AC & Heating Electrical Services Lowest prices in town!! 704-213-4022

All types concrete work ~ Insured ~ NO JOB TOO SMALL!

Home Improvement

Perry's Overhead Doors Sales, Service & Installation, Residential / Commercial. Wesley Perry 704-279-7325 www.perrysdoor.com

We Build Garages, 24x24 = $12,500. All sizes built! ~ 704-633-5033 ~

$$$$ Want to make more of this? Check out the Classifieds in today’s Salisbury Post for a lead on a new career!

Quality Affordable Childcare Clean, smoke-free, reliable. 17 yrs. exp. 6 wks & up. All shifts. Reasonable Rates 704-787-4418 704-279-0927 F Ref. Avail. F

Cleaning Services

Drywall Services OLYMPIC DRYWALL New Homes Additions & Repairs Small Commercial Ceiling Texture Removal

704-279-2600 Since 1955 olympicdrywallcompany.com

Elaine's Special Cleaning Sparkling Results, Reasonable Rates. Free Estimates & References Given.

704-637-7726 Trust. It’s the reason 74% of area residents read the Salisbury Post on a daily basis. Classifieds give you affordable access to those loyal readers.

Fencing Free Estimates Bud Shuler & Sons Fence Co. 225 W Kerr St 704-633-6620 or 704-638-2000 Price Leader since 1963

A HANDYMAN & MOORE Kitchen & Bath remodeling Quality Home Improvements Carpentry, Plumbing, Electric Clark Moore 704-213-4471

CASH FOR JUNK CARS And batteries. Call 704-279-7480 or 704-798-2930

HMC Handyman Services. Any job around the house. Please call 704-239-4883 Hometown Lawn Care & Handyman Service. Mowing, pressure washing, gutter cleaning, odd jobs ~inside & out. Comm, res. Insured. Free estimates. “No job too small” 704-433-7514 Larry Sheets, owner

Kitchens, Baths, Sunrooms, Remodel, Additions, Wood & Composite Decks, Garages, Vinyl Rails, Windows, Siding. & Roofing. ~ 704-633-5033 ~

Lexus 2004 ES330, excellent milage, low miles, loaded (navigation, Mark Levinson Sound, etc). Lexus maintained. Perfect condition. $12,900. 704633-4771

Lawn Maint. & Landscaping

3Landscaping 3Mulching 3Core Aeration 3Fertilizing FREE Estimates

704-636-3415 704-640-3842 www.earlslawncare.com

I will pick up your nonrunning vehicles & pay you to take them away! Call Mike anytime. 336-479-2502

GAYLOR'S LAWNCARE For ALL your lawn care needs! *FREE ESTIMATES* 704-639-9925/ 704-640-0542

I buy junk cars. Will pay cash. $250 & up. Larger cars, larger cash! Call 704-239-1471

Lawn Equipment Repair Services

Outdoors By Overcash Mowing, shrub trimming & leaf blowing. 704-630-0120

Lyerly's ATV & Mower Repair Free estimates. All types of repairs Pickup/delivery avail. 704-642-2787

Lawn Maint. & Landscaping

Summer Special! Mow, Trim & Blow $35 Average Yard Ask for Jeffrey

A-1 Residential & Commercial Mow/Trim At least 10% less than other lawn services. We promise to beat them all. Call David at 704-640-1198

~ 704-245-5599 ~ Steve's Lawn Care We'll take care of all your lawn care needs!! Great prices. 704-431-7225

B & L Home Improvement

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ We Buy Any Type of Scrap Metal At the Best Prices...

Billy J. Cranfield, Total Landscape

Manufactured Home Services

Mowing, seeding, shrubs, retainer walls. All construction needs. Sr. Discount. 25 Yrs. Exper. Lic. Contractor

Mobile Home Supplies~ City Consignment Company New & Used Furniture. Please Call 704636-2004

We will come to you! F David, 704-314-7846

CASH FOR cars, trucks & vans. Any junk vehicle. $275 & up. Call Tim at 980-234-6649

Pet & Livestock Services

Don’t take chances with your hard earned money. Run your ad where it will pay for itself. Daily exposure brings fast results.

Little Paws Bed & Breakfast Located at Small Animal Medicine & Surgery A deluxe boarding facility for dogs, cats, rabbits and “pocket pets”. 3200 Sherrills Ford Road Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-6613 www.sams-littlepawsdoc.com

Moving and Storage

Roofing and Guttering

TH Jones Mini-Max Storage 116 Balfour Street Granite Quarry Please 704-279-3808

SEAMLESS GUTTER Licensed Contractor C.M. Walton Construction, 704-202-8181

Painting and Decorating

_ Bush Hogging _ Plowing _ Tilling _ Raised garden beds Free Estimates


Want to attract attention? ####

Get Bigger Type!

Tree Service Graham's Tree Service Free estimates, reasonable rates. Licensed, Insured, Bonded. 704-633-9304

MOORE'S Tree TrimmingTopping & Removing. Use Bucket Truck, 704-209-6254 Licensed, Insured & Bonded

See me on Facebook

Basinger Sewing Machine Repair. Parts & Service – Salisbury. 704-797-6840 or 704-797-6839

~ 704-633-5033 ~

Johnny Yarborough, Tree Expert trimming, topping, & removal of stumps by machine. Wood splitting, lots cleared. 10% off to senior citizens. 704-857-1731

High quality work. Good prices on all your masonry needs.

Miscellaneous Services

Guttering, leaf guard, metal & shingle roofs. Ask about tax credits.

John Sigmon Stump grinding, Prompt service for 30+ years, Free Estimates. John Sigmon, 704-279-5763.

Masonry and Brickwork

Guaranteed! F

Pet & Livestock Services

Cathy's Painting Service & Pressure Washing. Interior & exterior, new & repaints. 704-279-5335

Brown's Landscape

Cadillac Sedan Deville, 1996. Gold with black leather. Cold AC. New CD player. 20” rims plus original wheels. 119,000 miles. Owner can finance. $5,000 obo. Call 704-798-4375

Need customers? We’ve got them. The Salisbury Post ads are read daily in over 74% of the area’s homes!


~ 704-202-2390 ~

Super Clean!

We’ll print and distribute over 22,000 copies of your ad every week!

Bowen Painting Interior and Exterior Painting 704-630-6976.

Complete crawlspace work, Wood floor leveling, jacks installed, rotten wood replaced due to water or termites, brick/block/tile work, foundations, etc. 704-933-3494

Junk Removal

Mercury Grand Marquis LS Sedan, 2004. Dare Toreador red clearcoat exterior with light flint interior. F11106A. $9,787. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Saturn SL, 2002, Cranberry with Gray Cloth interior 1.9L AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION W/OD all power, AM/FM/CD, alloy rims, nonsmoker, GAS SAVERRRR!! 704-603-4255

Earl's Lawn Care 3Mowing 3Yard Cleanup 3Trimming Bushes

The Floor Doctor

Around the House Repairs Carpentry. Electrical. Plumbing. H & H Construction 704-633-2219

Brisson - HandyMan Home Repair, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, etc. Insured. 704-798-8199

Jaguar S-Type, 2005. w/black leather Black interior, 6 sp. auto trans, 4.2L V8 engine, AM/FM/CD Changer, Premium Sound. Call Steve today! 704-6034255

Browning ConstructionStructural repair, flooring installations, additions, decks, garages. 704-637-1578 LGC

Garages, new homes, remodeling, roofing, siding, back hoe, loader 704-6369569 Maddry Const Lic G.C.

Mercedes S320, 1999 Black on Grey leather interior, 3.2, V6, auto trans, LOADED, all power ops, low miles, SUNROOF, chrome rims good tires, extra clean MUST SEE! 704-6034255

Kia, 2005, Amanti. 68,000 miles. Charcoal gray. Fully loaded with sunroof. CD & cassette player. New brakes & rear tires. $9,600 obo. Call 704-754-2549

Junk Removal

Quality work at affordable prices NC G.C. #17608 NC Home Inspector #107. Complete contracting services, under home repairs, foundation & masonry repairs, light tractor work & property maintenence. Pier, dock & seawall repair. 36 Yrs Exp. 704-633-3584 www.professionalservicesunltd.com Duke C. Brown Sr. Owner – “The House Whisperer!”

Including carpentry, bathroom & kitchen remodeling, roofing, flooring. Free Estimates, Insured .... Our Work is Guaranteed!

Infinity G5, 2003. Black Obsidian/Black Leather, 3.5L V6, auto trans, BOSE AM/FM/CD, SUNROOF, all power, alloy rims. LUXURY FOR HALF THE PRICE!!!! 704-603-4255

Home Improvement

Professional Services Unlimited

~704-637-6544~ Reliable Fence All Your Fencing Needs, Reasonable Rates, 21 years experience. (704)640-0223

Honda, 1993 Civic White w/ black interior, LS driver and passenger seat. Bronze Circuit 8'' wheels, JDM fog lights, front and rear EBC brake rotors and pads. KGB 4 way adjustable suspension. Car has 170,000 miles; motor has 50,000 miles. Clean title. $3,500. John, 704-279-8346

Heating and Air Conditioning

Carport and Garages

Call Curt LeBlanc today for Free Estimates

Honda Accord, 2004. Automatic, leather. V-6. Sunroof. Extra clean! Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Ford 2005 Focus SES SX4 automatic, am/fm CD, power windows, door locks, power 116,000 miles, $5,900. Call 704-647-0881

Stoner Painting Contractor • 25 years exp. • Int./Ext. painting • Pressure washing • Staining • Mildew Removal • References • Insured 704-239-7553

TREE WORKS by Jonathan Keener. Insured – Free estimates! Please call 704-636-0954.

Tutoring Services CNA Classes 6 week training courses, meet 2 x per week. Low cost. Call 980-475-8520 for info and application.

6D • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011




Boats & Watercraft

Sweet Ride!

Yard Sale Area 1

Yard Sale Area 2

Salisbury. 419 South Ellis St. Yard Sale. Saturday, 14th, 7am-Noon. May Cordless electric mower, arm saw, air radial compressor, power washer, small appliances, furniture, pictures, dishes, Christmas yard art, & more.

Yard Sale Area 1

Big Neighborhood

Saturday, May 14th & Sunday, May 15th 8am-3pm. 4970 S. Main St., across from the Foxy Lady Come by and see what we have probably just about everything you have ever been dreaming of & much, much more. All proceeds go to Vanessa who is battling cancer. Keep up the fight!

(Off Grace Church Rd & Grace Ridge South between Shue & Miller Roads)

Sat. May 14th 7am – Until

YARD SALE AREAS Area 1 - Salisbury, East Spencer, & Spencer Area 2 – W. Rowan incl Woodleaf, Mt. Ulla & Cleveland Area 3 - S. Rowan incl Landis, China Grove, Kannapolis & Mooresville

CHURCH WIDE RUMMAGE SALE!!! May 14, 7am- 12 pm. First Methodist Church, 217 S. Church St., Salisbury. Clothing, Books, Toys, Household Items, and MORE! Use Church St. Entrance, CASH ONLY!

Salisbury Multi-Family Yard Sale, 418 W. Innes St., “Marian House”, Saturday, May 14, 7am12noon. Furniture, household items & more. Proceeds to benefit Sacred Heart Church Young Men's mission trip to Kingston, Jamaica.

Area 4 - E. Rowan incl. Granite Quarry, Faith, Rockwell & Gold Hill Area 5 - Davidson Co. Area 6 – Davie Co. and parts of Davidson Co. This is a rough guide to help plan your stops, actual areas are determined by zip code. Please see map in your Salisbury Post or online at salisburypost.com under Marketplace click on 'Yard Sale Map' to see details.

Salisbury Academy. 2210 Jake Alexander Blvd. North. Yard Sale Saturday, May 14th, 7:30am-12noon. Household items, books, clothing. 704-636-3002. Cash only accepted. Proceeds to Benefit the the Salisbury Academy 8th Grade Project Salisbury Neighborhood Garage Sale, Saturday, May 14th , 7am-12pm. Cameron Glen Subdivision. Clothes (from child to adult), furniture, electronics, crafts, kids toys, holiday items. Salisbury. Proctor Dr. in Hartley Acres Subdivision. (off Woodleaf Rd.) Multi-Family Yard Sale. Saturday, May 14th, 7amuntil. Baby & kids' items, housewares, furniture, tools, and more!

10 ,000 extra this year?

Find all the best sales without the headaches! Go from one sale to another!

BIG MOVING SALE Rockwell. 8920 Old Beatty Ford Rd. (Between Shuping Mill Rd and Organ Church Rd.) Sat. May 14th, 2011. 7am-until. Household goods, clothes, decorations. Rockwell/Salisbury. 1750 Crescent Rd. Yard Sale. Fri., 5/13, 8am12pm & Sun. 5/15, 8am12pm. Household items, clothes, purses, women's shoes, and toys. Rain or shine. Salisbury 1st Time Inside & Outside Moving Sale, Friday, May 13th, 8amUntil & Saturday, May 7am-Until. 505 14th, Carolina Blvd. Rain or Shine. Clothes, TV's, tools, dishes, kitchen stuff, beds, dressers, toys. Too much to list! Salisbury Yard Sale, 803 Crane Creek, Saturday, May 14, 7am12noon, linens, yard equipment, Household goods, décorations, figurines & much more.

Currently seeking applicants in W. Rowan/E. Iredell, China Grove, Rockwell & High Rock Lake area

Toyota Camry LE, 2007. Desert sand mica exterior with bisque interior. $14,459. Stock #P7633C. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Motorcycles & ATVs

Transportation Dealerships

Tim Marburger Honda 1309 N First St. (Hwy 52) Albemarle NC 704-983-4107 Troutman Motor Co. Highway 29 South, Concord, NC 704-782-3105

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

Volvo S40, 2000, Silver Metallic / Gray Leather 1.9L turbocharged 4-cyl engine auto trans, AM/FM/CD, Sunroof , all power ops, cold ac, alloy rims, CHEAP RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION!! 704-603-4255

Motorcycles & ATVs

Toyota Corolla LE, 2010. Silver exterior with ash interior. $16,859. Stock # K7695. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

(former Sagebrush location)

Autos ELLIS AUTO AUCTION 10 miles N. of Salisbury, Hwy 601, Sale Every Wednesday night 5:30 pm.

Volkswagen Beetle GLS, 2000. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Authorized EZGO Dealer. 6 volt & 8 volt batteries. US 52, 5 miles of Salisbury. south Beside East Rowan HS & Old Stone Winery. Look for EZGO sign. 704-245-3660

CLONINGER FORD, INC. “Try us before you buy.” 511 Jake Alexander Blvd. 704-633-9321 TEAM CHEVROLET, CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC. www.teamautogroup.com 704-216-8000 Tim Marburger Dodge 287 Concord Pkwy N. Concord, NC 28027 704-792-9700

Call us and Get Results!

BMW X5, 2001. Alpine White / Tan leather interior 3.0 v6 tiptronic trans. AWD, AM/FM/CD. Sunroof. Alloy rims, all pwr options. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR!!!! Call Steve at 704-603-4255

No. 61340

Weekly Special Only $18,995

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Wynn Craig Pinkston, 6750 Longbranch Rd., Salisbury, NC 28147. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of July, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 20th day of April, 2011. Wynn Craig Pinkston, deceased, Rowan County File #2011E383, Traci Lloyd, 6750 Long Branch Rd., Salisbury, NC 28147 No. 61342 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of Willis Raymer, 4415 Queens Road, Salisbury, NC 28144. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of July, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 21st day of April, 2011. Frankie L. Raymer, Admn. For the estate of Willis Raymer, deceased, File 10E841, 1060 Julian Road, Salisbury, NC 28146 No. 61383 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the estate of Ralph Fleming, 1240 Hollywood Drive, Spencer, NC 28159. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before: 8-10-2011. This notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. Today's date: 05-03-2011. Mary L. Turner, Admn. For the estate of Ralph Fleming, deceased, file 11E455, 804 Alexander St., Statesville, NC 28677 Attorney at Law, J. Carlyle Sherrill, 117 W. Council Street, Salisbury, NC 28144 No. 61341

Tom waited. Tom lowered the price. Tom waited some more. Tom lowered the price again.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Ernest Gary Cress, 332 Brookwood Drive, Salisbury, NC 28146, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of July, 2011, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 20th day of April, 2011. Lori Cress Burke as Executor for the estate of Ernest Gary Cress, deceased, file#11e393, 332 Brookwood Drive, Salisbury, NC 28146 Attorney at Law, John T. Hudson, 122 N. Lee St., Salisbury, NC 28144 No. 61378 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of Mattie T. Thompson. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of July, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 20th day of April, 2011. Melvin K. Thompson as Administrator for the estate of Mattie T. Thompson, deceased, File#11e422, PO Box 78, Granite Quarry, NC 28072 Atty at Law: Bradley J. Nance, 214 E. Innes Street, Salisbury, NC 28144 No. 61379

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location)


Toyota Corolla S, 2007. Black sand pearl exterior with dark charcoal interior. $13,359. Stock # T11319A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Collector Cars

A good ad doesn’t cost you more money...

Service & Parts

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

VW BEETLE DIESEL 5 SPEED 2005 Great Fuel Mileage ! 1 owner well maintained 129,000 mi Leather, heated seats, sunroof. Gray, great condition. $8,750. Call. 704 798 2710

FIND IT SELL IT RENT IT in the Classifieds

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

Joe washed it, ran a good ad in the newspaper, and sold it for $2,000.

Transportation Financing

Call Classifieds to place your yard sale ad... 704-797-4220

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd.

2004 Mercedes Benz E500, V8, Fully loaded, navigation. Must See! Call Steve today! 704-603-4255

Joe watched the truck, and finally bought it for only $1,000.

Transportation Financing

Transportation Dealerships

To save money, Tom decided to sell his truck by just putting a sign in the window. FOR SALE

(former Sagebrush location)

Call Steve today! 704-603-4255 www.JakeAlexanderAutoSales.com

We want your vehicle! 1999 to 2011 under 150,000 miles. Please call 704-216-2663.

*Profits vary and could be more or less than this amount

50 cc Trike. Brand new! $1,895. Also, nice new Tao Scooters only $895. 704-720-0520

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!


If interested, please come by the Post at 131 W. Innes Street, Salisbury and fill out an application or give us a call at the Circulation Department (704) 797-4213, Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd.

We are the area's largest selection of quality preowned autos. Financing avail. to suit a variety of needs. Carfax avail. No Gimmicks – We take pride in giving excellent service to all our customers.


• Available 7 days per week • Delivery hours are Mon.-Fri. 3:30 am to 6:30 am, Sat. & Sun. 1:30 am to 7:00 am • Dependable • Dependable transportation • Have a desire to own their own business • Drivers license required • Good driving record • Have a home phone number

Toyota Camry LE, 2005, Super White/Gray Cloth 2.4L, 4-cyl, auto trans AM/FM/CD, all power ops NONSMOKER, alloy rims, good tires, EXTRA CLEAN! 704-603-4255

Yard Sale Area 4


Earn the extra cash you need in just 2-3 hours per day as a motor route carrier for The Salisbury Post. You’ll discover the satisfaction of running your own business - without sacrificing your time to the demands of a full-time job. Interested persons must meet the following criteria:

Ranger Fish & Ski boat, 1993. 150 HP, 18 ft., one owner, $4,000. 704-2093106

Transportation Dealerships

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Could you use $

Toyota Yaris, 2009. Silver streak mica exterior with dark charcoal interior. $13,759. Stock # P7663 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Grace Ridge 1, South & 3

Spencer Multi-Family Yard, 305 Harrison St. (from Salisbury Ave turn left on Harrison across from Food Lion, house on left) Sat., May 14, 8am-12noon. Furniture, clothing misc sizes, girls/boys/adults, toys, John Deere kids elec. car, household items.

Benefit Yard Sale for Vanessa Duke-Allred

Yard Sale Area 3

Chevrolet Corvette, 1995. Red with black leather interior. Automatic. Garage kept. 59,200 miles. $11,500. Call 704-279-6124

Do you want first shot at the qualified buyers, or the last chance? Description brings results!

Boats & Watercraft

*Brand New* 2010 Yamaha Wave Runner with custom Zieman S-1 Trailer. This one-of-akind wave runner is replica to the one on the Hit HBO TV Series "East Bound and Down." It is has never been started or seen water. $8,500. Call 704-907-0945

Collector Cars

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

It Pays You More Money!

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of Andrew Thompson, Jr. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of July, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 20th day of April, 2011. Melvin K. Thompson as Administrator for the estate of Andrew Thompson, Jr., deceased, File#10e784, PO Box 78, Granite Quarry, NC 28072 Atty at Law: Bradley J. Nance, 214 E. Innes Street, Salisbury, NC 28144 No. 61380 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Carolyn Royal Motley, 255 Archer Road, Salisbury, NC, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of August, 2011, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 3rd day of May, 2011. Carolyn Royal Motley, deceased, Rowan County File #2011E454, Todd Eugene Motley, 201 Grayson Drive, Salisbury, NC 28147 Attorney: Donald D. Sayers, 225 N. Main Street, Ste. 200, Salisbury, NC 28144 No. 61382 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Co-Administrators for the Estate of Julian Cousar Parnell, Jr., 255 Cherokee Lane, Salisbury, NC 28147. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of August, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 3rd day of May, 2011. Julian Cousar Parnell, Jr., deceased, Rowan County File #2011E430, Jackie Molenda, 169 Cameron Drive, Salisbury, NC 28147, Joan Correll, 135 Green Gable Lane, Salisbury, NC 28147 Attorney: J. Andrew Porter, 120 N. Jackson Street, Salisbury, NC 28144 No. 61351 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Richard G. Farrar, 165 Forest Meadow Lane, Salisbury, NC 28144, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of August, 2011, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 27th day of April, 2011. Carol S. Deime, Executor for the estate of Richard G. Farrar, deceased, file 11E369, 2031 Ormond Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43224 Attorney at Law/Resident Process Agent, J. Andrew Porter, 120 N. Jackson St., Salisbury, NC 28144 No. 61381

Classifieds & 131 West Innes Street, Salisbury


428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location)

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the estate of Pedro Enrico Sagastizado, 616 E. Ketchie Street, China Grove, NC 28023. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before 8/5/2011. This notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. Today Dates 05/5/2011. Dinora Guatemala as Administrator for the estate of Pedro Enrico Sagastizado, deceased, File #11e402, 128 American Boulevard, Brentwood, NY 11717. Attny At Law: Elizabeth J. Caviness, Caviness Law Firm, PLLC, 225 E. Kingston Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28203


SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 • 7D



Div Last Chg


ABB Ltd 1.12e 25.86 -.60 AES Corp ... 12.44 -.14 AFLAC 1.20 54.02 -.74 AK Steel .20 14.23 -.47 AMR ... 6.38 -.19 AT&T Inc 1.72 31.41 -.23 AU Optron ... d7.90 -.20 AbtLab 1.92f u53.49 -.04 AberFitc .70 74.26 -.94 Accenture .90 55.74 -.86 AdvAuto .24 u72.16+2.75 AMD ... 8.90 -.03 Aetna .60f u43.85+1.02 Agilent ... u52.58+2.25 Agrium g .11 80.43+1.21 AlcatelLuc ... 6.10 -.18 Alcoa .12 17.10 -.05 AllegCp 6.65t 327.97-1.03 Allstate .84f 32.38 -.62 AlphaNRs ... 48.44-1.95 Altria 1.52 u27.31 -.04 AmBev s 1.16e 31.19 -.43 AMovilL .52e 50.80 -.32 AEagleOut .44a 14.69 -.29 AEP 1.84 37.58 -.05 AmExp .72 49.49 -.05 AmIntlGrp ... 30.42 -.75 Anadarko .36 74.06 -.27 AnalogDev .88 40.79 -.68 AnglogldA .20e 43.61 -.85 Annaly 2.62e 17.67 -.15 Apache .60 124.25 +.83 ArcelorMit .75 33.43-1.35 ArchCoal .44f 29.11-1.07 ArchDan .64 32.20 -.10 AssuredG .18 16.70 +.42 AtlasPpln 1.60f 36.59+4.38 ATMOS 1.36 34.05 -.30 Avon .92 30.18 -.20 BB&T Cp .64f 26.63 -.57 BHP BillLt 1.82e 92.63-1.42 BHPBil plc1.82e 75.76-1.40 BP PLC .42e 42.93 -.65 BakrHu .60 69.27-1.13 BallCp s .28 38.46 -.57 BcoBrades .81r 19.15 -.72 BcoSantSA.79e 11.30 -.34 BcoSBrasil .70e 11.19 -.19 BkofAm .04 11.93 -.27 BkNYMel .52f 28.07 -.42 Barclay .36e 17.80 -.46 Bar iPVix rs ... 23.63 +.30 BarrickG .48 45.01 -.14 Baxter 1.24 59.23 -.14 BerkHa A ...119493.00-1527.00 BerkH B ... 79.65-1.05 BestBuy .60 32.31 +.62 BigLots ... 38.53 +.14 Blackstone .40 17.40 -.16 BlockHR .60 15.82 -.14 Boeing 1.68 79.03 -.38 BostonSci ... 6.84 -.07 BrMySq 1.32 u28.81 -.10 Buenavent .49e 38.41 -.58 ... 25.94 -.43 CB REllis CBS B .40f 25.94 -.55 CIGNA .04 u48.69 +.64 CMS Eng .84 u20.21 -.10 1.44f 74.75-2.24 CSX CVS Care .50 u38.13 -.06 Cameco g .40 26.24 -.11 ... 49.65 +.82 Cameron CampSp 1.16 35.19 +.85 CdnNRs gs .36 40.71 -.87 CapOne .20 52.34 -.61 CapitlSrce .04 6.20 +.03 CardnlHlth .86f 44.45 -.43 CareFusion ... u29.82 -.07 CarMax ... 30.93 -.43 Carnival 1.00 41.02 -.32 Caterpillar 1.76 106.33-2.30 Celanese .24f 51.63 +.42 Cemex .43t 8.18 -.02 Cemig pf 1.89e 19.21 -.53 CenterPnt .79 18.73 -.17 CntryLink 2.90 42.42 +.43 ChesEng .30 29.78 -.70 Chevron 3.12f 102.39 -.37 Chimera .66e 3.86 -.05 Citigrp rs .04 41.53 -.89 CliffsNRs .56 84.37-2.82 Coach .60 u59.99-1.23 CocaCola 1.88 u68.18 -.13 CocaCE .52f u28.96 +.16 ... 25.25 -.47 Coeur ColgPal 2.32f 86.55 -.66 Comerica .40 36.39 -.62 CmtyHlt ... 28.80 -.91 ConAgra .92 25.52 ... ConocPhil 2.64 71.43 -.09 ConsolEngy .40 47.27 -.60 ConstellEn .96 u36.89 -.18 .20 20.73 -.32 Corning Covidien .80 55.84 -.29 Cummins 1.05 110.29-2.83 CurEuro .05e 140.52-1.32


DCT Indl .28 5.68 -.07 DNP Selct .78 9.75 -.13 DR Horton .15 11.44 -.15 DanaHldg ... 17.57 -.28 Danaher s .08 53.86 -.48 ... u17.23+1.46 Darling ... u13.41+1.13 DeanFds Deere 1.40 87.72-2.64 Delhaize 2.02e 82.44 -.56 ... 10.65 -.22 DeltaAir 1.00 27.58 -.40 Deluxe DenburyR ... 20.54 -.26 DevonE .68f 82.02 -.13 .16 u56.00+7.41 Dillards DrSCBr rs ... 35.11+1.32 DirFnBr rs ... 43.15+1.65 DirLCBr rs ... 34.09 +.80 DrxEMBull .84e 36.54-2.34 DrxEBear rs ... 16.11 +.18 DirEMBear ... 19.32+1.17 ... 27.71-1.17 DrxFnBull DirxSCBull ... 85.37-3.52 DirxEnBull .05e 70.36 -.98 Discover .24f 24.24 +.04 .40f 41.52 -.06 Disney

DomRescs 1.97 u47.99 -.16 DoralFncl ... 1.88 +.09 DowChm 1.00f 38.37 -.56 DrPepSnap1.00 u41.78 +.36 DuPont 1.64 52.91 -.98 DukeEngy .98 u19.22 -.01 DukeRlty .68 14.42 -.13 EMC Cp ... 27.60 -.13 EKodak ... 3.00 +.15 Eaton s 1.36 51.92 -.74 EdisonInt 1.28 39.55 -.03 ElPasoCp .04 18.22 -.03 ElPasoPpl 1.76 34.03-1.64 Elan ... u8.46 +.11 EldorGld g .10f 15.11 -.15 EmersonEl 1.38 53.53 -.71 EnCana g .80 32.64 -.30 EndvSilv g ... 8.96 -.06 ENSCO 1.40 54.07 -.91 Exelon 2.10 41.74 -.26 ExxonMbl 1.88f 80.87 -.18 FMC Tch s ... 42.27 +.55 FNBCp PA .48 10.75 -.33 FedExCp .48 93.58-1.38 FibriaCelu ... 14.71 -.47 FstHorizon .04 10.26 -.17 FMajSilv g ... 18.00 -.70 FirstEngy 2.20 42.53-1.03 Fluor .50 69.00-1.87 FootLockr .66f u22.91 +.01 FordM ... 15.08 -.18 ForestLab ... 34.23 -.09 ForestOil ... 30.94 +.06 Fortress ... 5.22 -.20 FMCG s 1.00a 48.27 -.45 FrontierCm .75 8.66 -.02 FrontierOil .24a 27.15 +.16

G-H-I Gafisa SA .29e 10.75 -.31 GameStop ... u26.72 +.79 GamGld g ... 9.52 +.05 Gap .45f 23.05 -.05 GenElec .60f 19.89 -.25 GenGrPr n .40 16.12 -.30 GenMills s 1.12 u39.72 +.21 GenMot n ... 31.07 -.35 GenOn En ... 3.63 -.07 Genworth ... 11.22 -.30 Gerdau .27e d10.38 -.19 GlaxoSKln2.11e u43.74 +.12 GoldFLtd .19e 15.34 -.20 Goldcrp g .41 47.76 +.06 GoldmanS 1.40 141.46-1.29 Goodyear ... 17.77 -.22 Griffon ... 11.21 -.16 GpTelevisa ... 22.91 -.18 HCP Inc 1.92 36.80 -.83 HSBC 1.80e 52.54 -.28 Hallibrtn .36 46.00 -.64 HarleyD .50f 38.12 -.01 HarmonyG .07e 13.13 -.31 HartfdFn .40f 27.57 -.38 HltCrREIT 2.86f 50.65-1.06 HltMgmt ... 11.10 -.24 HeclaM ... 8.13 -.01 HelixEn ... 15.71 -.35 Hertz ... 16.39 -.38 .40 75.78 -.60 Hess HewlettP .32 40.41 -.47 Hexcel ... 21.83 -.07 HomeDp 1.00f 37.01 -.28 HonwllIntl 1.33 60.51 -.35 HostHotls .08f 16.97 -.18 Huntsmn .40 19.14 -.31 Hypercom ... 9.95 +.36 IAMGld g .08f 18.76 -.05 ING ... 12.15 -.43 iShGold s ... 14.59 -.10 iSAstla .82e 26.21 -.42 iShBraz 2.53e 71.58-1.53 iSCan .50e 31.77 -.27 iShGer .29e 26.79 -.59 iSh HK .45e 19.08 -.03 iShJapn .14e 10.24 -.22 iSh Kor .44e 64.32-1.31 iShMex .54e 60.09 -.68 iShSing .43e 14.03 -.07 iSTaiwn .29e 15.60 -.32 ... 34.39+1.07 iShSilver iShChina25.63e 43.20 -.51 iShEMkts .64e 46.92-1.05 iShSPLatA1.18e 50.37 -.81 iShB20 T 3.99e 95.08 +.85 iS Eafe 1.42e 60.61 -.96 iSR1KG .76e 61.48 -.54 iSR2KG .53e 95.54-1.23 iShR2K .89e 83.51-1.18 iShREst 1.98e 60.81 -.56 iShBasM .93e 78.48-1.24 ITW 1.36 57.95 -.38 IngerRd .48f 50.12 -.67 IBM 3.00f 169.92-2.32 Intl Coal ... 14.45 -.02 IntlGame .24 18.34 -.20 IntPap 1.05f 31.37 -.68 Interpublic .24 11.56 +.17 IntraLks n ... 21.74 +.87 Invesco .49f 25.01 -.19 ItauUnibH .67e 22.19 -.60

J-K-L JPMorgCh 1.00f 43.15 .28 21.58 Jabil JanusCap .20f 10.91 JohnJn 2.28f 66.62 JohnsnCtl .64 38.62 JnprNtwk ... 39.63 KB Home .25 11.07 KeyEngy ... 15.37 Keycorp .04 8.27 Kimco .72 18.98 Kinross g .10 d14.24 Kohls 1.00 55.17 Kraft 1.16 u34.89 ... 6.37 KrispKrm .42 u25.03 Kroger LDK Solar ... 9.60 LSI Corp ... 7.62 ... 42.60 LVSands ... 1.14 LeeEnt LennarA .16 17.52 LexRltyTr .46 9.50 1.96 u38.95 LillyEli .80f u41.84 Limited LincNat .20 29.79

-.94 -.01 -.51 -.57 -.76 -.18 -.15 -.26 -.26 -.16 -.19 -.51 +.14 +.10 -.01 -.49 +.05 -.79 +.09 -.22 -.14 +.19 -.27 -.65


.40 15.87 -.32 LloydBkg ... 3.48 -.07 SLM Cp Lowes .44 25.76 -.22 SpdrDJIA 3.00e 125.96-1.03 ... 145.63 -.96 LyonBas A .10e 39.68-1.65 SpdrGold SpdrEMSmC1.73e54.62 -.78 M-N-0 SP Mid 1.55e 180.59-1.76 MBIA ... 9.45 -.23 S&P500ETF2.34e134.04 -1.04 MEMC ... 11.01 -.27 SpdrHome .31e 18.56 -.19 MFA Fncl .94 8.16 -.06 SpdrKbwBk.15e 24.63 -.45 MGIC ... 7.93 -.23 SpdrLehHY4.38e 40.63 -.11 MGM Rsts ... 14.72 +.31 SpdrRetl .50e u54.10 -.30 Macys .40f 28.46 -.16 SpdrOGEx .49e 57.02 -.39 Manitowoc .08 18.13 -.90 SpdrMetM .41e 68.67-1.60 Manulife g .52 17.79 -.37 Safeway .48 25.00 +.08 MarathonO 1.00 51.10 -.07 StJude .84 51.97 -.20 MktVGold .40e 54.21 -.44 Saks ... 11.44 -.22 MktVRus .18e 36.94 -.70 SandRdge ... 10.04 -.23 MktVJrGld2.93e 34.69 -.67 Sanofi 1.82e 38.10 -.17 MktV Agri .33e 52.88 +.14 SaraLee .46 19.26 +.33 MarIntA .40f 36.50 -.07 Schlmbrg 1.00 82.71 -.81 MarshM .84 29.74 -.38 Schwab .24 17.64 -.34 Masco .30 13.22 -.28 SeadrillLtd2.74e 32.66 -.45 MasseyEn .24 59.12-1.73 Sealy ... 2.72 -.13 McDrmInt s ... 20.47 -.70 SemiHTr .57e 36.48 -.27 McDnlds 2.44 80.74 +.08 SiderurNac .81e 13.94 -.24 McMoRn ... 16.41 +.30 SilvWhtn g .12 34.10 +.14 Mechel ... 24.92 -.61 SilvrcpM g .08 10.39 -.15 MedcoHlth ... 64.67 +.36 SmithfF ... 20.55 -.36 Medicis .32f 36.56-1.40 SouthnCo 1.89f u40.49 +.07 Medtrnic .90 42.03 -.29 SthnCopper1.83e 34.26 +.04 Merck 1.52 37.08 -.12 SwstAirl .02 12.07 -.07 MetLife .74 44.41 -.66 SwstnEngy ... 41.20 -.21 MetroPCS ... 17.85 -.25 SpectraEn 1.04 27.28 -.22 MitsuUFJ ... 4.68 -.17 SprintNex ... 5.10 -.07 MizuhoFn ... 3.28 -.10 SP Matls 1.23e 38.65 -.50 MobileTele1.06e 20.21 -.46 SP HlthC .61e u36.08 -.11 Molycorp n ... 62.15-3.01 SP CnSt .81e u32.11 -.04 Monsanto 1.12 63.79 -.22 SP Consum.56e 40.56 -.31 MonstrWw ... 16.34 -.38 SP Engy 1.05e 73.79 -.36 Moodys .56f 38.14 +.22 SPDR Fncl .16e 15.77 -.23 MorgStan .20 24.13 -.38 SP Inds .64e 37.68 -.46 Mosaic .20 67.35 -.37 SP Tech .33e 26.46 -.33 MotrlaMo n ... 24.02 -.96 SP Util 1.31e u33.91 -.16 MurphO 1.10 66.38 -.25 StarwdHtl .30f 58.14-1.01 NYSE Eur 1.20 40.89 +.29 StateStr .72f 45.55 -.97 Nabors ... 26.74 ... Statoil ASA1.10e 25.75 -.21 NBkGreece.29e 1.40 +.01 StillwtrM ... 18.16 -.62 NOilVarco .44 68.02 -.15 Stryker .72 63.28 +.12 NatSemi .40 u24.40 -.01 Suncor gs .44f 39.87 -.48 NY CmtyB 1.00 16.26 -.20 Sunoco .60 40.27 -.24 NewellRub .32f 18.47 -.13 SunTrst .04 27.47 -.63 NewfldExp ... 70.07 +.30 Supvalu .35 10.88 -.06 NewmtM .80f 52.78 -.48 Synovus .04 2.40 ... Nexen g .20 22.40 -.65 Sysco 1.04 31.78 -.31 NiSource .92 u20.36 -.12 TE Connect .64 36.69-1.01 NikeB 1.24 86.26+1.68 TJX .76f u54.57 -.11 NipponTT ... 23.81 +.32 TaiwSemi .47e 13.59 -.23 NobleCorp1.06e 39.59 +.02 TalismE g .27f 21.09 -.24 NokiaCp .55e 8.54 -.12 Target 1.00 51.52 -.24 Nordstrm .92 47.63-1.54 TeckRes g .60 46.36-1.14 NorflkSo 1.60 71.57-1.41 TelNorL .52e 16.02 -.48 NorthropG 2.00f 64.86 -.50 TelefEsp s1.98e 23.85 -.39 NStarRlt .40 4.49 -.07 TenetHlth ... 6.34 -.12 Novartis 2.53e u60.89 -.33 Teradyn ... 16.18 +.03 OGE Engy 1.50 51.07 -.43 Terex ... 31.30 -.42 OcciPet 1.84 102.36 -.73 Tesoro ... 23.43 -.37 OfficeDpt ... 4.72 +.04 TexInst .52 35.18 -.15 OilSvHT 2.36e 147.49 -.47 Textron .08 24.61 -.20 OshkoshCp ... 29.39 -.69 ThermoFis ... u61.91 +.24 OwensIll ... 33.00 -.01 3M Co 2.20 96.01 -.64 TimeWarn .94 35.99 -.24 P-Q-R Total SA 3.16e 57.45-1.09 PG&E Cp 1.82 46.02 -.50 Transocn .79e 68.42 +.94 ... 1.73 -.02 Travelers 1.64f 62.33-1.52 PMI Grp PNC 1.40f 61.80-1.39 TrinaSolar ... 25.35 -.89 PPG 2.28f 88.47-1.24 Turkcell .66e 14.05 -.29 PPL Corp 1.40 27.93 -.10 TycoIntl 1.00 50.78+1.28 PackAmer .80 29.07 -.53 Tyson .16 18.53 -.31 PatriotCoal ... 22.28 -.96 ... 18.32 -.73 UBS AG PeabdyE .34 58.45-2.65 US Airwy ... 9.41 -.21 PennWst g 1.08 25.90 +.63 ... 6.68 -.27 US Gold .80 38.44 -.08 Penney USEC ... 4.26 -.19 PepcoHold 1.08 20.04 -.05 PepsiCo 2.06f u70.56 -.40 UnilevNV 1.17e 32.52 -.47 Petrohawk ... 24.33 -.07 UnionPac 1.90f 100.46-1.97 ... 25.58 +.09 PetrbrsA 1.34e 29.17 -.60 UtdContl Petrobras 1.28e 33.04 -.63 UtdMicro .08e 2.73 -.06 UPS B 2.08 74.14 -.20 Pfizer .80 20.92 +.03 PhilipMor 2.56 68.31 +.10 UtdRentals ... 26.07 -.60 .50f 25.02 -.31 US Bancrp PhxNMda n ... 13.10-1.65 PinWst 2.10 45.21 -.34 US NGs rs ... 10.97 +.16 39.44 +.16 ... US OilFd Potash s .28 51.58 +.49 .20 44.65 -.95 PwshDB ... 29.04 +.05 USSteel PS Agri ... 32.14 -.30 UtdTech 1.92f 88.98 -.59 PS USDBull ... 21.69 +.15 UtdhlthGp .50 u49.95 -.13 PrecCastpt .12 155.15-2.28 UnumGrp .37 26.22 -.46 PrecDrill ... 14.31 +.31 V-W-X-Y-Z PrUShS&P ... 20.39 +.32 ProUltQQQ ... 92.83-2.20 Vale SA .90e 29.69 -.62 PrUShQQQ rs... 48.97+1.08 Vale SA pf .90e 26.28 -.63 ProUltSP .39e 54.32 -.86 ValeantPh .38a 50.07-1.84 .20 26.68 +.15 PrUShtFn rs ... 60.08+1.57 ValeroE ProUShL20 ... 34.39 -.57 VangTSM 1.29e 69.37 -.64 VangEmg .82e 47.42 -.97 ProUltSOG ... 30.16 +.22 ... 47.14 +.50 ProUltR2K .01e 48.31-1.24 VeriFone ProUSSP500 ... 15.31 +.36 VerizonCm 1.95 37.26 -.17 ProUSSlv rs ... 19.70-2.10 ViacomB .60 49.92 -.56 PrUltCrde rs ... 47.82 +.32 VimpelCm .80e 13.99 -.15 .60 79.91 -.02 PrUShCrde rs... 45.36 -.33 Visa ... 4.66 -.18 ProSUltSilv ... 174.74+9.20 Vonage ProUShEuro ... 17.87 +.32 WalMart 1.46f 55.72 ... .70 44.97 +.04 ProctGam 2.10f u66.86 +.02 Walgrn ProgsvCp 1.40e 21.15 -.34 WalterEn .50 119.30-2.95 ProLogis .45 15.55 -.30 WshPst 9.40 416.52-9.66 ProUSR2K rs ... 41.90+1.11 WsteMInc 1.36f 38.75 -.30 Prudentl 1.15f 63.13 -.83 WeathfIntl ... 20.17 +.30 1.37 33.45 -.25 WellPoint 1.00 u80.25 +.25 PSEG ... 7.60 -.06 WellsFargo .48f 27.93 -.30 PulteGrp QuantaSvc ... 19.73 +.14 WendyArby .08 4.95 -.05 ... 37.49 -.96 QksilvRes ... 14.28 -.20 WDigital Rackspace ... 42.20 +.29 WstnRefin ... 15.73 -.09 RadianGrp .01 d5.18 -.15 WstnUnion .28 20.70 -.30 .60 21.91 -.11 RadioShk .25 16.28 -.24 Weyerh 2.00f 86.66+1.27 Raytheon 1.72f 49.19 -.01 Whrlpl RegionsFn .04 7.05 -.12 WmsCos .50 30.26 -.26 .04 4.45 -.04 ... 8.25 -.08 WilmTr ReneSola ... d13.16 +.56 WiscEn s 1.04 u31.55 -.15 Renren n RepubSvc .80 32.36 -.12 WT India .15e 23.38 -.21 ReynAm s 2.12 u38.69 +.34 XL Grp .44 23.00 -.38 RioTinto 1.08e 66.23-1.47 XcelEngy 1.01 u24.95 +.12 RiteAid ... 1.21 -.04 Xerox .17 10.21 -.09 Rowan ... 38.04 +.15 Yamana g .18f 11.80 -.18 RylCarb ... 41.21 +.20 YingliGrn ... 10.66 -.47 RoyDShllA 3.36 69.63-1.46 Youku n ... 48.54+2.23 YumBrnds 1.00 54.86 +.13 S-T-U .40 3.43 +.02 ZweigTl SCANA 1.94 41.93 -.08

11.93 134.04 34.39 46.92 83.51

-.27 -1.04 +1.07 -1.05 -1.18

TrnsatlPet GoldStr g NwGold g NA Pall g CFCda g

GAINERS ($2 OR MORE) Name Last 56.00 Dillards AtlasPpln 36.59 AtlasEngy 24.98 iP SER2K 26.30 Darling 17.23

42069 2.30 36183 2.61 35373 9.27 31958 3.90 31346 20.70

+.13 -.09 -.18 -.10 +.28

Yahoo 1034366 Cisco 783227 SiriusXM 683019 Microsoft 657965 PwShs QQQ 566709


Chg %Chg +7.41 +15.3 +4.38 +13.6 +2.78 +12.5 +2.25 +9.4 +1.46 +9.3

-14.8 -12.3 -11.2 -10.9 -9.6

+.38 +14.1 ARCA bio 2.51 +.38 +12.9 Tranzyme n 4.96 3.23 +.20 +8.9 GulfRes +.23 +8.5 Tree.com h 6.33 +.24 +7.4 FstBkshs 6.05


2.01 4.01 6.12 2.41 5.53

-.20 -.39 -.56 -.20 -.38

+.63 +.90 +.53 +.93 +.83

+33.5 +22.2 +19.6 +17.2 +15.9

LOSERS ($2 OR MORE) Name Last Chg %Chg

Name Last Chg %Chg PacOffPT Bacterin n Quepasa Innovaro BioTime

-.62 -.05 -.04 -.29 -.70

Name Last Chg %Chg


Name Last Chg %Chg

16.55 16.88 2.24 25.03 58.41


Name Last Chg %Chg NewConcEn 3.08 AdcareH wt 3.33 TianyinPh 2.45 HeraldNB 2.94 EngySvcs 3.50

LOSERS ($2 OR MORE) Bitauto n 7.79 -1.35 ConcdMed 4.44 -.62 PhxNMda n13.10 -1.65 USANA 28.05 -3.43 ProUSSlv rs19.70 -2.10

Name Vol (00) Last Chg

Name Vol (00) Last Chg

Name Vol (00) Last Chg

-9.0 -8.9 -8.4 -7.7 -6.4

LifePart s 5.62 2.66 Vertro rs Rambus 15.83 ParkBcp 3.25 KipsBMd n 3.90


-1.42 -.59 -3.44 -.55 -.56

-20.2 -18.2 -17.9 -14.5 -12.6


BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS Consumers paid more for gas and food in April, lifting inflation to its highest level in two and a half years. But inflationary pressures have begun to ease this month, and analysts say some prices could taper off by summer. The Consumer Price Index increased 0.4 percent in April, the Labor Department said. In the past 12 months, prices have risen 3.2 percent. That’s the biggest year-overyear gain since November 2007 through October 2008. Excluding volatile food and energy, which account for about 20 percent of the CPI, the index increased 0.2 percent in April and has risen 1.3 percent over the past 12 months. Farmers along the Mississippi River are facing ruin, with floodwaters swallowing up corn, cotton, rice and soybean fields. More farmland will be drowned in the coming days if engineers throw open a spillway for the first time in 38 years, as they are expected to do over the weekend. Unlocking the spillway would inundate Louisiana Cajun country with as much as 25 feet of water but would ease the pressure on levees downstream.

The European Union warned that Greece’s already massive debt is growing much faster than forecast, putting pressure on the region’s finance chiefs to come up with new support for the country at their get-together next week. Until a few days ago it looked as if the main objective of this month’s meeting of EU finance ministers was to sign off on an $111 billion aid package for Portugal. But admissions that Greece’s rescue plan is failing to restore investor confidence have brought the focus back on Athens. Economic growth in Germany and a surprise rebound in Greece helped the 17-nation eurozone start the new year with a bang, with the region growing twice as fast as the U.S. despite constant fears about debt. The eurozone’s economy expanded by a quarterly rate of 0.8 percent in the first three months of the year, according to Eurostat, the EU’s statistics office. That was more than double the 0.3 percent growth posted in the previous three-month period, ahead of analysts’ expectations for a 0.6 percent increase and twice U.S. growth.

STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST CardnlHlth CitzSoBk Culp Inc Delhaize DukeEngy FNB Utd h FamilyDlr Innospec KrispKrm Lowes NorflkSo Nucor PiedNG ProgrssEn

.86f .04b ... 2.02e .98 ... .72 ... ... .44 1.60 1.45 1.16f 2.48

16 ... 8 ... 13 ... 26 11 58 18 17 52 20 17

44.45 -.43 +16.0 4.64 -.11 +6.9 9.80 -.18 -5.4 82.44 -.56 +11.8 19.22 -.01 +7.9 .56 -.09 +71.1 51.94 -.36 +4.5 32.73 +.28 +60.4 6.37 +.10 -8.7 25.76 -.22 +2.7 71.57 -1.41 +13.9 42.96 -1.32 -2.0 31.53 -.24 +12.8 48.39 +.03 +11.3










-.16 +10.4

ReynAm s Ruddick

-.43 -.16 +.17 -.11 ...

Div Last Chg


MOST ACTIVE ($1 OR MORE) MOST ACTIVE ($1 OR MORE) MOST ACTIVE ($1 OR MORE) BkofAm 1544883 S&P500ETF 1429438 iShSilver 859355 iShEMkts 806845 iShR2K 675323

CubistPh ... u34.79 Curis ... 3.71 Cyclacel ... 1.70 ASML Hld .58e 39.64 -.89 CypSemi .36 21.87 ATP O&G ... 17.27 -.06 Cytokinet ... 1.48 AVI Bio ... 1.82 -.05 D-E-F Accelrys ... 7.12 -.18 AcmePkt ... 77.97 -1.32 Dell Inc ... 16.37 AcordaTh ... 26.05 +.78 Dndreon ... 38.03 ActivsBliz .17f 11.51 -.19 Dentsply .20 u38.68 AdobeSy ... 35.33 -.53 Depomed ... 8.16 Adtran .36 42.24 -.96 Dionex ... 118.41 AEterna g ... 2.29 -.06 DirecTV A ... u49.73 Affymetrix ... 6.36 -.03 DiscCm A ... 44.27 AgFeed ... 1.23 -.05 DishNetwk ... 28.81 AkamaiT ... 33.95 -.20 DonlleyRR1.04 20.32 Alkerm ... u17.75 +.74 DrmWksA ... 25.58 ... 3.78 AllosThera ... 2.52 -.03 drugstre AllscriptH ... 20.05 -.26 DryShips ... 4.40 AlteraCp lf .24 48.30 -.34 ETrade rs ... 16.06 ... 33.57 Amazon ...u202.56 -3.51 eBay ACapAgy5.60e 29.62 -.17 ErthLink .20 7.97 AmCapLtd ... 10.06 -.20 EstWstBcp .20f 20.49 AmSupr ... 11.36 -.34 ElectArts ... u23.70 Amgen ... u60.47 +.81 Emcore lf ... 2.48 AmkorT lf ... 6.79 -.12 EndoPhrm ... 42.39 ... d1.52 Amylin ... 13.66 +1.00 Ener1 ... 8.92 Ancestry ... 39.80 -.16 Entegris EntropCom ... 8.87 A123 Sys ... 5.93 -.13 ApolloGrp ... 42.59 -.20 EricsnTel .37e 14.88 ... 10.95 ApolloInv 1.12 11.27 -.29 Exelixis Apple Inc ... 340.50 -6.07 Expedia .28 25.17 ApldMatl .32f 14.80 -.29 ExpdIntl .50f 53.07 ArenaPhm ... 1.28 -.01 F5 Netwks ... 104.64 ... u39.49 AresCap 1.40 17.08 -.07 FEI Co AriadP ... 8.96 -.24 FLIR Sys .24 u36.11 ... 5.28 Ariba Inc ... 33.52 -.20 FSI Intl ArmHld .09e 28.51 -.73 Fastenal 1.04f 66.61 Arris ... 10.96 -.15 FifthThird .24f 12.49 ... 25.06 ArubaNet ... 32.24 -.25 Finisar AsiaInfoL ... 19.70 -.37 FstNiagara .64 13.72 ... 125.65 AspenTech ... 16.66 -.01 FstSolar ... 62.00 AsscdBanc .04 14.13 -.29 Fiserv ... 6.96 Atheros ... 44.79 +.01 Flextrn Atmel ... 14.99 -.18 FocusMda ... 32.21 Autodesk ... u45.57 -.42 Fossil Inc ... 105.34 AutoData 1.44 54.01 -.57 FosterWhl ... 33.94 ... 1.61 AvagoTch .32f 34.89 -.17 FuelCell AvanirPhm ... 3.86 ... G-H-I AvisBudg ... 18.21 -.21 Axcelis ... 1.89 -.07 GSI Cmce h ... 29.15 BE Aero ... 37.84 -.46 GT Solar ... 11.36 ... 35.12 BGC Ptrs .68f 8.53 -.19 Garmin BMC Sft ... u54.47 -.23 GeronCp ... 4.96 BkGranit h ... .96 -.09 GileadSci ... 41.20 ... 6.01 BannerCp .04 2.84 +.01 GloblInd BedBath ... 55.65 -.53 GlbSpcMet .15 20.94 ... 529.55 BioClinica ... 5.50 +.06 Google BiogenIdc ... 96.61 -1.63 GrLkDrge .07 6.45 ... 3.23 BioMarin ... 26.64 +.15 GulfRes BioMimetic ... 8.10 -1.10 GulfportE ... 26.83 BioSante ... u2.61 +.07 HansenNat ... 66.50 BiostarPh ... 1.82 +.12 HanwhaSol ... 5.91 BlueCoat ... 24.30 -.38 Harmonic ... 7.69 BodyCen n ... 24.15 -.85 Hasbro 1.20f 48.05 BrigExp ... 26.94 -.70 HawHold ... 5.80 Broadcom .36 34.45 +.28 HercOffsh ... 5.81 ... 21.69 Broadwind ... 1.51 -.02 Hologic BrcdeCm ... 6.30 -.03 HotTopic .28 u7.96 BrklneB .34 d8.43 -.26 HudsCity .32m d9.26 Bucyrus .10 91.26 -.02 HumGen ... 27.22 CA Inc .20f 22.90 -2.16 HuntBnk .04 6.58 ... 34.62 CH Robins1.16 79.77 -.91 IAC Inter ... 5.47 +.01 iGateCorp .15e 19.00 CKX Inc ... u76.26 CadencePh ... 7.72 -.04 Illumina Cadence ... u10.92 +.15 ImpaxLabs ... 27.46 ... 8.00 CdnSolar ... 9.68 -.19 Imris gn ... 19.77 CapFdF rs.30a 11.46 ... Incyte ... 7.57 CpstnTrb h ... 1.81 -.01 Infinera ... 54.14 CaviumNet ... 45.25 -1.17 Informat CeleraGrp ... 8.05 +.02 InfosysT 1.35e 63.54 InglesMkts .66 18.65 ... 59.94 -.24 Celgene CentEuro ... 11.29 +.08 InspPhar ... 5.01 ... 8.49 CentAl ... 15.70 -.69 IntgDv .84f 23.41 Cephln ... 79.70 -.05 Intel ChkPoint ... 55.17 -.61 InterMune ... 39.20 .48 14.82 ChildPlace ... 55.35 +.65 Intersil ... u55.35 ChiShngd n ... d1.25 -.40 Intuit ... 8.68 IridiumCm CienaCorp ... 27.00 -.31 ... 9.02 CinnFin 1.60 30.91 -.38 Isis ... 10.24 Cintas .49f u32.11 +.06 IstaPh ... 16.42 +.17 Cirrus J-K-L .24 16.88 -.05 Cisco ... 6.16 CitrixSys ... 83.73 -.25 JA Solar CleanEngy ... 14.22 -.08 JDS Uniph ... 21.16 Clearwire ... d4.00 +.01 JamesRiv ... 21.11 CognizTech ... 76.47 -1.54 JazzPhrm ... 28.37 ... 5.82 Comcast .45 25.13 -.31 JetBlue .70 87.48 Comc spcl .45 23.66 -.28 JoyGlbl Compuwre ... 11.21 -.16 KLA Tnc 1.00 44.43 ... 12.18 CorinthC ... 4.27 -.05 Kulicke Costco .96f u82.72 -.60 LKQ Corp ... 26.59 LamResrch ... 47.46 ... 42.02 -1.08 Cree Inc ... 22.20 -.22 LamarAdv ... 29.80 Crocs ... 7.01 Ctrip.com ... 47.52 -1.00 Lattice Name









+.34 +18.6




-.74 +14.3























-.92 -21.5













-.29 +.23 -.27 -.20 -.07 -.85 -.65 -.39 -.07 -.45 -.01 -.28 -.24 -.01 -.18 -.25 +.82 -.08 -.26 -.20 -.14 -.18 -.34 +.03 +.05 -1.14 -1.12 +.66 -.27 +.05 -.43 -.22 -.91 -.43 -6.42 -.33 -.09 -1.64 -1.42 -.75 +.02

+.01 -.08 -.12 -.03 -.09 -.13 -1.27 -5.50 -.10 +.53 +.01 -.26 -.23 -.08 -.28 -.35 -.11 -.33 +.12 -.19 -.29 -.07 -.95 +.88 +1.03 -.14 -.26 -.74 -.05 +.28 -.88 -.42 ... -.15 -.29 -1.23 -.35 -.54 +.20 -.07 -.45

LawsnSft ... 11.09 LeapWirlss ... 16.75 Level3 ... 1.89 LibGlobA ... 45.52 LibtyMIntA ... 17.93 LibStarzA ... 76.25 LifeTech ... 55.71 LimelghtN ... 6.09 LinearTch .96 34.82 LinnEngy 2.64 37.79 Logitech ... d12.89 lululemn g ... 95.23

-.02 -.28 -.07 -.50 -.17 -1.06 -.64 -.01 -.44 +.08 -.26 -1.81

M-N-0 MIPS Tech ... 8.18 Magma ... 6.30 MannKd ... 3.99 MarinaB rs ... .45 MarvellT ... 14.60 Mattel .92 26.55 MaximIntg .84 27.79 MelcoCrwn ... 10.49 MentorGr ... 14.98 Microchp 1.38 40.87 MicronT ... 10.40 MicroSemi ... 23.11 Microsoft .64 25.03 Mindspeed ... 8.81 Molex .80f 26.95 Momenta ... 18.74 Monotype ... 14.91 Motricity n ... 8.71 Move Inc ... 2.12 Mylan ... 24.09 MyriadG ... u24.19 NII Hldg ... 43.40 NXP Sem n ... 29.36 NasdOMX ... 26.91 NetLogicM ... 39.35 NetApp ... 53.99 Netease ... 45.50 Netflix ... 246.52 NewsCpA .15 17.45 NewsCpB .15 18.10 NorTrst 1.12 48.24 Novlus ... 37.46 NuVasive ... 31.30 NuanceCm ... 21.96 Nvidia ... 18.26 OReillyAu ... 60.90 Oclaro ... 10.31 OmniVisn h ... 33.97 OnSmcnd ... 11.64 Oncothyr ... u5.91 OnyxPh ... u43.18 OpenTable ... 93.05 OpnwvSy ... 2.38 Opnext ... 1.94 Oracle .24f 35.19

-.11 -.08 -.09 ... -.34 -.23 -.34 +.14 -.14 -.44 -.26 -.53 -.29 -.31 -.65 -.48 -.32 -.29 -.04 ... -.29 -.29 -.48 -.28 -.31 ... -.09 +.75 -.07 -.15 -.58 +.17 -1.05 -.24 -2.24 -.27 -.37 -.09 -.16 +.41 -.42 -.08 +.03 -.06 -.54

P-Q-R PDL Bio .60 6.37 PMC Sra ... 7.77 Paccar .48a 51.67 PacSunwr ... 3.90 PanASlv .10 32.07 ParamTc h ... 22.70 PattUTI .20 27.69 Paychex 1.24 32.42 PensonWw ... 3.34 PeopUtdF .63f 13.16 PetsMart .50 u44.11 Polycom ... 57.70 ... 2.98 Popular Power-One ... 8.75 PwShs QQQ.39e58.41 Powrwav ... 4.07 PriceTR 1.24f 62.00 priceline ... 520.61 PrinctnR h ... d.22 PrUPShQQQ... 23.87 ProspctCap1.21 11.81 QIAGEN ... 20.70 QiaoXing ... 1.80 QlikTech n ... 30.82 Qualcom .86f 57.12 QuantFu rs ... 5.13 QuestSft ... 22.65 Questcor ... 22.71 RF MicD ... 6.25 RadOneD ... 2.80 ... d15.83 Rambus RealNwk ... 3.71 ... 12.50 Rdiff.cm Regenrn ... 53.03 RschMotn ... 43.24 RexEnergy ... 12.12 RosettaR ... 45.79 RossStrs .88f 82.64 Rovi Corp ... 58.23

-.14 -.16 -1.59 +.05 -.18 -.52 -.11 -.36 +.22 -.10 -.12 -.35 -.07 +.08 -.70 -.04 -.78 -3.35 -.03 +.78 -.06 -.19 -.05 -.21 -.22 -.17 -.19 -.29 +.17 +.08 -3.44 -.01 -.45 +.35 -.55 -.07 -.33 +.20 -.92

SalixPhm ... 39.99 SanDisk ... 46.49 Sanmina ... 12.01 Sanofi rt ... 2.44 Sapient ... u14.52 SavientPh ... 8.39 Savvis ... u39.28 SciClone ... u5.56 SciGames ... 10.27 SeagateT .72 17.14 SeattGen ... 18.02 Sequenom ... 8.17 ShandaGm ... 6.90 Shire .39e u94.76 ShoreTel ... 11.51 SifyTech ... 5.30 SilicnMotn ... u13.05 Slcnware .41e 6.76 SilvStd g ... 28.24 Sina ... 106.88 SinoClnEn ... 2.39 SiriusXM ... 2.24 Sky-mobi n ... 11.75 SkywksSol ... 28.34 SmartM ... 9.15 SmithMicro ... d5.26 Sohu.cm ... 83.36 Sonus ... 2.88 SpectPh ... 7.58 Spreadtrm ... 20.64 Staples .40f 20.25 StarScient ... 4.10 Starbucks .52 36.15 StlDynam .40f 17.35 SuccessF ... 33.45 SunPowerA ... 21.23 SunPwr B ... 21.01 SusqBnc .08f 8.73 SwisherH n ... 6.02 Symantec ... 20.06 SynthEngy ... 2.75 TD Ameritr .20 20.87 THQ ... 4.41 tw telecom ... u22.32 TakeTwo ... 15.93 TalecrisBio ... 28.19 Taleo A ... 37.05 Tekelec ... 8.67 TlCmSys ... 5.19 Telestone ... 6.96 Tellabs .08 4.72 Tengion ... d1.85 TeslaMot n ... 27.55 TevaPhrm.83e 49.67 Thoratec ... 33.75 TibcoSft ... 29.49 TiVo Inc ... 9.41 Toreador ... d4.98 Travelzoo ... 69.52 TridentM h ... .87 TriQuint ... 13.51 21Vianet n ... 13.91 USA Tech h ... 2.25 UTStrcm ... 2.11 Ultratech ... u33.54 Umpqua .20 11.31 UtdOnln .40 6.11 UnivDisp ... 45.08 UrbanOut ... 32.62

-.01 -.88 -.12 +.04 +.11 -.09 +.03 +.43 -.19 -.05 +.31 +.01 -.29 -1.40 -.18 -.03 +.30 -.10 -.26 -6.27 -.06 -.04 -.33 -.23 -.01 -.09 -1.55 +.03 -.29 -.52 -.15 -.10 -.30 -.10 +.15 -.15 -.05 -.27 +.36 -.36 +.10 -.25 -.13 -.42 -.06 -.01 -.89 -.18 -.07 +.44 -.06 -.35 -.12 -.13 +.34 -.70 -.01 -.37 -4.41 -.05 -.16 -.62 +.12 -.10 +1.07 -.26 -.21 -2.12 -.37


ValueClick ... 18.12 +.09 VarianSemi ... 61.18 -.07 VeecoInst ... 51.62 -.49 Velti n ... 17.82 -.27 Verisign 5.75e 36.53 -.15 Vermillion ... 6.15 +.32 VertxPh ... 57.48 -.53 Vical ... u4.59 -.22 VirgnMda h .16 31.81 -.17 ViroPhrm ... 19.00 -.54 Vivus ... 7.98 -.04 Vodafone1.33e 27.34 -.32 WarnerCh s8.50eu25.73 +.24 WashFed .24 15.27 -.11 WebMD ... 49.74 +.35 WernerEnt.20a 24.97 -.33 ... 4.84 +.01 WetSeal WholeFd .40 62.49 -.74 WilshBcp ... 3.20 +.01 Windstrm 1.00 13.30 -.01 Winn-Dixie ... 7.80 -.20 -.21 Wynn 2.00f 146.27 -.56 -.57 Xilinx .76f 35.95 -.30 -.18 YRC Ww rs ... 1.23 +.01 -.89 ... 16.55 -.62 Yahoo -.13 ... 4.77 -.08 Yongye -.48 Zagg ... 9.56 -.49 -.46 Zalicus ... 2.42 -.04 -.20 S-T-U ZionBcp .04 23.12 -.47 -.06 ... 3.36 -.12 -.01 SBA Com ... 38.66 -.49 Zix Corp .20 22.93 -.16 Zoran ... 8.41 ... -.20 SEI Inv STEC ... 14.80 -.22 +.01


Div Last Chg

AbdAsPac Adventrx AlexcoR g AlldNevG AlmadnM g AmApparel Anooraq g AntaresP Aurizon g AvalRare n Ballanty BarcUBS36 BarcGSOil BioTime Brigus grs CAMAC En CanoPet CardiumTh CelSci CFCda g CheniereEn ChiGengM ChinaShen ClaudeR g

.42 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .01 ... ... ... ...

7.16 2.58 7.90 32.23 3.99 1.12 d.82 1.71 5.44 7.24 5.87 48.23 26.01 5.53 1.40 1.39 .42 .30 .67 20.70 7.93 2.40 4.08 2.00

-.02 -.04 -.24 -.67 -.06 -.06 -.06 -.09 +.04 -.40 -.14 ... +.11 -.38 -.02 -.12 -.01 ... -.01 +.28 -.18 -.11 -.22 -.04

CrSuiHiY .32 Crystallx g ... DejourE g ... DenisnM g ... ExeterR gs ... FrkStPrp .76 GabGldNR 1.68 GascoEngy ... Gastar grs ... GenMoly ... GoldResrc .31e ... GoldStr g GranTrra g ... GrtBasG g ... GtPanSilv g ... Hemisphrx ... HooperH ... Hyperdyn ... ImpOil gs .44 InovioPhm ... IntTower g ... KimberR g ... KodiakO g ... LongweiPI ... LucasEngy ... MadCatz g ...

3.23 .12 .35 2.14 d4.56 13.44 17.69 .37 3.59 4.15 27.00 d2.61 7.28 2.05 3.11 .51 .70 3.32 46.70 .89 8.29 1.25 6.03 1.64 2.64 1.75

-.02 -.00 -.01 +.03 -.09 -.13 -.33 -.01 -.12 -.23 -.06 -.09 -.12 -.06 -.11 +.01 -.08 -.05 -.42 -.02 +.23 -.08 -.14 -.03 +.02 -.04

Metalico MdwGold g Minefnd g MinesMgt NeoStem Neoprobe Nevsun g NDragon NewEnSys NwGold g NA Pall g NDynMn g NthnO&G NthgtM g NovaGld g Oilsands g OpkoHlth ParaG&S PhrmAth PionDrill PolyMet g Procera rs Quepasa RadientPh RareEle g Rentech

... 5.81 -.12 ... 1.59 -.06 ... 12.56 -.22 ... 2.18 +.01 ... 1.67 +.01 ... 4.96 +.30 ... 5.43 -.19 .05 -.00 ... ... d2.68 -.18 ... 9.27 -.18 3.90 -.10 ... ... 12.02 +.13 ... 20.06 -.13 2.81 -.04 ... ... 10.34 -.04 ... .39 -.01 3.74 -.06 ... 2.67 -.12 ... ... 3.81 -.10 ... 12.36 -.25 1.77 -.03 ... ... u11.43 -.77 6.12 -.56 ... ... .30 -.02 ... 11.82 -.44 ... .89 -.04

RexahnPh ... Richmnt g ... Rubicon g ... SamsO&G ... SeabGld g ... SinoHub ... Solitario ... ... TanzRy g ... Taseko TianyinPh ... TimberlnR ... TrnsatlPet ... ... TriValley US Geoth ... Uluru ... Ur-Energy ... Uranerz ... UraniumEn ... VantageDrl ... VirnetX .50e ... VistaGold WalterInv 2.00 WizzardSft ... ... YM Bio g

1.33 -.03 7.88 +.48 4.50 -.02 2.90 -.05 29.21 -.13 1.69 -.04 3.18 +.10 6.89 +.23 4.95 +.02 2.45 +.20 .88 -.03 d2.30 +.13 .67 -.01 .84 +.01 .06 +.00 1.57 ... 2.93 -.12 3.09 -.12 1.80 +.01 23.62-1.21 2.79 -.10 17.80 +.20 .18 +.01 3.14 -.02

MUTUAL FUNDS Name Sell Chg AllianceBern A: HighIncoA p 9.30 -.01 Allianz Fds Instl: NFJDvVl 12.32 -.10 SmCpVl 32.31 -.48 Allianz Funds A: NFJDvVl t 12.22 -.10 SmCpV A 30.82 -.46 AmanaGrw 26.09 ... Amer Beacon Insti: LgCapInst 20.81 -.20 SmCpInst 21.37 -.30 Amer Beacon Inv: LgCap Inv 19.76 -.19 Ameri Century 1st: 27.79 -.30 Growth Amer Century Adv: EqIncA p 7.62 -.03 Amer Century Inv: DivBnd 10.87 +.02 EqGroI 22.49 -.23 EqInc 7.62 -.04 GrowthI 27.55 -.30 HeritageI 22.76 -.29 InfAdjBd 12.32 -.02 IntTF 11.00 +.02 SelectI 40.69 -.46 Ultra 24.26 -.28 ValueInv 6.09 -.04 Vista 17.92 -.27 American Funds A: AmcpA p 20.27 -.17 AMutlA p 27.03 -.21 18.88 -.14 BalA p BondA p 12.36 +.01 CapIBA p 52.42 -.29 CapWGA p37.94 -.38 CapWA p 21.02 -.07 EupacA p 43.45 -.48 FdInvA p 39.18 -.55 GovtA p 14.05 +.03 GwthA p 32.22 -.42 HI TrA p 11.61 ... HiInMuniA 13.51 +.02 IncoA p 17.56 -.10 IntBdA p 13.52 +.02 IntlGrIncA p33.27 -.36 29.62 -.31 ICAA p LtTEBA p 15.66 +.03 NEcoA p 27.14 -.19 N PerA p 30.13 -.37 NwWrldA 55.86 -.45 STBFA p 10.09 ... SmCpA p 40.68 -.36 TxExA p 11.96 +.01 WshA p 29.26 -.27 American Funds B: BalB p 18.80 -.15 CapIBB p 52.41 -.29 CpWGrB t 37.72 -.38 GrwthB t 31.19 -.41 IncoB p 17.42 -.11 Ariel Investments: Ariel 52.78 -.67 Artio Global Funds: GlHiIncI r 10.60 -.01 IntlEqI r 30.82 -.26 IntlEqA 30.05 -.26 IntEqIIA t 12.66 -.11 IntEqII I r 12.75 -.11 Artisan Funds: Intl 23.40 -.26 IntlVal r 28.76 -.19 MidCap 36.92 -.37 MidCapVal 22.57 -.22 SCapVal 18.28 -.24

Aston Funds: FairMCpN 33.54 -.37 BNY Mellon Funds: EmgMkts 11.95 -.10 Baird Funds: AggBdInst 10.72 +.02 Baron Funds: 59.89 -.70 Asset 56.17 -.54 Growth SmallCap 26.47 -.31 Bernstein Fds: IntDur 13.95 +.02 DivMu 14.43 +.02 TxMgdIntl 16.11 -.25 IntlPort 15.99 -.25 EmMkts 33.62 -.35 BlackRock A: BaVlA p 27.47 -.34 CapAppr p 24.06 -.26 Eng&ResA40.47 -1.56 EqtyDiv 18.79 -.20 ExcBlrk 638.86 -5.41 20.24 -.19 GlAlA r BlackRock B&C: GlAlC t 18.85 -.18 BlackRock Instl: US Opps 44.34 -.53 27.66 -.34 BaVlI EquityDv 18.82 -.21 GlbAlloc r 20.34 -.19 Brandywine Fds: BlueFd 26.72 -.38 Brndywn 29.06 -.55 Buffalo Funds: SmCap 28.28 -.24 CGM Funds: Focus n 32.81 -.41 Realty n 29.36 -.47 CRM Funds: MdCpVlI 31.68 -.26 Calamos Funds: ConvA p 20.56 -.15 Gr&IncA p 33.45 -.33 GrwthA p 57.48 -.81 GrowthC t 52.15 -.74 GrowthI 62.66 -.88 Calvert Group: Inco p 16.22 +.02 ShDurInA t 16.57 ... Clipper 66.55 -.71 Cohen & Steers: RltyShrs 65.01 -.75 Columbia Class A: Acorn t 31.42 -.45 DivEqInc 10.74 -.14 DivrBd 5.10 +.01 LgCorQ A p 5.87 -.06 21CntryA t 14.27 -.19 SelComm A47.79 -.43 Columbia Class Z: Acorn Z 32.47 -.47 AcornIntZ 42.68 -.39 AcornUSA 31.33 -.50 Bond 9.37 +.01 DivIncoZ 13.87 -.12 IntBdZ 9.19 +.01 IntTEBd 10.39 +.01 LgCapGr 13.99 -.15 LgCpIdxZ 26.09 -.28 MarsGrZ 21.87 -.40 MdCpIdxZ 12.71 -.14 MdCpVlZ p14.63 -.17 STIncZ 9.96 ... SmCpIPZ 18.71 -.29 ValRestr 52.30 -.95 CG Cap Mkt Fds: IntlEq 11.19 -.06 LgGrw 15.78 -.22 LgVal 9.48 -.10 SmGrw 21.21 -.40

Credit Suisse Comm: ComRet t 9.29 -.28 DFA Funds: IntlCorEq n11.90 -.17 USCorEq1 n11.88 -.14 USCorEq2 n11.84 -.16 DWS Invest A: 9.45 -.07 BalA MgdMuni p 8.76 +.01 StrGovSecA8.91 +.01 DWS Invest S: GNMA S 15.50 +.04 GroIncS 17.79 -.22 MgdMuni S 8.77 +.01 Davis Funds A: NYVen A 36.07 -.44 Davis Funds C & Y: NYVenY 36.48 -.44 NYVen C 34.79 -.42 Delaware Invest A: Diver Inc p 9.36 ... Dimensional Fds: EmMCrEq n22.39 -.21 EmMktV 36.34 -.37 IntSmVa n 18.35 -.28 LargeCo 10.60 -.12 TAUSCorE2 n9.64 -.13 USVctrEq n11.72 -.18 USLgVa n 21.98 -.31 USLgVa3 n16.83 -.24 US Micro n14.68 -.29 US TgdVal 17.79 -.33 US Small n23.15 -.40 US SmVa 27.24 -.54 IntlSmCo n18.16 -.24 GlEqInst 14.39 -.19 EmMktSC n24.31 -.15 EmgMkt n 31.10 -.33 Fixd n 10.35 ... IntGFxIn n 12.46 +.03 19.42 -.30 IntVa n Glb5FxInc n11.10 ... LCapInt n 21.02 -.30 TM USTgtV22.93 -.42 TM IntVa 15.90 -.25 TMMktwV 16.35 -.24 2YGlFxd n 10.19 ... DFARlE n 24.01 -.29 Dodge&Cox: Balanced 74.89 -.62 GblStock 9.49 -.11 13.49 +.02 Income 37.47 -.51 IntlStk 116.45 -1.32 Stock DoubleLine Funds: TRBd I 11.08 ... Dreyfus: Aprec 41.13 -.40 DryMid r 30.75 -.33 Dr500In t 37.09 -.40 OppMCVal A37.97-.40 DreihsAcInc11.27 -.01 EVPTxMEmI52.06 -.55 Eaton Vance A: GblMacAb p10.24 +.01 FloatRt 9.41 ... LgCpVal 18.90 -.21 NatlMunInc 8.94 +.02 StrInc p 8.26 ... Eaton Vance I: FltgRt 9.10 ... GblMacAbR10.23 ... LgCapVal 18.95 -.21 ParStEMkt 16.11 -.17 FMI Funds: LgCap p 16.87 -.13 FPA Funds: 10.89 ... NwInc FPACres n 28.46 -.18

Fairholme 33.79 -.28 Federated A: MidGrStA 38.33 -.69 KaufmA p 5.79 -.08 TtlRtBd p 11.27 +.01 Federated Instl: KaufmnR 5.80 -.07 TotRetBd 11.27 +.01 TtlRtBdS 11.27 +.01 StrValDvIS 4.75 -.02 Fidelity Advisor A: FltRateA r 9.91 ... MdCpIIA p 18.86 -.11 NwInsgh p 20.89 -.26 SmlCpA p 27.50 -.33 StrInA 12.69 -.01 Fidelity Advisor C: NwInsgh t n19.90 -.25 StrInC t n 12.67 ... Fidelity Advisor I: FltRateI n 9.89 ... NwInsgtI n 21.11 -.26 Fidelity Advisor T: NwInsgh p 20.64 -.26 Fidelity Freedom: FF2010 n 14.14 -.10 FF2010K 13.07 -.08 FF2015 x n11.82 -.12 FF2015K x 13.12 -.27 FF2020 x n14.42 -.17 FF2020K x 13.63 -.33 FF2025 n 12.08 -.11 FF2025K x 13.87 -.37 FF2030 n 14.46 -.14 FF2030K x 14.09 -.39 FF2035 x n12.07 -.18 FF2035K 14.30 -.15 FF2040 n 8.44 -.09 FF2040K 14.37 -.16 FF2045 x n10.00 -.15 FF2050 x n 9.89 -.16 Income n 11.57 -.03 Fidelity Invest: AllSectEq 13.21 -.16 AMgr50 n 16.08 -.09 AMgr70 r n17.21 -.15 AMgr20 r n13.10 -.03 Balanc n 19.17 -.14 BalancedK 19.17 -.14 BlueChGr n48.77 -.53 Canada n 59.77 -1.39 CapAp n 26.94 -.32 CapDevO n11.68 -.15 CpInc r n 9.90 -.03 ChinaRg r 33.05 -.17 Contra n 71.17 -.91 ContraK 71.17 -.91 CnvSc n 27.26 -.24 DisEq n 24.32 -.27 DiscEqF 24.32 -.26 DivIntl n 31.50 -.37 DivrsIntK r 31.49 -.37 DivGth n 30.26 -.44 EmergAs r n32.19 +.08 EmrMk n 26.77 -.15 Eq Inc n 47.25 -.55 EQII n 19.48 -.22 47.24 -.55 EqIncK Export n 23.01 -.35 34.81 -.53 Fidel n FltRateHi r n9.90 ... FrInOne n 28.76 -.25 GNMA n 11.64 +.02 GovtInc 10.53 +.02 GroCo n 91.72 -1.14 GroInc n 19.51 -.16 GrowCoF 91.70 -1.14

GrowthCoK91.71 -1.14 GrStrat r n 21.83 -.27 Indepn n 26.07 -.38 InProBd e n12.06 -.08 IntBd n 10.70 +.02 IntmMu n 10.13 +.01 IntlDisc n 34.33 -.40 InvGrBd n 11.58 +.02 InvGB n 7.53 +.01 LgCapVal 12.32 -.15 57.25 -1.21 LatAm LevCoStk n31.02 -.42 LowP r n 42.16 -.30 LowPriK r 42.16 -.29 Magelln n 75.24 -1.03 MagellanK 75.18 -1.03 MidCap n 31.24 -.35 MidCapK r 31.23 -.35 NwMkt r n 15.83 ... NwMill n 31.61 -.40 OTC n 61.18 -.88 100Index 9.28 -.09 Ovrsea n 34.18 -.42 Puritn n 18.87 -.14 PuritanK 18.87 -.14 RealE n 28.47 -.38 SAllSecEqF13.22 -.16 SCmdtyStrt n12.42-.37 SCmdtyStrF n12.45 -.37 SrEmrgMkt19.02 -.10 SrsIntGrw 11.80 -.14 SrsIntVal 10.57 -.12 SrInvGrdF 11.58 +.02 8.51 ... STBF n SmCapDisc n22.45 .30 SmllCpS r n21.50 -.22 SCpValu r 16.38 -.25 StkSelSmCp20.29 -.35 ... StratInc n 11.36 StrReRt r 9.88 -.09 TaxFrB r n 10.70 +.02 TotalBd n 10.91 +.01 11.47 +.02 USBI n Value n 74.22 -.91 Fidelity Selects: Enrgy n 57.07 -1.80 EngSv n 79.37 -2.74 Gold r n 47.23 -1.18 Health n 144.95 -.95 NatRes r n 37.01 -1.20 Tech n 102.98 -1.11 Fidelity Spartan: ExtMkIn n 41.04 -.57 IntlInxInv n 37.32 -.37 TotMktInv n39.14 -.44 Fidelity Spart Adv: 500IdxAdv n47.59 -.51 IntAd r n 37.32 -.37 TotMktAd r n39.14 -.44 First Eagle: 48.82 -.23 GlblA OverseasA23.57 -.07 SGenGld p32.58 -.75 Forum Funds: AbsStrI r 10.95 +.03 Frank/Temp Frnk A: BalInv p 49.38 -.79 CalTFA p 6.75 +.02 FedTFA p 11.57 +.02 FlxCpGrA 51.25 -.70 FoundAl p 11.32 -.05 GoldPrM A 45.37 -1.08 GrwthA p 47.64 -.43 HYTFA p 9.76 +.02 ... 2.06 HiIncA

IncomA p 2.28 -.01 InsTFA p 11.58 +.02 NYTFA p 11.36 +.02 RisDvA p 35.48 -.20 SMCpGrA 40.55 -.47 StratInc p 10.69 ... TtlRtnA p 10.30 +.01 USGovA p 6.79 ... UtilsA p 12.61 -.04 Frank/Tmp Frnk Adv: GlbBdAdv n13.93 -.02 IncmeAd 2.27 ... Frank/Temp Frnk C: FoundAl p 11.14 -.05 IncomC t 2.30 -.01 USGvC t 6.75 ... Frank/Temp Mtl A&B: SharesA 22.16 -.12 Frank/Temp Temp A: DvMktA p 25.54 -.21 ForgnA p 7.69 -.03 GlBd A p 13.97 -.01 GrwthA p 19.59 -.15 WorldA p 16.05 -.10 Frank/Temp Tmp Adv: GrthAv 19.60 -.15 Frank/Temp Tmp B&C: GlBdC p 13.99 -.02 GE Elfun S&S: S&S Inc 11.48 +.02 S&S PM 42.80 -.49 45.09 -.45 Trusts GE Instl Funds: IntlEq 12.08 -.08 GE Investments: ... TRFd3 p 17.24 GMO Trust: ... ShDurColl r 9.86 USTreas x 25.01 ... GMO Trust II: EmergMkt r15.23 -.14 GMO Trust III: IntIntrVl 23.54 -.27 21.62 -.11 Quality GMO Trust IV: EmrMkt 15.16 -.15 IntlGrEq 24.72 -.27 IntlIntrVl 23.53 -.27 Quality 21.64 -.11 GMO Trust VI: EmgMkts r 15.18 -.14 IntlCorEq 31.21 -.35 21.63 -.10 Quality StrFxInc 15.61 -.04 Gabelli Funds: Asset 52.85 -.60 EqInc p 21.98 -.20 SCapG 36.04 -.44 Gateway Funds: GatewayA 26.88 -.06 Goldman Sachs A: MdCVA p 38.49 -.43 Goldman Sachs Inst: GrOppt 26.25 -.28 HiYield 7.49 ... HYMuni n 8.21 +.01 MidCapV 38.82 -.43 SmCapV 44.64 -.62 StrucIntl n 11.11 -.16 Harbor Funds: 12.36 +.01 Bond CapApInst 39.61 -.41 IntlInv t 63.85 -.96 IntlAdm p 64.05 -.96 IntlGr r 12.52 -.19 64.52 -.96 Intl r Harding Loevner: EmgMkt r 50.92 -.62 Hartford Fds A: CpAppA p 35.86 -.34 DivGthA p 20.31 -.20

... FltRateA px 8.97 MidCpA p 23.87 -.30 Hartford Fds C: CapApC t 31.74 -.31 FltRateC tx 8.96 ... Hartford Fds Y: CapAppY n38.96 -.38 CapAppI n 35.89 -.35 ... FltRateI x n 8.98 Hartford HLS IA : CapApp 44.87 -.47 Div&Gr 20.95 -.22 Advisers 20.37 -.13 Stock 43.78 -.43 TotRetBd 11.23 +.02 Heartland Fds: ValueInv 46.86 -.81 ValPlusInv p31.34 -.63 Henderson Glbl Fds: IntOppA p 22.90 -.16 Hussman Funds: StrTotRet r 12.23 ... StrGrowth 12.33 +.11 IVA Funds: 17.04 -.04 Intl I r WldwideA t17.65 -.06 WldwideC t17.51 -.07 Wldwide I r 17.66 -.07 Invesco Funds A: CapGro 14.40 -.12 Chart p 17.42 -.12 CmstkA 17.00 -.19 Const p 24.65 -.23 9.07 -.07 EqIncA GrIncA p 20.50 -.23 HYMuA 8.94 +.01 IntlGrow 29.28 -.28 MdCpCEq p25.00 -.19 Invesco Funds P: SummitP p 12.62 -.12 Ivy Funds: AssetSC t 25.38 -.25 AssetStA p26.18 -.26 AssetStrI r 26.42 -.26 GlNatRsA p22.84 -.66 GlNatResI t23.31 -.67 JPMorgan A Class: CoreBd A 11.58 +.02 Inv Bal p 12.70 -.08 MCpVal p 25.13 -.22 JPMorgan C Class: CoreBd p 11.63 +.01 JP Morgan Instl: MdCpVal n25.55 -.23 JPMorgan R Cl: CoreBond n11.58 +.02 ShtDurBd 11.01 +.01 JPMorgan Select: USEquity n10.80 -.13 JPMorgan Sel Cls: CoreBd n 11.57 +.01 HighYld n 8.41 ... IntmTFBd n10.95 +.02 ShtDurBd n11.00 ... TxAwRRet n10.26 +.02 USLCCrPls n21.70-.26 Janus S Shrs: Forty 34.78 -.34 Overseas t 49.30 -.55 Janus T Shrs: BalancdT 26.46 -.21 Grw&IncT 33.03 -.46 Janus T 30.70 -.37 OvrseasT r49.44 -.55 PrkMCVal T24.24 -.23 ShTmBdT 3.10 ... Twenty T 67.75 -.70 Jensen J 29.12 -.16 John Hancock A: LgCpEqA 27.23 -.35

6.87 -.01 StrInA p John Hancock Cl 1: LSAggr 13.06 -.16 LSBalanc 13.56 -.10 LSConsrv 13.19 -.03 LSGrwth 13.60 -.13 LSModer 13.16 -.05 Keeley Funds: SmCpValA p26.85 -.55 LSVValEq n14.87 -.17 Lazard Instl: EmgMktI 21.67 -.27 Lazard Open: EmgMkO p22.04 -.28 Legg Mason A: CBAgGr p122.38 -1.39 CBAppr p 14.63 -.16 WAMgMu p15.25 +.02 Legg Mason C: CMValTr p 40.81 -.38 Longleaf Partners: Partners 31.22 -.20 Intl 15.73 -.08 SmCap 29.86 -.10 Loomis Sayles: LSBondI 14.96 -.02 StrInc C 15.62 -.02 LSBondR 14.90 -.02 StrIncA 15.54 -.02 Loomis Sayles Inv: InvGrBdA p12.50 -.01 InvGrBdC p12.41 -.01 InvGrBdY 12.51 -.01 Lord Abbett A: FloatRt p 9.40 -.01 AffilA p 12.12 -.17 FundlEq 13.74 -.16 BdDebA p 8.11 -.01 ShDurIncA p4.63 ... MidCpA p 17.83 -.24 RsSmCA 33.89 -.52 Lord Abbett C: BdDbC p 8.13 -.01 ShDurIncC t 4.66 +.01 Lord Abbett F: ShtDurInco 4.62 ... Lord Abbett I: SmCapVal 35.87 -.56 MFS Funds A: 14.27 -.13 IntlDvA MITA 20.53 -.23 16.32 -.15 MIGA EmGA 44.15 -.52 IntlVA 26.24 -.18 16.24 -.16 ReInA TotRA 14.75 -.08 UtilA 18.08 -.14 ValueA 24.50 -.20 MFS Funds I: ReInT 16.77 -.16 24.61 -.20 ValueI MFS Funds Instl: IntlEq n 19.32 -.18 MainStay Funds A: HiYldBA 6.03 +.01 MainStay Funds I: ICAPSlEq 37.28 -.39 Mairs & Power: Growth 77.19 -.69 Managers Funds: Bond n 26.48 +.03 Manning&Napier Fds: WldOppA 9.35 -.11 Matthews Asian: AsiaDvInv r14.41 -.10 AsianGIInv 18.53 -.05 China Inv 30.11 -.18 PacTgrInv 23.88 -.11 MergerFd 16.26 -.01 Meridian Funds: Growth 47.80 -.58

Metro West Fds: TotRetBd 10.54 +.01 TotRtBdI 10.54 +.01 MontagGr I 25.48 -.26 MorganStanley Inst: EmMktI 26.98 -.25 14.61 -.17 IntlEqI MCapGrI 41.85 -.45 MCapGrP p40.52 -.44 Munder Funds Y: MCpCGrY n31.19 -.32 Mutual Series: BeacnZ 13.17 -.08 GblDiscA 31.13 -.09 GlbDiscC 30.82 -.09 GlbDiscZ 31.53 -.09 18.84 -.06 QuestZ SharesZ 22.35 -.12 Nationwide Instl: S&P500Ins11.28 -.12 Neuberger&Berm Inv: Genesis 36.21 -.61 GenesInst 50.13 -.84 Neuberger&Berm Tr: Genesis 51.90 -.88 Nicholas Group: Nich n 49.06 -.37 Northeast Investors: Trust 6.32 -.02 Northern Funds: BondIdx 10.62 +.01 HiYFxInc 7.55 ... IntTxEx 10.20 +.02 IntlEqIdx r 11.19 -.13 MMEmMkt r23.05 -.26 MMIntEq r 10.26 -.13 SmCapVl 16.09 -.29 StkIdx 16.64 -.18 Nuveen Cl A: HYMuBd p 14.42 +.04 KYMuB p 10.64 +.02 LrgCpV p 20.49 -.24 OHMBA p 10.93 +.02 LtMBA p 10.91 +.02 Nuveen Cl R: IntDMBd 8.91 +.01 HYMunBd 14.42 +.04 TWVlOpp 36.07 -.40 Nuveen Cl Y: RealEst 20.07 -.26 Oakmark Funds I: EqtyInc r 29.34 -.26 GlobalI 23.63 -.14 Intl I r 20.65 -.05 IntSmCp r 14.88 -.01 Oakmark r 44.97 -.32 Select r 30.44 -.29 Old Westbury Fds: GlobOpp 8.23 -.03 GlbSMdCap16.70 -.12 NonUSLgC p11.17-.11 RealRet 10.95 -.23 Oppenheimer A: CapApA p 45.95 -.60 DvMktA p 36.04 -.41 EqIncA p 26.26 -.18 GlobA p 66.17 -.65 GblAllocA 16.06 -.15 GlbOppA 31.83 -.35 GblStrIncA 4.41 -.01 Gold p 44.98 -1.61 IntBdA p 6.67 -.05 IntGrw p 30.25 -.27 LtdTmMu 14.22 +.01 MnStFdA 33.61 -.28 MSSCA p 22.24 -.29 RisingDivA 16.62 -.19 SenFltRtA 8.42 ... S&MdCpVl35.02 -.46

Oppenheimer C&M: DevMktC t 34.59 -.38 IntlBdC 6.64 -.05 SenFltRtC 8.43 ... Oppenheimer Roch: LtdNYA p 3.21 ... RoMu A p 14.99 +.02 RcNtMuA 6.66 +.01 Oppenheimer Y: DevMktY 35.69 -.39 IntlBdY 6.66 -.06 IntGrowY 30.12 -.27 Osterweis Funds: StrInco 11.89 ... PIMCO Admin PIMS: ShtTmAd p 9.92 ... TotRtAd 11.04 ... PIMCO Instl PIMS: AlAsetAut r10.97 -.05 AllAsset 12.60 -.04 ComodRR 9.27 -.30 DevLcMk r 11.03 -.09 11.66 ... DivInc EmMkBd 11.24 +.02 9.11 -.02 FltInc r ForBdUn r 10.89 -.09 FrgnBd 10.42 -.02 9.54 +.01 HiYld InvGrCp 10.78 +.01 LowDu 10.51 ... ... ModDur 10.80 RealRet 11.61 -.03 RealRtnI 11.70 -.02 ShortT 9.92 ... ... 11.04 TotRt ... 10.53 TR II TRIII 9.78 ... PIMCO Funds A: AllAstAut t 10.91 -.04 AllAsset p 12.50 -.05 ComRR p 9.12 -.30 LwDurA 10.51 ... RealRtA p 11.70 -.02 TotRtA 11.04 ... PIMCO Funds C: AllAstAut t 10.81 -.04 RealRtC p 11.70 -.02 ... TotRtC t 11.04 PIMCO Funds D: LowDur p 10.51 ... RealRtn p 11.70 -.02 TRtn p 11.04 ... PIMCO Funds P: AstAllAuthP10.97 -.04 CmdtyRR 9.26 -.30 ... TotRtnP 11.04 Parnassus Funds: EqtyInco n 28.11 -.33 Pax World: Balanced 23.70 -.23 Perm Port Funds: Permannt 48.08 -.57 Pioneer Funds A: CullenVal 19.25 -.23 HiYldA p 10.72 -.04 PionFdA p 43.23 -.48 Pioneer Funds C: PionrFdY 43.39 -.48 Pioneer Fds Y: CullenV Y 19.33 -.23 Price Funds Adv: EqInc 25.07 -.23 Growth p n 33.81 -.40 6.99 +.01 HiYld R2020A p n17.29 -.14 R2030A p n18.24 -.19 Price Funds: Balance n 20.32 -.14 BlChip n 40.66 -.51 CapApp n 21.61 -.13

DivGro n 24.56 -.23 EmMktB n 13.41 -.01 EmMktS n 35.34 -.40 EqInc n 25.12 -.23 EqIndex n 36.21 -.39 Growth n 34.11 -.40 HlthSci n 36.18 -.27 HiYield n 7.00 ... InstlCpG 17.49 -.17 IntlBond n 10.31 -.07 IntDis n 46.23 -.41 Intl G&I 14.39 -.15 IntlStk n 14.85 -.17 LatAm n 53.42 -1.11 MDBond 10.20 ... MediaTl n 57.26 -.48 MidCap n 64.28 -.60 MCapVal n25.47 -.22 N Amer 35.69 ... N Asia n 19.71 -.08 New Era n 53.27 -1.51 N Horiz n 37.66 -.44 N Inc n 9.59 +.02 OverS SF r n8.95 -.09 PSBal n 20.05 -.15 RealEst n 19.34 -.24 R2010 n 16.13 -.10 R2015 n 12.55 -.09 R2020 n 17.40 -.14 R2025 n 12.77 -.12 R2030 n 18.37 -.19 R2035 n 13.02 -.14 R2040 n 18.54 -.20 R2045 n 12.36 -.13 Ret Inco n 13.58 -.07 SciTec n 29.80 -.22 ShtBd n 4.86 ... SmCpStk n37.79 -.52 SmCapVal n38.39 -.66 SpecGr n 18.89 -.21 SpecIn n 12.67 -.02 SuMuInt n 11.30 +.02 Value n 25.14 -.29 Primecap Odyssey : Growth r 16.95 -.19 Principal Inv: HighYldA p 8.20 ... LgCGI In 9.98 -.10 LgCV1 In 11.36 -.13 LgGrIn 8.51 -.10 LT2020In 12.38 -.10 LT2030In 12.33 -.12 LT2040I 12.56 -.13 MidCGIII In11.85 -.14 SAMBalA 13.39 -.09 Prudential Fds A: MidCpGrA 30.22 -.30 NatResA 55.70 -1.90 11.10 -.13 UtilityA Putnam Funds A: DvrInA p 8.27 -.01 EqInA p 16.42 -.17 ... GrInA p 14.56 MultiCpGr 54.38 -.67 VoyA p 24.37 -.33 RS Funds: LgCAlphaB t42.10 -.48 RSNtRs p 38.95 -.96 RSPart 34.96 -.40 Rainier Inv Mgt: SmMCap 35.75 -.63 RidgeWorth Funds: HiYldI 10.19 ... MdCValEqI12.88 -.15 RiverSource A: HiYdTEA 4.14 +.01

Royce Funds: LwPrSkSv r19.14 -.39 PennMuI r 12.64 -.19 PremierI r 22.38 -.31 SpecEqI r 22.02 -.21 TotRetI r 13.99 -.20 VlPlSvc 14.23 -.30 Russell Funds S: IntlDvMkt 33.39 -.36 StratBd 10.99 +.01 SEI Portfolios: CoreFxA n 11.00 +.01 HiYld n 7.64 ... IntlEqA n 9.35 -.07 LgCGroA n23.40 -.25 LgCValA n 17.43 -.19 TxMgLC n 13.02 -.13 SSgA Funds: EmgMkt 22.92 -.24 Schwab Funds: CoreEq 18.26 -.23 1000Inv r 40.02 -.43 S&P Sel 21.02 -.22 SmCpSl 22.93 -.37 TSM Sel r 24.53 -.28 Scout Funds: Intl 34.13 -.51 Selected Funds: AmShD 43.58 -.51 AmShS p 43.56 -.51 Sentinel Group: ComS A p 33.69 -.35 Sequoia n 146.34 -1.02 Sound Shore: SoundShore33.81 -.37 St FarmAssoc: Gwth 56.25 -.70 Sun Capital Adv: IbbotBalSv p12.99 -.10 TCW Funds: TotRetBdI 9.99 +.01 TCW Funds N: ToRtBdN p10.33 +.01 TIAA-CREF Funds: BondInst 10.53 +.02 EqIdxInst 10.28 -.12 IntlEqIInst 17.53 -.24 Templeton Instit: ForEqS 21.69 -.13 Third Avenue Fds: REValInst r24.43 -.24 ValueInst 52.61 -.73 Thornburg Fds C: IntValC t 28.15 -.18 Thornburg Fds: IntValA p 29.94 -.19 IncBuildA t 19.94 -.07 IncBuildC p19.94 -.07 IntValue I 30.61 -.19 LtTMuI 14.13 +.02 37.10 -.32 ValueI Thrivent Fds A: Bond 10.13 +.01 LgCpStk 23.42 -.31 LgCpVal 14.42 -.18 MidCpSk 16.31 -.20 MuniBd 11.00 +.01 PtrIntStk 10.37 -.13 Tocqueville Fds: Gold t 82.33 -2.38 Transamerica C: AAlModGr t12.49 -.11 Tweedy Browne: GblValue 25.15 +.02 USAA Group: CrnstStr 23.93 -.19 HYldOpp 8.79 ... 12.95 +.01 Inco 26.13 -.28 Intl PrecMM 38.55 -1.09 S&P Idx 20.12 -.22

... ShtTBnd 9.20 TxEIt 12.79 +.02 TxELT 12.48 +.03 TxESh 10.68 +.01 VALIC : MdCpIdx 22.64 -.25 StkIdx 26.62 -.28 Van Eck Funds: GlHardA 52.21 -1.76 Vanguard Admiral: AsstAdml n58.66 -.55 BalAdml n 22.46 -.13 CAITAdm n10.90 +.01 CALTAdm n10.87 +.02 CpOpAdl n 82.01 -.72 EMAdmr r n40.37 -.46 Energy n 131.12 -3.63 EqInAdm n n46.51 -.34 EuroAdml n67.07 -.92 ExplAdml n75.20 -1.03 ExtdAdm n 45.10 -.63 500Adml n123.87-1.32 GNMA Ad n10.89 +.01 GrwAdm n 33.71 -.37 HlthCr n 58.73 -.14 HiYldCp n 5.87 ... InfProAd n 26.48 -.05 ITBdAdml n11.35 +.03 ITsryAdml n11.46 +.02 IntGrAdm n64.58 -.91 ITAdml n 13.49 +.02 ITGrAdm n 10.01 +.02 LtdTrAd n 11.06 +.01 LTGrAdml n 9.54 +.03 LT Adml n 10.82 +.02 MCpAdml n101.27 -1.14 MorgAdm n60.31 -.65 MuHYAdm n10.19 +.01 NYLTAd n 10.96 +.01 PrmCap r n73.47 -.74 PacfAdml n69.95 -.97 PALTAdm n10.91 +.02 ReitAdm r n86.49 -1.08 STsyAdml n10.74 +.01 STBdAdml n10.60 +.01 ... ShtTrAd n 15.89 STFdAd n 10.82 +.01 STIGrAd n 10.79 +.01 SmCAdm n38.01 -.60 TxMCap r n67.46 -.76 TxMGrIn r n60.22 -.64 TtlBAdml n 10.70 +.02 TStkAdm n33.90 -.38 ValAdml n 22.39 -.24 WellslAdm n54.94 -.07 WelltnAdm n56.58 -.36 Windsor n 48.78 -.52 WdsrIIAd n49.52 -.50 Vanguard Fds: FTAlWldIn r n19.57-.26 AssetA n 26.13 -.24 CapOpp n 35.50 -.31 Convrt n 14.12 -.06 DivAppIn n 22.59 -.21 DivdGro n 15.53 -.10 Energy n 69.82 -1.94 EqInc n 22.19 -.16 Explr n 80.77 -1.10 GNMA n 10.89 +.01 GlobEq n 19.15 -.18 GroInc n 28.44 -.26 ... HYCorp n 5.87 HlthCre n 139.15 -.34 InflaPro n 13.48 -.03 IntlExplr n 17.40 -.18 20.29 -.28 IntlGr n

8D • SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 Trucks, SUVs & Vans

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

GMC Sierra, 2003. 1500 ext cab. V8, loaded with options. 93,000 miles. $10,995. 704-720-0520

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Chevrolet Equinox, 2005. All wheel drive, leather, sunroof, V6, loaded with options. From $11,995 (2 to choose from) 704-720-0520

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Honda Odyssey EX, 2006. Super clean, must see, 80,000 miles. $14,995 704-720-0520



Free dogs. Beagles-2 pretty males. 2 y.o. BWTAKC Reg.- PETS ONLYFree to a good home. 704-438-7409

FREE to a good home. LAB/CHOW mix puppies. 7 males, 1 female. Call (704) 637 1310 before 9pm please.

Free bird to a good home with food cage toys and etc. No calls before 9:00 a.m and no calls after 8:00 p.m. Please call 704-647-9854

Free dogs. Black & tan Coon dogs. 7½ weeks. 6 males. 1st shots & worming. 704-956-9896

Take Us Home!


Free Puppies to good home only! Mini Rat Terriers, male, 2 months old, absolutely darling. Please call 704-209-1202


Free cats & kittens. Moving...Cats and Kittens need a home, quick. Call 704-798-0726 Free cats & kittens. Young cats and kittens desperately needing loving homes. Phone 704-431-4421 after 5pm Free kittens to good homes. 4 males, 2 females. White, tan, gray/ white, black. Please call 704-933-1835

puppy, female Free mixed. 4 months old. Very sweet & adorable. Will be medium sized. Must be house dog. 704267-6889. L/M

Kittens, free. 2 males & 5 females, all different colors. We also have adults cats male & female. Looking for a good home. 704-2023558 or 704-279-7325.


A Rare & Ancient Breed!

Shar-Pei puppies. Born March 18, black, tan and white, two males, five females. Parents on site. $400. Call 704-639-0155

Puppies, Beagles. Awesome full-blooded beagle puppies. $80 ea. Please call 704-639-6299 TOY POODLES

BMW X5, 2003. Topaz Blue Metallic/Tan Leather, 4.4L auto trans, AM/FM/CD, SUNROOF, all power, 20inch aluminum rims, PERFECT COLOR COMBO! 704-603-4255

Buick Ranier CXL SUV, 2007. Cashmere metallic exterior with cashmere interior. T11239A. $12,687. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Chevrolet Colorado, 2007. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Dodge Ram 1500 SLT / Laramie Crew Cab, 2004. Bright white clearcoat exterior with dark slate gray interior. F10362A. $10,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer, 2007. Oxford white exterior with camel interior. $21,559. Stock #F11281A. Call Now 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Dodge Ram 1500 ST, 2008. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Eddie Bauer Ford Expedition, 2006. Oxford white/ tan cloth interior. 5.4 V8 auto trans, all power ops, AM/FM/CD changer, Sunroof, alloy rims. Lighted running boards, 3rd seat. LIKE NEW !!!! 704-603-4255

CKC Apricot Toy Poodle males, 8 weeks old, $250 cash. Call 704-798-0450

Puppies, Alaskan Malamutes. Beautiful! Ready now! 1st shots & worming. Mom weighs 110 lbs. Dad weights 125 lbs. Both on site. 3 females $375 ea. 704-492-8448

Pit Bull pups, 2 beautiful females, 15 weeks old, shots & wormed. Parents on site. $100 ea. Papers can be acquired but will cost more. Call Jeremy or Leah @ 980-234-6206 anytime. Salisbury area

Sweet Babies!

Chihuahua Pups. CKC. 1 male, Cream and 1 female, Black & Tan & White, $350. T-cup. 2-3 lbs full grown. Ready to go. 704603-8257.

Yorkies, 2 males. 1st shots & 1st worming. Tails docked and dew claws removed. $275 each. Won't last long. Parents on site. 704 636 9867

Other Pets HHHHHHHHH Check Out Our May Special! Spay/Neuter 20% discount. Rowan Animal Clinic. Please call 704636-3408 for appt.

Chevrolet HHR LT SUV, Cardinal red 2009. metallic exterior with ebony interior. P7656A. $15,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Chevy HHR, 2007, Sunburst Orange II Metallic/ Tan Leather 2.4L 4CYLINDER auto trans, all power, AM/FM/CD, mp3, duel heated seats, SUNROOF, chrome pkg, polish aluminum rims, nonsmoker, LIKE NEW! Call Steve 704-603-4255

Ford Econoline F350, 2003. Oxford White/Gray Cloth interior. 6.8 Liter 10 Cylinder Engine. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION W/OD. All power options, AM/FM/ tape. Running boards, cold AC, alloy rims, good tires. Nonsmoker. READY FOR DELIVERY!!! 704-603-4255

Ford Escape XLT, 2009. Gray exterior with charcoal interior. $18,859. Stock #T11062A. 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Free dog. Small black dog with tannish chest, very friendly. Please Call 704-637-6052

Ford Transit Connect XL, 2010. Frozen white exterior with dark gray interior. $15,859. Stock # P7637. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

GMC DENALI XL, 2005. White/Tan Leather, 6.0 V8, auto trans, fully loaded AM/FM/CD, NAVIGATION, all power, DVD, TV, chrome rims, 3rd seat READY FOR TEST DRIVE! 704-603-4255

Honda Pilot EXL, 2005, Redrock Pearl w/Saddle int., VTEC, V6, 5-sp. auto., fully loaded, all pwr opts, AM/FM/CD changer, steering wheel controls, pwr leather seats, alloy rims, 3RD seat, sunroof, nonsmoker, LOADED! 704-603-4255

Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, 2006. Stone white clearcoat exterior with medium slate gray interior. $14,559. Stock # F10563B 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited SUV, 2005. Black clearcoat exterior with medium slate gray interior. T11271A. $15,787. 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Honda Pilot EX-L, 2006. Rock Metallic Desert exterior with saddle interior. $11,759. Stock # T11405A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota RAV4 S, 2004. Titanium metallic exterior with dark charcoal interior. $11,259. Stock # T11390A 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Nissan Pathfinder LE, 2002, Sahara Beige Metallic/Tan leather, 3.5L auto trans, all power options, Dual HEATED & POWER seats, AM/FM/Tape/CD changer, sunroof, homelink, LOW MILES, extra clean DON'T LET THIS ONE SLIP AWAY! 704-603-4255

Toyota Sienna CE/LE, 2005. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Saturn VUE V6 SUV, Storm gray 2007. clearcoat exterior with gray interior. Stock #F10528D1. $14,787 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Tacoma Base Regular Cab, 2006. Black exterior with graphite interior. P7688. $13,287 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

English Bulldog pups AKC, 2 females and 2 males, born April 2. $1500 each. Fawn and white, champion bloodlines. Puppies Come with first shots, dewormed, bag of pupppy food and a signed puppy agreement. 704-603-8257

GMC Yukon XL K1500, 2001. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Honda Element EX, 2006. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara SUV, 2007. Steel blue metallic exterior with dark slate gray interior. Stock #F11055A. $19,887. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Jeep Wrangler X, 2003, Bright Silver Metallic/ Gray Cloth, 4.0L HD 5speed manual transmission, AM/FM/CD, cruise, cold AC, 20 inch chrome rims, ready for Summer! Please call 704-603-4255

Toyota 4Runner Limited, 2004. Titanium metallic exterior with stone interior. $18,659. Stock #P7687. Call 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Highlander Limited, 2003, Vintage Gold Metallic/Tan Leather, 4.0L 4speed auto trans. w/Snow Mode AM/FM/Tape/CD, all power, SUNROOF, dual power & heated seats , extra clean, ready for test drive. Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Toyota Tacoma, 2002. Impulse red exterior with charcoal interior. $13,759. Stock # F11173A. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Tundra, Super white exterior with graphite interior. $19,659. Stock #K7697. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Got a good web site? Include the URL in your ad.

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

Hamster, Russian Dwarf, less than 1 year old. Includes complete setup, cage, running wheel food bowl, water bottle & house. $20. 704-433-2943

Pet & Livestock Supplies

Dodge Durango SLT, 2001. 4x4, leather, 3rd row seat, heated seats. Call Steve 704-603-4255

Ford Expedition XLT SUV, 2003. Black clearcoat exterior with flint gray interior. T11334A. $12,387. 1-800-542-9758. Call www.cloningerford.com


Chihuahua puppies. CKC registered, born March 21, will be small when grown, one blue/tan female $350, three males $300 each. 704-279-3119 Leave message.

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Great Family Dog!

Giving away kittens or puppies?

Kittens (5), free, orange, & black; orange spotted (calico). Friendly, already been wormed, save us from going to the pound. 704431-9076 or 704-202-2721



Kingston 2 Horse with Ramp, Trailer bumper pull. Excellent condition. New Tires, wood floor stained & sealed, new 1" rubber matting, Steal Frame & Skin. Asking $2,900 OBO 704-738-7286. Salisbury Rabies Clinic. Saturday, May 14th , 8am-12noon. $10 per shot. Follow us on Face Book Animal Care Center of Salisbury. Call 704-637-0227

Honda Odyssey EX, 2001, Starlight Silver Metallic/ Gray Cloth, 3.5L, auto trans, AM/FM/CD, dual power doors, 3rd seat alloy rims. READY FOR VACATION! Call Steve at n704-603-4255

Lincoln Navigator, 2002. Oxford White/Tan Leather interior, 5.4L, auto trans, AM/FM/Tape/CD changer, DVD, heated & air cooled seats, all power, 3RD seat, rims, lighted chromes running boards, DRIVES AWESOME! 704-603-4255

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location)

Want to Buy: Transportation

Want to Buy: Transportation

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock! Dodge Grand Caravan Sport, 2002. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Ed., 2003 True Blue Metallic/ Med Parchment leather int., 4.0L (245), SOHC SEFI V6 AUTO, loaded, all pwr, AM/FM/CD changer, steering wheel controls, alloy rims, heated seats, rides & drives great! 704-603-4255

Honda Pilot EX, 2007. Nimbus gray metallic exterior w/gray interior. $21,559. Stock #T11414A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Mitsubishi Raider LS, 2007. Alloy silver clearcoat exterior with slate interior. $11,859. Stock # F11261A. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd.

Put your picture in your business or service ad for instant recognition.

(former Sagebrush location)

SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011

A B IRT H DAY K E E P SA K E Happy Birthday Louise "Aunt Weeze" L. The Moores. Sh'Myra and Sh'Rae EXIT 76 WEST OFF HWY 85!

Happy Birthday Aunt Stephie! We love you! Love, Katie, Anna and Kevin.

THE HONEYBAKED HAM CO. & CAFE 413 E. Innes St., Salisbury of Salisbury 704-633-1110 • Fax 704-633-1510 Ham

serves 4-7 Salisbury only

Half Ham Half Ham 4 lbs minimum 7 lbs minimum Salisbury only

Salisbury only

Must present ad. Not valid with any other offer. Exp. 5/30/11

Team Bounce



We Deliver

CK AG ES PARTY PA BIRTHDAY RTS and Bases Loaded at KIDSPO n of all ages! include FUN for childreils! Call for deta

We want to be your flower shop!

www.TeamBounce.com 704-202-6200




Hours of daily personal attention and doggie fun at our safe 20 acre facility. Professional homestyle boarding, training, and play days with a certified handler/trainer who loves dogs as much as you do.

If your idea of fun is balloons & birthday cake, advertise here!

Salisbury Flower Shop S38321

2324 S. Main St. / Hwy. 29 South in Salisbury


Birthday? ...


Inflatables Available!

Parties, Church Events, Etc.

Fax: 704-630-0157

Hours: Mon-Fri: 10-7; Sat 10-6; Sun 11-2


Happy birthday, Stephanie Doblovosky! We are so proud of you! Congrats grad! Love, Mom and Aunt Sybil

704-797-4220 birthday@salisburypost.com

3TheOMini F F $Boneless 5 OFF 4 O F F $Bone-In


Happy Birthday Sh'Myra and Sh'Rae. From your loving and proud grandparents, Annie and Robert

A 2”x 3” greeting with photo is only $20, and includes 4 copies of the Salisbury Post

1628 West Innes St. Salisbury, NC • 704-633-5310


2”x2” ad for 30 days just $98.90 a month* Call the Classified Dept. at 704-797-4220 for more info *Some restrictions apply. Call for details.

FOR FREE BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Please Fax, hand deliver or fill out form online 18 WORDS MAX. Number of free greetings per person may be limited, combined or excluded, contingent on space available. Fax: 704-630-0157 In Person: 131 W. Innes Street Online: www.SalisburyPost.com (under Website Forms, bottom right column) DEADLINES: If the birthday falls Tues-Fri the deadline is the day before at 10am. If on Sat-Mon dealine is at Thursday 1pm

Please limit your birthday greetings to 4 per Birthday.

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