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Tuesday, May 25, 2011 | 50¢

Skeleton of power plant fills out

City schools lose state funds in budget plan BY SARAH CAMPBELL scampbell@salisburypost.com

KANNAPOLIS — State funding for Kannapolis City Schools is on the line under the Senate-drafted budget proposal. The proposal, released Tuesday, decreases funding to city school systems by 20 percent next year and completely cuts it in 201213. Though city school districts would not be forced to consolidate with county systems, the loss of funding dollars could leave little choice. “It’s still so early on in the process it’s still not clear what the plan would mean for the next couple of years,” Will Crabtree, the

See CUTS, 12A

Jon C. Lakey/SAliSbury PoSt.

Duke Energy’s new 620-megawatt natural gas-fired, combined-cycle generating plant next to the buck Steam plant in rowan County is taking shape as workers, cranes and other construction equipment move the facility toward a startup in the summer.

Duke Energy offers inside look at Buck Steam site

GOP, Perdue split over education funding BY KARISSA MINN


By the numbers


PENCER — Duke Energy will fire the new combined cycle power plant at Buck Steam Station for the first time in August. Commercial operation at the $600 million facility, called “combined” because it uses both natural gas and steam to create electricity, should begin in December, officials said Tuesday. The two remaining coal-fired units at Buck Steam are scheduled to be shut down by 2015. “This tells the story about how Duke Energy has evolved,” said Duke Energy District Manager Randy Welch, standing between the soon-to-be-eliminated 1925 coal-fired units and the 21stcentury combined cycle technology rising on the site. Nineteen Buck Steam retirees took a close-up look at the new plant Tuesday,



which is still under construction. They gathered under crackling power lines while Todd Shuping, project director for construction, pointed out details and probed their memories. “How many of you swam in frog pond?” Shuping asked about a nearby swimming hole. Many of the men worked with Shuping’s father, Doug Shuping, who also retired from Buck Steam. Like Todd Shuping, Brent File comes from a Buck Steam family. File will run the new facility and is the son of longtime Buck Steam employee Norman File, who

Statistics on the Buck Combined Cycle Plant convey its scale: • 60,000 cubic yards excavation and backfill. • 25,000 cubic yards of concrete. • 177 miles if power cables. • 83 miles of instrument and control cables • 5.6 miles underground piping. • 2,000 tons of structural steel.

was on site Tuesday. “I think it was important for them to see that Duke will still be a big presence in this community,” Todd Shuping said. Duke, which is building the new plant in response to


A special water-filtration facility is being constructed to supply clean water to boilers that generate steam power.

ROWAN COUNTY — State Senate Republicans praised the lower taxes and education reform included in their $19.4 billion budget unveiled Tuesday, but Gov. Bev Perdue said she will veto it if there isn’t enough support for schools. In the next fiscal year, the North Carolina Senate proposal spends $129 million more overall than the House and $473 million less than what Perdue proposed. The governor wanted to extend threequarters of a temporary penny increase on the sales tax, but Republicans plan to let it expire in June. Sen. Andrew Brock, who BROCK represents Rowan and Davie counties, said Monday that legislators are working to make government as efficient as possible, lower state debt and put money back into the economy. “We’ve had a heart attack, and we’re trying to get off our high-fat diet,” Brock said. “The people who want to keep the one-cent

See GOP, 2A

First anniversary: Norvell creates lifelong memories for performers S ALISBURY — Last week, I spoke briefly with a dwarf and a wood nymph. We met down in the belly of The Norvell children’s theater, where 40 performers were arriving to put on costumes and makeup for that night’s performance. Allison Lingle, a 12-year-old from North Rowan Middle School, was playing a dwarf in “The Lion, the Witch & MARK the Wardrobe,” WINEKA and she would be on stage often during the night, even though she delivered only Jon C. Lakey/SAliSbury PoSt two lines by herself. ‘the lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe’ was A newcomer to Piedmont among recent plays performed at the Norvell Players, Allison said she knew Childrens theater. Chelsea Hatfield played three people out of the whole cast when rehearsals started. the witch in this month’s production.

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Today’s forecast 90º/65º Partly cloudy


Now she has a whole group of new friends — from a lot of different schools — because the constant work behind a production tends to make for a bonding experience. And though Allison played a dwarf, I know she’s standing taller these days. Performing in front of 250 people a show will do that to a person. Ivy Overcash was my wood nymph. “Getting to meet so many people — and just the experience of being on stage,” she told me, are the great things to being part of a production at The Norvell, now a year-old. Overcash, 11, already thinks she is developing a lifetime hobby, having now participated in three of Piedmont Players’ shows, the PPT summer camps and productions at her school, Salisbury Academy.

Wilie Wells Sr. James D. Pulliam Eunice M. Johnson

Dewey Harris Iris K. Welborn

Her growing love of the theater shares time with her other interests such as basketball, volleyball and tennis. She is a wellrounded wood nymph who already has learned an important life lesson from her theater experience: Keep trying. Auditioning for plays and being rejected can be a tough experience for any kid. It has happened before to both Allison and Ivy, and it’s disappointing, sometimes tearful. But the children who read or sing for parts — 240 auditioned for 40 spots in “The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe” — come to realize that their losing out on a role doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t have the talent, or should quit auditioning. More often, it means they weren’t exactly right for the part being cast, but might be perfect for the next one. Likewise, there


Bridge Classifieds Comics Crossword

11B 5B 10B 10B

are many other things they could do in connection with a show — and that’s the beauty of The Norvell. This is the kids’ place. They take ownership. Besides performing, children work the lights and sound board. They serve as ushers and greeters. They can play in the orchestra. Meanwhile, their parents become involved, too. Ivy’s mother was working the box office that night. Allison’s family has worked there and at the concession stand. Alison Bird, vice president of the Piedmont Players Theatre Board of Governors, said three fathers were dressed in black and helping backstage on this particular night. Other parents might help in building sets, for

Deaths Horoscope Opinion Food


4A 11B 10A 8A

Second Front 3A Sports 1B Television 11B Weather 12B

2A • WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011

Deadline for posters is 5 p.m. • J.C. Price Post 107 holding Memorial Week Dance Friday, May 27, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. at Post home. Sounds by C-Low. Cost $5. Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary. • Astronomical Society of Rowan meeting, 7:30 p.m., Saturday, May 8, 1920 Deal Road, Mooresville. Business meeting and stargazing; bring telescopes and binoculars, 704-855-1591 or 704-8572788.

Lottery numbers — RALEIGH (AP)— The winning lottery numbers selected Tuesday in the N.C. Education Lottery: Mega Millions: 09-12-21-42-43, Mega Ball: 42, Megaplier, 3, Pick 3 Midday: 4-5-3, Pick 3 Evening: 4-5-0-4, Pick 4 Midday: 1-0-8-8, Pick 4 Evening: 0-6-3-3, Cash 5: 02-05-11-14-25




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SALISBURY — Teal Lynch says she hasn’t helped out at her daughter’s school as much as she would’ve liked this year, but she plans to change that next year. Lynch has been able and willing to lend a hand at Overton Elementary School, but she wasn’t sure where to begin. After Tuesday’s education revival, she has the tools to get more involved. Armed with a list of volunteer opportunities that includes everything from mentoring to cutting out materials, she’s planning to be a familiar face a Overton. “It’s been very informational,” she said. “I would like to volunteer a lot more, but I didn’t know what to do, now I can go to the school and say I want to do these things.” The goal of the revival, sponsored by the United Way of Rowan County and Rowan Partners for Education, was to provide information about ways residents can support public education locally. “I hope you will leave here tonight with a sense of purpose,” Pete Teague, president of Rowan Partners for Education, said. “I hope you will get some ideas and determination about things you can do.” Laura Hamilton, a motivational speaker, told the audience of more than 150 people that even the smallest things can make an impact.

GOP FROM 1a sales tax have a $2.5 million wish list.” The Senate budget spends more on education than the House version but significantly less than Perdue’s proposal. It would hire 1,100 additional teachers in early grades while eliminating funding for 13,000 teaching assistant positions in those same grades. Brock said this is an effort to reduce class sizes and direct money where it’s most needed in the classroom. Perdue’s office called the effort to focus on public school teachers a good first step, but Perdue raised the possibility of a veto in a prepared statement. “I’ve seen the House budget and I’m reviewing the Senate budget,” she said. “By the time they come together, they need to send me a budget that protects our schools, community colleges and universities. If they pass a budget that undermines our schools and fails to protect the quality of our education system, then I will have no choice but to veto it.”

Sarah Campell/SaliSbuRy POSt

bob lippard, executive director of the Rowan County united Way, and Pete teague, president of Rowan Partners in Education, listen to motivational-speaker laura Hamilton. She said when she was hospitalized with food poisoning several years ago a simple act of kindness cured her. Shivering as she peaked behind her room curtain, a doctor said “you look like you’re freezing” and proceeded to bring her a warm blanket. “It didn’t matter what kind of degree he had, as soon as I got that blanket I started to get better,” she said. “Every one of you in this room tonight could be someone’s warm blanket to help them with their walk in life.” John Dornan, former president and executive director of Public School Forum of North Carolina, said being a positive role model for students can make a difference in their lives and help decrease the state’s drop out rate. Dornan said another way to

keep kids in school is by getting them engaged. “Kids who get involved in something and, frankly, it doesn’t matter what ... tend to have more motivation,” he said. Hiring and retaining high quality teachers and administrators is also a key component for successful students, Dornan said. Dornan said in counties like Rowan that don’t have the funds to provide lofty pay supplements, residents should look for ways to show their appreciation. “Show up and talk to the school board and county commissioners,” he said. “Make it clear that in Rowan County education is a thing people value.” The revival was a culmination of the United Way’s Teacher Matters listening ses-

sions. The sessions, conducted last fall, included members of the faith-based community, law enforcement officials, business leaders, educators, parents and students. “What we heard from teachers during the listening sessions is that parents can help out by doing five things,” parent Nora Patterson said. “Assuring their child has a good night’s sleep, good nutrition, prepared homework, daily attendance and encouragement.” Patterson encouraged parents to stay involved in their children’s lives as they move through middle and high school. “Ask your schools what you can do,” she said.

After the full Senate approves its budget next week, House and Senate members are expected to negotiate differences and present a final plan to Perdue in June for her approval. Senate Minority Leader Martin Nesbitt said the elimination of funding for more teacher assistants cuts deeper into public schools despite spending $62 million more than the House plan did. “The people of North Carolina are not going to sell out the public schools for a tax break,” he said. According to the Associated Press, the Senate budget would eliminate 19,744 positions through state government and the public schools, although it’s unclear how many of those are filled and whether local districts have used the money to hire teachers. The bill seeks to reduce class sizes in early grades, begins the process for a meritpay system for teachers and state employees, reduces the rate for all three individual income tax brackets by a quarter-percentage point and gives a tax break to small businesses. “The pension plan for state employees will be fully funded for the first time in years,” Brock said Monday. “The health care plan is in very

good shape. At one time, it was within two weeks of being bankrupt.” The Senate budget would keep the House’s 20 percent cut to Smart Start, but it also would dissolve the nonprofit that administers it, the North Carolina Partnership for Children. The early childhood initiative would move to the Division of Childhood Development under the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Olson Huff, the partnership’s board chair, said in an online statement that the proposal would effectively kill the initiative and “destroy

years of early childhood progress.” Budget subcommittee cochairman Sen. Stan Bingham of Denton said the changes would free up administrative costs and help more children, but an amendment to the provision is possible. The Senate budget also makes $60 million in acrossthe-board cuts to community providers of services for mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse services.

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The Associated Press contributed to this report. Contact reporter Karissa Minn at 704-797-4222.





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Contact reporter Sarah Campbell at 704-797-7683.



BY SARAH CAMPBELL scampbell@salisburypost.com



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dance and vocal) throughout the 12 months. Some 9,500 children in the Rowan-Salisbury Schools FROM 1a saw productions at The example. Norvell in the current school “It’s great that kids have year, with the Shakespeare their own theater,” Bird show for eighth-graders says, noting how productions serving as a new component. bring children of all races, The ability to have 10 religions and schools togeth- shows a year — five at the er. “We’re so lucky, we real- Meroney and five at The ly are.” Norvell — has provided PPT It’s great when a plan not the funds to hire Marketing only comes together, but Director Justin Dionne and works. The Norvell has Business Manager Jonathan worked, PPT Resident DiFurr full-time. rector Reid Leonard says. By the numbers, Dionne The hope was The Norvell and Furr say, the addition of would improve Piedmont The Norvell presents a case Players’s financial position, study for exponential free up the Meroney Theater growth. for other purposes, put on The building itself also solid shows, provide space has been a success. Rememfor more theatrical camps ber, The Norvell was fashand workshops and develop ioned out of pool hall, thanks a steady program and ongoto an inspiring $3 million ing feeder system that keeps community fund-raising eftheater thriving in Salisbury. fort. Leonard says the real anIt now provides stadiumswer to whether The Norvell style seating in front of a has worked will come in 10 huge stage, dressing rooms, to 15 years, when the chila spacious lobby, rehearsal dren’s theater proves that it rooms, restrooms and a has sustained itself, while “skyway” connecting it to supplying a steady supply of the Meroney Theater. The new talent for adult producbest part, Leonard says, is tions at the Meroney. that it’s a good place to If you put it in sports watch a show, and everyterms, The Norvell’s first thing kids learn on the techyear has been a champinical side connected to lightonship season. Whole famiing and sound, translates to lies have become involved in what’s in place at the the theater, much like they Meroney. do with Little League baseCody Veros, a sophomore ball teams or youth football. baseball player at Salisbury “That’s kind of what you High who has been in past hope happens,” Leonard PPT productions, wasn’t cast says. for “The Lion, the Witch & The Norvell debuted a the Wardrobe,” but that didyear ago with more than 60 n’t stop him from helping kids in “Joseph and the backstage. Amazing Technicolor His sister, Lindsay, also Dreamcoat.” This was folwas a wood nymph. Cody lowed by “Romeo and Julisaid he’s a good example of et,” “Ramona Quimby,” “The someone with varied interJungle Book” and “The Lion, ests, and one of them hapthe Witch & the Wardrobe.” pens to be the theater. “Grease” is on deck. His advice for kids interThe theater was host for ested in getting involved at 12 summer camps, including The Norvell? a new technical theater “I would just go for it,” he camp for middle and high said. school students and a camp And as any wood nymph for children with special will tell you: Keep trying. needs. But The Norvell also has allowed for a year-round Contact Mark Wineka at program — shows every sea- 704-797-4263, or wineka@salson and classes (such as isburypost.com.


Panel: Getting involved can cut drop-out rates


state Cultural Resources Department said crews may be able to raise the anchor of what’s believed to be the Queen Anne’s Revenge on Friday or June 1. The recovery had been planned for Thursday.


Weather delays retrieval of pirate ship anchor RALEIGH (AP) — Bad weather has delayed work to retrieve an anchor from the wreck of what is believed to be the pirate Blackbeard’s flagship off the coast of North Carolina. Maryanne Friend of the





WEDNESDAY May 25, 2011




Kaye Hirst named Long Time Preservation Leader SALISBURY — Kaye Hirst, executive director for the Rowan Museum, has been named the 2011 Long Time Preservation Leader by Historic Salisbury Foundation. Doug Black and Ben Martin HIRST are volunteers of the year, and Ben Hooper has won the Craftsmen and Professionals Award.

Winners will be honored at 6:30 p.m. Thursday during the 27th Annual Preservation Awards at the Salisbury Station, 215 Depot St. Additional winners include: • Commercial revitalization through historic preservation C.F. Parks and Company Inc., Mambo Grill, Norvell Theater, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church • Special mention-National Historic Register listing Davyd Foard Hood, Clay and Connie Lindsay for Boxwood, Luther Sowers and Charles Sowers for

the Griffith Sowers House, Joe Wilson for Eastover • Private preservation and neighborhood revitalization Linda Ray Donaldson, Eddie Hampton, Jeff and Rosemary Schaap • Private education and publications Ed and Sue Curtis for the Salisbury Confederate Symposium, the 2011 History Course Committee (including chairwoman Barbara Upright and Doug Black, Reginald Brown, Kaye Hirst, Terry Holt, Anne Lyles and Dr. Martha West)

• Hall House volunteer docents Ray Barber, Doug Black, Leslie Black, Lucinda Epperson, Grady Hall, Don Heidt, Anita Miller, Gavine Pitner, Hilda Ramseur, Linda Thompson and Barbara Upright Tickets to the event cost $20. The reception begins at 6:30 p.m., with the awards presentation at 7:15. To buy tickets, call 704-6360103.

Want to go? What: 27th Annual Preservation Awards of Historic Salisbury Foundation Who: Historic preservation leaders, both residential and commercial When: Thursday. Reception begins at 6:30 p.m., awards presentation at 7:15 Where: Salisbury Station, 215 Depot St. How: Tickets cost $20. Call 704-6360103.

Contact reporter Emily Ford at 704-797-4264.

Three hospitalized after wreck EMS personnel honored for community service BY SHELLEY SMITH ssmith@salisburypost.com


Firefighters and paramedics work to get the driver out of the car safely. SALISBURY — Three people were taken to the hospital after a Tuesday afternoon collision at the intersection of Shuping Mill Road and Old Beatty Ford Road. The most serous injury was a broken shoulder suffered by the passenger in one of the vehicles, N.C. Trooper Anthony Carpenter said. Carpenter said the collision happened when Charles Kluttz, driving a Dodge pickup, tried to make a left-hand turn onto Old Beatty Ford Road and was struck by a red sedan. Kluttz was taken to Carolinas Medical Center-NorthEast in Concord, along with the driver of the sedan, Nadine Long, 46, of Rockwell, and Long’s daughter, who suffered the broken shoulder. Kluttz, 44, of Rockwell, was charged with failure to yield right of way. The intersection was closed for some time, The driver of the pickup was also taken to the hospital. holding up several school buses.

China Grove board proposes tax rate increase BY SHAVONNE POTTS spotts@salisburypost.com

CHINA GROVE — The upcoming budget will reflect a 4 cent tax rate increase following changes to property values in the recent revaluation. In order to generate the same amount of money in the upcoming fiscal year as the tax rate did this year, the board proposed the increase that would take taxes from 43 cents to 47 cents. The board increased taxes last year by 5 cents, but had not done so previously since the last revaluations. In March, Interim Town Manager Ken Deal predicted the town would have to increase to 48 cents at a time when the board had one budget meeting and had not made any final decisions about budget cuts. The board has not approved its 2011-12 budget, but will meet June 7 to discuss it. There will also be a public hearing during that meeting.

Finance Officer Mary Jo Bopp said the board asked her in the budget planning stages to look into a 1 percent raise for all employees. Later, it was decided a raise was not feasible and was not included in the final budget. What was included in the budget was $55,000 salary for the town manager. Deal, who works about 19 hours a week at $36 an hour as the interim explained the proposed change. At the last budget meeting Councilman Lee Withers asked if the budget contained money for a town manager if Deal decided to leave? “It’s not so much we wanted to give Ken a raise. We wanted to make sure we had enough in the budget in case we had to hire someone, then we had the money there,” Withers said by phone. Withers praised the work Deal has been doing saying “he’s far exceeded what we’ve had in a manager. We needed somebody who has ownership

of the community.” Deal is a China Grove native. He began as interim manager Nov. 8 and will remain until a full-time town manager is hired. There was no indication given as to how long a person can remain as an interim. Deal said he was just not certain. Under the retirement system, Deal can only work 999 hours within a year, which works out to less than 20 hours. Withers said he believed there is no set timeframe a person could remain as interim, but as long as the person, in Deal’s case, works less than 20 hours a week or 999 hours in a year. The $55,000 included in the budget would also be the salary for a future town manager, with room to negotiate for a more competitive rate. Deal is up for a formal evaluation at which time the board will review the direction it wants to proceed. The board also has to contend with less money in high-

way funds. The only money generated for road/highway maintenance is received through the state Powell Bill funds. These funds are produced from the state gas tax and the Highway Trust Fund, which municipalities get a percentage of it and can only be used to repair, maintain, or reconstruct local streets, bikeways or sidewalks. China Grove expects $106,600 in projected revenue, but Deal said it won’t likely increase next year or be enough to address numerous street repairs. The board is also expected to approve a contract with Salisbury-Rowan Utilities in an effort to reduce its rates. The town receives water from Salisbury-Rowan Utilities. The town entered into an agreement more than a decade ago when it used more water. The town has talked with Salisbury in the past about a possible merger that would re-


SALISBURY — The Salisbury Rotary Club recognized rookie and veteran law enforcement and emergency services personnel Tuesday. Every year, Rotary awards plaques to the rookie and veteran of the year from the Salisbury Fire Department, Salisbury Police Department, Rowan County Sheriff’s Office, N.C. Highway Patrol and Rowan County Emergency Services. Recognized on Tuesday were: • Ryan Tillis, Salisbury Fire Department rookie of the year. Tillis began his career with the Fire Department in November 2009 and has obtained several certifications including rescue technician and confined space rescue technician. He is also certified to drive a fire truck. He has logged more than 1,800 hours of training in the past year and is a volunteer at Granite Quarry Fire Department, where he was the rookie firefighter of the year last year. TILLIS • Shawn McBride, Salisbury Fire Department veteran of the year. McBride has been with the Salisbury Fire Department since 2006, and has earned numerous certifications. “He is an excellent example of a selfmotivated firefighter,” Salisbury Fire Chief Bob Parnell said. McBride is a graduate of Catawba College, where he was an All-American and all-conference linebacker. In 2007, MCBRIDE Rotary recognized him Salisbury Fire Department’s rookie of the year. • Wesley Lane, Salisbury Police Department rookie of the year. Lane started as a patrol officer in November 2009, assigned to the southeastern part of the city. “He’s done a fantastic job since he’s come to work for us,” Salisbury Police



Annexation bill headed for state Senate B Y K ARISSA M INN kminn@salisburypost.com

A bill that would let property owners block involuntary annexation passed the N.C. House 107-9 last week, and Sen. Andrew Brock said he expects it to clear the Senate with similar ease. “Everybody agreed we need to have reform this year,” said Brock, who represents Rowan and Davie counties. “I think this addresses everybody’s concerns... and it’s getting us where we need to be.” According to the bill, if 60 percent of landowners sign petitions opposing a proposed annexation, the municipality could not annex the area for at least three years. The legislation is now sitting in a Senate committee while lawmakers concentrate on the state budget. Brock said the bill may change a bit, but most of the issues likely have been worked out in the House. “I think 60 percent may be a little high,” Brock said. “I could see taking it down to a majority of 50 percent plus one.”

See BILL, 4A

Rowan wan IIss O Onn My My TTeam eam ea m See Zack’s St Story tory At www.row www.rowan.org/stories wan.org/stories


4A • WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011

Granite Quarry looks for ways to share costs with other towns BY MARK WINEKA mwineka@salisburypost.com

GRANITE QUARRY — As Granite Quarry faces a likely property tax increase, Alderman Jake Fisher said his board should look at areas in which it might be able to share costs with other towns. At a budget work session Monday night, he encouraged the Board of Aldermen to set up an initial meeting with Faith and Rockwell officials. There might be personnel or pieces of equipment — such as a wood chipper, Fisher used as an example — that the towns could share, instead of each town’s buying its own. No matter, Fisher said, the dialogue should start sooner rather than later. “If we don’t start,” he said, “nothing happens.” Faith and Granite Quarry already cooperate in law enforcement through their joint Granite Quarry-Faith Police Authority. Faith pays a 22 percent share of the police authority budget, for example, based on population. In the 2011-12 fiscal year, beginning in July, the towns also are looking to share a zoning officer. As of now, Granite Quarry

INCREASE FROM 3a duce its rates. There has also been discussion of breaking the contract with Salisbury and doing business with other systems that offered lower rates. In February, town officials approved a resolution to transfer the water and sewer system to the control of Salisbury. “Salisbury-Rowan Utilities, in the long run will help us out

BILL FROM 3a Municipalities also would be required to install water and sewer service to houses in annexed areas for free if more than half of the landowners ask for it. Brock

HONORED FROM 3a Chief Rory Collins said. A few months ago when the police department had a rash of car break-ins, Collins said, Lane was able to properly lift fingerprints from several of the cars, and after the prints were entered into the department’s fingerprint database, an arrest was made — something Collins said is difficult even for an experienced officer. • Travis Shulenburger, Salisbury Police Department veteran of the year. Shulenburger has been with the department for seven years, starting as a patrol officer and advancing to criminal investigations as a detective after SHULENBURGER only three years. Shulenburger has had more than 700 hours of advanced law enforcement training and is also a member of the Salisbury Police Department Special Response Team. “He is well respected among his peers,” Collins said. • Dustin Motsinger, N.C. Highway Patrol rookie of the year. Motsinger has been with the Highway Patrol since December 2009. “As a matter of fact, last year 1,383 people met Trooper Motsinger,” Highway Patrol First Sgt. Barry Hower said, referring to the number of MOTSINGER p e o p l e Motsinger stopped or charged on roads, including warnings. • Chris Rogers, N.C. Highway Patrol veteran of the year. Rogers had 1,332 contacts, or charges, last year. And he

aldermen face a proposed 2011-12 budget that would raise taxes from 33 cents per $100 valuation to 40 cents per $100 valuation. The solid waste collection fee also would increase for residences from $8 a month to $10 a month. But homes that recycle would receive a $3-per-month discount, putting their solid waste charge at $7 a month. Roughly 11 percent of Granite Quarry homes take advantage of recycling now. Town Manager Dan Peters said for the owner of a $160,000 home the proposed property tax increase, coupled with the $2 increase for solid waste collection, would translate to an extra $10 a month, or $120 a year. Aldermen are expected to act on the proposed budget at their June 6 meeting. They also anticipate acting on a resolution supporting a Rowan County vote on a 1cent option sales tax. If approved for the county, the additional penny on the sales tax could mean an extra $133,000 to $150,000 a year, Peters said. “The local option sales tax would greatly assist in restoring revenues we have lost

over the past three years,” Peters said in a recent message to state Reps. Fred Steen and Harry Warren. Sales tax revenues for Granite Quarry dropped $113,847 from fiscal year 2008 to fiscal year 2010. “We estimate fiscal year 2011 will still have a drop from fiscal year 2008 of $103,000,” Peters added. In addition, Granite Quarry’s revenues from investments have dropped about $30,000 over the past three years, and property tax revenues were down $15,808 from 2009 to 2010. “The total of all these lost revenues is approximately $149,00,” Peters said. “This does not take into consideration the 4.5 percent drop in property values due to revaluation.” The proposed budget had one bit of good news. Aldermen approved the switch of medical insurance coverage from the N.C. League of Municipalities to Blue Cross Blue Shield. Peters said the change should save the town about $30,000 over the next fiscal year. Contact Mark Wineka at 704-797-4263.

Budget Highlights: • Tax rate increases from 43 cents to 47 cents. • Powell Bill Funds generates $106,600 in projected revenue, but won’t likely be enough to address numerous street repairs. • No garbage or recycling fees established. • Transfer water/sewer to Salisbury-Rowan Utilities, which will result in a future savings to residents.

as far as economic development because it puts us on a level playing field with the rest of the municipalities,” Withers said. The board will meet at 7



p.m. at 308 E. Centerview St., in the former South Rowan Medical Mall. Contact reporter Shavonne Potts at 704-797-4253.

said this puts the burden on cities and towns to make sure there is a good reason to annex an area if the landowners don’t pay this cost. Groups opposing involuntary annexation, including Good Neighbors of Rowan County, are in favor of the bill but wanted it to shift

more power from municipalities to property owners. The North Carolina League of Municipalities, a lobbyist group representing towns and cities, neither supports nor actively opposes the bill.

had one call in particular in which he really helped out behind the scenes, Hower said. A call came over about a child in respiratory distress, and Rogers responded. When he got there, paramedics were performing CPR on the child, so Rogers helped as much as he could with equipment, and then he tried to ease the mind of the boy’s mother. “He talked to the mother and kept her as calm as he could,” Hower said. “He offered her ROGERS words of encouragement, trying to keep her strong.” Rogers drove the woman to the hospital. The child did not survive. “But somebody has to be there,” Hower said. “Behind the scenes.” • William Kluttz, Rowan County Sheriff’s Office rookie of the year. Kluttz, a deputy, has been with the Sheriff’s Office for some time, working as a bailiff in the courthouse. “He does exactly what we need him to do,” Auten KLUTTZ said. And as people are getting frustrated having to take off belts and shoes, Kluttz remains positive. “He’s always over there with a smile,” Auten said. • Gene Smitley, Rowan County Sheriff’s Office veteran of the year. Smitley, a sergeant, began in 1989 as a “reserve, reserve officer,” Auten said. Smitley also worked in the drug unit with Auten years ago. “He’s a SMITLEY very hard worker, he’s

sincere and he puts in his hours,” Auten said. Smitley also holds the highest standard of certification by the N.C. Sheriff’s Association. Auten said Smitley, now a patrol officer, has built the best team the sheriff’s office has. “He hosts events at his house,” Auten said. “He cares about his people.” • Kristin Estep, Rowan County Department of Emergency Services rookie paramedic of the year. Estep has been with Emergency Services for one year but began her health care career in Florida as a certified nurse assistant. As she was on her way to the hospital to have her daughter, she talked to an ambulance attendant about ESTEP being a paramedic. “Her dream of working with EMS was born, along with the child born thereafter,” said Frank Thomason, Rowan County Emergency Services director. Estep is now a senior medic with Rowan EMS and serves internally on several boards. • Crystal Linker, Rowan County Department of Emergency Services veteran paramedic of the year. Linker began with Rowan EMS in 1996 and has an associate’s degree in emergency services along with numerous certifications — advanced cardiac life support, advanced trauma life support, swift water rescue, LINKER farm emergencies/farm medics, firefighter I and II and level one HAZMAT. Linker is also one of only three women who has completed Rowan County Advanced Tactical Support Team training.

Contact reporter Karissa Minn at 704-797-4222.

Dewey Harris ROCKWELL — Mr. Dewey Harris, 86, a resident of the Meadows of Rockwell, passed away peacefully Saturday, May 14, 2011, at Rowan Regional Medical Center in Salisbury following a sudden illness. Born Oct. 29, 1924, in Rowan County, he was the son of the late Corum Alexander and Nannie Lafoy Harris. A graduate of Landis High School, he retired after more than 45 years of faithful service from Powell Brothers in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Mr. Harris proudly served our country in the United States Coast Guard and was a member of the American Legion. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Patsy Gordon Harris; his sister, Lucille Harris Hudson; and a son, Michael Harris. Surviving family members include his three sons, Dewey Lee Harris and wife Shirley of Merritt Island, Fla., Charles Keith Harris and wife Sue of Panama City, Fla., and Howard Alexander Harris and wife Virginia of Salisbury; his stepdaughter, DeShan Sue Gordon and husband Roger of China Grove; and seven grandchildren. Service: A memorial celebration of life will be held at 6 p.m. Friday, May 27 at West Lawn Memorial Park Mausoleum Chapel conducted by the Rev. Mike Motley, pastor, Trading Ford Baptist Church. Memorials: In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorials be made to Rowan Regional Hospice, 720 Grove St., Salisbury, NC 28144. Linn-Honeycutt Funeral Home in China Grove is serving the Harris family.

Eunice 'Peggy' Johnson CONCORD — Eunice “Peggy” Maxine Johnson, 85, of Salisbury, passed away on Monday, May 23, 2011, at her home. Ms. Johnson was born in Cabarrus County on Dec. 7, 1925, to the late Henry and Helen Patterson. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Frank Junior Johnson. Ms. Johnson is survived by her daughters, Helen Coggins of Salisbury and Barbara Furr of Concord. Visitation and Service: The family will receive friends Thursday, May 26 from 12:302 p.m. at Hartsell Funeral Home of Concord. The service will begin at 2 p.m. in the chapel. Burial will follow at Oakwood Cemetery. Rev. Larry Beaver will officiate the services. The family would like to thank Terry Martin and the nurses of Hospice for all their caring help. Hartsell Funeral Home of Concord is serving the Johnson family. Online condolences may be made at www.hartsellfh.com

Wilie Wells, Sr. SALISBURY — Wilie Wells, Sr., 69, of Grady Street, departed this life Tuesday, May 24, 2011, at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. Arrangements are incomplete at Rowan Funeral Services.

Margaret Swicegood Henderson 11:00 AM Wednesday Summersett Mem. Chapel Visitation: 10-11:00 AM Wednesday

Iris Elizabeth Key Welborn CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — Iris Elizabeth Key Welborn, 93, of Chattanooga, passed away Sunday, May 22, 2011, while being cared for by the loving staffs of Life Care Center of Red Bank and Hospice of Chattanooga. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and friend. She was born May 25, 1917, in Surry County, N.C., to the late B.D. and Rosa Brown Key of Lemon Springs, N.C. She grew up in the Poplar Springs community near Elkin, N.C., and was a member of Poplar Springs Baptist Church. She graduated from Copeland High School, where she excelled at basketball and academics. Mrs. Welborn was a longtime resident of the Old Town Community of Winston-Salem, N.C. She retired from the Forsyth County School System after 26 years in food service and moved to Chattanooga 11 years ago to be near family. She enjoyed gardening and baking pound cakes, which she shared with family and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband of 64 years, Herman G. Welborn; sister Fonzie Key Doud; and brothers Albert Key, Clinton Key, Kermit Key and Jack Key. She is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, Jimmy G. and Sue Welborn of Ooltewah, Tenn., William M. and Kathryn Welborn of Salisbury, N.C.; sister Ruth Key Nickens and Harold of Cameron, N.C; five grandchildren and spouses, Gretchen and William Perry of Ringgold, Ga., Kirsten and Robert Kelly of Athens, Ala., Stephen and Lisa Welborn of Faber, Va., Heather and James G. Herring Jr. of Charlotte, N.C., Matthew A. and Jill Welborn of Mooresville, N.C.; nine great-grandchildren, Zachary, William and Joshua Perry, Parker and Austin Kelley, James and Kate Herring, Chloe and Ava Welborn; and several nieces and nephews whom she loved very much. Service and Visitation: The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, May 26 in the Mausoleum Chapel in Forsyth Memorial Park in Winston-Salem, N.C., with the Rev. Mike Beasley officiating. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service in the Forsyth Memorial Park Mausoleum Chapel. Services will be provided by Frank Vogler and Sons Funeral Home, 2951 Reynolda Road, Winston-Salem, N.C. Memorials: In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be sent to Hospice of Chattanooga Inc., 4411 Oakwood Drive, P.O. Box 19269, Chattanooga, TN 37416; or First United Methodist Church, Building Fund, 217 S. Church St., Salisbury, NC 28114. The Valley View Chapel of Chattanooga Funeral Home and Crematory is in charge of local arrangements. Online condolences may be made at www.frankvoglerandsons.com

James E. Bailey Sr. Correction

When words fail, let us help.

SALISBURY — James Efird Bailey Sr., 56, of Grim Street, who died Friday, May 20, 2011, at Carolinas Medical Center-Main, Charlotte, is survived by son James E. Bailey Jr. (Nakasha) of Salisbury. Visitation: Thursday, 12-1 p.m. at Fairview Heights Baptist Church. Hairston Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

View the Salisbury Post’s complete list of obituaries and sign the

James Daniel Pulliam

Obituary Guest Book at

SALISBURY — James Daniel Pulliam, 66, of Salisbury, passed away Tuesday, May 24, 2011, at Gordon Hospice House in Statesville. Arrangements are incomplete with Cremation Concepts of Salisbury in charge.


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WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011 • 5A


CrimeRoundup Marijuana find leads to child abuse charges MOORESVILLE — Authorities say they charged a man with child abuse Monday after finding marijuana within reach of two children in his home. And they found the marijuana while serving warrants on drug charges stemming from a February search MARTIN of the same home, a Rowan County Sheriff’s Office report said. Roger Dean Martin, 32, of 1520 Oak Breeze Drive, is charged with two counts of misdemeanor child abuse, manufacturing marijuana, maintaining a dwelling or vehicle for a controlled substance, simple possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was placed under a $5,000 bond. According to the Sheriff’s Office report, investigators served a search warrant Feb. 3 when Martin was not home. They found: • A Christmas bag filled with plastic bags containing marijuana residue, digital scales and marijuana seeds; • On a bookshelf in the living room, a book with a false compartment that contained plastic bags and scales with cocaine residue; • On the floor in the living room, a can with the words “puncture seal” on the outside that had a hidden compart-

ment containing plastic bags and a small knife with cocaine residue; • In the dining room, 17 small marijuana plants under grow lights on top of a fish tank. Searching the home, Monday investigators found a small amount of marijuana on a plate on Martin’s dresser and more marijuana and a marijuana grinder inside the dresser, according to the report. Martin and two children were home Monday, and Martin was arrested. Authorities contacted the Rowan County Department of Social Services about the children.

Police: Man shot across street at ex-girlfriend’s father SALISBURY — A Salisbury man is in jail after police say he shot at his ex-girlfriend’s father across South Main Street. The Salisbury Police Department said officers were dispatched Monday afternoon to Lancaster’s Car Wash on South Main after numerous people called 911 to report a man with a gun shooting across the street. When officers arrived, they found T h o m a s J e r o m e Hosch, 28, HOSCH and his gun, a .380-caliber that Hosch had tossed on the sidewalk, a report said. They determined the gun was stolen from a home in Laurinburg.

Rowan Rose Show winners

Officers spoke to Anthony Wallace Jr., the father of Hosch’s ex-girlfriend, who told them Hosch was at the car wash and had started an argument with him. The report said Wallace walked back toward a house and Hosch fired several bullets at him, but never hit him. Hosch was charged with felony possession of stolen goods and assault by pointing a gun. He was placed under a $5,000 secured bond.

Man charged with sex offenses against 14-year-old ENOCHVILLE — A 20year-old Mooresville man is charged with sex offenses against a 14-year-old girl he met on Facebook. And a woman is charged with felony child abuse after authorities say she allowed the crimes to happen in her home on South Enochville Avenue. Stephen Michael Smith is charged with statutory rape and a statutory sex offense. He was in the Rowan County jail Tuesday night under $150,000 bond. According to a Rowan County Sheriff’s Office report, authorities were called to Carolinas Medical Center-NorthEast on April 28 to investiSMITH gate a sexual assault that allegedly happened April 26. The investigators found Tracy Mikolay at the hospital with the girl and asked

why she didn’t report the incident sooner. Mikolay replied that she didn’t want law enforcement involved and didn’t want to press charges, according to the Sheriff’s Office report. The girl told authorities she met Smith on Facebook and that he and another man came to her house and into her bedroom, where they stayed for s e v e r a l hours. Mikolay was also in the home, the girl said. Mikolay MIKOLAY was aware that Smith is 20 years old, according to the report. On May 19, Detective Sarah Benfield met with Rowan County Assistant District Attorney Tim and discussed Goude charges against Smith. They also discussed Mikolay and determined a misdemeanor charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor against Mikolay was sufficient, the report said. District Attorney Brandy Cook reviewed the case and charged Mikolay with felony child abuse. A magistrate found probable cause and issued warrants for Mikolay and Smith. On May 20 Mikolay turned herself in Friday and was placed under a $15,000 bond. She has since been released from jail. Smith turned himself in to Iredell County authorities Sunday and he was transferred to the Rowan County jail Monday.

Cabarrus ham radio group to participate in field day Cabarrus County Amateur Radio operators will work around the clock this weekend to set up field radio communication stations, get on the air and contact thousands of other operators in the U.S. and Canada as part of participation in the American Radio Relay League’s Field Day. According to Sam Roberts, President of the Cabarrus Amateur Radio Society (C.A.R.S.), Field Day is the annual “shakedown run”for the ARRL’s National Field Organization. “Field Day is a way for hams to get outdoors and have fun

under some difficult conditions,” Roberts says. “But it’s also a chance to fine-tune emergency communication skills. We use generators and battery power, and we set up antennas in the field. The idea is to put together a self-sufficient, working station quickly and begin making contacts.” The ARRL Field Organization has been effective in establishing emergency communications nets during floods, hurricanes, fires, earthquakes and

other major disasters. Members of formal emergency organizations such as the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and the Radio Amateur Communication Emergency Services (RACES) regularly participate. The League estimates that more than 35,000 hams participate in Field Day every year. In cooperation with the City of Concord, C.A.R.S. Field Day operations this year, will be held at Fire Station No. 3, Con-

Yard sale to benefit Prevent Child Abuse

for mini-roses), Amos and Marie Fritts. • Arrangements top awards — this year’s theme was Disney animated films. Royalty Award: (top award for arrangements) Sara Hill for “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”; Line Mass Arrangements Artist Award: Leslie Lee for “Aladdin,” hanging arrangement; Oriental Award: Sara Hill for “Mulan,” oriental arrangement (Moribana); Court of Etiquette: (table setting with a rose arrangement), Sara Hill for “Beauty and the Beast”; Mini-Royalty Award: (top awards for miniature rose arrangement). Frances Agner for “Cinderella.” • Mass Arrangement Mini-Artist Award: Leslie Lee for “Alice in Wonderland,” transparent arrangement. This is the first year for a Youth Arrangement Division: John Seamon, Noah Lee and Susan Lee all received a certificate of appreciation.

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...to these merchants for sponsoring the Meals on Wheels program with the Salisbury Post, providing weekday delivery of the Post to Meals on Wheels recipients.

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SALISBURY — Prevent Child Abuse Rowan is hosting a yard sale this weekend to raise funds for its programs. The yard sale is Friday and Saturday and will be from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Terrie Hess House Child Advocacy Center, 130 Woodson St., Salisbury. “We are having the yard sale to fundraiser for the child advocacy center. The money we get comes through a grant and donations,” said Kristine Craig, a Prevent Child Abuse Rowan family advocate. The Terrie Hess House Child Advocacy Center is a program of Prevent Child Abuse Rowan. Tours of the Terrie Hess House will be available on Saturday. There will be a hot dog sale on Friday only. Those interested can buy hot dogs and a drink for $2. The yard sale will have new and gently used clothing, to include children’s clothing. There will be home goods including dish towels and cleaning supplies. “This our first time having a yard sale,” Craig said. There were many who donated items to include in the sale, but they will accept more, she said. The Salisbury Police Department donated police coats, Craig said. The badges have been removed from the coats, but they are heavily lined. For more information or to donate yard sale items contact Prevent Child Abuse Rowan at 704-639-1700 or Roxanne at 704-267-5894. Contact reporter Shavonne Potts at 704-797-4253.

cord, N.C.. Set up begins at 10 a.m. June 25 with actual operation starting at 2 p.m. The public is invited. For more information, contact: Mike Mcdonough KI4RBC, C.A.R.S, or call 980622-7462.

The main winners of the Rowan Rose Show 2011 have been announced. They are listed below, first by award, then by the person’s name and the name of the rose. Queen of the Show: Doug Whitt, Veterans’ Honor; King of the Show: Doug Whitt, Moonstone; Princess of the Show: Doug Whitt, Gemini; Large Rose Sweepstakes: (most blue ribbons for larger roses), Jack and Nancy Wright; Miniature Rose Queen: Amos and Marie Fritts, Joy; Miniature Rose King: Jack and Nancy Wright, Best of ’04; Miniature Rose Princess: Amos and Marie Fritts, Ty; Mini-Flora Rose Queen: Gary Whitt, Cooper; Mini-Flora Rose King: Jack and Nancy Wright, Abby’s Angel; Mini-Flora Rose Princess: Gary Whitt, Dr. John Dickman; Miniature Rose Sweepstakes: (most blue ribbons



2 R1



6A • WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011



Fish for Fun Day Saturday at Granite Lake Park

A success story worth telling A

“Our board voted to give the proceeds in honor of those who have been touched by Breast Cancer. Relay for Life is certainly a worthy recipient of these funds. “ More details about the Bare Bones 5K at www.salisburyrowanrunners.org or at 704-310-6741.

Need A/C? elizabeth Chabala before, left, and after losing 115 pounds.

rienced breast cancer. The shirt will commemorate breast cancer awareness. New or gently worn running shoes will be collected for Rowan Helping Ministries. The race course is mostly flat and utilizes the Greenway and Prescott Drive. The finish is on the track at Knox Middle School. The event is sponsored by the Salisbury Rowan Runners, Cheerwine, Relay for Life, Knox Middle School and Sportrax. Nationally recognized Race Director David Abernathy is again excited about

the event. He said “We expect to have the biggest attendance yet. There is something new every year. Come out and see what happens this year. It is our first time in the club’s 30 plus years to be associated with Relay for Life. Come help us celebrate the many women in our area who have been afflicted with this terrible disease.� More information can be found online at www.salisburyrowanrunners.org and www.active.com. Other inquiries can go to 704-3106741.

Price Post 107 hosts annual Memorial Week Celebration

A special Post Everlasting Service is planned Sunday at White Rock AME Zion Church in Granite Quarry. On Monday, a Memorial Service is planned at 9 a.m. at the VA Medical Center’s Brenner Avenue Cemetery. A Gospel Festival will be held Sunday and Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the Post upstairs auditorium.

Rides by Inners Shows will be featured on the Midway June 1-5. Other attractions will include concessions, food, homemade ice cream, cotton candy, novelty games, photo booths and snow cones.



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Knox Middle School will be the site of the Bare Bones 5K and ½ Mile Fun Run this Saturday. The 5K kicks off at 8:30 a.m. and the Fun Run follows at about 8:50 a.m. Awards will be given in 14 age categories for both male and female. A unique dri-fit shirt will go to all participants in the 5K and the Fun Run. Refreshments will follow the completion of both events. This year for the first time, all proceeds will go to Relay for Life, honoring those women who have expe-

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ning with Zumba for her exercise needs. Elizabeth will not only run the Bare Bones 5K on Saturday, but she will race it. She is a determined competitor now, as signified by her total weight loss of 115 pounds. The 10th Annual Bare Bone 5K will take place at Knox Middle School on Saturday. The Bare Bones 5K started as a non-sponsored, low key event, simply intended to give back to the area runners and walkers who enter SRR’s events throughout the year. It has grown into a 200 person race under David Abernathy’s leadership. Abernathy was honored in 2010 as the Southeast Regional Race Director of the Year. His innovative ideas and sound fiscal management have produced successful events, but Abernathy raised the bar this year. First, he went with a higher quality dri-fit shirt. Then he challenged SRR Vice President Steve Clark to a race-off between the two of them. At times, the two have slung rather pointed jabs at each other. Abernathy actually pulled up beside Clark and another runner, telling Clark that he could run much faster if didn’t talk so much. Once and for all, they will settle their differences on pavement that includes the Greenway and Prescott Drive. Different this year also is that all proceeds will go to Relay for Life. Race director Abernathy said

R 12 67 38

biggest person in the room. � She began to avoid anyone with a camera, and seldom went out much. It became easier to stay home and comfort herself with food. In January, Elizabeth attended a Weight Watchers meeting at the South Rowan YMCA. Her body mass index was 43, signifying that Elizabeth was considered morbidly obese. Realizing that she was sick of herself, and of her own body, Elizabeth felt like this might be her last shot. But after just one month attending classes, she had lost 20 pounds and thought that she might be able to gain control over her eating. Then a friend suggested Zumba. “I was afraid to try it, but I was immediately hooked. Because of my weight, I just couldn’t move as fast as the rest of the class. But each week I got better and it became part of my regular routine,� Elizabeth said. She started going to class twice a week with all four of her daughters. The weight continued to come off, Elizabeth said. Finally, Elizabeth decided to challenge herself and she ran the China Grove Main Street Challenge 5K in June of last year. At that time, she had lost 56 pounds and she was soon hooked on running. The Beginning Runners Class followed and that is where I met her. She now has lots of energy, eats right and still attends Weight Watchers. She has combined run-

10th Annual Bare Bones 5K Run/Walk is Saturday

J.C. Price Post 107 has slotted its 92nd Annual Memorial Week Celebration for Friday to Sunday, June 5. The Post is located at 1433 Old Wilkesboro Road in Salisbury.

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bout 3 months ago, I met Elizabeth Chabala. She signed up for one of the Salisbury Rowan Runner’s Beginning Runner Classes. Elizabeth attended the class at First Reformed Church in Landis, and immediately I noticed that she was really trying hard. Elizabeth had a DAVID special story, FREEZE but I had no idea during the first few weeks of the class. Her bubbly personality and genuine positive approach made it fun to run beside her. I noticed that she was taking the class seriously, never missing, always running farther and just a little faster than she did before. We talked as we ran together about her family. On one Tuesday night, one of her classmates told me that Elizabeth had lost more than 100 pounds. My curiosity took over, and I found out how this came about. Elizabeth was not overweight as a kid, but she hated exercise. After getting married, Elizabeth starting gaining weight with each of four pregnancies, and it never came off. Over a 10 year period, the weight gain totaled 135 pounds. Elizabeth was diagnosed with sleep apnea and also as a pre-diabetic. Exhaustion was a part of every day, and only with a nap could she make it through the day. Elizabeth said “I felt miserable all the time and was a disappointment to my family. I tried many diets, but nothing worked. Gastric bypass surgery scared me. I really believed that I would be overweight for the rest of my life.� Elizabeth’s mom died in 2005, and it was a devastating loss. Elizabeth found comfort in unhealthy food, the very thing that had killed her mother. Elizabeth realized that she didn’t want her own daughters to lose their own mother. Elizabeth said “I ate lots of terrible things, and never ate fruits and vegetables. Anywhere I went, it seemed like I was always the

GRANITE QUARRY — June 4, at Granite Lake Park. Kids are being invited to parFor more information and ticipate in “Fish for Fun Day� to sign up, call Town Hall at from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, 704-279-5596.

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011 • 7A


Two dead, two injured in Union County train crash

Dozens hurt when school bus overturns

RALEIGH (AP) — Two train crew members were killed and two others injured in a freight train crash in Union County that crumpled train cars and forced the evacuations of nearby homes early Tuesday, officials and witnesses said. CSX spokesman Bob Sullivan said two locomotives were traveling east through the town of Mineral Springs when one train struck the other from behind about 3:45 a.m. and cars on both trains derailed. Authorities told a dozen people to leave nearby

GREENSBORO (AP) — Authorities say dozens of students have been sent to hospitals after a Davidson County elementary school bus overturned. School officials say the bus with 38 students onboard was headed to Midway Elementary School at about 7:30 a.m. Tuesday when it was involved in a wreck with a truck pulling a trailer. Authorities say 31 students were sent to hospitals, but Assistant Davidson County 911 director Dwayne Condrey says none of the injuries were thought to be serious.Seven uninjured students were picked up scene by parents.

homes because of smoke from a fire that started after the crash. Union County spokesman Brett Vines said fuel from the locomotive engines was burning. An earlier report that one of the trains was carrying cooking oil was incorrect, Vines said. Sullivan said no hazardous materials were being hauled. “We don’t know how fast they were traveling and we don’t know exactly how it happened,” Sullivan said. “Obviously, there will be an investigation into all those details.”

Vines said the wreckage was still burning Tuesday evening on the track that bisects the one-stoplight town about 20 miles southeast of Charlotte. He said firefighters likely would have the blaze out by Tuesday night and evacuees should be able to return home Wednesday. Vines said one CSX engineer was pronounced dead at the scene of the wreck, while a second died at Carolinas Medical Center shortly after 4 a.m. Tuesday. Their names were not immediately released. Two other crew members

were treated at the scene. Ray Arvin said he saw the blaze and the crumpled mass of train cars about 8 a.m. when he got to his office just a few yards from the railroad track that runs parallel to N.C. 75. Police had cordoned off the area, so Arvin had to walk several blocks to reach his workplace at Blythe Co. “When the second engine slammed into the back of the train, the front engine just folded and the train cars stacked up on top of each other,” he said. Each of the trains had two locomotives. One carry-

ing 12 freight cars was en route from Atlanta to Charlotte. The other had nine freight cars and was traveling from New Orleans to Hamlet, N.C., Sullivan said. Diane Countryman, wife of a Mineral Springs council member, said emergency personnel were keeping the site cordoned off throughout the day Tuesday, and not even allowing local officials near the site. Countryman said local residents are accustomed to train traffic through the town, which has a population of 2,500, but wrecks are rare.

Jon C. Lakey/SaliSbury PoSt

Duke Energy’s construction site of a new 620-megawatt natural gas-fired combined-cycle generating plant is located next to the buck Steam plant in rowan County.

PLANT FroM 1a tighter pollution controls, shut down coal-fired units 3 and 4 last week as a condition to build the new combined cycle plant. Coal-fired units 1 and 2 at Buck Steam were shut down years ago, and units 5 and 6 are slated for closure in 2015. Overall, Duke will retire 1,000 megawatts of power produced with coal over three years, Welch said. Because it will use ambient air to cool the steam instead of river water, the new plant will consume less than 5 percent of the water that was used at units 3, 4, 5 and 6 combined. The construction crew building the combined cycle plant has peaked at about 900 workers and will begin to decline this summer. About 25 people will work at the new facility. Welch said so far, no one has lost a job due to shutting down coal-fired plants. The 620-megawatt natural gas-fired, combined-cycle generating plant will replace about 370 megawatts of coalfired capacity by 2015, said Erin Culbert, a Duke Energy spokeswoman. Actual emissions of nitrogen oxide will be reduced by 97 percent, from 2,552.9 tons per year to 64 tons per year, Culbert said. Sulfur dioxide will be reduced essentially by 100 percent, from 10,693.5 tons per year to fewer than 5 tons per year, she said. In 2008, Rowan County approved Duke Energy for an incentive to expand Buck Steam Station. Starting in 2012, the company will receive roughly $840,000 back from its property tax payment annually for 10 years. The expansion was competitive, and Duke Energy considered several locations, Welch said. Incentives helped Rowan County win the project, although the availability of power transmission, natural gas and a water source were more important, he said. “For Rowan County, this means a $600 million invest-

Project status

How combined-cycle power generation works

• Engineering 99 percent complete. • Construction 73 percent complete. • Commissioning began in January. • First fire scheduled for August. • Commercial operation will begin in December. • Final completion in April 2012.

ment added to the tax base,” he said. Duke Energy paid about $1.2 million in property taxes in 2010, and the company’s tax bill is expected to top $2 million when construction at Buck is complete. After 10 years, the county keeps 100 percent. The new combined cycle facility is an intermediate load plant, meaning Duke will use it when the demand for electricity increases. Nuclear power plants, which make up 50 percent of Duke’s fleet and are the most efficient source of electricity, run around the clock, Welch said. When demand increases, Duke uses intermediate load plants. The combined cycle plant will compete with coalfired plants located throughout the Carolinas as the next source of power after nuclear. Whether the plant is used on any certain day depends on the weather, demand and the cost of natural gas, Welch said. Shaw Group is the general contractor. Duke is building a nearly identical combined cycle plant at Dan River Steam Station in Rockingham County. Duke Energy built an extra bay in the 230,000-volt switchyard to accommodate the additional power generated by the new plant. Buck Steam plant was Duke Energy’s first large capacity coal generating plant built in the Carolinas and was named for the company’s co-founder, James Buchanan “Buck” Duke. Contact reporter Emily Ford at 704-797-4264.

A natural gas combined cycle generating facility combines two energy production processes — gas turbines and a steam turbine — to convert natural gas to electricity. First, natural gas is burned in two combustion turbines to produce mechanical power that is converted to electric power by the

generator. For increased efficiency, the hot exhaust gases from the natural gas combustion process are then routed through the heat recovery steam generator (boiler), which produces steam and additional electricity through a steam turbine.

Combined cycle plants’ operational flexibility are key in supporting intermediate electricity demand, and their systematic use of heat released from the natural gas combustion allows them to achieve high thermal efficiency. DukE EnErgy

Jon C. Lakey/SaliSbury PoSt

5Duke Energy’s todd Shuping, project director for construction, gives a ground-level tour to a group of Duke Energy retirees at the construction site of a new 620-megawatt natural gas-fired combined-cycle generating plant located next to the buck Steam plant in rowan County. 3the new power plant could be fired up during the summer, clearing the way for older coal fired facility to be shut down by 2015.


WEDNESDAY May 25, 2011


Katie Scarvey, Lifestyle Editor, 704-797-4270 kscarvey@salisburypost.com


Energizing edamame BY KATIE SCARVEY kscarvey@salisburypost.com

There are some foods that leave one feeling completely satisfied and energized, and no, I’m not talking about Carolina pork barbecue. If you’re looking for a quality fuel for your body, edamame is an excellent choice. Edamame (pronounced eddamah-may) is really just a fancy name for boiled green soybeans. These don’t sound particularly yummy, I realize, but they’re actually quite wonderful. They have a pleasant, slightly nutty taste, but the best thing about edamame for me is that when I eat it for lunch, I feel like superwoman all afternoon. After doing some reading about whether or not this feeling is justified, I learned that edamame does in fact contain a lot of things that contribute to sustained energy, including lots of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and iron. It also has plenty of tryptophan, which can improve sleep, elevate mood and even help regulate appetite. Edamame also contains an essential trace mineral called molybdenum, which is said to enhance concentration. It’s also packed with folate, considered a natural mood booster. You can buy edamame in the pod or already shelled, which is my preferred form. For snacking, however, edamame in the pod works nicely. While doing a healthy home cooking story a while back at the home of pediatrician Chris Magryta and his nutritionist wife, Nicole, I noticed that their young children enjoying edamame as a pre-dinner snack. Just toss the pods into salted, boiling water for five minutes. Pop them right out of the pods into your mouth — but don’t eat the pods themselves. Edamame is more widely available now than it used to be, although it’s still not a common item at farmers markets. You can, however, find edamame at McDonald’s as a topping on the Asian salad. This recipe for Roasted Edamame Salad comes from Alton Brown. I haven’t made this exact concoction, but I’m pretty confident that this recipe will be a winner, especially with fresh, local tomatoes and corn.

Roasted Edamame Salad — Alton Brown

12 ounces fresh or frozen shelled edamame, about 2 cups 1 ⁄2 C. fresh corn kernels, about 2 ears of corn 1 ⁄4 C. finely diced scallion 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 ⁄4 tsp. kosher salt 1 ⁄4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1 C. chopped fresh tomato 1 ⁄4 C. chopped fresh basil leaves 1 Tbs. red wine vinegar Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Place the edamame, corn, scallion, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper into a 13 by 9 metal pan and stir to combine. Place on the middle rack of the oven and roast for 10 to 15 minutes, just until the edamame begins to brown. Remove from the oven and place in the refrigerator until completely cool, approximately 30 minutes.

katie scarvey/sAlisbuRy posT

edamame and chickpea Falafel is a light version of the classic Middle eastern dish. 1 lemon, juice and zest 1 ⁄2 tsp. red pepper flakes small handful flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped large handful cilantro sprigs, rough chopped (including stalks) 1 ⁄2 tsp. salt 2 Tbs. whole wheat flour (or plain) 1 ⁄2 tsp. ground cumin 1 ⁄2 tsp. ground coriander Heat the oven to 425 degrees. Place all of the ingredients into the bowl of a food processor and

pulse until roughly chopped. Tip into a bowl and then form into 12 balls. Place them on a nonstick baking tray and mist with an oil spray to get the outsides extra crispy Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden and crispy. Serve in salads or stuffed into pitas with spring greens and fresh veggies — tomatoes and cucumbers would be wonderful. A yogurt sauce with some cucumber and dill would top this off nicely.

A speedy summer meal featuring edamame in recent years, edamame has become more widely available in supermarkets.

BY JIM ROMANOFF For the Associated Press

Add the tomato, basil and vinegar to the edamame mixture and toss to combine. Taste and adjust seasoning, as desired. Serve chilled or at room temperature. • • • I happen to love the taste of falafel, so I tried the following recipe recently. I was impressed with how easy and good it was. It’s baked, so it’s lighter and healthier than the regular fried version. I added a little bit of olive oil to this recipe, and I think that next time I’ll also add some crushed garlic. You could also easily form burgers with this mixture.

Edamame and Chickpea Falafel — London Foodie in New York (londonfoodieny.com) 6 ounces chickpeas, about 1 cup 9 ounces shelled edamame, about 11⁄2 cups (you can boil them first or use straight from the freezer if you want

Beautiful spring weather and longer days often mean a good, home-cooked supper falls by the wayside. Who wants to be standing around in the kitchen, right? But don't give in to the temptation of greasy takeout or frozen dinners. There are plenty of shortcuts that can help you get a healthy meal on the table in a surprisingly short amount of time. This rice and noodle pilaf with edamame and grilled shrimp, for example, is a one-pot meal that can be on the table in around 35 minutes — less time than it usually takes to get a AssociATed pRess pizza delivered. Rice and noodle pilaf with edamame and The secret to the

grilled shrimp. This recipe is a one-pot meal See EDAMAME, 9A that can be on the table in 35 minutes.

Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? n this week’s column, I will provide you the answer to a question that may still puzzle many. Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? We have all heard that before, but it is really true? The truth is that, yes, it is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast gets you going for the day — at work, at TOI school and at DEGREE play. People who eat breakfast feel better all day. They are more alert and creative and they perform better with a longer attention span and memory. Eating breakfast helps us feel better and helps avoid headaches and stomachaches from hunger. When you don’t eat breakfast, you don’t have the energy you need to start your day and by mid-morning you are exhausted or looking for any food you can find, often times leading you to make unhealthy choices. So, if it is so important, what are some reasons that people skip breakfast? • You don’t have time to make or eat breakfast. • You don’t have breakfast foods in the house. • You’re not hungry when you wake up. • You don’t like breakfast foods. • You think skipping breakfast helps you lose weight. If your reason for skipping breakfast is to lose weight then you are heading down the wrong path. About 25 percent of Americans do not eat breakfast. Some people feel that if they skip breakfast, it will help them eat fewer calories. It may sound like a good way to eat fewer calories. After all, eating one less meal has to help you eat fewer calories, right? Wrong. In fact, just the opposite is true. People who eat breakfast: • Eat fewer total calories and less total fat. • Are less likely to be overweight. Breakfasteaters weigh, on average, less than those who skip breakfast. • People who skip breakfast tend to eat more calorie-dense food later in the day, more than making up for the calories they would have consumed at breakfast. So what is the one thing that many people who have lost weight and kept it off have in common? Simply eating breakfast! Eating breakfast: • Reduces hunger later in the day. • Reduces the urge to consume more calorie-dense foods.



Get your cookout supplies at the Farmers Market Send us your favorite summer recipes BY KATHERINE JONES For The Salisbury Post

Last Saturday at the Farmers Market there were 25 vendors and a huge variety of produce, meats, baked goods, crafts and plants that attracted a large number of shoppers. This week will provide even more choices as the growing season changes from cool weather crops to the bounty provided by warmer conditions. Cauble Creek Winery treated us to a wine tasting and also displayed some other products such as muscadine salsa, sweet potato butter and muscadine pepper jelly. This coming weekend will be filled with Memorial Day celebrations. That means food for picnics and cookouts. You may also need sun bonnets, straw hats and sun visors. Most all your needs for entertaining can be purchased at the Salisbury Farmers Market. Wild Turkey Farms and T & D Charolais

have wonderful meat selections for grilling and smoking. Choose from steaks, ribs, chops, chicken, brats, ground beef, hot dogs and much more. Miller Farms, Cress Farm, Kraus Family Farm, Country Gardens, Correll Farm and Eagle Produce will be able to provide fresh fruit and produce that is locally grown. I was very impressed with the many varieties of lettuce that is being offered. In addition, you will find squash, zucchini, onions, cabbage, beets and sugar peas. Cress has some hothouse tomatoes and Eagle’s is now pickling cucumbers No picnic or cookout would be complete without bread and dessert and we are fortunate to have some of the best bakers in the county at our market. Kris of How Sweet It Is has a good selection of breads, fruit pies, cakes, cookies, muffins and yeast dinner rolls.



In June, the Post plans to publish a special food section, celebrating summer food. We would love for readers to share their favorite recipes involving: • grilling • fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables • summer beverages • summer sweets and desserts Please e-mail your submissions as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 10, to lifestyle@salisburypost.com. Please include your name, address, and daytime phone num-

ber. E-mailed submissions are preferred, but you may also mail your submissions to: Salisbury Post Food editor P.O. Box 4639 Salisbury, NC 28145 If you’d like to write a column or personal reminiscence about summer food memories, we welcome those submissions as well. Submissions will be published at our discretion. If you have questions, please call 704-797-4270 or email lifestyle@salisburypost.com.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011 • 9A

n’t care for the shade), we simply rehung the rack and completely hid the sample. We have lots of wall art to try more samples. — Alan,

steps. Every time I ate an orange, I used the peel to rub out a few more inches of filth. Before I knew it, the table looked like new. — Millie,



Label the sponge. I discovered a great solution to keeping track of my cleaning sponges. I label the sponges with my Sharpie pen. For example, on one, I wrote “COMET,” and on another, I wrote “TOILET.” After all that cleaning, even with bleach, the lettering has stayed perfectly legible. — Cindy, email

Orange peel cleaner. A buildup of greasy dirt on furniture can be peeled away easily. Grapefruit or orange peel rubbed over the dirt leaves the surface clean, fragrant and oiled, all in one step. I did this on a grungy wooden kitchen table edge in


Rice and Noodle Pilaf with Edamame and Grilled Shrimp Start to finish: 35 minutes Servings: 4 1 Tbs. plus 2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided 2 Tbs. lemon juice 1 pound large raw shrimp, peeled and deveined 1 small red onion, chopped 2 ounces finely chopped Canadian bacon

• Gives you energy to be more physically active. Choose a breakfast cereal with: • fewer than 200 calories per serving. • fewer than 6 grams sugar per serving. • at least 3 grams dietary fiber per serving. Bars can be a good quick breakfast or snack. They are also good to keep in your desk drawer as an emergency meal. If you choose a breakfast bar, choose one with: • Fewer than 200 calories per bar. • Fewer than 6 grams sugar per 100 calories. • At least 3 grams dietary fiber per bar.

Breakfast tips • Prepare the night before. Set the table with bowls and spoons for cereal. Put ingredients for smoothies in the blender jar and refrigerate. Slice up some fruit and low-fat cheese. • Keep it simple. On busy days, a sandwich or yogurt with fruit work just fine. • Pack it to go. If there’s no time to eat at home, pack

COOKOUT FROM 8a Emma at The Bread Basket offers many types of bread including Honey Oatmeal and Seven Grain. She also has chocolate and lemon chess pies, pineapple upside-down cakes and much more. Carla Anne’s Cookies will be displaying many varieties of cookies and her wonderful genuine San Francisco Sour Dough Bread. (Carla Anne will be featured in the June, 2011 issue of Food Network Magazine for her BBQ cookies).

Stain remover. My puppy threw up on my light-colored living room rug. Because a lot of dog foods contain dye, I used a product that is meant to remove red wine

Creative wrapping. As a wedding gift, I purchased a laundry basket and filled it with a bunch of laundry cleaning supplies. Then came the problem: How do I wrap this? Wrapping paper wouldn’t work, and gift bags were too small. At the store, I spotted a vinyl tablecloth. It was not only big enough but also cheaper than the wrapping paper, plus it was something they could use. I bought a roll of ribbon and used it to tie the ends together. I made a note in the card that the wrap was a tablecloth. The couple will be able to use everything. — Karen,

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(about 1⁄ 3 cup) ⁄4 C. fine egg noodles, broken up 3 ⁄4 C. instant brown rice 1 ⁄4 C. dry white wine 1 C. frozen shelled edamame 11⁄2 C. reduced-sodium chicken broth Salt and ground black pepper 1 Tbs. chopped fresh dill, plus more to garnish Light a charcoal fire or heat a gas grill to high. In a bowl, whisk together 2 teaspoons of the olive oil and the lemon juice. Add the shrimp, toss to coat, then set aside. In a large saucepan or Dutch oven over medium, heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil. Add the onion and bacon and saute until the onion becomes translucent, about 2 minutes. Add the noodles and rice and cook, stirring often, until the noodles begin to brown, about 3 minutes. Add the wine and cook, stirring constantly, until the wine has evaporated, about 2 minutes. Add the edamame and chicken broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, thread the shrimp onto 4 bamboo or metal skewers. Season both sides with salt and pepper. Grill, until the shrimp are pink and firm, about 11⁄2 minutes per side. Remove the pilaf from the heat and let stand, covered, for 3 minutes. Stir in the dill and season with pepper. Serve the pilaf topped with shrimp on or off the skewers. Garnish with additional dill, if desired. Nutrition information per serving (values are rounded to the nearest whole number): 380 calories; 121 calories from fat (32 percent of total calories); 13 g fat (2 g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 179 mg cholesterol; 26 g carbohydrate; 33 g protein; 3 g fiber; 510 mg sodium.

it to go. Save time by packing both a brown-bag breakfast and lunch the night before, and keep it in the refrigerator until you are ready to leave. • Breakfast doesn’t have to be breakfast food. Use leftovers for breakfast. This helps save money and keeps from wasting food. • Plan and shop. Keep sliced fruit or hard-cooked eggs in the refrigerator. A smart breakfast includes one item from each of these three groups: Grain. A grain gets your body and brain going for a busy day. Try hot or cold whole-grain cereal or wholegrain bread. Protein. Protein is often missing from breakfast. Protein is what you need to keep you going until lunch. Many foods have protein, not just those from the meat group. Try lean options like eggs, lean deli-meat, fat-free yogurt or cottage cheese. Fruit. Breakfast is a great way to get started on the two cups of fruit you need each day. Whole fruit is a better option than juice because you get the added benefit of dietary fiber that helps you feel fuller longer. Any fresh, frozen or canned fruit is fine. Make sure canned and frozen do not have added sugar.

Quick breakfast ideas: • Rice pudding — mix leftover rice, low-fat or fatfree vanilla yogurt, raisins, almonds and cinnamon. • Pita sandwich — fill pita bread with 1 ounce lowfat cheese, 1 or 2 ounces low-fat ham or turkey, and vegetables. Heat in the microwave or serve cold. • Hot cereal — make quick cooking oats, add fruit, and enjoy with a glass of fat-free milk. • Breakfast burrito — fill a whole-wheat tortilla with one scrambled egg, egg substitute or 1⁄2 cup black beans. Add 1-ounce low-fat cheese and salsa. • Fruit smoothie — 1⁄2 cup of fruit — banana, strawberries, peaches, blueberries; 1 cup of base — low-fat plain or vanilla yogurt, frozen fruit or ice cubes; and 1⁄2 cup liquid fatfree or soy milk or juice blend until smooth and enjoy. Skip the fast food breakfast. There are virtually no healthy options on the breakfast menu. Keep healthy foods on hand and make breakfast at home. Have a good week and start enjoying breakfast again.

Add to your menu for the weekend some of the great salsa or relish from The Funky Pepper. Surely you need an apron, table cover, tote, potholder, soap or head gear from one of our many hand crafters. If you plan to have an industrious holiday weekend then visit Owens Greenhouse, Dawn’s Greenhouse, Country Gardens, Bluebird Acres Farm and Joyce’s Flowers for great plants. They have an incredible assortment of vegetable and flower plants, both annual and perennial and many baskets and containers. You can even get a mosquito

plant to use at your picnic if needed. There are fabulous herbs that will enhance your food all year.

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Katherine Jones is a Master Gardener Volunteer for the Cooperative Extension Service in Rowan County. For more information about the Salisbury Farmers Market visit www.salisburyfarmersmarket.com. The Farmers Market if located in downtown Salisbury on the corner of South Main and Bank streets. It is open on Wednesday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Saturday from 7 a.m. to noon.


ease of this tasty meal starts at the market. The starch portion of the dish consists of quick-cooking fine egg noodles combined with instant brown rice, which has all the nutrition of its conventional cousin, but cooks in about a quarter of the time. To build layers of great flavor, the rice and noodles are browned with sauteed red onion and smoky Canadian bacon, then simmered in dry white wine and chicken broth. Vegetables come in the form of protein-rich edamame. But if you prefer, you could use frozen baby lima beans or even black-eyed peas. While the pilaf is simmering, throw some lemony, flash-marinated shrimp on the grill. If you don’t want to bother lighting the grill you can cook the shrimp in a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until they are opaque, about 11⁄ 2 minutes per side. Grilled scallops or chicken would work, too.




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Hobo dinners. We have been making “hobo” dinner packets for years and love them. We use a hamburger patty and sliced potatoes, carrots and onions. Season well. Add about 1 tablespoon of water and a pat of butter. Tightly seal everything in aluminum foil, and cook it on the grill (or in the oven) for about 30 to 45 minutes. These make wonderful meals. — R.P.,

stains. It worked so well that now you can’t find the spot. This is normally a stain that is very hard to remove. — Penny,

Voted Best Jewelry Store in Rowan County


I receive all sorts of tips from “Everyday Cheapskate” readers. You never would believe some of the things that people are doing to save time and money. Sometimes I just sit back and w o n d e r , “What were you thinking?” But MARY most of the HUNT time, I receive tips like the ones I’m sharing today, and I think, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Hiding the paint. We have decided to paint our dining room and purchased a small amount of the color we thought would look best to try on the wall. I took down a spice rack we have hanging in the room and painted the test color within the outlines of the spice rack. After evaluating the color (we did-

Your Bridal Connection R130856

Hiding the paint samples behind stuff


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Pr e-P ick ed



10A • WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011

SALISBURY POST My Turn: Bruce La Rue

Auto ordeal: Inspection law fails the test A

Salisbury Post “The truth shall make you free” GREGORY M. ANDERSON Publisher 704-797-4201 ganderson@salisburypost.com



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Bills need a deep burial Medicare scares hen the city wins a grant to revitalize a neighborhood, is it satisfied to quietly post the news on its website — or does it hope for a front-page article and photos? When the county helps recruit a new business, do commissioners say, “Let’s just put a few paragraphs on our website” — or do they show up for a grand ground-breaking ceremony that will get coverage in the local newspaper? When local leaders launch a new marketing campaign, do they rely solely on government websites or view newspapers as a crucial way to reach audiences? Think about those and similar “good news” scenarios as you ponder the rationale behind House Bill 472 and Senate Bill 773, which would allow cities and counties to post public notices on government websites instead of publishing them in local newspapers. Like Dracula in his coffin, these bills represent a bad idea that refuses to die. Earlier this month, the House Committee on Government resoundingly rejected the House bill 21-10, with Rep. Harry Warren (RRowan) among those voting against it. As the North Carolina Press Association noted at the time, “this should kill off this bill.” But late Tuesday, it appeared HB 472 might be stirring in its coffin. House Majority Leader Skip Stam, one of the primary sponsors, has reintroduced the bill in the House Rules Committee, although it wasn’t clear whether he intended for it to be debated anew. Meanwhile, Sen. Andrew Brock (R-Davie and Rowan) has introduced a similar measure in his chamber. (Brock told the Post editorial board he doesn’t expect the Senate bill to come up for discussion this session.) Let’s hope that’s the case. If either of these bills re-emerges into the light of day — now or next session — legislators should act in the interest of government transparency, public access to information and accountability. As we urged in an earlier editorial, put a stake through their hearts. Public notices generate some revenue for newspapers, but that isn’t the reason this idea deserves a quick death. It’s also true that governments need to cut costs, but updating and maintaining websites takes resources. There’s no guarantee this will actually save money; there’s no doubt it would reduce the visibility of public notices. There’s nothing wrong with governments publishing information on their own websites, of course. But giving government agencies the discretion to publish public notices only on their own websites vastly increases their ability to control the dessemination of that information. When governments want to spread the good word, they know local newspapers remain the best single way to connect with the community. The same holds true if they really want public notices to remain in the public eye.


Common sense

(Or uncommon wisdom, as the case may be)

Never think you’ve seen the last of anything. — Eudora Welty

Moderately confused

Liberals distort Republican reform plan ome Democrats and their left-wing supporters are telling grotesque lies about a Republican Medicare reform plan, sinking so low in one instance, so pathetically, immorally, disgustingly low, as to try to convince the nation through an ad that the reform will murder the elderly. It’s not just the ad by an outfit called The Agenda Project that’s threatening rescue from our spending and debt plight, although there is surely a special place in Hell for such nasty propaganda. The ad shows someone looking vaguely like Rep. Paul Ryan, R.-Wisc., push an old woman to the edge JAY of a cliff in a wheelchair, AMBROSE dumping the protesting, helpless soul to her certain death when they get there. Along the way, we are told how half the 46 million Medicare recipients make no more than $28,000 a year. It is made to seem they will have to fend for themselves if the Republican plan flies. Without the video vividness, any number of Democrats (along with Republican Newt Gingrich) have spread similarly dire depictions even though the plan drawn up by Ryan and passed by the House would not go into full effect for 10 years and would not apply to anyone currently on Medicare. The government would still provide funds for health insurance and would reward the well off less than those with lower incomes, which is something you would think the soak-the-rich left would applaud. Given the known proclivity of Democrats to demonize entitlement sanity and the fact that Americans do cling to these programs like lifesavers in a sea storm, it took extraordinary courage for Ryan and the GOP to address this issue honestly in the first place. The concept, by the way, is not a far-right invention — Alice Rivlin, appointed to top positions by Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, endorses it. That’s not to say she likes the particulars or that the concept or the particu-



lars should not be debated. Some Republicans besides Gingrich don’t like the plan, and I agree with the case for increased vouchers for the least affluent and still more means testing. Consider economic writer Robert Samuelson’s observations that the number of poor elderly has been shrinking, the number of high-income elderly rising and that married-couple households over 65 years of age have a median net worth of $385,000, a lot more than most of those funding their benefits. The thing is, this plan does eventually begin cutting Medicare spending in a serious way, as we absolutely must do for the sake of both Medicare and the nation. No one questions that revenues are going to fall trillions of dollars short of promises, and you can’t fix it with federal taxes. As an online Cato Institute piece observes, the Congressional Budget Office says most of these taxes would have to be doubled over the next 40 years to foot the bill, reducing national income by a fifth. Want a job, anyone? The trouble with most congressional opponents is that they have no answer of their own, preferring re-election to serving their country, and Medicare’s chief actuary has cast doubt on whether Obamacare’s Medicare tinkering will do the trick, either. Remember, too, that Medicare is just part of the issue — three-fourths of us get some federal benefit or the other whether we need it or not, and as Samuelson and a host of other analysts testify, this largesse cannot be sustained. If the taxes don’t get us, debt will, dramatically darkening our economic way and making this passing recession seem happiness and sunshine by comparison. Government has to cut it out, but instead what we get is a vicious TV lie, too many Democratic opportunists, some cowardly Republicans and a president whose chief ambition has so far been to pretty much enlarge everything despite some talk to the contrary. • • • Jay Ambrose was formerly Washington director of editorial policy for Scripps Howard newspapers and the editor of dailies in El Paso, Texas, and Denver.


Parents, educators should never condone bullying I just finished reading the article “Vigil Message: Bullying can create lasting wounds” published in the May 23 paper. There was one sentence that stood out to me: “They changed Megan’s class schedule to avoid the girls who were tormenting her.” My thought is, while I completely understand why this decision was made, it should not have been necessary. The girls tormenting Megan should have had actions taken to stop the behavior completely. Parents of the kids who do the bullying need to be better parents (there, I said it). Children should not be raised thinking bullying is OK. It is never OK to put someone else down, not for any reason. And to the parents who say, “Oh, they are just being kids ... it’s not a big deal,” I ask you this question: What if it were your child in tears? How would you feel about the situation then? I completely blame the parents of the bullies and school officials who let bullying take place. Children do not ask to be born, so it is up to every single adult to make sure children are kept safe. School is a place where children should be able to go and not be afraid. And to all people involved who let this behavior continue, you should be ashamed of yourself. Today it may not be your child who is being called names, being hit etc. etc. But one day it very well could be. Teach kindness to your children. Bullying can come in many different forms, and it is never OK. — Jamie Parker Salisbury

Cleaning up the meth mess Law enforcement agencies say they do not have enough money to clean up meth

EDITOR Letters policy

Letters should be limited to 300 words and include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Limit one letter each 14 days. Write Letters to the Editor, Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 281454639. Or fax your letter to 639-0003. E-mail: letters@salisburypost.com.

labs. I have a suggestion: When those meth people are caught, they should clean up their own mess. If the meth makers and users blow themselves up, then the state won’t have to pay, and the meth people are off the streets permanently. — Barbara Blackwell Salisbury

Too much sign oversight I wish whoever is in charge of telling people what they can and can’t do with their own property would let us, the public, know what was so wrong with Okey Dokey’s signs. You make ridiculous rules because you know you can force them on people. Some time ago, the bed and breakfast on Fulton Street had to change its signs because you had a problem with it, and you claimed the sign at Harrison’s Florist on Grove Street was too big. (Boy, was it big — if you weren’t looking for it, you wouldn’t even see it.) It looks as if you like to flaunt your authority, whether it makes sense or not, because you can get by with it. I believe if you tried, you could find better things to do with your time. — Dot Trexler Salisbury

dd me to the list of citizens who favor repeal of the law requiring the annual jump-through-the-hoop known as vehicle inspections. My recent run-in with the DMV is a prime example of a law which is not cost-effective, and adversely affects the lower economic classes disproportionately. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, no matter how inane the law. That being said… About a month ago, I took our 1992 Honda Accord for its annual inspection, a requirement for renewing one’s license tag. Due to the vehicle’s age, it doesn’t require an emissions test, just a safety inspection. The spirit of the law is to keep unsafe vehicles off the road; the letter of the law goes a little deeper. Therein lies the problem. The first mechanic did a thorough inspection and informed me the car has failed. To pass, my little menace to society must have the following issues addressed: Upper left ball joint, resonator, outer tie rod end, left side CV axle boot, and front parking lamps. Cost for said repairs: $700. The car has 248,000 miles on it. The only time it might be worth $700 is when the gas tank is full. During a two-year stretch of unemployment, we have tried to keep our fleet of second cars (the other is a 1991 Ranger, 230,000 miles) roadworthy enough to keep a tag on them, with a focus on tires and brakes. As with most people in our situation, we do not drive highmileage cars because we love them; we drive them because it is the best we can do at the time. On the way home, my mind fogged in by anxiety and dread of Bruce La Rue the prospect of lives in Mt. Ulla. having to park the Honda, a light shone through. I decided try another inspection station, hoping for a more generous ruling. I didn’t mention that the car had failed inspection earlier. The car passed, I renewed my tag. Happy ending? Yes. Or, rather, no. A few days ago, I get a call on my cell phone from my wife informing me that the DMV, obviously inspired by the exploits of Seal Team Six, has dropped a team of operatives into our compound and had Osama bin Honda surrounded. My stepdaughter was the only one home at the time, and when she saw two operatives emerge from the Crown Vic packing heat, she was terrified. Her first thoughts were that she was about to be informed of a family fatality. After some questioning, and fearing the possibility of enhanced interrogation techniques, they were able to glean a treasure trove of intel from her, including my wife’s work phone and my cell number. Why they did not call before coming out remains a mystery. When I spoke to operative No. 1, he informed me what I did was illegal, and I would be fined $166 for my transgression. We set up a time to meet at the compound. When I met with the DMV inspectors the next day, I pleaded my case, using logic and reason. I kept my sarcasm to a minimum, probably the most difficult part of this incident. I was given the citation, in which I am listed as defendant. It has some interesting wording: “… you did unlawfully and willfully allow an electronic inspection authorization to be issued to a vehicle owned operated (sic) by the defendant, knowing that the vehicle should not pass inspection, a violation of vehicle inspection law. (G.S. 20183.8(A) 2.” The wording states I have aided and abetted myself. The cynic in me says that they are tagging both runners standing on the same base with the hopes of nailing at least one. The state already got its pound of flesh from me in the form of two inspection fees in the same day. Unsatisfied, they seek to wrest another $166 from me, less the costs incurred by two trips out to Mt. Ulla, including public sector pay and benefits. This fiasco wrapped in a debacle illustrates the need to do away with the annual inspection hoop jump. We have a state sales tax, a state income tax, a vehicle tax and a gasoline tax. Operative number one told me that only about 85 cents of the inspection fee goes back to the state. Oh, yes, let us not forget the voluntary tax on the poor, the lottery. While I will concede ignorance of the law is no excuse, I would submit that ignorance of the need to repeal a stupid, expensive law is no excuse either.

Have a ‘My Turn’ idea? “My Turn” columns should be between 500 and 700 words. E-mail submissions are preferred. Send to cverner@ salisburypost.com with “My Turn” in the subject line. Include name, address, phone number and a digital photo of yourself if possible.


WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011 • 11A

W O R L D / N AT I O N

Israel willing to make ‘painful compromises’ for peace WASHINGTON (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a cheering U.S. Congress on Tuesday he was willing to make “painful compromises” for peace with the Palestinians, but he offered little concrete to entice Palestinians back to the bargaining table. By giving such a high-profile speech before overwhelmingly supportive U.S. lawmakers, Netanyahu was able to demonstrate to Israelis that he retains strong backing in the NETANYAHU United States despite his frosty relations with President Barack Obama. He also moved the needle on territorial compromise, for the first time explicitly saying in his address that Israel would have to give up some West Bank settlements. But Palestinians immediately rejected his overall peace package, which for the most part was a recycling of previously stated positions that the Palestinians had turned down. One senior Palestinian official even dubbed Netanyahu’s peace blueprint a “declaration of war.” Speaking before a sympathetic Congress that showered him with more than two dozen sustained standing ovations, Netanyahu said Israel wants and needs peace and would make “generous” territorial concessions. Under any final peace accord, he added, “some settlements will be beyond Israel’s borders.”

Battles in Yemen’s capital kill 38 SANAA, Yemen (AP) — Fighters from Yemen’s powerful tribes fired on government buildings Tuesday, prompting soldiers to respond with intense shelling in street battles that left at least 38 dead as the uprising against President Ali Abdullah Saleh threatened to become a militia-led revolt. Medical officials said 24 tribesmen were killed in the fiercest fighting on Sanaa’s streets in years. Government officials said 14 soldiers were killed and 20 were missing as the situation deteriorated following the collapse of an Arab mediation effort to get Saleh to step down. As the battles developed, the heart of Yemen’s capital was turned into a no man’s land with heavy gunfire, mortar rounds and artillery fire from government forces. As the death toll mounted, Saleh called for a cease-fire. A statement from his office called on both sides to lay down their arms and asked the tribesmen to withdraw from government buildings they seized..

Egypt’s Mubarak to face trial over protester deaths CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s prosecutor general ordered Tuesday former President Hosni Mubarak put on trial on charges of corruption and conspiring in the deadly shootings of protesters during the uprising that ousted him, a stunning step against a leader whose power was nearly unquestioned for three decades. The announcement that Mubarak would face a criminal court grants a major demand of Egyptians who have threatened a second revolution amid growing worries about the slow pace of change under the country’s new military rulers. The charges could carry the death sentence, said the prosecutorgeneral spokesman Adel elSaid. It would be the first time an Arab leader is sent to trial solely by his own people in modern history. Iraq’s leader Saddam Hussein was toppled during the U.S. invasion in 2003 and sentenced three years later to death for killing 140 Shiites. “It is the first time that a living president is going to face victims of his abuse before an ordinary court in the region,” said Hossam Bahgat, a prominent human rights activist. “It is precisely because of this unique and unprecedented nature that we need for this trial to be as credible as possible.” Mubarak was forced to step down after an 18-day popular uprising that was met with a heavy security crackdown. A government fact-finding mission said at least 846 people were killed and a thousands injured.

Gates says big budget cuts will mean a more limited military

ASSociATed preSS

Steve Stafford and Kathy Butler help salvage belongings from the apartment of a friend in Joplin, Mo., on Tuesday. At least 116 people were killed and hundreds more injured when a tornado cut a destructive path through Joplin on Sunday evening. The man who lived in the apartment survived with cuts and bruises by huddling in a closet at the rear, despite having a neighbor's car thrown through the building.

Town still searching for survivors after tornado levels homes JOPLIN, Mo. (AP) — Emergency crews drilled through concrete at a ruined Home Depot, making peepholes in the rubble in hopes of finding lost shoppers and employees. A dog clambered through the shattered remains of a house, sniffing for any sign of the woman and infant who lived there. Across this devastated city, searchers moved from one enormous debris pile to another Tuesday, racing to respond to any report of a possible survivor. As the death toll in Joplin rose to at least 122, another line of severe thunderstorms spawned tornadoes in Oklahoma and Kansas that killed at least six people. Nine survivors had been pulled from the aftermath in Missouri, and searchers fought the clock because anybody still alive after the deadliest single tornado in 60 years was losing precious strength two days after the disaster. And another round of storms was closing in. For Milissa Burns, hope was fading that her 16-month-old grandson, whose parents were both hospitalized after the twister hit their house, would be found. She showed up Tuesday at a demolished dental office near the family’s home to watch a search team. At one point, a dog identified possible human remains, prompting eight searchers to dig frantically, but they came away with nothing. Burns was weary but composed. Her daughter — the boy’s aunt — sobbed next to her. “We’ve already checked out the morgue,” Burns said. “I’ve called 911 a million times. I’ve done everything I can do. He was so light and little. He could be anywhere.” Also Tuesday, the National Weather Service announced that the twister that crippled Joplin was an EF-5, the strongest rating assigned to tornadoes, with winds of more than 200 mph. Scientists said it appeared to be a rare “multivortex” tornado, with two or more small and intense centers of ro-

tation orbiting the larger funnel. It was the deadliest single twister since the weather service began keeping official records in 1950 and the eighth-deadliest in U.S. history. Authorities said an estimated 750 people were hurt and an unknown number were still unaccounted for, but authorities were reluctant to declare a specific number. “That does not mean they are injured or deceased. It means that loved ones are not aware of their whereabouts,” City Manager Mark Rohr said, explaining that many had probably left the area without telling family members. Another top job was testing the city’s tornado sirens to make sure they were operable ahead of another round of potentially violent weather starting Tuesday evening and expected to last into today in some places. Emergency officials warned jittery residents well in advance of the test. David Imy, a meteorologist at the federal government’s Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Okla., said conditions were ripe for severe thunderstorms, including tornadoes, in parts of Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky and Tennessee, as well as nearly all of Oklahoma. Throughout the search efforts, new reports emerged of clusters of victims: 11 people dead in a nursing home, three bodies found in an Elks Lodge. The tornado tossed three vehicles into the Greenbriar nursing home and left nothing more than a 10-foot section of an interior wall standing. On the night of the twister, the Joplin Elks lodge had been scheduled to host its weekly bingo game. “If that had been two hours later, there could have been 40 or 50 people in there,” said Chris Moreno, a hospital lab technician coordinating an outdoor triage center. Jasper County Emergency Director Keith Stammer said the scope of the destruction was making it diffi-

cult to account for people affected by the storm. He suggested that many survivors, with nowhere to go, left Joplin for Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma or other parts of Missouri. “There’s a lot of confusion, a lot of inability for folks to communicate,” he said. Authorities also announced a curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., with only residents and emergency workers allowed inside the disaster zone. People in the Joplin area and beyond have turned to online social networks to find family members missing since the tornado or to learn about the plight of survivors. Multiple Facebook pages created since the tornado are filled with requests for information about specific people who have not been heard from since Sunday. Some pages include photos of the missing. Other posts share the news about Joplin residents who are alive and well. Several social-networking efforts specifically focused on finding information about Will Norton, a teenager who vanished on his way home from his high school graduation ceremony. More than 10,000 people have supported the “Help Find Will Norton” community page on Facebook, and Twitter users were tweeting heavily about the missing teen. Family members told the Associated Press that Norton and his father were still on the road when the storm hit. Mark Norton urged his son to pull over, but the teen’s Hummer H3 flipped several times, throwing the young man from the vehicle, likely through the sunroof. The elder Norton was hospitalized. From the air, the difficulty of the search was apparent. The tornado damage was “like taking a mower through tall grass. That’s what it looks like,” said state Sen. Ron Richard of Joplin, who flew over the area with Gov. Jay Nixon and Sen. Claire McCaskill. He described the devastation as “down to the ground.”

Puerto Rico governor says Obama to visit island

Compressed air turns NZ trucker into human balloon

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — President Barack Obama has accepted an invitation to visit Puerto Rico next month, a trip that would make him the first sitting president to come to the U.S. territory in decades, the island’s governor said Tuesday. The president, who campaigned in Puerto Rico for the Democratic primary, will visit the island June 14, Gov. Luis Fortuno said, without disclosing details of his itinerary. “With his visit, the president makes good on the promise he made during the presidential primaries in 2008 that he would return to Puerto Rico as president,” Fortuno said in a statement. The governor’s office described the Obama trip as the “the first official presidential visit” since December 1961, when President John F. Kennedy stopped on the island to a formal welcome on his way to Venezuela. But that was not the last time a U.S. president set foot in the territory: President Gerald Ford hosted an economic summit in Puerto Rico in June 1976. Pedro Pierluisi, the island’s

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A New Zealand truck driver said he blew up like a balloon when he fell onto the fitting of a compressed air hose that pierced his buttock and forced air into his body at 100 pounds a square inch. Steven McCormack was standing on his truck’s foot plate Saturday when he slipped and fell, breaking a compressed air hose off an air reservoir that powered the truck’s brakes. He fell hard onto the brass fitting, which pierced his left buttock and started pumping air into his body. “I felt the air rush into my body and I felt like it was going to explode from my foot,” he told local media from his hospital bed in the town of Whakatane, on North Island’s east coast. “I was blowing up like a football,” he said. “I had no choice but just to lay there, blowing up like a balloon.” McCormack’s workmates heard his screams and ran to him, quickly releasing a safety valve to stop the air flow, said Robbie Petersen, co-owner of the trucking company. He was rushed to the hospital with terrible swelling and fluid in one lung. Doctors said the air had separated fat from muscle in McCormack’s body, but had not entered his bloodstream. McCormack, 48, said his skin felt “like a pork roast” — crackling on the outside but soft underneath.

nonvoting representative in Congress, said he expects Obama will discuss a recent White House report on the options for changing Puerto Rico’s formal relationship to the U.S. mainland. The president may also visit projects that have benefited from the administration’s stimulus spending to aid the economy. Puerto Rico is home to nearly 4 million U.S. citizens but its residents cannot vote in the general presidential election, only in the primaries. Andres W. Lopez, a member of the Democratic National Committee from the island, said the president’s visit may also help him with Puerto Ricans on the mainland, particularly in South Florida, which is home to some 725,000 people of Puerto Rican descent and an important battleground state in the 2012 election. “I am certain that the 4 million Puerto Ricans who live on the mainland will be bursting with a real sense of ‘orgullo Boricua’ (Puerto Rican pride) when they see the respect that President Obama has shown to Puerto Rico,” Lopez said.

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a parting shot by one of the nation’s longest-serving Pentagon chiefs, Robert Gates on Tuesday warned that shrinking defense budgets will mean a smaller military and a diminished American role in the world. Gates, a self-described “old Cold Warrior” who will retire next month, said that barring a catastrophic world conflict or a new threat to the very existence of the GATES U.S., there will be no foreseeable return to the booming Pentagon budgets of the past decade. “The money and the political support simply aren’t there,” he said. This means the Obama administration and Congress must now decide how much military power the U.S. should give up, how that fits U.S. goals for maintaining global influence, and how to pay for it, Gates said. “A smaller military, no matter how superb, will be able to go fewer places and be able to do fewer things,” he said in a speech at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservativeleaning think tank that is generally hostile to defense cuts. His speech marked the culmination of a series of recent remarks in which Gates has acknowledged that the Pentagon’s free-spending ways are ending, while also cautioning against budget cuts so deep as to “hollow out” the military. Warning against a temptation for the country to lower its guard and relax when threats seem less pressing, he wants his legacy to be that he steered the Pentagon toward long-term stability.

Chrysler repays most of its bailout from governments STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. (AP) — With a few computer keystrokes, Chrysler Group LLC sent $7.6 billion to the U.S. and Canadian governments on Tuesday, paying off most of the bailout money that saved the company from financial disaster just two years ago. The repayment was another sign of the automaker’s comeback. In 2009, Chrysler almost ran out of cash and went into bankruptcy. Now it’s got a spiffy lineup of Jeeps and cars and just earned its first profit in five years. “A lot of us remember that until just a short time ago, in the eyes of most, Chrysler had been condemned to death,” CEO Sergio Marchionne told more than 1,000 workers gathered at a Chrysler factory outside Detroit. The group was celebrating paying back the government. The repayment means Chrysler removes the stigma of being a government ward. But it must stand on its own now. It also needs to keep overhauling a lineup that still depends on old Chrysler designs and larger vehicles that could fall out of favor because of high gasoline prices. Chrysler took $10.5 billion from the U.S. government to survive two years ago, and earlier had repaid some of the money. On Tuesday, it retired a $5.9 billion balance on the U.S. loans and $1.7 billion to the governments of Canada and Ontario.

Winfrey focuses on fans during emotional finale to talk show CHICAGO (AP) — In the end, it was just Oprah. For the final episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” taped Tuesday, the talk show queen appeared alone on her Chicago stage, talking to viewers about what they’ve meant to her during the show’s 25-year run. The finale will air on Wednesday. Fans leaving Tuesday’s taping said Winfrey had tears in her eyes as the television icon said a final thank you. “She said, ‘This isn’t goodbye. This is until we meet again,” said Amy Korin, 32, of Chicago, who was in the audience. Winfrey then kissed and hugged her longtime partner, Stedman Graham, and made her way through the halls of Harpo Studios, saying goodbye to her staff, audience members said. She kept saying, “We did it! We did it!,” Korin said, and giving employees high-fives.

K-12 education budget outlook School officials have yet to receive the specific allotment formula changes that would accompany the Senate-drafted state budget proposal. But one of the most notable changes from the House budget is the measure to reduce class size in kindergarten through third grades and to eliminate state funding for teacher assistants in every grade except kindergarten. “Under the Senate proposal, instead of receiving funding for 255 teacher assistants (based on projected K-3rd ADM), we would only receive funding for 66 assistant positions which is, of course, the removal of funding for 189 assistant positions,” Tara Trexler, chief financial officer with the Rowan-Salisbury School System, said in an e-mail to the Post. Trexler said the Senate version of the budget also eliminates deep cuts to at-risk, academically and intellectually gift (AIG) and limited English program.

CUTS FROM 1a Kannapolis district’s finance officer, said Tuesday. “Clearly, after the second year with the total faze out it would be extremely difficult with that loss of funds to overcome that.” Superintendent Dr. Pam Cain said she was surprised to hear the news Tuesday. “It was not in the governor’s budget or the House budget,” she said. “I think our parents and community will be very disheartened by this.” School board chairwoman Danita Rickard said though there has been talk of merging city and county school districts for years, the concept usually falls flat in committee. “I’m hoping the House budget will prevail” she said. Rickard said studies conducted by the school system and the Cabarrus County Commissioners have shown that merging the school districts would not save money. School board member Todd






• Class-size reductions for • Allotment ratio from grades grades 1-3. 1-3 from 1:18 to 1:17; 1,124 teaching positions added in fis• Performance-based reduc- cal-year 2011-12 and 1,444 positions added in fiscal 2012-13. tion in force. • Directs school systems to develop their own RIF policies in• School bus replacement. corporating performance • Shifts responsibility for • Teaching Fellows program. school bus replacement to local • Academically and/or Intel- school systems beginning fiscal 2012-13. lectually Gifted (AIG). • Begins program phase-out • Central office adminstra- in fiscal 2012-13. • No funding cuts. tion. • Reduces allotment by 16 • School building adminstra- percent. • Reduces funding for assistion. tant principals by 21 percent. • No funding cuts. • At-risk student services.

• Not applicable. • Direct the State Board to develop uniform rules requiring school system to consider performance when RIF-ing employees. • House funds 700 for 1,587 busses slated for replacement in fiscal 2011-12 and retains responsibility. • Both reduce administrative set-aside from $810,000 to $600,000. • Reduces allotment by 9 percent. • Reduces allotment by 9 percent. • Reduces funding for assistant principals by 17 percent. • Reduces allotment by 12 percent.

How to contact local NC senators Rowan County

Cabarrus County

Sen. Andrew Brock 919-715-0690 Andrew.Brock@ncleg.net Mailing address: NC Senate, 300 N. Salisbury St, Room 623 Raleigh, NC 27603-5925

Sen. Fletcher Hartsell 919-733-7223 Fletcher.Hartsell@ncleg.net Mailing address: NC Senate, 300 N. Salisbury St., Room 300-C Raleigh, NC 27603-5925

Adams said it would be a “sad day” if legislators decide to slash funding for city schools. “I would expect costs to go up and performance to go down,” he said. “I’m afraid our students will get lost if we get rolled into the county school system. “I belive the success of our students is directly tied to the size of our system.” Rickard said being a small district has given Kannapolis an edge to keep students from falling through the cracks. “We know our kids, they’re not numbers to us,” she said. Crabtree said the measure would send Rowan and Cabarrus county students to their respective county school systems. But things could get sticky because facilties in both counties were built for using taxpayer dollars from each county. Crabtree said one example is Kannapolis Middle School, which physically sits in Cabarrus, but was built using bond money from Rowan. “If we were to split I could see that being an issue,” he

said. Ellen Boyd, the district’s director of community relations, said the nuts and bolts of cutting funding is “extremely complicated.” “You’re really disrupting the education of a lot of students across the state,” she said. “And you are taking people away from the core business of educating children while they are trying to work out the logistics.” Cain said she expects the community to rally behind the school system, just as they have to protest school cuts that forced layoffs. “It’s very clear that our parents and community are really vested in our schools,” she said. Rickard said now is the time for residents to step up. “They need to flood Sen. (Fletcher) Hartsell and Sen. (Andrew) Brock with phone calls,” she said. “They need to make their wishes known because they know where the school board and administrators stand.” Adams said he’d like to see the community fight back.

“We’ll lose a lot of our community identity if we lose our city schools,” he said. “If they’ve never called their representative before, if they’ve never been one to be politically active in the past, now is the time. “They haven’t seen a fight out of me yet, but I’ll fight as hard as I can to save Kannapolis City Schools.” Contact reporter Sarah Campbell at 704-797-7683.

NAACP president among 7 arrested at Legislature RALEIGH (AP) — The president of North Carolina’s NAACP and six other demonstrators were arrested Tuesday after some of them disrupted a session of the state House of Representatives shortly before a rally attacking the chamber’s proposed budget. The Rev. William Barber was briefly detained in the legislative building before being led outside in handcuffs by police officers. The NAACP said that those arrested with Barber included the state NAACP’s second vice president, the Rev. Curtis Gatewood; and Kojo Nantambu, the leader of the organization’s Charlotte chapter. The demonstrators were taken to the Wake County Public Safety Center to be booked on charges of disorderly conduct and trespassing, according to General Assembly Police Chief Jeff Weaver. The episode began Tuesday afternoon during a House floor session on an unrelated bill, when protesters stood in the gallery and began shouting at the lawmakers. A police escort removed them from the gallery, and some of the demonstrators began chanting “Do justice. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God.” The words are paraphrased from a verse in

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FAYETTEVILLE (AP) — Fayetteville police say the tables quickly turned on two would-be purse-snatchers when more than a dozen of the victim’s family and friends attacked the suspects. The Fayetteville Observer reported that two men flashed a handgun and tried to rob Maria Guevara of her purse outside an apartment complex shortly after midnight Monday. That’s when 10 to 15 family members and friends rushed to her aid. Police say one of the alleged robbers fired into the crowd, prompting a chase that led to the suspects being captured, beaten, shot, and stabbed. One of the suspects was treated and released from a local hospital. The other was listed in critical condition Tuesday. Police say they haven’t filed charges yet as they continue the investigation.

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RALEIGH (AP) — A North Carolina Highway Patrol trooper fired in 2003 for having sex on the job will receive two months of back pay. The News & Observer of Raleigh reported that Wake Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens upheld the decision of the State Personnel Commission that the Highway Patrol was justified in firing Monty Poarch. An administrative judge had said Poarch should be reinstated because other troopers caught in similar or worse behavior had been allowed to remain on the force. The patrol and the Personnel Commission rejected the administrative judge’s opinion, so Poarch went to Superior Court. Stephens said Poarch was denied his rights during the investigation and should receive back pay for the twomonth period between his predismissal conference and his official termination.

the biblical book of Micah. The protesters are unhappy with a number of legislative actions this year, but the passage of the House budget bill most provoked their ire. The NAACP and affiliated groups charge that the cuts in the proposed spending plan will disproportionately hurt poor and middle class North Carolinians. Barber said he’s been trying to meet with House Speaker Thom Tillis to discuss the proposal, but to no avail. After Tillis ordered the men removed from the gallery, he told the assembled lawmakers he had agreed to meet with the demonstrators, but that the group had canceled. About an hour later, Tillis and Barber inadvertently came faceto-face as the civil rights leader was being led away in cuffs and the Mecklenburg County Republican was coming down an adjacent flight of stairs. “When I get a respectful request, I’ll be happy to meet with them,” Tillis told reporters and demonstrators. “When they treat my House with respect.” As Tillis walked away from the protesters, Barber called after him, “Don’t run from the people, Mr. Speaker!”


12A • WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011

M I L L E R D A V I S A G E N C Y, C I T Y O F S A L I S B U R Y, D O W N T O W N S A L I S B U R Y, I N C . F O O D M AY B E P U R C H A S E D F R O M T H E S E V E N D O R S

C A S TAWAY S / B I T E M Y B U T T B B Q , M E AT O N A S T I C K , D O L C E I TA L I A N I C E , H A P ’ S H OT D O G S, S C O G G I N S FA R M S I C E C R E A M , PA PA J O H N ’ S, S O F T D R I N K S D O N AT E D B Y C H E E R W I N E



Ronnie Gallagher, Sports Editor, 704-797-4287 rgallagher@salisburypost.com

Grand Sands Catawba product Jerry Sands hits first grand slam/4B

WEDNESDAY May 25, 2011




Salisbury’s Bradshaw heads west BY JORDAN HONEYCUTT sports@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — Alisha Bradshaw is coming off of her best season at Salisbury as a shot put and discus thrower, winning the 2A state championship in both events. Her success has garnered Bradshaw a scholarship to Western Carolina, where she plans to major in accounting. Bradshaw won the discus for the second consecutive year and is ready and excited to head to the mountains of Cullowhee and become a Catamount. Bradshaw was able to take home the state titles, despite not having her best throws of the year. Her winning shot put was a distance of 39 feet, 7 inches.

while her discus heave was 119 feet, 10 inches. She admitted she’s done better, including her recent efforts in the Midwest Regional. “I’ve been doing track and field since I was 8, but I never really thought about going to college for it until this year,” Bradshaw said. “When I started doing really well, colleges called and Western showed me that they really wanted me.” Bradshaw is walking into an excellent situation for a freshman. Western’s best thrower this year is a graduating senior. “Their coach told me that coming in, I would be his best girl and that I would compete in all of the meets, so I’m happy and excited that I’m going to get right to work,” Bradshaw said.

Alisha said probably the toughest thing for her about leaving home for college will be the climate change she will face in the mountains. “I’m definitely going to have to get used to that,” she said. “I don’t know about all of that cold and snow, but I’m sure I’ll be able to handle it.” Joining Alisha on her signing day in the cafeteria at Salisbury was her mother, Gloria. “Alisha has always worked very hard on her throwing and I am really proud and thrilled about her getting the chance to do track at Western,” Gloria said. “The coaches up there love her, and they all seem very nice. I jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

See BRADSHAW, 4 Alisha Bradshaw has won state titles in discus and shot put.


Jurrjens shines In Braves win BY WILL GRAVES Associated Press

PITTSBURGH — Charlie Morton 2 rememBraves 0 b e r s Pirates watching Jair Jurrjens pitch while the two were teammates in Atlanta and marveling at Jurrjens’ stuff. “He was just dealing when I was there and I was just getting by,” Morton said with a laugh. A few years later, Jurrjens still has the upperhand. The 25year-old right-hander continued his JURRJENS s pa r k lin g spring, pitching six-hit ball into the eighth inning to lead the Braves to a 2-0 win over Morton and the Pittsburgh Pirates on Tuesday night. Jurrjens (6-1) struck out four and walked one in 7 23 innings while dropping his ERA to 1.56. Craig Kimbrel worked a perfect ninth for

Tyler buckwell fOR The SALISBURY POST

Bobbi Thomas sent east Rowan into the fourth round of the playoffs with a clutch home run Tuesday night.

Mustangs move on BY MIKE LONDON mlondon@salisburypost.com

first pitch she saw high and deep to left field for a gamedeciding two-run homer. “When Bobbi hits it, it’s gone,” White said. “I gave her a hug.” East (23-2) wasn’t as sharp defensively as it was in its second-round win against Central Cabarrus — two errors, another couple of plays that might’ve been made —

but White kept Northwest (226) off the scoreboard. “We were just a little nervous today,” White said. White looked calm. She struck out 11, walked none and limited the Trojans to a pair of opposite-field singles. “Chelsea actually started a little slow this year, at least by her standards,” said East assistant Lonnie Barrier, who

KANNAPOLIS — East Rowan’s E. Rowan 2 softball NWC 0 team got some unlikely help from a timely leg cramp, and beat Northwest Cabarrus 2-0 in the third round of the 3A state playoffs on Tuesday. The victim/beneficiary of the cramp was East senior Chelsea White. A sudden pain in the star pitcher’s leg forced her to put on the brakes at first after she hit a rocket to the base of the center-field fence with two out in the sixth. “I was definitely going for a double,” White said. “Then I felt a cramp in my leg.” White would’ve made the third out had she tried for two. Her drive got to the fence in a hurry, and Northwest center fielder Michaela Boyd recovered the ball quickly and fired a strike to second base. After Josie McNeely enTyler buckwell fOR The SALISBURY POST tered the game as a courtesy runner for White, East catch- Kayla Kirk steals second base while Northwest Cabarrus secer Bobbi Thomas crushed the ond baseman Lindsay Shore gathers the throw.

calls her pitches. “The last month, though, she’s been on. When we ask her to hit a spot, she doesn’t miss it. And if we make a mistake behind her, you would hate to be that next hitter because you know Chelsea is going to come back.” White always has experienced success against Northwest’s lineup. That didn’t change. Northwest’s most dangerous power hitter, Hannah Eudy, fanned three straight times. The top four in Northwest’s lineup, all all-star caliber players, went 0-for-12. “What I was most worried about was that we could lose on one swing,” White said. “It was tense when it was 0-0 for so long. They have some girls who can hit it out. I’ve played with some of them.” Kayla Kirk singled in the first inning for East and stole second, but Thomas popped up to end the inning. Thomas smashed a twoout double in the fourth, but Sydney Poole was called out

See EAST, 3B


Miami one win from the finals BY TIM REYNOLDS Associated Press


Thomas’ two-run shot in sixth guides East

his 13th save. “I’m just trying to throw strikes,” Jurrjens said. “It’s not easy coming from a day off trying to pitch and the position players over there also had a day off, so you’re trying to take advantage of that and just throw strikes and make them get themselves out.” The Pirates were only too happy to oblige. Pittsburgh never got a runner to third base while extending its scoreless streak to 19 innings. Alex Gonzalez had three hits and scored a run for the Braves, who scratched out just enough offense to end Morton’s three-game winning streak. Morton (5-2) continued his bounceback year, giving up seven hits while striking out four and walking three in seven-plus innings. Yet he couldn’t quite match Jurrjens, who has been electric through the season’s first two months. He had little trouble with the punchless Pirates, needing just 97 pitches — 71 strikes — to send Pittsburgh to its second straight shutout loss. Jurrjens’ control worsened

Dwyane W a d e Heat 101 was ailBulls 93 ing, so LeBron James and Chris Bosh more than picked up the slack. Then Wade found his groove at the perfect time, and the Miami Heat, the team put together solely to win championships, moved one emotional victory away from the NBA finals. James scored 35 points, Bosh added 22 and the Heat overcame an early 11-point deficit to beat the Chicago Bulls 101-93 on Tuesday night, taking a 3-1 lead in the Eastern Conference finals. Game 5 is Thursday in Chicago, when the Heat can wrap up their first finals trip since 2006. Wade went scoreless for nearly 33 straight minutes, before making a jumper with 2:08 left in overtime to help Miami keep the lead. And after James made a contested jumper with 29 seconds remaining for a six-point lead, Wade soared to block Derrick Rose’s layup from out of almost nowhere on the next Chicago possession. At long last, it was over. Bosh scored the first

four points of overtime, and the Heat — now 8-0 at home in the playoffs — never trailed in the extra session. James closed it with two free throws with 1.4 seconds left, his 12th and 13th of the night, all without a miss. Bosh was 10 for 11 from the line, and Miami outscored Chicago 3217 in that department. The Heat made their final 24 free throws. Rose scored 23 points for the Bulls, who got 20 apiece from Luol Deng and Carlos Boozer. Chicago has lost three straight games for the first time this season. But what this game will be remembered for was how the Heat rallied around Wade — then watched him save his best for the very end. The 2006 NBA finals MVP was in the arena late Monday night, trying to work on some things in one of his customary playoff after-dark sessions. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. This seemed like it would be the latter. Whatever answer he sought, he didn’t find for much of Game 4. Wade made just 5 of 16 shots from the field, lacking his usual lift at the rim. He made a pair of free throws with 1:50 left in the first half for his seventh and eighth points, and didn’t

See HEAT, 4B

2B • WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011

TV Sports Wednesday, May 25 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 7 p.m. ESPN2 — Cincinnati at Philadelphia NBA BASKETBALL 9 p.m. ESPN — Playoffs, conference finals, game 5, Oklahoma City at Dallas NHL HOCKEY 8 p.m. VERSUS — Playoffs, conference finals, game 6, Boston at Tampa Bay TENNIS Noon ESPN2 — French Open, second round, at Paris

Area schedule Wednesday, May 25 INTIMIDATORS BASEBALL 7:05 p.m. Kannapolis at Greenville

American Legion Mooresville Legends play at Mooresville High School. Mooresville Post 66 plays at Lake Norman High.

Rowan schedule Home games at Newman Park at 7 p.m. June 1 ..............Mooresville Legends June 3..........................South Rowan June 4...........................at Mocksville June 5 ..........................Rocky Mount June 6.....................................Wilkes June 7..............................at Concord June 8 ...............................Statesville June 12 ..............................Randolph June 14.....................................Surry June 15 ..........................at Randolph June 17 ........at Mooresville Legends June 18....................at South Rowan June 19 ......................Mooresville 66 June 20.............................Mocksville June 21 ...............................at Stanly June 22...............................at Wilkes June 24 .........................at Statesville June 25 ...............................Alabama June 26.................Eastern Randolph June 27 ...................................Stanly June 28............................Kannapolis June 29................................Concord July 1......................at Mooresville 66 July 4 ...........................at Kannapolis

South schedule Home games at SR High at 7 p.m. May 28..............................High Point May 29 ...........at Mooresville 66 (NL) May 30 ...............Mooresville 66 (NL) June 1 .................................at Stanly June 2..........................at Kannapolis June 3 ................................at Rowan June 4 ....................at Mooresville 66 June 6 ..............Mooresville Legends June 7 ............Kernersville B-Dogs June 8..............................at Concord June 9.................................at Wilkes June 10.........................at Mocksville June 16 .......................at Lexington June 17 ...................................Stanly June 18 ..................................Rowan June 20 ......................Mooresville 66 June 21 .........................at Statesville June 22 ........at Mooresville Legends June 24................................Concord June 25.............................Mocksville June 27...................................Wilkes June 28 ..........................Thomasville June 29 .............................Statesville July 1 ...............................Kannapolis

Kannapolis schedule Home games at Fieldcrest Cannon Stadium at 7 p.m. unless noted otherwise May 27...........................at Lexington May 28...............................Lexington June 1...........................at Mocksville June 2..........................South Rowan June 4 ...........................at Statesville June 5 ....................at Mooresville 66 June 6..............................at Concord June 7.................................at Wilkes June 8 .................................at Stanly June 9...............................Mocksville June 20 .............................Statesville June 21 ............Mooresville Legends June 22................................Concord June 24 Stanly at Kannapolis (Webb Field) June 26 Mooresville 66 at Kannapolis (Webb Field) June 28 ..............................at Rowan June 30 ........at Mooresville Legends July 1 .......................at South Rowan July 2............Wilkes (at Webb Field) July 4......................................Rowan

Mocksville schedule Home games at Rich Park at 7 p.m. May 27 ...........................at Asheboro May 28...........................E. Randolph May 29.......................at E. Randolph May 30 ....................Western Forsyth June 1..............................Kannapolis June 2............................at Lexington June 3 .....................................Stanly June 4 ....................................Rowan June 5 ...........................at Alexander June 6 ........................Mooresville 66 June 9..........................at Kannapolis June 10........................South Rowan June 12 .............................Alexander June 13...............................at Wilkes June 14 ........at Mooresville Legends June 16 ........................at Statesville June 18 ...............................at Stanly June 19 ...................Western Forsyth June 20 ..............................at Rowan June 21............................at Concord June 22 ..................at Mooresville 66 June 24 ............Mooresville Legends June 25....................at South Rowan June 26..............................Lexington June 27................................Concord June 29...................................Wilkes July 1 ................................Statesville July 2 .................................Asheboro

College baseball Tournaments Atlantic 10 at Camden, N.J. Wednesday’s games (4) Xavier vs. (5) Richmond (6) La Salle vs. (3) Dayton Thursday’s games (1) Charlotte vs. Xavier-Richmond winner, Noon (2) Rhode Island vs. Dayton-LaSalle winner Friday’s games TBD Saturday’s game TBD NCAA Regional (June 3-5) TBD Southern Conference at Charleston, S.C. Wednesday’s games (2) UNC Greensboro vs. (7) Furman, 9 a.m. (3) Samford vs. (6) Appalachian State, 1 p.m. (1) Elon vs. (8) Western Carolina, 5 p.m. (4)Georgia Southern vs. (5) College of Charleston, 9 p.m. Thursday’s games TBD Friday’s games TBD Saturday’s games TBD Sunday’s game TBD Southeastern Conference at Hoover, Ala. Wednesday’s games (7) Alabama vs. (2) Arkansas, 9:30 a.m. (6) Mississippi State vs. (3) Florida (8) Auburn vs. (1) South Carolina, 4:30 p.m. (5) Georgia vs. (4) Vanderbilt Thursday’s games Ala.-Ark. loser vs. Miss St,-Fla, loser, 9:30 Aub. SC loser vs. Ga.-Vandy loser Ala.-Ark. winner vs. Miss. St.-Fla. winner, 4:30 p.m. Aub.-SC winner vs. Ga.-Vandy winner Friday’s games TBD Saturday’s games TBD Sunday’s game TBD

Atlantic Coast Conference at Durham Pool A — (1) Virginia, (4) North Carolina, (5) Miami, (8) Wake Forest Pool B — (2) Florida State, (3) Georgia Tech, (6) Clemson, (7) N.C. State Wednesday’s pool play Georgia Tech vs. Clemson, 11 a.m. Virginia vs. Wake Forest, 3 p.m. Florida vs. N.C. State, 7 p.m. Thursday’s pool play North Carolina vs. Miami, 11 a.m. Florida State vs. Clemson, 3 p.m. Georgia Tech vs. N.C. State, 7 p.m. Friday’s pool play Virginia vs. Miami, 11 a.m. Florida State vs. Georgia Tech, 3 p.m. North Carolina vs. Wake Forest, 7 p.m. Saturday’s pool play Clemson vs. N.C. State, 11 a.m. Miami vs. Wake Forest, 3 p.m. Virginia vs. North Carolina, 7 p.m. Sunday’s championship TBD, FOX Sports South, 1 p.m.

Prep baseball Playoffs 1A West 4th round South Stanly (20-7) at East Surry (20-9) Murphy 5, Cherryville 4 2A West 4th round East Lincoln 5, Piedmont 3 Starmount (19-8) at East Rutherford (24-3) 3A West 4th round Marvin Ridge 7, Parkwood 6 South Point 3, Hickory 0 4A West 4th round SE Guilford 2, Ardrey Kell 1 TC Roberson 8, Porter Ridge 1

Prep softball Playoffs 1A West 3rd round South Stanly 5, East Wilkes 3 East Surry (23-4) at West Wilkes (27-2) Swain 2, Hayesville 1 Murphy 10, Cherryville 0 2A West 3rd round C. Davidson (24-3) at West Stokes (16-10) Cuthbertson (21-6) at Surry Central (15-10) Owen 5, East Rutherford 1 Pisgah 10, Draughn 0 3A West 3rd round E. Rowan 2, NW Cabarrus 0 North Iredell 3, Robinson 2 Crest 1, Burns 0 Fred T. Foard 3, Franklin 0 3A East 3rd round DH Conley 6, Wilson Hunt 0 Nash Central 2, South Central 0 S. Vance (21-3) at W. Alamance (25-2) SW Randolph 12, Southern Nash 0 4A West 3rd round N. Davidson 11, Independence 0 SW Guilford 8, SE Guilford 7 Porter Ridge 2, Lake Norman 1 Alexander Central 7, North Meck 0

Prep soccer Playoffs 2A West Regional final Cuthbertson (24-2) at Forbush (24-1) 3A West Regional final Hickory (16-6-2) at Char. Catholic (19-1-3)

ML Baseball Standings American League East Division W L Pct GB New York 26 21 .553 — 1 26 22 .542 ⁄2 Boston Tampa Bay 26 23 .531 1 Toronto 24 24 .500 21⁄2 22 24 .478 31⁄2 Baltimore Central Division W L Pct GB Cleveland 30 16 .652 — 25 23 .521 6 Detroit Kansas City 22 25 .468 81⁄2 Chicago 22 27 .449 91⁄2 16 31 .340 141⁄2 Minnesota West Division W L Pct GB Texas 25 23 .521 — 25 25 .500 1 Los Angeles Seattle 23 25 .479 2 Oakland 23 26 .469 21⁄2 Tuesday’s Games Boston 4, Cleveland 2 Baltimore 5, Kansas City 3 Detroit 7, Tampa Bay 6 N.Y. Yankees 5, Toronto 4 Chicago White Sox at Texas, 8:05 p.m. Minnesota 4, Seattle 2 Oakland 6, L.A. Angels 1 Wednesday’s Games Boston (Lester 6-1) at Cleveland (Talbot 10), 12:05 p.m. Tampa Bay (Sonnanstine 0-1) at Detroit (Penny 4-4), 1:05 p.m. Toronto (Jo-.Reyes 0-3) at N.Y. Yankees (F.Garcia 2-4), 1:05 p.m. Seattle (Bedard 2-4) at Minnesota (Duensing 2-4), 1:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Floyd 5-3) at Texas (C.Wilson 4-3), 2:05 p.m. Kansas City (Hochevar 3-4) at Baltimore (Arrieta 5-2), 7:05 p.m. Oakland (Cahill 6-1) at L.A. Angels (E.Santana 2-4), 10:05 p.m. National League East Division L Pct GB W Philadelphia 29 19 .604 — Florida 26 19 .578 11⁄2 27 23 .540 3 Atlanta New York 22 25 .468 61⁄2 Washington 21 27 .438 8 Central Division L Pct GB W St. Louis 29 20 .592 — Cincinnati 26 23 .531 3 26 23 .531 3 Milwaukee Pittsburgh 22 25 .468 6 1 Chicago 21 25 .457 6 ⁄2 18 31 .367 11 Houston West Division L Pct GB W San Francisco 27 19 .587 — Colorado 24 23 .511 31⁄2 24 24 .500 4 Arizona Los Angeles 22 28 .440 7 San Diego 19 29 .396 9 Tuesday’s Games Colorado 12, Arizona 4, 1st game Atlanta 2, Pittsburgh 0 Cincinnati 6, Philadelphia 3 L.A. Dodgers 5, Houston 4 Chicago Cubs 11, N.Y. Mets 1 Milwaukee 7, Washington 6 Arizona 5, Colorado 2, 2nd game St. Louis at San Diego, late Florida at San Francisco, late Wednesday’s Games Atlanta (Minor 0-1) at Pittsburgh (Ja.McDonald 3-3), 12:35 p.m. Washington (Marquis 5-1) at Milwaukee (Greinke 2-1), 1:10 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Lilly 3-4) at Houston (An.Rodriguez 0-2), 2:05 p.m. St. Louis (Carpenter 1-4) at San Diego (Latos 1-6), 6:35 p.m. Cincinnati (T.Wood 3-3) at Philadelphia (Halladay 6-3), 7:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Gee 3-0) at Chicago Cubs (C.Coleman 2-3), 8:05 p.m. Arizona (I.Kennedy 5-1) at Colorado (Hammel 3-3), 8:40 p.m. Florida (Volstad 2-3) at San Francisco (Bumgarner 1-6), 10:15 p.m.

Tuesday’s boxes Rockies 12, D’backs 4


First Game Colorado ab r h bi ab r h bi Blmqst ss 4 0 0 0 Herrer ss 5 2 1 1 RRorts 2b 4 1 2 0 Fowler cf 3 2 2 2 J.Upton rf 3 2 2 0 CGnzlz lf 4 3 2 4 CYoung cf 3 1 0 0 Wggntn 3b 0 0 0 0 Nady 1b 4 0 1 2 Tlwtzk ss 4 0 1 2 Mora 3b 4 0 2 2 Daley p 0 0 0 0 GParra lf 3 0 0 0 MtRynl p 0 0 0 0 HBlanc c 4 0 0 0 Helton 1b 3 0 0 1 Cllmntr p 2 0 1 0 S.Smith rf 5 1 2 2 Mickoli p 0 0 0 0 JoLopz 3b 5 0 2 0 JGutrrz p 0 0 0 0 Iannett c 4 2 2 0 Patersn p 0 0 0 0 JDLRs p 0 0 0 0 Brrghs ph 1 0 0 0 GRynld p 1 0 0 0 Heilmn p 0 0 0 0 Amezg ph 1 1 1 0 Vasquz p 0 0 0 0 RBtncr p 0 0 0 0 KJhnsn ph1 0 0 0 Splrghs lf 2 1 1 0 Totals 33 4 8 4 Totals 3712 1412 Arizona 003 000 010— 4 Colorado 000 232 50x—12 E—Nady (1), J.upton (5). Dp—Colorado 1. Lob—Arizona 5, Colorado 9. 2b—R.roberts (5), J.upton (11), Mora (5), S.smith (14). 3b— Fowler (4). Hr—C.gonzalez 2 (8), S.smith (5). Sb—R.roberts (7), J.upton 2 (7). S— G.reynolds. Sf—Helton. IP H R ER BB SO Arizona 1 5 5 2 2 1 Cllmenter L,3-1 4 ⁄3 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 1 1 Mickolio 0 1 2 2 1 0 J.Gutierrez Paterson 1 1 0 0 2 0 Heilman 1 5 5 5 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 Vasquez Colorado 3 2 2 2 3 J.De La Rosa 21⁄3 3 1 1 1 2 Rynolds W,2-0 32⁄3 R.Betancourt 1 0 0 0 0 0 Daley 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Mat.Reynolds J.Gutierrez pitched to 2 batters in the 6th. T—3:19. A—26,378 (50,490).


Standings South Atlantic League Northern Division W L Pct. GB Hagerstown (Nationals) 28 16 .636 — Greensboro (Marlins) 26 18 .591 2 Delmarva (Orioles) 26 19 .578 21⁄2 3 Kannapolis (White Sox) 24 18 .571 Hickory (Rangers) 24 19 .558 31⁄2 Lakewood (Phillies) 22 22 .500 6 West Virginia (Pirates) 20 23 .465 71⁄2 Southern Division W L Pct. GB Savannah (Mets) 22 22 .500 — 1 22 23 .489 ⁄2 Lexington (Astros) Greenville (Red Sox) 21 24 .467 11⁄2 1 Asheville (Rockies) 20 25 .444 2 ⁄2 Charleston (Yankees) 20 25 .444 21⁄2 Augusta (Giants) 18 26 .409 4 Rome (Braves) 16 29 .356 61⁄2 Tuesday’s Games No games scheduled Wednesday’s Games Rome at Lexington, 10:05 a.m. Greensboro at Lakewood, 11:05 a.m. Asheville at Hagerstown, 6:35 p.m. Kannapolis at Greenville, 7 p.m. Charleston, S.C. at Hickory, 7 p.m. West Virginia at Delmarva, 7:05 p.m. Savannah at Augusta, 7:05 p.m.

NHL PLAYOFFS CONFERENCE FINALS Saturday, May 21 Tampa Bay 5, Boston 3 Sunday, May 22 Vancouver 4, San Jose 2, Vancouver leads series 3-1 Monday, May 23 Boston 3, Tampa Bay 1, Boston leads series 3-2 Tuesday, May 24 Vancouver 3, San Jose 2, Vancouver wins series 4-1 Wednesday, May 25 Boston at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m.

NBA PLAYOFFS CONFERENCE FINALS (Best-of-7) Thursday, May 19 Oklahoma City 106, Dallas 100 Saturday, May 21 Dallas 93, Oklahoma City 87 Sunday, May 22 Miami 96, Chicago 85 Monday, May 23 Dallas 112, Oklahoma City 105, OT, Dallas leads series 3-1 Tuesday, May 24 Miami 101, Chicago 93, OT, Miami leads series 3-1 Wednesday, May 25 Oklahoma City at Dallas, 9 p.m. Thursday, May 26 Miami at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.

Tuesday’s box Heat 101, Bulls 93 CHICAGO (93) Deng 8-16 2-2 20, Boozer 7-14 6-9 20, Noah 3-10 0-0 6, Rose 8-27 6-7 23, Bogans 2-6 0-0 6, Brewer 2-3 2-3 7, Gibson 0-1 0-0 0, Asik 0-0 0-0 0, Korver 2-6 1-1 5, Watson 3-4 0-0 6. Totals 35-87 17-22 93. MIAMI (101) James 11-26 13-13 35, Bosh 6-12 10-11 22, Anthony 0-0 2-4 2, Bibby 2-5 0-2 5, Wade 5-16 4-4 14, Haslem 0-5 2-2 2, Miller 5-8 00 12, Chalmers 3-3 1-2 9. Totals 32-75 3238 101. Chicago 19 27 22 17 8 — 93 Miami 16 28 19 22 16 — 101 3-Point Goals—Chicago 6-24 (Deng 2-5, Bogans 2-6, Brewer 1-1, Rose 1-9, Korver 0-3), Miami 5-13 (Chalmers 2-2, Miller 2-5, Bibby 1-3, James 0-1, Bosh 0-1, Wade 0-1). Fouled Out—Noah. Rebounds—Chicago 57 (Noah 14), Miami 49 (Haslem, Miller 9). Assists—Chicago 20 (Noah, Rose 6), Miami 12 (James 6). Total Fouls—Chicago 28, Miami 24. Technicals—Miami defensive three second 2. Flagrant Fouls—Boozer. A—20,125 (19,600).



D’backs 5, Rockies 2 Second Game Colorado h bi ab r h bi 0 0 Amezg 2b 4 0 0 0 2 2 Fowler cf 4 0 1 0 1 0 CGnzlz lf 4 0 1 0 2 1 Tlwtzk ss 4 0 0 0 1 1 Giambi 1b 2 1 1 1 1 1 Belisle p 0 0 0 0 0 0 MtRynl p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lndstr p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Herrer ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 Wggntn 3b 4 1 1 1 0 0 Splrghs rf 2 0 1 0 0 0 JMorls c 3 0 1 0 Chacin p 2 0 0 0 JoLopz 3b 1 0 0 0 Totals 33 5 7 5 Totals 31 2 6 2 Arizona 100 103 000—5 Colorado 010 000 100—2 Dp—Arizona 1, Colorado 1. Lob—Arizona 4, Colorado 4. 2b—K.johnson (10), S.drew (12), Montero (11), Spilborghs (3). Hr— K.johnson (6), Giambi (6), Wigginton (3). IP H R ER BB SO Arizona Saunders W,1-5 8 6 2 2 1 4 Putz S,13-13 1 0 0 0 0 0 Colorado Chacin L,5-3 7 5 5 5 2 4 2 ⁄3 2 0 0 0 1 Belisle 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Mat.Reynolds Lindstrom 1 0 0 0 1 1 HBP—by J.Saunders (Giambi). T—2:25. A—25,096 (50,490). Arizona

ab RRorts 3b 3 KJhnsn 2b3 CYoung cf 4 S.Drew ss 4 Nady 1b 4 Monter c 4 Brrghs 3b 3 J.Upton rf 0 GParra lf 4 JSndrs p 3 Blmqst ph 1 Putz p 0

r 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Braves 2, Pirates 0 Atlanta

Pittsburgh ab r h bi ab r h bi Schafer cf 4 1 0 0 AMcCt cf 4 0 0 0 Prado lf 4 0 1 1 Tabata lf 4 0 2 0 Jones 3b 3 0 1 0 GJones rf 2 0 0 0 McCnn c 4 0 1 0 Diaz ph 1 0 0 0 Hinske rf 4 0 0 0 Meek p 0 0 0 0 Uggla 2b 0 0 0 0 Walker 2b 4 0 0 0 AlGzlz ss 4 1 3 0 Overay 1b 4 0 1 0 Fremn 1b 4 0 1 0 BrWod 3b 3 0 0 0 Conrad 2b 1 0 0 1 Doumit ph 1 0 0 0 Mather rf 1 0 0 0 CSnydr c 3 0 2 0 Jurrjns p 3 0 1 0 Cedeno ss 3 0 1 0 Venters p 0 0 0 0 Morton p 2 0 0 0 WRmrz ph1 0 0 0 Beimel p 0 0 0 0 Kimrel p 0 0 0 0 Paul ph-rf 1 0 0 0 Totals 33 2 8 2 Totals 32 0 6 0 Atlanta 011 000 000—2 Pittsburgh 000 000 000—0 Dp—Atlanta 1, Pittsburgh 1. Lob—Atlanta 8, Pittsburgh 6. 2b—Prado (13), C.jones (16), Ale.gonzalez (8). Sf—Conrad. IP H R ER BB SO

Atlanta 6 0 0 1 Jurrjens W,6-1 72⁄3 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 Venters H,11 0 0 0 0 Kimbrel S,13-17 1 Pittsburgh Morton L,5-2 7 7 2 2 3 1 1 0 0 0 Beimel Meek 1 0 0 0 0 Morton pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. T—2:33. A—16,873 (38,362).

4 1 2 4 0 3

Reds 6, Phillies 3 Cincinnati ab Stubbs cf 5 BPhllps 2b4 Votto 1b 3 Rolen 3b 5 Bruce rf 5 RHrndz c 4 Heisey lf 4 Janish ss 4 Ondrsk p 0 Corder p 0 Cueto p 1 0 Bray p Renteri ss 1

Philadelphia h bi ab r h bi 2 0 Rollins ss 5 0 1 0 1 2 Utley 2b 4 0 1 0 2 0 Polanc 3b 4 0 0 0 2 1 Howard 1b 3 1 1 0 1 3 Ibanez lf 4 2 3 1 1 0 Ruiz c 3 0 2 1 1 0 Brown rf 2 0 0 1 0 0 Mayrry cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Worley p 2 0 0 0 0 0 Herndn p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stutes p 0 0 0 0 0 0 BFrncs ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bastrd p 0 0 0 0 Madson p 0 0 0 0 Mrtnz ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 36 610 6 Totals 33 3 8 3 Cincinnati 100 020 003—6 Philadelphia 020 100 000—3 E—Madson (1), Brown (1). Lob—Cincinnati 9, Philadelphia 7. 2b—Stubbs (8), Votto (14), Bruce (8), R.hernandez (6), Rollins (9), Howard (11), Ibanez (9), Ruiz (5). S—Cueto. Sf—Brown. IP H R ER BB SO Cincinnati 6 7 3 3 2 1 Cueto 1 0 0 0 0 Bray 12⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 0 Ondrsek W,3-2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Cordero S,9-10 1 Philadelphia Worley 5 6 3 3 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 Herndon Stutes 1 1 0 0 0 1 Bastardo 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 3 3 1 0 Madson L,2-1 T—2:55. A—45,740 (43,651). r 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

Dodgers 5, Astros 4 Los Angeles Houston ab r h bi ab r h bi Furcal ss 5 0 0 0 Bourn cf 3 1 0 0 Carroll 2b 3 1 0 0 Barmes ss 4 1 1 0 Loney 1b 3 1 1 0 Pence rf 4 2 2 1 Kemp cf 4 1 0 0 Ca.Lee lf 3 0 1 2 Sands rf 4 1 1 4 Wallac 1b 3 0 1 0 Navarr c 4 0 1 0 CJhnsn 3b 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 Gions lf 3 1 1 1 Hall 2b GwynJ lf 1 0 0 0 Quinter c 3 0 0 0 Miles 3b 4 0 1 0 AngSnc ph 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Blngsly p 2 0 0 0 Happ p Mitchll ph 1 0 1 0 MDwns ph 1 0 0 0 MacDgl p 0 0 0 0 DelRsr p 0 0 0 0 RDLRs p 0 0 0 0 Bogsvc ph 1 0 0 0 Ethier ph 0 0 0 0 Escaln p 0 0 0 0 Guerra p 0 0 0 0 WLopez p 0 0 0 0 31 4 5 4 Totals 34 5 6 5 Totals Los Angeles 014 000 000—5 Houston 003 001 000—4 E—Hall (3). Lob—Los Angeles 5, Houston 4. 2b—Mitchell (1), Pence 2 (15), Wallace (13). Hr—Sands (2), Gibbons (1). Sf—C.johnson. H R ER BB SO IP Los Angeles Billingsley W,3-4 6 5 4 4 3 9 0 0 0 0 2 Macdougal H,3 1 R.deLa Rosa H,1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Guerra S,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 Houston Happ L,3-6 5 3 5 1 2 4 Del Rosario 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 2 Escalona W.Lopez 11⁄3 2 0 0 1 3 T—2:39. A—28,713 (40,963).

Cubs 11, Mets 1 New York Chicago ab r h bi ab r h bi JosRys ss 4 0 2 1 RJhnsn cf 4 1 1 1 DnMrp 1b 3 0 1 0 Barney 2b 5 1 2 2 Beltran rf 4 0 1 0 SCastro ss 5 0 3 2 OConnr p 0 0 0 0 ArRmr 3b 4 2 1 0 Bay lf 3 0 0 0 C.Pena 1b 4 0 0 0 FMrtnz lf 1 0 0 0 ASorin lf 4 1 2 0 Turner 3b 4 0 0 0 Campn cf 1 1 0 0 Harris cf 3 0 1 0 Montnz rf 4 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 TBchlz p 0 0 0 0 K.Hill c Misch p 0 0 0 0 Dmpstr p 2 0 0 0 Evans lf 1 0 0 0 Zamrn ph 1 0 1 2 RPauln c 4 0 2 0 Grabow p 0 0 0 0 RTejd 2b 4 1 2 0 Smrdzj p 0 0 0 0 Niese p 1 0 0 0 Pridie cf 2 0 0 0 37 11 13 9 Totals 34 1 9 1 Totals 000 010 000— 1 New York Chicago 050 011 40x—11 E—R.paulino 2 (2), F.martinez (1). Lob— New York 8, Chicago 8. 2b—Dan.murphy (8), R.tejada (1), A.soriano (6), Montanez (1). 3b— S.castro (4). Cs—Jos.reyes (4). S—Niese, Dempster. IP H R ER BB SO New York 5 7 6 2 1 5 Niese L,3-5 2 2 1 0 1 T.Buchholz 11⁄3 2 ⁄3 3 3 3 2 2 Misch 1 1 0 0 1 1 O’Connor Chicago Dempster W,3-4 7 7 1 1 1 5 1 1 0 0 0 1 Grabow Samardzija 1 1 0 0 0 3 HBP—by T.Buchholz (Ar.Ramirez). PB— R.Paulino. T—2:51. A—35,707 (41,159).

Brewers 7, Nationals 6 Milwaukee Washington ab r h bi ab r h bi Brndn cf 5 1 0 0 Weeks 2b 3 2 1 2 Dsmnd ss 5 1 2 1 C.Hart rf 4 1 2 2 Werth rf 3 1 2 0 Braun lf 2 0 0 0 WRams c 3 1 0 0 CGomz cf 2 0 0 0 Morse 1b 5 2 3 4 Fielder 1b 3 0 0 0 Espins 2b 4 0 1 0 McGeh 3b 4 1 2 0 HrstnJr 3b 4 0 1 0 Kotsay cf 4 0 0 0 HRdrgz p 0 0 0 0 YBtncr ss 3 0 0 0 Bixler lf 2 0 0 0 McClnd p 0 0 0 0 Ankiel cf 2 0 0 0 BBoggs ph 0 1 0 0 LHrndz p 3 0 2 1 Axford p 0 0 0 0 Clipprd p 0 0 0 0 Lucroy c 4 1 2 3 SBurntt p 0 0 0 0 Narvsn p 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Cora 3b 0 0 0 0 Mitre p L.Nix ph 1 0 0 0 Counsll ss 1 1 0 0 Totals 37 6 11 6 Totals 32 7 8 7 Washington 014 100 000—6 Milwaukee 200 100 22x—7 E—Espinosa (4), Lucroy (2). Dp—Washington 1, Milwaukee 2. Lob—Washington 8, Milwaukee 5. 2b—Desmond (11), Werth (11), Morse (4). Hr—Morse (4), Weeks (8), C.hart (4), Lucroy (5). Sb—Bernadina (5), Desmond (15). IP H R ER BB SO Washington L.Hernandez 6 5 3 3 1 4 Clippard H,10 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 S.burnett H,5 H.rodriguez L,1-1 2⁄3 2 2 2 1 2 Milwaukee 8 6 6 2 3 Narveson 31⁄3 1 0 0 0 2 Mitre 22⁄3 MClndon W,2-0 2 1 0 0 0 1 Axford S,13-15 1 1 0 0 1 3 HBP—by L.Hernandez (Fielder), by McClendon (Werth). WP—L.Hernandez, Axford. T—3:14. A—24,722 (41,900).

Yankees 5, Blue Jays 4

Youkils 3b 4 0 1 0 CSantn c 3 0 0 0 Ortiz dh 4 1 2 0 T.Buck dh 4 2 2 1 DMcDn dh0 0 0 0 OCarer 2b 2 0 0 0 J.Drew rf 4 0 0 0 LaPort 1b 4 0 2 0 Varitek c 3 1 1 2 Hannhn 3b 3 0 0 0 Crwfrd lf 3 1 0 0 Carrer cf 2 0 1 1 Sutton 2b 4 0 0 0 Duncan lf 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 4 5 4 Totals 29 2 6 2 Boston 002 000 200—4 Cleveland 010 000 001—2 E—Hannahan (3). Dp—Boston 1. Lob— Boston 5, Cleveland 5. 2b—Ad.gonzalez (16), Ortiz 2 (11). Hr—Varitek (1), T.buck (2). Sb— Ellsbury (16), Crawford (7), Brantley (7). Cs— Choo (3), T.buck (1). Sf—Lowrie. IP H R ER BB SO Boston 5 1 1 3 6 Beckett W,4-1 62⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 R.hill H,3 11⁄3 Papelbon S,9-10 1 1 1 1 0 0 Cleveland Carmona L,3-5 8 5 4 4 1 7 R.Perez 1 0 0 0 1 1 Carmona pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. HBP—by Beckett (O.Cabrera), by Carmona (Crawford). WP—R.Hill. T—3:02. A—23,752 (43,441).

Orioles 5, Royals 3 Kansas City ab r Gordon lf 5 2 MeCarr cf 5 0 Hosmer 1b5 0 Francr rf 5 1 Butler dh 4 0 Betemt 3b 2 0 Aviles 2b 4 0 B.Pena c 4 0 AEscor ss 3 0

Baltimore h bi ab r h bi 2 1 Andino 2b 4 0 1 0 2 0 AdJons cf 5 1 2 2 1 0 Markks rf 4 1 1 0 2 1 Guerrr dh 4 0 1 0 2 1 Wieters c 4 1 1 1 0 0 Reimld lf 2 0 0 0 1 0 Scott ph-lf 2 0 1 1 1 0 MrRynl 3b 4 0 0 0 0 0 Hardy ss 3 1 2 0 BSnydr 1b 2 0 0 0 Pie ph 1 1 1 1 35 5 10 5 Totals 37 3 11 3 Totals Kansas City 101 001 000—3 000 002 003—5 Baltimore Two outs when winning run scored. Dp—Kansas City 1, Baltimore 1. Lob— Kansas City 10, Baltimore 7. 2b—Aviles (9), Ad.jones (9), Wieters (8), Hardy 2 (5), Pie (4). Hr—Gordon (5), Ad.jones (6). Sb—Francoeur (6), Andino (2), Markakis (4). IP H R ER BB SO Kansas City 1 5 ⁄3 5 2 2 3 6 Duffy 1 0 0 0 1 L.coleman H,1 2⁄3 Bl.wood H,2 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 Crow H,4 2 ⁄3 3 3 3 0 1 Soria L,3-1 Baltimore 6 9 3 3 2 2 Britton 2 0 0 1 1 Accardo 12⁄3 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Rapada 1 0 0 0 0 1 Simon W,1-0 WP—L.Coleman. T—3:04. A—14,077 (45,438).

Tigers 7, Rays 6 Tampa Bay ab Jaso c 5 Zobrist 2b 5 Damon dh 5 Longori 3b5 Joyce rf 4 BUpton cf 3 Ktchm 1b 3 SRdrgz ss 4 Fuld lf 4

Detroit h bi ab r h bi 1 1 AJcksn cf 5 1 1 0 0 0 Kelly 3b 3 1 2 0 2 0 Inge 3b 0 0 0 0 1 0 Boesch rf 4 0 1 0 3 2 C.Wells rf 0 0 0 0 2 1 MiCarr 1b 4 1 1 3 1 1 VMrtnz dh 3 0 0 0 2 0 Dirks lf 4 0 0 0 0 0 JhPerlt ss 3 2 1 0 Avila c 4 2 2 3 SSizmr 2b 3 0 2 0 Totals 38 612 5 Totals 33 7 10 6 Tampa Bay 001 203 000—6 Detroit 010 031 02x—7 E—B.upton (1), Verlander (2), S.sizemore (2), Avila 2 (3). Dp—Tampa Bay 2. Lob—Tampa Bay 7, Detroit 6. 2b—S.rodriguez 2 (11), Jh.peralta (7). Hr—Joyce (8), Mi.cabrera (9), Avila 2 (8). Sb—B.upton 2 (10). Cs—S.sizemore (1). Sf—Kotchman. IP H R ER BB SO Tampa Bay W.Davis 6 8 5 4 2 4 0 1 1 2 2 Jo.peralta H,8 11⁄3 0 2 1 1 0 0 Ramos L,0-1 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Farnsworth Detroit 6 9 6 6 0 2 Verlander 2 0 0 1 2 Schlereth 11⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Albrqrque W,1-1 2⁄3 1 1 0 0 0 0 Benoit S,1-3 C.Ramos pitched to 2 batters in the 8th. T—3:13. A—24,133 (41,255). r 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 0

Twins 4, Mariners 2 Seattle

Minnesota h bi ab r h bi 0 0 Span cf 4 1 3 1 0 0 Tolbert ss 3 0 0 1 1 0 Kubel rf 4 0 2 1 1 0 Mornea 1b 4 0 1 0 2 2 Thome dh 3 0 0 0 0 0 Repko dh 0 0 0 0 0 0 DYong lf 4 0 0 0 3 0 Valenci 3b 4 0 0 0 0 0 RRiver c 3 1 1 0 ACasill 2b 3 2 2 0 Totals 33 2 7 2 Totals 32 4 9 3 Seattle 000 200 000—2 Minnesota 101 000 20x—4 E—Olivo (4). Dp—Minnesota 1. Lob— Seattle 4, Minnesota 6. 2b—Cust (10), Olivo (4), Span (6), Kubel (13), A.casilla (3). 3b— Span (2). Hr—Olivo (4). Sb—Repko (2). S— Tolbert. IP H R ER BB SO Seattle 9 4 4 0 6 Fister L,2-5 62⁄3 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 Laffey 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Gray Minnesota Blackburn W,4-4 9 7 2 2 0 6 Balk—Fister. T—2:20. A—37,691 (39,500).

ab ISuzuki rf 4 Figgins 3b 4 Smoak 1b 4 Cust dh 4 Olivo c 4 AKndy 2b 4 Peguer lf 3 Ryan ss 3 MSndrs cf 3

r 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

Late Monday Cardinals 3, Padres 1 St. Louis ab Theriot ss 5 Jay rf 5 Pujols 1b 4 Brkmn lf 2 Rasms cf 3 YMolin c 4 Shmkr 2b 3 Dscals 3b 4 Lohse p 3 Craig ph 1 Tallet p 0 Salas p 0

San Diego h bi ab r h bi 1 1 Denorfi rf 4 0 1 0 3 0 Bartlett ss 4 0 0 0 1 1 Ludwck lf 4 0 0 0 1 0 Hawpe 1b 4 0 1 0 0 0 Headly 3b 4 0 2 0 0 0 Maybin cf 3 1 2 0 1 0 Hudsn 2b 4 0 0 0 2 1 RJhnsn c 2 0 0 0 0 0 Cantu ph 0 0 0 1 0 0 MAdms p 0 0 0 0 0 0 H.Bell p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mosely p 2 0 0 0 KPhlps c 1 0 0 0 Totals 34 3 9 3 Totals 32 1 6 1 St. Louis 000 001 002—3 San Diego 000 000 100—1 Dp—San Diego 2. Lob—St. Louis 8, San Diego 6. 2b—Jay (3), Schumaker (5), Descalso (9), Denorfia (4), Hawpe (9), Headley (11). Hr—Pujols (8). Sb—Jay (3). Sf—Cantu. IP H R ER BB SO St. Louis Lohse W,6-2 8 5 1 1 1 5 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Tallet H,2 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 Salas S,8-8 San Diego Moseley 7 5 1 1 3 3 M.Adams 1 1 0 0 1 2 H.bell L,2-1 1 3 2 2 0 0 T—2:50. A—16,513 (42,691). r 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0



New York h bi ab r h bi 1 0 Jeter dh 5 0 0 0 1 1 Grndrs cf 5 2 4 1 0 0 Teixeir 1b 4 0 2 1 2 0 AlRdrg 3b 4 0 1 0 1 1 Cano 2b 4 1 2 1 0 0 Martin c 4 1 2 2 1 0 Swisher rf 4 0 0 0 2 1 Gardnr lf 2 0 0 0 0 1 ENunez ss 3 0 1 0 Posada ph 1 0 1 0 Dickrsn pr 0 1 0 0 Totals 33 4 8 4 Totals 36 5 13 5 Toronto 001 300 000—4 New York 010 000 022—5 Two outs when winning run scored. E—Cano (5). Dp—Toronto 2, New York 1. Lob—Toronto 5, New York 8. 2b—J.rivera (4), Granderson (5), Cano 2 (10), Posada (5). Hr—Martin (9). Sb—Granderson (6). Cs— Granderson (2). S—Y.escobar, Jo.mcdonald. IP H R ER BB SO Toronto R.Romero 7 7 1 1 3 4 2 ⁄3 1 1 1 0 1 Janssen H,4 1 ⁄3 2 1 1 0 0 Rzpczyski H,7 3 2 2 0 0 F.francisco L,1-2 2⁄3 New York Sabathia W,5-3 9 8 4 4 1 3 T—2:36. A—41,519 (50,291).

ab YEscor ss 3 CPttrsn lf 3 Bautist rf 4 JRiver 1b 4 Arencii c 4 A.Hill 2b 4 Encrnc dh 4 RDavis cf 4 JMcDnl 3b3

r 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0

Red Sox 4, Indians 2 Boston ab Ellsury cf 3 Lowrie ss 3 AdGnzl 1b 4

r 1 0 0

Cleveland h bi ab 0 0 Brantly lf 3 0 1 ACarer ss 4 1 1 Choo rf 4

r 0 0 0

h bi 0 0 0 0 1 0

BASEBALL American League BOSTON RED SOX—Assigned LHP Hideki Okajima outright to Pawtucket (IL). National League ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS—Activated INF Melvin Mora from the bereavement list. Placed RHP Sam Demel on the 15-day DL. Recalled RHP Kam Mickolio from Reno (PCL), Designated INF Josh Wilson for assignment. CHICAGO CUBS—Placed RHP Matt Garza on the 15-day DL. Called up OF Luis Montanez from Iowa (PCL). Transferred RHP Brian Schlitter to the 60-day DL. CINCINNATI REDS—Recalled RHP Carlos Fisher from Louisville (IL). Optioned UT Todd Frazier to Louisville. LOS ANGELES DODGERS—Called up RHP Rubby De La Rosa from Chattanooga (Southern). WASHINGTON NATIONALS—Activated OF Rick Ankiel from the 15-day DL. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS—Named Jerry West adviser and a member of the team’s executive board. MOTOR RACING NASCAR—Suspended Gary Frost, a mechanic on Jeff Burton’s team, indefinitely for violating the substance abuse policy. NASCAR—Docked Ron Hornaday and Kevin Harvick Inc. 25 points each and fined his crew chief Jeff Hensley $10,000 for failing inspection after the Trucks Series race at Charlotte Motor Speedway.

Eagles claim baseball title From staff reports

Third-seeded Erwin beat top-seeded West Rowan Middle 2-1 in the championship game of the Rowan Middle School Conference Tournament on Tuesday at Salisbury High’s Robertson Stadium. Samuel Wyrick knocked in runs for the Eagles in the first and third innings. Erwin (13-4) was limited to three hits by West pitchers Omar Bautista and Juan Garcia, who combined for eight strikeouts. Tyler Scruggs had the other hit for the Eagles. Noah Teeter had a triple for the Bulldogs and was knocked in by Tyler Poteat. Erwin’s Joseph Peeler pitched five innings for the win. Harrison Bell pitched the sixth and seventh for a save. Erwin won its last eight games. It was the 12th championship for Erwin coach Craig Johnson. His record is 186-44.

 Middle school soccer The Southeast boys soccer team completed a perfect season with a 3-0 win against Mooresville in the Rowan County Middle School Conference Tournament championship game played on Monday. Scoring for Southeast (17-0) were Adolfo Ortega, Silvestre Lopez and Jose Viveros. An assist was made by Bryan Fragoso.

 Pro baseball Jerry Sands (Catawba) hit a third-inning grand slam to lead the L.A. Dodgers to a 5-4 win against Houston on Tuesday.

 Prep tennis Chad Hoskins of Salisbury helped R.J. Reynolds win the 4A dual team tennis title. The Demons beat East Chapel Hill 5-0 for their second straight state championship. Hoskins won his first set in a tiebreaker and won 6-3 in the second set against East Chapel Hill’s Kassim Alani.

 Prep softball North Iredell (18-7) held off Jay M. Robinson 3-2 on Tuesday to advance to a 3A quarterfinal matchup against NPC rival East Rowan. North Iredell pitcher Karley Harkey took a shutout into the seventh, but the Bulldogs rallied for two runs. Harkey got a strikeout to end it, her seventh of the game. Breanna Davenport had three hits, and NI out-hit the Bulldogs 13-5.

 Prep soccer The 26th annual NCHSAA girls soccer championships are set for this weekend at the WakeMed Soccer Park in Cary. There will be two games on Friday and two on Saturday.

 Legion baseball The Kannapolis American Legion team will play most of its home games at Fieldcrest Cannon Stadium this season. A few games are scheduled to be played at Concord’s Webb Field.

 West Rowan physicals Athletic physicals will be offered at West Rowan High on Thursday, May 20, from 5:307:30. Anyone interested in participating on an athletic team next year at West needs to attend. Cost is $10 per physical. Physicals are for rising 9th-12th graders.

 Rowan Cobras The Rowan Cobras sixth-grade girls basketball team was runner-up in the YBOA Kinetic Spine & Sport Hoops Classic held in Charlotte. The Cobras defeated the Carolina Cavaliers 29-23 and beat the Magic Ballers 44-14 to advance to the championship game. The Cobras rallied from a big deficit but lost 3330 to the Charleston Waves in the title game. Playing in the tournament for the Cobras were Destiny Jackson, Keara McClary, Kailie Ketchie, Maren Shumaker, Alyson Brewer, Jenna Clay, Hollie Harrison and Keyerah Wagner. Team members not able to play were Shaleah Jolly and Chemaiya Jordan. The head coach of the Cobras is David Sweeney.

 Local golf The team of Johnny Kyger, Phil Miller, Chris Owen and Keith Dorsett shot 53 at the Country Club of Salisbury and won the Campbell Memorial Golf Classic. The Classic raised $82,000. Proceeds will go toward the purchase of a new fetal heart monitor for Rowan Regional Medical Center. Cloninger Ford-Toyota-Scion was the presenting sponsor for the tournament. N. Trent Bradshaw and Dr. Steven J. Colwell were cochairmen. Steering committee members included Gary A. Blabon, David L. Bolick, Camille T. Campbell, Beverly H. Dillard, Michael Doran, Sandy T. Morrison, Ryan Rich and Jeff Wetmore.

 College men’s basketball Wingate announced the signing of four men’s basketball players on Tuesday. The new Bulldogs are Ryan Daye (Burlington), Josh Simmons (Irmo, S.C.), Deion Turman (Pittsburgh) and Michael Tyson (Kinston). Turman is a transfer from Robert Morris.

 Catawba hoops camps Register online now for Catawba basketball individual, beginner and Skills & Drills Camps in June and July. Go to www.e-timeout.com. for information on camps in Charlotte, Concord, and Salisbury for ages 5-15.



EAST froM 1B

Tyler buckwell for the SALISBUrY PoSt

Bobbi thomas hit out the first pitch she saw in the sixth.

on strikes to end the inning. In the fifth, Ally Mills singled and was sacrificed to second by Steffi Sides, but Jesse Rummage popped up. That’s how it went. And each time East missed a scoring chance, the pressure got a little more intense. “It was just nerve-wracking,” Thomas said. The tensest moments of all for East’s coaches and players came in the Northwest fifth. Leading off, Andrea Jones grounded a 3-2 pitch past White. Shortstop Ericka Nesbitt got to the ball but couldn’t make a clean pickup. Jones went to second when pitcher Katie Williford’s soft liner trickled out of first baseman Meagan Kluttz’s mitt. Kluttz got the out at first. Moments later, when a pitch from White caromed off Thomas’ mitt, Jones was at third with one out. “We were all expecting a bunt,” Thomas said. That’s what the Mustangs got, and it stayed airborne just long enough for White to charge in and catch it for a huge second out. A routine popup to Nesbitt ended the inning, and the Mustangs breathed a sigh of relief. Nesbitt led off the sixth with a groundball to short and appeared to have the throw to first beaten by a full step. Nonetheless, she was called out, and after an umpiring conference, she remained out.

Tyler buckwell for the SALISBUrY PoSt

Chelsea White got her 22nd win of the season.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011 • 3B The Mustangs already had been flustered by a call in the fifth when Kluttz appeared to take a pitch off her wrist. Instead, the ball was ruled to have struck her bat. She pointed to the bruise on her arm in vain as umpires conferred, but she was instructed to return to the batter’s box. She struck out on a 3-2 pitch. “We had a lot of things going against us,” East head coach Mike Waddell said. “We kept fighting through it.” It looked like Williford would have an easy sixth, but White’s single to the wall extended the inning. Fans were still marveling at the throw Boyd made when Thomas hit one out of sight. It was a nodoubter when it left the bat. “A nice little, two-out rally and some very good contact at the right time,” Waddell said. “I was so glad Bobbi jumped on that first pitch. She saw her bat hit that ball.” Thomas connected so perfectly that she felt nothing at all when bat met softball. But emotionally she felt plenty, breaking into a wide grin as she rounded first base and jogged toward the mob of teammates waiting for her at the plate. “We felt like it would come down to one inning with these two pitchers,” NWC coach Lori Treiber said. “Whoever got two hits back-to-back was going to win. We were just hoping it would go the other way.” With White pitching, 2-0 may as well have been 12-0. Northwest went down 1-2-3 in the sixth with two Ks. White struck out two more

in the seventh before Jones singled to right. East got the final out on a grounder that deflected off Kluttz’s glove. Poole, the second baseman, scooped up the ball and won a race to the bag. White hasn’t allowed a run in the playoffs. Thomas’ homer ended a five-game streak of shutouts for Northwest’s Williford, a freshman. “I wish Chelsea all the success in the world in college (Elon),” said Treiber, managing a small smile. “She’s done her job here well, but I’m glad it’s time for her to move on.” White’s job is not quite done. East advances to a fourth meeting — in Granite Quarry — with NPC rival North Iredell, a 3-2 winner against Robinson. A spot in the Final Four will be on the line. East swept the regular season meetings with North Iredell but lost to the Raiders in the NPC tournament final.

E. Rowan 2, NW Cabarrus 0 EAST ROWAN ab r Nsbit ss 4 0 Kirk cf 3 0 White p 3 1 Thomas c 3 1 Poole 2b 3 0 Kluttz 1b 3 0 Mills dp 3 0 Sides 3b 2 0 Rumge rf 3 0 Lyrly lf 0 0 Totals 27 2

h 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 7

bi 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

NW CABARRUS ab r h Boyd cf 3 0 0 Shore 2b 3 0 0 Allen c 3 0 0 Eudy 1b 3 0 0 Jones ss 3 0 1 Wllfd p 3 0 1 Vnhm 3b 2 0 0 Roop rf 2 0 0 Wrhm dp 2 0 0 Defgio lf 0 0 0 Totals 24 0 2

bi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

East Rowan 000 002 0 — 2 NW Cabarrus 000 000 0 — 0 E — Nesbitt 2. LOB — East 5, NW Cabarrus 3. 2B — Thomas. HR — Thomas (4). SB — Kirk. CS — Yohe. S — Sides. IP H R ER BB K East Rowan White W, 22-2 7 2 0 0 0 11 NW Cabarrus Williford 7 7 2 2 0 4 PB — Thomas. BK — White (illegal pitch).

Tyler buckwell for the SALISBUrY PoSt

ericka Nesbitt stands in to face Northwest Cabarrus pitcher Katie Williford.

Tyler buckwell for the SALISBUrY PoSt

Bobbi thomas is joined at home plate by adoring teammates after her go-ahead home run in the sixth.

4B • WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011

BRADSHAW FROM 1B think that is what Alisha and I liked the most about it.” No doubt, the Catamounts feel like bankrobbers because after the season Bradshaw had just turned in, she is definitely a steal to be headed to the Southern Conference. “I knew after going up there for my visit that it was the place for me, and I’m just so thankful to my coaches here at Salisbury for making me better and helping me to accomplish this,” Bradshaw said. “I’m going to work hard and hopefully continue this success in college.” Bradshaw is grateful to her mother and credited her for her success as well as her coaches. “I always told her to just find something that she liked to do and stick with it and get better and better at it and she has done that,” Gloria said. “I told her it would pay off one day and I’m glad to see that it has.” The signing party definitely belonged to Bradshaw. She never let the smile get erased from her face, even as Salisbury athletics director and football coach Joe Pinyan, an Appalachian State grad, was teasing her about her new status as a Catamount.

BRAVES FROM 1B as the game went on. He threw three balls total in the first three innings. “I looked up and I saw the ball-strike thing and I was like, ‘Is that right?’” Morton said. “He’s really good at throwing the ball where he wants with all his pitches.” He needed to be sharp to help the ailing Braves. Atlanta came to town on the last stop of a miserable road trip in which it dropped four out of five and put starting outfielders Jason Heyward and Nate McLouth on the disabled list with injuries. “Luckily we had JJ going tonight because we haven’t been scoring a lot of runs lately,” Atlanta first baseman Freddie Freeman said. “But when you get pitching like that — and our bullpen came in and shut it down — two runs was enough tonight.” Pittsburgh appeared to have found a groove last week, putting together a season-high four-game winning streak that pulled it within a game of .500. The Pirates scored 26 runs during the span but haven’t crossed the plate since doing it three times in the seventh inning of a 6-2 win over Detroit on Saturday.

HEAT FROM 1B score again until overtime. Better late than never. That was just the start for the Heat. Chicago turned the ball over on its next two possessions, Wade turned the second of those into a layup with 1:01 left for a 95-89 lead, and the Heat soon knew they were one win away from the title round. Mike Miller scored 12 for Miami. The fourth quarter was pure theater, both teams clearly knowing — clearly relishing — the stakes. Miami scored the first seven points for a 70-69 lead. Chicago took the lead back on a pair of free throws by Rose with 6:34 left, and Miami answered with a four-point possession — two free throws by Bosh after a flagrant foul against Boozer, followed by Miller making a jumper over Rose for a 78-77 edge. Back and forth from there, with the lead, the momentum, control of the series, all seeming to turn every time the ball crossed midcourt. Rose had a chance with 28 seconds left, his jumper from the left side hitting the rim and eventually being corralled by Miller. The Heat called time with 23 seconds



Jones ends it for O’s

Chiefs gather aid for storm victims Associated Press

Associated Press

The AL roundup... BALTIMORE — Adam Jones capped a ninth-inning uprising with a two-run walkoff homer against Joakim Soria, giving Baltimore a 5-3 victory over Kansas City on Tuesday night. Jones hit an 0-2 pitch over the center-field wall to cap a three-run rally that gave Baltimore its third straight victory. The Orioles improved to 1-21 when trailing after eight innings. Baltimore trailed 3-2 entering the ninth. After one out, J.J. Hardy doubled off the glove of third baseman Wilson Betemit. Pinch-hitter Felix Pie then grounded a double inside third base to tie it. Soria (3-1) struck out Robert Andino before Jones connected. Red Sox 4, Indians 2 CLEVELAND — Josh Beckett picked up first regular-season win in Cleveland, where the Indians lost for just the fifth time at home. Beckett (4-1) allowed one run and five hits in 6 2-3 innings for his only non-postseason win at Progressive Field. He won here in the 2007 ALCS, pitching eight dominant innings in Game 5 as the Red Sox kept their season alive and eventually won the series. Jason Varitek hit a two-


Adam Jones, right, celebrates his walkoff homer with teammates. run homer in the seventh off Fausto Carmona (3-5), and Jonathan Papelbon got his ninth save for the Red Sox, who are a league-best 15-7 in May. Yankees 5, Blue Jays 4 NEW YORK — Curtis Granderson had a tying RBI single in the ninth inning then stole second before Mark Teixeira singled him home to give CC Sabathia and New York the win. The Yankees rallied for two runs in the eighth against relievers Casey Janssen and Marc Rzepczynski, and two in the ninth off Frank Francisco (1-2) for their sixth win in eight games. Robinson Cano had an RBI double in the eighth and Russell Martin followed with a run-scoring single. Sabathia (5-3) retired the final 16 batters in his first complete game at home for the

Yankees. Tigers 7, Rays 6 DETROIT — Alex Avila’s second homer of the game gave Detroit the lead in the eighth inning. Miguel Cabrera hit a three-run homer in the fifth, giving him 34 RBIs this season, to help Detroit win its third straight. Avila hit a solo drive in the sixth off starter Wade Davis and a go-ahead, tworun shot off Cesar Ramos in the eighth. Twins 4, Mariners 2 MINNEAPOLIS — Nick Blackburn came through with a desperately needed complete game and Denard Span had three hits and an RBI to lift Minnesota. Blackburn (4-4) allowed seven hits and struck out six, throwing a career-high 127 pitches for his fifth career complete game.

The NFL notebook... KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Hundreds of cars lined up all day Tuesday in the Arrowhead Stadium parking lot as the Kansas City Chiefs filled two semitrailer trucks with bottled water for tornado victims in Kansas and Missouri. Chiefs spokesman Brad Gee said the team also collected “a significant amount of financial donations” for the victims in Reading, Kan., and Joplin, Mo. The Chiefs are donating $35,000 to the relief effort. While Chiefs cheerleaders danced and went through their routines, the team collected bottled water from both individuals and Kansas City-area businesses in the day-long effort. In total, they estimated people brought about 3,000 cases to the Arrowhead Stadium parking lot in the day-long effort. “The response was incredible,” Gee said. “One man brought in four pallets of water himself. A lot of people also wanted to make financial donations.” Told by the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency that additional supplies were also needed, the Chiefs on Wednesday also planned to collect work gloves, heavy-duty construction trash bags, flashlights and batteries of all sizes. Owner Clark Hunt and general manager Scott Pi-

oli planned to be on hand in Lot C for part of Wednesday’s collection, helping loads trucks and accept donations. The Chiefs are also teaming with the Salvation Army to collect financial donations for Heart-to-Heart International. More than 100 people were killed in the tornado that hit Joplin on Sunday. Earlier, one man died and dozens of homes were destroyed in the eastern Kansas community of Reading. MANNING SURGERY • INDIANAPOLIS — Colts star quarterback Peyton Manning had neck surgery Monday in Chicago to repair a disk problem. It’s the second neck surgery since February 2010 for Manning. The previous was to repair a pinched nerve, and this operation was less invasive and less complicated, team owner Jim Irsay said Tuesday at the NFL meetings. “He had a bulging disk,” Irsay said of the NFL’s only four-time league MVP. “The doctors removed a part of it. “It’s usually a six-to-eight week recovery period. I think this is one you can bounce back from quickly.” The surgery was performed at Chicago’s Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Manning was back at home Tuesday. Even though the NFL has locked out its players, communication between teams and players in these cases is allowed.

Sands nails grand slam Associated Press

The NL roundup... PHILADELPHIA — Jay Bruce hit a tiebreaking, three-run double in the ninth inning and the Cincinnati Reds beat the Philadelphia Phillies 6-3 Tuesday night to snap a six-game losing streak. The Reds had lost eight straight against NL Eastleading Philadelphia, including a three-game sweep in last year’s division playoff series. Bruce came in swinging a hot bat. He had four homers in the last five games and was tied for the NL lead with 12. But he struck out three times and popped out in his first four at-bats before clearing the bases against Ryan Madson (2-1). Rockies 12, Diamondbacks 4, 1st game Diamondbacks 5, Rockies 2, 2nd game DENVER — Carlos Gon-

left, 18 seconds on the shot clock, everyone in the building probably thinking the play would be set up for James. It was. And it never got a chance for liftoff. Referee Bennett Salvatore called James for an offensive foul with 8 seconds left, saying Ronnie Brewer beat him to the spot as the two-time MVP tried to back down the right side of the lane. So instead of winning the game late in regulation, James had to simply try to send it to overtime with defense. He guarded Rose on the final possession before overtime, forcing the Chicago guard into a taking a jumper that fell way short, and off to an extra 5 minutes they went. A day after being fined $50,000 for directing an anti-gay slur at a fan in Game 3, Bulls center Joakim Noah had six points and 14 rebounds in 45 minutes. And there seemed to be very little, if any, unusual rancor from Miami fans toward Noah. Chicago’s lead was 46-44 at halftime, after some wild emotional swings — a 19-4 run by the Bulls, followed by a 29-9 spurt for the Heat, then capped by an 18-7 rebuttal by the Bulls to close the second quarter.

zalez homered twice and Colorado became the first team to decipher Josh Collmenter’s tomahawk-pitching style, rallying past Arizona despite losing pitcher Jorge De La Rosa to a torn elbow ligament in the opener of a day-night doubleheader. Then the Rockies lost the nightcap when Joe Saunders (1-5) snapped his six-game losing streak and Kelly Johnson hit a solo homer and had one of three RBI doubles off Jhoulys Chacin (5-3) in the sixth inning. Colorado manager Jim Tracy was ejected in the third inning of Game 2 after arguing a call at home plate. Dodgers 5, Astros 4 HOUSTON — Jerry Sands hit a grand slam and Jay Gibbons also homered as Los Angeles snapped a three-game losing streak with a win over Houston. Astros starter J.A. Happ (36) walked Jamey Carroll with two outs in the third inning before a single by James Loney.

Matt Kemp reached on an error by second baseman Bill Hall to set up the slam by Sands. The home run by Gibbons in the second put Los Angeles up 1-0. Dodgers starter Chad Billingsley (3-4) yielded five hits and four runs with nine strikeouts in six innings to get his first win this month. Javy Guerra pitched a perfect ninth for his first major league save. Cubs 11, Mets 1 CHICAGO — Ryan Dempster pitched seven effective innings, Starlin Castro had three hits and two RBIs and Chicago pounded the stumbling New York Mets. The Cubs kicked off a ninegame homestand with their 11th victory in their past 12 games against NL East teams, hours after putting right-hander Matt Garza on the 15-day disabled list with elbow stiffness. Brewers 7, Nationals 6 MILWAUKEE — Jonathan


Catawba product Jerry Sands, center, is greeted by teammates Matt Kemp and James Loney after his first career grand slam. Lucroy hit a two-out, two-run single in the eighth inning and Brandon Boggs collided into catcher Wilson Ramos to score the go-ahead run, rallying Milwaukee past Washington.

The Brewers have won 12 of 15 overall and have their longest winning streak in the 11-year history of Miller Park at eight games, though this one certainly didn’t come easily.

Fuentes stands behind his words Associated Press

BASEBALL ANAHEIM, Calif. — Veteran reliever Brian Fuentes did not back down from the comments he made about manager Bob Geren’s lack of communication with him about his late-inning role with the Oakland Athletics following Monday night’s loss to the Angels. The only thing the fourtime All-Star left-hander regretted was venting his frustrations to the media instead of Geren himself. And before Tuesday night’s game they had a closed-door meeting in Geren’s office, where they apparently resolved their differences. “I meant what I said and I stand behind what I said. It was just the wrong outlet,” Fuentes said at his locker. “I heard a lot of criticism on why there weren’t discussions with the manager first before going to the media. From the outside in, it appears one way, and it’s really not. “There had been discus-

sions. There had been multiple discussions, and I felt like it wasn’t getting anywhere. It was more of a frustration thing. It still wasn’t right what I did, but it wasn’t getting through.” Geren was satisfied with the results of the meeting, and said there would be no disciplinary fallout. “I gave Brian my thoughts, he gave me his thoughts, we shook hands and everything’s fine,” said Geren, who had been using Fuentes to close in place of the injured Andrew Bailey. “We’ve lost some games and people are frustrated. • NEW YORK — Washington Nationals general manager Mike Rizzo and catcher Ivan Rodriguez were penalized by Major League Baseball for verbally confronting umpires in a stadium tunnel after a disputed call last week. Rodriguez was fined an undisclosed amount, MLB spokesman Pat Courtney said. Courtney confirmed Rizzo was disciplined, but provided no specifics. In general, penalties for non-uniformed personnel involve fines. The Nationals were upset

after Jayson Werth was called out by first-base umpire Phil Cuzzi in the ninth inning of Thursday’s 1-0 loss to the New York Mets.

NCAA BASKETBALL STATE COLLEGE, Pa.— Coach Ed DeChellis, who led Penn State to the NCAA tournament this year, resigned to take the vacant job at Navy. The 15-year coaching veteran said he found “a calling” in announcing the surprise move two months after orchestrating his alma mater’s first NCAA bid in a decade. The Nittany Lions lost to Temple, 66-64, in the second round. • BOONE — A Sampson and a Capel will be on the same basketball bench again. It’s just that the names and locations have changed. Appalachian State coach Jason Capel on Monday hired Kellen Sampson to fill an opening on his staff. Sampson is the son of former Indiana coach Kelvin Sampson, who was forced to resign following recruiting violations. He’s now an assistant with the Milwaukee Bucks.

NCAA FOOTBALL WEST POINT, N.Y. — Joe Steffy, who helped pave the way for Heisman trophy winners Doc Blanchard and Glenn Davis on some of Army’s best teams and won the Outland Trophy as the nation’s top lineman in 1947, has died. He was 85. Army announced that Steffy died at St. Luke’sCornwall Hospital’s Newburgh campus on Saturday. He had dealt heart problems in recent years. Steffy played both offense and defense on Army’s 1945 and 1946 undefeated teams under coach Earl “Red” Blaik. Steffy was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1987. Steffy served in the Korean War and received a Bronze Star and Purple Heart.

SOCCER CHICAGO — Freddy Adu was selected to the U.S. roster for next month’s Gold Cup as well as a June 4 exhibition against World Cup champion Spain, the first time in two years he’s been selected.

SALISBURY POST Flowers & Plants Antiques & Collectibles Desperately Need to Sell 10 beautiful collectible dolls. 18”-20” tall. Paid $200+ ea. Asking $50 ea. or best offer. Must sell for health reasons. 704-633-7425 Stereo console, 1960's Zenith, with turntable and 8 track. $150. Please call 704-209-6143 Wizard of Oz collectible plates, set of 8. Individually numbered. $200. 704-278-2294. Leave message

Arts, Crafts & Hobbies Quilting material, different color designs, no solid colors $30.00 704-278-2722

Building Equip. & Supplies Ladder, Aluminum extension, 20 ft. $50 Please Call 704-636-6025

Cell Phones & Service LG Vortex by Verizon $120. Still looks new! Call 704-633-7604

Computers & Software Xerox solid ink color printer, Phaser 8550 Cost per page $499 B/W $0.016, color $0.03 Nice for church or small business. 704-633-0029

Consignment Growing Pains Family Consignments Call (704)638-0870 115 W. Innes Street

Farm Equipment & Supplies Farm Equipment, new & used. McDaniel Auction Co. 704-278-0726 or 704798-9259. NCAL 48, NCFL 8620. Your authorized farm equipment dealer.

Flowers & Plants

Leyland Cypress

Makes a beautiful property line boundary or privacy screen. One gallon three ft., $10. Seven gallon six ft. & full, $40. 14 ft. B&B, $200. All of the above includes mulch, special fertilizer, delivery and installation! 704-274-0569

Pond Plants, Mt. UllaParrot Anacharis, Feather, Lizard's tail, Yellow Flag (no water lillies) $5 per 5 gallon 10 buckets bucket, own available (bring bucket) 704-798-2953

Fuel & Wood Free Four large water oaks, you cut and clean up. Please Call 704-8579716

Furniture & Appliances Air Conditioners, Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Frig. $65 & up. Used TV & Appliance Center Service after the sale. 704-279-6500 Antique Mahogany Pedestal Drop Leaf Table 30" tall x 38" wide x 1748" deep $165 Rockwell 704-202-5022

Free kittens to good home. 7 weeks old, litter trained. Cute! 2 males, 2 females. Call Jeanne at 704-239-6244

Giving away kittens or puppies?

Kittens, 5 adorable kittens free to good homes. Male & female. In Walkertown, possibly able to meet you to get them. Call 336-595-8759. Leave message

Child's Pool/Ping-Pong Table $65 Call (704) 633-7604 SPORTCRAFT Turbo Air Hockey game. Tl5000 black & red, digital scores. New $285. Call 704-213-9811

Hunting and Fishing FISHING BOAT 18' Monark aluminum tri90HP Mercury hull. motor, 6HP trolling motor, fish finder. Lots of extras. $4000. Ed 607-857-6136 Cleveland,NC. Fishing rods, Zebco 33. Two 5 ½ foot long with reels ~ stainless steel & tubular housings fiberglass rods. $25 ea. (new, never used) Call for appt. 704-630-0192

Lawn and Garden Craftsman Lawn tractor 42" cut, 15.5 hp Kohler engine. good condition $475. 704-856-8041

Bookcase, quality solid wood, cherry. 36" tall x 32" wide x 14" deep Good Condition $100 Rockwell 704-202-5022

Holshouser Cycle Shop Lawn mower repairs and trimmer sharpening. Pick up & delivery. (704)637-2856

Bureau, 3 drawer chest. Antique, oak. Original hardware, $250. Antique oak chest of drawers, swinging beveled mirror. 5 drawers, $250. Call 704-637-2956 Cabinet doors & drawers, oak, handmade. Formica top. Many uses. (Bar, desk, etc.) Adjustable shelves, $200. Oak handmade tall piece. Many uses. 3 drawers at bottom, $200. Call 704-637-2956 Chair, wingback, tan. $55. Beautiful mahogany oval table, $65. Please call 704-637-5189 Chairs, Barrel-type (4), padded burgundy, Naugahyde, sturdy, made in USA, $20. 704855-8353. China Cabinet, white with butcher block $60.00 Call counter. 704-278-2722 Dresser. Large, cream white washed. Doors & drawers, decorative mirror, attached or not. Night stand. 3 drawers match. $400. 704-637-2956

Washer/dryer set $350; 30” electric range $175; refrigerator $225. Excellent shape. 704-798-1926 Water Heater, New American ProLine 40 gal natural gas water heater $400. Paid $530 Rockwell. 704-202-5022

Cane Corso Italian Mastiff Puppies ICCF. Reg. Various Colors. $500 to $700. 704-762-6301

ANDERSON'S SEW & SO, Husqvarna, Viking Sewing Machines. Patterns, Notions, Fabrics. 10104 Old Beatty Ford Rd., Rockwell. 704-279-3647 Antique telephone, Stramburg-Carlson, ca. 1930's. $30. Call 704-855-8353

BINGHAM-SMITH LUMBER CO. Save money on lumber. Treated and Untreated. Round Fence Post in all sizes. Save extra when buying full units. Call Patrick at 980-234-8093. Dodge Dakota, 19972004, tailgate protector chrome. $40. Please call 336-940-3134 Dodge Dakota/Durango OEM receiver hitch. Fits 97/11. $100. Call 336940-3134 for more info. 2000 Dodge/Jeep, 360/5.9. motor 98,000 miles. $500. Call 336940-3134 for more info.

Mower. Ariens 40 inch. riding mower. Runs well cuts good. 15hp. Kohler. $500. OBO. 704-2243752

ALSATIANFor Sale: FAMILY AMERICAN HAUSER, published 1977, history of the Hauser family, now out of print. $25. Call 336 924-5150

Snapper Riding mower, electric start. $150; Husqvarna self propelled mower, good condition. $150. 704-933-0021

Machine & Tools Miter Saw. 10" sliding, compound saw. Chicago Electric brand. New in box. $110. Call 704-2782294 leave message.

GAS GRILL. Like new w/ side burner. Electronic start. $85. Kannapolis. Call 704-433-1840 Hunting stand, covered. 2-seater, 16'. (Cover never used). New $425. Sell for $250. Please call 704-857-0093 HYPNOSIS will work for you!

Stop Smoking~Lose Weight It's Easy & Very Effective. Decide Today 704-933-1982

Table Saw, 10 inch Grizzey with 1½ HP. Very good condition. $350. 704-633-0259

Love seat, antique. Walnut trim, brass claw ft. Original ticking. $250. Ladies' 3 wheel bike. TriFecta, new basket & light. $175.704-637-2956

Misc For Sale

METAL: Angle, Channel, Pipe, Sheet & Plate Shear Fabrication & Welding FAB DESIGNS 2231 Old Wilkesboro Rd Open Mon-Fri 7-3:30 704-636-2349

Bingham Smith Lumber Co. !!!NOW AVAILABLE!!! Metal Roofing Many colors. Custom lengths, trim, accessories, & trusses. Call 980-234-8093 Patrick Smith


Beautiful Labrador Retriever Puppies. Great bloodline. Sweet personalities. Chocolate and black pups . Ready June 4th. $400. Call Ronnie at 704-798-6336

Pond pump, Little Giant 1900 GPH. New. 1/8 hp. $225 value. Asking $125. Call 704-857-0093

Fish aquarium, 40 gallon. Complete. $75. Gun cabinet, very rough. $40. 704-857-1867

Boxer/Jack Russell Terrier Mix free to good home, 7 months old. Housebroken, good with kids, beautiful & loving dog. Prefer inside or kennel only. All puppy shots given. 704-326-5093


8 track tapes (277 total); carrying cases; holders and 2 boxes of cassette tapes. Large variety. All for $75 obo. 704-738-4079

Lawn vacuum 5.5 hp Troybilt $150. New roll Barbwire $25 all 704856-8041


AKC GERMAN ROTTWEILERS READY NOW Excellent temperament. Parents on site Tails docked Dew claws removed $750 704-239-8879

Misc For Sale

Dog kennel, metal, 30" wide x 4' deep. Exc. condition. Hoover Carpet $125. Steam/Vac. Used. $25 Call for appt. 704-630-0192

KITTENS, free, male and female, part siamese. Beautiful, ice blue eyes! Call 704-645-8613- leave a message if not at home


Misc For Sale

Landscape Lights, 13 metal & 6 metal spot lights, 300 watt transformer. $200 Rockwell 704-202-5022

Piano for sale. Asking $50. Please call 704-279-3607 for more information.

Kittens, free (5) pretty, part Persian, 3 tigers, 1 tabby, 1 gray and white faced litter trained, eating dry food, 7 weeks old. Call 704 603 4123 Kittens, free, adorable & playful, male & female 1 litter--6 weeks old & 1 litter-7 weeks old Call Sharon 336-463-4963

Games and Toys

Bedroom suite, new 5 piece. All for $297.97. Hometown Furniture, 322 S. Main St. 704-633-7777

Cats Cat, free, 10 year old neutered male. Fully vetted. Please call 704640-5562

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011 • 5B


Dalmation mix puppy, free. House broken, loves kids, gets along well with other animals. Call 704-232-5149 Free puppies. German Shepard mix. Mother is very sweet and great with kids. Puppies are black with brown markings. Call Jackie 704-633-5107

Mini-tiller/Cultivator, Craftsman. Good cond. $125. Outside large composter w/ turning tools. Good cond., used for several yrs. $80. Small kitchen ceramic composter. Good cond. $25. Call for appt. 704-630-0192 Newsbags, good. Used once. 4 – 10in. Wide, 50 ct. pks. 35¢ eas. For sm/assted rts. 704-754-8837

Pitbull/Lab Mix Puppies. 3 black females. First shots and dewormed. 704-267-1137

Side Table, $10 Table Fan, $3 Floor Fan, $7 Foot Spa, $11 704-642-0512 STEEL, Channel, Angle, Flat Bars, Pipe Orders Cut to Length. Mobile Home Truss- $6 ea.; Vinyl floor covering- $4.89 yd.; Carpet- $5.75 yd.; Masonite Siding 4x8- $14; 12”x16' lap siding at $6.95 ea. School Desks - $7.50 ea. RECYCLING, Top prices paid for Aluminum cans, Copper, Brass, Radiators, Aluminum. Davis Enterprises Inc. 7585 Sherrills Ford Rd. Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-9821 TV cable, CATV 18 AWG commercial TV cable wire. 500 ft roll. $75.00. 704-278-2294. Leave message Winch, 12V, $69; 100 PSI compressor, $59; generator, $900W, $109; gas engine 6.5 HP, $99. All new, 704-784-2488

Sporting Goods Golf clubs, 2 sets. One ladies & one men's and other assorted clubs. New golf balls. Fishing rod & reels. Deer climbing stand. Hunting & pocket knives. 704-792-8771

Want to Buy Merchandise All Coin Collections Silver, gold & copper. Will buy foreign & scrap gold. 704-636-8123 Timber wanted - Pine or hardwood. 5 acres or more select or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. Call 704-278-9291. Watches – and scrap gold jewelry. 704-636-9277 or cell 704-239-9298

Business Opportunities J.Y. Monk Real Estate School-Get licensed fast, Charlotte/Concord courses. $399 tuition fee. Free Brochure. 800-849-0932


Lost & Found Found dog in Spencer. Young female mix. No collar. Call 704-738-4338 to claim. Found peacock. In pasture on 601, near Cauble Rd. Found 5/23. Call 704-640-8757 to identify.

Help Me Get Home!

Found Female Pit Mix at Hwy 150 and Jones Rd. By Lazy 5 Ranch. Please call Dawn to claim 704-663-5100. Lost dogs. Female Beagles. Black & white,. West Park Dr. & 152 area of Rockwell. Call 704-431-9359

Homes for Sale

Alexander Place

China Grove, 2 new homes under construction ... buy now and pick your own colors. Priced at only $114,900 and comes with a stove and dishwasher. B&R Realty 704-633-2394


Sweet Babies!

Trail Riding Horses (2), $300 each. Please Call 704-6401-6004



MINI DONKEY FOR SALE Mini donkey, male, gray, 6 months old, intact. Parents on site. Call after 4:00 pm 704-279-4080

Other Pets

Puppy. Shih-Tzu, one male, AKC registered Born February 21. All shots. 704-637-7524


CKC Apricot Toy Poodle males, 8 weeks old, $250 cash. Call 704-798-0450

Check Out Our May Special! Spay/Neuter 20% discount. Rowan Animal Clinic. Please call 704636-3408 for appt. PET GOAT, free. Female, 2 Years old. Black with white spots. Family Pet for Good Home Only. Please No Calls After 6pm. 704-633 6806

English Bulldog pups AKC, 2 females and 2 males, born April 2. $1500 each. Fawn and white, champion bloodlines. Puppies Come with first shots, dewormed, bag of pupppy food and a signed puppy agreement. 704-603-8257

Yorkies, 2 males. 1st shots & 1st worming. Tails docked and dew claws removed. $275 each. Won't last long. Parents on site. 704 636 9867

East Rowan


Wonderful Home

Beautiful 3 BR, 2 BA in a great location, walk-in closets, cathedral ceiling, great room, double attached garage, large lot, back-up generator. A see. R51757. must $249,900. B&R Realty, 704-202-6041

Open House th Saturday, May 14 2-4pm

65 Ocher St. Renovated 3 BR, 2 BA home with hardwood floors, ceramic tile, new roof, all appliances included. 704-856-8101 Rockwell


Flip this House!

Yadkin. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Cute Fixer-upper. Hunter Street, Yadkin Finishing area. $16,000, home, for sale, 1 car garage. Two lots. Siding/roof less than 5 years old. Bring all offers. 704-245-4393

2 BR, 1 BA, hardwood floors, detached carport, handicap ramp. $99,900 R47208 B&R Realty 704.633.2394 Rockwell


Fulton Heights

Cleveland. Great home on 11 acres. Brick ranch with a basement and solar panels to help cut down those heating bills. This home has tons of character and space. $369,900. Call for a showing today! 704-9067207 or visit www.dreamweaverprop.com

Look at Me! 3 BR, 2 BA in Hunters Pointe. Above ground pool, garage, huge area that could easily be finished upstairs. R51150A. $164,900. B&R Realty 704-633-2394 3 BR, 2 BA, up to $2,500 in closing. Attached carport, Rocking Chair front porch, nice yard. R50846 $114,900 Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty


Convenient Location


Granite Quarry

Cleveland. JUST REDUCED!! An unbelievably beautiful brick home on 25 acres. This home has 3 bedrooms 2 baths, a bonus room and a full basement. So many features and in a equestrian wonderful neighborhood. See it and love it. 704-906-7207 for visit showing or www.dreamweaverprop.com E. Spencer

Bring All Offers

$3,000 in Buyer's Closing Costs. 3 BR, 2 BA, newer kitchen, large dining room, split bedrooms, nice porches, huge detached garage, concrete drives. R51548 $82,000. Monica Poole 704-245-4628 B&R Realty

FIND IT SELL IT RENT IT in the Classifieds

100% Financing

Timber Run Subdivision, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, granite countertops, wood floors, rec room, screened porch, deck. R51603 $349,900 B & R Realty Dale Yontz 704.202.3663 Salisbury

Convenient Location

2200 Sq. Ft., 4BR/2BA, newer home. 2.99 % Financing for 30 years fixed. No down payment, no PMI. Payments $970 per month. 704-202-9362 Granite Quarry

504 Lake Drive, 3 BR, 1 BA, brick, carport, 1080 corner lot, sq.ft., hardwood floors, new windows, remodeled bath, new kitchen floor, fenced side yard, central heat/AC, close to town parks. $79,900. Call 704-279-3821

Very nice 2 BR, 2.5 BA condo overlooking golf course and pool! Great views, freshly decorated, screened in porch at rear. T51378. $96,500. Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty Salisbury

Great Location


2 BR, 1 BA, covered front porch, double pane windows, double attached carport, big yard, fence. 52179 $99,400 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704202-3663


Employment Healthcare

Certified CNA Puppies, Beagles. Good blood line, first shot, wormed. $60. Please call 704-639-6299

Homes for Sale

3 BR, 2 BA home in wonderful location! Cathedral ceiling, split floor plan, double garage, large deck, storage building, corner lot. R51853 $154,900 Monica Poole 704-2454628 B&R Realty





Lovely 3 BR, 2 BA home, nice kitchen, split floor plan, covered deck, garden area, garage, storage building, privacy fence. R52207. $139,900. Monica Poole, B&R Realty, 704-245-4628

Found small male dog, white with black patches/ ears. Looks like short haired Shih-Tzu. Call 980-234-0120

Puppies, free. Mother small to med. To good home only call Paul 704232-9535

Take Us Home!

China Grove

How to know you'll go! 4 min. recorded message. Call now. 704-983-8841


Chihuahua Pups. CKC. 4 females and 2 males, $250 and up. Various colors. Tcup and toy size, long and short hair. Ready to go. 704-603-8257.

BUYER BEWARE The Salisbury Post Classified Advertising staff monitors all ad submissions for honesty and integrity. However, some fraudulent ads are not detectable. Please protect yourself by checking the validity of any offer before you invest money in a business opportunity, job offer or purchase.

Homes for Sale

Free Stuff

Television, DVD & Video TV, 36" Hitachi with remote, 2004 model. Excellent condition, $175 obo 704-640-1914

Homes for Sale

What A Bargain

Puppies, free to good homes. Rescue dog surprised us with pups. 7 to choose from here in Enochville/Kannapolis. Breed unsure, many colors, darn cute. 704-938-9842


Puppies, Alaskan Malamutes. Beautiful! Ready now! 1st shots & worming. Mom weighs 110 lbs. Dad weights 125 lbs. Both on site. 3 females $375 ea. 704-492-8448

Remington Polesaw extends to 10'. Electric. $225 value. Sell for $125. Call 704-857-0093

IMR LAWNMOWER RACES Woodleaf Speedway 3345 Potneck Rd, Woodleaf, NC 704-902-2287 May 28. Races start at 7 pm Track Sponsors: Phantom Racing Chassis, Cascade Tire & Auto, Liquifix


Free to good home. Found female black lab mix. Very loving and good with kids. Protective of her family but not aggressive. Must find home for her! 336-6553201.

Great Family Dog!

Rally – 5hp/17” rear tine tiller. Great condition. $325 firm. Please call 704-857-0093

Community Events

Pet & Livestock Supplies Puppies and kittens available. Follow us on FaceBook Animal Care Center of Salisbury. Call 704-637-0227

Third shift Mon-Fri. Please apply at Best of Care, Kannapolis. 704-933-4339 Healthcare

F/T CMA, CNA II or LPN For busy pediatric office. Great benefits. Fax resume to 704-216-2011

LPN/RN Baylor position available 7pm7am. Apply in person, Brightmoor Nursing Ctr., 610 W. Fisher St. Installer & Service Technician needed for heating & air company. DL & exp req'd. 704-786-4422 Other

Floral Designer, well experienced. Part-time. Please call 704-6368033 or 704-636-4663 Other


Hilltop Living Center is hiring for a

Med-aide only with CNA (past or present) reliable transportation, working phone, & be reliable. Need TB skin test before hired. Apply in person at 592 Hilltop Dr., Linwood, NC. No Phone Calls Please


Position available for MDS Coordinator (LPN or RN), 8:30am-5pm, M-F, must be experienced in 3.0. Apply in person, Brightmoor Nursing Ctr., 610 W. Fisher St.

Local plumbing company needs experienced service plumber. Excellent pay and benefits. Driver's license required. Plumbing license helpful. Call 704-933-8010, ask for Brad.

$10 to start. Earn 40%. Call 704-607-4530 or 704-754-2731 Sales

Attention Students! SUMMER WORK Excellent Pay Flexible FT/PT Customer sales/svc No exp needed-will train All ages 17+ Scholarships avail. Conditions apply Call ASAP

704-706-2399 Seeking loveable, energetic & dedicated teachers: 1 yr. exp. & credentials (Min. EDU). Benefits/Salary based on each individual. 704-636-8118 Waitstaff Immediate positions, experienced. Apply in person 2-5pm., 1621 W. Innes St. NO PHONE CALLS.

Customer Service


NOW HIRING ! CUSTOMER SERVICE CASHIERS Openings in: Mocksville, Salisbury Kannapolis & Mooresville Locations

WE OFFER: *Excellent Starting Pay *Insurance Benefits *Paid Vacation Requirements: Valid driver's license A Nationwide Criminal Record Background check

To apply, fax resume to: 704-636-7772 or call: 704-633-3211 or 704-633-8233 ext. 20 to schedule an interview

6B • WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011 Homes for Sale

Bank Foreclosures & Distress Sales. These homes need work! For a FREE list: www.applehouserealty.com

Mt. Ulla, 4 BR house & 3 BR DW both on 11.97 acres. $344,000. FSBO. 704-640-4260

East Salis. 3/4BR, 2½BA. Lease purchase option. New construction, energy star. Green build. 704-638-0108

Salisbury & Shelby, 2, 3 & 4 BR, starting at $29,900! Must see! Call today 704-633-6035



Lots of Extras

3 BR 2.5 BA has many extras! Great kitchen w/granite, subzero ref., gas cooktop. Formal dining, huge garage, barn, greenhouse. Great for horses or car buffs! R51894 $439,500. Dale Yontz. 704-202-3663 B&R Realty

New Listing

Will go fast! 3 BR, 2 BA, on High Rock Lake, Shore Acres subd. Deck, fireplace, vinyl siding, attached single carport, dbl detached garage, large yard. 52293 $244,200 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704.202.3663

Land for Sale E. Rowan res. water front lot, Shore Landing subd. $100,000 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628

West Area, several hundred acres avail. Can be divided. Karen Rufty, B&R Realty. 704-202-6041

Lots for Sale Faith

Western Rowan County

3 BR, 2.5 BA, wonderful home on over 2 acres, horses allowed, partially fenced back yard, storage building. $154,900 R51465 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Hurry! Gorgeous 4 BR, 2.5 BA, fantastic kitchen, large living and great room. All new paint, carpet, roof, windows, siding. R51926 $144,900 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628



Special Financing

Motivated Seller

Cute 1 BR 1 BA waterfront log home with beautiful view! Ceiling fans, fireplace, front and back porches. $189,900. Dale R51875 Yontz 704-202-3663 B&R Realty

$500 Down moves you in. Call and ask me how? Please call (704) 225-8850 American Homes of Rockwell Oldest Dealer in Rowan County. Best prices anywhere. 704-279-7997



Motivated Seller

3 BR, 2 BA, Well established neighborhood. All brick home with large deck. Large 2 car garage. R50188 $163,900 B&R Realty 704.633.2394 Salisbury

Near the Lake 3 BR, 2 BA, new home close to High Rock Lake! Open kitchen/dining room combo, great fireplace, level lot on 1.52 acres. $199,900 R51601. B&R Monica Poole, Realty, 704-245-4628

Unique Property

Mechanics DREAM Home, 28x32 shop with lift & air compressor, storage space & ½ bath. All living space has been completely refurbished. Property has space that could be used as a home office or dining room, deck on rear, 3 BR, 1 BA. R51824A $164,500 B&R Realty, Monica Poole 704-245-4628

Forest Creek. 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath. New home priced at only $84,900. R48764 B&R Realty 704.633.2394


Salisbury. 2 or 3 bedroom Townhomes. For information, call Summit Developers, Inc. 704-797-0200 Spencer

New 3 & 4 BR homes. $500 down. $600/month. Ready to Move In! 704-762-9289 Salisbury Area 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 baths, $500 down under $700 per month. 704-225-8850


New Home

Cleveland. Spacious manufactured home on 5 acres. This home has 4 bedrooms and two baths, a hugh kitchen and dining, living room and a den with a fireplace, master with a beautiful bath and massive walk in For the closet. unbelievable price of $97,900. Call for an 704-906appointment. or visit 7207 Foreclosures. Rent to Own. $500 to start. 704-762-9289

Lease Purchase


4 BR, 2BA, like new Craftsman Style, huge front porch, renovated kitchen and bath, fresh paint. R51516 $123,000 Rent to Own Option. Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704202-3663

Welcome Home!


On the Lake

3 BR, 2 BA in Kluttz Acres subdivision. Covered front porch and deck, central air-conditioning, fireplace, single attached garage, nice yard with trees. 52270 $109,300 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704.202.3663

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

High Rock Lake. Manufactured home on 1.5 acres. Waterfront, attractive landscaping $115k is fair market value, will sell for $95k Call 704-956-6637

True Modular Display Home For Sale. 120 MPH Wind Zone. No Steel Frames. All 16" O.C. All DH Drywall Interior. Thermal Windows. 9 ft. ceilings. Deluxe cabinets, molding & much more. 3 BR, 2 BA with Saddle Roof Porch. NC Delivery Only. $139,000 value for $109,000. 704-463-1516

Real Estate Services Allen Tate Realtors Daniel Almazan, Broker 704-202-0091 www.AllenTate.com B & R REALTY 704-633-2394

Dawson Cape


Built on your lot $122,900

Century 21 Towne & Country 474 Jake Alexander Blvd. (704)637-7721


Forest Glen Realty Darlene Blount, Broker 704-633-8867 KEY REAL ESTATE, INC. 1755 U.S. HWY 29. South China Grove, NC 28023 704-857-0539 Rebecca Jones Realty 610 E. Liberty St, China Grove 704-857-SELL

Call For More Information (321)230-1380

Rowan Realty www.rowanrealty.net, Professional, Accountable, Personable . 704-633-1071 William R. Kennedy Realty 428 E. Fisher Street 704-638-0673

Real Estate Commercial

Excellent Location! West Rowan Secluded on 6.5 wooded acres. Builder's custom home, 4BR/3½ BA, master BR on main floor. 3,300 sq. ft. + partially finished bonus room. Lots of ceramic & granite. Great kitchen with gas cook top & double ovens. Covered porches, walkin closets, fireplaces w/gas logs. $389,000. FSBO. Motivated Seller. 704-431-3267 or 704-213-4544

Genesis Realty 704-933-5000 genesisrealtyco.com Foreclosure Experts

WANTED MOBILE HOME 2 or 3 bedroom rent to own, close to Salisbury. Must be on lot and low payments. Close to bus line. Leave a message. 704-210-2187

Land for Sale Bringle Ferry Rd. 2 tracts. Will sell land or custom build. A50140A. B&R Realty, Monica 704-245-4628

China Grove. 303 North Main St. (across from the roller mill). Building has 5 apartments, space for 2 businesses on the 1st level, warehouse (35x60) and a 5BR house behind the building. Must be sold together. $670,000. Call 704-857-7559

East Spencer - 2 BR, 1 BA. $400 per month. Carolina-Piedmont Prop. 704-248-2520

Fleming Heights Apartments April & May Special Get $50 off your 1st 6 months rent 55 & older 704-6365655 Mon.-Fri. 2pm5pm. Call for more information. Equal Housing Opportunity. TDD Sect. 8 vouchers accepted. 800-735-2962

Lovely Duplex Rowan Hospital area. 2BR, 1BA. Heat, air, water, appl. incl. $675. 704-633-3997 Moreland Pk area. 2BR all appliances furnished. $495-$595/mo. Deposit negotiable. Section 8 welcome. 336-247-2593 Moving to Town? Need a home or Apartment? We manage rental homes & apartments. Call and let us help you. Waggoner Realty Co. 704-633-0462 www.waggonerrealty.com

Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Now! Ro-Well Apartments, Rockwell. Central heat/air, laundry facility on site, nice area. Equal Housing Opportunity Rental Assistance when handicapped available; equipped when available. 704-279-6330, TDD users 828-645-7196. 1 & 2BR. Nice, well maintained, responsible landlord. $425-$445. Salisbury, in town. 704-642-1955

1, 2, & 3 BR Huge Apts! Very nice. $375 & up. One free month's rent! 10% Sr. Citizen's discount. 704-890-4587 2 BR, 1 BA at Willow Oaks (across from UPS). Has refrig. & stove. All electric, no pets. Rent $475, dep. $400. Call Rowan Properties 704633-0446 AAA+ Apartments $425-$950/mo. Chambers Realty 704-637-1020 Airport Rd., 1BR with stove, refrig., garbage pickup & water incl. Month-month lease. No pets. $400/mo+$300 deposit. Furnished $425/mo. 704-279-3808

Quiet & Convenient, 2 bedroom town houses, 1½ baths. All Electric, Central heat/air, no pets. $550/mo. Includes water & basic cable.

Rockwell 2BR/1BA, appl., central electric heat & air, $525 per month 704-2796850 or 704-798-3035 Salis. 2BR, 1BA. Totally renovated. $475-500/mo. W/D connect. Central heat/AC. Sect. 8 OK. All electric. 704-202-5022 Salis. 523 E. Cemetary St. 1BR, 1 BA, No Pets, $330/mo + $330/dep. Sect 8 OK. 704-507-3915. Salis. Nice modern 1BR, energy efficient, off Jake Alexander, lighted parking lot. $395 + dep. 704-640-5750

China Grove. One room eff. w/ private bathroom & kitchenette. All utilities incl'd. $379/mo. + $100 deposit. 704-857-8112 China Grove. Very nice. 2BR, 1BA. No pets. Deposit required. Please call 704-279-8428 CLANCY HILLS APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 BR, conveniently located in Salisbury. Handicap accessible units available. Section 8 assistance available. 704-6366408. Office Hours: M–F 9:00-12:00. TDD Relay 1-800-735-2962 Equal Housing Opportunity. Clancy-hills@cmc-nc.com

Clean, well maintained, 2 BR Duplex. Central heat/air, all electric. Section 8 welcome. 704-202-5790

Colonial Village Apts. “A Good Place to Live” 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Affordable & Spacious Water Included 704-636-8385 Duplexes & Apts, Rockwell$500-$600. TWO Bedrooms Marie Leonard-Hartsell Wallace Realty 704-239-3096 marie@sellingsalisbury.com Eaman Park Apt. 2 BR, 1 BA, newly renovated. $400/mo. No pets. Please call 704-798-3896 East Rowan area. 2BR, $450-$550 per month. Chambers Realty 704-239-0691

Attn. Landlords Apple House Realty has a 10 year / 95+% occupancy rate on prop's we've managed. 704-633-5067

China Grove 2BR/1BA, CHA, all electric, refrigerator & stove, W/D connections, back deck, easy access to 29A, close to elementary school and Head Start. $550/mo. + $550 deposit. Section 8 accepted. 704-784-4785 E. Lafayette, 2 BR, 1 BA, has refrigerator and stove. Gas heat, no pets. Rent $595, deposit $500. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 East Area, 3 BR, 2 BA. Dining room, all appl., 2 car garage. Lease, ref., dep. req. $975/mo. 704-798-7233 East Salisbury. 2 & 3BR, 1rentals available. Central air & heat. Appliances. Please call 704-638-0108 East. 2BR, 1BA house with pond on six acres outside Granite Quarry. Detached garage $900/ mo. Call Waggoner Realty at 704-633-0462 Fairmont Ave., 3 BR, 1 ½ BA, has refrigerator & stove, large yard. Rent $725, dep. $700. No Call Rowan Pets. Properties, 704-633-0446 3BR, 1BA. Houses: Apartments: 2 & 3 BR, 1BA Deposit required. Faith Realty 704-630-9650

Salisbury City, Lincolnton Rd. 1BR/1BA, very spacious, good n'hood, $375 + dep. 704-640-5750

Kannapolis, 911 Haley St., 2BR/1BA, $475 per month + dep. References required. 704-933-1110

Salisbury near VA 2BR, 1BA,, central HVAC, $550/mo, app. reqd. Broker. 704-239-4883

Never Before Leased!

Salisbury One bedroom upstairs, furnished, deposit & references required. 704-932-5631 WELCOME HOME TO DEER PARK APTS. We have immediate openings for 1 & 2 BR apts. Call or come by and ask about our move-in specials. 704-278-4340 for info. For immediate info call 1-828-442-7116

East Rowan. 3BR, 2BA. Living room (would be great office), great room, glass/ screened porch. Laundry Gas log FP in great room. Central heat & air. Gazebo, storage building! Credit check, lease. $895/month + deposit. No pets. Call 704639-6000 or 704-633-0144

Condos and Townhomes

Rockwell - 3 BR, 1½ BA. Very nice. Rent $700, dep. $700. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

Kannapolis. 2 story townhouse. 2BR, 2BA brick front. Kitchen/dining combo, large family room. Private deck. $600/mo. 704534-5179 / 704-663-7736

Rowan County. 2BR, 1BA. Kitchen, living room, sunroom, utility room. $600/ mo. + $600 dep. 704-9387218 or 704-785-1239 Salisbury apt. houses for rent 2-3BRs. Application, deposit, & proof of employment req'd. Section 8 welcome. 704-762-1139 Salisbury

They don't build them like this anymore!


China Grove. 2BR, 2BA. All electric. Clean & safe. No pets. $575/month + deposit. 704-202-0605

American Dr., 3 BR, 2 BA. Has refrigerator, stove & dishwasher. All electric, no pets. $695 rent, $600 dep. Call Rowan Properties 704633-0446

2120 Kannapolis Centergrove Rd., 3 BR, 2 BA, $975 mo.; 125 Kennedy St. 2 BR, 1 BA, $400 mo. KREA 704-933-2231

2345 Statesville Blvd. Near Salisbury Mall

China Grove 2BR, 1½ BA $550/month, deposit req. Approx. 1,000 sqft. Call 704-202-2065.

Houses for Rent

Salisbury – 2 BR duplex in excellent cond., w/ appls. $560/mo. + dep. Ryburn Rentals 704-637-0601

West Side Manor Apts. Robert Cobb Rentals Variety World, Inc.


Also available for all your Home Repair and Remodel Needs

Homes for Sale

Call 24 hours, 7 days ** 704-239-2033 ** $$$$$$


New Listing Spencer, 3BR/1BA, updated lg kitchen/dining area, LR, den, wood floors, 3 fireplaces, gas heat, appls & washer / dryer, detached garage, 20 x 12 screened back porch, fenced in back yard, City water & sewer. Asking $86,500 negot. 704-647-9749 or 704310-9938

Wanted: Real Estate

Knox Farm Subdivision. Beautiful lots available now starting at $19,900. B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Manufactured Home Sales Brand new! 3 BR, 2 BA, home w/great front porch, rear deck, bright living room, nice floor plan. Special financing for qualified buyers. Call today! R52142 $90,000 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628

Oak Island, NC. Mobile home and lot for sale by owner. $120K OBO. 252 NE 68th St., 980-6227713 or 704-933-1110

*Cash in 7 days or less *Facing or In Foreclosure *Properties in any condition *No property too small/large Lots for sale. Restricted subdivision, Faith schools. 2.99% fixed rate for 30 years. Starting at $24,900. 704-202-9362


Faith area. 1BR. Range, refrigerator. W/D. Water, garbage service. $400/ mo. 704-279-8880

100% Financing


Lots of Room

Great Oak Island Location

Kannapolis city. Approx. 1 acre. On paved street with water & sewage hookup. $30,000. Possible owner 704-933-4022 financing.

Over 2 Acres


Resort & Vacation Property

Salisbury 2 bedrooms, 1½ baths, brick at Ro-Med, available June 4. Credit check, lease, deposit. $550 per month. 704-782-5037

Houses for Rent 2/1 DUPLEX NICE NEIGHBORHOOD Clean and cozy duplex in Fulton Heights. $450/mo. 1117 Fries 704-797-6130 3 BR, 1 BA, has refrigerator, stove & big yard. No pets. $595/rent + $500/dep. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 3 BR, 2 BA on Maple. Nice house with refrig., stove & big yard. No pets allowed. Rent $750, dep $700. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 3 BR, 2 BA, close to Salisbury Mall. Gas heat, nice. Rent $695, deposit $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 3-4 BR, 1 BA, near Livingstone College. Has refrig. & stove. No pets. Rent $650, dep. $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

No. 61404 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of Alexander Hamans Holland. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of August, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 13th day of May, 2011. Edgrick L. Holland as Administrator for the estate of Alexander Hamans Holland, deceased, file#11e481, 1202 Edgewater Court, Salisbury, NC 28146

No. 61431 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Co-Executor of the Estate of Sara Safrit Keith, 320 Mahaley Road, Salisbury, NC 28146, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of August, 2011, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 19th day of May, 2011. Sara Safrit Keith, deceased, Rowan County File #2011E467, Orinda K. Watkins, 3960 Bringle Ferry Road, Salisbury, NC 28146, Karen K. Springer, 325 Briar Creek Rd., Salisbury, NC 28146 Attorney: S. Edward Parrott, 225 N. Main Street, Ste. 200, Salisbury, NC 28144

No. 61432 Request for Proposal - Planning and Evaluation Smart Start Rowan, a non-profit organization, is seeking contracted expertise to perform Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring services for FY's 2011-12, 2012-13& 2013-14. Proposal requirements may be found at www.rowan-smartstart.org. Proposals must be submitted according to the requirements of the RFP and received no later than June 10, 2011. For more information, please call 704-603-3350. No. 61403 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 11 SP 297 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Peter V. Mead to Jackie Miller, Trustee(s), dated the 30th day of September, 2005, and recorded in Book 1047, Page 534, in Rowan County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in the City of Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 2:00 PM on June 1, 2011 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County of Rowan, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lots 5 through 8, Block "E" of the Sunrise Terrace Subdivision, as shown on recorded plat in Book of Maps, at Page 150, Rowan County Registry, to which reference is hereby made for a more complete description. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 903 North Green Street, Salisbury, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee's sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS 45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stated below in the instance of bankruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. This 11th day of May, 2011. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC., SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: Attorney at Law, The Law Firm of Hutchens, Senter & Britton, P.A. Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1028, 4317 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 https://sales.hsbfirm.com, Case No: 1050537


2BR, 2BA. Hardwood floors, expansive kitchen, jetted tub, beautiful original mantles & staircase, bedrooms w/great storage, sunroom & deck, walking distance to shops & dining. 704-616-1383

Salisbury, near Ellis Park. Old Mocksville Rd. 3BR, 2BA doublewide. Electric heat & air. Well water. Storage building with small shed. Garbage service included. $700/ mo. No Section 8. Call 704-279-5765

Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by GEORGE A. DIXON aka George Dixon AND WIFE, WANDA DIXON to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Trustee(s), which was dated December 1, 1998 and recorded on December 21, 1998 in Book 0839 at Page 0937, Rowan County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on June 2, 2011 at 10:00AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Rowan County, North Carolina, to wit: LOCATED IN ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AND BEING ALL OF LOT 6, MILL BRIDGE FARMS, PHASE 1, AS SHOWN ON PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK OF MAPS 2154, AFORESAID COUNTY REGISTRY. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 210 Millbridge Circle, China Grove, NC 28023.

Salisbury. 3BR, 2BA, new paint, heat and air, washer and dryer hookup. Minutes from schools, hospitals, & I-85. $525 per month + $400 deposit. 828-390-0835


PRICE~QUALITY~LOCATION 2BR ~ 1.5 BA ~ Starting at $555

Senior Discount

Water, Sewage & Garbage included

704-637-5588 WITH 12 MONTH LEASE

2205 Woodleaf Rd., Salisbury, NC 28147 Located at Woodleaf Road & Holly Avenue www.Apartments.com/hollyleaf


Homes for Sale



Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are George A. Dixon and wife, Wanda Dixon. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, Substitute Trustee By:, Attorney, Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200, Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988, FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 10-29222-FC01

SALISBURY POST No. 61401 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICEOF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION - ROWAN COUNTY - 11sp219 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY JODY A. ROGERS DATED MARCH 24, 2009 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 1139 AT PAGE 550 IN THE ROWAN COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 1:30 PM on May 31, 2011 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Rowan County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an existing nail in the centerline of Bradshaw Road (SR 1549) said existing nail being the northeastern corner of August J. Gaydick in the center line of said road; thence running with the centerline of said road S 62 degrees 40 minutes 42 seconds East 189.22 feet (passing an existing nail in 94.63 feet) to an existing nail line in the centerline of said road and corner, the northwestern corner of James D. Ritchie in the centerline of Bradshaw Road (SR 1549); thence running with the line of James D. Ritchie South 21 degrees 49 minutes 33 seconds West 410.75 feet to an existing stone and corner, the southwestern corner of James D. Ritchie in the line of Callie T. Biles; thence running with the line of Callie T. Biles North 82 degrees 29 minutes 12 seconds West 84.62 feet to an existing iron pipe and corner, the southeastern corner of August J. Gaydick in the line of Callie T. Biles; thence running with the line of August J. Gaydick N. 20 degrees 40 minutes 58 seconds East 508.78 feet to an existing nail in the centerline of Bradshaw Road (SR 1549), the northeastern corner of August J. Gaydick in the centerline of said road and the point of beginning. The above described contains 2.01 acres more or less and the above is taken from a survey entitled "Brian R. Meadows and wife, Wendy O. Meadows" by Teddy W. Deal, RLS dated February 26, 1992. And Being more commonly known as: 1735 Bradshaw Rd, Mount Ulla, NC 28125 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Jody A. Rogers. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is May 10, 2011. Grady I. Ingle Or Elizabeth B. Ells, Substitute Trustee, 10-010157 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400, Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 http://shapiroattorneys.com/nc/

No. 61425 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY – 11-SP-298 - 10407 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by Melvin A. Gladden and Jessica Y. Gladden, dated August 30, 2007 and recorded on September 6, 2007, in Book No. 1103, at Page 686 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina; and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements contained therein and, pursuant to demand of the holder of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will place for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at Rowan County Courthouse, Salisbury, North Carolina on June 8, 2011 at 1:00 PM that parcel of land, including improvements thereon, situated, lying and being in the City of Spencer, County of Rowan, State of North Carolina, and being more particularly described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. Address of property: 604 3RD Street, Spencer, NC 28159 Tax Parcel ID: 033 296 Present Record Owners: Melvin A. Gladden and Jessica Y. Gladden a/k/a Jessica Gladden The terms of the sale are that the real property hereinbefore described will be sold for cash to the highest bidder. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. In the event that the Owner and Holder or its intended assignee is exempt from paying the same, the successful bidder shall be required to pay revenue stamps on the Trustee's Deed, and any Land Transfer Tax. The real property hereinabove described is being offered for sale "AS IS, WHERE IS" and will be sold subject to all superior liens, unpaid taxes, and special assessments. Other conditions will be announced at the sale. The sale will be held open for ten (10) days for upset bids as by law required.

No. 61430

No. 61368

NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION, ROWAN COUNTY, BEFORE THE CLERK, 2011 SP 231. IN THE MATTER OF: The Foreclosure of the Deeds of Trust executed by Janice Dickerson, recorded in Book 780, Page 413, and in Book 780, Page 414, Rowan County Registry. By: Lucinda L. Fraley, Substitute Trustee. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in the Deeds of Trust referred to above, and under and by authority vested in the undersigned as Trustee, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the Deeds of Trust, the undersigned Trustee will expose for sale at public auction the real property described in said Deeds of Trust as more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The real property subject to the foreclosure is located at 205 Harrel Street, Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina, and the record owner thereof is Janice Dickerson, as reflected in the records of the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County not more than ten (10) days prior to the posting of this Notice of Sale. The aforesaid public auction of such real property will be held on June 9, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. at the main door of the Rowan County Courthouse in Salisbury, North Carolina. Such real property is to be sold for cash subject to all liens, encumbrances, restrictions, easements and rights of way of record as may have priority over the lien of the Deeds of Trust; and to all taxes, water rents and special assessments, if any. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the Notes secured by the Deeds of Trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representatives of either the Trustee or the holder of the Notes make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 45-21.10 and the terms of the Deeds of Trust, any successful bidder may be required to deposit with the Trustee immediately upon conclusion of the sale a cash deposit of $750.00 or 5% of the bid, whichever is greater. Any successful bidder shall be required to tender the full balance of the purchase price so bid in cash at the time the Trustee tenders to him a deed for the real property or attempts to tender such deed, and should said successful bidder fail to pay at that time the full balance of the purchase price so bid, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statutes 45-21.30(d) and (e). This sale shall be held open for upset bids ten (10) days after the filing of the Trustee's report of sale with the Clerk of Superior Court of Rowan County, North Carolina, as required by law. Special Notice for Leasehold Tenants: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. This the 12th day of May, 2011. Lucinda L. Fraley, Substitute Trustee. EXHIBIT A. BEING all of Lot 2 of "Re-Subdivision of Fairview Heights Section 2", as shown on the map thereof recorded in the Book of Maps at page 2195, Rowan County Registry, and shown as 205 Harrell Street on the survey and map by James T. Hill, RLS, dated July 29, 1996, and entitled "Survey for Janice Dickerson".

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Sarah Peeler Honeycutt, 603 White Oaks Lane, Rockwell, NC. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of August, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 2nd day of May, 2011. Sarah Peeler Honeycutt, deceased, Rowan County File #2011E397, Kent Peeler Honeycutt, 9725 John White Road, Midland, NC 28107

No. 61400

AMENDED NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY – 10-SP-733 - 1943 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by Rachel Edie Rushlow, dated August 7, 2007 and recorded on August 13, 2007, in Book No. 1101, at Page 584 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina; and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements contained therein and, pursuant to demand of the holder of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will place for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at Rowan County Courthouse, Salisbury, North Carolina on June 1, 2011 at 1:00 PM that parcel of land, including improvements thereon, situated, lying and being in the City of Mount Ulla, County of Rowan, State of North Carolina, and being more particularly described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. Address of property: 12505 Mooresville Road, Mount Ulla, NC 28125 Tax Parcel ID: 205 043 Present Record Owners: Rachel Edie Rushlow The terms of the sale are that the real property hereinbefore described will be sold for cash to the highest bidder. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. In the event that the Owner and Holder or its intended assignee is exempt from paying the same, the successful bidder shall be required to pay revenue stamps on the Trustee's Deed, and any Land Transfer Tax. The real property hereinabove described is being offered for sale "AS IS, WHERE IS" and will be sold subject to all superior liens, unpaid taxes, and special assessments. Other conditions will be announced at the sale. The sale will be held open for ten (10) days for upset bids as by law required. If the Trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the Trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the Trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice Where the Real Property is Residential With Less Than 15 Rental Units: An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a bona fide lease or tenancy may have additional rights pursuant to Title VII of 5.896 - Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act which became effective on May 20, 2009.

If for any reason the Trustee is unable to convey title to this property or the sale is set aside, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Furthermore, if the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the Trustee, in it's sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. In either event the purchaser will have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Mortgagee's attorney or the Trustee.

David A. Simpson, P.C., Substitute Trustee, By: Attorney at Law, Rogers Townsend & Thomas, PC, Attorneys for David A. Simpson, P.C., Substitute Trustee 2550 West Tyvola Road, Suite 520, Charlotte, NC 28217 (704) 442-9500

Additional Notice Where the Real Property is Residential With Less Than 15 Rental Units:


An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a bona fide lease or tenancy may have additional rights pursuant to Title VII of 5.896 - Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act which became effective on May 20, 2009. David A. Simpson, P.C., Substitute Trustee By: Attorney at Law, Rogers Townsend & Thomas, PC Attorneys for David A. Simpson, P.C., Substitute Trustee 2550 West Tyvola Road, Suite 520, Charlotte, NC 28217 (704) 442-9500

NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SFORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY - 11 SP 202 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by Michael W. Childress and Donna S. Childress dated May 30, 2007, and recorded on May 31, 2007, in Book 1095, Page 539, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina; Deed of Trust executed and delivered by Michael W. Childress and Donna S. Childress dated February 8, 2008, and recorded on February 29, 2008, in Book 1116, Page 66, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina; and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements contained therein and, pursuant to the demand of the holder of the indebtedness secured by said Deeds of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will place for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at Rowan County Courthouse, in Salisbury, North Carolina on June 1, 2011, at 3:00 p.m. that parcel of land including improvements thereon, situated lying and being in Rowan County, and being more particularly described as follows: See attached Exhibit "A" for a complete legal description.

No. 61428 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA - COUNTY OF ROWAN - 11 SP 292 In the matter of Foreclosure of a Deed of Trust executed by C. W. Hayes dated April 19, 2002 and recorded April 19, 2002 in Book 938, Page 252 Present Record Owners: Heirs of the Estate of C.W. Hayes aka Claudie W. Hayes Pursuant to Order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Rowan County, North Carolina, dated the 19th day of May, 2011 authorizing foreclosure, and under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust indicated and recorded in Book 938, Page 252, Rowan County Registry; and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned by an instrument and default having been made and the said property being subject to foreclosure and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual and customary place for such sales at the Rowan County Courthouse in Salisbury, North Carolina, at 10:00 a.m., on the 8th day of June, 2011 the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same consisting of property lying and being in Rowan County, and more particularly described at follows: BEING all of Lot Eight (8) and Nine (9) of Block 16, Summer Place as shown in Map Book 1020B, Rowan County Registry. For back reference see Deed Book 665, Page 262, Rowan County Registry. Together with a 1987 Make- Glee- Single Wide Mobile Home - Title # 1316750334 Vehicle ID # GAFLWE1AB127501578

Address of Properties: 205 Riverbirch Drive, Salisbury, North Carolina 28146 Present Record Owners: Michael W. Childress; Donna S. Childress The terms of the sale are that the real property hereinbefore described will be sold for cash to the highest bidder. The Substitute Trustee reserves the right to require a cash deposit or a certified check not to exceed the greater of five (5%) of the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred Dollars ($750.00). In the event that the Holder is exempt from paying the same, the successful bidder may also be required to pay revenue stamps on the Trustee's Deed, any Land Transfer Tax, and the tax required by N.C.G.S. 7A308(a)(1). The real property hereinabove described is being offered for sale "AS IS, WHERE IS" and will be sold subject to all superior liens, unpaid taxes, and special assessments. Other conditions will be announced at the sale. The sale will be held open for ten (10) days for upset bids as by law required. If the Trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons for such inability to convey include but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the sale and reinstatement of the loan without knowledge of the Trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the Trustee, in his sole discretion, if he believes the challenge to have merit, may declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.

Property Address: 227 Holiday Drive, Salisbury, North Carolina 28146 Additional Notice Where Real Property Is An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to NCGS 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the Clerk of Superior Court of the County in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. That upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations to warranty relating to the title or any physical, environment, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This property will be sold subject to outstanding ad valorem taxes and/or assessments for the current year and subsequent years, prior Deeds of Trust, if any, and prior liens, if any, and encumbrances of record. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents(45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). Pursuant to NCGS 45-21.10, the highest bidder at sale will be required to make a cash deposit of five (5) percent of the bid up to and including SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($750.00), or a greater amount if the instrument so provides. Following the expiration of the upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. Larry W. Pearman, Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 8178, Greensboro, NC 27419 Phone: (336) 294-9401

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011 • 7B


Residential with Less Than 15 Rental Units An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 4521.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of Superior Court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Dated: April 27, 2011. James L. Carter, Jr., Substitute Trustee 129 N. Main St., P.O. Drawer 1617, Salisbury, NC 28145 704-636-7100 Exhibit "A" BEING all of a .13 acre tract designated as Lot No. 255R as shown on the final survey of the GABLES AT KEPLERY FARMS, PHASE 1B, dated 07/14/05 and recorded 08/19/05 in Book of Maps 9995 at page 6084 in the Rowan County Register of Deeds.

No. 61429 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of Shirley Musselwhite, 908 S. Bostian St., China Grove, NC 28023, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of August, 2011 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 19th day of May, 2011. Shirley Musselwhite, deceased, Rowan County File #2010E746, Harvey L. Musselwhite, 145 Crossridge Ave., Salisbury, NC 28146 Attorney: Graham M. Carlton, 109 W. Council St., Salisbury, NC 28144 No. 61362 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Lewis Boyd Jacobs, Jr., this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of July, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 21st day of April, 2011. Betty Tutterow Jacobs as Administrator for the estate of Lewis Boyd Jacobs, Jr., deceased, file#11e425, PO Box 334, Granite Quarry, NC 28072 Attorney at Law: Benjamin H. Bridges, III, PO Box 1007, Salisbury, NC 28145-1007

No. 61427 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 11 SP 319 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Gerald Loyd Hilton and Thelma Jean Hilton (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Thelma Jean Hilton and Gerald L. Hilton) to Kenneth C. Brown, Patricia M. Vogel or Ronnie D. Blanton, Trustee(s), dated the 28th day of December, 2006, and recorded in Book 1083, Page 789, and Modification in Book 1093, Page 262, in Rowan County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in the City of Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 2:00 PM on June 8, 2011 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County of Rowan, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Lot No. 17 as shown on Sheet 2, Map of Mrs. E.G. Mills Estate, Rowan County Book of Maps Page 935-A, to which reference is hereby made for more complete metes and bounds description. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 202 Cold Water Street, Landis, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee's sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS 45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stated below in the instance of bankruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. This 18th day of May, 2011. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC., SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: Attorney at Law, The Law Firm of Hutchens, Senter & Britton, P.A. Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1028, 4317 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 https://sales.hsbfirm.com, Case No: 1051156 No. 61402 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 11 SP 286 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Allen R. Staley and Donavan A. Staley to Joan H. Anderson, Trustee(s), dated the 24th day of October, 2007, and recorded in Book 1107, Page 371, in Rowan County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in the City of Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 2:00 PM on June 1, 2011 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County of Rowan, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an existing iron pipe in the southern margin of the right of way for Grace Church Road, corner of Byrd and Drenia W. Smith (Book 675, Page 584) and running thence North 04 deg 39 min 31 sec West 30.00 feet to a point in the centerline of Grace Church Road; thence with the centerline of Grace Church Road, North 63 deg 38 sec East 250.00 feet to a point; thence South 04 deg 39 min 24 sec East 30.00 feet to an existing iron pipe in the southern margin of the right of way for Grace Church Road the common corner of Byrd and Fieldcrest Cannon; thence two lines with Fieldcrest Cannon as follows (1) South 04 deg 39 min 24 sec East 345.60 feet to an iron pipe, and (2) South 63 deg 26 min 58 sec West 249.98 feet to an existing iron pipe in the line of Drenia W. Smith; thence with Smith North 04 deg 39 min 31 sec West 345.57 feet to the point of BEGINNING, and containing 2.00 acres more or less according to a survey end map by Rodrick A. Sutton, R.L.S., dated November 1, 1996. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 585 Grace Church Road, Salisbury, North Carolina. Parcel ID 477.038 Trustee may, in the Trustee's sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS 45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stated below in the instance of bankruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. This 11th day of May, 2011. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC., SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: Attorney at Law, The Law Firm of Hutchens, Senter & Britton, P.A. Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1028, 4317 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 https://sales.hsbfirm.com, Case No: 1054210

8B • WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011 Houses for Rent

Houses for Rent

Salisbury High School area, 2BR/1BA, electric central heat/air, $495/mo + $400 dep. 704-636-3307

Salisbury. 3 & 2 Bedroom Houses. $500-$1,000. Also, Duplex Apartments. 704636-6100 or 704-633-8263

Salisbury, 2 BR houses & apts, $525/mo and up. 704-633-4802 Salisbury, North Shaver Street, 2BR/1BA, gas heat, $425 per month. 704-633-0425 Lv msg

Salisbury. 4 rooms. 71 Hill St. All appl. furnished. $495/ mo + dep. Limit 2. 704-633-5397

Office and Commercial Rental

Office and Commercial Rental

Office and Commercial Rental

Office and Commercial Rental

$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ Rockwell Offices 3 months free 704-637-1020

Granite Quarry-Comm Metal Bldg units perfect for contractor, hobbyist, or storage. 24 hour surveillance, exterior lighting and ample parking. 900-1800 sqft avail. Call for spring specials. 704-232-3333

5,000 sq.ft. warehouse w/loading docks & small office. Call Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011

Furnished Key Man Office Suites - $250-350. Jake & 150. Util & internet incl. 704-721-6831

Numerous Commercial and office rentals to suit your needs. Ranging from 500 to 5,000 sq. ft. Call Victor Wallace at Wallace Realty, 704-636-2021

Salisbury, Kent Exec. $100 & up, 1st Park, month free, ground floor, incls conf rm, utilities. No dep. 704-202-5879

450 to 1,000 sq. ft. of Warehouse Space off Jake Alexander Blvd. Call 704-279-8377


Great Space!

Office Complex

Spencer, 3BR/2BA, 7 years old, downstairs bonus room, gas logs in livingroom, includes all including appliances washer & dryer. Nice neighborhood, convenient to schools, 2 car $1,000/mo., garage, $950 dep. 704-202-2610

Auctions Auction Thursday 12pm 429 N. Lee St. Salisbury Antiques, Collectibles, Used Furniture 704-213-4101 Carolina's Auction Rod Poole, NCAL#2446 Salisbury (704)633-7369

KEN WEDDINGTON Total Auctioneering Services 140 Eastside Dr., China Grove 704-8577458 License 392 R. Giles Moss Auction & Real Estate-NCAL #2036. Full Service Auction Company. Estates ** Real Estate Had your home listed a long time? Try selling at auction. 704-782-5625 www.gilesmossauction.com

Rowan Auction Co. Professional Auction Services: Salis., NC 704-633-0809 Kip Jennings NCAL 6340.

Carport and Garages Lippard Garage Doors Installations, repairs, electric openers. 704636-7603 / 704-798-7603

We have office suites available in the Executive Center. First Month Free with No Deposit! With all utilities from $150 and up. Lots of amenities. Call Tom Bost at B & R Realty 704-202-4676

Carport and Garages

Cleaning Services

Grading & Hauling

Home Improvement

Junk Removal

Lawn Maint. & Landscaping

Complete Cleaning Service. Basic, windows, spring, new construction, & more. 704-857-1708

Beaver Grading Quality work, reasonable rates. Free Estimates 704-6364592

FOR JUNK CASH CARS and Batteries. Call 704-279-7480 or 704-798-2930

Outdoors By Overcash Mowing, shrub trimming & leaf blowing. 704-630-0120

Concrete Work

Heating and Air Conditioning

Hometown Lawn Care & Handyman Service. Mowing, pressure washing, gutter cleaning, odd jobs ~inside & out. Comm, res. Insured. Free estimates. “No job too small” 704-433-7514 Larry Sheets, owner

I will pick up your nonrunning vehicles & pay you to take them away! Call Mike anytime. 336-479-2502

Mow, Trim & Blow $35 Average Yard Pressure Washing & Pine Needles Ask for Jeffrey

All types concrete work ~ Insured ~ NO JOB TOO SMALL!

Piedmont AC & Heating Electrical Services Lowest prices in town!! 704-213-4022

Call Curt LeBlanc today for Free Estimates

Openings for childcare in christian home for 1st and 2nd shifts. Reasonable rates. Refs. Avail. Contact 704-642-0488. High Rock Lake area.

Drywall Services OLYMPIC DRYWALL New Homes Additions & Repairs Small Commercial Ceiling Texture Removal

Quality Affordable Childcare Clean, smoke-free, reliable. 17 yrs. exp. 6 wks & up. All shifts. Reasonable Rates 704-787-4418 704-279-0927 F Ref. Avail. F


Cleaning Services

Free Estimates Bud Shuler & Sons Fence Co. 225 W Kerr St 704-633-6620 or 704-638-2000 Price Leader since 1963

Home Improvement A HANDYMAN & MOORE Kitchen & Bath remodeling Quality Home Improvements Carpentry, Plumbing, Electric Clark Moore 704-213-4471


Cleaning Services




704-633-9295 FREE ESTIMATES www.WifeForHireInc.com Licensed, bonded and insured. Since 1985.



Bowen Painting Interior and Exterior Painting 704-630-6976.

A-1 Residential & Commercial Mow/Trim At least 10% less than other lawn services. We promise to beat them all. Call David at 704-640-1198

For Storm Damage from Wind/Hail, call Scott White for FREE inspection/estimates • Roofing • Windows • Gutters • Vinyl Siding Member of BBB

Professional Services Unlimited Quality work at affordable prices NC G.C. #17608 NC Home Inspector #107. Complete contracting services, under home repairs, foundation & masonry repairs, light tractor work & property maintenence. Pier, dock & seawall repair. 36 Yrs Exp. 704-633-3584 www.professionalservicesunltd.com Duke C. Brown Sr. Owner – “The House Whisperer!”

“We can remove bankruptcies, judgments, liens, and bad loans from your credit file forever!” The Federal Trade Commission says companies that promise to scrub your credit report of accurate negative information for a fee are lying. Under federal law, accurate negative information can be reported for up to seven years, and some bankruptcies for up to ten years. Learn about managing credit and debt at ftc.gov/credit.

Browning ConstructionStructural repair, flooring installations, additions, decks, garages. 704-637-1578 LGC

A message from the Salisbury Post and the FTC.

HMC Handyman Services. Any job around the house. Please call 704-239-4883

Brisson - HandyMan Home Repair, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, etc. Insured. 704-798-8199


Mobile Home Supplies~ City Consignment Company New & Used Furniture. Please Call 704636-2004

~ 704-633-5033 ~

Tree Service

High quality work. Good prices on all your masonry needs.

John Sigmon Stump grinding, Prompt service for 30+ years, Free Estimates. John Sigmon, 704-279-5763.

See me on Facebook

Earl's Lawn Care 3Mowing 3Yard Cleanup 3Trimming Bushes

3Landscaping 3Mulching FREE Estimates

CASH FOR cars, trucks & vans. Any junk vehicle. $275 & up. Call Tim at 980-234-6649

Johnny Yarborough, Tree Expert trimming, topping, & removal of stumps by machine. Wood splitting, lots cleared. 10% off to senior 704-857-1731 citizens.

Miscellaneous Services

3Core Aeration 3Fertilizing

704-636-3415 704-640-3842 www.earlslawncare.com

Basinger Sewing Machine Repair. Parts & Service – Salisbury. 704-797-6840 or 704-797-6839

GAYLOR'S LAWNCARE For ALL your lawn care needs! *FREE ESTIMATES* 704-639-9925/ 704-640-0542

CUSTOM STAINLESS flagpoles, handrails, post. For mailbox anything stainless and for all your welding needs Call Mark 704-762-6338

We will come to you! F David, 704-314-7846

Guttering, leaf guard, metal & shingle roofs. Ask about tax credits.

Graham's Tree Service Free estimates, reasonable rates. Licensed, Insured, Bonded. 704-633-9304


$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ We Buy Any Type of Scrap Metal At the Best Prices...

SEAMLESS GUTTER Licensed Contractor C.M. Walton Construction, 704-202-8181

Masonry and Brickwork

_ Bush Hogging _ Plowing _ Tilling _ Raised garden beds Free Estimates

Junk Removal


All types of roofing, construction & repairs. Free estimates. Don't get soaked..Give Bill a call!

Cathy's Painting Service & Pressure Washing. Interior & exterior, new & repaints. 704-279-5335

Manufactured Home Services

Brown's Landscape

Guaranteed! Garages, new homes, remodeling, roofing, siding, back hoe, loader 704-6369569 Maddry Const Lic G.C.

Roofing and Guttering

Painting and Decorating

Office 704-932-6878 • Cell 704-363-5491

Financial Services

Don’t take chances with your hard earned money. Run your ad where it will pay for itself. Daily exposure brings fast results.

TH Jones Mini-Max Storage 116 Balfour Street Granite Quarry Please 704-279-3808

Reliable Fence All Your Fencing Needs, Reasonable Rates, 21 years experience. (704)640-0223

3200 Sherrills Ford Road Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-6613 www.sams-littlepawsdoc.com

Moving and Storage

Complete crawlspace work, Wood floor leveling, jacks installed, rotten wood replaced due to water or termites, brick/block/tile work, foundations, etc. 704-933-3494


Pet & Livestock Services

Located at Small Animal Medicine & Surgery A deluxe boarding facility for dogs, cats, rabbits and “pocket pets”.

Basic lawn care, pressure washing and pine needles. Free estimates

Lawn Maint. & Landscaping

The Floor Doctor

Since 1955

East Rowan area. 2BR, PARTIALLY furnished. $110/week + $400 deposit, NO PETS. Limit 2. 704-279-6599

Little Paws Bed & Breakfast

Z & Sons Lawn Care & House Washing

Lyerly's ATV & Mower Repair Free estimates. All types of repairs Pickup/delivery avail. 704-642-2787

1.87 acres of land. 5,000 sq. ft. metal building with 15 ft. ceilings, three roll up doors and two regular doors, office, and two bathrooms. Service road to I-85. (Exit 81, Spencer). Call 704-2024872 after 5 pm.

East Area. 2BR, water, trash. Limit 2. Dep. req. No pets. Call 704-6367531 or 704-202-4991

Pet & Livestock Services

Steve's Lawn Care We'll take care of all your lawn care needs!! Great prices. 704-431-7225

Lawn Equipment Repair Services

Manufactured Home for Rent


~ 704-245-5599 ~ I buy junk cars. Will pay cash. $250 & up. Larger cars, larger cash! Call 704-239-1471


Sparkling Results, Reasonable Rates. Free Estimates & References Given.


Kitchens, Baths, Sunrooms, Remodel, Additions, Wood & Composite Decks, Garages, Vinyl Rails, Windows, Siding. & Roofing. ~ 704-633-5033 ~


Beside ACE HARDWARE, #229 E Main St Hwy 52, 2,700 sq ft finished store front combined with 2,100 sq ft warehouse. May divide into smaller space. Call 704279-4115 or email thadwhicker@cozartlumber.com


Around the House Repairs Carpentry. Electrical. Plumbing. H & H Construction 704-633-2219

Elaine's Special Cleaning

Perry's Overhead Doors Sales, Service & Installation, Residential / Commercial. Wesley Perry 704-279-7325


Office Space

Kannapolis Lots $200 per Available. month + deposit. No pets. 704-239-2833

South Rowan area. Attractive mobile home lots. Water, garbage, sewer furnished. $160/mo. 704636-1312 or 704-798-0497

Industrial/ Warehouse



Manufactured Home Lot Rentals

Warehouse space / manufacturing as low as $1.25 per sq.ft. Per yr. Deposit. 704-431-8636

Spencer Shops Lease great retail space for as little as $750/mo for 2,000 sq ft at. 704-431-8636

Office Suite for Lease. Two large rooms, 26' x 13' and 10' x 16'. Also included is a large shared kitchen/break room space with private BR. 1 year lease preferred; $750 monthly rent includes all utilities. Free Wi-Fi. Call 704-636-1811.

We Build Garages, = 24x24 $12,500. All sizes built! ~ 704-633-5033 ~

Office and Commercial Rental

Office Suite Available. Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011

Woodleaf 3BR/1BA, refrigerator and stove included washer/dryer included, hook up. $625/month + deposit. No pets. References & credit check required. No Section 8. 704-490-6048

Heritage Auction Co. Glenn M.Hester NC#4453 Salisbury (704)636-9277 www.heritageauctionco.com

Office and Commercial Rental

Salisbury. Perfect location near Court House & County Building. Six individual offices. New central heat/air, heavily insulated for energy efficiency, fully carpeted (to be installed) except stone at entrance, conference room, employee break room, tile bathroom, complete integrated phone system with video capability in each office & nice reception area. Want to lease but will sell. Perfect for dual occupancy. By appt only. 704-636-1850

Child Care and Nursery Schools




Stoner Painting Contractor • 25 years exp. • Int./Ext. painting • Pressure washing • Staining • Mildew Removal • References • Insured 704-239-7553

MOORE'S Tree TrimmingTopping & Removing. Use Bucket Truck, 704-209-6254 Licensed, Insured & Bonded WORKS by TREE InJonathan Keener. sured – Free estimates! Please call 704-636-0954.


Happy Birthday Cerenity Bush. Love, DJ Happy 3rd Birthday Cerenity Nicole B. aka Phat Phat. Love, Lekresha Patricia Dirickia


Happy Birthday Latonya Rustin G. Love Ya' Boo & Paricia Happy 3rd Birthday Cerenity B. From Nana Pam, Aunt Dirickia


Happy Birthday Mom, Katie Shoaf. We love you very much. Love, Clay Sr., Verona, Clay Jr., Judy & Queenie

Inflatables Available!

Happy 16th Birthday Samantha Baker! We love you so much! Love, Daddy, Mommy, Josh, Sergeant and Koco

DEADLINES: If the birthday falls Tues-Fri the deadline is the day before at 10am. If on Sat-Mon dealine is at Thursday 1pm




We Deliver Parties, Church Events, Etc.

Momma Lynne’s Cool Treats Call 704.640.8764 for Birthdays or any Special Event Blue Bunny Ice Cream S50480


Team Bounce




eam for Ice




• Birthdays • Community Days

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Visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/mrconeicecream

Birthday? ...

Inflatable Parties

704 202-5610


(under Website Forms, bottom right column)


cr ll S

m! ea

Fax: 704-630-0157 In Person: 131 W. Innes Street Online: www.SalisburyPost.com



Corporate, Church or any event

BOOK TODAY • 704-771-0148

2324 S. Main St. / Hwy. 29 South in Salisbury

Happy Birthday Lil Sis! I love you! “Mwah Mwah” Love, Big Sis, Tan

Please Fax, hand deliver or fill out form online 18 WORDS MAX. Number of free greetings per person may be limited, combined or excluded, contingent on space available. Please limit your birthday greetings to 4 per Birthday.

SOFT SERVE ICE CREAM TRUCK We cater: Graduations, Birthdays,


at KIDSPO n of all ages! include FUN for childreils! Call for deta

Ask about 75 Special includes 50 Cones!


Hours of daily personal attention and doggie fun at our safe 20 acre facility. Professional homestyle boarding, training, and play days with a certified handler/trainer who loves dogs as much as you do.


Happy 3rd Birthday Cerenity Bush. I love you big sis. Love, Cyntoria Bush


We want to be your flower shop!

Salisbury Flower Shop 1628 West Innes St. Salisbury, NC • 704-633-5310


SALISBURY POST Manufactured Home for Rent



East Rowan. 2BR. trash and lawn service included. No pets. $450 month. 704-433-1255 Faith. 2BR, 1BA. Water, trash, lawn maint. incl. No pets. Ref. $425. 704-2794282 or 704-202-3876 Granite Quarry. 2BR, 2BA. 3 person limit. No pets. $450/month + deposit. 704-279-5905 Rockwell. 2BR, 1BA. Appl., water, sewer, trash service incl. $500/mo. + dep. Pets OK. 704-279-7463 S. Rowan area, 2BR/1½ BA. Newly renovated throughout! Appls & W/D. Some furniture. No pets. Priv lot. 2 person limit. $450/mo + $450 dep. 704-213-2272 West & South Rowan. 2 & 3 BR. No pets. Perfect for 3. Water included. Please call 704-857-6951


Motorcycles & ATVs

Ford Taurus SEL Sedan, 2008. Oxford white clearcoat exterior with tan cloth interior. P7689. $14,787 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Cadillac Sedan Deville, 1999. White with leather. AC. Good tires. 81,000 miles. Garage kept. $6,200 obo. Call 704-633-2513 or 980-234-3373


Volkswagen Beetle GLS, 2000. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Motorcycles & ATVs Honda 2004 Accord EX, Graphite, V-6, excellent condition, all svc records, navigation, heated front seats, sunroof, XM ready, detailed every six mos. 704-639-6410 704-209-1137

Toyota Camry LE, 2005, Super White/Gray Cloth auto trans 2.4L, 4-cyl, AM/FM/CD, all power ops NONSMOKER, alloy rims, good tires, EXTRA CLEAN! 704-603-4255

50 cc Trike. Brand new! $1,895. Also, nice new Tao Scooters only $895. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Honda 2005 Accord, fully loaded, $300 down, will help finance. Call 704-872-5255


2004 Mercedes Benz E500, V8, Fully loaded, navigation. Must See! Call Steve today! 704-603-4255

Honda Accord, 2004. Automatic, leather. V-6. Sunroof. Extra clean! Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

Mercury Grand Marquis GS, 2005. Like new, fully loaded. Only 68,000 miles. $9,995. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

BMW X5, 2003. Topaz Blue Metallic/Tan Leather, 4.4L auto trans, AM/FM/CD, SUNROOF, all power, 20inch aluminum rims, PERFECT COLOR COMBO! 704-603-4255

Ford Expedition XLT SUV, 2003. Black clearcoat exterior with flint gray interior. T11334A. $12,387. 1-800-542-9758. Call www.cloningerford.com

EZGO Authorized Dealer. 6 volt & 8 volt batteries. US 52, 5 miles south of Salisbury. Beside East Rowan HS & Old Stone Winery. Look for EZGO sign. 704-245-3660

Buick Ranier CXL SUV, 2007. Cashmere metallic exterior with cashmere interior. T11239A. $12,687. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Ed., 2003 True Blue Metallic/ Med Parchment leather int., 4.0L (245), SOHC SEFI V6 AUTO, loaded, all pwr, AM/FM/CD changer, steering wheel controls, alloy rims, heated seats, rides & drives great! 704-603-4255

Camper Top for long bed Ford truck, has 2 roll out windows on each side. $250. 704-633-4526

Transportation Dealerships CLONINGER FORD, INC. “Try us before you buy.” 511 Jake Alexander Blvd. 704-633-9321

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location)


Sweet Ride!

Transportation Dealerships

Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer, 2007. Oxford white exterior with camel interior. $21,559. Stock #F11281A. Call Now 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Tim Marburger Honda 1309 N First St. (Hwy 52) Albemarle NC 704-983-4107 Troutman Motor Co. Highway 29 South, Concord, NC 704-782-3105

HONDA, 2004, ACCORD EX. $500-800 down, will help finance. Credit, No Problem! Private party sale. Call 704-838-1538

Jaguar S-Type, 2005. Black w/black leather interior, 6 sp. auto trans, 4.2L V8 engine, AM/FM/CD Changer, Premium Sound. Call Steve today! 704-6034255

Mercedes S320, 1999 Black on Grey leather interior, 3.2, V6, auto trans, LOADED, all power ops, low miles, SUNROOF, chrome rims good tires, extra clean MUST SEE! 704-6034255

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location) Toyota Corolla LE, 2010. Silver exterior with ash interior. $16,859. Stock # K7695. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Corolla S, 2007. Black sand pearl exterior with dark charcoal interior. $13,359. Stock # T11319A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Transportation Financing

Ford Transit Connect XL, 2010. Frozen white exterior with dark gray interior. $15,859. Stock # P7637. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Mercury Grand Marquis LS Sedan, 2004. Dare Toreador red clearcoat exterior with light flint interior. F11106A. $9,787. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Yaris, 2009. Silver streak mica exterior with dark charcoal interior. $13,759. Stock # P7663 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Call Steve today! 704-603-4255 www.JakeAlexanderAutoSales.com

CASH FOR YOUR CAR! We want your vehicle! 1999 to 2011 under 150,000 miles. Please call 704-216-2663. ELLIS AUTO AUCTION 10 miles N. of Salisbury, Hwy 601, Sale Every Wednesday night 5:30 pm.

Collector Cars

*Brand New* 2010 Yamaha Wave Runner with custom Zieman S-1 Trailer. This one-of-akind wave runner is replica to the one on the Hit HBO TV Series "East Bound and Down." It is has never been started or seen water. $8,500. Call 704-907-0945

Fishing Boat & Trailer

Dodge Durango SLT, 2001. 4x4, leather, 3rd row seat, heated seats. Call Steve 704-603-4255

Transportation Financing

We are the area's largest selection of quality preowned autos. Financing avail. to suit a variety of needs. Carfax avail. No Gimmicks – We take pride in giving excellent service to all our customers.

Boats & Watercraft

Ford Crown Victoria LX, 2001. Toreador Red clearcoat metallic exterior with medium parchment interior. Stock# F11241A. $6,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford Mustang V6, 2001. Oxford white clearcoat exterior with medium parchment interior. $8,659. Stock #P7690A 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Mitsubishi Raider LS, 2007. Alloy silver clearcoat exterior with slate interior. $11,859. Stock # F11261A. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Honda Pilot EXL, 2005, Redrock Pearl w/Saddle int., VTEC, V6, 5-sp. auto., fully loaded, all pwr opts, AM/FM/CD changer, steering wheel controls, pwr leather seats, alloy rims, 3RD seat, sunroof, nonsmoker, LOADED! 704-603-4255

GMC DENALI XL, 2005. White/Tan Leather, 6.0 V8, auto trans, fully loaded AM/FM/CD, NAVIGATION, all power, DVD, TV, chrome rims, 3rd seat READY FOR TEST DRIVE! 704-603-4255

Dodge Grand Caravan 2002. 100% Sport, Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com GMC Yukon XL K1500, 2001. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, 2005. Fully loaded, electric doors, stowaway seats, nice. $8,995. Call 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, 2006. Stone white clearcoat exterior with medium slate gray interior. $14,559. Stock # F10563B 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited SUV, 2005. Black clearcoat exterior with medium slate gray interior. T11271A. $15,787. 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Saturn VUE V6 SUV, 2007. Storm gray clearcoat exterior with gray interior. Stock #F10528D1. $14,787 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota 4Runner Limited, 2004. Titanium metallic exterior with stone interior. $18,659. Stock #P7687. Call 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Highlander Limited, 2003, Vintage Gold Metallic/Tan Leather, 4.0L 4speed auto trans. w/Snow Mode AM/FM/Tape/CD, all power, SUNROOF, dual power & heated seats , extra clean, ready for test drive. Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara SUV, 2007. Steel blue metallic exterior with dark slate gray interior. Stock #F11055A. $19,887. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota RAV4 S, 2004. Titanium metallic exterior with dark charcoal interior. $11,259. Stock # T11390A 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Chevrolet HHR LT SUV, 2009. Cardinal red metallic exterior with ebony interior. P7656A. $15,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Chevrolet Corvette, 1995. Red with black leather interior. Automatic. Garage kept. 59,200 miles. $11,500. Call 704-279-6124

Financing Available!

Honda Pilot EX-L, 2006. Rock Metallic Desert exterior with saddle interior. $11,759. Stock # T11405A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Chevrolet Colorado, 2007. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Tim Marburger Dodge 287 Concord Pkwy N. Concord, NC 28027 704-792-9700

Infinity G5, 2003. Black Obsidian/Black Leather, 3.5L V6, auto trans, BOSE AM/FM/CD, SUNROOF, all power, alloy rims. LUXURY FOR HALF THE PRICE!!!! 704-603-4255

Dodge Ram 1500 ST, 2008. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Ford Escape XLT, 2009. Gray exterior with charcoal interior. $18,859. Stock #T11062A. 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Service & Parts

TEAM CHEVROLET, CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC. www.teamautogroup.com 704-216-8000

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Dodge Challenger SE, 2010. Inferno red crystal pearlcoat exterior with dark slate gray interior. F11205A. $23,287. Call 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

(former Sagebrush location)

Weekly Special Only $18,995

Honda Accord 2.4 EX, 2003. Satin silver metallic exterior with gray interior. $11,759. Stock # F11209B. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Chevrolet Cobalt LS, 2008. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

More Details = Faster Sales!

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. Toyota Camry LE, 2007. Desert sand mica exterior with bisque interior. $14,459. Stock #P7633C. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

BMW X5, 2001. Alpine White / Tan leather interior 3.0 v6 tiptronic trans. AWD, AM/FM/CD. Sunroof. Alloy rims, all pwr options. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR!!!! Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!


Cadillac Sedan DeVille, Leather, fully 2004. extra clean, loaded, 69,000 miles. $7,995. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Rooms for Rent MILLER HOTEL Rooms for Rent Weekly $110 & up 704-855-2100

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Low Miles! Clean!

Resort & Vacation Rentals Fisherman's Paradise. Waterfront cottages at Harker's Island, NC. Boat ramp, boat slips, private pier, private beach. Weekly, daily, weekend. Call 252-288-0049

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011 • 9B


Dodge Ram 1500 SLT / Laramie Crew Cab, 2004. Bright white clearcoat exterior with dark slate gray interior. F10362A. $10,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Honda Element EX, 2006. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Jeep Wrangler X, 2003, Bright Silver Metallic/ Gray Cloth, 4.0L HD 5speed manual transmission, AM/FM/CD, cruise, cold AC, 20 inch chrome rims, ready for Summer! Please call 704-603-4255

Toyota Sienna CE/LE, 2005. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Toyota Tacoma Base Regular Cab, 2006. Black exterior with graphite interior. P7688. $13,287 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com Lincoln Navigator, 2002. Oxford White/Tan Leather interior, 5.4L, auto trans, AM/FM/Tape/CD changer, DVD, heated & air cooled seats, all power, 3RD seat, chromes rims, lighted running boards, DRIVES AWESOME! 704-603-4255

Nissan Pathfinder LE, 2002, Sahara Beige Metallic/Tan leather, 3.5L auto trans, all power options, Dual HEATED & POWER seats, AM/FM/Tape/CD changer, sunroof, homelink, LOW MILES, extra clean DON'T LET THIS ONE SLIP AWAY! 704-603-4255

Toyota Tacoma, 2002. Impulse red exterior with charcoal interior. $13,759. Stock # F11173A. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Tundra, Super white exterior with graphite interior. $19,659. Stock #K7697. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC 10ft. Jon Boat with seats, trailer, trolling motor, spare tire, battery charger and paddles. Call 704-633-7002

Collector Cars

Dodge Ram 1500 SLT, 2004. 4x4, HEMI engine, 20" wheels, loaded up, super nice. $11,995. 704720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Eddie Bauer Ford Expedition, 2006. Oxford white/ tan cloth interior. 5.4 V8 auto trans, all power ops, AM/FM/CD changer, Sunroof, alloy rims. Lighted running boards, 3rd seat. LIKE NEW !!!! 704-603-4255

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location) Honda Odyssey EX, 2001, Starlight Silver Metallic/ Gray Cloth, 3.5L, auto trans, AM/FM/CD, dual power doors, 3rd seat alloy rims. READY FOR VACATION! Call Steve at n704-603-4255

Want to Buy: Transportation

Want to Buy: Transportation

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Ford Mustang, 2004. Red exterior with gray leather interior. $12,259. Stock # T11400AY. 1800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Saturn SL, 2002, Cranberry with Gray Cloth interior 1.9L AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION W/OD all power, AM/FM/CD, alloy rims, nonsmoker, GAS SAVERRRR!! 704-603-4255

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location)

Lincoln Aviator, 2003. Leather, sunroof, chrome wheels, fully loaded, extra clean, 90,000 miles. $10,995. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Ford Econoline F350, 2003. Oxford White/Gray Cloth interior. 6.8 Liter 10 Cylinder Engine. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION W/OD. All power options, AM/FM/ tape. Running boards, cold AC, alloy rims, good tires. Nonsmoker. READY FOR DELIVERY!!! 704-603-4255

Honda Pilot EX, 2007. Nimbus gray metallic exterior w/gray interior. $21,559. Stock #T11414A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location)

10B • WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011



Zits/Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

Jump Start/Robb Armstrong

For Better or For Worse/Lynn Johnston

Frank & Ernest/Bob Thaves

Dilbert/Scott Adams Non Sequitur/Wiley Miller

Garfield/Jim Davis Pickles/Brian Crane

Hagar The Horrible/Chris Browne Dennis/Hank Ketcham

Family Circus/Bil Keane

Blondie/Dean Young and John Marshall


Get Fuzzy/Darby Conley

The Born Loser/Art and Chip Sansom

Sudoku/United Feature Syndicate Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

Answer to Previous Puzzle

Celebrity Cipher/Luis Campos


WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011 • 11B



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina

Wednesday, May 25

A number of impediments and restrictions that have been blocking your path will finally be alleviated in the coming months. What CBS Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! The Big Bang The Big Bang Criminal Minds Pursuing two lov- Criminal Minds: Suspect Late Show W/ News 2 at 11 ^ WFMY News/Couric Theory Å Theory Å ers on a killing spree. Å Behavior (Season Finale) (N) Letterman Fortune (N) Å (N) Å (N) Å results will help you career-wise and provide WBTV News Who Wants to The Big Bang The Big Bang Criminal Minds “The Thirteenth Criminal Minds: Suspect WBTV 3 News Late Show With you with the wherewithal to get where you # WBTV 3 CBS Evening News With Katie Prime Time (N) Be a Millionaire Theory (In Theory (In Step” Pursuing two lovers on a kill- Behavior Beth and Prophet go at 11 PM (N) David Letterman CBS want to go. (N) Å Couric (N) Stereo) Å Stereo) Å ing spree. (In Stereo) Å under cover. (In Stereo) Å Gemini (May 21-June 20) —The thoughtful Extra (N) (In TMZ (N) (In American Idol “Winner” (Season Finale) The winner is announced. (N) (:07) FOX 8 10:00 News (N) Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The ( WGHP 22 Access Hollywood Stereo) Å Stereo) Å (In Stereo Live) (Part 2 of 2) Å Outing” (In Chinese Woman” concern you show to everyone will be deeply FOX (N) Å Å Stereo) Å appreciated and make you very popular Inside Edition Entertainment The Middle Modern Family Modern Family (:31) Cougar Town “Something Happy Endings WSOC 9 News (:35) Nightline ) WSOC 9 ABC World among your peers. The focus you show on oth(N) Å News With Tonight (N) (In “Back to (In Stereo) Å “The One That Good Coming” Travis abruptly (Season Finale) Tonight (N) Å (N) Å ABC moves to Hawaii. Å Diane Sawyer Stereo) Å Summer” Å Got Away” (N) ers’ work will indicate your sincerity. NBC Nightly Inside Edition Entertainment Minute to Win It “Kids Rule” A Minute to Win It “Kids Rule” A Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å WXII 12 News at (:35) The Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Anything that , WXII News (N) (In (N) Å Tonight (N) (In family of five competes. (In Stereo) family of five competes. (In Stereo) 11 (N) Å Tonight Show requires imagination and creativity is what NBC Stereo) Å Stereo) Å (Part 1 of 2) Å (Part 2 of 2) Å With Jay Leno you’ll do best. Not only will you apply your inEverybody How I Met Your How I Met Your American Idol “Winner” (Season Finale) The winner is announced. (N) (:07) Fox News (:35) Fox News The Simpsons King of the Hill Mother “Zip, Zip, (In Stereo Live) (Part 2 of 2) Å at 10 (N) Hank’s costly Edge “Papa Don’t 2 WCCB 11 Loves Raymond Mother Å genuity and resourcefulness to new things but Zip” haircut. Å Leech” Å Å to all your tasks as well. Minute to Win It “Kids Rule” A (:35) The NBC Jeopardy! Wheel Minute Law Å NewsChannel Nightly of to Win It “Kids Rule” A & Order: LA (In Stereo) D WCNC 6 Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — A big score on Tonight Show News (N) (In (N) Å Fortune “Family family of five competes. (In Stereo) family of five competes. (In Stereo) 36 News at NBC (Part 1 of 2) Å With Jay Leno Stereo) Å Vacation” (N) (Part 2 of 2) Å 11:00 (N) something huge may never manifest itself, PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å The International Dancesport The International Dancesport The International Dancesport D-Day The events of D-Day. (In but that doesn’t mean you can’t be happy with J WTVI 4 Woodsmith Shop Å World Championships 2010 World Championships 2010 World Championships 2010 Stereo) the many little things that you do quire well. ABC World Who Wants/ Family Feud The Middle (In Modern Family Modern Family (:31) Cougar Town Travis abruptly Happy Endings Entourage (In (:35) Nightline M WXLV Appreciate what you do accomplish. Å Å Å News Millionaire moves to Hawaii. Å Stereo) Å (N) Å (N) Å Stereo) Å Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — You have a way America’s Next Top Model Actress WJZY News at (:35) Seinfeld New Adv./Old (:35) The Office and a Half Two and a Half America’s Next Top Model N WJZY 8 Family Guy Å Two Å Men 10 (N) Men “The Outing” Fourteen finalists are selected. Christine Demi Lovato visits. Å of making your doings seem far more excitThe Simpsons Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Burn Notice “Good Soldier” Burn Notice “Do No Harm” The Office The Office House/Payne Meet, Browns P WMYV ing and enticing than those of others. It won’t Family Feud Law & Order: Special Victims Burn Notice “Good Soldier” Burn Notice “Do No Harm” Michael Tyler Perry’s Tyler Perry’s My Wife and George Lopez be surprising to find many people being sup“TNA Wrestlers” Unit “Rooftop” Hunt for a serial rapArmored car company. (In Stereo) helps a desperate father. (In House of Payne House of Payne Kids “Fantasy “George Gets W WMYT 12 portive of our interests. Å Å Å Å ist. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Camp” Å Assisterance” Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — This could be the (:00) PBS Nightly North Carolina Secrets of the Dead “Lost Ships of NOVA Scholars probe the planning Lost Cave Temples of the Keeping Up BBC World Business Now (In Stereo) Rome” Five ancient Roman ships and construction of the Parthenon. Himalaya (In Stereo) Å Appearances Å News (In Stereo) right day to subtly demonstrate to people who Z WUNG 5 NewsHour (N) Å Report (N) Å Å found in Italy. Å (DVS) Å owe you something just how they can repay CABLE CHANNELS you. Follow your instincts on this one. (:00) The First The First 48 A college student is Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog’s Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Dog the Bounty Hunter A hefty A&E 36 48 Å Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Do more listenstabbed. Å gets a new student. Å fugitive with a violent past. ing than talking when in a discussion with Movie: ›› “Rocky IV” (1985) Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Movie: ›››‡ “The Hurricane” (1999) Denzel Washington, Vicellous Movie: ››› “Rocky III” (1982) Sylvester AMC 27 (5:30) Stallone, Mr. T. Å Young. Å Reon Shannon. Premiere. some in-the-know friends. What you learn River Monsters: Unhooked River Monsters: Unhooked River Monsters: Unhooked River Monsters: Unhooked (N) River Monsters: Unhooked ANIM 38 Be Alive could be extremely valuable in advancing your (:00) Å The ››‡ “The Å 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live Game The Game Movie: Distinguished Gentleman” The Mo’Nique Show BET 59 interests. America’s Next Top Model Top Chef Masters Å Top Chef Masters Å Top Chef Masters Å Top Chef Masters Å BRAVO 37 Top Model Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Think in Mad Money The Kudlow Report (N) Cigarette Wars American Greed American Greed Mad Money CNBC 34 very small stages and a very big objective of In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å CNN 32 Situation Rm John King, USA (N) yours that you’ve been anxious to attain can MythBusters “Bug Special” MythBusters “Top 25 Moments” MythBusters “Top 25 Moments” MythBusters “Mini Myth Mayhem” MythBusters “Top 25 Moments” Cab (In DISC 35 Cash be reached. However, it will take lots of paStereo) Å Investigating insect myths. Å Favorite moments. Favorite moments. Six fan-requested fables. Favorite moments. tience and persistence. Good Luck Wizards of Fish Hooks Suite Life (:10) The Suite (:35) The Suite Good Luck The Suite Life The Suite Life The Suite Life Good Luck DISN 54 The on Deck on Deck Å on Deck Å Charlie Life on Deck Charlie Life on Deck Charlie Waverly Place on Deck Å Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Utilize your Sex & the City Sex & the City E! Special What’s Eating You Chelsea Lately E! News E! 49 (:00) E! Special E! News (N) abilities as an observer and something quite NBA Countdown NBA pregame NBA Basketball Western Conference Final, Game 5: Teams TBA. (If necessary). (Live) Å SportsCenter important and valuable can be discovered. ESPN 39 (:00) SportsCenter (Live) Å show. (Live) Å (Live) Å There will be plenty of opportunity to watch MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Baseball Tonight (N) Å SportsCenter NFL Live (N) ESPN2 68 Interruption how the experts get it done. (:00) Movie: ››› “Holes” (2003) Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight, Movie: ››‡ “The Goonies” (1985) Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen. The 700 Club Å FAM 29 Patricia Arquette. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It won’t be posSpotlight Final Score World Poker Tour: Season 9 FSCR 40 Sports Stories College Baseball ACC Tournament, Game 3: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) sible to deceive you with outward appearand a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Movie: ›› “Seven Pounds” (2008) Will Smith, Rosario Dawson, Michael Ealy. Premiere. Movie: ›› “Seven Pounds” (2008) Will Smith, ances. Little do people know that you are born FX 45 Two Men Rosario Dawson, Michael Ealy. Men Men to see things for what they are. Hannity (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Å FXNWS 57 Special Report FOX Report W/ Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) — Rehash an isLearning 19th Hole (N) Big Break Indian Wells Top 10 (N) Haney Project Haney Project 19th Hole Golf Central Quest-Card GOLF 66 Quest-Card sue down to its smallest detail with someone Little House on the Prairie Little House on the Prairie Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Golden Girls Golden Girls HALL 76 Little House who is equally as discerning as yourself. What House Hunters Property Virgin Property Virgin Income Prop. Property Bro House Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Income Prop. HGTV 46 My First Place Hunters Int’l you don’t think of, he or she will, and collecHardcore History Å How the States Got Their Shapes The President’s Book of Secrets HIST 65 (:00) Sniper: Deadliest Missions tively you can figure out what you’re seeking. “State of Rebellion” The Waltons “The Torch” Inspir. Today Life Today Joyce Meyer Zola Levitt Pr. Fellowship Wisdom Keys Aries (March 21-April 19) — Don’t expect INSP 78 Highway Hvn. Wind at My Back (:00) Unsolved Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å The First 48 A man is killed while The First 48 Man is found shot to Vanished With Beth Holloway A How I Met Your How I Met Your others to make a big deal out of one of your LIFE 31 Mysteries Mother Mother being robbed. Å death. Å young woman vanishes. victories, regardless of how clever you are in Movie: “Not My Life” (2006) Meredith Monroe, Ellie Harvie, Dalias Movie: “The Love of Her Life” (2008) Brandy Ledford, Cynthia Movie: “Framed for Murder” (2007) Elisa LIFEM 72 (:00) your accomplishment. The only thing that’s Donovan, Susan Walters, Perry King. Å Blake. Å Preston, Cameron Bancroft. Å important is that you appreciate the results. Hardball With Chris Matthews The Last Word The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Ed Show (N) The Last Word MSNBC 50 MSNBC Live Taurus (April 20-May 20) — What makes you Border Wars Border Wars Bloods and Crips: L.A. Gangs Taboo “Sexual Identity” Taboo The forbidden love. Bloods and Crips: L.A. Gangs NGEO 58 (:00) Taboo so popular is your ability to put people at ease George Lopez George Lopez The Nanny (In The Nanny (In My Wife and Everybody iCarly (In Stereo) BrainSurge (In SpongeBob My Wife and Everybody NICK 30 Å Kids Å Hates Chris Stereo) Å SquarePants Kids Å Hates Chris Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Å Å and get them talking about themselves. This Tori & Dean: sTORIbook Tori & Dean: sTORIbook Movie: ›› “Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous” (2005) Å OXYGEN 62 Tori & Dean-Sweet Hollywood will turn out to be a very valuable asset at any UFC Unleashed (In Stereo) UFC Unleashed (In Stereo) The Ultimate Fighter (N) Repo Games Repo Games UFC 130 Countdown (N) SPIKE 44 Unleash gathering. MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Pittsburgh Pirates. From PNC Park in Pittsburgh. Unique Auto. 3 Wide Life XTERRA Adv. Phenoms SPSO 60 College Know where to look for romance and you’ll Ghost Hunters Investigation of a Ghost Hunters The TAPS team Star Trek: Ghost Hunters Portsmouth Harbor Ghost Hunters The team investi- Ghost Hunters Lighthouse; find it. The Astro-Graph Matchmaker instantSYFY 64 (:00) Lighthouse. Å Enterprise gates. (In Stereo) Å Baseball Hall of Fame. Å Massachusetts home. Å travels to Ireland. Å ly reveals which signs are romantically perHouse of Payne House of Payne Conan (N) Meet the The King of The King of Are We There Are We There Meet the “The TBS 24 Seinfeld Browns Browns Yet? Seven” Å Queens Å Queens Å Yet? fect for you. Mail $3 to Astro-Graph, P.O. Box Movie: ››› “Black Legion” (1937) Humphrey Movie: ›› “The Man With Two Faces” (1934) Movie: ›› “Doorway to Hell” 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167. TCM 25 (5:15) Movie: ››› “A Majority of One” (1961) A













Rosalind Russell, Alec Guinness. Bogart, Dick Foran. Å Lottery Changed My Life Å Spouse vs. House Å (:00) Bones (In Bones An apparent suicide uncov- Bones Brennan makes a shocking Stereo) Å ers scandal. Å discovery. Å Cops Å World’s Dumbest... Operate-Repo Operate-Repo Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family “The Escorts” Å NCIS “Ignition” A Navy pilot is found NCIS “Witness” A woman wit(:00) NCIS dead. (In Stereo) Å “Child’s Play” nesses a murder. Å W. Williams Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Dharma & Greg America’s Funniest Home Videos New Adv./Old New Adv./Old Å Christine (In Stereo) Å Christine

48 Ultimate Cake













Edward G. Robinson. Å (1930) Lew Ayres. Å Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Spouse vs. House (N) Å Extreme Cou Bones Angela hides details of her Bones “Titan on the Tracks” A train Men of a Certain Age Joe makes a surprising discovery. pregnancy. Å wreck leads to mystery. Operate-Repo Operate-Repo Operate-Repo Operate-Repo Most Daring “Fighting Back 4” Home Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland Home EverybodyEverybodyImprovement Improvement Raymond Raymond NCIS “Caught on Tape” A Marine NCIS “Heart Break” Navy comNCIS “Code of Conduct” Joke-lovmander’s death. Å tapes his own murder. ing Marine is found dead. The Oprah Winfrey Show Eyewitness Entertainment The Insider Inside Edition How I Met Your How I Met Your WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Scrubs (In Scrubs (In Mother Mother Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å


(:15) Movie: ››› “How to Train Your Dragon” 15 (2010) Voices of Jay Baruchel. REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (In Stereo) Å (:00) Movie: ››‡ “Pirate Radio” (2009) Philip 304 Seymour Hoffman. (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›› “The Box” (2009) Cameron Diaz, 320 (:15) James Marsden. (In Stereo) Å ›‡ “Next Day Air” (2009) Donald Faison, 340 Movie: Mike Epps. iTV. (In Stereo) Å

302 “Terminator Salvation”

Game of Thrones Ned looks for Real Time With Bill Maher (In Game of Thrones Robert orders a Game of Thrones “A Golden clues. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å preemptive strike. Å Crown” Ned sits for the king. Movie: Bridesmaids: Movie: ››‡ “Edge of Darkness” (2010) Mel Gibson, Ray Winstone, Movie: “Too Big to Fail” (2011) “Ingelore” (2009) First Look Danny Huston. (In Stereo) Å William Hurt. (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›› “Gothika” (2003) Halle Berry, Robert Public Enemies Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Downey Jr. (In Stereo) Å Garden (In Stereo) Å (:15) Movie: ››› “The Hangover” (2009) Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Movie: ›› “Charlie St. Cloud” (2010) Zac Efron, “Housewives Zach Galifianakis. (In Stereo) Å Amanda Crew. (In Stereo) Å From Another” United States of Nurse Jackie Inside NASCAR Penn & Teller: The Borgias (iTV) Lucrezia gives Inside NASCAR Gigolos (iTV) Å birth in a convent. Å (iTV) Å Bulls...! (iTV) Tara (iTV) (iTV) (N) (iTV)

Some help for choosing probiotics Dear Dr. Gott: In a recent column in the Monterey County (Calif.) Herald, you suggested a woman try an array of products, including probiotics that might help her overcome flatulence. Would you be kind enough to write a column explaining the uses of DR. PETER probiotics, inGOTT cluding the way in which a person would select the appropriate product? The quantity and range of these products is dizzying and confusing, and the “expertise” is limited, at best. Doctors and other practitioners seldom (in my experience) specify what sort of probiotics to buy and merely suggest that we go to a good health-food store. That is not helpful. When we go to a good health-food store, we find ourselves confronted with product names and ingredients that are completely unfamiliar. Worse, these products contain a range of ingredients that, presumably, are intended to treat a wide range of con-

Today’s celebrity birthdays Songwriter Hal David is 90. Country singer Tom T. Hall is 75. Actor Ian McKellen (“Lord of the Rings”) is 72. Country singer Jessi Colter is 68. Actress-singer Leslie Uggams is 68. Director-Muppetteer Frank Oz is 67. Actress Karen Valentine is 64. Singer Klaus Meine of Scorpions is 63. Actress Patti D’Arbanville (“New York Undercover”) is 60. Actress Connie Sellecca is 56. Singer-guitarist Paul Weller of The Jam is 53. Actor-comedian Mike Myers is 48. Actress Anne Heche is 42. Actresses Sidney and Lindsay Greenbush (“Little House on the Prairie”) are 41. Actor Jamie Kennedy (“Scream”) is 41.

Do not overlook a useful nine-spot BY PHILLIP ALDER United Feature Syndicate

ditions. But the packages don’t give specific information. Also, probiotics may come in capsule form and be stable at room temperature, or they may come in powder form and require refrigeration and mixing just prior to use. How are we to know which is best? My husband and I were desperate for a probiotic following courses of antibiotics to treat (of all things — we’re in our 70s!) whooping cough. We did find, with the help of a salesperson at our local health-food store, JarroDophilus EPS, which comes in capsule form and can be taken up to four times a day. We began with the four and, after a couple of weeks, were able to cut the dosage down to one per day. It has been helpful, but I have no idea whether it would be the right dose in every case or not. And I have no idea whether this is something we should continue to take. Dear Reader: Probiotics are live microorganisms, referred to as “good” bacteria, used to treat illness and support wellness. Good bacteria within the body are essential for proper development of the immune system, as they protect against harmful microorgan-

isms that could cause disease. They aid digestion and help with the absorption of nutrients. Probiotics can balance the effects of skin; vaginal, respiratory and stomach infections; irritable bowel syndrome; may reduce the severity of a cold or flu; and are used to treat diarrhea brought on by the use of antibiotics. They are available in specific foods and as dietary supplements in powder, tablet and capsule forms. Food items with good bacteria include yogurts, some juices, fermented and unfermented milk, soy beverages, soybeans and soybean paste popular for Asian cooking. The U.S. Department of Agriculture does not regulate dietary supplements. Therefore, a probiotic can be marketed and sold with minimal or absolutely no research available on its safety or on how well it works. Therefore, it is critical that readers check with their personal physicians before beginning a regimen. Dietary supplements can cause side effects, may cause allergic reactions, and can interfere with other medications. The safety of probiotics has not been studied long enough

to make specific recommendations as to which type of ingestion is best, with consideration of age, dosing and treatment of individuals with compromised immune systems being factors. Labeling varies, and there are more than 25 different supplements from which to choose, each with its own guidelines for use — for boosting the immune system, not for specific problems! With some, the organisms are released into the stomach within 30 minutes of ingestion. Once you discontinue the probiotic, the cells clear the body within five to seven days. Beyond this, I cannot offer precise information for varied disorders. The field is simply too vague. Dr. Peter H. Gott is a retired physician and the author of several books, including “Live Longer, Live Better,” “Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Diet” and “Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Cookbook,” which are available at most bookstores or online. His website is www.AskDrGottMD.com. United FeatUre Syndicate

Christopher Meloni not returning to ‘Law & Order SVU’ LOS ANGELES (AP) — Christopher Meloni isn’t coming back to NBC’s “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” when it returns this fall. The actor and Universal Media Studios were unable

United FeatUre Syndicate

to come to terms on a new contract, according to a person familiar with the situation, who spoke Tuesday on condition of anonymity because NBC and the studio had not authorized public comment.

Meloni’s co-star, Mariska Hargitay, will be back for the upcoming season, the show’s 13th, the person said. Meloni portrayed Detective Elliot Stabler, a family man and veteran of an elite squad that investigates

crimes with a sexual aspect. Hargitay was his partner, Detective Olivia Benson, who joined the squad because she was conceived in a rape. The show features Dann Florek, Tamara Tunie, Richard Belzer, B.D. Wong and Ice-T.

In “The Nine Master Keys of Management,” Lester R. Bittel wrote, “Good plans shape good decisions. That’s why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true.” Bridge deals often require good planning. And good decisions may lead to an elusive dream — making an “impossible” contract. In this layout, how can South make four spades? West leads a low club. The defenders take two tricks in the suit, then shift to diamonds. South did well to choose four spades over four hearts. With the bad major-suit breaks, four hearts fails if East leads either minor suit. West led a club, not a diamond, because his clubs were stronger — a sensible decision. It is normal to win the third (or fourth) trick with dummy’s diamond ace, then to run the spade jack. When that finesse wins, declarer continues with dummy’s spade 10, covered by the king and ace, with West discarding a minor-suit card. Now South must get back to the dummy to play a spade to his eight, draw East’s last trump, and run dummy’s hearts. If he gets careless, leading the heart five to dummy’s jack, he will fail here. Since dummy has the critical heart nine and East is highly unlikely to have four cards in both spades and hearts, declarer should lead his heart king (or queen) and overtake with dummy’s ace. Then, after a spade to his eight, the spade queen and

heart queen (or king), South can play a heart to dummy’s nine, run that suit, and end with an overtrick.

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5-Day 5-D ay Forecast for for Salisbury Salisbury Today


National Cities





High 90°

Low 65°

90°/ 65°

85°/ 65°

85°/ 65°

88°/ 65°

Partly cloudy

Mostly clear tonight

Partly cloudy

Chance of storms

Slight chance of storms

Partly cloudy


Today Hi Lo W 90 67 pc 79 62 pc 84 65 pc 61 46 t 66 55 pc 68 45 t 76 65 t 91 62 pc 65 44 pc 70 58 t 75 52 sh 81 63 t

City Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Boston Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit Fairbanks Indianapolis

as low as




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Kn K le Knoxville 90/65

Boone 81/ 81/61

Frank Franklin n 88 8 88/58 8

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A Asheville s ville v lle 8 88 88/58

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Atlanta 92/67

Co C Col Columbia bia 97/ 97/70

Sunrise-.............................. ... ... .. Sunset tonight Moonrise today................... Moonset today....................

Jun 1 New

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Au A Augusta u ug 9 97 97/ 97/68 7/ 8 7/68

6:10 a.m. 8:27 p.m. 1:56 a.m. 2:02 p.m.

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Ch Charleston le les es 8 83 83/70 H Hilton n He Head e 8 85/ 85/72 5///72 2 Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.


Charlotte e Yesterday.... 87 ........ moderate .......... ozone Today..... 65 ...... moderate N. C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 0-50 good, 51-100 moderate, 101-150 unhealthy for sensitive grps., 151-200 unhealthy, 201-300 verryy unhealthy, 301-500 haazzardous


Above/Below Full Pool

..........-0.67 High Rock Lake............. 654.33.......... -0.67 ..........-2.79 Badin Lake.................. 539.21.......... -2.79 Tuckertown Lake............ 595.3........... -0.7 Tillery Lake.................. 277.8.......... -1.20 Blewett Falls.................177.9 ................. 177.9.......... -1.10 Lake Norman................ 98.40........... -1.6


Sea e ea at atttle lle Seattle S ttle e 60 0 0///4 49 60/49 6


Forecasts and graphics provided by Weather Underground @2011

yr le yrtl eB Be Bea ea each Myrtle Beach 9 90 90/72 0//72 0/7 0 /7

Air Quality Ind Index ex

24 hours through 8 p.m. yest........... 0.00" Month to date................................... ...................................1.79" 1.79" Normal year to date....................... 17.71" Year to date................................... 16.27"


Southport outh uth 8 88/72

Salisburry y

High.................................................... 89° Low..................................................... 60° Last year's high.................................. 78° ....................................67° Last year's low.................................... 67° Normal high........................................ 82° Normal low......................................... 61° Record high........................... 95° in 1939 .............................43° Record low............................. 43° in 1931 ...............................37% Humidity at noon............................... 37%




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85/66 6 6 8 5//6 5/ 66

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9 0 0//6 66 6 90/66 a am m mii Miami M iia 89//7 76 89/76 7 6

Staationary Front

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Rain n Flurries rries

Snow Ice

92/75 9 92 2//7 75


Tim Roche Wunderground Meteorologist

Washington W a asssh hin ing ng gttton o on n

A Atlanta tlan an nttta a E Paso a aso sso o Ell P

90s Warm Front 100s

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Ne New ew wY York Yo o orrrkk Chicago C h hiiiccca a ag g go o


Tomorrow Hi Lo W 89 69 s 59 46 r 59 44 r 62 44 pc 77 66 s 71 53 r 68 60 pc

Today: 5.2 - medium Thursday: 7.2 - medium Friday: 7.1 - medium


L Lumberton b be 94 0 94/70

G Greenville n e 92/67 67


Go Goldsboro bo b 94/68

Today Hi Lo W 87 66 s 62 46 s 71 42 s 68 51 s 75 64 pc 73 60 cd 69 60 pc

City Jerusalem London Moscow Paris Rio Seoul Tokyo

Pollen Index

Data from Salisbury through ough 6 p.m. yest. Temperature

Danville D l 90/65 Greensboro o D h m Durham 90/67 94/67 67 7

Charlotte ha t e 92/67

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 59 53 r 82 55 pc 75 68 s 77 51 s 57 48 s 44 41 r 53 42 r



Salisbury Salisb S al sb b y bury 90/65 65

Today Hi Lo W 62 51 pc 82 57 pc 73 68 s 64 46 s 60 50 r 46 42 r 53 50 pc

City Amsterdam Beijing Beirut Berlin Buenos Aires Calgary Dublin

(704) 431-4566

Regional Regio g onal W Weather eather Win Wins a Winston Salem 90/ 5 90/65

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 64 51 sh 86 65 s 75 57 pc 88 75 pc 65 42 pc 88 73 t 82 64 pc 68 49 pc 88 69 t 101 73 s 59 40 t 90 69 t

World Cities

New Poulan riding mowers $

Today Hi Lo W City 73 52 t Kansas City 92 69 s Las Vegas Los Angeles 74 57 f 89 76 pc Miami Minneapolis 62 44 sh New Orleans 89 75 pc New York 81 64 pc Omaha 66 48 t Philadelphia 83 66 pc Phoenix 100 72 s Salt Lake City 76 46 pc Washington, DC 85 66 pc

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 86 67 t 87 67 pc 89 68 t 63 41 t 77 61 pc 52 44 t 81 62 t 83 68 pc 74 46 pc 74 55 t 78 52 pc 74 56 t

Yesterday\'s severe weather event for the Plains will continue through the night and morning hours across the southern Plains, then shift eastward towards the Mississippi Valley later in the day. The most threatening storms will likely occur in the morning hours on Wednesday, with dangerous tornadoes possible in the early morning. Residents of the southern Plains should be alert to rapidly changing weather conditions and be prepared for numerous tornadoes. As the focus shifts eastward later in the day, conditions will be slightly less favorable for severe weather development, which should help to spare some of the more highly populated areas to the east from some of the highest risk of tornadoes. Despite the lower risk, the region will still see tornadoes late in the day, they will just be less numerous. The Northeast will see clearing conditions on Wednesday as yesterday\'s thunderstorms move out to sea, replaced by high pressure and clear skies. Temperatures should be pleasant, with highs in the 70s for most locations outside of the higher mountains. The Southeast will also see generally pleasant conditions, but temperatures during the middle of the day will be quite warm with high humidity. In the West, late season rains will push through Northern California and the Northwest. Precipitation will make it as far south as the San Francisco Bay Area along the coast, then move into the Sierras where some heavy high elevation snow is possible.

Get the Whole Picture at wunderground.com wunderground.com—The —The Best Known Secret in Weather™


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