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Thursday, May 26, 2011 | 50¢


Adults in DSS care could double Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare to end its guardianship services BY KARISSA MINN kminn@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — The county social services department’s adult guardianship caseload is set to double now that a local agency can’t share it. This means Rowan County will need to hire at least one more employee, officials said, in a tight budget year when the county is cutting other positions, department budgets and school funding. A judge ruled in December that Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare cannot continue to provide adult guardianship services, and the agency has said it will end its guardianships this coming Wednesday to comply with the ruling. Of the five counties served by the statefunded agency, Rowan will have the most legally incompetent adults now in need of guardians. These 30 to 50 people will not necessarily all become wards of the social services department, but most don’t have anyone else to represent them as guardians, said Rowan County Clerk of Court Jeff Barger. PBH manages mental health, developmental disability and substance abuse services given by a network of providers in Rowan, Cabarrus, Davidson, Stanly and Union counties. North Carolina Special Superior Court Judge Calvin Murphy ruled that Piedmont Behavioral has a conflict of interest because it decides which services Medicaid recipients can get, while also representing those recipients when they challenge its decisions. Nancy Brandt, program administrator for the Rowan County Social Services Department, said it would be impossible for the department to handle a flood of new cases with its current budget and staff. “It is something that we do, and we’re quite capable of doing it — it’s just that 30 at one time is a lot,” Brandt said. “It’s going to be a very challenging time to be able to take care of the state requirements for this situation while, of course, keeping the best interests of the client paramount.” Social Services Director Sandra Wilkes said the department will have to hire one or two additional employees to take on the extra work and provide mental health expertise. This depends on the number of wards that are added to the current 30. “Thirty cases would be a very large

sarah campbell/SALISBURY POST

Kelley Earnhardt and Stan Curtis, founder of Blessings in a Backpack, offer goodies to Jackson Park Elementary students Wednesday.

Kelley, Martha Earnhardt at Jackson Park to see fruits of program Dale Jr. Foundation supports lies so that you can think better, think smart and grow up to be smart, intelligent people,” Kelley ANNAPOLIS — The backEarnhardt said. “We’re happy to pack filled with food that be able to do that and use Dale fourth-grader Briana Jr.’s popularity to help raise Sykes has taken home every Frifunds for Blessings in a Backday since September not only pack.” supplies bodily nourishment, it Kelley Earnhardt said growing represents peace of mind. up and attending school in Kan“It helps our family,” she said. napolis, she’s thrilled to be able to Briana’s mother, Adriana make a difference at Jackson Sykes, said the family was worPark. ried when her husband got laid “We’re excited to partner with off last fall. But they were able to a school in our area, in our homebreathe a sigh of relief when the town where it really matters,” she backpacks started coming. said. “It’s enough to help get us Adriana Sykes said she’s proud through the weekend and do a litthe Earnhardts haven’t forgotten tle bit extra,” Adriana Sykes said. Kannapolis school board member millie hall helps fill backpacks their roots and still support pro“It means a lot to a lot of people, grams like Blessings in a Backfor students at the elementary school in Kannapolis. but for our family alone it helps pack. tremendously. profit organization, provides the backpacks “I just think it’s the greatest thing they “Someone that’s not struggling doesn’t for students at the school to take home each could do,” she said. “It was fantastic to firealize how important that bag is every Fri- weekend through a partnership with the nally meet the ones behind it.” day.” Dale Jr. Foundation. Blessings in a Backpack founder Stan Briana is just one of more than 300 stuKelley Earnhardt, vice president of the Curtis said it only takes $80 to feed a child dents — about 80 percent of the student foundation and sister of NASCAR driver for an entire year and community partnerbody — at Jackson Park Elementary School Dale Earnhardt Jr., and her grandmother, ships, like the one with the Dale Jr. Foundawho receives a backpack stuffed with Martha Earnhardt, stopped by Jackson Park tion, help feed more than 41,000 students everything from juice pouches to macaroni on Wednesday to witness the success of the and cheese to granola bars. program. See BACKPACK, 3A Blessings in a Backpack, a national non“I know that it helps put food in your belBY SARAH CAMPBELL



Meeting Oprah a landmark event for Salisbury women BY SHAVONNE POTTS spotts@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — After a full day in court Wednesday, perhaps criminal attorney Anna Smith turned on the television and watched, like many others worldwide, the final Oprah Winfrey show. Smith, a Rowan native, met Oprah at 16 and has been inspired ever since, according to her mother, Elizabeth Smith. “Anna started watching Oprah when she was 10. She could hardly wait ’til she got home after school,” Elizabeth said. Winfrey has been on television for 25 years and has catapulted unknown authors onto best-selling lists,

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Hospital wins clinical excellence award

launched television shows for other Oprah regulars and created memorable moments that include Tom Cruise jumping on a couch and a road trip with best friend Gayle King. Winfrey has given away everything from cookies to trips around the world and cars. “Besides the generous benevolence to numerous projects, her greatest contributions have been opening minds to acceptance and appreciation of all people — including one’s self. This she did through personal example throughout the 25-year career,” Elizabeth Smith said. Anna met Winfrey at the premiere of “And Still I Rise,” a play based on

Today’s forecast 88º/65º Mostly sunny, still hot



See DSS, 2A


Anna Smith had her picture taken with Oprah Winfrey. Stedman Graham is at right.

Lewis M. Whitley Wylie J. Wells Sr. Basilia Luna Nell P. Kirk

David L. DiDomenico James D. Pulliam Geraldine H. Sloan

SALISBURY — Rowan Regional Medical Center is among 28 hospitals nationwide to win a 2011 Leadership Award for Clinical Excellence from VHA Inc. Winners were selected from more than 1,300 hospitals and more 30,000 nonacute care providers nationwide that are served by VHA, a national health-care network. The recognition is based on performance in the areas of heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia and surgical care improvement. “Receiving this award, which nationally recognizes the hospital’s clinical


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strength and dedication to patient satisfaction, would not be possible without the strong commitment to excellence our physicians, nurses and support staff demonstrate day in and day out,” Dari Caldwell, hospital president, said in a press release. The award recognizes hospitals that achieve top performance on clinical core measures established by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicare & Medicaid Service, as well as in the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Services survey, which measures patient satisfaction at hospitals across the country.

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2A • THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011



National chairman says Robin Hayes needs a state GOP flush with cash RALEIGH (AP) — The Republican National Committee’s new chairman pleaded Wednesday for more money so that the GOP can better support candidates heading into the 2012 campaign. Meanwhile, he got an earful from local activists who believe the national party has retreated from the conservative values that the tea party represents. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus attended a fundraiser at state GOP headquarters, then spoke with local Republican leaders about North Carolina’s role as a battleground state in 2012. President Barack Obama carried the state, which has traditionally gone Republican in presidential elections, in 2008. RNC officials have said they inherited a $24

million debt from former chairman Michael Steele, and Priebus brought home that point repeatedly. “ ... You may have heard. We need to raise a lot of money at the RNC,” he said at the start of his speech. “We’re coming into a presidential election cycle, and we all know that North Carolina is going to be a battleground state, and it’s a state that at every cost, Republicans in this country, Republicans in Washington, Republicans right here, need to make sure that Barack Obama’s a one-term president.” The RNC, he said, must get across the point that it is part of the conservative movement, and it takes money to do that, he said. “And me, as chairman of the RNC,

I can’t be an effective part of the conservative movement if we’re $24 million in debt and we don’t have any money in the bank,” said Priebus, who became RNC chairman in January. “So my point is that come 2012, when the pieces are put back on the table, when we need to win this country for America and get our economy back on track, I need to have an RNC and Robin (state GOP Chairman Robin Hayes) needs to have a state GOP that is flush with cash, has people on the ground, that is effective in that conservative movement.” Patrick Yanke of Wake County told Priebus that the RNC needed to get out the message that it supports the conservative movement, adding that he quit contributing money to

the group when Steele was chairman. “Recently, the RNC, unfortunately, has been an enemy, or at least a competitor, to the conservative movement,” Yanke said. “Your articulating that message is going to be one of the most important things the RNC can do to get its coffers back. “Until you stand up for the Constitution and the Republican platform, you’re not getting a dime of my money,” Yanke said to applause. “So if you will stand up for conservative candidates, I think you’ll see your coffers full.” Priebus responded: “I don’t quarrel with you. I think a lot of what you’re saying is right.” As if to underscore North Caroli-

na’s importance in the 2012 election — Democrats have already picked Charlotte for their 2012 convention — the White House said Wednesday that President Obama will visit the state June 13, when he will discuss ways to strengthen the economy with the Jobs and Competitiveness Council. General Electric Co. Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt leads the council, which the White House says was created to provide non-partisan advice to the president on how to strengthen the economy and ensure U.S. competitiveness. Last week, the Democratic National Committee said it had raised about twice as much money as the RNC during the first month of Obama’s re-election campaign.

RALEIGH (AP) — North Carolina House Republicans pushed ahead Wednesday on a new bill they say will resolve a stalemate over unemployment benefits, but Democrats argue it’s more of the same political gamesmanship that led Gov. Beverly Perdue to veto a similar measure last month. The House Rules Committee voted along party lines to support a measure to restore extended benefits to 42,000 long-term jobless workers, but the extension remains tied to putting spending cuts in place July 1 should a final state budget remain unresolved.

House Speaker Thom Tillis, R-Mecklenburg, labeled the measure a compromise designed to end the impasse. The benefits have been set aside since Perdue’s April 16 veto, and Republicans have been in a standoff with her ever since because they Republicans didn’t have the votes to override it. The rancor spilled over to the committee meeting, with Democrats and Republicans trading charges of political posturing at the expense of jobless workers, many of which have been out of work for more than a year. “You have connected two totally un-

connected things, and it has the effect of denying unemployment benefits to people who need it, who are destitute, who are desperate, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself,” said House Minority Leader Joe Hackney, D-Orange. His amendment to remove the budget provision failed by a vote of 14-9. The bill now heads to the House. Majority Leader Paul Stam, R-Wake, said it’s the governor who is playing games by failing to accept a measure that would require her to accept state spending that’s only 3 percent less than what her budget proposal recommended.


Perdue, lawmakers at odds over jobless benefits, budget

An Experience… Not Just a Meal!


• J.C. Price Post 107 92nd Annual Memorial Week Celebration includes a Wreath Laying Ceremony Monday, May 30 at 9 a.m. at the Historic National Cemetery with a Memorial Service following at 10 a.m. at the Brenner Avenue National Cemetery. A Gospel Festival will be held Monday and Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the Post home. • China Grove will have a public hearing about the budget June 21 at 5:30 p.m. The budget includes $55,000 for a town manager’s salary, but it is not being earmarked for current Interim Town Manager Ken Deal. A story in Wednesday’s Post was unclear.

Posters Deadline for posters is 5 p.m. • Wittenberg Lutheran Church pork loin dinner, 5-7p.m. today, donations go to youth Basement project. Corner of Bank and Oak streets, Granite Quarry.

Lottery numbers — RALEIGH (AP) — Here are the winning numbers selected Wednesday: Cash 5: 06-07-08-11-25 Pick 3 Evening: 8-7-6 Pick 3 Midday: 9-9-5 Pick 4 Evening: 2-5-3-9 Pick 4 Midday: 2-2-3-5 Powerball: 04-23-31-42-50, Powerball: 23, Power Play: 2 STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST Name



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Home Grown

Rowan County Board of Commissioners 130 W Innes St. • Salisbury, NC 28144 Telephone 704-216-8180 • FAX 704-216-8195


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NOTICE is hereby given that the Rowan County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing in the J. Newton Cohen, Sr. Room on the second floor of the J. Newton Cohen, Sr. Rowan County Administration Building in Salisbury, North Carolina, beginning at 3:00 pm, or as soon thereafter as may be heard, on Monday, June 6, 2011.

In accordance with North Carolina General Statute §158-7.1(c), the purpose of the hearing will be to receive public comment on a proposed economic development incentive to be considered for Granite Cold Storage LLC.

The Company is considering the acquisition and development of property located on Heilig Road in the City of Salisbury. The proposed Rowan County incentive offer consists of a discounted purchase price for the property below current fair market value, as well as consideration of approving a right of first refusal on additional adjoining property. The proposed project is expected to (1) create investment in real estate improvements and equipment exceeding $10 million, and (2) will create a minimum of forty (40) jobs at the site. Rowan County will recover the discounted portion of the purchase price and the public will benefit through future property and business taxes, stimulation of the economy, promotion of business, and the retention of existing jobs in the County.

J.A. FISHER 32 Years – 7000 Jobs


All persons interested in this matter are invited to attend this public hearing and present their views.


OPRAH FROM 1a Dr. Maya Angelou’s poem. “I knew that Oprah would come. I bought two tickets for her birthday,” Elizabeth said. Mother and daughter went to the play at the Stevens Center in WinstonSalem, which included a reception and dinner where Anna and Elizabeth met Oprah, Stedman Graham (Oprah’s longtime beau) and various other celebrities. Winfrey agreed to a photo with Anna. Elizabeth mailed a larger print of the photo of Winfrey and Anna along with a ticket from the event. As a thank you, Winfrey wrote a personal note and encouraged teenaged Anna. “It’s a nice keepsake,” Elizabeth said. Anna has the picture framed, along with the signed ticket hanging at her law office. Elizabeth said it’s going to be sad that Winfrey will not be on TV any longer, but she is glad the daytime host is leaving while at the “top of her game.” On her final episode Wednesday, Winfrey shared her wisdom and the lessons she’s learned through the years. Dr. Mehmet Oz will take over the 4 p.m. time slot that Winfrey maintained since the beginning. She gave her audience her email address oprah@oprah.com, which she promised to personally respond. Contact reporter Shavonne Potts at 704-7974253.

This the 24th day of May 2011.

No Leaf Gutters • Siding • Roofing

Carolyn Athey, CMC, NCCCC Clerk to the Board/Assistant to the County Manager

• Patio Covers • Sunrooms Just Google Us

Gary Page, County Manager Carolyn Athey, Clerk to the Board John W. Dees, II, County Attorney

Chad Mitchell, Chairman Carl Ford, Vice Chairman Jon Barber Raymond Coltrain Jim Sides






caseload for one person to handle, but I think it’s doable,” Wilkes said. “I understand there could be as many as 50 cases that we will be assigned.” That includes about 20 wards currently represented by The Arc of Rowan, which supports people with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities. Piedmont Behavioral contracts some of its guardianships out to the nonprofit organization, but this also was ruled to be a conflict of interest. After funding from Piedmont Behavioral runs out at the end of June, The Arc of Rowan may no longer be able

105 East Fisher St., Salisbury • 704/636.5757



court order requires Barger est of the ward.” to take action and find new Contact reporter Karissa guardians for all of its wards, Minn at 704-797-4222. he said. “As of Dec. 28, 2010, PBH as a matter of law cannot be a guardian,” Topping said. “We’ve continued services through the end of May, but as of June 1, the clerks need to find legal guardians for these folks.” The two do agree that local social services departments will be burdened as a result. Barger said he hopes to find other agencies that could lessen that burden. MON - FRI 9AM-6PM When an adult is found to SAT 9AM-4PM be legally incompetent, or inOld Mocksville Rd., Salisbury capable of making informed (2.4 miles from hospital) decisions, the court appoints a legal guardian to make decisions on the adult’s behalf. This is usually a family member or someone else interested in the person’s welfare, Barger said. In cases where no one is willing or qualified, Barger appoints wards either to the social services department or Piedmont Behavioral. “For mental health issues I notice PBH, and for dementia and things like that I notice DSS,” he said. “My responsibility as clerk is to do what’s in the best inter-



represent its adult wards. It’s not clear yet what will happen to Piedmont Behavioral’s wards when June begins. The agency and clerk of court each say the other must take the next step. Barger said the December court order only applies to the reassignment of one case. State law requires Piedmont Behavioral to file a motion in court for each of its wards to be reassigned, he said, but the agency has not done so. “PBH sent a letter saying that as of May 31 they will no longer be in the guardianship business,” Barger said. “They failed to realize they can’t just quit. ... They are still liable until the court changes that.” But Richard Topping, general counsel for the agency, said that law only governs voluntary reassignment. The

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THURSDAY May 26, 2011



shelley smith/sALisbuRY post

Rowan County law enforcement members run through the square for the North Carolina Law enforcement torch Run for the special olympics.

Officers raise awareness, funds for Special Olympics SALISBURY — Law enforcement officers from Rowan County participated in the 2011 Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics on Wednesday. Officers began their 9-mile trek at Airport Road and passed off the

torch at the northern end of Spencer to the Lexington Police Department. The Law Enforcement Torch Run began in 1981. The torch will eventually make its way to Raleigh for the Summer Games the first weekend in June.

Salisbury Police officers who ran Wednesday are Travis Shulenburger, Tadd Ogg, Alan Armour, PJ Smith, Rebecca Sexton and John Lanier. Department of Corrections officers who ran are Larry Warren, Kei-

th Scott, Naomi Scott (daughter of Keith), Jason Warrick, Patrick Bryant and Mark Wilson. Traffic Escorts included Audrey Johnson, Brent Hall, Eric Williams, Bennie Herbert and Melonie Thompson.



Father, son face drug charges SALISBURY — A father and son were charged Tuesday with marijuana possession after complaints came in to authorities about a lot of short-term traffic at their home. The Rowan County Sheriff’s Office said the complaints were for a house at 5440 U.S. 601, the home of Patrick Leffew and his son, Robert Lee Leffew. PATRICK LEFFEW Authorities got a search warrant for the home, and Tuesday they found more than 90 grams of “high grade” marijuana, four rifles and one handgun. They also found that Patrick Leffew was wanted for failure to appear in court in Randolph County. Patrick Leffew, 49, was charged with maintaining a dwelling to keep, store and sell a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was in the Rowan County jail Wednesday under a $9,500 bond. Robert Lee ROBERT LEFFEW Leffew, 24, was charged with felony possession with intent to sell or deliver marijuana, felony maintaining a dwelling to keep, store and sell a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was released after posting a $10,000 bond.

Charities deliver food to Cabarrus Boys & Girls Club CONCORD — Feed the Children partnered with Speedway Children’s Charities on Tuesday to deliver two truckloads of food and essentials to the Boys & Girls Club of Cabarrus County, 247 Spring St. NW. The distribution is the first event in a nationwide effort by Feed The Children and Speedway Children’s Charities to help families in areas surrounding racing venues. The event is one of many that Speedway Children’s Charities is involved in during race week for the Coca-Cola 600, which takes place Sunday at Charlotte Motor Speedway. The Boys & Girls Club identified 600 families who received a 25-pound box of food, a 10-pound box of personal care

items and a box of Avon products. The items distributed were designed to help a family of four for a week. “Speedway Children’s Charities is honored to continue our work and mission with such a supportive partner as Feed the Children. We look forward to helping more children across this great nation.” Said Maj. Gen. Tom Sadler, who is retired from the U.S. Air Force and is executive director for Speedway Children’s Charities. This year, Feed The Children and Speedway Children’s Charities will deliver an estimated 500,000 pounds of food and supplies to those in need in areas surrounding Atlanta Motor Speedway, Bristol Motor Speedway, Charlotte Motor Speedway, Infineon Race-

way, Las Vegas Motor Speedway, New Hampshire Motor Speedway and Texas Motor Speedway. In all, Feed The Children’s distributions in partnership with Speedway Children’s Charities will reach 10,000 families. “We are excited to work with Speedway Children’s Charities to provide help and hope to people who have been affected by today’s economy,” said Travis Arnold, Feed The Children chief operations officer. “This partnership will mean that more children and families in these communities will have food on their table.” To join the Feed The Children Speed submitted photo To Feed Pit Crew, visit marcus smith of speedway motorsports helps load supplies Speedtofeed.org. at the Feed the Children event.

Thieves take $13,000 Kubota from dealer

BACKPACK FRom 1A each year. “We have a lot of partnerships and we are so grateful for the very highprofile people in this country that are leading by example,” Curtis said. “It’s not something they are going to do, it’s something they are doing.” Curtis launched Blessings in a Backpack six years ago to help combat childhood hunger. Better test scores, improved reading skills, positive behavior, improved health and increased attendance have been attributed to the program. Principal Beth Marshall said being able to provide meals for students to take home has made a tremendous difference. “Kids need to be nourished from a nutritional standpoint to be able to come to school ready to learn,” she said. “We are so blessed beyond belief to have this program.” Marshall said when Curtis first approached her about initiating the program at Jackson Park, she wasn’t fa-

sarah campbell/sALisbuRY post

students at Jackson park elementary welcome Kelley and martha earnhardt to their school Wednesday. miliar with it. “He told me, ‘It’s not my passion to feed kids, it’s my obsession to feed kids,’ ” she said. “And I said, ‘We’ll

make a good team, because it’s my obsession to educate kids.’ ” Contact reporter Sarah Campbell at 704-797-7683.

SALISBURY — The Rowan County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the theft of a tractor from Mid South Tractor on Webb Road. Authorities say the theft took place sometime over the weekend. Someone took a Kubota orange and black tractor worth $13,000 after rolling it onto a loading dock. Evidence was also found that indicated the thieves tried to take a John Deere tractor, but the tires were flat and they weren’t able to roll it away. The tractor has been entered into the FBI’s National Crime Information Center. Authorities are also investigating these cases: • A Honda CR 250R dirt

bike was taken from a Wrangler Road home sometime between May 16 and May 23. The dirt bike is valued at $2,500. • A Crump Circle residence was vandalized sometime between May 9 and May 18, with $500 worth of copper pipe, $500 in electrical wiring and a $600 well house roof taken. The $1,100 water heater and 8 feet of guttering were damaged. • Christopher Shaw of Long Street reported five pit bull puppies were stolen from his backyard between 10 a.m. and 11:15 p.m. on May 24. The puppies are yellowish blonde with white and black markings. The Salisbury Police Department is investigating.



4A • THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011


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It’s more destroy Smart Start than numbers Don’t Senate proposal would have severe impact

egislative budgets are about more than spending and revenue. They’re about competing visions for the future — and clashing judgments on the past. Nowhere is that more obvious than in the N.C. Senate’s proposals for cutting school funding and reshaping the education landscape. Republican leaders don’t simply see this as a struggle to balance the budget. It’s a mission to reform a “broken educational system,” to quote Sen. Andrew Brock, and make other structural changes. The Senate proposals would virtually abolish city school systems and force consolidation by cutting off state funding for Kannapolis, Mooresville and similar systems around the state. This may save money, but how does it gibe with the conservative mantra of downsizing bureacracy, with more local control? Republicans would hire new teachers in the early grades to slightly decrease class sizes — a commendable idea, on its own — but do so at the loss of funding teacher assistants. They would dissolve the N.C. Partnership for Children, which administers the state’s Smart Start early childhood initiative, and reduce program funding by 20 percent. (An article elsewhere on this page discusses the potential implications for Rowan County.) Performance-based pay for teachers and more charter schools are also part of the reform blueprint. Meanwhile, on the revenue side, House and Senate leaders are adamant there’ll be no extension of a penny sales tax set to expire next month, keeping a campaign vow they made to voters. The lower-taxation vision also includes tax reductions for individuals and many small businesses. Supplysiders believe it will help spur spending, which ultimately means more government revenue. But that may be a big gamble in an economy where the jobless rate remains high and both individuals and businesses remain reluctant to spend. If revenues don’t rise, do you cut taxes yet more? Elections have consequences, and the consequences of November are about to fully play out in the General Assembly. Inevitably, part of the budgeting process will involve compromises as Republicans seek to gain more Democratic support as well as devise a final plan that can avoid the governor’s veto — a decision, Gov. Beverly Perdue has said, that will rest heavily on how well the budge “protects our schools, community colleges and universities.” Protecting such institutions shouldn’t mean protecting the status quo, obviously. It’s a given these budget cuts will be painful, and no one should expect otherwise. But as legislative GOP leaders move forward with the vision of a “right-sized” government, they need to make certain their remedies are truly crafted to reform supposedly broken systems, not crush them underfoot.


Common sense

(Or uncommon wisdom, as the case may be)

Politics is not a game. It is an earnest business. — Winston Churchill

BY JOHN D. GERSTENMIER For the Salisbury Post

uesday was a very sad day for the youngest children (birth to 5 years) in North Carolina. In the name of “budget balancing” our Senate leadership proposed to set Smart Start, North Carolina’s nationally recognized early childhood program, back at least a generation. With regard to quality early childhood development, there is no balance in the proposed legislative budgets and little child development wisdom either. The Senate HHS Appropriations Committee put forth a GERSTENMIER plan to dismantle Smart Start by eliminating the North Carolina Partnership for Children. The NCPC Board of Directors and staff administer the Smart Start program across the state, ensuring quality and accountability at the local partnership level. A recent Duke University study reported the benefits realized through the quality programs funded through Smart Start across North Carolina. NCPC has been a proponent of good stewardship in the use of state funds; utilizing a mere 3 percent for administrative costs and receiving clean audits for the past nine consecutive years. The Senate proposal would replace NCPC guidance and leadership by having the remaining funding pass through the Department of Child Development in Raleigh. The state DCD office would administer the contracts that govern which programs are funded in each county. The key administrative component of Smart Start has always been our local board of directors who oversee local program funding that serves the specific needs identified in our community. This public-private partnership has provided the highly effective and efficient administration recognized by the Duke study. Smart Start programming is identified and administered locally. It is designed and monitored to better serve our children and their families. The proposed legislative budgets, in addition to imposing a 20 percent reduction on Smart Start funding, also place several special provisions. These special provisions would effectively eliminate most current Smart Start programming by mandating a larger percentage of our remaining program funding be directed to basic subsidy support through the Department of Social Services. Local control



would be severely restricted by further limiting administrative funding to a mere 4 percent of the total funding received. In Rowan County, this would provide less than $80,000 annually for all fiscal and administrative salaries, plus associated benefits, Social Security, building rents and utilities. In Rowan County this would translate into the following changes: • Elimination of funding for More at Four in its present quality format serving 334 Rowan County at-risk 4-year-olds in private centers, public schools and Head Start classrooms, preparing them for success in kindergarten. • A reduction or elimination of funding for the following programs which serve Rowan County children and families: The literacy program Stories to Go, contracted through the Rowan Public Library system; the family support programs Parents as Teachers, Strengthening Families and Good Beginnings for Teen Parents, contracted through the Adolescent and Family Enrichment Council; Healthy Beginnings, Health Link and Child Care Health Consultant services, contracted through our Health Department; the community inclusion specialist contracted through Partners In Learning. The Smart Start Rowan Play to Learn activities, parenting resource room and lending library, provider resources and local family referral services for early childhood needs will also be minimized, if not eliminated. All of our young children, not just those served by minimal market rate subsidy payments through DSS, deserve a quality early childhood education experience. The healthy development of the young child is a holistic process, one which must include health initiatives, family support and parenting programs, along with quality early care and education experiences. The state legislature would appear to “pass the buck” to local leadership, buying our support with the possibility of a fraction of a penny in local tax. For the sake of a penny sales tax extension, not an increase, our legislative leaders are preparing to throw our babies out with the bath water. Our elected state leadership would wash their hands of any guilt in the matter, drying them with editorial self-praise for the penny tax they are saving each of us. We owe it to our children to ensure that this does not happen. Certainly they deserve more balanced thinking and at least a penny more! • • • The Rev. John D. Gerstenmier serves as the executive director of Smart Start Rowan.


Auto inspections help protect against unsafe vehicles Regarding Bruce La Rue’s May 25 “My Turn” column on auto inspections: Picture this: You are driving home from a long day at work, and the next thing you know you’re waking up in the hospital wondering what happened. A police officer walks in, (well, in this case an “operative”) and begins to explain to you that a little car slammed head-on into you at 50 miles per hour, putting you in a coma for a week. The officer goes on to explain that the other victim’s car had broken a tie-rod end, and the car steered into your path without control. It seems the owner was also on his way home with a smirky grin after “beating the system.” Yeah, he really got away with one. The first inspection failed his car, so he went to another shop that passed it. If only he hadn’t broken the law and instead had gotten his car repaired, replacing the part he knew was worn out. Fortunately, this didn’t happen, Mr. La Rue. Because most people are law-abiding citizens that take care of their cars. And for the ones that don’t, there are DMV officers who do what they are paid to do, and do a good job at it. You should consider the $166 ticket and the $700 repair bill a drop in the bucket compared to the alternative. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Own up to the responsibility. It seems to me you got a good deal, a thorough inspection for $12.75. — Todd Alligood Salisbury

The writer manages Jerry’s Shell Service in Salisbury.

Proposed education cuts The education cuts are a nightmare. I wonder if anyone has thought about this? To get a


... Meth cleanup falls on local agencies From americanpatriot: These people running the labs should have to pay for that. Include it into their fines. From johnqpublic: The cost of cleaning up these meth labs should fall on the criminals themselves. Seize the property, (just like their vehicles are seized for delivering drugs), and sell it off to the highest bidder. That will offset the cost of cleanup and put the cost where it belongs.

... Parent involvement reduces dropout rates From birdman: If more parents would just act like “parents” instead of turning their backs on their children, this would be a better world to live in. But I don’t see that happening any time in the near future. From free spirit: Does this surprise anyone? And it does not cost the taxpayers anything. This is a good common sense approach. From rj: I taught in the public school systems after I retired from the USAF, and I was in more combat in the schools than in the military.

.... Purdue threatens veto over education funds From captain america: (Governor Perdue), where was your concern for the schools when you diverted funds from the Education Lottery to go to other pet projects of yours? From tiredoftaxes: For 100+ years the Dems controlled N.C. and look what it go us. They took the education money, they took money from road funds to consistantly balance their overspending budgets and now, when someone with some fiscal sense is trying to balance 100+ years of tax and spend, the (governor) threatens a veto ...

Online poll results

Letters should be limited to 300 words and include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Limit one letter each 14 days. Write Letters to the Editor, Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145-4639. E-mail: letters@salisburypost.com.

decent job in today’s market, you need a college education. With budget cuts to education, loss of teachers and teacher’s assistant positions, how are we going to keep children from falling behind. The assistants spend more oneon-one time with your child during the day than you realize. Limited funding for these positions and job cuts are only making the children suffer. I’m all for saving a dollar here or there, but when budget cuts affect my children and their future, we need to stand up and assure these changes don’t occur! — Vickie Adams Gold Hill

Thanks for support after fire Dear community residents: It is with hearts filled with gratitude and appreciation that we take this moment in time to thank you for your outpouring of love and generosity to us and our family in our time of need, after a fire destroyed our home. Words are inadequate to express the depths to which your actions touched our lives. We are fortunate and proud to live among such noble and gracious people. All of you are ambassadors of hope and love for your fellow man. Our special thanks are extended to Dr. Nilous Avery and the members of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, the employees of the W.G. “Bill” Hefner VA Medical Center, the employees and administration of Food Lion, Inc., and the neighbors and friends of the Forest Meadow Lane community. — Terry and Veronica Thomas and family Salisbury

Rowan County commissioners are seeking a local-option referendum on whether citizens want to retain an additional one-cent sales tax set to expire next month. How would you vote on the onecent option? Undecided: 2.76%

Approve: 58.07%

Reject: 39.17% *1,152 total responses as of 8 p.m., May 25. The Salisbury Post’s polls are not based on scientifically valid survey methodology. They are merely a way to allow readers to express opinions on current events.

Next question Under the N.C. Senate’s budget proposal, state funding for city school systems would be eliminated by the 2012-13 term. What do you think of this proposal? • In favor • Opposed • Undecided To respond, go to www.salisburypost.com and click on any local story; scroll down to find the poll on the right of your screen.



SALISBURY — Missy Barnes and Ashley Hyers will lead a free seminar to introduce people to the Alexander Technique for reducing physical tension and stress on Saturday at the Center for the Environment at Catawba College. Barnes is an associated professor of theatre arts at Catawba College and Hyers is director of the dance program at Greensboro College. Both are certified teachers of the Alexander Technique. The Alexander Technique was developed by F.M Alexander and aims to re-educate the body into moving more easily, a press release said. Participants will be offered both an explanation as well as a brief hands-on experience of the technique. “The Alexander Technique is a simple and practical method by which people learn how to reduce unnecessary tension while going about

their normal activities. Sitting, standing, using a computer, participating in athletics and performing all become easier when a person is free from the interference of excess physical tension,” the press release said. “Alexander Technique teachers observe people engaged in their normal activities and use a combination of verbal instructions and light guiding touch to help them regain freedom of motion. “People generally seek the benefits of the technique in response to general tension and stress challenges (tight neck and shoulders, nervousness in social situations) or specific pain issues (back problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee problems). The technique is also studied by performers (musicians, actors, dancers) and athletes to enhance performance skills.” This presentation will be 9:30-11 a.m.

Food Lion Speed Street begins today in Charlotte CHARLOTTE — The 17th annual Food Lion Speed Street begins today, providing a multitude of activities such as the Food Lion Kids’ Zone presented by General Mills, Your Carolina Chevy Dealers display and much more. Admission to Food Lion Speed Street is free. The festival opens each day at noon. For a schedule of events, visit www.600festival.com or www.facebook.com/FoodLionSpeedStreet. Over the course of several years, Food Lion Speed Street also has donated more than $425,000 to nonprofit organizations. The three-day event has raised $50,000 for The Foundation, NASCAR $375,000 to Speedway Children’s Charities and will make its annual donation of $50,000 to Speedway Children’s Charities this year. Fan activities: • Food Lion Speed Street Parade: During opening ceremonies starting at noon, Food Lion Speed Street will offer attendees a parade featuring event grand marshal and NASCAR Hall of Fame inductee Bobby Allison, the West Charlotte High School Marching Band, the star of Disney Pixar’s “Cars 2” — Lightning McQueen, a supersized Food Lion grocery cart, and General Mills characters. The parade will begin at the Food Lion Kids’ Zone. • Presented by State Farm, the “Agents on a Mission” tour hits the road with Disney Pixar’s “Cars 2” stars. Visitors can check out the cars and take part in a variety of “Cars

2”-themed activities. • Texas on Tour provides a virtual trip to The Lone Star State. Guests also have a chance to win a free Texas vacation. • Gnarly Head Rippin’ Ribs BBQ Competition is kickstarting a cross-country mission to find the nation’s best rib recipe, with a live championship cook-off at American Royal Barbecue Competition in Kansas City on Oct. 1. Charlotte participants will compete on Saturday for a grand prize of $5,000 and a spot on the official Gnarly BBQ Team at the 2012 Memphis in May World Championship of BBQ. • At the General Mills stage in the Food Lion Kids’ Zone , General Mills will present Big Bang Boom, a trio that performs parent-friendly children’s music over the threeday event. • Frito Lay — The “Lay’s Mobile Farm” is a traveling greenhouse featuring potato, tomato, pepper, onion and basil plants. Visitors will have an opportunity to learn how a real farm works. • Lunchables Mobile Tour: Tasty treats, an inflatable obstacle course, interactive electronic games, a photo activation booth. • Food Lion Speed Street will continue its recycling efforts with HMS , which is providing recycling bins. • On Friday between 3-4 p.m., Food Lion will host a special presentation from Drive to End Hunger—AARP and AARP Foundation’s national effort to end hunger for older Americans.

Erwin basketball team to host Flapjack Fundraiser on Saturday The Erwin Middle School basketball team will be hosting a Flapjack Fundraiser next Saturday, June 4, from 7:30-10 a.m. at Applebee’s, 205 Faith Road. Proceeds will help send the team to a summer training camp. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased at the door or by calling Susette Small at 704-279-1421. Breakfast includes pan-

cakes, sausage, milk, juice and coffee. The Apple Gold Group, franchisee of Applebee’s restaurants partners with any local nonprofit organization to raise money. Breakfasts can be held on Saturday or Sunday morning, and cost the organization around $2 a meal. To request a Flapjack Fundraiser, visit www. AGGrestaurants. com.

Community Action Agency event Friday SALISBURY — The Salisbury Rowan Community Action Agency will host an event from noon to 4 p.m. Friday at 1300 W. Bank St. The event is free and open to the public. There will be food, music and other entertainment, a bounce house. Representatives of multiple community programs within the agency such as Head Start, weatherization, Workforce Invest-

ment Act and the Community Service Block Grant will be on hand. May is National Community Action Month and Salisbury Mayor Susan Kluttz recently made a proclamation including Salisbury in that observance, citing the contributions to families and individuals the organization has made by providing cost-effective programs and fighting poverty.

Democrats meeting tonight at 7 The Rowan County Democratic Party will hold its monthly meeting tonight at 7 at the J . Newton Cohen Sr. Rowan County Administra-

tion Building, 130 W. Innes St. in Salisbury. Members will be voting and discussing the upcoming 2012 election.

David Leo DiDomenico

Lewis McDaniel Whitley

Geraldine H. Sloan

SALISBURY — Mr. David SALISBURY — Mrs. Leo DiDomenico, 86, of Salis- Geraldine Dianne Hawkins bury, passed away Tuesday, Sloan, age 82, of Hollins May 24, 2011, at Rowan Re- Drive, entered eternal life gional Medical Sunday, May Center. 22, 2011, at her He was residence. born May 3, She was 1925, in Paterborn March son, N.J., to 17, 1929, to the the late Giolate James and vanni Paolo Pauline Echols DiDomenico Hawkins and and Marietta was the stepdaughter of LauRusso ra Hawkins. Mrs. Sloan atDiDomenico. tended Rowan County public Mr. schools. She was a CNA. DiDomenico A faithful and dedicated served in the U.S Army dur- member of Mt. Calvary Holy ing World War II. Church, she served as a MisHe worked for Palisades sionary, Sunday School SuInter-State Parkway Police in perintendent, Usher and New York and New Jersey Mother of the Church. from 1953 until his retirement Her husband, Floyd Sloan, in 1982. Sr., preceded her in death. He was a member of Sa- Those surviving who shall cred Heart Catholic Church. forever cherish her memory David loved the fellowship are sons Floyd Sloan, Jr., (Hewith his neighbors and never len), Pittsburgh, Pa., Darrell met a stranger. Sloan, Salisbury, and Willie Mr. DiDomenico was mar- Tabor, Atlanta, Ga.; daughters ried Jan. 14, 1956, and was Pauline Joann Huntley preceded in death by his wife (Lester) and Mary Tabor, of 54 years, Elinor Vera “Peg- both of Salisbury; brother gy” DiDomenico, on Jan. 29, Charles Hawkins (Sarah), Sal2010. isbury; sister Ruby VaughHe is survived by many ters, Lexington; god child nieces, nephews, great-nieces Sherry Wilson, Salisbury; sisand great-nephews. ters-in-law Evangelist Lucille Visitation: The family will Wilson, Salisbury, Martha Detroit, Mich., receive friends from 6-7:30 Hawkins, p.m. Thursday (May 26) at Doretha Sloan, Salisbury, and Ann Sloan, Lexington; 12 Summersett Funeral Home. Service: A Mass of Chris- grandchildren; 15 greatNell Peeler Kirk tian Burial will be held at 11 grandchildren; and a host of CONCORD — Nell Peeler Kirk, age 88, died Tuesday, May a.m. Friday (May 27) at Sa- nieces, nephews, cousins and 24, 2011, at Bob & Carolyn Tucker Hospice House, Kannapolis. cred Heart Catholic Church, friends. She was born July 27, 1922, in Stanly County, the daughter conducted by Father BenVisitation: Friday from 6-8 of the late Barney Ransom Peeler and Daisy Mondena Miller jamin Roberts. Burial will be p.m. at Mt. Calvary Holy Peeler. She was the last survivor of her six other brothers and at a later date at Holy Sepul- Church. sisters. Service: Funeral is Saturchre Roman Catholic CemeIn her earlier years, Nell was employed as a dental assis- tery in Totowa, N.J. day at 1 p.m. at Sills Creek tant for the dental practice of the late Dr. George Alexander Memorials: May be made AME Zion Church with Bishwho practiced in Kannapolis. She was also a faithful member to Sacred Heart Catholic op Harvey Rice, pastor, Mt. of Trinity United Methodist Church, Kannapolis, for many Church, 375 Lumen Christi Calvary Holy Church, as Euyears until her health failed. logist assisted by Rev. Jordan Lane, Salisbury, NC 28144. Known by many as a great golfer, she and her late husband Summersett Funeral Boyd, Pastor, Sills Creek enjoyed playing golf at the former Kannapolis Country Club Home is serving the AME Zion Church. Bishop and the Cabarrus Country Club. She competed in many tourna- DiDomenico family. Online Elvin Mickens and Pastor ments and won various awards over the years. Nell enjoyed condolences may be made at Harvey Rice, Jr., are offiaccompanying her husband on their annual trips to the Mas- www.summersettfuneralciants. Burial will be in the ters Golf Tournament in Augusta and played on many other home.com. church cemetery. The body golf courses throughout the United States. will be viewable at the funeral Being very crafty, she was an excellent needle pointer and James Daniel Pulliam home until taken to the decoupage artist. Reading and playing bridge were also faSALISBURY — James church. vorite pastimes for Nell. Services are entrusted to Daniel Pulliam, 66, of SalisIn addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her bury, passed away Tuesday, Hairston Funeral Home, Inc. husband of 66 years, Jim Mack Kirk, who died Aug. 10, 2009. May 24, 2011, at Gordon HosSurvivors include a number of nieces and nephews includpice House in ing Doris Peeler Redding of Concord, Brenda Peeler Palmatier Statesville. of Laurel, Md., Michael Peeler of Raleigh, Carolyn Sasser of Born Aug. Birmingham, Ala., Joe Russell of Richfield, Kimberly Kirk 1, 1944, in St. Helms of Indian Trail, Gene Starnes and Pat Starnes Bramlett Louis, Mo., he of Albemarle, Judy Starnes Brasington of Charleston, S.C., and was the son of Highlands and Lane Peeler of Lexington, S.C. the late Frieda Service and Visitation: The funeral service will be held at 2 Grebe Pulliam p.m. Friday, May 27 at Whitley's Funeral Home Main Chapel, and Milford G. Kannapolis, officiated by Rev. Judy White and Dr. Harold Pulliam. Bales. Entombment will follow at Carolina Memorial Park, Mr. Pulliam was employed Kannapolis. The family will receive friends from 1 to 2 p.m. by Real Reel Corporation unFriday at the funeral home prior to the service. The family would like to express heartfelt appreciation to til he became disabled. He loved gospel music, Dr. Robert Surratt, who cared deeply for Nell as her physician, friend and golf buddy; and to the entire staff of Morningside Braves baseball and especialDavid DiDomenico Living Center who cared so compassionately for Nell. Also, the ly enjoyed his grandchildren. 11:00 AM Friday Preceding him in death family sincerely thanks Hospice & Palliative Care of Cabarrus Sacred Heart Catholic Ch. was a son, Stacy Pulliam, who County for its devoted attention to Nell. Visitation Memorials: May be made to Hospice & Palliative Care of died in 1974. 6:00-7:30 PM Thursday Survivors include his comCabarrus County, 5003 Hospice Lane, Kannapolis, NC 28081; Summersett Funeral Home panion, Patsy Bennett; sons OR Alzheimer's Association, Western Carolina Chapter, 3800 Shamrock Drive, Charlotte, NC 28215; OR Trinity United Scott Pulliam (Angie) of Missouri, Mark Pulliam (Lisa) of Methodist Church, 416 E. First St., Kannapolis, NC 28083. Online condolences may be left at www.whitleysfuneral- Illinois, Keith Pulliam of Salisbury; daughters Crystal home.com. Botts (Tim) and Jamie PulWylie Joe Wells, Sr. liam, all of Salisbury; sister Basilia Luna SALIBURY — Wylie Joe SALISBURY — Basilia Shirley Godair Rogers (WalWells, Sr., 69, of Grady Street, Luna, age 61, of Old Corriher ter), also of Salisbury; and 15 departed this life on Tuesday, Road, passed Tuesday, May grandchildren. Service and Visitation: A May 24, 2011, at Forsyth Med- 24, 2011, at Rowan Regional ical Center in Medical Cen- Memorial Service is at 4 p.m. Saturday, May 28, at CornerWinstonter. Salem. Born June stone Church, 315 Webb He was 14, 1949, in Road, Salisbury, NC. The Rev. born to the Bill Godair will officiate. The Tamaulipas, late J.B. and Mexico, she family will receive friends afFaye Griffin was a daugh- ter the service. At other Wells in ter of the late times, the family will be at the Cornelius, Ga., residence. Augustina on June 21, 1941. He was a Garza and Juan Luna-Davila. Memorials: In lieu of flowmember of Cornerstone She was educated in Mexico. ers, donations may be made to Church and was a retired She was a housewife and a Lyerly Funeral Home, P.O. welder. member of Sacred Heart Box 279, Salisbury, NC 28145, He was loved by his family Catholic Church in Salisbury. to help with funeral expenses. 523 S. Main Street, Ste. 2 and leaves cherished memoCremation Concepts of SalShe is survived by sons Salisbury, NC 28144 ries to his wife, Virginia Palemon “Paulie” (Susan) isbury is serving the Pulliam www.cremationconcepts.org Vaughters Wells of the home; Estrada of Woodleaf, Eduardo family. sons Michael (Lisa) Wells of Estrada and Ruperto Estrada Salisbury, Barry Vaughters of of China Grove; daughters Winston-Salem, Mario Boston Maria Estrada and Blanca of Lexington; daughters Estrada of Woodleaf; brothers Drana Wells, Salisbury, Katri- Martin Davila of Texas, Clauna Garrett, Alpharetta, Ga., dio Luna of Florida and Leave a message in the online Obituary Guest Book. Veronica Wells of Spencer; Guadalupe Davila of China Just go to www.salisburypost.com, click on obituaries brothers Sylvester (Eleanor) Grove; and five grandchiland follow the prompts. Wells, Brunswick, Ga., Ray- dren. mond (Judy) Wells of NebrasVisitation: Home Viewing ka; 22 grandchildren; six is Friday at 665 Old Corriher great-grandchildren; and host Road for family and friends. of other relatives. Funeral: 10:30 a.m. SaturService and Visitation: Fu- day at Sacred Heart Catholic neral services will be Friday, Church. May 27, 1:30 p.m. at CornerMinister: Rev. Benjamin stone Church on Webb Road. Roberts will officiate. Burial will follow in Oakwood Noble and Kelsey Funeral Cemetery. The family will re- Home, Inc. is serving the ceive friends 30 minutes prior family. Online condolences to service; and at other times, may be made at www.nobleat 205 N. Yadkin Ave., andkelsey.com Spencer. Rowan Funeral Services, Inc will be assisting the Wells family. KANNAPOLIS — Lewis McDaniel Whitley, age 85, died Wednesday, May 25, 2011, at Carolinas Medical Center-NorthEast, Concord, after five years of declining health. He was born June 19, 1925, in Rowan County, the son of the late Carl Quit Whitley and Alma McDaniel Whitley. He attended J.W. Cannon High School. Lewis was an overseer in the roller shop of the former Cannon Mills Company, Plant 2 and later Plant 1 for a total of 47 years until his retirement. He was a member of Jackson Park Pentecostal Holiness Church, Kannapolis. Lewis was a veteran of the U.S. Navy, having served during World War II from 1943 to 1946. He served on the U.S.S. Shannon and the U.S.S. Holder during his time spent in the military. He received the Purple Heart for injuries sustained in an attack on the U.S.S. Shannon. He was commander of the Beaver-Pittman American Legion Post 115, where he had served in that capacity several times. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Lula Bell Ledbetter. Survivors include his wife of 62 years, Helen Crook Whitley; three daughters, Vickie Poteat and husband Keith of Trinity, Jill Tucker and husband Louis of Midland and Pamela Cochran and husband Charles of Belmont; two sisters, Gladys Daniel and husband Mauldin of Kannapolis and Molly Hamby of Kannapolis; five grandchildren, Melissa Saul and husband Robert of Salisbury, Jennifer Waldecker and husband Kenneth of High Point, Clint Pittman of Lexington, Crystal Tucker of Midland, Brandy Caudle and husband Robert of Tega Cay, S.C.; two great-grandsons, Luke and Matthew Saul of Salisbury; and eight nieces and nephews. Service and Visitation: The funeral service will be 11 a.m. Friday, May 27 at Whitley's Funeral Home Main Chapel, Kannapolis, officiated by Rev. Jimmy Barnhill. Burial will follow at Carolina Memorial Park, Kannapolis. The family will receive friends from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Friday prior to the service at the funeral home. Memorials: May be made to Jackson Park Pentecostal Church, 1008 Moose Road, Kannapolis, NC 28083. Online condolences may be left at www.whitleysfuneralhome.com.



Free seminar Saturday on the Alexander Technique to reduce tension, stress

THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011 • 5A

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John edwards has been under investigation over campaign finances and money that allegedly went to keep his mistress in hiding. An indictment could come within days unless the 2004 Democratic vice presidential

cian did not violate campaign finance laws. The investigation has centered largely on allegations leveled by former Edwards campaign aide Andrew Young, who as the scandal began to unfold in 2007, publicly

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WASHINGTON (AP) — A general installed just last month as the Army’s top officer is President Barack Obama’s surprise choice to become the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, two people familiar with the selection process said. Gen. Martin Dempsey, an accomplished veteran of the Iraq war, would succeed Navy Adm. Mike Mullen as the president’s top military adviser when Mullen’s term as chairman ends Sept. 30. The decision is scheduled to be made public on Tuesday.

Suspect in shooting incompetent for trial TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — The man accused of wounding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killing six in a shooting rampage in Arizona is mentally incompetent to stand trial, a judge ruled after two deputy U.S. marshals dragged the man out of the courtroom because of an angry outburst. As survivors of the deadly January attack looked on, Jared Lee Loughner lowered his head, raised it and said what sounded like “Thank you for the freak show. She died in front of me.” His words were loud but indistinct, and it wasn’t clear who he was talking about. Two mental health professionals already had concluded Loughner suffers from schizophrenia and is mentally unfit for trial.

Elizabeth Smart kidnapper gets life sentence SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Nearly nine years after she was abducted at knifepoint from her bed, Elizabeth Smart watched Wednesday as a federal judge ordered a street preacher to spend the rest of his life in prison for kidnapping and raping her while holding her captive for months. The sentencing of Brian David Mitchell closed a major legal chapter in the heartbreaking ordeal that stalled for years after Mitchell was declared mentally ill and unfit to stand trial in state court. “I know that you know what you did is wrong,” Smart said to Mitchell, who sang quietly in the courtroom. “You took away nine months of my life that can never be returned.” Smart was 14 when she was snatched from the bedroom of her family home in Salt Lake City. Wednesday was the first time she faced her kidnapper in court; he was removed from the trial for singing hymns when she testified.

Obama, Cameron united against Gadhafi LONDON (AP) — Firmly united against Moammar Gadhafi, President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron promised a relentless and punishing pummeling of his forces in Libya on Wednesday but also pleaded for patience for an effort with no clear end in sight. Obama ruled out a deadline for ending NATO’s military assault, saying only that it would be over “in a timely fashion.” “Gadhafi and his regime need to understand that there will not be a let-up in the pressure that we are applying,” the U.S. president said, even as Libyan rebels clashed with mercenaries fighting for Gadhafi and less than a day after NATO intensified its bombardment of the Libyan capital. Britain’s leader, hosting a news conference with Obama, said the two agreed on “turning up the heat in Libya.” For Obama and Cameron, the bullish language on Gadhafi came as the international community has stepped up both the air campaign and diplomatic efforts against him in a bid to break a virtual stalemate between the rebels in the east of Libya and Gadhafi, who maintains most of the west.

CNBC ‘Squawk on Street’ anchor Haines dies NEW YORK (AP) — Mark Haines, co-anchor of CNBC’s morning “Squawk on the Street” show and one of the business news network’s most recognized faces, died unexpectedly on Tuesday evening, the network said. He was 65. The network said he died in his home. It did not specify the cause of death. Haines worked at CNBC for 22 years. He was the founding anchor of the “Squawk Box” morning show. In 2005, he started coanchoring “Squawk In The Morning,” a 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. show, with Erin Burnett, HAINES while “Squawk Box” was pushed to an earlier slot. Burnett recently left CNBC to host a general news show on CNN. “He was a very dear friend, and a ferocious and fearless questioner,” Burnett told CNBC on Wednesday. CNBC President Mark Hoffman said Haines was “always the unflappable pro.”

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Friends spent Wednesday searching the mobile home where Laron short died tuesday in chickasha, okla., when she went outside and another trailer crashed on top of her.

More powerful storms pound Midwest states ST. LOUIS (AP) — Powerful storms roared through middle America again on Wednesday, with weak tornadoes touching down in isolated spots and severe thunderstorms threatening several states. The National Weather Service issued tornado watches and a series of warnings in a dozen states, stretching northwest from Texas though the Mississippi River valley to Ohio. “Everybody’s working as fast and furious as possible,” said Beverly Poole, the chief meteorologist at the National Weather Service’s office in Paducah, Ky., which covers southeastern Missouri and southern Illinois. “This is just a wild ride.” There were no immediate reports of deaths from the latest round of storms. Wednesday’s storms followed a deadly outbreak Tuesday in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas that killed at least 15 people. The nation’s deadliest single tornado since 1950 killed 125 on Sunday in the southwest Missouri city of Joplin. When three tornadoes marched toward Oklahoma City and its suburbs Tuesday, thousands of people in the path benefited from good forecasts, luck and live television to avoid the kind of catastrophe that befell Tuscaloosa, Ala., and Joplin, Mo. Although at least 15 people died in the latest round of violent weather that started Tuesday, schools and offices closed early, giving many families plenty of time to take shelter. And even stragglers were able to get to safety at the last minute because TV forecasters narrated the twisters’ every turn. “We live in Oklahoma and we don’t mess around,” Lori Jenkins of Guthrie said after emerging from a neighbor’s storm shelter to find her carport crumpled and her home damaged. The people of Oklahoma City, which has been struck by more tornadoes than any other U.S. city, knew the storms were coming. Anxiety was perhaps running higher than usual Tuesday after last month’s twister outbreak in the South that killed more than 300 people and a Sunday storm that killed at least 125 in Joplin, Mo. The Oklahoma twisters proved to be weaker than the other tornadoes. But the minute-by-minute accounts of

the developing weather helped thousands of people stay abreast of the danger. Television helicopters broadcast live footage while the system approached the metropolitan area of 1.2 million people — calling out to specific communities like Piedmont to “Take cover now!” In Guthrie, about 30 miles north of the capital city, Ron Brooks was watching when he learned that a tornado was barreling toward him. He heeded the weatherman’s warning, scooped up his two children and took cover. “When they told us to get into the shelter or interior room, we did that,” he said.

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Garner celebrates ‘American Idol’ winner RALEIGH (AP) — Thousands of fans of the newest “American Idol” are shouting with joy in Raleigh. The RBC Center erupted Wednesday night with ear-piercing screams as Garner’s Scotty McCreery was named winner of the television talent contest. Officials say between 10,000 and 12,000 packed into the arena and watched on its jumbo screen as the teen with the deep country voice won the show. He beat Georgia teen Lauren Alaina in the final. McCreery won the battle of the freshfaced country crooners Wednesday, pulling more of a record 122 million-plus viewer votes than his final competitor. “I never in my wildest dreams,” said McMCCREERY Creery, a 17-year-old with a strikingly deep, old-soul voice that contrasts with his youth. “I’ve got to thank the Lord first ... he got me here.” McCreery and Alaina, 16, of Rossville, Ga., represented the first all-country finale and the youngest duo ever to compete on “Idol,” which is in its 10th season.

claimed to be the baby’s father. Young has said that two wealthy Edwards supporters supplied the money and the private jet that Young used to hide Hunter from the news media.


have been reported as campaign contributions since they arguably aided his presidential bid. Edwards attorney Gregory Craig said in a statement that prosecutors have never found that campaign funds were misused and said the government’s theory in the case is without precedent and “wrong on the facts and wrong on the law.” “John Edwards has done wrong in his life — and he knows it better than anyone — but he did not break the law,” said Craig, who is former White House counsel for President Barack Obama. Asked whether a potential deal was off, Edwards’ attorneys declined to elaborate beyond the statement. Edwards’ attorneys have long said they are confident the 57-year-old former politi-


RALEIGH (AP) — The Justice Department plans to bring criminal charges against John Edwards after a two-year investigation into whether the former presidential candidate illegally used money from some of his political backers to cover up his extramarital affair, a person familiar with the case said Wednesday.

nominee reaches an agreement with prosecutors to plead guilty to a negotiated charge, said the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the case’s sensitivity. It was not immediately clear what charges prosecutors planned to bring. Federal authorities have been investigating the former North Carolina senator’s campaign finances, focusing heavily on money from wealthy supporters that allegedly went to keep mistress Rielle Hunter and her out-of-wedlock baby in hiding in 2007 and 2008 to protect Edwards’ White House campaign from a career-ending scandal. Prosecutors, in an investigation overseen by top Justice Department officials in Washington, have been looking at whether those funds should


Source: Edwards to face charges


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THURSDAY May 26, 2011



All about heritage BY SARAH CAMPBELL scampbell@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — Students at Salisbury Academy learned about birds and bees and snacked on Apple Ugly pastries during the school’s second annual Heritage Fair last week. They spent the morning rotating through eight hands-on stations to learn about shag dancing, agriculture, raptors, bluegrass music, rocks and gems, pottery, bees and the environment. teacher Second-grade Mary Lou Williams organized the event as a way to expose students in kindergarten through eighth grades to North Carolina history. “The children learn a lot about global issues and the history of the country, but there is not a part of our curriculum that focuses on just North Carolina,” she said. “By doing this, we’re hoping to meet the same standards that public schools have.” Williams said students spent time in their classrooms studying the state’s history before watching it come to life. “I love this, this is what Salisbury Academy is all about, experimental learning,” Head of School Diane Fisher said. “We try to take children out in the community when we can, but there are some places we can’t go so we try to bring the community to them. “This is so much better than just reading about it in a book.” Seventh-graders Harrison Smith and Ann Fisher Lindsay said their favorite part of the event was learning about bluegrass from local musicians Carrie and Eric Webster. Carrie Webster also taught the students how to flat foot and clog dance. “This is way better than being in class,” Smith said. “I was looking foward to it.” Lindsay said it was not only interesting to learn the dance moves, but also the specifics of each instrument. Fifth-grader Ivy Overcash

Sarah Campbell/SAliSBury PoST

Brent Smith shows students at Salisbury Academy how to use a potter’s wheel. said learning to shag dance was the highlight of her day. “I’ve never shag danced before so it’s definitely something different that I wouldn’t’ get to try otherwise,” she said. Overcash said Tonya Brinegar-German provided valuable information about raptors, and beekeeper Buddy Kyles gave a detailed presentation about the buzzing insects. “I didn’t really have a lot of prior knowledge about honeybees so I learned how they make honey and how the colonies work,” Overcash said. Williams spent several months lining up the volunteers for the event. “I’ve been so impressed with the generosity of the community for giving their time,” she said.

Third-grade teacher Kim Petty and Mitch Jeter try their hand at shag dancing during Salisbury Academy’s Heritage Fair.

Student Jack Heilig pets a snake held by Ben Fisher. Fisher came from the North Carolina Aquarium Carrie and Eric Webster play bluegrass music.

RCCC helps prepare skilled employees for child care Daycare workers will be the first to say that they’re not babysitters. A partnership among Smart Start Rowan, Partners in Learning and RowanCabarrus Community College, the community college is preparing skilled employees to work with children in the critical developmental ages of birth to 5 years. On May 14, Laura Medford and her daughter, Heather, graduated from Rowan-Cabarrus Community College with associate’s degrees in early childhood education. Both completed internships at Partners in Learning. Laura now L. MEDFORD works part-time there in the afterschool program. Heather hopes to continue her education in nursing when she moves to Texas next month. Her fiancée, whom she’ll marry June 24, is stationed there, serving in the Air Force. RCCC offers certificaH. MEDFORD tion, a diploma or a degree in its early childhood education program. “So we have stepping stones for our folks,” says Sandra Novick, who directs the program.


Congressman keynote speaker for scholarship banquet U.S. Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.) will be the keynote speaker for the North Carolina Legislative Black Caucus Foundation (NCLBCF) Education Scholarship Banquet, the annual signature fundraising event for the organization. The banquet is part of the 25th annual NCLBCF Education Scholarship Event on June 17. The education scholarship event, held at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham, is a full day of activities to address topics that impact the residents of North Carolina and students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities in North Carolina. The event is designed to raise funds for scholarships that are presented to deserving college students attending one of the 10 participating North Carolina Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The day begins with a prayer breakfast at 8 a.m. featuring Rev. Dr. Staccato Powell, Pastor of Grace AME Zion Church in Raleigh. An “Issues Briefing” to discuss issues of state and national interest will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. The day wraps up with the education scholarship banquet at 7 p.m. with Clyburn’s keynote address. Barack Obama has said he is, “One of a handful of people who, when they speak, the entire Congress listens.” The theme for this year’s event is “Continuing the Investment in Promising Futures: ScholarshipEducation-Success.” The staggering statistics surrounding the availability of student scholarships and financial aid continue to motivate the Foundation to carry on its effort to provide financial support to qualified students - creating financial opportunities for students to stay in school and graduate. As a result of the support garnered for the Education scholarship event, the Foundation provides need-based scholarships to the State’s 10 Historically Black Colleges and Universities and provides opportunities for education, information and empowerment of the community though briefings and forums. Last year, through the Education Scholarship Event, the Foundation contributed $110,000 to the 10 participating HBCUs in North Carolina. For more information about the NCLBCF education scholarship weekend or to purchase tickets, visit www.NCLBCF.org. Students interested in applying for the NCLBCF scholarships should contact the Financial Aid Office on their college/university campus. Applications for the scholarship must be completed by June 30.

Two earn local students earn Merit Scholarships

Contact reporter Sarah Campbell at 704-797-7683.

Smart Start Rowan


She explains that any employee who cares for children in a licensed facility must have early childhood credentials. “We get a lot of folks coming in for that course and that course only,” she says. “We want to whet their appetite for further learning.” When Novick was raising her four children, she took a workshop when she got a part-time job at a nursery school. “I was in awe in that first workshop,” she says, because even though she was a mom, she still learned a lot about small children. Novick notes that some 300 students are served each semester, and that 54 students received their degrees at the recent graduation. Laura and Heather were two of those students. Laura worked for Hanes for 28 years before the facility closed. She had the chance to go back to school, and enrolled at RCCC. “The teachers were amazing,” she says. Through her internship with Partners in Learning, she found she most loved working with older children and she loved crafts, too. The afterschool program turned out to be a perfect fit for her. “It’s like a family here,” she says. “You can just feel the good environment when you walk in. Everyone is so friendly.” Heather began babysitting in high school and found she loved it. She became a certified nursing assistant and wants to further her education to work with special needs children.

“The teachers at RCCC are wonderful,” she says. “They’re so supportive. They’re your mentors and friends. You could go to them about anything.” Novick calls both women “excellent, excellent students, with an exceptional quality of work. We are proud that they graduated at the same time.” She adds, “You cannot go into this field for the money. The first five years molds a child for life. Children need to know their ABCs, but we need to do it in a way that’s developmentally appropriate.” Partners in Learning is one of several centers that provides internships for students. Smart Start Rowan has information about the community college’s early childhood education programs. Personnel serve on one another’s boards, and Smart Start Rowan has hosted workshops and classes for students to take. “We have been together a long time,” Novick says. “It’s very important that we understand what is going on in the community and what the community needs.” Norma Honeycutt, director of Partners in Learning, agrees. “Book knowledge is extremely important, but without internship experience, it’s hard to see how what you learn in the book can be put into action,” she says. “We have high standards. We are a 5-star and nationally accredited facility, and students see our teachers model that behavior. “We have worked with RCCC for years, and we have hired quite a few RCCC students as a result of their internship experiences here.”

More than 2,900 winners of National Merit Scholarships financed by U.S. colleges and universities were announced recently by National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Officials of each sponsor college selected their scholarship winners from among finalists in the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Program who plan to attend their institution. These awards provide between $500 and $2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study at the institution financing the scholarship. Students selected from the area include Elizabeth A. Heyne of Mocksville, who is home-schooled and plans to study biochemical/biomedical engineering at the University of Alabama. William T. Merrick IV of Salisbury would like to study film directing. Also home-schooled, he will attend University of Southern California. Another group of Scholars will be announced in July, bringing the total number of college-sponsored Merit Scholarship recipients in the 2011 competition to approximately 4,800. This year, 198 higher education institutions are underwriting Merit Scholarship awards through the National Merit Scholarship Program. Sponsor colleges and universities include 118 private and 80 public institutions located in 45 states. College-sponsored Merit Scholarship winners are a part of the group of about 8,300 high school seniors of 2011 who will receive National Merit Scholarships for college undergraduate study worth nearly $35 million.

Davie County teachers awarded fellowships • Diane Ireland has been selected by the Kenan Fellows Program for Curriculum and Leadership Development at North Carolina State University as a Class of 2012 Kenan Fellow. Beginning in June 2011, she will engage in a fellowship supported by the Mebane Foundation to develop innovative curricula for use in North Carolina classrooms. She will work with mentors Dave Hauser and Kathleen Patterson of the North Carolina Center for Global Logistics. Her project is entitled Logistics: More than Trucks and Trains. As a Kenan Fellow, Ireland will train to be a master teacher, work closely with her mentors in developing her project, participate in research to develop inquiry-guided instruction to be used in the classroom, develop and distribute her lessons statewide, talk with state leaders at events that promote the teaching profession and present findings at state and national conferences. Ireland is a second-grade teacher at William R. Davie Elementary School in Mocksville. She has a Master of Educational Media degree from Ap-



EMS graduate Cleveland resident Michael Eckmann was among eight students at Catawba Valley Community College who completed an associate degree in emergency medical science. The graduating class was honored reECKMANN cently at a pinning ceremony recognizing their accomplishments.

Local students earn degrees from Gardner-Webb Gardner-Webb University recently held its 2011 spring commencement exercises where a total of 436 students graduated. Graduates from the local region included the following: — Gary Butler of Cleveland, BSN degree in Nursing — Felix Bautista of Woodleaf, BS degree in Business Administration — Kevin Hudson of Lexington, MA degree in School Administration — Jonathan Brown of Lexington, MA degree in School Administration — Kathleen McSwain of Albemarle, AS degree in Nursing — Holly Crawford of China Grove, BSN degree in Nursing — Holly Hamm of Mooresville, graduated Cum Laude, BS degree in Business Administration — Meghan Lowrance of Mooresville, AS degree in Nursing — Melissa Travis of Mooresville, BS degree in Criminal Justice — Justin West of Mooresville, BS degree in Business Administration — Todd Whalen of Mooresville, MA degree in School Administration — Heather Heilig of Rockwell, BSN degree in Nursing — Ashley Cauble of Salisbury, BSN degree in Nursing — Theodore Bowen of Salisbury, EDD degree in Educational Leadership — Joshua Cogan of Salisbury, BM degree in Music Composition — Trina McNabb of Salisbury, BSN degree in Nursing — Megan Walton of Salisbury, BSN degree in Nursing — Tammy Efird of Salisbury, BSN degree in Nursing — Hyatt Grissom of Salisbury, BA degree in Religious Studies Located in Boiling Springs, Gardner-Webb University is home to over 4,300 students from 37 states and 21 foreign countries.

Best Buy @ 15 Scholarship for $1,000. Scholarship recipients are selected based on academic achievement, community involvement and/or work experience and must be entering an accredited university, college or technical school in the fall. The son of Frank and Elizabeth Gentry of Salisbury, Seth plans to attend Appalachian State University for the 2011-2012 academic year.

Heidt awarded N.C. Guard scholarship Kathryn S. Heidt of Salisbury has been awarded the Walter R. Freeze Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 by the North Carolina National Guard Association Educational Foundation. Heidt has excelled academically, participated in various community and school activities and will attend Catawba College.

RCCC foundation director named to council SALISBURY — Celeste Gruner foundation director at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, has been named to the 2011 Leadership Council for the Council for Resource Development (CRD). She will serve a two-year term as director of programming. CRD represents more than 1,600 community college resource development officers at more than 730 two-year colleges, and is an affiliate council of the American Association of Community Colleges. Members include the grant development and management officers, college foundation executive directors, alumni officers, major and planned gifts officers, and

faculty, staff and presidents who engage in activities to raise resources to support the mission of the nation’s community colleges. Gruner will lead the organization’s member volunteers in identifying, developing and implementing professional development workshops and conferences. Increased focus will be directed to alternative delivery models through distance learning platforms, webinars, and social media outlets. Rowan-Cabarrus, At Gruner manages more than 100 volunteers at any given event in efforts to raise awareness and resources for the institution. “I have witnessed firsthand the strength that committees develop through involvement and the personal development that comes from individuals when they feel connected to bringing effective change/management to an already effective organization,” Gruner said. CRD supports professionals and develops leaders engaged in community college resource development through education, advocacy and mentoring. “As community colleges strive to fulfill our society’s goals to enrich our communities through workforce training and college degree attainment, we are thrilled that Celeste will help guide CRD’s strategic vision to provide the gold standard in professional development and advocacy for our members,” Polly Binns executive director for the Council for Resource Development, said. “We will engage her expertise in the field and passion for the mission to lead our planning and development as the premier professional development association for community college

development officers.”

Isenberg Great Gators The following students were recently recognized as May Great Gators: Kindergarten: Amber Bostian, Lethia Connor, Mano Espinol Molina, Jasmine Ramsey, Natavia Reid, Eduardo Reyes, Jahneva Rogers, Jefferson Sanchez, Nyasia Shields and Amani Sonpon. First grade: Cody Barber, Marian Calona-Flores, Eszavion Franklin, Paris Gladden, Shemiel Imes, Malachia McBride, Maynor Oliva and Justice Steele. Second grade: Isaiah Clay and Ke’Ara McCoy. Third grade: Larry Dixon Gobble, Mahogany Koontz, Jimmy Nguyen, Serenity Patterson and Marquail Roebuck. Fourth grade: Kia Pharr and Chania Tabor. Fifth grade: Mykal Berger, Cristyan Berrios, Sarah Copeland, Jamarcus Cottrell, Long Le, Mathew Pacheco and Dwon Smith.

Hurley Good Citizens The Good Citizens for April for Hurley Elementary School are as follows: Kindergarten: Allen DiazPineda, Sarah Durham, Margaret Laity, Quentin Lofton, Brayzen Udasco. First grade: Robert Blamberg, Kevin Nguyen, Gaby

Maher to attend West Point Summer Seminar Dylan Maher, a junior at Gray Stone Day School in Misenheimer, has been selected to be among 1,000 attendees at West Point’s Summer Leaders Seminar in June. Students live in the cadet barracks, eat in the cadet mess and participate in academic, leadMAHER ership, athletic and military workshops during the one-week seminar. Attendees also participate in virtual-reality war simulations, military and physical fitness training and select three

out of 15 workshops to attend.

Mars Hill dean’s list The following Mars Hill College students from the area were named on the honor roll of the academic dean at the end of the spring semester. To qualify for the dean’s list, students must earn a grade-point average of 3.5 on a minimum of 12 semester hours, and carry no grade below a C. Kannapolis: Andrew Michael Hebert. Mooresville: Danielle Elizabeth Franco. Rockwell: Taylor Denise Miller.

Area students receive degrees at Elon commencement Elon University held its 121st Commencement exercises Saturday, May 21, with 1,128 undergraduates receiving their degrees. Included in our area are: — Courtney Hill Strickland of Lexington, Bachelor of Arts in History — Ashley Nicole Ward of Lexington, graduated magna cum laude, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology — Peter James Bock of




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Seth Gentry, a graduating senior at Salisbury High School, has been awarded a

Ortiz-Banegas, Riley Peltz, Jaumon Phillips. Second grade: Micah Cross, Katie Knorr, Kaleigh Lowe, Paul Phillips, Alijah Wilkes. Third grade: Megyan Anglin, Ariel Coughenour, Rafael Farfan-Perez, Anzley Galyan, Janesha Mashore. Fourth grade: Aric Herring, Kaitlyn Honeycutt, Carley Roysdon, T.J. Smith. Fifth grade: Zach Chichester, Christian Ellenburg, Carlos Rosas, Mary Wood.


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2B • THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011


THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011 • 3B


Salisbury Academy second grade students open Rainforest Cafe On May 13, under the canopy of a huge handmade tree, the second grade class at Salisbury Academy opened their own restaurant, The Rainforest Cafe. Patrons to the cafe included parents, grandparents and school administration. The second-graders designed colorful menus and place cards and helped set the tables for their guests. Guests were escorted to their seats by second grade hosts, and the waiters and waitresses took the guests’ orders Prior to opening the cafe, the students researched facts about the rainforest and composed a PowerPoint presenta-

the rainforest. The lessons taught prior to the event by teachers Mary Lou Williams and Margaret Branning integrated writing, reading, art and science. The second-graders also learned about money by adding the cost of the menu items ordered by their guests and counting change from $10 bills. The Rainforest Cafe was a culmination of three weeks of activities where students researched chosen rainforest SubmiTTed phoTo animals and wrote reports deStephen Timbinaris counts the change for his parents’ order signed with PowerPoint and at Salisbury Academy’s Rainforest Cafe. complete with graphics. The class made colorful tion, which they shared with dents sang a song, performed macaws as an art project, their guests. In addition, stu- a rap and recited facts about read about Jane Goodall and

the chimpanzees, and practiced map skills while learning about the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Rainforest collages decorated the room. Students

used writing skills as they composed acrostic poems about the jungle areas of the world. Books by Lynn Cherry, an environmentalist, were also shared.

Davidson County Community College met 100 percent of the North Carolina Community College System’s annual performance ratings, earning the state’s highest designation of “Exceptional Institutional Performance” for community colleges. The ratings released recently by the N.C. Community College System indicate that DCCC met or exceeded the state’s rigorous educational standards based on data from 2009-2010, and that students and the employers who hire them are extremely pleased with their educational results.

DCCC is one of 12 community colleges in the state that earned the highest rating of “exceptional.” The performance standards document each community college’s performance as part of strict accountability requirements of the North Carolina General Assembly. To qualify for the ranking of exceptional, a college must meet or exceed the following performance measures and standards: • Satisfaction of business and industry whose employees received customized training • Satisfaction of students who completed academic pro-

grams as well as those who did not finish their programs of study • Passing rates on students’ licensure and certification exams • Academic performance of students who transferred to other colleges and universities • Performance in collegelevel courses by developmental course completers • Progress of basic skills students • Curriculum student retention, graduation and transfer rates • Passing rates of students taking developmental courses

“This report proves that Davidson County Community College is a great investment that pays powerful, life-changing dividends to the communities of Davidson and Davie counties,” said Dr. Mary E. Rittling, DCCC president. “It also shows that DCCC continues to serve the community’s needs with the highest standards. Our faculty and staff respond at the highest levels to the changing educational needs of our students and business and industry partners. They are indeed among the most exceptional in the state and nation,” Rittling said.

Haley chosen for conference

those of current and former leaders and return home with new confidence in their ability to exercise positive influence within their communities,” said Marguerite Regan, Ph.D., dean of academic affairs for the Congressional Youth Leadership Council (CYLC), the organization that sponsors JrNYLC. During the six-day program, students take part in educational activities and presentations and explore relevant sites, such as Harpers Ferry National Historical Park in West Virginia and Washington, D.C.’s museums and memorials. In addition to examining notable U.S. leaders and historic figures, students study the impact of leadership throughout critical periods of American history including the Civil War and Reconstruction, World War II, the Great Depression and the Civil Rights Movement. Upon completion of JrNYLC, students will have

gained a greater sense of the role of individuals in American democracy, as well as the responsibilities of being a leader. CYLC is a nonpartisan, educational organization. Members of the U.S. Congress

serve on the CYLC Honorary Congressional Board of Advisors. In addition, more than 40 embassies participate in the Council’s Honorary Board of Embassies. For additional information, visit us at www.cylc.org.

Xavier Haley, son of Tracey Haley of Spencer, a rising sixth-grader North Rowan Elementary School, will take part in a leadership conference in Washington, D.C., Themed Voices of Leadership: Reflecting on the Past to Create the Future, the Junior National Young Leaders Conference (JrNYLC). It introduces young people to the rich tradition of leadership throughout American history, while helping them to develop their own leaderHALEY ship skills. “The aim of the Junior National Young Leaders Conference is to inspire students to recognize their own leadership skills, measure their skills against

SHOUTOUTS FRom 2b Mooresville, graduated magna cum laude, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Studies — Jacqueline Elaine Dufour of Mooresville, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts — Michelle Elizabeth Scovill of Mooresville, Bachelor of Science in Biology — Lauren Elizabeth Smith of Mooresville, Bachelor of Science in Biology The commencement speaker was Vice Adm. William E. Gortney ‘77, director of the Joint Staff at the Pentagon and the public face of the U.S. Navy during the rescue of the Maersk Alabama ship captain taken hostage by Somali pirates two years ago.

UNC-Pembroke honors Below is the list of students at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke who qualified for the chancellor’s and honors lists during the 2011 spring semester.

Chancellor’s honors Students are eligible for the chancellor’s list if they achieve a minimum semester quality point average of 3.7 while passing at least 12 semester hours of course work; none of the 12 hours may be pass/fail. Kannapolis: Devon Alexandra Mauldin, Mark Anthony Sherrill II. Mocksville: Trey Thomas Archer. Rockwell: Benjamin Charles DeCelle.

Honors list Students are eligible for the honors list if they achieve a minimum semester quality

point average of 3.2 while passing at least 12 semester hours of course work; none of the 12 hours may be pass/fail. Kannapolis: Jonathan Daniel Efird, Joshua Aaron Posey, Keara S. Robinson. Lexington: Shane Andrew Irons. Mocksville: Timothy Charles Allen, Joshua Gordon Fields; Kathryn Elizabeth Trotter. Mooresville: Bethany Morgan Belk; Courtney Alexis Herr, Katherine ElizabethWilkie. China Grove: Daniel Cody Khan.

Student honored for SAT scores Matt Washko, a seventhgrade student at Salisbury Academy, has been invited to the 2011 North Carolina Recognition Ceremony honoring students in the 7th Grade Duke Talent Identification Program T a l e n t Search with high SAT scores. Duke TIP identifies exceptional seventhgrade stuWASHKO dents from across the United States who score in the 95th percentile in their grade level achievement tests. These students qualify to take the ACT and SAT with high school students. Washko and other seventhgrade students will be recognized for having earned scores that are equal to or better than half of the collegebound seniors who took the same tests. The ceremony is held at Wake Forest University in May. Matt is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Washko.


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Perdue announces summer internships at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, has accepted the Social Work Intern/GEMS ProgramStonewall Jackson Youth Development Center internship with the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention in Concord.

• Kristin Kulawik of Mooresville, a junior art education and art history major at UNCC, has accepted the Marine Science Education internship with Department of Environment and Natural Science • Alyssa Hudson-Tolles of Salis- in Beaufort. bury, a graduate social work major Internships will begin on Monday

pointments. The superintendent of public instruction also would become a voting member of the board and have more power over day-today operations. The bill barely passed the House Education Committee on Tuesday. Changes were made on the floor Wednesday.

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palachian State University and is a recipient of a 2010 grant from the Davie Community Foundation for the Summer of Fun Learning Academy. She has presented at multiple conferences and is a Mebane Master for her school system. She is also a SMART Exemplary Educator, a SMART Table Beta Tester, a North Carolina endof-grade test writer and a mentor for Appalachian State University student teachers. • Denise Absher has been selected by the Kenan Fellows Program for Curriculum and Leadership Development at North Carolina State University as a Class of 2012 Kenan Fellow. Beginning in June 2011, she will engage in a fellowship supported by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) to develop innovative curricula for use in North Carolina classrooms. She will work with mentor Heather Mullins of NCDPI. Her project is titled Teachers Training Teachers – Region 7. As a Kenan Fellow Absher will train to be a master teacher, work closely with her mentor in developing her project, participate in research to develop inquiryguided instruction to be used in the classroom, develop and distribute her lessons statewide, talk with state leaders at events that promote the teaching profession and present findings at state and national conferences. Absher is a grade 9-12 math teacher at Davie County Early College High School in Mocksville. She is the Lead Teacher for her school where she was named the 2009-2010 Teacher of the Year. She holds a Master of Science in Educational Media degree from Appalachian State University and has been an instrumental leader in the North Carolina New Schools Project. • Helen “Elizabeth” Bustle has been selected by the Kenan Fellows Program for Curriculum and Leadership Development at North Carolina State University as a Class of 2012 Kenan Fellow. Beginning in June 2011, she will engage in a fellowship supported by Ingersoll Rand and the Mebane Foundation to develop innovative curricula for use in North Carolina classrooms. She will work with mentors Jerry Lakey and Lewis Anderson of Ingersoll Rand. Her project is titled STEM and Lean Manufacturing. As a Kenan Fellow, Bustle will train to be a master teacher, work closely with her mentors in developing her project, participate in research to develop inquiryguided instruction to be used in the classroom, develop and distribute her lessons statewide, talk with state leaders at events that promote the teaching profession and present findings at state and national conferences. Bustle is a grade 10-12 chemistry teacher at Davie High School in Mocksville. She is a North Carolina Teaching Fellow and holds master’s degrees in secondary science education and school administration. She is the Science Department Chair and a member of the Leadership Team for her school. She is also active in her PTSA and local 4-H program, presenting Science Spectacular workshops for 4H students over the summer. She has been chosen to give several educational presentations, both at the district and state level. • Marty Creech has been selected by the Kenan Fellows Program for Curriculum and Leadership Development at North Carolina State University as a Class of 2012

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RALEIGH (AP) — More changes to a proposed constitutional amendment giving more authority over North Carolina public schools to the state superintendent and the Legislature have helped the idea gain bipartisan support in the House. The House gave tentative approval Wednesday to place the question on a statewide referendum in May 2012. The vote was 111-8 — well above the 72 yes votes needed for a constitutional amendment. The proposal would let the General Assembly appoint four members of a reworked 15-member State Board of Education. Right now, the governor gets all the ap-

and national conferences. Creech is a sixth-grade science and social studies teacher at North Davie Middle School in Mocksville. He is a nationally board-certified science teacher and holds a Master of Educational Media: Instructional Technology degree from Appalachian State University. He has given numerous presentations at the district and state level and was elected as the Regional District Director for the NC Science Teacher Association.


1040 Freeland Dr., Ste 112 Salisbury, NC 28144

Please bring ad to receive special pricing. Exp. 6/30/11




is pleased to offer the following courses during the Summer Term to members of the community, for credit or for audit

Special Summer Rates Available Week 1: June 6-10

Instructor: Thomas Grinter The course is designed to teach basic and simple Hebrew grammar for the purpose of using the Hebrew-English lexicons in the exegesis of the Old Testament texts. The focus is on the alphabet and vowels, transliteration and M-F 9-12, lunch break, 2-4p finding the meanings of words in the lexicons.

BST 102 Lexical Hebrew

Instructor: Samuel Dansokho This course will focus on comprehending the ideals of community and oneness as expressed through the theology and praxis of Howard Thurman. The course will explore Thurman’s praxis of community across racial, sexual, cultural, religious, and national boundaries. Students will wrestle with questions such as how spiritual disciplines may become an effective tool for social ministry/transformation and how Christians understand/live the dialectical M-F 9-12, lunch break, 2-4p tension between mysticism and social action.

RSC 301 Howard Thurman

Week 2: June 13-17

Instructor: Dora Mbuwayesango The suffering and injustice that characterize the world have baffled humankind for millennia. This course explores how the book of Job presents and attempts to offer an explanation for this baffling phenomenon in human experience.

BST 307 The Book of Job

M-F 9-12, lunch break, 2-5p

Instructor: Kendal Mobley About one-third of the world’s 100 million Baptists live in the United States. They account for seventeen percent of the nation’s adult population, making Baptists the largest Protestant denomination in America by far. Our class will highlight the major people and events in the American history of the Baptist movement, and we will explore what has made America such fertile soil for Baptist growth.

CHT 105 Major Baptist Movements in the US

M-F 9-12, lunch break 2-5p

Instructor: Jim R. Wadford In this class participants will study a variety of conflict settings within the life of an organization. First Party Conflict, Second Party Conflict, Third Party Conflict, One-to-Group Conflict, and the Resolution of Corporate Pain will be covered. Skill building exercises will teach participants how to assess conflict and determine “outcome” strategies for handling it. Participants will identify and manage their won conflict management style. Individuals will learn how to use communication skills to build better relationships and achieve win-win agreements. The training methodology uses a three-point structure of information, practice, and reflection. There is a minimal amount of lecture time.

PTH 260 Conflict Resolution

M-F 1-5p

Week 3: June 20-24 Instructor: Karen Lucas The course is designed to teach basic and simple Greek grammar for the purpose of using the Greek-English lexicons in the exegesis of the New Testament texts. The focus is on the alphabet and vowels, transliteration and finding the meanings M-F 9-12, lunch break, 2-4p of words in the lexicons.

BST 115 Lexical Greek

Instructor: Trevor Eppehimer Prompted by the recent publication and controversy surrounding Rob Bell’s book Love Wins: A Book about Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived, this course attempts to place both things in context through an examination of Christian teachings concerning heaven, hell, the resurrection of the body, final M-F 9-12, lunch break 2-5p judgment, and the New Creation.

THS 340 Seminar in Eschatoloy

For further information, schedules and costs, please contact:

Angela Davis-Baxter, Director of Admissions

1810 Lutheran Synod Drive, Salisbury Telephone: 704-636-6023 E-mail: adavisbaxter@hoodseminary.edu



Kenan Fellow. Beginning in June 2011, he will engage in a fellowship supported by Wake Forest Baptist Health to develop innovative curricula for use in North Carolina classrooms while working with mentors Allyson Komaschka and Anita Pulley of Wake Forest Baptist Health. His project is titled Innovations in Health Care. As a Kenan Fellow, Creech will train to be a master teacher, work closely with his mentors in developing his project, participate in research to develop inquiryguided instruction to be used in the classroom, develop and distribute his lessons statewide, talk with state leaders at events that promote the teaching profession, train to be a teacher leader and present findings at state

and provide students real-world experience in a wide range of state government workplaces, creating opportunities for students to work in their chosen field and to consider careers in public service. More than 3,000 students have participated since the program was established in 1969. This summer’s interns represent 27 counties, 31 public and private colleges/universities, law schools and community colleges, and more than 45 different majors ranging from accounting to therapeutic horsemanship.


Gov. Bev Perdue has announced that 63 North Carolina college, graduate and law students have been selected for summer internships with state agencies. Now in its 41st year, the N.C. State Government Internship Program is coordinated by the Youth Advocacy and Involvement Office in the Department of Administration. Two students from the area have been selected:

Schools leadership question first House OK


BEFORE THE NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of ) Application of Duke Energy Corporation and ) Progress Energy, Inc. to Engage in a Business ) Combination Transaction and to Address ) Regulatory Conditions and Codes of Conduct )


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 4, 2011, Duke Energy Corporation (Duke) and Progress Energy, Inc. (Progress), filed an application pursuant to G.S. 62-111(a) for authorization to engage in a business combination transaction; to revise and apply Duke Energy Carolinas, LLCʼs (DEC) Regulatory Conditions and Code of Conduct to Progress and Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. (PEC); and to nullify PECʼs Regulatory Conditions and Code of Conduct. The proposed transaction will occur at the holding company level, with Duke acquiring all of the issued and outstanding common stock of Progress in exchange for shares of Dukeʼs common stock. Under the proposal, Progress will become a subsidiary of Duke, and both Progress and PEC will remain separate legal entities. PEC and DEC will be merged into a single entity at some point in the future. Details of the application may be obtained from the Office of the Chief Clerk of the North Carolina Utilities Commission, which is located on the fifth floor of the Dobbs Building, 430 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, where a copy of the application is available for review by any interested person. The application, as well as prefiled testimony and exhibits of the parties, hearing transcripts, post-hearing briefs and proposed orders, may be viewed as they become available on the Commissionʼs website at www.ncuc.net, by clicking on “Docket Search” and typing in the docket and sub docket numbers.

The Commission has instituted an investigation into the application, an a hearing has been scheduled to begin on Tuesday, September 20, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. in Commission Hearing Room 2115, Dobbs Building, 430 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, for the taking of public witness testimony and the testimony of Duke, Progress, the Public Staff, and other intervenors. The hearing will continue as necessary until the conclusion of the case.

Persons having an interest in this matter and desiring to intervene as formal parties of record shall file their petitions to intervene not later than Friday, August 12, 2011, and in accordance with Rules R1-5 and R1-19 of the Commissionʼs Rules and Regulations. These petitions should reference Docket Nos. E-2, Sub 998, and E-7, Sub 986, and should be filed with the Chief Clerk of the North Carolina Utilities Commission, 4325 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-4325. All intervenors who wish to present testimony in the proceeding must prefile their testimony not later than Friday, August 26, 2011. Persons desiring to send written statements to inform the Commission of their views in the matter should address their statements to the North Carolina Utilities Commission, 4325 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 276994325. Written statements, however, cannot be considered competent evidence unless the authors of those statements appear at the hearing and testify concerning the information contained in their statements. The Public Staff is authorized by statute to represent the using and consuming public in proceedings before the Commission. Written statements to the Public Staff should be addressed to Mr. Robert P. Gruber, Executive Director, Public Staff - North Carolina Utilities Commission, 4326 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-4326. The Attorney General is alo authorized by statute to represent the using and consuming public in proceedings before the Commission. Written statements to the Attorney General should be addressed to The Honorable Roy Cooper, Attorney General, 9001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-9001. This the 27th day of April, 2011.



THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011 • 5B




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Certified CNA Third shift Mon-Fri. Please apply at Best of Care, Kannapolis. 704-933-4339

Openings in: Mocksville, Salisbury Kannapolis & Mooresville Locations *Excellent Starting Pay *Insurance Benefits *Paid Vacation Requirements: Valid driver's license A Nationwide Criminal Record Background check

To apply, fax resume to: 704-636-7772 or call: 704-633-3211 or 704-633-8233 ext. 20 to schedule an interview Healthcare

LPN/RN Baylor position available 7pm7am. Apply in person, Brightmoor Nursing Ctr., 610 W. Fisher St.


LPNs F/T weekend night shift, RN Supervisor P/T weekend night shift, LPNs PRN all shifts. Pls submit resume to NC Veteran's Home, 1601 Brenner Ave., Bldg. 10, Salisbury, NC 28145


Position available for MDS Coordinator (LPN or RN). Must have 2.0 experience, & be willing to learn 3.0. Hrs are 8:30am5pm, M-F. Apply in person, Brightmoor Nursing Ctr., 610 W. Fisher St.

Floral Designer, well experienced. Part-time. Please call 704-6368033 or 704-636-4663 Other

Hair stylist & nail tech booth for rent. Ask for Crystal at 704797-0064 Other

Local plumbing company needs experienced service plumber. Excellent pay and benefits. Driver's license required. Plumbing license helpful. Call 704-933-8010, ask for Brad. Sales

Attention Students! SUMMER WORK Excellent Pay Flexible FT/PT Customer sales/svc No exp needed-will train All ages 17+ Scholarships avail. Conditions apply Call ASAP

F/T CMA, CNA II or LPN For busy pediatric office. Great benefits. Fax resume to 704-216-2011

Seeking loveable, energetic & dedicated teachers: 1 yr. exp. & credentials (Min. EDU). Benefits/Salary based on each individual. 704-636-8118


Sunshine Mfg. Structures, Inc. Rockwell, NC Accepting Applications for:

Production Workers For modular manufacturer (all phases). Apply in person Mon-Thur 8am-12pm and 1pm-3:30pm, 850 Gold Hill Avenue, Rockwell

Landis. 317 W. Davis St. Yard Sale. Sat., May 28th , 7am-11am. Piano, table & chairs, toys, TV, VHS movies, books, kids & adult clothes (school uniforms) & much more.

Yard Sale Area 4 Salisbury Yard Sale/ Garage Sale, Friday, May th 27 & Saturday, May 28, 7am-Until. 7320 Bringle Ferry Rd. Something for Everyone! Kids, women, men, tools, auto parts, toys, Harley Davidson part, MP 1100 home gym, household items, etc.

Want to get results? 

See stars

Rockwell Eastern Star 2-Day YARD SALE! Fri., May 27th, 2pm-7pm & Sat., May 28th, 7am - Noon RAIN OR SHINE Located at Keller Masonic Lodge on School Street, off Hwy. 152, Rockwell (Yard Sale in the basement)

Come out and see what we have!!

Fuel & Wood Free Four large water oaks, you cut and clean up. Please Call 704-8579716

Furniture & Appliances Air Conditioners, Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Frig. $65 & up. Used TV & Appliance Center Service after the sale. 704-279-6500 Antique Mahogany Pedestal Drop Leaf Table 30" tall x 38" wide x 1748" deep $165 Rockwell 704-202-5022 Bedroom suite, new 5 piece. All for $297.97. Hometown Furniture, 322 S. Main St. 704-633-7777 Bookcase, quality solid wood, cherry. 36" tall x 32" wide x 14" deep Good Condition $100 Rockwell 704-202-5022 Bureau, 3 drawer chest. Antique, oak. Original hardware, $250. Antique oak chest of drawers, swinging beveled mirror. 5 drawers, $250. Call 704-637-2956 Cabinet doors & drawers, oak, handmade. Formica top. Many uses. (Bar, desk, etc.) Adjustable shelves, $200. Oak handmade tall piece. Many uses. 3 drawers at bottom, $200. Call 704-637-2956 Chair, wingback, tan. $55. Beautiful mahogany oval table, $65. Please call 704-637-5189

Employment Waitstaff Immediate positions, experienced. Apply in person 2-5pm., 1621 W. Innes St. NO PHONE CALLS.

Dresser. Large, cream white washed. Doors & drawers, decorative mirror, attached or not. Night stand. 3 drawers match. $400. 704-637-2956

Antiques & Collectibles Desperately Need to Sell 10 beautiful collectible dolls. 18”-20” tall. Paid $200+ ea. Asking $50 ea. or best offer. Must sell for health reasons. 704-633-7425

Yard Sale Area 1 Spencer Double Estate Sale, Two Estates in One. 408 S. Yadkin Ave. Friday, May 27th & May 28th, 7am-4pm. Old bottles, crocks, glassware, military items, tools, lift chair, furniture, movies, quilts, linens, Christmas décor. Anthony Fisher, 704-4331951 Early Birds Welcome

YARD SALE AREAS Area 1 - Salisbury, East Spencer, & Spencer Area 2 – W. Rowan incl Woodleaf, Mt. Ulla & Cleveland Area 3 - S. Rowan incl Landis, China Grove, Kannapolis & Mooresville Area 4 - E. Rowan incl. Granite Quarry, Faith, Rockwell & Gold Hill Area 5 - Davidson Co. Area 6 – Davie Co. and parts of Davidson Co. This is a rough guide to help plan your stops, actual areas are determined by zip code. Please see map in your Salisbury Post or online at salisburypost.com under Marketplace click on 'Yard Sale Map' to see details.

Stereo console, 1960's Zenith, with turntable and 8 track. $150. Please call 704-209-6143

Arts, Crafts & Hobbies material, Quilting different color designs, no solid colors $30.00 704-278-2722

Building Equip. & Supplies Ladder, Aluminum extension, 20 ft. $50 Please Call 704-636-6025

Cell Phones & Service LG Vortex by Verizon $120. Still looks new! Call 704-633-7604

Consignment Growing Pains Family Consignments Call (704)638-0870 115 W. Innes Street

Farm Equipment & Supplies Farm Equipment, new & used. McDaniel Auction Co. 704-278-0726 or 704798-9259. NCAL 48, NCFL 8620. Your authorized farm equipment dealer.

Flowers & Plants

Leyland Cypress

Yard Sale Area 2 HUGE MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE 5/27-5/28, 7am-2pm, Corriher Motor Co., 4225 Statesville Blvd, Salisbury. Many new or like new items, toys, clothes, etc.

Makes a beautiful property line boundary or privacy screen. One gallon three ft., $10. Seven gallon six ft. & full, $40. 14 ft. B&B, $200. All of the above includes mulch, special fertilizer, delivery and installation! 704-274-0569

Lawn and Garden

Misc For Sale

Lost & Found

Newsbags, good. Used once. 4 – 10in. Wide, 50 ct. pks. 35¢ eas. For sm/assted rts. 704-754-8837

Found peacock. In pasture on 601, near Cauble Rd. Found 5/23. Call 704-640-8757 to identify.

Lot blower. Mighty Mac lot blower, parking portable 5hp, Briggs, good condition, $125. 336-998-3893

Weight bench, $175. Nano headset, $45. Please call 704-213-4790 for more information.

Help Me Get Home!

Mower. Ariens 40 inch. riding mower. Runs well cuts good. 15hp. Kohler. $500. OBO. 704-2243752

Winch, 12V, $69; 100 PSI compressor, $59; generator, $900W, $109; gas engine 6.5 HP, $99. All new, 704-784-2488

Snapper Riding mower, electric start. $150; Husqvarna self propelled mower, good condition. $150. 704-933-0021

Workshop tables, 2 large, wood. $75 ea. Obo. Coffee table, $50. Large homemade bookcase $50 obo. Call 704-636-3610

Lawn vacuum 5.5 hp Troybilt $150. New roll Barbwire $25 all 704856-8041

Machine & Tools Table Saw, 10 inch Grizzey with 1½ HP. Very good condition. $350. 704-633-0259

8 track tapes (277 total); carrying cases; holders and 2 boxes of cassette tapes. Large variety. All for $75 obo. 704-738-4079 ANDERSON'S SEW & SO, Husqvarna, Viking Sewing Machines. Patterns, Notions, Fabrics. 10104 Old Beatty Ford Rd., Rockwell. 704-279-3647 telephone, Antique Stramburg-Carlson, ca. 1930's. $30. Call 704-855-8353

Piano for sale. Asking $50. Please call 704-279-3607 for more information. Range, electric. 30 inch. White. $135. Please call 704-637-0077 for more information. Washer/dryer set $350; 30” electric range $175; refrigerator $225. Excellent shape. 704-798-1926 Water Heater, New American ProLine 40 gal natural gas water heater $400. Paid $530 Rockwell. 704-202-5022

Games and Toys Child's Pool/Ping-Pong Table $65 Call (704) 633-7604

Hunting and Fishing Fishing rods, Zebco 33. Two 5 ½ foot long with reels ~ stainless steel housings & tubular fiberglass rods. $25 ea. (new, never used) Call for appt. 704-630-0192

Lawn and Garden Craftsman Lawn tractor 42" cut, 15.5 hp Kohler engine. good condition $475. 704-856-8041 Holshouser Cycle Shop Lawn mower repairs and trimmer sharpening. Pick up & delivery. (704)637-2856 Landscape Lights, 13 metal & 6 metal spot lights, 300 watt transformer. $200 Rockwell 704-202-5022 Lawn Mower, Eddleman, self-propelled. Very good condition. New tires. 5Hp engine. Runs well. $300. 704-637-0217

Golf clubs, 2 sets. One ladies & one men's and other assorted clubs. New golf balls. Fishing rod & reels. Deer climbing stand. Hunting & pocket knives. 704-792-8771

Lost dog. Chihuahua mix, female, at BP station in Rockwell May 24, cinnamon color, no collar. REWARD! 704-433-5970 or 704-279-5715 Lost dogs. Female Beagles. Black & white,. West Park Dr. & 152 area of Rockwell. Call 704-431-9359



Bingham Smith Lumber Co. !!!NOW AVAILABLE!!! Metal Roofing Many colors. Custom lengths, trim, accessories, & trusses. Call 980-234-8093 Patrick Smith

TV, 36" Hitachi with remote, 2004 model. Excellent condition, $175 obo 704-640-1914

Want to Buy Merchandise All Coin Collections Silver, gold & copper. Will buy foreign & scrap gold. 704-636-8123 Timber wanted - Pine or hardwood. 5 acres or more select or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. Call 704-278-9291.

BINGHAM-SMITH LUMBER CO. Save money on lumber. Treated and Untreated. Round Fence Post in all sizes. Save extra when buying full units. Call Patrick at 980-234-8093. NETWORK'S DISH Lowest All-Digital Price! As low as $24.99/mo plus Free HD For Life! Call for limited time bonus! Call Now. 1-888-679-4649 Dog kennel, metal, 30" wide x 4' deep. Exc. condition. $125. Hoover Carpet Steam/Vac. Used. $25 Call for appt. 704-630-0192 Fish aquarium, 40 gallon. Complete. $75. Gun cabinet, very rough. $40. 704-857-1867

Watches – and scrap gold jewelry. 704-636-9277 or cell 704-239-9298

Business Opportunities J.Y. Monk Real Estate School-Get licensed fast, Charlotte/Concord courses. $399 tuition fee. Free Brochure. 800-849-0932

Side Table, $10 Table Fan, $3 Floor Fan, $7 Foot Spa, $11 704-642-0512 STEEL, Channel, Angle, Flat Bars, Pipe Orders Cut to Length. Mobile Home Truss- $6 ea.; Vinyl floor covering- $4.89 yd.; Carpet- $5.75 yd.; Masonite Siding 4x8- $14; 12”x16' lap siding at $6.95 ea. School Desks - $7.50 ea. RECYCLING, Top prices paid for Aluminum cans, Copper, Brass, Radiators, Aluminum. Davis Enterprises Inc. 7585 Sherrills Ford Rd. Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-9821

Alexander Place

China Grove, 2 new homes under construction ... buy now and pick your own colors. Priced at only $114,900 and comes with a stove and dishwasher. B&R Realty 704-633-2394

E. Spencer

Bring All Offers

$3,000 in Buyer's Closing Costs. 3 BR, 2 BA, newer kitchen, large dining room, split bedrooms, nice porches, huge detached garage, concrete drives. R51548 $89,000. Monica Poole 704-245-4628 B&R Realty

East Rowan

Wonderful Home

Beautiful 3 BR, 2 BA in a great location, walk-in closets, cathedral ceiling, room, double great attached garage, large lot, back-up generator. A must see. R51757. $249,900. B&R Realty, 704-202-6041

Free - approximately 50 "The Hymnal" old Evangelical & Reformed Hymn books. Fair condition. Call 704-279-4947

Instruction AIRLINES ARE HIRINGTrain for high paying Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 877-300-9494.

Found dog in Spencer. Young female mix. No collar. Call 704-738-4338 to claim. Found small male dog, white with black patches/ ears. Looks like short haired Shih-Tzu. Call 980-234-0120

Yadkin. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Cute Fixer-upper. Hunter Street, Yadkin Finishing area. $16,000, home, for sale, 1 car garage. Two lots. Siding/roof less than 5 years old. Bring all offers. 704-245-4393

Fulton Heights

Look at Me!

3 BR, 2 BA, up to $2,500 in closing. Attached carport, Rocking Chair front porch, nice yard. R50846 $114,900 Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty www.bostandrufty-realty.com

100% Financing

2200 Sq. Ft., 4BR/2BA, newer home. 2.99 % Financing for 30 years fixed. No down payment, no PMI. Payments $970 per month. 704-202-9362

China Grove

Lovely 3 BR, 2 BA home, nice kitchen, split floor plan, covered deck, garden area, garage, storage building, privacy fence. R52207. $139,900. Monica Poole, B&R Realty, 704-245-4628

Cleveland. Great home on 11 acres. Brick ranch with a basement and solar panels to help cut down those heating bills. This home has tons of character and space. $369,900. Call for a showing today! 704-9067207 or visit www.dreamweaverprop.com

How to know you'll go! 4 min. recorded message. Call now. 704-983-8841

Lost & Found

Flip this House!

Granite Quarry

BUYER BEWARE The Salisbury Post Classified Advertising staff monitors all ad submissions for honesty and integrity. However, some fraudulent ads are not detectable. Please protect yourself by checking the validity of any offer before you invest money in a business opportunity, job offer or purchase.

Free Stuff

HYPNOSIS will work for you!

Mini-tiller/Cultivator, Craftsman. Good cond. $125. Outside large composter w/ turning tools. Good cond., used for several yrs. $80. Small kitchen ceramic composter. Good cond. $25. Call for appt. 704-630-0192

Homes for Sale

What A Bargain

Stop Smoking~Lose Weight It's Easy & Very Effective. Decide Today 704-933-1982 METAL: Angle, Channel, Pipe, Sheet & Plate Shear Fabrication & Welding FAB DESIGNS 2231 Old Wilkesboro Rd Open Mon-Fri 7-3:30 704-636-2349

Homes for Sale

Public Notice The Rowan County Housing Authority has developed its Annual Plan for Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2011 in compliance with the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1988. It is available for review at the Housing Authority's Administrative Offices located at 310 Long Meadow Drive, Salisbury, NC 28147. The Annual Plan may be reviewed Monday through Thursday between 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. A public hearing will be held Monday, July 11, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. at the Housing Authority Offices. The public is invited to attend.

Television, DVD & Video

Love seat, antique. Walnut trim, brass claw ft. Original ticking. $250. 704-637-2956 Loveseat couch, brown. $125. Please call 704791-9954 for more information.

Sporting Goods

Found Female Pit Mix at Hwy 150 and Jones Rd. By Lazy 5 Ranch. Please call Dawn to claim 704-663-5100.

Misc For Sale

Chairs, Barrel-type (4), burgundy, padded sturdy, Naugahyde, made in USA, $20. 704855-8353. China Cabinet, white with butcher block counter. $60.00 Call 704-278-2722




Yard Sale Area 4

Yard Sale Area 3

Cleveland. JUST REDUCED!! An unbelievably beautiful brick home on 25 acres. This home has 3 bedrooms 2 baths, a bonus room and a full basement. So many features and in a wonderful equestrian neighborhood. See it and love it. 704-906-7207 for visit showing or www.dreamweaverprop.com

Granite Quarry

504 Lake Drive, 3 BR, 1 BA, brick, carport, 1080 sq.ft., corner lot, hardwood floors, new windows, remodeled bath, new kitchen floor, fenced side yard, central heat/AC, close to town parks. $79,900. Call 704-279-3821

Kannapolis. Like new 3BR, 2BA. 1,152 sq. ft. Walk-in closets, new carpet & floors. Big porch, deck. ¼ acre wooded. Privacy on 3 sides. Security system, motion activated exterior lights. 2X wide drive. Near YMCA, library, bus & NC Research Campus. Warranty. $90k or by non-binding bidding 6/22, HURRY! Call NOW for Bid info. Gallagher & Associates, 704-362-1001


2 BR, 1 BA, covered front porch, double pane windows, double attached carport, big yard, fence. 52179 $99,400 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704202-3663

6B • THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011



Happy 40th Birthday to Tracy Parrish. Love from Mom, Dad and Darren


Happy Belated 1st Birthday, Colin! Hope you had lots of fun! Love, Griffin & Dawson


Inflatables Available!

Happy Birthday to our special Mom. Love from Wesley and Brittany

for Birthdays or any Special Event

DEADLINES: If the birthday falls Tues-Fri the deadline is the day before at 10am. If on Sat-Mon dealine is at Thursday 1pm

Blue Bunny Ice Cream S50480

Carport and Garages

Child Care and Nursery Schools

Lippard Garage Doors Installations, repairs, electric openers. 704636-7603 / 704-798-7603

Quality Affordable Childcare

Ads with a price ALWAYS generate more qualified calls Auction Thursday 12pm 429 N. Lee St. Salisbury Antiques, Collectibles, Used Furniture 704-213-4101 Carolina's Auction Rod Poole, NCAL#2446 Salisbury (704)633-7369 www.thecarolinasauction.com

Heritage Auction Co. Glenn M.Hester NC#4453 Salisbury (704)636-9277

We Build Garages, 24x24 = $12,500. All sizes built! ~ 704-633-5033 ~

Child Care and Nursery Schools


KEN WEDDINGTON Total Auctioneering Services 140 Eastside Dr., China Grove 704-8577458 License 392 R. Giles Moss Auction & Real Estate-NCAL #2036. Full Service Auction Company. Estates ** Real Estate Had your home listed a long time? Try selling at auction. 704-782-5625 www.gilesmossauction.com

Clean, smoke-free, reliable. 17 yrs. exp. 6 wks & up. All shifts. Reasonable Rates 704-787-4418 704-279-0927 F Ref. Avail. F

Complete Cleaning Service. Basic, windows, spring, new construction, & more. 704-857-1708

Sparkling Results, Reasonable Rates. Free Estimates & References Given.

704-637-7726 Many buyers won’t leave a message; give the best time to call.

Cleaning Services

Perry's Overhead Doors Sales, Service & Installation, Residential / Commercial. Wesley Perry 704-279-7325 www.perrysdoor.com

Cleaning Services

Classifeds 704-797-4220 704-636-8058

All types concrete work ~ Insured ~ NO JOB TOO SMALL! Call Curt LeBlanc today for Free Estimates

Drywall Services OLYMPIC DRYWALL New Homes Additions & Repairs Small Commercial Ceiling Texture Removal

704-279-2600 Since 1955




Fencing Free Estimates Bud Shuler & Sons Fence Co. 225 W Kerr St 704-633-6620 or 704-638-2000 Price Leader since 1963

704-633-9295 FREE ESTIMATES www.WifeForHireInc.com

Reliable Fence All Your Fencing Needs, Reasonable Rates, 21 years experience. (704)640-0223

Licensed, bonded and insured. Since 1985.

Financial Services C47889

“We can erase your bad credit — 100% guaranteed” The Federal Trade Commission says any credit repair company that claims to be able to legally remove accurate and timely information from your credit report is lying. There's no easy fix for bad credit. It takes time and a conscious effort to pay your debts. Learn about managing credit and debt at ftc.gov/credit. A message from The Salisbury Post & the FTC.

An Experience… Not Just a Meal!


Grading & Hauling



Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:00pm • Fresh Daily 105 East Fisher St., Salisbury • 704/636.5757


Heating and Air Conditioning Piedmont AC & Heating Electrical Services Lowest prices in town!! 704-213-4022




704 202-5610 • Birthdays • Community Days

www.TeamBounce.com 704-202-6200

Home Improvement


Home Improvement

Lawn Maint. & Landscaping

Kitchens, Baths, Sunrooms, Remodel, Additions, Wood & Composite Decks, Garages, Vinyl Rails, Windows, Siding. & Roofing. ~ 704-633-5033 ~

Beaver Grading Quality work, reasonable rates. Free Estimates 704-6364592

Home Improvement

Junk Removal

A HANDYMAN & MOORE Kitchen & Bath remodeling Quality Home Improvements Carpentry, Plumbing, Electric Clark Moore 704-213-4471

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ We Buy Any Type of Scrap Metal At the Best Prices...

Brisson - HandyMan Home Repair, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, etc. Insured. 704-798-8199 Browning ConstructionStructural repair, flooring installations, additions, decks, garages. 704-637-1578 LGC

Garages, new homes, remodeling, roofing, siding, back hoe, loader 704-6369569 Maddry Const Lic G.C. HMC Handyman Services. Any job around the house. Please call 704-239-4883 Hometown Lawn Care & Handyman Service. Mowing, pressure washing, gutter cleaning, odd jobs ~inside & out. Comm, res. Insured. Free estimates. “No job too small” 704-433-7514 Larry Sheets, owner

FREE Estimates

704-636-3415 704-640-3842 www.earlslawncare.com GAYLOR'S LAWNCARE For ALL your lawn care needs! *FREE ESTIMATES* 704-639-9925/ 704-640-0542 Outdoors By Overcash Mowing, shrub trimming & leaf blowing. 704-630-0120

CASH FOR cars, trucks & vans. Any junk vehicle. $275 & up. Call Tim at 980-234-6649

Mow, Trim & Blow $35 Average Yard Pressure Washing & Pine Needles Ask for Jeffrey

CASH FOR JUNK CARS and Batteries. Call 704-279-7480 or 704-798-2930

~ 704-245-5599 ~ Steve's Lawn Care We'll take care of all your lawn care needs!! Great prices. 704-431-7225

I will pick up your nonrunning vehicles & pay you to take them away! Call Mike anytime. 336-479-2502

Z & Sons Lawn Care & House Washing

I buy junk cars. Will pay cash. $250 & up. Larger cars, larger cash! Call 704-239-1471

Masonry and Brickwork

See me on Facebook


Painting and Decorating Stoner Painting Contractor • 25 years exp. • Int./Ext. painting • Pressure washing • Staining • Mildew Removal • References • Insured 704-239-7553

Pet & Livestock Services

Little Paws Bed & Breakfast Located at Small Animal Medicine & Surgery A deluxe boarding facility for dogs, cats, rabbits and “pocket pets”. 3200 Sherrills Ford Road Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-6613 www.sams-littlepawsdoc.com

Miscellaneous Services Basinger Sewing Machine Repair. Parts & Service – Salisbury. 704-797-6840 or 704-797-6839

Moving and Storage TH Jones Mini-Max Storage 116 Balfour Street Granite Quarry Please 704-279-3808

Painting and Decorating Bowen Painting Interior and Exterior Painting 704-630-6976. BowenPainting@yahoo.com

Cathy's Painting Service & Pressure Washing. Interior & exterior, new & repaints. 704-279-5335

Roofing and Guttering

All types of roofing, construction & repairs. Free estimates. Don't get soaked..Give Bill a call!

SEAMLESS GUTTER Licensed Contractor C.M. Walton Construction, 704-202-8181

Guttering, leaf guard, metal & shingle roofs. Ask about tax credits.

~ 704-633-5033 ~

Tree Service

Basic lawn care, pressure washing and pine needles. Free estimates

Lawn Maint. & Landscaping

The Floor Doctor Complete crawlspace work, Wood floor leveling, jacks installed, rotten wood replaced due to water or termites, brick/block/tile work, foundations, etc. 704-933-3494

3Landscaping 3Mulching 3Core Aeration 3Fertilizing

We will come to you! F David, 704-314-7846

1628 West Innes St. Salisbury, NC • 704-633-5310

Pet & Livestock Services

3Mowing 3Yard Cleanup 3Trimming Bushes


Salisbury Flower Shop

Brown's Landscape

Earl's Lawn Care

Quality work at affordable prices NC G.C. #17608 NC Home Inspector #107. Complete contracting services, under home repairs, foundation & masonry repairs, light tractor work & property maintenence. Pier, dock & seawall repair. 36 Yrs Exp. 704-633-3584 www.professionalservicesunltd.com Duke C. Brown Sr. Owner – “The House Whisperer!”

We want to be your flower shop!

High quality work. Good prices on all your masonry needs.


Professional Services Unlimited


Birthday? ...

A-1 Residential & Commercial Mow/Trim At least 10% less than other lawn services. We promise to beat them all. Call David at 704-640-1198

_ Bush Hogging _ Plowing _ Tilling _ Raised garden beds Free Estimates

For Storm Damage from Wind/Hail, call Scott White for FREE inspection/estimates • Roofing • Windows • Gutters • Vinyl Siding Member of BBB

Around the House Repairs Carpentry. Electrical. Plumbing. H & H Construction 704-633-2219

Visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/mrconeicecream

Inflatable Parties


Parties, Church Events, Etc.

Office 704-932-6878 • Cell 704-363-5491

Elaine's Special Cleaning Openings for childcare in christian home for 1st and 2nd shifts. Reasonable rates. Refs. Avail. Contact 704-642-0488. High Rock Lake area.


Concrete Work

Cleaning Services

Rowan Auction Co. Professional Auction Services: Salis., NC 704-633-0809 Kip Jennings NCAL 6340.

Carport and Garages


We Deliver

Momma Lynne’s Cool Treats Call 704.640.8764

(under Website Forms, bottom right column)


Team Bounce



Fax: 704-630-0157 In Person: 131 W. Innes Street Online: www.SalisburyPost.com


eam for Ice


S cr l l a



m! ea



Corporate, Church or any event

BOOK TODAY • 704-771-0148

2324 S. Main St. / Hwy. 29 South in Salisbury

Happy Birthday to my wife, Tracy P. Love from Gary

Please Fax, hand deliver or fill out form online 18 WORDS MAX. Number of free greetings per person may be limited, combined or excluded, contingent on space available. Please limit your birthday greetings to 4 per Birthday.

SOFT SERVE ICE CREAM TRUCK We cater: Graduations, Birthdays,


at KIDSPO n of all ages! include FUN for childreils! Call for deta

Happy 16th Anniversary of your 29th Birthday. Love from Nancy, Jeff and Amber

Ask about 75 Special includes 50 Cones!


Hours of daily personal attention and doggie fun at our safe 20 acre facility. Professional homestyle boarding, training, and play days with a certified handler/trainer who loves dogs as much as you do.


Happy Birthday Liane B. Wishing you God's best. Your LCC Family & Auntie

Graham's Tree Service Free estimates, reasonable rates. Licensed, Insured, Bonded. 704-633-9304


John Sigmon Stump grinding, Prompt service for 30+ years, Free Estimates. John Sigmon, 704-279-5763. Johnny Yarborough, Tree Expert trimming, topping, & removal of stumps by machine. Wood splitting, lots cleared. 10% off to senior citizens. 704-857-1731

• Lawn Equipment Repair Services

Manufactured Home Services

Lyerly's ATV & Mower Repair Free estimates. All types of repairs Pickup/delivery avail. 704-642-2787

Mobile Home Supplies~ City Consignment Company New & Used Furniture. Please Call 704636-2004

There is a NEW group of people EVERY day, looking for a DEAL in the classifieds.

MOORE'S Tree TrimmingTopping & Removing. Use Bucket Truck, 704-209-6254 Licensed, Insured & Bonded TREE WORKS by Jonathan Keener. Insured – Free estimates! Please call 704-636-0954.

SALISBURY POST Homes for Sale Bank Foreclosures & Distress Sales. These homes need work! For a FREE list:

Homes for Sale Rockwell



65 Ocher St. Renovated 3 BR, 2 BA home with hardwood floors, ceramic tile, new roof, all appliances included. 704-856-8101

East Salis. 3/4BR, 2½BA. Lease purchase option. New construction, energy star. Green build. 704-638-0108

Over 2 Acres

Homes for Sale Genesis Realty 704-933-5000 genesisrealtyco.com Foreclosure Experts

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Mt. Ulla, 4 BR house & 3 BR DW both on 11.97 acres. $344,000. FSBO. 704-640-4260

Salisbury & Shelby, 2, 3 & 4 BR, starting at $29,900! Must see! Call today 704-633-6035

Salisbury. 2 or 3 bedroom Townhomes. For information, call Summit Developers, Inc. 704-797-0200

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

2 BR, 1 BA, hardwood floors, detached carport, handicap ramp. $99,900 R47208 B&R Realty 704.633.2394 Salisbury

Lots of Room




Motivated Seller

3 BR, 2.5 BA, wonderful home on over 2 acres, horses allowed, partially fenced back yard, storage building. $154,900 R51465 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Dawson Cape Built on your lot $122,900

Special Financing


Classifieds work! Brand new! 3 BR, 2 BA, home w/great front porch, rear deck, bright living room, nice floor plan. Special financing for qualified buyers. Call today! R52142 $90,000 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628

West Rowan Secluded on 6.5 wooded acres. Builder's custom home, 4BR/3½ BA, master BR on main floor. 3,300 sq. ft. + partially finished bonus room. Lots of ceramic & granite. Great kitchen with gas cook top & double ovens. Covered porches, walkin closets, fireplaces w/gas logs. $389,000. FSBO. Motivated Seller. 704-431-3267 or 704-213-4544

Homes for Sale

New Home

Unique Property


Very nice 2 BR, 2.5 BA condo overlooking golf course and pool! Great views, freshly decorated, screened in porch at rear. T51378. $96,500. Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty Salisbury

Convenient Location

Motivated Seller

Cute 1 BR 1 BA waterfront log home with beautiful view! Ceiling fans, fireplace, front and back porches. $189,900. Dale R51875 Yontz 704-202-3663 B&R Realty Salisbury

Near the Lake Timber Run Subdivision, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, granite countertops, wood floors, rec room, screened porch, deck. R51603 $349,900 B & R Realty Dale Yontz 704.202.3663 Salisbury

Great Location

3 BR, 2 BA, new home close to High Rock Lake! Open kitchen/dining room combo, great fireplace, level lot on 1.52 acres. R51601. $199,900 Monica Poole, B&R Realty, 704-245-4628

Forest Creek. 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath. New home priced at only $84,900. R48764 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

3 BR 2.5 BA has many extras! Great kitchen w/granite, subzero ref., gas cooktop. Formal dining, huge garage, barn, greenhouse. Great for horses or car buffs! R51894 $439,500. Dale 704-202-3663 Yontz. B&R Realty

3BR, 2 BA home close to High Rock. Open floor plan, great room w/vaulted ceiling, formal dining, office area, back deck, newly painted. R52281 $139,777 Jeffrey Ketner Apple House Realty 704-6335067


Western Rowan County

Salisbury Area 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 baths, $500 down under $700 per month. 704-225-8850

Call For More Information (321)230-1380 Also available for all your Home Repair and Remodel Needs


Bringle Ferry Rd. 2 tracts. Will sell land or custom build. A50140A. B&R Realty, Monica 704-245-4628

Knox Farm Subdivision. Beautiful lots available now starting at $19,900. B&R Realty 704.633.2394

E. Rowan res. water front lot, Shore Landing subd. $100,000 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628

Manufactured Home Sales

Kannapolis city. Approx. 1 acre. On paved street with water & sewage hookup. $30,000. Possible owner financing. 704-933-4022

$500 Down moves you in. Call and ask me how? Please call (704) 225-8850

High Rock Lake. Manufactured home on 1.5 acres. Waterfront, attractive landscaping $115k is fair market value, will sell for $95k Call 704-956-6637







Cat, free, 10 year old neutered male. Fully vetted. Please call 704640-5562

Free Siamese kitten to a good home. 9 weeks old. No calls before 9 a.m and no calls after 9 p.m. Please call 704-647-9854

Boxer/Jack Russell Terrier Mix free to good home, 7 months old. Housebroken, good with kids, beautiful & loving dog. Prefer inside or kennel only. All puppy shots given. 704-326-5093

Free to good home. Found female black lab mix. Very loving and good with kids. Protective of her family but not aggressive. Must find home for her! 336-6553201.


Free cats to good home. 4 domestic long hair. 2 black & white, 2 black. Litter trained. Cleveland area. Call 704-657-0280 or 704-500-4085


Lease Purchase

Free kittens to good home. 7 weeks old, litter trained. Cute! 2 males, 2 females. Call Jeanne at 704-239-6244 Free kittens. 7 weeks old Bobtail kittens, yellow & orange striped. 2 available. 704-279-4307

4 BR, 2BA, like new Craftsman Style, huge front porch, renovated kitchen and bath, fresh paint. R51516 $123,000 Rent to Own Option. Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704202-3663

Giving away kittens or puppies?

Welcome Home!


New Listing

Will go fast! 3 BR, 2 BA, on High Rock Lake, Shore Acres subd. Deck, fireplace, vinyl siding, attached single carport, dbl detached garage, large yard. 52293 $244,200 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704.202.3663

Lots for sale. Restricted subdivision, Faith schools. 2.99% fixed rate for 30 years. Starting at $24,900. 704-202-9362

Cleveland. Spacious manufactured home on 5 acres. This home has 4 bedrooms and two baths, a hugh kitchen and dining, living room and a den with a fireplace, master with a beautiful bath and massive walk in closet. For the unbelievable price of $97,900. Call for an appointment. 704-9067207 or visit

On the Lake

Very Cute Home


Lots of Extras

Lots for Sale


New Listing

3 BR, 2 BA in Kluttz Acres subdivision. Covered front porch and deck, central air-conditioning, fireplace, single attached garage, nice yard with trees. 52270 $109,300 Dale B&R Realty Yontz 704.202.3663

American Homes of Rockwell Oldest Dealer in Rowan County. Best prices anywhere. 704-279-7997

Mechanics DREAM Home, 28x32 shop with lift & air compressor, storage space & ½ bath. All living space has been completely refurbished. Property has space that could be used as a home office or dining room, deck on rear, 3 BR, 1 BA. R51824A $164,500 B&R Realty, Monica Poole 704-245-4628


3 BR, 2 BA home in wonderful location! Cathedral ceiling, split floor plan, double garage, large deck, storage building, corner lot. R51853 $154,900 Monica Poole 704-2454628 B&R Realty

Manufactured Home Sales

Land for Sale



3 BR, 2 BA, Well established neighborhood. All brick home with large deck. Large 2 car garage. R50188 $163,900 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

West Area, several hundred acres avail. Can be divided. Karen Rufty, B&R Realty. 704-202-6041

100% Financing


Convenient Location

Land for Sale



Hurry! Gorgeous 4 BR, 2.5 BA, fantastic kitchen, large living and great room. All new paint, carpet, roof, windows, siding. R51926 $144,900 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628 3 BR, 2 BA in Hunters Pointe. Above ground pool, garage, huge area that could easily be finished upstairs. R51150A. $164,900. B&R Realty 704-633-2394

Homes for Sale



Open House th Saturday, May 14 2-4pm

THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011 • 7B


Spencer, 3BR/1BA, updated lg kitchen/dining area, LR, den, wood floors, 3 fireplaces, gas heat, appls & washer / dryer, detached garage, 20 x 12 screened back porch, fenced in back yard, City water & sewer. Asking $86,500 negot. 704-647-9749 or 704310-9938

Looking for a New Pet or a Cleaner House?


(704) 797-4220

Kittens, 5 adorable kittens free to good homes. Male & female. In possibly Walkertown, able to meet you to get them. Call 336-595-8759. Leave message Kittens, free, adorable & playful, male & female 1 litter--6 weeks old & 1 litter-7 weeks old Call Sharon 336-463-4963

Dogs AKC GERMAN ROTTWEILERS READY NOW Excellent temperament. Parents on site Tails docked Dew claws removed $750 704-239-8879 AKC REGISTERED LAB PUPPIES


Cane Corso Italian Mastiff Puppies Reg. Various ICCF. Colors. $500 to $700. 704-762-6301 Free Beagle mix. Female. To good home only. Needs room to run. Call 704-754-8109. Ask for Caren. Free Boxer/Pit bulldogs. 3 males 2 females left. Black/ white & 1 brindle/ white. Have shots & 1st worming. Patty 704-636-7922

Puppies, CKC Registered F1 Golden Doodles. 5 males, 3 females. Light to medium apricot. Puppies will be ready June 17th. Call to reserve or set up a visit. $750. Call Vicky 336-853-5090

Free puppies. German Shepard mix. Mother is very sweet and great with kids. Puppies are black with brown markings. Call Jackie 704-633-5107


Puppies, free to good homes. Rescue dog surprised us with pups. 7 to choose from here in Enochville/Kannapolis. Breed unsure, many colors, darn cute. 704-938-9842

Sweet Babies!

English Bulldog pups AKC, 2 females and 2 males, born April 2. $1500 each. Fawn and white, champion bloodlines. Puppies Come with first shots, dewormed, bag of pupppy food and a signed puppy agreement. 704-603-8257

Take Us Home!

Chihuahua Pups. CKC. 4 females and 2 males, $250 and up. Various colors. Tcup and toy size, long and short hair. Ready to go. 704-603-8257.

Horses Trail Riding Horses (2), $300 each. Please Call 704-6401-6004

Pitbull/Lab Mix Puppies. 3 black females. First shots and dewormed. 704-267-1137

Free dog. Boxer mix named Charlie. UTD on vaccines. Neutered. Good with children & animals. 704-279-4307 Beautiful Labrador Retriever Puppies. Great Sweet bloodline. personalities. Chocolate and black pups . Ready June 4th. $400. Call Ronnie at 704-798-6336

Puppy. Shih-Tzu, one male, AKC registered Born February 21. All shots. 704-637-7524

Yorkies, 2 males. 1st shots & 1st worming. Tails docked and dew claws removed. $275 each. Won't last long. Parents on site. 704 636 9867

Other Pets HHHHHHHHH Check Out Our May Special! Spay/Neuter 20% discount. Rowan Animal Clinic. Please call 704636-3408 for appt. PET GOAT, free. Female, 2 Years old. Black with white spots. Family Pet for Good Home Only. Please No Calls After 6pm. 704-633 6806

Pet & Livestock Supplies Puppies, Beagles. Good blood line, first shot, wormed. $60. Please call 704-639-6299

Puppies and kittens available. Follow us on FaceBook Animal Care Center of Salisbury. Call 704-637-0227

8B • THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011 Manufactured Home Sales

True Modular Display Home For Sale. 120 MPH Wind Zone. No Steel Frames. All 16" O.C. All Drywall Interior. DH Thermal Windows. 9 ft. ceilings. Deluxe cabinets, molding & much more. 3 BR, 2 BA with Saddle Roof Porch. NC Delivery Only. $139,000 value for $109,000. 704-463-1516

Real Estate Services Allen Tate Realtors Daniel Almazan, Broker 704-202-0091 www.AllenTate.com B & R REALTY 704-633-2394 www.bostandrufty-realty.com

Century 21 Towne & Country 474 Jake Alexander Blvd. (704)637-7721 Forest Glen Realty Darlene Blount, Broker 704-633-8867 KEY REAL ESTATE, INC. 1755 U.S. HWY 29. South China Grove, NC 28023 704-857-0539 Rebecca Jones Realty 610 E. Liberty St, China Grove 704-857-SELL www.rebeccajonesrealty.com

Rowan Realty www.rowanrealty.net, Professional, Accountable, Personable . 704-633-1071 William R. Kennedy Realty 428 E. Fisher Street 704-638-0673

Real Estate Commercial

Excellent Location!

China Grove. 303 North Main St. (across from the roller mill). Building has 5 apartments, space for 2 businesses on the 1st level, warehouse (35x60) and a 5BR house behind the building. Must be sold together. $670,000. Call 704-857-7559

Resort & Vacation Property

Great Oak Island Location


Kannapolis. 2 story townhouse. 2BR, 2BA brick front. Kitchen/dining combo, large family room. Private deck. $600/mo. 704534-5179 / 704-663-7736

China Grove 2BR, 1½ BA $550/month, deposit req. Approx. 1,000 sqft. Call 704-202-2065.

Houses for Rent

China Grove. One room eff. w/ private bathroom & kitchenette. All utilities incl'd. $379/mo. + $100 deposit. 704-857-8112 China Grove. Very nice. 2BR, 1BA. No pets. Deposit required. Please call 704-279-8428 CLANCY HILLS APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 BR, conveniently located in Salisbury. Handicap accessible units available. Section 8 assistance available. 704-6366408. Office Hours: M–F 9:00-12:00. TDD Relay 1-800-735-2962 Equal Housing Opportunity. Clancy-hills@cmc-nc.com

Clean, well maintained, 2 BR Duplex. Central heat/air, all electric. Section 8 welcome. 704-202-5790

Colonial Village Apts. “A Good Place to Live” 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Affordable & Spacious Water Included 704-636-8385 Duplexes & Apts, Rockwell$500-$600. TWO Bedrooms Marie Leonard-Hartsell Wallace Realty 704-239-3096 marie@sellingsalisbury.com Eaman Park Apt. 2 BR, 1 BA, newly renovated. $400/mo. No pets. Please call 704-798-3896

Wanted: Real Estate *Cash in 7 days or less *Facing or In Foreclosure *Properties in any condition *No property too small/large Call 24 hours, 7 days ** 704-239-2033 ** $$$$$$ WANTED MOBILE HOME 2 or 3 bedroom rent to own, close to Salisbury. Must be on lot and low payments. Close to bus line. Leave a message. 704-210-2187

East Spencer - 2 BR, 1 BA. $400 per month. Carolina-Piedmont Prop. 704-248-2520 Faith area. 1BR. Range, refrigerator. W/D. Water, garbage service. $400/ mo. 704-279-8880 Holly Leaf Apts. 2BR, 1½BA. $555. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, cable ready. 704-637-5588

Lovely Duplex

Moreland Pk area. 2BR all appliances furnished. $495-$595/mo. negotiable. Deposit Section 8 welcome. 336-247-2593 Moving to Town? Need a home or Apartment? We manage rental homes & apartments. Call and let us help you. Waggoner Realty Co. 704-633-0462 www.waggonerrealty.com

Rockwell 2BR/1BA, appl., central electric heat & air, $525 per month 704-2796850 or 704-798-3035 Salis. 2BR, 1BA. Totally renovated. $475-500/mo. W/D connect. Central heat/AC. Sect. 8 OK. All electric. 704-202-5022 Salis. 523 E. Cemetary St. 1BR, 1 BA, No Pets, $330/mo + $330/dep. Sect 8 OK. 704-507-3915. Salis. Nice modern 1BR, energy efficient, off Jake Alexander, lighted parking lot. $395 + dep. 704-640-5750

Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Now! Ro-Well Apartments, Rockwell. Central heat/air, laundry facility on site, nice area. Equal Housing Opportunity Rental Assistance when available; handicapped equipped when available. 704-279-6330, TDD users 828-645-7196. 1 & 2BR. Nice, well maintained, responsible landlord. $425-$445. Salisbury, in town. 704-642-1955

1, 2, & 3 BR Huge Apts! Very nice. $375 & up. One free month's rent! 10% Sr. Citizen's discount. 704-890-4587 2 BR, 1 BA at Willow Oaks (across from UPS). Has refrig. & stove. All electric, no pets. Rent $475, dep. $400. Call Rowan Properties 704633-0446 AAA+ Apartments $425-$950/mo. Chambers Realty 704-637-1020

Salisbury – 2 BR duplex in excellent cond., w/ appls. $560/mo. + dep. Ryburn Rentals 704-637-0601 Salisbury 1BR. Wood floors, appls, great location. Seniors welcome. $375-$395/mo. + dep. 704-630-0785 Salisbury City, Lincolnton Rd. 1BR/1BA, very spacious, good n'hood, $375 + dep. 704-640-5750 Salisbury near VA 2BR, 1BA,, central HVAC, $550/mo, app. reqd. Broker. 704-239-4883 Salisbury One bedroom upstairs, furnished, deposit & references required. 704-932-5631 Salisbury. 2BR duplex. Stove, refrig. furnished. Quiet. $395/mo. Call Bob @ 704-633-4081 WELCOME HOME TO DEER PARK APTS. We have immediate openings for 1 & 2 BR apts. Call or come by and ask about our move-in specials. 704-278-4340 for info. For immediate info call 1-828-442-7116

Condos and Townhomes

BEST VALUE Quiet & Convenient, 2 bedroom town houses, 1½ baths. All Electric, Central heat/air, no pets. $550/mo. Includes water & basic cable.

West Side Manor Apts. Robert Cobb Rentals Variety World, Inc. 2345 Statesville Blvd. Near Salisbury Mall


3 BR, 1 BA, has refrigerator, stove & big yard. No pets. $595/rent + $500/dep. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 3 BR, 2 BA on Maple. Nice house with refrig., stove & big yard. No pets allowed. Rent $750, dep $700. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

3-4 BR, 1 BA, near Livingstone College. Has refrig. & stove. No pets. Rent $650, dep. $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

3BR, 2BA home at Crescent Heights. Call 704-239-3690 for information. American Dr., 3 BR, 2 BA. Has refrigerator, stove & dishwasher. All electric, no pets. $695 rent, $600 dep. Call Rowan Properties 704633-0446

Attn. Landlords House Apple Realty has a 10 year / 95+% occupancy rate on prop's we've managed. 704-633-5067

Office and Commercial Rental

808 Camp Rd. Knollwood, SE Middle, Carson district. 3BR, 2BA. Built 2004. Home also has 1-car garage w/ opener. All electric home, energy efficient windows & heat pump/AC. Dishwasher, smooth range, refrigerator. $875/mo. 704-363-0096

Salisbury. 3BR, 2BA, new paint, heat and air, washer and dryer hookup. Minutes from schools, hospitals, & I-85. $525 per month + $400 deposit. 828-390-0835

Spencer Shops Lease great retail space for as little as $750/mo for 2,000 sq ft at. 704-431-8636 Warehouse space / manufacturing as low as $1.25 per sq.ft. Per yr. Deposit. 704-431-8636


E. Lafayette, 2 BR, 1 BA, has refrigerator and stove. Gas heat, no pets. Rent $595, deposit $500. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

Beside ACE HARDWARE, #229 E Main St Hwy 52, 2,700 sq ft finished store front combined with 2,100 sq ft warehouse. May divide into smaller space. Call 704279-4115 or email thadwhicker@cozartlumber.com

Houses for Rent Salisbury, North Shaver Street, 2BR/1BA, gas heat, $425 per month. 704-633-0425 Lv msg

Salisbury. 4 rooms. 71 Hill St. All appl. furnished. $495/ mo + dep. Limit 2. 704-633-5397

Spencer, 3BR/2BA, 7 years old, downstairs bonus room, gas logs in livingroom, includes all appliances including washer & dryer. Nice neighborhood, convenient to schools, 2 car garage, $1,000/mo., $950 dep. 704-202-2610

Woodleaf 3BR/1BA, refrigerator and stove included included, washer/dryer hook up. $625/month + deposit. No pets. References & credit check required. No Section 8. 704-490-6048

Office and Commercial Rental $$$$$$ $$$$$$$ Rockwell Offices 3 months free 704-637-1020

East Salisbury. 2 & 3BR, 1rentals available. Central air & heat. Appliances. Please call 704-638-0108

450 to 1,000 sq. ft. of Warehouse Space off Jake Alexander Blvd. Call 704-279-8377

Fairmont Ave., 3 BR, 1 ½ BA, has refrigerator & stove, large yard. Rent $725, dep. $700. No Call Rowan Pets. Properties, 704-633-0446 Houses: 3BR, 1BA. Apartments: 2 & 3 BR, 1BA Deposit required. Faith Realty 704-630-9650 2120 Kannapolis Centergrove Rd., 3 BR, 2 BA, $975 mo.; 125 Kennedy St. 2 BR, 1 BA, $400 mo. KREA 704-933-2231 Kannapolis, 911 Haley St., 2BR/1BA, $475 per month + dep. References required. 704-933-1110

Never Before Leased!

East Rowan. 3BR, 2BA. Living room (would be great office), great room, glass/ screened porch. Laundry Gas log FP in great room. Central heat & air. Gazebo, storage building! Credit check, lease. $895/month + deposit. No pets. Call 704639-6000 or 704-633-0144

5,000 sq.ft. warehouse w/loading docks & small office. Call Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011 Furnished Key Man Office Suites - $250-350. Jake & 150. Util & internet incl. 704-721-6831 Granite Quarry-Comm Metal Bldg units perfect for contractor, hobbyist, or storage. 24 hour surveillance, exterior lighting and ample parking. 900-1800 sqft avail. Call for spring specials. 704-232-3333 Numerous Commercial and office rentals to suit your needs. Ranging from 500 to 5,000 sq. ft. Call Victor Wallace at Wallace Realty, 704-636-2021

Office Complex Salisbury. Perfect location near Court House & County Building. Six individual offices. New central heat/air, heavily insulated for energy efficiency, fully carpeted (to be installed) except stone at entrance, conference room, employee break room, tile bathroom, complete integrated phone system with video capability in each office & nice reception area. Want to lease but will sell. Perfect for dual occupancy. By appt only. 704-636-1850

Salisbury apt. houses for rent 2-3BRs. Application, deposit, & proof of employment req'd. Section 8 welcome. 704-762-1139

Great Space!

Office Suite for Lease. Two large rooms, 26' x 13' and 10' x 16'. Also included is a large shared kitchen/break room space with private BR. 1 year lease preferred; $750 monthly rent includes all utilities. Free Wi-Fi. Call 704-636-1811. Salisbury

Salisbury High School area, 2BR/1BA, electric central heat/air, $495/mo + $400 dep. 704-636-3307

Salisbury, near Ellis Park. Old Mocksville Rd. 3BR, 2BA doublewide. Electric heat & air. Well water. Storage building with small shed. Garbage service included. $700/ mo. No Section 8. Call 704-279-5765

Dodge Challenger SE, 2010. Inferno red crystal pearlcoat exterior with dark slate gray interior. F11205A. $23,287. Call 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com


Chrysler LeBaron, 1993 V-6. Good condition. PS, PB, AC, AT. $450. Please call 336-751-5749

ELLIS AUTO AUCTION 10 miles N. of Salisbury, Hwy 601, Sale Every Wednesday night 5:30 pm.

Weekly Special Only $18,995

Cadillac Sedan Deville, 1999. White with leather. AC. Good tires. 81,000 miles. Garage kept. $6,200 obo. Call 704-633-2513 or 980-234-3373

Financing Available!

HONDA, 2004, ACCORD EX. $500-800 down, will help finance. Credit, No Problem! Private party sale. Call 704-838-1538

Mercedes S320, 1999 Black on Grey leather interior, 3.2, V6, auto trans, LOADED, all power ops, low miles, SUNROOF, chrome rims good tires, extra clean MUST SEE! 704-6034255

Office Space


1.87 acres of land. 5,000 sq. ft. metal building with 15 ft. ceilings, three roll up doors and two regular doors, office, and two bathrooms. Service road to I-85. (Exit 81, Spencer). Call 704-2024872 after 5 pm.

Manufactured Home Lot Rentals Kannapolis Lots Available. $200 per month + deposit. No pets. 704-239-2833

Ford Crown Victoria LX, 2001. Toreador Red clearcoat metallic exterior with medium parchment interior. Stock# F11241A. $6,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. Mercury Grand Marquis LS Sedan, 2004. Dare Toreador red clearcoat exterior with light flint interior. F11106A. $9,787. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

East Area. 2BR, water, trash. Limit 2. Dep. req. No pets. Call 704-6367531 or 704-202-4991

Ford Mustang V6, 2001. Oxford white clearcoat exterior with medium parchment interior. $8,659. Stock #P7690A 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Headline type

Faith. 2BR, 1BA. Water, trash, lawn maint. incl. No pets. Ref. $425. 704-2794282 or 704-202-3876 Granite Quarry. 2BR, 2BA. 3 person limit. No $450/month + pets. deposit. 704-279-5905 Lake High Estates, 3 BR, 1½ BA, 1+ acre private lot. Remodeled. $500 + deposit. 704-279-6279 Rockwell. 2BR, 1BA. Appl., water, sewer, trash service incl. $500/mo. + dep. Pets OK. 704-279-7463 S. Rowan area, 2BR/1½ BA. Newly renovated throughout! Appls & W/D. Some furniture. No pets. Priv lot. 2 person limit. $450/mo + $450 dep. 704-213-2272 West & South Rowan. 2 & 3 BR. No pets. Perfect for 3. Water included. Please call 704-857-6951

Rooms for Rent

to show your stuff!

CASH FOR YOUR CAR! We want your vehicle! 1999 to 2011 under 150,000 miles. Please call 704-216-2663.

Ford Mustang, 2004. Red exterior with gray leather interior. $12,259. Stock # T11400AY. 1800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Collector Cars

Ford Taurus SEL Sedan, 2008. Oxford white clearcoat exterior with tan cloth interior. P7689. $14,787 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Mini Cooper, 2006. Black & white. 17,000 Garage kept. miles. $18,500. Please call 704640-6509 after 3pm.

Fishing Boat & Trailer

10ft. Jon Boat with seats, trailer, trolling motor, spare tire, battery charger and paddles. Call 704-633-7002

Collector Cars

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location) Honda 2004 Accord EX, Graphite, V-6, excellent condition, all svc records, navigation, heated front seats, sunroof, XM ready, detailed every six mos. 704-639-6410 704-209-1137

Saturn SL, 2002, Cranberry with Gray Cloth interior 1.9L AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION W/OD all power, AM/FM/CD, alloy rims, nonsmoker, GAS SAVERRRR!! 704-603-4255


Honda Accord 2.4 EX, 2003. Satin silver metallic exterior with gray interior. $11,759. Stock # F11209B. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Chevrolet Corvette, 1995. Red with black leather interior. Automatic. Garage kept. 59,200 miles. $11,500. Call 704-279-6124

Motorcycles & ATVs

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Sweet Ride! Toyota Corolla S, 2007. Black sand pearl exterior with dark charcoal interior. $13,359. Stock # T11319A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Motorcycles & ATVs

50 cc Trike. Brand new! $1,895. Also, nice new Tao Scooters only $895. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

Honda Accord, 2004. Automatic, leather. V-6. Sunroof. Extra clean! Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Toyota Camry LE, 2007. Desert sand mica exterior with bisque interior. $14,459. Stock #P7633C. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location)

Transportation Dealerships

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

*Brand New* 2010 Yamaha Wave Runner with custom Zieman S-1 Trailer. This one-of-akind wave runner is replica to the one on the Hit HBO TV Series "East Bound and Down." It is has never been started or seen water. $8,500. Call 704-907-0945


1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Mercury Grand Marquis GS, 2005. Like new, fully loaded. Only 68,000 miles. $9,995. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Boats & Watercraft

Nice Ride!

MILLER HOTEL Rooms for Rent Weekly $110 & up 704-855-2100



Honda 2005 Accord, fully loaded, $300 down, will help finance. Call 704-872-5255

East Rowan area. 2BR, PARTIALLY furnished. $110/week + $400 deposit, NO PETS. Limit 2. 704-279-6599 Rowan. 2BR. East trash and lawn service included. No pets. $450 month. 704-433-1255

(former Sagebrush location)

Want to get results? Use

South Rowan area. Attractive mobile home lots. Water, garbage, sewer furnished. $160/mo. 704636-1312 or 704-798-0497

Infinity G5, 2003. Black Obsidian/Black Leather, 3.5L V6, auto trans, BOSE AM/FM/CD, SUNROOF, all power, alloy rims. LUXURY FOR HALF THE PRICE!!!! 704-603-4255

Toyota Corolla LE, 2010. Silver exterior with ash interior. $16,859. Stock # K7695. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Yaris, 2009. Silver streak mica exterior with dark charcoal interior. $13,759. Stock # P7663 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Cadillac Sedan DeVille, 2004. Leather, fully loaded, extra clean, 69,000 miles. $7,995. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Transportation Dealerships

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location)

Transportation Financing

Transportation Financing

Jaguar S-Type, 2005. Black w/black leather interior, 6 sp. auto trans, 4.2L V8 engine, AM/FM/CD Changer, Premium Sound. Call Steve today! 704-6034255

We have office suites available in the Executive Center. First Month Free with No Deposit! With all utilities from $150 and up. Lots of amenities. Call Tom Bost at B & R Realty 704-202-4676 www.bostandrufty-realty.com

Salisbury, Kent Exec. Park, $100 & up, 1st month free, ground floor, incls conf rm, utilities. No dep. 704-202-5879

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!



Rockwell - 3 BR, 1½ BA. Very nice. Rent $700, dep. $700. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 Rowan County. 2BR, 1BA. Kitchen, living room, sunroom, utility room. $600/ mo. + $600 dep. 704-9387218 or 704-785-1239

Low Miles! Clean!


Industrial/ Warehouse

Salisbury. 3 & 2 Bedroom Houses. $500-$1,000. Also, Duplex Apartments. 704636-6100 or 704-633-8263

East Area, 3 BR, 2 BA. Dining room, all appl., 2 car garage. Lease, ref., dep. req. $975/mo. 704-798-7233

East. 2BR, 1BA house with pond on six acres outside Granite Quarry. Detached garage $900/ mo. Call Waggoner Realty at 704-633-0462


2004 Mercedes Benz E500, V8, Fully loaded, navigation. Must See! Call Steve today! 704-603-4255

Manufactured Home for Rent China Grove 2BR/1BA, CHA, all electric, refrigerator & stove, W/D connections, back deck, easy access to 29A, close to elementary school and Head Start. $550/mo. + $550 deposit. Section 8 accepted. 704-784-4785


Office Suite Available. Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011

Carson District

Salisbury, 2 BR houses & apts, $525/mo and up. 704-633-4802

Salisbury 2 bedrooms, 1½ baths, brick at Ro-Med, available June 4. Credit check, lease, deposit. $550 per month. 704-782-5037

Houses for Rent

3 BR, 2 BA, close to Salisbury Mall. Gas heat, nice. Rent $695, deposit $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

East Rowan area. 2BR, $450-$550 per month. Chambers Realty 704-239-0691

Rowan Hospital area. 2BR, 1BA. Heat, air, water, appl. incl. $675. 704-633-3997

Oak Island, NC. Mobile home and lot for sale by owner. $120K OBO. 252 NE 68th St., 980-6227713 or 704-933-1110

Condos and Townhomes

Airport Rd., 1BR with stove, refrig., garbage pickup & water incl. Month-month lease. No pets. $400/mo+$300 deposit. Furnished $425/mo. 704-279-3808

China Grove. 2BR, 2BA. All electric. Clean & safe. No pets. $575/month + deposit. 704-202-0605



Chevrolet Cobalt LS, 2008. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Don’t take chances with your hard earned money. Run your ad where it will pay for itself. Daily exposure brings fast results.

Volkswagen Beetle GLS, 2000. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

We are the area's largest selection of quality preowned autos. Financing avail. to suit a variety of needs. Carfax avail. No Gimmicks – We take pride in giving excellent service to all our customers.

Call Steve today! 704-603-4255 www.JakeAlexanderAutoSales.com

SALISBURY POST Service & Parts

Authorized EZGO Dealer. 6 volt & 8 volt batteries. US 52, 5 miles south of Salisbury. Beside East Rowan HS & Old Stone Winery. Look for EZGO sign. 704-245-3660 Camper Top for long bed Ford truck, has 2 roll out windows on each side. $250. 704-633-4526

THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011 • 9B

CLASSIFIED Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans Jeep J-10, 1981. 4WD. 6 cylinder. Runs or for parts. $695. Call 704-637-0217 or 704-213-9240

Chevrolet HHR LT SUV, Cardinal red 2009. metallic exterior with ebony interior. P7656A. $15,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer, 2007. Oxford white exterior with camel interior. $21,559. Stock #F11281A. Call Now 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Transportation Dealerships

Lincoln Navigator, 2002. Oxford White/Tan Leather interior, 5.4L, auto trans, AM/FM/Tape/CD changer, DVD, heated & air cooled seats, all power, 3RD seat, chromes rims, lighted running boards, DRIVES AWESOME! 704-603-4255

Toyota Highlander Limited, 2003, Vintage Gold Metallic/Tan Leather, 4.0L 4speed auto trans. w/Snow Mode AM/FM/Tape/CD, all power, SUNROOF, dual power & heated seats , extra clean, ready for test drive. Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Classified & Retail Advertising Departments Toyota Tacoma Base Regular Cab, 2006. Black exterior with graphite interior. P7688. $13,287 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

CLONINGER FORD, INC. “Try us before you buy.” 511 Jake Alexander Blvd. 704-633-9321 TEAM CHEVROLET, CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC. www.teamautogroup.com 704-216-8000

WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 In Observance of

Dodge Durango SLT, 2001. 4x4, leather, 3rd row seat, heated seats. Call Steve 704-603-4255

Tim Marburger Dodge 287 Concord Pkwy N. Concord, NC 28027 704-792-9700

GMC Yukon XL K1500, 2001. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Tim Marburger Honda 1309 N First St. (Hwy 52) Albemarle NC 704-983-4107

Mitsubishi Raider LS, 2007. Alloy silver clearcoat exterior with slate interior. $11,859. Stock # F11261A. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota RAV4 S, 2004. Titanium metallic exterior with dark charcoal interior. $11,259. Stock # T11390A 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

MEMORIAL DAY Please Note the Following Holiday Deadline Schedule:

Toyota Tacoma, 2002. Impulse red exterior with charcoal interior. $13,759. Stock # F11173A. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Troutman Motor Co. Highway 29 South, Concord, NC 704-782-3105

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

CLASSIFIED LINE ADS Dodge Grand Caravan 2002. 100% Sport, Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, 2005. Fully loaded, electric doors, stowaway seats, nice. $8,995. Call 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Dodge Ram 1500 SLT / Laramie Crew Cab, 2004. Bright white clearcoat exterior with dark slate gray interior. F10362A. $10,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Honda Element EX, 2006. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Nissan Pathfinder LE, 2002, Sahara Beige Metallic/Tan leather, 3.5L auto trans, all power options, Dual HEATED & POWER seats, AM/FM/Tape/CD changer, sunroof, homelink, LOW MILES, extra clean DON'T LET THIS ONE SLIP AWAY! 704-603-4255

Toyota Sienna CE/LE, 2005. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Toyota Tundra, Super exterior with white graphite interior. $19,659. Stock #K7697. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Deadline Date:

Monday, May 30 Tuesday, May 31 Wednesday, June 1 TMC (Wed., June 1)

Friday, May 27 - 3:00 pm Friday, May 27 - 4:00 pm Tuesday, May 31 - 4:00 pm Friday, May 27 - 1:00 pm


Over 150 Vehicles in Stock! Honda Odyssey EX, 2001, Starlight Silver Metallic/ Gray Cloth, 3.5L, auto trans, AM/FM/CD, dual power doors, 3rd seat alloy rims. READY FOR VACATION! Call Steve at n704-603-4255

Publication Date:

Publication Date: Monday, May 30 Tuesday, May 31 Wednesday, June 1 TMC (Wed., June 1)

Saturn VUE V6 SUV, 2007. Storm gray clearcoat exterior with gray interior. Stock #F10528D1. $14,787 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd.

Deadline Date: Friday, May 27 - 10 am Friday, May 27 - 12 noon Friday, May 27 - 4:00 pm Friday, May 27 - 11:00 am

(former Sagebrush location)

Dodge Ram 1500 ST, 2008. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Over 150+ Vehicles in Stock! 428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Honda Pilot EX, 2007. Nimbus gray metallic exterior w/gray interior. $21,559. Stock #T11414A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Lincoln Aviator, 2003. Leather, sunroof, chrome wheels, fully loaded, extra clean, 90,000 miles. $10,995. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

BMW X5, 2001. Alpine White / Tan leather interior 3.0 v6 tiptronic trans. AWD, AM/FM/CD. Sunroof. Alloy rims, all pwr options. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR!!!! Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Ford Econoline F350, 2003. Oxford White/Gray Cloth interior. 6.8 Liter 10 Cylinder AUTOMATIC Engine. TRANSMISSION W/OD. All power options, AM/FM/ tape. Running boards, cold AC, alloy rims, good tires. Nonsmoker. READY FOR DELIVERY!!! 704-603-4255

Ford Escape XLT, 2009. Gray exterior with charcoal interior. $18,859. Stock #T11062A. 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Honda Pilot EX-L, 2006. Desert Rock Metallic exterior with saddle interior. $11,759. Stock # T11405A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Honda Pilot EXL, 2005, Redrock Pearl w/Saddle int., VTEC, V6, 5-sp. auto., fully loaded, all pwr opts, AM/FM/CD changer, steering wheel controls, pwr leather seats, alloy rims, 3RD seat, sunroof, nonsmoker, LOADED! 704-603-4255

Want to Buy: Transportation Toyota 4Runner Limited, 2004. Titanium metallic exterior with stone interior. $18,659. Stock #P7687. Call 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Trust. It’s the reason 74% of area residents read the Salisbury Post on a daily basis. Classifieds give you affordable access to those loyal readers.

Want to Buy: Transportation

BMW X5, 2003. Topaz Blue Metallic/Tan Leather, 4.4L auto trans, AM/FM/CD, SUNROOF, all power, 20inch aluminum rims, PERFECT COLOR COMBO! 704-603-4255

Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, 2006. Stone white clearcoat exterior with medium slate gray interior. $14,559. Stock # F10563B 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

(former Sagebrush location)

No. 61369 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Marjorie R. Scott, 385 Timberwolf Lane, Salisbury, NC 28147. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of August, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 2nd day of May, 2011. Marjorie R. Scott, deceased, Rowan County File #2011E448, Kimberly E. Davis, 385 Timberwolf Lane, Salisbury, NC 28147 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Ida Mae Powles, 625 Gaskey Road, Salisbury, NC 28147. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of August, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 3rd day of May, 2011. Arthur L. Hattaway, Jr., Executor for the estate of Ida Mae Powles, deceased, File 11E453, 350 Gregory Road, Salisbury, NC 28147

Buick Ranier CXL SUV, 2007. Cashmere metallic exterior with cashmere interior. T11239A. $12,687. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

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Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited SUV, 2005. Black clearcoat exterior with medium slate gray interior. T11271A. $15,787. 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Co-Executors for the Estate of Edith S. Bickett, 303 North Rowan Ave., Spencer, NC 28159. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of August, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 23rd day of May, 2011. Edith S. Bickett, deceased, Rowan County File #2011E450, Roy Marshall Bickett, Jr., PO Box 4038, Salisbury, NC 28145, Sylvia Bickett Butler, 425 Grant Road, Salisbury, NC 28146 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Charles Lindbergh Smith, 309 Sowers Ferry Road, Salisbury, NC 28144, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of September, 2011, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 16th day of May, 2011. John T. Hudson as Administrator for the estate of: Charles Lindbergh Smith, deceased, file#10E775, 309 Sowers Ferry Road, Salisbury, NC 28144 Attny at Law, John T. Hudson, 122 N. Lee St., Salisbury, NC 28144

No. 61439 NOTICE OF PROCEEDING AND SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina In the General Court of Justice Rowan County District Court Division - 11CVD1414

Ford Transit Connect XL, 2010. Frozen white exterior with dark gray interior. $15,859. Stock # P7637. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara SUV, 2007. Steel blue metallic exterior with dark slate gray interior. Stock #F11055A. $19,887. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

No. 61405 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION - ROWAN COUNTY - 11 SP 130 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY JOHNNA M. BROADWAY DATED MAY 16, 2007 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 1094 AT PAGE 448 IN THE ROWAN COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 1:30 PM on June 2, 2011 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Rowan County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:

No. 61440

No. 61406

Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Ed., 2003 True Blue Metallic/ Med Parchment leather int., 4.0L (245), SOHC SEFI V6 AUTO, loaded, all pwr, AM/FM/CD changer, steering wheel controls, alloy rims, heated seats, rides & drives great! 704-603-4255


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Ford Expedition XLT SUV, 2003. Black clearcoat exterior with flint gray interior. T11334A. $12,387. Call 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com


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Dodge Ram 1500 SLT, 2004. 4x4, HEMI engine, 20" wheels, loaded up, super nice. $11,995. 704720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Susan Pethel Melton vs. James Robert Melton To: James Robert Melton Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the aboveentitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: absolute divorce. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than thirty days from the posting of this notice seeking relief against you. This the 26th day of May, 2011 John A. Basinger, Attorney for Plaintiff No. 61433 CITY OF SALISBURY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 132 NORTH MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA 28144 704-638-5279 Date: May 24, 2011 Bid Number: 304-2011 Subject:

Street Asphalt Materials Purchases 2011/2012

BEGINNING at a new iron on Finks line and runs thence North 5 deg. 00 min. 00 sec. 261 feet to a new iron, Beck's corner and on the centerline of a branch; thence South 76 deg. 31 min. 04 sec. East 290.25 feet to an existing iron located on the eastern portion of the right of way of North Main Street (formerly Mt. Pleasant road); thence through the right of way of North Main Street, South 03 deg. 18 min. 44 sec. West 200.79 feet to point, corner with James B. Mills; thence with Mills, North 89 deg. 00 min. 00 sec. West passing a nail at 5.90 feet for a total distance of 293.70 feet to a new iron, the point and place of BEGINNING, and being and containing 1.546 acre more or less, as shown upon a survey for Richard A. Collins and wife, Kimberly L. Collins, dated May 9, 1994, by Shulenburger Surveying Company. And Being more commonly known as: 403 North Main St, Faith, NC 28041 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Johnna M. Broadway. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is May 12, 2011.

GMC DENALI XL, 2005. White/Tan Leather, 6.0 V8, auto trans, fully loaded AM/FM/CD, NAVIGATION, all power, DVD, TV, chrome rims, 3rd seat READY FOR TEST DRIVE! 704-603-4255

Jeep Wrangler X, 2003, Bright Silver Metallic/ Gray Cloth, 4.0L HD 5speed manual transmission, AM/FM/CD, cruise, cold AC, 20 inch chrome rims, ready for Summer! Please call 704-603-4255

This notice extends an invitation for the submission of a bid to supply the City with apparatus, supplies, materials, equipment and/or services as indicated above. Sealed bids for the above will be received at the office of the City of Salisbury, Purchasing Department 4th Floor, 132 North Main Street, Salisbury, North Carolina until 2:00 P.M. Tuesday, June 7, 2011, at which time they will be opened and publicly read. Or bids may be sent by USPS mail to City of Salisbury, Purchasing Department, PO Box 479, Salisbury, NC 28145. Two (2) copies of your bid response should be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope plainly marked with the bid number and service description, as follows: "Street Asphalt Bid-#304-2011". The City of Salisbury reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive formalities. Anna Bumgarner Purchasing Manager, City of Salisbury

Grady I. Ingle Or Elizabeth B. Ells, Substitute Trustee, 11-012981 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400, Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 http://shapiroattorneys.com/nc/

Find yours in the Real Estate section of the Salisbury Post. Subscribe today! 704.797.4213

10B • THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011



Zits/Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

Jump Start/Robb Armstrong

For Better or For Worse/Lynn Johnston

Frank & Ernest/Bob Thaves

Dilbert/Scott Adams Non Sequitur/Wiley Miller

Garfield/Jim Davis Pickles/Brian Crane

Hagar The Horrible/Chris Browne Dennis/Hank Ketcham

Family Circus/Bil Keane

Blondie/Dean Young and John Marshall


Get Fuzzy/Darby Conley

The Born Loser/Art and Chip Sansom

Sudoku/United Feature Syndicate Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

Answer to Previous Puzzle

Celebrity Cipher/Luis Campos

SALISBURY POST In the year ahead, try to circulate with the doers of the world, because you will fare better than usual when you hang out with those who make things happen. Their vigor and competitiveness will rub off on you and help you assert yourself. Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Having a clearly defined objective will allow you to achieve the success you’re seeking. Attempting too many things at one time could defeat you. Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you treat developments philosophically and refrain from taking yourself or life too seriously, you’ll be able to defuse any potentially problematic situation that arises. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Although you might hear about something that could produce a second source of income for you, don’t just blindly jump into it. Check it out first to see if it fits into your life. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — A couple of people whom you’re depending upon to help you develop your plans might put some limitations on the way they’ll assist you. Meet their desires, unless you’ve got other options. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Even though you might experience some social limitations, situations that affect your income or career should go rather smoothly for you. At least be grateful for that. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — It is the very people with whom you pal around who will have the strongest influences on your outlook and attitude. It behooves you to associate only with the winners of the world. Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — When involved in a competitive development, the secret to success is to be more consistent in your efforts than your companions. The final results will show the wisdom of assiduous toil.

Reader asks about ways to fight constipation naturally Dear Dr. Gott: I was so happy to see your colon-cocktail ingredients in print, as I have a real problem with constipation. Do you have other ways to stop this annoyance? Dear Reader: The gastrointestinal tract slows as we age, with dietary and lifestyle changes often being to blame. For example, it is often far easier to eat a frozen dinner or a prepared meal that may be nutritious but that may lack the necessary fiber to keep you regular. Or your previous, faster pace of daily livDR. PETER ing might be slowed, GOTT so you don’t exercise as much as you once did. Both scenarios can lead to constipation. Perhaps a diet that includes fruits and vegetables, whole grains and unprocessed bran, an increase in the amount of fluids you consume dai-

ly and moderate exercise will get you back on track quickly. Try to consume between 20 and 35 grams of fiber each day, but begin slowly. You may find a piece of fruit each day is sufficient to keep you regular. To overdo it too quickly is to turn constipation into diarrhea, and you don’t want that to happen. Be sure to avoid foods high in sugar and fat, such as ice cream and cheese, that can aggravate constipation. Be sure to take sufficient time when you feel the urge to defecate. Being rushed and thinking you may be forced to strain will definitely have a negative impact on the result. The longer you delay, the more water will be absorbed from your stool, and the harder it becomes. If your problem persists, visit your physician or a gastroenterologist to ensure nothing else, such as a blockage, is going on. Have you had any testing along those lines? For example, noninvasive procedures are available to determine how well food pass-

es through the digestive system. You might choose to speak with your physician about them. While you don’t mention any medical issues in your brief letter, you could have undiagnosed irritable bowel syndrome, might be overusing laxatives, have diverticulosis, be on specific medications such as those to combat hypertension and depression, or you may have hypothyroidism or hemorrhoids. The possibilities are almost limitless. For the record, my colon cocktail may take up to two weeks to become fully effective, so you might wish to do it on a permanent basis. Beyond that, consider drinking 4 ounces of warm prune or apple juice daily. You also might do well with a simple stool softener, fiber supplement or an osmotic to help fluids move through your colon. There are several overthe-counter products such as magnesium citrate that might do the trick. I’m sure that your local pharmacy will have a large supply from which to

Dear Mary: My mother is 90 years old and very ill. Except for having an insurance policy, she has made no plans for her death or burial. I was made her legal guardian but never have dealt with the eventual decisions that will come. — Sue, Illinois

Dear Sue: If she is able, it’s MARY time for you to initiate “that HUNT talk” with her. Ask her lovingly and specifically what her wishes are with regard to her end-of-life planning. If she has none or is confused and unable to work with you on this, ask her whether she would like you to handle

the details. Does she have a recent will? Make sure you find it now in case it needs to be updated. If she is too ill to be involved, I suggest that you, as her guardian, take steps immediately to make as many decisions as you possibly can while she is still alive. Start by calling a funeral home and mortuary in your area. You will be relieved to learn just how kind these people are — and helpful. Simply tell them that you are her guardian, that she is very ill and that you need to speak with a counselor. He or she will walk you through the process. Have a list of questions written before you call. If you do not understand something, ask the counselor to repeat it until you do. You do not need to make any decisions on the spot.

Speak with more than one company to compare pricing and options. Each state has its own regulations and minimum requirements, which mortuaries must follow. Beyond that, you can spend untold amounts of money — as fancy and elaborate as you want to go. And they will want you to upgrade. These are companies that are in business to make money. So it’s like any kind of consumer issue: Beware. I know from experience, having cared for and buried both of my parents-in-law, that having the grave site determined ahead of time — as well as the type of burial, including the casket and other details — allows you to make one phone call when death arrives. The mortuary then handles everything between

the hospital and cemetery. It was comforting for us and gave us great relief to know that these wonderful people were taking care of all the details. No one cherishes the idea of this kind of talk with one’s parents, but it is part of life. I encourage you to make a call today. The first step will be the hardest. I wish you strength and courage as you walk with your mom through her final days.

Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) — Although it behooves you to protect your interests, be careful not to confuse assertiveness with aggressiveness. Go after what you want, but do so without being pushy. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Pay attention to any hunch you get, but don’t ignore your logical side either. Both intuition and reason have their merits, and you should be able to use them to be supportive of one another. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Even when you have little to cheer about, continue to be hopeful about the outcome of events. If you keep plugging, chances are the results will be to your liking. Trying to patch up a broken romance? The Astro-Graph Matchmaker can help you understand what to do to make the relationship work. Send for your Matchmaker set by mailing $3 to Astro-Graph, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167.

higher-ranking minor, he to send suit-preference sigshould play first the spade 10, nals is the biggest improvethen the spade six. (With a ment in bridge over the last This deal was in the col- club honor, he would play 30 years. But it requires partumn two weeks ago. As I first the six, then the 10.) ners to work hard and to wrote then: South is in four Employing useless cards watch all of the cards. spades. (North might have responded two spades or three spades. I dislike four spades, because the hand is too balanced.) West leads his fourth-highest heart. East wins with his ace and returns the jack (the higher of two remaining cards). DeThe state-of-the-art micro-style clarer has four possible loshearing instruments ers: two hearts, one diamond are small and feather-light! and one club. He can bank everything on the club finesse, but there is no hurry. He can give West a chance to err. After drawing trumps, declarer should exit and Hearing Aid Services, P.A. with his last heart. What Dr. April Robbins Pittman, Audiologist should West do after taking South’s 10 with his queen? 704-633-6775 It depends. With the givwww.salisburyaudiology.com apittmanaud@bellsouth.net en layout, West must shift to Oak Hollow • 644 Statesville Blvd., Unit #3 • Salisbury a diamond. But if South has the ace-queen of diamonds and ace-jack-third of clubs, West would have to switch to a club. Will he find the winning play? No one knows. And if West does find the diamond lead, declarer still has the club finesse on the back burner. That generated some correspondence. Is there some way West can know which way to turn? Yes, there is for a sophisticated partnership. East’s trump cards are irrelevant, so he can use them to send information to his partner. Since East’s remaining honor-card is in diamonds, the United Feature Syndicate

Your Family & Friends Won’t Notice Anything Except That You’re Hearing Better


in the

As for parents reading this, don’t make your kids bring up the subject. Take the initiative now, while you are not dealing with a great deal of emotion. You can arrange for prepaid services with the service provider of your choice. Or simply write your wishes clearly, including where the funds will come from to cover the costs. Then tell your kids who, what, where, when and why. creatOrS.cOM



Memorial Day Specials

Bridge hand: How would West know what to do?


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You are lucky because you have the potential to garner large material returns from not one, but two, unrelated sources simultaneously, if you’re clever enough to tap into them.

United FeatUre Syndicate

Advice on how to have ‘that talk’ with an elderly parent

Good through Memorial Day


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — You are likely to be good at gathering and disseminating information, and you’ll be eager to share what you learn with others. Get to work doing so.

choose. You might even ask your pharmacist his or her opinion regarding which product might meet your needs best. Avoid using laxatives on a regular basis. Habitual use of them can cause the colon to become dependent. As with any drug, even over-the-counter ones, their use can involve increasing the dosage time after time until the colon relies completely on an outside source to allow it to function. Laxatives should be taken only under a physician’s supervision. Readers who would like additional information can order my Health Report “Constipation and Diarrhea” by sending a self-addressed stamped No. 10 envelope and a $2 check or money order made payable to Peter H. Gott, M.D., and mailed to P.O. Box 433, Lakeville, CT 06039. Be sure to mention the title or print an order form off my website’s direct link at www.AskDrGottMD.com/order— form.pdf. Good luck.



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Today’s celebrity birthdays


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Actor James Arness is 88. Sportscaster Brent Musburger is 72. Singer-drummer Levon Helm of The Band is 71. Steel guitar player Gates Nichols of Confederate Railroad is 67. Singer Stevie Nicks is 63. Actor Philip Michael Thomas (“Miami Vice”) is 62. Actress Pam Grier is 62. Country singer Hank Williams Junior is 62. Actress Margaret Colin is 54. Singer Dave Robbins (BlackHawk) is 52. Actress Genie Francis (“General Hospital”) is 49. Comedian Bobcat Goldthwait is 49. Singer Lenny Kravitz is 47. Actress Helena Bonham Carter is 45. Actor Joseph Fiennes (“Shakespeare in Love”) is 41. “South Park” co-creator Matt Stone is 40. Bassist Nathan Cochran of MercyMe is 33.

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5-Day 5-D ay Forecast for for Salisbury Salisbury

National Cities







High 88°

Low 65°

85°/ 65°

85°/ 65°

88°/ 65°

90°/ 67°

Mostly sunny

Chance of storms

Chance of storms

Slight chance of storms

Partly cloudy

Mostly sunny

Today Hi Lo W 83 65 t 83 65 pc 89 67 pc 60 40 t 78 62 pc 50 42 t 76 57 t 79 64 s 75 45 pc 68 51 t 78 50 t 68 54 t

City Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Boston Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit Fairbanks Indianapolis

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 82 67 t 84 64 pc 87 68 t 59 41 t 77 64 pc 56 51 pc 67 56 t 90 73 pc 70 45 pc 63 55 sh 84 52 pc 70 59 pc

Today City Hi Lo W Kansas City 68 51 pc 89 65 pc Las Vegas Los Angeles 74 58 s 88 73 pc Miami 67 42 pc Minneapolis 86 73 t New Orleans 81 66 pc New York Omaha 69 49 pc 90 68 pc Philadelphia 100 73 s Phoenix Salt Lake City 59 40 t Washington, DC 90 71 pc

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 70 55 t 92 65 s 78 56 pc 87 73 t 60 48 t 86 72 pc 85 66 pc 65 51 t 88 67 pc 102 76 s 65 45 pc 86 69 t

World Cities Today Hi Lo W 59 51 r 84 55 t 75 68 pc 78 50 s 57 51 s 46 39 r 53 41 r


City Amsterdam Beijing Beirut Berlin Buenos Aires Calgary Dublin

Kn K Knoxville le 83/61

Boone 83/ 83/58

Frank Franklin n 86 8 86/58 8

Hickory Hi kkory 90/65

A Asheville s ville v lle 85/58 8 85

Spartanburg Sp nb 92/65 92/6

Kit Kitty Haw H Hawk w wk 85 85/70 5//70 5 0

Ral Raleigh al 92/67 9

Salisbury Salisb S al sb b y bury 88/65 65 Charlotte ha t e 92/67

L Lumberton b be 92/67 92 7 W Wilmington to 88/70

Atlanta 88/63

Columbia Co C Col bia 92/68 92/

.. ... Sunrise-.............................. Sunset tonight Moonrise today................... Moonset today....................

Jun 1 New

Darlin D Darli Darlington 92/67 /6 /67

Au A Augusta u ug 94/67 9 94 94/ 4/ 7 4/67

6:09 a.m. 8:28 p.m. 2:22 a.m. 2:57 p.m.

Jun 8 Jun 15 Jun 23 First Fi Full Last

Aiken ken en 92/67 92/ 92 /6 6

Allendale A Al llen e ll 9 94/67 /67 67 Savannah na ah 90/68 8

High.................................................... 89° Low..................................................... 59° Last year's high.................................. 80° Last year's low.................................... 68° ....................................68° Normal high........................................ 82° Normal low......................................... 61° Record high........................... 95° in 1953 .............................45° Record low............................. 45° in 2005 ...............................51% Humidity at noon............................... 51%

Morehead City Mor Mo M o ehea oreh orehea hea h ad C ad Ci Cit ittyy ity 8 7 83/67


Charleston Ch le les es 83/72 8 83 H Hilton n He Head e 8 83/ 83/72 3///72 2 Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.


Charlotte e Yesterday.... 65 ........ moderate .......... ozone Today..... 64 ...... moderate N. C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 0-50 good, 51-100 moderate, 101-150 unhealthy for sensitive grps., 151-200 unhealthy, 201-300 verryy unhealthy, 301-500 haazzardous


Above/Below Full Pool

High Rock Lake............. 654.19.......... -0.81 ..........-0.81 Badin Lake.................. 539.12.......... -2.88 ..........-2.88 Tuckertown Lake............ 595.6........... -0.4 Tillery Lake.................. 277.8.......... -1.20 ................. 177.8.......... -1.20 Blewett Falls.................177.8 Lake Norman................ 98.40........... -1.6


Se e ea at atttle lle Seattle S e 57 7 7///4 46 57/46 5


Forecasts and graphics provided by Weather Underground @2011

Myrtle yr le yrtl eB Be Bea Beach ea each 85/72 8 85 5//72 5/7 5 /7

Air Quality Ind Index ex

24 hours through 8 p.m. yest........... 0.00" 1.79" Month to date................................... ...................................1.79" Normal year to date....................... 17.83" Year to date................................... 16.27"


Southport outh uth 8 85/72

Salisburry y Today: 6.0 - medium Friday: 6.1 - medium Saturday: 6.9 - medium

Precipitation Hatteras Cape Ha C atter atte attera tte ter era ra ass a 83 8 83/7 83/70 3/7 3/ /70 7

G Greenville n e 90/65 65


Goldsboro Go bo b 94/67




B Billings iilllllin in ng g gss

Minneapolis M iin o liiss n nn n ne e ea ap po oli

60/40 6 4 0 0 0///4 40

67/42 6 7//4 4 2 67 42

San San Francisco Francisco Fr rancisco an nccis isc scco o


61/50 6 0 61 1/5 /5 50


7 75 75/45 5//4 4 45 5

Lggeeellleeess Los L oss A o Angeles An n ng


6 68/51 68/5 68 8//5 5 51 1

69/52 6 9//52 9/52 52


Cold Front

A Atlanta tlan an nttta a E Paso aso Ell P

90s Warm Front

8 83 3//6 3/ 65 83/65 6 5

97 9 7//7 7/ 7 71 1 97/71 a am m mii Miami M iia


88//7 73 88/73 7 3

Staationary 110s Front Showers T-storms -sttorms

W a asssh hin ing ng gtto on n Washington 9 90 0//7 0/ 71 90/71 7 1

Kansas K Ka a ansas n nsssas as City as Cit ity


74//5 74/58 58 8 5


L Rain n Flurries rries

Snow Ice

H Houston ousstton 9 93 3//7 7 74 4 93/74


Jess Parker Wunderground Meteorologist

81 8 1 1/66 //6 66 81/66

Detroit D etroit ettroit rroit oit it Denver D e en n nver vver e err


New N e ew wY York Yo o orrrkk

5 0 0///4 4 42 2 50/42




C h hiiiccca a ag g go o Chicago



Tomorrow Hi Lo W 93 75 s 59 42 pc 64 48 pc 62 41 pc 71 64 r 71 55 pc 66 62 r

Pollen Index

Data from Salisbury through ough 6 p.m. yest. Temperature

Danville D l 94/65 Greensboro o Durham D h m 90/67 92/67 67 7

Today Hi Lo W 89 68 pc 57 42 pc 59 42 s 60 46 pc 75 66 s 69 53 r 69 60 pc

City Jerusalem London Moscow Paris Rio Seoul Tokyo


Regional Regio g onal W Weather eather Winston Win Wins Salem a 90/ 7 90/67

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 57 50 r 87 57 s 77 71 s 64 44 pc 59 50 s 55 39 r 53 48 pc

The focus of severe weather activity will shift eastward Thursday as the strong storm system that brought tornadoes to Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana moves through Illinois into Indiana. Warm, moist air ahead of this system will fuel more rain and thunderstorms from the Central Gulf Coast States through Eastern Valley into New York. This activity is expected to decrease through the mid-day as the system weakens. Despite some weakening, warm and unstable conditions ahead of this system and it\'s associated cold front will cause areas from the Central Gulf States through Upstate New York to be at slight risk of severe weather development. The strongest instability will focus from the Tennessee Valley and Southern Appalachians through the Upstate New York. While damaging wind will be the primary severe weather concern in these regions, atmospheric conditions, especially from the Ohio Valley through Upstate New York, may become favorable for supercell development. Behind this activity, high pressure will prevail across the Plains with calm conditions conditions. Hot, dry, and windy conditions will maintain fire weather concerns and lead to an increased threat of wildfires in parts of New Mexico and Texas. In the West, a late season storm will move through the Northern Intermountain West with gusty winds, unseasonably cold temperatures, and a mix of light rain showers and high elevation snow showers. Meanwhile, cool and unsettled conditions will continue in the Pacific Northwest.

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Ronnie Gallagher, Sports Editor, 704-797-4287 rgallagher@salisburypost.com

NBA Lakers name Brown to replace Jackson as head coach/4C

CHARLOTTE — Tony Stewart would be interested in signing Danica Patrick if she makes a full-time move to NASCAR. But Stewart only would be interested in signing Patrick to a Sprint Cup ride for Stewart-Haas Racing, which does not field a second-tier Nationwide Series team. “Anybody that’s got a Cup team that would have the availability would jump at the chance to do something with her,” Stewart said Wednesday during an appearance for sponsor Office Depot’s new Tech Services stores. “You would be crazy not to entertain an offer like that and an opportunity for her to drive

May 26, 2011




Interest in Danica Associated Press


Roush dominance RFR hopes for another big weekend at Charlotte

a race car for you.” Patrick is running a limited Nationwide schedule for JR Motorsports for a second consecutive year. She’s got an option year coming up on her contract with Andretti Autosport and is deciding whether to stay in IndyCar or make a move to full-time NASCAR next year. She said during preparations for the Indianapolis 500 last week that she doesn’t know what she’ll do next year. “I suppose anything is possible,” she said. “But I know for me, I haven’t made any of those decisions yet.” Stewart fields two cars at Stewart-Haas Racing, but the two-time champion eventual-

BY JENNA FRYER Associated Press


Danica Patrick hasn’t made up her mind See DANICA, 3C about next year.

CONCORD — Things couldn’t possibly have gone any better for Roush Fenway Racing last weekend, when the organization swept the three races it entered. Now RFR heads back to Charlotte Motor Speedway, eager to return to the dominance it once showed in NASCAR’s longest race of the year. It doesn’t look like it will be a problem. Carl Edwards goes into the Coca-Cola 600 on Sunday with momentum from last weekend’s victory in the $1 million All-Star race. He won three of the four segments, and outran Kyle Busch over the final 10-lap sprint to claim his first All-Star win. Greg Biffle won the only other seg-

ment of the All-Star race that Edwards didn’t claim, and David Ragan won the Sprint Showdown held for drivers not already qualified for the main event. The final running order showed all four RFR cars in the top eight, and left team owner Jack Roush feeling good about his chances moving ahead. “The guys worked hard,” Roush said. “I’m just proud to be part of their program.” It’s a program that obviously had turned a corner at the start of this season, when Edwards and Ragan contended for the Daytona 500 victory. Although the win went to Roush development driver Trevor Bayne, driving for the Wood Brothers in a car that’s closely aligned to the RFR organization, the



Beck’s chance QB’s unlikely road to possible Redskins’ starter Associated Press

ASHBURN, Va. — If it sounds improbable that John Beck is a genuine candidate to be the Washington Redskins starting quarterback, consider the odds he faced daily during his two years as a missionary for the Mormon church in Lisbon, Portugal. “You can knock on a couple of hundred doors a day and everybody shuts it,” the Washington Redskins quarterback said. “From a mental standpoint, you just have to keep believing that the next door could be the one that somebody opens and says ‘We’d love to talk to you.’ I can remember stretches of days where nobody wanted to talk to you and all of a sudden — bam — somebody does, and those 400 knocked doors are worth it.” Such patience and persistence has also served Beck well in the NFL, where he has been a bench-warmer since playing in five games as a rookie for the Miami Dolphins in 2007. He became an odd man out when Bill Parcells was hired to run the Dolphins and had little chance of moving up the depth chart in his one season with the Baltimore Ravens, but the door has opened wide since he joined the Redskins last year. Coach Mike Shanahan is an unabashed Beck fan, the starting job will be available this fall with the expected departure of Donovan McNabb. “You want to play for a team where the coach believes in you,” Beck said Wednesday after the second day of a minicamp organized by Redskins players during the lockout. “I’ve been in a situation where I’ve been on a team where I wasn’t the guy that the staff chose — I was just a guy. It’s different. To survive and be successful in the NFL you have to be on a team where the coaches believe in you, and you have to earn the players’ confidence by the way you perform on the field.” And for those who wonder whether Beck could be ready for the challenge given the long gap since his last regular season appearance, he has a ready answer: The mission in Portugal, which he served after high school,

See BECK, 4C


South Rowan’s playing fields were always among the best around, thanks to athletic director Danny Crosby.

Parking the mower South Rowan athletic director Danny Crosby calling it quits BY MIKE LONDON mlondon@salisburypost.com

LANDIS — South Rowan athletics director Danny Crosby’s cozy office includes the obligatory Vince Lombardi quote in Magic Marker on the greaseboard as well as an optional poster of the Three Stooges posing with golf clubs. Sports has a serious side and a

lighter side, and Crosby has balanced them pretty well for a long time. A fierce competitor in his day but quick with a joke as the years rolled by, Crosby will retire on June 30 from a school into which he’s poured heart and soul. “He’s Larry Deal-ish, one of the old school,” South principal Dr. Donald Knox said. Crosby, 57, goes back far enough

at South that he was a Rebel, rather than a Raider, when he played fullback and first base for coach Lope Linder. He kept busy between football and baseball seasons by wrestling. “Graduated in 1971,” Crosby said. “The last class of Rebels.” Crosby played football at LeesMcRae when it was still a junior college. Then he went on to Carson-

Newman. He began coaching at rural Wartburg Central High in the Crab Orchard Mountains of Tennessee. His next stop was coaching his brothers, Rick and Tim, as an assistant at Lees-McRae. In the late 1970s, Crosby left coaching for five years, studying


Bridges headed to Lynchburg prise for the Cougars as a sophomore, stepping into the varsity lineup at first base CHINA GROVE — Carson and batting a respectable .286 coach Chris Cauble is certain out of the No. 9 spot. He startan early-season benching in ed all but a handful of games, 2010 helped Kyle Bridges be- so he naturally assumed he’d come a next-level player. be a first-stringer again as a Ask Bridges about that, junior. and he agrees. Facing major Cauble is no fan of assumpadversity as a junior and tions, and when he made out overcoming it is a big reason his opening-day lineup card, he’s headed to play baseball Bridges wasn’t on it. at Lynchburg, with the bulk Weston Snow, an outfielder of his education paid for. when 100 percent was coming Bridges was a pleasant sur- back from an injury. Cauble BY MIKE LONDON


jon c. lakey/ThE SALISBURY POST

Carson’s Kyle Bridges, right, dives for home plate in a win against West Rowan.

had him at first base and batting seventh against Northwest Cabarrus’ tough southpaw Taylor West. Snow being a right-handed hitter and Bridges being a lefty had something to do with that decision, but Bridges wasn’t thrilled. “Kyle had played about every game as a sophomore, so he was sure he’d start as a junior,” Cauble said. “But Weston was hurt, and that put



THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011 • 3C


jon c. lakey/the SALISBURY POSt

Carson’s Kyle Bridges, sliding home, was a three-year starter for the Cougars and had a tough decision to make between Lynchburg and Catawba.

FROM 1C Kyle and him in a battle at first base.” Bridges was a defensive replacement in Carson’s second game — a win against Robinson and young ace Brody Koerner. When Snow had a huge offensive game against Cox Mill a few days later and followed it up with a 3-for-3 effort against Salisbury, it looked like Bridges might sit on the pine for life. “I got what I deserved,” Bridges said. “My attitude was my problem. I’d never had to compete for a spot before, and I went into a hole a little bit, but it helped me in the long run. It made me a lot more competitive.” Bridges saw the light and started climbing out of that hole. By Carson’s eighth game, he was back in the lineup at first base, with Snow playing either left or right field. Bridges started Carson’s last 21

games, hit safely in 15 of them and had multiple hits six times. He finished the season batting .351 and was a terrific No. 9 guy. “I think not playing for several games got Kyle refocused,” Cauble said. “He got back into the right work ethic, and he’s still never let go of it.” With players such as Snow, Zack Grkman, Julio Zubillaga, Tyler Freeze and Patrick Bearden graduated, Bridges assumed more of a leadership role for the Cougars as a senior. He batted .344 as a fixture in the No. 2 spot. Eight walks and six HBPs, lifted his on-base percentage to .462. “He saw fewer fastballs batting in the two-hole as opposed to batting ninth,” Cauble said. “But he was a very good No. 2. He put the ball in play, and he didn’t swing at just anything. I think he did everything he was called upon to do.” Bridges lacks height (he’s 5foot-9, 170 pounds) and power (zero high school homers), two things normally associated with a

ble Kyle was at first base,” Cauble said. “He plays first base like he’s a middle infielder, and that can overcome that negative of not being very tall.” Catawba made an offer good enough that it made it hard for the Bridges family to sleep for a couple of weeks. Kyle also had to consider BRIDGES CAUBLE the fact that Carson shortstop Gunnar Hogan, who signed with Catawfirst baseman. But he also has asba in the fall, is like a brother. sets. “Gunnar and I go back a long He has a very slick glove. His time,” Bridges said. “For a while, I father, Baxter, was a first baseman really wanted Catawba to work out at Pfeiffer and schooled him early. for that reason, but it’s not like I’m He also makes steady contact, not happy about going to Lynchstriking out just six times all seaburg.” son. Basically, Lynchburg made a lot It’s also true that lefty hitters of sense to the Bridges family fidon’t grow on trees. They’re pure nancially. He’s getting a great acagold, and Bridges is a pretty addemic package. vanced hitter. He understands he Not a lot of locals follow Lynchhas to think up-the-middle and opburg, which is a Division III school posite field if he’s going to be succompeting in the mostly Virginiacessful. based Old Dominion Athletic ConCatawba liked Bridges well ference. enough to recruit him enthusiastiMember schools include outcally. standing academic institutions “Catawba really liked how nimsuch as Emory & Henry, Washing-

CROSBY FROM 1C turf management and working at several golf courses. He returned to the coaching ranks in the area in 1982. He served a stint at Erwin, where he was AD; another at Northwest Cabarrus. In 1991, he had a chance to return home to South as a health and P.E. teacher and to put on the red and black again. He’s helped coach football, baseball and wrestling, and he’s been a fixture at South the past two decades. Crosby’s most obvious impact at the school has always been on the well-groomed baseball and football fields where his turfmanagement training has paid dividends. “He’s got a passion for those fields, and he’s shared his knowledge with a lot of the kids here,” Knox said. “Everyone who comes to South comments on how nice our fields are.” In 2008, Crosby accepted AD responsibilities when Josh Vinson stepped down after three years on the job. “It can almost overwhelm you with all the paperwork that’s got to be done for 20-something sports,” Crosby said. “It used to be you had eligibility forms, parental consent forms and insurance forms, but it seems like there’s five sheets of paper for everything now. I was surrounded by good people. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to get it all done. I thank all of them.” Springtime, when something gets rained out and rescheduled every other day, always provides a challenge for even the most patient AD. Crosby said West Rowan AD Todd Bell has been the biggest help, as he’s adjusted to advancing technology. ADs, even oldschool ADs, can’t operate with just a pencil, a desk phone and a clipboard anymore.

ROUSH FROM 1C Roush cars were clearly at a pace to run up front again. It’s continued week after week, as Edwards won at Las Vegas and is the current Sprint Cup Series points leader. Matt Kenseth has two wins, Biffle has had dominant cars at points this season, and Ragan has shown clear improvement. Toss in a win Sunday at Iowa by Ricky Stenhouse Jr., the first series regular to win in the second-tier Nationwide Series, and RFR is clicking. Roush credited everyone but himself for the turnaround, from competition director Robbie Reiser, to manufacturer Ford and engine builder Doug Yates. “There’s a lot of discussion about hard work in this business, but the Roush Fenway guys have really, really suited up for it in the winter,” Roush said. “They’ve got me really close to the door, so there’s not as many tools I can get my hands on and not as

ronnie gallagher/the SALISBURY POSt

If you wanted to find Danny Crosby, you could usually look for the mower. “I can email and I can text, but I still feel like the best way to handle a problem is face-to-face,” Crosby said. “I’ve never had a cross word with another AD. I saw snow back up wrestling and basketball to the point where you didn’t know how you’d ever get the games in, but we worked together and things fell into place.” There have been late nights, especially in

many things I could screw up as I used to. “The engine is good, the car is good, the engineering is just incredible.” Maybe good enough to get Roush back to Victory Lane on Sunday. His drivers once reeled off four consecutive wins in the Coca-Cola 600, starting with Jeff Burton’s victory in 1999. Then came a win by Kenseth, another one by Burton, and finally Mark Martin’s victory in 2002. The dominance ended the next season with the emergence of Jimmie Johnson, who strung together five wins in six points races at Charlotte, including three-straight 600 victories. RFR began to slide the other way, and Edwards himself admits Charlotte became a struggle. His average finish is 13.1 in 12 career Cup starts at Charlotte, and his 2006 victory in the Nationwide Series is his only win at the track. But he credits crew chief Bob Osborne for helping him turn it around, and is confident he’ll be good this weekend.

DANICA FROM 1C ly wants to get to the NASCAR-maximum fourcar limit. He’s not spoken to her about joining his team, but did not know if his business managers had spoken with Patrick’s team. He also dodged any questions on if Patrick is ready for the elite Cup level. In 17 career starts, her highest finish was fourth at Las Vegas in March. She’s run only four Nationwide races so far this season and has eight remaining on her schedule. “It’s just time (she needs),” Stewart said. “I didn’t think I was ready for Cup and Bobby Labonte and Joe Gibbs said, ‘Yeah, you’re ready.’ “It took me running some Cup races before I realized I was ready. I’m not sure you know until you get out and do it. She’s smart enough. She didn’t get to this level by making bad decisions.” Stewart has given Patrick advice during her NASCAR trial, but the one thing he

the winter. The NPC’s four-games-at-onesite basketball marathon sometimes has Crosby performing cleaning duties in the gym well after 11 p.m. on a weeknight. “Most ADs open and close the school, and you have to remember that gym is also Danny’s classroom,” Knox said. “He’s got to have it ready for the next morning.” Crosby, a confessed sports nut, probably

can’t counsel her on is giving up on the dream to win the Indianapolis 500. Stewart won the 1997 IndyCar championship but left the series to move to NASCAR. He’s never won the Indy 500 but does have two Brickyard 400 wins in NASCAR. “That’s not an easy decision to make, but you have to think about what is best for you long term,” Stewart said. “She’s the only one that knows what she wants to do. Whatever decision she makes, she’s going to have a reason for it.” Meanwhile, Stewart declined to comment on former Joe Gibbs Racing teammate Kyle Busch’s speeding ticket Tuesday. Busch was pulled over doing 128 mph in a 45 mph zone test driving an almost $400,000 Lexus on loan from manufacturer Toyota. Stewart, who represented Office Depot while delivering laptops, printers and a gift card to a Charlotte elementary school, cited the nature of his appearance as reason for not discussing Busch’s ticket.

ton & Lee, Hampden-Sydney and Guilford. Lynchburg went 24-15 this season and finished second to Bridgewater in the regular season ODAC race. “I really liked the school and the facilities when I visited up there,” Bridges said. “I stayed with Jon Wallace, and he showed me around.” Wallace was Bridges’ teammate on the Kannapolis American Legion team last summer, although Bridges plans to play for South Rowan this year. He’ll be good for South and may be as solid at first base defensively as anyone it has ever had. The Carson program will still have a Bridges next season. Kyle’s younger brother, Connor, batted .400 in 25 at-bats as a sophomore. Kyle provided a good example for Connor to follow. “Kyle’s had a high school career he can be proud of and his Dad can be proud of,” Cauble said. “It’s not like every kid gets to play college ball. Kyle has earned his chance.”

doesn’t hate any minute he spends in a gym. His first date with wife, Susan, was taking in an Atlanta Braves baseball game. “The first official date, anyway,” Crosby clarified. “The first unofficial date was when she filled out my taxes. Then I took her to lunch.” As 1994 crept into 1995, the Crosbys took in both the Gator Bowl and the Peach Bowl on one trip. Not every CROSBY woman would consider that the ideal holiday vacation. “Well, we were down in Florida and I read in the newspaper tickets were still on sale for the Peach Bowl,” Crosby said. “I just said, ‘Babe, do you wanna go?’ She was willing. She’s from a big sports family. I’ve been lucky in that.” Daniel Crosby, their son, is one of those apples who didn’t fall far from the tree. He was a good athlete at South, making allcounty in two sports. Daniel is involved in racing on weekends, but he’s also a teacher and coach at Northwest Middle School. “Daniel loves racing, but I believe his heart is in coaching,” Crosby said. “The only advice I could give him was that he wouldn’t get rich teaching and coaching, but the rewards would be well worth it. I feel blessed that I’ve been able to do this for 30 years.” College football games and big league baseball will become a more frequent activity for the Crosbys once retirement papers are filed. “Oh, I’ve got my bucket list,” Crosby said with a smile. “I’ve tried to live within my means, and there’s places I want to see. I’ve been to football games at four SEC stadiums, and I want to see all of them, places like Alabama and LSU that have been too faraway. And I want to see baseball at Fenway Park and Wrigley Field.”

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4C • THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011



No. 41 for Djokovic



Washington Redskins quarterbacks Donovan McNabb, right, John Beck, center, and Rex Grossman during warmups “I just tried to put myself in their shoes,” Beck said. “If I was one of them, I would want to know what the heck’s going on.” Beck will turn 30 in August, so it would appear he’s running out of chances to be an NFL starter. Of course, the two-year mission meant that he finished college later than most, but he also points out that his body is fresh and injury-free from his seasons on the sidelines. Plus, he said he’s always been a late bloomer. He said it was embarrassing that he only had to pluck a couple of hairs to make himself look good for his senior prom. “I grew so late in life. I grew an inch and a half after I graduated high school,” he said. “I wasn’t one of those guys who had the beard when I was 16, so I don’t feel I’m 29, that’s for dang sure.”

CHARLOTTE — Roush Fenway Racing will hold Daytona 500 winner Trevor Bayne out of racing at Charlotte Motor Speedway, the fifth consecutive week he'll miss because of an inflammatory condition. Team officials said that Bayne has been testing, but decided to hold him out of racing 900 miles over two days at Charlotte. The Nationwide Series race on Saturday is 300 miles, and Sunday's CocaCola 600 is the longest race on the NASCAR schedule. Bayne will now make his return in next week's Nationwide race at Chicagoland Speedway. His next Sprint Cup race will be June 18 at Michigan.

DODGERS LOS ANGELES — The family of a Giants fan who was brutally beaten at Dodger Stadium sued the team and owner Frank McCourt, claiming security cutbacks were to blame for the attack.

BOXING WASHINGTON — Sen. John McCain and Rep. Peter King, who lost their last attempt to win a presidential pardon for the first black heavyweight champion, are looking for a rematch. The two GOP lawmakers reintroduced a congressional resolution urging President Barack Obama to pardon Jack Johnson, who was imprisoned nearly a century ago because of his romantic



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CHICAGO — Chicago Blackhawks Hall of Famer Stan Mikita announced that he has been diagnosed with early-stage oral cancer. The 71-year-old Mikita had 541 goals and 926 assists in 21 NHL seasons, all with Chicago. He won the Stanley Cup in 1961 and the Hart Trophy as the league's MVP in 1967 and 1968. Mikita is also the first player to win the Art Ross, Hart and Lady Byng trophies in the same season in 1966-67. The nine-time All-Star had his No. 21 retired by the team in 1980.

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COLLEGE FOOTBALL COLUMBIA, Mo. — The Missouri football program is holding a drive to collect donations for storm victims in Joplin, partnering with a local restaurant to fill a semi truck with items. Once the items are collectedon Saturday, coaches and players will deliver the donations. • MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The Liberty Bowl will have a chance at an even bigger TV audience on New Year's Eve with the game being broadcast on ABC instead of ESPN.

COLLEGE HOOPS RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia Commonwealth plans to increase student fees so it can give $733,000 more to the basketball program, including for coaches' raises. Head coach Shaka Smart was given a $1.2 million contract after taking the Rams to the NCAA Final Four this past season.

SOCCER MANCHESTER, England — David Beckham made a one-off return to the Manchester United team to mark the end of best friend Gary Neville's career in a friendly against Juventus. The Los Angeles Galaxy gave their star midfielder permission to miss the MLS match against the Houston Dynamo on Wednesday to return to Old Trafford.

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NFL LOCKOUT MINNEAPOLIS — NFL coaches are teaming up with the players in their legal fight to end the owner-imposed lockout. The NFL Coaches Association filed a brief with the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday expressing support for the players and saying that the lockout is putting their jobs in jeopardy. "Owners and fans increasingly demand immediate success, and coaches whose teams cannot fulfill such severe expectations face likely dismissal, which means the uprooting of families, eco-


ties with a white woman.


LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Lakers have reached an agreement in principle with former Cleveland coach Mike Brown to succeed Phil Jackson, the team said Wednesday. “We’ve met with Mike and are very impressed with him,” said a statement issued by the Lakers. “In addition, we have an outline for an agreement in place and hope to sign a contract within the next few days.” Brown will get a four-year deal worth roughly $18 million, a person with knowledge of the discussions told The Associated Press on Wednesday on condition of anonymity because the Lakers hadn’t yet formally hired Brown. With a strong interview last weekend, Brown jumped to the front of the line of candidates for the daunting challenge of succeeding the 11-time NBA champion Jackson with one of the NBA’s iconic franchises. Brown will be the 22nd coach of the Lakers, whose 16 NBA titles trail only the Boston Celtics’ 17 in league history. Rather than promoting one of Jackson’s assistant coaches, the Lakers are changing course after an abrupt end to their two-year title reign and the long-anticipated departure of Jackson, the coach with the most championship rings in NBA history. • OAKLAND, Calif. — Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry had surgery on his right ankle but is expected to be ready by training camp in the fall. The Warriors said Wednesday the surgery was performed by Dr. Bob Anderson in Charlotte. Curry missed eight games last season because of multiple sprains on his right ankle. He still averaged 18.6 points, 5.8 assists and 3.9 rebounds per game. • NEW YORK — The NBA players' association filed an unfair labor charge against the league with the National Labor Relations Board, a move it hopes could block a lockout.

nomic dislocation, and a significantly less promising career path," lawyers for the NFLCA wrote. No individual coaches were identified in the brief, which said that the eight new coaches hired this year face particularly daunting odds of success if the lockout is not lifted soon. The NFL grants new coaches two extra summer minicamps to get players familiar with the new staff, and the elimination of those camps puts them at a competitive disadvantage heading into the season.


PARIS — Even if Novak Djokovic is tennis’ man of the moment, there’s a long, long way to go before he’d approach most of Roger Federer’s many accomplishments. So far to go, really, that it’s not worth discussing. Still, there is one area in which, as of Wednesday, the two men are equal: Djokovic was credited with his 41st consecutive victory — matching the best streak of Federer’s career — when second-round opponent Victor Hanescu of Romania quit at the French Open because of a left leg injury. “I’m not thinking about when this streak — this amazing streak — will end. So I guess that’s the right mental approach,” said the second-seeded Djokovic, who was serving at 6-4, 61, 2-3, 30-love when Hanescu decided to stop playing at Court Philippe Chatrier. It was a far quieter and less theatrical ending than what transpired a few hours later on Court 1. Sabine Lisicki of Germany was bothered by dizziness and muscle cramps and was carried off on a stretcher, sobbing, after wasting a match

R 12 67 38

which chronicles the quarterbacks taken the year Tom Brady was drafted. “I was so fired up,” he said, “I wanted to have another practice.” Beck and Grossman both want to be the starter this fall — and both have no qualms about saying it — but that has had no discernable effect on their working relationship. Wednesday’s 90minute practice was crisp and wellrun, with 41 players working efficiently through a variety of drills. Beck and Grossman alternate taking snaps, and both have stayed on the field after practice each day to spend extra time working with young receivers. Beck has been more proactive than Grossman in reaching out to the Redskins draftees. He called and texted several of them and recently spent two days working out with third-round pick Leonard Hankerson, a receiver from the University of Miami.

Brown replaces Jackson Associated Press

point and a 5-2 lead in the third set of a 4-6, 7-5, 7-5 loss to two-time Grand Slam finalist Vera Zvonareva of Also reaching the third round: No. 1 Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark, past champions Francesca Schiavone of Italy and Svetlana Kuznetsova of Russia, 2010 runner-up Sam Stosur of Australia, and unseeded Bethanie Mattek-Sands of the United States. Men’s winners included No. 3 Federer, No. 7 David Ferrer of Spain, and three Frenchmen: No. 9 Gael Monfils, No. 13 Richard Gasquet and No. 17 Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. Federer improved his career second-round mark at Grand Slam tournaments to 42-0 by beating French wildcard entry Maxime Teixeira 6-3, 6-0, 6-2. Teixeira is ranked 181st and never had played a tour-level match until winning in the first round Sunday. Federer, who counts the 2009 French Open among his record 16 Grand Slam titles, knows what it’s like to be the inexperienced kid across the net from one of the game’s greats. Back on Oct. 6, 1998, Federer played his sixth career match against Andre Agassi at Basel, Switzerland, and lost 6-3, 6-2.

Associated Press


didn’t stop him from becoming a topnotch quarterback at BYU. “I won’t be the first time I’ve gone a few years without playing football,” he said. “I was in another country, so this is kind of Round 2 of not playing games for a while. But the good thing is I’ve been practicing; I’ve been in preseason games.” Beck’s sudden emergence as a co-favorite — along with free agent Rex Grossman — to be the Redskins starter has made him much in demand, especially for football fans starved for news during the work stoppage. Among the interesting nuggets offered Wednesday: He is an Eagle Scout whose least favorite merit badge was environmental science — because it meant he had to sit at a pond for much of the day taking notes about plants and animals — and his favorite was dog care. “I had to convince my parents to let me have a dog,” Beck said, “and the only way that they would do it was if I earned my dog care merit badge, so that badge was the most meaningful to me.” Beck and Grossman are the only quarterbacks at the Redskins workouts, being held at a Virginia high school whose location is undisclosed to the public so as not to disrupt activities at the school. Beck flew in from San Diego for the three days of practices and had to work on adrenaline the first day because his weather-delayed flight didn’t arrive in Washington until 3 a.m. Tuesday morning. When Tuesday night came, he was finally able to relax. He crashed in his hotel room and watched “The Brady 6,”


Expanded Standings New York Boston tampa Bay toronto Baltimore

W 27 27 26 24 23

L 21 22 23 25 24

cleveland detroit Kansas city chicago Minnesota

W 30 25 22 23 16

L 17 23 26 28 32

texas Los angeles seattle oakland

W 26 25 24 23

L 24 25 25 26

philadelphia Florida atlanta New York Washington

W 29 27 28 23 21

L 19 19 23 25 28

st. Louis Milwaukee cincinnati pittsburgh chicago Houston

W 30 27 26 22 21 19

L 21 23 23 26 26 31

san Francisco arizona colorado Los angeles san diego

W 27 25 24 22 20

L 20 24 24 29 30

AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division Pct GB WCGB .563 — — 1 .551 ⁄2 — .531 11⁄2 1 .490 31⁄2 3 .489 31⁄2 3 Central Division Pct GB WCGB .638 — — .521 51⁄2 11⁄2 .458 81⁄2 41⁄2 .451 9 5 .333 141⁄2 101⁄2 West Division Pct GB WCGB .520 — — .500 1 21⁄2 .490 11⁄2 3 .469 21⁄2 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Pct GB WCGB .604 — — .587 1 — .549 21⁄2 11⁄2 .479 6 5 .429 81⁄2 71⁄2 Central Division Pct GB WCGB .588 — — .540 21⁄2 2 .531 3 21⁄2 .458 61⁄2 6 .447 7 61⁄2 .380 101⁄2 10 West Division Pct GB WCGB .574 — — .510 3 31⁄2 .500 31⁄2 4 .431 7 71⁄2 .400 81⁄2 9

AMERICAN LEAGUE Wednesday’s Games Boston 14, cleveland 2 N.Y. Yankees 7, toronto 3 tampa Bay at detroit, ppd., rain seattle 3, Minnesota 0 texas 2, chicago White sox 1 Baltimore 9, Kansas city 2 oakland at L.a. angels, late Thursday’s Games Kansas city (Francis 1-5) at Baltimore (Guthrie 2-6), 12:35 p.m. Boston (aceves 1-0) at detroit (scherzer 6-1), 1:05 p.m. oakland (anderson 2-4) at L.a. angels (pineiro 2-0), 3:35 p.m. chicago White sox (Humber 3-3) at toronto (Morrow 2-2), 7:07 p.m. Friday’s Games Boston at detroit, 7:05 p.m. chicago White sox at toronto, 7:07 p.m. cleveland at tampa Bay, 7:10 p.m. Kansas city at texas, 8:05 p.m. L.a. angels at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m. Baltimore at oakland, 10:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at seattle, 10:10 p.m.

THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011 • 5C


Home 17-13 16-10 11-13 11-11 14-14

Greinke homers and strikes out 10

L10 7-3 8-2 3-7 5-5 6-4

Str W-2 W-2 L-2 L-2 W-4

Away 10-8 11-12 15-10 13-14 9-10

L10 6-4 5-5 2-8 6-4 4-6

Str Home Away L-2 19-6 11-11 W-3 13-8 12-15 L-4 17-13 5-13 L-1 10-13 13-15 L-1 5-13 11-19

L10 5-5 3-7 8-2 3-7

Str W-1 L-1 W-1 W-1

Home 17-10 12-12 11-12 11-12

Away 9-14 13-13 13-13 12-14

L10 4-6 6-4 6-4 5-5 3-7

Str L-1 W-1 W-2 W-1 L-5

Home 17-10 14-12 14-10 10-12 11-9

Away 12-9 13-7 14-13 13-13 10-19

L10 8-2 8-2 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6

Str L-1 W-6 W-1 L-3 L-1 W-1

Home 14-9 19-6 15-11 9-14 10-14 11-14

Away 16-12 8-17 11-12 13-12 11-12 8-17

L10 6-4 8-2 4-6 3-7 3-7

Str L-1 W-2 L-2 L-1 W-1

Home 13-6 16-10 12-12 11-14 9-20

Away 14-14 9-14 12-12 11-15 11-10

NATIONAL LEAGUE Wednesday’s Games atlanta 4, pittsburgh 2, 11 innings Milwaukee 6, Washington 4 Houston 2, L.a. dodgers 1 san diego 3, st. Louis 1 cincinnati at philadelphia, late, marathon N.Y. Mets 7, chicago cubs 4, 6 innings arizona 2, colorado 1 Florida at san Francisco, late Thursday’s Games cincinnati (Bailey 3-1) at philadelphia (cl.Lee 3-4), 1:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets (dickey 2-5) at chicago cubs (Zambrano 4-2), 2:20 p.m. Florida (ani.sanchez 3-1) at san Francisco (Vogelsong 3-0), 3:45 p.m. arizona (owings 0-0) at colorado (Mortensen 1-1), 8:40 p.m. Friday’s Games pittsburgh at chicago cubs, 2:20 p.m. san diego at Washington, 7:05 p.m. philadelphia at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. cincinnati at atlanta, 7:35 p.m. arizona at Houston, 8:05 p.m. san Francisco at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m. st. Louis at colorado, 8:40 p.m.

Soriano may miss 2 months NEW YORK (AP) — Yankees setup man Rafael Soriano has an inflamed ligament in his right elbow that could keep the former All-Star out up to two months, depriving manager Joe Girardi of his main bridge to Mariano Rivera. Yankees general manager Brian Cashman said that Soriano was examined Wednesday by orthopedist Dr. James Andrews in Pensacola, Fla. Andrews recommended that Soriano rest the elbow for about two weeks before beginning a light throwing program. Cashman doesn’t think Soriano will be able to face hitters for at least six weeks. “It’s concerning that he’s got a problem right now,” Cashman said after the Yankees’ 7-3 victory over Toronto. “It’s not good when you have pitchers having swollen ligaments.” Soriano signed a three-year, $35 million deal with New York in the offseason to handle the eighth inning, but he struggled while adapting to the new role. He was 1-1 with a 5.40 ERA in 16 appearances before the injury landed him on the disabled list May 17. Soriano has undergone several MRI exams in an attempt to diagnose the injury, including one on Tuesday, the day after he reported pain in the elbow during a throwing session. The ligament is the same one that Andrews repaired with Tommy John surgery in 2004. Soriano also spent time on the disabled list in 2008 while with the Atlanta Braves before more elbow surgery that August. He had his best season last year closing for Tampa Bay. “He’s got, obviously, a real issue,” Cashman said. “It’s something we have to take care of.”

Associated Press MILWAUKEE — Zack Greinke hit the go-ahead homer and struck out 10 over seven innings, helping the Milwaukee Brewers beat the Washington Nationals 6-4 on Wednesday for their sixth straight victory. Prince Fielder drove in four runs for the Brewers, 13-3 in their last 16 games. They also have nine straight home victories — one short of the franchise record set in 1979 — after sweeping Pittsburgh, Colorado and Washington. Michael Morse hit his third homer in three days for Washington. The Nationals went 1-7 on their trip, losing the last five games. Greinke (3-1) struck out at least one batter each inning. Greinke swung at the first pitch he saw from Jason Marquis (5-2) in the fifth, hitting a towering fly ball down the left-field line to give Milwaukee a 4-3 lead. Braves 4, Pirates 2, 11 innings PITTSBURGH — Brooks Conrad hit a pinch two-run homer in the 11th inning for Atlanta. With pinch-runner Wilkin Ramirez on first and one out, Conrad hit a 1-2 pitch from Jeff Karstens (3-3) into a sliver of seats in right-center for his first home run of the season and fifth career pinch-hit homer. Eric Hinske hit a solo homer, and Jordan Schafer and Alex Gonzalez each had two hits for the Braves, who have won three of four and got a strong outing from rookie Mike Minor in a spot start for Tim Hudson. Steve Pearce homered for the first time in 20 months and went 3-for-5 with two RBIs for Pittsburgh. Minor allowed one run, Jonny Venters got Pearce to ground into a double play with the bases loaded and one out in the ninth inning, and George Sherrill (1-0) pitched a perfect 10th for the Braves. Craig Kimbrel retired the Pirates in or-

associated press

atlanta’s Brooks conrad celebrates his game-winning homer against the pirates on Wednesday with teammate dan Uggla. der in the 11th for his 14th save. Diamondbacks 2, Rockies 1 DENVER — Ian Kennedy tossed eight crisp innings, center fielder Chris Young robbed Ty Wigginton of a tying homer and surging Arizona beat Colorado. Young drove in the go-ahead run with a bloop single in the sixth, then made his key grab in the eighth. Astros 2, Dodgers 1 HOUSTON — J.R. Towles broke out of an 0-for-32 slump with three hits, the last an RBI single with two outs in the ninth that lifted Houston past Los Angeles. Brett Wallace doubled off Matt Guerri-

er (2-3), Bill Hall flied out for the second out, and Towles lined a drive into center field, scoring Wallace. Mets 7, Cubs 4, 7 innings CHICAGO — Dillon Gee recovered from a poor start to throw six solid innings and New York beat wild reliever Justin Berg and Chicago in a rain-shortened game. Padres 3, Cardinals 1 SAN DIEGO — Chase Headley doubled home the go-ahead run in the eighth inning, leading Mat Latos and San Diego over St. Louis, ending the Padres’ season-worst losing streak at five games. The Cardinals had won four in a row.

Boston scores 14, cools off hot Indians Associated Press CLEVELAND — Jon Lester coasted to his AL-leading seventh win and the Boston Red Sox bludgeoned Cleveland’s Mitch Talbot for seven runs in the first inning on their way to a 14-2 victory Wednesday, the Indians’ most-lopsided loss of the season. Dustin Pedroia hit a two-run homer for Boston in the first off Talbot (1-1). Carl Crawford went 4 for 4 with a homer and two doubles, Jarrod Saltalamacchia hit a three-run homer and David Ortiz added an estimated 431-foot solo shot that looked even farther to help the Red Sox win the series finale and take two of three from the major leagueleading Indians. Yankees 7, Blue Jays 3 NEW YORK — Andruw Jones hit a pair of two-run homers, Mark Teixeira also hit a two-run shot and Mariano Rivera made a milestone ap-

pearance in New York’s victory over Toronto. Rivera pitched the ninth inning in a non-save situation, the 1,000th game he’s played for the Yankees. The 11-time All-Star closer became the first player in major league history to reach the plateau for one team and the 15th to make it overall. Freddy Garcia (3-4) avoided his third straight loss, allowing eight hits but limiting the damage to three runs over 61⁄3 innings. Jones homered in the second inning and Teixeira in the third off Jo-Jo Reyes (0-4), who matched a major league record by making his 28th consecutive start without a win. Orioles 9, Royals 2 BALTIMORE — Adam Jones had two hits and two RBIs in an eight-run fourth inning, and Baltimore beat Kansas City for its fourth straight victory. Baltimore sent 13 batters to the plate in the fourth against Luke Hochevar (3-5), who yielded six hits, walked three and

threw a wild pitch. It was the Orioles’ biggest inning since an eight-run sixth against Washington on June 26, 2009. Jones hit a game-ending home run Tuesday night. Jake Arrieta (6-2) allowed two runs and five hits in six innings, striking out seven and walking three. Melky Cabrera homered for the Royals. Kansas City has lost four in a row and nine of 11 and is 5-13 on the road, the worst record in the majors. Rangers 2, White Sox 1 ARLINGTON, Texas — C.J. Wilson pitched into the seventh inning, and Ian Kinsler singled in the deciding run in the third inning in Texas’ victory over Chicago. Wilson (5-3) gave up one run and five hits in 6 1⁄3 innings to help the Rangers win for the third time in four games. The left-hander struck out five. Neftali Feliz allowed consecutive one-out walks in the ninth, but got A.J. Pierzynski to fly out

with runners on first and third for his 10th save in 12 chances. Gavin Floyd (5-4) allowed two runs and three hits in seven-plus innings. Mariners 3, Twins 0 MINNEAPOLIS — Erik Bedard threw six shutout innings, and Franklin Gutierrez hit his first home run of the season to help Seattle beat Minnesota. David Pauley threw two scoreless innings in relief, Brandon League pitched a perfect ninth for his 12th save in 15 attempts and the Twins managed only seven singles on their way to their fifth shutout loss of the season. They have the worst record in the majors at 16-32 and the fewest runs with 164. Bedard (3-4) stretched his scoreless innings streak to 14. The Canadian left-hander, sidelined last season because of a shoulder injury, allowed six hits and one walk and struck out four. Brian Duensing (2-5) allowed four hits and all three runs.

W E D N E S D AY ’ S B O X S C O R E S National Braves 4, Pirates 2 (11) Atlanta

Pittsburgh ab r h bi ab r h bi schafer cf 5 1 2 0 tabata lf 4 1 2 0 alGzlz ss 5 0 2 0 pearce 1b 5 1 3 2 Jones 3b 5 0 1 1 aMcct cf 4 0 0 0 Mccnn c 4 0 1 0 Walker 2b 5 0 0 0 Wrmrz pr 0 1 0 0 doumit c 5 0 0 0 d.ross c 0 0 0 0 diaz rf 3 0 2 0 Hinske lf 4 1 1 1 paul pr-rf 2 0 0 0 Venters p 0 0 0 0 overay 1b 3 0 2 0 sherrill p 0 0 0 0 ciriaco 3b 1 0 0 0 conrad ph 1 1 1 2 cedeno ss 4 0 0 0 Kimrel p 0 0 0 0 JMcdnl p 2 0 0 0 Uggla 2b 5 0 0 0 dMcct p 0 0 0 0 Fremn 1b 5 0 1 0 BrWod ph 1 0 0 0 Mather rf 4 0 0 0 Veras p 0 0 0 0 Minor p 1 0 0 0 Hanrhn p 0 0 0 0 proctor p 0 0 0 0 csnydr ph 0 0 0 0 dHrdz ph 1 0 0 0 Karstns p 0 0 0 0 oFlhrt p 0 0 0 0 prado lf 1 0 0 0 Totals 41 4 9 4 Totals 39 2 9 2 Atlanta 100 001 000 02—4 Pittsburgh 001 000 100 00—2 e—ale.gonzalez (3), Uggla (4). dp—atlanta 3, pittsburgh 1. Lob—atlanta 6, pittsburgh 9. 2b— schafer (1), Freeman (9), overbay (9). Hr—Hinske (5), conrad (1), pearce (1). sb—tabata (12). cs— tabata (3). s—c.snyder. IP H R ER BB SO Atlanta 2 7 1 1 2 5 Minor 5 ⁄3 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 proctor H,1 o’flaherty Bs,2-2 1 2 1 1 0 0 Venters 2 0 0 0 2 1 sherrill W,1-0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Kimbrel s,14-18 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh Ja.Mcdonald 6 6 2 2 1 6 d.Mccutchen 1 0 0 0 0 1 Veras 1 1 0 0 1 2 Hanrahan 1 0 0 0 0 0 Karstens L,3-3 2 2 2 2 0 3 Wp—Veras. t—3:16. a—21,497 (38,362).

Brewers 6, Nationals 4 Washington Milwaukee ab r h bi ab r h bi Berndn cf 4 1 1 0 Weeks 2b 4 2 1 0 dsmnd ss 4 0 0 0 c.Hart rf 3 1 0 0 Werth rf 3 1 2 0 Braun lf 2 1 2 0 L.Nix lf 3 1 1 1 Fielder 1b 2 0 2 4 Morse 1b 4 1 1 3 McGeh 3b 4 0 0 0 espins 2b 4 0 0 0 Loe p 0 0 0 0 irdrgz c 4 0 0 0 Kotsay cf 3 0 0 0 HrstnJr 3b 4 0 1 0 Lucroy c 4 1 0 0 Marqus p 2 0 0 0 counsll ss 4 0 0 0 ankiel ph 1 0 0 0 Greink p 3 1 1 1 Kimall p 0 0 0 0 Hwkns p 0 0 0 0 sBurntt p 0 0 0 0 YBtncr ss 1 0 1 1 coffey p 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 4 6 4 Totals 30 6 7 6 Washington 000 300 010—4 Milwaukee 201 010 11x—6 e—Hairston Jr. (6), Weeks (7). dp—Washington 1. Lob—Washington 4, Milwaukee 7. 2b—L.nix (8), Weeks (12), Braun (8), Fielder (14), Y.betancourt (8). Hr—Morse (5), Greinke (1). sb—Bernadina (6). sf—L.nix, Fielder.

H R ER BB SO IP Washington Marquis L,5-2 6 5 4 4 4 1 2 ⁄3 0 1 1 2 2 Kimball s.Burnett 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 coffey 11⁄3 Milwaukee Greinke W,3-1 7 5 3 3 1 10 2 ⁄3 1 1 0 0 1 Hawkins H,5 1 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Loe s,1-2 s.Burnett pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. Wp—Kimball. t—2:51. a—34,419 (41,900).

Astros 2, Dodgers 1 Los Angeles ab r Furcal ss 4 0 carroll 2b 4 0 Loney 1b 3 0 Kemp cf 4 1 Gions rf 3 0 Guerra p 0 0 Guerrir p 0 0 Navarr c 4 0 sands lf 4 0 Miles 3b 4 0 Lilly p 1 0 ethier ph 0 0 Macdgl p 0 0 GwynJ lf 1 0

Houston h bi ab r h bi 0 0 Bourn cf 4 1 1 1 0 0 angsnc ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 Melncn p 0 0 0 0 3 1 pence rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 ca.Lee lf 4 0 2 0 0 0 cJhnsn 3b 3 0 0 0 0 0 Wallac 1b 4 0 1 0 2 0 Bogsvc pr 0 1 0 0 0 0 Hall 2b 4 0 0 0 1 0 towles c 4 0 3 1 0 0 anrdrg p 2 0 0 0 0 0 WLopez p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Michals ph 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fulchin p 0 0 0 0 Barmes ss 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 1 6 1 Totals 33 2 9 2 Los Angeles 000 001 000—1 Houston 100 000 001—2 two outs when winning run scored. dp—Los angeles 1. Lob—Los angeles 8, Houston 7. 2b—Kemp (10), ca.lee (9), Wallace (14), towles (4). Hr—Kemp (12), Bourn (1). sb—Loney (2). s—Lilly. IP H R ER BB SO Los Angeles Lilly 6 6 1 1 1 2 Macdougal 1 1 0 0 1 1 Guerra 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 ⁄3 2 1 1 0 0 Guerrier L,2-3 Houston an.rodriguez 6 4 1 1 1 5 W.Lopez 1 1 0 0 1 1 Fulchino 1 1 0 0 1 0 Melancon W,4-1 1 0 0 0 0 2 t—2:41. a—21,350 (40,963).

Padres 3, Cardinals 1 St. Louis ab Jay rf 4 craig 2b 2 Kozma 2b 0 schmkr ph1 pujols 1b 4 Brkmn lf 4 rasms cf 3 YMolin c 3 dscals 3b 3 Greene ss 3 carpntr p 3

San Diego h bi ab r h bi 2 0 Bartlett ss 4 1 3 0 0 0 Headly 3b 4 1 1 1 0 0 Ludwck lf 4 0 1 1 0 0 denorfi lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hawpe 1b 4 1 2 1 2 1 Maybin cf 3 0 0 0 0 0 Hudsn 2b 3 0 1 0 0 0 alGnzlz 2b 0 0 0 0 1 0 eptrsn rf 3 0 0 0 1 0 rJhnsn c 3 0 0 0 0 0 Latos p 2 0 0 0 tekotte ph 1 0 0 0 H.Bell p 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 1 6 1 Totals 31 3 8 3 St. Louis 100 000 000—1 San Diego 010 000 02x—3 e—Greene (4). dp—st. Louis 1, san diego 1. Lob—st. Louis 3, san diego 4. 2b—Jay (4), descalso (10), Headley (13). 3b—Bartlett (2). Hr—Hawr 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0 1 r.Betancourt HBp—by i.Kennedy (s.smith). Wp—i.Kennedy. t—2:37. a—26,972 (50,490).

pe (4). cs—Berkman (3). s—craig. IP H R ER BB SO St. Louis 8 3 2 0 6 carpenter L,1-5 8 San Diego Latos W,2-6 8 6 1 1 0 7 1 0 0 0 0 1 H.bell s,10-11 Wp—carpenter, Latos. t—2:04. a—23,088 (42,691).

Red Sox 14, Indians 2

Mets 7, Cubs 4 (6 inns.)


New York ab Josrys ss 5 thole c 4 Beltran rf 3 3 Bay lf dnMrp 1b 3 turner 3b 3 pridie cf 4 rtejad 2b 4 Gee p 2

Chicago h bi ab r h bi 2 0 Fukdm rf 2 1 0 0 1 1 Barney 2b 3 0 0 0 2 2 scastro ss 3 1 1 0 1 0 arrmr 3b 3 0 0 0 1 2 c.pena 1b 2 1 1 0 1 1 rJhnsn cf 2 1 1 2 2 0 asorin lf 3 0 1 2 2 0 castillo c 2 0 0 0 0 1 ccolmn p 0 0 0 0 Berg p 0 0 0 0 Jrussll p 2 0 0 0 Maine p 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 712 7 Totals 22 4 4 4 New York 150 010 0—7 Chicago 400 000 x—4 Lob—New York 10, chicago 3. 2b—Beltran (15), re.johnson (8), a.soriano (7). 3b—Beltran (1). sf— Gee. IP H R ER BB SO New York Gee W,4-0 6 4 4 4 2 4 Chicago 1 7 6 6 1 0 coleman L,2-4 1 ⁄3 Berg 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 1 1 0 2 J.russell 32⁄3 2 0 0 1 3 Maine 12⁄3 Berg pitched to 3 batters in the 2nd. HBp—by Gee (re.Johnson). r 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 1

Diamondbacks 2, Rockies 1 Arizona

Colorado ab r h bi ab r h bi rrorts 3b 4 1 1 0 Fowler cf 3 0 0 0 KJhnsn 2b4 1 2 0 s.smith rf 3 1 2 0 J.Upton rf 4 0 1 1 cGnzlz lf 4 0 1 0 s.drew ss 4 0 0 0 Helton 1b 3 0 1 1 cYoung cf 3 0 1 1 Wggntn 3b 4 0 1 0 Monter c 3 0 0 0 JoLopz 2b 3 0 0 0 Nady 1b 4 0 1 0 iannett c 4 0 0 0 Gparra lf 4 0 0 0 amezg ss 3 0 1 0 iKnndy p 3 0 1 0 Giambi ph 1 0 0 0 Brrghs ph 1 0 0 0 Hamml p 2 0 0 0 putz p 0 0 0 0 JHerrr ph 1 0 1 0 Mtrynl p 0 0 0 0 Belisle p 0 0 0 0 rBtncr p 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 2 7 2 Totals 31 1 7 1 Arizona 000 002 000—2 Colorado 000 100 000—1 e—amezaga (1). dp—arizona 1, colorado 1. Lob—arizona 7, colorado 7. 2b—K.johnson (11), s.smith (15), Wigginton (7), J.herrera (5). sb— K.johnson (7), J.upton (8), c.young (4), Nady (2). cs—J.upton (4). sf—Helton. IP H R ER BB SO Arizona i.kennedy W,6-1 8 7 1 1 2 3 putz s,14-14 1 0 0 0 0 0 Colorado Hammel L,3-4 7 5 2 0 2 5 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 2 Mat.reynolds 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Belisle

American Cleveland h bi ab r h bi 3 1 Brantly cf 2 0 0 0 2 3 carrer ph-cf2 0 0 0 2 1 acarer ss 3 0 1 0 2 1 ocarer 2b 1 0 0 0 0 0 choo rf 2 0 1 0 4 2 t.Buck pr-rf1 1 1 0 0 0 duncan dh 4 0 2 2 2 3 Laport 1b 4 0 0 0 2 1 Kearns lf 3 0 0 0 3 1 Hannhn 3b 4 0 1 0 Marson c 4 0 0 0 everett 2b 3 1 1 0 Totals 45142013 Totals 33 2 7 2 Boston 701 105 000—14 Cleveland 000 000 020— 2 e—choo 2 (3). dp—Boston 1, cleveland 1. Lob—Boston 9, cleveland 6. 2b—ellsbury (15), crawford 2 (9), cameron (1), sutton 2 (2), a.cabrera (11), t.buck (4), Hannahan (6). Hr—pedroia (3), ortiz (10), crawford (3), saltalamacchia (4). sb— ellsbury (17). sf—cameron. IP H R ER BB SO Boston Lester W,7-1 6 3 0 0 1 7 Wheeler 1 1 0 0 0 1 F.Morales 1 3 2 2 0 1 atchison 1 0 0 0 0 1 Cleveland talbot L,1-1 3 12 8 8 2 1 6 6 6 1 1 Herrmann 21⁄3 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 durbin sipp 1 0 0 0 0 0 J.smith 1 1 0 0 1 0 pestano 1 0 0 0 0 0 HBp—by atchison (Kearns). t—3:02. a—26,408 (43,441).

ab ellsury cf 4 pdroia 2b 6 adGnzl 1b 6 ortiz dh 6 Lowrie ss 5 crwfrd lf 4 dMcdn lf 1 sltlmch c 4 camrn rf 4 sutton 3b 5

r 1 1 1 1 2 3 0 2 1 2

Mariners 3, Twins 0 Seattle

Minnesota ab r h bi ab r h bi isuzuki rf 4 0 0 0 span cf 4 0 0 0 Figgins 3b 4 0 0 0 tolbert ss 4 0 1 0 smoak dh 3 0 0 0 Kubel rf 4 0 0 0 olivo c 4 0 0 0 Mornea 1b 4 0 1 0 FGtrrz cf 3 2 2 1 dYong lf 4 0 0 0 aKndy 1b 4 1 1 1 thome dh 3 0 1 0 MWilsn lf 3 0 0 0 Valenci 3b 4 0 1 0 Msndrs lf 1 0 0 0 Butera c 3 0 1 0 ryan ss 3 0 2 1 acasill 2b 3 0 2 0 JaWlsn 2b 2 0 0 0 Totals 31 3 5 3 Totals 33 0 7 0 Seattle 020 100 000—3 Minnesota 000 000 000—0 dp—seattle 1. Lob—seattle 4, Minnesota 7. 2b—a.kennedy (7). 3b—ryan (1). Hr—F.gutierrez (1). cs—F.gutierrez (1). IP H R ER BB SO Seattle Bedard W,3-4 6 6 0 0 1 4 pauley H,3 2 1 0 0 0 1 League s,12-15 1 0 0 0 0 1 Minnesota duensing L,2-5 7 4 3 3 3 6 al.Burnett 1 1 0 0 0 1

1 0 0 0 0 1 d.Hughes al.Burnett pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. t—2:30. a—38,860 (39,500).

Yankees 7, Blue Jays 3 Toronto

New York ab r h bi ab r h bi 3 1 1 0 Yescor ss 4 0 1 0 Jeter ss JMcdnl ss0 0 0 0 Grndrs cf 4 1 2 1 arencii ph 1 0 0 0 teixeir 1b 5 1 1 2 cpttrsn lf 4 1 1 0 alrdrg dh 4 0 1 0 Bautist rf 3 0 1 0 cano 2b 4 0 1 0 Jriver 1b 4 0 1 1 Martin c 2 1 0 0 JMolin c 3 0 0 0 swisher rf 3 1 0 0 a.Hill 2b 4 1 2 0 Gardnr lf 0 0 0 0 ethms dh 4 1 2 1 anJons lf 3 2 3 4 rdavis cf 4 0 2 0 dickrsn lf 1 0 0 0 J.Nix 3b 3 0 0 1 Nunez 3b 4 0 0 0 encrnc ph 1 0 0 0 33 7 9 7 Totals 35 310 3 Totals 000 001 200—3 Toronto New York 122 002 00x—7 e—J.molina (1), a.hill (1). dp—toronto 1, New York 1. Lob—toronto 7, New York 8. 2b—c.patterson (13), e.thames (2), r.davis (5), Jeter (5), Granderson 2 (7). 3b—Y.escobar (3). Hr—teixeira (13), an.jones 2 (4). sb—r.davis (13), al.rodriguez (2), cano (4), Martin (4). cs—Bautista (2). IP H R ER BB SO Toronto Jo-.reyes L,0-4 3 5 5 5 2 0 L.perez 4 4 2 2 2 3 camp 1 0 0 0 1 0 New York 8 3 3 0 4 F.garcia W,3-4 61⁄3 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 robertson chamberlain 1 1 0 0 1 0 Ma.rivera 1 1 0 0 0 1 HBp—by L.perez (Granderson), by F.Garcia (Bautista). Wp—Jo-.reyes. t—2:41. a—43,201 (50,291).

Rangers 2, White Sox 1 Chicago Texas ab r h bi ab r h bi pierre lf 4 0 1 0 Kinsler 2b 4 0 1 1 alrmrz ss 4 1 1 0 andrus ss 4 0 0 0 Quntin dh 3 0 1 0 JHmltn dh 3 0 0 0 Konerk 1b 3 0 1 1 MiYong 1b 3 0 0 0 Vizquel pr 0 0 0 0 Gentry cf 0 0 0 0 rios cf 4 0 0 0 aBeltre 3b 3 0 0 0 rcastr c 2 0 0 0 N.cruz lf-rf 3 0 0 0 przyns c 1 0 0 0 dvMrp cf-lf 3 1 0 0 Lillirdg rf 2 0 0 0 torreal c 2 1 1 0 Bckhm 2b 3 0 2 0 Morlnd rf-1b2 0 1 1 Morel 3b 2 0 0 0 a.dunn ph1 0 0 0 Mcphrs 3b0 0 0 0 Totals 29 1 6 1 Totals 27 2 3 2 Chicago 000 000 100—1 Texas 002 000 00x—2 e—Beckham (1). dp—texas 3. Lob—chicago 5, texas 3. 2b—torrealba (7). sb—Kinsler (10). s—Lillibridge. sf—Moreland. IP H R ER BB SO Chicago Floyd L,5-4 7 3 2 1 1 5 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 sale 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 t.pena Texas 5 1 1 0 5 c.wilson W,5-3 61⁄3 M.lowe H,3 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 d.oliver H,7 Feliz s,10-12 1 0 0 0 2 0 Floyd pitched to 1 batter in the 8th.

t—2:39. a—32,382 (49,170).

Orioles 9, Royals 2 Kansas City Baltimore ab r h bi ab r h bi Gordon lf 5 0 1 0 pie lf 4 1 1 1 Mecarr cf 3 1 2 2 adJons cf 4 1 2 2 Hsmer 1b 4 0 1 0 Markks rf 4 1 1 0 Francr rf 4 0 0 0 Guerrr dh 4 0 1 1 Butler dh 3 0 2 0 Wieters c 3 1 0 0 Betemt 3b 4 0 1 0 scott 1b 4 1 2 1 treanr c 4 0 0 0 Mrrynl 3b 3 2 1 1 Getz 2b 2 1 0 0 Hardy ss 4 1 1 1 aescor ss 4 0 0 0 radms 2b 3 1 0 0 Totals 33 2 7 2 Totals 33 9 9 7 Kansas City 000 020 000—2 Baltimore 000 800 01x—9 e—a.escobar (3), Mar.reynolds (8). dp—Kansas city 1, Baltimore 1. Lob—Kansas city 8, Baltimore 3. 2b—Gordon (16), ad.jones (10), scott (7). Hr— Me.cabrera (6), Mar.reynolds (6). s—Me.cabrera. IP H R ER BB SO Kansas City Hochevar L,3-5 7 8 8 7 3 1 tejeda 1 1 1 1 0 1 Baltimore arrieta W,6-2 6 5 2 2 3 7 Ji.Johnson 2 2 0 0 0 2 M.Gonzalez 1 0 0 0 0 1 Wp—Hochevar. t—2:29. a—15,740 (45,438).

Calendar July 12 — all-star game, phoenix. July 24 — Hall of Fame induction, cooperstown, N.Y. July 31 — Last day to trade a player without securing waivers. aug. 15 — Last day to sign selections from 2011 amateur draft who have not exhausted college eligibility. sept. 1 — active rosters expand to 40 players. sept. 30 or oct. 1 — playoffs begin. oct. 19 — World series begins. November — Free agent period to sign exclusively with former teams, first 15 days after World series ends.

History It happened on May 26 1916 — Benny Kauff of the Giants was picked off first base three times by Boston’s Lefty tyler. the miscues didn’t hurt as New York won its 14th consecutive road victory, beating the Braves 12-1. 1925 — in detroit’s 8-1 win over the chicago White sox, ty cobb became the first to collect 1,000 career extra-base hits. 1929 — pinch-hitters pat crawford of the Giants and Les Bell of the Boston Braves hit grand slams in New York’s 15-9 victory. 1956 — cincinnati reds pitchers John Klippstein, Hershell Freeman and Joe Black combined for 92⁄3 hitless innings, but lost 2-1 in 11 innings to the philadelphia phillies. 1959 — Harvey Haddix of pittsburgh pitched 12 perfect innings before losing to Milwaukee 10 in the 13th on an error, a sacrifice and Joe adcock’s double. 1962 — sandy Koufax struck out 16 phillies to lead the dodgers to a 6-3 victory.


Andy Morrissey, Copy Editor, 704-797-4249 amorrissey@salisburypost.com

THURSDAY May 26, 2011




Fishing can instill lifelong memories for children hildren love fishing. Especially when you are catching fish. A successful day can result in memories that will last a lifetime. But a great day of fishing requires some simple planning before you go. There is no GLENN doubt that HUDSON having the child catch a fish is often the No. 1 goal of the outing. In reality, you’ll never get there if you don’t have enough drinks, food, and other essentials that will keep the young ones happy while you get prepared. Life jackets are mandatory for safety when fishing from a boat. But children who can’t swim shouldn’t even be fishing around a pond or from the shore of a


lake without one. Protection from the sun is also critical. Hats and sunscreen are not optional. Plan your fishing trips to be short. Even kids that love fishing get bored easily. The best scenario would have you catching several fish in short order and then calling it a day and going for a Cheerwine slushy. To do that you better know what you are doing when you make that first cast. You will be quickly rewarded if you are willing to catch anything that swims. Just take a small circle hook, some worms or crickets and a bobber and toss out your offering anywhere. The perch will soon come calling and you may even catch a bass or crappie. Have a set of pliers handy for hook removal. Then let the kids throw them back. If you want to ramp up the action, take one of those perch and use them for cat-

fish bait. You’ll need a bigger hook and a larger rod. But the reward could be huge. The biggest fish in most any body of water are the catfish. There are also lots of different baits you can use, from minnows to chicken livers, depending on whom you ask. Those wishing to catch a bass the hard way, with artificial lures, can also have great success with young anglers. During the summer, there is no better way to catch bass than with a simple worm hook rigged with a soft-plastic worm and a pinch-style weight. You don’t have to worry about kids accidentally hooking themselves or others if you rig it weedless, where the barb of the hook is hidden inside the body of the worm. Plus, a lot of big bass are taken with soft-plastic worms. The technique is simple. Throw it out there

and let it hit bottom and sit. Then, simply move it a little bit. A twitch here or there is all you need. Watch the place where your line meets the water. You’ll need to reel in some slack out of the line to do this. When you see your line start to move you know you’ve got something swimming off with your bait. That is when you set the hook hard. If you don’t, you will gut hook the fish and release will be difficult and the fish may not survive. When you set he hook on a bass in this manner the bass will often jump. Watch how big your kid’s eyes get when this happens. They’ll freak out. And when the kids finally catch a fish, you better make sure you’ve got a camera ready. They are going to want to relive that moment with their friends and fami-


Mark robertson/FoR the SALISbuRy PoSt

Virginia moye Robertson, 8, of Salisbury, caught a 10-pound redfish with her dad, mark, over easter weekend. ly. That’s when you know you can start planning your next fishing trip.

Glenn Hudson is a freelance fishing writer based in Salisbury. Contact him at littletuna67@aol.com.

Fishin’ with Capt. Gus!

Answers to most frequent questions

Photo PoSted on WWW.SALISbuRyPoSt.Com by AmyJAne

5J.R. Parham caught a largemouth bass in a Rowan County pond on Saturday. 3Will Artz, of Faith, landed a 13-pound bluefish at Cape Lookout Island. PoSted on WWW.SALISbuRyPoSt.Com by dARtz

Salamanders remain mysterious Researchers still learning about lizard’s behavior y my calculation, if all the salamanders Tom Luhring caught during his research project for his master’s degree from the University of Georgia were laid end to end, they would be longer than three football fields. That has to be a WHIT world GIBBONS record. Tom, who is now a doctoral student at the University of Missouri, conducted his research at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory in South Carolina on a group of amphibians known as the giant salamanders. These secretive creatures inhabit swamps and lowlands, spending their entire lives in the mud and waters of places where few people ever go. His studies of one species, the greater siren, have revealed more about their population ecology, movement patterns and behavior than had ever been known before. The species, which has been known to science for more than two centuries, is one of the heaviest sala-


The world’s largest salamander, from Japan, is closely related to the hellbender; it can be more than five feet long. Sirens and amphiumas, manders in the Western despite their enormous Hemisphere. Yet little was size relative to other amknown of certain aspects phibians, have minuscule of its biology before Tom’s legs with toes. research. An amphiuma more The largest salamanthan a yard in length will ders in North America are have legs less than an inch aquatic species that live in long and no thicker than a the East. toothpick. The greater siren reachAmphiumas and sirens es lengths of more than are short-legged, dark-colthree feet. Another giant ored, slippery creatures, salamander of the Southbut distinguishing one east, the amphiuma, has a from the other is easy: record length of almost sirens have only two of the four feet. Like sirens, amseemingly useless legs, phiumas are seldom seen whereas amphiumas have by people despite their four. large size. In addition, sirens have That their scientific external, visible gills; amname (Amphiuma) is used phiumas have an opening as their common name in alongside the head that most places is indicative of leads to internal gills. their rarity, although they Sirens and amphiumas are called lamper eels or are slimy animals that selCongo eels in some redom leave the water; they gions. would soon dehydrate if Two other salamanders, left on dry ground. But the hellbender and the both live in aquatic habimudpuppy, or waterdog, tats that can dry up comalso qualify as giants, alpletely during long-term though neither gets as long droughts. as the biggest amphiumas What do great big waand sirens. ter-dwelling salamanders The mudpuppy, reachdo then? ing a length of a foot and a First, as their lake home half, is primarily a northdries up, they burrow into ern species, found in lakes, the remaining mud. Then ponds and rivers. Hellben- they secrete a slimy body ders are bulky creatures covering, which hardens that can reach two and half into a cocoon that can keep feet long. They live in cold them moist for a few mountain streams and months to more than a rivers from Alabama to year. New York. When the rains return

and the cocoon is exposed to water, the siren or amphiuma emerges to begin feeding on aquatic insects and other invertebrates that have also survived the drought. Sirens and amphiumas kept in aquariums as pets have been known to live for decades, but no one knows how long they can live in the wild. Their courtship and mating behavior are also still a mystery, even for specimens kept in captivity. Amphibian biologists are not sure how closely related sirens are to other salamanders, and some even argue that sirens are not salamanders at all, but some other type of amphibian. America’s giant salamanders bring to the fore two ecological insights. One, scientists know relatively little about the biology of some of the largest animals in our midst, which means we still have much to learn about the world around us. Second is the realization that some of our local creatures are as fascinating in their own way as any exotic species with a starring role in a nature show. Whit Gibbons is an ecologist and environmental educator with the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory. Send environmental questions to ecoviews@ gmail.com.

Once again it is time to post some frequently asked questions for those new to fishing on Lake Norman. Do I need a license to fish Lake Norman and other area lakes? Yes. A fishing license is required for residents and nonresidents who are 16 or older. Visit www.ncwildlife.org for details. Is there a closed season for bass? No. Bass and other warm water species of fish can be taken year-round on Lake Norman. What are the size limits for bass, crappie and stripers on Lake Norman? The size limit for black bass is 14 inches, crappie 8 inches and striped bass 16 inches. What are the creel limits for bass, crappie and stripers on Lake Norman? The creel limits are five bass, 20 crappies and four striped bass per person, per day. I do not have a boat. Where can I fish? • Ramsey Creek Park, Cornelius. Fishing pier. • McGuire Nuclear Station, Huntersville. Fishing pier and designated bank fishing area. • Marshall Steam Station, Terrell. Designated bank fishing area. • Lake Norman State Park, Troutman. Fishing pier and designated bank fishing areas. What type of bait should I use? Live minnows, worms, crickets and a host of artificial lures are used by Lake Norman anglers. Before you go fishing, it is best to check with area bait and tackle shops for bait recommendations. What type of fishing outfit is best? Light- to medium-weight spinning or bait casting tackle can be used for most fishing situations. Are the fish safe to eat from Lake Norman? While there are no specific warnings for Lake Norman, certain statewide advisories do exist. For more information, visit: http://www.epi.state .nc.us/epi/fish/index.html.

CouRteSy oF CAPt. GuS

Chris Garth of huntersville holds a crappie caught on Lake norman.

Tips from Capt. Gus: Sunfish are easy to catch on small hooks with crickets or worms suspended 3 or 4 feet below a bobber. Sunfish are great to eat or can be used to catch bass and catfish.

Hot Spot of the Week: Bass fishing continues to be very good to excellent. Limits are being caught on soft plastic worms, lizards and flukes cast under boat docks and over brush. White perch are schooling in cove valleys and on the edges of creek channels. Nice-size blue catfish are biting cut fresh fish and chicken parts. The shoreline surrounding the Lake Norman State Park has been especially productive for largemouth bass. Spotted bass are active at the lower end of the lake in Davidson Creek. The surface water temperature varies by location, but is mainly in 70s in open waters not affected by power generation. The water level is about 1.6 feet below full pond on Lake Norman. Capt. Gus Gustafson of Lake Norman Ventures is an outdoor columnist and a fulltime professional fishing guide on Lake Norman. Visit his web site, www.Fishingwithgus.com or call 704-617-6812.

State plans controlled burn in national forest ASHEVILLE (AP) — The U.S. Forest Service plans to burn about 40 acres of national forest land in the Bent Creek Experimental Forest south of Asheville. Forest Service officials say the event will be part of a research study to determine how planned burning affects hardwood regeneration, herbaceous vegetation, and

breeding bird communities. The burn will take place either next month or in July. National Forest Service personnel will determine the exact date after taking into consideration conditions such as wind speed, wind direction and humidity levels. Officials say safety is the top priority for timing and carrying out the burn.


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2D • Thursday, May 26, 2011

TimeOut | A&E Briefs

Salisbury Post

Guy Raymond is featured at ArtSpeak & Eat tonight SPENCER — Tonight, May 26, Guy Raymond is the featured artist of ArtSpeak & Eat, the semi-monthly series sponsored by the Green Goat Gallery and Pinocchio’s Italian Restaurant designed to connect artists with collectors in a casual atmosphere. The informal discussion led by Raymond begins at the gallery at 5:30 p.m. Those interested in continuing the conversation will then proceed next door to Pinocchio’s with the artist at 6 p.m. Both the lecture and dinner are open to the public; however, dinner reservations are required. The Green Goat Gallery is located at 516 South Salisbury Ave. For more information about the event call 704-6390606. To make dinner reservations call 704-636-8891.

Hanging Locks by Guy Raymond

Tractor ride for charity COOLEEMEE — This Saturday, May 28, the fourth annual 25 mile charity tractor ride will leave the Civitan Arbor in Cooleemee and tour the secondary roads from Cooleemee to and around Woodleaf. A rest break at the Wetmore Farms in Woodleaf allows for stretching legs, eating watermelon and talking a little “tractor stuff.” The ride will continue on the planned route taking another break then ending back in Cooleemee. There will also be a tractor show and the $20 entry for each entry goes to a favorite charity. Registration and staging starts at 8 a.m.; drivers meet at 9, the first nine tractors leave at 9:15, with the next nine leaving

10 minutes later. There will be sausage biscuits and coffee, hot dogs and drinks and doors prizes. A separate event will be held at the Civitan Arbor during the tractor show: pit pork barbeque will be for sale starting at 9:30 a.m., rain or shine. Hosted by the Cooleemee Civitan Club. For more information, rules, route, application and list of charities see cooleemeeciv@yadtel.net or phone 336-284-2975 or 336-2844167.



WW opening reception Waterworks Visual Arts Center hosts the opening reception for the summer exhibition “In The Details” on Friday, May 27 from 6-8 p.m. The reception will also honor the Dare to Imagine Award winner, Dean Crouch. Light refreshments will be served. This free event will be held at Waterworks, 123 E. Liberty St. Call 704-636-1882 or visit www.waterworks.org for more information.

Gold Hill Bike Ride

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Registration for “Mine to Mine 2011,” the 12th annual group Gold Hill bike ride, begins at 7:30 a.m., Saturday, May 28, and the 50K and 100K rides begin at 9. The ride begins in Historic Gold Hill in front of the Stamp Mill Café (840 St. Stephen’s Church Road) and continues south toward and encircling Reed Gold Mine through parts of Rowan, Cabarrus and Stanly counties. Ride highlights include Saratoga Springs, Smith Lake (rest stop), Gold Hill Mines and Park, Reed Gold Mine, Rocky River Vineyards, Fresh House Restaurant in Locust, and Uwharrie Vineyards. The $20 registration fee includes lunch at the Arbor in Gold Hill beginning at noon. For more information contact Darrius Hedrick at darriushedrick@yahoo.com.

1121 Old Concord Rd. Salisbury

Henderson music fest VIRGINIA — The 17th annual Wayne C. Henderson Music Festival and Guitar Competition takes place Saturday, June 18, rain or shine, at Grayson Highlands State Park near Mouth of Wilson, Virginia. The Boxcars are the headline band, along with George Hamilton IV, the April Verch Band, Eddie Pennington, the Harris Brothers, Bobby Ingano and Wayne Henderson and Friends. Guitar competition contestants will have the chance to win a handmade Henderson guitar, and $11,500 in scholarships will be presented to young musicians studying Appalachian music and the groups that support them. Performances run from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. A children’s area will feature lariat artist Doug Smith and his rope tricks, along with music, crafts and games. A portion of proceeds will benefit scholarships for young musicians. Parking is free. Find full event details and directions at www.waynehenderson.org.

OCT auditions


CONCORD — Old Courthouse Theatre will hold auditions for “On Golden Pond” from 7-9 p.m., June 13-14. Performance dates are Aug. 11-28.

The annual Gold Hill bike ride is Saturday. OCT is located at 49 Spring St. SW. Visit www.oldcourthousetheatre. org for more information.

‘Henry V’ auditions Lee Street Theatre will hold auditions for its tongue-in-cheek performance of “Henry V” from 7-10 p.m., June 6. Performance dates are July 10-16. Auditions will be held at the Looking Glass Artist Collective, 405 N. Lee St. Call 704-7542321 for information.

Faithful Friends fundraiser at Rail Walk Rail Walk Studios & Gallery artists will donate 10 percent of sales during the Faithful Friends fundraising sale Saturday, May 28 through Monday, May 30 and Saturday, June 4. Some of the artists do animal paintings and will donate 10 percent of any commissions received for pet portraits during this time. The fundraiser will be in a warehouse behind Rail Walk Studios & Gallery, 409 – 413 N Lee St. The back entrance faces the warehouse and parking area where the Faithful Friends event is being held. For more information, visit www.railwalkgallery.com, or call 704-431-8964.

14th annual recital “Pop Music,” Steppin’ Out Dance Company’s 14th dance recital, is tonight, May 26, at 6:30 p.m. in Keppel Auditorium

at Catawba College. The show is free of charge and open to the public. The highlight of the show will be an encore performance of “King of Pop,” a Michael Jackson tribute, danced by the Junior and Senior Performing Companies. For more information, call 704-637-1222.

Salisbury Swing Band MIDLAND — The Salisbury Swing Band, directed by Dr. Steve Etters, will be in concert at the Rocky River Vineyards, 11685 Reed Mine Road in Midland, at 7 p.m. Friday evening, May 27. The band features Big Band music from the ’40s and ’50s as well as popular dance styles of the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s along with familiar beach music selections.

The Lord of the Rings The Lord of the Rings motion picture trilogy three-night event series comes to Tinseltown in June. There is nearly an hour of additional feature footage per film with additional and extended scenes selected, as well as introductions to each film from Jackson, which were captured on the set of his current film The Hobbit. The Fellowship of the Ring will be shown on June 14; The Two Towers on June 21 and The Return of the King on June 28. Tickets are available at the theater box office or online at www.FathomEvents.com.

Thursday, May 26, 2011 • 3D

TimeOut | A&E Briefs

Salisbury Post

Get youR kicks on....

Route 66

Lee Street Theatre stages annual 10-minute original play festival


The common theme of “Traveling” provides the backdrop for these six comedies which employ fourteen actors. New to the Lee Street theatre stage are Jacquelyn Loy, Michael Alexander, Rick Anderson, Wendy Beeker, Lindsay Wineka, Kacey Cline, Willow Catherine, Cody Gasque, and Ryan Myles. Returning actors include Amber Adams, Sharon Doherty, Bethany Sinnott, Bob Paolino and Robert Jones. Admission to the festival is $10 and are available at the door. Lee Street Theatre is not equipped to pre-sell tickets or accept credit cards. Doors will open at 7 p.m. each evening, so arrive early for best seats. “Route 66” contains adult language and is best suited for mature audiences. For more information, contact leestreettheatre@gmail. com.

Holly CzuBa

Bethany Sinnott, Jacquelyn loy and Sharon Doherty are in the cast of one of the plays selected for the ‘Route 66’ 10-minute play festival.

Brick Street Live is tonight Eagles tribute band plays on Fisher Street Tonight, May 26, Seven Bridges, an Eagles tribute band, will play on Fisher Street. Gates open at 5 p.m. with the featured entertainment from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. VIP tickets for reserved seating are available for $25 at 704-637-5363 or online at www.brickstreetlive.com. General admission is $5. Admission to each concert includes a collectible cup good for discounts on beverages at participating restaurants. No coolers will be allowed. Brick Street Live has a FaceBook page at www.facebook.com/home.php#!/brickstreetlive.

The bells of St. Luke’s are calling...

Christ, when lifted up, did not say, ‘I draw Some people to myself.’ He said, ‘I draw All people to myself.’ Archbishop Desmond Tutu Allow yourself to be drawn to Christ. Come and find Faith and Hope and Peace with us. Thee Community of Faith Th of St. Luke's Parish

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church All are welcome! 131 West Council Street (behind the Rowan Museum)

Seven Bridges performs tonight in downtown Salisbury at 7:30 p.m.


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ee Street Theatre presents six world premieres by North Carolina playwrights, four of which are from Salisbury, as part of its third annual ten-minute original play festival, entitled “Route 66,” June 1-4. Performances are at at 7:30 p.m. each night at the Black Box Theatre at the Looking Glass Artist Collective, 405 N. Lee (corner of Kerr St). The director of the festival is Missy Barnes, a Catawba College associate professor of theatre arts. The plays include “The Rock Knows” by Sam Post of Salisbury; “Visiting Daddy” by Alexander Speer of Charlotte; “Time Machines are Awesome” by Gregory Eyman of Raleigh; “Thel and Lou 2.0” by Bill Greene of Salisbury; “Waiting for Gordo” by Seth Labovitz of Salisbury; and “Roadkill Part IV” by Teresa Hollar of Salisbury.

Morning Prayer M-F 8:00am Evening Prayer M T Th F 5:30pm Wednesday Healing Service 5:30pm

Sunday Services 8:00am & 10:30am Adult Sunday School 9:15-10:15am Children’s Sunday School 10:20-11:00am

4D • Thursday, May 26, 2011

TimeOut | Roundabout

Salisbury Post

Fiddler’s Grove bluegrass festival is this weekend Festivals Fiddler’s Grove Ole Time Fiddler's and Bluegrass Festival — May 27-29: 87th annual competition, Fiddler’s Grove Camground, Union Grove. Oldest fiddler's competition in North America, includes competitions for bands and individuals, free workshops, on-site camping. Family-run, family-friendly. 828478-3735, info@fiddlersgrove.com, www.fiddlersgrove.com. Joyfest 2011 — May 28: Celebration of Gospel Music at Carowinds Paladium Amphitheater features Kirk Franklin, Fred Hammond, Marvin Sapp, Canton Jones, comedian Sinbad, emcee Bone Hampton. Tickets at Ticketmaster outlets, 1-800-745-3000, Ticketmaster.com. 17th annual Wayne C. Henderson Music Festival and Guitar Competition — Saturday, June 18, Grayson Highlands State Park, Mouth of Wilson, Va., with the Boxcars, George Hamilton IV, April Verch Band, Eddie Pennington, Harris Brothers, Bobby Ingano, Wayne Henderson and Friends, children’s events, rain or shine, free parking. $10, children 12 and younger free. www.waynehenderson.org, www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/gr a.shtml.

Comedy “Charlotte Squawks” at the Booth Playhouse — June 10-25: Broadway meets Saturday Night Live meets Charlotte, with “7-Year Bit©#,” its latest edition. Area actors, singers, dancers parody pop culture, politics, sports and the Queen City. Tickets start at $29.50. 130 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, 704372-1000

Music & more Seven Bridges on Fisher Street — 7:30-9:30 p.m., tonight, May 26, Eagles tribute band, part of the Brick Street Live series. Gates open 5 p.m. General admission $5 in advance, 704-637-5363 or www.brickstreetlive.com. No coolers allowed. Rocky River Vineyards first 2011 Summer Concert Series — 7-10 p.m., Friday, May 27: Salisbury Swing Band, come ready to dance, www.salisburyswingband. com. $20 admission includes glass of wine and refreshments. RSVP 704-781-5035. 11685 Reed Mine Road, Midland. www.rockyrivervineyards.com. Marc Hoffman at Founders Hall

— Noon-2 p.m, Friday, May 27, part of free acoustic concert series, includes his arrangements of standards, ballads, pop tunes. 100 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, Bank of America Corporate Center. Jazz Vespers at St. John’s —7 p.m., Saturday, June 11: The The Zach Bartholomew Jazz Trio with guest Jazz vocalist Diana Tuffin, free, 200 W. Innes St. Following the concert a special reception will be held at Pottery 101, 101 S. Main St. Charlotte Bronze Handbell Ensemble “Curtain Warmer” concert —7:30 p.m., Monday, June 6: Under the direction of internationallyknown clinician and composer Tim Waugh. Handbells, handchimes, cello, viola, percussion, piano. Sanctuary of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 3200 Park Road, Charlotte. Free. 704-847-4502. Piedmont Choral Society’s 8th annual Patriotic Benefit Concert — 3 p.m., Sunday, June 26: A concert consisting entirely of patriotic music. Forest Hill United Methodist Church, 265 Union St. N., Concord. 704-699-6053. American Idols Live — 7 p.m., Thursday, July 28, Time Warner Cable Arena, Charlotte. Tickets $45/65. www.ticketmaster.com, www.aeglive.com, 800-745-3000. Die Roten Punkte in Charlotte — July 14-16 at Duke Energy Theatre at Spirit Square, 345 N. College St., Charlotte. All tickets $34.50, on sale now at BlumenthalArts.org, 704-372-1000. The Wiggles! come to Charlotte — 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 13: Anthony, Sam, Murray and Jeff at Time Warner Cable Arena, tickets start at $17.50, www.ticketmaster.com, 1-800-7453000. Elvis Costello and The Imposters at the Blumenthal — July 16, tickets start at $34.50, Belk Theater at Blumenthal Performing Arts Center, 130 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, 704372-1000 or ww.carolinatix.org. Rascal Flatts at Verizon Amphitheatre — Friday, July 29, with Sara Evans, Easton Corbin, Justin Moore. Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre, Charlotte. Tickets go on sale 10 a.m., April 30 at LiveNation.com, The Hardee’s Thickburger Box Offices at the venues, Ticketmaster or charge by phone 800-745-3000.

Theater Third annual ten-minute original play festival, "Route 66," at Lee Street Theatre — 7:30 p.m., June

1-4: six world premieres by North Carolina playwrights, four of which are from Salisbury; admission $10, contains adult language and is best suited for mature audiences, Looking Glass Artist Collective, 405 N. Lee St., leestreettheatre@gmail.com, www.leestreet.org. Piedmont Players Theatre presents “The Farnsworth Invention” — 7:30 p.m. June 2-4 and 8-11; 2:30 p.m. June 5. $12 adult, $10 student/ senior. Wednesday Value Night: June 8, all tickets $10. It’s 1929 ,and two ambitious visionaries race against each other to invent a device called “television.” Meroney Theater, 213 S. Main St. 704-633-5471, www.piedmontplayers. com. Queen City Theatre Company presents Jonathan Coarsey in “Chess - The Musical” — 8 p.m., through June 11, Duke Energy Theatre at Spirit Square, 345 N. College St., Charlotte, tickets start at $24, special discounted performance, $14 Wednesday, May 25, www.carolinatix.org, 704-372-1000, www.queencitytheatre.com. Old Courthouse Theatre presents “Comedy of Errors” — June 16-26: Summer Youth Production, directed by Andy Rassler. Tickets $15/$12/$10, call 704-788-2405 to reserve a seat. 49 Spring Street NW, NC, www.oldcourthousetheatre.org. “Mamma Mia!” tickets on sale now — Show runs one week only: July 26-31, Belk Theater at Blumenthal Performing Arts Center, 130 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, tickets start at $30, BlumenthalArts.org, 704372-1000.

This & That J.C. Price Post 107 Memorial week celebration — May 27-June 5, rides, games, booths, vendors, police protection on the midway, gospel singing on May 30-31. Event info 704-636-2950 or 704-2132397. Fish For Fun day — 10 a.m. 2 p.m., June 4: for elementary/ middle schoolers with adult. Granite Lake Park,- 500 N. Salisbury Ave. (Hwy. 52), space is limited, for reservations call 704-279-5596 ext.20. Faith 4th parade entry info— Deadline for entries Friday, June 17. Faith 4th parade is at 10 a.m., Monday, July 4: entry fee $25 (exemptions include Legion, Legion Auxiliary Post, Veteran organizations, military organizations. No late entries

Dogwood performs at Benchwarmers Friday. accpeted. Contact 704-279-2256. Catawba’s Community Music program summer camps — Four-day camps and private lessons available, contact Erin Harper emharper@catawba.edu or 704-881-1565 for details, register at catawba.edu/communitymusic. “Heart of the Artist” weekly discussions — 7 p.m. Tuesdays through June 21; sponsored by Blackwelder Park Baptist Church Kannapolis, at Oak Tree Coffee Co. coffeehouse, Cannon Village.Contact Vic Daniel vdaniel@thepark.cc, 980-621-1256 www.thepark.cc. Concord Book Club on Robert Goolrick’s “A Reliable Wife” — 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 7, registration requested 704-920-2053, Concord Library auditorium, 27 Union St., N.

Night Life Benchwarmers. 113 E. Fisher St. — Friday, May 27: DogWood Band. 7-10 p.m. every Friday: Handful of Dave. 704-639-0604. Brick Street Tavern, 122 E. Fisher St. — 10 p.m., Saturday May 28: King Friday. Tuesdays: open mic, performers of all types welcome, sign up as you arrive; 8 p.m. Wednesdays: team trivia; 9:30 p.m. Thursdays: plugged open mic night. www.thebrickstreettavern. com, 704-6376047. DJ’s, 1502 W. Inne St., — Live music Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays starting at 8:30 p.m. 704-638-9647. Fat Jack's, 120 Military Ave., — 8 p.m. until, every Friday and Saturday night: karaoke with Mark Tomei. 704-638-8996.

High Rock Boat & Ski Club, 257 Boat Club Lane — Friday, May 27: Deejay Ken McGee. Saturday, May 28: Deejay Mike Harding. Sunday, May 29: Locked & Loaded outside from 1-5 p.m.; App. buffett 5:30-7:30 p.m. inside; Tim Clark Band starting at 6:30 inside. Memberships available, open Wed.-Sat. www.theboatandskiclub.com. 704-633-0251. Philip's Steak and Pasta House, 1504 Jake Alexander Blvd W. — 8 p.m. Mondays Karaoke; 8 p.m. Tuesdays/Thursdays: Live Team Trivia; 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Texas Hold ’Em Tournament Style, second game follows; 9 p.m. Saturdays: Karaoke with Cherokee. 704-637-8844. Rick’s BBQ and Grill, 929 S. Main St. — 7-9 p.m., tonight: “Melvis,”plus karaoke every Friday and Saturday. 704-642-0050. Smitty's North Rown Bar-b-que 1205 N. Salisbury Ave., Spencer — 7-9 p.m., Thursdays: karaoke. 704636-2122. The Blue Vine, 209 S. Main St. — Fifth anniversary month celebraiton continues. 9 p.m.-midnight, Friday, May 27: Gigi Dover and the Big Love, $5 cover. 9-11:30 p.m., Saturday, May 28: Blazin’ Blue Bob Paolino, no cover. www.theblue vine.com. 704797-0093. The Inn, 1012 Mooresville Hwy 150 — Saturday, May 28, four band lineup: Security In Wisdom; Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe; Chasing The Son; OCIS. Open 7 p.m.-midnight Saturdays, free refreshments, air hockey, foosball, pool. Public invited to jam or schedule their group to per-


Thursday, May 26, 2011 • 5D

TimeOut | Roundabout

Salisbury Post

ROUNDABOUT FROM 4D form. 704-213-1467. www.inntheloop. Chobey Badgio Band at The Double Door Inn, 1218 Charlottetown Ave. — Friday, May 27, doors 9 p.m./music 10 p.m., $8. www.chobeybadgioband.com, www.doubledoorinn.com. E.H. Montgomery General Store — 7-9 p.m. Fridays: bluegrass jams. Historic Village of Gold Hill. www.HistoricGoldHill.com. 704-267-9439, 704-279-5674. Old Stone Vino, 515 S. Main St., Kannapolis — 6:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays: guitarist, singer, songwriter Marty DeJarnette. Fridays, Saturdays: various artists. 704-9382337.

Gigi Dover performs Friday at the Blue Vine.

Bob Paolino performs at the Blue Vine Saturday.

the OCIS band will play at the Inn Saturday.

Classes Blue Ewe Yoga workshop — 35:30 p.m., Saturday, June 4: introducing the Ashtanga primary series with Andrea Dyer, owner/director of mind/body/fitness yoga in Greensboro. Ashtanga yoga offers challenging workout suitable for physically active people. Some experience with yoga recommended but not required. $30. Information/registration 704-639-0606. Blue Ewe Yoga Studio, 516 South Salisbury Ave., Spencer. Chrismons Christian symbols classes — • New beginner, Saturday, June 4, 9:30-11:30 a.m. • Beginner, Thursday, June 2, 10:3012:30 • Intermediate, Friday, June 3, 10:30-12:30 • Advanced, Saturday, June 4, 9 a.m.-noon. Call 704636-7790 for reservations or information. Rufty's Chrismon Shop, 280 Furniture Drive, info@chrismons.com. Oil classes the Old Master way — 1-3 p.m., Tuesdays: adult classes in oils, beginner or intermediate, learning the technique of the Masters of the 16th/17th centuries. $45 per session, 704-232-6000 for materials list, info, registration. Limited number of students. Patt’s studio, 409 N. Lee St., Rail Walk Arts District. Creative painting workshops — 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Ongoing series, beginning to intermediate, traditional oil painting. $200 includes eight sessions; ask about scholarships and sliding scales. Registration/materials list: 704-245-6456. Instructor James E. Taylor, Contemporary Realism Studio, 211 S. Main St. Knitting and spinning — • Spinning workshop, Friday, May 27, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., bring your own wheel or use ours, $50 includes 1 oz. of wool roving • Beginning knitting class, Saturdays, May 28, June 4 and 11, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.,

Matt Gulley

the Chobey Badgio Band will perform at the Double Door Inn Friday. $45 plus cost of materials • Magic Loop, knitting in the round using long circular needle, no need for double pointed needles, Saturday, May 28, 12:30 -2:30 p.m., $15 plus cost of materials • Learn to knit a sweater, Saturday, June 4, 1-3 p.m., $45 plus cost of materials includes punch card to schedule remaining hours of private instruction • Knitting socks, Saturdays, June 18 and 25, 2 sessions: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1-3 p.m., experience knitting in the round necessary • 704-431-4527 to register for all classes. TranqWool Knitting Provisions, 310 Mocksville Ave. Classes at the Y — “Introducing Scrapbooking,” 1-3 p.m., Tuesdays, $10 includes supplies for 2 pages. 828 W Jake Alexander Blvd., 704636-0111. Classes at LGAC — For kids: “Being Creative -LGAC” for children ages 8-14, June 25 through Aug. 20. Each class runs from 9-11:30 a.m., costs $8, limited to 10 par-

ticipants. All materials are furnished unless otherwise noted. At least two LGAC artist members will supervise each activity. Registration and payment by check or cash only must be made no later than one week prior to starting class date. • June 25, Polymer Clay Bead Jewelry: Make beads from polymer clay, bake them, construct a piece of jewelry. • July 2, Canvas Mosaic: Use various materials to create a work of art on canvas. • July 9,Wearable Art: Paint a t-shirt with acrylic paint and fabric medium suitable for wearing. All materials furnished except t-shirt: bring cotton or cotton-blend t-shirt. • July 16, Stamping Project: Learn to use stamps and ink, then design and assemble at least one greeting card and matching envelope. For adults • Watercolor classes: instructor Cathy Benfield Matthews, no experience needed; choose Mondays 1-3 p.m. or 5:30-7:30 p.m., or Saturdays 10 a.m.-noon, $35

by Colours. Second and fourth Fridays, alternate fifth Fridays. Providing live-band dances and social events for both Carolinas for 41 years. Doors 7 p.m., band 8 p.m. Free soft drinks, water, snacks welcome. Covered dish dinner on fifth Friday dance night. $12 guests, $10 members, join for $20 with free admission on the night you join. American Legion Post 380, 4235 W. Tyvola Road, Charlotte, 704-7528824, taylorbt@msn.com, www.charlottezodiacdanceclub.com.

each 2 hour session or $180 for 6, materials provided except brushes; email salisburyartists@gmail.com to reserve your space, www.catsfreestyleart.com. Looking Glass Artist Collective, 405 N. Lee St., 704-633-ARTS, www.salisburyartists.com. Waterworks Visual Arts Center summer classes — Register for Waterworks Visual Arts Center Summer Classes. Space limited, some classes already full. www.waterworks.org for complete schedule, 704-636-1882 to register. 123 E. Liberty St. Bring-your-own-vase floral design — 7-8 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: Designing fresh cut flowers, $15 per class plus cost of flowers, call for reservations; instructor David Harrison, Harrison’s Florist, 1012 Holmes Ave., off Grove St. near RRMC, 704-636-4251. Absolute beginner line dance — Tuesdays, no experience necessary, $12/month, teacher Cheryl Kluttz, Rufty Holmes Senior Center, Martin Luther King Ave., 704-633-3484. “Express Yourself!”African drumming and dance workshop — 5:30 p.m. Saturdays for grades K-12, family participation encouraged, small donation appreciated. Conducted by Master Drummer Allen Boyd, sponsored by Sankofa Held at Salisbury high school auditorium, 704-637-6857.

Lee Street Theatre “Henry V” auditions — 7-10 p.m., June 6. Toungue-in-cheek performance; performance dates July 10-16. Looking Glass Artist Collective, 405 N. Lee St., 704-754-2321. Old Courthouse Theatre “On Golden Pond” auditions — 7-9 p.m., June 13-14. Performance dates Aug. 11-28. 49 Spring St. SW, Concord. www.oldcourthousetheatre.org. Faith Idol competition — Registration deadline Wednesday, June 15 for the Faith Idol Competition, held during the Faith 4th of July Celebration, categories are • 12 and under • age 13 – 18 • adult (19 and up). Registration fee $10, deadline Wednesday, June 15, contact Pam Alexander 704-279-2256.


Call for musicians

Piedmont Singles — 7:15 p.m., Friday, May 27: What’s your favorite dessert? Bring recipe, better yet, bring the real thing. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church behind CVS, Statesville Blvd. Covered dish, no joining fee, donations appreciated. Contact Frances Ward 704-637-3241. Zodiac Club — May 27: Music

Call for musicians for Summerfest 2011 — June 18: seeking musicians interested in participating in day long festival. Music 10 a.m.-8 p.m., held in parking lot of NeelyD’s, Hickory. Call Neel Hudson at 828-



6D • Thursday, May 26, 2011

TimeOut | Piedmont Players Theatre

Salisbury Post

2011 Rail l Days Day Da ay ys Re-live the golde Re-live golden en age of railroading railroadiing at the N.C. Transportation Museum

Ju June une 11-12 111-12 EEvents vents e s include:

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N Non-Member on-Member TTickets ickets - $10 NCT MM ember - $8 NCTM Member NCTM Conductor Member NCT MC onductor M ember - $5 Member Engineer M ember - Free Free


Advance Tickets at nctrans.org

(Advance (Advance tick tickets ets disc discounted ounted fr from om ““day day of of”” sales)

411 S.. SSalisbury alisbury A Ave ve SSpencer, pencerr, NC 28159

704-636-2889 704-636--2889

‘The Farnsworth Invention’ PPT stages new Aaron Sorkin play about the origins of television he turning point of the 20th century wasn’t on television. It WAS television. Piedmont Players Theatre’s new mainstage production, ‘The Farnsworth Invention,’ takes a dramatic look at where television came from. It’s 1929. Two ambitious visionaries race against each other to invent a device called “television.” Separated by 2,000 miles, each knows that if he stops working, even for a moment, the other will gain the edge. Who will unlock the key to the greatest innovation of



EExit xit 79 O Off ff I-85

Jon C. Lakey/SaliSbury PoSt

linda Castillo, brian romans and Jacob brayton are featured in ‘the Farnsworth invention.’

the 20th century: the ruthless media mogul, or the selftaught Idaho farm boy? The answer comes to compelling life in ‘The Farnsworth Invention,’ a new play from Oscar Winning Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin, creator of “The West Wing,” “A Few Good Men,” “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip,” and “Sports Night.” Sorkin won the Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar in 2011 for his work on the movie “The Social Network.” Producing Partners are Caniche and Martin and Deborah Walker.

‘The Farnsworth Invention’ runs from June 2-4 and June 811 at 7:30; there will be a matinee at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, June 5. Wednesday, June 8 is value night with all tickets $10. Adult tickets are $12; student and senior tickets are $10. There is a group rate of $9 for groups of 20 or more. The box office opens to the public May 30. Visit the box office from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or call 704-633-5471 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The Meroney Theater is located at 213 S Main S.

Salisbury Post

TimeOut | Piedmont Players Theatre

Thursday, May 26, 2011 • 7D

Brian Romans, Robert Hackett, Lori Van Wallendael, Jacques Belliveau, Casey Suddeth and Linda Castillo are in the cast of ‘The Farnsworth Invention.’

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Kathy Maximor and Seth Labovitz act out a scene in ‘The Farnsworth Invention.’

Call for artists, crafters for Summerfest 2011 — June 18: seeking artists, crafters interested in participating in day long festival. Crafters area open 8 a.m.-5 p.m., held in parking lot of NeelyD’s, Hickory. Spaces are limited, call Neel Hudson at 828-397-7711. Artists sought for Art in the Shop — Art in the Shop is seeking artists interested in showing at the 13th Annual Art in the Shop in Bethlehem, NC, Oct 1., encompassing bonsai, sculpture, paintings, photography, jewelry, pottery, garden art. Quality original artwork and fine crafts only, no kits accepted. Cost$40 by July 31, $50 Aug. 1Sept. 15. 828-632-0106, www.artintheshop.net, blsinclair1@bellsouth.net.

Dance Damhsa Gasra presents “We Will Raq You” — 7 p.m., Saturday, June 18: hard rock/heavy metalthemed belly dance show featuring more than 40 performers, The Old Creamery, 363 Church St., Concord. Tickets $8 at wewillraqyou.eventbrite.com or $12 DOS. Info damhsagasra.weebly.com. “Pop Music” — 6:30 p.m., tonight May 26: 14th annual dance recital by Steppin’ Out Dance Company, Keppel Auditorium, Catawba College. Free of charge, open to the public. 704-637-1222.

Speakers and forums Cabarrus Art Guild hosts Paul Keysar — 2 p.m., June 12: Oil paint-

Salisbury Symphony’s Festival of Summer Gardens — June 25 -26, tickets $12 in advance, $15 tour days. Perennial tour of eight country gardens, three historic gardens. Music by Salisbury Symphony Children’s Strings and local musicians. Sunday: Learn the art of planting in container gardens, learn from master gardeners and watch Plein Air artists at work. Lunch at Carolina Lily, $16, must be pre-ordered. Reserved tickets at Visitors Bureau, 704-638-3100, www.salisburysymphony. org, 704-603-4652 or 704645-8300.

Art Purple Shoe Exhibit — A moving statewide memorial honoring homicide victims and friends and family members, on loan from the Family Violence Coalition of Yancy through May. Sponsored locally by Spencer Woman’s Club and Family Crisis Council of Rowan. Exhibit is at Spencer Library, Fourth Street. Waterworks Visual Arts Center, 123 E. Liberty St.— 6-8 p.m., Friday, May 27: Opening reception for summer exhibition “In The Details,” also honors the Dare to Imagine Award winner, Dean Crouch. Light refreshments will be served; free • “In the Details” features a variety of artists’ meticulous approaches, creating worlds in their artwork where every inch matters. On exhibit through Aug. 13 • Two solo exhibitions and a group show: NC artist Katie Claiborne and SC artist Susan Lenz exhibit in Stanback Gallery Hall and the Osborne and Woodson Galleries • You and Me, a group multi-media show featuring the works of eleven regional artists exploring the question of individualism through self-portraiture, exhibits in the Norvell Gallery • www.waterworks. org, 704-636-1882. Rail Walk Studios and Gallery, 409 N. Lee St. — Memorial Day weekend special event: Faithful Friends Animal Sanctuary receives 10% donation of all Rail Walk studio artists sales and pet portrait commissions Saturday May 28, Sunday, May 29, Monday, May 30, Saturday, June 4. Some artists do animal paintings and will donate 10% of commissions received for pet portraits during this time. Opening in the main gallery June 4, Glimpses of Carolina by the Plein Air Carolina artists. Hours 11 a.m.-5 p.m. or by appointment. 704-4318964 www.railwalkgallery.com Mint Museum of Art, 2730 Randolph Road, Charlotte — “North Carolina Pottery: Diversity and

www.nctrans.org. Rowan Museum, 202 N. Main St. — Current exhibit: “When We Fought Ourselves-1861-1865,”remembering the events that changed America 150 years ago with a local emphasis on events taking place in Rowan County. Museum hours Monday-Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Contributions accepted. 704-6335946. www.rowanmuseum.org. Utzman-Chambers House, 116 S. Jackson St. — New exhibit features artifacts (including photos and books) of the late Honorable Spruce Macay (1755–1808), lawyer and Superior Court judge, perhaps best known for instructing our country’s seventh president, Andrew Jackson. ) Open 1-4 p.m. Saturday. $3 adults, $1.50 students, museum members free. 704-633-5946. Dr. Josephus Hall House, 226 S. Jackson St. — 1820 house museum features furniture and decoratives from Hall family and others. Costumed docents provide tours. $3 adults, $1.50 students, free to members of Historic Salisbury Foundation. For group tours, call HSF office, 704-636-0103. Old Stone House, Granite Quarry — Open 1-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. $3 adults, $1.50 students, museum members free. 704-633-5946. Historic Rockwell Museum, 102 E. Main St. — For special tours call 704-279-4979. Museum open Sundays 2-4 p.m. and by appointment. For information call Ann Teague: 704-279-5783. Price of Freedom Museum, Old Patterson School building, China Grove — 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday, June 4: D-Day Remembrance event, cosponsored by Carolina Military Vehicle Preservation Association and

Museums N.C. Transportation Museum, 411 S. Salisbury Ave., Spencer — Museum open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday; 1-4 p.m. Sunday. Train rides Saturday 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. $6 adults, $5 children ages 3-12 and seniors ages 60 and up. Roundhouse Turntable rides at $1. Group rates available with advance notice. 704-636-2889 or 877-NCTMFUN.

Price of Freedom Museum, see vehicles, weapons, memorabilia, military demonstrations. Sundays 3-5 and by appointment. American war memorial dedicated to men and women of the armed services. Intersection of Weaver, Patterson Roads. www.priceoffreedom.us, 704-8577474. China Grove Roller Mill Museum — Guided tours 2-4 p.m. second Sunday of each month. Museum is operated by Historical Society of South Rowan. For special tours call 704-433-3912. www.hist-societysrowan.com. NC Music Hall of Fame Museum, 109 West A Street, Kannapolis — Honors musicians, singers, songwriters and producers from the state of North Carolina who have made great contributions to American music, more than 50 major inductee exhibits including Randy Travis, Charlie Daniels, Roberta Flack, John Coltrane, Andy Griffith, Shirley Caesar, Doc Watson, Chairmen of the Board, Earl Scruggs, Maurice Williams. Located in the renovated old Kannapolis Jailhouse Building. 10 a.m.-noon, 2-4 p.m., Monday-Friday. Admission free, donations appreciated. 704-934-2320, www.NorthCarolinaMusicHallofFame.org. Historic Gold Hill,NC/Gold Hill Mines Historic Park — 19th century living history interpretations and educational tours weekends AprilOctober and weekdays by appointment. Interpretative displays reflect life in the 1800s gold mining boom town. Village merchants and inter-


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Call for artists

Home and garden

Traditions;” “Chanel: Designs for the Modern Woman.” Open 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday. Admission $10 adults, , free for members and children 5 and younger. Free on Tuesdays 5-9 p.m. 704-337-2000. www.mintmuseum.org. Mint Museum Uptown at Levine Center for the Arts, 500 South Tryon St., Charlotte — “Attitude and Alchemy: The Metalwork of Gary Noffke;” “From New York to Corrymore: Robert Henri and Ireland.” Same hours, admission as above. 704-3372000. www.mintmuseum.org. Reynolda House Museum of American Art, 2250 Reynolda Road, Winston-Salem — “Trains That Passed in the Night,” the photograhs of O. Winston Link, through June 19 • “Thomas Hart Benton, America’s Master Storyteller,” features largescale oil masterpiece, “Bootleggers,” alongside three lithographs based on scenes the artist created for the mural program of the Missouri State Capitol Building that re-tell familiar stories. On view through July 31. House, gardens and village feature public garden, dining, shopping,walking trails. 336-758-5150, reynoldahouse. org.


FROM 5D 397-7711. Piedmont Choral Society — Community singers invited to join the choral society for the eighth annual Patriotic Benefit Concert Sunday, June 26. Rehearsals 7 p.m. Mondays, no audition or previous musical training needed, and no cost. Forest Hill UMC, 265 Union St. N., Concord, kayy2000@gmail.com or 704699-6053. Southern Piedmont Singers — 2 p.m. Sundays, new members accepted June 5 and 12, open to adults and youth ages 13 and up. Now preparing pop, jazz, Broadway concert. N. Kannapolis United Methodist Church choir room, 1301 N. Main St., Damien Evans, director. 704-224-7148, southernpiedmontsingers @gmail.com. Bluegrass musicians — Bluegrass jam open to all, Saturdays at Dixie’s Roasting Co., 102 S. Main St., China Grove. 704-857-9169.

Salisbury Post



ing still life demo and talk, www.PaulKeysar.com, free. Brick Wall Gallery, The Depot at Gibson Mill, 325 McGill Ave., Concord.

TimeOut |Roundabout


8D • Thursday, May 26, 2011


TimeOut | Roundabout

Salisbury Post

preters dressed in period costume weekends. Free admission. 704279-5674, 704-267-9439. www.HistoricGoldHill. com. Reed Gold Mine historic site, 12 miles southeast of Concord — Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., closed Sunday, Monday and major holidays, admission free. Part of Division of State Historic Sites, Office of Archives and History,704-721-4653, reed@ncdcr. gov. Fort Dobbs State Historic Site, 438 Fort Dobbs Road, Statesville — 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m.-3 p.m Sunday, May 28-29: Living History weekend, re-enactors representing the provincial garrison of Fort Dobbs present on-going demonstrations of 18th century camp life, with featured musket and cannon firing demonstrations.Free and open to the public Tuesday through Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 704-873-5882, www.fortdobbs. org. Historic Latta Plantation, Sample Road, Huntersville — 10 a.m.4 p.m., May 28, 1-4 p.m., May 29: Living history fundraising weekend, see historical reenactors from the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and World War II, join tea parties on the grounds, play games, make crafts. All proceeds support site programming. $7 per person, ages 5 and under free. www.lattaplantation. org. 704-875-2312. Historic Rosedale Plantation, 3427 N. Tryon St., Charlotte — 1:30 and 3 p.m., May 28: Unheard Voices Tour examines personal and work lives of 20 slaves that inhabited the Caldwell Plantation of the early 1800s. Historic interpretation presented by Briget Strong, Black History Expert. $5 adults, $4 students/seniors (65 or older). www.historicrose dale. Discovery Place, Charlotte, 301 ExN. Tryon St., Charlotte, — tended summer hours, May 30-Sept. 5: Monday–Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunda: noon–5 p.m. • Marine Mammal Day, Saturday, June 8, explore what makes warm-blooded ocean-dwellers unique, including feeding behaviors, echolocation, identification, adaptations and more • Exhibition “Life, A Journey Through Time,” photographic celebration of the wonder of life on earth through the imagery of acclaimed National Geographic wildlife photographer Frans Lanting • “Born to be Wild” now showing at IMAX® Theatre, follow young orphaned elephants and orangutans from birth to their rebirth into the wild. Also, “Tornado Alley” continues. 704-372-6261 or www.discoveryplace.org. Discovery Place KIDS Huntersville,




Thursday, May 26, 2011 • 9D

The identity of the featured celebrity is found within the answers in the puzzle. In order to take the TV Challenge, unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle. ACROSS 3. Drug tragedy, for short 4. Usually dry stream bed 1. “The Joy Behar __” 5. Monty or Arsenio 5. Role on “JAG” 6. Peggy Bundy’s man 9. Yellow cheese 7. Trucker’s truck 10. 2001-06 spy series 8. “Mr. Sunshine” actor (2) 12. “Mayberry __” (1968-71) 9. “Fay __”; 2006 movie 13. One of two choices on for Parker Posey 18 Down’s game show 11. “__ Grapes”; 1998 16. Classic Pontiac Steven Weber film 17. “Star Wars: Episode __ – 14. __ Bradley Attack of the Clones” 15. “Babylon __”; 2008 18. “The __”; series for Vin Diesel movie Neil Flynn 18. ’05-’09 game show host 20. Night for “NCIS”: abbr. 19. Number of seasons 21. Vicki Lawrence’s role for “M*A*S*H” on her 1983-90 sitcom 22. “The __ Loves of 23. Cowardly Lion portrayer Dobie Gillis” 25. __ Johnson 24. Years in Mexico 26. NNW plus 90 degrees 29. 1974 best actor in 27. “Pirates of the a sitcom Emmy winner Caribbean: At 31. Votes from antis World’s __” (2007) 34. Actress Sheedy 28. Solemn promise 35. “Rocky” production co. 29. Actor Gross 36. Yellow Brick, e.g.: abbr. 30. “SportsCenter” network 37. “Jane __”; 1996 32. Leeza’s initials Anna Paquin movie 33. Humphrey Bogart’s love 40. Scorsese, for one: abbr. 38. Initials for a “Green 42. Baseball’s Ripken Acres” star 44. Dorothy’s Auntie __ 39. Word in the title of 46. “__’ Blue Eyes” William Shatner’s latest series 41. “__ Sings the Blues”; Diana Ross movie 42. “Boys Don’t __”; Hilary Swank film 43. Lead character in “The Little Mermaid” 45. Laughs loudly 47. “__ Wives” 48. __ May Clampett DOWN 1. Actress on “Modern Family” (2) 2. 1963 Paul Newman film

105 Gilead Road — Open 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday, noon-5 p.m., Sunday, closed Monday. Admission $8 for adults and children age one and older, children younger than age one and Members are free. Discounts available for groups of 15 or more. discoveryplaceKIDS. org, 704-3726261. Charlotte Nature Museum, 1658 Sterling Road, Charlotte — www.charlottenaturemuseum.org for details. $6 ages 2 and older; younger than 2 and members are free. Parking is free. Tuesday-Thursday 9 a.m.–5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. -5 p.m.; Sunday noon–5 p.m.; closed Monday. www.charlottenaturemuseum.org. Town Creek Indian Mound, southern Montgomery County — A national historic landmark and NC’s only state historic site dedicated to American Indian heritage, Town Creek Indian Mound interprets the history of

© Zap2it

the American Indians who once lived here; visitor center features interpretive exhibits, audiovisual displays. Tour groups welcome. Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, 1-5 p.m. Located on Town Creek Mound Road approx. five miles east of Mt. Gilead, between NC 73 and NC 731. www.towncreek. nchistoricsites.org. Old Salem, Winston-Salem — 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 12:30-5 p.m. Sunday. $21 adults, $10 children. 336-721-7300 or www.oldsalem.org. NC Museum of Art, 2110 Blue Ridge Road, Raleigh — Exhibit “Mirror Image,” exploring what it means to be a woman as seen through the perspectives of 13 North Carolina female artists. North Carolina Gallery, East Building, admission to exhibition is free. Meet the Artists: 7 p.m., Friday, June 24, free. General admission $15, students, seniors, military,

The identity of the featured celebrity is found within the answers in the puzzle. SUDOKU In order ANSWER to take the TV Challenge, unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle. 3. Drug tragedy, for short ACROSS 4. Usually dry stream bed 1. “The Joy Behar __” 5. Monty or Arsenio 5. Role on “JAG” 6. Peggy Bundy’s man 9. Yellow cheese 7. Trucker’s truck 10. 2001-06 spy series 8. “Mr. Sunshine” actor (2) 12. “Mayberry __” (1968-71) 9. “Fay __”; 2006 movie 13. One of two choices on for Parker Posey 18 Down’s game show 11. “__ Grapes”; 1998 16. Classic Pontiac Steven Weber film 17. “Star Wars: Episode __ – 14. __ Bradley Attack of the Clones” 15. “Babylon __”; 2008 18. “The __”; series for Vin Diesel movie Neil Flynn 18. ’05-’09 game show host 20. Night for “NCIS”: abbr. 19. Number of seasons 21. Vicki Lawrence’s role for “M*A*S*H” on her 1983-90 sitcom 22. “The __ Loves of 23. Cowardly Lion portrayer Dobie Gillis” 25. __ Johnson 24. Years in Mexico 26. NNW plus 90 degrees 29. 1974 best actor in 27. “Pirates of the groups of 10 or more $12. Children 11 W. Jones St., Raleigh — Docua sitcom Emmy winner Caribbean: At six and under 31. 7-12 $7.50, children ments/interprets natural history of Votes from antis World’s __” (2007) free. www.ncartmuseum.org/rockwell. North Carolina through exhibits, re34. Actress Sheedy 28.Contemporary Solemn promise Art Museum, 409 35. search, collections, publications, ed“Rocky” production co. 29.Martin ActorSt., Gross W. Raleigh — 11 a.m. – 36. ucational Mon-Sat., 9 Yellowprogramming. Brick, e.g.: abbr. 30. “SportsCenter” 6:30 p.m., Monday, network Wednesday, 37. a.m.-5 p.m. and Sun., noon-5 p.m. “Jane __”; 1996 32. Leeza’s initials Thursday, Friday, closed Tuesday. 12 FreeAnna general admission. Paquin movieAn agency 33. –Humphrey Bogart’s loveFirst 40. p.m. 5 p.m., Saturday-Sunday. of the NC Department of Environment Scorsese, for one: abbr. 38. third Initials for aof“Green and Friday the month open 42. and Natural Resources. Baseball’s Ripken 919-733until 9Acres” p.m. $5star general admission, 44. 7450, www.naturalsciences.org. Dorothy’s Auntie __ 39. Word inaccessible. the title of 919-513- 46. “__’ Blue Eyes” wheelchair NC Museum of Life and Science, Shatner’s 0946, William camraleigh.org. 433 Murray Ave., Durham — $10.85 series NC latest Museum of History, 5 E. Eden- adult; $8.85 seniors 65 plus and mil41. St., “__Raleigh Sings — the150 Blues”; ton years ago on itary personnel with ID; $7.85 chilDiana movie from the dren age 3-12; free for children age May 20, 1861,Ross NC seceded 42. “Boys __”; Union to joinDon’t the Confederate States two and younger. Train rides additionHilarybeginning Swank film of America, the state’s in- al $2.50 per person, ornithopter rides 43. Lead incharacter in on exhib- $1. 919-220-5429, www.ncmls.org. volvement the Civil War; “The Little Mermaid” it: “North Carolina and the Civil War: Children’s Museum of Winston45. Breaking Laughs loudly The Storm, 1861-1862.” Salem, 390 S. Liberty St. — Muse47. “__from Wives” Across the State Capitol. 919- um hours: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Tues48. __ May Clampett 807-7900 or ncmuseumofhistory. org day-Saturday, 1-5 p.m. Sunday. $6 or Facebook. DOWN NC Museum of Natural Sciences,

1. Actress on “Modern

adults and children. 336-723-9111 or childrensmuseumofws.org.

10D • Thursday, May 26, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

THURSDAY MORNING MAY 26, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z





A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 6:30

8 12 5

(:00) Good Morning Show Å News WBTV 3 News at 6 AM (N) Fox 8 News FOX 8 News at 6:00A (N) WSOC News WSOC 9 News Daybreak at 6:00 News WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å News Fox News Rising (N) News Channel NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 GED Connect. Classical Strt Clifford-Dog Morning Paid Program Linville Forest Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Shephrd Chapl A. Wommack K. Copeland Examined Life Destinos GED Connect.

36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

Paid Program Three Stooges River Monsters BET Inspiration Paid Program Exchange (:00) World One Paid Program Timmy Time SportsCenter MLB Baseball Life Today Outdoors Paid Program I Love Lucy Paid Program Super Strength Family Matters Paid Program Paid Program Take-Shirt Off! Married... With Elvis Mitchell Paid Program (:00) NUMB3RS Hair Removal Paid Program Paid Program Funny Videos

3 22 9 11 6 4







The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 News at 8:00A (N) Good Morning America (N) Å Today Elizabeth Taylor’s home; wine blending. (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News Rising 8am (N) Today Elizabeth Taylor’s home; wine blending. (N) (In Stereo) Å Arthur Curious George Curious George Cat in the Hat Good Morning America (N) Å The Daily Buzz Å Joseph Prince Joyce Meyer Conquerors Life Today Clifford-Dog Martha Speaks Curious George Cat in the Hat

Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show Å Live With Regis and Kelly (N) Live With Regis and Kelly (N) The 700 Club Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Better (In Stereo) Å Amer. Funniest Home Videos Edgemont Coach Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train


^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z






The Price Is Right (N) Å The Price Is Right (N) Å The Nate Berkus Show (N) Å The View (N) (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å The Real Housewives of Atlanta Charlotte Today Sid the Science WordWorld The View (N) (In Stereo) Å Cosby Show Cosby Show Judge Karen Judge Karen Sid the Science Between Lions

Paid Program Paid Program The Sopranos (In Stereo) Å The Sopranos “Isabella” Å The Glades “Honey” Å Criminal Minds (In Stereo) Å Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program (:15) Movie: ›› “Mobsters” (1991) Christian Slater, Patrick Dempsey. Å The Interpreter Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary The Crocodile Hunter Å The Most Extreme “Diggers” It’s Me or the Dog Å Pit Boss “The Great Escape” Animal Cops Houston “Trinity” BET Inspiration Hates Chris Hates Chris Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC The Real Housewives of Atlanta Squawk Box (N) Å Squawk on the Street (N) The Call (N) Å American Morning (N) Å Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program James Robison Joyce Meyer Paid Program Venom Hunter (In Stereo) Å Rise of the Jellyfish Å Moose Attack! (In Stereo) Å Chuggington Agent Oso Tinga Tinga Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Never Land Mickey Mouse Handy Manny Babar-Badou Chuggington Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å ESPN First Take (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Mike and Mike in the Morning With Mike Golic and Mike Greenberg. (N) (Live) Å Joyce Meyer Paid Program Boy Mts. World Boy Mts. World What I Like What I Like 700 Club Telethon Full House Full House Outdoors The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Dan Patrick Show (Left in Progress) (N) (Live) College Baseball Paid Program Paid Program Malcolm/Middle Malcolm/Middle Movie: ››‡ “The Corruptor” (1999) Chow Yun-Fat, Mark Wahlberg. Movie: ›› “The Replacement Killers” Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å The Martha Stewart Show Å Mad Hungry I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Frasier Å Everyday Food Reba Å Reba Å Will & Grace Paid Program Paid Program The Balancing Act (N) Å Will & Grace Old Christine Old Christine How I Met How I Met Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Daytona Biker Rally Indy Motor Speedway Need for Speed (In Stereo) Full House Full House SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Go, Diego, Go! Max & Ruby Bubble Guppies Team Umizoomi Tori & Dean Tori & Dean: sTORIbook Tori & Dean: sTORIbook Movie: ›› “Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous” (2005) Å Snapped “Renee Poole” Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSI: NY “Snow Day” Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Quit Your Job! Free Money Paid Program Paid Program Memory Loss Paid Program Hip Hop Abs SaladChef Paid Program College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. Married... With Married... With Home Improve. Home Improve. Saved by Bell Saved by Bell Yes, Dear Å Yes, Dear Å Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne Movie: ›› “Reunion in France” (1942) Joan Crawford. Å Movie: ››‡ “Without Reservations” (1946) Å Movie: ››› “Trouble Along the Way” (1953) Little Couple Little Couple 20 Years, 20 Duggars A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story Baby’s First Know-Pregnant Know-Pregnant Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Angel “Reunion” Å Angel “Redefinition” Å Charmed “Scry Hard” Å Charmed “Little Box of Horrors” Supernatural “Bugs” Å Supernatural “Home” Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In Session Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Movie: ››‡ “Miami Vice” (2006) Colin Farrell, Jamie Foxx, Gong Li. Å House “No Reason” Å Paid Program Storm Stories Eyewitness News Morning (N) Eyewitness News Morning (N) Access H. The Insider (N) The Wendy Williams Show (N) The Nate Berkus Show (N) Å Paid Program Joyce Meyer Changing-World K. Copeland Bev. Hillbillies Bev. Hillbillies Matlock “The Cookie Monster” Matlock “The Mother” Å In the Heat of the Night Å



Andy Griffith Jeopardy! (N) The Dr. Oz Show Å Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Paid Program TMZ (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Sesame Street Å (DVS) The People’s Court (N) Å Roseanne Roseanne That ’70s Show My Wife-Kids Sesame Street Å (DVS)



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 1:30





The Ellen DeGeneres Show (N) WBTV 3 News WBTV 3 News Judge Judy Judge J. Brown The Oprah Winfrey Show Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Swift Justice Swift Justice News Channel Judge Judy Arthur WordGirl Swift Justice Swift Justice The Office King of Queens The People’s Court (N) Å Arthur WordGirl



News 2 at 5 (N) Andy Griffith News at 5 PM News at 5:30 FOX 8 News at 5:00P (N) WSOC 9 News WSOC 9 News WXII 12 News at 5 (N) Å The Ellen DeGeneres Show (N) News Channel News Martha Speaks Curious George The Doctors Å Old Christine Seinfeld Å Judge Mathis (N) Å Wild Kratts Fetch! With


8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The Sopranos “Isabella” Å The Glades “Honey” Å Criminal Minds (In Stereo) Å Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter The First 48 (11:30) Movie: ››› “The Interpreter” (2005) Nicole Kidman. Å Movie: ›››‡ “The Hurricane” (1999) Denzel Washington, Vicellous Reon Shannon. Premiere. Rocky IV (1985) Animal Cops Houston “Exodus” K-9 Cops “Dog Power” Å Pit Boss Shorty helps Jordan. Untamed and Uncut Å The Crocodile Hunter Å Wild Russia “Caucasus” Å Be Alive Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Movie: “Love for Sale” (2008) Jackie Long, Jason Weaver, Mya. Å Girlfriends Girlfriends Girlfriends The Game The Game 106 & Park The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta Strat Session Fast Money Power Lunch (N) Å Street Signs (N) Å Closing Bell (N) (In Stereo) Å Closing Bell-Bartiromo Fast Money (N) Mad Money (N) (11:00) Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) Deadliest Catch (In Stereo) Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Benefit. American Chopper Å Dirty Jobs Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Mickey Mouse Little Einsteins Little Einsteins Little Einsteins Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Fish Hooks SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å Outside-Lines Football Live NFL Live Å Rome/Burning Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter 2011 French Open Tennis Second Round. From Roland Garros Stadium in Paris. (N) (Live) Å Still Standing Still Standing 8 Simple Rules 8 Simple Rules My Wife & Kids My Wife & Kids That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Gilmore Girls (In Stereo) Å Still Standing (11:00) College Baseball ACC Tournament, Game 4: Teams TBA. The Dan Patrick Show (N) College Baseball ACC Tournament, Game 5: Teams TBA. From Durham, N.C. (N) (Live) ACC All-Access Replacement Movie: ››› “Enemy of the State” (1998) Will Smith, Gene Hackman, Jon Voight. Movie: ›› “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” (2001) Angelina Jolie. Movie: “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” (2005) Martha’s Kit. Martha’s Kit. The Martha Stewart Show Å The Martha Stewart Show Å The Waltons “The Celebration” The Waltons “The Rumor” Å The Waltons “Spring Fever” Little House Desperate Housewives Å Grey’s Anatomy (In Stereo) Å Grey’s Anatomy Religion. Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Unsolved Mysteries Å Mysteries Need for Speed World’s Toughest Fixes Dog Whisperer Alaska-Trooper Alaska-Trooper Naked Science Known Universe Break It Down Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Max & Ruby Max & Ruby SpongeBob SpongeBob The Penguins T.U.F.F. Puppy Victorious iCarly Å SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å Snapped “Monique Turenne” Snapped “Jill Rockcastle” Å Snapped “Anne Marie Stout” Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law Order: CI CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: NY (In Stereo) Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation UFC 130 Countdown (In Stereo) Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. Spotlight College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Spotlight College Baseball House of Payne Meet, Browns American Dad Name Is Earl Love-Raymond According-Jim According-Jim The Office Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Friends Å Friends Å Seinfeld Å Movie: ››› “Allegheny Uprising” Å Movie: ››› “The Wings of Eagles” (1957) John Wayne. Movie: ››‡ “Big Jake” (1971) John Wayne. Å Movie: “McLintock!” (1963) Å Cake Boss Kitchen Boss A Baby Story A Baby Story Rm-Multiples Baby’s First What Not to Wear “Linda” Å Pawn Queens Pawn Queens Pawn Queens Pawn Queens Pawn Queens Las Vegas (In Stereo) Å Las Vegas (In Stereo) Å The Closer Brenda must testify. Cold Case Woman seeks justice. Bones A man is found dead. Bones (In Stereo) Å Bones Å (9:00) In Session Speeders Speeders Speeders Speeders Speeders Speeders Cops Å House “Meaning” Å House Possible alien abduction. House “Informed Consent” Å House An autistic child’s case. House “Fools for Love” Å House “Que Sera Sera” Å NCIS “Jet Lag” Eyewitness News on TV-64 (N) Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Judge Ross Judge Ross Judge Alex Judge Alex Divorce Court Divorce Court Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Wendy Williams In the Heat of the Night Å WGN Midday News (N) Å MLB Baseball New York Mets at Chicago Cubs. From Wrigley Field in Chicago. (N) Å Tenth Inning Cheers Å Dharma & Greg

11 6 4

Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Divorce Court Judge Alex General Hospital (N) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge Judy Barney, Friends Electric Comp. General Hospital (N) Å The Tyra Show (In Stereo) Å Smarter Don’t Forget Sewing/Nancy Quilting Arts


News 2 at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful News at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful FOX 8 News Access H. The Wendy Williams Show (N) WSOC 9 News Midday (N) Å All My Children (N) Å WXII 12 News at Noon (N) Å Days of our Lives (N) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Jerry Springer (In Stereo) Å NewsChannel 36 News at 12:00 Days of our Lives (N) Å Super Why! Thomas & Fr. Caillou Å Between Lions Family Feud Be a Millionaire All My Children (N) Å According-Jim Frasier Å Scrubs Å Scrubs Å Judge Jeanine Pirro Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Cook’s Country Sara’s Meals Katie Brown Bake Decorate

3 22 9

The Talk (In Stereo) Å The Talk (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge J. Brown One Life to Live (N) Å Inside Edition Entertainment The Steve Wilkos Show Å The Doctors Å Cyberchase Wild Kratts One Life to Live (N) Å True Hollywood Story Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Paint Paper Sewing Room


News 2 at 6 (N) News at 6 PM FOX 8 News WSOC 9 News News TMZ (N) Å News Channel Cat in the Hat Smarter Family Guy Family Feud (N) PBS NewsHour

Thursday, May 26, 2011 • 11D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post THURSDAY EVENING MAY 26, 2011 A


CBS Evening News/ ^ WFMY Katie Couric CBS Evening News/ # WBTV 3 Katie Couric Access Hollywood ( WGHP 22 (N) Å ABC World News ) WSOC ,
















7:00 Wheel of Fortune “Family Vacation” WBTV News Prime Time (N) Extra (N) (In Stereo)

A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 7:30 Jeopardy! (N) Å





The Big Bang Rules of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Langston Theory Å Engagement Å fights to survive. Å (DVS) Who Wants to Be a The Big Bang Rules of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Langston Millionaire (N) Theory Å Engagement Å fights to survive. Å (DVS) TMZ (N) (In Stereo) So You Think You Can Dance “Auditions No. 1; Auditions No. 2” (Season Premiere) (N) Å Å (In Stereo) Å Wipeout “Scarecases,” diving-board fling. Rookie Blue “Fresh Paint” Andy faces a Inside Edition (N) Å Entertainment Tonight (N) Å (In Stereo) Å volatile gunman. (In Stereo) Å NBC Nightly News Inside Edition (N) Å Entertainment Community (In 30 Rock (In Stereo) The Office (In Parks and (N) Å Tonight (N) Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Recreation Å Å Everybody Loves How I Met Your How I Met Your So You Think You Can Dance “Auditions No. 1; Auditions No. 2” (Season Premiere) (N) Raymond Å Mother Å Mother Å (In Stereo) Å NBC Nightly News Jeopardy! (N) Å Wheel of Fortune Community (In 30 Rock (In Stereo) The Office (In Parks and Stereo) Å (N) Å “Family Vacation” Å Stereo) Å Recreation Å Grannies on Safari For Your Home Å PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å Rick Steves’ Europe Burt Wolf: Travels & Smart Travels: Traditions Å Pacific Rim With (DVS) Å (DVS) ABC World News Family Feud (N) (In Who Wants to Be a Wipeout “Scarecases,” diving-board fling. Rookie Blue “Fresh Paint” Andy faces a Stereo) Å Millionaire (N) (In Stereo) Å volatile gunman. (In Stereo) Å Family Guy Å Two and a Half Two and a Half The Vampire Diaries “The Return” Damon Nikita “Pilot” A former assassin seeks retriMen Å Men Å realizes Katherine has returned. bution. (In Stereo) Å Family Feud “TNA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A doc- Without a Trace “The Stranger” A stay-at- Without a Trace “The Little Things” Martin’s home mother disappears. Å Wrestlers” Å tor is murdered; his wife, raped. painkiller addiction. Å (:00) PBS NewsHour Nightly Business North Carolina Our State Tryon Exploring North North Carolina Folkways “The (N) Å Report (N) Å Now Å Place. Å Carolina Å Weekend Å Fiddle”



The Mentalist “Pink Chanel Suit” A case perplexes the CBI team. Å The Mentalist “Pink Chanel Suit” A case perplexes the CBI team. Å FOX 8 10:00 News (N)



News 2 at 11 (N) Å Late Show With David Letterman WBTV 3 News at 11 Late Show With PM (N) David Letterman Seinfeld “The Shoes” Seinfeld “The Couch” Å


Rookie Blue “Takedown” Andy goes under cover with Swarek. Å 30 Rock (In Stereo) The Office (In Stereo) Å Å Fox News at 10 (N) (:35) Fox News Edge NewsChannel 36 NASCAR Special

WSOC 9 News (:35) Nine Racing Tonight (N) Å Report WXII 12 News at 11 The Tonight Show (N) Å With Jay Leno (N) The Simpsons (In King of the Hill (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å The Tonight Show NewsChannel 36 News at 11:00 (N) With Jay Leno (N) Globe Trekker “Micronesia” Military base in The Gathering of Mustangs & Legends: Guam. Å (DVS) The Final Roundup Å Rookie Blue “Takedown” Andy goes under Entourage “Play’n (:35) Nightline cover with Swarek. Å With Fire” Å (N) Å WJZY News at (:35) Seinfeld “The New Adventures of (:35) The Office 10 (N) Shoes” Å Old Christine “Happy Hour” Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House My Wife and Kids George Lopez An earthquake hits. “Fantasy Camp” of Payne of Payne Fiddler’s Grove: A Celebration of Old Outnumbered (In BBC World News (In Time Music (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å


Manhunters: Manhunters: Manhunters: (:00) The First 48 Å The First 48 A man is found murdered next The First 48 “The Slip; Pure Victim” The First 48 “The Ring; Last Drive” A young Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force Fugitive Task Force Fugitive Task Force Fugitive Task Force to his car. Å Execution-style double homicide. Å mother is killed in her bedroom. (:00) Movie: ›› “Rocky IV” (1985) Sylvester Stallone, Talia Movie: ››‡ “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997) Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Pete Postlethwaite. An expedition returns to The Killing “Undertow” The police make a 27 Shire, Burt Young. Å monitor dinosaurs’ progress. Å shocking realization. Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: Unhooked (N) Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å 38 Shouldn’t Be Alive Life “Fish” (In Stereo) Å Movie: ››› “The Great Debaters” (2007) Denzel Washington, Forest Whitaker, Nate Parker. Å The Mo’Nique Show (N) Å 59 (:00) 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live Top 10 countdown. The Real Housewives of New Jersey Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC What Happens Housewives/NYC 37 The Real Housewives of New Jersey A family christening. The Kudlow Report (N) Apocalypse 2012 Code Wars: America’s Cyber Threat Code Wars: America’s Cyber Threat Mad Money 34 (:00) Mad Money John King, USA (N) In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å 32 Situation Room Cash Cab (In Stereo) Deadliest Catch “Exit Wounds” A mutiny Deadliest Catch “Thick as Thieves” A dis- American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior The Swords: Life on the Line Linda’s in a American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior The 35 Å crew heads to Alaska. Å aboard the Cornelia Marie. Å turbance on the Cornelia Marie. prime spot after the storm. (N) Å crew heads to Alaska. Å Suite Life on Deck Suite Life on Deck Movie: ›› “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” (2008) Suite Life on Deck Suite Life on Deck Suite Life on Deck Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie 54 Shake It Up! Å E! News (N) Sex and the City Sex and the City Khloe and Lamar Khloe and Lamar Khloe and Lamar Khloe and Lamar Chelsea Lately (N) E! News 49 Kendra College Softball NCAA Tournament, Super Regional: Teams TBA. (Live) Å Baseball Tonight (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å 39 (:00) SportsCenter (Live) Å Coll. Football Live SportsNation (N) NFL Live (N) Å SportsNation College Softball NCAA Tournament, Super Regional: Teams TBA. (N) Å 68 Women’s College Tennis NCAA Team Championship. The 700 Club Å Movie: ›› “Miss Congeniality” (2000) Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine, Benjamin Bratt. A clumsy FBI agent Movie: ››‡ “Two Weeks Notice” (2002) Sandra Bullock, Hugh Grant, Alicia Witt. A 29 goes under cover at a beauty pageant. millionaire confronts his feelings for his lawyer. College Baseball ACC Tournament, Game 6: Teams TBA. From Durham, N.C. (N) (Live) In My Own Words The Final Score Table Tennis 40 Golden Age Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Movie: ›› “Hitman” (2007) Timothy Olyphant, Dougray Scott. 45 (5:30) Movie: ››‡ “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” The FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record W/Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Å 57 Special Report Little House on the Prairie “Fred” Little House on the Prairie Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å The Golden Girls The Golden Girls 76 Little House Hunters Int’l House Hunters My First Place My First Place Selling New York Selling New York House Hunters Hunters Int’l House Hunters Hunters Int’l 46 Property Virgins Dogfights “Air Ambush” Å Swamp People “Rising Sons” Å Swamp People “Full Moon Fever” (N) Mounted in Alaska Mounted in Alaska Mounted in Alaska Mounted in Alaska 65 (:00) Dogfights Wind at My Back The Waltons “The Violated” The Waltons “The Waiting” Campmeeting Joyce Meyer Humanitarian Humanitarian 78 Highway Hvn. Reba “Pilot” (In (:00) Unsolved Pawn Stars “Guns Pawn Stars “Pinball Reba Reba drops by Reba Van starts a Reba (In Stereo) Å Reba Ex-spouses Reba “You Make Me How I Met Your How I Met Your 31 Mysteries Å Stereo) Å fire at his house. unexpectedly. Wizards” cross paths. Å Sick” Å Mother Å Mother Å and Rangers” (:00) Movie: “’Til Lies Do Us Part” (2007) Thomas Calabro, Movie: ››‡ “All-American Girl: The Mary Kay Letourneau Story” (2000) Penelope Movie: “Mother Knows Best” (1997) Joanna Kerns, Christine Elise, Grant Show. An 72 Paula Trickey, Al Sapienza. Å Ann Miller, Omar Anguiano, Mercedes Ruehl. Å unhappy mother plots murder after playing matchmaker. Å Border Wars Border Wars Naked Science “Venom Power” (N) Known Universe (N) Break It Down “Locomotive Overhaul” Naked Science “Venom Power” 58 Break It Down BrainSurge Å SpongeBob My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids Hates Chris Hates Chris George Lopez George Lopez The Nanny Å The Nanny Å 30 iCarly Å Snapped “Shayne Lovera” Å Snapped A Romeo and Juliet story. Snapped “Kelly Ryan” Å Snapped Caught in a deadly triangle. Snapped Caught in a deadly triangle. 62 Law Order: CI Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å iMPACT Wrestling (N) (In Stereo) UFC Unleashed (In Stereo) 44 Jail Å Spotlight College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) 60 (5:30) College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (4:30) Movie: Star Trek: The Next Generation Lwaxana Star Trek: The Next Generation MindStar Trek: The Next Generation Warp Star Trek: The Next Generation A woman Star Trek: The Next Generation Only Worf 64 “Arachnophobia” has mental breakdown. Å linked Picard and Beverly. Å drive destroys the universe. Å claims to be Data’s mother. notices reality changes. Å Seinfeld “The The King of Queens The King of Queens Movie: ››‡ “Liar Liar” (1997) Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Jennifer Tilly. A fast-talking Family Guy Meg Family Guy Conan (N) 24 Cadillac” Å Å Å lawyer cannot tell a lie. Å gets a makeover. Quagmire proposes. Movie: ›‡ “The Unguarded Moment” (1956) Esther Williams. Movie: ››‡ “Andy Hardy’s Double Life” A Guy Named Joe 25 (5:30) Movie: ››› “McLintock!” (1963) Å Pawn Queens Pawn Queens Police Women of Broward County Police Women of Broward County (N) Cellblock 6: Female Lock Up Å Police Women of Broward County 48 Pawn Queens (:00) Bones (In Bones “The Blonde in the Game” Matching NBA Pregame (N) NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Chicago Bulls. From the United Center in Chicago. (If necessary). (N) (Live) Å Inside the NBA (N) (Live) Å 26 Stereo) Å wits with a serial killer. Å (Live) Å World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... It Only Hurts It Only Hurts Most Shocking “Dumbest Criminals 2” 75 Cops Å Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond (:14) Everybody Loves Raymond Å 56 Sanford & Son (:00) NCIS “Jet NCIS “Jack Knife” Busting an illegal trucking NCIS “SWAK” Biohazard isolation. (In NCIS “Hometown Hero” Posthumous accu- NCIS “Red Cell” The murder of a Marine. NCIS “Jack Knife” Busting an illegal trucking 28 Lag” Å operation. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å sation. (In Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Å operation. (In Stereo) Å Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Eyewitness Entertainment (:05) The Insider (:35) Inside Edition 2 Wendy Williams Dharma & Greg An America’s Funniest Home Videos Weight New Adventures of New Adventures of How I Met Your How I Met Your WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Å Scrubs “My Hard Scrubs “My 13 old college game. lifters face peril. Å Old Christine Old Christine Mother Å Mother Å Labor” Å Inconvenient Truth”


15 Vivica A. Fox. (In Stereo) Å



(:15) Movie: ›‡ “Juwanna Mann” (2002) Miguel A. Núñez. Jr.,









Movie: ›››‡ “How to Die in Oregon” (2011) Premiere. Terminally ill patients in Treme “Slip Away” Davis discovers new tal- Real Sex “Down and Dirty” A man wears Oregon choose assisted suicide. (In Stereo) Å ent. (In Stereo) Å mascot costumes. Å (5:30) Movie: ››› “Rob Roy” (1995) Liam Neeson. Scottish Game of Thrones “A Golden Crown” Ned Movie: ››› “Get Him to the Greek” (2010) Jonah Hill. Premiere. An executive must Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Robin Hood fights for honor. (In Stereo) Å sits for the king. (In Stereo) Å drag a boozy rock star to Hollywood. (In Stereo) Å Tour: At Madison Square Garden (5:30) Movie: ››‡ “Green Zone” (2010) Colin Quinn Long Story Short The comic discusses world history Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å Movie: ››› “Public Enemies” (2009) Johnny Depp. G-man Melvin Purvis vows to nab Matt Damon. in a Broadway show. (In Stereo) Å notorious criminal John Dillinger. (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›››‡ “The Kids Are All Right” (2010) Julianne Moore, (:15) Movie: ››‡ “The Wolfman” (2010) Benicio Del Toro, Emily Blunt. A nobleman Movie: ›› “The Losers” (2010) Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Elite com- (:40) Movie: “Basic” Annette Bening. (In Stereo) Å becomes the embodiment of a terrible curse. (In Stereo) Å mandos hunt the man who betrayed them. (2003) (5:15) Movie: “The Movie: ›› “The Joneses” (2009) David Duchovny, Demi Moore. iTV. Stealth marketers (8:50) Legally Brown (iTV) Comics perNurse Jackie (iTV) Secret Diary of a Gigolos (iTV Season Secret Diary of a Back-up Plan” move into a wealthy neighborhood. (In Stereo) Å form. (N) (In Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Å Call Girl (In Stereo) Finale) (N) Call Girl (iTV)

12D • Thursday, May 26, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

FRIDAY MORNING MAY 27, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z





A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 6:30

8 12 5

(:00) Good Morning Show Å News WBTV 3 News at 6 AM (N) Fox 8 News FOX 8 News at 6:00A (N) WSOC News WSOC 9 News Daybreak at 6:00 News WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å News Fox News Rising (N) News Channel NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 GED Connect. Classical Strt Clifford-Dog Morning Paid Program Triad Today Paid Program Paid Program SB Spotlight Shephrd Chapl A. Wommack K. Copeland Exploring Socty Destinos GED Connect.

36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

Paid Program (3:32) Life Å River Monsters BET Inspiration Paid Program Exchange (:00) World One Paid Program Timmy Time SportsCenter NBA Tonight Life Today Outdoors Paid Program I Love Lucy Paid Program Taboo: Marked Home Improve. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Married... With MGM Parade Paid Program TNT Summer Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Funny Videos

3 22 9 11 6 4







The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 News at 8:00A (N) Good Morning America Lady Gaga performs. (N) Å Today Rihanna performs; real estate. (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News Rising 8am (N) Today Rihanna performs; real estate. (N) (In Stereo) Å Arthur Curious George Curious George Cat in the Hat Good Morning America Lady Gaga performs. (N) Å The Daily Buzz Å Joseph Prince Joyce Meyer Its Time-Heal Life Today Clifford-Dog Martha Speaks Curious George Cat in the Hat

Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show Å Live With Regis and Kelly (N) Live With Regis and Kelly (N) The 700 Club Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Better (In Stereo) Å Amer. Funniest Home Videos Edgemont Coach Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train


^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z






The Price Is Right (N) Å The Price Is Right (N) Å The Nate Berkus Show (N) Å The View (N) (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å The Real Housewives of Atlanta Charlotte Today Sid the Science WordWorld The View (N) (In Stereo) Å Cosby Show Cosby Show Judge Karen Judge Karen Sid the Science WordWorld

Paid Program Paid Program The Sopranos “Isabella” Å The Sopranos (In Stereo) Å The Glades “Second Chance” Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds “The Last Word” Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Movie: “The Thomas Crown Affair” (1999) Å Whale Wars: The Aftermath Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary The Crocodile Hunter Å Whale Wars: The Aftermath Whale Wars: The Aftermath Whale Wars: The Aftermath BET Inspiration Hates Chris Hates Chris Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Matchmaker The Real Housewives of D.C. The Real Housewives of D.C. The Real Housewives of D.C. The Real Housewives of D.C. The Real Housewives of D.C. Housewives Squawk on the Street (N) Squawk Box (N) Å The Call (N) Å Newsroom (N) American Morning (N) Å Newsroom (N) Overhaulin’ “Wake Up Call” Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program James Robison Joyce Meyer Paid Program Ultimate Car Build-Off Å Overhaulin’ “Motley Cruiser” Chuggington Agent Oso Tinga Tinga Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Never Land Mickey Mouse Handy Manny Babar-Badou Chuggington Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter Å Mike and Mike in the Morning With Mike Golic and Mike Greenberg. (N) (Live) Å ESPN First Take (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Joyce Meyer Changing-World Boy Mts. World Boy Mts. World What I Like What I Like 700 Club Telethon Full House Full House Outdoors The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Dan Patrick Show (Left in Progress) (N) (Live) College Baseball Paid Program Paid Program Malcolm/Middle Malcolm/Middle Movie: ›› “The Replacement Killers” (1998) Mira Sorvino Movie: ›‡ “White Noise” (2005) Michael Keaton. I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å The Martha Stewart Show Å Mad Hungry Everyday Food Reba Å Will & Grace Paid Program Paid Program Balancing Act Designing Reba Å Will & Grace Old Christine Old Christine How I Met How I Met Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Human Ape Human DNA is compared to that of chimpanzees. Neanderthal Code Full House Full House SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Go, Diego, Go! Max & Ruby Bubble Guppies Team Umizoomi Movie: ›› “A Walk on the Moon” (1999) Diane Lane. Premiere. Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Gangland “Blood Oath” Å Gangland “Root of All Evil” Gangland “Divide and Conquer” Ten-Trainer Paid Program Catch Bigger Paid Program Gorgeous Legs Skin Secrets Best Bra Ever! Paid Program Paid Program SaladChef College Baseball Married... With Married... With Home Improve. Home Improve. Saved Saved Yes, Dear Å Yes, Dear Å Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne Movie: ››‡ “Valley of the Giants” Movie: ››› “The Three Musketeers” (1948) Å (DVS) (:45) Movie: ››› “Mogambo” (1953) Clark Gable, Grace Kelly. Å (DVS) Home Made Simple Å Home Made Simple Å A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story Baby’s First Pregnant and in Peril Å Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Angel Theft of contributions. Angel “Happy Anniversary” Charmed “Freaky Phoebe” Å Charmed “Imaginary Fiends” Supernatural “Asylum” Å Supernatural “Scarecrow” Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In Session Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Movie: ›› “The Big Bounce” (2004) Owen Wilson. Å In Plain Sight Å House “Son of Coma Guy” Å Paid Program Storm Stories Eyewitness News Morning (N) Eyewitness News Morning (N) Access H. The Insider (N) The Wendy Williams Show (N) The Nate Berkus Show (N) Å Paid Program Joyce Meyer Changing-World K. Copeland Bev. Hillbillies Bev. Hillbillies Matlock “The Madam” Å Matlock “The Personal Trainer” In the Heat of the Night Å



Andy Griffith Jeopardy! (N) The Dr. Oz Show Å Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Paid Program TMZ (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Sesame Street Å (DVS) The People’s Court (N) Å Roseanne Roseanne That ’70s Show My Wife-Kids Sesame Street Å (DVS)


A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 1:00






The Ellen DeGeneres Show (N) WBTV 3 News WBTV 3 News Judge Judy Judge J. Brown The Oprah Winfrey Show Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Swift Justice Swift Justice News Channel Judge Judy Arthur WordGirl Swift Justice Swift Justice The Office King of Queens The People’s Court (N) Å Arthur WordGirl



News 2 at 5 (N) Andy Griffith News at 5 PM News at 5:30 FOX 8 News at 5:00P (N) WSOC 9 News WSOC 9 News WXII 12 News at 5 (N) Å The Ellen DeGeneres Show (N) News Channel News Martha Speaks Curious George The Doctors Å Old Christine Seinfeld Å Judge Mathis Unpaid rent. Å Biz Kid$ Å Fetch! With


8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

Criminal Minds (In Stereo) Å Criminal Minds “No Way Out” The Sopranos (In Stereo) Å The Glades “Second Chance” Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds “The Last Word” Criminal Minds “The Thomas Crown Affair” Å The Killing “Undertow” Å (:02) Movie: ››‡ “Hidalgo” (2004) Viggo Mortensen, Omar Sharif. Å Movie: “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997) Whale Wars: The Aftermath Whale Wars: The Aftermath Whale Wars: The Aftermath Whale Wars: The Aftermath Whale Wars: The Aftermath Whale Wars: The Aftermath Whale: After. Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Movie: ››› “The Great Debaters” (2007) Denzel Washington, Forest Whitaker. Å Girlfriends Girlfriends The Game The Game 106 & Park Housewives The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami House Å Strat Session Fast Money Power Lunch (N) Å Street Signs (N) Å Closing Bell (N) (In Stereo) Å Closing Bell-Bartiromo Options Action Money in Mot. Mad Money (N) (11:00) Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) Deadliest Catch (In Stereo) Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å Dirty Jobs Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Mickey Mouse Little Einsteins Little Einsteins Little Einsteins Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Suite/Deck SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å Outside-Lines Football Live NFL Live Å Rome/Burning Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter 2011 French Open Tennis Third Round. From Roland Garros Stadium in Paris. (N) (Live) Å Still Standing Still Standing 8 Simple Rules 8 Simple Rules My Wife & Kids My Wife-Kids That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Gilmore Girls “The Third Lorelai” Still Standing (11:00) College Baseball ACC Tournament, Game 7: Teams TBA. The Dan Patrick Show (N) College Baseball ACC Tournament, Game 8: Teams TBA. From Durham, N.C. (N) (Live) My Own Words Movie: ›› “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” (2001) Angelina Jolie. Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Malcolm/Middle Movie: ››‡ “15 Minutes” (2001) Robert De Niro, Edward Burns. Two/Half Men Martha’s Kit. Martha’s Kit. The Martha Stewart Show Å The Martha Stewart Show Å The Waltons “The Festival” The Waltons “The Anniversary” The Waltons “The Family Tree” Little House Desperate Housewives Å Grey’s Anatomy (In Stereo) Å Grey’s Anatomy Train crash. Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Vanished With Beth Holloway Mysteries The Human Family Tree Dog Whisperer Dog Whisperer Hooked “Squid Invasion” Hooked “Extreme Noodling” Ice Pilots Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Max & Ruby Max & Ruby SpongeBob SpongeBob The Penguins T.U.F.F. Puppy Big Time Rush iCarly Å SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Movie: ›› “Beaches” (1988) Bette Midler. Å Gangland The Zetas of Phoenix. Gangland “Hate Nation” Å Gangland “Behind Enemy Lines” Gangland “Crazy Killers” Å Gangland “Deadly Blast” Å Gangland (In Stereo) Å Gangland Å (11:00) College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. Spotlight Golf America House of Payne Meet, Browns American Dad Name Is Earl Love-Raymond According-Jim According-Jim The Office Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Friends Å Friends Å Seinfeld Å Movie: ››‡ “Blood Alley” (1955) John Wayne. Movie: ››› “Operation Crossbow” (1965) Å Movie: ››› “The Seventh Cross” (1944) Å Silver River Cake Boss Kitchen Boss A Baby Story A Baby Story Rm-Multiples Baby’s First Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å Four Weddings Las Vegas “Wagers of Sin” Las Vegas (In Stereo) Å The Closer “Borderline” Å Cold Case “Fly Away” Å Bones Investigating an explosion. Bones “The Girl With the Curl” Bones Å (9:00) In Session Street Patrol Street Patrol Street Patrol Street Patrol Street Patrol Street Patrol Cops Å House “Whac-A-Mole” Å House “Finding Judas” Å House “Words and Deeds” Å House “One Day, One Room” House “The Fix” Å NCIS “Masquerade” Å NCIS Å Eyewitness News on TV-64 (N) Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Judge Ross Judge Ross Judge Alex Judge Alex Divorce Court Divorce Court Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Wendy Williams In the Heat of the Night Å WGN Midday News (N) Å MLB Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates at Chicago Cubs. From Wrigley Field in Chicago. (N) Å Tenth Inning Cheers Å Dharma & Greg

11 6 4

Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Divorce Court Judge Alex General Hospital (N) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge Judy Barney, Friends Electric Comp. General Hospital (N) Å The Tyra Show (In Stereo) Å Smarter Don’t Forget Simply Painting Painting-Travel


News 2 at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful News at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful FOX 8 News Access H. The Wendy Williams Show (N) WSOC 9 News Midday (N) Å All My Children (N) Å WXII 12 News at Noon (N) Å Days of our Lives (N) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Jerry Springer (In Stereo) Å NewsChannel 36 News at 12:00 Days of our Lives (N) Å Super Why! Thomas & Fr. Caillou Å Between Lions Family Feud Be a Millionaire All My Children (N) Å According-Jim Frasier Å Scrubs Å Scrubs Å Judge Jeanine Pirro Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Test Kitchen Primal Grill Joy/Painting My Studio

3 22 9

The Talk (In Stereo) Å The Talk (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge J. Brown One Life to Live (N) Å Inside Edition Entertainment The Steve Wilkos Show Å The Doctors Å Cyberchase Wild Kratts One Life to Live (N) Å True Hollywood Story Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Wyland’s Art Painting Wild


News 2 at 6 (N) News at 6 PM FOX 8 News WSOC 9 News News TMZ (N) Å News Channel Cat in the Hat Smarter Family Guy Family Feud (N) PBS NewsHour

Thursday, May 26, 2011 • 13D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post FRIDAY EVENING MAY 27, 2011 A


CBS Evening News/ ^ WFMY Katie Couric CBS Evening News/ # WBTV 3 Katie Couric Access Hollywood ( WGHP 22 (N) Å ABC World News ) WSOC

















7:00 Wheel of Fortune “Family Vacation” WBTV News Prime Time (N) Extra (N) (In Stereo)

A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 7:30 Jeopardy! (N) Å



Flashpoint “Severed Ties” A woman kidnaps two young girls. Å Who Wants to Be a Flashpoint “Severed Ties” A woman kidMillionaire (N) naps two young girls. Å TMZ (N) (In Stereo) Bones “The Bones That Weren’t” A dancÅ Å er’s skull is discovered. Å Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Jamie Inside Edition (N) Å Entertainment Tonight (N) Å brings his message to Los Angeles. NBC Nightly News Inside Edition (N) Å Entertainment Friday Night Lights “Perfect Record” Billy (N) Å Tonight (N) Å mentors Luke. (N) Å Everybody Loves How I Met Your How I Met Your Bones “The Bones That Weren’t” A dancRaymond Å Mother “Woooo!” Mother “Cupcake” er’s skull is discovered. Å NBC Nightly News Jeopardy! (N) Å Wheel of Fortune Friday Night Lights “Perfect Record” Billy mentors Luke. (N) Å (N) Å “Family Vacation” MotorWeek (N) (In PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å McLaughlin Group Carolina Business Review Å Stereo) Å (N) ABC World News Family Feud (N) (In Who Wants to Be a Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Jamie Stereo) Å Millionaire (N) brings his message to Los Angeles. Family Guy “Brian Two and a Half Two and a Half Smallville “Lazarus” Lois finds Clark’s body and Stewie” Å Men Å Men Å and removes the blue kryptonite. Family Feud “TNA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Stabler Monk “Mr. Monk Meets the Candidate” Wrestlers” Å tracks a serial rapist. Å Assassination attempt. Å (:00) PBS NewsHour Nightly Business North Carolina Washington Week North Carolina (N) Å Report (N) Å Now Å (N) Å Weekend Å



CSI: NY “Scared Stiff” A female seems to have died of fright. (In Stereo) Å Carolina Camera





Blue Bloods “Family Ties” The death of a Russian gangster’s son. Å Blue Bloods “Family Ties” The death of a Russian gangster’s son. Å FOX 8 10:00 News (N)

News 2 at 11 (N) Å Late Show With David Letterman WBTV 3 News at 11 Late Show With PM (N) David Letterman Bones “The Shallow in the Deep” Human Seinfeld “The Old Seinfeld “The remains from a slave ship surface. Man” Å Gymnast” Å Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution A school 20/20 (In Stereo) Å WSOC 9 News (:35) Nightline lets Jamie to talk to students. Tonight (N) Å (N) Å Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å (:15) WXII 12 Sports The Tonight Show With Jay Leno (N) Report Bones “The Shallow in the Deep” Human Fox News at 10 (N) (:35) Fox News The Simpsons (In King of the Hill remains from a slave ship surface. Edge Stereo) Å “Nancy Boys” The Tonight Show Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å NewsChannel 36 News at 11:00 (N) With Jay Leno (N) D-Day Allied invasion on June 6, 1944. (In D-Day The events of D-Day. (In Stereo) The Artist Toolbox Official Best of Fest Å “Sam Gilliam” Stereo) Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution A school 20/20 (In Stereo) Å Entourage “Return to (:35) Nightline lets Jamie to talk to students. Queens Blvd” (N) Å Supernatural Sam is mysteriously freed WJZY News at (:35) Seinfeld “The New Adventures of (:35) The Office from his cage in hell. (In Stereo) Å 10 (N) Old Man” Å Old Christine “Secretary’s Day” Monk “Mr. Monk Meets the Candidate” Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House My Wife and Kids George Lopez (In Stereo) Å “Childcare Class” of Payne Assassination attempt. Å of Payne Antiques Roadshow Letter signed by North Carolina North Carolina Are You Being BBC World News (In Martin Luther King Jr. Å People Å Bookwatch Served? Å Stereo) Å


(:00) Criminal Minds Criminal Minds “No Way Out” A prolific Criminal Minds “Cold Comfort” Suspect Criminal Minds The team must profile a Criminal Minds A killer finds victims on the Breakout Kings “There Are Rules” Escape serial killer. Å who embalms his victims. Å serial killer. (In Stereo) Å Internet. (In Stereo) Å involves a tractor-trailer. Å (5:00) Movie: ››‡ “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997) Jeff Movie: ›››› “Patton” (1970) George C. Scott, Karl Malden, Michael Bates. Gen. George S. Patton fights World War II. Å 27 Goldblum, Julianne Moore. Å River Monsters: The Deadliest Å River Monsters: The Lost Reels (N) River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: The Lost Reels (N) River Monsters: The Lost Reels 38 Whale: After. Movie: “Trois: The Escort” (2004) Brian White, Patrice Fisher. Å Movie: ›› “Asunder” (1998) Blair Underwood, Michael Beach. Å 59 (:00) 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live Å House “Saviors” (In Stereo) Å House A deaf 14-year-old collapses. House “Both Sides Now” Å House Caregiver’s collapse. Å House “Under My Skin” Å 37 (:00) House Å The Kudlow Report (N) The Celebrity Apprentice (In Stereo) Å The Oprah Effect Mad Money 34 (:00) Mad Money John King, USA (N) In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å 32 Situation Room Cash Cab (In Stereo) Dual Survival “Swamped” The Louisiana Dual Survival “Frozen Plains” Stranded pair Dual Survival “Out of the Clouds” (N) (In Swamp Brothers Swamp Brothers Dual Survival “Frozen Plains” Stranded pair 35 Å Stereo) Å bayou. (In Stereo) Å try to survive the winter. (N) Å (N) Å try to survive the winter. Suite Life on Deck Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie 54 Suite Life on Deck Suite Life on Deck Suite Life on Deck Movie: “The Suite Life Movie” (2011) Dylan Sprouse. Sex and the City Sex and the City The E! True Hollywood Story Å The Soup (N) Fashion Police (N) Chelsea Lately E! News 49 Too Young to Kill E! News (N) NBA Countdown NBA pregame show. NBA Basketball Dallas Mavericks at Oklahoma City Thunder. (Live) Å SportsCenter 39 (:00) SportsCenter (Live) Å College Softball NCAA Tournament, Super Regional: Teams TBA. (N) Å Boxing Friday Night Fights. (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) College Softball 68 Interruption Still Standing “Still America’s Funniest Home Videos (In America’s Funniest Home Videos A man America’s Funniest Home Videos People America’s Funniest Home Videos (In The 700 Club Å 29 Not the One” Stereo) Å get surprising e-mail. Å puts a rubber bird in the freezer. Stereo) Å College Baseball ACC Tournament, Game 9: Teams TBA. From Durham, N.C. (N) (Live) UEFA Magazine The Final Score Action Sports World Championships 40 ACC All-Access Movie: ››‡ “Step Brothers” (2008) Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly. 45 Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Movie: ››› “Role Models” (2008) Seann William Scott, Paul Rudd. The FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record W/Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Å 57 Special Report Little House on the Prairie Å Little House on the Prairie Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å The Golden Girls The Golden Girls 76 Little House Hunters Int’l House Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l 46 My First Place Modern Marvels “Acid” Å American Pickers “5 Acres of Junk” Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration 65 Modern Marvels Wind at My Back The Waltons “The Silver Wings” The Waltons “The Wager” Campmeeting Joyce Meyer Humanitarian Humanitarian 78 Highway Hvn. Pawn Stars Å (:00) Unsolved Pawn Stars Reba “The Steaks Reba “The Man and Reba “Tea and Reba Reba tutors a Reba “Every Picture Reba “When Good How I Met Your How I Met Your 31 Mysteries Å Mother Å Credit Goes Bad” Antipathy” Å Tells a Story” “Chopper Gamble” Are High” Å the Moon” student athlete. Mother Å (:00) Movie: “Sandra Brown’s Smoke Screen” (2010) Jaime Viewers’ Choice Å Viewers’ Choice Å 72 Pressly, Currie Graham. Å Dog Whisperer An aggressive shar-pei. Hooked Wrestling Spain’s Wels catfish. Hooked “Carp Invasion” (N) Ice Pilots “Meltdown” (N) Hooked Wrestling Spain’s Wels catfish. 58 (:00) Ice Pilots BrainSurge Å iCarly Å Big Time Rush Victorious Å Hates Chris Hates Chris George Lopez George Lopez The Nanny Å The Nanny Å 30 iCarly Å Movie: ››‡ “The Notebook” (2004) Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams. Å (:45) Movie: ››‡ “The Notebook” (2004) Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams. Å 62 (4:30) Beaches Gangland Syndicato Nuevo Mexico. Gangland “Mile High Killers” Å Gangland “Most Notorious” Å Gangland “Public Enemy No. 1” Å Coal “A Mine Divided” (In Stereo) 44 (:00) Gangland FIGHTZONE Presents FIGHTZONE Presents 3 Wide Life (N) Raceline (N) Eastern Golf Brawl Call 60 Cougar Insider (:00) Movie: ›› “Malibu Shark Attack” (2009) Peta Wilson. An WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) (In Stereo) Å Movie: “Lake Placid 2” (2007) John Schneider, Sam McMurray. A sheriff and a hunter 64 earthquake unleashes huge, prehistoric sharks. try to kill three giant crocodiles. Å Seinfeld “The The King of Queens The King of Queens Family Guy “Brian: Family Guy “Running Movie: ›› “The Wedding Planner” (2001) Jennifer Lopez, Matthew McConaughey. An Men of a Certain Age Å 24 Boyfriend, Part II” Å Å Portrait of a Dog” Mates” Å event organizer has eyes for her biggest client’s beau. Å Movie: ››› “Run Silent, Run Deep” (1958) Clark Gable. Å Movie: ››› “Destination Tokyo” (1943) Cary Grant. Å 25 (:00) Movie: ››‡ “Silver River” (1948) Å Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes: Bliss Say Yes: Bliss Four Weddings (N) (In Stereo) Å Say Yes: Bliss Say Yes: Bliss 48 Four Weddings (:00) Bones (In Bones “Aliens in a Spaceship” A killer bur- Movie: ››› “Men in Black” (1997) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Linda Fiorentino. (:05) Movie: ›› “Men in Black II” (2002) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Rip Torn. 26 Stereo) Å ies his victims alive. Å Secret agents monitor extraterrestrial activity on Earth. Å Agents Jay and Kay defend Earth from a sultry alien enemy. Å World’s Dumbest... Dumb drivers. Operation Repo Operation Repo Operation Repo Operation Repo Operation Repo Operation Repo Forensic Files (N) Forensic Files 75 Cops “In Denial” Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond The Nanny Å 56 Sanford & Son (:00) NCIS “Mother’s NCIS “Double Identity” Investigation into a Movie: ›› “National Treasure” (2004) Nicolas Cage, Hunter Gomez, Diane Kruger. A man tries to steal the Declaration of Movie: ››› “Inside Man” (2006) Denzel 28 Day” Å Marine’s shooting. Å Independence. Å Washington. Å Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Eyewitness Entertainment (:05) The Insider (:35) Inside Edition 2 Wendy Williams Dharma & Greg (In America’s Funniest Home Videos A hus- New Adventures of New Adventures of How I Met Your How I Met Your WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Å Scrubs J.D. angers Scrubs “My Growing 13 Stereo) Å band gets a chilly wake-up call. Old Christine Old Christine Mother Å Mother Å the staff. Å Pains” Å


15 Fourth Kind” Å


36 Å

(5:15) Movie: “The









REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (In Movie: ››‡ “Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian” (:45) Bridesmaids: Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å (2009) Ben Stiller. (In Stereo) Å HBO First Look (:45) Movie: ››› “Drag Me to Hell” (2009) Alison Lohman. A young woman must Movie: ››‡ “Sherlock Holmes” (2009) Robert Downey Jr. The detective and his astute (:45) Bridesmaids: Treme “Slip Away” Davis discovers new talshatter a powerful curse placed upon her. (In Stereo) Å partner face a strange enemy. (In Stereo) Å HBO First Look ent. (In Stereo) Å (4:45) Movie: “Set It Movie: ››‡ “By the People: The Election of Barack Obama” (2009) Illinois Senator Game of Thrones “A Golden Crown” Ned Movie: › “All About Steve” (2009) Sandra Bullock, Thomas (:45) Six Feet Under Off” (1996) Å Barack Obama campaigns to become president. Å sits for the king. (In Stereo) Å Haden Church, Bradley Cooper. (In Stereo) Å Å (:45) Movie: ›‡ “Land of the Lost” (2009) Will Ferrell, Anna Friel. A time-space vortex Movie: ››› “Independence Day” (1996) Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum. Earthlings vs. evil aliens in Femme Fatales (In Movie: “Alien Sex sucks three people into another reality. (In Stereo) Å 15-mile-wide ships. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Files 3: Sex Wars” (5:15) Movie: Movie: ››› “Adventureland” (2009) Jesse Eisenberg. iTV. A college graduate takes a Movie: ›› “Remember Me” (2010) Robert Pattinson. iTV. Love begins to heal the Movie: ››‡ “Zack and Miri Make a “Triage” (2009) lowly job at an amusement park. (In Stereo) Å troubled spirit of a rebellious young man. (In Stereo) Å Porno” (2008) Traci Lords

14D • Thursday, May 26, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

SATURDAY MORNING MAY 28, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z





A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 6:30




9:30 Horseland

Wild Animals Sports Stars Willa’s Wild Swap TV (EI) Willa’s Wild Healthwise New School Yu-Gi-Oh! Å Paid Program Super Why!

Into the Wild Young Icons Pearlie (EI) Wild America Pearlie (EI)

SATURDAY AFTERNOON MAY 28, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z






Busytown Busytown Paid Program So Raven Shelldon Å Marketplace Shelldon Å This Old House So Raven Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Cruise Control Southern

11:00 Doodlebops Doodlebops Paid Program Han. Montana Magic Bus Marketplace Magic Bus This Old House Han. Montana Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Paid Program Katie Brown


Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Biography “Leonardo DiCaprio” Sell House Sell House Sell House Sell House Fix This Yard Sell House Flip This House Å Halls-Montzma Movie: › “Jet Attack” Å Movie: ›››‡ “Guadalcanal Diary” (1943) Å (:15) Movie: ›››‡ “The Dirty Dozen” (1967) Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine. Å River Monsters Big Cat Diary The Crocodile Hunter Å Dogs 101 “Ugly Dogs” Å It’s Me or the Dog Å Pit Boss “Surprise, Surprise” Big Cat Diary Human Prey Pride of lions. Å BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Bernie Mac The Unit (In Stereo) Å Bernie Mac Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Girlfriends Girlfriends Paid Program Top Chef Masters Å Top Chef Masters Å Top Chef Masters “Date Night” Pregnant in Heels Pregnant in Heels Top Chef Masters Å Suze Orman Options Action Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Piers Morgan CNN Saturday Morning Sanjay Gupta CNN Saturday Morning Your Bottom Newsroom Newsroom Paid Program American Chopper: Sr. vs. Jr. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Caribbean Trv. Paid Program Paid Program Dual Survival “Swamped” Å MythBusters (In Stereo) Å Chuggington Jungle Junction Babar-Badou Handy Manny Agent Oso Mickey Mouse Never Land Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Fish Hooks Suite/Deck Suite/Deck SportsCenter SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter Å (:00) AFL Premiership Football Gold Coast Suns vs. Geelong Cats. (N) (Live) Bassmasters From Tavares, Fla. NBA Tonight NBA Tonight NASCAR Racing NASCAR Now Drag Racing Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Boy Mts. World Boy Mts. World Movie: ››› “Happy Feet” (2006) Voices of Elijah Wood, Robin Williams. Movie: ››› “Ice Age” (2002) Outdoors Tales of Hunt Good Fishing In Fisherman In-Fisherman Thin in 30! Outdoors Sexy Waistline Sexy Waistline Ship Shape TV Outdoors College Baseball Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Movie: ›› “Vantage Point” (2008) Dennis Quaid. Movie: ››‡ “15 Minutes” (2001) Robert De Niro. I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Empty Nest Empty Nest Empty Nest Empty Nest Empty Nest Empty Nest Golden Girls Golden Girls Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program “Fab Five: Texas Cheerleader” (:00) Freeze Me Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Alcatraz: Living Hell Vanished From Alcatraz Breakout “The Texas Seven” Family Matters Adven./Jimmy Rugrats Å OddParents Fanboy-Chum Planet Sheen The Penguins SpongeBob SpongeBob T.U.F.F. Puppy The Penguins Planet Sheen SpongeBob Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Girls-Badly America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å Top Model Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Xtreme 4x4 Horsepower TV Free Money Power-Juicing Power-Juicing Memory Loss Paid Program Aaron’s Outdr O’Neill Outside Out-There N. Amer. Safari Shoot Straight College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. Married... With Married... With Married... With Steve Harvey Steve Harvey Yes, Dear Å Yes, Dear Å (:10) Movie: ››› “Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist” (:10) Movie: “Jersey Girl” (2004) Hell Below Å Movie: ›› “Tank Battalion” (1958) Å Movie: ›› “The Tanks Are Coming” (1951) Steve Cochran. Movie: ›››‡ “Sahara” (1943) (:15) Movie: “Imitation General” Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Home Made Simple Å Moving Up (In Stereo) Å Moving Up “K-9 Retreat” Å TNT Summer Law & Order “Fixed” (In Stereo) Law & Order Å (DVS) Law & Order “Mad Dog” Law & Order “The Brotherhood” Men of a Certain Age Å The Closer Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Monk Assassination attempt. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Becker Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law Order: CI Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Mad About (EI) Real Life 101 Exploration Awesome Adv. Auto Connectn Auto Connectn Action 64 Auto Connection Å Auto Connectn Auto Connectn Funny Videos Singsation! Adelante Chicg Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In the Heat of the Night Å In the Heat of the Night Å Walker, Texas Ranger Å

Replacements Sonic X Å Paid Program Dinosaur Train

Busytown Busytown Paid Program So Raven Turbo Dogs Marketplace Turbo Dogs Daily Balance So Raven Dragon Ball Z Paid Program North Carolina


36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å Animal Rescue Animal Atlas Good Morning America (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Kids News DragonFlyTV Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Love of Quilting Sewing/Nancy Good Morning America (N) Å Sonic X Å Sonic X Å Paid Program Paid Program Curious George Cat in the Hat



8 12 5

11 6 4

Good Morning Show Å WBTV News 3 Saturday at 7am Dog Tales (EI) Pets.TV Å WSOC 9 News Saturday (N) WXII 12 News at 7am (N) Å Eco Company Pets.TV Å NewsChannel 36 News at 7 (N) Cat in the Hat Raggs Å Exploration Paid Program Cubix: Robots Cubix: Robots Thin in 30! Paid Program Sesame Street The letter I.


Paid Program WBTV News 3 Paid Program Chris Matthews News A Montelongo Paid Program Antiques Flat Abs U.S. Farm Rep. A Montelongo College Exper.

3 22 9

Paid Program Paid Program WBTV News 3 Saturday at 6am Paid Program Paid Program WSOC 9 News Saturday (N) WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å Wall St. Journal A Montelongo NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 Barney, Friends Bob the Builder Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program A Montelongo Workplce-Skills Mister Rogers


Trollz (EI) Å Trollz (EI) Å Paid Program Suite Life Babar (EI) Å Marketplace Babar (EI) Å Hometime Suite Life Dinosaur King Paid Program Garden Home

A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 1:30










8 12 5

Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Ultimate Barbeque Showdown PGA Tour Golf HP Byron Nelson Championship, Third Round. From Irving, Texas. (N) (Live) Å News 2 at 6 (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program A Montelongo Ultimate Barbeque Showdown PGA Tour Golf HP Byron Nelson Championship, Third Round. From Irving, Texas. (N) (Live) Å News at 6 PM Week-Baseball Seinfeld Å Bones “The Plain in the Prodigy” UEFA Champions League Soccer Final: FC Barcelona vs. Manchester United. From: Wembley. (N) Access Hollywood (N) Å FOX 8 News News Latin Lifestyles Entertainment Tonight (N) Å NASCAR NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: Top Gear 300. From Charlotte Motor Speedway in Concord, N.C. Cars.TV Å News 2011 French Open Tennis Men’s and Women’s Third Round. From Roland Garros Stadium in Paris. (N) Golf Senior PGA Championship, Third Round. From Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Ky. (N) Å News Paid Program Week-Baseball Paid Program Paid Program UEFA Champions League Soccer Final: FC Barcelona vs. Manchester United. From: Wembley. (N) Bones “The Plain in the Prodigy” Bones Å 2011 French Open Tennis Men’s and Women’s Third Round. From Roland Garros Stadium in Paris. (N) Golf Senior PGA Championship, Third Round. From Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Ky. (N) Å News Woodsmith Julia’s Kitchen Chef John Besh Mexican Table Simply Ming Test Kitchen Everyday Food Primal Grill Steves’ Europe Smart Travels Ebert at Movie Classic Gospel “Oh My Glory!” Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program NASCAR NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: Top Gear 300. From Charlotte Motor Speedway in Concord, N.C. Paid Program The Insider (N) Movie: ››› “The Wackiest Ship in the Army” (1961) Movie: ›› “Flyboys” (2006) James Franco, Jean Reno. Movie: ››› “Bat 21” (1988) Gene Hackman. The Office Al Smith Gar HouseCalls The Unit “Paradise Lost” Å Stargate Atlantis “Infection” Movie: ›› “Road House” (1989) Patrick Swayze. Fresh Prince Life Carolinas Da Vinci’s Inqu. Gardener Victory Garden Antiques Roadshow Å Steves’ Europe Equitrekking Rough Cut-Mac Workshop Woodwright This Old House This Old House Outdoor Journal Song, Mountain

36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

Flip This House Movie: ››› “City Slickers” (1991) Billy Crystal. Å (:45) Movie: ››› “Analyze This” (1999) Robert De Niro. Å Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Dirty Dozen (:45) Movie: ››› “Tora! Tora! Tora!” (1970) Martin Balsam, Soh Yamamura, Joseph Cotten. Å Movie: ›››› “Patton” (1970) George C. Scott, Karl Malden. Å Pit Boss Shea comes to town. Operation Wild Operation Wild Operation Wild Operation Wild Operation Wild Operation Wild Alaska Wildlife Troopers Å Rocky Mountain Gators “Pilot” Hand Fishin’ Girlfriends Girlfriends Hates Chris Hates Chris Hates Chris Hates Chris Hates Chris The Game The Game The Game The Game The Game The Game Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Housewives Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Newsroom Your Money Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom Situation Room MythBusters (In Stereo) Å MythBusters “Coffin Punch” MythBusters “Alaska Special” MythBusters (In Stereo) Å MythBusters “Viral Hour” Å MythBusters “Duct Tape Hour 2” MythBusters Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Good-Charlie Shake it Up! Sonny With a Chance Sonny-Chance Movie: ›› “Starstruck” (2010) Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Shake It Up! College Softball NCAA Tournament, Super Regional: Teams TBA. NCAA Update College Softball NCAA Tournament, Super Regional: Teams TBA. NCAA Update College Softball Drag Racing Timbersports Series Å Billiards Billiards Billiards College Lacrosse NCAA Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. NCAA Update (10:30) Ice Age Movie: ››‡ “Sky High” (2005) Michael Angarano. Movie: ››‡ “Jumanji” (1995) Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt. Movie: ›› “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” (11:00) College Baseball ACC Tournament, Game 10: Teams TBA. The Game 365 Golden Age College Baseball ACC Tournament, Game 11: Teams TBA. From Durham, N.C. (N) (Live) In My Words 15 Minutes Movie: ›‡ “Jumper” (2008) Hayden Christensen, Jamie Bell. Movie: ›‡ “Big Daddy” (1999) Adam Sandler. Movie: ››› “Role Models” (2008) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls “Fab Five: Texas Cheerleader” Movie: ››› “What She Knew” (2006) Tilda Swinton. Movie: “Christie’s Revenge” (2007) Danielle Kind. Å Movie: “The Boy She Met Online” (2010) Å Breakout “Through the Roof” Breakout “The Running Man” Breakout “The Escapist” Breakout “Escape to Vegas” Breakout “Prison Romance” Breakout “Ohio’s Most Wanted” Breakout Power Rangers SpongeBob iCarly Å iCarly Å SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Big Time Rush Big Time Rush Victorious Top Model America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å Movie: “You, Me and Dupree” Trucks! Å MuscleCar (N) Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Countdown College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. Spotlight College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Spotlight 3 Wide Life Golf America (11:10) Movie: “Jersey Girl” (:15) Movie: ›› “The Wedding Planner” (2001) Jennifer Lopez. Å According-Jim Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Seinfeld Å Imitation Gen. (:45) Movie: ››‡ “Invasion Quartet” (1961) Movie: ››› “Buck Privates” (1941) Movie: ››‡ “What Next, Corporal Hargrove?” Å Ensign Pulver Moving Up (In Stereo) Å Spouse vs. House “The Hinds” 48 Hours: Hard Evidence Å 48 Hours: Hard Evidence Å 48 Hours: Hard Evidence Å 48 Hours: Hard Evidence Å Hard Evidence Movie: ››› “Men in Black” (1997) Tommy Lee Jones. Movie: ›› “Men in Black II” (2002) Å (:45) Movie: ››‡ “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” Anchorman Southern Sting Southern Sting Southern Sting Southern Sting Southern Sting Southern Sting Most Daring Most Shocking Most Shocking Citizen justice. Most Shocking Law Order: CI Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Movie: “National Treasure” Å Auto Connectn Auto Connectn Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Made in Hollywood Å Judge-Brown Judge-Brown Hates Chris Hates Chris Meet, Browns Walker, Texas Ranger Å MLB Baseball Chicago White Sox at Toronto Blue Jays. From Rogers Centre in Toronto. (N) Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent The Unit Å

3 22 9 11 6 4

Thursday, May 26, 2011 • 15D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post SATURDAY EVENING MAY 28, 2011 A ^ WFMY # WBTV





















6:30 CBS Evening News (N) Å CBS Evening News (N) Å (:00) FOX 8 News at 6:00P (N) ABC World News With David Muir NBC Nightly News (N) Å (:00) Bones “Death in the Saddle” NBC Nightly News (N) Å Carolina Calling Talent show. ABC World News With David Muir The Office “Gay Witch Hunt” Å (:00) Da Vinci’s Inquest Å (:00) Song of the Mountains Å

A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina



Paid Program

Paid Program









News 2 at 11 (N) Å (:35) Criminal Minds “Outfoxed” Paid Program Armando NCIS (In Stereo) Å (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles (In Stereo) Å (DVS) 48 Hours Mystery (In Stereo) Å WBTV 3 News at 11 (:35) America Now Montelongo Real PM (N) Å MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å FOX 8 10:00 News (:45) Fox 8 Sports Fringe “Snakehead” Bodies host squidlike (N) Saturday creatures. (In Stereo) Å Wipeout Bowled Over; Chocolate Shop. (In The Bachelorette Twenty-five eligible men arrive. (In Stereo) Å Paid Program Eyewitness News (:35) Nine Racing Inside Edition Stereo) Å Weekend (N) Tonight (N) Å Report Entertainment Tonight (N) (In Stereo) Å Minute to Win It A family from North Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å WXII News Channel (:29) Saturday Night Live Å Carolina competes. (In Stereo) Å 12 at 11 (N) MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Fox News at 10 (N) (:35) Fox News Got Fringe “Snakehead” Bodies host squidlike Game creatures. (In Stereo) Å Saturday Night Jeopardy! Å Wheel of Fortune Minute to Win It A family from North Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å NewsChannel 36 Carolina competes. (In Stereo) Å “Taste of Europe” News at 11:00 (N) Live Å Classic Gospel “Whispering Hope” (In Airmen and Adversity Å Nickles From Heaven (In Stereo) Å How I Survived World War II Austin City Limits Steve Martin plays the Stereo) Å banjo. (In Stereo) Å George Lopez (In George Lopez Wipeout Bowled Over; Chocolate Shop. (In The Bachelorette Twenty-five eligible men arrive. (In Stereo) Å NUMB3RS “Scorched” A professor helps Stereo) Å “Fishing Cubans” Stereo) Å catch an arsonist. Å Two and a Half Two and a Half Brothers & Sisters “Double Negative” Stargate Universe “Light” The plan to aban- WJZY News at (:35) Two and a Half (:05) Two and a Half (:35) The King of Men Å Men Å Paternity test. (In Stereo) Å don ship raises spirits. Å 10 (N) Men Å Men Å Queens Å The World’s Funniest Moments Å Deadliest Catch “Lady Luck” Early close to Movie: ››› “Scream 3” (2000) David Arquette, Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox Scrubs “My Super According to Jim (In the season. (In Stereo) Å Arquette. A copycat killer stalks actors on the set of “Stab 3.” Ego” Å Stereo) Å As Time Goes By The Old Guys (In The Lawrence Welk Show “Alexander’s Keeping Up Outnumbered (In Poirot “The Kidnapped Prime Minister” MI-5 “Thou Shalt Not Kill” Abortion-providStereo) Å “Visiting Rocky” Ragtime Band.” Appearances Å Stereo) Å Prime minister kidnapped. Å er’s murder. (In Stereo) Å NCIS (In Stereo) Å (DVS)

NCIS: Los Angeles (In Stereo) Å (DVS)

48 Hours Mystery (In Stereo) Å


Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Parking Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Å Parking Wars “Furious Face-Offs” The top Marlene gets insulted. 10 most outrageous encounters. (4:00) Movie: ›››› “Patton” (1970) George C. Scott. Gen. Movie: ›››› “Apocalypse Now Redux” (2001) Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen. An Army agent goes upriver in Cambodia to kill a renegade. 27 George S. Patton fights World War II. Å River Monsters: Unhooked “Killer Catfish” Jeremy searches for the goonch. River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: Unhooked (N) River Monsters: Unhooked Å 38 Hand Fishin’ The Game Å The Game Å Movie: ›› “Daddy’s Little Girls” (2007) Gabrielle Union, Idris Elba, Louis Gossett Jr. Å Movie: ››‡ “Stomp the Yard” (2007) Å 59 The Game Å The Real Housewives of New Jersey A family christening. The Real Housewives of New Jersey Housewives/NYC 37 Real Housewives (:15) The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills “Reunion” Money in Motion Debt Do Us Part American Greed “Robert McLean” The Suze Orman Show (N) Å Debt Do Us Part Debt Do Us Part American Greed “Scott Rothstein” 34 Paid Program Newsroom CNN Presents The life of Mel Gibson. Piers Morgan Tonight Newsroom CNN Presents The life of Mel Gibson. 32 Situation Room (:00) MythBusters MythBusters “Blue Ice” Investigating the MythBusters “Bubble Trouble” Floating in MythBusters “Running on Water” A test to MythBusters “Torpedo Tastic” The truth of MythBusters “Bubble Trouble” Floating in 35 (In Stereo) Å the world’s first torpedo. Å skies for blue ice. (In Stereo) Å carbonated water. Å see if one can walk on water. carbonated water. Å Shake It Up! Å Shake It Up! Å Movie: “Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure” (2011) Ashley Tisdale, Austin Butler. Suite Life on Deck Suite Life on Deck Suite Life on Deck Suite Life on Deck 54 Shake It Up! Å Voice Defining retirement. Movie: ›‡ “Because I Said So” (2007) Diane Keaton. Keeping Up With the Kardashians The Soup Chelsea Lately 49 (:00) E! News NCAA Update College Softball NCAA Tournament, Super Regional: Teams TBA. (Live) Å Baseball Tonight (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å 39 College Softball NCAA Update College Softball NCAA Tournament, Super Regional: Teams TBA. (N) Å SportsCenter Special Å 68 College Lacrosse NCAA Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Movie: ››‡ “Jumanji” (1995) Robin (5:00) “Beverly Hills Movie: ›› “Hotel for Dogs” (2009) Emma Roberts, Lisa Kudrow. Premiere. Siblings Movie: ››› “Bolt” (2008) Voices of John Travolta, Miley Cyrus, Susie Essman. 29 Chihuahua” transform an abandoned hotel into a haven for homeless dogs. Premiere. Animated. A delusional TV dog winds up in New York. Williams, Bonnie Hunt. Sports Stories The Final Score The Game 365 The Final Score 40 In My Own Words College Baseball ACC Tournament, Game 12: Teams TBA. From Durham, N.C. (N) (Live) Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Movie: ›‡ “Jumper” 45 (5:00) Role Models Movie: ››‡ “Step Brothers” (2008) Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly. FOX Report (N) Huckabee (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine (N) Stossel War Stories With Oliver North 57 America’s-HQ Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Cheers Å Cheers Å 76 The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Frasier Å Hunters Int’l House Hunters Sarah-Summer Curb/Block Curb/Block Antonio Treatment House Hunters House Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l 46 Designed to Sell Swamp People “Gator Gauntlet” Å Swamp People “Shooting Wild” Å Swamp People “First Mates” Å Swamp People “Hot Pursuit” Å 65 (:00) America the Story of Us “Millennium” Å Kingdom Conn Potter’s Touch Gaither Gospel Hour The Waltons “The Home Front” The Waltons “The Home Front” Movie: “Les Miserables” (1998) 78 Billy Graham (5:00) “The Boy She Movie: “Like Mother, Like Daughter” (2007) Michelle Stafford, Danielle Kind. A woman Movie: “Reviving Ophelia” (2010) Jane Kaczmarek, Kim Dickens, Nick Thurston. A Movie: “The Boy She Met Online” (2010) 31 Met Online” investigates the disappearance of her daughter. Å teenager suspects that her cousin is in an abusive relationship. Å Alexandra Paul, Jon Cor. Å (:00) Movie: “Mom, Dad and Her” (2008) Melora Hardin. A teen Movie: ››› “Dan in Real Life” (2007) Steve Carell, Juliette Binoche. An advice colum- Movie: ›› “In the Land of Women” (2007) Adam Brody, Meg Ryan, Kristen Stewart. A 72 develops a hostile relationship with her stepmother. nist falls in love with his brother’s girlfriend. Å young man moves in with his ailing grandmother. Å Explorer Violent behavior. Ice Pilots A chaotic chain reaction. American Paranormal Area 51 Declassified Ice Pilots A chaotic chain reaction. 58 (:00) Breakout iCarly Å iCarly Å iCarly Å Supah Ninjas Big Time Rush Victorious Å My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids George Lopez George Lopez 30 Victorious Å Movie: ››‡ “Just Friends” (2005) Ryan Reynolds. Å Movie: ››‡ “Just Friends” (2005) Ryan Reynolds. Å 62 (5:30) Movie: ››‡ “You, Me and Dupree” UFC Unleashed (In Stereo) UFC 130: Prelims (N) (In Stereo Live) Movie: ›› “Rambo” (2008) Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz. (In Stereo) Movie: “Rambo III” (1988) (In Stereo) 44 UFC Countdown College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. 60 In My Own Words College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. Movie: ›››‡ “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” (1986) William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Catherine Hicks. Movie: ››› “Star Trek: First Contact” (1996) Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner. Half-robot “Star Trek II: The 64 Spock, Kirk and Enterprise try to save humpback whales. Å Borg tries to sabotage a rocket flight. Wrath of Khan” Seinfeld “The Fix The King of Queens The King of Queens Movie: ›› “Confessions of a Shopaholic” (2009) Isla Fisher, Hugh Dancy. A financial Movie: ›› “Failure to Launch” (2006) Matthew McConaughey, Zooey Deschanel. A 24 Up” Å Å Å magazine’s advice columnist is drowning in debt. man’s parents hatch a plan to move him out of the house. Å Movie: ››› “Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo” (1944) Spencer Tracy. Å (DVS) Movie: ››› “Men of the Fighting Lady” (1954) 25 (:00) Movie: ›› “Ensign Pulver” (1964) Burl Ives 48 Hours: Hard Evidence “The Secret” 48 Hours Mystery “Fight for the Truth” 48 Hours on ID: Left for Dead Å 48 Hours on ID: Left for Dead Å 48 Hours Mystery “Fight for the Truth” 48 Hard Evidence (:00) Movie: ››‡ “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” NBA Pregame (N) NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Miami Heat. From the AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. (If necessary). (N) Inside the NBA (N) (Live) Å 26 (2004) Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd. Å (Live) Å (Live) Å Top 20 Most Shocking Top 20 Most Shocking World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... Forensic Files Forensic Files 75 Most Shocking All in the Family All in the Family Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond 56 Sanford & Son (5:30) Movie: ›› “National Treasure” (2004) Nicolas Cage, Hunter Gomez. A man Movie: ›››› “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (1981) Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman. An archaeologist (:03) In Plain Sight “Meet the Shannons” A 28 tries to steal the Declaration of Independence. Å races Nazis to find a powerful relic. Å pageant queen’s life. Å Criminal Minds “Outfoxed” Å The Closer “Identity Theft” Å Eyewitness Hot Topics Å The Insider (N) Entertainment 2 Meet the Browns NUMB3RS “Scorched” Å (:00) The Unit Bones “The Plain in the Prodigy” Human Bones “Death in the Saddle” A decomposed America’s Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Å Scrubs “My Dumb How I Met Your 13 “Paradise Lost” remains are found by a railroad. body is found in the woods. Wedding bloopers; stuck lightning bug. Luck” Å Mother Å


15 Judd, Stephen Merchant. (In Stereo) Å











Parking Wars Å

Parking Wars Å

(:15) Movie: ›› “Tooth Fairy” (2010) Dwayne Johnson, Ashley Movie: ›‡ “Our Family Wedding” (2010) America Ferrera, (:45) Movie: “Too Big to Fail” (2011) William Hurt, Edward Asner. Financial leaders try Game of Thrones “A Forest Whitaker. Premiere. (In Stereo) Å to repair a faltering U.S. economy in 2008. (In Stereo) Å Golden Crown” Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Hung (In Stereo) Å Treme Aunt Mimi and Davis’ record com- Treme “Slip Away” Davis discovers new tal- True Blood “Night on the Sun” Russell plots Big Love “D.I.V.O.R.C.E.” Barb hopes to Tour: At Madison Square Garden pany. (In Stereo) Å ent. (In Stereo) Å his next move. (In Stereo) Å attain the priesthood. Å Movie: ››‡ “Robin Hood” (2010) Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, William Hurt. Robin and his men battle the Movie: ›› “He’s Just Not That Into You” (2009) Ben Affleck. Men and women navi- (:15) Movie: ››› “Solaris” (2002) Sheriff of Nottingham. (In Stereo) Å gate through complex relationships. (In Stereo) Å George Clooney. (In Stereo) (5:20) Movie: ››‡ “Orphan” (2009) Vera Movie: ››› “Catch Me if You Can” (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken. A teenage Movie: ››‡ “MacGruber” (2010) Will Forte. A clueless soldier- Femme Fatales “Bad Farmiga. (In Stereo) scam artist poses as a pilot, surgeon and lawyer. (In Stereo) Å of-fortune must find a stolen nuke. Å Medicine” (5:30) “Saint John The Borgias “Nessuno (Nobody)” (iTV) Nurse Jackie (iTV) United States of Movie: ›››‡ “The Hurt Locker” (2008) Jeremy Renner. iTV. Members of an elite (:15) Movie: “Hugh Hefner: Playboy, of Las Vegas” Lucrezia gives birth in a convent. Å (In Stereo) Å Tara (iTV) Å bomb squad pull hazardous duty in Iraq. (In Stereo) Å Activist and Rebel” (2009) Å

16D • Thursday, May 26, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

SUNDAY MORNING MAY 29, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z





A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 6:30








36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

Paid Program Paid Program My Ghost Story: Hauntings My Ghost Story Å Paid Program My Ghost Story Å Movie: ››› “The Pelican Brief” (1993) Julia Roberts. (:00) “Paratroop Command” Å Movie: ››‡ “Fixed Bayonets” (1951) Å Movie: ›››‡ “MacArthur” (1977) Gregory Peck, Ed Flanders, Dan O’Herlihy. Å The Great Raid River Monsters Most Extreme Most Extreme Weird, True Weird, True Untamed and Uncut Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: Unhooked BET Inspiration BET Morning Inspiration In Touch BET Morning Inspiration Bobby Jones Gospel Å Lift Every Voice Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Girlfriends Paid Program Matchmaker Housewives/OC What Happens Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Suze Orman Options Action Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Piers Morgan Newsroom Sanjay Gupta CNN Sunday Morning State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources Å Paid Program Paid Program Tomorrow’s Paid Program Jentezen Joel Osteen In Touch Å Deadliest Catch (In Stereo) Å Deadliest Catch (In Stereo) Å Deadliest Catch: Best of Chuggington Jungle Junction Imag. Movers Handy Manny Agent Oso Mickey Mouse Never Land Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Fish Hooks Suite/Deck Suite/Deck SportsCenter SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (Live) Å Outside Lines Spo. Reporters SportsCenter (Live) Å NASCAR NBA Tonight E:60 NBA Tonight Bassmasters From Florence, Ala. SportsCenter (N) Å Outside Lines Spo. Reporters NASCAR Now (N) (Live) Å Paid Program Sunday Mass Movie: ››‡ “Mouse Hunt” (1997) Nathan Lane. Movie: ››› “Ice Age” (2002) Voices of Ray Romano. Movie: “Sky High” (2005) Paid Program Outdoors Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Ship Shape TV Hip Hop Abs Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Fisherman’s Horsemanship Car Show Garage Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Malcolm/Middle Malcolm/Middle Movie: ››‡ “Dr. Dolittle 2” (2001) Eddie Murphy. Movie: ›‡ “Big Daddy” (1999) Adam Sandler. I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Empty Nest Empty Nest Empty Nest Empty Nest Empty Nest Empty Nest Golden Girls Golden Girls Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In Touch W/Charles Stanley Hour of Power Å Joel Osteen Paid Program Movie: ›‡ “Picture Perfect” (1997) Jennifer Aniston. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Dog Whisperer “Cesar in Oz” When Aliens Attack Smart Tanks Family Matters All Grown Up Adven./Jimmy OddParents Fanboy-Chum Planet Sheen The Penguins SpongeBob SpongeBob T.U.F.F. Puppy The Penguins Planet Sheen SpongeBob Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Movie: ››› “Miami Vice” (1984) Don Johnson, Philip Michael Thomas. Premiere. Snapped Å Snapped Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Xtreme 4x4 Horsepower TV Paid Program Hip Hop Abs Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Right Place G3 Sportsman Sprtsman Adv. Brds/Bones Paid Program Paid Program 2 Close 4 Com XTERRA Adv. Married... With Married... With Steve Harvey Steve Harvey King of Queens King of Queens (:45) Movie: ›› “Confessions of a Shopaholic” (2009) (:45) Movie: ››‡ “Mamma Mia!” Fighter Squad. Movie: ››› “Hell to Eternity” (1960) Jeffrey Hunter, David Janssen. Movie: ›››‡ “From Here to Eternity” (1953) (:45) Movie: “All Quiet on the Western Front” Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å Four Weddings Biggest Blunders Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å TNT Summer Law & Order “Grief” (In Stereo) Law & Order “Blood Libel” Law & Order “Veteran’s Day” Law & Order “Nullification” Law & Order “Family Business” Law & Order “Foul Play” Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Monk Assassination attempt. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Joel Osteen Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Tomorrow Wld Paid Program Paid Program Skin Secrets Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Anti-Aging Sec. First Presbyterian Church Å 102 Dalmatians Tomorrow’s Scudder Bill Winston Amazing Facts Key of David Beyond Today In the Heat of the Night Å In the Heat of the Night Å Movie: “Unbreakable” (2000)



CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (In Stereo) Å Face the Nation In Touch W/Charles Stanley In Touch W/Charles Stanley CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (In Stereo) Å Changing-World Elevation Exp. Face the Nation Love & Faith Lentz Ministries Fox News Sunday Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Sexy Waistline Good Morning America (N) Å This Week-Amanpour New School Replacements A Centennial Celebration Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Meet the Press (N) Å Joel Osteen Paid Program Memory Loss Kids News A Montelongo Jesse Duplantis Fox News Sunday Joel Osteen Cornerstone Hour Paid Program Today (N) (In Stereo) Å News 36 Flashpoint Meet the Press (N) Å Judge Judy Judge Judy Curious George Cat in the Hat Super Why! Dinosaur Train Bob the Builder Antiques Roadshow (N) Å Price-Antiques Good Morning America (N) Å Paid Program Paid Program This Week-Amanpour A Centennial Celebration Into the Wild Winning Edge Raceline 3 Wide Life Whacked Out Latino TV Movie: “102 Dalmatians” (2000) Paid Program Key of David Coral Ridge Hr Wealth-Risk N.C. Spin Smart Start Animal Rescue Open House Kindergarten Angelina: Next This Old House This Old House Heartland Chefs Afield Outdoor Journal Gardener

SUNDAY AFTERNOON MAY 29, 2011 ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z


8 12 5

11 6 4

Good Morning Show Å Horseland Horseland Methodist Temple Church News Sunday Morning WXII 12 News at 7am (N) Å Paid Program Lentz Ministries NewsChannel 36 News at 7 (N) Angelina: Next Curious George Paid Program Paid Program Smart Start Mystery Hunter Paid Program Paid Program Thomas & Fr. Bob the Builder


Paid Program WBTV News 3 Paid Program Storm Stories Paid Program A Montelongo Paid Program Austin City Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Crossr’ds Cafe

3 22 9

Paid Program NC Spin WBTV News 3 Sunday at 6am Paid Program Paid Program News Sunday Morning WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å This Old House Baptist Church NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 Clifford-Dog Barney, Friends Greater Kingdom A Montelongo N.C. Spin Church of Phila A Montelongo Workplce-Skills Smart Start




A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 1:00











8 12 5

Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program To Be Announced PGA Tour Golf HP Byron Nelson Championship, Final Round. From Irving, Texas. (N) (Live) Å A Montelongo Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program PGA Tour Golf HP Byron Nelson Championship, Final Round. From Irving, Texas. (N) (Live) Å Sexy Waistline Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program House House treats a senator. Grey’s Anatomy (In Stereo) Å The Closer “Smells Like Murder” Raceweek NASCAR Racing 2011 Indianapolis 500 From Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Indianapolis. (N) (Live) Fearless Cars.TV Å Hot Topic Made in Hollywood Å 2011 French Open Tennis Men’s and Women’s Fourth Round. From Roland Garros Stadium in Paris. Golf Senior PGA Championship, Final Round. From Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Ky. (N) Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Movie: ›‡ “The Benchwarmers” (2006) David Spade. How I Met How I Met Got Game NASCAR Racing 2011 French Open Tennis Men’s and Women’s Fourth Round. From Roland Garros Stadium in Paris. Golf Senior PGA Championship, Final Round. From Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Ky. (N) Å Small Business United Way For Love of Liberty: The Story of America’s Black Patriots Å For Love of Liberty: The Story of America’s Black Patriots Å Airmen and Adversity Å 2011 Indianapolis 500 From Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Indianapolis. (N) (Live) Fearless Movie: ››‡ “Unbreakable” (2000) Bruce Willis. (11:00) Movie: “102 Dalmatians” Movie: ›› “Walking Tall” (2004) The Rock. The Hills Å The Hills Å Smash Cuts Smash Cuts Enthusiasm Entourage Movie: ›› “Flyboys” (2006) James Franco, Jean Reno. Movie: ››› “Bat 21” (1988) Gene Hackman. Movie: ››‡ “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” (2005) Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie. Growing Bolder North Carolina Primal Grill Everyday Food Test Kitchen Chef John Besh Avec Eric Å Lidia’s Italy Mexican Table Black Issues Bookwatch N.C. People

36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

(10:00) “The Pelican Brief” Å Breakout Kings “Pilot” Å Breakout Kings Å Breakout Kings “The Bag Man” Breakout Kings Å Criminal Minds (In Stereo) Å Criminal Minds (11:30) Movie: ››‡ “The Great Raid” (2005) Benjamin Bratt. Å Movie: ›››› “Apocalypse Now Redux” (2001) Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen. River Monsters: Unhooked River Monsters: Unhooked River Monsters “The Giants” River Monsters: The Lost Reels River Monsters: Unhooked River Monsters: The Deadliest River Monsters Girlfriends The Game The Game The Game Movie: ››› “The Brothers” (2001) Morris Chestnut. Movie: ›› “Daddy’s Little Girls” (2007) Gabrielle Union, Idris Elba. Å Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ The Real Housewives of New Jersey Housewives/NJ Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Newsroom Your Money Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom Deadliest Catch: Best of Deadliest Catch: Best of Deadliest Catch: Best of Deadliest Catch “New Blood” Deadliest Catch “New Blood” Deadliest Catch (In Stereo) Å Deadliest Catch Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Good-Charlie Shake it Up! Sonny-Chance Sonny-Chance Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie SportsCenter Baseball Ton. College Softball NCAA Tournament, Super Regional: Teams TBA. NCAA Update College Softball NCAA Tournament, Super Regional: Teams TBA. SportsCenter (Live) Å Cheerleading From Orlando, Fla. Cheerleading From Orlando, Fla. College Baseball SEC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. From Hoover, Ala. (N) (Live) Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man (11:00) Movie: “Sky High” (2005) Movie: ›› “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” (2008) Piper Perabo. Movie: ›› “Hotel for Dogs” (2009) Emma Roberts. Movie: ›››› “WALL-E” (2008) Henderson My Own Words College Baseball ACC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. From Durham, N.C. (N) (Live) Boys in the Hall Golden Age Ball Up Streetball (N) Boys in the Hall Movie: ›› “Cheaper by the Dozen 2” (2005) Steve Martin. Movie: ››› “Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!” (2008) Movie: ›› “Alvin and the Chipmunks” (2007) Jason Lee. Madagascar 2 Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Movie: “Flirting With Forty” (2008) Heather Locklear. Å Movie: ››‡ “Father of the Bride Part II” (1995) Å Movie: “Marry Me” (2010) Lucy Liu, Steven Pasquale, Enrique Murciano. Å Hitler’s Hidden City Revenge on the Gestapo Hitler and the Occult The Hunt for Hitler Code Breakers Blowing Up History Area 51 Power Rangers SpongeBob iCarly Å iCarly Å iCarly Å iCarly Å SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Big Time Rush Big Time Rush Victorious Snapped “Monique Berkley” Snapped “Lisa Costello” Å Snapped “Rhonda Orr” Å Snapped “Monique Turenne” Snapped A Texas beauty queen. Snapped “Amanda McGhee” Snapped Å Trucks! Å MuscleCar Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å FIGHTZONE Presents FIGHTZONE Presents Brawl Call Brawl Call FIGHTZONE Presents Brawl Call XTERRA Adv. (10:45) Movie: “Mamma Mia!” MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Detroit Tigers. From Comerica Park in Detroit. (N) (Live) Å Movie: ›› “50 First Dates” (2004) Adam Sandler. Failure-Launch “All Quiet on the Western Front” Movie: ›››› “Sergeant York” (1941) Gary Cooper. Å (DVS) Movie: ››‡ “The Deep Six” (1958) Alan Ladd. Movie: “They Were Expendable” Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å Extreme Couponing Å Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Movie: “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” (2004) Å Movie: “Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde” (2003) Å Movie: ››‡ “The Whole Nine Yards” (2000) Å Dick & Jane Bait Car “L.A.” Bait Car Bait Car Bait Car Bait Car Bait Car Bait Car Bait Car Bait Car Bait Car “L.A.” Bait Car “LA” Bait Car “LA” Bait Car Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Raidrs-Lost Ark Paid Program Auto Connectn Sports Stars Young Icons Hollywood Mad About (EI) Paid Program Paid Program Bishop Allen Hide the Fat Friends Å Friends Å Cold Case (11:00) Movie: “Unbreakable” Law & Order: Criminal Intent MLB Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates at Chicago Cubs. From Wrigley Field in Chicago. (N) Å Tenth Inning (N) Scrubs Å Old Christine

3 22 9 11 6 4

News 2 at 6 (N) Evening News News News News Channel Healthwise Paid Program American Dad Exploring N.C.

Thursday, May 26, 2011 • 17D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post SUNDAY EVENING MAY 29, 2011 A ^ WFMY # WBTV




9 With David Muir


ABC World News

America’s Funniest Home Videos Christmas morning pranks. Å Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å

NBC Nightly News

Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å

(:00) Healthwise

How I Survived World War II



6 (N) Å











CSI: Miami “Blood Sugar” A sugar refinery News 2 at 11 (N) Å (:35) Criminal Minds Å explodes. (In Stereo) Å CSI: Miami “Blood Sugar” A sugar refinery WBTV 3 News at 11 (:20) The Point After explodes. (In Stereo) Å PM (N) TMZ (In Stereo) Å

America’s Funniest Home Videos Extreme Makeover: Home Edition “Brown Family” Family who lost a teen in an acciBridesmaids with trick bouquets. Å dent. (In Stereo) Å NBC Nightly News Minute to Win It “Brotherly Love” Brothers Movie: ››› “The Bourne Supremacy” (2004) Matt Damon, Brian Cox. Jason Bourne (N) Å from North Carolina compete. fights back when the CIA tries to kill him. (In Stereo) Å (5:30) NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Series: Coca-Cola 600. From Charlotte Motor Speedway in Concord, N.C. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 7:30

CBS Evening News/ 60 Minutes (N) (In Stereo) Å Undercover Boss (In Stereo) Å Undercover Boss (In Stereo) Å Mitchell WBTV 3 News at 60 Minutes (N) (In Stereo) Å Undercover Boss (In Stereo) Å Undercover Boss (In Stereo) Å 3 6:30pm (N) (5:30) NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Series: Coca-Cola 600. From Charlotte Motor Speedway in Concord, N.C. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å




4 “Seeing in HD”

ABC World News With David Muir American Dad “1600 8 Candles” The Addams Family




5 Showboat Legacy

Battleship NC The

America’s Funniest Home Videos Christmas morning pranks. Å Family Guy “Road to Family Guy (In Europe” Å Stereo) Å Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House of Payne of Payne War Bonds: The Songs and Letters of World War II (In Stereo) Å

Eyewitness News (:35) Nine Racing Tonight (N) Å Report WXII 12 News at 11 Attorneys on Call (N) Å Fox News Late Fox News Got Game Edition (N) Minute to Win It “Brotherly Love” Brothers Movie: ››› “The Bourne Supremacy” (2004) Matt Damon, Brian Cox. Jason Bourne NewsChannel 36 Whacked Out from North Carolina compete. fights back when the CIA tries to kill him. (In Stereo) Å News at 11:00 (N) Sports (In Stereo) National Memorial Day Concert (2011) (In Stereo Live) Å Hold at All Costs (In Stereo) Å Airmen and Adversity Å America’s Funniest Home Videos Extreme Makeover: Home Edition “Brown Family” Family who lost a teen in an acciBridesmaids with trick bouquets. Å dent. (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›› “Road House” (1989) Patrick Swayze, Kelly Lynch, Sam Elliott. A legendary WJZY News at (:35) Charlotte Now bouncer agrees to tame a notorious gin mill. 10 (N) 3rd Rock From the Seinfeld “The That ’70s Show (In That ’70s Show George Lopez (In George Lopez Sun “Dick’s Ark” Implant” Å Stereo) Å “Radio Daze” Stereo) Å “Fishing Cubans” National Memorial Day Concert (2011) (In Stereo Live) Å National Memorial Day Concert (2011) (In Stereo) Å

According to Jim (In Paid Program Stereo) Å (:05) N.C. Spin (:35) The Tim McCarver Show Seinfeld George’s The King of Queens Å father is arrested. EastEnders (In EastEnders (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å


(:00) Criminal Minds Criminal Minds “The Perfect Storm” Criminal Minds “Omnivore” Notorious New Criminal Minds “House on Fire” The team Breakout Kings “Collected” A criminal who Breakout Kings “Steaks” An oversized cofInvestigating a series of murders. England serial killer. Å hunts for a serial arsonist. Å has kidnapped women. Å fin allows two escapes. Å (2:30) “Apocalypse Movie: ›› “Pearl Harbor” (2001) Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale. Friends join a war effort after the Japanese attack The Killing “I’ll Let You Know When I Get (:02) The Killing “I’ll Let You Know When I 27 Now Redux” Hawaii. Å There” The police regroup. (N) Get There” The police regroup. River Monsters: Unhooked (In Stereo) River Monsters: The Most Bizarre River Monsters: Unhooked (N) River Monsters Goes Tribal (N) Å Swamp Wars (N) (In Stereo) 38 River Monsters Movie: ››‡ “Notorious” (2009) Angela Bassett, Derek Luke, Jamal Woolard. Å The Family Crews The Family Crews 59 Movie: ››‡ “Stomp the Yard” (2007) Columbus Short. Å Housewives/OC Housewives/OC “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” 37 Movie: ›› “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” (2003) Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey. How I, Millions Wall St. Journal New Age of Wal-Mart Biography on CNBC “Sam Walton” Code Wars: America’s Cyber Threat 60 Minutes on CNBC 34 Paid Program Newsroom CNN Presents Å Piers Morgan Tonight Newsroom CNN Presents Å 32 (:00) Newsroom (:00) Deadliest Deadliest Catch “Breaking Point” A crew Deadliest Catch A deckhand falls asleep at Deadliest Catch “Exit Wounds” A mutiny Deadliest Catch “Thick as Thieves” A dis- Deadliest Catch “Breaking Point” A crew 35 Catch Å member is injured. Å member is injured. Å the wheel. (In Stereo) Å aboard the Cornelia Marie. Å turbance on the Cornelia Marie. Shake It Up! Å Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie 54 Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Movie: “Lemonade Mouth” (2011) Bridgit Mendler, Adam Hicks, Hayley Kiyoko. Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Khloe and Lamar E! Special The Soup Chelsea Lately 49 (:00) Movie: ›‡ “Because I Said So” (2007) NBA Countdown NBA pregame show. NBA Basketball Oklahoma City Thunder at Dallas Mavericks. (Live) Å SportsCenter 39 (5:30) SportsCenter (Live) Å Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å MLB Baseball Cincinnati Reds at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) NFL’s Greatest 68 Strongest Man Movie: ›››› “WALL-E” (2008) Voices of Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight. Animated. A robot America’s Funniest Home Videos (In (5:00) Movie: Movie: ››› “Bolt” (2008) Voices of John Travolta, Miley Cyrus, Susie Essman. 29 “WALL-E” (2008) Animated. A delusional TV dog winds up in New York. Stereo) Å chases a mechanical scout across the galaxy. World Poker Tour: Season 9 World Poker Tour: Season 9 Ball Up Streetball Boys in the Hall The Final Score World Poker Tour: Season 9 40 Golden Age Movie: ››› “Kung Fu Panda” (2008) Voices of Jack Black. Movie: ››› “Kung Fu Panda” (2008) Voices of Jack Black. 45 (:00) Movie: “Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa” (2008) Huckabee (N) Freedom Watch Stossel Huckabee 57 Fox News Sunday FOX Report (N) Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Cheers Å Cheers Å 76 The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Frasier Å Hunters Int’l House Hunters Holmes on Homes Holmes on Homes Holmes Inspection Flipped house. House Hunters Hunters Int’l Income Property Income Property 46 Designed to Sell American Pickers Å American Pickers “What’s in the Box” American Pickers “Fairlane Fever” American Pickers Å 65 American Pickers American Pickers “They Boldly Go” Victory in Christ Christians & Jews To Be Announced Gaither Gospel Hour Gospel music. John Ankerberg Giving Hope To Be Announced Gaither Gospel Hour Gospel music. 78 Gaither Gospel (4:00) Movie: “Marry Me” (2010) Lucy Liu. Two best friends fall in Movie: ›› “William & Kate” (2011) Ben Cross, Camilla Luddington, Serena Scott Coming Home “Three Cheers for Dad” A Movie: ››‡ “Father of the Bride Part II” 31 love with the same woman. Å Thomas. Prince William meets Kate Middleton at college. Å solider surprises his wife. (N) Å (1995) Steve Martin. (:00) Movie: › “The Governor’s Wife” (2008) Emily Bergl, Marilu Movie: “Seven Deadly Sins” (2010) Dreama Walker, Jared Keeso, Rachel Melvin. A female sheriff uncovers dark secrets while investigating a murder. Å 72 Henner, Matt Keeslar. Å Man-Made Disasters Explorer “Stormageddon” (N) Witness: Tornado Swarm 2011 (N) Witness: Disaster in Japan (N) Explorer “Stormageddon” 58 Area 51 Declass. iCarly Å iCarly Å My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids Hates Chris Hates Chris George Lopez George Lopez The Nanny Å The Nanny Å 30 Victorious Å Snapped “Karen Grauber” Å Snapped “Kelley Cannon” Å Snapped “Tausha Morton” Å Snapped Caught in a deadly triangle. Movie: ››› “Miami Vice” 62 (:00) Snapped Jail Å Jail Å Movie: ›› “Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace” (1999) Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor. (In Stereo) Movie: ››› “Bad Boys” 44 Jail Å Under the Lights Spotlight College Softball ACC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. From Atlanta. In My Own Words Women’s College Lacrosse 60 Spotlight Movie: ››› “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country” (1991) William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Movie: ››‡ “Star Trek Generations” (1994) Patrick Stewart, William Shatner, Malcolm McDowell. The “Star Trek V: The 64 Kelley. Kirk is accused of assassinating the Klingon chancellor. Å Enterprise crew encounters a deranged scientist. Final Frontier” (:00) Movie: ›› “Failure to Launch” (2006) Matthew Movie: ››‡ “What Women Want” (2000) Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt. A chauvinistic ad (:13) Movie: ››‡ “Mamma Mia!” (2008) Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan. A single hotelier 24 McConaughey, Sarah Jessica Parker. Å executive can suddenly read women’s minds. Å prepares for her daughter’s wedding. Å Movie: ››› “The Story of G.I. Joe” (1945) Burgess Meredith. Movie: ››› “Battleground” (1949) Van Johnson. Å (DVS) 25 (5:30) Movie: “They Were Expendable” (1945) Å (DVS) Extreme Coupon Extreme Coupon Extreme Coupon Extreme Coupon My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding Å My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding (N) Å My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding Å 48 Extreme Coupon (:00) Movie: ››‡ “Fun With Dick & Jane” (2005) Jim Carrey, Movie: ››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005) Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn. Partygoers (:15) Movie: ››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005) Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn. 26 Téa Leoni, Alec Baldwin. Å spend a wild weekend with a politician’s family. Å Partygoers spend a wild weekend with a politician’s family. Å Cops Å Cops Å World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... Forensic Files Forensic Files 75 Bait Car “LA” All in the Family All in the Family M*A*S*H “Pilot” M*A*S*H Å Memories of M*A*S*H (In Stereo) Å M*A*S*H Å M*A*S*H Å M*A*S*H Å 56 All in the Family (:00) Movie: ›››› “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (1981) Harrison Ford, Karen Allen. An (:33) Movie: ››‡ “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” (2008) Harrison Ford, Cate (:11) Law & Order: Criminal Intent A mur28 archaeologist races Nazis to find a powerful relic. Å Blanchett. Indy and a deadly Soviet agent vie for a powerful artifact. Å der leads to a fashion designer. Heartland “Coming Home” Å Grey’s Anatomy (In Stereo) Å House House treats a senator. Å Eyewitness NUMB3RS “Sabotage” Å Inside Edition 2 (:00) Cold Case New Adventures of How I Met Your How I Met Your How I Met Your How I Met Your How I Met Your How I Met Your WGN News at Nine (:40) Instant Replay Monk “Mr. Monk Goes to Vegas” The death 13 Old Christine Mother Å Mother Å Mother Å Mother Å Mother Å Mother Å (N) Å Å of a casino owner’s wife. Å


15 (2010) America Ferrera.


36 “P911”

(:00) Movie: ›‡ “Our Family Wedding”









(:45) True Blood “Everything Is Broken” Russell vows revenge Game of Thrones Tywin and Jaime prepare Treme “Feels Like Rain” Hidalgo does a Game of Thrones Tywin and Jaime prepare against his foes. (In Stereo) Å for battle. (N) (In Stereo) Å favor for a councilman. (N) Å for battle. (In Stereo) Å (5:30) Movie: Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å Movie: ››› “How to Train Your Dragon” (2010) Voices of Jay How to Train Your Movie: “Cinema Verite” (2011) Diane Lane. TV cameras follow (:35) Movie: “Taking Chance” Å Baruchel. (In Stereo) Å Dragon the personal lives of a couple in the 1970s. Å “Minority Report” (5:00) Movie: Movie: ›››‡ “Adaptation” (2002) Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep. A neurotic screenwriter Movie: ››‡ “Green Zone” (2010) Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear. Army inspectors seek Movie: ›‡ “The Fourth Kind” (2009) Milla “Shallow Hal” has trouble with a difficult book. (In Stereo) Å weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. (In Stereo) Å Jovovich. (In Stereo) (:45) Movie: ›› “Cradle 2 the Grave” (2003) Jet Li, DMX. An intelligence agent and a Movie: ››‡ “MacGruber” (2010) Will Forte. A clueless soldier- Movie: ››› “Ocean’s Eleven” (2001) George Clooney, Matt Damon. A suave ex-con thief pursue stolen diamonds. (In Stereo) Å of-fortune must find a stolen nuke. Å assembles a team to rob a casino vault. (In Stereo) Å (:25) Movie: ››‡ “Extract” (2009) Jason Bateman, Mila Kunis, The Borgias “Nessuno (Nobody)” (iTV) Nurse Jackie (iTV) United States of Shameless “Pilot” (iTV) A father is of no Shameless “Frank the Plank” (iTV) Frank Kristen Wiig. iTV. (In Stereo) Å Lucrezia gives birth in a convent. Å (In Stereo) Å Tara (iTV) Å use to his family. (In Stereo) Å goes missing. (In Stereo) Å

18D • Thursday, May 26, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

MONDAY MORNING MAY 30, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z





A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 6:30









36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Criminal Minds “Jones” Å Criminal Minds “Psychodrama” Criminal Minds “Roadkill” Å Criminal Minds (In Stereo) Å Criminal Minds “Conflicted” Pearl Harbor Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Movie: ›››› “Twelve O’Clock High” (1949) Gregory Peck, Dean Jagger. Å River Monsters Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary The Crocodile Hunter Å The Most Extreme Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: The Lost Reels River Monsters: Unhooked Å BET Inspiration BET Inspiration The Game The Game The Game The Game The Game The Game The Game The Game Paid Program Matchmaker Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives Exchange Divorce Wars The Facebook Obsession Supermarkets Inc: Inside Movie: ›››‡ “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” (2005) Made-Millions (:00) World One American Morning (N) Å Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program James Robison Joyce Meyer Paid Program American Chopper: Sr. vs. Jr. American Chopper: Sr. vs. Jr. American Chopper: Sr. vs. Jr. Timmy Time Phineas, Ferb Chuggington Agent Oso Agent Oso Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Never Land Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Å Phineas, Ferb Fish Hooks Fish Hooks NBA Basketball SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter ESPN First Take (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Mike and Mike in the Morning With Mike Golic and Mike Greenberg. (N) (Live) Å Life Today Full House Joyce Meyer Love a Child Boy Mts. World Boy Mts. World What I Like What I Like Grounded Life 700-Interactive The 700 Club Å Full House Memory Loss Paid Program The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Malcolm/Middle Malcolm/Middle Movie: ›› “Alvin and the Chipmunks” (2007) Jason Lee. Movie: ››› “Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa” (2008) I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Empty Nest Empty Nest Empty Nest Empty Nest The Martha Stewart Show Å Martha Bakes Everyday Food Paid Program Paid Program The Balancing Act (N) Å Will & Grace Movie: “The Perfect Neighbor” (2005) Perry King. Å Paid Program Reba Å Reba Å Will & Grace Ult. Volcano Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Cowboys of the Sea: Long Haul Cowboys of the Sea Ice Pilots “Deadly Winds” Glenn Martin Full House Full House SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Go, Diego, Go! Max & Ruby Bubble Guppies Team Umizoomi Paid Program Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Movie: ›› “Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace” (1999) Liam Neeson. (In Stereo) Take-Shirt Off! Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Sports World Excellence Married... With Married... With Married... With Home Improve. Home Improve. Saved by Bell Saved by Bell Yes, Dear Å Yes, Dear Å Movie: ›‡ “Blue Streak” (1999) Martin Lawrence. (:45) Movie: “Screaming Eagles” (1956) (:15) Movie: ›››‡ “Objective, Burma!” (1945) Errol Flynn. Å (:45) Movie: ››› “The Green Berets” (1968) John Wayne. Å Paid Program Cake Boss: Next Great Baker Cake Boss: Next Great Baker Cake Boss: Next Great Baker Cake Boss: Next Great Baker Cake Boss: Next Great Baker Cake Boss: Next Great Baker (:00) CSI: NY Angel “The Thin Dead Line” Angel “Reprise” Å Charmed (In Stereo) Å Charmed (In Stereo) Å Law & Order “White Rabbit” Law & Order “Menace” Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In Session Paid Program NCIS “My Other Left Foot” Å NCIS “Call of Silence” Å NCIS A suicide may be a murder. NCIS “Bait” (In Stereo) Å NCIS “Nine Lives” Å NCIS “Capitol Offense” Å Paid Program Paid Program Storm Stories Eyewitness News Morning (N) Eyewitness News Morning (N) Access H. The Insider (N) The Wendy Williams Show Å The Nate Berkus Show Å (4:00) Movie: “Bandits” (2001) Joyce Meyer Changing-World K. Copeland Bev. Hillbillies Bev. Hillbillies Matlock (In Stereo) Å Matlock (In Stereo) Å In the Heat of the Night Å



8 12 5

11 6 4

The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 News at 8:00A (N) Good Morning America (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News Rising 8am (N) Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Arthur Curious George Curious George Cat in the Hat Good Morning America (N) Å The Daily Buzz Å Joseph Prince Joyce Meyer Conquerors Life Today Clifford-Dog Martha Speaks Curious George Cat in the Hat

Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show Å Live With Regis and Kelly Å Live With Regis and Kelly Å The 700 Club Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Better (In Stereo) Å Amer. Funniest Home Videos Edgemont Coach Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train

Andy Griffith Jeopardy! (N) The Dr. Oz Show Å Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å A Montelongo TMZ (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Sesame Street Last cookie. The People’s Court Å Roseanne Roseanne That ’70s Show My Wife & Kids Sesame Street Last cookie.

MONDAY AFTERNOON MAY 30, 2011 ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z


(:00) Good Morning Show Å News WBTV 3 News at 6 AM (N) Fox 8 News FOX 8 News at 6:00A (N) WSOC News WSOC 9 News Daybreak at 6:00 News WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å News Fox News Rising (N) News Channel NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 GED Connect. Classical Strt Clifford-Dog Morning Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Shephrd Chapl A. Wommack K. Copeland Effect. Teacher Destinos GED Connect.

3 22 9

The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å




The Price Is Right (N) Å The Price Is Right (N) Å The Nate Berkus Show Å The View (N) (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å The Real Housewives of Atlanta Charlotte Today Sid the Science WordWorld The View (N) (In Stereo) Å Cosby Show Cosby Show Judge Karen Judge Karen Sid the Science WordWorld

A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 1:00






The Ellen DeGeneres Show WBTV 3 News WBTV 3 News Judge Judy Judge J. Brown The Oprah Winfrey Show Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Swift Justice Swift Justice News Channel Judge Judy Arthur WordGirl Swift Justice Swift Justice The Office King of Queens The People’s Court Å Arthur WordGirl



News 2 at 5 (N) Andy Griffith News at 5 PM News at 5:30 FOX 8 News at 5:00P (N) WSOC 9 News WSOC 9 News WXII 12 News at 5 (N) Å The Ellen DeGeneres Show News Channel News Martha Speaks Curious George The Doctors Å Old Christine Seinfeld Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Wild Kratts Saddle Club


8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

Criminal Minds “Paradise” Å Criminal Minds “Soul Mates” Criminal Minds “Masterpiece” Criminal Minds “Demonology” Criminal Minds (In Stereo) Å Criminal Minds (In Stereo) Å Criminal Minds Movie: ›››› “Patton” (1970) George C. Scott, Karl Malden, Michael Bates. Å Movie: ›››‡ “The Longest Day” (1962) John Wayne. Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: Unhooked River Monsters: Unhooked River Monsters The Game The Game The Game The Game The Game The Game The Game Movie: ››‡ “Barbershop” (2002) Ice Cube. Movie: “Kingdom Come” (2001) Housewives Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Marijuana USA House of Cards The global economic breakdown since 9/11. American Greed Remington Under Fire Inside the Mind of Google One Nation (11:00) Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) American Chopper: Sr. vs. Jr. American Chopper: Sr. vs. Jr. American Chopper: Sr. vs. Jr. American Chopper: Sr. vs. Jr. American Chopper: Sr. vs. Jr. American Chopper: Sr. vs. Jr. Am. Chopper Movie: “The Suite Life Movie” (2011) Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Good-Charlie Movie: “Lemonade Mouth” (2011) Bridgit Mendler, Adam Hicks. Shake It Up! “Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure” SportsCenter Road to Omaha SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å College Lacrosse NCAA Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. From Baltimore. (N) (Live) SportsCenter 2011 French Open Tennis Round of 16. From Roland Garros Stadium in Paris. (N) (Live) Å Movie: ›› “Can’t Hardly Wait” (1998) Jennifer Love Hewitt. Movie: ›› “A Walk to Remember” (2002) Shane West, Mandy Moore. Movie: ››› “Dirty Dancing” (1987) Jennifer Grey. College Softball NCAA Division II, Final: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) UEFA Champions League Soccer Teams TBA. Garage Action Sports World Tour World Poker Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Martha’s Kit. Martha’s Kit. The Martha Stewart Show Å The Martha Stewart Show Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Movie: ›› “The Perfect Nanny” (2000) Dana Barron. Å Movie: “The Perfect Assistant” (2008) Rachel Hunter. Å Movie: “The Perfect Marriage” (2006) Jamie Luner. Å Perfect Wife American Paranormal Area 51 Declassified On Board Marine One On Board Air Force One America’s Secret Weapon Hi-Tech War on Terror Armored Cars Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Max & Ruby Max & Ruby SpongeBob SpongeBob The Penguins T.U.F.F. Puppy Big Time Rush iCarly Å SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å Living Single Living Single Living Single Living Single Living Single Living Single Living Single Living Single Movie: ›› “Something New” (2006) Sanaa Lathan. Å Love Games Movie: ››‡ “Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones” (2002) Ewan McGregor. (In Stereo) Movie: ›››‡ “Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith” (2005) (In Stereo) My Own Words Braves Live! MLB Baseball San Diego Padres at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. (N) (Live) Braves Live! Under Lights At Home Phenoms Great Moments Movie: “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” (2006) Lucas Black. Movie: ›‡ “Rush Hour 3” (2007) Jackie Chan. Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å (:15) Movie: ››› “Kelly’s Heroes” (1970) Clint Eastwood. Å (DVS) (:45) Movie: ››‡ “The Devil’s Brigade” (1968) William Holden. Å Movie: ››› “A Bridge Too Far” (1977) Cake Boss: Next Great Baker Cake Boss: Next Great Baker “The Big Finale!” Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss (In Stereo) Å Cake Boss Law & Order “Working Mom” Law & Order “Humiliation” Law & Order “We Like Mike” Law & Order “Competence” Law & Order “Burn Card” Law & Order “For the Defense” Law & Order (9:00) In Session World’s Wildest Police Videos World’s Wildest Police Videos World’s Wildest Police Videos Police Video NCIS Death of a petty officer. NCIS Women’s prison riot. Å NCIS “Legend” Å NCIS “Legend” Å NCIS “Aliyah” Tense reunion. NCIS A blogger turns up dead. NCIS Å Eyewitness News on TV-64 (N) Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Judge Ross Judge Ross Judge Alex Judge Alex Divorce Court Divorce Court Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Wendy Williams In the Heat of the Night Å WGN Midday News Å MLB Baseball Houston Astros at Chicago Cubs. From Wrigley Field in Chicago. (N) Å Tenth Inning (N) Cheers Å Dharma & Greg

11 6 4

Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Divorce Court Judge Alex General Hospital (N) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge Judy Barney, Friends Electric Comp. General Hospital (N) Å The Tyra Show (In Stereo) Å Smarter Don’t Forget Greener World Heartland


News 2 at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful News at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful FOX 8 News Access H. The Wendy Williams Show Å WSOC 9 News Midday (N) Å All My Children (N) Å WXII 12 News at Noon (N) Å Days of our Lives (N) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Jerry Springer (In Stereo) Å NewsChannel 36 News at 12:00 Days of our Lives (N) Å Super Why! Thomas & Fr. Caillou Å Between Lions Family Feud Be a Millionaire All My Children (N) Å According-Jim Frasier Å Scrubs Å Scrubs Å Judge Jeanine Pirro Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Test Kitchen Rachel’s-Food Victory Garden Garden Home

3 22 9

The Talk (In Stereo) Å The Talk (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge J. Brown One Life to Live (N) Å Inside Edition Entertainment The Steve Wilkos Show Å The Doctors Å Cyberchase Wild Kratts One Life to Live (N) Å True Hollywood Story Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Garden Smart Gardener


News 2 at 6 (N) News at 6 PM FOX 8 News WSOC 9 News News TMZ (N) Å News Channel Cat in the Hat Smarter Family Guy Family Feud PBS NewsHour

Thursday, May 26, 2011 • 19D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post MONDAY EVENING MAY 30, 2011 A


CBS Evening News/ Katie Couric CBS Evening News/ # WBTV 3 Katie Couric Access Hollywood ( WGHP 22 (N) Å ABC World News ^ WFMY



NBC Nightly News (N) Å Everybody Loves 2 WCCB 11 Raymond Å NBC Nightly News D WCNC 6 (N) Å Everyday Edisons J WTVI 4 (In Stereo) Å ABC World News ,




A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina




Wheel of Fortune “Tennis Week” (N) WBTV News Prime Time (N) Extra (N) (In Stereo)

How I Met Your Mother Å Who Wants to Be a How I Met Your Mother Å Millionaire Å TMZ (N) (In Stereo) House (In Stereo) Å



Jeopardy! (N) Å

Inside Edition (N) Å Entertainment Tonight (N) Å Inside Edition (N) Å Entertainment Tonight (N) Å How I Met Your How I Met Your Mother Å Mother Å Jeopardy! (N) Å Wheel of Fortune “Tennis Week” (N) PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å

Who Wants to Be a Family Feud (In WXLV Stereo) Å Millionaire Å Family Guy (In Two and a Half Two and a Half WJZY 8 Stereo) Å Men Å Men Å Family Feud (In Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A man WMYT 12 Stereo) Å is found shot and sodomized. (:00) PBS NewsHour Nightly Business North Carolina WUNG 5 (N) Å Report (N) Å Now Å

8:30 Mad Love “Fireworks” Å Mad Love “Fireworks” Å

9:00 Two and a Half Men Å Two and a Half Men Å House (In Stereo) Å

9:30 Mike & Molly (In Stereo) Å Mike & Molly (In Stereo) Å

The Bachelorette (N) (In Stereo) Å Minute to Win It (In Stereo) Å House (In Stereo) Å Minute to Win It (In Stereo) Å How I Survived World War II

Law & Order: Criminal Intent A murder leads to a fashion designer. Å House (In Stereo) Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent A murder leads to a fashion designer. Å Airmen and Adversity Å



Hawaii Five-0 The team makes a gruesome discovery. (In Stereo) Å Hawaii Five-0 The team makes a gruesome discovery. (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 10:00 News (N) (:01) Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition “Rachel” (Series Premiere) (N) Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å Fox News at 10 (N) (:35) Fox News Edge Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å Nickles From Heaven (In Stereo) Å



News 2 at 11 (N) Å Late Show With David Letterman WBTV 3 News at 11 Late Show With PM (N) David Letterman Seinfeld “The Junior Seinfeld “The Mom & Mint” Å Pop Store” WSOC 9 News (:35) Nightline Tonight (N) Å (N) Å WXII 12 News at 11 The Tonight Show (N) Å With Jay Leno The Simpsons (In King of the Hill (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å The Tonight Show NewsChannel 36 News at 11:00 (N) With Jay Leno D-Day: The Price of Freedom (In Stereo) Å

The Bachelorette (N) (In Stereo) Å 90210 “2021 Vision” Dixon makes a discovery about Ivy. (In Stereo) Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Grow” Murderous nemesis confronted. Å Antiques Roadshow Congressional sword; mantel clock. (N) Å

Gossip Girl “Double Identity” Lily asks Serena to help her find Chuck. Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent A series of deadly jewelry heists. Å American Experience “War Letters” Personal letters during war. (In Stereo)

(:01) Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition “Rachel” (Series Premiere) (N) (:35) Seinfeld “The WJZY News at Junior Mint” Å 10 (N) Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House of Payne of Payne Thank You, Eddie Hart (In Stereo) Å

Entourage (In Stereo) Å New Adventures of Old Christine My Wife and Kids “Class Reunion” As Time Goes By “Visiting Rocky”

(:35) Nightline (N) Å (:35) The Office “Body Language” George Lopez (In Stereo) Å BBC World News (In Stereo) Å


(:00) Criminal Minds Criminal Minds “Damaged” Rossi revisits Criminal Minds “Outfoxed” Several families Criminal Minds “100” The team races to Breakout Kings Drug queen escapes dur- Breakout Kings Drug queen escapes duran unsolved murder case. Å are murdered. Å find the Reaper. (In Stereo) Å ing son’s funeral. Å ing son’s funeral. Å (4:00) Movie: ›››‡ “The Longest Day” (1962) John Wayne, Movie: ››‡ “Midway” (1976) Charlton Heston, Henry Fonda, James Coburn. Japanese and American forces battle over a Pacific Movie: ››‡ “Midway” (1976) Charlton 27 Robert Mitchum, Henry Fonda. Å island. Å Heston. Å River Monsters: Unhooked (In Stereo) River Monsters: The Lost Reels River Monsters “The Giants” Å River Monsters “Jungle Killer” (N) Finding Bigfoot (N) (In Stereo) 38 River Monsters Movie: ››‡ “Madea’s Family Reunion” (2006) Tyler Perry, Blair Underwood. Movie: ›› “Preacher’s Kid” (2009) LeToya Luckett, Clifton Powell. 59 (5:30) Movie: “Kingdom Come” (2001) The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Real Housewives of New Jersey Platinum Hit “This is Platinum Hit” The Real Housewives of New Jersey 37 The Real Housewives of New Jersey A family christening. Code Wars: America’s Cyber Threat American Greed American Greed “Marc Dreier” American Greed “Stephen Trantel” American Greed “Art Williams Jr.” 34 One Nation John King, USA (N) In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å 32 Situation Room American Chopper: American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior The American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior: A American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior The 35 Sr. vs. Jr. “Offer Denied” (In Stereo) Å crew heads to Alaska. Å Cadillac wants a father-son build-off. Crew Divided (In Stereo) Å crew heads to Alaska. Å Phineas and Ferb Good Luck Charlie Movie: ››‡ “Hannah Montana: The Movie” (2009) Miley Cyrus. Good Luck Charlie (:25) Shake It Up! Wizards-Place Wizards-Place 54 Sharpay E! News (N) Sex and the City Sex and the City E! Special Khloe and Lamar The Dance Scene Chelsea Lately (N) E! News 49 (:00) E! Special 30 for 30 30 for 30 Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å 39 (:00) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man World’s Strongest Man Competition 68 NASCAR Now (N) (Live) Å (4:30) Movie: “Dirty The Secret Life of the American Teenager The Secret Life of the American Teenager The Secret Life of the American Teenager The Secret Life of the American Teenager The 700 Club Å 29 Dancing” “Round II” Adrian’s baby shower. “It’s Not Over Till It’s Over” (N) Amy gets mad at Ricky. (N) Å “It’s Not Over Till It’s Over” Tennis Outback Champions Series - Cayman. Boys in the Hall The Game 365 The Final Score Golden Age The Final Score 40 World Poker Tour: World Poker Tour: Season 9 45 Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men The FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record W/Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Å 57 Special Report Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Cheers Å Cheers Å 76 The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Frasier Å Hunters Int’l House Hunters Hollywood at Home Å House Hunters: Beachfront Homes (N) House Hunters Hunters Int’l House Hunters House Hunters 46 Hunters Int’l Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars (N) Gettysburg Turning points, technology and facts of the Civil War. (N) Å To Be Announced 65 To Be Announced To Be Announced The Waltons “The Starlet” Inspiration Today Life Today Joyce Meyer Christians & Jews Hal Lindsey Christ in Prophecy 78 (:00) The Waltons The Waltons “The Innocents” (:00) Movie: › “The Perfect Wife” (2000) Perry King. A doctor Movie: “The Perfect Teacher” (2010) David Charvet, Megan Park, Boti Bliss. A teen’s Vanished With Beth Holloway A 24-year- How I Met Your How I Met Your 31 marries the sister of a man he tried to save. Å obsession for her teacher leads to danger. Å old goes missing. (N) Å Mother Å Mother Å (:00) Movie: ››› “Seventeen and Missing” (2007) Deedee Movie: “Maid of Honor” (2006) Linda Purl, Linden Ashby, Shannon Sturges. An insanely Movie: “Obsessed” (2002) Jenna Elfman, Kate Burton, Lisa Edelstein. A medical writer 72 Pfeiffer. Å jealous woman wants to stop a wedding. Å is accused of harassing a prominent doctor. Å Inside the Vietnam War Supercarrier: The USS Ronald Reagan Inside the Vietnam War 58 Armored Cars BrainSurge Å SpongeBob My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids Hates Chris Hates Chris George Lopez George Lopez The Nanny Å The Nanny Å 30 iCarly Å Love Games: Bad Girls Love Games: Bad Girls Love Games: Bad Girls Love Games: Bad Girls Movie: ›› “Something New” 62 Love Games Movie: ››‡ “Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones” (2002) Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman. (In Stereo) Movie: “Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith” 44 Star Wars: Ep. III Spotlight Future Phenoms MLB Baseball: Padres at Braves 60 In My Own Words MLB Baseball San Diego Padres at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. (4:30) Movie: “Star Movie: ››‡ “Underworld” (2003) Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman, Michael Sheen. A vampire protects a Movie: ›› “Underworld: Evolution” (2006) Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman. “Ginger Snaps 64 Trek Generations” medical student from werewolves. Å Vampire warrior Selene seeks revenge for her betrayal. Back” Seinfeld “Yada Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Family Guy (In Family Guy Family Guy (In Family Guy (In Family Guy “Peter’s Family Guy “Dial Conan 24 Yada” Å Pothole” Å Barber” Å Stereo) Å “Peterotica” Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Daughter” Meg for Murder” Movie: ›››› “The Best Years of Our Lives” (1946) Fredric March, Myrna Loy, Dana Andrews. Å Movie: “Since You Went Away” (1944) 25 (5:00) Movie: ››› “A Bridge Too Far” (1977) Cake Boss Å Cake Boss Å Cake Boss Å Cake Boss Å Cake Boss (N) (In Stereo) Å Surprise Homecoming Å Cake Boss Å Cake Boss Å 48 Cake Boss Å (:00) Law & Order Law & Order “Dazzled” An investment NBA Pregame (N) NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Chicago Bulls. From the United Center in Chicago. (If necessary). (N) (Live) Å Inside the NBA (N) (Live) Å 26 “Brazil” (In Stereo) banker’s wife is killed. Å (DVS) (Live) Å Cops Å Cops Å Bait Car (N) Bait Car (N) All Worked Up All Worked Up All Worked Up (N) All Worked Up Most Daring “Loonies in the Boonies” 75 Police Video All in the Family All in the Family Movie: ››› “M*A*S*H: Goodbye, Farewell, Amen” (1983) Alan Alda, Mike Farrell, Loretta Swit. Å M*A*S*H: 30th Anniversary Reunion 56 Sanford & Son (:00) NCIS “Flesh NCIS “Guilty Pleasure” Officer’s death links WWE Tough Enough (N) (In Stereo) WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å (:05) WWE Tough Enough (In Stereo) 28 and Blood” Å to a prostitute. (In Stereo) Å Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Eyewitness Entertainment (:05) The Insider (:35) Inside Edition 2 Wendy Williams Dharma & Greg (In America’s Funniest Home Videos (In New Adventures of New Adventures of America’s Funniest Home Videos (In WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Å Scrubs (In Stereo) Scrubs (In Stereo) 13 Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Old Christine Old Christine Stereo) Å Å Å


15 Haden Church. (In Stereo) Å


36 Å









(:15) Movie: › “All About Steve” (2009) Sandra Bullock, Thomas Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å Movie: ››› “Taking Chance” (2009) Kevin Bacon. Lt. Col. Too Big to Fail: Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Michael Strobl escorts a fallen Marine home. Opening the Vault Tour: At Madison Square Garden (:15) Movie: ›››‡ “Avatar” (2009) Sam Worthington, Voice of Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver. A former Game of Thrones Tywin and Jaime prepare Treme “Feels Like Rain” Hidalgo does a REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (In Marine falls in love with a native of a lush alien world. (In Stereo) Å for battle. (In Stereo) Å favor for a councilman. Å Stereo) Å (:00) Movie: ››› “The Cat’s Meow” (2001) Kirsten Dunst, Cary Six Feet Under Ruth finds out the truth Movie: ››› “Get Him to the Greek” (2010) Jonah Hill, Russell Brand. An executive Movie: ›‡ “Cop Out” (2010) Bruce Willis. Elwes, Edward Herrmann. (In Stereo) Å about Nikolai’s condition. Å must drag a boozy rock star to Hollywood. (In Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Å (:00) Movie: ›› “Predators” (2010) (:45) Movie: ››› “The Blind Side” (2009) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron. A well-to-do white Movie: ››‡ “MacGruber” (2010) Will Forte. A clueless soldier- “Busty Cops and Adrien Brody. (In Stereo) Å couple adopts a homeless black teen. (In Stereo) Å of-fortune must find a stolen nuke. Å the Jewel” Movie: ›‡ “Next Day Air” (2009) Donald Faison, Mike Epps, Weeds “Gentle Weeds “To Moscow, The Big C “Happy The Big C Cathy has Movie: ›‡ “The Back-up Plan” (2010) Jennifer Lopez, Alex (:45) Movie: “Youth Wood Harris. iTV. (In Stereo) Å Puppies” (iTV) and Quickly” Birthday, Cancer” been rejected. O’Loughlin. iTV. (In Stereo) Å in Revolt”

20D • Thursday, May 26, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

TUESDAY MORNING MAY 31, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z





A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 6:30

8 12 5

(:00) Good Morning Show Å News WBTV 3 News at 6 AM (N) Fox 8 News FOX 8 News at 6:00A (N) WSOC News WSOC 9 News Daybreak at 6:00 News WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å News Fox News Rising (N) News Channel NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 GED Connect. Classical Strt Clifford-Dog Morning Paid Program Paid Program A Montelongo Paid Program Paid Program Shephrd Chapl A. Wommack K. Copeland Cycles of Life Destinos GED Connect.

36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

Paid Program Three Stooges River Monsters BET Inspiration Paid Program Exchange (:00) World One Paid Program Timmy Time SportsCenter Strongest Man Life Today Paid Program Paid Program I Love Lucy Paid Program Mega Plane Family Matters Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Married... With Homecoming Paid Program (:00) NUMB3RS Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Funny Videos

3 22 9 11 6 4







The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 News at 8:00A (N) Good Morning America (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News Rising 8am (N) Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Arthur Curious George Curious George Cat in the Hat Good Morning America (N) Å The Daily Buzz Å Joseph Prince Joyce Meyer Conquerors Life Today Clifford-Dog Martha Speaks Curious George Cat in the Hat

Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show Å Live With Regis and Kelly Å Live With Regis and Kelly Å The 700 Club Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Better (In Stereo) Å Amer. Funniest Home Videos Edgemont Coach Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train


^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z






The Price Is Right (N) Å The Price Is Right (N) Å The Nate Berkus Show Å The View TV host Howie Mandel. Today (N) (In Stereo) Å The Real Housewives of Atlanta Charlotte Today Sid the Science WordWorld The View TV host Howie Mandel. Cosby Show Cosby Show Judge Karen Judge Karen Sid the Science Between Lions

Paid Program Paid Program The Sopranos (In Stereo) Å The Sopranos (In Stereo) Å The Glades “Booty” Å Criminal Minds Å (DVS) Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Three Stooges Three Stooges Movie: ››‡ “Midway” (1976) Charlton Heston. Å Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary The Crocodile Hunter Å The Most Extreme “Cleaners” It’s Me or the Dog Å Pit Boss “So Long, Shorty” Animal Cops Houston “Mother” BET Inspiration Hates Chris Hates Chris Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Squawk Box (N) Å Squawk on the Street (N) The Call (N) Å American Morning (N) Å Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) Paid Program Paid Program Peter Popoff James Robison Joyce Meyer Paid Program Hard Time “Alaska” Å Hard Time “Indiana” Å County Jail “Las Vegas” Å Chuggington Agent Oso Tinga Tinga Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Never Land Mickey Mouse Handy Manny Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Suite/Deck SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Mike and Mike in the Morning With Mike Golic and Mike Greenberg. (N) (Live) Å ESPN First Take (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Full House Joyce Meyer Drenda Boy Mts. World Boy Mts. World What I Like What I Like Grounded Life 700-Interactive The 700 Club Å Full House Paid Program The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) Paid Program Paid Program Malcolm/Middle Malcolm/Middle Movie: ›› “The Ruins” (2008) Jonathan Tucker. Movie: ››‡ “Rent” (2005) Rosario Dawson. I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å The Martha Stewart Show Å Mad Hungry Everyday Food Paid Program Paid Program The Balancing Act (N) Å Reba Å Reba Å Will & Grace Will & Grace Old Christine Old Christine How I Met How I Met Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Naked Science Space Race: The Untold Story Full House Full House SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Go, Diego, Go! Max & Ruby Bubble Guppies Team Umizoomi Movie: ›› “40 Days and 40 Nights” (2002) Josh Hartnett. Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSI: NY “The Deep” Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program MLB Baseball: Padres at Braves Married... With Married... With Home Improve. Home Improve. Saved by Bell Saved by Bell Yes, Dear Å Yes, Dear Å Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne (:15) Movie: ››‡ “The 3 Worlds of Gulliver” (1960) Movie: › “The Boy and the Pirates” (1960) Movie: ›››› “The Thief of Bagdad” (1940) Sabu. Sword-Shrwood Little Couple Little Couple 18 Kids-Count 18 Kids-Count A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story Baby’s First Babies Behind Bars Å Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å Angel “Epiphany” Å Angel “Disharmony” Å Charmed (In Stereo) Å Charmed “Malice in Wonderland” Supernatural “Faith” Å Supernatural “Route 666” Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In Session Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Paid Program Storm Stories Eyewitness News Morning (N) Eyewitness News Morning (N) Access H. The Insider (N) The Wendy Williams Show Å The Nate Berkus Show Å Paid Program Joyce Meyer Changing-World K. Copeland Bev. Hillbillies Bev. Hillbillies Matlock (In Stereo) Å Matlock (In Stereo) Å In the Heat of the Night Å



Andy Griffith Jeopardy! (N) The Dr. Oz Show Å Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Paid Program TMZ (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Sesame Street Å (DVS) The People’s Court Å Roseanne Roseanne That ’70s Show My Wife-Kids Sesame Street Å (DVS)



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 1:30





The Ellen DeGeneres Show WBTV 3 News WBTV 3 News Judge Judy Judge J. Brown The Oprah Winfrey Show Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Swift Justice Swift Justice News Channel Judge Judy Arthur WordGirl Swift Justice Swift Justice The Office King of Queens The People’s Court Å Arthur WordGirl



News 2 at 5 (N) Andy Griffith News at 5 PM News at 5:30 FOX 8 News at 5:00P (N) WSOC 9 News WSOC 9 News WXII 12 News at 5 (N) Å The Ellen DeGeneres Show News Channel News Martha Speaks Curious George The Doctors Å Old Christine Seinfeld Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Wild Kratts Fetch! With


8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

The First 48 “Double Life” Å The First 48 Å The Sopranos (In Stereo) Å The Glades “Booty” Å Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Criminal Minds Å (DVS) The First 48 (10:00) Movie: “Midway” (1976) Movie: › “88 Minutes” (2007) Al Pacino, Alicia Witt. Å Movie: ››‡ “Eraser” (1996) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Å Movie: “Reindeer Games” (2000) Animal Cops Miami Å K-9 Cops “Crime in the City” Pit Boss (In Stereo) Å Untamed and Uncut Å The Crocodile Hunter Å Wild Russia “Siberia” Å Be Alive Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Movie: ›› “Preacher’s Kid” (2009) LeToya Luckett, Clifton Powell. Girlfriends Girlfriends Girlfriends The Game The Game 106 & Park Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Strat Session Fast Money Power Lunch (N) Å Street Signs (N) Å Closing Bell (N) (In Stereo) Å Closing Bell-Bartiromo Fast Money (N) Mad Money (N) (11:00) Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) Deadliest Catch (In Stereo) Å American Chopper Vintage motorcycle for Billy Joel. Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å Cash-Chicago Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Phineas Ferb Fish Hooks Fish Hooks Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Outside-Lines Football Live NFL Live (N) Rome/Burning Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter 2011 French Open Tennis Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinals. From Roland Garros Stadium in Paris. (N) (Live) Å Still Standing Still Standing 8 Simple Rules 8 Simple Rules My Wife & Kids My Wife & Kids That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Gilmore Girls (In Stereo) Å Still Standing Boxing Jason Davis vs. Frankie Gomez. The Dan Patrick Show (N) Tennis Outback Champions Series - Cayman. Car Show TBA Outdoor Mag. Sports Stories (10:00) Movie: “Rent” (2005) Movie: ›‡ “Life or Something Like It” (2002) Movie: ›››‡ “Ray” (2004) Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Regina King. Two/Half Men Martha’s Kit. Martha’s Kit. The Martha Stewart Show Å The Martha Stewart Show Å The Waltons “The Return” Å The Waltons “The Return” Å The Waltons “The Revelation” Little House Desperate Housewives Å Grey’s Anatomy (In Stereo) Å Grey’s Anatomy Radical surgery. Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Unsolved Mysteries Å Mysteries Space Race: The Untold Story Dog Whisperer “Gotti’s Honor” Border Wars Border Wars When Aliens Attack Area 51 Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Max & Ruby Max & Ruby SpongeBob SpongeBob The Penguins T.U.F.F. Puppy Victorious iCarly Å SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Movie: ›› “40 Days and 40 Nights” (2002) Josh Hartnett. Movie: “Definitely, Maybe” Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: NY “You Only Die Once” CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Ways to Die Ways to Die Ways to Die Ways to Die Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters (11:00) MLB Baseball San Diego Padres at Atlanta Braves. Sprtsman Adv. Aaron’s Outdr MLB Baseball San Diego Padres at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. Golf America House of Payne Meet, Browns American Dad Name Is Earl Love-Raymond According-Jim According-Jim The Office According-Jim Friends Å Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens “Sword of Sherwood Forest” Movie: “Atlantis, the Lost Continent” (1961) Å (:45) Movie: ›› “The Pirates of Blood River” (1962) Movie: ››‡ “Captain Sindbad” Captain Nemo Cake Boss Kitchen Boss A Baby Story A Baby Story Rm-Multiples Baby’s First Little Couple Little Couple Little Couple Little Couple Little Couple Little Couple Little Couple Las Vegas “Pharoah ’Nuff” Las Vegas (In Stereo) Å The Closer Death of a teenager. Cold Case “Sherry Darlin”’ Å Law & Order “Trophy” Law & Order “Avatar” (In Stereo) Law & Order (9:00) In Session Most Shocking Most Shocking Taxi driver. Most Shocking Cops Å Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order Eyewitness News on TV-64 (N) Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Judge Ross Judge Ross Judge Alex Judge Alex Divorce Court Divorce Court Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Wendy Williams In the Heat of the Night Å WGN Midday News (N) Å Walker, Texas Ranger Å Walker, Texas Ranger Å Jeannie Bewitched Cheers Å Cheers Å Dharma & Greg

11 6 4

Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Divorce Court Judge Alex General Hospital (N) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge Judy Barney, Friends Electric Comp. General Hospital (N) Å The Tyra Show (In Stereo) Å Smarter Don’t Forget The This Old House Hour Å


News 2 at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful News at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful FOX 8 News Access H. The Wendy Williams Show Å WSOC 9 News Midday (N) Å All My Children (N) Å WXII 12 News at Noon (N) Å Days of our Lives (N) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Jerry Springer (In Stereo) Å NewsChannel 36 News at 12:00 Days of our Lives (N) Å Super Why! Thomas & Fr. Caillou Å Between Lions Family Feud Be a Millionaire All My Children (N) Å According-Jim Frasier Å Scrubs Å Scrubs Å Judge Jeanine Pirro Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Chef John Besh Simply Ming Hometime For Your Home

3 22 9

The Talk (In Stereo) Å The Talk (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge J. Brown One Life to Live (N) Å Inside Edition Entertainment The Steve Wilkos Show Å The Doctors Å Cyberchase Wild Kratts One Life to Live (N) Å True Hollywood Story Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Woodshop Workshop


News 2 at 6 (N) News at 6 PM FOX 8 News WSOC 9 News News TMZ (N) Å News Channel Cat in the Hat Smarter Family Guy Family Feud PBS NewsHour

Thursday, May 26, 2011 • 21D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post TUESDAY EVENING MAY 31, 2011 A



















Wheel of Fortune “Tennis Week” (N) WBTV News Prime Time (N) Extra (N) (In Stereo)

A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 7:30 Jeopardy! (N) Å







The Good Wife “Cleaning House” Alicia is NCIS “One Last Score” A new special agent NCIS: Los Angeles “Absolution” A book involved in an ethics scandal. arrives. (In Stereo) Å (DVS) contains top-secret information. Who Wants to Be a NCIS “One Last Score” A new special agent NCIS: Los Angeles “Absolution” A book The Good Wife “Cleaning House” Alicia is Millionaire Å arrives. (In Stereo) Å (DVS) contains top-secret information. involved in an ethics scandal. TMZ (N) (In Stereo) Raising Hope (In Raising Hope (In Raising Hope (In Traffic Light “Help FOX 8 10:00 News (N) Å Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Wanted” Å Inside Edition (N) Å Entertainment 20/20 (N) Å Body of Proof Ethan shows unusual inter- Body of Proof “Society Hill” A magazine Tonight (N) Å est in a case. (In Stereo) Å editor is found dead. Å NBC Nightly News Inside Edition (N) Å Entertainment America’s Got Talent (Season Premiere) Hopefuls audition for the judges. (N) (In The Voice “The Battles, Part 4” Vocalists (N) Å Tonight (N) Å Stereo) Å advance in the competition. (N) Everybody Loves How I Met Your How I Met Your Raising Hope (In Raising Hope (In Raising Hope (In Traffic Light “Help Fox News at 10 (N) (:35) Fox News Raymond Å Mother Å Mother Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Wanted” Å Edge NBC Nightly News Jeopardy! (N) Å Wheel of Fortune America’s Got Talent (Season Premiere) Hopefuls audition for the judges. (N) (In The Voice “The Battles, Part 4” Vocalists (N) Å “Tennis Week” (N) Stereo) Å advance in the competition. (N) Garden Smart (In PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å Antiques Roadshow Congressional sword; Priceless Antiques Priceless Antiques Doing Virtuous Business (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å mantel clock. (N) Å Roadshow Å Roadshow Å ABC World News Family Feud (In Who Wants to Be a 20/20 (N) Å Body of Proof Ethan shows unusual inter- Body of Proof “Society Hill” A magazine Stereo) Å Millionaire Å est in a case. (In Stereo) Å editor is found dead. Å Family Guy “Long Two and a Half Two and a Half One Tree Hill Clay and Quinn fight for sur- Hellcats “I Say a Little Prayer” Savannah’s WJZY News at (:35) Seinfeld “The John Peter” Å Men Å Men Å vival after being shot. Å sister is seriously injured. Å 10 (N) Smelly Car” Å Family Feud (In Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? Don’t Forget the Don’t Forget the Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House Stereo) Å “Inheritance” Beating/rape. Å Lyrics! (N) Å Lyrics! (N) Å of Payne of Payne (:00) PBS NewsHour Nightly Business North Carolina Great Performances “Carnegie Hall 120th Anniversary Concert” Great Performances “Harry Connick Jr. in Concert on Broadway” (N) Å Report (N) Å Now Å Anniversary gala concert. (N) (In Stereo) Å Standards, show tunes and jazz. Å

CBS Evening News/ Katie Couric CBS Evening News/ # WBTV 3 Katie Couric Access Hollywood ( WGHP 22 (N) Å ABC World News ^ WFMY




News 2 at 11 (N) Å Late Show With David Letterman WBTV 3 News at 11 Late Show With PM (N) David Letterman Seinfeld “The Smelly Seinfeld “The Soup” Car” Å Å WSOC 9 News (:35) Nightline Tonight (N) Å (N) Å WXII 12 News at 11 The Tonight Show (N) Å With Jay Leno The Simpsons King of the Hill (In “Mona Leaves-a” Stereo) Å NewsChannel 36 The Tonight Show News at 11:00 (N) With Jay Leno The Gathering of Mustangs & Legends: The Final Roundup Å Entourage (In (:35) Nightline Stereo) Å (N) Å New Adventures of (:35) The Office “The Old Christine Cover-Up” My Wife and Kids George Lopez (In (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å The Old Guys (In BBC World News (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å


The First 48 “Dropped Call; Derailed” A The First 48 “Mixed Up; Blind Alley” A drug The First 48 “Silent Rage; Tainted Love” The First 48 “Lost Highway; Out for Murda” The First 48 A case rests on homeless witshooting in the street. Å deal goes bad; deadly shooting. Investigation on Easter Sunday. A homeless man is murdered. nesses. Å (5:30) Movie: ›› “Reindeer Games” (2000) Ben Affleck, Gary Movie: ›› “U.S. Marshals” (1998) Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes, Robert Downey Jr. Sam Gerard gets caught up in another Movie: ›› “U.S. Marshals” (1998) 27 Sinise, Charlize Theron. Å fugitive case. Å Tommy Lee Jones. Å Planet Earth Extremes “Summit to Abyss” Organisms that thrive. (In Stereo) Planet Earth “Great Plains” Å Planet Earth Extremes (In Stereo) 38 Shouldn’t Be Alive I’m Alive “One Last Shot” Å Movie: ››› “Love & Basketball” (2000) Sanaa Lathan, Omar Epps, Alfre Woodard. Family Affair Family Affair The Mo’Nique Show Å 59 (:00) 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live Housewives/OC Housewives/NYC The Real Housewives of New Jersey Million Dollar Decorators Million Dollar Decorators 37 Housewives/OC The Kudlow Report (N) Divorce Wars 60 Minutes on CNBC 60 Minutes on CNBC Mad Money 34 (:00) Mad Money John King, USA (N) In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å 32 Situation Room Cash Cab (In Stereo) Deadliest Catch “Exit Wounds” A mutiny Deadliest Catch “Thick as Thieves” A dis- Deadliest Catch Crab season closes with Deception With Keith Barry Keith experi- Deadliest Catch “Thick as Thieves” A dis35 Å aboard the Cornelia Marie. Å turbance on the Cornelia Marie. an arctic storm. (N) Å ments with mass hypnosis. (N) turbance on the Cornelia Marie. Shake It Up! Å Shake It Up! Å Movie: “Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue” (2010) Suite Life on Deck Shake It Up! Å Shake It Up! Å Wizards-Place Wizards-Place 54 Wizards-Place E! News (N) Sex and the City Sex and the City E! Special Kendra Kendra Chelsea Lately (N) E! News 49 (:00) E! Special Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å 39 (:00) SportsCenter MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Coll. Football Live NFL Live (N) Å NFL’s Greatest Games Super Bowl 30 for 30 Å Coll. Football Live 68 Interruption Still Standing “Still America’s Funniest Home Videos A America’s Funniest Home Videos A dog America’s Funniest Home Videos The America’s Funniest Home Videos The The 700 Club Å 29 Helping Out” groom takes an important call. Å sticks out its tongue. Å $100,000 winners compete. Å $100,000 winners compete. Å MLB Baseball San Diego Padres at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. (N) (Live) Golden Age The Final Score Boys in the Hall The Final Score 40 Behind the Blue Movie: ››› “X-Men” (2000) Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart. 45 Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Movie: ››› “X-Men” (2000) Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart. The FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record W/Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Å 57 Special Report Little House on the Prairie Å Little House on the Prairie Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å The Golden Girls The Golden Girls 76 Little House Hunters Int’l House Hunters My First Place (N) My First Place Property Virgins Property Virgins House Hunters Hunters Int’l My First Place My First Place 46 Property Virgins How the States Got Their Shapes Lee & Grant (N) Å To Be Announced 65 To Be Announced To Be Announced Wind at My Back “The Forever Leap” The Waltons “The Journal” Inspiration Today Life Today Joyce Meyer In Touch Love a Child Humanitarian 78 Highway Hvn. (:00) Unsolved Pawn Stars “Off the Pawn Stars “Fortune American Pickers “Frank Flips” Coin toss; American Pickers “Mike’s Breakdown” Love Handles (Series Premiere) (N) Å How I Met Your How I Met Your 31 Mysteries Å Wagon” Å in Flames” Danielle plots revenge. Å Frank loses his picking mojo. Å Mother Å Mother “The Yips” (:00) Movie: “Don’t Cry Now” (2007) Jason Priestley, Leslie Movie: “Trust” (2009) Jamie Luner, Nels Lennarson, Brendan Beiser. A woman receives Movie: ›› “To Love, Honor and Betray” (1999) James Brolin, Crystal Bernard. A 72 Hope. A woman finds her husband’s former wife dead. Å mysterious letters and e-mails. Å daughter believes her father murdered her mother. Å Border Wars Border Wars Witness: Caught by Disaster (N) Witness: Tornado Swarm 2011 Explorer “Stormageddon” Witness: Caught by Disaster 58 Area 51 Declass. BrainSurge Å SpongeBob My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids Hates Chris Hates Chris George Lopez George Lopez The Nanny Å The Nanny Å 30 iCarly Å Movie: ››› “Clueless” (1995) Alicia Silverstone, Stacey Dash. Å Movie: ››› “Clueless” (1995) Alicia Silverstone, Stacey Dash. Å 62 (5:30) Movie: ››› “Definitely, Maybe” (2008) Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games (N) Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Repo Games Auction Hunters 44 Repo Games FIGHTZONE Presents FIGHTZONE Presents XTERRA Advent. Spotlight College Flash Classics 60 Eastern Golf (:00) Movie: ›› “Underworld: Evolution” (2006) Kate Movie: ›› “The Core” (2003) Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank, Delroy Lindo. Scientists travel to the center of the Earth. Movie: ››‡ “Star Trek: the Motion 64 Beckinsale, Scott Speedman, Tony Curran. Picture” (1979) Å The King of Queens Seinfeld “The Letter” Seinfeld “The Doll” The Office Pam’s The Office Pam’s The Office “New The Office “Happy The Office The Office “Body Conan 24 Å Å Å contractions begin. contractions begin. Leads” Å Hour” Å “Secretary’s Day” Å Language” Å Movie: ››› “My Pal Trigger” (1946) Movie: ››› “Smoky” (1946) Fred MacMurray. (:15) Movie: “Wild Stallion” (1952) 25 (:00) Movie: “Captain Nemo and the Underwater City” 48 The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple The Little Couple (:00) Law & Order Law & Order “Publish and Perish” A porn Movie: ›››‡ “Forrest Gump” (1994) Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise. A slow-witted Southerner experiences 30 years of Men of a Certain Age “The Bad Guy” Joe 26 “Attorney Client” actress is killed. Å (DVS) history. Å makes a surprising discovery. TruTV Presents... Hardcore Pawn Hardcore Pawn Hardcore Pawn Hardcore Pawn Hardcore Pawn Hardcore Pawn Big Brian: The Fortune Seller (N) 75 Cops Å Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Roseanne Å Roseanne Å 56 Sanford & Son Law & Order: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A Law & Order: Criminal Intent “The 28 Special Victims Unit “Smoked” (In Stereo) Å video-game player goes missing. Å “Svengali” A copycat of a serial killer. wealthy teen is found murdered. Å Consoler” The death of a banker. Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Eyewitness Entertainment (:05) The Insider (:35) Inside Edition 2 Wendy Williams Dharma & Greg (In America’s Funniest Home Videos (In New Adventures of New Adventures of How I Met Your How I Met Your WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Å Scrubs (In Stereo) Scrubs (In Stereo) 13 Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Old Christine Old Christine Mother Å Mother Å Å Å


15 Big to Fail” (2011)


(:00) The First 48

36 “Double Life”

(5:15) Movie: “Too









Movie: ››› “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” (2010) Michael Cera. A slacker contends Movie: ›‡ “Our Family Wedding” (2010) America Ferrera. Two overbearing men wreak Game of Thrones Tywin and Jaime prepare with his new girlfriend’s exes. (In Stereo) Å havoc with their children’s wedding plans. (In Stereo) Å for battle. (In Stereo) Å (5:15) Movie: When It Was a Game (In Stereo) Å Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden The singer Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›› “A Nightmare on Elm Street” “Daredevil” (2003) performs in front of a sold-out crowd. (In Stereo) Å (2010) Jackie Earle Haley. (5:30) Movie: “Man Treme “Feels Like Rain” Hidalgo does a Movie: ››‡ “The Invention of Lying” (2009) Ricky Gervais, He’s Just Not That Capadocia “El Buen Samaritano” (:15) Capadocia “María Magdalena” on Fire” (2004) favor for a councilman. Å Jennifer Garner. (In Stereo) Å Into You Movie: ›› “Charlie St. Cloud” (2010) Zac Efron. A tragedy shat- (:15) Movie: ›››‡ “The Kids Are All Right” (2010) Julianne Moore. Children of a Movie: ›› “Wrong Turn” (2003) Desmond Harrington. Inbred Femme Fatales (In ters the dreams of a college-bound youth. Å lesbian couple get to know their biological father. Å cannibals terrorize six stranded motorists. Å Stereo) Å (5:30) Movie: (:15) Movie: ››› “Cocaine Cowboys II: Hustlin’ With the Godmother” (2008) Drug (8:55) Movie: “Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel” (2009) Hugh M. Hefner. Episodes “Episode Secret Diary of a “Triage” (2009) lords Charles Cosby and Griselda Blanco become friends. iTV. The entrepreneur encounters legal and social battles. (In Stereo) Å 1” (iTV) Call Girl (iTV)

22D • Thursday, May 26, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

WEDNESDAY MORNING JUNE 1, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z






8 12 5

(:00) Good Morning Show Å News WBTV 3 News at 6 AM (N) Fox 8 News FOX 8 News at 6:00A (N) WSOC News WSOC 9 News Daybreak at 6:00 News WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å News Fox News Rising (N) News Channel NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 GED Connect. Classical Strt Clifford-Dog Morning Paid Program Paid Program A Montelongo Paid Program Paid Program Shephrd Chapl A. Wommack K. Copeland French-Action Destinos GED Connect.

36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

Paid Program Summer School Planet Earth BET Inspiration Paid Program Exchange (:00) World One Paid Program Timmy Time SportsCenter Football Live Life Today Paid Program Paid Program I Love Lucy Paid Program (:00) Is It Real? Family Matters Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Married... With Man-Monterey Paid Program (:00) NUMB3RS Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Funny Videos

3 22 9 11 6 4

A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 7:00






The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 News at 8:00A (N) Good Morning America (N) Å Today Singing competition. (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News Rising 8am (N) Today Singing competition. (N) (In Stereo) Å Arthur Curious George Curious George Cat in the Hat Good Morning America (N) Å The Daily Buzz Å Joseph Prince Joyce Meyer Conquerors Life Today Clifford-Dog Martha Speaks Curious George Cat in the Hat

Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show Å Live With Regis and Kelly Å Live With Regis and Kelly Å The 700 Club Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Better (In Stereo) Å Amer. Funniest Home Videos Edgemont Coach Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train


^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z






The Price Is Right (N) Å The Price Is Right (N) Å The Nate Berkus Show Å The View Paris and Kathy Hilton. Today (N) (In Stereo) Å The Real Housewives of Atlanta Charlotte Today Sid the Science WordWorld The View Paris and Kathy Hilton. Cosby Show Cosby Show Judge Karen Judge Karen Sid the Science WordWorld

The Sopranos (In Stereo) Å The Glades “Exposed” Å Criminal Minds “Doubt” Å Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Paid Program Paid Program The Sopranos (In Stereo) Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Movie: ››‡ “The Kingdom” (2007) Jamie Foxx, Chris Cooper. Å Manchurian Cn The Most Extreme “Pirates” Pit Boss “Shorty Breaks In” Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary The Crocodile Hunter Å It’s Me or the Dog Å Animal Cops Miami Å BET Inspiration Hates Chris Hates Chris Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker Squawk on the Street (N) Squawk Box (N) Å The Call (N) Å American Morning (N) Å Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program James Robison Joyce Meyer Paid Program I (Almost) Got Away With It I (Almost) Got Away With It I (Almost) Got Away With It Chuggington Agent Oso Timmy Time Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Never Land Mickey Mouse Handy Manny Babar-Badou Chuggington Tinga Tinga Mickey Mouse SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ESPN First Take (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Mike and Mike in the Morning With Mike Golic and Mike Greenberg. (N) (Live) Å Joyce Meyer Amazing Facts Boy Mts. World Boy Mts. World What I Like What I Like Grounded Life 700-Interactive The 700 Club Å Full House Full House Paid Program The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) (Off Air) Paid Program Malcolm/Middle Malcolm/Middle Movie: ›‡ “Life or Something Like It” (2002) Movie: › “The Bachelor” (1999) Chris O’Donnell. I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å The Martha Stewart Show Å Mad Hungry Everyday Food Paid Program Paid Program The Balancing Act (N) Å Reba Å Reba Å Will & Grace Will & Grace Old Christine Old Christine How I Met How I Met Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Prehistoric Predators “Wolf” Prehistoric Predators Prehistoric Predators “Bear” Full House Full House SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Go, Diego, Go! Max & Ruby Bubble Guppies Team Umizoomi America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å Top Model Living Single Living Single Living Single America’s Next Top Model Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSI: NY “Time’s Up” Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program College Softball Married... With Married... With Home Improve. Home Improve. Saved by Bell Saved by Bell Yes, Dear Å Yes, Dear Å Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne “Secrets of the French Police” Movie: ››› “The Half-Naked Truth” Movie: ›› “The Nuisance” (1933) Movie: ››› “The Cat and the Fiddle” By Your Leave Little Couple Little Couple 18 Kids-Count 18 Kids-Count A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story Baby’s First I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å Angel “Dead End” Å Angel “Belonging” Å Charmed Piper is arrested. Å Charmed (In Stereo) Å Supernatural “Nightmare” Å Supernatural “The Benders” Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In Session Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Movie: ››‡ “The Man With the Golden Gun” (1974) Roger Moore, Britt Ekland. Å House “Needle in a Haystack” Paid Program Storm Stories Eyewitness News Morning (N) Eyewitness News Morning (N) Access H. The Insider (N) The Wendy Williams Show Å The Nate Berkus Show Å Paid Program Joyce Meyer Changing-World K. Copeland Bev. Hillbillies Bev. Hillbillies Matlock (In Stereo) Å Matlock (In Stereo) Å In the Heat of the Night Å



Andy Griffith Jeopardy! (N) The Dr. Oz Show Å Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å A Montelongo TMZ (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Sesame Street “The Shoe Fairy” The People’s Court Å Roseanne Roseanne That ’70s Show My Wife-Kids Sesame Street “The Shoe Fairy”



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 1:30





The Ellen DeGeneres Show WBTV 3 News WBTV 3 News Judge Judy Judge J. Brown The Oprah Winfrey Show Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Swift Justice Swift Justice News Channel Judge Judy Arthur WordGirl Swift Justice Swift Justice The Office King of Queens The People’s Court Å Arthur WordGirl



News 2 at 5 (N) Andy Griffith News at 5 PM News at 5:30 FOX 8 News at 5:00P (N) WSOC 9 News WSOC 9 News WXII 12 News at 5 (N) Å The Ellen DeGeneres Show News Channel News Martha Speaks Curious George The Doctors Å Old Christine Seinfeld Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Wild Kratts Fetch! With


8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13

The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The Sopranos (In Stereo) Å The Glades “Exposed” Å Criminal Minds “Doubt” Å Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter The First 48 (11:30) Movie: ››› “The Manchurian Candidate” (2004) Å Movie: ›› “Reindeer Games” (2000) Ben Affleck, Gary Sinise. Å Movie: ›››‡ “Die Hard” (1988) Animal Cops Miami “Betrayal” K-9 Cops Fleeing car. Å Pit Boss “Shorty Knows Best” Untamed and Uncut Å The Crocodile Hunter Å Wild Russia “Arctic” Å Be Alive Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Movie: ››› “Love & Basketball” (2000) Sanaa Lathan, Omar Epps. Girlfriends Girlfriends Girlfriends The Game The Game 106 & Park The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker Decorators Strat Session Fast Money Power Lunch (N) Å Street Signs (N) Å Closing Bell (N) (In Stereo) Å Closing Bell-Bartiromo Fast Money (N) Mad Money (N) (11:00) Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) Newsroom (N) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) Deadliest Catch Dual storm. American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Mickey Mouse Jungle Junction Agent Oso Imag. Movers Sonny-Chance Sonny-Chance Sonny-Chance Sonny-Chance Sonny With a Chance Fish Hooks Fish Hooks Wizards-Place SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Outside-Lines Football Live NFL Live (N) Rome/Burning Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter 2011 French Open Tennis Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinals. From Roland Garros Stadium in Paris. (N) (Live) Å Still Standing Still Standing 8 Simple Rules 8 Simple Rules My Wife & Kids My Wife-Kids That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Gilmore Girls “P.S. I Lo ...” Still Standing Tales of Hunt Good Fishing In Fisherman In-Fisherman The Dan Patrick Show (N) Action Sports World Tour World Poker Tour: Season 9 World Poker Tour: Season 9 Golden Age Movie: ›› “54” (1998) Ryan Phillippe, Salma Hayek. Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Malcolm/Middle Malcolm/Middle Movie: ›› “Snakes on a Plane” (2006) Samuel L. Jackson. Two/Half Men Martha’s Kit. Martha’s Kit. The Martha Stewart Show Å The Martha Stewart Show Å The Waltons Grandma returns. The Waltons “The Empty Nest” The Waltons “The Empty Nest” Little House Desperate Housewives Å Grey’s Anatomy (In Stereo) Å Grey’s Anatomy (In Stereo) Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Unsolved Mysteries Å Mysteries Prehistoric Predators Naked Science Dog Whisperer “Shadow Dogs” Border Wars Border Wars Bloods and Crips: L.A. Gangs Taboo “Extreme Performers” Taboo Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Max & Ruby Max & Ruby SpongeBob SpongeBob The Penguins T.U.F.F. Puppy Big Time Rush iCarly Å SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å Top Model America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: NY “Commuted Sentences” CSI: Crime Scene Investigation UFC Unleashed (In Stereo) UFC Unleashed (In Stereo) UFC Unleashed (In Stereo) UFC Unleashed College Softball Spotlight :58 Flat (N) (Live) Powerboat Superleague XTERRA Championship College Flash Classics College Classic House of Payne Meet, Browns American Dad American Dad Name Is Earl Name Is Earl According-Jim The Office Friends Å Friends Å Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens (11:30) Movie: “By Your Leave” Movie: “The Perfect Gentleman” (:15) Movie: ››› “Piccadilly Jim” (1936) Frank Morgan Movie: “Beg, Borrow or Steal” (:15) Movie: ›› “Henry Goes Arizona” Cake Boss Kitchen Boss A Baby Story A Baby Story Rm-Multiples Baby’s First What Not to Wear “Maggie” Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å Ultimate Cake Off Ballet cake. Ultimate Cake Las Vegas (In Stereo) Å Las Vegas “Junk in the Trunk” The Closer “Overkill” Å Cold Case “The Hitchhiker” Bones “Bodies in the Book” Bones (In Stereo) Å Bones Å (9:00) In Session Most Daring Fighting back. Most Daring Most Daring “Fighting Back 2” Cops Å House “Insensitive” Å House “Half-Wit” Å NCIS “Faith” (In Stereo) Å NCIS A Navy diver is murdered. NCIS “Moonlighting” Å NCIS “Borderland” Å NCIS Å Eyewitness News on TV-64 (N) Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Judge Ross Judge Ross Judge Alex Judge Alex Divorce Court Divorce Court Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Wendy Williams In the Heat of the Night Å WGN Midday News (N) Å MLB Baseball Houston Astros at Chicago Cubs. From Wrigley Field in Chicago. (N) Å Tenth Inning (N) Cheers Å Dharma & Greg

11 6 4

Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Divorce Court Judge Alex General Hospital (N) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge Judy Barney, Friends Electric Comp. General Hospital (N) Å The Tyra Show (In Stereo) Å Smarter Don’t Forget Grannies-Safari Seasoned Travl


News 2 at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful News at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful FOX 8 News Access H. The Wendy Williams Show Å WSOC 9 News Midday (N) Å All My Children (N) Å WXII 12 News at Noon (N) Å Days of our Lives (N) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Jerry Springer (In Stereo) Å NewsChannel 36 News at 12:00 Days of our Lives (N) Å Super Why! Thomas & Fr. Caillou Å Between Lions Family Feud Be a Millionaire All My Children (N) Å According-Jim Frasier Å Scrubs Å Scrubs Å Judge Jeanine Pirro Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Test Kitchen Jacques Pepin My Generation Life (Part 2)

3 22 9

The Talk (In Stereo) Å The Talk (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge J. Brown One Life to Live (N) Å Inside Edition Entertainment The Steve Wilkos Show Å The Doctors Å Cyberchase Wild Kratts One Life to Live (N) Å True Hollywood Story Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Growing Bolder Leading Gen


News 2 at 6 (N) News at 6 PM FOX 8 News WSOC 9 News News TMZ (N) Å News Channel Cat in the Hat Smarter Family Guy Family Feud PBS NewsHour

Thursday, May 26, 2011 • 23D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post WEDNESDAY EVENING JUNE 1, 2011 A


CBS Evening News/ Katie Couric CBS Evening News/ # WBTV 3 Katie Couric Access Hollywood ( WGHP 22 (N) Å ABC World News ^ WFMY

) WSOC ,
















7:00 Wheel of Fortune “Tennis Week” (N) WBTV News Prime Time (N) Extra (N) (In Stereo)

A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina 7:30 Jeopardy! (N) Å

8:00 To Be Announced




Criminal Minds “Sense Memory” Unusual murders in Los Angeles. Å Criminal Minds “Sense Memory” Unusual Who Wants to Be a To Be Announced murders in Los Angeles. Å Millionaire Å TMZ (N) (In Stereo) So You Think You Can Dance (N) (In Stereo) Å





Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior A serial sniper taunts Mick. Å Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior A serial sniper taunts Mick. Å FOX 8 10:00 News (N)

News 2 at 11 (N) Å Late Show With David Letterman WBTV 3 News at 11 Late Show With PM (N) David Letterman Seinfeld “The Pilot, Seinfeld “The Å Å Part I” Å Secretary” Å Inside Edition (N) Å Entertainment The Middle “Foreign The Middle “Errand Modern Family Modern Family (In Cougar Town “All Happy Endings WSOC 9 News (:35) Nightline Tonight (N) Å Exchange” Boy” Å “Chirp” Å Stereo) Å Mixed Up” Å “Pilot” Å Tonight (N) Å (N) Å NBC Nightly News Inside Edition (N) Å Entertainment Minute to Win It “Jackass in the Circle” America’s Got Talent Hopefuls audition for Love in the Wild (Series Premiere) (N) (In WXII 12 News at 11 The Tonight Show (N) Å Tonight (N) Å Steve-O and Ryan Dunn compete. the judges. (N) Å Stereo) Å (N) Å With Jay Leno The Simpsons “All King of the Hill (In Everybody Loves How I Met Your How I Met Your So You Think You Can Dance (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News at 10 (N) (:35) Fox News About Lisa” Å Raymond Å Mother Å Mother Å Edge Stereo) Å NBC Nightly News Jeopardy! (N) Å Wheel of Fortune Minute to Win It “Jackass in the Circle” America’s Got Talent Hopefuls audition for Love in the Wild (Series Premiere) (N) (In NewsChannel 36 The Tonight Show (N) Å “Tennis Week” (N) Steve-O and Ryan Dunn compete. the judges. (N) Å Stereo) Å News at 11:00 (N) With Jay Leno Woodsmith Shop (In PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å Great Performances “Carnegie Hall 120th Anniversary Concert” Guido’s Orchestra: Live From the Heart of Europe (In Stereo) Doing Virtuous Business (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Anniversary gala concert. (N) (In Stereo) Å Å ABC World News Family Feud (In Who Wants to Be a The Middle “Foreign The Middle “Errand Modern Family Modern Family (In Cougar Town “All Happy Endings Entourage “Running (:35) Nightline Stereo) Å Millionaire Å Exchange” “Chirp” Å Stereo) Å Mixed Up” Å “Pilot” Å on E” Å (N) Å Boy” Å Family Guy “Love Two and a Half Two and a Half America’s Next Top Model Fashion America’s Next Top Model Posing while WJZY News at (:35) Seinfeld “The New Adventures of (:35) The Office “The Blactually” Å Men Å Men Å designer Patricia Field is the guest judge. riding a roller coaster. Å 10 (N) Pilot, Part I” Å Old Christine Chump” Family Feud (In Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A girl Burn Notice “Hot Spot” A thug threatens a Burn Notice “Seek and Destroy” Corporate Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House My Wife and Kids George Lopez (In Stereo) Å in foster care is found murdered. high-school football star. Å security specialist. Å of Payne of Payne Michael advises Jr. Stereo) Å (:00) PBS NewsHour Nightly Business North Carolina American Masters Life and work of con- Great Performances at the Met “Nixon in China” President Nixon visits China. (N) (In Stereo) Å (N) Å Report (N) Å Now Å ductor James Levine. (N) Å


(:00) The First 48 Å The First 48 A man is shot to death on the Beyond Scared Straight “Hagerstown” Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars “Live Dog the Bounty Hunter Å street. Å Punishment food is served to teens. and Let Bid” (5:00) Movie: ›››‡ “Die Hard” (1988) Bruce Willis, Alan Movie: ››‡ “Conan the Barbarian” (1982) Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Earl Jones, Sandahl Bergman. A warrior fights snake Movie: ›› “Conan the Destroyer” (1984) 27 Rickman, Bonnie Bedelia. Å worshippers to free a princess. Å Grace Jones Å River Monsters Goes Tribal Å River Monsters: Unhooked (N) Hogs Gone Wild Hogs run rampant. River Monsters: Unhooked (In Stereo) 38 Shouldn’t Be Alive Untamed and Uncut “Reptile Rage” The Game Å Movie: ››› “Baby Boy” (2001) Tyrese Gibson, Omar Gooding, A.J. Johnson. The Mo’Nique Show Å 59 (:00) 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live Å The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Real Housewives of New Jersey Platinum Hit “This is Platinum Hit” Top Chef Masters (N) Å Top Chef Masters Å 37 Decorators The Kudlow Report (N) American Greed Crime Inc. “Human Trafficking” (N) Crime Inc. “Human Trafficking” Mad Money 34 (:00) Mad Money John King, USA (N) In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å 32 Situation Room Cash Cab Chicago MythBusters “Reverse Engineering” The MythBusters “Spy Car 2” Jamie and Adam MythBusters “Dodge a Bullet” Dodging a Deception With Keith Barry Reading a MythBusters “Spy Car 2” Jamie and Adam 35 (In Stereo) Å guys put the pedal to the metal. battle each other. Å bullet; jumping from heights. (N) used car salesman’s mind. (N) Å battle each other. Å Suite Life on Deck Suite Life on Deck Movie: “Wizards of Waverly Place The Movie” (2009) Å Suite Life on Deck Suite Life on Deck Suite Life on Deck Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie 54 Wizards-Place E! News (N) Sex and the City Sex and the City E! Special What’s Eating You Chelsea Lately (N) E! News 49 (:00) E! Special Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å 39 (:00) SportsCenter MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Coll. Football Live NFL Live (N) Å The Association: Boston Celtics 30 for 30 Å Basketball Harlem Globetrotters. From Orlando, Fla. Å 68 Interruption Still Standing “Still America’s Funniest Home Videos Movie: ››› “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” (2003) Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Orlando Bloom. A The 700 Club Å 29 Admiring” Å Unfortunate encounter with shellfish. blacksmith and a pirate must rescue a kidnapped damsel. Action Sports World Tour World Poker Tour: Season 9 World Poker Tour: Season 9 Sports Stories The Final Score World Poker Tour: Season 9 40 Boys in the Hall Movie: ››› “X-Men 2” 45 Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Movie: ››› “X-Men 2” (2003) Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman. A right-wing militarist pursues the mutants. The FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record W/Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Å 57 Special Report Little House on the Prairie Å Little House on the Prairie Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å The Golden Girls The Golden Girls 76 Little House Hunters Int’l House Hunters Property Virgins Property Virgins Income Property Property Brothers House Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Income Property 46 My First Place American Pickers “The Possum Trot” American Pickers “Civil War Edition” Pawn Stars (N) Pawn Stars Å Swamp People “Full Moon Fever” 65 Tech It to the Max Modern History Wind at My Back “My Beautiful Mom” The Waltons “The Lost Sheep” Inspiration Today Life Today Joyce Meyer Zola Levitt Pr. Christians & Jews Wisdom Keys 78 Highway Hvn. (:00) Unsolved Pawn Stars Pawn Stars “Big The First 48 “Last Dance; Deadly Deal” The First 48 “Last Birthday” A well-liked 58- Vanished With Beth Holloway A 24-year- How I Met Your How I Met Your 31 Mysteries Å “Backroom Brawl” Å Guns” Å Gang shooting leaves two dead. year-old man. Å old goes missing. Å Mother Å Mother Å (:00) Movie: “Fatal Desire” (2006) Anne Heche. A man has an Movie: ›› “A Crime of Passion” (1999) Tracey Gold, Jessie Gold. A student becomes Movie: “My Neighbor’s Keeper” (2007) Laura Harring, Linden Ashby. A woman 72 affair with a married woman he meets online. Å the prime suspect in her father’s murder. Å becomes a mother to her dead friend’s two children. Å Border Wars Border Wars Biker Chicks: Leather and Lace Taboo “Fat” Taboo Reshaping bodies by extremes. Biker Chicks: Leather and Lace 58 (:00) Taboo BrainSurge Å SpongeBob My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids Hates Chris Hates Chris George Lopez George Lopez The Nanny Å The Nanny Å 30 iCarly Å Movie: ›› “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” (2003) Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey. The World According to Paris The World According to Paris 62 America’s Next Top Model Å UFC Unleashed (In Stereo) UFC Unleashed (N) (In Stereo) The Ultimate Fighter (N) (In Stereo) The Ultimate Fighter (In Stereo) Repo Games Repo Games 44 UFC Unleashed Auto Racing 2010 North vs. South Shootout. Powerboat Superleague Unique Autosports 3 Wide Life XTERRA Advent. Future Phenoms 60 College Classic (:00) Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Taps explores the Sterling Ghost Hunters “Pearl Harbor Phantoms” Haunted Collector (Series Premiere) (N) Hollywood Treasure Hollywood Treasure Haunted Collector 64 Å Opera House. (In Stereo) Å (N) (In Stereo) Å (N) (N) The King of Queens Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Friar’s Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet? Tyler Perry’s Meet Tyler Perry’s Meet Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House Conan 24 Å Parking Space” Club” Å the Browns the Browns of Payne of Payne Movie: “The House on 92nd Street” (1945) William Eythe. (:45) Movie: ›››‡ “Night Train to Munich” (1940) Above Suspicion 25 Movie: ›› “Keeping Company” (1940) Cake Boss (In Stereo) Å Extreme Coupon Extreme Coupon Surprise Homecoming Å Extreme Coupon Extreme Coupon 48 Ultimate Cake Off Lottery Changed My Life Å (:00) Bones “The The Mentalist “Pilot” Hallmarks of a serial The Mentalist “Red Hair and Silver Tape” Franklin & Bash “Pilot” Two young lawyers (:01) Men of a Certain Age Joe spends (:02) Franklin & Bash “Pilot” Two young 26 Man in the Cell” killer. (In Stereo) Å Murder of a young waitress. are offered jobs. Å time with his former bookie. (N) Å lawyers are offered jobs. Å TruTV Presents... Operation Repo Operation Repo Operation Repo Operation Repo Operation Repo Operation Repo Most Shocking “Drunk & Disorderly” 75 Cops Å Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland Home Improve. Home Improve. 56 Sanford & Son (:00) NCIS “Patriot NCIS “Rule Fifty-One” A Mexican drug cartel NCIS “Vanished” A helicopter appears in a NCIS “Blackwater” A detective helps the NCIS “Doppelganger” A petty officer is mur- NCIS “Jurisdiction” A Navy diver is mur28 Down” Å seeks revenge. (In Stereo) Å crop circle. (In Stereo) Å team. (In Stereo) Å dered. (In Stereo) Å dered. (In Stereo) Å Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Eyewitness Entertainment (:05) The Insider (:35) Inside Edition 2 Wendy Williams Dharma & Greg (In America’s Funniest Home Videos (In New Adventures of New Adventures of How I Met Your How I Met Your WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Å Scrubs (In Stereo) Scrubs (In Stereo) 13 Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Old Christine Old Christine Mother Å Mother Å Å Å


15 Campbell, Juliette Lewis. (In Stereo) Å



(:00) Movie: ›› “Enough” (2002) Jennifer Lopez, Billy









Movie: ››› “Get Him to the Greek” (2010) Jonah Hill, Russell Brand. An executive Game of Thrones Tywin and Jaime prepare Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å must drag a boozy rock star to Hollywood. (In Stereo) Å for battle. (In Stereo) Å (5:15) Movie: When It Was a Game II (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›››‡ “How to Die in Oregon” (2011) Terminally ill patients in Oregon choose Movie: ››› “Panic Room” (2002) Jodie Foster, Forest Whitaker. Thieves trap a “Whiteout” (2009) Å assisted suicide. (In Stereo) Å woman and her daughter in their apartment. (In Stereo) Å (:45) Movie: ›› “Dance With Me” (1998) Vanessa L. Williams, Chayanne, Kris Kristofferson. A Cuban discov- Movie: ›‡ “Swimfan” (2002) Jesse Bradford. A teenager learns Movie: “Too Big to Fail” (2011) William Hurt. Financial leaders try ers his dancing ability at a U.S. dance club. (In Stereo) Å to regret his tryst with a new classmate. to repair a faltering U.S. economy in 2008. Å (:15) Movie: ››‡ “Edge of Darkness” (2010) Mel Gibson, Ray (:15) Movie: ›› “John Carpenter’s Escape From L.A.” (1996) Kurt Russell. Snake Movie: ››‡ “MacGruber” (2010) Will Forte. A clueless soldier- Movie: “Online Winstone. (In Stereo) Å Plissken faces foes in the ruins of 2013 Los Angeles. (In Stereo) of-fortune must find a stolen nuke. Å Crush” (2010) Å (5:45) Movie: ››› “A Single Man” Movie: ›‡ “As Good as Dead” (2010) Cary Elwes, Brian Cox. Inside NASCAR Movie: ›› “The Big Hit” (1998) Mark Wahlberg. A hit man and Inside NASCAR Gigolos (iTV) (In (2009) Colin Firth. Å Fundamentalists kidnap the wrong man. (iTV) (N) his gang kidnap a crime lord’s goddaughter. (iTV) Stereo) Å

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