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Missions work takes hold for Jenny Measmer, 1C

Four local athletes sign to play college sports, 6B

Saturday, May 28, 2011 | 50¢

Pierce named teacher of year Overton Elementary curriculum coach earns top honor BY SARAH CAMPBELL scampbell@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — Theresa Pierce borrowed a famous line from baseball legend Lou Gehrig to describe how being named the Rowan-Salisbury Teacher of the Year made her feel Friday. The curriculum coach from Overton

Elementary said she felt like Gehrig, who called himself the “luckiest man on the face of the earth.” Pierce received star treatment when she arrived back at Overton after the announcement. The entire student body cheered as she stepped out of her car onto a makeshift red carpet. “This is great because the kids are the reason I do what I do,” Pierce said. “I believe that the teacher is the single most important ingredient in education because if you have a good teacher you are inspired, you are encouraged and you want to excel.”

Overton Principal Betty Tunks said there couldn’t be a more deserving person. “She is wonderful,” Tunks said. “Her love of children comes across in everything she does.” Tunks said Pierce brings learning to life for her students by doing everything from portraying characters from history or having them act out different phases of the water cycle. “She’s very hands-on and engaging,” she said. sarah campbell/sALIsBURY POsT Jeanie Moore, vice president of conCurriculum coach Theresa Pierce arrives at Overton Elementinuing education at Rowan-Cabarrus


tary on Friday as the entire student body cheered her on for being named teacher of the year.

Police employee on paid leave

SELLING FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS Emerald Street event continues today

‘Cash accounting irregularities’ found in evidence room

ALISBURY — Mrs. Brown, you have a lovely yard sale. It doesn’t quite have the ring of that old Herman’s Hermits song, but yes, Helen Brown has a lovely yard sale that over the years has raised big money for Cystic Fibrosis research. This spring’s twoday event, which continMARK ues from 8 WINEKA a.m.-4 p.m. today, will put her over the $100,000 goal Brown set for herself eight years ago. Now that she has reached her mark, will she continue with the twice-a-year yard sales behind her home at WaYne hinshaW/FOR ThE sALIsBURY POsT 1621 Emerald St.? helen Brown conducts two cystic fibrosis yard sales a year in her backyard and in her basement. “I’m hoping one of my minions will say, ‘We’ll continue this for you,’ ” Brown tive system of about 30,000 chilsaid Friday moments before dren and adults in the United the yard sale opened at noon States (70,000 worldwide). for its first day. According to the CF FoundaThis is not your typical tion, a defective gene and its yard sale. All the items are protein product cause the body donated, and Brown is auto produce unusually thick, thorized to provide Cystic Fisticky mucus that: brosis Foundation receipts, • clogs the lungs and leads to so contributors can deduct life-threatening lung infections; the items at tax time. • obstructs the pancreas and Throughout the year, peostops natural enzymes from ple are constantly dropping helping the body break down and by her house with things for absorb food. the next yard sale. Before Anna and Michael live in Wilshe ever considers putting son with their mother (Helen them out for sale, Brown and Ralph Brown’s daughter), cleans up the stuff, makes Stephanie. It’s been an especially sure they work if they’re tough year for the children, who electrical or mechanical and lost their father, Daniel, to canprices items before making cer over the winter. room in her garage or baseThe Johnsons arrived Friday ment. night and will be working at the shoppers look over tables at the cystic fibrosis yard sale. Brown never sells clothyard sale today. ing at her yard sales, but she Helen Brown feels so passionwill accept it. She sends the and work the cash box. working the yard sales since she ate about her cause because, just clothing to a downtown consignLineberry and his truck bewas a Girl Scout. in her lifetime, advances in rement shop where any proceeds come a delivery service when “Whenever they scream, search have raised average life she makes can go to her cystic needed. ‘Olivia,’ I’m running to it,” she expectancies into the mid 30s for fibrosis cause. Helen often is the price guru, said. people with CF. Back at the house, Jennifer and she and her husband, Ralph, Even on yard-sale days, peo“You can see the progress Totten often helps Brown on determine what must come out ple are still donating items to that has been made,” Brown weekends with the cleaning, of the garage and basement and sell. Robert and Glenda Wilhelm said. pricing, testing and storing. With onto the tables outside. brought a well-cared-for bicycle With the gains made, her his truck, Steve Lineberry also All the helpers wear “staff” that eight different grandchilgrandchildren also can go off to assists in picking things up from T-shirts supplied by the Cystic dren had ridden. Grandsons college on their own and use spepeople’s homes. Fibrosis Foundation. Zachary and Seth Wilhelm cial vests to give them the “I’m just a humble servant,” Neighbors Jack and Mae helped to find a corner for its breathing treatments they reLineberry said as he hustled to Keeter provide the long church display Friday. quire, rather than having to rely his next job Friday. tables used to hold the yard-sale “Somebody will get a baron parents or roommates. On the yard-sale days, some merchandise, then Mae helps at gain,” Robert Wilhelm promised. Anna is going for a master’s 25 people — family, friends, the sale. Helen Brown has two granddegree at Appalachian State Unichurch members and neighbors “I just really enjoy helping children, 23-year-old Anna John- versity; Michael will be entering — serve as the army of volunher, and I think it’s special beson and 18-year-old Michael ASU as a freshman in the fall. teers who put out the stuff on cause it’s such a worthy cause,” Johnson, who have cystic fibroHelen Brown says her yard long tables, assist customers, Mae said. sis, an inherited chronic disease See SALE, 10A haul purchased goods to cars Olivia Ellis, 19, has been that affects the lungs and diges-


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Frances R. McElveen John L. Rowland Mildred H. Barrier


Bridge Classifieds Comics Crossword

SALISBURY — The Salisbury Police Department has placed its evidence and property custodian on paid administrative leave as authorities investigate “cash accounting irregularities” in the evidence control room, Police Chief Rory Collins said Friday. Jeffrey Emerson is a civilian employee of the department, Collins said in a press release. He has been employed with the department since 1997 and served in various civilian roles prior to his appointment as evidence custodian in 2006. Collins said after “the discovery of a potential problem” in the evidence control room, he and Rowan County District Attorney Brandy Cook asked the State Bureau of Investigation to perform a review. That review will include an investigation of irregularities and an audit of the department’s evidence and property control room, the press release said.


Deputy fired; officials don’t say why BY SHELLEY SMITH AND S COTT J ENKINS ssmith@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — Rowan County Sheriff Kevin Auten has fired a deputy who was a member of the department’s Special Response Team. But neither Auten nor the county’s attorney will say why the deputy was fired. The county argues that state law requiring such disclosure does not apply to “at will” employees including deputies. That’s despite an opinion issued by N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper’s office in November that the law, which took effect Oct. 1, does apply to those employees. Meanwhile, the N.C. Sheriff’s Association is backing legislation in the N.C. General Assembly that would exempt sheriff’s departments from releasing such information. At the request of the Post, the Sheriff’s Office released a memo Friday that had been given to the deputy, John Roach, upon his firing. Dated May 19 and initialed by Auten, the memo said: “As of today Thursday, May 19, 2011,


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2A • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011







sarah campbell/saLIsBURY POsT

Theresa Pierce dances with students as the drum line plays Friday.

“While this situation has the potential to create a negative reflection upon the department, it is important for us to be transparent about this matter and to let our community know that we are taking this very seriously,” Collins said in the press release. “One of the key elements in the success of the Salisbury Police Department and our ability to gain and maintain the trust of our community is that we consistently operate at an exceptionally high level of integrity, regardless of the circumstances.” Collins noted Emerson has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the probe, but that “should not be construed as wrong-doing or as an indication of criminal activity on


his part. Administrative leave is simply a tool that is used to facilitate a full and thorough investigation into this matter.” Collins declined Friday evening to discuss the amount of money involved in the investigation or when the department first noticed the accounting irregularities, saying he would await the outcome of the investigation. A phone number listed for Jeffery Emerson was not in service.


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Overton Elementary Principal Betty Tunks, left, congratulates Pierce on her honor.


“best of the best.” “This is one of my most favorite events of the entire year because it is an opportunity to recognize each of our teachers and thank them for what they do for our students each and every day,” she said. “There is something very important that makes a difference between a good teacher and a great teacher, and that something comes to a child from the heart of a teacher.” Through a recorded message, Julie Stolze, the school system’s 2009-10 Teacher of the Year, told the teachers to consider their sphere of influence. “I’d like to ask you to consider your legacy as a model teacher at your school,” she said. • • • Pierce, certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, will move on to compete for regional Teacher of the Year. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education from East Carolina University and a master’s in education from Catawba College. Pierce has been working in the Rowan-Salisbury School System for more than 17 years, serving as a curriculum coach at Woodleaf and Shive elementary schools, a classroom teacher at Morgan and Granite Quarry elementary schools and history specialist at Horizons Unlimited. She volunteers at the Old Stone House and the Rowan Museum. Pierce was presented with a $1,000 stipend

Pierce gets hugs from students as she arrives back at school. from the Chamber of Commerce. She also received $1,000, a laptop and a printer from the Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education. Phillip Kirk, former chairman of the state Board of Education, presented Pierce with the Phillip J. Kirk Jr. Honored Educator Scholarship to attend a five-day seminar hosted by the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching. Trivette received a gift certificate donated by Creative Teaching Aids. He is the band teacher at West Rowan High. He holds a bachelor’s in education from Western Carolina University. Other finalists included: • Jason Harwood — music teacher at Rockwell Elementary. • Sallie Hundley — math teacher at North Rowan High. • Sherry Tarner — sixth-grade language arts teacher at Southeast Middle. Each winner received a mug from the chamber filled with items donated from Office Depot, a tote bag from Office Depot and a day trip to Greystone Salon & Spa. Contact reporter Sarah Campbell at 704797-7683.


The proposed budget for the Town of Spencer for fiscal year 2011/2012 has been presented to the Board of Aldermen and is available for public inspection in the Town Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. There will be a public hearing on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 600 S. Salisbury Avenue, Spencer, for the purpose of discussing the proposed budget. Citizens are invited to make written or oral comments. The total 2011/2012 FY Budget is as follows: General Fund: Governing Body $41,126 Administration $366,073 Police $771,204 Fire $284,280 Streets $330,304 Land Management $88,686 Library $68,567 Recreation $13,050 Solid Waste $377,388 Powell Bill Fund: Total All Funds


$101,454 $2,442,132


Community College and a member of the Teacher of the Year selection committee, said when Pierce walked into the room for her interview Moore could tell she was a “born teacher.” “Her passion and enthusiasm are so clear,” she said. “It was amazing to see the love she exudes and how excited she is to go to work every day.” • • • Pierce said she was shocked to learn she had beaten out 34 of her colleagues for the title of Teacher of the Year. “I just couldn’t believe it,” she said. She said she was rooting for West Rowan High band teacher Daniel Trivette, who she has known since he was a child. “I think Daniel deserves this award because he’s just a great guy, making a difference in the lives of children every day,” Pierce said. After winning the award Friday, she said she was ready to get back to Overton to teach. “There is work to be done,” Pierce said. Pierce called working with children the “greatest privilege in the world,” and shared an experience she had just last week. Before administering the end-of-grade test last week she asked children to imagine themselves in a happy place. “The children went around the room and named places like the Great Wolf Lodge or Carowinds or the mall and this one little boy named Elijah said ‘here,’ ” she said. “I was so thrilled that Overton Elementary was his happy place. “For so many children it is because they get fed, they get loved and they get their needs met.” Tunks said Pierce greets students every morning as they come through the front doors. “She knows every child in the school,” Tunks said. “She starts their day off smiling and with hugs,” she said. • • • The Teacher of the Year from each of the district’s 35 schools was honored Friday during a breakfast at the Holiday Inn. The event was sponsored by the Rowan County Chamber of Commerce. Superintendent Dr. Judy Grissom said the teachers on hand Friday represent the

“This situation has the potential to create a negative reflection upon the department. It is important for us to be transparent about this matter.”

The proposed tax rate is 62.8 cents per $100 valuation.

Davidson College names Rice VP first female president at Rice. She was appointed last October as Rice’s vice president for international and interdisciplinary initiatives. Quillen told about 600 students, graduates, faculty, staff and town residents she feels

Alamance mill reopening as Haw River Ballroom A former spindle rack will hold coats. Industrial machinery will serve as installation art, and a dye vat has been turned into an illuminated sign at the ballroom entrance. The space was redesigned to accommodate performances, meetings and events.

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SAXAPAHAW (AP) — A former dye house at an Alamance County mill is reopening as Haw River Ballroom. The Times-News of Burlington reports that 10,000 square feet of the Saxapahaw’s Historic Cotton Mill reopened Friday evening.

grateful for the opportunity to lead Davidson. She has a bachelor’s degree in American history from the University of Chicago and a doctorate in European history from Princeton University.


Houston. She replaces Tom Ross, who left the liberal arts college in December to become president of the University of North Carolina system. Quillen has been a teacher, researcher and administrator

Pr e-P ick ed

CHARLOTTE (AP) — Davidson College has chosen its first female president for the once all-male school. The Charlotte Observer reported that 51-year-old Carol Quillen has been a vice president at Rice University in

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Lottery numbers — RALEIGH (AP)— The winning numbers selected Friday in the N.C. Education Lottery: Pick 3 Midday: 7-5-0 Pick 3 Evening: 4-0-4 Pick 4 Midday: 9-2-3-4 Pick 4 Evening: 9-2-0-7 Cash 5: 8-20-27-30-37 Mega Millions: 05-07-14-28-56, Mega Ball: 10 Megaplier 4 HOW TO REACH US Phone ....................................(704) 633-8950 for all departments (704) 797-4287 sports direct line (704) 797-4213 circulation direct line (704) 797-4220 classified direct line Business hours ..................monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fax numbers........................(704) 630-0157 classified ads (704) 633-7373 retail ads (704) 639-0003 News After-hours voice mail......(704) 797-4235 advertising (704) 797-4255 News Salisbury Post online........www.salisburypost.com

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CLIPPED BY THE SPIRIT OF GIVING Lots of nervous looks as hair cut for Locks of Love at school


SATURDAY May 28, 2011


EDC official and his wife to sing Pops at Post duet BY JOANIE MORRIS


For the Salisbury Post


ALISBURY — Locks of Love will soon gain 90 inches of lovely locks thanks to the big hearts of eight students and one teacher from Sacred Heart Catholic School. They donated their hair as part of the school’s end of the year pep rally Friday afternoon. Third-grader Hannah Smith said she was giving and receiving after donating her blonde, curly hair. “I wanted to help all the little kids and I wanted to have a cute summer haircut,” she said. Second-grader Carolina Clark said she knows people need the hair, and doesn’t mind shearing her own for another’s happiness. “I want to give all the little kids a chance to have hair,” she said. “I know that people need it everywhere and it’s going to go to a good cause.” Fifth-grade teacher Tracy Sentilles also decided to donate. This year made the seventh year in a row Sacred Heart has donated hair to Locks of Love as part of its end of the year celebration. Kindergartner Megan Meyers said she was really excited about getting her hair cut. “I want people to have hair and not be bald so people won’t make fun of them,” she said. Until Friday afternoon, kindergartner Lillian Rattz had never cut her hair, only her bangs. “I’ve grown it all my life,” she said. And the reason she was cut-


Shelley Smith/SAliSbury poSt

rebecca Malloy was a little hesitant as her hair was trimmed for charity. Students and teachers donated 71⁄2 feet of hair during a pep rally Friday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.


Child porn nets 17-year prison term

ting it? “Because I love my mommy and my daddy,” she said. Each student had to lose 10 inches of hair in order for it to be donated to Locks of Love. For more information on Locks of Love, visit www. locksoflove.org. Contacted reporter Shelley Smith at 704-797-4246.

Hannah Smith, second from left, gets her blonde hair snipped off by Andrea Smith of Hair Associates.

Last chance to share Vietnam stories is today Rowan Public Library invites Vietnam veterans to share their stories, memories and photographs during the library system’s last collection day, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.today, at the headquarters library in Salisbury, Through a Soldier’s Eyes is a collaborative project between Rowan Public Library and Waterworks Visual Arts Center to honor and illustrate the Vietnam

Robert Van Geons has a secret. The economic development director has been harboring this secret for years. He sings. He sings loud and he sings proud. Not too many people realize that Van Geons is a performer at heart. In the past 10 years, they’ve only seen the “all business” side of Van Geons – who brings jobs and opportunity to Rowan TARA, ROBERT VAN GEONS County. Van Geons will reintroduce Rowan County residents to his resounding tenor at the Pops at the Post next Saturday, when he performs a duet with his wife, Tara. “It’s been awhile since I’ve been onstage,” admits Van Geons. Before he became the head of Rowan Works, before he started out in the business world, he was making joyful noise in the theater department at Catawba College, and onstage at Piedmont Players performances. “As a young man when looking at colleges, one thing that I had was equal dreams,” says Van Geons. “One was a life in

experiences of servicemen and women, especially Rowan County natives and current residents. Photographs and oral histories collected at the library will culminate in a photography exhibit at Waterworks in August. The library invites community members to participate by sharing memories and photographs from their service in Vietnam. Participants can share

their stories with a library staff member who will also collect photographs chronicling the veterans’ experiences while serving in Vietnam. Veterans’ stories will be archived as oral histories and kept at the Edith M. Clark History Room of Rowan Public Library. The library will copy veterans’ photographs and archive

them in the library’s collection. There are also plans to share this information with the national Veterans Memorial Project. The exhibit at Waterworks will run from Aug. 20 through Nov. 19, with a public opening reception on Friday, Aug. 26 from 6-8 p.m. For more information contact Paul Birkhead at Rowan Public Library at 704-216-7841.

CONCORD — A Concord man pleaded guilty to production and distribution of child pornography and was sentenced Thursday to 210 months in prison, to be followed by 25 years of supervised release. Rodger Vance Hanson, 45, was sentenced by Senior United States District Judge N. Carlton Tilley Jr., and Hanson’s residence and computer equipment were also forfeited to the government, U.S. Attorney Ripley Rand of the Middle District of North Carolina said. Investigators searched Hanson’s home on Jan. 13, 2010, after detecting child pornography being shared online from Hanson’s IP address. Investigators found hundreds of images and videos of child pornography, including photographs taken by Hanson of a minor engaged in sex acts. Investigators for the case were from the Cabarrus County Sheriff’s Office and the


Ride of Pride: Truck honoring veterans hits the highways CLEVELAND — Employees at the Freightliner plant again this year volunteered to create a one-of-a-kind Ride of Pride truck to honor veterans. They used a Cascadia model with a Detroit Diesel DD15 engine to create an eye-popping, super-sized symbol of the company’s respect for those who have served their country. The customized truck left Daimler Trucks North America’s Freightliner Truck manufacturing plant in Cleveland on Friday and was escorted to Washington, D.C., by hundreds of motorcyclists as part of an annual Memorial Day ceremony. Before the weekend trip to join Rolling Thunder, a national motorcyclist group that honors veterans, the truck toured North Carolina, making stops to pay tribute in several communities. Schneider National, based in Green Bay, Wisc., bought the truck, which will

be added to the company’s nationwide fleet of more than 10,000 trucks. “It’s very gratifying to have our organization selected to commandeer the Ride of Pride truck for a third time in its history,” Schneider National Vice President Mike Hinz said. The 2011 truck joins the 2007 and 2008 trucks, which have become rolling tributes to the U.S. military. They convey how both Daimler and Schneider feel about those who make the ultimate sacrifice to protect our country’s freedoms, Hinz said. “We are indeed honored to have these trucks in our fleet and we pledge to showcase them — both at events and on our nation’s highways — to make our great service men and women proud,” he said.” This year’s Ride of Pride artwork is designed to show support for active duty personnel, retirees and families who have lost someone in service to the coun-

try, as well as for prisoners of war and those still missing in action. This is the ninth year Freightliner plant employees have helped coordinate the truck design, local outreach and a 400-mile ride from the plant to the U.S. Capitol. Ed Keeter, formerly a shift manager at Freightliner’s Cleveland truck manufacturing plant and a veteran of the Vietnam War, proposed the project in 2001 when he and other employees were looking for a way to honor veterans as Memorial Day approached. “It is exciting to be affiliated with a company that is so dedicated to its employees, the community, and vets past and present,” Keeter said. Initially the idea was to decorate a Freightliner truck and drive it to the local veterans’ hospital for a visit.

SubMitted pHoto

driver Jeff edwards greets bob penn, president of the rolling See TRUCK, 4A thunder chapter.


PERFORM FROM 3a music theater and the other, a life revolved around government and politics. That’s one of the things that attracted me to Catawba.” Van Geons, originally from Connecticut, even met his wife on the stage. She about knocked him over — literally and figuratively. The two met at a talent review as teens. “We went back to that original stage and I proposed there,” Van Geons said. He says that people he knew at Catawba and earlier are just as surprised to hear what he does now as people who know him only through his job in the business world are to hear what he used to do. “Economic development doesn’t allow for that other side,” he says. “It has gotten out a little bit in professional circles. I have gotten dragged into karaoke,” he admits. “It’s really interesting when old friends and new friends cross here in Rowan County. The people that knew me then and the people that know me now.” Lately though, his musical talents have been reserved for his 8-month-old daughter Lola. “I’ve been playing picking up

• A Trane air conditioner was stolen from a home on Archer Farm Drive between March 12 and May 24. The value of the unit is $600. • Two Elmo dolls, a dishwasher, washing machine, freezer, push mower and riding mower were stolen from a home on Crowder Dixon Road between May 5 and 19, according to a report filed Tuesday. The total value of

the items stolen is $525. • A computer and gun were taken from a home on Flash Bullet Drive in Rockwell between May 22 and 25. • A $500 spotlight off a boat was taken from a Lakeside Drive home between May 14 and 25. • A Trane air conditioning unit was taken from behind a building on Yadkin River Drive between May 1 and 24. The value of the unit is $3,500.

‘Miracle on the Hudson’ plane heads to NC CHARLOTTE (AP) — Nearly 2 years after a US Airways jet made a miraculous landing on the Hudson River, passengers and crew members will reunite in the North Carolina city where the aircraft was bound on that January day. The damaged Airbus A320 jet piloted by Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger III has spent the last two years in a hangar just outside Newark, N.J. at Supor and Sons, a company that specializes in largescale salvage. On June 6, the plane will begin its 650-mile journey to the Carolinas Aviation Museum in Charlotte, where it will go on permanent display. Charlotte was the destination of US Airways Flight 1549 until a flock of geese disabled the engines. Sullenberger glided it to a safe landing on the Hudson outside New York City and all 155 passengers and crew members survived. It will take about five days for the plane to reach the museum, director Shawn Dorsh said. On June 11, crew members and passengers will view the plane in a private showing. That night, the museum will

hold a fundraiser for the exhibit, where Sullenberger, recently named an aviation and safety expert for CBS News, will be the guest speaker. “Having everyone here is real exciting,” Dorsh said. “People in the community are stepping forward to help. They recognized the importance of the artifacts.” The museum has been raising money for the exhibit. Officials say they have collected enough to transport the plane to Charlotte, where Arizona-based US Airways also has a hub, and exhibit the aircraft in the museum. Dorsh said a “full blown exhibit” would cost $2.4 million, adding: “That’s something we would work toward over time. Our fundraising is ongoing. But we’re going to have a tremendous exhibit for far less.” Much of the design for the exhibit has been worked out. “It’s going to be displayed as if came out of the water,” Dorsh said. “If there’s a dent in the airplane that happened in the water, it’s going to stay on the airplane. If it’s a dent that happened in the storage yard, we’re going to fix it. We

want it to look like it did when it came out of the water — frozen in that moment in time.” He said he’s excited the public will be able to see the exhibit unfold. The museum will be open while mechanics work on the display. Right now, museum officials are planning the logistics for the trip. Planners are trying to find the right route. For example, they can’t use the New Jersey Turnpike because the aircraft can’t fit through the tollbooths. For Mike Berkwits, this will be the first time seeing the plane since he escaped from it with his wife on Jan. 15, 2009. There have been passenger reunions. But this is the first one with the passengers, Sullenberger and the plane. “It’s a confused feeling,” the Charlotte business owner said about the viewing. “In some ways it’s surreal. In some ways, my head says, ‘It’s just a damn plane.’ And then in other ways I say, ‘This is a plane that has a special personal connection.’ But then your head says, ‘How can you have a connection to a plane?’”

the guitar and singing along to my little girl more than anything the past couple of years.” Lola will see her mom and dad perform for the first time together on Saturday as they perform “You’re Just in Love,” an Irving Berlin song. “It’s rather clever,” says Salisbury Symphony Maestro David Hagy, who first approached Van Geons about doing the duet a few weeks ago. “It’s one of Irving Berlin’s counterpoint songs; one person sings one whole verse that you think is the song, and another person sings something that sounds very different that’s on the same subject and finally they both work together.” Hagy first worked with Van Geons when he was a student at Catawba. “He was (singing) long before he did anything he’s been written about in the paper now,” adds Hagy. Hagy tries to incorporate as much community as possible into the Pops concert, featuring singers from Salisbury and Rowan County. “I really want to showcase the county’s talent with this concert.” The song is absolutely Robert and Tara’s personality, Hagy says. “I wanted not only a duet that fit their voices but also a duet that fit their actual personalities rather than trying

to cast them into something. I thought this would be best to do that.” Salisbury Mayor Susan Kluttz was surprised when she learned Van Geons sings. “I am not sure I knew he could sing,” says Kluttz. “I knew his wife had performed with Piedmont Players. I really have known him solely as the economic development director.” Kluttz adds that Van Geons has done an excellent job in his role with Rowan Works, so she has no doubts he’ll do a great job on Saturday as well. “I think it’s a wonderful idea to bring people who are important to the community and make them a part of this,” says Kluttz. “It really makes it a community-oriented event.”

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Joanie Morris is a freelance writer for the Salisbury Post. She can be reached at 704-7974248 or news@salisburypost .com.

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case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Anand P. Ramaswamy. The case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative launched in May 2006 by the U.S. Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse.

TRUCK FROM 3a “With the support of our plant manager, parent company, vendor partners and the community, the idea just blossomed,” he said. Keeter, who retired from the company in 2009, continues to serve as project lead, assisted by George Drexel, who is a Freightliner employee and also is a Vietnam veteran. Jeff Edwards, a Schneider

driver based in London, Ky., was chosen as the driver for this year’s Ride of Pride. Edwards, who has worked at Schneider since 2006, served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 12 years, and was called to active duty in Iraq in 2003. On Sunday, the group will join a procession through the capitol with nearly a million motorcyclists participating in the Ride for Freedom, which is sponsored by Rolling Thunder, a national non-profit with 80 chapters dedicated to publicizing POW-MIA issues.

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RALEIGH (AP) — High gasoline prices may keep North Carolina drivers close to home for Memorial Day weekend, unless they take into account that those numbers actually have dropped slightly since the first of the month. AAA said Friday the price of regular, unleaded gas is about 20 cents lower per gallon than on May 6. Drivers in Raleigh, Charlotte and Greensboro will

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car, and then found 7 ounces of marijuana in the car, a marijuana grinder and set of d i g i t a l scales, the report says. Turner, 25, of 407 F o r e s t W i n d s Drive, was charged with felony TURNER possession of crack cocaine, misdemeanor possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Turner was given a $10,000 bond.

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SALISBURY — Police say a Salisbury man was arrested Thursday afternoon after throwing a crack rock out of his car window. Salisbury Police said officers were waiting for Arrington Turner in the parking lot of Ivan’s at 2024 Old Mocksville Road, knowing that he might have drugs. According to the report, Turner pulled into the parking lot. As the officers approached his car, he threw something out of the window, and then quickly put his hand into the left leg of his shorts. Police found a bag with one crack rock outside of the

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Crack thrown from window of vehicle


SALISBURY — The Rowan County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a break-in of a home on Rainey Road. According to the report, someone broke into the home on between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tuesday, taking a .32-caliber revolver, a single-barrel shotgun, two leather handbags, four antique dolls and a wooden door frame. Other cases under investigation include:


SALISBURY — Rowan County’s unemployment rate declined slightly in April, according to figures released Friday by the N.C. Employment Security Commission. April’s jobless rate was 10.8 percent, down from 10.9 percent in March. Compared to the same time a year ago, the difference is more significant. Rowan’s unemployment rate in April 2010 was 13.1 percent. Cabarrus County’s employment picture fared better in April with a 9.4 percent jobless rate, down from 9.8 percent in March, the state agency reported. Across the state, unemployment rates declined in 73 counties in April, increased in 10 counties and remained flat in 17. The jobless rate has dropped below 10 percent in nearly half the state’s counties, including 36 counties where the rate is less than the statewide 9.5 percent, according to the Employment Security Commission. Currituck County had the state’s lowest unemployment rate in April at 5.6 percent. Scotland County had the highest, at 15.8 percent. The rates in other counties around Rowan were: • Davidson, 10.6 percent in April, down from 10.9 percent in March; • Davie, 9.4 percent, down from 9.7 percent; • Iredell, 10.4 percent, down from 10.7 percent; • Stanly, 10.4 percent, down from 10.7 percent.

Revolver stolen in break-in


Rowan’s jobless rate drops slightly




4A • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011

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SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 • 5A


Potential state budget deal spares teaching assistants would be no additional taxes, he said. The proposal, however, would have to clear several hurdles for it to become law. The Senate, which like the House is now controlled by Republicans, would have to go along. Both Senate and House GOP leaders have discussed the Senate amending its proposed budget next week with the agreed-upon changes to save time with negotiations and then sending the measure to Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue. Sen. Richard Stevens, cochairman of the Senate’s budget committee, wouldn’t comment directly on Brubaker’s compromise. But he called talk of an agreement premature. “It’s not finished,” he said. “The dialogue’s continuing.” Perdue said this week she would veto any final bill that fails to protect all of public education. Brubaker said he believes Republicans are trying to fulfill her request. “If we progress in this manner, I don’t see how she can veto it,” Brubaker said. But the Perdue administration highlighted more concerns with the Republican plans, particularly the Senate measure. In a news conference at the state’s emergency operations center, three Cabinetlevel secretaries argued that GOP-backed cuts would diminish public safety, the environment and the state’s economy.

Crime Control and Public Safety Secretary Reuben Young argued that budget cuts would make state law-enforcement and emergencymanagement officials less ready to respond to manmade and natural disasters, such as last month’s deadly tornadoes in the eastern two-thirds of the state. The proposed Republican budgets would eliminate dozens of trooper positions and cut funding for the National Guard and Division of Emergency Management. “It leaves, I believe, our most vulnerable population at risk,” Young said. “With these proposed budget cuts, the public is less safe than it is right now.” Perdue spokeswoman Chrissy Pearson said the governor isn’t changing her mind about what legislators must do to produce a budget she’d be willing to sign. “This isn’t moving the line,” she said. “This is filling in parts of the story that haven’t been told because there’s a lot of bad things that will happen if this budget passes.” The key players in this debate are likely to be five House Democrats who voted with Republicans for the chamber’s budget in early May. A final budget could withstand a veto override if four of the five support it. One of the five, Rep. Jim Crawford, D-Granville, said Friday that none of the five have a pledged to vote for a final measure that contains the

extra education funding, but he said it does make the legislation more appealing. “We felt like it was important to get those jobs back in the budget and to look after our school system,” Crawford said. “I don’t know if any of us are on board. We’ll wait and look at the old budget and see where they took it from.” Later Friday, Perdue released a letter to Senate leader Phil Berger and House Speaker Thom Tillis offering other objections to the House and Senate budgets. Her objections include: • 20 percent cuts in the More at Four preschool and Smart Start childhood program. • The elimination of the Health and Wellness Trust fund, which receives 25 percent of the state’s share of the national tobacco settlement. • Medicaid reductions that will lead to $2 billion in total funding losses for the program and resulting job losses in the medical provider field. Perdue urged them to keep intact a portion of a temporary penny sales tax set to expire at the end of June or find another revenue source to prevent cuts. Republicans are resolute in letting the tax expire on time. “I stand ready to work with you to do whatever is possible to craft a final budget I can support,” Perdue wrote. The governor and state lawmakers still have time to work out a deal on the twoyear budget. The fiscal year begins July 1.

Blackbeard’s anchor recovered off NC coast MOREHEAD CITY (AP) — Archaeologists recovered the first anchor from what’s believed to be the wreck of the pirate Blackbeard’s flagship off the North Carolina coast Friday, a move that might change plans about how to save the rest of the almost 300-year-old artifacts from the central part of the ship. Divers had planned to recover the second-largest artifact on what’s believed to be the Queen Anne’s Revenge but discovered it was too well-attached to other items in the ballast pile, said project director Mark Wilde-Ramsing. Instead they pulled up another anchor that is the third-largest artifact and likely was the typical anchor for the ship. Apparently, pirates had everyday anchors and special anchors just most people have everyday dishes and good china. “That’s a big ship to be putting that out to stop it,” WildeRamsing said admiringly as a pulley system of straps and men holding ropes moved the anchor from a boat to the back of truck. It’s the first large anchor that divers have retrieved; they earlier brought up a small, grapnel anchor. The anchor is 11 feet, 4 inches long with arms that are 7 feet, 7 inches across. It was covered with concretion — a mixture of shells, sand and other debris attracted by the leaching wrought iron — and a few sea squirts. Its weight was estimated at 2,500 to 3,000 pounds. The anchor’s size is typical for a ship the size of the Queen Anne’s Revenge, while the two other anchors probably were used in emergencies, such as storms, Wilde-Ramsing said. Archaeologists had planned to remove the secondlargest anchor, which is 13 feet long with arms that are 8 feet across, from the top of the

MOUNT PLEASANT — Mrs. Mildred Holshouser Barrier, 88, of Mount Pleasant died Thursday, May 26, 2011, at Carolinas Medical Center-Northeast in Concord. Mrs. Barrier was born Oct. 28, 1922, in Rowan County, daughter of the late Roy Holshouser and Sadie Kluttz Holshouser. She was a member of Bethel (Bear Creek) United Church of Christ. She enjoyed gardening, quilting, sewing and was a great cook. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Hubert Barrier. She is survived by son Hubert “Buddy” Barrier and wife Rhonda of Mount Pleasant; daughter Brenda Jandebeur and husband Ron of Charlotte; grandchildren Angie and Laurie Barrier, Kim Taylor and husband Tripp and Kris Jandebeur; and two great-grandchildren. Service and Visitation: Funeral service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Bethel (Bear Creek) United Church of Christ officiated by Rev. Bobby Bonds and Pastor Terri Barringer. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends following the service. Memorials: In lieu of flowers, memorials should be directed to Bethel (Bear Creek) United Church of Christ, 18937 Bear Creek Church Road, Mount Pleasant, NC 28124. Gordon Funeral Home in Mount Pleasant is assisting the family.

John 'Jack' Rowland

associated press

a 3,000 pound anchor from what is believed to be the wreck of the pirate Blackbeard’s flagship, the Queen anne’s revenge, is recovered from the ocean where it has been since 1718. ballast pile. But it was too well-attached, so instead the divers went in from the side to retrieve the everyday anchor. That means that future dives may involve going in from the side of the shipwreck rather than the top, he said. Divers will work four days next week, when they’ll decide how to proceed. State officials hope the anchor and other artifacts will attract tourists. The largest exhibit of artifacts from the shipwreck, which was discovered in 1996, will be shown starting June 11 at the N.C. Maritime Museum in Beaufort. Wilde-Ramsing has said the team hopes to recover all the artifacts by the end of 2013. And the timing of the recovery of the anchor couldn’t be better for North Carolina officials, trying to increase tourism interest in the ship-

wreck. The Disney film “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” starring Johnny Depp was released earlier this month and features both Blackbeard and the Queen Anne’s Revenge. The only remaining parts of the ship — the wooden hull structure, ribs and a plank — are at the bottom of the pile, protected by ballast that kept the ship upright. Six cannon and three other anchors are also in the pile. Wendy Welsh, field conservator and QAR lab manager, and archaeologist Chris Southerly dived in the Atlantic to hook up the anchor for its lift to the ocean surface. “It lifted great,” said Welsh, who has worked with the project for nine years. “I didn’t think I’d see this day so soon.” Southerly compared the retrieval to the child’s game of

Pick-Up-Sticks, where players toss plastic sticks on a hard surface and then remove them one at a time without disturbing the ones underneath. “It’s really satisfying that I’ve had privilege of seeing it,” he said. In 1717, Blackbeard captured a French slave ship and renamed it Queen Anne’s Revenge. Blackbeard, whose real name was widely believed to be Edward Teach or Thatch, settled in Bath and received a governor’s pardon. Volunteers with the Royal Navy killed him in Ocracoke Inlet in November 1718, five months after the ship thought to be Queen Anne’s Revenge sank. The Queen Anne’s Revenge shipwreck site, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Sites, has already yielded more than 250,000 artifacts.

Former NC priest admitted Delaware sexual abuse DOVER, Del. (AP) — A Roman Catholic priest relieved of his duties at a North Carolina church almost a decade ago amid allegations of “inappropriate behavior” admitted in 2007 that he sexually abused a Delaware boy, according to a ruling in a lawsuit between the former priest’s religious order and an insurance company. Details regarding the admission by the former Rev. James O’Neill were outlined in a ruling by Superior Court Judge M. Jane Brady that was obtained by the Associated Press. The ruling, dated

Mildred H. Barrier

SALISBURY — Frances Rollins McElveen, 89, of Salisbury, passed away Thursday, May 26, 2011, at Lutheran Home at Trinity Oaks. Born Dec. 5, 1921, in Union County, she was the daughter of the late Frances Craig Rollins and Reuben A. Rollins. A graduate of Cannon High School in Kannapolis, Class of 1939, Mrs. McElveen was a homemaker. A member of Coburn Memorial United Methodist Church, she was in the Homemaker Sunday School Class, served as Circle chairman for United Methodist Women; chairman of Kitchen Committee; and was involved in other related church affairs. She was also a member of American Legion Harold B. Jarrett 342 and Women's Auxiliary. Preceding her in death were her husband, Thomas L. McElveen, Sr., who died Jan. 27, 2000; and son Philip M. McElveen, who died in 2007. She was the last survivor of eight siblings. Survivors include son Thomas “Tommy” L. McElveen, Jr. (Patty) of Roanoke, Va.; daughters Fonda M. Breeden of Roanoke, Va., and DeDe M. Dickason (Ted) of Midland; grandchildren Philip “Bo” McElveen, Erin M. Heyerdahl, Jon P. Dickason and Savannah N. Dickason; and great-grandchildren Tommy, Caroline, Valerie and Audrey. Visitation: 6-7:30 p.m. Sunday, May 29 at Lyerly Funeral Home. Service: 11 a.m. Monday, May 30 at Coburn Memorial United Methodist Church, 901 S. Church St., Salisbury, NC. The Rev. AnnaLee Allen will officiate. Burial will follow at Chestnut Hill Cemetery. Memorials: Coburn Memorial United Methodist Church, 901 S. Church St., Salisbury, NC 28144. Lyerly Funeral Home is serving the McElveen family. Online condolences may be made at www.lyerlyfuneralhome.com

March 31, was briefly posted on the public court docket Thursday before being removed. O’Neill was a member of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales and former principal of Salesianum School in Wilmington, Del., where he was accused of molesting Eric Eden over several years beginning in 1976. O’Neill, 71, was relieved of his duties as pastor of St. Paul the Apostle church in Greensboro, N.C., in 2002. In a 2004 lawsuit against church officials, Eden claimed that O’Neill molested him hun-

dreds of times over a 9-year period, beginning when he was 8 years old, at his family’s home, in O’Neill’s rectory bedroom and school office, and elsewhere. The Associated Press does not normally identify victims of sexual abuse, but Eden, 43, filed his lawsuit under his own name and has spoken publicly about the case, which resulted in settlements with the Oblates, Salesianum and the Diocese of Wilmington. Brady’s ruling came in a dispute between the Oblates and its insurance company, which claimed that it was not

obligated to cover the Oblates in the Eden case because Eden did not suffer a “bodily injury” during the policy period. The Oblates countered that Eden did indeed suffer bodily injury at the hands of O’Neill. In accusing the insurance company of wrongfully denying coverage, the Oblates argued that the insurance policy was in effect in 1985, when O’Neill admitted to another priest that, while drunk and visiting Eden’s home, he tried to put his hand underneath the boy’s shirt in an attempt at sexual gratification.

MOUNT ULLA — John Luther “Jack” Rowland, age 81, of Atwell Road, passed away Friday, May 27, 2011, at Carolinas Medical CenterNorthEast in Concord. He was born Sept. 6, 1929, in Cabarrus County to the late James Lawson and Myrtle Cress Rowland. He was also preceded in death by his wife, Dean Williams Rowland. He is survived by daughter Donna Rowland of Mount Ulla; son Dave Rowland and wife Amy of China Grove; brother Ken Rowland of Mount Pleasant; sister Patsy Young of Salisbury; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. There will be a private family service at a later date. Hartsell Funeral Home in Concord is serving the family. Online condolences may be made at www.hartsellfh.com

Mrs. Frances Rollins McElveen Visitation: 6-7:30 PM Sunday Service: 11:00 AM Monday Coburn Memorial UMC

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RALEIGH (AP) — A potential House-Senate deal for a North Carolina state budget would preserve funding for teaching assistant positions for early grades in public schools, the House’s chief budget-writer said Friday. Rep. Harold Brubaker, RRandolph and senior co-chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, said there’s a plan afoot to set aside $260 million to $290 million more for K-12 education in next year’s budget than the House spending plan offered earlier this month. The House-approved spending plan would eliminate funds for assistants in grades 1-2, at a cost of $255 million. The Senate budget, currently set for a floor vote next week, would cut money for 13,000 teaching assistants by eliminating funds for them in grades 1-3. A Senate provision to hire more than 1,100 new teachers in grades 1-3 would remain in the proposed compromise, Brubaker said. “We could say the budget adds more teachers and we could fund all teacher assistant positions,” Brubaker told the Associated Press. The Insider newsletter first reported the rough dollar amount of the proposed education changes. The additional money would likely come from shifting funds currently proposed for government building repairs and renovations, public employee retirement contributions and the state’s reserve fund, Brubaker said. There

Frances R. McElveen

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Surviving nature’s fury A high-flying life his season’s rash of killer tornadoes is likely to be grist for scientific research for years to come as weather and climate experts try to figure out what spawned so many giant, violent twisters. But some of the toughest questions won’t focus on patterns in the natural world, but human nature. Contemplating a tornado like the “super cell” that struck Joplin, Mo., the issue is not so much why so many people died, but how so many people lived through a three-quarter-mile-wide vortex packing winds estimated in excess of 200 miles an hour. Some answers may come from a “service assessment” being done by the National Weather Service over the coming months, which will look at how well forecasters did at issuing warnings for the storm as well as how thoroughly those warnings were passed along and heeded. There’s continuing concern among forecasters and emergency managers that even as the technology to predict and alert residents to severe storms improves, people remain confused or jaded about how to react. They try to drive through floods, they try to ride out hurricanes and they hesitate to act on urgent warnings to take shelter. Joplin had 24 minutes of advance warning from radar imaging by local forecasters that a tornado was coming, according to NWS director Jack Hayes. That was enough time for many to take cover, yet scores seem to have been caught outdoors or in vehicles when the winds came. The warnings went out every way possible, from sirens to broadcast to Internet and iPhone apps. Still, there may have been confusion. An after-action report on the Mother’s Day 2008 twister that hit just outside Joplin, killing 13, pointed out that the Weather Service’s county-level warnings often did not match local landmarks or other anticipated points the storm would pass. The warning sirens used in many areas are often out of sync with the geographic warning boxes used by forecasters. One NWS study a few years ago concluded that as many as 75 percent of siren alerts for tornadoes are false alarms, prompting residents to ignore them or seek confirmation of a twister from other sources. Then there’s the basement gap. A lot of homes and businesses simply don’t have a good place to shelter, particularly from the most violent winds. Yet the stories of survival in bathtubs, under mattresses and inside convenience-store coolers show that it’s possible to improvise. Researchers need to take measure of how people perceived the threat, how they reacted and what parts of structures stood and what fell in hopes of offering better guidance and better odds against future funnel clouds.


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Moderately confused

Faith’s Lindsay Hess can sing it ... or wing it

ixty-one years in the newspaper business has dropped the names of a lot of interesting people on my smudged-up notepad. One of the most interesting, however, was a charismatic little baby that was born 100 yards from our house when I was 4 years old. I remember standing on the bridge 50 yards from his house and watching people come and go because a little baby was being born, and that was important. Lindsay was his name. Lindsay Hess. The first of four born to Jay and Ruby. He came aboard with many of the cherished German characteristics, along with a head of blonde curls DARRELL that his mama wouldn’t cut until WILLIAMS he rebelled on the first day of school. I was 4 and had the listening ear of a priest. I’d listen to anything, and then spread it — the first hint that ink was mixed with the blood that coursed through my veins. I had heard that a little baby was coming, and I was ready for the official news. I stood on the bridge and watched; my eyes kept wandering back to the house like they had a mind of their own. The news finally came, the baby had been born, and soon they had him swaddled in blankets and up for viewing inside the house. That was the beginning, and it wasn’t long before they moved away, to the other side of town, Faith, pop. 400. Six miles south of Salisbury. It took a decade and a half before we became buddies. A world war had come and gone, and college had me by the neck. We ended up in the same handful of young guys gathering at night in somebody’s car, having a hamburger and a milkshake — the four of us, drawn together like children to amusement parks. We settled the problems of the world, but nobody knew the answer to acne. Trying to capsule Lindsay Hess in this small space is like trying to place dinosaur eggs in a bird’s nest. For awhile, he floundered. Dropped out of school. Did odd jobs. Found out that he had a voice, and that it could sing. Traveled to Baltimore and sang at our wedding. Sang at other weddings, in plays, concerts. He also discovered that he could fly. And that, he did. Worked his way through instruments. Moved on into twin-engine planes. Became the personal pilot for at-that-time famous stock-car racer Curtis Turner. Flew the world, or most of it. One day, my phone rang. It was Lindsay. Said that Turner had some property in West Virginia and that he needed photos of certain parts of it. So, we went there and we made the photos. Turner got the photos he wanted and rewarded me with a nice gift of appreciation. Time passes, and Lindsay has purchased two stunt planes and is doing stunts for Carowinds. With a buddy flying the other plane, they bring terror-based entertainment to the thousands



Now 82, Lindsay Hess has serenaded audiences, piloted stunt planes and managed airports, including the one in Rowan County. looking on below. I get a call one day, and he wants to know if I want to go for a ride. Sure. Told me to bring the kids, if they also want to ride. We all go; and, one at a time, Lindsay gives us 15 minutes of what it’s like to be upside down and inside out and scraping the top leaves off tall pines while traveling at what seems to be the speed of light. He learned to do well such acts of daring, all the while moving up the ladder of aeronautic success. His last job as airport manager was with the Rowan County Airport. During those days, he would take his air show all around the country. On this particular day, he and his two sons were doing a show at an airport near Greensboro. The usual crowd was there, and Lindsay was on his last act. This required his two sons — one on each side of the runway. Each held a 15-foot pole with a banner stretched between them. His job was to come in fast, turn the plane upside down, and flash down the runway, cutting the banner, flip back upright, and move on off, turn, come back and land. Something happened, however, and the next thing Lindsay knew, he was on the ground, sliding, upside down, sparks and debris flying past, and his mind whirling in a feverish muddle. The plane slides to a stop. His injuries were minor, and his hands had their own mind. They knew what to do, and they did it. Seconds later, he was on the ground and moving away, barely in time, for the plane had caught fire and was burning furiously. Lindsay stayed on as airport manager for a while, but the spark was gone. Now 82, he has retired to the old home place in Faith, helping with the care and comfort of his ailing wife and the joy of seeing his grandkids grow up. • • • Darrell Williams is a retired editor of The Gazette in Gastonia. You can reach him by email at bwilliams6864@ carolina.rr.com.


Young talent on display at Carson High concert ...

EDITOR Letters policy

Tuesday evening during the last contestant showing of “American Idol,” I attended a chorus concert at Carson High School. Under the direction of Megan Riddle Wyatt, the chorus students provided a fun and enjoyable concert for many who attended. What a great feeling to see all this talent showcased in our public schools. As a former band student, I know the music departments are often overlooked. For me it proves how important it is to keep the arts programs in our public school systems. — Millicent K. Hoffner

The Salisbury Post welcomes letters to the editor. Each letter should be limited to 300 words and include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Limit one letter each 14 days. Write Letters to the Editor, Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 281454639. Or fax your letter to 639-0003. E-mail: letters@sal-

Help save wellness fund

On May 20, I attended the chorus and band concert that was held at West Rowan High School. My granddaughter, Katie Corriher, was one of the participants in the concert, and the auditorium was full of parents, grandparents and friends. This was one of the most spectacular performances I have ever seen. All the participants in the concert performed so well that they should have been in a Broadway theater. Thanks to those wonderful young people who gave us such an enjoyable evening. — Doris Pless

We are hearing that the advocacy and education the Health & Wellness Trust Fund, its grantees, and partners have been doing the last two weeks is making an impact. We still have work to do if we are to save the HWTF. Please help us by making phone calls and sending emails to your senators and Governor Perdue. The Health & Wellness Trust Fund supports programs like TRU and Quitline NC that have proven effective in reducing teen tobacco use. The HWTF does not use one dime of taxpayers’ money. It is funded by the master settlement agreement with the tobacco companies. Destroying the HWTF is a broken promise to North Carolina. This money was specifically earmarked for youth tobaccco prevention. Don’t Let TRU go up in smoke. Call today (919715-0690 and 919-733-5708). The vote will take place Tuesday (May 31). Thank you for your support. — Jennifer Porter



Mt. Ulla

... And also at West Rowan

ALEIGH — Sometimes ideas circulating around the Legislative Building provoke both laughter and scorn. So it was with legislation that moved through a state House committee recently which would fund government by tax form check-off. SCOTT The proMOONEYHAM posal from House Republicans was ingenious really. If you want to give all or some of your state tax refund to the universities, just check a box. If you decided to designate that refund for the state’s entire general operating fund, you could do that too. Or you could check a box to give money to public schools, state museums, or for the health care of the poor. As one supporter noted, you can currently make a check mark to give a few dollars for protecting little birds and furry critters. Why not everything else in state government? That remark and others led to a few cackles around the room. Democrats, though, called the legislation a political ploy, an attempt to call attention to their support of continuing a penny sales tax hike. Or, maybe it was meant to divide people: You give to the government functions that affect you; I’ll give to those that affect me. The Democrats weren’t laughing. I can’t figure out why.

Democrats called the legislation a political ploy. After all, I’d like to defund a few things in state government. Right now, the state legislature is at the top of my list. With a few minor changes, this legislation offers an excellent opportunity to create more responsive government. We just need to add a few more boxes. So, here are some suggestions: • A check-off to decide whether or not state legislators get paid each year. If feasible, responses could be sorted and results compiled by legislative district. That way not all legislators would be forced to suffer because of public disgruntlement regarding some of their colleagues. • In that same vein, how about letting taxpayers use their tax forms to vote on whether various classes of state employees get raises each year? State leaders could be surprised to see teachers getting a vote of confidence. Highway patrolmen, on the other hand, should probably be prepared to live on a fixed income. • Every few years, legislators and governors begin the refrain that North Carolina’s corporate income tax is too high. Let’s see if the people agree. In fact, given that so few companies actually organize as corporations and pay at the corporate tax rate, the state could create a separate page on the tax form for people to decide which of the big, multi-state corporations get a tax break, and which pay more. This change would surely be accompanied by a huge upswing in customer service at major retailers and banks. • Finally, how about a check-off to fund political campaigns so that the elected won’t be beholden to the groups with legislation and state contracts before them? Oh wait, there’s already one of those. Now who wants to do away with that? • • • Scott Mooneyham writes about state government for Capitol Press Association.

SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 • 9A

W O R L D / N AT I O N

Obama honors Holocaust victims in trip to Poland WARSAW, Poland (AP) — President Barack Obama on Friday honored the memories of those slain in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising against Nazis, telling one elderly man that the memorial was a “reminder of the nightmare” of the Holocaust in which 6 million Jews were killed. The president also helped placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, dedicated to all unidentified soldiers

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — NASA completed its part in the construction of the International Space Station on Friday, with the final spacewalkers in the 30year shuttle program attaching an extension boom. “Twelve years of building and 15 countries and now it’s the Parthenon in the sky and hopefully the doorstep to our future,” spacewalker Gregory Chamitoff before heading back inside. “So congratulations everybody on assembly complete.” Chamitoff said it was fitting for space shuttle Endeavour to be at the space station for the end of construction since it was there for the first assembly mission in December 1998.

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It was the fourth spacewalk in a week for the Endeavour astronauts, who are headed back to Earth in just a few days to end NASA’s next-tolast shuttle flight. One last flight in July will bring up supplies. NASA managers on Friday afternoon gave Endeavour the all-clear for an early Wednesday landing. A final review of 3-D images showed the shuttle’s delicate heat shield wasn’t damaged. No other significant U.S. components are due to fly to the space station, which still has a decade of life ahead. That was the job of the space shuttles — to haul up the big building blocks as well as loads of smaller items — and now they’re retiring.

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they used to restrain Shah and an employee. After the jewelers made a $7 million insurance claim, insurers and authorities became suspicious as it emerged that the jewelers’ businesses were in debt for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The men, both immigrants from India, shared offices in Manhattan’s Diamond District. Kankariya’s company, Real Creations, dealt in jewelry; Shah’s business, Dialite Imports, bought and sold loose diamonds. While insurer Lloyd’s of London ultimately didn’t pay the claim, it spent large sums investigating it, attorney Owen B. Carragher Jr. told the court. Shah and Kankariya maintained throughout their trial that they really were robbed. But their lawyers said Friday the gem dealers now accept responsibility.

(2.4 miles from hospital)


Two diamond dealers sentenced to prison in fake NY heist NEW YORK (AP) — Two diamond dealers were sent to prison Friday for more than a year for staging an elaborate heist in hopes of snaring insurance money to save their failing business, a crime their attorneys said was driven by desperation. “Every day for the rest of my life, I will carry the sin of this case. Every day for the rest of my life, I will live with the fact that I have brought this sin and terrible hardship on my entire family,” said Atul Shah, apologizing and sobbing before he and Mahaveer Kankariya were sentenced to 20 months to five years behind bars. Shah, 49, and Kankariya, 45, were convicted in March of engineering a New Year’s Eve 2008 stick-up with flourishes fit for a caper movie: bandits disguised as Hasidic Jews, wearing fake beards and brandishing realistic-looking toy guns as they seemingly forced Shah to open a safe and empty it of gems. Police found plastic ties, duct tape and disarray when they arrived. Actual video footage told a different story. Security camera images — captured on a device that prosecutors said the dealers tried unsuccessfully to destroy with drain cleaner — showed Shah and Kankariya had replaced many of the jewels in the safe with empty boxes just hours before the purported hold-up. The supposed robbers sometimes put the boxes they’d just grabbed back in the safe and mishandled the plastic ties

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DEAUVILLE, France (AP) — Russia abandoned one-time ally Moammar Gadhafi and offered Friday to mediate a deal for the Libyan leader to leave the country he has ruled for more than 40 years. The striking proposal by a leading critic of the NATO bombing campaign reflects growing international frustration with the Libyan crisis and a desire by the Kremlin for influence in the rapidly changing Arab landscape. With Gadhafi increasingly isolated and NATO jets intensifying their attacks, Russia may also be eyeing Libya’s oil and gas and preparing for the prospect that the lucrative Libyan market will fall into full rebel control. “He should leave,” Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said of Gadhafi. “I proposed our mediation services to my partners. Everyone thinks that would be useful.” The proposal thrust Medvedev into the spotlight at a summit in France of Group of Eight rich nations. Talk of this year’s Arab world uprisings has dominated the summit.

Astronauts take final spacewalk of 30-year shuttle program

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Russia offers to mediate exit for Gadhafi

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into the Atlantic Ocean in 31⁄2 minutes. But the passengers on that doomed Rio de Janeiro-to-Paris flight were probably asleep or nodding off and didn’t realize what was going on as the aircraft fell nose-up toward the sea, the director of the French accident investigating bureau said after releasing preliminary black-box data on the June 1, 2009, crash. All 228 people aboard the Airbus died. The brief, highly technical report assigns no blame. Several experts familiar with the report said the co-pilot at associated press the controls, at 32 the youngest of the president Barack obama lays a wreath three-man cockpit crew, Cedric Bonin, at the tomb of the Unknown soldier in may have responded incorrectly to the emergency by pointing the nose upWarsaw, poland, on Friday. ward, perhaps because he was confused who have given their lives to Poland in by the incorrect readings. past wars. By paying homage to Poles who fell in World War II at two symbol- ‘Celebrity Rehab,’ ‘Grease’ ically potent sites, Obama’s gestures were sure to carry great weight in a star Jeff Conaway dies at 60 LOS ANGELES (AP) — Jeff Conaway, country whose identity is still profoundly shaped by the death and destruction who starred in the sitcom “Taxi,” played swaggering Kenickie in the movie musiinflicted on it by Nazi Germany. In the final phase of his European trip, cal “Grease” and publicly battled drug the president greeted Holocaust sur- and alcohol addiction on “Celebrity Revivors and leaders of Poland’s Jewish hab,” died Friday. He was 60. The actor was taken off life support community at the Monument to the GhetThursday and died Frito Heroes. day morning at Encino The monument in the former Jewish Tarzana Medical Cenghetto commemorates the tens of thouter, according to one of sands of Jews killed in a 1943 uprising his managers, Kathryn against the Nazis during Germany’s ocBoole. cupation of Poland during World War II. “It’s sad that people Most of the insurgents in that uprisremember his struggle ing were killed, but the event bears great with drugs. ... He has importance in Jewish history as an extouched so many peoample of Jews bravely taking up arms to CONAWAY ple,” she said, calling defend themselves. Conaway a kind and intelligent man. Faulty readings led to crash “He was trying so hard to get clean of Air France jet in 2009 and sober,” Boole added. “If it hadn’t PARIS (AP) — Confronted with faulty been for his back pain, I think he would instrument readings and alarms going have been able to do it.” off in the cockpit, the pilots of an Air Family members, including his sisFrance jetliner struggled to tame the air- ters, nieces and nephews, and his miniscraft as it went into an aerodynamic stall, ter, were with him when he died, Boole rolled, and finally plunged 38,000 feet said.



Top Row: Kelly Lowe, Keith Knight, Jeff Ketner & Bill Brown. Middle Row: Yolanda Rojas, Cathy Mabe, Jean Ketner & Dale Litaker. Front Row: Sidney Allen, Elia Gegorek and Jan Adcock

SALE FROM 1a sales have never brought in less than $6,000, and last May proceeds were $9,000. The spring events always seem to do a little better than the fall sales. Brown started out Friday with $3,500 already raised from items she pre-sold, making her confident that she would reach the $100,000 benchmark. The yard sales work thanks to the public’s donation of items, patronage at the sales and the help she receives from so many people, Brown said. “I could not do this without all of this help,” she added. Ralph, Helen and their friends always like to pick out an item before each sale, believing that if it sells, it would be a miracle. These miracles have happened every year, with the selling of things such as a 1998 Oldsmobile, a neighbor’s concrete steps and a load of items brought from New WAYne hinshAW/FOR the saLIsBURY POst York and the trailer on Zachary Wilhelm, 9, helps helen Brown set up a table which they came. Friday at the cystic fibrosis yard sale. This spring Helen accepted the donation of an engine Brown, left, stand, a heavy-duty device that mechanics use to lift a looks over motor for repairs. “If we items that sold that, it’s going to be a volunteer Olivia ellis was miracle,” Helen said Friday morning. setting out. The engine stand sold in ellis started the first half-hour. helping when Other interesting items she was a Girl at this spring’s yard sale are scout and four Desoto hubcaps, a race continues as car driver’s fire suit and many donated items from a college the Pleasant Papers gift and student. stationery store, which is

your services are no longer required at the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office. All county owned equipment should be returned immediately.” When Sheriff’s Office spokesman Capt. John Sifford gave the Post a copy of the memo, he wrote in an email that it would be “the only comment that the Sheriff would have at this time.” The Post then asked Rowan County Manager Gary Page and Jay Dees, the county’s attorney, to provide a written dismissal notice that complies with a state personnel records law that took effect in October or a reason the county didn’t have to provide one. Under that law, when a government employee is dismissed, the firing agency must give the employee a letter that states the “specific acts or omissions that are the basis of the dismissal.” And those letters are public record, according to the law. But Dees replied that the

now closed. Brown will never try to sell anything at her yard sales more than twice. After that, she donates the stuff to nonprofit groups. When rain comes, her volunteers work swiftly — like a baseball team’s ground crew — to cover everything with plastic and tarps. “It’s a good yard sale, and it’s going to a good cause,” Lynn Barringer said, looking over the items Friday. “I’ll be back tomorrow. I’m just kind of grazing now.”

does require public agencies to create a dismissal letter for every employee fired for disciplinary reasons, “including employees who are not otherwise entitled to such formal notification.” And, he wrote, those letters are open to public inspection. And now, the Sheriff’s Association — and groups representing school boards and counties — are backing legislation that would put an exemption into law. Sen. Pete Brunstetter, a Republican from Forsyth County, has sponsored a bill that would reduce the amount of information taxpayer-funded agencies must make public. It would also exempt sheriff’s departments and other agencies with “at will” employees from having to write dismissal letters for those employees, the News & Observer of Raleigh reported. No telephone listing for Roach could be found Friday.

The quality of the items, their cleanliness and the fact they’ve been tested are things customers appreciate. “She takes a lot of time and has a lot of pride,” Barringer said. Local businesses often help in supplying food for the workers, such as pizza, hamburgers and hot dogs, as the Browns try to make sure something’s available for lunch and dinner. “We make it sort of a party atmosphere,” Ralph Brown said.

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Believe it or not, Helen Brown has a full-time job during the week managing Dr. Rudy Busby’s office. She’s been doing it for 52 years. “This is like a second fulltime job for me,” she said. But Brown is not complaining. Whenever she thinks about how the yard sales might help her grandchildren some day, the price is always right. Contact Mark Wineka at 704-797-4263, or mwineka@ salisburypost.com.

Assembly of God

Dr. Glynn R. Dickens



county didn’t have to provide that letter in this case. “In short, a sworn deputy’s employment is different than civilian employees that fall under state or county personnel policies, in that sworn deputies may be dismissed for any reason or no reason at all,” Dees wrote in an email to the Post. “ Where it is permissible to dismiss a sworn deputy for no reason at all, it is my opinion that no dismissal letter is required.” Dees wrote that the new law requires a dismissal notice “where it is otherwise required by law (or personnel policies) — typically for employees covered by personnel policies substantially equivalent to state personnel policies. This is not the case as to sworn deputies, whose service is completely at the discretion of the elected sheriff.” On Nov. 8, however, Grayson G. Kelley, chief deputy attorney general with the N.C. Department of Justice, issued an opinion that addressed many questions surrounding the new state law, including whether at-will employees were subject to it. Kelley wrote that the law





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email: jclark143@carolina.rr.com

1021 N. Main St. • Salisbury, NC 28144 704-647-0870 S50418


To list your church on this page, call Charlie James at the Salisbury Post 704-797-4236.


10A • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011


Prep signings West Rowan’s Sifford among local athletes headed to college/6B

SATURDAY May 28, 2011


Ronnie Gallagher, Sports Editor, 704-797-4287 rgallagher@salisburypost.com



South opens tonight BY MIKE LONDON mlondon@salisburypost.com

LANDIS — South Rowan American Legion baseball coach Michael Lowman caught hail on Friday. “It was hailing rocks,” said Lowman, who was ready to practice but instead watched Mother Nature’s angry venting from the safety of his car. Hopefully, the weird weather wasn’t a dire omen for a South team that will be missing many of last season’s stars when it begins its season at home tonight at 7 p.m. against High Point. It was just about all sunshine for Lowman in 2010 when South stormed to the best record (26-8) in the program’s 15-year history and won the regular season title in the Southern Division of Area III for the first time. Eventual state champion Kernersville finally knocked South out of

the playoffs in the third round. With standouts such as Julio Zubillaga, Blake Houston, Patrick Bearden, Tyler Freeze and Randy Shepherd missing, few are predicting a South repeat, but Lowman believes his team can challenge again if things fall into place defensively. “As a coach you’re always optimistic going into a new season,” he said. “I do like our pitching and I think we’ll probably score enough runs. I’m just not sure about our defense right now. We’ve got a crowd at second base, and our outfield is pretty unsettled.” Houston, the center fielder, and second baseman Zubillaga were goldglove types at premium defensive positions last summer as well as .400 hitters. Maverick Miles, who was a freshjon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST


Carson’s Joseph Basinger will provide power for Michael Lowman’s team.


Mavs: Bring on the Heat

Poking fun at Busch

BY JAIME ARON Associated Press

DALLAS — Back in the NBA finals, back to trying to beat the Miami Heat. Pretty wild how things have worked out for the Dallas Mavericks, isn’t it? “It doesn’t really matter that much to me,” Dirk Nowitzki said Friday. “ N o thought whatsoever,” echoed Jason NOWITZKI Terry. Oh, well. So much for the story line of the 2011 Mavs seeking redemption for 2006. If the only two holdovers don’t care, nobody else should. The message Nowitzki and Terry are sending is this club is focused on beating whatever team the NBA playoff bracket throws their way. They’ve already gone through LaMarcus Aldridge and the Trail Blazers, Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol and the Lakers and Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook and the Thunder. So, for their final act, they might as well get the team everyone’s been talking about since last summer — LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh and a Miami franchise that coincidentally was the club that got in Dallas’ way five years ago. Nowitzki emphasized another point: This isn’t about the Heat and what they do. It’s about the Mavericks continuing to do the things that have helped them win 10 of their last 11 playoff games, including five straight on the road. “We just got to go for it and do the things that got us here — aggressive defense, rebound the ball and ball movement on the offensive end of the floor,” he said. The Mavericks locked up their second trip to the finals on Wednesday night. The next night, the Heat wrapped up their second trip to the finals, setting up the ‘06 rematch starting Tuesday in Miami. Terry is an emotional player who fires himself up by sleeping in the other team’s uniform shorts the night before every game. So, at the very least, when he saw the Heat wrap up the East title, he probably let out a, “Here we go again,” with either a smile or a frown to indicate how he felt about it. But he also explained why it’s so easy to be dispassionate about this. “Only two people on this team are still playing, Dirk and I,” he said. “For them, it’s Wade and (Udonis) Haslem. It’s really not the same situation.”

See NBA, 3B

BY MIKE CRANSTON Associated Press


NASCAR fans seek autographs — and a victory — from Dale Earnhardt Jr. on Sunday in the Coca-Cola 600.

We want Dale! Harvick says win by Junior would be good for sport BY MATT MARKEY Toledo Blade

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — It has been more than a hundred races since Dale Earnhardt, Jr., NASCAR’s icon by legacy, has forced a checkered flag to flutter in a Sprint Cup Series event. In excess of a thousand days have passed since the sport’s most popular driver has been its best during that segment of motorized mayhem called a race.

Kevin Harvick competes with Earnhardt every week as a fellow driver and does everything he can to prevent Earnhardt and anyone else from winning. But Harvick stepped out of his role as the driver manning the cockpit of the No. 29 Budweiser Armed Forces Chevrolet for a moment here earlier this week and spoke as the pragmatic businessman and team owner who wants to see the sport thrive. He wants to see Junior win.

“I hope so, because Dale’s a good person, and obviously he’s good for the sport,” Harvick said. “Dale winning would be like us all winning.” Harvick came to Michigan to promote next month’s racing schedule at Michigan International Speedway that will be highlighted by the Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips 400 Sprint Cup race. He said Earnhardt, whose last Cup win at MIS was in

See DALE, 5B

Step down moves Sadler to the top of the standings BY JENNA FRYER Associated Press

CONCORD — Elliott Sadler will be on standby for Paul Menard on Sunday, just in case the 20 stitches closing a cut in his foot prevent him from completing the Coca-Cola 600. It’s the closest Sadler will be to a Sprint Cup race so far this season. After a dozen years racing in NASCAR’s elite division, Sadler had to take a step back to get his career on track. He’s now one level down, in the Nationwide Series, driving on Saturdays for Kevin Harvick Inc. Make no mistake, Sadler is hardly slumming. He’s running up front again, contend-

ing for wins for the first time in years, and goes into Saturday’s race at Charlotte Motor Speedway leading the Nationwide standings. “The biggest adjustment he’s had to make is just to get comfortable racing in the top five every week,” Harvick said. “That’s just something he hasn’t got to do over the last several years. Winning races, you don’t necessarily forget how to do that, but you forget how many small things come with that to be able to compete on a week-to-week basis.” Sadler had his share of good days at the top level, beginning with his 2001 victory at Bristol driving for the Wood Brothers. It led him to a ride at Robert



Elliott Sadler will be on standby for injured driver Paul Menard.

CONCORD — Moments after Brad Keselowski drove the fastest car at Charlotte Motor Speedway on Thursday night, the surging driver couldn’t resist poking fun at the driver caught going too fast two days earlier. Keselowski’s lap of 192.089 mph gave him the pole for Sunday’s Coca-Cola 600. He was then asked what’s been the difference in the past two Sprint Cup points races — finishes of third and 13th — after a miserable start to the season. “My crew chief, Paul Wolfe, he lives off of Perth Road,” Keselowski said. “So maybe he found some secrets there. There’s a lot of speed on that road, I hear.” Perth Road in nearby Troutman was where a police officer said he clocked Kyle Busch driving 128 mph in a 45 mph zone on Tuesday. On this day, an apologetic Busch had only the 21st fastest time and Keselowski continued a satisfying turnaround following bad performances and criticism from teammate Kurt Busch. “Everything is motivation for me and that was no exception,” Keselowski said. AJ Allmendinger (191.693 mph) will join Keselowski on the front row for NASCAR’s longest race. Carl Edwards, who won last week’s All-Star race then wrecked his car in a celebration mishap in the grass, qualified third in his new car and took his share of ribbing, too. “If you win, will you spin out through the grass again?” Allmendinger asked Edwards. “No!” replied Edwards. Denny Hamlin, Jeff Burton and Jimmie Johnson rounded out the top six. Keselowski, whose lone Sprint Cup victory came at Talladega in 2009, enters the 400-lap race 24th in the points standings with just one top-10 finish this year. But Keselowski said the departure this month of Penske Racing technical director Tom German “has opened doors that were never opened before” for his No. 2 Dodge team. “Every week we just keep picking away a little here, a little bit there,” Keselowski said. “We’re starting to get more people to believe in us.”

2B • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011

TV Sports AUTO RACING 8 a.m. SPEED — Formula One, qualifying for Monaco Grand Prix 10 a.m. ESPN2 — NASCAR, Nationwide Series, pole qualifying for Top Gear 300, at Concord, N.C. 11:30 a.m. SPEED — NASCAR, Sprint Cup, practice for Coca-Cola 600, at Concord, N.C. 12:30 p.m. SPEED — NASCAR, Sprint Cup, “Happy Hour Series,” final practice for Coca-Cola 600, at Concord, N.C. 2:30 p.m. ABC — NASCAR, Nationwide Series, Top Gear 300, at Charlotte, N.C. COLLEGE SOFTBALL Noon ESPN — NCAA Division I playoffs, super regionals, game 2, Oregon at Florida 2:30 p.m. ESPN — NCAA Division I playoffs, super regionals, game 3, Oregon at Florida (if necessary) 5 p.m. ESPN — NCAA Division I playoffs, super regionals, game 2, Oklahoma at Arizona 7:30 p.m. ESPN — NCAA Division I playoffs, super regionals, game 3, Oklahoma at Arizona (if necessary) 9 p.m. ESPN2 — NCAA Division I playoffs, super regionals, game 1, Washington at Missouri GOLF 3 p.m. CBS — PGA Tour, Byron Nelson Championship, third round, at Irving, Texas NBC — PGA of America, Senior PGA Championship, third round, at Louisville, Ky. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 1 p.m. WGN — Chicago White Sox at Toronto 4 p.m. MLB — Regional coverage, San Francisco at Milwaukee or Cleveland at Tampa Bay 7 p.m. FOX — Regional coverage, Philadelphia at N.Y. Mets, Boston at Detroit, Cincinnati at Atlanta, L.A. Angels at Minnesota, Kansas City at Texas, or St. Louis at Colorado 10 p.m. MLB — Regional coverage, Florida at L.A. Dodgers or N.Y. Yankees at Seattle MEN’S COLLEGE LACROSSE 4 p.m. ESPN2 — NCAA Division I playoffs, semifinal, Virginia vs. Denver, at Baltimore 6:30 p.m. ESPN2 — NCAA Division I playoffs, semifinal, Maryland vs. Duke, at Baltimore SOCCER 2 p.m. FOX — UEFA Champions League, championship match, Barcelona vs. Manchester United, at London TENNIS Noon NBC — French Open, third round, at Paris (same-day tape)

Area schedule HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL 1 p.m. North Iredell at East Rowan (3A quarterfinal) Saturday, May 28 AMERICAN LEGION BASEBALL 7 p.m. High Point at South Rowan Lexington at Kannapolis (FCS) E. Randolph at Mocksville INTIMIDATORS BASEBALL 7:05 p.m. Kannapolis at Greenville

Prep softball All-YVC Albemarle — Katie Dick, Kristen Lyell Chatham Central — Elizabeth Little, Erin Sugg, Amanda Rodriguez E. Montgomery — Delana Hinson, Megan Sheffield, Madison Crisco Gray Stone — Katie Kepley North Moore — Caroline Childers, Katelyn Sheffield North Rowan — Samantha Jacobs, Taylor Sells South Davidson — Taylor Bowers South Stanly — Erin Thompson, Emily Poplin, Lacey Leary, Ali Gallagher, Hayley Swaringen, Nikki Whitley West Montgomery — Lauren Morris Player of the Year — Thompson, S. Stanly Runner-up — Poplin, S. Stanly Coach of the Year — David Poplin, S. Stanly Runner-up — Mike Langone, Chatham Central

College baseball Tournaments Atlantic 10 at Camden, N.J. Wednesday’s games (5) Richmond 5, (4) Xavier 4 (6) La Salle 6, (3) Dayton 5 (13 inns.) Dayton 1, Xavier 0, Xavier eliminated Thursday’s games (1) Charlotte 6, Richmond 0 (2) Rhode Island 7, LaSalle 4 Dayton 10, La Salle 5, La Salle eliminated Friday’s games Charlotte 5, Rhode Island 2 Richmond 10, Dayton 3, Dayton eliminated Richmond 7, Rhode Island 2, Rhode Island eliminated Saturday’s championship game Charlotte vs. Richmond, Noon Southern Conference at Charleston, S.C. Wednesday’s games (7) Furman 12, (2) UNC Greensboro 6 (3) Samford 5, (6) Appalachian State 3 (8) W. Carolina 10, Elon 7 (20 inns.) (4)Georgia Southern 4, (5) College of Charleston 2 Thursday’s games App. State 6, UNC Greensboro 4, UNC Greensboro eliminated College of Charleston 4, Elon 3, Elon eliminated Samford 7, Furman 1 Ga. Southern 12, Western Carolina 1 Friday’s games Appalachian State 5, Furman 0, Furman eliminated College of Charleston 4, Western Carolina 2, Western Carolina eliminated Saturday’s games Samford vs. Appalachian State Georgia Southern vs. College of Charleston Sunday’s championship game TBD Southeastern Conference at Hoover, Ala. Wednesday’s games (7) Alabama 7, (2) Arkansas 4 (3) Florida 7, (6) Mississippi State 5 (1) South Carolina 7, (8) Auburn 3 (4) Vanderbilt 1, (5) Georgia 0 Thursday’s games Arkansas 7, Mississippi State 2, Miss. State eliminated Georgia 3, Auburn 2, Auburn eliminated Florida 6, Alabama 0 Vanderbilt 3, South Carolina 1 Friday’s games Arkansas 4, Alabama 1, Alabama eliminated Georgia 4, South Carolina 2, S.C. eliminated Saturday’s games Vanderbilt vs. Arkansas Florida vs. Georgia TBD vs. TBD TBD vs. TBD Sunday’s championship game TBD Atlantic Coast Conference at Durham Pool A — (1) Virginia, (4) North Carolina, (5) Miami, (8) Wake Forest Pool B — (2) Florida State, (3) Georgia Tech, (6) Clemson, (7) N.C. State Wednesday’s pool play Clemson 9, Georgia Tech 0 Virginia 13, Wake Forest 1 N.C. State 7, Florida State 0 Thursday’s pool play Miami 7, North Carolina 5 Florida State 6, Clemson 3 Georgia Tech 6, N.C. State 5 (15 inns.) Friday’s pool play Virginia 6, Miami 4 Florida State vs. Georgia Tech, late due to major rain delays North Carolina vs. Wake Forest, late Saturday’s pool play Clemson vs. N.C. State, 11 a.m. Miami vs. Wake Forest, 3 p.m. Virginia vs. North Carolina, 7 p.m. Sunday’s championship TBD, FOX Sports South, 1 p.m. Big South Conference at Lexington, Va.



Tuesday’s games (5) Gardner-Webb 14, (8) High Point 4 (6) Radford 3, (7) VMI 1 Wednesday’s games (1) Coastal Carolina 5, (6) Radford 0 (2) Liberty 13, (5) Gardner-Webb 5 (3) Chas. Southern 9, (4) Winthrop 3 Thursday’s games Gardner-Webb 11, Radford 5, Radford eliminated Coastal Carolina 10, Winthrop 6, Winthrop is eliminated Liberty 6, Charleston Southern 1 Friday’s games Gardner-Webb 5, Charleston Southern 0, Charleston Southern eliminated Coastal Carolina 3, Liberty 2 Gardner-Webb vs. Liberty, late Saturday’s championship game Coastal Carolina vs. TBD

Prep baseball Playoffs 1A West Regional series South Stanly (21-7) at Murphy (23-3) 2A West Regional series East Lincoln (22-6) at E. Rutherford (25-3) 3A West Regional series Game 1: South Point 4, Marvin Ridge 3 South Point (23-2) at Marvin Ridge (19-10) 4A West Regional series TC Roberson (24-4) at SE Guilford (26-3)

Prep softball Playoffs 1A West 4th round East Surry 2, South Stanly 0 Murphy 8, Swain County 0 2A West 4th round Surry Central (16-10) at C. Davidson (25-3) Pisgah 8, Owen 3 3A West 4th round N. Iredell (18-7) at East Rowan (23-2) Crest (21-3) at Fred T. Foard (22-4) 3A East 4th round D.H. Conley 11, Nash Central 2 S. Vance (23-3) at SW Randolph (24-4) 4A West 4th round SW Guilford (21-8) at N. Davidson (26-1) Alexander Central 7, Porter Ridge 1

Prep soccer Championships at Cary’s WakeMed Park 1A SW Onslow (11-8-3) vs. Central Academy, Saturday (19-4-1), 10:30 a.m. 2A Cuthbertson 2, Carrboro 1, PKs 3A Cardinal Gibbons (20-0-1) vs. Charlotte Catholic (21-2-3), 1:30 p.m. 4A Ardrey Kell (25-0) vs. Leesville Road (23-1), Friday, 8 p.m.

Minors Standings South Atlantic League Northern Division W L Pct. GB — Hagerstown (Nationals) 28 18 .609 Greensboro (Marlins) 27 20 .574 11⁄2 Hickory (Rangers) 26 20 .565 2 21⁄2 Kannapolis (White Sox) 25 20 .556 1 Delmarva (Orioles) 26 21 .553 2 ⁄2 Lakewood (Phillies) 24 23 .511 41⁄2 51⁄2 West Virginia (Pirates) 22 23 .489 Southern Division W L Pct. GB 25 22 .532 — Savannah (Mets) Lexington (Astros) 24 24 .500 11⁄2 Greenville (Red Sox) 23 25 .479 21⁄2 22 25 .468 3 Asheville (Rockies) Charleston (Yankees) 21 27 .438 41⁄2 Augusta (Giants) 18 29 .383 7 17 31 .354 81⁄2 Rome (Braves) Friday’s Games Greenville 8, Kannapolis 1, 1st game Asheville 4, Hagerstown 3, 5 innings, susp., wet grounds Charleston, S.C. 6, Hickory 3 Lakewood 3, Greensboro 0 Savannah 5, Augusta 2 Rome 6, Lexington 3 West Virginia at Delmarva, 7:05 p.m. Kannapolis 6, Greenville 1, 2nd game Saturday’s Games Asheville 4, Hagerstown 3, 5 innings, comp. of susp. game Asheville at Hagerstown, 6:35 p.m. Charleston, S.C. at Hickory, 7 p.m. Kannapolis at Greenville, 7 p.m. West Virginia at Delmarva, 7:05 p.m. Rome at Lexington, 7:05 p.m. Greensboro at Lakewood, 7:05 p.m. Savannah at Augusta, 7:05 p.m.

NHL PLAYOFFS CONFERENCE FINALS Friday, May 27 Boston 1, Tampa Bay 0, Boston wins 4-3 STANLEY CUP (Best-of-7) Wednesday, June 1 Boston at Vancouver, 8 p.m. Saturday, June 4 Boston at Vancouver, 8 p.m. Monday, June 6 Vancouver at Boston, 8 p.m.

NBA Finals Tuesday, May 31: Dallas at Miami, 9 p.m. Thursday, June 2: Dallas at Miami, 9 p.m. Sunday, June 5: Miami at Dallas, 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 7: Miami at Dallas, 9 p.m.

Transactions BASEBALL American League CLEVELAND INDIANS—Activated OF Grady Sizemore from the 15-day DL. DETROIT TIGERS—Traded 2B Scott Sizemore to Oakland for LHP David Purcey. Recalled 2B Danny Worth from Toledo (IL). Recalled LHP Andy Oliver from Toledo. Optioned RHP Ryan Perry to Toledo. TEXAS RANGERS—Recalled LHP Michael Kirkman from Round Rock (PCL). Sent RHP Brett Tomko outright to Round Rock. National League CINCINNATI REDS—Placed RHP Homer Bailey being placed on the 15-day DL. Recalled RHP Mike Leake from Louisville (IL). COLORADO ROCKIES—Recalled INF-OF Eric Young Jr. from Colorado Springs (PCL). Designated INF Jose Lopez for assignment. NEW YORK METS—Activated OF Angel Pagan from the 15-day DL. Called up RHP Dale Thayer from Buffalo (IL). Optioned OF Fernando Martinez to Buffalo. Designated LHP Pat Misch for assignment. SAN DIEGO PADRES—Placed INF Orlando Hudson on the 15-day DL, retroactive to May 26. Recalled INF Logan Forsythe from Tucson (PCL). COLLEGE DRAKE—Named Mark Phelps and Brett Nelson men’s assistant basketball coach, Jamelle McMillan coordinator of basketball operations and Ryan Wedel graduate manager. LEHIGH—Named Ryan Krueger and Stephen Ott men’s assistant basketball coaches. SOUTH CAROLINA—Named Cypheus Bunton men’s assistant basketball coach. SOUTHERN CAL—Announced F Eric Wise will transfer from UC Irvine. UNC GREENSBORO—Named Gayle Coats women’s assistant basketball coach and Craig Fink associate director of athletics for advancement. WINGATE—Named Corey Iacofano men’s golf coach and Dr. Jerry Surratt director of golf.


French Open PARIS (AP) — A look at the French Open on Friday: Weather: Cloudy, windy. High of 64 degrees. Attendance: 35,045. Men’s Seeded Winners: No. 3 Roger Federer, No. 7 David Ferrer, No. 9 Gael Monfils, No. 13 Richard Gasquet, No. 14 Stanislas Wawrinka. Men’s Seeded Losers: No. 12 Mikhail Youzhny, No. 17 Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, No. 23 Thomaz Bellucci, No. 29 Janko Tipsarevic, No. 30 Guillermo Garcia-Lopez, No. 31 Sergiy Stakhovsky. Women’s Seeded Winners: No. 3 Vera Zvonareva, No. 5 Francesca Schiavone, No. 10 Jelena Jankovic, No. 11 Marion Bartoli, No. 13 Svetlana Kuznetsova, No. 14 Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, No. 28 Daniela Hantuchova. Women’s Seeded Losers: No. 1 Caroline Wozniacki, No. 8 Sam Stosur, No. 17 Julia Goerges, No. 29 Peng Shuai. Stat of the Day: With Wozniacki beaten by Hantuchova a day after No. 2 Kim Clijsters lost, the 2011 French Open is the first time neither of the top two seeded women reached the round of 16 at a Grand Slam tournament in the Open era, which began in 1968. Quote of the Day: “I know that if I play this way, he’s going to kill me.” — Monfils, looking ahead to facing Ferrer in the fourth round. Suspended: The third-round match between No. 2 Novak Djokovic and No. 25 Juan Martin del Potro was suspended because of darkness Friday night after they split the first two sets. Djokovic has won 41 matches in a row. On Court Saturday: Resumption of Djokovic vs. del Potro, No. 1 Rafael Nadal vs. Antonio Veic, No. 4 Andy Murray vs. Michael Berrer, No. 5 Robin Soderling vs. Leonardo Mayer; No. 4 Victoria Azarenka vs. No. 30 Roberta Vinci; No. 6 Li Na vs. Sorana Cirstea; No. 7 Maria Sharapova vs. Chan Yung-jan. Saturday’s Forecast: Cloudy and windy. High of 72.

Racing Sprint Cup Lineup Thursday qualifying; race Sunday At Charlotte Motor Speedway 1. (2) Brad Keselowski, Dodge, 192.089 mph. 2. (43) A J Allmendinger, Ford, 191.693. 3. (99) Carl Edwards, Ford, 191.686. 4. (11) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 191.367. 5. (31) Jeff Burton, Chevrolet, 191.245. 6. (48) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 191.069. 7. (00) David Reutimann, Toyota, 190.921. 8. (6) David Ragan, Ford, 190.799. 9. (21) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 190.752. 10. (33) Clint Bowyer, Chevrolet, 190.705. 11. (24) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, 190.604. 12. (39) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 190.564. 13. (5) Mark Martin, Chevrolet, 190.409. 14. (56) Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, 190.201. 15. (16) Greg Biffle, Ford, 190.161. 16. (27) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, 190.067. 17. (4) Kasey Kahne, Toyota, 189.893. 18. (83) Brian Vickers, Toyota, 189.867. 19. (17) Matt Kenseth, Ford, 189.86. 20. (78) Regan Smith, Chevrolet, 189.767. 21. (18) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 189.44. 22. (14) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, 189.414. 23. (20) Joey Logano, Toyota, 189.321. 24. (9) Marcos Ambrose, Ford, 189.288. 25. (88) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 188.937. 26. (22) Kurt Busch, Dodge, 188.844. 27. (47) Bobby Labonte, Toyota, 188.653. 28. (29) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 188.416. 29. (42) Juan Pablo Montoya, Chevrolet, 188.16. 30. (34) David Gilliland, Ford, 188.048. 31. (38) Travis Kvapil, Ford, 187.99. 32. (95) David Starr, Ford, 187.944. 33. (66) Michael McDowell, Toyota, 187.682. 34. (46) J.J. Yeley, Chevrolet, 187.513. 35. (1) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 187.201. 36. (87) Joe Nemechek, Toyota, 187.169. 37. (13) Casey Mears, Toyota, 186.994. 38. (30) David Stremme, Chevrolet, 186.916. 39. (32) Mike Bliss, Ford, 186.413. 40. (09) Landon Cassill, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 41. (7) Robby Gordon, Dodge, Owner Points. 42. (36) Dave Blaney, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 43. (60) Mike Skinner, Toyota, 186.774. Failed to Qualify 44. (71) Andy Lally, Ford, 186.651. 45. (50) T.J. Bell, Toyota, 186.567. 46. (77) Scott Wimmer, Dodge, 186.213. 47. (37) Tony Raines, Ford, 184.483. 48. (81) Scott Riggs, Chevrolet, 183.73.

Golf PGA Byron Nelson Friday’s second round At TPC Four Seasons Resort Course Irving, Texas Purse: $5.5 million Yardage: 7,116; Par: 70 Ryan Palmer 65-67—132 Sergio Garcia 66-66—132 69-66—135 Tim Petrovic Scott Piercy 66-69—135 Nick Watney 68-68—136 66-70—136 Joe Ogilvie Chad Collins 67-69—136 Chris DiMarco 70-67—137 69-68—137 Ryuji Imada Chris Riley 66-71—137 Josh Teater 66-71—137 66-71—137 Keegan Bradley a-Jordan Spieth 69-68—137 Jerry Kelly 67-71—138 68-70—138 John Rollins Jeff Overton 64-74—138 Brett Wetterich 69-69—138 70-68—138 Rod Pampling Paul Stankowski 69-70—139 Carl Pettersson 70-69—139 68-71—139 Ted Purdy Steve Flesch 70-69—139 Fran Quinn 69-70—139 67-72—139 Brandt Jobe Ricky Barnes 67-72—139 Robert Garrigus 70-69—139 70-69—139 Justin Hicks Michael Putnam 67-72—139 Robert Gamez 68-72—140 70-70—140 Jason Dufner Matt Kuchar 69-71—140 William McGirt 69-71—140 68-72—140 Martin Piller Gary Woodland 69-71—140 Vaughn Taylor 67-73—140 68-72—140 Arjun Atwal Steven Bowditch 75-65—140 Kyle Stanley 70-70—140 James Driscoll 70-71—141 Vijay Singh 68-73—141 Michael Bradley 68-73—141 Charles Howell III 71-70—141 J.J. Henry 69-72—141 Kevin Kisner 72-69—141 Tom Gillis 69-72—141 Jeff Quinney 66-75—141 Michael Connell 71-70—141 Dustin Johnson 66-75—141 Zack Miller 67-74—141 Garth Mulroy 67-74—141 Alexandre Rocha 71-70—141 Scott Gordon 70-71—141

Senior PGA Friday’s partial second round At Valhalla Golf Club Louisville, Ky. Purse: $2 million Yardage: 7,297, Par 72 Play suspended by darkness Kiyoshi Murota 66-67—133 Nick Price 67-70—137 Hale Irwin 69-68—137 Olin Browne 68-70—138 Loren Roberts 68-70—138 Gary Hallberg 72-67—139 Eduardo Romero 73-67—140 Chien-Soon Lu 70-70—140 Tom Watson 70-70—140 Mark O’Meara 68-72—140 Mark Calcavecchia 72-69—141 Michael Allen 71-70—141 Peter Senior 73-68—141 Mark McNulty 70-72—142 Lonnie Nielsen 69-73—142 David Eger 74-68—142 Trevor Dodds 67-75—142 Tom Lehman 73-70—143 Brad Bryant 74-69—143 Roger Chapman 73-70—143 Tom Pernice 73-70—143 Bob Tway 73-70—143 Dan Forsman 75-68—143 Stu Ingraham 73-70—143 Boonchu Ruangkit 74-70—144 Kenny Perry 69-75—144 Craig Stadler 75-69—144 Ted Schulz 72-72—144 Hal Sutton 77-67—144 Corey Pavin 72-72—144

Mocksville Legion could be stout From staff reports

After a 9-18 effort in 2010, Mocksville hopes to return to prominence in American Legion baseball this season, and it could happen. Charlie Kurfees returns for his second season as head coach. Besides most of the members of Davie County’s powerful high school team (22-3). Mocksville coach Charlie Kurfees will have five players from Forbush and some additional help from West Rowan and North Iredell. Jacob Barber, Connor Bodenhamer, Nick Boswell, Alex Newman, Javan Phillips and Joe Watson are Davie County starters who plan to play for the Legion team. Forbush slugger Caleb Brawley, Mountain Valley Conference Player of the Year, is also on board and is expected to play third base. The list of returnees includes Tyler Jordan, Tyler King, Zach Long, Dillon Byerly, D.J. Webb and Brandon Meade. Webb and King are West Rowan products. Davie plays its first home game tonight at Rich Park.

 College baseball Local players had big days as Charlotte beat Rhode Island 5-2 in the Atlantic 10 Tournament on Friday and advanced to today’s championship game against Richmond. Ross Steedley (East Rowan) went 3-for-3 with two RBIs, while Justin Roland (East) was 3-for-3 with a runscoring squeeze bunt. Corbin Shive (East) scored a run for the 49ers, and Justin Seager (NW Cabarrus) had a sacrifice fly.  Trey Holmes (East) and Preston Troutman (East) had two hits each as Appalachian State beat Furman 5-0 on Friday to stay alive in the Southern Conference Tournament. Holmes knocked in a run, while Troutman scored one.  Pitt Community College sophomore Micah Jarrett (East) was named to the AllRegion X second team. Jarrett batted .383 with four homers and 39 RBIs and had an errorless season in the outfield. Zach Smith (East) also had a strong season for Pitt, batting .340 with a homer and 31 RBIs.

 Prep softball The East Rowan-North Iredell fourth-round playoff game was postponed Friday. The teams plan to play today in Granite Quarry at 1 p.m.  North Rowan’s Taylor Sells and Samantha Jacobs were named to the All-YVC team. See Scoreboard.  South Stanly lost to East Surry 2-0 in the 1A playoffs.

 Prep football West Rowan defensive lineman Emmanuel Gbunblee and fullback Clifford Long have been accepted at Coastal Carolina and hope to make the football team as walk-ons.

 Prep baseball Friday’s storms created havoc with the regional series championships, with numerous suspensions and postponements.

 Carson physicals Carson will give sports physicals in the gym on Wednesday June 1, for $10. Physicals will start with seniors at 5:30, juniors at 5:45, sophomores at 6, and rising freshmen at 6:15.

 Local golf

The Toshiba/EMC North Carolina Open will be played at the Club at Irish Creek on Salisbury Parks and Recre- June 6-9. ation offers youth sports This is the event’s 47th camps during the summer year and the third time Irish months. Creek has hosted the event.  Fast Pitch Softball: June 20-23  Pro baseball  Football Camp: June 20The Kannapolis Intimida24  Youth Triathlon Camp tors split a doubleheader at June 20-24 & August 1-5 Greenville on Friday.  UFC Mixed Martial Arts Kannapolis lost the opener Camp: June 27-July 1 & July 8-1. Brady Shoemaker home18-22 red for the Kannapolis run.  Soccer Camp: July 11-14 The Intimidators won the  Baseball Camp: July 11- nightcap 6-1. Trayce Thomp14 son hit his 10th homer.  Beginners Running  A mini-slump has Camp: July 11-15 dropped Kyle Seager’s (NW  Basketball Camp: July Cabarrus) batting average to .285, but he had his 15th dou18-21  Volleyball Camp: July ble on Friday in Jackson’s 4-2 win against Mobile. 25-29  Wrestling Camp: July 25 Daniel Wagner (South 29. Rowan) went 0-for-3 on Friday to lower his batting average to .216, but he stole his ninth  College golf base of the season. Catawba golf coach Sam Gealy will be adding a large  Legion baseball class of recruits in the fall. Kannapolis’ opener at LexJoining the women’s team will be local standout Madison ington was rained out on Friday night. Kennedy (Salisbury).

 Parks and Rec

SOUTH FROM 1B man at High Point this year, played right field for the Legion team last summer and probably will move to center. There’s no doubt Miles has been the greatest offensive force in program history. He belted 10 homers, drove in 58 runs and batted .473 last summer. Miles already owns South’s career records for hits (163), doubles (26), triples (nine) and RBIs (121). He enters this season tied with Shepherd for the most career homers (18) and needs to cross the plate four times to break Ryan Bostian’s record for runs scored. Another returning big bat is shortstop Gunnar Hogan, a Catawba signee. The Carson senior hit .336 with six homers and 35 RBIs last summer. Also in the middle of the lineup will be Joseph Basinger, a veteran who shared catching duties with Freeze last summer. Also a Carson senior, Basinger hit six homers and knocked in 28 runs for the 2010 Legion team. Cory Deason and Jacob Dietz are coming off strong high school seasons for South Rowan High. Dietz, a Belmont Abbey signee, is playing Legion ball for the first time and is pencilled in as the starting third baseman. Deason didn’t play much last summer before breaking his hand in a game at Mooresville, but he’s been the biggest surprise of Lowman’s workout sessions. “The way he’s swung the bat, Cory has to be in the lineup somewhere,” Lowman said. “He’ll have a lot of roles.” Deason will get DH at-bats and will back up Dietz at third. He could be in the mix in left field, plus he’s the backup catcher. Basinger will need nights off when the weather gets steamy and the back-toback-to-back games pile up. South will benefit again

Joining Kennedy will be Tailar Murphy (Northern Guilford) and Carmen Grubb (Davie). Kennedy has had an outstanding high school and junior career and should provide and immediate impact. Murphy has proven to be steady performer and will add depth in the middle of the lineup, while Grubb could see playing time this year.  On the men’s side, Pennsylvania native Matt Hardman (Gettysburg) highlights a solid group of five incoming freshman. His 72.4 scoring average this past fall led his high school team. Joining Hardman will be North Carolina products Marshall Ritchie (Concord), high school teammates Jeremy Kilgore and Logan Ellis (Southeast Guilford), and Brian Donaldson (Clinton). “This group could be the deepest and most talented we have had here at Catawba in some time” Gealy said. “Each of these incoming freshmen has the talent to compete in the SAC. With our returners we look to be very competitive this coming year.”



this summer from the presence of Northwest Cabarrus junior Weston Smith. Smith was one of Northwest’s top two pitchers and has power at the plate. Smith batted .286 for the Legion team last year with 17 RBIs in just 63 at-bats. He’ll play first base a lot and is a DH candidate. Key newcomers are Carson first baseman Kyle Bridges and West Rowan outfielder Patrick Hampton. Bridges, who will play at Lynchburg, doesn’t have power, but he’s a quality defender at first base and a lefty hitter who makes contact. Bridges, who played for the Kannapolis Legion team last summer, also is working in the outfield. Hampton, a Catawba football signee best known as West’s all-county tight end, is a lefty hitter with some power. He walks a lot, competes like it’s a football game and is good defensively. He played center field for West and could start in one of the outfield corners for Lowman. Second base is the biggest mystery. Dylan Goodman, the starting shortstop for South Rowan High; Parker Hubbard, the regular second baseman for South, and youngster Connor Bridges, who played mostly third base for Carson, are the candidates. Hubbard played Legion last summer and hit .229 in 35 at-bats. The younger Bridges, Kyle’s brother, was impressive in a limited role for Carson. Goodman has surprising power and good speed and could also help in the outfield. Lowman envisions a starting rotation of Smith, South right-hander Matt Miller and

veteran southpaws Dylan Walker and Jesse Park, with South righty Preston Penninger the No. 5 starter and a key guy out of the bullpen. “I like Preston out of the pen because I know what I’ll get,” Lowman said. “He’ll throw strikes.” Penninger also could get some swings. He led South Rowan High with 19 RBIs. Smith, a strapping righthander, was 3-1 with a 2.38 ERA last summer and is a college prospect who will compete in this summer’s State Games. Miller was 3-0 with three saves for the Legion team in 2010 and was South Rowan High’s ace this spring. He also swings the bat with authority and is one more candidate to play left field. Walker pitched some this year at Catawba Valley Community College. He was 7-1 in Legion ball last summer, tying the program record for victories in a season. The crafty Park was 5-1 last summer with a 3.72 ERA. He didn’t pitch in college this year but plans to play at Pfeiffer next season. On paper, the starters look stout. Pitchers who accounted for 20 of last season’s 26 wins are back in uniform. The bullpen is the question mark. Lots of arms are needed for a long Legion summer. “But we do have an experienced rotation that should give us a chance,” Lowman said. “And our schedule has been scaled back a little bit.” Also expected to contribute are South Rowan High’s Jordan Kennerly, Bubba McLaughlin and Spencer Matlock, Carson’s Dylan Atwell and West’s Ethan Wansley. The date for submitting final 18-man rosters has been moved back to June 23. South is scheduled to open tonight at home with a nonleague game against High Point. “We’ll be able to play it if we don’t get any more rain,” Lowman said. Or hail.


SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 • 3B






vania and Maryland. This season, the Hilltoppers landed six players from California and even attracted skilled D-I transfers from Central Florida. Sifford and Cowan are the only two N.C. signees. Sifford is one of nearly a dozen linebacker hopefuls, but he’s optimistic that he can earn his place in the program. “I think it’s going to help him a lot that he and Eric are going up there together,” West Rowan coach Scott Young said. “When you go that far from home your chance of success is much greater if you’ve got a YOUNG support system. We’re hoping this might open up a new D-II pipeline for our players. We’ve got good relationships with Catawba and UNC Pembroke, and this could be another one.” Sifford said Cowan’s presence will make one decision all college freshmen have to make a lot easier. “Eric being there means I’ll have a roommate,” Sifford said with a laugh. “We’ll push each other.” Sifford first attracted attention as a varsity sophomore at East Rowan. He rushed for 479 yards and scored three touchdowns. As a junior, he was an allcounty beast for East, usually going both ways. He missed the first two games in 2009 with a balky knee, but he made an astounding debut with three sacks, a forced fumble

Clearly, he’s done his homework, proving he has given some thought to this being a rematch. “Then, for us, I (was) the point guard. Look who’s the point guard now!” Terry said, laughing. “Big difference.” Yes, Jason Kidd is an upgrade from Terry, who is better suited for his role as a scorer, specifically the instant-offense guy off the bench. Mavs fans also might chuckle about Dallas’ starting center in ‘06, Erick Dampier, now playing for Miami. He’s yet to play this postseason. In 2006, Dallas won the first two games at home, then went to Miami and melted down. They blew a big lead in the fourth quarter of Game 3 and never recovered. Pat Riley of the Heat not only outcoached Avery Johnson of the Mavericks, Johnson may have outsmarted himself by moving hotels midway through their stay in Florida, fearing that South Beach was too much of a distraction. Johnson’s successor, Rick Carlisle, isn’t concerned about it being an issue this time. “Not with our curfew,” he said, offering a rare giggle. With Kidd and Nowitzki vs. James and Wade, each team starts two players who are among the best of their generation. The clubs have a lot more in common: both 12-3 this postseason, both closing out the conference finals in five games. In the regular season, the Mavs and Heat tied for the most road wins. There was only a one-game difference in overall wins — 58 for Miami, 57 for Dallas; that’s why the series is starting on the Heat’s court. Had they had the same record, the Mavericks would’ve had the edge because they won both head-to-head meetings. Because those games were in November and December, Carlisle insists they don’t matter. Still, it’s worth noting those were Miami’s only two losses in a 24-2 stretch that proved to everyone this experiment of superstars who are good friends teaming up to win a title just might work. The backlash from that pairing — and the way “The Decision” was handled last summer — produced a huge group of Heat haters. Those folks are now Mavs lovers, a cuddly acceptance that’s unusual for this franchise. “There’s no good guys, bad guys,” Nowitzki said. “There’s two good teams that made it to this stage and both want to win. So I’m not really worried about all that stuff.” Nowitzki was a free agent last summer, too. Teams didn’t pursue him because they were so sure he would remain in Dallas. But he admitted he would have listened had James and Wade invited him to be part of what they were putting together. “But they didn’t, so it wasn’t really an option,” he said.

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

West Rowan’s Quentin Sifford takes a turnover upfield during a 40-0 victory over eventual 4A finalist Davie County. and a fumble recovery as East pummeled Concord for the first time in a generation. In a win against Hickory Ridge that season, he rushed for two TDs and threw for another touchdown on a wobbly halfback pass. Finally, he created a game-sealing interception on defense with a hit on the HR quarterback. For the season, Sifford rushed for 803 yards and six scores and accumulated 202 rushing yards in East’s two playoff games. He and his family made the decision to transfer to West for the 2010 season. It was a tough call for several reasons. Sifford’s father,

Walter, was a tremendous lineman at East in the 1970s, and Sifford was very close to a lot of the Mustangs. But going back to West also meant being reunited with kids he’d gone to West Middle School with and playing for the program where his brother, Travis, had been a wide receiver. “I think the biggest thing was I really wanted to graduate with those guys I grew up with,” Sifford explained. Obviously, he also got to play football for a punishing program that has risen from local bully to nationally ranked powerhouse with three straight 3A state championships and 46

consecutive wins. “Quentin took a leap of faith coming here,” Young said. “He’d gotten quite a few accolades at the running back position, but for us he was going to be strictly a linebacker.” After a few growing pains adjusting to West’s brand of X’s and O’s, Sifford’s physical tools took over. He’s very strong and surprisingly fast, and he made an impact as West’s “stud” linebacker. West’s linebackers were a question mark in August but a source of pride by October. They helped coordinator David Hunt’s defense turn in a school-record six shutouts.

Sifford’s best game may have been in a 32-0 win against Mooresville. Sifford had two sacks and had a key fumble recovery that led to a TD. Sifford gave linebackers coaches Kevin Parks and Lee Linville the lion’s share of the credit for his all-county season. “They’re the ones who never stopped pushing me to get to where I needed to be,” Sifford said. Sifford’s high school career had a happy ending — 16-0 and a state title. “I got a ring and I got a scholarship,” Sifford said. “That’s a great year. I don’t see how it could have worked out any better.”


high school,” she said. “It’s a lot harder.” Zemanick didn’t seem to mind. “”It’s exciting,” she said. “I’m really looking forward to it.” • So is Murdock, who also ran cross country with her friend. And she fully intended to concentrate on that sport until visiting Southern Wesleyan. Soccer coach Tom Price gave her a chance to join the Warriors. “I got to play soccer with the players and he offered me a scholarship,” Murdock said. Murdock is a center on defense and should help the Warriors, who finished 8-9-2 last season. “I’ve been playing soccer since I was seven, in Y league and in the backyard,” said Murdock. Southeast Middle didn’t have a team, “so I played for

fun,” she said. But once at Carson, it was time to get serious. She was team captain for two of her four seasons and MURDOCK is an allc o u n t y Cougar this spring. She is ready for the leap to college athletics, although she seemed a bit surprised. “It’s something I never thought I’d get to do,” she said. “I’m really excited.” Murdock expects to begin her freshman season on defense, but added, “I’ll move around to where I’m more comfortable.” Murdock looked around at the coaches, friends and family before her signing party took place. “It’s going faster than I ever imagined,” she smiled.


jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

Sierra Zemanick, left, races Salisbury’s Emily Shields.

COLLINS FROM 6B swing,” Collins smiled. “He basically signed me right there.” He’s going to one of the CIAA’s top programs. The Rams finished second in the CIAA Championships and were third in the 25th PGA Minority Collegiate Golf Championships in Florida. “They’re pretty good. I’ve been following them,” Collins said. Now, with a scholarship in his back pocket, Collins can improve on the

ROGERS FROM 6B lege. As he gets older, he’ll add strength and stamina to his lean, 6foot-1, 155-pound frame, and he already possesses sufficient arm strength to succeed at the next level. Rogers is optimistic he’ll still get to play third base in college, but he realizes it was his right arm that attracted Guilford’s attention. “I went to a showcase camp at Pfeiffer and was throwing mid-80s,” said Rogers, who said he’s reached 88 mph on radar guns. “The Guilford coaches talked to me, and at first I wasn’t all that interested because Guilford is D-III. But then they told me I probably could start my freshman year and I could get $20,000 to $28,000 in scholarships.” Rogers’ visit to the Greensboro school went well, and he signed. “Guilford doesn’t offer exactly what I want to study, but I’m going to start in the math and physics program,” Rogers said. “Hopefully, that will lead to something in technology and engineering, maybe at N.C.

Zemanick tried track in middle school and remembers crying when she wasn’t allowed to run the mile and was put in the 800 instead. By high school, she had found her niche — cross country. “I like the longer run,” she said. Rouse’s Warriors are among the best in the Southern States Athletic Association. They placed third in the league and ninth in the national meet. Speak of Rouse and a big smile comes to Zemanick’s face. “I clicked with him,” she said. “He’s so cool.” And she said that even after she saw her workout regimen for the summer. The first day, she ran six miles along with a workout. “It’s a lot different from

game he loves and plan on his future. “I think I can get a lot better, he said. “Since I was a kid, everybody said I had a pretty good swing. I didn’t think too much of it until this COLLINS year. Now, I’ll play golf every day.” Everhart thinks the real talent in Collins will emerge once he is at college. He called the Cavalier senior a seasonal golfer because he played football. Not much golf was played

State, later on.” As a D-III school, Guilford can’t give athletic scholarships, but it does find academic scholarships for great students who are also good athletes. Rogers fits that description on both ends. He is a very good athlete. He led the East Rowan basketball team in scoring last winter with 8.5 points per game, and while the Mustangs weren’t exactly the Miami Heat, he did pump in 23 against Concord and 22 against Statesville, two very talented teams. Stopwatches time him as an average runner, but he’s above-average on the bases. He can get a jump and he can read pitchers. He was 8-for8 on steal attempts. Rogers is also among the top students in East’s senior class. He owns a GPA in the 4.7 range, plus a sterling SAT score. Rogers’ teammates Luke Thomas and Jamey Blalock are right at the top of East’s class of 2011 as well. “We’ve got as strong a group academically as we’ve ever had here,” Hightower said. Rogers was a part-time player as a junior on East’s 31-2 state championship team. He filled in at shortstop

during the fall. “I think his best golf is ahead of him,” Everhart said. “He’s got a really strong, powerful swing. When he plays every day, Kyle will be something special.” Collins actually got off to a slow start. He said he wasn’t happy with his 86 in the county tournament, although he tied for top honors among North golfers. “But he really came on at the end,” Everhart said. In fact, although North didn’t qualify as a team for the 1A regionals, Collins joined teammates Jesse Pinkston and Dillon Mason as individ-



when regular shortstop Preston Troutman pitched, and he was given a few opportunities to earn a regular job in the outfield. In 49 official at-bats, he batted .286 and drove in seven runs. He only pitched twice on a team with a host of arms. He was 1-0, winning in relief at Staton Field against Davie County. He entered 2011 without fanfare, but he was Hightower’s third baseman opening day against Mount Tabor. He went 2-for-2 with three RBIs to get his senior year off to a good start and never really hit a slump.He had eight multi-hit games and had three hits in a trio of ballgames. “He’s not a power guy, but he’s a good middle-of-the-field to oppositefield hitter, and he was a heads-up

ual qualifiers. Collins credits his short game. “The strongest part of my game is my irons,” he said. “They’re really great right now.” And so is life in the Collins’ family. Everhart proved to be a good coach. His mother, who, by the way, graduated from North with Everhart, proved to be a good recruiter. “I’m the first one in my family to receive an athletic scholarship,” Collins said proudly. There’s only one thing left to say about that. “Thanks, Grandpa.

guy on the bases,” Hightower said. “His offensive numbers were too good to ignore, and he was fun to watch at third base. He made the routine plays consistently, plus some great ones.” Rogers’ defensive gems included an amazing backhand play on a shot down the line at home against North Iredell that Brooks Robinson would’ve been thrilled to have made. Even better was the diving catch he made of a bunt against West Iredell in the NPC tournament championship game. That snag resulted in a rare triple play and was the key moment in a 1-0 victory. Fans will remember for years that East pulled off the hidden-ball trick to preserve that win, but without Rogers’ play, the trickery would never have happened. “I was pretty happy with the season I had defensively at third base,” Rogers said. “Four errors, all on throws, at third, plus one error when I was playing shortstop.” Rogers’ ability to slide over to shortstop proved an asset when Hightower used regular Justin Morris on the mound in the stretch run. With the emergence of Bradley Robbins as a mound stud, Rogers

wasn’t called on to pitch often as a senior, and his ERA was wrecked for the year by one ill-fated appearance against Davie. Still, his seven mound appearances showed future promise. He struck out 20 in 132⁄3 innings. Rogers’ stellar season was capped by the announcement that he’d been chosen to play in the two-game EastWest All-Star series for graduating seniors that will be contested in Winston-Salem on June 15. Hightower’s had many great players at East, but he said Rogers is the first he’s had to play in the all-star showcase for seniors. “It probably would’ve meant more to me if I hadn’t already signed with Guilford, but it’s still a great honor,” Rogers said. For a guy who had the toughest job in the county coming in, Rogers had himself quite a year as Holmes’ replacement. “Offensively, there’s no way I could do what Noah did because he’s one of the best hitters to ever come along,” Rogers said modestly. “But defensively, I did OK.” Hightower has another tough task now. He’s got to find a replacement for Rogers.

4B • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011

Expanded Standings Boston New York tampa Bay Baltimore toronto

W 29 27 27 24 25

L 22 21 23 24 26

cleveland detroit Kansas city chicago Minnesota

W 30 25 23 24 16

L 18 25 27 29 33

texas Los angeles seattle oakland

W 26 27 24 24

L 25 26 25 27

philadelphia Florida atlanta New York Washington

W 32 29 28 23 22

L 19 20 24 27 28

st. Louis Milwaukee cincinnati pittsburgh chicago Houston

W 31 27 27 23 22 19

L 21 24 25 26 27 32

san Francisco arizona colorado Los angeles san diego

W 28 27 24 23 20

L 22 24 26 29 31

AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division Pct GB WCGB .569 — — 1 .563 ⁄2 — .540 11⁄2 1 .500 31⁄2 3 .490 4 31⁄2 Central Division Pct GB WCGB .625 — — .500 6 3 .460 8 5 .453 81⁄2 51⁄2 .327 141⁄2 111⁄2 West Division Pct GB WCGB .510 — — .509 — 21⁄2 .490 1 31⁄2 .471 2 41⁄2 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Pct GB WCGB .627 — — .592 2 — .538 41⁄2 21⁄2 .460 81⁄2 61⁄2 .440 91⁄2 71⁄2 Central Division Pct GB WCGB .596 — — .529 31⁄2 3 .519 4 31⁄2 .469 61⁄2 6 .449 71⁄2 7 .373 111⁄2 11 West Division Pct GB WCGB .560 — — .529 11⁄2 3 .480 4 51⁄2 .442 6 71⁄2 .392 81⁄2 10

AMERICAN LEAGUE Thursday’s Games Baltimore 6, Kansas city 5, 12 innings Boston 14, detroit 1, 8 innings oakland 4, L.a. angels 3 chicago White sox 3, toronto 1 Friday’s Games Boston 6, detroit 3 toronto 4, chicago White sox 2 tampa Bay 5, cleveland 0 Kansas city 12, texas 7, 14 innings L.a. angels 6, Minnesota 5 Baltimore at oakland, late N.Y. Yankees at seattle, late Saturday’s Games chicago White sox (e.Jackson 4-5) at toronto (Villanueva 2-0), 1:07 p.m. cleveland (c.carrasco 3-2) at tampa Bay (shields 5-2), 4:10 p.m. Boston (c.Buchholz 4-3) at detroit (oliver 0-0), 7:10 p.m. Kansas city (o’sullivan 2-3) at texas (Harrison 4-4), 7:10 p.m. L.a. angels (Weaver 6-4) at Minnesota (swarzak 0-2), 7:10 p.m. Baltimore (Bergesen 1-5) at oakland (outman 0-0), 10:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Nova 4-3) at seattle (F.Hernandez 5-4), 10:10 p.m. Sunday’s Games Boston at detroit, 1:05 p.m. chicago White sox at toronto, 1:07 p.m. cleveland at tampa Bay, 1:40 p.m. L.a. angels at Minnesota, 2:10 p.m. Kansas city at texas, 3:05 p.m. Baltimore at oakland, 4:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at seattle, 4:10 p.m. Monday’s Games Minnesota at detroit, 1:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at oakland, 4:05 p.m. Baltimore at seattle, 4:10 p.m. L.a. angels at Kansas city, 4:10 p.m. texas at tampa Bay, 6:40 p.m. cleveland at toronto, 7:07 p.m. chicago White sox at Boston, 7:10 p.m.



Correia nails down seventh victory

L10 8-2 7-3 4-6 6-4 4-6

Str W-4 W-2 W-1 W-5 W-1

Home 16-10 17-13 12-13 15-14 12-12

Away 13-12 10-8 15-10 9-10 13-14

L10 5-5 3-7 3-7 6-4 4-6

Str L-3 L-2 W-1 L-1 L-2

Home 19-6 13-10 17-13 10-13 5-14

Away 11-12 12-15 6-14 14-16 11-19

L10 4-6 5-5 8-2 3-7

Str L-1 W-1 W-1 W-1

Home 17-11 13-13 11-12 11-12

Away 9-14 14-13 13-13 13-15

L10 7-3 6-4 5-5 4-6 3-7

Str W-3 L-1 L-1 L-2 W-1

Home 19-10 14-12 14-11 10-13 12-9

Away 13-9 15-8 14-13 13-14 10-19

L10 8-2 7-3 2-8 5-5 5-5 4-6

Str W-1 L-1 W-1 W-1 L-1 L-1

Home 14-9 19-7 15-11 9-14 11-15 11-15

Away 17-12 8-17 12-14 14-12 11-12 8-17

L10 6-4 9-1 2-8 4-6 2-8

Str W-1 W-4 L-4 W-1 L-1

Home 13-8 16-10 12-14 12-14 9-20

Away 15-14 11-14 12-12 11-15 11-11

NATIONAL LEAGUE Thursday’s Games philadelphia 10, cincinnati 4 chicago cubs 9, N.Y. Mets 3 Florida 1, san Francisco 0 arizona 6, colorado 3 Friday’s Games pittsburgh 4, chicago cubs 2 Washington 2, san diego 1 philadelphia 6, N.Y. Mets 4 cincinnati 5, atlanta 1 arizona 7, Houston 6 san Francisco 5, Milwaukee 4 st. Louis 10, colorado 3 L.a. dodgers 3, Florida 2 Saturday’s Games pittsburgh (Maholm 1-7) at chicago cubs (r.Wells 1-0), 1:05 p.m. san diego (stauffer 0-3) at Washington (Zimmermann 2-5), 1:05 p.m. san Francisco (J.sanchez 3-3) at Milwaukee (Wolf 4-4), 4:10 p.m. arizona (duke 0-0) at Houston (Norris 2-3), 7:05 p.m. cincinnati (arroyo 3-5) at atlanta (d.Lowe 3-4), 7:10 p.m. philadelphia (Hamels 6-2) at N.Y. Mets (pelfrey 3-4), 7:10 p.m. st. Louis (J.Garcia 5-0) at colorado (Nicasio 0-0), 7:10 p.m. Florida (sanches 3-1) at L.a. dodgers (Kuroda 5-4), 10:10 p.m. Sunday’s Games philadelphia at N.Y. Mets, 1:10 p.m. san diego at Washington, 1:35 p.m. arizona at Houston, 2:05 p.m. san Francisco at Milwaukee, 2:10 p.m. pittsburgh at chicago cubs, 2:20 p.m. st. Louis at colorado, 3:10 p.m. Florida at L.a. dodgers, 4:10 p.m. cincinnati at atlanta, 8:05 p.m. Monday’s Games philadelphia at Washington, 1:05 p.m. san diego at atlanta, 1:05 p.m. Houston at chicago cubs, 2:20 p.m. san Francisco at st. Louis, 4:15 p.m. Milwaukee at cincinnati, 7:10 p.m. pittsburgh at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. colorado at L.a. dodgers, 8:10 p.m. Florida at arizona, 8:10 p.m.

Sizemore swapped to A’s DETROIT (AP) — The Detroit Tigers traded second baseman Scott Sizemore to the Oakland Athletics for left-handed reliever David Purcey on Friday. Sizemore was supposed to replace Placido Polanco as Detroit’s second baseman, but was never able to hang onto the job. After losing his roster spot to Will Rhymes out of spring training, he was recalled from Triple-A Toledo but hit just .222 in 17 games. “We just haven’t been able to get Scott over the hump offensively,” Tigers president Dave Dombrowski said. “We didn’t think we could go forward with that production from someone that we saw as an offensive second baseman.”

Associated Press CHICAGO — Kevin Correia pitched shutout ball into the eighth inning before the Pittsburgh Pirates held on to beat the Chicago Cubs 4-2 on Friday. Correia (7-4) limited Chicago to four singles and a pair of walks in 72⁄3 innings. He moved into a tie with Boston’s Jon Lester for the major league lead in wins, and has six of the Pirates’ 14 victories away from PNC Park this season. Pittsburgh’s Andrew McCutchen remained a thorn in the Cubs’ side with two singles, a walk, an RBI and two stolen bases. He’s reached base in 19 straight games against the Cubs. Phillies 6, Mets 4 NEW YORK— Domonic Brown grounded a tiebreaking single under the glove of first baseman Daniel Murphy in the ninth inning, and the Phillies scored three runs off star closer Francisco Rodriguez to beat the sinking Mets. Jimmy Rollins drove in three runs for the Phillies and Roy Oswalt had an RBI single to go with six effective innings on the mound. With runners at the corners, Ryan Madson got Murphy to ground into a gameending double play. Justin Turner had a career-high four hits for the streaky Mets, who have dropped five of six after winning 10 of 14. Nationals 2, Padres 1 WASHINGTON — Michael Morse hit a home run on the first pitch in the bottom of the ninth inning to lift the Nationals to a win over the Padres. With the game tied at 1, Morse hit Mike Adams’ first pitch into the left field bullpen, and he trotted around the bases, tossed his helmet off and was pounded by his exuberant teammates. Moments later after a postgame interview, he was hit with shaving cream and doused with Gatorade. It was his sixth home run of the year.

associated press

st. Louis’ colby rasmus slides safely into third base as colorado’s ty Wigginton tries to make a tag in Friday’s game. Reds 5, Braves 1 ATLANTA — Mike Leake returned from the minors to give Cincinnati’s depleted rotation a boost and the Reds beat the Braves for only their second win in 10 games. Leake (4-2) gave Cincinnati its first win by a starter since May 16. The right-hander allowed one run, seven hits and three walks in six innings. Ramon Hernandez hit a two-run homer off Braves closer Craig Kimbrell. Giants 5, Brewers 4 MILWAUKEE — Brandon Crawford hit a go-ahead grand slam in his first game as a big leaguer, helping Tim Lincecum and

the Giants beat the Brewers. Diamondbacks 7, Astros 6 HOUSTON — Juan Miranda hit two tworun homers and Chris Young’s two-run infield hit in the seventh inning rallied the Diamondbacks from a 6-0 deficit to a victory over the Astros. Cardinals 10, Rockies 3 DENVER — Colby Rasmus went 4 for 5 and drove in three runs with two triples. Dodgers 3, Marlins 2 LOS ANGELES — Pinch-hitter Dioner Navarro singled up the middle against a five-man infield with the bases loaded in the ninth inning.

Red Sox stay hot, grab 12th win in last 14 Associated Press DETROIT — Jacoby Ellsbury and Carl Crawford homered in a five-run third inning to help the Boston Red Sox beat the Detroit Tigers 6-3 on Friday night. Boston won for the 12th time in 14 games and have scored 34 runs in its last three. Tim Wakefield (2-1) picked up his 195th career win, allowing two runs on five hits in seven innings. Rick Porcello (4-3) gave up a season-high six runs in three innings in his first start since allowing one hit in eight innings in a win over Pittsburgh. Crawford has nine hits in his last 12 at-bats, including two homers and seven RBIs. Rays 5, Indians 0 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. —

David Price struck out a careerhigh 12 over seven innings, Casey Kotchman and Sam Fuld both homered, and Tampa Bay beat Cleveland. Price (6-4) scattered four hits and walked two. The left-hander had given up 10 runs in 112⁄3 innings during his previous two starts. The Rays went up 4-0 in the second on two-run homers by Kotchman and Fuld off Josh Tomlin (6-2). Relievers Joel Peralta and Adam Russell completed the four-hitter. Tampa Bay’s Matt Joyce, who started play hitting a major league-best .367, had three hits — including a broken-bat RBI single during the seventh — in four at-bats. Blue Jays 4, White Sox 2 TORONTO — Yunel Escobar doubled home the tiebreaking

run in the seventh inning for the Blue Jays. Right-hander Casey Janssen (2-0) pitched one inning of relief for the win as Toronto snapped a three-game losing streak. Shawn Camp got one out and Jon Rauch finished in the ninth for his sixth save in eight opportunities. The Blue Jays earned a rare win against White Sox left-hander Mark Buehrle (4-4), who came in 5-2 with a 1.78 ERA in his previous eight starts against Toronto. Royals 12, Rangers 7 (14) ARLINGTON, Texas — Melky Cabrera and rookie Eric Hosmer hit consecutive one-out homers in a five-run 14th inning and the Kansas City Royals snapped a five-game losing streak with a victory over the Texas Rangers on Friday night.

Cabrera hit a drive over the center field fence off Dave Bush (0-1) to snap a 7-all tie, and Hosmer gave the Royals a tworun lead. Brayan Pena added a three-run homer off Bush. The Royals won for the third time in 13 games. Hosmer had four hits and four RBIs for the first time in his career. Angels 6, Twins 5 INNEAPOLIS — Maicer Izturis hit a go-ahead RBI single in the ninth inning for the Angels after scoring five runs in the eighth off three Twins relievers, and Los Angeles beat Minnesota on Friday night. Erick Aybar's three-run homer on the first pitch from Dusty Hughes ignited the rally after Twins starter Scott Baker scattered six singles over seven shutout innings.

F R I D AY ’ S B O X S C O R E S National Pirates 4, Cubs 2 Pittsburgh ab tabata lf 4 pearce 3b 3 BrWod 3b 0 aMcct cf 4 Walker 2b 5 5 diaz rf Beimel p 0 Hanrhn p 0 csnydr c 3 overay 1b 5 cdeno ss 2 correia p 2 Veras p 0 paul rf 0

Chicago h bi ab r h bi 1 0 Fukdm rf 3 0 0 0 0 1 Barney 2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 scastro ss 3 0 1 0 2 1 arrmr 3b 3 0 0 0 1 1 c.pena 1b 3 1 2 0 1 0 asorin lf 4 1 1 2 0 0 campn cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 K.Hill c 4 0 1 0 1 0 ddavis p 1 0 0 0 1 0 ccolmn p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Montnz ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 smrdzj p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maine p 0 0 0 0 0 0 JeBakr ph 1 0 0 0 Grabow p 0 0 0 0 deWitt ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 33 4 7 3 Totals 32 2 5 2 Pittsburgh 020 200 000—4 Chicago 000 000 002—2 e—pearce (3), ar.ramirez (3), d.davis (1). dp— pittsburgh 1. Lob—pittsburgh 12, chicago 7. 2b— diaz (6). Hr—a.soriano (12). sb—tabata (13), a.mccutchen 2 (9). s—cedeno, correia. sf— pearce. IP H R ER BB SO Pittsburgh 1 4 0 0 2 2 correia W,7-4 7 ⁄3 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 Veras H,8 Beimel 0 1 2 2 1 0 Hnrahan s,14-14 1 0 0 0 0 3 Chicago 2 4 4 2 6 3 d.davis L,0-3 4 ⁄3 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 c.coleman samardzija 2 2 0 0 0 2 Maine 1 0 0 0 0 1 Grabow 1 1 0 0 0 1 Beimel pitched to 2 batters in the 9th. HBp—by d.davis (pearce). Wp—correia. t—3:15. a—34,105 (41,159). r 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0

Nationals 2, Padres 1 San Diego Washington ab r h bi ab r h bi denorfi rf 4 0 0 0 Berndn cf 3 0 1 0 Bartlett ss 4 1 1 1 dsmnd ss 4 0 0 0 Ludwck lf 3 0 0 0 Werth rf 4 0 0 0 cantu 1b 4 0 0 0 Morse 1b 4 1 2 1 Maybin cf 4 0 0 0 Wrams c 3 0 0 0 Headly 3b 3 0 1 0 espinos 2b 2 1 1 1 rJhnsn c 3 0 0 0 HrstnJr 3b 3 0 0 0 alGzlz 2b 3 0 1 0 ankiel cf 0 0 0 0 Forsyth 2b0 0 0 0 Bixler lf 2 0 0 0 richrd p 2 0 0 0 cora 3b 0 0 0 0 Hawpe ph 0 0 0 0 Lannan p 3 0 0 0 tekotte pr 0 0 0 0 storen p 0 0 0 0 Qualls p 0 0 0 0 Madms p 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 1 3 1 Totals 28 2 4 2 San Diego 000 000 001—1 Washington 000 010 001—2 No outs when winning run scored. Lob—san diego 4, Washington 5. Hr—Bartlett (1), Morse (6), espinosa (7). sb—espinosa (4). IP H R ER BB SO San Diego richard 7 3 1 1 3 1 Qualls 1 0 0 0 0 1 M.adams L,2-1 0 1 1 1 0 0 Washington Lannan 72⁄3 2 0 0 2 5 1 1 1 0 3 storen W,4-1 11⁄3 M.adams pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. t—2:11 (rain delay: 0:47). a—21,024 (41,506).

Phillies 6, Mets 4

Philadelphia New York ab r h bi ab r h bi rollins ss 4 0 2 3 Josrys ss 5 3 2 0 Utley 2b 4 0 1 0 turner 3b 5 0 4 1 polanc 3b 5 0 1 1 Beltran rf 5 0 2 1 Hward 1b 4 0 0 0 Bay lf 4 0 1 0 BFrncs rf 4 0 1 0 dnMrp 1b 5 0 1 0 Bastrd p 0 0 0 0 pagan cf 4 1 2 0 Madson p 0 0 0 0 rpauln c 4 0 2 1 ibanez lf 4 0 0 0 rtejad 2b 3 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 capuan p 2 0 0 0 ruiz c Mayrry cf 3 1 1 0 Harris ph 1 0 0 0 Gload ph 1 0 1 0 Beato p 0 0 0 0 Mrtnz cf 0 1 0 0 isrnghs p 0 0 0 0 oswalt p 1 0 1 1 Hairstn ph 1 0 0 0 stutes p 0 0 0 0 Frrdrg p 0 0 0 0 Brown rf 2 2 2 1 Byrdak p 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 6 11 6 Totals 39 4 14 3 Philadelphia 001 010 013—6 New York 000 011 101—4 e—Utley (1), M.martinez (1), stutes (1), Bay (1), pagan (3). dp—philadelphia 2, New York 1. Lob— philadelphia 7, New York 10. 2b—rollins (10), Jos.reyes (16), turner (8). sb—B.francisco (3), Brown (1), dan.murphy (2), pagan (5). cs—turner (2). s—oswalt. sf—rollins. IP H R ER BB SO Philadelphia oswalt 6 9 2 1 0 2 stutes 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Bastardo W,3-0 1 Madson s,10-10 1 3 1 1 0 0 New York capuano 6 4 2 1 1 8 Beato 1 0 0 0 0 0 isringhausen 1 2 1 1 1 0 2 ⁄3 5 3 3 0 0 Frdrigz L,1-1 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Byrdak HBp—by capuano (Utley). t—2:53. a—33,882 (41,800).

Reds 5, Braves 1 Cincinnati ab stubbs cf 6 phllps 2b 3 Votto 1b 4 rolen 3b 4 Bruce rf 4 FLewis lf 3 ondrsk p 0 Bray p 0 Masset p 0 cairo ph 1 Hanign c 0 rHrndz c 5 corder p 0 Janish ss 4 Leake p 3 Heisey lf 2

Atlanta r 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

h bi ab r h bi 0 0 schafer cf 4 0 2 0 1 0 prado lf 5 0 1 0 1 0 Jones 3b 2 0 0 0 2 0 Mccnn c 3 1 2 0 1 1 Hinske rf 4 0 1 0 1 1 Uggla 2b 3 0 1 1 0 0 Fremn 1b 3 0 0 0 0 0 alGnzlz ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 Hanson p 1 0 0 0 0 0 sherrill p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wrmrz ph 1 0 0 0 1 2 Linernk p 0 0 0 0 0 0 dHrndz ph 1 0 1 0 0 1 proctor p 0 0 0 0 1 0 oFlhrt p 0 0 0 0 2 0 Kimrel p 0 0 0 0 conrad ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 39 510 5 Totals 32 1 9 1 Cincinnati 010 110 002—5 Atlanta 000 001 000—1 e—Linebrink (1), Hanson (2), Freeman (3). dp— cincinnati 2. Lob—cincinnati 14, atlanta 11. 2b— F.lewis (2), Leake (1), Mccann (9). Hr—r.hernandez (7). sb—B.phillips (4), Heisey (3). s—Janish. sf—Uggla. IP H R ER BB SO Cincinnati Leake W,4-2 6 7 1 1 3 2 ondrusek H,6 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 Bray H,6 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 1 0 Masset H,5 cordero 1 0 0 0 1 1 Atlanta 4 3 2 3 4 Hanson L,5-4 42⁄3 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 sherrill Linebrink 2 1 0 0 1 1 2 ⁄3 1 0 0 1 1 proctor 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 o’Flaherty Kimbrel 1 2 2 2 1 2 Wp—Hanson. t—3:27. a—30,701 (49,586).

Diamondbacks 7, Astros 6 Houston

Arizona ab rrorts 3b 5 KJhnsn 2b4 J.Upton rf 4 s.drew ss 2 cYoung cf 5 Monter c 4 Mirand 1b 5 Gparra lf 4 dHdsn p 2 Blmqst ph 1 Mickoli p 0 Brrghs ph 1 dHrndz p 0 0 putz p

r 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

h bi ab r h bi 2 0 Bourn cf 5 2 3 3 2 1 Kppngr 2b 5 0 2 1 0 0 pence rf 3 1 1 1 0 0 ca.Lee lf 5 0 1 0 2 1 Wallac 1b 4 0 1 0 0 0 Hall pr 0 0 0 0 2 4 delrsr p 0 0 0 0 1 0 cJhnsn 3b 3 1 1 0 0 0 WLopez p 0 0 0 0 1 0 Fulchin p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mdwns ph-1b 1 0 0 0 1 0 Barmes ss 2 2 0 0 0 0 Quinter c 3 0 1 0 0 0 towles c 0 0 0 0 Myers p 1 0 0 0 escaln p 0 0 0 0 angsnc 3b 2 0 0 0 Totals 37 7 11 6 Totals 34 6 10 5 Arizona 000 022 300—7 Houston 230 100 000—6 e—K.johnson (4), J.upton (6), W.lopez (2). dp— arizona 1, Houston 1. Lob—arizona 9, Houston 7. 2b—r.roberts (6), Bourn (12), pence (16). Hr—Miranda 2 (5). sb—K.johnson (8), pence (3). s—Myers. IP H R ER BB SO Arizona 8 6 5 1 4 d.hudson W,6-5 6 Mickolio H,1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Hernandez H,6 1 1 0 0 1 1 putz s,15-15 1 0 0 0 1 1 Houston 2 5 4 4 3 4 Myers 5 ⁄3 1 ⁄3 1 1 1 0 0 escalona H,1 W.lopez L,1-2 1 3 2 1 1 0 Fulchino 1 1 0 0 0 1 del rosario 1 1 0 0 1 1 t—3:09. a—21,834 (40,963).

Giants 5, Brewers 4 San Francisco Milwaukee ab r h bi ab r h bi torres cf 4 1 0 0 Weeks 2b 5 1 1 3 snchz 2b 4 0 2 1 c.Hart rf 4 0 1 0 Burrell lf 4 0 0 0 Braun lf 3 1 1 0 romo p 0 0 0 0 Fielder 1b 3 0 0 0 JaLopz p 0 0 0 0 McGeh 3b 4 0 1 0 rrmrz p 0 0 0 0 Lucroy c 4 0 2 1 BrWlsn p 0 0 0 0 YBtncr ss 4 0 0 0 Huff 1b 4 1 2 0 Morgan cf 4 2 2 0 schrhlt rf 4 1 2 0 Marcm p 0 0 0 0 Mtejad 3b 3 1 0 0 estrad p 0 0 0 0 Bcrwfr ss 3 1 1 4 counsll ph 1 0 0 0 Whitsd c 4 0 1 0 Mcclnd p 0 0 0 0 Linccm p 3 0 1 0 Kotsay ph 1 0 1 0 c.ross lf 1 0 0 0 cGomz pr 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 5 9 5 Totals 33 4 9 4 San Francisco 000 001 400—5 Milwaukee 002 010 010—4 dp—san Francisco 1, Milwaukee 2. Lob—san Francisco 5, Milwaukee 6. 2b—Huff (11), Braun (9), Morgan (3). Hr—B.crawford (1), Weeks (9). sb— torres (5), Braun (11), c.gomez (13). s—Marcum 2. IP H R ER BB SO San Francisco Lincecum W,5-4 7 6 3 3 0 4 2 ⁄3 0 1 1 1 2 romo H,8 Ja.Lopez 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 ⁄3 2 0 0 0 0 r.ramirez H,8 Wilson s,14-16 1 1 0 0 0 2 Milwaukee Marcum L,6-2 6 6 5 5 2 5 estrada 1 0 0 0 0 1 Mcclendon 2 3 0 0 1 2 Marcum pitched to 4 batters in the 7th. Ja.Lopez pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. Wp—Marcum 2. t—3:05. a—37,034 (41,900).

Cardinals 10, Rockies 3 St. Louis


ab r h bi ab r h bi theriot ss 5 1 2 0 eYong cf 4 1 1 0 Jay lf 5 1 2 0 JHerrr 2b 3 0 0 0 pujols 1b 5 1 2 2 cGnzlz lf 3 0 1 1 Brkmn rf 4 1 2 0 tlwtzk ss 3 1 1 0 Kozma 2b 0 1 0 0 Helton 1b 3 0 0 0 craig 2b 3 0 2 1 Wggntn 3b 3 1 1 1 Greene 2b 2 2 2 1 splrghs rf 4 0 0 0 rasms cf 5 2 4 3 iannett c 4 0 1 1 YMolin c 4 0 1 2 Jimenz p 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mccllln pr 0 0 0 0 daley p Motte p 0 0 0 0 Fowler ph 1 0 0 0 dscals 3b 5 0 1 0 Billings p 0 0 0 0 Westrk p 1 0 0 0 amezg ph 1 0 0 0 Hollidy ph 0 0 0 0 Lohse pr 0 1 0 0 Batista p 0 0 0 0 schmkr ph1 0 1 0 tallet p 0 0 0 0 esnchz p 0 0 0 0 t.cruz c 0 0 0 0 Totals 401019 9 Totals 31 3 5 3 St. Louis 102 003 301—10 Colorado 021 000 000— 3 dp—colorado 3. Lob—st. Louis 7, colorado 6. 2b—theriot (7), Jay (5), Y.molina (13), descalso (11), iannetta (6). 3b—rasmus 2 (5). sb—rasmus (4). s—J.herrera. sf—Y.molina. IP H R ER BB SO St. Louis 5 3 3 2 4 Westbrook W,5-3 5 Batista H,4 2 0 0 0 0 2 tallet 0 0 0 0 0 0 e.sanchez 1 0 0 0 0 0 Motte 1 0 0 0 0 1 Colorado Jimenez L,0-5 6 12 6 6 2 4 daley 1 2 3 3 1 2 Billings 2 5 1 1 0 0 t—2:57. a—31,285 (50,490).

Dodgers 3, Marlins 2 Florida

Los Angeles ab r h bi ab r h bi coghln cf 4 0 0 0 Furcal ss 4 0 0 0 Hrmrz ss 1 2 0 0 Blake 3b 4 1 1 0 Morrsn lf 3 0 2 0 ethier rf 3 1 2 1 snchz 1b 4 0 1 0 Kemp cf 3 0 0 0 dobbs 3b 4 0 3 2 Gions lf 2 0 0 0 stanton rf 3 0 0 0 Jucastr ph 1 0 0 0 J.Buck c 4 0 0 0 rdLrs p 0 0 0 0 infante 2b 4 0 0 0 Navarr ph 1 0 1 1 Vazquz p 2 0 0 0 Loney 1b 3 1 1 1 cusins ph 1 0 1 0 Barajs c 3 0 1 0 choate p 0 0 0 0 carroll 2b 3 0 0 0 r.Webb p 0 0 0 0 Garlnd p 2 0 0 0 Bonifac ph1 0 0 0 elbert p 0 0 0 0 Hensly p 0 0 0 0 GwynJ lf 1 0 0 0 Totals 31 2 7 2 Totals 30 3 6 3 Florida 000 001 010—2 Los Angeles 010 001 001—3 No outs when winning run scored. e—stanton (2), Furcal (3). dp—Los angeles 4. Lob—Florida 7, Los angeles 5. Hr—ethier (5), Loney (2). sb—H.ramirez (11). IP H R ER BB SO Florida Vazquez 6 3 2 2 1 3 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 choate 0 0 0 0 1 r.Webb 11⁄3 Hensley L,0-1 0 3 1 1 1 0 Los Angeles 1 5 1 1 4 2 Garland 6 ⁄3 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 elbert H,2 de Larosa W,1-0 2 2 1 1 1 1 Hensley pitched to 4 batters in the 9th. t—2:37. a—34,407 (56,000).

American Rays 5, Indians 0 Cleveland

Tampa Bay

ab r h bi ab r h bi 4 0 2 0 Brantly cf 4 0 0 0 Jaso c ocarer 2b 3 0 1 0 Zobrist 2b 4 1 1 0 acarer ss 4 0 1 0 damon dh 3 0 1 0 duncan lf 4 0 1 0 Longori 3b 4 0 0 0 Laport 1b 4 0 0 0 Joyce rf 4 1 3 1 Gsizmr dh4 0 0 0 BUpton cf 4 0 0 0 csantn c 2 0 1 0 Ktchm 1b 4 1 2 2 Kearns rf 3 0 0 0 srdrgz ss 4 1 1 0 Hannhn 3b3 0 0 0 Fuld lf 4 1 2 2 35 5 12 5 Totals 31 0 4 0 Totals 000 000 000—0 Cleveland Tampa Bay 040 000 10x—5 e—c.santana (2). Lob—cleveland 6, tampa Bay 7. 2b—duncan (6), c.santana (7), Zobrist (15), Joyce (13). Hr—Kotchman (2), Fuld (3). IP H R ER BB SO Cleveland 6 10 4 4 0 4 tomlin L,6-2 durbin 1 2 1 1 1 2 J.smith 1 0 0 0 0 0 Tampa Bay price W,6-4 7 4 0 0 2 12 Jo.peralta 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 a.russell t—2:33. a—16,800 (34,078).

Royals 12, Rangers 7 (14) Kansas City ab r Gordon lf 6 3 Mecarr cf 6 2 Hsmer 1b 7 2 Francr rf 7 0 Butler dh 7 1 Betemt 3b 6 1 treanr c 4 0 aviles ph 0 0 B.pena c 2 1 Getz 2b 5 1 aescor ss 5 1

Texas h bi ab r h bi 2 1 Kinsler 2b 4 2 1 1 2 2 andrus ss 7 1 1 0 4 4 JHmltn dh 6 1 1 1 1 0 MiYong 1b 4 1 2 1 2 1 Gentry cf 2 0 1 0 2 1 aBeltre 3b 5 1 1 0 1 0 N.cruz lf 7 0 0 1 0 0 dvMrp cf 7 1 1 2 1 3 torreal c 6 0 2 0 0 0 Morlnd rf 5 0 2 0 1 0 enchvz pr 0 0 0 0 Napoli 1b 1 0 0 0 Totals 55121612 Totals 54 7 12 6 Kansas City 330 000 001 000 05—12 Texas 520 000 000 000 00— 7 e—Francoeur (2), torrealba (2). dp—Kansas city 1, texas 2. Lob—Kansas city 8, texas 12. 2b— Gordon (18), Me.cabrera (12), Hosmer (4), J.hamilton (5), Mi.young (17), Gentry (1). Hr—Gordon (6), Me.cabrera (7), Hosmer (4), B.pena (2), Kinsler (6), dav.murphy (4). s—Getz, a.escobar. IP H R ER BB SO Kansas City 8 7 7 1 1 adcock 22⁄3 1 0 0 0 3 F.paulino 41⁄3 teaford 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 2 collins 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 3 L.coleman 21⁄3 Bl.wood W,2-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 soria 1 1 0 0 0 1 Texas c.Lewis 6 7 6 4 2 3 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 rhodes H,5 2 2 0 0 0 0 M.lowe H,4 1 ⁄3 Feliz Bs,3-13 2 1 1 1 0 1 d.oliver 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 Kirkman 1 1 0 0 0 1 tateyama 1 ⁄3 Bush L,0-1 1 4 5 5 1 1 HBp—by adcock (Kinsler), by collins (Gentry). Wp—adcock, F.paulino. pB—torrealba. t—4:36. a—39,390 (49,170).

Red Sox 6, Tigers 3 Boston ab ellsury cf 5 pdroia 2b 4 adGnzl 1b 5 Youkils 3b 4 ortiz dh 4 crwfrd lf 3 Lowrie ss 3 reddck rf 3 sltlmch c 4

r 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

Detroit h bi ab 2 1 aJcksn cf 3 1 0 santiag 2b 4 2 0 raburn lf 3 1 2 Micarr dh 4 0 0 VMrtnz 1b 4 1 2 Jhperlt ss 3 1 0 avila c 4 1 0 c.Wells rf 3 0 0 Boesch ph 1 inge 3b 4

r 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

h bi 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Totals 35 6 9 5 Totals 33 3 7 3 Boston 105 000 000—6 Detroit 110 000 001—3 Lob—Boston 6, detroit 6. 2b—Youkilis (14), Jh.peralta (8). Hr—ellsbury (6), c.crawford (4), Jh.peralta (8). sb—ellsbury (18), pedroia (10), a.jackson (8). cs—c.crawford (4). s—raburn. IP H R ER BB SO Boston 5 2 2 2 2 Wakefield W,2-1 7 Bard 1 0 0 0 0 1 papelbon 1 2 1 1 0 2 Detroit porcello L,4-3 3 6 6 6 2 2 Furbush 5 2 0 0 2 6 1 1 0 0 0 2 schlereth t—2:41. a—34,046 (41,255).

Blue Jays 4, White Sox 2 Toronto ab r h bi ab r h bi pierre lf 4 1 3 0 Yescor ss 5 1 2 1 alrmrz ss 4 0 0 1 cpttrsn lf 4 0 0 0 Quentin rf 4 0 0 1 Bautist rf 3 0 1 0 Konerk 1b 4 0 0 0 Jriver 1b 4 0 2 1 przyns c 4 0 0 0 arencii c 4 1 1 0 rios cf 4 0 1 0 a.Hill 2b 4 1 1 0 dunn dh 0 1 0 0 rdavis cf 4 0 3 1 Vizquel 3b 4 0 1 0 JMolin dh 4 0 2 1 Bckhm 2b 1 0 0 0 J.Nix 3b 3 1 0 0 Mphrs 3b 3 0 0 0 Totals 32 2 5 2 Totals 35 4 12 4 Chicago 001 010 000—2 Toronto 100 100 11x—4 e—al.ramirez (9). Lob—chicago 10, toronto 9. 2b—Y.escobar (6), J.rivera 2 (6). 3b—pierre (2), r.davis (3). sb—r.davis (14), J.molina (1). cs— r.davis 2 (7). sf—al.ramirez. IP H R ER BB SO Chicago Buehrle L,4-4 7 9 3 3 2 3 t.pena 1 3 1 1 0 0 Toronto 2 3 2 2 5 4 drabek 6 ⁄3 Janssen W,2-0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 camp H,4 rauch s,6-8 1 1 0 0 0 2 t—2:52. a—16,668 (49,260). Chicago

Angels 6, Twins 5 Los Angeles Minnesota ab r h bi ab r h bi Mizturs 2b 4 1 1 1 span cf 4 2 1 0 aybar ss 5 1 2 3 acasill ss 4 2 3 1 abreu lf 5 1 2 0 Kubel rf 5 0 2 3 Willits lf 0 0 0 0 Mornea 1b 5 0 2 1 trHntr rf 5 1 3 0 cuddyr 2b 5 0 1 0 cllasp 3b 4 0 3 1 thome dh 3 0 0 0 Branyn dh 3 0 0 1 plouffe dh 1 0 1 0 trumo 1b 4 0 0 0 dYong lf 5 0 0 0 conger c 4 0 0 0 Valenci 3b 3 1 2 0 Bourjos cf 4 2 2 0 Butera c 2 0 0 0 Totals 38 613 6 Totals 37 5 12 5 Los Angeles 000 000 051—6 Minnesota 101 020 100—5 e—aybar (4), trumbo (3). dp—Los angeles 2, Minnesota 1. Lob—Los angeles 7, Minnesota 11. 2b—tor.hunter (8), a.casilla 2 (5). 3b—Bourjos (6), a.casilla (3). Hr—aybar (3). sb—a.casilla (4). s— Butera. sf—Branyan. IP H R ER BB SO Los Angeles 8 4 3 3 2 chatwood 52⁄3 takahashi 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Jepsen 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 rodney 0 0 0 0 s.downs W,3-12⁄3 0 Walden s,11-14 1 2 0 0 0 1 Minnesota s.Baker 7 6 0 0 0 6 al.Burnett 0 1 2 2 1 0 d.Hughes 0 2 2 2 0 0 Hoey L,0-2 1 4 2 2 0 0 dumatrait 1 0 0 0 0 0 t—3:21. a—38,976 (39,500).


LeBron better than MJ?

Horton hears a Stanley Cup final Associated Press

DALE FROM 1B June, 2008, has been getting closer to a return to Victory Lane. “He’s had opportunities to win races, and they’ve put themselves in position,” Harvick said, “and if you put yourself in that position many times, then you’re going to wind up winning some races. “We’ve seen the confidence grow through the year as they’ve been a little bit more successful, and once he gets the 100 percent confidence back . . . “ Harvick, who has been in the spotlight recently due to an emotionally charged ontrack fracas with Kyle Busch, said he can empathize with Earnhardt and the pressure the son of


LEBRON JAMES point lead and bowed out with a 83-80 loss to the Heat in Game 5 on Thursday. The Bulls were aiming for more after back-to-back 41-win seasons and firstround playoff exits, and did they ever get it. They boasted the league's MVP in Rose, the Coach of the Year in Tom Thibodeau and a league-leading 62 wins while advancing to the conference finals for the first time in 13 years. Not since Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen were here had the Bulls generated such a buzz and sent expectations rocketing like this in Chicago. MCHALE TO ROCKETS? HOUSTON — A person familiar with the situation says the Houston Rockets are close to hiring Kevin McHale as their new coach. McHale would take over for Rick Adelman, who left the team days after his fourth season in Houston. McHale, a Hall of Fame player for the Boston Celtics, spent 15 years with the Timberwolves in his native Minnesota. He was let go in 2009 and has recently served as a TV analyst. The 53-year-old McHale would become Houston's third coach since 2003, when Rudy Tomjanovich stepped down for health reasons. Jeff Van Gundy coached the team from 2003-07, taking the Rockets to three playoff appearances.

NASCAR legend Dale Earnhardt, Sr., lives under every day. “I’m just glad I don’t have to be in his position, because the scrutiny and the attention and things that come with what he has to go through . . . “ Harvick said. “From the outside looking in, it seems unfair.” Harvick ranks fifth in points this season among the Cup drivers and has two wins in the first 11 races. The attention this weekend is on Charlotte Motor Speedway and the Coca-Cola 600, but following his win at MIS last August, Harvick said he is eager to get back to the two-mile layout in the Irish Hills. “Everybody’s jacked up about coming up here and excited because we won last year. We feel like we figured a lot of things out,” Harvick said about snapping a long

SADLER FROM 1B Yates Racing and a breakthrough season in 2004, when he won two races, earned a spot in the inaugural Chase for the championship and finished a career-best ninth in points. Sponsorship issues eventually made the situation at Yates shaky, and Sadler bolted in the middle of the 2006 season for Evernham Motorsports. That’s where things went bad. Evernham sold majority interest in the team to George Gillett, and a merger eventually morphed GillettEvernham Motorsports into Richard Petty Racing. All those business deals made Sadler the odd man out, and he once had to threaten to sue to stay in the car when the team tried to dump him. Sadler kept his ride, but layoffs and money woes took its toll and the team was not competitive. Sadler’s performance suffered — he had only 16 top-10 finishes over the last three years — and nobody at his organization wanted to hear about his problems. “I see all you guys in here with your cool computers and you probably have the latest and greatest technology,” Sadler told reporters. “Say I give you a story right now to


PAUL MENARD break, it’ll be the biggest story ever and I give one of you guys a computer and I give one of you guys a hammer, a chisel and a stone. I want you to write the story before the other guy finishes it. If not, I don’t want to hear no excuses, you should be able to do that. “That’d kind of be the same thing I went through.” RPM was restructured and scaled down to a two-car organization this season, and Sadler was sent on his way. But he refused to sign with an underfunded race team, and had no interest in being a start-and-park driver. In looking for the most

BOSTON — Nathan Horton scored with 7:33 left in Game 7, sending the Boston Bruins to the Stanley Cup finals for the first time in more than two decades with a 1-0 win over the Tampa Bay Lightning in the Eastern Conference finals on Friday night. The right wing on Boston's top line cleanly beat goalie Dwayne Roloson by deflecting a pass across the slot from David Krejci. That set off a loud celebration among Bruins fans, who have waited a long time for a trip to the finals. Tim Thomas made 24 saves in his third career playoff shutout and second this season. Boston will open the Stanley Cup finals in Vancouver against the Western Conference champion Canucks on Wednesday. The Bruins won their most recent championship in 1972 and hadn't reached the finals since 1990, when they lost to the Edmonton Oilers. Both goalies were outstanding behind teammates playing energetic, impressive defense in a hard-hitting game without a single penalty. With 3 seconds left and the puck in the Lightning zone, Bruins center Patrice Bergeron raised his stick while standing in the "B" symbolizing the Bruins at center ice.


called them because she was concerned that former Michigan quarterback Tate Forcier was going to jump from her apartment window. An officer was able to get Forcier to open the door and "no police action was taken." Police released a one-page report Friday to The Associated Press, one day after it was reported by WOODTV in Grand Rapids. The police report says Forcier locked himself in a bedroom in Apartment 314 on April 22 and a woman told officers he was "leaning out a window." Forcier, who played two seasons at Michigan, planned to transfer to Miami but never enrolled.

COLLEGE FOOTBALL COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio State has cited privacy laws in declining to provide communications to and from coach Jim Tressel and other administrators regarding the relationship between star quarterback Terrelle Pryor and his hometown mentor. The Associated Press sought through a public records request any emails, notes or other information about the relationship between Jeannette, Pa., businessman Ted Sarniak and Pryor, who has been suspended for the first five games this fall for taking improper benefits from a Columbus tattoo-parlor owner.


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Police in Grand Rapids, Mich., say a woman

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — The Big East

again brought every team to Madison Square Garden for the conference tournament in March, and Syracuse coach Jim Boeheim says that's the right move no matter how many teams are in the league. TCU agreed in November to join the Big East17 in basketball, with more expansion likely. "We're going to make a strong push as coaches to bring all 17 teams to New York," Boeheim said. "Connecticut proved you can win five games. We've won four games. It's very doable."

NFL NORFOLK, Va. — An animal rights group bought NFL star Michael Vick's former dogfighting compound on Friday and plans to turn it into a rehabilitation center for chained and penned dogs.

TRACK ROME — World record-holder Usain Bolt needed a late kick to win his first race in nine months, capturing the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds to edge former record-holder Asafa Powell at the Golden Gala. Powell was timed in 9.93 and European champion Christophe Lemaitre finished third in 10.00. As usual, Bolt got off to a slow start, but unlike his most recent races he was behind until pulling in front with his very last strides. Bolt had not competed since he was beaten by Tyson Gay in Stockholm last August, ending the Jamaican's two-year unbeaten streak.

No. 1 Wozniacki loses in French Open in third round Associated Press

PARIS — If Caroline Wozniacki truly was torn up inside about her latest loss at a Grand Slam tournament, she certainly hid it well. Wozniacki smiled and shrugged while deflecting questions about being No. 1 in the rankings despite never having won a major title. Her wait for a breakthrough was extended Friday, when she was beaten 6-1, 6-3 by 28thseeded Daniela Hantuchova of Slovakia in the third round of the French Open. Wozniacki’s early exit came a day after No. 2 Kim Clijsters was eliminated by 114th-ranked Arantxa Rus, marking the first time that the top two seeded

streak of less-than-stellar finishes at MIS. “For us, it’s fun because we were able to accomplish something that we hadn’t been able to accomplish for the nine years before that.” He tempers that excitement, however, with a slice of reality because Harvick is acutely aware that success in Sprint Cup involves a complex formula, the timely nailing of a series of fast-moving race set-up variables, and an ample dose of luck. “Confidence is a great thing, but for us, whether we win or lose, we are able to put last week aside. We talk about last week for about five minutes. Because what happened last week doesn’t really matter, even if you won. If you win, everyone is confident, but for us it’s really about just trying to focus on what’s ahead of us, instead of what’s behind us.”

competitive ride, he found Harvick, who offered him a chance to get in stellar equipment again. After a rocky opening three weeks, Sadler has scored seven top-5 finishes in the last nine races. “They’ve got the top-five stuff down ... the next step is to take it to the next level and start winning some races,” Harvick said. “It’s been a great process to see it evolve, and I’m very happy with what the team has done and with what Elliott has done.” Under a new rule that only allows drivers to race for one championship, Sadler doesn’t have to worry about Carl Edwards, Kyle Busch and Brad Keselowski in his push for his first NASCAR championship. Sadler said he feels no pressure to win the title. “This is fun for me. I show up every week with a chance to run up front, get a top-five, lead laps and sit on poles,” he said. “This is not pressure. This is what we’re supposed to do. Pressure is showing up with a knife at a gunfight for three years. That’s pressure. This is fun. “I have learned this sport is a whole lot more fun when you have a team around you and a supporting cast around you that believes in you and wants to do well week in and week out.”

women failed to make the round of 16 at any Grand Slam tournament in the Open era, which began in 1968. It never had happened at the French Open since it began admitting foreign entrants in 1925. As if to prove that point, another French Open title contender, 2010 runner-up and 2009 semifinalist Sam Stosur of Australia, was beaten 6-4, 1-6, 6-3 by 51st-ranked Gisela Dulko of Argentina. But defending champion Francesca Schiavone of Italy advanced when her opponent, No. 29 Peng Shuai of China, stopped playing because she has a cold and couldn’t breathe properly. The most anticipated matchup of the day did not begin until early evening —

and did not finish Friday. Two-time Australian Open champion Novak Djokovic, who is on a 41-match winning streak, was tied at a set apiece with 2009 U.S. Open champion Juan Martin del Potro when play was suspended at 9:15 p.m. because of darkness. The second-seeded Djokovic won the first set 6-3, but No. 25 del Potro took the second by the same score. Right after del Potro held serve to even the match, the chair umpire announced play would stop for the day; there are no artificial lights on the courts at Roland Garros. Earlier, 16-time Grand Slam champion Roger Federer saved the only break point he faced in a 6-1, 6-4, 6-3 victory over No. 29 Janko Tipsarevic of Serbia.







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Associated Press

The NBA notebook ... CHICAGO — As if the Bulls losing to Miami in the Eastern Conference finals wasn’t enough, Hall-ofFamer Scottie Pippen has added to Chicago’s pain by suggesting that LeBron James could be better than Michael Jordan. Pippen stirred the pot in an interview with ESPN radio on Friday morning, saying Jordan “is probably the greatest scorer to play the game” but James “may be the greatest player to ever play the game.” That set off an explosion on Twitter. Pippen responded first by posting, “For all of you that don’t know, I played the game you keep watching and cheering.” He softened his stance later, writing: “Don’t get me wrong, MJ was and is the greatest. But LeBron could by all means get to his level someday.” Jordan and Pippen won six championships with the Bulls in the 1990s. James moved a step closer to his first title when the Heat knocked out the Chicago Bulls on Thursday night, setting up a matchup with Dallas. BULLS WRAPUP CHICAGO — Derrick Rose vowed to learn from this, to get better, and insisted the Chicago Bulls would come back hungrier after the Miami Heat knocked them out in the Eastern Conference finals. Clearly, the standards are soaring now. As good as they were this season, the Bulls came up short. They blew a late 12-

SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 • 5B




SATURDAY May 28, 2011


Ronnie Gallagher, Sports Editor, 704-797-4287 rgallagher@salisburypost.com



Mr. Rogers’ new neighborhood Avery’s address now Guilford College BY MIKE LONDON mlondon@salisburypost.com

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

East Rowan senior Avery Rogers, right, who helped the Mustangs to 19 victories, will play in the State Games.

GRANITE QUARRY — The two guys who had the toughest high school jobs in Rowan County this season had to be South shortstop Dylan Goodman and East third baseman Avery Rogers. They were stepping in to positions manned in awesome offensive fashion in 2010 by county co-players of the year Maverick Miles and Noah Holmes. Goodman, only a sophomore, showed signs of being a future all-county player. Rogers, an unheralded senior, arguably was the county’s top defensive third baseman and his contributions with the bat

(.342, 21 RBIs) exceeded all expectations. “Avery had a good senior season, and I thought he was the best third baseman around,” East coach Brian Hightower said. “We thought he’d have a heck of a glove for us, but he also came through offensively. We worried about not having Noah, and he made us not miss him quite as bad.” Rogers will play American Legion ball and is the likely starter for Rowan County at third base. In the fall, he’ll head to Guilford to continue his baseball career and education. It’s likely Rogers will mature into a good pitcher in col-


West Liberty for Sifford BY MIKE LONDON mlondon@salisburypost.com

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

North Rowan’s Kyle Collins became interested in golf during vacations with his grandfather in Las Vegas.

Collins to WSSU BY RONNIE GALLAGHER rgallagher@salisburypost.com

SPENCER — North Rowan’s Kyle Collins’ future was mapped out at the age of five. No one realized it at the time but when he visited his grandfather in Las Vegas as a little kid, a golfer was born. “My grandfather got me started,” said Collins, who has accepted a scholarship to Winston-Salem State. “I picked it up pretty early. I always remember practicing my putting. I’d put a cup down and just hit it into the hole in the cup. I still do it to this day.” Collins has played golf for Kelly Everhart for four years but this season, he had his sights set on impressing someone enough to get a scholarship. He was shooting in the high-30s to low-40s over nine holes when he started looking at colleges. “I was comparing my

scores to all the colleges and thought Winston-Salem State would be the best fit,” he said. Everhart called WSSU coach Robert Bethea but received no reply. Collins’ mother, Queen, also made contact. Everhart chuckles at the day North was going to Chatham Central for a match and an excited Collins informed him that Bethea was coming. But Bethea was told to go to the wrong course and never saw Collins play. “It may have been a good thing,” Everhart said. “It wasn’t one of Kyle’s better days. He was frustrated. But I think things work out for a reason.” Bethea finally invited Collins up to Forsyth County for a visit at the Winston Lake course. On that day, he wasn’t frustrated. He played well. “(Bethea) really liked my


MOUNT ULLA — West Rowan senior Quentin Sifford passes the eye test. He looks like a football player is supposed to look. Specifically, he looks like a linebacker is supposed to look. Sifford weighs 225 pounds and maybe 5 pounds of that isn’t muscle or bone. Sifford’s biceps would have landed him a role in a Rocky movie if he’d come along earlier. His shoulders are as broad as the deck of an aircraft carrier. If you were Sifford, you’d walk around in a T-shirt — or without a shirt — as often as possible. In the summer, Sifford probably says, ‘Hey, guys, let’s go to the beach,’ ” every other day. Sifford has signed with Division II West Liberty in West Virginia. Head coach Roger Waialae, a native of Hawaii, and new linebackers coach Abu Ma’afala did a heck of a job selling the program when Sifford visited the campus along with West defensive back Eric Cowan. “All the coaches were nice, and I loved everything about West Liberty,” Sifford said. “When we got to our hotel, Coach Ma’afala was there to meet us. It was 12 at night and him being there to make sure we got up there OK, that impressed me. It impressed me a lot. That’s the kind of feeling I had with the coaches at West Rowan.” Probably Sifford would’ve been an FCS-level recruit if he had another inch or two in the height department. West Liberty’s list of recruits has him at 6-foot-1, but that’s a tad generous. Sifford was also held back earlier in the recruiting process by not getting his standardized test score taken care of earlier. Some schools passed on him that

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

West Rowan’s Quentin Sifford is headed to West Virginia to play college football. may not have passed if his transcript had been complete. “My first trip was down to Wingate, but I didn’t have my SAT scores yet,” Sifford said. “The other school that I was really interested in was North Carolina A&T.”

Sifford will go to West Liberty as part of a West Rowan tag-team that will also include Cowan, a MaxPreps All-American and maybe the first prep All-American ever to sign with West Liberty. West Liberty, which has

put up record-shattering offensive numbers the past two seasons — 82 points in one game in 2010 — draws a lot of West Virginia talent as well as prospects from Ohio, Pennsyl-


Zemanick, Murdock sign BY RONNIE GALLAGHER rgallagher@salisburypost.com

ronnie gallagher/SALISBURY POST

Carson’s Sierra Zemanick, left, and Jordan Murdock are going to continue their athletic careers at Southern Wesleyan for cross country and soccer.

CHINA GROVE — Sierra Zemanick and Jordan Murdock have helped Carson become a force in all sports in the North Piedmont Conference. Now, they’ll be teaming up at Southern Wesleyan, a college located in upstate South Carolina, 10 minutes from Clemson University. Zemanick has signed for cross country, while Murdock is going to play soccer for the Warriors. It seems Southern Wesleyan has found a pipeline to Rowan County. The two Cougars are joining cross country’s Dillon Kluttz of West

Rowan and Caleb O’Neal from South. In fact, Zemanick hinted that O’Neal may have informed cross country coach Chip Rouse about her. “He sent me a message on Facebook,” Zemanick said of Rouse. Rouse is getting a good one. Zemanick was the NPC’s Runner of the Year after a sensational season in the 800, mile and 4x800 relay. She is a three-time all-county and all-conference performer. The way she started the sport at Carson should be noted. She was a cheerleader as a freshman and decided she’d like to run. Instead of talking to track coach Les-Lee Efird, she wrote a letter.

“I don’t know if she was scared,” Efird smiled. “She was saying she could run a mile in 6 minutes, 30 seconds — and was that good?” It was more than good. “I had heard she could run a good mile,” Efird said. “We needed the numbers. I was really excited to have another girl coming out. I had no clue she’d turn out to be what she is.” Zemanick remembers the letter, too. “I wrote it real formal,” she chuckled. “I didn’t know how Efird was. But I realized she was like one of us.”



SATURDAY May 28, 2011


Katie Scarvey, Faith Editor, 704-797-4270 kscarvey@salisburypost.com



Last year, Jenny Measmer was devastated when her fiancé called off their wedding. After spending the summer working at an Indian reservation in South Dakota, she couldn’t get the idea of missions out of her mind. She’s soon to embark on a big adventure called ....

submitted photo

Jenny measmer, right, poses with a young girl from the pine Ridge indian Reservation in manderson, s.d.

The World Race loves me, walks with me, who makes life’s difficulties easier to walk through,” she said. ast summer, Jenny MeasShe decided she needed to mer was looking forward get away for a while and to her wedding. She’d al- throw herself into mission ready gotten the dress, and work, so she applied to Youthshe was thrilled at the Works, which has 76 different prospect of a new life with a locations around the country. man who had already been a She didn’t know much huge part her life. Her fiance about the program, she said, had introduced her to Campus though she knew she was apCrusade for Christ at Lenoirplying to be a leader or a counRhyne University before she selor on a team of five people graduated in 2009, she says. who would lead high school She was blindsided when he youth groups in doing summer told her the wedding was off. mission work. “It’s the hardest thing I’ve She was sent to the Pine ever gone through,” she says. Ridge Indian Reservation in “All these dreams came crash- Manderson, S.D. ing down. I felt like it was all It was an eye-opening expebeing stripped away.” rience. Dramatic events have a “I’d never experienced that way of prompting dramatic much poverty,” she says. The changes. average annual income, she Jenny prayed for healing notes, is about 3,000 dollars a and strength. year. “I was broken, and Christ It was a demanding job, met me there,” she says. keeping her busy from 6 a.m. A native of China Grove, to about midnight every day, Jenny says she listened to with one day off a week. what God was telling her and While it sounds like a gruelrealized that she didn’t have to ing schedule, the work was instop pursuing her dreams, alvigorating for Jenny. though she might have to ad“I felt so alive,” she said. “I just them. have never felt more alive. I “I have this creator who felt like I was where God BY KATIE SCARVEY



wanted me to be.” She loved living on the reservation. “It was such a blessing,” she says. “I loved those people.” Near the end of her time there, she was asked to write a letter to herself that would be sent to her at a later date. She thought it was kind of a strange request, but she did as asked. After her work in South Dakota was over, she returned to North Carolina and started her job as an occupational therapist in the Gaston County school system. She was working from 8 am.-3:30 p.m. — a lot fewer hours than she had worked in the summer — but found herself completely exhausted by the end of the day. She didn’t have her heart in what she was doing, she says, at least for the time being. She’d done some reading earlier about a missions program called The World Race, which takes young adult volunteers who feel compelled to abandon their regular lives and sends them around the world to share Christ. Volunteers go to 11 different countries over a period of 11 months.

Jenny hadn’t applied earlier, she says, because she didn’t want to feel like she was running away from her problems. The time just wasn’t right, she says. But she began thinking and praying about applying. Still unsure, she called the World Race headquarters to ask questions about “the heartbeat” of the ministry. She felt drawn to participate but wanted to make sure it wasn’t simply a travel opportunity or an extreme vacation. She wanted to be sure that that the work would be meaningful and that she would be able to give of herself. She found herself on the phone with a woman who had participated in the program. Jenny listened, enthralled, as the woman related her experiences, including working with the victims of sex trafficking in Asia. What really struck Jenny was that the missionaries not only reached out to the victims but the victimizers as well. “She had to be able to love people where they were, and share Christ with them,” Jenny says. “The Gospel is for

everybody, not just the victims but what you might call the villains. Christ didn’t pick and choose who he died for.” After learning more, Jenny felt herself open to the idea, but she needed to be sure, since the prospect of quitting her job and leaving her family for a year was scary. “I said, ‘God, if this is what you want me to do, you need to make it obvious.’” The next day, she received in the mail the letter she’d written to herself when she was in South Dakota. As she read the letter, she was reminded of how she’d felt when she was serving on the reservation — how vital and alive. This part of the letter was the clincher for her: “If you don’t feel that way now, you need to stop and do something else.” That was the sign she’d been looking for, she said. After that, she felt “completely at peace” about her decision to go. And now, the time is drawing close. Jenny will leave on


North Rowan Middle School students help needy family in Africa Thanks to the fundraising efforts of a group of North Rowan Middle School students, a needy family in Kenya, Africa now has a new home. The students are a part of a Christian club at their school called the YCI MAVS for Christ. Every public middle and high school campus in Rowan County has a Youth Commission International (YCI) club and they are among the nearly 100 active clubs on school campuses across the Charlotte region and beyond. Recently, Youth Commission International established its first club at Gethsemane Garden Christian Centre (GGCC), which is a school on Mfangano Island that serves many orphaned and impoverished children. Each YCI club is encouraged to do at least one service project per year. The YCI club at GGCC decided to go out into their community and build new huts for families in need. The students in the YCI MAVS for Christ club heard of the GGCC students’ ef-

bill Lineberger, Gethsemane Garden Christian Centre board chair; mr. Naphtaly mattah, GGCC executive director; mr. dennis Williams, Youth Commission international president and Ceo. forts and decided to help them. "This was our first attempt at a fundraiser since our club formed in 2007,” says Sandra Hache-Tejada, the teacher who sponsors the club at North Rowan Middle School.

Students “sold subscriptions to Sports Spectrum, which is much like Sports Illustrated except the magazine has articles and interviews of Christian athletes and their faith! ... We also received funds from the History

club.” By February of 2011, the students had raised all of the money needed. Their donation came just in time to help a pastor whose wife had drowned in a boating accident while he was away preaching. The villagers mocked the pastor and told him that this would not have happened if he had not gone away. After the new hut was built, the pastor said it was a testament to the villagers that “God takes care of His own.” On Thursday, May 19, the Director of the Gethsemane Garden Christian Centre in Kenya, Naphtaly Mattah, visited North Rowan Middle School to personally thank the students for their donation. The North Rowan Middle School YCI MAVS for Christ club also received the 2011 Club Award at the 10th Annual YCI Eagle Awards on Friday, May 13. It is a ceremony held by the organization to honor those involved in the ministry. Several other members from

Rowan County were recognized at the awards ceremony; their names are below. For more information about Youth Commission International, visit their website at www.youthcommission.us and to learn more about Gethsemane Garden Christian Centre log onto www.ggcckenya.com.

YCI Eagle Award winners from Rowan County: 2011 YCI Club Award: North Rowan Middle School 2011 YCI Outstanding Christian Leadership award: Alexander Weant (Salisbury High School) Raven Corbett (East Rowan High School) Nate Cobb (Corriher-Lipe Middle School) 2011 YCI Campus Pastor award: Hope Oliphant (China Grove Middle School) 2011 YCI Teacher Sponsor award: Debbie Hoffman

2C • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011



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SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 • 3C


First Presbyterian holds service of wholeness and healing

Third Creek fundraiser CLEVELAND — Third Creek AME Zion Church will be selling Rev. Kent’s barbecue dinners, sandwiches and by-the-pound starting at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 28. Call in orders to go at 704-2782289 or eat in at the Glenn G. Grayson fellowship hall. There is also a bake sale with homemade desserts by Robin Pharr; special orders are available by calling 704278-1882 or 704-302-2941.


nia, Ukraine, India, Nepal, Cambodia, Vietnam, Phillipines, Thailand, Rwanda, FROM 1C Uganda and Kenya. Some of what they’ll be doJuly 2. ing is certainly like nothing She just returned from a Jenny has known. In some of week of training with her the Asian countries, they’ll be team in in Chatanooga, working to combat sex trafTenn. ficking, she says. Besides learning about She’s looking forward to practical things, like how to being able to get a taste of use their camping gear, the different kinds of ministry time was also about opportunities in different cul“preparing our hearts,” Jen- tures. ny said. She describes herself as Participants do a variety “narrow-minded” — by which of things, from working at she means she hasn’t traveled sites of natural disasters to much or experienced much. teaching English to building “I don’t know what goes on churches, evangelizing, around the world,” she says working with orphans. — although she’s learning. The 11 countries Jenny She acknowledges that she, will be working in are Roma- like many in our culture of

plenty, have lives of abundance and excess and never really stop to question how they live their lives. She’s looking forward to stepping off the traditional path, to experience what it might feel like to not know where your next meal will come from. “I think it will open my eyes,” she says. She believes the trip will offer “insane transformation” in both her life and the lives of others. She’s in the process of raising the money for the trip — $15,500. In raising support, she’s talked to churches, sent out letters to friends and family. On June 11, there will be a yard sale at Lutheran Chapel

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Calvary Baptist On Sunday evening, May 29 at 6 p.m., Calvary Baptist Church will host a Gospel singing in the auditorium. Those singing will be from Calvary Baptist Church and the entire service will consist of southern Gospel music. David Connor, minister of music at Calvary, will

Church, 135 Eudy Chapel Road in China Grove, with the money going toward Jenny’s mission. If you liked to learn more aout Jenny’s trip , go to her blog atjennymeasmer.theworldrace.org. There is also a link there if you’d like to donate money to support the trip.

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Southside concert Recording artist Ivan Parker will be in concert on Sunday, May 29 at the 6 p.m. service at Southside Baptist Church, 500 Morlan Park Road. Call 704-633-1419 for more information.

Road, just beyond Ellis crossroads. For details call 704-633-2567. The pastor is Rick Cockerham.


The Missions Department of White Rock AME Zion Church will sponsor a Rainbow Tea today, May 28, at 5 p.m. at the Geneva I. Oglesby Community Center for a donation of $10. Dianne Wylie is Home Missions president and the Rev. Morgan Glenn is pastor.

County Deacons Alliance will hold their fifth Sunday worship service on Sunday, May 29 at 4 p.m. The Rev. John R. Bankhead Jr. of Jerusalem Baptist Church will speak. Solid Rock Church of God is located at 1004 Locke St. The Rev. Samuel A. Washington is host pastor.


White Rock AME Zion

Guest organist Jeremy The church is located at Krider will lead the congre415 E. Main St. gation in traditional and patriotic hymns at the 11 a.m. Lyerly Evangelical worship service. ROCKWELL — Lyerly Krider graduated from Evangelical Church, 1320 East Rowan High School and Crescent Road, will observe from Catawba College with the 100th episode of its TV a degree in music. An accomministry on May 29 at the plished clarinetist, pianist 10:30 a.m. service. After the and organist, he served as orservice, everyone is invited ganist at Second Presbyterito have a piece of anniver- an and later as organist and sary cake. choir director. He is the son As an evangelistic out- of Reba Krider and Curry reach, the church began Krider and his grandmother broadcasting its Sunday ser- was organist at Trading Ford mon on July 1, 2009. It airs Baptist Church for many every Wednesday at 5:30 years before she died. p.m. on Cable Channel 19 in Rowan, Cabarrus and Stanly Mt. Zion Free Will counties. KANNAPOLIS — Clinton W.C. Gaither, Jr., ThD, is Abernathey of China Grove the pastor. will sing at the 11 a.m. morning service on May 29 at Mt. Antioch Baptist Zion Free Will Baptist GRANITE QUARRY — Church at 517 Pleasant Ave., Family and Friends Day at where the Rev. Walt Lyman Antioch Baptist Church will serves as Pastor. be celebrated at Dan A meal will be served in Nicholas Park, shelter num- the fellowship hall after the ber 3, on Sunday beginning singing. at 11 a.m. After the service, lunch will be served. Erwin Temple Guest speaker will be COOLEEMEE — The Minister Linda Gibson, associate pastor of New Twelve Tribes of Israel proJerusalem Holiness Church gram will be presented on Sunday, May 29 at 3 p.m., of Cooleemee. The Rev. Rickey Johnson given by thhe Pastor’s Aide is pastor of Antioch, which is Ministry of Erwin Temple. located at 602 S. Salisbury Various area churches will represent the Tribes and will Ave. be providing gospel singing Second Presbyterian throughout the program. The Rev. Ervin L. Hannah Second Presbyterian, 732 Jr. is host pastor. Lincolnton Road, celebrates the sixth Sunday of Easter Deacons Alliance and Memorial Day with speThe Rowan and Davie cial organ music.







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First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury will hold fifth Sunday services on May 29, beginning at 9 a.m. in the sanctuary with a service of Wholeness and Healing. “Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.” James 5:14. Childcare will be available at 8:45 a.m. Sunday school begins at 10 a.m. in the educational building and at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary is the only worship service of the day. At noon will be a congregational covered dish lunch in Lewis Hall.

4C • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011



Bob and Jan Lewis honored by Hood Seminary


First Free Will LANDIS — First Free Will Baptist Church of Landis will be having a fifth Sunday night song service at 6 p.m. Sunday, May 29. The church is located at 414 Upright St. where the Rev. Allen Merrington serves as pastor.

Emmanuel Baptist Emmanuel Baptist Church, 2300 Bringle Ferry Road, will welcome the singing group The Pioneers on Sunday night, May 29, for the fifth Sunday night singing. The service starts at 6 p.m. and The Pioneers will sing for the entire service. A love offering received for them. Pastor of Emmanuel is Eugene Sides and music director is Crystal Cornelison.

South China Grove CHINA GROVE — In celebration of Memorial Day and the freedoms we enjoy because of our veterans, South China Grove Church of God will host an outdoor Gospel Singing on Sunday evening, May 29 at 6:30 p.m. Featured singers will be the family group God’s Child of Kannapolis. Refreshments will follow the service. Guests are invited to bring lawn chairs. The church is located at 163 Third Ave. The Rev. Joyce Miles is pastor, 704-467-4555.

Word of Life Family Worship Center announces a special one night service. On Wednesday, June 1 at 7 p.m, Pastor Robyn Gool of Victory Christian Center in Charlotte will be the guest speaker. The church GOOL is located at 726 E. Liberty St. For transportation or additional information, call 704-633-2431.

Rodger’s Park KANNAPOLIS — Rodger’s Park Reformed Church, 704 E. 22nd St., will have a hot dog and dessert sale on Thursday June 2 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. All proceeds go to church projects, local and world missions. Phone 704-932-8301 for more information.

Whosever Will SPENCER — Whosoever Will Let Them Come Ministries will host a Joy Night service, sponsored by the Pastors Aid, on Friday, June 3 at 7 p.m.

SALISBURY — Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) will gather June 2–4 from across North Carolina for their annual synod assembly. Over 600 members and guests of the North Carolina Synod of the ELCA, representing over 200 congregations, will meet on the campus of Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory. The theme of the assembly is “Empowered & Equipped for Mission.” “During the assembly we will be walking together in prayer and support with our ELCA partner synod, the Central States Synod,” said the Rev. Dr. Leonard H. Bolick, bishop of the NC Synod ELCA. “Areas devastated by recent tornados ... are located within its borders. Peace Lutheran Church of Joplin was completely destroyed.” An offering collected will go to disaster relief in central states. keynote Assembly speaker is the Rev. Dr. James Thomas, the associate professor of Church and Ministry and director of African American Ministries at Lutheran Theolog-

the Rev. Craig Allen. They each gave personal remarks on the preparation and formation they have received at the seminary and how meaningful it has been in preparing them for the ministry and the diverse communities they serve. Among the special guests in attendance was the chairman of the Board of Trustees, Bishop Richard K. Thompson. Hood Theological Seminary, established in 1906, is located at 1810 Lutheran Synod Drive in Salisbury. The ecumenical community is made up of students, faculty and staff from multiple national and ethnic backgrounds, representing sixteen denominations.

The guest speaker will be Minister Theresa Jones of New Zion Baptist Church. Whosoever Will is located at 318 Eighth St. in Spencer.

Maranatha Bible Maranatha Bible Church will be hosting a women’s Bible study, Beth Moore’s “Stepping Up, a Journey through the Psalms of Ascent” beginning Wednesday, June 8, from 56:45 p.m. Call 704-637-1995 to sign up or for more information. Cost is $14 for the workbook. The church is located at 2320 Statesville Boulevard.

Discipleship Study at Neel Road Baptist Neel Road Baptist Church is starting a new discipleship series called Christianity and Culture.The series will explore what the Bible says about some of the most controversial topics and current events in society today, including abortion, capital punishment and homosexuality. The study begins Sunday, June 5 at 6:30 p.m. and continues weekly through Aug. 28. at 6:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room.


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“Build a better world,” said God, And I asked, “How?” “This old world is such a big place. And there are so many problems now. And I’m just one small person, so there’s not much I can do.” But God, in His Great Wisdom, said: “JUST BUILD A BETTER YOU!”

ical Southern Seminary in Columbia, S.C. The Rev. Dr. Wyvetta Bullock of Chicago will represent the presiding bishop of the ELCA. . Offering “Mission Moments” are special assembly guests: the Rev. Justin Eller and his wife Kari, missionaries to Bolivia; Martin and the Rev. Suzanne Shoffner, who work for ELCA Global Missions in Jerusalem; and Nicolette Filson, who is preparing for mission work in la Igelesia Luterana Costarricense, the Costa Rican Lutheran Church, which is one of the NC Synod's companion synods. The assembly begins and ends with worship and the public is invited to participate. It starts at 1 p.m.Thursday in P.E. Monroe Auditorium. Friday evening worship is at 7 p.m. Saturday morning closing worship will begin after any remaining synod business, which would be approximately 10:30. Thursday evening and Friday afternoon educational forums will cover 34 topics. Visitors are welcome to the assembly. The agenda, the list and locations of educational forums, directions, and additional information are posted at www.nclutheran.org.

Christ, when lifted up, did not say, ‘I draw Some people to myself.’ He said, ‘I draw All people to myself.’ Archbishop Desmond Tutu Allow yourself to be drawn to Christ. Come and find Faith and Hope and Peace with us. Thee Community of Faith Th of St. Luke's Parish

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gram. Jan has been by his side every step of the way. They have generously and selflessly contributed of their time, talent and resources to help fulfill the mission of a growing Hood Theological Seminary — to advance the preparation of persons for transformative leadership in Christian ministry.” Lewis, former senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Salisbury for 24 years, is retiring this summer from his position as the director of the Doctor of Ministry program after eight years at Hood. Those gathered for the occasion were also thanked by three seminary students, the Rev. Charles Allen, the Rev. Carolyn Bratton and


of the prestigious Bishop James Walker Hood Award for Distinguished Service. This is the highest honor Hood Seminary bestows on donors, leaders and supporters. Aymer presented this years’ award to the Rev. Dr. Robert M. Lewis and his wife, Jan. In recognizing them, Aymer said, “In the eight years Bob has served as adjunct professor and director of the Doctor of Ministry degree program, he has been instrumental in developing the doctoral program at Hood into one of the fastest growing and most diverse advanced degree programs in the country. “He has personally taught, advised and mentored almost 90 students and graduates of this pro-


The seventh annual Bishop James Walker Hood Donor Appreciation Dinner was held May 13 on the Hood Theological Seminary campus. This event was held to thank and recognize those individuals who gave a thousand dollars or more in 2010 to the seminary. “This year, Hood is celebrating the tenth anniversary of becoming an independent seminary and tonight we want to say thank you for your on-going support and encouragement of this outstanding institution,” said Dr. Albert Aymer, President of Hood Seminary, as he welcomed more than 80 guests who attended the dinner. The highlight of the evening was the presentation

Lutherans assemble in Hickory

Morning Prayer M-F 8:00am Evening Prayer M T Th F 5:30pm Wednesday Healing Service 5:30pm

Sunday Services 8:00am & 10:30am Adult Sunday School 9:15-10:15am Children’s Sunday School 10:20-11:00am

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For information on how to participate and sponsorships call 704-797-4231.

Call to find out how to be a sponsor or how to include your church’s weekly information Elizabeth Ross 704-797-4231 or email: eross@salisburypost.com


Orchestra will perform at Salisbury Post loading dock located in the 100 block of South Church Street.

SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 • 5C




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DCT Indl .28 DNP Selct .78 DR Horton .15 DanaHldg ... Danaher s .08 DeanFds ... Deere 1.64f Delhaize 2.45e DeltaAir ... Deluxe 1.00 DenburyR ... DevelDiv .16 DevonE .68f Dex One ... DrSCBr rs ... DirFnBr rs ... DrxEMBull .84e DrxEBear rs ... ... DrxFnBull

5.59 ... 9.90 -.05 11.98 +.17 18.02 +.47 54.44 +.80 13.57 +.07 85.74 +.80 82.00 +.65 10.00 -.18 25.50 +.26 21.64 +.07 14.39 +.20 83.34 +.60 2.47 +.28 34.66 -.71 43.31-1.01 38.17+1.13 14.59 -.16 27.42 +.59

DirxSCBull ... 85.30+1.64 DirxEnBull .05e 76.85 +.63 Discover .24f 23.77 -.03 Disney .40f 41.52 +.53 DomRescs 1.97 47.23 -.11 DoralFncl ... 2.12 +.16 Dover 1.10 65.81+1.61 DowChm 1.00f 35.60 -.10 DrPepSnap1.28f 41.06 -.50 DresserR ... 51.67+2.65 DuPont 1.64 52.56 +.59 DukeEngy .98 18.62 +.02 DukeRlty .68 14.77 +.11 EMC Cp ... 28.43 +.22 EKodak ... 3.40 -.17 ElPasoCp .04 20.91 +.13 Elan ... u9.39 +.25 EmersonEl 1.38 54.12 +.08 EnCana g .80 33.99 +.03 EndvSilv g ... 9.98 +.13 ENSCO 1.40 53.99 -.59 Entergy 3.32 67.77 +.55 EntPrPt 2.39f 41.64 +.17 ExcoRes .16 20.15 -.07 Exelon 2.10 41.70 +.01 ExxonMbl 1.88f 82.63 +.24 FairchldS ... 17.97 +.18 FstRepB n ... u34.60+2.78 FirstEngy 2.20 44.35 +.06 FootLockr .66 24.92 +.17 FordM ... 14.60 +.04 ForestLab ... u35.78 +.27 ForestOil ... 29.74 +.22 FMCG s 1.00a 51.73+1.34 Freescale n ... d18.65 +.32 FrontierCm .75 8.81 +.04 FrontierOil .24a 29.51 +.58 Frontline 1.85e 17.74 +.29

G-H-I Gafisa SA .29e 10.60 +.09 GameStop ... 28.21 +.46 GamGld g ... 10.21 +.11 Gannett .16 14.08 +.14 Gap .45 19.20 +.17 GenDynam1.88f 71.26+1.06 GenElec .60f 19.44 +.02 GenGrPr n .40 16.30 +.07 GenMills s 1.12 39.29 +.16 GenMot n ... 31.28 +.60 GenOn En ... 4.04 -.01 Genworth ... 11.09 +.02 Gerdau .27e 10.84 +.18 GlimchRt .40 u10.22 +.32 GoldFLtd .19e 16.03 +.04 Goldcrp g .41 49.97 +.04 GoldmanS 1.40 138.66+2.75 Goodyear ... 17.51 +.02 Griffon ... 10.34 +.09 HCP Inc 1.92 37.22 +.12 HSBC 1.80e 51.71 +.43 Hallibrtn .36 50.15 -.42 HarmonyG .07e 13.79 +.82 HartfdFn .40 26.53 +.25 HltMgmt ... 11.32 +.07 HeclaM ... 8.50 +.11 Heinz 1.92f u54.68 +.86 HelixEn ... 17.31 +.45 Hershey 1.38 55.02 +.47 Hertz ... 16.08 +.16 Hess .40 78.60 +.20 HewlettP .48f 36.96 +.41 Hexcel ... 20.65 +.25 HomeDp 1.00f 36.00 -.19 HonwllIntl 1.33 59.19 +.69 HostHotls .08f 17.59 +.06 HovnanE ... 2.70 +.11 Huntsmn .40 18.97 +.08 IAMGld g .08f 20.77 +.11 ICICI Bk .63e 47.05 +.99 ING ... 11.95 +.16 iShGold s ... 15.01 +.15 iSAstla .82e 26.54 +.24 iShBraz 2.53e 74.34 +.93 iSCan .50e 32.58 +.03 iShGer .29e 26.30 +.21 iSh HK .45e 18.97 +.10 iShJapn .14e 10.09 ... .44e 64.89+1.25 iSh Kor iShMex .54e 62.13 +.50 iSTaiwn .29e 15.31 +.06 ... 37.03 +.52 iShSilver iShChina25.63e 44.18 +.45 iSSP500 2.46e 134.00 +.54 iShEMkts .64e 47.75 +.50 iShB20 T 3.99e 96.47 -.04 iS Eafe 1.42e 60.80 +.44 iSR1KV 1.25e 69.01 +.34 iSR1KG .76e 61.19 +.22 iShR2K .89e 83.65 +.57 iShUSPfd 2.90e 40.07 +.06 iShREst 1.98e 61.72 +.11 iShSPSm .74e 73.74 +.54 iShBasM .93e 80.07 +.91 ITW 1.36 57.04 +.05 IngrmM ... 18.68 +.39 IBM 3.00f 167.50 +.32 Intl Coal ... 14.52 ... IntlGame .24 17.20 -.08 IntPap 1.05f 30.91 +.33 Interpublic .24 11.86 +.07 Invesco .49f 24.33 +.10 ItauUnibH .67e 22.52 +.15

J-K-L JPMorgCh 1.00 .28 Jabil JohnJn 2.28f JohnsnCtl .64 JnprNtwk ... KB Home .25 KT Corp ... KV PhmA ... Kellogg 1.62 KeyEngy ... Keycorp .12f .72 Kimco KindMor n 1.16 Kinross g .10 1.00 Kohls 1.16 Kraft KrispKrm ... Kroger .42 LDK Solar ... ... LSI Corp LVSands ...

42.79 +.34 21.22 +.32 66.77+1.26 39.06+1.07 37.05 +.07 12.15 +.31 19.24 -.07 3.38+1.00 56.44 +.07 17.53 +.32 8.45 +.15 19.16 +.07 29.18 +.49 16.11 +.80 53.62 -.59 34.75 +.13 u8.80 -.07 24.72 +.38 7.02 +.41 7.31 +.05 41.38 -.34

LennarA .16 LillyEli 1.96 Limited .80f LincNat .20 LinkedIn n ... LiveNatn ... LizClaib ... LloydBkg ... LockhdM 3.00 Lowes .56f LyonBas A .10e

18.90 +.39 37.85 -.07 39.55 -.45 28.87 +.11 88.32+1.95 11.04 +.02 6.63 +.35 3.42 +.04 77.26 +.27 24.25 -.06 42.74 +.98

M-N-0 MBIA ... 8.96 -.24 MEMC ... 10.12 +.01 MF Global ... 7.62 +.16 MFA Fncl .94 8.18 -.02 MGIC ... 7.91 +.16 MGM Rsts ... 15.40 -.32 Macys .40f 28.91 +.26 MarathonO 1.00 53.37 -.21 MktVGold .40e 57.92 +.82 MktVRus .18e 38.14 +.98 MarIntA .40f 37.86 +.05 MarshM .88f 30.76 +.04 MarshIls .04 7.88 +.04 Masco .30 14.29 +.05 MasseyEn .24 64.02 +.11 McClatchy ... 2.95 +.19 McDrmInt s ... 21.57 +.84 McDnlds 2.44 81.62 -.20 McMoRn ... 18.26 -.28 Mechel ... 26.69 +.99 MedcoHlth ... 58.66-5.78 Medtrnic .90 40.31 -.10 Merck 1.52 36.21 -.17 MetLife .74 43.76 +.30 MetroPCS ... 18.16 -.14 MobileTele1.06e 19.92 +.53 Molycorp n ... 62.68+2.17 Monsanto 1.12 69.64 +.22 MonstrWw ... 15.04 +.04 Moodys .56f 38.79 -.10 MorgStan .20 24.07 +.52 Mosaic .20 70.04 +.89 MotrlaSol n ... 47.58 +.70 MotrlaMo n ... 24.94 +.30 NYSE Eur 1.20 35.67 +.15 Nabors ... 27.62 +.12 NBkGreece.29e 1.30 -.01 NOilVarco .44 72.86 +.31 NatSemi .40 24.58 -.01 NatwHP 1.92 43.13 +.41 NY CmtyB 1.00 16.15 +.20 NY Times ... 7.80 +.21 NewellRub .32f 17.65 +.09 NewmtM .80f 56.39 +.56 Nexen g .20 22.89 +.62 NiSource .92 20.24 +.09 NobleCorp1.06e 41.55 -.18 NobleEn .72 92.39+1.60 NokiaCp .55e 8.20 +.11 Nordstrm .92 46.40 +.22 NorflkSo 1.60 72.57 +.56 NorthropG 2.00f 64.89 +.53 Novartis 2.53e u63.09 +.85 OGE Engy 1.50 50.67 -.09 OcciPet 1.84 106.57+1.58 OfficeDpt ... 4.16 +.04 OfficeMax ... 8.34 +.15 OilSvHT 2.36e 152.80 -.81 Omnicom 1.00 46.64 -.08 OwensCorn ... 37.00+1.24

P-Q-R PG&E Cp 1.82 43.10 +.21 PMI Grp ... 1.38 +.01 PNC 1.40f 62.54 +.80 PPG 2.28f 87.80 +.70 PPL Corp 1.40 27.86 +.12 PackAmer .80 28.64 +.10 PatriotCoal ... 22.79 +.32 PeabdyE .34 61.62 +.98 Penney .80 36.00 +.02 PepsiCo 2.06f 70.40 -.02 Petrohawk ... 26.28 +.52 PetrbrsA 1.34e 30.88 +.53 Petrobras 1.28e 34.54 +.39 .80 20.93 +.03 Pfizer PhilipMor 2.56 70.52 +.22 PinWst 2.10 44.99 -.02 PioNtrl .08 91.14 +.02 Polo RL .80f 126.43+8.11 Potash s .28 55.99 +.81 ... 30.08 +.17 PwshDB PS USDBull ... 21.44 -.18 PrecCastpt .12 156.63 +.53 PrideIntl ... 41.29 -.31 PrinFncl .55f 30.97 +.04 PrUShS&P ... 20.51 -.17 ProUltQQQ ... 89.67 +.87 PrUShQQQ rs... 50.54 -.49 ProUltSP .39e 53.82 +.41 ProUShL20 ... 33.33 +.02 ProUSSP500 ... 15.45 -.18 ProUSSlv rs ... 16.62 -.50 ProSUltSilv ... 201.00+5.30 ProUShEuro ... 17.39 -.37 ProctGam 2.10f 66.20 +.01 ProgsvCp 1.40e 21.58 +.25 ProLogis .45 16.33 +.13 ProUSR2K rs ... 41.60 -.58 Prudentl 1.15f 63.17 -.40 PSEG 1.37 33.34 +.12 PulteGrp ... 8.20 +.34 QuantaSvc ... 19.59 +.23 QntmDSS ... 3.07 -.02 QksilvRes ... 14.58 +.24 Rackspace ... 43.70+1.04 RadianGrp .01 4.79 ... RadioShk .25 15.69 +.32 RangeRs .16 55.51 -.08 Raytheon 1.72 50.03 +.21 RegionsFn .04 6.98 +.04 ... 7.20 +.15 ReneSola ... 13.00 +.31 Renren n RepubSvc .80 31.54 +.11 ReynAm s 2.12 u39.49 +.15 RioTinto 1.08e 69.59 +.87 RiteAid ... 1.06 -.02 RockTen .80 u77.62 +.43


SLM Cp .40 16.84 +.19 SpdrDJIA 3.04e 124.23 +.43 SpdrGold ... 149.70+1.48 S&P500ETF2.34e133.51+.51 SpdrHome .31e 18.70 +.17 SpdrLehHY4.38e 40.77 +.20 SpdrKbw RB.36e 25.53 +.16 SpdrRetl .50e 53.69 +.46 SpdrOGEx .49e 60.21 +.33 SpdrMetM .41e 70.77 +.71 Safeway .58f 24.52 +.14 StJude .84 50.56 +.37 Saks ... 11.21 +.07 Salesforce ... 151.30-2.26 SandRdge ... 11.44 -.63 Sanofi 1.82e 38.68 +.27 SaraLee .46 19.44 +.14 Schlmbrg 1.00 84.71 -.23 Schwab .24 17.54 +.12 SeadrillLtd2.74e 35.58 -.04 SemiHTr .57e 35.33 +.14 Sequans n ... u15.30+1.63 SiderurNac .81e 14.03 +.14 SilvWhtn g .12 36.53 +.43 SilvrcpM g .08 11.13 +.41 SmurfStn n ... u41.25 +.22 SouthnCo 1.89f 39.80 -.09 SthnCopper1.83e 36.49 +.61 SwstAirl .02 11.83 +.04 SwstnEngy ... 43.37 +.19 SpectraEn 1.04 27.25 -.08 SprintNex ... u5.85 -.06 SP Matls 1.23e 39.35 +.42 SP HlthC .61e 35.69 +.02 SP CnSt .81e 32.04 +.13 SP Consum.56e 40.16 +.10 SP Engy 1.05e 76.34 +.19 SPDR Fncl .16e 15.68 +.11 SP Inds .64e 37.29 +.18 SP Tech .33e 26.10 +.13 SP Util 1.31e 33.62 ... StdPac ... 3.92 +.07 StarwdHtl .30f 60.48 -.29 StateStr .72f 45.19 -.15 Statoil ASA1.10e 25.44 +.50 StillwtrM ... 19.53 +.60 StratHotels ... 6.62 -.11 Suncor gs .44f 41.75 -.21 Sunoco .60 40.18 +.68 SunstnHtl ... 10.21 +.07 Suntech ... 8.04 +.40 SunTrst .04 27.99 +.42 Supvalu .35 10.21 +.17 Synovus .04 2.37 -.04 Sysco 1.04 31.99 +.05 TECO .85f 19.06 +.15 TJX .76f 53.46 -.23 TaiwSemi .47e 13.26 -.08 TalismE g .27f 20.87 +.20 Target 1.00 49.37 -.04 TataMotors .32e 24.30 -.64 TeckRes g .60 51.62+1.42 TelNorL .52e 17.99 -.03 TenetHlth ... 6.40 ... Teradyn ... 15.63 +.19 ... 29.05 +.78 Terex Tesoro ... 24.14 +.48 TexInst .52 34.72 +.40 Textron .08 22.47 +.23 ThermoFis ... 65.15 -.16 3M Co 2.20 93.47 +.65 1.16f 76.50 +.46 Tiffany TimeWarn .94 36.12 +.43 TitanMet .30 18.51 +.26 TollBros ... 21.27 +.38 Total SA 3.16e 56.32 +.41 Transocn .79e 68.95 -.41 Travelers 1.64f 61.52 +.31 TrinaSolar ... 22.02 ... TycoIntl 1.00 48.63 +.39 Tyson .16 18.54 +.09 UBS AG ... 19.03 +.36 UDR .74 25.60 +.06 US Airwy ... 9.12 -.13 US Gold ... 6.86 -.02 ... 4.17 +.01 USEC UtdContl ... 24.26 -.38 UtdMicro .08e 2.60 ... UPS B 2.08 72.96 -.01 US Bancrp .50f 25.42 +.47 US NGs rs ... 11.48 +.38 ... 39.71 +.11 US OilFd USSteel .20 45.67 +.33 UtdTech 1.92f 86.33 -.06 UtdhlthGp .65f 48.30 +.60


Vale SA .90e 31.88 +.60 Vale SA pf .90e 28.57 +.59 ValeantPh .38a 52.38+1.81 ValeroE .20 26.92 +.50 VangEmg .82e 48.30 +.48 ... 48.16 +.93 VeriFone VerizonCm 1.95 36.67 +.06 ViacomB 1.00f 50.07 +.12 VimpelCm .80e 13.79 +.15 Visa .60 79.80 +.51 ... 15.80 +.10 VishayInt Vonage ... 4.67 +.13 WalMart 1.46f 54.70 +.08 Walgrn .70 43.71 +.01 WalterEn .50 124.53+2.39 WarnerMus ... u8.21 -.04 WshPst 9.40 414.00+5.51 WsteMInc 1.36 38.87 +.47 WeathfIntl ... 19.65 -.13 WtWatch .70 79.25-6.51 WellPoint 1.00 77.58 +.16 WellsFargo .48f 28.14 +.44 WendyArby .08 4.95 +.05 ... 35.72 +.06 WDigital WstnRefin ... 17.25 +.35 WstnUnion .32f 20.38 -.02 .60 20.87-1.20 Weyerh WmsCos .50 31.00 +.30 WiscEn s 1.04 31.11 +.03 WT India .15e 23.21 +.36 XL Grp .44 23.21 +.02 XcelEngy 1.04f 24.58 -.11 Xerox .17 10.00 +.02 Yamana g .18f 12.80 +.12 YingliGrn ... 8.74 +.08 S-T-U YumBrnds 1.00 55.45 -.62 ... 5.77 +.71 SAIC ... 17.27 -.09 ZaleCp .40 3.46 -.01 SCANA 1.94 40.44 -.01 ZweigTl ... 18.40 -.06 SK Tlcm

Name Vol (00) Last Chg S&P500ETF 1075275 BkofAm 1057636 SprintNex 518561 SPDR Fncl 444220 iShR2K 425233

133.51 11.69 5.85 15.68 83.65

+.51 +.23 -.06 +.11 +.57

Hyperdyn VantageDrl GrtBasG g NA Pall g Ur-Energy

GAINERS ($2 OR MORE) Name Last KV PhmA 3.38 KV PhmB 3.44 3.23 AmrRlty ActiveNt n 18.80 ZaleCp 5.77

Name Vol (00) Last Chg

4.68 1.94 2.11 3.88 1.80

+.24 ... +.21 +.24 +.29

Level3 Intel MarvellT Cisco Microsoft


Chg %Chg +1.00 +42.0 +.92 +36.5 +.71 +28.2 +2.52 +15.5 +.71 +14.0

PcE pfBcld102.20+21.20 +26.2 PcE pfAcld101.60+19.94 +24.4 PcE pfCcld100.70+16.20 +19.2 3.93 +.55 +16.3 Engex PcE pfDcld100.60+13.10 +15.0

-9.0 -8.5 -7.6 -7.5 -7.4


-.29 -.13 -.16 -.60 -.35

+.11 -.29 +1.61 +.21 +.09

6.03 3.20 4.38 32.96 4.26

+2.13 +.64 +.81 +4.36 +.54

+54.6 +25.0 +22.7 +15.2 +14.5

LOSERS ($2 OR MORE) Name Last Chg %Chg

Name Last Chg %Chg GenMoly 4.60 OrsusXel rs 2.16 ImpacMtg 2.76 SwGA Fn 11.01 UnvSecInst 7.23

2.33 22.21 16.17 16.46 24.76

Name Last Chg %Chg AdvATech VlyNBc wt LifePart s rue21 Inhibitex


Name Last Chg %Chg

896797 666546 605618 490670 488202


Name Last Chg %Chg

LOSERS ($2 OR MORE) MedcoHlth 58.66 -5.78 ZuoanF n 5.58 -.52 WtWatch 79.25 -6.51 TorchEngy 2.45 -.20 DrxRsaBear34.62 -2.76

44864 43407 42585 42019 40289

-5.9 -5.7 -5.5 -5.1 -4.6

ChinaInfo 2.00 Gordman n 17.42 Amertns pf 9.51 Zion wt1-12 3.36 SevArts rs 2.91


-.55 -4.59 -1.39 -.40 -.29

-21.6 -20.9 -12.8 -10.6 -8.9


BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS There’s less money this summer for hotel rooms, surfboards and bathing suits. It’s all going into the gas tank. High prices at the pump are putting a squeeze on the family budget as the traditional summer driving season begins. For every $10 the typical household earns before taxes, almost a full dollar now goes toward gas, a 40 percent bigger bite than normal. Households spent an average of $369 on gas last month. In April 2009, they spent just $201. Families now spend more filling up than they spend on cars, clothes or recreation. Last year, they spent less on gasoline than each of those things. Consumers spent more in April but much of the increase was eaten up by higher food and energy prices. After discounting for the jump in prices, spending barely budged and after-tax incomes were flat for a second straight month. Consumer spending rose 0.4 percent, reflecting a surge in the category that covers food and gasoline, areas which showed big price gains last month, the Commerce Department reported Friday. Excluding price changes, spending rose a much

smaller 0.1 percent. Incomes rose 0.4 percent but after-tax incomes adjusted for inflation were flat for a second straight month. Tornadoes and floods that have devastated parts of the South and Midwest have also hammered the local economies — flooding farmlands, suspending factory work and disrupting energy production. Yet for the U.S. economy overall, the damage will likely be scant. At most, the disasters might knock one-tenth of 1 percentage point off national economic growth in the April-June quarter, Wells Fargo economist Mark Vitner estimates. “It’s so small, you aren’t going to notice it,” added Patrick Newport, an economist at IHS Global Insight. The number of people who signed contracts to buy homes fell sharply in April, hitting its lowest point since fall and renewing fears that a recovery in the housing market is far off. An index of sales agreements for previously occupied homes sank 11.6 percent last month to a reading of 81.9, the National Association of Realtors said Friday. A reading of 100 would be considered healthy.

STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST CardnlHlth CitzSoBk Culp Inc Delhaize DukeEngy FNB Utd h FamilyDlr Innospec KrispKrm Lowes NorflkSo Nucor PiedNG ProgrssEn

.86f .04b ... 2.45e .98 ... .72 ... ... .56f 1.60 1.45 1.16f 2.48

16 ... 7 ... 13 ... 28 11 52 17 17 51 20 16

45.35 4.60 8.76 82.00 18.62 .42 55.56 33.03 8.80 24.25 72.57 42.09 31.01 47.34

-.01 ... -.08 +.65 +.02 -.03 +.21 +.50 -.07 -.06 +.56 +.20 -.10 +.01

+18.4 +6.0 -15.4 +11.2 +4.5 +29.2 +11.8 +61.9 +26.1 -3.3 +15.5 -3.9 +10.9 +8.9













ReynAm s Ruddick

Div Last Chg



Ctrip.com ... 44.10 CubistPh ... 38.29 Cyclacel ... 1.63 A-Power ... 2.98 +.21 CypSemi .36 23.36 ASML Hld .58e 38.07 +.24 Cytokinet ... 1.43 ATP O&G ... 18.59 -.20 D-E-F AVI Bio ... 1.60 -.02 Achillion ... 7.17 +.39 Dell Inc ... 15.79 AcmePkt ... 73.53 -1.15 Dndreon ... 42.38 ActivsBliz .17f 11.45 -.03 Depomed ... 8.63 AdobeSy ... 34.29 -.25 DirecTV A ... 49.93 AdvATech ... u6.03 +2.13 DiscCm A ... 43.71 AEterna g ... 2.37 +.01 DishNetwk ... u30.13 Affymetrix ... 5.99 +.08 DonlleyRR1.04 20.90 AgFeed ... d1.15 +.11 DrmWksA ... 24.83 AkamaiT ... 33.66 +.48 DryShips ... 3.73 ... 2.29 Akorn ... 6.63 +.07 DyaxCp AlaskCom .86 9.00 +.06 ETrade rs ... 15.71 ... 30.68 Alexza ... 1.58 +.15 eBay AllosThera ... d2.17 ... EagleBulk ... 2.69 AllscriptH ... 20.10 -.07 ErthLink .20 7.84 Alphatec ... 3.79 +.20 EstWstBcp .20f 19.80 AlteraCp lf .24 47.05 -.15 ElectArts ... 23.90 Amazon ... 194.13 -.87 EndoPhrm ... 41.52 ... 1.10 ACapAgy5.60e 30.28 +.08 Ener1 AmCapLtd ... 9.80 +.01 EngyConv ... 1.37 ... 8.90 AmerMed ... 29.90 -.01 Entegris AmSupr ... 10.25 +.19 EntropCom ... 8.78 Equinix ... 100.61 Amgen ... 59.35 -.41 AmkorT lf ... 6.36 +.08 EricsnTel .37e 14.64 ... 16.80 Amylin ... 13.45 +.17 Euronet ... 11.32 Anadigc ... 3.28 +.08 Exelixis Ancestry ... 40.32 +.19 Expedia .28 27.69 A123 Sys ... 6.02 +.08 ExpdIntl .50f 51.96 ApolloGrp ... 40.22 +.38 ExtrmNet ... 3.27 ApolloInv 1.12 11.18 ... F5 Netwks ... 112.85 Apple Inc ... 337.41 +2.41 FLIR Sys .24 35.52 ... 1.52 ApldMatl .32f 13.43 -.13 FiberTwr AMCC ... 10.23 +.53 FifthThird .24f 12.93 ... 23.72 ArenaPhm ... 1.47 ... Finisar AresCap 1.40 16.51 -.05 FstNiagara .64 14.07 ... 121.37 AriadP ... 8.81 +.41 FstSolar ... 63.46 Ariba Inc ... 33.32 +.10 Fiserv ... 7.11 ArmHld .13e 28.51 +.51 Flextrn Arris ... 11.27 +.17 FocusMda ... 31.40 ArubaNet ... 28.16 +.15 FosterWhl ... 33.89 ... 1.46 AscenaRtl ... 32.82 -.19 FuelCell AscentSol ... 1.32 +.06 FultonFncl .16f 11.07 AsiaInfoL ... 17.50 +.67 G-H-I AsscdBanc .04 13.95 +.07 Atmel ... 14.90 +.55 GSI Cmce h ... 29.18 Autodesk ... 42.50 -.18 GT Solar ... 11.53 AutoData 1.44 54.13 +.50 Gentex .48f 29.18 AvagoTch .32f 35.01 +.30 GeronCp ... 4.45 AvanirPhm ... 4.67 +.12 GileadSci ... 41.19 AvisBudg ... 17.43 +.26 Gleacher ... 2.16 Axcelis ... 1.79 +.06 GlobCrsg ... u35.44 ... 6.33 BGC Ptrs .68f 8.23 -.03 GloblInd BMC Sft ... 55.19 +.65 GluMobile ... u4.98 BkGranit h ... .75 -.10 GolarLNG .75r 32.26 ... 520.90 BedBath ... 53.46 -.35 Google BiogenIdc ... 93.21 -.07 Gordman n ... 17.42 ... 3.55 BioMarin ... 27.97 +.50 GulfRes BioSante ... 2.91 -.03 GulfportE ... 28.96 ... 35.97 BlueCoat ... 22.41 +.05 HainCel BrigExp ... 30.93 +.16 HarbinElec ... 16.28 Broadcom .36 36.52 +1.87 Harmonic ... 7.76 BrcdeCm ... 6.61 +.07 Hasbro 1.20 45.50 Bucyrus .10 91.73 +.07 HrtlndEx .08a 16.51 CA Inc .20f 22.89 +.08 HercOffsh ... 6.30 ... 8.39 CH Robins1.16 79.92 -.07 Hollysys ... 21.03 CTC Media.76e 20.00 +.52 Hologic Home Inns ... 40.67 CadencePh ... 9.65 -.27 ... HudsCity .32m 9.06 Cadence ... 10.64 CalifPizza ... 18.44 +.02 HumGen ... 26.95 .52 45.15 CdnSolar ... 9.28 +.30 HuntJB CapFdF rs.30a 11.88 +.02 HuntBnk .04 6.53 ... 35.22 CpstnTrb h ... 1.76 +.04 IAC Inter CareerEd ... 21.85 +.13 Icon PLC ... 25.89 Identive ... 2.50 Carrizo ... 37.77 +.48 ... 72.13 ... 59.88 +.42 Illumina Celgene Imunmd ... 4.30 ... 15.88 +.23 CentAl ... 17.92 Cephln ... 79.78 +.08 Incyte ... 7.01 ChkPoint ... 54.32 +.14 Infinera ... u57.85 Cheesecake ... 31.56 -.28 Informat ChinaBiot ... 7.40 -.56 InfosysT 1.35e 61.65 InglesMkts .66 17.45 ChinaInfo ... d2.00 -.55 ... 8.19 CienaCorp ... 26.52 +.55 IntgDv 22.21 .84f Intel CinnFin 1.60 30.09 -.02 .48 14.14 Cintas .49f u32.41 +.22 Intersil ... 53.37 Cirrus ... 16.22 +.08 Intuit ... d50.74 .24 16.46 +.21 Itron Cisco ... u87.16 +.77 CitrixSys J-K-L CleanEngy ... 14.28 -.39 ... 5.67 Clearwire ... 4.56 +.06 JA Solar CognizTech ... 74.77 -.48 JDS Uniph ... 20.04 ColdwtrCrk ... 1.92 +.05 JamesRiv ... 21.68 ... 6.08 Comcast .45 24.89 -.04 JetBlue .70 89.20 Comc spcl .45 23.43 -.08 JoyGlbl CommVlt ... u41.13 +2.43 KLA Tnc 1.00 41.62 ... 17.49 Compuwre ... 10.01 +.19 KellySA ... 11.59 CorinthC ... 3.86 +.05 Kulicke Laboph gh ... d.35 Costco .96f 81.53 +.72 ... 43.61 +2.03 LamResrch ... 45.96 Cree Inc Crocs ... u22.87 +.92 LawsnSft ... 11.06 Name








+.15 +21.1




+.50 +18.2























-.02 -25.8





+.43 -10.9







LeapWirlss ... 16.54 Level3 ... u2.33 LexiPhrm ... 1.44 LibGlobA ... 44.98 LibtyMIntA ... 18.05 LifeTech ... 51.90 LimelghtN ... 5.79 LinearTch .96 34.06 -.01 ... 12.13 +.47 Logitech lululemn g ... 90.08 +.08 +.20 M-N-0 +.32 +.46 MIPS Tech ... 7.91 ... 26.88 +.10 MSG ... 7.02 -1.33 Magma +.02 MMTrip n ... 23.07 +.20 MAKO Srg ... u34.12 .28 +.29 MarinaB rs ... ... 16.17 +.02 MarvellT +.08 Masimo .75e 30.28 .92 26.11 +.10 Mattel ... 1.63 +.08 Mattson +.33 MaximIntg .84 27.35 MedAssets ... 14.89 +.64 +.01 MelcoCrwn ... 10.95 -.01 MentorGr ... 13.46 +.07 MercadoL .32 88.03 -.02 MergeHlth ... u5.80 +.91 Microchp 1.38 39.13 ... 10.02 +.01 MicronT +.16 Microsoft .64 24.76 +.15 Millicom 6.00e 110.18 +.33 Momenta ... 19.87 -.38 Motricity n ... 9.28 +.07 Move Inc ... 1.93 ... 23.40 +5.68 Mylan ... u25.53 +.28 MyriadG NII Hldg ... 43.42 +.41 +.20 NPS Phm ... 9.55 +.39 NXP Sem n ... 28.38 -.04 NasdOMX ... 25.37 +3.41 NatPenn .04 7.38 +.46 NetLogicM ... 36.42 ... 55.33 +.07 NetApp ... 45.47 +.14 Netease ... 264.51 +.71 Netflix NetwkEng ... 1.17 ... +.03 NewsCpA .15 17.98 NewsCpB .15 18.61 NorTrst 1.12 48.45 ... 2.34 +.01 Novavax ... 35.87 -.06 Novlus +.20 NuVasive ... 33.79 NuanceCm ... 21.61 ... ... 19.50 +.29 Nvidia +.10 OReillyAu ... 59.69 ... 9.41 +1.67 Oclaro +.08 OmniVisn h ... 33.18 -.12 OnSmcnd ... 11.11 +.95 Oncothyr ... u6.43 +2.77 OpenTable ... 88.14 -4.59 OpnwvSy ... 2.36 ... 2.78 -.09 Opnext -.27 OptimerPh ... u12.98 .24f 33.70 +1.55 Oracle ... u3.81 +.07 Orthovta -.07 P-Q-R -.88 +.22 PDL Bio .60 6.58 -.08 PMC Sra ... 7.76 -.16 Paccar .48a 49.45 -.05 PacSunwr ... 3.23 +3.18 PaetecHld ... 4.37 +.09 PanASlv .10 34.05 +.03 Patterson .48f 35.10 -.33 PattUTI .20 u31.69 +.11 Paychex 1.24 31.94 +.12 PeopUtdF .63f 13.21 +.08 PerfectWld ... 24.32 +.12 PetsMart .50 45.17 ... 57.37 -.55 Polycom ... 2.87 +.10 Popular +.44 Power-One ... 8.13 +.07 PwShs QQQ.39e57.43 +1.58 Powrwav ... 3.73 -.13 PriceTR 1.24f 62.44 ... 501.44 -.04 priceline +.07 ProspctCap1.21 11.55 ... 19.53 -.29 QIAGEN -.01 QlikTech n ... 32.85 ... 16.10 Qlogic -.24 -2.68 Qualcom .86f 57.35 QuantFu rs ... 5.03 ... 6.15 RF MicD ... 14.52 +.19 Rambus ... 10.42 Rdiff.cm +.18 ... 58.27 +.17 Regenrn ... 43.60 RschMotn +.17 +.75 RetailOpp .36f 10.81 .78 +.28 RetOpp wt ... +.01 RexEnergy ... 12.86 ... 8.29 -.02 RigelPh +.08 RossStrs .88 81.71 +.21 Rovi Corp ... 57.38 ... 32.96 ... rue21 +1.16 -.01 +.08 +.85 +.09

+.21 +.11 +.02 +.06 +.43 -.28 +.16 +.13 -.03 -1.67

+.17 +.39 +.63 -1.37 -.54 +.01 +1.61 +.40 -.09 +.07 +.44 -.47 +.18 -1.18 +.95 +.18 +.21 +.23 +.09 +4.82 +.46 +.49 -.02 +.39 +.15 +.63 +.03 -.17 +.99 +.05 +.63 +.02 +.39 +.76 +.08 +.34 +.23 -.07 -.02 +.09 +1.28 -.25 +.68 ... +.09 -3.24 +.14 +.41 +.34 ... ... -1.01 +.30 -.03

+.07 +.11 -.44 -.14 +.02 +.38 -.01 +1.37 +.03 +.15 -1.16 -.28 +.65 +.03 +.06 +.29 +.07 +.32 -3.67 +.03 +.14 +.21 +.46 +.18 +.02 +.08 +.28 +.04 -.38 +.03 +.01 -.02 +.04 -.52 -.50 -.31 +4.36

Ryanair 2.29p 29.09 +.24

S-T-U SBA Com ... 39.25 STEC ... 17.80 SanDisk ... 46.04 Sanofi rt ... 2.46 Sapient ... 14.52 SavientPh ... 8.18 Savvis ... 39.34 SeaChange ... u11.06 SeagateT .72 16.46 SeattGen ... u19.52 SelCmfrt ... 16.19 Semtech ... 28.26 Sequenom ... 7.85 SifyTech ... 5.70 SigaTech h ... 14.39 SigmaDsg ... d8.62 SilicGrIn ... 18.16 SilicnMotn ... 12.42 Slcnware .41e 6.25 SilvStd g ... 29.33 Sina ... 116.04 SiriusXM ... 2.37 Sky-mobi n ... 9.12 SkywksSol ... 25.50 SmartT gn ... 7.12 SmithMicro ... 5.18 SodaStrm n ... 56.29 Sohu.cm ... 80.36 Solazyme n ... 20.71 Sonus ... 3.23 SpectPh ... 9.24 SpiritAir n ... 11.48 Spreadtrm ... 18.83 Staples .40f 16.56 StarScient ... 4.96 Starbucks .52 36.46 StlDynam .40f 17.02 SterlBcsh .06 8.43 SuccessF ... 34.29 SunPowerA ... 20.79 SunPwr B ... 20.54 SuperGen ... u3.26 SusqBnc .08f 8.59 SwisherH n ... 6.03 Symantec ... 19.22 Syneron ... 12.72 Synopsys ... 26.97 TD Ameritr .20 21.07 THQ ... 4.13 TakeTwo ... 16.39 TalecrisBio ... 28.80 Tekelec ... 9.00 Tellabs .08 4.49 Telvent ... u33.09 TeslaMot n ... 29.55 TevaPhrm.83e 50.50 TibcoSft ... 28.31 TiVo Inc ... 10.37 Toreador ... 6.76 Travelzoo ... 70.48 TriQuint ... 12.53 21Vianet n ... 13.28 USA Tech h ... 2.33 UTStrcm ... 2.01 Umpqua .20 11.80 UtdTherap ... 64.71 UrbanOut ... 30.46

-.10 +.44 +.39 +.01 -.14 +.40 +.04 +1.17 -.22 +.22 -.04 ... -.06 ... +.34 -.12 +.88 +.27 +.03 +.35 +1.95 +.03 +.27 -1.53 -.03 +.02 -.22 -.20 ... -.03 +.17 -.07 -.16 +.12 +.23 +.02 +.23 +.14 +.50 -.05 -.08 +.10 +.10 +.08 -.09 -.31 +.05 +.27 -.07 -.37 +.29 +.10 +.04 +.88 +.07 +.95 -.39 +.14 +.11 -.60 +.32 +1.22 -.17 +.01 +.17 -.24 +.22

V-W-X-Y-Z VarianSemi ... 61.36 +.23 VeecoInst ... u55.07 +.89 Verisign 5.75e 35.37 -.97 ... 33.92 +.13 Verisk VertxPh ... 53.54 -.74 Vical ... 3.91 +.07 VirgnMda h .16 u32.18 +.17 Vitesse rs ... 4.32 +.10 Vivus ... 8.84 +.07 Vodafone1.44e 28.10 +.36 ... 30.50 +.50 Volcano WarnerCh s8.50e24.28 +.26 WernerEnt.20a 24.98 +.12 WstptInn g ... 24.89 -.77 WetSeal ... 4.25 +.01 WholeFd .40 60.57 -.02 WilshBcp ... 3.15 -.11 Windstrm 1.00 13.41 -.01 Winn-Dixie ... 9.35 +.23 Wynn 2.00f 146.40 +1.06 .76f 34.92 +.18 Xilinx YRC Ww rs ... .80 -.05 ... 16.02 +.04 Yahoo Yandex n ... 34.45 -.32 Yongye ... 3.75 +.01 ... 9.99 +.08 Zagg Zalicus ... 2.60 -.04 ZionBcp .04 23.71 +.56 Zix Corp ... 3.80 +.12 ... 7.84 -.29 Zoran


Div Last Chg

AbdAsPac AlexcoR g AlldNevG AlmadnM g AmApparel Anooraq g AntaresP Aurizon g AvalRare n Banro g BarcUBS36 BarcGSOil BiP Tin Brigus grs CAMAC En CanoPet CelSci CFCda g CheniereEn ChinaShen ClaudeR g CrSuiHiY Crossh g rs Crystallx g

.42 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .01 ... ... ... .32 ... ...

7.22 8.10 36.43 3.78 1.06 .79 1.82 5.75 7.62 3.35 49.99 26.20 63.30 1.55 1.36 .37 .60 21.89 11.56 4.17 2.23 u3.38 .94 .11

+.05 +.29 +.34 ... +.02 +.02 ... +.06 +.22 +.03 +.48 +.06 +.75 +.09 -.05 ... +.01 +.33 -.05 +.11 +.01 ... +.15 ...

CubicEngy ... DejourE g ... DenisnM g ... Dreams ... EV LtdDur 1.25 GabGldNR 1.68 Gastar grs ... ... GenMoly GoldResrc .48 GoldStr g ... GrahamCp .08 GranTrra g ... GrtBasG g ... GtPanSilv g ... ... Hyperdyn ImpOil gs .44 InovioPhm ... KimberR g ... KodiakO g ... LadThalFn ... LongweiPI ... MGT Cap ... MadCatz g ... MdwGold g ... ... MincoG g Minefnd g ...

.59 +.07 .37 +.02 2.36 +.21 2.35 +.03 16.49 +.04 18.39 -.06 3.41 +.05 4.60 -.29 27.75 +.57 2.62 ... 23.75+2.56 7.05 +.11 2.11 +.21 3.22 +.19 4.68 +.24 48.83 -.11 .76 +.00 1.68 -.06 6.79 +.09 1.29 +.03 1.56 -.05 .20 -.02 1.79 -.01 1.72 -.02 2.06 +.06 13.43 +.11

Neoprobe Nevsun g NDragon NwGold g NA Pall g NDynMn g NthnO&G NthgtM g NovaGld g Oilsands g OpkoHlth OrsusXel rs PHC Inc Palatin rs ParaG&S PhrmAth PionDrill PlatGpMet PolyMet g Quepasa QuestRM g RadientPh RareEle g Rentech RexahnPh Richmnt g

... .06 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

5.26 6.33 .05 10.03 3.88 12.57 20.28 2.92 11.52 .44 3.77 2.16 3.16 .90 3.46 3.92 14.60 2.07 1.87 7.86 7.78 .21 12.25 .96 1.29 8.55

+.11 +.11 +.00 +.18 +.24 +.29 +.21 +.05 +.23 +.01 -.03 -.13 -.05 -.03 +.11 +.21 +.54 +.02 +.03 -.13 +.42 +.00 +.50 +.01 +.06 +.17

Rubicon g ... SamsO&G ... SilverBull ... SprottRL g ... SulphCo ... TanzRy g ... Taseko ... TimberlnR ... TrnsatlPet ... TravelCtrs ... TriValley ... TriangPet ... UQM Tech ... US Geoth ... Uluru ... Ur-Energy ... Uranerz ... UraniumEn ... VantageDrl ... VirnetX .50e ... VistaGold VoyagerOG ... WizzardSft ... ... YM Bio g

4.84 2.73 .81 1.75 .06 7.38 5.14 .89 2.23 5.36 .69 7.19 2.58 .88 d.05 1.80 3.41 3.30 1.94 24.12 2.98 3.00 .18 3.61

+.26 -.09 +.02 +.04 -.01 +.10 +.05 -.01 ... +.01 +.01 +.29 +.26 -.03 -.00 +.29 +.21 +.09 ... +.98 -.09 -.06 -.00 -.04

MUTUAL FUNDS Name Sell Chg AllianceBern A: HighIncoA p 9.26 -.01 Allianz Fds Instl: NFJDvVl 12.27 +.05 SmCpVl 32.23 +.23 Allianz Funds A: NFJDvVl t 12.18 +.05 SmCpV A 30.74 +.22 AmanaGrw n25.80 +.11 Amer Beacon Insti: LgCapInst 20.54 +.13 SmCpInst 21.07 +.15 Amer Beacon Inv: LgCap Inv 19.50 +.13 Ameri Century 1st: 27.61 +.10 Growth Amer Century Adv: EqIncA p 7.57 +.02 Amer Century Inv: DivBnd 10.91 -.01 EqGroI 22.35 +.11 EqInc 7.57 +.02 GrowthI 27.38 +.10 HeritageI 22.66 +.04 InfAdjBd 12.36 ... IntTF 11.06 ... SelectI 40.74 +.16 Ultra 24.28 +.10 ValueInv 6.02 +.03 Vista 17.83 +.06 American Funds A: AmcpA p 20.04 +.07 AMutlA p 26.81 +.06 18.79 +.05 BalA p BondA p 12.40 ... CapIBA p 52.44 +.29 CapWGA p37.68 +.33 CapWA p 21.11 +.08 EupacA p 43.14 +.42 FdInvA p 39.05 +.21 GovtA p 14.10 -.01 GwthA p 32.01 +.17 HI TrA p 11.55 ... HiInMuniA 13.60 +.01 IncoA p 17.51 +.05 IntBdA p 13.55 ... IntlGrIncA p33.01 +.26 29.30 +.13 ICAA p LtTEBA p 15.73 ... NEcoA p 26.95 +.15 N PerA p 29.93 +.22 NwWrldA 55.57 +.39 STBFA p 10.10 ... SmCpA p 40.11 +.33 TxExA p 12.04 ... WshA p 29.10 +.09 American Funds B: BalB p 18.71 +.05 CapIBB p 52.41 +.28 CpWGrB t 37.44 +.32 GrwthB t 30.98 +.17 IncoB p 17.37 +.05 Ariel Investments: Ariel 52.08 +.36 Artio Global Funds: GlHiIncI rx 10.52 -.05 IntlEqI r 30.55 +.35 IntlEqA 29.78 +.33 IntEqIIA t 12.55 +.16 IntEqII I r 12.63 +.15 Artisan Funds: Intl 23.03 +.29 IntlVal r 28.55 +.36 MidCap 36.88 +.18 MidCapVal 22.39 +.08 SCapVal 18.17 +.12

Aston Funds: FairMCpN 33.27 +.15 BNY Mellon Funds: EmgMkts 11.75 +.13 Baird Funds: AggBdInst 10.73 -.01 Baron Funds: 59.43 +.30 Asset 55.86 +.25 Growth SmallCap 26.48 +.14 Bernstein Fds: IntDur 14.00 ... DivMu 14.48 ... TxMgdIntl 15.95 +.16 IntlPort 15.83 +.16 EmMkts 33.29 +.35 BlackRock A: BaVlA p 27.15 +.13 CapAppr p 23.85 +.07 Eng&ResA41.99 +.33 EqtyDiv 18.71 +.08 ExcBlrk 633.18 +2.42 20.08 ... GlAlA r BlackRock B&C: GlAlC t 18.70 ... BlackRock Instl: US Opps 44.09 +.32 27.34 +.14 BaVlI EquityDv 18.75 +.08 GlbAlloc r 20.18 ... Brandywine Fds: BlueFd 26.48 +.09 Brndywn 28.86 +.17 Buffalo Funds: SmCap 27.72 +.13 CGM Funds: Focus n 31.85 +.09 Realty n 29.63 +.16 CRM Funds: MdCpVlI 31.44 +.16 Calamos Funds: ConvA p 20.45 +.08 Gr&IncA p 33.26 +.12 GrwthA p 56.84 +.32 GrowthC t 51.56 +.29 GrowthI 61.97 +.35 Calvert Group: Inco p 16.27 +.03 ShDurInA t 16.56 ... Clipper 67.06 +.38 Cohen & Steers: RltyShrs 65.64 +.29 Columbia Class A: Acorn t 31.33 +.20 DivEqInc 10.66 +.06 DivrBd 5.10 -.01 LgCorQ A p 5.83 +.02 21CntryA t 14.12 +.11 SelComm A46.97 +.21 Columbia Class Z: Acorn Z 32.38 +.20 AcornIntZ 42.31 +.41 AcornUSA 31.34 +.20 Bond 9.39 -.01 DivIncoZ 13.84 +.06 IntBdZ 9.20 ... IntTEBd 10.43 ... LgCapGr 14.00 +.01 LgCpIdxZ 25.91 +.11 MarsGrZ 21.81 +.15 MdCpIdxZ 12.62 +.07 MdCpVlZ p14.56 +.09 STIncZ 9.97 ... SmCpIPZ 18.61 +.11 ValRestr 52.61 +.46 CG Cap Mkt Fds: IntlEq 11.08 +.17 LgGrw 15.61 +.05 LgVal 9.44 +.05 SmGrw 21.11 +.17

Credit Suisse Comm: ComRet t 9.62 +.10 DFA Funds: IntlCorEq n11.76 +.11 USCorEq1 n11.80 +.07 USCorEq2 n11.76 +.07 DWS Invest A: 9.42 +.04 BalA MgdMuni p 8.82 +.01 StrGovSecA8.91 -.01 DWS Invest S: GNMA S 15.53 ... GroIncS 17.65 +.11 MgdMuni S 8.83 +.01 Davis Funds A: NYVen A 36.04 +.27 Davis Funds C & Y: NYVenY 36.45 +.27 NYVen C 34.75 +.26 Delaware Invest A: Diver Inc p 9.38 ... Dimensional Fds: EmMCrEq n22.10 +.21 EmMktV 35.61 +.37 IntSmVa n 18.03 +.20 LargeCo 10.53 +.04 TAUSCorE2 n9.58 +.06 USVctrEq n11.64 +.08 USLgVa n 21.96 +.16 USLgVa3 n16.82 +.13 US Micro n14.58 +.09 US TgdVal 17.62 +.14 US Small n22.96 +.16 US SmVa 26.90 +.21 IntlSmCo n17.96 +.18 GlEqInst 14.27 +.10 EmMktSC n23.74 +.17 EmgMkt n 30.90 +.29 Fixd n 10.36 ... IntGFxIn n 12.55 ... 19.15 +.18 IntVa n Glb5FxInc n11.18 +.01 LCapInt n 20.85 +.19 TM USTgtV22.74 +.19 TM IntVa 15.67 +.14 TMMktwV 16.31 +.12 2YGlFxd n 10.21 +.01 DFARlE n 24.25 +.13 Dodge&Cox: Balanced 74.64 +.37 GblStock 9.39 +.08 13.55 ... Income 37.02 +.39 IntlStk 115.67 +.79 Stock DoubleLine Funds: TRBd I 11.18 ... Dreyfus: Aprec 41.24 +.16 DryMid r 30.53 +.19 Dr500In t 36.83 +.16 OppMCVal A37.79+.27 DreihsAcInc11.24 +.02 EVPTxMEmI51.56 +.44 Eaton Vance A: GblMacAb p10.21 +.01 FloatRt 9.39 ... LgCpVal 18.81 +.12 NatlMunInc 9.02 ... StrInc p 8.24 +.01 Eaton Vance I: FltgRt 9.08 ... GblMacAbR10.20 +.01 LgCapVal 18.86 +.11 ParStEMkt 15.95 +.13 FMI Funds: LgCap p 16.78 +.08 FPA Funds: 10.91 ... NwInc FPACres n 28.30 +.09

Fairholme 32.68 +.33 Federated A: MidGrStA 38.57 +.30 KaufmA p 5.73 +.04 TtlRtBd p 11.30 ... Federated Instl: KaufmnR 5.73 +.04 TotRetBd 11.30 ... ... TtlRtBdS 11.30 StrValDvIS x4.74 -.01 Fidelity Advisor A: FltRateA r 9.88 ... MdCpIIA p 18.47 +.02 NwInsgh p 20.84 +.11 SmlCpA p 27.09 +.22 StrInA 12.69 +.01 Fidelity Advisor C: NwInsgh t n19.85 +.11 StrInC t n 12.67 +.02 Fidelity Advisor I: FltRateI n 9.86 ... NwInsgtI n 21.06 +.12 Fidelity Advisor T: NwInsgh p 20.60 +.12 Fidelity Freedom: FF2010 n 14.14 +.05 FF2010K 13.07 +.05 FF2015 n 11.82 +.05 FF2015K 13.12 +.06 FF2020 n 14.41 +.07 FF2020K 13.62 +.06 FF2025 n 12.06 +.06 FF2025K 13.86 +.08 FF2030 n 14.43 +.08 FF2030K 14.07 +.08 FF2035 n 12.04 +.07 FF2035K 14.26 +.09 FF2040 n 8.42 +.06 FF2040K 14.34 +.09 FF2045 n 9.97 +.06 FF2050 n 9.86 +.06 Income n 11.58 +.02 Fidelity Invest: AllSectEq 13.10 +.07 AMgr50 n 16.04 +.06 AMgr70 r n17.13 +.10 AMgr20 r n13.11 +.02 Balanc n 19.12 +.07 BalancedK 19.12 +.06 BlueChGr n48.63 +.15 Canada n 60.51 +.24 CapAp n 26.76 +.09 CapDevO n11.58 +.06 CpInc r n 9.83 +.02 ChinaRg r 32.76 +.18 Contra n 71.01 +.39 ContraK 71.01 +.39 CnvSc n 27.34 +.17 DisEq n 24.15 +.19 DiscEqF 24.15 +.19 DivIntl n 31.17 +.32 DivrsIntK r 31.16 +.32 DivGth n 30.05 +.21 EmergAs r n31.61 +.30 EmrMk n 26.40 +.27 Eq Inc n 46.85 +.27 EQII n 19.34 +.12 46.85 +.28 EqIncK Export n 22.94 +.11 34.56 +.21 Fidel n FltRateHi r n9.87 ... FrInOne n 28.58 +.16 GNMA n 11.69 -.01 ... GovtInc 10.59 GroCo n 91.74 +.41 GroInc n 19.31 +.09 GrowCoF 91.73 +.41

GrowthCoK91.74 +.41 GrStrat r n 21.90 +.18 Indepn n 26.00 +.13 InProBd n 12.08 -.02 IntBd n 10.75 ... IntmMu n 10.17 ... IntlDisc n 33.92 +.40 InvGrBd n 11.62 -.01 InvGB n 7.56 ... LgCapVal 12.24 +.07 58.48 +.74 LatAm LevCoStk n30.96 +.27 LowP r n 41.65 +.23 LowPriK r 41.65 +.23 Magelln n 74.68 +.16 MagellanK 74.63 +.17 MidCap n 31.24 +.20 MidCapK r 31.23 +.20 NwMkt r n 15.81 +.01 NwMill n 31.54 +.20 OTC n 60.48 +.34 100Index 9.19 +.04 Ovrsea n 33.69 +.53 Puritn n 18.85 +.09 PuritanK 18.85 +.09 RealE n 28.76 +.15 SAllSecEqF13.11 +.07 SCmdtyStrt n12.84+.14 SCmdtyStrF n12.87 +.14 SrEmrgMkt18.74 +.21 SrsIntGrw 11.79 +.12 SrsIntVal 10.42 +.12 ... SrInvGrdF 11.63 STBF n 8.53 ... SmCapDisc n22.20 +.15 SmllCpS r n21.18 +.18 SCpValu r 16.20 +.13 StkSelSmCp20.24 +.18 StratInc n 11.36 +.02 StrReRt r 9.97 +.03 TaxFrB r n 10.76 +.01 ... TotalBd n 10.95 USBI n 11.52 ... Value n 73.80 +.51 Fidelity Selects: Enrgy n 58.74 +.27 EngSv n 82.42 -.10 Gold r n 49.06 +.67 Health n 143.82 -.15 NatRes r n 38.16 +.26 Tech n 100.46 +.75 Fidelity Spartan: ExtMkIn n 40.88 +.29 IntlInxInv n 36.85 +.44 TotMktInv n38.90 +.19 Fidelity Spart Adv: 500IdxAdv n47.26 +.20 IntAd r n 36.85 +.43 TotMktAd r n38.90 +.19 First Eagle: GlblA 48.38 +.22 OverseasA23.29 +.11 SGenGld p33.56 +.47 Forum Funds: AbsStrI r 10.93 ... Frank/Temp Frnk A: BalInv p 48.94 +.33 CalTFA p 6.82 ... FedTFA p 11.67 ... FlxCpGrA 51.11 +.27 FoundAl p 11.26 +.07 GoldPrM A 46.60 +.73 GrwthA p 47.23 +.22 ... HYTFA p 9.85

2.05 ... HiIncA ... IncomA p 2.27 ... InsTFA p 11.66 NYTFA p 11.45 ... RisDvA p 35.33 +.13 SMCpGrA 40.19 +.24 StratInc p 10.69 +.01 ... TtlRtnA p 10.33 USGovA p 6.83 -.01 UtilsA p 12.58 +.03 Frank/Tmp Frnk Adv: GlbBdAdv n13.89 +.05 IncmeAd 2.26 +.01 Frank/Temp Frnk C: FoundAl p 11.08 +.07 ... IncomC t 2.29 USGvC t 6.79 -.01 Frank/Temp Mtl A&B: SharesA 22.07 +.12 Frank/Temp Temp A: DvMktA p 25.44 +.39 ForgnA p 7.61 +.10 GlBd A p 13.93 +.05 GrwthA p 19.45 +.18 WorldA p 15.93 +.14 Frank/Temp Tmp Adv: GrthAv 19.46 +.18 Frank/Temp Tmp B&C: GlBdC p 13.95 +.05 GE Elfun S&S: S&S Inc 11.52 ... S&S PM 42.42 +.17 Trusts 44.54 +.10 GE Instl Funds: IntlEq 11.92 +.15 GE Investments: TRFd3 p 17.07 +.08 GMO Trust: ... ShDurColl r 8.98 USTreas x 25.00 -.01 GMO Trust II: EmergMkt r15.03 +.16 GMO Trust III: IntIntrVl 23.23 +.22 Quality 21.55 +.10 GMO Trust IV: EmrMkt 14.97 +.16 IntlGrEq 24.60 +.25 IntlIntrVl 23.22 +.22 Quality 21.56 +.09 GMO Trust VI: EmgMkts r 14.98 +.16 IntlCorEq 30.90 +.31 Quality 21.55 +.09 StrFxInc 15.80 ... Gabelli Funds: 52.70 +.37 Asset EqInc p 21.92 +.11 SCapG 35.80 +.22 Gateway Funds: GatewayA 26.78 +.07 Goldman Sachs A: MdCVA p 38.53 +.26 Goldman Sachs Inst: GrOppt 26.09 +.14 HiYield 7.44 -.01 HYMuni n 8.28 ... MidCapV 38.86 +.26 SmCapV 44.49 +.28 StrucIntl n 10.93 +.12 Harbor Funds: Bond 12.39 +.01 CapApInst 39.52 +.23 63.76 +.86 IntlInv t IntlAdm p 63.96 +.86 12.37 +.12 IntlGr r Intl r 64.44 +.87 Harding Loevner: EmgMkt r 50.36 +.35

Hartford Fds A: CpAppA p 35.22 +.23 DivGthA p 20.15 +.10 FltRateA px 8.94 ... MidCpA p 23.70 +.08 Hartford Fds C: CapApC t 31.17 +.20 FltRateC tx 8.93 ... Hartford Fds Y: CapAppY n38.28 +.25 CapAppI n 35.26 +.22 FltRateI x n 8.94 ... Hartford HLS IA : CapApp 44.27 +.30 Div&Gr 20.80 +.11 Advisers 20.28 +.08 Stock 43.38 +.26 TotRetBd 11.25 -.01 Heartland Fds: ValueInv 46.64 +.22 ValPlusInv p31.10 +.27 Henderson Glbl Fds: IntOppA p 22.66 +.24 Hussman Funds: StrTotRet r 12.32 +.01 StrGrowth 12.30 -.01 ICM SmCo n31.80 +.17 IVA Funds: Intl I r 16.93 +.10 WldwideA t17.44 +.10 WldwideC t17.30 +.09 Wldwide I r 17.45 +.09 Invesco Funds A: Chart p 17.40 +.07 CmstkA 16.69 +.08 Const p 24.55 +.07 EqIncA 8.99 +.03 GrIncA p 20.23 +.07 HYMuA 9.01 ... IntlGrow 29.27 +.25 MdCpCEq p24.89 +.13 Invesco Funds P: SummitP p 12.58 +.05 Ivy Funds: AssetSC t 25.22 +.25 AssetStA p26.03 +.27 AssetStrI r 26.27 +.27 GlNatRsA p22.98 +.25 GlNatResI t23.45 +.25 JPMorgan A Class: CoreBd A 11.64 ... Inv Bal p 12.66 +.04 MCpVal p 25.05 +.14 JPMorgan C Class: CoreBd p 11.69 ... JP Morgan Instl: MdCpVal n25.47 +.14 JPMorgan R Cl: ... CoreBond n11.64 ShtDurBd 11.03 ... JPMorgan Select: USEquity n10.70 +.06 JPMorgan Sel Cls: CoreBd n 11.63 ... HighYld n 8.38 ... IntmTFBd n11.00 ... ShtDurBd n11.03 +.01 TxAwRRet n10.25 -.01 USLCCrPls n21.45+.13 Janus S Shrs: Forty 33.99 +.02 Overseas t 47.98 +.34 Janus T Shrs: BalancdT 26.44 +.11 Grw&IncT 32.92 +.22 Janus T 30.33 +.07 OvrseasT r48.13 +.35 PrkMCVal T24.06 +.12 ... ShTmBdT 3.10 Twenty T 66.54 +.12

Jensen J 28.82 +.04 John Hancock A: LgCpEqA 26.96 +.17 StrInA p 6.84 +.01 John Hancock Cl 1: LSAggr 12.98 +.09 LSBalanc 13.52 +.06 LSConsrv 13.20 +.02 LSGrwth 13.53 +.07 LSModer 13.14 +.03 Keeley Funds: SmCpValA p26.66 +.24 LSVValEq n14.68 +.09 Lazard Instl: EmgMktI 21.54 +.19 Lazard Open: EmgMkO p21.92 +.20 Legg Mason A: CBAgGr p122.21 +.78 CBAppr p 14.54 +.07 WAMgMu p15.45 +.01 Legg Mason C: CMValTr p 40.07 +.19 Longleaf Partners: Partners 31.20 +.18 15.59 +.08 Intl SmCap 30.28 +.18 Loomis Sayles: LSBondI 14.94 +.03 StrInc C 15.61 +.04 LSBondR 14.88 +.03 15.52 +.03 StrIncA Loomis Sayles Inv: InvGrBdA p12.55 +.01 InvGrBdC p12.46 +.02 InvGrBdY 12.56 +.02 Lord Abbett A: FloatRt p 9.37 ... AffilA p 12.08 +.08 FundlEq 13.78 +.09 ... BdDebA p 8.09 ShDurIncA p4.62 ... MidCpA p 17.91 +.14 RsSmCA 33.47 +.23 Lord Abbett C: BdDbC p 8.11 ... ShDurIncC t 4.65 ... Lord Abbett F: ... ShtDurInco 4.62 Lord Abbett I: SmCapVal 35.44 +.25 MFS Funds A: IntlDvA 14.22 +.15 MITA 20.43 +.13 16.21 +.07 MIGA 44.05 +.20 EmGA IntlVA 26.22 +.24 16.18 +.18 ReInA TotRA 14.71 +.05 UtilA 18.13 +.06 24.28 +.14 ValueA MFS Funds I: ReInT 16.71 +.19 24.39 +.13 ValueI MFS Funds Instl: IntlEq n 19.14 +.24 MainStay Funds A: HiYldBA 6.02 -.01 MainStay Funds I: ICAPSlEq 36.95 +.20 Mairs & Power: 76.44 +.42 Growth Managers Funds: Bond n 26.57 +.02 Manning&Napier Fds: WldOppA 9.33 -.03 Matthews Asian: AsiaDvInv r14.30 +.10 AsianGIInv 18.28 +.14 China Inv 29.77 +.15 PacTgrInv 23.64 +.20

... MergerFd 16.26 Meridian Funds: 47.77 +.23 Growth Metro West Fds: TotRetBd 10.56 -.01 TotRtBdI 10.56 ... MontagGr I 25.42 +.04 MorganStanley Inst: EmMktI 26.79 +.25 14.55 +.16 IntlEqI MCapGrI 41.74 +.25 MCapGrP p40.41 +.24 Munder Funds Y: MCpCGrY n31.08 +.14 Mutual Series: BeacnZ 13.15 +.08 GblDiscA 30.88 +.19 GlbDiscC 30.56 +.19 GlbDiscZ 31.28 +.19 QuestZ 18.76 +.09 SharesZ 22.26 +.12 Nationwide Instl: S&P500Ins11.20 +.05 Neuberger&Berm Inv: Genesis 36.36 +.16 GenesInst 50.34 +.23 Neuberger&Berm Tr: Genesis 52.11 +.22 Nicholas Group: Nich n 49.20 +.27 Northeast Investors: Trust 6.25 +.02 Northern Funds: BondIdx 10.67 ... HiYFxInc 7.51 ... IntTxEx 10.24 ... IntlEqIdx r 10.94 ... MMEmMkt r22.94 +.23 MMIntEq r 10.18 +.09 SmCapVl 15.85 ... StkIdx 16.52 +.07 Nuveen Cl A: HYMuBd p 14.58 +.01 KYMuB p 10.70 ... LrgCpV p 20.40 +.11 ... OHMBA p 11.01 LtMBA p 10.95 ... Nuveen Cl R: IntDMBd 8.95 ... HYMunBd 14.57 +.01 TWVlOpp 36.33 +.28 Nuveen Cl Y: RealEst 20.31 +.10 Oakmark Funds I: EqtyInc r 29.31 +.14 23.14 +.13 GlobalI Intl I r 20.32 +.21 IntSmCp r 14.47 +.05 Oakmark r 44.28 +.17 Select r 30.08 +.19 Old Westbury Fds: GlobOpp 8.20 +.04 GlbSMdCap16.54 +.13 NonUSLgC p11.00+.12 RealRet 11.38 +.12 Oppenheimer A: CapApA p 45.93 +.27 DvMktA p 35.89 +.29 EqIncA p 26.15 +.17 GlobA p 65.15 +.49 GblAllocA 16.06 +.11 GlbOppA 31.64 +.21 GblStrIncA 4.40 +.02 Gold p 46.90 +.79 6.69 +.05 IntBdA p IntGrw p 30.10 +.38 LtdTmMu 14.26 ... MnStFdA 33.49 +.21 MSSCA p 22.01 +.15 RisingDivA 16.60 +.08

SenFltRtA 8.40 -.01 S&MdCpVl34.84 +.26 Oppenheimer C&M: DevMktC t 34.42 +.26 6.67 +.05 IntlBdC SenFltRtC 8.41 -.01 Oppenheimer Roch: LtdNYA p 3.22 ... RoMu A p 15.15 +.02 RcNtMuA 6.72 ... Oppenheimer Y: DevMktY 35.54 +.28 IntlBdY 6.69 +.05 IntGrowY 29.98 +.39 Osterweis Funds: 11.90 ... StrInco PIMCO Admin PIMS: ... ShtTmAd p 9.91 TotRtAd 11.05 +.01 PIMCO Instl PIMS: AlAsetAut r11.02 +.03 AllAsset 12.63 +.04 ComodRR 9.63 +.11 DevLcMk r 11.00 +.06 DivInc 11.66 ... EmMkBd 11.23 +.01 FltInc r 9.06 +.01 ForBdUn r 11.00 +.10 10.49 +.02 FrgnBd HiYld 9.50 -.01 ... InvGrCp 10.80 LowDu 10.52 +.01 ModDur 10.81 ... RealRet 11.61 -.03 RealRtnI 11.68 -.01 ShortT 9.91 ... TotRt 11.05 +.01 ... 10.56 TR II TRIII 9.79 +.01 PIMCO Funds A: AllAstAut t 10.95 +.03 AllAsset p 12.53 +.04 ComRR p 9.48 +.11 LwDurA 10.52 +.01 RealRtA p 11.68 -.01 TotRtA 11.05 +.01 PIMCO Funds C: AllAstAut t 10.84 +.03 RealRtC p 11.68 -.01 TotRtC t 11.05 +.01 PIMCO Funds D: LowDur p 10.52 +.01 RealRtn p 11.68 -.01 11.05 +.01 TRtn p PIMCO Funds P: AstAllAuthP11.01 +.03 CmdtyRR 9.62 +.11 TotRtnP 11.05 +.01 Parnassus Funds: EqtyInco n 27.88 +.14 Pax World: Balanced 23.81 +.08 Perm Port Funds: Permannt 48.71 +.29 Pioneer Funds A: CullenVal 19.01 +.18 HiYldA p 10.66 +.02 PionFdA p 42.92 +.23 Pioneer Funds C: PionrFdY 43.09 +.23 Pioneer Fds Y: CullenV Y 19.09 +.18 Price Funds Adv: EqInc 24.88 +.13 Growth p n 33.64 +.17 HiYld 6.95 ... R2020A p n17.24 +.08 R2030A p n18.18 +.11 Price Funds: Balance n 20.28 +.08

BlChip n 40.48 +.18 CapApp n 21.61 +.08 DivGro n 24.51 +.10 EmMktB n 13.42 +.02 EmMktS n 35.16 +.39 EqInc n 24.93 +.13 EqIndex n 35.96 +.15 Growth n 33.94 +.17 HlthSci n 36.24 +.15 HiYield n 6.96 ... InstlCpG 17.38 +.09 IntlBond n 10.37 +.09 IntDis n 45.75 +.44 14.24 +.16 Intl G&I IntlStk n 14.81 +.15 LatAm n 54.09 +.74 MDBond n 10.28 ... MediaTl n 56.79 +.43 MidCap n 63.78 +.41 MCapVal n25.36 +.12 N Amer n 35.21 +.15 N Asia n 19.43 +.19 New Era n 54.20 +.38 N Horiz n 37.43 +.19 N Inc n 9.61 -.01 OverS SF r n8.89 +.10 PSBal n 20.01 +.08 RealEst n 19.59 +.09 R2010 n 16.11 +.06 R2015 n 12.52 +.05 R2020 n 17.35 +.08 R2025 n 12.73 +.06 R2030 n 18.31 +.11 R2035 n 12.97 +.07 R2040 n 18.47 +.11 R2045 n 12.31 +.08 Ret Inco n 13.55 +.03 SciTec n 29.45 +.30 ShtBd n 4.87 ... SmCpStk n37.70 +.21 SmCapVal n38.13 +.20 SpecGr n 18.78 +.11 SpecIn n 12.67 +.02 SuMuInt n 11.35 ... Value n 25.02 +.14 Primecap Odyssey : Growth r 16.88 +.06 Principal Inv: HighYldA p 8.17 ... LgCGI In 9.92 +.04 LgCV1 In 11.29 +.06 LgGrIn 8.44 +.02 LT2020In 12.35 +.06 LT2030In 12.29 +.06 LT2040I 12.51 +.07 MidCGIII In11.81 +.07 SAMBalA 13.35 +.05 Prudential Fds A: MidCpGrA 30.24 +.18 NatResA 57.83 +.53 UtilityA 11.15 +.06 Putnam Funds A: ... DvrInA p 8.18 EqInA p 16.29 +.08 GrInA p 14.23 +.09 MultiCpGr 54.12 +.32 VoyA p 23.88 +.20 RS Funds: LgCAlphaB t41.31 +.14 RSNtRs p 39.83 +.36 35.06 +.28 RSPart Rainier Inv Mgt: SmMCap 35.80 +.32 RidgeWorth Funds: HiYldI 10.14 -.01 MdCValEqI12.72 +.09

RiverSource A: HiYdTEA 4.17 ... Royce Funds: LwPrSkSv r19.14 +.13 PennMuI r 12.57 +.08 PremierI r 22.25 +.17 SpecEqI r 21.60 +.10 TotRetI r 13.93 +.08 VlPlSvc 14.29 +.08 Russell Funds S: IntlDvMkt 33.01 +.41 ... StratBd 11.04 SEI Portfolios: CoreFxA n 11.03 ... HiYld n 7.60 ... IntlEqA n 9.25 +.12 LgCGroA n23.21 +.07 LgCValA n 17.30 +.10 TxMgLC n 12.90 +.06 SSgA Funds: EmgMkt 22.78 +.28 Schwab Funds: CoreEq 18.13 +.11 1000Inv r 39.75 +.18 S&P Sel 20.87 +.09 SmCpSl 22.84 +.16 TSM Sel r 24.38 +.12 Scout Funds: Intl 33.79 +.27 Selected Funds: AmShD 43.53 +.33 AmShS p 43.50 +.33 Sentinel Group: ComS A p 33.54 +.17 Sequoia n 144.32 +.89 Sound Shore: SoundShore33.60 +.18 St FarmAssoc: Gwth 55.96 +.35 Sun Capital Adv: IbbotBalSv p12.95 +.06 TCW Funds: TotRetBdI 10.02 ... TCW Funds N: ... ToRtBdN p10.36 TIAA-CREF Funds: BondInst 10.56 -.01 EqIdxInst 10.22 +.05 IntlEqIInst 17.34 +.18 Templeton Instit: ForEqS 21.33 +.27 Third Avenue Fds: REValInst r24.53 +.17 ValueInst 52.67 +.39 Thornburg Fds C: IntValC t 27.88 +.32 Thornburg Fds: IntValA p 29.67 +.35 IncBuildA t 19.78 +.09 IncBuildC p19.78 +.09 IntValue I 30.33 +.35 14.20 ... LtTMuI ValueI 36.81 +.20 Thrivent Fds A: Bond 10.16 ... LgCpStk 23.34 +.12 LgCpVal 14.23 +.06 MidCpSk 16.14 +.10 MuniBd 11.06 ... PtrIntStk 10.29 +.10 Tocqueville Fds: 85.45 +1.20 Gold t Transamerica C: AAlModGr t12.44 +.07 Tweedy Browne: GblValue 24.78 +.14 USAA Group: CrnstStr 23.87 +.10 HYldOpp 8.74 ... Inco 12.97 ... Intl 25.87 +.31

PrecMM 40.31 +.60 S&P Idx 19.98 +.08 ShtTBnd 9.21 ... TxEIt 12.86 ... TxELT 12.59 ... 10.70 ... TxESh VALIC : MdCpIdx 22.48 +.14 26.43 +.11 StkIdx Van Eck Funds: GlHardA 54.26 +.49 Vanguard Admiral: AsstAdml n58.30 +.22 BalAdml n 22.43 +.06 CAITAdm n10.95 ... CALTAdm n10.94 ... CpOpAdl n 81.46 +.49 EMAdmr r n40.07 +.43 Energy n 134.22 +.73 EqInAdm n n46.40 +.17 EuroAdml n66.75 +.86 ExplAdml n75.04 +.49 ExtdAdm n 44.90 +.30 500Adml n123.01 +.53 GNMA Ad n10.95 -.01 GrwAdm n 33.52 +.13 HlthCr n 58.83 +.21 HiYldCp n 5.85 ... InfProAd n 26.52 -.05 ITBdAdml n11.43 ... ITsryAdml n11.56 ... IntGrAdm n64.28 +.68 ITAdml n 13.55 ... ITGrAdm n 10.04 ... ... LtdTrAd n 11.08 LTGrAdml n 9.60 -.03 LT Adml n 10.88 ... MCpAdml n101.11 +.61 MorgAdm n59.71 +.28 MuHYAdm n10.26 ... NYLTAd n 11.01 ... PrmCap r n72.96 +.30 PacfAdml n68.35 +.34 PALTAdm n10.96 ... ReitAdm r n87.45 +.46 STsyAdml n10.76 ... STBdAdml n10.63 ... ShtTrAd n 15.91 ... STFdAd n 10.84 -.01 STIGrAd n 10.80 ... SmCAdm n37.73 +.24 TxMCap r n67.02 +.31 TxMGrIn r n59.80 +.26 TtlBAdml n 10.75 -.01 TStkAdm n33.68 +.16 ValAdml n 22.24 +.12 WellslAdm n55.10 +.05 WelltnAdm n56.39 +.21 Windsor n 48.37 +.33 WdsrIIAd n49.14 +.27 TxMSC r n 29.32 +.18 Vanguard Fds: FTAlWldIn r n19.41+.19 AssetA n 25.96 +.09 CapOpp n 35.26 +.21 Convrt n 14.06 +.05 DivAppIn n 22.47 +.07 DivdGro n 15.52 +.07 Energy n 71.47 +.39 EqInc n 22.13 +.08 Explr n 80.60 +.53 GNMA n 10.95 -.01 GlobEq n 18.92 +.15 GroInc n 28.04 +.08 HYCorp n 5.85 ... HlthCre n 139.39 +.49

6C • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011



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M I L L E R D A V I S A G E N C Y, C I T Y O F S A L I S B U R Y, D O W N T O W N S A L I S B U R Y, I N C . F O O D M AY B E P U R C H A S E D F R O M T H E S E V E N D O R S

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SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 • 7C


SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011

Hope your 1st Birthday is as special as you are Lavierah W. Love, Grandma & Paw Paw Happy 36th Birthday Jennifer. Love, Mother, Daddy, Amy & Keith.

Happy 1st Birthday Lavierah Walker. Mama loves you! Happy 56th Birthday Daddy! Wishing you a blessed day and many more to come. Love always, Tasha


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8C • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011



Zits/Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

Jump Start/Robb Armstrong

For Better or For Worse/Lynn Johnston

Frank & Ernest/Bob Thaves

Dilbert/Scott Adams Non Sequitur/Wiley Miller

Garfield/Jim Davis Pickles/Brian Crane

Hagar The Horrible/Chris Browne Dennis/Hank Ketcham

Family Circus/Bil Keane

Blondie/Dean Young and John Marshall


Get Fuzzy/Darby Conley

The Born Loser/Art and Chip Sansom

Sudoku/United Feature Syndicate Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

Answer to Previous Puzzle

Celebrity Cipher/Luis Campos


SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 • 9C





A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina














CBS Evening News (N) Evening 3 CBS News (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 22 (:00) News at 6:00P (N) World 9 ABC News With David Muir (N) NBC Nightly News (N) Å (:00) Bones


11 “Death in the


Nightly 6 NBC News (N) Å



Paid Program

NCIS (In Stereo) Å (DVS)

NCIS (In Stereo) Å (DVS) Armando Montelongo Real estate. MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å

Paid Program

NCIS: Los Angeles (In Stereo) Å (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles (In Stereo) Å (DVS)

48 Hours Mystery (In Stereo) Å 48 Hours Mystery (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 10:00 News (N)

News 2 at 11 (N) Å WBTV 3 News at 11 PM (N)

(:35) Criminal Minds Å (:35) America Now Å

(:45) Fox 8 Fringe “Snakehead” Bodies host Sports Saturday squidlike creatures. (In Stereo) Å

Paid Program

Inside Edition Wipeout “Spring Wipeout: The The Bachelorette Twenty-five eligible men arrive. (In Stereo) Å Weekend (N) Å Wizard of Owws” Bowled Over; Chocolate Shop. Å Entertainment Tonight (N) (In Minute to Win It “The Family That Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Plays Together” A family from North Carolina competes. MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Fox News at (:35) Fox News 10 (N) Got Game

Eyewitness (:35) Nine News Tonight Racing Report (N) Å WXII News (:29) Saturday Channel 12 at Night Live (In 11 (N) Å Stereo) Å Fringe “Snakehead” Bodies host squidlike creatures. (In Stereo) Å

Saddle” Å



Paid Program






Jeopardy! Å

Wheel of Fortune “Taste of Europe” Å Carolina Calling Classic Gospel “Whispering Hope” (In Stereo) Å ABC World George Lopez George Lopez News Å Å The Office (In Two and a Half Two and a Half Stereo) Å Men Men Two/Half Men The Office The Office (:00) Da Vinci’s Deadliest Catch “Lady Luck” Early Inquest Kosmo close to the season. (In Stereo) Å is troubled. (:00) Song of The Lawrence Welk Show “Music the Mountains of Irving Berlin” “Alexander’s Å Ragtime Band.”

Minute to Win It “The Family That Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å Plays Together” A family from North Carolina competes. Airmen and Adversity Å Nickles From Heaven (In Stereo) How I Survived World War II

NewsChannel Saturday Night Live (In Stereo) 36 News at Å 11:00 (N) Austin City Limits Steve Martin plays the banjo. Å Å Wipeout Bowled Over; Chocolate The Bachelorette Twenty-five eligible men arrive. (In Stereo) Å NUMB3RS “Scorched” A professor Shop. (In Stereo) Å helps catch an arsonist. Stargate Universe The plan to WJZY News at (:35) Two and a (:05) Two and a (:35) The King Brothers & Sisters “Double abandon ship raises spirits. 10 (N) Negative” Paternity test. Å Half Men Half Men of Queens ’70s Show The Unit “Paradise Lost” Deadliest Catch Å ’70s Show House/Payne House/Payne Movie: ››› “Scream 3” (2000) David Arquette, Neve Campbell, The World’s Funniest Moments Scrubs A rival According to Å Courteney Cox Arquette. intern challenges Jim (In Stereo) J.D. Å As Time Goes The Old Guys Keeping Up Outnumbered Poirot “The Kidnapped Prime MI-5 “Thou Shalt Not Kill” AbortionBy “Visiting (In Stereo) Å Appearances Å (In Stereo) Å Minister” Prime minister kidnapped. provider’s murder. (In Stereo) Å Rocky” Å (In Stereo) Å


Wars The top 10 most 36 Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Parking Wars Å Parking Wars Å Parking outrageous encounters. Å


(4:00) Movie: ›››› “Patton” (1970) George C. Movie: ›››› “Apocalypse Now Redux” (2001) Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen. An Army agent goes upriver into the heart of 27 Scott, Cambodia to kill a renegade colonel. Karl Malden. Å River Monsters: Unhooked River Monsters: Unhooked Jeremy searches for the goonch. River Monsters: Unhooked (N) River Monsters: Unhooked 38 Hand Fishin’ Movie: ››‡ “Stomp the Yard” The Game The Game Movie: ›› “Daddy’s Little Girls” (2007) Gabrielle Union, Idris Elba. Å 59 The Game (:15) The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills The Real Housewives of New Jersey Housewives/NJ Housewives/NYC 37 Housewives The Suze Orman Show (N) Till Debt/Part Till Debt/Part American Greed 34 Paid Program Money in Mot. Till Debt/Part American Greed CNN Presents Å Piers Morgan Tonight Newsroom CNN Presents Å 32 Situation Rm Newsroom


MythBusters “Blue Ice” MythBusters “Bubble Trouble” 35 (:00) MythBusters Å Investigating the skies for blue ice. Floating in carbonated water.
















57 66 76 46










50 58




62 44 60





















MythBusters “Bubble Trouble” MythBusters A test to see if one MythBusters The truth of the world’s first torpedo. Å Floating in carbonated water. can walk on water. Å Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Å Movie: “Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure” (2011) Ashley Tisdale, Austin The Suite Life The Suite Life The Suite Life The Suite Life “Wild It Up” Butler, Bradley Steven Perry. on Deck Å on Deck Å on Deck Å “Glitz it Up” on Deck Å (:00) E! News Voice Defining retirement. Movie: ›‡ “Because I Said So” (2007) Kardashian The Soup Chelsea Lately College Softball NCAA Champ. College Softball NCAA Tournament, Super Regional: Teams TBA. (If Baseball Tonight (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å Update necessary). (Live) Å College Lacrosse NCAA Update College Softball SportsCenter Special Å Movie: ››› “Bolt” (2008) Voices of John Travolta, Miley Cyrus, Susie Movie: ››‡ “Jumanji” (1995) “Beverly Hills Movie: ›› “Hotel for Dogs” (2009) Emma Roberts, Jake T. Austin, Chihuahua” Lisa Kudrow. Premiere. Essman. Premiere. Bonnie Hunt In My Words College Baseball ACC Tournament, Game 12: Teams TBA. From Durham, N.C. (N) (Live) Sports Stories Final Score The Game 365 Final Score (5:00) Movie: Movie: ››‡ “Step Brothers” (2008) Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Movie: ›‡ “Jumper” (2008) “Role Models” Richard Jenkins. Jamie Bell Men Men Men Men America’s-HQ FOX Report (N) Huckabee (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine Stossel War Stories With Oliver North European PGA Tour Golf BMW PGA Championship, Third Round. From Surrey, England. Big Break Indian Wells Big Break Indian Wells Golf Central Golden Girls Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Cheers Å Cheers Å Golden Girls Golden Girls Frasier Å Designed-Sell Hunters Int’l House Hunters Sarah-Summer Curb/Block Curb/Block Antonio House Hunters House Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l (:00) America the Story of Us “Millennium” America Swamp People A new gator sea- Swamp People New challengers Swamp People Troy enlists the Swamp People Troy Landry hires a are on the swamp. Å becomes a global superpower. Å son begins in Louisiana. help of Liz Cavalier. Å lady gator hunter. Å Billy Graham Kingdom Conn Potter’s Touch Gaither Gospel Hour The Waltons (Part 1 of 2) The Waltons (Part 2 of 2) Movie: “Les Miserables” “The Boy She Movie: “Like Mother, Like Daughter” (2007) Michelle Stafford, Movie: “Reviving Ophelia” (2010) Jane Kaczmarek, Kim Dickens, Nick Movie: “The Boy She Met Online” Danielle Kind, William R. Moses. Å Met Online” Thurston. Å (2010) Alexandra Paul. (:00) Movie: “Mom, Dad and Her” (2008) Melora Movie: ››› “Dan in Real Life” (2007) Steve Carell, Juliette Binoche, Movie: ›› “In the Land of Women” (2007) Adam Brody, Meg Ryan, Hardin, Paul McGillion. Å Dane Cook. Å Kristen Stewart. Å Lockup: Raw Lockup: Raw Lockup: Raw “Hard Time” Lockup: Raw Life and death. Lockup: Raw Lockup: Raw Joining a gang. (:00) Breakout Explorer Violent behavior. Ice Pilots “Deadly Winds” American Paranormal Area 51 Declassified Ice Pilots “Deadly Winds” Victorious (In iCarly (In Stereo) iCarly (In Stereo) iCarly (In Stereo) Supah Ninjas Big Time Rush Victorious (In My Wife and My Wife and George Lopez George Lopez Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Kids Å Kids Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å (5:30) Movie: “You, Me and Dupree” (2006) Movie: ››‡ “Just Friends” (2005) Å Movie: ››‡ “Just Friends” (2005) Å Countdown UFC Unleashed (In Stereo) UFC 130: Prelims (N) Movie: ›› “Rambo” (2008) Sylvester Stallone. Movie: “Rambo III” (1988) My Words College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. College Baseball SEC Tournament: Teams TBA. Movie: ›››‡ “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” (1986) William Shatner. The Enterprise Movie: ››› “Star Trek: First Contact” (1996) Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent “Star Trek II” crew travels to 20th-century San Francisco. Å Spiner. Seinfeld “The Fix The King of The King of Movie: ›› “Confessions of a Shopaholic” (2009) Isla Fisher, Hugh Movie: ›› “Failure to Launch” (2006) Matthew McConaughey, Sarah Up” Å Queens Å Queens Å Dancy, Krysten Ritter. Jessica Parker, Zooey Deschanel. Å Movie: ››› “Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo” (1944) Spencer Tracy, Van Johnson, Robert Movie: ››› “Men of the Fighting Lady” (1954) (:00) Movie: ›› “Ensign Pulver” (1964) Robert Walker, Burl Ives, Walter Matthau. Walker. Å (DVS) Van Johnson, Louis Calhern. Å Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours on ID: Left for Dead 48 Hours Mystery Å 48 Hours on ID: Left for Dead 48 Hours Mystery Å (:00) Movie: ››‡ “Anchorman: The Legend of NBA Pregame NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Miami Heat. From the AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. Inside the NBA (N) (Live) Å Ron Burgundy” (2004) Å (N) (Live) Å (If necessary). (N) (Live) Å Most Shocking Top 20 Most Shocking Top 20 Most Shocking World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... Forensic Files Forensic Files EverybodyEverybodyEverybodyEverybodyEverybodyEverybodyEverybodyAll in the Family All in the Family Everybody(:25) Sanford Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond & Son (5:30) Movie: ›› “National Treasure” (2004) Nicolas Cage, Hunter Movie: ›››› “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (1981) Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul (:03) In Plain Sight A pageant Gomez, Diane Kruger. Å Freeman. Å queen’s life. Å Meet, Browns NUMB3RS “Scorched” Å Criminal Minds “Outfoxed” The Closer “Identity Theft” Eyewitness Hot Topics The Insider (N) Entertainment How I Met Your (:00) The Unit Bones Human remains are found Bones A decomposed body is America’s Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Scrubs “My Mother by a railroad. Å found in the woods. Å (In Stereo) Å Dumb Luck” Å Å


Movie: ›‡ “Our Family Wedding” (2010) America (:45) Movie: “Too Big to Fail” (2011) William Hurt, Edward Asner, Billy Game of Crudup. (In Stereo) Å Ferrera. Premiere. (In Stereo) Thrones Å Big Love “D.I.V.O.R.C.E.” Barb Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Hung (In Stereo) Treme Aunt Mimi and Davis’ record Treme “Slip Away” Davis discovers True Blood “Night on the Sun” Å hopes to attain the priesthood. Ball Tour company. Å new talent. Å Russell plots his next move. Movie: ››‡ “Robin Hood” (2010) Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, William Hurt. (In Movie: ›› “He’s Just Not That Into You” (2009) Ben Affleck, Jennifer (:15) Movie: ››› “Solaris” Stereo) Å Aniston, Drew Barrymore. (In Stereo) Å (2002) (In Stereo) Movie: ››› “Catch Me if You Can” (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Christopher Movie: ››‡ “MacGruber” (2010) Will Forte. (5:20) Movie: ››‡ “Orphan” Femme Fatales Å (2009) Vera Farmiga. Walken. (In Stereo) Å Premiere. (In Stereo) Å “Saint John of The Borgias (iTV) Lucrezia gives Nurse Jackie United States of Movie: ›››‡ “The Hurt Locker” (2008) Jeremy Renner, Anthony (:15) Movie: “Hugh Hefner: birth in a convent. Å Las Vegas” (iTV) Å Tara (iTV) Mackie. iTV. (In Stereo) Å Playboy, Activist and Rebel”

Movie: ›› “Tooth Fairy” (2010) Dwayne 15 (:15) Johnson, Ashley Judd. (In Stereo) Å









Saturday, May 28 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Because you’ll make a special effort to treat all of your friends equally, chances are you’ll end up being the most popular person in your group. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Don’t deliberately seek out confrontations, but if you should be challenged, it’s not your nature to cut and run, and you’ll respond quite well. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — In your eagerness to get things done, you might have a tendency to stumble over your own clodhoppers. Subdue all impulsiveness, and everything will then look quite favorable for you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Don’t make the mistake of relying more on the talent and abilities of others than you do your own resources. In reality, what others have to offer might have limitations. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — You should strive to meet critical issues head-on instead of seeking ways to postpone them. Delays aren’t likely to improve matters, but they could create additional problems. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — If you’ve got a lot on your plate, try to plan an industrious agenda and strictly adhere to it. You’ll regret it later if you don’t use the hours that are available to you now. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — No one knows better than you that all work and no play dulls life’s cutting edge. Try to break away from your customary routine and find some time for a fun involvement. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — If you’ve been too busy to spend some quality time with the family lately, it might be the perfect day to do so. They’ll enjoy being with you as much as you’ll enjoy spending time with them. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There is a good chance that you’re likely to be a bit more restless than usual. Correct this issue by allowing yourself some legroom mentally, physically and socially. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — It’s smart to treat all opportunities as if they might not be there tomorrow. Matters that have profitable possibilities should be relegated to the front burner. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Allocate a little time to spend on some matters that are important to you personally. If you don’t take care of them yourself, it isn’t likely that they will get done for some time. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — You always get more accomplished when you can establish your own pace and work in an environment free from outside meddling. Try to find that kind of seclusion. Trying to patch up a broken romance? The Astro-Graph Matchmaker can help you understand what to do to make the relationship work. Send for your Matchmaker set by mailing $3 to Astro-Graph, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167. United FeatUre Syndicate

Today’s celebrity birthdays Actress Carroll Baker is 80. Actor John Karlen (“Cagney and Lacey”) is 78. Actress Beth Howland (“Alice”) is 70. Singer Gladys Knight is 67. Actress Sondra Locke is 67. Singer Billy Vera is 67. Singer John Fogerty is 66. Actor Brandon Cruz (“The Courtship of Eddie’s Father”) is 49. Country singer Phil Vassar is 49. Actress Christa Miller (“Scrubs,” “The Drew Carey Show”) is 47. Singer Chris Ballew of Presidents of the United States of America is 46. Singer Kylie Minogue is 43. Rapper Chubb Rock is 43. Actor Justin Kirk (“Weeds”) is 42. “The View” co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck is 34. Actress Monica Keena (“Dawson’s Creek,” “Undeclared”) is 32. Singer Colbie Caillat is 26.

Carsickness linked to poor vision The communications work both ways which will help dissolve the clot, and an anticoagulant to prevent new ones from forming. But if you have a family history of clotting disorders, it may be beneficial for you to continue with the later medication for life; however, if the clot is from your knee-replacement surgery, you may be able to discontinue it safely a minimum of three months after the clot has dissolved. The staph bacteria were likely introduced into the body at the surgical site. Staph is fairly common and treatable, but it may slow the healing process. A culture of the site should reveal which antibiotic will best eliminate the infection. As for the pain, I cannot give you a clear answer. The clot may not be the only cause. You have had several complications from your knee replacement, which itself can cause pain post operatively for a time. I suggest that you make an appointment with your primary-care physician to discuss the situation and to express your concerns. You can even ask that he or she call your orthopedic surgeon so they can work together to help you recover quickly and safely. Dr. Peter H. Gott is a retired physician and the author of several books, including “Live Longer, Live Better,” “Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Diet” and “Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Cookbook,” which are available at most bookstores or online. His website is www.AskDrGottMD.com. United FeatUre Syndicate

BY PHILLIP ALDER United Feature Syndicate

Anne Morrow Lindbergh, the wife of Charles Lindbergh and an aviator in her own right, claimed, “Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after.” In bridge, communication plays can be stimulating or infuriating, depending on whether you make the right play. In today’s deal, how should South play in four spades after West leads the heart three: eight, queen, ace? Did West have a better lead? How can North-South defeat five hearts, assuming declarer will guess the diamond suit correctly? South was right to raise to game when his partner invited, in particular because North’s two-club response had improved South’s hand. Should East make a takeout double over two clubs? On

this deal, yes. But given that his side is outgunned and he knows suits are breaking badly, it is probably an antipercentage action (and the vulnerability is unfavorable). In four spades, at trick two declarer plays a trump to dummy’s queen, seeing East discard. Now South must kill the opponents’ communications by leading a diamond. If instead declarer crosses to his hand with a club to lead a second spade, West can win with his ace, cash the heart king, play a diamond to his partner, and receive a club ruff (not that they would necessarily find that defense). To defeat four spades, West had to lead the heart king(!) or his singleton. To beat five hearts, the defenders must lead a diamond. Then South wins the first trump trick, leads a low club to his partner, and gains a diamond ruff — another tall order.

East Rowan Diamond Sports



ter Gott, P.O. Box 433, Lakeville, CT 06039. Be sure to mention the title(s) or print an order form off my website’s direct link at www.AskDrGottMD.com/order—form.pdf. Dear Dr. Gott: I enjoy reading your column. I have a question for you. I had a total knee replacement in December 2010. I developed a staph infection in my knee, and the surgeon also found a blood clot in the calf of my leg. I have heard different remarks about the clot and how long it will affect me. I am still having pain in my calf, and it does not ease up. How long will the blood clot cause me pain in my leg? I have a hard time doing my therapy because of it. Dear Reader: Based on your brief note, I have more questions than I do answers. First, what medications are you taking? I am assuming that you’re on an anticoagulant to help prevent the clot from traveling or worsening, or others from forming; an antibiotic to combat the staph infection; and likely, a pain medication, either over-the-counter or prescription. Do you have any other health conditions? Are you male or female? What is your age and general health status? Without knowing the answer to these questions, giving you advice regarding a blood clot in your leg is difficult. For example, do the doctors believe the clot formed as a result of your knee replacement or was it there before your surgery? Do you have a family history of clotting disorders? You should likely be on a thombolytic medication,


Registration 13-15 Year Old* Boys Baseball

Online registration at http://erds.baberuthonline.com The fee is $125 *Can not turn age 16 before May 1, 2011


Dear Dr. Gott: Some time ago, you printed a letter about a toddler who got carsick. Our son would get carsick starting in infancy until he was 5 years old, even on a local trip within a few miles. At age 5, it was discovered he had vision problems. When he began wearing his glasses, the issues ceased. I suggest the parents make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. It can’t hurt. Dear Reader: I continue to receive letters regarding carsickness and its various treatments. Remedies included ginger, acupressure, Sea-Bands, eating carbs prior to the car ride, having DR. PETER the car cool or wind blowing GOTT on the face, putting on quiet music and refraining from talking, looking at the horizon and not out the side windows and more. I am printing your letter because poor vision could certainly be a cause of motion sickness. If a child — or an adult, for that matter — isn’t seeing clearly, objects may become blurred, causing the brain to believe that the movement is faster than it is. Testing the vision is a simple, painless process. Readers who are interested in learning more about home remedies can order my Health Reports “Dr. Gott’s Compelling Home Remedies” and “More Compelling Home Remedies” by sending a selfaddressed stamped No. 10 envelope and a $2 check or money order per report to Dr. Pe-

BRIDESMAIDS (R) 12:45 3:50 7:00 9:50 FAST FIVE (PG-13) 1:00 4:00 6:55 9:55 THE HANGOVER 2 (R) 12:50 1:40 2:30 3:20 4:10 5:00 5:50 6:40 7:30 8:20 9:10 10:00 JUMPING THE BROOM (PG-13) 1:05 4:10 7:25 KUNG FU PANDA 2 (PG) 11:30 12:20 2:00 2:50 4:30 5:20 7:05 7:50 9:30 10:05 KUNG FU PANDA 2 3D (PG) 1:10 3:40 6:10 8:40

PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES (PG-13) 11:20 1:30 2:35 4:45 5:55 8:00 9:05 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES 3D (PG-13) 12:25 3:40 7:00 10:10 PRIEST (PG-13) 10:15 RIO 3D (G) 11:25 1:55 4:20 6:45 9:10 SOMETHING BORROWED (PG-13) 11:25 THOR 3D (PG-13) 11:30 4:50 10:10 THOR (PG-13) 2:10 7:30

10C • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011



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Outdoor Power Mid South Equipment Tractor Co.



5-Day 5-D ay Forecast for for Salisbury Salisbury Today


High 81°


National Cities


Low 65°

88°/ 65°

Partly cloudy tonight

Decreasing clouds


90°/ 65°


92°/ 67°

94°/ 65°

Live Life Well Rested Partly cloudy

Partly cloudy

Partly cloudy

Dining Room Table, Chairs, Bedrooms Fine Craftsmanship • Built for Beauty & Durability

Anne/Roland Furniture

4011 Statesville Blvd., Salisbury, NC 28147

Kn K Knoxville le 85/65

Boone 74/ 74/58

Frank Franklin n 83 8 83/58 8

Hi Hickory kkory 81/65

A Asheville s ville lle 8 81 81/59

Sp Spartanburg nb 83/6 83/65

Kit Kittyy Haw H Hawk w wk 81 81/70 1/70 0

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Charlotte ha t e 83/65

W Wilmington to 83/67

Atlanta 88/65

Co C Col Columbia bia 88/ 88/65 Au A Augusta u ug 90/65 9 90 90/ 0/ 5 0/65

.. ... Sunrise-.............................. Sunset tonight Moonrise today................... Moonset today....................

Jun 1 New

6:09 a.m. 8:29 p.m. 3:17 a.m. 4:48 p.m.

Jun 8 Jun 15 Jun 23 First Fi Full Last

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Allendale A Al llen e ll 9 90/65 /65 65 Savannah na ah 7 88/67

Moreh Mo M Morehead o ehea oreh orehea hea ad C ad Ci Cit City ittyy ity 8 7 83/67

Myrtle Beach yr le yrtl eB Be Bea ea each 8 81 81/70 1//70 1/7 1 /7 Ch Charleston rle les es 8 81 81/70 H Hilton n He Head e 7 79/ 79/70 9///70 0 Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.


Salisburry y Today: 5.2 - medium Sunday: 6.0 - medium Monday: 6.9 - medium

Air Quality Ind Index ex Charlotte e Yesterday.... 51 ........ .... moderate .......... particulates Today..... 46 ...... good N. C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 0-50 good, 51-100 moderate, 101-150 unhealthy for sensitive grps., 151-200 unhealthy, 201-300 verryy unhealthy, 301-500 haazzardous

24 hours through 8 p.m. yest........... 0.33" 1.79" Month to date................................... ...................................1.79" Normal year to date....................... 18.07" Year to date................................... 16.27" 1 Seattle S ttllle e e atttl Se eat at


57/45 5 57 7 7///4 4 45 5



Above/Below Full Pool

..........-1.13 High Rock Lake............. 653.87.......... -1.13 ..........-2.75 Badin Lake.................. 539.25.......... -2.75 Tuckertown Lake............ 594.9........... -1.1 Tillery Lake.................. 277.9.......... -1.10 Blewett Falls.................. 178............ ............-1.00 -1.00 Lake Norman................ 98.40........... -1.6

10s San Sa an n Francisco Francisco Fr ra ancisco nc ncis issccco o


56/49 5 6 6//4 /49

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H 7 72/62 72 2//6 6 62 2

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Kansas K Ka a ansas n nssL a ass City Cit ittyy

5 75//5 75/5 75/56 56 6

75/65 7 5//65 5/65 65 65


Cold Front

84/69 6 9 8 4//6 4/ 69

A Atlanta tlan an nttta a

Ell P E Paso a aso sso o

90s Warm Front

Washington W a asssh hin ing ng gttton o on n

6 67 67/47 7//4 4 47 7

88/69 69 8 88 8///6 8

96/73 9 6 6///7 73 Miami M iia a am m mii 88/76 7 6 88//7 76

Staationary Front

Showers T-storms -sttorms

H Houston o ou u usssttton o on n

Rain n Flurries rries

Snow Ice

94/77 9 94 4//7 7 77 7


Kari Kiefer Wunderground Meteorologist

79/66 7 9 9/66 //6 66

Detroit D e etroit ttroit roit it Denver D e en n nver vver e err




71/53 7 1 5 3 71 1///5 53




Minneapolis M iin oliiss n nn n ne e ea ap po

58/42 5 4 2 8 8///4 42

71/59 71 7 1 1///5 5 59 9



B Billings iilllllin in ng g gss

Chicago C h hiiiccca a ag g go o



Tomorrow Hi Lo W 84 66 s 60 53 pc 77 59 pc 69 48 s 68 62 pc 71 51 cd 68 68 r

Pollen Index

High.................................................... 77° Low..................................................... 62° Last year's high.................................. 80° Last year's low.................................... 68° ....................................68° Normal high........................................ 82° Normal low......................................... 62° Record high........................... 96° in 1916 .............................41° Record low............................. 41° in 1961 ...............................69% Humidity at noon............................... 69%


Forecasts and graphics provided by Weather Underground @2011

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 87 71 pc 74 58 pc 71 54 pc 87 76 pc 70 58 pc 87 75 pc 85 68 pc 75 66 pc 86 68 pc 91 67 pc 53 39 t 88 72 pc

Today Hi Lo W 86 66 pc 59 48 r 75 57 s 64 48 pc 66 62 r 73 59 s 68 64 r

City Jerusalem London Moscow Paris Rio Seoul Tokyo



Southport outh uth 7 79/70

Today City Hi Lo W Kansas City 73 64 t 91 63 pc Las Vegas Los Angeles 75 56 pc 88 76 pc Miami Minneapolis 71 53 t 88 75 pc New Orleans 79 66 t New York Omaha 74 57 t Philadelphia 83 66 t 101 74 s Phoenix 61 42 pc Salt Lake City Washington, DC 84 69 t

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 60 53 pc 84 62 cd 71 64 s 69 53 pc 60 50 pc 57 33 s 55 44 pc

Precipitation Cape Ha C Hatteras atter atte attera ter era ra ass a 81 8 81/7 81/70 1//7 1/ 7 70

G Greenville n e 83/65 65


Go Goldsboro bo b 85/65

L Lumberton b be 85 85/65 5

Darlin D Darli Darlington 85/65 /6 /65

Today Hi Lo W 57 53 r 89 62 pc 77 66 pc 66 50 pc 59 51 s 53 35 r 53 51 pc

City Amsterdam Beijing Beirut Berlin Buenos Aires Calgary Dublin

Data from Salisbury through ough 6 p.m. yest. Temperature

Danville D l 85/65 Greensboro o Durham D h m 83/65 83/65 65 5

Salisbury Salisb S al sb b y bury 81/65 65

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 88 69 pc 83 66 pc 88 70 pc 55 43 t 80 65 pc 78 63 t 82 70 t 93 73 pc 68 48 pc 85 69 t 78 50 s 90 68 pc

World Cities


Regional Regio g onal W Weather eather Winston Win Wins Salem a 81/ 5 81/65


See our Ne w Amish Furniture

Today Hi Lo W 88 69 pc 80 63 pc 84 68 t 58 42 t 79 62 pc 71 59 t 75 65 t 95 73 pc 67 47 t 72 62 pc 83 50 s 78 66 t

City Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Boston Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit Fairbanks Indianapolis

An elongated trough of low pressure will bring more active weather to the Central US on Saturday. The system will continue tracking along the US and Canadian border, but will create a strong cold front that stretches southward, moving over the Mississippi River Valley. Expect widespread scattered rain showers to develop along this front, with thunderstorms popping up in the afternoon and evening hours. As this system pulls ample moisture in from the Gulf of Mexico, there is a slight risk that these storms will turn severe across the Midwest and Mid-Mississippi River Valley. Expect periods of heavy downpours, large hail, and damaging winds in areas of severe storm development. In the East, a few showers and thunderstorms may linger along the Eastern Seaboard. A slow moving low pressure system and associated frontal boundary will continue moving northeastward and away from the region. However, expect onshore flow to persist, thus producing a few more showers, especially in the Northeast. Out West, a low pressure system that pushed a cold front over the Pacific Northwest will kick up another round of widespread scattered showers on Saturday. A few of these showers will reach into northern California as this system moves southeastward into the Intermountain West and Great Basin by evening. The Northern and Central Rockies will remain under flood advisories due to the combination of these rain showers and seasonal snowmelt. In the South, expect another hot and dry day as high pressure dominates. Expect low humidity and strong surface winds to create favorable conditions for rapid fire growth and spread.

Get the Whole Picture at wunderground.com wunderground.com—The —The Best Known Secret in Weather™

Respect, Honor, Remember SALISBURY POST

SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 • 1D

w w w. s a l i s b u r y p o s t . c o m

This Week’s Featured Property

221 Holshouser Street - 1299 sq. ft. - 3 bedrooms - 1.5 baths - Wood Floors - Open Greatroom/Kitchen


- Modern Kitchen w/ solid surface countertops - Living room - Large Deck - Detached Garage/Attached Carport - .46 Acre lot

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To advertise in this section, call 704-797-4241 Hot summer party trends and how to make them work for you (ARA) - That old saying “any excuse for a party” really applies to how many of us feel about summer. Warm weather, longer days and freedom from school commitments can give us the urge to celebrate for any reason, or none at all. Whether you plan to celebrate every summer holiday from Memorial Day through Labor Day, or will save up your celebrating for one big blow-out event, you’ll want your summer event to be one your guests remember - and discuss - when the snow starts flying come winter. From unique celebration trends to money- and time-saving measures, the party planning experts at the American Rental Association (ARA) member rental stores point to these two hot summer entertaining trends to keep in mind while you plan your summer soirees. Green is still “in” Our sense of responsibility to the environment is alive and thriving, even when we’re partying. Events that respect and pay homage to the environment and nature are in this year, and smart hosts are finding creative ways to green their parties. More hosts are replacing disposable tableware with the real thing.

Not only do real dishes and barware add a touch of class to a party, reusing items and reducing waste is more environmentally conscious. If you don’t have enough dishes and glasses for everyone - and don’t want to spend your day washing everything to keep up with the demand - consider renting what you need. It will cost less than buying the amount you require, will save you time on washing, and will still be more eco-friendly than using disposable items. In keeping with the earth-friendly trend, an outdoor event is perfect for summer. But since summer weather can be unpredictable, it may pay to rent a tent for your celebration. Tents not only help to block the rain but are also effective in providing relief from the sun. Finally, green up your decor. Take advantage of summer’s natural beauty by using plants and flowers to decorate buffet tables, seating areas and more. Potted plants make a great, colorful accent to tables and can do double duty as door prizes. And party planners report that the color green will be popular this year for party decor. You can incorporate the hue in table linens, bunting and even cuisine.

Fun with nostalgia Americans have had some tough economic times these past few years. And while fun is always the key ingredient for any great party, this summer, events will incorporate food and activities with a touch of nostalgia to remind guests of those carefree days of childhood summers. You can incorporate this trend into your menu selection. Instead of simply grilling up those dogs, why not rent an old-fashioned hot dog machine like the ones you might have seen at carnivals and in movie theaters in bygone days? Renting a popcorn machine and inviting guests to enjoy the freshly popped treat is another way to evoke fond memories with food.

Activities can also be a great way to spark nostalgia for guests. Toss a Slip and Slide on the lawn, or invite guests to partake of traditional party games like croquet. Keep the kids moving - and contained - by renting an inflatable bounce house. You can also find inflatables large enough to accommodate adults. Davis Farm

Don’t forget to add whimsy and nostalgia to decor. You can rent a number of items that will remind guests of fun times, from disco-themed lights to bubble machines. Just remember to plan ahead and give your local ARA rental store plenty of notice so you can be sure to get everything you need for your party. You’ll find more information at www.rentalhq.com.

Open Houses Sunday 2-4

Davis Farm

OPEN HOUSES This Weekend! Go online for interactive open house maps and directions.


231 Davis Farm Drive - Salisbury, NC $379,000

1089 Lizzie Lane - Salisbury, NC 5 $308,000

Directions - Hwy 150 W, approx 6 miles. Turn left on Patterson Rd, Turn right into Davis Farm.

***All brick, acre lots, granite kitchens, hardwood floors, lovely porches, spa-like master bathrooms***


Crystal Lomax, Broker/Realtor 704-223-5206

2D • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

China Grove

Homes for Sale



What A Bargain

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Bank Foreclosures & Distress Sales. These homes need work! For a FREE list:

East Salis. 3/4BR, 2½BA. Lease purchase option. New construction, energy star. Green build. 704-638-0108


Homes for Sale Granite Quarry

Alexander Place

China Grove, 2 new homes under construction ... buy now and pick your own colors. Priced at only $114,900 and comes with a stove and dishwasher. B&R Realty 704-633-2394


BUYER BEWARE The Salisbury Post Classified Advertising staff monitors all ad submissions for honesty and integrity. However, some fraudulent ads are not detectable. Please protect yourself by checking the validity of any offer before you invest money in a business opportunity, job offer or purchase.

Lovely 3 BR, 2 BA home, nice kitchen, split floor plan, covered deck, garden area, garage, storage building, privacy fence. R52207. $139,900. Monica Poole, B&R Realty, 704-245-4628


Cleveland. Great home on 11 acres. Brick ranch with a basement and solar panels to help cut down those heating bills. This home has tons of character and space. $369,900. Call for a showing today! 704-906or visit 7207 www.dreamweaverprop.com

Call Classifieds at

Fulton Heights

Look at Me!

3 BR, 2 BA, up to $2,500 in closing. Attached carport, Rocking Chair front porch, nice yard. R50846 $114,900 Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty

Flip this House! Granite Quarry

Yadkin. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Cute Fixer-upper. Hunter Street, Yadkin Finishing area. $16,000, home, for sale, 1 car garage. Two lots. Siding/roof less than 5 years old. Bring all offers. 704-245-4393

Put your picture in your business or service ad for instant recognition.

2200 Sq. Ft., 4BR/2BA, newer home. 2.99 % Financing for 30 years fixed. No down payment, no PMI. Payments $970 per month. 704-202-9362

2 BR, 1 BA, covered front porch, double pane windows, double attached carport, big yard, fence. 52179 $99,400 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704202-3663


3 BR, 2 BA in Hunters Pointe. Above ground pool, garage, huge area that could easily be finished upstairs. R51150A. $164,900. B&R Realty 704-633-2394 Salisbury

512 S.ZION ST., LANDIS - 3bd/2ba, 1796 sq.ft., newer hvac, fenced yard, double carport, workshop, short sale. #51909. $73,000. Call Ellen. 125 KIMBALL RD, CHINA GROVE- Commercial 1.35 acres. Zoned B3. House updated. Office potential. 6 rooms. Corner lot. near Food Lion/Windstream office & new Family Dollar. #52255 $365.000 Call CindyT.

309 E 10TH 529 KIRK ST, ST, KANCHINA GROVE. NAPOLISWater & Sewer AvailGreat Starter! able. .80 acre lot can All appliances be subdivided into stay including two lots. 1950 two washer/dryer. story, 1 bedrm/1 bath $ sold as is. 45,000 2 BR/1 BA. Corner lot. Covered front & back porches. $ #52122 Call CindyT Carport. Just 68.900 better than rent! #51899 Call CindyT

218 E DIVISION AVE, SPENCER - Additional lot comes with this home. Needs TLC. Would make great in$ vestment! 3 bedrooms/1 bath. 45,000 #51526 Call CindyT

4 0 6 C HA P E L ST – New carpet, Fresh Paint, replacement windows. Large rooms, 10'x16' Master walk in closet and bath. Double detached garage, double attached carport, plus 20'3x 12'6 detached wood outbuilding. Address is eligible for USDA loan $73,900 #51717 Jim

Convenient Location


3 BR, 2 BA home in wonderful location! Cathedral ceiling, split floor plan, double garage, large deck, storage building, corner lot. R51853 $154,900 Monica Poole 704-2454628 B&R Realty

Near the Lake 3 BR, 2 BA, new home close to High Rock Lake! Open kitchen/dining room combo, great fireplace, level lot on 1.52 acres. $199,900 R51601. B&R Monica Poole, Realty, 704-245-4628

3 BR 2.5 BA has many extras! Great kitchen w/granite, subzero ref., gas cooktop. Formal dining, huge garage, barn, greenhouse. Great for horses or car buffs! R51894 $439,500. Dale Yontz. 704-202-3663 B&R Realty

Very nice 2 BR, 2.5 BA condo overlooking golf course and pool! Great views, freshly decorated, screened in porch at rear. T51378. $96,500. Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty

Cindy Thompson 704-202-0428


Convenient Location

Carolina Farm Credit Libby 704-637-2380, Travis Allen 704-637-2380 or Janie Furr 704-786-0193


New Listing

New Home

Forest Creek. 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath. New home priced at only $84,900. R48764 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Will go fast! 3 BR, 2 BA, on High Rock Lake, Shore Acres subd. Deck, fireplace, vinyl siding, attached single carport, dbl detached garage, large yard. 52293 $244,200 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704.202.3663

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Dawson Cape Built on your lot $122,900

Hurry! Gorgeous 4 BR, 2.5 BA, fantastic kitchen, large living and great room. All new paint, carpet, roof, windows, siding. R51926 $144,900 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628



Call For More Information (321)230-1380 Well 3 BR, 2 BA, established neighborhood. All brick home with large deck. Large 2 car garage. R50188 $163,900 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Also available for all your Home Repair and Remodel Needs


Motivated Seller

Barry Abrams 980-234-0998

Timber Run Subdivision, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, granite countertops, wood floors, rec room, screened porch, deck. R51603 $349,900 B & R Realty Dale Yontz 704.202.3663

Cute 1 BR 1 BA waterfront log home with beautiful view! Ceiling fans, fireplace, front and back porches. R51875 $189,900. Dale Yontz 704-202-3663 B&R Realty

West Rowan Secluded on 6.5 wooded acres. Builder's custom home, 4BR/3½ BA, master BR on main floor. 3,300 sq. ft. + partially finished bonus room. Lots of ceramic & granite. Great kitchen with gas cook top & double ovens. Covered porches, walkin closets, fireplaces w/gas logs. $389,000. FSBO. Motivated Seller. 704-431-3267 or 704-213-4544


Jean Miller 704-634-2279





Sheila Sadighi 704-640-7784

and more…

Mocksville Rd - Approx. 1.76 acres of partially wooded land on the main highway in Salisbury City limits. Beautiful home site! $40,000. #48018 Jean

4493 Haystack Dr. - 20 gorgeous acres in Cabarrus County! Mt. Pleasant schools. Are you thinking mini-farm? #50146 $185,000. Call Ellen.

All Rolled Into One!

Cindy Martens 704-607-9362

360 Wal Hollow Lane - 1 acre of land with well/septic on the property. Mobile home given no value. #51804. $16,000. Call Ellen.


3 BR, 2 BA in Kluttz Acres subdivision. Covered front porch and deck, central air-conditioning, fireplace, single attached garage, nice yard with trees. 52270 $109,300 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704.202.3663

Barbara Miller Collins 704-640-4339

514 CLARK RD. - Beautiful foreclosure make over! 1.5 story home with huge, rocking chair front porch. 3 BD/2BA with over 2400 square feet. Also comes with 18 extra acres. Near Dan Nicholas park – all for only $260,000. #52162 Jim

Trexler St. off Peach Orchard Rd. - Almost 8 acres with well/septic. Barn w/7 stalls, tackroom, water/electric to barn and dog lots. Almost 6 acres fenced. #51786. $110,000 Call Ellen

New Listing


mortgage lenders

Cammeray Subdivision Lots! $32,000 each. ST. Paul’s Farm- Salisbury. Lot 3 / .53 acre 1500 Landis City limits. Tap Fees Paid!! .28 acre to .45 sq. ft. min. to build. Carson High School District. acre. Full brick subdivision. Great location for your $25,000 #52072 Call CindyT. dream home. Call CindyT CASTLEBROOKE FARMS -SOUTHEASTERN Moriah Woods-Landis. Beautiful wooded build- ROWAN COUNTY on Lentz Rd, is where you'll find $ ing lot. Water & Sewer available. .57 acre. 20,000 this rural, gated, community, (2) cul-da-sac lots, 1.5 Call Cindy T. & 1.7 acres, priced in the $60's. Build your dream home here. MAKE AN OFFER!! 100% FINANCING Goodnight Meadows- Salisbury. Lot 1 / 1.15 AVAILABLE! Call Barbara acre. 1300 min. sq. ft. to build. Great West Rowan location. #52071 $26,000 Call CindyT Hawkinstown Rd - Approx. 9.38 acres, beautiful tract, partially wooded land in an older, established Goodnight Meadows- Salisbury. Lot 6 / .75 neighborhood. A great place to build your dream acre. 1300 min. sq. ft. to build. Great West Rowan lo- home. $135,000. #48017 Jean cation. #52070 $25,000 Call CindyT.


Motivated Seller

Ellen Carter 704-200-8269

¥ Lots & lots of lots!


Mt. Ulla, 4 BR house & 3 BR DW both on 11.97 acres. $344,000. FSBO. 704-640-4260

Lots of Room

Kerry Robson 704-433-7372

731 N LEE ST, SALISBURY- Investors take note! 3 BR /1 BA. 1320 sq. ft. Needs 120 BUD LANE-CHINA GROVE, Beautiful custom TLC Just home, 2 BR/2.5 BA. Office. Nice pantry off kitchen. $ 25,000. Corner lot. #52308 Call CindyT 2-car garage. .76 acre. 20x32 wired building too! $ 135,000 #51568 Call Cindy T 1 0 6 1 3 0 2 NOBLE TROON DR. C T - Reserve at CHINA the Country GR OVE/ Club - City LANDIS. smart, dollar Like new wise investwith lots of custom touches. Main Floor Master suite. ment. Location is the best and so is the price. Attractive home - Open kitchen/great room w/ FP. Wood & tile FLRS. $30,000 below tax value. Wood floors. Sold as a Formal dining. 4 BR/2.5 BA. Sellers will help w/ closing cost. #52042 $212,500 Call Cindy T short sale. $149,000. #51745 Jean

2 BR, 1 BA, hardwood floors, detached carport, handicap ramp. $99,900 R47208 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Genesis Realty 704-933-5000 genesisrealtyco.com Foreclosure Experts


Jim Crawford 704-223-0459


607 N MERIAH ST- LANDIS. Beautiful wood 221 HOLSHOUSER ST- ROCKWELL. Open floor- floors in greatroom & bedrooms. Huge kitchen plan. Lots of wood floors. Modern kitchen! .46 acre/ w/tile floors, lots & lots of cabinets. Inside laundry 3 bedrms/1.5 baths. Detached garage. $120,000 room. 2 BR/1 updated BA. Huge deck, great yard. $ 79,000 #52246 Call CindyT #52295 Call CindyT

65 Ocher St. Renovated 3 BR, 2 BA home with hardwood floors, ceramic tile, new roof, all appliances included. 704-856-8101

Lots of Extras


Dream Home.




to your

1755 Hwy 29 S. China Grove


Kannapolis. Like new 3BR, 2BA. 1,152 sq. ft. Walk-in closets, new carpet & floors. Big porch, deck. ¼ acre wooded. Privacy on 3 sides. Security system, motion activated exterior lights. 2X wide drive. Near YMCA, library, bus & NC Research Campus. Warranty. $90k or by non-binding bidding 6/22, HURRY! Call NOW for Bid info. Gallagher & Associates, 704-362-1001

Homes for Sale


Great Location

100% Financing $3,000 in Buyer's Closing Costs. 3 BR, 2 BA, newer kitchen, large dining room, split bedrooms, nice porches, huge detached garage, concrete drives. R51548 $89,000. Monica Poole 704-245-4628 B&R Realty


504 Lake Drive, 3 BR, 1 BA, brick, carport, 1080 corner lot, sq.ft., hardwood floors, new windows, remodeled bath, new kitchen floor, fenced side yard, central heat/AC, close to town parks. $79,900. Call 704-279-3821


Bring All Offers

We are the

100 PRIMROSE DR., SALISBURY - How about 2262 sq.ft. for $147,000?! Lots of living space in this solid home. 3BR/1.75BA, sunroom, office, den, formal living room, Pergo floors, custom cabinetry, wood blinds, new plumbing, tile and updated electrical. #51826. Call Ellen.

Beautiful 3 BR, 2 BA in a great location, walk-in closets, cathedral ceiling, great room, double attached garage, large lot, back-up generator. A must see. R51757. $249,900. B&R Realty, 704-202-6041

E. Spencer


303 W. THOMAS ST- $215,000. 5 BR/2.5 BA. Beautiful Historic Salisbury Home. Formal & Informal rooms. Corner lot. Private backyard. Must See! #49731 Call CindyT

Wonderful Home

Homes for Sale

Open House th Saturday, May 14 2-4pm

East Rowan

Cleveland. JUST REDUCED!! An unbelievably beautiful brick home on 25 acres. This home has 3 bedrooms 2 baths, a bonus room and a full basement. So many features and in a wonderful equestrian neighborhood. See it and love it. 704-906-7207 for visit showing or

Homes for Sale

Subscribe today!

Call 704-797-4220

Glennis Howard 704-857-9413







No acreage requirements. Financing available for lots to large tracts and even homes inside the city limits. Call Libby, Travis or Janie for more information.

The Salisbury Post Mortgage Program is designed to give potential home buyers up-to-date mortgage lender information. You can promote your business on this grid program for as low as $37.00* per week! The grid will list your company name, phone number, and available mortgage program options. The Mortgage Lenders Chart runs in the Real Estate Saturday section. Additionally, an ad adjacency (9 columns x 1.75”) will be rotated with participating advertisers. With mortgage rates at an all-time low, and the reach of the Salisbury Post, the Mortgage Lender Chart is sure to get results! Call us today to have your business listed! 704-797-4241 *with a one-year contract. Other rates available. Call for details.


Lifestyle Li L Lif ififfes fees esstty tyl tyl yle le YO OU UD DREAM REAM O OF F.

Call uss a about C a ll u bout financing financ ing ffor: or:

Home Home IImprovements mprovements Home Home Purchase P urc hase or or Construction Const r uc t ion Mor tgage Refinancing Refinanc ing Mortgage Homesites, L ots & L and Homesites, Lots Land Second Homes Homes Second


28 10 Statesville Bl vd | Salisbury y, NC 2810 Blvd Salisbury,

704-637-2380 7 04-637-2380 Loans ffor or o homes, homees, land, & living



Special Financing


Unique Property

Mechanics DREAM Home, 28x32 shop with lift & air compressor, storage space & ½ bath. All living space has been completely refurbished. Property has space that could be used as a home office or dining room, deck on rear, 3 BR, 1 BA. R51824A $164,500 B&R Realty, Monica Poole 704-245-4628 Salisbury

Very Cute Home

New 3 & 4 BR homes. $500 down. $600/month. Ready to Move In! 704-762-9289


On the Lake

High Rock Lake. Manufactured home on 1.5 acres. Waterfront, attractive landscaping $115k is fair market value, will sell for $95k Call 704-956-6637

True Modular Display Home For Sale. 120 MPH Wind Zone. No Steel Frames. All 16" O.C. All Drywall Interior. DH Thermal Windows. 9 ft. ceilings. Deluxe cabinets, molding & much more. 3 BR, 2 BA with Saddle Roof Porch. NC Delivery Only. $139,000 value for $109,000. 704-463-1516

3BR, 2 BA home close to High Rock. Open floor plan, great room w/vaulted ceiling, formal dining, office area, back deck, newly painted. R52281 $139,777 Jeffrey Ketner Apple House Realty 704-6335067


Salisbury. 2 or 3 bedroom Townhomes. For information, call Summit Developers, Inc. 704-797-0200

Century 21 Towne & Country 474 Jake Alexander Blvd. (704)637-7721


Forest Glen Realty Darlene Blount, Broker 704-633-8867

Allen Tate Realtors Daniel Almazan, Broker 704-202-0091 www.AllenTate.com B & R REALTY 704-633-2394

KEY REAL ESTATE, INC. 1755 U.S. HWY 29. South China Grove, NC 28023 704-857-0539

4 BR, 2BA, like new Craftsman Style, huge front porch, renovated kitchen and bath, fresh paint. R51516 $123,000 Rent to Own Option. Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704202-3663

Welcome Home!

Spencer, 3BR/1BA, updated lg kitchen/dining area, LR, den, wood floors, 3 fireplaces, gas heat, appls & washer / dryer, detached garage, 20 x 12 screened back porch, fenced in back yard, City water & sewer. Asking $86,500 negot. 704-647-9749 or 704310-9938

Land for Sale Bringle Ferry Rd. 2 tracts. Will sell land or custom build. A50140A. B&R Realty, Monica 704-245-4628 E. Rowan res. water front lot, Shore Landing subd. $100,000 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628 Kannapolis city. Approx. 1 acre. On paved street with water & sewage hookup. $30,000. Possible owner financing. 704-933-4022

Rebecca Jones Realty 610 E. Liberty St, China Grove 704-857-SELL www.rebeccajonesrealty.com

Rowan Realty www.rowanrealty.net, Professional, Accountable, Personable . 704-633-1071 William R. Kennedy Realty 428 E. Fisher Street 704-638-0673

Real Estate Commercial

Excellent Location!

China Grove. 303 North Main St. (across from the roller mill). Building has 5 apartments, space for 2 businesses on the 1st level, warehouse (35x60) and a 5BR house behind the building. Must be sold together. $670,000. Call 704-857-7559

Resort & Vacation Property

Great Oak Island Location

100% Financing

Lots for sale. Restricted subdivision, Faith schools. 2.99% fixed rate for 30 years. Starting at $24,900. 704-202-9362 Western Rowan County

Oak Island, NC. Mobile home and lot for sale by owner. $120K OBO. 252 NE 68th St., 980-6227713 or 704-933-1110

Wanted: Real Estate *Cash in 7 days or less *Facing or In Foreclosure *Properties in any condition *No property too small/large Call 24 hours, 7 days ** 704-239-2033 ** $$$$$$

Knox Farm Subdivision. Beautiful lots available now starting at $19,900. B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Now! Ro-Well Apartments, Rockwell. Central heat/air, laundry facility on site, nice area. Equal Housing Opportunity Rental Assistance when available; handicapped equipped when available. 704-279-6330, TDD users 828-645-7196. 1 & 2BR. Nice, well maintained, responsible landlord. $425-$445. Salisbury, in town. 704-642-1955

1, 2, & 3 BR Huge Apts! Very nice. $375 & up. One free month's rent! 10% Sr. Citizen's discount. 704-890-4587 2 BR, 1 BA at Willow Oaks (across from UPS). Has refrig. & stove. All electric, no pets. Rent $475, dep. $400. Call Rowan Properties 704633-0446 AAA+ Apartments $425-$950/mo. Chambers Realty 704-637-1020 Airport Rd., 1BR with stove, refrig., garbage pickup & water incl. Month-month lease. No pets. $400/mo+$300 deposit. Furnished $425/mo. 704-279-3808

BEST VALUE Quiet & Convenient, 2 bedroom town houses, 1½ baths. All Electric, Central heat/air, no pets. $550/mo. Includes water & basic cable.

West Side Manor Apts. Robert Cobb Rentals Variety World, Inc.

Rockwell - 3 BR, 1½ BA. Very nice. Rent $700, dep. $700. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

Salisbury. 1BR, 1BA on second level. No pets. No smoking. Pool, tennis courts. $415/mo. + $400 dep. 704-633-2004

East Area, 3 BR, 2 BA. Dining room, all appl., 2 car garage. Lease, ref., dep. req. $975/mo. 704-798-7233

Salisbury 3BR/2BA with in-law apt. $1,000/mo. + dep., no pets. Also 3BR/ 2BA in the country, all incl., $1,100/mo + dep., no pets. 704-855-2100

Salisbury. 2BR duplex. Stove, refrig. furnished. Quiet. $395/mo. Call Bob @ 704-633-4081 Spencer. 2BR/1½ BA, appls w/ W/D hook up, security lights, no pets, Sect. 8 OK. 704-279-3990

Moreland Pk area. 2BR all appliances furnished. $495-$595/mo. Deposit negotiable. Section 8 welcome. 336-247-2593

WELCOME HOME TO DEER PARK APTS. We have immediate openings for 1 & 2 BR apts. Call or come by and ask about our move-in specials. 704-278-4340 for info. For immediate info call 1-828-442-7116

Moving to Town? Need a home or Apartment? We manage rental homes & apartments. Call and let us help you. Waggoner Realty Co. 704-633-0462 Rockwell 2BR/1BA, appl., central electric heat & air, $525 per month 704-2796850 or 704-798-3035

Condos and Townhomes

Salis. 2BR, 1BA. Totally renovated. $475-500/mo. W/D connect. Central heat/AC. Sect. 8 OK. All electric. 704-202-5022

Salisbury – 2 BR duplex in excellent cond., w/ appls. $560/mo. + dep. Ryburn Rentals 704-637-0601 Salisbury 1BR. Wood floors, appls, great location. Seniors welcome. $375-$395/mo. + dep. 704-630-0785 Salisbury 1BR/1BA, fully furnished, all inclusive, $550/mo. + deposit. No pets. 704-855-2100 Salisbury City, Lincolnton Rd. 1BR/1BA, very spacious, good n'hood, $375 + dep. 704-640-5750 Salisbury near VA 2BR, 1BA,, central HVAC, $550/mo, app. reqd. Broker. 704-239-4883

Attn. Landlords Apple House Realty has a 10 year / 95+% occupancy rate on prop's we've managed. 704-633-5067

Carson District 808 Camp Rd. Knollwood, SE Middle, Carson district. 3BR, 2BA. Built 2004. Home also has 1-car garage w/ opener. All electric home, energy efficient windows & heat pump/AC. Dishwasher, smooth range, refrigerator. $875/mo. 704-363-0096

East Salisbury. 2 & 3BR, 1rentals available. Central air & heat. Appliances. Please call 704-638-0108 East. 2BR, 1BA house with pond on six acres outside Granite Quarry. Detached garage $900/ Call Waggoner mo. Realty at 704-633-0462 Fairmont Ave., 3 BR, 1 ½ BA, has refrigerator & stove, large yard. Rent $725, dep. $700. No Pets. Call Rowan Properties, 704-633-0446 3BR, 1BA. Houses: Apartments: 2 & 3 BR, 1BA Deposit required. Faith Realty 704-630-9650 Kannapolis 2120 Centergrove Rd., 3 BR, 2 BA, $975 mo.; 125 Kennedy St. 2 BR, 1 BA, $400 mo. KREA 704-933-2231 Kannapolis, 911 Haley St., 2BR/1BA, $475 per month + dep. References required. 704-933-1110

Salis. 523 E. Cemetary St. 1BR, 1 BA, No Pets, $330/mo + $330/dep. Sect 8 OK. 704-507-3915. Salis. Nice modern 1BR, energy efficient, off Jake Alexander, lighted parking lot. $395 + dep. 704-640-5750

American Dr., 3 BR, 2 BA. Has refrigerator, stove & dishwasher. All electric, no pets. $695 rent, $600 dep. Call Rowan Properties 704633-0446

Salisbury 2 bedrooms, 1½ baths, brick at Ro-Med, available June 4. Credit check, lease, deposit. $550 per month. 704-782-5037

China Grove 2BR/1BA, CHA, all electric, refrigerator & stove, W/D connections, back deck, easy access to 29A, close to elementary school and Head Start. $550/mo. + $550 deposit. Section 8 accepted. 704-784-4785

Classic Style!

Spencer and Near Salisbury, 2 bedroom, one bath house in quiet, nice neighborhood. No pets. Lease, dep, app and refs req. $590/mo, $500 dep, 704-797-4212 before 7pm. 704-2395808 after 7pm.

Never Before Leased!

Salisbury apt. houses for rent 2-3BRs. Application, deposit, & proof of employment req'd. Section 8 welcome. 704-762-1139 Salisbury High School area, 2BR/1BA, electric central heat/air, $495/mo + $400 dep. 704-636-3307 Salisbury, 2 BR houses & apts, $525/mo and up. 704-633-4802

Salisbury, near Ellis Park. Old Mocksville Rd. 3BR, 2BA doublewide. Electric heat & air. Well water. Storage building with small shed. Garbage service included. $700/ mo. No Section 8. Call 704-279-5765 Salisbury, North Shaver Street, 2BR/1BA, gas heat, $425 per month. 704-633-0425 Lv msg Salisbury, off Hwy 70. 3BR, 1½BA brick house. 2-car garage. Hdwds. All appl. $800/mo. + dep. 704-754-2108 Salisbury, Sells Rd., 3BR/1½ BA, all elec, free water & sewer, new carpet & paint. 704-633-6035

Houses for Rent 3 BR, 1 BA, has refrigerator, stove & big yard. No pets. $595/rent + $500/dep. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 3 BR, 2 BA on Maple. Nice house with refrig., stove & big yard. No pets allowed. Rent $750, dep Call Rowan $700. Properties 704-633-0446 3 BR, 2 BA, close to Salisbury Mall. Gas heat, nice. Rent $695, deposit $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

Salisbury 2BR/1½BA within walking distance of downtown Salisbury, lies a townhouse on the National Historic Register w/Hardwood floors, tall ceilings, jetted jacuzzi tub, expansive rooms, huge kitchen, covered front porch & charm to spare! 704-691-4459 E. Lafayette, 2 BR, 1 BA, has refrigerator and stove. Gas heat, no pets. Rent $595, deposit $500. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

East Rowan. 3BR, 2BA. Living room (would be great office), great room, glass/ screened porch. Laundry Gas log FP in great room. Central heat & air. Gazebo, storage building! Credit check, lease. $895/month + deposit. No pets. Call 704639-6000 or 704-633-0144 Rowan County. 2BR, 1BA. Kitchen, living room, sunroom, utility room. $600/ mo. + $600 dep. 704-9387218 or 704-785-1239

Salisbury. 2BR/1BA, hdwd flrs, heat & air, washer & dryer hookup, new paint, minutes from I-85. $475/mo + $400 dep. 828-390-0835 Salisbury. 3 & 2 Bedroom Houses. $500-$1,000. Also, Duplex Apartments. 704636-6100 or 704-633-8263 Salisbury. 4 rooms. 71 Hill St. All appl. furnished. $495/ mo + dep. Limit 2. 704-633-5397

Spencer, 3BR/2BA, 7 years old, downstairs bonus room, gas logs in livingroom, includes all appliances including washer & dryer. Nice neighborhood, convenient to schools, 2 car garage, $1,000/mo., $950 dep. 704-202-2610 Spencer. 109 10th St. 2BR, 1BA house for rent Good condition, new heating and air, new windows, refrigerator and stove included. Referrals and deposit required. $600/mo. 704-6379744. Leave message

W.Rowan, 120 Redman Dr., 3BR/2BA, $600/mo + $600 dep. No pets. 704433-1973 or 704-433-2019

Woodleaf 3BR/1BA, refrigerator and stove included included, washer/dryer hook up. $625/month + deposit. No pets. References & credit check required. No Section 8. 704-490-6048

Lake Property Rental On High Rock Lake, 2 BR, 2 BA cottage. Private pier, gazebo. $850/mo., 1 month rent dep. req. No Pets. 704-636-2530

Office and Commercial Rental 450 to 1,000 sq. ft. of Warehouse Space off Jake Alexander Blvd. Call 704-279-8377 Granite Quarry-Comm Metal Bldg units perfect for contractor, hobbyist, or storage. 24 hour surveillance, exterior lighting and ample parking. 900-1800 sqft avail. Call for spring specials. 704-232-3333

China Grove 2BR, 1½ BA $550/month, deposit req. Approx. 1,000 sqft. Call 704-202-2065. China Grove. 2BR, 2BA. All electric. Clean & safe. No pets. $575/month + deposit. 704-202-0605 China Grove. One room eff. w/ private bathroom & kitchenette. All utilities incl'd. $379/mo. + $100 deposit. 704-857-8112 China Grove. Very nice. 2BR, 1BA. No pets. Deposit required. Please call 704-279-8428 CLANCY HILLS APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 BR, conveniently located in Salisbury. Handicap accessible units available. Section 8 assistance available. 704-6366408. Office Hours: M–F 9:00-12:00. TDD Relay Equal 1-800-735-2962 Housing Opportunity.

Bill’s Roofing & Construction All types of roofing, construction & repairs. FREE Estimates


Clean, well maintained, 2 BR Duplex. Central heat/air, all electric. Section 8 welcome. 704-202-5790

Colonial Village Apts.

Don’t let pests take control!

Duplexes & Apts, Rockwell$500-$600. TWO Bedrooms Marie Leonard-Hartsell Wallace Realty 704-239-3096 marie@sellingsalisbury.com Eaman Park Apt. 2 BR, 1 BA, newly renovated. $400/mo. No pets. Please call 704-798-3896

30 Years of Verifiable Experience! Insured 704-210-9029


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2205 Woodleaf Rd., Salisbury, NC 28147

We solve pest problems quickly and effectively. Call today.

• General pest control, inside and outside. • One-Time, monthly and quarterly services for commercial, residential and health care facilities. • Termite inspections for real estate closings. • Termite baiting and liquid treatments. • Annual termite service agreements.

Let Us

Your Pest Problem!

(704) 637-2660

1010 Mooresville Rd., Salisbury www.targetexterminators.com

Helping Make Your Dreams Come True!

East Rowan area. 2BR, $450-$550 per month. Chambers Realty 704-239-0691 East Spencer - 2 BR, 1 BA. $400 per month. Carolina-Piedmont Prop. 704-248-2520

Serving Rowan and surrounding counties since 1979.


Don’t get soaked. Give Bill a call!

A PA R T M E N T S We Offer


3BR, 2BA home at Crescent Heights. Call 704-239-3690 for information.


Manufactured Home Sales

Cleveland. Spacious manufactured home on 5 acres. This home has 4 bedrooms and two baths, a hugh kitchen and dining, living room and a den with a fireplace, master with a beautiful bath and massive walk in closet. For the unbelievable price of $97,900. Call for an appointment. 704-9067207 or visit

3-4 BR, 1 BA, near Livingstone College. Has refrig. & stove. No pets. Rent $650, dep. $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

Houses for Rent

2345 Statesville Blvd. Near Salisbury Mall

“A Good Place to Live” 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Affordable & Spacious Water Included 704-636-8385

Lots for Sale Faith

Holly Leaf Apts. 2BR, 1½BA. $555. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, cable ready. 704-637-5588


Real Estate Services

Lease Purchase

Salisbury One bedroom upstairs, furnished, deposit & references required. 704-932-5631

Rowan Hospital area. 2BR, 1BA. Heat, air, water, appl. incl. $675. 704-633-3997

Salisbury Area 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 baths, $500 down under $700 per month. 704-225-8850 Brand new! 3 BR, 2 BA, home w/great front porch, rear deck, bright living room, nice floor plan. Special financing for qualified buyers. Call today! R52142 $90,000 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628

Faith area. 1BR. Range, refrigerator. W/D. Water, garbage service. $400/ mo. 704-279-8880

Lovely Duplex

Foreclosures. Rent to Own. $500 to start. 704-762-9289

Houses for Rent


3 BR, 2.5 BA, wonderful home on over 2 acres, horses allowed, partially fenced back yard, storage building. $154,900 R51465 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Houses for Rent

• For a FREE computerized report on Foreclosures and Distress Sales click on Foreclosures/Distress sales at www.applehouserealty.com.

704-633-8095 Residential & Commercial

• For a FREE report on "27 Valuable Tips That You Should Know to Get Your Home Sold Fast and for Top Dollar" go to www.applehouserealty.com • To search our listings and all MLS listings go to www.applehouserealty.com.

4243 S. Main St.



Mark Stout

"Helping You Make Your Dreams Come True!" 704-633-5067 www.applehouserealty.com Se Habla Español


American Homes of Rockwell Oldest Dealer in Rowan County. Best prices anywhere. 704-279-7997

WANTED MOBILE HOME 2 or 3 bedroom rent to own, close to Salisbury. Must be on lot and low payments. Close to bus line. Leave a message. 704-210-2187

Houses for Rent



$500 Down moves you in. Call and ask me how? Please call (704) 225-8850



Over 2 Acres

Wanted: Real Estate



Manufactured Home Sales


Homes for Sale

SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 • 3D


Top Row: Kelly Lowe, Keith Knight, Jeff Ketner & Bill Brown. Middle Row: Yolanda Rojas, Cathy Mabe, Jean Ketner & Dale Litaker. Front Row: Sidney Allen, Elia Gegorek and Jan Adcock

4D • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 Office and Commercial Rental

Office and Commercial Rental

Office and Commercial Rental

$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ Rockwell Offices 3 months free 704-637-1020

Numerous Commercial and office rentals to suit your needs. Ranging from 500 to 5,000 sq. ft. Call Victor Wallace at Wallace Realty, 704-636-2021

Furnished Key Man Office Suites - $250-350. Jake & 150. Util & internet incl. 704-721-6831

5,000 sq.ft. warehouse w/loading docks & small office. Call Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011

Office Complex Salisbury. Perfect location near Court House & County Building. Six individual offices. New central heat/air, heavily insulated for energy efficiency, fully carpeted (to be installed) except stone at entrance, conference room, employee break room, tile bathroom, complete integrated phone system with video capability in each office & nice reception area. Want to lease but will sell. Perfect for dual occupancy. By appt only. 704-636-1850


Great Space!

Employment Healthcare

Employment $10 to start. Earn 40%. Call 704-607-4530 or 704-754-2731 Healthcare

Certified CNA Third shift Mon-Fri. Please apply at Best of Care, Kannapolis. 704-933-4339 Healthcare

LPN/RN Baylor position available 7pm7am. Apply in person, Brightmoor Nursing Ctr., 610 W. Fisher St. Healthcare

LPNs F/T weekend night shift, RN Supervisor P/T weekend night shift, LPNs PRN all shifts, LPN 7a-7p Sat & Sun, LPN F/T 3-11pm M-F. Pls submit resume to NC Veteran's Home, 1601 Brenner Ave., Bldg. 10, Salisbury, NC 28145

Office Suite Available. Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011

Office and Commercial Rental

Salisbury, Kent Exec. Park, $100 & up, 1st month free, ground floor, incls conf rm, utilities. No dep. 704-202-5879

We have office suites available in the Executive Center. First Month Free with No Deposit! With all utilities from $150 and up. Lots of amenities. Call Tom Bost at B & R Realty 704-202-4676 www.bostandrufty-realty.com



Floral Designer, well experienced. Part-time. Please call 704-6368033 or 704-636-4663 Sales

Attention Students! SUMMER WORK Excellent Pay Flexible FT/PT Customer sales/svc No exp needed-will train All ages 17+ Scholarships avail. Conditions apply Call ASAP


Spencer Shops Lease great retail space for as little as $750/mo for 2,000 sq ft at. 704-431-8636

Beside ACE HARDWARE, #229 E Main St Hwy 52, 2,700 sq ft finished store front combined with 2,100 sq ft warehouse. May divide into smaller space. Call 704279-4115 or email thadwhicker@cozartlumber.com


Clothing & Footwear

Let's Skate!

Customer Service

Position available for MDS Coordinator (LPN or RN). Must have 2.0 experience, & be willing to learn 3.0. Hrs are 8:30am5pm, M-F. Apply in person, Brightmoor Nursing Ctr., 610 W. Fisher St.

Office and Commercial Rental



Office Space

Office Suite for Lease. Two large rooms, 26' x 13' and 10' x 16'. Also included is a large shared kitchen/break room space with private BR. 1 year lease preferred; $750 monthly rent includes all utilities. Free Wi-Fi. Call 704-636-1811.





Etnies Skate Shoes, size 9, black & tan. New in box, never worn. $45. 704-639-0779

CUSTOMER SERVICE CASHIERS Openings in: Mocksville, Salisbury Kannapolis & Mooresville Locations

WE OFFER: *Excellent Starting Pay *Insurance Benefits *Paid Vacation

Consignment Growing Pains Family Consignments Call (704)638-0870 115 W. Innes Street

Requirements: Valid driver's license A Nationwide Criminal Record Background check


To apply, fax resume to: 704-636-7772 or call: 704-633-3211 or 704-633-8233 ext. 20 to schedule an interview

Great for Business

There is a NEW group of people EVERY day, looking for a DEAL in the classifieds.

Farm Equipment & Supplies


Hair stylist & nail tech booth for rent. Ask for Crystal at 704797-0064

Waitstaff Immediate positions, experienced. Apply in person 2-5pm., 1621 W. Innes St. NO PHONE CALLS.

Antiques & Collectibles

Choo-Choo! Circa 1930's Marx Toy Freight Terminal. All metal. Good condition. $50. 704-639-0779

Desperately Need to Sell


Linkpoint Credit Card Processing Terminal. $1200 new, Now only $500. Excellent condition. 704-639-0779

Farm Equipment, new & used. McDaniel Auction Co. 704-278-0726 or 704798-9259. NCAL 48, NCFL 8620. Your authorized farm equipment dealer.

Flowers & Plants

Leyland Cypress

Office and Commercial Rental Warehouse space / manufacturing as low as $1.25 per sq.ft. Per yr. Deposit. 704-431-8636

Industrial/ Warehouse Salisbury/Spencer


1.87 acres of land. 5,000 sq. ft. metal building with 15 ft. ceilings, three roll up doors and two regular doors, office, and two bathrooms. Service road to I-85. (Exit 81, Spencer). Call 704-2024872 after 5 pm.

Manufactured Home for Rent E. Rowan area, 2BR, 1BA. $300/mo, 3 people limit, no pets, refs required. 704-857-3917

Furniture & Appliances

Misc For Sale

Misc For Sale

Air Conditioners, Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Frig. $65 & up. Used TV & Appliance Center Service after the sale. 704-279-6500

Range, electric. 30 inch. White. $135. Please call 704-637-0077 for more information.

ANDERSON'S SEW & SO, Husqvarna, Viking Sewing Machines. Patterns, Notions, Fabrics. 10104 Old Beatty Ford Rd., Rockwell. 704-279-3647

Vintage WCW Goldberg cardboard stand-up. New in package $25. Call 704639-0779

Antique Mahogany Pedestal Drop Leaf Table 30" tall x 38" wide x 1748" deep $165 Rockwell 704-202-5022 Bedroom suite, new 5 piece. All for $297.97. Hometown Furniture, 322 S. Main St. 704-633-7777 Bookcase, quality solid wood, cherry. 36" tall x 32" wide x 14" deep Good Condition $100 Rockwell 704-202-5022 Bureau, 3 drawer chest. Antique, oak. Original hardware, $250. Antique oak chest of drawers, swinging beveled mirror. 5 drawers, $250. Call 704-637-2956 Cabinet doors & drawers, oak, handmade. Formica top. Many uses. (Bar, desk, etc.) Adjustable shelves, $200. Oak handmade tall piece. Many uses. 3 drawers at bottom, $200. Call 704-637-2956 China Cabinet, white butcher block with counter. $60.00 Call 704-278-2722 Dresser. Large, cream white washed. Doors & drawers, decorative mirror, attached or not. Night stand. 3 drawers match. $400. 704-637-2956

Production Workers

Building Equip. & Supplies

Fuel & Wood

For modular manufacturer (all phases). Apply in person Mon-Thur 8am-12pm and 1pm-3:30pm, 850 Gold Hill Avenue, Rockwell

Aluminum Ladder, extension, 20 ft. $50 Please Call 704-636-6025

Free Four large water oaks, you cut and clean up. Please Call 704-8579716

Piano for sale. Asking $50. Please call 704-279-3607 for more information.

Kitchen dinette sets. One for $140 and one for $180. Entertainment armoire $180. All in good condition. 704-633-7604

Stove, Whirlpool, electric. Self-cleaning. White. Great condition. Call 704-2127860 before 6pm. Vacuum Cleaner, G4 Kirby with all attachments including shampooer $200 or best offer. For more info please call 704-213-1709 Washer & dryer, Whirlpool. Good Condition. $150 each. Call (704) 633-7604

Watch TV in Style! center, Entertainment solid oak will hold 32" TV and components. Was $500 now $250. 704639-1137 Water Heater, New American ProLine 40 gal natural gas water heater Paid $530 $400. Rockwell. 704-202-5022

Hunting and Fishing Fishing rods, Zebco 33. Two 5 ½ foot long with reels ~ stainless steel housings & tubular fiberglass rods. $25 ea. (new, never used) Call for appt. 704-630-0192

Lawn and Garden Craftsman Lawn tractor 42" cut, 15.5 hp Kohler engine. good condition $475. 704-856-8041 Holshouser Cycle Shop Lawn mower repairs and trimmer sharpening. Pick up & delivery. (704)637-2856 Landscape Lights, 13 metal & 6 metal spot 300 watt lights, $200 transformer. Rockwell 704-202-5022

Lawn vacuum 5.5 hp Troybilt $150. New roll Barbwire $25 all 704856-8041

Faithful Friends Needs Your Yard Sale Items


for their upcoming Yard & Bake Sale, Saturday, June 4th, 8am1pm, 421A N. Lee St. behind Salisbury Emporium, between E Kerr & E off Cemetery. Drop

items and pre-shop, May 23-June 3rd, Mon-Fri 4-6pm, and Memorial Day weekend Sat., Sun., Mon. Limited 10am-4pm. pick up for furniture only. 704-633-1722 faithfulfriendsnc.org

Don’t take chances with your hard earned money. Run your ad where it will pay for itself. Daily exposure brings fast results.

Area 1 - Salisbury, East Spencer, & Spencer Area 2 – W. Rowan incl Woodleaf, Mt. Ulla & Cleveland

Salisbury Two Family Yard Sale, 420 Mahaley Ave., Saturday, May 28, 8am-until. Baby boy clothes size 3-24 mos., girls clothes 18 mos. - 10 years, high chairs, car seat, toys, household goods, upright freezer and more.

Salisbury. 320 W. Thomas St. Sat., May 28th , 7am-noon. Furniture, home accessories, baby items, clothes, & more.

Area 3 - S. Rowan incl Landis, China Grove, Kannapolis & Mooresville Area 4 - E. Rowan incl. Granite Quarry, Faith, Rockwell & Gold Hill Area 5 - Davidson Co. Area 6 – Davie Co. and parts of Davidson Co. This is a rough guide to help plan your stops, actual areas are determined by zip code. Please see map in your Salisbury Post or online at salisburypost.com under Marketplace click on 'Yard Sale Map' to see details.


YARD SALE To Benefit Cystic Fibrosis Research Friday, May 27, 12noon to 5pm Saturday, May 28, 8am-4pm 1621 Emerald Street, Parallel to Knox Middle School Crane's Stationery, gift items, wedding accessories, greeting cards, books, kitchen items, Disney items, microwave, silver, silver plated items, crystal, desks & chairs, entertainment center, computer desk, lamps and light fixtures, pictures, candles, pet items, old pottery, area rugs, linens, glassware (some vintage), dishes, wine rack, & other household items, purses, jewelry, old money, nursery items, small appliances, TVs, VHS tapes, DVDs, phones, answering machines, cameras, electronics, Stihl (Honda powered) pressure washer, auto engine lift, steel shelving, DeSoto hubcaps, '55 Bel Aire insignia, power tools, hand & garden tools, heaters, arts & crafts, handicap items, yard furniture, camping equipment, exercise equipment, golf clubs & bags, comic books, dolls & doll furniture, toys & games for all ages, plants, and much, much more.

Yard Sale Area 2 Salisbury. 179 Spring Oak Dr. Yard Sale. Sat. May 28th, 8am-1pm. Baby & toddler clothes, toys, baby swing, etc. Adult clothes, home décor & knick-knacks. Please come! Items MUST go!

Faith Yard Sale, 402 E. 2nd St. (Faith Rd to Gantt St., right onto E. 2nd St.), Saturday, May 28, 7am12noon. Household items, jogging stroller, baby items, books, seasonal items, and much more.

Salisbury. 270 North Oakhurst Dr. (Westwood Development off Harrison Rd.) 2-Family Yard Sale, Sat., May 28th 7:30am1pm. If you want it, we probably have it!

Faith. 403 N. Main Street. Moving/Yard Sale, Sat., 5/28, 8am-noon. Sale is inside & outside! Lots of household items, kitchen items, women's (sz. 4-8), boys' & girls' clothing, yard items, LOTS of boy & girl toys!! Everything must go! Rain or shine!

Yard Sale Area 3 China Grove. 290 Arcadia Rd. (near Old Concord-Salisbury Rd. & Rogers Rd.) Multi-Family Yard Sale. Saturday, May 28th, 7am-12noon. John Deere lawn mower parts, clothes, furniture, trailer hitch, and more.

Ads with a price ALWAYS generate more qualified calls

Granite Quarry. 114 Brookstone Way. HUGE Yard Sale. Fri. 5/27, Sat. 5/28 & Sun. 5/29, 9amuntil. Cherry drop leaf dining table, fridge w/ice maker, round table & chairs, dozens shirts, sweaters, slacks, Set Blue Willow, men's Justin boots (sz. 9), spoon & plate rack, rolltop desk Pd $800. Sell $200 obo.

Salisbury 4 Family Yard Sale, Saturday, May 28th, 8am-Until. 529 Steeplechase Trail behind the Moose Lodge. Follow signs. Furniture, glassware, toys, 2005 Ford Explorer XLT and much more.

In appreciation for your support, come and register for a Bob Timberlake print to be given away. Drawing to be held at 3pm May 28. You need not be present to win. Large items may be seen before the sale by calling 704-636-5902 after 7:30 pm for an appt.

Yard Sale Area 4

Find all the best sales without the headaches! Go from one sale to another!

Salisbury Yard Sale, 1723 Dewberry Place (in Olde Salisbury Subdivision), Saturday, 7amuntil. Lots of furniture (sofas, bedroom furniture, suede chair, bed frame), clothing, household and miscellaneous items.

Dog kennel, metal, 30" wide x 4' deep. Exc. condition. $125. Hoover Carpet Steam/Vac. Used. $25 Call for appt. 704-630-0192 HYPNOSIS will work for you!

Stop Smoking~Lose Weight It's Easy & Very Effective. Decide Today 704-933-1982

Lumber All New!

Washer/dryer set $350; 30” electric range $175; refrigerator $225. Excellent shape. 704-798-1926

Lawn Mower, Eddleman, self-propelled. Very good condition. New tires. 5Hp engine. Runs well. $300. 704-637-0217

Yard Sale Area 1

West & South Rowan. 2 & 3 BR. No pets. Perfect for 3. Water included. Please call 704-857-6951

Furniture & Appliances

Loveseat couch, brown. $125. Please call 704791-9954 for more information.

Yard Sale Area 1

Granite Quarry. 2BR, 2BA. 3 person limit. No pets. $450/month + deposit. 704-279-5905

MILLER HOTEL Rooms for Rent Weekly $110 & up 704-855-2100

material, Quilting different color designs, no solid colors $30.00 704-278-2722

Yard Sale Area 1

Faith. 2BR, 1BA. Water, trash, lawn maint. incl. No pets. Ref. $425. 704-2794282 or 704-202-3876

S. Rowan area, 2BR/1½ BA. Newly renovated throughout! Appls & W/D. Some furniture. No pets. Priv lot. 2 person limit. $450/mo + $450 dep. 704-213-2272

Landis, 2BR, 2BA, Beautiful, quiet, country setting. Please call Jeff at 704-855-3934


Yard Sale Area 1

East Rowan. 2BR. trash and lawn service included. No pets. $450 month. 704-433-1255

Rockwell. 2BR, 1BA. Appl., water, sewer, trash service incl. $500/mo. + dep. Pets OK. 704-279-7463

East Rowan area. 2BR, PARTIALLY furnished. $110/week + $400 deposit, NO PETS. Limit 2. 704-279-6599

Makes a beautiful property line boundary or privacy screen. One gallon three ft., $10. Seven gallon six ft. & full, $40. 14 ft. B&B, $200. All of the above includes mulch, special fertilizer, delivery and installation! 704-274-0569

Accepting Applications for:

South Rowan area. Attractive mobile home lots. Water, garbage, sewer furnished. $160/mo. 704636-1312 or 704-798-0497

East Area. 2BR, water, trash. Limit 2. Dep. req. No pets. Call 704-6367531 or 704-202-4991

Manufactured Home for Rent

Rooms for Rent

CORRIHER TRUCKING is seeking Qualified Flatbed drivers 25 yrs or older, DOT medical card, Class A CDL, TWIC card, 2 yrs exp w/ NO accidents/violations. Also need Diesel Mechanic, must have own tools. Apply at 225 Corriher Gravel Rd. China Grove. Mon-Fri 9 am to 3 pm.

Sunshine Mfg. Structures, Inc. Rockwell, NC

Kannapolis Lots $200 per Available. month + deposit. No pets. 704-239-2833

Manufactured Home for Rent

Lake High Estates, 3 BR, 1½ BA, 1+ acre private lot. Remodeled. $500 + deposit. 704-279-6279

10 beautiful collectible dolls. 18”-20” tall. Paid $200+ ea. Asking $50 ea. or best offer. Must sell for health reasons. 704-633-7425

Arts, Crafts & Hobbies

Manufactured Home Lot Rentals

Lot blower. Mighty Mac parking lot blower, portable 5hp, Briggs, good condition, $125. 336-998-3893 Snapper Riding mower, electric start. $150; Husqvarna self propelled mower, good condition. $150. 704-933-0021

Machine & Tools Table Saw, 10 inch Grizzey with 1½ HP. Very good condition. $350. 704-633-0259

Weight bench, $175. Nano headset, $45. Please call 704-213-4790 for more information. Winch, 12V, $69; 100 PSI compressor, $59; generator, $900W, $109; gas engine 6.5 HP, $99. All new, 704-784-2488 Workshop tables, 2 large, wood. $75 ea. Obo. Coffee table, $50. Large homemade bookcase $50 obo. Call 704-636-3610

Sporting Goods

2x4x14 $3 2x6x14 $5.50 2x4x16 $4.75 2x6x8 studs $3.25 2x4x93” $1.75 2x10x14 $5 D/W rafters $5 Floor trusses $5 each 704-202-0326 METAL: Angle, Channel, Pipe, Sheet & Plate Shear Fabrication & Welding FAB DESIGNS 2231 Old Wilkesboro Rd Open Mon-Fri 7-3:30 704-636-2349 Mini-tiller/Cultivator, Craftsman. Good cond. $125. Outside large composter w/ turning tools. Good cond., used for several yrs. $80. Small kitchen ceramic composter. Good cond. $25. Call for appt. 704-630-0192 Newsbags, one-use. 4 ins. & wider. 50 count packs. 40¢ each. Sm. - assisted rts. 704-754-8837 10PM+ STEEL, Channel, Angle, Flat Bars, Pipe Orders Cut to Length. Mobile Home Truss- $6 ea.; Vinyl floor covering- $4.89 yd.; Carpet- $5.75 yd.; Masonite Siding 4x8- $14; 12”x16' lap siding at $6.95 ea. School Desks - $7.50 ea. RECYCLING, Top prices paid for Aluminum cans, Copper, Brass, Radiators, Aluminum. Davis Enterprises Inc. 7585 Sherrills Ford Rd. Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-9821

Community Events

Golf clubs, 2 sets. One ladies & one men's and other assorted clubs. New golf balls. Fishing rod & reels. Deer climbing stand. Hunting & pocket knives. 704-792-8771

Television, DVD & Video TV, 36" Hitachi with remote, 2004 model. Excellent condition, $175 obo 704-640-1914

Want to Buy Merchandise All Coin Collections Silver, gold & copper. Will buy foreign & scrap gold. 704-636-8123 Timber wanted - Pine or hardwood. 5 acres or more select or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. Call 704-278-9291. Watches – and scrap gold jewelry. 704-636-9277 or cell 704-239-9298

Business Opportunities J.Y. Monk Real Estate School-Get licensed fast, Charlotte/Concord courses. $399 tuition fee. Free Brochure. 800-849-0932

Community Events

Pro Wrestling Bell Time 8:15pm The Terminators, Lumber & Many More Tickets $9 & $5 Misc For Sale

Misc For Sale

Side Table, $10 Table Fan, $3 Floor Fan, $7 Foot Spa, $11 704-642-0512

Turn It Up! Bingham Smith Lumber Co. !!!NOW AVAILABLE!!! Metal Roofing Many colors. Custom lengths, trim, accessories, & trusses. Call 980-234-8093 Patrick Smith

BINGHAM-SMITH LUMBER CO. Save money on lumber. Treated and Untreated. Round Fence Post in all sizes. Save extra when buying full units. Call Patrick at 980-234-8093.

Free Stuff

Music CDs, 100+. Great for flea market. $75. Please call 704-857-9067 for more information

Free - approximately 50 "The Hymnal" old Evangelical & Reformed Hymn books. Fair condition. Call 704-279-4947



Rowan-Cabarrus Community College will receive letters of interest for architectural design services to be provided for a multi-component fire and emergency services training facility including mock fire station, burn tower, confined/tunnel space, educational/training pavilions, and other fire & emergency services related structure / components. For details of submission, please go to http://www.ips.state.nc.us/ips/pubmain.asp. Rowan-Cabarrus Community College will receive letters of interest for architectural design services to be provided for RCCC's North Campus additions and renovations including enhancements, HVAC upgrades, and additions / renovations for classrooms, offices and health science classrooms and labs. For details of submission, please go to: http://www.ips.state.nc.us/ips/pubmain.asp.

SALISBURY POST Autos Free Stuff Free Kittens to good home, very sweet and great with kids! 1 Gray, 1 Orange, and 1 Blk and Gray! Call Sabrina 704239-4808 Free Lab / German Shepherd Mix Puppy 6 months old. Needs fenced in yard, lots of attention. Does not get along that well with other animals, great with kids Call Sabrina 704-239-48008 PUPPIES, FREE!! Mixed breed. 2 males, 1 female. Loves everyone/thing of all ages. Handled since birth. Will be small/medium dogs. Call Ashley @ (704)797-1822 for more info!

Instruction How to know you'll go! 4 min. recorded message. Call now. 704-983-8841

Found small male dog, white with black patches/ ears. Looks like short haired Shih-Tzu. Call 980-234-0120

Lost dog. Chihuahua mix, female, at BP station in Rockwell May 24, cinnamon color, no collar. REWARD! 704-433-5970 or 704-279-5715



Want to get results? 

Chrysler LeBaron, 1993 V-6. Good condition. PS, PB, AC, AT. $450. Please call 336-751-5749

ELLIS AUTO AUCTION 10 miles N. of Salisbury, Hwy 601, Sale Every Wednesday night 5:30 pm.

10ft. Jon Boat with seats, trailer, trolling motor, spare tire, battery charger and paddles. Call 704-633-7002 Honda 2004 Accord EX, Graphite, V-6, excellent condition, all svc records, navigation, heated front seats, sunroof, XM ready, detailed every six mos. 704-639-6410 704-209-1137

Weekly Special Only $12,995

Troutman Motor Co. Highway 29 South, Concord, NC 704-782-3105

2000 BMW Z3, Titanium Silver Metallic w/black leather interior. 2.5L V6, 5 speed manual, all power, dual heated seats, alloy rims, AM/FM/CD, power top, BREEZE THROUGH SUMMER WITH GREAT GAS MILEAGE! Call Steve today! 704-603-4255

Motorcycles & ATVs Honda 2005 Accord, fully loaded, $300 down, will help finance. Call 704-872-5255

Trucks, SUVs & Vans Hyundai Golf Cart, 1994. Gasoline engine, lights. Excellent condition. 2nd Owner. $1650. 704-2320266

50 cc Trike. Brand new! $1,895. Also, nice new Tao Scooters only $895. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

Toyota Camry LE, 2007. Desert sand mica exterior bisque interior. with $14,459. Stock #P7633C. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location) More Details = Faster Sales!

Transportation Financing

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Buick Ranier CXL SUV, 2007. Cashmere metallic exterior with cashmere interior. T11239A. $12,687. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford Expedition XLT SUV, 2003. Black clearcoat exterior with flint gray interior. T11334A. $12,387. Call 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Service & Parts

Authorized EZGO Dealer. 6 volt & 8 volt batteries. US 52, 5 miles south of Salisbury. Beside East Rowan HS & Old Stone Winery. Look for EZGO sign. 704-245-3660

Camper Top for long bed Ford truck, has 2 roll out windows on each side. $250. 704-633-4526

Transportation Dealerships CLONINGER FORD, INC. “Try us before you buy.” 511 Jake Alexander Blvd. 704-633-9321 CHEVROLET, TEAM CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC. www.teamautogroup.com 704-216-8000

Infinity G5, 2003. Black Obsidian/Black Leather, 3.5L V6, auto trans, BOSE AM/FM/CD, SUNROOF, all power, alloy rims. LUXURY FOR HALF THE PRICE!!!! 704-603-4255

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Motorcycles & ATVs

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Transportation Dealerships Tim Marburger Honda 1309 N First St. (Hwy 52) Albemarle NC 704-983-4107

Fishing Boat & Trailer


Honda Accord 2.4 EX, 2003. Satin silver metallic exterior with gray interior. $11,759. Stock # F11209B. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Recreational Vehicles

Boats & Watercraft

Ford Taurus SEL Sedan, 2008. Oxford white clearcoat exterior with tan cloth interior. P7689. $14,787 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Help Me Get Home!

Found Female Pit Mix at Hwy 150 and Jones Rd. By Lazy 5 Ranch. Please call Dawn to claim 704-663-5100.


See stars

Lost & Found Found peacock. In pasture on 601, near Cauble Rd. Found 5/23. Call 704-640-8757 to identify.

SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 • 5D


Tim Marburger Dodge 287 Concord Pkwy N. Concord, NC 28027 704-792-9700

Transportation Financing

Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, 2005. Fully loaded, electric doors, stowaway seats, nice. $8,995. Call 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Chevrolet HHR LT SUV, Cardinal red 2009. metallic exterior with ebony interior. P7656A. $15,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Ed., 2003 True Blue Metallic/ Med Parchment leather int., 4.0L (245), SOHC SEFI V6 AUTO, loaded, all pwr, AM/FM/CD changer, steering wheel controls, alloy rims, heated seats, rides & drives great! 704-603-4255

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Dodge Ram 1500 SLT, 2004. 4x4, HEMI engine, 20" wheels, loaded up, super nice. $11,995. 704720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Chevrolet Tahoe, 1999. 2 tone tan & black w/tan leather int. 5.7 V8, auto. trans. 4X4. All power, AM/ FM/CD/tape. Cold front & rear air. Alum. rims, extra clean. Ready for test drive. Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer, 2007. Oxford white exterior with camel interior. $21,559. Stock #F11281A. Call Now 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Lincoln Aviator, 2003. Leather, sunroof, chrome wheels, fully loaded, extra clean, 90,000 miles. $10,995. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

Dodge Ram 1500 SLT / Laramie Crew Cab, 2004. Bright white clearcoat exterior with dark slate gray interior. F10362A. $10,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford F150, 2004. Crew cab. Dark shadow gray metallic w/flint cloth interior. 4.6L v8. Auto. Trans., 2WD, AM/FM/CD. Cold air, aluminum rims, side runners. Great truck! 704-603-4255


1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Jaguar XK8, 2001. Convertible, V8, auto trans., gray w/tan leather interior, all power, alloy rims, READY FOR SUMMER! Call Steve at 704-603-4255

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd.

Low Miles! Clean! Mercury Grand Marquis GS, 2005. Like new, fully loaded. Only 68,000 miles. $9,995. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Cadillac Sedan DeVille, 2004. Leather, fully loaded, extra clean, 69,000 miles. $7,995. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

(former Sagebrush location)

Autos Cadillac Sedan Deville, 1999. White with leather. AC. Good tires. 81,000 miles. Garage kept. $6,200 obo. Call 704-633-2513 or 980-234-3373

Sweet Ride!

Chevrolet Corvette, 1995. Red with black leather interior. Automatic. Garage kept. 59,200 miles. $11,500. Call 704-279-6124

HONDA, 2004, ACCORD EX. $500-800 down, will help finance. Credit, No Problem! Private party sale. Call 704-838-1538

Toyota Corolla LE, 2010. Silver exterior with ash interior. $16,859. Stock # K7695. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Mercury Grand Marquis LS Sedan, 2004. Dare Toreador red clearcoat exterior with light flint interior. F11106A. $9,787. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Corolla S, 2007. Black sand pearl exterior with dark charcoal interior. $13,359. Stock # T11319A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Nice Ride!

Ford 1992 F-150, two wheel drive, 118K original miles, A/C, very good, dependable truck, just needs paint. $1,800. Excellent interior, regular maintenance. 336-6719953

Ford Transit Connect XL, 2010. Frozen white exterior with dark gray interior. $15,859. Stock # P7637. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

No. 61454

No. 61383

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Malcom Judson Ryan, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 09/01/2011, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. Today's Date 05/24/2011. David Bernard Ryan as Executor for the estate of Malcom Judson Ryan, deceased, file#11e457, 7434 Pop Basinger Road, Salisbury, NC 28146 Attny at Law: Carl M. Short, Jr., 225 N. Main Street, Ste. 200, Salisbury, NC 28144

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the estate of Ralph Fleming, 1240 Hollywood Drive, Spencer, NC 28159. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before: 8-10-2011. This notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. Today's date: 05-03-2011. Mary L. Turner, Admn. For the estate of Ralph Fleming, deceased, file 11E455, 804 Alexander St., Statesville, NC 28677 Attorney at Law, J. Carlyle Sherrill, 117 W. Council Street, Salisbury, NC 28144

No. 61378 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of Mattie T. Thompson. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of July, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 20th day of April, 2011. Melvin K. Thompson as Administrator for the estate of Mattie T. Thompson, deceased, File#11e422, PO Box 78, Granite Quarry, NC 28072 Atty at Law: Bradley J. Nance, 214 E. Innes Street, Salisbury, NC 28144 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of Andrew Thompson, Jr. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of July, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 20th day of April, 2011. Melvin K. Thompson as Administrator for the estate of Andrew Thompson, Jr., deceased, File#10e784, PO Box 78, Granite Quarry, NC 28072 Atty at Law: Bradley J. Nance, 214 E. Innes Street, Salisbury, NC 28144

No. 61418 Rowan Salisbury Schools IDEA - Part B (611) Grant Public Notice The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA-Part, Public Law 108.446) Project is presently being amended. The Project describes the special education programs that Rowan-Salisbury Schools proposes for Federal funding for the 2011-2012 School Year. Interested persons are encouraged to review amendments to the Project and make comments concerning the implementation of special education under this Federal Program. All comments will be considered prior to submission of the amended Project to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction in Raleigh, North Carolina. The IDEA-Part B Project is open to the public for review and comments during June 1 & 2, 2011 in the Office of Dr. Crystal Vail, Director of the Exceptional Children's Program located at 417 N. Main Street, Salisbury, North Carolina, 28144

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Carolyn Royal Motley, 255 Archer Road, Salisbury, NC, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of August, 2011, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 3rd day of May, 2011. Carolyn Royal Motley, deceased, Rowan County File #2011E454, Todd Eugene Motley, 201 Grayson Drive, Salisbury, NC 28147 Attorney: Donald D. Sayers, 225 N. Main Street, Ste. 200, Salisbury, NC 28144 No. 61382 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Co-Administrators for the Estate of Julian Cousar Parnell, Jr., 255 Cherokee Lane, Salisbury, NC 28147. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of August, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 3rd day of May, 2011. Julian Cousar Parnell, Jr., deceased, Rowan County File #2011E430, Jackie Molenda, 169 Cameron Drive, Salisbury, NC 28147, Joan Correll, 135 Green Gable Lane, Salisbury, NC 28147 Attorney: J. Andrew Porter, 120 N. Jackson Street, Salisbury, NC 28144

No. 61410 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY - 10 SP 939 Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Earl B. Raffaldt and Michele L. Raffaldt aka Michele Lien Raffaldt to First American Title, Trustee(s), which was dated January 8, 2009 and recorded on January 9, 2009 in Book 1135 at Page 561, Rowan County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on June 2, 2011 at 12:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Rowan County, North Carolina, to wit:

No. 61381

Toyota Yaris, 2009. Silver streak mica exterior with dark charcoal interior. $13,759. Stock # P7663 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the estate of Pedro Enrico Sagastizado, 616 E. Ketchie Street, China Grove, NC 28023. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before 8/5/2011. This notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. Today Dates 05/5/2011. Dinora Guatemala as Administrator for the estate of Pedro Enrico Sagastizado, deceased, File #11e402, 128 American Boulevard, Brentwood, NY 11717. Attny At Law: Elizabeth J. Caviness, Caviness Law Firm, PLLC, 225 E. Kingston Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28203

BEING all of Lot 24 of DAWSON DOWNS, as shown on plat of survey by Shulenburger Surveying Company dated 06-12-2000 and recorded in Map Book 9995, Page 3942 in the Rowan County Registry. Including that certain 2009 Fleetwood Manufactured Home, Model 0623V, VIN # NCFL841AB59518, which is attached to the land and is part of the real property. Parcel ID: 238A041

No. 61448

Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing.


Ford Crown Victoria LX, 2001. Toreador Red clearcoat metallic exterior with medium parchment interior. Stock# F11241A. $6,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Nissan Maxima SE, 2006. Winter Frost Pearl w/ tan cloth. 3.5L v6, auto. Trans., all power, Bose radio, sunroof, dual power seats. Alloy rims, great power! Smooth Ride! 704-603-4255

Volvo S40 AS, 2000. Silver metallic w/gray leather interior. 1.9 4cyl. Turbo. Auto. Trans. AM/FM/CD/ tape. Sunroof. All power, heat mirrors, alloy rims. Runs Great! Call Steve today! 704-603-4255

CASH FOR YOUR CAR! Ford Mustang, 2004. Red exterior with gray leather interior. $12,259. Stock # T11400AY. 1800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

BMW X5, 2003. Topaz Blue Metallic/Tan Leather, 4.4L auto trans, AM/FM/CD, all power, SUNROOF, 20inch aluminum rims, PERFECT COLOR COMBO! 704-603-4255

No. 61380

Mini Cooper, 2006. Black & white. 17,000 miles. Garage kept. $18,500. Please call 704640-6509 after 3pm.

Ford Mustang V6, 2001. Oxford white clearcoat exterior with medium parchment interior. $8,659. Stock #P7690A 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Call Steve today! 704-603-4255 www.JakeAlexanderAutoSales.com

No. 61379

Mercedes S320, 1999 Black on Grey leather interior, 3.2, V6, auto trans, LOADED, all power ops, low miles, SUNROOF, chrome rims good tires, extra clean MUST SEE! 704-6034255

Dodge Challenger SE, 2010. Inferno red crystal pearlcoat exterior with dark slate gray interior. F11205A. $23,287. Call 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Financing Available!

We are the area's largest selection of quality preowned autos. Financing avail. to suit a variety of needs. Carfax avail. No Gimmicks – We take pride in giving excellent service to all our customers.

We want your vehicle! 1999 to 2011 under 150,000 miles. Please call 704-216-2663.

The proposed budget for the Town of Faith for fiscal year 2011-2012 has been presented to the Board of Aldermen and is available for public inspection in the Town Hall from 9 am until 5 pm weekdays except when the Town Hall is closed on Wednesday afternoons. There will be a public hearing on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 6:50 pm in the Board Room of the Faith Town Hall, 100 N. Main Street, Faith, NC for the purpose of discussing the proposed budget. Citizens are invited to make written or oral comments. Board of Aldermen, TOWN OF FAITH, NC. By: Karen C. Fink, Town Clerk


Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 185 Dawson Downs Lane, Mooresville, NC 28115.

Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Earl B. Raffaldt and Michele L. Raffaldt aka Michele Lien Raffaldt. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, Substitute Trustee Attorney, Brock & Scott, PLLC, Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200, Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988, FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 10-25011-FC01

6D • SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011 Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans


CLASSIFIED Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Jeep J-10, 1981. 4WD. 6 cylinder. Runs or for parts. $695. Call 704-637-0217 or 704-213-9240

GMC DENALI XL, 2005. White/Tan Leather, 6.0 V8, auto trans, fully loaded AM/FM/CD, NAVIGATION, all power, DVD, TV, chrome rims, 3rd seat READY FOR TEST DRIVE! 704-603-4255

GMC Yukon, 2004. Summit white/gray leather interior, 5.3 liter, auto. Trans., all power ops., AM/FM/ CD/Tape, rear air and audio controls, running boards. EXTRA CLEAN! Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Honda Pilot EX, 2007. Nimbus gray metallic exterior w/gray interior. $21,559. Stock #T11414A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Honda Pilot EXL, 2005, Redrock Pearl w/Saddle int., VTEC, V6, 5-sp. auto., fully loaded, all pwr opts, AM/FM/CD changer, steering wheel controls, pwr leather seats, alloy rims, 3RD seat, sunroof, nonsmoker, LOADED! 704-603-4255

Don’t take chances with your hard earned money. Run your ad where it will pay for itself. Daily exposure brings fast results.

Auctions Auction Thursday 12pm 429 N. Lee St. Salisbury Antiques, Collectibles, Used Furniture 704-213-4101

Honda Pilot EX-L, 2006. Rock Metallic Desert exterior with saddle interior. $11,759. Stock # T11405A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, 2006. Stone white clearcoat exterior with medium slate gray interior. $14,559. Stock # F10563B 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited SUV, 2005. Black clearcoat exterior with medium slate gray interior. T11271A. $15,787. 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Jeep Grand Cherokee Loredo, 2006. Black w/ medium slate gray cloth interior. All power, AM/FM/CD changer, dual power seats. Low miles! Awesome condition! Steve 704-603-4255

R. Giles Moss Auction & Real Estate-NCAL #2036. Full Service Auction Company. Estates ** Real Estate Had your home listed a long time? Try selling at auction. 704-782-5625 www.gilesmossauction.com

Rowan Auction Co. Professional Auction Services: Salis., NC 704-633-0809 Kip Jennings NCAL 6340.

FIND IT SELL IT RENT IT in the Classifieds

Cleaning Services

Perry's Overhead Doors Sales, Service & Installation, Residential / Commercial. Wesley Perry 704-279-7325

Cleaning Services


We Build Garages, = 24x24 $12,500. All sizes built! ~ 704-633-5033 ~

Child Care and Nursery Schools

Openings for childcare in christian home for 1st and 2nd shifts. Reasonable rates. Refs. Avail. Contact 704-642-0488. High Rock Lake area.

Quality Affordable Childcare Clean, smoke-free, reliable. 17 yrs. exp. 6 wks & up. All shifts. Reasonable Rates 704-787-4418 704-279-0927 F Ref. Avail. F

Complete Cleaning Service. Basic, windows, spring, new construction, & more. 704-857-1708

Lippard Garage Doors Installations, repairs, electric openers. 704636-7603 / 704-798-7603


Nissan Pathfinder LE, 2002, Sahara Beige Metallic/Tan leather, 3.5L auto trans, all power options, Dual HEATED & POWER seats, AM/FM/Tape/CD changer, sunroof, homelink, LOW MILES, extra clean DON'T LET THIS ONE SLIP AWAY! 704-603-4255

Carport and Garages

Cleaning Services

Carport and Garages

Cat, free, 10 year old neutered male. Fully vetted. Please call 704640-5562

Toyota Highlander Limited, 2003, Vintage Gold Metallic/Tan Leather, 4.0L 4speed auto trans. w/Snow Mode AM/FM/Tape/CD, all power, SUNROOF, dual power & heated seats , extra clean, ready for test drive. Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Elaine's Special Cleaning

Concrete Work

All types concrete work ~ Insured ~ NO JOB TOO SMALL! Call Curt LeBlanc today for Free Estimates

Drywall Services OLYMPIC DRYWALL New Homes Additions & Repairs Small Commercial Ceiling Texture Removal

704-279-2600 Since 1955 olympicdrywallcompany.com

Fencing Free Estimates Bud Shuler & Sons Fence Co. 225 W Kerr St 704-633-6620 or 704-638-2000 Price Leader since 1963

Reliable Fence All Your Fencing Needs, Reasonable Rates, 21 years experience. (704)640-0223

Financial Services


“We can erase your bad credit — 100% guaranteed” The Federal Trade Commission says any credit repair company that claims to be able to legally remove accurate and timely information from your credit report is lying. There's no easy fix for bad credit. It takes time and a conscious effort to pay your debts. Learn about managing credit and debt at ftc.gov/credit. A message from The Salisbury Post & the FTC.

704-633-9295 FREE ESTIMATES www.WifeForHireInc.com Licensed, bonded and insured. Since 1985.


Free cats to good home. 4 domestic long hair. 2 black & white, 2 black. Litter trained. Cleveland area. Call 704-657-0280 or 704-500-4085

Toyota Tundra, Super exterior with white graphite interior. $19,659. Stock #K7697. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location)

Kittens, free. Only 2 left!! Black and white, 1 male 1 female. 7 weeks old. Call Lisa 704-433-3362

Cane Corso Italian Mastiff Puppies ICCF. Reg. Various Colors. $500 to $700. 704-762-6301


Free Beagle mix. Female. To good home only. Needs room to run. Call 704-754-8109. Ask for Caren.

AKC GERMAN ROTTWEILERS READY NOW Excellent temperament. Parents on site Tails docked Dew claws removed $750 704-239-8879

Beaver Grading Quality work, reasonable rates. Free Estimates 704-6364592

HMC Handyman Services. Any job around the house. Please call 704-239-4883

FOR JUNK CASH CARS and Batteries. Call 704-279-7480 or 704-798-2930

Heating and Air Conditioning

Hometown Lawn Care & Handyman Service. Mowing, pressure washing, gutter cleaning, odd jobs ~inside & out. Comm, res. Insured. Free estimates. “No job too small” 704-433-7514 Larry Sheets, owner

I will pick up your nonrunning vehicles & pay you to take them away! Call Mike anytime. 336-479-2502

A HANDYMAN & MOORE Kitchen & Bath remodeling Quality Home Improvements Carpentry, Plumbing, Electric Clark Moore 704-213-4471

B & L Home Improvement

The Floor Doctor


Get Bigger Type!

Free Boxer/Pit bulldogs. 3 males 2 females left. Black/ white & 1 brindle/ white. Have shots & 1st worming. Patty 704-636-7922

Lawn Maint. & Landscaping LEE'S LAWNCARE Mow, Trim, Blow, Clean-up, Mulch, Presure Washing, Pine Needles. Free Estimates. Call Mike!

~ 704-431-3537 ~ Outdoors By Overcash Mowing, shrub trimming & leaf blowing. 704-630-0120

I buy junk cars. Will pay cash. $250 & up. Larger cars, larger cash! Call 704-239-1471 Mow, Trim & Blow $35 Average Yard Pressure Washing & Pine Needles Ask for Jeffrey

Lawn Equipment Repair Services Lyerly's ATV & Mower Repair Free estimates. All types of repairs Pickup/delivery avail. 704-642-2787

Complete crawlspace work, Wood floor leveling, jacks installed, rotten wood replaced due to water or termites, brick/block/tile work, foundations, etc. 704-933-3494

Steve's Lawn Care We'll take care of all your lawn care needs!! Great prices. 704-431-7225

Z & Sons Lawn Care & House Washing

A-1 Residential & Commercial Mow/Trim At least 10% less than other lawn services. We promise to beat them all. Call David at 704-640-1198

Basic lawn care, pressure washing and pine needles. Free estimates


Professional Services Unlimited Quality work at affordable prices NC G.C. #17608 NC Home Inspector #107. Complete contracting services, under home repairs, foundation & masonry repairs, light tractor work & property maintenence. Pier, dock & seawall repair. 36 Yrs Exp. 704-633-3584 www.professionalservicesunltd.com Duke C. Brown Sr. Owner – “The House Whisperer!” Around the House Repairs Carpentry. Electrical. Plumbing. H & H Construction 704-633-2219

Brisson - HandyMan Home Repair, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, etc. Insured. 704-798-8199

Junk Removal $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ We Buy Any Type of Scrap Metal At the Best Prices...

Guaranteed! Browning ConstructionStructural repair, flooring installations, additions, decks, garages. 704-637-1578 LGC

Garages, new homes, remodeling, roofing, siding, back hoe, loader 704-6369569 Maddry Const Lic G.C.


cars, trucks & vans. Any junk vehicle. $275 & up. Call Tim at 980-234-6649

Puppies, CKC Registered F1 Golden Doodles. 5 males, 3 females. Light to medium apricot. Puppies will be ready June 17th. Call to reserve or set up a visit. $750. Call Vicky 336-853-5090

Heart Catcher!

Puppies, free to good Rescue dog homes. surprised us with pups. 7 to choose from here in Enochville/Kannapolis. Breed unsure, many colors, darn cute. 704-938-9842

Sweet Babies!

Brown's Landscape

Manufactured Home Services

_ Bush Hogging _ Plowing _ Tilling _ Raised garden beds Free Estimates

Mobile Home Supplies~ City Consignment Company New & Used Furniture. Please Call 704636-2004

704-636-3415 704-640-3842 www.earlslawncare.com

GAYLOR'S LAWNCARE For ALL your lawn care needs! *FREE ESTIMATES* 704-639-9925/ 704-640-0542

Trail Riding Horses (2), $300 each. Please Call 704-6401-6004

Other Pets HHHHHHHHH Check Out Our May Special! Spay/Neuter 20% discount. Rowan Animal Clinic. Please call 704636-3408 for appt. PET GOAT, free. Female, 2 Years old. Black with white spots. Family Pet for Good Home Only. Please No Calls After 6pm. 704-633 6806

Pet & Livestock Supplies

Pet & Livestock Services

Little Paws Bed & Breakfast Located at Small Animal Medicine & Surgery A deluxe boarding facility for dogs, cats, rabbits and “pocket pets”. 3200 Sherrills Ford Road Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-6613 www.sams-littlepawsdoc.com

Moving and Storage TH Jones Mini-Max Storage 116 Balfour Street Granite Quarry Please 704-279-3808

Painting and Decorating Bowen Painting Interior and Exterior Painting 704-630-6976.

SEAMLESS GUTTER Licensed Contractor C.M. Walton Construction, 704-202-8181

Guttering, leaf guard, metal & shingle roofs. Ask about tax credits.

Tree Service

John Sigmon Stump grinding, Prompt service for 30+ years, Free Estimates. John Sigmon, 704-279-5763.

See me on Facebook

Basinger Sewing Machine Repair. Parts & Service – Salisbury. 704-797-6840 or 704-797-6839

All types of roofing, construction & repairs. Free estimates. Don't get soaked..Give Bill a call!

Graham's Tree Service Free estimates, reasonable rates. Licensed, Insured, Bonded. 704-633-9304

High quality work. Good prices on all your masonry needs.

Miscellaneous Services

Roofing and Guttering

~ 704-633-5033 ~

Earl's Lawn Care

FREE Estimates

English Bulldog pups AKC, 2 females and 2 males, born April 2. $1500 each. Fawn and white, champion bloodlines. Puppies Come with first shots, dewormed, bag of pupppy food and a signed puppy agreement. 704-603-8257

Pet & Livestock Services

3Mowing 3Yard Cleanup 3Trimming Bushes

3Landscaping 3Mulching


Puppies and kittens available. Follow us on FaceBook Animal Care Center of Salisbury. Call 704-637-0227

Masonry and Brickwork

3Core Aeration 3Fertilizing

Puppy. Shih-Tzu, one male, AKC registered Born February 21. All shots. 704-637-7524

Chihuahua Pups. CKC. 4 females and 2 males, $250 and up. Various colors. Tcup and toy size, long and short hair. Ready to go. 704-603-8257.

Dale's Painting & Repair. 40 years exp. Please call 704-278-4883 or 704-657-1198



Horses Shih Tzu Puppies. Full blooded, 1st shots, dew claws wormed, removed. Ready for loving family. 3 females and one male. 704-2025220

Cathy's Painting Service & Pressure Washing. Interior & exterior, new & repaints. 704-279-5335

We will come to you! F David, 704-314-7846


GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES 8 weeks old. All Males. Eating dry puppy food. $50 each. 704-7986236. Ask for Jason


Office 704-932-6878 • Cell 704-363-5491 For Storm Damage from Wind/Hail, call Scott White for FREE inspection/estimates • Roofing • Windows • Gutters • Vinyl Siding Member of BBB

Free to good home. Found female black lab mix. Very loving and good with kids. Protective of her family but not aggressive. Must find home for her! 336-6553201.

~ 704-245-5599 ~

Lawn Maint. & Landscaping

Including carpentry, bathroom & kitchen remodeling, roofing, flooring. Free Estimates, Insured .... Our Work is Guaranteed!

Want to attract attention? 

Boxer/Jack Russell Terrier Mix free to good home, 7 months old. Housebroken, good with kids, beautiful & loving dog. Prefer inside or kennel only. All puppy shots given. 704-326-5093

Kittens, free, adorable & playful, male & female 1 litter--6 weeks old & 1 litter-7 weeks old Call Sharon 336-463-4963

Junk Removal

Kitchens, Baths, Sunrooms, Remodel, Additions, Wood & Composite Decks, Garages, Vinyl Rails, Windows, Siding. & Roofing. ~ 704-633-5033 ~

Goldendoodle Puppies. F2B, parents on site, 1st shots, wormed, and dew claws removed. 5 males and 3 females. Ready for loving homes June 18. Now accepting deposits. 704-202-5220

Kittens, 5 adorable kittens free to good homes. Male & female. In Walkertown, possibly able to meet you to get them. Call 336-595-8759. Leave message

Home Improvement

Home Improvement



Giving away kittens or puppies?

Grading & Hauling

Piedmont AC & Heating Electrical Services Lowest prices in town!! 704-213-4022

Dogs Pitbull/Lab Mix Puppies. 3 black females. First shots and dewormed. 704-267-1137

Best Friend!

Free kittens. 7 weeks old Bobtail kittens, yellow & orange striped. 2 available. 704-279-4307

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!


Sparkling Results, Reasonable Rates. Free Estimates & References Given.


Get Bigger Type!

Dogs Free dog. Boxer mix named Charlie. UTD on vaccines. Neutered. Good with children & animals. 704-279-4307

Beautiful Labrador Retriever Puppies. Great bloodline. Sweet personalities. Chocolate and black pups . Ready June 4th. $400. Call Ronnie at 704-798-6336

Free kittens. 2 orange & white tabbies, 2 black & white. 3 males, 1 female. 8 weeks. 704-956-3023

Toyota Tacoma, 2007. Silver streak mica w/gray cloth interior. 2.7L 5 spd trans., AM/FM/CD. Extra clean, nonsmoker, bedliner, toolbox. Great looking truck! 704-603-4255

Want to attract attention? 



Toyota Tacoma, 2002. Impulse red exterior with charcoal interior. $13,759. Stock # F11173A. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Mitsubishi Raider LS, 2007. Alloy silver clearcoat exterior with slate interior. $11,859. Stock # F11261A. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Saturn VUE V6 SUV, Storm gray 2007. clearcoat exterior with gray interior. Stock #F10528D1. $14,787 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com


KEN WEDDINGTON Total Auctioneering Services 140 Eastside Dr., China Grove 704-8577458 License 392

Jeep Wrangler X, 2003, Bright Silver Metallic/ Gray Cloth, 4.0L HD 5speed manual transmission, AM/FM/CD, cruise, cold AC, 20 inch chrome rims, ready for Summer! Please call 704-603-4255

Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara SUV, 2007. Steel blue metallic exterior with dark slate gray interior. Stock #F11055A. $19,887. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Carolina's Auction Rod Poole, NCAL#2446 Salisbury (704)633-7369


Toyota 4Runner Limited, 2004. Titanium metallic exterior with stone interior. $18,659. Stock #P7687. Call 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Tacoma Base Regular Cab, 2006. Black exterior with graphite interior. P7688. $13,287 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota RAV4 S, 2004. Titanium metallic exterior with dark charcoal interior. $11,259. Stock # T11390A 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com


Heritage Auction Co. Glenn M.Hester NC#4453 Salisbury (704)636-9277

Ford Escape XLT, 2009. Gray exterior with charcoal interior. $18,859. Stock #T11062A. 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Stoner Painting Contractor • 25 years exp. • Int./Ext. painting • Pressure washing • Staining • Mildew Removal • References • Insured 704-239-7553

Johnny Yarborough, Tree Expert trimming, topping, & removal of stumps by machine. Wood splitting, lots cleared. 10% off to senior citizens. 704-857-1731 MOORE'S Tree TrimmingTopping & Removing. Use Bucket Truck, 704-209-6254 Licensed, Insured & Bonded TREE WORKS by Jonathan Keener. Insured – Free estimates! Please call 704-636-0954.

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