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Monday, May 30, 2011 | 50¢

Construction span shapes up I-85 bridges will soon rise beside Yadkin crossing

Robertson grant funds technology for schools More students to be equipped with iPods, laptops

BY KARISSA MINN kminn@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — The new I-85 Yadkin River Bridge should start to take shape in just a couple of weeks as construction continues on schedule. “We had some issues with drilling, but we’re picking back up now,” said Jim Barton, construction manager with contractor Flatiron-Lane, at the project site Wednesday. Crews have been building the two spans of the bridge from a temporary work bridge constructed between them. They use heavy machinery to drill shafts deep into the ground, remove the soil and water and fill the shafts with rebar and concrete. On top of the shafts rest slightly smaller columns, which are connected above in rows of four by concrete caps. Barton said in the second week of June, the workers will start to set the long girders that support the roadway, “and at that point, it will start looking like something.” Construction slows down, though, when the drills hit hard rock. A large tool made of several pneumatic hammers is then used to pulverize the rock, break through and continue drilling. Darin Waller, resident engineer with the N.C. Department of Transportation, said the depth of the shafts depends on the type of soil workers run into. “A lot of this is pretty much being designed as we go,” Waller said. “We have an initial design, and if we encounter something different, the designers get involved.” Tim Canup, assistant resident engineer with the transportation department, said there are now close to 150 people working onsite, not counting the offsite designers. About 20 subcontractors are working different aspects of the project, he said, from earth moving to railroad crossings to signage. Some are using eight towering cranes to get the job done. Six of those cranes rest on the nearlycompleted temporary work bridge. They must move along a

BY SARAH CAMPBELL scampbell@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — More students in the Rowan-Salisbury School System will have access to technology this fall thanks to grants from the Blanche and Julian Robertson Family Foundation. Overton Elementary School has received $55,000 to purchase iPods and laptops for its Overtonville PASSPORT program. PASSPORT stands for Preparing All Students for Success by Participating in an Ongoing Realworld simulation using Technology. Koontz Elementary has received $59,000, which Principal Rick Dunlap says will be used to install a second computer lab. • • • Anthony Johnson, the Overton’s technology facilitator, created the PASSPORT program while working as a classroom teacher at Isenberg Elementary about eight years ago. He started the program with fifth-graders when he moved to Overton.


Thoughts of family at forefront on holiday BY SHAVONNE POTTS spotts@salisburypost.com Jon C. Lakey/SAlISbuRY poST

5 The future path of the new bridges over Interstate 85 has been cleared on both sides of the Yadkin River.


Several cranes are working on the temporary bridge that will be used to build support shafts for the crossing.4

SALISBURY — Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, was initially a way to honor those who died following the Civil War. It is now celebrated to remember all who’ve died in military service. This Memorial Day the Salisbury Post asked people in the community what significance this day holds for them and if they will spend it with family: Beverly McCraw “I’ll spend time with rel- MCCRAW atives,” McCraw said. Her 16-year-old son is in ROTC and he’ll


Piedmont Passages: A quaker who wouldn’t become a soldier Editor’s note: George Raynor was managing editor of the Salisbury Post for 30 years and editor for eight years before retiring in 1982. This essay appeared in the Post on April 14, 1985. hile the role of Quakers as conscientious objectors has been for the most part accepted in wars involving Americans, this is not the same as being respected. Often being accused of being traitors and reviled as cowards, Quakers cling to their uneasy roles in a warring world to this day. Louis A. Brown, the GEORGE Statesville historian RAYNOR and author of the authoratative study of the Salisbury prison camp (1861-1865), has continued to unearth material


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about the prison since the publication of his study in 1980. Included among the new material is some that sheds more light on the martyr-like role of the Quaker. In his history Brown has a short reference to the mistreatment of Solomon Frazier, a Randolph County Quaker. The reference is from a letter that David O. McRaven, one of the guards, wrote to his wife Amanda. In the letter McRaven describes the mistreatment. “Our men often act like heathern the officers of Masses Batallion have an old fellow that calls himself a Quaker in tow they have been working with him this is the third Day, he will not carry a gun they have Strapped a Musket on his shoulder and tied a rope around his neck and three men take him by turns and Drag him around in a ring at the trot. I think they will Drag the life out of the Old Scoundril before Long but they will not make a soldier out of him.”

Today’s forecast 90º/65º Patchy fog in the morning


Brown thought that this would be the end of material about Solomon Frazier, but happily he was wrong, thanks to the collecting interests of Houston Ballard of Cleveland. Hearing that Brown’s history would soon be published, Ballard, a stamp and cover collector, remembered that some letters from the prison would be sold. He went to Washington, D.C., for the auction and bought some. One happened to be from the same Solomon Frazier to Brother Hinson (a spiritual brother no doubt) and tells of the incident related by McRaven and other relevant facts. The letter follows: “Brother Hinson the (they) have punished me severely and this morning the sent me to Lawyer Blackburn to see if he (could) clear me but he Could not do anything for me unless I had paid the five hundred. (All Quakers who claimed to be conscientious objec-

Steve Cook James T. Allman

Katie H. Shoaf

tors were to pay $500 to gain a Confederate deferment. This privilege was revoked at the end of 1863 so that Quakers who had not paid were in trouble with the Confederacy.) Blackburn sed get some papers from my meeting showing that I am a Cons-(member in good standing?) members of the Society of friends and pay the tax, Col Mass sed what papers I have is worth nothing and he say when I make this trial and don’t come clear I have got to take arms or the will kill me for that is the orders. If their can be any thing don for me I would lik to see it quick. first they tied me down two hours afternoon the mad me Carry a pole nex morning the draw me up by my hands 2 hours (then in the) afternoon the tied a gun to me and a chunk that I could not carry, they (were) going to hold it on me and throwed me down, I feel vary com (calm?) and would lik to have sum help I am well and would lik to get


Bridge Classifieds Comics Crossword

13B 7B 12B 12B

som thing from home I have eate nothing or but little else that is from home. Brother Hinson I want thee to bring me som provisions and til! cup. I ever remain your brother. (signed) Solomon Frazier “This is poorly don.” Frazier received a letter from Brother E. W. Frazier written on Jan. 4, 1865, and found in A. Earl Weatherly’s book The First Hundred Years of Historic Guilford, 1771-1871. The letter explains in an indirect way some of the problems Solomon faced at Salisbury and is as follows: “In reply to thy request concerning rations we have concluded that thou cannot do better than draw Rations at present and we also think perhaps their is nothing wrong in so doing. “Hannah (Solomon’s wife) was at meeting today and she said she


Deaths 4A Horoscope 13B Opinion 12A Day in the Life 10A

Second Front 3A Sports 1B Television 13B Weather 14B

2A • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011



TOWN CRIER Community events TODAY • Memorial Day • Memorial Day Service, 9 a.m., Brenner Avenue Cemetery, VA Medical Center. • Red Cross Blood Drive, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Salisbury Mall 1935 Jake Alexander Blvd. West. • City of Salisbury offices closed; City Transit Service will not operate; business offices for Salisbury-Rowan utilities closed: Salisbury Parks & Recreation Centers closed; Fibrant offices closed; no leaf and limb pick-up; garbage collection will occur on normal schedule. • Rufty-Holmes Senior Center, closed. • U.S. Post Office counters closed, no regular mail delivery. • Gospel Festival, part of J.C. Price Memorial Week Celebration, 6 p.m. May 30 and 31.

TUESDAY, May 31 • Book Bites Club: South only; May 31, 6:30 p.m, “Death Comes for the Archbishop,” by Wanda Cather. Book discussion groups for both adults and children on the last Tuesday of each month. Open to the public and anyone is free to join at any time. There is a discussion of the book, as well as light refreshments at each meeting. For more information call 704-2168229. • “Heart of the Artist” weekly discussions — 7 p.m. Tuesdays through June 21; written by Rory Nolan for artists by an artist, sponsored by Blackwelder Park Baptist Church Kannapolis, at Oak Tree Coffee Co. coffeehouse, Cannon Village.Contact Vic Daniel vdaniel@thepark.cc, 980-621-1256 www.thepark.cc.

YESTERDAY: World War I conscripts

WEDNESDAY, June 1 • Kannapolis Planning and Zoning, 6 p.m., Kannapolis Train Station, at 201 S. Main Street, Kannapolis. • Lee Street Theatre’s Ten-Minute Play Festival “Route 66” opens at 7:30 p.m., Looking Glass Artist Collective Black Box Theater, 405 N. Lee St., 7:30 p.m. through June 4. $10 at the door.

THURSDAY, June 2 • Piedmont Players Theater’s “The Farnsworth Invention” opens, 7:30 p.m. June 2-4 and 8-11 and 2:30 p.m. June 5, at the The Meroney Theater, 231 S. Main St., 704-63354716, www.piedmontplayers.com. • AARP annual membership picnic at noon, followed by the regular meeting at 1 p.m., RuftyHolmes Senior Center, 1120 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave., for Rowan County residents 50+ years old. Speaker: Patricia Cowan, Centralina Council of Governments. The local AARP chapter offers members community service, education, advocacy, leadership and fellowship opportunities. Dues $3 per year. Members do not have to be retired. Visitors welcome. Contact Rufty-Holmes Senior Center, 704-216-7714. • Public notification of board meetings — The Rowan Arts Council Board of Directors is scheduled to meet on the first Thursday of every month except in the months of July, August, and December. Next Board meeting dates: June 2, Sept. 1, Oct. 6, Nov. 3. • Thursday noonday service, Soldiers Memorial AME Zion, 306 N. Church St., sanctuary is open for prayer time in solitude, followed by an informal discussion coordinated by the Rev. Dr. Grant Harrison Jr., pastor, or the Rev. Mary Hardin, associate pastor. • Salisbury PGT (People Growing Together) Toastmasters, 5:30-6:30 p.m. at new location: J.F. Hurley Family YMCA Salisbury Branch boardroom, 828 Jake Alexander Blvd. West. Visitors welcome. For details contact Tim Edwards, president, 336-596-8723.

FRIDAY, June 3 • Bluegrass jam at E.H. Montgomery General Store, Historic Village of Gold Hill. 7-9 p.m. every Friday. www.HistoricGoldHill.com. 704-2679439, 704-279-5674.

SATURDAY, June 4 • Seventh annual Pops at the Post, outside the Salisbury Post loading dock on Church Street, beginning at sunset. Free to the public, bring a chair. David Hagy, Conductor. www.salisburysymphony.org, 704-637-4314. • Erwin basketball team’s flapjack fundraiser, 7:30 a.m., Applebee’s, 205 Faith Road. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased at 704279-1421. Breakfast includes a short stack of pancakes, sausage, milk, juice and coffee. Proceeds will help send the team to summer training camp.

In this photograph from Sept. 17, 1917, the first Rowan County draftees of World War I line up outside the U.S. Post Office on West Innes Street. The building is today’s Rowan County administrative Office. These dozen young men left for training at Camp Jackson in Columbia, S.C. The Rowan Museum, which supplied this photograph, has identified seven of the 12 as Mitchell Corriher (first from left), Ralph Current (third), Marvin Koontz (sixth), albert Overman (eighth), William Hardin (ninth), Leake Bernhardt (10th) and Harris Miller (12th). Post records have names for the other men, but their position in the photo is not certain. The others are W.T. Eagle, J.K. Fleming, Paul E. Monroe, G.F. Click and W.S. Graham. If you can identify any of the correct positions for these last five men, contact the Rowan Museum at 704-633-5946.

Want to get fit? It’s your responsibility Q. I don’t really like to exercise, I keep hearing about how I need to exercise. How can I get motivated? A. I wish I could sell motivation in a bottle. Everyone would buy it. Someone joined the Y and asked if they would lose weight since they joined. I replied that we will give you the tools and support for you to get healthier and possibly lose weight, but you are the one who has to do it. You can join, or buy any ESTER equipment to exercise, MARSH but if you don’t follow through, nothing is going to happen. What surprises me each time is that most people have no problem taking pills or shots for this and that (especially weight loss), but when a doctor tells them to exercise so they don’t have to take the pills or can get away with a lesser dose, any excuse will come up. To lead a healthy lifestyle, you have to make choices. What do you want out of life? Do you want to be able to do more things, move better, feel better or are you satisfied with immobility, being overweight and performing routine tasks? Most people I talk to want to lose weight. They want to be able to move better. They want to have more energy, be able to do things. Well, guess what? It takes work and dedication. I have told you before that I was in shock when I did a survey how many people who exercise regularly answered that they did not like to exercise. Most of our regular members do it because it makes them feel better, look better, give them more energy,

Johnson said he was ecstatic to find out Overton’s grant request had been approved. “I appreciate the Robertson Family Foundation 200 percent,” he said. “I”m happy because I know this technology is going to make a difference.” ••• Koontz Elementary is hoping to have its new computer lab up and running by fall. Dunlap said he’s already found a space near the media center to house the lab, which will be equipped with 30 computers. Though the school already has one operational computer lab, Dunlap said more computers will be needed as the state transitions to online assessments. Dunlap said students will also be able to use the lab for research projects and classroom engagement. He said he was thrilled to find out the Roberton Family Foundation would be giving the school $59,000. “Anytime we can get grants to do things such as this it’s always a big positive for the students, especially with the way the budget is going.”


and lots of times gives them the ability to do the things they thought they could not do anymore. Some take water exercise classes, walk and/or take a land group exercise class. These people have made the choice, and constantly are making the choice to do what is best for their body no matter what health issues come their way. There are so many more people who come to the YMCA because they want to feel better, move better and be healthy. My hat is off to all of you. In today’s times of economic instability, with health care costs through the roof, you can make the choice to live healthier by exercising and eating better. I spoke to a young man who said that his mom spends over $500 a month on medication. Exercise has proven to be beneficial to your health. Lots of people can lower, or even cut certain medications when they start exercising regularly and eating sensibly. And with a proper diet and determination the weight loss will follow. Before you start an exercise program check with your doctor first if you have health challenges. Start slow and easy, try different things. Try the water exercise classes if you have joint problems. Try chair yoga, body-movement class or a lowimpact class such as Body Vive. When you try and stay focused, you will find what works for you but you are the one who has to make that choice. You are the one who has to take the initiative. I am proud, and I want to encourage everyone who is trying to better their lifestyle. I know it is hard and impossible at times, but the choice is yours. Ester Marsh, ACSM Cpt

Johnson said the program allows students to become businesspeople by opening up their own stores, buying goods from suppliers and paying bills such as rent and utilities. Students learn how to manage money and be responsible with their resources, Johnson said. “They take this and run with it, they kids really learn how to be problem solvers,” he said. When Johnson first launched the program at Isenberg, he was using shoe boxes and paper money for the simulation, now iPods helps students keep track of spending and planning. “The makeshift stuff was good, but this takes it to a whole different level,” he said. The grant from the Robertson Family Foundation will extend the program to third-graders. Johnson said the iPods will also be used for everyday classroom instruction. “When you give (students) an iPods, they can learn anytime, anywhere,” he said. “That’s what it’s all Contact reporter Sarah about, instant information. Campbell at 704-797-7683.

Lottery numbers — RALEIGH (AP)— The winning lottery numbers selected Sunday in the N.C. Education Lottery: Pick 3 Midday: 7-5-5, Pick 3 Evening: 1-6-9, Pick 4 Midday: 3-5-8-4, Pick 4 Evening: 3-2-3-4, Cash 5: 02-05-14-32-35

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MONDAY May 30, 2011



E. Spencer police searching for shooting suspect


BY SHAVONNE POTTS spotts@salisburypost.com


Elijah Branham hits the ball in the T-ball game in Cooleemee.

Cooleemee invites young and old to hit the field Cooleemee believes that ball players need to start early in life and keep on going until they’re ready to play in heaven. That’s why the town’s recreation department will be starting with the youngest pool of talent when they hold its first TBall Camp on Friday, June 17, and Saturday, June 18, at the Cooleemee Ball Field. If you have children ages 3-7 years-old who are already showing signs of wanting to “play ball,” this two-day camp is a perfect fit. Registration forms will be sent home through Cooleemee Elementary School or you can pick one up at Town Hall or the Zachary House (open Saturdays 10-4 pm). Registration forms need to be in by June 14 so that children can receive a camp T-shirt. For Cooleemee kids, a $5 fee will cover the two-day camp including snacks and drinks. Other children are welcome but their fees will be $15. The 12th Annual Cooleemee Old-Timers Games will be held on Saturday, June 18. To play, men need to be 50 or over and have once played on any Cooleemee team. The men’s game will begin 3:30 p.m. at the local ball park behind the Cooleemee Volunteer Fire Department. The Women’s Game begins earlier at 2 p.m. To play, you must be 40 or older. There will be plenty of hot dogs, cold drinks and snacks for sale at the concession stand with proceeds going to the town Recreation Department. Sandra Ferrell and Jessica Lagle ask that players call 704284-2141 beforehand so

EAST SPENCER — The East Spencer Police Department is looking for a person of interest involved in a Saturday night shooting along Heiligtown Road that has ties to a stabbing that occurred a week ago. The victim, Dadrian Donald, 29, was shot in the leg during a confrontation with another person who Anyone with inDonald refused to name. formation about this The incident occurred at incident is asked to 7:30 p.m. Donald did tell pocall Crime Stoppers lice he was walking in the 700 at 866-639-5245 or block of Heiligtown Road go to www. when the unnamed shooter eastspencerpd.net shot him in the leg with a and click on the shotgun. Crime Stoppers link “His injuries were not conand submit an sidered life-threatening but anonymous report did require hospitalization,” online. Baldo said. Donald was shot once, but the blast from the shot gun hit both calves. “He is in good condition,” Baldo said. The hospital is not being named to further protect the victim. There is a possibility that this shooting and the stabbing that occurred in East Spencer, where Deshawn Outlaw, 22, was stabbed in the upper right chest at a Grant Street apartment, are related, Baldo said. He said though the two incidents are separate they are linked by the same person of interest. He did not provide details on the person of interest, but did say the victims in both incidents are not talking to law enforcement. “The person of interest has prior ties to gang and drug activity,” Baldo said. He said he talked to Donald who didn’t know much about the stabbing incident involving Outlaw. “It’s more coincidental,” Baldo said. A shotgun shell was located at the scene of the shooting but the weapon has not been found. Contact reporter Shavonne Potts at 704-797-4253.

‘Optional’ Medicaid services may be trimmed in NC

Players take to the field. they have time to order souvenir player shirts. Does your business, church or group of friends want to enter a team? New and existing teams are welcome to play on Saturday, June 25 at a Cooleemee Men’s Softball Tournament. The team registration fee is $150. A trophy will be awarded to the winning team. Deadline for registra-

tion is June 14 at Town Hall. This new tournament is a benefit for the town’s recreation department, which is now providing many new avenues for children and adults to “get out” and “come play.” It is in the process of repairing and painting the old tennis courts, holding several summer camps to be announced soon, as well as preparing

the ball field for a possible fall softball league. The community is urged to come out at watch these ball games for free. Sit in the bleachers or bring a lawn chair. For more information call the recreation department at 704-284-2141, email them at coolrecdept@gmail.com or drop by town hall from 9 a.m.–4 p.m.

Players from the Old-Timers team brave the heat.

RALEIGH (AP) — North Carolina’s Medicaid program, second only to public schools in state spending, could be offering fewer services to save money before a wave of new consumers expected to enroll soon because of the federal health care overhaul. Republicans in charge of the General Assembly are considering eliminating several medical services the federal government doesn’t require the state to cover for adults through Medicaid, the government’s health insurance program for low-income families, people with disabilities and poor elderly residents. It’s part of a method to cut state spending in the agency that operates Medicaid by more than $350 million for the year starting July 1 and $400 million the following year, to about $2.9 billion annually. The Senate budget proposal rolled out last week would eliminate coverage for adult Medicaid enrollees who receive some over-the-counter drugs such as nicotine gum for smokers trying to quit and insulin for diabetics. Adult routine eye exams wouldn’t be covered, as well as intravenous medications such as chemotherapy for home-bound patients. By next year, the state program for Medicaid could eliminate essentially all routine dental coverage for adults, as well as most podiatry and chiropractic services. More eliminations could be ahead if other savings targets aren’t met. Republicans argue the state has little choice in order to close a $2.5 billion budget gap. Federal stimulus money that helped pay more for Medicaid than usual is running out. GOP lawmakers also have promised to let temporary taxes expire as scheduled this year, and Medicaid spending projections are tricky. “This is what’s coming down the pike if we can’t get the kind of savings that we want from Medicaid,” said Sen. Pete Brunstetter, R-Forsyth, co-chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. “We really don’t have a great desire to go there. It’s just that these are big numbers.” North Carolina could see an additional 525,000 enrollees in Medicaid in 2014, according to the Division of Medical Assistance, which operates Medi-


North Rowan grad becomes a world citizen RANITE QUARRY — Pete Crowther’s expansive formal education lies in the research and development side of biomechanics, from institutions such as Wake Forest and Texas Christian universities. But over the past decade, Crowther has earned a working degree in world travel. As an information MARK management speWINEKA cialist for the U.S. State Department, Crowther and his family have lived during two-


and three-year assignments in Trinidad, Russia, Argentina and now Australia. “When you sign up, you have to agree to worldwide service,” Crowther said during a recent visit with his mother, Louise, in Granite Quarry. “I really haven’t regretted it at all. It has been great.” Though he’s not a diplomat, Crowther sort of lives a diplomat’s life. At each stop, he has worked out of the U.S. embassy, making sure all the communications systems — from computers to telephones — are up and running. Needing computer support help in other places, the State Department sometimes sends him on short visits away from his home

base at the embassy. In Australia, for example, he travels from the capital in Canberra to cities such as Perth, Sydney and Melbourne. He also will be sent to Cambodia in July. The job has its perks. While the salary might be less than what he could earn in the private sector, the State Department pays for the lodging and utilities in each country and makes the arrangements so transitions from country to country are pretty seamless. Crowther says he and his family — wife Kendra, 12-year-old Sean and 10-year-old Sydney — have arrived in new places with their car


Lessons from the Bare Bones 5K n Saturday, we had the 10th Annual Bare Bones 5K at Knox Middle School. I’m talking about this race in my column because there is something really special about the event. Ten years ago, the race started as a low-key way to thank other runners in our area for participating in Salisbury Rowan Runners events throughout the year. In that first year, DAVID there was a FREEZE cheap cotton T-shirt, economy medals for the winners, and a course around Catawba College’s soccer and football practice fields. There was water and bananas, and not much else for food afterwards. The event didn’t make money, though it was not meant to. No outside sponsors were solicited, but good friends like Cheerwine and Athlete’s Foot (now Sportrax) chipped in with food and race numbers, and Catawba provided the location. The shirt signified the low cost, bare bones approach with a skeleton logo. More than 40 runners attended. Charlotte runner, Bobby Aswell, reminded me how much things have changed on Saturday. Aswell and his daughter, Nicole, came to Salisbury to run the 5K, though there were other choices in the area. Aswell is an accomplished runner, having run more than 150 marathons. He is 48 years old and his daughter is 9. The Aswells finished first in their age groups. On Saturday, the Bare Bones skeleton logo was still in place, but it was on a high-tech, dri-fit shirt. There are still no monetary sponsors, but the race friends include Cheerwine, Sportrax, and Knox Middle School where the race is now held. Most of the race is run on the Salisbury Greenway, in Eagle Heights, and near Knox. Used running shoes are collected for Rowan Helping Ministries, and through intense fiscal management the race makes some money. Relay for Life with an emphasis on Breast Cancer Awareness was the recipient of all proceeds this year, and that contribution is significant. Additionally, 40 new runners had just completed two Beginning Runners Classes, one in Salisbury through Parks and Rec and another in Landis at First Reformed Church. As a part of their program, each of these runners got to run


WORLD FroM 3A already in the driveway and groceries in the refrigerator. The State Department also provides for cost-of-living increases in salary, if necessary. The cost-of-living adjustment in Moscow was 40 percent, for example. The accommodations vary greatly, depending on the country. The family’s quarters in Moscow were part of a complex — a pretty standard three-bedroom apartment whose cost, nonetheless, was exorbitant. In Argentina, the family lived in a four-story house with a swimming pool that was just down the street from the president’s mansion. For the first time in Australia, Sean and Sydney are attending a local school, not one set up primarily for visiting Americans and other English-speaking students. As part of their school uniform, they must wear hats to shield them from the Australian sun. They take U.S. history every Friday at the embassy. The family has lived in Port of Spain, Trinidad, for two years, Moscow for two years and Buenos Aires, Argentina, for three years be-

laura kerr/For thE sALIsBUrY Post

Fun run start with eventual winner Jackson Price on the left. in the Bare Bones 5K, which was the very first race for most. They have a good start on an exercise program. Leftover awards from other races are recycled and replated for Bare Bones with the help of Creative Graphics of China Grove. Knox Middle School provides a headquarters location that includes a race finish on their track. The Salisbury Post helps publicize the event. The Salisbury Police and Fire Departments provide course support. A halfmile fun run for children under 12 is run completely on the track, so spectators can see the whole event. This year, there were spectators at several points along the course, including the start and the finish. Special significance for the 2011 Bare Bones 5K centered around two key points. Great management is the key to success, and Race Director David Abernathy has become legendary in his ability to provide leadership in races. In fact, he is currently Southeast Regional Race Director of the Year, and is being considered for the same position nationally. Abernathy is also treasurer and membership director of the Salisbury Rowan Runners. Another key point is that most races don’t succeed for very long. Most never get going, because organizers think a 5K is easy to do. A long list of requirements must be in place before the event will be possible for the first year. Not a week goes by that I don’t hear form two to three organizations wanting to

fore moving to Canberra, Australia, in September 2010. “They’ve all had their pluses and minuses,” Crowther says, though he thinks his children have benefited greatly from becoming, in a way, world citizens. “They’re learning all these different cultures.” Sean has become fluent in three languages. On vacations, the family has traveled to places such as Egypt, South Africa and Kenya. Another side benefit is that family often comes to visit them in these faraway places. Louise and her late husband, Milton, once a research chemist for National Starch, were able to travel to Trinidad and Russia during their son’s assignments there. “He was a wonderful person,” Louise says of Milton, who died in 2009, “and he encouraged his children to get out in the world.” Pete Crowther, 46, graduated as valedictorian of North Rowan High School’s Class of 1983. He then majored in health and sports science at Wake Forest, earned his master’s in biomechanics at TCU and was going for his doctorate before that career path began losing its appeal. Always interested in computers, Crowther took a job with a computer support company in Dallas, liked it



James Thurman Allman Steve Cook CHINA GROVE — Mr. James Thurman Allman, age 72, of China Grove, passed away Saturday, May 28, 2011, surrounded by his loving family. Mr. Allman was born Oct. 5, 1938, to the late James Monroe Allman and Azilee Norris Allman. He lived a great life and had a profound impact on all of those who knew him. He was a textile supervisor and he retired from the textile industry. He was a member of Vision Baptist Church in Rockwell. He was loved by many as he was a devoted husband, brother, father and grandfather. Surviving are his wife of 54 years, Nancy Glover Allman; his four children Jackie Allman Devine and husband Dennis, James Thurman Allman Jr., Boyd Alan Allman and wife Rose, Jerry Lee Allman and wife Suzy; as well as his brother, Jerry Monroe Allman and wife Judy; his sisters Phyllis Fink and husband Don and Becky Holt and husband JC. He is also survived by his ten grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Services: A memorial service to celebrate his life will be held 4 p.m. Tuesday, May 31, at Whitley's Funeral Home Main Chapel, Kannapolis, officiated by Rev. Harry (Trooper) Ferguson. Burial will be at a later date. Visitation: The family will receive friends from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home prior to the service. Memorials: In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Vision Baptist Church, 10185 Old Beatty Ford Road, Rockwell, NC 28138. On-line condolences may be made at www.whitleysfuneralhome.com.

TAYLORS, S.C. — Steve Cook, 53, of Taylors, S.C., died Friday, May 27, 2011. He was a former employee of Hawkins Towing Company in Taylors. Steve was preceded in death by his daughter, Stephanie Cook, as well as his parents, Alvin and Maxine Cook. Surviving are his wife of 27 years, Sarah Cook; sisters, Susan Corriher of China Grove, N.C., Karen Lee of Kannapolis, N.C.; brothers, Reverend J. L. Cook of Carolina Beach, N.C., Randy Cook of Salisbury, N.C.; 11 nieces and nephews; and many kids that he and Sarah raised over the years. Services: Memorial services and a celebration of Steve's life will be held at a later date. Memorials: Please make memorial contributions in Steve's memory to the St. Francis Foundation, One St. Francis Drive, Greenville, SC 29601. Arrangements by The Mackey Mortuary Funerals and Cremations.

Mrs. Frances Rollins McElveen Service: 11:00 AM Monday Coburn Memorial UMC ——

Mrs. Katie Honbaier Shoaf Arrangements Pending

Katie Honbaier Shoaf

Elizabeth Chabala, from last week’s column, meets her goal after losing 115 pounds. have a running race as a fundraiser. Most give it up when they see how much work and how many volunteers are needed, along with finding sponsors and undertaking long-term planning. In my opinion, it is a good thing that they do. Adam Cornelius was the overall winner with a time of 18 minutes and 6 seconds, and Alana Levie won for the women in 19 minutes flat. Rockwell resident Cornelius thought he had a good chance to win, and took the lead after the midway point. He was surprised that there was such a large turnout.

“I loved the course, with just one hill it was very fast,” Cornelius said. Coby, Scott, and Bill Weant all ran, spanning three generations. It was the first running race for all of them. “We all loved the race and we’ll be doing a lot more of these,” Scott Weant said. The 2011 Bare Bones 5K was started by Bob Zirt 10 years ago, for all the right reasons. Today, David Abernathy manages an extremely successful event. More than 220 registrants signed up for the two races, a record in itself. Relay for Life wins, and so does the community.

and moved on to positions with EDS and Microsoft. “There was so much opportunity to move up,” he says. But when things began tapering off and Crowther saw he was only making lateral moves, he started looking for other career opportunities. At a job fair in Dallas, he walked up to the only booth without a line — the Foreign Service branch of the U.S. State Department. Crowther enjoyed travel. He backpacked through Europe in his younger days and had gone to China and Thailand with some school friends. Not knowing what would come of it, he applied to the State Department for a computer support position. It took a year before he was called to Washington in August 2002 for an interview. After he passed written and oral tests, the State Department placed him in its next class. By February 2003, he was on his first assignment to Trinidad, having survived all the background checks. During his foreign service, Crowther says his wife has had the tougher job, trying to adapt their family to each new country. She grew up as a missionary’s daughter, spending many years in West Africa. While she was used to living in foreign lands, she was never used to the diplomatic-like lifestyle that came

with Crowther’s State Department job. “She has fit in well,”‘ Crowther says. “She has had to deal with the changes of foreign life more than I have.” The job also has allowed the Crowther family to meet some important people, such as both the Bush presidents, plenty of congressmen and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Crowther knows he’ll be assigned to Australia until September 2013, but his next world stop has yet to be decided. As he gains tenure, he is able to bid on the openings presented to him by the State Department. In between assignments, State Department employees are given a two-month break. For some of those days, the Crowthers must stay in Washington while Pete sits in on more training. Otherwise, they spend time with family in North Carolina, Kansas and Texas, Pete and his brother Joe, a Lutheran minister in Kansas, took time to hike Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. At the top, Pete spread some of the ashes of his father, Milton, the man who had always encouraged him to get out in the world. Contact Mark Wineka at 704-797-4263, or mwineka@ salisburypost.com.

SALISBURY — Mrs. Katie Honbaier Shoaf passed away Sunday, May 29, 2011. Mrs. Shoaf will remain at Lyerly Funeral Home pending completion of funeral arrangements.

www.salisburypost.com www.salisburypost.com www.salisburypost.com

David Alan Dockins 1:00 PM Monday Summersett Memorial Chapel City Memorial Cemetery Visitaton: 11AM-1PM Monday


4A • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011

Expressions of Thanks The Salisbury Post can help you express your gratitude to those who understood the depths of your loss and need for compassion during your recent bereavement. Call Sylvia Andrews at 704-797-7682 or email sandrews@salisburypost.com for more information.


MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 • 5A


Sorority presents health in Concord


If folks say that Americans verge on health addiction, they are likely telling you the truth. As part of a national health initiative, the Lambda Upsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority presented its annual Health Fair on May 21 at Carolina Mall in Concord. Participating vendors


from the local area represented a variety of healthrelated areas, including Health Alliance CMC, American Red Cross, Cabarrus County Senior Center, New York Life Insurance Company; Oracle, LLC and Duke Medicine to name a few. Visitors had a wide variety of displays and health-promoting activ-

ities to explore. A number of the on-lookers had no idea that resources existed in Cabarrus County such as support groups and counseling for caregivers, resources and special programs for the elderly, respite care, dental specialists for children and a number of other services and products.

Planning board to discuss city’s open space The Open Space Study would help preserve and protect environmentally sensitive lands and lead to development of public recreational areas, enhancing the quality of life for residents. Potential objectives of the study include: • Identify and inventory flood hazard areas and critical environmental lands • Identify and describe methods of preserving, protecting and improving open space resources. • Increase awareness, encourage voluntary actions and resident involvement. The meeting Tuesday is open to the public. Contact reporter Emily Ford at 704-7974264.

Take a moment out of your day to remember all of those who have given so much for the freedom you enjoy today.

We Honor You DEFENDING FREEDOM “under the shadow of the Almighty” Thank God you’ll be home soon! - Mom & Dad

Love, Mom, Dad and Lydia

Lance Corporal Daniel Tate Ostwalt

On this Memorial Day, may we honor all our Troops and Veterans living today and remember all of those that have lost their lives.

“Big Brother, Twin Brother, Son, Nephew, Friend and Fellow Marine Forever”

In Honor of my brother, LTC Curry Krider, Vietnam Veteran and my son, SGT Michael Hill, currently on his second tour in Iraq. HOOAH! Terri Krider Hill

It has been a privilege to have watched you grow up into such a fine young man. Thank you so much for your service. We appreciate you and the sacrifices of both you & your family. We are so very proud of you.

“And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free; and I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me and I’ll proudly stand up next to him to defend her still today, ’cuz there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA.” –– Lee Greenwood

Love, Gary, Lisa & Laurel

Max Simmerson

Veterans Served

U.S. Army

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To Our HERO!

We Miss You and Love You!

Dianne, Lisa, Kelly, Darin, Eric, Jennifer, Kate & Rachel


Sam Allen Philip Antonio Wesley Barnes Don Bills Albert Boyd Eric Burnett Joe Davis Robert Evans Patrick Fahey Luke Farmer Joe Fisher Luke Freeze Bob Greenland Homer Hall Arthur Hammonds Burt Harris Harry Hart J.C. Hardister Parker Hatchett Henry Hubbard Hunter Jones Charles Kepple William Kirchin Robert “Pat” Knowles John Larson Charles Leslie

We are so proud of our son, Sergeant Thomas N. Gravitte & all of our military personnel

Nick: of you We are extremely proud ur yo and your service to or. As country as a naval aviat comes t en ym plo de st fir ur yo re to to an end and you prepates we Sta d ite Un the to n ur ret new have certainly gained a rifices sac the for n tio cia pre ap r you and the others in oupart of a as ke ma ces for ed arm all of that service. Thanks to our ss ble d Go y ma d an u yo fend it! country and all who de

Cpl. John Swindel

expenses come from optional services, according to the Division of Medical Assistance. But more than 12 percent of those optional expenses go to low-income children that can’t be eliminated under federal law. Twenty states, including North Carolina, either eliminated optional coverage or tightened restrictions on covered benefits during 2010, the Kaiser Commission said. Ending optional services is becoming a more common method because the federal health care reform and stimulus laws prevent states from tightening Medicaid eligibility requirements for the near future, said Matthew Mitchell, a research fellow on state and local policy at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Virginia. Brunstetter said he understands it’s hard to persuade people who can’t afford coverage that their treatments may not be allowed any longer: “The optional services have been added over the years because somebody somewhere along the line did think that they were essential to health care.”




SALISBURY — A committee of the Salisbury Planning Board is studying the city’s open space and will meet at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the second floor conference room at City Hall. The group will refine a list of draft goals and objectives for the Planning Board Open Space Study. The study looks at recreational open space as well as environmentally sensitive open areas. The committee is working to develop tools and methods for developing high-quality recreational open space, while preserving and protecting the environmentally-sensitive areas of Salisbury. Members will consider a possible goal of completing an inventory of open space in the city, with help from residents.

caid. The 2010 federal health care law requires the state to cover more uninsured adults. The federal government will pay for nearly all the coverage of the new enrollees, but North Carolina may have to pay more than $1 billion for them by 2019, according to the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. Democratic lawmakers and health advocates say eliminating so many services could make people sicker or require more expensive coverage in services the state is obligated to cover, such as hospitals and nursing homes. They say cuts can be found elsewhere or avoided with additional tax revenues. “Society I think is judged on what it does for the least of us, and I just think that we as North Carolinians can do better than this,” said Sen. Doug Berger, D-Franklin. “It’s morally unconscionable.” Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue’s budget proposal sought $16.5 million in savings, too, by modifying services for Medicaid, which cov-

ers 1.4 million people in North Carolina. Her plan initially didn’t provide many details about how she’d do it except that unidentified optional services would be eliminated if the savings target wasn’t met. The House budget approved earlier this month disclosed more details on how to reach $16.5 million that included the eye care elimination. The Senate went further, proposing the elimination and adjustment of optional services to save another $3.3 million in the coming year and $51.5 million in 2012-13. A decision on just how many optional services would be eliminated is expected soon as House and Senate negotiators work out a final budget agreement to send to Perdue. Lanier Cansler, the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, said he’s concerned halting some services will actually lead to greater expenses because “you’re more likely to see someone not get the care they need, or they’re going to go to a more expensive level of care.” Forty-five percent of the state’s $10 billion in Medicaid

6A • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011



Burn survivors see camp as a balm RALEIGH (AP) — Yoga instructor Blake Tedder knows how difficult it is for children with burn injuries to face the world. Tedder was 17 when he lost 35 percent of his skin in a plane crash in 2001. Tedder was not prepared for the stares and comments after he regained health. Because of his burns, not only did his face stay cardinal red for a long time, he had to wear a pantyhose-like garment on his arms. “I felt I looked like a mummy,” said Tedder, now 26. The idea of not being able to play guitar or catch the eye of a woman again was devastating, he said. But at Camp Celebrate, a weekend retreat for children with burn injuries organized by the N.C. Jaycee Burn Center, he started to rebuild his confidence. “It just felt good to be around those who met me before they met my burns,” Tedder said. Tedder returns to the camp this

weekend as a counselor. The camp began Friday when firefighters from around the state met 50 campers at Triangle Town Center and took them to the camp site outside Wake Forest in a convoy of fire engines, sirens blaring. The children, between ages 7 and 15, will spend the weekend fishing, canoeing and swimming with kids who know what they’ve been through. “Camp Celebrate is a celebration of human spirit and collaboration,” said Bruce Cairns, director at the N.C. Jaycee Burn Center at UNC Hospitals. The love from the volunteers, firefighters, and staff at the burn center keeps the camp going year after year, Cairns said. Deb Rosenstein, a therapist at the burn center, started the camp in 1982 because other camps hesitated to accept children who were burn survivors. A year shy of its 30th anniversary, Camp Celebrate has evolved into an after-care pro-

gram, offering a wide array of services to burn survivors of different ages. Over the years many camp alumni, like Tedder, have returned. The camp is a redemptive experience for many of its participants, said Anita Fields, manager at the burn center’s after-care program. She remembered one 14-year-old boy who vowed never to wear shorts or swim again. At the camp he saw children jump into the water, children who had been through the same trauma and undergone just as many — if not more — surgeries. By the end of the camp he wouldn’t leave the water — and he even climbed an alpine tower, Fields said. As a counselor, Tedder encourages the children to be themselves, despite the scars and disfigurement. “It’s my favorite weekend of the year,” Tedder said. Now he hosts a radio show, plays drums and, yes,

goes on dates. It’s Jon Hayes’ fourth year at Camp Celebrate. The watermelon eating contest is one of the activities that draw him back. Jon, 10, had second- and third-degree burns on his chest and left arm from when he tried to retrieve a soccer ball from a grill. He said his goal is to be a camp counselor one day. His parents, Johnny and Debbie of Ocean Isle Beach, stood in the mall parking lot to see Jon climb into a fire engine. They said they know how much he misses seeing his friends at the camp and telling each other ghost stories. “It’s the ultimate camp experience,” Debbie Hayes said. The Camp Celebrate experience has given Terrell Watkins a lifelong passion for serving children with special needs. Watkins was 13 when he threw a lit match into a can filled with gasoline, thinking he was building the greatest camp-

fire in the world. The explosion engulfed him and burned 75 percent of his skin. Watkins survived, but the flames left deep scars all over his face, arms and legs, and destroyed his ear cartilage. The staff at the burn center invited him to the camp, where he met other children who also had scars all over their bodies. Now 34, Watkins has been a camp counselor since 1996. He played wide receiver for WinstonSalem State University and is now a special education teacher at Cliffdale Elementary School in Fayetteville. Because of his camp experience, he wants to return to school to become a licensed clinical counselor. “This is what I tell the kids, ‘You’re going to get looks, but you need to be comfortable in your own skin.’” And it doesn’t matter whether your skin has scars or not.

Former waitress knocked out of job by illness INSTON-SALEM (AP) — Pam Lillard was trading zingers recently with Frank Benedetti and Gary Trowbridge at Winston-Salem’s West End Cafe. But this time, Lillard was sitting in a booth with them and eating lunch, her waitress pad and pen nowhere in sight. The longtime waitress, a frequent winner of various “favorite server” contests in Winston-Salem, may have served her last bowl of chili. In March, Lillard, 55, learned she had cervical spinal stenosis, a degenerative bone disease that causes a narrowing of the spinal canal. After suffering from dizziness and falls for more than a year, Lillard blacked out one evening in March and woke up paralyzed from the neck down. She underwent surgery to relieve pressure on her spine, which restored feeling throughout most of her body. However, Lillard still has some lingering paralysis in her fingers, arms and legs. Doctors have told her that her waitressing days are


probably over, a devastating prediction given the affection she feels toward her coworkers and regulars such as Benedetti and Trowbridge. “It wasn’t just a job,” Lillard said. “You celebrated your customers’ births, their marriages. I miss it so bad.” When customers learned about her illness, they flooded Lillard with cards and messages on her Facebook page. Co-workers visited frequently during her weeklong hospital stay. “I never realized how much I was loved until this,” she said. Her co-workers recently held a benefit for Lillard at The Garage that included food and live music. Money raised will help Lillard cover thousands of dollars in medical bills. Lillard, who has no health insurance, is waiting to hear what costs Medicaid will cover. Beloved for her positive attitude and good cheer, Lillard was known to send grumpy customers out the door and ask them to re-enter in a better frame of mind.

“She’s very mothering,” said David Martin, one of the restaurant’s owners. “We always joked that the feet of toddlers never touched the ground when Pam was around.” Lillard has worked at the restaurant for 14 years, usually up to 30 hours a week. She became so popular that customers began to ask Martin whether she could be their waitress. “When she couldn’t be there, she’d send us an email to let us know and, when we couldn’t be there, we’d send her an email,” Benedetti said. “She has a following. “People think she is the greatest waitress in the world.” Lillard hopes to one day work as a cashier at the restaurant. She has returned a few times but has trouble sitting for any length of time. A parade of well-wishers greets her when she does show up. “There’s a void,” Martin said. “People ask about her every day. And I know there’s a void in her life because she loved what she did.”

Pam lillard, a former waitress at the West end Cafe in Winstonsalem, laughs with owner stacy Griffin (standing) and Gary trowbridge.

DaviD Rolfe/Winston-salem Journal

Contact reporter Emily Ford at 704-797-4264.

The Dixonville Cemetery Task Force will meet to continue planning for a memorial and other site improvements. The meeting is set for 2-4 p.m. Thursday in the second floor conference room at City Hall. The meeting is open to the public.


Special Summer Rates Available Week 1: June 6-10

Instructor: Thomas Grinter The course is designed to teach basic and simple Hebrew grammar for the purpose of using the Hebrew-English lexicons in the exegesis of the Old Testament texts. The focus is on the alphabet and vowels, transliteration and M-F 9-12, lunch break, 2-4p finding the meanings of words in the lexicons.

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Instructor: Samuel Dansokho This course will focus on comprehending the ideals of community and oneness as expressed through the theology and praxis of Howard Thurman. The course will explore Thurman’s praxis of community across racial, sexual, cultural, religious, and national boundaries. Students will wrestle with questions such as how spiritual disciplines may become an effective tool for social ministry/transformation and how Christians understand/live the dialectical M-F 9-12, lunch break, 2-4p tension between mysticism and social action.

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M-F 9-12, lunch break 2-5p

Instructor: Jim R. Wadford In this class participants will study a variety of conflict settings within the life of an organization. First Party Conflict, Second Party Conflict, Third Party Conflict, One-to-Group Conflict, and the Resolution of Corporate Pain will be covered. Skill building exercises will teach participants how to assess conflict and determine “outcome” strategies for handling it. Participants will identify and manage their won conflict management style. Individuals will learn how to use communication skills to build better relationships and achieve win-win agreements. The training methodology uses a three-point structure of information, practice, and reflection. There is a minimal amount of lecture time.

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Week 3: June 20-24 Instructor: Karen Lucas The course is designed to teach basic and simple Greek grammar for the purpose of using the Greek-English lexicons in the exegesis of the New Testament texts. The focus is on the alphabet and vowels, transliteration and finding the meanings M-F 9-12, lunch break, 2-4p of words in the lexicons. Instructor: Trevor Eppehimer Prompted by the recent publication and controversy surrounding Rob Bell’s book Love Wins: A Book about Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived, this course attempts to place both things in context through an examination of Christian teachings concerning heaven, hell, the resurrection of the body, final M-F 9-12, lunch break 2-5p judgment, and the New Creation.

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Instructor: Dora Mbuwayesango The suffering and injustice that characterize the world have baffled humankind for millennia. This course explores how the book of Job presents and attempts to offer an explanation for this baffling phenomenon in human experience. Instructor: Kendal Mobley About one-third of the world’s 100 million Baptists live in the United States. They account for seventeen percent of the nation’s adult population, making Baptists the largest Protestant denomination in America by far. Our class will highlight the major people and events in the American history of the Baptist movement, and we will explore what has made America such fertile soil for Baptist growth.


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The Salisbury City Council committee charged with reviewing better-housing recommendations will meet at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in the second floor conference room at City Hall, 217 S. Main St. Mayor Pro Tem Maggie Blackwell and Councilman Brian Miller serve on the committee. They will review suggestions proposed earlier this month by the Advisory Committee for Better Housing and Neighborhood Stabilization. Eventually, they will make recommendations to City Council. The meeting is open to the public.



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70 arrested, 1 killed in disturbance in Charlotte CHARLOTTE (AP) — Authorities say a fatal shooting along with fights and people blocking traffic led Charlotte police to call out its civil emergency unit. Police said more than 70 people were arrested early Sunday morning in the disturbances in the city’s Uptown. Investigators said the trouble started around 1 a.m. when someone fired a gun as two large groups argued. One person was shot in the head and killed. A second was shot in the leg, but is expected to recover. Police say officers noticed many of the people involved in the disturbance were flashing gang signs. Most of the 70 people arrested were charged with disorderly conduct, fighting, assault or impeding traffic.

Coach charged with punching NC youth umpire FLETCHER (AP) — Fletcher police have charged an assistant baseball coach with assault after he struck a 16-year-old umpire, but the coach of the team says the umpire threw the first blow. Police told the Asheville-Citizen

Times that 37-year-old Samuel Cody was arrested after the fight Saturday. Investigators say Cody was arguing with another umpire with the teen stepped between them and was punched. Authorities say fans then got involved, creating a larger fight. No serious injuries were reported. But head coach Charlie Wells says parents of his players told him that his assistant was hit in the face by the other umpire, and only struck the teen after he jumped on Cody’s back. Wells didn’t see the incident because he had already been ejected from the game involving 11- and 12-year-old boys.

Clean up crews take over at site of chemical plant explosion HUDSON (AP) — Clean up crews have begun removing debris from a massive chemical plant explosion and fire in Caldwell County as investigators start their probe into what caused the blaze. County emergency spokeswoman Jessica Carter said Sunday the fire was completely out at the Chemical Coatings plant in Hudson. Evacuees were allowed to re-


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Charlotte church fined $4,000 for tree trimming CHARLOTTE (AP) — A Charlotte church has been fined $4,000 for excessively trimming its crape myrtles and running afoul of the city’s three decades old tree ordinance. The Charlotte Observer reports the city’s tree law prohibits removing or excessively trimming trees on commercial property or streets. It does not include private residences. The city fined Albemarle Road Presbyterian Church $100 for every branch cut excessively. The church can either pay the fine or replace the trees that weren’t trimmed right. Charlotte senior urban forester Tom Johnson says the reason for the ordinance is to make sure “The

Take a moment out of your day to remember all of those who have given so much for the freedom you enjoy today.

We love you!



turn to their homes about six hours after the explosion Saturday afternoon. Carter says federal environmental officials are taking air, water and soil samples to assure the area is still safe. Authorities say the plant was closed for the weekend, and no one was killed or injured in the blast. Chemical Coatings makes dyes, lacquers and other coatings for furniture and other products.

MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 • 7A City of Trees” protects its trees. Church member Eddie Sales says he trimmed the crape myrtles because he didn’t want the branches hanging in the way of walkways and other areas.

Greensboro hedge-fund boss wants $1M for lawyers GREENSBORO (AP) — A Greensboro hedge-fund manager is asking a judge to let him take $1 million out of two offshore accounts to help pay for legal help as he fights a lawsuit from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The News & Record of Greensboro reports that a receiver assigned to recover as much money as possible for Stan Kowalewski’s clients says the move would cause Kowalewski’s investors to lose even more money. Kowalewski’s SJK Investment Management company is the subject of an SEC civil lawsuit claiming he improperly diverted more than $16 million from his investors. Government lawyers claim Kowalewski used that money to make purchases for himself including a $3.9 million beach house in Pawleys Island, S.C.

Woman’s blood-covered body found at home RALEIGH (AP) — Raleigh police are investigating after a woman was found dead in her home by her neighbor. Investigators said the neighbor called 911 after seeing the woman covered in blood as he looked through a window Saturday morning. Authorities are releasing little information about 34-year-old Alison Deborah Jurich’s death, including how she died or whether they think she was killed by someone else. Police closed the residential road in front of Jurich’s north Raleigh home for most of Saturday, only allowing people who lived nearby through barricades.

News 24 hours a day.

God bless all of the brave men and women in the military. Thank you for all that you’re doing. May God bless and keep you safe.

A1C Justin Hess,

To our son stationed at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base.

We love you so much and are so proud of you. We will pray for your safety and speedy return to your family while you are deployed. Love, Mom & Dad S48340

To Our Military Heroes & Families, From those who serve around the world, to the families who sacrifice to keep us safe, we sincerely


Carl J. Bill Gaskey

Daniel Walters U.S. Army

Dear Dad, Thank You Sounds So Inadequate As A Way To Tell You Of The Love, Respect And Admiration Felt For You By Your Family. Your WWII Service And Sacrifice To Our Country Are Greatly Appreciated. Your Life These Many Years Since Has Been An Inspiration And Provided A Sound Foundation For Your Family. From Your Daughters, Sons-In-Law, And 12 Grand And Great-Grand Children We Thank You And We Love You.

We are incredibly proud of your accomplishments.


Mom, Pawpaw Terry & the Rest of the Family

Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri AIT at: Corry Station, Pensacola, Fla.

God Bless You, God Bless All Of Our Past & Present Service Members, And God Bless America.

Just returned from a 1 year tour at Camp Humphreys, South Korea S50562

Love, Kathy, Patricia And Carla

Airman Brandon Miller Thank you for serving our country. Your sister is proud of you. - Lisa Baker

Our love and prayers are with you always. We are very proud of you. - Grandparents

- Randy and Gina Beaver

LCPL Nathan R. Elrod April 21, 1986 - October 21, 2006

Nate, you

gave it all. Your sacrifice for our country will never be forgotten. We love & miss you


We are very proud of you and we know God is watching over you. You have become a great airman. God has blessed our family with a wonderful son.

Otho B. Sloop

Floyd A. Ritchie

In honor of PFC Cody Ritchie, who recently completed a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Your service follows in the footsteps of your grandpas, Otho B. Sloop and the late Floyd A. Ritchie. Both of whom served in the U.S. Army during a time of war. We are very proud of you all. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.

A proud family, Mom, Dad, Caitlin & Amber

The Elrod Family & Friends R130192

8A • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011

Planning to fly? Gas prices cause fares to soar NEW YORK (AP) — To fly someone from New York to Los Angeles and back, airlines spend close to $330 these days — just on fuel. That’s a 48 percent increase from last year and the main reason vacationers face record costs to fly this summer. To offset their single biggest expense, airlines have hiked fares seven times this year and raised fees for checking bags and other services. This has only added to the frustration of most casual fliers who see $59 fares advertised but are quoted prices well above $300 when they ac-

tually try to book. Americans’ expectations of a cheap vacation are being destroyed by the reality of $100-a-barrel oil. “The passenger has to understand that the airline industry in the United States is not meant to be a low-cost mass transit system. The airlines are in business to be profitable,� says airline analyst Robert Herbst. A decade ago, fuel accounted for about 15 percent of airline operating expenses. Five years ago, it was 29 percent. Today, it’s 35 percent. During the first three

months of 2011, the airlines spent $8.7 billion on fuel, 31 percent more than last year. In the current quarter, jet fuel expenses are even higher. U.S. airlines burn an average of 22 gallons of fuel for every 1,000 miles each passenger flies. At $3.03 a gallon, airlines are currently spending $330 per passenger just on fuel for a 4,950-mile transcontinental round-trip. Some fliers might have paid less than that for their ticket while others could have spent more than $2,000. The industry’s remaining

expenses break down this way: • Salaries and benefits account for 28 percent. Ten years ago, it was the biggest expense at 39 percent. But several major airlines filed for bankruptcy and that allowed them to renegotiate labor contracts. • Aircraft maintenance, airport landing fees and travel agency commissions account for 18 percent. • Aircraft lease payments, food and drinks and in-flight entertainment account for 5 percent. And that’s even with most airlines no longer serving peanuts.

SC nuclear plant becoming 1st in US to go digital SENECA, S.C. (AP) — The digital revolution is finally reaching America’s nuclear power plants. Sometime in the next few weeks, technicians will finish installing digital controls for the operating and safety systems of a nuclear plant reactor in western South Carolina, a move being closely watched by other nuclear complexes. In a nation where a digital blender can be bought for about $30 at Walmart, the Oconee Nuclear Station reactor will be the first of the 104 reactors in the United States not controlled with the same analog technology that brought the world cassette tapes and slide rules. It has taken nuclear power plants so long to go digital because regulators wanted assurances the new control systems were as reliable as the old ones and could not be compromised by hackers. “The systems in the plants right now, they are doing an excellent job. The plants are very safe — they’ve been doing their jobs for years,� said Joe Naser, technical executive with the Electric Power Research Institute. The goal of going digital is to save money. Most systems in a nuclear power plant are monitors with four sensors.


N AT I O N / C O N T I N U E D

If two of them have out-ofwhack readings, engineers often have to “trip� the plant, or shut it down, until the problem is resolved. If a nuclear plant sits idle for a day, it can cost a utility company more than $2 million. That isn’t spare change, even for a company like North Carolinabased plant operator Duke Energy, which earned $1.3 billion in 2010. Unlike a human engineer, who can only take in one measurement at a time from one instrument, the digital system takes in thousands of readings at any moment. The computer can instantly figure out if a sensor is broken and ignore it. “Those utilities need to keep those plants running. To have unplanned outages as a result of an analog system isn’t doing what we need it to do — that’s a financial risk,� said Jere Jenkins, director of Radiation Labs at Purdue University. While digital control of nuclear plants is widespread in Europe and Asia, the U.S. has been on the sidelines as the digital revolution has brought Americans iPods for their music, movies that stream to their cell phones over the Internet and tiny computers connected to satellites to help them find the store that sells

those things. The nuclear plant digital systems will provide operators with much more data about plant operations and a level of precision impossible with an analog system, which often requires the movement of components to get things done. Other utilities are closely watching. The youngest nuclear plant in the U.S. went online with analog controls in 1996, the same year DVDs were introduced in Japan. More than half of the nation’s nuclear power plants are at least 30 years old, and only three have come on since 1990. Other nuclear power plants will likely follow Oconee’s lead as soon as they can afford it if the conversion goes well, said David Lochbaum, director of the Nuclear Safety Project for the Union of Concerned Scientists. Also, Duke Energy said it made sure its engineers can manually take over all digital processes in case there are any problems. One of the biggest concerns of regulators was worries the software used to run the new controls might be hacked from outside the plant. Documents given to the Nuclear Regulatory Commis-

sion show Duke Energy’s software provider designed a system with no external network connections. Any communication between the reactor operators and the system is heavily restricted and must be authorized by plant operators. The new control system at Reactor 1 is part of $2 billion in upgrades that Duke Energy is making to keep its three reactors at the station, which opened in the early 1970s, run safely for the next 30 years. The control panel installation coincides with a planned refueling outage. Reactor 2 will get its new digital panel during next year’s refueling, and an upgrade at Reactor 3 is scheduled for 2013. The new panels alone for all three reactors cost $250 million. Oconee Nuclear Station’s reactor operators have spent months training on an exact replica of what the new control panel will look like. And it looks a lot like the old system. “One of the goals is to make operators’ life, I won’t say easy, but to make operators more focused on the primary aspects of the job. Just like an airline pilot, you want him to focus on flying the airplane — you don’t want him spending all day trying to get the cabin pressure right,�

What’s happening There will be a Memorial Day program in Salisbury to beginning with a wreath-laying ceremony at 9 a.m. at the Salisbury National Cemetery on Military Avenue. Participants will then go to the National Cemetery Annex behind the Hefner VA Medical Center on Brenner Avenue for a program at 10 a.m. The ceremony will be held at the main flagpole committal shelter. Sgt. First Class Charles Hannel will be the keynote speaker. In Kannapolis, the Beaver-

HOLIDAY FROM 1a probably participate in a Memorial Day event. Though she doesn’t have a military family, McCraw believes that since her son wants to become a Marine, she’ll one day be a military mom. Doris Lingerfelt The day means a time to remember her husband, who was a veteran. He died years ago. David Honeycutt It’s a time to cookout and be with famiand ly friends. Also to take the time to rem e m b e r those who served on Memorial Day. “If it was- HONEYCUTT n’t for them we wouldn’t be here. We wouldn’t have our freedom,� Honeycutt said. Dianna Jones Her relatives used to have family gatherings. At this time of the year she remembers her mother who died. JONES “She’s always in my heart,� Jones said.

Pittman Post No. 115 will host its annual ceremony beginning at 11 a.m. in Village Park with patriotic music from local artists. At 11:45 a.m., veterans of all wars will parade from the activity building at the park to the amphitheater for the ceremony. The ceremony will begin at noon and there will be a special POW/MIA remembrance service during the event. The guest speaker is Col. Hectory Henry, one of three doctors over the age of 70 who came out of retirement to serve in Iraq after Sept. 11, 2001.

Dieanna Brandon “I take time to really think about what our freedom means. To rem e m b e r those people who made sacrifices,� Brandon said. Her father served in the Army in Ko- BRANDON rea and she remembers him at this time. Alex Heilig “It’s a time to pay respect for those who protect and serve,� Helig said. Lynn Harrell She grew up in a military family, where her father served in the Air National Guard. He just retired, she said. “We celebrate that aspect of life,� Harrell said. It was a time of to- HARRELL getherness for the family with a cookout. Harrell said she has a healthy respect for the military. “There’s a lot of sacrifice involved in that,� she said. Share your thoughts about what Memorial Day means to you at www.salisburypost.com. Contact reporter Shavonne Potts at 704-797-4253.

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Ten ways to simplify your life If the rising costs of trying to keep up with the demands of your life are making you feel like you’re on a runaway train, take a deep breath and consider this: The best way to bring your lifestyle in line with your income is to simplify. It’s good for the soul, too. • Stop directing your goals toward the acquisition of more MARY and more HUNT things. Before you buy another appliance, the latest fad or the newest model, ask yourself these questions: Do I really need this? Will buying it make my life better? • Buy used instead of new. Perfectly good used items are the biggest bargain around. Take computers, for example. A nice model a year or two old can

be purchased for a few hundred dollars, compared to $1,000 or more for a new one. And the fact is, few people need the power of the new model anyway. Same with cars. A late-model used car costs a third less than a new car and will run dependably just as long. • When you do buy new, go for simplicity. Most consumer goods are loaded with features most people will never need or use. These features drive up the cost of the product enormously. Ask yourself, when was the last time you used your DVR’s fancy programming features or changed the settings on your dishwasher? And your camera or phone, do they really need replacing? • Use up the goods you have. Drive that car until the wheels fall off. The same advice holds for appliances, clothes and all sorts of items. Stop throwing out or replacing perfectly good things that still work.

• If you must get rid of serviceable goods, don’t take them to the dump. Recycle by donating them to charitable groups that will see they are put back into service. • Cut down your waste. Recycle newspapers, plastic and paper, if you’re not doing so already. Start a compost pile if you’ve got a bit of land available. • Think smaller. The average new American house has grown by 40 percent since 1970. Three and four bathrooms are common these days, as are huge rooms with high ceilings, which make them more expensive to heat and cool. It’s time that we started questioning this edifice complex. Ditto for big gas-guzzling cars, too. • Set an economical example for your children. By acting with conservation in mind, you lead with your deeds. Trying to fulfill your child’s every material desire

sends two wrong messages: that all is easily attainable, and that baubles are worth having even if you can’t afford them. • Cut down on your driving and shuttling your kids around. You’ll not only save gas, you’ll save wear and tear on yourself and your family. • Make a positive difference in your community. Pitch in on projects that serve everyone, and encourage your children to do the same. Mary Hunt is the founder of www.DebtProofLiving .com and author of 18 books. You can email her at mary@everydaycheapskate.c om, or write to Everyday Cheapskate, P.O. Box 2135, Paramount, CA 90723. To find out more about Mary Hunt and read her past columns, please visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 • 9A

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Dueling daughters put mom in the middle


Dear Mom: It is very common for kids at this age to act out behavior they perceive as grown-up. This is their way of rehearsing for the drama of romantic life, and for the most part this behavior is developmentally appropriate — and benign. By all means, speak with the teacher to make sure she’s aware of it and to solicit her advice. Also, ask your daughter open-ended questions about this — for example, “What does it mean to have a boyfriend?” React temperately, appropriately and proportionately. If you don’t like this, then say to her, “You’re way too young to have a boyfriend, honey. That’s for much older people.”

Dear Amy: My daughter is in fourth grade and is very creative, kind and beautiful. Recently she told me about her “boyfriend” at school. I have seen this boy a few times when working in my daughter’s classroom and he seems nice. All the children seem to be playing this boyfriend/girlfriend game and it seems harmless, but I still feel really uncomfortable with the idea of my daughter having a boyfriend because she is so young. Should I lay down the law and call the boy’s parents or their teacher about this issue or should I lay off and let my daughter play this harmless game until it gets old? My husband is aware of this but he’s leaving this one up to me. — Mom

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Dear Mom: I vote for a less brusque version of your husband’s technique. Your daughters are adults. It’s time for them to take responsibility for having and settling their own disputes. They must learn how to “validate” their own feelings, for goodness’ sake. Your daughters call you to mediate their disputes for a reason: When they do this they don’t have to work things out for or between them-

selves. If they had to stew in their juices, patch up their own wounds and repair their relationship after a fight, they might realize that the hateful things they say when they are fighting are not so easily mended. For their own sakes, they must change the way they interact when they’re angry. One day when you are with both of them and they are not fighting, you should talk to them about this and let them know that putting their mommy in the middle of their fights is not what adults should do. After that, if you get one of these mediation calls, by all means say, “Wait a minute — I think your father wants to say hi.” And hand him the phone.


Dear Amy: My husband and I are at odds regarding our daughters’ arguments. Both girls, mid-20s, argue with each other at times. Sometimes they say very hurtful things and sometimes their fights are just plain stupid. Often they will call me and complain about each other, putting me in the middle. I refuse the middle stance and do not take sides but I do listen, try to validate their feelings and guide each to a sensible solution. My husband says I should not talk to them when they are in a snit. He says I should tell them to “deal with it” and ASK hang up. AMY T h e i r fights and how I react to them — which I call parenting — have become an issue between us. So what do I do? Should I tell them to “deal” and hang up — or should I tell my husband to deal and shut up? — Mom in the Middle

Now Open! R128623


Jeremy Judd, Online Content Manager, 704-797-4280 jjudd@salisburypost.com

MONDAY May 30, 2011




Have a farm and garden photo? Submit it to the Post’s farm and garden website. Just go to FarmCarolina.com and join either the Farm or Garden social group to get started. You can also participate in discussions with other gardeners, post blogs and find other useful information for planting and growing.

Submitted online by uSer: Grammy

elise and elliott planting their garden.

Submitted online by uSer: lilahSmommy Submitted photo

lilah petting a 17-day-old calf in the circle K area.

Kendall colwell showing her fearlessness of insects with a cicada on her nose. her sister caroline marveling at her bravery.

Submitted online by uSer: larryc

matthew campbell donovan with big brother trey and dad. Submitted online by chriS borre

the borre family at Kennedy Space center.

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MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 • 11A


Companies look for power way, way up in the sky Flight team engineers Kenneth Jensen, left, damon Vander Lind, center, and Matthew peddie prepare for the first crosswind test of their 20kW Wing 7 airborne wind turbine prototype in alameda, calif. associated press

obstacle, Felker said. “You have powerful reasons to stay aloft as much as possible,” he said. “What do you do when a thunderstorm comes by? Do you recover (the device)? Do you land? ... How do you operate in the real world?” Different companies have proposed answering that question in different ways. A “kite” being developed by Makani Power of Alameda, Calif., looks like a glider

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with four high-speed rotors that launch it into flight, then switch modes to generate electricity that’s carried down the tether. An onboard computer steers the kite in a wide circle, mimicking the path of the tip of a giant wind turbine blade. That allows the device to interact with a larger wind area, increasing the amount of energy it can capture in the same way increasing the size of a sail increas-

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“It lets us make a very reliable system, something operators can just plug in and use,” he said. Sky WindPower’s generator has four rotors, each 35 feet in diameter, that transmit power down the tether. It’s built to hover, rather than swoop or circle, Shepard said. While moving turbines can actually fly faster than the wind by flying crosswind, they can’t fly as high, she said. “We can get up a little higher than they can. We can get to higher velocity winds and make up for it,” Shepard said. Altaeros is developing a stationary turbine that sits inside a 60-foot tall, heliumfilled shroud that acts like a wind funnel. Similar blimplike devices, called aerostats, have long been used to keep heavy equipment aloft, such as government surveillance


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radar tethered up to 15,000 feet above U.S. borders. “Our view is that our approach is less risky, because we’re using a technology that’s been out there for decades,” Rein said. Altaeros has big aims — no less than “making an impact on the global energy crisis,” Rein said — but it’s starting small. Its 10 fulland part-time employees share a building with seven other start-up companies in a former wool manufacturing factory in South Boston. Rein notes that before it tries to bring the untapped power of high-altitude wind to thousands, his company is first developing a system that could bring power to about 40 homes in remote areas. “You start smaller... and then you scale up over time,” Rein said. “We think that approach makes a lot of sense.”

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es the potential speed of a sailboat, said Damon Vander Lind, Makani’s chief engineer. The kite can also stay up in high winds, and power itself to land in low winds, Vanderlind said.

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BOSTON (AP) — The world’s strongest winds race high in the sky, but that doesn’t mean they’re out of reach as a potentially potent energy source. Flying, swooping and floating turbines are being developed to turn high-altitude winds into electricity. The challenges are huge, but the potential is immense. Scientists estimate the energy in the jet streams is 100 times the amount of power used worldwide annually. Cristina Archer, an atmospheric scientist at the California State University in Chico, said there’s “not a doubt anymore” that high-altitude winds will be tapped for power. “This can be done, it can work,” she said. The question is, when? Some companies project their technology will hit the market by the middle of the decade, but Fort Felker at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory says the industry is 10 years away from making a meaningful contribution to the nation’s electricity demands. No company, for instance, has met the basic requirement of demonstrating its turbine can safely fly unsupervised for prolonged periods of time. High-altitude wind power is similar to ground wind in the 1970s — facing questions but soon to prove its viability, said PJ Shepard of Oroville, Calif.-based Sky WindPower, which is developing a “flying electric generator.” “It’s kind of like the adjustment folks had to make when the Wright brothers started flying airplanes,” she said. The lure of high-altitude wind is simple: Wind speed generally increases with its height above the ground as surface friction diminishes. Each time wind speed doubles, the amount of energy it theoretically holds multiplies by eight times. The world’s most powerful winds circulate in the jet streams, which are found four to 10 miles off the ground and carry winds that regularly break 100 miles per hour. The dream is to eventually tap the jet streams, but high-altitude wind companies are focusing for now below a 2,000-foot ceiling, above which complex federal air-space restrictions kick in. Adam Rein, co-founder of the Boston company Altaeros Energies, said his company calculates winds at the 2,000 foot level are up to 2 1⁄2 times stronger than winds that can be reached by a typical 350-foot land turbine. High-altitude wind advocates say their smaller, lightweight turbines will be far cheaper to build and deploy than windmills with huge blades and towers that must be drilled into land or the sea floor. Those savings would mean inexpensive energy. With wide-scale use, advocates see a range of prices, from something comparable to land wind’s current 9 or 10 cents per kilowatt hour down to an astonishingly low 2 cents per kilowatt hour. “They are projecting crazy numbers,” Archer said. “I’m not saying that it’s true. ... But it’s really the lowest, the cheapest energy source, possibly.” As the turbines eventually aim higher, advocates say there are plenty of remote and offshore no-fly areas where they won’t interfere with aircraft and have minimal interaction with people. Still, any nearby residents must be convinced there’s no danger from falling turbines while accepting a view that includes flying objects attached to long tethers that carry the energy to the ground. High-altitude turbines also won’t escape the various environmental concerns that face conventional turbines, such as their effect on bird flight. And each turbine concept awaits extensive testing on its reliability, durability and effectiveness, said Felker, director of NREL’s National Wind Technology Center. Keeping the turbines operating autonomously over long periods in changing weather may be the biggest


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12A • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011


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Remembering a young man who made ultimate sacrifice Memorial Day is a day to remember those who gave their lives for our country. I remember a young man, Douglas Ray Noel, who died in the Vietnam War. A few years ago, I found his grave in the Salisbury National Cemetery near the stone fence separating the cemetery from the old Cone Mill. He died when two helicopters crashed together. His tombstone looked old when I saw it. I have found his name on the wall at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington. Doug was a year ahead of me at East Rowan High School and graduated in 1964. On the Internet, I have found comments from those who served with him in the Army. I remember Doug as a nice but mischievous young man whose life ended far too early. If you happen to walk through the old cemetery, pause at his grave and thank him for the sacrifice he gave. He is now forever young. — K.K. Hillard Albuquerque, N.M.

Seeking shelter from the storm

My Turn: Robin M. Perry

Memorial Day: Why we remember emorial Day is almost here — and I am sitting in the sun room overlooking Rainbow Lake in Geneva, Ind. The flag is waving vigorously in the gusty winds, remnant of the tornado watch last night. For years our family has traveled to Indiana to spend Memorial Day with Rick’s folks. It has always been a combination of a fun family gathering with cookouts and boat rides — and a solemn time of remembrance and honor. My father-in-law, Lloyd Perry, was in the 14th Armored Division of General Patton’s 3rdArmy. A bronze Salisbury star recipient, he never resident Robin spoke much about the M. Perry is a war, but he did speak regular conclearly and earnestly tributor to the when he reminded us Post. Contact that freedom isn’t free her via editor@ and should not be taken salisburypost. for granted. He knew com. firsthand what it was to fight for freedom, and how many of his fellow soldiers gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives to keep America free. That is what Memorial Day is all about — honoring those who died serving our country. Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on May 5, 1868, by Gen. Jon Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. After WWI the holiday changed from honoring just those who died fighting the Civil War to honoring


all Americans who died fighting in any war. Sadly, today, many have forgotten the meaning and traditions of Memorial Day and some never really knew them. We celebrate Memorial Day, not just with sales and picnics, but to honor and remember those who died fighting for our freedoms. At Arlington National Cemetery, like at many cemeteries across the nation, gravestones are decorated with American flags. I am grateful to know the meaning and traditions. The proper flag etiquette is very specific on this day. On Memorial Day, the flag is raised briskly to the top of the staff and then solemnly lowered to the halfstaff position, where it remains only until noon. It is then raised to full staff for the remainder of the day. The halfstaff position remembers the more than one million men and women who gave their lives in service of their country. At noon their memory is raised by the living, who resolve not to let their sacrifice be in vain, but to rise up in their stead and continue the fight for liberty and justice for all. Each Memorial Day, Lloyd Perry performed the flag ceremony in his beautiful yard on the lake, while family gathered to watch. He took the ceremony to heart and would end with a crisp, sharp salute that only a true military man can do. He would not let the sacrifice of so many be in vain. His children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were there to witness the tribute. On March 30, Lloyd left this earthly life of 88 years. He left a hole in the

hearts of his family that will not be filled. He left a rich legacy for us all to remember and continue. This Memorial Day will be a tough one for us, but a glorious one for him. There was a poem he had glued in his Bible. At his request, it was read at his funeral by our son, Russell. I share it now as a tribute to those brave soldiers gone before, and to honor those still with us.

Taps By Arta Nottingham Chappius There will be a great encampment In the lands of clouds today A mingling and a merging Of our boys who’ve gone away. Though on earth they are disbanding, They are very close and near For those brave and honored heroes Show no sorrow, shed no tear. They have lived a life of glory History pins their medals highListen to the thunder rolling They are marching in the sky! The flag ceremony will continue this Memorial Day at Rainbow Lake. Family member, Jeremy Nevil, an Army veteran who returned from active duty in Afghanistan last July, will perform the sacred task. He promised Lloyd he would be here. The remembrance continues.

I have a concern with the way Rowan County deals with tornadic storms in our area. I live in a moble home, and I will explain my dilemma. I have been looking for a place to go in case of bad weather. We have had a few tornadoes hit our county this year. Last month, there was a break in the TV programming when across the screen came an alert to all Rowan County citizens. It said: This is not a test. If you live in a mobile home in Rowan, leave and seek shelter immediatly because a tornado had been spotted on the ground. Of course, that is what I did. I took my disabled wife and searched for shelter, and none for us was to be found. We have been living in a mobile home for the past 10 years.We have called the Sheriff’s Office, the fire department and the county office. We were told that where we vote on Old Concord Road and Peach Orchard Road, there is a bomb shelter. But when we are told to leave our trailer and seek other shelter, it is always closed. My wife and I are disabled, and it is hard for us to get around. The shelter is only two miles from our home, but when we go there, it is always closed. There are a lot of mobile homes in our area, and if we did get hit, we would end up like Joplin, Mo. I think attention should be paid to this. The last time an alert was put on the TV, we called the Sheriff’s Office and asked where to go. They suggested we go to a house. We know no one here in our county. When we asked about shelters, he said they were only opened after a disaster has happened and homes have been destroyed. Are we supposed to get in our car and drive around in a tornado awaiting the disaster and at the same time endangering ourselves by being in a car in the storm? We do not have anywhere else to go. Can anyone please help us? — Richard & Sharon Thompson Salisbury

Letters policy Letters should be limited to 300 words and include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Limit one letter each 14 days. Write Letters to the Editor, Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145-4639. Email: letters@salisburypost.com

Have a ‘My Turn’ idea? “My Turn” columns should be between 500 and 700 words. E-mail submissions are preferred. Send to cverner@salisburypost.com with “My Turn” in the subject line. Include name, address, phone number and a digital photo of yourself if possible.

Common sense

(Or uncommon wisdom, as the case may be)

The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom, courage. — Thucydides

A story Americans should hold in their hearts P

erhaps you’ve heard of him, perhaps not. Louis Zamperini has had fame, lost it and seen it restored more than once. That happens when you are 94 years old and must be re-introduced to succeeding generations. Zamperini was a juvenile delinquent, then an Olympic distance runner who competed in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany (he met Adolf Hitler and his chief propagandist, Joseph Goebbels), then an Army Air Corps enlistee. Louis crashed in the Pacific after a rescue plane developed engine trouble. He floated for 47 days on a raft before being picked up by a JapanCAL ese warship. He and his THOMAS surviving buddies were taken to a prison camp where they lived in subhuman conditions, suffering unimaginable physical and mental torture. Louis' incredible story of “survival, resilience, and redemption,” has been brilliantly told in Laura Hillenbrand’s latest book, “Unbroken.” I read all 398 pages in two sittings. For myself, the son of a World War II veteran, whose four uncles also served, it is another of those “greatest generation” books popularized by Tom Brokaw. Reading it reinforces one’s pride in being an American and deepens the appreciation one feels for

those who gave their lives so that we could live ours. On a recent visit to Washington, I asked Louis if he was able to call up vivid memories of his friends who died in the plane crash and the ones who subsequently died in the prison camp. He told me, “The memories never fade. It’s like indelible ink. When you go through an intense period like we did, it’s branded on your heart and mind.” When he thinks about those who died and those with whom he served, does Memorial Day make his memories even more vivid? “You have buddies in college, buddies on the Olympic team, but there’s something about combat buddies that it’s hard to explain.” He can never forget and he doesn’t want to. Louis says he recently read about “a kid who came back from Afghanistan about three months ago. They fixed his leg up and told him ‘Well, you can get out of the service now' and he told them, ‘no, I want to go back to Afghanistan to be with my buddies.’ That’s the way it is in war. It’s altogether different from athletics and close friends. My buddies were a pilot, co-pilot and navigator.” I asked Laura Hillenbrand about this much-chronicled generation. What does she think shaped it? “What struck me about these people,” she begins, “is they had all gone through the Depression ... and while that was very difficult, it was like they were being forged in fire. I think the men and women who came out

of the Depression were made of sterner stuff than people are today. And it made them capable of getting through what they had to get through in the war. It gave them a sense of purpose; it gave them fortitude; it gave them an ability to endure. I think that may be the biggest difference between that generation and now. We have had it easier. We have expectations we will be given certain things and things will come without sacrifice. That generation didn’t have that.” What would Hillenbrand say this Memorial Day to those who have lost loved ones in war? “I think the sacrifices that are made by fighting men and women are among the greatest you can make in your life. This is an extraordinarily meaningful way to spend your life, whether you survive or not. Some of the most beautifully liberating things in our history have been done by fighting men and women. I hope there is some condolence for those who have lost someone that their loved one was lost in the service of something so grand as what the military stands for.” “Unbroken” has spent 10 weeks at number one and is currently number seven on the New York Times Best Sellers List. It deserves to be in every American home and Louis’ story should be in every American heart. • • • Contact Cal Thomas at tmseditors@ tribune.com.


A member of the Rolling Thunder veterans support group holds a rose to the name of a friend on the wall of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington on Sunday.


W O R L D / N AT I O N

MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 • 13A

Hacking at Lockheed Martin highlights growing threat of cyber attacks NEW YORK (AP) — Lockheed Martin has admitted it was the recent target of a “significant and tenacious” cyber attack, although the defense contractor and the Department of Homeland Security insist the hack was thwarted before any critical data was stolen. But what about next time? With top-secret military programs at stake, staying a step ahead of ever-evolving cyber spies is not just a task for corporate IT departments, it’s a matter of national security. Information security experts say the rash of cyber attacks this year — including a massive security breach at Sony Corp. last month that affected millions of PlayStation users — has emboldened hackers and made them more willing to pursue sensitive information. “2011 has really lit up the boards in terms of data breaches,” said Josh Shaul, chief technology officer at Application Security, a New York-based company that is one of the largest database security software makers. “The list of targets just grows and grows.” Lockheed Martin Corp. said in a statement Saturday that it detected the May 21 attack “almost immediately” and took countermeasures. “Our systems remain secure; no customer, program or employee personal data has been compromised,” the Bethesda, Md.-based company said. Neither Lockheed Martin nor federal agencies would reveal specifics of the attack, or its origins. Company spokeswoman Jennifer Whitlow declined to comment further on the case Sunday.

US troops in Afghanistan hold candlelight Memorial Day ceremony KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Nearly a decade later, after more than 1,400 killed in combat, some U.S. troops paused for a moment Sunday to remember what brought America to Afghanistan and to honor the lives that continue to be lost. Blackhawk helicopters churned through the night sky as a strong wind coming over Kabul’s surrounding mountains blew against the flickering candles that cast an orange glow on those gathered for the ceremony at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ headquarters. Earlier in the day, those working there enjoyed one of their five days off a year from building police stations, dams and other projects in a nation torn by decades of war. Col. Thomas Magness, 47, of Los Angeles urged the more than 100 corps employees and U.S. troops gathered there to remember the meaning of Memorial Day — advice that could carry home to America. “While we were playing volleyball today, no doubt some soldier gave the ultimate sacrifice,” the corps commander said. Memorial Day, instituted to honor America’s war dead, will be observed tonday with a public holiday. This Memorial Day comes before the 10-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, which ultimately brought U.S. troops into Afghanistan to unseat the Taliban government and hunt terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

Alabama town hit by tornadoes upset by ban on single-wide trailers CORDOVA, Ala. (AP) — James Ruston’s house was knocked off its foundation by tornadoes that barreled through town last month and is still uninhabitable. He thought help had finally arrived when a truck pulled up to his property with a mobile home from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Then he got the call: Single-wide mobile homes, like the FEMA one, are illegal in the city of Cordova. The city’s refusal to let homeless residents occupy temporary housing provided by FEMA has sparked outrage in this central Alabama town of 2,000, with angry citizens filling a meeting last week and circulating petitions to remove the man many blame for the decision, Mayor Jack Scott. Ruston and many others view the city’s decision as heartless, a sign that leaders don’t care that some people are barely surviving in the rubble of a bluecollar town. “People have to live somewhere. What’s it matter if it’s in a trailer?” asked Felicia Boston, standing on the debris-strewn lot where a friend has lived in a tent since a tornado destroyed his home on April 27.

Clashes erupt in Belgrade to protest Mladic arrest; 3,000 riot police deployed BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Protesters throwing stones and bottles clashed with baton-wielding riot police Sunday in Belgrade after several thousand Serbian nationalist supporters of jailed war-crimes suspect Ratko Mladic rallied outside the parliament building to demand his release. By the time the crowds broke up by late evening, about 100 people were arrested and 16 minor injuries were reported. That amounted to a victory for

ASSociAteD preSS

president Barack obama, third from left, talks with residents while viewing damage from the tornado that devastated Joplin, Mo., on Sunday.

Obama tours twister-ravaged neighborhood in Joplin ASSociAteD preSS

A sign outside the Lockheed Martin plant in Marietta, Ga. is shown. Lockheed Martin on Saturday admitted it was the recent target of a ‘significant and tenacious’ cyber attack, although the defense contractor and the Department of Homeland Security insist the hack was thwarted before any critical data was stolen. the pro-Western government, which arrested Mladic on Thursday, risking the wrath of the nationalist old guard in a country with a history of much larger and more virulent protests. Rioters overturned garbage containers, broke traffic lights and set off firecrackers as they rampaged through downtown. Cordons of riot police blocked their advances, and skirmishes took place in several locations in the center of the capital. Doctors said six police officers were among the 16 people brought to a hospital with minor injuries. Police remained on the streets as the crowds broke up. The clashes began after a rally that drew at least 7,000 demonstrators, many singing nationalist songs and carrying banners honoring Mladic, the former Bosnian Serb military commander. Some chanted right-wing slogans and a few gave Nazi salutes.

Dentures save Brazil man shot in face, doctor says SAO PAULO (AP) — An elderly Brazilian man shot in the face escaped death when his dentures deflected a bullet headed for his brain. A hospital official says that 81-yearold Zacarias Pacheco de Moraes was shot Thursday while working in a bar he owns in the small western city of Alta Floresta. Jose Marcos da Silva was quoted by Globo TV’s G1 website Saturday as saying that the bullet probably would have pierced Moraes’ brain if it hadn’t first hit his dentures before lodging in his throat. The official said the bullet will not be removed immediately because surgery right now would be too risky. Silva said the patient was in stable condition but in danger of losing part of his eyesight because of the bullet’s trajectory. He did not elaborate.

In Arizona, 9/11 memorial preaches vengeance and tolerance PHOENIX (AP) — Matthew Salenger etched 54 phrases in a circular piece of steel, building Arizona’s Sept. 11 memorial one story at a time. He wanted everyone’s story to be told. Phrases like “10:28 a.m. WTC North Tower Collapses” stated undisputed facts. Then there was “Must Bomb Back” and its polar opposite: “You Don’t Win Battles of Terrorism With More Battles.” Gary Bird, a businessman and Arizona’s sole Sept. 11 victim, was listed. So was a Sikh who was killed in a hate crime outside Phoenix, four days later. Salenger thought that all of those thoughts could coexist peacefully on a public memorial. He was wrong. “I think we overestimated how much respect people would have for each other and their views,” says Salenger, who was one of the monument’s three designers. “People didn’t want to see something they don’t agree with in public.” The rivaling stories on the memorial touched off a bitter, yearslong struggle in Arizona over how Sept. 11 should be publicly remembered. Here, as in the rest of the United States, there are opposite and diverging opinions about tolerance and patriotism, hate and peace. And on the Phoenix memorial, those opinions are etched in steel, side by side.

Syria says it will cooperate on nuclear probe but US pushes for UN referral NEW YORK (AP) — In a major turnaround, Syria is pledging full cooperation with U.N. attempts to probe strong evidence that it secretly built a reactor that could have been used to make nuclear arms, according to a confidential document shared with the Associated Press on Sunday. If Syria fulfills its promise, the move

would end three years of stonewalling by Damascus of the International Atomic Energy. Since 2008, the agency has tried in vain to follow up on strong evidence that a target bombed in 2007 by Israeli warplanes was a nearly built nuclear reactor that would have produced plutonium once active. Syria’s sudden readiness to cooperate seems to be an attempt at derailing U.S.-led attempts to have Damascus referred to the U.N. Security Council amid already strong international pressure on the Syrian leadership to end its crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators. An IAEA report last week said the Vienna-based agency “assesses that the building destroyed ... was a nuclear reactor” — the finding sought by Washington and its allies to push to have Syria reported to the council by a 35-nation IAEA board meeting next month. That, in turn, apparently triggered Syria’s decision to compromise.

UN nuclear agency opens probe for Malaysia plant KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Malaysia’s government says U.N. nuclear experts have opened investigations into whether plans for an Australian-built rare earth refinery present any threat of radioactive pollution. The plant currently being built by Australian miner Lynas in eastern Malaysia could curtail China’s monopoly on the supply of rare earths for making high-tech goods. Malaysia’s trade ministry said a delegation from the International Atomic Energy Agency was starting talks Monday with activists worried about lowlevel radioactive waste from the planned plant. Malaysian authorities are expected to decide whether to let the plant proceed with refining ore from Western Australia after the panel submits its report next month. Lynas says the plant will have state-of-the art contamination controls.

Loughner’s lawyers want notice if he is drugged TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Lawyers for the man charged in the deadly Tucson shooting rampage want federal officials to notify them if they plan to give their client psychotropic medication. A federal judge in Tucson ruled last week that 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner is mentally unfit to assist his lawyers or understand the charges he faces. He was sent Friday to a federal prison facility in Springfield, Mo., for treatment. Defense attorney Judy Clarke filed the motion late last week. Mental health experts who examined Loughner concluded he suffers from schizophrenia. Prosecutor Wallace Kleindienst said doctors will seek to medicate him to see if he improves. Loughner has pleaded not guilty to federal charges stemming from the Jan. 8 shooting that killed six people, and wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 12 others.

Libyan rebels: No oil production until fields safe BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — The Libyan rebels’ finance minister says the oil fields located in the eastern half of the country under opposition control will not resume production until it’s safe to send workers to the fields. Ali Tarhouni says the rebels are “working day and night to ensure that we have that protection” and as soon as he feels “there’s a minimum level of security, we’ll start the oil fields.” He cautioned Sunday that “it won’t be a matter of a week,” and “it’s going to take some time.” Before the uprising against Moammar Gadhafi’s regime, Libya produced about 1.6 million barrels per day, just under 2 percent of world production. Production has ground to a halt during the revolt that began Feb. 15.

JOPLIN, Mo. (AP) — Face to face with the legions of homeless and the bereaved, President Barack Obama on Sunday toured the apocalyptic landscape left by Missouri’s killer tornado, consoled the community and committed the government to helping rebuild shattered lives. “We’re not going to stop ‘til Joplin’s back on its feet,” Obama vowed. A memorial service where Obama spoke punctuated a day of remembrance one week after the disaster, as authorities pressed on with the task of identifying the victims and volunteers combed through wreckage of neighborhoods where nothing was left whole. The service erupted in cheers when Obama said, “I promise you your country will be there with you every single step of the way,” a pledge he extended to all parts of the nation raked by violent storms this season. The Joplin tornado was the worst to hit the United States in decades, leaving more than 120 dead and hundreds more injured. At least 40 people remain unaccounted for. Air Force One flew over a massive swath of brown — a land of flattened houses and stripped trees — on its approach to Joplin. On the ground, the destruction was even more stark and complete. Obama confronted painful sights at every turn and said nothing in his life measured up to what he saw this day. Yet he spoke, too, of redemptive moments, the stoicism of the community and tales of plain luck. He told a story of a man he talked to who had taken a chicken pot pie out of the oven, heard the storm was coming, hid in a closet and “came out without a scratch.” Obama celebrated the spirit of volunteers who have flocked to Joplin to help, the pickup owners who ferried people to the hospital and the citizens who lined up for hours to donate blood to people they don’t know. “You’ve demonstrated a simple truth,” he told the service, “that amid heartbreak and tragedy no one is a stranger. Everybody is a brother. Everybody is a sister. We can all love one another.” The crowd of hundreds at the service reflected a community in the midst of rebuilding: people in shorts and baseball caps, and plenty of babies who occasionally burst out crying. The president talked over the screeching until a baby was hurried out by the mother. Obama got a notably warm reception in this conservative part of Missouri. His remarks were tailored for a religious service, with quotes from scripture, references to the love that binds people to each other, and comments on the essential goodness of humanity. The stories of the storm lead us to “put aside our petty grievances,” the president said. “There are heroes all around us, all the time. So, in the wake of this tragedy, let us live up to their example: to make each day count.” Known for his cool, eventempered demeanor, Obama offered his own brand of comforting: eloquent words, plentiful handshakes, some hugs, pats on the heads of children, offers of “God bless you.” Not for him the raw emotion Americans saw in his predecessors George W. Bush or Bill Clinton.

president Barack obama consoles 85-year old Hugh Hills standing in front of his destroyed house in Joplin, Mo., on Sunday. Before the service, Obama’s motorcade pulled into a neighborhood where downed trees cleaved open houses, roofs were stripped or blown off, cars were cratered and splintered wood was everywhere. He saw nothing intact, but rather small domestic sights — a view into a room with a TV still in place, a recliner sitting amid rubble, a washer-dryer standing next to a decimated house. American flags were planted here and there in the mess. “Sorry for your loss,” Obama told an anguished woman, hugging her twice as they talked. Another woman told him that her uncle lives up the road — he survived but his house did not. “Tell your uncle we’re praying for him,” the president said. To those working at the scene, the president said: “We appreciate everything you guys are doing. God bless you.” One volunteer told him that people were coming in from other states to help in any way they could. “This is not just your tragedy,” Obama said. “This is a national tragedy, and that means there will be a national response.” He said: “We are going to be here long after the cameras leave.” Hours after Obama’s speech — at 5:41 p.m. Central time, to mark the first report of the tornado — hundreds stood in Joplin’s Cunningham Park, in between wrecked cars and twisted poles, for a moment of silence. Many in the crowd wore white T-shirts emblazoned, “Joplin’s Heart Will Sing Again.” “We will rebuild Joplin,” City Manager Mark Rohr told the crowd. “You have my word on it.” Obama returned to the U.S. on Saturday from a sixday European tour of Ireland, Britain, France and Poland. After days of focusing on the U.S. relationship with the rest of the world, Sunday was about an even more critical connection: his own, with the American people. Consoling his fellow Americans is a task Obama has had to assume with increasing frequency of late: after the mass shooting in Arizona in January in which Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was injured; when tornadoes struck Tuscaloosa, Ala., last month; and, more recently, when flooding from the Mississippi inundated parts of Memphis, Tenn. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon and local clergy, some of whose churches were ravaged, spoke at the service. Some people said it will help them grieve and move forward with rebuilding. “You need to talk about it,” said Dorothy Iwan, 67, whose granddaughter was caught in the storm but uninjured. “You need to process it. You need to know people are behind you.”

14A • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011



Workers have been busy at all hours in recent months building the temporary crossing and stockpiling materials to begin work on the permanent spans.

Jon C. Lakey/SalISbuRy pOSt

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3Welders attached steel tubes that will be used to create concrete shafts in the ground that will eventually support the bridge spans. Construction officials expect the spans for southbound and northbound lanes to take shape in coming weeks, if work continues on schedule.

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FROM 1a specific path To help keep crews safe, Canup said, the N.C. Highway Patrol assigns extra troopers about once a month to slow down drivers in the construction zone. The first phase of the I-85 Corridor Improvement Project will replace eight bridges, including the Yadkin River Bridge. It also will widen a 3.3mile stretch of I-85 from four lanes to eight lanes and realign it. This phase began in late September 2010 and is set to be completed by January 2013. Land has been cleared along that section of the interstate, from just north of Long Ferry Road in Rowan County to just north of N.C. 150 in Davidson County. Some of the cleared land has been seeded temporarily with grass, Canup said. This helps prevent erosion and

RAYNOR FROM 1a wrote thee that perhaps some one would bring thou something to eat the last of this week but I think it doubtful for the trains are pressed (impressed for the Confederate war effort) but the first of next week we will send or bring thee something. “Solomon, make thyself familiar with thy officers. Talk with them every opportunity. Thou canst get to be

keeps the soil in place until it’s paved over. Several other environmental protections are in place, including efforts to cross wetlands there with as little disturbance as possible. “These guys (at FlatironLane) asked environmental agencies to come out here on regular basis,” Canup said. “They’re required to for audits and inspections, but monthly or so, they’re just getting out here just to make sure everything is going OK.” Also included in the first phase of the project is the removal of the Clark Road interchange and the reconstruction of the N.C. 150 interchange. The first few columns are in place for the N.C. 150 overpass, which is scheduled to be the next part of the project completed. Workers are using heavy machines to compact and grade the two dirt platforms that will support the road on either side of the interstate. Contact reporter Karissa Minn at 704-797-4222.

kind to them. “I would think there was nothing wrong in doing something to make thyself comfortable about thy tent and tent mates. “All is well except Allen, he is confined to the house but is better. Thou has my best wish so I conclude. Write soon. “I remain thy sincere brother (signed) E. W. Frazier.” Following the War, Solomon Frazier returned to his family and farm in Randolph County.

Plane in basement requires wall removal CAMP HILL, Pa. (AP) — Lots of houses have a two-car garage. Dan Reeves’ had a one-airplane basement. Until, that is, the central Pennsylvania man knocked out a wall to get it out. Reeves spent the past nine years building a two-seat airplane in the basement of his Cumberland County home. The plane arrived in pieces via mail but eventually it became way too big to get up the

steps. So Reeves dug a trench down to the foundation and took out a wall. Reeves pulled the plane out Wednesday using a truck, a chain and some neighbors. Onlookers were drawn to the spectacle by the “Airplane Removal Wednesday” put up on Reeves’ porch. Reeves tells The PatriotNews of Harrisburg he spent $40,000 on the plane and about $5,000 on the excavation.

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Ronnie Gallagher, Sports Editor, 704-797-4287 rgallagher@salisburypost.com

MONDAY May 30, 2011



No. 1 pick Harper excites fans BY MIKE LONDON mlondon@salisburypost.com

Tyler buckwell/SALISBURY POST

Bryce Harper takes a mighty swing in the win against the Kannapolis Intimidators.

KANNAPOLIS — Hagerstown’s Bryce Harper’s first at-bat on Saturday evening produced a mild buzz from the 2,572 fans in attendance, at Fieldcrest Cannon Stadium and a lazy flyball to left field. “Who’s No. 1 now!” barked a pleased Kannapolis Intimidators fan. The 6-foot-3 Harper’s second at-bat yielded his 26th walk of the season, and his third at-bat won’t be forgotten by anyone who saw it. Harper, who bats left and throws right, mashed a 2-0 fastball the way Mickey Mantle used to hit them when he was healthy — maybe the way Babe Ruth

“I’m just looking for something I can drive. I haven’t been going that well lately, but sometimes it happens.” It happened. There was no doubt where that severely bruised baseball was headed as soon as it was introduced to Harper’s bat, but it still took quite a while to get there. After a majestic flight, it finally descended, way out there beyond the center-field fence. “He actually hasn’t hit many homers that looked Tyler buckwell/SALISBURY POST like that,” said Hagerstown Bryce Harper showed his play-by-play broadcaster Bryan Holland. “Most of his power against Kannapolis. homers are hard-hit liners that just keep carrying.” launched them in the RoarHarper received a signing ing Twenties. bonus of $6.25 million from “He had to come to me on See HARPER, 5B 2-0,” Harper said quietly.


South falls to 0-2 BY JORDAN HONEYCUTT sports@salisburypost.com

MOORESVILLE — The season is Mooresville 7 not startS. Rowan 4 ing out the way South Rowan head coach Michael Lowman would like, as his team fell to (0-2) Sunday with a 7-4 loss to Mooresville. South spotted the Moors too many runs and committed too many errors in the early innings and could never catch up. South welcomed back starting pitcher Dylan Walker from college ball and he pitched well but showed a bit of rust from not throwing very much as a freshman at Catawba Valley Community College. “Dylan deserved better behind him tonight than what he got, but he made some good pitches, and like I said, LOWMAN just couldn’t get the help in the field,” Lowman said. This game turned bad early in more ways than on the scoreboard for South in the third inning. A scary moment that happens often in baseball occurred. Shortstop Gunnar Hogan and second baseman Connor Bridges both began to chase after a hard-hit grounder by Mooresville shortstop Josh Skidmore when both South infielders slid and collided with each other, producing a “thud” that could be heard in



Kevin Harvick celebrates in Victory Lane after winning the Coca-Cola 600 on Sunday night.

Harvick wins as Dale fizzles BY JENNA FRYER Associated Press

COINCORD — Dale Earnhardt Jr. closed out a day of wild finishes Sunday by running out of gas a half-lap short of snapping his nearly threeyear losing streak. Kevin Harvick sailed by Earnhardt coming out of the final turn in the Coca-Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway, where Earnhardt was comfortably out front in the closing laps of NASCAR’s longest race of the year. Earnhardt knew stretching his gas to the finish was going to be

tough, but crew chief Steve Letarte ordered him to go for broke. It capped a frantic few minutes of strategy as nearly five hours of racing came down to fuel mileage and a final two-lap sprint to the finish. The crew chief begged Earnhardt to not worry about gas and chase down Greg Biffle and Kasey Kahne over the final 20 laps. But Letarte reversed course when Kahne closed in on Biffle, and Matt Kenseth, who was running fourth, stopped for gas. Figuring Biffle and Kahne would run out racing each other for the win, he urged Earnhardt to sit tight and

try to exploit their misfortune. It might have worked, too, if Hendrick Motorsports teammate Jimmie Johnson’s engine didn’t fail four laps from the finish. Biffle had to stop for gas under caution, and Kahne and Earnhardt lined up side-by-side for the final restart. Earnhardt, on the bottom, got a great jump as Kahne got hit from behind by Brad Keselowski. It caused cars to stack up in the middle of the pack, and debris was strewn everywhere. But the caution call from NASCAR never came, and Earnhardt

needed only to get to the white flag to seal his win. He got to the flag just fine. But because the yellow never waved, he had to race and couldn’t make it to the finish. Earnhardt ran out on the back straightaway, coasted through the final turn, and Harvick cruised by for his third win of the season. “I just do what my dang crew chief says, and I believe that was the right call because if we would have pitted, I don’t know where we would have

See RACE, 4B

Geraldine throws party for Cavs BY MIKE LONDON mlondon@salisburypost.com

EAST SPENCER — North Rowan’s 1A basketball champions have been honored at exotic venues this season, but they probably got as big a kick out of Saturday’s informal cookout at the Mitchell residence on East Spencer’s Grant Street as they did being introduced at Time Warner Cable Arena at halftime of a Bobcats game. The Cavaliers haven’t received their championship rings yet, but it’s a festive moment in history for a school that feels, with good reason, that it turned the athletic corner during the 2010-11 school year. “It’s a beautiful time,” said Geraldine Mitchell, the hostess of Saturday’s soiree and the mother of boys basketball coach Andrew Mitchell. North’s boys outdoor track team also won a state title, with several basketball players

contributing. Girls track was state runnerup. The wrestling team made a serious run. The football team won the conference. The baseball team reached the third round of the playoffs, and the girls soccer and softball also were in the 1A playoffs this spring. “I think the whole atmosphere is good right now under (principal) Darrell McDowell,” Andrew Mitchell said. “Good sports teams are very good for school morale.” Green and gold were everywhere. That was the color scheme for the tablecloths, the balloons, the cups, even the napkins. The fried chicken, potato salad, barbecued beans, slaw, hamburgers and hotdogs weren’t green and gold, but they were tasty. While the gala began strictly as a celebration of the school’s hoops heroes, invitations were eventually extended to other North sports teams and even to the Salisbury girls ronnie gallagher/SALISBURY POST

See CAVS, 5B Geraldine Mitchell welcomes North assistant Tim Bates to the Cavalier celebration.

2B • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011

TV Sports Monday, May 30 AUTO RACING 2 p.m. SPEED — Rolex Sports Car Series, Memorial Day Classic, at Lakeville, Conn. COLLEGE BASEBALL 12:30 p.m. ESPN — NCAA Division I, World Series Selection Show, at Bristol, Conn. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 1 p.m. MLB — Regional coverage, Minnesota at Detroit or San Diego at Atlanta 2:10 p.m. WGN — Houston at Chicago Cubs 7 p.m. MLB — Regional coverage, Milwaukee at Cincinnati or Chicago White Sox at Boston MEN’S COLLEGE LACROSSE 3:30 p.m. ESPN — NCAA Division I, championship game, Virginia-Denver winner vs. MarylandDuke winner, at Baltimore TENNIS Noon French Open

Area schedule Monday, May 30 AMERICAN LEGION BASEBALL 7 p.m. Mooresville Post 66 at South Rowan (won’t count in league standings) West Forsyth at Mocksville INTIMIDATORS BASEBALL 1:05 p.m. Hagerstown at Kannapolis (DH)

College baseball Tournaments Southern Conference at Charleston, S.C. Wednesday’s games (7) Furman 12, (2) UNC Greensboro 6 (3) Samford 5, (6) Appalachian State 3 (8) W. Carolina 10, Elon 7 (20 inns.) (4)Georgia Southern 4, (5) College of Charleston 2 Thursday’s games App. State 6, UNC Greensboro 4, UNC Greensboro eliminated College of Charleston 4, Elon 3, Elon eliminated Samford 7, Furman 1 Ga. Southern 12, Western Carolina 1 Friday’s games Appalachian State 5, Furman 0, Furman eliminated College of Charleston 4, Western Carolina 2, Western Carolina eliminated Saturday’s games Samford 2, Appalachian State 1, App. State eliminated College of Charleston 9, Georgia Southern 1 Georgia Southern 7, College of Charleston 6, College of Charleston eliminated Sunday’s championship game Georgia Southern 1, Samford 0 Southeastern Conference at Hoover, Ala. Wednesday’s games (7) Alabama 7, (2) Arkansas 4 (3) Florida 7, (6) Mississippi State 5 (1) South Carolina 7, (8) Auburn 3 (4) Vanderbilt 1, (5) Georgia 0 Thursday’s games Arkansas 7, Mississippi State 2, Miss. State eliminated Georgia 3, Auburn 2, Auburn eliminated Florida 6, Alabama 0 Vanderbilt 3, South Carolina 1 Friday’s games Arkansas 4, Alabama 1, Alabama eliminated Georgia 4, South Carolina 2, S.C. eliminated Saturday’s games Vanderbilt 3, Arkansas 2, Arkansas eliminated Georgia 1, Florida 0 Florida 3, Georgia 2, Georgia eliminated Sunday’s championship game Florida 5, Vanderbilt 0 Atlantic Coast Conference at Durham Pool A — (1) Virginia, (4) North Carolina, (5) Miami, (8) Wake Forest Pool B — (2) Florida State, (3) Georgia Tech, (6) Clemson, (7) N.C. State Wednesday’s pool play Clemson 9, Georgia Tech 0 Virginia 13, Wake Forest 1 N.C. State 7, Florida State 0 Thursday’s pool play Miami 7, North Carolina 5 Florida State 6, Clemson 3 Georgia Tech 6, N.C. State 5 (15 inns.) Friday’s pool play Virginia 6, Miami 4 Saturday’s pool play Florida State 4, Georgia Tech 2 Clemson 6, N.C. State 3 North Carolina 9, Wake Forest 0 Miami 4, Wake Forest 2 Virginia 3, North Carolina 2 Sunday’s championship Virginia 7, Florida State 2

Prep baseball Playoffs 1A West Regional series Game 1: Murphy 5, South Stanly 4 Game 2: South Stanly 5, Murphy 2 Game 3: South Stanly (22-8) at Murphy (24-4), Monday 2A West Regional series Game 1: East Rutherford 11, East Lincoln 4 Game 2: East Lincoln 8, East Rutherford 4 Game 3: East Lincoln (23-7) at E. Rutherford (264), Monday 3A West Regional series Game 1: South Point 4, Marvin Ridge 3 Game 2: South Point 6, Marvin Ridge 2 4A West Regional series Game 1: TC Roberson 11, SE  Guilford 1 Game 2: SE Guilford 12, TC Roberson 3 Game 3: SE Guilford (27-4) at TC Roberson (255), Monday

Prep softball Playoffs 1A West 4th round East Surry 2, South Stanly 0 Murphy 8, Swain County 0 2A West 4th round Central Davidson 6, Surry Central 0 Pisgah 8, Owen 3 3A West 4th round East Rowan 2, N. Iredell 1 Crest 5, Fred T. Foard 2 (8 inns.) 3A East 4th round D.H. Conley 11, Nash Central 2 S. Vance (23-3) at SW Randolph (24-4) 4A West 4th round North Davidson 3, SW Guilford 1 Alexander Central 7, Porter Ridge 1

NHL STANLEY CUP (Best-of-7) Wednesday, June 1 Boston at Vancouver, 8 p.m. Saturday, June 4 Boston at Vancouver, 8 p.m. Monday, June 6 Vancouver at Boston, 8 p.m.

NBA Finals Tuesday, May 31: Dallas at Miami, 9 p.m. Thursday, June 2: Dallas at Miami, 9 p.m. Sunday, June 5: Miami at Dallas, 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 7: Miami at Dallas, 9 p.m.

Transactions BASEBALL MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL—Suspended Washington 3B Jerry Hairston one game and fined him an undisclosed amount for making contact with umpire Ed Hickox during Friday’s game against San Diego. American League BALTIMORE ORIOLES—Optioned RHP Brad Bergesen and RHP Chris Tillman to Norfolk (IL). Recalled LHP Pedro Viola from Bowie (EL). BOSTON RED SOX—Placed LHP Franklin Morales on the 15-day DL, retroactive to May 26. Recalled RHP Michael Bowden from Pawtucket (IL). CHICAGO WHITE SOX—Placed RHP Tony Pena on the 15-day DL. Recalled RHP Lucas Harrell from Charlotte (IL). OAKLAND ATHLETICS—Activated RHP Andrew Bailey from the 15-day DL. Optioned LHP Bobby Cramer to Sacramento (PCL). National League ATLANTA BRAVES—Recalled RHP Cory Gearrin from Gwinnett (IL). Optioned OF Wilkin Ramirez to Gwinnett. CHICAGO CUBS—Activated C Geovany Soto from the 15-day DL. Placed OF Reed Johnson on the 15-day DL. Purchased the contract of OF Brad Snyder from Iowa (PCL). Transferred RHP Andrew Cashner from the 15- to the 60-day DL. CINCINNATI REDS—Placed RHP Sam LeCure on the 15-dat DL. Called up LHP Tom Cochran from Louisville (IL). COLORADO ROCKIES—Recalled INF Chris Nelson from Colorado Springs (PCL). Designated INF Alfredo Amezaga for assignment. WASHINGTON NATIONALS—Recalled RHP Yunesky Maya from Syracuse (IL).

ML Baseball Late Saturday Athletics 4, Orioles 2 Baltimore Oakland ab r h bi ab r h bi 5 1 2 1 Andino 3b 3 0 1 0 Crisp cf AdJons cf 4 0 1 1 Barton 1b 2 0 1 0 Markks rf 4 0 0 0 DeJess rf 4 0 0 0 Guerrr dh 4 0 1 0 Wlngh lf 4 0 1 1 Reimld lf 4 1 1 0 Matsui dh 4 0 0 0 Hardy ss 3 0 0 0 KSuzuk c 4 0 0 0 MrRynl 1b 3 0 0 0 M.Ellis 2b 4 2 2 1 RAdms 2b 3 0 1 0 Kzmnff 3b 4 0 2 1 Scott 1b 1 0 0 0 Pnngtn ss 4 1 2 0 Tatum c 2 1 1 1 Totals 31 2 6 2 Totals 35 4 10 4 Baltimore 001 100 000—2 011 001 01x—4 Oakland E—Bergesen (2), R.adams (1), Kouzmanoff (8). Dp—Oakland 2. Lob—Baltimore 10, Oakland 9. 2b—Pennington (3). Hr—M.ellis (1). Sb—Crisp (15). Cs—Andino (1). IP H R ER BB SO Baltimore 2 9 3 2 2 5 Bergesen L,1-6 5 ⁄3 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Rapada Ji.Johnson 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 2 Uehara Oakland Outman W,1-0 6 6 2 2 5 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 Devine H,2 Balfour H,10 1 0 0 0 1 0 Fuentes S,10-12 1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP—by Fuentes (Ad.Jones). T—2:46. A—23,795 (35,067).

Mariners 5, Yankees 4 (12) Seattle r 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

h bi ab r h bi 2 0 ISuzuki rf 6 0 0 0 1 1 Figgins 3b 5 0 0 0 1 2 Smoak 1b 5 0 1 0 1 0 LRdrgz pr 0 1 0 0 3 1 Cust dh 5 1 1 0 0 0 FGtrrz cf 5 1 3 0 0 0 AKndy 2b 6 1 3 1 0 0 Olivo c 5 1 3 3 1 0 JaWlsn pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 CGmnz c 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peguer lf 3 0 0 0 MSndrs lf 1 0 0 0 Ryan ss 4 0 2 1 45 5 13 5 Totals 44 4 9 4 Totals 012 000 100 000—4 New York Seattle 010 300 000 001—5 One out when winning run scored. E—Smoak (2). Dp—New York 1, Seattle 1. Lob—New York 9, Seattle 12. 2b—Jeter (6), Cust (11), A.kennedy (8), Olivo (5). 3b—Granderson (5). Hr—Teixeira (15), Cano (10). Sb—Jeter (4), I.suzuki (12). Cs—Cano (1), Olivo (3). IP H R ER BB SO New York 2 5 4 4 3 1 Nova 3 ⁄3 2 0 0 0 1 Noesi 21⁄3 11⁄3 1 0 0 0 3 Robertson 2 0 0 0 1 2 Chamberlain 1 ⁄3 Logan 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Ayala 3 1 1 1 0 Ma.rivera L,1-1 1⁄3 Seattle 7 6 4 4 5 4 F.Hernandez 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Laffey 0 0 0 0 1 J.Wright 11⁄3 1 2 0 0 0 0 League Pauley W,4-0 2 1 0 0 0 1 HBP—by Nova (Ryan). WP—Nova, F.Hernandez. T—4:18. A—37,354 (47,878).

Tennis French Open

Final Four Raleigh, June 3-5

Minors Standings South Atlantic League Northern Division W L Pct. Hagerstown (Nationals) 31 18 .633 Hickory (Rangers) 27 21 .563 Greensboro (Marlins) 27 22 .551 Delmarva (Orioles) 27 23 .540 Kannapolis (White Sox) 25 22 .532 Lakewood (Phillies) 26 23 .531 West Virginia (Pirates) 23 25 .479 Southern Division W L Pct. Savannah (Mets) 26 23 .531 Greenville (Red Sox) 25 25 .500 Lexington (Astros) 25 25 .500 Asheville (Rockies) 22 28 .440 Charleston (Yankees) 22 28 .440 Augusta (Giants) 19 30 .388 Rome (Braves) 19 31 .380 Sunday’s Games Hickory 4, West Virginia 3 Rome 4, Augusta 1 Hagerstown 10, Kannapolis 5 Savannah 4, Charleston, S.C. 3 Lexington 4, Greensboro 1, 10 innings Greenville 4, Asheville 1

Lakewood 4, Delmarva 1 Monday’s Games Charleston, S.C. at Savannah, 12 p.m. Delmarva at Lakewood, 12:05 p.m. Lexington at Greensboro, 12:30 p.m. Augusta at Rome, 1 p.m. Hagerstown at Kannapolis, 1:05 p.m. Hickory at West Virginia, 1:05 p.m. Asheville at Greenville, 6 p.m.

New York ab Jeter ss 5 Grndrs cf 6 Teixeir 1b 3 AlRdrg 3b 6 Cano 2b 5 Martin c 4 Posada dh3 AnJons dh2 Swisher rf 5 Dickrsn rf 0 Gardnr lf 5

GB — 31⁄2 4 41⁄2 5 5 71⁄2 GB — 11⁄2 11⁄2 41⁄2 41⁄2 7 71⁄2



PARIS (AP) — A look at the French Open on Sunday: Attendance: 31,559. Men’s Fourth-Round Results: No. 2 Novak Djokovic beat No. 13 Richard Gasquet 6-4, 64, 6-2; No. 3 Roger Federer beat No. 14 Stanislas Wawrinka 6-3, 6-2, 7-5; Fabio Fognini beat Albert Montanes 4-6, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3, 11-9; No. 9 Gael Monfils leads No. 7 David Ferrer 6-4, 2-6, 7-5, 0-2 in a match suspended by darkness. Women’s Fourth-Round Results: No. 14 Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova beat No. 3 Vera Zvonareva 7-6 (4), 2-6, 6-2; No. 5 Francesca Schiavone beat No. 10 Jelena Jankovic 6-3, 26, 6-4; No. 11 Marion Bartoli beat Gisela Dulko 7-5, 1-0, retired; No. 13 Svetlana Kuznetsova beat No. 28 Daniela Hantuchova 6-7 (6), 6-3, 6-2. Stat of the Day: 28 — consecutive Grand Slam quarterfinals for Federer, breaking his tie with Jimmy Connors for the record. Stat of the Day II: 0 — number of women seeded Nos. 1-3 in the French Open quarterfinals, the first time that’s happened at Roland Garros in the Open era, which began in 1968. On Court Monday: Resumption of Ferrer vs. Monfils, No. 1 Rafael Nadal vs. Ivan Ljubicic, No. 4 Andy Murray vs. No. 15 Viktor Troicki, No. 5 Robin Soderling vs. No. 18 Gilles Simon; No. 4 Victoria Azarenka vs. Ekaterina Makarova, No. 6 Li Na vs. No. 9 Petra Kvitova, No. 7 Maria Sharapova vs. No. 12 Agnieszka Radwanska.

Racing Sprint Cup Coca-Cola 600 Results Sunday At Charlotte Motor Speedway 1. (28) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 402 laps, 94.4 rating, 47 points, $406,786. 2. (8) David Ragan, Ford, 402, 117.3, 43,

$244,375. 3. (23) Joey Logano, Toyota, 402, 71.5, 41, $194,475. 4. (26) Kurt Busch, Dodge, 402, 90.6, 41, $190,900. 5. (2) A J Allmendinger, Ford, 402, 106.6, 40, $186,861. 6. (24) Marcos Ambrose, Ford, 402, 96.3, 39, $155,241. 7. (25) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 402, 103.6, 38, $131,575. 8. (20) Regan Smith, Chevrolet, 402, 70, 36, $140,270. 9. (7) David Reutimann, Toyota, 402, 83.8, 35, $139,533. 10. (4) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 402, 119.3, 35, $165,800. 11. (9) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 402, 72.3, 0, $106,175. 12. (29) Juan Pablo Montoya, Chevrolet, 402, 78.2, 33, $141,883. 13. (15) Greg Biffle, Ford, 402, 97, 32, $121,750. 14. (19) Matt Kenseth, Ford, 402, 124.4, 32, $162,186. 15. (10) Clint Bowyer, Chevrolet, 402, 77.7, 29, $144,033. 16. (3) Carl Edwards, Ford, 402, 108, 29, $145,941. 17. (22) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, 402, 73.3, 28, $140,383. 18. (18) Brian Vickers, Toyota, 402, 65.1, 26, $124,789. 19. (1) Brad Keselowski, Dodge, 402, 96.4, 26, $164,708. 20. (11) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, 401, 80.7, 25, $138,611. 21. (5) Jeff Burton, Chevrolet, 401, 84.8, 24, $104,525. 22. (17) Kasey Kahne, Toyota, 401, 80.3, 23, $117,583. 23. (37) Casey Mears, Toyota, 401, 52.4, 22, $93,175. 24. (27) Bobby Labonte, Toyota, 400, 57.1, 20, $117,970. 25. (31) Travis Kvapil, Ford, 398, 47.9, 0, $105,233. 26. (14) Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, 397, 57.6, 18, $98,125. 27. (42) Dave Blaney, Chevrolet, 396, 37.6, 17, $101,483. 28. (6) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, engine, 395, 89.9, 16, $140,736. 29. (16) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, 383, 69, 15, $93,950. 30. (39) Mike Bliss, Ford, 367, 39.6, 0, $96,597. 31. (12) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 358, 48, 13, $127,750. 32. (21) Kyle Busch, Toyota, accident, 344, 86.5, 13, $133,391. 33. (30) David Gilliland, Ford, accident, 301, 43.2, 11, $86,100. 34. (13) Mark Martin, Chevrolet, accident, 301, 55, 10, $93,300. 35. (40) Landon Cassill, Chevrolet, accident, 293, 37.1, 0, $84,875. 36. (32) David Starr, Ford, accident, 286, 43.4, 0, $84,750. 37. (35) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, engine, 181, 57.3, 8, $123,414. 38. (41) Robby Gordon, Dodge, brakes, 99, 30.7, 6, $84,410. 39. (33) Michael McDowell, Toyota, engine, 40, 33.4, 5, $84,300. 40. (38) David Stremme, Chevrolet, handling, 34, 30.3, 4, $84,165. 41. (36) Joe Nemechek, Toyota, clutch, 28, 30.2, 0, $84,005. 42. (34) J.J. Yeley, Chevrolet, brakes, 22, 29.9, 2, $83,925. 43. (43) Mike Skinner, Toyota, vibration, 6, 29.5, 0, $84,290. Race Statistics Average Speed of Race Winner: 132.414 mph. Time of Race: 4 hours, 33 minutes, 14 seconds. Margin of Victory: 0.703 seconds. Caution Flags: 14 for 64 laps. Lead Changes: 38 among 19 drivers. Lap Leaders: B.Keselowski 1-7; C.Edwards 8-45; J.Burton 46-47; A.Allmendinger 48-52; C.Edwards 53-75; D.Hamlin 76; J.Burton 7780; D.Hamlin 81-100; D.Ragan 101-107; M.Kenseth 108-146; D.Hamlin 147; M.Kenseth 148-171; D.Hamlin 172; M.Ambrose 173-175; J.McMurray 176-180; M.Kenseth 181-193; M.Ambrose 194-198; M.Kenseth 199-223; D.Hamlin 224; D.Earnhardt Jr. 225; G.Biffle 226; T.Stewart 227-231; Ku.Busch 232-234; M.Ambrose 235-244; Ky.Busch 245-276; M.Kenseth 277-278; K.Kahne 279; J.Montoya 280; J.Gordon 281-283; Ky.Busch 284-306; J.Gordon 307319; K.Kahne 320-344; K.Harvick 345; C.Mears 346; J.Gordon 347-349; G.Biffle 350-398; K.Kahne 399-400; D.Earnhardt Jr. 401; K.Harvick 402. Leaders Summary (Driver, Times Led, Laps Led): M.Kenseth, 5 times for 103 laps; C.Edwards, 2 times for 61 laps; Ky.Busch, 2 times for 55 laps; G.Biffle, 2 times for 50 laps; K.Kahne, 3 times for 28 laps; D.Hamlin, 5 times for 24 laps; J.Gordon, 3 times for 19 laps; M.Ambrose, 3 times for 18 laps; D.Ragan, 1 time for 7 laps; B.Keselowski, 1 time for 7 laps; J.Burton, 2 times for 6 laps; A.Allmendinger, 1 time for 5 laps; T.Stewart, 1 time for 5 laps; J.McMurray, 1 time for 5 laps; Ku.Busch, 1 time for 3 laps; K.Harvick, 2 times for 2 laps; D.Earnhardt Jr., 2 times for 2 laps; J.Montoya, 1 time for 1 lap; C.Mears, 1 time for 1 lap. Top 12 in Points: 1. C.Edwards, 445; 2. K.Harvick, 409; 3. J.Johnson, 408; 4. D.Earnhardt Jr., 402; 5. Ky.Busch, 392; 6. Ku.Busch, 377; 7. M.Kenseth, 374; 8. C.Bowyer, 365; 9. T.Stewart, 356; 10. R.Newman, 353; 11. G.Biffle, 343; 12. D.Hamlin, 339.

Golf PGA Byron Nelson Sunday’s final round At The Four Seasons Resort and Club Irving, Texas Purse: $5.5 million Yardage: 7,116; Par: 70 (x-won on first playoff hole) x-Keegan Bradley 66-71-72-68—277 65-67-73-72—277 Ryan Palmer Joe Ogilvie 66-70-72-70—278 Ryuji Imada 69-68-70-71—278 72-71-69-67—279 Jason Day John Rollins 68-70-71-71—280 Matt Kuchar 69-71-68-72—280 70-71-74-66—281 James Driscoll Jason Dufner 70-70-72-69—281 Nick Watney 68-68-73-72—281 64-74-71-72—281 Jeff Overton Rod Pampling 70-68-71-72—281 Arjun Atwal 68-72-67-74—281 70-69-76-67—282 Justin Hicks Harrison Frazar 71-72-71-68—282 Brian Gay 71-72-69-70—282 67-69-75-71—282 Chad Collins Hunter Haas 70-72-69-71—282 Steve Flesch 70-69-71-72—282 Robert Garrigus 70-69-75-69—283 Charles Howell III 71-70-72-70—283 Brandt Jobe 67-72-72-72—283 Dustin Johnson 66-75-69-73—283 Tim Petrovic 69-66-74-74—283 Sergio Garcia 66-66-74-77—283 Scott Piercy 66-69-74-75—284 Billy Mayfair 72-70-74-69—285 Jerry Kelly 67-71-75-72—285 J.J. Henry 69-72-72-72—285 Fredrik Jacobson 70-73-70-72—285 Vijay Singh 68-73-69-75—285

Senior PGA Sunday’s final round At Valhalla Golf Club Louisville, Ky. Purse: $2 million Yardage: 7,297, Par: 72 (x-won on first playoff hole) x-Tom Watson 70-70-68-70—278 David Eger 74-68-69-67—278 Kiyoshi Murota 66-67-74-72—279 Hale Irwin 69-68-70-73—280 Eduardo Romero 73-67-72-69—281 Peter Senior 73-68-71-69—281 Nick Price 67-70-73-72—282 Steve Pate 72-69-73-69—283 Corey Pavin 72-72-69-70—283 Loren Roberts 68-70-73-72—283 Michael Allen 71-70-72-71—284 Trevor Dodds 67-75-67-75—284 Bob Tway 73-70-73-69—285 John Cook 71-74-70-70—285 Gary Hallberg 72-67-75-71—285 Olin Browne 68-70-74-73—285 Mark Calcavecchia 72-69-71-73—285 D.A. Weibring 74-73-70-69—286 Tom Pernice 73-70-72-71—286 Jeff Sluman 76-71-67-72—286 Mark O’Meara 68-72-72-74—286 Brad Bryant 74-69-76-69—288 Mark Mouland 73-74-72-69—288 David Frost 74-74-69-71—288 Kenny Perry 69-75-71-73—288 Tom Lehman 73-70-68-77—288 Dan Forsman 75-68-77-69—289 Roger Chapman 73-70-74-72—289 Bill Glasson 75-70-73-71—289 Jay Don Blake 73-72-70-74—289 Ted Schulz 72-72-78-68—290

Moore hits first homer From staff reports

Sands is batting .214 with two homers and 16 RBIs. He has 16 walks and 10 doubles.  Bobby Parnell (East Rowan) had a strong outing for Buffalo on Saturday in Triple A, earning a save against the Gwinnett Braves with two scoreless innings and three strikeouts.  In the Carolina League, Whit Merrifield (Davie) stole his 11th and 12th bases of the season for Wilmington. Merrifield went 1-for-5 to lower his batting average to .301.  In the Southern League, Jackson’s Kyle Seager (NW Cabarrus) had three hits in a 3-2 win against Mobile. Seager is batting .297.  In the independent American Association, Zach Ward (A.L. Brown) has a 1-2 record with a 4.19 ERA for the Fargo-Moorhead Redhawks. Garrett Sherrill (A.L. Brown) has a 5.23 ERA for the Lincoln Saltdogs, but he’s struck out 12 in 101⁄3 innings. David Thomas (Catawba) is batting .241 with a homer and nine RBIs for the Grand Prairie Air Hogs.

Wade Moore (West Rowan, Catawba) snapped out a slump with his first homer of the season on Saturday night, as the Hagerstown Suns beat the Kannapolis Intimidators 10-5 at Fieldcrest Cannon Stadium. Quite a few friends and family were on hand to watch Moore homer to right leading off the fourth inning. It was his only hit of a 1-for-5 night. The Suns, leading the Northern Division, took advantage of a season-high 11 walks by Kannapolis pitchers and also got homers from teen phenom Bryce Harper, his 11th, and Jason Martinson. John Spatola had two hits for the Intimidators. Intimidators director of broadcasting and media relations Josh Feldman said a nice crowd of 2,572 — on a racing night — got a boost from the presence of Harper, the No. 1 pick in last summer’s draft by the Washington Nationals. Moore’s family will feed the Suns team with a barbecue today, and fans can catch Moore and Harper in a doubleheader at Fieldcrest Can-  Junior Legion non Stadium, starting at 1:05. Carson’s Junior Legion A story on Moore will be in baseball team defeated Tuesday’s edition.  Jerry Sands (Catawba) is Mocksville 10-9 on Sunday still playing regularly for the night. L.A. Dodgers. Carson used five pitchers

with Jon Patella getting the win and John Daugherty earning the save. Bryson Prugh led Carson, going 3-for-4 with a double and an RBI. Devon Peacock and K.J. Pressley had two RBIs apiece, while Colton Laws went 2-for-4. Carson (3-1, 2-1) entertains Lexington on Tuesday.

 Local golf Michael Childress, 11, Luke Graeber, 8, and Ben Childress played in the US Kids Junior golf tournament at Pinehurst on course No. 7. Michael Childress shot an 89 to finish third in his age group, Luke Graeber shot a 71 to finish third in his age group, and Ben Childress shot a 51 to win his age group.  The McCanless Couples played a nine-hole match on Sunday with a four-man Captain’s Choice format. First place went to Tammie and Allen Drew and Brett and Robin Leslie. Coming in second was the team of Gene and Mary Seaford and Tim and Jessica Earnhardt. Third place went to Jeff and Tabitha Warren, Sharon Miller and Juan Garcia. Closest to the pin was won by Gene Seaford, while Monica Greene won longest putt.

Cavaliers win ACC tournament DURHAM (AP) — Steven Proscia hit a tiebreaking three-run home run, one of three homers for Virginia in its 7-2 victory over Florida State on Sunday in the Atlantic Coast Conference championship game. John Hicks and Chris Taylor added two-run shots for the Cavaliers (49-9). They won their third league title, polished off a perfect 4-0 week at the tournament and claimed a

title-game win over the Seminoles in Durham for the second time in two years. Justin Gonzalez tied it at 2 with a solo homer in the sixth for the Seminoles (42-17), who were denied a second straight ACC championship. Proscia's shot off starter Hunter Scantling later that inning sailed over the 32-foot “Blue Monster” in left field and put the Cavaliers up 5-2. Taylor homered an inning off

reliever Scott Sitz later to make it a five-run game. Virginia starter Danny Hultzen (10-3) struck out five and allowed two runs on six hits in six innings. Virginia was the only team to go unbeaten during three games in pool play, while the only blemish for the Seminoles was an opening-game loss to N.C. State. That set up a rematch of the 2009 league title game.

Weinke calls new signals as QB guru BY CHIP SCOGGINS Minneapolis Star Tribune

Former Carolina Panthers quarterback Chris Weinke had an itch to get into coaching after his NFL career ended in 2008, but he wasn’t sure where or at what level. Sports is part of his DNA. A decorated athlete at Cretin-Derham Hall in St. Paul, Minn., Weinke won a national championship and the Heisman Trophy as a quarterback at Florida State. He played professional baseball before college, and started 20 games at quarterback in his seven NFL seasons. But Weinke hadn’t established any concrete longterm plans after his athletic career finally ended. “Played a lot of golf,” the 38-year-old said. His life took a new course, however, after he ran into a staff member of the renowned IMG Academy at a Florida State football game. That spurred a process that led Weinke to become director of the IMG Madden Football Academy, which opened last spring in Bradenton, Fla. Known for its work with golf and tennis prodigies, IMG hired Weinke to help launch its football academy, which offers specialized camps and instruction for players at all levels. His clientele includes a 13-year-old quarterback from Kentucky, high school kids hoping to earn a college scholarship and ... Cam Newton, the 2010 Heisman Trophy winner from Auburn and recent No. 1 overall pick in the NFL draft. Weinke also began working privately with Vikings quarterback Joe Webb last week, and first-round pick Christian Ponder, a fellow Florida State alum, is scheduled to join them this week. Weinke spends hours every day working on the field and in the film room with a diverse group of players at different stages of their careers. “That’s why I say it’s the best job in the world,” Weinke said.

The football academy is open to players at all positions, but Weinke works primarily with quarterbacks for obvious reasons. His daily regimen with Newton provides a glimpse of Weinke’s desire to make the academy a place where quarterbacks receive specialized training. Newton, who was selected No. 1 overall by the Carolina Panthers, trained at IMG before his pro day workout and returned recently because of the ongoing NFL lockout. Weinke scheduled his own “four-day minicamp” with Newton, who brought his Carolina playbook with him. Weinke said they worked in the classroom for 90 minutes going over plays and defenses in the morning, followed by 90 minutes of work on the field. They returned to the classroom after lunch for another 90-minute study session. Newton had the option of a second throwing session in the afternoon. “We’re spending about 3 to 31⁄2 hours a day in the classroom installing his offense and watching video,” Weinke said. “We film everything, we video it, we analyze it. We come back in the afternoon and do some more installation and review some video. It’s really similar to what they would face if they went to a minicamp following the draft.” Weinke said the work is especially important for rookies because of the lockout. The players don’t have the luxury of minicamps and organized team activities to learn their systems. They can’t even communicate with their coaches during the lockout. Weinke said Ponder, the No. 12 overall pick, is scheduled to train with him for one month and will get plenty of film study. “I’ll do the same thing with him (as Newton),” Weinke said. “There will be an installation of the offense, for him to get familiar with the verbiage and the concepts. We’ll take all that information and go to the field and apply all of that.” Ponder and Webb are represented by the same agency, SportsTrust Advi-

sors. Ponder received a portion of the Vikings playbook when he visited Winter Park after the draft. Webb got a copy of it when the lockout was lifted for one day. Weinke will help the two quarterbacks begin to learn Vikings offensive coordinator Bill Musgrave’s system. “...I know both Joe and Christian will have their playbook, and my understanding is the goal is to work on their footwork and installing their plays as much as possible while they’re down there,” said Pat Dye Jr., who is Webb’s agent. (Jimmy Sexton represents Ponder.) Weinke evaluates quarterbacks’ mechanics on the field and offers tips and suggestions. He also videotapes the sessions and reviews them with the players afterward. “I’m not here to change these guys,” he said. “I’m here to really refine their skills and help them or point things out.” While Weinke’s work with NFL players attracts more attention, he spends the majority of his time instructing youth and high school players in camps and individual sessions. Weinke said the academy’s inaugural weekend camp last summer drew 130 players from 26 states. Five junior high kids enrolled in the school on the IMG campus for year-round training. Weinke even anticipates fielding a high school and junior varsity program starting in the fall of 2012. Weinke, the Heisman winner in 2000, describes his new career as a “perfect fit.” “I’ve always said I was a student of the game. I couldn’t run fast, couldn’t jump. I was blessed with a decent arm. But at the end of the day for me to have any success, I had to be a student of the game. That’s really where I think I can separate (myself) in terms of the teaching aspect of it. That I did understand the game, that I spent a lot of time studying the game. Players are always trying to find an edge.”


MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 • 3B


The matchup everyone wants Associated Press

MIAMI — It’s the matchup that basketball fans might really want to see. Not Heat vs. Mavericks. LeBron vs. Dirk. There’s a chance at some point in the NBA finals, which begin Tuesday when Dallas visits Miami, that Heat forward LeBron James may find himself guarding Mavs star Dirk Nowitzki. If it happens, James said he will accept the challenge. “People see me as a really good defender and him as the best offensive player,” James said. “So they automatically put me on him. Whatever it takes. If I need to guard him throughout the course of the series, I will. It doesn’t matter to me.” The Heat will likely use an ASSOCIATED PRESS array of players on Nowitzki, Dallas Mavericks star Dirk Nowitzki, left, works with stat coach including Chris Bosh, Joel Roland Beech during practice. Anthony and Udonis Haslem,

who fared particularly well against the 7-foot sharpshooter when Miami beat Dallas in the 2006 title series. “I don’t think the same things that worked five years ago will work this year,” Haslem said. “It’s going to be a team effort. ... When he gets the ball, everybody has to be at attention.” For his part, Nowitzki sounds like he’ll be prepared for whatever Miami has. “They’re a very good team with three superstars who can really, really defend,” Nowitzki said. “They’ve showed that in the playoffs so far. They’re very good defensively. Yeah, it’s going to be a challenge. Hopefully we’re going to be up for it.” • OH, HAIL!: The Mavericks won’t be flying their usual team plane to Miami on Sunday. Hail that pummeled the

Wheldon wins


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IndyCar driver Dan Wheldon douses himself with milk after winning the Indianapolis 500. certain gold medal. They had it in the bag — and threw it all away. “I’m just frustrated. It’s not because we came in here with the expectation of winning and we didn’t,” Hildebrand said. “I felt like I just made a mistake and it cost our boys. I guess that’s why rookies don’t win the Indianapolis 500 a whole lot, and we’ll be back next year, I guess.” After losing his ride from last season — with Hildebrand’s team, no less — Wheldon had plenty of time to hang out with his wife and two young children, while also dealing with the burden of his mother being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

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Wheldon said. “I never gave up.” He took the traditional swig of milk and headed off on a triumphant lap around the speedway — a lap that Hildebrand should have been taking. Instead, the youngster stopped by the garage to get a look at his mangled car, which was hauled through Gasoline Alley instead of being wheeled into Victory Lane. He’s now in the company of athletes such as Jean Van de Velde, who squandered a three-shot lead on the last hole of the 1999 British Open, and Lindsey Jacobellis, whose hotdogging wipeout at the 2006 Winter Olympics cost her a

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INDIANAPOLIS — Dan Wheldon was zipping toward the final corner of Sunday’s Indianapolis 500, surely figuring the best he could do was another runner-up finish. Then he came upon JR Hildebrand’s crumpled car, all smashed up and sliding along the wall. The rookie had made the ultimate mistake with his very last turn of the wheel, and Wheldon, not Hildebrand, made an improbable turn into Victory Lane. “It’s obviously unfortunate, but that’s Indianapolis,” said Wheldon, who won Indy in 2005 and finished second the last two years. “That’s why it’s the greatest spectacle in racing. You never now what’s going to happen.” This might have been the whackiest one ever. In his first event of the year, Wheldon captured the ultimate IndyCar prize. But the 100th anniversary of the “Greatest Spectacle in Racing” will be remembered more for the guy who let it slip away with the checkered flag in sight. Leading by almost 4 seconds and needing to make it around the 21/2-mile track just one more time, Hildebrand cruised through the first three turns with no problem.

The fourth one got him. He went too high, lost control and slammed into the outside wall. Wheldon sped past, while Hildebrand’s battered machine skidded across the line 2.1 seconds behind, still hugging the concrete barrier. “It’s a helpless feeling,” Hildebrand said. The 23-year-old Californian got into trouble when he came up on another rookie, Charlie Kimball, going much slower as they approached the last corner. Instead of backing off, the leader moved to the outside to make the pass — a decision that sent him slamming into the wall to a collective gasp from the crowd of 250,000. “I caught him in the wrong piece of track,” Hildebrand said. “I got up in the marbles and that was it.” While Wheldon celebrated his second Indy 500 win, series officials reviewed the video to see if Wheldon passed the wrecked machine before the caution lights went on. He clearly did, and Hildebrand’s team said it wouldn’t protest the result. That gave the Brit another spot on the Borg-Warner Trophy. Not bad, considering he doesn’t even have a full-time job. “I just felt a lot of relief. It’s an incredible feeling,”

Bodog.com, the Heat were a 1.7-1 favorite to win the NBA title at the start of the season, while Dallas was a 20-1 pick. The site also lists Miami as the favorite in this matchup. ... Since the start of the 2005-06 season, LeBron James has played in 376 wins, second-most in the NBA behind Lakers point guard Derek Fisher (378). ... If he plays in the first three games of the finals, Mavericks sixth-man Jason Terry will be the first NBA player to appear in 100 games this season. Four members of the Oklahoma City Thunder — James Harden, Serge Ibaka, Eric Maynor and Russell Westbrook — appeared in 99. ... The Heat already tied a franchise record with 70 wins this season — not set by the 2006 title team, but by the 2004-05 club that lost in the Eastern Conference finals.

Pr e-P ick ed

Associated Press

Dallas-Fort Worth area in recent days damaged both jets owned by team owner Mark Cuban. • TICKET WATCH: Have $118,000 burning a hole in your wallet? Well, then, you can grab four courtside seats to Game 1 of the NBA finals. Someone on the online reseller StubHub had that package of four seats listed for the low, low price of $29,500 apiece on Saturday. Standing-room seats were slightly more affordable, listed for $148 in some cases. TicketNetwork.com, said the average price for a seat at Game 1 was going for around $1,150. The highestpriced item in its available inventory Saturday was a suite for $42,413. • NOTES: According to

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Watson wins on playoff birdie


Associated Press

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Tom Watson had stood over putts like this pressure-packed 3footer at the Senior PGA Championship for most of his adult life. Why dawdle? "I didn't take much time with the putt," he said with that famous toothy grin. "I took one practice stroke and figured, 'Let's get this over with.'" Watson summoned up some of his old major magic, holing the short birdie putt on the first playoff hole to beat David Eger on Sunday. The 61-year-old Watson, down a shot with four holes left in regulation, became the oldest player to win a major since the senior tour was created in 1980. He also became the second-oldest winner of the Senior PGA, behind only Jock Hutchison who was 62 in 1947. "If this is the last tournament I ever win, it's not a bad one," Watson said. "I'm kind of on borrowed time out here at 61." • VIRGINIA WATER, England — Luke Donald won a duel for No. 1 with a playoff victory over fellow Englishman Lee Westwood in the BMW PGA Championship. Donald, second behind Westwood entering the tournament, birdied the par-5 18th in the playoff, hitting his approach within 5 feet before Westwood's wedge shot spun off the green and into the water hazard. Donald closed with a 1-un-

staff Sunday morning. Utah owns the third and 12th picks in the June 23 NBA draft. Mack was a teammate of Jazz rookie Gordon Hayward on a Butler team that advanced to the NCAA championship game in 2010. As a junior last season, Mack appeared in 38 games for the Bulldogs and averaged 16 points, 4.5 rebounds and 3.4 assists.

S A T U R D A Y, J U N E 4 A T 8 P M


NFL ST. LOUIS — The St. Louis Rams are contributing ASSOCIATED PRESS $25,000 to relief efforts from Tom Watson holds the Alfred the tornado that devastated S. Bourne trophy after beating Joplin this week and damDavid Eger in a playoff. aged parts of St. Louis County last month. The Rams announced Friday the contribution will be der 70 to match Westwood divided equally between the (68) at 6-under 278 on WentAmerican Red Cross and worth's West Course. • IRVING, Texas — Kee- Salvation Army. In addition, the franchise said it would gan Bradley won the Byron Nelson Championship for his match contributions from its first PGA Tour victory, par- employees. ring the first hole of a playCOLLEGE HOOPS off with Ryan Palmer. MURRAY, Ky. — Murray Bradley, the nephew of State guard Isaiah Canaan LPGA Tour great Pat says the promotion of Steve Bradley, sank a 2-foot par Prohm from assistant to putt at the 419-yard 18th hole in the playoff. Palmer's head coach makes him "more than happy." approach went into the waCanaan, who was the 2010 ter and he made a bogey. Ohio Valley Conference NBA Tournament MVP as a freshSALT LAKE CITY — The man, told The Courier-Journal that Prohm is a relentUtah Jazz are starting to less recruiter. bring in top prospects for The Racers tapped Prohm pre-draft workouts. Guards Shelvin Mack and to replace Billy Kennedy, who left Murray earlier this Norris Cole, forwards Jamonth for Texas A&M. Juan Johnson, Dallas Lauderdale and Markieff Morris, Prohm had been Kennedy's top assistant the past five and center Jeremy Tyler years. will work out for the Jazz

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M I L L E R D A V I S A G E N C Y, C I T Y O F S A L I S B U R Y, D O W N T O W N S A L I S B U R Y, I N C . F O O D M AY B E P U R C H A S E D F R O M T H E S E V E N D O R S

C A S TAWAY S / B I T E M Y B U T T B B Q , M E AT O N A S T I C K , D O L C E I TA L I A N I C E , H A P ’ S H OT D O G S, S C O G G I N S FA R M S I C E C R E A M , PA PA J O H N ’ S, S O F T D R I N K S D O N AT E D B Y C H E E R W I N E


4B • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011




Kevin Harvick performs a burnout after winning. Harvick got some help with the victory when Dale Earnhardt Jr. ran out of gas a half-lap from ending his losing streak.



A disapointed crew pushes Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s car back to the garage.

Earnhardt looks at bright side much trouble to control in traffic “we couldn’t get out of our own way.” The Coca-Cola 600 notebook ... Busch led twice for 61 laps early in the CONCORD — Dale Earnhardt Jr. was race before running into problems over the fast enough in practices leading up to the final 100 laps. The first mishap came when Coca-Cola 600 that he should have thought he spun out and skidded into the of himself as a contender. His results over frontstretch. He was able to avoid damagthe last three years made that impossible. ing the front of his car and later returned “I wasn’t confident this weekend,” Earn- to the track. hardt said. “Even though the lap times He wasn’t out long. were great and the car was really good, I Busch soon lost control of his car again was thinking, ‘Yeah, yeah, I’ve seen this and hit the outside wall. He came back to before. We’ll see what really happens.’” the track briefly, but struggled to keep the It was under that thinking that left Earn- car going straight and was soon in the hardt relaxed and even cracking a smile or garage. two after running out of gas on the final lap “Kyle just tried to do the impossible and while holding the lead Sunday night at that’s why we love him,” Rogers said. “We Charlotte Motor Speedway. It turned a vic- know he gives us 100 percent and he doestory into a seventh place finish and extend- n’t ever leave any on the table. Tonight he ed his winless streak to 105 races. just tried to take a little bit too much and it “I almost won this race,” a sweaty Earn- got away from him. That’s part of racing.” hardt said next to his car in the garage mo• ments after the stunning finish. “Next time BIFFLE’S WILD NIGHT: Greg Biffle began I come back here I’ll be more confident the race hot and miserable. He finished it when I show up.” cool, collected — and nearly in Victory Earnhardt insisted he wasn’t crushed by Lane. the finish and Kevin Harvick’s surprising The cooling device in Biffle’s car picked victory. He said he knew he didn’t have a bad time to stop working — with the enough gas to finish the race, and actually track temperature approaching 140 deran out on the backstretch. His car didn’t grees at the beginning of the race. As the slow until the final turn. crew talked of how to try to replace the deThe closest he’s come to a victory since vice, he was given bags of ice and water on winning at Michigan in 2008 didn’t dampen his first pit stop. the enthusiasm of his supporters, who burst But that stop ended with him speeding into cheers when he appeared for an interoff pit road, leading to a pass-through view on the giant video screen after the race. penalty as the team scrambled David “What can you do?” he said. “We came Stremme to be a standby driver if Biffle close. I hate it for our fans. All the people couldn’t handle the heat. who come out here and support us. They Biffle later was angered when he put so much into it and we were trying so thought they were going to replace his hard to win a race and give themselves cooling system on another stop, only to something to cheer about. We’re going to work on another part of the car. keep working.” “You guys are something else. Unbe• lievable,” Biffle said on the radio. “I don’t NATIONAL GUARD’S BAD LUCK: There know the plan.” were plenty of similarities to the end of the Biffle finally took an extended stop Indianapolis 500 and Coca-Cola 600. JR about halfway through the race to fix the Hildebrand wrecked in the final turn to cooling system — dropping to 34th place — give up the lead at Indy and Dale Earnbefore beginning a slow climb to the front. hardt Jr. ran out of gas on the final lap at Biffle shot to the lead with 50 laps to go Charlotte to lose the lead. and was in front until he had to come in to The other thing that ties them together: put late and finished 13th. They’re both sponsored by the National • Guard. UP IN SMOKE: In a single lap, Jamie Mc“It’s tough, two races today for National Murray went from being in the lead to out Guard,” Earnhardt said. “I hope they don’t of the race with a blown engine. feel too slighted by the fortunes we had.” With a paint scheme that helped promote While Earnhardt shook off his heartthe tornado victims of his hometown of breaking loss by saying he knew he was Joplin, Mo., McMurray’s No. 1 Chevrolet led going to run out of gas, he seemed more five laps after a caution midway through the distress with Hildebrand’s mistake that race when Matt Kenseth passed him. cost the 23-year-old rookie the win at the Seconds later, McMurray’s engine blew, Brickyard. billowing white smoke out of the back of “That kid did a lot this morning in the his car to mark the end of his night. Indy race,” Earnhardt said. “They should • be real proud of their efforts and how LUG NUTS: Ricky Stenhouse finished close they came. It’s just an unfortunate 11th in his Sprint Cup debut in the No. 21 situation for him passing the lapped car Ford filling in for Trevor Bayne. ... Fox there.” Sports again used a split screen during • commercial breaks late in its telecast so KYLE BUSCH’S WOES: The NASCAR fans could still see the cars on the track. ... week kicked off with the jarring news of Master Sgt. William “Spanky” Gibson, the Kyle Busch being ticketed for driving 128 first U.S. service member to return to the mph in a 45 mph zone on a public road. front line after losing a leg, gave the race The week ended with the strange sight command. He returned to Iraq with a prosof Busch having trouble with an ill-hanthetic leg in 2008 after being injured in dling car and falling out of contention in sniper fire two years earlier. ... Health and the Coca-Cola 600. wellness company AdvoCare announced a “Honestly, Kyle was just trying to make multiyear deal to be the title sponsor for something out of nothing,” said crew chief the Sept. 4 Sprint Cup race at Atlanta MoDave Rogers, who indicated the car was so tor Speedway. Associated Press

finished,” Earnhardt said. “We weren’t supposed to make it. We played our hand. I tried to save a ton of gas, as much as I could. I’m disappointed we didn’t win. To come so close. But if we had won that race, it would have been a gift.” Earnhardt faded to seventh, and his losing streak hit 105 races. Earnhardt apologized to his fans — many of whom were jumping up and down in anticipation mere seconds from the finish. Earlier Sunday, rookie JR Hildebrand crashed coming out of the final turn to lose the Indianapolis 500. Both Earnhardt and Hildebrand are sponsored by the National Guard, and the finishes of the two big races spoiled what would have been a celebratory Memorial Day for the military, which makes sponsorship of auto racing its top marketing tool. David Ragan, meanwhile, finished second in a Ford behind the Chevrolet of Harvick. Joey Logano was third in third in a Toyota, and Kurt Busch was fourth in a Dodge. AJ Allmendinger and Marcos Ambrose were fifth in sixth in Fords for Richard Petty Motorsports. Regan Smith was eighth in a Chevrolet, while the Toyotas of David Reutimann and Denny Hamlin rounded out the top 10. The finishing order wasn’t really indicative of how drivers managed the 600-mile race. Biffle and Kenseth probably had the best cars, but Biffle would up 13th and Kenseth was 14th because of the fuel issues. Kahne, who came back from a pit road speeding penalty to have a shot at the win, wound up 22nd. Kyle Busch led 55 laps, but had two late spins and finished 32nd. It was so topsy-turvy, it opened the door for drivers


Kevin Harvick takes the checkered flag. who struggled mightily most of the race, and that included Hamlin, who changed his carburetor late in the race to drop from fourth to 27th with 99 laps to go. “My eyes got huge when I saw everyone was running out in front of us,” Hamlin said. Same for Harvick, who complained from the very first laps about the handling of his Chevrolet, some pit calls by crew chief Gil Martin and a debris caution from NASCAR that Harvick doubt-

ed was legitimate. But he somehow worked his way toward the front, and put himself in position to steal the win 500 yards from the finish. “We were lucky,” Harvick said from Victory Lane. “It’s nothing against the race track, I just don’t like racing here. It just doesn’t fit what I do. I griped and griped and griped all day long about how terrible it was. I just had a bad attitude.”


Kevin Harvick, left, is embraced by team owner Richard Childress after winning.


MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 • 5B



ronnie gallagher/SALISBURY POST

North Rowan basketball coach Andrew Mitchell hangs a banner from the carport of his parents’ home in East Spencer.


ronnie gallagher/SALISBURY POST

Robert Bowman, father of Cavalier freshman star Michael Bowman, cooks up the food.

ronnie gallagher/SALISBURY POST

Javon Hargrave signs the banner.

basketball squad. New faces streamed in steadily to the affair, keeping Robert Bowman, father of young basketball standout Michael Bowman, hopping on the grill. “My mother actually does this a lot,” explained Coach Mitchell, who was joined by five siblings and a small army of nieces and nephews. “When she cooks, she welcomes the whole community.” The towering rented water slide got a workout from excited youngsters, although the slide no doubt trembled at the arrival of muscular senior Javon Hargrave, a basketball and track standout who will play his best sport — football — at South Carolina State. At some point, Hargrave has sacked just about everyone in western North Carolina. “If Hargrave slides, that might be the last slide of the day, “quipped basketball assistant coach Tim Bates. “Hollywood” Hargrave is one of North’s double state champions, a sweet place to be after he toiled on a 7-17 basketball unit in 2009 and a 2008 football team that didn’t taste victory on the field. “We went through it all to get these state championships,” Hargrave said. “There were years of losing where we didn’t even make the playoffs.” Another double state champion is still uncommitted super senior Sam Starks. “It’s unbelievable to win two state championships, and I can appreciate it because it’s a feeling most people never get to experience,” Starks

ronnie gallagher/SALISBURY POST

Javon Hargrave completed a spectacular career. said. “It means a lot, especially getting to do it with guys I’ve known all my life. I’ve known these guys since we were so small that we just ran around without a ball.” Football star and basketball role player Amani Bates didn’t have much luck defending Hargrave on the 8-foot goal in the Mitchell’s driveway — without officials, pretty good flops go unrewarded — but he’s thankful he had a chance to be part of something very special his senior year. “Football didn’t turn out quite as well as we hoped, so I had to find another way,” Bates said. “We were able to win a basketball championship by playing defense and having faith in Coach Mitchell’s system.” T.J. Bates, North’s defensive stopper and Western Regional MVP, couldn’t resist picking up one of the halfdozen basketballs lying within reach, and he was soon dueling with 7-year-old R.J. Johnson, a shooter who looks like he could carry the Cavaliers to several more titles, starting in about 2019.

HARPER FROM 1B the Washington Nationals, who made him the first pick of last summer’s draft. He won’t turn 19 until October, but he’s thriving in the South Atlantic League where almost all the players are in their early 20s. “There’s a reason he was the first pick, and you saw it on that home run to dead center,” said Hagerstown manager Brian Daubach, who enjoyed four 20-homer seasons for the Boston Red Sox from 19992002. “Bryce has a ton of talent. He runs above average. He has a plus arm.” The long homer was the 11th for Harper, who’s been in a mini-slump. He still ranks among the SAL leaders in RBIs (35) and is batting a healthy .326. “Bryce is an absolute phenom,” said Hagerstown outfielder Wade Moore, the former West Rowan and Catawba star. “He can impact a game in so many ways.” Nationals fans understandably are antsy for Harper to climb the minor-league ladder and can’t believe he hasn’t already been promoted to Potomac, Va. “Bryce is a quick learner and learning every day, but

tyler buckwell/SALISBURY POST

Bryce Harper (34) is welcomed to the dugout by Wade Moore. he’s making the defensive adjustment from catcher to outfield, and that’s a tough adjustment,” Daubach said. “He’s learning when to try to throw out a baserunner and when not to, and when to try for that extra base. What he needs most is game experience. He’s getting that.” Baseball fans are primarily fixated on Harper’s prodigious power from the left side. Scouts have compared his picturesque swing to that of Willie McCovey and Willie

Stargell, and he drilled a ball on May 12 in his home park against Delmarva that left people gasping in disbelief. “It was amazing,” said Holland, who has seen all of Harper’s games. “It was a grand slam, part of a six-RBI game, and it carried over two sets of signage.” Holland believes Harper’s bat is so lethal that his other skills may be under-rated. “I think his defense is way under the radar,” Holland said. “He’s made diving catch-

Johnson was hard to stop shoeless and shirtless. He was on fire after switching to his LeBron James jersey. A large banner proclaiming “Welcome State Champions” hung from the carport, and as each Cavalier proudly autographed that streamer with bold statements such as “T.J. Bates, No. 23, MVP,” it was apparent the comebacks, the cardiac-attacks and camaraderie of last March won’t be forgotten anytime soon. Obviously, it’s been an incredible school year in the county with seven state titles already in the books, and with East Rowan softball capable of bringing home No. 8 next week. North, seemingly on the ropes not long ago, has been a leader in that glorious charge. “ We’ve come through a lot,” Hargrave said. “It really has been an amazing year.” Cavaliers slowly trickled into Saturday’s celebration, giving Coach Mitchell a chance to get in the last word. “These guys are never early for anything,” he said with a laugh. “Except the gym.”

es, unbelievably strong throws. He’s had two outfield assists in the same game. Everybody talks about fivetool guys, but not many bigleague teams actually have them. Bryce is as five-toolsy as it gets.” Holland said Harper, who sported orange cleats, plays “like his hair is on fire,” an intensity that combines with his physical package to make him a unique prospect. Daubach said games like Saturday’s sluggish 10-5 win against the Intimidators are important to Harper’s development as a pro. “We played a doubleheader Friday, our wakeup call today was at 5 a.m., and then we had a long trip to get down here,” Daubach said. “Guys have to learn to still give 100 percent on days like this, even if they feel 85 percent. Bryce has great skills, but it’s the effort he brings that sets him apart.” Harper’s appearances generally trigger a media and fan circus that has to be tiresome, but he was accommodating on Saturday, signing patiently for each of the 40 or so fans who waited for him at the Hagerstown bus. “Bryce is a genuine guy,” Moore said. “For all his talent, he loves this game. He plays it the right way.”

the stands. Hogan popped up immediately as Bridges lay writhing in pain in the dirt. Bridges would not return to the game, but is expected to be all right. “We have a younger team this season and lost some key C. BRIDGES guys from last year’s team, but I just told the guys that I am going to continue to keep teaching and coaching and I expect them to continue putting in the hard work that we will need to make us a better team,” Lowman said. Coming back to action for South from the college ranks was Maverick Miles. Miles went 2-for-5 with an RBI and admittedly described the rust he felt from a delay from baseball. “I am a little rusty but I felt good out there in the field, just chased a bunch of high pitches stupidly that I usually don’t go after,” he said. Mooresville improves to (1-1) after a heartbreaking defeat at Kernersville Saturday as they lost in 10 innings 4-3. “We have a young team of guys that haven’t played Legion ball before,” Mooresville coach Josh Graham said. “And since we got split up, we are still trying to find the right lineup and chemistry with these guys, much like coach Lowman is, I’m sure.” Mooresville received a strong from performance from hurler Keith Little, who tossed six innings and minimized the damage to four runs. “I was feeling good, didn’t have my best stuff,” Little said. “but was able to work out of jams and the guys picked me up in the field with timely hits at the plate as they delivered some big two-out base hits that scored runs for us.” • NOTE: These two teams have no time to be strangers, as they will turn right around and play each other again, this time at South, tonight at 7 p.m.

Mooresville 7, South Rowan 4 SOUTH ROWAN ab r h Hogan ss 4 2 1 KBrgs lf 4 0 1 Miles rf 5 0 2 Bsngr dh 4 0 2 Smith 1b 4 1 1 Deasn c 3 0 1 Hmptn cf 2 0 0 Dietz 3b 3 0 1 CBrgs 2b 1 0 0 Mclgln ph 1 0 0 Hbbrd ph 1 1 1 Gdmn ph 1 0 1 Totals 33 4 11

bi 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

MOORESVILLE ab r Sefrd 2b 3 0 Mrshll c 5 1 Keith 3b 4 1 Hlcbe rf 3 2 Thrbr 3b 3 0 Beavr 1b 3 2 Skdr ss 1 0 Wlbrne lf 4 0 Knght rf 3 1 McAp ph 2 0 Totals

h 1 2 1 1 0 2 1 2 1 0

bi 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0

31 7 11 5

001 102 000 — 4 S. Rowan 211 011 10x — 7 Mooresville E — Dietz, CBridges, Hogan, Hampton, Marshall, Skidmore. LOB — South 8, Mooresville 11. 2B — Hubbard, Basinger, Marshall, Keith. HR — Smith (1), Knight (1). SB — Hogan 2, Holcombe. CS — Marshall. S — KBridges, Smith, Hampton, Dietz, Holcombe. IP S. Rowan Walker L, 0-1 5 21⁄3 Hampton Penninger Mooresville 6 Little W, 1-0 1 Nelson 2 Cagide






8 4 0

5 2 0

5 2 0

1 2 0

1 3 1

10 0 1

4 0 0

4 0 0

1 0 1

3 2 1

HBP — by Walker (Beaver), by Hampton (Keith), by Little (Hogan, Deason, Hampton). WP---- Walker.

tyler buckwell/SALISBURY POST

Bryce Harper steams around second base during the Suns’ win over the Intimidators.

6B • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011

Expanded Standings Boston New York tampa Bay toronto Baltimore

W 30 28 28 27 24

L 23 23 24 26 27

cleveland detroit Kansas city chicago Minnesota

W 31 26 23 24 17

L 19 26 29 31 34

texas Los angeles oakland seattle

W 28 28 27 26

L 25 27 27 26

philadelphia Florida atlanta New York Washington

W 33 30 30 24 22

L 20 21 24 28 30

st. Louis Milwaukee cincinnati pittsburgh chicago Houston

W 32 29 27 24 23 19

L 22 24 27 27 28 34

arizona san Francisco colorado Los angeles san diego

W 29 28 25 24 22

L 24 24 27 30 31

AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division Pct GB WCGB .566 — — .549 1 — 1 .538 11⁄2 ⁄2 .509 3 2 .471 5 4 Central Division Pct GB WCGB .620 — — .500 6 21⁄2 .442 9 51⁄2 .436 91⁄2 6 .333 141⁄2 11 West Division Pct GB WCGB .528 — — .509 1 2 .500 11⁄2 21⁄2 .500 11⁄2 21⁄2 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Pct GB WCGB .623 — — .588 2 — .556 31⁄2 11⁄2 .462 81⁄2 61⁄2 .423 101⁄2 81⁄2 Central Division Pct GB WCGB .593 — — .547 21⁄2 2 .500 5 41⁄2 .471 61⁄2 6 .451 71⁄2 7 .358 121⁄2 12 West Division Pct GB WCGB .547 — — 1 .538 ⁄2 21⁄2 .481 31⁄2 51⁄2 .444 51⁄2 71⁄2 .415 7 9

AMERICAN LEAGUE Sunday’s Games Boston 4, detroit 3, 1st game toronto 13, chicago White sox 4 tampa Bay 7, cleveland 0 L.a. angels 6, Minnesota 5 texas 7, Kansas city 6 oakland 6, Baltimore 4 N.Y. Yankees 7, seattle 1 detroit 3, Boston 0, 2nd game Monday’s Games Minnesota (Blackburn 4-4) at detroit (penny 4-4), 1:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (colon 2-3) at oakland (cahill 6-2), 4:05 p.m. Baltimore (arrieta 6-2) at seattle (Fister 2-5), 4:10 p.m. L.a. angels (e.santana 3-4) at Kansas city (Hochevar 3-5), 4:10 p.m. texas (d.Holland 3-1) at tampa Bay (W.davis 4-4), 6:40 p.m. cleveland (carmona 3-5) at toronto (Jo-.reyes 0-4), 7:07 p.m. chicago White sox (peavy 1-0) at Boston (Lester 7-1), 7:10 p.m. Tuesday’s Games texas at tampa Bay, 6:40 p.m. Minnesota at detroit, 7:05 p.m. cleveland at toronto, 7:07 p.m. chicago White sox at Boston, 7:10 p.m. L.a. angels at Kansas city, 8:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at oakland, 10:05 p.m. Baltimore at seattle, 10:10 p.m.



L10 7-3 6-4 4-6 5-5 5-5

Str L-1 W-1 W-1 W-3 L-3

Home 16-10 17-13 13-14 14-12 15-14

Away 14-13 11-10 15-10 13-14 9-13

L10 5-5 4-6 3-7 4-6 3-7

Str L-1 W-1 L-2 L-3 L-1

Home 19-6 14-11 17-13 10-13 6-15

Away 12-13 12-15 6-16 14-18 11-19

L10 5-5 6-4 5-5 8-2

Str W-2 W-1 W-4 L-1

Home 19-11 13-13 14-12 13-13

Away 9-14 15-14 13-15 13-13

L10 7-3 6-4 5-5 4-6 2-8

Str L-1 L-1 W-2 W-1 L-2

Home 19-10 14-12 16-11 11-14 12-11

Away 14-10 16-9 14-13 13-14 10-19

L10 7-3 8-2 2-8 6-4 5-5 4-6

Str W-1 W-2 L-2 L-1 W-1 L-3

Home 14-9 21-7 15-11 9-14 12-16 11-17

Away 18-13 8-17 12-16 15-13 11-12 8-17

L10 9-1 5-5 2-8 4-6 4-6

Str W-6 L-2 L-1 W-1 W-2

Home 16-10 13-8 13-15 13-15 9-20

Away 13-14 15-16 12-12 11-15 13-11

Sabathia has Mariners’ number Associated Press

SEATTLE — Even though it came on a day CC Sabathia didn’t need much, he's not going to complain about the run support he's been receiving. So far, at least, his teammates aren’t giving him grief about it. “I don’t think anybody has realized it yet, but I know,” Sabathia said. The Yankees ace continued his domination of the Seattle Mariners on Sunday, allowing just one run in eight innings, and Andruw Jones provided the big blow with a bases-clearing double as New York avoided a three-game sweep with a 7-1 win. Sabathia (6-3) was again the Yankees stopper. He won for the third time in four tries when pitching after a loss, allowing just two hits through five innings before giving up a solo homer to Seattle’s Justin Smoak in the sixth inning. He also won for the sixth straight time against the Mariners and improved to 8-1 in 11 starts at Safeco Field. In his last six starts against Seattle, Sabathia has a 0.82 ERA. Angels 6, Twins 5 MINNEAPOLIS — Erick Aybar had three hits and three RBIs and Dan Haren earned his first win since April 17 in Los Angeles’ victory over Minnesota. Mark Trumbo hit a 436-foot homer in the ninth, and Jordan Walden got his 12th save. Rangers 7, Royals 6 ARLINGTON, Texas — Mike Napoli slid under the tag of catcher Brayan Pena

NATIONAL LEAGUE Sunday’s Games N.Y. Mets 9, philadelphia 5 san diego 5, Washington 4 arizona 4, Houston 2 Milwaukee 6, san Francisco 0 chicago cubs 3, pittsburgh 2 st. Louis 4, colorado 3 L.a. dodgers 8, Florida 0 atlanta 2, cincinnati 1 Monday’s Games philadelphia (Halladay 6-3) at Washington (L.Hernandez 3-6), 1:05 p.m. san diego (Harang 5-2) at atlanta (t.Hudson 4-4), 1:05 p.m. Houston (an.rodriguez 0-2) at chicago cubs (r.Lopez 0-0), 2:20 p.m. san Francisco (Bumgarner 1-6) at st. Louis (Mcclellan 6-1), 4:15 p.m. Milwaukee (Narveson 2-3) at cincinnati (t.Wood 3-3), 7:10 p.m. pittsburgh (Morton 5-2) at N.Y. Mets (Gee 4-0), 7:10 p.m. colorado (Hammel 3-4) at L.a. dodgers (Billingsley 3-4), 8:10 p.m. Florida (Volstad 2-3) at arizona (J.saunders 1-5), 8:10 p.m. Tuesday’s Games philadelphia at Washington, 7:05 p.m. san Francisco at st. Louis, 7:05 p.m. Milwaukee at cincinnati, 7:10 p.m. pittsburgh at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. san diego at atlanta, 7:10 p.m. Houston at chicago cubs, 8:05 p.m. Florida at arizona, 9:40 p.m.

associated press

Yankees pitcher cc sabathia wins for the sixth straight time against the Mariners. on Elvis Andrus’ two-out single in the ninth inning, giving Texas a come-frombehind victory over Kansas City. Blue Jays 13, White Sox 4 TORONTO — Aaron Hill hit his first career grand slam, Corey Patterson added a two-run shot and the Toronto Blue Jays routed the Chicago White Sox. Rays 7, Indians 0 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Jeremy Hellickson pitched seven impressive in-

nings, John Jaso homered, and Tampa Bay beat Cleveland. Red Sox 4-0, Tigers 3-3 DETROIT — Justin Verlander took a shutout into the eighth inning as the Detroit Tigers beat the Boston Red Sox 3-0 to get a split of Sunday’s day-night doubleheader. In the opening game, David Ortiz homered off Valverde — first pinch-hit homer in eight years — to break a 1-1 tie.

Braves’ Jurrjens wins pitching duel with Cueto Associated Press

ATLANTA — Jair Jurrjens outpitched Johnny Cueto, Martin Prado hit a two-run homer and the Atlanta Braves beat Cincinnati 2-1 on Sunday night, putting an end to the Reds' damaging road trip. Prado also helped on defense by throwing out Paul Janish at the plate in the eighth inning to protect the lead. Janish tried to score from second base on Brandon Phillips' single to left field. Prado's throw got to the plate first, but Janish appeared to slide home safely as catcher David Ross applied a

Posey officially out for year MILWAUKEE (AP) — San Francisco Giants catcher Buster Posey is out for the season after having surgery Sunday to repair three torn ligaments in his ankle sustained in a collision at home plate last week. “He’s not going to be back this season,” head athletic trainer Dave Groeschner said in a conference call with reporters. “He will have another surgery somewhere in the 8- to 10-week mark to take out some of that hardware that the doctors put in. That’s already determined. ... Add that to rehab time, and I don’t see him making it back this season.” Groeschner said Posey had two screws inserted into his lower leg to stabilize the ankle.

high tag. Janish and manager Dusty Baker argued the call with home plate umpire Dan Iassogna. The Reds lost two of three to the Braves to complete a 2-8 road trip. Mets 9, Phillies 1 NEW YORK — Jose Reyes tripled twice for the third time this season and a refreshed Josh Thole had three hits and three RBIs as the New York Mets enjoyed a rare offensive outburst in a 9-5 victory over the Philadelphia Phillies. Brewers 6, Giants 0 MILWAUKEE — Yovani Gallardo allowed four hits in eight innings to win his fifth

straight start, and Milwaukee topped San Francisco to wrap up an 8-1 homestand. Padres 5, Nationals 4 WASHINGTON — Ryan Ludwick had three hits and two RBIs, including a goahead infield single in the ninth inning, Brad Hawpe had two hits and two RBIs, and San Diego beat Washington. Diamondbacks 4, Astros 2 HOUSTON — Xavier Nady hit a two-run double in the eighth inning, helping Arizona rally for a victory and a series sweep of Houston. Cardinals 4, Rockies 3 DENVER — Kyle Lohse pitched six solid innings to

match a major league high with his seventh win and Jon Jay hit a two-run homer, helping St. Louis hold off Colorado. Dodgers 8, Marlins 0 LOS ANGELES — Clayton Kershaw pitched a two-hitter for his second shutout and complete game in the majors, Rafael Furcal hit his first home run of the season and drove in three runs, and Los Angeles routed Florida. Cubs 3, Pirates 2 CHICAGO — Aramis Ramirez ended a long home run drought, Ryan Dempster threw six solid innings and Chicago beat Pittsburgh in a game delayed by rain at the start.

S U N D AY ’ S B O X S C O R E S National Mets 9, Phillies 5 New York Philadelphia ab r h bi ab r h bi rollins ss 4 0 2 0 Josrys ss 5 1 4 1 Valdz 2b 4 0 1 0 turner 3b 5 0 2 1 polanc 3b 4 0 1 1 Beltran rf 4 1 1 0 ibanez lf 4 2 1 1 pridie rf 0 0 0 0 5 2 2 0 BFrncs rf 4 1 2 1 Bay lf Mayrry 1b 5 0 1 0 dnMrp 1b 5 2 3 1 Mrtnz cf 4 0 0 0 pagan cf 4 2 1 1 4 1 3 3 sardinh c 4 2 2 1 thole c Worley p 1 0 0 0 rtejad 2b 4 0 1 1 Kndrck p 1 0 0 0 Niese p 3 0 0 0 Gload ph 1 0 0 0 tBchlz p 1 0 0 0 Jromr p 0 0 0 0 Beato p 0 0 0 0 Brown ph 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Baez p Totals 37 5 11 5 Totals 40 9 17 8 Philadelphia 001 000 031—5 New York 440 010 00x—9 e—rollins (4), Jos.reyes (6). dp—philadelphia 1, New York 1. Lob—philadelphia 10, New York 8. 2b—B.francisco (5), Mayberry (4), sardinha (1), Beltran (16), dan.murphy (10), thole (5). 3b— Jos.reyes 2 (8). Hr—ibanez (7). sb—rollins 2 (12). IP H R ER BB SO Philadelphia 3 12 8 5 0 1 Worley L,2-1 K.Kendrick 3 3 1 1 0 2 J.romero 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 Baez New York 5 1 0 4 6 Niese W,4-5 61⁄3 11⁄3 4 3 3 0 1 t.Buchholz 2 1 1 1 1 Beato 11⁄3 Wp—Niese. pB—sardinha. t—3:01. a—30,791 (41,800).

Padres 5, Nationals 4 San Diego ab tekotte cf 3 Qualls p 0 Grgrsn p 0 cantu 1b 1 Bartlett ss 4 Ludwck lf 4 Hawpe 1b 5 H.Bell p 0 Headly 3b 4 denorfi rf 2 Kphlps c 4 rJhnsn c 0 Frsyth 2b 4 Mosely p 1 eptrsn cf 2

Washington h bi ab r h bi 0 0 Berndn cf 5 1 1 1 0 0 dsmnd ss 4 1 1 0 0 0 Werth rf 4 1 3 1 1 0 L.Nix lf 3 0 1 1 1 0 Morse 1b 3 0 1 1 3 2 Wrams c 2 0 0 0 2 2 HrstnJr 3b 3 0 1 0 0 0 clipprd p 0 0 0 0 1 1 stairs ph 1 0 0 0 1 0 storen p 0 0 0 0 0 0 cora 2b 4 0 1 0 0 0 Maya p 1 0 0 0 1 0 slaten p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ankiel ph 1 1 1 0 0 0 Kimall p 0 0 0 0 espinos 2b 2 0 1 0 Totals 34 510 5 Totals 33 4 11 4 San Diego 000 130 001—5 Washington 200 011 000—4 e—Hawpe (4), Gregerson (1). dp—san diego 3. Lob—san diego 8, Washington 6. 2b—cantu (3), Bartlett (6), Headley (14), Bernadina (4), Morse (5). sb—denorfia (4), Bernadina (7), ankiel (5). cs—tekotte (1). s—denorfia, Moseley, W.ramos. sf—L.nix. IP H R ER BB SO San Diego Moseley 5 6 3 2 1 1 Qualls Bs,2-2 1 2 1 1 0 0 Gregerson W,2-1 2 3 0 0 1 0 H.bell s,12-13 1 0 0 0 0 2 Washington 6 4 4 2 3 Maya 42⁄3 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 1 0 slaten Kimball 1 0 0 0 1 0 clippard 2 1 0 0 0 3 storen L,4-2 1 2 1 1 0 1 Wp—Qualls. t—3:19. a—23,169 (41,506). r 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

Brewers 6, Giants 0 San Francisco Milwaukee ab r h bi ab torres cf 4 0 0 0 Weeks 2b 5 Burriss 3b 4 0 1 0 Morgan cf 4 Fsnchz 2b4 0 2 0 Braun lf 4 Huff 1b 4 0 1 0 Fielder 1b 3 schrhlt rf 4 0 0 0 McGeh 3b 4 Belt lf 3 0 1 0 Kotsay rf 4 Bcrwfr ss 2 0 0 0 Lucroy c 4 cstwrt c 3 0 0 0 YBtncr ss 3 cain p 2 0 0 0 JoWilsn ss1 affeldt p 0 0 0 0 Gallard p 3 Burrell ph 1 0 1 0 counsll ph 0 scasill p 0 0 0 0 Hwkns p 0

r 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

h bi 3 2 1 0 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Totals 31 0 6 0 Totals 35 6 13 5 San Francisco 000 000 000—0 Milwaukee 201 002 10x—6 e—Burriss (2). dp—san Francisco 3, Milwaukee 2. Lob—san Francisco 5, Milwaukee 7. 2b— Weeks (13), Braun (10). sb—Braun (13). IP H R ER BB SO San Francisco cain L,3-4 6 11 5 5 1 6 affeldt 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 s.casilla Milwaukee Gallardo W,7-2 8 4 0 0 1 5 1 2 0 0 0 0 Hawkins t—2:25. a—43,035 (41,900).

Diamondbacks 4, Astros 2 Arizona

Houston h bi ab r h bi 1 0 Bourn cf 4 0 0 0 1 0 Kppngr 2b 3 1 1 0 1 0 pence rf 4 0 2 0 0 1 ca.Lee lf 4 0 0 0 1 2 Mdwns pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 delrsr p 0 0 0 0 1 1 Wallac 1b 3 0 1 0 0 0 cJhnsn 3b 4 0 0 0 1 0 Barmes ss 4 0 0 0 0 0 towles c 4 0 0 0 0 0 Happ p 2 1 1 1 0 0 WLopez p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hall ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 Fulchin p 0 0 0 0 escaln p 0 0 0 0 Michals lf 0 0 0 0 33 2 5 1 Totals 31 4 6 4 Totals 000 001 030—4 Arizona 000 110 000—2 Houston e—r.roberts (5). Lob—arizona 6, Houston 6. 2b—Nady (5), Keppinger (1). 3b—J.upton (2). Hr— Happ (1). sb—r.roberts (8). cs—H.blanco (1). sf— c.young. IP H R ER BB SO Arizona collmenter 6 4 2 2 1 5 Heilman W,4-0 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 1 Hernandez H,7 1 putz s,16-16 1 0 0 0 0 0 Houston Happ 6 2 1 1 4 8 W.lopez H,5 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 ⁄3 2 3 3 1 2 Fulchino L,1-3 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 escalona del rosario 1 0 0 0 0 0 Wp—da.Hernandez. Balk—collmenter. t—2:59. a—21,882 (40,963).

ab Blmqst ss 5 rrorts 2b 3 J.Upton rf 3 cYoung cf 1 Nady lf 4 putz p 0 Mirand 1b 4 Mora 3b 4 HBlanc c 3 cllmntr p 2 Brrghs ph 1 Heilmn p 0 dHrndz p 0 Gparra lf 1

r 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Dodgers 8, Marlins 0 Florida

Los Angeles ab r h bi ab r h bi coghln cf 3 0 0 0 Furcal ss 5 2 3 3 cishek p 0 0 0 0 Blake 3b 5 0 2 2 Hayes ph 1 0 0 0 ethier rf 3 1 3 0 Hrmrz ss 1 0 0 0 Kemp cf 3 1 1 0 Helms 3b 3 0 0 0 GwynJ cf 2 0 1 0 Morrsn lf 4 0 1 0 sands 1b 5 0 0 0 snchz 1b 2 0 0 0 Gions lf 4 1 3 1 stanton rf 3 0 0 0 Loney 1b 1 0 0 0 J.Buck c 3 0 0 0 Navarr c 5 1 2 1 infante 2b 3 0 1 0 carroll 2b 3 0 0 0 Bonifac 3b 3 0 0 0 Kershw p 4 2 2 1 Nolasco p 0 0 0 0 cousins cf2 0 0 0 Totals 28 0 2 0 Totals 40 8 17 8 Florida 000 000 000—0 Los Angeles 004 040 00x—8 e—stanton (3), Furcal (4). dp—Florida 1, Los angeles 1. Lob—Florida 3, Los angeles 11. 2b— Morrison (10), ethier (12), Navarro (2). Hr—Furcal (1). s—Nolasco. IP H R ER BB SO Florida Nolasco L,4-1 5 15 8 8 2 5 cishek 3 2 0 0 1 1 Los Angeles Kershaw W,6-3 9 2 0 0 1 10 t—2:34. a—30,621 (56,000).

Cardinals 4, Rockies 3 St. Louis ab theriot ss 4 Jay lf 4 pujols 1b 4 Brkmn rf 1 craig 2b 3 Green 2b 0 shmkr 2b 1 salas p 0 rasms cf 4 YMolin c 4

r 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

Colorado h bi ab 1 0 eYong 2b 4 1 2 Fowler cf 5 0 0 cGnzlz lf 5 0 0 tlwtzk ss 4 1 0 Helton 1b 3 0 0 JHerrr 3b 0 0 0 Wggntn 3b 4 0 0 splrghs rf 3 2 1 iannett c 2 1 1 chacin p 1

r 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0

h bi 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

descals 3b4 0 Lohse p 3 0 esnchz p 0 0 Kozma 2b 1 0

0 0 0 0

0 Mtrynl p 0 0 0 0 0 Giambi ph 1 0 0 0 0 Lndstr p 0 0 0 0 0 rBtncr p 0 0 0 0 s.smith ph 1 0 0 0 33 3 9 3 Totals 33 4 6 4 Totals 300 100 000—4 St. Louis 001 000 101—3 Colorado e—Fowler (3). dp—st. Louis 1, colorado 1. Lob—st. Louis 5, colorado 9. 2b—Helton (11), Wigginton (8), iannetta (7). Hr—Jay (4), rasmus (4). s—chacin. sf—e.young. IP H R ER BB SO St. Louis Lohse W,7-2 6 6 2 2 1 6 1 0 0 2 1 e.sanchez H,6 12⁄3 1 1 ⁄3 2 1 1 1 3 salas s,9-9 Colorado chacin L,5-4 6 6 4 4 2 7 1 0 0 0 0 1 Mat.reynolds Lindstrom 1 0 0 0 1 0 r.Betancourt 1 0 0 0 0 2 Lohse pitched to 3 batters in the 7th. t—2:51. a—40,598 (50,490).

Cubs 3, Pirates 2 Pittsburgh Chicago ab r h bi ab r h bi tabata lf 4 0 1 0 Fukdm rf 4 1 2 0 Meek p 0 0 0 0 Barney 2b 3 0 2 0 dMcct p 0 0 0 0 scastro ss 3 0 0 1 GJones rf 3 0 0 0 arrmr 3b 3 1 1 1 diaz ph-rf 1 0 0 0 c.pena 1b 3 1 1 0 aMcct cf 3 1 1 0 asorin lf 3 0 0 0 Walker 2b 3 1 1 0 Montnz lf 0 0 0 0 overay 1b 3 0 1 2 campn cf 3 0 1 0 doumit c 1 0 0 0 K.Hill c 2 0 1 1 csnydr c 2 0 1 0 dmpstr p 2 0 1 0 BrWod 3b 4 0 0 0 K.Wood p 0 0 0 0 cdeno ss 4 0 0 0 deWitt ph 1 0 0 0 Karstns p 2 0 0 0 Marshll p 0 0 0 0 resop p 0 0 0 0 Marml p 0 0 0 0 paul ph-lf 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 2 5 2 Totals 27 3 9 3 Pittsburgh 200 000 000—2 Chicago 021 000 00x—3 e—cedeno (4). dp—pittsburgh 2, chicago 1. Lob—pittsburgh 6, chicago 3. 2b—overbay (10), Fukudome (5). Hr—ar.ramirez (2). cs—tabata (4), Barney (2). s—Barney. sf—s.castro, K.hill. IP H R ER BB SO Pittsburgh Karstens L,3-4 5 7 3 2 0 4 resop 1 0 0 0 0 0 Meek 1 1 0 0 0 1 d.Mccutchen 1 1 0 0 0 0 Chicago dempster W,4-4 6 4 2 2 3 5 K.wood H,8 1 1 0 0 1 0 Marshall H,10 1 0 0 0 0 0 Marmol s,10-12 1 0 0 0 1 1 pB—c.snyder. t—2:36. a—37,464 (41,159).

Braves 2, Reds 1 Cincinnati ab stubbs cf 4 Bphllps 2b4 Votto 1b 2 rolen 3b 4 Bruce rf 3 FLewis lf 4 rHrndz c 4 Janish ss 3 cueto p 2

Atlanta h bi ab r h bi 0 0 schafer cf 3 1 1 0 1 0 prado lf 3 1 1 2 1 0 c.Jones 3b4 0 0 0 0 0 Hinske rf 3 0 0 0 2 1 Mather rf 0 0 0 0 1 0 Fremn 1b 3 0 0 0 0 0 Uggla 2b 3 0 1 0 2 0 alGnzlz ss 2 0 1 0 0 0 d.ross c 3 0 1 0 Jurrjns p 2 0 0 0 Kimrel p 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 1 7 1 Totals 26 2 5 2 Cincinnati 010 000 000—1 Atlanta 000 002 00x—2 dp—cincinnati 2. Lob—cincinnati 6, atlanta 6. Hr—Bruce (15), prado (7). cs—Votto (3). s—cueto, Jurrjens. IP H R ER BB SO Cincinnati cueto L,2-2 8 5 2 2 3 5 Atlanta Jurrjens W,7-1 8 6 1 1 2 5 Kimbrel s,15-19 1 1 0 0 1 2 HBp—by cueto (Freeman, ale.Gonzalez). t—2:29. a—36,392 (49,586). r 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

American Blue Jays 13, White Sox 4 Chicago

Toronto ab r h bi ab r h bi pierre lf 5 1 1 0 Yescor ss 3 2 2 1

alrmrz ss 4 Quentin rf 3 Konerk 1b 3 Mcphrs 1b1 rios cf 4 dunn dh 3 rcastr c 4 Lillirdg 2b 4 Morel 3b 4

0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

0 1 2 0 1 0 2 1 1

0 Mccoy ss 1 0 0 0 1 cpttrsn lf 5 2 4 3 1 Bautist rf 4 1 1 1 0 ethms rf 1 0 0 0 0 Jriver 1b 5 1 2 0 0 arencii c 4 1 2 1 2 a.Hill 2b 5 1 1 4 0 encrnc dh 5 2 3 1 0 rdavis cf 3 2 1 0 J.Nix 3b 4 1 2 2 Totals 35 4 9 4 Totals 4013 1813 Chicago 101 000 002— 4 Toronto 600 331 00x—13 dp—chicago 1, toronto 1. Lob—chicago 6, toronto 6. 2b—rios (10), Lillibridge (2), J.rivera 2 (9), J.nix (3). Hr—Quentin (13), r.castro (2), c.patterson (4), a.hill (1), encarnacion (1). sb—pierre (9), r.davis (15). IP H R ER BB SO Chicago danks L,0-8 4 9 9 9 1 1 Harrell 4 9 4 4 1 2 Toronto r.romero W,5-4 7 6 2 2 2 5 Janssen 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 2 2 0 0 camp HBp—by danks (r.davis). t—2:33. a—18,325 (49,260).

Rays 7, Indians 0 Cleveland ab Brantly cf 4 acarer ss 4 choo rf 3 t.Buck lf 4 csantn 1b3 Gsizmr dh4 ocarer 2b 3 Marson c 3 everett 3b 3

Tampa Bay r h bi ab r h bi 0 0 0 Longori 3b 3 2 2 0 0 1 0 damon dh 4 1 2 1 0 1 0 ruggin dh 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Zobrist 2b 4 0 1 1 0 1 0 Joyce rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ktchm 1b 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 srdrgz 1b 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 BUpton cf 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Fuld lf 4 0 1 1 4 1 2 2 Jaso c Brignc ss 4 1 1 0 Totals 31 0 5 0 Totals 32 7 10 5 Cleveland 000 000 000—0 Tampa Bay 002 230 00x—7 e—a.cabrera (5). dp—tampa Bay 1. Lob— cleveland 6, tampa Bay 7. 2b—t.buck (5), Longoria (9). Hr—Jaso (3). sb—B.upton (10). cs—Longoria (1). IP H R ER BB SO Cleveland Masterson L,5-3 5 8 7 6 5 0 Herrmann 3 2 0 0 1 2 Tampa Bay Hellickson W,6-3 7 3 0 0 2 6 a.russell 1 0 0 0 0 0 c.ramos 1 2 0 0 0 1 pB—Marson. t—2:30. a—23,898 (34,078).

Red Sox 4, Tigers 3 First Game Detroit ab r h bi ab r h bi ellsury cf 4 1 1 0 aJcksn cf 4 0 0 0 pdroia 2b 4 1 1 1 dirks lf 4 1 2 1 adGnzl 1b 3 0 0 1 Boesch dh 4 1 1 1 Youkils dh 3 0 0 0 Micarr 1b 3 1 1 0 Lowrie ss 4 0 2 0 VMrtnz c 4 0 0 0 crwfrd lf 4 0 0 0 Jhperlt ss 4 0 1 1 sutton 3b 4 0 0 0 Kelly rf 4 0 1 0 camrn rf 2 1 2 1 raburn 2b 4 0 0 0 J.drew rf 1 0 0 0 inge 3b 2 0 0 0 sltlmch c 3 0 0 0 ortiz ph 1 1 1 1 Varitek c 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 4 7 4 Totals 33 3 6 3 Boston 111 000 001—4 Detroit 000 102 000—3 Lob—Boston 7, detroit 5. 2b—ellsbury (16), Lowrie (10), Mi.cabrera (15). Hr—pedroia (4), cameron (3), ortiz (11), dirks (2), Boesch (4). sb— ellsbury (19), pedroia 2 (12), Youkilis (1). sf— ad.gonzalez. IP H R ER BB SO Boston c.Buchholz 6 6 3 3 1 3 albers W,1-2 2 0 0 0 1 2 papelbon s,10 1 0 0 0 0 2 Detroit a.oliver 6 5 3 3 3 3 purcey 1 0 0 0 0 1 Benoit 1 1 0 0 0 1 Valverde L,2-2 1 1 1 1 å0 1 HBp—by a.oliver (Youkilis). Wp—a.oliver. t—3:16. a—36,285 (41,255). Boston

Tigers 3, Red Sox 0 Boston

Second Game Detroit

ab ellsury cf 3 pedroia 2b4 adGnzl 1b 3 Youkils 3b 4 ortiz dh 4 crwfrd lf 3 sutton ss 3 J.drew rf 3 Varitek c 3

r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

h bi ab r h bi 1 0 aJcksn cf 2 0 0 0 0 0 dirks lf 3 1 0 0 0 0 Boesch rf 4 1 1 1 0 0 inge 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 Micarr 1b 4 1 2 1 0 0 VMrtnz dh 4 0 3 0 0 0 Kelly 3b-rf 4 0 1 1 2 0 avila c 3 0 0 0 1 0 santiag ss 3 0 0 0 Worth 2b 2 0 0 0 29 3 7 3 Totals 30 0 4 0 Totals 000 000 000—0 Boston 200 000 01x—3 Detroit e—a.jackson (2). dp—Boston 2, detroit 1. Lob— Boston 5, detroit 7. 2b—Varitek (4), Boesch (12), Mi.cabrera (16). IP H R ER BB SO Boston 6 5 2 2 5 5 Beckett L,4-2 r.Hill 1 0 0 0 0 2 atchison 1 2 1 1 0 1 Detroit 2 4 0 0 2 3 Verlander W,5-37 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Benoit H,71⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Valverde s,12-12 1 t—2:51. a—39,873 (41,255).

Rangers 7, Royals 6 Kansas City ab r Gordon lf 5 0 Mecarr cf 4 1 Hosmer 1b5 0 Butler dh 4 1 Betemt 3b 4 1 Maier rf 3 1 B.pena c 4 1 Getz 2b 4 1 aescor ss 3 0

Texas h bi ab r h bi 0 0 Kinsler 2b 3 1 1 1 1 0 andrus ss 2 0 1 1 0 0 aBlanc ss 4 1 2 0 1 0 JHmltn lf-cf 4 0 0 0 1 1 MiYong dh 4 2 2 2 2 1 aBeltre 3b 3 0 0 0 2 3 N.cruz rf 4 1 1 1 1 0 Napoli 1b-c4 2 3 2 1 1 torreal c 2 0 0 0 Morlnd ph-1b1 0 0 0 Gentry cf 2 0 0 0 dvMrp ph-lf 2 0 0 0 Totals 36 6 9 6 Totals 35 7 10 7 Kansas City 000 500 001—6 Texas 011 010 022—7 two outs when winning run scored. e—N.cruz (2), Moreland (2). dp—Kansas city 1. Lob—Kansas city 6, texas 4. 2b—Getz (4), Mi.young (18), Napoli (5). Hr—B.pena (3), Kinsler (7), Mi.young (3), N.cruz (10), Napoli (8). cs— a.blanco (1). sf—a.escobar. IP H R ER BB SO Kansas City duffy 6 5 3 3 1 4 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 G.holland H,1 teaford 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 2 0 0 crow Bs,2-2 11⁄3 2 ⁄3 3 2 2 0 2 soria L,3-2 Texas ogando 6 7 5 5 1 4 Kirkman 2 1 0 0 1 3 2 ⁄3 1 1 0 0 0 Feliz 0 0 0 0 0 rhodes W,3-2 1⁄3 duffy pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. teaford pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. Wp—crow. t—3:07. a—45,011 (49,170).

Angels 6, Twins 5 Los Angeles ab r Bourjos cf 4 0 aybar ss 5 2 abreu lf 4 0 Willits lf 0 0 trHntr rf 4 0 callasp 3b4 0 Branyn dh 4 0 trumo 1b 4 1 amarst 2b 4 1 Mathis c 4 2

Minnesota h bi ab r h bi 0 0 span cf 5 2 3 1 3 3 acasill 2b 3 1 2 1 2 1 Kubel dh 5 0 2 1 0 0 Mornea 1b 5 0 3 2 1 0 repko pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 cuddyr rf 5 0 0 0 1 0 dYong lf 4 0 1 0 2 1 Valenci 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 Butera c 3 0 1 0 2 0 tolbert ph 0 1 0 0 plouffe ss 3 1 0 0 Totals 37 6 11 5 Totals 37 5 13 5 Los Angeles 003 010 011—6 Minnesota 101 000 102—5 e—plouffe (3), Valencia (5). dp—Los angeles 2, Minnesota 1. Lob—Los angeles 5, Minnesota 9. 2b—abreu (11), span 2 (8), Valencia (8), Butera (4). 3b—aybar (2). Hr—trumbo (9). sb—Branyan (1), Mathis (1), a.casilla (5), tolbert (1). cs—aybar (2). s—a.casilla. IP H R ER BB SO Los Angeles Haren W,5-3 6 10 3 3 1 2 s.downs H,7 1 1 0 0 0 0 rodney H,10 1 0 0 0 0 1 Walden s,12-15 1 2 2 2 2 1 Minnesota pavano L,2-5 8 10 5 4 0 3 2 ⁄3 1 1 1 1 0 Hoey 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 James

Haren pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. Balk—James. t—2:56. a—39,867 (39,500).

Yankees 7, Mariners 1 New York Seattle ab r h bi ab r h bi Jeter dh 3 0 1 0 isuzuki rf 4 0 0 0 Grndrs cf 5 2 3 0 Figgins 3b 4 0 0 0 teixeir 1b 5 0 1 1 smoak 1b 4 1 1 1 alrdrg 3b 5 1 1 0 FGtrrz cf 4 0 1 0 cano 2b 5 1 1 1 MWilsn dh 3 0 1 0 swisher rf 2 2 1 1 ryan ss 3 0 2 0 anJons lf 3 1 1 3 JaWlsn 2b 4 0 1 0 Gardnr lf 0 0 0 0 Msndrs lf 4 0 0 0 eNnez ss 4 0 1 1 cGmnz c 2 0 0 0 cervelli c 4 0 1 0 Totals 36 7 11 7 Totals 32 1 6 1 New York 015 100 000—7 000 001 000—1 Seattle dp—New York 1, seattle 2. Lob—New York 7, seattle 7. 2b—Granderson 2 (9), an.jones (2), ryan (8). 3b—e.nunez (1). Hr—swisher (3), smoak (7). sb—cano (5). cs—teixeira (1). IP H R ER BB SO New York sabathia W,6-3 8 5 1 1 3 5 pendleton 1 1 0 0 0 0 Seattle 3 5 6 6 4 1 Vargas L,3-3 Gray 4 5 1 1 1 1 ray 2 1 0 0 0 0 t—2:55. a—37,290 (47,878).

Athletics 6, Orioles 4 Baltimore Oakland ab r h bi ab r h bi pie lf-cf 4 1 1 1 crisp cf 3 1 1 0 radms ph 1 0 0 0 Barton 1b 3 1 1 1 adJons cf 2 0 0 0 cJcksn lf 3 1 1 1 reimld lf 1 0 0 1 Wlngh dh 4 1 2 4 Markks rf 4 0 0 1 Ksuzuk c 4 0 1 0 Guerrr dh 4 0 1 1 deJess rf 4 0 0 0 Wieters c 4 0 1 0 M.ellis 2b 4 1 1 0 scott 1b 4 0 0 0 Kzmnff 3b 3 0 2 0 Hardy ss 4 1 2 0 pnngtn ss 3 1 1 0 Mrrynl 3b 3 1 1 0 andino 2b 2 1 1 0 Totals 33 4 7 4 Totals 31 6 10 6 Baltimore 000 040 000—4 Oakland 100 041 00x—6 dp—Baltimore 1, oakland 1. Lob—Baltimore 6, oakland 9. 2b—Hardy (6). Hr—Willingham (9). sb—Mar.reynolds (3), crisp (16). s—andino, pennington. sf—Barton. IP H R ER BB SO Baltimore Britton L,5-3 52⁄3 10 6 6 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 accardo 11⁄3 Gregg 1 0 0 0 3 0 Oakland Moscoso W,2-0 5 5 4 4 2 1 Breslow H,3 1 0 0 0 1 1 a.bailey H,1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Balfour H,11 1 1 0 0 0 0 Fuentes s,11-13 1 1 0 0 0 0 t—2:39. a—15,373 (35,067).

Leaders AMERICAN LEAGUE BattiNG—Joyce, tampa Bay, .365; Bautista, toronto, .350; MiYoung, texas, .335; adGonzalez, Boston, .329; HKendrick, Los angeles, .322; Micabrera, detroit, .315; aybar, Los angeles, .313. rUNs—Bautista, toronto, 43; Granderson, New York, 42; Micabrera, detroit, 38; ellsbury, Boston, 35; acabrera, cleveland, 34. rBi—adGonzalez, Boston, 45; Beltre, texas, 41; Konerko, chicago, 39; Granderson, New York, 37; Bautista, toronto, 36; Micabrera, detroit, 36; teixeira, New York, 36. Hits—adGonzalez, Boston, 72; MiYoung, texas, 67; acabrera, cleveland, 62; ellsbury, Boston, 62; Guerrero, Baltimore, 61; span, Minnesota, 61; Konerko, chicago, 60; Kubel, Minnesota, 60. doUBLes—Gordon, Kansas city, 18; MiYoung, texas, 18; Micabrera, detroit, 16; ellsbury, Boston, 16; adGonzalez, Boston, 16; Quentin, chicago, 16; Mizturis, Los angeles, 15; Zobrist, tampa Bay, 15. tripLes—Bourjos, Los angeles, 6; Granderson, New York, 5; 14 tied at 3. HoMe rUNs—Bautista, toronto, 20; Granderson, New York, 16; teixeira, New York, 15; Quentin, chicago, 13; Beltre, texas, 11; ortiz, Boston, 11; acabrera, cleveland, 10; cano, New York, 10; Ncruz, texas, 10; Konerko, chicago, 10.


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Pitbull/Lab Mix Puppies. 3 black females. First shots and dewormed. 704-267-1137


Free to good home. Found female black lab mix. Very loving and good with kids. Protective of her family but not aggressive. Must find home for her! 336-6553201.

Puppies, free to good Rescue dog homes. surprised us with pups. 7 to choose from here in Enochville/Kannapolis. Breed unsure, many colors, darn cute. 704-938-9842

GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES 8 weeks old. All Males. Eating dry puppy food. $50 each. 704-7986236. Ask for Jason

Sweet Babies!


LPNs F/T weekend night shift, RN Supervisor P/T weekend night shift, LPNs PRN all shifts, LPN 7a-7p Sat & Sun, LPN F/T 3-11pm M-F. Pls submit resume to NC Veteran's Home, 1601 Brenner Ave., Bldg. 10, Salisbury, NC 28145


CORRIHER TRUCKING is seeking Qualified Flatbed drivers 25 yrs or older, DOT medical card, Class A CDL, TWIC card, 2 yrs exp w/ NO accidents/violations. Also need Diesel Mechanic, must have own tools. Apply at 225 Corriher Gravel Rd. China Grove. Mon-Fri 9 am to 3 pm. Customer Service


NOW HIRING ! CUSTOMER SERVICE CASHIERS Openings in: Mocksville, Salisbury Kannapolis & Mooresville Locations

Cats Cat, free, 10 year old neutered male. Fully vetted. Please call 704640-5562 Free cats to good home. 4 domestic long hair. 2 black & white, 2 black. Litter trained. Cleveland area. Call 704-657-0280 or 704-500-4085

Kittens, free. Only 2 left!! Black and white, 1 male 1 female. 7 weeks old. Call Lisa 704-433-3362


Free kittens. 2 females, 1 black & white & 1 grey. Litter box trained. 704-2026372. Leave message. Free kittens. 2 orange & white tabbies, 2 black & white. 3 males, 1 female. 8 weeks. 704-956-3023 Free kittens. 7 weeks old Bobtail kittens, yellow & orange striped. 2 available. 704-279-4307

Beautiful Labrador Retriever Puppies. Great Sweet bloodline. personalities. Chocolate and black pups . Ready June 4th. $400. Call Ronnie at 704-798-6336

Free Beagle mix. Female. To good home only. Needs room to run. Call 704-754-8109. Ask for Caren.

Puppies, CKC Registered F1 Golden Doodles. 5 males, 3 females. Light to medium apricot. Puppies will be ready June 17th. Call to reserve or set up a visit. $750. Call Vicky 336-853-5090

Chihuahua Pups. CKC. 4 females and 2 males, $250 and up. Various colors. Tcup and toy size, long and short hair. Ready to go. 704-603-8257.


Heart Catcher!

Kittens, 5 adorable kittens free to good homes. Male & female. In Walkertown, possibly able to meet you to get them. Call 336-595-8759. Leave message

Goldendoodle Puppies. F2B, parents on site, 1st shots, wormed, and dew claws removed. 5 males and 3 females. Ready for loving homes June 18. Now accepting deposits. 704-202-5220

Ads that work pay for themselves. Ads that don’t work are expensive. DESCRIPTIONS brings results!

Shih Tzu Puppies. Full blooded, 1st shots, dew claws wormed, removed. Ready for loving family. 3 females and one male. 704-2025220

English Bulldog pups AKC, 2 females and 2 males, born April 2. $1500 each. Fawn and white, champion bloodlines. Puppies Come with first shots, dewormed, bag of pupppy food and a signed puppy agreement. 704-603-8257


Check Out Our May Special! Spay/Neuter 20% discount. Rowan Animal Clinic. Please call 704636-3408 for appt.

Doyouhave aserviceto provide?

PET GOAT, free. Female, 2 Years old. Black with white spots. Family Pet for Good Home Only. Please No Calls After 6pm. 704-633 6806


Trail Riding Horses (2), $300 each. Please Call 704-6401-6004

Free Boxer/Pit bulldogs. 3 males 2 females left. Black/ white & 1 brindle/ white. Have shots & 1st worming. Patty 704-636-7922


To apply, fax resume to: 704-636-7772 or call: 704-633-3211 or 704-633-8233 ext. 20 to schedule an interview

Cane Corso Italian Mastiff Puppies Reg. Various ICCF. Colors. $500 to $700. 704-762-6301

Puppy. Shih-Tzu, one male, AKC registered Born February 21. All shots. 704-637-7524



Best Friend!

Giving away kittens or puppies?

*Excellent Starting Pay *Insurance Benefits *Paid Vacation Requirements: Valid driver's license A Nationwide Criminal Record Background check

Boxer/Jack Russell Terrier Mix free to good home, 7 months old. Housebroken, good with kids, beautiful & loving dog. Prefer inside or kennel only. All puppy shots given. 704-326-5093


Pet & Livestock Supplies and kittens Puppies available. Follow us on FaceBook Animal Care Center of Salisbury. Call 704-637-0227

(704) 797-4220 News 24/7

MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011

for Birthdays or any Special Event Blue Bunny Ice Cream S50480

Fax: 704-630-0157 In Person: 131 W. Innes Street Online: www.SalisburyPost.com

Team Bounce


We Deliver Parties, Church Events, Etc.


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at KIDSPO n of all ages! include FUN for childreils! Call for deta

Inflatables Available!

2324 S. Main St. / Hwy. 29 South in Salisbury



Birthday? ...



Ask about 75 Special includes 50 Cones!


Inflatable Parties

704 202-5610

(under Website Forms, bottom right column) DEADLINES: If the birthday falls Tues-Fri the deadline is the day before at 10am. If on Sat-Mon deadline is at Thursday 1pm



FOR FREE BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Please Fax, hand deliver or fill out form online 18 WORDS MAX. Number of free greetings per person may be limited, combined or excluded, contingent on space available. Please limit your birthday greetings to 4 per Birthday.


Hours of daily personal attention and doggie fun at our safe 20 acre facility. Professional homestyle boarding, training, and play days with a certified handler/trainer who loves dogs as much as you do.


Momma Lynne’s Cool Treats Call 704.640.8764


We want to be your flower shop!

Salisbury Flower Shop 1628 West Innes St. Salisbury, NC • 704-633-5310


SOFT SERVE ICE CREAM TRUCK We cater: Graduations, Birthdays, Corporate, Church or any event





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Happy Birthday to my brother Charles P. May God's choice blessing be yours. Love, Agnes & Ralph

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8B • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 Employment



Employment Other



LPN/RN Baylor position available 7pm7am. Apply in person, Brightmoor Nursing Ctr., 610 W. Fisher St. Healthcare

Position available for MDS Coordinator (LPN or RN). Must have 2.0 experience, & be willing to learn 3.0. Hrs are 8:30am5pm, M-F. Apply in person, Brightmoor Nursing Ctr., 610 W. Fisher St.

Sunshine Mfg. Structures, Inc. Rockwell, NC Accepting Applications for:

Production Workers For modular manufacturer (all phases). Apply in person Mon-Thur 8am-12pm and 1pm-3:30pm, 850 Gold Hill Avenue, Rockwell


Hair stylist & nail tech booth for rent. Ask for Crystal at 704797-0064 Stilettos of Statesville is now hiring waitress & entertainers. Immediate openings. Call to set up an interview or apply in person. 704-871-9523 after 7pm Waitstaff Immediate positions, experienced. Apply in person 2-5pm., 1621 W. Innes St. NO PHONE CALLS.


Rowan-Cabarrus Community College seeks applications for the following positions:


Floral Designer, well experienced. Part-time. Please call 704-6368033 or 704-636-4663 Professional Services

Milford Hills Baptist Church needs an

Organist 704-633-1423 for job description & application. Sales

Attention Students! SUMMER WORK Excellent Pay Flexible FT/PT Customer sales/svc No exp needed-will train All ages 17+ Scholarships avail. Conditions apply Call ASAP




Vice President of Finance and Business Services Required: Master's Degree in Finance, Business Administration, Public Administration or Accounting. More than six years of increasingly responsible administrative and professional experience in a college setting or an organization of comparable complexity. Experience as a CPA preferred.

Customer Service Manager Required: Bachelor's degree, Customer Service Management experience or Call Center experience, Excellent verbal communication skills, proficient in information technology.

Coordinator, Health Program Admissions Required: BA or BS in Human Services, Psychology or Education. 2-4 years' experience in Admissions, Health Program Recruitment preferred. For more information and to apply, visit our employment web site at https://rcccjobs.com EOE

Antiques & Collectibles

Clothing & Footwear

Let's Skate! Etnies Skate Shoes, size 9, black & tan. New in box, never worn. $45. 704-639-0779

Consignment Growing Pains Family Consignments Call (704)638-0870 115 W. Innes Street

Electronics Great for Business

Desperately Need to Sell 10 beautiful collectible dolls. 18”-20” tall. Paid $200+ ea. Asking $50 ea. or best offer. Must sell for health reasons. 704-633-7425

Arts, Crafts & Hobbies material, Quilting different color designs, no solid colors $30.00 704-278-2722

Building Equip. & Supplies Ladder, Aluminum extension, 20 ft. $50 Please Call 704-636-6025

Furniture & Appliances

Free Four large water oaks, you cut and clean up. Please Call 704-8579716

Range, electric. 30 inch. White. $135. Please call 704-637-0077 for more information.

Furniture & Appliances Air Conditioners, Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Frig. $65 & up. Used TV & Appliance Center Service after the sale. 704-279-6500 Antique Mahogany Pedestal Drop Leaf Table 30" tall x 38" wide x 1748" deep $165 Rockwell 704-202-5022 Bedroom suite, new 5 piece. All for $297.97. Hometown Furniture, 322 S. Main St. 704-633-7777

Linkpoint Credit Card Processing Terminal. $1200 new, Now only $500. Excellent condition. 704-639-0779

Bookcase, quality solid wood, cherry. 36" tall x 32" wide x 14" deep Good Condition $100 Rockwell 704-202-5022

Farm Equipment & Supplies

China Cabinet, white with butcher block counter. $60.00 Call 704-278-2722

Choo-Choo! Circa 1930's Marx Toy Freight Terminal. All metal. Good condition. $50. 704-639-0779

Fuel & Wood

Farm Equipment, new & used. McDaniel Auction Co. 704-278-0726 or 704798-9259. NCAL 48, NCFL 8620. Your authorized farm equipment dealer.

Flowers & Plants

Leyland Cypress

Kitchen dinette sets. One for $140 and one for $180. Entertainment armoire $180. All in good condition. 704-633-7604 Loveseat couch, brown. $125. Please call 704791-9954 for more information. Piano for sale. Asking $50. Please call 704-279-3607 for more information.

TRUST. Makes a beautiful property line boundary or privacy screen. One gallon three ft., $10. Seven gallon six ft. & full, $40. 14 ft. B&B, $200. All of the above includes mulch, special fertilizer, delivery and installation! 704-274-0569

It s the reason 74% of area residents read the Salisbury Post on a daily basis. Classifieds give you affordable access to those loyal readers.

Vacuum Cleaner, G4 Kirby with all attachments shampooer including $200 or best offer. For more info please call 704-213-1709

Misc For Sale

Lost & Found

SAWMILLS- Band/Chainsaw - SPRING SALE - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. MAKE MONEY and SAVE MONEY. In stock ready to ship. Starting at $995. www.NorwoodSawmills.co m/300N. 1-800-578-1363, ext. 300N

Found peacock. In pasture on 601, near Cauble Rd. Found 5/23. Call 704-640-8757 to identify.

Washer & dryer, Whirlpool. Good Condition. $150 each. Call (704) 633-7604

Side Table, $10 Table Fan, $3 Floor Fan, $7 Foot Spa, $11 704-642-0512

Washer/dryer set $350; 30” electric range $175; refrigerator $225. Excellent shape. 704-798-1926

STEEL, Channel, Angle, Flat Bars, Pipe Orders Cut to Length. Mobile Home Truss- $6 ea.; Vinyl floor covering- $4.89 yd.; Carpet- $5.75 yd.; Masonite Siding 4x8- $14; 12”x16' lap siding at $6.95 ea. School Desks - $7.50 ea. RECYCLING, Top prices paid for Aluminum cans, Copper, Brass, Radiators, Aluminum. Davis Enterprises Inc. 7585 Sherrills Ford Rd. Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-9821

Watch TV in Style! Entertainment center, solid oak will hold 32" TV and components. Was $500 now $250. 704639-1137 Heater, New Water American ProLine 40 gal natural gas water heater $400. Paid $530 Rockwell. 704-202-5022

Hunting and Fishing

Turn It Up! Music CDs, 100+. Great for flea market. $75. Please call 704-857-9067 for more information

Fishing rods, Zebco 33. Two 5 ½ foot long with reels ~ stainless steel housings & tubular fiberglass rods. $25 ea. (new, never used) Call for appt. 704-630-0192

Vintage WCW Goldberg cardboard stand-up. New in package $25. Call 704639-0779

Lawn and Garden

Winch, 12V, $69; 100 PSI compressor, $59; generator, $900W, $109; gas engine 6.5 HP, $99. All new, 704-784-2488

Craftsman Lawn tractor 42" cut, 15.5 hp Kohler engine. good condition $475. 704-856-8041 Holshouser Cycle Shop Lawn mower repairs and trimmer sharpening. Pick up & delivery. (704)637-2856 Landscape Lights, 13 metal & 6 metal spot lights, 300 watt transformer. $200 Rockwell 704-202-5022 Lawn Mower, Eddleman, self-propelled. Very good condition. New tires. 5Hp engine. Runs well. $300. 704-637-0217 Lawn vacuum 5.5 hp Troybilt $150. New roll Barbwire $25 all 704856-8041 Lot blower. Mighty Mac lot blower, parking portable 5hp, Briggs, good condition, $125. 336-998-3893 Snapper Riding mower, start. $150; electric Husqvarna self propelled mower, good condition. $150. 704-933-0021

Machine & Tools Table Saw, 10 inch Grizzey with 1½ HP. Very good condition. $350. 704-633-0259

Misc For Sale

Weight bench, $175. Nano headset, $45. Please call 704-213-4790 for more information.

Workshop tables, 2 large, wood. $75 ea. Obo. Coffee table, $50. Large homemade bookcase $50 obo. Call 704-636-3610

Golf clubs, 2 sets. One ladies & one men's and other assorted clubs. New golf balls. Fishing rod & reels. Deer climbing stand. Hunting & pocket knives. 704-792-8771

Television, DVD & Video TV, 36" Hitachi with remote, 2004 model. Excellent condition, $175 obo 704-640-1914

Want to Buy Merchandise All Coin Collections Silver, gold & copper. Will buy foreign & scrap gold. 704-636-8123 Timber wanted - Pine or hardwood. 5 acres or more select or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. Call 704-278-9291. Watches – and scrap gold jewelry. 704-636-9277 or cell 704-239-9298

Business Opportunities J.Y. Monk Real Estate School-Get licensed fast, Charlotte/Concord courses. $399 tuition fee. Free Brochure. 800-849-0932 Bingham Smith Lumber Co. !!!NOW AVAILABLE!!! Metal Roofing Many colors. Custom lengths, trim, accessories, & trusses. Call 980-234-8093 Patrick Smith

By placing a public notice in the newspaper, the ads are published in a place where the public will actually notice them. But some legislators in Raleigh believe letting local government officials simply post these notices on their own rarely viewed websites is good enough.

BINGHAM-SMITH LUMBER CO. Save money on lumber. Treated and Untreated. Round Fence Post in all sizes. Save extra when buying full units. Call Patrick at 980-234-8093. Dog kennel, metal, 30" wide x 4' deep. Exc. condition. $125. Hoover Carpet Steam/Vac. Used. $25 Call for appt. 704-630-0192 HYPNOSIS will work for you!

Stop Smoking~Lose Weight It's Easy & Very Effective. Decide Today 704-933-1982

Lumber All New!

North Carolina deserves better. Tell your legislators to oppose H.B. 472. Tell them not to take the PUBLIC out of public notices.

Found Female Pit Mix at Hwy 150 and Jones Rd. By Lazy 5 Ranch. Please call Dawn to claim 704-663-5100. Lost dog. Chihuahua mix, female, at BP station in Rockwell May 24, cinnamon color, no collar. REWARD! 704-433-5970 or 704-279-5715

Notices DONATE YOUR VEHICLEReceive $1000 Grocery Coupon. United Breast Cancer Foundation. Free Mammograms, Breast Cancer info: www.ubcf.info. Free Towing, Tax Deductible, Non-Runners Accepted, 1-888-468-5964.

Homes for Sale

Alexander Place

Free Kittens to good home, very sweet and great with kids! 1 Gray, 1 Orange, and 1 Blk and Gray! Call Sabrina 704239-4808 Free Lab / German Shepherd Mix Puppy 6 months old. Needs fenced in yard, lots of attention. Does not get along that well with other animals, great with kids Call Sabrina 704-239-48008 PUPPIES, FREE!! Mixed breed. 2 males, 1 female. Loves everyone/thing of all ages. Handled since birth. Will be small/medium dogs. Call Ashley @ (704)797-1822 for more info!

China Grove, 2 new homes under construction ... buy now and pick your own colors. Priced at only $114,900 and comes with a stove and dishwasher. B&R Realty 704-633-2394 Bank Foreclosures & Distress Sales. These homes need work! For a FREE list: www.applehouserealty.com

BUYER BEWARE The Salisbury Post Classified Advertising staff monitors all ad submissions for honesty and integrity. However, some fraudulent ads are not detectable. Please protect yourself by checking the validity of any offer before you invest money in a business opportunity, job offer or purchase. China Grove

What A Bargain

Lovely 3 BR, 2 BA home, nice kitchen, split floor plan, covered deck, garden area, garage, storage building, privacy fence. R52207. $139,900. Monica Poole, B&R Realty, 704-245-4628

Cleveland. Great home on 11 acres. Brick ranch with a basement and solar panels to help cut down those heating bills. This home has tons of character and space. $369,900. Call for a showing today! 704-9067207 or visit www.dreamweaverprop.com

Cleveland. JUST REDUCED!! An unbelievably beautiful brick home on 25 acres. This home has 3 bedrooms 2 baths, a bonus room and a full basement. So many features and in a wonderful equestrian neighborhood. See it and love it. 704-906-7207 for visit showing or www.dreamweaverprop.com E. Spencer

Bring All Offers


2x4x14 $3 2x6x14 $5.50 2x4x16 $4.75 2x6x8 studs $3.25 2x4x93” $1.75 2x10x14 $5 D/W rafters $5 Floor trusses $5 each 704-202-0326 METAL: Angle, Channel, Pipe, Sheet & Plate Shear Fabrication & Welding FAB DESIGNS 2231 Old Wilkesboro Rd Open Mon-Fri 7-3:30 704-636-2349 Mini-tiller/Cultivator, Craftsman. Good cond. $125. Outside large composter w/ turning tools. Good cond., used for several yrs. $80. Small kitchen ceramic composter. Good cond. $25. Call for appt. 704-630-0192

If you are uncertain who your legislator is, go to www.ncpress.com for a link to discover who represents you.

Free Stuff

Free - approximately 50 "The Hymnal" old Evangelical & Reformed Hymn books. Fair condition. Call 704-279-4947

Why? Because changes can affect more than just the person next door. It can affect a whole town.

Help Me Get Home!

Sporting Goods

ANDERSON'S SEW & SO, Husqvarna, Viking Sewing Machines. Patterns, Notions, Fabrics. 10104 Old Beatty Ford Rd., Rockwell. 704-279-3647

Right now, if your local government is considering a change for your neighborhood, it has to let everyone in the community know about it. Officials have to put it in the newspaper.

Found small male dog, white with black patches/ ears. Looks like short haired Shih-Tzu. Call 980-234-0120

Newsbags, one-use. 4 ins. & wider. 50 count packs. 40¢ each. Sm. - assisted rts. 704-754-8837 10PM+

ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. Medical, Business, Paralegal, Accounting, Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial aid if qualified. Call 888-899-6918. www.CenturaOnline.com How to know you'll go! 4 min. recorded message. Call now. 704-983-8841 Medical Management Careers start here - Get connected online. Attend college on your own time. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial aid if qualified. 800-481-9409. www.CenturaOnline.com

$3,000 in Buyer's Closing Costs. 3 BR, 2 BA, newer kitchen, large dining room, split bedrooms, nice porches, huge detached garage, concrete drives. R51548 $89,000. Monica Poole 704-245-4628 B&R Realty East Rowan

Wonderful Home

Lost & Found

Beautiful 3 BR, 2 BA in a great location, walk-in closets, cathedral ceiling, great room, double attached garage, large lot, back-up generator. A must see. R51757. $249,900. B&R Realty, 704-202-6041

Found Hound Puppy in Granite Quarry. Tan and white male. Call to identify. 704-877-1096

East Salis. 3/4BR, 2½BA. Lease purchase option. New construction, energy star. Green build. 704-638-0108


Flip this House!

Yadkin. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Cute Fixer-upper. Hunter Street, Yadkin Finishing area. $16,000, home, for sale, 1 car garage. Two lots. Siding/roof less than 5 years old. Bring all offers. 704-245-4393

CLASSIFIED Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


Convenient Location

Timber Run Subdivision, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, granite countertops, wood floors, rec room, screened porch, deck. R51603 $349,900 B & R Realty Dale Yontz 704.202.3663

Fulton Heights

Look at Me!

Homes for Sale

Call For More Information (321)230-1380

No. 61449

No. 61392

Also available for all your Home Repair and Remodel Needs


Great Location

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having Qualified as Executor of the Estate of F. Gilbert Bernhardt, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of August, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 12th day of May, 2011. Van L. Bernhardt as Executor for the estate of F. Gilbert Bernhardt, deceased, file#11e472, 156 Edgemont Lane, Lexington, NC 27292 Attorney at Law, James L. Carter, Jr., Kluttz, Reamer, Hayes, Randolph & Carter, LLP, 129 N. Main Street, Salisbury, NC 28144

No. 61453 3 BR, 2 BA, up to $2,500 in closing. Attached carport, Rocking Chair front porch, nice yard. R50846 $114,900 Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty www.bostandrufty-realty.com

Granite Quarry

100% Financing

2200 Sq. Ft., 4BR/2BA, newer home. 2.99 % Financing for 30 years fixed. No down payment, no PMI. Payments $970 per month. 704-202-9362 Granite Quarry

3 BR, 2 BA home in wonderful location! Cathedral ceiling, split floor plan, double garage, large deck, storage building, corner lot. R51853 $154,900 Monica Poole 704-2454628 B&R Realty Salisbury

Lots of Extras

3 BR 2.5 BA has many extras! Great kitchen w/granite, subzero ref., gas cooktop. Formal dining, huge garage, barn, greenhouse. Great for horses or car buffs! R51894 $439,500. Dale 704-202-3663 Yontz. B&R Realty


West Rowan Secluded on 6.5 wooded acres. Builder's custom home, 4BR/3½ BA, master BR on main floor. 3,300 sq. ft. + partially finished bonus room. Lots of ceramic & granite. Great kitchen with gas cook top & double ovens. Covered porches, walkin closets, fireplaces w/gas logs. $389,000. FSBO. Motivated Seller. 704-431-3267 or 704-213-4544

Homes for Sale

Land for Sale

Genesis Realty 704-933-5000 genesisrealtyco.com Foreclosure Experts

Bringle Ferry Rd. 2 tracts. Will sell land or custom build. A50140A. B&R Realty, Monica 704-245-4628

Mt. Ulla, 4 BR house & 3 BR DW both on 11.97 acres. $344,000. FSBO. 704-640-4260

E. Rowan res. water front lot, Shore Landing subd. $100,000 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628


Over 2 Acres


Lots for Sale Faith

Lots of Room 504 Lake Drive, 3 BR, 1 BA, brick, carport, 1080 sq.ft., corner lot, hardwood floors, new windows, remodeled bath, new kitchen floor, fenced side yard, central heat/AC, close to town parks. $79,900. Call 704-279-3821

Hurry! Gorgeous 4 BR, 2.5 BA, fantastic kitchen, large living and great room. All new paint, carpet, roof, windows, siding. R51926 $144,900 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628

100% Financing 3 BR, 2.5 BA, wonderful home on over 2 acres, horses allowed, partially fenced back yard, storage building. $154,900 R51465 B&R Realty 704.633.2394 Salisbury

Lots for sale. Restricted subdivision, Faith schools. 2.99% fixed rate for 30 years. Starting at $24,900. 704-202-9362

Special Financing

Western Rowan County

Brand new! 3 BR, 2 BA, home w/great front porch, rear deck, bright living room, nice floor plan. Special financing for qualified buyers. Call today! R52142 $90,000 B&R Monica Poole Realty 704-245-4628

Knox Farm Subdivision. Beautiful lots available now starting at $19,900. B&R Realty 704.633.2394


Motivated Seller High Rock Lake View. 3/4BR/2BA, 3+ acs, entire property has lake view + 3,200 sq.ft. shop. Granite counter tops, stainless steel appls, tile, wood & carpet flrs, security 12'x36' deck, system. This home is in immaculate condition! $299,500. 704-633-3584 or 704-239-5166. Shown by appointment only.

3 BR, 2 BA, Well established neighborhood. All brick home with large deck. Large 2 car garage. R50188 $163,900 B&R Realty 704.633.2394


Unique Property


Motivated Seller Kannapolis. Like new 3BR, 2BA. 1,152 sq. ft. Walk-in closets, new carpet & floors. Big porch, deck. ¼ acre wooded. Privacy on 3 sides. Security system, motion activated exterior lights. 2X wide drive. Near YMCA, library, bus & NC Research Campus. Warranty. $90k or by non-binding bidding 6/22, HURRY! Call NOW for Bid info. Gallagher & Associates, 704-362-1001

Cute 1 BR 1 BA waterfront log home with beautiful view! Ceiling fans, fireplace, front and back porches. R51875 $189,900. Dale Yontz 704-202-3663 B&R Realty

Near the Lake 3 BR, 2 BA, new home close to High Rock Lake! Open kitchen/dining room combo, great fireplace, level lot on 1.52 acres. R51601. $199,900 Monica Poole, B&R Realty, 704-245-4628 Salisbury

New Home

Manufactured Home Sales $500 Down moves you in. Call and ask me how? Please call (704) 225-8850 Homes of American Rockwell Oldest Dealer in Rowan County. Best prices anywhere. 704-279-7997

Mechanics DREAM Home, 28x32 shop with lift & air compressor, storage space & ½ bath. All living space has been completely refurbished. Property has space that could be used as a home office or dining room, deck on rear, 3 BR, 1 BA. R51824A $164,500 B&R Realty, Monica Poole 704-245-4628



2 BR, 1 BA, covered front porch, double pane windows, double attached carport, big yard, fence. 52179 $99,400 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704202-3663


Very Cute Home

Cleveland. Spacious manufactured home on 5 acres. This home has 4 bedrooms and two baths, a hugh kitchen and dining, living room and a den with a fireplace, master with a beautiful bath and massive walk in closet. For the unbelievable price of $97,900. Call for an appointment. 704-9067207 or visit www.dreamweaverprop.com

3BR, 2 BA home close to High Rock. Open floor plan, great room w/vaulted ceiling, formal dining, office area, back deck, newly painted. R52281 $139,777 Apple Jeffrey Ketner House Realty 704-6335067

Salisbury Area 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 baths, $500 down under $700 per month. 704-225-8850

Open House th Saturday, May 14 2-4pm


Salisbury. 2 or 3 bedroom Townhomes. For information, call Summit Developers, Inc. 704-797-0200 Forest Creek. 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath. New home priced at only $84,900. R48764 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

On the Lake

Lease Purchase

High Rock Lake. Manufactured home on 1.5 acres. Waterfront, attractive landscaping $115k is fair market value, will sell for $95k Call 704-956-6637


New Listing


2 BR, 1 BA, hardwood floors, detached carport, handicap ramp. $99,900 R47208 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

3 BR, 2 BA in Kluttz Acres subdivision. Covered front porch and deck, central air-conditioning, fireplace, single attached garage, nice yard with trees. 52270 $109,300 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704.202.3663





4 BR, 2BA, like new Craftsman Style, huge front porch, renovated kitchen and bath, fresh paint. R51516 $123,000 Rent to Own Option. Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704202-3663

Welcome Home!

True Modular Display Home For Sale. 120 MPH Wind Zone. No Steel Frames. All 16" O.C. All Drywall Interior. DH Thermal Windows. 9 ft. ceilings. Deluxe cabinets, molding & much more. 3 BR, 2 BA with Saddle Roof Porch. NC Delivery Only. $139,000 value for $109,000. 704-463-1516

Real Estate Services

New Listing

Allen Tate Realtors

3 BR, 2 BA in Hunters Pointe. Above ground pool, garage, huge area that could easily be finished upstairs. R51150A. $164,900. B&R Realty 704-633-2394 Salisbury

Convenient Location

Will go fast! 3 BR, 2 BA, on High Rock Lake, Shore Acres subd. Deck, fireplace, vinyl siding, attached single carport, dbl detached garage, large yard. 52293 $244,200 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704.202.3663

Spencer, 3BR/1BA, updated lg kitchen/dining area, LR, den, wood floors, 3 fireplaces, gas heat, appls & washer / dryer, detached garage, 20 x 12 screened back porch, fenced in back yard, City water & sewer. Asking $86,500 negot. 704-647-9749 or 704310-9938

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Daniel Almazan, Broker 704-202-0091 www.AllenTate.com B & R REALTY 704-633-2394 www.bostandrufty-realty.com

Century 21 Towne & Country 474 Jake Alexander Blvd. (704)637-7721 Forest Glen Realty Darlene Blount, Broker 704-633-8867 KEY REAL ESTATE, INC. 1755 U.S. HWY 29. South China Grove, NC 28023 704-857-0539 Rebecca Jones Realty 610 E. Liberty St, China Grove 704-857-SELL www.rebeccajonesrealty.com

Very nice 2 BR, 2.5 BA condo overlooking golf course and pool! Great views, freshly decorated, screened in porch at rear. T51378. $96,500. Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty

Dawson Cape Built on your lot $122,900


The Town of Cleveland hereby gives notice that the fiscal year 2011-12 proposed budget was submitted to the Board of Commissioners on May 25, 2011. The proposed budget is available for review at Town Hall. A public hearing to receive public comments on the budget will be held on Monday, June 6, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall. This the 26th day of May, 2011 For the Town of Cleveland, Cathy Payne, CMC, Town Clerk No. 61462 PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Education of the Rowan-Salisbury Schools requests bids on a custom serving line and two steamers for Child Nutrition. Specifications will be furnished upon request. Bids may be mailed to Rowan-Salisbury School Child Nutrition, Post Office Box 2349, Salisbury, North Carolina 28145-2349, or faxed (704-639-7078) to the office of the Director of Child Nutrition, 110 South Long Street, East Spencer, North Carolina 28039 or emailed to smithjj@rss.k12.nc.us. A designated representative of the school board will publicly open bids in the Child Nutrition Conference Room on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. It is up to the vendor if they wish to be at the opening.

Rowan Realty www.rowanrealty.net, Professional, Accountable, Personable . 704-633-1071 William R. Kennedy Realty 428 E. Fisher Street 704-638-0673



In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Land Covered by a C by Maxwell K. Spear, Jr. and Sara Ann Spear To Don Farmers & Merchants Bank of Granite Quarry, North Ca 874,Rowan County Registry)

UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale cont of Trust executed and delivered by MAXWELL K. SPE SPEAR to Donald D. Sayers, Trustee for Farmers & Me of Trust is dated April 17, 2009, recorded in Book 1140, Registry, default having been made in the payment of the the said Deed of Trust; and the Clerk of Superior Court g foreclosure, said Trustee will offer for sale at public auctio cash the land and property hereinafter described in t terms and conditions as hereinafter stated: 1. This foreclosure sale is and shall be conducted provisions of that certain Deed of Trust described above. 2. The foreclosure sale will be conducted by the Monday, June 13, 2011, in the lobby of the Rowan Coun the Clerk of Court, Salisbury, North Carolina. 3. The real property together with all buildings, imp every kind and description erected or placed thereon, a nection with the real property which will be sold pursua the foreclosure sale is located in Rowan County, North C ularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot 28 as shown upon the map of Section E derson Estate as recorded in Book of Maps, at Page 141 ister of Deeds for Rowan County, North Carolina.

No. 61391 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of William Ray Bates, Sr., 336 Allman Farm Road, Kannapolis, NC 28081. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of August, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 11th day of May, 2011. William Ray Bates, Sr., deceased, Rowan County File #2011E469, Deborah B. Holzendorf, 1472 Mill Wheel Drive, Salisbury, NC 28146 No. 61393 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Mildred Huff Simerson, 202 Wellington Hills Creek, Salisbury, NC 28147. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of August, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 12th day of May, 2011. Mildred Huff Simerson, deceased, Rowan County File #2011E473, Deborah Huff Hall, 1750 W. Ridge Road, Salisbury, NC 28147 No. 61422 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Harry C. Parrish, NC Lutheran Home, Klumac Road, Salisbury, NC 28144, all persons, firm and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of August, 2011 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 18th day of May, 2011. Harry C. Parrish, deceased, Rowan County File #2011E503, Mary R. Blanton, 228 West Council Street, Salisbury, NC 28144 No. 61456 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Guy Junior Furr, 1326 Washington Lane, Kannapolis, NC 28083. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before 09/03/2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 27th day of May, 2011. Guy Junior Furr, deceased, Rowan County File #2011E534, Leon Stallings, 310 Elwood Street, Kannapolis, NC 28081

No. 61450 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY - 10 SP 796 Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by JOSHUA J YOUKER AND WIFE KAREN M YOUKER AKA KAREN YOUKER to TIMOTHY M. BARTOSH OR WILLIAM B. NARYKA, Trustee(s), which was dated August 28, 2006 and recorded on August 31, 2006 in Book 1074 at Page 462, Rowan County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on June 9, 2011 at 10:00AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Rowan County, North Carolina, to wit: BEING all of Lot No. 32 as shown upon th Map of BRENTWOOD PLACE, SECTION THREE, recorded in Book of Maps 9995 at page 2308 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, North Carolina. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 1022 Ashwood Place, Salisbury, NC 28146. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing.



65 Ocher St. Renovated 3 BR, 2 BA home with hardwood floors, ceramic tile, new roof, all appliances included. 704-856-8101

MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 • 9B

Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Joshua Jonathan Youker and wife, Karen Marie Youker. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Trustee, Attorney 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200, Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988, FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 08-09874-FC02

The address of the above described property is: 607 Anderson Avenue, Salisbury, North Ca 4. The property hereinabove described shall be s bidder. A cash deposit equal in the amount of ten perc Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($1,000.00) plus five perc balance of the bid may be required at the time of the sale 5. The property hereinabove described shall be and subject to the lien of all outstanding and unpaid taxe encumbrances which may have a priority over the Deed and is subject to all conditions, reservations, restrictions way appearing in the chain of title, if any, affecting the ab 6. This Notice of Sale shall be posted and advertis Deed of Trust and as required by law, and after the sal entered immediately following the conclusion of the sal main open for raised or upset bid as by law permitted an TICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant erty, be advised that an Order for Possession of the pro suant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and aga possession by the Clerk of Superior Court of the count sold. Any person who occupied the property pursuant tered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, of Sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' lord. The notice shall also state that upon termination tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement date of the termination. This 30th day of May, 2011.

Donald D. Sayers, Trustee WOODSON, SAYERS, LAWTHER, SHORT, PARROTT, LLP, 225 North Main Street - Suite 200, P. O. Box 829, 28145-0829, Telephone: 704-633-5000, State Bar No.: 3 No. 61451


Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that cuted by EVA BROWN, UNMARRIED to BENITA MITTE dated August 2, 2002 and recorded on August 13, 20 0242, Rowan County Registry, North Carolina.

Default having been made of the note thereby secured and the undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, having been said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidenc rected that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersig offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courth located, or the usual and customary location at the coun ing the sale on June 9, 2011 at 10:00AM, and will sell to the following described property situated in Rowan Coun

BEGINNING at an existing iron, common corner of Lot N 2 in the northern right of way of Elm Street; and runs then Elm Street North 66 deg. 07 min. 22 sec. West 36.48 fee mon corner with Elizabeth B. Loftin; thence with the line min. 29 sec. East 129.06 feet to an existing iron in the so colnton Road; thence with the southern right of way of deg. 40 min. 00 sec. East 50.19 feet to an existing iron p Number 1, William L. Weaver's property; thence with th deg. 01 min. 48 sec. West 136.43 feet to the point and being part of Lot 2 of the property of Tyack and Arey, Boo description is taken from a survey and map entitled Brown" by Shulenburger Surveying Company dated Apri

Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior Said property is commonly known as 917 Lincolnton Roa

Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the Cents (45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is gre time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statuto remaining amounts are immediately due and owing.

Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sa transfer and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS." There are ranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offe made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid cial assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of r cumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of th the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/a

An Order for possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties of superior court of the county in which the property is so pies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered ter October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. that upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant i the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the

If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for a dy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reason vey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankrupt firmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan with trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have meri declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The p ther remedy. Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Trustee, Attorney 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200, Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988, FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 10-22873-FC01

10B • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011


CLASSIFIED Real Estate Commercial

Excellent Location!

Apartments Eaman Park Apt. 2 BR, 1 newly renovated. BA, $400/mo. No pets. Please call 704-798-3896 East Rowan area. 2BR, $450-$550 per month. Chambers Realty 704-239-0691

Drywall Services

Auctions Rowan Auction Co. Professional Auction Services: Salis., NC 704-633-0809 Kip Jennings NCAL 6340.

Auctions Auction Thursday 12pm 429 N. Lee St. Salisbury Antiques, Collectibles, Used Furniture 704-213-4101

Carport and Garages

OLYMPIC DRYWALL New Homes Additions & Repairs Small Commercial Ceiling Texture Removal

704-279-2600 Since 1955

Home Improvement Around the House Repairs Carpentry. Electrical. Plumbing. H & H Construction 704-633-2219

Brisson - HandyMan Home Repair, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, etc. Insured. 704-798-8199


Carolina's Auction Rod Poole, NCAL#2446 Salisbury (704)633-7369 www.thecarolinasauction.com

Heritage Auction Co. Glenn M.Hester NC#4453 Salisbury (704)636-9277 www.heritageauctionco.com

Trust. It s the reason 74% of area residents read the Salisbury Post on a daily basis. Classifieds give you affordable access to those loyal readers.

Perry's Overhead Doors Sales, Service & Installation, Residential / Commercial. Wesley Perry 704-279-7325 www.perrysdoor.com

We Build Garages, 24x24 = $12,500. All sizes built! ~ 704-633-5033 ~


AUCTION SHANA SMITH 3550 Camp Julia Road Kannapolis, NC

Saturday, June 11th 10:00 AM REAL ESTATE: (2) HOMES - 6.5 ACRES DIVIDED, SEEDING & LANDSCAPING EQUIPMENT, TRUCKS, TRACTORS, TRAILERS, ATV'S, BOATS, AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT & PERSONAL PROPERTY Cash or certified funds - Personal & Company check with a bank letter of guarantee for this sale 10% buyer’s Premium

For more information

PO Box 800 Fletcher, NC 28732



Fencing Free Estimates Bud Shuler & Sons Fence Co. 225 W Kerr St 704-633-6620 or 704-638-2000 Price Leader since 1963

Reliable Fence All Your Fencing Needs, Reasonable Rates, 21 years experience. (704)640-0223

Financial Services “We can remove bankruptcies, judgments, liens, and bad loans from your credit file forever!” The Federal Trade Commission says companies that promise to scrub your credit report of accurate negative information for a fee are lying. Under federal law, accurate negative information can be reported for up to seven years, and some bankruptcies for up to ten years. Learn about managing credit and debt at ftc.gov/credit. A message from the Salisbury Post and the FTC.

Home Improvement

Browning ConstructionStructural repair, flooring installations, additions, decks, garages. 704-637-1578 LGC

KEN WEDDINGTON Total Auctioneering Services 140 Eastside Dr., China Grove 704-8577458 License 392 KUBOTA B7100, Snap-OnTools, 7000LB Vehicle Lift, Transmission Welder, Tools, Snap-On Boxes, air compressor, shop equipment, TVs, more! Saturday, June 11, 10 a.m. Equipment of James Claydon (moving), 958 Dink Ashley Road, Timberlake, NC 27583. Details/Directions: www.parkauctionrealty.com or www.auctionzip.com ID#1422. 336-263-3957. NCFAL#8834 R. Giles Moss Auction & Real Estate-NCAL #2036. Full Service Auction Company. Estates ** Real Estate Had your home listed a long time? Try selling at auction. 704-782-5625 www.gilesmossauction.com

Tax & Drug Seizure Auction- Fri., June 10th at 10 a.m. 201 S. Central Ave., Locust, NC. Cat D5M LGP Dozer, Cat 420D Backhoe, 1991 Lexus LS400, 2000 Mitsubishi Diamante, Trucks, (2) Tire Stores & Auto Shops, Lots of Tools. Call 704-791-8825. ncaf5479 www.ClassicAuctions.com

Cleaning Services

Miscellaneous Services

A-1 Residential & Commercial Mow/Trim At least 10% less than other lawn services. We promise to beat them all. Call David at 704-640-1198

Basinger Sewing Machine Repair. Parts & Service – Salisbury. 704-797-6840 or 704-797-6839

Brown's Landscape

Garages, new homes, remodeling, roofing, siding, back hoe, loader 704-6369569 Maddry Const Lic G.C.

_ Bush Hogging _ Plowing _ Tilling _ Raised garden beds Free Estimates

HMC Handyman Services. Any job around the house. Please call 704-239-4883 Hometown Lawn Care & Handyman Service. Mowing, pressure washing, gutter cleaning, odd jobs ~inside & out. Comm, res. Insured. Free estimates. “No job too small” 704-433-7514 Larry Sheets, owner


Cathy's Painting Service & Pressure Washing. Interior & exterior, new & repaints. 704-279-5335

Wanted: Real Estate

FREE Estimates

704-636-3415 704-640-3842 www.earlslawncare.com


The Floor Doctor

Outdoors By Overcash Mowing, shrub trimming & leaf blowing. 704-630-0120

Complete crawlspace work, Wood floor leveling, jacks installed, rotten wood replaced due to water or termites, brick/block/tile work, foundations, etc. 704-933-3494

Mow, Trim & Blow $35 Average Yard Pressure Washing & Pine Needles Ask for Jeffrey

Pet & Livestock Services

Child Care and Nursery Schools

Professional Services Unlimited

Junk Removal

Cleaning Services

Beaver Grading Quality work, reasonable rates. Free Estimates 704-6364592

Complete Cleaning Service. Basic, windows, spring, new construction, & more. 704-857-1708

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ We Buy Any Type of Scrap Metal At the Best Prices...

Heating and Air Conditioning

Elaine's Special Cleaning

Piedmont AC & Heating Electrical Services Lowest prices in town!! 704-213-4022

Sparkling Results, Reasonable Rates. Free Estimates & References Given.

Home Improvement


3200 Sherrills Ford Road Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-6613 www.sams-littlepawsdoc.com

Lawn Maint. & Landscaping

We will come to you! F David, 704-314-7846

Steve's Lawn Care We'll take care of all your lawn care needs!! Great prices. 704-431-7225

CASH FOR cars, trucks & vans. Any junk vehicle. $275 & up. Call Tim at 980-234-6649

Z & Sons Lawn Care & House Washing

I will pick up your nonrunning vehicles & pay you to take them away! Call Mike anytime. 336-479-2502

Basic lawn care, pressure washing and pine needles. Free estimates

Lawn Maint. & Landscaping


~704-267-9275~ H



All types of roofing, construction & repairs. Free estimates. Don't get soaked..Give Bill a call!

SEAMLESS GUTTER Licensed Contractor C.M. Walton Construction, 704-202-8181

Manufactured Home Services

CASH FOR JUNK CARS and Batteries. Call 704-279-7480 or 704-798-2930

Mobile Home Supplies~ City Consignment Company New & Used Furniture. Please Call 704636-2004


I buy junk cars. Will pay cash. $250 & up. Larger cars, larger cash! Call 704-239-1471

Masonry and Brickwork

Have your Salisbury Post delivered to your home or business call 704-797-4213

Lawn Equipment Repair Services

704-633-9295 www.WifeForHireInc.com Licensed, bonded and insured. Since 1985.

Concrete Work



All types concrete work ~ Insured ~ NO JOB TOO SMALL! Call Curt LeBlanc today for Free Estimates

to subscribe

Lyerly's ATV & Mower Repair Free estimates. All types of repairs Pickup/delivery avail. 704-642-2787

High quality work. Good prices on all your masonry needs. See me on Facebook

Faith area. 1BR. Range, refrigerator. W/D. Water, garbage service. $400/ mo. 704-279-8880 Holly Leaf Apts. 2BR, 1½BA. $555. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, cable ready. 704-637-5588

Lovely Duplex Rowan Hospital area. 2BR, 1BA. Heat, air, water, appl. incl. $675. 704-633-3997 Moreland Pk area. 2BR all appliances furnished. $495-$595/mo. negotiable. Deposit Section 8 welcome. 336-247-2593 Moving to Town? Need a home or Apartment? We manage rental homes & apartments. Call and let us help you. Waggoner Realty Co. 704-633-0462 www.waggonerrealty.com

Rockwell 2BR/1BA, appl., central electric heat & air, $525 per month 704-2796850 or 704-798-3035 Salis. 2BR, 1BA. Totally renovated. $475-500/mo. W/D connect. Central heat/AC. Sect. 8 OK. All electric. 704-202-5022

1, 2, & 3 BR Huge Apts! Very nice. $375 & up. One free month's rent! 10% Sr. Citizen's discount. 704-890-4587 2 BR, 1 BA at Willow Oaks (across from UPS). Has refrig. & stove. All electric, no pets. Rent $475, dep. $400. Call Rowan Properties 704633-0446 AAA+ Apartments $425-$950/mo. Chambers Realty 704-637-1020 Airport Rd., 1BR with stove, refrig., garbage pickup & water incl. Month-month lease. No pets. $400/mo+$300 deposit. Furnished $425/mo. 704-279-3808

Quiet & Convenient, 2 bedroom town houses, 1½ baths. All Electric, Central heat/air, no pets. $550/mo. Includes water & basic cable.

Salis. Nice modern 1BR, energy efficient, off Jake Alexander, lighted parking lot. $395 + dep. 704-640-5750 Salisbury – 2 BR duplex in excellent cond., w/ appls. $560/mo. + dep. Ryburn Rentals 704-637-0601 Salisbury 1BR. Wood floors, appls, great location. Seniors welcome. $375-$395/mo. + dep. 704-630-0785 Salisbury 1BR/1BA, fully furnished, all inclusive, $550/mo. + deposit. No pets. 704-855-2100 Salisbury City, Lincolnton Rd. 1BR/1BA, very spacious, good n'hood, $375 + dep. 704-640-5750 Salisbury near VA 2BR, 1BA,, central HVAC, $550/mo, app. reqd. Broker. 704-239-4883 Salisbury One bedroom upstairs, furnished, deposit & references required. 704-932-5631 Salisbury. 1BR, 1BA on second level. No pets. No smoking. Pool, tennis courts. $415/mo. + $400 dep. 704-633-2004 Spencer. 2BR/1½ BA, appls w/ W/D hook up, security lights, no pets, Sect. 8 OK. 704-279-3990 WELCOME HOME TO DEER PARK APTS. We have immediate openings for 1 & 2 BR apts. Call or come by and ask about our move-in specials. 704-278-4340 for info. For immediate info call 1-828-442-7116

Condos and Townhomes

Guttering, leaf guard, metal & shingle roofs. Ask about tax credits.

West Side Manor Apts. Robert Cobb Rentals Variety World, Inc.

Graham's Tree Service Free estimates, reasonable rates. Licensed, Insured, Bonded. 704-633-9304 John Sigmon Stump grinding, Prompt service for 30+ years, Free Estimates. John Sigmon, 704-279-5763. Johnny Yarborough, Tree Expert trimming, topping, & removal of stumps by machine. Wood splitting, lots cleared. 10% off to senior citizens. 704-857-1731 MOORE'S Tree TrimmingTopping & Removing. Use Bucket Truck, 704-209-6254 Licensed, Insured & Bonded TREE WORKS by Jonathan Keener. Insured – Free estimates! Please call 704-636-0954.

The road to a more rewarding career begins in the Salisbury Post Employment section. Filled with top jobs in a wide range of industries, the Salisbury Post gives you career ideas and inspiration, so you can Choose a direction and GO! Pick up a copy of the Salisbury Post every Sunday for access to the latest and greatest job offers throughout the area.

Salisbury Post

CLASSIFIEDS 704-797-4220

China Grove. 2BR, 2BA. All electric. Clean & safe. No pets. $575/month + deposit. 704-202-0605

Salisbury 2 bedrooms, 1½ baths, brick at Ro-Med, available June 4. Credit check, lease, deposit. $550 per month. 704-782-5037

Houses for Rent

China Grove. One room eff. w/ private bathroom & kitchenette. All utilities incl'd. $379/mo. + $100 deposit. 704-857-8112

3 BR, 1 BA, has refrigerator, stove & big yard. No pets. $595/rent + $500/dep. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

China Grove. Very nice. 2BR, 1BA. No pets. Deposit required. Please call 704-279-8428

3 BR, 2 BA on Maple. Nice house with refrig., stove & big yard. No pets allowed. Rent $750, dep $700. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

CLANCY HILLS APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 BR, conveniently located in Salisbury. Handicap accessible units available. Section 8 assistance available. 704-6366408. Office Hours: M–F 9:00-12:00. TDD Relay 1-800-735-2962 Equal Housing Opportunity. Clancy-hills@cmc-nc.com

Clean, well maintained, 2 BR Duplex. Central heat/air, all electric. Section 8 welcome. 704-202-5790

Colonial Village Apts. “A Good Place to Live” 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Affordable & Spacious Water Included 704-636-8385 Duplexes & Apts, Rockwell$500-$600. TWO Bedrooms Marie Leonard-Hartsell Wallace Realty 704-239-3096 marie@sellingsalisbury.com

China Grove 2BR/1BA, CHA, all electric, refrigerator & stove, W/D connections, back deck, easy access to 29A, close to elementary school and Head Start. $550/mo. + $550 deposit. Section 8 accepted. 704-784-4785

Classic Style!

Salisbury 2BR/1½BA within walking distance of downtown Salisbury, lies a townhouse on the National Historic Register w/Hardwood floors, tall ceilings, jetted jacuzzi tub, expansive rooms, huge kitchen, covered front porch & charm to spare! 704-691-4459 E. Lafayette, 2 BR, 1 BA, has refrigerator and stove. Gas heat, no pets. Rent $595, deposit $500. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 East Area, 3 BR, 2 BA. Dining room, all appl., 2 car garage. Lease, ref., dep. req. $975/mo. 704-798-7233 East Salisbury. 2 & 3BR, 1rentals available. Central air & heat. Appliances. Please call 704-638-0108 East. 2BR, 1BA house with pond on six acres outside Granite Quarry. Detached garage $900/ Call Waggoner mo. Realty at 704-633-0462 Fairmont Ave., 3 BR, 1 ½ BA, has refrigerator & stove, large yard. Rent $725, dep. $700. No Pets. Call Rowan Properties, 704-633-0446 3BR, 1BA. Houses: Apartments: 2 & 3 BR, 1BA Deposit required. Faith Realty 704-630-9650 Kannapolis 2120 Centergrove Rd., 3 BR, 2 BA, $975 mo.; 125 Kennedy St. 2 BR, 1 BA, $400 mo. KREA 704-933-2231 Kannapolis, 911 Haley St., 2BR/1BA, $475 per month + dep. References required. 704-933-1110 Near Spencer and Salisbury, 2 bedroom, one bath house in quiet, nice neighborhood. No pets. Lease, dep, app and refs req. $590/mo, $500 dep, 704-797-4212 before 7pm. 704-2395808 after 7pm.

Never Before Leased!

East Rowan. 3BR, 2BA. Living room (would be great office), great room, glass/ screened porch. Laundry Gas log FP in great room. Central heat & air. Gazebo, storage building! Credit check, lease. $895/month + deposit. No pets. Call 704639-6000 or 704-633-0144

Salisbury 3BR/2BA with in-law apt. $1,000/mo. + dep., no pets. Also 3BR/ 2BA in the country, all incl., $1,100/mo + dep., no pets. 704-855-2100

704-633-1234 China Grove 2BR, 1½ BA $550/month, deposit req. Approx. 1,000 sqft. Call 704-202-2065.

House Apple Realty has a 10 year / 95+% occupancy rate on prop's we've managed. 704-633-5067

Rockwell - 3 BR, 1½ BA. Very nice. Rent $700, dep. $700. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

2345 Statesville Blvd. Near Salisbury Mall

Tree Service

Junk Removal

1 & 2BR. Nice, well maintained, responsible landlord. $425-$445. Salisbury, in town. 704-642-1955




Real Estate Auction: 3 BR Home & Lot, 6/8/11, 12 Noon, 822 N. Charlotte Ave., Monroe, NC 28212. GARY BOYD AUCTION. NCAL2750 NCREL129670. 704-982-5633. www.garyboydauction.com

Roofing and Guttering

~ 704-633-5033 ~


Pet & Livestock Services

Located at Small Animal Medicine & Surgery A deluxe boarding facility for dogs, cats, rabbits and “pocket pets”.

Guaranteed! F

Stoner Painting Contractor • 25 years exp. • Int./Ext. painting • Pressure washing • Staining • Mildew Removal • References • Insured 704-239-7553

Little Paws Bed & Breakfast

Quality work at affordable prices NC G.C. #17608 NC Home Inspector #107. Complete contracting services, under home repairs, foundation & masonry repairs, light tractor work & property maintenence. Pier, dock & seawall repair. 36 Yrs Exp. 704-633-3584 www.professionalservicesunltd.com Duke C. Brown Sr. Owner – “The House Whisperer!”

Including carpentry, bathroom & kitchen remodeling, roofing, flooring. Free Estimates, Insured .... Our Work is Guaranteed!

Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Now! Ro-Well Apartments, Rockwell. Central heat/air, laundry facility on site, nice area. Equal Housing Opportunity Rental Assistance when available; handicapped equipped when available. 704-279-6330, TDD users 828-645-7196.

Attn. Landlords

East Spencer - 2 BR, 1 BA. $400 per month. Carolina-Piedmont Prop. 704-248-2520

Salis. 523 E. Cemetary St. 1BR, 1 BA, No Pets, $330/mo + $330/dep. Sect 8 OK. 704-507-3915.

~ 704-431-3537 ~

Grading & Hauling

*Cash in 7 days or less *Facing or In Foreclosure *Properties in any condition *No property too small/large Call 24 hours, 7 days ** 704-239-2033 ** $$$$$$

Mow, Trim, Blow, Clean-up, Mulch, Presure Washing, Pine Needles. Free Estimates. Call Mike!

For Storm Damage from Wind/Hail, call Scott White for FREE inspection/estimates • Roofing • Windows • Gutters • Vinyl Siding Member of BBB

B & L Home Improvement

Dale's Painting & Repair. 40 years exp. Please call 704-278-4883 or 704-657-1198

GAYLOR'S LAWNCARE For ALL your lawn care needs! *FREE ESTIMATES* 704-639-9925/ 704-640-0542

Lippard Garage Doors Installations, repairs, electric openers. 704636-7603 / 704-798-7603

A HANDYMAN & MOORE Kitchen & Bath remodeling Quality Home Improvements Carpentry, Plumbing, Electric Clark Moore 704-213-4471

Painting and Decorating

Earl's Lawn Care 3Landscaping 3Mulching 3Core Aeration 3Fertilizing

Kitchens, Baths, Sunrooms, Remodel, Additions, Wood & Composite Decks, Garages, Vinyl Rails, Windows, Siding. & Roofing. ~ 704-633-5033 ~

Great Oak Island Location

Bowen Painting Interior and Exterior Painting 704-630-6976.

~ 704-245-5599 ~


TH Jones Mini-Max Storage 116 Balfour Street Granite Quarry Please 704-279-3808

Resort & Vacation Property


Office 704-932-6878 • Cell 704-363-5491

Openings for childcare in christian home for 1st and 2nd shifts. Reasonable rates. Refs. Avail. Contact 704-642-0488. High Rock Lake area.

Moving and Storage

Oak Island, NC. Mobile home and lot for sale by owner. $120K OBO. 252 NE 68th St., 980-6227713 or 704-933-1110

3Mowing 3Yard Cleanup 3Trimming Bushes

Auctioneer JERRY E. KING, NC Lic#1010 NC Firm Lic#7551


Lawn Maint. & Landscaping

China Grove. 303 North Main St. (across from the roller mill). Building has 5 apartments, space for 2 businesses on the 1st level, warehouse (35x60) and a 5BR house behind the building. Must be sold together. $670,000. Call 704-857-7559

Houses for Rent

3 BR, 2 BA, close to Salisbury Mall. Gas heat, nice. Rent $695, deposit $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 3-4 BR, 1 BA, near Livingstone College. Has refrig. & stove. No pets. Rent $650, dep. $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

3BR, 2BA home at Crescent Heights. Call 704-239-3690 for information.

Salisbury apt. houses for rent 2-3BRs. Application, deposit, & proof of employment req'd. Section 8 welcome. 704-762-1139 Salisbury High School area, 2BR/1BA, electric central heat/air, $495/mo + $400 dep. 704-636-3307 Salisbury, 2 BR houses & apts, $525/mo and up. 704-633-4802

Salisbury, near Ellis Park. Old Mocksville Rd. 3BR, 2BA doublewide. Electric heat & air. Well water. Storage building with small shed. Garbage service included. $700/ mo. No Section 8. Call 704-279-5765 Salisbury, North Shaver Street, 2BR/1BA, gas heat, $425 per month. 704-633-0425 Lv msg Salisbury, off Hwy 70. 3BR, 1½BA brick house. 2-car garage. Hdwds. All appl. $800/mo. + dep. 704-754-2108 Salisbury, Sells Rd., 3BR/1½ BA, all elec, free water & sewer, new carpet & paint. 704-633-6035

American Dr., 3 BR, 2 BA. Has refrigerator, stove & dishwasher. All electric, no pets. $695 rent, $600 dep. Call Rowan Properties 704633-0446

Carson District 808 Camp Rd. Knollwood, SE Middle, Carson district. 3BR, 2BA. Built 2004. Home also has 1-car garage w/ opener. All electric home, energy efficient windows & heat pump/AC. Dishwasher, smooth range, refrigerator. $875/mo. 704-363-0096

Salisbury. 2BR/1BA, hdwd flrs, heat & air, washer & dryer hookup, new paint, minutes from I-85. $475/mo + $400 dep. 828-390-0835 Salisbury. 3 & 2 Bedroom Houses. $500-$1,000. Also, Duplex Apartments. 704636-6100 or 704-633-8263

SALISBURY POST Houses for Rent

Office and Commercial Rental

Salisbury. 4 rooms. 71 Hill St. All appl. furnished. $495/ mo + dep. Limit 2. 704-633-5397

Warehouse space / manufacturing as low as $1.25 per sq.ft. Per yr. Deposit. 704-431-8636


Beside ACE HARDWARE, #229 E Main St Hwy 52, 2,700 sq ft finished store front combined with 2,100 sq ft warehouse. May divide into smaller space. Call 704279-4115 or email thadwhicker@cozartlumber.com

Houses for Rent

Industrial/ Warehouse Salisbury/Spencer




Ford Crown Victoria LX, 2001. Toreador Red clearcoat metallic exterior with medium parchment interior. Stock# F11241A. $6,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Camry LE, 2007. Desert sand mica exterior with bisque interior. $14,459. Stock #P7633C. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Yaris, 2009. Silver streak mica exterior with dark charcoal interior. $13,759. Stock # P7663 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

W.Rowan, 120 Redman Dr., 3BR/2BA, $600/mo + $600 dep. No pets. 704433-1973 or 704-433-2019

1.87 acres of land. 5,000 sq. ft. metal building with 15 ft. ceilings, three roll up doors and two regular doors, office, and two bathrooms. Service road I-85. (Exit 81, to Spencer). Call 704-2024872 after 5 pm.

Ford Mustang V6, 2001. Oxford white clearcoat exterior with medium parchment interior. $8,659. Stock #P7690A 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

CASH FOR YOUR CAR! We want your vehicle! 1999 to 2011 under 150,000 miles. Please call 704-216-2663.

Woodleaf 3BR/1BA, refrigerator and stove included included, washer/dryer hook up. $625/month + deposit. No pets. References & credit check required. No Section 8. 704-490-6048

Lake Property Rental On High Rock Lake, 2 BR, 2 BA cottage. Private pier, gazebo. $850/mo., 1 month rent dep. req. No Pets. 704-636-2530

Office and Commercial Rental $$$$$$ $$$$$$$ Rockwell Offices 3 months free 704-637-1020 450 to 1,000 sq. ft. of Warehouse Space off Jake Alexander Blvd. Call 704-279-8377 5,000 sq.ft. warehouse w/loading docks & small office. Call Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011 Furnished Key Man Office Suites - $250-350. Jake & 150. Util & internet incl. 704-721-6831

South Rowan area. Attractive mobile home lots. Water, garbage, sewer furnished. $160/mo. 704636-1312 or 704-798-0497

Ford Mustang, 2004. Red exterior with gray leather interior. $12,259. Stock # T11400AY. 1800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

East Rowan area. 2BR, PARTIALLY furnished. $110/week + $400 deposit, NO PETS. Limit 2. 704-279-6599

TEAM CHEVROLET, CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC. www.teamautogroup.com 704-216-8000 Ford Taurus SEL Sedan, 2008. Oxford white clearcoat exterior with tan cloth interior. P7689. $14,787 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Lake High Estates, 3 BR, 1½ BA, 1+ acre private lot. Remodeled. $500 + deposit. 704-279-6279

Weekly Special Only $12,995

Honda Accord 2.4 EX, 2003. Satin silver metallic exterior with gray interior. $11,759. Stock # F11209B. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

2000 BMW Z3, Titanium Silver Metallic w/black leather interior. 2.5L V6, 5 speed manual, all power, dual heated seats, alloy rims, AM/FM/CD, power top, BREEZE THROUGH SUMMER WITH GREAT GAS MILEAGE! Call Steve today! 704-603-4255

Transportation Financing

Infinity G5, 2003. Black Leather, Obsidian/Black 3.5L V6, auto trans, BOSE AM/FM/CD, SUNROOF, all power, alloy rims. LUXURY FOR HALF THE PRICE!!!! 704-603-4255

MILLER HOTEL Rooms for Rent Weekly $110 & up 704-855-2100

Rooms for Rent

Want to get results? 


1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

See stars

Toyota Corolla S, 2007. Black sand pearl exterior with dark charcoal interior. Stock # $13,359. T11319A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Honda 2005 Accord, fully loaded, $300 down, will help finance. Call 704-872-5255

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

Mercury Grand Marquis GS, 2005. Like new, fully loaded. Only 68,000 miles. $9,995. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Mercury Grand Marquis LS Sedan, 2004. Dare Toreador red clearcoat exterior with light flint interior. F11106A. $9,787. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

ELLIS AUTO AUCTION 10 miles N. of Salisbury, Hwy 601, Sale Every Wednesday night 5:30 pm.

Nice Ride!

Mini Cooper, 2006. Black & white. 17,000 miles. Garage kept. $18,500. Please call 704640-6509 after 3pm.

Boats & Watercraft Fishing Boat & Trailer

10ft. Jon Boat with seats, trailer, trolling motor, spare tire, battery charger and paddles. Call 704-633-7002


Office Space

We have office suites available in the Executive Center. First Month Free with No Deposit! With all utilities from $150 and up. Lots of amenities. Call Tom Bost at B & R Realty 704-202-4676 www.bostandrufty-realty.com

Dodge Challenger SE, 2010. Inferno red crystal pearlcoat exterior with dark slate gray interior. F11205A. $23,287. Call 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Financing Available!

Salisbury, Kent Exec. Park, $100 & up, 1st month free, ground floor, incls conf rm, utilities. No dep. 704-202-5879 Spencer Shops Lease great retail space for as little as $750/mo for 2,000 sq ft at. 704-431-8636

HONDA, 2004, ACCORD EX. $500-800 down, will help finance. Credit, No Problem! Private party sale. Call 704-838-1538

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC Volvo S40 AS, 2000. Silver metallic w/gray leather interior. 1.9 4cyl. Turbo. Auto. Trans. AM/FM/CD/ tape. Sunroof. All power, heat mirrors, alloy rims. Runs Great! Call Steve today! 704-603-4255

Motorcycles & ATVs Nissan Maxima SE, 2006. Winter Frost Pearl w/ tan cloth. 3.5L v6, auto. Trans., all power, Bose radio, sunroof, dual power seats. Alloy rims, great power! Smooth Ride! 704-603-4255

FIND IT SELL IT RENT IT in the Classifieds

Honda Pilot EXL, 2005, Redrock Pearl w/Saddle int., VTEC, V6, 5-sp. auto., fully loaded, all pwr opts, AM/FM/CD changer, steering wheel controls, pwr leather seats, alloy rims, 3RD seat, sunroof, nonsmoker, LOADED! 704-603-4255

Ford Expedition XLT SUV, 2003. Black clearcoat exterior with flint gray interior. T11334A. $12,387. Call 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited SUV, 2005. Black clearcoat exterior with medium slate gray interior. T11271A. $15,787. 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, 2005. Fully loaded, electric doors, stowaway seats, nice. $8,995. Call 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

(former Sagebrush location)

Chrysler LeBaron, 1993 V-6. Good condition. PS, PB, AC, AT. $450. Please call 336-751-5749

Honda Pilot EX-L, 2006. Desert Rock Metallic exterior with saddle interior. $11,759. Stock # T11405A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford Escape XLT, 2009. Gray exterior with charcoal interior. $18,859. Stock #T11062A. 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd.

Motorcycles & ATVs Cadillac Sedan DeVille, 2004. Leather, fully loaded, extra clean, 69,000 miles. $7,995. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Ford 1992 F-150, two wheel drive, 118K original miles, A/C, very good, dependable truck, just needs paint. $1,800. Excellent interior, regular maintenance. 336-6719953

Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Ed., 2003 True Blue Metallic/ Med Parchment leather int., 4.0L (245), SOHC SEFI V6 AUTO, loaded, all pwr, AM/FM/CD changer, steering wheel controls, alloy rims, heated seats, rides & drives great! 704-603-4255

Mitsubishi Raider LS, 2007. Alloy silver clearcoat exterior with slate interior. $11,859. Stock # F11261A. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Nissan Pathfinder LE, 2002, Sahara Beige Metallic/Tan leather, 3.5L auto trans, all power options, Dual HEATED & POWER seats, AM/FM/Tape/CD changer, sunroof, homelink, LOW MILES, extra clean DON'T LET THIS ONE SLIP AWAY! 704-603-4255

50 cc Trike. Brand new! $1,895. Also, nice new Tao Scooters only $895. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location)

Saturn VUE V6 SUV, Storm gray 2007. clearcoat exterior with gray interior. Stock #F10528D1. $14,787 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Dodge Ram 1500 SLT, 2004. 4x4, HEMI engine, 20" wheels, loaded up, super nice. $11,995. 704720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer, 2007. Oxford white exterior with camel interior. $21,559. Stock #F11281A. Call Now 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC

Lincoln Aviator, 2003. Leather, sunroof, chrome wheels, fully loaded, extra clean, 90,000 miles. $10,995. 704-720-0520 **SPECIAL FINANCING**

BMW X5, 2003. Topaz Blue Metallic/Tan Leather, 4.4L auto trans, AM/FM/CD, SUNROOF, all power, 20inch aluminum rims, PERFECT COLOR COMBO! 704-603-4255

Buick Ranier CXL SUV, 2007. Cashmere metallic exterior with cashmere interior. T11239A. $12,687. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota 4Runner Limited, 2004. Titanium metallic exterior with stone interior. $18,659. Stock #P7687. 1-800-542-9758. Call www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Highlander Limited, 2003, Vintage Gold Metallic/Tan Leather, 4.0L 4speed auto trans. w/Snow Mode AM/FM/Tape/CD, all power, SUNROOF, dual power & heated seats , extra clean, ready for test drive. Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Toyota RAV4 S, 2004. Titanium metallic exterior with dark charcoal interior. $11,259. Stock # T11390A 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Tacoma Base Regular Cab, 2006. Black exterior with graphite interior. P7688. $13,287 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com Jeep Grand Cherokee Loredo, 2006. Black w/ medium slate gray cloth interior. All power, AM/FM/CD changer, dual power seats. Low miles! Awesome condition! Steve 704-603-4255

1463 Concord Parkway N. Concord, NC


Great Space!

Office Suite for Lease. Two large rooms, 26' x 13' and 10' x 16'. Also included is a large shared kitchen/break room space with private BR. 1 year lease preferred; $750 monthly rent includes all utilities. Free Wi-Fi. Call 704-636-1811.

Transportation Financing

We are the area's largest selection of quality preowned autos. Financing avail. to suit a variety of needs. Carfax avail. No Gimmicks – We take pride in giving excellent service to all our customers.

Office Complex


Honda Pilot EX, 2007. Nimbus gray metallic exterior w/gray interior. $21,559. Stock #T11414A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, 2006. Stone white exterior with clearcoat medium slate gray interior. $14,559. Stock # F10563B 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com


Mercedes S320, 1999 Black on Grey leather interior, 3.2, V6, auto trans, LOADED, all power low miles, ops, SUNROOF, chrome rims good tires, extra clean MUST SEE! 704-6034255

Dodge Ram 1500 SLT / Laramie Crew Cab, 2004. Bright white clearcoat exterior with dark slate gray interior. F10362A. $10,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Don t take chances with your hard earned money. Run your ad where it will pay for itself. Daily exposure brings fast results.

Call Steve today! 704-603-4255 www.JakeAlexanderAutoSales.com

Jaguar XK8, 2001. Convertible, V8, auto trans., gray w/tan leather interior, all power, alloy rims, READY FOR SUMMER! Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Chevrolet Tahoe, 1999. 2 tone tan & black w/tan leather int. 5.7 V8, auto. trans. 4X4. All power, AM/ FM/CD/tape. Cold front & rear air. Alum. rims, extra clean. Ready for test drive. Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Toyota Corolla LE, 2010. Silver exterior with ash interior. $16,859. Stock # K7695. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Rockwell. 2BR, 1BA. Appl., water, sewer, trash service incl. $500/mo. + dep. Pets OK. 704-279-7463

Numerous Commercial and office rentals to suit your needs. Ranging from 500 to 5,000 sq. ft. Call Victor Wallace at Wallace Realty, 704-636-2021

Office Suite Available. Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011

Tim Marburger Honda 1309 N First St. (Hwy 52) Albemarle NC 704-983-4107 Troutman Motor Co. Highway 29 South, Concord, NC 704-782-3105

Landis, 2BR, 2BA, Beautiful, quiet, country setting. Please call Jeff at 704-855-3934

West & South Rowan. 2 & 3 BR. No pets. Perfect for 3. Water included. Please call 704-857-6951

GMC Yukon, 2004. Summit white/gray leather interior, 5.3 liter, auto. Trans., all ops., AM/FM/ power CD/Tape, rear air and audio controls, running boards. EXTRA CLEAN! Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Tim Marburger Dodge 287 Concord Pkwy N. Concord, NC 28027 704-792-9700

Faith. 2BR, 1BA. Water, trash, lawn maint. incl. No pets. Ref. $425. 704-2794282 or 704-202-3876

Granite Quarry-Comm Metal Bldg units perfect for contractor, hobbyist, or storage. 24 hour exterior surveillance, and ample lighting parking. 900-1800 sqft avail. Call for spring specials. 704-232-3333

Salisbury. Perfect location near Court House & County Building. Six individual offices. New central heat/air, heavily insulated for energy efficiency, fully carpeted (to be installed) except stone at entrance, conference room, employee break room, tile bathroom, complete integrated phone system with video capability in each office & nice reception area. Want to lease but will sell. Perfect for dual occupancy. By appt only. 704-636-1850

Authorized EZGO Dealer. 6 volt & 8 volt batteries. US 52, 5 miles south of Salisbury. Beside East Rowan HS & Old Stone Winery. Look for EZGO sign. 704-245-3660

CLONINGER FORD, INC. “Try us before you buy.” 511 Jake Alexander Blvd. 704-633-9321

East Rowan. 2BR. trash and lawn service included. No pets. $450 month. 704-433-1255

Granite Quarry. 2BR, 2BA. 3 person limit. No $450/month + pets. deposit. 704-279-5905

Chevrolet HHR LT SUV, Cardinal red 2009. metallic exterior with ebony interior. P7656A. $15,987. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Transportation Dealerships

Manufactured Home for Rent East Area. 2BR, water, trash. Limit 2. Dep. req. No pets. Call 704-6367531 or 704-202-4991

Hyundai Golf Cart, 1994. Gasoline engine, lights. Excellent condition. 2nd Owner. $1650. 704-2320266

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Camper Top for long bed Ford truck, has 2 roll out windows on each side. $250. 704-633-4526

Manufactured Home Lot Rentals Kannapolis Lots Available. $200 per month + deposit. No pets. 704-239-2833

Recreational Vehicles

Service & Parts

EASY ACCESS TO I-85! Spencer, 3BR/2BA, 7 years old, downstairs bonus room, gas logs in livingroom, includes all including appliances washer & dryer. Nice neighborhood, convenient to schools, 2 car $1,000/mo., garage, $950 dep. 704-202-2610

MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 • 11B


Ford F150, 2004. Crew cab. Dark shadow gray metallic w/flint cloth interior. 4.6L v8. Auto. Trans., 2WD, AM/FM/CD. Cold air, aluminum rims, side runners. Great truck! 704-603-4255

Ford Transit Connect XL, 2010. Frozen white exterior with dark gray interior. $15,859. Stock # P7637. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Jeep J-10, 1981. 4WD. 6 cylinder. Runs or for parts. $695. Call 704-637-0217 or 704-213-9240

Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara SUV, 2007. Steel blue metallic exterior with dark slate gray interior. Stock #F11055A. $19,887. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Jeep Wrangler X, 2003, Bright Silver Metallic/ Gray Cloth, 4.0L HD 5speed manual transmission, AM/FM/CD, cruise, cold AC, 20 inch chrome rims, ready for Summer! Please call 704-603-4255

Toyota Tacoma, 2002. Impulse red exterior with charcoal interior. $13,759. Stock # F11173A. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Tacoma, 2007. Silver streak mica w/gray cloth interior. 2.7L 5 spd trans., AM/FM/CD. Extra clean, nonsmoker, bedliner, toolbox. Great looking truck! 704-603-4255

Toyota Tundra, Super white exterior with graphite interior. $19,659. Stock #K7697. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Over 150 Vehicles in Stock!

GMC DENALI XL, 2005. White/Tan Leather, 6.0 V8, auto trans, fully loaded AM/FM/CD, NAVIGATION, all power, DVD, TV, chrome rims, 3rd seat READY FOR TEST DRIVE! 704-603-4255

428 W. Jake Alexander Blvd. (former Sagebrush location)

12B • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011



Zits/Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

Jump Start/Robb Armstrong

For Better or For Worse/Lynn Johnston

Frank & Ernest/Bob Thaves

Dilbert/Scott Adams Non Sequitur/Wiley Miller

Garfield/Jim Davis Pickles/Brian Crane

Hagar The Horrible/Chris Browne Dennis/Hank Ketcham

Family Circus/Bil Keane

Blondie/Dean Young and John Marshall


Get Fuzzy/Darby Conley

The Born Loser/Art and Chip Sansom

Sudoku/United Feature Syndicate Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

Answer to Previous Puzzle

Celebrity Cipher/Luis Campos


MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011 • 13B



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina

Monday, May 30

Although lots of hard work will play a major role in enabling you to grow your assets during coming months, your own ingenuity CBS Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! How I Met Your Mad Love Two and a Half Mike & Molly Å Hawaii Five-0 The team makes a News 2 at 11 Late Show W/ ^ WFMY News/Couric Fortune (N) Å (N) Å Mother “Fireworks” Men gruesome discovery. Å (N) Å Letterman will also be a big factor. Thus, it may be imWBTV News Who Wants to How I Met Your Mad Love Two and a Half Mike & Molly Hawaii Five-0 “He Kane Hewa’ole” WBTV 3 News Late Show With portant for you to act upon your ideas instead # WBTV 3 CBS Evening “Fireworks” Å Men (In Stereo) “Molly Makes News With Katie Prime Time (N) Be a Millionaire Mother “Last The team makes a gruesome at 11 PM (N) David Letterman CBS of merely sitting on them. Couric (N) Words” Soup” Å discovery. Å Å Å Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Even if what Access Extra TMZ House Å House Å FOX Seinfeld (N) (In (N) (In (In Stereo) (In Stereo) 8 10:00 News (N) Seinfeld “The “The ( WGHP 22 Hollywood Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Junior Mint” Å Mom & Pop you promised to do turns out to be inconvenFOX (N) Å Store” Å ient, to your credit you’ll not go back on your Inside Edition Entertainment The Bachelorette (N) (In Stereo) Å (:01) Extreme Makeover: Weight WSOC 9 News (:35) Nightline ) WSOC 9 ABC World word. It’ll be a tribute to your honor and com(N) Å News With Tonight (N) (In Loss Edition A young woman tries Tonight (N) Å (N) Å ABC Diane Sawyer Stereo) Å to lose weight. mitment. NBC Nightly Inside Edition Entertainment Minute to Win It (In Stereo) Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å WXII 12 News at (:35) The Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Get in touch , WXII News (N) (In (N) Å Tonight (N) (In “Rispetto” A murder leads to a fash11 (N) Å Tonight Show with someone who has been on your mind lateNBC Stereo) Å Stereo) Å ion designer. Å With Jay Leno ly, because chances are there is a good reaEverybody How I Met Your How I Met Your House (In Stereo) Å House (In Stereo) Å Fox News at (:35) Fox News The Simpsons King of the Hill son to do so. Something important might need Hank installs Mother Å 10 (N) Edge “Any Given 2 WCCB 11 Loves Raymond Mother Å faulty toilets. Å Sundance” to be shared. Minute to Win It (In Stereo) Å Jeopardy! Wheel of Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: LA (In Stereo) Å NewsChannel (:35) The Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — You won’t allow D WCNC 6 NBC Nightly Tonight Show News (N) (In (N) Å Fortune “Tennis “Rispetto” A murder leads to a fash36 News at anything to distract you from achieving your NBC With Jay Leno Stereo) Å Week” (N) ion designer. Å 11:00 (N) objectives. By being clever, bold and persistPBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å How I Survived World War II Airmen and Adversity Å Nickles From Heaven (In Stereo) D-Day: The Price of Freedom (In J WTVI 4 Everyday Edisons Å Stereo) Å Å ent, you’ll employ all the requirements needABC World Family Feud Å Who Wants/ The Bachelorette (N) (In Stereo) Å (:01) Extreme Makeover: Weight Entourage (In (:35) Nightline ed to be a winner. M WXLV News Millionaire Loss Edition “Rachel” Stereo) Å (N) Å Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — You tend to evalFamily Guy (In Two and a Half Two and a Half 90210 “2021 Vision” Dixon makes a Gossip Girl Lily asks Serena to WJZY News at (:35) Seinfeld Å New Adv./Old (:35) The Office 8 Stereo) Å N WJZY uate circumstances both logically and philoMen Men discovery about Ivy. help her find Chuck. Å 10 (N) Christine Å The Simpsons Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent The Office The Office House/Payne Meet, Browns sophically, and because of this, you’ll instincP WMYV George Lopez Family Feud (In Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Tyler Perry’s Tyler Perry’s My Wife and tively know how to handle any critical devel“George Buys a Unit “Sacrifice” A man is found shot “Grow” Murderous nemesis con“Diamond Dogs” A series of deadly House of Payne House of Payne Kids “Class W WMYT 12 Stereo) Å opment that might arise. Vow” Å Å Å and sodomized. Å fronted. (In Stereo) Å jewelry heists. Å Reunion” Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — What makes you Thank You, Eddie Hart (In Stereo) As Time Goes BBC World (:00) PBS Nightly North Carolina Antiques Roadshow “Washington, American Experience “War Business Now (In Stereo) DC” Congressional sword; mantel Letters” Personal letters during war. Å By “Visiting News (In Stereo) so successful with whatever it is you attempt Z WUNG 5 NewsHour (N) Å Report (N) Å Å clock. (N) Å (In Stereo) Å (DVS) Rocky” Å Å to do is your ability to assess life realisticalCABLE CHANNELS ly, without expecting anything more than you Criminal Criminal Minds Rossi revisits an Criminal Minds “Outfoxed” Several Criminal Minds “100” The team Breakout Kings Drug queen Breakout Kings Drug queen have rightfully earned. A&E 36 (:00) Minds Å unsolved murder case. families are murdered. races to find the Reaper. escapes during son’s funeral. escapes during son’s funeral. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — You’re comfortMovie: ›››‡ “The Longest Day” (1962) Movie: ››‡ “Midway” (1976) Charlton Heston. Cracking a Japanese code leads Adm. Nimitz and Navy Movie: ››‡ “Midway” (1976) Å AMC 27 (4:00) able to be around because of your willingness John Wayne. Å officers to Yamamoto’s fleet in the Battle of Midway, June 1942. Å River Monsters River Monsters “The Giants” River Monsters: Unhooked River Monsters “Jungle Killer” Finding Bigfoot (N) (In Stereo) to adjust to other people’s view and opinions ANIM 38 Monsters Movie: ›› “Preacher’s Kid” (2009) LeToya Luckett. today. This easy going and mature nature BET 59 (5:30) Movie: “Kingdom Come” Movie: ››‡ “Madea’s Family Reunion” (2006) Tyler Perry. Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Platinum Hit Housewives/NJ makes you an exceptionally good companion. BRAVO 37 The Real Housewives of New Jersey Code Wars: America’s American Greed American Greed “Marc Dreier” American Greed American Greed Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Having to CNBC 34 One Nation In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å work a bit harder than usual today won’t be CNN 32 Situation Rm John King, USA (N) American Chopper: Senior vs. American Chopper: Senior vs. American Chopper: Senior vs. American Chopper: Senior vs. American Chopper: Senior vs. a negative condition that you’ll resent. The DISC 35 American Chopper Junior “Deadliest Catch Bike” Junior: A Crew Divided Å Junior “Deadliest Catch Bike” Junior “Offer Denied” Å Junior (N) (In Stereo) Å gratification and rewards that come from “Sharpay’s (:15) Phineas Wizards of Good Luck (:25) Shake It Wizards of Movie: ››‡ “Hannah Montana: The Movie” (2009) Miley Cyrus, Billy (9:50) Good DISN 54 Fabulous” completing difficult tasks will be worth it. Ray Cyrus, Emily Osment. Waverly Place Waverly Place and Ferb Luck Charlie Charlie Up! Å Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — A friend of Sex & the City Sex & the City E! Special Khloe & Lamar Dance Scene Chelsea Lately E! News E! 49 (:00) E! Special E! News (N) yours will be inspired by another to strive for (:00) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å 30 for 30 30 for 30 Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ESPN 39 greater heights than usual. If you like what Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Competition ESPN2 68 NASCAR Now (N) (Live) Å he or she is doing, speak up. The Secret Life of the American The Secret Life of the American The Secret Life of the American The Secret Life of the American The 700 Club Å “Dirty Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Focus your enFAM 29 (4:30) Teenager (N) Å Teenager “Round II” Teenager Å Dancing” Teenager “To Be...” (N) ergies on trying to help someone for whom World Poker Tour: Season 9 Tennis Outback Champions Series - Cayman. Boys in the The Game 365 Final Score Golden Age Final Score FSCR 40 World Poker you feel responsible. Any measure you take, Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half Two and a Half FX 45 Men no matter how small, will be effective in getMen Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men ting him or her to go the distance. Hannity (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Å FXNWS 57 Special Report FOX Report W/ Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) — Honesty is the The Golf Fix (N) (Live) Big Break Indian Wells Big Break Indian Wells (N) The Golf Fix Golf Central Learning GOLF 66 Golf Fitness best policy, and friends will respect your Golden Girls Golden Girls Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Cheers Å Cheers Å HALL 76 Golden Girls views and suggestions, even if it is painful for Hunters Int’l House Hunters Hollywood at Home Å House Hunters: Beachfront House Hunters Hunters Int’l House Hunters House Hunters HGTV 46 Hunters Int’l them to hear what you have to say. You’ll benBe To Be Announced Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Gettysburg Turning points, technology and facts of the Civil War. (N) Å To Be Announced HIST 65 To Announced “Honest Abe” (N) Å efit in the long run by doing so. The Waltons “The Innocents” The Waltons “The Starlet” Inspir. Today Life Today Joyce Meyer Fellowship Hal Lindsey Christ-Proph INSP 78 The Waltons Aries (March 21-April 19) — Regardless of (:00) Movie: › “The Perfect Wife” (2000) Perry Movie: “The Perfect Teacher” (2010) David Charvet, Boti Bliss. A Vanished With Beth Holloway A How I Met Your How I Met Your the nature of your goals, you’re likely to hit LIFE 31 King, Shannon Sturges. Å teen’s increasing obsession for her teacher leads to danger. 24-year-old goes missing. (N) Mother Mother Movie: ››› “Seventeen and Missing” Movie: “Maid of Honor” (2006) Linda Purl, Linden Ashby, Shannon Movie: “Obsessed” (2002) Jenna Elfman, Kate Burton, Lisa Edelstein. the road running and get off to a great start. LIFEM 72 (:00) (2007) Deedee Pfeiffer. Å Sturges. Å Å This will do wonders for accomplishing your Hardball With Chris Matthews The Last Word The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Ed Show (N) The Last Word MSNBC 50 MSNBC Live purposes for the week. Supercarrier: USS Ronald Inside the Vietnam War NGEO 58 Armored Cars Inside the Vietnam War Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Your strongest (In Stereo) BrainSurge (In SpongeBob My Wife and My Wife and Everybody Everybody George Lopez George Lopez The Nanny (In The Nanny (In qualities are itching to show their stuff, so it’s NICK 30 iCarly Stereo) Å SquarePants Kids Å Kids Å Hates Chris Hates Chris Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Å Å Å likely that you will deliberately seek condiLove Games: Bad Girls Love Games: Bad Girls Love Games: Bad Girls Love Games: Bad Girls Movie: “Something New” Å OXYGEN 62 Love Games tions that will test your mettle, and accom“Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of Sith” SPIKE 44 Star Wars-Sith Movie: ››‡ “Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones” (2002) Ewan McGregor. (In Stereo) plish something big in the process. MLB Baseball San Diego Padres at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. Spotlight Phenoms MLB Baseball SPSO 60 My Words Know where to look for romance and you’ll Movie: ››‡ “Underworld” (2003) Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman, Michael Sheen. Å Movie: ›› “Underworld: Evolution” (2006) Kate Beckinsale, Scott “Ginger Snaps “Star Trek SYFY 64 Generations” find it. The Astro-Graph Matchmaker instantBack” Speedman, Tony Curran. ly reveals which signs are romantically per“Yada Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Family Guy (In Family Guy Family Guy (In Family Guy (In Family Guy (In Family Guy (In Conan TBS 24 Seinfeld Yada” Å Pothole” Å Barber” Å Stereo) Å “Peterotica” Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å fect for you. Mail $3 to Astro-Graph, P.O. Box Movie: ››› “A Bridge Too Far” (1977) Dirk Movie: ›››› “The Best Years of Our Lives” (1946) Fredric March. A disabled serviceman and two other Movie: ››› “Since You Went 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167. TCM 25 (5:00) Bogarde, James Caan. Å veterans have difficulty adjusting to civilian life after World War II. Away” (1944) Å A














48 Cake Boss


Law & 26 (:00) Order “Brazil” 75 Police Video Sanford & Son



Cake Boss Cake Boss Law & Order An investment banker’s wife is killed. Cops Å Cops Å All in the Family All in the Family

Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss (N) Å Surprise Homecoming Å NBA Pregame NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Chicago Bulls. From the United Center in Chicago. (If (N) (Live) Å necessary). (N) (Live) Å Bait Car (N) Bait Car (N) All Worked Up All Worked Up All Worked Up All Worked Up Movie: ››› “M*A*S*H: Goodbye, Farewell, Amen” (1983) Alan Alda, Mike Farrell, Loretta Swit. Å

United FeatUre Syndicate

Cake Boss Cake Boss Inside the NBA (N) (Live) Å

Most Daring M*A*S*H: 30th Anniversary Reunion Special (In Stereo) Å WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å (:05) WWE Tough Enough (In Stereo) The Oprah Winfrey Show Eyewitness Entertainment The Insider Inside Edition America’s Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Scrubs (In Scrubs (In (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Å

Today’s celebrity birthdays

Actor Clint Walker (“Cheyenne”) is 84. Actor Keir Dullea (“2001: A Space Odyssey”) is 75. Actor Michael J. Pollard is 72. Guitarist WAXN Lenny Davidson of The Dave Clark Five is 67. WGN Actor Colm Meaney (“Star Trek: The Next PREMIUM CHANNELS Generation”) is 58. Actor Ted McGinley is 53. (:15) Movie: › “All About Steve” (2009) Sandra Real Time With Bill Maher (In Movie: ››› “Taking Chance” (2009) Kevin Bacon. Too Big to Fail: Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Actor Ralph Carter (“Good Times”) is 50. CounHBO 15 Bullock. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Å Opening Ball Tour try singer Wynonna Judd is 47. Guitarist Tom (:15) Movie: ›››‡ “Avatar” (2009) Sam Worthington, Voice of Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Game of Thrones Tywin and Jaime Treme Hidalgo does a favor for a REAL Sports With Bryant HBO2 302 Weaver. Morello of Audioslave and Rage Against the prepare for battle. Å councilman. (In Stereo) Å Gumbel (In Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›‡ “Cop Out” (2010) Movie: ››› “The Cat’s Meow” (2001) Kirsten Six Feet Under “Someone Else’s Movie: ››› “Get Him to the Greek” (2010) Jonah Hill, Russell Machine is 47. Guitarist Patrick Dahlheimer HBO3 304 (:00) Dunst. (In Stereo) Å Eyes” (In Stereo) Å Brand, Elisabeth Moss. (In Stereo) Å Bruce Willis. Å of Live is 40. Singer-actress Idina Menzel is 40. (:00) Movie: ›› “Predators” (:45) Movie: ››› “The Blind Side” (2009) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Movie: ››‡ “MacGruber” (2010) Will Forte, Kristen “Busty Cops” MAX 320 (2010) Adrien Brody. Singer Cee-Lo of Gnarls Barkley (and Goodie Aaron. (In Stereo) Å Wiig. (In Stereo) Å Mob) is 37. Rapper Remy Ma is 31. Guitarist ›‡ “Next Day Air” (2009) Donald Faison, Weeds “Gentle Weeds (iTV) Å The Big C (iTV) The Big C (iTV) Movie: ›‡ “The Back-up Plan” (2010) Jennifer (:45) “Youth in SHOW 340 Movie: Mike Epps. iTV. (In Stereo) Å Puppies” Lopez. iTV. (In Stereo) Å Revolt” (2009) Å Å James Smith of Underoath is 29. USA

NCIS (In 28 (:00) Stereo) Å

NCIS “Guilty Pleasure” Officer’s death links to a prostitute. Meet, Browns Meet, Browns 2 W. Williams & Greg America’s Funniest Home Videos 13 Dharma (In Stereo) Å Å

WWE Tough Enough (N) (In Stereo) Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å New Adv./Old New Adv./Old Christine Christine

Rare disorder causes chronic skin condition The cause is not currently known but is thought to be an abnormal immune response. About half of all sufferers have an underlying immune disorder. Health conditions that may be related include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, vasculitis, leukemia, sarcoidosis, hepatitis and, particularly, inflammatory-bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Lesions typically start as one or more small, red bumps that can resemble a spider bite that progresses to become a painful, open wound with a reddish-purple border. Other symptoms include a general feeling of poor health, achy joints and bone pain. Scarring is common. If an underlying health condition is associated with pyoderma gangrenosum,

treating it may help control the sores, but often direct treatment of the ulcers will also be necessary. The primary course of action is oral steroids, which reduce inflammation and somewhat suppress the immune system. Mild cases may require only topical steroids. Because side effects are common, it is important to use the lowest dosage that provides results for the shortest period of time. Other drugs include immunosuppresant medications, tumor necrosis factor inhibitors, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and high-dose intravenous immunoglobin. Surgery isn’t commonly considered an option because skin trauma, including surgical incisions, may worsen existing lesions and/or cause

new ones to develop. In cases of severe ulceration, skin grafting or debriding (cleaning away dead skin/tissue) can be beneficial but must be done carefully, preferably by a skilled surgeon familiar with pyoderma gangrenosum. With treatment, healing typically occurs within several months. Without it, the sores may remain the same, worsen or heal even more slowly than those with treatment. Sufferers should be gentle with their skin and take care to avoid injury. It is important to follow your physician’s care instructions in order to speed healing and reduce scarring. Dear Dr. Gott: Many of us have lived the frustration of trying to get help for a mentally ill adult daughter. Be-

A horror story starts the stories BY PHILLIP ALDER United Feature Syndicate

Sir Laurens Jan van der Post, an Afrikaner author and, inter alia, godfather of Prince William, said, “Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right.” Recently I played in and ran social games in which strange bids and plays arose. Often the post-mortem analysis was ... well, frightening. In today’s deal, you have the South hand. You open one spade, and partner raises to

two spades. What would you do now? You get five shortage points for your void because you have at least a nine-card fit. So you could jump to four spades. But you might have a slam. It is best to rebid three diamonds, a help-suit game-try, hoping partner shows enthusiasm. (Here, North should rebid four clubs, which says that he is bidding game, has good diamonds, and holds the club ace.) Alternatively, you could jump to four clubs, a splinter bid that ought to show a void since partner is weak and you couldn’t open two clubs.

What happened at the table? South passed over two spades! West naively balanced with a takeout double. Now North should have rebid three diamonds, which would have given them a chance at the best contract of six diamonds. (Note that six spades fails if West leads the diamond ace and gives his partner a diamond ruff.) But North passed. East advanced with three clubs, South passed, West passed, North competed with three spades, and South passed again. It made six on a club lead. In the post-mortem, neither

cause the brain is the dysfunctioning organ in this illness, the person has no insight into the condition and, thus, refuses to help. Most mentally ill people know how to “shape up” when appearing before a judge so it’s difficult to have the person deemed a “danger to themselves or others,” which is the criteria for forced treatment in most states. The tragic part is the fine line between dangerous and non-dangerous and, way too often, the first evidence that would enable this classification causes death or injury to an innocent person or a mentally ill person. I would recommend that parents attend a support group in their area for families of the mentally ill. A good place to start is www.NAMI.org. Dear Reader: You are correct that forcing treatment

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can be incredibly difficult and often leads to hard feelings, even though it is for the patient’s benefit. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is one of the leading mental-health advocacy organizations in the United States. They work to provide and improve support, education, advocacy and research. You can learn more about them and the services they provide on their website or by calling (800) 950-NAMI (6264). Dr. Peter H. Gott is a retired physician and the author of several books, including “Live Longer, Live Better,” “Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Diet” and “Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Cookbook,” which are available at most bookstores or online. His website is www.AskDrGottMD .com. United FeatUre Syndicate



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Dear Dr. Gott: I have an open wound on my leg that my surgeon thought was an infection. After eight surgeries, I was eventually diagnosed (by a dermatologist) with a rare immune-system disorder called pyoderma gangrenosum. I still have the open wound after two years. It is healing very slowly. DR. PETER Please tell me what you GOTT know about this condition. Dear Reader: Pyoderma gangrenosum is a rare skin condition that causes slowhealing, painful ulcers to form, typically on the legs.

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14B • MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011


S P O R T S / W E AT H E R

Federer sets record


Associated Press

PARIS — Roger Federer set another Grand Slam record Sunday, extending his quarterfinal streak at major tournaments to 28 with a 6-3, 6-2, 7-5 victory over Olympic gold medal doubles partner Stanislas Wawrinka at the French Open. The 16-time major champion, who completed a career Grand Slam at Roland Garros in 2009, improved on the mark he shared with Jimmy Connors. The last time Federer failed to reach the quarterfinals at a major was at the 2004 French Open, when he was the top-seeded player but lost to Gustavo Kuerten in the third round. “Twenty-eight quarterfinals in a row, that’s great,” Federer said. “But that’s another opportunity for me to go one step further.” Also Sunday, Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova knocked out the highest seeded player remaining in the women’s draw, beating No. 3 Vera Zvonareva 7-6 (4), 2-6, 6-2 to earn a spot in the quarterfinals. Later, Novak Djokovic puts his perfect season on the line. On the women’s side, defending champion Francesca Schiavone and No. 10 Jelena Jankovic are scheduled to be in action. Federer again dominated with his serve in his match on Court Philippe Chatrier . He was broken once early in the third set, but broke back twice to remain one of the four players to have won every match in straight sets. “I was playing with the wind against me, and it was a bad game because all of a sudden there was more wind, and I had the feeling that I was playing against the wind and not against Stan,” Federer said. “So in the end I made wrong decisions.” Federer also beat Wawrinka, his Davis Cup teammate, in the quarterfinals of the Australian Open. In 2008, the Swiss pair teamed up to win the doubles gold at the Beijing Olympics. “In the third set I had a few


Roger Federer returns the ball to Stanislas Wawrinka during their fourth round match of the French Open. openings, and if I had managed to serve a little better and hold on to my break, maybe anything could have happened,” Wawrinka said. Besides his record 16 major titles, Federer also set a record of 23 straight Grand Slam semifinal appearances. That run ended at last year’s French Open, when he was beaten in the quarterfinals. Federer set his quarterfinal streak in 28 consecutive Grand Slam tournaments, while Connors skipped some in his run. In the next round, Federer will face either No. 7 David Ferrer or No. 9 Gael Monfils. Fabio Fognini also reached the quarterfinals, the first Italian to advance that far at Roland Garros since 1995. The unseeded Fognini overcame a cramping left leg and five match points to defeat Albert Montanes of Spain 4-6, 6-4, 36, 6-3, 11-9. The third-seeded Zvonareva followed No. 1 Caroline Wozniacki and No. 2 Kim Clijsters out of the tournament after losing to Pavlyuchenkova, at 19 the youngest player still in the tournament. Wozniacki and Clijsters both lost in the third round. No. 4 Victoria Azarenka of Belarus is now the highest seeded player left. “I’m just trying to do my thing, focusing on me. ... The rest, I don’t really care,” Pavlyuchenkova said of the upsets of top contenders.

It is only the third time that none of the top three seeded women has reached the quarterfinals at a Grand Slam tournament in the Open era, which began in 1968, and the first time at the French Open. It also happened at Wimbledon in 2008 — when the top four were eliminated by the end of the fourth round — and at the Australian Open in 1997. Zvonareva reached the Wimbledon and U.S. Open finals last year and the Australian Open semifinals in January. She saved two match points in the final game against Pavlyuchenkova before hitting a forehand long on the third. “Well, that’s, I guess, part of the game. I know what I have to work on and what I have to improve,” said Zvonareva, who saved a match point in the second round before advancing. “Of course when you play less than 50 percent of your potential, it’s very tough to win the fourth round of a Grand Slam.” For the 14th-seeded Pavlyuchenkova, the result is her best at a Grand Slam tournament. Previously, she reached the fourth round at least year’s U.S. Open. “She (Zvonareva) was up with a break, so I think maybe in the past or last year I wouldn’t believe I can win this match against that top player,” Pavlyuchenkova said. “This time I think that was the main key.”

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5-Day 5-D ay Forecast for for Salisbury Salisbury Today




National Cities




High 90°

Low 65°

94°/ 67°

92°/ 68°

92°/ 67°

92°/ 67°

Patchy fog in the morning

Mostly clear tonight

Partly cloudy

Slight chance of storms

Slight chance of storms

Partly cloudy

Today Hi Lo W 92 69 pc 89 70 pc 92 72 pc 51 40 sh 81 65 t 91 72 pc 88 71 s 93 74 pc 69 43 pc 88 69 pc 79 50 pc 94 72 pc

City Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Boston Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit Fairbanks Indianapolis

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 93 71 pc 88 66 pc 95 73 pc 65 46 pc 75 62 pc 87 65 t 89 68 t 92 74 pc 77 49 s 90 67 t 81 51 s 92 69 pc

City Kansas City Las Vegas Los Angeles Miami Minneapolis New Orleans New York Omaha Philadelphia Phoenix Salt Lake City Washington, DC

Today Hi Lo W 88 69 pc 81 62 pc 76 58 pc 87 76 pc 86 65 t 92 76 pc 90 72 t 87 61 pc 93 73 pc 87 66 s 57 39 r 92 75 pc

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 84 62 pc 92 67 pc 75 58 pc 87 75 pc 77 55 pc 89 75 pc 90 71 pc 81 59 pc 95 70 pc 101 74 s 78 45 pc 96 73 pc

Today Hi Lo W 84 64 s 62 39 pc 73 55 pc 75 50 s 69 62 pc 73 59 pc 73 57 r

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 86 64 s 59 41 pc 75 53 pc 59 41 pc 69 64 pc 68 59 pc 62 53 pc

World Cities Today Hi Lo W 69 51 pc 91 62 pc 69 66 s 82 59 s 59 50 pc 53 33 pc 53 41 r

City Amsterdam Beijing Beirut Berlin Buenos Aires Calgary Dublin

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 57 48 r 86 64 s 71 66 s 84 51 s 57 48 pc 59 35 pc 55 46 pc

City Jerusalem London Moscow Paris Rio Seoul Tokyo

Pollen Index

Almanac Data from Salisbury through ough 6 p.m. yest. Temperature

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Jun 8 Jun 15 Jun 23 First Fi Full Last

Aiken ken en 92/ 92 92/67 /6 6

A Al Allendale llen e ll 9 92/65 /65 65 Savannah na ah 90/65 5

High.................................................... 87° Low..................................................... 68° Last year's high.................................. 84° ....................................65° Last year's low.................................... 65° Normal high........................................ 83° Normal low......................................... 62° Record high........................... 98° in 1941 .............................48° Record low............................. 48° in 1894 ...............................69% Humidity at noon............................... 69%

Precipitation Cape Ha C Hatteras atter atte attera ter era ra ass a 85 8 85/7 85/72 5/7 5/ /72 7

G Greenville n e 90/70 70


Go Goldsboro bo b 90/72

Moreh Mo M Morehead o ehea oreh orehea hea ad C ad Ci Cit City ittyy ity 8 7 85/67

24 hours through 8 p.m. yest........... 0.00" Month to date................................... ...................................2.68" 2.68" Normal year to date....................... 18.31" Year to date................................... .................................... 17.16" -10s

Forecasts and graphics provided by Weather Underground @2011

Myrtle yr le yrtl eB Be Bea Beach ea each 8 83 83/68 3//68 3/6 3 /6 Ch Charleston rle les es 8 83 83/74 H n He e Hilton Head 8 83/ 3///74 4 83/74 Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.



Above/Below Full Pool

High Rock Lake............. 654.77.......... ..........-0.23 -0.23 Badin Lake.................. 539.14.......... ..........-2.86 -2.86 Tuckertown Lake............ 595.3........... -0.7 Tillery Lake................... 278............ ............-1.00 -1.00 Blewett Falls.................177.2 ................. 177.2.......... -1.80 Lake Norman................ 98.40........... -1.6

N. C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 0-50 good, 51-100 moderate, 101-150 unhealthy for sensitive grps., 151-200 unhealthy, 201-300 verryy unhealthy, 301-500 haazzardous

H B Billings ing gss iilllllin

Minneapolis M in o liiss nn n ne e ea a ap p po oli

51/40 5 4 0 51 1 1///4 40

86/65 8 6//6 6 5 86 65

Ne New ew wY York Yo o orrrkk Chicago C hiiiccca ag go o h


San Sa an n Francisco Francisco Fr rancisco anc ncis isc scco o


58/50 5 8 8//5 /50

L De en n nver vver e err LDenver 6 69 69/43 9//4 4 43 3

50s 60s

90/72 9 0 0/72 //7 /72 7 72 2

91/72 9 1 1///7 7 72 2



Charlotte e Yesterday.... 56 ........ moderate .......... ozone Today..... 68 ...... moderate

64/49 6 64 4 4///4 4 49 9



Air Quality Ind Index ex

Seattle S e Se eat atttle ttttle lle

-0s 0s

Southport outh uth 8 83/68

Salisburry y Today: 6.4 - medium Tuesday: 8.0 - med-high Wednesday: 7.6 - med-high

Detroit D e etroit ttroit rroit oit it 8 88/69 88 8 8///6 6 69 9

n g elle e Los Los os A Angeles An ng ge ess

Kansas K Ka a ansas n nsssas as City as Cit ittyy

6//5 5 76/58 7 58 8

88/72 88/72 8//72 72 7 2

Cold Front

92/75 7 5 9 92 2//7 2/ 75

92/69 69 9 92 2//6 2/

91/66 9 91 1 1///6 6 66 6 Miami M iia a am m mii


87/76 76 87 8 7//7

Staationary 110s Front Rain n Flurries rries

LSn Snow Sno

H Houston o ou u usssttton o on n 91/76 9 91 1//7 7 76 6



Jess Parker Wunderground Meteorologist

H A Atlanta tlan an nttta a

Ell P E Paso a aso sso o

90s Warm Front

Showers T-storms -sttorms

Washington W a asssh hin ing ng gtto on n

A late spring storm system will bring more wet and windy weather to the West this Memorial Day. A mix of rain and wet snow with thunderstorms will continue over parts of the Northern Intermountain West, Central Great Basin, and the Northern and Central Rockies. Heavy wet snow in the higher elevations will reduce visibilities, making travel conditions difficult for those outdoors. Meanwhile, periods of heavy rain and recent snow melt will raise more flood concerns in parts of the Northern Intermountain West. To the south, gusty winds, warm temperatures, and low relative humidity values will maintain fire weather conditions in the Southwest. To the east, the low pressure system in the Central Rockies will lift into the Northern Plains Monday while it\'s associated warm front lifts northward into the Northern Plains and the Upper Great Lakes. Showers, periods of heavy rain, and thunderstorms will form to the north of this boundary in parts of Upper Midwest. There is a moderate risk of severe thunderstorm development from southeastern North Dakota, eastern South Dakota, northeastern Nebraska into much of west-central/southwestern Minnesota and northwestern Iowa. Severe storms in these areas may produce very large hail, damaging winds, and a few strong tornadoes. There is a slight risk of severe thunderstorm development surrounding the moderate risk area from the eastern Dakotas and Minnesota southwestward to the Southern Plains. While the primary threats with severe storms in these areas will be large hail and damaging wind, tornado formation may be possible. Elsewhere, a weak cold front will move through the Northeast with scattered showers and thunderstorms. Meanwhile, Memorial Day will likely mark the start of the first heat wave of the season for the Delaware Valley. Daytime highs in the area will climb into the 90s and heat indices are expected to reach near the century mark through the mid-week.

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