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Thursday, July 14, 2011 | 50¢

Fund may help hold off foreclosures

Storm brings down trees

Homeowners could be eligible for up to $36,000 BY EMILY FORD eford@salisburypost.com

nathan hardin/SALISBURY POSt

Firefighters make sure all is clear at a Rockwell house where Wednesday’s storm blew down a tree.

No one at Rockwell home when limbs crash into roof ROCKWELL — A tree that collapsed on a home Wednesday evening smashed a large part of the structure. According to a Rockwell Fire Department official, the homeowners were traveling home from a Las Vegas vacation at the time of collapse. No one was in the house at 13117 Megan Drive. Next door neighbor Michelle Walter said she walked outside to get her floats from the pool. “It was just a big boom,” Walter said. “That’s bad to go off

and come back to see something like this.” The falling tree crushed the rear half of the house and the adjoining carport. According to bystanders, the family has been made aware of the incident. They are expected to return today. The storm was also blamed for a transformer that blew out in downtown China Grove on Main Street and caught a tree limb on fire. No injuries were immediately reported. the back of the house and carport suffered the worst damage.

SALISBURY — People in danger of losing their home to foreclosure may qualify for a government program that offers up to $36,000 to help pay a mortgage. “It’s a wonderful program,” said Lou Adkins, a housing counselor with the Salisbury Community Development Corp. “It’s saved a lot of people’s homes.” The N.C. Foreclosure Prevention Fund offers help to North Carolina homeowners who are struggling to make their mortgage payments due to job loss or other temporary financial hardship, such as the death of a loved one, divorce or serious illness. The fund is offered by the N.C. Housing Finance Agency, a self-supporting state agency, and paid for through the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Hardest Hit Fund. Services are provided by participating HUD-approved counseling agencies statewide, such as the Salisbury CDC. In her office on West Bank Street, Adkins uses the fund’s Mortgage Payment Program to help people keep their homes. The program provides zero-interest loans of up $36,000 over 36 months. “The good thing about this loan is it’s not just for unemployed people,” she said. Foreclosures have been on the rise in Rowan County since 2003, when Pillowtex closed. The county had 915 foreclosures last year, 101 more than the year before. Already in 2011, Rowan has had 425 foreclosures. But starting this month, new federal regulations on lenders have slowed the foreclosure rate, said Jeff Barger, Rowan County clerk of court. Substitute trustees overseeing foreclosures have been asking courts to postpone hearings because lenders are slow to provide affidavits of default, which have to meet tougher standards, Barger said.


Author John Hart draws crowd for signing Fans started filling the narrow aisles of the downtown bookstore a full hour before the 7 p.m. start of the signing. They enjoyed complimentary food and drinks, and bought one (or more) copies of “Iron House.” “I’ve read every one of ’em,” said Barbara Upright of Salisbury. BY HUGH FISHER She held two copies of the new novel hfisher@salisburypost.com as she waited for Hart to take his seat and start autographing. SALISBURY — Fans of author John Upright said she’s heard him previHart filled Literary Bookpost on Wednes- ously, when he spoke to her book club day evening for the first signing of his earlier this year. new book, “Iron House.” She was one of many who wanted to The book was released this week. be among the first to buy his latest work.

Local connection, thrilling style bring out the fans

hugh fisher/FOR the SALISBURY POSt

Diane Peoples poses for a photo with author John hart at Literary Bookpost on Wednesday.

6 vetoes, 6 overrides

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mittee chairman. The bills, which passed during the Legislature’s primary work session this year, won’t become law unless the House also agrees to override the vetoes. The House met briefly Wednesday but won’t take any override votes until July 25. Those votes likely will be close because Republicans need a handful of Democrats to join them to succeed. The overrides began a two-week work session in which House and Senate members planned to finalize new boundaries of General Assembly districts and those for the U.S. House delegation. Redistricting committee meetings will begin in earnest July 21. Senate leader Phil Berger, R-Rock-

Today’s forecast 88º/65º Partly cloudy Weather 12B


ingham, said several of the overridden bills were designed to help create a healthy business environment and GOV. BEV PERDUE reduce government red tape and rules. “We passed jobs legislation, and then the governor vetoes a number of them,” Berger said. In a statement, Perdue said the Senate “made the wrong choices for North Carolina — six times over,” but remained “hopeful that the House will take

Gladys M. Barfield Billy L. Cohen Kathleen W. Menscer Audrey S. Rigdon

See HART, 6A

Steen says transition with redistricting won’t be hard

House also will have to go over Perdue’s head to make bills law RALEIGH (AP) — The Republicanled Senate made quick work Wednesday of Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue’s vetoes by overriding all six returned to the chamber since the General Assembly last left town, including medical malpractice litigation changes and a bill targeting the state’s largest teacher lobbying group. The outcomes of the Senate votes were expected during a General Assembly meeting that wrapped up within an hour. The Republicans have a veto-proof majority in the chamber as long as their caucus stays in line, which it did Wednesday. “No surprises,” said Sen. Tom Apodaca, R-Henderson, the Senate Rules Com-

Deal Safrit of Literary Bookpost said he had sold about 400 copies so far. Not only were customers standing in line for the privilege of getting a signed copy, but Sheila Brownlow said Hart had agreed to sign pre-ordered copies for other customers. “He’s so gracious,” Brownlow said. After waiting patiently for the line to snake through the bookstacks, customers got to shake Hart’s hand, snap a picture or two and tell him their love of his work. Hart, who grew up in Salisbury, may

See VETOES, 2A George H. Ballard Dewey K. Earnhardt Ben A. Garvin Reba K. Stuard

BY KARISSA MINN kminn@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — N.C. Rep. Fred Steen said he is disappointed he would lose some of Rowan County in the state’s redistricting proposal but looks forward to representing part of Cabarrus. “I hope the folks in Cabarrus County will trust me, and we can take care of their wants, needs and concerns as we have in the eastern and southern parts of Rowan County for the last six or eight years,” Steen said. “I’d like to

Emma H. Bishop John P. Stutts Sr. Sandra Weygandt


Bridge Classifieds Comics Deaths

be able to get down there, meet some folks, let them know who I am and (let them) pose questions.” Steen said the transition won’t be hard for him personally. The former chair of the Cabarrus-Rowan MPO and Cabarrus business owner has had ties to the county for many years. “You’ve just got to become more versatile and more open,” he said. Steen, a Republican, would pick up a large northeastern


11B 5B 10B 5A

Horoscope Opinion Sports Television

11B 4A 1C 10D

2A • THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011



Fun with the French: Put a little Shakespeare in midsummer night

FROM 1a up these issues and make better choices.” Wednesday’s override votes revisited a nearly fivemonth work session in which Perdue issued a record 15 vetoes as partisan philosophies clashed when Republicans took the majority in both chambers for the first time since 1870. About the only drama Wednesday was whether senators would go ahead and halt the North Carolina Association of Educators from having members’ dues deducted directly from paychecks. The bill appeared designed to punish the nearly 60,000-member association, which is a close

ally of Perdue. She called the publicans voting in favor of gence cases that would limit bill unfair and unconstitution- changes in medical negli- malpractice lawsuit payouts. al in her veto message. Perdue “couldn’t write, ‘my friends don’t like this,’ ” said Gel Color Nails ................$2199 the bill sponsor, Sen. Ralph Spa Pedicure .......................$1999 Hise, R-Mitchell, adding that $ 00 Gel Nails w/white tips........$2999 Kid Spa ...............................$1599 senators needed to decide if it $ 99 Spa Head (45 min) ................ 29 Full Set ............................ 19 was appropriate for state govFill-in ...............................$1299 Eyelashes ...............................$1999 ernment to collect dues for an Refreshments Served FREE Hot Stone Massage with pedicure service employee organization. The association has been critical of Republican legislation and gave money to a poOPEN SUNDAY 12-5 litical organization supporting 1040 Freeland Dr., Ste 112 Please bring ad to receive Democratic legislative candiSalisbury, NC 28144 704.636.0390 special pricing. Exp. 7/30/11 dates last year. “This is a bad, vindictive way to treat the educators of this state,” said Sen. Charlie Dannelly, D-Mecklenburg, beVoted Best Jewelry Store fore the override motion in Rowan County passed 30-18. “LIKE” Other override motions reus on Facebook ceived bipartisan support. Six Democrats joined Re-

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going of characters, some with swords. Lee Street Theatre presents Shakespeare’s Henry V through July 16 in the Looking Glass Artist Collective Theatre at 405 N. Lee St. in

Salisbury. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $10 at the door, with general seating, no advance sales. For information, contact leestreettheatre@gmail.com or call 704-754-2321.

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alongside trained Shakespeare professionals makes this project satisfying on yet another level. Catawba College has one of the most outstanding theatre departments in the country, attracting a high calibre of student. But for years they have seemed confined to campus, venturing little into Salisbury’s creative community. Here’s hoping that opportunities like this will continue to draw students out into the town. In spite of the play’s brevity, don’t think of this as an opportunity to introduce your child to Shakespeare. This version accentuates Shakespeare’s veiled, and sometimes obvious, sexual references. While many children would not pick up on this, they would probably be restless for much of the wordplay and appreciate only the alarmingly ferocious swordplay in one scene. There’s no intermission, but concessions are available before the show. You may want to allow time to the read Falocco’s synopsis and get the historical characters in mind. And with general seating, it’s a good idea to come early. If you have an aisle seat, keep your arms and legs in, since there’s a lot of coming and

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mor. He is supported well by Dustin Sullivan in the role of Westmoreland and Cody Gasque who demonstrates his range while revolving through the roles of Exeter, Burgundy and a French soldier. In Shakespeare’s time women’s roles were played by male actors since it was considered unseemly for a lady to appear on stage. But LST has flipped that custom by having Missy Barnes (associate theatre professor at Catawba College) play the part of the French king. Other than donning a cheesy gray beard, she purposely does little to mask her femininity, even launching into an Edith Piaf aria at one point. Nor does she bother to remove her stylish glasses in a play that is unabashedly rife with anachronism. Barnes is even more entertaining in her other role as Alice, lady in waiting to Princess Katherine, portrayed coyly and humorously by Jacqueline Loy. The scene where Alice instructs the French princess in the English words for parts of her body is a comedic high point of the production. Four of the cast members are Catawba theatre students, and the fact that this production is providing Shakespeare experience


Do you find Shakespeare intimidating? Then let Lee Street Theatre’s production of Henry V cure your Bardphobia. This stripped-down, fastpaced version of the play clocks in at just one hour. Shakespeare may never have said “always leave the audience wanting more,” but director Joe Falocco certainly does just that. In his abridged version of the script, there’s never a dull moment. But even though this version has mass appeal, it can be equally enjoyed by Shakespeare connoisseurs, having retained Shakespeare’s rich language and the play’s main plot. Indeed, the focus is trained on the words since the minimal costuming and props, and total absence of set, keeps all attention on the actors and their delivery. The N.C. Shakespeare Festival has sadly canceled its fall season for the first time in its 34-year history due to state budget cuts. Those who regularly attend that festival may want to partake in Lee Street’s current offering to lessen the blow and get their yearly iambic pentameter fix.

Falocco is a Shakespeare scholar with an interest in replicating performance conditions of Shakespeare’s time, and so there is no stage lighting or amplification. But the acoustics in the intimate theater make a sound system unnecessary and facilitates direct communication with the audience. The rustic stage plays the part of “unworthy scaffold” very well. I would have also been willing to do without air conditioning and withstand an Elizabethan temperature since the sound of the blower was a little distracting in a play that depended heavily on words. The trimmed cast consists of only six actors in multiple roles, just enough to fill the black box stage when standing side by side. Falocco himself fills three parts. As Chorus, he bridges the fourth wall to keep the audience up to speed with his energetic explanations, and as the Dauphin his exaggerated accent brings to mind the taunting Frenchmen in Monty Python’s Holy Grail. Falocco rounds out his stage time as Governor of Harfleur. Aaron Alderman is a convincing and confident Henry, a demanding role requiring delivery of moving speeches and pompous hu-


BY SARAH HALL For the Salisbury Post

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Deadline for posters is 5 p.m. • Tevin Vincent, bass-baritone classical and opera singer, performs 1 p.m., Friday, at Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church and Westside Community Foundation for students in the Summer Enrichment Program. Rev. Clary L. Phelps, pastor; for details Jean Lowery or Donnie Jefferson, 704-633-5057. • Barbecued chicken dinners, fish plates, hot dogs at the home of Agnes Gray, 1133 Laurel St., beginning at 11 a.m. Friday; cost, $5, includes baked beans, slaw, dessert and drink; fish sandwich, $4; hot dogs, $2. Proceeds to Hall’s Chapel Senior Missionary. For more information, call 704-633-4134. • “Iron Sharpens Iron: Strengthening the Body of Christ,” presented by Women and Men of Power Fellowship, 8:30 a.m.-noon, Saturday, July 16, Salisbury Women’s Club, 1237 Old W. Innes St. Sponsored by Grace Deliverance Tabernacle, pastor Patricia Trueblood.

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THURSDAY July 14, 2011




Woman accused in stabbing Police: Two-pronged fork the weapon of choice against sister’s boyfriend

subMitted phOtO

that’s salisbury tenor Neal Wilkinson on the big screen singing the national anthem at sunday’s boston Red sox game at Fenway park.

‘It was not just another ballpark’ Performance of national anthem at Fenway ‘a great experience’ BY MARK WINEKA mwineka@salisburypost.com

As athletic venues go, 99-year-old Fenway Park in Boston really is special. “It was not just another ballpark,” Salisbury’s Neal Wilkinson said Wednesday. “It was Fenway Park.” The Salisbury tenor sang the national anthem for Sunday’s game between the Boston Red Sox and Baltimore Orioles. As Wilkinson built up to the end of the anthem and reached the next-tolast line, “O’er the land of the free,” the 37,000plus spectators exploded with applause and cheering. “Which was really a great experience,” Wilkinson said. It led, of course, to the song’s — and Wilkinson’s — big finish: “And the home of the brave.” It was one of those times, Wilkinson said, when he walked off a field after singing the national anthem when he thought to himself, “That was good.” The crowd agreed. Throughout the game and even Monday, when he was touring through Boston with family, people walked up to him and told him what a great job he had done with the anthem.

STEEN FROM 1a portion of Cabarrus County in the 76th district under the proposal. He also would lose ground in western and central Rowan to the 77th district, represented by fellow Republican N.C. Rep. Harry Warren. Michael Bitzer, associate professor of politics and history at Catawba College, said Wednesday that the political party in control of redistricting tends to protect its incum-

Standing on the field Sunday during batting practice and pre-game activities leading up to the anthem, Wilkinson said it quickly sank in that players such as Ted Williams roamed this same turf. The Green Monster — the imposing wall in left field — also loomed large, of course. So many Red Sox fans in Salisbury and elsewhere kept telling him that there was nothing like being in Fenway Park — that it was different, special. They were right, Wilkinson said. “There’s just something about the feel of that ballpark,” he added. The public address announcer introduced Wilkinson as a gospel singer from Salisbury, N.C., which brought applause. His name also was spelled correctly on the Megatron scoreboard. Wilkinson’s wife, Sandra, Karl Hales and Andy Meng were able to be on the field with him before the anthem. About 15 Salisburians in all made the trip, taking advantage of an offer put together by Mike Breedlove of Marquee Tours. Most of the Rowan Countians sat in the grandstand along the first base side. The Wilkinsons and Sandra’s sisters, Linda and Joyce, had four seats along the third-base side in seats that were original to the 1912 ballpark. It was a hot afternoon game, but the Wilkin-

bents. Registered Republicans in Warren’s district would increase from 33 percent to 40 percent of voters, Bitzer said, while the Democrats would drop from 44 percent to 36 percent. “The 77th District, before STEEN redistricting, was one of the most competitive districts in the entire state,” he said. “The way that I look at it, this could become a reliably Republican district for some time.”

sons caught a break because their seats were in the shade most of the time. Boston beat Baltimore, 8-6. Wilkinson and his family took a tour of Fenway Park, which included walking to the top of the Green Monster, where seats are $165 each. “It’s the perfect place to watch a ballgame,” Wilkinson said. “It really was an incredible view.” His group also was able to meet Boston sportswriter Bob Ryan, who helped Wilkinson in landing the chance to sing at Fenway. Wilkinson met Ryan this spring when Ryan was inducted into the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Hall of Fame in Salisbury. Wilkinson has now sung the national anthem for five Major League Baseball games and at five different parks: Camden Yards in Baltimore, the old Shea Stadium in New York, Banc One Ballpark in Phoenix, the Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati and now Fenway Park in Boston. Wilkinson is an executive salesman for NTA Inc. of Indiana. He has sung the national anthem and patriotic songs at many other sporting events and trade shows across the country. “It was a great trip, it really was,” Wilkinson said. Contact Mark Wineka at 704-797-4263.

The 76th District actually became more Democratic, he said, but Steen still has enough of a party base to win. Currently, 28 percent of voters in the district are registered Democrats and 48 percent are registered Republicans. The proposed new district would change that split to 34 percent and 43 percent. “That’s still a pretty heavy tilt, even though the numbers appear to be closer,” Bitzer said. In the 2010 election, about 60 percent of votes in the 76th district went to Republican candidate John McCain, he said. In the 77th district, that number was 63 percent, and

EAST SPENCER —An East Spencer woman’s temper earned her felony assault charges and a $25,000 bond following a fight with her sister and an argument with East Spencer Police. Kiara Bost, 21, of South Long Street, faces charges of felony assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury for allegedly stabbing her sister’s boyfriend, Telvin Morgan, 20, in the chest with a long, twoBOST pronged fork. According to a press release from East Spencer Police Chief Floyd Baldo, he went to the home in the 900 block of South Long Street around 2:20 Tuesday afternoon following a 911 hang-up call. When Baldo arrived, he heard multiple people shouting and spoke to the homeowner, Karen Blackwell, who told him her daughters, Kiara Bost and Latoya Bost, 25, were fighting. While Baldo was trying to investigate, he said Kiara Bost “inadvertently assaulted me by attempting to push by me to continue the fight with her sister.” He arrested Kiara Bost for assaulting a law enforcement officer. After Kiara Bost was handcuffed, her sister, Latoya Bost, said Kiara had stabbed her boyfriend, Telvin Morgan, with a cooking fork. Baldo reported Morgan was stabbed once in the right chest while trying to stop the sisters from fighting. Kiara Bost shouted out, “Yeah I stabbed that (expletive) ... and I am going to come back and get you,” to her sister, according to the report. Baldo said deputies from the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office, Salisbury Police and Spencer Police responded to assist. According to the report, Kiara Bost continued to yell that she stabbed Morgan. She was also charged with communicating threats and received the $25,000 bond pending an appearance in court today. Morgan was treated at Rowan Regional Medical Center for a non-life threatening wound and released.

Bitzer said he considers anything above 55 percent to be a “safe” district for that party. Rowan County would be split between two state Senate districts and three U.S. House districts under the new proposal. Bitzer said all the elected officials will need to help their constituents get to know them by the next general election. “Voters next year will probably walk in and try and cast a ballot for somebody who no longer represents them,” Bitzer said. “They’ll say, ‘But I always vote for that guy.’ Well, not anymore.” Contact reporter Karissa Minn at 704-7974222.













2003 (pillowtex closed) 2002










































North Carolina 66,292




sOuRce: N.c. adMiNistRative OFFice OF the cOuRts

LOANS FROM 1a “Before, they were cranking out those affidavits and rubber stamping them,” he said. Wednesday, only six of 16 scheduled foreclosure hearings went forward, Barger said. Ten others were delayed or canceled. Barger said he often refers people to the Salisbury CDC. “They have done wonders with people trying to save their homes,” he said. Adkins said the CDC — a nonprofit agency funded by

grants that serves Rowan, Davidson, Davie and Iredell counties — takes about 30 calls a day from people desperate to save their home. “There are a lot of tears shed in our office,” she said. Many clients had good jobs and never paid a bill late. “And then all of a sudden they lose their jobs or income, and they are behind,” Adkins said. “It’s so stressful.” The N.C. Foreclosure Prevention Fund will catch up homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments. “It's all to help you get back into the job market,” she said. “If you go on disability, you don’t qualify.”

Loan recipients must be looking for a job or going back to school. Recipients who stay in their home for at least 10 years after the loan don’t have to pay it back. So far, Adkins has closed 11 loans since December and has 40 to 50 applications pending. It takes about three months to be approved. Homeowners must provide extensive paperwork and fill out an application. The CDC will provide a list of required records and assign callers to a group session to determine eligibility before they meet with Adkins. Loan recipients also must agree to credit counseling

throughout the duration of the loan. While the Salisbury CDC also refurbishes and builds homes to encourage first-time home ownership, most of the agency’s efforts are now directed at preventing foreclosure. “We don't give up on anybody,” Adkins said. “We try to make sure that nobody is foreclosed on. We do whatever we can to prevent it.” Adkins works with Robbie Stevens, another housing counselor, and Executive Director Chanaka Yatawara. To reach the CDC, call Intake Coordinator Mary Powell at 704-216-2717.

Think you’re eligible? You may eligible for loans if you: • Are the property owner of the home you live in. • Owe no more than $275,000 on all your mortgages. Check with your lender to find out your balance. • Live in North Carolina. • Have lost your job or experienced a reduction in income through no fault of your own, or face a temporary financial hardship such as a divorce, serious illness or death of a cosignor and need to find new employment. • Have good mortgage payment history prior to your recent unemployment or income loss. • Can pay your mortgage once the loan ends. • Are a legal U.S. resident. Before applying for the N.C. Foreclosure Prevention Fund, find out if you are eligible by completing the questionnaire at www.ncforeclosureprevention.gov/questions.aspx.


4A • THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011


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A fateful role in history fter the first shots of the Civil War rang out at Fort Sumter, a courier came to Salisbury to notify North Carolina’s governor. Local tradition holds that Gov. John Ellis was entertaining in his stately home on South Ellis Street when he received the news. Soon after, President Lincoln asked all the states for troops to help quell the rebellion, and Ellis knew the state’s resistance to secession was coming to an end. North Carolina would not send troops to fight its Southern neighbor. The 150th anniversary of the firing on Fort Sumter in April was followed last week by another footnote to history, the 150th anniversary of Gov. John Ellis’ untimely death on July 7, 1861. Here in Salisbury, especially, Ellis should be remembered for his desire to improve life in his mostly rural state and his level head as the South prepared for war. But Ellis was a man of his time. The son of a planter, he saw owning slaves as a property right and staunchly defended it. In remembering Ellis and other local leaders of that era, Salisburians walk a fine line as they deplore his stance on slavery yet admire his leadership of the state. Ellis was born in eastern Rowan County, in an area now in Davidson County. He graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1841 and established his legal practice in Salisbury, ELLIS then one of the state’s major cities. Rising to prominence, he served as a legislator and Superior Court judge before winning election as governor in 1858. Even before he became governor, Ellis vigorously promoted transportation improvements to connect towns and industry and boost the state’s economy. The result was the North Carolina Railroad, a line going from Goldsboro to Raleigh to Charlotte — passing, of course, through Salisbury. But Ellis will be remembered more as the governor who led North Carolina into the Civil War. He did not press his secessionist views so much as wait for the sentiment of the state to swing his way, as it did soon after Fort Sumter. Ellis’ reaction to Lincoln’s call for troops sounds both lawyerly and rebellious: “I regard the levy of troops made by the administration for the purpose of subjugating the States of the South as in violation of the Constitution and a gross usurpation of power. I can be no party to this wicked violation of the laws of the country, and to this war upon the liberties of a free people. You can get no troops from North Carolina.” Within weeks, North Carolina seceded from the Union. Volunteers flocked to a training camp in Raleigh named for the governor, Camp Ellis. Patriotism was high. “Not a man shrunk from his post or showed symptoms of fear,” one commander reported to Ellis after an early battle. Historians say it was Ellis’ misfortune to be governor during the days of secession. If so, perhaps it was a blessing that he did not live to see how it played out. Poor health plagued him much of his life, and he was in Red Sulphur Springs, Va., when he died of a pulmonary disease, according to newspapers of the day. He is buried in the Old English Cemetery on Church Street in Salisbury — a key figure in North Carolina history.


Common sense

(Or uncommon wisdom, as the case may be)

He who does not bait his hook catches nothing. — German proverb

... Motorcycle hit 140 mph in I-85 chase From wiseman’s view: Thank goodness the officer used better judgment by calling off the chase than the rider did by running!!

A religious test for 2012? he Constitution is specific when it prohibits a “religious test” for “any office or public trust” — Article VI, Paragraph III. That doesn’t mean that voters are prohibited from taking a person’s faith (or lack thereof) into account when deciding for whom they will vote. No law could stop them. Past elections have been decided when some Catholics voted for a Catholic politician because of their shared religion and Protestants voted against a Catholic because they did not share that faith. Now come two Mormons — Mitt Romney and Jon HuntsCAL man — and two evangelical THOMAS Christians — Tim Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann. There is confusion and division within once nearly solid evangelical ranks over what to do. Some evangelicals say they wouldn’t vote for a Mormon for president, even though Romney and Huntsman seem, on the surface, to fit with many of the political viewpoints of the majority of politically conservative Christians on social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage (though Huntsman favors “civil unions” and Romney has been on both sides of this issue, as well as abortion, more than once). Does it really matter what faith a president or presidential candidate has, or should everyone, regardless of their religious background, focus on their competence to do the job? Shouldn’t the question answer itself? I would vote for a competent atheist who believed in issues I care about over the most conservative Christian or Orthodox Jew who lacks the experience, knowledge and vision to do a good job as president. Religion can and has been used as a distraction to dupe voters. Jimmy Carter made “born again” mainstream during the 1976 presidential campaign and many evangelicals voted for him on the basis of his declared faith. Yet Carter later revealed himself to be a standard liberal Democrat in virtually every category that mattered, from abortion and civil unions, to the economy, to weakening America’s defenses and image worldwide.



What about Barack Obama’s self-declared Christian faith? He attended the Chicago church of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whose sermons frequently condemned America and contained what some took to be racial slurs. The president’s faith has not distinguished his positions on any issue that matters from that of a standard liberal Democratic secularist. If a candidate says faith is important, shouldn’t that faith take the person on a different path than what someone of little or no faith would propose? If not, what difference does faith make and why should it be of concern to voters? Not every declared “believer” delivers on the expectations of evangelical voters. Even the “sainted” Ronald Reagan raised taxes, signed an amnesty measure and named two justices to the Supreme Court — Sandra Day O’Connor (now retired) and Anthony Kennedy — who voted to preserve the abortion status quo. And yet to this day, most evangelicals believe Reagan was one of our greatest presidents, though he rarely attended church. Carter regularly attended church and even taught Sunday school, but he came to be reviled by most conservative Christians. For evangelicals, the ideal presidential combination would be someone who has a deep faith and is willing to apply it to social, economic and defense issues. It shouldn’t matter whether Mormons believe in baptizing the dead, what undergarments they wear, or that they believe God was once a man like us. Neither should it matter that an evangelical Christian believes in Armageddon, unless, of course, he (or she) wants to advance that day by dropping a nuclear bomb on our enemies, as Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has threatened to do to the West. Now there is someone who combines his religion with political power, which should scare us all. The Bible, the guidebook for evangelicals, teaches that there are two kingdoms. Presidential candidates are running to head up a part of the earthly kingdom known as America. The job as head of the other Kingdom is taken. The duties and responsibilities of each should be kept separate. • • • Contact Cal Thomas at tmseditors@ tribune.com.


Let legislative leaders know if you don’t like decisions Why do we need photo IDs to vote (House Bill 351)? During the 2008 election, Roger Ailes of the Fox network allowed “doctored” news that left us with the perception there was widespread voter fraud. Now we find Rupert Murdoch has also been guilty of manipulating the news. Where are we to go for news we can trust? Hopefully, it’s our local newspapers. Maybe we can get a message through them to our legislators as they head back to Raleigh that some of us believe they’ve overreached their 2010 perceived mandate. If we don’t think photo IDs are necessary, we should say so. If you don’t like the cuts to education, you should let them know . After redistricting, opposing views will carry less weight, in my opinion. It appears the present goal is “to take our country back” to limited government where it’s of, by and particularly for the party in power. — Alice G. Brown Mocksville

AP courses were beneficial As a graduate of Clemson University and current student of the College of Dental Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina, I am very grateful that I was able to take a number of Advanced Placement (AP) classes while a student at South Rowan High School. In reflection, I found the AP classes offered several advantages. I quickly discovered that the college credits I earned while at South Rowan helped me to move more quickly into my major at Clemson. Also, I feel that many of my AP classes helped prepare me for the rigors of my collegiate freshman year. College professors expect a high level of performance. I found that an AP course load can give a more realistic idea of what college is like, especially that oftentimes overwhelming freshman year. I commend the school board and superintendent for continuing their efforts in offering AP classes. I noticed in the recent Post article that students are required to take the AP tests but that there is no AP qualification require-


From southernmost point: That is just plain crazy, hope he gets jail time.

... Porn videos at flea market not illegal From penny lane: There are always two camps on stuff like this ... the “I don’t give a hoot camp” and the puritanical types who try to save society. I’ve never been in the place, but if it’s legal, there’s not much of a story. I’m in the first group; bigger things to worry about than what this guy sells.

... Child drowns in grandparents’ pool From elarom6: This is so sad. One moment changes a life for so many people. Losing track of a child for one moment — thats all it took.

... Have what it takes to be candidate? From patriot81: I think the first criteria for a candidate (is to) be as honest as possible for a human being, have a feeling for want people want, then what they need. Find out completely what you are able to do in office, then make sure you do not promise something you can’t deliver on.

... ‘Miracle baby’ beats the odds From coolbeans: What a wonderful story. He sounds like a wonderful child. God bless you. From really...: Bradley is such a blessing to know and be around! He is sure to put a smile on your face every time!

... Tick bites pose summer hazard

Letters policy The Salisbury Post welcomes letters to the editor. Each letter should be limited to 300 words and include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Limit one letter each 14 days. Write Letters to the Editor, Salisbury Post, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, NC 28145-4639. Or fax your letter to 639-0003. E-mail: letters@salisburypost.com.

ment for teachers. To make the AP offerings even stronger, I feel it would be very helpful for students if teachers could receive training from the College Board on the particular AP class they would be teaching. That way the curriculum could be better matched to the test, and more students might be able to earn those very valuable college credits. Also, please reconsider block scheduling for AP classes. If the overall goal is to help students earn college credit, why have them take an AP course fall semester only to make them wait until late in the spring semester to take the AP test? Too much wait time! Parents and students both have a lot invested in the AP course. Why not facilitate a happier result for more students? — Kathryn Hall Charleston, S.C.

Send a message to D.C. Maybe it is about time for the people of the United States to ask Congress and senators to do something for their fellow constituents: Take a cut in pay. Take a cut in the benefits they get. They get so many kickbacks for their job, and yet the “little man” must work harder than ever just to stay alive. It is time we stand up and say give us something back. Stop taking everything away from us. Maybe we should be the ones that say when they can have a raise or receive benefits. How can we make a difference — and not just by voting? What do you think, Americans? — Louise Klaver Salisbury

From flightbum: I was diagnosed with rocky mountain spotted fever three weeks ago. High fever, thought my head was exploding!

Online poll results Do you agree with the jury’s verdict in the Casey Anthony trial?* Uncertain: 3.67% No: 33.01%

Yes: 63.32% *2,478 responses as of 6 p.m., July 13. The Salisbury Post's polls are not based on scientifically valid survey methodology. They are merely a way to allow readers to express opinions on current events.

Next question Which game best describes the debt-ceiling standoff in Washington? • Blindman’s Bluff • Russian Roulette • Chicken • Paper, rock, scissors To respond, go to www.salisburypost.com and click on any local story; scroll down to find the poll on the right of your screen.



THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011 • 5A

Audrey Statum Rigdon

George Henry Ballard

Billy Lee Cohen

Dewey K. Earnhardt

Kathleen W. Menscer

SALISBURY — Audrey Eileen Statum Rigdon, 71, of Salisbury, passed away Tuesday, July 12, 2011, at Rowan Regional Medical Center following an illness of eight months. Born Dec. 8, 1939, in St. Charles, Va., she was the daughter of Mary Ann Hedgecoth Statum Denton of Salisbury and the late Gordon Henry Statum. Mrs. Rigdon served as secretary and office manager for various lawyers and doctors over a span of 25 years. She attended Trading Ford Baptist Church. Preceding her in death was a stepdaughter, Rhonda VanCleve. Including her mother, she is survived by her husband, Jack Rigdon, whom she married Sept. 26, 1997; sons Eric G. Murray (Kristy) of Kansas City, Mo., Tracy S. Murray (Brenda) of Chesapeake, Va.; stepson Jack Rigdon, Jr. of Amarillo, Tex.; stepdaughter Teresa Buchs of Wisconsin; brother Gordon H. Statum (Pat) of Tifton, Ga.; sisters Glenda D. Grasse (George) of Lexington, Va., Doris A. Hixon of Salisbury; stepsister Mary Alice Mitchell (Wade) of Panama City, Fla.; grandchildren Zachary Murray (Alyssa), Christian, Meaghan, Paige and Mycaela Murray, Nicole Beals and Amy Hill (Bryan); great-grandchildren Austin S. Murray, Tyler, Sarah and Mathew Hill. Visitation and Memorial Service: 2:30-3:30 p.m. Saturday, July 16 at Lyerly Funeral Home. The memorial service will begin at 4 p.m. in the James C. Lyerly Chapel with the Rev. Mike Motley officiating. Memorial Gifts: Trading Ford Baptist Church, 3600 Long Ferry Road, Salisbury, NC 28146. Lyerly Funeral Home is serving the Rigdon family. Online condolences may be made at www.lyerlyfuneralhome.com

WESTBURY, N.Y. — George Henry Ballard, age 66, of Westbury, passed on Thursday, July 7, 2011, at Nassau Medical University Center in Long Island. Born June 15, 1945, to the late Henry Ballard and Cherry Ballard Jones in Rowan County, N.C., he was educated in the public schools in Rowan County. He retired from a Chrysler dealership and also worked as a security guard. A veteran of the U.S. Marines, he had served four years, including in Vietnam. He leaves behind his former wife, Sarah Ballard Banner of Greensboro, N.C.; a loving daughter, Jacqueline Cherry of Greensboro; two granddaughters, Staff Sgt. Latorya Cherry Lopez (Juan) of Queens, N.Y., and Shareena Reeder of Greensboro; six sisters, Lily Stockton (Roosevelt), Salisbury, Jean Ealy of West Berry, N.Y., Dorothy Heggins and Martha Brown, both of Salisbury, Rosetta Vann of Glenn Cove, N.Y., and Lorretta Stout of Salisbury; a special niece, Gloria Phillips (Thomas), Jacksonville; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Visitation: Saturday, 12 noon at A.R. Kelsey Memorial Chapel, Noble and Kelsey Funeral Home, Inc., Salisbury. At other times, the family will receive friends at the home of sister Lily Stockton, 305 Messner St., Salisbury. Funeral: Saturday, 12:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Rev. Dr. Beverly G. Rose, pastor, Mount Zion CME Church, is in charge of services. Burial and Military Honors: Monday, 10 a.m., Salisbury National Cemetery, Statesville Boulevard. Noble and Kelsey Funeral Home, Inc., is assisting the Ballard family. Online condolences may be made at www.nobleandkelsey.com

SALISBURY — Mr. Billy Lee Cohen, 80, Salisbury, passed away Tuesday, July 12, 2011, at his residence. Born Sept. 10, 1930, in Salisbury, he was the son of the late Ruth Overman Cohen and Thomas Newton Cohen. Mr. Cohen graduated from Boyden High School, Class of 1948, and attended North Carolina State University. He served in the United States Air Force from 1951-1954. Mr. Cohen was founder of Cohen Roofing and Metal Inc., where he worked until his retirement in 1999. He was a member of Enon Baptist Church, where he served as deacon and also several terms on the building committee. Mr. Cohen was a past president of West Rowan Athletic Booster Club and also served as a director of the Carolina Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractor Association. He enjoyed gardening, model trains, his bulldogs Maddie, Ja-Lo and Jazz, along with raising and spending time with his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Preceding him in death were brother J. Newton Cohen and son William “Billy” Thomas Cohen. Survivors include his loving wife, Ruby Owen Cohen; sister Alice Cohen Waddell and husband Harry of Salisbury; sons Chris Y. Cohen of Salisbury, Tim L. Cohen and wife Susan of Charlotte; grandchildren Zachary A. Cohen and wife Corey of Monroe, Whittney Cohen Ferguson and husband David of Commerce, Tex.; great-grandchildren Savannah Grace Cohen, Andrew Cohen Ferguson and Nathan James Ferguson. There is another great-grandson due Sept. 18, 2011. Visitation: Visitation will be from 6-8 p.m. Saturday, July 16 at Summersett Funeral Home. Service: Funeral service will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday, July 17 at Enon Baptist Church with Rev. Wayne Trexler officiating. Burial will follow at the church cemetery. Memorials: May be made to Enon Baptist Church, Debt Retirement Fund, 1875 Enon Church Road, Salisbury, NC 28147. Summersett Funeral Home is serving the Cohen family. Online condolences may be made at www.summersettfuneralhome.com.

RICHFIELD — Dewey Kenneth “Red” Earnhardt, 78, of Misenheimer Road, died Tuesday, July 12, 2011, at Stanly Regional Medical Center in Albemarle. Born Oct. 1, 1932, in Stanly County, he was a son of the late Roy Lee Earnhardt and Estelle Watson Earnhardt. Educated at Richfield School and Pfeiffer University, he was a veteran of the U.S. Navy, serving during the Korean Conflict aboard the USS Valley Forge. A former masonry contractor, he was also a former employee of Norandal in Salisbury. Mr. Earnhardt was a member of Richfield Baptist church, where he was very active. He loved spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren and traveling to see their activities. He also enjoyed working outside and helping others. Survivors include his wife, Edna Caudle Earnhardt of the home; sons Tommy Earnhardt and wife Amy of Norwood and David Earnhardt and wife Jenny of Charlotte; daughter Cheryl E. Turner and husband Greg of Richfield; and grandchildren Jacob, Adam, Halle, Rachel, Sophia, Sydney and Lucy. Visitation: 6-8 p.m. Thursday, July 14, Stanly Funeral Home in Albemarle. Service: 2 p.m. Friday, July 15, Richfield Baptist Church with the Rev. Harold McDonald and the Rev. Dale Collingwood officiating. Burial will be in Richfield Cemetery with full military rites by Stanly County DAV Ritual Team. Memorials: Richfield Baptist Church, P.O. Box 96, Richfield, NC 28137. Condolences may be shared with the family at www.stanlyfuneralhome.com

KANNAPOLIS — Kathleen Wilson Menscer, 90, of Kannapolis, died Wednesday, July 13, 2011, at the Bob and Carolyn Tucker Hospice House. She was born Jan. 2, 1921, in Kannapolis, the daughter of the late John and Cora Jenkins Wilson. She was preceded in death by her husband of 72 years, Archie W. Menscer on July 23, 2009. She was also preceded in death by her sister, Eva Wilson Morgan, and her brother, Brady Wilson. She retired in 1983 from Cannon Mills Co. Plant 1 Cloth Room 4 after 45 years of service. She was a life-member of Trinity United Methodist Church. She is survived by several nieces and nephews. Service and Visitation: Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, July 15 at Trinity United Methodist Church officiated by Rev. Judy White. Burial will follow at Oakwood Cemetery in Concord. The family will receive friends 1 hour prior at church. Memorials: May be made to Trinity United Methodist Church, 416 E. First St., Kannapolis, NC 28083; and/or Bob and Carolyn Tucker Hospice House, 5003 Hospice Lane, Kannapolis, NC 28081. The family would like to give special thanks to the entire staff at the Bob and Carolyn Tucker Hospice House for their love and compassionate care shown Kathleen and her family. Online condolences may be left at www.whitleysfuneralhome.com

CHINA GROVE — A China Grove man and his girlfriend were charged Monday evening after the man’s probation officer reported seeing him throw a bag of marijuana from the house. According to a Rowan County Sheriff’s Office report, probation officer Lisa Bame stopped a vehicle for a routine check at 1626 Daughtery Road when she saw Garrett Wilhelm, 20, throw a bag from the home’s porch. After searching the home, Bame found a 2-ounce bag of marijuana, digital scales, drug paraphernalia and an alcoholic beverage. The report said Wilhelm’s girlfriend, Taylor Simmons, 18, 990 Colonial Drive, Landis,



admitted to police that the seized items were hers. Both were charged with felony possession of marijuana with intent to manufacture, sell and deliver, possession of drug paraphernalia and underage possession of alcohol. Wilhelm was also charged with maintaining a dwelling to keep, store and sell drugs.

Man accused of yelling at police after drinking too many Long Island iced teas SALISBURY — A Locust man was charged early Wednesday morning with disorderly conduct after the man began shouting at police in an Applebee’s parking lot. According to a Rowan County Sheriff’s Office report, Keith Daniel Jackson, 26, drank five Long Island iced teas (a drink using several different liquors) at Applebee’s, 205 Faith Road, despite appearing intoxicated when he arrived. The report said Officer Vail was called to the restaurant for a fight and found a large crowd in the parking lot. Jackson, 103 Mockingbird Lane, Locust, was placed in handcuffs because of his in-

toxicated state. Authorities reported that Jackson yelled obscenities and racial slurs at officers and bystanders on the scene. The fight began after Jackson used racial comments toward others in the JACKSON restaurant. After police tried to calm the man, Jackson reportedly shouted an obscenity at nearby officers. He was given a $1,500 secured bond.

Emma Helms Bishop ROCKWELL — Emma Jean Helms Bishop, age 78, died Tuesday, July 12, 2011, at Carolinas Medical CenterNorthEast, Concord. She was born April 1, 1933, in Baltimore, Md., the daughter of the late Leonard Helms and Emma Griffin Helms. Jean was a homemaker for most of her life. She was regarded by her family as a loving mother and grandmother who loved spending quality time with them. She also had a special love for gardening and sewing. Jean attended Phaniels Baptist Church in Rockwell. Survivors include a son, Michael S. Bishop of the home; her daughter, Linda D. Bishop of Brandon, Fla.; and a grandson, Thomas M. Bishop of Brandon, Fla. Service and Visitation: The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, July 15 at Whitley's Funeral Home Main Chapel, Kannapolis, officiated by Dr. Michael Taylor. Burial will follow at West Lawn Memorial Park, China Grove. The family will receive friends from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Friday at the funeral home prior to the service. Memorials: RHA Health Services, c/o Carter House, 600 W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC 28144. Online condolences may be left at www.whitleysfuneralhome.com.

Gladys M. Barfield

Man behind ‘Brady Bunch,’ ‘Gilligan’s Island’ dies LOS ANGELES (AP) — Sherwood Schwartz, writercreator of two of the best-remembered TV series of the 1960s and 1970s, “Gilligan’s Island” and “The Brady Bunch,”

has died at age 94. He had given up a career in medical science to write jokes for Bob Hope’s radio show. He also wrote for “The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.”

STATESVILLE — Gladys Morgan Barfield, 92, of Statesville, passed away Wednesday, July 13, 2011, at Iredell Memorial Hospital. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Nicholson Funeral Home.

SALISBURY — Mr. Ben Albright Garvin, 87, of Salisbury, passed away Tuesday, July 12, 2011, at Rowan Regional Medical Center. Born April 11, 1924, in Spencer, he was the son of the late Cecil and Julia Albright Garvin. Mr. Garvin was a graduate of Spencer High School and served his country in the U.S. Army during World War II. He retired from Norfolk-Southern Railway with 40 years service. Ben was an active member of Stallings Memorial Baptist Church and the Bost-Barringer Sunday School Class. He was also a member of the American Legion Harold B. Jarrett Post 342. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by brothers Cecil (Buck), James (Buddy) and Bill Garvin; and sisters Cathy Garvin and LaVern Brooks. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Marjorie Fuller Garvin; sons Bennie R. Garvin of Salisbury and Charles Ben Kirk of Raleigh; three grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Visitation: The family will receive friends from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Friday (July 15) at Summersett Funeral Home. Service: A funeral service will be held 2 p.m. Saturday (July 16) at Stallings Memorial Baptist Church, conducted by Rev. Charlie Bryan and Rev. Robert Heard. The BostBarringer Sunday School Class will sit together as a group during the service. Burial will follow at Rowan Memorial Park. Memorials: May be made to Stallings Memorial Baptist Church, 817 S. Main St., Salisbury, NC 28144. Summersett Funeral Home is serving the Garvin family. Online condolences may be made at www.summersettfuneralhome.com.

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SALISBURY — Reba Esther Kennedy Stuard, 74, of Salisbury, died Wednesday, July 13, 2011, at Rowan Regional Medical Center. Born Dec. 3, 1936, in Thomasville, she was the daughter of the late Ruby Yow Kennedy and Howard Cromer Kennedy. She was a graduate of Spencer High School, Class of 1955. Mrs. Stuard was a salesperson for Liberty Life Insurance Co., Durham Life Insurance Co. and Southern Life Insurance Co.; and for 11 years was employed at W.G. Hefner VA Medical Center. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Spencer. Mrs. Stuard was married Sept. 18, 1955, to Walter Glenn Stuard, who preceded her in death on June 11, 2010. Those left to cherish her memory are her daughters, Tina Howard and husband Melvin of Chattanooga, Tenn., Deborah Rader and husband Jim of Salisbury and Kelly Will and husband Tim of Salisbury; grandchildren Andrew and Jeremy Howard of Chattanooga, Tenn., Chris Cooper (Brittany) of Woodleaf and Jason Cooper (Angie) of Salisbury; and great-grandson Bryson Elijah Cooper of Woodleaf. Service: Funeral services will be conducted 11 a.m. Friday (July 15) at Summersett Memorial Chapel with the Rev. Franklin Myers, minister of the First Baptist Church of Spencer, officiating. Interment will follow at the U.S. National Cemetery, Statesville Boulevard location. Visitation: The family will receive friends from 10-11 a.m. Friday at Summersett John Paul Stutts, Sr. COOLEEMEE — Mr. John Funeral Home. Memorials: May be made Paul Stutts, Sr., 98, of Cooleemee, passed away Tuesday, to the First Baptist Church of 215 Fifth St., July 12, 2011, at Rowan Re- Spencer, Spencer, NC 28159. gional Medical Special thanks to the nursCenter in Sales and staff at Autumn Care isbury. Born April of Salisbury for the care given 23, 1913, in to Mrs. Stuard. Summersett Funeral Moore County, he was the son Home is assisting the family of the late An- with funeral arrangements. nie McKenzie Online condolences may be and Presley Leroy Stutts. Ed- made at www.summersettfuucated in Moore County neralhome.com schools, Mr. Stutts retired with Hemingway Transport as a truck driver after many years of service. Preceding him in death were his wife, Margaret Owen Stutts, whom he married Oct. 10, 1939; and daughter-in-law Virginia Goodman Stutts. Survivors include son John P. Stutts, Jr.; daughter Celia S. Gibson and husband Joe; grandchildren Wendy Stutts, J.P. Stutts, III and wife Lacinda and Lee M. Stutts; and great-granddaughter Allison Pierce. Service and Visitation: 523 S. Main Street, Ste. 2 Graveside service will be held Salisbury, NC 28144 11 a.m. Thursday, July 14 at www.cremationconcepts.org Rowan Memorial Park with Chris Shoaf officiating. The family will speak to friends following the service at the cemetery. The family would like to give special thanks to Rowan Regional Medical Center, Autumn Care Nursing Home, and the hospice nurses for their love and care of Mr. Stutts. Sara Ann Spear Memorials: In lieu of flow10:00 AM Thursday ers, memorials may be made First Presbyterian Church —— to the donor's choice. Nevada Wyatt Seawell Summersett Funeral 11:00 AM Thursday Home is serving the Stutts Chestnut Hill Cemetery family. Online condolences —— may be made at www.sumJohn Paul Stutts, Sr. mersettfuneralhome.com. 11:00 AM Thursday



Probation officer’s stop leads to drug charges

Ben Albright Garvin

Reba Kennedy Stuard

Sandra Weygandt ROCKWELL — Mrs. Sandra Weygandt, of Rockwell, passed away Tuesday, July 12, 2011, at Rowan Regional Medical Center in Salisbury. Arrangements are incomplete. Powles Funeral Home is assisting the Weygandt family.

Rowan Memorial Park ——

Jeffrey Richard Moe Noon Thursday Summersett Mem. Chapel Visitation: 10 AM - Noon Thursday ——

Reba Kennedy Stuard 11:00 AM Friday Summersett Mem. Chapel Visitation: 10-11 AM Friday ——

Ben Albright Garvin 2:00 PM Saturday Stallings Memorial Baptist Ch. Visitation: 6:30-8:30 PM Friday ——

Mrs. Audrey Eileen Statum Rigdon Visitation: 2:30-3:30 PM Saturday Memorial Service: 4:00 PM James C. Lyerly Chapel

Billy Lee Cohen 4:00 PM Sunday Enon Baptist Church Visitation: 6-8 PM Saturday

6A • THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011

As Friday’s deadline HART looms, some towns lacking candidates froM 1A

With the deadline for candidates to file for municipal office coming up Friday, some towns still lack enough candidates to fill their slates. As of Wednesday afternoon, no one had filed yet for the five seats on the Faith Board of Aldermen, and Rockwell and East Spencer were still one candidate short. Spencer lacks candidates for mayor, and only two people have filed for the six alderman slots on the town board. Here’s a list of candidates so far: • China Grove: For mayor, Don Bringle; for alderman, two seats, Lee Withers, Allen Welter and Ronald Overcash. • Cleveland: For mayor, John Steele; for commissioner, two seats, Richard Taylor, Mary Frank Fleming-Adkins and John Bradford. • East Spencer: For mayor, Barbara Mallett; for alderman, three seats, John Noble and Titus King. • Faith: five seats, no filings yet. • Granite Quarry alderman, three seats: Robert An-



derson, Bill Feather, Jake Fisher. • Kannapolis City Council, three seats: Ryan Dayvault, Amos L. McClorey, Ken Geathers, Thomas Kincaid, Roger Haas and Michael Mishkin. • Landis: For mayor, Dennis Brown; for alderman, two seats, Tony Hilton, Roger Safrit and Tony Corriher. • Rockwell: For mayor, Beau Taylor; for alderman, all five seats, Chuck Bowman, Timothy Justin Crews, Tim Draper and Charles Wingerson. • Salisbury City Council, all five seats: Dale Stephens, Pete Kennedy, Susan Wear Kluttz, Paul Woodson, Maggie Blackwell, Blake Jarman, Rip Kersey, Brian Miller. • Spencer: for mayor, no filings yet; for alderman, six seats: Jeff Morris, David Smith. Filing ends at noon Friday. The election is Nov. 8. Filing for the Concord City Council begins July 25 and ends Aug. 12.

be best known locally for “The King of Lies.” The 2006 novel follows a defense attorney, “Work” Pickens, as he tries to solve the murder of his father. His other works include “Down River” and “The Last Child.” “Iron House” is Hart’s fourth novel. “It’s a full-bore thriller that has the same elements that made the first three books special to me,” Hart, 45, said. He has lived in Greensboro until recently relocating to Charlottesville, Va. He said he was glad to see people he knew lined up to say hello and renew their acquaintance. “I swear, four books in, I’m still blown away,” he said of the readers who came to the signing. Readers say Hart’s prose is exciting. Self-proclaimed “No. 1 fan” Diane Peoples of Salisbury said Hart is “an awesome writer.” And, she said, she’s been to every event he’s put on. “He just keeps you going,” Hinson said of his writing style. “It makes you want to keep on. It’s like you were just there.” While he likes the praise, Hart said, he’s also happy with those who find his writ-

one of the few authors who’ll keep me reading until 3 a.m.,” Michele Smith said. “And just when I think I’ve figured it out, he’ll throw me a curve ball.” Lynn Hinson, also of Salisbury, said she was tempted to download the book on her iPad as soon as it became available. But she wanted to get a print copy so she could get Hart’s autograph. “He just hugh fisher/for the sALIsBUrY Post keeps you going,” Hinson said Crowds fill Literary Bookpost waiting in line for John hart. of his writing style. “It makes is almost addictive. “The rea- you want to keep on. It’s like ing memorable. Readers said Hart’s prose son I like reading him is he’s you were just there.”







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THURSDAY July 14, 2011





Science camp rocks

Summer classes at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College SALISBURY — Stay out of the heat and come learn something new at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College this summer. Rowan-Cabarrus is offering personal enrichment and continuing education classes of all kinds. These classes provide meaningful educational experiences at affordable prices.

Estate Settlement People die each day and family members can be burdened with trying to handle the logistics. This class will help students understand ways to liquidate items in an estate, including personal property and real estate. This class will offer insight on ownership, probate law, auctions, tag sales and provide a way to navigate the process of settling an estate. Mondays and Wednesdays, Aug. 15-31, 5:308:30 p.m., South Campus (Concord), Building 1000, Room 106. Registration is $90 (South Campus Estate Settlement Registration Form.

Jewelry Making: Beading Learn the art of custom jewelry design. Students will receive an introduction to jewelry making and beading, with a detailed tour and description of items for jewelry making. Students will complete three projects in class. Class size is limited to facilitate individualized instruction. Tuesdays through July 26th, 5:30-7:30 p.m., The Bead Lady (1 Union Street N., Concord. Registration fee, $35, materials not included (estimated materials cost is $16 per completed project.


Joanie morris/for THE SALISBUrY PoST

Tonya Brinegar-German, teacher of the science camp at Horizons Unlimited, watches as Jeremiah Whitaker, 10, a rising fifthgrader at Granite Quarry Elementary School, and Jake Crapster, 9, a rising fifth-grader at Lake Norman Charter School, mix ingredients during a chemistry experiment.

For the Salisbury Post


Basics of Solar Electric Generation Learn how you can use the sun to generate electricity with solar panels. This class will cover the details and process of purchasing and installing solar panels on or around your residence or business. To learn more about the instructor and his renewable energy projects, visit http://www.kenclifton.com/ Friday, Aug. 12, 9-11 a.m., North Campus, Salisbury, 4133. Registration is $25.

Kaitlyn Thompson, 11, a rising sixth-grader at Erwin Middle School, checks out the ingredients in her beaker.

St. Matthew’s Lutheran presents scholarships St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church scholarships have been awarded for 2011-12. All college scholarships are $500 per semester — $1,000 for the year; vocational/technical college scholarships are $250 per semester — $500 for the year. The total scholarships awarded for 2011-12 are $20,500. • Daniel James Agner, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be a senior at University of North Carolina a Charlotte this fall. He has had two internships with the N.C. Department of Transportation. He plans to major in civil engineering. His parents are Rodney and Linda Agner of Agner Road. Renewal, $1,000. • Jonathan Clark Agner, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be entering Western Carolina University as a freshman this fall. At East Rowan he was a member of the Swim Team. Clark is an Eagle Scout and a member of the Senior Youth Group at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church. He plans to major in physical therapy. His parents are Tim and Mary Jo Agner of Dockside Drive. New, $1,000. • Haley Ellen Barrier, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be a junior at Duke University this fall. At Duke she participates in Duke Lutherans, in chemistry outreach and in intramural basketball. She is associate director of FEMMES (middle school science program). She is an English/pre-med major and

Core Stability This course makes use of gliding sliding disc exercises to transform traditional exercises, allowing for engaged full body effort from start to finish. Train every muscle in your body to extend your range of motion. You will improve your balance, muscular endurance and flexibility while working out to popular music. Bring a mat, towel and water and wear athletic shoes and comfortable clothing. Thursdays, Aug. 18-Sept. 15, 9:30-10:30 a.m., South Campus, Concord, Building 1000, room 106. Registration is $35 (plus optional $2.55 insurance).

B Y J OANIE M ORRIS A loud pop blasts through the room. Giggles ensue. It’s just another day at Horizons Unlimited, where 17 students are gathered on a sunny Tuesday morning for Mysteries of Science — a four day camp designed for rising fifth- and sixthgraders to learn about the various aspects of science. Tuesday was “chemistry day” — each day gets a different topic from biology and chemistry to physics and more. Tonya Brinegar-German, science specialist at the center, said the students have been doing everything from edible DNA (made with Twizzlers and gummy snacks) to making ice cream. During this experiment, students were learning what chemical reactions would happen by mixing calcium chloride, baking soda and bromothymol blue indicator in a plastic zipper baggie. Prior to the experiment, Brinegar-German reminded

Get fit in this Latin-inspired, cardio fitness workout program. Students should wear athletic shoes and comfortable clothing. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (registered students may attend any of the class sessions), July 25-Sept. 1, 5:30-6:30 p.m., North Campus, Salisbury, 4124 (aerobics room). Registration is $40 (plus optional $2.55 insurance).

Basics of Solar Thermal Hot Water Systems Learn about the process of heating your water by using the sun’s natural energy. Save money and help the environment through the use of a thermal hot water system in your residence or business. To learn more about the instructor and his renewable energy projects, visit http://www.kenclifton.com/ Friday, Aug. 26, 2-4 p.m., North Campus, Salisbury, 4133. Registration is $25.

Massage Duets



made the dean’s list. Her parents are Lonnie and Lisa Barrier of Bringle Ferry Road. Renewal, $1,000. • Whitley Shay Barrier, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be a sophomore at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College this fall. She plans to major in nursing. Her parents are Ronnie and Shalyn Barrier of Hidden Cove Drive. Renewal, $500. • Zachary Matthew Brown, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will enter the University of North Carolina at Wilmington this fall. At East Rowan he was a member of the Spanish Club and participated in golf. His parents are Stephen and Earlene Brown of Beagle Club Road. New, $1,000. • Carsen E. Byrd, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will enter Rowan-Cabarrus Community College this fall. At East Rowan she participated in volleyball and was named MVP two years and made AllCounty and All- Conference two years. Carsen was a member of the Junior Civitan, HOSA, FFA and was an honor graduate. She plans to pursue









an associate in science degree followed by majoring in poultry science at North Carolina State University. Her parents are Jim and Julie Byrd of Lakeside Drive. New, $500. • Jacob Heilig Byrd, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will enter N.C. State University as a freshman this fall. At East Rowan he participated in football and wrestling and was captain of the football team. Jacob was a member of the National Honor Society, Junior Civitan and the Key Club and was an honor graduate. He plans to major in construction engineering. His parents are Jim and Julie Byrd of Lakeside Drive. New, $1,000. • Shane Michael Campbell, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be a sophomore at

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College this fall. At East Rowan he was a member of the FFA. He plans to major in criminal justice. His mother is Debbie P. Campbell of Knollwood Drive. New, $500. • Richard Alan Cleveland III, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be a sophomore at N.C. State University this fall. At NCSU he is in the University Scholars Program and is a Goodnight Scholar. He is an aerospace engineering major. His parents are Richard and Chris Cleveland of Stokes Ferry Road, Gold Hill. Renewal, $1,000. • Ashleigh Lauren Cline, a graduate of Concord High School, will be a junior at N.C.


Massage Duets is a class designed to aid couples in acquiring techniques for stress relief and positive touch. How often have you asked your significant other to massage your shoulders, feet or hands, only to be answered with “honey, I’m really tired and I don’t know how”? This class will eliminate all that by teaching you proper techniques that will keep you from getting tired and also rejuvenating you at the end of a long working day. Participants will learn how to give a Swedish Massage to the back by using six simple massage strokes. Participants will also receive detailed information on how to apply those strokes to the full body. Any two people can register for this class. It is not limited strictly to couples. Students are encouraged to bring bottled water, pen/paper, protein snack, comfortable clothes and socks. Thursday, Aug. 25 or Friday, Aug. 26, 5:30-9:30 p.m., or 9 a.m.-1 p.m. N.C. Research Campus, Kannapolis, RCCC Building Room 115. Registration is $70/couple.

Beginning Yoga This course introduces the fundamentals of yoga with a focus on proper breathing techniques, relaxation and correct body positions. Yoga is an exercise that strengthens the body and mind through exercises in relaxation and balance. Space is limited to 15 students to facilitate individualized instruction. Bring a yoga mat and wear loose, comfortable clothing. Thursdays, Aug. 4-Sept. 29 (no class on 9/22), 11:30 a.m.- 12:45 p.m., North Campus, Salisbury, 4124 (aerobics room). Registration is $65 (plus optional $2.55 insurance) or Thursdays, Aug. 4Sept 29, (no class on 9/22), 7-8:15 p.m. For more information about these courses, or to register, please call 704-216-3512 or 704-216RCCC (7222), or visit http://info.rccc. edu/3980.aspx.

2B • THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011



ShoutOuts Lists of Guilford Technical Community College students who earned degrees, diplomas or certificates for completing courses of study during the fall 2010 semester or the spring 2011 semester have been released by the college. Those earning degrees and diplomas each semester were able to participate in the graduation ceremony May 12 at Greensboro Coliseum. Some students earned more than one degree, diploma or certificate. (A number beside the name indicates the student received more than one degree, diploma or certificate.)

Fall graduates Lexington — Richard Cole, Tina Deweese, Samantha Fountain, Meredith Frazier, Roger Hand (2), Mark Hedrick (4), Hannah Kernstine, Andrew Little, Cory

Maxwell. Mocksville — Marcus Monaco, Jennifer O’Brien (2).

Spring graduates Lexington — Demetrio Cervantes (2), Richard Cole, Cassidy Hammonds, Hannah Kernstine (2), Amy Lowe (2), Charm Rivera (2), Rollin Roberts (2), Donald Shaw (2), Joshua Shumaker, Amber Sink, Wendy Tysinger. Salisbury — John Arey, Demeka Kelly.

East grad earns Merit Scholarship More than 1,700 additional winners of National Merit Scholarships financed by colleges and universities have been announced by National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). These Merit Scholar designees join more than 2,900 other college-sponsored award recipients who were

announced in late May. Brett Leslie of Faith is an East Rowan High School graduate who plans to study medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Officials of each sponsor college selected their winners from among Finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program who will attend their institution. College-sponsored awards provide between $500 and $2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study at the institution financing the scholarship. This final group of winners brings the number of 2011 National Merit Scholars to approximately 8,300. These distinguished high school graduates will receive scholarships for undergraduate study worth a total of nearly $35 million. In addition to college-sponsored awards, two other types of National Merit Scholarships were offered —

2,500 National Merit $2,500 Scholarships for which all finalists competed and more than 1,000 corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards for finalists who met criteria specified by their grantor organizations.

Lenoir-Rhyne dean’s list Kayla Morrow made dean's list at Lenoir-Rhyne University for both Fall and Spring semesters. To earn this honor a student must be full time and earn a grade point average of 3.50 to 3.89 with no grades below a “C.” Morrow is attending Lenoir-Rhyne on an academic and volleyball scholarship.

Sacred Heart Good Citizens Sacred Heart Catholic School Good Citizens for the second semester of 20102011: Kindergarten — Lillian

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er people, learning what they do and having them learn about what you do.” The interaction gives the 2010 and 2011 Kannapolis Scholars at the NCRC a chance to see how their research can apply in both industry and academic settings. For Baxter, he’s not only gaining research experience but a network of colleagues and a pathway for his scientific career to develop. For more details, visit the N.C. Research Campus website at http://www.ncresearchcampus.net/training-education/kannapolis-scholars.aspx or the Kannapolis Scholars website at http://www.ncsu. edu/kannapolis.

gle Club Road. Renewal, $1,000. • Avery Hoke Rogers, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will enter Guilford College this fall as a freshman. At East Rowan, Avery participated in baseball and basketball and was team captain for both sports. Avery was a member of Sigma Phi Gamma, band, the National Honor Society, and Younglife. He was a Junior Civitan Scholar, a Junior Marshal, a Guilford College Presidential Merit Scholarship recipient and an honor roll student. Avery participated in the North Carolina State Games – baseball 2011. He is a member of the Senior Youth Group at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church. He plans to major in math/physics. His parents are Kendall and Lynn Rogers of Bass Run. New, $1,000. • Carleigh Beth Simmons, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be junior at Appalachian State University this fall. She is a member of Gamma Beta Phi academic fraternity, a member of the Appalachian Student Dietetic Association, and dean’s list student. She is majoring in dietetics foods and nutrition. Her parents are

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Braun honored as USAA Honor Student Megan Braun of Salisbury has been recognized by The United States Achievement Academy as a United States National Honor Student Award winner. A student at North Rowan High School, she will appear in the Academy’s official yearbook which is published nationally. Megan is the daughter of David and Laura Braun of Salisbury and granddaughter of Chuck and Pat Wetmore of Salisbury.

Kannapolis Scholars begin work at NCRC KANNAPOLIS — The 2011 class of Kannapolis Scholars is under way. These seven new students have joined the original group of seven 2010 Kannapolis Scholars for 10-week rotations in the laboratories of the N.C. Research Campus eight partner universities. The Kannapolis Scholar Program brings postgraduate students to the N.C. Research Campus for a transdisciplinary training program for postgraduate students. The 14 postgraduates currently in the program research food science, nutrition and human health under the direction of mentors from each of the participating universities — Duke, Appalachian, N.C. A&T, N.C. Central, N.C. State, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte and UNCGreensboro. Adam Baxter, who is in the UNC-Charlotte Professional Science Master’s program in bioinformatics and genomics, is mentored by both Ann Loraine, PhD, associate professor in bioinformatics and genomics at UNCC, and De-yu Xie, assis-

Kay and Phil Simmons of Bringle Ferry Road. Renewal, $1,000. • Brooke Nicole Stoner, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be a junior at East Carolina University this fall. She participates in the Chemistry Club and is a dean’s list student. Brooke is majoring in nursing. Her

tant professor of plant biology at N.C. State. Under their direction, he is visualizing and analyzing gene expression data from blueberries to study pathways that make anthocyanin pigments and other high-value compounds in fruit. Anthocyanins are the compounds that give blueberries their color and are thought to provide the most benefit for human health. “We not only do lab work, but we collaborate,” Baxter said. “Working with my mentors gives me an interesting look at the research I’m doing, allows me to discuss other research ideas, and is really helping me develop further as a scientist.” Kannapolis Scholars, which is in its second year, is led by N.C. State University and is funded by a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The grant allows at least 20 students over the next four years to participate in the program. This year’s Kannapolis Scholars are on campus until Aug. 5.

parents are Michael and Teresa Stoner of Bringle Ferry Road. Renewal, $1,000. • Bryson Ray Stoner, a graduate of East Rowan High School, is a member of the welding program at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. His parents are also Michael and Teresa Stoner. Renewal, $500.

• Shelby Leigh Ward, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be a sophomore at Davidson County Community College this fall. She plans to major in accounting. Her parents are Jeff and Rhonda Ward of Panther Creek Road. Renewal, $500.




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State this fall. At NCSU she participates in the University Scholar’s Program, is a Goodnight Scholar and is a dean’s list student. Ashleigh is a member of CSLEPS and the Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society. She is a mathematics’ major. Her parents are Sonja and Gary Cline of Rollingwood Drive S.E., Concord. Renewal, $1,000. • Timothy F. Driggers II, a graduate of East Davidson High School, will be a freshman at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte this fall. He participated in band at East Davidson. Timothy is majoring in mechanical engineering and physics. Tim and his wife, Emily, live on Stokes Ferry Road. New, $1,000. • Christa Renee Henrickson, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be junior at UNC-Charlotte this fall. She is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and a dean’s list and chancellor’s list student. She plans to major in elementary education and special education. Her parents are Chad and Renee McDaniel of Bringle Ferry Road. Renewal, $1,000. • Ashley Kate Kesler, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be a freshman at Meredith College this fall. At East Rowan, she participated in cross country and indoor track. Ashley was a member of the Junior Civitan and the SADD clubs. She plans to major in child development. Her parents are Anne Kesler Blume and Kevin Blume of Stokes Ferry Road. New, $1,000. • Shelby Lauren Kesler, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be a junior at Meredith College this fall. She is a member of the Meredith Fashion Association. She plans to major in fashion merchandising. Her parents are also Anne Kesler Blume and Kevin Blume. Renewal, $1,000. • Lacey Paige Maners, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be a sophomore at Wingate University this fall. Lacey is a pharmacy major at Wingate and a cheerleader. Her parents are Randy and Donna Maners of Providence Church

73 8


Road. Renewal, $1,000. • Lindsey Raye Maners, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be entering Wingate University as a freshman this fall. At East Rowan she was a varsity cheerleader and a member of the National Honor Society and the Junior Civitan. Lindsey plans to major in biology/pre-physician’s assistant. Her parents are also Randy and Donna Maners. New, $1,000. • Cameron Cole Morgan, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be entering Pfeiffer University this fall as a freshman. At East Rowan he was a member of Sigma Phi Gamma and the FFA clubs. Cameron plans to major in biology/pre-med. His parents are Mike and Crystal Morgan of Morganvilla Road, Richfield. New, $1,000. • Katelynne Elizabeth Poole, a graduate of East Rowan High School, will be junior at Brevard College this fall. She participates in women’s varsity basketball. Katelynne is a dean’s list student, an SAAC member and an SAC Honor Roll member. She plans to major in health science. Her parents are Brian and Sandra Poole of Bea-

12 6


program is a first-of-its-kind transdisciplinary training program for postgraduate students. Of his experience, Baxter said, “I really enjoy programming and analysis. The job I was in, I couldn’t do any of that. I love what I do now.” The advantages of being a Kannapolis Scholar extend beyond research. “The Kannapolis Scholars program allows students like me to interact with extremely intelligent and wise people from academia and industry who have been where I am now,” Baxter said. “That’s the most important part of being a Kannapolis Scholar is networking with oth-

Clark, Elisabeth Harper, Natalie Nunez, Haley Sims and Bertha Flores Seventh grade — Chloe Burks, Kate Sullivan, Caroline Parrot, Rebecca Malloy and Walker Latimer. Eighth grade — Stephen Mazur, Allie Smith, Erin Ansbro, Matthew Chilton and Alex Taylor.




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After five years of traveling North Carolina repairing and maintaining computers, 2011 Kannapolis Scholar Adam Baxter decided to apply his undergraduate degree in computer systems and computer programming to a new field. He chose bioinformatics and enrolled in the Professional Science master’s program in Bioinformatics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Ann Loraine, Ph.D., associate professor in the bioinformatics and genomics department at UNCC, encouraged him to apply for the Kannapolis Scholars shortly after he began working with her in December 2010. The Kannapolis Scholars

Rattz, Courtney Williams, Hannah Grace Carr, Becky Gannon, Ahtziry Flores, Karissa Glover, Angelina Pierson and Robert Bennett. First grade — Ben Childress, Mary Blake Nobles, Jack Everson, Sophia Malloy, Sydney Hlavacek, Nicholas Talero, Grace Blackwell, Luke Graeber and Rachel McCullough. Second grade — Virginia Moye Robertson, Caroline Cardelle, Logan Stach, Amy Nguyen, Taylor Meyers, Alexis Miller, J.P. Vaeth, Kathryn Marino, Marina Mueller and Eliza Smith. Third grade — Kailah Johnson, Gabrielle Gajus, Carolyn Conway, Victoria Jones and Hannah Smith. Fourth grade — Jack Fisher, Joseph Clark, Kendra Sharp, Barney Malloy and James Metz Fifth grade — Abbey Key, Daniel Yu, Anne Marie Metz, Johnson Huynh and Elly Burks. Sixth grade — William


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THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011 • 3B


Statesville High program fundraiser Aug. 13 Nine students complete dropout prevention program at West Rowan B Y M INDY R OBINSON Migrant Educator Advocate, N.C.Cooperative Extension

On June 3, nine students and their family members at West Rowan High School received certificates for their completion of the Juntos dropout prevention program. Over six weeks, these families learned about school communication, the college admission process, financial ai, and how important it is to at least finish their high school educations, just to name a few. Participants were given information about different paths to higher education, such as community colleges, universities and vocational programs. Upon completion of the program, parents reported feeling more capable of navigating through the educational system, helping their children apply and pay for college, and knowing if

their child is on the right educational path. Families practiced filling out college applications, writing college essays and filling out financial aid applications. Guest speakers made the program even more informative and memorable. Donna Weaver from the College Foundation of North Carolina stopped by to discuss the many financial aid options available to North Carolina students and gave families tons of great information about scholarship search engines and other online resources. Specialists from N.C. State University also visited with the families to discuss advocacy and parent/student rights. Local businesses, including Farm Bureau, Monterrey Mexican Restaurant, Pancho Villas Mexican Restaurant, Chick-Fil-A, Cici’s Pizza and Walmart, also chipped in by providing financial assistance, meals

for the participating families and gift certificates for door prizes. A special thanks to all of our local contributors. The Juntos program is available for students and parents of students in middle and high school. The program consists of six twohour long sessions usually done over a period of six consecutive weeks. While usually implemented in a school setting, the program can be done in any venue, including community centers, colleges and religious settings. If you would like more information about starting the Juntos program at your location or just general information about the program, including a suggested session outline and statistics from completed programs, go to ncfamilies.com/juntos or contact Mindy Robinson, NC MEP Education Advocate, at 704- 216-8980 or mindy_ robinson@ncsu.edu.

The Statesville High School GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) Parent Alliance is a group of Statesville High School (SHS) parents promoting postsecondary education among SHS students and their families through the GEAR UP program.

The seven-year N.C. State GEAR UP Grant for SHS ends July 31. The Parent Alliance would like to sustain the “college-going message� for its students by continuing information sessions for parents and students about how to prepare to go to college. The group would also like to assist with college visits for



Students visit hospital as part of camp Twelve rising ninth-grade students from the Piedmont Triad region to Charlotte will participate in Camp YEHS! (Youth Exploring Health Sciences) now through July 22 at Winston-Salem State University, and visit Rowan Regional Medical Center on Monday, July 18. The two-week summer enrichment program is designed to educate, prepare and enhance students’ academic qualifications for health science careers and to increase education and awareness of health disparities among populations being served. The program includes sessions on a variety of healthrelated topics, tours of medical facilities, career sessions and a post-mentorship experience. Participants also

have an opportunity to shadow a health care professional as part of the educational opportunity aimed at increasing the number of people of color entering heath science careers in the future. “This program was designed specifically to reach students who are performing well in middle school and who would have an interest in exploring careers in the health sciences, but would not otherwise have an opportunity to participate in such a program,� said Marian Skinner, director of the program. “Camp YEHS! can certainly make a difference in the numbers of underrepresented groups entering the health sciences fields which can have a positive impact on the overall delivery of healthcare. We are, for example, in-

Student honored for research work

Externalizing Behavior� and “Comparison of Self-Reported Crime and Official Crime Statistics at Western Carolina University� during the university’s Undergraduate Expo research exhibition. A junior during the spring semester majoring in criminal justice, Foster is the daughter of Danny and Donna Kruchkow of Salisbury.

CULLOWHEE — D. Christina Foster of Salisbury was among Western Carolina University students honored for participation in research exhibitions during the 2010-11 school year. Foster presented her projects “DRD2 and Environmental Interaction on

Team Trivia STEAKS





Starts July 13th @ 7pm

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Special group from: Florsheim, New Balance, Red Wing, SAS, Dunham, Rockport, Timberland, Dunham, Hush Puppies

1935 Jake Alexander Blvd. Salisbury




cluding a health disparity component to the program this year that will include presentations on diabetes, strokes, obesity and HIV/AIDS.� Camp YEHS! is a collaborative effort by the Center of Excellence for the Elimination of Health Disparities and the School of Health Sciences at WSSU. The program is free for the students and is supported by a grant from the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities.

students and parents. It is sponsoring a fundraiser, Henry Brown as “The Other Mr. Brown� Comedy Show. The show will be held Aug. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Mac Gray Auditorium at Statesville High School. Tickets are $7.50 per person and may be bought from any Parent Alliance Member or at the door.

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Packing away hunger


SALISBURY — When the school year ends, so do free meals for the millions of children in low-income households who depend on them most. This summer, in addition to serving breakfast and lunch to summer camp participants, the YMCA is providing weekend backpacks that will include fresh, nutritious produce, kid-friendly snacks, non-perishables and other products needed for a well-balanced diet to needy children in their summer day camp program. Thanks to a $30,000 grant from YMCA of the USA (YUSA) and Walmart, the YMCA will be able to feed more children through the national Summer Food Service Program. The program, run by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), provides free meals to children aged 18 and under while school is out of session. Nationally, more than 300 Ys will provide 7 million meals to 70,000 children this summer. According to the USDA, 19.5 million low-income children receive free or re-

duced-cost meals during the school year, including 12,089 or 60.4 percent of enrolled children in the Rowan-Salisbury School System. As part of the YMCA’s summer food program, children participating in the summer day camp program receive two meals a day. Not only will this help hundreds of children get the nutrition they need for good health, but it also will help alleviate the strain on family food budgets when school is out. “Millions of children and families are at greater risk for hunger in the summer months,” says Jamie Morgan, CEO of the YMCA of Rowan County. “With so many children who lose access to daily meals when the school lunch program is over, the YMCA is committed to stepping in and helping to ensure our children stay healthy and strong.” The YMCA of Rowan County summer food program received funding as part of Walmart’s Summer Giving Campaign — a broad $25 million initiative aimed at filling the gaps created when schools close this sum-

mer. The initiative will help expand nutrition, learning and employment services to more than 110,000 U.S. middle and high school students throughout the summer months. Walmart contributed a $3 million grant to Y-USA to address child hunger. The need to provide healthy meals to children over the summer is critical, as more families struggle with the issue of hunger. To help generate awareness, supporters are invited to tweet about the Y’s hunger efforts with the hashtag #YFightHunger on Twitter (e.g., “the Y is feeding 70,000 kids this summer. #YFightHunger). The Y’s goal is to collect 70,000 “tweets” to represent each of the 70,000 children that the Y will feed this summer. This live Twitter feed will appear on a webpage on the Y’s national website, ymca.net. To learn more about the YMCA of Rowan County’s summer food program, visit ymca.net/summer-food-program or www.rowanymca. com

Atlanta schools could owe up to $260K in cheating scandal ATLANTA (AP) — Atlanta schools embroiled in a cheating scandal may have to pay back up to $260,000 in federal money for high-performing, low-income schools. Matt Cardoza, spokesman for the Georgia Department of Education, said Wednesday that state officials are trying to determine whether any of the 44 schools accused of

cheating on 2009 standardized tests will have to return money. The schools received up to $11,772 a year for their performance on federal benchmarks, which are measured in part with scores on state standardized tests. Cardoza said those scores may be tossed out He said the funding can be

spent on tutoring programs, classroom supplies and bonuses for educators. A spokesman for the Atlanta school district did not immediately return a request for comment.

www.salisburypost.com www.salisburypost.com www.salisburypost.com


We are currently looking for male and female volunteers age 18 – 70 to participate in a clinical research study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational topical product for toenail fungus of the great toe. Qualified participants must have a positive KOH test and culture at the first study visit.

Eligible participants will receive all study-related care and study product at no cost and may receive financial compensation for time and travel.


RACY members at the YMCA help fill 55 bags for children in the Department of Social Services system.

Do You Have Urinary Symptoms Due To An Enlarged Prostate?

If you have been diagnosed with symptoms of an enlarged prostate, you may qualify to participate in a research study to evaluate the safety and effects of an investigational drug. Qualified participants may receive the following at no cost: • Study related medical exams • Lab tests • Study medication

Compensation for time and travel may be available.


SubMitteD photo

Eligible participants will receive study medication and study related procedures at no cost. Compensation for time and travel may also be available.

BAYER 14725

If you have mild to moderate high blood pressure and are 18 years of age or older, you may be eligible to participate in a clinical research study for an investigational medication for high blood pressure.

Would You Be Interested in Taking Part in a Diabetes Research Study?


If you have type 2 diabetes, find out if you qualify for a clinical research study of an investigational diabetes medication. You may doctors be Local eligible if you are are:currently conducting a research study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a study drug compared to an already approved drug, AMITIZA, in the treatment of Atchronic least 18 years of age constipation. Both will be compared to a placebo (an Diagnosed with type which 2 diabetes inactive substance) is not expected to have any effect On stable dose of oral medication for the past onayour constipation. three (3) months and not on insulin. Eligible participants must be at least 18 years old and have a clinical diagnosis of chronic constipation. If eligible to participate, you will be seen by a study doctor and receive study-related testing and medication at no cost. If Financial compensation may be provided for time and travel. enrolled, you will receive financial compensation for time and travel.

For more information call 704.647.9913 or visit www.pmgofsalisbury.com For more information call 704.647.9913

• Do you have Type 2 Diabetes? • Are you 18 or older? • Are you currently taking pioglitazone on its own or in combination with metformin?

If you answered yes, you may be suitable to take part in a research study which will test a new investigational tablet for Type 2 Diabetes. Qualified participants may receive financial compensation for time and travel.

BOE 1245

Do You Have Type 2 Diabetes?

For more information call 704.647.9913 or visit www.pmgofsalisbury.com

410 Mocksville Avenue Salisbury, NC 28144


Health Insurance is not required to participate.

410 Mocksville Avenue, Salisbury, NC 28144


or visit www.pmg-research.com/crescent




Assistant for busy chiropractic practice Must have a strong work ethic and service mindset. Outgoing friendly personality, be coachable, have some knowledge of healthcare insurance and updated computer skills. Fax resume to 704-642-1416. Healthcare

Consignment Growing Pains Family Consignments Call (704)638-0870 115 W. Innes Street

Sweet Peas 2127 Statesville Blvd. 704-636-8574 50% off all Clothing and Shoes

Farm Equipment & Supplies

PRN LPN's Part time & PRN schedules available all shifts. Excellent pay with shift diff. APPLY AT:

Autumn Care of Salisbury 1505 Bringle Ferry Road EOE

Farm Equipment, new & used. McDaniel Auction Co. 704-278-0726 or 704798-9259. NCAL 48, NCFL 8620. Your authorized farm equipment dealer.

Food & Produce Blackberries for Sale

Lawn & Garden Sales

Miscellaneous For Sale

Homes for Sale

Lawn Mower, Poulan, push, self-propelled$120; John Deere Weedeater-$100; Homelite Hedge Cutter$65. 704-310-0879

Stay cool

BUYER BEWARE The Salisbury Post Classified Advertising staff monitors all ad submissions for honesty and integrity. However, some fraudulent ads are not detectable. Please protect yourself by checking the validity of any offer before you invest money in a business opportunity, job offer or purchase.

Mower. Simplicity heavy duty mower. 18hp. 50” deck. Needs battery. $300. Craftsman riding mower, 12hp. Good condition. $200. Please call 704-738-3658 Patio lights (13), 4 spot lights, 300 watt are transformer. All metal not plastic $200 FIRM. 704-202-5022 Riding Mower John Deere 208 $495. Please Call 704-310-0879 Riding mower, Snapper. Has bagger & mulching blades. $500. Please call 704-456-5971

Machine & Tools Employment $10 to start. Earn 40%. Call 704-607-4530 or 704-754-3026

Yard Sale Area 1 YARD SALE AREAS

$3.50 per Quart $12.00 per Gallon

704-636-2124 Gold Hill Area

Area 1 - Salisbury, East Spencer, & Spencer


For high traffic salon. Great pay & benefits! Call 336-312-1885 Driver

Dump Truck Driver for a quad axle. Must have experience with asphalt & able to spread rock. Drug test req. & must have medical card. 704-857-9404 after 5pm

Looking for a New Pet or a Cleaner House?


(704) 797-4220 Yard Sale Area 2

Area 3 - S. Rowan incl Landis, China Grove, Kannapolis & Mooresville Area 4 - E. Rowan incl. Granite Quarry, Faith, Rockwell & Gold Hill Area 5 - Davidson Co. Area 6 – Davie Co. and parts of Davidson Co. This is a rough guide to help plan your stops, actual areas are determined by zip code. Please see map in your Salisbury Post or online at salisburypost.com under Marketplace click on 'Yard Sale Map' to see details.

Yard Sale Area 2

Salisbury Village at Castlewood 200 Castlewood Dr. (Located across the street from the club house)

Sat., July 16, 7:30am-12pm


CDL Class A Truck Driver needed. Min. 2 years exp. Home 2 days per week. Call 336-744-8300 Dump Truck Driver. Experience with asphalt & gravel. Call L.B. 704-636-0915 Healthcare

Nursing Position as Weekend Supervisor 7am-3pm. Apply in person, Brightmoor Nursing Ctr., 610 W. Fisher St.


Independent Contractor needed for High rock Lake and West Rowan areas. If interested, please call 704.797.4218 or 704.797.4217

Yard Sale Area 3


Plumbers needed w/ 3 to 5 yrs plumbing experience. Apply at 230 Emanual Church Rd, Rockwell between 8-8:30am Mon-Fri. Restaurant

All Positions Experience req. Must be available all shifts. Copy of NCDL if possible. Apply at: Hendrix BBQ on Innes St. No phone calls please. Skilled Labor

PT Diesel Mechanic Must be experienced in service, brake and clutches. Saturday work req., M-F hours flexible. Call 704-8579404 after 5pm. Tax preparers needed, exp. or will train. 25 full & part time positions to fill. Please call 704-267-4689

Furniture & Appliances Air Conditioners, Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Frig. $65 & up. Used TV & Appliance Center Service after the sale. 704-279-6500 Bar stools, swivel (2), $40. Cedar chest, $60. Old rocker, needs to be refinished, $40. Please call 704-640-9877 Bedroom suite, new 5 piece. All for $297.97. Hometown Furniture, 322 S. Main St. 704-633-7777 Bookcase, Cherry Book, solid wood. Great Cond. 36" tall x 14" deep x 32" wide $100 FIRM Rockwell. 704-202-5022 Dryer, Whirlpool Good Condition $140 704-633-7604 GE refrigerator. Perfect as an extra refrigerator. 18+ cu. ft. $50. Call 704831-0278

Get cookin! Kenmore Electric Stove, 5 years old. $225.00. 704-633-3503 Dinette Set, Kitchen Wooden w/ 4 chairs $140; Iron/Wood w/ 4 Chairs $180. 704-6337604

403 & 407 Gold Hill Drive, Salisbury. Come see us. 7-14, 7-15, 7-16, 9am- 3pm. Rockwell. 206 Market St. (off Hwy 52 in Rockwell) Estate Yard Sale. Friday, July 15th , 9am-1pm & Saturday, July 16th, 7am2pm. Glassware, household, couch, cabinets and more. SALISBURY LAKE HOUSE YARD SALE Saturday, July 16, 8am12noon, 410 Blue Heron Road. Tools, Toys, Books, Hunting, Electronics, Clothes, Furniture and more!

Antiques & Collectibles Check out The Depot at Gibson Mill in Concord, NC. Our 460 vendors have shopped all the estate and garage sales for you. depotgibsonmill.com

Vintage Recordings! 78's, 45's and LP's. Early Bing Crosby, Buddy Clark, Dinah Shore, etc. Lots of Opera: Robert Merrill, Ezlo Pinza, Mario Lanza, Placido Domingo, etc. Name your price. 704-6337731

Arts, Crafts & Hobbies

Table saw with stand. Hitachi. 6,000 rpm. $225 obo. Please call 704-2020831 for more info.

ANDERSON'S SEW & SO, Husqvarna, Viking Sewing Machines. Patterns, Notions, Fabrics. 10104 Old Beatty Ford Rd., Rockwell. 704-279-3647

BINGHAM-SMITH LUMBER & METAL CO. Save money on lumber. Treated and Untreated. Round Fence Post in all sizes. Save extra when buying full units. Call Patrick at 980-234-8093. Books. Do-It-Yourself Popular Mechanic. All Collector Series 1-18. $60. 704-797-9020 Computer desk & chair, $30. Mediterrean style dining set w/7 high back chairs & captain's chair, $150. Unicycle, new, $45. Call 336-655-5034 CPAP machine, ResMed. Nearly new. $500. Please Call 704-831-0278 Dryer, heavy duty electric, capacity, $75. large Dehumidifier, works great, $50. Two(2) NEW trailer tires, $25 each. Wood kitchen table w/2 chairs, $25. 704-639-9745 Edger, Craftsman, 3.5hp. Like new. $75. Drop leaf old copper table, $65. Call 704-640-9877 Fence/vineyard poles, 7 ft. long, 3½–3¾ “ wide, green treated, $3.50 ea. 600 avail. 704-245-3660


HYPNOSIS will work for you !

Refrigerator, Side-byside w/ice maker, almond color. $300 obo. 704279-1711 before 8pm Single trundle bed, fourposter, white wood. condition, Excellent $400. Salisbury. Call 704-232-2060. Storage cabinets. (2 available). 43” x 37”. $200 each. Please call 704-202-0831 Waffle/Pancake Maker, Black & Decker $12. Mixer, Sunbeam. Deluxe stand MixMaster & book. $35 704-797-9020 Washer and dryer. Asking $100. Please call 704-469-6083 Washer, Whirlpool. New condition. Used 3 months $400. Whirlpool dryer, good condition. $50. GE microwave, less than 1 year old $40. Concord, (704)798-7269 Water Heater, New American ProLine 40 gallon natural gas water heater. Paid $530, now $400. 704-202-5022 Wheel Horse 655 Riding Mower. $495 Please Call 704-310-0879

Health and Beauty Bedside commode. New. Heavy Duty. Weight Limit 450 lbs. $25 704-6038279


Quilting Material, box of quilting material. Mostly flowers and no real large pieces. $25. Call 704-278-2722

Pickle Charm w/ matching earrings. Very beautiful! Handcrafted. $10 704-603-8279

Baby Items

Lawn & Garden Sales

Baby Swing, $5 High Chair, $5 Please Call 704-2791711 before 8pm

Holshouser Cycle Shop Lawn mower repairs and trimmer sharpening. Pick up & delivery. (704)637-2856

Trailer, Agri-fab, covered. New tires & tubes. No blower or motor. $85. Box scrape for lawn tractor hook-up, complete. New, $125. Call 704-640-9877

Music Sales Christian Music Recording Studio teams, choirs, Praise soloist. 704-279-2274 Drum set by Thor. 5 drums and cymbal $75. Good condition. Please call 704-603-4041

Television, DVD & Video TV - 13" digital Apex TV, like new. Remote and manual. $25. Call 704-279-4947

Want to Buy Merchandise All Coin Collections Silver, gold & copper. Will buy foreign & scrap gold. 704-636-8123 Buying military & war items: daggers, flags, swords, medals. Buying from vets & their families. 336-692-2703

Business Opportunities J.Y. Monk Real Estate School-Get licensed fast, Charlotte/Concord courses. $399 tuition fee. Free Brochure. 800-849-0932

Free aquariams. 10 gal with 9 fish. All accessories. Also, have a 5 gal. rectangle, 5 gal. hex & a 2 gal. with most accessories. 4 total tanks. Call 704-640-2926 Free piano. move East Please 8572.


Lost & Found

New Today banners run the first day your ad runs and are an additional $3

Lovely 3 BR, 2 BA home, nice kitchen, split floor plan, covered deck, garden area, garage, storage building, privacy fence. R52207. $3,000 in $139,900. closing, Monica Poole, B&R Realty, 704-245-4628 E. Spencer

Bring All Offers

$3,000 in Buyer's Closing Costs. 3 BR, 2 BA, newer kitchen, large dining room, split bedrooms, nice porches, huge detached garage, concrete drives. R51548 $89,900. Monica Poole 704-245-4628 B&R Realty East Rowan

Wonderful Home

Beautiful 3 BR, 2 BA in a great location, walk-in closets, cathedral ceiling, great room, double attached garage, large lot, back-up generator. A see. R51757. must $249,900. B&R Realty, 704-202-6041 Fulton Heights

Look at Me!

3 BR, 2 BA, up to $2,500 in closing. Attached carport, Rocking Chair front porch, nice yard. R50846 $109,900 Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty

FOUND dog. Male dog about 15lbs. Gray color with some markings. Found week of 7/9/11 in Rockwell/Sides Rd. area. Call to identify 1-732-682-4814.

Homes for Sale Salisbury

Convenient Location

Very nice 2 BR, 2.5 BA condo overlooking golf course and pool! Great views, freshly decorated, screened in porch at rear. T51378. $94,000. Monica Poole 704.245.4628 B&R Realty

2x4x14 $3 2x6x14 $5.50 2x4x16 $4.75 2x6x8 studs $3.25 2x4x93” $1.75 2x10x14 $5 D/W rafters $5 Floor trusses $5 each 704-202-0326

3BR, 3BA. 2,600+ sq. ft. On 0.62 acre lot. Large great room. Front & rear decks. 30X42 detached garage. Pier. For sale by owner. Appraised at $415,000. Asking $395,000. Please call 704-636-6864

Landis Reduced

Help Me Get Home!!

Move in Ready!

METAL: Angle, Channel, Pipe, Sheet & Plate Shear Fabrication & Welding FAB DESIGNS 2231 Old Wilkesboro Rd Open Mon-Fri 7-3:30 704-636-2349 National Geographic Magazines 1946 special annual 12 issues $5. People & places. 704754-8837 Picnic Table, approx. 3 x 4 feet w/four chairs w/pads, $80. Please call 704-636-6025 Rims - 18 inch alloy aluminum truck/SUV 4wheel drive rims. $500 OBO. Contact by e-mail bgbunny88@yahoo.com STEEL, Channel, Angle, Flat Bars, Pipe Orders Cut to Length. Mobile Home Truss- $6 ea.; Vinyl floor covering- $4.89 yd.; Carpet- $5.75 yd.; Masonite Siding 4x8- $14; 12”x16' lap siding at $6.95 ea. School Desks - $7.50 ea. RECYCLING, Top prices paid for Aluminum cans, Copper, Brass, Radiators, Aluminum. Davis Enterprises Inc. 7585 Sherrills Ford Rd. Salisbury, NC 28147 704-636-9821

Lost Cat, female tortoise shell calico, dark color at Julian Rd. exit off I-85. Call 704-857-7137 Lost dog. Black female Lab, white fur around mouth, June 29. Older dog with limp in back leg. 704-239-7261. Lost dog. Shih tzu mix. Tan & white female with severe underbite. Missing since July 4th from Dunham Ave/WInk's BBQ area. Call 704-433-6123

New Listing


Genesis Realty 704-933-5000 genesisrealtyco.com Foreclosure Experts

4 BR 2 BA home located in the city. Built 2007. Priced at only $89,000! 52504 B&R Realty 704633-2394 Spencer


Unique Property


Great Location

3 BR, 2 BA home in location! wonderful Cathedral ceiling, split floor plan, double garage, large deck, storage building, corner lot. R51853 $149,900 Monica Poole 704-2454628 B&R Realty

Mechanics DREAM Home, 28x32 shop with lift & air compressor, storage space & ½ bath. All living space has been completely refurbished. Property has space that could be used as a home office or dining room, deck on rear, 3 BR, 1 BA. R51824A $164,500 B&R Realty, Monica Poole 704-245-4628

211 S. Rowan Ave. Corner of 3rd St. Beautiful 6 room Victorian Home. Open House Sunday, July 10. Auctioneer Keith J. Pierce, NCAL 154. See www.our web site carolinaauctions.com. 336813-3333 or 336-813-3333

South Rowan

2 Story/ Basement



Lots of Extras

3 BR 2.5 BA on 7.68 acres. Great kitchen w/granite, subzero ref., gas cooktop. Formal dining, huge garage, barn, greenhouse. Great for horses or car buffs! R51894 $439,500. Dale Yontz. 704-202-3663 B&R Realty Salisbury

289 Forest Abbey. 3BR, 2½BA. Rec room, dining& breakfast, lovely lot. For more info: www.carolina centralhomes.com 980-521-7816 CarolinaCentralHomes Spencer

Great Front Porch

Cleveland. Great older home! 4 bedrooms 2 baths. Owner is offering a $3,000 remodel allowance and a home warranty! $121,500 MLS #91536. 704-906-7207 for showing or visit: www.dreamweaverprop.com


Lots of Room

Hurry! Gorgeous 4 BR, 2.5 BA, fantastic kitchen, large living and great room. All new paint, carpet, roof, windows, siding. R51926 $144,900 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628

4 BR, 2BA, like new Craftsman Style, huge front porch, renovated kitchen and bath, fresh paint, brick patio. R51516 $123,900. Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704202-3663

Kannapolis. Near Research campus. 3 bedroom 2 bath with loft. Back home is one bedroom one bath. $124,900. 704-906-7207 for showing or visit: www.dreamweaverprop.com




Motivated Seller

Cute 1 BR 1 BA waterfront log home with beautiful view! Ceiling fans, fireplace, front and back porches. R51875 $179,700. Dale Yontz 704-202-3663 B&R Realty

124 E. Monroe Street, 4BRs, 2BAs, Updates include: ALL floor coverings, light fixtures, electrical, plumbing, & HVAC, cabinetry, counter tops, & more. MLS 51155. $45,000 Wallace Realty, Terry Francis, 704-490-1121.

Motivated Seller


Found dog. Small female dog. Found in Lane St. area Friday July 8th. Call 704-245-2750 to identify.

Lost – Thursday, July 7, 3 Yellow Innertubes, one with tow rope attached. Between Tamarac Marina and Jake Alexander Blvd. 704-636-6111.


Salisbury High Rock Lake

2 BR, 1 BA, covered front porch, double pane windows, double attached carport, big yard, fence. 52179 $94,500 Dale Yontz B&R Realty 704202-3663

My name is Blacky & I'm male. Missing since April 4th. Last seen in my cat house in my own bed. Neutered. Right eye brown, left eye green. I am very shy. 704-6334565. LM if no answer.

Bank Foreclosures & Distress Sales. These homes need work! For a FREE list:

Homes for Sale


3 BR, 2 BA, Well established neighborhood. All brick home with large deck. Large 2 car garage. R50188 $163,900 B&R Realty 704.633.2394 Salisbury

New Home Reduced

Forest Creek. 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath. New home priced at only $82,900. R48764 B&R Realty 704.633.2394 Salisbury

Over 2 Acres

Call Classifieds today at 704-797-4220

Lumber All New!

Homes for Sale

East Salis. 3/4BR, 2½BA. Lease purchase option. New construction, energy star. Green build. 704-638-0108


upright Steger Must be able to piano yourself. Rowan area. call 704-754-

Let's play!

banner to find the freshest deals!

What A Bargain

Free Stuff

How to know you'll go! 4 min. recorded message. Call now. 704-983-8841

Look for the

China Grove

Watches – and scrap gold jewelry. 704-636-9277 or cell 704-239-9298

Stop Smoking~Lose Weight 1 person $100, 2 people $50 3 people $35. 704-933-1982

Slot Machines, with coins, 3 for $150.00. Call 704-633-3076. Metal Bakers Rack, Green. Good Condition 65" tall x 31" wide x 18" deep $50 FIRM. Call 704-202-5022

Air Conditioner,12,000 BTU Portable Room Air Conditioner. Like new. $475.00. Call 704-2782294 between 9am-7pm. Leave message.

Timber wanted - Pine or hardwood. 5 acres or more select or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. Call 704-278-9291.

Metal shed, 63¼” tall $50, refrigerator, full size $35. Call 704-640-5463

Yard Sale Area 4


Johnson's Barber Shop is hiring an experienced barber. Call 704-798-6949 or 704638-6309

Blackberries for Sale Washed and ready for the freezer, $4 per quart. Or Pick you own! $12 a gallon. Call 704-633-3935.

China Grove Yard Sale, Friday & Saturday, July 15th & 16th, 8am-12pm. 550 Sheppard Plant Rd. IN **CHRISTMAS JULY** FURNITURE** APPLIANCES** CEILING FANS*** Everything must go! Everything!


Saw - 16" Craftsman Scroll saw. Like new. $35. Please Call 704279-4947

Miscellaneous For Sale

Area 2 – W. Rowan incl Woodleaf, Mt. Ulla & Cleveland

Community Yard Sale


THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011 • 5B


Completely remodeled. 3BR, 2BA. 1202 Bell St., Salisbury. Granite counter tops, new stainless steel appliances, new roof, windows and heat & air, hardwood floors, fresh paint. MUST SEE! Reduced to $116,000. Will pay closing and minimum down payment. Call for appointment 704-637-6567

3 BR, 2.5 BA, wonderful home on over 2 acres, horses allowed, partially fenced back yard, storage building. $154,900 R51465 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

CORBIN HILLS AT 5TH GREEN Salisbury. 521 Fairway Ridge Rd, end of a cul-desac. Approx 4000 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, Two kitchens, dining with a view - feels like country living. Walkout basement, 2 fireplaces, Security system, 2 car garage. $325,000 Tel 704-637-1473 Salisbury

Nice sunny older home with over 5000 sqft, 12 acres, 2 fenced pastures with large horse barn. Woodleaf Rd., 4 BR, 3.5 BA, lots of closets, great laundry room with washer & dryer, stainless appliances, full basement, 2 fireplaces, 5 year old roof, gutters, heat/air & insulation. 750 road frontage, $389,000. Call Cathy Griffin 704-231-2464, C-21 Towne & Country

Homes for Sale


Small budget Lots for Space

Dawson Cape Built on your lot $129,900


Great Deal!

3 BR, 2 BA in Hunters Pointe. Above ground pool, garage, huge area that could easily be finished upstairs. R51150A. $159,900. B&R Realty 704-633-2394

Homes for Sale

4/5 BR,2 BA, move-in ready. Updated with lots of space, great city location, neighborhood park across the street, large kitchen, sunny utility room. Priced over $20,000 BELOW TAX Value. R52017A List Price: $94,900 B&R Realty Monica Poole 704.245.4628

704-746-4492 HIGH ROCK LAKE VIEW!


Special Financing


REDUCED Homes for Sale

Alexander Place

China Grove, 2 new homes under construction ... buy now and pick your own colors. Priced at only $114,900 and comes with a stove and dishwasher. B&R Realty 704-633-2394

2 BR, 1 BA, hardwood floors, detached carport, handicap ramp. $99,900 R47208 B&R Realty 704.633.2394

Brand new! 3 BR, 2 BA, home w/great front porch, rear deck, bright living room, nice floor plan. Special financing for qualified buyers. Call today! R52142 $90,000 Monica Poole B&R Realty 704-245-4628

3/4BR/2BA, 3+ acs, entire property has lake view + 3,200 sq.ft. shop. Granite counter tops, stainless steel appls, tile, wood & carpet flrs, 12'x36' deck, security sys. This home is in immaculate condition! $299,500. 704-633-3584 or 704-239-5166. Shown by appt. only. Davis Farm

Sale By By Builder ForForSale Builder

4BR, 3½BA in one of Rowan County's BestinNeighborhoods! 4BR, 3½BA one of Rowan County's StoneBest fireplace, 2 master suites. Neighborhoods! 3,528 3,528 Sq. Sq. Ft. Ft. $349,000. $349,000. 704-239-3232 704-239-3232

6B • THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011 Lots for Sale

Homes for Sale Recreating Foreclosures into Dream Homes ~ Mathis Construction. Call for estimate. 704-638-0108 Salisbury. 2 or 3 bedroom Townhomes. For information, call Summit Developers, Inc. 704-797-0200 Woodleaf

New Listing

3 BR, 2 BA newer home with nice yard! Large living room, gas log fireplace, double attached garage. Priced below tax value. 52488 $129,900 B&R Realty 704-633-2394

Real Estate Services

Western Rowan County

KEY REAL ESTATE, INC. 1755 U.S. HWY 29. South China Grove, NC 28023 704-857-0539

Manufactured Home Sales $500 Down moves you in. Call and ask me how? Please call (704) 225-8850

Rebecca Jones Realty 610 E. Liberty St, China Grove 704-857-SELL www.rebeccajonesrealty.com

Rowan Realty www.rowanrealty.net, Professional, Accountable, Personable . 704-633-1071

American Homes of Rockwell Oldest Dealer in Rowan County. Best prices anywhere. 704-279-7997

Bringle Ferry Rd. 2 tracts. Will sell land or custom build. A50140A. B&R Realty, Monica 704-245-4628

Real Estate Services Allen Tate Realtors

Woodleaf area

12+ Acres

Daniel Almazan, Broker 704-202-0091 www.AllenTate.com

Resort & Vacation Property

Great Oak Island Location

Oak Island, NC. Mobile home and lot for sale by owner. $120K OBO. 252 NE 68th St., 980-6227713 or 704-933-1110

Wanted: Real Estate

B & R REALTY 704-633-2394 www.bostandrufty-realty.com

Woodleaf area. 12+ acres of wooded land w/ approx. 200' road frontage. Timber valued at approximately $20,000. $95,000. Please call 704-636-6864

Century 21 Towne & Country 474 Jake Alexander Blvd. (704)637-7721

Got a good web site? Include the URL in your ad.

Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Now! Ro-Well Apartments, Rockwell. Central heat/air, laundry facility on site, nice area. Equal Housing Opportunity Rental Assistance when available; handicapped equipped when available. 704-279-6330, TDD users 828-645-7196. 1 & 2BR. Nice, well maintained, responsible landlord. $425-$445. Salisbury, in town. 704-642-1955

William R. Kennedy Realty 428 E. Fisher Street 704-638-0673

Salisbury Area 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 baths, $500 down under $700 per month. 704-225-8850

Land for Sale


Forest Glen Realty Darlene Blount, Broker 704-633-8867

Knox Farm Subdivision. Beautiful lots available now starting at $19,900. B&R Realty 704.633.2394



*Cash in 7 days or less *Facing or In Foreclosure *Properties in any condition *No property too small/large Call 24 hours, 7 days ** 704-239-2033 ** $$$$$$

1, 2, & 3 BR Huge Apts! Very nice. $375 & up. One free month's rent! 10% Sr. Citizen's discount. 704-890-4587 2 BR, 1 BA at Willow Oaks (across from UPS). Has refrig. & stove. All electric, no pets. Rent $425, dep. $400. Call Rowan Properties 704633-0446 AAA+ Apartments $425-$950/mo. Chambers Realty 704-637-1020

Airport Rd., 1BR with stove, refrig., garbage pickup & water incl. Month-month lease. No pets. $400/mo+$300 deposit. Furnished $425/mo. 704-279-3808

China Grove 2BR, 1½ BA $550/month, deposit req. Approx. 1,000 sqft. Call 704-857-2415

Fairmont Ave., 3 BR, 1 ½ BA, has refrigerator & stove, large yard. Rent $725, dep. $700. No Pets. Call Rowan Properties, 704-633-0446

Clean, well maintained, 2 BR Duplex. Central heat/air, all electric. Section 8 welcome. 704-202-5790

Faith. 1BR brick. Trash, lawn, & water service. No pets. $450/mo + deposit. 704-857-4843 LM


West Side Manor Apts. Robert Cobb Rentals Variety World, Inc. 2345 Statesville Blvd. Near Salisbury Mall

704-633-1234 CLANCY HILLS APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 BR, conveniently located in Salisbury. Handicap accessible units available. Section 8 assistance available. 704-6366408. Office Hours: M–F 9:00-12:00. TDD Relay 1-800-735-2962 Equal Housing Opportunity. clancyhills@wcsites.net

Colony Garden Apartments

Colonial Village Apts.

2BR and 1-1/2 BA Town Homes $600/mo.

Move in Now to Stay Cool by Our Pool!

“A Good Place to Live” 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Affordable & Spacious Water Included 704-636-8385 Downtown Loft, 2BR, 2BA. All new appliances, Wi-Fi. $980/mo. Credit cards. 704-798-6429

DUPLEX Spencer. 2BR, 1BA. Appliance included. No pets. $400/mo. + $400 dep. 910-918-4348 Duplexes & Apts, Rockwell$500-$600. TWO Bedrooms Marie Leonard-Hartsell Wallace Realty 704-239-3096 marie@sellingsalisbury.com

Calico cat, free! Female, about 2 years old. Very loving & likes attention. Must find a good home. 704-433-3362 Free bag of cat food & bag of cat litter with each adorable free kitten. 3 females. Salisbury. Call 704-877-2124

Kittens, free. 5 orphans, 8 weeks old, partially box trained, variety of colors. affectionate & playful. 704-855-2715

Chihuahua, male, free to good home only! Call Debbie at: 336-242-1593 Mon - Thurs between 8am and 1pm only.

Free Beagle, male. Approximately 1 year. Please call 704-640-1780 for more information.

Kittens, free. Our "OctoMom" kitty has reproduced again. 5 little offspring left to choose from in Kannapolis. 1 orange and 4 tiger-gray striped. Begging for your call at 704-938-9842

Found female dog, Waters Edge comm., Shep/Terrier Mix, 1-2 yrs, approx. 30 lbs., blk w/Lt Brown. Friendly, no collar. No micro chip. Call (704) 633-1882 or (336) 312-3894

FREE kittens. Born 3/15/11. Male tiger striped, male black, female tiger striped calico mix, and female gray calico. China Grove. (704) 469-9512

Spacious 1 BR apartments for Senior Citizens 55 years old or older. Water, sewer, trash included in rent. Rent is $475 with security deposit of only $99. Certain income restrictions apply. Office hours are Tuesday and Thursday 8am-2pm. Call us today at 704-639-9692

Call Classifieds Today!

East Rowan area. 2BR, $450-$550 per month. Chambers Realty 704-239-0691


Free raccoon cat and kittens. They are litter trained and need a loving home. Please call 704279-2127. They all must go, owner has allergies and breathing problems. Free to good home. Adult cats, 2 males, 3 female. All are fixed, friendly, litter trained. My friend needs to find them homes! Call Cassie, please leave a message 704-798-5818

Giving away kittens or puppies?

More Details = Faster Sales!

Moreland Pk area. 2BR all appliances furnished. $495-$595/mo. Deposit negotiable. Section 8 welcome. 336-247-2593

Free to good home. Giving away 2 Dogs. Please call for more info. 704-603-4265 Yorkie Puppies www.yorki-shop.com For information call Rhonda 704-224-9692

Need forever homes

STONWYCK VILLIAGE IN GRANITE QUARRY Nice 2BR, energy efficient apt., stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, water & sewer furnished, central heat/ac, vaulted ceiling, washer/dryer connection. $500 to $550 /Mo, $400 deposit. 1 year lease, no pets. 704-279-3808 WELCOME HOME TO DEER PARK APTS. We have immediate openings for 1 & 2 BR apts. Call or come by and ask about our move-in specials. 704-278-4340 for info. For immediate info call 1-828-442-7116

Condos and Townhomes

Houses: 3BR, 1BA. Apartments: 2 & 3 BR, 1BA Deposit required. Faith Realty 704-630-9650

224 Messick Farm Rd. Woodleaf area. 3BR/2BA. Must see, looks like new! 1120 sq.ft. S/W with heat pump, H/C, side by side stainless steel refrig., glasstop stove, ceramic bath & kitchen flrs., 8ft x 16ft storage bldg, double carport, water, sewer, night light, trash pick-up, on 1 ac private lot. 15 mins. to Salisbury. Refs & deposit required. Limit 2 adults/2 children. No pets, smoke free home. $598 per month. Long term renters only. 704-639-6800

3 BR, 2 BA, close to Salisbury Mall. Gas heat, nice. Rent $695, deposit $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 3-4 BR, 1 BA, near Livingstone College. Has refrig. & stove. No pets. Rent $650, dep. $600. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446 922 N. Main St., 3 BR, 2 BA, central air. $650/mo. Please Call 704-645-9986 Available for rent – Homes and Apartments Salisbury/Rockwell Eddie Hampton 704-640-7575

China Grove 2BR/1BA, CHA, all electric, refrigerator & stove, W/D connections, back deck, easy access to 29A, close to elementary school and Head Start. $575/mo. + $575 deposit. Section 8 accepted. 704-784-4785 China Grove. 3BR, 2BA. Newly built 2 story. AC, heat, storage, dishwasher, no pet, no smoking $850 + dep 704-857-4256

Moving to Town? Need a home or Apartment? We manage rental homes & apartments. Call and let us help you. Waggoner Realty Co. 704-633-0462

Classic Style!

Mama Cat 1-1/2 yrs & 2 Kittens (7 wks) 1 male & 1 female. Lovable, people-friendly, litter box trained. 301-748-3592. Golden Retriever Puppies, AKC registered. 2 F & 1 M, born April 29. 1st & 2nd shots & dewormed. Parents on site. $300. 704-640-5449


Puppies, Alaskan Malamutes. 8 males, 2 females. Also, 1 13 wk old female. Very beautiful! $300. Call or text 704-492-8448 Puppies, (5) lab mix, 8 weeks old, dewormed, healthy, loving & playful. To good homes please. 704-279-8602 Puppies, CKC Pomeranians. 8 wks. $200. Chihuahuas, 12 wks, $200. Dachshund/Chihuahua mix, $100. Cash. 704-633-5344

Boxer Puppies AKC Brindle males, white females w/brindle marking. 1st shots wormed. $350. 704-928-9879

Golden Retriever puppies. 3 males & 3 females. Beautiful, healthy, playful bundles of joy! Born May 13 & have been wormed. Parents on premises. $350 each. 336-492-6569 or ellispr1@aol.com

Call Classifieds Today!

Chihuahua puppies, adorable and lots of colors. CKC registered and very small. Parents on site. $250 and up. 704-279-3119 Lv Msg.


Pet & Livestock Supplies Yorki-Poo Puppies. CKC reg., 8 wks old, 1st shots. Go to www.yorki-shop.com, click on Misty's Yorkipoos under “Home”. $300-$350. 704-638-6231 Misty

Quiet 2 BR, 1 BA duplex just remodeled. Avail. now. Long Ferry Rd. New elect, central AC & heat, new kitchen & bath, water, washer & dryer incl. $475 rent + $300 dep. No pets. 704-402-4050

Other Pets Check Out Our July Special! Dentals 20% off. Rowan Animal Clinic. Please call 704-636-3408 for appt.

Puppies. Min. ShortHaired Dachshunds, 4 females & 1 male. $300 females, $250 male. Parents on site. 704-310-9607


Yorkies, CKC. 3 males. 7 wks. 1st shots & 1st worming. Tails docked and dew claws removed. $200 ea. Parents on site. Call 704-636-9867

Mt. Pleasant, Collegiate Apartments. 1 & 2 BR, quiet historic district. $510$610 + deposit, no pets. 704-436-9176.

Puppies and kittens available. Follow us on FaceBook Animal Care Center of Salisbury. Call 704-637-0227

Rockwell. 2BR, 1½BA duplex. Newly remodeled. Appl. incl. $495/mo. Ryburn Rentals 704-637-0601 S. Fulton St. Very nice 1500 sq ft 3BR/2½ BA town house apartment. All elec., central heat/AC. Water incl., stove, refrig., dishwasher furnished. Outside storage. No pets. 1 yr lease. $650/mo. & $500 dep. 704-279-3808 Salis. 519 E. Cemetery St. 1BR, 1 BA, No Pets, $300/mo + $300/dep. Sect 8 OK. 704-507-3915.

Want to get results? ####

Salis. Nice modern 1BR, energy efficient, off Jake Alexander, lighted parking lot. $395 + dep. 704-640-5750

See stars

Salisbury 2BR, 1½BA. brick at Ro-Med, available now. Credit check, lease. $550/mo. plus security deposit. Call 704-782-5037

Salisbury. 1620 S. MLK Jr. Ave, Unit 204, 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo, washer dryer hook up, open floor plan, 2nd floor condo. $700/mo + $500 deposit. Section 8 approved. 704-436-8159 Salisbury. 2BR, 2BA, walk in closets, W/D connections, water & cable included in rent. $750/mo + $500 dep. 704-458-6136 Wiltshire Village Condo for Rent, $700. 2nd floor. Want a 2BR, 2BA in a quiet setting? Call Bryce, Wallace Realty 704-202-1319

Kann.–604 Peach St, 2 BR, 1 BA, $695/mo; 414 Walter St., 3 BR, 2 BA, $675/mo. KREA 704-933-2231 2BR, 1BA. Landis. Good school district. Lease option or owner financing. 704-202-2696 Near Spencer and Salisbury, 2 bedroom, one bath house in quiet, nice neighborhood. No pets. Lease, dep, app and refs req. $575/mo, $500 dep, 704-797-4212 before 7pm. 704-2395808 after 7pm. Rentals available in Kannapolis, China Grove, Salisbury, Granite Quarry. Call Rebecca Jones Realty 704-857-7355. www.rebeccajonesrealty.com

Rockwell 2BR/1BA, appls, central heat/air, storage bldg., hardwood floors. $600/mo 704-279-6850 or 704-798-3035 Rockwell. 4BR, 3BA. 2,700 sq.ft., large lot, fenced backyard, separate garage, $1,400/mo. 704-279-2360 Salisbury - 4 BR, 2.5 BA in Timber Run. $1500 mo., $1500 dep. Karen Rufty B&R Realty 704-202-6041 Salisbury 315 Club House Dr. 3BR/1BA, gas logs, H/W flrs & fenced bk yd. $800/mo. Call 704-7983108 for more info. 3BR/2BA, Salisbury garage, water, range & refrig., no pets, lease & dep. $900. 704-636-0996 Salisbury Shannon Dr 3BR/2BA, cent air, one car garage, brick, $650/mo + dep. 704-637-0621 Salisbury, 2 BR houses & apts, $525/mo and up. 704-633-4802 Salisbury, near hospital. 4BR, 3½BA. Swimming pool. Full court basketball court. 4,800 heated sq.ft. $2,000/mo. + deposit. 843-543-5794


Kitten, free cuddly black tabby female kitten, liter box trained, very lovable. 704-202-6372 Kittens, 8 weeks old. Very cute & friendly. Free to good homes. Call 704798-6283

Rowan Hospital area. 2BR, 1BA. Heat, air, water, appl. incl. $675. 704-633-3997


Great Family Dog!

Salisbury near VA 2BR, 1BA,, central HVAC, $550/mo, app. reqd. Broker. 704-239-4883

Eaman Park Apt. 2 BR, 1 BA, newly renovated. $400/mo. No pets. Please call 704-798-3896

Lovely Duplex Dogs

Salisbury city. 2BR, 1BA. Spacious, good location. Water included. $450 + dep. 704-640-5750


Holly Leaf Apts. 2BR, 1½BA. $565. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, cable ready. 704-637-5588


Salisbury 1BR. Wood floors, appls, great location. Seniors welcome. $375-$395/mo. + dep. 704-630-0785

E. Lafayette St., Chateau Apts., 2 BR, 1 BA. Newly remodeled, appli. incl., $495/mo. 704-267-5243

Granite Quarry efficiency. Incl. electric & water. Refrigerator & stove. Level access. 704-638-0108


Houses for Rent


Granite Quarry. 3BR, 2BA, carport & storage. Safe. All electric, near elementary school. No pets. $750/mo. 704-202-0605 Granite Quarry. 427 Park Ave. 3BR, 2BA. $750/mo. + $750 dep. No Sect. 8. 704-855-5353


East Spencer - 2 BR, 1 BA. $400 per month. Carolina-Piedmont Prop. 704-248-2520


Houses for Rent

Condos and Townhomes

China Grove. One room eff. w/ private bathroom & kitchenette. All utilities incl'd. $379/mo. + $100 deposit. 704-857-8112

Quiet & Convenient, 2 bedroom town houses, 1½ baths. All Electric, Central heat/air, no pets. $550/mo. Includes water & basic cable.

Airport Rd., 2 BR, extra nice, newly redecorated. Water furn., no pets. $580/mo., dep. & lease. 704-637-0370

Condos and Townhomes


Salisbury. 2BR, 1½BA. Fresh paint, refinished hardwoods, 1500 sq.ft. Townhouse, on National Historic Register w/ tall ceilings, jetted jacuzzi tub, expansive huge kitchen, rooms, covered front porch & charm to spare! Also, additional unit w/ downstairs BR w/ full BA. 704-616-1383 E. Lafayette, 2 BR, 1 BA, refrigerator and has stove. Gas heat, no pets. Rent $595, deposit $500. Call Rowan Properties 704-633-0446

Salisbury. 2BR. Very nice. Large master. COUNTRY CLUB/PARK AREA. $799/ mo. 704-630-0695 Salisbury. 3 & 2 Bedroom Houses. $500-$1,000. Also, Duplex Apartments. 704636-6100 or 704-633-8263 Salisbury/Spencer 2, 4 & 5 BR $450-$850/mo. 704202-3644 or leave message. No calls after 7pm

Vintage Charm!

E. Spencer. 3BR, 1BA. Stove & refrigerator, W/D hookup, $600/mo + dep. Sect. 8 OK. 336-909-0864 East Salisbury. 3BR, 2BA duplex. All electric. Central air. Level access. Call 704-638-0108 East. 2BR, 1BA house with pond on six acres outside Granite Quarry. Detached garage $900/ mo. Call Waggoner Realty at 704-633-0462

Spencer. 2BR, 1½BA vintage home. Wood floors, large yard, carport. $700/mo. + $700 dep. 1 yr. Lease. 704-223-4662 West & North Rowan Cty., 3BR/1½BA, free water & sewer, all elec. $695/mo. 704-633-6035

THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011 FOR FREE BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Please Fax, hand deliver or fill out form online 18 WORDS MAX. Number of free greetings per person may be limited, combined or excluded, contingent on space available. Please limit your birthday greetings to 4 per Birthday.

Myeshia we hope that being 13 is everything you dreamed it would be! Happy Birthday! From, Smith Clan

Happy Birthday to my growing daughter who just became a teenager. Happy 13th Birthday Myeshia. From Mommy

Hannah M., wishing you a FABULOUS 25th Birthday. Love, Your Sister!

Happy 13th Birthday to our bossy big sister Myeshia F. Have a blessed, wonderful day. From Nasir, Khalil

All the birthday buzzin is about my awesome cousin, Nany. Happy Birthday! Smith Clan

"You're not getting older, you're getting better!" Happy Birthday Levi. Love, Your Wife

Birthday? ...

Salisbury Flower Shop

From Mom & Dad, Sammy & Sed WE LOVE YOU!

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Inflatables Available!

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After-School Care Bus transport from Morgan Elementary School to our facility

Parties, Church Events, Etc.

We’re conveniently located just 0.1 mile from Morgan Elementary School

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We want to be your flower shop!


We Deliver




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Fax: 704-630-0157 In Person: 131 W. Innes Street Online: www.SalisburyPost.com


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SOFT SERVE ICE CREAM TRUCK We cater: Graduations, Birthdays,


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Inflatable Parties

Ask about 75 Special includes 50 Cones!


Hours of daily personal attention and doggie fun at our safe 20 acre facility. Professional homestyle boarding, training, and play days with a certified handler/trainer who loves dogs as much as you do.


Call the Classified Dept. at 704-797-4220 for more info


2”x2” ad for 30 days just $98.90 a month*




If your idea of fun is balloons & birthday cake, ADVERTISE HERE!


Woodleaf 3BR/1BA, refrigerator and stove included, washer/dryer hook up. $625/month + deposit. No pets. References & credit check required. No Section 8. 704-490-6048

Office and Commercial Rental

Office and Commercial Rental


Great Space!

Salisbury, Kent Exec. Park, $100 & up, 1st month free, ground floor, incls conf rm, utilities. No dep. 704-202-5879 Office Suite for Lease. Two large rooms, 26' x 13' and 10' x 16'. Also included is a large shared kitchen/break room space with private BR. 1 year lease preferred; $750 monthly rent includes all utilities. Free Wi-Fi. Call 704-636-1811.

Need privacy and speed? Ask about our “blind boxes”.

$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ Rockwell Offices 3 months free 704-637-1020

Office Suite Available. Bradshaw Real Estate 704-633-9011

Spencer Shops. Looking for grocery, video, pizza, & shoe stores to join our center. 704-431-8636

Office Complex Salisbury. Perfect location near Court House & County Building. Six individual offices. New central heat/air, heavily insulated for energy efficiency, fully carpeted (to be installed) except stone at entrance, conference room, employee break room, tile bathroom, complete integrated phone system with video capability in each office & nice reception area. Want to lease but will sell. Perfect for dual occupancy. By appt only. 704-636-1850 Salisbury

Commercial Property for Rent/Sale. Old Concord Road. Rebecca Jones Realty 704-857-7355

Beside ACE HARDWARE, #229 E Main St Hwy 52, 2,700 sq. ft. finished store front. May subdivide storefront into two separate 22' x 56' sections, 1,232 SF each. Call 704-279-4115 or email thadwhicker@cozartlumber.com

Office and Commercial Rental

Manufactured Home for Rent

Numerous Commercial and office rentals to suit your needs. Ranging from 500 to 5,000 sq. ft. Call Victor Wallace at Wallace Realty, 704-636-2021

Rooms for Rent MILLER HOTEL Rooms for Rent Weekly $110 & up 704-855-2100


Office Space

We have office suites available in the Executive Center. First Month Free with No Deposit! With all utilities from $150 and up. Lots of amenities. Call Tom Bost at B & R Realty 704-202-4676 www.bostandrufty-realty.com

Carolina's Auction Rod Poole, NCAL#2446 Salisbury (704)633-7369

East Area. 2BR, water, trash. Limit 2. Dep. req. No pets. Call 704-6367531 or 704-202-4991

Faith. 2BR, 1BA. Water, trash, lawn maint. incl. No pets. Ref. $425. 704-2794282 or 704-202-3876 Linwood area. 2BR, 1BA. Please call 704652-2236 or 704-6339712 or 336-596-5485

Perry's Overhead Doors Sales, Service & Installation, Residential / Commercial. Wesley Perry 704-279-7325 www.perrysdoor.com




Heritage Auction Co. Glenn M.Hester NC#4453 Salisbury (704)636-9277 www.heritageauctionco.com

R. Giles Moss Auction & Real Estate-NCAL #2036. Full Service Auction Company. Estates ** Real Estate Had your home listed a long time? Try selling at auction. 704-782-5625 www.gilesmossauction.com

KEN WEDDINGTON Total Auctioneering Services 140 Eastside Dr., China Grove 704-8577458 License 392 Rowan Auction Co. Professional Auction Services: Salis., NC 704-633-0809 Kip Jennings NCAL 6340.

Carport and Garages Lippard Garage Doors Installations, repairs, electric openers. 704636-7603 / 704-798-7603

To Sell.. Buy.. Call Classifieds 704-797-POST

Child Care and Nursery Schools Quality Affordable Childcare

Concrete Work

All types concrete work ~ Insured ~ NO JOB TOO SMALL! Call Curt LeBlanc today for Free Estimates


Clean, smoke-free, reliable. 18 yrs. exp. 6 wks & up. All shifts. Reasonable Rates 704-787-4418 704-279-0927 F Ref. Avail. F

Over 20 yrs experience! Footing, Slabs, Walls, Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks. Please call DW 704-431-0581 for a free estimate.

Cleaning Services

Drywall Services

Complete Cleaning Service. Basic, windows, spring, new construction, & more. 704-857-1708

OLYMPIC DRYWALL New Homes Additions & Repairs Small Commercial Ceiling Texture Removal Since 1955 olympicdrywallcompany.com




Corvette Convertible, 2002. Millennium Yellow w/black leather interior, 5.7 auto trans., power options, AM/FM/CD, black top, chrome rims, LOW MILES! Call Steve at 704-603-4255 FINANCING AVAILABLE REGARDLESS OF CREDIT!


Free Estimates Bud Shuler & Sons Fence Co. 225 W Kerr St 704-633-6620 or 704-638-2000 Price Leader since 1963

Ford Taurus SE, 2009. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Call Now!! www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Chevrolet HHR LT, 2009. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Call Now!! www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

FREE ESTIMATES www.WifeForHireInc.com Licensed, bonded and insured. Since 1985.

Charla, Barbara and Kristin will help you with your classified ads.


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Infinity G5, 2003. Black Leather, Obsidian/Black 3.5L V6, auto trans, BOSE AM/FM/CD, SUNROOF, all power, alloy rims. LUXURY FOR HALF THE PRICE!!!! 704-603-4255 Jeep Laredo, 1997. Rebuilt from the ground up, Firestone tires with less than 100 miles, engine went from 6 cyl. to 13 cyl. Needs new engine- online $1995 free shipping. Installation $500-$700. Best offer. Loan value $4840. Retail approx. $7500. May be seen in rear at Gerry Wood Jeep, gray/silver color. Email wags2@fibrant.com

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Cadillac Deville DHS, 2002. Black Onyx w/black leather interior, 4.6L (279) SFI DOHC 275 HP V8 Northstar Engine, auto trans., power everything, AM/FM/ CD/DVD. Front & rear heated seats, shades chrome rims, LOADED! 704-603-4255


950 Briggs Rd. 2BR. No yard maint., low util., priv. very clean, appl. incl. $550/mo. + dep. 704-637-3939 Cooleemee. 2BR $100 / wk, $400 dep on ½ ac lot. 336-998-8797, 704-9751579 or 704-489-8840


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West & South Rowan. 2 & 3 BR. No pets. Perfect for 3. Water included. Please call 704-857-6951

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Rockwell. 2BR, 1BA. Appl., water, sewer, trash service incl. $450/mo. + dep. Pets OK. 704-279-7463

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450 to 1,000 sq. ft. of Warehouse Space off Jake Alexander Blvd. Call 704-279-8377

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THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011 • 7B


8B • THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011







No. 61623

No. 61632 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Marjorie Overcash Martin, Lutheran Home. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before 10/19/2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 12th day of July, 2011. Levon Martin, Executor for the estate of Marjorie Overcash Martin, deceased, File 11E693, 301 Briardale Avenue, Cary, NC 27519-2850

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Audrey Alnora Hall Shipwash, 309 East Ridge Ave., Landis, NC 28088. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before 10/18/2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 11th day of July, 2011. Audrey Alnora Hall Shipwash, deceased, Rowan County File #2011E685, Gina Jo Bari Polk, 2700 West C Street, Kannapolis, NC 28081

PUBLIC NOTICE AND ADVERTISEMENT – BIDS WANTED The public will take notice that the Rowan/Kannapolis Alcoholic Beverage Control Board has by resolution proposed to accept sealed bids for the purchase of the following property: Tax Map 32 Parcel 153/108, 4th Street, Spencer, North Carolina, Lot 10, Block 9, A. B. Andrews, Jr. property, described as follows: Beginning at a point one hundred fifty (150) feet Northwardly (measured along the Easterly line of Fourth Street) from the intersection of the Northerly line of Salisbury Avenue with said Easterly line of Fourth Street, said point of beginning being at the intersection of the Northerly line of a ten (10) foot alley running Eastwardly and Westwardly through said Block Nine (9) with said Easterly line of Fourth Street, and running thence Eastwardly, along the Northerly line of said ten (10) foot alley, and parallel with the Northerly line of Salisbury Avenue, a distance of one hundred forty-five (145) feet to intersection with the westerly line of a ten (10) foot alley running Northwardly and Southwardly; thence Northwardly, along the westerly line of said last mentioned alley a distance of fifty (50) feet; thence Westwardly, along the dividing line between Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10), a distance of one hundred fortyfive (145) feet to said Easterly line of Fourth Street; thence Southwardly, along said Easterly line of Fourth Street, a distance fifty (50) feet, to the point and place of Beginning; being a rectangular lot fifty (50) feet by one hundred forty-five (145) feet and containing 7,250 square feet. The above described property shall be sold “as is – where is” without financing contingencies. The seller shall not be obligated to make repairs. Deposits will be retained in the event or failure of the successful bidder to execute the contract within 10 days after notice of award. Sealed bids shall be submitted to the office of the Rowan/Kannapolis Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to be opened at this located on July 29, 2011 at 9:00 am at a special board meeting to be called for this purpose. No bids shall be accepted unless upon time of the filing it is accompanied by a deposit of cash, cashier or certified check, or bid bond equal to 5% of the amount bid payable to the Rowan/Kannapolis Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. The Rowan/Kannapolis Alcoholic Beverage Control Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Terry Osborne, Chief Executive Office & General Manager 510 North Lee Street, PO Box 114, Salisbury, North Carolina 28145-0114 Phone: 704-633-1641

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator for the Estate of Vivian McCall Boyd. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before 10/05/2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 28th day of June, 2011. Anne Boyd Kimball as Administrator for the estate of Vivian McCall Boyd, deceased, file#11E647, 4625 Mooresville Road, Salisbury, NC 28147 No. 61577 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the estate of Helen Brown Hobson, 302 W. Fulton Street, Salisbury, NC 28147, all person, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of October, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This 24th day of June, 2011. Helen Brown Hobson, deceased, Rowan County File #2011E638, Karen L. Hobson, 201 E. 69th Street, New York, NY 10021 Attorney: R. Darrell Hancock, 316 N. Main St., Salisbury, NC 28144 No. 61633 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Ancillary Executor of the Estate of Robert J. Hickey, deceased, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of October, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This 12th day of July, 2011. Janet Laurine Barnhardt, Ancillary Executor, Estate of Robert J. Hickey, 113 Tierra Verde Trail, Panama City Beach, FL 32407. File 11-E-683 Thomas M. Caddell, Attorney at Law/Resident Process Agent, Shuford Caddell & Fraley, LLP, PO Box 198, Salisbury, NC 28145-0198.

No. 61597 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ROWAN SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION - 11-SP-434 In the Matter of the Foreclosure of the Deed of Trust executed by Neng Tou Vue and Mary Vue, Grantor, to Southland Associates, Inc., Original Trustee,

No. 61622

As recorded in Book 1034, Page 168 of the Rowan County Public Registry.


See Substitution of Trustee which Substitutes L. Ragan Dudley as Substitute Trustee in the place and stead of Original Trustee, as recorded in Book 1167, Page 75 of the Rowan County Public Registry.

IN RE: A & K II, INC., FORECLOSURE OF DEED OF TRUST Dated March 16, 2007, RECORDED IN BOOK 1089, AT PAGE 562, IN THE ROWAN COUNTY REGISTRY Under and by virtue of the authority contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated March 16, 2007, securing a Note and indebtedness of $316,200.00, which was executed by A & K II, Inc., and which is recorded in Book 1089, at Page 562, Rowan County Registry, the undersigned having been appointed Substitute Trustee by instrument recorded in said Registry, default having occurred in the payment of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust, and at the request of the holder of said Note, the undersigned Substitute Trustee, in accordance with the provisions of said Deed of Trust, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at 3:30 o'clock p.m. on the 28th day of July, 2011, at the Courthouse door in Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina, the real property at 4195 Lentz Rd., China Grove, NC, 28023, which is more particularly described as follows: See attached legal description Together with all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, crops, timber, all diversion payments or third party payments made to crop producers, and all existing and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of the real estate described above (all referred to as "Property"). The term Property also includes, but is not limited to, any and all water wells, water, ditches, reservoirs, reservoir sites and dams located on the real estate and all riparian and water rights associated with the Property, however established. The record owner of said property as of a date not more than ten (10) days prior to the posting of this notice is:

Pursuant to the power and authority contained in the Deed of Trust from Neng Tou Vue and Mary Vue to Southland Associates, Inc. (the "Original Trustee") for the benefit of Central Carolina Bank recorded in Book 1034, Page 168 of the Rowan County Public Registry (the "Deed of Trust"), the undersigned Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the real property described as follows, together with all rights, privileges and appurtenances thereto (the "Property"): Lying in the Town of Spencer, Salisbury Township, Rowan County, North Carolina, at the southwestern intersection of Yadkin Ave. and Newton St., more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the southeast side of Yadkin Ave. at the south corner of the intersection of said Avenue and Newton St.; thence with the edge of Newton St. S 32-30 E 144 feet to a stake, a new corner; thence a new line parallel with Yadkin Ave. S 57-30 W 90 feet to a stake, a new corner; thence with W.L. Brook's line and parallel with Newton St. N 32-30 W 144 feet to a stake, a new corner in the Southeastern edge of Yadkin Ave.; thence with Yadkin Ave. N 57-30 E 90 feet to the BEGINNING, and BEING a portion of Lots Nos. 13 and 14 in Block No. Four as shown on Map of Newton Heights, Spencer, NC, and recorded in Book of Maps 9995 at Page 69, Rowan County Registry. The record owner of the Property as reflected by the records of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County not more than ten (10) days prior to the posting of this Notice was Neng Tou Vue. The Property will be sold subject to any and all matters superior to the lien of the Deed of Trust, including without limitation: (a) superior mortgages, deeds of trust, liens and assessments, if any; (b) the lien of unpaid ad valorem taxes; (c) valid and enforceable easements and restrictions of record; and (d) matters which would be revealed by a current and accurate survey of the property.

A & K II, Inc. Trustee, or Trustee's agent conducting the sale, may begin the sale up to one hour after the time fixed herein as provided in NCGS 45-21.23. An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to NCGS 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon ten (10) days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If you are a tenant and have any questions about your legal rights, please consult an attorney. Although not required by statute, any and all bidders and purchasers at sale should understand that the property described in the subject foreclosure proceeding may or may not contain a structure of any kind. The Substitute Trustee in this matter makes no representation or warranty as to the type or existence of a structure situated on the subject property or whether or not said structure has been affixed in any way. Likewise, Substitute Trustee makes no warranties or representations of any kind as to whether title to the mobile/manufactured home(s) on the subject property, if any, has been properly cancelled or whether there are any outstanding liens thereon.

The Property will be sold "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Substitute Trustee nor the holder of the debt secured by the Deed of Trust, nor their respective officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representatives, make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such conditions expressly are disclaimed. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes Section 45-21.10, any successful bidder may be required to deposit with the Substitute Trustee immediately upon conclusion of the sale a cash deposit in an amount not to exceed the greater of ten percent (10%) of the amount bid. Any successful bidder shall be required to tender the full balance of the purchase price so bid in cash or certified check at the time the Substitute Trustee tenders to him a deed for the Property or attempts to tender such deed, and should said successful bidder fail to pay the full balance of the purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statutes Sections 45-21.30(d) and (e). In addition to the purchase price so bid any successful bidder will also be responsible for payment of revenue stamps and other costs of closing the sale, including fees and costs of the Substitute Trustee incurred after the date of sale. The sale will be held open for ten (10) days for upset bids as by law required.

Said property will be sold subject to taxes, assessments, and any superior easements, rights of way, restrictions of record, liens, or other encumbrances prior to the lien of the deed of trust being foreclosed, said sale to remain open for increased bids for ten (10) days after report thereof to the Clerk of Superior Court. In the event the debtor files a bankruptcy petition prior to the expiration of the 10-day period required by G.S. 45-21.27, an automatic stay of the foreclosure will be imposed in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C. 362) and the bidder must pursue relief through the bankruptcy court.


The Substitute Trustee may require the high bidder to deposit cash at the sale in an amount equal to the greater of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or $750.00. If no upset bid is filed, the balance of the purchase price, less deposit, must be made in cash upon tender of the deed. Third party purchasers at sale must pay the tax of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) as required by NCGS 7A-308(a)(1).

Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 45-21.16A, you are hereby given notice that an order for possession of the Real Property may be issued pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes Section 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court in the county in which the Real Property is sold. If an order for possession is issued, you may be required to vacate the Real Property.

This the 5th day of July, 2011.

Any person who occupies the Real Property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007 may, after receiving this notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement under this provision, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

Clarence V. Mattocks, Substitute Trustee Post Office Box 2062, High Point, NC 27261-2062 (336) 887-1275 Exhibit A - A&K, II, Inc. Beginning at a new p.k. Nail at the intersection of Lentz and Beatty Ford Roads; thence with Beatty Ford Road (SR 1221) South 81° 31' 53” West 210.00 feet to a new rail road spike in the center of Beatty Ford Road (SR 1221) and in John H. Deal's line; thence with Deal's line North 02° 34' 43” East passing a new iron pin at 30.57 feet and at 234.11 feet for a total distance of 284.03 feet to a new rail road spike in the center of Lentz Road; thence with the center of Lentz Road, Three (3) lines as follows: (1) South 34° 30' 50” East 97.71 feet to a new p.k. Nail; (2) thence South 37° 27'30” East 91.78 feet to a new p.k. Nail; (3) thence South 40° 06' 13” East 130.01 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 0.65 acres and being part of the John W. Funderburk Estate according to the survey prepared by Deal's Land Surveying dated September 18, 1992. Property Address: 4195 Lentz Road, China Grove 28023

If you are a tenant of the Real Property, please read the following carefully. Your legal rights may be affected. The street address of the Real Property being sold is: 119 North Yadkin Avenue, Spencer, North Carolina


July 21, 2011


10:00 a.m.


Rowan County Courthouse

This the 28th day of June, 2011. L. Ragan Dudley, Substitute Trustee, Homesley, Gaines & Dudley, LLP 316 East Broad Street, Statesville, North Carolina 28677 Telephone: (704) 873-2172

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No. 61601 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Herbert D. McWaters, 1165 Mt. Meriah Church Road, Landis, NC 28088. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before 10/12/2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 5th day of July, 2011. Cora E. McWaters, as Executor for the estate of Herbert D. McWaters, deceased, file 11E620, 1165 Mt. Meriah Church Road, Landis, NC 28088

No. 61603

No. 61576

No. 61581



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Bumper 2 Bumper, et al., Plaintiffs, v. Donald J. MacDonald, Linda J. Dalton and Citifinancial Auto, Defendants. TO: Donald J. MacDonald, Defendant above-named Linda J. Dalton, Defendant above-named Citifinancial Auto, Coppell, TX, Defendant above-named TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is a Complaint to Enforce Possessory Lien on Motor Vehicle. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than 40 days after July 7, 2011, exclusive of that date. Upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This shall serve also as notice of trial set for July 25, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. Natalie J. Boyd, NC State Bar No. 41116 210 East Innes Street, Salisbury, NC 28144 Telephone: (704) 636-3828, Attorney for Plaintiffs July 7, 2011 No. 61596 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY State of North Carolina In the General Court of Justice Superior Court Division County of Rowan Before the Clerk – File Number 11 SP 406 In the matter of the proposed foreclosure of the deed of trust executed by M & E Development Company, LLC to Bruce D. Jones, Trustee, dated the 16th day of April, 2008 and recorded in Book 1119, Page 635 in the Rowan County, North Carolina, Public Registry. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by M & E Development Company, LLC, and Note, dated April 16, 2008, and recorded on April 17, 2008, in Book 1119, page 635, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina, and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements contained therein and, pursuant to demand of the holder of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will place for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the Rowan County Courthouse, in Salisbury, North Carolina, on July 20, 2011, at 11:00 a.m., that parcel of land including improvements thereon, situated, lying, and being in Rowan County, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an existing railroad spike, such spike having a grid coordinate of N. 682,392.574', E. 1,514724.022' and also being in the centerline of Patterson Road (S.R. #1533) and at the southwestern corner of Hubert L. Patterson as recorded in Book 897, page 314, thence with North 79 deg. 04 min. 13 sec. East 1004.45 feet (having passed over an existing iron at the southeast corner of Hubert L. Patterson); thence North 12 deg. 45 min. 00 sec. West 285.27 feet to an existing iron; thence North 87 deg. 07 min. 19 sec. East 164.04 feet to a point in a 36” oak tree; thence North 19 deg. 22 min. 32 sec. East 597.20 feet to an existing iron in the southern line of Tommy E. Suther as recorded in Book 565, page 307; thence South 79 deg. 35 min. 14 sec. East 604.00 feet to a new iron; thence North 2 deg. 59 min. 40 sec. East 1163.75 feet to a new iron at a corner of Samuel W. Lipe as recorded in Book 631, page 180 to a new iron; thence South 60 deg. 04 min. 03 sec. East 474.86 feet to a new iron in the western margin of the right of way of Weaver Road (S.R.#1535) and continuing 39.93 feet to a point in the centerline of Weaver Road; thence South 11 deg. 19 min. 55 sec. East 720.15 feet to an existing railroad spike in the centerline of Weaver Road; thence North 60 deg. 32 min. 28 sec. West 34.59 feet to an existing stone and continuing 417.41 feet to an existing stone, for a total distance of 452.00 feet; thence South 12 deg. 02 min. 18 sec. West 224.30 feet to a 40 penny nail set in a railroad tie; thence South 18 deg. 25 min. 23 sec. West 534.50 feet to an existing iron; thence South 18 deg. 25 min. 47 sec. West 265.42 feet to an existing nail; thence North 83 deg. 24 min. 12 sec. West 31.50 feet to a new iron; thence South 4 deg. 43 min. 55 sec. West 5.00 feet passing over an existing railroad spike and continuing 50.00 feet to a new iron; thence North 85 deg. 55 min. 30 sec. West 1020.30 feet to an existing iron; thence South 75 deg. 01 min. 39 sec. West 723.31 feet to an existing iron; thence South 71 deg. 45 min. 14 sec. West 1145.19 feet to an existing iron; thence North 88 deg. 11 min. 45 sec. West 133.09 feet to an existing iron in the right of way of Patterson Road; thence North 1 deg. 47 min. 28 sec. East 49.99 feet to an existing iron; thence North 2 deg. 07 min. 34 sec. East 4.94 feet to an existing iron; thence North 1 deg. 48 min. 17 sec. East 450.92 feet to an existing railroad spike; thence North 0 deg. 50 min. 17 sec. East 149.99 feet to an existing railroad spike, said spike being the Point of Beginning and said tract being 98.874 acres as shown on a survey entitled; Property Survey for: M & E Development Company, by Richard L. Shulenburger, PLS, dated 7-23-07. Such property being the property formerly owned by Dorothy Eagle and such property being bounded by the lands of Hubert L. Patterson, Emmett S. Patterson, Tommy E. Suther, Helen K. Suther, Samuel W. Lipe, Weaver Road, Gregory S. Jordan, Ricky J. Rahme, Tony L. Jenkins, J. W. Barnhardt and Patterson Road. Such property is conveyed with and subject to a certain rights of way recorded in Book 575, page 144 along the southern boundary with J. W. Barnhardt providing access to the tract of Ricky J. Rahme. LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING TRACT: Beginning at an existing railroad spike in the centerline of Patterson Road (S.R. #1553) and also the southwest corner of Hubert L. Patterson as recorded in Book 897, page 314; thence with Patterson North 79 deg. 03 min. 57 sec. East 29.46 feet to an existing iron in the western margin of the right of way for Patterson Road; thence North 79 deg. 04 min. 13 sec. East 290.54 feet to a new iron; thence two new lines in the tract of Linda E. Miller Emmett Eagle as follows: (1) South 17 deg. 47 min. 26 sec. East 175.00 feet to a new iron and (2) South 80 deg. 56 min. 42 sec. West 344.32 feet passing over a new iron at the western margin of the right of way of Patterson Road and continuing 30.68 feet, for a total distance of 375.00 feet, to a point in the centerline of Patterson Road; thence with the centerline of Patterson Road North 0 deg. 50 min. 17 sec. East 149.99 feet to an existing railroad spike, said spike being at the Point of Beginning and said tract being 1.337 acres as shown on a survey entitled: Property Survey for: M & E Development Company, by Richard L. Shulenburger, PLS, dated 11-13-2007 and such plat being recorded in Book of Maps 9995, page 6310, Rowan County, North Carolina Public Registry. Address of Property: Barnhardt Meadows Subdivision, off Patterson Road, China Grove, NC 28023 Present Record Owner: M & E Development Company, LLC and Barnhardt Meadows Homeowners Association, Inc. The terms of sale are that the real property hereinbefore described will be sold for cash to the highest bidder. The Substitute Trustee reserves the right to require a cash deposit or a certified check not to exceed the greater of five (5%) of the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00). In the event that the holder is exempt from paying the same, the successful bidder may also be required to pay revenue stamps on the Trustee's Deed, any Land Transfer Tax, and the tax required by N.C.G.S. §7A308(a)(1). The real property hereinabove described is being offered for sale “AS IS, WHERE IS” and will be sold subject to all superior liens, unpaid taxes, and special assessments. Other conditions will be announced at the sale. The sale will be held open for ten (10) days for upset bids as by law required. If the Trustee is unable to convey title to this property for an reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons for such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the sale and reinstatement of the loan without knowledge of the Trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the Trustee, in his sole discretion, if he believes the challenge to have merit, may declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice Where Real Property is Residential with Less than 15 Rental Units An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. §4521.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the Clerk of Superior Court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Dated: June 16, 2011 Nance & Overbey, PLLC, Substitute Trustee, By Jon S. Overbey, Attorney 214 E. Innes Street, Salisbury, NC 28144 704-637-5590


THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011 • 9B

CLASSIFIED Transportation Dealerships


Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Tim Marburger Honda 1309 N First St. (Hwy 52) Albemarle NC 704-983-4107

Handicapped Equipped

Transportation Financing

Chevrolet Tahoe, 1999. 2 tone tan & black w/tan leather int. 5.7 V8, auto. trans. 4X4. All power, AM/ FM/CD/tape. Cold front & rear air. Alum. rims, extra clean. Ready for test drive. Call Steve at 704-603-4255

Transportation Financing

Dodge Ram 2006, Mega Cab. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Call Now!! www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

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Chrysler Town & Country Touring, 2007. Modern blue pearlcoat exterior with medium slate gray interior. $16,749. Stock #T11364A1 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

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Autos Nissan Maxima SE, 2006. Winter Frost Pearl w/ tan cloth. 3.5L v6, auto. Trans., all power, Bose radio, sunroof, dual power seats. Alloy rims, great power! Smooth Ride! 704-603-4255

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Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Ford Escape XLT, 2009. Gray exterior with charcoal interior. $14,849. Stock #P7712. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford F-150 SuperCrew XLT, 2007. Oxford white clearcoat exterior with tan interior. $16,549. Stock # F11371A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford F-250 Super Duty XLT, 1999. Oxford white clearcoat exterior with medium graphite. $9,949. Stock # K7704A. Call 1800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Ford Ranger, 2003, XLT extended cab. Like new. 69,000 miles. 6 cylinder. Automatic trans., full instrumentation, power door locks & windows. Cruise, tilt, trailer hitch, AM/FM/CD, vent shades, sliding back window and much more! $9,965 firm. 704-640-1944

GMC DENALI XL, 2005. White/Tan Leather, 6.0 V8, auto trans, fully loaded AM/FM/CD, NAVIGATION, all power, DVD, TV, chrome rims, 3rd seat READY FOR TEST DRIVE! 704-603-4255

Chevrolet Silvarado 1500, 2000 w/camper shell. Excellent condition. 75,800 miles. $5,995. 704-2791520 or 704-433-4716

Jeep Grand Cherokee Loredo, 2006. Black w/ medium slate gray cloth interior. All power, AM/FM/CD changer, dual power seats. Low miles! Awesome condition! Steve 704-603-4255

Kia Soul, 2010. Molten exterior with black interior. $16,549. Stock # F11353A2. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Mazda Tribute i Sport, 2009. Mystic Black ext. w/charcoal int. $18,349. Stock #F11341A. Call 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

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Volvo S80, 2007, Willow green metallic w/sandstone leather interior, 3.2L I6 engine, auto trans., AM/FM/CD, all power, SUNROOF, LIKE NEW! Call 704-603-4255

BMW X5, 2003. Topaz blue metallic/tan leather interior. 4.4L V8, auto trans., AM/FM/CD, sunroof, all power, 20” aluminum rims. Perfect color combo! 704603-4255

Chevrolet HHR LT SUV, 2010. Victory red metallic exterior with cashmere interior. K7726. $16,749. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com Saturn ION 2, 2007. Silver exterior with gray interior. $12,249. Stock # F12017AY. Please Call 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

Great Deal!

Troutman Motor Co. Highway 29 South, Concord, NC 704-782-3105

Ford Windstar SEL, 2000. 80,000 miles. Please call 704-603-4126

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

VW LUX, 2008, United Gray w/black leather interior, 4 cyl. Turbo, all power options, AM/FM/CD/MP3, SUNROOF, paddle shift, alloy rims. GROCERY GETTER WITH AN ATTITUDE! Call 704-603-4255 Chevrolet Suburban 1500, 1995. Beige ext. $11,249. Stock #F11286A2. Call 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Dodge Dakota SLT, 2006. Red exterior with medium slate gray interior. $15,849. Stock # F11286A1Y. Call 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Dodge Durango Limited, 2004. Khaki exterior w/dark khaki interior. $12,949. Stock #T11445BY. Call 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, 2005. Linen gold metallic clearcoat exterior with medium slate gray interior. $8,749. Stock #T11433A. Call 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Ford Expedition XLT, 2003. Black clearcoat exterior with flint gray interior. $10,549. Stock # T11334A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Ed., 2003 True Blue Metallic/ Med Parchment leather int., 4.0L (245), SOHC SEFI V6 AUTO, loaded, all pwr, AM/FM/CD changer, steering wheel controls, alloy rims, heated seats, rides & drives great! 704-603-4255

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Ford F150, 2004. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Call Now!! www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

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GMC SLE 1500, 2004. V8. Full power steering wheel controls. Runs like new. Sprayed in bed liner. Extended cab. $13,500. 704-614-2547 or 704-633-8421

Jeep Grand Cherokee, 2007. Black Clearcoat ext. w/medium slate gray int. $12,749. Stock #T11290BY. 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

Nissan Frontier Nismo Off Road, 2005. Gray exterior with charcoal interior. $16,549. Stock # T11420A 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Honda Odyssey, EX-L, 2003. Sandstone metallic exterior. $12,249. Stock #T11090A2. 1-800542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Jeep Liberty Renegade, 2006. 100% Guaranteed Credit Approval. Call Now!! www.autohouseofsalisbury.com

Nissan Titan LE, 2006. Gray exterior with steel interior. $18,549. Stock # F11268A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Honda Pilot EXL, 2005, Redrock Pearl w/Saddle int., VTEC, V6, 5-sp. auto., fully loaded, all pwr opts, AM/FM/CD changer, steering wheel controls, pwr leather seats, alloy rims, 3RD seat, sunroof, nonsmoker, LOADED! 704-603-4255

Jeep Wrangler X, 2003, Bright Silver Metallic/ Gray Cloth, 4.0L HD 5speed manual transmission, AM/FM/CD, cruise, cold AC, 20 inch chrome rims, ready for Summer! Please call 704-603-4255

Toyota Highlander Limited, 2003, Vintage Gold Metallic/Tan Leather, 4.0L 4speed auto trans. w/Snow Mode AM/FM/Tape/CD, all power, SUNROOF, dual power & heated seats , extra clean, ready for test drive. Call Steve at 704-603-4255

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2000 BMW Z3, Titanium Silver Metallic w/black leather interior. 2.5L V6, 5 speed manual, all power, dual heated seats, alloy rims, AM/FM/CD, power top, BREEZE THROUGH SUMMER WITH GREAT GAS MILEAGE! Call Steve today! 704-603-4255

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Scion TC, 2007 Base. Flint mica exterior with dark charcoal interior. $13,349. Stock # T11447A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com


Allegro 1999 RV (32 Ft.). Well maintained, no smoke, no pets, excellent condition. One slide, queen bed, low mileage. Mid-$20's negotiable. 704-633-1161

Chevrolet Corvette, 1993. LT1 engine. Black Rose exterior. Runs great! $12,000 obo. Call 704-6034126 or 704-533-1195 Forest River Greywolf, 2009. White exterior with gray/burgundy interior. Sleeps 7. $11,997. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Avalon XLS, 2007. Titanium metallic exterior with light gray interior. $15,549. Stock #T11301A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Toyota Camry Solara SE, 2006. Cosmic blue metallic exterior with charcoal interior. $15,949. Stock #T11385A. 1-800-542-9758 www.cloningerford.com

Service & Parts

Authorized EZGO Dealer. 6 volt & 8 volt batteries. US 52, 5 miles south of Salisbury. Beside East Rowan HS & Old Stone Winery. Look for EZGO sign. 704-245-3660 Trailer, 2 axles, 5x12', lights and electric brakes. $450 obo. Call 704-431-4403

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Toyota Corolla CE, 2006. Desert Sand exterior with beige interior. $10,249. Stock #T11337A. Call Now 1-800-542-9758. www.cloningerford.com

TEAM CHEVROLET, CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC. www.teamautogroup.com 704-216-8000 Tim Marburger Dodge 287 Concord Pkwy N. Concord, NC 28027 704-792-9700

Call your Salisbury Post Account Executive for more information or call 704/797-4220.


10B • THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011



Zits/Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

Jump Start/Robb Armstrong

For Better or For Worse/Lynn Johnston

Frank & Ernest/Bob Thaves

Dilbert/Scott Adams Non Sequitur/Wiley Miller

Garfield/Jim Davis Pickles/Brian Crane

Hagar The Horrible/Chris Browne Dennis/Hank Ketcham

Family Circus/Bil Keane

Blondie/Dean Young and John Marshall


Get Fuzzy/Darby Conley

The Born Loser/Art and Chip Sansom

Sudoku/United Feature Syndicate Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

Answer to Previous Puzzle

Celebrity Cipher/Luis Campos


Thursday, July 14 You could finally be in a position in the next year to achieve the harmony and balance you’ve been hoping to find in your life. Once you feel you’ve accomplished this goal, you’ll be able to relax and just be yourself. Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Hold off on making any important agreements with another. The aspects are such that, although people mean well, it isn’t likely they would stand the test of time. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — People in general tend to want to shift their burdens onto someone else, so if anybody thinks you’re an easy mark, this person will try to dump his or her work in your lap. Don’t be had. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Depending too heavily on Lady Luck instead of your own abilities will guarantee you to fail at whatever it is you’re trying to pull off. Avoid getting involved in anything chancy. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Don’t be unduly awed by titles or trappings. Just because someone has a title doesn’t necessary make him or her bigger than life. It only defines the job the person is assigned to do. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — For the sake of peace, don’t let yourself be drawn into a debate with someone who loves to argue. Once this person gets started, you won’t be able to turn him or her off. Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — It’s wise to abide by your instincts and perceptions about participating in any kind of financial debate with someone who always thinks he or she is right. It’ll be a lost cause. Carpicorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Underestimating the competition is always a mistake. Thus, regardless of how inept you think someone is, take him or her seriously. This person might know something to which you’re not privy.


THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011 • 11B

Reader asks about natural remedies for arthritic hands Dear Dr. Gott: My 67-yearold husband has recently become affected by arthritis pain in his hands. They swell and his knuckles seem to “stick.” What are some ways of dealing with this problem? He is currently taking asDR. PETER pirin for the pain, but GOTT we’d like to know if a supplement or anything else would be helpful. Dear Reader: There are more than 100 types of arthritis, the most common of which is osteoarthritis. This form typically occurs as we age and is the result of joint cartilage breakdown. While typically seen in seniors, anyone can develop osteoarthritis; it generally affects weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees and spine, but may be pres-

ent in just about any joint in the body. To determine if this is the cause of your husband’s hand pain, I suggest he make an appointment with his physician for an examination, blood work and Xrays. Other types of arthritis can cause similar symptoms but may require different treatment. I will answer your question as though he has osteoarthritis since it is the most likely cause. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin can relieve pain and swelling, but do not use more than the recommended dose because they may upset the stomach. Glucosamine chondroitin may prevent further damage and rebuild lost cartilage. Topical castor oil, or castor oil-based lotions with capsaicin or menthol (such as Castiva), applied to the affected areas twice a day can reduce pain.

A purple grape juice and liquid pectin combination has been found to reduce pain and swelling while increasing mobility. Simply mix 8 ounces of the juice with 1 to 2 tablespoons of the liquid pectin; drink up to three times a day. When pain levels have been lowered, reduce the pectin to 1 to 2 teaspoons and drink the mixture once or twice a day as a maintenance dose. Other readers have had success using 4 ounces of grape juice and 8 ounces of apple juice, and a few brave souls have even taken the pectin without any juice at all. Apple pectin capsules have also been found beneficial by some, but they may be difficult to find. Beyond that, prescription anti-inflammatory and pain medications may be recommended. Exercise and physical therapy will keep the joints moving. Heat or ice applied to the affected areas several times a day may also relieve pain. There are many options,

so I urge your husband to see a physician to get to the bottom of the situation. Together, they can then come up with a treatment plan that will successfully ease pain, improve hand mobility and prevent further damage. Readers who are interested in learning more can order my Health Reports “Osteoarthritis,” “Dr. Gott’s Compelling Home Remedies” and “More Compelling Home Remedies” by sending a self-addressed, stamped No. 10 envelope and a $2 U.S. check or money order per report to Dr. Peter Gott, P.O. Box 433, Lakeville, CT 06039. Be sure to mention the title(s) when writing, or print an order form from my website’s direct link: www.AskDrGottMD.com/order—form.pdf. Dear Dr. Gott: I am a 13year-old girl. I have excessive arm hair, mostly between my elbows and wrist. Is there some reason for it?

United Features Syndicate

That well-known orator A.N. Other said, "The best defense against the atom bomb is not to be there when it goes off." The best defense against a contract is often twofold -- the right opening lead and the correct follow-up by third hand. This deal provides an example. What should West lead against four spades? What would he have chosen if North had raised two no-trump to three no-trump? If North had rebid three spades, would it have been forcing or nonforcing?

In traditional methods, three spades would be nonforcing, showing three-card support with 10-12 points. But I believe treating it as forcing is more sensible. It is rare that three spades will be the last making contract, and if the responder can bid a forcing three spades, he can offer a choice of games or, when very strong, perhaps save space in a slam investigation. West's lead choices against four spades are the heart eight and club five. Given the bidding and his trump control, the heart eight is the better choice. Now, should East win this trick and

Dr. Peter H. Gott is a retired physician and the author of several books, including “Live Longer, Live Better,” “Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Diet” and “Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Cookbook,” which are available at most bookstores or online. His website is www.AskDrGottMD.com. UNItED FEAtURE SYNDICAtE

Survey: Americans more accepting of risque tunes

Bridge hand: The right lead and best defense B Y P HILLIP A DLER

Dear Reader: Unless you have other health concerns, the most likely reason is genetic. If your mother, grandmother and/or other close female relatives also have excess forearm hair, you can blame them. Some ethnic backgrounds may be more prone to developing heavier amounts of arm, body or facial hair. I suggest you speak with your physician regarding your concerns. Perhaps an examination and blood work may be in order if you are experiencing other symptoms you did not mention in your brief note.

NEW YORK (AP) — A new survey shows Americans are increasingly accepting of musicians who sing potentially offensive lyrics. The survey conducted for the First Amendment Center and released Wednesday found that twothirds of Americans agree that musicians should be allowed to sing songs with lyrics that some might think are offensive. That’s up from 51 percent when the same question was asked in 1997. The survey also found that 62 percent of Americans believe public schools should not have the authority to discipline students for offensive material that is posted from their home. The Washington-based group interviewed 1,006 adults over the telephone last month. The margin of error was plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.

give his partner a ruff? Or should he duck (signaling with the nine), playing partner for a doubleton? Remember the bidding. If West has a singleton, South holds four hearts. That is impossible, because he would have rebid two hearts, not two no-trump. East must encourage with the heart nine. After this start, the defenders should get four tricks: the spade king, heart ace, a heart ruff by West, and the diamond ace. Finally, note that three no-trump should fail after the club-five lead.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Think twice before absentmindedly being unrealistically generous to someone who doesn’t deserve it. There’s a good chance that on impulse you’ll give away something you’ll regret. Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) — If you have a choice, avoid any gathering where someone who makes you feel uncomfortable is likely to be in attendance. You won’t have any fun being miserable.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Don’t try to impose your views on someone who you know will be unreceptive to what you have to say. All you’ll accomplish is making this person stand even firmer in his or her beliefs. Gemini (May 21-June 20) — The handling of your resources isn’t likely to be your strong suit today, so it behooves you to be as prudent as you can. Additionally, it would be wise not to offer any financial advice. Trying to patch up a broken romance? The Astro-Graph Matchmaker can help you understand what to do to make the relationship work. Send for your Matchmaker set by mailing $3 to Astro-Graph, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH UNItED FEAtURE SYNDICAtE

Today’s celebrity birthdays Actor Dale Robertson is 88. Actor Harry Dean Stanton is 85. Actress-singer Polly Bergen is 81. Actor Vincent Pastore (“The Sopranos”) is 65. Singer-comedian Kyle Gass of Tenacious D is 51. Actress Jane Lynch is 51. Actor Jackie Earle Haley is 50. Actor Matthew Fox is 45. Keyboardist Ellen Reid of Crash Test Dummies is 45. Singerguitarist Tanya Donelly (Belly) is 45. Actress Missy Gold (“Benson”) is 41. Singer Tameka Cottle of Xscape is 36. Country singer Jamey Johnson is 36. Musician taboo of Black Eyed Peas is 36.

Elijah hamilton, 10, a rising fifth grader at Millbridge Elementary School, ties rubber bands on his shirt for a tie-dye experiment.

SCIENCE FROM 1B students of the safety rules in the class. “You are definitely going to need your goggles,” she said. Then she asked the class to talk about how to tell if the ingredients react to one another. Students said signs of a reaction taking place could include changes in temperature, smell and color, as well as changes in sound and a gaseous reaction, such as bubbles. Brinegar-German went through the steps of what students would do — “You are not doing, you’re watching,” she reminded students — when adding the ingredients to the baggie. When they got their chance, students put the calcium chloride on one side of the baggie, measured baking soda onto the other side and added a small cup full of the bromothymol blue indicator in the middle of the two. After zipping the baggie closed, they shook the bag around, spilling the ingredients all together. Bags filled with air, the mixture turned yellow and bubbles formed. Students were amazed as the ingredients turned from room temperature to cold, then hot. Exclamations of “Wow!” and “Oh man, that’s cool!” sounded through the room. Then students got a little worried. Their bags were filing up with air. BrinegarGerman told the students to

slowly release air from the bag — which resulted in quickly opening the baggies and causing loud popping. After students were done with the initial experiment, many added more ingredients to see what else they could make happen. It is what science camp is all about — learning what happens. Aaron Kendall, 10, a rising sixth-grader at China Grove Middle School, admitted that his favorite subject is science and that’s why he’s attending the camp. The only other camp he’s ever attended was in fourth grade, when he spent a week at a leadership camp offered at Wake Forest University. “I thought it would be fun,” he said. “And it is. Lots of fun. From 8 to 11:50, I have lots of fun.” Kendall said he’s not sure what his favorite part of the camp would be. “It’s all been fun,” he added. Leah Davies, 9, agreed. A rising fifth-grader at Koontz Elementary School, Davies said she’s been to Horizons Unlimited several times for various camps. So far, making ice cream has been her favorite part of the camp, which ends today. “You had to follow the instructions and shake the bag and record the temperature,” she said. “When we were finished, I poured it in a cup and ate it.” Thomas Perrell, 11, a rising sixth-grader at Southeast Middle School, said he loves the camp.

Joanie morris/FOR thE SALISBURY POSt

Donovan Kerns, 11, a rising fifth-grader at Overton Elementary, front, and Aaron Kendall, 10, a rising sixth grader at China Grove Elementary School, check over their ingredient lists prior to mixing items in a chemistry experiment. “Especially today, since it was chemistry day,” he said Tuesday. “I loved science since I was like five or six. I just always liked science.” The camp continues through today. Campers will have a chance during the week to create watersheds, observe animal behaviors and design T-shirts. Students will have a chance to explore the mysteries of physics, chemical reactions, the natural world and environmental sciences. Horizons Unlimited is offering several other summer camps and while many are filled, there are still spaces available for the Summer Engineering Experience for Girls camp. Designed for rising sixth- and seventh-grade girls, the camp will take place July 18-21 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Cost is $100 and includes all camp materials and a daily snack. Campers will design bridges or windmills, explore sustainable living and biological membranes and other engineering activities. The four-day camp involves classroom activities and experiments to help girls learn about the many

fields of engineering. For more information on enrolling your child in the Summer Engineering Experience for Girls camp, contact the school at 704-639-

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3004. Joanie Morris is a freelance reporter for the Salisbury Post. She can be reached at 704-797-4248 or news@salisburypost.com.



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5-Day 5-D ay Forecast for for Salisbury Salisbury

National Cities







High 88°

Low 65°

85°/ 67°

85°/ 65°

85°/ 67°

88°/ 67°

Partly cloudy

Chance of storms

Chance of storms

Chance of storms

Partly cloudy


Boone 77/ 77/61

Frank Franklin n 83 8 83/65 5

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A s ville lle Asheville 8 81 81/65

Sp nb Spartanburg 88/7 88/70

Kit Kitty Haw H Hawk w wk 83 83/70 3//70 3 0

Danville D l 88/61 Greensboro o D h m Durham 86/65 63 3 88/63 Ral Raleigh al 8 88/65

Salisbury Salisb S alisb sb b y bury 88/65 65 ha t e Charlotte 90/68

W to Wilmington 88/70

Atlanta 92/74

Co C Col bia Columbia 92/ 92/74 Au A Augusta u ug 9 95 95/ 5/ 4 5/74 95/74

... ... .. Sunrise-.............................. Sunset tonight Moonrise today................... Moonset today....................

6:16 a.m. 8:38 p.m. 8:13 p.m. 5:34 a.m.

Jul 15 Jul 23 Jul 30 Aug 6 Full L La Last a New First

Aiken ken en 94/ 94 94/74 /7 7

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Myrtle yr le yrtl eB Be Bea Beach ea each 8 88 88/72 8//72 8/7 8 /7 Ch Charleston rle les es 8 88 88/76 H n He e Hilton Head 8 88/ 8///77 7 88/77 Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.


Salisburry y Today: 2.9 - low-medium Friday: 2.0 - low Saturday: 1.9 - low

Air Quality Ind Index ex

Charlotte e Yesterday.... 103 ........ ...... unhealthy for sensitive group Today..... particulates...... moderate N. C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 0-50 good, 51-100 moderate, 101-150 unhealthy for sensitive grps., 151-200 unhealthy, 201-300 verryy unhealthy, 301-500 haazzardous

24 hours through 8 p.m. yest........... 0.17" 1.57" Month to date................................... ...................................1.57" Normal year to date....................... 23.53" Year to date................................... 22.31" Seattle S ttle e Se e ea attttle a lle 67 7 7///5 56 67/56 6



Above/Below Full Pool

High Rock Lake............. 653.91.......... ..........-1.09 -1.09 Badin Lake.................. 540.11.......... ..........-1.89 -1.89 Tuckertown Lake............. 595.............. ..............-1 -1 Tillery Lake.................. 277.8.......... -1.20 .................177.7 Blewett Falls................. 177.7.......... -1.30 Lake Norman................ 97.40........... -2.6


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77/68 7 7//6 6 8 77 68


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75/64 5 6 7 5/64 5///6 64 4

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Cold Front

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90s Warm Front


85/65 6 5 8 5//6 5/ 65


Atlanta A tlanta tlan an nttta a 9 93 93/73 3//7 3/ 73

95 9 95/75 5//7 5/ 7 75 5 a am m mii Miami M iia


89//7 79 89/79 7 9

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8 89 89/62 9//6 6 62 2

Rain n Flurries rries

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H Houston ousstton 9 98 8//7 7 79 9 98/79



Jess Parker Wunderground Meteorologist

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 95 71 s 68 57 pc 80 64 s 71 53 s 75 64 s 75 69 r 86 75 pc

Pollen Index

High.................................................... 91° Low..................................................... 71° Last year's high.................................. 84° Last year's low.................................... 68° ....................................68° Normal high........................................ 90° Normal low......................................... 71° Record high......................... 100° in 1986 Record low............................. 56° in 1918 .............................56° Humidity at noon............................... 55% ...............................55%


Forecasts and graphics provided by Weather Underground @2011

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 95 76 pc 97 77 s 75 64 pc 89 80 pc 89 76 t 91 82 t 84 67 pc 92 75 pc 86 67 pc 105 80 s 91 62 s 84 69 pc

Today Hi Lo W 96 71 s 68 50 cd 77 55 s 64 46 r 75 62 s 75 71 t 86 75 s

City Jerusalem London Moscow Paris Rio Seoul Tokyo



outh uth Southport 8 85/70

Today City Hi Lo W Kansas City 91 74 t 97 77 s Las Vegas 75 64 pc Los Angeles 89 79 pc Miami 77 68 t Minneapolis 92 81 t New Orleans 83 62 pc New York 86 72 t Omaha 85 65 s Philadelphia 102 79 s Phoenix 90 63 s Salt Lake City Washington, DC 85 65 pc

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 64 57 pc 91 69 pc 82 73 s 60 51 r 60 50 r 69 41 s 59 55 r

Precipitation Cape Ha C Hatteras atter atte attera tte ter era ra ass a 83 8 83/7 83/74 3/7 3/ /74 7

G n e Greenville 68 88/68


Go bo b Goldsboro 88/65

L b be Lumberton 90 90/68 8

Darlin D Darli Darlington 90/70 /7 /70

Today Hi Lo W 59 57 r 91 66 pc 80 75 s 69 53 pc 60 57 s 69 46 s 64 53 pc

City Amsterdam Beijing Beirut Berlin Buenos Aires Calgary Dublin

Data from Salisbury through ough 6 p.m. yest. Temperature

Regional Regio g onal W Weather eather Winston Win Wins Salem a 86/ 3 86/63

Tomorrow Hi Lo W 88 74 t 85 68 pc 84 67 pc 88 62 pc 82 65 pc 83 72 pc 84 67 pc 99 82 pc 89 63 t 84 66 pc 69 47 r 86 68 pc

World Cities


3242 S. MAIN ST., SALISBURY • 704-633-8484

Today Hi Lo W 93 73 t 84 61 s 84 64 s 91 63 pc 77 62 pc 80 66 pc 78 63 pc 100 81 pc 89 62 t 82 63 pc 70 50 pc 83 64 pc

City Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Boston Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit Fairbanks Indianapolis

Areas of the East will see a slight bit of relief from this week\'s heat during the next few days. An energetic cold front will drop across the eastern valleys and into the Southeast with bands of showers, periods of heavy rain, and clusters of thunderstorms Thursday through Saturday. This much needed precipitation is expected to reach drought stricken areas from the Texas-Louisiana border eastward through Florida. As this front drops southeastward, a broad area of high pressure from the north, will follow the system. A cooler airmass will accompany this system over the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys Thursday, and further south into the Southeast by Friday and Saturday. Expect a gradual cool down throughout these areas during this period. New York and the DC area will drop down into the lower 80s(F)/upper 20s(C) by Friday, while Atlanta drops to the upper 80s(F)/lower 30s(C) Friday and Saturday. Hot weather conditions with high heat index values will unfortunately continue in the Plains Thursday. Southwesterly flow from a ridge of high pressure over the north-central region of the nation and a trough of low pressure setting up over the Pacific Northwest will kick up showers and thunderstorms from the Northern High Plains through the Central Plains. Increasing instability may lead to some severe weather development in these regions during the afternoon with damaging wind and hail. Elsewhere, chilly weather with well below normal daytime highs will continue in the west coast states. Finally, monsoon moisture spreading across the Four Corners will create more chances of showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon.

Get the Whole Picture at wunderground.com wunderground.com—The —The Best Known Secret in Weather™


Ronnie Gallagher, Sports Editor, 704-797-4287 rgallagher@salisburypost.com

British Open Garcia aims to surprise this weekend/6C

Associated Press

NEW YORK — Francisco Rodriguez is gone, and Jose Reyes and Carlos Beltran could be next. It all depends on the next couple of weeks for the New York Mets. Sitting on the fringe of the playoff race, the Mets got rid of a potentially costly problem at closer when they sent Rodriguez and cash to the Milwaukee Brewers on Tuesday night for two players to be named. New York (46-45) is third in the NL East and 71/2 games

July 14, 2011



US women reach final

KRod trade could be Parnell’s break BY RICK FREEMAN



behind the wild card-leading Braves heading into the opener of its first post-All-Star break series on Friday against Philadelphia. And general manager Sandy Alderson said Wednesday the K-Rod trade doesn’t change the Mets’ status. The Mets still have a strong bullpen, but now they’ve shifted payroll — to a team that is tied for the lead in its division. “This certainly does not signify a change in direction from our continuing attempt to win games this season,”

BY NANCY ARMOUR Associated Press

AssoCiAted press

the Mets traded Francisco rodriguez late tuesday night to See TRADE, 4C open their closer spot.

MOENCHENGLADBACH, 3 Germany US 1 — Abby France Wambach sure knows how to deliver. A goal, a promise and soon, she hopes, a World Cup title. The U.S. women had fans on edge once again until Wambach broke a tense tie with her header off a corner kick in the 79th minute Wednesday. Alex Morgan scored three minutes later to

seal a 3-1 semifinal victory over France, and the Americans let loose with a party that carried all the way across the Atlantic Ocean. Next up, a trip to the World Cup final Sunday in Frankfurt that will be the first for Americans since 1999, when they last won it all. They’ll play Japan, which upset Sweden 31 to move one step away from realizing its own dream. “We’ve achieved part of our goal. We’re in the final,” Wambach said. “We want to complete it. We want to be



Going coastal Rowan clinches berth in State Tournament BY MIKE LONDON mlondon@salisburypost.com

SALISBURY — Rowan County fans in the leftfield bleachers packed up their Rowan 11 lawn chairs as soon as they saw Mocksville 8 No. 30 jog to the mound. No. 30 is lefty Will Johnson — Willy J. to his teammates — and he took care of the ninth inning again on Wednesday. Johnson racked up his eighth save of the summer and third of the postseason as Rowan held off Mocksville 118 to win Bracket B of the zany Area III playoffs. Rowan (23-6), winner of 11 straight, went through its double-elimination tournament unscathed. Rowan struggled — failing to catch popups, failing to get down bunts and leaving 13 runners stranded — but the scoreboard said it was another positive night. “If the worst thing that people can say about this year’s team is that they’re winners, then that’s not a bad thing,” Rowan coach Jim Gantt said. “These guys have usually found a way.” Johnson broke the season saves mark for the program. Several hurlers had seven, ranging from Tom Eaton (1955) to Justin Roland (2008). “For sure, it’s a confident feeling when you see Will go out there,” said DH Luke Thomas, who knocked in five runs. “Everyone in the dugout is betting on how many pitches it’s going to take.” Center fielder Will Sapp said he called it on the nose this time — 13 pitches — more than usual. Johnson’s last pitch was reasonably scary, but Tyler King flied out deep to left field to Matt Mauldin to end Mocksville’s summer at 17-12. “They’re a good-hitting team, and I really thought that ball might be gone,” Johnson said. “Mauldin made a real good play to get behind the ball.” Sapp probably set a record, although no official stats are available for most walks. He had a weird boxscore — 1-4-0-0 — walking five times and scorjon c. lakey/sALisBUrY post

rowan’s Avery rogers was one of three players with two hits on Wednesday.


Kentucky Speedway apology too late BY JENNA FRYER Associated Press

Sometimes saying sorry is all it takes to make people feel a little better. That might have been the case with Kentucky Speedway, if the apology had been immediate and sincere. But to the thousands of fans who spent hours snarled in traffic, congestion so bad that many never made it to their seats for Saturday night’s inaugural Sprint Cup race, the two words they long for — “We’re sorry” — would probably fall on deaf ears. Track general manager Mark Simendinger probably thought he had the apology covered in a Sunday night statement, his second since the massive traffic jam spoiled what was supposed to

be a spectacular debut for Kentucky Speedway. “Kentucky Speedway regrets the traffic conditions,” Simendinger wrote, and since regret means remorse, maybe that should have been enough. It wasn’t, though, and frustrated fans took to social media to blast the track and parent company Speedway Motorsports Inc. for ducking the two words everyone wanted to hear. “When I realized they hadn’t said it, I wondered, ‘Why haven’t they apologized?’” fan Jen Morrison said Monday. “I bet a lot of people are wondering that. It seems like such a simple thing to say, and it could really go a long way. But they didn’t say it, probably because they don’t want to say it’s their fault.” By Monday afternoon, the

track had indeed quietly apologized by updating Simendinger’s statement on its website. The word “regrets” had been replaced by “apologizes.” Finally, an official apology came along with a ticket exchange offer good for any SMI track this season, and the race at Kentucky next year. “To those fans that were not able to attend the (race), we offer our sincerest apologies,” Simendinger said. “We’d also like to apologize to all of our fans who endured challenging conditions during our event weekend.” It didn’t soften the blow for Morrison, a 28-year-old who works on social media for CMT in Nashville. She returned to her family home in Hamilton, Ohio, last weekend with plans to

attend the race. As she headed toward Cincinnati early Saturday, she saw a line of cars backed up 15 miles going in the direction of the race track. She called her dad and told him he should get on the road, which he did 30 minutes later. He made it to the track at 6:40 p.m., some six hours after he began the drive that typically takes one hour and 15 minutes. But Morrison waited for her brother to get off from work, and they didn’t start their journey until 3:30 p.m. Even though they knew a back way to the track, they accepted that they’d miss the 7:45 green flag start. They missed a lot more than that. After navigating traffic for more than five

AssoCiAted press

traffic waits in sparta, Ky. sunday night after the inaugural See KENTUCKY, 5C race at Kentucky speedway.

2C • THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011

TV Sports Thursday, July 14 CYCLING 6:30 a.m. VERSUS — Tour de France, stage 12, Cugnaux to Luz-Ardiden, France GOLF 4 a.m. ESPN — British Open, first round, at Sandwich, England 2 p.m. TGC — Nationwide Tour, Chiquita Classic, first round, at Maineville, Ohio 4 p.m. TGC — PGA Tour, Viking Classic, first round, at Madison, Miss. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 7 p.m. MLB — Regional coverage, N.Y. Yankees at Toronto or Cleveland at Baltimore WNBA BASKETBALL 9 p.m. ESPN2 — Seattle at San Antonio

Area schedule Thursday, July 14 INTIMIDATORS BASEBALL 7:05 p.m. Rome Braves at Kannapolis

Prep football

3:42 Mallory McDaniel Alan Barefoot Derek Corpening Todd Deaton Past champions 1979 — Mallory McDaniel 1980 — Gerald Staton 1981— Junior Rabon 1982 — David Bogedain 1983 — Gary Miller 1984 — John Henderlite 1985 —John Henderlite 1986 — G. Keating 1987 — Gary Miller 1988 — Gary Miller 1989 —Junior Rabon 1990 — Randy Bingham 1991 — Richard Cobb 1992 — Gary Miller 1993 — Randy Bingham 1994 — Todd Johnson 1995 — Gary Miller 1996 —Gary Miller 1997 — Ryan Honeycutt 1998 — Thad Sprinkle 1999 — Dusty Holder 2000 — Tommy Trexler 2001 — Ryan Honeycutt 2002 — Adam Jordan 2003 — Mallory McDaniel 2004 — Randy Bingham 2005 — Jon Allen 2006 — Randy Bingham 2007 — Keith Dorsett 2008 — Ronnie Eidson 2009 — Ryan Honeycutt 2010 — Ronnie Eidson

American Legion 2011 schedules West Rowan Aug. 10 .........................W. Forsyth, Central Cabarrus, Alexander Central (scrimmage) Aug.. 12 ........................Thomasville (scrimmage) Aug. 19 .........................at Mooresville Aug. 26 .........................Davie County Sept. 2...........................at Salisbury Sept. 10 ........................4 p.m. vs. South Pointe, S.C. Sept. 16 ........................Statesville Sept. 23 ........................at South Rowan Sept. 30 ........................East Rowan Oct. 7 ............................at Reidsville Oct. 14 ..........................at North Iredell Oct. 21 ..........................Carson Oct. 28 ..........................at West Iredell Salisbury Aug. 19 .........................at East Rowan Aug. 26 .........................at North Rowan Sept. 2...........................West Rowan Sept. 9...........................South Rowan Sept. 16 ........................at W-S Atkins Sept. 23 ........................Carson Sept. 30 ........................at West Davidson Oct. 7 ............................Central Davidson Oct. 14 ..........................at Lexington Oct. 21 ..........................at Thomasville Oct. 28 ..........................East Davidson East Rowan Aug. 19 .........................Salisbury Aug. 26 .........................Concord Sept. 2...........................North Rowan Sept. 9...........................at Hickory Ridge Sept. 16 ........................at Carson Sept. 23 ........................West Iredell Sept. 30 ........................at West Rowan Oct. 7 ............................North Iredell Oct. 14 ..........................at South Rowan Oct. 21 ..........................Statesville Oct. 28 ..........................Open Carson Aug. 19 .........................at North Rowan Aug. 26 .........................NW Cabarrus Sept. 2...........................at Hickory Ridge Sept. 9...........................Jay M. Robinson Sept. 16 ........................East Rowan Sept. 23 ........................at Salisbury Sept. 30 ........................Statesville Oct. 7 ............................at South Rowan Oct. 14 ..........................West Iredell Oct. 21 ..........................at West Rowan Oct. 28 ..........................@ North Iredell South Rowan Aug. 19 .........................at Central Cabarrus Aug. 26 .........................A.L. Brown Sept. 2...........................NW Cabarrus Sept. 9...........................at Salisbury Sept. 16 ........................at West Iredell Sept. 23 ........................West Rowan Sept. 30 ........................at North Iredell Oct. 7 ............................Carson Oct. 14 ..........................East Rowan Oct. 21 ..........................Open Oct. 28 ..........................at Statesville North Rowan Aug. 19 .........................Carson Aug. 26 .........................Salisbury Sept. 2...........................at East Rowan Sept. 10 ........................11 a.m. vs. University Christian, Fla. (at West Rowan) Sept. 16 ........................at South Stanly Sept. 23 ........................at E. Montgomery Sept. 30 ........................North Moore Oct. 7 ............................at Albemarle Oct. 14 ..........................Chatham Central Oct. 21 ..........................at W. Montgomery Oct. 28 ..........................South Davidson Davie County Aug. 19 .........................Page Aug. 26 .........................at West Rowan Sept. 2...........................Alexander Central Sept. 9...........................Lexington Sept. 16 ........................Thomasville Sept. 23 ........................at Hibriten Sept. 30 ........................R.J. Reynolds Oct. 7 ............................at West Forsyth Oct. 14 ..........................at Mount Tabor Oct. 21 ..........................Reagan Oct. 28 ..........................at North Davidson A.L. Brown Aug. 19 .........................Shelby Aug. 26 .........................at South Rowan Sept. 2...........................Rocky River Sept. 9...........................at Porter Ridge Sept. 16 ........................at Jay M. Robinson Sept. 23 ........................Central Cabarrus Sept. 30 ........................Cox Mill Oct. 7 ............................at Mount Pleasant Oct. 14 ..........................Hickory Ridge Oct. 21 ..........................at NW Cabarrus Oct. 28 ..........................Concord

Local golf Rowan Amateur Pairings for Friday Upper bracket 2:46 Ronnie Eidson Chase Jenson Michael Dorsett Mark Deese 2:54 Josh Johnson Michael Gegorek Robert Jordan Chuck Stockford 3:02 Keith Dorsett Jared Hinson Brett Adams Mickey McGinnis 3:10 Eric Mulkey Michael Snoody Jr. Randy Bingham Jason Bernhardt Lower bracket 3:18 Andrew Morgan Clark Corriher Shane Benfield Ken Crouch 3:26 Brian Jones Ryan Burke Chris Sifford Jon Baxter 3:34 Sean Kramer Dru Davis Kevin Lentz Steve Gegorek

Standings Area III Southern Division Division Overall 15-4 23-6 Rowan County x-Mocksville 13-6 17-12 x-Wilkes County 12-6 14-9 13-11 x-Mooresville Moors 10-8 x-Stanly County 10-8 13-11 x-Concord 8-10 9-13 7-11 10-17 x-South Rowan x-Kannapolis 6-12 7-15 x-Statesville 5-13 7-15 5-13 x-Mooresville Legends 5-13 Northern Division Division Overall 14-4 21-9 Randolph Winston-Salem 13-5 16-7 High Point 12-6 17-8 11-7 20-12 x-Kernersville x-Eastern Randolph 10-9 13-12 x-Burlington-Graham 9-10 10-13 8-10 14-14 xWestern Forsyth x-Surry 7-11 7-14 x-Lexington 6-12 9-14 1-17 3-17 x-Thomasville

Playoffs Bracket A (double-elimination) Friday, July 8 Game 1 — Randolph 4, Kannapolis 3 Game 3 — Stanly 7, Kernersville 4 (8 inns.) Game 4 — High Point 7, Concord 2 (7 inns.) Saturday, July 9 Game 2 — S. Rowan 12, Winston-Salem 10 Sunday, July 10 Game 5 — Kannapolis 11, Kernersville 7, Kernersville eliminated Game 6 — Winston-Salem 8, Concord 6, Concord eliminated Game 7 — Randolph 5, Stanly 1 Game 8 — South Rowan 9, High Point 8 Monday, July 11 Game 9 — Winston-Salem 12, Stanly 5, Stanly eliminated Game 10 — High Point 15, Kannapolis 1, Kannapolis eliminated Game 11 — Randolph 11, South Rowan 7 Tuesday, July 12 Game 12 — Winston-Salem 5, S. Rowan 4 Game 13 — High Point 11, Randolph 7 Wednesday, July 13 Game 14 — High Point at Winston-Salem Thursday, July 14 Game 15 — High Point-Winston-Salem winner at Randolph Friday, July 15 Game 15 — Bracket B (double-elimination) Friday, July 8 Game 2 — Mocksville 6, W. Forsyth 3 (7 inns.) Saturday, July 9 Game 1 — Rowan County 4, Surry 1 Game 3 — Mooresville Moors 1, E. Randolph 0 Game 4 — Burlington-Graham 15, Wilkes 9 Sunday, July 10 Game 5 — Eastern Randolph 8, Surry 5, Surry eliminated Game 6 — Western Forsyth 12, Wilkes 1, Wilkes eliminated Game 7 — Rowan 8, Mooresville Moors 7, Mooresville eliminated Game 8 — Mocksville 10, Burlington-Graham 4 Monday, July 11 Game 9 — Western Forsyth 7, Mooresville Moors 4, Moors eliminated Game 10 — Eastern Randolph 8, Burlington 6, Burlington eliminated Game 11 — Rowan County 5, Mocksville 0 Tuesday, July 12 Game 12 — Mocksville 7, E. Randolph 6 Game 13 — Rowan 3, W. Forsyth 2 Wednesday, July 13 Game 14 — Rowan 11, Mocksville 8

State champs 1928 — Raleigh Post 1 1929 — Asheville Post 70 1930 — Gastonia Post 23 1931 — Roanoke Rapids 1932 — Gastonia Post 23 1933 — Gastonia Post 23 1934 — Charlotte Post 9 1935 — Gastonia Post 23 (won World Series) 1936 — Charlotte Post 9 1937 — Charlotte Post 9 1938 — Gastonia Post 23 1939 — Charlotte Post 9 1940 — Albemarle Post 76 (won World Series) 1941 — Gastonia Post 23 1942 — Shelby Post 82 1943 — Whiteville Post 137 1944 — Albemarle Post 76 (World Series runner-up) 1945 — Shelby Post 82 (won World Series) 1946 — Kannapolis Post 115 1947 — Kannapolis Post 115 1948 — Hickory Post 48 1949 — Gastonia Post 23 1950 — Gastonia Post 23 1951 — Shelby Post 82 1952 — Kannapolis Post 115 1953 — Cherryville Post 100 1954 — Gastonia Post 23 (World Series runner-up) 1955 — Salisbury Post 14 1956 — Wilmington Post 10 1957 — Shelby Post 82 1958 — Shelby Post 82 1959 — Wilmington Post 10 1960 — Wilmington Post 10 1961 — Kannapolis Post 115 1962 — Wilmington Post 10 1963 — Greensboro Cone Post 386 1964 — Charlotte Post 9 (World Series runner-up) 1965 — Charlotte Post 9 (World Series winner) 1966 — Asheboro Post 45 1967 — Greensboro Cone Post 386 1968 — Greensboro Burtner Post 53 1969 — Rowan County Post 342 1970 — Wilmington Post 10 1971 — Rowan County Post 342 1972 — Hamlet Post 49 1973 — Rocky Mount Post 58 1974 — Hamlet Post 49 1975 — Sanford Post 382 1976 — Newell Post 287 1977 — Newell Post 287 1978 — Asheboro Post 45 1979 — Hamlet Post 49 1980 — Wilmington Post 10


SCOREBOARD 1981 — Cherryville Post 100 1982 — Hamlet Post 49 1983 — Hamlet Post 49 1984 — Rowan County Post 342 1985 — Whiteville Post 137 1986 — Caldwell County Post 29 1987 — Hamlet Post 49 1988 — Kernersville Post 36 1989 — Whiteville Post 137 1990 — Caldwell County Post 29 1991 — Caldwell County Post 29 1992 — Kernersville Post 36 1993 — Rowan County Post 342 1994 — Wilmington Post 10 1995 — Wilmington Post 10 1996 — Whiteville Post 137 1997 — Cherryville Post 100 1998 - Cherryville Post 100 (World Series runner-up) 1999 — Garner Post 232 2000 — Caldwell County Post 29 2001 — Shelby Post 82 2002 — Rowan County Post 342 2003 — Cherryville Post 100 (World Series runner-up) 2004 — (Garner Post 232 vacated title due to an ineligible player) 2005 — Pitt County Post 39 2006 — Morehead City Post 46 2007 — Cherryville Post 100 2008 — Randolph County Post 45 2009 — Rowan County Post 342 2010 — Kernersville Post 36

ML Baseball Standings American League East Division W L Pct GB Boston 55 35 .611 — 53 35 .602 1 New York Tampa Bay 49 41 .544 6 Toronto 45 47 .489 11 36 52 .409 18 Baltimore Central Division W L Pct GB Detroit 49 43 .533 — 1 47 42 .528 ⁄2 Cleveland Chicago 44 48 .478 5 1 Minnesota 41 48 .461 6 ⁄2 37 54 .407 111⁄2 Kansas City West Division W L Pct GB Texas 51 41 .554 — 50 42 .543 1 Los Angeles Seattle 43 48 .473 71⁄2 Oakland 39 53 .424 12 Thursday’s Games Cleveland (Masterson 7-6) at Baltimore (Guthrie 3-12), 7:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Colon 6-4) at Toronto (Jo.Reyes 4-7), 7:07 p.m. Kansas City (Chen 5-2) at Minnesota (Liriano 5-7), 8:10 p.m. Texas (D.Holland 7-4) at Seattle (Vargas 6-6), 10:10 p.m. Friday’s Games Chicago White Sox at Detroit, 7:05 p.m. Cleveland at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. Boston at Tampa Bay, 7:10 p.m. Kansas City at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m. L.A. Angels at Oakland, 10:05 p.m. Texas at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. National League East Division W L Pct GB Philadelphia 57 34 .626 — 54 38 .587 31⁄2 Atlanta New York 46 45 .505 11 Washington 46 46 .500 111⁄2 43 48 .473 14 Florida Central Division L Pct GB W Milwaukee 49 43 .533 — St. Louis 49 43 .533 — 47 43 .522 1 Pittsburgh Cincinnati 45 47 .489 4 Chicago 37 55 .402 12 30 62 .326 19 Houston West Division L Pct GB W San Francisco 52 40 .565 — Arizona 49 43 .533 3 43 48 .473 81⁄2 Colorado Los Angeles 41 51 .446 11 San Diego 40 52 .435 12 Thursday’s Games Florida (Ani.Sanchez 6-2) at Chicago Cubs (Garza 4-7), 8:05 p.m. Milwaukee (Gallardo 10-5) at Colorado (Jimenez 4-8), 8:40 p.m. San Francisco (Bumgarner 4-9) at San Diego (Harang 7-2), 10:05 p.m. Friday’s Games Florida at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 p.m. Philadelphia at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. St. Louis at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m. Washington at Atlanta, 7:35 p.m. Pittsburgh at Houston, 8:05 p.m. Milwaukee at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at Arizona, 9:40 p.m. San Francisco at San Diego, 10:05 p.m.

Leaders NATIONAL LEAGUE BATTING—JosReyes, New York, .354; Votto, Cincinnati, .324; Pence, Houston, .323; Helton, Colorado, .321; Braun, Milwaukee, .320; Kemp, Los Angeles, .313; Ethier, Los Angeles, .311. RUNS—RWeeks, Milwaukee, 67; JosReyes, New York, 65; Bourn, Houston, 60; Votto, Cincinnati, 59; CYoung, Arizona, 59; Stubbs, Cincinnati, 58; Braun, Milwaukee, 57. RBI—Fielder, Milwaukee, 72; Howard, Philadelphia, 72; Kemp, Los Angeles, 67; Berkman, St. Louis, 63; Braun, Milwaukee, 62; Pence, Houston, 60; Walker, Pittsburgh, 59. HITS—JosReyes, New York, 124; SCastro, Chicago, 117; Pence, Houston, 114; Votto, Cincinnati, 110; BPhillips, Cincinnati, 105; Bourn, Houston, 104; Kemp, Los Angeles, 103; RWeeks, Milwaukee, 103 HOME RUNS—Berkman, St. Louis, 24; Fielder, Milwaukee, 22; Kemp, Los Angeles, 22; Bruce, Cincinnati, 21; CPena, Chicago, 19; Howard, Philadelphia, 18; Pujols, St. Louis, 18; Stanton, Florida, 18. STOLEN BASES—Bourn, Houston, 35; JosReyes, New York, 30; Kemp, Los Angeles, 27; Stubbs, Cincinnati, 23; Desmond, Washington, 20; Braun, Milwaukee, 19; Rollins, Philadelphia, 19. STRIKEOUTS—Kershaw, Los Angeles, 147; Halladay, Philadelphia, 138; ClLee, Philadelphia, 137; Lincecum, San Francisco, 132; Hamels, Philadelphia, 121; AniSanchez, Florida, 117; Norris, Houston, 113. SAVES—Kimbrel, Atlanta, 28; HBell, San Diego, 26; BrWilson, San Francisco, 26; Street, Colorado, 26; Hanrahan, Pittsburgh, 26; LNunez, Florida, 25; Axford, Milwaukee, 23; FrRodriguez, New York, 23; Storen, Washington, 23. AMERICAN LEAGUE BATTING—AdGonzalez, Boston, .354; Bautista, Toronto, .334; MiYoung, Texas, .323; Konerko, Chicago, .319; Ellsbury, Boston, .316; VMartinez, Detroit, .316; JhPeralta, Detroit, .312. RUNS—Granderson, New York, 79; Bautista, Toronto, 73; AdGonzalez, Boston, 64; MiCabrera, Detroit, 63; Kinsler, Texas, 63; Ellsbury, Boston, 62; Pedroia, Boston, 59; Zobrist, Tampa Bay, 59. RBI—AdGonzalez, Boston, 77; Beltre, Texas, 71; Konerko, Chicago, 67; Bautista, Toronto, 65; Teixeira, New York, 65; Granderson, New York, 63; Youkilis, Boston, 63. HOME RUNS—Bautista, Toronto, 31; Granderson, New York, 25; Teixeira, New York, 25; Konerko, Chicago, 22; NCruz, Texas, 20; MarReynolds, Baltimore, 20; Beltre, Texas, 19; DOrtiz, Boston, 19. STOLEN BASES—Ellsbury, Boston, 28; Andrus, Texas, 26; Crisp, Oakland, 26; RDavis, Toronto, 24; Gardner, New York, 23; ISuzuki, Seattle, 23; BUpton, Tampa Bay, 21. STRIKEOUTS—Verlander, Detroit, 147; FHernandez, Seattle, 140; Shields, Tampa Bay, 137; Sabathia, New York, 126; Price, Tampa Bay, 125; Weaver, Los Angeles, 120; CWilson, Texas, 117. SAVES—Valverde, Detroit, 24; League, Seattle, 23; MaRivera, New York, 22; CPerez, Cleveland, 21; Papelbon, Boston, 20; Walden, Los Angeles, 20; Feliz, Texas, 18; SSantos, Chicago, 18.

Racing Lenox Tools Odds Odds:Lenox Industrial Tools 301 DRIVER Denny Hamlin

ODDS 6-1

Jimmie Johnson Kyle Busch Jeff Gordon Kevin Harvick Kurt Busch Carl Edwards Tony Stewart Clint Bowyer Matt Kenseth Greg Biffle Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jeff Burton Kasey Kahne Mark Martin Ryan Newman David Reutimann Martin Truex Jr. Brad Keselowski Joey Logano Jamie McMurray Juan Pablo Montoya David Ragan Paul Menard Field (All Others)

7-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 10-1 10-1 12-1 18-1 18-1 20-1 20-1 30-1 40-1 40-1 40-1 40-1 40-1 45-1 45-1 45-1 45-1 50-1 65-1 100-1

Sprint Cup Feb. 12 — x-Budweiser Shootout, Daytona Beach, Fla. (Kurt Busch) Feb. 17 — x-Gatorade Duel 1, Daytona Beach, Fla. (Kurt Busch) Feb. 17 — x-Gatorade Duel 2, Daytona Beach, Fla. (Jeff Burton) Feb. 20 — Daytona 500, Daytona Beach, Fla. (Trevor Bayne) Feb. 27 — Subway Fresh Fit 500, Avondale, Ariz. (Jeff Gordon) March 6 — Kobalt Tools 400, Las Vegas (Carl Edwards) March 20 — Jeff Byrd 500, Bristol, Tenn. (Kyle Busch) March 27 — Auto Club 400, Fontana, Calif. (Kevin Harvick) April 3 — Goody’s Fast Relief 500, Martinsville, Va. (Kevin Harvick) April 9 — Samsung Mobile 500, Fort Worth, Texas (Matt Kenseth) April 17 — Aaron’s 499, Talladega, Ala. (Jimmie Johnson) April 30 — Matthew and Daniel Hansen 400, Richmond, Va. (Kyle Busch) May 7 — Showtime Southern 500, Darlington, S.C. (Regan Smith) May 15 — FedEx 400, Dover, Del. (Matt Kenseth) May 21 — x-Sprint Showdown, Concord, N.C. (David Ragan) May 21 — x-All-Star Challenge, Concord, N.C. (Carl Edwards) May 29 — Coca-Cola 600, Concord, N.C. (Kevin Harvick) June 5 — STP 400, Kansas City, Kan. (Brad Keselowski) June 12 — Pocono 500, Long Pond, Pa. (Jeff Gordon) June 19 — Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips 400, Brooklyn, Mich. (Denny Hamlin) June 26 — Toyota/Save Mart 350, Sonoma, Calif. (Kurt Busch) July 2 — Coke Zero 400, Daytona Beach, Fla. (David Ragan) July 9 — Quaker State 400, Sparta, Ky. (Kyle Busch) July 17 — Lenox Industrial Tools 301, Loudon, N.H. July 31 — Brickyard 400, Indianapolis Aug. 7 — Pennsylvania 500, Long Pond, Pa. Aug. 14 — Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips at The Glen, Watkins Glen, N.Y. Aug. 21 — Michigan 400, Brooklyn, Mich. Aug. 27 — Irwin Tools Night Race, Bristol, Tenn. Sep. 4 — Labor Day Classic 500, Hampton, Ga. Sep. 10 — One Last Race To Make The Chase 400, Richmond, Va. Sep. 18 — Chicagoland 400, Joliet, Ill. Sep. 25 — Sylvania 300, Loudon, N.H. Oct. 2 — AAA 400, Dover, Del. Oct. 9 — Hollywood Casino 400, Kansas City, Kan. Oct. 15 — Bank of America 500, Concord, N.C. Oct. 23 — Talladega 500, Talladega, Ala. Oct. 30 — TUMS Fast Relief 500, Ridgeway, Va. Nov. 6 — AAA Texas 500, Fort Worth, Texas Nov. 13 — Kobalt Tools 500, Avondale, Ariz. Nov. 20 — Ford 400, Homestead, Fla. x-non-points race 2011 Driver Standings 1. Kyle Busch, 624. 2. Carl Edwards, 620. 3. Kevin Harvick, 614. 4. Kurt Busch, 606. 5. Jimmie Johnson, 605. 6. Matt Kenseth, 602. 7. Jeff Gordon, 553. 8. Dale Earnhardt Jr., 548. 9. Ryan Newman, 538. 10. Denny Hamlin, 529. 11. Tony Stewart, 527. 12. Clint Bowyer, 514. 13. Juan Pablo Montoya, 497. 14. Greg Biffle, 496. 15. David Ragan, 494. 16. Paul Menard, 486. 17. Kasey Kahne, 484. 18. A J Allmendinger, 483. 19. Mark Martin, 477. 20. Joey Logano, 469.

Nationwide Feb. 19 — DRIVE4COPD 300, Daytona Beach, Fla. (Tony Stewart) Feb. 26 — Bashas’ Supermarkets 200, Avondale, Ariz. (Kyle Busch) March 5 — Sam’s Town 300, Las Vegas (Mark Martin) March 19 — Scotts EZ Seed 300, Bristol, Tenn. (Kyle Busch) March 26 — Royal Purple 300, Fontana, Calif. (Kyle Busch) April 8 — O’Reilly Auto Parts 300, Fort Worth, Texas (Carl Edwards) April 16 — Aaron’s 312, Talladega, Ala. (Kyle Busch) April 23 — Nashville 300, Lebanon, Tenn. (Carl Edwards) April 29 — Bubba Burger 250, Richmond, Va. (Denny Hamlin) May 6 — Royal Purple 200, Darlington, S.C. (Kyle Busch) May 14 — 5-hour ENERGY 200, Dover, Del. (Carl Edwards) May 22 — John Deere Dealers of Iowa 250, Newton, Iowa (Ricky Stenhouse Jr.) May 28 — Top Gear 300, Concord, N.C. (Matt Kenseth) June 4 — STP 300, Joliet, Ill. (Justin Allgaier) June 18 — Alliance Truck Parts 250, Brooklyn, Mich. (Carl Edwards) June 25 — Bucyrus 200, Elkhart Lake, Wis. (Reed Sorenson) July 1 — Subway Jalapeno 250, Daytona Beach, Fla. (Joey Logano) July 8 — Feed The Children 300, Sparta, Ky. (Brad Keselowski) July 16 — New England 200, Loudon, N.H. July 23 — Federated Auto Parts 300, Lebanon, Tenn. July 30 — Kroger 200, Indianapolis Aug. 6 — U.S. Cellular 250, Newton, Iowa Aug. 13 — Zippo 200 at The Glen, Watkins Glen, N.Y. Aug. 20 — NAPA Auto Parts 200, Montreal Aug. 26 — Food City 250, Bristol, Tenn. Sep. 3 — Great Clips 300, Hampton, Ga. Sep. 9 — Virginia 529 College Savings 250, Richmond, Va. Sep. 17 — Dollar General 300, Joliet, Ill. Oct. 1 — Dover 200, Dover, Del. Oct. 8 — Kansas Lottery 300, Kansas City, Kan. Oct. 14 — Dollar General 300, Concord Nov. 5 — O’Reilly Auto Parts Challenge, Fort Worth, Texas Nov. 12 — Wypall 200, Avondale, Ariz. Nov. 19 — Ford 300, Homestead, Fla. 2011 Driver Standings 1. Elliott Sadler, 641. 2. Reed Sorenson, 637. 3. Ricky Stenhouse Jr., 614. 4. Justin Allgaier, 598. 5. Jason Leffler, 568. 6. Aric Almirola, 553. 7. Kenny Wallace, 532. 8. Steve Wallace, 490. 9. Michael Annett, 483. (tie) Brian Scott, 483. 11. Mike Wallace, 422. 12. Josh Wise, 413. 13. Trevor Bayne, 409. (tie) Mike Bliss, 409. 15. Joe Nemechek, 391.

World Cup SEMIFINALS Wednesday, July 13 At Moenchengladbach, Germany United States 3, France 1 At Frankfurt Japan 3, Sweden 1 THIRD PLACE Saturday, July 16

At Sinsheim, Germany France vs. Sweden, 11:30 a.m. CHAMPIONSHIP Sunday, July 17 At Frankfurt United States vs. Japan, 2:45 p.m.

Transactions BASEBALL American League CLEVELAND INDIANS—Placed RHP Mitch Talbot on the 15-day DL. Recalled OF Ezequiel Carrera from Columbus (IL). NEW YORK YANKEES—Agreed to terms with RHP Reinier Casanova and assigned him to the GCL Yankees. National League ST. LOUIS CARDINALS—Agreed to terms with LHP Jaime Garcia on a four-year contract extension. NBA INDIANA PACERS—Named Brian Shaw assistant head coach. Retained assistant coach Dan Burke. COLLEGE NCAA—Named Xavier athletic director Mike Bobinski chairman of the Division I men’s basketball committee for the 201213 season. GEORGETOWN—Named Stephanie Wetmore women’s assistant tennis coach. INDIANA STATE—Named Dave Telford quarterbacks coach. MINNESOTA—Named Mike Guentzel men’s associate head hockey coach. VANDERBILT—Announced men’s and women’s cross country coach Steven Keith, will add women’s track and field to his coaching duties.

Golf British Open At Royal St. George’s Sandwich, England Purse: approximately $7.97 million Yardage: 7,211 yards; Par: 70 All Times EDT (a-amateur) Thursday-Friday 1:30 a.m.-6:31 a.m. — Jerry Kelly, United States; Nathan Green, Australia; Danny Willett, England. 1:41 a.m.-6:42 a.m. — Thongchai Jaidee, Thailand; Mark Calcavecchia, United States; Graeme Storm, England. 1:52 a.m.-6:53 a.m. — Gregory Havret, France; Charley Hoffman, United States; Markus Brier, Austria. 2:03 a.m.-7:04 a.m. — Todd Hamilton, United States; Simon Khan, England; Prayad Marksaeng, Thailand. 2:14 a.m.-7:15 a.m. — Rhys Davies, Wales; Fredrik Jacobson, Sweden; Mark O’Meara, United States. 2:25 a.m.-7:26 a.m. — Thomas Bjorn, Denmark; Simon Dyson, England; Gary Woodland, United States. 2:36 a.m.-7:37 a.m. — K.T. Kim, South Korea; Ryan Moore, United States; Alvaro Quiros, Spain. 2:47 a.m.-7:48 a.m. — Bo Van Pelt, United States; K.J. Choi, South Korea; Martin Laird, Scotland. 2:58 a.m.-7:59 a.m. — Stephen Gallacher, Scotland; Bill Haas, United States; Hiroyuki Fujita, Japan. 3:09 a.m.-8:10 a.m. — Geoff Ogilvy, Australia; a-Peter Uihlein, United States; Miguel Angel Jimenez, Spain. 3:20 a.m.-8:21 a.m. — Francesco Molinari, Italy; Tetsuji Hiratsuka, Japan; Stewart Cink, United States. 3:31 a.m.-8:32 a.m. — Nick Watney, United States; Matteo Manassero, Italy; Angel Cabrera, Argentina. 3:42 a.m.-8:43 a.m. — Yuta Ikeda, Japan; Ian Poulter, England; Dustin Johnson, United States. 3:58 a.m.-8:59 a.m. — Ben Curtis, United States; Paul Casey, England; Aaron Baddeley, Australia. 4:09 a.m.-9:10 a.m. — Ernie Els, South Africa; Rory McIlroy, Northern Ireland; Rickie Fowler, United States. 4:20 a.m.-9:21 a.m. — Luke Donald, England; Ryo Ishikawa, Japan; Sergio Garcia, Spain. 4:31 a.m.-9:32 a.m. — Retief Goosen, South Africa; Hunter Mahan, United States; Anders Hansen, Denmark. 4:42 a.m.-9:43 a.m. — Brian Davis, England; Camilo Villegas, Colombia; David Duval, United States. 4:53 a.m.-9:54 a.m. — John Daly, United States; Ross Fisher, England; Peter Hanson, Sweden. 5:04 a.m.-10:05 a.m. — Gregory Bourdy, France; Jason Duffner, United States; a-Craig Hinton, England. 5:15 a.m.-10:16 a.m. — Alexander Noren, Sweden; Paul Lawrie, Scotland; Kevin Na, United States. 5:26 a.m.-10:27 a.m. — Sean O’Hair, United States; Seung-Yul Noh, South Korea; Thorbjorn Olesen, Denmark. 5:37 a.m.-10:38 a.m. — Simon Edwards, Wales; Bob Estes, United States; Richard McEvoy, England. 5:48 a.m.-10:49 a.m. — Francis McGuirk, England; Matthew Millar, Australia; Kevin Streelman, United States. 5:59 a.m.-11 a.m. — Mark Laskey, Wales; Thomas Shadbolt, England; Rick Kulacz, Australia. 6:10 a.m.-11:11 a.m. — Simon Lilly, England; Chris Tidland, United States; Neil Schietekat, South Africa. 6:31 a.m.-1:30 a.m. — Peter Whiteford, Scotland; Spencer Levin, United States; Thomas Aiken, South Africa. 6:42 a.m.-1:41 a.m. — Prom Meesawat, Thailand; Martin Maritz, South Africa; Harrison Frazar, United States. 6:53 a.m.-1:52 a.m. — Chad Campbell, United States; Kenneth Ferrie, England; Scott Jamieson, Scotland. 7:04 a.m.-2:03 a.m. — Raphael Jacquelin, France; Mark Wilson, United States; Kyle Stanley, United States. 7:15 a.m.-2:14 a.m. — Steve Marino, United States; Richard Green, Australia; Pablo Larrazabal, Spain. 7:26 a.m.-2:25 a.m. — Rory Sabbatini, South Africa; Sandy Lyle, Scotland; Anthony Kim, United States. 7:37 a.m.-2:36 a.m. — Edoardo Molinari, Italy; Charles Howell III, United States; Joost Luiten, Netherlands. 7:48 a.m.-2:47 a.m. — Brandt Snedeker, United States; a-Lucas Bjerregaard, Denmark; Trevor Immelman, South Africa. 7:59 a.m.-2:58 a.m. — Darren Clarke, Northern Ireland; Jonathan Byrd, United States; Y.E. Yang, South Korea. 8:10 a.m.-3:09 a.m. — Lucas Glover, United States; Hiroo Kawai, Japan; Robert Karlsson, Sweden. 8:21 a.m.-3:20 a.m. — a-Bryden Macpherson, Australia; Matt Kuchar, United States; Padraig Harrington, Ireland. 8:32 a.m.-3:31 a.m. — Zach Johnson, United States; Adam Scott, Australia; Justin Rose, England. 8:43 a.m.-3:42 a.m. — Graeme McDowell, Northern Ireland; Jason Day, Australia; Bubba Watson, United States. 8:59 a.m.-3:58 a.m. — Jim Furyk, United States; Bernhard Langer, Germany; Tadahiro Takayama, Japan. 9:10 a.m.-4:09 a.m. — Lee Westwood, England; Steve Stricker, United States; Charl Schwartzel, South Africa. 9:21 a.m.-4:20 a.m. — Louis Oosthuizen, South Africa; Martin Kaymer, Germany; Phil Mickelson, United States. 9:32 a.m.-4:31 a.m. — Henrik Stenson, Sweden; a-Tom Lewis, England; Tom Watson, United States. 9:43 a.m.-4:42 a.m. — Robert Allenby, Australia; Davis Love III, United States; Fredrik Andersson Hed, Sweden. 9:54 a.m.-4:53 a.m. — Nicolas Colsaerts, Belgium; J.B. Holmes, United States; S.M. Bae, South Korea. 10:05 a.m.-5:04 a.m. — Webb Simpson, United States; Robert Rock, England; Alejandro Canizares, Spain. 10:16 a.m.-5:15 a.m. — Kurt Barnes, Australia; Justin Leonard, United States; Jeff Overton, United States. 10:27 a.m.-5:26 a.m. — Lee Corfield, England; Ben Crane, United States; Floris De Vries, Netherlands. 10:38 a.m.-5:37 a.m. — Ryan Palmer, United States; Tom Lehman, United States; Adam Wootton, England. 10:49 a.m.-5:48 a.m. — Jung-Gon Hwang, South Korea; Gary Boyd, England, Robert Garrigus, United States. 11 a.m.-5:59 a.m. — George Coetzee, South Africa; Andy Smith, England; Brad Kennedy, Australia. 11:11 a.m.-6:10 a.m. — Jason Knutzon, United States; Andrew Johnston, England; Chih-Bing Lam, Singapore.

Litaker makes all-star team From staff reports

Alex Litaker (East Rowan) will represent the Carolina Hurricanes in the Carolina-Virginia Collegiate All-Star game to be played this Saturday at 7 p.m. at Hickory’s LP Franz Stadium. Litaker (1-0, four saves) has pitched 18 innings in eight relief appearances and has 21 strikeouts and an ERA of 0.00.

 Youth baseball Rowan’s 11-12 year old Little League allstars split their last two games to stay alive in the double-elimination District 2 tournament held at the Southwest Forsyth Little League Complex in Clemmons. After defeating Spencer and Winston Salem Nationals to advance in the winners bracket, Rowan lost to Kernersville 11-1, with Geoffrey Lillywhite’s solo homer accounting for the only run. Rowan bounced back with a 6-3 win over Walkertown on Tuesday. Lillywhite provided the offensive spark with a go-ahead, two-run homer in the fourth inning. Austin Love was the winning pitcher, with Lillywhite picking up the save.

 Minor leagues The Kannapolis Intimidators held on to beat the Rome Braves 6-5 on Wednesday. Juan Silverio had a two-run double, while Marcus Semien blasted a two-run triple.

 West Middle camp West Rowan Middle will be holding a basketball camp for girls and boys in grades 6-8 on July 18 - 21. The camp is from 9-noon daily. Cost is $50 (shirt included). Contact Jerry Pittman (pittmanjg@rss.k12.nc.us) or Mitchell Anderson (andersmv@rss.k12.nc.us) 704-633-4775 for more information.

 Youth basketball The 5th-grade Carolina Phenoms basketball team entered the 2011 USSSA State Tournament. After winning the USBA state championship for their age group, the Phenoms entered both the 5th-grade and 6th-grade divisions for the USSSA State Tournament and won both age groups. The Phenoms took home two state-title trophies in one day and ended with a 9-2 record in a tournament held at Greensboro Coliseum. Next, the Phenoms are headed to North Myrtle Beach for the United States Basketball Association (USBA) National Championship. Players include Joshua Ellis, Jamarius Hairston, Tre Oats, Cole Myers, Caleb Mauldin, Martavio Rankin, Trell Baker, Cole Perry, Jailen Williams, Davis Tadlock AJ Mauldin and Carleigh Perry are managers. Kenyon Hairston is the ball boy.

 Local golf Ryan Nelson shot 8-under to lead the first round of the eGolf Tour event being held at The Club at Irish Creek this week.

Fan will get his own card NEW YORK (AP) — The fan who returned Derek Jeter’s ball from his 3,000th hit will get a bit of memorabilia to keep — his own baseball card. Topps says it will produce a trading card featuring Christian Lopez that will be included in sets later this year. “We thought what he did captures the essence of what baseball and the Topps company is about,” said Mark Sapir, Topps vice president for sports. The recent college graduate with outstanding student loans will get some financial help, too. Memorabilia dealer Brandon Steiner and sporting goods CEO Mitch Modell said they will make sure Lopez gets at least $50,000 toward his outstanding student loans of $150,000. Steiner said he got a call on Wednesday from his buddy Modell, and they got the ball rolling. Steiner set up an auction of memorabilia that eventually will include baseballs signed by both Lopez and Jeter and said Modell is pledging five percent from the sale of Yankees-related merchandise at the Modell’s chain during what will be called “Christian Lopez Week.” “That itself is a totally awesome situation right now for all parties involved,” Lopez said. What impressed the sports executives — as well as countless fans across the country — was the way a 23-year-old mobile phone salesman passed on the chance to sell the ball. Instead, Lopez gave the ball to Jeter, saying he deserved to have the keepsake. “Can you believe how good a mensch this kid was?” Steiner said. Lopez has been overrun with requests since Saturday. “It’s been overwhelming to be honest with you,” he said. “It’s been a little crazy. But I’m handling it as best I can. I’m trying to get back to everybody I can.” That includes Topps. “Yeah, I spoke with them a couple days ago,” Lopez said. “All I know, is they kind of want to make a baseball card out of me.” Lopez was an avid collector as a kid. He said he has “probably a couple thousand baseball cards.” His favorite? A Yankees card, of course. It depicts Babe Ruth and one of the Yankees’ owners at the time he came over from the Red Sox in 1920. “It’s a very dear card to me. I’ve had it for 15 years now or so,” Lopez said. Now he’ll have another Yankees card to keep.


THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011 • 3C


ROWAN FROM 1c ing four runs. Sapp shocked the world by making an out on his sixth at-bat and also stunned folks by dropping a flyball. Thomas said he’s played with Sapp since middle school and couldn’t remember that ever happening. “It was a real long run, my head was bobbing up and down, and then the ball went off my glove,” said Sapp, who still got a forceout at second. “We were real lucky to get that lead runner. Just a long, ugly game, and I’m glad we won.” Winner Ethan Free made it through six innings. Caleb Henley got five outs, and Bradley Robbins got a key strikeout of Connor Bodenhamer after Mocksville had scored twice in the eighth and had another runner at second. “That was a real key out,” Gantt said. “Bradley threw him fastballs until he about had it timed, and then he got with a slider (outside corner) that he located perfectly.” Rowan’s offense basically was 15 walks. Rowan trailed once — 5-4 — but scored three in the fifth to take the lead for good. The key play was a sharp grounder hit by Andy Austin with the bases full that would’ve been a double play if shortstop Tyler Jordan had fielded it cleanly. It got through and plated two runs. Nathan Fulbright’s two-run double down the left-field line Will Sapp, left, and Nathan Fulbright fist bump after Sapp scores one of his four runs in the winning effort. keyed a four-run seventh that gave Rowan breathing room. “Just the fact that we won enough to make it to this game is testament to our guys never giving up,” Mocksville coach Charles Kurfees said. “We were down on our arms tonight and didn’t get the pitching that we needed, but I’m still proud of our effort. One of these days we’ll come down here and we’ll beat ’em.” Rowan advances to this weekend’s Area III championship series (opponent to be determined) and has qualified for the state tournament.

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

Rowan 11, Mocksville 8 MOCKSVILLE ab r Nwmn cf 2 2 Phlps 2b 3 0 Jrdan ss 3 1 Wtson p 5 1 Bdhmr 1b 4 0 3 0 Long rf Barber c 5 0 3 1 Mrrtt lf Miller p 1 0 Fcloth p 0 0 Brwly ph 1 0 King 3b 5 3 Totals 35 8

h 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 9

bi 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7


ab Sapp cf 1 Mrris ss 3 Austin 1b3 Thms dh 3 Flbrt c 4 Mldin lf 4 Grczsk rf 3 Rgers 3b 5 Brown 2b4


r 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 0

h 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 2 0

bi 0 1 1 5 2 0 0 1 0

30 11 7 10

102 201 020 — 8 Mocksville 130 030 40x — 11 Rowan E — Jordan, Merritt, Rogers 2. DP — Mocksville 1. LOB — Mocksville 10, Rowan 13. 2B — King, Watson, Fulbright. SB — Long, Sapp, Morris, Rogers, Mauldin, Austin. SF — Newman, Jordan, Thomas. S — Phillips, Brown. H R ER BB K IP W. Forsyth 4 7 1 3 4 12⁄3 Watson 1 5 5 31⁄3 2 3 Long L 2 2 4 4 3 4 Miller 1 0 0 0 0 0 Faircloth Rowan 6 6 6 3 2 4 Free W, 2-1 2 2 1 2 2 12⁄3 Henley 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Robbins Johnson S,8 1 0 0 0 0 1 WP — Watson, Free. HBP — by Free (Jordan, Phillips), by Johnson (Long), by Miller (Morris). BK — Watson.

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

Third baseman Avery Rogers, left, and catcher Nathan Fulbright go after an infield pop up.

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

Will Johnson earned his eighth save in the win.

Rowan’s Andy Austin slides into second base while Mocksville’s Javan Phillips tries to complete a double play.

jon c. lakey/SALISBURY POST

Rowan coach Jim Gantt, right, discusses a call with the home plate umpire.

4C • THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011



Judge denies McAdoo’s request Associated Press

AssOciAted pRess

Abby Wambach celebrates her goal she scored in Wednesday’s semifinal against France.

WORLD CUP FROM 1c world champs.” So do their fans, new and old. The Americans captivated the crowd back home with their epic, come-from-behind win over Brazil on Sunday, and a little thing called a workday wasn’t going to deter them. Some fans skipped work — bars opened early for the noon EDT kickoff — while others sneaked peeks at the game in the office. At the Phoenix airport, dozens of fans crowded around TVs to watch the game. When the final whistle blew, Hollywood celebrities, pro athletes and ordinary folks who didn’t know a free kick from a corner kick just a few days ago flooded Twitter with congratulations. “My heroes. Wambach. Boxx. Rapinoe. Solo. That TEAM! Our team!” actor Tom Hanks tweeted. Super Bowl MVP Aaron Rodgers said, “Awesome job US Women, finish it off Sunday now.” Wambach and company were glad to share the moment. “These wins, we can’t do it alone. We know a whole nation is cheering us on,” Wambach said. “We believe in ourselves and we’re in the final. I couldn’t be happier.” A little relieved, too. France was the surprise of the tournament, making the semifinals with a creativity and flair that was breathtaking to behold. And for much of the game, the U.S. couldn’t contain Les Bleues. “We didn’t play well today,” U.S. coach Pia Sundhage said. “However, we find a way to win and that’s a credit to the players’ hearts. That’s what makes it so wonderful to be coach of this team.” With the U.S. struggling to

create opportunities in the middle, Sundhage replaced Carli Lloyd with sparkplug Megan Rapinoe early in the second half, moved Lauren Cheney inside and pulled Wambach back to the midfield. The difference was noticeable immediately. The Americans were able to push forward and began threatening French goalkeeper Berangere Sapowicz. Finally, in the 79th, the Americans won a corner kick. “I told (Cheney) at halftime, ‘Put the ball to the back post, and we’re going to get a goal,’” Wambach said. Cheney delivered the ball perfectly to the far post and, just as Wambach had predicted, she soared over the scrum and pushed the ball past Sapowicz. “I knew Abby was going to beat her,” Cheney said, referring to the French defender who practically mugged Wambach to try and contain her. Asked how, Cheney said, “Because she’s Abby Wambach.” Wambach let out a scream and did a sliding sprint into the corner, where she was mobbed by her teammates. It was her third goal of the tournament and 12th of her career, tying fellow American Michelle Akers for third on the all-time World Cup scoring list. Morgan then put the game out of reach, outracing four defenders and then stutterstepping in front of the goal, throwing Sapowicz off and leaving the American with a wide-open shot. “The priority is not to accept another goal,” France coach Bruno Bini said through a translator. “When that happens, you’ve had it. We conceded another goal and that was it for us.”

DURHAM — A judge denied a request Wednesday by a former North Carolina football player to be reinstated to the team after being declared permanently ineligible for academic misconduct by the NCAA. Durham County Superior Court Judge Orlando Hudson denied a petition by Michael McAdoo seeking to compel the university to reinstate him while preventing the NCAA from interfering in that process or punishing the school if he returned. McAdoo sought the court ruling so that he would be able to return to the football team in time for the start of his senior season this fall. “It will make it very, very difficult to make that happen in light of this ruling,” said Noah H. Huffstetler III, one of McAdoo’s attorneys.

Associated Press

The college football notebook ... The New York Times is reporting that an NCAA official told Auburn coach Gene NEWTON Chizik that it is not done investigating the Tigers’ football program and the recruitment of Cam Newton. The newspaper reported Wednesday that Chizik asked NCAA vice president for enforcement Julie Roe Lach several questions, including why the NCAA had not announced that the Newton investigation was finished, during a presentation at the Southeastern Conference meetings in Destin, Fla., last month. “You’ll know when we’re finished,” Roe Lach told Chizik, according to several coaches who were at the meeting, the Times reported. “And we’re not finished.” Vanderbilt coach Kevin Stallings, LSU coach Trent Johnson, Mississippi coach Andy Kennedy and Arkansas coach Mike Anderson all confirmed the exchange to the newspaper. OSU MOVING ON COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio State’s players say they are resigned to make the best of the school’s

in the

self-imposed penalties, no matter how hurt or angry some may feel. “There’s nothing we can really do about that,” offensive lineman J.B. Shugarts said after a conditioning workout this week. “The university decided to make that call. We’ve got to accept it.” Athletic director Gene Smith announced Friday that the university would vacate the 2010 season, including the Sugar Bowl victory. It also self-imposed a two-year NCAA probation, in addition to suspending six players for the first five games and accepting the resignation of coach Jim Tressel. All the sanctions resulted from a cash-formemorabilia scandal that has rocked the program for the past eight months. The next big date is Aug. 12, when Ohio State meets with the NCAA’s committee on infractions. That committee could accept the penalties Ohio State placed on itself or could pile on recruiting restrictions, bowl bans, return of bowl money and other stiffer sanctions. Left in the wake of the uncertainty are the players who didn’t do anything wrong but who are left to make the best of the situation. Tight end Jake Stoneburner has come to terms with the fact that, officially at least, the 12-1 season a year ago never happened in the eyes of the NCAA or Ohio State’s record book. “It hurts a little bit because I was a part of that. I was out there sweating,

bleeding and trying to get those wins,” he said. “If that’s what they’ve got to do, we have to move on and try to repeat them (wins) this season. The films are there and everyone saw what happened. Everyone knows what happened in the 2010 season.” MONTANA DUI MISSOULA, Mont. — Joe Montana’s son has pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of reckless driving stemming from a traffic stop in which he declined a breathalyzer test. Nate Montana was pulled over for going 39 mph in a 25 mph zone in Missoula early June 3. The 21-year-old University of Montana quarterback was arrested on a first-offense DUI charge after a sheriff’s deputy said he smelled alcohol and that Montana fumbled with his driver’s license. BOX DEATH OKLAHOMA CITY — El Reno police say they’re still trying to determine where a University of Oklahoma linebacker who died after ingesting prescription medication got the pills. Police Chief Ken Brown says investigators have determined that the medication found in Box’s system hadn’t been prescribed. Brown didn’t immediately return a call seeking comment Wednesday. A friend found Austin Box unresponsive in the friend’s El Reno home and called authorities May 19.

his client was improperly declared ineligible by the NCAA based on inaccurate information that McAdoo received improper assistance on multiple assignments over several terms from tutor Jennifer Wiley. Instead, he argued, the school’s Honor Court found McAdoo guilty of one violation: passing someone else’s work as his own after Wiley formatted and re-typed the citations for a research paper during an email exchange in summer 2009. He said the NCAA had refused to correct the record before ruling McAdoo ineligible in November and didn’t follow its own procedures by continuing McAdoo’s appeal hearing the following month despite the fact that the university disagreed with the facts of the case. “The NCAA has simply not been willing to do anything about it,” Huffstetler said, calling some of the NCAA’s filings “essentially a legal ‘So what?’”

TRADE FROM 1c Alderson said. “I certainly would not draw any conclusions from this transaction.” Alderson also said in a conference call he knows there is interest from other teams in acquiring players such as All-Stars Beltran and Reyes, but he plans to see how the next two weeks play out. Rodriguez has a contract clause that guarantees him $17.5 million in 2012 if he finishes 55 games this year. The right-hander currently has finished 34 and is on pace to vest, though he may not get ample chances to do that with the Brewers. “As far as where Frankie was in achieving his vesting option, I don’t think that was a factor either,” Alderson said. “I’m not suggesting that that whole option consideration was not a factor. It was one of many. But he certainly wasn’t going to vest by the end of July.” Alderson said the Mets are helping Milwaukee cover “a substantial portion, but not all” of the roughly $8.4 million Rodriguez is due from them this year. Rodriguez is in his 10th major league season. He is 32-27 with 291 saves and a 2.54 ERA with the Angels and Mets, who signed him as a free agent after his record-setting year when they figured their strongest need was a proven closer. Now the Mets have a closer ready to replace KRod, likely Jason Isringhausen or Bobby Parnell. What they need is the bats of David Wright (stress fracture in lower back) and Ike Davis (bone bruise in his ankle) back in the lineup.

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FRANKFURT, Germany — Both call teamwork the highest good and both are in the final of the World Cup after 3-1 victories. Yet few teams could be as different as the United States and Japan. The U.S. team again fed off the emotional high of overcoming fatigue and setbacks to find exhilarating unity and late goals to beat France. Japan, meanwhile, prided itself on an inner calm when it trailed Sweden early and stuck tightly to coaching instructions to methodically fight back and win. It leaves the U.S., a perennial power, to face the firsttime finalist in Sunday’s title match at the three-week tournament. “These wins, we can’t do it alone. We know a whole nation is cheering us on,” said U.S. forward Wambach after scoring the go-ahead goal late in the match. “We believe in ourselves and we’re in the final.” After their spectacular es-

cape against Brazil in a quarterfinal ending in a penalty shootout, the semifinal was bound to be a letdown in comparison. Victory though, gave the Americans their first final since winning the title in 1999. “We didn’t play well today,” U.S. coach Pia Sundhage said. “However, we find a way to win and that’s a credit to the players’ hearts.” Wambach broke a tense 11 deadlock with a big header from Lauren Cheney’s corner kick in the 79th minute. Cheney delivered the ball perfectly to the far post, and Wambach jumped over the scrum and French goalkeeper Berangere Sapowicz to put it in the empty net. It was Wambach’s third goal of the tournament and 12th of her career, putting her level with fellow American Michelle Akers for third on the all-time World Cup scoring list. Alex Morgan added an insurance goal in the 82nd, the first for the World Cup rookie.

the state Attorney General’s office wrote in a filing opposing McAdoo’s request. “But in the end, the university lost. As an NCAA member institution, UNC-Chapel Hill now has no choice but to respect the NCAA’s determination or face what the plaintiff concedes are ‘harsh and draconian’ consequences.” The school has offered McAdoo the opportunity to continue as a scholarship student and serve as a student coach this season. “We agree with the court that these kinds of issues should be decided within the framework of the institution and the NCAA,” UNC athletic director Dick Baddour said in a statement. “It is disappointing any time a student-athlete can no longer compete in his or her chosen sport, but we will support Michael and encourage him to finish his education at the University of North Carolina.” Huffstetler argued that

Auburn still under watch

Japan to meet US for Cup Associated Press

Huffstetler had argued that McAdoo was losing the opportunity to play college football as well as the chance to possibly turn that into a professional career. But in denying the request, Hudson said McAdoo “will not likely suffer irreparable loss if the injunction is not imposed or issued.” McAdoo attended the twohour hearing with his mother and grandmother. He had no visible reaction to Hudson’s ruling and filed out of the courtroom with his attorneys through a side door without comment. The school had previously appealed McAdoo’s ineligibility and said the penalty was too harsh. But on Wednesday, state attorneys representing the university found themselves on the opposite side of the room from the former player. “The university sought the restoration of the plaintiff’s eligibility, advocated for it and filed an appeal on his behalf,” attorneys with

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THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011 • 5C


Bobcats lay off staff in lockout Tom Gores, also declined comment. The NBA notebook ... WADE STAYS BUSY CHARLOTTE — With the DAVIE, Fla. — Standing NBA lockout less than two before hundreds of chilweeks old, at least two NBA dren at his basketball teams have begun cutting camp Wednesday, Dwyane staff. One of the first to reWade got plenty of tough sort to layoffs: Michael Jor- questions. About playing dan’s Charlotte Bobcats. with LeBron James this Radio play-by-play anpast season with the Mianouncer Scott Lauer was one mi Heat and their trip to of at least seven employees the NBA finals. About his let go by the Bobcats in the actress girlfriend, past week. Gabrielle Union. About A person familiar with what it takes to be a great the situation says the Debasketball player. troit Pistons fired 15 people One noticeably absent two weeks ago. The person, topic? The NBA lockout. who wasn’t authorized to “No lockout questions at speak about the team’s all,” Wade said afterward. moves, spoke to The Associ- “I think it’s sensitive to ated Press on the condition them. They’re staying of anonymity. away from it.” The job losses come as Those kids may be the NBA owners have locked only ones staying away out the players after failing from the NBA’s latest to reach a new collective chapter. bargaining agreement, shutTaking a break from ting down the league for working with the kids at what could be a protracted his camp, Wade spoke on a work stoppage that threatnumber of topics Wednesens the start of the 2011-12 day, including the camp, season. his travel plans for the reJordan, the Hall of Famer mainder of the summer, and six-time NBA champion whether or not he’ll try to who became the first exbe part of the U.S. team at player to own a team, axed the 2012 London Olympics Lauer, director of corporate — and, of course, the work communications Michael stoppage that threatens Thompson, manager of com- the next NBA season, with munity relations Kim Beal players and owners biland others in sales and busi- lions of dollars away from ness operations. agreeing on a new labor “They just told me it was deal. an organizational restrucMEMO SUPPORTS turing and my position has PLAYERS been eliminated,” Lauer said NEW YORK — When it Tuesday. “I still feel that comes to playing overseas once games begin that I’ll be during the NBA lockout, broadcasting games again Billy Hunter has a simple for them. I’m under that im- message for the league’s pression, but there is cerplayers: Enjoy your trip, tainly no guarantee in that we’ll call you when it’s one way or the other.” time to come home. Jordan, scheduled to parIn a memo sent to playticipate in a celebrity golf ers on Tuesday night and tournament this week in Ne- obtained by The Associatvada, wasn’t available for ed Press on Wednesday, comment. A team the union leader said the spokesman confirmed fewer NBA Players’ Association than 10 people were let go, supports all players “who but declined further comare taking steps to continment. ue to earn a living, stay in “We don’t discuss person- peak competitive shape, nel matters,” B.J. Evans and play the game that we said. love while the unfortunate The Pistons, who were league-imposed lockout is sold last month to investor in place.”


Associated Press

AssociAted press

colts’ quarterback peyton Manning is one of three plaintiffs in an antitrust suit against the NFL.

Star QBs want deal soon have agreed on the basic elements of how to split more NEW YORK — Calling than $9 billion in annual revthe players’ offer “fair for enues, among the key stickboth sides,” star quartering points recently have backs Tom Brady, Peyton been how to structure a new Manning and Drew Brees rookie salary system and — plaintiffs in an antitrust what free agency will look suit against the NFL — like. said Wednesday “it is In a statement released to time” to wrap up negotiaThe Associated Press via the tions on a deal to end the NFL Players Association, league’s lockout. New England’s Brady, IndiAt the bargaining table, anapolis’ Manning and New though, it wasn’t that easy. Orleans’ Brees said: “We beOn the day Brady, Man- lieve the overall proposal ning and Brees spoke as a made by the players is fair group publicly for the first for both sides and it is time time, players and owners to get this deal done.” spent nearly 11 hours They continued: “This is meeting at a Manhattan the time of year we as playlaw office before pausing ers turn our attention to the for dinner. game on the field. We hope “We’re just taking a the owners feel the same break — long day,” playway.” ers’ association chief DeIn response, the NFL isMaurice Smith said. sued a statement saying: Asked if they were re“We share the view that now turning Wednesday night, is the time to reach an agreeSmith replied, “Probably. ment so we can all get back Probably coming back.” to football and a full 2011 Regardless, negotiaseason. We are working hard tions were expected to con- with the players’ negotiating tinue Thursday. With each team every day to complete passing day, the need to an agreement as soon as posstrike a bargain and end sible.” the first NFL work stopBrady, Manning and page since 1987 becomes Brees are among 10 players greater. who are named plaintiffs in Deadlines are coming an antitrust suit that is pendup next week to get training in federal court in Mining camps and the preseanesota. That class-action son started on time. Allawsuit was filed March 11, though it seems the sides hours after federally mediatAssociated Press

Wofford ready for Panthers camp

All-Star game has record-low rating Associated Press

PHOENIX — Baseball’s All-Star game has drawn a record-low rating for the second straight year. The National League’s 5-1 win Tuesday on Fox earned a 6.9 rating and 12 share. That’s down 8 percent from the 7.5/13 in 2010. Before last year, the previous low was an 8.1/14 in 2005. Ratings represent the percentage of all households with televisions tuned into a program, and shares represent the percentage of all homes with TVs in use at the time. WASHINGTON — An overwhelmingly female jury with little interest in baseball will decide whether former pitching star Roger Clemens lied to Congress when he said he never used performance-enhancing drugs. The jury took shape after four days of questioning by U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton and lawyers for both sides. Clemens’ defense team said the seven-time Cy Young Award winner will begin his defense by questioning the propriety of lawmakers’ investigation into whether Clemens used performance-enhancing drugs. Opening arguments are scheduled for Wednesday. TORONTO — The Toronto Blue Jays traded outfielder Juan Rivera to the Los Angeles Dodgers for a player to be named or cash considerations.

guage in a potential collective bargaining agreement. Owners and players were set to meet Wednesday, with several deadlines looming. Both sides have been ordered to a meeting in Minneapolis next Tuesday with mediator and U.S. Magistrate Judge Arthur Boylan. The owners have a special meeting set for July 21 in Atlanta, where they could vote to ratify a new deal if one is reached. Talks bogged down Friday over the rookie wage scale, guidelines for free agency and how benefits for retired players will be funded. HOBOKEN, N.J. — Tennessee Titans receiver Kenny Britt pleaded not guilty to three disorderly person charges stemming from a June arrest in New Jersey. Hoboken police had suspected Britt was carrying a marijuana cigar. OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma linebacker Austin Box had five prescription painkillers and an anti-anxiety drug in his system when he died, according to a preliminary toxicology report released by the state medical examiner’s office. The death of the 22-year-old Box two months ago was ruled accidental.


NEW YORK — Lockedout NBA players will have their escrow money returned to them for the first time because salaries fell below 57 percent of league revenues last season, two people with knowledge of FOOTBALL the situation said. NEW YORK — Lawyers The players will get representing the NFL and about $160 million back the players’ association met when a final audit is comonce again to clarify the lan- pleted later this month. The

ed negotiations to arrive at a new collective bargaining agreement broke down, and the old labor contract expired. The NFLPA immediately dissolved itself, meaning players no longer were protected under labor law but instead were allowed to take their chances under antitrust law. On March 12, the owners imposed a lockout on the players, a right management has to shut down a business when a CBA expires. During the lockout, there can be no communication between the teams and current NFL players; no players — including those drafted in April — can be signed; teams won’t pay for players’ health insurance. A series of court rulings followed, including one last week from an appeals court that said the lockout could continue. Talks gained steam in May, overseen by a courtappointed mediator, U.S. Magistrate Judge Arthur Boylan, who is on vacation this week. Boylan ordered both sides to speak with him in Minneapolis next Tuesday, and the owners have a special meeting set for July 21 in Atlanta, where they could vote to ratify a new deal if one is reached.

hours, they got to the gate an hour after the race had started. “The cop just shrugged and said, ‘Sorry, no parking,’ and turned us away,” Morrison said. The paid lots they had passed were full, she said, and they believed their only option was to get back onto the interstate to go back to a paid lot they had earlier bypassed. “But that would have meant crossing the road and walking 3-to-4 miles to the track. There was no point,” she said. Morrison, who has attended races at Bristol, Indianapolis and Talladega, is no stranger to bad race traffic. But she said she wouldn’t be going back to Kentucky, regardless of what the track does to potentially make it right. The olive branch from SMI came Monday from president and CEO Marcus Smith, who said fans with unused tickets can exchange them. “We felt like this was a situation we wanted to roll out all the stops, and go above and beyond,” said Smith, who believes the track did not have enough shuttles running from remote lots, hotels and malls to help lessen the number of cars heading to the track. “The traffic was anticipated. We knew it was going to be bad and we have been saying for a couple of years that we need more roads. And we did make plans, the plans just clearly didn’t work,” Smith said. “We don’t want to point fingers and make excuses, but in hindsight, there are a lot of things we have to do differently.” There were other issues that needed to be acknowledged. Fans who did make it inside the gates complained about concession stands running out of food and water, and others said there were long lines for the bathrooms, which some deemed dirty and short on toilet paper. The first sign of trouble actually came Thursday, when spotters complained the elevator that took them to the roof was out of order.

Associated Press

AssociAted press

prince Fielder earned MVp of the All-star game with a threerun home run in the fourth inning. people spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the auditing process is ongoing. Eight percent of player salaries have been withheld each season since the 1999 collective bargaining agreement to ensure that players don’t exceed their guarantee of 57 percent of league revenues. They had surpassed that limit each season since, so the money was kept. But with revenues up during a successful 2010-11 season, salary costs will fall short of that mark for the first time, though it isn’t known yet by how far. MINNEAPOLIS — The Minnesota Timberwolves fired Kurt Rambis, ending more than three months of uncertainty surrounding the head coach of the worst team in the NBA last season.

tract with center Brandon Sutter. The deal keeps the 22year-old forward with the franchise that grabbed him in the first round of the 2007 draft. Hurricanes general manager Jim Rutherford called Sutter “one of the cornerstones of our franchise moving forward.” Sutter had 14 goals and 15 assists in 82 games last season, his third with the Hurricanes. He will earn $1.5 million next season, $2 million in 2012-13, and $2.7 million in 2013-14.


CARMAUX, France — German sprinter Andre Greipel won the 10th stage of the Tour de France, beating former teammate Mark Cavendish by a wheel’s length in a dash. France’s Thomas Voeckler kept the overall NHL lead after nestling safely RALEIGH — The Carolina in the main pack for most Hurricanes have agreed to a of the 98-mile route from three-year, $6.2 million con- Aurillac to Carmaux.

SPARTANBURG, S.C. — When Wofford athletic director Richard Johnson wondered if the NFL’s labor troubles would disrupt Carolina Panthers training camp, he had an unimpeachable source to turn to — his former boss and current Carolina president Danny Morrison. Morrison simply told Johnson the school should continue its preparations as always. “That’s what we’re doing,” Johnson said Wednesday. Wofford has been the summer home of the Carolina Panthers since the team’s first training camp in 1995 when Johnson was its basketball coach and Morrison, who hired Johnson, its AD. Although the New York Giants, New York Jets and Baltimore Ravens have canceled plans for sleepaway training camps, Johnson has no such worries. Still, Wofford is about a week behind schedule. Carolina was scheduled to start workouts July 29th, a date Johnson expects they won’t make. Dorm rooms haven’t been switched out — beds for a 300-pound NFL lineman are different than those of a typical student — and the training room isn’t yet set for the NFL team’s specifications. The Panthers and Wofford are in the second year of a renewal agreement that will keep camp here through 2014, with an option for additional seasons. It’s been a fruitful union for both sides. Mor-

rison was instrumental in wooing the Panthers in the early 1990s, a move that helped Wofford rise from an NAIA program into NCAA Division I. Wofford alumnus and Panthers owner Jerry Richardson helped the school construct its Richardson Physical Activities Building, complete with NFL quality locker rooms, meeting rooms and training facilities. Panther practice sessions generally draw between 2,000 and 3,000 fans, with that number doubling for some stadium scrimmages. Then there’s the buzz having the Panthers on campus generates for the liberal arts school of about 1,450 students. “No question, the exposure that we get from them being here is big for us,” Wofford offensive coordinator Wade Lang said. “Obviously, we’ve got to move some things around for them a bit. But it’s worth having them here.” Lang, entering his 25th season on Wofford’s staff, said there aren’t many Football Championship Subdivision — formerly NCAA Division I-AA — schools that can match the Terriers’ facilities and that’s a direct result of the Panthers’ involvement. The NFL club also has helped Wofford stand out from the crowd in some cases. Richardson and Morrison attended the Southern Conference basketball championship in Charlotte, N.C., two seasons ago when the Terriers earned their first SoCon championship and NCAA tournament berth.

6C • THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011



Garcia a viable dark horse Associated Press

SANDWICH, England — By now, he should have won a few of these, maybe more. When Sergio Garcia first teed it up in the British Open as a teenager there seemed no way his name wouldn’t someday be inscribed on the claret jug. It might still happen, though by now it seems more hope than destiny. Too many Opens have passed, and too many scars remain for Garcia to fully realize the promise of a time gone by. The tournament that seems to torment him begins Thursday, and Garcia is lucky to even be in the field. His game and his life had been in such disarray that it took a second-place finish in his last tournament just to get an invite. Once a player everyone talked about, he’s now an afterthought in an Open loaded with good players younger than him. He doesn’t particularly like the golf course, and he hasn’t won in so long that he’s almost forgotten what it’s like. But take a look at Garcia bounding around the golf course Wednesday as if he were still a teenager, and you might suddenly be

tempted to put a few quid on him at the 33-1 odds local bookmakers are offering. Apparently there can be something liberating about playing without great expectations. “I’m going in the right direction,” said Garcia, who was going in such a wrong direction that the only way he made the European Ryder Cup team last year was as its official cheerleader. Garcia was the one being cheered as he played his way around Royal St. George’s in his final practice round for the Open. For the fans, there was a lot to like about a player who smiled and laughed from the first tee on and was ready with a Sharpie between holes to sign the hats and programs thrust at him. At one point, Garcia even jogged over to a ball in the bunker, much like a pro soccer player he once hoped to be. Golf seems fun again for a player so down on his game and himself following a breakup with Greg Norman’s daughter last year that he took 10 weeks off without touching a club. The bitter failures of his past, though, are a constant reminder of the toll this tournament has taken. The major everyone expected

him to win one day still eludes him, and it can’t be easy knowing that so many have gotten away. Playing second banana to Tiger Woods while dressed head-to-toe in yellow in the final round in 2006 was embarrassing. Losing in a playoff to Padraig Harrington the next year when all Garcia had to do was sink one of three makable putts was frustrating. And complaining afterward that somehow, someone had it out for him eventually proved to be humiliating. “You only watch the guys that make the putts and get the good breaks,” he told reporters. Lately, though, it’s been Garcia making the putts and getting the good breaks. He barely got into the U.S. Open, then played solidly to finish in a tie for seventh. He followed that with a playoff loss in the BMW International on the European Tour that qualified him for the British Open, a tournament he hasn’t missed since playing as an amateur in 1999. Now he’s got another chance, on a course where being able to hit solid and creative shots — a Garcia strength — is more important than being able to make

AssociAted press

sergio Garcia signs autographs for fans during a British open practice round. a lot of putts — a weakness despite his move to a claw grip to get his putter to behave better. “To have been able to qualify for the U.S. Open and play well there and to have also played well in Germany to get to the Open has been important for me,” Garcia said. “But I must continue on the same path.”

That path hasn’t always been smooth for Garcia, who was taunted into overhauling his pre-swing routine when New York fans counted out loud and called him “waggle boy” in the 2003 U.S. Open. Often overlooked, though, is that he has won 20 tournaments worldwide and cashed in $43 million in prize money in his pro career.

Still, unless Garcia wins a major he will be considered an underachiever. He’s only 31, but he’s been a pro for 13 years now and hasn’t won a major during a time when Woods gobbled them up by the handful. The fix is simple. To be considered one of the best players, he has to win one of the biggest tournaments.

One way to improve All-Star game Associated Press

AssociAted press

Graeme Mcdowell, left, and John daly walk down the 6th fairway during a practice round.

British Open may move back Associated Press

The British Open notebook ... SANDWICH, England — The last time the British Open was held outside Britain was 60 years ago, when Max Faulkner won at Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland. The Royal & Ancient has been asked over the years if it would ever go back. The question takes on new meaning these days. Graeme McDowell of Northern Ireland won the U.S. Open last year at Pebble Beach. Then it was Rory McIlroy winning the U.S. Open last month at Congressional. Only one player from Britain — Paul Lawrie of Scotland in 1999 at Carnoustie — has won a major in the last 15 years. Is it time? “Obviously, there’s much emotion about Graeme McDowell and Rory McIlroy’s victories and why don’t we go back to Northern Ireland and perhaps Portrush in particular,” R&A chief Peter Dawson said Wednesday. “And I understand that. You can’t, however, hold the Open on where players come from. I think that should be obvious to anyone.” Dawson said although Portrush might be strong enough to hold the Open, there are concerns whether it has enough hotels and roads for such a big event, and whether it will be attractive to corporate sponsors and the fans. “Not ruling it out by any stretch of the imagination,” Dawson said. “But it would have to meet all those criteria, and I don’t think it’s something that’s going to be in any way imminent. But it’s cer-

tainly something we’ll have a look at again in view of the success of the golfers from that part of the world.” Turnberry was out of the rotation for 15 years because the roads were deemed inadequate along that part of the Ayrshire coast. Royal Liverpool went nearly 40 years without an Open because there wasn’t enough room on the property. Both those situations were remedied and held memorable championships with strong crowds. “At Royal Portrush, there is the second course there, so there’s not a land issue on site,” Dawson said. “It’s more road access, quantity of hotels, what would the level of corporate support be, what would the crowd size be, things of that nature.” STRICKER SCHEDULE The record shows Steve Stricker plays his best golf at the British Open when he eases his way into a week of links golf. He played in the final group at Carnoustie in 2007 and tied for eighth, and a year later tied for seventh at Royal Birkdale. Then he decided to play in the John Deere Classic the week before the Open and won. He came to Turnberry and tied for 52nd. He had to return to the John Deere to defend last year, won again, then tied for 55th at St. Andrews. Sure enough, Stricker is coming off a third successive win at the John Deere and arrived at Royal St. George’s late Monday afternoon. “Yeah, I’ve looked at that,” Stricker said. “But I feel good. I feel ready.”

Absent from the endless discussions about how to improve baseball’s All-Star game was the one that would solve all the problems immediately. End it. Seriously. Would anyone other than Bud Selig notice? Or care? And just imagine if the idea gets traction across the sports spectrum. If the pro leagues really want to do something for fans, other than pick their pockets, keep the breaks in midseason and have the players perform community service — e.g., stage sports clinics in their hometowns. For one thing, they might be better attended than the All-Star game. Almost a fifth of the players named to baseball’s two squads had already voted no with their feet, electing to park them somewhere besides Phoenix on Tuesday night, rendering the National League’s 5-1 win an even more meaningless exercise than usual. And the problem wasn’t just a lack of quantity, but quality. Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter might be the face of baseball, but his body was already in R&R mode. He sneaked off to Florida with girlfriend Minka Kelly, enraging all those commentators who exhausted their store of superlatives praising him over the weekend, the TV executives at FOX who spent hours dreaming up all those promotional tieins, and who knows how many of the 4 million who penciled Jeter into the AL starting lineup. Surprisingly, the voice of reason in the debate turned out to be the commissioner. “There isn’t a player that I’m more proud of in the last 15 years than Derek Jeter. He’s played the game the way it should be played. He’s an even greater human being off the field,” Selig said. “I think I would have made the same decision that Derek Jeter had.” Of course, this was the same commissioner who called off the 2002 game — and in his home park in Milwaukee, no less — when both teams ran out of relief pitchers after 11 innings in a tie game. Convinced that raising the stakes would prevent future defections and convince the All-Star managers to hold back enough players to prevent a repeat, Selig then hammered out an agreement with the players’ union the following year to award home-field advantage for the World Series to

whichever league won the game. Even so, the list of AL starting pitchers who, like Jeter, passed up a chance to appear — either because they were injured, resting or worked a regular-season game Sunday — read like the first round of everybody’s fantasy draft: Detroit’s Justin Verlander, the Yankees’ CC Sabathia and closer Mariano Rivera, Seattle’s Felix Hernandez, Tampa Bay’s James Shields and Boston’s Jon Lester. Lester’s Red Sox teammate, Josh Beckett, scheduled as the second AL pitcher, then bowed out during warmups because of a sore knee. Beckett said afterward he would have pitched through the discomfort had it been a regular-season game. Some incentive home field for the World Series turned out to be.

Predictably, the Nationals rode superior pitching and some timely hits to win. They were also better at pretending that it meant something. “That was part of the message, how important it was for us, and how important the game was: Do it again for the National League champion,” said San Francisco and NL manager Bruce Bochy, whose team was awarded home-field advantage in last year’s series. The only sign that it mattered to the NL players during the game was a goofy slide by the Padres’ Heath Bell. He sprinted out of the bullpen and ripped up a piece of turf the size of a toupee just short of the mound. “I told some guys I wanted to have fun this All-Star game and needed some ideas, so guys back home kind of said slide on the mound,” Bell recalled. “Bochy said



before the game that this really counts, so I thought I was not going to do it, but then we were up by four runs.” Even the ballplayers conceded that as far as suspense, that was pretty much it. “I don’t know if I’d make it. I think I’d slip, ankle, flip, next thing you know,” Giants closer Brian Wilson said, “I can’t pitch.” The All-Star game wasn’t always like that. Guys used to treat the game as an honor instead of worrying about getting hurt. The highlights from past games running wall to wall on ESPN proved that. How many times did you see the Pete Rose collision at the plate with Ray Fosse in the 1970 contest? And what are the chances you’ll ever see anything like it in an All-Star game again? The guess here is never.






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*Register for Gift Certificates at participating Downtown merchants. Gift Certificates to be redeemed at one of the participating merchants.

Thursday, July 14, 2011 • 3D

TimeOut | Night Out event

Salisbury Post

Friday in downtown Salisbury

Krazy Night Out Downtown Salisbury, Inc. is sponsoring its annual Krazy Night Out this Friday from 5 to 9 p.m., part of the annual threeday Krazy Klearance Sidewalk Sale, July 14-16. Music-lovers will have a choice of entertainment. The Marc Hoffman Trio will bring their signature contemporary sound to the Fisher Street Stage from 6-9 p.m. Other musical acts will include: • Southern rock and blues by Terry Eckard Band at The Blue Vine, 209 S. Main at 9 p.m.; • Singer/songwriter Mary Gillespie at Okey Dokey & Co, 126 E. Innes St; • Classic country and Elvis by Frank Basinger in front of Penny Pinchers, 218 S. Main; • Musical storyteller Jeremy Vess at the Visitors Center, 204 E. Innes St; and Christian music at the Bible Book Store, 314 S. Main. There will also be plenty of free entertainment for the kids including trolley rides, moon bounces, Wacky Doo the Clown and face painting. Car enthusiasts can check out the classic cars parked in the Farmers Market lot on the corner of S. Main and E. Bank Streets. The Downtown Ghost Walk (www.SalisburyGhostWalk.com) will send a much appreciated chill down your spine — the walks start at 7, 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. in front of

the old Salisbury Post Office, 130 W. Innes St. ($10 adults, $5 students, under 5 free). Or board one of Horse & Carriage, Ltd.’s carriages for a sweet, cool horsedrawn carriage ride around downtown. Piedmont Players Theatre will be presenting Grease as their Summer Youth Musical at the Norvell Theater, 135 E. Fisher St. The Visitors Center will be hosting Kids’ Folk Art with Green Goat Gallery and a Haunted Trolley Tour starting at 8 p.m. Check out the 14 sculptures installed around downtown as part of the 3rd Annual Salisbury Sculpture Show, and bring your hand drum for a Drum Circle on Easy Street, starting at 7 p.m. Downtown stores will offer extended hours, storewide sales, and cool deals, including deep price cuts, free refreshments, door prizes, book signings, drawings, and so much more. Be sure to see what krazy things your favorite businesses are offering! Krazy Night Out is free and open to the public, rain or shine. Enjoy the rockin’ music, savor a new flavor or simply take advantage of the many specials that Downtown merchants will be offering throughout the evening. For more information, contact Downtown Salisbury, Inc. at 704-637-7814 or visit www.DowntownSalisburyNC.com.

Krazy Night Out in a nutshell Krazy Night Out, Historic Downtown Salisbury, Friday, July 15, 5-9 p.m. • Marc Hoffman Trio on E. Fisher St. • More music by Jeremy Vess, Terry Eckard Band, Mary Gillespie, Frank Basinger • Stores open late with tons of krazy offers • Downtown Ghost Walk (www.SalisburyGhostWalk.com) • Salisbury Sculpture Show (www.SalisburySculpture.com) • Drum circle, Haunted Trolley Tour, Kids’ Folk Art • “Grease” – Summer Youth Musical at the Norvell Theater • Carriage rides, free trolley rides, Classic Car Show, kids’ activities, more • The trolley stops at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 200 W. Innes St., which opens its sanctuary and chapel for free tours, 6-8 p.m.

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Atlantic Groove Band Thursday, July 21 • 6–9PM Presenting Sponsors

The Marc Hoffman Trio will entertain during Krazy Night Out.


Supporting Sponsors

4D • Thursday, July 14, 2011

TimeOut | Roundabout

Salisbury Post

PPT’s ‘Grease’ opens tonight at the Norvell Theater Piedmont Players Youth Theatre presents “Grease!” — 7:30 p.m., July 14-16/20-23 and 2:30 p.m., July 17/23; adults $12, students/seniors $10; Wednesday Value Night July 20, all tickets $10. Box office opens July 11. Norvell Theater: 135 E. Fisher St., www.piedmontplayers.com, 704633-5471. Lee Street Theatre presents “Henry V” at Looking Glass Artist Collective — 7:30 p.m., through July 16: Directed by Joe Falocco. Tickets $10. Looking Glass Artist Collective, 704-754-2321, 405 N. Lee St., www.leestreet.org. “Next To Normal” at Knight Theater with post-show discussion — Through July 17: the story of one family’s struggle with grief and mental illness. Following select performances, local mental health professionals will lead discussions on how mental health problems affect families, free with admission. Thursday, July 14 – Joseph Benjamin, board member of NAMI Charlotte. Sunday, July 17, matinee – Diane Riley, board member of NAMI Charlotte. BlumenthalArts.org/NTNTalk. Levine Center for the Arts, 430 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, 704-379-1257, www.blumenthalarts.org. Old Courthouse Theatre’s Living Room Reading Series — 4 p.m., Sunday, July 17: “Barbra’s Wedding” by Daniel Stern. Free admission, 704-788-2405, OCT black box theatre, 704-788-2405, www.oldcourthousetheatre.org.

Music & more Rocky River Vineyards Summer Concert Series — 7-10 p.m., July 15: Music by Melon Belly Band, www.melonbellymusic.com, come ready to dance. $20 admission includes glass of wine and refreshments. RSVP 704-781-5035. 11685 Reed Mine Road, Midland. www.rockyrivervineyards.com. Dylan Gilbert & The Over Easy Breakfast Machine local tour appearnces —Friday, July 22: Krankie’s Coffee, the Wherehouse, 211 E. Third St., Winston Salem, with Jews & Catholics and Free Electric State • Saturday, July 23: The Cave, 452-1/2 W. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, with Bibis Ellison and Crystal Bright. Mixed Emotions at Junker’s Outdoor Theater — 7-10 p.m., Saturday, July 23, food and drink available, bring your own chair, $10 adults, $8 seniors, children 12 and

under with parent free, bring five can goods and ticket price is $5. 105 S. Salisbury St., Mocksville. 671-0553 Die Roten Punkte in Charlotte — Change of dates: July 28-30 at Duke Energy Theatre at Spirit Square, 345 N. College St., Charlotte. All tickets $34.50, on sale now at BlumenthalArts.org, 704372-1000. American Idols Live — 7 p.m., Thursday, July 28, Time Warner Cable Arena, Charlotte. Tickets $45/65. www.ticketmaster.com, www.aeglive.com, 800-745-3000. Rascal Flatts at Verizon Amphitheatre — Friday, July 29, with Sara Evans, Easton Corbin, Justin Moore. Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre, Charlotte. Tickets at LiveNation.com, box offices at the venue, Ticketmaster or charge by phone 800-745-3000. Jon c. Lakey/SALISBURY POST


PPT’s youth theatre production of ‘Grease’ will open tonight at the Norvell.

Annual China Grove Farmers Day — Saturday, July 16, Main Street China Grove, entertainment all day, fireworks 10 p.m. Woodleaf Tomato Festival — 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 20: Silent auction, tomato recipe cookoff, bake sale, live music and entertainment, Ms. Tomato Queen contest, L’il Tommy Toe and L’il Miss Mater and Litte Mater Sprout contests, parade at 10 a.m. Tomato Trot 5K Friday, Aug. 19 at 7 p.m. Details on Facebook or woodleaftomatofestivbal@yahoo.com. Mooresville Ahlara Art Fair — 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday, October 8: second annual event featuring artists from all over the area, a showcase of affordable art from painters to potters to jewelers to photographers to woodworkers. Myrna Reiss 704-663-6343.

open until 9, Stamp Mill Café until 10 p.m. www.HistoricGoldHill.com, Facebook: Historic Gold Hill, North Carolina, 704-267-9439. 5K Tomato Trot — 6:15 p.m. registration, Friday, August 19: 5 K evening run begins at 7:30 p.m., kicking off the August 20 Woodleaf Tomato Festival. Register at Active.com or email tomatotrot@yahoo.com. Pre-registration $20, $25 day of race. Entertainment and awards from stage. 885 Woodleaf Barber Road, Woodleaf, 704-224 5134. Spencer Circus Train — 7:30 p.m. every Saturday through July 30: Puppets, animals, songs, games, free snow cones at Library Park, 3rd Street in Spencer, sponsored by Spencer Central UMC for 13th year. Bring blanket or lawn chair, 704636-4101. art gallery and paranormal tours — Highland Avenue Art Gallery and More. Art gallery hours Tuesday through Saturday, noon 6 p.m. Paranormal tours MondaySaturday 8:30-10 p.m., reservations required. 1031 Highland Avenue, 704-636-8134 to schedule tour. Artist's Night Out — 5:30-9 p.m., second and fourth Tuesdays: Free, drop in, join other artists in a night of creativity, bring your own art or craft, supplies, personal beverage and snack. Before your first meeting, send your name, address, phone, email, and type of art or craft to salisburyartists@gmail.com. We will get back in touch with you to confirm your first meeting. Looking Glass Artist Collective, 405 N.

This & That Free tours of St. John’s Lutheran Church sanctuary and chapel — during Friday Night Out, 6-8 p.m., July 15. The trolley will stop at the church, 200 W. Innes St. Salisbury Ghost Walk — 7, 7:30, 8:30 p.m., Friday, July 15, adults $10, students $5, 130 W. Innes St. Reservations/ information: boo@salisburyghostwalk or 704642-1734. Gold Hill cruise-in — 3-9 p.m., Saturday, July 16: Vintage, classic, muscle cars, street rods all welcome. The Village parking lots reserved for cruise-in parking, visitors/spectators park in adjacent church parking lot. Village shops

Lee St.704-633-ARTS, www.salisburyartists.com. Summer reading program at Rowan Public Library — Weekly programs through July 28, themed “One World, Many Stories.” Pre-registration at all library locations for children age 12 months to rising fifth-graders. www.rowanpubliclibrary.org, 704-216-8234. Catawba’s Community Music program summer camps — Fourday camps and private lessons available, contact Erin Harper emharper@catawba.edu or 704881-1565 for details, register at catawba.edu/communitymusic. Concord Library teen summer reading program — • 2 p.m., Tuesday, July 19: Teen movie, rated PG, free admission, popcorn provided. • 2 p.m., Thursday, July 21: Make&-Take sock puppet craft event, make either a Goth or punk sock puppet, materials provided. For information/registration, call the Concord Library 704-920-2054. Concord Gun and Knife Show at Cabarrus Arena — July 16-17: 1:30 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Adults $8, children under 12 free with paying adult. Cabarrus Arena, 4751 NC Hwy 49,Concord, www.cabarrusarena.com, 704-920-3976. Oakboro cruise-in’s eighth season — 5 p.m., fourth Friday, July 22. Burnout at 9:30 p.m. Food vendors, souvenir concessions will be set up. Downtown Oakboro, Hwy. 205 between Albemarle and Charlotte. Facebook, info@oakborocruisein.com, 704-467-4992. www.oakborocruisein.com.

“This is Wrestling” at Cabarrus Arena — 7 p.m., July 23, adults $12, children under 10 $6, available at www.prowrestlingevo.com or box office. Cabarrus Arena Gold Hall 2, 4751 NC Hwy 49,Concord, www.cabarrusarena.com, 704-9203976. Dancing with the Stars Champs coming to Charlotte — Saturday, July 23: Pittsburgh Steelers’s Hines Ward with Kym Johnson appear at SouthPark with Steve Smith, Jerome Bettis, Donnie Shell, Rocky Bleier. Details www.totalsportsent. com.

Comedy Martin Lawrence at Time Warner Cable Arena — one night only Aug. 18, tickets through ticketmaster.com, timewarnercablearena.com, the Life Lock Box Office at Time Warner Cable Arena, Ticketmaster outlets, or charge by phone 800-745-3000. www.livenation.com/>.

Fundraisers “A Night At The Opry" Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis — 7 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 13: Featuring music by DC & The Chosen Few, Lynn Owsley, Dottie Jack, David Ridenhour and G.W. Saunders.Doors open 6 p.m., East Rowan High School auditorium.


Thursday, July 14, 2011 • 5D

TimeOut | Roundabout

Salisbury Post

GREASE FROM 4D Food and drink will be available.

Night Life Benchwarmers. 113 E. Fisher St. —7-10 p.m. every Friday: Handful of Dave. 704-639-0604. Brick Street Tavern, 122 E. Fisher St. — Tuesdays: open mic, performers of all types welcome, sign up as you arrive; 9:30 p.m. Thursdays: plugged open mic night. www.thebrickstreettavern. com, 704-6376047. DJ’s, 1502 W. Innes St., — Live music Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays starting at 8:30 p.m. 704-638-9647. Fat Jack's, 120 Military Ave., — 8 p.m. until, every Friday and Saturday night: karaoke with Mark Tomei. 704-638-8996. High Rock Boat & Ski Club, 257 Boat Club Lane — Now open for lunch Saturday-Sunday. www.theboatandskiclub.com. 704-633-0251. Rick’s BBQ and Grill, 929 S. Main St. — 7-9 p.m. tonight, July 14: Stan Wilson. Bike Night 6-9 p.m. every Monday; Cruise-in 6-9 p.m. every Tuesday; karaoke 7-close every Friday-Saturday. 704-642-0050. Smitty's North Rowan Bar-b-que 1205 N. Salisbury Ave., Spencer — 7-9 p.m., Thursdays: karaoke. 704636-2122. The Blue Vine, 209 S. Main St. — 9 p.m.-midnight, Friday, July 15: Southern rock and blues Terry Eckard Band, no cover. 9 p.m.-11:30 p.m., Saturday, July 16: bluegrass duo Eden's Gate, no cover. www.thebluevine. com. 704-797-0093. The Inn, 1012 Mooresville Hwy: Music by Bloodwater and Crucifixed. Open 7 p.m.-midnight Saturdays, free refreshments, air hockey, foosball, pool. Free wi-fi. Public invited to jam or schedule their group to perform. 704-213-1467. www.inntheloop. E.H. Montgomery General Store — 7-9 p.m. Fridays: bluegrass jams. Historic Village of Gold Hill. www.HistoricGoldHill.com. 704-267-9439, 704-279-5674. Old Stone Vino, 515 S. Main St., Kannapolis — 6:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays: guitarist, singer, songwriter Marty DeJarnette. Fridays, Saturdays: various artists. 704-9382337.

Classes Art Classes — Instruction in oil, drawing and repousse’, beginner and intermediate, includes framing and marketing tips, small classes, lots of extras. Tuesday or Wednesday 10 a.m.-noon or 1–3 p.m. $30 per session at Rail Walk. Weekly figure drawing or painting sessions

Bloodwater will be performing Saturday at The Inn.

Southern rocker Terry Eckard will be at The Blue Vine Friday. with live model $5 per hour, no instruction. For info, material list, registration or to model contact Rachel Lee 704-202-4467 or hare369@ live.com. Line dance classes — Absolute Beginner: 3:30 p.m., beginning Aug. 9 • Easy Beginner: 4:30 p.m., Aug. 4 • Intermediate: 5:30 p.m., Aug. 4 • 4 lessons per mo.,$12/month or $5/lesson. Call 704-633-7862 Rufty-Holmes Sr. Center or teacher Cheryl Kluttz, 704-633-3484. Oil classes the Old Master way — 1-3 p.m., Tuesdays: adult classes in oils, beginner or intermediate, learning the technique of the Masters of the 16th/17th centuries. $45 per session, 704-232-6000 for materials list, info, registration. Limited number of students. Patt’s studio, 409 N. Lee St., Rail Walk Arts District. Creative painting workshops — 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Ongoing series, beginning to intermediate, traditional oil painting. $200 includes eight sessions; ask about scholarships and sliding scales. Registration/materials list: 704-245-6456. Instructor James E. Taylor, Contemporary Realism Studio, 211 S. Main St. Card Making Class at the Y — 6-8 p.m., every other Thursday, next class June 30; $10 includes all supplies. 828 W Jake Alexander Blvd., 704-636-0111. Classes at LGAC — Watercolor classes: instructor Cathy Benfield Matthews, no experience needed; choose Mondays 1-3 p.m. or 5:307:30 p.m., or Saturdays 10 a.m.noon, $35 each 2 hour session or $180 for 6, materials provided except brushes; email salisburyartists@gmail.com to reserve your space, www.catsfreestyleart.com. Looking Glass Artist Collective, 405 N. Lee St., 704-633-ARTS, www.salisburyartists.com. Bring-your-own-vase floral design — 2-3 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Designing fresh cut flowers, $15 per class plus cost of

Bluegrass duo Eden’s Gate will be at The Blue Vine Saturday. flowers, call for reservations; instructor David Harrison, Harrison’s Florist, 1012 Holmes Ave., off Grove St. near RRMC, 704-636-4251. “Express Yourself!”African drumming and dance workshop — 5:30 p.m. Saturdays for grades K-12, family participation encouraged, small donation appreciated. Conducted by Master Drummer Allen Boyd, sponsored by Sankofa Held at Salisbury high school auditorium, 704-637-6857. Summer Chrismon class — Intermediate, July 15, 10 a.m.-noon. Rufty’s Chrismon Shop, 280 Furniture Drive, 704-636-7739, info@chrismons.com. Figurative sculpture course with NC sculptor James Barnhill — 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m., July 26-27: “Clay Portrait Bust From Life,” intensive two-day class covering everything from loading the clay on an armature and referencing the human face from life to the firing process. Age 18 and up, $100, all materials included. Pack a lunch. Pre-registration/payment by July 19. Randolph Arts Guild, 123 Sunset Ave., Asheboro. Call 336-629-0399, www.randolphartsguild.com.

Singles Piedmont Singles — 7:15 p.m., Friday, July 15: group discussions.Gloria Dei Lutheran Church behind CVS, Statesville Blvd. Covered dish, no joining fee, donations appreciated. Contact Frances Ward 704-637-3241. Highlighters Dance Club — First and third Fridays, doors open 7 p.m., dancing 8-11 p.m., free line dance class 7:15 p.m. Open to singles 40 and over; former members who remarry are welcome. $10 members; $12 guests. Join for $20 and get in free the first night of joining. Non-smoking, dressy casual. Free set ups provided, bring your own snacks. Information 704-536-

5561. American Legion Post 380, 4235 W. Tyvola Road, Charlotte. Information 704-536-5561.

Call for vendors Biker Blue & BBQ Rally — Sept. 22-24: with a KCBS barbecue cookoff; vendor applications at www.bikerbluesbbqrally.com or Tilley’s Harley-Davidson, Salisbury. Add'l info 704-638-6044. Asheboro 39th Fall Festival early registration deadline June 30 — Submit completed registration forms and fees to The Randolph Arts Guild, P.O. Box 1033, Asheboro, NC 27204-1033. Download forms at www.AsheboroFallFestival.com. Booth fee $50 until August 31; until day of festival registration booth fee is $100 as space allows. Event dates Oct. 1-2, downtown Asheboro.

Call for musicians Bluegrass musicians — Bluegrass jam open to all, Saturdays at Dixie’s Roasting Co., 102 S. Main St., China Grove. 704-857-9169.

Call for artists Carolina Artist’s “The Real Carolina Artist's 2011 Expo” — August 24-26, Salisbury Civic Center, 315 S. Martin Luther King Ave. Entry forms/information available there or by contacting carolinaartists@gmail.com. Deadline: mailed by Aug. 10. Big prizes, $100 first prizes and peoples choice. Sipe’s Orchard Home Annual Bloomin’ Orchard Festival, Conover — Seeking artists and craftpersons for festival Saturday, August 27, Sipe’s Orchard Home, 4431 County Home Road, Conover. Early bird rate by July 30, regular registration rate by Aug. 15, late registration rate by Aug. 20. Information/applications at www.sipesorchardhome. org/BloominVendor.html or 828256-5056. Ahlara Art Fair — Second annu-

Stan Wilson will perform at Rick’s BBQ and Grill tonight. al Mooresville Ahlara Art Fair, Saturday, October 8: seeking all kinds of artists, painters, potters, jewelers, photographers, woodworkers, etc. Application is at www.ahlaraartfair.webs.com, click on applications button. Myrna Reiss, 704-6636343. Artists sought for Art in the Shop — Art in the Shop is seeking artists interested in showing at the 13th Annual Art in the Shop in Bethlehem, NC, Oct 1., encompassing bonsai, sculpture, paintings, photography, jewelry, pottery, garden art. Quality original artwork and fine crafts only, no kits accepted. Cost$40 by July 31, $50 Aug. 1Sept. 15. 828-632-0106, www.artintheshop.net, blsinclair1@bellsouth.net.

Speakers and forums All-day writing symposium — Saturday, Aug. 27, Yadkin Cultural Arts Center campus, with writer Suzy Barile and poet Alice Osborn; $65 by Aug. 20, manuscript review also available for additional $25. Sponsors: The Yadkin Arts Council, NC Writers’ Network. Download registration form at www.yadkinarts.org, direct questions to Suzy Barile, 704-546-7900.


6D • Thursday, July 14, 2011

TimeOut | CD review

Salisbury Post

David Myers gets his

CD release party is Friday at Tabu There will be a CD release party and performance by Big Break Friday at the club Tabu, starting around 9 p.m. Tabu is located under La Cava restaurant on the corner of South Church and West Horah Streets in Salisbury. Just Dionne opens the show.

Big Break

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With eight children we had to buy our own grocery store.

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dave Myers won many fans as Handful of dave. now, he’s part of the band Big Break.

David Myers showcases his versatility in ‘Big Break,’ his debut album

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ather than just waiting for his big break, David Myers has announced his — “Big Break” the album, that is. The CD also introduces Big Break the band, comprised of Myers on guitar and vocals, bass guitarist Alan Erickson and drummer Stephen Williams. With seven tracks, the CD is more than an EP and not quite a full-length, but SARAH still manages to HALL pack in a variety of styles and moods, all songs written by Myers. Don’t listen

to just one track and think you’ve got the whole CD pegged genre-wise. It comes out of the gate with Newgrass, but by the end of the course it’s traveled through rock, blues, ska and punk. Myers has been performing solo acoustic shows and winning fans locally for about a year and a half as “Handful of Dave.” For his first adventure in the recording studio he has surrounded himself with a strong supporting team of musicians well known to Salisbury listeners. In addition to bandmates Erickson and Williams, the CD

features the talents of Keith Earnhardt (banjo) and Eric Webster (upright bass) of No9 Coal, and also guitarists Andrew Hodge and CaLeb Hill. Producer Jerod Jacobs not only recorded the project, he’s also heard on the recording on keys and guitar. The opening track, “Il Leone” weaves an Americana-style soundtrack around a modernday tall tale inspired by boxer Dominic “Il Leon” DeSanto. Myers knows his subject well,


See BREAK, 7d

TimeOut | Roundabout

Salisbury Post

holidays, admission free. Part of Division of State Historic Sites, Office of Archives and History,704-7214653, reed@ncdcr. gov. Fort Dobbs State Historic Site, 438 Fort Dobbs Road, Statesville — The only North Carolina Historic Site associated with the French and Indian War (1754-1763) or Seven Years War. Free and open to the public Tuesday through Saturday 9 a.m.5 p.m. 704-873-5882, www.fortdobbs. org. Historic Latta Plantation, Sample Road, Huntersville — 10 a.m.4 p.m., July 23: Learn about Charlotte’s gold mining history and pan for gold at the miner's cabin; tour the circa 1800 plantation house and grounds, see rare and endangered breeds of historic livestock. Free with regular admission www.lattaplantation.org, click on summer camps. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., $7 per person, ages 5 and under free. www.lattaplantation. org. 704-875-2312. Historic Rosedale Plantation, 3427 N. Tryon St., Charlotte — Civil War National Register Federal house circa 1815, excellent example backcountry NC federal period architecture. Originally part of 911-acre plantation. www.historicrose dale. Discovery Place, Charlotte, 301 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, — Discovery Place, Charlotte, 301 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, — July’s hands-on “Explore More Stuff” lab: Energy – Create power with a hand crank generator, test wind turbines and solar panels for power output, measure the efficiency and cost of different kinds of lighting, and add units of energy to a train set to increase speed • July’s hands-on “Explore More Life” lab: Aquatic Macroinvertebrates – Discover the world of dragonflies and other creatures you may find living right outside your own backyard • Extended summer hours: Monday–Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.;Sunday: noon–5 p.m. 704-372-6261 or www.discoveryplace.org. Discovery Place KIDS Huntersville, 105 Gilead Road — Open 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday, noon-5 p.m., Sunday, closed Monday. Admission $8 for adults and children age one and older, children younger than age one and Members are free. Discounts available for groups of 15 or more. discoveryplaceKIDS. org, 704-372-6261. Charlotte Nature Museum, 1658 Sterling Road, Charlotte — 10 a.m.–1 p.m., Saturday, July 16: North Carolina State Symbols Day, official state symbols play an important role in spotlighting what is so special about North Carolina — and you might find a few symbols in your own backyard. www.charlottenaturemuseum.org for




Thursday, July 14, 2011 • 9D

The identity of the featured celebrity is found within the answers in the puzzle. In order to take the TV Challenge, unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle. 6. Diamond and Flynn ACROSS 7. Jagged; uneven 1. Marg Helgenberger’s 8. “__ Will Be Blood”; 2007 role on “CSI” Daniel Day-Lewis film 8. Decorative lacquered 11. Ralph Kramden’s metalware neighbor 9. Drug addict 12. 1988 Martin Sheen film 10. “Extreme 13. “The Flying __” Makeover: __ __” (1967-70) 14. “__ Men”; 2010 Forest 14. Schneider or Lowe Whitaker movie 20. Horrify 15. Role on “Roseanne” 21. “Say good night, __”; 16. Baton Rouge univ. George Burns’ line 17. Mine discoveries 22. Wasp’s nest locations 18. Hatch or Boxer: abbr. 23. Actor on “Touched 19. “Sesame Street” fellow by an Angel” 20. Grew gray 24. Emmylou Harris’ 24. Tanner family’s visitor state of birth: abbr. 27. “Eat __ Love”; 2010 25. “To the __”; Anna Julia Roberts movie Nicole Smith movie 28. Diamond lady 26. Sudden burst of light 29. “__ Hard With a 29. Per __; salary Vengeance”; highestfrequency, for some grossing film of 1995 30. “Hot __ Cleveland” 32. Cover with asphalt 31. Actor Marshall 33. “The __ __”; reality 34. Alphabet closer series for the daring 35. Muppet Elmo’s color 36. “__ __ dead people”; line from “The Sixth Sense” 37. Wallach and Marienthal 38. Patricia Heaton series (2) DOWN 1. Gary or Jackie 2. “__ Perfect” (1995-96) 3. Shirt, for short 4. “How to Save a Marriage and __ Your Life”; 1968 Dean Martin movie 5. Suffix for real or cartoon

details. $6 ages 2 and older; younger than 2 and members are free. Parking is free. Tuesday-Thursday 9 a.m.–5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. -5 p.m.; Sunday noon–5 p.m.; closed Monday. www.charlottenaturemuseum.org. Town Creek Indian Mound, southern Montgomery County — A national historic landmark and NC’s only state historic site dedicated to American Indian heritage, Town Creek Indian Mound interprets the history of the American Indians who once lived here. Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, 1-5 p.m. Located on Town Creek Mound Road approx. five miles east of Mt. Gilead, between NC 73 and NC 731. www.towncreek. nchistoricsites.org. Old Salem, Winston-Salem — 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 12:30-5 p.m. Sunday. $21 adults, $10 children. 336-721-7300 or www.oldsalem.org. NC Museum of Art, 2110 Blue

© Zap2it

Ridge Road, Raleigh — “Mirror Image” explores what it means to be a woman as seen through the perspectives of 13 North Carolina female artists. NC Gallery, East Building, General admission $15, students, seniors, military, groups of 10 or more $12. Children 7-12 $7.50, children six and under free. www.ncartmuseum.org/rockwell. Contemporary Art Museum, 409 W. Martin St., Raleigh — 11 a.m.–6:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, closed Tuesday. Noon–5 p.m., Saturday-Sunday. First and third Friday of the month open until 9 p.m. $5 general admission, wheelchair accessible. 919-513-0946, camraleigh.org. NC Museum of History, 5 E. Edenton St., Raleigh — Current exhibits: “The Story of North Carolina,” “Behind the Veneer: Thomas Day, Master Cabinetmaker,” “Community and Culture: North Carolina Indians Past and Present,” “Re-created interior of 1920s Drugstore,” “A Call to Arms,” David Marshall

The identity of the featured celebrity is found within the answers in the puzzle. SUDOKU In order ANSWER to take the TV Challenge, unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle. ACROSS 6. Diamond and Flynn 7. Jagged; uneven 1. Marg Helgenberger’s 8. “__ Will Be Blood”; 2007 role on “CSI” Daniel Day-Lewis film 8. Decorative lacquered 11. Ralph Kramden’s metalware neighbor 9. Drug addict 12. 1988 Martin Sheen film 10. “Extreme 13. “The Flying __” Makeover: __ __” (1967-70) 14. “__ Men”; 2010 Forest 14. Schneider or Lowe Whitaker movie 20. Horrify 15. Role on “Roseanne” 21. “Say good night, __”; 16. Baton Rouge univ. George Burns’ line 17. Mine discoveries 22. Wasp’s nest locations 18. Hatch or Boxer: abbr. 23. Actor on “Touched 19. “Sesame Street” fellow by an Angel” 20. Grew gray Harris’ 24. Tanner family’s visitor $1.Emmylou 919-220-5429, www.ncmls.org. “Carbine” Williams,” “North Carolina 24. state of birth: abbr.of Winston27. “Eat Love”; “Meet 2010 the StatChildren’s Museum Sports Hall__ of Fame,” “To the Anna St. — MuseSalem, 390__”; S. Liberty ues,” “Toys, Toys, andmovie More Toys!,” 25. Julia Roberts Nicole9:30 Smith movie a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday“The of Lewis Hine,” “Leg- um hours: 28. Photography Diamond lady Saturday, 1-5burst p.m. Sunday. ends of Racing,” “North Sudden of light $6 adults 29. “__ Hard With a Carolina and 26. andPer children. 336-723-9111 or chilthe Civil War: The Breaking.” Across 29. __; salary Vengeance”; highestfrom the State Capitol. 919-807-7900 drensmuseumofws.org. frequency, for some grossing film org of 1995 or ncmuseumofhistory. or Facebook. 30. “Hot Natural Science Center of __ Cleveland” 32.NCCover withofasphalt Museum Natural Sciences, Greensboro, 4301 Lawndale Drive 31. Actor Marshall 33.W.“The __St.,__”; reality — Through — Home of the Animal Discovery Zo11 Jones Raleigh Alphabet for the daring Nov. 6:series Art inspires. Science educates. 34. ological Parkcloser featuring tigers, gib35. Muppet Elmo’s color lemurs What happens whenpeople”; those roles are bons, wallabies, meerkats, 36. “__ __ dead reversed or combined? “Witness Our and other unique animals, as well line from “The Expanding Oceans,” a comprehensive as the new OmniSphere Dome TheSixth Sense” art and education exhibit created by ater, NC’s only 40 foot digital dome 37. Wallach and Marienthal artist Mary Edna Fraser and scientist experience. 336-288-3769, 38. Pilkey. Patricia Heaton Orrin 919-733-7450, www.nat- www.natsci.org. series org. (2) uralsciences. Greensboro Children’s Museum, NC Museum of Life and Science, 433 Murray Ave., Durham — $10.85 DOWN adult; $8.85orseniors 1. Gary Jackie65 plus and military personnel with ID; $7.85 children 2. “__ Perfect” (1995-96) age for children age two 3. 3-12; Shirt,free for short and younger. Train rides additional 4. “How to Save a Marriage $2.50 per person, ornithopter rides

and __ Your Life”; 1968

220 N. Church St. — Hands-on, interactive museum for children (infancy to 10 years of age) and families designed to inspire learning through play in a fun, energetic and safe environment. 336-574-2898, www.gcmuseum.com.

10D • Thursday, July 14, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

THURSDAY MORNING JULY 14, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 6:30

(:00) Good Morning Show Å News WBTV 3 News at 6 AM (N) Fox 8 News FOX 8 News at 6:00A (N) WSOC News WSOC 9 News Daybreak at 6:00 News WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å News Fox News Rising (N) News Channel NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 GED Connect. Classical Strt Clifford-Dog Morning Gardening Linville Forest Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Shephrd Chapl A. Wommack K. Copeland Examined Life Destinos GED Connect. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Three Stooges Paid Program Paid Program Be Alive Orangutan Isle Chimp Eden Peter Popoff BET Inspiration Paid Program Tabatha’s Salon Takeover World Exchange Squawk Box (N) Å AM: Wake Up American Morning (N) Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Jungle Junction Handy Manny Little Einsteins 2011 British Open Golf Championship First Round. SportsCenter SportsCenter Å Life Today Joyce Meyer TriVita Nopalea Outdoors Outdoors Paid Program Hair Loss Paid Program Paid Program I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Crash Science Paid Program Paid Program Family Matters Family Matters Family Matters Paid Program Captured Å Captured Å Paint Zoom Paid Program Paid Program Memory Loss Paid Program Paid Program Married... With Married... With Married... With Movie: “The Secret of My Success” (1965) Paid Program Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å (:00) NUMB3RS Angel “Smile Time” Å Healthy Hair Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Law & Order: Criminal Intent Paid Program Paid Program Storm Stories Funny Videos Paid Program Joyce Meyer





The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 News at 8:00A (N) Good Morning America (N) Å Today Daniel Radcliffe; Montreal. (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News Rising 8am (N) Today Daniel Radcliffe; Montreal. (N) (In Stereo) Å Arthur Curious George Curious George Cat in the Hat Good Morning America (N) Å The Daily Buzz Å Joseph Prince Joyce Meyer Conquerors Life Today Clifford-Dog Martha Speaks Curious George Cat in the Hat Bounty Hunter Paid Program Big Cat Diary

Bounty Hunter Paid Program Big Cat Diary Peter Popoff Tabatha’s Salon Takeover


^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8





Andy Griffith Paid Program Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show Å The Dr. Oz Show Å Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å Live With Regis and Kelly (N) Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Live With Regis and Kelly (N) Today (N) (In Stereo) Å The 700 Club Å Paid Program TMZ (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street Å (DVS) Better (In Stereo) Å The People’s Court Å America’s Funniest Home Videos Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Edgemont Å Coach Å That ’70s Show My Wife & Kids Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street Å (DVS)



The Price Is Right (N) Å The Price Is Right (N) Å The Nate Berkus Show Å The View (N) (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Housewives/OC Charlotte Today Sid the Science WordWorld The View (N) (In Stereo) Å Cosby Show Cosby Show Judge Karen Judge Karen Sid the Science Between Lions

Dog the Bounty Hunter Å Paid Program Hair Loss The Crocodile Hunter Å Hates Chris Hates Chris Tabatha’s Salon Takeover

CSI: Miami “Count Me Out” Å The Sopranos “No-Show” Å Criminal Minds (In Stereo) Å Three Stooges Three Stooges Movie: ››‡ “The Kingdom” (2007) Jamie Foxx. Å It’s Me or the Dog Å Animal Cops Houston Å Animal Cops Houston Å Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Tabatha’s Salon Takeover Tabatha’s Salon Takeover The Millionaire Matchmaker Squawk on the Street (N) The Call (N) Å CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) Paid Program James Robison Joyce Meyer Paid Program I Was Bitten (In Stereo) Å I Was Bitten Most-extreme bites. I Was Bitten (In Stereo) Å Little Einsteins Agent Oso Mickey Mouse Never Land Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Fish Hooks Suite/Deck 2011 British Open Golf Championship First Round. From Royal St. George’s Golf Club in Sandwich, England. (N) (Live) SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Full House Boy Mts. World Boy Mts. World What I Like What I Like Grounded Life 700-Interactive The 700 Club Å Full House Bowhunter TV Motorhead Action Sports World Champion The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) Movie: ››‡ “Cruel Intentions” (1999) Ryan Phillippe Movie: ›› “Perfect Stranger” (2007) Halle Berry. Movie: “The Prestige” (2006) I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls The Martha Stewart Show (N) Mad Hungry Mad Hungry Reba Å Reba Å Will & Grace The Balancing Act (N) Å Will & Grace Old Christine Old Christine How I Met How I Met Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Naked Science Amazing Planet “Born of Fire” Amazing Planet Max & Ruby Max & Ruby Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Bubble Guppies Dora Explorer SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Captured Å Captured Å Captured Å Captured Å Captured Å Alphas “Pilot” Law & Order: Criminal Intent Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSI: NY “Pay Up” Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Joint Health Gorgeous Legs Paid Program Fast Meals College Lacrosse Home Improve. Home Improve. Saved by Bell Saved by Bell Yes, Dear Å Yes, Dear Å Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne (:15) Movie: ›‡ “Shipmates” (1931) Movie: ››‡ “Another Language” Movie: “Three Loves Has Nancy” (:15) “The Last of Mrs. Cheyney” 17 Kids 17 Kids A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story Baby’s First Half-Ton Mom (In Stereo) Å Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Angel “A Hole in the World” Charmed “Astral Monkey” Å Charmed “Apocalypse Not” Å Supernatural (In Stereo) Å Supernatural “It’s a Terrible Life” Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In Session Law & Order: Criminal Intent Movie: › “Out of Reach” (2004) Steven Seagal. Å House Dr. House treats a nun. Burn Notice “Mind Games” Å Eyewitness News Morning (N) Eyewitness News Morning (N) Access H. The Insider (N) The Wendy Williams Show Å The Nate Berkus Show Å Changing-World K. Copeland Bev. Hillbillies Bev. Hillbillies Matlock (In Stereo) Å Matlock (In Stereo) Å In the Heat of the Night Å



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 1:00


News 2 at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful News at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful FOX 8 News Access H. The Wendy Williams Show Å WSOC 9 News Midday (N) Å All My Children (N) Å WXII 12 News at Noon (N) Å Days of our Lives (N) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Jerry Springer (N) Å NewsChannel 36 News at 12:00 Days of our Lives (N) Å Super Why! Thomas/Friends Caillou Å Between Lions Family Feud Be a Millionaire All My Children (N) Å According-Jim Frasier Å Scrubs Å King of Queens Judge Jeanine Pirro Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Cook’s Country Health Bites Katie Brown Bake Decorate



The Talk (In Stereo) Å The Talk (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge J. Brown One Life to Live (N) Å Inside Edition Entertainment The Steve Wilkos Show (N) Å The Doctors Å Cyberchase Wild Kratts One Life to Live (N) Å True Hollywood Story Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Glass-Vicki Sewing Room



Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Divorce Court Judge Alex General Hospital (N) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge Judy Barney, Friends Electric Comp. General Hospital (N) Å The Tyra Show (In Stereo) Å Smarter Don’t Forget Sew With Nancy Quilting Arts



The Ellen DeGeneres Show Å WBTV 3 News WBTV 3 News Judge Judy Judge J. Brown The Oprah Winfrey Show Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Swift Justice Swift Justice News Channel Judge Judy Arthur WordGirl Swift Justice Swift Justice The Office King of Queens The People’s Court Å Arthur WordGirl

The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Dog the Bounty Hunter Å CSI: Miami “Count Me Out” Å The Sopranos “No-Show” Å The Kingdom Movie: ›› “Trading Places” (1983) Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy. Å Movie: ›› “From Dusk Till Dawn” (1996) Harvey Keitel. Å Animal Cops Philadelphia Å K-9 Cops “Crime in the City” Animal Cops Houston Å Growing Up... “Seal” Å Your Worst Animal Nightmares Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Movie: ››‡ “The Bone Collector” (1999) Denzel Washington. Å Girlfriends The Game The Game The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker Giuliana & Bill “Last Chance” Pregnant in Heels Pregnant in Heels Strat Session Fast Money Power Lunch (N) Å Street Signs (N) Å Closing Bell (N) (In Stereo) Å Closing Bell With Maria Bartiromo (11:00) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) Deadliest Catch (In Stereo) Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Shake It Up! Wizards-Place Fish Hooks (N) Fish Hooks Phineas, Ferb Suite/Deck Good-Charlie So Random! 2011 British Open Golf Championship First Round. (N) (Live) 2011 British Open Golf Championship First Round. SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å First Report Football Live NFL Live (N) Rome/Burning Still Standing Still Standing 8 Simple Rules 8 Simple Rules My Wife & Kids My Wife & Kids That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Outdoors Outdoor Mag. World Poker Tour: Season 9 The Dan Patrick Show (N) Race Freaks (N) Golf Life ’11 Bullriding Horsemanship (11:00) Movie: ››› “The Prestige” (2006) Hugh Jackman. Movie: ›››‡ “Zodiac” (2007) Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr. Petkeeping Petkeeping The Martha Stewart Show Å The Martha Stewart Show Å The Waltons “The Deed” Å The Waltons “The Scholar” Å Desperate Housewives Å Grey’s Anatomy “Freedom” Grey’s Anatomy “Freedom” Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Amazing Planet “Ocean Realm” World’s Toughest Fixes Dog Whisperer Alaska State Troopers The Great Dinosaur Escape The Fairly OddParents Å iCarly Å iCarly Å Victorious Å Victorious Å Big Time Rush Big Time Rush SpongeBob SpongeBob Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Snapped “Kelly Forbes” Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: NY “Epilogue” Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å College Lacrosse XTERRA Adv. :58 Flat (N) (Live) College Flash Classics College Flash Classics House of Payne Meet, Browns American Dad Name Is Earl Love-Raymond According-Jim According-Jim The Office Friends Å Friends Å “The Last of Mrs. Cheyney” Å Movie: “The Right to Romance” (:15) Movie: ›› “Calm Yourself” (1935) Movie: ›› “The Bride Walks Out” (1936) What Not to Wear “Gina” Å A Baby Story A Baby Story Rm-Multiples Baby’s First What Not to Wear “Azi” Å Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Las Vegas (In Stereo) Å Las Vegas Ed is kidnapped. Cold Case “Revolution” Å The Closer “Time Bomb” Å Bones “The Goop on the Girl” (9:00) In Session Disorder in the Court Disorder in the Court Suits Mike needs Rachel’s help. House “Fidelity” (In Stereo) Å House “Poison” (In Stereo) Å House “DNR” (In Stereo) Å House “Histories” Å Eyewitness News on TV-64 (N) Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å America’s Court America’s Court Judge Alex Judge Alex The Wendy Williams Show Å In the Heat of the Night Å WGN Midday News (N) Å Walker, Texas Ranger Å Walker, Texas Ranger Å Jeannie Bewitched



News 2 at 5 (N) Andy Griffith News at 5 PM News at 5:30 FOX 8 News at 5:00P (N) WSOC 9 News WSOC 9 News WXII 12 News at 5 (N) Å The Ellen DeGeneres Show Å News Channel News Martha Speaks Curious George The Doctors Å Old Christine Seinfeld Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Wild Kratts Fetch! With Ruff

6:00 News 2 at 6 (N) News at 6 PM FOX 8 News WSOC 9 News News TMZ (N) Å News Channel Cat in the Hat Smarter Family Guy Family Feud PBS NewsHour

Criminal Minds (In Stereo) Å The First 48 Movie: ››› “Batman” (1989) Å The Most Extreme “Hissy Fits” Untamed-Uncut Hates Chris Hates Chris 106 & Park: Top Pregnant in Heels Pregnant Fast Money (N) Mad Money (N) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Cash-Chicago Shake It Up! Wizards-Place Phineas, Ferb SportsCenter Around/Horn Interruption NASCAR Now Gilmore Girls (In Stereo) Å Dirty Dancing Table Tennis ACC All-Access Movie: “Mission: Impossible 2” The Waltons “The Bicycle” Å Little House Unsolved Mysteries Å Mysteries Jurassic CSI SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å Snapped “Jill Rockcastle” Å Snapped Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å College Flash Classics Israeli Bask. Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens Movie: “The Longest Night” Bride Wore Rd Cake Boss Cake Boss Toddler-Tiara Bones (In Stereo) Å Bones Å Disorder in the Court Cops Å NCIS “Internal Affairs” Å NCIS Å Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Divorce Court Cheers Å Cheers Å Dharma & Greg

Thursday, July 14, 2011 • 11D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post THURSDAY EVENING JULY 14, 2011 A






















4 45










6:30 CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley Access Hollywood (N) Å ABC World News With Diane Sawyer NBC Nightly News (N) Å Everybody Loves Raymond Å NBC Nightly News (N) Å For Your Home “Outdoor Spaces” ABC World News With Diane Sawyer Family Guy Stewie takes up drinking. Family Feud (In Stereo) Å (:00) PBS NewsHour (N) Å


27 159 38 59 37 34 32

107 208 237 176 172


35 131


54 98 49 240 39 70 68 74



Jeopardy! (N) Å


WBTV News Prime Who Wants to Be a Time (N) Millionaire Å Extra (N) (In Stereo) TMZ (N) (In Stereo) Å


Inside Edition (N) Å Inside Edition (N) Å How I Met Your Mother Å Jeopardy! (N) Å

Entertainment Tonight (N) Å Entertainment Tonight (N) Å How I Met Your Mother Å Wheel of Fortune Å

PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å Family Feud (In Who Wants to Be a Stereo) Å Millionaire Å Two and a Half Two and a Half Men Å Men Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A party ends in a quadruple homicide. Nightly Business North Carolina Now Report (N) Å (In Stereo) Å





Big Brother Elimination; household comThe Big Bang Rules of petition. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Theory Å Engagement The Big Bang Rules of Big Brother Elimination; household comTheory Å Engagement petition. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å So You Think You Can Dance Two con- Glee “A Night of Neglect” Raising funds for testants are eliminated. (N) Å another group. (In Stereo) Å Wipeout “All Stars” Former contestants Expedition Impossible “There’s Snow in return to compete. (N) (In Stereo) Å Morocco?” (N) (In Stereo) Å Community “Asian Parks and The Office “The 30 Rock “Qué Population Studies” Recreation Å Search” Å Sorpresa!” Å So You Think You Can Dance Two con- Glee “A Night of Neglect” Raising funds for testants are eliminated. (N) Å another group. (In Stereo) Å Community “Asian Parks and The Office “The 30 Rock “Qué Population Studies” Recreation Å Search” Å Sorpresa!” Å Rick Steves’ Burt Wolf: Travels Rudy Maxa’s World Grannies on Safari Europe Å & Traditions Å (In Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Å Wipeout “All Stars” Former contestants Expedition Impossible “There’s Snow in return to compete. (N) (In Stereo) Å Morocco?” (N) (In Stereo) Å The Vampire Diaries “Rose” Bonnie casts Nikita “Phoenix” Eliminating a U.S. a difficult spell. (In Stereo) Å senator’s mistress. (In Stereo) Å Without a Trace “The Calm Before” Family Without a Trace “All the Sinners, Saints” man is missing. (In Stereo) Å Woman vanishes after exorcism. Our State (In Exploring North North Carolina Folkways “Dance” Stereo) Å Carolina Å Weekend Å (In Stereo)



The Mentalist “Red Gold” A prospector is found dead. (In Stereo) Å The Mentalist “Red Gold” A prospector is found dead. (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 10:00 News (N) Rookie Blue “Heart & Sparks” Investigating a series of arsons. (N) Å Love Bites “Boys to Men” An unexpected lesson in love. (N) Å Fox News at 10 (N) (:35) Fox News Edge Love Bites “Boys to Men” An unexpected lesson in love. (N) Å Globe Trekker “Venice City Guide” Venice, Italy’s Grand Canal. Å (DVS) Rookie Blue “Heart & Sparks” Investigating a series of arsons. (N) Å WJZY News at (:35) Seinfeld “The 10 (N) Bottle Deposit” Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House of Payne of Payne Live From the Artists Den From New York’s Bryant Park. (In Stereo) Å



News 2 at 11 (N) Å Late Show With David Letterman WBTV 3 News at 11 Late Show With PM (N) David Letterman Seinfeld “The Bottle Seinfeld “The Fix Deposit” Å Up” Å WSOC 9 News (:35) Nightline Tonight (N) Å (N) Å WXII 12 News at 11 The Tonight Show (N) Å With Jay Leno The Simpsons King of the Hill “Marge Gamer” Luanne joins a cult. NewsChannel 36 The Tonight Show News at 11:00 (N) With Jay Leno Richard Bangs’ Adventures With Purpose Entourage Vince (:35) Nightline raises his price. (N) Å New Adventures of (:35) The Office Old Christine “The Convention” My Wife and Kids George Lopez (In (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Outnumbered (In BBC World News Stereo) Å (In Stereo) Å

The First 48 Murder victims have matching The First 48 “Burning Rage; Fallen The First 48: Missing Persons A talented The First 48: Missing Persons A missing The First 48 “Floated Away; Tagged” man’s life is under threat. Å tattoos. Å Floating corpse with a slashed throat. Soldier” A young homicide witness is shot. man vanishes on his bicycle. (5:00) Movie: ››› “Batman” (1989) Jack Nicholson, Michael Movie: ››› “Kill Bill: Vol. 1” (2003) Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, Vivica A. Fox. An assassin seeks venMovie: ››› “Kill Bill: Vol. 2” (2004) Uma Thurman. An Keaton, Kim Basinger. Å geance against her attackers. Å assassin confronts her former boss and his gang. Untamed-Uncut River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å River Monsters: Unhooked Å Untamed and Uncut (In Stereo) Å (:00) 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live “Top 10 Countdown” Movie: ›› “Harlem Nights” (1989) Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx. Å The Family Crews The Mo’Nique Show (N) Å Pregnant in Heels The Real Housewives of New York City The Real Housewives of New York City The Real Housewives of New York City The Real Housewives of New York City What Happens Housewives/NYC (:00) Mad Money The Kudlow Report (N) Supermarkets Inc: Inside a $500 Billion CNBC Titans “Herb Kelleher” (N) CNBC Titans “Herb Kelleher” Mad Money Situation Room John King, USA (N) In the Arena Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Deadliest Catch “The Island” The Cash Cab (N) (In Deadliest Catch “Pirate School” The Secrets of Seal Team 6 (In Stereo) Å Surviving the Cut A punishing five week Secrets of Seal Team 6 (In Stereo) Å Seabrooke loses a greenhorn. Å Stereo) Å Cornelia Marie’s acute lack of bait. survival course. (In Stereo) Å Good Luck Charlie My Babysitter My Babysitter Good Luck Charlie So Random! Å Movie: “Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure” (2011) Å Phineas and Ferb My Babysitter My Babysitter Kardashian E! News (N) Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Chelsea Lately E! News (:00) SportsCenter 2011 British Open Golf Championship Best of the First Round. From Royal St. George’s Golf Club in Sandwich, England. Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Pardon/Interruption 2011 World Series of Poker Day 3, Part II. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) WNBA Basketball Seattle Storm at San Antonio Silver Stars. (N) (Live) Å 2011 World Series of Poker Movie: ››‡ “Overboard” (1987) Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Edward Herrmann. An amnesiac millionairess The 700 Club Å (:00) Movie: ››› “Dirty Dancing” (1987) Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze, Jerry Orbach. A sheltered teen falls for a street-wise dance instructor. is duped by a cunning carpenter. Barfly (N) World Poker Tour: Season 9 MLS Soccer Chicago Fire at Los Angeles Galaxy. Golden Age Bowhunter TV Barfly Golden Age (5:30) Movie: ››› “Mission: Impossible 2” Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Wilfred (N) Louie “Joan” (N) Wilfred Louie “Joan” Special Report The FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record W/Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Å Little House/Prairie Little House on the Prairie Å Little House on the Prairie Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier “Decoys” Property Virgins Hunters Int’l House Hunters My First Place My First Place Selling New York Selling New York House Hunters (N) Hunters Int’l House Hunters Hunters Int’l (:00) UFO Files Modern Marvels Space travel. Å Swamp People Å Swamp People “2 Days to Tag Out” (N) Ancient Aliens “Alien Tech” Å Ancient Aliens “Alien Devastations” Highway to Heaven Wind at My Back “The Summer Plague” The Waltons “The Substitute” The Waltons “The Bequest” Inspiration Today Joyce Meyer Humanitarian Humanitarian How I Met Your (:00) Unsolved Pawn Stars Pawn Stars KISS To Be Announced How I Met Your Mother Å Mysteries Å pinball machine. Mother Å Crossbow. Å (:00) Movie: ››› “Desperate Escape” (2009) Elisabeth Movie: “Fatal Desire” (2006) Anne Heche, Eric Roberts. A man has an affair with a Movie: ›› “Love’s Deadly Triangle: The Texas Cadet Murder” (1997) Holly Marie Röhm, Michael Shanks. Å married woman he meets online. Å Combs. Two cadets are charged with the murder of a student. Å (:00) Jurassic CSI Alaska State Troopers Ultimate Factories “Jack Daniel’s” Ultimate Factories “Coca-Cola” The Indestructibles The Indestructibles Ultimate Factories “Jack Daniel’s” iCarly Å iCarly Å SpongeBob My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids George Lopez George Lopez That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show (:00) Snapped Snapped “Anne Marie Stout” Å Snapped A Texas beauty queen. Å Snapped “Michelle Michael” Å Snapped A businessman’s secret. Å Snapped A woman claims self-defense. Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail (N) Å Jail (N) Å iMPACT Wrestling (N) (In Stereo) Å MANswers Å MANswers Å Matchpoint FIGHTZONE Presents FIGHTZONE Presents ACC All-Access Future Phenoms College Flash Classics Movie: ››› “Dawn of the Dead” (2004) Sarah Polley, Ving Rhames, Jake Weber. Milwaukee residents Movie: ››› “The Bourne Ultimatum” (2007) Matt Damon, Julia Stiles, Joan Allen. Jason Bourne contin- Movie: “Dawn of fight zombies in a mall. ues to look for clues to unravel his true identity. the Dead” (2004) The King of Queens Seinfeld Jerry’s girl Seinfeld “The Movie: ›› “The Bucket List” (2007) Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, Sean Hayes. Family Guy (In Family Guy “North Conan Tina Fey; Dr. Sanjay Gupta; Plan Å poses as his wife. Apology” Å Dying men make a list of things to do before they expire. Stereo) Å by North Quahog” B. (:00) Movie: ›› “The Bride Wore Red” (1937) Å Movie: ›› “Ali Baba Goes to Town” (1937) Eddie Cantor. Premiere. Movie: ››› “Road to Morocco” (1942) Å Abbott-Mummy Toddlers & Tiaras Police Women of Broward County Å NY Ink “Think Again” (In Stereo) Å Tattoo School (N) (In Stereo) Å NY Ink “Roosters and Romance” (N) Tattoo School (In Stereo) Å (:00) Bones “The Bones “The Foot in the Foreclosure” Bones “The Gamer in the Grease” Bones “The Bullet in the Brain” A murderer Bones “A Night at the Bones Museum” CSI: NY “City of the Dolls” Parts. (In Dwarf in the Dirt” Human remains are found. Å Remains of a gamer are found. Å is killed by a sniper. Å Charred human remains. Å Stereo) Å Cops “Fort Worth” World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... (N) Top 20 Most Shocking (N) Most Shocking “Under the Influence” (:16) Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond (:13) Three’s Company (:00) NCIS A mortar NCIS “Recoil” Ziva’s cover may be blown. NCIS “About Face” Jimmy Palmer is tar- Burn Notice “No Good Deed” The team Suits “Dirty Little Secrets” Mike’s first solo Covert Affairs “The Outsiders” Annie and attack in Baghdad. (In Stereo) Å geted by a killer. (In Stereo) Å tries to clear Barry’s brother. (N) Å case. (N) Å Reva are taken captive. Å Divorce Court Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Eyewitness Entertainment Ton. (:05) The Insider (:35) Inside Edition Dharma & Greg (In America’s Funniest Home Videos (In New Adventures of New Adventures of How I Met Your How I Met Your WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Å Scrubs (In Stereo) Scrubs (In Stereo) Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Old Christine Old Christine Mother Å Mother Å Å Å

36 129 48 Å


Wheel of Fortune


(:00) The First



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant


29 122 40 45 57 76 46 65 78

77 124 178 128 232 133 66

31 226 72 227 58 30 62 44 60

130 100 323 141


64 144


24 121


25 157 48 132


26 125


75 126 56 127


28 123







15 500 (In Stereo) Å


302 502


304 504


320 514


340 450

His Way Movie producer Jerry Weintraub discusses his career. True Blood “She’s Not There” Sookie jour- True Blood Sookie adjusts to changes in True Blood “If You Love Me, Why Am I Taxicab Confessions: New York, New neys away from Bon Temps. Å Bon Temps. (In Stereo) Å Dyin’?” Sookie makes a deal with Eric. York Part 2 (In Stereo) Å Movie: ››‡ “Anything Else” (2003) Woody Allen, Jason Biggs, Christina Ricci. A Movie: ››‡ “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” (2010) Michael Douglas, Shia (:45) The Making Magic & Bird: A Courtship of Rivals (In writer has problems with his girlfriend and a teacher. Å LaBeouf, Josh Brolin. (In Stereo) Å Of: Knight and Day Stereo) Å (5:15) Movie: (:15) Movie: ››‡ “O” (2001) Mekhi Phifer, Josh Hartnett, Julia Stiles. A jealous teen Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›› “Charlie St. Cloud” (2010) Zac Efron. A tragedy (:45) Movie: “Antwone Fisher” tries to ruin his basketball teammate’s life. (In Stereo) Å shatters the dreams of a college-bound youth. “Inception” (2010) (5:30) Movie: “Four Movie: ›‡ “Vampires Suck” (2010) Matt Lanter, Jenn Proske, Movie: ››‡ “Liar Liar” (1997) Jim Carrey. A fast-talking lawyer Movie: ››‡ “A Perfect Getaway” (2009) Steve Zahn. (:40) Zane’s Sex Christmases” Å Chris Riggi. (In Stereo) Å cannot tell a lie. (In Stereo) Å Honeymooning hikers find terror in paradise. Chronicles Å (:45) Movie: ›› “Letters to Juliet” (2010) Amanda Seyfried, Vanessa Redgrave. The Big C “Sexual The Big C “Sexual Weeds “GameThe Franchise: A Season With the San The Green Room The Franchise: San iTV. A young woman finds an old note to someone’s lover. (In Stereo) Å Healing” (iTV) Healing” (iTV) Played” (iTV) Å Francisco Giants (iTV) (In Stereo) Å With Paul Provenza Francisco Giants

12D • Thursday, July 14, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

FRIDAY MORNING JULY 15, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 6:30

(:00) Good Morning Show Å News WBTV 3 News at 6 AM (N) Fox 8 News FOX 8 News at 6:00A (N) WSOC News WSOC 9 News Daybreak at 6:00 News WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å News Fox News Rising (N) News Channel NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 GED Connect. Classical Strt Clifford-Dog Morning Paid Program Triad Today Paid Program Paid Program SB Spotlight Shephrd Chapl A. Wommack K. Copeland Exploring Socty Destinos GED Connect.





The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 News at 8:00A (N) Good Morning America Brad Paisley performs. (N) Å Today Ryan Seacrest; Chris Brown performs. (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News Rising 8am (N) Today Ryan Seacrest; Chris Brown performs. (N) (In Stereo) Å Arthur Curious George Curious George Cat in the Hat Good Morning America Brad Paisley performs. (N) Å The Daily Buzz Å Joseph Prince Joyce Meyer Its Time-Heal Life Today Clifford-Dog Martha Speaks Curious George Cat in the Hat


^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8



Andy Griffith Paid Program Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show Å Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show Å Live With Regis and Kelly (N) Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Live With Regis and Kelly (N) Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Paid Program TMZ (N) Å The 700 Club Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street “The Furry Four” Better (In Stereo) Å The People’s Court Å America’s Funniest Home Videos Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Coach Å That ’70s Show My Wife & Kids Edgemont Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street “The Furry Four”



The Price Is Right (N) Å The Price Is Right (N) Å The Nate Berkus Show Å The View Actor Seth Green. (N) Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Housewives/OC Charlotte Today Sid the Science WordWorld The View Actor Seth Green. (N) Cosby Show Cosby Show Judge Karen Judge Karen Sid the Science WordWorld

Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter CSI: Miami (In Stereo) Å The Sopranos “Christopher” Criminal Minds “Profiler, Profiled” Three Stooges Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program TriVita Nopalea Paid Program Paid Program Movie: ›› “Trading Places” (1983) Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy. Å Movie: Batman River Monsters Orangutan Isle Chimp Eden It’s Me or the Dog Å Animal Cops Houston Å Animal Cops Houston Å Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary The Crocodile Hunter Å Peter Popoff BET Inspiration Hates Chris Hates Chris Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Paid Program Platinum Hit “The L Word” America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å Platinum Hit America’s Next Top Model Å World Exchange Squawk Box (N) Å Squawk on the Street (N) The Call (N) Å AM: Wake Up CNN Newsroom (N) American Morning (N) Å CNN Newsroom (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program James Robison Joyce Meyer A Haunting Imaginary playmate. Paid Program A Haunting “Fear House” Å A Haunting (In Stereo) Å Jungle Junction Handy Manny Little Einsteins Little Einsteins Agent Oso Babar-Badou Babar-Badou Babar-Badou Babar-Badou Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Suite/Deck 2011 British Open Golf Championship 2011 British Open Golf Championship Second Round. From Royal St. George’s Golf Club in Sandwich, England. (N) (Live) SportsCenter SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Life Today Joyce Meyer Changing-World Boy Mts. World Boy Mts. World What I Like What I Like Grounded Life 700-Interactive The 700 Club Å Full House Full House Outdoors Outdoors Paid Program Ball Up Streetball World Poker Tour: Season 9 The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Movie: ››› “The Prestige” (2006) Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine. Movie: ›››‡ “Zodiac” (2007) Jake Gyllenhaal. I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls The Martha Stewart Show “Italy” Mad Hungry Mad Hungry Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Balancing Act Designing Reba Å Will & Grace Reba Å Will & Grace To Be Announced How I Met How I Met Need for Speed Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Polar Extremes Alone in the Wild Alone in the Wild Family Matters Family Matters Family Matters Max & Ruby SpongeBob Max & Ruby Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Bubble Guppies Bubble Guppies Dora the Explorer Å SpongeBob Paid Program Movie: ››‡ “Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason” The Glee Project “Dance Ability” Movie: ››‡ “A Lot Like Love” (2005) Å Giuliana & Bill Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Gangland “One Blood” Å Gangland “Sin City” Å Gangland (In Stereo) Å Paid Program Catch Bigger Best Bra Ever! Paid Program Suffering Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Thin in 30! Paid Program Paid Program FIGHTZONE Presents Married... With Married... With Married... With Home Improve. Home Improve. Saved Saved Yes, Dear Å Yes, Dear Å Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne Bowery Boys Movie: ›› “Her Majesty, Love” (1931) Movie: “Grand Slam” (1933) (:45) Movie: “A Dispatch From Reuters” (1940) (:15) Movie: ›› “Boots Malone” (1952) William Holden. Paid Program Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å 17 Kids 17 Kids A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story Baby’s First My Shocking Story Å Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress (:00) NUMB3RS Angel “Shells” (In Stereo) Å Angel “Underneath” Å Charmed (In Stereo) Å Charmed A killer escapes justice. Supernatural Comic book series. Supernatural “Jump the Shark” Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In Session Paid Program Becker Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent In Plain Sight Å Movie: ›››‡ “Frost/Nixon” (2008) Frank Langella. Premiere. Å House “Cursed” Demanding. Paid Program Paid Program Storm Stories Eyewitness News Morning (N) Eyewitness News Morning (N) Access H. The Insider (N) The Wendy Williams Show Å The Nate Berkus Show Å Funny Videos Paid Program Joyce Meyer Changing-World K. Copeland Bev. Hillbillies Bev. Hillbillies Matlock (In Stereo) Å Matlock (In Stereo) Å In the Heat of the Night Å





A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 1:00


News 2 at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful News at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful FOX 8 News Access H. The Wendy Williams Show Å WSOC 9 News Midday (N) Å All My Children (N) Å WXII 12 News at Noon (N) Å Days of our Lives (N) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Jerry Springer (N) Å NewsChannel 36 News at 12:00 Days of our Lives (N) Å Super Why! Thomas/Friends Caillou “Nature” Between Lions Family Feud Be a Millionaire All My Children (N) Å According-Jim Frasier Å Scrubs Å King of Queens Judge Jeanine Pirro Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Test Kitchen Primal Grill Joy/Painting My Studio



The Talk (In Stereo) Å The Talk (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge J. Brown One Life to Live (N) Å Inside Edition Entertainment The Steve Wilkos Show (N) Å The Doctors Å Cyberchase Wild Kratts One Life to Live (N) Å True Hollywood Story Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Wyland’s Art Gary Spetz



Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Divorce Court Judge Alex General Hospital (N) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge Judy Barney, Friends Electric Comp. General Hospital (N) Å The Tyra Show (In Stereo) Å Smarter Don’t Forget Simply Painting Best/Scheewe



The Ellen DeGeneres Show Å WBTV 3 News WBTV 3 News Judge Judy Judge J. Brown The Oprah Winfrey Show Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Swift Justice Swift Justice News Channel Judge Judy Arthur WordGirl Swift Justice Swift Justice The Office King of Queens The People’s Court Å Arthur WordGirl



News 2 at 5 (N) Andy Griffith News at 5 PM News at 5:30 FOX 8 News at 5:00P (N) WSOC 9 News WSOC 9 News WXII 12 News at 5 (N) Å The Ellen DeGeneres Show Å News Channel News Martha Speaks Curious George The Doctors Å Old Christine Seinfeld Å Judge Mathis A broken laptop. Biz Kid$ Å Fetch! With Ruff

6:00 News 2 at 6 (N) News at 6 PM FOX 8 News WSOC 9 News News TMZ (N) Å News Channel Cat in the Hat Smarter Family Guy Family Feud PBS NewsHour

Criminal Minds “No Way Out” Criminal Minds (In Stereo) Å Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter CSI: Miami (In Stereo) Å The Sopranos “Christopher” Criminal Minds “Profiler, Profiled” Criminal Minds (11:30) Movie: ››› “Batman” (1989) Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton. Å Movie: ››› “Kill Bill: Vol. 1” (2003) Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu. Å Movie: ››› “Kill Bill: Vol. 2” (2004) Animal Cops Philadelphia Å K-9 Cops Fleeing car. Å Animal Cops Houston Å Growing Up... “Panda” Å Your Worst Animal Nightmares The Most Extreme “Living Dead” Untamed-Uncut Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Movie: ›› “Harlem Nights” (1989) Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor. Å Girlfriends The Game The Game Hates Chris Hates Chris 106 & Park: Top America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å Top Model Strat Session Fast Money Power Lunch (N) Å Street Signs (N) Å Closing Bell (N) (In Stereo) Å Closing Bell With Maria Bartiromo Options Action Money in Mot. Mad Money (N) (11:00) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) Deadliest Catch “Arctic Quest” American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Cash-Chicago Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Shake It Up! Wizards-Place Fish Hooks (N) Fish Hooks (N) Phineas, Ferb Suite/Deck Good-Charlie So Random! Shake It Up! Wizards-Place Phineas, Ferb 2011 British Open Golf Championship Second Round. (N) (Live) 2011 British Open Golf Championship Second Round. SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å First Report Football Live NFL Live (N) Rome/Burning Around/Horn Interruption Around/Horn Still Standing Still Standing 8 Simple Rules 8 Simple Rules My Wife & Kids My Wife & Kids State of GA Melissa & Joey That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Gilmore Girls (In Stereo) Å Still Standing Outdoor Mag. Ship Shape TV Outdoors Sports Stories The Dan Patrick Show (N) World Poker Tour: Season 9 Ball Up Streetball Action Sports World Champion Boys in the Hall (10:00) Movie: ›››‡ “Zodiac” Movie: ››› “Mission: Impossible 2” (2000) Tom Cruise, Dougray Scott. Movie: › “The Happening” (2008) Mark Wahlberg. Two/Half Men Petkeeping Petkeeping The Martha Stewart Show Å The Martha Stewart Show “Italy” The Waltons “The Townie” Å The Waltons “The Crisis” Å The Waltons “The Crisis” Å Little House Desperate Housewives Å Grey’s Anatomy Å Grey’s Anatomy Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Unsolved Mysteries Å Mysteries Alone in the Wild “Hunger” Alone in the Wild “Code Red” Dog Whisperer Dog Whisperer Dogs not walked. Monster Fish of the Amazon Monster Fish “Flying Carp” Monster Fish SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å iCarly Å Victorious Å Victorious Å Big Time Rush Big Time Rush SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å Giuliana & Bill “Last Chance” Tori & Dean-Sweet Hollywood Tori & Dean-Sweet Hollywood Tori & Dean-Sweet Hollywood Tori & Dean-Sweet Hollywood The Glee Project “Dance Ability” A Lot Like Love Gangland “A Killer’s Revenge” Gangland “Army of Hate” Å Gangland “Kings of New York” Gangland “Most Notorious” Gangland “Public Enemy No. 1” Gangland “Road Warriors” Å Gangland Å FIGHTZONE FIGHTZONE Presents Spotlight (N) Future Phenoms Unique Auto. Brawl Call College Flash Classics In My Words XTERRA Adv. Golf America House of Payne Meet, Browns American Dad Name Is Earl Love-Raymond According-Jim According-Jim The Office Friends Å Friends Å Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens Movie: ››› “Salome” (1953) (:45) Movie: ››‡ “Slander” (1957) (:15) Movie: “Bad for Each Other” (1954) (:45) Movie: ››‡ “Torch Song” (1953) Joan Crawford. What Not to Wear “Tamara” A Baby Story A Baby Story Rm-Multiples Baby’s First What Not to Wear “Renee” Å Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Cake Boss Cake Boss Toddler-Tiara Las Vegas (In Stereo) Å Las Vegas “The Lie Is Cast” Cold Case “Wishing” Drawings. The Closer An apparent suicide. Law & Order “Shotgun” Law & Order Å (DVS) Law & Order (9:00) In Session Ocean Force Ocean Force Ocean Force Ocean Force Ocean Force Ocean Force Cops Å House New board chairman. House “Mob Rules” Å House “Heavy” (In Stereo) Å House House treats a senator. House “Babies & Bathwater” House “Family Practice” Å NCIS Å Eyewitness News on TV-64 (N) Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å America’s Court America’s Court Judge Alex Judge Alex The Wendy Williams Show Å Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Divorce Court In the Heat of the Night Å WGN Midday News (N) Å MLB Baseball Florida Marlins at Chicago Cubs. From Wrigley Field in Chicago. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Cheers Å Cheers Å Dharma & Greg

Thursday, July 14, 2011 • 13D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post FRIDAY EVENING JULY 15, 2011 A






















4 45










6:30 CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley Access Hollywood (N) Å ABC World News With Diane Sawyer NBC Nightly News (N) Å Everybody Loves Raymond Å NBC Nightly News (N) Å MotorWeek “Audi A7” (N) Å ABC World News With Diane Sawyer Family Guy (In Stereo) Å Family Feud (In Stereo) Å (:00) PBS NewsHour (N) Å


27 159 38 59 37 34 32

107 208 237 176 172


35 131


54 98 49 240 39 70 68 74


29 122


Jeopardy! (N) Å


WBTV News Prime Who Wants to Be a Time (N) Millionaire Å Extra (N) (In Stereo) TMZ (N) (In Stereo) Å


Inside Edition (N) Å Inside Edition (N) Å How I Met Your Mother Å Jeopardy! (N) Å

Entertainment Tonight (N) Å Entertainment Tonight (N) Å How I Met Your Mother Å Wheel of Fortune Å

PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å Family Feud (In Who Wants to Be a Stereo) Å Millionaire Å Two and a Half Two and a Half Men Å Men Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Fallacy” A woman kills her attacker. Å Nightly Business North Carolina Now Report (N) Å (In Stereo) Å









Flashpoint “Good Cop” Team One faces a CSI: NY “The Untouchable” A conspiracy Blue Bloods “Model Behavior” Two people News 2 at 11 (N) Å Late Show With rioting crowd. (N) Å theorist is found dead. Å collapse at a fashion show. David Letterman Flashpoint “Good Cop” Team One faces a CSI: NY “The Untouchable” A conspiracy Blue Bloods “Model Behavior” Two people WBTV 3 News at 11 Late Show With rioting crowd. (N) Å theorist is found dead. Å collapse at a fashion show. PM (N) David Letterman Bones “The Bikini in the Soup” Liquefied House “Bombshells” A patient has suspi- FOX 8 10:00 News (N) Seinfeld “The Bottle Seinfeld “The Limo” Å remains in a tanning bed. Å cious body scars. Å Deposit” Å Shark Tank Mark Cuban upsets the other Primetime: What Would You Do? (In 20/20 (In Stereo) Å WSOC 9 News (:35) Nightline sharks. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Tonight (N) Å (N) Å Friday Night Lights “Always” (Series Finale) The Taylors face Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å (:15) WXII 12 Sports The Tonight Show With Jay Leno several decisions. (N) (In Stereo) Å Report Bones “The Bikini in the Soup” Liquefied House “Bombshells” A patient has suspi- Fox News at 10 (N) (:35) Fox News The Simpsons King of the Hill (In remains in a tanning bed. Å cious body scars. Å Edge “Regarding Margie” Stereo) Å Friday Night Lights “Always” (Series Finale) The Taylors face Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å NewsChannel 36 The Tonight Show several decisions. (N) (In Stereo) Å News at 11:00 (N) With Jay Leno McLaughlin Group Carolina Business Music of Ireland -- Welcome Home (In The Priests in Concert at Armagh (:02) The Artist Official Best of Fest Review Å (N) Stereo) Å Cathedral (In Stereo) Å Toolbox Å “Girl Power” Shark Tank Mark Cuban upsets the other Primetime: What Would You Do? (In 20/20 (In Stereo) Å Entourage Eric falls (:35) Nightline sharks. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å for the wrong girl. (N) Å Smallville “Finale Part 2” Clark becomes Supernatural Dean is abducted from a WJZY News at (:35) Seinfeld “The New Adventures of (:35) The Office the Man of Steel. Å crop circle. (In Stereo) Å 10 (N) Bottle Deposit” Old Christine “The Coup” Å Monk “Mr. Monk Is on the Air” A radio Monk “Mr. Monk Visits a Farm” The death Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House My Wife and Kids George Lopez (In (In Stereo) Å of Payne shock-jock. (In Stereo) Å of Lt. Disher’s uncle. Å of Payne Stereo) Å Antiques Roadshow “Chattanooga, TN” Are You Being Washington Week North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina BBC World News Served? Å Tennessee hunting horn; cellarette. (N) Å Weekend Å People Å Bookwatch (In Stereo) Å

Criminal Minds “House on Fire” The team Criminal Minds “A Shade of Gray” Team Criminal Minds “The Big Wheel” Killer Criminal Minds “Fear and Loathing” The Glades “Dirty Little Secrets” A man is asks the team to help him stop. Å Racial motivation may be part of a case. hunts for a serial arsonist. Å works on a child abduction case. found beaten to death. Å (5:00) Movie: ››› “Kill Bill: Vol. 2” (2004) Uma Thurman, Movie: ››› “Scarface” (1983) Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, Steven Bauer. A Cuban immigrant fights to the top of Miami’s drug trade. Å David Carradine, Michael Madsen. Å Untamed-Uncut Whale Wars The Bob Barker searches. Whale Wars “The Devil’s Icebox” Å Whale Wars “Race to Save Lives” (N) Finding Bigfoot Prince of Wales, Alaska. Whale Wars “Race to Save Lives” (:00) 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live Freestyle Friday. (N) Movie: ››‡ “Life” (1999) Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence. Å Movie: ›› “Kingdom Come” (2001) LL Cool J, Jada Pinkett Smith. Å Top Model Platinum Hit The hardest challenge. (N) Movie: ›››‡ “Jerry Maguire” (1996) Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr., Renee Zellweger. America’s Next Top Model Å (:00) Mad Money The Kudlow Report (N) 60 Minutes on CNBC Inside American Airlines: A Week in the Life Mad Money Situation Room John King, USA (N) In the Arena Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å Cash Cab (N) (In Swamp Loggers “Road Warriors” Muddy Swamp Loggers “Land Dispute” The Swamp Loggers “Hell of a Week” A permit Swamp Loggers “Crisis of Faith” Bo faces Swamp Loggers “Hell of a Week” A permit Smith Tract is near completion. Å Stereo) Å roads threaten the wood delivery. issue threatens the move. Å a life-threatening illness. (N) Å issue threatens the move. Å Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie (:05) Prank Stars (:35) A.N.T. Farm Phineas and Ferb Wizards-Place My Babysitter So Random! Å Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Khloe and Lamar E! News (N) Movie: ›‡ “My Boss’s Daughter” (2003) Ashton Kutcher. Premiere. The Soup (N) Kardashian Chelsea Lately E! News (:00) SportsCenter 2011 British Open Golf Championship Best of the Second Round. From Royal St. George’s Golf Club in Sandwich, England. Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Pardon/Interruption 2011 World Series of Poker Day 4, Part II. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) Boxing Friday Night Fights. Delvin Rodriguez vs. Pawel Wolak. From New York. 2011 World Series of Poker Still Standing “Still America’s Funniest Home Videos A deer America’s Funniest Home Videos A America’s Funniest Home Videos Crazy America’s Funniest Home Videos The 700 Club Å Baseball mishaps; practical jokes. Å Groping” Å kicks a man in the head. Å couple try to capture a squirrel. Å dancers; a boy sleeps standing up. Reds Live (N) (Live) MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Cincinnati Reds. From Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati. (N) (Live) Boys in the Hall ACC All-Access Action Sports World Championships Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Movie: ››‡ “The Taking of Pelham 123” (2009) Denzel Washington, John Travolta. Movie: ››‡ “The Taking of Pelham 123” Special Report The FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record W/Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Å Little House/Prairie Little House on the Prairie Å Little House on the Prairie Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier “IQ” Å Frasier “Dr. Nora” Frasier Å Frasier Å My First Place Hunters Int’l House Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Harvesting. Å American Pickers Å Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å Restoration Restoration Stan Lee’s Superhumans Å Highway to Heaven Wind at My Back “Reconciliation” The Waltons “The Air Mail Man” The Waltons “The Triangle” Inspiration Today Joyce Meyer Humanitarian Humanitarian How I Met Your (:00) Unsolved Pawn Stars “Fired Pawn Stars 1965 Reba Brock follows Reba “Hello, I Must Reba Reba ques- Reba Van suffers a The Protector “Spoon” Gloria must How I Met Your his dream. Å Mysteries Å Up” Å Shelby racecar. Be Going” Å tions her decision. knee injury. Å address Nick’s texting. Å Mother “The Duel” Mother Å (:00) Movie: › “New Best Friend” (2002) Mia Kirshner. A col- LMN’s Pick a Flick 1 Vote at www.lmn.tv for your favorite. Å LMN’s Pick a Flick 2 Vote at www.lmn.tv for your favorite. Å lege student leads a classmate down the road to ruin. (:00) Monster Fish Dog Whisperer “K-9 Phobia” Snipers, Inc. Monster Fish Monster Fish “Giant Eels” (N) Snipers, Inc. iCarly Å iCarly Å iCarly Å Big Time Rush Victorious Å My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids That ’70s Show That ’70s Show George Lopez George Lopez (:00) Movie: ››‡ “A Lot Like Love” (2005) Movie: ›› “The Wedding Planner” (2001) Jennifer Lopez, Matthew McConaughey. Å Movie: ›› “The Wedding Planner” (2001) Å (:00) Gangland Gangland “Assassins” (In Stereo) Å Gangland The Hells Angles biker gang. UFC Unleashed (In Stereo) UFC Unleashed (In Stereo) UFC Unleashed (In Stereo) Under the Lights Braves Live! MLB Baseball Washington Nationals at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. (N) (Live) Braves Live! MLB Baseball: Nationals at Braves Alphas “Pilot” WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) (In Stereo) Å Haven “A Tale of Two Audreys” (Season Alphas “Pilot” Premiere) (N) The King of Queens Seinfeld “The Fire” Seinfeld George’s Family Guy “The Family Guy “Fore Movie: ›› “Confessions of a Shopaholic” (2009) Isla Fisher, Hugh Dancy. A finan- (:10) Movie: ››› “Spanglish” (2004) Å (In Stereo) Å holiday alternative. Story on Page 1” Father” Å cial magazine’s advice columnist is drowning in debt. Å Adam Sandler. Å Movie: ›› “Three Sons O’Guns” (1941) Irene Rich Movie: › “Song of the Gringo” (:15) Movie: ›› “Old Chisholm Trail” (1943) Movie: “Cowboy Canteen” (1944) Oklahoma Blues Toddlers & Tiaras Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL (:00) Law & Order Law & Order “The Taxman Cometh” An Law & Order “Called Home” Detective Law & Order “Invaders” McCoy uses a Movie: “Coming & Going” (2010) Rhys Darby, Sasha Alexander, Fionnula Flanagan. “Trade This” heiress dies of an apparent overdose. Cyrus Lupo returns. Å (DVS) corrupt DEA agent. Å (DVS) Premiere. A man and a woman keep their deceptions from their mates. Å Cops Å World’s Dumbest... Hardcore Pawn Hardcore Pawn Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Operation Repo Operation Repo Forensic Files Forensic Files (:16) Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland Happily Divorced (:00) NCIS The team NCIS “Judgment Day” The team hunts for NCIS “Agent Afloat” DiNozzo investigates a Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Alphas “Pilot” Royal Pains “Rash hunts a killer. a killer. (In Stereo) (Part 2 of 2) Å suicide. (In Stereo) Å Prostitute slayings point to officer. Å Talk” Å Divorce Court Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Eyewitness Entertainment Ton. (:05) The Insider (:35) Inside Edition Dharma & Greg (In America’s Funniest Home Videos (In New Adventures of New Adventures of How I Met Your How I Met Your WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Å Scrubs (In Stereo) Scrubs (In Stereo) Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Old Christine Old Christine Mother Å Mother Å Å Å

36 129 Minds Å


Wheel of Fortune


(:00) Criminal



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 7:00

40 45 57 76 46 65 78

77 124 178 128 232 133 66

31 226 72 227 58 30 62 44 60

130 100 323 141


64 144


24 121


25 157 48 132


26 125


75 126 56 127


28 123







15 500 Matt Damon, Andy Garcia. (In Stereo) Å


302 502


304 504


320 514


340 450

(:00) Movie: ››› “Ocean’s Eleven” (2001) George Clooney, Movie: ›‡ “Couples Retreat” (2009) Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman. Four Real Time With Bill Maher (N) (In Stereo Midwestern couples descend on an island resort. (In Stereo) Å Live) Å (5:45) Movie: ››› “Spider-Man 2” (2004) Tobey Maguire, Curb Your The Curious Case of Curt Flood The professional baseball True Blood “If You Love Me, Why Am I Kirsten Dunst, James Franco. (In Stereo) Å Enthusiasm “The player risks his career. (In Stereo) Å Dyin’?” Sookie makes a deal with Eric. (5:30) Movie: (:15) Movie: ›› “Basic” (2003) John Travolta, Connie Nielsen. A DEA agent probes Movie: ››› “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” (2010) Michael Cera, Kieran Culkin. A “Gestation” (2009) the fate of a much-hated Army officer. (In Stereo) Å slacker contends with his new girlfriend’s exes. (In Stereo) Å (:15) Movie: ››‡ “Night at the Museum: Battle of the Movie: ›› “Devil” (2010) Chris Messina. Elevator passengers (:20) Movie: ›› “A Nightmare on Elm Street” (2010) Jackie Smithsonian” (2009) Ben Stiller. (In Stereo) Å become trapped with a demonic entity. (In Stereo) Earle Haley, Rooney Mara. (In Stereo) Å (:45) Movie: ››‡ “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” (2009) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Movie: ››‡ “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (2010) Kristen Stewart. iTV. Bella must Lautner. iTV. Bella finds herself drawn into the world of werewolves. (In Stereo) Å choose between Edward and Jacob. (In Stereo) Å

Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›‡ “Repo Men” (2010) Jude Law. (In Stereo) Å Six Feet Under David and Rico clash over a client; Ruth meets a new friend. Femme Fatales Movie: “The Hills “The Clinic” (N) Have Thighs” Å (:05) Boxing Diego Magdaleno vs. Alejandro Perez. (iTV) (N) (Live)

14D • Thursday, July 14, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

SATURDAY MORNING JULY 16, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8

5:30 Paid Program WBTV News 3 Paid Program Chris Matthews News Paid Program Paid Program Antiques Paid Program U.S. Farm Rep. Paid Program College Exper.


A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 6:30



Paid Program Paid Program WBTV News 3 Saturday at 6am Paid Program Paid Program WSOC 9 News Saturday (N) WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å Wall St. Journal Paid Program NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 Barney, Friends Bob the Builder Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Workplce-Skills Mister Rogers

Good Morning Show Å WBTV News 3 Saturday at 7am Dog Tales Å Pets.TV Å WSOC 9 News Saturday (N) WXII 12 News at 7am (N) Å Eco Company Pets.TV Å NewsChannel 36 News at 7 (N) Cat in the Hat Raggs Å Exploration Paid Program Magi-Nation Magi-Nation Paid Program Paid Program Sesame Street Å (DVS)

Paid Program TriVita Nopalea Paid Program Three Stooges The Rifleman The Rifleman Finding Bigfoot Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Paid Program Housewives/NYC Suze Orman Options Action Paid Program Piers Morgan CNN Saturday Morning Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Little Einsteins Chuggington Handy Manny SportsCenter SportsCenter Å 2011 British Open Golf Championship Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Outdoors N. Amer. Hunter Outdoor Secrets Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Paid Program Paid Program TriVita Nopalea (:00) Taboo Paid Program Paid Program Family Matters Family Matters Family Matters Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Thin in 30! Ten-Trainer Married... With Married... With Married... With Holiday-Rules Movie: “The Saint Strikes Back” Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program (:00) CSI: NY Law & Order Å (DVS) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Monk A radio shock-jock. Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Funny Videos Singsation! People/People

Biography “Brat Pack” Å The Rifleman The Rifleman Wild Russia “Caucasus” Å



9:00 Horseland Å

The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å Animal Rescue Animal Atlas Good Morning America (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Teen Kids News DragonFlyTV Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Love of Quilting Sew With Nancy Good Morning America (N) Å Sonic X Å Sonic X Å Paid Program Paid Program Curious George Cat in the Hat

Wild Animals Sports Stars Swap TV (EI) Healthwise New School Yu-Gi-Oh! Å Paid Program Super Why!

^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8




Horseland Å

Busytown Busytown Into the Wild Paid Program Young Icons So Raven Turbo Dogs Wild America Marketplace Turbo Dogs Daily Balance Replacements So Raven Sonic X Å Dragon Ball Z Paid Program Paid Program Dinosaur Train North Carolina



Busytown Busytown Paid Program So Raven Shelldon Å Marketplace Shelldon Å This Old House So Raven Dragon Ball Z Cruise Control Southern

Doodlebops Doodlebops Best Bra Ever! Han. Montana Magic Bus Marketplace Magic Bus This Old House Han. Montana Yu-Gi-Oh! Å Paid Program Katie Brown

11:30 Trollz (EI) Å Trollz (EI) Å Paid Program Suite Life Babar (EI) Å Marketplace Babar (EI) Å Hometime Å Suite Life Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Paid Program Garden Home

Sell This House! Sell This House! Sell This House! Sell This House! Sell This House! Sell This House! Flip This House Å The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman Movie: ›››› “Shane” (1953) Alan Ladd, Jean Arthur. The Crocodile Hunter Å Pit Boss “Great Balls of Fire” Pit Boss “The Boss Is Back” Pit Boss An R & R trip to Mexico. Sunday Best Å The Game Sunday Best Å The Game Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Flipping Out “Wake-Up Call” Housewives/NYC Flipping Out Å Rocco’s Dinner Party Rocco’s Dinner Party Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Sanjay Gupta CNN Saturday Morning Your Bottom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Swamp Loggers “Land Dispute” Swamp Loggers “Hell of a Week” Swamp Loggers “Crisis of Faith” Agent Oso Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Never Land Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Fish Hooks Prank Stars A.N.T. Farm 2011 British Open Golf Championship Third Round. (N) (Live) 2011 British Open Golf Championship Third Round. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Women’s Soccer Boy Mts. World Movie: ›› “First Daughter” (2004) Katie Holmes. Premiere. Movie: ››› “Hairspray” (2007) John Travolta, Nikki Blonsky. Amer-Whitetail Bowhunter TV Paid Program Outdoors Paid Program Paid Program Ship Shape TV Outdoors Paid Program Paid Program Movie: › “The Happening” (2008) Mark Wahlberg. Movie: ››› “V for Vendetta” (2006) Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving, Stephen Rea. I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Frasier Å Frasier Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program “Identity Theft: Michelle Brown” Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Flea Man “Rock & Roll Riches” Flea Man “Junk in the Trunk” (N) Ancient X-Files OddParents OddParents The Penguins The Penguins SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Paid Program Paid Program Snapped Å Snapped Snapped Å Snapped Å Snapped “Lisa Costello” Å Snapped “Renee Poole” Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Ways to Die Ways to Die Ways to Die Ways to Die Xtreme 4x4 Horsepower TV Joint Health Paid Program Aaron’s Outdr O’Neill Outside Out-There N. Amer. Safari Shoot Straight In My Words XTERRA Adv. ACC All-Access Steve Harvey Steve Harvey Fresh Prince (:40) Movie: ››‡ “Guess Who” (2005) Bernie Mac. (:40) Movie: ››› “Spanglish” (2004) (:15) Movie: ››‡ “Night and Day” (1946) Cary Grant, Alexis Smith. Å Movie: ›› “Zenobia” (1939) Oliver Hardy. Ace Drummond Ace Drummond Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Property Ladder (In Stereo) Å Property Ladder (In Stereo) Å Property Ladder (In Stereo) Å Law & Order “Called Home” Law & Order “Invaders” HawthoRNe “Let Freedom Sing” Rizzoli & Isles Å The Closer “Unknown Trouble” Shark Vacuum Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program White Collar A teenage con man. Covert Affairs “The Outsiders” Burn Notice “No Good Deed” Mad About (EI) Real Life 101 Exploration Awesome Adv. Auto Connect Auto Connect TV-64 Auto Connection Å Auto Connect Auto Connect Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In the Heat of the Night Å In the Heat of the Night Å Walker, Texas Ranger Å



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 1:00


Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Movie: ››› “In Her Shoes” (2005) Cameron Diaz, Toni Collette. News Paid Program Time Life Cars.TV Å Willa’s Wild Life Pearlie (EI) Teen Kids News Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Willa’s Wild Life Pearlie (EI) Paid Program Paid Program Woodsmith Julia’s Kitchen Chef John Besh Mexican Table Flat Abs Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Movie: ›› “Good Boy!” (2003) Molly Shannon, Liam Aiken. Al Smith Gar HouseCalls The Unit “Five Brothers” Å Gardener Victory Garden Antiques Roadshow Å










Paid Program Paid Program

Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program News 2 at 6 (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Golf Resorts Golf Resorts News at 6 PM Cops Å Raceweek Week-Baseball MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Football Saturdays in the South 2011 British Open Golf Championship Third Round. (N) News World of Adventure Sports (N) Golf American Century Championship, First Round. From Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course in Lake Tahoe. News Paid Program Paid Program Love-Raymond Week-Baseball MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å World of Adventure Sports (N) Golf American Century Championship, First Round. From Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course in Lake Tahoe. News Simply Ming Test Kitchen Everyday Food Primal Grill Steves’ Europe Smart Travels Ebert at Movie Classic Gospel (In Stereo) Å Football Saturdays in the South 2011 British Open Golf Championship Third Round. (N) The Insider (N) Movie: ››› “Bridget Jones’s Diary” (2001) Colin Firth Movie: ›‡ “Bad Company” (2002) Anthony Hopkins, Chris Rock. Stargate Atlantis (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›››‡ “Four Weddings and a Funeral” Fresh Prince Life in Carolinas Da Vinci’s Inqu. Steves Europe Equitrekking Woodshop Workshop Woodwright This Old House This Old House Outdoor Journal Song, Mountain

Flipping Vegas (N) Å Flipping Vegas “Hot Tub House” Gene Simmons Family Jewels Family Jewels Family Jewels Gene Simmons Family Jewels Family Jewels Family Jewels Storage Wars (10:00) Shane (:45) Movie: ›››› “The Searchers” (1956) John Wayne, Jeffrey Hunter. Å Movie: ››‡ “Cahill, United States Marshal” (1973) John Wayne. Å Marked-Death Pit Boss “So Long, Shorty” Å Pit Boss “Shorty Breaks In” Pit Boss “The Showdown” Å Pit Boss “Pit Bulls & Paintball” Pit Boss “Shorty Goes Home” Pit Boss (In Stereo) Å Pit Boss Å Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Hates Chris Hates Chris Girlfriends Girlfriends Girlfriends Girlfriends Movie: ›› “Kingdom Come” (2001) LL Cool J. Å Movie: Life Å Rocco’s Dinner Party Rocco’s Dinner Party Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Housewives Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Situation Room They Do It? They Do It? I (Almost) Got Away With It Å I (Almost) Got Away With It (N) Desert Car Kings Å Desert Car Kings “Pontiac GTO” Desert Car Kings Å Sons of Guns Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Shake It Up! Shake It Up! So Random! Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Good-Charlie A.N.T. Farm So Random! (9:00) 2011 British Open Golf Championship Third Round. (N) (Live) NASCAR Countdown (N) (Live) NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: New England 200. (N) (Live) SportsCenter Women’s Soccer 2011 ESPY’s (N) Å 2011 World Series of Poker Day 5, Part I. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) Movie: ››› “Monsters, Inc.” (2001) Billy Crystal Movie: ››› “Matilda” (1996) Mara Wilson, Danny DeVito. Movie: ››‡ “Nanny McPhee” (2005) Colin Firth Freaky Friday Sports Stories Boys in the Hall Ball Up Streetball World Poker Tour: Season 9 World Poker Tour: Season 9 Boxing Top Rank: Alfonso Gomez vs. Calvin Green. Golden Age Movie: ››‡ “Spider-Man 3” (2007) Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco. Movie: ›› “Elektra” (2005) Jennifer Garner, Terence Stamp. Movie: ›› “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” Frasier Å Frasier Å Movie: › “Uncorked” (2010) Julie Benz, JoBeth Williams. Å Movie: “Smooch” (2011) Kellie Martin, Kiernan Shipka. Å Movie: “Ice Castles” (2010) Taylor Firth. Å “Identity Theft: Michelle Brown” Movie: “Her Sister’s Keeper” (2006) Dahlia Salem, Meghan Ory. Å Movie: “Lies He Told” (1997) Gary Cole, Karen Sillas, Ron Lea. Å Movie: “My Daughter’s Secret” (2007) Å Explorer “Vampire Forensics” The Truth Behind Zombies Paranatural “Mystery Lights” Paranatural American Paranormal Paranatural “Chupacabra” Explorer Power Rangers SpongeBob iCarly Å iCarly Å Big Time Rush Big Time Rush Victorious Å Victorious Å The Penguins The Penguins SpongeBob SpongeBob Big Time Rush Snapped “Jennifer Hyatte” Å Snapped Eric McLean. Å Snapped “Shannon Torrez” Å Snapped “Monique Turenne” Snapped “Karen Tobie” Å Snapped “Tracie Andrews” Å Hope Floats Trucks! Å MuscleCar MuscleCar MuscleCar Movie: ››‡ “Eight Legged Freaks” (2002) Movie: ››‡ “Shoot ’Em Up” (2007) Clive Owen. Alien-Predator Future Phenoms 3 Wide Life Raceline Golf America Unique Auto. XTERRA Adv. College Field Hockey Powerboat Superleague Golf America (10:40) Movie: ››› “Spanglish” (2004) (:25) Movie: ›› “Confessions of a Shopaholic” (2009) Å According-Jim Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Seinfeld Å Movie: ››‡ “Tarzan’s Peril” (1951) Movie: “The Ox-Bow Incident” (1943) Henry Fonda. Movie: ›››› “Topkapi” (1964) Melina Mercouri. Å (:15) Movie: “The Guns of Navarone” (1961) Å Property Ladder (In Stereo) Å Property Ladder (In Stereo) Å Property Ladder (In Stereo) Å My Strange Addiction Å My Addiction My Addiction My Addiction My Addiction My Addiction Movie: ››› “The Last Boy Scout” (1991) Bruce Willis. Movie: ››› “Copycat” (1995) Sigourney Weaver. Å Movie: ››‡ “The Brave One” (2007) Jodie Foster, Nicky Katt. Å Most Daring Most Daring Pedestrian peril. Most Daring “Sudden Terror 2” Most Daring Most Shocking Most Shocking Naked crime. Most Shocking Suits Mike’s first solo case. Å Movie: ›››‡ “Little Miss Sunshine” (2006) Å Movie: ››‡ “Bee Movie” (2007) Å NCIS “Enigma” (In Stereo) Å NCIS Å Auto Connect Auto Connect Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Made in Hollywood Å Judge-Brown Judge-Brown Hates Chris Hates Chris Meet, Browns Walker, Texas Ranger Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent The Unit Å

Thursday, July 14, 2011 • 15D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post SATURDAY EVENING JULY 16, 2011 A ^ WFMY # WBTV























CBS Evening News (N) Å CBS Evening News 3 (N) Å MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. ABC World News 9 With David Muir (N) NBC Nightly News (N) Å MLB Baseball 11 Regional Coverage. NBC Nightly News 6 (N) Å Carolina Calling

Paid Program

Access Hollywood Top stories of the week. (N) Å Entertainment Tonight (N) (In Stereo) Å Entertainment Tonight (N) (In Stereo) Å TMZ (N) (In Stereo) Å Jeopardy! Å

Wheel of Fortune Å

Classic Gospel “Oh My Glory!” (In Stereo)









CHAOS “Proof of Life” Saving a former col- NCIS: Los Angeles (In Stereo) Å (DVS) 48 Hours Mystery (In Stereo) Å News 2 at 11 (N) Å (:35) Criminal league. (N) (In Stereo) Å Minds Å CHAOS “Proof of Life” Saving a former col- NCIS: Los Angeles (In Stereo) Å (DVS) 48 Hours Mystery (In Stereo) Å WBTV 3 News at 11 (:35) America Now league. (N) (In Stereo) Å PM (N) (N) Å Cops (In Stereo) Å Cops (In Stereo) Å To Be Announced To Be Announced FOX 8 10:00 News (:45) Fox 8 Sports Fringe (In Stereo) Å (N) Saturday 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show “I’m Expedition Impossible “There’s Snow in Rookie Blue “Heart & Sparks” Eyewitness News (:35) Criminal Not Liking This at All” (In Stereo) Å Morocco?” (In Stereo) Å Investigating a series of arsons. Å Tonight (N) Å Minds “Penelope” WXII News Channel (:29) Saturday Night Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A Who Do You Think You Are? Vanessa Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Trophy Live Å 12 at 11 (N) woman is found dead in her apartment. Williams probes her ancestry. Å Wine” A wine importer is found dead. Cops (In Stereo) Å Cops (In Stereo) Å To Be Announced To Be Announced Fox News at 10 (N) (:35) Fox News Got Fringe (In Stereo) Å Game NewsChannel 36 Saturday Night Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A Who Do You Think You Are? Vanessa Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Trophy News at 11:00 (N) Live Å woman is found dead in her apartment. Williams probes her ancestry. Å Wine” A wine importer is found dead. Austin City Limits Roots music storytellGreat Old Amusement Parks (In Stereo) A Program About Unusual Buildings & Colosseum: Rome’s Arena of Death ers. (In Stereo) Å Other Roadside Stuff (In Stereo) Å Gladiators in the Roman amphitheater. Å 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show “I’m Expedition Impossible “There’s Snow in Rookie Blue “Heart & Sparks” NUMB3RS “Graphic” A rare comic book Not Liking This at All” (In Stereo) Å Morocco?” (In Stereo) Å Investigating a series of arsons. Å disappears. (In Stereo) Å Brothers & Sisters “You Get What You Stargate Universe “Divided” Dr. Rush and WJZY News at (:35) Two and a Half (:05) Two and a Half (:35) The King of Need” Rebecca’s trust is tested. Å Chloe have nightmares. Å 10 (N) Men Å Men Å Queens Å Movie: ››‡ “Once Upon a Time in Mexico” (2003) Antonio Banderas, Salma The World’s Funniest Moments Å Scrubs “My White According to Jim Hayek. A CIA agent recruits a gunman to stop an assassination. Whale” Å “Any Man of Mine” As Time Goes By Waiting for God “A Keeping Up Outnumbered (In Poirot “Wasps’ Nest” Hastings’ hobby MI-5 “Mean, Dirty, Nasty” Terrorist leader (In Stereo) Å Appearances Å Trip to Brighton” Stereo) Å helps in a case. (In Stereo) Å proposes a deal. (In Stereo) Å

Storage Wars “War Storage Wars Å Storage Wars “High Storage Wars “Live Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Storage Wars Å Storage Wars on the Shore” and Let Bid” Å End Heist” “Skullduggery” “Melee in the Maze” (:00) Movie: ›› “Marked for Death” (1990) Steven Seagal, Movie: ››› “The Mummy” (1999) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah. A mummy seeks revenge for a 3,000-year-old Movie: ››‡ “Constantine” (2005) Keanu Basil Wallace, Keith David. Å curse. Å Reeves. Å (:00) Pit Boss Å Pit Boss XL (In Stereo) Å Dogs 101 “Best Family Dogs” (N) Pit Boss XL “Shorty’s Confession XL” Pit Boss “Dreams Come True” Pit Boss XL “Shorty’s Confession XL” (:00) Movie: ››‡ “Life” (1999) Eddie Murphy. Movie: ›› “Double Platinum” (1999) Diana Ross, Brandy. Premiere. Å Movie: ››‡ “Deliver Us From Eva” (2003) LL Cool J. Å Real Housewives The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Movie: ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Richard Gere, Julia Roberts, Ralph Bellamy. Premiere. Movie: ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Paid Program Money in Motion American Greed Til Debt Do Us Part The Suze Orman Show (N) Å Princess “Krista” (N) (In Stereo) American Greed Situation Room CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Å Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Å Sons of Guns (In Sons of Guns “Anniversary Bash” Will Sons of Guns (In Sons of Guns (In Sons of Guns “AK- Sons of Guns (In Sons of Guns “The Sons of Guns “Anniversary Bash” Will Sons of Guns joins three M16’s together. Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å 47 Silencer” Å Stereo) Å Flamethrower” “Double M16” joins three M16’s together. Å Shake It Up! Å Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb (:05) A.N.T. Farm Good Luck Charlie (:05) Prank Stars So Random! Å Shake It Up! Å Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb Wizards-Place Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Movie: ›››‡ “Sideways” (2004) Paul Giamatti. Two friends ponder their lives during a road trip. Sex and the City Sex and the City (:00) SportsCenter 2011 British Open Golf Championship Best of the Third Round. From Royal St. George’s Golf Club in Sandwich, England. Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å (3:30) 2011 World Series of Poker Day 5, Part I. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) Soccer Los Angeles Galaxy vs. Real Madrid. From Los Angeles. (N) (Live) (:00) Movie: ››› “Freaky Friday” (2003) Jamie Lee Curtis, Movie: ››› “Monsters, Inc.” (2001) Voices of John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Mary Movie: ››› “Matilda” (1996) Mara Wilson, Danny DeVito, Rhea Perlman. A child Lindsay Lohan, Mark Harmon. Gibbs. Animated. A blue behemoth and his assistant scare children. uses her amazing abilities against uncaring adults. Reds Live (N) (Live) MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Cincinnati Reds. From Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati. (N) (Live) Golden Age Boys in the Hall World Poker Tour: Season 9 Lara Croft Tmb Movie: ›‡ “Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li” (2009) Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Archer “Honeypot” Archer “Skorpio” News HQ FOX Report (N) Huckabee (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine (N) Stossel War Stories With Oliver North (5:00) Ice Castles Movie: › “Uncorked” (2010) Julie Benz, JoBeth Williams, Elliott Gould. Å Movie: “Keeping Up With the Randalls” (2011) Roma Downey. Premiere. Å Movie: “Keeping Up With the Randalls” House Hunters Curb Appeal: Block Candice Tells All HGTV’d Å Secrets, Stylist Room Crashers (N) Color Splash (N) Home by Novo House Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Swamp People Swamp People “The Last Battle” Å Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å American Pickers Å Restoration Pawn Stars Å Modern Marvels “Candy” Å Giving Hope Kingdom Conn Humanitarian Gaither Gospel Hour (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›››‡ “Places in the Heart” (1984) Sally Field, Lindsay Crouse. Places in the Heart (5:00) Movie: “My Movie: ››‡ “Devil’s Pond” (2003) Kip Pardue, Tara Reid, Meredith Baxter. A newly- Movie: “Born Bad” (2011) Meredith Monroe, Bonnie Dennison, Michael Welch. A Movie: ›››› “Identity Theft: The Daughter’s Secret” wed learns that her husband plans to kill her. Å young woman falls for a mysterious man who reveals his dark side. Å Michelle Brown Story” (2004) (:00) Movie: “He Loves Me” (2011) Heather Locklear, Max Movie: “Another Man’s Wife” (2011) Rena Sofer, Dylan Neal, Tommie-Amber Pirie. A Movie: ›› “Another Woman’s Husband” (2000) Lisa Rinna, Gail O’Grady. A shared Martini, Gabrielle Rose. Å family vacations in a remote cabin after a tragedy. Å detail threatens to snap the tight bond between two friends. Å (:00) Explorer Explorer Cocaine Sub Hunt Hard Time “World Without Men” Locked Up Abroad “Puerto Vallarta” Cocaine Sub Hunt Victorious Å iCarly Å iCarly Å Big Time Rush Victorious Å iCarly Å iCarly Å That ’70s Show That ’70s Show George Lopez George Lopez (:00) Movie: ›‡ “Hope Floats” (1998) Å Movie: ›› “Where the Heart Is” (2000) Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd. Å Movie: ›› “Where the Heart Is” (2000) Å (:00) Movie: ›› “Alien vs. Predator” (2004) Movie: ›› “The Chronicles of Riddick” (2004) Vin Diesel, Colm Feore. Premiere. (In Stereo) Movie: ›› “Alien vs. Predator” (2004) (In Stereo) Braves Live! MLB Baseball Washington Nationals at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. (N) (Live) Braves Live! Braves Live! MLB Baseball: Nationals at Braves (:00) Movie: ›› “The Core” (2003) Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank, Delroy Lindo. Scientists travel to the Movie: “Super Eruption” (2011) Richard Burgi, Juliet Aubrey. Premiere. A volcanic Movie: › “Disaster Zone: Volcano in center of the Earth. eruption devastates Yellowstone National Park. New York” (2006) Costas Mandylor. Seinfeld “The The King of Queens The King of Queens Movie: ›› “The House Bunny” (2008) Anna Faris, Colin Hanks, Emma Stone. A Movie: ››‡ “Legally Blonde” (2001) Reese Witherspoon, Luke Wilson. A sorority Reverse Peephole” Å Å sexpot teaches misfit sorority sisters about men. Å queen enrolls in Harvard to win back her boyfriend. (5:15) Movie: “The Guns of Navarone” (1961) Gregory Peck. Movie: ››› “The Misfits” (1961) Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe. Å (:15) Movie: ››› “Mogambo” (1953) Clark Gable. Å (DVS) My Addiction My Addiction My Addiction My Addiction My Addiction My Addiction My Addiction My Strange Addiction: Still Addicted? My Addiction My Addiction Movie: ››› “G.I. Jane” (1997) Demi Moore, Viggo Mortensen, Anne Bancroft. A female Navy SEALs Movie: ››‡ “The Longest Yard” (2005) Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Burt Reynolds. (:12) Falling Skies “Silent Kill” Hal infilrecruit completes rigorous training. Å Prisoners train for a football game against the guards. Å trates a skitter’s lair. Å Most Shocking World’s Dumbest... Top 20 Most Shocking “Dumb Dudes 3” World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... Forensic Files Forensic Files (:12) Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond (:00) NCIS “Sea NCIS “The Bone Yard” A Mafia dumping NCIS “Shalom” Political assassination. (In NCIS “Once a Hero” The NCIS try to clear NCIS “Twisted Sister” McGee takes things In Plain Sight “The Rolling Stones” A man Dog” Å ground. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å a Marine’s name. (In Stereo) Å into his own hands. Å is mistaken for his twin. Å Meet the Browns NUMB3RS “Graphic” (In Stereo) Å Criminal Minds “Psychodrama” Å The Closer Murder of an LAPD officer. Eyewitness Hot Topics Å The Insider (N) Entertainment Ton. (:00) The Unit “Five Bones “The Goop on the Girl” A man Bones “The Man in the Mud” Remains of a America’s Funniest Home Videos (In WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Å Scrubs (In Stereo) How I Met Your Brothers” Å dressed as Santa is blown up. Å motorcycle racer. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Å Mother Å Storage Wars

38 59 37 34 32

107 208 237 176 172


35 131


54 98 49 240 39 70 68 74


29 122


Paid Program


27 159



George Lopez (In George Lopez (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Two and a Half Two and a Half Men Å Men Å Deadliest Catch “Heading Out to Sea” A massive storm system approaches. The Lawrence Welk Show The cast sings “We Can Make Music.”



Jeopardy! Å

ABC World News 45 With David Muir (N) The Office “Safety 15 Training” Å (:00) Da Vinci’s 13 Inquest Å (:00) Song of the 5 Mountains Å

36 129 “Railroad Roulette”


Wheel of Fortune





A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant


40 45 57 76 46 65 78

77 124 178 128 232 133 66

31 226 72 227 58 30 62 44 60

130 100 323 141


64 144


24 121


25 157 48 132


26 125


75 126 56 127


28 123







15 500 edy shatters the dreams of a college-bound youth.


302 502


304 504


320 514


340 450

(:15) Movie: ›› “Charlie St. Cloud” (2010) Zac Efron. A trag- Movie: ›››‡ “The Kids Are All Right” (2010) Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo. True Blood “If You Love Me, Why Am I Movie: ››› “The Hangover” (2009) Children of a lesbian couple get to know their biological father. Å Dyin’?” Sookie makes a deal with Eric. Bradley Cooper. Å (5:30) Movie: ›››‡ “Inception” (2010) Leonardo DiCaprio, Treme “Do Watcha Wanna” Treme residents get a welcome Curb Your Boardwalk Empire “The Ivory Tower” Game of Thrones “Lord Snow” Ned learns Joseph Gordon-Levitt. (In Stereo) Å respite. (In Stereo) Å Enthusiasm “The Agent Nelson Van Alden visits Nucky. of the Crown’s profligacy. Å (:00) True Blood (In Movie: ››› “Whip It” (2009) Ellen Page, Marcia Gay Harden, Kristen Wiig. A Texas Movie: ›››‡ “Up in the Air” (2009) George Clooney, Vera Farmiga. A frequent flyer Movie: ››› “Catch Me if You Can” Stereo) Å teen joins a roller-derby team. (In Stereo) Å reaches a life-and-career crossroads. (In Stereo) Å (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio. Movie: ››‡ “The Book of Eli” (2010) Denzel Washington. A lone warrior carries Movie: ››› “Identity” (2003) John Cusack. A killer terrorizes Movie: ›› “Sex and the City 2” (2010) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall. hope across a post-apocalyptic wasteland. (In Stereo) Å people stranded at a remote hotel. (In Stereo) Premiere. Carrie Bradshaw and the gals visit Abu Dhabi. (In Stereo) Å Alonzo Bodden: Movie: ›› “Letters to Juliet” (2010) Amanda Seyfried. A (:45) A Shameless Movie: ›‡ “The Back-up Plan” (2010) Jennifer Lopez, Alex (:45) DeRay Davis: Power Play (iTV) The comic performs in Paying young woman finds an old note to someone’s lover. Summer Special O’Loughlin. iTV. (In Stereo) Å New York City. (In Stereo) Å

16D • Thursday, July 14, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

SUNDAY MORNING JULY 17, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 6:30



Good Morning Show Å Horseland Å Horseland Å Methodist Temple Church News Sunday Morning WXII 12 News at 7am (N) Å Paid Program Lentz Ministries NewsChannel 36 News at 7 (N) Angelina: Next Curious George Paid Program Paid Program Smart Start Mystery Hunters Paid Program Paid Program Thomas/Friends Bob the Builder




^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8





Paid Program WBTV News 3 Paid Program Storm Stories Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Austin City Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Crossr’ds Cafe

Paid Program NC Spin WBTV News 3 Sunday at 6am (N) Paid Program Paid Program News Sunday Morning WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å This Old House Baptist Church NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 Clifford-Dog Barney, Friends Greater Kingdom Paid Program N.C. Spin Paid Program Paid Program Workplce-Skills Smart Start

CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (In Stereo) Å Face the Nation In Touch W/Charles Stanley In Touch W/Charles Stanley CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (In Stereo) Å Changing-World Elevation Exp. Face the Nation Love & Faith Lentz Ministries Fox News Sunday Best Bra Ever! Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Good Morning America (N) Å This Week-Amanpour New School Replacements First Presbyterian Church Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Meet the Press (N) Å Lkwd Church Paid Program Landscaping Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Fox News Sunday Joel Osteen Cornerstone Hour Paid Program Today (N) (In Stereo) Å News 36 Flashpoint Meet the Press (N) Å Judge Judy Judge Judy Curious George Cat in the Hat Super Why! Dinosaur Train Bob the Builder Antiques Roadshow Å Price-Antiques Good Morning America (N) Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program This Week-Amanpour Into the Wild Winning Edge Raceline 3 Wide Life Whacked Out Amer. Latino TV Movie: ›› “Road Trip” Paid Program Paid Program Coral Ridge Hr Paid Program N.C. Spin Smart Start Animal Rescue Open House Kindergarten Angelina: Next This Old House This Old House Heartland Chefs Afield Outdoor Journal Gardener

Paid Program Three Stooges Encounters BET Inspiration Paid Program Suze Orman Piers Morgan Paid Program Little Einsteins SportsCenter NASCAR Racing Paid Program Outdoors Paid Program I Love Lucy TriVita Nopalea Naked Science Family Matters Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Married... With King-4 Queens Paid Program (:00) CSI: NY Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program The Sentinel

Paid Program Paid Program Celebrity Ghost Stories Å The Sopranos “Rat Pack” Å Celebrity Ghost Stories Å The Sopranos “Two Tonys” The Sopranos “Where’s Johnny?” Three Stooges Movie: ››‡ “The Recruit” (2003) Al Pacino, Colin Farrell. Å Movie: ››‡ “Flight of the Phoenix” (2004) Dennis Quaid. Å Marked-Death Most Extreme Most Extreme Weird, True Weird, True Untamed and Uncut Å Dogs 101 (In Stereo) Å Dogs 101 “Designer Dogs” Å Wild Kingdom (In Stereo) Å BET Morning Inspiration In Touch Peter Popoff BET Inspiration Bobby Jones Gospel Å Lift Every Voice Video Gospel Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Housewives/NJ What Happens Housewives/NYC What Happens Giuliana & Bill “Last Chance” The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker Options Action Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CNN Newsroom Sanjay Gupta CNN Sunday Morning State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources Å Paid Program Tomorrow’s Paid Program Jentezen Joel Osteen (:27) In Touch Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Sons of Guns Sons of Guns Chuggington Handy Manny Agent Oso Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Never Land Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Shake It Up! So Random! A.N.T. Farm 2011 British Open Golf Championship Final Round. (N) (Live) 2011 British Open Golf Championship Final Round. From Royal St. George’s Golf Club in Sandwich, England. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Outside Lines Spo. Reporters SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Paid Program Sunday Mass Boy Mts. World Boy Mts. World Movie: ›› “The Face on the Milk Carton” (1995) Movie: ››› “Death of a Cheerleader” (1994) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Ship Shape TV Paid Program Hip Hop Abs Paid Program Thin in 30! Bullriding Horsemanship LOKAR Car Motorhead Paid Program Paid Program Smarter Movie: ›› “Fantastic Four” (2005) Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans. Movie: ››‡ “Spider-Man 3” (2007) Tobey Maguire. I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Frasier Å Frasier Å Paid Program Paid Program In Touch W/Charles Stanley Hour of Power Å Joel Osteen Paid Program Movie: ›› “The Greatest” (2009) Pierce Brosnan. Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Dog Whisperer “K-9 Phobia” Drugged: High on Ecstasy Drugged: High on Marijuana Family Matters Family Matters OddParents OddParents The Penguins The Penguins SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Xtreme 4x4 Horsepower TV Memory Loss Paid Program Suffering Paid Program Right Place G3 Sportsman Sprtsman Adv. Brds/Bones Pass’n It On BackCountry Matchpoint XTERRA Adv. Home Improve. Home Improve. Movie: “Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion” (1997) Å Movie: ››› “The Sure Thing” (1985) John Cusack. Movie: “The House Bunny” Å Movie: ››› “A Girl, a Guy and a Gob” (1941) Movie: ›› “She’s Back on Broadway” (1953) Virginia Mayo. Movie: ››‡ “By the Light of the Silvery Moon” Å Paid Program Paid Program Faith-Dr. Frederick K.C. Price Paid Program Paid Program Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Law & Order “Double Blind” Law & Order “Angel” (In Stereo) Memphis Beat Å Franklin & Bash Å Leverage “The 15 Minutes Job” Falling Skies “Silent Kill” Å Paid Program Paid Program Ninja Kitchen Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Monk “Mr. Monk Visits a Farm” Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Joel Osteen Royal Pains “Rash Talk” Å Necessary Roughness Å In Plain Sight Å Paid Program Paid Program Tomorrow’s Wld Paid Program Paid Program Best Bra Ever! Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Tomorrow’s Scudder Bill Winston Amazing Facts Key of David Beyond Today In the Heat of the Night Å In the Heat of the Night Å “Four Weddings and a Funeral”





A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 1:00










Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Cops Å Cops Å Bones “The Goop on the Girl” Grey’s Anatomy (In Stereo) Å House “Deception” Å The Closer “Blue Blood” Å The Closer “Mom Duty” Å News Inside Edition Hot Topics Urban Style Comedy.TV (In Stereo) Å 2011 British Open Golf Championship Final Round. (N) Best Bra Ever! Paid Program Triathlon Ironman World Championship 70.3. From Clearwater, Fla. Golf American Century Championship, Final Round. From Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course in Lake Tahoe. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Extra (N) (In Stereo) Å TMZ (N) (In Stereo) Å Bones “The Goop on the Girl” Bones “The Man in the Mud” Mirror, Mirror Paid Program Triathlon Ironman World Championship 70.3. From Clearwater, Fla. Golf American Century Championship, Final Round. From Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course in Lake Tahoe. Small Business To the Contrary Pioneers of Television Å Anne of Green Gables Å Anne of Green Gables Å Unusual Buildings Lord Is Not on Trial Here Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program XTERRA Adv. XTERRA Adv. 2011 British Open Golf Championship Final Round. (N) (11:00) Movie: “Road Trip” (2000) Movie: ››‡ “Once Upon a Time in Mexico” (2003) The Hills Å The Hills Å Smash Cuts Smash Cuts Enthusiasm Entourage Movie: ›› “Rock Star” (2001) Mark Wahlberg. Movie: ›› “Staying Alive” (1983) John Travolta. Movie: ››› “Urban Cowboy” (1980) John Travolta, Debra Winger. Growing Bolder My Generation Primal Grill Rachel’s-Food Test Kitchen Chef John Besh Avec Eric Å Lidia’s Italy Mexico Black Issues Bookwatch N.C. People

6:00 News 2 at 6 (N) Evening News FOX 8 News News News How I Met News Channel Healthwise Paid Program American Dad Exploring N.C.

The Glades “Dirty Little Secrets” Movie: ››‡ “Wyatt Earp” (1994) Kevin Costner, Dennis Quaid, Gene Hackman. Å Criminal Minds “The Big Game” Criminal Minds (11:30) Movie: ›› “Marked for Death” Movie: ›››‡ “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” (1991) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Å Movie: ››› “The Mummy” (1999) Brendan Fraser. Å Mutant Planet The power of evolution. (In Stereo) Finding Bigfoot (In Stereo) Å Finding Bigfoot (In Stereo) Å Finding Bigfoot (In Stereo) Å Finding Bigfoot (In Stereo) Å Finding Bigfoot Bernie Mac Girlfriends Girlfriends Movie: ›‡ “The Perfect Holiday” (2007) Gabrielle Union. Movie: ›› “Double Platinum” (1999) Diana Ross. Å Movie: “Deliver Us From Eva” Flipping Out Å Flipping Out “Wake-Up Call” Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom One Man Army (In Stereo) Å Surviving the Cut Å Surviving the Cut Å Man vs. Wild “North Africa” Man vs. Wild “Northern Australia” Dual Survival “Stuck in the Muck” Dual Survival Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Prank Stars Shake It Up! A.N.T. Farm Phineas, Ferb Fish Hooks (N) Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Good-Charlie So Random! 2011 British Open Golf Championship Final Round. SportsCenter Women’s Soccer FIFA World Cup, Final. From Frankfurt, Germany. (N) (Live) Å (:45) World Cup Live (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter Baseball Ton. PBA Bowling PBA Bowling PBA Bowling PBA Bowling Strongest Man Strongest Man NHRA Drag Racing Street League Skateboarding From Glendale, Ariz. Movie: ››‡ “Bring It On” (2000) Kirsten Dunst. Movie: ›› “Bring It On: Fight to the Finish” (2009) Movie: ›› “Bring It On: All or Nothing” (2006) Rihanna Step Up 2 St. Table Tennis Braves Live! MLB Baseball Washington Nationals at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. (N) (Live) Braves Live! Boys in the Hall Golden Age Streetball (10:00) Movie: “Spider-Man 3” Movie: ››› “X-Men” (2000) Hugh Jackman. Movie: ››‡ “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006) Hugh Jackman. Movie: “The Incredible Hulk” Frasier Å Frasier Å Movie: “Keeping Up With the Randalls” (2011) Roma Downey. Å Movie: “Always and Forever” (2009) Dean McDermott. Å Movie: “Back to You and Me” (2005) Å Movie: ››› “Akeelah and the Bee” (2006) Å Movie: “Mom, Dad and Her” (2008) Melora Hardin. Å Movie: ›› “August Rush” (2007) Freddie Highmore. Å The Holiday Egypt Unwrapped Egypt Unwrapped Egypt Unwrapped Egypt Unwrapped Egypt Unwrapped Egypt Unwrapped Indestructibles SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å iCarly Å Big Time Rush Big Time Rush Victorious Å Victorious Å The Penguins The Penguins SpongeBob SpongeBob Big Time Rush America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å Top Model Trucks! Å MuscleCar Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters FIGHTZONE Presents FIGHTZONE Presents Brawl Call Brawl Call FIGHTZONE Presents Brawl Call XTERRA Adv. (11:00) “The House Bunny” Å MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at New York Mets. From Citi Field in Flushing, N.Y. (N) (Live) Å Movie: ››‡ “Legally Blonde” (2001) Luke Wilson Mean Girls Movie: ›››‡ “Romeo and Juliet” (1936) (:15) Movie: ››› “It’s Always Fair Weather” (1955) Movie: ›››› “The Apartment” (1960) Jack Lemmon. (:15) Green Fire Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride NY Ink “The Gloves Are Off” NY Ink “Dis-Appointment” Å NY Ink Billy is at his boiling point. NY Ink Jessica tries to help Ami. NY Ink Å Countdown to Green (N) Å NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Lenox Industrial Tools 301. From New Hampshire Motor Speedway in Loudon, N.H. (N) Å Movie: ›› “Varsity Blues” (1999) James Van Der Beek. Å Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Movie: ››› “Sex and the City” (2008) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Chris Noth. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order Paid Program Auto Connect Sports Stars Young Icons Hollywood Mad About (EI) Paid Program Paid Program Bishop Allen Paid Program Friends Å Friends Å Cold Case “Four Weddings and a Funeral” MLB Baseball Chicago White Sox at Detroit Tigers. From Comerica Park in Detroit. (N) Å America’s Funniest Home Videos Scrubs Å Scrubs Å Old Christine

Thursday, July 14, 2011 • 17D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post SUNDAY EVENING JULY 17, 2011 A


































27 159 38 59 37 34 32

107 208 237 176 172


35 131


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News 2 at 11 (N) Å (:35) Criminal Minds “Penelope” WBTV 3 News at 11 (:35) The Point PM (N) After TMZ (In Stereo) Å Eyewitness News (:35) Hot Topic Tonight (N) Å WXII 12 News at 11 Attorneys on Call (N) Å The Ernest Angley Hour NewsChannel 36 Whacked Out News at 11:00 (N) Sports (In Stereo) Circus “Change On!; Survival of the Fittest” The circus arrives in Virginia. According to Jim Paid Program “Any Man of Mine” (:05) N.C. Spin (:35) The Tim McCarver Show Seinfeld “The The King of Queens Å Invitations” Å EastEnders (In EastEnders (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å

Criminal Minds “Conflicted” Serial killer Criminal Minds “Cold Comfort” Suspect Criminal Minds “Parasite” Following a con The Glades “Gibtown” A murder in a side- The Glades “Gibtown” A murder in a sidetargeting coeds. (In Stereo) Å who embalms his victims. Å artist’s mental decline. Å show community. (N) Å show community. Å (4:30) Movie: ››› “The Mummy” Movie: ›‡ “Collateral Damage” (2002) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Elias Koteas, Francesca Neri. Premiere. A Breaking Bad “Box Cutter” Walt and Jess (:04) Breaking Bad “Box Cutter” Walt and (1999) Brendan Fraser. Å fireman goes after the terrorist who killed his family. face deadly consequences. Å Jess face deadly consequences. Finding Bigfoot Finding Bigfoot “Swamp Ape” Å Whale Wars “Race to Save Lives” Swamp Wars (N) (In Stereo) Finding Bigfoot (N) (In Stereo) Å Finding Bigfoot (In Stereo) Å (5:30) Movie: ››‡ “Deliver Us From Eva” Sunday Best (N) Å Sunday Best Å Sunday Best Å Family Affair Family Affair Housewives/NYC The Real Housewives of New York City The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Real Housewives of New Jersey What Happens Housewives/NJ Paid Program Diabetes Life Wall Street Journal To Be Announced To Be Announced CNBC Titans “Herb Kelleher” American Greed CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Å Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Å Man vs. Wild Actor Jake Gyllenhaal in (:00) Dual Survival Dual Survival “Adrift” Suviving on a Dual Survival “Up the River” Surviving a Dual Survival “Road to Nowhere” Dual Survival “Road to Nowhere” Iceland. (In Stereo) Å deserted island. (In Stereo) Å raging river kayak dunking. Å Surviving the woods of Northern Maine. Surviving the woods of Northern Maine. “Bitten” Å Prank Stars “Pilot” So Random! Å So Random! (N) (:05) Kickin’ It (:35) Movie: “The Suite Life Movie” (2011) Dylan Sprouse. (:05) Prank Stars So Random! Å Shake it Up! Å Shake It Up! Å Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Ice Loves Coco (N) Chelsea Lately Chelsea Lately (5:30) SportsCenter Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Tampa Bay Rays. From Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Skateboarding 2011 British Open Golf Championship Best of the Final Round. From Royal St. George’s Golf Club in Sandwich, England. 2011 World Series of Poker Day 6. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) Movie: “Cyberbully” (2011) Emily Osment, Kelly Rowan, Kay Panabaker. Premiere. A Movie: “Cyberbully” (2011) Emily Osment, Kelly Rowan, Kay Panabaker. A teenager (:00) Movie: ››‡ “Step Up 2 the Streets” (2008) Briana becomes the victim of online bullying. teenager becomes the victim of online bullying. Evigan, Robert Hoffman, Will Kemp. Premiere. Ball Up Streetball World Poker Tour: Season 9 World Poker Tour: Season 9 Ball Up Streetball Boys in the Hall Golden Age World Poker Tour: Season 9 (5:30) Movie: ››› “The Incredible Hulk” (2008) Movie: ››› “Iron Man” (2008) Robert Downey Jr. A billionaire dons an armored suit to fight criminals. Movie: ››› “Iron Man” Fox News Sunday FOX Report (N) Huckabee (N) Freedom Watch With Judge Napolitano Stossel Huckabee Back to You Movie: “A Valentine’s Date” (2011) Elisa Donovan, Kirstin Dorn, Brad Rowe. Å Movie: “Keeping Up With the Randalls” (2011) Roma Downey, Marion Ross. Å The Golden Girls The Golden Girls House Hunters Hunters Int’l Cash & Cari (N) Holmes on Homes Holmes on Homes Holmes Inspection (N) (In Stereo) Å House Hunters (N) Hunters Int’l Design Star Å Swamp People Swamp People “Rising Pressure” Å Ice Road Truckers “The Braking Point” Ice Road Truckers (N) Å Swamp People “2 Days to Tag Out” MonsterQuest “Jaws in Illinois” Å Gaither Gospel Victory in Christ Hal Lindsey In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Billy Graham John Ankerberg Zola Levitt Pr. Manna-Fest Helpline Today Helpline Today (:00) Movie: ››‡ “The Holiday” (2006) Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law. Two women from different Drop Dead Diva “The Wedding” Jane is The Protector “Revisions” Gloria’s ex-hus- The Protector “Revisions” Gloria’s ex-huscountries swap homes at Christmas. Å held at gunpoint. (N) Å band returns. (N) Å band returns. Å (:00) Movie: ›› “A Crime of Passion” (1999) Tracey Gold, Movie: “Wandering Eye” (2011) Amanda Righetti, Krista Bridges, Andrew Shaver. A Movie: “Trust” (2009) Jamie Luner, Nels Lennarson, Brendan Beiser. A woman Jessie Gold, Powers Boothe. Å married woman plans to meet a man, who ends up murdered. Å receives mysterious letters and e-mails. Å The Indestructibles Finding Atlantis The Egyptian Job Thieves broke into the pharaoic burial site at Hawara. (N) Å The Indestructibles The Indestructibles The Egyptian Job (In Stereo) Å Victorious Å iCarly Å iCarly Å My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids George Lopez George Lopez That ’70s Show That ’70s Show The Nanny Å The Nanny Å Top Model America’s Next Top Model Å The Glee Project “Dance Ability” Å The Glee Project “Pairability” (N) (:15) The Glee Project “Pairability” Raise Your Voice Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters (N) Bar Rescue (Series Premiere) (N) Three Sheets Bar Rescue Matchpoint Under the Lights In My Own Words In My Own Words In My Own Words Women’s College Soccer ACC Tournament, Final -- Maryland vs. Wake Forest. FIGHTZONE Presents (5:00) Movie: ››‡ “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Movie: ››‡ “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” (2007) Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley. Jack Sparrow’s friends join forces to Movie: “Sinbad and Chest” (2006) Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom. save him. the Minotaur” (:00) Movie: ››› “Mean Girls” (2004) Lindsay Lohan. A teen Movie: ››‡ “What Women Want” (2000) Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt, Marisa Tomei. A (:15) Movie: ››‡ “What Women Want” (2000) Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt. A chauvinisbecomes friends with three cruel schoolmates. chauvinistic ad executive can suddenly read women’s minds. Å tic ad executive can suddenly read women’s minds. Å (:15) Movie: ››‡ “Green Fire” (1954) Å Movie: “Horse Feathers” (1932) Å (:15) Movie: ››› “The Male Animal” (1942) Henry Fonda. Å Movie: “Too Many Girls” (1940) Å (:00) NY Ink Å NY Ink “Roosters and Romance” Å Hoarding: Buried Alive (In Stereo) Å Hoarding: Buried Alive Kathleen; Jamie. My Addiction My Addiction Hoarding: Buried Alive Kathleen; Jamie. Movie: ››‡ “Shooter” (2007) Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, Danny Glover. A wounded sniper plots Leverage “The Van Gogh Job” The team Falling Skies “Sanctuary” A resistance Leverage “The Van Gogh Job” The team revenge against those who betrayed him. Å tracks a Van Gogh painting. (N) militia leader arrives. (N) Å tracks a Van Gogh painting. Å Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Las Vegas Jail Vegas Strip Vegas Strip (N) Forensic Files Forensic Files Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family M*A*S*H Å (:34) M*A*S*H (:09) M*A*S*H (:44) Everybody Loves Raymond Å Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Law & Order: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit In Plain Sight “Provo-Cation” Mary helps White Collar “Scott Free” A teenage con Special Victims Unit “Execution” Condemned man. Å “Fault” Pedophile kidnaps two children. “Coerced” Boy is abducted. Å protect an Army veteran. (N) Å man. Å (:00) Cold Case Heartland “Ghost Horse” Å (DVS) Grey’s Anatomy “An Honest Mistake” House “Deception” (In Stereo) Å Eyewitness NUMB3RS “Sniper Zero” Å Inside Edition New Adventures of How I Met Your How I Met Your How I Met Your How I Met Your How I Met Your How I Met Your WGN News at Nine (:40) Instant Replay Monk Å Old Christine Mother Å Mother Å Mother Å Mother Å Mother Å Mother Å (N) Å (In Stereo) Å




(:00) Criminal

36 129 Minds Å


A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 7:30

CBS Evening News 60 Minutes (N) (In Stereo) Å Big Brother The nomination ceremony Undercover Boss CEO Kevin Sheenan CSI: Miami (In Stereo) Å With Russ Mitchell takes place. (N) (In Stereo) Å works under cover. (In Stereo) Å WBTV 3 News at 60 Minutes (N) (In Stereo) Å Big Brother The nomination ceremony Undercover Boss CEO Kevin Sheenan CSI: Miami (In Stereo) Å 6:30pm (N) takes place. (N) (In Stereo) Å works under cover. (In Stereo) Å (:00) FOX 8 News at American Dad (In Bob’s Burgers (In The Simpsons Å The Cleveland Family Guy (In American Dad (In FOX 8 10:00 News (:45) Fox 8 Sports Stereo) Å Show Å Sunday 6:00P (N) Stereo) Å (DVS) Stereo) Å Stereo) Å (N) ABC World News America’s Funniest Home Videos Extreme Makeover: Home Edition A child Castle “Setup” Federal agent takes over a Body of Proof “Talking Heads” A severed With David Muir (N) Workplace mishaps. (In Stereo) Å who has brittle bone-disease. Å murder case. Å hand and foot are found. Å NBC Nightly News Dateline NBC (N) (In Stereo) Å America’s Got Talent Twelve of the top 48 acts perform. (In Stereo) Å The Marriage Ref A woman wants a new, (N) Å larger, bed. (N) (In Stereo) Å How I Met Your American Dad (In Bob’s Burgers (In The Simpsons Å The Cleveland Family Guy (In American Dad (In Fox News at 10 (N) Fox News Got Mother Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å (DVS) Show Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Game NBC Nightly News Dateline NBC (N) (In Stereo) Å America’s Got Talent Twelve of the top 48 acts perform. (In Stereo) Å The Marriage Ref A woman wants a new, (N) Å larger, bed. (N) (In Stereo) Å (:00) Healthwise Pioneers of Television “Crime Dramas” Movie: “Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning” (2008) Shirley MacLaine, Barbara Hershey, Rachel Priceless Antiques Casts and creators of crime dramas. Blanchard. A writer learns the truth about her orphaned childhood. Roadshow Å ABC World News America’s Funniest Home Videos Extreme Makeover: Home Edition A child Castle “Setup” Federal agent takes over a Body of Proof “Talking Heads” A severed With David Muir (N) Workplace mishaps. (In Stereo) Å who has brittle bone-disease. Å murder case. Å hand and foot are found. Å American Dad (In Family Guy “If I’m Family Guy “Love Movie: ›››‡ “Four Weddings and a Funeral” (1994) Hugh Grant, Andie WJZY News at (:35) Charlotte Now Stereo) Å Dyin’ I’m Lyin”’ MacDowell. A British bachelor falls for a fellow wedding guest. Thy Trophy” Å 10 (N) The Addams Family Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House 3rd Rock From the Seinfeld “The Wait That ’70s Show St. That ’70s Show George Lopez (In George Lopez (In of Payne of Payne Sun Å Out” Å Valentine’s Day. “Stolen Car” Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å My Heart, Always The Attenborough Collection Behavior of Nature Druids are the first wolves reintro- Masterpiece Mystery! “Zen: Vendetta” A man seeks revenge. PBS Previews: Be in Carolina wolves is observed. (In Stereo) Å duced into Yellowstone National Park. (N) (In Stereo) Å Prohibition (In




29 122 40 45 57 76 46 65 78

77 124 178 128 232 133 66

31 226 72 227 58 30 62 44 60

130 100 323 141


64 144


24 121


25 157 48 132


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75 126 56 127


28 123







15 500 acquires feline strength and agility. (In Stereo)

(:00) Movie: ›‡ “Catwoman” (2004) Halle Berry. A shy artist


302 502


304 504


320 514


340 450

Boardwalk Empire “Broadway Limited” True Blood “I’m Alive and on Fire” Alcide Curb Your A Farewell Tribute (:05) True Blood “I’m Alive and on Fire” Chalky’s team pays a big price. Å helps Sookie look for Eric. (N) Enthusiasm (N) Å to Entourage Alcide helps Sookie look for Eric. Å (5:00) “Clash of the Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å Movie: ››› “Despicable Me” (2010) Voices of Steve Carell, (:45) The Making Movie: ›› “Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief” (2010) Logan Titans” (2010) Å Jason Segel, Russell Brand. (In Stereo) Å Of: Despicable Me Lerman. A youth learns that his father is the Greek god Poseidon. (5:00) Movie: Movie: ›‡ “Couples Retreat” (2009) Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman. Four Movie: ››› “Splice” (2009) Adrien Brody. Scientists use (:45) Stag & Doe (In Movie: ››‡ “The Ring” (2002) Naomi “Drumline” (2002) Midwestern couples descend on an island resort. (In Stereo) Å human DNA to create a new hybrid. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Watts. (In Stereo) Å (:00) Movie: ››‡ “Date Night” (2010) Movie: ›› “Sex and the City 2” (2010) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis. Carrie Bradshaw Movie: ›‡ “Jonah Hex” (2010) Josh Brolin. A supernatural Movie: “Secret Steve Carell. (In Stereo) and the gals visit Abu Dhabi. (In Stereo) Å gunslinger faces an old enemy. (In Stereo) Å Lives” (2010) Å (5:50) Movie: ››› “The Ghost Writer” (2010) Pierce Dexter “Hello Bandit” (iTV) Dexter tries to Weeds “GameThe Big C “Sexual The Real L Word (iTV) (N) Shameless “But at Last Came a Knock” Brosnan, Ewan McGregor. iTV. (In Stereo) Å focus on the children. Å Played” (iTV) Å Healing” (iTV) Frank needs his ex-wife’s signature.

18D • Thursday, July 14, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

MONDAY MORNING JULY 18, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


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11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 6:30

(:00) Good Morning Show Å News WBTV 3 News at 6 AM (N) Fox 8 News FOX 8 News at 6:00A (N) WSOC News WSOC 9 News Daybreak at 6:00 News WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å News Fox News Rising (N) News Channel NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 GED Connect. Classical Strt Clifford-Dog Morning Paid Program Dayna Muldoon Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Shephrd Chapl A. Wommack K. Copeland Effect. Teacher Destinos GED Connect. Paid Program Three Stooges Finding Bigfoot Peter Popoff Paid Program World Exchange AM: Wake Up Paid Program Jungle Junction SportsCenter SportsCenter Life Today Best Bra Ever! Paid Program I Love Lucy Paid Program King Tut Glenn Martin Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Married... With Stand by Me Paid Program (:00) CSI: NY Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Funny Videos





The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 News at 8:00A (N) Good Morning America (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News Rising 8am (N) Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Arthur Curious George Curious George Cat in the Hat Good Morning America (N) Å The Daily Buzz Å Joseph Prince Joyce Meyer Conquerors Life Today Clifford-Dog Martha Speaks Curious George Cat in the Hat


^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8




Andy Griffith Jeopardy! (N) Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show Å The Dr. Oz Show Å Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å Live With Regis and Kelly (N) Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Live With Regis and Kelly (N) Today (N) (In Stereo) Å The 700 Club Å Paid Program TMZ (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street “Music Magic” Better (In Stereo) Å The People’s Court Å America’s Funniest Home Videos Roseanne Å Roseanne Å That ’70s Show My Wife & Kids Edgemont Å Coach Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street “Music Magic”



The Price Is Right (N) Å The Price Is Right (N) Å The Nate Berkus Show Å The View (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Housewives/OC Charlotte Today Sid the Science WordWorld The View (In Stereo) Å Cosby Show Cosby Show Judge Karen Judge Karen Sid the Science WordWorld

Paid Program Paid Program Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Å CSI: Miami “Show Stopper” The Sopranos “The Weight” Criminal Minds “Distress” Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Hair Loss Paid Program (:15) Movie: ›› “Two Minute Warning” (1976) Charlton Heston, John Cassavetes. Å Orangutan Isle Chimp Eden Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary The Crocodile Hunter Å It’s Me or the Dog Å Animal Cops Houston Å Animal Cops Houston Å BET Inspiration Hates Chris Hates Chris Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å Squawk Box (N) Å Squawk on the Street (N) The Call (N) Å American Morning Å CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Overhaulin’ “Hot Head” Å Overhaulin’ A 1966 LeMans. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program James Robison Joyce Meyer Paid Program Overhaulin’ (In Stereo) Å Little Einsteins Little Einsteins Handy Manny Agent Oso Mickey Mouse Never Land Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Suite/Deck SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter Å ESPN First Take (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Mike and Mike in the Morning (N) (Live) Å Full House Joyce Meyer Love a Child Boy Mts. World Boy Mts. World What I Like Melissa & Joey State of GA 700-Interactive The 700 Club Å Full House Paid Program Paid Program N. Amer. Hunter Bullriding Action Sports World Champion The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) Paid Program Paid Program Movie: ›› “Blade” (1998) Wesley Snipes, Stephen Dorff, Kris Kristofferson. Movie: ››› “X-Men” (2000) Hugh Jackman. X-Men: Last I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls The Martha Stewart Show (N) Martha Bakes Mad Hungry Paid Program Paid Program The Balancing Act (N) Å Will & Grace Old Christine Old Christine How I Met Reba Å Reba Å Will & Grace How I Met Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Naked Science Five Years on Mars: The Rovers Cocaine Sub Hunt SpongeBob Family Matters Family Matters Max & Ruby Max & Ruby Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Bubble Guppies Bubble Guppies Dora the Explorer Å SpongeBob Hair Battle Spectacular Å Hair Battle Spectacular Å Hair Battle Spectacular Å Hair Battle Spectacular Å Hair Battle Spectacular Å The Bad Girls Club Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSI: NY (In Stereo) Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program College Flash Classics Married... With Married... With Home Improve. Home Improve. Saved by Bell Saved by Bell Yes, Dear Å Yes, Dear Å Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne Elvis Mitchell Movie: ››› “Whistling in the Dark” Movie: ›› “The Fuller Brush Man” (1948) Red Skelton. Movie: ››‡ “A Southern Yankee” 3 Little Word Plane Crash Survivors 17 Kids 17 Kids A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story Baby’s First Little Parents, Big Pregnancy 2 Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Angel “Origin” (In Stereo) Å Angel Illyria travels to the future. Charmed “Magic Hour” Å Charmed “Once Upon a Time” Supernatural “The Rapture” Supernatural (In Stereo) Å Ninja Kitchen Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In Session Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Movie: ››› “Sex and the City” (2008) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Chris Noth. Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent Paid Program Storm Stories Eyewitness News Morning (N) Eyewitness News Morning (N) Access H. The Insider (N) The Wendy Williams Show Å The Nate Berkus Show Å Paid Program Joyce Meyer Changing-World K. Copeland Bev. Hillbillies Bev. Hillbillies Matlock (In Stereo) Å Matlock (In Stereo) Å In the Heat of the Night Å




A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 1:00


News 2 at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful News at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful FOX 8 News Access H. The Wendy Williams Show Å WSOC 9 News Midday (N) Å All My Children (N) Å WXII 12 News at Noon (N) Å Days of our Lives (N) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Jerry Springer (N) Å NewsChannel 36 News at 12:00 Days of our Lives (N) Å Super Why! Thomas/Friends Caillou Å Between Lions Family Feud Be a Millionaire All My Children (N) Å According-Jim Frasier Å Scrubs Å King of Queens Judge Jeanine Pirro Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Test Kitchen Rachel’s-Food Victory Garden Garden Home



The Talk (In Stereo) Å The Talk (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge J. Brown One Life to Live (N) Å Inside Edition Entertainment The Steve Wilkos Show (N) Å The Doctors Å Cyberchase Wild Kratts One Life to Live (N) Å True Hollywood Story Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Garden Smart Gardener



Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Divorce Court Judge Alex General Hospital (N) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge Judy Barney, Friends Electric Comp. General Hospital (N) Å The Tyra Show (In Stereo) Å Smarter Don’t Forget Greener World Heartland



The Ellen DeGeneres Show Å WBTV 3 News WBTV 3 News Judge Judy Judge J. Brown The Oprah Winfrey Show Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Swift Justice Swift Justice News Channel Judge Judy Arthur WordGirl Swift Justice Swift Justice The Office King of Queens The People’s Court Å Arthur WordGirl



News 2 at 5 (N) Andy Griffith News at 5 PM News at 5:30 FOX 8 News at 5:00P (N) WSOC 9 News WSOC 9 News WXII 12 News at 5 (N) Å The Ellen DeGeneres Show Å News Channel News Martha Speaks Curious George The Doctors Å Old Christine Seinfeld Å Judge Mathis Assault and arrest. Wild Kratts Saddle Club

6:00 News 2 at 6 (N) News at 6 PM FOX 8 News WSOC 9 News News TMZ (N) Å News Channel Cat in the Hat Smarter Family Guy Family Feud PBS NewsHour

The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Dog the Bounty Hunter Å CSI: Miami “Show Stopper” The Sopranos “The Weight” Criminal Minds “Distress” Å The First 48 Movie: ›››‡ “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” (1991) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Å Movie: ››‡ “Batman Forever” (1995) Val Kilmer, Jim Carrey. Å Movie: “Collateral Damage” Animal Cops Philadelphia Å K-9 Cops (In Stereo) Å Animal Cops Houston Å I’m Alive “Guardians” Å I Shouldn’t Be Alive Å The Most Extreme “Loudmouths” Untamed-Uncut Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Movie: ››‡ “The Longshots” (2008) Ice Cube. Girlfriends Girlfriends The Game The Game Hates Chris Hates Chris 106 & Park: Top America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å Top Model Strat Session Fast Money Power Lunch (N) Å Street Signs (N) Å Closing Bell (N) (In Stereo) Å Closing Bell With Maria Bartiromo Fast Money (N) Mad Money (N) (11:00) CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer Deadliest Catch “False Pass” American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Shake It Up! Wizards-Place Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Phineas, Ferb Suite/Deck Good-Charlie A.N.T. Farm Shake It Up! Wizards-Place Phineas, Ferb SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å First Report Football Live NFL Live (N) Rome/Burning Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter ESPN First Take (In Stereo) Å 2011 British Open Golf Championship Best of the Final Round. SportsNation (N) (Live) Å NASCAR Now (N) (Live) Å Around/Horn Still Standing Still Standing 8 Simple Rules 8 Simple Rules My Wife & Kids My Wife & Kids That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Secret Life of American Teen Switched-Birth MLB Baseball Washington Nationals at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. World Poker Tour: Season 9 LOKAR Car Motorhead Table Tennis World Poker (11:30) Movie: ››‡ “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006) Movie: ››› “The Incredible Hulk” (2008) Edward Norton, Liv Tyler. Movie: ››› “Hellboy II: The Golden Army” (2008) Petkeeping Petkeeping The Martha Stewart Show Å The Martha Stewart Show Å The Waltons “The Journey” The Waltons “The Odyssey” The Waltons “The Separation” Little House Drop Dead Diva “The Wedding” Grey’s Anatomy (In Stereo) Å The Protector “Revisions” Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Unsolved Mysteries Å P.S. I Love You Hard Time “World Without Men” Locked Up Abroad Dog Whisperer “Emily and Nicki” Alaska State Troopers Drugged: High on Cocaine Explorer “Inside LSD” Explorer SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å iCarly Å Victorious Å Victorious Å Big Time Rush Big Time Rush SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å The Bad Girls Club “Popping In!” The Bad Girls Club The Ambers. The Bad Girls Club Å The Bad Girls Club Å The Bad Girls Club Å The Bad Girls Club Å Bad Girls Club CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: NY “Dead Reckoning” Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games Repo Games College Flash Classics College Field Hockey Along the Way XTERRA Adv. Unique Auto. Future Phenoms College Flash Classics Matchpoint House of Payne Meet, Browns American Dad Name Is Earl Love-Raymond According-Jim According-Jim The Office Friends Å Friends Å Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens (11:45) Movie: “Three Little Words” (1950) Å Movie: ››‡ “The Yellow Cab Man” Movie: ››‡ “Excuse My Dust” Å Movie: ››‡ “Texas Carnival” Å Lovely to Look What Not to Wear “Annie” Å A Baby Story A Baby Story Rm-Multiples Baby’s First What Not to Wear “Alicia M.” Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Cake Boss Cake Boss Toddler-Tiara Las Vegas “Whale of a Time” Las Vegas (In Stereo) Å Cold Case Confession. Å The Closer “Junk in the Trunk” Law & Order Å (DVS) Law & Order “Admissions” Law & Order (9:00) In Session World’s Wildest Police Videos World’s Wildest Police Videos World’s Wildest Police Videos Cops Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: SVU NCIS Å Eyewitness News on TV-64 (N) Cold Case Files Hunters. Å America’s Court America’s Court Judge Alex Judge Alex The Wendy Williams Show Å Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Divorce Court In the Heat of the Night Å WGN Midday News Å Walker, Texas Ranger Å Walker, Texas Ranger Å Jeannie Bewitched Cheers Å Cheers Å Dharma & Greg

Thursday, July 14, 2011 • 19D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post MONDAY EVENING JULY 18, 2011 A ^ WFMY # WBTV























CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley CBS Evening News 3 With Scott Pelley Access Hollywood (N) Å ABC World News 9 With Diane Sawyer NBC Nightly News (N) Å Everybody Loves 11 Raymond Å NBC Nightly News 6 (N) Å Everyday Edisons

27 159 38 59 37 34 32

107 208 237 176 172


35 131


54 98 49 240 39 70 68 74


29 122 40 45 57 76 46 65 78

77 124 178 128 232 133 66


31 226


72 227



Wheel of Fortune In Las Vegas. WBTV News Prime Time (N) Extra (N) (In Stereo)

Jeopardy! (N) Å



Mike & Molly (In Two and a Half Stereo) Å Men Å Mike & Molly (In Two and a Half Stereo) Å Men Å MasterChef (N) (In Stereo) Å





Hawaii Five-0 “Ho’ohuli Na’au” A photographer is murdered. (In Stereo) Å Hawaii Five-0 “Ho’ohuli Na’au” A photographer is murdered. (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 10:00 News (N)

News 2 at 11 (N) Å Late Show With David Letterman WBTV 3 News at 11 Late Show With PM (N) David Letterman Seinfeld George is Seinfeld “The Good ready to move on. Samaritan” (:01) Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss WSOC 9 News (:35) Nightline Edition “Staci” (N) (In Stereo) Å Tonight (N) Å (N) Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Cadaver” Harry’s Law “Pilot” A lawyer sets up her WXII 12 News at 11 The Tonight Show A philanthropist goes missing. Å own practice. (In Stereo) Å (N) Å With Jay Leno MasterChef (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News at 10 (N) (:35) Fox News The Simpsons King of the Hill “Sug Edge Darwin vs. creation- Night” Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Cadaver” Harry’s Law “Pilot” A lawyer sets up her NewsChannel 36 The Tonight Show A philanthropist goes missing. Å own practice. (In Stereo) Å News at 11:00 (N) With Jay Leno Pompeii: The Last Day (In Stereo) World War II in HD Colour “Britain at Bay” World War II in HD Colour “Hitler Strikes Britain counters the Germans. East” Hitler invades Russia. (:01) Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Entourage “Vegas (:35) Nightline Edition “Staci” (N) (In Stereo) Å Baby, Vegas!” (N) Å (:35) Seinfeld “The New Adventures of (:35) The Office Gossip Girl (In Stereo) Å WJZY News at Foundation” Å “Grief Counseling” 10 (N) Old Christine Law & Order: Criminal Intent A body is Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House My Wife and Kids George Lopez (In Stereo) Å found in the Hudson River. Å “Mom’s Away” of Payne of Payne Antiques Roadshow Memorabilia from Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House BBC World News As Time Goes Buddy Holly concert. Å Divided (N) Å (DVS) (In Stereo) Å By Å

The First 48 The events that unfold after Hoarders “Arline; Carolyn” A hoarder’s Hoarders “Randy; Vicki” A massive board- Intervention “Larry; Megan” A man vio- Intervention “Cassie” A woman struggles the arrest. Å husband sleeps in his car. Å walk memorabilia hoard. (N) Å lates his faith with alcohol. (N) Å with an addiction. Å (5:30) Movie: ›‡ “Collateral Damage” (2002) Arnold Movie: ›››‡ “The Matrix” (1999) Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss. A computer hacker learns his world Movie: ›››‡ “The Matrix” (1999) Schwarzenegger, Elias Koteas, Francesca Neri. is a computer simulation. Å Keanu Reeves. Å Untamed-Uncut I Shouldn’t Be Alive “Ocean Disaster” River Monsters: Unhooked (In Stereo) I Shouldn’t Be Alive “Ocean Disaster” Untamed and Uncut (In Stereo) Å I Shouldn’t Be Alive “Avalanche!” Å (:00) 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live Movie: ››‡ “Notorious” (2009) Angela Bassett, Derek Luke, Jamal Woolard. Movie: ››‡ “Lockdown” (2000) Richard T. Jones. Top Model America’s Next Top Model Å The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Real Housewives of New York City The Real Housewives of New Jersey (:00) Mad Money The Kudlow Report (N) Inside the Mind of Google How I, Millions How I, Millions Biography on CNBC Å Mad Money Situation Room John King, USA In the Arena Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å To Be Announced Cash Cab (N) (In Man vs. Wild “Malaysian Archipelago” Man vs. Wild Actor Jake Gyllenhaal in Man vs. Wild Crossing a New Zealand Surviving the Cut Soldiers tested on mak- Man vs. Wild Crossing a New Zealand Stereo) Å Bear Grylls struggles to find food. Å Iceland. (In Stereo) Å mountain range. (N) (In Stereo) Å ing the kill shot. (N) Å mountain range. (In Stereo) Å Good Luck Charlie My Babysitter Prank Stars “Pilot” Good Luck Charlie Shake it Up! Å Movie: ›››‡ “The Incredibles” (2004) Holly Hunter Å A.N.T. Farm Å Good Luck Charlie (:00) E! Special E! News Sex and the City Sex and the City E! Special Fashion Police The Soup Chelsea Lately E! News (:00) SportsCenter MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Pardon/Interruption 2011 World Series of Poker Down to 27, Part I. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) Soccer Vancouver Whitecaps vs. Manchester City. From Vancouver, B.C. (N) (Live) (:00) Switched at The Secret Life of the American The Secret Life of the American Switched at Birth “The Stag Hunt” The Secret Life of the American The 700 Club Å Birth Teenager “Hole in the Wall” Å Teenager Kathleen has an interview. (N) Daphne discovers a secret. (N) Teenager Kathleen has an interview. Å World Poker Tour: World Poker Tour: Season 9 Boys in the Hall MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Colorado Rockies. From Coors Field in Denver. (N) (Live) The Game 365 Hellboy-Army Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Movie: ›› “Death Race” (2008) Jason Statham. Prisoners compete in a brutal car race to win their freedom. Movie: ›› “Death Race” (2008) Special Report The FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record W/Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Å Little House/Prairie Little House on the Prairie “Dark Sage” Martha Stewart- : Women- Visi. Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Income Property Hunters Int’l House Hunters House Hunters (N) Hunters Int’l Design Star (N) Å Selling L.A. (N) Hunters Int’l House Hunters House Hunters Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å American Pickers “Pandora’s Box” (N) Pawn Stars (N) Pawn Stars (N) American Restoration “Suck Up” Å Highway to Heaven Wind at My Back “Crack in the Mirror” The Waltons “The Awakening” The Waltons “The Honeymoon” Inspiration Today Joyce Meyer Humanitarian David Regan (:00) Movie: ›› “P.S. I Love You” (2007) Hilary Swank, Movie: “Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story” (2011) Poppy Montgomery. Vanished With Beth Holloway A family How I Met Your How I Met Your Gerard Butler, Lisa Kudrow. Å Premiere. Author J.K. Rowling writes the “Harry Potter” novels. Å searches for a missing child. (N) Å Mother Å Mother “The Limo” (4:00) Movie: “Seven Deadly Sins” (2010) Dreama Walker, Movie: “Christie’s Revenge” (2007) Danielle Kind, John Wesley Shipp, Cynthia Gibb. Movie: ›››‡ “Heathers” (1989) Winona Ryder, Christian Slater, Shannen Doherty. Jared Keeso, Rachel Melvin. Å A vengeful woman blames a man for the death of her father. Å A teenager grows tired of her class-conscious peers. Å (:00) Explorer Alaska State Troopers When Rome Ruled “The Real Caligula” When Rome Ruled “War Machine” (N) When Rome Ruled “Rise of Christianity” When Rome Ruled “The Real Caligula” iCarly Å iCarly Å SpongeBob My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids George Lopez George Lopez That ’70s Show That ’70s Show George Lopez George Lopez The Bad Girls Club The Bad Girls Club Å The Bad Girls Club Perez Hilton. Å Movie: ›‡ “Taxi” (2004) Queen Latifah, Jimmy Fallon. Premiere. Å Movie: ›‡ “Taxi” (2004) Repo Games 1,000 Ways to Die 1,000 Ways to Die 1,000 Ways to Die 1,000 Ways to Die 1,000 Ways to Die 1,000 Ways to Die 1,000 Ways to Die 1,000 Ways to Die 1,000 Ways to Die 1,000 Ways to Die Under the Lights In My Own Words Under the Lights In My Own Words Spotlight In My Own Words In My Own Words Future Phenoms College Field Hockey (4:30) Movie: ››‡ “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s Eureka “Reprise” (N) (In Stereo) Å Warehouse 13 “Trial” (N) (In Stereo) Å Alphas “Anger Management” (N) Eureka “Reprise” (In Stereo) Å End” (2007) Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom. The King of Queens Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Family Guy “Chick Family Guy Peter is Family Guy “Extra- Family Guy “Road Family Guy Family Guy Conan (N) “Van, Go” Cartoon” Å Strongbox” Å Cancer” Å a new student. Large Medium” to Rhode Island” “Episode 420” Å “Quagmire’s Dad” Å (:00) Movie: ››‡ “Lovely to Look At” (1952) Movie: ››‡ “Romance on the High Seas” (1948) Jack Carson. Movie: ›› “Luxury Liner” (1948) George Brent. Å (:45) Love Affair Toddlers & Tiaras Surprise Homecoming (In Stereo) Å Cake Boss Å Cake Boss Å Cake Boss (N) Cake Boss Å Surprise Homecoming (N) Å Cake Boss Å Cake Boss Å (:00) Law & Order Law & Order “Bronx Cheer” Murder inves- The Closer “Unknown Trouble” Brenda is The Closer “Repeat Offender” The LAPD Rizzoli & Isles “Living Proof” Jane and The Closer “Repeat Offender” The LAPD “Justice” tigation. (In Stereo) Å (DVS) the target of a civil suit. Å undergoes a major realignment. Maura discover a murder. (N) Å undergoes a major realignment. Cops “Atlanta” Bait Car Bait Car Bait Car (N) Bait Car (N) All Worked Up All Worked Up All Worked Up All Worked Up Southern Sting Southern Sting Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond The Nanny Fran plays matchmaker. (:00) NCIS NCIS “Nine Lives” Gibbs hunts for the killer NCIS “Murder 2.0” A murderous psycho- WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å (:05) Suits “Dirty Little Secrets” Mike’s first “Heartland” Å of a marine. (In Stereo) Å path taunts the team. Å solo case. Å Divorce Court Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Eyewitness Entertainment Ton. (:05) The Insider (:35) Inside Edition Dharma & Greg (In America’s Funniest Home Videos (In New Adventures of New Adventures of America’s Funniest Home Videos (In WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Å Scrubs (In Stereo) Scrubs (In Stereo) Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Old Christine Old Christine Stereo) Å Å Å




(:00) The First

36 129 48 Å


A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 7:30

How I Met Your Mike & Molly Mother Å “Mike’s Apartment” Mike & Molly Who Wants to Be a How I Met Your Mother Å “Mike’s Apartment” Millionaire Å TMZ (N) (In Stereo) Hell’s Kitchen “18 Chefs Compete” The Å Å signature-dish challenge. Å Inside Edition Entertainment The Bachelorette (N) (In Stereo) Å (N) Å Tonight (N) Å Inside Edition Entertainment America’s Got Talent Four acts advance (N) Å Tonight (N) Å to the top 24. (In Stereo) Å How I Met Your How I Met Your Hell’s Kitchen “18 Chefs Compete” The Mother Å Mother Å signature-dish challenge. Å Jeopardy! (N) Å Wheel of Fortune In America’s Got Talent Four acts advance to the top 24. (In Stereo) Å Las Vegas. PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å Dragons Alive “Smart Reptiles” 4 Å Chameleons; alligators; marine iguana. Å ABC World News Family Feud (In Who Wants to Be a The Bachelorette (N) (In Stereo) Å 45 With Diane Sawyer Stereo) Å Millionaire Å Family Guy (In Two and a Half Two and a Half 90210 (In Stereo) Å 15 Stereo) Å Men Å Men Å Family Feud (In Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Grief” Law & Order: Criminal Intent “The 13 Stereo) Å Healer” Detectives investigate voodoo. A cocktail waitress is murdered. (:00) PBS Nightly Business North Carolina Now Antiques Roadshow “Chattanooga, TN” A 5 NewsHour (N) Å Report (N) Å (In Stereo) 19th century military saxophone. Å




58 30 62 44 60

130 100 323 141

64 144


24 121


25 157 48 132


26 125


75 126 56 127


28 123







15 500 “Recount” (2008) Å & Dark Shadows of a Champion Å

(5:00) Movie:


302 502


304 504


320 514


340 450

Sugar Ray Robinson: The Bright Lights Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å Mann V. Ford American Indians file a lawsuit against Ford Motor (:45) Movie: ›››‡ “Up in the Air” (2009) George Clooney, Co. (N) (In Stereo) Å Vera Farmiga. (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›› “The Time Traveler’s Wife” (2009) Rachel McAdams. A time-traveler Curb Your True Blood “I’m Alive and on Fire” Alcide Entourage “Stunted” Entourage “Buzzed” Entourage Entourage “Tequila keeps moving in and out of the life of his true love. (In Stereo) Å Enthusiasm Å helps Sookie look for Eric. Å Å Å “Dramedy” Å Sunrise” Å (:15) Movie: ›› “Turk 182!” (1985) Timothy Hutton. An injured Six Feet Under “The Eye Inside” (In Movie: ›››‡ “Inception” (2010) Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page. A thief enters Movie: “She’s Out fireman’s younger brother wages a graffiti war. Stereo) Å people’s dreams and steals their secrets. (In Stereo) Å of My League” (5:50) Movie: ››› “Face/Off” (1997) John Travolta. An FBI (:15) Movie: › “Just Married” (2003) Ashton Kutcher, Brittany Murphy. Two newly- Movie: ›› “Sex and the City 2” (2010) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin agent and a violent terrorist switch identities. weds have bad luck while honeymooning in Europe. (In Stereo) Å Davis. Carrie Bradshaw and the gals visit Abu Dhabi. (In Stereo) Å (5:45) Movie: ››‡ “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” (2009) (7:55) Movie: ››‡ “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (2010) Kristen Stewart. iTV. Bella Weeds “A Hole in The Big C “Boo!” Weeds “A Hole in The Big C “Boo!” Kristen Stewart. iTV. (In Stereo) Å must choose between Edward and Jacob. (In Stereo) Å Her Niqab” Å (iTV) (N) Å Her Niqab” (iTV) (iTV) Å

20D • Thursday, July 14, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

TUESDAY MORNING JULY 19, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 6:30

(:00) Good Morning Show Å News WBTV 3 News at 6 AM (N) Fox 8 News FOX 8 News at 6:00A (N) WSOC News WSOC 9 News Daybreak at 6:00 News WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å News Fox News Rising (N) News Channel NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 GED Connect. Classical Strt Clifford-Dog Morning Flat Abs Dayna Muldoon Paid Program Paid Program John Newlin Shephrd Chapl A. Wommack K. Copeland Cycles of Life Destinos GED Connect. Paid Program Three Stooges River Monsters Peter Popoff Paid Program World Exchange AM: Wake Up Paid Program Jungle Junction SportsCenter NASCAR Now Life Today Paid Program Paid Program I Love Lucy Paid Program Garbage Mogul Family Matters Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Married... With Ship of Fools Paid Program (:00) NUMB3RS Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Funny Videos





The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 News at 8:00A (N) Good Morning America (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News Rising 8am (N) Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Arthur Curious George Curious George Cat in the Hat Good Morning America (N) Å The Daily Buzz Å Joseph Prince Joyce Meyer Conquerors Life Today Clifford-Dog Martha Speaks Curious George Cat in the Hat


^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8




Andy Griffith Jeopardy! (N) Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show Å The Dr. Oz Show Å Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å Live With Regis and Kelly Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Live With Regis and Kelly Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å The 700 Club Å Paid Program TMZ (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street Å (DVS) Better (In Stereo) Å The People’s Court Å America’s Funniest Home Videos Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Edgemont Å Coach Å That ’70s Show My Wife & Kids Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street Å (DVS)



The Price Is Right (N) Å The Price Is Right (N) Å The Nate Berkus Show Å The View (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Housewives/OC Charlotte Today Sid the Science WordWorld The View (In Stereo) Å Cosby Show Cosby Show Judge Karen Judge Karen Sid the Science Between Lions

Paid Program Paid Program Gene Simmons Family Jewels Family Jewels Family Jewels Gene Simmons Family Jewels Family Jewels Family Jewels Gene Simmons Family Jewels Paid Program Hair Loss Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Three Stooges Three Stooges Movie: ››‡ “Life” (1999) Eddie Murphy. Å Orangutan Isle Chimp Eden Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary The Crocodile Hunter Å It’s Me or the Dog Å Animal Cops Houston Å Animal Cops Houston Å BET Inspiration Peter Popoff Hates Chris Hates Chris Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx The Fashion Show The Fashion Show “Finale” Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Squawk Box (N) Å Squawk on the Street (N) The Call (N) Å American Morning Å CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program James Robison Joyce Meyer Paid Program Double Life “Aryan Nation” Å Double Life “Operation Ivan” Double Life (In Stereo) Å Little Einsteins Little Einsteins Handy Manny Agent Oso Mickey Mouse Never Land Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Movie: ›››‡ “The Incredibles” (2004) Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Mike and Mike in the Morning (N) (Live) Å ESPN First Take (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Full House Joyce Meyer Drenda Boy Mts. World Boy Mts. World What I Like What I Like Grounded Life 700-Interactive The 700 Club Å Full House Paid Program Paid Program Outdoor Secrets Horsemanship Table Tennis The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) Paid Program Paid Program Movie: ›‡ “Gloria” (1999) Sharon Stone. Movie: ››‡ “The Corruptor” (1999) Chow Yun-Fat, Mark Wahlberg. Cloverfield I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls The Martha Stewart Show (N) Mad Hungry Mad Hungry Paid Program Paid Program The Balancing Act (N) Å Reba Å Reba Å Will & Grace Will & Grace Old Christine Old Christine How I Met How I Met Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program The Real Roswell American Paranormal The Final Report Family Matters Family Matters Max & Ruby Max & Ruby Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Bubble Guppies Dora Explorer SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob The Simple Life (:45) Movie: ›› “Laws of Attraction” (2004) Pierce Brosnan. (:45) The Glee Project “Pairability” Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSI: NY “Battle Scars” Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Sports World Married... With Married... With Home Improve. Home Improve. Saved by Bell Saved by Bell Yes, Dear Å Yes, Dear Å Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne Private Screen. (:45) Movie: ››› “A Face in the Crowd” (1957) Andy Griffith. Å Movie: ››‡ “Onionhead” (1958) Andy Griffith. Movie: “Gangster Story” (1960) Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å 17 Kids and Counting Å A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story Baby’s First Know-Pregnant Know-Pregnant Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Angel “The Girl in Question” Angel “Power Play” Å Charmed “All Halliwell’s Eve” Charmed Learn about evil force. Supernatural “Lucifer Rising” HawthoRNe Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In Session Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU White Collar A teenage con man. Paid Program Storm Stories Eyewitness News Morning (N) Eyewitness News Morning (N) Access H. The Insider (N) The Wendy Williams Show Å The Nate Berkus Show Å Paid Program Joyce Meyer Changing-World K. Copeland Bev. Hillbillies Bev. Hillbillies Matlock (In Stereo) Å Matlock (In Stereo) Å In the Heat of the Night Å




A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 1:00


News 2 at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful News at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful FOX 8 News Access H. The Wendy Williams Show Å WSOC 9 News Midday (N) Å All My Children (N) Å WXII 12 News at Noon (N) Å Days of our Lives (N) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Jerry Springer (N) Å NewsChannel 36 News at 12:00 Days of our Lives (N) Å Super Why! Thomas/Friends Caillou Å Between Lions Family Feud Be a Millionaire All My Children (N) Å According-Jim Frasier Å Scrubs Å King of Queens Judge Jeanine Pirro Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Chef John Besh Simply Ming Hometime Å For Your Home



The Talk (In Stereo) Å The Talk (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge J. Brown One Life to Live (N) Å Inside Edition Entertainment The Steve Wilkos Show (N) Å The Doctors Å Cyberchase Wild Kratts One Life to Live (N) Å True Hollywood Story Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Woodshop Workshop



Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Divorce Court Judge Alex General Hospital (N) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge Judy Barney, Friends Electric Comp. General Hospital (N) Å The Tyra Show (In Stereo) Å Smarter Don’t Forget The This Old House Hour Å



The Ellen DeGeneres Show Å WBTV 3 News WBTV 3 News Judge Judy Judge J. Brown The Oprah Winfrey Show Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Swift Justice Swift Justice News Channel Judge Judy Arthur WordGirl Swift Justice Swift Justice The Office King of Queens The People’s Court Å Arthur WordGirl



News 2 at 5 (N) Andy Griffith News at 5 PM News at 5:30 FOX 8 News at 5:00P (N) WSOC 9 News WSOC 9 News WXII 12 News at 5 (N) Å The Ellen DeGeneres Show Å News Channel News Martha Speaks Curious George The Doctors Å Old Christine Seinfeld Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Wild Kratts Fetch! With Ruff

6:00 News 2 at 6 (N) News at 6 PM FOX 8 News WSOC 9 News News TMZ (N) Å News Channel Cat in the Hat Smarter Family Guy Family Feud PBS NewsHour

The First 48 “Body of Evidence” The First 48 Å Family Jewels Family Jewels Gene Simmons Family Jewels Family Jewels Family Jewels Gene Simmons Family Jewels The First 48 (10:00) Life Å Movie: ››‡ “Housesitter” (1992) Steve Martin, Goldie Hawn. Premiere. Movie: ›‡ “Beverly Hills Ninja” (1997) Chris Farley. Movie: ›››‡ “The Matrix” Å Animal Cops Philadelphia Å K-9 Cops “Meet the Elite” Å Animal Cops Houston Å I’m Alive “Out of Reach” Å I Shouldn’t Be Alive Å The Most Extreme “Pirates” Untamed-Uncut Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Movie: ››‡ “Notorious” (2009) Angela Bassett, Derek Luke. Girlfriends The Game The Game Hates Chris Hates Chris 106 & Park: Top Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Strat Session Fast Money Power Lunch (N) Å Street Signs (N) Å Closing Bell (N) (In Stereo) Å Closing Bell With Maria Bartiromo Fast Money (N) Mad Money (N) (11:00) CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer Deadliest Catch (In Stereo) Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å American Chopper Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Good-Charlie Prank Stars Shake It Up! Wizards-Place Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Phineas, Ferb Suite/Deck Good-Charlie A.N.T. Farm Shake It Up! Wizards-Place Phineas, Ferb SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å First Report Football Live NFL Live (N) Rome/Burning Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter ESPN First Take (In Stereo) Å Mike and Mike 1st and 10 (N) The Scott Van Pelt Show (N) SportsNation (N) (Live) Å NASCAR Now Football Live Around/Horn Still Standing Still Standing 8 Simple Rules 8 Simple Rules My Wife & Kids My Wife & Kids That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Secret Life of American Teen Nine Lives MLS Soccer Colorado Rapids at Seattle Sounders FC. The Dan Patrick Show (N) Action Sports World Champion Golf Life ’11 Boys in the Hall Golden Age Outdoor Mag. Sports Stories (11:30) Movie: ››› “Cloverfield” (2008) Movie: ››› “Hellboy II: The Golden Army” (2008) Ron Perlman. Movie: ›‡ “Grandma’s Boy” (2006) Doris Roberts. Two/Half Men Petkeeping Petkeeping The Martha Stewart Show Å The Martha Stewart Show Å The Waltons “The Theft” Å The Waltons “The Roots” Å The Waltons “The Chicken Thief” Little House Desperate Housewives “Gossip” Grey’s Anatomy (In Stereo) Å Grey’s Anatomy (In Stereo) Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Unsolved Mysteries Å Mysteries Secrets of Revelation Doomsday: Book of Revelation Dog Whisperer Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Hard Time “Battle Behind Bars” Hard Time The Fairly OddParents Å iCarly Å iCarly Å Victorious Å Victorious Å Big Time Rush Big Time Rush SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Roseanne Å Glee Project CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: NY “It Happened to Me” CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters WNBA Basketball Indiana Fever at Atlanta Dream. (N) (Live) Sprtsman Adv. Aaron’s Outdr N. Amer. Safari O’Neill Outside Pass’n It On Right Place Matchpoint Brawl Call Golf America House of Payne Meet, Browns American Dad Name Is Earl Love-Raymond According-Jim According-Jim The Office Friends Å Friends Å Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens (:15) Movie: ›› “Ensign Pulver” (1964) Robert Walker. Movie: ››› “I Confess” (1953) (:45) Movie: ››› “The Hanging Tree” (1959) Å (:45) Movie: “Hotel” (1967) What Not to Wear “Jessica” A Baby Story A Baby Story Rm-Multiples Baby’s First What Not to Wear “Sarah W.” Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Cake Boss Cake Boss Toddler-Tiara HawthoRNe “Fight or Flight” HawthoRNe Å HawthoRNe Å HawthoRNe “Let Freedom Sing” Law & Order “Missing” Law & Order “Kingmaker” Law & Order (9:00) In Session Most Shocking Most Shocking Car thieves crash. Most Shocking Cops “Boston” Covert Affairs “The Outsiders” Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order Eyewitness News on TV-64 (N) Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å America’s Court America’s Court Judge Alex Judge Alex The Wendy Williams Show Å Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Divorce Court In the Heat of the Night Å WGN Midday News (N) Å Walker, Texas Ranger Å Walker, Texas Ranger Å Jeannie Bewitched Cheers Å Cheers Å Dharma & Greg

Thursday, July 14, 2011 • 21D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post TUESDAY EVENING JULY 19, 2011 A

































A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant




CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley Access Hollywood (N) Å ABC World News With Diane Sawyer NBC Nightly News (N) Å Everybody Loves Raymond Å NBC Nightly News (N) Å Garden Smart Container gardens. ABC World News With Diane Sawyer Family Guy “Petarded” Å Family Feud (In Stereo) Å (:00) PBS NewsHour (N) Å

Wheel of Fortune In Las Vegas. WBTV News Prime Time (N) Extra (N) (In Stereo)

News 2 at 11 (N) Å Late Show With David Letterman 48 Hours Mystery (In Stereo) Å WBTV 3 News at 11 Late Show With PM (N) David Letterman FOX 8 10:00 News (N) Seinfeld George Seinfeld “The Letter” Å Å suspects attorney. Å Inside Edition Entertainment Wipeout “At Full Tilt” Mood Swing; 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show Combat Hospital “Hells Bells” Marks is WSOC 9 News (:35) Nightline (N) Å Tonight (N) Å Scareousel; Super Tramp. Å Competing for $50,000. (N) (In Stereo) Å impressed with Bobby. (N) Å Tonight (N) Å (N) Å Inside Edition Entertainment It’s Worth What? (Series Premiere) A America’s Got Talent Twelve of the top 48 acts perform. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å WXII 12 News at 11 The Tonight Show (N) Å Tonight (N) Å landlord and her tenant compete. (N) (N) Å With Jay Leno How I Met Your How I Met Your Hell’s Kitchen (N) (In Stereo) Å MasterChef (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News at 10 (N) (:35) Fox News The Simpsons (In King of the Hill Mother Å Mother Å Edge Stereo) Å “Dang Ol’ Love” Jeopardy! (N) Å Wheel of Fortune In It’s Worth What? (Series Premiere) A America’s Got Talent Twelve of the top 48 acts perform. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å NewsChannel 36 The Tonight Show Las Vegas. landlord and her tenant compete. (N) News at 11:00 (N) With Jay Leno PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å Antiques Roadshow “Chattanooga, TN” A Priceless Antiques Priceless Antiques Timewatch: Mystery of the Black Death Pompeii: The Last Day (In Stereo) 19th century military saxophone. Å Roadshow Å Roadshow Å (In Stereo) Å Family Feud (In Who Wants to Be a Wipeout “At Full Tilt” Mood Swing; 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show Combat Hospital “Hells Bells” Marks is Entourage (In (:35) Nightline Stereo) Å Millionaire Å Scareousel; Super Tramp. Å Competing for $50,000. (N) (In Stereo) Å impressed with Bobby. (N) Å Stereo) Å (N) Å Two and a Half Two and a Half One Tree Hill (In Stereo) Å Hellcats (In Stereo) Å WJZY News at (:35) Seinfeld “The New Adventures of (:35) The Office Men Å Men Å 10 (N) Soul Mate” Å Old Christine “Initiation” Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Are You Smarter Are You Smarter Don’t Forget the Don’t Forget the Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House My Wife and Kids George Lopez (In “Perfect” A murdered girl is found. Å Than a 5th Grader? Than a 5th Grader? Lyrics! (N) Å Lyrics! (N) Å of Payne of Payne “Mom’s Away” Stereo) Å Nightly Business North Carolina Now History Detectives Propeller from a World Frontline “Kill/Capture” Targeting killing by Bad Blood: A Cautionary Tale Waiting for God “A BBC World News Report (N) Å (In Stereo) War II drone. (N) (In Stereo) Å the U.S. military. Å Hemophiliacs receive contaminated treat- Trip to Brighton” (In Stereo) Å

(:00) The First 48

The First 48 “Lost Highway; Out for

Jeopardy! (N) Å


27 159 107 208 237 176 172


35 131


54 98 49 240 39 70 68 74


29 122 40 45 57 76 46 65 78

77 124 178 128 232 133 66

31 226 72 227 58 30 62 44 60

130 100 323 141


64 144


24 121


25 157 48 132


26 125


75 126 56 127


28 123 8






15 500 Losers” (2010)


302 502


304 504


320 514


340 450



NCIS: Los Angeles “Empty Quiver” Exposing corrupt cops. Å (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles “Empty Quiver” Exposing corrupt cops. Å (DVS) MasterChef (N) (In Stereo) Å





48 Hours Mystery (In Stereo) Å

The First 48 “Lost Highway; Out for Storage Wars “High Storage Wars Å Gene Simmons Family Jewels Gene Gene Simmons Family Jewels Shannon Murda” A homeless man is murdered. End Heist” takes Shannon on a vacation. Å and Gene visit her family. Å (5:00) Movie: ›››‡ “The Matrix” (1999) Keanu Reeves, Movie: ››‡ “Caddyshack” (1980) Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Bill Murray. A Movie: ››‡ “Caddyshack” (1980) Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Bill Murray. A Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss. Å vulgar newcomer clashes with the country club set. Å vulgar newcomer clashes with the country club set. Å Untamed-Uncut Untamed and Uncut “Costly Mistakes” Man-Eating Super Snake Å Swamp Wars “Cannibal Gator” Å Drug Kingpin Hippos (N) (In Stereo) Swamp Wars “Cannibal Gator” Å (:00) 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live Å Movie: ›› “Scary Movie 4” (2006) Anna Faris, Craig Bierko. Premiere. Family Affair Family Affair The Mo’Nique Show Å Housewives/OC Flipping Out “New Kid on the Block” Flipping Out “Wake-Up Call” Å Flipping Out “New York or Bust” (N) Million Dollar Decorators (N) Flipping Out “New York or Bust” Å (:00) Mad Money The Kudlow Report (N) Scam: Bernie Madoff’s Crime 60 Minutes on CNBC “Your Money” CNBC Titans “Ted Turner” Mad Money Situation Room John King, USA In the Arena Piers Morgan Tonight Tatum O’Neil. (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å Cash Cab Chicago Deadliest Catch “Pirate School” The Deadliest Catch “The Island” The Deadliest Catch Season winds down and Alaskan Monster Hunt: Hillstranded (N) Deadliest Catch Season winds down and (In Stereo) Å Cornelia Marie’s acute lack of bait. Seabrooke loses a greenhorn. Å tempers boil over. (N) Å (In Stereo) Å tempers boil over. (In Stereo) Å Good Luck Charlie My Babysitter A.N.T. Farm Å Good Luck Charlie Shake It Up! Å Movie: ››› “Finding Nemo” (2003) Voices of Albert Brooks. Å A.N.T. Farm Å Good Luck Charlie (:00) E! Special E! News Sex and the City Sex and the City E! Special Kardashian Kardashian Chelsea Lately E! News (:00) SportsCenter E:60 (N) 2011 World Series of Poker Down to 9, Part I. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Pardon/Interruption WNBA Basketball Seattle Storm at Chicago Sky. (N) (Live) Å SportsNation Å 2011 ESPY’s Å The Nine Lives of Pretty Little Liars “The Devil You Know” Pretty Little Liars “Never Letting Go” The The Nine Lives of Chloe King Brian and Pretty Little Liars “Never Letting Go” The The 700 Club Å Chloe King The Liars face an unknown evil. Rosewood Charity Fashion Show. Chloe attend a party. (N) Rosewood Charity Fashion Show. The Game 365 World Poker Tour: Season 9 Golden Age MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Colorado Rockies. From Coors Field in Denver. (N) (Live) Golden Age Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Movie: ››› “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” (2008) Jason Segel, Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis. Movie: ››› “Superbad” (2007) Jonah Hill. Special Report The FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record W/Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Å Little House/Prairie Little House on the Prairie Å Little House on the Prairie “Chicago” Frasier Å Frasier “Rivals” Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Property Virgins Hunters Int’l House Hunters My First Place (N) My First Place Real Estate Property Virgins House Hunters Hunters Int’l For Rent “Johnny” Property Virgins Modern Marvels Modern Marvels “Superhighways” Swamp People “Rising Pressure” Å Swamp People “House Divided” Å Swamp People Å Swamp People “2 Days to Tag Out” Highway to Heaven Wind at My Back “Secrets and Lies” The Waltons “The Heritage” The Waltons “The Gift” Inspiration Today Joyce Meyer Love a Child Humanitarian (:00) Unsolved Pawn Stars “Old Pawn Stars “A Shot American Pickers “Buddy’s Booby Trap” American Pickers “Easy Riders” Mike and How I Met Your How I Met Your How I Met Your How I Met Your Mysteries Å Man’s Booty” and a Shave” Frank finds a gold mine of signs. Frank head to a promising farm. Mother Å Mother Å Mother Å Mother Å (:00) Movie: “Love Notes” (2007) Laura Leighton. A woman Movie: ›› “A Walk to Remember” (2002) Shane West, Mandy Moore, Peter Movie: “Listen to Your Heart” (2010) Cybill Shepherd, Shirley Knight, Ernie Sabella. wants to give her baby to her infertile best friend. Å Coyote. A high-school delinquent courts a minister’s daughter. Å A songwriter falls in love with a girl who cannot hear. Å (:00) Hard Time Alaska State Troopers “Frontier Force” Alaska State Troopers Hard Time “World Without Men” Hard Time “Women on Lockdown” (N) Alaska State Troopers iCarly Å iCarly Å SpongeBob My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids George Lopez George Lopez That ’70s Show That ’70s Show The Nanny Å The Nanny Å The Glee Project The Glee Project “Pairability” Å (:15) Movie: ›› “Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous” (2005) Sandra Bullock. Å (:45) Movie: “Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous” Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters (N) Auction Hunters Repo Games (N) Repo Games (N) Unique Autosports WNBA Basketball Indiana Fever at Atlanta Dream. From Philips Arena in Atlanta. Sports World Unique Autosports Matchpoint WNBA Basketball: Fever at Dream (:00) Star Trek: Movie: ›› “Underworld: Evolution” (2006) Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman, Tony Movie: ›› “Underworld: Rise of the Lycans” (2009) Michael Sheen, Bill Nighy. Movie: ›‡ “Skinwalkers” (2007) Jason Enterprise Å Curran. Vampire warrior Selene seeks revenge for her betrayal. Lucian leads the Lycans against Viktor, the king of the vampires. Behr, Elias Koteas. The King of Queens Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The The Office “Back The Office The Office “The The Office “Ben The Office The Office “The Conan (N) Å Raincoats” Å Raincoats, Part II” From Vacation” “Traveling Salesmen” Return” Å Franklin” Å “Cocktails” Å Negotiation” Å (5:45) Movie: ››› “Hotel” (1967) Rod Taylor. Movie: ›››‡ “Caesar and Cleopatra” (1946) Vivien Leigh. (:15) Movie: ››‡ “Dream Wife” (1953) Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr. Toddlers & Tiaras Surprise Homecoming (In Stereo) Å I Kid - Brad G. I Kid - Brad G. 19 Kids-Count 19 Kids-Count The Little Couple The Little Couple I Kid - Brad G. I Kid - Brad G. (:00) Law & Order Law & Order “Judge Dread” A judge Rizzoli & Isles “Living Proof” Jane and Memphis Beat “Troubled Water” Dwight’s HawthoRNe “Just Between Friends” Memphis Beat “Troubled Water” Dwight’s “Executioner” escapes a murder attempt. Å (DVS) Maura discover a murder. Å friend is arrested. (N) Å Christina and Nick throw a party. (N) friend is arrested. Å Cops Å World’s Dumbest... Hardcore Pawn Hardcore Pawn Hardcore Pawn (N) Hardcore Pawn Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Vegas Strip Vegas Strip Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland Happily Divorced Law & Order: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ADA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit White Collar “Taking Account” Jones’ Covert Affairs “Half a World Away” Annie Necessary Roughness “Spinning Out” Dr. Special Victims Unit Paxton’s friend receives threats. Å Detectives probe an apparent suicide. missing friend. (N) Å learns the full story. (N) Å Dani treats a NASCAR driver. Å Divorce Court Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Eyewitness Entertainment Ton. (:05) The Insider (:35) Inside Edition Dharma & Greg (In America’s Funniest Home Videos (In New Adventures of New Adventures of How I Met Your How I Met Your WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Å Scrubs (In Stereo) Scrubs (In Stereo) Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Old Christine Old Christine Mother Å Mother Å Å Å

36 129 “Body of Evidence” Murda” A homeless man is murdered.

38 59 37 34 32


NCIS “Worst Nightmare” A girl is kidnapped. (In Stereo) Å Who Wants to Be a NCIS “Worst Nightmare” A girl is kidMillionaire Å napped. (In Stereo) Å TMZ (N) (In Stereo) Hell’s Kitchen (N) (In Stereo) Å




(5:30) Movie: “The (:15) The Making Movie: ›››‡ “The Kids Are All Right” (2010) Julianne Moore. Children of a lesbian Curb Your REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (N) True Blood “I’m Alive and on Fire” Alcide Of: The Town couple get to know their biological father. (In Stereo) Enthusiasm Å (In Stereo) Å helps Sookie look for Eric. Å (5:00) Movie: Movie: ››› “Crazy Heart” (2009) Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal. A small-town Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å Entourage “Hair” (In Entourage “Tequila Entourage Ari’s new Entourage (In “Knight and Day” reporter inspires an aging country-music star. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å and Coke” Å persona. Å Stereo) Å (5:00) Movie: “Max” Movie: ››‡ “Brown Sugar” (2002) Taye Diggs, Sanaa Lathan, Mos Def. Childhood Movie: ›‡ “Couples Retreat” (2009) Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman. Four Movie: ›› “Love Happens” (2009) (2002) Å friends won’t admit they love each other. (In Stereo) Å Midwestern couples descend on an island resort. (In Stereo) Å Aaron Eckhart. (In Stereo) Å (:15) Movie: ››‡ “Waterworld” (1995) Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper, Jeanne Movie: ›› “Four Christmases” (2008) Vince Vaughn. A Movie: ›› “Happy Gilmore” (1996) Adam Sandler, (:35) Femme Tripplehorn. A loner navigates a future world. (In Stereo) Å couple must somehow fit in four holiday visits with family. Christopher McDonald, Julie Bowen. (In Stereo) Å Fatales “The Clinic” (5:00) Movie: (:15) Movie: ››› “Outsourced” (2006) Josh Hamilton, Ayesha Dharker. iTV. A man Weeds “A Hole in The Big C “Boo!” Weeds “A Hole in The Big C “Boo!” Web Therapy “Click The Real L Word “Knowing” (2009) trains his replacement in India. (In Stereo) Å Her Niqab” (iTV) (iTV) Å Her Niqab” (iTV) (iTV) Å to Start” (iTV)

22D • Thursday, July 14, 2011

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post

WEDNESDAY MORNING JULY 20, 2011 A ^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 6:30

(:00) Good Morning Show Å News WBTV 3 News at 6 AM (N) Fox 8 News FOX 8 News at 6:00A (N) WSOC News WSOC 9 News Daybreak at 6:00 News WXII 12 News at 6am (N) Å News Fox News Rising (N) News Channel NewsChannel 36 News at 6:00 GED Connect. Classical Strt Clifford-Dog Morning Paid Program Dayna Muldoon Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Shephrd Chapl A. Wommack K. Copeland French Action Destinos GED Connect. Paid Program (4:00) Bowfinger Drug Hippos Peter Popoff Paid Program World Exchange AM: Wake Up Paid Program Jungle Junction SportsCenter SportsNation Life Today Paid Program Paid Program I Love Lucy Paid Program Naked Science Family Matters Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Married... With Desert Song Paid Program (:00) NUMB3RS Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Funny Videos





The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å The Early Show (N) (In Stereo) Å FOX 8 News at 8:00A (N) Good Morning America (N) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Fox News Rising 8am (N) Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Arthur Curious George Curious George Cat in the Hat Good Morning America (N) Å The Daily Buzz Å Joseph Prince Joyce Meyer Conquerors Life Today Clifford-Dog Martha Speaks Curious George Cat in the Hat

Paid Program Paid Program Parking Wars Parking Wars Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Orangutan Isle Chimp Eden Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary BET Inspiration Tabatha’s Salon Takeover Tabatha’s Salon Takeover Squawk Box (N) Å American Morning Å Shark Vacuum Paid Program Paid Program James Robison Little Einsteins Little Einsteins Handy Manny Agent Oso SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å Mike and Mike in the Morning (N) (Live) Å Joyce Meyer Amazing Facts Boy Mts. World Boy Mts. World Paid Program Paid Program Amer-Whitetail LOKAR Car Paid Program Paid Program Smarter Smarter I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Paid Program Paid Program The Balancing Act (N) Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Family Matters Family Matters Max & Ruby Max & Ruby Living Single Living Single Living Single Living Single Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Married... With Married... With Home Improve. Home Improve. MGM Parade (:45) Movie: ››› “Tomorrow Is Forever” (1946) Four Weddings (In Stereo) Å On the Road With 16 Children Angel “Not Fade Away” Å Angel “City Of” (In Stereo) Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Paid Program Storm Stories Eyewitness News Morning (N) Paid Program Joyce Meyer Changing-World K. Copeland


^ # ( ) , 2 D J M N W Z




3 22 9


11 6 4

11 6 4 45 15 13 5

8 12 5 36 27 38 59 37 34 32 35 54 39 68 29 40 45 76 31 58 30 62 44 60 24 25 48 26 75 28 2 13


129 159 107 208 237 176 172 131 98 70 74 122 77 124 128 226 130 100 323 141 121 157 132 125 126 123 8






Andy Griffith Jeopardy! (N) Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show Å Rachael Ray (In Stereo) Å The Dr. Oz Show Å Live With Regis and Kelly Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Live With Regis and Kelly Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Paid Program TMZ (N) Å The 700 Club Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street Last cookie. Better (In Stereo) Å The People’s Court Å America’s Funniest Home Videos Roseanne Å Roseanne Å That ’70s Show My Wife-Kids Edgemont Å Coach Å Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street Last cookie.



The Price Is Right (N) Å The Price Is Right (N) Å The Nate Berkus Show Å The View (N) (In Stereo) Å Today (N) (In Stereo) Å Housewives/OC Charlotte Today Sid the Science WordWorld The View (N) (In Stereo) Å Cosby Show Cosby Show Judge Karen Judge Karen Sid the Science WordWorld

Parking Wars Parking Wars Hair Loss Paid Program The Crocodile Hunter Å Hates Chris Hates Chris Tabatha’s Salon Takeover

Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Three Stooges Movie: ›››‡ “The Sons of Katie Elder” (1965) John Wayne. Å It’s Me or the Dog “Ask Victoria” Animal Cops Houston Å Animal Cops Houston Å Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Bernie Mac Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Tabatha’s Salon Takeover Tabatha’s Salon Takeover Tabatha’s Salon Takeover Squawk on the Street (N) The Call (N) Å CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom MythBusters “22,000 Foot Fall” Joyce Meyer Paid Program When We Left Earth: Moon MythBusters (In Stereo) Å Mickey Mouse Never Land Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Movie: ››› “Finding Nemo” (2003) Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ESPN First Take (N) (In Stereo Live) Å What I Like What I Like Grounded Life 700-Interactive The 700 Club Å Full House Full House Ball Up Streetball The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) Smarter Movie: ››› “Cloverfield” (2008) Michael Stahl-David. Movie: ›‡ “Grandma’s Boy” (2006) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls The Martha Stewart Show Å Mad Hungry Mad Hungry Reba Å Reba Å Will & Grace Will & Grace Old Christine Old Christine How I Met How I Met Paid Program Paid Program Naked Science “Alien Safari” Naked Science Naked Science Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Bubble Guppies Dora Explorer SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å Paid Program Paid Program CSI: NY Interstate trucking ring. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program WNBA Basketball Saved by Bell Saved by Bell Yes, Dear Å Yes, Dear Å Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne Movie: “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947) John Payne (:15) Movie: ›› “The Green Promise” Our Very Own A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story Baby’s First The Smallest People in the World Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Charmed “Primrose Empath” Charmed “Power Outage” Å Supernatural (In Stereo) Å Supernatural “Good God, Y’all” Paid Program Paid Program In Session Movie: ››› “Cold Mountain” (2003) Jude Law, Nicole Kidman, Renée Zellweger. Å Royal Pains “Rash Talk” Å Eyewitness News Morning (N) Access H. The Insider (N) The Wendy Williams Show Å The Nate Berkus Show Å Bev. Hillbillies Bev. Hillbillies Matlock (In Stereo) Å Matlock (In Stereo) Å In the Heat of the Night Å



A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant 1:30

News 2 at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful News at Noon The Young and the Restless (N) Bold/Beautiful FOX 8 News Access H. The Wendy Williams Show Å WSOC 9 News Midday (N) Å All My Children (N) Å WXII 12 News at Noon (N) Å Days of our Lives (N) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Jerry Springer (N) Å NewsChannel 36 News at 12:00 Days of our Lives (N) Å Super Why! Thomas/Friends Caillou Å Between Lions Family Feud Be a Millionaire All My Children (N) Å According-Jim Frasier Å Scrubs Å King of Queens Judge Jeanine Pirro Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Test Kitchen Jacques Pepin My Generation Life (Part 2)



The Talk (In Stereo) Å The Talk (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge J. Brown One Life to Live (N) Å Inside Edition Entertainment The Steve Wilkos Show (N) Å The Doctors Å Cyberchase Wild Kratts One Life to Live (N) Å True Hollywood Story Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Growing Bolder Leading Gen

Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Sons of Katie Movie: ››› “The Cowboys” (1972) John Wayne, Roscoe Lee Browne, Bruce Dern. Å Animal Cops Philadelphia Å K-9 Cops “Meet the Elite Part 2” Animal Cops Houston Å Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Movie: ›› “Scary Movie 4” (2006) Anna Faris, Craig Bierko. Tabatha’s Salon Takeover Tabatha’s Salon Takeover Tabatha’s Salon Takeover Strat Session Fast Money Power Lunch (N) Å Street Signs (N) Å (11:00) CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Deadliest Catch (In Stereo) Å American Chopper “Peavey 1” American Chopper Å Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Shake It Up! Wizards-Place Good-Charlie Good-Charlie SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ESPN First Take (In Stereo) Å Mike and Mike 1st and 10 (N) Still Standing Still Standing 8 Simple Rules 8 Simple Rules My Wife & Kids My Wife & Kids N. Amer. Hunter Outdoor Secrets Bowhunter TV Amer-Whitetail The Dan Patrick Show (N) Grandma’s Boy Movie: ››› “Superbad” (2007) Jonah Hill, Michael Cera. Petkeeping Petkeeping The Martha Stewart Show Å The Martha Stewart Show Å Desperate Housewives Å Grey’s Anatomy (In Stereo) Å Grey’s Anatomy “Rise Up” Å Secrets of the Star Disc Calling All Aliens Dog Whisperer T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy iCarly Å iCarly Å Victorious Å Victorious Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: NY “Cuckoo’s Nest” Å CSI: Crime Scene Investigation WNBA Basketball Top 25 Atlanta Braves Moments :58 Flat (N) (Live) House of Payne Meet, Browns American Dad Name Is Earl Love-Raymond According-Jim (11:45) Movie: ››› “Our Very Own” Movie: ››› “No Sad Songs for Me” What Not to Wear “Kimberly” A Baby Story A Baby Story Rm-Multiples Baby’s First Las Vegas “Tainted Love” Å Las Vegas (In Stereo) Å Cold Case “Schadenfreude” (9:00) In Session Necessary Roughness Å House “Detox” (In Stereo) Å NCIS “Collateral Damage” Å Eyewitness News on TV-64 (N) Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å America’s Court America’s Court In the Heat of the Night Å WGN Midday News (N) Å Walker, Texas Ranger Å



Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Let’s Make a Deal (N) Å Divorce Court Judge Alex General Hospital (N) Å Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å Maury (In Stereo) Å Judge Judy Judge Judy Barney, Friends Electric Comp. General Hospital (N) Å The Tyra Show (In Stereo) Å Smarter Don’t Forget Grannies Safari Seasoned Travl Parking Wars



The Ellen DeGeneres Show Å WBTV 3 News WBTV 3 News Judge Judy Judge J. Brown The Oprah Winfrey Show Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Swift Justice Swift Justice News Channel Judge Judy Arthur WordGirl Swift Justice Swift Justice The Office King of Queens The People’s Court Å Arthur WordGirl



News 2 at 5 (N) Andy Griffith News at 5 PM News at 5:30 FOX 8 News at 5:00P (N) WSOC 9 News WSOC 9 News WXII 12 News at 5 (N) Å The Ellen DeGeneres Show Å News Channel News Martha Speaks Curious George The Doctors Å Old Christine Seinfeld Å Judge Mathis (In Stereo) Å Wild Kratts Fetch! With Ruff

6:00 News 2 at 6 (N) News at 6 PM FOX 8 News WSOC 9 News News TMZ (N) Å News Channel Cat in the Hat Smarter Family Guy Family Feud PBS NewsHour

Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Storage Wars Movie: ›‡ “Texas Rangers” (2001) Å Movie: “Flight of the Phoenix” I’m Alive “Sacrifice” Å I Shouldn’t Be Alive Å The Most Extreme “Slime Balls” Untamed-Uncut Girlfriends Girlfriends The Game The Game Hates Chris Hates Chris 106 & Park: Top Tabatha’s Salon Takeover Million Dollar Decorators Rocco’s Dinner Party Dinner Party Closing Bell (N) (In Stereo) Å Closing Bell With Maria Bartiromo Fast Money (N) Mad Money (N) CNN Newsroom The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer American Chopper “POW/MIA 2” American Chopper Tribute bike. Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Cash Cab Å Phineas, Ferb Suite/Deck Good-Charlie A.N.T. Farm Prank Stars Wizards-Place Phineas, Ferb First Report Football Live NFL Live (N) Rome/Burning Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter The Scott Van Pelt Show (N) SportsNation (N) (Live) Å NASCAR Now Football Live Around/Horn That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Secret Life of American Teen Still Standing Ball Up Streetball World Poker Tour: Season 9 World Poker Tour: Season 9 MMAthletics (N) Movie: ››› “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” (2008) Jason Segel, Kristen Bell. Two/Half Men Two/Half Men The Waltons “The Prize” Å The Waltons “The Braggart” The Waltons “The Fawn” Å Little House Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Cold Case Files (In Stereo) Å Unsolved Mysteries Å Mysteries Alaska State Troopers Breakout “Prison Romance” Locked Up Abroad Locked Up Big Time Rush Big Time Rush SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å America’s Next Top Model Å Top Model Knockout Sportsworld (In Stereo) Deadliest Warrior (In Stereo) Deadliest Warrior (In Stereo) Deadliest Warr. College Field Hockey Spotlight Spotlight College Classic According-Jim The Office Friends Å Friends Å Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens Movie: ››› “The Silver Chalice” (1954) Virginia Mayo, Paul Newman. Å Movie: “Splendor in the Grass” What Not to Wear “Amanda R.” Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Fabulous Cakes (In Stereo) Å Toddler-Tiara The Closer “Power of Attorney” Bones “The X in the File” Å Bones (In Stereo) Å Bones Å Most Daring Most Daring Senior citizens. Most Daring Scantily clad co-eds. Cops Å NCIS “Cloak” (In Stereo) Å NCIS “Dagger” (In Stereo) Å NCIS Suspect is presumed dead. NCIS Å Judge Alex Judge Alex The Wendy Williams Show Å Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Divorce Court Walker, Texas Ranger Å Jeannie Bewitched Cheers Å Cheers Å Dharma & Greg

Thursday, July 14, 2011 • 23D

TimeOut | TV Grids

Salisbury Post WEDNESDAY EVENING JULY 20, 2011 A


































36 129


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38 59 37 34 32

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130 100 323 141


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24 121


25 157 48 132


26 125


75 126 56 127


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A - Time Warner/Salisbury/Metrolina B - Fibrant




CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley Access Hollywood (N) Å ABC World News With Diane Sawyer NBC Nightly News (N) Å Everybody Loves Raymond Å NBC Nightly News (N) Å Woodsmith Shop (In Stereo) Å ABC World News With Diane Sawyer Family Guy “Brian the Bachelor” Family Feud (In Stereo) Å (:00) PBS NewsHour (N) Å

Wheel of Fortune In Las Vegas. WBTV News Prime Time (N) Extra (N) (In Stereo)

Big Brother The veto competition takes Criminal Minds “Out of the Light” The place. (N) (In Stereo) Å team travels to North Carolina. Who Wants to Be a Big Brother The veto competition takes Criminal Minds “Out of the Light” The place. (N) (In Stereo) Å team travels to North Carolina. Millionaire Å TMZ (N) (In Stereo) So You Think You Can Dance (N) (In Stereo Live) Å



Jeopardy! (N) Å

Inside Edition (N) Å Inside Edition (N) Å How I Met Your Mother Å Jeopardy! (N) Å

Entertainment Tonight (N) Å Entertainment Tonight (N) Å How I Met Your Mother “The Yips” Wheel of Fortune In Las Vegas. PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) Å Who Wants to Be a Family Feud (In Millionaire Å Stereo) Å Two and a Half Two and a Half Men Å Men Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Clubgoers accused of murder. Å Nightly Business North Carolina Now Report (N) Å (In Stereo) Å

2 13


15 500 detectives investigate a cocaine dealer. Å

(:15) Movie: ››‡ “Starsky & Hutch” (2004) Ben Stiller. Two


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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Langston’s wife visits the crime lab. (In Stereo) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Langston’s wife visits the crime lab. (In Stereo) FOX 8 10:00 News (N)

News 2 at 11 (N) Å Late Show With David Letterman WBTV 3 News at 11 Late Show With PM (N) David Letterman Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Bizarro Jerry” Å Parking Space” Å The Middle Modern Family Modern Family (:31) Happy Primetime Nightline: Beyond Belief WSOC 9 News (:35) Nightline “Halloween” Å “Bixby’s Back” “Princess Party” Endings Å “Psychic Power” A medium to the stars. Tonight (N) Å (N) Å Minute to Win It A California couple vie for America’s Got Talent Four acts advance Love in the Wild The couples embark on WXII 12 News at 11 The Tonight Show the prize. (N) (In Stereo) Å to the top 24. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å an adventure. (N) (In Stereo) Å (N) Å With Jay Leno So You Think You Can Dance (N) (In Stereo Live) Å The Simpsons (In King of the Hill Å Fox News at 10 (N) (:35) Fox News Stereo) Å Edge Minute to Win It A California couple vie for America’s Got Talent Four acts advance Love in the Wild The couples embark on NewsChannel 36 The Tonight Show the prize. (N) (In Stereo) Å to the top 24. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å an adventure. (N) (In Stereo) Å News at 11:00 (N) With Jay Leno History Detectives Propeller from a World World War II in HD Colour “Red Sun World War II in HD Colour Malta, North How I Survived World War II War II drone. (N) (In Stereo) Å Rampant” Battleship and aircraft carrier. Africa, withstands attacks. Å The Middle Modern Family Primetime Nightline: Beyond Belief Modern Family Entourage Project (:35) Nightline (:31) Happy “Halloween” Å “Bixby’s Back” “Psychic Power” A medium to the stars. (N) Å “Princess Party” pitch. Å Endings Å America’s Next Top Model (In Stereo) Å America’s Next Top Model (In Stereo) Å WJZY News at (:35) Seinfeld “The New Adventures of (:35) The Office 10 (N) Bizarro Jerry” Old Christine “Diwali” Å Burn Notice “Long Way Back” A man from Burn Notice “A Dark Road” Violent con Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House My Wife and Kids George Lopez (In Fiona’s past. (In Stereo) Å men. (In Stereo) Å of Payne of Payne “Perfect Dad” Stereo) Å Secrets of the Dead Disappearance of NOVA “The Great Inca Rebellion” Secrets of the Dead “Aztec Massacre” (In Keeping Up BBC World News Col. Percy Fawcett. Å (DVS) Guillermo Cock examines mummies. Stereo) Å (DVS) Appearances Å (In Stereo) Å

Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Å Storage Wars “Live Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Gene Simmons Family Jewels Gene “Melee in the Maze” “Trouble the Oil” “Trouble the Oil” and Let Bid” Å “Skullduggery” (Season Premiere) (N) Å takes Shannon on a vacation. Å (5:30) Movie: ››‡ “Flight of the Phoenix” (2004) Dennis Movie: ›› “Broken Arrow” (1996) John Travolta, Christian Slater, Samantha Mathis. A renegade Air Force Movie: ›› “Broken Arrow” (1996) John Travolta. A renegade Quaid, Giovanni Ribisi, Tyrese Gibson. Å pilot commandeers two nuclear bombs. Å Air Force pilot commandeers two nuclear bombs. Untamed-Uncut Untamed and Uncut “Surprise Attacks” I Shouldn’t Be Alive (In Stereo) Å I Shouldn’t Be Alive “Christmas Horror” I Shouldn’t Be Alive (In Stereo) I Shouldn’t Be Alive “Christmas Horror” (:00) 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live Å Movie: ››‡ “Romeo Must Die” (2000) Jet Li, Aaliyah, Isaiah Washington. The Family Crews The Mo’Nique Show Å Dinner Party Rocco’s Dinner Party The Real Housewives of New Jersey Flipping Out “New York or Bust” Å Rocco’s Dinner Party “French Cuisine” Rocco’s Dinner Party “French Cuisine” (:00) Mad Money The Kudlow Report (N) BMW: A Driving Obsession American Greed “Arthur Nadel” Nightmare in the City That Mad Money Situation Room John King, USA In the Arena Piers Morgan Tonight Ryan O’Neal. (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å Cash Cab (In Sons of Guns (In Sons of Guns (In Sons of Guns “Anniversary Bash” Will Sons of Guns “AK-Sniper Rifle” AK 47 One Man Army “Fear Is Not an Option” A Sons of Guns “AK-Sniper Rifle” AK 47 Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å joins three M16’s together. Å and sniper rifle combination. (N) Å water coffin; a mined obstacle course. and sniper rifle combination. Å Good Luck Charlie Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb Good Luck Charlie Shake It Up! Å Movie: ›››‡ “Ratatouille” (2007) Voices of Patton Oswalt. A.N.T. Farm Å Good Luck Charlie (:00) E! Special E! News Sex and the City Sex and the City E! Special E! Special Chelsea Lately E! News (:00) SportsCenter MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Pardon/Interruption Coll. Football Live NFL Live (N) Å 2011 World Series of Poker Down to 9, Part II. From Las Vegas. Soccer Still Standing “Still State of Georgia Melissa & Joey Melissa & Joey (N) State of Georgia Movie: “Cyberbully” (2011) Emily Osment, Kelly Rowan, Kay Panabaker. A teenager The 700 Club Å Parading” Å “The Mole” (N) becomes the victim of online bullying. Boys in the Hall Table Tennis Sports Stories MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Colorado Rockies. From Coors Field in Denver. (N) (Live) World Poker Tour: Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Movie: ››‡ “The Proposal” (2009) Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds. Premiere. Rescue Me “Menses” (N) Rescue Me “Menses” Special Report The FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record W/Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Å Little House/Prairie Little House on the Prairie Å Little House on the Prairie Å Frasier Å Frasier “RDWRER” Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å Frasier Å My First Place Hunters Int’l House Hunters Run My Makeover Income Property Income Property Property Brothers House Hunters Hunters Int’l Property Virgins Property Virgins (:00) Weird Warfare Å Third Reich “The Rise” A look at the rise of Nazi Germany. (Part 1 of 2) Å Third Reich “The Fall” The downfall of the Third Reich. (Part 2 of 2) Å Highway to Heaven Wind at My Back “Payback” The Waltons “The Cradle” The Waltons “The Fulfillment” Inspiration Today Joyce Meyer Humanitarian Wisdom Keys (:00) Unsolved Pawn Stars “Hot Air Pawn Stars “Steaks Roseanne’s Nuts Roseanne’s Nuts Roseanne’s Nuts Roseanne’s Nuts Dance Moms “Wildly Inappropriate” How I Met Your How I Met Your Mysteries Å Buffoon” Å at Stake” “Pig War” Å “The Curse” Å (N) Å “Life’s a Snore” (N) Revealing costumes cause a scandal. (N) Mother Å Mother Å (:00) Movie: › “The Governor’s Wife” (2008) Emily Bergl, Movie: “Wandering Eye” (2011) Amanda Righetti, Krista Bridges, Andrew Shaver. A Movie: ›› “Seduced by Lies” (2010) Josie Davis, Marc Menard, Lochlyn Munro. A Marilu Henner, Matt Keeslar. Å married woman plans to meet a man, who ends up murdered. Å stalker targets a graduate student’s family. Å Locked Up Abroad Alaska State Troopers “The Wild West” Breakout “Ohio’s Most Wanted” Locked Up Abroad “The Cocaine Trap” Locked Up Abroad (N) Breakout “Ohio’s Most Wanted” iCarly Å iCarly Å SpongeBob My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids George Lopez George Lopez That ’70s Show That ’70s Show The Nanny Å The Nanny Å Top Model America’s Next Top Model Å The World According to Paris Å The World According to Paris Å The World According to Paris Å The World According to Paris Å Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior (In Stereo) Deadliest Warrior “SWAT vs. GSG-9” Deadliest Warrior (In Stereo) Deadliest Warrior (Season Premiere) (N) Deadliest Warrior (In Stereo) Å College Classic College Flash Classics College Flash Classics 3 Wide Life Unique Autosports In My Own Words In My Own Words College Field Hockey (:00) Star Trek: Ghost Hunters “The Oldest House in Ghost Hunters “Pennsylvania Asylum” Ghost Hunters International “Sensing Legend Quest “Excalibur/Lost Cintamani Ghost Hunters International “Sensing Enterprise “Home” Georgia” (In Stereo) Å The Pennhurst Asylum. (In Stereo) Å Evil: Argentina & Trinidad” (N) Å Stone” (N) Evil: Argentina & Trinidad” Å The King of Queens Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Tyler Perry’s Meet Tyler Perry’s Meet Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House Tyler Perry’s House Conan (N) Å Opposite” Å Wizard” Å the Browns the Browns of Payne of Payne of Payne of Payne (5:30) Movie: “Splendor in the Grass” (1961) Natalie Wood. Movie: ›››‡ “Pride and Prejudice” (1940) Greer Garson. (:15) Movie: ›››› “Madame Bovary” (1949) Jennifer Jones. Å Toddlers & Tiaras My Addiction My Addiction Hoarding: Buried Alive Kathleen; Jamie. Know-Pregnant Know-Pregnant Toddlers & Tiaras (N) (In Stereo) Å Know-Pregnant Know-Pregnant (:00) Bones (In The Mentalist “Scarlett Fever” A poisoning The Mentalist “Bloodshot” Patrick loses Franklin & Bash “The Bangover” Franklin Bones “The Devil in the Details” Uniquely Franklin & Bash “The Bangover” Franklin Stereo) Å death at a country club. Å his sight in an explosion. Å and Bash’s house arrest. (N) Å disfigured remains. Å and Bash’s house arrest. Å Cops Å World’s Dumbest... Operation Repo Operation Repo Operation Repo (N) Operation Repo (N) South Beach Tow South Beach Tow Most Daring Dumb blunders. Sanford & Son Sanford & Son All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland Happily Divorced Happily Divorced Hot in Cleveland (:00) NCIS Death of NCIS “Caged” Women’s prison riot. (In NCIS “Deliverance” Gibbs finds a cryptic Royal Pains “The Shaw/Hank Necessary Roughness “Habit Forming” A Burn Notice “No Good Deed” The team a petty officer. Stereo) Å message. (In Stereo) Å Redemption” An erratic ex-con. (N) Å rookie is missing practice. (N) Å tries to clear Barry’s brother. Å Divorce Court Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å The Oprah Winfrey Show Å Eyewitness Entertainment Ton. (:05) The Insider (:35) Inside Edition Dharma & Greg (In America’s Funniest Home Videos (In New Adventures of New Adventures of How I Met Your How I Met Your WGN News at Nine (N) (In Stereo) Å Scrubs (In Stereo) Scrubs (In Stereo) Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Old Christine Old Christine Mother Å Mother Å Å Å


302 502


Storage Wars Å




Movie: ››‡ “The Wolfman” (2010) Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Cowboys & Aliens: True Blood “I’m Alive and on Fire” Alcide Real Time With Bill Maher (In Stereo) Å Hopkins, Emily Blunt. (In Stereo) Å HBO First Look (N) helps Sookie look for Eric. Å (:00) Movie: ›››‡ “Miller’s Crossing” (1990) Gabriel Byrne, Mann V. Ford American Indians file a lawsuit against Ford Motor (:45) Movie: ››› “(500) Days of Summer” (2009) Joseph Gordon-Levitt. A man Curb Your Albert Finney. (In Stereo) Å Co. (In Stereo) Å tries to figure out where his love affair went wrong. (In Stereo) Å Enthusiasm Å (:15) Movie: ›‡ “Satisfaction” (1988) Justine Bateman. Girls- True Blood “I’m Alive and on Fire” Alcide Movie: ›› “The Box” (2009) Cameron Diaz, James Marsden. A mysterious gift Movie: ››‡ “O” (2001) Mekhi Phifer. (In plus-guy teen rock band hits beach town. Å helps Sookie look for Eric. Å bestows riches and death at the same time. (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å (:10) Movie: ››‡ “The Lovely Bones” (2009) Mark Wahlberg. A young murder vic- Movie: › “The Final Destination” (2009) Bobby Campo. Death Movie: ›› “Sex and the City 2” (2010) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin tim watches over her family from heaven. (In Stereo) Å stalks friends who escaped a fatal racetrack accident. Davis. Carrie Bradshaw and the gals visit Abu Dhabi. (In Stereo) Å Movie: “The Last International Playboy” (2008) Jason Behr. The Green Room Penn & Teller: Inside NASCAR Weeds “A Hole in The Franchise: San Inside NASCAR The Franchise: San The Green Room Jack’s young neighbor helps lead him out of his nostalgia. With Paul Provenza Bulls...! “Astrology” (iTV) (N) Her Niqab” (iTV) Francisco Giants (iTV) Francisco Giants With Paul Provenza

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