Indoor tanning associated with high-risk behaviors
A cross-sectional study of Youth Risk Behavior Surveys found that:
“Indoor tanning is a known risk factor for nonmelanoma skin cancer and melanoma, and the risks increase with a younger start and more frequent indoor tanning.
Indoor tanning was most prevalent among female, older, and non-Hispanic white students.
Among both sexes, indoor tanning was associated with other risk-taking behaviors, such as binge drinking, unhealthy weight control practices, and having sexual intercourse.
Indoor tanning by female students was associated with illegal drug use and having sexual intercourse with four or more partners, while tanning by male students was associated with taking steroids without a prescription, daily cigarette smoking, and attempting suicide.
More than half of tanners reported frequent tanning use.
The slight decrease in indoor tanning [among females] may be explained by increased taxation of tanning salons, age restriction rules, or laws requiring parental accompaniment or consent.” — Mary Wu Chang, MD reviewing Guy GP Jr et al. JAMA Dermatol 2014 Feb 26,, Accessed on March 20, 2014.