LETTER TO THE EDITOR September 11, 2014
Preserve Whipple Hill he Town of Danvers Affordable Housing Protection Plan describes the town as “a built out community.” Our wastewater treatment plant is near capacity, and the water infra-structure is challenged. We are car dependent, lacking in public transportation access. Our roads, moreover, are “often very congested.”
In the future, the traffic problem and burden on our town services will only increase. Presently, entering and exiting our roads and highways can be treacherous. Entering Bayberry Road, for example, is not for the fainthearted. The “sitting duck” is at the mercy of drivers in both directions. Calamity awaits only a distracted driver or an oversized or speeding truck. Developing Annunciation Cemetery land into a 20-unit subdivision, with Bayberry Road as the only access, is asking for trouble. We should act now to preserve what is left of our limited open space. The safety, health, and peace of mind of our residents are at stake.