16 minute read





“3allallah mahdesh yenakhwar warana” “Eda Salma da matl3sh kobry!”

It was a long/messy Proccess With lots and lots learning opportunities from a lot of sources

One of the most important things from this course is that we were working as a firm. And as the time was limited we did not have the time to really explore all the connections, and different ways of expression, so it was really benefical that we learn from each other and get more ideas.

With lots of failed attempts

When things started to get real and we started relating these models to our phenomenological approach was where it started becoming more challenging but with a lot of experimentations and with the help from the doctors and TAs we were able to get the maximum out of the experiance and learn much more about the structural systems more than just the theortical part that Dr. Sherif gave us information about throughout our years in architecture. We also learned from each others failed attempts and how the models should not only look good but has to play its role in our message and of course be structurally correct

With lots of things to learn about structure systems and cardboard

“Yalla aho law matl3nash mohndeseen ntl3 nagreen”

The Concept and idea of this model:

• That was the first techtonic model so I started by thinking about what structural system will be sutable for each activity seperately so they did not come together in the best way.

The feedback:

• It is all over the place, looks like different projects • they are seperated • Its not a structural model (Looks like shear walls)

What I wanted to keep from this model:

• The zoning and locations of the different activities.


What is Common between both :

• Started off by designing the pathways, first I was using different axes from the whole

Hay El Khalifa then I reduced it to only 2 axes as in my first contextual model.

The Inspiration: The Concept and idea of this model:

Started to experiment more with the form • Open (Can be used in both private and public zones) • Spontaneous, Shows unity, Simple • Can play with different layers,ree of blocks , a prime mover • Shows density and authenticity in an contemporary way • Can use all features and capacities of surrounding context • Can give some of the richness of experience that monuments give

The feedback:

• Need to check the constructability of the form • The acute angles might waste a lot of space inside the forms • It does not belong to the context by any way (looks odd)

What I wanted to keep from this model:

• Having an attraction point towards the monuments • Connected slabs from different buildings creating a journey. • Experimenting with complex structure 17


The Concept and idea of this model:

• Need to check the constructability of the form • The acute angles might waste a lot of space inside the forms • It does not belong to the context by any way (looks odd)

The different structural systems used and locations:

• Frame Structure • For the Vocational (larger Span) workshops and storage • Diagrid System • For the hospital and educational building • Hyperbolic Shell • For the outdoor ampitheatre • Cables • Connecting different points of the project to create attraction points • Shell Structure • Multipurpose area and the main pathways to it

Ideas I got after this model

• Different sizes of openings • To feel the density to freedom • Create a different experience through it • Try to make an accessible roof • Divide it into multiple ones for isolation • Maybe integrate overlapped arches to redirect people

The feedback:

• Over designed • lost the idea that I started to have in the last model of the unity and identity of my project • The use of different complex structures is not economically justified • The idea of the shell and how it connects together is good (It was an upgrade for the idea I had in my second contextual model)

What I wanted to keep from this model:

• Having the shell structure as the main feature of the project, but with simpler structural system for the rest of the project • Having multiple courtyards seperating the different activities • The idea also from my first contextual model of the directions of the forms and how they affect the journey and my story.



The Thematic Statement : El Khalifa is a place where spirituality is embodied within the dense everyday life.

Where it came from:

How it is translated into the model:

By using two different structural systems overlaying one another showing how the spirituality is the centeral element in their day to day lives. Symbolizing the dome to highlight the main feature of the project which is the multipurpose area.

How it is translated into the model:

By responding to the density on El Khalifa street to match the prorities of the volumes. The first line is super dense and busy, however, as you go inside towards the center the narrow pathways and alleyways gets opens up to a more open space. In addition to that density is relating to the context well yet what was missing was for them to ‘Breath’ and by creating scattered open courtyards for different functions we can use the in between spaces. Other spaces gives them the freedom to see how they shape the space, yet not the total freedom for it to be overused.

The Intervention Statement :

Highlighting the density of el khalifa and taking its positive effect and its relation with spirituality to solve the negative traits of the place.


Surrounding and Different Elements

Hay El Khalifa El Sayeda Zeinab

El Khalifa and Zenhoum Thats an Example of how cells can be joined horizontally or vertically.

Around our site el khalifa street grid is organic, yet has a straight main street and zenhoum is 45 degrees. Yet, I was inspired from a zoomed out area in Hay El khalifa. As in my opinion modularity helps to organize the space without limitations, can merge multiple together.

• Courtyards are designed spread around the project as nodes between different activities, some have specific usergroups, some are public use.

• All elements are as equally important. • Each has unqiue features. • Linking the different buildings together with different alleyways and functions.



This space program is designed to benefit all users, respecting the function of the space also their culture and traditions. Some activities are interconnected together which will appear in the circulation diagrams later. In addition to some areas are used for multiple activities at different timing of the day and year. For instance, the most important time of the year in El Khalifa is El Mouled and for this the multipurpose area will all be dedicated to this function.


3 different structural systems are used , Simple column & beam for most buildings, 2D truss for vocational learning for bigger spams and 3D Shell structure for the multipurpose hall as it represents ‘Spirituality’.


• The column and beam blends with the context, making the building familiar somehow to the users. It also surves the modularity and highlights the main element which is the other structural system.

• Straight lines gives the feeling of organization, less spontanous than what they are used to. That takes us to the good thing that the residence of Zenhoum said that they felt a good change after things were more organized on their side.

• Some areas like the isolated mental health area is meant to be seperated than other areas, yet can watch whats happening from a hidden spot. Which should make feel more safe, seperated somehow and relaxed. • The Play of form, being much more spontaneous, play of light and penetrations as you go this complex structure, feeling the spirituality , which has different concepts that should reach the users.

• Creating a welcoming, controlled, self sufficent environment for multiple activites in the multipurpose area

• The whole project is meant to be fused with the world, even the shell is pulled from multiple sides which makes it more flowy, powerful and acts as a prime mover. Which can totally help users in almost all activities in the project be empowered and from being the attraction center point in the area.


3 different structural systems are used , Simple column & beam for most buildings, 2D truss for vocational learning for bigger spams and Grid-Shell structure for the multipurpose hall as it represents ‘Spirituality’, which is the most important for us to know its proprities.

Simple patterned shell that started as an arch at the main pathways and ended at the multipurpose • Intersetion of 4 members, with pinned connection to allow the rotation movement

• Increased member size also increase in the the initial bending stress

Keywords I want to achieve:

• Open (Can be used in both private and public zones) • Spontaneous • Shows unity • Can play with different layers • Free of blocks • Simple • Shows density and authenticity in an contemporary way • Can use all features and capacities of surrounding context • Can be a prime mover • Can give some of the richness of experience that monuments give

The evolution of the shell:

The shell structure was changed over time for it to reach the end result that I needed from its function to the opennings that i needed to achieve spirituality. How it started:

As a 3D space frame: Why Grid-Shell:

• Grid pattern replaces the shell material which enables the overall structure to benefit from the combined action of shell and arches and thus to achieve unique shapes.

• Same structural behavior as shells, gain their stability from their geometric shape

• Internal forces are carried by members and therefore have to follow a restricted number of paths.

• A plain, continuous shell can resist normal and shear forces while the lattice shell can only resist forces in the direction of the lath i.e. axial forces.

Bulky, over designed as the roof is not accessible

Simpler, lighter, more opened, spontaneous and grounded. Diagonals are used to strengthen the structure. The grid-shell starts as a flat surface then pulled by points to create this shape, which increases the bending force, which its joints are designed for.

How it ended as a Grid-Shell: Joints:

Flat to curve:



The Vocational Workshops 2D Truss (For Larger Spams)

Simple 4*4 shops with a modular shading device

Grid-Shell Multipurpose area Simple Column and beam structure Simple column and beam with respect to the topography levels

Connection of Space truss

Simple column and beam Elevated gallery with socializing space on top


The Question here is.. How do we move..

To the Site

• The site is both accessible from Zenhoum and El

Khalifa. By either walking or vehicles, and there is a parking lot dedicated to the emergancy medical center.

Into the Site

Around the Site

• Multiple enterances are designed from different areas and for different uses and activities.

• The journey inside the project will be a loop, depending on the activities and almost all activities are connected by pathways (some are narrow, some are wide) to make the circulation easier around.





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