My first 3 works

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Salman Afsari B.Arch. Advanced Placement

Architectural Sketches

A: Alternate design sketch for the mixed use building. Made after the schematic process but before the design development stage. B: A simple sketch of Engineering building at the University of Washington in Seattle. C: A design where I imagine a building that has tiered terraces climbing the side of the main structure. These would host roof-top gardens and skylights that would allow the public a glimpse into the interior.

Woodinville Art Museum Project

I wanted an exterior that would look different from all angles. I accomplish this by starting with two base hexagons. This approach of form before function continue to give me difficulties in creating an interior layout.

Woodinville Art Museum Project

Interior Rendering done with Revit

Exterior Render done with Revit

Museum Floor Plan/Level 1 Interior of the museum under consistent color

Section of Museum

Vacation House Project A vacation house that I wanted to design in a way that did not feel any different from outside to inside by letting the maximum natural light enter the building and having an interior space with minimal walls.

Basic Floor Plan of Vacation House Project

Section of vacation house

Vacation House Project Interior Rendering

Exterior Rendering

First sketch and schematic design of Mix use project

In this mix use project, I experienced the process of designing a building that form and function start together. I came up with the form through both massing and sketches with a basic program and functional layout in mind.

Mix use project

Second Floor Plan of Mix Use Floor Plan

Mix Use Project

Section of Mix Use

The Design Development Renderings of the Mix Use Project

The Final Design of Mix Use Project High Render on Revit

Design Process of Mix Use Building

My art sketches The self portray created on 9”by 12” Sheet of paper and influenced from a drawing in art magazine.

This piece of art created on 8.8”by8.5” sheet of paper originally and it is from my imagination .

My art sketches A lonely three drawn on 9�by 12� from the land scape in university of Washington Campus in Fall

This piece ,is one of my imagination sketches that drawn on my student handbook

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