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Talibanization and militant insurgency

Talibanization and Tribal System as Social Vacuum in Frontier Region

Salman Khan Gaad Year of Research: 2013



Talibanization and militant insurgency



The study examined the problems and implications of certain tribal uncertainties and drafting way out for this onerous job of eradicating militancy, the responsible law making bodies to work for making the situation more simplified and unified. Urban inhabitants were asked about the tribal system and they responded optimistically and encouraged reforming phase for the region. Although the situation in rural areas is worst but even than the rural inhabitants were comfortable with the tribal system. Talibanization and its insurgencies are severe and the ongoing situation in tribal areas demands for reformulation of tribal living standard.

Talibanization and militant insurgency


Talibanization and tribal system as social vacuum A counter policy

The social unrest is the side effect of territorial integration of extremist groups that intermingled into the local peasants of that area. The difference of opinion among religious communities and governing bodies has created a giant gap of thought process and actions. Apparently the situation was seemed to be restricted to particular areas of frontier region but now it has strengthened its roots in major cities of Pakistan. Talibanization is a mixture of secular and religo-political manifesto that demands a one government, one system and one class of people free of nepotism and evil practices. The perpetual system of jirga has disrupted the living standard of tribal communities and due to which tribal conflicts are common among frontier region. The state has the uniform control over entire area, the common laws and ideas are entertained if single body remains in power but in this case; the tribal communities consider this as pride of honor. In this age of modernization it is the point of concern that certain area is deprived of its basic rights and could not make up their standard of living in accordance with rest of the world. The one such example is present in the books of history, when women rights activists Malala yousufzai was attacked as she was considered as secular by Taliban. The rampant power of Taliban has certainly created a barrier not only for Pakistan but also for powerful countries like United States of America as Taliban attached her, which is known as 9/11 and this was a huge setback to the pride of giant power. The hatred and hostility escalated after 9/11 for Muslims and Americans started shooting innocent Muslims and students that ultimately resulted into a dramatic increase of terror attacks against America. The tribal system and tribal law is the manifesto of Taliban that they want to impose on all Muslim countries and to initiate war against America and impose Islamic law and living system. The massive flow of Muslims all over the world has been very astonishing for governmental organizations and solons, due to the fact that Muslims demand for religious ideology for the state and living system different from the west, implementation of Islamic legal framework throughout the class system within the society. Accordingly, Hasnat (2010) states that “For many Pakistanis and for the rest of the world, the increasing militancy in various parts

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of Pakistan, with multiple manifestations came as a puzzling quandary”. Since after the invasion of Soviet in Afghanistan the Mujahid Movement was initiated against Russia that resulted into thousands of Mujahids and they penetrated into nearby territories like: Pakistan, Japan, china, Iran and their motive was to eradicate western domain from the soil of Muslim states. Global peace is the challenge for policy makers and security forces; therefore this subject is of utmost importance and hence huge number of analysts, writers, policy makers, bureaucrats, dissenters tried to analyze problems on the basis of situational approach they gave solutions for the global rest. Tasir, (2012) suggests that Confrontation with tribal communities or tribal Maliks is not a solution to the problem of global unrest; it should be addressed in a very polite manner, as it is the concern of sitting government to take on board all bodies and ask for table talk with Taliban leadership. The powerful countries like America itself want to have peace talks with Taliban to finish decade long confrontation after the heavy loss in 9/11 terror attack. The Country like Pakistan should consider this as its first priority and end this proxy war for the interest of America and start thinking for its own betterment in educational, economical and political fields. Ishrat, (2012) rightly pointed out certain figures under the heading of “Costs of war on terror in Pakistan” that includes: heavy social repercussion, the issue of internal displacement, heavy migrations, and psychological, material and personal sufferings. (p.58) The territorial control is demanded in the situation of war on terror, the perpetual regional differences results into weak dialogue process and vibrant attacks in public places, in order to develop pressure on the government. Ishrat, (2012) Media report that depicts a worst scenario of law and order situation within the country due to the territorial lenience under the title of “Pakistan to tackle Taliban in Northern Waziristan counter-insurgency operation” (p.28). The insurgents have taken refuge in mountainous areas and now it became difficult to access tribal agencies in Pakistan’s north-west, along the border with Afghanistan. The Durand Line is the boundary line between Afghanistan and Pakistan but it is of concern that due to the absence of border forces it has become passage for militants and to carry their arsenals and other prohibited material across the border with the greater ease. While some of the professionals like: Wang, (2010) provide Reasons of tribal rebels against their own state and Purpose of governmental fusion into the tribal system. The giant circle of communication and contemplation within the tribal communities reveals a fact that, they

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are very concerned with their work and their motive is to transform the Secular State into the Islamic State. Similarly the transformation of the state was unacceptable to Khanate of Kalat initially in 1956, when the Baluchistan was a princely state and Bhutto wanted to transform the state, and to nullify tribal system from the region. Y. Khan, (1993) Inside Baluchistan, he explored certain issues and facts about tribal communities. “People of Baluchistan does not accept dominance and never been slave of any country or nation” (p.22). The problem lies within the integrity of tribal heads and tribal communities, due to which progress in talks is not visible, inspite of plausible and feasible work done by analysts and policy designing bodies of the state.


extraordinary work is demanded to face this global challenge of war on terror, the following related areas are yet to be researched 

Tribal communities’ rights deprivation and states interest to address problems of frontier regions.

Implications and severity caused due to the Breakage of western alienation of the state

Is Islamic ideology more likely to anti modernization

Tribal system caused; social, educational, political static situation in the region

Is Tribal structure demolishment a necessary step

The problem of right deprivation is of utmost importance and reasons for bad governance should be analyzed, researched and for implementation; certain actions should be done on federal and regional level, in order to bring tribal reforms within the State.

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Participants: The research was widely based upon the understanding and opinion regarding certain issues and the responses were of utmost importance for the justification of hypothesis related to the particular problem. Since the insurgency of militancy and Talibanization on broader terms requires opinions of inhabitants or rather victims of the ancient form of governance. The respondents for interviews were; political analysts, heads of nongovernmental organizations (NGO’s) and Human rights activists. In survey conducted from rural and urban inhabitants from the nooks of frontier regions.

Tools: The detailed report of the problem comprises of interview prescription, interview guide, questionnaire and the one to one communication with respondents that served me with great deal of problems faced by them in tribal areas and that part of communication was the basis of my entire effort for the research.

Procedure: The clear understanding of respondents was required for giving any authentic stand on the research. Therefore firstly the right selection of people and their opinions were recorded and then their point of views were matched between two categories of people; urban and rural inhabitants. Secondly the interviews were conducted from professionals of policy making institutions and governance, so that the authenticity of the survey could be maintained.

Talibanization and militant insurgency


Results After the survey and interviews the collective response was supporting the purpose of research but there were few problems, while conducting interviews and surveys the respondents were not getting the purpose or importance of my questions. Nevertheless the results were satisfactory and that entirely justified my stance over the problem of Talibanization and the major portion of inhabitants (88%) demanded for change and this response draw a sketch of worst position of tribal heads within the region.

Response of urban inhabitants Report 1

0.5 1.4

Crucification of tribal heads Tribal system a barrier for development 8.2

No problem with the system

Due to the fact that the elite and educated classes of frontier region resides in urban areas and their standing over the severe situation of frontier region demanded for the attention of law enforcing bodies and governmental concern. Response of rural inhabitants The survey report suggests that rural inhabitants have domain over the decision making of tribal system and they support the ancient form of tribal governance within the region.

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Report 2


The system is an idenetity and part of frontier ideology System could be changed



Modernization is demanded

Most of the rural inhabitants were negligent of bringing reforms within the region. Collective representation of survey in the issue of Talibanization and its insurgency within the region: 10 9 8 7 6 5

severe loss to mankind


Creating vacuum



2 1 0

Talibani culture a curse

Talibani culture a ideology

Talibanization and militant insurgency


The survey report suggests the reason of tribal dominance within the region is temporary, as major portion of respondents were of the view that Tribal system is an ideology for the region. While few educated respondents opposed this view and they consider it as curse for the nation. The territorial integration of militants has very adverse impact over the society and that should be addressed in very prompt manner, so that the regional backwardness could be eradicated and minorities apprehensions could be addressed in very credible manner. Somehow creating a space for reforms and betterment in the arena of militancy and avoiding the social distortion, although certain agencies are working for the betterment of severe situation in FATA particularly in South Waziristan. The detailed analysis of reports and interviews reveals certain unusual facts regarding causes of Talibanization escalation, and reasons of its domain on the tribal areas and within nooks of frontier regions.

The detailed discussion with geologists and policy makers suggests the

framework for the worsening situation in tribal areas. The prolonged research and survey reports give a certain sketch of Talibanization and its insurgency particularly in South Waziristan. The major issues or finding of the research could be explored:

1. Succumblance over the ideology of region. People of tribal areas are not that much free to take decisions discretionally and they have to surrender their desires to the militant groups and head of tribal regions.

2. Scarce federal’s interest for the development in the region. While law and order variable is a backbone for the development of any region, but the deteriorating condition of law and order is the root cause of uncertainty within the region.

3. Territorial leniency and ammunition smuggling.

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The probabilities of uncertainty increased drastically due to the lenient approach on territorial points that created a major destruction in underprivileged region of tribal system. And the root cause of militant insurgency could be considered as lack of good governance and stifle interest of government towards tribal areas. 4. Tattering conditions of education after militant’s evasion.

This is of highest concern that the people of tribal areas are lacking certain facilities for getting higher education and this is surely the reason of their backwardness even in this age of competition. On generalizing all issues and problems faced by tribal inhabitants, the most volatile issue is of education impartment within the youth of the frontier region.

5. Modernization at the lower ebb in tribal areas.

Generally it is considered that modernization is not possible without prompt and sincere dealings of the government within the region. Hence expecting reforms or modernization within the area is impossible, where it is even hard to live according to own will and desire. Therefore it is demanded that government interference should be maximized and tribal domain should be eradicated from the region, then only modernization could be possible.

6. Federal intervention to tackle the vicious treatment done by militants.

It is crystal clear that due to the sole empowerment of tribal heads over the region, has created a gap between tribal society and federal governance. Therefore certain law enforcement bodies and institutions should work actively under the federal commands within frontier region; this is the only way by which tribal cloud could be wiped off from the frontier region.

7. Perpetual tribal domain. The prolonged working of tribal agencies, communities and ideology has certainly created a base for the society and this had been followed from decades without any

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argumentation and opposition. Therefore the tribal heads penetrated their foot into the social circles of tribal communities but the solution for this is to create awareness regarding self authorization and to sustain their integrity. By and large people from any background or any class always desired and demanded for reforms and betterment, hence the system need to be changed.

8. Tribal apprehensions and their demand for pragmatic response. The people of tribal areas were neglected since the formation of Pakistan or even before that, this is the only reason that tribal communities shoe hatred for government.

Discussion The above mentioned findings are of utmost importance in accordance with the revelation of certain facts regarding Talibanization and its fusion within the state. As these results are supporting the mandate and position of frontier people, despite mishaps on the part of government. The above acquired results are bases for the research in the field of backwarded areas and it provides a theme for work on certain core issues of Pakistan. The mentioned findings are supported by studies in the particular field of research, and surely it benefits the local inhabitants of the affected areas of frontier regions. After all the research and working, the end point reflects issues of affected areas and there should be working on getting solutions of problems. Even then there are certain areas for the development and reforms in the particular field, apart from the reasons of Militants insurgency and Talibanization. The area of research for future work should be very keen and effective and dealings should be masses centered, so that effective solution could be given for the implementation and betterment. Such areas of research could be; Western role in Militant insurgency escalation, Role of youth in complete removal of tribal system. The upcoming research work should posses following valuabilities:

Talibanization and militant insurgency

Keen observation of problem

Effective working over the issue

Masses centered observation and understanding of the issue

Prompt deliverance


The survey conducted on two variables; urban inhabitants and rural, their understanding on the issue of militants insurgency.

The response was somewhat expected one, as urban

inhabitants were of the view that insurgency of militancy is the main cause of tribal communities distortion, hence it should be taken on first priority for its eradication from the country by governing bodies. On the contrary rural inhabitants accepted the tribal system as the part of their culture and civilization.


In conclusion, the results of this study provide some prominent insights in context of Talibanization and its causes of insurgency, and creating space for pragmatic approach and responses. Though the situation depicts severe situation of war on terror throughout the globe but certain bodies are working with zeal and zest to tackle the situation. The research reveals certain facts in the area of tribal domain and escalation of militancy in the frontier regions; hence inhabitants of tribal areas are of the view that tribal system should be eradicated from all grounds of country. On the whole ramification of such insurgencies is hazardous, not only for peasants of the area but also for the entire region and forth coming generations. Inspite of the effective education impartment, the contemporary form of thinking in rural inhabitants couldn’t be eradicated due to which the process of bringing reforms within the region remained a perpetual dream. The demarcation of tribal heads is necessary and a certain policy and legal frame work is also demanded in order to control this rampant situation of extremism particularly in frontier region. The purpose of highlighting certain volatile issues is to demystify a myth of militancy and extremism from the nooks of our tribal regions.

Talibanization and militant insurgency



Abbasi Ishrat. (2012). Costs of War on terror in Pakistan, Jahangir World Times

Dars Jahanzeb. (2012). Peace Talks with TTP, Future directions institute

Hasnat Farooq. (2006). Book: Global security watch Pakistan, International studies, South Carolina University, USA

Lian Wang. (2010). Institute of International Relations, Talibanization in tribal areas of Pakistan, University of Peking, China

Talbot. Ian. (2008). Book: Pakistan a modern history, publication: Foundation books, Bangalore, India

Hussain T. (2012). Talibanization and future policy, Challenges and opportunities relations, Jahangir world times, Jahangir publications

Khan.Y. yameen (2011), Khanate of Kalat, Book: Inside Baluchistan.

Talibanization and militant insurgency


Appendix Interview framework for Responses

Name of Interviewee:


Rural inhabitants of frontier regions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Is Talibanization a side effect of bad governance? The prime purpose of militant insurgency? The reason for hatred and hostility for government? Why tribal system is still dominant? What form of ideology the tribal system posses, as they restrict their children from knowledge and education? 6. Who is responsible for weak territorial control? 7. Why there is feeble control over ammunition smuggling and its open exposure? 8. Why and how your communities are passing happy and calm life under the severe supervision of tribal Maliks? 9. Do you want this system to be changed? 10. How this system could completely be eradicated from the region? 11. Is military operation required for the perpetual peace in the region? 12. What is the stance or understanding of the youth of the region regarding this ancient governing system? , that caused destruction nothing else. 13. Is religion that harsh, as it is shown by the tribal communities by putting ban on education and strict control on veil? 14. What do you think; the efforts done by the government are sufficient enough to tackle the situation and bringing certain valuable reforms? 15. Do you think youngsters leaving their tribal homeland for higher studies would play their part in bringing social reforms in the region?

Urban inhabitants of frontier region 1. Is army operation a solution to decades lasting militant domain?

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2. Do you think the intense tribal control over the rural part of frontier region is the cause of diminishing peace of urban areas? 3. What should be the policy for tribal detention and authorization of governmental solons? 4. What is the reason of recessive role of government and judiciary on the issue of jirga system, instead of legal framework? 5. What part of effort could be considered as an effective tool for eradication of tribal system and Talibanization?

Interviewer: Is insurgency of militancy in the region a negligence of government or Taliban malik system? Interviewee: Certainly the reason lies within the Taliban influence over the region and that could be settled only when the ancient form of system would be eradicated from the region. Interviewer: Muslims indulgment into the militancy has caused hindrances for students studying in foreign universities. Do you agree? Interviewee: Yes it is the only reason due to which students particularly of Pakistan are facing problems in foreign countries. Interviewer: Are you satisfied with the work or efforts done on government side to eradicate terrorism? Interviewee: No, certainly not the work could be more situations oriented and could be more effective. Interviewer: Do you encourage the army operation in the frontier areas? Interviewee: No, because the issue could be settled through dialogue process and no need to create uncertainty within the region by initiating operation. Interviewer: What should be the foreign policy to deal with the problem of treatment with Muslim students in western countries? Interviewee: The only way out for this problem is to pluck out the roots of militancy from the homeland and then the issue of foreign policy could then be designed effectively and according to the demand of Muslim students. Interviewer: What could be done on part of citizens to eradicate tribal system?

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Interviewee: A lot could be done but the sense of responsibility is required in order to think of reforms in the region. Since it is not that easy to eradicate tribal system with a sudden shift of power from elders of the community to youngsters Interviewer: Why tribal people are not ready for the rebel against their tribal heads? Interviewee: Because they have a common style of living and a common area for life, hence they cannot go for the rebel without any credible and vibrant leadership. But somehow they will be ready in the near future. Interviewer: What is your understanding about the situation in Waziristan? Interviewee: The understanding is optimistic as the situation in northern areas is getting better day by day. Thus the prominent part of the operation in Waziristan has now resulted into stable situation even in the vicinities of northern areas.

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