the collective programming of the mind
a system of behaviour
(Hofstede, 2011)
(Riccardi, 2014)
What is culture?
creates a view of the world
a system of collectively held values
(Moberg and Leasher, 2011)
(Chung et al., 2011)
the complex interaction of values, attitudes, and behaviour assumptions of a society
(Thomas, 2008)
a collective phenomenon (Zwikael et al., 2005)
Diversity Management Culturally diverse groups are likely to suffer from different perceptions and communication patterns, creating workplace ambiguity and conflict. On the other hand, due to dissimilar perspectives of group members, the outcome can be a more creative and higher-quality group decisions (Thomas, 2008; Moberg and Leasher, 2011). Moreover, diversity management has been known as a critical element of business success enhancing effective HRM, corporate reputation, business practices, and sustainable competitive advantage (Zwikael, 2005; Cooke and Saini, 2012). Indeed, for the effective management of international teams, companies should get serious about developing trans-global capabilities and cross-cultural competence (Moussa, 2012; Andrade, 2014).
(extract of the 2015 June 27th academic report on cross-cultural management) By SalomĂŠ Correia
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