Salome Gugunava _ Architectural portfolio

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The japandi house, pg.2 / Inavarde Winery and Hotel Complex, pg.4 / Hangar Ticinum, pg.8 / Shaori Lake Hotel, pg.11 / Dconstructed City of Aleppo, pg.13 / UNI-KH, pg.16 / GEORGIA_On My Mind, pg.18 / 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum, pg.20/ Metaform - Critical Analysis of Georgian Architecture, pg.22.

East London, UK | 2023-24

Located in East London, this project reflects the Japandi style, blending natural tones, oak timber furniture, and carefully chosen fabrics that embody simplicity. The vision was to create a kitchen that is bright and welcoming, with warm textures and a strong connection to the garden. A practical L-shaped oriel bench was designed, featuring custom fabric crafted in the renowned French workshop of Pierre Frey. This bench creates a peaceful corner for relaxation, and when the doors open, the interior seamlessly extends into the garden, providing a calm space for both work and leisure.

The kitchen’s design includes warm tones paired with the textured surface of mixed tiles, offering a rich backdrop that enhances the cooking and entertaining experience. The walls, finished with a subtle lime paint effect, add to the overall sense of tranquility.

Completed in 2024, the project results in a serene environment—a sanctuary for a client whose life is filled with travel and social commitments, offering a place to unwind and relax at home.

My Role: Creative direction, Concept development, Teamwork management, Coordination with contractors and furniture joinery team, MEP, etc.

Team of Ondine London
Oriel Bench _
Oriel Bench _ Section A_A
Oriel Bench _ Section B_B

Kvareli, Georgia | 2021-22

Architectural project territory is located in the middle of the vineyards of Sanavardo village, Kvareli, Georgia. The place has strategic location with its proximity to the Northern borders of Georgia and spectacular views to the Caucasus mountains. The research based project proposes the complex assemblage composed of three parts. The use of the two main materials: concrete and the shale stone establishes the connection to the conceptual roots to the Georgian vernacular and sacral architecture. The formal articulation of the interior and exterior spaces composes the specific and unique experience for the visitors.

Since the function of the southern object is wine-making, that is the historically spiritual act, the formal reading of the architectonic spaces inherits the proportional characters from 5th Century Dolochopi Basilica.

My Role: Creative direction, Concept development, Team-work management, Coordination with Structural design, MEP, Municipality, etc.

Team of ALTERTOPOS: Salome Gugunava, Nodar Kvanchiani, Beka Bitsadze

Preliminary sketch of Winery, its inspiration comes from the nearby 4th-century Dolochopy basilica. In Georgia, both the church and winery hold a spiritual meaning, which inspired us to incorporate the proportion of the Dolochopy basilica in our winery project.

a. Concept diagram b. Dolochopi basilica
c. Preliminary sketch d. View from Winery
a. Longitudinal Section of Winery
Longitudinal Section of Hotel
a. Winery & Hotel inavarde in kvareli

TerraViva Competitions | 2022

The original structure of “Idroscalo” designed in 1920s’ by Giuseppe Pagano is considered as one of the pioneer buildings of the rationalist and modernist movements. The building has strong architectural characteristics that were studied and reinterpreted during the design process.

Hangar Ticinium is transformed with the respect of the author’s visions about rationalist rhythm, harmonic proportions, delicate use of light, sensitive selection of materials and special views to the different parts of the city. Specific architectural intervention also reads and carefully touches the skyline of landmarks of Pavia. The proportional reading of the building is strengthened with the additional urban elements of the amphitheater and it’s balcony. It proposes the golden ratio as a whole, with the respect of the original object.

My Role: Concept development, Team-work management, Presentation


Pubshed at: TerraViva Competitions

Exhibited at: Musei Civici del Castello Visconteo; Pavia, Italy.

Architectonic interpretation also activates three urban stages that are corner piazza, indoor theatrical patio and outdoor amphitheater.The circulation, from the river bank to the top, is articulated with the curvy connector that penetrates in every outdoor and indoor space. As well as, It generates ground and +1 levels in which hanging atrium outline transformable space for different cultural and educational public activities.The spatial sequence is culminated at the edge of the additional balcony named “horizontal tower”, where it also becomes the edge of the urban fabric of Pavia.

a. Skyline of the landmarks
Axonometry of Pavia
Ground floor plan d. Axonometry of Idroscalo

Invited Competition, Georgia | 2021-22

The architectural project territory is located in the beautiful Racha, region of Georgia. The place has a strategic location with its proximity to Shaori lake. The use of the two main materials: concrete and the local wood establishes the connection to the Georgian vernacular architecture. The formal articulation of the interior and exterior spaces composes the specific and unique experience for the visitors. The lobby space imitates the cliffs and rocks of the surrounding nature, as well as it opens the spectacular views of the Shaori lake. The spatial connection is articulated with two circular bridges that follow the curves of the buildings.

My Role: Concept development, Team-work management, Presentation


groUnd FLoor pLan

UndergroUnd FLoor pLan

Politecnico di Milano - Thesis Project 2018

The project area in the historical center of Aleppo aims to restore urban and architectural permeability. The strategic territory, with a historical role before the Syrian Civil War, showcased an interactive structure in social, economic, cultural, and architectural aspects.

The project proposes significant features, including courtyards, monumental entrance gates, and introduces the “Heart” – a monumental public space connecting to the Citadel gate. It becomes a center of aggregation and distribution, guiding the main axis through Aleppo’s acknowledged courtyards, notably the Great Mosque’s courtyard. The axis passes through various activities in a perpendicular direction to Citadel, making a shift after the main bazaar, and aligns parallel to Citadel.

The “Heart” serves as an attraction center, leading people through the second axis, with wind towers and view towers marking the skyline. To emphasize the axes, the project employs an architectural element inspired by Islamic architecture: the sequence of gates.

The East-West axis focuses on reconstructing the war-damaged historical bazaar, harmonizing with the city’s characteristics. The architecture prioritizes the redevelopment of possible activities while identifying damaged structures and proposing new architecture.

Team: Salome Gugunava, Selcen Sozunery, Jessica Martinez, Jing Liw

Pubshed at: Young Talent Architecture Award, Magazine Style #78 2020

Exhibited at: Young Talent Architecture Award Online Exhibition

greaT mosqUe

bazaar (soUk) mUseUm

bazaar (soUk)

resToraTed oLd khan pUbLick baThs (hammam) harT

venT LaTion ToWers

Trade cenTers (khan) amphiTheaTer oFFices vieW ToWer

bazaar (sUck) vieW ToWer

Trade cenTers (khan) conFerence haLL / Library

The oTToman ciTy main sTreeTs and gaTes

The sUck-c TadeL area beFore desTrUcTion 2012

reLigioUs schooL (madrasa)

madrasa sULThaniye

The FirsT roman seTTeLmenT The byzanTine ciTy WiTh TheneW WaLL

aFTer The desTrUcTion

sLighTLy damaged heaviLy damaged desTroyed

ciTy oF corTyards

coUrTyards are perFecTLy harmonioUs WiTh isLamic TradiTions aLeppian peopLe caLL coUrTyards “LiFe.” coUrTyards, as inseparabLe parTs oF LiFe, are seLecTed as The Leading TradiTionaL FeaTUre To be revived.

The projecT oUTLines The spaTiaL reLaTionship WiTh The Urban conTexT and heaLs The inTerrUpTed permeabiL Ty oF The ciTy by shoWing iTs poTenTiaL and reFerences aT boTh Urban and archiTecTUraL scaLes The proposaL concenTraTes on The redeveLopmenT oF possibLe acTiviTies W Th The idenTiFicaTion oF damaged sTrUcTUres and The proposaL oF a neW archiTecTUre ThaT harmonizes WiTh The characTerisTics oF The ciTy.

acTivaTion and variaTion oF poWerFUL Links beTWeen TWo remarkabLe pUbLic spaces, The coUrTyard oF The greaT mosqUe and The sqUare in FronT oF The ciTadeL’s enTrance gaTe, are TargeTed ThroUgh reFerences To The ciTy

The bazaar (pUbLic markeT) sTrUcTUre is very evidenT in aLeppo’s Urban Fabric W Th iTs LineariTy and each reLevanT archiTecTUre aTTached To iT The bazaar sTrUcTUre is an inseparabLe aspecT oF aLeppian L Fe. ThereFore, The reconsTrUcTion oF The sTrUcTUre in Ts exacT posiTion is proposed

Tbilisi, Georgia | 2022

Temporality plays a crucial role in our existence in Georgia, where we witness the deterioration of sociocultural and architectural elements, notably the “Khrushchyovka” housing typology. The widespread call for demolishing these structures poses sustainability challenges, leading us to advocate for strengthening and preserving them as historical artifacts. These revitalized spaces could then be adapted for diverse public or private functions.

Two Tbilisi-based architectural studios have joined forces to renovate a “Khrushchyovka” flat in the Dighomi Massive district, known for its residential focus but lacking cultural activities. The project aims to maximize impact on a limited budget, breathing new life into remnants of the Soviet era. The studios envision transforming the space into an experimental hub for theater, cinema, exhibitions, and performances, with the potential for daily use as a design studio and workshop.

This collaboration, where designers both own and finance the project, eliminates typical challenges between architects and clients. It offers a unique perspective on capitalism, emphasizing joy in the creative process.

The UNIversal KHrushchyovka project prompts the question “What is next?” through an experimental interpretation of temporality.

ThroUgh The creaTion oF The UniversaL khrUshchyovka projecT,

The qUesTion “WhaT is The nexT” is Triggered direcTLy.

iT proposes The experimenTaL process

ThaT inTerpreTs The noTion oF TemporaLiTy

Tbilisi, Georgia | 2022

The proposal for the Georgian pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennial 2023 represents a wall installation in “Il Giardino Bianco Art Space”.

The main element of the exposition is a dynamic, plastic and expressive wall.It symbolically expresses the location of Georgia in-between of Europe, and Asia. In order to distribute the flow of visitors, there are two triangular-shaped openings. There are models from the 20th-century modernist architecture exhibited on the topographic model of the landscape.

The pavilion acts as a kind of laboratory of the future, where Georgia, located in the middle of the Western and the Eastern cultures, presents its architecture, art, culture and philosophy in dialogue with surrounding geographical, political, and socio-cultural contexts. It becomes a platform, stage, bridge and corridor connecting these platforms.

Prelimintari Sketch

bArcelonA, spAin | 2019

As part of my work at AV62 Arquitectos, I contributed to developing the 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum in Doha, Qatar. Specifically, I worked on producing executive drawings and details, collaborating with other contractors, engineers, and designers to ensure that the museum’s interior was designed to the highest standard. This state-of-the-art museum opened in March 2020 and showcased the history and evolution of sports in Qatar and worldwide, featuring interactive exhibits, multimedia displays, and a collection of sports-related artefacts and memorabilia. It was a challenging and rewarding experience to contribute to such a complex project and to be part of a team that created a world-class museum that celebrates the passion and culture of sports.

My Role: Comunication with different contractors, preparation of Shop Drawings, direct comunication with showcases contractors about mokups, Team-work management, Presentation

a. Artifact Collections Exhibition Space


Tbilisi Architecture Biennial | 2020

Metaform workshop on Critical Analysis of Georgian Architecture was held in October 2020 in the frames of Tbilisi Architecture Biennial. The project has been selected as one of the finalists in the biennial open call. The workshop aimed to rediscover the encoded intelligence in Georgian architecture through a process of critical analysis and reinterpretation of the knowledge accumulated over the ages. The workshop focused on the city of Tbilisi as a cultural field covered by architectural artefacts that have been materialized after continuous fusion with European, Asian, and soviet architecture. The essence, structure, and traces of those artefacts have been forgotten and are waiting to be rediscovered. Through the methodology of formal analysis, nine architectural monuments from soviet modernism have been analysed in terms of architectural characteristics: composition, proportion, semiotic meanings, as well as context and history. As a result, different analytic drawings, schemes, and diagrams have been created by the groups of international and local students, allowing uncovering of encoded information and establishing new knowledge in the discipline.

My Role: Curator, Creative Direction, Tutor

Team: Salome Gugunava, Nutsa Lomsadze, Nodar Kvanchiani, Aleksandre Gachechiladze

Publication: Printed by Grifoni Printing House in 2021; ISBN: 978-9941-499-25-8

Exhibited at: Former Post-Telegraph building, 30 Oct. 2020. TES ArtArea Gallery; 04-05 Jun. 2022.

Former Archaeological Museum, 1988

Shota Kavlashvili, Shota Gvantseladze

Viktor Jorbenadze, Vazha Orbeladze

Former Bread Factory, 1987

Shota Bostanashvili, Vakhtang Davitaia

Former Archaeological Museum, 1988

Shota Kavlashvili, Shota Gvantseladze

Upper Station of the Tbilisi Funicular 1938

Zakaria Kurdiani, Nadezhda Kurdiani, Alexandr Valabuev


IMEL, 1938

Alexey Shchusev, Patvakan Sardaryan

IMEL, 1938

Alexey Shchusev, Patvakan Sardaryan

Upper Station of the Tbilisi Funicular 1938 Zakaria Kurdiani, Nadezhda Kurdiani, Alexandr Valabuev

Tbilisi Concert Hall-Philharmonic, 1971

Ivane Chkhenkeli

Alexey Shchusev, Patvakan Sardaryan

Ivane Chkhenkeli

Chess Palace and Alpine Club, 1973

Tbilisi Concert Hall-Philharmonic, 1971

Tbilisi Concert Hall-Philharmonic, 1971

Ivane Chkhenkeli

Vladimer Aleksi-Meskhishv l , Germane Gudushauri

Chess Palace and Alpine Club, 1973

Vladimer Aleksi-Meskhishv l , Germane Gudushauri

Former Ministry of Highways 1975

Chess Palace and Alpine Club, 1973

Giorgi Chakhava, Zurab Jalaghania

Former Ministry of Highways 1975

Vladimer Aleksi-Meskhishv l , Germane Gudushauri

Giorgi Chakhava, Zurab Jalaghania


Former Ministry of Highways 1975

Hotel Adjara, 1975

Hotel Adjara, 1975

Mikheil Melia Palace of Rituals, 1984

Vladimer Aleksi-Meskhishvi i, Germane Gudushaur

Giorgi Chakhava, Zurab Jalaghania Hotel Adjara, 1975

Mikheil Melia Palace of Rituals, 1984

Viktor Jorbenadze, Vazha Orbeladze

Viktor Jorbenadze, Vazha Orbeladze

Former Ministry of Highways, 1975

Former Bread Factory, 1987

Mikheil Melia Palace of Rituals, 1984

Former Bread Factory, 1987

Viktor Jorbenadze, Vazha Orbeladze

Giorg Chakhava, Zurab Jalaghania Hotel Adjara, 1975

Shota Bostanashvili, Vakhtang Davitaia

Shota Bostanashvili, Vakhtang Davitaia

Former Archaeological Museum, 1988

Former Bread Factory, 1987

Shota Kavlashvili, Shota Gvantseladze IMEL, 1938

Former Archaeological Museum, 1988

Shota Bostanashvili, Vakhtang Davitaia

Shota Kavlashvili, Shota Gvantseladze

Mikheil Melia Palace of Rituals, 1984

Viktor Jorbenadze, Vazha Orbeladze

Former Archaeological Museum, 1988

Shota Kavlashvili, Shota Gvantseladze

Former Bread Factory, 1987

Shota Bostanashvili, Vakhtang Davitaia

IMEL, 1938
Upper Station of the Tbilisi Funicular, 1938 Zakaria Kurdiani, Nadezhda Kurdiani, Alexandr Valabuev
IMEL, 1938
Alexey Shchusev, Patvakan Sardaryan
Upper Station of the Tbilisi Funicular 1938
Zakaria Kurdiani, Nadezhda Kurdiani, Alexandr Valabuev
Tbilisi Concert Hall-Philharmonic, 1971
Ivane Chkhenkeli Chess Palace and Alpine Club, 1973
Vladimer Aleksi-Meskhishv l , Germane Gudushauri
Former Ministry of Highways 1975
Giorgi Chakhava, Zurab Jalaghania Hotel Adjara, 1975
IMEL, 1938
Alexey Shchusev, Patvakan Sardaryan
Upper Station of the Tbilisi Funicular, 1938 Zakaria Kurdiani, Nadezhda Kurdiani, Alexandr Valabuev
Tbilisi Concert Hall-Philharmonic, 1971
Ivane Chkhenkeli Chess Palace and Alpine Club, 1973
IMEL, 1938
Alexey Shchusev, Patvakan Sardaryan
Upper Stat on of the Tbilisi Funicular, 1938 Zakaria Kurdiani, Nadezhda Kurdiani, Alexandr Valabuev
Tbilisi Concert Hall-Philharmonic, 1971
Chkhenkeli Chess Palace and Alpine Club, 1973
Upper Station of the Tbilisi Funicular 1938 Zakaria Kurdiani, Nadezhda Kurdiani, Alexandr

Architects: Alexey Shchusev, Patvakan Sardaryan, Year: 1938

Team: Ina Barbaqadze (GE), Iveta Chxikvadze (GE), Ani Tsikoridze (GE)

Tutor: Salome Gugunava (GE)

Team: Almas R. Salsabila (ID), Bhavita Mandava (IN), Salome Tabatadze (GE)

Tutors: Marco Grattarola (IT), Hayk Martirosyan (IT),Duccio Prassoli (IT), Martina Rotilio (IT)

Team: Khomeriki Eka (GE), Zaal Siprashvili (GE), Gvantsa Tskipurishvili (GE)

Tutor: Nodar Kvanchiani (GE)

Team: Mariam Mestiashvili (GE), Mariam Pochkhua (GE), Luka Tavzarashvili (GE)

Tutor: David Bostanashvili (GE)

Team: Davide Francesco Avesani (IT), Jessica Borriello (IT), Reem Khorshid (EG)

Tutors: Marco Grattarola (IT), Hayk Martirosyan (IT), Duccio Prassoli (IT),

Team: Sandro Siamashvili (GE), Ani Goglidze (GE), Ana Kvatchantiradze (GE)

Tutor: Nutsa Lomsadze (GE)

Team: Alberto Aragon (ES), Huzefah Haroon (PK), Juan Manuel Londoño (CO)

Tutors: Marco Grattarola (IT), Hayk Martirosyan (IT), Duccio Prassoli (IT), Martina Rotilio (IT)

Team: Ana Natsvlishvili (GE), Dea Khizanishvili (GE), Mariam Gvinepadze (GE)

Tutor: Aleksandre Gachechiladze (GE)

Team: Ani Chumburidze (GE), Ana Giorgadze (GE), Irina Maskhulia (GE)

Tutor: Sandro Chubinidze (GE)

Levan Kalandarishvili

Parade Allé of Georgian Architecture


Graphic Meditations in Architecture

Lorenzo Degli Eposti Drawings of the Palzzo 19 OCT 2020

Guram Tsibakhashvili Aesthetics of the Cemetery 20 OCT 2020


Peter Eisenman

Lorenzo Degli Esposti

David Bostanashvili

Aleksandre Chubinidze

Andrew Saunders

Pier Paolo Tamburelli

Levan Kalandarishvili

Lena Kiladze

Guram Tsibakhashvili


David Bostanashvili

Lorenzo Degli Esposti

Ernesto D’Alfonso

Lena Kiladze

Levan Kalandarishvili

Kyle Miller

Andrew Saunders

Gigi Shukakidze


Salome Gugunava

Nodar Kvanchiani

Nutsa Lomsadze

Sandro Gachechiladze

Hayk Martirosyan

Martina Rotilio

Marco Grattarola

Duccio Prassoli

Peter Eisenman Lateness
Pier Paolo Tamburelli
David Bostanashvili

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