2 minute read

Spa Ritual Package

1 hour £60

Enjoy some ME TIME to unwind and feel amazing...


What you get:

1. Start with a 30 minute back and shoulder massage.

Relax onto one of our comfortable beds. Your back and shoulders are massaged. Feel the tension melting away. Pressure is adjusted to suit your prefernce. Work out knots and tension in your shoulders.

Note: If you work at a desk, or hold tension in your shoulders, a massage can be hugely beneficial.

We all carry tension in our shoulders, and if it much builds up we can feel irritated and get tension headaches.

You will feel lighter after this massage.


Then, enjoy an Environ facial. Your skin is cleansed and exfoliated. This is followed by massage, serums and masks, all picked to suit your skin's needs. Your skin will feel hydrated, plump and will look fresh and glowing after your facial.

Does this sound like something you'd enjoy?

Enjoy this package for just £60! Book now!

The£17treatmentthatmakesa HUGEdifferencetoyourlook(itcan takeyearsoff!)


What is an Eyelash tint?

This is when we tint your eyelashes so they appear darker and thicker.

How does it work?

You lie back and relax and close your eyes. We expertly apply a colour dye to your lashes and let it develop for about 10 mins. Then we remove it. Your lashes are darker and look much thicker. We have different shades available. From brown to blue black.

How long does it last?

Usually 3 weeks or so. Most people love the results and do it once per month.

Perfect for:

Those who wear mascara to darken the lashes. Those who find it hard to apply mascara. Those who have sensitive eyes and find mascara runs. Those who find their lashes have lightened or thinned over the years.

Those who would like to anti age and define their eyes.

Book now and see for yourself!

Didyouoverpluckyourbrows yearsago,andtheystillhaven't grownback?Ormaybeyoujust havegappy/sparsebrows?

Brow Lamination can help!

Your brows are treated to restore volume and thickness. It's perfect for gappy brows or sparse brows. And it's natural looking too.

Clients love the effect their brows look so good!

Try it for yourself and see!

SKIN 101 Are carbs bad for skin?

The short answer is, yes. Here’s why. You need carbohydrates for energy. Unfortunately, we tend to eat way too many of them!

It’s a two-fold problem. Breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, and muffins all tend to aggravate acne breakouts. Dr, Wu, the Hollywood dermatologist, said this, “In one study, volunteers who ate a high carb diet experienced a 20% increase in their levels of androgens (male hormones that stimulate oil glands and cause acne) after just one week: volunteers who ate a diet high in protein had balanced blood sugar and lower levels of androgens in a week.”

Secondly, once consumed, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, or blood sugar, and interact with proteins in your skin. This stimulates enzymes that break down collagen and elastin! And that means, thinner skin that’s more likely to wrinkle. Balance carbohydrates with protein and fresh vegetables. Avoid the refines stuff and stick to whole grains for a glowing and beautiful skin!

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