We believe in a world where Rotarians and Rotaractors have the leadership skills and knowledge to create positive change in their local and global communities.
Together, we enhance the leadership capacity of Rotarians and Rotaractors by providing education and connecting likeminded leaders through digital resources and leadership events.
Welcome to a new Rotary year for the Leadership Education and Development Fellowship! We have enjoyed a great start to the year so far and I'm truly looking forward to serving as your Chair over the next year, building on the great foundation that has been set by Past Chairs Flo Wackermann and Mitty Chang.
For those that haven't met me, my name is Bec, and I live in Sydney, Australia with my partner Ben, 16-month-old daughter Amelie and our three-year-old spookier pup, Maui. By day I work as a Strategist in Local Government and at night I run my own leadership coaching business, focusing on the application of one's strengths and talents in their personal and professional lives. On the weekends you'll most likely find me off on a trail run or heading on mini outdoor adventures with my family.
Rotary continues to form a significant part of my life. This year I'm focusing my efforts on the LEAD Rotary Fellowship, RYLA Oceania and supporting the Regionalisation Pilot in our Zone. That's a bit about me. I'm very much looking forward to getting to know a bit about you through our Fellowship initiatives. Feel free to reach out and say 'hi', share ideas or ask me any questions throughout the year.
This newsletter is action-packed with updates from our initiatives across July and August, as well as key dates and upcoming events for the months ahead. A final shout-out and thank you to LEADer Saloni Bagwani for her support in pulling the newsletter together - many hands make light work.
Yours in Rotary, Bec
Rebecca Fry Chair - LEAD Rotary FellowshipThe July 15, 2023, General Meeting gathered 15 attendees from diverse backgrounds, spanning Australia, Nepal, Ukraine, England, Germany, the USA, Sweden, and more. It commenced by honouring outgoing Chairperson Flo and announcing the new leadership team for 2023-24. Committee reports showcased achievements, and the meeting promoted international networking & leadership.
Our August session, featured none other than the immediate past Rotary International Vice-President, Nicki Scott, speaking on Leading and Inspiring Change - definitely one to catch up on if you get a chance.
We had 18 members attend across 6 continents for this insightful session, covering everything from the start of the change management process, driving results, growth mindset and maintaining momentum.
Following on from her Vice Presidency, Nicki has launched her own business ‘Lead4Good’ which is dedicated to bridging the gap between the For-Profit and Non-Profit worlds.
“Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders” - Tom Peters
Our second official in person event is currently in the works - an innovative leadership retreat in Honolulu, Hawaii (USA).
Grow your leadership capabilities
Get recharged through inspiration and collaboration
Enjoy networking, fellowship, and relaxation
Sharpen and expand your leadership skills
Collaborate with fellow leaders on strategies and ideas to build greater leadership capacity around the world.
Experience the incredible culture that Hawaii has to offer.
Costs are anticipated at $900-$1000 (US) per person, inclusive of the program, meals and accommodation (twin share) at the Modern Honolulu.
Applications for the inaugural 2023 cohort will launch early September at
This is going to be an amazing opportunity for those who attend and hopefully a catalyst for more global leadership retreats in the future. If you want to be one of the inaugural participants then watch this space for more information coming soon.
16th September 2023 - 5pm Australian Eastern
Standard Time (AEST) - Online Leadership ExchangeCome along, connect and meet other LEAD members from around the world!
21st October 2023 - 5pm Pacific
Daylight Time (PDT)
Guest speaker - Past Rotary International Director, Vicki Puliz.
Are you passionate about writing, photography, art, or sharing your thoughts and experiences with fellow LEADers?
We invite you to be a part of something special!
"Leadership Lens" is not just a magazine; it's a canvas for your creativity. It's a platform for you to share your stories, insights, and talents with the Rotary community.
We believe that every member of the Rotary LEAD Fellowship has something valuable to share. Whether you're an aspiring writer, a seasoned journalist, a budding photographer, a passionate painter, or simply someone with a story to tell, we want to hear from you.
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR: Send your contributions to along with your name, Rotary Club, and a short bio. Our editorial team will review your submissions and your work will be featured in the upcoming issue of "Leadership Lens."
Blogs & Articles Photos Paintings & Artwork
Fellowship of LEAD is y
US$15/year for renewals
Membership is charged annually on your join date.