Global intellectual property patent landscape state of the art 3d printing rapid manufacturing 24mar

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Report Title:

Global intellectual property (IP), patent landscape, state-of-the-art report of 3D printing and rapid manufacturing in medical technology Published On: September 2017

Category: Life Sciences


Report Overview: Discover the Intellectual property of 3D Printing and Rapid Manufacturing in Medical Technology Summary: If you are an IP professional, a consultant, a strategy manager, a business executive, academic leader or an M&A professional this report could potentially save you a lot of effort in understanding the IP of medical 3D printing. Our report can typically be understood by senior managers, not just technical experts. IP insights and syntheses can be critical to your IP, R&D, innovation, application development, business development, M&A and broader business strategy. The report focuses on the intellectual property of 3D printing (=additive manufacturing) as well as subtractive manufacturing, therefore overall rapid manufacturing for medical applications (medical technology, medical devices and healthcare). It includes more than 250 selected patents (> 110 individual inventions) worldwide from 1 Jan 2006 to 31 Dec 2016 and shows you which inventions are protected by patents in which countries. It offers a concise overview of the IP landscape as well as an easy-to-understand patent-by-patent analysis. The patents identified and analysed were mainly in the fields of dental, orthopedics, general medical, tissue engineering, monitoring & diagnostic, data, CMF, hearing devices, spine, orthosis, cancer surgery and airway devices. Structure: Our report features a synthesis of the IP landscape and a patent-by-patent analysis. 1. IP landscape synthesis • Ideal for business executives, consultants, IP, R&D, innovation, business development,

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application development or M&A leaders who want to understand the essence of medical 3D printing IP in a brief amount of time • Read a small number of pages to understand the IP landscape globally • See per key field which types of inventions are protected in which countries • Browse through the detailed list of all inventions and their specific application focus 2. Patent-by-patent analysis • Ideal for IP managers, consultants, researchers, application developers • For each invention/patent, read an insightful synthesis that is easy to understand, short and to-the-point, including: i. Application focus ii. Identified problems & needs iii. Overall proposed solution iv. Key elements • Do not worry about summarizing multi-page long technical patent documents yourself, just copy/paste our analysis and tweak it to your needs Executive summary: This report analyses and synthesises the intellectual property (IP) of rapid manufacturing in the medical field, which consists of 3D printing (additive manufacturing) and subtractive manufacturing. The inventions were selected using a targeted search strategy (using Espacenet), leading to more than 250 patents from 2006 to the end of 2016, filed globally. These represent over 110 different inventions (several ones are protected with multiple patents in different countries). Inventions were analysed by region and main field they addressed, the results were synthesised, and a concise analysis of each invention/patent was added. The analysis details application focus, identified problems & needs, overall proposed solution and key elements for each invention/patent. Results from the search show that the main application fields were in dental, followed by orthopedics and general medical. Other fields included tissue engineering, monitoring & diagnostic, data, CMF, hearing devices, spine, orthosis, cancer surgery and airway devices. [A structured and more detailed synthesis is provided in the report after purchase in its executive summary and IP landscape section]. Patents were filed by many different companies, universities and individuals. Most companies or universities had only one invention under protection. But in several cases a single invention was protected with multiple patents in different countries. Most patents were filed as WIPO, Chinese, European or US patents. When making a purchase, please note our legal disclaimer: • The terms and conditions of the Publisher apply, too (in particular legal disclaimer, terms of use; see • The download products that are on offer are copyright-protected and McDerson UG (haftungsbeschränkt) owns the copyright of the products. You, the licensee, do not receive an exclusive license, we continue to own the full rights of use. For the download products, you can

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Table of Contents: Table of Contents 1. Executive summary

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2. Methodology 2.1 Search strategy 2.2 Patent filing and definitions

3. IP landscape 3.1 Rapid manufacturing technologies 3.2 Key fields 3.3 Application focus 3.4 Patent applicants 3.5 Regional differences

4. Dental inventions 4.1 Synthesis 4.2 Analysis per patent [structured by subcategory]

5. Orthopedic inventions 5.1 Synthesis 5.2 Analysis per patent [structured by subcategory]

6. General medical inventions 6.1 Synthesis

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6.2 Analysis per patent [structured by subcategory]

7. Tissue engineering inventions 7.1 Synthesis 7.2 Analysis per patent [structured by subcategory]

8. Monitoring & diagnostic, data inventions 8.1 Synthesis 8.2 Analysis per patent [structured by subcategory]

9. CMF inventions 9.1 Synthesis 9.2 Analysis per patent [structured by subcategory]

10. Hearing device inventions 10.1 Synthesis 10.2 Analysis per patent [structured by subcategory]

11. Spine inventions 11.1 Synthesis 11.2 Analysis per patent

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12. Orthosis inventions 12.1 Synthesis 12.2 Analysis per patent

13. Cancer surgery inventions 13.1 Synthesis 13.2 Analysis per patent

14. Airway device inventions 14.1 Synthesis 14.2 Analysis per patent

15. Appendix 15.1 Abbreviations 15.2 Applicants of patents 15.2.a Description 15.2.b Company applicants 15.2.c University applicants 15.2.d Individual applicants 15.2.e All applicants with publication numbers 15.3 Patents not included in analysis 15.4 Country codes

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15.5 References 15.5.a Detailed references for patents included in analysis 15.5.b Detailed references for patents excluded from analysis


Explanation of table of contents 0. Disclaimer Sets out some terms of use

1. Executive summary Summarizes the insights and content on a high level

2. Methodology 2.1 Search strategy Describes the search terms used to identify patents and which patents were excluded (e.g., as they did not meet the intended focus of the report)

2.2 Patent filing and definitions Explains the basics of patent filing and what certain abbreviations mean

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(e.g., kind codes) as well as how patents were categorized in the report

3. IP landscape 3.1. Rapid manufacturing and technologies Provides technological background, such as common processes in 3D printing

3.2. Key fields Shows key fields identified that the inventions address, by which they are grouped throughout the report to provide an clear content-based structure

3.3 Application focus Gives a thorough synthesis of the inventions protected in 3D printing globally, based on the search. Explains per key field which types of inventions are protected. Summarizes this in a structured way and highlights countries where patents were filed. Additionally, offers a detailed list of all inventions and their specific application focus. Key insights of the report are found here. On a few pages the entire 3D printing medical IP is synthesized, based on the search.

3.4 Patent applicants

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Details which types of applicants (companies, individuals, universities/not-for-profit organisations) have applied for patents globally

3.5 Regional differences Explains in which regions and which countries patents were filed

4. - 14. Patent by patent analysis, structured by key field Structured by key field (e.g., General Medial, Hearing devices), a patent-by-patent/invention-by-invention analysis is provided. At the beginning of each section (key field), there is a synthesis of what has been found in the field (similar to the overall application focus synthesis). Afterwards the various patents/inventions are analysed, in many cases broken down by further subcategories, to make it easier to group the patents. For example, general medical inventions are broken down into scaffolds, new and improved processes, etc.. In each subcategory the single inventions/patents are analysed one-by-one. This part is very insightful as the invention descriptions are easy to understand and to-the-point and can hence be grasped quickly. For each invention, the following information is provided i. Application focus ii. Identified problems & needs

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iii. Overall proposed solution iv. Key elements

15. Appendix 15.1 List of abbreviations Explains abbreviated terms used in the report

15.2 Applicants of patents Lists applicants of patents, grouped by company individual university/not for profit patents

15.3 Patents not included in the analysis Points out publication numbers of patents excluded from analysis e.g., because they did not meet the focus of the report or were published before 2006

15.4 Country codes Notes country codes and their meaning

15.5 References Gives the references of the report

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Please note the words “patent”, ”patent application”and “invention” are sometimes used interchangeably in the report as one invention is sometimes protected by multiple patents in different countries or has different publication files linked to it (e.g., original application, correction, etc.). State-of-the-art refers to inventions for which IP (e.g., a patent) was filed or applied for, and which are therefore included in the respective database search

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