Program Brochure - Croatian Summer Salsa Festival 2011

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UNIQUE SEA, SUN & SALSA FESTIVAL IN EUROPE 21-26th June 2011, Rovinj, Croatia

1 Main town square


Dance point and GRANDE FIESTA / *15 min.

2 MMC Hall

Trg BrodogradiliĹĄta bb / *10 min.


3 BUS station

Main bus station / *8 min.


4 Restoran Maestral

Official festival restaurant, Obala Vladimira Nazora / *5 min.

5 Boat stop

Pickup point for the Sunday pool party / *3 min.

6 Hotel Park

Workshops and festival office In2music



7 Hotel Eden

Workshops / *10 min.

8 Hotel Istria

Sunday’s POOL PARTY / *20 min. by boat


* walking distance from the festival office



…mmm, još se uvijek osjeća miris mora i čuju se zvuci salse od prošle godine, a evo nas već opet tu, s novim izdanjem HRVATSKOG LJETNOG SALSA FESTIVALA !!! I još jednom, zahvaljujući vama naše druženje se nastavlja! Ekipa Los Mamberosa, zajedno sa “Salsa Adria Produkcije”, i ove godine vam predstavlja ovaj NEPONOVLJIV ljetni doživljaj u prekrasnom gradu Rovinju. CSSF je JEDINSTVENI INTERNACIONALNI PLESNI DOGAĐAJ, ne samo u Hrvatskoj i Europi, nego sada već i u cijelome svijetu, koji kroz plesne aktivnosti promiče pozitivan pristup životu - a ples to svakako jest. Festival i dalje tako čarobno spaja plesne profesionalce i amatere, potpune početnike, glazbenike, koreografe i slučajne prolaznike; čarolija je u zraku, pozitivne vibracije svuda oko nas! Stoga vas sve pozivamo da nam se pridružite i slijedite naš moto: SUNCE, MORE i SALSA!

Riječ organizatora

Dobrodošli na ovogodišnji Hrvatski Ljetni Salsa Festival!

Vaši, Alan, Ani, Dado, Daniela, Danijel, Dinka, Vlado i Željka

...mmm, we can still smell the sea and hear the sounds of salsa from the last year, and here we are again, bringing you the new edition of CROATIAN SUMMER SALSA FESTIVAL!!! Once again, thanks to you this special “friendship” keeps going on! Los Mamberos team together with “Salsa Adria Productions” present you another UNIQUE summer experience in a beautiful town of Rovinj, Croatia. CSSF is THE UNIQUE DANCE EVENT, not only in Croatia and Europe but worldwide. It is also an annual event which promotes the positive way of life - which dance surely is. Festival continuously brings professional and social dancers, beginners, musicians, choreographers and innocent bystanders together; creating a special energy that fills the air! That is why we invite you to join our moto: SEA, SUN & SALSA! Feel very welcome to this year’s Croatian Summer Salsa Festival!

Yours, Alan, Ani, Dado, Daniela, Danijel, Dinka, Vlado i Željka

A word from organizers

Salsa festival ili kongres je događaj na kojem se plesači, koreografi, glazbenici i općenito zaljubljenici u ples i glazbu okupljaju kako bi naučili, usavršili ili jednostavno uživali u toj umjetnosti.

Što je salsa festival?

Salsa festivali su usmjereni na povećanje popularnosti salse i srodnih plesova te pružanju kvalitetne i aktivne zabave. Obično se sastoje od dnevnog programa u obliku plesnih radionica koje drže međunarodno priznati instruktori, dok se večernji program sastoji od show nastupa, plesnih zabava i koncerata uživo. Ono što naš organizacijski tim smatra vrlo važnim je to što salsa festivali nude program ne samo za iskusne plesače, nego i za apsolutne početnike.

Festival je otvoren i za totalne početnike koji će nakon pohađanja radionica definitivno naučiti plesati salsu! Naš cilj je podijeliti strast, kreativnost, pozitivnu energiju i zabaviti se učeći. Radionice osmišljene za početnike dati će vam osnove koje ćete potom moći isprobati na partijima. Ako nikada prije niste plesali, ovo je pravi festival za Vas!

Međunarodni Ljetni Salsa Festival u Rovinju je jedan od najupečatljivijih plesnih festivala u Europi pa i u svijetu. To je možda jedini salsa događaj u Europi koji svoj program ne temelji isključivo na zatvorenim kongresnim lokacijama i dvoranama, već u svoje aktivnosti uključuje i cijeli grad Rovinj koji se tada pretvara u veliku plesnu pozornicu. Kako su od 2009. godine u program uključena 2 dodatna dana, Hrvatski Ljetni Salsa Festival je postao šestodnevni događaj vrhunske glazbe, zabave i plesa, a grad Rovinj jedna od top salsa destinacija.

Salsa festivals or congresses are events where dancers, choreographers, musicians and dance enthusiasts in general, meet and share their passion through dancing. Salsa festivals are aimed toward increasing the popularity of salsa and related dances which salsa was built on. Usually, festivals consist of daily workshops held by international instructors while night program brings you the best of show performances, parties and live concerts. Our organizing team considers very important the fact that festivals are not only for experience dancers, but for absolute beginners as well.

Festival is BEGINNER FRIENDLY and we will teach you to dance salsa! Our goal is to share passion, creativity, positive energy and to have fun while still learning a lot. Special beginner workshops will give you basis of dancing salsa which you will be able to practice on the parties. If you have never danced before, this is the right festival for you!

Croatian Summer Salsa Festival is definitely one of the UNIQUE festivals in EUROPE and worldwide. It is maybe the single salsa event in Europe that, except congress halls, involves the whole town of ROVINJ as its dance stage. Since we included 2 EXTRA PRE-FESTIVAL DAYS, Croatian Summer Salsa Festival became 6 day event of outstanding music, dance and fun and Rovinj a TOP SALSA DESTINATION for your summer holidays.

What is salsa festival?

UTORAK, 21. lipnja / TUESDAY, June 21st 09:30 - 11:30 20:00 - 23:30

DANCE POINT u gradu uz DJ-e i promociju salsa festivala DANCE POINT in the town - DJ’s and promotion of the salsa festival! DANCE POINT u gradu uz DJ-e i promociju salsa festivala DANCE POINT in the town - DJ’s and promotion of the salsa festival!

SRIJEDA, 22. lipnja / WEDNESDAY, June 22nd 09:30 - 11:30 13:00 - 17:00 16:00 - 19:30 20:00 - 23:30

DANCE POINT u gradu uz DJ-e i promociju salsa festivala DANCE POINT in the town - DJ’s and promotion of the salsa festival! Registracija polaznika Participants registration (HOTEL PARK) Plesne predfestivalske radionice Special pre-festival workshops (HOTEL PARK, MMC) DANCE POINT u gradu uz DJ-e i promociju salsa festivala DANCE POINT in the town - DJ’s and promotion of the salsa festival!

ČETVRTAK, 23. lipnja / THURSDAY, June 23rd 09:00 - 11:00 09:30 - 11:30 10:00 - 13:30

Predfestivalski program / Prefest program

15:00 - 19:00 18:00 - 20:00 21:00 - 03:00

Registracija polaznika Participants registration (HOTEL PARK) DANCE POINT u gradu uz DJ-e i promociju salsa festivala DANCE POINT in the town - DJ’s and promotion of the salsa festival! Plesne predfestivalske radionice Special pre-festival workshops (HOTEL PARK, MMC) Registracija polaznika Participants registration (HOTEL PARK) IN2 MUSIC - open discussion and interviews (HOTEL PARK) Party dobrodošlice Welcome party + MANOLITO Y SU TRABUCO LIVE (ADRIS OLD TOBACO FACTORY)

ČETVRTAK, 23. lipnja / THURSDAY, June 23rd 21:00 - 03:00


PETAK, 24. lipnja / FRIDAY, June 24th 09:30 - 14:00 10:00 - 18:00 15:00 - 17:00 19:30 - 21:00 21:30 - 22:30 22:30 - 00:30

Registracija polaznika / Participants registration (HOTEL PARK) Plesne radionice - od početnika do najnaprednijih Workshops - from BEGINNERS to MASTERS! IN2 MUSIC - DJ challenges (HOTEL PARK) GRANDE FIESTA // Caiman Verde uživo na glavnom gradskom trgu / Caiman Verde live on the main town square GRANDE FIESTA // show nastupi / show performances GRANDE FIESTA // Veliki party na glavnom gradskom trgu uz ples na otvorenom / Party on the main town square - open air dancing

SUBOTA, 25. lipnja / SATURDAY, June 25th 10:00 - 14:00 11:00 - 19:30 21:00 - 04:00

Registracija polaznika / Participants registration (HOTEL PARK) Plesne radionice - od početnika do najnaprednijih Workshops - from BEGINNERS to MASTERS FASHION & SHOW NIGHT - modna revija, show nastupi i ples uz glazbu DJ-a na 3 floora-a (novo: SENSUAL floor) / FASHION & SHOW NIGHT - fashion show, performances and dancing to the DJ music on 3 floors (new: SENSUAL floor) (ADRIS OLD TOBACO FACTORY)

NEDJELJA, 26. lipnja / SUNDAY, June 26th 11:00 - 13:00 11:00 - 14:15 13:00 - 19:45 21:30 - 03:00

Registracija polaznika / Participants registration (HOTEL PARK) Plesne radionice - od početnika do najnaprednijih Workshops - from BEGINNERS to MASTERS POOL PARTY na otoku Sv. Andrije (“Crveni otok”, Hotel Istra, organiziran prijevoz brodom) POOL PARTY on the St. Andrew’s island (“Red island”, HOTEL ISTRA, organized BOAT TRIP) CHILL OUT salsa party na 2 floor-a / CHILL OUT salsa party on 2 floors (ADRIS OLD TOBACO FACTORY)

Festivalski program / Festival program


a new festival pass for current price on that day. Wristbands are waterproof.



This year’s EXCLUSIVE HIGHLIGHT is LIVE concert of one of the greatest and best loved timba bands in the world - MANOLITO Y SU TRABUCO!! The concert will start at 11:30 in our still new location - ADRIS OLD TOBACO FACTORY! GRANDE FIESTA OPEN-AIR PARTY

Our unique GRANDE FIESTA on the main town square will be opened by CAIMAN VERDE LIVE at 19:30. Afterwords you will enjoy music played by famous DJs and newest shows performed by world-class artists! The party lasts till 00:30, after that join us for the after party at Adris Old Tobaco Factory.

Useful festival info


The place for some of the workshops and parties. POOL PARTY AT THE ST. ANDREW’S ISLAND, HOTEL ISTRA


Wristbands must be worn ALL the time during the weekend and will be checked at each entrance workshops and parties. Lost, removed or broken bands will NOT be replaced. You will have to buy

We kindly ask all participants to respect the objective of the workshops which is learning and to respect the authority of the instructors. Please take some clean clothes, dancing shoes and some water. Each festival venue is provided by toilette. IMPORTANT NOTICE - please respect your dance level!! VIDEO RECORDING & PHOTOGRAPHY

It is not allowed to record during the classes. However, you will be able to do it after each workshop with permission of the instructors. HELPDESK AND FESTIVAL OFFICE

Helpdesk is in the Festival office in Hotel Park. Working hours and possible changes will be announced on the INFO BOARD! MERCHANDISE

Our shopping area will be in the Adris Old Tobaco Factory. There you will find some dance accessories and thematic paintings to buy. PARTY TICKETS - IMPORTANT

Everybody must have PARTY TICKET in order to enter to each party regardless of the wristband! Party tickets will be given during your registration in festival office. Lost tickets won’t be reimbursed and without them you won’t be able to enter the party.

Live Concert - Manolito Y Su Trabuco! Relaxing Boat Trip Experience IN2 MUSIC Conference New Instructors! Pool Party...

...and much more new and fun things to experience at Croatian Summer Salsa Festival 2011!

Hot highlights festival exclusive!

IN2 MUSIC mini-conference is the 1st regional Caribbean and Latin music open discussion conference in its first year aimed towards salsa and related genre music industry. The conference is held as a part of the Croatian Summer Salsa Festival and will gather international DJ’s, event promoters, artists, music and dance affiliates from the whole world in order to promote their work, share knowledge and ideas while making new friendships and business opportunities. During this unique event you can also enjoy the activities of Croatian Summer Salsa Festival…

EXCLUSIVE Interview with Manolito Simonet: Cuba & it’s music

Program of this years conference consists of two OPEN PANELS and EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with one of the leader timba figures in the world - Manolito Simonet!

16:30-17:30h HOTEL PARK Open for everybody!

23th June // THURSDAY: OPEN DOORS DAY! EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH A STAR OF TIMBA - “Manolito Simonet: Cuba & It’s Music” 16:30-17:30h HOTEL PARK Interview session and talk about music! Moderator: TBA Guests: Manolito Simonet (musician), Antonio Martinez (promotor/manager Open for everybody - DJ’s, event promotors and organizers, artists, dancers.

Times can change, check our web pages for latests schedule!

DANCERS VS DJ’S: VOX POPULI - What the dancers want?? 18:00-20:00h HOTEL PARK This discussion aims to present and possibly confront two views on DJ’ing the Latin Music: Dj and Dancer views. This is the chance for the dancers to finally say what’s on their mind concerning the choice of music that DJ’s are playing to them, and in the same time also the place where dancers can see what challenges are put in front of DJ’s. Ask questions, criticize, suggest, and be constructive! By all means, everyone is invited! Open for everybody - DJ’s, event promotors and organizers, artists, dancers. Moderator of the panel and speakers will be announced very soon! 24th June // FRIDAY: PROFESSIONAL DAY! DJ CHALLENGES: How to be a better DJ? 15:00-17:00h HOTEL PARK What are the challenges the DJ’s of Latin music face today? How to improve and get better, how to promote yourself and become more requested, what do promoters/club owners look for? How promoters choose their DJ’s? How to present yourself/how to get a gig? These and other interesting questions will be a theme of this interesting discussion. Open for DJ’s, event promotors and organizers. Moderator of the panel and speakers will be announced very soon! FACE2FACE - Networking Cocktail! 17-17.30h HOTEL PARK (pool terrace) Making contacts is one of the goals of every conferrence - on the hotel terrace, by relaxing sight on the sea, accompained with good drink, you’ll have possibility to contact other participants of congress face 2 face, introducing yourself, discuss matters you consider important or maybe also create some business opportunities. Open for all participants of In2 Music Professional Day.

Prilikom stvaranja ovog glazbeno-scenskog spektakla uvijek nastojimo podići kvalitetu i nipošto ne izostaviti vas dragi plesači. Stare hale Adrisove tvornice duhana pokazale su se kao idealno mjesto za mnoštvo rasplesanih obožavatelja koji će i ove godine nesmetano i do dugo u noć moći uživati u ljepotama karipskih ritmova. ADRIS OLD TOBACO FACTORY - festivalska lokacija na kojoj će se održavati neke od radionica i partiji. Plesne radionice i konstantno učenje zaista mogu iscrpiti. Stoga Vam i ove godine predstavljamo niz izvanrednih show nastupa koji će Vas ostaviti bez daha, a svjetski poznati bend će dodatno zagrijati plesnu atmosferu i pružiti vam vrhunski glazbeno-scenski doživljaj.

DJ-i / DJs DJ Cruz (UK) DJ Javier (Cuba) DJ Mojito (Norway) DJ Shaan (UK) DJ Vlada (Serbia) DJ Willy (Netherlands) Creating this colourful spectacle of music and dance we always try to make you feel better and to rise the quality of the event. These old halls have shown as a perfect place for plenty of salsa lovers who will again have enough space for dancing night away to Caribbean rhythms. ADRIS OLD TOBACO FACTORY - festival location for some of the workshops and parties. Learning and dancing whole day can be very exhausting. So, take a break and watch some of the best salsa show performances during our parties and enjoy the concert of the world known band which will give you an amazing music experience!

Manolito y su Trabuco “najbolji kubanski bend današnjice” - nikako ne propustite!!! Pioniri timbe... vrhunski glazbeni spektakl... jedinstven spoj vokalne izvedbe i moćnog timba zvuka...“novi val kubanske glazbe“... po prvi puta u Hrvatskoj... Los Mamberos & Salsa Adria Produkcije Vam s ponosom predstavljaju kubanski bend Manolito y su Trabuco!!! Bend broji 16 članova i jedan je od najboljih i najomiljenijih timba bendova. Brojne svjetske turneje u proteklih 15 godina pravi su pokazatelj njihovog velikog uspjeha. Frontmen grupe, Manuel Simonet, rođen je 1961. godine u Camagueyu gdje je naučio svirati piano i tres. Godine 1993. osniva svoj vlastiti bend pod nazivom Manolito y su Trabuco gdje je kubanski naziv „trabuco“ sinonim za snagu tima. Kako im i sam naziv kaže, bend je dostojan svoga imena... oni su moćni i glasni te svojom energijom rijetko koga ostavljaju ravnodušnim. Zato vam preporučamo da, ukoliko se ne radi o višoj sili, svakako poslušate ovaj bend uživo! Poput Isaaca Delgada, Manolito y su Trabuco je jedan od onih bendova koji se mora čuti uživo da biste u potpunosti znali cijeniti njihovu veličinu! Bend je poznat po svom jedinstvenom instrumentalnom sastavu kojega čine violina, čelo, flauta, dvije trube i dva trombona, sintisajzer, piano, konge, kontrabas i čovjek iznimne snage i kapaciteta, bubnjar Roicel Riverón.

Ekskluzivna najava

U okviru svoje europske turneje 2011., ovi pravi giganti kubanske glazbe nam predstavljaju svoja zadnja dva albuma - snažan, ali plesan „Trabuco una vez más” i „Beat Cubano“ njihov prvi latin jazz uradak .

HOT, HOTTER, THE HOTTEST NEWS!!! Brought to you by Los Mamberos & Salsa Adria Production…

Manolito y su Trabuco “the best contemporary Cuban music” – not to be missed!!! The pioneers of timba… an extraordinary music spectacle… a unique experience of vocal perfection wrapped in beauty of the powerful timba sound... “the next generation of Cuban music”… visiting Croatia for the first time… let us introduce Manolito y su Trabuco!!! Sixteen-member Manolito y su Trabuco is one of Cuba’s greatest and best loved timba bands. The group’s innumerable international tours are the mark of its huge success over the past 15 years. Born in Camaguey in 1961, Manuel Simonet learnt piano and tres with the Amateur Artists Movement. In 1993, he created his own group, Manolito y su Trabuco, where the term “trabuco” in Cuba refers to a team’s power. The band lives up to its name… It is a powerful and explosive group that inspires ecstatic reactions from fans. That’s why we strongly recommend that you see this band live if humanly possible. Like Issac Delgado, Manolito y su Trabuco is one of those bands that you have to see live to fully appreciate how great they are - “one of the tightest and most powerful ensembles on the planet“. The group features a unique instrumentation of violin, cello, flute, two trumpets and two trombones, plus synth, piano, congas, bass and an absolute powerhouse of a drummer, Roicel Riverón. True giants of Cuban music, Manolito y su Trabuco, are touring in 2011 presenting their last albums - the powerful and danceable “Trabuco una vez más” and “Beat Cubano” - the first Latin Jazz recording of the band.

Exclusive announcement

Instruktori koje vam dovodimo su zaista pravi umjetnici ne samo kada plešu ili nastupaju već i kada podučavaju. Uvijek će dati sve od sebe i na najbolji način prenjeti vam svoje znanje i plesno iskustvo. Budući da smo i sami plesači, pravilan odabir instruktora nam je stoga vrlo bitan.


Željeli bismo također da se svi polaznici festivala osjećaju dobrodošlo i ugodno na svakoj od radionica. Nadamo se stoga da će vas naš izbor razveseliti i potaknuti na učenje novih pokreta te vam pružiti istinsko plesno iskustvo, druženje i ludu zabavu. I ovoga puta vam dovodimo izvrsnu postavu te se nadamo da ćete zaista uživati u radu s njima.

INTERNATIONAL Albertico Claderón (Cuba) Alexander & Yunaisy (Cuba) Amneris Martínez (Puerto Rico) Andrea Stewart (UK) Barbara Jiménez (Cuba) Farid & Julie (France) Fran & Veronika (Tenerife, Czech Republic) Israel Gutiérrez (Cuba) Juan Matos (Dominican Republic)

Mario & Madeline (Cuba) Nuno & Vanda (Portugal) Primera (Serbia) Super Mario (UK) Tito & Tamara (Puerto Rico) Vedran & Lejna (BiH) CROATIA Fabris & Rosemarie (Pula, Plesni centar Studio) Jakov & Marina (Split)

Performing or teaching, our instructors are truly artists. They will really give their best in transmitting you their experience of the dance and that’s why we care so much abut right selection of instructors.


Our wish is also to make all participants of the festival feel welcome and pleasant. Therefore we hope that our choice will make you happy, encourage you to learn and give you a real experience of dancing, socializing and great fun. Once again we bring you the unforgettable LINE UP and we hope you will enjoy working with them as much as we do.

A što nakon udarnog salsa vikenda, prepunog dobrih vibracija i ogromnih količina plesa? Teško je sve to napustiti, zar ne...? Ove godine vam mi dajemo odgovor! Vodimo vas na RELAXING BOAT TRIP EXPERIENCE! Biti će to izlet za one koji znaju guštati, koji ne žele otići, koji žele da traje. To je izlet koji će vas zasigurno oduševiti jer je idealan spoj druženja, čistog uživanja i opuštanja u netaknutim ljepotama hrvatskog Jadrana... A ako vam to nije dovoljno, biti će tu još finih okusa mediteranske kuhinje, pića, koktela i opet puuuno druženja uz prepoznatljive ljetne ritmove. Vjerujte, isplati se!

Program izleta:

Excursion program:

VRIJEME: 14:00h - 19:00h

-- obilazak istarskih priobalnih gradova - povijesni grad Poreč -- posjet povučenim plažama i mjestima idealnim za kupanje -- sunčanje -- uživanje u ljetnim ritmovima naših DJ-a...

-- trip along Istrian seaside -- chose beaches and swimm in the remote lagoons -- party on board along with summer relaxing beats -- grab some sun and have a great time!

MJESTO UKRCAJA: pristanište Delfin (isto kao i za Pool Party)

Cijena paketa 25 eura, paket uključuje:

Package price 25 euros, includes:

-- vožnju brodom Rovinjskim arhipelagom -- ručak - kotlet ili skuša sa salatom -- neograničena konzumacija pića (samo tijekom ručka!) -- i naravno - čistu zabavu ;)

-- boat trip through many islands -- lunch on board - grilled meat or fish with salad -- unlimited drinks (during the lunch only!) -- and of course - pure fun ;)

* Karte se prodaju u Festival Officeu Hotel Park! * Ograničeno na 120 ljudi! Požurite i ugrabite svoje mjesto ;)

* Tickets sold at the Festival Office Hotel Park! * Limited up to 120 persons! So hurry up and book you place!

Pridružite nam se u prvoj salsa plovećoj avanturi!! Neka ljeto traje...

Join us on the summer boat adventure and keep your summer lasting...

DATUM: ponedjeljak, 27. lipnja 2011.

Relaxing After-Fest Boat Trip

After so much learning and dancing for 6 days and nights before you leave it is time to keep the rhythm, yet slow down the pace and enjoy yourself in a new way - JOIN US IN A RELAXING BOAT TRIP EXPERIENCE along the coast of Istria, Croatia! Well, then, let’s make this festival last for 7 days! On Monday 27th of June the Festival is not over yet! We take you for a great BOAT TRIP EXPERIENCE in order to relax, grab some sun, enjoy the beautiful Croatian coastline, swim in remote lagoons and all of that in tune with our DJ’s spinning the summer beats! VISITING THE CITY OF POREČ, SWIMMING IN DISTANT LAGOONS, ENJOYING LIFE! Along the way we’re going to visit the beautiful historic city of Poreč, sail through many islands, seek and choose beaches. If this is not enough we added some Mediterranean cuisine, drinks and cocktails to go along with the ride so we guarantee it is going to be worth while.

DATE: Monday, 27th of June TIME: 14:00h - 19:00h BOARDING PLACE: Delfin dock (same as for the Pool Party)

Relaxing After-Fest Boat Trip


Hrvoje Puškarić FESTIVAL’S EXPO POINT In our multimedia location - ADRIS OLD TOBACO FACTORY, you will be able to enjoy not only the music, but also a variety of contents… There you will find the gallery of selected and colourful canvases inspired by Cuba and its dances celebrating life painted by Croatian artists Hrvoje Puškarić. We invite you to take some souvenirs with you from Croatian Summer Salsa Festival 2011. HRVOJE PUŠKARIĆ Hrvoje Puškarić was born in Zagreb. He finished the School of Applied Art, painting department. In the same year, he enwolled the Art Academy in Zagreb. He also went on numerous study travels in Andalucia and Cuba - Academia de Bellas Artes San Allejandro - Habana. In the year 2000, he registered for the post-graduate studies in Sevilla, Spain.

An art exhibition of selected canvases inspired by Cuba and its dances celebrating the 7th Croatian Summer Salsa Festival, June 21-26th, Hotel Park, Adris Hall Rovinj - Croatia w w o sa lsa fe stiva

Afro-Cuban is one of many dance forms originating in Latin countries. Although they share some characteristics, the various forms of Latin dance also reflect the unique style and culture of their countries of origin. For example, we have flamenco dancing in Spain, the tango in Argentina, and the merengue and bachata in the Dominican Republic. The contexts of dance within these cultures vary: people dance for social or for religious reasons, as part of rituals or community celebrations, and as performance art. In Cuba, music and dance are inseparable. From religious music to rumba, danzón, son, chachachá, timba...the rhythms and the dances were created simultaneously as inseparable parts of the same whole.

Pojmovnik / Glossary

AFRO-CUBAN FOLKLORIC DANCES Afro-Cuban folkloric and religious dance is a genre with a lot of different dances from several African countries brought to Cuba during the colonization of the Third World. We can separate them in two main categories. There are religious dances of Yoruba people from Nigeria (Orishas) and dances of different bantú tribes from Congo (Palo, Yuka, Abakua). RUMBA There are various styles of Afro-Cuban rumba music and dance, but they all have strong influences from African drumming and dance and Spanish/Gitano poetry, singing and dance. The clave beat (2-3 or 3-2) plays a very important role in all rumba styles. AfroCuban rumba is entirely

different than ballroom rumba or the African style of pop music called rumba. Rumba developed in rural Cuba is still danced in Havana, Mantanzas and other Cuban cities but these days ... influences from jazz and hip hop. YAMBU This is the oldest known style of rumba, sometimes called the old people’s rumba because of its slower beat. It can be danced alone (especially by women) or by men and women together. Although male dancers may flirt with female dancers during the dance, they do not use the vacunao the symbolic, sexual “vaccination” - used in rumba guaguanco. GUAGUANCO Rumba Guaguanco is faster than yambu, with more complex rhythms,

and involves flirtatious movements between a man and a woman. The woman may both entice and “protect herself” from the man, who tries to catch the woman offguard with a vacunao - tagging her with the flip of a hankerchief or by throwing his arm, leg or pelvis in the direction of the woman, in a symbolic attempt touching or sexually contacting her. When a man attempts to give a woman a vacunao, she uses her skirt to protect her pelvis and then whip the sexual energy away from her body. COLUMBIA In this fast and energetic style of rumba, with a 6/8 feel, solo male dancers provoke the drummers to play complex rhythms that they imitate through their creative and sometimes acrobatic movements. Men may

also compete with other men to display their agility, strength, confidence and even sense of humor. Columbia incorporates many movements derived from Congo dances as well as Spanish flamenco, and recently more and more dancers incorporates breakdancing and hip hop moves. Women are also beginning to dance Columbia, too. COMPARSA Cuban comparsa is the dance of the street carnival and is more commonly known as „conga line“. It is loud, flashy and fun, with dancers in colorful and and musicians playing horns (trumpets, trombones, tubas, etc.), percussion instruments (maracas, bongos, congas, guiros, batas, claves, checkeres, surdos, tamborines) and whistles.

TRADITIONAL POPULAR DANCE (BAILES POPULARES) In addition to traditional Afro-Cuban folkloric styles, Cuba is also known for its popular traditional dances such as Son, Cha Cha Cha, Danzon and Mambo DANZON Created by Miguel Failde Pérez in 1879, Danzón is the national dance of Cuba and evolved from Danza. The music structure – A B A B A - consists of an introduction, A, just used for dancers to make acquaintance, flirt or stroll the dance floor. Then a dance section starts (B), to go back to the introduction and repeat the sequence again. The dance style is elegant yet extremely sensual and flavorful; it is danced off the beat and includes square figures. SON Son is derived from Cuba’s African (drumming, complex rhythms) and Spanish roots (instrumentation,

poetic style), and is the precursor of what is now called salsa. Originally rural music that developed as an accompaniment to dancing, it became a popular in Cuba’s urban areas in the 20th century. Eventually, it was adapted to modern instrumentation and larger bands. Traditional Son instrumentation could include the tres (a type of guitar with three sets of closely spaced strings), standard guitars and various hand drums and other percussion instruments. Many sons also include parts for trumpets and other brass instruments, due to the influence of American jazz. Son, the dance, starts with the formal, closed embrace of the man and woman. The couple maintains a very upright frame, with quick flirtatious and sensual side-to-side movements of the shoulders, torso and hips accenting the underlying six count rhythm of the feet. Son is danced contratiempo,

meaning, off the beat, so the couple moves on the half beat before one. CHA CHA CHA Cha Cha Cha arose in the early ‘50s as an offshoot of Danzon and Mambo, and was created by Enrique Jorrin – the original rhythm is an onomatopoeia of the sound of the percussion and the one created by the dancer’s feet dragging on the ground. Cha-chacha is danced off beat (the dance starts with three quick changes of weight -- thus the name cha-cha-cha -- preceded by two slow and a pause). It was later adopted and commercialized by ballroom dancers who for teaching purposes (for those unable to identify the beat) cha was dropped and it became only Cha-cha. In Cha Cha Cha, like mambo and rumba, the dancers’ hips are relaxed, allowing free movement in the pelvic section. MAMBO Mambo is a modification of Afro-Cuban rhythms and particularly the

Danzon. It was created by Israel “Cachao” Lopez, and infused with American jazz band format. Mambo was danced in the same upbeat and sassy manner as American swing. CASINO Casino is a holly Cuban dance developed during the mid and late 1960s in Havana. It is a form of what is sometimes called “Cuban Salsa“ (outside of Cuba) as distinct from New York or Los Angeles styles. SALSA The history of the “Salsa” dance is peppered with hearsay and contradiction. Although few would disagree that the music and dance forms originate largely Cuban Son, most agree that Salsa, as we know it today, is a North American interpretation of the older forms of music and dance. New York’s Latino community had a vibrant musical and dancing scene throughout the ‘50s but found limited success with the ‘Anglo’ mainstream. In the 1970s, the adoption of the term “Salsa” reduced

the linguistic and cultural barriers to mainstream and worldwide adoption of Latin music and dance. TIMBA Musically, timba is the result of an innovative fusion of elements drawn from multiple directions. It is a a fusion of jazz and rumba, with hip-hop and reggae thrown in. It has its roots in son, the guitar-and-brass-driven Afro-jazz band sound of the fifties. CLAVE Uniting Afro-Cuban music and dance the clave is a rhythmic pattern, meaning “key.” The word clave not only refers to this characteristic rhythm but it also refers to a Cuban percussion instrument consisting of two round polished sticks that are struck together. Clave pattern may be played on other percussion instruments as well. Even when clave is not explicitly present in the music, Afro-Cuban musicians feel its pattern and dancers move to its rhythm as it is a heart of every salsa song.

Los Mamberos

Plesni klub Los Mamberos iz Zagreba osnovan je u siječnju 2005. godine. Od tada je svojim kvalitetnim radom i nepresušnim entuzijazmom postao sinonim za kvalitetan ples i vrhunsku organizaciju događanja vezanih uz ples. Jezgru kluba čine uspješni ljudi koji su se dokazali u svojim stručnim područjima, a svoj hobi su odlučili podići na novu razinu i time poboljšati ukupnu kvalitetu i ponudu plesne scene u Hrvatskoj i šire. Najveći i najpopularniji događaj kojeg organizira plesni klub Los Mamberos, je Međunarodni ljetni salsa festival. Prvi festival je organiziran 2005. godine i od tada se ovaj jedinstveni događaj redovno održava ljeti i svake godine postaje sve veći i popularniji, kako među hrvatskim, tako i među inozemnim plesačima. Plesni klub Los Mamberos redovno održava razna događanja, druženja, show nastupe te organizira salsa plesnjake. Instruktori kluba često gostuju i nastupaju diljem Hrvatske i u inozemstvu. Redovni tečajevi održavaju se na lokaciji u centru grada Zagreba - Art Net Club, Preradovićeva 25. Više informacija o klubu i navedenim projektima možete pročitati na O Hrvatskom ljetnom salsa festivalu više informacija možete naći na stranici

Dance studio Los Mamberos Zlatareva Zlata 43 (Zagreb, Croatia) mobile: +385 (0)99 2326068 web: e-mail:

Dance studio Los Mamberos from Zagreb was founded in January of 2005. Ever since it’s quality work and contagious enthusiasm have made it a symbol for top class dancing and superb organisation of dance related events. The core of the club is made of successful individuals, proven in other areas of expertise, who decided to elevate their hobby to another level, and in doing so, improve the quality and diversity of dance scene in Croatia and beyond. The largest and most popular event organized by Los Mamberos is Croatian Summer Salsa Festival. The first festival took place in 2005 and ever since has grown bigger and more popular for Croatian and international dancers. Dance studio Los Mamberos regularly organizes various events, show performances and salsa parties. Its instructors often teach and perform at events in Croatia as well as abroad. Regular classes are held in Zagreb at - Art Net Club, Preradovićeva 25. More info about the dance studio at More info about Croatian Summer Salsa Festival at www.

Maestral restaurant

Official festival restaurant // Obala Vladimira Nazora (check the map) // (052) 830 565

Direktor festivala / Festival Director Vladimir Semenčić // Izvršne direktorice i produkcija / Managing Directors & production Daniela Trtinjak // Željka Košanski //


Direktorica programa / Program Director Dinka Ćavar // Tehnički Direktori / Tehnical Directors Anes Musa // Dado Ćavar // Danijel Justinić // Održavanje stranica i promocija / Web & Promotion Alan Tomanek // Program assistant: Robert Semeši Production assistants: Lea Kuhta, Marko Škada, Martina Pranjić SURADNICI & PARTNERI / ASSOCIATES & PARTNERS Ana Karlaš (Grad Rovinj / City of Rovinj) Antun Ivetić (Maistra d.d) Dragan Poropat (Grad Rovinj / City of Rovinj) Dubravka Svetličić (Grad Rovinj / City of Rovinj) Evelina Sošić (Maistra d.d) Hrvoje Puškarić (akademski slikar) Igor Jeremić (Znanje d.d.) Marin Lovrić (Maistra d.d.) Martina Čekić Hek (Grad Rovinj / City of Rovinj) Matko Vrdoljak (Maistra d.d)

Meri Vidulin (Maistra d.d.) Nada Petrović Stepanov (Maistra d.d) Ninoslav Vidović (Maistra d.d.) Odet Sapač (TZG Rovinj/Tourist Community of Rovinj) Ozren Gruičić (technical support) Robert Lešić (Grad Rovinj / City of Rovinj) Rosmerie Miletić (PC Studio, Pula) Vilijam Banko (Adris d.d.) Vilijam Cvek (Maistra d.d.) Vinko Peršić (Restaurant Maestral)

HVALA / THANKS TO Arijana Stanić Zdenac života turistička agencija Ana Marija Požgajčić Andrea Čudina Antonija Fember Darja Krnjajić Diana Čehaja Filipa Miloš Ivica Herceg Josipa Poduška Juraj Stanić Jurica Rašić

 Maja Letina Marijan Božić Marko Črne Martin Jukić Miroslav Mišljenović Petra Črne Štefica Šimunec Vedran Lončar Walter de Rooj

 Sea, Sun & Salsa

SUMMER 2012 Be part of it!


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