what if your
represented one grain of
taste the good life @
CONTENTS 24 Poise / Poison 22 Perfect Portion 34 Success in Recess 36 Work Out Your Excuses 08 Double Take
8 Double Take Beauty and health go head to head.
6 BBQ on a Budget BBQ on a Budget for a way to make that next BBQ a stress-free team effort.
Salt Magazine Summer 2010
20 Natural=Organic Not!
Find out the real deal on the newest fad in beauty products.
Hot Spots
Salt Magazine shares some of our favorite dining choices.
Relax an Release
Don’t let stress get you down. Find ways to release the tension.
Poise / Poison
Tap into some keeps to keep your poise... from turning into Poison.
life tastes good.
taste the good life @
Growing Pains... I should have known from the moment
we declared this summer issue the “Fun and Carefree Issue,” that there
would be so many opportunities for it to be everything but fun and carefree.
There’s so much irony in the power of
our words — the second we profess
something with our voices, the attack shows up to see just how bad we
really want it. With every challenge we
encountered in completing this issue,
of “growing pains” you may be dealing with: getting fit, saving money, eating healthier, becoming more confident; but whatever it is, the Salt Magazine team is right here with you. solutions for everyday life that you will enjoy. So, take a break! The world will not end when you decide not to worry about what seems to not be working. God didn’t design you for all that worrying, anyway. Learn to let Him carry your burden and you’ll see He’s much more equipped to take care of it than you are. With every glitch and bump in the road, you learn what works — and what doesn’t. But, never ever neglect learning to enjoy the journey. Don’t despise small beginnings, it is
Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness?
late, I know)! I don’t know what kind
Every day, we’re discovering something new about developing a magazine with practical
we finally made it (yes, two weeks
” Matthew 5:13
the journey that makes it all worth it in the end. Keep working at it. You won’t be here (wherever your “here” is) forever. So, without further adieu, the “Fun and Carefree” issue is here. Even if only for a few minutes, stop comparing yourself to others, don’t worry about what you don’t have, find out how to work with what you do have and enjoy your life. You only get one; but don’t take it too seriously. Here’s to a great stress-free summer! Cheers
Published by Christeen Media Group, Inc., Atlanta, GA © Copyright 2010 Christeen Media Group, Inc. Reproduction without written permission of
Carline R. Léger
Christeen Media Group, Inc. is prohibited.
BBQ on a BUDGET by Carline r. LEGER
Aaaaaah! The barbecue: The official sign of sum-
mer. Everybody wants to go to one, a lot of people want to host one, but nobody wants to expense one. Regardless of the expense, barbecues are a musthave in my circle of friends. And we’ve found a way to make it reasonable for everyone. No one person has to pick up the tab for the ribs, the chicken, the beans and the ice cream. Here’s a little bit of insight to keep your next barbecue on a budget. One of the reasons I find that barbecues are so easy and cheap to throw is because of what I call the a-la-carte concept. Barbecues are free-for-all shindigs where it doesn’t matter what you bring or what time you bring it, there’s room for it at the table. The other thing that I love is how contributions to a barbecue budget can fit into literally anybody’s budget. The keyword here is: Teamwork. I am all for “the more the merrier” concept, but if you’ve ever been a guest to one of my barbecues, everybody has got to bring something. Whether it’s a cheap bottle
Salt Magazine SUMMER 2010
of off brand pop (soda, or whatever you call it), just please do not walk in the door empty-handed. As I said, just about anything goes on a barbecue menu, so you’ve got to pick up something. Now, the teamwork concept doesn’t have to be chaotic. Here is your guide to each type of guest at your barbecue and how to answer their question, “What Do I Bring?” You as the Host As the host, it’s always good to have something on hand until the rest of the food starts to arrive. My personal rule of thumb is to have at least one appetizer (like chips or crackers) and two packages of meat and bread before anyone else’s dishes arrive. (Call me a control freak, but I refuse to put my whole party’s menu on any one individual other than myself.) And, I have at least two bottles of pop ready and waiting. Guests of the Early Persuasion These guests always happen to show up while I’m taking rollers out of my hair and before makeup. Be-
ing on time is one thing to be appreciated, but coming early to my parties means that you will be put to work. But don’t worry; I’ve got a beverage and an appetizer to hold you over until party time. Ask them to contribute: any staple items like meat or seafood, that will require some time to prepare and cook as well as cups, plates, napkins or silverware. Guests By the Book These guests usually start their sentence with “but the invitation said…” These lovely people show up at the written party time—on the dot. They are reliable for important items and can help you finish setting up. Ask them to contribute: heavy appetizers, and important items like buns, and staple side dishes. CP Time Folk (you were thinking it, so I had to say it) They don’t mean to be late, but they just can’t seem to make it in the door on time. They’re not necessarily unreliable, but you might want to give them something other than the main dishes to bring. Ask them to contribute: beverages, not-so-important side dishes and anything extra that you’ll anticipate needing as the party goes on (i.e. buns, ice, etc.). The Party Starters (or so they think they are ...) These wonderful people seem to think the party doesn’t start until they get there. (Sidebar: They are also the ones who call you at the barbecue’s start time asking (1) Who’s already there and (2) If you’ve
started eating yet). Ask them to contribute: more beverages, desserts, anything you may have forgotten (as you will probably receive a call from around the corner asking what they should bring). Pit-Stoppers These people are just swinging through from function to function, but this still doesn’t mean they have to show up empty-handed. Ask them to contribute: premade desserts, more beverages and anything you may have expectedly run out of. Lastly, the Stragglers and Non-Committals These are guests that you never count on actually showing up, so their contributions are assigned as such: anything they feel like bringing or anything the present guests are craving, as they will not make it until the party is almost officially over. That covers it for your guests. You’ve planned a spectacular event that leverages everyone’s time management skills — even your stragglers and non-committals. If they actually do show up, they’ll bring some random and arbitrary item that will make everybody’s day. With a strategy in place, planning a barbecue for five people or 50, can be stress-free and fun! And, you’ve done it all without picking up the whole tab.
DOUBLETAKE A true picture of health by Francine White
Beauty means different things to different people. The way you look, walk, talk and dress all make a difference where beauty is concerned. On one side we have the overweight ladies who some may think are not very pretty below the neck and on the other side there are the skinny girls who people perceive as beautiful because they wear a size two. So, what is the truth? Who is more beautiful? Is one honestly more beautiful than the other? As we see in the media, tall and thin is what seems to be trendy. On the television show “America’s Next Top Model,” a young lady who was 5’6 and a size 10 was considered a plus size model. If being at least 5’6 tall and a size 10 means that you are plus size, then at least 75% of the people in the U.S. must be overweight, or worse, obese. Let’s not get it twisted; outward beauty can be wonderful, however it only lasts for a short period of time. There are other elements to beauty that we all should be concerned about: Does being tall and thin mean that you truly are healthy? Maybe it’s time to take a second look. A true definition of health is based on each person’s body type and size, nutrition, weight and other factors. It is the amount of muscle versus fat in your body that determines if you are healthy or overweight. Your body composition determines whether you are “fat” or “skinny.” Yes, this means you can be a “skinny, fat person.” But it is up to you
to control your health with proper diet and nutrition, a good exercise regime and plenty of water and rest. Even if you are a size two you can possess too much body fat. A lifestyle of fitness and healthy eating is the best way to control your body and how it looks. Monique Hennagan, two-time Olympic champion in the 400m and 4X400m relay for the U.S. in 2000 and 2004, advocates for changing your lifestyle to one that encompasses good nutrition, fitness and setting goals for yourself. Monique says that moving away from the scale and trying to live a life that focuses on healthy living is a better way to go than striving to be a size two. Setting long-term goals for your health and sticking to them is important. Try to incorporate a little exercise daily, instead of setting short-term weight goals. A healthy lifestyle leads to a better life. Let’s look at the factors that make up a healthy body. If your body carries more fat than lean muscle, then you are an example of someone who is a “skinny, fat person.” It is important to consult your physician in order to find out what is a healthy weight and body mass for your individual body. Once you consult your physician, here are just a few tips to help you get healthy and stay healthy so that you can be fit and lean, no matter if you are a size 2 or a size 16:
ody Mass Index (BMI): Body mass index is a meaB surement guideline that tells you the ideal weight for a person of your height. This index is based on averages for the general population and the formula is the same for everyone. Your BMI can be determined by using this formula: 703 multiplied by weight [lb] and divided by (height [in] x height [in]). An average BMI measurement is between 18.5-24.9. So, if you are 5’7” and you weigh 115 pounds, then BMI identifies you as slightly underweight (at a BMI of 18.0). On the flip side if you are 5’7” and weigh 170 pounds then BMI identifies you as slightly overweight (BMI of 26.6). Remember, these measurements are based on the general population, so there’s no need to stress out over a point or two. However, your BMI measurement is a great guideline to identify where you are from a weight perspective. Get more information on BMI and check out what your ideal weight is for your height by checking out the following assessing/bmi/adult_bmi/index.html Body fat percentage: Your body fat percentage is different from your BMI. Body fat is determined by the total weight of the fat your body carries. Every individual has body fat; the amount is different for each person. Your body fat percentage consists of two different types: essential body fat and storage body fat. Essential body fat is the fat that you need surrounding your organs and heart but storage body fat is the fat found on your hips or your stomach that you want to limit. Some hi-tech scales nowadays will calculate your body fat percentage along with your weight. However, if yours doesn’t have that capability stop by your local gym and ask one of the trainers there to take your body fat percentage. They should also be able to tell you if you are within good limits for your body. Muscle mass: Most women don’t want to be bulky and have lots of muscle, however it is important to note that you need muscle mass. The more muscle your body contains, the better it is at losing unwanted and unneeded fat. You can build muscle tissue without becoming bulky and looking like a body builder. Think about this; muscle burns calories and burning calories mean a fit and healthier body. Again, go to your local gym and talk to a trainer to get more information on muscle mass and how important it is to your health and fitness.
Salt Magazine SUMMER 2010
Heart health, blood pressure & cholesterol: These three components are all directly affected by your weight. Each of these can be measured by your physician to determine if they are in the range for your ideal height and weight. Many women do not pay close attention to these components of their health, (especially as it relates to beauty) however if you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure it will play a key role in your outward appearance. Some physicians may routinely check these for you, but if yours does not, make sure you ask at your next visit. Nutrition: Remember the old saying, “you are what you eat”? Trust me, it’s true. Nutrition is essential because what goes into our mouths goes to our organs, tissue and hips. There are many great resources for proper nutrition. Check out the American Dietetic Association’s Web site at Also remember that water is your best friend. Even if you are not working out on a regular basis, drink plenty of water to support the muscle and tissue that your body carries. Cardio fitness and weight training: Need I say more? The title alone tells you what you need to do. Proper exercise that includes a cardio workout and weight training is essential to heart health, healthy BMI, good amounts of muscle mass and everything else listed above. There is no need to exercise if your nutrition is askew and vice versa. Again talking to a health professional about your body’s needs is important. Do not rely on what works for someone else. What works for someone else may not work for you. Unlike beauty, health is a universal term. It means the same no matter what size you are or what you look like. Good health and nutrition should be practiced by everyone and even though we may have different ideas of what beauty is, good health means your body is able to maintain its original state and design without major modifications. In other words, our bodies were created to last throughout our lifetime. It is up to us to maintain our bodies so that we are fit, healthy and able to withstand any sickness or disease that tries to attack it.
Let me tell you why
you are here ...
taste the good life @
Salt Mag brings you some of our favorite places to dine in ATLANTA!
Hot Spots
My absolute fave after hours spot. A great place to wind down. — Steve B.
The Flying Biscuit Cafe
Bangin biscuits...period. If you go for anything, Subhead: go for the biscuits! Gotham-Book
W. 18pt/20pt — Cameialeading by name goes here photograph by name here
WHERE city month 2009
Lead-in is Whitney-Semibold Body text: Whitney-Book 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director. Body text: Whitney-Book 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director. Body text: Whitney-Book 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director. Body text: Whitney-Book 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director. Body text: Whitney-Book 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director. Body text: Whitney-Book 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director. Body text: WhitneyBook 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director. Body text: Whitney-Book 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director. Body text: Whitney-Book 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director. Body text: WhitneyBook 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director. Body text: Whitney-Book 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director. Body text: Whitney-Book 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director. Body text: Whitney-Book 8.75pt/9pt leading lock to baseline grid set flush left except in rare circumstances dictated by visual requirements determined by art director.
Salt Magazine SUMMER 2010
CafÊ Intermezzo Cafe Intermezzo is a quaint little bistro where you can kick back with your friends or have an intimate outing with a loved one.— Francine W.
Subhead: Gotham-Book 18pt/20pt leading by name goes here photograph by name here
Chow Baby
“It’s fresh, it’s fast and the possibilities are endless! I’ll never make stirfry at home again!”.
— Carline L.
Salt Magazine Summer 2010
Natural = Organic,
NOT! Don’t Let Them Fool You, It Ain’t All Organic
by Ayana Antoine For a few years now, organic has been the new trend. There are organic foods, clothes, cleaning products and even organic beauty products. Major brands are going back to the drawing board to bring out the newest of the new in organic, or as some like to label them: “natural.” Don’t be fooled by the natural label, because it doesn’t mean it’s all organic or even a tinge organic at all. Before you buy, it’s important to know what’s organic and what’s authentically natural. defines organic as raised or conducted without the use of drugs, hormones or synthetic chemicals. There are several levels of organic products that you need to know about: • 100% Organic: Meaning all organic, these products bear the USDA seal of approval (regulated by the government). • Organic: Mostly organic but not all, about 95% organic • Made with organic ingredients: Contains organic ingredients, from 2% to 75% of organic ingredients. These products do not bear the USDA seal of approval. If you choose to use organic beauty products, it’s important to know your brands and know where to shop for those brands. One of the most popular places to find all things organic is Whole Foods. From my experience, Whole Foods has just about every organic beauty product you can think of. You can also find several Web sites — from major brands to mom and pop startups — that sell 100% certified organic beauty products. But if you don’t have a Whole Foods nearby, or if you’re not an Internet shopper, major grocery and drugstore chains have started selling organic beauty products. Natural is defined as having undergone little or no processing and containing no chemical additives. However, in my research, I have found that companies can label their products as natural even though the products may be processed or chemically altered. Natural products (and beauty products) are not regulated by the government nor do they bear the USDA seal of approval. Now, I’m not saying that natural products are bad for you; just make sure that you are reading the label on the natural beauty products you choose to purchase. So there you have it, natural and organic are not the same. I will stress again, read your labels, especially if you choose to get on the strictly organic train. There are so many Web sites and books that can educate you on the world of organics and natural products. So research, read and do you! It’s your skin, your body and ultimately your choice. Organic or natural … you be the judge.
Embracing Your Imperfections. by EUNICE GILLION
Salt Magazine Summer 2010
here is an old saying that says “Beauty is skin deep.” But today we live in a society that seems to preach, “beauty is only for the elite.” There’s a lot of pressure to be beautiful in today’s society. Just by looking at you, people form their own opinions of who you are and what they feel you should be; and many times this sets an arbitrary outlook on the real you. Sizes, clothes, makeup and jewelry don’t characterize beauty. There are no physical standards or guidelines to live by in order to be called beautiful. We come in all sorts of sizes and shapes: long torso, short torso, curvy or slender. Accept your body type regardless of big hips, small waist, big nose or eye color. Improve your strengths and make your so-called weaknesses work for you. For example: If you have a long torso, then high waist outfits or belts will enhance your shape by creating the illusion of longer legs and a shorter torso. If you have a shorter torso, then try long fitted shirts to help slenderize your shape. I’m a curvy woman; so I avoid clothes that are clingy. I don’t look good in plaid, but spring colors enhance my skin tone. The key is to have fun with fashion. Play around with different styles, colors and makeup. Try different things. Although we should accept our body types, which we can’t change, we don’t have to accept low self-esteem or insecurities along with them. The comfort in being you is confidence. Unfortunately, this lack of comfort in yourself doesn’t just show up one day. For most of us, a lack of healthy self esteem starts at a pretty young age. In June 2005, I was the guest speaker at a summer camp for young girls. I arrived on time and full of excitement. The counselor told me these girls were very special, athletic and intelligent. As I drove into the camp, a group of girls ran out to greet me. They anxiously opened my door and helped me with
my briefcase. “Hi, we are so happy to have you!” one of the girls giggled as she watched me gracefully get out of the car. “I’m happy to be here,” I sincerely replied. “Thank you for the invite. You are beautiful ladies.” Then the mood suddenly changed, they dropped their heads. I felt the tension. Not even seconds ago, these girls were happy and carefree and now they seemed so dismal and defeated. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “How can we be beautiful?” Out of the blue they begin to tell me why they thought they weren’t beautiful. One told me her complexion was too dark; another told me she was too skinny. One even told me her hair wasn’t long enough. I was devastated and heartbroken. I was looking in the eyes of bright, intelligent girls that had the world at their fingertips, but didn’t know it because in their eyes beauty was not defined by what they saw in the mirror. The only true definition for beauty lies in the fact that we were created in the image of God. God loves the real you: your looks, your intelligence, your goals and ambitions as well as your flaws. We are His workmanship — He created us. I wasn’t a last minute decision. My skin tone, eye color, body type and personality were uniquely and specifically thought out. Before I can expect anyone else to accept my imperfections, I have to accept them for myself. Yes, you may have those “I feel ugly” days, but choose to limit them to small moments and allow yourself to have more “I feel beautiful days.”.
Embrace your “perfectly imperfect” self. Follow these tips to turn an “I feel ugly” mood into an “I feel beautiful” day.
When you discover a zit, don’t stress. Stress will make more zits appear. Relax and use the proper medication to speed the healing process and know in a few days they will be gone.
2 3 4
Embrace your so-called “ugliness.” Put on your favorite outfit and shoes and walk through the mall. Stop and buy your favorite mall snack and take fifteen minutes to enjoy “me time’.Bad hair day? Put your hair in a wrap!
Feeling bloated? Enhance your bust line with different styles and accessories (belts, empire waists, sundresses, etc.)
Create a new style from your own closet (when you feel like you’ve run out of clothes). Check out your fashionable Facebook friends and get ideas to mix up your look with clothes you already have. Make the clothes you already have into something new: cut up shirts and jeans and make brand new outfits.
Throw on some jewelry! Accessorize to make an otherwise ordinary outfit POP!
We all do it: the never-ending subconscious comparing of ourselves with other females; overspending on shopping as we search for the perfect outfit and matching accessories that will be sure to make us stand out from other females and capture “his” attention; and the exaggerated laugh with the crew in an effort to catch his eye, only for him to grab his stuff and leave while we are standing in a crowd of people 24
Salt Magazine Summer 2010
feeling lonely and rejected. We’ve all been there: the ex-boyfriend we broke up with, for what seemed like valid reasons at the time only to discover they were not so valid and we miss him; staying in a relationship we know is not good for us. Women everywhere can relate to one or more of these scenarios. What is it that drives us to behave in such a way? Why does it seem at times the very
Poise /
thing (or person) we want continues to elude us? Could it be that the “inner-me” has actually become our enemy? he Book of Proverbs says, “As a man thinks in his T heart, so is he.” In light of this, I pose another question: What do you think of yourself? I’m not asking in a surface manner, nor do I want to hear what you think
you should say. I’m asking you to take a moment to really assess your self-image. The way you view your true self on the inside is a blueprint that people use to view you. Your self-image is contagious. You set the standard for how other people will treat you, by the very way in which you think of yourself. It’s important to define yourself before someone else does. That definition can either make you or break you. If you desire to attract that ambitious 25
businessman or that cute drummer, your blueprint must be compatible with your desires. If you think you are not pretty enough or not good enough, chances are that you have already defeated your chances before even attempting to catch his eye. I’m sure we all remember the cheerleader with the pearly white smile that pulled all the guys, or the silly athlete who had all the girls drooling over him. Between the two there must be a common denominator. Perhaps the unforgettable smile? Possibly the positive, fun feeling others had while hanging out with them? But what is behind the smile and the fun? A blueprint that they have created for themselves. Whether positive or negative, how people treat you and relate to you is based on the words and thoughts that you have for yourself. What you say to yourself and what you think about yourself will create your moods and eventually your habits— especially in relationships with others. Unfortunately, it isn’t that simple. Chances are, the thoughts you have been thinking and the words you have been speaking have been repeated for a very long time — and that is why you are exactly where you are now. As long as you have the desire to change and thendurance to stick through the process, you can still redesign your blueprint yourself. Life is like a play. If you don’t like the plot, characters or even the
wardrobe, then edit the script! I remember my own battle with self-esteem issues. Although I never saw myself as ugly, I still didn’t see myself as the girl whom all the guys lined up to talk to. Although I was dressed nicely, I didn’t feel that I could put an outfit together as well as that other girl. I didn’t feel as fun as that other girl. Regardless of if you’re trying to or not, thoughts of comparisons to that other girl always tend to creep in. Comparing yourself to that other girl, who you take to be everything you think you are not, is creating a self-defeating image. In time, you’ll constantly carry that pest of an image around with you every day. You give energy to anything and everything you focus on. Don’t focus on what you think you lack, you’ll just feed those negative thoughts until they grow large enough to possibly do some real damage. You are blueprinting yourself for failure, setting yourself up to lose before you even start. Decide now that you will have nothing to do with thoughts or actions of inferiority. Decide now that you will no longer compare yourself with others and what they have that you may lack. We were made in God’s image and He never designed us to have thoughts of inferiority.
Here are some things I have done to create a winning blueprint. Once practiced, I believe they will help you too.
4. Take care of the outer you. As you continue to develop your self-confidence, let it show on the outside by taking good care of yourself and your appearance: • Keep your nails clean and trim • Get free makeovers at mall makeup counters • Experiment with new body splashes and perfumes
Poise / POISON Poise / POISON Poise / POISON Poise / POISON Poise / POISON Poise / POISON Poise / POISON Poise / POISON
1. Write out self-esteem affirmations and say them to yourself often. For example: • “I am beautiful.” • “I am intelligent.” • “I am loved.” 2. Treat yourself to activities/things that make you feel good about yourself. • • • •
Mani/pedis Massage Shop for an occasional “feel-good” outfit Walk in nature
3. Set yourself up to win. What are you good at? Do that! With every victory you develop self-confidence, which is a big part of your self-esteem. Confidence is attractive and contagious. 26 Salt Magazine Summer 2010
5. Set boundaries and kindly, yet firmly teach people how you want to be treated. For example, I will not permit people to hit, yell or make derogatory comments to me. If this continues to happen I will leave. Also, keep in mind that to everything there is a season. I’ve heard a quote that says, “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” It’s up to you to figure out which is the case. Don’t let toxic relationships develop. 6. Exercise makes you feel good about yourself. Try to workout for at least 30 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week. 7. Smile. Smile. Smile. And then smile some more.
life tastes good.
taste the good life @
Hunned Grand
Champions will always find a way to win. Hunned Grand is a champion. Having been raised in San Francisco, California, Hunned Grand (formerly Big Ran) was exposed to an eclectic variety of musical and cultural influences and his love for hip-hop was developed at an early age. He recognized his gift for writing in high school and took up producing music shortly thereafter. That gift has afforded him the opportunity to travel around the world shutting down stages from San Francisco to London, all while producing and recording with some of hip-hop’s elite — including Outkast, MA$E, Cam’Ron and gospel phenom Canton Jones to name a few. Hunned Grand has purposed in his music to motivate and inspire people to obtain and enjoy a good life. He is passionate about creating music that resonates with the listener long after their initial experience. Music that not only sounds great, but feels great. By Sylvester Abakah
Q: What inspired you to get into music? A: Good music inspired me. I can’t really pinpoint the exact moment that I was inspired. When I was a little boy my family got me involved in a lot of music programs and encouraged me to join the band in middle school. A couple of friends and I formed a rap group in 10th grade. I had this karaoke machine and for beats I used to take the outro of a song, dub it and sync it back and repeat the process until we had an instrumental; that’s how I got into production. Q: What other producers, songwriters and/or artists do you see as your primary inspirations? A: There are so many [influences] that I inspire me. My favorites are Dj Toomp, Just Blaze, Rick Rock and Battlecat; I think they’ve made some of the best hip-hop and have gotten the least recognition for it. I like Rodney Jerkins, Timbo and Rod Temperton — as far as R & B [music]. My favorite hip-hop artists are Kanye and Jay-Z: Kanye for his realness, and Jay-Z for his consistency. Oh, and Andre 3000. I don’t listen to as much hip-hop as I used to. I really like Hillsong and Israel Houghton as alternatives. Q: Most music today focuses on having a “good-time” with no thought of tomorrow. It’s seems to be all about sex and “thug-life”. As a producer and lyricist, what keeps you passionate about what you do? A: The fact that music sounds like it does keeps me passionate 28
Salt Magazine Summer 2010
about what I’m doing. I believe my music serves a much greater purpose than promoting myself, and I love great music. I guess it’s like someone that loves great food. The fact that the streets are lined with McDonalds and Burger Kings doesn’t suppress their love or passion for great cuisine. Q: What makes your production stand out? A: Well for starters, 95% of my production is sample free so it’s definitely exclusive. My sound is unique because I’m from the San Francisco Bay Area, so I have those West Coast influences; and I’ve lived in Atlanta for over 10 years so I incorporate that Southern bounce and bottom. My sound isn’t just a sound, it has a feel and it feels great. I also like to focus on producing a great song instead of making a hot beat. That’s what a producer [is] supposed to do. The beat is only half of the battle. Q: You have really developed as an artist yourself. Do you have a preference? Being a rapper or being a producer? Being in the limelight or behind the scenes? A: Each serves their purpose. As an artist I can get my point across, as a producer I’m kind of limited. I make champion music. An example of champion music is “Chariots of Fire” or “Eye of The Tiger.” It is music that inspires [and] motivates you to win, be successful and productive; and I can do that best from an artist’s standpoint. For me it’s not so much about being in the light as it is about getting the complete job done, and I can’t
really get the complete job done without getting behind the microphone. Like on the song “Get It” with Cam’Ron and Ma$e, I did the beat and the hook, but I didn’t get my full point across because I took the backseat as the producer, but it was still a hot song. Q: What can we expect from Big Ran “Hunned Grand” in 2010? A: Great things. I just finished a new “Coast 2 Coast” mixtape coming soon and I [am] currently mixing down my debut album “Grand Opening.” I also have an instrumental album in the works that’s going to be bananas so I’m excited and busy at the same time. You can always find out what’s new with me by going to and www. Q: Do you have any advice for young aspiring songwriters and producers? A: Be honest with yourself and don’t allow people to discourage you. There are a million so-called players in the industry ready to tear you down and be critical of your music. Be honest with yourself as far as how your music sounds. If you were an artist would you spend money on your production? If not, then make the necessary changes and developments and continue to grow. Don’t try to rush into the industry, take the time to develop to full maturity. When you know that your sound is fully developed then you have the upper hand and nobody can discourage you. Also, learn the business side of music.
R&R Relax & Release
By: Dominique Gonzales
“Ugh! I’m so stressed out!” “I couldn’t sleep last night because I’m so stressed!” Sound familiar? Does it sound like something you’ve said to a friend or loved one recently? If so, it is time for you to find some ways to relax and release. Stress is your body’s way of responding to pressure that has been put on you by external sources. Positive and negative experiences can cause people to experience stress. For example, working full-time, going to school full-time and planning your wedding can cause your body to have a negative response. Although those elements in your life are all positive, the constant go, go, go can leave you feeling physically and mentally drained and stressed. Health problems like migraines, high blood pressure, body aches and even colds can all be caused by stress. Although it may be difficult for us to change some of our responsibilities, we can learn to deal with and reduce some of the pressure that we feel. Here are five free ways to become stress free. ❊ Breathe According to doctors, most people are breathing incorrectly. Breathing the right way can calm you down and help you relax. Train yourself to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Slow, deep breaths are most useful when you are trying to relax and slow down your heart rate. So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a minute to stop what you’re doing; take a few deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. ❊ Exercise Simple exercise such as walking or jogging, can help you release stress. Try making time to exercise at least three times a week for 20-30 minutes. This regular physical activity will allow you to sleep better and feel more energized. This is great especially if some of your stress comes from lack of sleep or lack of energy.
If you think you don’t have time to exercise, think again! Check out this issue’s feature “Work Out Your Excuses” on page x.>
❊ Focus on the positive You are not a failure! You are not doing everything wrong. Sometimes we feel like we are losing because we are so focused on what needs to change about ourselves or our situations. Focus on the positive every day. Start each day by meditating and reciting a positive quote. Throughout the day, focus on the things that went well, even the small things. You will find yourself smiling your way to a better mood and a more accurate perception of your situations. You’ll also be motivated and empowered to change those things that you do have control over. ❊ Plan Ahead Stop trying to do everything at the last minute. Procrastination definitely causes a lot of unnecessary stress. Start planning ahead! Keep a calendar and a schedule. Most importantly, stick to the schedule and 32
Salt Magazine Summer 2010
try not to overload your calendar with a lot of activities. Planning allows you to be prepared so that you have fewer stressful surprises. ❊ Laugh Have you heard the phrase, “laughter is the best medicine”? Well … it is! Laughing instantly puts you in a better mood. It sends positive signals to your brain (endorphins) and allows you to release any stress that you may be feeling. Watch a funny movie, laugh at YouTube videos or call your friends and have a good time laughing for a few minutes — or hours! Stress is unhealthy. Spend time laughing, planning, being positive, exercising and breathing to release the stress that you are dealing with. You deserve it and your body needs it.
life tastes good.
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Success in Recess Don’t Downsize, Improvise by karlyn exantus
ewly single; gaining weight; relocating; sometimes it feels like life is shifting from fifth gear to second gear. Maybe there’s a feeling of a lack of fulfillment as we age. Life in general can at times be perplexing, but lately the greatest challenge for many of us has been unemployment. While job loss isn’t ideal, it is a good way to discover or tap into new aspects of yourself; strengths you never knew you possessed. A shortage in cash can mean an increase in craft. Now is the time for you to figure out for yourself how much creativity it will take to maintain your standard of living, as well as your happiness. Think outside the box — or beyond the coupons, as I like to say. Despite being out of work, we still want to continue as though nothing has changed. The reality of job loss can be dejecting and devastating. Yes, some areas of your lifestyle are going to change — as they should — however, that doesn’t mean you’ve got to sacrifice all of the comforts that make you happy. You can still indulge in the simple pleasures of life, like shopping, enjoying a staycation at the house and having some “me” time. Bask in it all, while you also strengthen your job hunt strategy and uncover that creativity and craftiness you have within to make your goals reality. Consignment shops are always a good way to scratch your shopping itch. Have you noticed that used is the new “new?” What I mean is that a used handbag can still be considered new if that handbag hasn’t been used by you, right? The Goodwill always has awesome deals, no matter the season. Now before you go haywire on me for mentioning the G-spot, hear me out. You’ll find tons of great items there. Think custom, antique, inexpensive and neat! Shopping is not always about the what (what the store is called); but instead, it is sometimes about the where (where the store is located). When it comes to your secondhand stores, be choosy! Selecting locations in higher end neighborhoods will get you a much greater selection. Typically, people in neighborhoods with higher property values will have nicer items donated. Another secret to shopping is to put a budget together beforehand. It is easy to get carried away when you think you’re getting a deal. For instance, at a consignment shop in your neighborhood, you happen to notice a sign that says “everything half off.” Don’t be fooled into thinking you have to leave with a shopping cart full of merchandise, which leads me into my last consignment-shopping tip. Visualize the use of the item(s) you’re looking to purchase before you pay for it. If you don’t know where you’re going to put it in your house or what shoes you’re going to wear with it, chances are that it will just sit inside your house and collect dust. Don’t contribute to the already overflowing junk drawer – we all have one … or two in some cases. Now, there are other ways to increase your craftiness while experiencing this temporary shortage in cash. A recent loss of employment is a wonderful opportunity to hone in on your time management skills. Be constructive with your time. You can engage in extracurricular activities, cross off items from that never-ending to do list, and have more innovative job searches. There are 24 hours in a day, and while that seems like a lot of time, the truth is it’s not. If you’re not careful to continue to employ your morning regimen, you’ll find that by the end of the day, you’ve accomplished nothing except maybe catching up on your Soap Operas. So here it is eight o’clock in the evening, and you’re standing in the kitchen wondering if that stench is coming from unwashed dishes or your
unwashed body. Let’s see: the gutters needed cleaning, the filter in your AC unit needed to be changed, laundry should’ve been washed and resumes should’ve been both posted online and submitted via e-mail. And from here, the job search begins. Take the grassroots approach to job hunting. When I was a teenager, we “took it to the streets!” Don’t be afraid to approach businesses in person and speak to hiring managers. In this age of the Internet, the skill of social interaction is getting lost, so if you have a natural, charming personality, use it to your advantage. Let’s say your personality isn’t so charming, and you feel like you’re not a good candidate to hit the streets. Increase your skills! The department of labor offers many helpful classes that can sharpen you in the area of job hunting. (They may require you to take them if you’re collecting benefits from them.) My suggestion would be for you to take them seriously, and pay attention. There’s a ton of great information just waiting for you. Increasing your skill set doesn’t stop at your job search. I don’t know about you, but I do not consider myself to be the handiest person. I don’t build, fix, screw, hammer, or drill. So if you’re like me in any way, you may want to consider building instead of buying. Sure, there’s some buying in building (i.e. material), but you’ll come out way cheaper buying lumber than you would buying already made shelves for that huge closet you have tucked away in your family room. Learn to build, make, and create! If you learn to successfully pair consignment shopping with minor construction projects, you’ll find that the lifestyle you’ve learned to enjoy can still be maintained. Challenge yourself! It can be fun, relaxing, frustrating, and yet oh so rewarding.
Psycho Sisters
Live in the Atlanta Area? This is one consignment shop you can’t miss! Founded in 1993 by Angela McLean, Psycho Sisters has been voted the #1 consignment boutique in Atlanta for 10 years! Carrying current mall and club trends for guys and girls, they now have 3 stores in the neighborhoods of Sandy Springs, Little Five Points, and Cartersville all. New items arriving daily! Check them out at
Workout Your
Excuses Incorporating Exercise Into Your Daily Routine by Kim Fleming
n a world with business meetings, conference calls, school plays, family outings, and an inbox with never-ending e-mails, it’s no wonder people find it difficult to make time to exercise. The US Surgeon General recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate activity, 5 days a week and many Americans don’t come anywhere near this level. According to the American College of Sports Medicine consensus, less than two-thirds of adults in the United States get the recommended minimum amount of exercise per week. Many of us fail to realize that there are small ways to incorporate types of exercise in our daily routines. Gym memberships and exercise equipment require time and money, both of which most of us don’t have a lot to spare, but everything we need to stay fit and healthy is right at our fingertips.
Exercise at your desk Of course, you probably won’t be recruited by any national sports leagues or even be able to run a triathlon with these minimal desk exercises. However, any amount of exercise is better than none. These muscle strengthening and stretching techniques are great beginner workouts and may lead to motivation to do more. 1. Chair Crunches — While sitting in your desk chair, put your feet flat on the floor Making sure that you are seated upright, hold the arms of the chair. While breathing through your nose, use your stomach muscles (inner core) to lift your knees to your chest. Do 4 sets of 25 (100) — or until your boss walks by and looks at you crazy.
your body left and right. Make sure to keep your head straight and your eyes on your hands. The further you twist the better! The primary focus of this movement is to build strength within your inner core. As you twist left and right you are making your obliques stronger and your torso tighter, slowly tackling that mid section that so many of us dread. 4. Ignore the Elevator — Instead of taking the elevator up to the meeting or the break room, take the stairs. After awhile, take two stairs at time for more of a challenge. Do this 5-6 times a day, or whenever you have to go to another floor.
Exercise around your home Just because you are home from a hard day’s work doesn’t mean you have to become lazy. Try these easy exercises while doing leisure activities or chores. 1. Strong teeth/Strong Legs — While brushing your teeth, try sitting in the squat position. With your back against a wall, squat until you’re in the seated position, or as far as you can go without straining your knees. 2. Garden Strength — Gardening uses many muscle groups, especially activities like planting, fertilizing and tending to a garden. Raking uses your arms and back muscles. Digging gives your arms and legs a workout. And gardening provides a bonus: You’ll have more fresh vegetables and fruits to add to your diet.
2. Perfect Bottom Squeeze — While sitting in your desk chair, tighten your butt as hard as you can. REALLY SQUEEZE. (The harder you squeeze the better.) Do this for 30 seconds at least five times a day, but proceed with caution if you have gas, your office mate might not like any foul air slip-ups.
3. Outdoor Cleaning — Yard work exercises muscles you probably forgot you had. Mowing the lawn works your thighs and buns as well as your arms and core area. If you have a deck, then I’m sure it’s time to clean it off a bit after the fall leaves and spring petals have had their way with it. Sweep the deck and easily work your core, arms and back.
3. Twist and Turn —While standing in front of your desk, place your hands on the desk and twist
4. Commercial Cardio — During the commercial breaks of your favorite television shows try running
Salt Magazine Summer 2010
in place, doing jumping jacks or some other kinds of cardio exercises. A commercial break usually lasts approximately two minutes. Think about it! You can get in the recommended 30-minute daily workout if you are watching a show lasting an hour.
Exercise while running errands. Although running errands can be a bit tiring, you can squeeze in a good work out on the go. Try building a habit of doing the following: 1. Stop the Parking Space Search — Instead of spending an extra 10 minutes driving in and out of parking aisles in search of a parking space, try parking at the back of the lot and walking (or even jogging) to the store door. 2. In Line Leg lifts — While in line at the bank or post office or wherever, try doing calf lifts by standing on your the tips of your toes and then back
down (repeat this a few times). Try standing on one leg for 30 seconds and switching legs. This will improve strength in your thighs as well as improve your balance. You might look a bit crazy to the guy behind you but so what? You are on your way to a fabulous body. 3. Grocery Weight Training — When picking up a few things at your local grocery store think about grabbing the hand basket instead of pushing the big grocery cart around. After filling it with items that you need try doing 10 reps of bicep curls on each arm. You would be surprised of how a few canned goods will increase your muscle strength. Busy days are sometimes unavoidable but it is important that we don’t sweep our health under the rug. It is so easy to go an entire day without focusing much attention on exercise. With these easy to do activities staying active can be a breeze. You can increase your life span and enjoy the benefits of all of your hard work as long as you stay healthy, stay fit and keep it moving.
The Path To An Optimum Fitness Lifestyle
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