1 minute read
4. A Magnetic north – the direction any magnet compass will point.
Grid north – the direction of a vertical (north-south) grid line on an OS map.
This sign indicates a heliport not a hospital.
Maps have symbols to represent different landmarks such as places of worship, car parks, pubs, and schools. You can match symbols with the corresponding landmarks in your surroundings to help locate your position on the map. Each map will have a key to its symbols so, if in doubt about the meaning of a symbol, consult the key.
2. A The height and shape of the land is shown on a map using contour lines. These are thin orange or brown lines with numbers on them. The number tells you the height above sea level of that line. A contour line is drawn between points of equal height, so any single contour line will be at the same height all the way along its length. The map key will tell you the contour interval used.
3. B Before you begin to look at grid references it is important to be aware that all the numbers going across the face of the map, for example, left to right, are called eastings (this is because they are heading eastward). Similarly, all the numbers going up the face of the map from bottom to top are called northings (because they head in a northward direction).
5. A 615 335 B 635 324 C 632 341
When giving a four-figure grid reference you give the eastings number first and the northings number second – you go along the corridor (horizontal) and then up the stairs (vertical). This will give you the basic four-figure grid reference.
For example, the four-figure grid reference for point A is 61- 33 -.

To get the six-figure grid reference, imagine this square is divided up with 10 squares along each side. Still remembering to go along the corridor and up the stairs, work out the extra numbers you need and put them into your four-figure grid reference.
For example, the six-figure grid reference for point A is 615 335.
This sign indicates a bus or coach station, not an underground station. 27