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What do you enjoy about it?
The opportunities are amazing. It’s fantastic to be asked to not only represent the cadets but also the Royal Family. I meet so many people who are willing to give cadets opportunities and that’s so important because we’re a youth organisation. The experiences we are given we can take forward into our lives, no matter what we go on to do. On a personal level, it’s given me so many new skills and really built my confidence. Before I joined the Cadets I was really shy and quiet. Now I have overwhelming confidence and feel like I can go on and achieve what I want to do.
What's been your most memorable moment?
Meeting Queen Camilla at the opening of the Royal Osteoporosis Society’s new offices in Bath. I was a bit nervous beforehand but at these events I always have adults from Cadets with me who help me to prepare and offer support. The Queen was really lovely and we had a brief chat. She’s the Colonel-in-Chief of The Rifles and in Somerset ACF we wear The Rifles cap badge, so it was a good conversation starter.
What would you like to do as a future career?
I’m at college studying nursing and my plan is to get my degree and go on to become an Army Officer Nurse. What I’ve achieved as a cadet has definitely inspired my career and given me lots of different skills, including a qualification in First Aid at Work.
Would you recommend joining Army Cadets?
I think everybody should be encouraged to do it. We learn so many things including first aid, fieldcraft, adventurous training, navigation, expeditions and loads of essential life skills. I think it brings out the best in people. It’s truly amazing how many young people are shy and have low self-esteem, but then they join Cadets and we help build them up to be the person they want to be, and give them the opportunities to do what they want to do.