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Record-breaking endurance
SI Paddy Doyle, CCF Sgt Instructor of The Streetly Academy in Sutton Coldfield, recently smashed 12 physical fitness challenges, making his career total an extraordinary 768 documented endurance feats. They included cross-country speed marching carrying a 50lb backpack, mountain biking carrying 35lb extra weight, and the fastest shuttle walk holding
Cadet success at Ten Tors
Army Cadet teams from the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire took part in the annual Ten Tors Challenge in April.

CFAVs and cadets spent seven months training and organising themselves for the two-day event, which saw teams navigate routes of 35, 45 or 55 miles across Dartmoor, visiting ten tors (or checkpoints) along the way. They carried all they needed to stay overnight and complete the route. Terrain, distances and the weather all presented challenges, so commitment, training, endurance and grit were vital.
A huge well done to all teams who completed the challenge. If you are in the South West region and are interested in taking part in Ten Tors 2024, speak to your detachment commander.
a 34lb solid concrete block and carrying a 50lb backpack. Although battling through injury, Paddy stayed positive: 'Staying on top of my training paid off!

'Military-grade strength, speed and stamina challenges and world records are getting more popular and being attempted by current and former armed forces personnel, which is great to see.'
Cadets and CFAVs from Thomas Hardye School CCF in Dorchester took part in the 2x2x24 Challenge: walking, jogging or running two miles, every two hours, over a 24-hour period.
They raised money for Smile4Wessex, which funds cutting-edge medical equipment and treatments for the Wessex Neurological Centre in Southampton. The link with the charity was made after a CFAV became critically ill following a cadet training weekend and was taken to Wessex Neurological Centre for life-saving emergency surgeries.