1 minute read
1 ) Intermountain Health
2) University of Utah (including hospital) Higher Education
3) Wal-Mart Associates
4) Warehouse Clubs/Supercenters
5) Employment: 20,000+ walmart.com
6) State of Utah
Employment: 20,000+ utah.gov
7) Brigham Young University
Higher Education
Employment: 15,000-19,999 byu.edu
8) Hill Air Force Base (civilian employment)
9) Federal Government
Employment: 10,000-14,999 hill.af.mil
10) Davis County School District
11) Public Education
Employment: 7,000-9,999 davis.k12.ut.us
12) Alpine School District Public
Employment: 7,000-9,999
13) Northrop Grumman
Employment: 7,000-9,999
14) Granite School District
Public Education
Employment: 7,000-9,999
15) Jordan School District
Public Education
Employment: 7,000-9,999 jordandistrict.org
16) U.S. Department of Treasury
Federal Government
Employment: 7,000-9,999 home.treasury.gov
17) Salt Lake County
Local Government
Employment: 5,000-6,999 slco.org
18) Amazon.com Services
Courier/Express Delivery Service
Employment: 5,000-6,999 amazon.com
19) U.S. Postal Service
Federal Government
Employment: 5,000-6,999 usps.com
20) The Home Depot
Home Centers
Employment: 5,000-6,999 homedepot.com
21) United Parcel Service
Courier/Express Delivery Service
Employment: 4,000-4,999 ups.com
22) The Canyons School District
Public Education
Employment: 4,000-4,999 canyonsdistrict.org
23) ARUP Laboratories, Inc.
Medical Laboratory
Employment: 4,000-4,999 aruplab.com
24) Weber County School District
Public Education
Employment: 4,000-4,999 wsd.net
25) Warehouse Clubs/Supercenters
Employment: 4,000-4,999 costco.com