2019 Federal Priorities

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T O O U R F E D E R A L D E L E G AT I O N , Utah’s “secret sauce” has always been one of collaboration between the public and private sector. This collaboration is a key component of our continued economic success. We encourage you, our congressional leaders, to utilize the “secret sauce” of collaboration and work across the aisle to find solutions to our nation’s most pressing challenges. This document represents the priorities of Utah’s business community for Congress in the upcoming year. We ask for your help and expertise to advance common sense legislation that aligns with these topics. Action on these key federal priorities––immigration, trade, health care and infrastructure––will have a direct and positive impact on Utah’s small businesses, strengthen our labor force and maintain our economic competitiveness for years to come. We appreciate your efforts to advance business-friendly legislation and for your leadership and commitment to improving our nation and state. We look forward to collaborating with you this year.


Derek Miller President & CEO Salt Lake Chamber and Downtown Alliance

Linda Wardell City Creek Center 2019-2020 Board Chair

W H AT E X E C U T I V E S A R E S A Y I N G “Decisions about taxation, regulation, immigration and infrastructure impact our fast-growing state. Comprehensive immigration reform including more visas for skilled labor and service labor would ease the shortages currently felt by many industries in Utah.”

We need a comprehensive infrastructure bill to address the declining state of our country’s infrastructure.

Gridlock in resolving trade and budget issues are impacting overall growth.

“Health care costs continue to rise for Utah employers, and transparency in pricing and maintaining affordability are critical to business growth.”

Transportation and infrastructure projects will continue to drive our economy both in terms of employment for workers on these projects and the ability for Utah to move goods and services more effectively.

*Quotes taken from comments made in the Salt Lake Chamber’s CEOutlook surveys


• Senate Joint Economic Committee, Chairman • Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee • Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee • Senate Judiciary Committee


• Senate Foreign Relations Committee • Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee • Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee • Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee


• House Natural Resources Committee, Ranking Member • House Armed Services Committee

CONGRESSMAN CHRIS STEWART • House Appropriations Committee • House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence • House Budget Committee


• House Foreign Affairs Committee • House Natural Resources Committee


• House Financial Services Committee • House Science, Space, and Technology Committee

I M M I G R AT I O N R E F O R M Background and Business Impact As a nation built by immigrants, the United States should always welcome people of goodwill who want to assimilate to our communities. Immigration is a key component to keeping our nation’s economy strong. Our current immigration system is broken–– creating economic uncertainty, for Utah employers in every sector of our economy. Immigrants make up one in nine Utah workers, and limiting legal immigration would reduce Utah’s GDP growth by $686 million in 2028.

Call To Action We urge Utah’s federal delegation to advance comprehensive immigration reform consistent with the principles of the Utah Compact. We urge our Congressional delegation to advance their co-sponsored H1-B visa reform legislation to support employer’s need to access the most talented workforce possible.

TRADE Background and Business Impact With more than 3,500 Utah companies competing in the global market, trade is a vital piece of Utah’s economy and is essential to the success of our state’s small businesses. Exports contributed 8% to Utah’s GDP in 2018 and supported 22% of all Utah jobs. Global trade does more than just create and support jobs; it also helps retain a skilled workforce through competitively higher wages. Business owners across Utah, from rural farmers to advanced manufacturers, absorb the cost of prolonged uncertainty, tariffs and increased risk resulting from these disputes. In the short run, tariffs are painful for Utah businesses and consumers. In the long run, they threaten to undermine the ongoing success of our economy. Utah businesses need free markets and fair trading practices, as well as the stability and predictability that come with strong trade agreements.

Call to Action We ask Congress to ratify USMCA and to use its available means to accelerate the development of trade agreements with our largest trading partners, including the European Union and China. Utah businesses need free markets and fair trading practices built on balanced agreements that sustain economic growth through stable and predictable relationships, as well as support a successful manufacturing base that provides jobs, opportunity and financial security to individuals and families.

H E A LT H & E N T I T L E M E N T REFORM Background and Business Impact Health care and entitlement reform are vital policy areas that contribute to our economic dependability and workforce productivity. Currently, our health systems and entitlement programs neglect to provide simple, affordable, accessible and high-quality services to Americans. High costs and low health market options undermine employers’ ability to strengthen their workforce, expand the economy, plan for the future and create long-term fiscal stability. Nine years ago, as part of the Affordable Care Act, Congress enacted a 2.3 percent excise tax on all medical devices. While lawmakers have voted to suspend the tax since that time, it is slated to go back into effect at the end of the year, creating considerable uncertainty in a sector that has supported strong economic and job growth across our state and the nation.

Call to Action We call upon Congress to revise our entitlement and health care programs in order to provide equitable, efficient services to those who need them most. We call upon Congress to address our nation’s prevalent opioid epidemic, as it impacts the personal lives of Utah’s workforce and drives up health care costs. We urge Congress to carry out their responsibilities and put into place a federal legal framework to allow for timely and responsible medical cannabis treatment, safeguard the public interest and address potential impacts to the business community such as banking and insurance regulation as well as an impaired workforce. Enacting a permanent repeal of the medical device tax will ensure that Utah can continue to be a hub of medical innovations and economic opportunity. We urge the Utah Congressional delegation to fix this problem rather than delay it further.

INFRASTRUCTURE Background and Business Impact Infrastructure is the backbone of the American economy. It gets us to work and school, powers our homes and businesses and makes transporting goods and services possible. Infrastructure remains an issue of bipartisan support. Unfortunately, much of our nation’s infrastructure hasn’t been fully funded in decades. Long-term transportation and infrastructure investment is required to sustain the United State’s economic growth and competitiveness.

Call to Action We urge Congress to enact and fund a bipartisan plan for infrastructure modernization. Congress should also act to provide a long-term, stable funding source for infrastructure that states can rely upon to plan for the future.

WASHINGTON, D.C. TRIP AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS Tuesday, September 24 Small Group Dinners

Wednesday, September 25 • Department of the Treasury with Congressman McAdams • Lunch with Congressman Stewart • Meeting with Interior Secretary David Berhardt • Washington Nationals vs. Philadelphia Philles Game, Sponsored by Union Pacific

Thursday, September 26 • • • • •

Library of Congress with Senator Romney Supreme Court Tour with Congressman Bishop Lunch with Congressman Curtis Capitol Hill with Senator Lee Potomac Dinner Cruise

Friday, September 27 • Immigration Panel • Hail to the Chiefs: A Discussion with the Chiefs of Staff of Utah’s Federal Delegation • Keynote Lunch with U.S. Trade Representative


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175 E. University Blvd. (400 S.) #600 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 801-364-3631 slchamber.com

QUESTIONS? J a c ey S k i n n er, Genera l Couns el & V P of Public Polic y j ski n n er @ sl ch am b er. com | 8 0 1 - 3 2 8 -5071

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