Business Voice Magazine - April 2020

Page 24


A growth mindset Cultivating positive thoughts to harvest optimism and improve business

Instead of saying: “this is how we have always done it,” try saying “this is how we’ve always done it, but let’s see if there is a better or a different way of looking at things.” FLORIA AGHDAMIMEHR RECOGNIZE YOUR POTENTIAL Our mindset is our mental inclination or our frame of mind. A collection of our thoughts form our beliefs and our beliefs form our attitude, which results in how we act and feel. Research points to attitude as the secret ingredient that gives us the power we need to change our minds. Most people want to grow but are not so keen on change. But the change can be simple if you stop practicing a fixed mindset and start practicing a growth mindset. That means changing tunes a bit. Instead of saying, “this is how we have always done it,” try saying, “this is how we’ve always done it, but let’s see if there is a better or a different way of looking at things.” Traditionally, workplaces tend to have an adversarial “us versus them” culture. Most people and workplaces focus on who is to blame when trying to resolve why things are not working, or maybe believe a resolution is too difficult to achieve — but this is the fixed mindset. Instead, we must try practicing the growth mindset — we can’t have a happy life with a negative mind, and this applies in both a workplace setting and our personal lives. It is vital to enjoy the journey from where we are to achieving our goals. Assigning blame kills inspiration and does not build trust, try to cultivate positive thoughts and soon you will learn that you have harvested optimism.


Seek to understand, learn and grow rather than defending, blaming or protecting. As long we are focused on how we got where we are, how painful it was to get here or how difficult it is to get ahead, our ability to see all the solutions that may be readily available become clouded. It is important to acknowledge challenges, but then start to focus on where you want to be or what you want to achieve. Research confirms complaining rewires our brain to become negative. Choose the mindset of optimism rather than pessimism, collaborate instead of competing. Build more trust with your team and customers. Be less judgemental and more appreciative. Be enthusiastic instead of complaining or comparing. Successful leaders are doing things differently, by choosing their thoughts carefully, deliberately and consciously being more confident, rather than feeling threatened — and those leaders are the ones who find the solutions! Carol Dweck, from Stanford University has devoted over 40 years to growth-mindset research initially for the education system. However, her ideas have since made their way to Fortune 500 companies and have seen great success upon proper implementation. Many workplaces talk about a

APRIL 2020

positive culture, but it needs to be woven into the fabric of how a company does business. It is about looking at new ways of thinking or doing things and less about same old routine. It is how you train your team — problem solve, communicate, reward or promote. It is how we view failure and success. Over the years, I have developed my own dictionary omitting phrases that do not serve me, and frankly, I’d love to omit the word “failure” from all of our vocabularies because failure is only a stepping stone to your success! By changing the way we speak and think, we change our mindset and attitude. Before you know it, things start changing in business, at work and in life. Don’t be a statistic, create new statistics.

Floria Aghdamimehr is your catalyst from information to transformation and has solutions-based focus and offers gratitude at work online training. She has developed the performance unleashed program, enhancing trust and respect for engaged teams that collaborate working towards productivity and innovation. She is the leading expert and your co-creative partner in helping your create new habits, in order to create your own success!


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