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No homework – just balance for MHSG

A top all-girls’ school in Manchester has given its students a no-homework week and arranged a jam-packed series of fun activities, including circus skills, to promote their mental health and wellbeing.

to remember to take care of themselves. If we do not take the necessary time to pause, reflect, rest and replenish our mental re serves, ultimately, our ability to perform to the best of our ability is compromised.
“MHSG is dedicated to nurturing all of our pupils as individuals and enabling them to reach their full potential – promoting and protecting their wellbeing is an integral part of that process.”
Alongside normal lessons, pupils’ lunch hours are set aside for them to try out scores of different activities, each encouraging them to try something outside of their comfort zone and to find new hobbies and skills. From circus skills and archery to chocolate masterclasses, self-defence, mar tial arts, skateboarding and fragrance workshops – the timetable is deliberately overflowing with a wide range of opportunities.

Mrs Jeys added: “Wellbeing, a ‘character’ education and proactive approaches to pastoral care are integral parts of life at MHSG – we believe that a happy student is far more likely to achieve academic success. Character and the building of character are particularly important to us.
“Helping pupils to develop the skills and experiences to be resilient, tenacious and confident as well as those strategies that aim to help them cope with stress will ultimately prepare them for their future, way beyond the school gates.”

Following assessment week, Manchester High School for Girls (MHSG) in Fallowfield held its annual Balance Week which fea tures dozens of activities for all its pupils and staff, all designed to emphasise the importance of a work-life balance, resilience and rest. Head Mistress, Mrs Helen Jeys, said: “This week is about teaching our pupils
MHSG student Eve said: “We have loved the opportunities Balance Week has provided. Having the time and chance to participate in such a vast range of fabulous activities has encouraged us all to reflect on the ways we balance our commitments while prioritising our wellbeing and has reminded us of the need to simply take a break and have fun!”