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Cheshire Home Staging
Meet Susie Batista of Cheshire Property Staging, our new regular interior design expert…
Hello all!
It’s an honour to get such a great page in a magazine I read myself and have always supported. My name is Susie Batista and I am the Director of Cheshire Property Staging (CPS), an interior design firm that specialises in styling show homes, property developments and residential interior design. To me, what means the most about my work is helping to change/improve people’s lives... is there anything more rewarding? Be it the way my clients now feel walking through their front door to a beautiful, well-thoughtout house featuring colours they love and furniture positioned just perfectly, or it may be a developer’s surprise when he/she gets £20-30k over what they thought a property would sell for.

I’ll be bringing you regular interior tips, updates on the property industry and also let you in on what’s going on behind the scenes with some of our projects!
I hope you enjoy it! Susie x
Show home SOLD!
This was the first time the developers had created a show home after many years in the industry. They thought they’d ‘test’ if they could increase the asking price and get more interest by working with CPS. The result? Valued at 10% higher than any other of their developments, a flood of viewings and multiple offers in the first two weeks on the market! Research has revealed that housebuilding in the North West has accelerated faster than anywhere else in England over the past five years and properties can frequently sell faster and for higher prices if they are presented as homes instead of empty spaces.

The dream job, and you can do it too! I can’t tell you how many people say being a designer or stager would be their dream job. I smile and agree, because it really is incredible. But the hours are long and the pressure and demand is real. Regardless, I couldn’t think of anything I enjoy more than seeing the results and clients’ faces when I reveal the CPS team’s work... it’s priceless. I have so many people, women mainly, messaging me asking for the opportunity to work with the firm or for general advice on where to start. My answer is always to fully educate yourself on the business side of design as well as getting hands-on experience by offering to redesign friends’ or family’s living rooms – this way, you can build a portfolio and start showing the world what you can do! The number of people needing help with their home is huge, so if you are thinking of a career in this incredible industry, me and my team love to offer advice, so get in touch. What’s your biggest struggle when it comes to your own home? When it comes to the interior of your homes, I know style and furnishings don’t come naturally to everyone.

So, I want to know, what is your BIGGEST struggle with a particular area of your home or overall scheme? I’ll run a section each issue, answering your questions and, by doing so, helping other readers too. Contact suzanne@cheshirepropertystaging.co.uk
One of the most common problems people have is that their house or a particular room “just doesn’t feel ‘finished’”, so here are my top additions for bringing life and style to a room:
• Large floor plants in oversized pots (B&Q)
• Orchids or faux floral display (OKA or Homesense)
• Cushions for the sofa, occasional chair and beds (Homesense, Dunelm, John
• Coffee table books (Amazon, Waterstones)
• Candles and diffusers (Homesense, John Lewis)
• Mirrors and wall art (Olivia’s, Desenio, John Lewis, Homesense)
• Rugs (Benuta)
• Lighting – table lamps and floor lamps (Olivia’s, Next)
Coffee table styling Not always the easiest to get right, it’s such a focal point of a room and although there’s no right or wrong way to style it, when we’re styling a room, the finished look needs to be perfect (no pressure!).
Nothing too high on it if two sofas are either side, as people will struggle to see each other. Nothing small too close to the edge, in case it’s knocked off. A coffee table book is a must and a candle or diffuser is always welcome. But keep enough room on it so it can actually be used to place a drink on!