CLIL introduction

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A CLIL introduction for teachers: ‘from theory to practice’

CLIL? What is it? Content and Language Integrated Learning, but...



or language content

we have to plan all the language we use?

- How do we explain the activities? - Do we need to use a lot of visual support?



The lartey frimps krolacked blinfly in the detchy shilbor Read the sentence above and answer the following: 1. What kind of frimps were they? 2.What did the frimps do? 3.How? 4.In what kind of shilbor did they krolack? 5.Which is the subject in this sentence? 6.Which is the verb?

The lartey frimps krolacked blinfly in the detchy shilbor Read the sentence above and answer the following: 1. Explain why the frimps were krolacking in the detchy shilbor. Be prepared to justify your claims with facts. 2. If you had to krolack in the shilbor, which one item would you choose to have with you and why?

The lartey frimps krolacked blinfly in the detchy shilbor Read the sentence above and answer the following: 1. Explain why the frimps were krolacking in the detchy shilbor. Be prepared to justify your claims with facts. 2. If you had to krolack in the shilbor, which one item would you choose to have with you and why?

The lartey frimps krolacked blinfly in the detchy shilbor Read the sentence above and answer the following: 1. Explain why the frimps were krolacking in the detchy shilbor. Be prepared to justify your claims with facts. 2. If you had to krolack in the shilbor, which one item would you choose to have with you and why?

What kind of visuals can we use to introduce a topic to primary age children? Sample topic: Science - food chain Visual to show process

Visual to develop cognition

Set of visuals to start discussion

Teacher’s Tools in CLIL  4Cs


– a guide for

subject matter/project/theme

3As lesson planning tool

Cummins’ matrix

for task and materials design

– an audit tool

The 4Cs conceptual framework for CLIL

(Coyle & Hood)

The 3As lesson planning tool

• Analyse: language of • Add: language for • Apply: language through

The 3As lesson planning tool


CUMMINS’ MATRIX High cognitive demands

3 Low linguistic demands



4 High linguistic demands

1 Low cognitive demands

Tools used for designing a unit: 4 Cs framework:

content, communication, cognition & culture

3 As for lesson planning: analyse, Cummins’ matrix: cognitive Bloom’s taxonomy: for Scaffolding: both

add, apply

and linguistic demands

task and activity design

language and content

Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory: collaborative Gardner’s multiple intelligences: learning



4Cs framework : the mindmap K e y F is h in g , p re s e rv in g a n d tra d in g m e th o d s

N u tritio n a l v a lu e o f fis h

L a n g u a g e O F le a rn in g

C a ta la n fis h m a rk e ts a n d a u c tio n s

S e a life d a n g e rs

v o c a b u la ry o n m a rin e e c o s y s te m s

s e a h o rs e



F is h fo r e a tin g a n d fis h fo r d e c o ra tio n

F o o d c h a in s

K e y s tru c tu re s to e n a b le s p e e c h (la n g u a g e p a te rn s )

L a n g u a g e F O R le a rn in g

B a s ic p a rts a n d c h a ra c te ris tic s

L a n g u a g e T H R O U G H le a rn in g

o ffis h

c ra b

je ly fis h

T y p e so f e x is tin g life :liv in g & n o n -liv in g th in g s

R e a lfa c ts a n d d a ta o n s e a n a tu ra l F L O R A & F A U N A


d o lp h in

L a n g u a g e c o m in g o u t w ith in th e d e v e lo p m e n t o fth e le s s o n s

s h a rk

fis h

c la m

D is c u s s in g a b o u tfis h u s a g e

A n a ly s in g

C la s s ify in g s e a e le m e n ts

s e a d a m a g e

C o n s c io u s n e s s o fn o tb u y in g s m a lfis h

lo b s te r s ta rfis h

P la n n in g a d is s e c tio n

C o n s tru c tin g



as e a e n v iro n m e n t

s tin g ra y Id e n tify in g e le m e n ts in a fo o d c h a in

L is tin g ty p e so f fis h s o ld in a fis h m a rk e t D e s c rib in g d ife re n t s p e c ie s o f fis h

C o m p a rin g fis h in g m e th o d s

o c to p u s

A w a re n e s s o fc a rin g a b o u tth e s e a e n v iro n m e n t

T h eim p o rta n c e o ffis h in th e M e d ite ra n e a n d ie t

3 As lesson planning tool (communication process)

Language of learning - Key phrases needed - Key vocabulary Language for learning -

Learning how to learn Language for pair group Understanding instructions How to deal with not understanding

Language through learning

COMMUNICATION Language OF learning: * Key vocabulary: fish, octopus, dolphin, starfish, jellyfish, shark, angelfish, living/non-living things, sunlit, twilight and midnight, eat/ live in/live up to/weigh/jump/ swim up to. * Key structures: under the sea, in the water, are the main enemies of..., can it breathe/move/excrete/ get food/reproduce? Language FOR learning: I can see, We can find, there is/are. I would like to know more about... Language THROUGH learning: - Language needed to express previous knowledge and experiences related to the sea depths

- ‘Dictionary use’ for vocabulary extension

Cummin’s Matrix High cognitive demands

3 Low linguistic demands




1 Low cognitive demands

High linguistic demands

Low order

High order

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Scaffolding the language

the content

Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory

Gardner’s multiple intelligences (learning styles: variety of resources)

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