7 March 2020 NZFTS War Cry

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WAR CRY The Salvation Army

New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory TERRITORIAL LEADERS Commissioners Julie & Mark Campbell | GENERAL Brian Peddle | FOUNDERS William

& Catherine Booth

The Salvation Army’s message is based on the Bible. Our ministry is motivated by love for God. Our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human need in his name without discrimination. War Cry exists to support and advance The Salvation Army’s message, ministry and mission. EDITOR Vivienne Hill | GRAPHIC DESIGN Sam Coates, Lauren Millington | STAFF WRITERS Captain Jules Badger, Louise

Parry, Bethany Slaughter OFFICE Territorial Headquarters, 204 Cuba Street,

PO Box 6015, Marion Square, Wellington 6141, Phone (04) 384 5649, Email warcry@salvationarmy.org.nz, www.salvationarmy.org.nz/warcry SUBSCRIPTIONS Salvationist Resources Department, Phone

(04) 382 0768, Email mailorder@salvationarmy.org.nz, $75 per year within NZ PRINT MANAGEMENT www.makeready.nz | PAPER Sumo Offset

is an environmentally responsible paper produced using Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) FSC® certified Mixed Source pulp from responsible sources and manufactured under the strict ISO14001 Environmental Management System. Member of the Australasian Religious Press Association. All Bible references from the Holy Bible, New International Version, unless otherwise stated. Articles are copyrighted to The Salvation Army, except where indicated, and may be reprinted only with permission. Publishing for 136 years | Issue 6737 ISSN 0043-0242 (print), ISSN 2537-7442 (online) Please pass on or recycle this magazine Read online www.issuu.com/salvationarmynzftwarcry

www.salvationarmy.org.nz SalvationArmyNZFTS @SalvationArmyNZ salvationarmynzfts

2  WarCry  07 MARCH 2020


A Heart for Change

The Salvation Army is a large and far-reaching organisation. This has been highlighted to me over the last few months, as I have seen our dedicated Territorial Emergency Services’ officers and volunteers deployed to a range of crises around the world. In this week’s War Cry, Captain Doug Newman reports on his trip to the Bahamas, answering the call from International Headquarters to assist with the recovery operation of the Category 5-force Hurricane that hit the region in September last year. We also report on the Samoan measles outbreak and the wonderful work of The Salvation Army in Samoa, as they ministered and walked beside families affected by sickness and death. This sense of care for our community and concern for people outside of our own region is part of the ‘normal’ Christian life. We can’t all go to Samoa or the Bahamas, but we can support those who do, in many ways. Not only can we assist communities far away, but it is important we are aware of the needs within our own country. The State of the Nation Report 2020 called for all New Zealanders to become involved in lobbying our current and future governments to prioritise the needs of people who are marginalised, victims of poverty and crime, and their children, who have little hope of a positive future. When we work together as Tangata Whenua, Tangata Tiriti, Huia Tangata Kotahi (People of the Land, People of the Treaty, Bring Everyone Together) then lasting change can and will happen. After all, we are the Army that brings life, and through Christ we can move the immovable. Vivienne Hill Editor

Matthew 25:35–36 (NKJV) …for I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me. Matiu 25:35–36 I hiakai hoki ahau, ā, whāngainga ana e koutou. I matewai ahau, ā, whakainumia ana e koutou: he manene ahau, ā, whakamanuhiritia ana e koutou. I tū tahanga, ā, whakakākahuria ana e koutou: he tūroro, ā, tirotirohia ana ahau e koutou: i te whare herehere ahau, ā, haere mai ana koutou ki ahau.

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