17 September 2022 NZFTS War Cry

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David vs advocacyGoliathbattle Yellow on a blue day Starting a garden on a budget He Waka Eke Noa update TOGETHER UP STANDING FAITH IN ACTION 17 SEPTEMBER 2022 | Issue 6800 | $ 1.50

Across the world we are seeing a cultural shift of movable lines of morality and truth. This has exposed a level of hypocrisy and contradiction that is playing out on the global stage with devastating effect. For example, millions of dollars are being spent on a long-term space programme to take humanity back to the Moon and then on to Mars and all the while we have floods, pandemics, food and supply shortages, and countries on the brink of starvation and economic and political breakdown. Surely these issues need attention and investment from the global community before we impose our problems on another planet. And what about the war in Ukraine? I am sure this is not helping climate change or sustainability initiatives.

EDITOR Vivienne Hill | GRAPHIC DESIGN Sam Coates, Nicole Gesmundo, Lauren Millington | STAFF WRITERS Hope Burmeister, Holly Morton, David Youngmeyer |

PROOF READING Major Colleen Marshall OFFICE Territorial Headquarters, 204 Cuba Street, PO Box 6015, Marion Square, Wellington 6141, Phone (04) 384 5649, Email salvationarmy.org.nz/warcrywarcry@salvationarmy.org.nz, SUBSCRIPTIONS Salvationist Resources Department, Phone (04) 382 0768, Email mailorder@salvationarmy.org.nz, $75 per year within NZ PRINT MANAGEMENT makeready.nz | PAPER Sumo Offset is an environmentally responsible paper produced using Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) FSC® certified Mixed Source pulp from responsible sources and manufactured under the strict ISO14001 Environmental Management System. Member of the Australasian Religious Press Association. All Bible references from the Holy Bible, New International Version, unless otherwise stated. Articles are copyrighted to The Salvation Army, except where indicated, and may be reprinted only with permission. Publishing for 138 years | Issue 6800 ISSN 0043-0242 (print), ISSN 2537-7442 (online) Please pass on or recycle this magazine Read online issuu.com/salvationarmynzftwarcry salvationarmy.org.nz SalvationArmyNZFTS@SalvationArmyNZsalvationarmynzfts

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Vivienne Hill Editor 14 05 23 11 WAR

Ngā Hiperu 13:8 Tūturu tonu a Īhu Karaiti inanahi, ināianei, ā ake ake.

The Salvation Army New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory

The Bible verse on this page is a reminder to us all that no matter what is going on around us, Jesus remains the same. In a world where nothing is certain, this message of stability and reliability renews our hope.

Joy isn’t grounded in our circumstances; it is grounded in the unchanging character of God.

Jesus also lived in trying times but poured himself into serving humanity, with his eyes firmly fixed on the endgame. He did not let an occupying military force distract him from his goal. He did not let political instability weaken his resolve. He is our example, and many are following him. Just look at the stories of the people in this edition who—despite circumstances—are quietly working on behalf of people in their communities. If Jesus did not change his plans to suit the shifting sands of his culture, then we should not either. We have work to get on with and it counts. CRY

Carolyn Custis James Serving in the End Zone

The Salvation Army’s message is based on the Bible. Our ministry is motivated by love for God. Our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human need in his name without discrimination. War Cry exists to support and advance The Salvation Army’s message, ministry and mission.

TERRITORIAL LEADERS Commissioners Julie & Mark Campbell | GENERAL Brian Peddle | FOUNDERS Catherine & William Booth

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.


Once we have practised the art of personifying yellow (with a steady supply of donuts), we can be sure the love, care and encouragement will spread out to other relationships.

17 SEPTEMBER 2022 WarCry 3 M y favourite colour is yellow, because when I look at it, I can’t help but smile. Yellow is the moment when the sun pours through the windows and its glow warms my face. Yellow reminds me that hard times will pass, flowers will blossom, and I have things to be thankfulWheneverfor.Ifeel blue, I’m reminded of an often repeated saying in my family: ‘Do something kind for someone else’. I now wonder if another way of saying that is ‘be yellow personified’.

Giving or personifying yellow could be something as simple as a word of encouragement. Irrespective of what you know or don’t know about someone, you might graciously offer to carry their groceries, make them a hot drink, or just stop for a chat. I once heard how the humble question: ‘How can I make your day better?’ helped rescue a relationship from despair.

Personifying Yellow on a Blue Day

Kindness starts in our closest and most intimate relationships with our immediate family members.

Recently, in an article published by the UK’s Mental Health Foundation, ‘Kindness Matters Guide’, CEO Mark Rowland writes: ‘You may recognise the expression “it is better to give than receive”, but did you know this is backed up by research?’ Rowland goes on, ‘Evidence shows that helping others can also benefit our own mental health and wellbeing. For example, it can reduce stress as well as improve mood, self-esteem and happiness.’

Paul wrote letters of sincere encouragement, and Jesus freely gave what many would consider the greatest gift of all—an outpouring of grace.

The article though, does warn against overdoing it—giving too much of yourself, going beyond your means or not leaving enough kindness for yourself, but the act of giving could also shift your mind off a tough space you might be in and give you a sense of purpose.Thatsage expression referred to by Rowland, ‘It is better to give than receive…’ is credited to Jesus, by Paul in Acts 20:35. What I love about the article is the focus on our individual commitment to giving kindness in our words and actions. When I reflect on Jesus—and Paul—their expressions of kindness and their giving didn’t just focus on material prosperity.

You may have the opportunity to provide a glimmer of yellow through someone’s window. A simple act of personifying yellow in someone’s blue day could make the difference not only in your day, but for the person receiving the sunshine.

Classic BologneseSpaghetti


QUIKQUIZ 1 Which is the largest type of penguin? 2 Philophobia is the fear of what? 3 How many time zones does China have? 4 A grab, kickflip and ollie are all tricks in what sport? 5 In the Bible, which prophet was married to prophetess?a

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This War Cry photo from the early 1900s features a traction engine carrying members of Blenheim Corps to a corps picnic. Before cars were around, these road locomotives were used as a vehicle; they were large and powerful, but also heavy and slow. So, it would have taken them quite some time to get to their event!

Source: The Heritage Centre & Archives at the Plowman Resource Centre, Booth College of Mission.

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Answers on

2 Tbsp olive oil 1 onion, chopped finely 3 cloves garlic, crushed 500g minced beef ¼ cup chopped fresh herbs (such as oregano, rosemary, thyme) 400g chopped tomatoes ¼ cup water ¼ cup tomato paste ½ cup beef stock 1 Tbsp lemon zest ½ cup chopped parsley ½ cup grated Parmesan 400g spaghetti pasta

Source: countdown.co.nz

In a large frying pan, heat the oil. Add the onion and garlic, cook for 4 minutes to soften. Add the mince, breaking up with a spoon and cooking until lightly brown and the juices have all evaporated. Add the herbs, tomatoes, water, tomato paste, stock and lemon zest. Combine well and allow to simmer for 15 minutes. While the bolognese sauce thickens, cook the spaghetti as per the packet instructions. Drain. Fold the parsley through the bolognese sauce and season to taste. Serve hot with a sprinkle of Parmesan.

Weird of the Week: Texas is the only state in the USA which permits residentsitsto cast an votingabsenteeballot … from space.

If you loved the book The Railway Children (1905) by Edith Nesbit or the 1970 film, then you will not be disappointed by The Railway Children Return. Set in 1944, the film follows the adventures of three working-class Manchester children who are sent away to the Yorkshire countryside to avoid Nazi bombs. The action centres around the Oakworth railway (as per the 1970 movie). The children and evacuees—along with the boy whose family they are billeted with—work together to battle an injustice. Jenny Agutter (Roberta) from the 1970 film reprises her role, this time as a grandmother. (Reviewed by David Youngmeyer)

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TOPFIVE Recently, we had the top five achievements of older people, but how about the top achievements from young people?

2. Youngest to climb Mount Everest: Jordan Romero, from the USA, was 13 years old when he climbed Mt Everest in 2010. He was also the youngest to climb the Seven Summits, the tallest mountains in the seven main continents, at the age of 15.

smile.withbeginsPeacea TeresaMother

1. Youngest doctor: Balamurali Ambati, from India, was 17 years old when he graduated from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, USA, in 1995. He was doing calculus at the age of four and graduated with his initial degree at age 13.


3. Youngest politician: Saira Blair, from the USA, was 18 years old when she was elected to join the West Virginia House of Delegates in 2014. She won the vote by 30 percent over her 44-yearold opponent.

4. World’s youngest CEO: Suhas Gopinath, from India, was 17 years old when he became CEO of his own IT company, Globals Inc, in 2003. He founded the company when he was 14 years old.


On 28 August 1892, The Salvation Army opened fire (commenced) in Whangārei. On Sunday 28 August 2022, Whangārei Corps celebrated its 130th year. In order to mark the occasion, the corps was led on a walk through history by Lois Robertson, a member of one of the many longserving families associated with The Salvation Army in Whangārei. They heard testimonies from longstanding and also newer members of the community. The Sunday meeting ended with a speech from Captain Nathan Holt, mission team leader and area officer for Te Tai Tokerau (Northland). He speculated on the response that the founding group of people might have if they saw the corps now. ‘If those men on that day had suddenly appeared to us … and saw that The Salvation Army in Whangārei would be in a state-ofthe-art facility, have more than 50 staff, a vehicle fleet with vans, trucks and cars, and a regular worshipping congregation in a 399 seat auditorium, they probably would have said, “What’s a car?”’ He believed the next enquiry would be: ‘Tell me about those Salvationists’. In closing, the congregation sang ‘The Blessing’ as a proclamation of all God has done through the Whangārei Corps as well as a prayer for all God is going to continue to do through his people.

The Railway Children Return (PG) Directed by Morgan Matthews

5. Youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner: Malala Yousafzai, from Pakistan, was 17 years old when she became the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, in 2014. At the age of 11, she began advocating for girls’ rights to education.

The red tape involved in objecting to a liquor store being located in your local community is a David vs Goliath fight. Ana Ika , policy analyst and advocate at the Army’s Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit, highlights the historic context involved in advocating for protections for people against exploitation and availability of alcohol.


W illiam Booth, the co-founder of The Salvation Army wrote in his book, In Darkest England and the Way Out: ‘Ninetenths of our poverty, squalor, vice and crime spring from this poisonous tap-root. Many of our social evils, which overshadow the land, would dwindle away and die if they were not constantly watered with strong drink.’

Exploitation and profits Whilst the alcohol industry and the supermarket duopoly rake in billions of dollars in profit every year from alcohol sales, alcohol harm creates havoc in all areas of society. The reality is that everyone has personal choice, but often an individual becomes a product of their environment. The proliferation and density of bottle stores is higher in areas of high social deprivation. These are the communities where our centres and corps are located. These environments predispose our whānau to alcohol harm.

Booth said, ‘There is an infinite potentiality of capacity lying latent in our provincial taprooms and the city gin palaces if you can but get them soundly saved, and even short of that, if you can place them in conditions where they would no longer be liable to be sucked back into their old disastrous habits, you may do great things with them.’

The challenges Booth highlighted in respect to alcohol in the nineteenth century continue to this very day. In New Zealand, alcohol harm costs society $7.85 billion every year. More than 50 percent of family harm offenders are under the influence of alcohol—to put that into context, police report a family harm incident every three minutes. Thirty percent of vehicle incidents are caused by drunk drivers. Twenty-five percent of suicides are alcohol related. People who have pre-natal exposure to alcohol are often diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD); it is estimated that up to 36 percent of inmates in prisons have FASD, compared with two to five percent in the general population. Some examples closer to home show that 60 percent of our whānau (families) who come through Salvation Army Community Ministries are impacted by alcohol harm. The Bridge addiction programme is at the coal face and sees broken families, broken livelihoods and lost freedoms due to alcohol dependency. At the same time, many of our financial mentors report whānau requesting food parcels for their tamariki (children)—despite alcohol purchases making weekly appearances on their bank statements.

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Grim statistics

SSAA introduced processes that would allow communities to contend for these conditions. Two of these processes are local alcohol policies (LAP) and the district licensing committee (DLC).

The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (SSAA) is the law that governs the sale, supply and consumption of alcohol and ensures that alcohol consumption is undertaken safely and responsibly, with a focus on harm minimisation.

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Advocacy of The Salvation Army

Objectors also most likely do not have the legal understanding to package their lived experience of alcohol harm to fit within the statutory requirements of the Act to object. Without legal support from lawyers working pro-bono or from community law offices, objecting to an alcohol licence is challenging.

The public has 30 days to appeal to the PLAP—if there are no appeals, the PLAP is adopted. DLC regards the LAP when deciding to issue or decline a licence.


As we contend against bottle stores and alcohol availability in our communities, the reality is that people find solace at the bottom of the bottle. Booth said: ‘Many a man takes to beer, not from the love of beer, but from a natural craving for the light, warmth, company and comfort which is thrown in along with the beer, and which he cannot get excepting by buying beer. Reformers will never get rid of the drink shop until they can outbid it in the subsidiary attractions which it offers to its Reducingcustomers.’alcoholharm takes not only reducing alcohol access but ‘outbidding the subsidiary attractions’ of alcohol. Recovery Church is a prime example of outbidding the subsidiary attractions of alcohol by providing a place of belonging and acceptance which leads people to Christ and helps them grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus. Paul says in Romans 15:13, ‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit’. Joy, peace, solace, warmth, light and comfort found temporarily in a bottle can be found permanently in Jesus Christ. The Salvation Army advocate for less alcohol in our communities, but more importantly, that we can outbid the attractions of alcohol by showing people the redeeming love and hope that is in Jesus Christ.

The challenge with the DLC system is that it assumes the community and licence applicants are on the same playing field. They are not. An alcohol licence is an economic investment for applicants, therefore they invest heavily in legal representation and time in these processes. Public objectors are often people in the community who see alcohol harm, such as parents, teachers or community workers. Objectors often don’t have the time or the resources to invest into these processes.

The DLC is a governing body commissioned by local councils to approve or decline licences to sell alcohol. When an alcohol licence applicant applies for a licence they are required to notify the public; the public has 15 days to object. The public then attend a DLC hearing where they are required to outline their objections and often need to compile evidence to provide grounds for their objection. The DLC considers these objections only if they fall into section 105 of the Act for new licences and section 131 for renewals.

Despite these challenges, when communities band together and have the support they need, many alcohol licences are declined. These uphill battles are worthy of their time if it means that a new bottle store will not open in their community.

Forty-two out of sixty-seven councils have an LAP. These 42 councils represent 34 percent of the total population. Almost all LAPs were appealed by the supermarket duopoly and the liquor industry. As a result, many of the policies that councils had developed were either abandoned or watered down. Many of the biggest centres in the country do not have LAPs because of the financial costs as a result of the appeals. Christchurch City Council abandoned their LAP after spending over $1 million in court costs due to appeals. Auckland Council’s LAP has been stalled for seven years by appeals by the supermarket duopoly Woolworths (Progressive) and Foodstuffs. The supermarket duopoly has now appealed Auckland Council’s LAP to the Supreme Court. These processes are biased towards and hamstrung by bureaucracy, legal challenges and corporate influence, meaning that local communities are left to relentlessly fight ‘David vs Goliath’ battles to ensure their voices, needs and realities are actually heard and realised.

The LAP allows councils the ability to develop their own alcohol plans. These plans can restrict the hours of alcohol sales, the number of bottle stores, and the minimum distance alcohol licences can be from special sites, such as churches or schools. The council releases a draft plan and the public has an opportunity to give feedback to the draft LAP. The council takes the feedback and develops a Provisional LAP (PLAP).

Standing up as a community


The hearing ran for five hours, and aside from receiving some advice from Canterbury Law Services in drafting submissions, Jocelyn and The Salvation Army didn’t have any legal representation in the case. ‘We got to the end of the hearing and I just felt absolutely demoralised and brutalised by the [liquor store owner’s] lawyers, who basically tried to intimidate and belittle me, and make it seem like I didn’t know what I was talking about.

Jocelyn’s objection made it to the courts, where a panel of five people considered the case. Michael Douglas, The Salvation Army’s national operations manager for Addictions, Supportive Housing and Reintegration Services, came for the hearing as a representative from the Bridge, to discuss the potential harm of the store placement on those involved in the programme. An Addington AccommodationSupportiverepresentative also attended, as well as an advocacy support person who works with clients at the Bridge.

Jocelyn submitted an objection on behalf of The Salvation Army, but the process of going through the courts was much more involved than she could have imagined. The business owner met up with Jocelyn multiple times to try to dissuade her from going through with the process, and eventually legally objected to Jocelyn’s submission as she didn’t personally live in the proposed area.

In 2020, Captain Jocelyn Smith, corps officer at Sydenham Corps, received an email drawing her attention to a liquor store licence application that had been submitted in her area. In order to raise an objection, Jocelyn (pictured on right) needed to fill in the application within 24 hours. The area that the liquor store was trying to get permission to move into was within a few metres of a Family Store, and just down the road from the Bridge programme and Addington Supportive Accommodation. Jocelyn was aware that this store would have the potential to negatively affect the lives of those vulnerable to alcohol and their families.

Jocelyn explained that they never expected to be successful with their objection, and that Michael Douglas had comforted her with the words, ‘we gave it a shot’. They received the verdict from the hearing just before Christmas 2020 and were ‘gobsmacked’, as Jocelyn put it, to find that they won the case!

Near the end of the hearing process, the store owner’s wife became pregnant. Jocelyn visited the family with a gift basket and a prayer for the blessing of their family. ‘It was quite shocking for him, he wasn’t expecting that I would arrive with a gift,’ Jocelyn explained. ‘So there was a mutual respect and almost friendship between us by the end of it, despite the fact that we fought him all the way through court.’

‘He was continually sending me texts and messages about how I was causing a lot of stress for his wife and family. I tried to maintain a faithbased grace about those calls and messages, and build a relationship with him,’ Jocelyn explained.

‘I’d never been in a courtroom before, and I was the only one who was allowed to speak so I had to represent everyone else. Even if they had a comment to make, they had to whisper it in my ear and then I had to make the comment.’

‘We thought it might just be acknowledged that we submitted an objection, but to win and to win it for others in the future, that was beyond anything we had dreamed.’

Jocelyn explained that ongoing negotiations have meant that another location was found for the liquor store, further away from The Salvation Army services, and the owner agreed to consider his store advertising in relation to alcohol harm in the community.

Advocacy in Action

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• Declutter: When you have a lot on your mind and your house is cluttered, it can cause further distress within yourself. Decluttering can help to ‘clear out’ your mind; when your spaces are tidy, it can also help to make room to be still within yourself.

• Get out in nature: Staying inside for long periods of time can cause a drop in mood and your body can become stiff from lack of movement. Being outside in nature can be quiet and peaceful, allowing your body and mind to unwind.

IT’S IMPORTANT TO TAKE TIME TO BE PRESENT AND TO FIND PEACE THROUGH SMALL, EVERYDAY THINGS YOU CAN DO. While peace can seem like such an abstract concept or a ‘nice to have’, it’s so important to maintain it within yourself. If you’re perpetually stressed and always on the go, you run the risk of burning out, both physically and mentally. Taking the time to stop, relax and pay attention can help settle you into that beautiful state of peace.

• Self-care: At the end of the day, think about what you can do to relax and unwind. Self-care can be whatever you want it to be, whether that is reading a book, watching a YouTube video, having a long hot shower or going for an evening stroll.

• Gratitude journal: When life can feel quite overwhelming and difficult things are happening, it can be easy to forget about the good things. Practising gratitude is important to invite goodness and peace into your life. Try to write down at least three things you’re grateful for every day.

• Sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for brain function and mood. Lack of sleep can cause irritability, trouble concentrating and disturb your peace. You should aim to get at least eight to nine hours of sleep each night.

Sources: bossinheels.com and psychcentral.com

Life is constantly on the move and it can be hard to remain grounded. However, it’s important to take time to be present and to find peace through small, everyday things you can do. Being peaceful is about being still and at rest within yourself.

• Slow down: Life can be fast paced most of the time. Whether you’re off to work or need to get the kids ready for school, time can get away from you. Getting up an hour earlier, for example, means you have more time to get ready but at a much slower pace, removing the anxiety of the rush.

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• Breathing exercises: Taking time to sit down and breathe can be highly beneficial to relieve stress and anxiety, while also promoting inner peace. Make sure to take a few deep belly breaths, slowly breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.



A couple of years ago, I was also a chaplain for a previous Army programme called Education & Employment. It was very worthwhile dealing with teenage kids who had fallen through the cracks of the education system. They would come to The Salvation Army to learn skills so they could go back into the community and get a job. We decided to go to Christchurch because our son was living there with his wife and children and we wanted to be closer to them. We found the closest corps, which was Linwood. We got such a good reception just walking through the door. My wife and I were very well accepted; we found it a terrific place and it’s now our spiritual home. I used to play in The Salvation Army band many years ago. I asked someone at Linwood, ‘Do you have a men’s fellowship?’ They said that the best men’s fellowship is the band, so I joined and have been there ever since. I thoroughly enjoy the fellowship I have there. It’s been an up and down journey, but God’s been great; he’s been in everything we’ve done. I believe it was him who directed me to New Zealand, and it was him who directed us to Christchurch. Without God in my life, I don’t know where I’d be.

Keith Kennedy attends Linwood Corps in the Southern Division and has been a Salvationist for 62 years. He became a Christian after an encounter on a train in Australia. I was born in Sydney, Australia, as one of eight children and the youngest boy. I left school aged 15 and got a job. One day I caught the train and the stop where I got on was very crowded. There were people almost touching, and this guy asked me, ‘Do you know Jesus?’ I had to say, ‘No, I don’t’. He told me all about him. He was probably two or three years older than me, and I think it would have taken a lot of guts for him to speak out in a crowded train. And in some ways, I was a captive audience—I had nowhere to go. Being on that train was the beginning of my Christian journey (excuse the pun). I continued to meet up with this guy every day on the train. Eventually he invited me to The Salvation Army, to a little southwestern corps called Belmore. I’ve been involved with The Salvation Army ever since. I was converted just before my sixteenth birthday, and became a soldier in 1960. I was a soldier for 10 years before I married my wife. I came over to New Zealand in 1965 for the Youth Congress, which was in Wellington, and I saw this lovely young lady there. Then when I went to Auckland, amazingly in the corps where I was billeted, she was there. We got married in We1970.attended Waitakere Corps in West IAuckland.retiredin 2010. My wife kept working as an early childhood education teacher, so I decided to keep myself busy. I went down to the Waitakere Salvation Army and volunteered there. People would ring the corps and say, ‘I’m in need of food’ and then the call was transferred to me and I interviewed them. I had a chat to them to find out where they were and what was happening in their lives.

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A good way to increase the nutritional value of the food you eat is to include a range of vegetables in your diet. With minimal expense, you can create a vegetable garden. You don’t need a quarter-acre section; a small bit of dirt or a few pots can be enough to plant a few vegetables to supplement your meals. This month is an ideal time to think about planting your own vegetable patch.

The Pots And/Or Raised Beds

The easiest, cheapest way to plant your seeds is to dig up some of your lawn (if you have one). It’s free and only requires a shovel which you can always borrow or purchase through your local Salvation Army Family Store or garden suppliers. If you live in an apartment or just don’t have any grass, you can get creative and use ice cream containers or yoghurt pots. When your plants get too big to fit, you can use things like feeding troughs, crates and barrels as raised beds. Get creative with what you have!


You may be a student with a small income, and after paying rent and expenses there’s not much left to spend on food. Also, with food prices on the rise and increasing costs of living, you may be tempted to skip out on fresh veggies in your weekly shop. It’s easy to want to live on canned beans, spaghetti and two-minute noodles because they’re cheap; however, you miss out on the essential nutrients that vegetables provide.


for Students Vegetable Garden 12 firezone.co.nz 17 SEPTEMBER 2022

The Seeds And/Or Cuttings

While you can purchase cuttings (pre-grown sprouts), it’s much cheaper to buy seeds. It’s only a few dollars for a pack of seeds. Scatter the seeds over the soil and spread them out so they don’t grow too close together. Lightly water them every few days but judge based on how damp the soil is. If they're growing outside and there’s been a rainy patch, hold off from watering until it dries up a bit.


The Soil And/Or Fertiliser If you have a backyard (or frontyard), you can use the soil under the grass if you dig it up. So, no need to purchase any soil. However, if you don’t have a yard, you can purchase soil at some supermarkets or ask people you know if they have any soil in their backyard that you could have. A good, cheap way to create a fertiliser (organic too) is to simply save food scraps such as food peelings and even coffee grounds and put this in your garden. to Start a Cheap

• Make sure to keep an eye out for weeds and catch them early. Pull them out before they grow. Using mulch in the soil, such as straw or shredded leaves, can help reduce weed growth. But the key is to have a look out for them as much as you can before they grow too big. You can pull them out by hand.


TOP TIPS • Think about where you plant your seeds if you put them in your yard; for example, if you’re planting summer vegetables, make sure it’s somewhere that gets a lot of sun. If you’re planting in containers, it’s a lot easier to move them around depending on the weather.

Bare essentials • Seeds • Pots or raised bed (if you don’t have a yard) • Fertiliser/compost Easiest vegetables to start growing (and best seasons to plant). This may differ in our Pacific Island nations: • Spinach (grow all year) • Lettuce (grow all year) • Radish (grow all year, but best in spring and autumn) • Rocket (grow all year, but best in spring and autumn) • Leeks (grow all year, but best in spring and autumn) • Broccoli (grow in autumn, early winter and early spring) • Cabbage (grow in autumn, early winter and spring) • Cauliflower (grow in autumn, early winter and early spring) • Silverbeet (grow all year) • Celery (grow all year, but best in spring and autumn) • Onions (grow in autumn, winter and early spring) • Beetroot (grow all year) • Potatoes (grow in spring and early summer) • Beans (grow in spring and summer) • Tomatoes (grow in late winter and spring) 17 SEPTEMBER 2022 WarCry 13


• Make sure to regularly water the garden every other day, depending on the weather. Don’t overwater, and water on the base and the roots so your veggies will grow well.

• You can judge if a vegetable is ready to pick depending on the type. For example, root veggies (beetroots, carrots and potatoes) depend on size. Cabbage family plants (broccoli and cauliflower) are ready to be picked when the buds are still closed. Do some research online about when certain vegetables can be harvested. The general rule of thumb is if it looks like it does in the supermarket, it’s ripe and ready to be harvested!

The key to starting a vegetable garden on a budget is to keep it simple and use what you have where possible. You may feel tempted to want to buy plenty of extra things, but in reality, these are just nice additives. Your garden doesn’t need to be pretty when starting out; the important thing is that it’s functional. Especially as a beginner, it can feel overwhelming to learn everything it takes to grow veggies. But so long as you have seeds, soil and water, you can get started. Not only is it cheaper to grow your own vegetables, but it can also be rewarding. If you live with flatmates, you can always make it a joint project and take turns watering. It may take a lot of trial and error (and some dud veggies and sprouts that don’t grow), but that comes with trying something new. After a few months, you will have your own vegetables to cook with. So, give it a go!


‘The magnitude of those situations and how this little lady just put her own safety out of mind and charged in, and to her credit, all the times I can remember, she calmed things down and we got to get on with our lives,’ he said.


Childhood connection to the Army

A new Māori cultural app, Te Kākano (The Seed), was launched on August 24 at Territorial Headquarters in Wellington. The interactive app was created for The Salvation Army Māori Ministry in partnership with Kiwa Digital, and was the result of many ‘chance’ connections that go back further than the development of the app itself.

Being able to work on this app for The Salvation Army was special for Steven, as he felt it was his way of giving back in the way that Mrs Keen gave to him and his family.

At the launch, Kiwa Digital’s CEO Steven Renata shared his childhood connection to The Salvation Army through Dori Keen (known to him as Mrs Keen). His whānau (family) grew up in Milton and attended Milton Corps (church) where Mrs Keen was a churchRaisedleader.inThe Salvation Army, both Dori Keen and her sister trained to be officers. Although she stepped away from officership after getting married, she continued to serve for decades at Milton Corps. Even when the corps was without officers, she helped keep the church running. Steven still feels a strong connection to The Salvation Army because of her.

Giving back Mrs Keen left a big impact on Steven in the way she selflessly served and genuinely cared for people.

Te Kākano: A Connection Project

Steven described Mrs Keen as someone who was not only a church leader, but part of his family’s life, and saw her as a second grandmother. She would often drop by their house for afternoon tea and to check in.

Steven Renata (CEO of Kiwa Digital) at the launch of Te Kākano app.

However, what was most impactful for Steven was when she would bravely walk in on domestic violence episodes in his house.

‘My mother will always say, “Steve, there’s a big part of The Salvation Army in you … there’s a big piece of Mrs Keen in you”, particularly in terms of my ethics and morality,’ he said. ‘It’s like she’s sitting on my shoulder. I can hear her saying, “Hey, you know what to do”.’

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Te Kākano is an app created for Salvationists to learn te reo, and culturally engage with people of Māori heritage. It also includes ceremonial aspects of Māori culture, such as powhiri (welcoming), karakia (prayers) and waiata (songs). It is intended to be accessible for both Māori and non-Māori.

National Advisor Māori Pipiwharauroa Campbell, who worked with Amiria on the development of Te Kākano. It turned out he was part of the development of the first cultural intelligence app with Kiwa Digital.


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There was also another connection to The Salvation Army, through now former Aux-Captain Amiria Te Whiu, who once lived next door to Steven in West Auckland. Amiria later contacted him about her vision for the cultural app for The Salvation Army and asked if Kiwa Digital would like to partner with them. Further connection to Kiwa Digital is through Addictions, Supportive Accommodation and Reintegration Services (ASARS)

‘It feels to me like life has gone full circle. Mrs Keen helped me in my life and now I’m able to come back and help The Salvation Army in another way.’ Further connections

‘I was lucky enough to have worked on Kiwa’s very first app and around content,’ Pipiwharauroa said. ‘I am actually the voice actor on there, so I knew of them and also the potential an app could have for meeting some of the need I saw.’

The launch for the app highlighted the lasting impact Dori Keen had on many people and how a series of ‘chance’ encounters can create something special, in this case, Te Kākano. GET THE APP | Te Kākano is available for download on the Apple App and Google Play stores.

Te Ope Whakaora, the te reo name for The Salvation Army, means ‘the Army that brings life’. The Salvation Army wants to increase cultural capability and bring life to Māori communities; this app is a step towards that goal.

‘My memories are of a woman who possessed a bold and courageous faith and love for all people,’ he said. ‘She had a remarkable mix of grit and grace, selfless service and a toughlove approach to compassionate caring.’

Left: Mrs Dori Keen, Steven Renata's ‘second grandmother’. Below: ASARS National Advisor Māori Pipiwharauroa Campbell.

At the launch (L-R): Commissioner Mark Campbell, Steven Renata, Lt-Colonel Ian Hutson, former Aux-Captain Amiria Te Whiu, Pipiwharauroa Campbell and Colonel Gerry Walker.

Yet another connection was made at the launch when ASARS National Director LtColonel Rod Carey chimed in from the audience to mention that Mrs Keen was his great aunt! Rod recalled her as a woman who lived as a genuine follower of Jesus, and how many people in Milton Corps and the wider community were blessed by her personable ministry.

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The corps moved to Victoria Ave about six years ago which consisted of two adjoining concrete slab buildings repurposed to create a smart, modern worship and social centre. It took a fresh pair of eyes to see the creative possibilities of the plain exterior walls. Major Judith Bennett, who led the corps with her husband David last year, was five weeks into her appointment when the idea came to her. ‘I was outside grappling with the weeds between building and pavement during a working bee. At one stage I stood up, to give my back a rest, stepped back and found myself staring at an almost blank wall with a small Salvation Army sign with the shield at the top. Immediately I thought, these walls are made for a mural! ’ She enlisted the help of Dot Mullay, an artist, photographer and retired mural painter who is part of the corps family. Dot became the project manager and, between them, they settled on a concept. However, there were hiccups. The first artist was too expensive and the second pulled out late in the day. Judith says, ‘We prayed! Dot phoned Deow, one of the top street artists in New Zealand. He is based in Invercargill and has worked extensively in Los Angeles. Dot had initially thought of contacting him but knew we wouldn’t be able to afford his incredible talent. O ye of little faith! He met us, quickly sensed our vision, agreed to do the job, and generously gave us a muchreducedDonationsprice.’ from within the corps and further afield flooded in and the project was completed debt free.


‘The blank walls are made for promoting the Good News,’ says Judith. ‘Jesus said, “and when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself” (John 12:32, NLT). We’re praying this God-inspired mural will promote Jesus and tell people they’re welcome here and that God loves them!’

Papua New Guinea

One of the Bennetts’ final duties, before they retired (again), was to bless and dedicate the mural to the glory of God with a happy congregation and the artist looking on. Deow spoke of his privilege in painting the message, then the congregation sang the national anthem.

Invercargill Corps is Taking it to the Streets

International Development funds from New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory of NZ$4050 were used to purchase library books and guitars for the Officer Training College, Kainantu Campus, in Papua New Guinea. Every two years, 10 cadets are trained at the college for ministry in The Salvation Army. A total of NZ$3250 was provided to purchase around 130 books for the college library. Before this purchase, there were limited books available at the campus library which are needed for cadets to study. The librarian attempted to source books at the local bookstore but there were limitations around available stock and also accessing books due to lockdown measures. With the addition of books to the library, college staff can also help prepare lessons, and cadets can undertake further study. Additionally, five guitars were purchased at a cost of NZ$800, so each cadet couple will have a guitar for ministry. Guitars are essential for outreach and for the cadets leading worship, as music is an integral part of the culture of the villages where they minister. Often there is no power in the villages so having a guitar is the ideal instrument for the cadets. The staff and cadets at the Kainantu Campus want to thank all of the generous donors for making a difference in the lives of cadets and those they minister to in Papua New Guinea. If you would like to help purchase a guitar for a new officer, please visit justgifts.org.nz where your donation of $80 will provide one guitar.

Bland has been replaced by bold with the addition of a striking mural on the Invercargill Corps ISISmessage:missingThere’sbuilding.nothe‘THEREHOPE,THEREJESUS’.Passing motorists can easily read it. Invercargill prison inmates across the road whose windows face our direction can see it. The church is under the airport flight path, and we’ve discovered an unexpected bonus—passengers can see it from high above as their planes come into land.

Sunday 24 July was a significant day for Glenfield Corps as we witnessed and celebrated the blessings and enrolment of the Filo family, a wonderful Tongan family in our corps.

The Midland, Central and Southern Divisions are forming peer evaluation groups to provide feedback about the pilot.


Family Enrolment at Glenfield Corps

Mele’s five children—Desiree Kiteau, Vanessa Filo, Viliami Filo, Sebastian Filo and Saimone Filo—her son-in-law Manu Kiteau and a family friend Stephen Filimoemaka were all enrolled as adherents on the same day.

Our corps mission is ‘loving people as they find, follow and grow in Jesus’. We need active and dynamic disciples to advance God’s kingdom. How will we know we are succeeding in this? By having new people join, seeing their faith deepen as they live this out, and growing and enrolling soldiers and adherents.

It was an inspiring and God-honouring ceremony as we witnessed the whole family at the mercy seat, signing their enrolment certificates while the song ‘All to Jesus I Surrender’ was played. Sau Faupula Kiteau, as our new junior soldier, was presented with his badge, along with a Tongan Children’s Bible and was prayed for by Maureen Harrington, leader of our children’s ministries.Melewas also presented with a Tongan Bible, along with the book Called to be a Soldier, and the seven adherents were presented with the General’s call to mission, Day by Day—Called to Mission, written by Robert Street.

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The first gatherings took place in August to discuss mission action plans and priorities, and there was general excitement in being able to gather and connect in this way. The overall intention of the pilot is to learn what works and what doesn’t in order to become more open, transparent and collaborative in the way we lead, while enhancing The Salvation Army’s overall mission impact.

Update: He Waka Eke Noa

The key structure of the pilot sees centre leaders meeting regularly in area leadership teams under the facilitation of area officers. There are five area leadership teams, four in Auckland and one in Northland; the teams are gathering every four to six weeks. These meetings are intended to break down silos and promote collaboration, and to support one another to bring life to our communities.

The He Waka Eke Noa territorial strategic framework was launched in early 2021. As part of this initiative, a Local Mission Delivery Pilot began in Auckland and Northland on August 1 and will continue until March 2023.

Mele Filo, the matriarch, was enrolled as a senior soldier and her youngest grandson Israel Kiteau had his first birthday blessing. Sau Faupula Kiteau, Mele’s oldest grandson, was also enrolled as a junior soldier.

The local mission delivery model aims to be ‘out front’ supporting those on the mission field. The strategic priorities are: Mission Impact, focussing on making a difference through the services we provide; People, being a great place to ‘belong, work, worship and serve’; and Sustainability, progressing with and making good use of resources.

Malo Sisu (thank you, Jesus), for the Filo family, for their decision to take this step of faith and their acceptance of God’s call to mission—to be ready, to be engaged and take responsibility.

Resignation: Effective Monday 15 August 2022, The Territorial Commander announces with regret the resignation from officership of Major Paul Gardner. Paul Gardner, with his wife Raewyn, entered training as cadets of the Bridgebuilders session in 2003. Following their commissioning on 11 December 2004, Paul was appointed, together with Raewyn, as corps officers, Johnsonville Corps. In January 2011, Paul was appointed as corps officer, Napier Corps and director, Napier Community Ministries. In January 2014, Paul was appointed as divisional secretary for Programme, Midland Division with the additional appointment of divisional secretary for Emergency Services, Midland Division. Paul was then appointed as divisional commander, Midland Division in January 2017. We thank Major Paul Gardner for his 17 years, 8 months and 4 days of active service and pray God’s blessing on him and Major Raewyn Gardner as she continues in her current appointments as a single spouse officer.

Ngakiri says that she and her husband, Adam, love the Lord Jesus and trust him with their lives and the direction that he is taking them.

Ngakiri Antonovich is a member of Whangārei Corps, and until recently was employed as a financial mentor for Whangārei Salvation Army Community Ministries. She is of both Cook Island and Māori nationality.

Bereavement: Captain Peniasi Torocake, of his father Tevita Burekama, on 19 August 2022, aged 75 years. We ask you to uphold in prayer Captains Peniasi and Tavaita Torocake and their extended family at this time of grief and loss.

Prayer request: We have been advised that Retired Envoy Geoffrey Smith is in Hamilton Hospital in a serious condition. Please pray for a speedy diagnosis, correct treatment and full healing for Geoff. Please also uphold in prayer Captain Corryn Vemoa and extended family at this time of concern.

‘The Tulī scholarships can support Pacific people to reach their potential by reducing some of the financial barriers to study or training,’ says Associate Minister of Education Aupito William Sio, who announced the award recipients on 11 August.


Salvationist Awarded ‘Tulī Takes Flight’ Scholarship

Through the knowledge learned in her course, Ngakiri says she has gained confidence in interacting and relating to all people in a safe and culturally appropriate way with respect and mutual trust. She is very grateful to The Salvation Army and CareerForce for being able to complete her study during work time.

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Ngakiri is one of 35 Aotearoa Pacific peoples to receive an inaugural ‘Tulī Takes Flight’ scholarship. The Ministry of Education scholarship is part of the goodwill gesture of reconciliation to mark the apology by the New Zealand Government for the Dawn Raids in the 1970s. The scholarship acknowledges the ongoing importance of education for Aotearoa Pacific families and communities.

‘I am so grateful that I can pass on the knowledge to others that I’ve gained in my studies, so they can make informed choices for their financial wellbeing. I would love to lead teams of Pasifika and Māori financial mentors in the future to support our people out of debt.’ Ngakiri says, ‘I would like to acknowledge firstly the Lord Jesus Christ, for this honour of being chosen for the scholarship’.

Ngakiri also thanked Captain Peter Koia and Captain Jenny Ratana-Koia (Gisborne Corps), Trevor Mclean, Moana Kingi, Henry Mackie, Alice Benzi-Uale (Whangārei Community Ministries), and Lyndal Subritzky (Bridge Whangārei) for their support and aroha during her studies.

Students can receive between $10,000 and $30,000  depending on the scholarship. The Government’s Budget 2022 allocated $815,000 over four years for additional career changer TulīNgakiri’scholarships.sbirth father hails from the Cook Islands and is from the Tikaka Mangi /Meti family from Aitutaki and Rarotonga.

to Glory: Major Richard Smith was promoted to Glory on 28 August 2022, aged 84 years, from Wellington. Richard Lindsay Smith was born on 15 October 1937, and entered training college from Palmerston North Corps as a cadet in the ‘Soldiers of Christ’ session. Following his first commissioning (out training) on 20 January 1962, Cadet Lieutenant Richard Smith was appointed as corps officer in-charge, Papakura and Pukekohe Corps. Commissioned in January 1963, Lieutenant Richard Smith was appointed as men’s training officer at the training college. On 23 January 1965 he married Lieutenant Caroline Oates, who also held an appointment at the training college. In 1967, Richard was appointed as divisional youth secretary, Canterbury Westland Division, followed by Northern Division (1971); corps officer, Gisborne Corps (1973); Invercargill Corps (1977); Public Relations officer, South Island (1980); territorial youth secretary, THQ (1981); and corps officer, Wellington Citadel Corps (1984). In 1988, Richard was appointed to THQ as Church Growth/Planned Giving director. This was followed by appointments at THQ as secretary for Education (1991); Trade secretary (1995); and Property secretary (1998). It is from this appointment that Richard and Caroline Smith retired on 5 January 2001. Please support in prayer Major Richard Smith’s wife Caroline, children Margaret-Anne, Richard and Philip, granddaughter Lieutenant Michal Baken and other family members at this time of grief and loss.

‘The Lord has provided for us in times of trouble, been there in the darkness and the more we grow in him, the more he shows us,’ says Ngakiri, who loves praise and worship and is a singer, songwriter and musician, playing a variety of instruments.

A member of the Whangārei Salvation Army family has been awarded a Pasifika scholarship to support her studies towards the Level 4 New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing.

Additional Appointment: Effective immediately, Major Linda Bateman takes up the additional appointment of assistant territorial auditor, based in Christchurch for THQ, for the Strategy, Development and Risk Department. We pray that God will continue to bless Major Linda Bateman as she takes up this additional appointment.

In Ngakiri’s new role as Pasifika Liaison Navigator for Fale Pasifika in Whangārei, she knows she can utilise the services at The Salvation Army when needed, to support all people.

Being a single officer in Ba Corps has been a big challenge, but I have found my strength in the Lord. Taking up the classes for soldiership was very interesting; it was an eyeopening experience for me as an officer, as well as the prospective soldiers. There were 12 people who took part in the classes, but unfortunately, five didn’t complete their lessons. Nevertheless, these seven people continued their journey following in Jesus’ footsteps. Three couples and one single male were enrolled. This included a couple who were former officers from 2000–2006 in the Faithful Intercession session, who stood up for Jesus and said ‘yes’ to the call of God.

He Waka Eke Noa—One Waka, All Of Us Together—our strategic framework, was developed by our Territorial Governance Board (TGB) following much prayer. Its aims are to provide focus and direction for our territory, to clearly identify the key strategic priorities we want to focus on together and to outwork our mission of caring for people, transforming lives and reforming society by God’s power. He Waka Eke Noa derives from the Māori whakataukī (proverb) and refers to working in unity and leaving no one behind.

God laid three words on my heart relating to the outworking of our strategic framework: Empower our people, particularly those on the frontline (this includes the authority to make decisions and allocate resources to impact mission); trust in each other to do what is required; and hold each other accountable for the achievement of missional outcomes.



Most members of Ba Corps started attending services through connections with The Salvation Army band; they love being part of the team, and we are believing and praying that one day there will be revival at Ba Corps.


This requires a culture shift, moving our language from I and me to us and we, as reflected in 1 Corinthians 12:12, ‘The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body’. Our leadership culture can no longer be premised on one of position, control and command, but one of empowering others and trusting them, and interdependent leadership.

• Being a great place for people to belong, work, worship and serve. We will continue our work to lift capability (particularly leadership), improve our recruitment and retention and be more inclusive to ensure our people rate us as a great place to belong, work, worship and serve.


Colonel Gerry Walker Chief Secretary

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• Increasing our mission impact. We will finish clarifying our desired mission outcomes, then pursue these relentlessly to increase mission impact.

We were so blessed to have our divisional leaders conducting the junior and senior soldiers’ enrolment. Something that stood out for them was that the soldiers took part in the meetings with willing hearts—sharing their personal testimonies, reading the children’s story, leading the meeting, praying and leading our knee drill (prayer meeting)—and I do believe that was a challenge for some of them.

We have simplified these to Mission Impact, People and Sustainability Underpinning our strategic framework is our commitment in Aotearoa to meeting all our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the goals in Te Ōhāki, our Māori Ministry strategic plan. When embarking on this One Waka journey it was critical to articulate our ‘why’, and much prayer has gone into discerning what God is wanting us as his Army to be and do. We are called to express God's holy and holistic love to all people, especially the marginalised. As we desire to be more like him, we recognise the need for this to be expressed through a uniquely integrated and united community of mission— collectively reaching out with God’s love together so that no matter which door people access into The Salvation Army, they are warmly welcomed and experience the love of God.

• Long-term sustainability. We will reimagine our mission model to be more sustainable and redesign our support services to be effective and efficient.

Our strategic priorities are:

I’m the corps officer in Ba Corps, which is located on the western side of Fiji. We recently had seven new people enrolled as soldiers, plus two as junior soldiers.

In the second part of our twopart series, Major Mat Badger challenges us with the inclusive and exclusive message of Jesus Christ. He takes us to Matthew 13:47–50, the Parable of the Net. Those of you who have completed your Clifton StrengthsFinder profile may be familiar with the strength called ‘includer’—that’s me. I’ve always been an includer by nature, and now I have a piece of paper to prove it! Like many of us, I don’t like it when people miss out or are ignored. I don’t like it when I’m not included or, in other words, excluded. A sense of exclusion can be damaging to people, especially when it is targeted and manipulative. Deep down, I think we all want to be included, to belong, to have a sense of belonging to a ‘tribe’. It’s as if we have been designed to constantly scan the interactions within our social environment to determine whether we fit in or not. I also hate it when I see people being excluded. It makes me angry when I see isolated homeless people or when I hear of minority groups being excluded simply because they have a different experience of life than the mainstream majority. Inclusive but exclusive In the first part of this series—the Parable of the Yeast—while there is an inclusive nature to the kingdom of heaven, Jesus also made it very clear that there is an exclusive aspect. Previously we discovered both Jews and Gentiles can now be included in the kingdom of heaven. However, exclusively, there will also be those who are in, and those who will be out, from both groups. Jesus made it clear that the kingdom is open to all, but not all will accept the invitation. The Parable of the Net, beginning in Matthew 13:47, is one of the places in the Bible where Jesus reinforced this exclusive reality. ‘Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. They then sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad fish away.’ At the time Jesus spoke these words, fishing was a major source of trade and daily existence. Some of Jesus’ disciples were fishermen. So, it makes perfect sense that he would use an analogy that

The Kingdom ofExclusivityOffensive Warning! Warning! The Kingdom ofExclusivityOffensive 20 WarCry 17 SEPTEMBER 2022

The reliability of Christ If we believe that Jesus was who he claimed to be, then this parable confronts us with two key questions.

As the famous saying goes, ‘life is not about what you know, but rather who you know’. This applies here. The way into the kingdom of heaven is through the person of Christ. The resurrection validated this. When we commit our lives to Christ, his righteousness covers our lack of righteousness, and so therefore we are considered righteous.

Let’s face it, anyone who talked the way Jesus did was either highly delusional and manipulative, or else Jesus was exactly who he claimed to be. Jesus was either crazy or the genuine article—we can’t have it both ways. It would be fair to say that if anyone went around speaking like this today, they would most likely be considered unbalanced or labelled a cult leader.

Personally, as a young man, I took time to settle these matters by studying the reliability of the text and the claims of Jesus. I concluded that the text in the Bible as written by Matthew the disciple was indeed reliable. Jesus was who he claimed to be, and therefore I needed to pay attention to everything he said as well.

First, how can we be certain that we are in the kingdom of heaven? Second, how can we know that we are considered righteous? The answer to both questions can be found in the person of Christ.


Joining Christ’s tribe We all want to be included, and Jesus clearly invites us all to be included in his kingdom. But if Jesus also makes it clear that he is the only way, how does the possibility of default exclusion make you feel? Sit with this for a moment. And if it really is all about who we know, do you know Jesus?

At this stage in history, the kingdom of God can be defined as the rule and reign of Christ within our hearts and minds. Yes, Christ is the only way, and this is offensive to many. But we need to hold this in tension with Jesus’ desire that none should perish—his desire is that all be included. It’s not Jesus who excludes, but rather by taking offence at his message many exclude themselves by default. For Jesus, all the fish are gathered in his net, but it is the rejection of the message that puts a person under judgement and, therefore, exclusion. As Henry says, ‘The Parable of the Net indicates that there is a time coming when the mystery of God will be complete. In that day, God alone will be the judge.’ As believers today, our job is not to point fingers at each other. Our job is simply to share the full gospel while practically loving and including people— regardless of any differences we may have. Where someone ultimately ends up is completely their choice and God simply honours the decision they make.


As Bob Hartman wrote, ‘Nothing we do here on earth is going to save us. It’s all about who you know’.

This is hard-hitting! According to Jesus, there are those who are wicked and there are those who are righteous. While this parable and the text that directly follows it in Matthew 13 merits some serious investigation, there are some things that we clearly need to wrestle with: first, we need to settle the matter of who Jesus was; second, we need to settle the matter of the reliability of the text. Is the Bible reliable and was Jesus the promised messianic figure or not?

The trap of course is that Christians often spend too much time pointing fingers at each other trying to figure out who is in the kingdom and who is out—who is righteous (usually us) and who is wicked (‘other’ people). Yet, this is not what we are called to do.

his listeners would be able to visualise. However, I am sure you will agree with me that what he is saying here is alarming! Even today, the content of this parable may offend; some of these words can make you feel uncomfortable to read and wrestle with. It’s also very important we notice that by the time Jesus shared this parable, he had moved away from the large crowds outside where he was previously speaking and was now indoors, sharing privately with just his disciples (Matthew 13:36). Jesus was speaking directly to those we assume would be in the ‘good’ basket of fish. Unpacking the fishing net Matthew Henry, the famous biblical commentator, draws on other parts of Scripture to explain the Parable of the Net. The net represents the message of the gospel, the lake is the world and the good fish are those who wholeheartedly follow Christ. Tragically, the bad fish are those who reject the Good News of the gospel. Also, according to Henry, the sorting of the fish represents an actual futuristic event, when included believers will be separated from the excluded nonbelievers. Jesus himself clarifies how this will take place. ‘This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous’ (Matthew 13:49).

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BCM Library to the rescue! From reference books for study and sermon prep to biographies and Christian living, enjoy unlimited access to the EBSCO eBook Religion Collection as part of a Booth College of Mission Library membership. Email library@salvationarmy.org.nz for more info. would like: to learn about who Jesus is information about The Salvation Army The Salvation Army to contact me prayer for the following needs: AddressEmailNamePhoneSendto: warcry@salvationarmy.org.nz or War Cry, PO Box 6015, Marion Square, Wellington 6141 We continue to pray for the people affected by war in Ukraine; for the Kingdom of Tonga rebuilding after the eruption; Sigatoka Corps; Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit; Southern Division Corps and Community Ministries programmes and Divisional Headquarters; SpiritSong and The Salvation Army in France and Belgium.

Commissioners Mark (Territorial Commander) and Julie Campbell (Territorial President of Women’s Ministries) 18 Sept: Taranaki Corps, Midland Division, visit 19–20 Sept: Central Division Officers’, Fellowship, New Plymouth 24 Sept–2 Oct: International Conference of Leaders, Vancouver, Canada Colonel Gerry Walker (Chief Secretary) 26–29 Sept: Fiji Division Officers’ Fellowship, Suva Major Liz Gainsford (Territorial Secretary for Spiritual Life Development) 26–29 Sept: Fiji Division Officers’ Fellowship, Suva

JOIN THE CELEBRATION AS PUKEKOHE CORPS CELEBRATES Saturday 15 October 10am–2pm Carnival celebration in the carpark with Auckland City Corps Brass Band concert and special guests Commissioners Mark and Julie Campbell. Sunday 16 October 9:30am prayer meeting. 10am Sunday meeting, with Commissioners Mark and Julie Campbell. Morning tea to follow. For more information Phone (09) 238 5641 Email pukekohe.corps@salvationarmy.org.nz 1 Tobin Street, Pukekohe, Auckland 2120 YEARS th Glenfield Corps 1973–2023 Anniversary Let’s Celebrate! Prayer, People and God’s Plan With guests Territorial Leaders Commissioners Julie and Mark Campbell To register interest, call (09) 441 2554 ex 4 or email glenfield.corps@salvationarmy.org.nz 22 WarCry 17 SEPTEMBER 2022



Quiz Answers: 1 Emperor penguin, 2 Falling in love, 3 One, 4 Skateboarding, 5 Isaiah, whose wife was called a prophetess (Isaiah 8:3). Riddle Answers: A A stamp, B The dictionary, C Silence, D Your name, E Teapot.

Want to Know More? I

1. Trace one end of a cork onto apiece of paper multiple times.Draw your images inside the circles.

3. Cut out the shapes from thecraft foam.


The peace of God is not dependent on what is happening around you, whether it is peaceful or not. It is about an inner peace that is always there no matter how you feel. Even when you start feeling stressed about something at home or school, a reminder of who God is keeps your heart and mind at peace.

I WONDER... Spot the Difference! Can you find TEN differences between

This is a fun way to make your own stamps. You might need to get a parent or caregiver to help you with the cutting and gluing.

5. Rub the foam portion of thestamp in ink and then press downon paper to stamp the design.

YOU WILL NEED…• Corks • Craft foam • Paper • Ink pads • Scissors or a craft knife• Pen/pencil • Hot glue gun and glue sticks Cork Stamps!

Philippians 4:7 the two images?

Source: www.diycandy.com C What goes away as soon as you talk about it? D It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it? E What starts with T, ends with T and has T in it? ANSWERS ON PAGE 22 dtahWoyoucallatrain carryingbubblegum? Achew-chewtrain 17 SEPTEMBER 2022 WarCry 23

‘And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’

2. Cut out the shapes from the paperand trace them onto a piece ofcraft foam.

4. Hot glue one craft foam shapeonto one end of the cork to makea stamp. Let it cool down.

The peace of God can be a hard thing to get your head around. You can be peaceful when outside in nature, like walking on the beach—or perhaps when reading a book before bed. It is easy to feel at peace when the things around you seem peaceful. However, the peace of God is different; it is about feeling at peace through good and bad times.

A I go all around the world, but never leave the corner. What am I? B It’s the only place in the world where today comes before yesterday. Where is it?

In Philippians 4:6 it says, ‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God’. The cool thing about having a relationship with God is that you can go to him about anything. Any time you’re feeling worried, you can tell him about it and he listens and cares.

What are the things that make you feel worried and how can you give them to God? What are things that worry you and take up space in your head? Perhaps it’s starting a new school and trying to make friends. Maybe you’re dealing with other kids picking on you or struggling with learning times tables. Or maybe you’re not getting along with your siblings or arguing with your parents. These issues can cause you to feel restless and unable to relax and feel at peace.

Saturday 17 September Auckland Sunday 18 September Hamilton Monday 19 September Taupō Tuesday 20 September Palmerston North Wednesday 21 September Wellington Thursday 22 September Nelson Saturday 24 September Christchurch For more info msbnztour.co.nz or email jim.downey@salvationarmy.org.nz

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