19 May 2018 NZFT War Cry

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FAITH IN ACTION  19 MAY 2018 | Issue 6692 | $1.50

IS MY MARRIAGE A MISTAKE? The Questioning Generation

God in the Everyday GETTING THE CALL: CANDIDATES SUNDAY Honouring the Service of Major Sai



Right to be Human





WAR CRY The Salvation Army

Te Ope Whakaora New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga Territory TERRITORIAL LEADERS Commissioners Andy & Yvonne Westrupp | GENERAL André Cox | FOUNDERS William

& Catherine Booth

The Salvation Army’s message is based on the Bible. Our ministry is motivated by love for God. Our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human need in his name without discrimination. War Cry exists to support and advance The Salvation Army’s message, ministry and mission. MANAGING EDITOR Ingrid Barratt | GRAPHIC DESIGN Sam Coates, Lauren Millington | STAFF WRITERS Major Shar Davis, Robin Raymond | PROOF READING Major Jill Gainsford,

Vivienne Hill OFFICE Territorial Headquarters, 204 Cuba Street, PO Box

6015, Marion Square, Wellington 6141, Phone (04) 384 5649, Fax (04) 382 0716, Email warcry@salvationarmy.org.nz, www.salvationarmy.org.nz/warcry SUBSCRIPTIONS Salvationist Resources Department, Phone

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Called to Be Me

Am I called, I wonder? We tend to use the term (perhaps subconsciously) to separate our secular and sacred lives. We talk about being called to ministry or officership. We may even talk about being called to be a teacher or doctor. Indeed, these are callings—and on Candidates Sunday, 27 May, we have a chance to explore our sacred calling. But we don’t often talk about the calling to be a check-out operator, or a bank teller or McDonald’s employee (although this is my son’s current dream job). When we talk about calling, we often reflect what our culture deems meaningful, rather than what God deems meaningful. If you have found a job that is fulfilling and has a sense of purpose, you are blessed. But if you don’t feel that sense of purpose within your job, you are equally called—to be a person that loves justice, encourages others, works honestly, is a caring co-worker, an empowering boss … and a million other shades of light that, like a prism, reflect the colours of the Kingdom of God. God only asks you to be a shard of light in your sphere of influence—no matter where God has you. I found Malcolm Herring’s reflection (p.20) helpful, when he said that your calling gives you the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’. No matter what you do for a living, God has a purpose for you there—God is your ‘why’. Brennan Manning says our deepest calling is always ‘to be fully and deeply human in Christ Jesus’. Am I called? Yes. We are all called. More than being called to be a bank teller or teacher or even a Salvation Army Officer, we are simply called to be. Ingrid Barratt Editor

Member of the Australasian Religious Press Association. All Bible references from the Holy Bible, New International Version, unless otherwise stated. Articles are copyrighted to The Salvation Army, except where indicated, and may be reprinted only with permission. Publishing for 134 years | Issue 6692 ISSN 0043-0242 (print), ISSN 2537-7442 (online) Please pass on or recycle this magazine Read online www.issuu.com/salvationarmynzftwarcry

www.salvationarmy.org.nz salvationarmyNZFijiTonga @salvationarmynz salvationarmynzft

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Each of us has a unique part to play in the healing of the world. Marianne Williamson

2 Timothy 1:9 [God] has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. 2 Timoti 1:9 Nāna nei tātou i whakaora, nāna hoki tātou i karanga ki te karangatanga tapu; kihai i rite ki ā tātou mahi, engari ki tāna ake tikanga i whakatakoto ai i mua, ki te aroha noa hoki i hōmai nei ki a tātou i roto i a Karaiti Īhu, i mua atu o te tīmatanga o te ao.

Photography: Juanita Buckingham.


arlier this month, hundreds of volunteers around New Zealand collected for the Red Shield Street Appeal. We thank everyone who helped—you’re part of our mission to care for people, and your contribution is ensuring we can keep doing that. Anyone who has held the bucket, wearing our high-vis red shield, will know that we receive so much more than dollars and cents. People share their stories with us, they are often generous with their praise, and it’s so encouraging to be able to connect with our community in this way. I remember one year I was collecting in the Wellington CBD. People in business suits and stilettos hurried past, but one homeless man came up to me. He gave me $20 saying that The Salvation Army had helped him during a difficult time. I was stunned by his generous heart. I must admit my contribution was dismal this year—I received all of about five dollars during my stint—but I was given a much greater gift. Something that has played in my mind and challenged me since. A woman who happened to be in a wheelchair came over and put some coins in the bucket. She mentioned that her children had attended The Salvation Army corps when they were younger. As we kept talking, she also mentioned her autistic son had been asked to leave Sunday school because he was too disruptive—even though, she said, she had been there to support him. Then, when a more conservative corps officer was appointed, her teenage daughter no longer

felt welcome. The young woman left and has never returned to church. All I could do was listen to her story with an open but aching heart. I simply said, ‘I’m sorry this happened. It shouldn’t have been that way.’ This woman still cares for her now-adult autistic son, and life is hard. ‘I’m one of the invisible people,’ she said. ‘People are lonely—I come to the mall and chat to people … I’m lonely,’ she added. ‘That is how you feel, but you are not invisible,’ I replied, ‘You are so loved. I don’t know if you believe in God but I do, and I believe he or she loves you and sees you.’ I told her our local corps was a friendly and inclusive community, and asked her to join us. I hope she finds the courage to give us another chance. I don’t know whether she was impacted by our conversation, but I was. I don’t know if she has thought about my words, but I have thought about her words. I would love her story to be that The Salvation Army helped her during a difficult time—and indeed, that is the story of thousands of people. It’s wonderful and encouraging to hear the good news stories. But it’s just as important to hear where we have failed. It’s important to have ears that hear and really listen. The heart of The Salvation Army is to care for people, because no one is invisible to God. May we listen, may we see, may we continue to learn how to love people the way that God loves us. BY INGRID BARRATT 19 MAY 2018  WarCry  3

WARCRYINHISTORY Captain Stevens was released from Timaru Gaol (jail) after being imprisoned for ‘a supposed obstruction while marching through Timaru’, according to War Cry, 28 February 1885. They celebrated his release with a ‘triumphant march’ in Christchurch, as Captain Stevens wore his prison garb along with ‘the flying brigade, officers on chargers, sergeants in red, and lasses with hallelujah bonnets.’ They ‘roused up the town, and gathered the crowd as we have seldom, if ever, seen them roused before … Captain Stevens reminded everyone present that the Salvationists comrades who had been imprisoned indeed had to suffer, having hard labour for the whole term of their imprisonment, their hands being fairly torn, and their arms burnt, through working as navvies at the Timaru roads in the burning sun.’ Weird of the Week: In the cinema version of the movie Source: Booth College of Mission Heritage and Archives Centre Bruce Almighty, the phone number given for God was a real phone number belonging to several different people in different parts of the US—including a church in North Carolina and a pastor in Wisconsin. They received hundreds of calls from people wanting to speak to God.

Bringing Back the Boogie The boogie is back as children’s entertainers Zoo Boogie release their second album, Superheroes. But it’s an album with a difference— you can pay whatever you want, and all proceeds go to charity. Along with bringing fresh music with a positive message for kids, the album is fundraising to support some of the country’s most vulnerable families, through the charity Te Whakaora Tangata. Blair Dale, who founded Zoo Boogie with the support of The Salvation Army in 2010, has been working 4  WarCry  19 MAY 2018

with the charity, while the band has been on hiatus. The job has been an eyeopener, says Blair, but has strengthened his belief in the Zoo Boogie mission— to be a positive influence in homes of young families, from all walks of life. People can choose what they want to pay for the album (over and above $4), with every dollar raised donated to Te Whakaora Tangata. As a bonus, if you pay more than $20 you get a free Zoo Boogie t-shirt! The songs in the new album have been influenced by the work of Te Whakaora, including Zoo Boogie’s own version of the popular Māori folk song, ‘Tūtira Mai’. ‘It’s is a song about unity and standing together, so it’s ideal for Zoo Boogie really.

Self-Crusting Corn Quiche This quiche forms its own crust as it cooks, eliminating the need for pastry. Leftovers go well in packed lunches. | Serves 6 1 large onion 1 Tbsp butter 2 cooked potatoes, cubed ½ cup milk 3 eggs ½ tsp salt 440g can creamed corn 1 cup grated tasty cheese 1 tomato, sliced thinly (optional)

Cook the onion in the butter until tender but not brown. Add the cubed potato and heat through. Mix the milk, eggs, salt and flour until blended. Combine with the onion mixture, the creamed corn and cheese, and pour into a buttered 23cm metal pie plate or solid-bottomed flan dish. Put thin slices of tomato on top. Bake at 210°C for 20–30 minutes or until filling is set in the centre. Serve warm (leftovers are great for lunch).

Period Drama The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society (M, adult themes) Mike Newell

I adored this charming treasure chest of a movie, which was full to the brim with delights—mystery, intrigue, good manners, eccentricities and joy in buckets. It reminded me just how fun period dramas are, and how refreshing it is to enjoy a movie that is innocent and lovely and beautiful to bask in. I even forgave the plot point that relied on a fiancé standing in the way of Mr Truly Right (see p.10 for more on why this is a personal pet peeve!). But it is more than a fluff piece, the film tells a darker story of the German occupation of the British Isle of Guernsey during WWII. It’s a war story without being too burdensome and a love story without being too sentimental. (Reviewed by Ingrid Barratt)

A malu i fale, e malu i fafo. Respect yourself and others will too. Samoan Proverb

Source | Dollars and Sense Cookbook by Alison Holst

A big part of our work is helping families move forward from past trauma and rejection,’ says Blair. After a couple of years away, Blair admits there were some initial nerves, but ‘we’ve had a ball … Getting back into Zoo Boogie has been a lot of fun, especially recording with old friends … it’s so hard not to crack up laughing during [studio] takes.’ To purchase the Superheroes CD and raise money for Te Whakaora Tangata go to zooboogie.com. The album is also available through iTunes, Spotify and other music providers.


1 What is the capital of Papua New Guinea? 2 What was bubble wrap initially meant to be? 3 What is the name of Prince William’s youngest child?

TOPFIVE Take our challenge and use these five Samoan words this week to celebrate Gagana Samoa (Samoan Language Week), 27 May–2 June: 1 fa’aaloalo: respect 2 fa’amolemole: please 3 tamaiti: children 4 uō: friend 5 sukalati: chocolate

4 What name was Peter Raymond George Bourne better known by? 5 What woman did Peter raise from the dead? Answers on page 22 19 MAY 2018  WarCry  5


Right to be Human

Golriz Ghahraman is the first Member of Parliament in New Zealand to be a former refugee. She started life in New Zealand with the welcome and support of The Salvation Army—now she’s on a mission to put that care of all, especially the marginalised, at the heart of our laws. BY ROBIN RAYMOND


he Salvation Army was one of our first memories of New Zealand. Back then there was no Refugee Centre. I don’t know how they identified us, but it was immediate support,’ says Golriz Ghahraman, Member of Parliament for the Green Party. Arriving in New Zealand was a relief, she says, as her family escaped the repressive Iranian regime that claimed power after the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The revolution started as a dream of a more democratic, just government—but it was hijacked and turned into an oppressive nightmare, says Golriz. Her earliest memories are of her parents and their friends talking about politics and getting out of Iran. She grew up knowing at any time they could be arrested or disappear. ‘You just lived your life, but you knew you could be raided. I knew my mum could get stopped at any time for not observing Islamic dress code in some way. She was always checking. My dad could have been drafted any day. Everyone knew people that those things happened to. The pressure and the stress on my parents every day was palpable.’ Finally in 1990, when Golriz was nine, the family was able to flee. On the pretence of going on holiday, they booked a flight to Fiji with a stop-over in Auckland. ‘I knew we were leaving forever. I remember sitting in my room trying to remember it all, recording it somehow because I wouldn’t see it again.’ Getting off the plane in Auckland, the family made for the first customs officer they could find, frightened and unsure of what might happen. It was an instant welcome, says Golriz, but no-one seemed to quite know what they were supposed to do next, or what the process was for helping a refugee family settle.

A new life This was where The Salvation Army came in. Golriz is still unclear how the Army found her family, but it was a key support in helping them set up their new life. ‘What I thought was quite cool [about The Salvation Army] was that it was all about creating a community connection. It wasn’t just about helping you out—obviously we didn’t have anything, we literally had nothing, so that side of it was also great: “Here’s some second-hand toys so you can be a child again”. I had like one toy I was able to bring. Or a little hamper would arrive or whatever. That kind of thing was a huge help—but it was also, “Come to dinner, come to some community event”. They got me into Girl Guides.’ Her early integration into New Zealand wasn’t hard, she says. Little girls are little girls the world over, and it was an age when many New Zealanders had 19 MAY 2018  WarCry  7

little knowledge of the Middle East—though that also made for some funny misunderstandings along the way. ‘I remember for one of our badges at Girl Guides was you had to make a little book about Jesus, but they got me to do one about Muhammed. I was like, “I don’t know anything about this,” I’d never had any kind of religious training because my family weren’t religious. My parents helped me, obviously, and they found it really sweet that there was that cultural respect.’ She quickly felt Kiwi and largely forgot about being a refugee. It wasn’t until the first Bosnian refugees began turning up during her high school years at Auckland Girl’s Grammar School, that she reconnected with that part of her life. But after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, she began to experience hostility and outright racism.

On the international stage At university, Golriz studied law and then worked as a defence lawyer in Manukau—something she describes as formative, working with struggling and marginalised people. She worked in the pilot Family Violence court and youth courts, as well as the mainstream court system. It is important, Golriz says, to give all parties a fair trial with equal weight on prosecution and defence to make sure you’re bringing true justice. ‘Otherwise, do we just leave it up to the police to decide?’ Working with the most vulnerable has always been a passion. Even in her dream to become a human rights lawyer, Golriz describes setting a 10-year plan, because she was scared of being sucked down the easy road. ‘I knew you could get engulfed in this other path where you’re vying for partnership at some law firm. I felt a sense of urgency or panic about staying on the right path, not waking up 10 years later and not being 10 years closer to what I wanted to do.’ In 2008, after two and a half years as a junior barrister, she was accepted to study a Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford University. On the way, she applied for a three month internship with the UN working on its Rwanda Tribunal, which was putting people accused of crimes during the Rwandan genocide on trial. Three months turned into a job. She was assigned to the Yugoslavia Tribunal after the Bosnian War; as a defence lawyer for the Rwanda Tribunal; and as a prosecution lawyer for the Cambodia Tribunal, trying people accused of crimes under the Khmer Rouge. 8  WarCry  19 MAY 2018

Back to a new New Zealand In 2012, she returned to New Zealand. She found a country that she felt was moving away from its past proud egalitarian system, where everyone was looked after. ‘This weird user pays attitude had come in … if you fall through the gaps, well, then that’s your fault—or even if it’s not your fault it’s not my problem. It just wasn’t New Zealand to me.’ As a lawyer, she volunteered for NGOs doing work on justice and children’s rights. However, that growing sense that the vulnerable were being left behind propelled her to become more active in politics—in order to be part of writing the laws that govern the system.

SHE GREW UP KNOWING AT ANY TIME THEY COULD BE ARRESTED OR DISAPPEAR. ‘If I’m absolutely truthful about why I’m here: it is to bring human rights to our law and policy-making. We’re all better off as a society when we protect vulnerable communities.’ She also noticed the rise of rhetoric against minorities around the world, including Brexit and the language of Donald Trump—a change in rhetoric she had seen before the genocide in Rwanda, the Balkans and Cambodia. ‘I felt New Zealand could be different and will be different. We’re going to stand against that stuff,’ she says.

Entering politics Golriz decided to stand as an MP for the Green Party because ‘it would be nice for us to say that we do elect younger, browner women who are from the Middle East’. That building pressure to do something was solidified by her partner, comedian Guy Williams encouraging her that she could, and should, stand. Golriz met Guy at a fundraiser for a legal advocate in Manukau who was about to lose her funding to support defendants, victims and families. ‘So all of us got together, the judges and lawyers and staff, and decided to do a fundraiser and form a trust to keep her funding. Guy was hosting and we got talking afterwards—he stole my name badge,’ she laughs. Emboldened by encouragement from Guy and others, she

put her name forward just before the election campaign. She was thrust into a whirlwind of chaotic campaigning, where her chances of making it to parliament changed week-to-week and day-by-day—from ‘yes’ to ‘no’ and back again. It wasn’t until special votes were counted two weeks after the election that Golriz was confirmed as an MP. Despite the wait, the news came rather abruptly. ‘I got a call from our party secretary and it was, “You’re in, we’re meeting at 3pm, bye”. It was the weekend we were moving house—we had to get dressed up and go straight to this formal press conference and we were knackered. I still haven’t celebrated, because everything happened at once—I really should do that,’ she laughs. That whirlwind hasn’t stopped—in addition to being the Green Party spokesperson on trade, Golriz is the second woman to hold the defence portfolio for a New Zealand political party, and is the Green’s spokesperson on justice. She is especially passionate about youth justice, and is keen to change the law allows children to be locked up with adults in prisons or police cells.

Treaty of Waitangi obligations and our environment—because, what’s money if we’re destroying our environment, our rights and our indigenous culture?’ She’s also honest about the limitations of the role. ‘It’s hard to know if you’re making a difference,’ she says. ‘But it’s such a privilege you do your best and try and maximise that opportunity.’

More than an ‘immigrant’ While running for parliament she faced some extreme racist abuse, along with threats, accusations of being a terrorist, and more subtle hostility. In fact, her Twitter feed during the election has been kept by Archives New Zealand as a snapshot of political history, with all the racist comments as well as the supportive ones. ‘Outside of the aggro commenters there is just a vibe of, “Why can immigrants run?” People do say that. They don’t realise that what they’re saying is that we should have second class citizens. That’s what it means if you say you can come here as a child, not be able to go back to where you are born, grow up here, always contribute to this country, but can’t sit in our house of representatives. ‘It’s important to dismantle those attitudes, because every time a young person from a migrant background reads those comments you’re telling them they can’t achieve here because of their race, ethnicity or religion. You’re saying there’s an idea of who is and isn’t Kiwi and you’re not one of us.’ Instead, Golriz sees her election as symbolic of a different kind of value—of the outsider, the poor, the marginalised and the vulnerable—that she saw from her first days in the country through The Salvation Army.

‘ … WHAT’S MONEY IF WE’RE DESTROYING OUR ENVIRONMENT, OUR RIGHTS AND OUR INDIGENOUS CULTURE?’ ‘I got a call a couple of months ago about a 13-year-old who’d been held overnight with adults in a police cell. Thirteen’s little! He was charged with something really serious in order to hold him—but all charges were dropped. ‘Because we don’t have facilities, we’ve created this weird culture of over-charging children just so we can hold them. These are really troubled kids, they’re the most vulnerable kids that get embroiled in the type of offending where you can arrest them.’ Most of all, though, she wants to put people at the centre of all our laws—because, as she said in her maiden speech in parliament, we all have rights ‘not because we’re good but because we’re human’. ‘You don’t get to give tax cuts or sign trade deals at the expense of housing, health care, or access to justice, or of our

19 MAY 2018  WarCry  9

Is My Marriage A Mistake? There comes a moment in all relationships when you lie in bed, look at the person next to you and think it’s all a dreadful mistake, says family therapist Terrence Real. But do we blame the other person, or do we look at ourselves? ‘It’s an open secret of [our] culture that disillusionment exists. I speak about “normal marital hatred”. Not one person has ever asked what I mean by that. It’s extremely raw,’ says Real. Research has found that falling in love is similar to a cocaine high—and like a drug, the high doesn’t last. During infatuation, we focus on our similarities. But once we come down from that high, we begin to notice our vast differences, and this is when we become disillusioned. In our rom-com culture, we often assume that we’re with the wrong person. We blame our partner for our unhappiness. We think, ‘If I just met the right person … ’ So, what to do when the initial attraction sours? ‘I call it the first day of your real marriage,’ says Real. It’s not a sign that you’ve chosen the wrong partner. It is the signal to grow as an individual—and to take responsibility for yourself. Along with many other researchers and clinicians, author of Everybody Marries the Wrong Person, Christine Meinecke, suggests a new marital paradigm—what she calls ‘the selfresponsible spouse’: ‘Rather than look at the other person, you need to look at yourself and ask, “Why am I suddenly so unhappy and what do I need to do?” It’s not likely a defect in your partner.’ The exception to this is when your partner is incapable of sharing life with you—such as an addict or abusive spouse. But it is empowering to realise you can take responsibility for your happiness—in this case, it may require reflecting on whether you should stay together. But in mature love between two equal partners, says Meinecke, ‘We do not look to our partner to provide our happiness, and we don’t blame them for our unhappiness. We take responsibility for the expectations that we carry, for our own negative emotional reactions, for our own insecurities, and for our own dark moods.’ Being ‘incompatible’ or ‘growing apart’ are not reasons for a marriage to breakdown—differences and similarities are simply part of sharing your life with another person. No one is going to get all their needs met in their partner. Instead, we need to develop a deep acceptance of the person that we have chosen, just like they need to accept us with all our faults and foibles.

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WE NEED TO DEVELOP A DEEP ACCEPTANCE OF THE PERSON THAT WE HAVE CHOSEN … MAKING A MARRIAGE LAST 1 Accept your differences: If you view differences with resentment, it’s going to hurt over and over again. Instead, meet differences with acceptance. 2 Enjoy your own thing: It’s healthy and positive to have your own interests, and have the freedom to pursue these separately. 3 Take an interest in each other: It’s equally important

to come back together and share your experiences. Psychologists call this ‘turning towards’ each other, and it keeps your relationship at the centre. What you don’t want to do is begin living separate lives. 4 Let go of the fantasy: In order to embrace the relationship you have, let go of the fantasy of the relationship you expected to have.

Source: Rebecca Webber, ‘Are You With The Right Mate?’, Psychology Today, www.psychologytoday.com

TESTIFY! Mary Popping has worked in Christian camping for 24 years, but God has challenged her to step out into a new ‘promised land’. I grew up in The Salvation Army to officer parents, before moving to Hamilton Elim Church where I met my husband Mike. In 1994, with three young children in tow, we began working at Kauearanga Valley Christian Camp for seven years, before moving to Karakariki Christian Camp in Hamilton—where we’ve lived for the past 17 years. In 2008, I was ready for a change. I needed a break from the day-to-day running of camp. My brother was attending Grandview Corps and told me he was looking at a chaplaincy job at Fraser High School in Hamilton. But he ended up turning it down, so I said, ‘Do you mind if I apply?’ It really suited me as I’d done a chaplaincy course and had been looking to work in schools. I had a bit to do with the corps through my chaplaincy work and family, and in 2010 stopped being a visitor and began attending regularly, before getting reenrolled as a soldier in 2012. I had an awesome nine years as a chaplain. I grew a lot and it was good to not be so insulated in the bubble of camping. I quickly realised that chaplaincy was something I really loved, because it was a base for being able to channel kids into other areas where they needed help. If they came to me for an issue that needed counselling, I could say ‘I’m really happy to support you, why don’t we go and see the counsellor?’ Or if they came with a health issue, I could say, ‘Let’s go and see the nurse together’. While I was having fun at school, Mike was basically keeping the camp running by himself, with the help of our five kids. So I went back to camp with a new attitude and really enjoyed

I FELT REALLY STRONGLY THAT GOD WAS SAYING, ‘ … DON’T SAY IT’S REALLY SCARY BECAUSE I’VE GOT YOUR BACK … ’ being in the kitchen, cleaning and helping Mike. My husband is a ‘bloom where you’re planted’ kind of guy and doesn’t like moving. But at the end of last year he came home one day and said, ‘That’s it, I think we’ve done all we can do’. So after 24 years in Christian camping, we handed in our resignation. I really don’t know what the future holds. We know we have somewhere to live in Puriri (near Thames) eventually, but in the meantime we will stay with family and friends.

When Mike first resigned, people would say, ‘Oh what are you going to do?’ I would say, ‘Oh it’s terrifying, I have no idea what we’re going to do.’ My responses were often negative and I was half-joking but half-serious. One day I was reading about the children of Israel standing outside the promised land. Twelve spies were sent in and they came back with terrible reports, and everyone said, ‘Oh we can’t do it’—and they missed out hugely. In contrast, 40 years later, God said to Joshua ‘be strong and very courageous’—I’ve got your back, I want you to go into the promised land. Joshua could have turned around and said ‘Nah, it’s too scary’, but he didn’t. After I read that, I felt really strongly that God was saying, ‘Even in jest, don’t say it’s really scary because I’ve got your back. It’s all sorted, don’t worry about it. Go and do what you’ve got to do—and do it properly.’ So I’m eagerly awaiting to see what our promised land looks like.

19 MAY 2018  WarCry  11

God in the Everyday

Illustrations: Crystal Wolowitz.


My mother bought me a tiny Bible from an op shop. I don’t mean a slim line, small-print book that fits in your bag. This Bible is about the size of an old 50c coin. It’s truly tiny! When your whole fingerpad is bigger than an entire page, it doesn’t make for very good reading. The words are there and you can technically use it—but it’s not accessible. Sometimes, we might feel the same about God. We hopefully understand that God is powerful, mighty, sensitive and caring. But often we think that encountering God has to look a certain way. It might seem like a boring chore, an empty room, or something we only do on a Sunday. Maybe, for you, encountering God doesn’t feel accessible. But we believe the God who spoke earth into motion and your eyelashes into movement—loves you. God longs to connect with you. And not only in the ways you might expect. We asked our Salvation Army Women’s Ministries (WM) community to tell us all the creative ways they best encountered God. We then asked our WM friend and Upper Hutt salvationist Crystal Wolowitz to illustrate the ideas, and partnered with Māori Ministry to translate the whole poster into te reo. This is the result: 45 Ways to Encounter God—45 ēnei ara ki te Atua. The aim is to combine new ways of encountering God while providing a platform for te reo in our everyday worship. Crystal told us that, ‘While working on 45 Ways to Encounter God, I realised it’s not actually a chore to spend time with our father. There are so many different ways we can spend time with God … having this in English and in te reo opens up the project to our culture in Aotearoa. ‘I hope that this art shows people all the different ways to encounter God and for them to think of their own ways to pursue God.’ We hope that people will be able to use this with groups, Family Stores, friends and corps to think of new ways to talk to God—because God is accessible, creative, close and near. God longs to surprise you in places you didn’t expect. We hope you enjoy this, and we’d would love you to share the ways you put this poster to use! Get your copy of our 2 poster pack by messaging Women's Ministries at facebook.com/ salvationarmy.wm

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19 MAY 2018  WarCry  13

The Questioning Generation

If the church is to thrive in the future, we need to welcome in our young people and allow them to ask the difficult questions. A few weeks ago, I visited one of my sons who had recently moved to a new town. On the Sunday night, we decided to go to his church. On the way, my son told me this church was not his first choice; when he arrived in town, he attended a different church. He went on to say that after a few weeks at this church, he was invited to go out with the young adults, as it was his birthday. Over the course of the evening, an Instagram picture was taken and forwarded to leadership. It was a typical picture, a group of young adults having a good time. After the following Sunday’s service the young adults were asked to stay behind. They were then informed by the leadership that they had received the Instagram picture and they thought it was ‘not a good look’ and that the group should not let ‘evil’ outsiders come in and corrupt them (namely my son). He never went back to that church. We arrived at his new church. The church was predominantly young adults. The visiting speaker’s reading was Psalm 1: Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked … but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. Good reading, I thought; but the speaker immediately zeroed in on a particular so-called ‘lifestyle’ and what the word of God says about it. It felt to me like he was hurling rocks. Then, from the back of the church a young man called out, ‘So I guess you also believe women should not speak in church and divorcees should not participate either?’ The speaker hesitated and said, ‘Well, yes, the Bible says women shouldn’t speak in church and I guess, yes, it does ... ’ He then returned to his sermon points. 14  WarCry  19 MAY 2018

I was a visitor, I didn’t know the protocols or whether this level of interaction was normal but, one thing I did know, this young man was most obviously hurt by the speaker’s interpretation and delivery of scripture.

Difficult questions At the end of the service a few of my son’s friends gathered, and my son asked my view on what had happened. I asked about the young man and was told he had joined the church a few months ago and was attending a Bible study. Over the course of the evening we discussed the ‘event’ and I could see the young people were struggling to know what to think or how to react to the situation. They felt compassion for the young man who had taken the message personally, but they didn’t know what to make of it from a biblical perspective. These questions are not easily answered, but because I believe the church as a whole has an obligation not to shy away from answering the tough questions, I cautiously proceeded … (see sidebox).

A questioning generation I was heartened at the young people’s desire to ‘rightly divide the word of God’. It added to my increasing interest in this generation, and a phenomenon I am seeing in this age group: there’s a growing number of youth and young adults looking for answers to questions they are not finding in the ‘world’. They are restless, disenchanted and, very early on in their lives, realise they do not have all the answers. I think this is a first for a young generation.

… THOSE CHURCHES THAT ARE EQUIPPED, READY AND NOT AFRAID TO FACE THE TOUGH QUESTIONS, WILL RECEIVE THE HARVEST. Also, the churches that focus on this demographic are now seeing the flood gates open and almost a stampede into their doors. I am starting to get excited! The Salvation Army in New Zealand is uniquely equipped to receive this deluge of souls. The Army is: Bible-based, sound doctrinally, national, has sound structures and programmes, has a mature membership, is financially stable and—maybe in some places—needs an injection of vitality! Frank Bartleman—author, evangelist and missionary— witnessed first-hand another revival, the Azusa St Revival, around 1905 in America. He stated that the success of the Azusa St Revival was because: ‘The workers were not novices. They were largely called and prepared for years, from the Holiness ranks, and from the mission

field, etc. They had been burnt out, tried and proven. They were largely seasoned veterans. They had walked with God and learned deeply of His Spirit. These were pioneers, “shock troops”, the Gideon´s three hundred, to spread the fire around the world. Just as the disciples had been prepared by Jesus.’ From this experience in my son’s town, I can see that not all churches are equipped to handle this influx of young people. But those churches that are equipped, ready and not afraid to face the tough questions, will receive the harvest.

Are we prepared? The challenge to the Army is: Are we prepared? Are we able to change our comfortable routines? To change our culture? To give sacrificially of our time and talents? So many do already, but can the Army muster the passion and energy needed to receive this potential harvest? God is ready (he always is). I believe we are seeing the beginnings of what will be a massive awakening in this generation. I believe God has set before the Army an open door. Hannah Medland, the territorial children’s mission director, asked a very important question recently: ‘What will the Army look like in 10 years?’ The answer to this important question might right now hang in the balance. Will the Army answer the call? BY VIVIENNE HILL

Who is Welcome? When we are speaking to our questioning young people, we are guided by these biblical principles … Everyone is invited to come to Christ, nobody is excluded: It is our job to extend the invite. Matthew 22:8–10 says, ‘Then he said to his servants, “The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.” So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.’ There is a difference between condemnation and conviction: If we raise up Christ and preach holiness, then the Holy Spirit will bring conviction. Condemnation isolates and leaves new Christians struggling to fell accepted by God. People need time to grow, to be discipled and to be taught truth. Remember the lost sheep: In Luke 15:3–7, Christ left the 99 sheep and went after the

single lost sheep. Every person that comes through our doors is infinitely precious to Christ and he will go to great lengths to bring the lost to himself. There are no degrees of sin: In Romans 3:23 it says, ‘…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.’ No one person’s sin should be graded above or worse than any other’s. God makes us clean: In Acts 10:25–26 it says ‘…but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean’ (KJV). This verse was given in the context of the belief that only Jewish believers could receive salvation, but God had other ideas. The Bible interprets the Bible: When we see a verse, for example the one about women not being able to talk in church, we generally know that an isolated verse that appears to contradict the whole of scripture, needs to be taken back to the original language, looked at in context and weighed with other scripture.

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Bridges to Understanding Sweet Country (R16) Warwick Thornton ‘We’re all equal here. We’re all equal in the eyes of the Lord’ –Fred Smith Set in Australia’s Northern Territory during the late 1920s, Sweet Country is an exploratory narrative of racism, ignorance and injustice. Directed by the multi-talented Warwick Thornton of Samson and Delilah fame, the film’s themes echo stories such as To Kill a Mocking Bird and The Tracker. Sam Kelly is an Aboriginal stockman working at the Black Hills Station, which is overseen by benevolent preacher Fred Smith. Sam is suspected of committing murder after shooting a white man, Harry March, in self-defence. Fleeing with his wife into the outback, they are pursued by a posse led by Sergeant Fletcher— accompanied by Fred Smith, whose resolve is to see Sam come back alive. Although on the surface Sweet Country details racial prejudice, violence and injustice, the story also delves deeper into the human condition. We are forced to deal with the overall mess that fear, subjugation and oppression creates. Archie, an Aboriginal stockman and witness to the shooting of March, seems resigned to his circumstances and subdued into taking actions that further disadvantage those of his race. Yet, his choices are heavily dictated by survival, and the forfeited part of him laments the loss of his autonomy and culture. In the case of Fletcher, March and fellow station owner Mick Kennedy, we witness the reality that prejudice is not cut-and-dried. Our greater life experiences, choices and struggles all influence our perspectives and actions, for better or for worse. It is through Kelly, however, that we find some middle ground. Amidst it all, he tries to hold strongly to his convictions and do what is right. However flawed, he will not allow the actions of others to cause him to lose his integrity or compassion. We are ultimately left with the question of how justice can exist in a climate of fear and oppression. When we bear witness to how close to madness ignorance can drive people, we are left to wonder how truth and bridges to understanding can thrive. BY CRAIG HUTSON

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Celebrating 45 Years of Banding in Fiji A large crowd gathered at Suva Central Corps, Fiji, on Saturday 7 April 2018. They were there to honour the life and service of Major Sainivalati Tonganivalu, and celebrate 45 years of brass banding in The Salvation Army, Fiji. The evening began with everyone enjoying refreshments. The trumpet fanfare from the Suva Central Corps Band signalled the opening of festivities. Special guests for the evening were Majors Sainivalati (known as Major Sai) and Ledua Tonganivalu. Throughout the night, the band played favourite pieces from the past 45 years—including ‘Young Campaigners’, ‘The Happy Heart’, ‘Down the Street’ and ‘Starum’. These were interspersed with the life story of Major Sai, and words of reflection from various special guests. Adi Bula Tonganivalu, Major Alister Irwin, and Pastor Tifare Inia all spoke words of reflection. Alister read a letter of appreciation, and along with Jim Downey, presented Major Sai with a Certificate of Appreciation, Long Service Badge and a letter of appreciation from the territorial commander.

Major Sai Toganivalu receives his long service award from Major Alister Irwin.

Following the presentation, a cake was brought out which was cut by Major Sai, followed by the singing of ‘He’s a Jolly Good Fellow!’ Ledua spoke on behalf of her husband, thanking everyone for all that had happened that night and over the course of their officership—giving all praise and glory to God who had been on this journey with them. A poignant moment at the end of the evening took place as the Suva Central Corps band played, and Lieutenant Varea Rika sang ‘Faith of our Fathers’. During this piece, a roll call was read out of former players from the Suva Central Band. Players who were in attendance stood at the front of the hall and were honoured for their service.

Honouring the Service of Major Sai

Majors Sai & Ledua Toganivalu cutting the cake.

Guests invited on the night included pastors Tifare and Rebecca Inia (former regional commanders, and the first Fijian officers); Mrs Adi Bula Tonganivalu; divisional commanders Majors Alister and Anne Irwin; Creative Ministries director Jim Downey; and National Youth Band bandmaster Duncan Horton. A large number of former players from the Suva Central Band also accepted the invitation to return to The Salvation Army for the evening, to celebrate the history of banding in Fiji. On Sunday, the hall was packed again as the Suva Central, Raiwai, Lomaivuna and Nasinu Corps combined for worship at Suva Central Corps. BY DUNCAN HORTON

The band plays at the celebrations.

Major Sainivalati Toganivalu, known as Major Sai, was born on the 8 April 1947. At midnight this year, he turned 72 years young. Major Sai was the 11th child of 12 siblings and hails from the village of Nakauwaru—in the district or Tikina of Noco, in the ‘Royal’ province of Rewa. Major Sai started his working career in the postal services. He was well known around the closelyknit neighbourhoods of Suva by the sound of his bicycle bell ringing as he approached the letterboxes in front of their homes—his charming Rewan ‘colgate smile’ greeting them, along with their bills and their love-letters. His wife Major Ledua Toganivalu hails from the exquisite island of Matuku, located in the eastern maritime province of Lau. They lived in Charles Street, Toorak—locally known as ‘Bagasau’. Major Sai owes a huge debt to his first-born son Jonetani! It was Jonetani who was responsible for Major Sai and his wife being enrolled as soldiers of The Salvation Army. Although born on the 1 April (April Fool’s Day), Jonetani was no fool! He was God-sent! He pestered his dad one Sunday afternoon, ‘Come, sit and listen to this new, strange, but exciting church—which has a brass band—conduct one of their “openair” meetings at the roundabout at Charles street, in Toorak, right in front of the whole neighbourhood!’ So the Major obliged his son, and the rest as they say, is history! Major Sai first met his saviour in 1975, and was enrolled as a soldier of the Salvation Army’s ‘Bagasau Outpost’ in the same year—two years after the Army began its work in Fiji. Since then, he has never looked back. He was the first bandmaster of the ‘Bagasau Outpost’—now known as ‘Suva Central Corps’. Major Sai was a member of the first band tour to congress in Wellington, New Zealand, in 1975 and 1977, respectively! In the

early ’80s Sai was commissioned as the first Regional Bandmaster for the two established corps in the country (Raiwai & Suva Central). In 1983, Sai and Ledua, heard and accepted God’s calling, and became cadets at the Fiji School for Officer Training in the 1983–1985 ‘Servants of God’ session. Hence, the theme for the evening’s tribute was ‘A Life of Unending Service’. The Toganivalus were commissioned in 1985, and held various appointments—including pioneering the work of the Army in Nadi in 1986, and an appointment in Kuching, Malaysia, in 1994. Then in 2000, after six years in Malaysia, the Toganivalus returned to Fiji as corps officers of Suva Central Corps. In 2006, they retired, but continued working for the Army in appointments in Suva and Savusavu. During their final year in Savusavu, Major Sai suffered a stroke which took away his power of speech. But he laboured on with the support of his wife and daughter-in-law Liebling Toganivalu. They finally returned to Suva in January of 2013, and now enjoy a well-earned retirement. They are still very active within the Suva Central Corps and involved in its activities— one of which is Major Sai conducting the Suva Central Corps Brass Band every Sunday! This is, indeed, ‘a life of unending service’. BY DUNCAN HORTON

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Learning from Mary: The Tonga ‘Junior Miss’ Camp ‘I am, the Lord’s servant, Mary answered. May it be to me as you have said,’ (Luke 1:38). This was the theme for the weekend 20–22 April, which brought together 36 young women to learn, fellowship and share the characteristics of Mary. There were four speakers invited to share. Each speaker encouraged us with inspiring messages, in a way that motivated us in our life’s challenges as teenagers. On Friday evening, Captain ’Ana Vaea emphasised how Mary ‘valued’ herself by knowing her own identity. She never questioned the angel, but she chose to forget her home and fully accept the request given by the angel, as she knew that this was her call. On Saturday morning, the Tonga Family Health team dramatised the teenagers’ life, and shared about how to make good decisions—as all decisionmaking will affect us. They emphasised that to make use of the opportunities we have, we still need to be educated. We were encouraged to ‘break the silence, it ends the violence’ … All these things will help us to enjoy life in a healthy environment. This was followed by measuring our blood pressure, as it promoted a healthy lifestyle. On Saturday afternoon, Sister Katie Kanongata’a shared about the life of Mary. She was a girl full of God’s grace, 18  WarCry  19 MAY 2018

who lived in Nazareth, an unknown village. She was an ordinary, innocent teenager. Then we got into groups and related ourselves to Mary’s life, to inspire us to live a life like Mary. On that night, we gathered and dramatised the lives of young teenagers nowadays. Together with fun games, we thoroughly enjoyed the night with laughter. We concluded by choosing a prayer partner for the year. We prayed for God’s mercy, thanking him for the life of Mary, who as God’s servant is an example for us all to follow. On the Sunday morning, regional commander Captain Sila Siufanga summed up the weekend with three questions:

• What have you learned from Mary being a teenager?

• What have you learned from Mary’s calling and faith?

• What have you learned from Mary as a mother? Many of us testified that without Mary’s obedience, none of this weekend would have happened. Mary treasured Jesus in her heart from the day of his birth until he died on the cross, in order for us to be here today. These questions stayed in our hearts for the weekend and will stay with us through the year. BY MELESEINI SIFA

Promotion to Glory: Major Lucien Middleton, on Monday, 23 April 2018 from Christchurch, aged 87 years. Major Lucien Middleton was born on 8 July 1930. Lucien and his wife Dorothy entered the Salvation Army Training College from Sydenham Corps on 16 March 1962 as cadets in the Servants of Christ session. Prior to training, Lucien and Dorothy had served as envoys in charge of New Brighton Corps, Christchurch for two and a half years. Following their commissioning on 19 January 1963 Lucien and Dorothy were appointed to Paremata Corps. This was followed by further corps appointments at Devonport, Levin, Hastings, Lower Hutt, Oamaru, Spreydon, Timaru and Gisborne. They then served for four years on Rotoroa Island, before being appointed as corps officers of Balclutha and Milton Corps. They retired from active service on 12 January 1995, having completed 32 years of active service, settling in Oamaru. Dorothy was Promoted to Glory from Oamaru on 11 September 2013. Lucien married Emily (Enid) Gardner in 2015 and moved to Christchurch to live. Please support Lucien’s wife Emily; Lucien and Dorothy’s children Major Colleen Marshall, Russell, Jocelyn, Valerie, Dean and Gregory; Lucien’s sister Major Betsy Hay, and other family members in your prayers in this time of grief and loss. Well done good and faithful servant of Jesus! Promotion to Glory: Commissioner Ross Kendrew, early in the morning, on Tuesday, 1 May 2018, aged 79. Ross was born in Christchurch on 7 December 1938. He entered the Salvation Army Training College from Sydenham Corps in April 1961, and was a cadet in the Soldiers of Christ session. On his commissioning in January 1962 Ross was appointed assistant officer, Paremata Corps. In 1963, he was appointed as corps officer, Wainuiomata Corps. After his marriage to Lieutenant June Robb on 4 January 1964, Ross and June were appointed as corps officers, Hornby Corps. Further corps appointments followed at Rotorua, Waihi, Dunedin North and Oamaru. In December 1975 Ross and June became the regional leaders, Fiji. They returned to New Zealand in January 1979 taking up appointments in the Northern Division, where Ross was the divisional youth secretary for nearly five years. In November 1983, Ross and June began 13 years of divisional leadership. Ross was the divisional commander in the Southern Division and Central Division, New Zealand Fiji Territory, and Eastern Victoria Division, Australia Southern Territory.

Returning to New Zealand in January 1997, Ross became the territorial programme secretary, before being appointed as chief secretary, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga Territory in April 1997 with the rank of Colonel, then territorial commander, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga Territory, on 1 October 1998. In March 2002, Commissioners Ross and June were again appointed to Australia as the territorial commanders of the Australia Southern Territory where they served until 28 February 2004. Ross and June entered retirement on 1 March 2004, returning to New Zealand to live in Johnsonville. Ross continued to actively serve in retirement as a soldier of the Johnsonville Corps. Ross was appointed a Fellow of the New Zealand and the Australian Institute of Management, was an inaugural member of the Federal Board of the Australian ‘Not for Profit Council’ and was the Chairman of the New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services. He provided strong leadership in the area of the mission of The Salvation Army, always seeking to be open to the change that keeps The Salvation Army true to its biblical and historical mandates, while adapting to the changing needs of a changing world. Please uphold Ross’ wife June, children Raewyn and Laurence, Michael and Andrea, Alastair and Jocelyn, grandchildren, and other family members in your prayers at this time of grief and loss. We salute Ross as a faithful ‘Soldier of Christ’ and say well done, good and faithful servant of Jesus. Bereaved: Captain Daniel In, of his father Bok Soo In, who passed away in Canada on 23 April 2018. Please support Daniel and Gabrielle Choi with your love and prayers. Lieutenant-Colonel Raeline Savage, of her father Fred Allan, who was Promoted to Glory from Christchurch Hospital on Wednesday, 2 May 2018. Fred had been a Salvationist all of his life and was a faithful soldier of Sydenham Corps. Please uphold Raeline, her brother Peter and other family members in your prayers in this time of grief and loss. Resignation: Effective 8 May: Lieutenant Toa Ulamoleka. Toa was commissioned on 7 December 2013 and was appointed as corps officer, Kolovai Corps Plant and regional youth officer. On 14 January 2016, Toa commenced her appointment as corps officer, Talasiu Corps. We thank Toa for her four years and five months of active service, and pray God’s blessing on her in the days ahead.

‘ … OUR SUBMISSION TO GOD’S WAY WILL BRING A REAL SENSE OF “BEING” ’. We are celebrating Candidates Sunday on 27 May, and my thoughts turn to the numerous times I’ve shared this significant Sunday with corps and centres across The Salvation Army world. You might be of the opinion that a corps or centre where just a handful of faithful elderly people attend is not the place to hold a Candidates Sunday. Our judgement is skewed by our personal opinion of how we think God is moving among us. I am reminded that God speaks to each one of us—no matter what our age or gender, or even how long we have been on the Christian road of faith. His still small voice and the scent of his presence permeates our very being, right to the core, and we ‘just know’ that God has a plan. We don’t know what that plan is—we simply accept the challenge, take hold of his outstretched hand and allow him to lead us into the unknown. Our obedience brings release and divine empowerment; our submission to God’s way will bring a real sense of ‘being’ in the centre of his will and purpose. I am currently re-reading the accounts of Jesus appearing to his disciples after the resurrection, and I am considering where Jesus is showing up in the day-today happenings of life. I wonder, do you look for Jesus in your place of work, your school, your university? Do you see him in the shops, on the street, in the market place? Do you see Jesus in your community, doing the mission with you? I believe I do see Jesus in the day-to-day happenings of life. I also believe God is speaking to you … right now. God is asking, ‘Will you come and follow me?’ We don’t all have to become officers to help bring God’s Kingdom in. However, I do believe there are some people who know God is calling them to the officer covenanted life—a life of complete submission in every way. I am reminded of the conversation when Jesus asks Peter three times, ‘Do you love me?’ I leave this question with you to answer in your own way. If you are reading this and sense that God is calling you to full-time ministry through the covenanted life of officership, then speak to someone in your church, corps or community and test out this calling. If you are reading this and sense that God is calling you to step up into a leadership role, then again, speak to someone who will be able to guide you. I believe God has a plan and a purpose for each and every one of us. I encourage you to act on what you sense God is calling you to on this special day. Colonel Suzanne Fincham Chief Secretary

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getting call On Sunday 27 May, we celebrate Candidates Sunday—a chance to explore whether God is calling you to be a Salvation Army officer. We spoke to Malcolm Herring, who was in active service as an officer for 31 years. In retirement, he serves as assistant candidates secretary. BY INGRID BARRATT

Malcolm, tell us your story—how were you called to officership and how did you know this was genuine? I was 18 years old. It’s a little hard to explain. To say ‘God spoke to me’ sounds frightening to some people, but for me it was an unmistakable and specific call to be a Salvation Army officer. To say I was surprised by this call would be an understatement, but I knew without a 20  WarCry 19 MAY 2018

single doubt that God had called me. I have never been able to forget it. My initial response was two-fold: firstly I did not want to be a Salvation Army corps officer and, secondly, I did not feel adequately equipped to live up to this ‘high calling’. I was, however, hungry to know God better and pursued him. I desired to please him in every way I knew by busying myself in all manner of ways at church. But, because I was resisting my call to officership, it was some years before I surrendered my life fully to God’s will for me. Since being obedient to the call I have never regretted it.

What do you mean when you talk about ‘calling’? For a fully committed follower of Jesus Christ, I believe whatever occupation, profession or career we are engaged in, it is a calling. We’re all called. As William

Booth famously said: ‘ “Not called!” did you say? “Not heard the call,” I think you should say.’ Our prayer should be, ‘Lord what is it you would have me to do?’ and then pursue his leading. One of the finest examples of this is Booth himself—when he was a teenager Booth was converted to Christianity. Soon after that, as a 15-yearold, he made a promise to God, saying, ‘God shall have all there is of William Booth!’ This was an important moment in his life and helps to understand what he went on to do. The evidence of a calling from God is shown in the good consequences of that calling. It will honour God and bless people. Some feel strongly called to vocations other than officership—such as to areas and levels of serving, or leadership in or outside the church. These are just as valid as a call to officership.

Do you need to be ‘called’ to officership? Everyone’s calling to officership is a little different—but each one testifies to a calling. A calling gives us a mandate. A calling gives us the ‘why’ to our ‘what’. To quote comedian Michael Jnr: ‘When you know your “why”, your “what” will have more impact because you’re walking in or towards your purpose!’

THE GREATEST JOYS HAVE BEEN IN SEEING MIRACLES HAPPEN. When the going gets tough, we need to know we’re called. In tough times (we all have them), remembering our calling can be reassuring and can reinforce why we are doing what we are doing, which in turn helps us to stay on track.

Why should someone consider officership? We are called by the police to join them as a vocation. The army, navy and airforce call us to consider joining them. The call goes out regularly for teachers, nurses and doctors. People are being called to give their lives to these

WHATEVER OCCUPATION, PROFESSION OR CAREER WE ARE ENGAGED IN, IT IS A CALLING. vocations. Why should we not consider serving God, as a leader of his people? In fact, according to God (as revealed to us in the Bible) perhaps we should consider this first. We read in Matthew 6:31–33 (TLB): So don’t worry at all about having enough food and clothing. Why be like the heathen? For they take pride in all these things and are deeply concerned about them. But your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and he will give them to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to.

it a huge challenge to not allow the work to cut me off from the One who called me to it. Being and staying in a close, intimate relationship with the Lord has been of absolute paramount importance for me.

Why do we need Candidates Sunday? Jesus talked about the need for workers, saying ‘The harvest is great, but the workers are few’ (Matthew 9:37). This is what Candidates Sunday is—a reminder of the (increasing) crowds of people who are confused and helpless, and the corresponding need to pray for workers. From this, we’re praying many will consider God’s call on their lives as future officers or local officers who could become the ‘workers’ that are so greatly needed. NEXT EDITION | Is it possible to miss your calling?

So, with so many ‘calls’ in this day and age, it’s crucial that every dedicated and committed follower of Jesus Christ consider these verses. I wonder if this will mean many more people will hear God’s call to officership? ‘Not heard the call you say … ?’ Is it possible that the noise and beckoning of so many other options can make it difficult to hear the still small voice of God?

In your experience, what have been the biggest joys and greatest challenges of officership? Without any hesitation I can say the greatest joys have been in seeing miracles happen, literally—lives changed for the better and totally turned around. To see God do things by the power of his Spirit that amaze us—transformed marriages, families made whole and happy, seeing God at work by the power of the Holy Spirit, seeing people healed and delivered in the name of Jesus from all manner of evil, just as we read in the Bible. The greatest challenge is to keep the main thing the main thing. As specifically as possible, I have had to stick to whatever it was God called me to do when I first heard the call. I found

For videos and more info, go to salvationarmy.org.nz/ SayYes 19 MAY 2018  WarCry  21


Commissioners Andy (Territorial Commander) and Yvonne Westrupp (Territorial President of Women’s Ministries) 17–31 May: High Council, London Colonel Suzanne Fincham (Chief Secretary) 20 May: Ashburton Corps, Ashburton (Accompanied by Secretary for Programme) Colonel Heather Rodwell (Territorial Secretary for Women's Ministries and Spiritual Life Development) 21–25 May: Officer’s Retreat, Featherston 1–4 June: Soldier’s Brengle, Booth College of Mission


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You are invited to our ‘Ebenezer Celebration’ MOUNT MAUNGANUI CORPS 35 YEAR ANNIVERSARY 2–3 June (Queen's Birthday Weekend)

To register interest please contact MtMaunganui_Corps@nzf.salvationarmy.org or Charmaine Travis 021 2030380

1968 Citadel Band Reunion Queen’s Birthday weekend, 2–3 June A weekend of events celebrating 50 years since the Wellington Citadel Band’s tour of The United States, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Sunday afternoon concert, 1.30 pm­: Featuring music from the 1968 Citadel Band, and the City Academy Band.

You are invited to the opening of The Salvation Army Worship and Community Centre, Newtown, Wellington, 9–11 June Sat 9 June, 10am: Official opening of the building and celebration service, followed by tours of the building. Sat 9 June, 6.30pm: Community concert. Sun 10 June, 10.30am: Service attended by the Territorial Commander.

Mon 11 June: Community open day, including building tours. RSVP: wellingtonsouth_corps@ salvationarmy.org.nz.

Want to Know More? I would like: to learn about who Jesus is information about The Salvation Army The Salvation Army to contact me prayer for the following needs:

Do you know these people? SOULES, Nick Paul, born 1975 in Sydney, Australia PAEKAU, Kim Katrina, born 1976 in Hamilton, New Zealand MUNRO, Marion Ann, born 1950 in Helensville, New Zealand

A family member is looking for these missing persons. If you have any information, please contact Family Tracing. e: family_tracing@nzf.salvationarmy.org p: (04) 382 0710 | salvationarmy.org.nz/familytracing

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Quiz Answers: 1 Port Moresby, 2 Textured wallpaper, 3 Louis Arthur Charles (Prince Louis of Cambridge), 4 Possum Bourne, 5 Dorcas (Acts 9:36–41).

22  WarCry  19 MAY 2018

Pirate treasure game! Get a couple of game counters, a 6-sided dice, some friends (or family!), and see who gets to the treasure first! Found a coin! Go forward 2 spaces Found a map! Roll twice

You're lost! Miss a turn

Mutiny! Go back to the start

Attacked! Go back 2 spaces Bomb! Go back 3 spaces

God will show you the right path … Psalm 25:12 CEV

Poison! Go back 4 spaces Found a diamond! Go forward 5 spaces

Arrrggghh me hearties! I have a treasure for you to be finding … ye’ll need this ’ere old map. It’s a wild ‘n’ winding path, but it’ll show ye which way to go. Follow the path and it will lead ye to some bountiful treasure matey. So c’mon me swashbuckler, let’s set sail! If you were a pirate, what treasure would you go looking for? Gold, diamonds … a PS4! You will need a treasure map that shows you the path, and a plan for following it. The Bible is like a treasure map. When you listen to God’s stories and talk to God, it’s like following a ‘map’ that leads to treasure. The Bible shows us how to love God and love others. It teaches us to be caring and kind. And guess what God’s greatest treasure is? You! God wants you to make this world a better place by loving God and loving others. You are the most valuable thing in the world and God has a special purpose for you. God has a plan for your life. Follow God’s path and you will discover God’s unique plan and purpose for you—because you are more precious than gold, or even a PS4! What is your dream for your life? Write it down here …

God, help me to love other people because that is your plan for me. Help me to follow your path for my life. 19 MAY 2018  WarCry  23


Candidates Sunday 27 May

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