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Indonesia Territory Joyfully Welcomes International Leaders
The presence of the General and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham brought special blessings to many people. At the inauguration of Jonooge #1 Corps on Wednesday 29 May, the General encouraged the congregation to rejoice in God’s grace in rebuilding the corps, which was devastated by the massive 2018 earthquake. With the support of the local government, the Regent of Sigi (the highest-ranking government official of an administrative division within Central Sulawesi), donors, and the hard work and self-reliance of a congregation mostly made up of farmers, the 1000-person-capacity building was completed in just over five years. Mohamad Irwan Lapatta, the Regent of Sigi, was also in attendance at the inauguration. On the same day, officers’ councils were held in Palu. Officers from seven divisions and two regions in central and eastern Indonesia—comprising 567 retired and active officers— attended the service. A total of 184 officers responded to the General’s sermon by renewing their covenant with God.