April Cell Material

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APRIL 2012

celloutlines | overview

I’ll Fight Salvation Army history In the lead up to the I’ll Fight Congress it is a good opportunity to look at General Booth’s ‘I’ll Fight’ speech and how the early Salvation Army pushed the boundaries in its approach to mission and social action.

For Leaders: Please adapt and adjust this material to suit your group. You know them best, so you will know which bits they are likely to engage with best. Details and full speech: http://www1.salvationarmy.org/heritage.nsf/all/CDC6918C833E9A3D802568CC00539B8 F?openDocument Things you may need this month: 1. Laptop / Projector / IPad / some way of watching Youtube 2. Flipchart / Large Paper 3. Pens 4. Post-It Notes 5. Risk Board Game (maybe) 6. A box of Maltesers (which should be Fairtrade by now according to the Fairtrade site!!) 7. Straws 8. A Blindfold 9. Chocolate (Fairtrade obviously) 10. Lamp and Candles 11. Mirrors


Introduction On this 9th May 1912 William Booth, at the age of 83, gave his final public address at the Royal Albert Hall. There were an estimated 7,000 people there to celebrate the founder’s birthday and hear his address. Sadly none of those 7,000 thought to write down the speech at the time, and reports of the address vary in their descriptions of the speech’s content. Despite this, the ‘I’ll Fight’ Speech occupies an important place in Salvation Army history, but more importantly its words still have the power to inspire and to motivate. One hundred years later and its words still articulate a vision and purpose that is as relevant today as it was in 1912. The speech made an impact on people. As William Booth spoke, those present witnessed a man who had taken great risks in his fight, been full of compassion and built his life on showing God’s love. These values have shaped the Army: risk, compassion, love and fighting. This month we will see how these values are part of our history and how they might shape the future. Each week there is a text from the Bible to explore and an example from Salvation Army History. It may be that the Bible text is more suited to your group than the Salvation Army History, or the other way around, or you may want to do both. Please select whichever will be most helpful for your group.


APRIL 2012

celloutlines | week one These Cell Outlines are written by ALOVE UK. They are available each week from our web site. For more information and other cell resources, visit www.salvationarmy.org.uk/alove/resources

A Risky Business • to expose to the chance of injury or loss; hazard: to risk one’s life • to venture upon; take or run the chance of: to risk a fall in climbing; to risk a war

Welcome William Booth was a fighter. Throughout his life he declared war on the things that were hurting society. Campaigning and creating social programmes that addressed the needs of the day. But this was not without risks, several times William had to put his neck on the line in these fights. This week we’re looking at how it can be risky business following Jesus. Play: The Great Malteser Race. Set out an obstacle course wherever you meet. It can be as simple as a chalk or string figure of 8 or as complex as you can imagine. Time each racer as they use a straw to blow a Malteser along the track. Add 5 seconds to their time if they get lost or go off the track. (Don’t eat the Maltesers you’ve raced).

Worship Show: ‘Casting Crowns’ – Fear. This can be found at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdKmB8yBlmc&feature=related The song makes reference to when Peter steps out of the boat to walk on water. This was a huge risk and is often used as an good example to teach us about how there is a risk in following Jesus. The song talks about how, at times, we feel overwhelmed by the challenges before us as we try and follow. Question: What challenges do you face / are we facing? Are we taking risks to follow Jesus? (it may be that you want to discuss these questions or allow members of the group to think about them privately, maybe writing them down to help focus during the prayer time)


Play the song again and pray about the answers to this question

Word Question: What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken? Question: Are you someone who takes as many risks as possible, or as few as possible? Why? Question: Those that take risks: Does it always work out? Those that don’t: Do you ever regret it? Historical: The ‘Maiden Tribute’ was a great risk for those who were involved. A partnership between the Booths, Rebecca Jarret; a new Salvationist and ex-brothel keeper and W.T. Stead, a notorious journalist and campaigner for social change. The three groups collaborated to bring to the attention of the public the shameful and damaging lack of legal protection for young women. The legal age for sexual consent was just 13 years old and many young girls were being used as prostitutes because that law didn’t adequately protect them. In fact, many were brought from abroad against their will. Stead, the Booths and Jarret, who had connections to this human-trafficking system, collaborated in a risky plan to expose how easily this could be done. Eliza Armstrong was brought, paid for and delivered during 1885. The story of this was then published in articles in the Pall Mall Gazette. This played a major role in securing support for the age of consent to be raised. However, a vital part of the plan involved the ‘agitators’ in what could technically be considered the ‘abduction’ of thirteen-year-old Eliza Armstrong. continued over >>>


APRIL 2012

celloutlines | week one (continued...) A trial at the Old Bailey began on 23 October 1885 for Eliza’s abduction. Bramwell Booth was found not guilty; Rebecca Jarrett was sentenced to six months in prison; and Stead was sentenced to three months in Holloway jail, even though the jury had recommended mercy. In the long term, the trial helped the Army to gain recognition, and enabled the Army to further its social work objectives in Britain and overseas. Most importantly, the outrage the articles caused in society put enough pressure on Parliament to raise the age of consent to 16. Biblical: Read Matthew 14: 22-32 (if you have time, Nooma: Dust is helpful talk about this passage and the nature of discipleship) Discuss: Are there things that we believe are wrong in our community? What are they? Why are they wrong? Who do they hurt? Discuss: What can we do to help those affected? What can we do to stop it happening? Discuss: What risks are there in following Jesus (do not suggest drowning)? Why was Peter afraid? Reflect (either individuals or in pairs): What stops me taking the risks to follow Jesus closer?

Witness It may be that in your discussion a local or national problem that your group would like to challenge, or an issue that you would like to become involved in became obvious. Discuss how you may do this. Question: What will you risk this week? Personal reputation, being laughed at (in the bad way)? Why not organise a Christian Flash-mob (like the Orange advert where everyone just starts dancing) at your local shopping centre. Pick a lively worship song, it probably makes more sense to use a Christian song, otherwise this is just a normal flash-mob. Practice the dance and then off you go. If you don’t have a suitable shopping centre or high street, then go somewhere that does. Points will be awarded for the most ambitious location and the most hits on youtube: Go big or go home! Helpful Quote: “All around you people will be tiptoeing through life, just to arrive at death safely. Please do not tiptoe. Run, hop, skip or dance, just please don’t tiptoe”


Shane Claiborne


APRIL 2012

celloutlines | week two These Cell Outlines are written by ALOVE UK. They are available each week from our web site. For more information and other cell resources, visit www.salvationarmy.org.uk/alove/resources

Everyone Needs Compassion • Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it

Welcome William Booth’s “I’ll Fight” speech demonstrated a heart on fire with compassion. We often think of compassion as being a gentle thing, but this week we will look at two examples that put the passion in compassion Play: Pictionary – set yourself a time limit though (if you’d like a tenuous link: drawing in the sand like Jesus does in the story later).

Worship Sing / Listen to: Mighty to Save This can be found at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-08YZF87OBQ Take some time to reflect on the words, maybe print them out or project them for people to see. Whilst this is happening, cut as many people and faces out of newspapers as you can and stick them to one piece of paper / card. Keep going until you have a collage that looks like a crowd. Use this to represent those in your community who need compassion.



Historical: One night in 1888 William Booth saw that there were men sleeping rough on the cold streets of London. The next morning he confronted his son Bramwell about it: ‘You knew about this, and you haven’t done anything?!’. At the time Bramwell was William’s second in command. As Chief of the Staff he was responsible for the practical working of the Army; Finances, property, Officers and Soldiers all fell on his shoulders [Probably a very heavy burden to bear already]. When William suggested the Army should be doing something about these rough-sleepers Bramwell responded hesitantly which annoyed his father. “I don’t care about all that stuff, I’ve heard it all before”. William’s compassion and sense of justice was so forceful that within a short time the Army was running shelters, soup kitchens and developing a good reputation as a social welfare organisation. Biblical: Read John 8: 1-11 Discuss: How often do you see someone in need? Not just the homeless; also those who need friendship, company, education etc. Discuss: How do you feel when you see someone in need? Discuss: What does your church / youth group / school do to help those in need? What could it do? Discuss: Last week we looked at risk. Was there still risk in what Jesus and the Army did in the passages today?

Witness It is easy to think that we can’t make a difference to the problems we see on the news. There are huge organisations and charities that are working on these issues. But what we see in Scripture and from looking at history is that the individual or the small can have a massive impact. continued over >>>


Why not have a sponsored sleep-out to raise money for the Army’s homelessness services. If your Corps has a car park or a Garden get together and spend the night sleeping out. (No tents – that is just camping). It could also be a good opportunity to do an outdoor Prayer Night centred on compassion. (You will have to risk assess this activity and gain permission from your corps officer and all parents as well as adhering to Safe and Sound procedures if you decide to do this activity). Alternatively, go to a local Old People’s Home and spend some time keeping them company. It is amazing what a cup of tea and a chat can mean to someone who is lonely.

Helpful Quote: “I believe that Jesus’s story is first and foremost about the love of God for every single one of us. It is a stunning, beautiful, expansive love, and it is for everybody, everywhere” Rob Bell


APRIL 2012

celloutlines | week two (continued...)


APRIL 2012

celloutlines | week three These Cell Outlines are written by ALOVE UK. They are available each week from our web site. For more information and other cell resources, visit www.salvationarmy.org.uk/alove/resources

Let There Be Light • The illumination derived from a source of light: by the light of the moon. • The particular quantity or quality of such illumination • The pathway or route of such illumination to a person: You’re standing in his light. • To start to burn; be ignited or kindled • To emit light; be lighted • The medium of illumination that makes sight possible

Welcome William Booth’s “I’ll Fight” speech gives us insight into a deep love for humanity. He was willing to fight for those in crisis, those who were marginalised and those who were lost. The Churches in Booth’s time were quicker to demonstrate judgement than they were to demonstrate love. William and Catherine sought to live out a love that they first experience from God; being light in a dark place. Play: Guide Me. Blindfold one of your group, and then place some chocolate in the room. Ask another of the group to guide the blindfolded one to it. The game is about searching and finding in the dark. OR Give each person a mirror and sit in a circle. Turn off all the lights apart from one torch. See if, without getting out of your seat you can pass the light around the circle using your mirrors. This may be a great time to shine the torch light into someone’s eyes [so don’t use a torch that is too bright and be careful of any epileptic group members].

Worship Sing / Listen to: Love Shine Through


This can be found at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-v6TLL42UY&feature=related Why not light some candles, or one strong lamp, during your worship time. Encourage your group to think about how light stands out in the darkness.

Word Historical: Last year, included in the ALOVE outlines, was a week that focussed on the ‘Lights in Darkest England’ campaign. In 1891 an investigation into the working conditions of match factories was undertaken by The Salvation Army. Initially looking at worker’s salaries, the investigation quickly discovered that financial poverty was not the total problem. A disease called Phossy Jaw, caused by working in unventilated conditions with Phosphorous, was affecting many of the factories workers. The effects of the condition were devastating. In response William and Catherine purchased a derelict building in East London and converted it into a match factory. Their salaries were twice what workers received elsewhere, but more crucially the working conditions were much safer, the matches were phosphorous free as William Booth emphasised as he opened the factory in 1891. The matches went on sale and very quickly became a popular choice on the market. More importantly, the social response to this issue being put into the middle of the public arena prompted legislative action from Parliament and continued over >>>


APRIL 2012

celloutlines | week three (continued...) a greater sense of responsibility from other factory owners. Biblical: Read Matthew 5: 13-16 Discuss: How many different things can you think of that light ‘does’? (write these down, things like: shows what is in the dark, lights the way, makes things visible, makes things brighter etc) Can you apply these to what Christians should do? Discuss: What dark situations / places are you in? Why is it important for Christians to be light? Discuss: How could you / do you show light in these? How could the group help you to shine a little brighter? (Prayer, encouragements, texts during particular times etc) Discuss: What dark situations does our society face? (List these) How can we be light in them? (Write these next to the original answers)

Witness The Fairtrade campaign has been going for several years (it started in the 1940s actually, but we’ve only really seen the logo since 1988) but there is still a long way to go. Get onto the website (www.fairtrade.org.uk) and see if there is something you could be involved in. Alternatively, draw a candle onto lots of post-it notes and write ‘Be Light’ underneath. Take some away and stick them places you pass / visit / see that you feel need light. Take a quick picture and post it on Twitter or Facebook and explain how you will be praying you can ‘Be Light’ in that place. Try and do at least one a day.

Helpful Quote:


“To measure a Church you don’t count numbers of seats filled on a Sunday, you measure the vibrancy of the light it gives out to the world”


APRIL 2012

celloutlines | week four These Cell Outlines are written by ALOVE UK. They are available each week from our web site. For more information and other cell resources, visit www.salvationarmy.org.uk/alove/resources

Up for a Fight • To strive vigorously and resolutely • To defend against or drive back • To combat one evil or one set of negative circumstances by reacting

Welcome Show: the Rocky Training Montage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP3MFBzMH2o). Play: Empires (Instructions below). This is a great group game, although you need at least 6. If you have less than this, try Risk (the board game) but set a time limit! Intro: Over the month we’ve looked at how William Booth’s speech shows us how he was a risk taking, compassionate man who loved humanity and sought to show Gods love to all he met. The one overwhelmingly obvious theme of the speech that we haven’t looked at yet is….Fighting! There’s no avoiding it really, William was up for a fight. He looked at a society riddled with social problems, darkened by poverty, oppression and injustice and saw a desperate need for God’s love to shine, for the Kingdom of God to reign. This week, we’re going to explore how ready for a fight we are.

Word Historical: William Booth’s Speech: While women weep, as they do now, I’ll fight; while little children go hungry, as they do now, I’ll fight; while men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I’ll fight; while there is a drunkard left, while there is a poor lost girl upon the streets, while there remains one dark soul without the light of God, I’ll fight-I’ll fight to the very end! Biblical: Read Ephesians 6.10-20


Discuss: Should the church be involved in the fight for social justice? Give reasons why or why not. Discuss: Which piece of the armour of God is easiest for you to put on? Which part of William’s speech is easiest? Discuss: Which piece of the armour of God is hardest for you to put on? Which part of William’s speech do you find the most challenging? Discuss: Do you think of your discipleship and social action as a fight? If so, what are you fighting against? Discuss: How do we ‘stay alert’ (verse 18) to all of this?

Worship Draw and cut out the armour of God as close to life-size as possible. (If you struggle to draw find a picture online and project it onto the wall) Using Post-It notes, ask your group to write prayers, thoughts, anything and stick them onto the relevant piece of armour. Maybe play some appropriate music while they are doing this.

continued over >>>


APRIL 2012

celloutlines | week four (continued...) Witness As you get dressed in the morning, try and remember the individual pieces of the armour. As a group this month you have: Organised a Christian Flash Mob, done a sponsored sleep out, visited old people and stuck post-it notes around your community. If you’ve managed to do all these, well done!! But this attitude of fighting for justice, showing God’s love, taking risks to be compassionate has to carry on. Find something in your community that you can see potential in. Pray about it, seek God’s vision for it and get involved in it. It may be anything, from running a children’s club to protesting for Fairtrade in you school / college / university, to cleaning up your local park. Keep a diary of how the project goes.

Empires: Each person thinks of a name (a person that everyone must have heard of) but keeps it secret. Write it down on a small piece of paper, fold it up and give it to the Game’s Host. The Host adds in 3-6 red-herring names and then reads the whole list of names twice. Then a player guesses at someone else’s name by saying: “Are you….?” If they are correct, that person will join their empire and they can guess someone else’s name. If they are wrong, the other person has an opportunity to guess. If you guess someone’s identity correctly and they have people in their empire, you need to name them all. If you forget one, you do not conquer that individual! Last one to reveal their identity and conquer everyone else wins!


If you get it wrong – ie, say it slightly wrong or forget a surname, you do not get to put them in your empire!


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