Lakeside messenger january

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Church Announcements We thank Ivy Hirst for the flowers in our Worship Hall today. Thank you to everyone who pays for flowers in both our Worship Hall and the Foyer each week. They always look so beautiful and we thank Doris Smith for the time she spends each week arranging them. Congratulations to Margaret Bond who celebrated her 80th Birthday last Monday Our congratulations also go to Geoff and Heather Watling who are on holiday at the moment celebrating their golden wedding anniversary If anyone is available Tuesday 2nd February and is willing to help Nicola in the office, please let her know. Thank you We require hosts on the following dates, if you are available, please speak to Nicola. Monday 27th February Thursday 1st March Friday 16th March If anyone is available to collect at Tesco in Edenthorpe on Saturday 25th February, please will you add your name to the list on the notice board in the foyer If anyone is available to help at Youth Club with the Tuck Shop on a Monday evening, please speak to Craig Just to remind those of you who are attending the Food Hygiene Course this Tuesday 31st January. Please arrive in time for a prompt 10am start and the course will run until approx. 3pm. Please note that the next edition of Lakeside Messenger will be available on Sunday 29th April 2012. Please let Nicola have all information by Sunday 22nd April 2012.


Many Thanks

NEWS This year we are holding many special events to mark the 125th Anniversary of The Salvation Army in Doncaster. In March we are holding a reunion and wish to invite all past and present members and friends. If you know someone who used to worship with us, maybe a family member or friend and can supply their name and address, please see Nicola a.s.a.p We are holding a Cleaning Day here at Lakeside on Tuesday 13th March from 9:30am for anyone willing and able to come and help us “deep clean” ready for our Anniversary Reunion weekend at the end of March. Please add your name to the list on the notice board in the foyer if you are able to help. Please continue to pray for:• Wendy, Manager at Bentley Charity Shop who is being treated for breast cancer. • Ron Garbutt who is still in hospital. • Melvin Gleadall who is now home from hospital. • Alan Barry and his family • Major Joyce Ebden who goes into hospital tomorrow for an operation on her other foot • Abigail Wheatley who goes into hospital on Tuesday for a further operation on her foot.



Celebrate with D.R.E.A.M Greetings Cards About six and a half years ago our church launched the Watershed appeal for Wells in Africa. I commenced making my cards to help this venture. As the project gathered momentum, it soon became the DREAM project Doncaster’s, Relevant, Evolving African Mission. During these six years I have had a stall on Doncaster’s Wednesday Market for two years (two winters)! Slater’s Hair Care have a stand in their salon contributing to the project. I have a wide range of equipment and material and do not take any cost, all goes to DREAM Times are difficult for all types of fund raising but I am sure my cards are kept to a reasonable price and well presented. I would ask you therefore to take a look again at the display in the foyer and purchase your special occasion cards in support of DREAM. I can personalise cards for any occasion, please speak to me or phone Ivy 01302 365515. Thank you! For your support so far and I am looking foreword to more in the future. Water, Medicine, food and Good Hospitals are the African’s DREAM.


The Captain Considers


As I write we are making the final arrangements for our weekend of prayer led by Dawn and Gary Lacey. The Saturday ‘away day’ (at home!) will be an important step forward for Lakeside as we are trusting that many people will be challenged to find new avenues or outlets for prayer. We trust God to lead us in this as we have not made any definite plans for new or extended prayer initiatives. We expect God will plant ideas and aspirations in people’s hearts during the weekend which He will grow into something greater for His glory. Do you remember the story Jesus told about the kingdom of Heaven? He said the kingdom of Heaven can be likened to something as small as a mustard seed. It can grow as big as a tree for birds to nest in. (Matthew 13:31) Wouldn’t it be great if God’s kingdom here at Lakeside continued to grow as a result of the teaching about prayer. Now as you read this, the weekend has come and gone and some of you will be remembering what happened. The anxiety for all churches when thinking about new work is to look for trees with birds nests in them, when we should be looking for mustard seeds. You may feel challenged about your prayer life. It might be to do more on your own such as being more regular in your prayers or seeking ways of getting more in tune with what God is doing in your life. Alternatively it might be a feeling that you should be praying with others or joining those who already do this now. Satan will tell you that you can’t do it, others are much better than you, or you are just not good enough to pray. However, Jesus never said you had to be good to pray, in fact he said the opposite was true when he commended the prayer of the man who thought of himself only as a sinner needing mercy from God. (Luke 18:13) So don’t be put off from planting any mustard seeds that have been given to you about prayer. Plant them and see what wonders God wants to perform amongst his faithful followers here at Lakeside. Here’s some prayer encouragement from Pakistan. 1000 churches in 30 towns and cities conducted a 40 day prayer campaign in January/February 2011. There were many testimonies of the Holy Spirit leading people to intercede in new ways with a new passion for their country and the people. Praise God for the way he is opening up avenues of prayer. Now we don’t suffer from any of the sort of opposition Christians in Pakistan have to contend with. So let’s make sure we are praying to extend the kingdom of Heaven here at Lakeside asking God to give us the same passion for our local communities. God


CAPTAIN CONSIDERS knows the plans He has for us, plans to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11) Lets make this our prayer for Lakeside in 2012. May God Bless you all. Captain Stuart


O for a heart of compassion... Returning home from the Corps away day led by Captain Gary Lacey, my mind repeatedly turned to the words from St Matthew. 9: 5 ‘When Jesus saw the multitudes He had compassion on them… because they were helpless like sheep without a shepherd.’ Gary had presented to us the vast needs of the community in which we live. Through multi media we were reminded of our broken world- a society fractured by drugs, excessive use of alcohol, witchcraft, the occult, debt, gambling and the night club scene plus the plight of the homeless .and the needs difficulty housing areas. The challenge being that we must pray for our world, our town, our community and its needs. Philip Yancey in his book called ‘Prayer’ says this ‘God is looking for a beachhead of presence in the world, that is a body, using the image that Paul used in his letters. He says that we as the body of Christ have formed a partnership to dispense God’s love and grace to others, As we experience that grace, inevitably we want to share it with others.’ He shares the thought ‘that love for the ‘world’ does not always come naturally, but as I (Philip) place myself through prayer in the field of God’s love, I am filled with a love that I cannot muster on my own. That love opens my eyes to the need around me’ Following on from Gary’s teaching let us keep ourselves in the place where God can fill us, that is‘ In Christ’ so that wherever we may be, we will be ‘HIS’ hands, feet and voice in a stricken world. During the lunch break I was asked ‘How do you begin to pray for such great needs?’ My answer on reflection is this- begin in a small way where you are. If you work, as you go through the door into your place of employment, ask the Holy Spirit to breathe His peace and blessing upon your work colleagues and business. Taking children to school –pray for the school and staff that Godly influence and truth will be evident. Pray for the protection of the children from evil influences. Pray for your neighbours, their homes and families. He knows their needs. Ask God to place upon your heart a specific need from your area – offer this need to him in prayer. ‘Father today I pray for……. ‘ My prayer is this – O for a heart of compassion, Moved at the impulse of love, Lost ones to bring to thy footstool, Thy gracious riches to prove. Sasb 786 Major Joyce Ebden




Doncaster’s Relevant Evolving African Mission

DREAM is Changing Lives! The Praise Proms Evening arranged in aid of DREAM funds was a great success. The Sheffield Citadel Salvation Army Band, under their conductor Keith Wileman, chose music which was very appropriate for the evening and played it to a high standard. Sue Blyth, the vocal soloist for the evening, yet again brought blessing and, as we have come to expect, communicated well with the audience. She looked well as Rule Britannia! Andrew Blyth, who is assistant director of The Salvation Army’s musical ministries department, acted as compere and gave a thought for today. The whole evening was enhanced by our visitors communication with the audience, making them feel that they were an active part of a celebration. The resulting joyful atmosphere was greatly appreciated. The evening added £899 to the fund, and it was greatly enjoyed by all. Jean Wright, and her friend had a stall selling teddy bears and mobile phone covers which they are making to raise additional funds



Continued Support Financial support for DREAM continues from a variety of sources. Donations have been received from individuals, some who would not count The Salvation Army as their Church. They feel that they want to support this worthwhile project confident that their money will be spent wisely, and totally, to relieve hardship and to improve the lives of the less fortunate. The Annual Christmas Card scheme raised £150. It could be more. Perhaps many folk don’t appreciate how the scheme works and so have misapprehensions. Alternatively there may be comments about how we could change the scheme to make it more effective. If this is the case please talk to Harry Hair so we can be better prepared next Christmas.

Achievements since our last report The Kabete Children’s Home Sanitation Improvement project. The Kabete Children’s Home admits orphaned and vulnerable children from across Kenya, providing them with a safe and secure home where they can continue their education and receive physical, emotional and spiritual support. It is currently home to 66 girls and boys, aged 5 to 16 all of whom receive sponsorship through The Salvation Army’s Child Sponsorship programme in order to live in the home. The sanitation facilities at the home were in a very poor condition, with many broken and inoperable toilets, sinks, taps and showers. The sewage system was also in need of renewal. The Salvation Army’s International Development reports “ The project was implemented on time within budget. The improved sanitation facilities now provide a safe and hygienic environment for the children.

The sceptic tank under construction.



The finished toilet block

The home was recently assessed by the government social welfare and health department and it was qualified. This would not have been possible without your support. On behalf of The Salvation Army’s International Development, we do appreciate your support in making this difference in Kabete Children’s Home.” DREAM funded this project at a total cost of £10,800

Kasiwe School In our last article for The Messenger we reported that the rebuilding of the school room at Kasiwe was at last ready to begin, and we had sent a contribution of £12,600. One of the problems in this community was that they did not have a qualified teacher, and therefore the Government were unwilling to fund any work in the village. A supporter of the DREAM project decided to sponsor the unqualified teacher, Ocklay Chilyanyama, through the necessary training. The sponsor has now been notifies that Ocklay’s graduation will be later this year. The picture shows the school room under construction.



Chikankata Hospital We continue to provide money for the special food requirements of patients in The Salvation Army Chikankata Hospital. Each quarter £1200 is sent. The situation is going to be reviewed when we have done this for a full year.

Future Projects Since our Corps Overseas Mission was established in November 2005 (now known as DREAM) we have raised over £80,000, and this has been made available for projects in Africa which are identified, approved, and overseen by The Salvation Army’s International Development Department at Headquarters in London. We have asked the department to give us details of projects which have been suggested, or requested, and approved by various authorities both in Africa and in this country, and which we could adopt into our programme. Watch this space for further information. The DREAM team have been invited to arrange an event for the 2012 Saturday Evening of the Harvest Festival weekend (6th October). Several suggestions were made at the last meeting, and a decision will be made shortly. In the meantime please add the date to your diary.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers 10


Pray Like Hannah Pray Like Hannah is a four week church campaign praying for children and young people. The campaign will commence on Sunday 19th February 2012 and conclude on Sunday 18th March 2012. It is a structured campaign which stimulates prayer for the Children & Youth of our church, the existing programme and for continued growth within these ventures. Throughout this campaign Sunday teaching will Sunday 19th February - Sunday 18th March 2012 A 4 week campaign praying for children focus on the story of Hannah found in 1 Samuel; in addition there will be small group study material and a daily prayer guide. As a children’s and youth team it is our aim that during the campaign our young people will be encouraged by the prayer support they receive, God will direct our thoughts on future plans and most importantly more young people will come to know Jesus as their friend.

Puppet Praise Party We would like to invite all children to a Puppet Praise Party led by One Way UK on Saturday 25th February at 5.30pm. One Way UK is a Christian organisation based in Grimsby who use puppetry as a way of telling children (and adults!) about Jesus. It’s a very professional show which will include some black light puppetry. We are offering tickets free of charge to children and their parents who attend activities at Lakeside (otherwise tickets are £3). Tickets can be obtained from the office.



Nativity This year our nativity was called ‘Follow That Star’. We saw the Shepherds, Kings and Animals follow the star to find baby Jesus in a manager. The children did a fantastic job learning all of their lines. We can truly say it was a quintessential moment in time!

Christmas Party After all the hard work the children put in for the nativity it was good for them to be able to have fun together at our Christmas Party. Over 40 children went to The Cheswold together with their families. The children were able to play in the play area and eat whilst parents and grandparents could sit, watch and talk! It was great that there were children and families from all of our different children’s activities. The children left struggling to carry a party bag, balloon, selection box and Christmas card!



& Imagine a small forest with a soft sprinkling of snow on the tops of the pine trees. Underfoot is a blanket of snow and all around, there are snowflakes twirling and falling.You would be forgiven for thinking that you were in some Alpine country but actually, this was the scene here in the Youth Hall as the Rainbows and Brownies were transported to their Winter Wonderland Sleepover in their very own sleigh made by the girls’ favourite leader, ‘Snapdragon’! As the girls arrived, they were greeted with the strains of “Walking in a Winter Wonderland”, and given “snowball” tags to identify their belongings. Beds were set up amidst excited chatter about who was going to be the last to sleep! Lots of special moments were shared during our time together, which began with the enrollment of our newest Brownie, Scarlet. All enrollments are special of course, but this one was a little extra special as we were in a forest and even Scarlet’s family came for a little while to share in the occasion! Later, that evening, we held a camp fire (using our old fire that had originally been made for us, some twenty years ago); where we not only sang traditional camp fire songs – but also a few carols too. That was quite a nostalgic moment for me personally, as I was reminded of times and faces of years gone by amid the sea of new faces before me. God is good, isn’t He? And miracles do happen! Our girls had a good night’s sleep (and so did we! This was something we leaders were not expecting, and we even found time to chat between ourselves - this is something we rarely have time to do).


Time passes so quickly at events like these; so much planning and it’s over in the blink of an eye, but not before we had made; tiaras, sock puppets, calendars, placemats and name holders. And not before we had enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner, in ‘fine dining

CHILDREN’S tradition’, with our special guest and friend of all our girls, Brenda! Our sleepover is now just a pleasant memory and we have moved into another new year, with all the promise and excitement that it brings. The Rainbows and Brownies are again busy with new ventures; the Rainbows are fast becoming expert ‘cooks’ and joining in with the Brownies who are busy with their World Cultures badge. When you are reading this we will have made Dreamcatchers and Navaho talking sticks – and heard the legends behind them and the girls will have celebrated the Chinese New Year

Children’s Sunday Sunday 26th February 2012 Following the Puppet Praise Party on Saturday 25th February 2012, we will be sharing in our children’s Sunday on 26th February. The day will be lead by our Children’s Ministries Team.

Dates 19th February 2012 25th February 2012 26th February 2012 03rd March 2012 5th - 9th June 2012 30th June 2012 st 01 July 2012 th 14 July 2012 rd th 23 - 26 July 2012 31st October 2012

Begin 4 week campaign Pray like Hannah Puppet Praise Party Children’s Sunday led by the Children’s Ministry Team Divisional Performing Arts Day Divisional Junior Camp Children’s Olympic Day Children’s Sunday led by Captains Keith & Vikki Burr Family Fun Day Children’s Holiday Club - On Your Marks Light Party



Fireworks Extravaganza Over 200 people came to our quiz and fireworks evening on 4th November 2011. The evening commenced with a quiz and was followed by food. However, the highlight of the evening was the fireworks, which was a spectacular display to music. It was great to share with so many people from our community.

Youth Cell Group Starting on 1st February 2012 we will be having a youth cell group on a Wednesday evening from 5:45pm – 7:15pm. We will be playing games, looking at what the bible has to say and chatting through different challenges of being a Christian as a young person. If you would like any further information on this please speak to Craig Oliver.

Youth Club Monday nights are when we open our doors to the young people in our community. Youth Club is averaging 15 young people every week. We are looking at different ways in which our church can have an impact on the lives of the young people that attend. This is done through building relationships with the young people. However we need your help. We need more people to be a part of this ministry and help out with the running of the tuck shop allowing more of the team to deepen relationships with the young people.


If you feel you could help out in the tuck shop on a Monday evening between 6:50pm and 9:15pm, Please come and have a chat with Craig.


Youth Christmas Party The young people had a great time at our inflatables Christmas party. We had a wrecking ball, a rodeo reindeer and a bouncy castle. The aim of the wrecking ball is to force your opponents off their podiums as quick as you can in a last man standing style battle of wills. Not only was this great fun, it also turns out it was a great workout! During the evening we also enjoyed loads of pizzas and cakes together.

Dates 21st April 2012 nd 22 April 2012 19th -25th August 2012 03rd November 2012

Youth Councils - Bradford Youth Councils - Doncaster Yorkshire School of Christian Arts Fireworks Extravaganza




It’s a cold frosty morning as I sit to put my words to paper. Looking back over the past few weeks it’s been a wonderful time when as a church we have been able to contact so many people making them aware that at Lakeside there is always a warm welcome for everyone. Thank you to all those who have helped in many and varied ways to make many of the evangelism tasks possible. Early in December all the Charity Shop’s staff and volunteers met for a Christmas meal it was a great time of fellowship of getting to know these lovely people better and to thank them for the work they do on a weekly basis. As Peter and I have visited the shops since Christmas it has been good to talk to both staff and customers. Also in December we were invited in go to the Children’s Christmas party at the “Cheswold”. Yet another opportunity to chat to parents about all the activities at Lakeside. It’s was lovely to see all the young people enjoying themselves. 600 letters went out this year in connection with the Salvation Army Christmas Present appeal together with a copies of UCB booklets “Word for today” and “Your book of Hope” for children of the relevant age, through this letter again families were given details of activities at Lakeside. During our Carol playing time many invitations were given out to attend the Carol Service on 18th December, how encouraging to see new faces coming though Lakeside doors for the first time. Now it’s January and we look forward to this new year full of anticipation as we celebrate 125 years of Salvation Army’s ministry in Doncaster, there will be so many challenging Sunday’s ahead - all opportunities to invite those perhaps who have never attended Church, or those who used to attend and have grown cold in their faith. Every time I sing ‘Songs of Fellowship’ 716, I am challenged by its words:Filled with Compassion for all Creation, Jesus came in a world that was lost. There was but one way that He could save us, only through suffering death on a cross.


PURPOSE LEADERS Chorus: God, You are waiting, Your heart is breaking, for all the people who live on the earth. Stir us to action, Filled with Your passion for all the people who live on the earth. As we commence 2012 lets be stirred into action and God’s passion to bring the lost into His Kingdom. Happy New Year Every One God Bless Ruth Hammond Captain

Fellowship As you are aware we are undertaking a whole church four week Small Group Study entitled ‘Pray like Hannah’. The study commences immediately after our 24 hour 2 day prayer event on Sunday February 19th 2012. Can I urge you all to be part of a Small Group for this campaign? Also, please make every effort to attend on the Sundays during the campaign, to receive teaching about Hannah (1 Samuel chapter 1) and how she prayed for a child. If you are not part of a Small Group and feel you would like to be for these four weeks then please speak to me or Captain Anne or Captain Stuart so we can arrange this for you. I trust that as you ‘Pray like Hannah’ you will be blessed and that God will honour our corporate prayers and bring more children into our fellowship and then ultimately into His Kingdom. Sue Haywood Fellowship Purpose Leader



Songsters Ministry Dear Friends, How quickly time flies! It barely seems possible that another Lakeside Messenger is out and another Songsters/Lakeside Singers update is due! I sometimes wonder, as I sit here typing, what it is that I will be able to put into my next letter. From the outside, it must seem as though very little changes from one month to the next; that our choir has a nice routine that circles around Tuesday rehearsals and Sunday worship and, yet, God keeps our ministry vibrant; fresh and strong! Praise Him! As a child growing up in the Methodist church, I distinctly recollect the years of Advent liturgy. Each week, in the build-up to Christmas Day we began with the words; “Again we look forward to Christmas…” before narrowing our focus down to Mary, John the Baptist or whomever the candle represented in any given week. Well, Christmastime has come and gone and the Songsters and Lakeside Singers have been as busy as ever proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and his birth! In December, a group of Songsters and Singers, led by Alan, went to Sainsbury’s in Edenthorpe to sing for an hour or so. There weren’t as many shoppers out as on previous years, yet their efforts allowed us to raise nearly £200 for our Corps and Community work! Thank you to all those involved for your time and your witness. Elaine and Geoff regularly visit local care homes in Doncaster and, this year, invited fellow Songsters and Singers to join with them in a small carol service/Christmas sing-along for the elderly in Doncaster. This sort of outreach, this witness, is invaluable and greatly appreciated by those who experience such service (and I mean that in both senses of the word). As a group of Christians who bring God’s word through song; it is so good to be able to take the Word to others as well as singing it to those who come on Sundays. Each year, the Songsters are privileged to partake in the Civic Carol Service in the Doncaster Mansion House. These services vary in style from our own and yet, the consistent message of joy that knowing God brings, allows us to take a full part in this service. It was wonderful to see some friends of Nikki and me there, completely unexpectedly, and to use the opportunity to express to them the Good News. We pray that all those who came along will have been touched, in some way, by the truths they heard that evening.


SONGSTERS So, “Again we look forward to Christmas…”? Well, not now – but we do look forward to God’s amazing works in 2012! So far, this year, we have the following events to look forward to: Saturday 4th February - Wedding of Mr David Stead Saturday 3rd March - Balloons of Eternity, St. John's Hospice Friday 16th March – Festival at Sutton-cum-Lownd church Saturday 24th March – Corps Anniversary weekend Saturday 19th May - Retirement Celebrations of Majors Kerrison Saturday 16th June - Balloons of Eternity, St. John's Hospice Saturday 16th June - Salvation Army Music Night Saturday 27th October - Balloons of Eternity, St. John's Hospice Undoubtedly, there will be other events in which the Songsters and Lakeside Singers will be involved; but we ask that you make a note of these dates; join us where you can; and pray for us when you are able. To Him is able to do all things; we give glory, honour and praise! May God richly Bless you all, until next time… Jonathan



Band Ministry

In our last article we were looking forward to our ministry in November and December and the first of our activities we mentioned was Remembrance Day. For over 50 years (we believe it is nearly 60 years) we have been an essential part of the service at the Cenotaph in Doncaster, playing for the service and the laying of wreaths. Our Cornet section played the Last Post and Reveille for most of those years, until the Rifle Regiment provided the Bugler in 2008 and for the years since then. We then led the march to St George’s Minster for the Remembrance Day service. We have regretfully decided that 2011 will be the last time that we will lead the march from the Cenotaph to the Church. We have made this decision most reluctantly. But taking into account our numbers and our ages we felt that we had no alternative. It is difficult to play on such a long route where sufficient numbers, as well as stamina, are required to guarantee that we can perform the function to the very high standards that we have demanded of ourselves over the years that we have been doing this. It is for these reasons that we are unable to be sure that we can continue to do it properly. We will still continue to make our contribution at the Cenotaph. We made the decision because we wanted to stop on a successful note rather than to make a mess of it and then have to stop doing it. We certainly achieved that. We have received very favourable comments about our contribution on that Day. Thinking about the length of time we have served at Remembrance Day, I thought that as I tell you about our successful Christmas Playing season, I would indicate the number of years that each has been part of our Christmas programme; being present at the switching on of the lights at the Frenchgate Centre (1styear) and at the Hospice (3rd year); the Loversal WI Christmas Party (more than 30 years); Lindholme Prison Carol Service (2nd year); the Mansion House Civic Carol Service (about 15 years); Town Centre Saturday Carolling; Playing at the Markets (a long time) and in the Banks (about 10 years) and playing inside the DRI (about 20 years). “We are witnesses for Jesus in the Home and in the Mart”. SASB 832 In the week leading up to Christmas Day, we were very concerned about our visit to the DRI. We had received worrying reports about the Novo-virus that had closed a number of wards, and about the contagious nature of the sickness. We were concerned not to make the situation worse for the Hospital, nor to put the members of the Band at risk, whilst at the same time wanting to minister to patients and staff. But the Staff at the Hospital were very keen for us to go to “spread cheer.” As we had been advised not to have physical contact, we went without our companions who have a “Greeting” ministry



which was a big loss. But we received a really warm welcome from Staff and patients. I think this was the case because of the very difficult week that all involved with the Hospital had had. It was a truly memorable morning.

We look forward to proclaiming the Gospel in Music throughout this New Year.

Mark and John



Community News

Charity Shops Our Charity shops continue to trade well in what are very difficult trading conditions. We are finding that people are keeping what they have for longer and so at times we struggle for donated goods. However one area of business that is good is the amount we receive for our recycled goods, however because of this there are now shops where the public can sell their recycled clothing which is again having an impact on the donated clothes we receive. We will over the next few months have to spend a considerable amount of money to ensure that our shops comply with Health and Safety regulations, we have to install emergency lighting and fire detection systems and also have to commission surveys to ensure we understand what risks we have with reference to asbestos in our shops. In the last few months Captains Ruth and Peter Hammond have agreed to undertake a role as chaplains to the staff and volunteers in our shops which is really appreciated. Please continue to pray for the staff and volunteers at our shops who provide us with income to undertake our work in the community.

Christmas We had a very busy time over the Christmas period in terms of community provision. ITV’s breakfast programme Daybreak ran a campaign in partnership with the Salvation Army under the banner of ‘Donate a Coat’; the public were invited to donate coats to help the homeless. In Doncaster we partnered with the M25 group who provide homeless services and gave them the coats we received to give to the street homeless. Doncaster Rovers gave us great support with this campaign asking their supporters to bring coats to the home games in December. The Enterprise Inns chain also ran a campaign in partnership with The Salvation Army asking their customers to donate food parcel items to help people. We have received this provision from a number of their establishments. Our Toy Appeal was a great success with support from the appeal partners Superdrug,The Doncaster Free Press, Lord Kirkham founder of the DFS furniture Group, The Doncaster Knights rugby club and Hadelsbanken where Neil Ebden is the Branch manager. I would like to thank Peter and Irene Gumsley who undertake the responsibility of coordinating the appeal this is a mammoth task and the work needed to be done is extremely time consuming.



We also provide gifts to the residents of the Foyer and to young people who are cared for by Doncaster Housing for Young People as well as providing a Christmas meal to all the staff and volunteers from our charity shops.

Community Fund We continue to receive a large number of applications to our community fund and during 2011 we spent approximately £15,150 helping families and individuals referred to us by partner agencies. We also distributed 113 food parcels which is a significant increase on the previous year and reflects the current economic times we are living in. I was asked to provide an interview for Trax FM the local radio station to talk about this increase. In the last few months we are receiving a lot of requests from partners to help provide food to families and individuals who are having changes made to the benefits they receive when this happens it appears the benefits are frozen or reduced until the new provision is sorted this then means that these people find their household budget completely turned upside down and often do not have any money to spend on food once they have paid their essential bills.

Debt Counselling We received news at the end of 2011 that The Salvation Army had made the decision that it would not enter into a partnership agreement with Christians against Poverty and so for now this avenue of service is closed to us. As a result of this decision and having built relationships with residents of the Salvation Army’s Foyer project through our ‘Drop In’ we approached the Foyer to talk about ways we could provide more help. I now provide a Money Management session to the resident one morning a week as part of their Life Skills training programme. Martin Wileman


PRISON CHAPLAINCY Since I last penned comments to you much has changed in the prison service, and new opportunities within the Chaplaincy Service have been created. During the Christmas period an inmate asked for help when he leaves the prison in the very near future, as all his personal belongings had been lost in transit between prisons. Clothing was provided for him at short notice, and he was so grateful that someone could help him. The family tracing service has been asked to trace a number of relatives of prisoners who have lost contact with their family members, often because they are in prison, and relatives cannot travel long distances. This often happens when inmates are serving long sentences, and, as Chaplains, we must encourage families to support each other. One inmate gave me all the information he could in the hope he could find his Father, and mentioned a telephone number he had on a piece of paper. I was on the verge of sending his forms to THQ (Territorial Head Quarters) for their investigation of his request, but decided to ring that number. It turned out to be a care home in the north of England, and when I spoke to the manager she told me that the man I was looking for was sitting a few feet away from her. He had been wondering why his son had not been in contact for nearly two years, and said he had not received any letters from him. The prisoner was distressed that his letters did not appear to have been received by his father, but was overjoyed that his father wanted to renew contact as soon as possible. These are the sort of things which make our service worthwhile. Due to security and confidentiality within the prison service I am not able to tell you some things which are happening. However, it is public knowledge that some prisons are now in private control. More are the subject of bids being put to decide if they should continue in public control, and the prisons I visit are included in that process. Understandably this is causing stress for those who work in those establishments, with the result that the Chaplains are more involved in the care of staff, as well as inmates. Other developments are creating more opportunities for us to become involved in the lives of inmates who need alot of help in their lives and we are responding accordingly. ALPHA courses have been well received with several inmates really changing their lifestyles and wanting to know more about spiritual matters. We are now starting to run a different type of “course�, to help them change their personal attitude to life, and others. Just 10 is a study of the Ten Commandments, looking at how they relate to present day life. One session has been held so far, and those who attended are anxious to attend the remaining 9 sessions, so interesting is the DVD and the amusing way the


PRISON CHAPLAINCY speaker, J. John, gets the serious message over. He is very clever in the way he uses involvement of the audience, gets your attention with his humour, and then says something which really hits home. Perhaps we should all see this series of talks!!

In conclusion may I thank all those who helped in any way with the Toy Appeal. We received around 2000 gifts, and no doubt brought happiness to many children as a result of the Appeal. More will be said next time about this work.

Peter Gumsley


WRITERS GROUP This is a letter I would love to write to my town of Doncaster to the people who come into the centre for pleasure or business. To all the folk of Doncaster I send you my love. I greet you with sincerity from my heart I thank you that you come into this town to buy and sell, to eat and drink, be entertained and to entertain. I thank my heavenly Father that we have Christian churches where we have fellowship together and on occasions we meet as one church united in worship, may our pastors, preachers and officers continue to be faithful to their calling. Over the years I have seen Doncaster buildings being changed and reformed, with sadness, a church transformed into a night club, and yet a corner pub changed into a church, God works in mysterious ways. I am always saddened to hear of crime and violence here in my town, hardship and unemployment pains my heart and I cry out in prayer to Jehovah for you my people, then I hear of heroism, unity and compassion which you show when the storm of life is unbearable and again this restores my faith that Doncaster is the town to visit and abide in, we can hold our heads up high, God does not condemn Doncaster, so neither should our adversaries. I with other Christian friends will continue to prayer walk the town streets and claim it for Jesus making it holy ground; it needs daily cleansing not with water brush and shovel but with the cleansing of the Holy Spirit, so as I wait for answered prayer I ask of you my friends to remain faithful to this town and each other, continue to look forward with eyes wide open on the purpose and plans God has for our town and His chosen people, that all who walk in righteousness shall receive the citizenship not just of Doncaster but of the Heavenly Realm. My letter is to let you know that people are praying for you, and have an interest in your well being and to make your life here on earth worth while; go in peace, greet one another with a smile, be gentle and loving and most of all walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Grace and Blessings to my Doncastrians

Janet Pope



Diary Dates FEBRUARY 17th February 2012 19th February 2012 25th February 2012 26th February 2012

Start of 24/2 Prayer weekend Begin 4 week campaign Pray like Hannah Puppet Praise Party Children’s Sunday led by the Children’s Ministry Team MARCH

03rd March 2012 04th March 2012 13th March 2012 18th March 2012 24th March 2012 th 25 March 2012

Divisional Performing Arts Day Frugal meal following Self Denial Altar Service Cleaning Day 09:30 Mother’s Day 16:00 - Light Refreshments 18:00 - Celebration Reunion 10:30 - Anniversary Service The Anniversary weekend will be led by Commissioners Alex & Ingeborg Hughes APRIL

01st April 2012 nd 02 April 2012 05th April 2012 06th April 2012 08th April 2012 th 09 April 2012 15th April 2012 21st April 2012 22nd April 2012 th 29 April 2012

Palm Sunday 18:00 - City Celebration Holy Week Passover Meal/Last Supper Good Friday Easter Sunday Lieutenants Colonel Bill and Gill Heeley a.m. only Easter Monday Family Walk Special - Majors Ivan and Liz Oliver Youth Councils - Bradford Youth Councils - Doncaster Deadline for Lakeside Messenger Articles Special – Captain Barry Ashton Lakeside Messenger MAY

20th May 2012

Special - Major Linda Perkin and Captain Simon Perkin



Diary Dates 26th - 27th May 2012

I’ll Fight Congress - London JUNE

5th - 9th June 2012 12th June 2012 th 16 June 2012 th 17 June 2012 th 30 June 2012

Divisional Junior Camp Ladies Quiet Day Army Music Night (Mark Porter) Special – Captain Lynne Edwards Father’s Day Children’s Olympic Day JULY

01st July 2012 th 08 July 2012 th 14 July 2012 th 15 July 2012 nd 22 July 2012 rd th 23 - 26 July 2012 29th July 2012

Children’s Sunday led by Captains Keith & Vikki Burr Captain Stuart and Anne Crane Farewell Family Fun Day Specials – Lieutenants Lorraine and Andrew Warriner Deadline for Lakeside Messenger Articles Children’s Holiday Club - On Your Marks Welcome to new Officers Lakeside Messenger AUGUST

19th -25th August 2012

Yorkshire School of Christian Arts SEPTEMBER

16th September 2012 30th September 2012

Specials – Captains Jo and Steve Baker Back to Church Sunday OCTOBER

06th October 2012 07th October 2012 14th October 2012 21st October 2012 th 28 October 2012


Harvest Saturday arranged by Dream Specials – Lieutenants Dom and Debbie Eaton City Celebration Begin Purpose Driven Campaign ‘40 days in the Word’ Deadline for Lakeside Messenger Articles Lakeside Messenger


Diary Dates 31st October 2012

Light Party NOVEMBER

03rd November 2012 th 11 November 2012 th th 24 /25 November 2012

Fireworks Extravaganza Remembrance Sunday Visit of Commissioners Barry and Sue Swanson “Sending us into the future”. Evening meeting for the Division with Chief of the Staff at Doncaster DECEMBER

09th December 2012 15th December 2012 16th December 2012 22nd December 2012 23rd December 2012 24th December 2012 30th December 2012

Toy Service Carolling in Town Centre Mansion House Carolling in Town Centre Carol Service Midnight Service Family Service


PUPPET PRAISE PARTY Saturday 25th February 2012

Starts at 5:30pm, doors open 5pm Tickets £3

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