Bible verse
Bible verse
Read Joshua 1:3
Read Mark 10:14 15
Prayer points
Prayer points
Pray for each of the schools in your local area by name. Pray for the teachers and support staff and for God to show you how you can support them.
Prayer idea Go on a prayer walk around your local area. Pray for all of the local schools on your route (although obviously do not lurk around school gates!). Believe that God will give you the places that your feet touch. Or you could do a virtual prayer walk using a local map. Write prayers on post it notes and stick them around the map.
Dear Lord We bring before you each school in our town/city/village. We pray for the teachers, leaders and support staff in each school. Help us to be prepared to go out into our community, even if it is difficult, uncomfortable or inconvenient. Challenge us, as a body of your people, to get involved in school issues and activities and to try to be a Christian presence in those places. Open doors and create opportunities for us to minister to staff and pupils and to bring you and your love to those places. Amen
ultimate church visit
Pray that the pupils will develop a positive view of the Christian faith during the visit. Pray that they will feel welcome and valued throughout the visit and will feel like this is a place they want to visit again.
Prayer idea Make cut out dolls to represent the pupils a reminder to see them as individuals, rather than as a class or group. You could also use these after the visit to help your church to continue to pray for them. Write the name of a pupil on each one and display them in a prayer room, or separate them and ask people to take one and commit to pray for them for a week, or longer!
Dear Lord Thank you for the gift of children and for all that they can teach us and for all they have to offer. Help us not to treat them as objects or as inferior or unimportant, even subconsciously. We pray that we will be able to show each child, through the things we say and the way we act, that they are valuable and precious and loved by you. Amen
ultimate church visit
Bible verse
Bible verse
Read Philippians 4:6 7
Read Matthew 13:1 23 or Matthew 13:31 32
Prayer points
Prayer points
Pray for the zone leaders as they prepare and lead their zones, that they will feel confident in what they are doing and that the activities and resources and the way they are presented will make an impact on the pupils. Pray that each leader will trust and rely on God to use them. Pray that the visit runs smoothly.
Pray that the visit will be the beginning of something much bigger and greater and that fruit will come from the seeds which are sown. Pray for any specific hopes you have for the future of your schools and children’s ministry.
Prayer idea
Prayer idea Organise a prayer team to meet and pray before and during each of the visits. Remember that this is a vital part of your ministry and a great way for members of your church to be involved and to use their gifts.
Make a display based on one of the parables above. Encourage people to write or stick their prayers onto the display, reflecting their hopes for Ultimate Church Visit and for the ministry of the church to children, teachers and families .
Dear Lord
Dear Lord We offer to you this Ultimate Church Visit and pray that you will take the things that we offer, our time, our gifts and abilities, as well as our weaknesses and fears and make something wonderful out of them. We pray that each leader and helper involved in the visits will rely on you to give them what they need, whether that is energy, enthusiasm, confidence or patience. Thank you that you answer our prayers. Amen
ultimate church visit
Give us faith to believe that the tiny seeds we sow during this school visit will be fruitful and grow into a great mighty tree. We pray that even though we may not see the results immediately, your kingdom will really grow. Give us courage to share our own faith in a way which is honest, relevant and meaningful, whilst respecting the different beliefs of the pupils and teachers we meet. Amen
ultimate church visit