UNUSUAL KINDNESS Bob Fyffe, general secretary of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, introduces the 2020 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18–25 January) URING the Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity we join with the worldwide Church to pray for the unity of all Christians, so that the world might be transformed by our shared Christian witness. The theme for 2020 comes from the churches of Malta, for whom the Bible has a special relevance because the gospel first came to Malta in the events that are told in the Acts of the Apostles, when Paul and those with him encountered ‘unusual kindness’ (Acts 28:2) from the inhabitants. Many people in Britain and Ireland will have visited Malta on holiday and seen the place where these events are thought to have taken place. This is a reminder that Christianity is not merely a spiritual belief but a faith rooted in events in human history. The unity for which we pray therefore serves to make Christ known in the world. The churches of Malta have drawn on the account of Paul’s shipwreck on the island and his journey to Rome where he would face trial and execution. This vivid story takes us through the fear of his fellow prisoners and captors in the midst of a violent storm to their experience of hospitality offered by the people of Malta after they were shipwrecked. Through the worship service and resources for the eight days of the Week of Prayer we
are invited to reflect on how the call to unity comes in the context of a turbulent world, and how we are called to be on a journey with one another, in spite of the things that divide us, perplex us, make us uncomfortable with one another or create barriers between us. We are called to exercise ‘unusual kindness’ to one another because in doing so we learn how to show it to all people, whatever their faith, race or social circumstances. O Resources
for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity are free to download from
O This article first appeared in CTBI magazine
ANGUS: Bellshill Band witnessed to more than 1,000 people in its 21st annual Christmas visit to the Scottish county. Soloists Daniel McMillan (vocal), Marjory Watson (vocal), YP Band Leader Chris Shanks (euphonium) and Deputy Songster Leader Lynn Shanks (flugelhorn) presented items in Kirriemuir Old Parish church and Lowson Memorial Parish church, and the congregations enjoyed opportunities to sing carols. Corps Mission Secretary Allan Scott and Band Sergeant David Kendall delivered thoughtful Christmas messages during each service. This annual ministry, which included open-air meetings at a hospital and hospice, has now raised more than £42,000 for charities in the area. – M. S. Salvationist 11 January 2020